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Dublin Almanack


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Dublin Almanack

Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
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118 Majlers and Wardens. 9. SADLERS, 1' ffc. or Guild of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Mar. 24.'. Master, William Dalton, Dominick- street.— Wardens, Michael Graves, Marlborough- fireet; and John Maxwell, College- green.: — Clerk, Henry Holmes, S. King- street. 10. COOKS, or Guild of St. James the Apostle. July 25. Master, James Clements, Rings- end. — Wardens, James Henry Francis Gower, Angel- alley II. TANNERS. First Tuesday after All Saints. Master, Richard Dickinson, James s- street.— Wardens, Tho. Miller, James's- street; and Thomas Tovvnfhend, Dolphin s- ham- lane.— Clerk, William Vickers, Francis- street. 12. TALLOW- CHANDLERS, or Guild of St. George. April 23. Master, George Crane, up. Coombe.— Wardens, William Fail, Capel- street; and Richard Richardson, Dame- street.— Clerk, Alexander Castle, Cabbage- garden- lane. 1 3. GLOVERS, iffc. or Guild of St. Mary. March 5. . Master, Bartholomew Hatton, S. New- street; and Samuel Middleton, jun. Bull- alley.— Clerk, Benjamin Taylor, great Ship- street. 14. WEAVERS, or Guild of the Blessed Virgin Mary. May 1. Master, George Fuller, Francis- street. — William Arnold, Pill- lane; and Henry Williams, Francis- street. — Clerk, John Gelling, Fishamble- street. 15. SHEERMEN', & C. or Guild of St. Nicholas. December 6. Master, Thomas Beasley, New- market.— Wardens, Sir Edw. Newenham, Belcamp; and John Wisehart, Corn- market,—• Clerk, John Gelling, Fishamble- street. 16. GOLDSMITHS, or Guild of AH Saints. November 1. Master, George Clarke, Dame street. — Wardens, William Raymond, Abbey- street; Thomas Nuttall, Skinner- row, and Ambrose Boxwell, Skinner- row. — Clerk, John Robinson, Crampton- court. 17. COOPERS, & C. or Guild of St. Patrick. August 8. Master, Joseph Cock. Bachelor'' s- walk. — Wardens, John Cock, Abbey- street; and Charles Murphy, Lurgan- street.— Clerk, John Allen, Jervis- street. 18. FELT MAKERS. January Master, William George, little Ship- street.— Wardens, George Maddock, Parliament- street : and Charles Kellet, Temple- bar.— Clerk, Isaac Whiteacre, Arran- quay, 19. CUTLERS,
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