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Berrow's Worcester Journal


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Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal

Date of Article: 24/06/1773
Printer / Publisher: H. Berrow 
Address: Near the Cross, Worcester
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 4124
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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Numb. 4124 Price Two- pence Halfpenny THURSDAY, June 24, 1773. Saturday's and Sunday's Posts Venice May 21 ON the 17th of April last, the Rus- sian Fleet, which lay at the lsle of Chios, and consisted of 42 Sail of the Line, besides Fri- gates, Sloops, Gallies, Trans- ports, & c. was divided into three Squadrons, one of which was to sail for the Coast of Syria, in order to support the Operation of Osman Pacha, who is now in Posses- sion of Jerusalem ; another Squadron sent against the Turks in the Isle of Candia, who have been of late very industrious in putting that Island into a State of Defence ; and the third, under the Command of Count Orlow himself was to make a Descent upon, and possess themselves of the Mo- rea. Accordingly, the Squadrons separated, and on the 2d Instant Count Orlow's Squadron arrived in the Saronick Gulph, and landed all his Troops with a Design to attack the capital City of Co- rinth, which was immediately put in Execution, and after an Engagement of near two Hours be- tween the Russians and a large Body the Janissa- ries, on the narrow Pass of the Ridge of Hills which commands the Ascent to Corinth, and is the only Side on which that City can be attacked by an Enemy, Victory declared for the former, who immediately possessed themselves of the City and Castle, and made the Turkish Basha, with many other Persons of Eminence, and 3500 Tur- kish Soldiers, Prisoners of War. The Squadron which was sent against the Island of Candia, met with equal Success, but lost a great Number of Men, with four of their Ships, occa- sioned by unthinkingly running into the Harbour of the Town of Candia, which for many Years past has been in a neglected Situation, but of late the Turks had cleaned it out, and run an Iron Chain of great Thickness across it under Water, which not being known by the Russians, four of their Ships struck upon it, and funk immediately. Added to this, several Forts and Batteries of great Guns were erected, which kept a brisk and well directed Fire upon the Russian Ships, and greatly annoyed them ; however, they at last effected a Landing, and in a few Hours possessed themselves of the whole Place ; but the Soldiers and most of the Inhabitants, with their valuable Effects, had thrown themselves into a Fort called Alireset, above two Miles from Candia, on the Way to Ca- nea, or Cydon. The taking of this important late cost the Russians, besides the Loss of their Ships, the Lives of 5200 Men killed outright, and above 2ooo desperately wounded, for the Turks fought with the greatest Bravery and Deter- mination. LONDON, Friday, June 18. The following are the gross Sums granted for the Supplies of the present Year; out of the Sinking Fund 2,360,0001. Land Tax, at Three Shillings, 1,500,0001. Malt 750,000l, Exche- quer Bills payable in 1779, 1,400,000l. ditto to pay off the Deficiencies incurred last Year 600, oool. ditto in Course of Circulation for the present Year 1, ooo, oool. amounting in the Whole to 7,550,000l. besides 10, oool. charged on the Ame- rican Revenue, 50,000l. on the Produce of the Lands in the Ceded Islands, and 20, oool. on the Produce of the Sales of the French Prizes. Administration have done this Year what no Administration since the Revolution had the Ef- frontery to do in Time of Peace, that is, apply- ing the Total of the Surplusses of the Sinking Fund to the current Service of the Year, with- out discharging a single Shilling of the National Debt. Leave is given by the Lower Assembly to bring in a Bill to prevent, if possible, the diminishing the Gold Coin of this Kingdom. A Bill is in Agitation to prevent the Smuggling Trade now earned on between the Isles of Alder- ney and Jersey and the Western Coasts of this Kingdom, it being computed that there is a Loss of 17,000l. annually to the Revenue thereby. Tuesday last at a Court of Common Council, Mr. Alderman Sawbridge made the adjourned Motion for settling the Recorder's Salary, which he proposed should be 1000l. per Annum during the Pleasure of the Court. He infilled particu- larly on the extraordinary Duty of the Office of Recorder at the Old Bailey, which had so greatly increased of late Years, and therefore demanded an Increase of Salary. He was seconded by Mr. Alderman Wilkes, who observed that the Re- corder of London was the molt important Cri- minal Judge in the Kingdom, and had more in- tricate Causes in which the Life and Liberty of the Subject were concerned, brought before him, than almost all the other Judges together that even the much- injured Lord Russel had been tried at the Old Bailey ; that we had now a Re- corder of the first Abilities and known Integrity, who had already sacrificed many considerable Ad- vantages from his Profession, who meant to give his whole Time and Attention to the Discharge of that important Office, and therefore it became the City to grant a Salary adequate to their own Honour and Dignity, as well as the Greatness of the Charge, and the peculiar Circumstances of the worthy Serjeant who had accepted the Office. Mr. Alderman Hopkin then rose, and, after a long Preamble of his Regard to the worthy Re- corder, of his Candour and Fairness, declared to be meant to reward the Serjeant for other Parts of his Conduct, which he highly disapproved ; that the Recorder belonged to Societies, in which the Constitution had been attacked, and the Peace of the City destroyed, and was now to be re- warded as a Friend of Faction, for having served the Purposes of the Enemies of Government. Mr. Alderman Hopkins therefore concluded with moving for only 6ool. per Annum. Mr. Wilkes replied, that the Alderman who spoke last made indeed great Professions of Candour, but seemed a perfect Stranger to the Nature of it; that with Candour in his Mouth he had used the indecent Expression of the Motion's being " a shameful Business," and grossly traduced our Recorder; that indeed we had formerly had Recorders of very great Merit, but their whole Time was not sacrificed to the Duty of their Office ; that even so lately as the Sheriffralty of Mr. Alsop, the Business of the Old Bailey had lasted but eighteen Days in the Year, but of late only that At- tendance had taken up no less than eighty, some- times above ninety Days, and therefore a Re- corder, who did his Duty, was precluded from engaging in other lucrative Business; that the Picture, which the Alderman had drawn of a fac- tious Man, did not belong to the worthy Re- corder, whose Character was Temper, Modera- tion, but Firmness too in his Country's Cause ; that he was equally superior to being the Tool of any Faction, or the Creature of an arbitrary Court; that he would do his Duty as an honest Man ; that the Alderman ought to have named the Societies in London, which disturbed the Peace of the City ; that he knew of none, but that the Alderman and himself belonged to a So- ciety at Westminster, which met in St. Stephen's Chapel, that had greatly disturbed the Peace of the whole Nation, and were making enormous Strides to the Ruin of our Country. Mr. Alderman Kirkman likewise supported the Motion for the 1oool. per Annum to the Recorder, said the for- mer Recorders had had only a scanty Pittance, and considered themselves as genteel Beggars. He animadverted in severe Terms on Mr. Hopkins's Treatment of the Recorder. Mr. Hopkins made an evasive Answer, that he did not mean to pre- judice Mr. Glynn as a private Person. Mr. De- puty Judd moved for 800I. per Annum. Sir Watkin Lewes declared for 1000I. a Year as a just Recompence to the Recorder. The Question was then put that the Words, " One Thousand Pounds" stand Part of this Question, which was carried in the Affirmative, 85 for the Question, 56 against it. Eight Aldermen voted for it, Ste- phenson, Esdale, Wilkes, Sawbridge, Oliver, Lewes, Bull, and Kirkman. Mr. Hopkins alone voted against it. Mr. Thomas declared at first he should not vote in it. Mr. Plomer remained neu- ter. Mr. Serjeant Glynn was then called in, and in a handsome Speech returned Thanks to the Court for their liberal Salary, and expressed his Satisfaction that the Precedent was now established in his Person of the Salary's being granted only during the Pleasure of the Court. Mr. Alder- man Oliver afterwards moved for an Augmenta- tion of the Common Serjeant's Salary of 150l. a Year, but several Members desiring 2ool. a Year during Pleasure, it was carried without a Divi- sion to commence from Christmas last. A Correspondent imforms us, that the Princess Amelia has been solicited to stand to the Dutchess of Gloucester's Child, which her Highness has complied with. Yesterday Morning the Judges met in Lord Mansfield's Chamber, adjoining to Westminster- Hall, and chose their respective Circuits for the ensuing Summer Assizes, viz. HOME CIRCUIT. Lord Mansfield, and Lord Chief Baron Smythe. NORFOLK CIRCUIT. Lord Chief Justice De Grey, and Mr. Justice Aston. NORTHERN CIRCUIT. Mr. Justice Gould, and Mr. Justice Blackstone. MIDLAND CIRCUIT. Mr. Baron Perrot, and Mr. Justice Willes. WESTERN CIRCUIT. Mr. Baron Adams, and Mr. Justice Ashurst. OXFORD CIRCUIT. Mr. Justice Nares, and Baron Eyre. It is said that in the Cause between Lord S. and the Printer of an Evening Paper, the Plain- tiff has withdrawn the Record. Wednesday a Woman dressed in Man's Ap- parel was carried before the Lord Mayor, charged with forging a Draft of 100l. in order to defraud a Tradesman in this City, and was committed to the Poultry Compter; she lately lived near the Mansion House, in good Repute. A few Nights fines a Tradesman in Southwark was decoyed into a House of ill Fame in the Neighbourhood of Covent Garden, by a Lady of Pleasure, when two Bullies came into the Room, and robbed him of 171. his Watch, Coat, Waist- coat, and Breeches. COUNTRY NEWS. Oxford, June 19. On Wednesday last the Ho- norary Degree of Master of Arts was conferred on Connor, Esq; Gentleman Commoner of Christ Church. And on Thursday the Rev. James Chelsum, Student of Christ Church, was admitted to the Degree of Doctor in Divinity. Bath, June 26. Sunday Evening was interred in the Abbey Church, Thomas Trahern, a Shoe- Black of this City, who, by his Industry and ex- in his Will that 151. should be laid out for his Funeral Expences, and that the Abbey Church should be the Place of his Interment Worcester, June 17, 1773. WILLIAM PRICE, CLOCK and WATCH- MAKER, in Goose Lane, TAKES this Method of returning his sincere Thanks to such Ladies, Gentlemen, and all Others, who have hitherto obliged him with their Business, and begs Leave to solicit a Continuance of their Favours, which it will be his constant Care and Endeavour to merit, by executing their Orders in the compleatest Manner, and with the utmost Dispatch and Punctuality : And he thinks it ne- cessary to inform the Public, that he fells Silver and Plated Goods, Gold Rings, & c. N. B. A Journeyman Clock- Maker is imme- diately wanted by the said William Price who will give all due Encouragement to a sober, good Workman. WHEREAS the Partnership be- tween Messrs. HUNTER and BROWN, of Evesham, DRAPERS, & c. is mutually dissolved, Mr. BROWN takes this Opportunity of return- ing his Friends and the Public in general, his most sincere Thanks for their past Favours, and at the same Time begs Leave to inform them, that he has fitted up a new Shop, next Door above Mr. Sa- vage's, Apothecary, in the Bridge- Street, where he has laid in a good Assortment of LINEN and WOOL- LEN DRAPERY, MERCERY and HABERDASHERY GOODS, ( calculated for the Country Trade) which will be sold on the very lowest Terms, and the Favours of his Friends, either in the Wholesale or Retail Trade, will be duly executed, and grate- fully acknowledged, by? Their most obedient humble Servant, JOHN BROWN. THIS is to give Notice, That Stabhill Garden, in the Parish of Twyning, by the Side of Brockeridge Common, three Miles from Tewkes- bury, and three Miles from Upton- upon Severn, was opened on Wednesday the 9th Instant, for the Reception of Company, where constant Attendance will be given during the Summer Season ; and for their Entertainment there are sold Coffee, Tea, Wine, Bottle Beer, and Cyder, and all Sorts of Spirituous Liquors. There will be a PUBLIC BREAKFAST on Thursday next, the First of July, at 1s. each Person. A Band of Music from Worcester will be pro- vided. Breakfast at Ten o'clock. Tickets to be had at Stubhill House. BY Order of the Trustees of Kidder- minster Turnpike, Notice is hereby given, that at their next Meeting, ( which will be held To- morrow, the 25th of June Inst. at the Dwelling- House of Mr. Richard Dovey, known by the Sign of the Golden- Lion, in Kidderminster, by Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon ) The TOLLS arising from the several Toll- Gates hereafter men- tioned, and belonging to the said Turnpike, viz. Chester- Lane, Comberton, and Bromsgrove, will be lett together or separately to the best Bidder or Bidders for the same. THE second Meeting of the Com missioners named and appointed in and by an ACT of Parliament, intituled An Act for dividing and inclosing the Common and Waste Land within the Manor of Sambourn, in the Parish of Cougbton, in the County of Warwick, will be on Tuesday the 6th Day of July next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, at the Dwelling- House of Mr. John Whissel, being the Angel Inn, in Alcester, in the said County; at which Meeting all Persons having any Claims which may affect the Boundaries of the said Manor, or of the Common and Waste Land within or belonging to the same, or having or claiming Right of Com- mon, or other Right, Interest, or Privilege thereon, are, by themselves, their Stewards, Agents, or Te- nants, respectively to deliver unto the Commis- sioners present at such second Meeting, an Account in Writing of their respective Claims, or in Default thereof will be excluded from all Estate, Right, Title, Claim, or Interest of, in, or to the said Common or Waste Land, and every Part thereof, and also from all Benefit and Advantage of any Share or Allotment thereof upon the said Division, by Virtue of or under the said Act. Dated the 29th Day of May, 1773. To HEIRS at LAW. NOTICE is hereby given, That any Person or Perlons, who can prove him or themselves to be the Heir or Heirs at Law, on the Mother's Side, of JOSEPH PARKES, late of the City of Worcester, Hop Merchant, deceased, may hear of something to their Advantage, by applying to John Berwick, of the said City of Worcester, Esq. ALL Persons to whom Edward Sted- man, late of Cleobury Mortimer, in the County of Salop, Yeoman, deceased, stood justly indebted at the Time of his Death, are desired to meet his Administratrix at the Talbot in Cleobury Mortimer aforesaid, on Monday next, the 28th Day of June Instant, by Ten of the Clock in the Morning, to receive their respective Debts, or a Composition for the same : And all Persons who stood indebted to the said Edward Stedman at the Time of his Death, are desired to pay the same before that Time to Mr. John Baxter, in Cleobury aforesaid, who is impowered to receive it, or they will be sued without further Notice. To be SOLD in FEE, to the Best Bidder, TO- MORROW, the 25th of June Instant, between the Hours of Two and Four in the Evening, at the Dwel- ling House of Mr. Kings, known by the Sign of the Crab Mill, near Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, A Messuage or Tenement, and Out- Buildings, with about 18 Acres of Arable and Pasture Land thereunto belonging, situate at Twatling- Street, in the Parish of Bromsgrove afore- WANTED, The Sum of THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED, or For THOUSAND POUNDS, on very ample Land Secur in this County. The Interest will be duly pa and the Borrower is a Gentleman of Credit. Enquire of the Printer of this Paper. Worcester, 10th June, 1773: TO BE LETT, And entered upon at Michaelmas next, A Capital inclosed Farm, called Bentl containing upwards of 200 Acres of Arabl Meadow, and Pasture Ground, situate in a light dry Soil, in that Part of the Parish of Tardebig which lies in the County of Worcester, lately o cupied by Mr. William Clives, deceased. T Lands are capable of great Improvement, and go Encouragement will be given to a responsible T nant, and it is hoped none else will apply. Further Particulars may be had of Mr. Coll Attorney at Law, in Worcester; and Mr. Jo Evit, at the Thrift, hear Bently House. will she the Premisses. TO BE SOLD; A Freehold Messuage and Farm, con- sisting of about 90 Acres Of Arable Lan ( including 15 of Hop Ground, now in high Per- fection) 12 Acres of Pasture Ground, and eight of Coppice Wood ; all lying inclosed within a Rin Fence, and planted with the best Sorts of Fruit. T House stands in the Centre of the Estate, which with the Buildings adjoining thereto, are new built, and in compleat Repair. The Premisses within seven Miles of the City of Worcester. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Dandridge in Worcester TO BE SOLD, At the Cross Inn, in Bromsgrove, on Tuesday the 21 of September next, between the Hour's of Two and Six in the Afternoon, if not disposed of by private Contract, A Very improveable Copyhold Estate of Inheritance, called Stoney Lane, in the Pa rish of Tardebigg, and County of Warwick, no in the Possession of Mr. Samuel Harris ; consisting of a convenient Farm House, Pigeon- house; and a necessary Out- Buildings, with 127 Statute Acres Meadow, Pasture, and Arable Land. For Particulars apply to Mr. Thomas Wheele or Mr. John Reeves, both of Bromsgrove; or of Mr. Thomas Rayment, Glover, in Worcester. N; B. The Lands all lie contiguous to the Far House, which is situated about three Miles from Bromsgrove; six from Stourbridge, and ten from Birmingham. By the Custom of the Manor of Tardebigg, o the Death of the Tenant the Heir is admitted, o Payment of a Silver Penny; so that it is in that Respect of equal Value with a Freehold Estate, and the Title often more secure. MILITIA, For the COUNTY and CITY of WORCESTER. NOTICE is hereby given, That a a General Meeting of the Lord Lieutenant and Deputy Lieutenants, said at Hooper's Coffee House in the said City, on Tuesday the 27th of October last, the Sub- division Meetings of the Deputy Lieutenants and justices of the Peace for the said County and City, were appointed to be he on the Days and at the Places herein after men- tioned, viz. The first Sub- division Meeting for the Upper Di- vision of Pershore Hundred, the Upper Division Oswaldflow Hundred, and the Upper and Low Divisions of Blackenhurst Hundred, at the Crown Inn, in Bridge- Street, in Evesham, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, on Monday the 5th Day of Ja next; the second on Monday the 26th Day of same Month ; the third on Monday the 16th Day August; and the fourth on Monday the 6th Day September next, at the same Hour and Place. The first Sub- division Meeting for the Middle and Lower Divisions of Oswaldflow Hundred, and the Lower Division of Pershore Hundred, at Talbot, in the Parish of Claines, in the said Count at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, on Saturday 10th Day of July; the second on Saturday the 3 Day of the same Month; the third on Saturday the 21st Day of August; and the fourth on Saturday the 11th Day of September next, at the same Hour and Place. The first Sub- division Meeting for the Upper and Lower Divisions of Doddingtree Hundred, at the Hundred House, in the Parish of Great Witley, in the said County, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon on Wednesday the 14th Day of July next ; the cond on Wednesday the 4th Day of August ; the third on Wednesday the 25th Day of the same Month; and the fourth on Wednesday the 15th Day of September next, at the same Hour and Place. The first Sub- division Meeting for the Upper and Lower Divisions of Halfshire Hundred, at the Golde Cross, in Bromsgrove, at Ten o'Clock in the Fore noon, on Tuesday the 13th Day of July next; the second on Tuesday the 3d Day of August; the third on Tuesday the 24th Day of the same Month and the fourth on Tuesday the 14th Day of Sep- tember next, at the same Hour and Place. The first Sub- division Meeting for the City Worcester, at the Guildhall of the said City, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, on Tuesday the 6th Day of July next; the second on Tuesday the 27th Day of the same Month ; the third on Tuesday the 17th Day of August ; and the fourth on Tuesday the 7th Day of September next, at the same House and Place. And the several Gentlemen appointed to act for the Sub divisions aforesaid, and such other Deput Lieutenants and Justices of the Peace, as may please to act in the Execution of the Militia Laws, are de- sired to attend the said Sub- division Meetings. And the Constables, Tythingmen, or other Pa- rish Officers, are to return to the first Meeting the said several Sub- divisions, Lists of the Names all Men between the Ages of Eighteen and For Monday's and Wednesday Posts. FOREIGN NEWS. Paris, June 5. N the Insurrections which happened lately at Guyenne, on Account of the high Price of Provisions, the Soldiers of one Regiment refused to obey their Officers, and rather favoured than op- posed the Revolters. In Consequence of this, a Court- Martial was held immediately, by which seven were condemned to die, and many others to long Imprisonment. Paris, June 7. In the Commotions at Lan- guedoc, the Parliament of Pau, after assuring the Insurgents that they should not want Bread, to restrain them at the same Time by Fear, ordered severl Gallowses to be erected, threatening to haug up such as should be guilty of any further Disturbances. But the Executioner, who super- intended the erecting of these Gallowses, was killed with a Musquet Shot, and if the Members themselves had not speedily retired, they would probably have shared the same Fate. LONDON, Monday, June 21. Friday the East- India Bill went through the last Reading in the Upper Assembly, when it was warmly agitated by the Lord Chancellor, the Duke of Graston, and the Lords Gower and Shel burne, on the Side of Administration ; by the Dukes of Richmond and Portland, and the Mar- quis of Rockingham, on the other Side. The Duke of Richmond spoke for near three Hours, where, in the most accurate and spirited Manner, ( which his particular Acquaintance with the Books of the Company, and his constant At- tendance at the General Courts, the more enabled him to do) he laid open the pretended Delinquency with which the Company, was charged by Go- vernment, with the unconstitutional Strides taken in every Stage of this Bill by the latter ; and con cluded with such spirited and sensible Observa- tions upon the Whole, as shewed him no less a perfect Master of Reasoning and Jurisprudence, than of true Satire and Ridicule. He was attempted to be answered by Lord Shel- burne, who urged the Necessity of the Bill with all the Powers he was Master of, and stepped out of his Way to abuse the 5001. Proprietors, by asking with a Sneer, " Who these mighty People were that talked so highly of their chartered Rights land Privileges ? Why they are, in general, says he, no more nor less than paltry Stockbrokers, sharping Jews, and Dutchmen ; and are these the People Parliament are to indulge at the Expence of the Credit of the Nation ? About Ten o'Clock the House divided, when, as usual, the Houshold Troops carried it by a large Majority. Extract from Lord NORTH's SPEECH, on opening the Budget in the Horse of Commons on Monday last. " THE House went into the Committee of Ways and Means ; upon which Lord North got up to open the Budget, and said, that the Situa tion of the Finances was such, that there would be no Surplus to dispose of, and that he should pay off this Year no Part of the National Debt; that he lamented much the Deficiencies of the present Year, and mourned over the Exigencies of a great Company, which he should endeavour so the utmost that lay in his Power to set right, and put upon a proper Bails of Prosperity. He then gave an Account of the different Estimates of the Ordnance, Navy, and Miscellaneous Ser- vices; as also an Account of what would be wanting for Things which the House might adopt. That this Year there might be a Surplus of ( 54,0001 which he wished to keep as a Reserve, west any Alteration should happen from the pre sent general Tranquility ; not that there was any likelihood of the late Troubles being revived : He would have wished, he said, to have gone on upon the Plan of last Year, of paying off Part of the Rational Debt, but Circumstances had fallen out which prevented it; he did not intend to propose a Lottery this Year, not for any Reason that was urged in the Petition that was this Ses sion presented by the City of London, but from some strong Reasons of his own ; that as there had been Lotteries for eight Years last past, he thought little Rest to the People's Inclinations would lot be amiss, and that this Matter of Lottery would come out with fresh Spirit the next Session Parliament; it would then be a new Thing ; and he thought, in a Year in which no great Plan of Finance is undertaken so as to pay off any part of the National Debt, that a Lottery might e for once omitted. It might be asked, he said, that have we done this Year? He was sorry to y, but little ; and that the next Session of Par liment must enter upon a Revision of the Plans they have now adopted for the India Company, therefore that great End can be obtained, the secure ermanency of the India Company; that he ought it was right and consistent with his Duty of procure the Prosperity of the Company; that e should always stand corrected, and give Way the future Events that tended to the Good of e Company, but he declared to the House, that e never would abandon the Pursuit of the per manent Situation of that great Company upon any other Motive than Conviction ; that he was ot to be teized or frightened out of his Plan, which he was convinced was both for the public security, as well as that of the Company ; that bough he was fond of Indolence, and a retired life, yet ever since he had entered into Office, he had discharged his Duty with the most unwearid attention ; that he had continued in it with Re- solutions to persist in what he thought right in etiance of all Noise and Clamour; but that if quitted it now, he should think he had hitherto kept it in vain ; that he was therefore determined abide in that Post, in which he had laboured, and should not willingly relinquish it ; that tho' whose who looked into his Conduct might perhaps e Indolence and a Love of Ease, yet he was de termined they should not find the Want of an earnest Perseverance in a great and public Cause." NO Person made any Reply to Lord North, and the Exchequer, and Lord North continue the First Lord of the Treasury, and be made President of the Council. Sir William Meredith is to have a Seat at the Treasury Board. Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, June 18. " The following will be the Procession asloat, on Tuesday next, when his Majesty goes to Spit- head to review the Fleet, viz. Admiral Pye's Barge. Admiralty Ditto. The KING in his Ditto. R. Ad. Spry's Navy Board Bargs. L. Edgecumb's , Division, Admiral Pye's Division, two a- breast, Division. two a- breast, according to The Boats to go- 2 according to Seniority. a- breast, accord- Seniority, ing to Seniority. 1. " When the King's Standard appears clear of the Harbour, all the Ships are to be manned, and as soon as Admiral Pye makes the Signal, by hoisting a white Flag on the Flag Staff of his Barge, the Ships are to salute the Royal Standard with 21 Guns. 2. " As soon as the King goes on board the Barfleur, and the Standard is hoisted on board her, a Royal Salute is to be given from every Ship again, except the Barsleur. 3. " When his Majesty is on board the Au- gusta Yacht, three Cheers and a Salute are to be given from every Ship separately, as his Majesty passes them in the Yacht, when he waves a white Flag, which Capt. Bickerton will have upon his Awning for that Purpose. When his Majesty re turns towards the Harbour, the Vice Admirals, Rear Admiral, and all the Captains, are to fol- low the King's Barge, in the Form before men- tioned, as far as Block- house Fort, and then to return to their respective Ships. Second Day. " The Salutes and manning Ships as before; the Admiral's, and Ships of the Van and Rear of the Fleet, are to dress their Ships ( while saluting, when his Majesty appears out of the Harbour) and to be kept so, whilst his Majesty remains a- float. " When his Majesty is on board the Barfleur, she will make a Signal, when the Ships are to fire 21 Guns each. When the Signal is made for all the Frigates to come under the Admiral's Stern, the two Frigates and Sloops are to slip their Cables and come under the Barfleur's Stern, give three Cheers, lower the Top- sails, or Top- gallant Sails ( whichever are out) upon the Cap, and when clear of the Barfleur, to fire 21 Guns each Frigate. " After Dinner the King goes on Shore, and is to be saluted with 21 Guns from each Ship, upon a Signal being made for that Purpose. Third Day. " The same as before, except that Lord Edge- cumbe will fail out to Sea with his Division of Ships."' It is said the Expences of the sham Fight will be 22,0ool. Better so than in Bribery and Cor- ruption. The whole Expences of the Royal Review are to be paid out of the Naval Estimates. A Correspondent at Portsmouth informs us, the Generality of People there, in speaking of the intended Marine Review, talk much of Guy Fox, and the Gunpowder Plot. A Correspondent at Portsmouth informs us, that a Tradesman there has engaged Part of his House, during his Majesty's Stay at that Place, to three Foreigners of Distinction, at the moderate Price of 100 Guineas. The Physicians, Surgeons, Apothecaries, & c. of the Houshold, are to go to Portsmouth to at- tend his Majesty at the the Royal Review ; and ordered to take a sufficient Quantity of Hartshorn and Spirits of Lavender. It was evidently seen on Thursday what wretched Tools Administration are composed of, for six Members who voted for Mr. Whitworth's Bill the first Time, finding Lord North did not vote the same Way, and observing him srown at what they had done, Mr. Fuller moved for a Division a second Time, when those very Tools voted against the Bill. There have been exported in the Space of 14 Years, 21,348 Horses from the different Ports. Friday three Men, charged with coining Half- pence, were carried before the Lord Mayor; two more were concerned with them, but the Princi- pal and another are not yet taken. One of the above three was admitted an Evidence, who, on the Examination, declared that the Copper was bought at a Coppersmith's in London, and after they had prepared it, and cut out their Half- pence, what was left was exchanged with the same Person for more ; that they generally made eleven Guineas worth a Day, which were sold at the Rate of 24s. for a Guinea. Two of them were committed to the Poultry, and the Evidence to Wood- street Compter, On Wednesday a Man engaged to run in the Artillery Ground on his Hands and Feet, with four Men in Pairs to pursue him till taken ; each Pair had a Leg and Arm tied together: They were allowed an Hour and a Quarter, but took him within the Hour. Upwards of 2000 Spectators were unusually entertained with this Species of Amusement, called Fox- hunting, which the pre- sent Age, greatly advanced in similar FoIlies, con- tinually produces. Wednesday Night, about Eleven o'Clock, the Wife of Mr. Steadwick, in Kimber's Court, Ox- ford- Street, was set upon by three Men, who of- fered to use her very rudely, but she making Re- sistance, and alarming her Husband, he imme- diately came out to her Assistance ; but no sooner had he endeavoured to release her out of their Hands, than he received so violent a Blow on his Forehead that entirely sell'd him to the Ground, by which unlucky Stroke he remained in Torture for some short Time, and then expired. The Villains made their Escape. Thursday Night one Lintong, a Gardener's Labourer, was apprehended in Kent- street, South- wark, and committed to Prison, for ravishing a young Woman who had been his Fellow Servant. with her Uncle, and the Fellow offered his Ser- vice to carry her Cloaths ; but, in the Fields be- tween Wandsworth and Mitcham, he slung her Bundle into a Ditch, and threatened her Life if she did not comply with his brutal Desires. In strug- gling to desend herself, her Cloaths were torn off her Back. On Wednesday the Report was made to his Majesty by Mr, Recorder, of the Prisoners under Sentence in Newgate, who. were capitally con- victed last Sessions, when the eight following were ordered for Execution next Wednesday Se'nnight, viz. James Monk, for a Burglary in the House of John Twitchener, in Newport- Street; William Boyd, for shooting off a loaded Pistol at John Morris, a Watchman, and wounding him in the Cheek ; John Waters, for robbing Mrs. Stead at Marybone ; John Johnson, and John Gahagan, for forging an Endorsement upon a Bill of Ex- change for 1ool, stolen out of the Mail in Ireland ; Edward Delaney, for robbing John Smith of a Watch, and John Kearsley of a Pocket- book and several Bills of Exchange in the City Road; Joseph Cooper, for a Burglary in the House of Mr. Beau- mont of Cripplegate, and stealing 1oo Guineas ; and John Cooke, for robbing Mr. David Crussell of a Watch and 6s. between Stepney and White- chapel. Friday Morning were executed at Tyburn, pur- suant to their Sentence, the following Convicts, viz. William Collins, Thomas Oats, and Tho- mas Spooner, convicted in April Session of a Bur- glary in the House of Mrs. Baker, at Chelsea ; and John Dussey and Richard Bolton, for a Burglary in the House of Miss Henley, in James- Street. Birmingham, June 21. On Wednesday After- noon William Hefford, a labouring Man, of Hyam on the Hill, in Leicestershire, gave his Son an old Trunk ( that his Daughter had refused) which he bought at an Auction about ten Years ago ; the Son accidentally listing the Trunk up End- ways, some Money slipped in a false Bot- tom, upon which he broke it open, when, to his great Surprize, found it to contain 43 Pieces of Gold and eight Pieces of Silver, amounting to 64l. in Specie. Worcester, June 21, 1773. NOTICE is hereby given, That there will be a Meeting of the Commissioner; for putting in Execution the Act of Parliament for better supplying this City with WATEK.& c. on Monday the 19th Day of July next, at the Guild- Hall, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, for the Pur- pose of borrowing One Thousand Pounds, and to hear Appeals. R. MORRIS, CLERK. WE the Commissioners appointed for putting in Execution an Act of Parlimnent for dividing and inclosing several Open and Com- mon Fields, Meadows, and Places in the Parish of Nafford and Chapelry of Birlingham, in the County of Worcester, Do hereby give Notice, That we have caused all the public Roads through the intended Inclosures to be staked out and ascertained, and have ordered Part of the Turnpike Road leading from Tidsley Hill to Eckington Bridge to be in- closed; and all Persons who shall think themselves aggrieved thereby, are desired to attend us at our next Meeting to be held at the Angel Inn in Per- shore, on Tuesday the 6th Day of July next, when their several Complaints will be heard. JAMES NASH, JOHN BROOME, JAMES HARTLEY. June 24, 1773. ALL Persons who stand indebted to the Estate of the late Mrs. PARKER, of Bentley, in the Parish of Tardebig, in the County of Worcester, are desired to pay in their respective Debts, within fourteen Days from the Date hereof, to Mr. Bumpass, at Nargrove, in the Parish of Feckenham; and all Persons to whom the said Mrs. Parker stood indebted at the Time of her Death, are desired to bring in their Accounts to the said Mr. Bumpass. Worcestter, June 24, 1773. THE Old SAND PITS, late Mr. Smith's, at the Ivy House, St. John's, are now opened and carried on by John Barnes ; those " who are kind enough to send their Orders may de- pend on their being executed on the shortest Notice. At the same Time he returns his sincere Thanks to those who have already conferred their Favours upon him. Likewise Gravel for Paving, and screened Gravel for Gardens, are sold at the old accustomed Prices. Bromsgrove, June22, 1773. TO BE SOLD, ON Monday and Tuesday next, the 28th and 29th Inst. at the late Dwelling House of Mr. William Wilmot, Mercer, All the HOUSE- HOLD GOODS and FURNITURE. LOST, on Sunday Morning the 20th Instant, at Powick, or between Powick and Worcester, A SILVER WATCH, Maker's Name Wm. Glover, Worcester, with a Steel Chain and Key, and a Cornelian Seal; whoever has found it, and will bring it to the Rev. Mr. Cooke's, at Powick, or to the Printer of this Paper, shall receive Half a Guinea Reward. N. B. If offered to be sold or pawned, please to stop it. June 24, 1773. STOLEN in the Night between the 18th and 19th Instant, from out of the Whiten- ing Ground of Mr. Thomas Ellins, at the Hop Garden, near Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, A Remnant of LINNEN CLOTH, containing about twelve Ells, worth about two Shillings an Ell, and marked J. W. No. 11 ; who- ever gives Information of the Person or Persons who stole the said Cloth, so that any one of them may be apprehended and convicted, will receive a joint Reward of us of Five Guineas. BENJAMIN HUMPHRYS, THOMAS ELLINS. WILLIAM KINGS, WM. BROWN. N. B. If any Person concerned in the above Fe- lony will discover his or her Accomplice or Accom- plices ( so that one or more of them may be appre- hended and convicted) such Discoverer shall be en- titled to the Reward above mentioned, and Endea- T O B E S O L D At ECKlNGTON, situate two Miles from Pershore, and eight from Worcester, LOT 1. A Modern- built House, com- pleatly furnished, sit. for a genteel Family, with convenient Offices, DOVE- HOUSE, Sta bling for eight Horses, and a Garden. LOT 2. A very improveable Freehold Estate, contiguous thereto, containing about 1oo Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, with a good Farm Yard and convenient Buildings, a consider- able Number of Oak, Ash, and Elm Trees grow- ing on the Premisses, with the Privilege of twenty three Cow, nine Horse, and 53 Sheep Pastures. LOT 3. Another very improveable Freehold Estate, about 40 Acres, in the Parish of Birming- ham, one Mile from Pershore, and nine from Wor cester, with all necessary Buildings; a considerable Number of Oak, Ash, and Elm Trees growing On this Estate; the Whole advantageously situated near the River Avon. The above Lots to be sold together or separately. Enquire of Thomas Cornwell, Esq; in Worcester. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN CRUMP, On Monday the 5th Day of July next, and the four fol- lowing Days ( to begin on each Day at Eleven in the Forenoon) at the Dwelling House of the late Mr. Blayney, Silk Mercer, situate in High- Street, in the City of Worcester, T> HE entire Houshold Furniture, Plate, Linnen, China, Wines, the Remainder of the Shop Goods, and other Effects of the said Mr. Blayney; consisting of Mahogany and Walnut- tree Chairs, Tables, Chests of Drawers, & c. Pier and Dressing Glasses, in Mahogany and Walnut- tree Frames; neat Stove Grates; a large Worcester Carpet; genteel Sets of Table and Breakfast China; a Set of Diamond cut Drinking Glasses; Sets of China Handle Knives and Forks, mounted in Silver, in Mahogany Cases, finished with French Plate. The Goods may be viewed on Saturday next, and on the Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday fol- lowing. Catalogues to be had in due Time at J. Crump's, Upholder, Cabinet- maker, and Sworn Appraiser, in Worcester. TO BE SOLD, AFreehold Estate, situate at Naunton Beauchamp, in the County of Worcester, called Naunton Court Farm ; consisting of a good Farm House, necessary Out- Buildings, and about 235 Acres of good Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, all inclosed, except about 11 Acres, situate in one of Naunton Common Meadows, called Piddleham Meadow, the Whole now lett to John Collett at 150I. a Year. Also another Freehold Estate, adjoining to the former, situate at Colesdon, in the Parish of Upton Snodsbury, in the said County ; consisting of a Farm House, necessary Out- Buildings, and about 127 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, all inclosed, except about 62 Acres in Upton Common Fields, adjoining to the aforesaid inclosed Lands ; the Whole now lett to John Unton at 52I. a Year. Also a House, Homestall, and about four Acres of Land, in Upton aforesaid, now out upon Lease for a Term of Years, about 20 whereof are unex- pired, under a reserved annual Rent of 3I. N. B. All the inclosed Lands belonging to the two first- mentioned Estates are inclosed within a Ring Fence ( and the Whole, except a Close called Pebble- ton Close) are subject only to the Payment of 81. 7s. 3d. a Year for Tithe, settled by Act of Parliament ; are well planted with the choicest Fruit Trees ; a great Quantity of Timber growing upon the said Estates, now in its Prime, and of very considerable Value, to be sold, besides several hundred young growing Oak, Ash, and Elm Trees. Both the above Estates are so commodiously situated as to render the Whole one compleat Farm ; are now, and for many Years past have been very much underlett; in their present Situation are capable of great Improve- ments, and much more so should an Inclosure of the Common Fields take Place, which hath been some Time in Agitation. The several Tenants will shew the Premisses; and for further Particulars apply to Mr. Hunt, or Mr. Eades, Attorneys at Law, in Feckenham, Wor- cestershire ; or of Mr. Nash, at Besford Court, near Pershore. TO BE SOLD, LOT 1. A Freehold Messuage, Tene- ment, Out- Buildings, Lands, and Premisses, at Hints, in the Parish of Coreley, in the County of Salop, with an unstinted Right of Com- mon on Titterston Clee Hill, in Possession of William Jukes, at the yearly Rent of 30I. LOT 2. A Freehold Messuage, Tenement, Out- Buildings, Lands, and Premisses, at Bramdon, in the Parish of Wheathill, in the County of Salop, with Right of Common, unstinted, on the Brown Clee Hill, now in Possession of Richard Meyrick, at the yearly Rent of 42l. N. B. The Lands are very improveable. LOT 3. A Messuage, Tenement, and Farm, in Eardiston, now lett to Mrs. Mary Stokes, by Lease, for 21 Years ( about four of which are yet to come) at the yearly Rent of 78I. and may be lett at 100I. per Ann. when out of Lease.--- On this Estate is a great Plantation of Hops and Fruit Trees of the choicest Sort, and large Quantities of fine young Timber Trees thereon growing, to be sold there- with, or separately. LOT 4. A Messuage, Tenement, and Farm, called Lowbourn, in Possession of William Bowen, at the yearly Rent of 8ol. LOT 5. A Messuage, Tenement, and Farm, called Deep Crost, now in Possession of Edward Pritchard, at the yearly Rent of 60I. with a Parcel of fine young Timber thereon growing, to be sold there- with or separately. LOT 6. A Messuage, Tenement, and Farm, called Dearn Hill, with the Timber thereon growing, to be sold therewith, or separately, now in Possession of Thomas Owens, at the yearly Rent of 16 Guineas. LOT 7. A Messuage, Tenement, and Land, in the Possession of Francis Alford, at the yearly Rent of 12 Guineas, planted with a large Quantity of Cherry, Plumb, and other choice Fruit Trees, in full Perfection. N. B. The five last Messuages, Tenements, and Farms are Copyhold of Inheritance, and are subject to little reserved Rents, payable yearly, and small Herriots on the Deaths of the capital Tenants re- spectively ; situate, lying, and being in the Parish of Lindridge, in the County of Worcester, held under the Dean and Chapter of Worcester. The Buildings are in tolerable good Repair, and the Lands are very improveable; and the four last have an unstinted Right of Common on Cornwood's Common. For Particulars enquire of the Rev. Mr. Rocke, at Bitterley ; Mr. George Pardoe, at Hope Baggot; JOSEPH POWELL Whitesmith, Bell- Hanger, Stove- Grate and Jack Maker, in the Great Fish- Street, near the China Manufactory, Worcester, returns his sincere Thanks to those No- blemen, Gentlemen, & c. that have been so kind as to employ him since he began Trade tor himself ; and those who will be so kind to employ him for the future, may depend on being served in the best Manner, and on the most reasonable Terms, and that he will always make it his Study to merit their favours, which will be gratefully acknowledged by their humble Servant, JOSEPH POWELL. N. B. He makes Spring Barrels, in the neatest Manner, for Blinds; and works in all the above Branches himself. N. B. An APPRENTICE is wanted, who will be carefully instructed. THURSDAY'S POST. ( By EXPRESS from LONDON.) Arrived the Mails from Holland and France. Utrecht, June l6. WE have just received authentic Advices, that a SALTWORKS. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, All the Benefit and Advantage of the Remainder of a Lease of 21 Years, 19 of which are yet to come, and unexpired at Michael- mas next, of all that new erected SALT WORK, situate and being in a Yard called Walwyn's Yard, in the Borough of Droitwich, in the County of Worcester; together with four new Pans, and all other proper Utensils for carrying on the Business of making Salt. N. B. The Works are capable of making fifty Tons of Salt per Week ; and in Point of Situation are inferior to none in Droitwich. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. James Nash, of Besford, near Pershore ; or of Francis Milner of Bewdley..... Thomas Allen, Currier, in Droitwich, will shew the Premisses. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the Hundred House, on Thursday next, the 1st Day of July, THE entire Household Furniture of Jeremiah Hill, late of the Parish of Great Witley, deceased. The Sale to begin at Ten o'Clock. Particulars may be had of R. Meredith, at the Cross, Worcester. To be SOLD to the Highest Bidder, On Monday the 12th Day of July next, at the Pheasant Inn, in Silver- Street, in the City of Worcester, be- tween the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, subject to Conditions then to be produced, A Freehold Estate, called the SAND- PITS, situate at Powick, within about- two Miles of thé City of Worcester, in the Occupation of Mr. John Crump, who has a Lease thereof from Candlemas, 1771, for 21 Years, at 211. per Ann. Enquire of Mr. Parker, Attorney, in Worcester. were totally defeated. WHEREAS William Richards, late of the Township of Farelow, near Cleobury Mortimer, in the County of Salop, Labourer, hath ab- sconded for Sheepstealing; He is a raw- boned thin Man, about 26 Years of Age, 5 Feet 11 Inches high, of a swarthy Complexion, with dark strait Hair, re- markably ill made about the Knees, is very down looked, and is remarkable for taking a great deal of Snutf.— The said William Richards sold a large Quantity of Sheep at Kidderminster May Fair last, which were supposed to be stolen ; and particularly five Ewes and Lambs, and a dry Sheep, the Property of Mr. Henry Mytton, of Cleobury Mortimer, in the County of Salop, which were stolen a little before from off the Brown Clee Hill: The Sheep were raddled when stolen from Mr. Mytton across the Shoulders, and pitched with the Letters H. M. on the Right Side, but that Mark was rather dull; the Lambs were not raddled, but fresh Pitch- marked and the Sheep and Lambs were cropp'd on both Ears, and the Left Ear under hatch'd. The said William Richards altered the Ear Mark of some Other Sheep he stole from Mr. Mytton in October last, ( which are since found) by searing the End of both Ears and pitching them with the Letters E. M. the initial Letters of one Edward Morris of Broom Park, near Cleobury Mortimer ( his Brother in Law.) The said William Richards hath occasionally pitched Sheep with a Herring Mark on the Side, and is now supposed to have large Quantities of Sheep depastured near Bewdley Forest, where it is apprehended he secrets himself. Any Person having Sheep in their Custody claimed by the said William Richards, or sold by him at Kidderminster Fair, are desired to inform Mr. Mytton; and any Person who will apprehend and secure the said William Richards, and give Notice thereof to the said Mr. Mytton, shall, upon his being convicted, receive a Reward of FIVE GUINEAS. Stoke- Bliss, Herefordshire, June 23d, 1773. WHEREAS Thomas Davis, hired Servant to George Winton, eloped from his said Master's Service, without any Provocation, on Sunday last; as did likewise Richard Hill, another hired Servant to the said George Winton, on the Tuesday Evening following, and are supposed to be gone off together; this is to caution and forewarn all Persons whatsoever from harbouring or employ- ing the said Thomas Davis or Richard Hill, as they will be proceeded against with the utmost Rigour of the Law, by me, GEORGE WINTON. Davis was born in the Hamlet of Hanly Child, in the Parish of Eastham, in the County of Worcester, and is a strong- made Fellow, about 21 Years of Age, about 5 Feet 10 Inches high, strait brown Hair, cut quite short on the Top of his Head, and has a re- markable long Chin. Hill was born in the Parish of Sapey Pitchard, in the said County of Worcester, and is a thin- grow'd Fellow, about 18 or 19 Years of Age, dark- brown Hair, with a Seam from a Cut on the Upper Lip, lias very long Feet, a little of the splay- footed Shape, and is about 5 Feet 8 or 9 Inches high. CAKES for making Shining Liquid BLACKING for Shoes, Boots, & c. These Cakes make, with the utmost Ease, by the Addition of Water only, a most excellent shining Liquid Blacking, much superior to any hitherto known : It fives the finest Black, and most beauti- ful Gloss to the Leather, yet never renders it stiff or hard, but, on tire contrary, prevents its cracking, and preserves it soft, pliable, and mellow to the very last, whereby it is rendered more agreeable to the Wearer, as well as much more durable; it is perfectly free from Smell, and the Shoes that are blocked with it, will neither foil the Fingers in putting on, nor the Stockings in wearing. Sold wholesale and Retale only, by W. Bayley, Perfumer, in Cockspur- Street, near the Bottom of the Hay- Market, London; sold also by the Printer and Distributors of this Journal; and by R. Raikes, in Gloucester, Price Six- pence each Cake, which will make a full Pint of Liquid Blacking. Sold likewise at Berrow's Printing Office, thentic large Body of Turks having passed the Da- nube in order to surprize the Russians, the latter, who had got a Scent of it, had given them so warm a Recep- tion, that the Ottomans were totally deceased. We expect the Particu- lars of this Event with the utmost Impatience. It is also affirmed that Field Marshal Count de Ro- manzow has passed the Danube with a Design to give Battle to the Grand Vizier, so that great News is shortly expected. Warsaw, May 29. The News we have re- ceived from the Town of Thorn, in Polish Prussia, seems to agree, that their Liberties and Privi- leges are at an End. That Place was afresh summoned to send. Commissaries to Marienwerder; by the 15th of June, in order to do Homage to the King of Prussia, under Pain of Seizure and Confiscation of the Revenues of their Territory. Mean Time the Magistrates have been given to understand, that they were to pay 82,000 Rix- dollars of Contribution annually for that Part of their Territory which is united to the Domains of his Prussian Majesty, and a Moiety of that Sum was to be paid the 25th of May, under Pain of Military Execution. LONDON, Tuesday, June 22. Yesterday the Lords Commissioners, viz. the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lord Chancellor, and the Earl of Bristol, gave the Royal Assent to the following Bills, viz. The Bill for establishing certain Rules and Orders for the future Management of the Affairs of the East India Company, as well in India as in Europe. The Bill to prevent Paper Bills of Credit here- after to be issued in any of his Majesty's Colonies or Plantations in America, from being declared to be a legal Payment, & c. The Bill for altering the Punishment of Persons fraudulently marking of Plate. The Bill to prevent the retaling of Spirituous Liquors. The Bill for providing Clergymen to officiate in the Gaols in England. The Bill to Regulate the Assize, and Making of Bread. The Bill to amend the Laws to prevent the killing or destroying of Dogs The Bill to explain and amend the Laws for the better Preservation of the Game in England. And also such other Bills as was ready for that Purpose. The first Money provided to be discharged by the Loan Bill, which passed the House of Commons on Saturday, is 6oo, oool. due to the Bank of England. A Scheme is actually in Agitation for laying a Tax on the outward Doors of Houses, and to be gathered in the same Manner as the Window Tax. This is to be in Lieu of raising Money by Lottery ; and the Promoters of it insinuate, that it will be the most eligible Method of raising Money that can be, for the following Reasons: First, because it will affect the Rich much more than the Poor ; since in common Houses there is but one Door to go in, and in Gentleman's Houses and Offices there are four or five, or more: and secondly, because this Tax will be gathered without any material Expence to Government, for the same Persons that collect for the Windows will also collect this. On the second Rearing of the Bill for limiting the Time for killing Hares, in the House of Com- mons on Thursday last, Mr. Fuller and Sir J. Turner chiefly opposed it, declaring it was their Wish to eat Hares all the Year round, and they saw no Reason why a Restraint should be laid upon them. Mr. Whitworth supported his Bill by saying, that the first View he had in bringing it in was, to prevent the standing Corn from be- ing wantonly destroyed by a Set of Men called Pot- Hunters, who had little Regard for the Safety or Security of the Farmer ; that the Wisdom of the House ought to be extended, in the Legislative Capacity, to the Protection of Agriculture ; that a second View he considered this Bill in was the Preservation of the Game, and, in whatever Light the House might esteem that to be an Object of their Deliberation, he ventured to say, that it was the greatest Cement of Society and Friendship between Gentlemen in the Country; that if there was Plenty of it in the Country, it would be a Means of Gentlemen being induced to reside more there, and spend their Fortunes among their Neighbours. We are informed from very respectable Autho- rity, that the Duke of Gloucester was so ill last Night, as to give his Physicians little Hopes ( except an unexpected Change) of their being able to re- establish him. Lond. Ev. Post. This Morning, at Half past Three o'Clock, his Majesty set out from Kew in a Post Chaise and Six Horses, for Portsmouth, escorted by a Party of Light Horse, and attended by a great Number of the Nobility, Officers of State, and other Persons of Distinction in their Post- Chaises, & c. It is computed his Majesty arrived at the above Place this Day at Noon. The Admirals and Captains dine with the King each Day in Parties, according to their respective Ranks. The King will sleep a Shore each Night, and return to Kew on Friday Afternoon. It is expected that his Majesty will be Sea- sick during his Voyage from Portsmouth to Spithead, and therefore several magnificent ChinaVases are placed in the Cabin of the Augusta Yatch, to re- ceive the Contents of his Royal Stomach and i n s e r ted i n his Royal Ears, that the Noise of the Guns may be somewhat mellowed before it reathes them. It is supposed, indeed, that our Prince has worn some Invention of the Kind ever since his Accession tro the Throne, as he appears to have been constantly deaf to the sage Remonstrances of the Honourable Court of Common Council. A Gentleman asked another the other Day to go with him to Portsmouth. What do you go for, says the other, to hear or to see ? You will be made deaf by the Cannon, and you'll see no- thing for Smoke. We hear that Admiral Morgan will certainly be at Portsmouth at the Review of the Fleet, tho' the Lords of the Admiralty have not ordered him to attend there. On Saturday his Royal Highness the Duke Of Cumberland was seen on the Portsmouth Road, dressed as a private Gentleman; and attended by only one Servant. Yesterday at Noon the several Causes Of Dif- franchisement between the City of London and the Refractory Companies, was to have come on for Trial at Guildhall, before the Recorder; when only ten of the Jury attending, it was agreed to be put off till the 14th of next Month. On Saturday was determined by Dr. Hay, the Cause of Williams and Bowles, when he gave his Opinion fully and clearly, that the Presentation of Persons unacquainted with the Welsh Lan- guage to Livings was illegal, and that it was a good Cause of Refusal in the Bishop. The Birmingham and Sheffield People are said to have engaged a great Number of Agents to travel to the different Parts of Europe, to take Orders, and enter into Contracts for supplying the foreign Markets with Goods; so that in the Course of a few Years the whole Branch of the Plate Manufactory will probably be engrossed by them. Yesterday the Purser of the Greenwich East- Indiaman came to the India House with the News of the above Ship being safe arrived off Portsmouth from Bengal. This Morning the Purser of the Lioness East- Indiaman; Capt. Larkins came to the East- India House, with the News of the above Ship's being safe arrived off Dover, from China. Friday a young Woman, dressed in Man's Cloaths, was taken before the Lord Mayor at the Mansion- House; on a Charge brought against her which was of a very extraordinary Nature. The Case was as follows : — The Prisoner, under the Character and Appearance of a Man; had pre- vailed upon an old Woman ( the Prosecutrix) to accept of her as a Husband, and the Ceremony was performed between them in due Form ; but the Wise soon afterwards discovering the Impo- sition, was so much enraged, that she obtained a Warrant against her Spouse, who was committed by his Lordship to the Compter for further Ex- amination. The Prosecutrix was possessed of one hundred Pounds at the Time of the Marriage; which was the Prisoner's Inducement to marry her. The Plan of the whole Affair is said to have been concerted between the Prisoner and a young Fellow, who was her Sweetheart. On Saturday Night, about Ten o'Clock, —— Weskett, Esq; a Merchant in this City, going to Hampstead, was attacked in his Chariot near Chalk Farm by two Footpads, one of whom presented a Pistol at one Door of the Carriage, whilst the other with a Sword or Hanger opened the opposite Door, and robbed him of a Gold Watch, Ten Guineas, and some Silver. Sir Watkin Lewes, one of the present Sheriffs, was robbed in a Coach near the same Place about 20 Minutes before. A Post- Chaise about Half an Hour after the above- mentioned Time was likewise stopt, and the Persons in it robbed. A Correspondent from Portsmouth writes, that Veal is now at 1s. 3d. per lb. there, and Mutton at 1s. 2d. and all other Articles in Proportion. We are assured by a Gentleman returned from an Excursion into the lower Parts of Somersetshire, that the Stock of Cheese the Farmers have by them is very considerable, owing to the small Demand they have for it, and the Abatement of Price, which is a displeasing Circumstance to the Farmers. The best Cheese, which last Year sold for two Guineas, they cannot now obtain more than a Guinea and a Half for, and it is expected to be still lower. MIDLAND CIRCUIT. Mr. Baron Perrot and Mr. Justice Justice Warwickshire, July 24, at Warwick. Coventry, July 29, at Coventry. Northamptonshire, July 31, at Northampton. Rutlandshire, August 4, at Oakham. Leicestershire, Aug. 5, at Leicester Castle. Derbyshire, Aug. 7, at Derby. Nottinghamshire, Aug. 11, at Nottingham. Town of Nottingham, same Day, at ditto. Lincolnshire, Aug. 14, at Lincoln Castle. City of Lincoln, same Day, at the City. NORFOLK CIRCUIT. Lord Chief Justice De Grey and Mr. Justice Aston. Buck, Monday the 19th of July, at Buckingham. Bedfordshire, Thursday the 22d, at Bedford. Huntingdonsh. Saturday 24, at Huntingdon. Cambridgesh. Monday the 26th, at Cambridge. Suffolk, Thursday the 29th, at Bury St. Edmund's. Norfolk, Tuesday the 3d of August at the Castle of Norwich. City of Norwich, the same Day, at the Guildhall of the same City. Price of CORN per Quarter, at London. Wheat 46s. to 56s. Oats 14s. to 19s. od. Rye 27s. to 29s. Barley 22s. to 27s. Bank Stock, 140 ¾ . South Sea ditto, —. Annuities. 84 ¾ a ½ . duced, 85 ¾ a 7/ 8. Pease 28s. to 30s, Beans 22s. to 28s. Hog Pease 24s. to 26s. Finest Flour 43s; a Sack. India ditto, 147 opening: Old Annuit. — New Three per Cent. Bank Re- Three per Cent. Cons. shut. Three per Cent. 1726, —. Three per Cent, 1751,—. Ditto India Ann. 80 ½ . Three 1- half per Cent. 1758, shut. Four per Cent. Cons. 90 ¼ . India Bonds, 1s. Discount. BANKRUPTS required to surrender of Middlesex, Coal- merchant.— John Mollard, Comborn, in Cornwall, Grocer. —- John Cass, Leeds, Yorkshire, Grocer.—- Joseph Allen and Jam Allen, of London, Warehousemen.— George Ri doch and James Lobbon, of London, John Purser, of Middlesex, Brewer.— John M chison, of Newcastle upon Tyne, Plumber.-- Dav Melvill, of Bulwell, Ñottinghamshire, Hosier.--- Joseph Yewart, of Liverpool, Merchant. DIVIDENDS to be made to Creditors. July 6. Robert Williamson, of London, Merchant — Chaddock Wright, of London, Merchant.- Cuthbert Brooksbank, of Burton in Lonsdale. Yor shire, Tobacconist. — 10. George Hall, of Middle sex, Tobacconist.--- 13. Geo Sandilands, of Twee mouth, Durham, Cabinet- maker. --- 27. John Ga ford, of London, Merchant. --- July 6. Benjam Asterly and George Gun Munro, of Wandsworth Surry, Dealers.--- 10. John Twells, of London, H sier.— 16. John Peerman; of London, Packer John Lauder, of London , Seal Engraver— 24. Ch Gifford, of London, Toyman-- 15. Henry Fielde of Manchester, Check Manufacturer. -- 13. Elija | Barrar, of Old Swirtford, Glass- maker. Preferred.] The Rev. William Camplin, Cler B. D. one of the Fellows of Corpus Christ College Oxford, to, the Rectory of Maisey Hampton, Gloucestershire. — The Rev. Tho. Stevens, D. I to the Rectory of Hethe, Oxfordshire The Re Tho. Drake, to the Rectory of Endellion, in Corr wall.-— The Rev. John Nelson, to the Vicarage Skipwith, Yolkshire.— The Rev. John Cotes, M. late of Baliol College, Oxford, to the Rectory a Calstock, with the Vicaragte of Duloe, in Cornwa The Rev. Wm. Cleaver, M. A. to the Vicarage of Stow, in Bucks. Married.] At Islinglon, Matthew Furye; Èsq to Miss Barbara Dunn;-- Henry Mahlings, Esq; Berkeley- square, to Miss Crump, of Hahover- squar Mr. John Tho. Cotton, of the Strand, to Miss S rah Ellis, of Cavendish- square— Geo. Auld, Esq; Miss Peggy Cunliffe, of Aberdeen.- The Rev. Alex Cleve, A. B. Vicar of Stockton, to Miss Lay, Norwich. Died.] James Pooke, Esq; of Biggsweare, i Gloucestershire.—- In Lantrissent, Monmouthshire Edw. Jones, Esq.-— In Parliament- street, Westminstér, Capt. Falden, aged upwards of 90, Who serve under the late Duke of Marlborough. — In Water lane, Mr. Gibson, Brandy- merchant. -- At Chelsea Geo. Blisset, Esq.— in Abchurch- lane, Mr. Cheste Merchant.-- In Watling- street, Mr. Welch; an em nent Oilman. WORCESTER, Thursday, June 24. The Governors of our Infirmary return the Thanks for a Benefaction of One Guinea: received by the Hands of Dr. Wall, from a Person unknown. We have Authority to inform the Public, tha the sincere Thanks of Mr. Shaw and Mr. Coope have been given to Charles Trubshaw Wither Esq; for his Award made in the long and exper five Contest in the Courts of Exchequer an King's Bench between them, relative to the Coa Mines held under Mr. Foley at Dudley. On Thursday Morning last the Wife of Thomas Eming, of Droitwich, a pool labourin Man, was safely delivered of three Children, viz two Girls and a Boy, who are all well; and likely to live. On Friday last a Servant Lad of Mr. Goodiere of Wick, was unfortunately run over by a Wag gon, in St. John's, and killed on the Spot. On Sunday se'nnight Mr. Hull, Master of the Academy at Kempsey, near this City, was ma ried to Miss Woolley; of Pershore ; a Lady i in every Respect particularly well adapted for one of his Profession. Last Sunday Night died, the Lady of George Bateman Lawley, Esq; of Claines, near this City Last Week died at Ludlow Mr. Morley, a opulent Butcher and Grazier of that Town. H Death was occasioned by picking up by the Roa a Corn which grew on his great Toe, whic ended in a Mortification. Letter from Bromsgrove, dated June 23. " On Wednesday last a most extraordinary Affair happened in this Town, which may be de pended upo n as a Fact: — One Phoebe Webb; poor Woman, who used to sell Milk here, wa suddenly taken ill ; her Neighbours immediately came to her Relief ; but, alas ! too late to rende her any other Services than that of laying he out. The good- natured Man, her Husband could do no more than give the necessary Order for her Burial, which he accordingly did ; but behold, after she had lain near two Days, the good Man went into the Room to bid his de parted Companion a last Farewel, before she was screw'd down in her Coffin ; when, to his inex pressible Surprize; he found her just awaked ou of a profound Sleep! This unexpected Recovery of his Wife, has had so great an Effect upon the poor Man's Spirits, that it now remains Doubt which of the two, Husband or Wife, wil take Possession of the Coffin. The Milk Woman was to have been buried on Friday ¡ instead o which she made it her Business to go round herself to several of her Neighbours and Friends on that Day, to let them know that she had no yet Occasion to trouble them, she being still alive and in perfect Health." Part of a Letter from Coalbrooke Dale, date June 16, signed A. Darby; relating to the Earth quake which happened at Buildwas in Shropshire on the 27th of May. —" Although the Minister of the neighbouring Parish hath been animated with Zeal towards God, and for the Repentance and Amendment of the People, and for this salutary End hath preached twice upon this very Place to a great Concourse of People, — yet, strange to tell ! In the very Time of those solemn Sermons, and in View of the tre mendous Scene, many, both Men and Women acted with exceeding Lightness and indecent Be- haviour ; and to crown all; among the many that have come to view it, a Company from Bridge- north came ( among whom was a young Clergy- man) and brought Music along with them, and set a dancing upon the very Place where this aw- ful Earthquake has happened, as if they neither feared God nor regarded Man ! Oh ye hard cal- lous Hearts, where were your Thoughts at that Time ?— Might not the Earth again opened ? Might not the Hollows, over which may only be a slight Strata of Earth, have broke in, and Extract of a Letter from New York, ( America) dated the 13th of May, 1773. " Some Time ago, one SARAH WILSON, who attended the Hon. Miss Vernon, Sister to Lady Grosvenor, and Maid of Honour to the Queen, having found Means to be admitted into one of the Royal Apartments, took Occasion to break open a Cabinet, and rifled it of many valuable Jewels ; for which she was apprehended, tried, and condemned to die, but through the gracious Interposition of er Mistress, her Sentence was softened into a Transportation : She accordingly, in the Fall of 1771, was landed in Maryland, where she was ex- posed to Sale, and purchased by Mr. W. Devall, of such Creek, Frederick County. After a short Re- sidence in that Place, she very secretly decamped, and escaped into Virginia, travelled through that Colony, and through North to South Carolina. When at a prudent Distance from Mr. Devall, she consumed the Title of the Princess Susanna Ca- rolina Matilda, pronouncing herself to be an own sister to our Sovereign Lady the Queen. She had carried with her Cloaths that served to favour the Reception, and secured a Part of the Jewels, toge- ther with her Majesty's Picture, which had proved so fatal to her. She travelled from one Gentleman's House to another under these Pretensions, and ade astonishing Impressions in many Places, affect- ing the Mode of Royalty so inimitably that many had the Honour to kiss her Hand: To some she promised Governments, to others Regiments, with promotions of all Kinds in the Treasury, Army, and Royal Navy. In short, she acted her Part so plau- ably as to persuade the Generality she was no Im- ostor. In vain did many sensible Gentlemen in those Parts exert themselves to detect, and make a proper Example of her, for she had levied heavy Contributions upon some Persons of the highest Rank in the Southern Colonies; but at length ap- peared the under- written Advertisement, together with Mr. Michael Dalton, at Charles Town, raising loud Hue and Cry for her Serene Highness; but he Lady had made an Excursion a few Miles to a neighbouring Plantation, for which Place the Mes- sanger set out, when the Gentleman who brought is this Information left Charles Town. How dis- essing to behold a Lady of this exalted Pedigree and Pretensions, thus surprized into the Hands of her inexorable Enemies ! ADVERTISEMENT. ush Creek, Frederick County, Maryland, Oct. 11, 1771. " RUN away from the Subscriber, a Convict Ser- vant Maid, Name SARAH WILSON, but has changed her Name to Lady Susanna Carolina Ma- lida, which made the Public believe that she was his Majesty's Sister; she has a Blemish in her Right ye, black rolled Hair, stoops in her Shoulders, akes a common Practice of writing and marking her Cloaths with a Crown and a B. Whoever se- cures the said Servant Woman, Or takes her Home, all receive Five Pistoles, besides all Costs and charges. WILLIAM DEVALL. Extract of a Letter from Kingston, in Jamaica, April 1, by Capt. Gilford. " The 16th of last Month was hanged at Spanish own, one James Hutchinson, the most detestable and abandoned Villain that ever disgraced the hu- man Species. He was a Native of North Britain, and had a Pen in Pedro Valley, in St. Ann's Pa- rish: When any of his Neighbour's Cattle strayed an his Lands, he always secured them as his own, and by that Means had acquired a little Fortune ; and it is imagined that many People had been mur- ered by him for demanding their Property, and his Conjecture seemed but too well founded, as on will observe in the Sequel— A Mr. Callender whose Land joined Hutchinson's) had lost a Jack- ss, and seeing him in this Wretch's Pasture, went him, and requested that the Ass might be turned to the Highway, when he would take Care he should trespass no more. Hutchinson told him this command should he complied with, and when Cal- ander had turned his Back and was going away, she Villain took up a Gun and killed him on the spot. A Man, then lying sick at Hutchinson's, hearing the Report of a Gun, crept out of his Bed, and asked what Firing that was, and said, I believe you have shot the Man that I heard enquiring about the Ass. The Villain replied, Go instantly to your Bed, or l'll serve you the same Sauce. The sick Man, however, in the Course of the Evening, sound Means to get privately out of the House, and immediately lodged a Complaint, upon which Hutchinson was apprehended, and, by the Infor- mation of one of his Negroes, the Place was dis- covered where he had conveyed the Head of Callen- der, and where near twenty other- human Skulls were found; the Body was thrown into a Cockpit, as is here called) a Place deemed inaccessible, be- ing down a perpendicular Rock, that had been split by an Earthquake, or so formed by Nature, the Bottom of which could not be discerned ; hanging, however, upon a Point of the Rock which jetted But, the unfortunate Man's Body was seen, and well known by his Cloaths. By some daring Contrivance Person went down a considerable Length, and discovered a great Number of human Bones, but to Skulls, so that it is supposed this merciless Vil- in had always taken off the Heads of those he had hurdered, in the same Manner he did with poor callender. At his Trial he had several of our most eminent Council to plead for him; and during the whole Time, from his Commitment to his Execu- tion, he behaved with the greatest Insolence: He employed the whole Day before he died, in writing, and told the People he had made his own Epitaph, and left 100I. to have it engraved on his Tomb stone. It is long, and ill wrote; but he concludes in these Words, speaking of the Court and Jury. " Their Sentence, Pride, and Malice; I desy, " Despice their Power, and like a Roman die. Lewis Hutchinson, hanged at Spanish Town, the 16th of March, 1773, aged forty Years. " Thus was the World rid of this detestable and most execrable Monster." To be LETT, and entered upon immediately, A Convenient Dwelling- House, situate in the Parish of St. Martin, in the City of Worcester, late in the Occupation of Mrs. Marlow now deceased) lying contiguous to, and com- manding a pleasant View of Sandsome Fields; con- sisting of two good Parlours, one of which is 23 feet long, with Chambers of equal Dimensions, barrets, Kitchen, and other useful Offices, and fit or a small genteel Family. For Particulars apply to Charles Trubshaw Withers, Esq; or Mr. Sockett, Attorney, in Worcester. N. B. A convenient Quantity of Pasture Land may be rented with the above Dwelling- House, if required. To the Nobility, Gentry, and Public in General. Penny's Worcester FLY, in one Day, SETS out every Sunday Evening at Nine o'clock from the Bell Inn in Broad Street, Worcester, and from the George and Blue Boar Inn, Holborn, London, at Ten o'clock precisely; like- wise sets out at the same Times and Places on Friday Evening; both Carriages meet at Oxford, and return to Worcester and London on Monday and Saturday respectively ; and this they will con- tinue to do during the Summer Season. Also ( in two easy Days) The FLY will set out every Tuesday and Thursday Morning from the same Inns, at Six o'Clock in the Morning, will lie at Oxford, and return from thence to London and Worcester the next Days. Likewise, A Carriage will set out from the Red Lion Inn in Ludlow, every Monday at Twelve o'Clock, will arrive at the Bell Inn aforesaid the same Evening, will set out from thence the next Morning at Six o'Clock, and arrive at the Royal Oak at Leominster about Noon; will return from thence on Wednesday about Twelve o'Clock, and arrive at the Bell Inn aforesaid the same Evening ; will set out from thence on Saturday Morning at Six o'Clock, and arrive at the Red Lion Inn in Ludlow about One o'Clock the same Day. The Prices for Passengers, Parcels, and Luggage, will be as usual, but the Proprietors will not be ac- countable for any Money, Watches, Rings, Jewels, Laces of any Kind, Brocades, rich Silks or Velvets, or for any Parcel or Thing whatsoever of consider- able Value, unless paid for as such on Delivery, and booked accordingly. N. B. Places to be taken at the Bell only. The Proprietors beg Leave to return their most grateful Thanks to the Public for the Favours al- ready received, and at the same Time to assure them of their intention to exert themselves in this Per- formance, so as to merit a Continuance of them. THE Proprietors of the LONDON STAGE COACH, from the Crown Inn in Worcester to the Bull and Mouth Inn in London, return their sincere Thanks to their Friends, and the Public in general, for their past Favours, and beg Leave to inform them, that their Coaches will continue going on the usual Days, and Hours, from the above Inns. N. B. The Books for this Stage are now kept at Mr. Alderman Haynes's, in Broad Street, where the Places for Passengers are entered, and Parcels taken in. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Saturday next, the 26 th of June Inst. at the Raven Inn, in Wribbenhall, in the County of Worcester, be- tween the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, subject to the Conditions to be produced, AMessuage or Tenement, called the Cherry Orchard, together with the Barn and Cow- houses, and about 12 Acres of Arable, Mea- dow or Pasture Ground thereto adjoining, situate in the Parish of Areley, in the County of Stafford, and now in the Possession of Thomas Bishton. These Premisses are well fruited, and near to the Turnpike Road leading from Stotesdon towards Bewdley, and have a Right of Common in the Woods and Waste Lands of the Manor, and there is a good Coal Mine on the Premisses, which may be worked at an easy Expence. This Estate is Copyhold of Inheritance, held of the Manor of Areley, at the yearly Rent of 4I. The Tenant will shew the Premisses, and for fur- ther Particulars apply to Mr. White, Attorney at Law, in Kidderminster. HEREFORDSHIRE. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Wednesday next, the 30tb of June Inst. at the King's Arms in Ledbury, between the Hours of' Two and Six in the Afternoon, according to Conditions to be then produced, unless sold in the mean Time by private Contract, THAT well- accustomed Inn, the said KING'S ARMS, together with a Garden, Coach- House, Assembly- Room, Stables, Graineries, Wool- Lost, and other Buildings thereto belonging, now in the Possession of John Yarnold, the Proprie- tor thereof. Likewise to be Sold, Two Post- Chaises, six Horses, the Stock of Liquor, Household Goods, and Fur- niture belonging to the above Inn. For Particulars apply to Mr. John Homes, Attorney at Law, at the Town's- End, near Ledbury aforesaid. N B. All the Creditors of the said John Yarnold are desired immediately to send an Account of their respective Demands to the said John Homes. TO B E SOLD, AVery improveable Copyhold Estate of Inheritance, called the Dial House Farm, situate at Tardebigg, within less than three Miles of Bromsgrove, in the County of Worcester, and consisting of two Messuages, a Barn, Stable, and other necessary Outbuildings, in good Repair, and upwards of fifty two Statute Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, lying together, within a Ring Fence. N. B. Any Gentleman who shall become a Pur- chaser of the above Estate, may erect a House thereon in a very pleasant Situation, as several Parts of the Estate are so situated as to command delightful Prospects. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Anthony Crane, in Bromsgrove aforesaid ; or of Mr. Young, Attor- ney at Law in Pershore, in the said County of Worcester. TO BE SOLD, THE Manor of Eckington, Wick- night Pershore, Bright Campton, Comberton, Elmley, Binholme Pershore, and Pershore Portsmouth, situate near the Town of Pershore, in the County of Worcester; with divers Messuages, Mills, Lands, and Tenements thereunto belonging, of the yearly Value of 470I. held by Lease from the Dean and Chapter of Westminster; and also the Tythes of Middle Littleton, North Littleton, South Littleton, Hampton, Offenham, Wickhamford, Badsey, and Aldington, situate near the Borough of Evesham, in the same County, now let at 485l. per Annum, and held by Lease under the Dean and Chapter of Christ Church, Oxford. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Hunt, at Stratford upon Avon, in Warwickshire; or of Mr. Berriah Hills, in East- Lane, Rotherhithe, in Surry. To be SOLD by AUCTION, To the Best Bidder or Bidders, At the Golden Cross, in Bromsgrove, in the County of Worcester, on Tuesday next, the 29th of June Instant, between the Hours of' Two and Four in the Afternoon, unless sold in the mean Time by private Contract, A Freehold Estate, situate at Lower Bentley, in the Parish of Tardebigg, about three Miles from Bromsgrove, four from Droitwich, and one Mile from a Turnpike Road that leads to several adjacent Markets. There are on the said state a good Brick House, with proper Out- Build- ings, in exceeding good Repair, and the Estate is extremely well fruited and fenced. Mr. John Gise, the present Tenant, will shew the Premisses; and Particulars may be had of Mr. Thomas Yarnold, of Ombersley, or of Mr. Joseph Hall, of Martin, near Droitwich. N. B. The Estate above mentioned consists of about of thirty- four Acres of exceeding good Land, Half Tillable and Half Pasture, and there is a good Quantity of Timber on the Premisses. To be SOLD upon the Premisses, On Tuesday next, the 29 th of June Instant, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, ALL the Houshold Furniture, Work- ing Tools for three Men, Stock in Trade, and Effects of JAMES GARFIELD, late of Al- cester, in the County of Warwick, COOPER, con- lilting of Bedding, Linen, and other necessary House- hold Furniture ; a considerable Quantity of Ash Poles, Hoops, Timber of various Kinds, and a large. Quan- tity of Casks, Tubs, and other Sorts of Goods ready made up. The above Goods and Stock would be very suit- able for a Person in the Trade that wants to settle himself, as it is a good accustomed Shop, which with the House, may be lett and entered upon immediately. For Particulars apply to Mr. William Garfield, at Spernal; or Mr. Jones, Attorney, in Alcester afore- said, who will shew the Goods, & c. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the Dwelling- House of Thomas Andrews, known by the Sign of the Golden Lyon Inn in Bromsgrove, in the County of Worcester, on Tuesday the 6tb Day of July next, if not disposed of before by private Contract, bet- ween the Hours of Three and Five in the After- noon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as will be then produced, FOUR Pieces of good Land, fit for either Tillage or Grazing, and may be entered upon at Michaelmas next, old Stile, and containing 16 Acres or thereabouts, situate not far from the Parish Church of Stoke Prior, in the County of Worcester, now occupied by John Brittain, as Tenant. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Jones, at his House in Droitwich ; or to Mr. Brettell, at his House at Finstale, near Bromsgrove. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Monday the 12 th Day of July next, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, at the Green Dragon, in the Newport- Street, in the City of Worcester, THE aforesaid well- accustomed Inn, called the GREEN DRAGON ( being Free- hold) now in the Possession of Edward Rawlins, as Tenant thereof for the Remainder of a Lease of which two Years are yet to come at Christmas next, at the yearly Rent of 30I. with large and commo- dious Warehouses, Stables, and other convenient Buildings, in very good and substantial Repair. For other Particulars, in the mean Time, apply to Mr. Sockett, Attorney, in Worcester. GLASS's Magnesia, APPROVED and recommended by the m0st Eminent of the Faculty, and given with good Effect to bis Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, and the younger Princes, is sold, as usual, at his House in Oxford, in Guinea, Half- Guinea, and Six Shilling Boxes, with Directions for taking it inclosed. This Preparation, which for Purity and Good- ness far exceeds every other, is well known to be the most powerful Corredor of Acid in the Stomach and Bowels; and is therefore particularly efficacious in Children's Disorders, and may be safely given to them in their earliest Infancy. It is equally service- able to Persons of more advanced Years, of deli- cate Constitutions, and to those whose Powers of Di- gestion are naturally weak or impaired, as it corrects that Acidity arising from Indigestion, which is the Foundation of most chroni Complaints. The Heartburn it instantly cures, and is an effectual Re- medy for habitual Costiveness. It is also the most gentle Purgative yet discovered, operates without Sickness or Griping, requires no Confinement, or Regiment of Diet, and is entirely without Smell or Taste. It is also appointed to be sold in London by W. Davis, Book seller, in Piccadilly, W. Nicoll, in St. Paul's Church- Yard; ( with good Allowance to sell again) and by Mr. Moody, in Birmingham; Mr. Haslewood, Bridgnorth; Mr. Jopson, Coventry; Mr. Raikes, Gloucester; Mr. Eddowes, Salop; by H. Ber- row, Worcester-, and a Dealer in most of the princi- pal Towns in England; likewise by the Worcester Newsmen. Where may he had, An ESSAY on the Nature and Virtues of this Me- dicine. Price Is. This Day is Published, Price One Shilling and Sixpence, the 7th Edition, A New TREATISE on the VENEREAL DISEASE, Onanism ( or Self- polution) Gleets, Weaknesses, Impotency, & c. & c. In this Work a plain and satisfactory Account is given of Venereal Complaints, from the slightest Infection to its most morbid State ; describing also the various Disorders that proceed from that destructive and detestable Vice, Self- abuse, or excessive Venery. Written with a View to deter our un- thinking Youth, and others, from destroying their Consti- tutions, and directing Methods of Cure, established by the Success of a long and extensive Practice, The Great BOERHAAVE says. That from an ill- cured Pox, or imprudent Venery, arise Pains in the Head or Limbs, Gleets, Eruptions, Dimness of Sight, Weakness of the whole Frame, Lowness of Spirits, with a Tribe of Nervous Complaints, which generally terminate in a Consumption. By J. H. SMYTH, M. D. Sold by H. Berrow, Printer of this Paper, in Wor- cester; and the Author, in George- street, York- buildings, in the Strand, London, who may be consulted personally, or by Letter, Post paid. N. B. The Doctor's Medicines are to be had as above, viz. his SPECIFIC DROPS, universally acknowledge the only absolute Cure for Venereal or Scorbutic Complaints ( without Mercury), and in a fresh Venereal Injury: In eight or ten Days the Cure is performed with Ease and Secrecy. Also the RESTORATIVE, which, in the Course of a long and extensive Practice, has recovered some Thousands from Weakness, Debilities, whether natural or acquired by Self- polution, & c. & c. & c. GEORGE R. GEORGE the Third, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Desender of the Faith, and so forth, to all to whom these Presents shall come, greeting : Whereas BENJAMIN COLLINS, of the City of New Sarum, in our County of Wilts, has, by his Petition, humbly represented unto us, that he hath found but end invented a new Composition of Snuff, called and known by the Name of CORDIAL CEPHALIC SNUFF, which he humbly conceives will be greatly conducive to the Health of our Subjects, and that this Invention is of his own Contrivance. The Petitioner therefore humbly be fought Us to grant unto him, his Executors, Administra- tors and Assigns, our Royal Letters Patent for the sole making and vending of the said Composition, for the Term of fourteen Years, according to the Statute in that Case made and provided. And to the End that he the said BENJAMIN COLLINS, his Executors, & C. may have and enjoy the full Benefit and the sole Use of the said In- vention, We do, by these Presents, require and strictly command all Persons, Bodies politic and corporate, and all other our Subjects whatsoever, that neither they, nor any of them, during the Continuance of the said Term of fourteen Years hereby granted, either directly or indi- rectly, do make, use, or put in Practice the said Inven- tion, or any Part thereof , nor in any wise counterfeit, imitate, or resemble the same. Witness Ourself at Westminster, this 18th Day of January, in the 13th Year of Our Reign. By Writ of Privy Seal. COCKS. This CORDIAL CEPHALIC SNUFF has, by long Experience, been found an effectual Remedy for most Disorders of the Head, especially the Common Head- Ache, to which it hardly ever fails giving im mediate Ease, and by frequent Use prevents its Re- turn. It admirably opens and purges the Head, strengthens the Nerves, revives the Spirits, and has a molt grateful aromatic Smell. It removes Drow- siness, Sleepiness, Giddiness, and Vapours ; relieves Dimness of the Eyes, is excellent in curing recent Deafness, and has been of great Service in hysteric and paralytic Complaints, and in restoring the Me- mory whom impaired by Disorders of the Head. It is also extremely proper for all Persons who visit the Sick, or go into unwholesome Rooms or unhealthy Places, and hot Climates, as it fortifies the Head against noxious Exhalations and infectious Air. It is sold by F. Newbery, jun. at No. 65, in St. Paul's Church- Yard, opposite to the North Door of the Church; and Messrs. Dicey and Co. at No. 10, in Bow Church- Yard, London; and by H. Berrow, in Worcester; also by reputable Shopkeepers in most Cities and Towns in Great Britain ( by Ap- pointment of B. Collins, the Patentee) at 6d. the Bottle, with a proper Allowance to those who take Quantities to export, or sell again. VENLOS' VEGETABLE SYRUP, With IMPROVEMENTS. To Dr. BURROWS, in the Hay- Market, London. SIR, I Had the Misfortune to labour under a scorbutic Habit from my Infancy; about 5 Years ago it broke out in my Face, Neck, and Hands, with great Violence, and so disfigured the former that it was hardly known. I applied to several of the Faculty, and having taken divers Medicines, the Humour was repelled, but soon broke out in my Legs, which became so swelled as not only to render me incapa- ble of walking, but deprived them of the human Form. As the last Resource the Bark was admini- stered to me, and soon after the Humour was re- moved to the Throat, Face, and Ears. At length I became one general Scale, could not stand upright for upwards of two Months, insomuch that through excessive Weakness, and a total Loss of Appetite, I apprehended a Decline, and Life was rendered in- tolerably burthensome. In this deplorable Condi- tion, the Rev. Mr. Ward, in Cross Key Court, Little Britain, recommended your Medicine to me very strongly, from the good Effect it had upon his Fa- ther, who had been cured of a dangerous and viru- lent Scurvy he laboured under for upwards of 12 Years. After taking your VEGETABLE SYRUP a short Time, the Virulency of the Humour began to abate, and I was relieved from the continual burn- ing Heat all over my Body, with which I had been long afflicted; and in a few Weeks the Eruptions and Scales began to disappear, my Appetite to re- turn ; I could also walk erect, and every Complaint removed, am now able to follow my Business with Pleasure and Satisfaction, and therefore thinking myself bound to do Justice to your Medicine, desire you would make this public for the Good of Man- kind. I am, Sir, your humble Servant, MARY BOARDMAN. Cloisters, West Smithfield, Dec. 4, 1772. The Vegetable Syrup is sold at Berrow's Printing Office in Worcester, at 10s. 6d. a Bottle. Dr. Walker's Patent Jesuits Drops, And SPECIFIC PURGING REMEDY. All Person, unhappily afflicted with the VENEREAL DISEASE, are earnestly requested to read the following Ad- vertisement with the most serious Attention. WHEREAS there ate numberless Quack Medicines, such as Pills, Electuaries, & c. advertised for the Cure of the above Disorder, all of which chiefly consist of Mercurials, the taking of which is sure to be attended with the most dreadful Consequences to the unhappy Patients, we beg Leave to inform the Afflicted, that Dr. WALKER'S Genuine, True, and Original, Patent Jesuits Drops, and his Specific Purging Remedy ( in which there is not the least Particle of Mercury, as may be seen by any one who chuses to examine our Patent) are sold at our Warehouse, No. 4, the Corner of FleetLane, Old- Bailey, London, and ( by special Appointment of the Patentees) are likewise sold by Berrow, Printer of this Journal. The Drops in Bottles, at 2s. 6d. and the Specific Purging Remedy in Pots at 2s, 6d. each. with every Bottle is given the fullest Direction how every Patient may cure himself, without the Knowledge even of a Bedfellow. The many Thousands who have experienced the happy and quick Effects of these invaluable Medicines, are the most convincing Proofs that they are the most certain, pleasant, safe, and immediate Cure ever discovered, to Gleets and Seminal Weaknesses, which both Sexes are sub- ject to, though ever so obstinate and long standing, or by whatsoever Means occasioned; and for the VENEREAL DIS- EASE, from its slightest to its most malignant Symptoms; and likewise for the Gravel, Stone in the Bladder, and all Scorbutic Cases. And the Proprietors beg Leave to observe farther, that when their surprizing and quick Efficacy is considered, they are the cheapest Remedy ever offered to the Public. Also to he had, at Berrow's Printing- 0ffice, Skins of Parchment, unstamp'd, of all Prices. Bibles and Common Prayer Books, of different Sizes and Prices. All Sorts 0f Writing Paper. Dr. James's Fever Powders, 2S. 6d.
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