Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Volume Number: Issue Number: 4139
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Berrow's Worcester Journal
Date of Article: 07/10/1773
Printer / Publisher: H. Berrow
Address: Near the Cross, Worcester
Volume Number: Issue Number: 4139
No Pages: 4
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Price Two- pence Halfpenny. THURSDAY, October 7, 1773. Numb. 4139. Saturday's and Sunday's Posts. LONDON, Friday, October 1. A SUMMARY of the Proceedings at Guildhall on Wednesday, relativetothe Election of Lord Mayor. AT about a Quarter past One o'Clock, the Lord Mayor, with the Sheriffs Elect, the Aldermen Stephenson, Halifax, Crosby, Wilkes, Sawbridge, Oliver, Bull, Lewes, Thomas and Plo- mer, ascended the Hustings. The Business of the Day was opened in a Speech by the Recorder to the following Purport; Gentlemen of the Livery, " It is incumbent upon the Duty of my Office to explain the Occasion
for which you are as- sembled. The Period is now approached, when by Virtue of the Powers vested in you by the Con- stitution of the City, you are called upon to no- minate a proper Successor to the present worthy Lord Mayor. The Importance, Gentlemen, of the Office, I need not attempt to explain ; you are well apprised, that upon a due Execution of the Trust reposed on the Object of your Choice, de- pends the Safety of your persons, and the Security of your Properties. But, Gentlemen, there is also another very important End gained ; the truly respectable Figure the City of London hath lately made ; the noble Efforts she
hath exerted in Fa- vour of General Liberty, have all been owing to the Rectitude of her Magistrates, and may all be ascribed to their inflexible Attachment to the Cause of Freedom. I need, not, Gentlemen, go far back for Instances of the Truth, of this Assertion ; the Marble Statue now before my Eyes calls to Mind an illustrious Example of the inflexible Virtue of the Magistrate, the Dignity of the Senator, and the amiable Excellence of the Man. An Intimation of this Kind is sure sufficient; you will exercise your Judgment with Caution ; your Choice with Circumspection ; you will act like Men attentive to the Welfare and Happiness of
the Community at large ; and thus the Corporation of London will be signalized for its Efforts to secure the pre- sent, and hand down entire to future Ages, the in- estimable Blessings resulting from Constitutional Liberty." The Recorder having finished his Address, Mr. Sawbridge advanced, and spoke in Substance as follows: Gentlemen of the Livery, " It has been predicted of me in the publick Papers that I should stand Candidate for the Of- fice of Mayor, in order to divide the Livery, and thus treacherously elevate a Ministerial Alderman to the Chair. It has been predicted of me, that I should decline a Poll, and thus frustrate the
kind Intention of my Friends. It has been predicted of me, that I should delay soliciting your Suffrages until next Year, the better to avail myself at the General Election.— Neither of these Predictions happen to be founded on Truth. With Respect to my public Conduct, whether it be deserving of Praise or Reprehension is a Question that you, Gentlemen, are to decide. I will abide by the Decision of my Constituents, nor have I Reason to dread the severed Scrutiny of my Enemies. Gratitude from Individuals I never expected ; the Public cannot be ungrateful; they delight in ap- plauding, and most generously accept a Rectitude of
Intention in Lieu of those actual Services which it is not always in the Power of their Servants, however well disposed, to perform. " I flatter myself, Gentlemen, that my Inten- tions hitherto have been honest; I have always considered, and do now consider myself as the Ser- vant of my Constituents; your Views in honouring me with your Favours I will to the utmost of my Power endeavour to answer ; command, and I will implicitly obey ; for having no paltry Ambition to gratify ; no selfish Schemes to accomplish; you may dispose of me just as you think proper. By co- operating with your Designs, and acting in Subserviency to your
Wishes, 1 am certain of the only Reward to which I aspire - your Approbation. But should there be a Man, who, jealous of the Merits of others, and diabolically wishing to de- preciate the Honest in the Estimation of the Wor- thy, employs his whole Time in traducing the Characters of your Servants; should such a Man be found, who but must lament so great a Perver- sion of Talents ? Who but must despise the Party capable of Actions so soul ; Prostitution so base ; and Degeneracy so unmanly ? However, Gentle- - men, neither Letters nor Paragraphs; neither the mistaken Zeal of Friends, nor the Censure of Foes; nothing shall
ever deter me from serving the Pub- lic with Honesty and Integrity ; as I wish to live but for the Public Weal, 1 sincerely desire to live no longer than I can be serviceable in promoting the Happiness of the Community, of which I will labour to render myself a useful Member." Sir Watkin Lewis then, in a short Speech, " la- mented the Disunion which prevailed amongst the Friends of Freedom ; assured the Livery that no Efforts had on his Side been wanting to heal the Divisions ; but as he found Attempts ineffectual, despairing of Success, he had given over all Thoughts of ever accomplishing the much- wished for Reconciliation.''
He added, " that he had devoted himself to the Service of the Public, and on that Account had received much ill Usage from certain Individuals : He, however, assured the Li- very, that this, so far from dismaying, animated and paid his Wilkes came for- " that his Enemies should soon have a Proof that he could act as well as speak decisively " After Sir Watkin had finished Obeisance to the Livery, Mr. ward ; when Silence being announced, he spoke to the following Purport: " Gentlemen of the Livery, " It is not with a Design to make a pompous Parade of my own Services, or to depreciate the Services of other Men, that I now
presume to ad- dress you, but to wipe off some Aspersions ob- liquely cast upon me by the Gentleman who spoke a little Time since. " The worthy Alderman talked of " certain Predictions ;" how far some of them have been fulfilled in his Conduct, you are the best Judges. He also talked of " Paragraphs" and " Letters;" Gentlemen, I do avow being the Author of many Paragraphs, and of many Letters ; I have for Years been a public Writer in the public Papers; but with respect to the different Pieces which 1 have sent, at different Times, to the Public Advertiser, whether Essays or Paragraphs, the Printer was au- thorised to use
his Discretion, and give me up, or not, as the Author; yet, notwithstanding this fair and candid Manner of dealing, notwithstanding the Complaints urged against: me for my Writings, none of the Complainants have ever thought pro- per to call me to a private Account, or proceed against me as a Culprit amenable to the Laws of my Country. They have not fought that Sa- tisfaction which, if I had been guilty, they might easily have obtained in the Courts of Judicature. Gentlemen, if there be on either Side Reason to complain, I certainly have the most cause for Complaint. A specious Manner will hide an infinite deal of Art; a Shew
of Openness will cover the deepest Dissimulation. I make no Kind of Scruple to avow what I write ; I have done it on many and will do it on every Occasion if pro- perly called upon. The Character of stabbing in the Dark belongs not to me ; and I should be ex- tremely sorry to arrogate to myself the Merits of other Men. " I conceive it to be my Duty, Gentlemen, as a Citizen and a Member of Parliament, to give you on every Matter of public Importance the best Information in my Power. I have a Right, and I will exercise that Right to animadvert upon the public Conduct of any Candidate for your Favour : Others may throw out dark
Infinuations; Mr. Al- derman Oliver and Mr. Alderman Sawbridge may throw out Hints against a Man whom they dare not name. 1 dare, continued he, own that I have frequently censured various Parts of Mr. Saw- bridge's public Conduct; I never once touched upon his private Conduct. " When Mr. Alderman Crosby ( who deservedly gained the Applause and Esteem of his Fellow- Citizens for acting so glorious, so truly patriotic a Part) when he was pitched upon by the Livery to occupy a second Time the City Chair, Mr. Alderman Sawbridge was the Man who damned the patriotic Measure. " The Conduct of that Gentleman in
regard to the Antigallican Society was to the last Degree cul- pable, and proves a Desertion from those public Principles be still professes to maintain inviolably sacred. How can the Alderman reconcile his Conduct last Year with the Professions he makes of always acting in Obedience to your Will ? On the Hustings he pretends to be a meer Machine in your Hands, which you may move as suits your Pleasure; in the Council Chamber he spurns at your Commands, and acts diametrically opposite to your Wishes, by scratching for the person whom you did not intend should preside over you ! This, Gentlemen, is a Species of
Inconsistency too glaring to admit of Excuse ; too shameful not to call for public Censure. " The damned, I beg Pardon, I meant to say condemned public Conduct of Mr. Alderman Saw- bridge, this it is I have arraigned; this it is I will continue to arraign, in order that you may not be deceived but clearly discern the Friends, and set a Mark upon the Enemies of the People. " Instead of complaining about Charges urged against him, it would have been more fair of Mr. Sawbridge to have exculpated himself; let him clear up every Part of his public Conduct to the Satisfaction of the Livery ; let him do this, then, and not untill then, will I
lay aside my Pen now employed in your Service. " But, Gentlemen, this is deviating from the Business of the Day, which is appropriated to the Choice of a Mayor; I shall therefore intrude no longer upon your Patience, than to assure you, that as I began, so I will steadily persevere, till Death shall put a Period to my Existence, in every Effort to promote the cause of Liberty, and ren- der essential Services to the People." Mr. Wilkes having finished, Bankes, Halifax, Esdale, Shakespeare, and Kennet were successively put up, but received a public Disapprobation. Wilkes, Bull, Sawbridge, and Oliver, were then named, and the
Shew of Hands appeared in Favour of the two former ; but a Poll was de- manded by Mr. Deputy Judd and Mr. Hurford for Messrs. Sawbridge and Oliver; by Messrs. House and Saxby for Wilkes and Bull; and at Four o'Clock the Poll began. The Sheriffs declared the Poll should not be published. A Correspondent informs us, that One Hun- dred Guineas to Fifty were betted this Morning, at a Coffee- House near Charing- Cross, that Mr. her Fortune to her Nieces, on Condition that they are permitted to spend Part of it in England. It is said the Duke of Gloucester would have accompanied his Brother to Italy, had it not been
suggested to him that a great Lady much disap- proved of it. The Duke of Cumberland and his Duchess in- tend, it is said, to pay a Visit to Zell, where they have Reason to believe their Company will be acceptable. Several Caveats were on Monday entered at Doctors Commons against the Heir at Law of the late Duke of Kingston taking out Letters of Ad- ministration. The Dukedom of Kingston is extinct by the Death of the late Duke; but the Earldom of King- ston, it is said, descends to a collateral Branch. The Edict lately published by his Prussian Ma- jesty, in Favour of the Society of Jesuits, is al- lowed on all Hands to be the
most masterly Stroke of Policy practised by that Monarch. In Ireland, says a Correspondent, the civil Power is almost abolished ; but the Military, by the Augmentation of their Numbers, is increased to a Degree of Strength that may yet make even England tremble for her Freedom. Ireland is become a Place of Arms to the Crown. Her Vi- cinity to Wales and Scotland is an alarming Cir- cumstance to the Yeomanry of this Land— to the Liberty of this island. The Representation of the Royal Review at Portsmouth will be introduced in a Pantomime at Drury- Lane Theatre ; ten Ships of the Line are upon the Stocks, and in great
Forwardness, on the Occasion. The Triton East- Indiaman, Capt. Elphinstone, is arrived off Falmouth from Coast and Bay. And the Hector East- Indiaman, Capt. Williams, is safe arrived off the Start. The East India Ships, taken up for the Year 1773, are destined as follow : The Asia, Gamage, and Bute, Bendy, for Coast and Bay ; a new Ship, Newte, for Coast and China; a new Ship, Hay - ter, for St. Helena and Bencoelen; the Speke, Jackson, and Sea Horse, Arthur, for Coast and Bay; the Morse, Kent, and a new Ship, Broad- ley, for Coast and China; the Dutton, Rice, and Specific, Barclay, for Coast and Bay; the Nor thumberland, Rees, and Thames, Clarke, for Bombay; the Calcutta, Thompson, for ditto; and the Stafford, Liell, for Bombay and China. Last Monday Evening as one Mr. Wilmot, a Gentleman of Warwickshire, was coming to Town, he was attacked upon the Road by a Gang of Gypsies, who pulled him from his Horse, and af- terwards dragged him into a Wood near the Road Side, where they risled his Pockets of Four Gui- neas and some Silver, telling him, that he might think himself well off that they were not provided with Money Scales: in which Case, had his Gui- neas proved light, they would certainly have treated him as a
Cheat. He had a Pair of Bags on his Horse, in which were some Valuables, but they did not attempt to open it. Last Week, at Ewell Market, near Epsom in Surry, Wheat was sold for 13l. odd Shillings per Load, which about three Months ago was sold for 20l. per Load. Bath, Sept. 30. The Price of Wheat at Exeter is no more than 5s. 9d. per Bushel. The Harvest in Cornwall has been so plentiful and so fine, that in many Parts of that County, where Corn was scarce, the Price of the best new Barley is reduced to 2s. 2d. and 2s. 6d. the Win- chester Bushel. Canterbury, Sept. 29. On Tuesday a Seizure, to the Amount of 15,000l. or
upwards, consisting of French Silk and Blond Lace, was made by Mess. Rouse and Tankard, Riding Officers, as- sisted by a Party of Dragoons, in the House of a person at Horton, near Hythe. There was also a Writ of 800l. issued from the Exchequer, on which he was made Prisoner, and brought to Can- terbury, where he gave Bail and was released. MILITIA. NOTICE is hereby given, That, in Pursuance of an Older made by the Lord Lieutenant and Deputy Lieutenants, the 28th Day of July last, the Militia Men for the County and City of Worcester are ordered to assemble in the said City of Worcester on Monday the 18th Day
of October next, there to be trained and exercised for the Space of twenty- eight Days. THOMAS HURDMAN, Clerk of the General Meetings. WORCESTER, 15th September, 1773. N. B. If any Militia Man ( not labouring under any Infirmity incapacitating him) shall not appear, he will, upon Conviction before one Justice of the Peace, forfeit Twenty Pounds; and if he does not immediately pay the same, will be committed to the Common Goal of the County or Place where he shall be so convicted, for six Months, or until he shall have paid the Penalty. Such persons as have served by themselves, or Substitutes, three Years in the
above Militia, may have proper Discharges, upon applying to Serjeant Major Watkins, in Worcester. DUBOURG's BOX, AN effectual PRESERVATIVE from VENEREAL INFECTION to both Sexes. It also immediately destroys the Contagion in a newly infected person. To be had at Mr. Burdett's Apartments, No. 4, Hervey's Buildings, in the Strand, London ( who is commissioned to dispose of the same for Peter Daniel TO BE SOLD, A Very improveable Copyhold Estate of Inheritance, called the Dial House situate at Tardebigg, within less than three of Bromsgrove, in the County of Worcester, consisting of two Messuages, a
Barn, Stable, other necessary Outbuildings, in good Repair, upwards of fifty two Statute Acres of arable Meadow, and Pasture Land, lying together, a Ring Fence. N. B. Any Gentleman who shall become a Pur- chaser of the above Estate, may erect a House the in a very pleasant Situation, as several Parts of Estate are so situated as to command delight Prospects. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Anthony Cr , in Bromsgrove aforesaid ; or of Mr. Young, At ney at Law in Pershore, in the said County Worcester. To be LETT, and entered upon immediately A Good roomy Malt- House; in go Condition, situate in Angel- Lane; in the of
Worcester, late in the Occupation of Will Corfield; with every Conveniency for the Malt Business. For Particulars apply to Mr. Collet, Attorney in Worcester; or to Mr. James Paine; at Lo Wick, near Worcester. To T be LETT, together or separate, And entered upon at Candlemas next, TWO Farms, one called Pembri Castle Farm, consisting of 260 Acres, Acres, ble, Meadow, and Pasture; and the other Ca The Mill Farm, of about 55 Acres of Arable, M dow, and Pasture, with a Snuff Mill; convert into a Water Grist Mill, thereon, in the Paris of Welch Newton and Garway, Herefordshire within four Miles of Monmouth, seven of and
twelve of Hereford, and otherwise well situ The Buildings in good Repair, and the Adv now proposed of the Rent above what the Prem were lett at in 1686, will be moderate, and no advance thereof has been made or proposed since Time. Enquire of Mr. Halfpenny, Town Clerk, at M mouth, who will receive Proposals; and of Towneley, at Corney House, at Chifwick, London, where Surveys of the above Farms be seen. BIRMINGHAM and BRISTOL STAGE COACH ( Twice a Week, during the Winter ) BEGINS going on Tuesday next, the 5th October; sets out from the Dolphin Inn Birmingham every Tuesday, at Five o'Clock in
Morning; lies at Tewkesbury that Night, and to Bristol the next Day : Returns from the L Inn in Broad Mead, Bristol, every Tuesday, at o'Clock in the Morning, lies at Tewkesbury Night, and gets to Birmingham the next Day. Sets out again from the Dolphin Inn in Birm ham every Thursday Morning, at Nine o'Cl lies at Worcester that Night, and gets to Bristol next Day. WORCESTER and BRISTOL COACH Sets out from the Hop Pole every Friday, at o'Clock in the Morning and gets to Bristol the Day; returns from the Lamb Inn, in Broad Bristol , every Thursday Morning, at Nine o'Cl lies at Glocester that Night, and gets to Word to
Dinner next Day. Price as usual. Performed by THOMAS GARMSTON, Worc , HENRY WILTON, Glocester. FRANCIS SAWYER, Bristol. The COACH from Worcester to Birmingham sets out every Monday Morning at Eight o'C Wednesday Morning at Nine o'Clock, and ret the next Days. THE following New BOOKS, just published by W. GRIFFIN, in Cath Street, Strand, London: Price Three Shillings and Six- pence, bound , I. The PRACTICE of the British and HOSPITALS, viz. The Edinburgh, Military Naval Hospitals, L'Hotel Dieu, La Charrte, Les Invalides; containing a select Body of and elegant Remedies for the several
Disorders dent to the human Body, with practical Rent on each Prescription ; Reflections on the Use Abuse of Bleeding and Blisters ; Cautions necessary to be observed previous to Cold- bathing; and a accurate and copious posological Table than yet extant. Calculated for the Benefit of pr Families, as well the different Branches of the session. By the Author of The Practice of the London Hospitals. Price Two Shillings. II. DIRECTIONS for the Management of dren, from the Time of their Birth to the Age seven Years; and a plain and full Account of e Disorder to which they are subject, as well those peculiar to the Female Sex,
with Variety efficacious and easy Medicines for each Disease selected from the best Authors, viz. Andry, a Boerhaave, Brouzet, Buchoz, Burton, Cad Harris, Hulme, Huxham, Mead, Sydenham, Sm Smith, Shaw , Tissot; whereby any Woman ma enabled to prescribe safely and successfully for self and Children, or Acquaintance; with Ins - tions for preserving and strengthening the Sight Hearing, and rendering the Teeth beautifully and found to extreme old Age ; and Variety of ful, innocent, and approved Cosmetics of e Kind. By M. A. CLARKE, Professor of Midwi . Price Six Six Shillings and Six- pence, III. The HISTORY of our
Customs, Aids, Reme- dies, National Debts, and Taxes, from William Conqueror to the present Year 1773. By T. NiNGhAM, Esq. The second Edition, corre with several Improvements suggested by Sir C Whitworth, Chairman of the Committee of and Means. Price Two Shillings and Six- pence, sewr IV. RATIONAL SELF- LOVE: OR,
Monday's and Wednesday's Posts. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Warsaw, Sept. 14. WE talk much of a Peace between the Russians and Turks; the former seem to wish it in good Earnest. And we are told that the Court of Pertersburg have addressed themselves to that of andon, to use their good Offices to effect the change of the Prince Repnin, prisoner at Con- tantinople. Vienna, Sept. 15. The Emperor, notwithstand- ing his great Fatigue, enjoys a perfect State of Health. This Monarch has travelled on Horse- ck, on his late Tour, above 700 German Miles, ing only once in the Evening of each Day of h Food as he found at the Place
where he stop- d, and slept on a Straw Bed, covered only with Cloak. SCOTLAND. Edinburgh, Sept. 28. We are informed from Iross, that on Wednesday last, a Coal Pit be- nging to Lord Cochran overflowed with Water, which two Men who were in the Bottom of the t unfortunately lost their Lives, one of whom a Wife and seven Children, and the other a ise with eight. At the Time this Accident happened his Lordship was at the Mouth of the t, and being alarmed by a sudden Noise, looked own to see what was the Matter, when he ob- served the Water rising with the greatest Rapidity, d had scarcely Time to save his Life by
Flight, having risen in a few Minutes six Feet above e Mouth of the Pit, and overflowed a great Part the Country adjacent in such a Manner as to under Travelling impracticable. It is not easy conjecture where such a vast Quantity of Water hould have been collected as to fill this Pit, which supposed to be at least eighty Fathoms deep; d the Sea been full, that Circumstance might have been assigned as the Cause of this extraor- nary Phaenomenon, as the Pit lies pretty near but at the Time the Accident happened, the a was at its lowest Ebb. COUNTRY NEWS. Ludlow, 0ct. 1. At our Fair last Wednesday ere was the greatest
Quantity of Salt Butter at has been known for some Years. On the Eve the Fair it was bought in the Public Houses at . 3d. per Stone; but the next Day it sell Price much that the very best was bought at 6s. d a great deal carried back unsold. Hops, nch used to be a principal Commodity at this air, were now a very scarce one, there not being above 150 Pockets of Old and New, which sold m 7l. to 9l. 9s. per Hundred, and the very best ew Hops reached 81. 15s. There was great enty of Cheese, which sold from ll. 6s. to 1l. s. per Hundred. Pigs were much lower than ey have been for some Time ; and Cattle in General sold well.
Birmingham, 0ct. 4. On Thursday Evening between Eight and Nine o'Clock, Joseph ellington, Carrier from Walsal to this Town, stopped on his Return Home, on Handsworth eath, by two Footpads, who demanded his Mo- y, and threatened to blow his Brains out if he refused to deliver it, or make any Resistance; but Carrier not being in the least intimidated, positively declared he had none, and resolutely fired them to fire; upon which, with some Dif- isfaction, they left him. They were imme- diately pursued, but could not be heard of after- wards. They were both tall lusty Men, and were supposed to be Colliers. Gloucester, 0ct. 4.
At our Fair, on Tuesday there was a greater Quantity of Cheese than s been brought for many Years. The Prices re: Best Making 26s. to 30s. but 28s. was the n of the Fair; Two- meal 23s. to 25s.— This ll in the Price of Cheese, it is imagined, will some Degree reduce the Price of Meat. LONDON, Monday, 0ct. 4. A noble Lord has lately had a Scheme pre- ted to him, by which the Public are to be re- sed of Two- thirds of the National Debt in but nineteen Years, provided we are at Peace, that without any additional Tax on the people. We are assured from very good Authority that Laws respecting Forgery are now under a vision.
There are above sixty Appeals in different causes be sried before the House of Peers the next Ses- sions of Parliament. True it is that the whole Phalanx of Corruption in Motion to secure a Majority against the en- ng general Election .— A Battalion of Ten have subscribed 3000l, each, to make a common se of 30 ,000l. to purchase as many Seats for many Boroughs as they can ; the Candidates to chosen out of the Ten by Lot, and the seven rs Gains to be brought into a common Stock, equally shared : Of this Decemvirate is a no- Justicc to the East of Shoreditch, who, though able to read or write, is actually now from on a
Canvass for the above Purpose. — No nder then that the Good, Great, and Able, k of declining, and retiring at the End of the psent Sessions, from such Company. A Court Alderman conversing lately with Mr. ilkes about the present Election, asked him, y he should persist in his Pursuit of the Mayor- y, when he knew how odious he was at Court, that five or six great Men, and one very great, swore he never should be Mayor : Because s Wilkes, more than twice as many hundred have sworn that I shall; And how am I so odious continued he, when your great Friends have inguished me from all other Aldermen ? For though many
have been sworn into the Mayoralty, shall be the first that was ever sworn out of it. Saturday Morning Sir Stephen Theodore Jan- Chamberlain of London, went and possed Liverymen came to Town, one other seventy- eight Miles from the it is expected, will occasion his Royal Highness's Return to this Kingdom immediately. The great Abundance of base Silver now cir- culating in this Kingdom, being found a consi- derable Intertuption in the course of Trade, we have good Authority to assure our Readers, some Parliamentary Measures will be adopted at the Opening of the next Sessions, by which the Pub- lic will be subject to
as great Loss as they are by the Gold. The total Suppression of the Jesuits is an Event the most favourable to the Peace of Europe, as their Disposition for political Intrigues had ren- dered them at once formidable and dangerous. Private Letter from Rome, Aug. 31. " His Holiness, notwithstanding the extreme Rigour with which he proceeds against the Jesuits, is disposed to render them Services of a spiritual Kind ; for which Purpose he has drawn up a Ma- nual of Devotions peculiarly adapted to their present Situation. In the confessional Part of one of them are these remarkable Words: " We ac- knowledge, with Confusion of
Face, that though we derived the Name of our lately suppressed Order from Jesus, yet too many have acted as if the Devil himself had been the Author of our Principles." Extract of another Letter from Rome. " The Fall of the Jesuits, like a great Event as it is, has shook this Country to its Centre. His Holiness, in the Irresolution which he testified so long before he ventured to annihilate that famous Society, gave many Proofs that he was afraid of the Event. And not without Reason, for, since the Moment of their Dissolution, the Jesuits have iusulted, vexed, and satirized him in every Quar- ter, and in every Shape that human
Invention could devise. The Doctrine now propagated through Italy, and what has been the Subject of the most recent Pasquinade is, that the Fall of the Popedom must inevitably follow the Fall of the Jesuits. To support this Doctrine, a Pro- phecy has been providentially dug up at Bologna, which puts the Matter beyond a Doubt. This Prophecy contains Words to the following Pur- port, When Ignatius is low, let the Shepherd of the Seven Hills look about him. These Things are Trisles ; but the Pope, with all his Philosophy, is grieved at them, and is using all his Efforts to put a Stop to them." Extract of a Letter from Moldavia, Aug
22. " The grand Army of the Russians is now in much Distress, but are effectually secured for some Time against any Attacks from the Turks, yet are badly off in respect to Ammunition and other warlike Stores, a large Supply of which has been lately sent off in the following Manner : Thirty Waggons laden with the Supplies, and under the Escort of 6000 Foot and 2000 Horse, were on the Road to Jassy from Vienna, but came round ( to avoid the Turks) on the Borders of Poland, and not directly through Transilvania, which is by much the nearest Way. They arrived on the 12th Instant in this Province, on the Banks of the River
Pruth, which River they passed at a Ford, and bent their Rout immediately for the City of Sereth, about twelve Leagues from Jassy. The Grand Vizir, whose Army now lies at Munuth, was determined to interrupt this Supply, and ac- cordingly detached 2000 Janissaries, and 5000 Spahis, who by forced and secret Marches came up with the Waggons before it was possible for Marshal Romanzow to send a farther Reinforce- ment of Men. The Russians placed the Wag- gons for Intrenchments, and desended themselves with great Courage and Resolution ; a great Num- ber of the Turks were killed by the Artillery of the Russians,
but at last the Numbers of the for- mer prevailed. The Russians fled towards Jassy, and left the Supplies to the Mercy of the Enemy, who rested two Days after the Action, and by that Means has given Count Orlow an Opportu- nity to attack them in his Turn, for which Pur- pose he is now preparing to march." Letters from Petersburgh, dated Aug. 20. men- tion that our Factory there is in a very unpro- mising Situation, from the great Credit our Mer- chants are under the Necessity of giving, and that it is supposed, unless the Empress grants some fresh Advantages in Favour of the English, our Commerce with the Russians will be
quite ruined. Wednesday a Court Marshal finished their Sit- tings on a Soldier belonging to the third Rigiment of Guards, who was employed and paid to raise Recruits in Scotland for our Army : Instead of which, when he had got a Number together, he contrived, in League with another, to send them into the Service of France. He was sentenced to be whipped. A Merchant, residing not a Mile from Leaden- hall- Street, was arrested a few Days ago by a Bailiff, who had disguised himself as a Shoe- black, and came at an early Hour of the Morn- ing to the Merchant's Door, where he sat down on the Steps with his Implements
about him : After several Messages to go from the Door had been delivered to him by a Servant without Ef- fect, the Master at length appeared, when the Shoe- black slung off the Mask, and seized his Prisoner, who immediately paid the Debt. A Correspondent says, the old Proverb of what is bred in the Bone never leaving the Flesh, is truly exemplified in the young Foreigner men- tioned in Saturday's Papers having left his Wife and Family and gone off with a Lady, it being only a Family Exploit— His Father, who kept an Academy, having lately cheated all his Credi- tors and run to France ; his Mother having passed for the
Sister of her Husband's Partner, ' till he married and left her, when ( to their great Credit) it is known they were no Relations, and she now is Housekeeper to an Hibernian Adven- turer, who keeps his Wife at Board Wages from Home, after spending the best Part of her For-- tune .— Both the persons alluded to are School- Masters, and from the Precepts and Examples of such immaculate Characters, what blessed Advan-- tages may not our Youth expect to receive ! A certain noble Lord, well known in the Gam- bling World, it reduced to the low Pitch of taking up Jewels and other Articles of Value, upon his ing Into each other's
Hands. This is inserted as a Caution to the honest Trader how they trust Nobility. Monday Evening, about Seven o'Clock, a most dreadful Fire broke out at a Farmer's, at Chilton, near Cambridge, which consumed a considerable Quantity of Corn, to the Amount of upwards of 200l. It was occasioned by stacking green Hay. Wednesday Morning a Tradesman in South- wark having some Dispute with his Wife as they were at Breakfast, in a Passion cut her Throat in so terrible a Manner that she expired instantly. He immediately absconded. Friday the Wife of a Captain, in the Jamaica Trade, who had been on board to take Leave
of her Husband, was let down the Ship's Side in a Chair, when the Ropes broke, by which the Lady sell into the River ; and, notwithstanding all pos- sible Assistance was given, she was drowned in the Sight of her Husband. A Gentleman of Veracity, who happened to be Hemel Hempstead, in Hertfordshire, on Sun- day last, transcribed the following Advertisement verbatim, which was wrote in a tolerable Hand, and stuck up in the Market Place there., viz. " This here is to give Notis, that there will be a Cow rosted hole at Tring, in this kounty, on the tenth of October this next Munth, and a Watch to be rastled for which is to be
lade Down to the Fier at ten a Clock, it being the fare day. WORCESTER, 30th Sept. 1773. " By Order of the Mayor and Justices, NOTICE is hereby given, That, to encourage the bringing of HERRINGS to this Market, the customary Toll due thereon will not, for the future, be demanded. COCKS, Town Clerk. THE DEPUTY LIEUTENANTS of the County and City of Worcester are desired to meet on Tuesday the 26th Day of October next, at Hooper's Coffee House, in Worcester, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, being one of the Days appointed by the Act of Parliament for a General Meeting to carry the Militia Laws into
Execution. Croome, 29th Sept. 1773. COVENTRY. Worcester, 0ct. 7, 1773. THOMAS ARUNDELL, at THE TALBOT, the Upper End of the Foregate- Street, begs Leave to acquaint the Public, that his LONG ROOM will be opened on Monday next, the 13th Instant, for Gentlemen and Ladies who shall please to favour him with their Company at a CARD ASSEMBLY, which will afterwards be continued weekly, upon the Tuesday, during the Winter Season, at One Shilling each person. The said Thomas ARUNDELL takes this first Opportunity of returning his sincere Thanks for the many Favours he has already received, since he
has occupied the said Inn, and humbly hopes for a, Continuance of the same, which will ever be grate- fully acknowledged by Their most obedient humble Servant, THOMAS ARUNDELL. WANTED, A Farm between 50l. and 100l. per Annum, any where between Ludlow and Worcester, or Worcester and Leomin- ster. Required, a good House and Out Buildings, Plenty of Orcharding, and at least six Acres of Hop Ground. Any person having such a Farm to lett, for a Terra of Years, may hear of an undeniable Tenant, by directing a Line for Y. Z. & c. to be left at the Post- Office, Ludlow. N. B. if in a good agreeable Neighbourhood
the more acceptable. TO BE SOLD, A Pair of handsome, strong, Brown Horses, fit for a Post- Coach ; the one four Years old, the other five. Enquire of Mr. Portman, in Angel- Lane, Worcester. Worcester, Oct. 7, 1773. LIGHT GOLD. JOSEPH FEATHERSTONE, Mercer and Linen- Draper, in High- Street, acquaints the Public, That, for the Convenience of such as are possessed of Light Gold Coin, he will give them Three Pounds Sixteen Shillings and Sixpence per Ounce for small Sums, and Three Pounds Seven- teen Shillings per Ounce for larger Sums. N. B. The Sellers may have their Choice of being paid in Cash or good
London Bills, and every Piece or Pieces will be cut in their Presence. JAMESHASSALL, Ironmonger, in Bewdley, being ( through the tender Mercies of God) restored to his reasoning Faculties and a good Stale of Health, returns his most grateful Acknow- ledgments to God for the same, and to the Public in general, for their numerous and repeated Fa- vours, more especially to those who have steadily adhered to the Interest of his Family, during the Time of his deplorable Malady. He is resolved to use his utmost Endeavour to merit the Esteem of the Faithful and Worthy, and humbly solicits a Con- tinuance of their Favours in
the Ironmongery, Cut- lery, Gold King, Silver, and China Trades; also in the Tin, Malt, and Hop Businesses, & c. all which ( God willing) shall be transacted with great Punc-- tuality and Moderation. And, to serve the Public in the present Exigency, he continues to take in all Sorts of Gold Coin, at the Rate of Three Pounds Sixteen Shillings per Ounce. He gives ready Money for old Gold, Silver, Horns, Box Wood, and all Kinds of Metal. LODGINGS. Worcester, Oct. 7, 1773. To be LETT, in a pleasant Part of this City, A Large handsome Dining- Room and Lodging- Room, ready furnished, with a Room for a Servant, and the Use of
a Kitchen and Part of a Cellar, if required. Enquire of the Printer of this Paper. TO BE SOLD, THE SEVEN STARS, in the New Street, Worcester, with four Tenements adjoining. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. John Duncan. To be SOLD in FEE, Together or in Parcels, AL L that Range of Houses leading out of Birdport, with the Gardens and Stables thereto belonging, situate in the Parish of St. Andrew, in the City of Worcester, late the Estate of Joseph Watson, deceased. As some Part of the Premisses want Repair, a reasonable Allow- ance will be made to a Purchaser. Enquire of Mr. Dandridge, at the Commandry. To
be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Tuesday next, the 12th Day of this Instant October, between the Hours of Three and Seven, at the House of the Widow Lees, in Cooken- Street, Worcester, THE Public House, known by the Name of Whitehall, situate about one Mile from Worcester, in the Parish of St. John in Bed- wardine. Particulars and Conditions of Sale will be pro- duced at the Time and Place of Sale. ALL persons. that have any Claim or Demand on the Estate and Effects of Mr. Benjamin Gower, late of Droitwich, in the County of Worcester, Gentleman, deceased, are desired to send a particular Account thereof, on or
before the 15th Day of October Instant, to Mr. Edward Pen- rice, Attorney, in Droitwich, in order that they may be settled and paid : And all persons indebted to the said Estate are requested forthwith to pay such Debts to the said Mr. Penrice, who is duly autho- rized to receive the same. GAME. WHEREAS of late Years the Game in the Manors of Hampton- Lovet, Dod- derhill, Huntingthrop, Broughton- Hackett, and Sal- warp, has been near totally destroyed by Poachers, who have practised every unlawful Means of de- stroying it; Thus it therefore to give Notice, That I am determined to prosecute, with the utmost Se- verity, all
Poachers, and other unqualified persons whatsoever, sporting thereon': And I shall esteem it as a particular Favour, if the neighbouring Gen- tlemen, living contiguous, or near any of the seve- ral Manors before mentioned, will be so obliging as to forbear sporting thereon till the Game is restored. HERBERT PERROTT PAKINGTON. Westwood, Oct. 6th, 1773. WHEREAS the GAME in the Manors of Upper and Lower Bentley, in the Parish of Tardebig, in the County of Worcester, has, of late, been greatly destroyed by Poachcrs, and other unqualified persons; Notice is hereby given, That whoever shall hereafter be detected in
such Practices, in either of the said Manors, will be prosecuted to the utmost Rigour of the Law. STRAYED, on Sunday the 19th of September last, from Elmley Lovett, Wor- cestershire, A strong Chefnut MARE, about 14 Hands and a Half high, five Years old, with a large Blaze down her Face, a swiss Tail, was never dock'd, and trot's very Wide behind. Whoever will bring the said Mare to Thomas Hawkeswood, of Elmley Lovett, shall receive Half a Guinea Reward, and reasonable Charges, STOLE but of a Warehouse, at the Lower Load Tewkesbury, on Sunday Night, between the 26th and 27th of September last, Nine new
empty BAGS, the Property of Tho- mas Neast, of Forthampton; marked in Red, T. NEAST, and F. under it, and numbered : Whoever can give any information of the Offender To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the Black Boy, in Feckenham, in the County of Wor- cester, on Wednesday the 20th Day of this Instant Octo- ber, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Af- ternoon ( unless disposed of in the mean Time by pri- vate Contract) subject to Conditions then to be pro- duced, the several FREEHOLD ESTATES following: L0T 1. A Messuage or Tenement, with a BrewHouse, Stable, Yard, and Gar- den thereto belonging, now
in the Occupation of Mrs. Mary Timings, Widow, situate in Feckenham aforesaid, having every Conveniency necessary for a small Family, and is in good Repair. LOT 2. An inclosed Piece or Parcel of Meadow Ground, containing about three Acres, situate in the Parish of Feckenham aforesaid ; and also a Piece or Parcel of Arable Land, lying in one of Fecken-- ham Common Fields, called Ham Dunstable, con- taining about an Acre and an Half, and abutting against the said Meadow Ground .— This Lot is now in the Tenure of John Baylis. LOT 3. Twenty- tour Acres of very improveable Arable Land, lying in the Parish of
Inkberrow, in the County of Worcester, twelve Acres whereof are now inclosed, and the Residue lying dispersed in the several Common Fields of Inkberrow afore- said, called Knowl Field, Nobury Field, and Hen Field, and now in the Tenure of William Raven. The several Tenants will shew the Premisses; and for further Particular apply to Mr. Eades, Attor- ney at Law, in Feckenham aforesaid. N. B. The several Simple Contract Creditors of Mr. George Timings, late of Feckenham aforesaid. Surgeon, deceased, are desired to send in a Particu- lar of their Demands to the said Mr. Eades; and all persons indebted to the Estate of
the, said Mr. Timings are hereby requested to pay the same im- mediately to the said Mr. Eades, otberwise they will be sued without further Notice. FARMS. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, At the Crown Inn, in Bromsgrove, in the County of Worcester, on Tuesday the 26th Day of October Inst. at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon of the same Day, subject to such Conditions of Sale as will then be pro-- duced ( unless disposed of before by private Contract, of which timely Notice will be given) L0T 1. A Substantial Freehold Mes- suage, Barn, Stable, and other neces- sary Out Buildings, in good Repair; together with 39 Acres
and 31 Perches of Arable Land, Meadow, and Pasture Ground to the same belonging, situate at Forefield, in the Parish of Bellbroughton, and Courty of Worcester aforesaid, in the Possession of Samuel Clifton, at the yearly Rent of 56l. capable of great Improvement, and adjoining to the Turn- pike Road leading from Stourbridge to Bromsgrove. LOT 2. One other Messuage, Barn, Stable, and other necessary Out Buildings, in good Repair, to- gether with 16 A. 1 R. 5 P. of Arable Land, Mea- dow, and Pasture Ground to the same belonging, situate within Half a Mile of the above- mentioned Farm, by the Side of a certain
Common or Heath, called Bourn Heath, and now in the Possession of Thomas Perry, jun. at the yearly Rent of 14l.
WORCESTER ASSEMBLY, at the Guild- Hall, for the ensuing Winter, will be on the following Evenings : [ The Fifty- fourth Subscription] At the Close of the Poll this Day, for Lord Mayor, the Numbers stood as under: Mr. Wilkes, Mr. Bull, Mr. Sawbridge, Mr. Oliver, Yesterday six Thurs. 221219 l60 I48 Fri. 444448409 390 Sat. 627623585548 Mond, 1031 1028 783 727 Tues. 1374 1368 998926 HEREFORDSHIRE. BROMYARD ASSEMBLY will begin on Tuesday the 26th of this Instant October, and be continued once a Month, as usual, during the Winter. ALL Persons that stand indebted to Samuel Bryan, of the Parish of St.
Clement, in the City of Worcester, Butcher, are required forthwith to pay their several Debts to Mr. John Walker, of the Hill, in the Parish of Grimley, other- wise they will be sued for the Recovery of the same. GEORGE R. GEORGE the Third, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and so forth ; to all to whom these Presents shall come, greeting : Whereas BENJAMIN COLLINS, of the City of New Sarum, in our County of Wilts, has, by his Petition, humbly represented unto Us, that he hath sound out and invented a new Composition of Snuff, called and known by the Name of
Cordial Cephalic Snuff, which he humbly conceives will be greatly conducive to the Health of our Subjects, and that this Invention is of his own Contrivance. " The Petitioner therefore humbly besought Us to grant unto him, his Executors, Administra- ters, and Assigns, our Royal Letters Patent for the sole making and vending of the said Composition, for the Term of fourteen Years, according to the Statute in that Case made and provided. And to the End that he the said BENJAMIN COLLINS, his Executors, & c. may have and enjoy the full Benefit and the sole Use of the said In- vention, We do, by these Presents, require and
strictly command all Persons, Bodies politic and corporate, and all other our Subjects whatsoever, that neither they, nor any of them, during the Continuance of the said Term of fourteen Years hereby granted, either directly or indi- rectly, do make, use, or put in Practice the said Inven- tion, or any Part thereof, nor in any wife counterfeit, imitate, or resemble the same. Witness Ourself at Westminster, this 18tb Day of January, in the 13th Year of Our Reign, By Writ of Privy Seal. COCKS. This CORDIAC CEPHALIC SNUFF has, by long Experience, been found an effectual Remedy for mos t Disorders of the Head, especially the
common Head- Ach, to which it hardly ever fails giving im- mediate Ease, and by frequent Use prevents its Re- turn. It admirably opens and purges the Head, strengthens the Nerves, revives the Spirits, and has a most grateful aromatic Smell. It removes Drow- siness, Sleepiness, Giddiness, and Vapours ; relieves Dimness of the Eyes, is excellent in curing recent Deafness, and has been of great Service in hysteric and paralytic Complaints, and in restoring the Me- mory whem impaired by Disorders of the Head. It is also extremely proper for all Persons who visit the Sick, or go into unwholesome Rooms or unhealthy Places,
and hot Climates, as it fortifies the Head against noxious Exhalations and infectious Air. " it is sold by F. Newbery, jun. at No. 65, in St. Paul's Church- Yard, opposite to the North Door of the Church; and Messrs. Dicey and Co. at No. 10, in Bow Church- Yard, London ; and by H. Berrow, in Worcester; also by reputable Shopkeepers in most Cities and Towns in Great Britain ( by Ap- pointment of B. Collins, the Patentee) at 6d. the Bottle, with a proper Allowance to those who take Quantities to export, or sell again. THURSDAY'S POST. ( By Express from London.) Arrived the Mails from Holland and Flanders. Lisbon, Sept. 12.
THE Dissolution of the Je- suits gives the greatest Pleasure to every reason- able Person every where, but in no Place so par- ticularly as in Portugal, where they have long been feared and detested. The Portuguese seem to get rid of that Bigotry daily, which has so long made them the Contempt of all Europe ; and Regulations so reasonable and judicious have lately been made in the Church, that they appear almost miraculous : In short, the Pope's Power does not any where so sensibly decrease as in Portugal. SCOTLAND. Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman in Strawhspey, in Scotland, dated Sept. 19, to his Friends in
Aberdeen. " I am fully convinced that the Emigration will soon be general in this Country. Two hun- dred and fifty Emigrants failed the other Day from sort George, and 308 of the M'Donalds of Glengary, and the neighbouring Districts from sort William. No less than eight or ten Vessels are hired this Season to carry off Emigrants. Eight hundred and forty People failed from the Island of Lewes in July. Alarmed with this Lord F , their Master, came down from London about five Weeks ago to treat with the Remainder of his Tenants. What are the Te, ms they asked of him, think you ? " The Land at the old Rents; the Augmentation
paid for three Years backward to be refunded ; and his Factor to be immediately dismissed." I have not yet learned whether he has agreed to these Terms ; but he must soon, or his Lands will be left an uninhabited Waste. COUNTRY NEWS. Canterbury, Oct. 2. At our Hop- market, on Wednesday last, but little done; a few were sold in fine Cloth, and fetched 71. 10s. to 7l. 15s. some few fine 81. More offered, but re- fused ; Bags 7l. to 7l. 7s. per Hundred. Upon the Whole, there was no great Spirit on either Side ; Merchants and Planters appeared indise- rently inclined for dealing. LONDON, Tuesday, Oct. 5. Quakers went in a
Body to Guildhall, and polled for the Aldermen Wilkes and Bull. A Correspondent, who is a real Friend to Li- berty, wishes that the Leaders among the Patriots would at once follow the Example of the Ministry, who, though like the Patriots, are disunited, yet they always join in any Opposition against the common Enemy, the Sons of Freedom. If Mr. Wilkes does not succeed in his present Endeavours, it is said that it will be the last Fa- vour he will ever solicit from the Livery of Lon- don. Those who seem to be acquainted with his Sentiments say he will, if he fails in his Election, embark for America. Yesterday upwards of 120
Liverymen, Mem- bers of the Lumber Troop, went in a Body to Guildhall, and gave their Votes for Mess. Wilkes and Bull. Lord North intends to produce a Plan at the Opening of the Parliament, for the better Regu- lation of the Laws concerning the Poor, which have been sound very burthensome on the major Part of the Inhabitants of this Kingdom, and very inadequate to the Purpose of removing Beggars from our Streets, or to affording the Distressed that Support they have a Right to expect from the immense Sums which are annually levied for their Use. The Vagant Act, it is well known, like many other Laws, defeats its own
Purposes by the Se- verity of its Penalties; by this cruel Act, all Per- sons wandering Abroad and begging, are to be deemed Rogues and Vagabonds, and punished with Whipping or Imprisonment; and not till after such Flagellation and Confinement can the Culprit be legally conveyed to his Settlement. Here is no Distinction made between the vilest Impostor and the most inoffensive accidentally distressed Traveller; the Magistrate, if he acts ac- cording to Law, is constrained, however widely Cases may differ, indiscriminately to punish before he can relieve .— A Circumstance which does very little Credit to our boasted System
of Laws. It is a pleasant Circumstance to have the first Honours and Dignities in this Country handed about from one to another; though indeed, says our Correspondent, the Seals seem to be lodged for the present, notwithstanding the Shoulders are not yet sound for flinging the vacant Ribbons upon, though repeatedly tendered by the Premier. A Correspondent assures us from respectable Authority, that all the old Silver will shortly be called in. The rigid Discipline observed with a certain Heir Apparent is very singular, for he is never permitted to quit the Presence of his Governor but under the greatest Restriction ; though the
Bi- shop of O —-— is granted every Indulgence, It may be relied upon as a Fact, that the King of Poland has written a Letter to his Majesty full of Acknowledgments for his repeated Efforts to restore Peace and Tranquility to his long dis- tracted Kingdom. It is now the current Report on the Continent, that the modern Alexander, in order the better to promote his Schemes, has proposed a new Wife to a certain Northern Potentate, which it is be- lieved will be accepted. It may be relied on that the Empress of Russia has, at last ( after refusing so many Offers) in- treated the Court of Great Britain to endeavour to bring about Peace
between her and the Grand Signior. A private Letter from Paris says, that the Phy- sicians have declared that the French King cannot survive but a few Weeks longer, and that an en- tire Change in the Ministers of that King will soon take Place. Extract of a Letter from Vienna, Sept. 18. " They write from Constantinople, that it is the general Opinion there, that Affairs cannot continue long in the present Situation ; that a Peace must be concluded soon, or a most terrible War will break out in Europe; and that they are afraid of the latter, as the greatest Prepara- tions are making to push on the War with Vi- gour. Within these two
Months 40,000 Recruits have been raised at Constantinople, besides those that have been raised in the other Parts of the Ottoman Empire. They add, that it is no longer a Secret that the Court of France has actually offered its Assistance to the Porte, insisting that the Terms of Peace proposed by Russia shall not be agreed to. As often as the Divan assem- bles, they have a Conference with the French Minister, which occasions Jealousies and Uneasi- ness among the other Ministers residing there." Extract of a Letter from Lisbon, Sept. 8. " By a Vessel, just arrived in the Tagus from Magadore, a Portuguese Settlement on the
Coast of Africa, we have Advice that the St. Antonio, a Portuguese Man of War, had been run away with, and the Captain and Crew murdered, in the following Manner : She had been on a Cruise, and, being soul, put into a small Cove on the Slave Coast, to careen. The Crew were ashore, during the Careen, and were over- powered and killed by the Natives, who launched the Vessel, and were seen in much Distress by a small English Ship that put in soon after at Magadore." A Letter from Warsaw says, " On the Day the Regicides suffered, Father L y openly de- clared, there were Reasons to believe that neither the King of
Poland nor the King of Portugal would due a natural Death : He is taken into Custody for his Freedom of Speech." Capt. Phipps and Lutwidge, in their Expedi- tion to the North Pole, only penetrated to 81. 29. when they sound the Ice so thick that they could not proceed any further. For 14 Days they were entirely surrounded, and began to think that their Situation was so thoroughly closed, that they must abandon their Ships; they therefore prepared to insormed that Government will not sit out any more Vessels on these Northern Expeditions. They write from Lisbon, that the most fatal Consequences are to be dreaded from the
Sup- pression of the Jesuits. It is assured there are above 7000 up in Arms in Portugal; all the Troops are in Motion as in the late Insurrection. The Emperor of Morocco, notwithstanding the Treaty which he pretended to conclude with the States. General last Year, has renewed his Attacks upon their Ships and Commerce. He has lately harrassed them at Larache, Gibraltar, Cadiz, and all along the Coast of Spain. To put a Stop to the further Insults of this piratical Monarch, the Dutch are sitting out a new Squadron sor the Protection of their Trade, Six Vessels, of 50 Guns each, are in Equipment, to be well com- pleted and
manned, in order to chastise these Bar- barians, and reduce them to Order. A certain young Nobleman, who is not long arrived at his Rank and sortune, being some Years ago at Lucca, a little Republic not above fifteen Miles in Length, on the Tuscan Sea, he happened, one Night as he was at the Opera, to have some Dispute with the Officer of the Guard, which occasioned his being put under an Arrest. The next Morning the Gonsalonier ( the Head of the Republic) hearing of his Rank and Family, took off the Arrest, but sent him Word " to quit the Dominions in two Days." The other re- ceived the Messenger with an affected
Politeness, and charged him ( in the same Strain) to thank his Master for so great an Indulgence " for ( con- tinues he) that will exactly suit me. I have an Affair of Gallantry with an Opera Girl, which will take me up within two Hours of the Time ; and these will be fully sufficient to prevent my trespassing on his Highness's Commands." We are informed, that a certain Clergyman, not one hundred Miles from L — th - ry, in Buck- inghamshire, happening to take a Ride on a Sunday this Harvest, and observing that a Far- mer of his Parish had a very good Crop of Wheat in Shocks, insisted on taking Tythe in Kind of them, though he
had gave the Farmer no previ- ous Notice for that Purpose. The Farmer not consenting, as taking Tythes in Kind was not customary in the whole Parish, this worthy Di- vine then had the Conscience to demand 16s. an Acre in Lieu of the Tythe ; however, 12s. an Acre the Farmer is obliged to pay him; and what is very remarkable, the Rent of the Field is not 15s. an Acre, and the last Incumbent never re- ceived above 2s. an Acre for Tythe. However incredible this may appear, it is a real Fact. As the several Articles of Life are at present rated, it appears, by a nice Calculation, that every Country Gentleman, who has an Income
of 1000l. a Year, pays no less than 350l. of it in Taxes and Excise. The weekly Consumption of Flour within the Bills of Mortality is supposed to be from 2000 to 2500 Sacks. On the 23d of September last was sold, at Al- trincham, the perpetual Advowson of the Rectory of Cheadle, in Cheshire, ( now for Life in the Possession of the Rev. Mr. Boardman, aged 75) for 5,6601. Mr. Buck of Crow's Nest, near Wakefield, was the Purchaser of the Rectory, which is now less at 401l. per Annum. This Morning about six o'Clock, the Purser of the Hector East- Indiaman, Capt. Williams, from Bengal, came to the East- India House, with the
News of the above Ship's being safe arrived in the Downs. She left no Ship at St. Helena. On Sunday Morning, about One o'Clock, three Fellows attempted to break into the Hen- Roost of Farmer Steward, at Old Windsor; but the Fa- mily, which consists of himself, Wife, and a Maid- Servant only, being alarmed, he got out of Bed, took a loaded Gun, and went to the Place ; on his appearing, they threatened his Life with the most dreadful Imprecations, and threw many Stones and Brickbats at him. He expostulated with them for some Minutes ; at last, one more daring than the rest, came close up to him, and swore he would
knock his Brains out; on which the Farmer fired, and shot the Man dead. His Companions attempted to take off the Body, but were prevented by some of the Neighbours com- ing to the Place. The Deceased was a Bargeman at New Windsor, and has left a Wife and three small Children. The same Day the Coroner's Inquest sat on the Body, and brought in their Verdict, Self- Defence ; on which the Farmer was immediately admitted to Bail. The following is an Extract of a Letter from Redburn in Hertfordshire : " We have had a most amazing Crop of Wheat, yet the Price ad- vances every Day. We now give Eighteen- pence for
the Half- peck Loaf. It is a melan- choly Thing to think that the more abundant the Bounties of Providence are, the dearer we pay for all Kinds of Provisions." Last Month the Society at the Thatched House discharged 47 Debtors, chiefly Manufacturers, Seamen, and Labourers, who had 27 Wives, with 65 Children, from the several Prisons of this Metropolis. The celebrated Miss Catley, we hear, has cleared 1100l. in Dublin within three Months. On Sunday in the Afternoon a Fire broke out at a Baker's, in Charles- Street, near the Mid- dlesex Hospital, which consumed the Inside of the same. Last Night, a little before Eleven
o'Clock, a dreadful Fire broke out at the Cooperage of Mr. Watts, in Thames- Street, which entirely con- sumed the same, and damaged the adjacent House. Luckily no Lives were lost. This is the second Time the above has been destroyed within these three Years. The Damage is estimated at about 6000l. On Friday a young Woman in Oxford- Street, who had lain in but a few Days, in the Absence of the Woman who nursed her, murdered her In- fant, and afterwards cut her own Throat in so terrible a Manner that she expired in less than a Quarter of an Hour. On Friday Night a Tradesman, just arrived in Town from Worcester,
was enticed into a House On an oval Tablet on the Front of the Sa phagus of General Wolfe's Monument in W minster Abbey, just opened, is the following Inscription : " To the Memory of James Wolfe, Esq; Ma General and Commander in Chief of the Bri Land Forces on the Expedition against Queb who, surmounting by Ability and Valour all Obstacles of Art and Nature, was stain in the Moment of Victory, at the Head of his conquering Tro on the 13th of September, 1759 ; the K and the Parliament of Great Britain dedicate Monument." Saturday Morning a Duel was fought in a Fi behind the Museum between J — S — Barrister
at Law, and Mr B ks. jun. of C- Street, when the former had the Misfortune to shot in his Right Arm. The Challenge was given by the former for the latter refusing to admi Lady up to Mr. S n's Apartments, Mr. S- being a Lodger to Mr. B Price of CORN per Wheat 48s. to 54s. Oats 18s. to 23s. 6d. Rye 24s. to 26s. Barley 29s. to 31s. od. Bank Stock, shut. - ks. Quater, at London. Pease 30s. to 34s. Beans 23s. to 31s. Hog Pease 29s. to Finest Flour 485. a Sal India ditto, 15 1/ 4. South Sea ditto, —. Old Annuities, shut." New An- nuities. 85. Three per Cent. Bank reduced, shut Ditto Consol. 87 3/ 8 a 1/ 2. Ditto 1726, —. Di 1751,—.
Ditto India Annuities, shut. Th 1 - half per Cent. Ann. 88 3/ 8 a 1/ 2. Four per Cent Cons. shut. India Bonds, 15a16 prem. N and Victualling Bills, 1 5/ 8 Disc. Promoted] The Rev. Mr. Stoddart, of Cheltert to the Living of Brampton, in Cumberland; Rev. Mr. Edwards, to the Living of Tilston, Cheshire, void by the Death of Mr. Richardson. Married] Mr. William Covell, of Hoxton, to Dalton, Daughter of the Rev. Mr. Dalton, of St more. Mr. Edward Rutts, of Mile- End, to Gyfford, of the same Place. Thomas Salkeld, of Woodbridge, in Suffolk, to Miss Guichinet, Chelsea. John Carter, Esq; to Miss Ann Pow of Houndsditch. Died] At
Bleddirsgton, in Gloucestershire, Rev. John Peglar, A. M. Chaplain of Christ Church and late Fellow of Pembroke College, Oxford. Woodford, Philip Sadler, Esq. At Knightsbrid Wm. Holbeck, Esq. Thomas Herrick, Esq; Equerry to the late Duke of Cumberland. At Wag- gan, Roger Holt, Esq; in the Commission of Peace for Lancashire. In Southampton- Building Dr. Richard Lambley, Chaplain to the Archbishop of York. At Newington Butts, Rich. Cheslyn, BANKRUPTS required to surrender. Susannah Tilecote, of Market Bosworth, Lei- tershire, Mercer. John Fowler, of Ipswich, folk, Merchant. James Wyllie and John Dry, Exeter street, Middlesex, Carpenters. John Gr- away, of Newington, in Surry, Rider. Abraham Hart, of London, Broker. Edward Beck and John Drew, of Effex, Callico Printers. jolm Steve of Surry, Malt- Distiller. Christopher Ackroyd York, Money Scrivenor, DIVIDENDS to be made to Creditors. Oct. 26. Joseph Mendes and Edward Cook Middlesex, Wine Merchants. Nov. 5. ja Browne, of Middlesex, Upholsterer. Oct. Francis Butty and Nicholas Barnabas Dumee Middlesex, Goldsmiths. 25. Wm. Redwood, Middlesex, Baker. Nov. 13. Robert Maddock Chester, Linen draper. Nov. 6. Robert Willam- son, of Middlesex, Weaver. Oct. 29. Tho.
of Leicester, Silversmith. Nov. 1. R. Chefshire of Liverpool, Druggist. WORCESTER, Thursday, October 7. At our Market, last Saturday, 313 Pocket Hops were sold ; and the different Prices were follow, viz. New, 61. 81. to 9l. per Cwt; 7l. 81. to 9l. On Thursday last Ann Eginton, Widow, committed to our City Gaol, on a strong Su cion of stealing some Irish Cloth Sheets and o Things, the Property of a Family where she been employed in washing. On searching House the above Things were found, as al large Quantity of Bacon, several Cheeses, Butter, and various other Articles, supposed belong to other Families where she
had occa- sionally been employed ; so that she seems to been as industrious in her Way of Trade, a noted Sarah Clymer was in her Profession. And on Tuesday last James Evans was com- mitted to the said Gaol, on Suspicion of stealing a Tub of Butter, the Property of Mr. Prodg Butcher, in this City. Last Night was committed to our Country Bridewell, for further Examination, Tho Hundey, the Younger, he being charged on Oath of Esther Davis, Widow,( a Milk- Won of New Town, near this City) on a strong Suspi- cion of breaking and entering into her Dwelling House, between the Hours of Eleven and Twelve on Tuesday
Night last, and stealing from the some Gold and Silver Coin, and some Halfpenny to the Amount in the Whole of about Five Pounds the greatest Part of which was sound upon when he was taken, and some of the Pieces. sworn to. This Money being the Whole the poor Woman's Capital, renders it a very tressful Circumstance to her, especially as it put by in order to discharge what she owed the Produce of the Cows she milked. Last Sunday Morning the Body of a Lad ( accidentally sell from a Vessel into our about a Fortnight ago) was found by the Side, opposite the Water Works. Yesterday one Chamberlain, a Mason, had
Misfortune of falling from a Scaffold in the N Street, and being most terribly bruised, & c. immediately received into our Infirmary. " On Saturday last was married at Spetch near this City, John Berkeley, Esq; to Compton, Daughter of the late Sir William Compton, Bart. On Thursday last was married, at the Qua Meeting, at Upper Eatington, in the County Warwick, Mr. Richard Lowe, Glover, of City, to Miss Sally Bevington, Daughter of Jeffery Bevington, of Eatington aforesaid ; amiable young Lady, and who will be possessed a large Fortune. Abstracts from the Highway and Turn 1773. 1774. October - - - 13 January - - - 5 - - - -
17 - - - - 19 Ñov ember 10 February - - 2 - - - - - - 24 - - - 16 December - - 8 March 2 22 16
To THE PRINTER. THE Minister are at their Wit's End about their favourite Scheme in Ireland. They cannot persuade the Irish Nation, that an Union, with Great in will be for their Good and Service. A Ge- neral Land- Tax, to which they have the greatest sion, stares then: in the Face, and deters them m all Thoughts of such a Junction. Besides, the nistry have brought their Plan of Union upon Carpet at a very untoward Time ; for the Ex- chequer is so confounded low, that there is not sufficient left to bribe the leading Men in that kingdom; and without Bribery the Ministry have Power or Interest to carry and bring about any latter,
either here or there. All their Influence in the Treasury ; shut up the Door of it, and Minister's mercenary Troops would immediately n in an Impeachment of him. Titles of Honour ll, no Doubt, be profusely offered upon this Oc- casion to the Irish, and they may operate upon a w. But ministerial Promises will not pass current Ireland, they are too light and deficient in Weight; nothing but Sterling Gold will go there. this Part the Minister's Shoe pinches, he is Want of Money , and it would be well for Eng- land, as well as Ireland, was he to continue in such ant till after the next General Erection. We ight then, perhaps, have an honest
Parliament, and at would soon redress all the Grievances of this unhappy Nation, and probably bring some Heads the Block. It is a melancholy Consideration, at the Prosperity of the People can only be hoped r from the Poverty of the Crown. And, yet it undeniable, that the Miseries of the People slow om those very Riches which they raise for their own Service and Benefit. From whence we may con- clude, that those who ought to redress the Grievances the Nation, are the Cause of them. And how etched must the State of that Patient be, who hath Reason to apprehend more Danger from his Doctor an the Disease ?
MARCUS. To the PR INTER. AS a universal Bankruptcy is likely to take Place, and as all our News- papers are crouded th Advertisements of Sales by Auction of the oods of those who have become insolvent, I am Opinion that the best Trade stirring is that of Auctioneer ; I am therefore determined to enter to that Branch of Business. It requires no other capital than a tolerable Share of Impudence, a Vo- bility or Fluency of Speech, and good hearty ings; all of which I thank my Stars I am pos- sessed of. But there is one Particular which almost ters me from engaging in that lucrative Business; am sensible of my Inability in
drawing up an Ad- vertisement. Your Langfords and your Christies e so very excellent in that Department, that a ain Matter- of- fact Advertisement, without the figures of Rhetoric, and other Embellishments, which they so lavishly display in their Compositions totally overlooked, or disregarded. Mr. Christie elegantly sets forth, that he has a at to dispose of " desirably situated on the Sum- t of Barham Downs; a Spot singularly happy, and Sea and the adjacent Vales seem Objects fortu- nately placed to amuse the Mind and delight the e , from Nature's abundant Hand skilfully touched Art." What Elegance! what Taste! what
Diction!-— nvy him every Syllable, Sir .— O the incompara- christie ! He next informs you that he has to dispose of the ate of Elias Breton, Esq; " singular for its Si- tuation, Elegance, and Taste, possessing all the Ad- vantages that Land, finely disposed, wooded and tered, can be productive of; the Soil exuberant, Canals and Rivers prolific, and beautiful Nature ears conspicuous in the elegant Simplicity of the rmation of this desired Seat." There is something so strikingly beautiful and gant in this Description, that I almost despair of success, should I attempt to oppose such an exalted nius. The Word prolific conveys such an
exten- sive Idea, that I would willingly give an hundred Guineas for an exclusive Right to use it upon all Occasions. should, however, be glad of your Opinion, Sir, the following Advertisement; it is of the first e by Auction that I have had the Honour to be employed in. To be sold by Auction, on Monday next, All at fine Erection and Mansion, with the elegant, estimable Houshold Furniture of Simon Whereas, ; in Threadneedle- Street, consisting of somnific prolific Feather Beds, Couches of Dalliance upon ew Construction, amorous Arm Chairs, formed on the Haddoconian Plan, a Bidet executed from Model of Lady H n's, a Gridiron
made from Swedish Iron before the present King ascended regal Throne, and robbed his Subjects of that estimable Diamond, Liberty; the Use of this cu- ry Utensil is " conspicuous in the elegant Sim- plicity of this desired Implement. The Environs of this delightful Spot are happily variegated and rendered inexpressibly grateful to the Eye, Ear, and Nose, by the Vicinage of a Tallow- chandler, a Soap- boiler, a Cheese- monger, and a Copper- smith. The Garden before the House is elegantly laid out from a Design of Linnaus, and consists of two Chamber Utensils, filled with the richest Compost, and daily fertilized by a fine Fall of
Water, gently murmuring in a Streamlet from the Hands of a female Domestic, which serves as an Euphrates, to wash this Garden of Eden, and surrender it truly prolific; insomuch that the Thyme and Parsley spring forth abundantly." Your Opinion of this first Attempt of mine will ge, Your's, & c. PUFF. The ENGLISH COFFEE, imposed entirely of English Herbs, Roots, Barks, instants, & c. and Variety of Balsamic Productions. TO be drank for Breakfast and in the Evening in common, as Tea or common coffee. It is inconceiveable how soft, smooth, and raising it is. It not only serves for Drink, but is Parishing ( as Food) to the
most weak and delicate Institutions. This COFFEE is beyond Parallel for following Complaints, viz. Colds, Cough, Asthmas, sumptions, Shortness of Breath, Faintness, Tremblings, diness, Reachings, Appetite gone, and all Kinds of pneumatic and Nervous Disorders, from what Cause over they proceed. In many Parts Abroad the ability, Gentry, and others, make constant Use of The most eminent of the Faculty declare most nervous Disorder spring from the frequent drinking India Tea, which they call gradual Poison. Price Two Shillings and Six- pence a Canister which is cheaper than other Coffee, or common India Tea) with
printed Directions for using it. old only at Berrow's Printing Office in Worcester and by the Worcester Newsmen. In a few Days will be published, TWO NEW EDITIONS, of SHAKESPEARE, viz. 1. The WORKS of SHAKESPEARE, collated with the oldest Copies, and corrected; with Notes, ex- planatory and critical. By M. THEOBALD. Printed verbatim from the Octavo Edition, in eight Volumes, Duodecimo, containing thirty- six Plays, adorned with the Author's Head, and thirty- six Copper Plates, designed by Gravelot, and engraved by Vandergucht. Price 1l. 8s. bound. II. The PLAYS of WILLIAM SHAKE- SPEARE. With the
Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators. To which are added, NOTES by SAMUEL JOHNSON and GEORGE STEVENS. With an Appendix, containing Notes from the late Oxford Edition in Quarto, and others of Dr. Percy, Mr. Warton, Sir John Hawkins, & c. & c. & c. as also a Letter from Mr. FARMER ( of Emanuel College, Cambridge, Author of the Essay on the Learning of Shakespeare) to Mr. Stevens, with many curious Remarks on this favourite Poet. In 10 Vols. 8vo. Price 3l. neatly bound. London, printed for C. Bathurst, J. Beecrost, W. Strahan, J. and F. Rivington, J. Hinton, L. Davis, Hawes, Clarke, and
Collins, R. Horsfield, W. John- ston, W. Owen, T. Cafion, E. Johnson, S. Crowder, B. White, T. Longman, B. Law, E. and C. Dilly, C. Colbett, W. Griffin, T. Cadell, W. Woodfall, G. Keith, R. Baldwin, T. Lowndes, T. Davies, J. Robson, T. Becket, F. Newbery, G. Robinson, T. Payne, J. Williams, M. Hingeston, and J. Ridley. Where also may be had, III. Mr. WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE his Co- medies, Histories, and Tragedies, set out by himself in Quarto, or by the Players, his Fellows, in Folio, and now faithfully republished from these Editions, with an Introduction. By EDWARD CAPELL, Esq. Beautifully and accurately printed on
fine Paper, by DRYDEN LEACH. IN 10 Vols. Crown 8vo, Price 2l. 2s. neatly bound. IV. The Works of Shakespeare, with a Glossary, carefully printed from the Oxford Edition in 4to, 1744. In 9 small Vols. Price 16s. bound. By the KING'S Royal Licence and Authority. AN ENTIRE NEW WORK. This Day is published. Price Six- pence, Elegantly printed on an excellent new Letter and fine Paper, embellished with a curious Frontispiece, drawn by Wale, and engraved by Grignion; also a large and beautiful View of Chatsworth House, in Derbyshire, the Seat of his Grace the Duke of Devonshire : The Whole to be compleated in sixty
Numbers, making an elegant Volume in Folio, and embellished with upwards of sixty Copper Plates, engraved by Grignion, Walker, Rennoldson, and other eminent Masters, from the Drawings of the ingenious Mr. Wale, and other cele- brated Artists, Number I. ( to be continued weekly) of THE Complete English Traveller ; or, A new SURVEY and DESCRIPTION of ENGLAND and WALES: Containing a full Ac- count of whatever is curious and entertaining in the several Counties of England and Wales, the Isles of Man, Jersey, Guernsey, and other Islands adjoin- ing to, and dependent on the Crown of Great Britain. Under the
following Heads, viz. 1. The antient and present State of each County with Respect to Agriculture, Manufactures, Trade, and Commerce, & c. 2. Account of the Air, Soil, Rivers, Lakes, and Mineral Waters, 3. A parti- cular Description of all that is curious in the Cities, Corporations, Towns and Villages, with the various Fairs, Markets, and Distances from London. 4. Ac- count of the Cathedrals, Collegiate and Parish Churches, together with the Remains of Abbies, Priories, Nunneries, and other religious Houses. 5. Description of the Palaces, Houses, Gardens, and Parks, belonging to several of the Nobility, Gentry, & c. 6. Account
of all the remarkable Battles, Sieges, Castles and Forts, whether Roman, Saxon, Danish, or Norman. 7. Account of the ancient Monuments, with the Reasons for which they were first erected. 8. Descriptions of every natural Curiosity, whether Mines, Rocks, Caves, Caverns, Grottos, or Fossils. 9. Abstract of the Lives of such Persons as have done Honour to the Counties where they were born, whether Kings, Princes, Peers, Generals, Admirals, Divines, Law- yers, Physicians, Philosophers, Poets, Historians,& c. To which will be added, A concise and accurate Description of that Part of GREAT BRITAIN called SCOTLAND; its
an- cient and present State, Antiquities, and natural Curiosities; together with the Manners and Cus- toms of the Inhabitants, & c. To Foreign Climes no Briton need to roam; The World of Wonders may be found at Home. By NATHANIEL SPENCER, Esq. London, printed for J. Cooke, at Shakespear's Head, in Pater- noster Row; and sold by all Book- sellers and News- carriers in Great Britain and Ireland. A List of Part of the beautiful Copper Plates ( en- graved by Grignion, Walker, Rennoldson, and others) which will be given, among Variety of others, in the Course of this Work. Separate perspective Views of the principal
Cities and Towns in Great Britain; among which are the following: Oxford, Chichester, Liverpool, New- castle, Scarborough, Colchester, Part , of Norwich, with the Castle; Chester, Edinburgh, Durham, Bath, Aberdeen, Gloucester, Exeter, Glasgow, Shrews- bury, Canterbury, Bristol, Salisbury, Lincoln, Lon- don, Worcester, Leicester, & c. Perspective Views of Chatsworth House; All Souls and other Colleges in Oxford ; Dudley Castle, Staf- fordshire; Windfor Castle ; Battle Abby; Hampton Court; various Views in Cambridge ; the petrifying Well, and Knaresborough Castle in Yorkshire; St. Edmund's Bury, in Suffolk ; the
Archbishop's Pa- lace, Lambeth; Castle Howard, in Yorkshire; St. Paul's Cathedral, Westminster Abby, & c. Prospect of Glastonbury Abby; View of Eton College; South View of Stone Henge; Wentworth House, in Yorkshire ; the Town of St. Hilary in Jersey ; large Map of Great Britain; Wanstead House; the Temple of Piety in Yorkshire; the Earl of Westmoreland's Seat, in Kent; Carnarvon Cas- tle ; a new Map of England ; Cataract on the River Tees; Curiosities of the Peak in Derbyshire ; Dun- stable Priory, in Bedfordshire; Cascade near Mat- lock Bath; Human Sacrifices made by the Druids; new Map of that Part of Great
Britain called Scot- land; a beautiful View in Newstead Park: Mount Grace, formerly a Carthusian Monastery, in York- shire, & c. & c. In the first Number will be given a promissory Note from the Publisher, to deliver the Overplus gratis, if it should exceed the sixty Numbers proposed; and in the last Number a List of such Subscribers as chuse to have their Names appear to this Work, shall be printed, and delivered gratis. A WORK on a Plan ENTIRELY New. This Day is published, Price ONLY Six- pence, 3 ( Elegantly printed on a new letter and fine Paper, adorned with a curious Frontispiece, beautifully en- graved from an
original Drawing, by a capital Mas- ter; the Whole to be compleated in fifty Numbers only, or the Overplus given gratis ; every Number to be adorned with a most beautiful Copper Plate, finely engraved by the best Artists) NUMBER I. ( to be continued Weekly till the Whole is compleated) Of THE NEWGATE CALENDAR; or, MALEFACTORS Bloody Register. Containing genuine and circumstantial Accounts of the Lives and Transactions, various Exploits, and Dying Speeches, of the most notorious Crimi- nals of both Sexes, who have suffered Death, and other Punishments, in Great Britain and Ireland, from the Year 1700 to the
present Time, for High Treason, Petty Treason, Murder, Sodomy, Piracy, Felony, Highway Robberies, Forgery, Rapes. Bi- gamy, Burglaries, & c. and various other Crimes and Misdemeanors; wherein will be fully displayed the regular Progress from Virtue to Vice, inter- spersed with striking Reflections on the Conduct of those unhappy Wretches who have fallen a Sacrifice to the injured Laws of their Country. The Whole tending to guard young Minds from the Allurements of Vice, and the Paths that lead to Destruction. London, printed for J. Cooke, at Shakespear's Head, in Pater- noster Row ; and sold by all Book- sellers and
News- carriers in Great Britain and Ireland. In the first Number will be given a promis- sory Note from the Publisher to deliver the Overplus gratis, if the Work should exceed the fifty Num- bers proposed : And in the last Number a List of such Subscribers as chuse to have their Names appear to this Work, shall be printed and delivered gratis. A List of Part of the Copper Plates which will be given ( among great Variety of others) in this Work. MUNGO CAMPBELL shooting Lord Eglington. Woodburn attempting to murder Mr. Crisp in St. Edmund's Bury Church Yard. Margaret Dickson arising from her Coffin near Edinburgh. Nicol
Brown burning his Wife to Death. Mac Naughton shoot- ing Miss Cox near Lifford in Ireland. The Rev. Mr. Hunter murdering his Pupils near Edinburgh Castle. George Price strangling his Wife with the Thong of a Whip on Hounslow Heath. Captain Porteous hung by the Mob at Edinburgh. Eliza- beth Chivers drowning her Bastard Child in a Pond near Hackney. Richard Noble stabbing J. Sayer, Esq. The Smugglers whipping Richard Hawkins to Death. Counsellor Layer making his Escape from the Messenger's Window. Matthew Clark cutting the Throat of his Sweetheart, while he pretended to salute her. Williamson's Cruelty to
to his Wife. Aram and Houseman having mur- dered Mr. Clark, buries him at St. Robert's Cave. William Spiggot, under Pressure in Newgate for not pleading to his Indictment. Rabby cutting off a Lady's Finger, in the St. Alban's Stage, on Finch- ley Common. Dr. Cameron drawn on a Sledge to Tyburn. Brian Seymour, in a Shroud, walking through Edinburgh to the Place of Execution. De Rosa and Emanuel murdering Mr. Fargues by the Barking Dogs, near Hoxton. James Hall murder- ing Mr. Penny in Clement's Inn. The common Hangman, assisted by four Chimney- sweepers, exe- cuting Norman Ross near Edinburgh.
Stephen Gardener, in his Shroud, exhorting the Spectators at Tyburn. Representation of the Transports go- ing from Newgate to Le put on board a Lighter at Black- Friars, & c. By Authority of the King's Royal Patent, Granted to THOMAS JACKSON, his Heirs, & c. at their wholesale Warehouse, No. 95, Fleet- Market, London ; where Country Dealers may be supplied with the following MEDICINES, and good Allowance to sell again. 1. JACKSON's TINCTURE for the Rheuma- tism, Gravel, Stone, Cholic, or Griping of the Bowels, or any such like windy Disorders; it not only gives present Ease, but if continued talking, one Bottle
or two will entirely remove and destroy the Cause; and is insallible in Disorders of the Fair Sex, either Young or Old ( it is far superior to any Medicine extant). Likewise Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Strains, old Ulcers, or Swellings of any Kind, especially White Swellings it cures to Admiration. Price 1s. the Bottle. 2. SOUIRE'S GRAND ELIXIR, which has for more than sixty Years, with uncommon Success, been given in all Fluxes, spitting of Blood, Consumptions, Agues, Small- Pox, Measles, Colds, Coughs, and Pains in the Limbs and Joints; they put off the most violent Fevers, even in the worst Cases, and with more Ease and
Safety than any Me- dicine ever yet discovered. Price 1s. 3d. the Bottle. 3. The only true BRITISH POWDER for the Teeth and Gums. Its Virtues are as follow; viz, it cleanses the Teeth and Gums of all scorbutic Humours, which always attend them when foul. It brings the Gums to fill up the proper Places and Channels which the Scurvy hath eaten away. It causes a sweet and pleasant ( Breath immediately after Application. It refines the Palate, and preserves a pleasant Taste in the Mouth. It prevents all the Teeth that are found entire, and those that are decayed from grow- ing worse. It will always prevent their aching after this
Appication. It makes them as beautiful and white as the whitest Ivory. It always keeps the Mouth free from Can- kers, and all other hot and dangerous Humours .— Price 1s. the Box. 4. The famous PATENT OINTMENT for the ITCH, which effectually cures that Distemper at one Dressing, without the least Danger ; it entirely cleanses the Body from all Spots, Blotches, scurvical ltchings, or Breakings- out whatsoever, as Thousands, to their great Joy, have happily experienced ; and is allowed to be one of the safest and best Remedies for that Distemper ever found out, and never known to fail. It does not stain the finest Linen,
but has a delight- ful Smell, and makes the Skin extremely smooth and soft; and for its Safety may be applied to a fucking Child. Price is. 6d. the Box; one Box being sufficient to cure a grown Person, and, divided, is a Cure for two Children.— Despair not, for it has never been known to fail. Mr. Jackson begs Leave to inform the Public, that Tur- lington's Original Balsam of Life, it prepared and sold by him, at his Medicinal Warehouse, No. 95, in Fleet- Market, London ; or by those be appoints in Country Towns to vend the same. Price 3s. 6d. the Bottle, or a smaller Size at 1s 9d. Mr. Robert Turlington being deceased, whose
Patent ex- pired several Years before him, Mr. Jacsson, who is become lawfully possessed of the original Recipe, informs the Public, that they may not be at a Loss for so valuable a Medicine, that all Captains of Ships and Country Dealers may be supplied with good Allowance to sell again. Sold only in Worcester by Mr. Lewis and Mr Gamidge, Booksellers. Where also may be had, By Virtue of the KING's Royal Patent, Hatfield's Tincture ; Dr. Hooper's Female Pills; True and Genuine British Oil; Dr. Stoughton's Great Stomachic Elixir; Dr. Anderson's, or, the True Scots Pills; Dr Godfrey's Cordial; the Original Diffy's Elixir ; Dr.
Bostock's Cordial; Dr. Radcliff's Purging Elixir; Dr. Bateman's Pectoral Drops. N. B. The above Medicines are sold by one creditable Shopkeeper in every City and Town in Market Great Britain. Another extraordinary CURE performed by that celebrated Preparation, Dr. SMITH'S RESTORATIVE MEDICINE. The Case of LEWIS HATFIELD, Esq. SIR. IThink I should be undeserving of the Benefit I have re- ceived, and greatly deficient in Gratitude to you, if I omitted informing you that I am recovered from a deplorable State of Body, by taking your Restorative Medicine. I laboured for many Years under a universal Relaxation and
Complication of Disorders, occasioned, I am well assured, by juvenile Inprudence, for which I took innumerable Medicines, but to no Manner of Effect. Relating my unhappy Case to a Gentleman, be advised me to take your Medicine: He sold a Friend of his had been cured by it; on which I began to take it, and, by continuing some Time, am restored to perfect Health. I am, Sir, With the greatest Respect, your very obliged humble Servant, York, March 31, 1773. LEWIS HATFIELD. In the Course of many Years Practice, innumerable Instances have indisputably proved the strengthening and cordial Effects of this Medicine in all
Weaknesses, Debili- ties, & c, whether natural or acquired by that heinous Vice Self- pollution, too early or excessive Venery, Mercurial Courses. and Nervous Complaints in general; also those secret Infirmities that attack Persons advancing in Years are by it removed ; and the natural Powers of the whole vital System are nourished, comforted, and prolonged. The causes of Impotency in one Sex, and Barrenness in the other, have been eradicated by this Medicine. The great BOERHAAVE says, From an ill- cured POX, and imprudent Venery, arise Pains in the Head or Limbs, Eruptions, Gleets, Weakness of the whole Frame,
Dimness of Sight, with a Tribe of Nervous Complaints, which generally terminate in a Consumption." Foe a full Account read the Doctor's New Treatise, just published, Price is 6d the 8th Edition. The RESTORATIVE is to be had in Bottles at 10s. 6d. with full Directions, of H. Berrow, Printer of this Paper, in Worcester ; and of the Doctor, in George street, York- buildings, in the Strand, London, who may be consulted personally, or by Letter, Post paid. Dr. Walker's Patent Jesuits Drops, And SPECIFIC PURGING REMEDY. All Persons unhappily affected with the VENEREAL DISEASE, are earnestly requested to read the
following Ad- vertisement with the most serious Attention. WHEREAS there are numberless Quack Medicines, such as Pills, Electuaries, & c. advertised for the Cure of the above Disorder, all of which chiefly consist of Mercurials, the taking of which is sure to be attended with the most dreadful Consequences to the unhappy Patients, we beg Leave to inform the Afflicted, that Dr. WALKER'S Genuine, True, and Original, Patent Jesuits Drops, and his Specific Purging Remedy ( in which there is not the least Particle of Mercury, as may be seen by any one who chuses to examine our Patent) are sold at our Warehouse, No 45, the
Corner of FleetLane, Old- Bailey, London, and ( by special Appointment of the Patentees) are likewise sold by H. Berrow, Printer of this Journal. The Drops in Bottles at as. 6d. and the Specific Purging Remedy in Pots at 2s. 6d. each. With every Bottle is given the fullest Directions how every Patient may cure himself, without the Knowledge even of a Bedfellow. The many Thousands who have experienced the happy and quick Effects 0f these invaluable Medicines, are the most convincing Proofs that they are the most certain, plesant, safe, and immediate Cure ever discovered, so Gleets and Seminal Weaknesses, which both
Sexes are sub- ject to, though ever so obstinate and long standing, or by whatsoever Means occasioned ; and for the VENEREALDIS- EASE, from its slightest to its most malignant Symptoms ; and likewise for the Gravel, Stone in the Bladder, and all Scorbutic cases, And the Proprietors beg Leave to observe farther, that when their surprising and quick Efficacy is considered, they are the cheapest Remedy ever offered 0 the Public. BEAUME DE VIE. By the KING'S Patent. THE great Number of extraordinary Cures daily performed by this most efficacious Medicine, Accounts of which are sent from all parts of the British
Dominions. render it unnecessary to lavish Encomiums on its salutary Effects; suffice it therefore to say, that the Beaume, by its cordial, attenuating, and detergent Powers, fortifies the Stomach and Bowels, and, by procuring a good Digestions, purifies the Blood and Juices, and gives Vigour to the whole Constitution . To these Qualities the FACULTY attribute its having proved so eminently serviceable in Gouty, Rheu- matic, Scorbutic, Languid, Nervous, and Hypochondriao cases: And hence, also, they account for its being so par- ticularly beneficial in Female Disorders. by To prevent Counterseits the Bottles are each signed
W. NICOLL, T. BECKET, ( Vender.) ( a Proprietor.) This most admirable Family Medicine ( by Appointment of the Proprietors) is sold by W. Nicoll, No. 51, in St. Paul's Church Yard, London, at 3s the Bottle; with good Allowance for charitable Uses , or to sell again ; and by Mr Aris, in Bir- mingham; Mr Raikes, in Gloucester; Mr. Pugh, in Here- ford; Mr. Jackson, in Oxford ; Mr Taylor, in Stafford ; Mr. Haslewood, in Bridgnorth ; Mr Holdier in Cirencester ; Mr. Jopson, in Coventry; Mr Clarke, in Ludlow ; Mr. Eddowes, in Salop ; Mr. West, in Stourbridge ; Mr. Keating, in Warwick ; Mr. Keating, in Stratford; and by H. Bor- row , Printer,
in Worcester. Of whom may be had, A Narrative of many extraordinary and well- attested Cures wrought by the Baume de Vie. A CASE. However disagreeable it may be to the Pro- prietors of the BEAUME DE VIE, to adopt a Measure they had resolved against, they cannot resist the Solicitations of many Correspondents, who complain of their not publish- ing the cases transmitted to them, and thereby preventing many an unhappy Object, labouring under similar Circum- stances, from receiving equal Benefit. Actuated by Mo- tives of Humanity, and an earnest Wish to contribute to the Assistance of their suffering Fellow creatures, the Pro- prietors will occasionally publish some 0f the extraordinary Cures performed by the BEAUME : The Satisfaction arising fron the Relief of an Individual in Distress being more than a Compensation for the Censures they may incure from the Prejudiced and Interested. CASE. A. G. Esq; of a gross, corpulent Habit, hid been several Years so afflicted with ulcerated Legs, that he could not walk : The sedentary Life he led, and two Sali- vations, had reduced him so low, that he was confined t0 his Chamber, with both Legs supported on a Stool ; and, to add to his Misery, was constantly tormented with the Gout. A
Friend, who was Eye- witness t0 the good Effects of the BEAUME DE VIE, in the case of Mr. S. *, which he thought similar, strongly recommended it t0 him: He, for a long Time, declined it, from a Dislike to advertised Medicines; but his case growing daily worse, he at last ventured. The good Effects were almost instantaneous: Sleep, which for a long Time had forsaken him, was re- stored: His Appetite, which had been quite palled, re- turned, and his Digestion was good. In six Week his Gout left him, and in two more the Ulcers, which, during the Course, were dressed with a Dossel of Lint dipped in the Beaume ( over Which
was laid a Pledget of common Cerase) were perfectly cicatrised. It is nine Months since the Cure was compleated, and he can walk eight or ten Miles at a Time. He has not had the least Return of any Com- plaint , except once that he was threatened with an Attack of the Gout, but which yielded to a few Spoonfuls 0f the Beaume . Any candid Enquirer, by applying to the Ven- der, Mr. Nicholl, in St, Paul's Church Yard, London, will he further satisfied with Respect to the Authenticity of the above Facts, Vide Narrative of Cases. W ORCESTER