Dublin Almanack
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Dublin Almanack
Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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No Pages: 1
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84 Truftees of the Royal- Exchange. TRUSTEES of the ROYAL- EXCHANGE. LORD MAYOR. RIGht Hon. Thomas Emerson, Dawson- street. SHERIFFS. Fielding Ould, Esq; Frederick- street. George Alcock, Esq; George s- hill. CITY REPRESENTATIVES. William Clement, M. D. V. P. Trinity- college. Redmond Morres, Esq; Stephen1s- green. CITY TREASURER. Alderman Benjamin Geale, upper Ormond- quay. SEN. MASTER of the GUILD of MERCHANTS. George Maquay, Thomas- street. MERCHANTS. Thomas Read. Linen- hall- street. Theophilus Thompson, William- street. Travers Hartley, Bride- street. Edward
Strettell, Fleet- street. Joseph Lynam, Bachelor's- walk- George Sutton, low. Ormond quay. Alexander JafFray, Eustace- street. Robert Magee, Mary- street. Abraham Wilkinson, Park street. William Colvill, Bachelor's- walk. Samuel Dick, Linen- hall- street. Joseph Fletcher, Bride- street. Anthony Grayson, Linen- hall- street. GeOrge Godfrey Hoffman, Fleet- street. William Alexander, Mary's abbey. REGISTER. Christopher Deey, Crampton- court. Note, Thus marked % are for the Time being. THE