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Dublin Almanack


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Dublin Almanack

Date of Article: 01/01/1776
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No Pages: 1
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44 1 » 743- ' 744- 1745' 1746. • 747- 1748. > 749- 1750. 1751. 1752. ' 753- } 754- > 755- 1.756 T757- 1,758. ' 759- 1760. 1761. 1761. .763. 1764. 1765 1766 1,767 1771 fbe MARRIAGES ISSUES 3. John, Abp. of Armagh, Ld. Ch. Jocelyn, Henry Boyle, Efq; L. J. I t. 29. William Dnke of Devon( hrr£, L. L. landed. Primate Boulter died in the Government Dec Sept. 29 Apr. 11. John, Abp. of Armagh, Rob. Ld. Newport, Henry Boyle, Esq; L. J Aug. 31. Philip, Earl of Chesterfield, L. L. landed and sworn. Apr. 25. John, Abp. of Armagh, Rob. Ld. Newport, Henry Boyle, Esq; L. d Lord Primate Hoadly died in the Government, 19 July, IJ46. Anr. 10. George, Abp. of Armagh, sworn one of : he L. J. Sept. 13. William, Earl of Harrington, L. L. landed and sworn. Apr. 20. Geo. Abp. of Armagh, Rob. Ld. Newport, Henry Boyle, Esq; L. J Sept. 20. William, Earl of Harrington, L. I,. landed. Apr. 40. Geo. Abp. of Armagh, Rob. Ld. Newport, Henry Boyle, Esq; L. J. Sept. 19. Lionel, Duke of Dorset, L. L. landed and sworn. May 27. Geo. Abp. of Armagh, Rob. Ld. Newport, Henry Boyle, Esq; L. J Sept. 21. Lionel Duke of Dorset, L. L. landed. May 11. Geo. Abp. of ArmaghTRob. Ld Newport, Brab. E. of Besshoro', L. J May 5.. William, Marquiss of Hartington, L. L. landed and sworn. May l i. Robert, Lord Viscount Jocelyn, James, Earl of Kildare, Bra bazon, Earl of Bessborough, L. 1. Sept. 20. The same Three L. J. Any Two, or One, to act separately. Lord Chancellor Jocelyn died in the Government, 3 Dcc. 1756 Sept if,, John, Duke of Bedford, L. L. landed ind sworn. May 10. Geo. Abp of Armagh, Hen. Earl of Shannon, John Ponsonby, Esq; Speaker, L. J. Oft. 7. John, Duke of Bedford, L. L. landed. May 20. Geo. Abp. of Armagh, Henry. E. of Shannon, John Ponsonby, Esq; LJ, 0£ t. 6. George Dunk, Earl of Halifax, L. L. landed and sworn. May 3. Geo. Abp. of Armagh, Henry , E. of Shannon, John Ponsonby, E% LJ Sept. 22. Hugh, Earl of Northumberland, L. L. landed and sworn May 1 5. Geo. Abp. of Armagh, Henry, Earl of Shannon, John Ponsonby, Esq; L. J. Earl of Shannon and Speaker sworn. Lord Primate Stone died 19 Dec. 1764. And Henry, Earl of Shannon, died 28 Dcc. 1764. Both in the Government. Feb. 22. The Lord Chaner. John, Baron Bowes, &, John Ponsonby, Esq; L. J. Oct. 18. Francis, Earl of Hertford, L. L. landed and sworn. . Junei 1. Ld. Chanc. Bowes, Charles, E. of Drogheda, John Ponsonby, Esq; L. J. Ld. Chancor. Bowes died in the Government, 22 July, 1767. Oct. 14, George Townshend, Ld. Visc. Townshend, L. L. landed and sworn . Nov. Simon Harcourt, Earl Harcourt, L. L. landed and sworn. • iSJi. 1 Mtk Wli The MARRIAGES and ISSUES of the Princes of Europe. Nov. 1774. G R E AT - B R I T A I N ar. d IRELAND. Chief Cities, London, Edinburgh, and Dublin-. GEORGE III. King of Great- Bri- tain, France, and Ireland, and Elector of Hanover, born 4 June,. I 738. Succeeded his Grand mbex X. Geo. II. on 25 Octi 176'\ Married, 8' Sep. 1761, 10 his Queen, l l- ie Piir. cel's Charlotte o: MccklenhuigSi: eliiz, bori) i6May, 1744. The K. and Q. clowned 2.2 Sep. ' 761. Their lll'ucj, 1. George, Pr. ot Wales, 1 zAug. 176 2. Frederick, Bifhop of Ofna'jurgU, 11 Aug. '^ 763. 3. V ilham Henry, 21 Aug. 1765. 4. Princtfs Royal, Charlotta Auguf- • ti Matilda, 29 Sep. f] 66. 5. Prince Edwar2 Nov. 1767. 6. Prls, Augufta Sophia, 8 Nov. 1768. 7. PrincelV Elizabeth, 22 May, 1770. 8>. P. . Erneft Auguftus, 5 June, 1771. 9. Augullus Frederick, 27 J.; n. 1 77^., 10. Adolphus Frederick, 241' eb. 1 774. The King's Brothers and Sillers are. 1. Princef. Augufta, See Germany. 2 Vr'i, Eia. ir: Her ry\ Dukeof' ilocbller.
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