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Dublin Almanack


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Dublin Almanack

Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
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NEW BOOKS, published by the Printer hereof. I. The HISTORY OF GREAT BRITAIN, from the Restoration, to the Ac- cession of the House of Hanover. By JAMES MACPHERSON, Esq; Also, ORIGINAL PAPERS, containing the secret History of Great Britain, from the Restoration, to the Accession of the House of Hanover. To which ate prefixed, Extracts from the Life of JAMES II. as written by himself. The whole arranged and publi/ hed by JAMES MACPHERSON, Esq; in 4 Vols. 8vo. Price il. 8s. od. bound. %* It is unnecessary to observe that these original papers throw considera- ble light on the British History in the period to which they relate. Mr. MACPHERSON'S industry and judgment as an editor deserve equal praise with his fidelity, of which we entertain not the least suspicion. He has ar- ranged the materials according to Chronological order, and prefaced the papers, of each year with pertinent introdudtory remarks. In general, the style is suitable CRITICAL REVIEW for May 1775. II. TRAVELS IN ASIA MINOR : or an Account of a Tour made at the expence of the Society of DILETTANTI. By RICHARD CHANDLER, D. D. Fellow of Magdalen College, and of the Society of Antiquaries, 8vo. Price 5s. sd. bound. III. TRAVELS through PORTUGAL and SPAIN, in 1772, and 1773. By RICHARD TWISS, Esq; F, R. S. with an Appendix, in A Vols. i2mo. Price 5s. 5d. bound. IV. The POEMS and CORRESPONDENCE of Mr. GRAY ; to which are pre- fixed, Memoirs of his Life and Writings, by W. MASON, M. A. in 2 Vols. I2mo. fecond Edition, on fine Paper, Price 6s. 6d. bound. V. BURKE'S ACCOUNT of the EUROPEAN SETTLEMENTS in America, in 2 Volumes, umo. Price 5s. 5d. bound. VI. An HISTORY of the EARTH and ANIMATED NATURE. By OLIVER GOLDSMITH. In 8 Volumes 8vo. illuftrated with 101 Prints engraved by Taylor and Martin. Price zl. 8s. od. British in boards. *** The Author of this History of the Earth and Animated Nature ( con- taining an Account of Quadrupedes, Birds, Fishes, Insects, & c.) has made great use of the writings of the most eminent Naturalists, both Ancient and Mo- dern, and in particular of the celebrated Buffon, Linnaeus, Brisson, Ray, and many others. VII. LETTERS of the late Rev. Mr. LAURENCE STERNE, to his most : intimate Friends, including thofe to his Wife, before and after Marriage, as , alfo thofe to his Daughter. With a Fragment in the manner of Rabelais. ' To which are prefixed, Memoirs of his Life and Family. Written by HIMSELF. And published by his Daughter MRS. MEDALLE, 3 Vols, in one, izmo. Price 3s. 3d. bound. VIII. The BEAUTIES of HISTORY; or Pictures of Virtue and Vice, drawn from real Life, designed as an Introdudlion to the Art of Thinking and Reflection, in 2 vols. Price 6s. 6d. bound. DR. JAMES'S FEVER POWDER, with his ANALEPTIC- PILLS, may be had in DUBLIN, of WILLIAM WILSON, No. 6, in Dame- street, the cor- ner of Palace- street. . ,. „ N B Every Packetof the POWDER has a Receipt upon it signed by FRANCIS NEWBERY, jun. and no Perfons are authorised to fell it, but thofe whc have certificates under his hand.
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