Dublin Almanack
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Dublin Almanack
Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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No Pages: 1
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102 Altornies. Garde ( Tho.) E. Golden- lane. Gardiner ( Arthur) K. 7 Latin's- Gardiner( John) K. E. Gardiner( EdWard ) E. Myler's- al- Gardiner ( William) C. Garstin ( John) K. E. Cork- hill. Gaven ( Luke) K- St- Andrew's- str. Gelling ( jn.) K. E. Fishamble- str. Gibson ( Thomas) E. Capel- str. Gilbert ( Forde) K. E. Chanc. L Gillespie Charles C. E. Stafford- street. Gillespie ( Wm.) K. E. Mount - rath- street- Giraghty ( Tho.) E. Christ- ch l- Givney ( Matt.) Skinner- row- Glascock ( James) K. Remem- brancer, Clerk and Receiver cf the first Fruits, and Clerk to the King's first Council at Law, Chancery- lane- Glascock ( Will.) K.
Secretary to the Lord Mayor, Dawson- st- Glascott ( Francis) E. Glascot ( John) E. Glenny ( Isaac, KE. Pill- lane- Goffe ( Benjamin) E. Gonne ( Hen.) E. Abbey- str. Gordon ( Francis) E. Gordon ( Nicholas) C. Gordon ( Tho.) K E. Bride- str. Gorman ( Francis) K. C. K. Stephen s- green. Gowan George K. E. Bishop- str. Gower ( Fran. Hen.) E. Gower ( Roger) E. street. Grace ( Marin.) E. Clarendon- str Gardy ( Rich.) K. Nicholas- str- Graham ( Hec.) C. E. Secondary, Prothonotary, and Examiner of the C. p. Palace- row- Graham ( Richard) C. Green ( John) E. Bride- street. Green ( Rob.) K. E. Bachelor's- w- Greenshields( W.) K.
E- Golden- l- Gregory ( Edward) E. Abbey- str. Griffith ( Joseph) KC. E. Deputy Second Serjeant at Arms of Court of Chancery, Fleet- str- Groves ( Tho.) Groves ( James) - Gurly ( Thomas) E. Hacket ( J. Dorring.) E- Merc- qu- Hackett ( Tho.) K. C. E . Chanc. la. Haire ( James) E- Hocy's- court Halfpenny ( Pat.) E. Kevan's- po- Hall ( John) . Hall ( Richard) C. Summer- hill- Hall ( Thomas) E. Dame- street- Hamilton ( Geo.) C E. Hamilton ( Henry) E. Hamilton ( James) K. C- E. De- puty Prothonotary, Keeper of the Writs, Clerk of the Entries and Errors of the K B. and Secondary to the Chief Re- membrancer of the E. Office,
Kennedy's- lane. Hamilton ( John) E. Hamilton ( Rob.) C. E. Clerk to Serjeant Hamilton, Henry- str. Hamilton ( Thomas) E. Hamilton ( Wm.) K. E. Granby- r. Hammond ( Dowdall John) E. High- street- Hanly ( Patrick) K. Nicholas- st. Harrington ( William) E. Back- l- Harris ( Abel) K. Harrison ( Robert) K. Aungier- st. Harrison ( William) E. Clerk to Justice Henn, gr. Ship- street. Harrold ( Earth.) C. Greek- str. Hartford ( Bibby) K E. Skinner- r. Hart ( Wm.) E. C. Castle str. Hastler