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The Whitehall Evening Post


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The Whitehall Evening Post

Date of Article: 21/09/1773
Printer / Publisher: T. Wright 
Address: Printing Office in Milford Lane, Opposite St. Clement's Church, in the Strand
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 4276
No Pages: 4
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PRICE TWO- PENCE HALFPENNY.} From SATURDAY, September 18, to TUESDAY, September 21, 1773 SPEEDILY will be SOLD by AUCTION, ( If not by Private Contract) THAT pleasant and most delightful situated HOUSE, on the Banks of the Thames, late in the Occupation of the Earl of GRANARD. The House has been built about four Years, and may be entered on immediately. The View of Windsor Park and the River Thames is beyond all Expression.- For further Particulars enquire of Capt. Mason, at Datchet; or cf Mr. Holland, in Half Moon- Street, Piccadilly, Likewise that delightful HOUSE, Garden, and Offices, situated on the Side of the Common at Datchet, in the Occupation of the said Capt. MASON ; with about six Acres of Grass Land joining. N. B. The House is Freehold, and may be purchased with or without the Houshold Goods and Fixtures. Enquire as above. M O NDAY, September 20. Since our last arrived a Mail from Holland. Warsaw. Sept. 1. BARON Rewitski, Minister of the Court of Vienna, is returned from Zamosc, where he has had the ho- nour to pay his respects to the Emperor, who was very well pleased with the treaty which he has con1 cluded with the kingdom and Republic of Poland. The Delegates continue to hold their con- ferences with the Baron Stackelberg, the Russian Minister, who is charged with the regulation of the affairs of the Dissidents. General Bibikow is still here, and will not leave this place to go to the Russian army till the treaty of Poland with his Court is signed. Francfort, Sept. 9. They write from Mentz, that the Elector having appointed commissaries to notify to the Jesuits the Pope's Bull for the suppression of their Society, they found them perfectly resigned to their fate, and contented with the provision made for their support, viz. to every aged father an annual pension of 300 German florins, and 5o florins for their dress, with the liberty of retiring into Convents, or living with their relations, upon condition that they do not meddle with any ecclesiastical function, unless they enter into some other order, The others are to rec. ve 15 florins per month, and 35 florins for their dress. All the Jesuits in the City and Electorate of Mentz were removed the 7th instant, at eleven o'clock at night, four in a coach, to different Convents of religious orders, where every thing was prepared for their reception, and where they may remain as strangers or guests days, in order to fix upon what order they like best. Their estates, which in the Electorate of Mentz amount to 70,000 German florins, will be employed, according to the ordon- nances of the Elector, in establishing good schools for the education of youth, & c, BANKRUPT. Edward Tookey, of the town and port of New Romney, in Kent, linendraper aud undertaker, to sur- render Sept. 27, Oct. 4, 30, at Guildhall, Attorney, Mr. Rolfe, in New Romney. Bankruptcy enlarged. James Kingston, of Sandys- street, St. Botolph, Bi shopsgate, weaver, to surrender Oct. 10 at Guildhall. Dividends to be made Sept. 23. George Uppom and Thomas Main, of Darby- street, Rosemary- lane, in Middlesex, soap- makers, coal- merchants, and partners, at Guildhall. Sept. 15. William North and Samuel Cotes; of Iron- monger, lane, London, linendrapers and partners, at Guildhall. Sept. 30. Thomas Taylor, of Spital- square, Mid- dlesex, ( commander of the ship Iampshire, in the ser- vice of the East- India Company; dealer and chapman, » t Guildhall Oct. 12. William Smith, of Manchester, in Lanca- shire, grocer, at Crompton's Coffee- house, Manchester. - Oct- 13. Joseph Hopkins Saunders, of Bradford, in Wiltshire, clothier, a; the Nag's Head Tavern, in Wine- street, Bristol. Oct. 23. Christopher Randall, of Leather- lane, Hol- lorn, in Middiesex, dealer in coals, at Guildhall. Oct. 23- Alexander Mainstone, of Lower Thames- street, London, oilman, at Guildhall. Oct. z6. Ralph Ranson, of Wigan, in Lancashire, check- manufacturer, at the Windmill Tavern, in Manchester. Nov. 2, George Maling, of Scarborough, in York- shire, grocer, at Guildhall. Nov. 5. Paul Amsinck and Hieronimus Henry Bur- mester, of Mark- lane, London, merchants and partners, at Guildhall. Nov. 8. John His, of Coleman- street, London, mer- chant, at Guildhall. Dec. 1. Samuel Bean,, of Lawrcnce- pountney- lane, London, merchant, at Guildhall. Certificates, to be granted. Oct. 9 Isaac Mallortie, of Hammersmith, in Mid- dlesex, merchant. Montgomery Crothcrs, of London, ship- broker. SHIP NEWS. Deal, Sept. 17, Wind S. W, blows hard. Re- main the ships as before, and Olive, Harris, from the Streights for orders; King of Spain, White, for Cadiz ; Grenades ; Betsy, Adamson, and London, Ann and Betty, Sparshot, for Portsmouth ; Unity, Thompson, Henrietta, Purchase, Prince of Wales, Miller, and Willingmind, Wingham, for Chichester ; Oak, Disborough, for Southampton ; and Blessing, Longbottom for France, Arrived and sailed for the River, the Hero, Willis, from Lisbon ; and Squirrel, Finley, from the Grenades, . DEAL, Sept. 18. Wind S. W. Arrived and sailed for the River, the Charming Sally, Ogilvie, and Ja- maica Planter, Kendal, from Jamaica ; Ann and Ca- therine. Peters. from Tobago ; Farley, Cook, and An- tigua Planter, King, from Antigua, Remain the ships as before, and Molly, Cole, Nancy and Polly, Cockran, and Elizabeth, Seacroff, for Pool; and London, John- son, for Portsmouth. Arrivals.— Brilliant, Broderick, from London ; and Nancy, Broderick, from Dublin, at Archangel. Mer- curv, Gavin, from South Carolina, at Aveiro. Byron, Russel, from Jamaica, at Bristol. William and Nancy. Marshal; from North Carolina, at New England. Han- nah, Dobel, and Ann, Parker, from Boston ; and Dove, Benger, from Barbadoes, at Newfoundland. Nassau, Manzie, from Boston, at Virginia. Industry, Kenny, from St. Ube's, at Waterford. Antigua Planter, King, from Antigua, at the Isle of Wight. St. George, Han- nel, and Leyburn frigate, Wentworth, from the Gre- nades; and Neptune, Blackford, from Lisbon, at Dover; William, Thompson, from London ; and Sally, Ring- maiden, from Liverpool, at Cork. Molly, Carter, from Jamaica, at Liverpool. Providence, Mayne, from Dub- lin, at Motherbank. Thomas, Fotherly, from Arch- angelt, off Whitby, Polly, Stevenson, from Archangel; . and Hope, Mallison, from Koningsberg, in Yarmouth. Molly, Postlethwaite, from the Grenades, in the River. LONDON, The mail which arrived yesterday from Holland, contains the following article, dated Berlin, Sept. 7.—" While the King was at Breslau his Majesty received from the Pope his Bull of suppression of the Jesuits, and im- mediately sent for the Father, Rector of the Convent of Breslau, and told him that the Jesuits in his dominions need not be alarmed at that Bull as long as they behaved them- selves with decency and tranquillity. His Majesty added, that he would take them Un- der his Royal Protection, and in consequence of which they might appoint a superior Ge- neral to represent to him whatever might be useful for their Society." A letter from Holland says, " The Arch- bishop of Paris, by his pride and obstinacy, has brought upon himself a fecond exile, hav- ing been banished to Sarlat, a small city of Perigord, 120 leagues from Paris; and on the 5th inst. he set out for the place of his exile." Orders are given to let no persons into the Presence Chamber for the future, while their Majesties are going to Chapel, 011 account of several irregularities lately. On Friday the Duke and Duchess of Cum- berland, the Hon, Miss Luttrell, the Hon. James Luttrell, Gen. Prevost, Col. Deaken, Col Garth, See. set out from Cumberland- House for Dover to embark for Calais. It is said, their Royal Highnesses will travel through France and Italy as Earl and Coun- tess of Dublin. The present Parliament will be dissolved in April, and new writs immediately issued out for a General Election.— L. E. Post. The Act for the better regulating the assize of bread, which is just published, sets forth, that " Whereas, according to the ancient order and custom of the realm there hath been, from time immemorial a standard wheaten bread, made of flour, being the whole produce of the wheat whereof it was made : And whereas by an Act passed in the thirty- first year of the reign of George the Second, intituled, An Act for the due making of bread, and to regulate the price and assize thereof, and to punish persons who shall adulte- rate meal, flour, or bread-, and by an Act, passed in the third year of the reign of his present Majesty, for explaining and amend- ing the said recited Act, two sorts of bread4 made of wheat, only are allowed to be made for sale ; ( that is to say) wheaten and house- hold; whereby the flour, being the whole produce of the wheat, is so divided in the making of bread for sale, as that this standard wheaten bread, made according to the antient order and custom of the realm, could be no longer made for sale : And whereas house- hold bread, such as is intended by the said Act of George the Second to be made for sale, is not generally made for sale, whereby, and for want of the said standard wheaten bread being continued, many inconveniencies have arisen, and many of the inferior classes of the people more especially, have been under a necessity of buying bread at a higher price than they could afford, to their great hurt and detriment : For remedy thereof, it is enacted, That from and after the 29th of September, one thousand seven hundred and seventy- three, a bread made of wheat as- fol- loweth ; that is to say, of the flour of wheat, which flour, without any mixture or division, shall be the whole produce of the grain, the bran or hull thereof only excepted, and which shall weigh three- fourth parts of the weight of the wheat whereof it shall be made, may be at all times, and is hereby allowed to be made, baked; exposed to or for sale, and sold, and shall be called, and understood to be a standard wheaten bread. " Provided always; That the makers of the said bread for sale do and shall make every loaf thereof with the capital letters S W, and that the makers and sellers of the same do make and sell the same, although no assize of bread be set, of the weight, and in the proportions following ; that is to say, That every standard wheaten peck loaf shall always weigh seventeen pounds six ounces avoirdupois, every half peck loaf eight pounds eleven ounces, and every quartern loaf four pounds five ounces and one half of an ounce avoirdupois; and that every peck loaf, half peck loaf, and quartern loaf, shall always be sold as to price; in proportion to each other respectively ; and that where wheaten and houshold bread, made as the law now di- rects, shall be sold at the same time, together with this standard wheaten bread, they be sold in respect of and in proportion to each other as followeth ; that is to say; That the same weight of wheaten bread as costs eight- pence, the same weight of this standard wheaten bread shall cost seven- pence, and the fame weight of houfhold bread lhall coft six- pence, or seven standard wheaten assized loaves shall weigh equal to eight wheaten assized loaves, or to six houshold loaves of the same price, as near as may be. Provided also, That the said standard wheaten bread be not, nor shall be made into, or exposed to or for sale, or sold as priced loaves, at one and the same time, together with assized loaves of the same standard wheaten bread" At the meeting of the Gentlemen, Clergy, & c. lately held at Sheffield, it was resolved to assist the undertaking Of the Tythe Com- mittee in London, to procure relief in mat- ters of Tythe ; and that a County Com- mittee be appointed for this purpose, and directed to prepare letters to Sir George Savile, Bart, and Edwin Lascelles, Esq; re- questing them to give their attendance and assistance in Parliament when the Petition is presented; When Sir John Fielding sent to Mr. Gar- rick, to desire him; in the name of the whole Bench of Justices, to suppress the Beggar's Opera, which they were of opinion had done a great deal of mischief among the lower classes of people, Mr. Garrick returned Sir John for answer, that his Company was so imperfect and divided, ( many of the per- formers being yet in the country) that it would be exceedingly inconvenient, if not impossible; for him to open with any other Piece than that he had already advertised, but added, that he would in future do every thing in his power to oblige them.— A pitiful excuse indeed / Why could not the Tragedy of CYMBElINE, which was advertised for the second Night's representation, have been per- formed instead of the Beggars Opera ? Capt. Evans is appointed to the command of the Ramillies, and Capt. Douglas to the command of the Ardent, both at Chatham. The Rev. Mr. Stockdale is appointed Chaplain of the Resolution, a 74 gun ship, lying at. Portsmouth. Oh Thursday last was begun to be played at Laleham Borough, the great match at cricket between the Hampshire and Surry men. The players' names are as follow, viz. Hampshire Small Brett Suter Hogsflesh Frame Bailey Stuart Davice Aylward Purchase Lear Surry Lord Tankerville Miller Stevens Francis Childs White Minshull Woods Yalden Feild Palmer. Bowlers for Hampshire, Frame and Brett. For Surry, Lumpy and Woods. The Hamp- shire men on Thursday got only 38 notches ; the first innings the Surry men got 120. It was to have been played out on Friday ; but the morning turning out so very wet, they postponed it till a future day. The same match is to be played at Broad Halfpenny the 27th and 28th instant. Lord Tankerville distinguished himself in a very capital manner in the field on Thurs- day last, and caught two very difficult balls. A very melancholy accident happened last Monday at Easthanger, in Sussex. A poor woman, leaving a young child in a cradle while she went for some milk at a neighbour- ing farmer's, a strange cat got in at the sink- hole, and sucked the breath of the child ; As soon as the Woman entered the house, the cat ran away from the cradle ; but though the poor woman immediately alarmed her neigh- bours, and used every method in her power to recover her infant, her endeavours, were with- out effect. A few days ago Mr. Brinkleford, cabinet- maker, at Hoxton, went to hang his dog, when the creature bit him by the leg, but he taking no notice of it, died on Friday morn- ing raving mad. Thursday as Mr. Cockers, Surgeon in Goodman's- fields, and Mr. Delson, wine- cooper in Black's- fields, Southwark, were out a- shooting; the former after charging his gun left it full cocked, and in going through a gap in a field near Norwood; the piece un- fortunately went off, and lodged the contents in the back of his companion, which killed him almost instantly. He has left a wife and three small children. Friday a corn- lighter was sunk going through London bridge, by which accident three men were drowned. - Friday morning the wife of Mr. Readburn, seedsman, in Bishopsgate- street, who was big with child, was run over by a coal- cart in Shoreditch, and killed on the spot. The carman was immediately secured Saturday morning between four and five o'clock; fome villains attempted to break into the house of Mr. Corte, wire- drawer in Foster- lane; they had opened the kitchen window which looks into a court, and one of them had got in, but was immediately seized by a large dog, who tore him in such a manner that he was taken and sent to the hospital; his companions escaped. Saturday morning early a fire broke out at Mr. Graydy's, hosier, in Duke's- lane, Lime- house, which entirely- consumed the same, and damaged two other houses. On Saturday night a fire broke out at a house in Great St. Andrew's street, Seven Dials, which consumed the same. Sunday night a sand barge ran foul of a collier that lay at anchor in Limehouse Reach) and immediately sunk, by which accident Joseph Bailey and William Hartley, who had the care of the barge, were drowned. The Sporting Calendar BATH RACES concluded. Thursday, Sept, 16, 50I. give and- take, for any horse; & c. Sir R. Bampfylde's bih. Bauble, 8st. 41b. C oz. i 3 1 Mr. Helyar's bay h. Sprightly, 8st 14oz. % i A Mr. O'Kelly's b. h. Hambletonian, 6ib. 6 oz, 3 2 3 Same day, Bath cup, 100gs. value, and 20gs. in specie, being a subscription of 16 gs. each, for horses of all ages 12 subscribers. Mr. Coxe's brown horse, Gnawpost, Mr, O'Kelly's bay n. Bachelor, Mr. Smith's bay m. by Squirrel, - . Mr. Yeats's brown horse, David, Friday, 50l. for four year olds. Mr. Wildman's gr s. Euston, t Mr. Parker's bay f. Lottery, Mr. Drewetts br. colt, Mr, Popham's grey colt, Dormouse, . Same day a sweepstakes of 10 guineas each, pi p. for horse. Sic. Mr; O'Kelly's chesnut horse, 4 " yrs, Mr. Bailey's brown colt, Mr, Yeats's grey colt, 4 yrs old, Mr. Coxe's grey horse, M nock, Mr Smith's grey colt,. At Shrewsbury- races on Tuesday last, the sweep- stakes of 200 guineas was turn for by Lord Grosvenor's dun horse, and Mr. Vernon's bay horse, True Blue, which was won by the latter — The knowing ones suf- fered greatly ; for before starting, they laid 3 to I. Lord Grosvenor won ; and during the running, and till within the distance, they even laid 1010 ! in favour of his Lordship.' The same day the six following started for tbe 50l, viz. Lord Abingdon's Transit , Mr. Vernon's Ratoni, Mr. Parman's Strawberry, Mr. Rock's Spavin, Mr. Wass's bay horse, and Mr. Pugh's brown horse. The first heat was run hard between Transit an- 1 Spavin, and won . by the former by half a length ; the second heat ( in extraordinary good one) was contested between Strawberry and Ratoni, and won by the former ; the third heat also produced great sport between Ratoni and Transit, which was won by Transit. Strawberry and Spavin fell lame after the second heat, and were drawn. MARried.] Mr. James Mills, of Crooked- lane, to Miss Sally Mason, of Virginia- street. — William Lille, Esq. of Dorsetshire, to the Hon. Miss Cholmondley. Died ] At his house in Golden- square, Philip Turton, Esq. a Major in the Western Battalion of the Middlesex Militias At Cloonterkin the county of Mayo, in Ireland, John Jones, aged 102 years. — Mrs. Web- ber, wife of Mr, Webber, fur- merchant, in Prescot- street, Goodman's- fields. — Mrs. Kearney, wife of Mr. Kearney, of Vine- street, St. Martin's- lane, — Mrs. Grace, wife of Mr, Grace, warehouseman, in Newgate street.— Mrs. Gregory, wife of Mr. Gregory, jun. in Piccadilly. - At his house in Dart- mouth- row, Mr. Jameson, belonging to his Majesty's Board of Works.—- At his house in. Piccadilly, Mr. Vanvelt, an eminent carver and statuary. IAM one of those beings whom a long ob- servation and nice judgement have taught to look with contempt upon most of the af- fairs of mankind. To be for ever hoping for uncertainties, and still not content though in possession of our most ardent wishes, is a con- dition to me much more intolerable than very- many degrees of suffering which are inflicted upon us as punishments. Without any fur- ther preface, give me leave to tell you my story.—-—" Joshua Spitfield, my great great grandfather, who was originally apprentice to a green- grocer in. Wapping, having served four years of his time with fidelity and dili- gence, was one evening enjoying the fresh- ness of the air in the regions of Whitechapel, and as he walked to and fro would every now and then call his eyes towards the starry Hemis- phere, and reflect, with surprize,. on the im- mensity of the universe. He was weighing in his mind the deep and comprehensive knowledge contained, in the system, which the immortal Newton made known to the world about an hundred years after, when he was accosted by an elderly man, whose beard, silvered by age, hung down as far as his middle, and just reached a leathern girdle, which was tied loosely over his upper garment; in short, he had borrowed, the dress of one of those old gentleman- so frequently described in every oriental tale which has been published in the last century. " Young man, says, he, I read in your, countenance something far Superior to the profession you have hitherto followed. The texture of your skin', thro' the fibres of which eyes like mine can discern your very soul, enables me to pronounce you of a stamp far superior to that of a green- grocer. Be persuaded by a man whom long experience has taught wisdom : Do but follow his advice, and instead of turnips and potatoes you shall traffic in pearls and rubies." My ancestor did net long hesitate, for tho' a four years appren- ticeship had made him fond of potatoes, yet he easily found in himself a much stronger relish for the pearls upon the very first mention of them ; he therefore followed his venerable counsellor, who, afcer having led him thro' an hundred different alleys and turnings he had never known before, at last stopped short to see if no stranger followed them ; but per- ceiving they were still alone, he continued his pace, till joshua, who was by no means of a consumptive habit, found himself so faint and breathless, that another mile would have fairly done for him. They had now reached Execution- dock, when the old man stooping down pretended to take up a small pebble he saw lying on the ground ; but meeting with some difficulty in loosening it from its situa- tion, Joshua bent to his assistance, when the other instantly seized him by the poll of the neck, and, with incredible celerity, forced him into a canvas bag, which he had hitherto concealed under his gown. Finding it impos- sible to resist, the captive was forced to sub- mit, and lie snug for his greater security. He soon perceived he began to move, and by degrees found himfelf hurried with amazing rapidity thro' the air. 1 shall not pretend to describe his feelings upon this' occasion ; * they are more easily felt than described besides, the reader perhaps would not thank me for giving him the private sentiments of a green- grocer, being apt to conclude them at once of a vulgar stamp, - and inferior to his own ; tho' I will venture to say, as it evidently ap- pears from the foregoing parts of this letter,, that our Hero could raise his thoughts far higher than the tallest cabbage which grows within ten miles of the metropolis; I shall therefore content myself with saying, that after having continued the same rapid course for the space of three hours, he at last stopped,, and immediately being loosed from his impri sonment, saw himfelf very unaccountably alone on the summit of a craggy mountain. Having never before been in so exalted a situ- ation, after his first surprize was over, he lifted up his eyes towards, Heaven, and tho' he could never afterwards be brought to own it, was half of opinion he was already on his way thither ; but being soon convinced of his mistake, by finding that he remained in the same situation, he recollected his ideas, and very prudently set about descending the hill with all expedition finding himself there pro- digiously out of his natural element. He made the best of his way towards a small house which he discovered in the plain beneath. He walked a couple of hours before he reached it; but being at length arrived at the door, humility, his distinguishing character, prompted him to give but a single rap. I might here draw a comparison between the modest behaviour of my ancestor in this par- ticular, and the. quite contrary usage of all the Beaux and Belles about town, who di- sturb the peace of a neighbourhood by their loud thunderings at a door, where perhaps they never mean to find admittance. But as by such a comparison I should but make my- self enemies, i shall only say, that after hav- ing waited a minute and 22 seconds upon the threshold, the door was opened to him. Now what will be my reader's surprize ( let him believe it or not as he thinks fit; I con- fess I myself could never rightly credit it) * For the elegance of this expression vide all the novels which have been published since the year 1700. when he hears that this house which- now con- tained Joshua was the identical house situate in Wapping, in which he had formerly lived and served his apprenticeship ; nay, what is still more extraordinary, a turnip which Joshua had been paring the evening of his souleve- ment, lay in the same, situation in which he had left it, and the knife, which by some ac- cident had slipped off the dresser, just reached the ground as he- entered the room . He stood some moments at a loss what to think, but soon recollected, that after peeling the turnip he had fallen asleep, and that all his train of adventures were, but so many illusions- of the fancy, natural to persons- in that con- dition He might have slept on perhaps long enough to have obliterated his memory of the above transactions, had not the knife waked him at the instant it did by falling from the dresser on his foot. To curtail my story as much as possible, Joshua soon after married a butcher's daughter, and after living some years very happily together, left my great grandfather behind them as a proof of their cohabitation. This gentleman when arrived at years of discretion, was above continuing in so mean an employment, and therefore with the money he had saved purchased a small estlate, where he spent the rest of his life. My grandfather and father have follow- ed the same course, and I thought I could not do better than take after their example, which: I have now persevered in for these three years, and lead a contented life, never harbouring a wish so mean as to be great: If such a thought should intrude itself into my mind, I need only recollect I am sprung from a potatoe, and it vanishes in an instant. Let most of the great men of England search into their pedi- gree, and they will see how much they are my superiors. I remain, Sir, your very humble Servant,. DUNDERHEAD. The author is here thought to have had his eye on a passage in the Alcoran, which says, that an angel took the Prophet Mahomet out of his bed one morning, and after taking hint to a very remote part of the globe, de- clared to him every thing past, future, and to come; yet all this was transacted in so short a time, that at his return he found his bed still warm, and came time enough to replace a pitcher of water, which: he had thrown down at his departure, before all the water was spilled. Fable of " The MODISH WI F E, or LOVE IN A PUZZLE;" a new Comedy, as performed, for the first time, on Saturday Night last, at the Theatre Royal in the Hay- market. CHARACTERS. Sir Barnaby Brainless Mr Follet, Sir Charles Prudence Mr. Davies. Colonel Parapet Mr. Cresswick. Dick Quarterstaff —-- Mr. Williams. Timothy ( serv. to Sir Barnaby) Mr. Lloyd. Fusee( servant to Col. Parapet) Mr. Fearon. Crambo, a Poet Mr. Hamilton. Lady Brainless Mrs. Williams. Lady Charlotte Bloom Mrs. Greville. Miss Emily Fairlove ( ward young Lady, Mrs. Roach. to Sir Barnaby) Widow Busy Ruelle ( serv. to Lady Brainless) Mrs. Atkinson. SCENE, LONDON. - SIR Barnaby Brainless, an old avaritious citizen, is married to a young modish wife of 25, who lives but in the fashionable follies and dissipations of the times; he has at the same time living with him his sister the widow Busy, a forward wanton character, who is for engaging every young fellow of fashion she meets with in the trammels of matrimony.- To this groupe are added, Emily, his ward,, and Lady Charlotte, who is on a visit at his houfe. Under this descripuon of the family, Sir Charles Prudence and Col. Parapet pay their addresses to the two ladies-; the former to Lady Charlotte, the latter to Emily ; Whilst. the Colonel, the better to- carry on his design, pays separate devoirs to Lady Brainless and the widow Busy. Whilst things are in this train, Lady Charlotte, though much affected to Sir Charles, yet willing for her own sake, as well as her friend's, to sound the real dis- position of their lovers, introduces herself to their company ( as by letter from herself) in the character of her brother Lord Fred.- Bloom. In the course of this conversation she tells the Col. that her sister ( meaning her- self) was on the eve of being married, whilst she was determined to pay her addresses to Emily. The Col. embarrassed, both on ac- count of himself and friend, does all he can to dissuade her from it;, however, she is de- termined, and on a second visit alarms him so much by the fear of losing his mistress, that both swords are out to defend their separate pretensions; they part however, for that time, to refer to the Lady for her own decision, both promising to abide the consequences. In the mean time, Sir Charles, being at a mas- querade of Lady Brainless, overhears the two Ladies, in one of the rooms, laughing at the de- ception put upon their two lovers. This he im- mediately communicates to his friend, and they resolve to turn the tables on them by counter- feiting a falling off of their affections in turn. They accordingly carry on this for some- time, but are saved from continuing it by the acci- dental detection of Lady Charlotte, who for- gets her assumed character, and confesses the whole. This eclaircissement is very agreeable to the lovers, but the Colonel's fears for Emily make him discover his affections too soon, which brings on the revenge of the two disappointed Ladies, whom he had paid his sham addresses to, and who rate him alter- nately with all the bitterness of revenge and reproach. Things being brought to this conclusion, Lady Charlotte and Emily are willing to ca- pitulate ;. but before this takes place, the ' former brings about two good purposes ; the one, an attempt in her assumed character on Lady Brainless's virtue, by which she effects her reformation ; and the other, by recovering a bond out of the hands of Sir Barnaby for five thousand pounds ( the half of Emily's fortune) which the Colonel had imprudently signed for the sake of obtaining his consent for marrying her, after which the lovers agree to join hands, Sir Barnaby and his lady to part, when the play concludes with an eulo- gium on the pleasures of virtuous love. Such are the outlines of the fable of this comedy, which is said to be written by Mr. Gentleman, and which; to speak favourably of it, has neither strength of dialogue, cha- racter, or observation, to support it. By way of episode, was inserted the character of a tailor, a faint copy of Congreve's Ben in LOVE for Love, who, like Punch in the puppet- shew, was brought on for no other purpose than to crack his jokes and marry the maid. Fuzee was another character of the same utility ( a servant of Colonel Para- pet's) who is likewise copied imperfectly from Puff in Miss in her teens, and who; gets mar ried, under the disguise of Captain Spontoon, to the widow Busy.- The Prologue turns upon the hardship of the author, who had this piece no less than thirteen years by him, owing, as he alludes, to his not being able to cringe to Managers, or flatter the Great, though we think this representation of it fully exculpates them from this chargeable partiality, GUILDHALL RACES. ON Wednesday the 29th of September next, will be run for on Guildhall Course, ( by those horses that never won this plate before) the ANNUAL CITY PLATE, beside sweepstakes, & c. The following is a short account of the pedigree and character of the horses that are to start on that day, STALKING- HORSE SENIOr got by Sea- men Tickets, out of the old dog- trot pacer, Parsimony. This horse is backed for his seniority., little being expected from his abi- lities CITY KNIGHT, got by Money Trap, out of Save- all, a dam of the German breed, which first crossed the strain of true English hospitality. Both the above horses are to be rode by grooms out of the King's Meuse, and the latter has a kick in his gait from running against the wrong side- of the post last meeting. ORAN OUTAnG, a little black- gelding, . scarcely thirteen hands high,- got by , Mock Patriot, a prancing English stallion, out of a swarthy bay mare called Barbadoes, whose dam was Sugar Cask. This gelding has not been long in the Livery stables, was reckoned to have some mettle, but is neither sound- winded nor sure- footed. FIERI. FACIAS, got by Irresolution, out of Republican. When this horse first entered the patriotic race ground he was esteemed staunch and sure- footed, but- has lately got the mange, and other disorders, from being slabled with Oran Outang and Hopping Jemmy. PATRIoT, a high- mettled celebrated hun- ter, well known on every course in England for speed, strength, and wind was got by Liberty, out of Old Engish Spirit, his grand- sire, Old Noll, his great grandsire, Magna Charta. This horsec started three times for the Middlesex plate, in the year 1767 and 1768, and won each with ease, but was jockeyed by the villainy of the judges. PLAIN DEALER, a sure- footed staunch horse, though not shewy. He was got by Honesty out 0f Public Spirit, and has been in training along with PATRIOT for some time; from which circumstance, it is Universally imagined, PLAIN DEALER will distance the field. N. B. Further particulars may be seen in the racing and sporting calendars, which will be previously published in all the papers, and hand bills of the same delivered gratis on the course. The horses to start precisely at one o'clock, hissing, groaning, and huzzaing as usual. For the Whitehall Evening- Post. LETTE R IX. HAVING, in my last Letter, closed my observations on the First Book, of Ho- milies, which were set forth by Edward VI. I now enter upon the Second Tome of Homilies. of such matters as it were promised, and intituled in the former part of Homilies, set out by the authority of the late Queen Elizabeth, and to be read in every Parish Church agreeably. Prefixed to this Second Tome is an Admoni- tion to all Ministers Ecclesiastical, in which is an earnest exhortation to the apt, plain, and. distinct reading of the Scriptures,— to the in- strusting the youth in their Catechism,.— to the grave and reverent ministering of the Holy Sacraments,— and also to the prudent choice of such Homilies as- be most meet for the time, with a liberty to divide such as should be thought too long ; and a further liberty to supply the place of a chapter in the Old Testament with some other in the New Te- stament, of more edification. Now, the rea- son of my noticing so much of this Admoni- tion, and particularly the latter part of it, is no other than to remark, by the way, that it exerciseth a dispensing power over the Table of proper Lessons, when the competency of its authority for so doing is very suspicious and doubtful: and further, to observe, that such change of lessons appointed to be read, argues more than a strong presumption, that the ordering Table is not altogether found to direct to the most edifying portions of scrip- ture.— Others have thought the same ; but I was little aware that the Church had herself spoken so unfavourably of her own institu- tions in this particular instance. The first Homily,- of the right use of the Church or Temple of God, and of the reverence due unto the same, contains in the main godly and wholesome doctrine, such as may, with a safe conscience, be further said to be necessary for these times, both with respect to our regu- lar attendance on public worship, and our be- haviour while we are there. How far such language as is to be found- in this Homily, is necessary, or would be agreeable to these times, I will not say; but, with the Reader's leave, I must present him with a specimen of the stile, though it should seem to tell against my favourable report of the main scepe of it. So that ( says the Ho- mily) if we lack Christ, that is to say, the Saviour of our souls and bodies, we shall not find him in the market- place, or in the Guild- hall, much less in the alehouse or tavern amongst good fellows ( as they call them) so soon as we shall find him in the Temple, the Lord's House, amongst the Teachers and Preachers of the Word, where indeed he is to be found. So long as language is intelligible, I mean not to make my principal objections on that ground; but it should nevertheless be consi- dered, that besides being intelligible, it Should, in Sermons, or Homilies, be serious and persuasive.— And from the consideration of the effect this little extract, and others of the like cast, would have on a congrega- tion in these times, arises the farther questions of the utility of the use of the Homilies, and the continuance of a mock engagement to read them. On these grounds, arguments of no small force might be well founded, and easily supported, to the entire discomfiture of the bigotted friends to- the present Esta- blishment. Sept. 17, 1773. PRESBYTER. Amongst the great Numbers of both Sexes, and all Ages, who have experienced the salutary efFects of Doctor LQWTHER's NERVOUS POWDERS AND DROPS. THE Case of Mrs. BATHURST merits public Attention : The beginning of the Year 1770, this Patient was attacked with violent Fits,, which frequently- Continued six or seven Hours a Day, and were so strong as to require several People to sup- port her during each paroxysm, a continual Lowness of Spirits and Anxiety bordering on Despair, Pains in the Head, Back, Stomach, and Bowels, Giddiness, Pal- pitation of the Heart, Tremblings, Cachings, Star- ings, disturbed Nights, Weakness, & c. She had re- course to several eminent in the Faculty, and took va- rious Medicines, as well Bathing, & c. without Effect till advised to try the above Medicines, which in three Weeks greatly abated all her Complaints, and in a short Time after restored her to perfect Health, being now upwards of a Year free of those dreadful Disorders. Witness my Hand, Sept. 2, 1773. MARY BATHURST. N. B. Any Person may be fully satisfied of the Truth hereof, by applying to Mr. Cockrill, at his house in Air- Street, Piccadilly. The above Medicines are sold, by Royal Authority at the Doctor's House, the Golden Lamp, in Hatton- Street, in Parcels of 5s. and 3s. each; also at Mr Cook's, Bookseller, in Pater- noster- Row and at Mr. Vincent's, Perfumer, in Bond Street ; at which- Places are sold his Antiscorbutic Powders, a speedy cure for all scorbutic Complaints. Likewise the Doc- tors Diuretic Drops, a certain Cure for the Dropsy at 5s. 3d. per Bottle, full Directions with an annexed List of remarkable Cures gratis. SILVER LACE, EMBROIDERY PLATE, FRENCH TUTANAG, & c MAY be brought to its original Colour. if ever so much tarnished, by the Use of a Coni- position, which an ingenious Gentleman, many Years resident at Paris, obtained during his Stay there. Thii Composition is called LA COMPOsiTION POUR NET- TOyEr, and is an exceeding fine chymical Prepara- tion, of such peculiar Efficacy, that it instantly re- moves those extraneous Substances, the Adhesion of which sullies the Silver, and forms that Colour which is termed Tarnish, without the least Injury to the Metal, however exquisitely figured; or without the smallest Abrasion of its Surface, however thin and de- licate. By Means of this Composition, the adhering Foulness is dissolved, and the Lace or Plate restored to its former Beauty. Sold Wholesale and Reiail only, by W. Bayley, Per- fumer, in Cockspur- Street, near the Bottom of the Haymarket, London ; sold also Retail by A. Rothwell, Perfumer, at the Civet Cat, in New Bond- Street; J. Grosvenor, Perfumer, near Chancery lane, Holbourn F. Newbery, Bookseller, the Corner of St. Paul's Church- Yard ; and J. Price, Perfumer, opposite the India- House, in Leadenhall- street, Price 2s. 6d, the Box, for Lace, and 1s. the Paper for Plate, & c. CAKES for making of Shining Liquid BLACKING for SHOES, BOOTS, & c. THESE Cakes make with the utmost Ease, by the Addition of Water only, a most excellent shining Liquid Blacking, much supe- rior to any hitherto known. It gives the finest Blacks and most beautful Gloss to the Leather, yet never ren- ders it, Stiff or Hard, but, on the contrary, prevents its cracking, and preserves it Soft, Pliable, ana Mellow to the very Last, whereby it is rendered more agreeable to the Wearer, as well as much more Durable. It is perfectly free from Smell, and the Shoes that are- blacked with it will neither soil the Fingers in putting, on, or the Stockings in Wearing. Sold Wholesale and Retail only by W. Bayley, Per- fumer, in Cockspur- Street, at the Bottom of the Haymarket. Also Retail ( by Appointment) by A. Rothwell, at the Civet Cat, in New Bond- Street; J. Grosvenor, at the Angel and Crown, Holbourn; at F. Newbery's, Bookseller, the Corner of St. Paul's Church- yard; and by J. Price, Perfumer, opposite the- India House, Leadenhall- Street, Price 6d the Cake, which will make a full- Pint of Liquid Blacking. TUESDAY, September 21. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Frankfort, Sept. 7. THE greatest part of the Princes of the Empire are prepaiing to execute, in their several states, the Bull for abolishing the Society of Jesuits. The Elector of Mentz is set out for Worms, in order, it is said, to hear in person the complaints of these reli- gious, many of whom are inconsolable on the suppression of their order. The Com- missaries appointed by the Court of Vienna, for this purpose, are partly Seculars and partly Ecclesiasticks; the former have at their head Baron de Binder, and the latter the Father St. Dorothee, Confessor to his Imperial Ma- jesty. L A N D. 15. We hear from SCOT Edinburgh, Sept. Strathspey, that the poor people in Badcnoch and Lochaber are in a moft pitiful situation for want of meal. They are reduced to live on blood, which they draw from their cattle by repeated bleedings. Need we wonder to hear of emigrations from such a country ! C O U N T R Y- N E W S. Winchester, Sept. 18. On Monday last, at St. Giles's fair, we had the greatest quantity of cheese ever remembered, which sold from 2os. to 30s. per hundred weight.— There was likewise a fine shew of horses. SHIP NEWS. DeAL, Sept. IN. Wind S. W. Arrived yesterday the Marquis ot Rockingham, Hamilton, from Bengal ; A remain with. Dutch East Indiaman ; Swift, Lante, Weatherel, Cox, for St Kitt's ; Ann, Clark, Thanet, New, and Caesar, St. Barbe, for Gibraltar; Elizabeth, Scot, Carolina Packet, White, Good Intent. Dixon, and London, Curling, for Carolina ; Mary Ann, Breen, for New York; Stockford, Fletcher, for Jamaica ; Royal Charlotte, Christal, for Leghorn ; Olive, Harris, from the Streights for orders ; and the rest of the ships « per last. Arrived and sailed for ihe River, the Rachel, Henry, from the Grenades,; Susannah, Evers, Rich- mond, Birch, and Ruby, Hughes, from Jamaica. L O N D O N. Yesterday morning his Majesty, attended by General Harvey, went on horseback from Kew to Woolwich, to see the experiment of firing a cannon of new invention, which was discharged 24 times in a minute, and gave great satisfaction to his Majesty and all present. Letters from Paris mention, that the Sieur Guys, of the Academy at Marseilles, Secre- tary to the French King, has had the honour to present to his Majesty, on the part of the Chevalier James Bruce, a celebrated English. traveller, with whom he corresponded, an Abyssinian manuscript which contains the Prophecy of Enoch. His Majesty has or- dered that this manuscript, of which St. Je- rome makes mention, and which the late Sieur Colbert had searched for in vain, shall be deposited in his library. The above gentleman has farther presented, from the same traveller, several rare plants, and sub- jects in Natural History, for the royal garden and the cabinct of his Majesty; among the former a certain kind of grain called Teef, which has already raised itself out of the ground of the royal garden. This plant fur- nishes a most wholesome nourishment for cattle, and, in times of scarcity, will be very proper as a substitute for bread. The Earl of Suffolk, Secretary of State for the Northern Department, continues much indisposed with the gout, at his seat near Charlton, in Wiltlhire ; Lord Rochford still attends in his absence. On Friday last were lodged in the bank 30,000 dollars, brought from Jamaica by the Guadeloupe man of war. This sum, it seems, is in part of the 2o, oool. prize money alluded to at the opening the budget of last Session of Parliament, and which has been due from the estates of the late Edward Man- ning and George Papley, Esqrs. ever since the year 1756. The Carcass Bomb Ketch, commanded by Capt. Lutwich, which, together with the Sea- Horse Bomb Ketch, commanded by Captain Phipps, went at the end of the spring in search of discoveries into the Polar region, particularly to make astronomical observations under the Northern Pole, and to discover a Northern passage into the South- Sea, or East- indies; is arrived on the English coast, and has landed a pacquet at Yarmouth, to the Lords of the Admiralty, containing, amongst other advices, a journal of their voyage. It there appears, that they have miscarried in their design, from the great impediments and danger that occurred from the floating ice in the Northern sea; in confequence of which, the voyagers have not been able to get nearer the pole than 81 deg. 39 min. They were several times so embayed in the ice, as to find their situation almost desperate, and were happy to get safe back into the open sea, af- ter having made the strongeft efforts, with the utmost risque, to perform their undertak- ing. They have not, however, sustained any considerable loss, the crews of both vessels being in perfect health, owing, most proba- bly, to the extraordinary precautions taken in that respect. The Carcass parted from the Sea- Horse about ten days ago, and it is pre- sumed she may, by this time, have reached the mouth of the River, though no advice had been obtained from her on Sunday last. In consequence of that paragraph which appeared in our paper of Saturday last, said to be inserted by the authority of Mr. Fagan, we have Mr. Nugent's authority for publish- ing the following : Mr. Nugent having already signed his name to the account of a late duel which he sent to the papers, thinks it very unnecessary now to affirm, upon his honour, that it was strictly true in every particular except the designed omission of some trivial circumstances — such as the spot on which the duellists met being inclosed with hedges, ploughed ground, and very near a gallows. Mr Fagan's sup- 1 plementary account of the duel therefore needs no further comment. Monday, Sept. 20. On Sunday night the purser of the Marquis of Rockingham East- Indiaman came to the India- house with an account of that ship be- ing arrived in the Downs from Bombay. She sailed on her voyage from the Downs the 9th of April 1772. There are six more ships yet to arrive from Bombay, Bengal, and Coast and Bay. The Mary, Roundtree, from Jamaica to London, is put into Guernsey in a shattered condition, The mate was washed oberboard. - A person just arrived from Calais reports, that Hawke. the highwayman, who made his escape from Tothill- fields Bridewell; is now at that place, and resides at the City of Lon- don Tavern, where he cuts a splendid ap- pearance. We hear that three, of Mr. Digges's ser- vants have received an express from Bath, with the following instances of good fortune.— The father, who is a door- keeper, has 90I. a year left him ; and his two sons ( one of whom was a painter to the theatre) 2000I, each; This good fortune came by the death of an old aunt.— Aberdeen Journal. Thursday last, as Brady Esq. of Sydenham, was coming from a feast, he was flung from his horse, near Norwood; he dislocated his neck by the fall, and died the spot. He was found the next morn- ing within a mile of the house he had dined at. Friday morning a private man belonging to the 68th regiment of foot, quartered . in Norwich, who was to have received a flagella- tion, in order to evade the punishment, cut his throat in the Guard- house. Friday was tried at Hicks'S Hall; an apo- thecary, for cutting an officer across the belly who had arrested him. He was sentenced to be imprisoned three years in Newgate. The same night a young Gentleman, son of an Attorney near Dove- Court, Lombard- street, was found dead upon the road near Windsor. It is supposed that he was thrown from his horse, as his watch and money were found in his pockets; he was just before left by his companion. On Saturday last upwards of 60 common prostitutes, pickpockets, & c. were taken, up by an order from the Lord Mayor, in conse- quence of an application made to him by several of the inhabitants of Farringdon Ward Without. They were examined yes- terday by his Lordship, and about 40 com- mitted to Bridewell. Last Saturday evening a Spanish merchant in Bell- Alley, Coleman- street, going out of town, a shower of rain coming on, he set up a gallop, and rode over a woman facing the Angel in the City- road; the woman was killed; the merchant was thrown from his. horse upon the stones, and so much hurt that he died in a few hours, after. Last Saturday a porter working upon the keys was, by craning up a hogshead of sugar, knocked into the river, and falling against a lighter, his scull was fractured, and he died before he could be got out. On Sunday the 22d of August last, an in- habitant of Doctors Commons, who was a candidate at the last election for the office of Common Councilman for a certain Ward South of St. Paul's, buried his wife ; on the 29th Of the same month, and the two follow- ing Sundays, was publicly asked in the same church where he had buried his first wife; and Sunday, being the 19th of September, was married at the said church to a young lady of 22 years of age. He is 72 years old. BIRTH.] The Lady of Admiral Sir Wil- liam Burnaby, Knight and Baronet, of a son and daughter, at his seat at Broughton- hall, 111 Oxfordshire.— The Lady of Sir Edward Astley, Bart, of a daughter, at their house in Downing- street, Westminster. PROMOTED.] General Carpenter, one of his Majesty's Aid de Camps, to be Master of the Horse to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. PREFERRED.] The Rev. Stephen Jenner, Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, to the rectory of Fittleton, near Salisbury. MARRIED.] At Castle Grant, in Scot- land, Alexander Penrose Cumming, Esq; to Miss Helen Grant, daughter of the late Sir Ludovick Grant, Baronet.— Mrs. Elizabeth Stainhurst, of Putney, a widow lady, aged 65., to Mr. Henry Comerford, Gent, of the same place, aged 31.— John Hyde, Esq; of East Greenwich, to Miss Seymour, eldest daughter of the Right Hon. and Rev. Lord Francis Seymour, and niece to the Duke of Somerset. — Mr. Reginald Parker, of Doctors- Com- mons, to Miss Isabella Duncan, of Miles's- lane, Cannon- street.— Mr. Green, at the Horse and Groom inn, in Holborn, to Mrs. Mills, in the Borough. DIED.] At his seat at Langley- Park: near Norwich, in the 49th year of his age, Sir William Beauchamp Proctor, Bart, and Knight of the Bath. This gentleman had served in three Parliaments for the county of Middlesex, till the year 1768.— Suddenly, as he was writing at his desk, Mr. Marshal, of St. Mary Axe. THEATRICAL INTELLIGENCE. LAST night the Theatre- Royal, Covent- Garden, opened with the Comedy of the Busy Body, written by Mrs. Centlivre, and the Ballad Opera of the Devil to Pay, to a crowded and polite Audience. The princi- pal Performers supported their respective cha- racters with great spirit, and were received with general applause. An occasional Pro- logue was spoken by Mr. Woodward, which was well received. In part, it was a parody on the'celebrated speech of Cato, in Mr. Ad- dison's Tragedy of that name. He informed the Audience, that they had assembled their Theatrical Troops against the approaching winter; and that their Leaders had met in Council to consider the best methods of sup- porting their campaign : but as their forces were numerous'and strong, he hoped the Town would not refuse them sufficient subsidies, especially ( all other expences exempted) as their Gods must eat, and without money they could not even raise a Devil. It is impossible for us to do justice to this entertaining Pro- logue, by any description of it ; suffice it therefore to say, that it was ingenious, and admirably well applied to the occasion of opening the Theatre for the approaching season. AVERAGE PRICES of C OR N, From Sept. 6, to Sept. 11, 1773. By the Standard Winchester Bushel of 8 Gall. Wheat. Rye. Barley. Oats. Beans. ' This Day are published, The Second Edition, neatly printed in two small Vo- lumes, Octavo, ( Dedicated to Mrs. MONTAGU) LETTERS on the IMPROVEMENT of the MIND, addressed to a Young l. ady. By Mrs. C H A P O N E. I consider an Human Soul without Education, like Marble in the Quarry, which shews none of its in- herent Beauties till the Skill of the Polisher fetches out the Colours, makes the Surface shine, and dis- covers every ornamental Cloud, Spot, and Vein that runs through the Body of it. Education, after the same Manner, when it works upon a noble Mind, draws out to view every latent Virtue and Perfection, which without such Helps are never able to make their Appearance, ADDISON. London : Printed for J. Walter, at Homer's Head, Charing Cross; and sold by E. and C. Dilly, in the Poultry. *• » * The Sale of the First Impression, 1500 Copies, in six Weeks, has fully testified the Public's very high Approbation of these Letters. ADELPHI LOTTERY, To be drawn in the Month of March next, under the Authority of an Act of Parliament. lHE Prime Cost of the Buildings and Effects to be sold in this Lottery, including Five per Cent. Commission on the Buildings, as proved to Parliament, is • Consists of 1 Prize of the Value of 50000I. 1 ditto 400001. I ditto 30000I. 1 ditto 20000I. l ditto 100000l. 1 ditto 5000I, 102 ditto of different Values each, from 100l. to 800I. 33500J. 1 ditto first drawn, , 5000I. 1 ditto last drawn, ,5000!. 110 Prizes amount in all to 4160 Blanks. 21850^ 1. 4370 Tickets, at 50I. each, 2iSt? ool. As the Prizes consist of many Buildings and Effects, in allotting them there may happen to be small Dif- ference from the Sums above specified ; but that Dif- ference shall not be 100I. more or 100l, less than those Sums. Terms of Subscribing : First Payment on Receipts, 25 per Cent, or 12I. 10s. per Ticket at fubferibing. Second ditto, zp per Cent, or ol. ditto the 3d of November, 1773. Third ditto, 25 perCent. or 111. 10s. ditto the 15th of December, 1773. Fourth ditto, 30 per Cent, or tjl. ditto the 31ft of January, 1774. Subscribers paving the Whole of the Tickets sub scribed for at any Period before the 31st of January, 1774, shall immediately receive their Tickets, and be allowed Interest at Four per Cent per Annum, from the Time the Money is aid to the respective Terms 0 f Payment abovementioned, and to forfeit their De- i). fits in Default of making good their Payments. The Lottery to be drawn in the State Lottery Wheels, and to be conduced and mamged after the same Man- ner as the State Lotteries, and by some of the same Commissioners. Tickets sold, and Subscriptions takan . in at Mess. Adams' Office, in Robert- Street, Adelphi, every Day, Sundays excepted, from Ten o'Clock in the Morning till Six at Night, wtiere Copies of the General Scheme, and all Particulars concerning it, as published in the London Gazette and Maily Papers, may be had. Such Perfons as have paid their full Subfcriptiors on Receip- s may now have them exchanged for T ckets. STOLEN fome Time in the Night of the, O 15th Instant, out of a Piece of Land, called the Culwell, near Wolverhampton, io the County of Staf- ford, a strong DARK BROWN GELDING, Aged, 15 Hands one Inch high, has some White above the Fetlock, and also a Blemish on the Off Leg before, has been fired on the Gambrell of the near Leg behind, and has some White above the Fetlock 0f the same Leg a White Blaze down his Fare, a Black Mane, and ( if not al- tered) a long Black Tail, Also stolen at the same Time a DARK BAY MARE, Aged, 15 Hands one Inch high, rather long in the Back, has four Black Legs, except a little White above the Fetlock of the Off Leg behind. a Black Mane, and ( if not altered) a Switch Tail, and has a small white Spot on the Off Side, near her Flank. Any Person or Persons discovering the Offender or Offenders, so that he or they shall be convicted of the above Offence, shall be entitled 10 a Reward of Ten Guineas, to be paid by Mr. Thomas Brett, Treasurer to the Association for the Prosecuting of Offenders in Wolverhampton aforesaid ; and if more than one were concerned in the Commis- sion of the said Offence, if either of them will dis- cover his Accomplice or Accomplices, so that they or any one of thems shall be convicted thereof, the utmost Endeavours shall be used to procure a Pardon for the Person making such Discovery, and he shall be paid the same Reward. N. B. The above Gelding and Mare are both the Property of Messrs. Jones and Taylor, of Wolverhamp- ton aforesaid, WANTED, at MICHAELMAS next, AMASTER of the Grammar School of Southwell, in the County of Nottingham ; which Master will at the same Time be admitted to a Vicar Choral's Place in the Collegiate Church of Southwell, and instituted to a- Living within three Miles. Any Clergyman, a Graduate, and in Priest Orders, well recommended for his Abilities and Morals, may apply to the Residentiary. TO BE LETT, On St. Michael's Day next, at an easy Rent, THE BLACK BEAR INN, at Slough, , near Windsor, about 20 Miles from London, on the Bath Road. A good Stiuation for Accommodation for the Public, with Conveniencies for upwards of fifty Horses, and a very pleasant and useful Garden which. if wanted, will be put in good Repair for a good Tenant), Enquire of Mr. Dory, Hounslow; Mr. March, Maid- enhead- Bridge ; Mr. Fisher, of Reading; or of Mr. Rowles, Craven- street, Strand. This Day is published, Neatly printed in a Pocket Volume, Price 2s. sewed, ' TABLES, ready cast up WITH GrEAT EXACTNESS, for the Use of bANKERS, MERCHANTS, TRADESMEN, and OTHERS; who may immediately, upon Inspection, find the true Value of any Quantity of Gold, from 3I. 15s. to 4I. 2s. per Ounce; and Silver, from 4s. 6d. to 6s. per Ounce, from One Grain to Ten Pound* Weight. . To which is added, A TABLE, which, at one View., will shew the Value of any Quantity of Gold agreeable to the present Price of il; 17s, lod ^ per ounce, with the specific Weight of all the Engish Money which is allowed t0 pass Cur- rent by the Lords of the Treasury, and practised by the Bank of England : Also an Account of Gold and Silver Bullion; with Tables for reducing of Silver and Gold of any Fineness to Standard Weight, from One Hun- dred Thousand Ounces to on Grain. A Work, very necessary at this Time for all Persons who are concerned in Money Transactions.-. Inscribed to the BAnK DIRECTORS, with a Recom- mendatory Preface, By SAMUEL ETHERIDGE, Of the Bullion Office, Bank of Englad. Printed for E. and C Dilly, in the Poultry : And sold by J. Robson, New Bond Street } and J. Walter, at Charing- Cross. This Day is published, Price 1s, MAXIMS for Playing the GAME of WHIST, with all necessary Calculations and Laws of the Game. London, printed and sold by T. Payne, at the Mews- Gate, St. Martin's; and by all the Booksellers in Town and Country. This Pamphlet is entered into the Hall- Book of the Company of Stationers. THE HELICON BAG. For the Whitehall Evening Post. ZARA, too true it is, alas! For Beauty's Queen will never pass; Few are the glories of her face, Nor great her clumsy person's grace. Her eyebrow ill deserves a sonnet ; Whitehead would write no ode upon it. I cannot swear I ever heard, She sweeter sang than Eve's sweet bird Nor yet that ever bee mistook Her lip for Sharon's rose.— Her look Is not so strikingly expressive, Nor is her learning so excessive. Yet, tho' the world, perchance, may chuse To jeer the folly of the Muse— Ill fare my peace ! but tho', alas! Zara will ne'er for Venus pass; Tho' few the beauties of her face And small her ill- form'd person's grace ; Tho' ' tis too true I never heard, She kill'd with envy Eve's sweet bird ; Or that a bee mistook her lip For Sharon's rose ; or that the tip Of her dear ear was ever made Immortal by poetic aid Yet, tho' too cruel Fate hath shed These imperfexions on her head- Ill fare my peace !— but I perceive My quick pulse throb, my bosom heave With truer transports, as I walk By Zara's side, and hear her talk, And see her smile ;— than when I sit With maids, perchance, of readier wit— Than when with Nymphs, in Nature's mould, Her most exactest, cast, I hold Soft converse ; in whose complete frames Nor. Envy's self a tittle blames : In ev'ry one of whom ( had Fate But granted him so long a date) Apelles might a model find, A perfect model to his mind. HAMET. For the Whitehall Evening- Post. The WILL of a celebrated AUCTIONEER. TO my stingy old Wife, The plague of my life, I leave all my goods and each chattel ; To my dear little Aby, A sweet forward baby, A flute, and a pen, and a rattle. To my son, Parson Cock, Of assurance my stock, My lisp, my low bow, and flirtation ; That he with success May the Bishop address, And impose on his weak congregation. To Bob, the dear man, His own little wife Nan, That he with affection may cram her; And to him, best of boys, All my trinkets and toys, With my pulpit, my wig, and my hammer. Doncaster, Sep. 18, 1773. For the Whitehall Evening- Post. On a HIGHgATE CARD- PLAYER, OLD Nick once appear'd to a crummy old Dame, Whilst playing Quadrille, in the midst of the game, And said, If that night she continu'd to play, Her soul should that ev'ning to Hell wing its way: But she laugh'd at his threats, and, to save founded on a Fact which happened at Leverpool; the preamble of which falls in so agreeably with the first part of the above subject, that I shall copy it out, at the foot of this letter, for the entertainment of your Readers; and am, Sir, Your most obedient Servant, Z. IT has been remarked, and I fear with too much justice, that one of the most pleasing dramatic entertainments which has been pro- duced for at least a century, though abound- ing in wit and satire against Vice, has been accessary to the misleading many of the Youth of Great- Britain into the commission of a crime, against which both the laws of God and man are armed with judgment and pe- nalties. The piece in question will easily be guessed at, when I pronounce Macheath to be the Sir Clement Cotterel to Tyburn, to which, I dare say, he has introduced more English youths, than ever our gentle Knight has had an opportunity of presenting foreigners at the Court of St. James's. Though perfectly clear in this point, I most sincerely acquit the amiable Author of the Beggar's Opera of any intention to injure the morals of his countrymen ; but the effects of gilded vices, to minds which have not strength enough to beware of the latent poison, must ever be fa- tal ; and surely there cannot be a more dan- gerous snare than to represent a man brave while in the commission of a mean vice, or happy under accumulated guilt, and the ter- rors of the law. Yet stimulated by the ap- parent jollity, and false ideas of honour and spirit, which are expressed by the Captain and his gang, I am persuaded many young men have taken the highway, who would have shudder- ed at the idea of becoming Knights of the Road, if they had never happened to see so familiar a representation of such heroic Free- booters. the dear Vole, Play'd on — and contented soul. Doncaster, Sept. 18 1773 resign'd up her OXONIENSIS. Postscript. To the Printer of the Whitehall Evening- Post. SIR, Sept. 2o. 1773. SOME of the public Papers of last week mentioned, That the Bench of Justices, at the request of Sir John Fielding, had made application to Mr. Garrick to prevent the Beggar's Opera being represented for the fu- ture, on account of its dangerous tendency to the minds and manners of the lower aud more profligate classes of life. This shews a pro- per attention to the police of the City ; and Sir John deserves the fullest thanks of the Public upon this occasion, as well as on many other accounts, both as a Magistrate, and an useful Member of Society. But this hint, it seems, was paid no re- gard to by Mr. Garrick ; and the Highway- man's Opera was performed as usual. His police is of a different nature from Sir John's; he is joined with. Foote, Goldsmith, Johnson, and Colman, to turn all Sentiment out of doors, and that is the surest method of clear- ing the way for all Moral to follow it. Men. first learn to speak of virtue before they prac- tise it; but this hopeful confederacy have joined their forces to stop its utterance. There was a little piece published in the Westminfter Magazine for July, en- titled, The Dupe of Love and Friendship : or, The Unfortunate Irishman : A Moral Tale, Tuesday Afternoon, September 21 This day arrived the Mails from Holland and Flanders. Hamburg, Sept. 9. Private letters received here from Warsaw, assure us, that the Russian army is fallen back as far as Jaffy, where it will wait for the arrival of the troops which are cantoned in Poland, and which are ac- tually On the march to join it. The same let- ters add, that every day discovers more and more the very great loss which this army hath sustained, as well in the different engagements it hath had with the Turks, as by the want of provisions and forage, and the forced marches, which have harrassed the cavalry, and which is in a miserable condition.— They also say, that the successes of the Tar- tars and Turks in the Crimea have not been less brilliant,— but that notwithstanding these signal advantages the state continues disposed to hearken to terms of accomodation. Rome, Aug 28. The Commission of Five Cardinals for examining the affairs of the Jesuits, are now busied in searching their pa- pers and ascertaining their revenues, in order to determine what pensions shall be given thein. For this purpose all their revenues are to be liquidated, and it is supposed the value of their public foundations will amount to 60,000 crowns, and that of the treasures in their churches and colleges to a million. Each of the fraternity has been allowed to carry with him his books, his bed, and par- ticular effects. Cardinal York made an at- tempt to take possession of the lands and houses of the Scotch College, 011 pretence that it was within his diocese ; but the other four Cardinals of the Commission opposed this, and took possession of it in the name of the Pope. Vienna, Sept. 4. On Monday last, our Court received the news of the Pope's having entirely abolished the Society of Jesuits by a Bull. We are as yet ignorant what measures the Imperial Court will adopt to procure an account of the immense riches which this Society possesses in the Austrian dominions.— It is reported, however, that these Holy Fathers, anticipating the. misfortune which has so long threatened them, have lately bor- rowed two millions of florins on the estates and effects which they possess in these domi- nions. * We have learned nothing important lately respecting the Russian and Ottoman armies. It is not yet confirmed that the Turks have passed the Danube, and defeated a body of, the Russian army ; but it is certain that the latter have suffered greatly, particularly the cavalry, in the late engagements with the former 011 the other side the Danube ; as also that the Russians have sustained some loss in the Crimea. However, the same advices add, that the Porte still appears desirous of peace; and that she is disposed to listen to any new propo- sal for that purpose. Letters from Moldavia give us reason to hope that a peace will speedily take place be- tween the Russians and the Turks. Cologne, Sept. 10. The Bull for the aboli- tion of the Jesuits is going to be carried into execution in the Principality of Liege The States and Chapter have already nominated Commissaries for that purpose, who have begun their operations at the Colleges of the Walloon and English Jesuits. Paris, Sept. 10. An Arret of the Council of State appeared on the 18th of last month, augmenting the alimentary pensions of the Jesuits of this kingdom who have attained the age of 60 years and upwards to 400 livres. LONDON. The reason the Ministry give for not re- quiring satisfaction of the King of Prussia for seizing their timber, is curious. They say, that his Prussian Majesty has been long en- deavouring to draw them into a war, in order to act as a freebooter, and probably lay hold on Hanover; but they ( they say) are resolved to frustrate his designs ; and, let him do what he will, he shall not decoy them into hosti- lities The Grand Signior published some time ago a manifesto, which was circulated chiefly through Poland, that if Russia ( after the rup- ture of the Congress) had any inclination to treat further of a peace by the mediation of any other power, it could be done only on the side of the Porte by the mediation of France. This Russia refused ; declaring she would by no means treat with France, but that she had no objection to do it through the medium of Great Britain. To this the Porte consented; and, in consequence, Russia transmitted her terms to Great- Britain. This pacific Court, not willing to be in any way concerned in the affair, through fear of being drawn into a scrape, sent back the terms, and declined hav- ing any thing further to do with either party, saying, in excuse, that the terms were thought to be unreasonable, Unanimity, it is said, has taken place in the Cabinet. The cause is this: the great Court faction having carried every thing be- fore them, whether right or wrong, the rest are tired of opposing them, and so have given up opposition. It appears that Lord North strains every point of state business in such a manner as to coincide with the favourite doctrine he delivered some time ago in the House of Com- mons, viz. That he would ensure peace the nation for ten years. It is said, the intended union between England and Ireland, is to render that king- dom subject to all the duties of Excise, Stamp, & c, payable in this; to which the Hiber- nians in general are much averse. Advice is received that the Prudent man of war, one of Admiral Harland's squadron, and a frigate, are arrived safe at the Cape of Good Hope from the East- Indies, 011 their way home We hear from Oxford that the dwelling- house intended for the Ratcliffe Professor of Astronomy is almost finished ; and it is sup- posed that the Trustees will appoint such a learned person as may vie with the two pre- sent Professors of Astronomy and Geometry, and thereby excite a spirit of emulation a mong the younger students. This is the more to be desired, as it has long' been a com- plaint, that mathematical studies in general are not so much encouraged in this Univer- sity as philological and polite Literature. It is said that Dr. Wheeler, of Magdalen Col- lege, will be a candidate. It appears ( supposed to be owing to the frequency of bankruptcy) that there is a de crease in the entering list of 700 carriages since last year. Late en Saturday night a journeyman car- penter, who had spent his evening at the Cock, and Lion Public- house, in St. Peter's Alley, Cornhill, going home was knocked down and robbed by two footpads, in Moorfields, of his watch, half a guinea, and some silver, luckily he had left the remainder of his mo- ney with the landlady of the house. On Sunday night a gentleman, supposed to be inebriated, on horseback, galloping fu- riously up Fleet- Street, ran against a hackney coach, at Temple- Bar, by which means he was thrown off, and taken up dead. Yesterday an ox, driven mad by the cruelty of the drovers, tossed a little boy in St. John's Street, and gored a barrow- woman so terri- bly in Charter- House- Lane, that she died as she was carrying to St. Bartholomew's hos- pital. Extract of a Letter from Gosport, Sept. 19. " Yesterday went into the great dock the Resolution, in order to be cleaned. " The following ships will be paid off here within these ten days, viz. The Princess Amelia, of 80 guns; St. Albans and Terri- ble, of 74 guns each ; and the Gibraltar and Guadaloupe frigates. " This day a Lieutenant, with two petty Officers, from each of the guardships here, set out for London, in order to open a ren- dezvous there. " Remain at Spithead, and in the harbour, as before." Extract of a Later from Gofport, Sept. 20. " Yesterday after post sailed from Spithead his Majesty's ship rpheus, for Plymouth, with money to pay the Dock- yard there. " Last night as some sailors were fighting, two of them ran into a public- house : the others following them up stairs threw one of them Out of a two pair of stairs window, by which his skull was fractured in such a terri- ble manner that his life is despaired of ; the other they threw down the stairs, whereby one of his legs and one of his arms were broke : The sailors who committed these outrages are taken into custody. Mr. W. Carter, of Portsmouth, expects to succeed his brother Sir John Carter, as Mayor of the Borough of Portsmouth this day, which is the annual election day for that office. The Minerva is daily expected from Gibraltar. " Remains as in my last." Newcastle, Sept. 18. Last Saturday, dur- ing the whole day, we had a very high wind here, from the West, by which ( being about the middle of wheat harvest) great damage has been done to the standing corn : And to add to the calamity; this violent wind was succeeded with such heavy rains, as must cer- tainly be productive of still greater damage to the farmers, as well as very much retard the progress of the harvest. Many trees were; by the violence of the wind, broken and thrown to the ground ; and some confusion ed amongst the shipping in the river— From Shotton, in the county of Durham , we are told, that in some fields in that neigh- bourhood, one half or more of the grain is supposed to be shaken out; and, hard to relate; those who before had a finer prospect of a plentiful crop, than for several years past, have now no other view than that of being for ever ruined : The case of some individuals is really pitiful and affecting. His Majesty's pardon has been obtained for Coltman, condemned the last assizes at Durham for a highway robbery, and he is ordered to be transported for life, The three capital convicts in Newgate here have also obtained his Majesty's pardon, and are to be transported. Tuesday the Right H0n. Lord Viscount: Galway, and Davison, Esq. of Dur- ham, were chosen Aldermen of Pontefract. We hear from Manchester, that a new sur- vey of that town has been taken this summer, from whence it appears, that the number of tenanted houses in Manchester and Salford amounts to 4268; the families to 6416. The proportion of persons to a house, there- fore, is more than 6', and of individuals to a family about The females exceed the males by 1654; the widows are more than double the number of widowers ; and about a seventh part of the inhabitants have attained the age of fifty.— Manchester aud Salford, tho' distinguished by different names, like Lon- don, the borough of Southwark, See. are considered as one and the same town, being divided only by a small river, over which two bridges are erected. DRURY- LANE. This Evening, Cymbe- line ; with The Elopement. COVENT- GARDEN. Last Night The Busy Body ; with The Devil To Pay. P RICES OF STOCKS. ROLLING Carts and Waggons, and Car- riages of all Kinds upon this Construction, ac- cording to Act of Parliament, which are to pass Toll Free with any Number of Horses, after the 49th of this Month, are built by JAMES SHARP, Leadenhall- Street, London, N. B. Great Variety of Rolling Carriages are ready for Inspection, at Mr. Sharp's Iron Manufactory. TO BE LETT, In Parliament- Street, Westminster, upon Lease for any Term of Years, ACommodious Modern Built HOUSE, Completely fitted up in a genteel Manner, painted, papered, & c. and may be entered on at Michaelmas; three Rooms on a Floor, with Coach- House, Stabling for four Horses, a Back Building, exceeding good Wine Vaults, and great Conveniences, suitable for a Member of Parliament, or a genteel Family. For further Particulars enquire at Mr. I'Anson's, Attorney, in Cannon- Row, Westminster, This Day was published, Price bound 1s. designed for the Use or Schools, Clerks of Offices, or the Pocket ; and to which is pre- fixed, a compendious practical English Grammar: AN Accurate New SPELLING DIC- TIONARY and EXPOSITOR of the ENG- LISH LANGUAGE. Containing a much larger Col- lection of modern, primitive Words than any Book of the Kind and Free ; and shewing how the same are to be written correctly and pronounced properly, with the different Meanings or Significations thereof. To which is added, A separate New DICTIONARY of all the HEATHEN GODS and GODDESSES, and of the most illustrious Heroes treated of by Homer, Virgil, Ovid, and other ancient Poets; giving a sum- mary Account of their Origin, Descent, Exploits, & c. which must be found of particular Advantage to mer ® English Scholars, and greatly enhance the Value 0*' the Book :— Together with many other Peculiarities and, Improvements throughout the Whole, as described in the Preface; to which the Public are humbly referred. By A. FISHER, Author of the Practical Grammar, the first that exhi- bited a System of Syntax Rules, peculiarly adapted to our Language, with Exercises of bad English, & c. London, printed for G. Robinson, in Pater- noster Row; E. Stevens, in Stationers'- Court; W. Nicoll, in St. Paul's Church- Yard ; and T. Slack, in Newcastle. Printed and sold by T. Wright, at his Printing Office Gilford Lane, opposite St. Clement's Church, in the Strand; Where, and at his House in Essex- Street, isements, Letters and Intelligence are taken in,
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