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The Marlborough Journal


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The Marlborough Journal

Date of Article: 02/10/1773
Printer / Publisher: E. Harold 
Address: Marlborough
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 132
No Pages: 4
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Vol. III. SA T U R D A Y, October 2, 1773. Numb. 132. MONDAY'S POST. From the LONDON GAZETTE. Petersburgh, August 31. THIS day about noon died here Count Peter Czer- nichew, elder brother to the two Counts ot that name, and who re- sided many years in England as Ambassador from this Court. Brussels, Sept. 17. On Tuesday last died at Antwerp, universally regretted, Prince Maximi- lian de Salm Salm, Knight of the Golden Fleece, and a Lieutenant- General in the Imperial service. Arrived a Mail from Holland. Cleves, Sept. 21. The Council of Regency in this city have published a placart here, and throughout the whole dutchy, dated the 16th of this month, the tenor of which is as follows : " WE, Frederick, by the Grace of God, King of Prussia, to all and every one of our well- beloved and faithful subjects, greeting. Although you are already informed that you cannot cir- culate any Bulls or Briefs from the Pope without having received our approbation concerning them, we do not in the least doubt that you will conform to that general order, in case that the Pope's Bull for the suppression of the Society ot Jesuits should be brought to the Tribunal of your jurisdiction. Wherefore we have judged it necessary to remind you against it: and as under the date from Berlin of the 6th of this month we have resolved for reasons which move us thereto, that this annihilia- tion of the Society of Jesuits lately promulged, should not be published in our dominions ; we graciously order you to take within your jurisdic- iton the necessary measures for the suppression of the said Bull from the Pope, for which purpose you will immediately, 0n receipt of the present, espressly forbid in our name, under penalty of being severely punished, all Eccletiasticks of the Roman Catholic religion, dwelling within your jurisdiction, to publish the said Pope's Bull, which " annihilates the Society of Jesuits. We enjoin you to see this order striftly put in execution, and to give us immediate notice in case that any foreign dignified clergymen should attempt to slip info this country any Bulls of that nature." Vienna, Sept. 2. The last augmentation made in the Austrian army, not appearing sufficient to keep up in Poland a body of 40,000 men, orders are given for a new levy of 24,000. This is to be done by completing the old battalions, in order to avoid the expence of a new staff, and by these successive augmentations the Austrian army will shortly be composed of 280,000 fighting men. Several waggons laden with fire- arms have lately arrived here from the low countries, and the Brisgar, which have been embarked on the Da- nube for their several destinations after being tried at the Arsenal in the Italian suburb. " COUNTRY NEWS. Southampton, Sept. 2$. The masked ball at Mar- tin's rooms last Thursday evening, though not crowded, was brilliant and genteel, and honoured with the company of the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, Duke and Duchess of Bolton, and many others of the nobility. Among the cha- racters most distinguished were the following: A batt, Capt. Woodford. Mrs. South, as the God- dess Pomona, attended by her gardner, ( Mr. South) who distributed a choice basket of fruit with liberal hands. Mrs. Carnac, and her sister Miss Rivett, were in elegant fancy dresses. Mrs. Hodges, and Miss Woodford, two fine figures in men's dominos. Miss Sloan, a Grecian Slave. Hon. Miss Luttrell, in the character of Jane Shore doing penance. Mr. Le Blane, a har- lequin. Counsellor Hippesly, a tolerable wag- goner. Mr. Fleming, a Jew pedlar. Mr. Knightly, a trull. Berwick, Sept. 19. On Friday afternoon, at three o'clock, a duel was fought, without Cow- port, by Collector Forster, late Mayor of this town, and Mr. Ralph Forster, merchant. The Collector fired one pistol, and the other gentleman two, but without hurt on either side. One of the officers at the Barracks, being informed of their having gone out, came in time to prevent any further chance of mischief. It is said this quarrel was caused by a difference of opinion about corporation politics. last session was, for fear of putting a total stag- nation to trade. They write from Amsterdam, that the Captain of a Dutch ship arrived there from the West-. Indies, reports, that he was stopped the 26th of last month, by a squadron of seven sail of Spanish men of war, bound for the Havannah, and that the commander of one of those ships came' on board his vessel, and examined his papers, & c. and was very particular in enquiring what English men of war were at Jamaica. By letters from Dantzic, we are informed, that there is more corn in the magazines there at pre- sent, than would serve all Europe for a twelve, month. It has for some time past been so much the fashion to abuse our betters, and to detract from the merit of every character in an exalted situ- ation, that it seems an incitement to wonder when a news- paper records any matter which does honour to those above us. Truth, however, is powerful, and a good action ought not to pass unnoticed. We all agree, that example works more forcibly than precept; and we likewise agree, that if our superiors were more virtuous, the community would be less vicious. Let us, therefore, join in admiring, and following a re- cent instance of sensibility, goodness, and bene- volence, in two persons the most exalted ot any in this kingdom. The family of a worthy officer had fallen, from a variety of unavoidable mis- fortunes, into the most helpless state ol distress ; happily their situation did not pass unnoticed ; it was accidentally mentioned by a second person to the father and mother of a numerous progeny of fine children, to whom the nation look up with joy, and heart- felt pleasure; when the tale was no sooner heard, than the tickling tear ot pity bedewed the faces of the hearers, and a fifty pound bank note was instantly sent to the relief of the distressed. Let those who delight in calumny try if they can torture this fact, so as to make it tell against the noble doers ot a deed, which crowns them with the highest honours. Extract of a letter from New- York, August 19, " A Proclamation, dated the 11th of June; is received from Georgia, published by Sir James Wright, Governor of that Province, in conse- quence of the late cession of lands by the Creek and Cherokee Indians upon Savannah River, & c. containing his Majesty's instructions for sel- ling the said lands which are parcelling out in tructs of 100 to a 1ooo acres, and are to be ex- cepted from payment of quit rent for ten years, and a fort is to be immediately built and garrisoned for the security and protection of the settlers against disorderly hunters, vagrants, and strag- gling Indians; one hundred acres are to be and a determined LONDON, September 25. It is concluded upon to have an act the ensuing winter for the regulation of the silver coin, as well as the gold; and the reason why this was not done granted to the master or head of a family and fifty aCres for the wife and each child, and also fifty acres for each slave: and the master or heads of families will be allowed to purchase fifty acres for each able- bodied white servant man whom they shall bring in to settle thereon, provided such servants be indented for two years ; and also 25 acres for every woman servant from the age of fifteen years to forty years, indented for two years. " It is apprehended the above is a plan which government will adopt in all the other colonies. " On Tuesday last arrived the Brigantine Fa- vourite, Capt. Fisher, in 64 days from White- haven with about 120 English passengers, who are come to purchase, and settle on lands in this country." The Boston ( New England) Gazette of Au- gust 19, contains the following article.-— On Saturday last, being the anniversary of the memorable 14th of August 1765, when the pri- mitive, free, and independent spirit of uncor- rupted British Subjects in America, made a second successful effort against tyranny and oppression, the Sons of Liberty, with their fathers and friends, from this and the neighbouring towns, convened on Roxbury- Common, to the number of 400 Gentlemen. There was a superb tent erected sufficiently capacious to contain the numerous guests. Unfortunately the forenoon was wet. which prevented a considerable number of gentle- men who had engaged their company, from shar- ing in the festivity of the day. But at the hour of dinner it ceased to rain, and two ranges of the tables were filled. During the entertainment a select band of musick patroled the tent, and glad- dened the hearts of the patriots with the celebrated song of the farmer : The banquet was worthy the occasion ; the rich and fertile fields of America were profuse of their bounties to " the sons of those venerable Britons who conquered and pos- sessed the grateful soil.'' After an elegant repast, several patriotic toasts were drank, succeeded by a feu de joye from the cannon, and the soft sympathy of collected music. Mirth and decency shook hands during the whole festival; smiling joy HV jelly, accompanied by Lord March and the said Ambassador, viewed them; after which they were delivered into the care of his Majesty's grooms, and sent to the Queen's stables at Buckingham- gate. They have been eight months on the sea, and three weeks of their time stood the depth ot their legs in water, occasioned by the binding of some water casks, which run into the holds where they were. They appeared to be very fine creatures for the turf, and are said to be worth 10, oool. A very extraordinary imposition was laft Friday practised upon Mr. Hoskins, a stove- maker in the Old Bailey. A well dressed man came to him, and told him he was recommended to him by an acquaintance, who he named, and that he had occasion for several goods in his way, and gave Mr. Hoskins an order to the amount of near twenty pounds, the sharper telling him that he kept a mad house a few miles out of town, and that he should send his cart for them the succeed- ing day. In about an hour the impostor returned, and told Mr. Hoskins that he had just purchased a flitch of bacon, and some other provisions, which would be brought in a basket, and begged they might be carefully placed in the cart with the other goods, which Mr. Hoskins assured him should be complied with. Before he departed he told Mr. Hoskins that he had spent all his money, and that he had occasion for half a guinea, to give earnest for a horse which he had agreed for in Smithfield: this sum he obtained, with two more shillings, under pretence of acquitting his- reckoning at the inn. He appeared again the next morning, an hour before the time the cart was to arrive, and had the insolence to request: the additional loan of a quarter guinea. Mr. Hoskins now began to suspect him, and refused him the money; and the sharper went away, saying it was of no consequence, as he should get it in the neighbourhood. It were needless to add, that no cart appeared, the sharper did not return, or that he kept no mad- house. Tuesday last a melancholy accident happened at Kimblewick, in Buckingham A cow doctor was sent for to bleed a cow belonging to a farmer of that place: no sooner had he tied the neck, and found the vein, than he clapped his launcet to it, and struck it, when the beast throwing her head up, with her horn beat out one of his eyes, and while he was holding his hand to his head, she a second time threw up her head, and struck her horn into his neck, and tore his wind- pipe asunder, which killed him on the spot. He has left a wife and family behind him. Monday the 13th inst. two bulls started for a considerable sum, at Kora, near Whitchurch, Shropshire, the best of three two- mile heats; they were rode by their owners, answered the whip exceeding well, and afforded great diversion to a great number of spectators, the winner getting it by only half a neck. On Thursday a spirited horse ran away with a lad at Bethnal- green, where, in full speed, he met Mr. Morburn, coal- merchant, of White- chapel, on horseback, and came with such force against his beast, head to head, that both horses , and riders Came to the ground; Mr. Morburn and the boy were very much bruised, the former's horse killed on the spot, and the latter's spoiled. A few days ago an apprentice to a perukemaker in Southwark, who had served six years, and al- ways appeared in man's apparel, proved to be with child; and it is said Was in a few days to have been married to a young woman in the neighbourhood, but to what end is not easy to conjecture. Saturday night last one Lewes, a notorious house- breaker, made his escape out of Clerken- well bridewell. Friday a carman in Raven- street, Southwark, who a short time since had 90I. left him by a re- lation, having spent the whole of it, cut his throat in so shocking a manner that he expired soon after: he has left a wife and children. At Litchfield races on Tuesday, his Majesty's plate of 100gs. was won by the D. of Kingston's br. h. Scaramouch, in 3 heats, beating Mr. Wal- lers b. m, Mrs. Cole, J. Conway Glynne, Esq.' s c. h. Benedict, Mr. Norcop's br. h. Intrepid, Mr. Stacey's b. g. Comus, and Mr. Adams's Ci Granby. Wednesday, the noblemen and gentlemens subscription plate of 50k was won by John Swin- n, Esq.' s b. c. Magic, in 2 heats, beating Mr. Godwin's b. m. Louisa, Mr. Vernon's b. c. True Blue, Mr. Clarke's t. Harriot, and Mr. Milward's b. c. Archelaus.— Mr. Rushton's bl. c. amson, was distanced Thursday, the plate of 50I. was won by Lord Craven's bay h. Pastime, Mr. Pugh's, br. h Who's Afraid, Mr. Wass's bay h. Warwickshire Wag, Mr. Adam's ch. h. Granby, H. Vernon, Esq. ch. h. Ratoni, Mr. Waller's k h. Uncle Toby, and Mr. Dilley's bay geld. Wafer. WAKEFIELD RACES. Monday, Sept. 13, the 50I. for four years old, was Won by Hon. J. S. Barry's c. c. by Pan- gloss, Duke of Cleveland's c. c. Matchless Tims, by Match'em, 2 2 Sir Rowland Winn's b. c-. Conjector, 3 3 At starting 5 and 6 to 400 the winner. Tuesday, no race, for want of horses. Wednesday, the 50I. weight for age, waS won by Mr. Snowden's b. h. North Star, 5y. old, Hon. J. S. Barry's b. h. Forrester, aged, 2 2 Mr. Barlow's b. h. Sloven, 6 yrs. old, 3 ^ At starting, even money the field against North Star, and 5 to 4 on him against Forrester. ANDOVER RACES. On Thursday last, the sweepstakes cup, for 4, 5, and 6 years old, and aged horses, & c. one four mile- heat, was Won by Lord Spencer Ha- milton's Jerry Sneak, beating seven others. The same day, the town plate of 50I. was won, at three heats, by Mr. Belson's Gnaw- post, beating Mr. Carver's Pincher, Mr. O'Kelly's Catchpenny, Mr. Gulston's Endymion, and Mr. Bailey's bay mare. Friday, a sweepstakes of to gs. each, for four year olds, 9 subscibers, was won by Mr. O'Kelly's Grecian.— Only four horses run. The same day the following horses started for the give- and- take plate of £ ol. viz, Mr. Strode's br. h. Beau Garcon 2 1 r Mr. Weekes's gr. m, Minima 1 2 dr. Lord Stavordale's bl. m. Pintrisa 3 dr. The cricket- match was not decided, on account of two of the players not attending derby RACES. Tuesday, Sept. 14, the 50l for four old, was won by Mr. Clarke's b. f, Harriet Mr. Milward's b. c. Archelaus, Wednesday, the 50l. wt. for age, was won by Lord Abingdon s b. h Zachary, Mr. Cross's ch. m. Clio, 5 yrs. old, Sir Harry Harpur's b. h. Jason, 6yrs. old Mr. Hazlehurst's b. m. Black Legs dis. LEICESTER RACES. Wednesday, Sept. 15, the 50l. wt. for age, was won by Mr. Norcop's b. h. Intrepid, 5 yrs. Lord Craven's g. h. Pastime, ditto Sir John Stepney's b. h. Vatout, 6yrs old 3 2 dr. Sir Charles Sedley's b. f. Miranda, 4y oId, 2 dr. Thursday the for four years old, was won by Mr. Dilly's b. g. Wafer, Mr. Strode's b. c. Casca, The following is a TABLE of Weights fixed by the Turnpike Act passed in the last Session of Parliament, ( including the Carriage as well as Lading) allowed to travel Winter and Sumner. N. B. the Penalty is 20s. per Cwt. over Weights. T O every waggon upon rollers, of the breadth \ 8 of sixteen inches, To every waggon with nine inch wheels, rolling a sur- face of sixteen inches on each side, To every waggon with nine inch wheels, To every cart with nine inch wheels, To every waggon with six inch wheels, To every waggon with six inch wheels, rolling a sur- face of eleven inches, To every cart with six inch wheels, To every waggon with wheels of less breadth than six inches, To every cart with wheels of less breadth than six inches ^ - WEDNESDAY'S POST. Francs, and Arrived the'Mails from Holland, Flanders Aleppo, July 12. last letters received here from Bassora and Bagdad, contain most melancholy accounts of the plague, which has ear- ned off about 1oo. ooo persons in the first mentioned city, and upwards of 200,000 in the latter. The Consul of France at Bagdad, and the agent of that nation at Bassora, as also all the Catholic Priests in these two cities, are among the dead. The Agent of Great- Britain escaped a similar fate by retiring into the country with part of his countrymen, several of whom fell into the hands ot Khan Kan, their enemy. Warsaw, Sept. 11. Yesterday Lukawski and Cybulski were executed : They were brought to the place of execution the same way they had obliged the King to go in the night of the 3d of November, guarded by all the guards of the Crown, and a strong detachment of Uhlans: They were both dressed in white, went in separate wag- gons, and two Capuchins with them. In a third waggon were Kolinski, Offenberg, and Peszinski, who, with Lukawski's wife, were all to be pre- sent at the execution. Kolinski was in tears all the way he went Lukawski ascended the scaf- fold first, with great fortitude, and to the asto- nishment of every body present, made a very af- fecting speech, wherein he confessed his guilt, and hoped for pardon; after which he sat down on the chair, and would not have any thing tied over his eyes, but holding up his head as upright as he could, gave the signal for the blow, which followed immediately; after which his hands were cut off, his body opened, and the inside put in a bag, then quartered and burnt. Cybulski, who was obliged to be a spectator of all this, then mounted the scaffoid, and sat down in the chair, where his head was likewise taken off, and his body suffered to be buried. The executioner, who was sent for out of Ermeland, made a speech to the people, and particularly addressed himfelf to the elder part of the spectators, advising them to be careful so to bring up their children, that they might never come to the unhappy end of the late unfortunate wretches whom he had just exe- cuted. Lastly, the names of the two who died in prison, Tubulowits and Hegwezewski, were hung up at the gallows. COUNTRY NEWS. Canterbury, Sept. 25. On Wednesday last the hop- market began in this city ; on which occa- fion there was a numerous meeting of gentlemen, hop- planters, & c. Some hops in fine cloth were sold trom 7I. 12s. to 7I. 15s. per hundred, some choice things would haive brought 8l. but there were few ready for sale, upon the whole little done. Worcester, Sept. 2z. At our fair last Saturday, hops were a scarcer commodity than was expected; a number of purchasers who came out of Cheshire and Lancashire as purchasers, were obliged to set out for London to supply their demands. The whole quantity sold on Saturday and yesterday 328 pockets, which sold as follows: on Tuesday se'nnight one of the additional Sur- veyors- general was given to understand, that his Majesty had no further occasion for his service ; which, being a prelude to the melancholy dirge which will soon be sung, has thrown them all into a cold sweat, each soon expecting a similar salute. And we further hear, that on a certain Nobleman's asking the Viceroy whether the dis- mission of placemen at this critical juncture would not weaken his parliamentary interest, he replied, with a spirit that might do honour to royalty, " No, my Lord, I have nothing to propose that will be detrimental to the kingdom, and shall therefore expect every honest member on my side." The Marquis of Barganca, a great favourite of his Portuguese Majesty, who died a few weeks since at Lisbon, bequeathed his most faithful Majesty the following legacy: " The . friendship of Great Britain, with particular rea- sons for preserving it as a treasure of inestimable and they find it necessary that your Majesty should have half my estate, I should think it my duty to resign it without murmur. But though I give up all to public necessity, I will part with nothing to will and pleasure, since in so doing, I should be a traitor to the constitution of England." — 990 per c. o to 9 $ o ditto o to 8 18 6 ditto o to 8 8' o ditto o to 7 18 o ditto o to J o o ditto the hops this year efpe- cially in this district, is really astonishing, if we may judge from present appearances. Previous to our fair laft year, the two preceding market days afforded the annexed quantities, viz. Sept. 5', 1772, — 231 pockets, 12* — — 2020. A prodigious quantity of cheese was brought to this fair, which sold as follows, viz. one raeal from 25s. to 28s. per hundred, two meal from 226. to 2 A great deal was carried' back unsold; and, by accounts from different parts ot the country, it- is evident there is at this time great plenty of cheese in the kingdom ; from which we may reasonably expect the price of that very necessary article will be still lower. Ludlow, Sept. 20. Laft Thursday Sir Francis Charlton's Keeper shooting at a buck, the ball went thro'the buck's head, and afterwards thro' a milk pail under the belly of a cow, which a farmer was milking,, at above 100 yards distance. The farmer was much frightened, but not hurt. LONDON, Sept. 28. The Princess Amelia, who has been indisposed for some days past, is so well recovered that she took an airing yesterday.. A correspondent says, " We are now told the Parliament is not to meet till after Christmas, One may congratulate the country upon it, as more money will be circulated there, by gentle- men's not removing their families so early to the capital May we also congratulate Administra- tion, that it will afford them leisure to lay a better digested plan for the next session, than they appeared to act upon the last ? When the state ot this country is considered with regard to its interior credit, its foreign trade ( particularly to the Baltic and Portugal) the alarming refractory spirit in its colonies, the very unfinished plan for the East- Indies, not to mention other interest- ing topics, there will be found matter sufficient for much later, and more frequent consultations of his Majesty's servants,, than for fome months past have been held." A correspondent from Ireland informs us, that Extract of a letter from " On Saturday the 4th our assizes ended, when ( after a trial of eight hours) Serjeant Slack was found guilty of having murdering his wife, for which he received sentence to be hanged, his head cut off, and his body quartered. At the gallows this day he behaved with a resolution surpassing any thing I had ever conceived from a man in such circumstances. On the ladder he made a well connected, sensible speech, of up- wards of half an hour long, and in the most solemn manner denied the fact, and cautioned all present who were freeholders, when on juries, that they should not convict on circumstances, ( which only appeared against him on his trial.) After he had finished this harangue, he called in a settled resolute tone of voice for the executioner to do his duty; but no hangman appearing, the High Sheriff was obliged to do the business himself; and just as Slack was going to be turned off, he declared that he was sorry so worthy a Magistrate should be compelled to perform so disagreeable an office. Monday night a fire broke out at Mr. Lock- dale's, baker, in Pike- street, Rotherhithe, which destroyed the inside of the house. A child, about five years old, perished in the flames. BANKRUPTS.] John Sheppard, of St. Martin's in the Fields, baker.— Benjamin Skutt, jun. of Wardour- street, grocer.— James Deeker, of Nor- wich, cabinet and chair- maker.— Robert Forder, of St. Faith's, near Winchester, dealer.— Richard Wills, and William Falkner, of Chesea, car- penters.— John Merrington, of Norton, in Dur- ham, grocer.— Thomas Holdrich, of Halesworth,: in, Suffolk, woollen and linen- draper.— William- Dickinson, of Sandback, in Cheshire, innolder. Dividends to be made.'] Oct. 26, Henry Papps, and Richard Papps, of New Sarum, clothiers.— Nov. 10, James Clark, of Chingford, in Essex, farmer and butcher.— Oft. 26, James Rowe, of Upper Thames- street, London, baker.— Oct. 23,, James Dorrington, of Bow, in Middlesex, cutter. To the Printer of the MARLBOROUGH JOURNAL. SIR, IF you think fit to publish what follows, it is at your service. REBUS. A poisonous creature, and what has no end, Make a part of a watch which will easily bend. To the PRINTER. SIR, IN a tour I lately made into Bedfordshire, I was agreeably surprized with the following inscription, on a cross erecting to tbe memory of Queen Catharine, wife of Henry the Eighth, in the Park of the Right Hon. the Earl of Upper Offory, at Ampthill, on the spot where the house stood, to which she retired, after being divorced by the King. It is wrote by the celebrated Mr. Horace W e. By immediately inferring it you will oblige your constant reader, Sept. 23. C. G n. In days of old here Ampthill towers were seen, The mournful refuge of an injured Queen: Here flow'd her pure, but unavailing tears ; Here blinded zeal sustain'd her sinking years: Yet Freedom hence her radient banner wav'd, And Love avenged a realm by Priests enslav'd ; From Catharine's wrongs a nation's bliss was spread, And Luther's light from Henry's lawless bed. Johannes Comes de Upper Offory, Posuit, 1773. the PRINTER. ANOTHER. The name of a tune which no one man can sing, And What bears the name and the face of a King Make a word of contempt tor a paltry dull book, Where in vain for good sense or sound learning you'll look. To the PRINTER of the Marlborough Journal. Mr. HAROLD, DO what you please with the following ex- tempore conceits upon some neighbouring, places in Wilts. 1. A well known manure, a smart fellow wrong spelt, and his opposite right spelt. 2. A perquisite of a common mechanic, one of a lawyer's best friends, and a dainty, limb of a nasty animal. 3. Part of the name of a rich native cordial, and the dwelling of nimble animal. 4. The efforts of the artful. 5. A stiffness of the neck, three parts of an elegant female, and the initial of her most brilli- ant charm. 6. The habitation of a thief, the habitation of a wild beast, and the habitation of a gentleman. Anecdote of the Great JOHN HAMPDEN, IN the reign of Charles the First,. the prero- gative had. a much more formidable aspect- than it dares put on at present, and Parliaments were in a manner both dead and buried; yet the glorious constancy of this brave man in the de- fence of a 40s. cause, ( ship- money) redeemed both the liberty and property of his country. It is sald of that great patriot, that while the said cause was yet in suspence, the King, in person, undertook to reason him out of his obstinacy ( as he called it) by comparing the trifle in dispute, with the annual value of his estate, and the mighty charge of the suit— when Hampden re- plied—" The trifle in dispute is not worth a name; if your Majesty will call a free Parliament, To S I R, THREE discourses lately published by the Rev, Mr. Evanson were recommended to me, and I read them with pleasure and profit. In the annotations the worthy author introduces curious letter on the subject of subscription, which, as it is moreover a seasonable one, and possibly may in some degree dispose the legisla- ture, especially the Reverend Bishops, to think more favourably of a late petition and the peti- tioners, I trust you will have no objection to pub- lishing it, with the author's reflections, in your useful paper, whereby you will gratify your constant reader, and many WELLWISHERS to the CHURCH of ENGLAND. Mr. Evanson informs us, that he was favoured with a copy of tke following letter in the most polite and obliging manner by Capt. Tinker, of my Lord Cornwallis's regiment, who transcribed it from the original in the possession of Mr. Mapletoft, of Chertsey, in Surry, grandson of the gentleman to whom it is addressed. It was written by Dr. Simon Patrick ( then Dean of Peterborough, but afterwards successively Bishop of Chichester and Ely, and well known to the learned world by his Commentaries upon the Holy Scriptures and many other works.) to Doctor Mapletoft, who had been educated for the clerical profession at Trinity College, Cambridge ; but, having practised physic during the civil wars, had time for reflection, and upon his being tempted at last to take orders, by a presentation to the living of Braybrook, in Northamptonshire, found it difficult to satisfy his own scruples about subscription to the established articles of religion. It is addressed thus r To my honoured Friend Mr. MAPLETOFT, these, at Fauxley; to be left with the Post- master at Daventree. S I R, " MY Lord of Peterborough will be ready to ordain you at the time appointed, March 3, before which I suppose you will be here to pro- cure a faculty to enable him to do it, or give me order to get one against you come. I believe in- sitution is sufficient to prevent a lapse, induction being necessary only to entitle you to the profits of the benefice.— But it is best to consult the words ot the statate, which I have not by me. I always took the articles to be articles of com- munion only ; and so Bishop Bramhall expressly maintains, against the pretended Bishop of Chal- cedon ; and I remember well, that Bishop Saun- derson, when the King was first restored, received the subscription of an acquaintance of mine, which, he delared, was not to them articles of faith, but peace.— I think you need make no scruple of that matter, because all that 1 know so understand the meaning of Subscription,. and upon other terms would not subscribe. I remain, your's, Feb. 8, 1682- 3. SIMON PATRICK. You must not trouble the Bishop with any such declaration at your Subscription, for he is a very touchy and scrupulous man.' The perusal of this letter will suggest many important reflections to the judicious reader. I shall only observe that Dr. Patrick here professes to deliver not his own sentiments alone, but those also of all his acquaintance, which from the rank he held both in the Church and in the Republic of Letters, must have included most of the prin- cipal and leading men amongst the Clergy of those times. Now nothing can be more obvious, than that whatever is agreeable to the word of God is without all controversy an article of faith;. and as the very words to which every man's sub- scription is made, are, " that he acknowledged all and every the Thirty- nine Articles to be agreeable to the word of God," his subscription itself is undoubtedly an acknowledgement, that all the doftrinal articles are articles of faith. , When therefore the good DoCtor informs us, that he and all his friends, always took the articles to be articles of communion and peace only, and that they would on no terms subscribe to them as articles- of faith, and persuades his correspondent to subscribe in the same sense as they did, all I can understand him to mean is, that they acknow- ledged the articles to be agreeable to the word of God, though they were well convinced they were not so; merely because the legislature re- quired- such an acknowledgement, as the only means whereby they could partake of the com- munion of church- preferments, and enjoy their ecclesiastical dignities, in peace,. . Whether such mental reservation and equivci- ' eating dissimulation as is here owned and recom- mended, be more worthy the Ministers of a Pro- testant Church or the Disciples of Ignatius of. Loyola, I leave the reader to determine. : By the KING's PATENT. CAKES for making of Shining Liquid . BLACKING, For SHOES, BOO T S, See. , THESE CAKES make, with the utmost Ease, by the Addition of Water only, a most excellent Shining Liquid Blacking, much superior to any hitherto known : It gives the finest Black, and most beautiful Gloss to the Leather, yet never renders it stiff or hard, but, on the contrary, prevents its cracking, and preserves it soft,- pliable, and mellow, to the very last, whereby it is ren- ' dered more agreeable to the Wearer, as well as much more durable : It. is perfectly free from Smell, and the Shoes that are blacked with it will neither soil the Fingers in putting on the Stockings nor in wearing. Sold Wholesale and Retail by W. Bayley, Perfumer, in Cockspur- Street, near the Bottom of the Hay- marker, Lon- don. It is sold also by T. Burrough, Devizes; D. Stretch, Calne ; T. Painter, in Andover; E. Easton, R, Fiddes, and Mess. Hodson, and Co. in Salisbury ; S. Farley, T. Cocking, and T. Davies, in Bristol; M. Purdie, in Bath ; T. Smith, in Swindon; A. Darby, in Highworth ; W. Greenville, in Winchester; W. Dyer, in Shalbourn ; E. HAROLD, in Marlborough;, a if d by the Distibutors of this Journal. Price 6d. the Cake. N. B. Any Shopkeeper of Credit, in any of the Towns within the Circuit of this Paper, where the above Articles are not already sold, may ( by applying to Mr. Bailey, the-' Wholesale Vender, or to the Printer of this Paper) have their Names added to this Advertisement. ALSO, GLASS'S Magnesia, APPROVED and recommended by the most eminent of the Faculty, and given with good Effect to Hrs ROYAL HIgHNESS the Prince of WALES, and the YOUNGER PrINCES, is sold, as usual, at his House in Oxford, in Guinea, Half- Guinea, and Six Shilling Boxes, with Directions for taking it inclosed. This Preparation, which' for Purity and Goodness far exceeds every other, is well known to be the most powerful Corrector of Acid in the Stomach and Bowels, and is there- fore particularly efficacious in Children's Disorders, and may be safely given to them in their earliest Infancy. It is equally serviceable to Persons of more advanced Years, of delicate Constitutions, and to those whose Powers of Di~ gestion are naturally weak 0r impaired, as it corrects that Aidity arising from Indigestion, which is the Foundation of most chronical Complaints The Heartburn it instantly cures, and is an effectual Remedy for habitual Costive- ness. It is also the most gentle Purgative yet discovered, operates without Sickness of Griping, requires no Confine- ment, or Regimen of Diet, and is entirely without Smell or Taste. It is also appointed to be sold in London, by W. Davis, Bookseller, in Piccadilly; W. Nicoll, in St. Paul's- Church Yard ; ( with good Allowance to sell again) ; and by E. Harold, Printer, Bookseller, and Stationer, in Marl- borough ; Hodgson and Co. in Sarum ; Kingston, in Bath; Holder, in Cirencester; Carnan and Co. Reading; the Men. who carry this Paper; and hy a Dealer in most. of the principal Towns in England. To the PUBLIC. DR. HENRY'S CHEMICAL NERVOUS MEDICINE. The many Virtues of which are to< y well known to need Repetitions', their Success being well attested by numberless Persons who, from a miserable , languishing State, both of Body and Mind, have quickly been restored to Health and Quiet, by taking a few Doses, They never fail of giving Relief in all nervous Complaints, such as Hypochondriac Melancholy, Hysteric Vapours, Languors, Palpitations, and Trembling of the Heart, Gid- diness, violent Head- Achs, Noise in the Ears, Mists be- fore the Eyes, Swimming of the Head, Fainting, Lowness of Spirits, Obstructions in the capillary Vessels, Weakness of the Brain, Flushing in the Face, irregular Thoughts,' Agitation in the Stomach or Bowels; in short, all Disorders proceeding from Wind and Indigestion. And it is likewise _ of peculiar service in Strengthening the Nerves, removing all Obstructions, and promoting a free Circulation, & c. This excellent Medicine is still prepared and sold at the Doctor's House in Hatton- Garden, at Seven Shillings the Pint Bottle, with a Box of Pills, and a Paper of Cephalic Snuff for the immediate Relief of all Disorders of the Head. It is also sold by W. Nicoll, No.. 51, in St. Paul's Church- Yard, London ; by E. Harold, Printer, Book- teller, and Stationer, in Marlborough ; Hodgson and Co. in Sarum ; Kingston, in Bath ; Holder, in Cirencester; Carnan and Co. Reading ; the Men who carry this Paper; and by a Dealer in most of the principal. Towns in England. A L S O, Another recent Proof of the amazing Power cf Dr. MARDON's UNIVERSAL ANTI SCORBUTIC DROPS. Which effectually cure the SCURVY, LEPROSY, PIMPLED FACES, and other malianant Erurptions. To the Proprietor of Dr. MARDON's UNIVERSAL ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS. SIR, London,. June 17,1773. Y the Recommendation ot a Friend, who was cured of a Scorbutic Complaint by two Bottle's only of Dr. Mardon's Universal Antiscorbutic Drops, I was., induced to try them for an inveterate Scurvy, which was as follows : For several Years I was afflicted with Erup- tions, which at last settled on- my Arm,, and was so swel- led, and in such a bad, painful, inflamed Condition, as to fear the Loss of it. I applied to an eminent Surgeon,, but without Relief : I then was a Patient at' the London Hospital, but could not get cured; the Swelling was- abated, but left a fixed large liver- coloured- Puce as broad as the Palm of the Hand above my Wrist, which some— times was so bad. as to oblige me to leave my Place at Service-. On taking five of the Bottles the large Spots, and all others, were entirely removed, and my Skin quite smooth ; and by taking three more I am perfectly cured, and have not to and the least Return of my Disordcr. Any Person calling at No. 23, Wood- street, Cheapside,; may be fully satisfied of the Truth, and Particulars. I am, Sir, your humble Servant, SUSANNAH BURDEN. This is the Forty- seventh capital Cure. These excellent Drops are pleasant to take, and create; an Appetite ; two or three Bottles frequently remove slight Complaints without Trouble,, as many Families can. witness. . Sold in Bottles, at 1l. 5s. the Half Dozen, with Direc- tions ( signed by the Author, L. MARDON, to prevent Counterfeits) at Mr. SpILsBUrY'S, NO. 24, Gutter- Lane, Cheapside, London; by E. Harold, in Marlborough ; and by the distributors of this Journal. N. B. Be careful to ask for Dr. Mardon's Universal Drops for the Scurvy— A single Bottle is 5s. ' The second Edition cf the Doctor's Treatise on the Scurvy is in the Press, Price 2s 6d, To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. At the Bell- Inn, in Swindon, in the County of Wilts, on Monday the 25th Day of October Inst. between the Hours of Two and Five in the Afternoon, if not sold in the mean Time by private Contract, of which due Notice will be given, A FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate in the Parish of Swindon aforesaid, consisting of about Eighteen Acres of rich Meadow Ground. For Particulars apply to Roger Hall, at the Mill near Swindon aforesaid, who will shew the Premises; or to Mr. Dalby, in Tetbury, Glocestershire THE GAME having of late been destroyed upon the Manors of Clatford, Lockeridge, and Overtons, belonging to his Grace the Duke of Marlbo- rough ; all unqualified Persons who shall be seen sporting on those Manors will be prosecuted.' And all Gentlemen who are qualified are requested not to shoot HEN PHEASANTS. BERKSHIRE. TO be SOLD, in different Lots, to the best Bidder, at the Three Swans Inn in Hungerford, Berks, on Wednesday the 6th Day of October last. be- tween the Hours of Two and Four in the Afternoon, aud. entered on the 10th of the same Month, unless pre- viously sold by private Contract, whereof timely Notice will be given : Lot 1. All that commodious and well accustomed. House, the said THREE SWANS INN, situated in the Market- place of Hungerford, Berks, the Mid- way and nearest Road from Oxford to Salilbury : Consisting of a very good Kitchen, Three Parlours and a Store- room 0n the Ground Floor, a large Dining- room with Six Bed- chambers, and Two Garrets, a complete Brew- house, Vault, and Cellars, a Six stalled Stable and other Stabling for 40 Horses : Also, a very good Garden and Close of Pasture adjoining, containing about Two Acres, with a Barn, and many con- venient Out- offices ; together with a large Shop now occu- pied by Mr. Coleman, Currier, adjoining to the said Inn ; likewise Right of Common for Four Horses or Eight Cows to departure upon Hungerford Down and other the com- monable Places of Hungerford. The Premises are all Freehold and capable of great Improvements, and may with a small Expence be made convenient for Trade, or converted into a private House. Lot II. Two Freehold Messuages and Gardens, situate at the South End of the High- street, in Hungerford afore- said, with several Elm and Ash Trees now standing thereon fit to be felled ; and also Right of Common to the said Messuages belonging, together with a Close of Arable, containing about an Acre and an Half lying within the Parish of Inkpen, Berks, late the Estate of Mr. James Paty, deceased. Lot III. A Freehold Messuage and Garden at Edington near Hungerford ; now in the Occupation of the Widow Pound, being late also the Property of the said James Paty. Lot IV. A Leasehold Messuage and Garden, situate 111 Hungerford aforesaid, now in the Possession of Mr. Tho- mas Viner, Junior, with Right of Common thereto be- longing; and also Two Leasehold Tenements adjoining together, situate in the Great Church- lane of Hungerford ; one of them in the Possession of John Webb, the other untenanted. . For further Particulars enquire of Miss Elliot, Milliner, in Hungerford i Mr. Stephen Pearse, at North Standen- Farm near Hungerford, or of Mr. Munday, Attorney at Law, in Hungerford. Far exceeding all of that Name. DR. ANDERSON'S PILLS, or Pills of many Virtues, are prepared by me only , and as I have " had a Regard for the Public Good, and made the fame my Study, therefore I have made Application to a very famous and learned Physician, who has made a very great Improve- ment in thefe Pills by adding fome very valuable ingre- dients thereto, which prevent them from griping or making sick, or give that disagreeable Heat in the Fundament which others do. Wherever Physic is wanted theie Pills may be depended on to answer the Ends mentioned in the Bills of Use. The great Encouragement given ro my Pills, and the Benefit the Public has received from them, has induced Numbers of ignorant Persons to counterfeit them, particularly one Alexander and Co. who have copied my Bills almost every Word ; and Charters and Co, who have in fume Places called themselves my Servants, and in others , pretended that they were in Partnership with me, in order that they might more easily impose their Trash on the Public. These Pills are found to be the best ever prepared by any Pill Maker in Great Britain, which every Person finds who uses them. One fair Trader in any Town who is not supplied, may be served in writing to me as under. They are sold at is. the Box, containing 40 Pills, by E. Harold, Printer, in Marlborough ; Mr. Rudder, in Cirencester ; Comb, in Newbury ; Woodroffe, in Lambourne ; Burch, in Hungerford ; Gale, in Chip- penham; Burrough, in Devizes; Fry, in Calne, Tucker, in Laycock; Stuart, in Bradford ; Read, in Trowbridge Hodson. and Co. in Salisbury; T. Beavan, in Melksham ; and by the Distributors of this Journal,. These Pills are faithfully prepared and sold by me THOMAS WILSON, from St. Andrew's in Scotland, but now residing at No. 8. in Slaney- Street, Birmingham, where any . reputable Shop- keeper, Surgeon or Apothecary, Captains of Ships or others, may be supplied with my Genuine Pills, with Allowance for selling them. That mine may be known from those made and sold by Quacks, Strollers, Impostors, anel Undersellers, I have sealed all my Boxes with my Cypher, or they are Counterfeits. ' ' THOMAS WILSON. ALSO, Another extraordinary Cure performed by that celebrated Preparation, D . SMYTH's RESTORATIVE MEDICINE. 1 he Case of LEWIS HATFIELD, Esq; 91 R, • ; IThink I should be undeserving of the Benefit I have received and greatly deficient in Gratitude to you, if I omitted informing you that I am recovered from a deplorable State of Body, by taking your Restorative Medicine. I laboured for many Years under an universal Relaxation and Complication of Disorders, ( occasioned I am well assured by juvenile Imprudence) for which I took innume- rable Medicines, but to no manner of Effect. Relating my unhappy Case to i Gentlemen, he advised me to take your- Medicine : He said a Friend of his had been cured by it; on which I began to take it, and, by continuing some time, am restored to perfect Health. York, I am, Sir, with the greatest Respect, March 31, 1773. Your very obliged humble Servant, LEWIS HATFIELD. ' In the Course of many Years Practice, innume- rable Instances have indisputably proved the lengthening and cordial Effects of this Medicine in all Weaknesses, Debilities, Sec. whether Natural or acquired by that hein- ous Vice Self- pollution, too early or excessive Venery, mer- curial Courses, and nervous Complaints in general; also thofe secret Infirmities that attack Persons advancing In Years are by it removed : and the natural Powers of the Whole vital System are nourished, comforted, and prolonged., The Causes of Impotency in one Sex, and Barreness in the other, have' been eradicated by this Medicine. The great Boerhaave says, " from an ill- cured and " imprudent Venery, arise Pains in the Head or Limbs, " Eruption , Gleets, Weakness of the whole Frame, " Dimness of Sight, with a Tribe of nervous Complaints, " which generally terminate in a Consumption." N. B. For a full Account read the Doctor's New Treatise just published, Price is. 6d. The Sixth Edition. The Restorative is to be had in Bottles at 10s. 6d. with full Directions, of E. Harold, Printer, in Marlborough ; and of the Doctor, at his House in George- Street, York- Buildings, in the Strand, London, who may be consulted Personally or by Letter, if Post- paid. NOTICE is hereby given to the Collectors of the Land and Window Taxes, within the Districts of Sarum, Marlborough, Swindon, & c. in Wilts; that, in Pursuance of an Order from the Hon. Commis- sioners of the Taxes, no GOLD COIN will betaken by the Receiver General, in Payment of such Taxes, under the Weights following, to wit. Guineas coined prior to the 1st George 3d Half- Guineas during the above Period Guineas coined during the Reign of his~| present Majesty, and previous to the ? 1st of January, 1772, J Half- Guineas during the fame Period Quarter Guineas Guineas coined subsequent to the ift of January, 1772, Half- Guineas subsequent to the 1st of January, 1772, And if it manifestly appears that any Piece of Gold Coin to be offered in Payment, has been unlawfully dimi- nished, it is directed to be cut, although the Weight there- of may exceed the Weight above specified. THOMAS PHIPPS, Receiver General. N. B. No PORTUGAL MONEY will be taken. DEVIZES, September 9th, 1773. This Day was published, In Four Volumes, in Twelves. PRICE 10s. sewed in blue Covers, or 14s. bound in Calf, and lettered. Dedicated to the moll Honourable the MARCHIONESS of TWEEDdALE. THE WAY to the TEMPLE of True HONOUR and FAME, By the PATHS of HEROIC VIRTUE; Exemplified in the moft entertaining Lives of the most eminent Perfons. of boih Sexes. On the Plan laid down by Sir WILLIAM TEMPLE in his Essay of Heroic Virtue. By WILLIAM COOKE, A. B. Fellow of New- College, Oxford, and Chaplain to the most Hon. the MARquIsS of TWeEDDALE. Printed and sold by T. Burrough, in Devizes, Wilts sold also by Mr. L. Davis, over against Gray's- Inn Gate, Holbourn, London; E. Harold, in Marlborough ; E. Easton, in Salisbury ; S. Rudder, in Cirencester; and by most other Booksellers and News- Carriers in England. Subscribcrs are desired to apply for their Books to those Booksellers or others, who received their Names or Subscriptions. A' This Day was published, In Demy Octavo, PRICE One Shilling, TREATISE on ENGLISH SHOOTING, under the following Heads : Of the Knowledge of a good Fowling Piece. The Ordering and Managing of the Fowling Piece. The Appendages of the Fowling Piece. The Choice of Powder, Shot and Flints; of Partridge Shooting, with the Choice and Ordering of Pointers ; of Pheasant Shooting, with the Ordering of Spaniels ; of Woodcock Shooting ; of Snipe Shooting ; of Water and Fen Fowl Shooting, and the Use of proper Dogs. Of Upland Winter Shooting ; with necessary Observations for the young Sportsman when out, and on returning Home. By GEORGE EDIE, Gent. London: Printed for J. Cooke, at Shakespear's Head, Pater- Noster Row ; and sold by E. Harold, in Marlbo- rough; E. Easton, in Salisbury ; T. Borough, in Devizes; S. Rudder, in Cirencester; and all other Book sellers in FRIDAY'S POST. [ By Express from London.] LONDON, Sept. 30. AT one o'clock yesterday the Lord Mayor, the two Sheriffs, the Court of Aldermen, Re- corder, and Town- Serjeant, attended by their proper officers, came upon the hustings; when the Recorder opened the Common- hall with a short speech on the subject of the day's business; in which he took occasion to make a complimen- tary allusion to William Beckford, Esq. whose statue reminded him of so worthy a precedent for future Chief Magistrates. After the Common- hall was opened, the Lord Mayor and all the Aldermen, except Messrs. Wilkes, Sawbridge, Oliver, Bull, and Lewes, adjourned to the Chamber in which the Court of Aldermen is usually held. Mr. Sawbridge came forward and addressed the Livery in a speech replete with complaints of the number of paragraphs which had been artfully drawn up by his enemies, and at different opportunities inserted in the public papers, with a view to prejudice him in the minds ot the Livery. He professed himself the servant of the Livery, declared that all that had been asserted respecting his being a candidate tor the Mayoralty Chair, arose from the good- wishes of his friends, and not from himself. He told them he did not wifh to influence their election, but if they chose him Mayor he would fulfil the duties of that high office to the beft of his judgment; that his political principles had ever been the fame, and that he would make it the study of his life to deserve their good esteem, and to support their interest. Mr. Wilkes next addressed the Livery, and in a very long speech confessed that he had sent a number of the paragraphs the worthy Alderman alluded to, to Mr. Woodfall, printer of the Public Advertiser; that he had some years since authorized that gentleman to declare him the author on every occasion, when he thought pro- per ; that he should continue to give the best in- formation he could of the public conduct of every candidate for public favour; that he never had in his life attacked the private character of Mr. Saw- bridge, but as he thought that Alderman had de- serted the public cause, he conceived it right to let the Livery know who were and who were not the friends of the people. That some men, by an air of speciousness, could cover much art, and he wondered how Mr. Sawbridge could reconcile his conduct last year, with his profession of at all times complying with the wishes of the Livery, when it was notorious he had acted diamatrically opposite to the Livery, by scratching for a Mayor whom they did not wish to preside over them. The Alderman recapitulated a number of matters lately passed and concluded with assuring the Li- very he would ever steadily pursue the cause of the people. Mr. Lewes also appeared in the character of an orator, and in a pompous address lamented the dis- union of the Patriots, declaring he would never have ventured to have offered himself a candidate for the high offices of Sheriff, and Alderman, but with a hope, of being able to effect a reconciliation between the gentlemen- of the Bill of Right's, and the Members of the Constitu- tional Club. The names of those Aldermen who have not passed the chair were severally put in nomination; Mr. Wilkes had infinitely the largest shew of hands, Mr. Bull the next, and Mess. Sawbridge and Oliver about half the Hall. Not one hand was held up for any other of the Aldermen.- The Town Serjeant declared a majority in fa- vour of Wilkes and Bull, when Deputy Judd and Mr. Hurford demanded a poll in favour of Mess. Sawbridge and Oliver. It was immediately granted, and the books were ordered to be opened at four and continue open till six. The Sheriffs have declared the poll shall not be printed. Deputy Piper reminded the Livery of the treachery' practiced last year, warned them to be upon their- guard, and warmly recommended Mess. Wilkes and Bull. Captain Allen attempted several times to ad- dress the Livery from his old rostrum in the clock- gallery, but the Livery would not hear him. At the close of the poll this day at Guildhall, the numbers we're as follow: Alderman Wilkes — '—- 221 Bull . — — 219 Sawbridge' — - 160 Oliver ' —' — 108 The poll closed at twelve, on account of the Sheriffs going to Westminster to be sworn in. The following- letter was yesterday received by the Sheriffs Mansion- house, Sept. 29, 1773. Gentlemen, THE insults offered to me by the mob in Guildhall, on my return from polling for Mess. Sawbridge and Oliver, may have an effect on timid minds; I cannot therefore but repeat to you both, what I said to Mr. Sayre upon the hustings, that you may depend upon every assist- ance from me that you may require for pre- serving the peace and freedom of election. I am, Gentlemen, your most obedient servant, JAMES TOWNSEND. This day the Lord- Mayor, Aldermen, and Sheriffs, went in their Barge to Westminster, where one of the Barons attended in the Court of Exchequer; the Recorder presented the new- Sheriffs, who went through the usual ceremonies; at the same time the late Sheriffs took ihe oaths as to the justness of the accounts which they had passed, A morning paper of to- day says, that notwith- standing the various reports to the contrary, they have the best authority to assert, that the Princess Amelia has not been in any manner ill, nor at tended by, any physicians. Early yesterday morning the Purser of the Tri- ton East Indiaman, Capt, Elphinstone, came to the East India House, with the news of the above ship's being safe arrived off Falmouth, from Bengal. And The same morning, about ten o'clock, the Purser of the Hector East Indiaman, Capt. Wil- liams, came to the East India House, with the news of the above ship's being safe arrived off the Start, from Bombay ; the last ship from that port this season. Advice is just received of a decisive battle being fought between the Turks and Persians, near Omadorme, on the borders of Syria, and that the' latter obtained a complete victory over thrice their number of Turks under the com- mand of Sihah Thamarste. Extract of a letter from Hanover, Sept. 19. : " The political movements of the Lords of the Regency of this electorate, and the extraordinary preparations now making by them, causes much speculation, and more particularly surprising as the most profound silence is observed respecting them. The troops of the electorate are all to be embodied in a short time, and fresh recruits are now raising. The fortified places in Hanover, Bremen, and Verden are paid a strict attention tO; in fact, every measure indicates an intended defensive war." Yesterday morning a fire broke out at the seat of Milway Letsom, Esq; near Lee- bridge, which burnt the dwelling- house and all the furniture, valued at 7000I. two maid servants are missing, supposed to have perished in the flames. Yesterday morning a tradesman in Southwark having some dispute with his wife as they were at breakfast, in a passion cut her throat in so ter- rible a manner that she expired instantly. He im- mediately absconded. Promoted.] The Rev. Mr. Stoddard, of Chol- lerton, to the living of Brampton, in Cumberland. The Rev. Mr. Edwards, to the living of Tilston, in Cheshire, vacant by death. Died:—— At Bishop's Waltham, Hants, aged 73, Admiral Fielding, who had served 50 years in the navy.— At Newcastle, of a lingering ill- ness, Mr. John Cunningham, well known in the literary world for his very eminent pastoral talents. Bank Stock, shut. Four per Cent. cons. ditto. Three per Cent. 1758, 88 Three per Cent. conw. 87 f. Three per Cent, reduc. whut. Three per Cent. 1726, —. Long Ann. 23 f. S. S. Stock, —. Three per Cent. Old Ann. ^ r. Ditto New Ann. 84 Ditto 1751, 84 India Stock, Three per . Cent. Annuit. shut. India Bonds, 163. prem. Navy Bills -' per Cent, diic. MARLBOROUGH, October 1. Monday last Mr. Alderman Baily was elected Mayor ot Newbury for the year ensuing. The' entertainment given to the Corporation, Nobility, and Gentry, upon the occasion, exceeded every thing of the kind consisting of a brace of bucks, a turtle weighing upwards of two hundred weight, with, plenty of claret, & c. Monday, last Francis Bennett, Esq; was elected Mayor of Bath; and Mr. John Burge, and Mr. Warr Atwood, Sheriffs, for the year ensuing. Monday, se'nnight his Grace the Duke of Chandos was unanimously elected Mayor of Win- - chester,. Thursday. se'nnight Mr. Rawlins Hillman, was elected Mayor of Salisbury for the year ensuing. And Mr. Nath. Sill, and Mr. Richard Smith, were chosen common- council- men. Thomas Wroughton, Esq. his Majesty's Pleni- potentiary at Warsaw, is expected home in a very short time from that Court. By authentic accounts from Alton in Hamp- shire, we are informed that the crop of hops there and in the neighbourhood thereof ( tho' admitted to be the best plantation this year in England) being gathered in, falls short a full third part of the quantity it was computed on the poles. , At our races, which began on Tuesday last, the Noblemen and Gentlemen's subscription plate of 50l. was won by Mr. Strode's bay mare, Margery, 5 y. old, 1 1 Mr. Bailey's brown filly, Penelope, 4 y. old, 2 2 Mr. Elliott's bay horse, Hercules, 6 v. old, 3 dif. And on Wednesday the give- and- take plate of 50l. was won by Sir Richard Bamfylde's bay gelding, Bauble, 6 y. old, 311 Mrs. Martindale's ch. f. Minerva, 5 y. old, 1 3 i Mr. Strode's br. h. Beau Garcon, 5 y. old, 223 The bets each day were in favour of the win- ning horses, and the gentlemen of the turf of course right. The Cricket Match that was played at Broad- hallpenny for one thousand pounds ended on Tuesday night last : All England beat the Ham- bleton Club by 57 notches a- head ; and the Fareham Gentlemen beat the Litchfield thirty- five notches. On Sunday last, being the Feast Day, was per- formed in the parish church of Purton, in this - county, a concert of vocal and instrumental music, which gave entire satisfaction to a crowded audience. Friday, being the anniversary meeting of the Governors and Subscribers to the Salisbury In- firmary, they assembled at the Council- chamber, and, with the Mayor and Corporation in their formalities, preceded by the city officers, and a band of music, walked in procession to tbe ca- thedral church, and heard an excellent sermon, suitable to the occasion, preached by the Rev. Canon Bowles; after which an anthem, com- posed for the purpose by Dr. Stephens, was sung by Mess. Corse, Salway, Parry, Skeats, Barret, Antrim, and Goss, and the Choristers A collection was made at the church- door, by the Hon. Miss Duncombe, attended by Mr. Eyre, and Miss Powell, attended by Lord Folkestone, amounting to 54l. 8d. Last week James Stroud, servant to farmer Thomas Bruges, of Semington, near Melksham was convicted by the Right Hon. Lord William Seymour, and Paul Newman, Esq. two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace, for this county, in the penalty of five pounds for defacing and obliterating a mile stone erected on or near to the turnpike road leading from Melksham to West- bury. It is hoped this will deter other persons from wilfully and maliciously defacing and obli- terating mile stones and parapets of bridges on other roads; offenders damaging parapet- s of bridges being liable to pay the same penalty. On Wednesday evening last the only son of Mr. Benjamin Styles, at Spilman's in the parish ot Hilmarton, in this county, received a violent kick from a colt whereby his skull was fractured. He was trepanned by Mr. Alsop of Calne, assisted by Mr. Price of this town, and we have the pleasure to hear the youth is in a fair way of re- covery. On Monday last died at his house in Aldgate- street- without, London, Mr. Charles Crips, wholesale cheesemonger. Yesterday was committed to our Bridewell, Anthony Mabbett, for picking the pocket of Mr. Thomas Hancock, jun. of this town of one lawn handkerchief, and for having six other handker- chiefs in his possession when apprehended. A few days ago one Samuel Streek was com- mitted to Reading gaol, charged with committing a rape on the body of Mary Rackley, of the parish of Sonning, in that county, a child about 12 years of age. Arrived at Bath. His Grace the Duke of Manchester, Earl of Denbigh, Sir Thomas Ed- wards and family, Lady Grant and Mr. Grant, Rev. Mr, Ashton and family, Rev. Mr. Churchill, Mr. Mrs. and Master Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. Penrose, Mr. and Mrs. Board, Mr. and Mrs. Deepup, Mr. and Mrs. Tisdale, Mr. and Mrs. Hodgskinson, Mr. and Mrs. Shirley, Mr. Wilsford, Mr. Borlase, Mr. Gore, Mr. Crosse, Mr. Chapman, Mr. Collis, Mr. Bonnell, Mr. Hunt, Mr. Fothergill, Mr. Child, Mr. and z ' Miss Reasons, Mr. and Miss Danby, Mrs. and Miss Lewis, Mrs. and Miss Newman, Mrs. and Miss Benson, Mrs. and. two Miss Addingtons, Mrs. Brown, Mils Knight, Mils Buller, Miss Creed, & c. *** The Sale of the Three Swans Inn in Hun- gerford, advertised to be on Wednesday next, is post- poned, but the other Lots will be then sold. B, B's' verses are too imperfect for publica- tion, For LOWnESS of SPIRIT S, The so- much famed HYPO- DROPS, for Hypochondriac Melancholy in Men, and Hysteric Dis- eases or Vapours in Women, Price Three Shillings and Six- pence a Bottle, WHICH in a short Time demonstrate to every one who takes them, that they cure thole perplexing indispositions even when nothing but Horror reigns; when the Mind is confused with terrible Perturba- tions, Anxieties, and Despondency even to Despair. One of the most experienced Physicians of the Age speaks of this Medicine in these Words :—" This is a most effica- cious Medicine in all melancholy hypochondriacal Attentions in either of the Sexes ; and there is hardly a Case so obstinate as to resist it, if it be long continued. It will in Time scour the Glands and most remote Recesses of the Body of those adhesive slimy Humours which spoil the Motion of the Spirits, and lay a Load upon the principal Wheels of the animal Machine, from whence arise those Perturbations of the Mind, and Interruptions of Reasoning, as put a Person into a State little better than Distraction. This is also a good Medicine in hysterical Disorders, and will seldom fail of removing their Cause."' The following Case, among many others, is a real Mat- ter of FaCt: " A Woman of Milbourn- Port, in the County of Somerset, having for the Space of twelve Years and upwards, been grievously afflicted with the Hysteric Disease, attended with Palpitations of the Heart, Swoonings, Vertigos, Indigestion, excruciating Pains of the Belly, and a Train of other most deplorable Symptoms, the usual At- tendants of the Hysteric Disease, was, by taking the above so- much and deservedly famed HYPO- DROPS, entirely relieved, and a Life before miserable made comfortable and happy." , The following was sent bv a Gentlewoman of Bath : " For many Years past I have been troubled with a Lowness of Spirits, attended with a violent Pain in my Head, Back, and Stomach, and so great a Dread upon my Spirits that my Life was a Burthen, and the least Surprise of Noise would throw me into Tremblings and Flutterings that were almost . insupportable. I had taken- Medicines for many Years with- out any sensible Amendment ' till I was told of some HYPO- . DROPS by a Gentlewoman, who said she owed her Life to them. I can with Pleasure say I owe my Health, and ear- nestly recommend them to those who are in the same Dis- order, fo I thought it an indispensable Duty to recommend them." Sold, by the Appointment of the Preparer, by S. Goadby, near the Royal Exchange ; J. Towers, at No. 111 near Cripplegate; Mr. Swan, Bookseller, in the Strand; Mr. Almon, bookseller, in Piccadilly, London; and by R. Goadby, in Sherborne, Dorsetshire. Sold also by E. HAROLD, Printer, Book seller, aud Stationer, in Marl- borough ; and by the Disributors of this Paper. ALSO, For the SCURVY, LEPORSY, - The Anti.- scorbutic Concentrated JUICES, Are an easy, safe, and perfect Cure. AUTHORS of the highest Authority agree, that the Juices of some Vegetables were an absolute and certain Cure for the Scurvy, in its highest Stage there is, perhaps, not a single Instance wherein they have failed, when fairly tried. The Antients well knew this, and were never without a Diet Drink, composed of them. It became, then, a DESIDERATUM in Physic, so to con- centrate, the Juices of these peculiarly efficacious Antiscor- butic Vegetables, collected at their proper Seasons, that, ac- cording; to the great Boerhaave, their native anti- scorbutic saline Spirit might be obtained; and that, by comprizing there whole Efficacy within a small Compass, they might be inrdered at once the safest:, surest, and most certain Specific in the known World against the Scurvy1. After great Labour and Expence, that is now happily accomplished ; and it may be truly said, that one Tea- spoonful of these Concentrated Juices contains the whole specific Virtues of a Pint of tbe Anti- scorbutic Juices. Experience has fatally convinced great Numbers of scor- butic Patients; that Mercury, and such Preparations, ruin the- Constitution but Nature pointed out these, very Juices for these Disorders, and the native Principles in them are a certain Preservative of Life, from all Diseases brought on by the Scurvy. ' Sold at 3s. 6d. the Bottle, by W. Nicoll, No, 51, St. Paul's Church- yard, ( with good Allowance for charitable Uses, and to sell, again,) Richardson and Urquhart, at the Royal Exchange ; T. Durham, in Cockspur- street, Chair- ing- cross ; R. Davis, in Piccadilly ; the Printer of this Paper; and by a Dealer in most of the principal Towns in England. LIKEWISE, BEAUME DE VIE. By the KING's Patent. THE general Approbation which this Medicine has obtained from the Public, and even from the Fa- culty, with the continual Acknowledgments received by the Proprietors from those who have happily experienced its Virtues, would afford uncommon Latitude for daily Publi- cations of LETTERS, ATTESTATIONS, & c. were the Proprietors inclined to use such ostentatious Methods, but they deem it derogatory to the Character of a Medicine which possesses such superior Merit, and gives such sufficient Proofs of its own Utility. Infinite Numbers, who have Recourse to it in most Chronical Diseases, as well as thofe who are affected with occasional Complaints, confirm this Observation, and prove that the BEAUME is really to be esteemed the most staple Preservatiye of Health that ever yet recommended itfelf to the Notice of the Public. To prevent the pernicious Consequences of a spuri- ous sort being obtruded on the Public, the Bottles are each ' signed as under, the counterfeiting of which being Felony will be prosecuted accordingly. W. NICOLL, ' T. BECKeT, ( Vender) ( a Proprietor) This most admirable Family Medicine ( by Appointment of the Proprietors) is sold by W. Nicoll, No. 51. St. Paul's Church- yard, in London, at 35. the Bottle; with good Al- lowance for charitable uses, or to sell again, and by E. Harold, in Marlborough; Mess. Bull, Taylor, and Joilie, in Bath ; Mr. Holder, in Cirencester; Sealy and Co. in Salisbury ; Mr. Samson, in Wantage; and by the Distri- butors of this Paper. LIKEWISE, HELFT's famous POWDER For taking IRONMOLDS or INK- SPOTS out of Table Linen, Lawns, Muslins, or Laces, without the least Detriment to the Linen. Price is. the Paper. By his MAJESTY'S PATENT. IT is daily and voluntarily acknowledged by Persons of all Ranks, that the STOMACH- PILLS, ( made up of the most valuable Simples) are the best Re- medy yet discovered for Complaints in - the Stomach and Bowels, either of long standing or newly contracted, from any natural Weakness, or from Want of a proper Supply of the alimentary Juices, or from the bad Qualities of some Sorts of Food or Drink, any of which Causes often bring on Indigestion, want of Appetite, Oppressions by Wind, Head- Achs, Costiveness, and that dangerous Disorder the Bilious CHOLIC, in all which Complaints these Pills afford singular Relief; they are the best Physic in some Female Complaints, and they have been found of great Service in ill- formed Gouts, in Ruptures, and in prevent- ing the Dropsy and Jaundice, they are never uneasy to the Stomach, and when it is so much disordercd as not to' be able to Relish the most innocent Diet, they strengthen it, so as it can with Ease and great Safety digest any usual Food or Drink. The Stomach Pills are prepared and sold at is. 6d. per Box, with Directions, signed hy James Speediman, the Proprietor, at the Pine- Apple in the Strand, London, and by his Appointment they are sold by E. Harold, in Marl- borough ; R. Crutwell, Mr. Frederic, and J. Gibbons, in Bath; T. Cocking, in Bristol; and T. Burrough, at the Devizes; also in all the principal Places in Great- Britain. ALSO, Dr. ANDERSON'S ONLY GENUINE SCOTS PILLS ARE prepared by the sole proprietor JAMES INGLISH, at the Unicorn, No. 165, opposite the NEW CHURCH in the STRAND, LONDON. Near 150 Years Experience has proved this Medicine to be extremely useful in Disorders of the STOMACH and BOWELS, particularly in RILLIOUS and DROPSICAL Com- plaints, IN DIGESTION, after Hard Drinking, SUR- FEITS, Want of APPETITE or SLEEP, and all OB- STRUCTIONS. One or Two Pills taken Twice a Week, or oftener, will prevent the SCURVY.— It will keep its Virtues many Years, and in all Climates; is therefore the best Medicine for Seafaring People— It is very useful in Disorders peculiar to Women, particularly at a certain advanced Time of Life; and may be taken with great Safety and Advantage during tbe whole Time of Preg- nancy.— It destroys WORMS; indeed they cannot breed in the Bodies of those who frequently take this Pill.— it is so efficacious and gentle, that it may be taken from Infancy to extreme old Age, by both Sexes.— It does not always purge, in Dropsical Habits, and very severe Colds, only operating by Urine or Sweat. A greater Proof of the Excellency of this Medicine can- not be given than that the Gentlemen of the Faculty take it often: The late celebrated Physician Sir EDWARD Hulset, Bart, was so fully convinced of the great Utility of it, that he gave Mr. INGLISH a Certificate, recom- mending it as a- very useful Family Medicine. There are many Counterfeits ; some have copied Mr. INGLISH'S Directions, which are Dr. ANDERSON'S own Words, taken from his Latin Treatise which he wrote on the Virtues of this Medicine, and is in the possession of Mr. Inglish only; which Treatise and Certificate he is willing to shew to any Gentleman who may be desirous to see them. Some ride the Countries in his Name, and salfely say they are Partners with him: He never had any Partner, nor ever allowed any One to take Orders for him. — For these Reasons he troubles the Public with this Ad- vertisement. LIKEWISE. Sublata causa, follitur effectus. WILLIAM JONES, of Bambridge- street, Bloomsbury, voluntarily made Oath, this Day, before the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, that he had been afflicted severely for three Years with the confirmed Stone in the Bladder and Kidneys, and that it became so violent at last, as determined him to be cut for it in Sr. Thomas's Hospital, having been previously examined and founded by Dr. Fordyce. A few Days before the intended Operation^ he consulted a Surgeon upon his Case, who advised him to make Trial of Mr. ADAMS's SOLVENT, and he at- tests, that in taking even the first Bottle, he was sensibly relieved from the racking Fits, which had rcduced him almost to a Shadow, and from thence he continued to dis- charge small Stones and Gravel, till the Cure was com- pleated, which was in less than Three Months, and though it is now Sixteen Weeks since, he has not had the least Return of it WILLIAM JONES. John Nelson, ] Witnesses to the Cure. Ann Cameron, Sworn at the Mansion House, this 27th Day of June, 177a, before me, WILLIAM NASH, Mayor. For a more full Account of this; with many other sur- prising Cures of eminent Persons of the Stone, see Adams's Disquisition. The above Solvent, which is a Specifick in the Stone and Gravel, and all Obstuctions of the urinary Passages whatever, is sold in Bottles of 5s. 6d. at Mr. A- dam's, Surgeon, No. 2, Princes- street, Cornhill; and to exempt him from the Imputation of an Empiric, he has Certificates from St. Thomas's Hospital, and Doctors Mac-, kenzie and Smith. The above Solvent is also sold by Mr. Carnan in Reading, Mr. Crutwell in Bath, and by the Printer of this Paper. AND The most violent TOOTH- ACH, cured in a few Minutes without Drawing, Y a Tincture which gives immediate Ease in I the TOOTH- ACH, and cures all Disorders whatever in the Mouth or Gums, in a few Days using will fasten the Teeth if ever so loose ; and with a little Continuance, will perfectly cure the Scuvy in the. Gums. It also prevents the Teeth from rotting, keeping thofe that are decayed from becoming worfe, and t- akijs off all difagreeable Smells in the Breath, and caufes a Difcharge of all lcorb'utic Humours lodged in the Gums, which deftroy the Teeth. By applying this Tinffure outwardly, it will remove all Kinds of Swellings in the Cheek, or Pain in the Ear, and is an abfoluti; Cure for the Head- Ach, if ever fo violent. It is fold, by Mr. HAMILTON'S Appointment, in London, ar Mr. Poynton's, Perfumer No. Sc. Newgate- Street ; and at the Golden Head in the Minories, in Bottles at as. 6d. each, sealed with his Coat of Arms, and figned JOHN HAMILTON, to prevent Counterfeits, that Perfons may be supplied with his TOOTH- ACH- TINCTURE as prepared by him, and advertifed in moft of the public Papers of London, these Twelve Years past with such Succefs. Mr. Hamilton returns his sincere Thanks to the Nobi- lity, Gentry, See. for the great Encouragement he has met with in the- Sale of his Tincture, and is happy to find it has answered to their entire Satisfaction. MAREDANT's DROPS, For the SCURVY and LEPROSY, Prepared by JOHN NORTON, Surgeon. To Mr, NORTON, Surgeon, in Golden- Square, London. SIR, IAm cured, by the Use of your Maredant's Drops, of a most afflicting Disorder, of the scorbutic Kind, after every Medicine that could be thought of for my Relie J / twain; my Case was as follows : I first: had small Pimples come out on my Head, Face, Hands, and Legs ; in a iittle Time after, my Face and Body were covered with large Blotches, which discharged a Kind of watery Humour, attended with excessive Itching : I was in this Situation till about January, 1766, when I was recom- menced by a Gentleman, who was cured, by the Use of your Drops, of an inveterate dry Scurvy all over his Body; I am now in perfect Health, and am continually praying for the Welfare of the Author of so valuable a Medicine. In Justice to you, and for the Good of Mankind, I give you Leave to make what Use you please of this. I am, with great Esteem, Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant, CHARLES COOK. Cook- Street, Liverpool, May 14, 1773. *** Any Person, still doubtful of the Efficacy of this Medicine, may ( by applying to Mr. Norton, Surgeon, the West- side of Golden- square, near Piccadilly, London, the only Author and Proprietor, where these Drops are sold in Bottles at 6s. c.. ' ^ be fully convinced of their good Effects, by being referred to many People of Credit, who have been cured of the Leprosy, Scurvy, Ulcers, the Evil, Fistulas,. Piles long-- continued Inflammations of the Eyes, • and - every other Disorder arising from a Foulness in the Blood. They may be taken in any Season, without the least Inconvenience or Hindrance 0f Business. They also perfect Digestion, amazingly create an Appetite.— None are genuine but what are signed by John Norton, in his own Hand- Writing. N. S. These Drops are in square bottles, with the follow- ing Inscription on them, viz, John Norton, only Proprie- tor and, Author of Maredant's Drops. These Drops are sold by E. HAROLD; Printer. Bookseller, and Stationer, J. Smith, and W. Crouch, in Marlborough ; Miss An- derdon, in Taunton; Mr. Hancock, in Frome; Mr. Bur- rough?--- Devizes, Mrs. Hill, in Cirencester ;. Mr. Newbolt, - Druggist, Winchester; Mr. Willis , Newbury ; Mr. Law- rence, in Wantage and by the Distributors of this Jour- nal. ' Beware of Counterfeits.-- Maredant's Drops, so uni- Versally known and esteeme'd, were never- sold for less than Six SHILLINGS the Bottle Mr. NORTON having lately discovered that his Bottles, Bills of Direction. together with his Hand- Writ- ing, have been counterfeited, in order to impose on the Pub- lic a spurious Medicine for his ( Maredant's) Drops, he therefore hopes, for their Health's- Sake, they will be ex- tremely cautious of whom they buy them. LIKEWISE, By Authority of the KING'S Royal Patent, Granted to THOMAS JACKSON, his Heirs, & c. At their Wholesale Warehouse, No. 95. Fleetmarket. Where Country Dealers may be supplied with the following Medicines, and good Allowance to sell again ; 1. JACKSON's TINCTURE, for the Rheu- matism, Gravel, Stone, Cholic, or the Griping of Bowels, or any luch like windy Difordcrs; it not only gives present Ease, but if continued taking, one Bottle or two will entirely remove and destroy the Cause; and is infallible in Disorders of the Fair Sex, either young or old ; it is far superior to any Medicine extant. Likewise Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Strains, old Ulcers, or Swellings of any Kind, ef- pecially While Swellings, it cures to Admiration. Price is. the Bottle. 2. Dr. BATEMAN's PECTORAL DROPS, which have for more than forty Years, with uncommon Success, been given in all Fluxes, Spitting of Blood, Consumptions, Agues, Small Pox, Meatles, Colds, Coughs, and Pains in the Joints and Limbs: they put off the most violent Fever, even in the worst Cases, and with more Ease and Safety than any Medicine ever yet discovered. Price is. the Bottle. j. The only true BRITISH POWDER for the TEETH and GuMS. Its Virtues are as follow, viz. it cleanses the Teeth and Gums of all scorbutic Humours, which always attend them when foul. It brings the Gums to fill up the Places and Channels, which the Scurvy hath eaten away. It causes a sweet and pleasant Breath immediately after Ap- plication. It refines the Palate, and preserves a pleasant Taste in the Mouth. It preserves all the Teeth that are found entire, and those that are decayed from- growing any worse. It will always prevent their aching after this Ap- plication. it makes them as beautiful and white as the whitest Ivory. It alway keeps the Mouth free from Can- kers, and all other hot and dangerous Humours. Price is. the Box. 4. The famous Patent OINTMENT for the ITCH, which effectually Curcs that Distemper at one Dressing, with- out the least Danger; It entirely cleanses the Body from all Spots, Blotches, scurvical Itchings, or Breakings- out what- soever, as Thousands, to their great Joy, haye happily ex- perienced ; and is allowed to he one of the safest and best Re - medies for that Distemper ever found out, and never known to fail.— N. B. It does not stain the finest Linen, but has a delightful Smell, and makes the Skin extremely smooth and soft, and for its Safety may be applied to a sucking Child, Price is. 6d. the Box; one Box being sufficient to cure a grown Person, and divided, is a cure for two Children.— . Despair not, for it has never been known to fail. Also SQUIRE's GRAND ELIXIR. Price is. 3d. the Bottle. Mr. JACKSON begs Leave to inform the Public, that TURLINGTON'S ORIGINAL BALSAM of LIFE is prepared and sold by him, at his Medicinal Warehouse, No. 95, in Fleetmarket, London ; or by those he appoints in Country Towns to vend the same, Price 3s. 6d. the Bottle, or a smaller Size at 1s. 9d. Mr. Robert Turlington being deceased, whose Patent ex- pired several Years before him ; Mr. Jackson, who is be come lawfully possessed of the original Recipe, informs the Public, that they may not be at a Loss for so valuable a Medicine, that all Captains, Masters of Ships, and Coun- try Dealers, may be supplied, with good Allowance to sell again. The above Medicines, & c. may also be had of E. HAROLD, Printer, Bookseller, and Stationer, J. Smith, and W. Crouch, in Marlborough ; of the Men who Distribute this Journal; of Mr. Lacey, in Devizes ; Mr. Martin, Trowbridge ; Mr. Walmer, Bradford ; Mr. Davis, Frome ; Mr. Smith, Warminster ; Mr. Crutwell, and Mrs. Martin, Bath; Messrs. Tucker and Wilson, Road ; Mr. Philips, in Philip's- Norton ; Mr. Self and Mr. Cleve- land, Leycock ; and of one creditable Shopkeeper in every City and Market Town in Great Britain. By his MAJESTY'S Royal Letters Patent Dr. BATEMAN's Pectoral Drops, Prepared by DICEY, and OKELL, in Bow- Church- Yard, London, WHICH, for more than Sixty Years, have been universally known to be the safest and surest Relief in the most acute Rheumatisms, ( as many Thousands have lately experienced) Pains in the Breast, Limbs and Joints, Fluxes, Agues, slow and latent Fevers; a single Dose remarkably stops the Progress of a Cold, and certainly prevents the ill Consequences arising from that very common Disorder, the Fore- runner of almost all Distempers. They are also very serviceable in many other Diseases, which will appear in the Book of their Virtue and Cures, to be borrowed at every true Vender's. TMj great Reputation these Pectoral Drops ( when bought St tli, above Original Warehouse) have m0st deservedly gained, has encouraged divers designing and unfair Traders to counterfeit them, making Use of the Seal and Names of the said DICEY and OKELL, who, for the Public Good, prose- cuted, and had Judgment given them, with considerable Costs and Damages, against Thomas Jackson, ( removed near the Fleet- market) and Joseph Russel, in Queen- street, Cheapside, and others in London ; as will fully appear In the Bill of Directions given with our Bottles, when in is shewn the Manner how the above, and such like Counterfeits, impose upon the Public, to the Hazard of the Health if not the Lives of those who take such Trash. The Original Dr. RADCLIFFE's ELIXIR. AS Health is one of the greatest Blessing that attend Mankind, so we should he extremely care- ful t0 purchase Medicines prepared by Men of Fortune and Veracity, which are and have been known to answer the great and good Designs of their Inventors: Such a Medicine is that of Dr. RADCLIFFE's famous purg- ing ELIXIR, which daily adds to the Charter of that great Man, whose Name will live AS long as the World endures ; it far exceeding any Medicine yet experienced, both in Quality and Quantity, being not of the Nature of those sweet Slops sold by this or that Name about the Kingdom, where the Sick are obliged to take four or five Ounces, or five or six nauseous Pills, which render Physic so obnoxious, that Thousands puke at the Sight of either Phial or Pill- box; but, on the Contrary, it is a fine Bitter, which is the most grateful Taste to them that have Occa- sion for Physic; and it is reduced into so small a Quantity, that a Spoonful proves a sufficient Dose in most Constitu- tions, requiring no Confinement, nor does it leave the Body bound, but givs two or three Stools the succeeding Day, working so kindly, and by Ways so familiar to Na- ture, that you would bless yourself to feel its wonderful EffeCts : Therefore, it is a Pity any Family should be unacquainted with its Virtues, all Persons of Sense agree- ing in this one Point, that it is the very best of Purges to cleanse the Body of all gross and vicious Humours con- tracted by hard Drinking, Surfeits, Colds, Measles, or Small- Pox. it destroys all Mauner of Worms in Children or grown Persons, gives present Ease in the Cholic, expels Wind, and cures the Scurvy, Dropsy, Itch, and all run-, ning Sores 01- Breakings out whatsoever. It is taken with great Success in the Black and Kings Evil, Yellow Jaun- dice, swelling of the Face and Gums, bad Breath, Deaf- ness ( provided the Ears run). It cures the Head- ach and Heartburn, helps Digestion, dissipates Vapours and sudden Faintings, procures a strong Appetite, prevents vomiting, reaching in the Morning, Gripes and Pains in the Bowels, Difficulty of Breathing, Morning Sweats, and strengthens the Nerves, and there is no better Medicine in the W0rld to prevent those Diseases which commonly attend Perfons ar & c, occasioned by bad Air, Diet, & c. therefore those that undertake long Voyages or Journeys ought not to be without it, or omit taking it every Spring and Fall.— The Price ( for the Advantage of the Poor) but Twelve Pence, though well worth Twelve Shillings.— A Book of its Use and Virtues to be lent, well worth the Perusal of the most curious.— Good Allowance is made to those who sell it again. To prevent Counterfeits, observe that each Bottle has a Label affixed to it, with these Words, Dr. RADCLIFFE's famous purging Elixir. Prepared by DICEY and Co. Sold also by- J. Willis, Newbury; B. Gough, Wool- hampton ; T. Woodrouffe, Lambourn; B. Symonds, Ramsbury; T. Potter, Great Bedwin ; E. Harold, Printer, J. Smith, Mrs. Mortimer, and W. M'Tier, Marlborough J. Winter, Pewsey; T. Barnes, Lavington; T. Burrough Devizes ; D. Stretch, in Calne; W. Angell, and J.. Whettick, in Chippenham; S. Bourn, and T. Fowler Melksham; J. Stuart, Bradford; R. Davis, Trowbridge \ J. Matravers and Co. in Westbury; j. Shoar and T. Williams, Warminster; W. Hancock and Co. Frome; J. Singer, Beckington; J. Fripp, Philip's Norton; A. Webby Hinton ; Mrs. Lamb and Son, R. Taylor, R. Crutwell, and J. Gibbons, Bath; Mr. King, Cricklade; Mrs. May, in Malmsbury ; Mrs. Hill, Bookseller, Cirencester; T. Beck, Sutton- Banger; J. Gingell, Froxham ; J. Mapson, Brinkworth; M. Sarraude, Wotton- Basset; F. Saunders, Purton; E. Pullen, Cricklade; J. Warne, and W. Rose, Fairford; E, Cornwall, Letchlade; M. Humphrys, Swin- don; W. Saunders, and W. Haggard, Highworth; T. Tyler, Farringdon; C. Sampson, W. Lawrence, and J, Kirby, Wantage; and by at least one reputable Trader in each City and Market- Town in Great Britain, Ireland, & c. Where may be had, by the King's Patent, Dr. Bateman's Pectoral Drops, 1s. the Bottle. Dr. Hooper's Female Pills, is. the Box. Dr. Fraunces's Female. Strengthening Elixir, being the greatest Restorative that Medicine can produce, is. 6d.— Swinfen's Electuary, be- ing a safe and fure Dissolvent of the Stone and Gravel, 2, s. 6d. the Pot.— Dr. Case's Restorativc Balsamic Pills, for the Cure of Asthmatic Coughs, to prevent Miscarriages, & c. 2s. the Box.— Dr. Radcliffe's Famous Purging Elixir) being the best Purifier of the Blood after the Small Pox & c. it cures the Dropsy, Scurvy, and all old running Sores or Breakings- out whatsoever, 1s Betton's true and genuine British Oil, for Wounds, Ulcers, Strains, Bruises & c. 1s — Bettons Refined Oil, to take inwardly, for Con- sumptions and Disorders for the Breast and Lungs, 1s. 6d. — Dr. Patrick Anderson's Grana Angellica, or the True Scots Pills, sealed with the Doctor's Head, between C. D. is. the Box— Dr. Bateman's Spirits of Scurvy- Grass, is! — Dr. Daffy's true rich Elixir ( see the Cures in the Direc- tion with the full half pint Bottles) is. 3d.— Dr. Bostock's and Squire's Elixir, is. 3d.— Dr. Stoughton's Elixir, 1s. Fryer's Balsam, is.— True Eau de Luce, 1s. and 3s. tho Bottle.— Turlington's Balsam of Life, 1s. 9d. and 3s. 6d. tbe Bottle.— Pike's Ointment, by rubbing on the Hand » only, cures the Itch, 1s. 6d. the Box.— Issue Plaister which stick without filleting, 15. the Box.— The original Godfrey's well- known Cordial for Children, 6d. the Bottle. — Dr. Storey's famous Worm- Cakes, 1s. & c. & c. MARLBOROUGH, Printed by E. HAROLD. Of whom may he had all Sorts of BOOKS and STATIONARY WARES as cheap as in London; and by whom Printing is executed in a neat and correct Manner, and on reasonable Terms. ADVERTISEMENTS are taken in by E. HAROLD, in Marlborough; W. 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