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Berrow's Worcester Journal


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Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal

Date of Article: 09/09/1773
Printer / Publisher: H. Berrow 
Address: Near the Cross, Worcester
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 4135
No Pages: 4
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THURSDAY, September 9, 1773. Price Two- pence Halfpenny Numb. 4133 Saturday's and Sunday's Posts FOREIGN affairs. Stockholm, July 27. THE King has resolved to encrease the Punishment which for- merly inflicted by the Laws on such Advocates as engaged Pleaders to undertake unjust and ruinous Causes. Such Persons heretofore were only repri- manded ; but for the future those who shall by such Practices violate the Honour of their Profes- sion, are to receive corporal Punishment. Warsaw, Aug. 11. The Negotiation between the Prussians and the City of Dantzic'is farther from being concluded than we had imagined. The Prussians, on their Side, insist upon always having a Guard of fifty Men at the Port called Fahrwasser, with an Exemption from all Duties for the Passage of their Merchandizes, and a Duty of 300,000 Crowns per Annum for the Revenues of the Port: Or, if the City is not willing to be subject to this Duty, Prussian Cashiers shall be placed at the Port, authorised to receive, on ac- count of the King, the fifth Part of the whole Revenue. The City, on the contrary, demands the unli- mited Freedom of its own Port, of its Commerce on the Vistula, and of the Ecclesiastical Funds within its Territory, and is willing to redeem all these Things by a Sum paid down once for all. The Citizens wait with Impatience the Issue of these Negotiations; but they do not appear dis- posed to abate any Thing of the above Terms. Rome, Aug. 9. The Fate of the Jesuits is at length decided. The Pope has published a Bull, which suppresses that Order. In this Bull his Ho- liness reproaches them not only with having given Cause for Discontent to the Court of Rome, and to the other Orders, College?, Universities, Bishops, and Priests, but also that they have irritated the Kings of France, Spain, Portugal, and the Two Sicilies, to such a Degree as to cause those Princes to drive them out of their respective Dominions. To those who are old and infirm, Pensions are to be granted according to their Necessities, and they are to remain in their Convents, under the In- spection of such Bishops and Abbes as shall be ap- pointed ; but they are not to appear in the Habit of their Order, nor be allowed to preach or receive Confessions. Of the younger ones, those who have taken only one Vow are permitted to em- brace any other Calling, and are allowed to marry; and those who have taken the last Vow are to be permitted to enter into any other Order, under certain Restrictions. SCOTLAND. Edinburgh, Aug. 28. The following Facts lately happened in the Neighbourhood of Greenock: A Woman was proclaimed in Church for Mar- riage on Sunday, delivered of a Child on Monday, which died on Tuesday, was buried on Wednes- day, and the Mother was legally married on Thursday. COUNTRY NEWS. Lewes, Aug. 30. This Evening will be exe- cuted at Horsham, the three following Convicts, viz. Ambrose Cannon, for being present, aiding, and abetting Thomas Green, in the wilful Mur- der of Thomas Cole ; Richard Bridger, for break- ing open the House of Samuel Ayling of Chi- chester, and stealing 1ool. a Watch, & c. and Wm. Stema, for a Highway Robbery.— Cannon's Case is truly pitiable, as the Crime was committed near 16 Years ago, during his Apprenticeship to the above Green, by whose Direction he acted. They both went Abroad ; but Cannon, after being ab- sent 13 Years, returned about three Years since, setttled at Hastings by another Name, married, and has three Children, whom, with his Wife, he has constantly maintained in Credit by his Industry. Shrewsbury, Sept. 4. On Saturday last Edward Rogers was executed here, pursuant to his Sen- tence, for robbing and wounding Mr. Francis Nevett, of Upton Magna, in this County. His whole Behaviour from the Time of his receiving Sentence was very unbecoming a Person in his unhappy Situation; an Instance of which he shewed on the Morning of his Execution, viz. a Stranger going to see him, whom he at full Sight thought was his Prosecutor ( whom he had so much injured) instead of begging Pardon, as he ought to have done, took up a large Pair of Tongs, with a Design to knock him down ; but finding his Mistake, told the Visitor " it was well for him he was not Nevett, as he should have killed him on the Spot."— When the fatal Hour drew near, his Spirits funk, and he wept much. As he was going in the Cart to the Gallows, he took his Leave of a great Number of Persons with a forced Chearfulness. At the Place of Execution he joined with the Clergyman in Prayer, after which he tied the Halter on the Gallows himself, four Times successively before he could bring it to a proper Length : He then addressed himself, in a few Words, to the young Men present, ad- vising them not to have too bold a Spirit, as that was the Cause of his coming to such an End. He then seemed very devout in Secret for about one Minute ( the Halter being fixed) and then gave the Signal for the Cart to be drawn away, by throwing a Posey he had in his Hand quite over she Gallows. He was in the 25th Year of his Age, acknowledged be was a Deserter from the he had 170l. hid in a certain Place, in orderto in- duce them to supply him with Cash, at the same Time promising them he would inform them where it was, that they might be amply rewarded for their Kindness to him. LONDON, Friday, Sept. 3. Some very important Matters are on the Carpet; the Affairs of the Powers on the Continent are coming to a Crisis, and it seems as if our Court apprehended it may be a disagreeable one. All the foreign Governors are ordered to their Stations, and are preparing to depart, and the Ambassador to France is in Motion. It is confidently reported at Paris that the Spa- nards have declared to the French Court their absolute Intentions afflicting the Turks, even in case that Court should refuse their Concurrence. Within this Week, we are told, Orders have been sent to our Ambassadors now resident at all the European Courts, to spare no Pains or Ex- pences to discover every Transaction that may be likely to affect Great- Britain, and to send the ear- liest Intelligence of it here. It is an absolute Fact, and may be depended on, that the Minister will make no Opposition this Year in the City Business, but reserve his Strength and Influence for the general Election Our great and wife Ministers are at length, it is said, brought to their Senses; the warm Oppo- sition their Measures have met with on the other Side the Water, compelling them to acknowledge that they have strained the Bow beyond their ori- ginal Intention. They write from Dublin, that some noble Per- sonages are expected to embark there for England about the Middle of the Month, in order to pre- sent a Petition to his Majesty, which has already been signed by above 700 respectable Persons. It is confidently asserted, that Letters of Recall were last Week sent of privately to Governor Hutchinson. It is said that the Post of Captain General of the Army will be bestowed on the Prince of Wales, as soon as his Royal Highness comes of Age. An additional Duty will be laid next Sessions on all Foreign China, as well European as from the East Indies, in order to encourage our own Manufacture, which is now arrived at great Perfection. We hear than an additional Duty, almost amounting to a Prohibition, will be laid on French Wines of all Kinds imported into this Kingdom. The late Lord Lyttelton was one of the last re- maining Names on the List of Noble English Au- thors, and from the apparent Taste for Frivolity and Dissipation, among the present Race of Lordlings, there is great Reason to fear that, in the Course of a few Years, Genius will be totally extinct among that Rank of Men. A Correspondent most humbly submits it to his Majesty's Wisdom, whether the frequent Par- dons granted to Housebreakers may not be one great Cause of the Increase of that Crime, which is now in Practice beyond all former Example at this Season of the Year. Priests of the Romish Church from foreign Se- minaries represent the English Vineyard as un- worthy of Cultivation : The Methodist Preachers are charged with spoiling the Mission. When Pope Innocent desired the Marquis of Carpio, Viceroy of Naples, to furnish him with thirty thousand Head of Swine, the Marquis an- swered him, That for his Swine he could not spare them, but if his Holiness had Occasion for thirty thousand Lawyers they were at his Service. One of the Caribbs, on being treated with great Contempt, and called Savage, by a spruce young Officer, cried out, " I know of no other Savages but the Europeans, who are Strangers to our Customs, as well as our Virtues, and who, because they are Slaves themselves, wish to enslave Mankind." On Monday last his Majesty's armed Cutter, the Denbigh, was lost on the Goodwin Sands as she was giving Chace to a Smuggler, who was lost also, and both their Crews perished. They write from Lisle, that a young Lady of immense Fortune has just escaped from a Convent there with her Consessor. Yesterday Morning a Duel was fought near Hyde Park, between R. S. B. of N n Street, Esq; who lately married the celebrated Miss Kennedy, and a Mr. B. of the City ; the Quar- rel arose from the latter making too free with Mrs. B's Character, and after the Discharge of a Brace of Pistols each, the latter received, a slight Contusion on the Left Arm, but by the Interpo- sition of the Seconds the Affair was happily set- tled, and they afterwards breakfasted together. A few Days since a French Cook was engaged for three Years certain, at the Family of an Eng- lish Nobleman, near Grosvenor- Square, at 200l. per Annum. Monday a Man who was convicted for Perjury in Swearing himself worth 2ool. in order to bail a Gentleman, stood on the Pillory the Corner of Fetter- lane, Fleet- Street. He is to be transported for seven Years. On Wednesday Night a Fire was discovered in the Farm Yard of Mr. Powdon, at Chiphurst, near Maidenhead, Berks, which burnt with such Violence, that seven or eight Ricks of hew Wheat, Barley, Oats, and Peas, were in a shortTime con- sumed. The Fire spread to the Barn, which was also full of Wheat and Pease, and destroyed the Whole. It is generally supposed the ago, tendered the Collector One Hundred Gui- neas, seventy- four of which only being receivable under his Instructions, the rest were returned as unlawfully diminished.— As they were all coined in the last Century, the Tradesman absolutely re- fused to exchange them, and said that they ap- peared to him, to be deficient in Weight, no otherwise than by " reasonable Wear." A Prose- cution is likely to be commenced for the Remain der of the Duty, and the Tradesman is determined to stand a legal Issue, pro Bono Publico ; for he looks upon the Orders of the Treasury to be no more valid in this Case, than a Resolution of a Com- pany of drunken Porters in fixing the Standard for a Pot of Beer. Friday last, at Yeovil Market, new Wheat sold at 6s. per Bushel, Winchester Measure. To the LADIES. AS the Reputation of many a Lady has been irrecoverably lost, and numerous other ill Consequences have frequently attended the Want of a proper convenient Retreat in the latter Months of Pregnancy, and Lying- in; to prevent which, and preserve Peace in Families, such a Place is now offered in the House of an experienced Sur- geon and Man- Midwife, pleasantly situated within an easy Day's Ride of the Cities of Worcester and Gloucester, where Ladies may be genteely accommo- dated daring their Lying- in, and for any Length of Time before. The Terms will be made agreeable to their respective Circumstances. The Honor and Secresy of the Surgeon may be relied on; and the Ladies may depend upon being treated with the ut- most Care, Tenderness, Humanity, and Friendship. The Apartments are spacious and airy, and so pe- culiarly adapted for the Purpose, that, with the great Precaution which is used, a Lady, if she was ever so near a Neighbour, might depend upon Lying- in here full as private and secret as she pos- sibly could at an hundred Miles from Home. The Person of the Lady need not be known by Servant or any other Attendant; and, if required, may be kept a Secret even from the Surgeon himself. Further Particulars may be known by directing a Line to J. J. to be left with the Printer of this Journal. Worcester, Sept. 1, 1773. E. GOODERE, Watch and Clock- maker, Jeweller and Goldsmith ( from Lon- don) takes this Method to inform his friend? and the Public in general, That he hath opened Shop in High- Street, near the Town- Hall, where they may be supplied with all Sorts of Plate, Rings, and Jew- ellery, in the newest Taste, and Mourning Rings on the shortest Notice. He likewise engraves Arms, Crests, Cyphers, or any Device. Also makes and repairs Repeating and Horizontal Watches, Clocks, & c. Such who are pleased to favour him with their Orders may depend on his Punctuality and Care in the Execution thereof, and their Favours will be gratefully acknowledged. N. B. He likewise buys old Gold and Silver. Worcester, Sept. 1, 1773. MR. GRIMALDI, Limner, takes this Opportunity of acquainting the Ladies and Gentlemen, that he draws Pictures in Minia- ture, and Portraits in Oil. Ladies and Gentlemen may see his Pictures, by doing him the Pleasure of calling at his Lodgings at Mrs. Bridges's, at the Cross. N. B. Mr. GRIMALDI does not desire any Gentle- man or Lady to have their Picture if not liked when finished. CHARLES BROWN, Sadler and Cap- maker [ from London] in Newport- Street, Worcester, returns his most grateful Thanks to his Friends and the Public for the great Encourage- ment he has met with since he began Business. He makes Saddles of all Sorts himself; likewise very ealy Side- Saddles, with a Sweat- Flap and near Skirt in one Piece, thé Utility of which is well known to many Ladies about London, being the first of the Sort ever made here; Side- Saddles with traverse Heads, for the Ladies to ride on either Side the Horse, or for a Man to ride on occasionally : Gen- tlemens Livery Furniture, and Officers Demy- Peak Saddles and Furniture compleat. Country Col- lar- makers may he supplied with Saddles and Velvet Caps, or any Thing in the Saddlery Business, with good Allowance to sell again. He has great Variety of Jockey striped Saddle Cloths, and Girth Webb of an entire new Pattern. Likewise a good Assort- ment of best plated Bits and Stirrups, and very neat Whips of all Sorts. Those Gentlemen who please to employ him, may depend on being served with as neat Goods as in London, and on much lower Terms, and their Favours gratefully acknow- ledged by Their humble Servant, CHARLES BROWN. UPTON upon SEVERN , Worcestershire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Thursday next, the 16th Instant at the Sun Inn, ALL Manner of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. The Sale to begin at Ten o'clock, and to be continued till all are sold. TO BE SOLD, A Very improveable Copyhold Estate of Inheritance, called the Dial House Farm, situate at Tardebigg, within less than three Miles of Bromsgrove, in the County of Worcester, and consisting of two Messuages, a Barn, Stable, and other necessary Outbuildings, in good Repair, and upwards of fifty two Statute Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, lying together, within a Ring Fence. N. B. Any Gentleman who shall become a Pur- chaser of the above Estate, may erect a House thereon in a very pleasant Situation, as several Parts of the Estate are so situated as to command delightful Prospects. Shrewsbury, Aug. 13, 1773 WHEREAS a Pocket of ho was brought in Owner Joseph Field's sel from Worcester, the Beginning of October to Shrewsbury, and is now in his Warehouse ; one it belongs to, upon proving the Mark Number on it, may have it, paying the Charge other wise it will be sold by the said Joseph Field; To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDEER, At the Golden Cross Inn, in Bramsgrove, on Wednesday next, the 15th of September Inst, between the Hours of Two and Four in the Afternoon, subject to such conditions of Sale as shall be then and there produced. ALL the Stock in Trade of Will Willmott, a Bankrupt; consisting of Me and Haberdashery Goods, of a modern Assortment The Stock to be viewed at the late Shop of the Bankrupt, in Bromsgrove aforesaid, two Days ceding the Sale. Also to be Sold at the same Time, The Bankrupt Estate for Life of and in his late Dwelling- House and Shop in Bromsgrove aforesaid, with the Buildings, Warehouse, and Appurtenances longing. Further Particulars may be had by applying Mr. John West, Draper, in Worcester; or Brasier, in Be wdley. TO BE LETT, And entered upon at MICHAELMAS next, TWO Farms, lying together in several Parishes of Hanbury and Gra Fly lord, in the County of Worcester; the Tythe- free, and an unlimited Right of Com to each. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. B Attorney, in Worcester; or of Mr. Smith, at A wood, near Worcester, who will shew the Premisses. TO BE L E T T, And entered upon at Lady Day next, or sooner, AFarm, consisting of a good Dwelling House, with convenient Barns and other Our Buildings, and upwards of two hundred Acres Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, in Alv Parish, in Shropshire. For Particulars enquire of Messrs. Clarke Pardoe, Bewdley ; or of Mr. Thomas Bache the Green House, near Alveley. TO BE LETT, And entered upon at LADY - DAY next, AFarm, known by the Name of Form gate; consisting of a good Dwelling- House with convenient Barns and other Our building and about 106 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, with Plenty of good Lime- Stone and Kiln, on the Premisses ; situate in the Parish of L ford, within one Mile of the Town of Ludlow, Shropshire. Likewise to be Lett, and to be entered upon at same Time, The Tythes of Letwych, adjoining the Parish of Ludford aforesaid. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. He Jordan, Glover, in Worcester ; or of Mr. J0m in Ludlow, who will shew the Premisses. To be SOLD immediately, Or LETT and entered up an at Michaelmas next Being a Lease for a Term of Years, of which the are sixteen unexpired at Michaelmas next, AGood Malt- House, the Cistern was ting fifty- one Bushels, the Dwelling- House adjoining, with a Stable and Pig- Sty to the sa situate in Wolverley, Worcestershire.— There is other Malt- House in the Parish. For further Particulars enquire of Edw. Edward the Tenant, who will shew the Premisses, and the for the same. EVESHAM. TO BE SOLD, THE Tithes of Middle Littlet North Littleton, South Littleton, Hampton Offenham, Wickhamford, Badsey, and Aldin situate near the Borough of Evesham, in the Co of Worcester, now left at 458I. per Annum, a valued at 615l. per Annum, and held by Lease from the Dean and Chapter of Chirst Church, Oxford For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Hunt, Stratford upon Avon, in Warwickshire; or of Beriah Hills, inEast- Lane, Rotherhithe , in Sur DUBOUR G's R O X, AN effectual PreserVATIVE from VENEREAL INFECTION to both Sex It also immediately destroys the Contagion in newly infected Person. To be had at Mr. Burden's Apartments, No. Hervey's Buildings, in the Strand, London ( who commissioned to dispose of the same for Peter Dan Dubourg, an ingenious Swiss Chirurgeon, the Dis- coverer) at One Guinea the Box, with Apparat and minute Directions, signed and sealed by Mo DUBOURg. Sold also by H. Berrow, in Worcester THE Palsy, Jaundice, and Rheuma tism, infallibly cured by Dr. BARKER DROPS, which have been in the Possession 0f Gentleman for upwards of thirty Years, who have given great Quantities to divers Persons afflicted with the above Disorders, which have had the de- sired Effect when all other Means and Medicine have been tried and failed; and, as these Complain were never so epidemical and fatal as of late Year this valuable Medicine is now advertised for the Be- nefit of the Public. These Drops are very necessary at all Times of the Year, on Account of their Efficacy in cur Numbess of Limbs and Lethargy. They are sovereign Remedy for Lowness of Spirits and Fai- ring Fits, and are found to have a very happy in the Small- Pox, if taken in White Wine when the Patient is fainty, or the Pock fallen, and do also in a great Measure prevent pitting. Sold by Mr. Lewis, Bookseller, in High Street Monday's and Wednesday's Posts. Warsaw, August 14. THE Commission established for judg- ing the Regicides has condemned them all to suffer Death, except Kozinski, by whose Interposition the King's Life was saved. COUNTRY msford, Sept. 3 NEWS. Wednesday Evening a with several Boxes of China, was seized by cise man and three Custom- House Officers, Billericay, and detained, together with the; next Morning the Driver was dismissed, e Cart, Horse, and Goods, are still in Cus- We are informed the China is the Property Gentleman of Fortune, who bought the same open shop, in England, and that the Lega the Seizure is like to afford Sport to the emen of the Long Robe. Gloucester Sept. 6. We have more Complaints of the Country, that the Speculators in Grain uying up all the Corn they can lay their on. Several wealthy Farmers, it is said, setting into this Trade. Our Markets for are becoming as much the Subject for Gam- as the Stocks in Change Alley. The Pa- ssor getting suddenly rich has taken Place of st Industry. Mark the Event! LONDON, Monday, Sept. 6. James's, Sept. 4. The King has been pleased appoint Sir Hugh Pallisser, Bart. Sir John ams, Knt. George Marsh, Timothy Brett, siam Palmer, and William Bateman, Esqrs. Richard Temple, Bart. Frederick Rogers, es Gambier, and Charles Proby, Esqrs. to be cipal Officers and Commissioners of his Ma- ' s Navy. Lond. Gaz. It is reported, that at the next Meeting of the Parliament, a Bill will be brought in for lay- a Tax on all the Land in that Kingdom, The Bank of England are realizing a pretty may, by the Indulgence they grant to the Pub in taking their Portugal Money, & c. at so h per Ounce. These Pieces of Coin they not receive, if cut; and all that fall into r Hand are laid by till Foreign Payments to be made, when a Moidore, which they are modestly received 2S. 6d. for discounting, mes its original Consequence, and is circu- d for 27s. other Portugal Pieces in equal portion. Lord Dartmouth publicly condemns the ini- tous Correspondence of the American Gover- nors, and makes no Scruple of declaring that Duplicity and Treachery of the People in wer has been the Source of all the Dissentions such have happened in America, Lord Dartmouth, as a religious and conscien- ous Man, is for hearing the intended Complaint the Bustonians against Governor Hutchinson ; File the Ministry seem to think that spirited Measures, and a total Disregard to their Murmurs the best Policy. A Grant of Lands in West Florida, we hear, now soliciting for an eminent Banker, whose Failure a few Months since made so much Noise. By the last Accounts from Boston in New Eng- land, the Fact is said to be confirmed, that the led R.......... ( who was convicted and con- mned, and afterwards pardoned, for a most Barbarous and premeditated Murder) is appointed the Boston Commissioners to be an Officer of a Customs at Philadelphia, with an extra Al- lowance of a Guinea per Week Pocket Money. Our Advices tell us, that the Spanish Minister Madrid is eager for a War with England, but we cannot take the Field without France in Con- nction. It is long since the Spaniards have re aited themselves from the Ravages of the last War, by Means of their Gold Mines in Mexico, eru, and Chili; but the French have no such Resources. Advice is just received that a Spanish Frigate as taken a Ship belonging to New York, bound Jamaica, and carried her into Hispaniola, Where they sold her Cargo, sent the Crew to Ja- maica, and then sailed off with the Vessel. A Correspondent in the Neighbourhood of killy, in the County of Corke, sends us the following Particulars of the Murder of an old Woman and her Daughter. That one Ropnane, young Man, had courted the young Woman about four Months ago, and had often since been in her Company ; but hiving about three Weeks ago called at the House of the old Woman ( which was on the Mountain Road leading from Castle yons to Castlemartyr) told the Girl that he had procured a Priest to marry them, who was then waiting for that Purpose with a Friend, in a par- ticular Part of the Mountain, about a Mile from thence; which plausible Story induced the un- happy Victim to accompany him, when having preached the Place, he killed her by several Stabs of his Knife, then covered her Body with Turf, which he made up in a large Stack ; having then returned and found the poor Woman alone, he also put her to Death, as is supposed, in the same Manner, and then burned her Remains, by setting the House on Fire. The Body of the young Wo- man had lain near a Fortnight before discovered in the Turf; and Its being then found out was giving to a Bull, who had been grazing there, attempting several Times to throw down the Stack with his Horns, and though often on that Day prevented by Men who were saving Turf conti- guous thereto, yet he got to the Turf Stack again, and pulled out a Piece of some of the young Wo- rn;' s Cloaths on his Horns, which caused the Discovery. The Murderer is made off.— The young Woman, it is said, was with Child by him. The 18. ult. one of the most violent Thunder Storms happened in the Province of Bretagne, in France, that ever was known there. It continued raining in Torrents the whole Day, but at Mid- night the Element seemed in one continued Blaze, with Thunder without Intermission. Several Notwithstanding all that is said about the Pre mier thinking his Place very irksome, it may be depended upon that he is Proof against all his Adversaries, as being convinced of the Rectitude of his Conduct, and that he never expresses any Dislike to continue in Office as long as his Master thinks proper. As her Majesty advance in her Pregnancy, her Health is better, and her Physicians have positively given it as their Opinion that she is in no Danger. On Monday they began to pick Hops about Tunbridge and Sevenoaks, as also about Sun- dridge, Brasted, Westerham, & c. where they turn out much better than they were expected a short Time since. On Tuesday and Wednesday several Vessels laden with new Wheat arrived in the River, and, according to the Samples brought to the Mansion House, it is exceeding fine. Several Dispatches, said to be respecting the Riots in Dublin, have within these few Days been sent off to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. The following was the Occasion of the Dispute between Captain Scawen and Mr. Fitzgerald, which they are gone to decide with Pistols at Lisle in Flanders: A Clergyman, whose Name is Bate, was at Vauxhall with Mrs. Hartley the Actress, and some other Company. Whilst they were at Supper Mr. F d, an Irishman, a Mr. C — ts, of the Guards, and two other Macaronies, stood staring and looking through Glasses, at Mrs. Hartley. Mr. Bate, on leaving the Box, said ( loud enough to be heard) they were a Set of im- pertinent Puppies, upon which Mr. C — ts stept after him and gave him a Challenge. They met the next Day at the Turk's Head Coffee- House, and just as they were going to decide the Matter, Mr. F d, who had an Irish Footman, a re- markable Bruiser, came in, and brought his Footman, dressed as an Officer, a Capt. Miles, who pretended that he also had been insulted by Mr. Bate, and insisted upon boxing him. Mr. Bate said he had another Affair upon his Hands to be previously decided; however, that being compromised, he and Capt. Miles agreed to en- gage. In the first Onset Mr. Bate closed both the Captain's Peepers, and then gave him a despe- rate Drubbing. Mr. Bate's Conduct was univer- sally approved by the Town, and when the Cheat the Macaronies had played him came to be known, they were as universally censured. Capt. Scawen, in giving his Opinion of this Matter to one B. an Ensign of the Guards, blamed F d for setting up his Footman in the Character of an Of- ficer. Mr. B. went and related the Conversation to Mr. F d, who thereupon sent a Challenge to Capt. S n. The Ensign in the Guards, who was the Cause of the unhappy Quarrel between Capt. Scawen and Mr. Fitzgerald, is obliged to retire from the Army, as no Officer will speak to him. A Bailiff, who had tried almost every Expedi ent to arrest a Quaker, without Success, resolved to adopt the Habit and Manner of one, in Hopes of catching the primitive Christian. In this Disguise he knocked at Amminadab's Door, and enquired if he was at Home; the House- keeper replied Yes. " Can I see him ?" Walk in, Friend, ( says she) and He shall see THEE. The Bailiff, consident of Success, walked in, and after waiting near an Hour, he rang a Bell, and on the Housekeeper's appearing, he said, thou promised me I should see Friend Amminadab. No Friend, ( answered the Female Quaker) I pro- mised thee no such Thing ; I promised He should see THEe ; he has seen the, and he does not like thee. Upon which Catchpole vented his Passion in Oaths and Imprecations, and retired not a little vexed at the Disappointment. The Case of a General Officer, lately arrested for a large Sam, reminds a Correspondent that he has heard that there is a very ancient Statute yet unrepealed, which ordains that all Sheriffs' Officers shall wear Coats of various Colours, that the Debtor, when he sees the Officer, may have a Chance of escaping till he can pay the Debt. Our Correspondent wishes to be informed if such a Law really exists, as it might, if enforced, save many a wretched Family from total Ruin. Lord Lyttelton retained the full Vigour of his Senses till the latest Moment. Previous, however, to his Exit, he had almost incessant convulsive Dozes, out of which he waked in the most vio- lent Agonies, repeatedly exclaiming, " I forgive him ! I forgive him !" — Lord Valentia was pre- sent at the mournful Scene, whose Account thereof places, if possible, in a higher Light, the Forti- tude, Abilities, and Piety of this most illustrious Character. There is now in this Metropolis a Cornfactor who lately had in his Possession 40,000 Quarters of Wheat, which he suffered to be spoiled rather than sell it under his own exorbitant Price, and now employs Carts towards Plaistow, Bromley, . and Villages adjacent, to sell it for 2s, a Bushel to seed Swine. A Correspondent says, so many Monopolizers, Forestallers, and Engrossers, are Tenants, or De- pendants, to the Senate, . Upper or Lower, that they may depend for ever on Impunity. By some Letters lately received from Ports- mouth we are informed, that no Person whatever is permitted to go on board any of the Ships in the Harbour, without first obtaining Leave - of the Commissioner. This first Order was occasioned by two French Noblemen being admitted on board the Britannia, the finest first- rate Ship in the Navy, who took an Account of her Dimen- sions, Weight of Metal, & c. During the Absence of a Gentleman who lives at No. 3, Brick- Court, in the Temple, who went on one of the late Circuits with the Judges, a Journeyman Barber who used to shave him, got. into his Chambers, sold his Cloaths and Furniture, and robbed the Apartments of a very large Sum of Money. The Offender was traced as far as Glamorganshire, where he was apprehended, and brought to London for Examination : 179 Guineas were found in his Possession. THE Friendly: Association, held last Year at the Talbot in Stourbridge, will be held this Year at the Town- Hall in Dudley, on Thursday the Twenty- third Instant .--- Ordinary and Extraordinary One Shilling and Six- pence. Dinner will be on the Table at Two o'Clock. THE Friendly Association, held last Year at the Angel in Pershore, will be held this Year at the House of Mr. Davis, the Bell in Broadway, on Tuesday the Twenty- eighth Instant. Ordinary and Extraordinary One Shilling and Six- pence.- Dinner will be on the Table at Two o'Clock. WANTED immediately, on real Securities, the several Sums of 600 £, 100 £. and 80£. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. William Thomas, Attorney at Law, in High- street. Worcester. Worcester, Aug. 11, 1773. LIGHT G O L D. JOSEPH FEATHERSTONE, Mercer and Linen- Draper, in High- Street, acquaints the Public, That, for the Convenience of such as are possessed of Light Gold Coin, he will give them Three Pounds Sixteen Shillings per Ounce for single Pieces, and in the same Proportion for any Sum. N. B. The Sellers may have their Choice of being paid in Cash or good London Bills, and every Piece or Pieces will be cut in their Presence. W H E RE AS the GAME in the Manor of Powick has, of late Years, been greatly destroyed; This is to give Notice, If any un- qualified Persons presume to sport in the said Manor they will be prosecuted as the Law directs: And as Tunnels and other unlawful Nets, have been very much used for the Destruction of the Game by Night, whoever will give Information of any Game in the said Manor being taken as aforesaid, or of any unqualified Person having in his Possession any such Tunnels, & c. shall, upon Conviction of each Offender, receive a Guinea Reward above Half the Penalty which is allowed by Act of Parliament to the Informer. TO BE LETT, And entered upon at MICHAELMAS next, ANeat sashed Dwelling- House, situate in the Castle- Street, in Bridgnorth, Shrop- shire, with a Garden walled round ; together with a Ground Seat or Pew belonging thereto, situate in the Low Church aforesaid. The above Premisses are pleasantly situated, having a View of, and lying near to that well- known Walk called the Castle- Hill, and are quite adapted to a small genteel Family. Further Particulars may be known by applying to Mr. Langley, jun. Attorney, in Bridgnorth. T O B E SOL D, AVery compleat Freehold Estate, called Yarran, lying in the Parish of Astley, in the County of Worcester, now in the Possession of Mr. J0hn Pardoe, the Proprietor thereof; con- sisting of a commodious Farm- House, Barn, Stable, and other Out- Buildings, in perfect Repair; about thirty- eight Acres of Arable Land, ten Acres of Meadow and Pasture, and four Acres of Hop Ground, remarkably well fenced and fruited, and the Land ( considering the Whole together) inferior in Quality to none in the County of Worcester. For other Particulars apply to Mr. Sockett, Attorney, in Worcester. A D O G, LOST, supposed to be stole, on Satur- day Night last, the 4th Instant, from Colwall Mill, in the Parish of Colwall, in the County of Hereford, a large light- brinded GREYHOUND DOG, with a short Streak of White between his fore Legs, and no other particular Mark about him ; he is remarkably strong made, in very good Order, and answers to the Name of Ripp. Who- ever will give Intelligence of the said Dog, to Mr. Samuel Smith, of Colwall Mill ( so that he may be had again) shall be handsomely rewarded for their Trouble; or whoever will discover the Person or Persons who stole the said Dog, so that he or they may be convicted of the finie, shall receive Two Guineas Reward of the said Samuel Smith. The ENGLISH COFFEE, Composed entirely of English Herbs, Roots, Barks, Plants, & c. and Variety of Balsamic Productions. TO be drank for Breakfast and in the Evening in common, as Tea or common Coffee. It is lnconceiveable how soft, smooth, and pleasing it is. It not only serves for Drink, but is nourishing ( as Food) to the most weak and delicate Constitutions. This COFFEE is beyond Parallel for the following Complaints, viz. Colds, Coughs, Asthnas, Consumptions, Shortness of Breath, Faintness, Tremblings, Giddiness, Reachings, Appetite gone, and all Kinds of Rheumatic and Nervous Disorders, from what Cause soever they proceed. In many Parts Abroad the Nobility, Gentry, and others, make it. The most eminent of the Faculty declare most Nervous Disorder, spring from the frequent drinking of India Tea, which they call gradual Poison. Price Two Shillings and Six- pence a Canister, ( which is cheaper than other Coffee, or common India Tea) with printed Directions for using it. Sold only at Berrow's Printing Office in Worcester, and by the Worcester Newsmen. Also to he had, at Berrow's Printing- Office, Skins of Parchment, unstamp'd, of all Prices. Sept. 8, 1773. ELOPED, last Friday Night, from Mr. H . Gyles, Tanner, at Martley, Worcestershire, JAMES REEVeS, an Apprentice Lad, about 20 Years of Age, about 5 Feet 3 or 4 Inches high, remarkably square and strong made, a broad, full, fresh coloured Face, black strait Hair; on the Bridge of his Nose, between the Eyes, has a Spot, as if pitted by a Burn or a large Pock, and which ap- pears whiter than any other Part of his Face; he had on, when he went away, a tanned Hurden Frock and brown Waistcoat, Leather Breeches stained with the Tan ; walked off in a Pair of Hussar Boots, with a Bundle, containing an old Drab- coloured Broadcloth Coat and Waistcoat, with a Pair of new Leather Breeches, some Shirts, Shoes, Stockings, & c. and has since been since at Tenbury, and supposed to be going towards Ludlow. Whoever gives Intelligence of the said Appren tice, so that he may be secured, will be handsomely rewarded for their Trouble; and all Persons are hereby forbid harbouring or employing him, for whoever does will be prosecuted as the Law directs. TO BE SOLD, Pursuant to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, be- fore Thomas Harris, Esq; one of the Masters of the said Court, at his Chambers in Lincoln's Inn, London, THE several Freehold Estates late of William Frankcombe, Esq; deceased, after mentioned, in the following Lots : LOT 1. A large Mansion House, with the Barns, Out- Houses, Stables, Garden, and Orchard adjoin- ing, and 29 Acres 3 Roods and 32 Perches of Mea- dow and Pasture, and 9 Acres 3 Roods and 17 Perches of Arable Land, contiguous to the said Mansion House, situate at Cowley, in the County of Gloucester. Also several Closes, Pieces, or Parcels of inclosed and Field Land, lying contiguous to each other, in the said Parish of Cowley, viz. 22 Acres 1 Rood and 34 Perches of Meadow and Pasture, and 31 Acres 1 Rood and 15 Perches of Arable. And several Closes, Pieces or Parcels of Meadow and Pasture Ground, containing together 6 Acres and 2 Roods, lying in the Parish of Cam, in the said County of Gloucester. NOTE , The above Premisses are lett to Geo. Minott, jun. and William Tyndall, as Tenants at Will, at the yearly Rent of 661. 5s. LOT 2. An Estate, called Ashmead, consisting of a Farm House, Barn, Stable, Yard, Orchards, and Garden, and 35 Acres of Meadow and Pasture, and 14 Acres 2 Roods of Arable Land, in the said Pa- rish of Cam, lett to Wm. Morse, at the yearly Rent of 45I. LOT 3. Consisting of the Great Tythes of the said Parish of Cowley, which have been valued at 1ool, per Ann. LOT 4. Two Closes, Pieces or Parcels of Pasture Ground, containing 16 Acres 1 Rood and 36 Perches in the said Parish of Cam, lately lett to Widow Packer, but now lett to............... .........., at the yearly Rent of 16I. And a Piece of Pasture Ground, called Grisgrove, containing four Acres, in the said Parish of Cam, lett to William Griffin, at the yearly Rent of 2I. 10s. LOT 5. Three small Tenements and two Or- chards, called Warner's Close and Burnt House Orchard, in the said Parish of Cowley, lately lett to Nathaniel Underwood, but now lett to — — - , at the yearly Rent of 10I. And a Piece of Meadow, in the same Parish, called Mead Baidges, lett to John Weight, at the yearly Rent of 15s. NOTE, Cowley and Cam lie about 12 Miles from the City of Gloucester, and 22 from the City of Bristol ( the great Turnpike Road leading from the North to Bristol running through both the said Parishes) two Miles from Dursley, four from Wotten Under- edge, five from Minchin- Hampton, and eight from Tetbury, all considerable Market Towns. LOT 6. A Capital Messuage or Mansion House, with Barns, Stables, and Appurtenances, and about 180 Acres of Land, called Tracy Park, the Parish of Droynton, alias Doynton, in the County of Gloucester, about five Miles from Bath, and eight Miles from Bristol, lett to Henry Rickets, at an old yearly Rent of 150I. NOTE, The Park, which contains 140 Acres, is sur- rounded with a double Fence. LOT 7. Two Farms, called the Haw and Grey- hill, consisting of Farm Houses, Farms, Barns, Sta- bles, Outhouses, Yard, and Garden, and about 114 Acres of Land, situate in the Parishes of Tirley, Hastfield, Ashleworth, and Deerhurst, in the County of Gloucester, about seven Miles from Gloucester, and six from Tewkesbury, lett to Nathaniel Haw- kins and Richard Crafwell, at the yearly Rent of 109I. 17s. LOT 8. A good old Mansion or Farm House, Barn, Stable, and other Outhouses, and about 131 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Ground, called the Leigh or Lye Farm, in the said Parish of Tirley, about five Miles from Gloucester and Tewkes- bury, and five Miles from Cheltenham, near the River Severn, and bordering on the Turnpike Road from Gloucester to Tewkesbury, lett to William Lawrence, at the yearly Rent of 85I. The Tenants will shew their respective Farms. Further Particulars to be had at the said Master Chambers; also of Mr. Holt, Attorney, in Essex Court, in the Temple, London; Mr. Hall, Attor- ney, Park Street, Grosvenor- Square, London; Mr Lane, Attorney, at Gloucester ; Mr. lane. Attorney, in Wotton - Underede; Mr. Richard- Brigden Fowell, Attorney, at Bach; Mr. William To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER or BIDDERS, At the Golden Cross, in Bromsgrove, on Tuesday the 28th Day of September Instant, in tl: e following Lots, subjects to such Conditions as will be then produced, unless disposed of in the mean Time by private con- tract, and in such Case timely Notice will be given thereof, L0T 1. A Very eligible and improve- able Freehold Estate, called the Wood- row Farm, situate at Chadwich, in the Parish of Bromsgrove, in the County of Worcester; consist- ing of a substantial, well- built, Brick, Capital Mes- suage or Dwelling- House, convenient Out Build- ings, and about 153 Acres of rich Arable, Mea- dow, and Pasture Ground, all lying together within a King Fence. Also another compact Freehold Messuage and Farm, situate in Chadwich aforesaid, and lying near to the Woodrow Estate; consisting of proper Out- Buildings, and about 61 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Ground. The above Estates are now lett together to Mr Philip Carpenter, for the Remainder of a Terra of Years of which seven will be unexpired at Lady Day next, at the yearly Rent of 115I. but at the Expiration of the present Lease are computed to be worth at least 200l, par Annum N. B. The Capital Messuage is delightfully situated on the Borders of a rich and beautiful Com- mon, called the Lickway, and both Estates have an extensive and valuable Right of Commoning thereon, and are well watered. LOT 2. Another Freehold Estate, situate on the Back of the High- Street in Bromsgrove aforesaid, Consisting of a Barn, Stable, and about 16 Acres of very good Arable and Pasture Land, and now in the Occupation of Mr. Michael Culwick, for the Re- minder of a certain Term of Years, of which about twelve are unexpired, at the yearly Rent of 25I. L O T 3. Also a Freehold Messuage, called the Racback, and four Tenements thereto adjoining, situate at the Top of the High- Street in Bromsgrove COAL TRADE. N O T I C E is hereby given, That if any Person is willing to engage in the Coal Trade at Droitwich, he may be accommodated with Land for a Warehouse, and other proper Conve- niences, and will meet with great Encouragement from the Proprietors of the Canal ; for other Parti- culars apply to Mr. Crane, Clerk to the Company, at Droitwich. WANTED, A BUTLER, in a Gentleman's Family, either in Livery or without. Enquire of Mr. Scott, Taylor, in High- Street, Worcester. LOST, on Monday the 6th Instant, between Upton and Worcester, A Lady's SIDE SADDLE, and a Green NET, tied in a white Ticken Bag. Whoever will bring or send the same to Mr. Fewtrell, at the Hop- Pole in Wor- cester, shall receive Half a Guinea Reward. WHERE AS the GAME in the Manor of Feckenham has of late Years been greatly destroyed; This is to give Notice, If anyun- qualified Persons prefume to sport in the said Manor they will be prosecuted as the Law directs: And as Tunnels and other unlawful Nets have been very much used for the Destruction of the Game by Night, whoever will give Information of any Game in the said Manor being taken as aforesaid, or of any unqualified Person having in his Possession any such Tunnels, & c. shall, upon Conviction of each Offender, receive a Guinea Reward above Half the Penalty which is allowed by Act of Parliament to the Informer, by applying to Mr. Jones, Peruke- maker, in the Corn Market, Worcester. Worcester, Sept. 9, 1773. To be SOLD by AUCTION, THIS DAY, at the Bell Inn, in Broad- Street, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, THE Strong Bay GELDING that won the last Hunters Plate at Worcester. N. B. He was got by BLANK. To be LETT or SOLD, THAT old- accustomed Public House known by the Sign of the Marquis of Granby, situate on the Coal Quay, Worcester. A Tenant may have a Part of it sufficient for a Private or Pub- lic House, and very convenient, at about 7I. a Year, or upwards. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Thomas Staples, Attorney at Law, or of Mr. Samuel Bed- ford, Grocer, in Worcester. The Materials of a large BOOTH to be sold: Enquire at the House aforesaid. This Day is published, A CATALOGUE of BOOKS and PRINTS, being the Library of the Rev. Mr. Walker, of Lindridge, deceased: The Whole in good Condi- tion, and many of them elegantly bound, gilt, and lettered : Which will be sold very cheap, By S. G A M I D G E, Bookseller, opposite Cooken- Street, Worcester. The Sale begins this Day, and will continue till all are sold. Catalogues maybe had, gratis, at the Place of Sale. Worcester, 28th Aug. 1773. THE great Inconvenience arising from various Reports respecting the Receipt of Money, has induced Us, whole Names are here- unto subscribed, to inform the Public, that we will taks in Payment the Gold Coin of this Kingdom, agreeably to Act of Parliament; we will also take Portugal Money, as follows: Sept. 2 , 1773. NOTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting of the Trustees of the Worcester Turnpikes will be held at Hooper's Coffee- House, in High- Street, Worcester, on Wednesday the 7th Day of October next, at Ten o'clock in " the Fore- noon, for electing new Trustees in the Room of those deceased. By Order of the Trustees. W. GILES, CLERK. Knightsford Bridge, Sept. 8, 1773. THIS is to inform the Public, That the Road leading to the above Bridge will be broke up on Monday next, the 13th Instant, and rendered impassable for three Weeks, by Order of the Justices of the County. _ THURSDAY'S POST. ( By EXPRESS from LONDON.) Arrived the Mails from Holland and Flanders. Hague, August 31. ACCORDING to the last Letters from Hamburg, two Prussian Commissaries are now in that City, endeavouring to establish a Company of Merchants, who shall, for the future, have all the Merchandize which partes by the Way of Hamburg into the Dominions of the King of Prussia, go through their Hands, for which they are to pay a Duty of six Crowns per Cent, on their coming in, and the same On going out of the Country. These Letters add, that the Em- peror and the King of Prussia had a private In- l. s. d. 3 12 o if it wants no more than 36 o Pieces . - - 27 o Ditto - - - 18 o Ditto - - - - - 13 6 Ditto- - - 9 o Ditto ... 6 9 and 4s. 6d. s. d. 2 o 1 o o 8 o 6 o 4 o 2 Benjamin Pearkes, Nath. Wilkins, Wall and Crane, Wm. Hooper, Joseph Featherstone, Wm. Bedford, Samuel Bradley, R. Sorton, James Oliver, Geo. Wagstaff, Henry Johnson, Wm. Gwinnell, John Mogridge, Tho. Gwinnell, Newman and Woodward, Stephen Wilkins, jun. John Douglas and Co. Wm. Sanders, jun. Benj. Cowell and Son, Tho. Tooby, W. Barrett, Julius Palmer, jun. John Jesseris, Julius Palmer, sen. Sam. Overton, R. Meredith, Wm. Glover, Baylis and Goolden, Jonah Child, John Maurice, Rich. Blower, Tho. Beesley, John Baker, C. Parsons, J. Smiths R. Southall, John Edwards, Tho. Martin, each - 0 2 Carden and Bishop, Tho. Hobhins, Timothy Edwards, Geo. Edwards, Fewtrell and White, T. Gillam, John Bradley, Tho. and J. Bowyer, John Child, Wm. Jones, Henry Hammond, Geo. Smith, John Knapp, Dixey Woodward, Palmer and Burlingham, Geo. Williams, Wm. Carwardine, John Beck and Co. Wm. Mathers, Henry Jordan, John Cottrell, Richard Knight, Benj. Hickman, Luke Lench, John Allen, Thomas Cook, Wm. Buckle, Edw. Prodgers, James Paine, Edmund Wall, Tho. Williams, Richard Nash, Tho. Davis, Wm. Fairfax, Edw. Haikew, Abr. Lingham, jnn. Goolden and Lowe. Worcester, Augujl 30, 1773. THE Inhabitants of this City, ( the Manufacturers in particular) having been greatly distressed for Want of Silver in Change ; to remedy if possible this Inconvenience, We, whose Names are hereunto subscribed, have agreed to Issue Five Shilling, Two Shilling, and One Shilling Notes, payable to the Bearers on Demand, which Notes we request may be taken as Cash; and when in the Possession of Shopkeepers and Others to the Amount of One Guinea or upwards, they may re- ceive the Value on presenting them for payment to either of Us, TIMOTHY BEVINGTON, HENRY BESLEY, NEWMAN and WOODWARD. We, whose Names are hereunto subscribed, being convinced of the Utility of this Scheme, do agree to taste all Notes drawn as above, which may be offered us in Payment; and to prevent Confusion no ether Period's Notes will be taken. Wall and Crane, Joseph Berwick, Joseph Featherstone, Benj. Pearkes , John Baker, R. Southall, John Bradley, James Oliver, William Carwardine, John Mogrirge, Charles Peachey, Benj. Hickman, Hohn Allen , Thomas Cook, terview the 17th Instant; some say at Neis, and others at Brieg in Silesia, in which they gave each other reciprocal Assurances of great Friendship. LONDON, Tuesday, Sept. 7. A very interesting Letter is said to have been received by his M — y from a great Northern Po- tentate in his own Hand- writing, concerning the present Troubles on the Continent, which will be laid before the Privy Council. We hear that the Council is at present a little divided. In Case of the Continental Affairs coming to Extremities ( which every Day seems actually to approach) it has been disputed, whe- ther Great Britain ought to interfere in the War between the Porte and Russia. A few think it unavoidable; but a Majority ( with the Premier at their Head) are vehement in exclaiming against the Danger of it, and maintaining that there can be no Necessity for it. The Council is in these Days Very thin. The Lords of Trade have received Orders to attend the Privy Council To- morrow at St. James's, with the Boston Papers. It is talked of that an Order of Privy Council will soon be issued for rendering Portugal Money current again. We are told that the incessant Migrations, from the several Parts of his Majesty's Dominions, to America, have at length alarmed those only who have in their Hands the Power of Redress. The Northern Province of Ireland, with Part of the Western, are deeply drained, and the Highlands of Scotland are depopulated. In Consideration of these Evils, we hear the Affair will be laid be- fore Parliament, and some Remedy agreed on. The Monopolization of Farms, great Increase of Rents, & c. have not operated upon the Coun- try People of England as they have done in the neighbouring Kingdoms. The People, when they are unhoused here, do not go to America, but turn Rubers and Thieves. No Migrations have yet taken Place from England to the Colo- nies, except those which are sent thither from the Old Bailey. Most of our Trades and Manufactures are over- run with Journeymen and Apprentices, for a Cor- respondent assures us he has been informed from good Authority, that in the Hat- making Business only, there are Hands enough to fabricate as many Hats in one Week as the three Kingdoms can dis- pense with the wearing of for seven Years. At a numerous Meeting of the Trade Yesterday at Tallow- chandlers Hall, the following Resolu- tions were agreed to, viz. " That there is at this Time a much greater Quantity of Tallow than has been for many Years past, and that the Price is now, and has been for some Months back, kept up by a few monopolizing Individuals.— That the Price of Candles do fall to 8s. per Dozen on Wednesday the 8th Instant.— It is therefore recommended to the Public, not to order in any Stock of Candles for the Winter, as, from the great Increase of Tallow, they must soon become cheaper." There are now at least 4000 Hogsheads of Tallow arrived from Russia, and more coming in every Day. Yesterday Morning several Vessels laden with Wheat of this Year's Growth arrived in the River, their Freight is judged to be as fine bodied Grain as was ever seen ; within these few Days there have been near twenty Sail arrived in the River full of Wheat, which it is hoped will be a Means of reducing the Price of Bread. The Receipts at the Custom- House, on Ac- count of the very frist Duty observed by the Re- venue Officers in the River, & c. has exceeded the usual Collection more than 3oo. oo0l. last Year. There are above 200 Informations exhibited before the Commissioners of the Excise against Persons retailing spirituous Liquors without Li- cence. It is reported that a Process has been discovered for making Beer without Malt ; and that the Inventor ( an eminent Chymist of this City) has laid Proposals on the Subject before the Govern- ment, who have accepted it very graciously. The Hon. Mr. Greville, Brother of the Earl of Warwick, stands a Candidate to represent the Town of Warwick in Parliament, in the room of his Brother, and it is, thought he will be The late Lord Lyttelton was born at Seven Months; and the Midwife supposing the Infant dead, threw him into the Cradle ; and it was not till some Time after that he engaged the Atten- tion of one of the Attendants by shewing Signs of Life, Thus was the World likely to have been deprived of a Character that reflected Ho- nour on Humanity. His Lordship was always of a tender Constitution, and it was by the greatest Regularity and Sobriety that his Life was preserved to the Age of 64, more especially if we consider the Distress of his Mind for some Time past. During his last Illness he was several Days insensible: However, a few Hours before his Death he recovered the entire Use of all his Fa- culties. His Fortitude, Resignation, and Piety were that of a good Man and a Christian. He particularly desired that his Blessing and Forgiveness might be delivered to his Son. Of his Daugh- ter in Law ( now Lady Lyttelton) he took the most affectionate Leave, recommending to her in the strongest Terms, that she would never forget her Duty to God ; for at that Moment he would not exchange the pleasing Consolation of a good Con- fidence for the Possessions of the Universe. All his Domesticks, even the lowest, were called up to him, and received his Blessing ; at the same Time were added his Thanks for their Services. The Writer of this wishes a more able Pen would do further Justice to so distinguished a Character. He can only add, that as a Clinician, a Gentle- man, and a Man of Learning, he was an Honour to his Country, and has left an Example for the Nobility of this and future Ages. The following is a true Account of the Duel fought between Mr. Fitzgerald and Mr. Scawen, which we have the Authority of one of the Seconds to insert, and which he has authenticated with his Name:— When the Gentlemen came to the Ground, which was in the Queen's Country, between Pont- au- Tressin and Tournay, Mr. Fitzgerald loaded his Pistols ; and Mr. Nugent, Mr. Scawen's Se- cond, assisted Mr. Scawen to load his. It was agreed that the Distance should be ten Steps, which was measured by the Seconds, and the Choice of Places determined by throwing up a Piece of Money, by which it sell on Mr. Scawen. The Principals then took their Ground, and the Seconds retired. Mr. Scawen asked Mr. Fitz- gerald if he would fire full, which he accepted, and immediately discharged his Pistol, and the Ball passed under Mr. Scawen's Chin ; Mr. Scawen then presented and levelled his Pistol; and Mr. Fitzgerald, in bringing his second Pistol to a Le- vel accidentally discharged it before Mr. Scawen had fired his first; upon which Mr. Scawen said, " Mr. Fitzgerald, you have fired your second Pistol !" To which Mr. Fitzgerald replied, " it is true, Sir; but I assure you it was merely acci- dental, and I ask your Pardon for it ;" and then advancing a Pace or two towards Mr. Scawen, Mr. Fitzgerald added, " you have both your Pistols, Sir, I desire you will fire them, and we will both load again:" Mr. Scawen then said, " Sir, it makes no Difference — I am glad it happened so ;" and immediately came up to Mr. Fitzgerald, and addressing himself to him, told him, " if he had said any Thing disrespectful against him, it must be when he was disordered with Liquor, and he was extremely sorry for it And taking a Cane out of one of the Surgeon's Hands, he delivered it to Mr. Fitzgerald, who very lightly laid it on Mr. Scawen's Shoulder ; and afterwards told Mr. Scawen, " that he was very sorry for what he had said to him, as he had now behaved like a Gen tleman." The Gentlemen then shook Hands, went and spent the Evening together, and parted perfectly reconciled. CHARLES THOMAS FAGAN. The Dispute between Capt. Scawen and Mr. Fitzgerald ( says a Morning Paper) has turned out of no little Advantage to one of the Principals. Capt. S —, whose Father, just before his Departure for the Continent, directed him to lay before him a State of his Debts, which were very consider- able, and which the old Gentleman honourably discharged on Friday last. The Lady of Mr. F. it is said, was so much affected from a late Dispute, that she has for these five Days past been so violently afflicted with Hysteric Fits that her Life is despaired of. We are assured, that on the Departure of the Parties from hence to fight a Duel in Flanders, a great Personage declared, that in Case one of them sell, he would not on any Account pardon the Survivor. Yesterday the Royal Regiment of Artillery had a great Field Day on Woolwich Common, after which several Experiments were made on Grape Shot, one of which was of a most extraordinary Nature, from a Gun invented by General Desa- guliers, which was fired against a long Target of Wood ; it kept a constant Firing whilst the Regi- ment marched 150 Yards, in which Time it put 800 Shot through the Target at the Distance of 400 Yards, having fired 24 Times in a Minute. This is justly looked upon as the greatest Improve- ment ever made in Cannon since their first Inven- tion ; but if is most earnestly wished it may be kept from the Knowledge of other Nations. On Saturday the ingenious Mr. Harrison, In- ventor of the Time- piece for finding out the Longi- tude, received the last Payment of the 2o, oool. for his Discovery ; the Sum paid him was 9585l. By a Vessel from Jamaica we have Advice, that the regular Troops in the Island of Hispa- niola have had several Engagements with the In habitants, in which they generally came off with the worst, and that every Thing was in the greatest Disorder and Confusion. Advice was this Day received, that a Turkish and Spanish Man of War have had an Engagement in the Mediterranean ; and after a Contest of six Glasses, Yard Arm and Yard Arm, wherein two- thirds of the Spaniards were killed, the Spaniard was funk. The Remainder of her Crew were taken up by the Russians. I observed respecting them. The Troops of Electorate axe all embodied, and fresh Recr are constantly raising. The fortified Places, b in the Electorate and in Bremen and Verdun, paid a very strict Attention to; and, on Whole, every Measure lately taken seems to in- dicate Hanover expects a Rupture with for Power of the North." Letter from Smyrna, July 26. " We have been just on the Point of suffering one of the most terrible Calamities that can imagined. On the 18th Instant, about 6oTu conspired to assassinate, the next Day, being Sun day, all the Greeks they could find in Church then set Fire to different Quarters of the City and, to profit by the Disorder which su a Disaster would Cause, by carrying off b the Effects of the inhabitants, and massacreing who should offer to oppose them. Happily, how- ever, this Affair was discovered on the Evening before it was to have been put in Execution. T Muselim, or Supreme Judge, has seized on greatest Part of the Conspirators, some of What have been privately put to Death, others exist and the Remainder are in close Confinement." This Morning about four o'Clock, a Fire brought out in the Cooperage belonging to the Brewhouse of Mess. Whitbread and Co. in Chiswell- Street which entirely consumed the same before it can be got under. Thursday died Upon the Road to Norwich, a Visit to his Nephew, by the bleeding of Nose, Thomas Preston; Esq; one of the Common council of Cheap Ward. It is remarkable of the Gentleman, that he has often expressed a W that his Death might be sudden. James Smith, who was tried at Taunton Assizes, for the Murder of Mrs. Conibeer and two Daughters, in the Parish of Monksilver, acquitted, it being proved by seven Witness that he was at Bristol at the Time the Murder was committed. Bank Stock, —. India ditto, 15 1/ 4 a1/ 2. South Sea ditto,—. Old Annuities; 85 1/ 8. New An nuities —. Three per Cent. Bank red. 87 1/ 8 a Ditto Consol. 87 1/ 8a 1/ 4 . Ditto 1726, —. Ditto 1751, — . Ditto India Annuities 81 1/ 8 a 1/ 4 Th- ree I - half per Cent; Ann. 88 1/ 4. Four per Cent. Con 92 a 1/ 8 India Bonds 1 2 a 13 prem. Navy a Victual. Bills, 1 1/ 2 Didc. BANKRUPTS required to surrender. Richard Pollard, of Rye, in Suffex, Grod Wm. Howell and John Frosdick, of Yarmouth Norfolk, Whitesmiths. John Twinpenny, of Middlesex, Brewer. Benj. Ludlow, of Warminster, Wilts, Linnen- Draper. George Symons, of Aburton, Devon, Victualler. DIVIDENDS to be made to Creditors. Sept. 21. Enoch Booth the Younger, of Tuns Staffordshire, Potter. 28. Thomas Livermore, Halsted, Effex, Shopkeeper. Oct. 1. Joseph R Silva, of London, Merchant. 2o. Edward N combe, of Coventry, Weaver, 21 John Farr, Coventry, Silkman. 23. Edward Foulks, of coventry, Maltster. 19. Tho. Mecham, of Nor Falgate, Middlesex, Linnen- draper. 7. THo. Norton of Wakefield, Yorkshire, Merchant, 2. W Black, of Huddersfield, Yorksh. Linnen- draper Married] At Clangunford, in shropshire, NJames, Surgeon, of Ludlow, to Mids Flemis Daughter of the late Edward Fleming, Esq; of S don Castle, in that County. At Sutton Colfield Mr. Wratislavia, to Mrs. Mary Ann Lidiard. Wolverhampton, Mr. Wm. Hawkes, of Neache to Miss Fanny Parry, of Wednesfield. Died] Mr. Miles Astman, of Newent, Gloucester- shire. At Castle- Bromwich, Wm. Wife, Esq. Bridgwater, Mr. Deepup, Deputy Virger of Paul's Cathedral. In St. Paul's Church- yard, N Slater, late a Woollen- draper. Mr. Appleby, Upholder, in Thames- street. At Lewisham, Holroyd, formerly a Hop- factor in Southwark. Extract of a Letter from Hanover, Aug. 25. " Tho political Movements of the Lords of WORCESTER, Thursday, Sept. 9. Yesterday was held here the Triennial Me- aning of the Three Choirs ( Worcester, Gloucester and Hereford) when the charitable Collector at the Cathedral amounted to upwards of 22 and the Musical Performances gave great Satisfac- tion to a grand, numerous, and judicious Audi- ence.— At the Cathedral, this Morning, will performed Handel's Dettingon Te Deum Jublicate and two new Anthems, one compose Dr. Alcock, the other by Mr. Smith. At College- Hall, in the Evening, the Oratorio Jephtha.—- To- morrow Morning, at the Cat dral, Messiah, or the Sacred Oratorio; in the Evening, at the ColIege- Hall a Gra Miscellaneous Concert, consisting of capital So and instrumental Pieces, by the most eminent. Performers. To prevent great Inconvenies and Confusion from receiving Money at Doors, it is particularly desired that all Person would come provided with Tickets, which are be had of Mr. Lewis, Bookseller; Mr. Hobbison Glover; and of Mr. Knight, Glover. On Friday last John Jeens, for robbing House of Mr. Harris, of Evesham, was execute at our County Gallows. His Behaviour was well- becoming a Person in his melancholy Situa- tion. He read all the Way to the Place of Exe- cution, and made Use of Spectacles. At Kidderminster Fair on Saturday last, the was the greatest Quantity of Cheese that has be known for many Years, though but a small Pof it was brought into the Fair, the rest be kept up in the Inns or private Houses ; by wh iniquitous Scheme, the Price in the Beginning the Fair was from 28s. to 30s. for the best Chee and Two- meal from 25s. to 27s.; but in the Af- ternoon the best was sold at 24s. and the second Sort at 24s. and many Waggon Loads were car- ried back unsold. Pity it is that the Clerk every Market does not compel all Persons bring their Commodities to open View, that Buyers may see how bountifully our kind Cr has provided for the miserable Poor. A few Days since was married, at the Pa Church of Upton Warren, in this County, Henry Lad bury, an opulent Farmer and Master at Feckenham, to Miss Wight, of the the PEOPLE of ENGLAND. THE General Election approaches fast. The Canvass is already begun. Hear no Man who to bribe you;— if he offers himself a Candi- reject hi m with Scorn, for he will fell you in same Manner that he bought you. What must one think of a Man who advertiseth in the News- papers, that he wants to serve his Country, and he begins with Bribery, and goes on with pation? When, instead of supporting their interest, begins with ruining their Morals; and u ching their Minds / If Englishmen have any he Spirit of their Sires in them, they will ra- pay the Expences of their Representation to a honest Man, than accept of a roguish Volup- y who offers to serve them for Naught. Would not be right for all the Electors in England to do the Free Burgesses of Newcastle upon Tyne have e ? They have entered into an Agreement to no Meat nor Drink, to touch no Money which I be offered them at the next General Election. All the Counties, Cities, and Corporations in ain shall think proper to do this, it will shew they are virtuous Lovers of Liberty. Choose no Man who will not promise upon Oath, seal with his Writing, that he will never dis- any Point in which the Welfare of the Nation concerned, without first consulting his Constitu- , and that he will never vote against their Opi- : That he will earnestly promote a Bill for tri- ial Parliaments, and never pass a Money Bill this is passed : That he will use his utmost Endea- vaours to have all Tensions reduced, and all Court sioners excluded from any Share in the Legisla- tive; That no Officers in the Army shall sit in the use of Commons; and that the standing Army will be reduced. s independent Freeholders of Britain, consider Character of the Person you make Choice of to present you in the next Parliament: Enquire whe- ther or not he was a Courtier in the last Parliament ? ether he voted for General Warrants, or joined h the House in conforming to Col. Luttrel, as member for Middlesex ? If any such Persons soli- your Votes, send them about their Business, and around them with a Mark of Contempt. Tell them y once betrayed this Country, and can never more trusted." If you find Gentlemen of Probity, who have shewed a steady Attachment to your Interests, and a real Love to their Country, elect them freely, without Expence ; shew them that you love Virtue d despise Corruption ; that you regard and love earnest Men, but detect those Villains who can de- seperately rob their Country, and betray their Con- stituents. Consider that Riches is not the only Qua- lification of a Member of Parliament; — Wisdom d Honesty are also necessary. Nothing can be more absurd than the Practice of those Counties d Boroughs who elect the most wealthy, instead the wifest Men: By this Means they fill the na- tional Senate with Men not removed many Degrees m the most stupid Animals. Such ignorant Mortals may be capable to sit upon a Seat, and fill a Blank in the House of Commons,— say Yes or no, as they are desired; but are they capable of lodging of your Interests, or are they qualified to propose of your Money ? An East- India Nabob, by the Dint of the Sword, through the Influence of some corrupt Passion, y acquire a Mountain of Specie, and almost a ation of Land, by which he shall be able to bribe Thousands who are destitute of Virtue : But do his iches make him wife, or his Lands make him rtuous ? Will not the same Person who robbed d plundered the innocent Indians, starved Thou- sands to Death, remain the same Villain when he is promoted to the highest Stations of Honour in his own Country ? My Countrymen be not taken with the Glare and Splendor of Wealth ; seek after the tuous Man ; for in him alone you can place Con- fidence. Can you suppose that there is either Wisdom or Honour in that Man, who first attacks our Morals, on Purpose to ruin your Interest ? Can Gluttons and Drunkards be good Men, or sit take Care of the Concerns of the Public? If you would not trust your Money or Effects to a Dishonest Person, how do you think it proper to must all that is dear to Men, in the Hands of those who are known to be Thieves, whose Conduct has seen one constant Round of public Villainy, ag- ravated by many attrocious Circumstances ? If over yo u trust such Men again, or commit your National Concerns into the Hands of Men who have already betrayed you, you deserve to be Slaves. Now is the Time to begin to consider of these Things, before an Election approacheth. Let Vir- tue be cultivated in all Places, and the Practice of Bribery stigmatized every where. Try whether Virtue and Liberty will not make a more con- icuous Figure than ever Wilkes and Liberty did. Mr. Wilkes deserves Praise for what he has done, but you seem to have given him up. Give not up those Ideas of Liberty which he was the Means of suggesting to you, but study every lawful Method whereby a Sense of Freedom may be kept died on the Mind of every free Briton. A NORTH BRITON. To be LETT, Ready Furnished, On very reasonable Terms, and may be entered upon immediately, THE Mansion House of GLASS- HAMPTON, situate on an Eminence, in a Mean, healthy, and pleasant Part of the County of Worcester, the Reads very good, nine Miles from the City of Worcester, six from Kidderminster, and five from Bewdley, all very good and cheap Mar- kets, and two only from Stout- port, being the Junction of the Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal with the River Severn, and near which Place Bridge is soon to be built over the River Severn, by Virtue of an Act of Parliament lately passed for that Purpose. The House consists of all necessary and convenient Apartments for a Nobleman's or Gentleman's Family, and is well supplied with Wa- ter; there is Stabling for near thirty Horses, Coach- Houses, and all other Offices, convenient and in Good Repair, together with a good Kitchen Gar- den, Fruit and Pleasure Gardens and Shrubbery, all in good Order .--- Any Quantity of Meadow Land may be tented contiguous to the House. Particulars may be had of Messrs. Gregg and Potts, t Skinners Hall, London ; or of Mr. John Broome, at Stanford, near the Hundred House, Worcester- shire, who will shew the Premisses. N. B, Any Gentleman taking the House will have the Liberty of sporting in the Manor, which is ex- tensive and remarkable for Plenty of Game, with a good Fishery in the River Severn and a Brook which runs through the Manor. Very suitable for the Residence of a genteel Family. TO BE LETT, And may be entered upon immediately, ( Most agreeably situated near the Church, and by the Side of the New Canal; distant from Wor- cester six Miles, and One Mile and a Half from Droitwich) THE Parsonage House of Salwarpe, consisting of two good Parlours, a large Hall, Kitchen, three Pantries, very good and sufficient Cellaring ; eight commodious Lodging Rooms, with convenient Closets; together with a Brewhouse, Dairy, and Cheese- Room; two Stables, properly stalled, a Saddle- Room, Coach- House, and other necessary Out - Buildings ; likewise Pleasure and Kitchen Gardens, well stocked, and planted with the choicest Fruit Trees, now in Perfection ; as also a Sufficiency of good Pasture Land for four Horses and three Cows. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Richard Meredith, Upholder, in Worcester. N. B. Any Person inclined to occupy the above House, may be accommodated with the Whole or any Part of the Furniture, which is new, elegant, and well adapted to the respective Apartments. TO BE SOLD THE Manor of HENWICK, held by Lease under the Bishop of Worcester for three Lives, all existing and healthy, situate in the Parish of Hallow, in the County of Worcester, distant one measured Mile from the City of Wor- cester ; consisting of a handsome, modern- built Brick Mansion House, with every convenient Office sit for a Gentleman's Family, a Kitchen and Plea- sure Garden, consisting of five Acres, planted with a great Variety of excellent Fruit, four small Or- chards, well planted and in high Perfection, about 150 Statute Acres of rich Meadow and Pasture Ground upon the Banks of the River Severn, and about 70 Statute Acres of very good Tillage, now lett to five different Tenants ( the greatest Part of whom are Tenants at Will) at the yearly Rent of 4161. The Mansion House is situated at an agree- able Distance from the Turnpike Road, having an Avenue of Chesnut Trees leading thereto. The Gardens form a Part of that delightful Bank called Henwick's Hill, justly celebrated for its healthy Soil, excellent Water, and beautiful Situation, and com- mands a distant View of the City of Worcester, the River Severn, and a rich and beautiful Country, variegated with every Essential to make it a most agreeable Prospect. For other Particulars apply to Mr. Sockett, At- torney, in Worcester. To be SOLD by AUCTION, (" Unless in the mean Time disposed of by private Contract) At the Angel Inn, in Bewdley, on Saturday next, the 11th of September Inst. between the Hours of Four and Six o'Clock in the Evening, subject to Conditions to be then and there produced, ALL that Freehold Messuage, Dwel- ling House, or Tenement, with about ninety Acres by Computation, be it more or less, of Land, Meadow, Pasture, and Orcharding thereto belong- ing, and lying within a Ring Hedge, called Kings- wood Farm, in the County of Salop, situate at about four measured Miles Distance from the several Towns of Bewdley and Cleobury Mortimer, with an extensive Right of Common adjacent, subject to an Annuity of 161. for a very old Life, and an in- considerable Chief Rent. This Farm is very improveable, there being for the most Part a good Turnpike Road to the Clee- Hill Lime- works, from whence Lime may be fetched to the said Farm by the same Team twice a Day, and there are in the Premisses several Quantities of Coal ungot. At the above Time, in the same Lot, will be sold the Benefit of the Lease of the small Farm adjoin- ing, called Sutton's Farm, now held for the Re- mainder of a Term of 21 Years, wherein there are about 20 to come ( if Edward Coles so long lives) under a reserved yearly Rent of Seven Guineas. For further Particulars enquire of Messrs. Price and Bailey, in Kidderminster; or of Mr. Hill, Attorney at Law, in Bewdley. 25th August, 1773. NOTICE is hereby given, That the next Meeting of the Trustees appointed to put in Execution the Act of Parliament for building a Bridge across the River Severn, near Redstone, in the County of Worcester, and for making proper Avenues and Roads to and from the same, will be held upon Tuesday the 14th Day of September next, at the Dwelling- House of Mary Roden, at Stour- Port, by Eleven of the Clock in the Fore- noon ; and any Person or Persons willing to con- tract with the said Trustees, either for building a Stone Bridge across the said River, to consist of three Arches, the center Arch thereof to be 48 Feet wide at the Wall, and 17 Feet wide in the Clear for passing over, and 132 Feet clear for the Water to flow through the said Arches, from and out of the Meadow of Mrs. Pougher, above and near to Stour- Port aforesaid, in the Parish of Kid- derminster, to the Meadow of Daniel Zachary, Esq; in the Parish of Lower Areley, in the said County of Worcester, on the Opposite Side of the said River, together with Arches of Communication across the Meadows on each Side thereof, or for the immediate erecting a Temporary Bridge from the Meadow belonging to the said Mrs. Pougher, about 40 Yards below the said intended Stone Bridge, are desired to deliver in, the same Day, to the Trustees, Plans and Estimates thereof sealed up. The said Trustees will then also proceed to treat with the said Daniel Zachary, Esq; and Mrs. Pougher, John Folliott, Esq; Messrs. Wilson, Ayles- bury Roberts, Thomas Brettell, John Acton, Joseph Jones, and Daniel Johnson, and their Tenants re- spectively, as well for the Purchase of such of their Lands in the said Parishes of Kidderminster and Lower Areley as will be wanting for making proper Roads and Avenues to and from the said intended Stone Bridge, as also for the Trespass and Damage to be done in erecting the said Temporary Bridge, and executing the Purposes of the said Act : And the said Trustees intend at the same Meeting to borrow and take up, on Mortgage of the Tolls granted by the said Act, the Sum of Seven Thou- sand Pounds, at an Interest of Four Pounds One Half per Cent, to be advanced by Installments in such Manner as the Trustees shall direct, and as Occasion may require, not less than two Months Notice thereof being given, and of the Day appointed for every such Payment or Advance. By Order of the, said Trustees, RICH, COLLEY, Clerk. To be LETT, together or separate, And entered upon at Candlemas next, TWO Farms, one called Pembridge Castle Farm, consisting of 260 Acres, Ara- ble, Meadow, and Pasture; and the other called The Mill Farm, of about 55 Acres of Arabic, Mea- dow, and Pasture, with a Snuff Mill, convertible into a Water Grill Mill, thereon, in the Parishes of Welch Newton and Garway, Herefordshire, within four Miles of Monmouth, seven of Ross, and twelve of Hereford, and otherwise well situate. The Buildings in good Repair, and the Advance now proposed of the Rent above what the Premisses were lett at in 1686, will be moderate, and no Ad- vance thereof has been made or proposed since that Time. Enquire of Mr. Halfpenny, Town Clerk, at Mon- mouth, who will receive Proposals ; and of Mr. Townley, : at Corney House, at Chifwick, near London, where Surveys of the above Farms may be seen. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, At the Crown Inn, in Stourbridge, on Friday the 17th Day of this Instant September, at Three 0' Clock in the Afternoon, AHandsome, new built Dwelling- House, situate near the lower End of the Town of Stourbridge, belonging to, and in Posses- sion of Mr. John Parkes ( who is going to reside in Coventry), sit for a genteel Family, or a Person in Trade, with a large walléd Garden to the same ; together with two largé Malt- Houses, situate behind the same, formerly occupied by Mr. Tho. Yorke, deceased, and remarkable for making good Malt; a Dwelling- House for the Malt- maker, and a Yard entire, with a Passage into the Fields and back Lane ; the Whole Freehold of Inheritance, and in com- pleat Repair, and may be entered upon at or before Michaelmas next. Also a Dwelling- House, situate opposite to the Falcon Inn, in the Rye Market, in Stourbridge, in the Occupation of Thomas Spittle. Further Particulars may be known of Mr. John Parkes, i n Stourbridge, who will shew the Premisses. To be SOLD to thé BEST BIDDER, At the Cross Inn, in Bromsgrove, on Tuesday the 21st of September Inst. between the Hours of Two and Six in the Afternoon; if not disposed of by private Contract, A Very improveable Copyhold Estate of Inheritance, called Stoney Lane, in the Pa- rish of Tardebigg, and County of Warwick, now in the Possession of Mr. Samuel Harris ; consisting of a convenient Farm House, Pigeon- house, and all necessary Out- Buildings, with 127 Statute Acres of Meadow, Pasture, and Arable Land. For Particulars apply to Mr. Thomas Wheeler, or Mr. John Reeves, both of Bromsgrove ; or of Mr. Thomas Rayment, Glover, in Worcester. N. B. The Lands all lie contiguous to the Farm House, which is situated about three Miles from Bromsgrove, six from Stourbridge, and ten from Birmingham. By the Custom of the Manor of Tardebigg, on the Death of the Tenant the Heir is admitted., on Payment of a Silver Penny; so that it is in that Respect of equal Value with a Freehold Estate, and the Title often more secure. This Day is published, Price 1s. 6d. ANew Practical Essay on CANCERS: Containing, 1. An Account of their Nature, Causes, and Species. 2. A Detail of the general Method of Practice, commonly called rational or palliative. 3. A Description of the Remedies pro- posed by some as Specifics, but found to be either dangerous or ineffectual; with Remarks on the same. 4. The most safe, efficacious, and only certain Method of Cure, for every Species of Schirusses and Cancers, without Cutting, Caustic, or any painful Operation ; as may be seen by the Cases annexed. To which is added A DISSERTATION on the Disorders occasioned by the MILK ; with necessary Cautions and Directions to Lying- in Women, pointing out their dangerous Consequences, and the Means of Prevention and Cure. By J. BURROWS, M. D. London, printed for the Author ; and sold by S. Hooper, No. 2: 5, Ludgate- hill; R. Davis, in Pic- cadilly ; H. Parker, in Cornhill; and G. Woodfall, at Charing- cross; and by H. Berrow, Worcester. NEW VOYAGES, With Maps, Charts, and Historical Prints. AS there is another Account of Voyages round the World now advertising to be pub- lished in Numbers, to prevent the Public mistaking the one for the other, their Attention is requested to the following Particulars: That this Work is not the one advertised to be compleated in Sixty Numbers at 1s. each, containing only the four lateVoyagcs round the World, but that which is to be comprized in FORTY- EIGHT NUMBERS, PRICE SIX- PENCE each, in which will be given not only a faithful and genuine Account of every Par- ticular worthy of Notice, which occurred in the Coarse of these four Voyages, but also in those of ANSON, DAMPIER, SHELVOCKE and COWLEY, CLIPPERTON, CAVENDISH, ROGERS, AND COOKE, DRAKE. Together with the Voyage of Mons. Bougainville round the World, lately performed by Order of the French King, This Day is published, To be continued Weekly, and compleated in forty- eight Numbers, making four handsome Volumes in Octavo. Numb. I. Price 6d. ( Embellished with Part of a correct Chart of the Tracts of the Vessels under the Command of Byron, Wallis, Carteret, and Cook; with that of Mons. Bougainville; likewise a fine Engraving of a Patagonian Woman and her Child conversing with Commodore Byron) Of AN HISTORICAL ACCOUNT of all the VOYAGES ROUND THE WORLD, performed by English Navigators; including those lately un- dertaken by Order of his present Majesty. The Whole faithfully extracted from the Journals of the Voyagers. Printed for F. Newbery, the Corner of St. Paul's Church Yard, London; and sold by Mr. Haslewood, Bridgnorth: Ms. Clare, Bewdley; Mr. Andrews, Evesham; Mr. Taylor, Kidderminster; Mr. Ed- dowes, Shrewsbury; and all other Booksellers in the Country, and by the Printer of this Journal. The Plates will be elegantly engraved, and exhibit the most striking Representations of the va- rious Occurrences related in the Course of the Work; and one Plate at least will be given with every Number. This Day is Published, Price One Shilling and Six pence, the 7th Edition, ANew TREATISE on the VENEREAL, DISEASE, Onanism ( or Self- polution) Gleets, Weaknesses, impotency, & c & c. In this Work a plain and satisfactory Account is given of Venereal Complaints, from the flightest Infection to its most morbid State ; describing also the various Disorders that proceed from that destructive and detectable Vice, Self- abuse or excessive Venery. Written with a View to deter our un- thinking Youth, and others, from destroying their Consti- utions, and directing Methods of Cure, established by the Success of a long and extensive Practice. The Great BOERHAAVE says, That from an ill cured Pox, or imprudent Venery, arise Pains in the Head or Limbs, Gleets, Eruptions, Dimness of Sight, Weakness of the whole Frame, Lowness of Spirits, with a Tribe of Nervous Complaints, which generally terminate in a Consumption. By J. H. SMYTH, M. D. Sold by H. Berrow, Printer of this Paper, in Wor- cester ; and the Author, in George- street, York- building, in the Strand, London, who may be consulted personally, or by Letter, Post paid. N. B. The Doctor's Medicines are to be had as above, viz his SPECIFIC DROPS, universally acknowledged the only absolute Cure for Venereal or Scorbutic Complaints ( without Mercury), and in a fresh Venereal Injury : In eight or ten DAYS the CURE is performed with Ease and Secrecy. Also she RESTORATIVE, which, in the Course of a long and extensive Practice, has recovered some Thousands from Weakness, Debilities, whether natural or acquired by Self- polution, & c. & c. & c. His Majesty has been pleased to grant his Royal Letters Patent to JAMES JACKSON and Co. Chymists, for their OLEUM ANOD1NUM, or British Balsam of Health, having been happily experienced by many Thousands to be the most efficacious Remedy against the Gout, Rheumatic and Sciatic Pains, Fistulas, Ulcers, Evil, Leprosy, Bruises, Sprains, Palsies, Pleuri- ies, Piles, Dropsy, Stone, Gravel, Consumptions, and all Complaints of the Lungs, Convulsions, & c. and purifies the whole Mass of Blood. The following are same of the extraordinary Cures performed by this Balsam. Mr. Thomas of Sherborn- Lane, Lombard- Street, Lon- don, was cured of a Consumption. Mr. Hall, of Isling- ton, of the Gravel in his Kidneys, so bad he could not walk upright.-—— Mr. Wilkinson, of Vine- Street, Hat- ton- Garden, London, of the Rheumatism. —— Mrs. Knight, of Blandford in the County of Dorset, was swelled to an immoderate Size with the Dropsy. Mary Hughes, at the Rainbow Coffee- House, Snow- Hill, London, of Convulsions—— Mr. Forster, at the Rose, in Cheapside, London, of the Gout. Mrs. Holmes, at the Red Lion, Tottenham- court Road, London, of the Dropsy and the Loss of the Use of her Limbs. Mr. Farmer, of Poles- worth, in Worwickshire, of an hereditary Leprosy, which he had been afflicted with from his Birth. This Balsam has perfected great Numbers of amazing Cures in complicated Disorders, which cannot be here in- serted. It is sold Wholesale and Retail by Messrs. jackson and Co. Chymists, in George- Yard, Lombard- Street, London: by the Printer of this Journal; and may be had of the News- carriers, at 2s. 6d. per Bottle. DR. HILL's Pectoral BALSAM of HONEY, the experienced, safe and pleasant Remedy for Colds, Coughs, Asthmas, and Consumptions. It is sold, by his Appointment, at 3s. a Bottle, by H. Berrow, Printer of this journal; Mr. Chase at Norwich, Gregory at Leicester, Farley at Bristol, Fletcher at Cam, bridge, Goadby at Sherborne, Russel at York, Slack at Newcastle, Aris at Birmingham, Etherington at York, Carnan at Reading, Ward at Sheffield, E. Hankins at Ledbury, Lee at Lewes, Harrop at Manchester, Wright at Leeds, Raikes at Gloucester, Jopson at Coventry, Creswell at Nottingham, Jackson at Oxford, Crutwell at Bath- Monk at Chester, Simmons at Canterbury, Frost at Chelms- ford, Pugh at Hereford, Brydon at Dover; and by all who are supolied by Mr. Howard, in London by Mr. Baldwin, Pater- noster- Row ; Ridley, in St. James's, street; And others appointed by the Author. Of whom may be had all his other Medicines. Beware of Counterseits. The right Bottles are 3s. each. Dr. Hill's Name is signed under them, and all who sell them have a Bill also signed by him. All are requested to acquaint Dr . Hill when Counterseits are sold, and he will prosecute the Offenders. MAREDANT's DROPS. To Mr. NORTON, Surgeon, in Golden Square, London. SIR, I Have, for above six Years, laboured under a most dread- ful Pain in my Stomach, a Lowness of Spirits, and the Scurvy; attended with a most severe Pain in my Head, which made me weary of Life, having tried many of the Faculty to no Purpose. Hearing of the many extraordinary Cures by your Maredant's Drops, it induced me try them ; after taking them some Time, I am, thank God, restored to my perfect Health. I desire you will publish this most extraordinary Cure for the Benefit of Mankind, Long- Lane, Southwark, I am, Sir, May 21, 1773. Your most obedient humble Servant, EDWARD MARQURE. Any Person still doubtful of the Efficacy of this Medicine, may ( by applying to Mr. NORTON, Surgeon, the West Side of Golden square, near Piccadilly, London, the only Author and Proprietor, where these Drops are sold in Bottles of Six Shillings each) be fully convinced of their good Effect, by being referred to many People of Credit, who have been cured of the Leprosy, Scurvy, Ulcers, the Evil, Fistulas, Piles, long- continued Inflammations of the Eyes, and every other Disorder arising from a Foulness in the Blood. They may be taken in any Season, without the least Inconvenience or Hindrance of Business; They also perfect Digestion, and amazingly create an Appetite. N. B. None are genuine but what are signed by JOHN NORTON, in his own Hand- writing; who hath appointed them to be sold by H. BERROW , at his Printing Office, near the Cross, Worcester ; and by Mr. ANDREWS, Bookseller, in Evesham. VELNOS' Vegetable SYRUP, With IMPROVEMENTS, Prepared only by J. BURROWS, M. D. Sole Patentee, THIS Medicine is authenticated, by the Testi- mony of Persons of Eminence, as efficacious in all SCORBUTIC CASES, and every Degree of a CERTAIN DIS- ORDER, for which the Public are referred to the Daily pa- pers, and a Dissertation on its Nature and Effects. WILLIAM CHAPMAN, Cabinet- maker, was recom- mended to the Care of Dr. Burrows, by Mr. M. Kinnow, Upbolsterer, the Corner of " Lincoln's Inn Fields ( with whom be bad formerly worked) having laboured under a Venereal Complaint, highly complicated with the Scurvy, upwards off six Years. His Body was covered with Pustules of a putrid Nature. There was a large foetid Ulcer on the Right Leg , and a Fistula in the Perinaum, through which the Urine passed,, and gave him exquisite Pain. He had been twice salivated without Effect, notwithstanding which dreadful Symptoms the Doctor was encouraged by former Success in the most dangerous Cases to put him under a Course of his Vegetable Syrup. In the Space of about seven Weeks the Ulcer in the Leg was cured, at the End of the two Months all the putrid Eruptions disap- pered, and in fourteen Weeks the Fistula was healed ; the Urine passed through the natural Channel, and he has not since bad the least Complaint. This Patient was visited, at the Request of Dr. BUrrows, by two Gentlemen of the Faculty during the Course, who, on Application, will testify the same. The Vegetable Syrup is appointed to be sold in Worcester by H. Berrow, at 10s. 6d. a Bottle.
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