Dublin Almanack
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Dublin Almanack
Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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Circuit Infpsftors. 19. CUTLERS, & C. or Guild of St. Luke. October 18. Master, John Carrick, Bedford- row.— Wardens, John Collins, 5. King- street ; and John Ruxton, Back- lane.— Clerk, Joseph Hamilton, Kennedy s- lane. 2O. BRICKLAYERS, &. or Guild of St. Bartholomew. August 24. Master, Alexander Mc. Cullagh, Drogheda- street.— Wardens, James Shore, Moss- street; and George Cordner, Temple- bar. — Clerk, Luke Kelly, Ross- lane. 21. HOSIERS, or Guild of St. George. April 23. Master, Ste. Malone, up Coombe.— Wardens, D. Fodger, Temple- bar; and W. Croasdale, Corn- market.— Clerk, Jn. Bayly, Essex- st.
22. CURRIERS. First Monday after All Saints. Master, Richard Ginn, York- street. — Wardens, Arthur Ord, Winetavern- street; and John Hutchesson, Stephen- street.— Clerk, Luke Kelly, Ross- lane. 23. BREWERS, or Guild of St. Andrew. November 30. Master, Th. Andrews, low Coombe.— Wardens, Jac. Poole, Black- pitts and JM. Magee, Usher's- isl.— Clerk, W. Jackson, E. Cole- a. 24. JOINERS, First Monday after All Saints. Master, David Bayly, Castle- str.— Wardens, Anthony Davis, Fishamble- street; and Andrew Grant, Aston's- quay.— Clerk, Mark Zouch, Phrapper- lane. 25. APOTHECARIES, or Guild of St. Luke.
November 30. Master, George Wilson, Bride- street. — Wardens, Foden Perrin, Castle- street ; and William Hamilton, Jervis- street.— Clerk, Geo. Woods, Sycamore- alley. Examiners and Inspectors for regulating the admission and practice of Attornies. IN the 13th and 14th Years of his prefent Majesty's Reign, an Act of Par- liament was parted for regulating the Admission and Practice of ATTORNies, whereby, the Officers and Deputies of the respective Law- Courts ( to be named by the Judges thereof) were appointed Examiners, of all future Candidates for the said Profession; and the following ATTORNIES were
accordingly nominated, ExAMINERS. ir • r> William Lane, John Carroll, r, s Cench> { Hugh Reily, James Glascock, } Ef<* rs- ^ n ,- Croasdaile Moloney, William Lane, -> vr C0MM0N- PLEAS^ { William Crowe, * William Lyster, } Er°^ _ r Gorges Edmond Howard, Barry Colles, t vr EXCHEQUER, { William Crowe, John Carroll, _ > Esqs And for the better carrying said Act into Execution, the principal Practiti- oners formed themselves into a Society, and appointed the Registers on Circuit and the following Gentlemen INSPECTORS of the conduit of the other At- tornies, in their refpeftive Counties, and the above named
EXAMINERS as INSPECTORS. See. of the Law- Courts in Dublin.