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Dublin Almanack


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Dublin Almanack
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Dublin Almanack

Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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Sheriffs^ Sheriffs- Peers and Common- Council. 1 1 5 The COMMON COUNCIL for three Years, next ensuing the 2\ th Day of December, 1774. Note, Thus marked J were not in the last Commons. SHERIFFS. Fielding Ould, Esq; Frederick st. George Alcock, Esq; George s- h. SHERIFF'S- PEERS. Thomas Read, Esq; Linen- hall- st. Will. Darquier, Esq; Blind- qu. John Read, Esq; Summer- hill. William Bryan, Esq; Stafford st. John Hunt, Esq; Stephen- street. Will. Ruttleage, Esq; Country. Henry Williams, Esq Ward's- h. Har. Lightburne, Esq; Cope- st. Benjamin Ball, Esq; Aungier st. Cha. Strong, Esq; Dominick- st. Robert Ricky, Esq; Chambre- st. Richard Bolton, Esq; Usher's- is. George Sutton, Esq; Ormond- q- James Shiel, Esq; Bride- street. James Jones, Esq; Usher' s- quay. Edward Strettell, Esq; Fleet- st. George Maquay , Esq; Thomas st. Da. Latouche, jun. Esq, Castle st- William Dunn, Esq; Stephen's- g. John Wilson, Esq; Merion- str. Thomas Trulock, Esq; Dame- st. COMMONS. T. TRINITY- GUILD. Will. Alexander, sen. Mary's- a. Daniel Dickinson, Usher s- quay. Andrew Callage, Dame street. john Hart, Eustace- street. Galbraith Hamilton, Ormond- q. Alex. Kirkpatrick, Usher' s- quay. Thomas Leech, Suffolk- street. Edm. Beasly, jun. Stafford- str. William Colvill, Bachelor s- w. Roger Thompson, High- street. Henry Howison, Jervis- street. james Darquier, lo- Blind qu- Benjamin Garstin, Arran- quay. Robert Mahan, Cooke- street. Benjamin Smith, Bride- street. Edward Tomlinson, Strand st. William Walker, Meath- street. John Nugent, Arran- quay. Samuel Dick, Linen- hall street. Isaac Boardman, Castle- street. Alex Mc. Donnell, Lurgan- str, Thomas Orr, Bride- street. Thomas Duplex, Castle- street. Henry Gore Sankey, Grafton- st. John Rose, St Andrew s- street. George Carleton, Eustace- street. Joseph Verschoyle, Samuel Burrowes, Arran- str. Wm. Alexander, jun. Abbey- st- Richard Moncrieffe, Capel- str. Pat. Mc. Loughlin, Francis- st. 2. TAYLORS. William Davis, Golden- lane- Ambrose Leet, Merchant s- quay. Charles Maley, Exchange alley. Hugh Bell, Charles - street. 3 Smiths. Jonathan Binns, James Rainsford, ( D John Shean, 4. BARBERS and SURGEONS.. Alexander Ross, up- Blind- qu. George Hamilton, Pembroke- co. 2 5. BAKERS
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