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Berrow's Worcester Journal


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Berrow's Worcester Journal

Date of Article: 22/07/1773
Printer / Publisher: H. Berrow 
Address: Near the Cross, Worcester
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 4128
No Pages: 4
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Price Two- pence Halfpenny. THURSDAY, July 22, 1773. Numb. 4128. Saturday's and Sunday's Posts LONDON, Friday, July 16. on Wednesday, at One o'Clock, came on before the Recorder, at Guildhall, the Cause between the Common Serjeant of the City of London, Plaintiff, and Mr. Al- derman Plumbe, Defendant. The Action was brought upon an ex Officio Information, filed by the Common Serjeant against Mr. Plumbe, as Warden of the Gold- smith's Company, for wilful Disobedience of the late Mr. Beckford's Precept, issued during his Mayoralty. Mr. Plumbe admitted receiving the Precept, but pleaded in Excuse for disobeying it, that the Goldsmiths Company was an ancient one, go- verned by Bye Laws of its own framing, which rendered it totally independent and exempt from the Lord Mayor's Controul. In Consequence of which he denied the Mayor's Authority to issue Precepts to that Company; but admitting his Authority to be well founded, yet the Business for which the Livery were to be summoned was of a Nature that rendered their Attendance highly improper. Mr. Allen opened the Pleadings, by stating the Defendant's supposed Criminality and Plea in Extenuation. He was succeeded by Mr. Dunning, who quoted Instances almost innumerable, as Cases in Point to prove the Authority exercised by different Lord Mayors since the Time of Edward the Third, over not only the Goldsmiths, but every other Company. In some of which Instances entered in the refertory Book, the Lord Mayor was ex- pressly stiled the Master of all the Companies. Mr. Dunning was answered by Serjeant Bur- land, who placed his Client's Cause in the most favourable Point of View, urging every Thing which Ingenuity could suggest in Extenuation of the supposed Offence; he remarked upon the In- stances produced by Mr. Dunning, and called them " few" in Number. When Mr. Dunning made his final Reply, he took Notice of this, and said, " that as to the Paucity of Instances the Gentleman had no Right to complain. Quivedo ( says he) when, in the Romance, he is made to visit Hell, saw several Kings there, and expressing his Surprize that he saw no more, his Guide told him, there were all that had ever reigned." I therefore ( concluded Mr. Dunning) bring all the Instances which are to be produced. About Eleven at Night the Pleadings finished, when the Recorder summed up the Evidence, and at Twelve o'clock the Jury withdrew for about three Quarters of an Hour, when they returned a Verdict for the Plaintiff. It is said that Messrs. Wilkes and Bull will be returned by the Livery to the Court of Aldermen, at the ensuing Election for Lord Mayor. Lord Mansfield is said to be applying all his leisure Hours in revising the Penal Laws of this Kingdom, the Result of which is to be submitted to Parliament at their next Meeting. On Sunday his Majesty's Hair was cut off, and he wore a fine Spanish Fly Wig, of the exact Co- lour of his Eyebrows. This Kind of Hair is exceedingly scarce, and was with the utmost Dif- ficulty procured. It is said that a Great Personage, by the Advice of the Physicians, has had his Hair cut off, on Account of his being subject to a Pain in the Head. The Peruke- makers are highly elated at a Great Personage having his Hair cut off, as it will certainly give a very beneficial Turn to their Business. As the new Act for regulating the Currency of Gold Coin does not express what shall be con- sidered as reasonable Wear, it may be no useless Piece of Information to our Readers to acquaint them, that the Bank receive no Guineas which weigh less than five Penny- weights and three Grains. This estimating the real Weight of a Guinea to be five Penny- weights, nine Grains, and about Nine- sixteenths, is an Allowance of about it. taking the Price of Gold at the Coin- age Standard, or 31. 17s. 6d. per Ounce. It is droll enough to see the present Figure of Tradesmen's Shops, especially of Bankers, and to an ingenious Painter would afford a most laugh- able Picture of the Times, every Man with his Scales in his Hands, as if the whole Nation were turned Balance- Makers. As a Proof of the happy Consequences of the late judicious Money Bill, the following Fact may be depended upon : A Gentleman travelling in the western Part of this Kingdom, stopped at a Hut on a Plain in order to refresh himself, & c. At his Departure he offered the Holt a Guinea to change ( having but 1s. 6d. in Silver about him). Boniface refused to take it; the Travel- ler offered a Second and Third ( which was all he had). Neither of the Guineas pleasing this Son of Bacchus, who weighed the same in large Wooden Scales, he, without any Ceremony, was going to cut two of the three Guineas. The Gentleman remonstrated, and offered a Bank Note for Exchange. The Host, not being able or willing to do it, insisted on detaining the Gui- neas, as being bad. What was to be done? The Landlord insisted on going to the Mayor of a neighbouring Town, only eight Miles distant, who, ceed on his Journey, after being detained Half a Day, and taken 16 Miles out of his Road. Such are, and will be the blessed Effects of this wife and reasonable Wearing Bill. When the great Disturbance was about the Birmingham Halfpence, several Persons made considerable Sums of Money by buying them up at a small Price; and it is said that several of the Gentry in the Neighbourhood of Duke's Place are carrying on the same Traffic about the Gold Coin, believing that Mankind will soon grow tired of wrangling and disputing whenever a Guinea is produced, and the Coin, without Re- gard to the Standard, will soon be received again in Payment by the general Consent of Mankind. It is reported that the Clippers and Coiners at Sheffield and Birmingham are greatly rejoiced at the Guinea Act, as it will be the Means of bring- ing forth the Bankers Hoards of good Guineas, which will supply them with further Employment, which was well nigh totally stopped, as they had reduced the late current Coin as low as it would bear. A Collector of Taxes having a Dispute with a Gentleman's Servant the other Day, about the Weight of a Guinea, took out his Scales to weigh it, laying down his Purse and Collector's Book upon the Threshold, and while he and the Ser- vant were intent upon this new Amusement, a Sharper going by, snatched up the Purse, and marched off with his Booty. A Report strongly prevails that the Court of France have lately made Proposals to our Ministry to relinquish the Island of Corsica, upon Condi- tion of our taking certain Measures to stop the too rapid Progress of the Russian Arms. Tuesday the Purser of the Pigot East Indiaman, Capt. Richardson, and the Purser of the Earl of Lincoln Ditto, Capt. Todd, came to the India- House, with an Account of those Ships being safe arrived at Plymouth, the first from Bencoolen, and the other from China. On Tuesday died, at his Seat at Twickenham in Middlesex, the Right Hon. Lord Tyrawley, Field Marshal of his Majesty's Forces, Colonel of the second Regiment of Foot Guards, Gover- nor of Portsmouth, and one of his Majesty's most Honourable Privy Council. A few Days since a Tradesman, in Southwark, having conceived some Suspicion of his Wife, pretended a Journey, but returning at Dinner- time, discovered his Lady and the suspected Gen- tleman dining together in a very sociable Manner The latter he discharged a Pistol at, which went through his Right Arm; the former he conducted up to her Bed- chamber, and very affectionately obliged her with the Discipline of a Horsewhip. Wednesday Night a Fire broke out in a Chim- ney belonging to Capt. Dawell, at Rotherhithe, when some Persons, under Pretence of afflicting in putting it out, carried off a Pair of Silver Candlesticks and a Quart Silver Tankard. Wednesday the Sessions ended at the Old Bailey, when five Prisoners were tried, one of whom was capitally convicted, viz. Francis Grainger, for seloniously being at large ( and escaping out of the Bail- Dock at Hicks's Hall) after he had re- ceived Sentence of Transportation for a Petty Larceny. The Jury recommended him for Mercy. Thomas Graves and James Guy, Accessaries to Leonard in the Affair of Miss Boss, were branded, and ordered to be imprisoned twelve Months in Newgate. The following capital Convicts have received his Majesty's Mercy, on Condition of Transpor- tation for seven Years, viz. John Cook, James Webb, Wm. Williams, John Birch, John Wal- ters, Thomas Denison, Tho. Burn, Edw. Lade, John Smith, James Watby, Wm. Lushby, Cha. Evans, and Samuel Plaistow ; and John Gahagan for his Life. At this Session 10 Prisoners received Judgment of Death; 49 ( besides the above Respites) were sentenced to be transported for 7 Years; one for 14 Years, 8 branded, 6 ordered to be privately whipped, and 31 discharged by Proclamation. Stratford, the Apothecary, who is in Clerken well Bridewell, on a Charge of an odious Nature is to be tried for an Outlawry, having been out- lawry on his breaking that Prison some Years ago. York, July 18. Last Wednesday one J. Miller was apprehended near Bingley, in this County, by Virtue of a Warrant from Col. Townley, and brought before him the next Day. Milner for some Time denied the Crime of clipping and di- minishing Money, which was proved against him; but when his Mittimus was drawing, his Resolution failed him, and he confessed very can- didly the Crime he was charged with, and after- wards made some very material Discoveries against some notorious Offenders. Warrants were imme- diately issued, and it is hoped they will soon be apprehended. Leeds, July 13. We are very sorry to hear, upon good Authority, that the current Coin of this Kingdom, is ( in general) so very much di- minished or debased, that few People will accept it in Payment. This Stoppage in the Circulation of Cash, has already had a very bad Effect upon all Kinds of Traffic, and is peculiarly oppressive upon Shopkeepers and the laborious Poor, the former not daring to take such Money for the Necessaries of Life which they sell to the latter, and the latter not able to receive any other Kind from their Employers, as there is scarce any good Money to be met with. This distressing Circum- stance has induced several very considerable Ma- and Shopkeepers, till they amount to 101. or 151. when those Notes will be accepted by the Drawers, and discharged in London Bills, with the Allow- ance of Discount.— This Expedient is absolutely necessary at present for the Sake of the Poor ; but the Necessity shews the very great Distresses of the Times-. The following Person being a Prisoner for Debt in the Goal for the City of Worcester and County of the same. City, does hereby give Notice that he in- tends to take the Benefit of an Act of Parliament, passed in the Twelfth Year of the Reign of his pre- sent Majesty King George the Third, intituled, An Act for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors, at the next General or General Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be held for the said City and County of the same City, or any Adjournment thereof which shall hap- pen next after Thirty Days from the first Publica- tion of the under- mentioned Name, viz. THIRD NOTICE. Henry Holloway, formerly of Abberley in the County of Worcester, but late of Stockton, in the same County, Maltster. WORCESTER RACES, 1773. ON Tuesday the 3d Day of August, will be run for on Pitchcrost Ham, near this City, A Purse of FIFTY POUNDS, , ( Given by the Members for the County ana City) To be run for by four, five, six Years old, or aged Horses, Marts, or Geldings, that never won above Fifty Pounds at one Time ( Matches and Sweepstakes excepted). Four Years old to carry eight Stone ; five Years old, eight Stone and seven Pounds ; six Years old, nine Stone) and Aged, nine Stone and seven Pounds ; Bridle and Saddle included; the best of three Four- mile Heats ; and such Horses, Mares, & c. that have won one Plate or Purse since the first Day of March last, to carry three Pounds extraordinary ; and such Horses, & c. that have won two Plates or Purses since the said first Day of March, to carry five Pounds extraordinary. A clear Heat to be run for the Stakes. On Wednesday the 4th of August, FIFTY POUNDS, ( Given by THOMAS FOLEY, Esq;) To be run for by Hunters, the Property of Free- holders residing in the City and County of Wor- cester, or either of them, and not elsewhere; the said Hunters to have been in thé actual Possession of such Freeholders at least six Months before the Day of Running, and that have never been in Training or had any Sweat as a Running Horse before the 25th of March next before the Day of Run- ning ( except such Hunters as have started for this Plate and have not won it) shall be allowed to be trained and sweated. Each Horse, Mare, and Geld- ing, to carry twelve Stone, Bridle and Saddle in- cluded, the best of three Four- mile Heats ; and that such Horses, Mares, or Geldings, that shall start for the above Purse, shall be certified at the Time of Entrance, to have been real Hunters the last Season, under the Hand or Hands of the Proprie- tor or Proprietors of such Hounds they have hunted with. N. B. No Horse, & c. that has ever won the late Lord Foley or the present Thomas Foley, Esqr's Purse, will be entitled to start for this. And on Thursday the 5th of August, FIFTY POUNDS, a Maiden Purse, ( The County and City Subscription) By four, five, and six Years old, and aged Horses, Mares, or Geldings, that have never won Fifty Pounds ( Matches excepted.) Four Years old, to carry eight Stone ; five Years old, nine Stone ; six Years old, nine Stone and seven Pounds ; and Aged, ten Stone; Bridle and Saddle included ; the best of three Four- mile Heats. A clear Heat to be run for the Stakes this Day. A Subscriber to pay one Guinea Entrance, a Non- subscriber three Guineas, or double at the Post, ex- cept those Horses, & c. that run for the Hunters' Purse, which are to pay one Guinea Entrance, or three at the Post, which will be for the second- best Horse, winning a clear Heat. No Horse, & c. winning two Heats shall be obliged to start for a third. No less than three reputed Running Horses, & c. to start for the first or third Day's Purse ; nor less than three Hunters to start the second Day. Certificates of their Ages and Qualifi- cations to be produced at the Time of Entrance, under the Hands of the Breeders and Owners. If only one or two enter, to be allowed ten Guineas each, Entrance Money included, and the Purse to be reserved for the next Year. To run according to Articles. If any Difference shall arise or happen on Account of the Age of any Horse, & c. or on Account of the Purses, Heats, or Running, the same shall then be determined by the Majority of the Gentlemen present at the Races, who have subscribed not less than one Guinea, whose Determination shall be final. The Horses, & c. to run for the above- mentioned Prizes, to be shewn and entered, for the first Purse, at Benjamin Baker's, at the Bell, in Broad Street, on Tuesday the 27th Day of July ; for the second, on Wednesday the 28th Day of July, at Thomas Williams's, at the Unicorn, in Broad Street ; and for the third, on Thursday the 29th Day of July, at Joseph Davis's, at the Star and Garter, in Forrgate Street, between the Hours of Four and Seven in the Evening. To be kept and remain at such Houses only as contribute not less than one Guinea to the Subscription Purse. The Ordinary for the first Day will be at James Fewtrell's, at the Hop Pole, in Foregate Street; the sécondDay at Messrs Haynes and Thompson's, at the Crown, in Broad Street; and the third Day at Benjamin Baker's, at the Bell, in Broad Street. There will be a Ball every Evening at the Guild- Hall, as usual, Tickets, at 2s. 6d. each, to be had at Hooper's Coffee House : And on the Wednesday and Thursday Mornings will be a Public Breakfast at the Widow Wythes's, at Digley Bowling Green, at 1s, each Person. EDWARD FOLEY, Esq; Steward. N. B. No Person will be allowed to erect a Booth THE DEPUTY LIEUTENANTS of the County and City of Worcester, are desired to, meet on Wednesday the 28 th Instant, at Hooper's Coffee- House, in Worcester, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, to appoint what Number of Men are to serve for each Sub- division, and six the Time for Annual Exercise. . Croome, 13 th July, 1773. COVENTRY. L A W. A Gentleman, who has served a regular Clerkship to an eminent Attorney and Soli- citor in London, deceased, now offers himself in a Clerical Capacity to any Attorney Of Eminence who has or may have Occasion for such a Person. Mr. John Gamer, Attorney at Law, in Chester, or Mr. Gerrard Townsend, Attorney at Law, in Chester, and Deputy Prothonatory for the Counties of Chester and Flint, will give ample Satisfaction re- lative to the Character and Abilities of the Adver- tiser to any Gentleman who may be pleased to make Inquiry by Letter or otherwise. The Advertiser being perfectly conversant in all Justiciary Business, having acted as Clerk to a Magistrate, Would willingly officiate as Domestic Steward and Clerk to any Nobleman or Gentleman acting in the Commission of the Peace, BAYLIS and Co Cheesemongers, Maltsters, and Dealers, at the House of the late Mr. Partridge; Maltster, deceased, near the Quay, Worcester, having taken to his Stock in Trade, & c. beg Leave to acquaint the Customers of the late Mr. Partridge; in the Malting Business, and the Public in general, That they continue carrying on the said Business, and the greatest Care will be taken to execute all Orders with such a Commodity on reasonable Terms, as, they slatter themselves, Will recommend them to farther Favours. They also sell, at the lowest Prices, Fine to acting Berkley, Double ditto; and all other Sorts of Cheese; from a single Cheese to any larger Quantity, but no less than a whole Cheese to be had : Bacon, from a Side to any larger Quantity; likewise Barley for seeding Fowls and Pigs ; Oats, Beans, Peas, & c. Wholesale and Retail. Those who please to favour them with their Or- ders, may depend on having them punctually obeyed with the best Articles, and their Favours gratefully acknowledged. TO BE SOLD, THE House adjoining to Lady Ann, Acton's, in the Foregate- Street, Worcester. Enquire of Dr. Wall. N. B. For the Accommodation of the Purchaser some Ground may be added, if required, to enlarge the present Scite of the House. TO BE SOLD , At ECKINGTON, situate two Miles from Pershore, and eight from Worcester; LOT 1. A Modern- built House, com- pleatly furnished, fit for a genteel Family, with convenient Offices, Dove- House, Sta- bling for eight Horses, and a Garden. LOT 2. A very improveable Freehold Estate, contiguous thereto, containing about 100 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, with a good Farm Yard and convenient Buildings; a consider- able Number of Oak, Ash, and Elm Trees grow- ing on the Premisses, with the Privilege of twenty three Cow, nine Horse, and 53 Sheep Pastures. LOT 3. Another very improveable Freehold Estate, about 40 Acres, in the Parish of Birling- ham, one Mile from Pershore, and nine from Wor- cester, with all necessary Buildings ; a considerable Number of Oak, Ash, and Elm Trees growing on this Estate; with the Privilege of eleven Cow Pas- tures, & c. The Whole advantageously situated near the River Avon. The above Lots to be sold together or separately. Enquire; of Thomas Cornwell, Esq; in Worcester where a Map of the Premisses may be seen. T 0 B E L E T T, And entered upon at Michaelmas next; TWO Farms, lying together, and in- closed within a Ring Hedge, in the Parish of Rock, in the County of Worcester, and called of Barretts, and the Swan Farm, now in the Tenure of Joseph Mills ; consisting of a Brick House, and other Buildings convenient for a Farm, all in good Repair, on the Farm called Barretts ; and a small Tenement and Garden on the Swan Farm, with up- wards of 90 Acres of Arable, Meadow, Pasture and Hop Ground, well fruited, and a Right of Common upon Wyre Forest The Premises art situate near the Turnpike Road, within three Miles of the Town of Bewdley. For further Particulars enquire of the Rev. Mr. Vernon, of Fladbury, near Evesham; or of Mr. Bund, Attorney, in Worcester. To be SOLD to the HIGHEST BIDDER, On Monday the 9th Day of August next, at the Pheasan Inn, in Silver- Street, in the Çity of Worcester-, be- tween the Hours of Three end Fine in the Afternoon subject to Conditions then to be produced, AFreehold House in Newport- Street, in the said City; in the Occupation of William Moore, Cooper. Enquire of Mr. Parker, Attorney, in Worcester. S A L T WORKS. To be SOLD by PRIVATE COntrACT, ALL the Benefit and Advantage of the Remainder of a Lease of 21 Years, 19 of which are yet to come and unexpired at Michael mas next, of all that new- erected SALT WORK, situate and being in a Yard called Walwyn's Yard, in the Borough of Droitwich; in the County of Worcester; together with four new Pans, and all other proper Utensils for carrying on the Business on making Salt. N. B. The Works are capable of making fifty Tons of Salt per Week, and in Point of Situation are inferior to none in Droitwich. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. James Monday's and Wednesday's Posts. Constantinople, June 10. A Report is spread here that the Grand- Vizir, having received Advice of the Advantage obtained by the Russia over our Troops near Babadagh the Beginning of last Month, detached on at Side three Pachas with 70,000 Men, who at only drove the Enemy from Babadagh, but so pursued them beyond the Danube, and cut Pieces, or made Prisoners, the greatest Part of them. Vienna, June 26. They write from Temeswar that they were positively informed there that Count Romanzow had passed the Danube; that they were assured by a Pacha that the Grand Vizir had assembled all the Troops of the neigh- louring Provinces around his Camp, the Situa- Ion of which was extraordinarily advantageous, and, as the two Armies are now pretty near, they expected every Moment a general Battle. The said Pacha laid, that with 2000 Men he had some to Blows, a few Days ago, on the Northern Bank of the Danube, near Orsova, with a Corps of Russians, whom he overthrew, and made the Commander and seven other Officers Prisoners. LONDON. Monday, July 19. Mr. D , it is reported, intends next Ses- sion of Parliament to move for an Amendment to In Act passed long since to stop the further Pro- guess of Quacks, with which this Kingdom bounds, to the Ruin of its Subjects, and Scan- al of its Police. There is no Nation on Earth suffers so much by this destructive Set of Mon- gers as England, and they cannot be suppressed too soon, nor punished severe enough ; but unless she Diplomas from Scotch Universities are ren- dered null and void, all the Measures our Le- gislature can take for their Abolition will prove Suite ineffectual. While many People were talking in a political Coffee House, not far from St. James's, on the Business that brought over the Secretary of the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland at this Time, and all agreeing that it must be that of a Union between England and Ireland, a Noble Lord started up and said it was upon an Errand of more Utility, being to strike off a Swarm of foreign Pensioners the lrish were shamefully loaded with, whilst many of their own Country Gentlemen, not knowing now to get Bread, were in a State of Desperation. Thursday General Harvey kissed his Majesty's Hand on being appointed Governor of Portsmouth, in the Room of Lord Tyrawley, deceased. The same Day, Lord Waldegrave kissed his Majesty's Hand on being appointed Colonel of the second Regiment of Foot Guards in the Room of Lord Tyrawley. Lord Townshend is appointed Colonel of the second Regiment of Dragoon Guards, in the Room of Lord Waldegrave. it is said that Lord Tyrawley begged some Time before his Death that he might be laid in the Burying- Ground of the Royal Hospital at Chelsea, with the old Soldiers of that Foundation, Saying, " As he had bravely lived with them in the Field, so he wished, after Death, that his Re- mains might be deposited with their's : A Re- quest that closed the Life of this noble Veteran. The late Verdict against the disobedient Com- panies has greatly disconcerted the Ministry, as they had great Hopes of rendering Common Halls totally useless. A Correspondent wonders that the Framer of the Guinea Bill should declare, that he could not devise a Method to lower the Price of Provisions ; for the very Thing which he thought impracticable his the immediate Consequence of this Guinea Bill. All Accounts from the different Counties prove that the Poor are utterly deprived of Bread, not being able to get by their Labour any Money that will pass ; so that in a short Time those who have good Money may purchase what they please at their own Price ; and those who have a due Con- tempt and Hatred for the Scum of the Earth and the Dregs of the People, will be gratified in see- ling them sufficiently humbled. A Correspondent observes that as there was an Association in 1745, during the Rebellion, to take Bank Notes though under Par, set on Foot by our present worthy Chamberlain, and subscribed to by above 1600 Merchants, & c. whether at this Junc- ture an Association being subscribed to as above, for taking Guineas in all Payments, of the Value of 19s. 6d. each, or upwards ( Half and Quarter Guineas in the same Proportion) would not be an immediate Remedy to our present Distress. We are told that the Bankers, & c. in Scotland, were informed of the Particulars of the late Bill to prevent the diminishing of the Coin, before any of the Bankers or Merchants in London were. From this we may guess where that distressful Act originated. The Post- Masters General have ordered Money- Scales and Weights to be made for the Inland and Foreign Offices, and one for each Letter Carrier, that they may weigh all Gold before they take it. Upward, of a hundred Sets are ordered for this Purpose. An eminent Jew has within these few Days purchased upwards of 2ooo Guineas, for which he gave 20s. each ; they were deficient in Weight from 2s. to 2s. 6d. It is with Confidence said, that the Bank has already cut to the Amount of 25, oool. in Gui- neas and Half Guineas. Petitions are, we hear, preparing from all the Counties in England, letting forth the Distresses which the Poor labour under, occasioned by the late Coin Act, praying Relief from them. The most profitable Trade now is the Business of Scale- making ; many Thousands have already been sold, and more Thousands bespoke ; Thanks to the Premier, our great Master of the Equili- brium, we shall have Balance Mailers in every Shop and every House in the Kingdom. Though C s F— x pretends to laugh it off with his usual Pleasantry,. yet it is certain that he was absolutely refused a Degree in Laws at the late Installation. ford last Week paid Ten Guineas each for that Compliment. A Scotch Peruke- Maker was employed to make a Great Personage's Spanish Fly, so that now both the Out as well as the Inside of his Head, is entirely furnished by Scotchmen. It is talked of at the Well End of the Town, that the Distinction next Winter between the Mi- nisterial and Patriotic Members will be as follows, the former will wear all black Bob Wigs, and the latter their own Hair. Hair has role upon the above Occasion 25 per Cent. Extract of a Letter from on board the Pigott East Indiaman, lately arrived at Plymouth from Bencoolen. —" The Pirate Vessel brought in by a Dutch Frigate of War to the Cape of Good Hope the Day before we left that Place ( and which has been reported in the London Papers to have been the Aurora) was an American built Vessel, designed as a Privateer for the Mediterranean ; the Captain of which was murdered by the Chief Mate, during a Cruize off the Canary Islands, who took the Command, but was soon after deposed by the Crew, and thrown overboard. There were an Hundred and Twenty Men in her, and a great Quantity of Specie." An Ordinance lately issued at Paris declares, that all English Velvets and Cotton Stuffs, as well as all other Stuffs of the Manufacture of England, shall be prohibited from Admission into France, under the Penalty of Seizure of the Goods, and a Fine of 3000 Livres. The Reason, Capt. Legros, from Cadiz to Havre de Grace is totally lost near Havre de Grace, and all the People drowned. Seventy per Cent was given on the above Ship. Friday se'nnight Ann Hales, Servant to Mess. Wood and Godfrey, of Town Malling, was sound strangled at the Side of her Bed ( at her Master's Farm House, at Ley born, where she was House- keeper) with a Clock Line round her Neck tied to the Bed- post below the Steddler. An Inquest was taken, and the Jury found her a Lunatic. The Coroner ordered her Body to be opened to know if she was pregnant ; as she had declared, that if she was with Child she would make away with herself ; and the Surgeon said she was two Months or ten Weeks gone. On Thursday Afternoon a Gentleman at New- ington was found hanging in his Stable ; he had put into his Pocket two Seven- pound Weights and a large Iron Wedge, in order to make him heavy. Just before he committed this rash Act, he went up Stairs to his Wife, who lay ill in Bed, kissed her, bid her farewell, and told her he should never see her again. When the poor Woman heard of what her Husband had done, she was so much affected as to be quite delirious. Saturday Morning at Ten o'Clock Welsh, who perjured himself in swearing he was a House- keeper qualified for Bail, received one Part of his Sentence by standing an Hour in the Pillory at Charing Cross, after which he was carried back to Newgate to remain three Months in Prison, and then be transported for seven Years. On Saturday Evening a poor Bricklayer went into Whitechapel Market to purchase a Leg of Mutton, for the Payment of which he offered a Half- Guinea to the Butcher to change ; who weighing it, and finding it one Shilling too light, cut it in Pieces, and then delivered it to the poor Man, on whom the Inhumanity so strongly operated, that he went up Stairs and hanged himself, at his Lodgings in Tower- Street. The following Piece of Cruelty was acted a sew Days since in Oxfordshire : A Farmer's Wife having contracted an Affection for a young Fellow in the same Village, and often expressing her De- sire for the Death of her Husband, that she might enjoy the Wickedness of her Heart, the young Man very soon compleated her Wishes ; for being at a neighbouring Public- House along with the Husband, where the latter had drank too freely, they both set out about Eleven o'Clock at Night to return Home ; when the former took an Op- portunity to knock down the Farmer, and then cut his Throat in a most shocking Manner. The Villain immediately fled the Country, and has not as yet been heard of. Extract of a Letter from Leominster, July 14. " At our Fair last Saturday, a young Man was taken up and committed to Prison, on Suspicion of Horsestealing as he could not produce a Voucher to the Horse he sold, and was observed to disfigure the Horse very much that Morning by cutting his Mane and Tail. — He is said to come from Dud- ley, and goes by the Name of John Taylor.— Yesterday he confessed that he had deserted twice from the Marines, and was then just come from the Regiment at Chatham ; and that between Stratford and Worcester he stole the Horse from the Door of a House on the Road, and took a Saddle from near the same Place." Oxford, July 17. Saturday last Richard Lane, M. A. was elected Fellow of University College. — And last Wednesday the Reverend Thomas Hopkins, B. A. was chosen Fellow of Jesus.— As was the Reverend Maurice Lewis, B. A. chosen Scholar of that College. Worcester, July 14, 1773. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN HOPKINS, At the Lamb and Flag in the Foregate- Street, on Tuesday next, the 27th Instant, and the following Day, PART of the Stock in Trade of a Cabinet Maker, consisting of Mahogany Goods, as follow : Double Chests of Drawers ; single ditto ; Cloaths Chests with Drawers ; large Dining tables; Pillar and Claw Tables ; Card ditto; Tea ditto, with Fret- work ; Dressing- tables; Chairs with Horse Hair Bottoms ' Tea Boards, with Fret- work; Butlers Trays; Tea Chests, Tea Kettle Stands, Bason Stands, Knife Boxes, Cheese Boards, large, Waiters, Hand- Boards, Bottle Stands, Night Stool Chairs, and Night Stools, and several other Sorts of Ma- hogany Furniture, and stained Chairs with Rush Bottoms ; and painted Corner- Cupboards. The Goods may be seen on the Saturday and Monday before the Day of Sale, at the Lamb and Flag aforesaid.— Catalogues to be had at the Hop Pole ; of the Auctioneer, at the Limb and Flag ; and of John Milward, Glover, in Dolday. Worcester, July 19, 1773. WORCESTER Music MEETING will be held on Wednesday September the 8th, and the two following Days. At the Cathedral, on Wednesday Morning, will be performed a TE 0DEVM and JUBILATE, adapted to Music of the most eminent Italian Composers ;— a New ANTHEM, composed by Mr. Smith; — and two of Mr. Handel's CORONATION ANTHEMS. At the College- Hall, in the Evening, the Oratorio of JOSHUA ;-- a SOLO on the Violin, by Mr. Giar- dini;— and an OBOE CONCERTO, by Mr. Fischer. At the Cathedral, on Thursday Morning, Handel's. Dettingen TE DEUM, JUBILATE, and CORONATION ANTHEM, and a New ANTHEM, composed by Dr. Alcock. At the College- Hall, in the Evening, the Oratorio of JEPTHA ; - a Violin SOLO, by Mr. Giardini;-- and an OBOE CONCERTO by Mr. Fischer. At the Cathedral, on Friday Morning, MESSIAH. — At the Hall, in the Evening, a Grand Miscella- neous CONCERT, consisting of capital Songs; — Pieces for the Violin, by Mr. Giardini;-- for the Oboe, by Mr. Fischer ;--- for the Violoncello, by Mr. Crosdil-,— and for the Clarinett, by Mr. Maboon. Principal Vocal Performers,—- Miss Linley, Miss Radchsse-, the celebrated Female Chorus Singers from the North of England ; Messrs. Morris, Mathews, and Price, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Maxey, and seve- ral of the Clergy and Gentlemen of the Choir. First Violin by Mr. Giardini; the other Parts of the Instrumental Band by the most approved Per- formers now in England. The Chorusses are intended to be particularly full. The Whole to be conducted by Mr. Isaac. The Right Hon. EARL of COVENTRY, AND Stewards The Rev. Mr. EVANS, Preb of Worcester, Campden, in Gloucestershire. AT the Church in Campden, on Tues- day next, the 27th Instant, will be performed Handel's TE DEUM, and several select Pieces of CHURCH Music, by the same, and other eminent Masters ; accompanied with a Band of Instruments from Worcester and Birmingham : And at the Town Hall, in the Evening, will be a Concert of Vocal and Instrumental Music, consisting of Full Pieces, Concertos for a Violin, German Flute, Clarionett, Violoncello, and French Horns, and Songs for one, two, and three Voices ; and a Ball by Subscription. Tickets, at 3s. each ( which will admit the same Person only to either or both Performances) to be had at the Inns in Campden ; at which Places Or- dinaries will be provided. -- To begin precisely at Eleven o'Clock in the Morning, and at Half past Six in the Evening. Worcester, 22d July, 1773. THE Creditors of Samuel Broughton, of the Foregate- Street, Sail- maker, are de- sired forthwith to deliver to Mr. Parker, Attorney, in Worcester, a particular Account of their De- mands; and to meet at the Angel Inn, in Silver- Street, on Thursday next, the 29th Inst. at Three in the Afternoon, on special Affairs. CHARLES BROWN, Saddler, Cap- maker, & c. in Newport- Street, Worcester, having fitted up his House and Shop very commo- diously for the Saddlery Business, solicits the Fa- vours of his Friends in particular, and the Public in general: He has done the best of the Work for several of the Saddlers in this City and County for above these eight Years, and for these two Years last past has worked as a Piece Master for several of the most capital Shops in London. Makes Saddles of all Sorts himself, likewise very easy Side Saddles with a Sweat Flap and near Skirt in one Piece, the Utility of which is well known to many Ladies about London, and is the first of the Sort ever made in this County; disapproved of by none who have seen them, but recommended as the most use- ful ever invented; likewise makes Side Saddles with turn- about Heads, in a very compleat Man- ner, which may serve for a Man or Woman to ride on. Gentlemen's Livery Furniture, Officers Demy Peak Saddles and Furniture compleated in a masterly Manner; Horse Sheets and Hoods made in the newest Newmarket Taste. Merchants may be sup plied with all Sorts of Saddlery for their Correspon- dents Abroad, as he is thoroughly acquainted with the Foreign Trade as well as the Home Trade. Country Collar- makers may be supplied with Sad- dles and Velvet Caps, with good Allowance to sell again. Gentlemen and others, who please to em- ploy him, may depend on being served with as neat Goods as in London, and on much lower Terms, and their Favours gratefully acknowledged. He flatters himself with the Preference in Trade from the Gentlemen of the Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons, as he has the Honour of being a Member of the Lodge of Sincerity, No. 358, London. An Apprentice and a Journeyman are wanted immediately. N. B. At the said House are to be lett a genteel Dining Room, and one or two Bed- Chambers, toge- ther with the Use of a Kitchen and Brewhouse, if required. Oxford, July 13, 1773. JAMES DE LONT, Teacher of the FRENCH Language in the University of Oxford, with the Approbation of the Reverend the Vice- Chancellor, and the Proctors of the University, begs Leave to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Wor- cester, that he shall, during the long Vacation, take up his Residence in that City, where he intends giving his Lectures in the mod concise and easy Me- thod. The Satisfaction he gives the Gentlemen of the University, many of whom very obligingly offer to testify their Approbation of his Method, will, he flatters himself, be a sufficient Recommendation to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Worcester- Monsieur DE LONT proposes coming to Worcester within this Fortnight. — Such Ladies and Gentlemen who will be pleased to favour him with their Commands, are requested to enquire for him of the Printer of this Paper, and he will do himself the Honour to wait upon them on his Arrival. A FARM. To be LETT, and entered upon at Michaelmas next, for a Term of Years, THE Parsonage House of Hadsor, in the County of Worcester, with the Barns, Out- Buildings, and about 35 Acres of Glebe Land, now occupied therewith Also upwards of 10o Status Acres of Land, Part of a Common, called Hadsor Common, which will be immediately inclosed, by Virtue of an Act of Parliament lately passed for that Purpose. The Whole of which lies together, adjoining to Part of the Glebe Laud, and convenient for Occupation therewith. Lime- Stone and Marl are to be got on the Premisses. T o be L E T T or S O LD. TH AT old - accustomed Publick House, formerly known by the Sign of the King's Head, but now of the Marquis of Gralby's, situate on the Coal Quay, in the City of Worcester. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Staples, Attorney at Law, or of Mr. Samuel Bedford, Gro- cer, in Worcester. TO BE LETT, And entered upon at Michaelmas next ( or sooner if required) in the Parish of Tardebig, near Broms- grove, in the County of Worcester, ONE Hundred and Twenty- two Sta- tute Acres of good Pasture and Arable Land, inclosed with a Ring Fence. The Proprietor will erect convenient Buildings on the Lands, and divide the same as a Tenant shall direct. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Collet, in Worcester; or to Mr. Evet, of the Thrist- Lane, in Bently, who will shew the Premisses. To be LETT and entered on at a short Notice, AGood Dwelling- House, with a large Wharf for landing all Sorts of Goods, well known to the Planters and Dealers in Hops, & c. by the Name of Asbury's, in Bridgnorth, with a very good new- built Warehouse, and Losts for housing of Grain adjoining ; well situated for the Public Business. - For Particulars enquire at the said House. To be LETT, together or separate, And entered upon at Candlemas next, TWO Farms, one called Pembridge Castle Farm, consisting of 260 Acres, Ara- ble, Meadow, and Pasture; and the other called The Mill Farm, of about 55 Acres of Arable, Mea- dow, and Pasture, with a Snuff Mill, convertible into a Water Grist Mill, thereon, in the Parishes of Welch Newton and Garway, Herefordshire, within four Miles of Monmouth, seven of Ross, and twelve of Hereford, and otherwise well situate. The Buildings in good Repair, and the Advance now proposed of the Rent above what the Premisses were lett at in 1686, will be moderate, and no Ad- vance thereof has been made or proposed since that Time. Enquire of Mr. Halfpenny, Town Clerk, at Mon- mouth, who will receive Proposals; and of Mr. Towneley, at Corney House, at Chifwick, near London, where Surveys of the above Farms may be seen. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Friday the 20 th Day of August next, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, at the Hop Pole in Worcester, THE Remainder of a Term of forty- one Years, of which twenty three were to come at Christmas last, in the Dwelling- House and Shop of the late Mr. Blayney, Mercer and Milliner, situate in the High- Street in the City of Worcester, at a reserved Rent greatly under the Value. The Dwelling House is very convenient and fit for any Person in Trade, and the Shop, for its Size and Situation, hath not its Equal in the City of Worcester, and hath been frequented for many Years as the most capital Shop in the Mercery and Millinery Branches by the first Families in the City and County. Apply to Mr. Sockett, Attorney, in Worcester. TO BE SOLD, AN improveable Freehold Estate, consisting of a Dwelling- House, Barn, Stable, and other convenient Out- Buildings, with about 75 computed Acres of Meadow, Pasture, and Arable Land. The Premisses are situated about three Miles from the City of Worcester, on a good Turnpike Road. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Browning, in the Tything, Worcester. N. B. On the above Estate is Plenty of Blue Stone, which makes exceeding good Lime. TO BE SOLD, AFreehold Messuage, with convenient Out- Buildings, in very good Repair, and two Gardens and an Orchard thereto adjoining, situate at Pershore, in the County of Worcester, and now lett at the yearly Rent of 201. N. B. There are two large Ovens on the Premisses, and one of the Buildings, at a small Expence, might be converted into a Malt- house. Further Particulars may be had of Mr. Young, Attorney at Law, in Pershore aforesaid. To be SOLD by Private Contract, AVery desireable Leasehold Estate of 1400 Years yet to come ; situated at Acton- Bcauchamp, near Malvern, in the County of Wor- cester, consisting of 56 Acres of Ground, 36 of which are rich Meadows, Pastures, Orchards, Hop Yards, and some Tillage, inclosed; the rest in Common Fields. The Premisses are eleven Miles from Worcester, four from Ledbury, and near a Turnpike Road. The Tenant has no Lease, and holds from Candlemas to Lammas. There is some Timber Plecks of Hop Poles, and all convenient- Buildings on the Premisses. The Estate is set at an old Rent. Also to be Sold by Private Contract, A very compact, little FREEHOLD ESTATE, SItuated near the Rose and Crown, on the Turn- pike Road between Birmingham and Broms- grove ; consisting of eight Acres of good old Ley Pasture Land, inclosed, well watered, with some young Timber. The Premisses have no Path thro them, and lie well for the Whitening of Cloth. There are three Cottages with Gardens upon the Premisses, and an extensive Right of Commoning on Rubry and Rednell Hills ; and they may be en- tered upon immediately. Farmer Smith, of Callow Brook, will shew them. The Purchasers of the above Estates may each of them have the Purchase- Money at Use, on Real Security, at moderate Interest; and for other Par ticulars enquire of Mr. Haddock, at the George, in Droitwich. This will be advertised no more. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By ELY CRUMP, Auctioneer, in Worcester, On Monday next, the 26th of July Instant, and the two following Days, THE Houshold Goods and Furniture of Mr. John Yarnold, of the King's Arms Inn, in Ledbury, Herefordshire; consisting of fun- dry very good Feather Beds and Bedding, with Cheney, Check, and other Furniture; Chairs, Ta- bles, Drawers, and Glasses; the Houshold Linnen, Plate, China, and Glass; with the Kitchen Furni- ture, and a Variety of other Articles. The Goods may be viewed on the Saturday before the sale which will begin at Ten o' Clock each Day . T H E A N N U A L D I N N E R, at JOHN TUCKEY'S, at the Talbot, in Hartle- bury, will be on Tuesday next, the 27th Instant. SEVERAL sums of money, ready to be placed out to Interest, on Real Se- curities. Apply to Mr. Staples, Attorney at Law, in Worcester. WANTED immediately, A sober, diligent Maid Servant, as Cook in a Gen- tleman's Family: She must be thorough Mistress of her Business, as a Cook, and have a good Character from her hit Place, as to her Sobriety, Honesty, Cleanliness, and good Temper. Enquire of Mrs. Davis, in the College Green, Worcester. PAINTING. GREGG and MOORE, from London, Coach, Sign, and House Painters, take this Method to acquaint the Public in general, that they have opened a Shop near the College Grates, Wor- cester, where they carry on the Painting Business in all its various Branches; whoever will be pleased to oblige them with their Orders, may depend on being served on the most reasonable Terms, and the Fa- vour most gratefully acknowledged by Their most humble Servants, ISAAC GREGG, JOSEPH MOORE, N. B. All Letters will be duly answered. White Swan, Hay, Breconshire. THE great Encouragement I have met with since my short Residence in this Town, as well from its Inhabitants as the Public, demands my grateful Acknowledgments, which I cannot better shew than by a constant Attention to the Commands of all who shall do me the Honour of continuing the Use of my House ; where they may depend Upon a commodious Reception, genuine Liquors, neat Post Chaises with able Horses, and careful Drivers, and obliging Attendants, from their most obliging and obedient humble Servant, July 3d, 1773. WILLIAM POWEL. Thomas WILLIAMS, at the TALBOT INN, in Sidbury, Worcester, re- turns his sincere Thanks to those Gentlemen, Trades- men, and Others, who have favoured him with their Company, and hopes for the Continuance of their Favours, which will be gratefully acknowledged by their most humble Servant, T. WILLIAMS. N. B. There, are neat Post Chaises, with able Horses and careful Drivers, to any Part of England. Likewise an Ordinary each Day of the Races. A Malt- House, near Sansom- Fields, Worcester, late in the Occupation of Tho- mas Ashton, deceased, is now to be lett, together or in Parts, for Malt- house, Ware- houses, or Tene- ments. Enquire in the Yard adjoining. TO BE SOLD, AFreehold Messuage or Tenement, and Farm, with convenient Out- Buildings, and about seventy Acres of Land belonging thereto, in very good Condition, situate about the Midway between Bewdley and Cleobury Mortimer, in the County of Salop, now lett at an unimproved Rent of 50I. per Annum. For Particulars apply to Mr. Bird, Attorney, in Worcester. EVESHAM. TO BE SOLD, THE Tithes of Middle Littleton, North Littleton, South Littleson, Hampton, Offenham, Wickhamford, Badsey, and Aldington, situate near the Borough of Evesham, in the County of Worcester, now lett at 458I. per Annum, and valued at 615I. per Annum, and held by Lease from the Dean and Chapter of Christ Church, Oxford. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Hunt, at Stratford upon Avon, in Warwickshire; or of Mr. Beriah Hills, in East- Lane, Rotherhithe, in Surry. AT CHAWNER'S Muslin, Lace, Ribbon, and Gauze Warehouse, will be opened To- morrow, the 23d Inst. next Door to the Liberty Post, near the Corner of Salt Lane, F0re- gate Street, Worcester, A very large and fresh Assortment of the fol- lowing Goods, viz. upwards of 1o, ooo Yards of black Blond and Mignionet Laces; Thread Edg- ings, from 3d. to 15d. a Yard; 500 Pieces of plain, striped, and worked Muslins; 100 Pieces of bordered Muslin Handkerchiefs, from 18d. to 4s.; a large Quantity of Yard and Yard and Half wide Book Muslins, very fine, from 2s. to 5s. per Yard; 5o Pieces of Half Ell Persians, from 12d. to 18d. per Yard, all Colours; 500 Pieces of plain, striped, and figured Ribbons; a large Quantity of covered Silk and Sattin Hats, from 2s. to 3s. ; a large Quan- tity of open and plain Chips, from 4d. to 2s. ; 200 Pieces of black, figured, and plain Sattins for Cloaks, from 2s. 8d. to 5s. per Yard; 50 Pieces of printed Lawn Handkerchiefs, from 14d. to 2s. each; upwards of 300 Pieces of Catguts, and plain and figured Gauzes, from 12d. to 2s. 6d. per Yard; a large Quantity of worked Muslin Russles, Aprons, and Handkerchiefs to be sold extremely low. A fresh Assortment of Silk, Sattin, and Stuff quilted Coats. N. B. The above Goods will be sold on very low Terms, and Allowance will be made to Shopkeepers and Families that take a Piece or Half a Piece of Muslin. AMain of COCKS will be fought at the House of Joseph Stephens, in the City of Worcester, between the Gentlemen of Worcester- shire and the Gentlemen of Birmingham ; to shew Thirty- one Cocks on each Side in the Main, for Two Guineas a Battle, and Forty the Main ; and ten Cocks on each Side for Byes, for One Gui- nea each Battle : To weigh on Monday the 2d of August, and fight the three following Mornings, during the Races......... A good Ordinary every Day at the same House. Probyn and Potter, Feeders. LOST, on Friday Morning the 9th Instant, from a Post- Chaise coming from the Crown Inn at Evesham to Worcester, A small Paper PARCEL, sealed with a Coat of Arms, di- rected to Mr. Hancock, Engraver, near the Palace in Worcester, and had in it two Notes, with five fine Crown Pieces of King Charles the Second, three of them about the Years 1762, 1763, 1765, and the other two nearly of the same Date, wrapped in Paper, sealed likewise with the same Coat of Arms as the Outside...... Whoever brings the said Parcel, with its Contents as aforesaid, to the above Mr. Hancock, will receive Five Shillings Reward. N. B. If any of the above Articles should be offered to be pawned or sold, it is denied the same may be stopped, and Information given to the said T H U R S D A Y's P O S T. ( By EXPRESS from LONDON.) Arrived the Mails from Holland and France. Constantinople, June 9. Aguestangi Ali Pacha having received Advice that a Body of Russian Troops were passing the Danube, two Leagues above Giurgewo, upon a Bridge of Boats, they marched in great Haste towards the Russians, and attacked them with such Impetuosity, that the whole Corps was entirely defeated, and endeavoured to re- embark after a considerable Loss, having 600 taken Prisoners, among whom was the Brother of Prince Repnin. Several of the Russian Boats were funk ; and it is likewise assured, that the Turkish Artillery did great Execution among some other Russian Troops who were planted to protect the Retreat of their own People. The Grand Vizir was very lavish in recompensing the Conquerors. LONDON, Tuesday, July 20. Yesterday Morning came on before Lord Mans- field and a special Jury, the Cause between Alex- ander Campbell, Esq; and William Hall, Esq; when it appearing that the Matter of Law arising out of the Facts was too considerable to be ar- gued and adjudged at the Sittings, it was advised that the Facts should be found by the Jury, and that the legal Merits of the Cause should be heard in the Court of King's Bench, in the en- suing Term. The Attention of the Public is very properly directed to the Event of this Cause; a more important one has not been litigated since the Time of Hampden. The Action is brought against Mr. Hall, Col- lector of Customs in Grenada, for seizing the Sugars of Mr. Campbell, for Non- payment of the Duty of Four l- half per Cent, lately imposed on all Commodities shipped off the new ceded Islands. As this Duty is laid on by the King's Commission only, without the Concurrence of Parliament, or the Assembly of the Islands, the Measure can never be supported by Judges of Honesty and Conscience. A Prerogative of this Nature must inevitably overthrow the Liberty of this Country ; for if the King can impose this Duty legally, under an Idea of having conquered this Island, the Exercise of his Power need not be confined to Grenada, it may equally operate in Florida, in Canada, and the East Indies:— It need not be limitted to the Four 1 - half percent. it may be safely magnified to 2o or 50 per Cent, nay, it may drain all the Profits of the industrious Colonist, and leave him nothing but what the Generosity of a King may afford, to preserve his wretched Existence under the Lash of Tyranny. This Revenue then, thus raised, already consi- derable, daily increasing, unappropriated, and unaccounted for, may be employed by the Mi- nister to the most infamous Purposes of Corrup- tion, & c. & c. The Cause between the City of London and the refractory Companies, which was determined on Wednesday last at Guildhall, in Favour of the former, is to be removed by Appeal to the House of Lords. The following is extracted from the Acts of Parliament for the Preservation of the Moor Game in England.— The Act, after setting forth the Necessity of further Regulations for the Pre- servation of the Game, says : That from and after the 24th of June, 1773, no Person shall wil- fully take, kill, buy, or have in Possession, any Heath Fowl, called Black Game, between the 10th of December and the 20th of August,— nor any Grouse, called Red Game, between the 10th of December and the 12th of August, — nor any Bustard, between the 1st of March and the 1st of December, in any Year. After the said 24th of June, if any Person offend against the said Act, forfeits for the first Offence, upon Conviction, any Sum not exceeding 20I. nor less than 10I. and for the second, and every subsequent Offence, any Sum not exceeding 30I. nor less than 20I. to be recovered in any of the Courts of Westminster, provided such Action be brought within six Months after such Offence is committed. We are assured from Authority that the several Receivers of the public Revenue will have Di- rections to cut and deface all unlawfully dimi- nished Coin ( pursuant to the late Act of Parlia- ment) that shall be hereafter tendered to them in Payment; and that all Gold Coin tendered to them, which shall be under the Weight herein after specified, is to be considered by them as Coin unlawfully diminished, viz. Guineas coined prior to the 1st pwt. gr. Geo. III. — 5 3 Half Guineas during the above Period — 2 13 Guineas coined during the Reign of his present Majesty prior to 1 st Jan. 1772 5 6 Half Guineas during the same Pe- riod —- ----- 2 14 Quarter Guineas — — 1 7 Guineas coined subsequent to the 1 st Jan. 1772 5 8 Half Guineas coined subsequent to the 1st Jan. 1772 — 2 14 And we are further assured that, for accelerating the Destruction of such diminished Coin, and to accommodate the Holders thereof as much as possible, the Receivers will be impowered to ac- cept all such cut Money in Payment at the Rate of 3I. 18s. per oz. and that the Bank of England will purchase all such cut Money at the Rate aforesaid. A Gentleman the other Day paying in some Money to the Bank, they observed an old Half Guinea that wanted but Nine- pence, which they cut, though the Gentleman offered to change it. ; A written Paper is pasted up at the Royal Ex- change intimating the Quantity of light Money that has already been cut in Pieces at the Bank. An Order of Council is talked of for the Pur- pwt. S 5 2 3 gt. 3 13 14 7 8 14 Gold Coin that is under the prescribed Weight, in order to have the Value of it, which will pre- vent Trouble, and a great Number of Disputes, among all Orders of People. A Prosecution is commenced against a certain Tradesman in the City, for defacing a Guinea of Charles the Second. It is imagined that the Tradesman cannot defend his Right of defacing the Coin on the Authority of an Act of Parliament Which does not mention the Time when such a Power shall be exerted or, if the Act should be allowed to be valid notwithstanding this Defi- ciency, it will be difficult for the Defendant to prove that Three Shilling's short of Weight is be- yond a reasonable Wear since the Time of Charles the Second. The Bank of England is now in such Credit, and may have such great Sums of ready Money always at Command, that it is in their Power to encrease our ready Money, by circulating their Notes as much as they please. This, we are glad to hear, they are determined to do by speedily issuing Five Pound Notes, which will essentially serve the trading Part of this Kingdom, and in a great Measure remedy the Inconveniencies we labour under by the late Act to prevent the dimi- nishing the Gold Coin. Government have it now most sincerely at Heart to pay off the National Debt, as soon as possible; and they are at present planning a Scheme for that Purpose. This they are consci- ous will be the only Means to take off those Taxes which now enhance the Price not only of those Things which are necessary for the Subsistance of poor Workmen, but also of many Things neces- sary For our Manufactures; which Taxes are like- wise a great Clog upon the Trade of the Nation, because they occasion so much Trouble and Ex- pence to the Merchants upon the importing and exporting of their Goods and Merchandize. When this salutary Scheme is put in Execution, the private Credit of the Nation will flourish more than ever; the Interest of Money will be reduced; and every Individual in the Nation will be in a thriving Condition. It is said to be settled, that Mr. Cornwall is to succeed Sir Fletcher Norton, as Speaker of the House of Commons, next Sessions. In the Course of last Week, we are assured, that a certain worthy Prelate, who does not live Far From the Banks of the Thames, became an Advocate For the two offending Dukes; and in- terceded so strongly For them with a Great Per- sonage, as to gain Permission to appoint a Time and Place For an Interview of the three Royal Brothers; from which it is supposed, that a Re- conciliation will soon take Place, which will be followed by some very material Alterations in the late Royal Marriage Act, We are well informed, that the Cause of his Majesty's cutting off his Hair was not From its growing thin, but from a Contact it had unhap- pily made with some disagreeable Creatures upon a late Expedition. Some People observe; that bad Company will produce living Signs of Disadvantage. The Barbers are now preparing an Address to his Majesty From his being graciously pleased to cut off his Hair. On Saturday India Stock was done at 150; and it is expected it will be done at 160 in a few Days, owing to the Number of People buying in upwards of 1000I. Stock, in order to qualify them to vote at the next Election. A Pawnbroker, not far from Long- Acre, has a written Note in his Window, importing that he will take Guineas wanting 2s. in Weight in Payment for any Goods bought at his Shop. It is calculated that there were not less than 600 Money- Weights and Scales in Use Yesterday in Smith field Market. A Comedy of one Act, called A Trip to Ports- mouth, written by Mr. G. A. Stevens, is now in Rehearsal at Mr. Foote's Theatre, and is in- tended for Performance next Week. On Friday the Commissioners, in a Commission of Lunacy issued against Miss D. of Piccadilly, a young Lady of great Fortune, sat at the Star and Garter Tavern, in New Bond- Street, when after the Examination of a great Number of Witnesses, and of Miss D. herself, the Jury were unani- mously of Opinion that she is of unsound Mind; and incapable of taking Care of herself and her Affairs. General F. paid his Addresses to Miss D. some Years ago, contrary to her Father's In- clination. Her Father died in 1752, and left her all his Fortune, amounting to near 2000I. a Year, upon Condition that she should not marry Ge- neral F. which, if she did, the Fortune was to be given over to another Person. The General is since married to another Lady, which has been the Cause of Miss D.' s Infanity. A few Days since two Mowers, in a Field neat Windfor Forest, cut down four Acres of Grass in an Hour and sixteen Minutes, for a Wager of 20I. which they won in performing it only one Minute within the Time. Three to One was laid against them. Saturday Evening, between Ten and Eleven o'Clock, some Thief or Thieves, singularly au- dacious, stole the Brass Knocker from the Door of Sir John Fielding, in Bow- Street, Covent- Garden. We hear that Mr. Astley, of Westminster- Bridge, has laid his Damages at Ten Thousand Pounds against Sir Joseph Mawbey ( one of the Surry Magistrates) and that he is gone to Ireland, with all his Troop of Riders, till his Trial comes on, which will not be till October. Letter from Rome, dated the 29th ult, advise, that all the Effects and Papers of the Jesuits, in their Colleges and Houses, have been seized and sealed up, throughout the Ecclesiastical State, and that they are to be all banished by the 15th of August next. The Bull for their Suppression has already appeared, and begins with the Words Soli Deo, & c. In it, among other Crimes, the Jesuits are accused of having falsified Bulls of the Sovereign Pontiffs. The said Bull will not be published in Form at the above Period, as his Holiness is for having their Effects disposed of by the Bishops, which is opposed by the Court of of them, after the Example of the Princes of the House of Bourbon. This retards the Restitution of Avignon and Benevento to the Holy See, as those Courts wait to see his Holiness fulfil all his Promises previous to their Surrender. Extract of a Letter from Zittau, in Upper Lusaitd June 26. A most violent Storm of Hail, accompanied by an excessive high Wind, on the 18th Inst. has not only destroyed all the Corn in the Country round us, but almost ruined the neighbouring Vil- lages. The Element appeared entirely green at the Time of this dreadful Calamity, and the Hail- stones were prodigious big ; in one Village 29 Houses were beaten down, several Trees were split asunder, and the general Damage done to the Farmers is incredible." Bank Stock, —. India ditto,------- South Sea ditto, shut. Old Annuities, 84 3/ 8 a 1/ 2. New Annuities, shut. Three per Cent. Bank reduced. 86 1/ 8 a 1/ 4. Ditto Consol. 85 3/ 4 a 7/ 8 ex. div. Ditto 1726, shut. Ditto 1751, shut. Ditto India An nuities 8o 1/ 2 a 5/ 8 Three I- half per Cent. 1758 shut. Four per Cent. Consol 90 7/ 8 a 91. India Bonds Par. 1 disc. Navy and Victualling Bills, 17/ 8 a 2 Disc. Married.] Francis Parker Newdigate, Esq; of Kirk- Hallam, in Derbyshire, to Miss Sneyd, Daughter of Ralph Sneyd, Esq; of Keel, in Staffordshire. The Rev. Christopher Davenport, to Miss Eliza Cole, of Bedford, Daughter of the Rev. Charles Cole, late Rector of North Crawley, Bucks. At Carlisle, Thomas Lowry, of Blackwell, Esq; aged 60, to his Maid, aged 25. Isaac Davis, Esq; of Cavendish- square, to Miss Waring, of Lower Gros- venor- street. Mr. Anthony Judd, of Bury- street, St. James's, to Miss Amelia Williams, of the same Place. John Ibbetion, Esq; of Hill street, Berk- ley- square, to Miss Hannah Ashton, of Charles- street, Berkley- square. Died.] At Bridgnorth. Wm. Jordan, Esq; for merly in the Commission of the Peace for Shropshire. At his Seat in Pembrokeshire, Wm. Scourfield Esq. At Knightsbridge, Mr. Antony Cavington, Attor- ney at Law. At Stagdey- hall, Dorset, R. Wright, Esq. At Battersea, John Ellis, Esq. At Puthey, John Neville, Esq; of Garden- court in the Temple, - Counsellor at Law, and a Commissioner of Bank- rupts. At Rotherhithe, William Pyner, Esq; for- merly a Commander in the West India Trade; he dropped down dead, hit Lady likewise died suddenly about three Months since. In Serjeants Inn; Mr. Michael Hebden, Attorney. BANKRUPTS required to surrender. Benjamin Westall, of Norwith, Brewer. Isaac Game, of Cross- Lane, London, Fishmonger. Ro- bert Edis, of Oundle, Northamptonshire, Shop- keeper. Robert Lowe, of Derby, Grocer. Richard Mainstone, of Golden- square, London, Oilman John Boyce, of Coningsby, Lincolnshire; Mercer: Harry Lankford, John Robinson, and William Staf- ford, of Macclesfield, Cheshire, Silk Throwsters. DIVIDENDS to be made to Creditors. Aug. 7. George Webbe, of Middlesex, Upholder. John Garford, of London, Merchant. 9. John Roberts, of Bala; Merionethshire, Maltster: 24. John Albert Vassmer, of London, Merchant, 1o. John Lingard, of Aldermanbury, London, Vintner. Sam. Cole, of Covent Garden, Mercer; 1 1. Rich. Black- burn and Thomas Tatlock; of London; Merchants. 12. Wm. Doore, of Campden, Gloucestershire, Shop- keepers. 11 . JohnDarbyshire, of Birmingham, Brazier. WO RCESTER, Thursday, July 22. We have the Pleasure of assuring our Readers. from Authority, that Mrs: SHERIDAN will be at our Music Meeting, she having most generously promised the Stewards to Compliment the Charity with her Performance; On Thursday last was held. the Anniversary Meeting of the Contributors to our Infirmary. when a Sermon, very suitable to the Occasion, was preached at the Cathedral by the Rev. Mr. Young, one of the Prebendaries, and the Collec- tion amounted to 60I. 9s. 6d.— According to a Report of the State of the Infirmary it appeared that 17,934 poor Objects ( some of them afflicted in the most grievous Manner) had been under the Care of this Charity, of whom 9522 have been discharged perfectly cured. The Governors of our Infirmary return their Thanks for a Benefaction of Two Guineas, re- ceived from a Person unknown. Also for a Bene- faction of Two Guineas; received by the Hand of Mr. John Bradley, from a Person unknown Also for a Benefaction of One Guinea; and Benefaction of Two Guineas, received by the Hands of Dr. Wall, from Persons unknown And likewise for a Benefaction of Two Guineas received From the Ladies at Mrs; Savigny's Boarding School. Last Saturday a Sample of very good Barley of this Year's Growth, was produced in our Market, by Mr. Rowney, of Evesham. By the violent Lightening here on Saturday Night last, a Horse, belonging to one Evans, a Cricker, was struck dead. On Thursday last was committed to our Count Gaol, Richard Dawson, charged on Oath with stealing a Brass Kettle, the Property of Mr. John Brooke, of the Parish of Strensham ; and on Tues- day last were committed to the said Gaol; Edward Millington; Blacksmith; of Kingswinford, Staf- fordshire; charged with stealing an Iron Pump Sway, & c. belonging to the Hospital there ; and Moses Rea, of Stourbridge, charged with break- ing into the House of Mr. Winter, and stealing thereout several Pieces of Linnen Cloth; also charged with breaking open the Shop Window of Mr, Grafton, and stealing thereout some Snuff, & c. On Friday last Richard Dunn and John White were committed to our City Goal, being charge with stealing a Pair of Shoes, and a Pair of ver- Buckles, the Property of Mr. William Sy- monds, of the Parish of St. Nicholas. Last Saturday, between Tenbury and the Hun- dred House, as a Post- Chaise Driver, suppose to be in Liquor; was riding upon the Bar at the Front of the Chaise, he was thrown from his Seal and being so entangled between the Shafts and the Horses that he could not disengage himself was cut and bruised in so terrible a Manage that he died soon after he was released, The Races at Stratford upon Avon will be a Wednesday and Thursday next, where exceeding. COUNTRY NEWS. Shrewsbury, July 17. A Gentleman just re- ned from Chester informs us, that it is com- ed upwards of Ten Thousand Pounds were ried back from the annual Fair held there a rt Time since, on Account of the Dealers having used to take any Gold the least deficient in int of Weight. On Tuesday last a Person, aged about Sixty, ving had the Misfortune, by a Fall, to fracture Thigh Bone, was admitted into our Infirmary. — This Person was dressed in Man's Apparel, t the Surgeon being particularly careful in amining into the Nature of the Accident, to his eat Surprize found his Patient to be a FEMALE. — The Account she gives of herself is, that out twenty Years ago she being employed as a umbler to one Green a Mountebank, she nd it convenient to dress in Man's Cloaths, and ding the Breeches to be more agreeable than a multiplicity of Petticoats, she continued that Dress er since. STAMP OFFICE, Lincoln's Inn, London, July 2, 1773. THE Commissioners for managing his Majesty's Stamp Duties, do hereby give Notice that there will be Attendance every Day at the Wine Licence Office, from Half an Hour after Eight of the Clock in the Morning till One in the Afternoon ( Holidays excepted) for granting Wine Licences: And whereas the said Commissioners have received Information that divers Auctioneers and other Persons sell Wineby Retail without Licence, contrary to Law; Notice is hereby given, that unless they do forthwith take out Licences they will be prosecuted as the Act of Parliament directs. By Order of the Commissioners. JOHN BRETTELL, Secretary. Note, Every Person selling Ale and Spirituous Liquors is to produce those Licences when he applies for his Wine Licence. T O BE SOLD, ANECDOTE. A few Days since some Ladies being about to ink Tea at a Friend's House in the Neighbour- hood of Cain Wood, and being in Want of some dream, the Maid of the House ( newly come) being sent for some to a neighbouring Farmer, as told by him that he had none, but if she uld go to Farmer M— s d's ( pointing at the me Time to a great House) she might be sure getting some there; thither she went, and, nocking at the Door, which was opened by Lord - s d himself, the Maid, with all genuine mplicity, asked him if Farmer Mansford lived ere? Ay, ay, ( says his Lordship) I'm Farmer ansfield, what do you want with me ? Only a nnysworth of Cream, Sir, for some Ladies, is Lordship rung the Bell for the Dairy- Maid, nd ordered her to fill the Milk- pot; which done, e Maid innocently offered him the Penny, but s Lordship refused the Fee, adding that the Ladies were welcome. The Maid on her Return being questioned for staying so long, replied that e could get none at the first House, but that the aster had directed her to Farmer Mansfield's, This gave the whole Company some Concern, ell knowing that no Farmer of that Name lived ereabouts; and, to prevent the Possibility of Affront, it was thought prudent to send the Maid to make an Apology. The Girl went, was gain let in by his Lordship; to whom, falling her Knees, she sincerely asked his Pardon : His Lordship not only made her easy, but, at the me Time smiling, most politely sent his Com- liments to the Ladies, and that whenever they me into the Neighbourhood again to drink Tea, they should be welcome to have Cream at Farmer Mansfield's. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Tuesday the 10 th Day of August next, between the Hours of Four and Six in the Afternoon, at the Castle, in the High Street, in Birmingham, A Desireable Freehold Estate, called Lee Green, in the Parish of King's Norton, the County of Worcester, now in the Possession Charles Weston, a yearly Tenant thereof, at the early Rent of 461. consisting of a convenient Farm House and Out- Buildings, and 46 Statute Acres Roods and 22 Perches of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, in convenient Proportions; together th an Allotment of the Commons within the parish of King's Norton, in Lieu of the Right of common for the said Estate upon the same Commons. For other Particulars, in the mean Time, apply Mr. Sockett, to Attorney, in Worcester. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Monday the 9th Day of August next, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, at the Hop Pole, in the City of Worcester, if not disposed of in the mean Time by private Contract, of which Notice will be given in this Paper, THE Reversion of two Third- parts of an Estate, held by Lease under the Bishop of Worcester for three Lives, expectant upon the Decease of a Person upwards of fifty- five Years of Age; situate in the Parish of Claines, in the County of Worcester, and now in the Occupation of Joseph Hughes; consisting of a large and convenient Farm House, Dove- house, Barns, Stables, and other neces- sary Out- Buildings, in good Repair, two Orchards, ell planted and in Perfection, containing about ive Statute Acres, thirteen Statute Acres of Mea- dow, about twenty of Pasture, and 66 of Arable, ll Land of excellent Quality and in good Condition. The above Estate is situated about a Mile from he City of Worcester, upon the Turnpike Roads eading from Worcester to Droitwich, Kiddermin- ster, and Bewdley, and at a very small Distance from the River Severn, and is capable of consider- able Improvement. For further Particulars apply Mr. Sockett, Attorney, in Worcester. TO BE SOLD THE Manor of HENWICK, held by Lease under the Bishop of Worcester for three Lives, all existing and healthy, situate in the Parish of Hallow, in the County of Worcester, istant ONE measured Mile from the City of Wor- cester; consisting of a handsome, modern- built Brick Mansion House, with every convenient Office it for a Gentleman's Family, a Kitchen and Plea- ure Garden, consisting of five Acres, planted with a great Variety of excellent Fruit, four small Or- chards, well planted and in high Perfection, about 50 Statute Acres of rich Meadow and Pasture Ground upon the Banks of the River Severn, and about 70 Statue Acres of very good Tillage, now ett to five different Tenants ( the greatest Part of whom are Tenants at Will) at the yearly Rent of 161. The Mansion House is situated at an agree- able. Distance from the Turnpike Road, having an Avenue of Chesnut ' Trees leading thereto. The Gardens form a Part of that delightful Bank called Henwick's Hill, justly celebrated for its healthy Soil, excellent Water, and beautiful Situation, and com- mands distant View of the City of Worcester, the River Severn, and a rich and beautiful Country, ariegated with every Essential to make it a most agreeable Prospect. For other Particulars apply to Mr. Sockett, At- torney, in Worcester. A Very improveable Copyhold Estate of Inheritance, called the Dial House Farm, situate at Tardebigg, within less than three Miles of Bromsgrove, in the County of Worcester, and confiding of two Messuages, a Barn, Stable, and other necessary Outbuildings, in good Repair, and upwards of fifty two Statute Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Laud, lying together, within a Ring Fence. N. B. Any Gentleman who shall become a Pur- chaser of the above Estate, may erect a House thereon in a very pleasant Situation, as several Parts of the Estate are so situated as to command delightful Prospects. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Anthony Crane, in Bromsgrove aforesaid ; or of Mr. Young, Attor- ney at Law in Pershore, in the said County of Worcester. TO BE SOLD, A Freehold Estate, situate at Naunton Beauchamp, in the County of Worcester, called Naunton Court Farm; consisting of a good Farm House, necessary Out- Buildings, and about 235 Acres of good Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, all inclosed, except about 11 Acres, situate in one of Naunton Common Meadows, called Piddleham Meadow, the Whole now lett to John Collett at 150l. a Year. Also another Freehold Estate, adjoining to the former, situate at Colesdon, in the Parish of Upton Snodsbury , in the said County ; consisting of a Farm House, necessary Out- Buildings, and about 127 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, all inclosed, except about 62 Acres in Upton Common Fields, adjoining to the aforesaid inclosed Lands; the Whole now lett to John Unton at 521. a Year. Also a House, Homestall, and about four Acres of Land, in Upton aforesaid, now out upon Lease for a Term of Years, about 20 whereof are unex- pired, under a reserved annual Rent of 3I. N. B. All the inclosed Lands belonging to the two first- mentioned Estates are inclosed within a Ring Fence ( and the Whole, except a Close called Pebble- ton Close) are subject only to the Payment of 81. 7s. 3d. a Year for Tithe, settled by Act of Parliament; are well planted with the choicest Fruit Trees; a great Quantity of Timber growing upon the said Estates, now in its Prime, and of very considerable Value, to be sold, besides several hundred young growing Oak, Ash, and Elm Trees. Both the above Estates are so commodiously situated as to render the Whole one compleat Farm; are now, and for many Years past have been very much underlett; in their present Situation are capable of great Improve- ments, and much more so should an Inclosure of the Common Fields take Place, which hath been some Time in Agitation. The several Tenants will shew the Premisses; and for further Particulars apply to Mr. Hunt, or Mr. Eades, Attorneys at Law, in Feckenham, Wor- cestershire; or of Mr. Nash, at Besford Court, near Pershore. TO BE SOLD, At the Cross Inn, in Bromsgrove, on Tuesday the 21st of September next, between the Hours of Two and Six in the Afternoon, if not disposed of by private Contract, AVery improveable Copyhold Estate of Inheritance, called Stoney Lane, in the Pa- rish of Tardebigg, and County of Warwick, now in the Possession of Mr. Samuel Harris; consisting of a convenient Farm House, Pigeon- house, and all necessary Out Buildings, with 127 Statute Acres of Meadow, Pasture, and Arable Land. For Particulars apply to Mr. Thomas Wheeler, or Mr. John Reeves, both of Bromsgrove; or of Mr. Thomas Rayment, Glover, in Worcester. N. B. The Lands all lie contiguous to the Farm House, which is situated about three Miles from Bromsgrove, six from Stourbridge, and ten from Birmingham. By the Custom of the Manor of Tardebigg, on the Death of the Tenant the Heir is admitted, on Payment of a Silver Penny ; so that it is in that Respect of equal Value with a Freehold Estate, and the Title often more secure. AN ENTIRE NEW WORK, To be complicated in seventy Numbers ONLY, or the Overplus given gratis, making one large Volume in Folio, elegantly printed on an excellent new Letter, on supersine Paper, and enriched with upwards of 100 beautiful Copper Plates, engraved from the Drawings of the ingenious Mr. Wale, by those capital English Artists, Grignion, Walker, Rennoldson, and Taylor. This Day is published, Number I. to be continued Weekly, Price only 6d. Adorned with a beautiful Frontispiece, drawn by Wale, and engraved by Walker, and a Whole- length Figure of Edward the Black Prince, Son of King Edward III. who carried the victorious Arms of England to the Gates of Paris, finely engraved by Grignion from a Drawing of Wale. ANew and Complete HISTORY of ENGLAND, from the earliest Period of au- thentic Intelligence, to the present Time. By TEMPLE SYDNEY, Esq. London, printed for J. Cooke, at Shakespear's Head, No. 17, in Pater- noster Row, and sold by all Booksellers and News- carriers in Great Britain and Ireland. A List of Engravings, which, among many others, will be given in the Course of this Work, and which will not only form the most elegant Set of Prints that were ever given in any periodical Publication yet extant, but will also reflect immortal Honour to the Artists engaged in their Execution. ALFRED, in the Character of an Harper, viewing the Danish Camp. Hengist and Horsa's first Meet- ing with Vortigern. Submission of the Britons to Claudius. Baptism of Edwin, first Christian King of Northumberland. First Interview of Edgar and Elsrida. Charles I. causing his Standard to be erected at Nottingham. St. John's Monastery burnt by Wat Tyler's Rabble. Pendergrass discovering the Assassination Plot to William III. Robert, Son of William the Conqueror, sparing his Father's Life at the Battle of Gerberoy. Superstitious Trial of Queen Emma's Chastity. Just Execution of the Governor of Meaux. Odun, Earl of Devonshire, taking the Danish Standard. Jack Cade, the Rebel, proclaiming himself Lord of London. General Wolfe receiving the News of Victory just before he expired. The Act of Union presented to Queen Anne by the Duke of Queensbury and Dover. Ca- nute the Great, and Edmund Ironside, in single Combat. Mary Queen of Scots hearing her Death Warrant read. The Monks of Bangor slain by Order of Adelfrid. Lady Mary Bruce hung on the Walls of Roxburgh Castle as a public Spectacle. Odo seized by his Brother, William the Conqueror. Edward V. and the Duke of York murdered in the Tower. The Battle of Agincourt. Prince Henry taking away his Father Henry the IVth's Crown. Massacre of the Druids by Suetonius Paulinus. The Pope presented with the Bishop of Beauvais's Ar- mour, & c. Edward the Elder's Life saved by the Interposition of his Son Athelstan. A new and ac- curate Map of England, by an eminent Geographer. Also Whole- length Figures of all the Monarchs from the Norman Conquest to the present Period, in the Dresses of the Times in which they reigned, & c. In the first Number will be given a promis- sory Note from the Publisher, to deliver the Over- plus gratis, if it should exceed the seventy Numbers proposed. And in the last Number a List of such Subscribers as chuse to have their Names appear to this Work, shall be printed and delivered gratis. FREEMAN'S GUTTA SALUTARIS; Or, DROP of HEALTH; TAKEN i n a Wine- Glass of cold Water, cures the SCURVY, VENEREAL, and LEPROSY, in all their Stages: Any Person doubt- ing its Efficacy, may refer to the following Affidavit. To Dr FREEMAN. SIR, For the universal Good of Mankind, that may labour under the same Disorder that I have done, do make Oath on the Holy Evangelists, That I, DAVID MURRAY of Scotland Yard, Charing Cross, ( an Officer by Com- mission in the Army) was very severely afflicted with a most inveterate Venereal Disorder, and had been under the Hands of several Gentlemen of the Faculty, endea- vouring to get cured, but to no Effect; for the longer they practised on me, the worse I grew, so that at last my Face was changed to the Colour of a Mulatto, and the Parts inflamed to an enormous Size, attended with violent Pains, & c. but by taking four small Bottles of your GUTTA SALUTARIS, it made an excessive fine Cure, and that in about six Weeks Time. I therefore think that every Gentleman who receives the Benefit that I have done, from so valuable a Medicine, need not be ashamed to let the Public know its Efficacy ; which 1 pray the Favour of you to do for me. Witness my Hand this 2oth Day of June, 1771, DAVID MURRAY, Ensign of the late 76th Regt. Westminster, ( to wit) Sworn before me the Day above written, JOHN GOODCHILD. This Medicine is sold, wholesale and retail, at 5s. 3d. a Bottle, by the Printer of this Paper. By Authority of the King's Royal Patent, Granted to THOMAS JACKSON, his Heirs, & C . at their Wholesale Warehouse, No. 95, Fleer- Market, London ; where Country Dealers may be supplied with the following MEDICINES, and good Allowance to sell again. 1. JACKSON's TINCTURE for the Rheuma- tism, Gravel, Stone, Cholic, or Griping of the Bowels, or any such like windy Disorders; it nor only gives present Ease, but if continued taking, one Bottle or two will entirely remove and destroy the Cause ; and is infallible in Disorders of the Fair Sex, either Young or Old ( it is far superior to any Medicine extant). Likewise Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Strains, old Ulcers, or Swellings of any Kind, especially White Swellings it cures to Admiration. Price 1s. the Bottle. 2, SQUIRE'S GRAND ELIXIR, which has for more than sixty Years, with uncommon Success, been given in all Fluxes, spitting of Blood, Consumptions, Agues, Small- Pox, Measles, Colds, Coughs, and Pains in the Limbs and Joints; they put off the most violent Fevers, even in the worst Cases, and with more Ease and Safety than any Me- dicine ever yet discovered. Price 1s. 3d. the Bottle. 3. The only true BRITISH POWDER for the Teeth and Gums. Its Virtues are as follow, via. it cleanses the Teeth ant Gums of all scorbutic Humours, which always attend them when foul. It brings the Gums to fill up the proper Places and Channels which the Scurvy hath eaten away. It causes a sweet and pleasant Breath immediately after Application. It refines the Palate, and preserves a pleasant Tease in the Mouth. It prevents all the Teeth that are found entire, and those that are decayed from grow- ing worse. It will always prevent their aching after this Appication. It makes them as beautiful and white as the whitest Ivory. It always keeps the Mouth free from Can- kers, and all other hut and dangerous Humours. Price 1s. the Box. 4 The famous PATENT OINTMENT for the ITCH, which effectually cures that Distemper at one Dressing, without the least Danger; it entirely cleanses the Body from all Spots, Blotches, scurvical Itchings, or Breakings- out whatsoever, as Thousands, to their great Joy, have happily experienced ; and is allowed to be one of the safest and best Remedies for that Distemper ever found out, and never known to fail. It does not stain the finest Linen, but has a delight- ful Smell, and makes the Skin extremely smooth and soft; and for its Safety may be applied to a sucking Child.--- Price IS. 6d. the Box ; one Box being sufficient to cure a grown Person, and, divided, is a Cure for two Children.— Despair not, for it has never been known to fail. Mr. Jackson begs Leave to inform the Public, that Tur- lington's Original Balsam of Life, is prepared and sold by him, at hit Medicinal Warehouse, No. 95, in Fleet- Market, London ; or by those be appoints in Country ' Towns to vend the same. Price 3s. 6d. the Bottle, or a smaller Size at 1s. 9d. Mr. Robert Turlington being deceased, whose Patent ex- pired several Years before him, Mr. Jackson, who is become lawfully possessed of the original Recipe, informs the Public, that they may not be at a Loss for so valuable a Medicine, that all Captains of Ships and Country Dealers may be supplied with good Allowance to sell again. Sold only in Worcester by Mr. Lewis and Mr. Gamidge, Booksellers. Where also may be bad, By Virtue of the KING'S Royal Patent, Hatfield's Tincture; Dr. Hooper's Female Pills; True and Genuine British Oil; Dr. Stoughton's Great Stomachic Elixir; Dr. Andersan's, or, the True Scots Pills; Dr . Godfrey's Cordial; the Original Dassy's Elixir ; Dr. Bustock's Cordial; Dr. Radcliff's Purging Elixir; Dr. Bateman's Pectoral Drops. N. B. The above Medicines are sold by one creditable Shopkeeper in every City and Market Town in Great Britain. GEORGE. R GEORGE the Third, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, K Desender of the Faith, and so forth; to all to whom these Presents small come, greeting: Whereas BENJAMIN. COLLINS, the City of New Sarum, in our County of Wilts, has, by his- Petition, humbly rep- resented unto Us, that he bath found out and invented a new Composition of Snuff, called and known by the Name of CORDIAL CEPHALIC SNUFF, which he humbly conceives will be greatly conducive to the Health of our Subjects, and that this Invention is of his own Contrivance. The Petitioner therefore humbly befought Us to grant unto him, his Executors, Administra- tors, and Assigns, our Royal Letters Patent for the sole making and vending of the said Composition, for the Term of fourteen Years, according to the Statute in that Case made and provided. And to the End that he the said BENJAMIN COLLINS, his Executors, & C may have and enjoy the full Benefit and the sole Use of the said In- vention, We do, by these Presents;, require and strictly command all Persons, Bodies politic and corporate, and all other our Subjects whatsoever, thai neither they, nor any of them, during the Continuance of the said Term of fourteen Years hereby granted, either directly or indi- rectly, do make, use, or put in Practice the said Inven- tion, or any Part thereof, nor in any wife counterfeit, imitate, or resemble the same. Witness Ourself at Westminster, this 18 th Day of January, in the 13th Year of Our Reign. By Writ of Privy Seal. COCKS. This CORDIAL CEPHALIC SNUFF has, by long Experience, been found an effectual Remedy for most Disorders of the Head, especially the common Head- Ach, to which it hardly ever fails giving im- mediate Ease, and by frequent Use prevents its Re- turn. It admirably opens and purges the Head, strengthens the Nerves, revives the Spirits, and has a most grateful aromatic Smell. It removes Drow- siness, Sleepiness, Giddiness, and Vapours ; relieves Dimness of the Eyes, is excellent in curing recent Deafness, and has been of great Service in hysteric and paralytic Complaints, and in restoring the Me- mory whom impaired by Disorders of the Head. It is also extremely proper for all Persons who visit the Sick, or go into unwholesome Rooms or unhealthy Places, and hot Climates, as it fortifies the Head against noxious Exhalations and infectious Air. It is sold by F. Newbery, jun. at No. 65, in St. Paul's Church- Yard, opposite to the North Door of the Church; and Messrs. Dicey and Co. at No. 10, in Bow Church- Yard, London ; and by H. Berrow, in Worcester; also by reputable Shopkeepers in most Cities and Towns in Great Britain ( by Ap- pointment of B. Collins, the Patentee) at 6d. the Bottle, with a proper Allowance to those who take Quantities to export, or sell again. VENLOS' VEGETABLE SYRUP, With IMPROVEMENTS. To Dr. BURROWS, in the Hay- Market, London. SIR, IHad the Misfortune to labour under a scorbutic Habit from my Infancy; about 5 Years ago it broke out in my Face, Neck, and Hands, with great Violence, and so disfigured the former that it was hardly known. I applied to several of the Faculty, and having taken divers Medicines, the Humour was repelled, but soon broke out in my Legs, which became so swelled as not only to render me incapa- ble of walking, but deprived them of the human Form. As the last Resource the Bark was admini- stered to me, and soon after the Humour was re- moved to the Throat, Face, and Ears. At leng I became one general Scale, could not stand upright for upwards of two Months, insomuch that through excessive Weakness, and a total Loss of Appetite, I apprehended a Decline, and Life was rendered in- tolerably burthensome. In this deplorable Condi- tion, the Rev. Mr. Ward, in Cross Key Court, Little Britain, recommended your Medicine to me very strongly, from the good Effect it had upon his Fa- ther, who had been cured of a dangerous and viru- lent Scurvy he laboured under for upwards of 12 Years. After taking your VEGETABLE SYRUP a short Time, the Virulency of the Humour began to abate, and I was relieved from the continual burn- ing Heat all over my Body, with which I had been long afflicted; and in a few Weeks the Eruptions and Scales began to disappear, my Appetite re- turn ; I could also walk erect, and every Complaint removed, am now able to follow my Business with Pleasure and Satisfaction, and therefore thinking; myself bound to do Justice to your Medicine, desire you would make this public for the Good of Man- kind. I am, Sir, your humble Servant, MARY BOARDMAN. Cloisters, West Smithfield, Dec. 4, 1772. The Vegetable Syrup is sold at Berrow's Printing Office in Worcester, at 10s. 6d. a Bottle. Another extraordinary CURE performed by that celeb rated Preparation, Dr. SMITH'S RESTORATIVE MEDICINE. The Case of LEWIS HATFIELD, Esq. SIR, IThink I should be undeserving of the Benefit I have re- ceived, and greatly deficient in Gratitude to you, if I omitted informing you that I am recovered from a deplorable State of Body, by taking your Restorative Medicine. I laboured for many Years under a universal Relaxation and Complication of Disorders, occasioned, I am well assured, by juvenile Imprudence, for which I took innumerable Medicine, but to no Manner of Effect. Relating my unhappy Case to a Gentleman, be advised me to take your Medicine: He said a Friend of his had been cured by it ; on which I began to take it, and, by continuing some Time, am restored to perfect Health. I am, Sir, With the greatest Respect, four very obliged bumble Servant, York, March 31, 1773. LEWIS HATFIELD. In the Course of many Years Practice, innumerable Instances have indisputably proved the strengthening and cordialt Effects of this Medicine in all Weaknesses, Debili- ties, & c. whether natural or acquired by that heinous Vice Self- pollution, too early or excessive Venery, Mercurial Courses, and Nervous Complaints in general ; also those secret Infirmities that attack Persons advancing in Years are by it removed ; and the natural Powers of the whole vital System are nourished, comforted, and prolonged. The Causes of Impotency in one Sex, and Barrenness in the other, have been eradicated by this Medicine, The great BOERHAAVE says, " From an ill- cured Pox. and imprudent Venery, arise Pains in the Head or Limbs. Eruptions. Gleets, Weakness of the whole Frame. Dimness of Sight, with a Tribe of Nervous Complaints, which generally, terminate in a Consumption." For a full Account read the Doctor's New Treatise, just published, Price 1s. 6d. the 8th Edition. The RESTORATIVE is to be had in Bottles at 10s. 6d. with full Directions, of H. Berrow, Printer of this Paper, in Worcester ; and of the Doctor, in George- street, York- buildings, in the Strand, London, who may be consulte personally, or by Letter, Post paid. WORCESTER: Printed by H. BERROW, near the Cross;
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