Dublin Almanack
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Dublin Almanack
Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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No Pages: 1
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Attornies. IOJ Walsh ( Andrew) S. Anne- street. Walsh ( David) Frederick- street. Weekes ( Nicholas) Limerick. Weekes ( Richard) Grafton- street. Westrop ( Michael White ( John Jervis) Usher's- island. 1730 White ( Richard) Bantry. Whitelocke ( George) Sackville- street. Whitney ( George Boleyn). Whittingham ( William) Dawson- street. Wilkinson Willes ( Godfrey). Wilson ( Hugh) Com. of Bankr. Clare- street. Wolfe ( Arthur) Com. of Bankr. Dawson- street. Wolfe ( Theobald) Aungier- street. Wood ( Atiwell) Kildare- street. Yelverton ( Barry) King's Council, Ely place. ATTORNIES of the Courts of KING'S- BENCH, COMMON- 1'
LF. AS, and EXCHEQUER. iVfl^ The Letters K. [ King's- bench] C. [ Common- Pleas] and V,.[ Ex- chequer] are intended to shew the Courts to which they belong. ABbot ( Ch.) E. Georges hill. Acheson ( Rob.) E. William- str. Ackland ( John) E. Stafford- str Acton ( Tho.) K. C. E. Keeper of the writs in the C. P. and sole Register of Appeals, French street, Office, Wine- tavern- st. Adams ( Henry Humphry) E. Register to the Commission- ers for opening the Avenues, Castle- street. Ahmuty ( Townly) K. C. E. Allen ( John) K. E. Jervis- str. Anderson( Alex ) C Stephen's- gr. Anderson James) E Clerk the Appearances and Attach ments in the E. Exch. street. Ansdell ( Wm) King street Armstrong ( Ar.) K. E. Grafton- st. Arnold ( Richard) E. Marys- ab. Arthur ( Alex.) K. C. E. Capel- st. Austen ( John) K. C. E. Baily ( James) K. Baker ( Henry) E. Bride- street. Baker ( Hen.) K. C. E. George's- h. Baker ( Joseph) E. Back- lane. Baker ( Richard) E. ) James's- Baker ( William) E. Barker ( Wm.) Milltown- road. Barlow ( Js) K. C. E. Barlow ( John) C. Barry ( Gaynor) C. Clerk to L. C. B. Foster, and Cryer of the E. French- street. Barry ( Matthew) C. C. ommon- Pleas- office: Batley ( John) E. Aungier- street. Bayly