Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Volume Number: Issue Number: 4123
No Pages: 4
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Berrow's Worcester Journal
Date of Article: 17/06/1773
Printer / Publisher: H. Berrow
Address: Near the Cross, Worcester
Volume Number: Issue Number: 4123
No Pages: 4
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Price Two- pence Halfpenny. THURSDAY, June 17, 1773. Numb. 4123. Saturday's and Sunday's Posts LONDON, Friday, June 11. WEDNESDAY a Court of Common Council was held at Guild- hall at which were present the Lord Mayor, Aldermen Alsop, Stephenson, Crosby, Kennett, Hopkins, Bull, Wilkes, Kirk- man, Sawbridge, Oliver, Tre-- cothick, Lewes, Esdaile, Plomer, Halifax, and Thomas. Lord Mansfield being in the Court of King's Bench at Guildhall, trying Causes, the Common Council was held in the Matted Gal- lery, which was much crouded. After the Minutes of the Last Court were read, Mr. Alderman Wilkes said,
that from every Idea of Decency, and Principle of Duty, he thought their first Bu- siness should be to congratulate his Majesty on the Increase of the Royal Family; that the safe Delivery of her Royal Highness the Duchess of Gloucester had given great Satisfaction to every Friend of the illustrious House of Hanover; that the Security of the Protestant Succession, and the Preservation of that illustrious House, were not only Objects of the greatest national Importance, but highly interesting to Europe in general; that he was sure it was unnecessary to expatiate to that Court on the signal Blessings this Nation had ex- perienced since
we had been under the mild Go- vernment of the Brunswick Line, or on our Hap- piness in being delivered from the accursed Race of the Stuarts; that every Gentleman there he was certain felt what he despaired of expressing adequately, a real Joy on the pleasing Prospect of the Perpetuity of these Blessings, and therefore he should content himself with moving, " that an humble Address of Congratulation be pre- sented to his Majesty by this Court on the safe Delivery of the Duchess of Gloucester, and the Birth of a Princess." Sir Watkin Lewes then rose, and declared that he seconded the worthy Alderman's Motion. Mr.
John Merry stood up next, and said, that the Alderman meant to mis- lead the Court, and disgrace the City. Mr. Wilkes called him to Order, and said he would suffer no Man to give so unjust and injurious a Turn to his Actions; that he had made that Mo- tion from a Sense of Duty and the Feelings of Loyalty ; had done it in the most decent and re- spectful Words, and he hoped the Address itself would be in the highest Terms of Affection and Regard to the King. Mr. Alderman Trecothick answered, that it would be an Affront to the King; that the Marriage was not certain, for his Majesty had never owned the Lady for his Sister, and
therefore we did not know what we were about; that the King had a numerous Family, and therefore he thought we had nothing to do with it. Mr. Wilkes replied, that the Marriage was notorious, and that the Dukes of Richmond and Dorset, the Bishop of Exeter, Lady Albe- marle, & c. had been present at the Birth of the Princess, but if there was indeed any Doubt of the Facts, the Alderman had given an additional strong Reason for the Address, as the most pro- bable Means of making a full and satisfactory Enquiry into an Affair so interesting to the Na- tion ; that the Enquiry, if there was a Doubt, ought to be made while the
Facts were recent, and could be ascertained with Precision; that a little Time might fatally deprive us of the most important Evidence, and render uncertain here- after what was now clear and indisputable; that it was therefore a Duty we owed to ourselves, to our Country, and to our Posterity; that a De- luge of Blood had been spilt in the unhappy Civil Wars between the Houses of York and Lancaster ; that notwithstanding his Majesty's numerous Pro- geny, which he prayed Heaven to preserve, the History of a neighbouring Kingdom gave a re- markable Instance of three Dauphins, Dauphi- nesses, and others of the Bourbon
Family, to- wards the End of the Reign of Lewis XIV. be- ing carried off in a very short Time by a Purple Fever, and therefore no Business could be of greater Consequence to ourselves, or of more es- sential Duty to our Country. Mr. Trecothick declared, that he had no Doubt about the Mar- riage, and admitted all the Facts Mr. Wilkes had alluded to. Mr. Alderman Sawbridge observed, that he was sure the Alderman who made the Motion intended no Affront; had no Doubts himself of the Legality of the Marriage ; that if a Man and Woman lived together, and say that they are married, there could be no Doubt of its being a good
Marriage, and quoted the late In- stance in the Commons of Mr. Hervey ; that the Court had not addressed on the Delivery of the Princess of Brunswick, or Queen of Denmark, and therefore he thought ought not now Mr. Wilkes thanked Mr. Sawbridge for doing Justice to the Purity of his Intentions, and remarked a Difference in the Cases, that the Duke of Glou- cester was the next Brother to the King, and, in Case of Failure of the direct Descendants of his Majesty ( which God forbid) his next Successor had married an English Lady, and had Posterity born among us & c. that therefore the Compli- ment was far from being
improper. Mr. Saw- bridge then said, that neither of the Houses of Parliament had addressed, nor would it be proper now, as the King and the Duke were not upon Terms, that if this would be the Means of pro- moting the Enquiry, he would be for it, but he the Influence of the Crown; that the Address seemed the only Way to set on Foot an Enquiry, for the Satisfaction of the World ; that if the Fact is now involved in a Mystery, when a Course of Time is elapsed, it will be involved in still greater, and that the People of this Country were interested in the Event. The previous Question was afterwards mentioned, and generally agreed
to. The Common Serjeant then put the previous Question, That this Question be now put; which was carried in the Negative : But several of the Members declared that they heartily wished for the Enquiry. Mr. Reynolds's Motion was post- poned, and the Consideration of the Recorder's Sa- lary , which was proposed to be 1000l per Ann. was adjourned to the next Common Council, which is to be held on Tuesday in the following Week. A Great Assembly have agreed that the follow- ing Clause be added to the East India Regulating Bill, viz. That every Proprietor possessed of 3000l. Stock, shall have two Votes; of 6000l. three
Votes; and of 10, oo0l. four Votes, at Elections for Directors, of any future Ballot at the India- House. We hear that the Widows, who are Proprietors of 500l. East India Stock, intend petitioning the Upper House in Person, against that Clause in the present East India Bill, which so wantonly strips both them and their fatherless Children of their legal Inheritance. The Physicians attending his Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester are said to be somewhat at a Loss precisely to determine his Highness's Disorder, being one Hour so extremely ill as to be confined to his Bed, and the next so well as to be able to ride out. A noble Lord
( R—— d) who proposed a Great Personage's intended Excursion to Portsmouth, has undertaken that the Expence of the Journey, Retinue, & c. shall not exceed 3000l. for which he has offered to farm it. Wednesday the Recorder of this City made the Report to his Majesty in Council of the Malefac- tors who were capitally convicted at last April Sessions at the Old- Bailey, viz. Wm. Collins, Tho. Oates, and Thomas Spooner, for breaking open and robbing the House of Mr. Baker, at Ranelagh. John Dussey and Richard Bolton, for breaking open and robbing the House of Miss Herleys, in James- Street, Bedford- Row. John
Birch, for being concerned with Bolton in a Bur- glary, at lslington. James Webb, for robbing Peter Muney near Covent- Garden. Tho. Denni- son and Tho. Burn, two Gamblers, for stealing a Countryman's Box of Lace. Win. Parker for stealing a Gelding, the Property of Mr. Empson: And John Martin, for High Treason, with Re- gard to the Coin,. The five former, viz. Col- lins, Oates, Spooner, Dussey, and Bolton, are or- dered for Execution on Thursday Se'nnight. The six last are respited during Pleasure. We are told that his Majesty has ordered, that the Custom of the Recorder's making the Report of Prisoners under Sentence of
Death in Newgate be for the future discontinued. By this new Ar- rangement, the Judges will have the same Power at the Old Bailey as at the County Assizes. On Tuesday Morning an Express came to the House of Sir Wm. Bagot ( Member for Stafford- shire) in Bruton Street, with the melancholy News, that on the preceding Day his eldest Son and Heir, aged 12, died at his Father's Seat at Blithfield, near Litchfield ; and this Day, to encrease the melancholy Scene, another Express came with the News, that Yesterday his two other Sons died : Their Disorder was a putrid fore Throat. At Alby, in France, the People became so
des- perate, through Distress for Bread, that upwards of 40 unfortunate Wretches lost their Lives, and with them the Mayor of the Place, and his Lieu- tenant. The Parliament of Thoulouse, in Con- sequence of this Insurrection, has caused 200 Per- sons to be taken up. These Letters add, that four Men were broke upon the Wheel the 28th of May last, for Robberies committed in and about Paris, and that several more are taken up, and like to share the same Fate. COUNTRY NEWS. Oxford, June 12. On Monday last, at Trinity College Election, the Rev. Mr. Jesse was admit- ted Fellow, and Messrs. Wake, Thomas, and Warton,
were chosen Fellows of that Society. On Thursday the Rev. Wm. Camplin, Bachelor in Divinity, and Fellow of Corpus Christi Col- lege, was, by that Society, presented to the Living of Meysey Hampton, in the County and Diocese of Gloucester, worth upwards of 300l. a Year. Extract of a Letter from Exeter, June 5. " A Gang of Sharpers have made their Ap- pearance in these Parts, and committed great De- predations ; — the Amount of their Plunder is rated at some Thousands. The Discovery was accidental, and is as follows : At Honiton they had bought some Goods, and given the Seller Bills upon a House in London, to a
considerable Amount; the Seller, thinking he had got good Chapmen, made them a Present of some Fish, which they committed to the Care of one of their Gang, who passed for a Servant, to send to Lon- don ; whilst he was packing it, he was observed to put in a Letter. A Tradesman, who had some Suspicion, and saw the Letter put in, offered to Pack it for him, which the Fellow agreeing to Place, where ( to the Number of six) they have been apprehended and committed. " At Crediton alone they have taken them in for 1500l. and at Tiverton one Man for 150l. I say nothing of our Losses here, they are very con- siderable ;
indeed they have gone through the Country, and we have only had our Share." WANTED, The Sum of THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED, Or FOUR THOUSAND POUNDS, on very ample Land Security in this County. The Interest will be duly paid; and the Borrower is a Gentleman of Credit. Enquire of the Printer of this Paper. To HEIRS at LAW. NOTICE is hereby given, That any Person or Persons, who can prove him or themselves to be the Heir or Heirs at Law, on the Mother's Side, of JOSEPH PARKES, late of the City of Worcester, Hop Merchant, deceased; may hear of something to their Advantage, by applying to
John Berwick, of the said City of Worcester, Esq. ALL Persons to whom Edward Sted- man, late of Cleobury Mortimer, in the County of Salop, Yeoman, deceased, stood justly indebted at the Time of his Death, are desired to meet his Administratrix at the Talbot in Cleobury Mortimer aforesaid, on Monday the Twenty- eighth Day of June Instant, by Ten of the Clock in the Morning to receive their respective Debts, or a Composition for the same: And all Persons who stood indebted to the said Edward Stedman at the Time of his Death, are desired to pay the same before that Time to Mr. John Baxter, in Cleobury aforesaid, who is
impowered to receive it, or they will be sued without further Notice. Worcester, 10th June, 1773. TO BE LETT, And entered upon at Michaelmas next, A Capital inclosed Farm, called Bently, containing upwards of 200 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Ground, situate in a light dry Soil, in that Part of the Parish of Tardebigg which lies in the County of Worcester, lately oc- cupied by Mr. William Clives, deceased. The Lands are capable of great Improvement, and good Encouragement will be given to a responsible Te- nant, and it is hoped none else will apply. Further Particulars may be had of Mr. Collet, Attorney at Law, in
Worcester; and Mr. John Evit, at the Thrist, near Bently House, will shew the Premisses. TO BE LETT, And entered upon at Midsummer next, A Modern, new- built House, genteely furnished, situate in that pleasant and healthy Village of Kempsey; consisting of two Parlours, a Kitchen, Pantry, and Dairy, on the Ground Floor; six good Lodging Rooms, and two Cellars, with the Conveniency of a Wash- house, Laundry, and two Rooms over ; a good Garden, also Stabling for four Horses, with three Acres of rich Pasture Ground adjoining to the House, and Room for a Carriage, if required. N. B. The above is about three Miles from
the City of Worcester, on the Turnpike Road leading to Glocester, Bath, Bristol, & c. in a genteel Neighbourhood., near the Church, and within Half a Mile of the River Severn. The Tenant may purchase any Part of the House- hold Furniture he pleases. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Tandy, at Kemp- sey; or of Mr. Meredith, Upholder, in Worcester. To be SOLD to the Best Bidder or Bidders, At the Raven Inn, in Kidderminster, on Thursday next, the 24th of June Instant, between the Hours of Four and Six in the Afternoon of the same Day, either toge- ther or in Lots, as shall be then agreed upon, and subject to such Conditions as
will be then and there produced, ALL those four several Tenements or Dwelling- Houses, in the respective Hold- ings; of Benjamin Dewsbury, Rebecca Broughton, William Crannes, and William Brook, situate and being in the Worcester- Street, in Kidderminster aforesaid. For Particulars enquire of Messrs. John Cart- wright, and John Broom, jun. the Assignees of the Estate and Effects of Edward and John Griffith, Bankrupts; who give this public Notice to all Per- Persons that are indebted to the Estate and Effects of the said Bankrupt, that they pay the same into the Hands of the said Assignees, on or before the first Day of July
next, or they will be sued for the same without further Notice. N. B. The Stock in Trade of the said Bankrupts, consisting of a Variety of Woollen, Linnen Drapery, and other Mercery and Haberdashery Goods, are, for the Sake of Ready Money, and in order to ex- pedite the finishing the Bankrupts' Affairs, now sel- ling under prime Cost, at their Shop, near the Mar- ket House in Kidderminster aforesaid. TO BE SOLD, AFreehold Messuage and Farm, con- sisting of about 90 Acres of Arable Land ( including 15 of Hop Ground, now in high Per- fection) 12 Acres of Pasture Ground, and eight Coppice Wood ; all lying inclosed within a
Ring Fence, and planted with the best Sorts of Fruit. The House stands in the Centre of the Estate, which with the Buildings adjoining thereto, are newly built, and in compleat Repair. The Premisses within seven Miles of the City of Worcester. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Dandridge in Worcester. TO BE SOLD, At the Cross inn, in Bromsgrove, on Tuesday the 21st of September next, between the Hours of Two and Six in the Afternoon, if not disposed of by private Contract, A Very improveable Copyhold Estate of Inheritance, called Stoney Lane, in the Par- rish of Tardebigg, and County of Warwick, now in the Possession
of Mr. Samuel Harris ; consisting of a convenient Farm House, Pigeon- house, and all necessary Out Buildings, with 127 Statute Acres of Meadow, Pasture, and Arable Land. For Particulars apply to Mr. Thomas Wheeler or Mr. John Reeves, both of Bromsgrove; or of Mr. Thomas Rayment, Glover, in Worcester. N. B. The Lands all lie contiguous to the Farm, House which is situated about three Miles from Bromsgrove, six from Stourbridge, and ten from Birmingham. By the Custom of the Manor of Tardebigg; on the Death of the Tenant the Heir is admitted, on Payment of a Silver Penny; so that it is in that Respect of equal
Value with a Freehold Estate, and the Title often more secure. HEREFORDSHIRE. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Wednesday the 3oth of June Instant, at the King's Arms in Ledbury, between the Hours of Two and Six in the Afternoon, according to Conditions to be then produced, unless sold in the mean Time by private Contract, THAT well- accustomed Inn, the said KING'S ARMS, together with a Garden, Coach- House, Assembly- Room, Stables, Graineries, Wool- Lost, and other Buildings thereto belonging, now in the Possession of John Yarnold, the Proprie- tor thereof. Likewise to be Sold, Two Post- Chaises, six
Horses, the Stock of Liquor, Household Goods, and Fur- niture belonging to the above Inn. To be SOLD by AUCTION, To the Best Bidder or Bidders, At the Golden Cross, in Bromsgrove, in the County of Worcester, on Tuesday the 29th Day of June instant, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon; A Freehold Estate, situate at Lower; Bentley, i n the Parish of Tardebigg, about three Miles from Bromsgrove, four from Droitwich; and one Mile from a Turnpike Road that leads to several adjacent Markets. There are on the said Estate a good Brick House, with proper Out- Build- ings, in exceeding good Repair, and
the Estate is extremely well fruited and fenced. Mr. John Gise, the present Tenant, will shew the Premisses; and Particulars may be had of Mr. Thomas Yarnold, of Ombersley, or of Mr. Joseph Hall, of Martin, near Droitwich. N. B . The Estate above mentioned consists of up- wards of thirty- four Acres of exceeding good Land Half Tillable and Half Pasture, and there is a good Quantity of Timber on the Premisses. To the Nobility, Gentry, and Public in General. Penny's Worcester FLY, in one Day, SETS out every Sunday Evening at Nine o'clock from the Bell Inn in Broad Street; Worcester, and from the George and Blue Boar
Inn Holborn, London, at Ten o'clock precisely ; like- wise sets out at the same Times and Places on Friday Evening; both Carriages meet at Oxford and return to Worcester and London on Monday and Saturday respectively ; and this they will con- tinue to do during the Summer Season. Also ( in two easy Days) The FLY will set out every Tuesday and Thursday Morning from the same Inns, at Six o'Clock in the Morning, will be at Oxford, and return from thence to London and Worcester the next Days. Likewise, A Carriage will set out from the Red Lion Inn in Ludlow, every Monday at Twelve o'Clock, will arrive at the Bell Inn
aforesaid the same Evening, will set out from thence the next Morning at Six o'Clock, and arrive at the Royal Oak at Leominster about Noon; will return from thence on Wednesday about Twelve o'Clock, and arrive at the Bell Inn aforesaid the same Evening ; will set out from thence on Saturday Morning at Six o'Clock, and arrive at the Red Lion Inn in Ludlow about One o'Clock the same Day. The Prices for Passengers, Parcels, and Luggage will be as usual, but the Proprietors will not be ac- countable for any Money, Watches, Rings, Jewels Laces of any Kind, Brocades, rich Silks or Velvets or for any Parcel or Thing
whatsoever of conside- able Value, unless paid for as such on Delivery, and booked accordingly. N. B . Places to be taken at the Bell only. The Proprietors beg Leave to return their m grateful Thanks to the Public for the Favours ready received, and at the same Time to assure them of their Intention to exert themselves in this Per- formance, so as to merit a Continuance of then THE Proprietors of the LONDON STAGE COACH, from the Crown Inn in Worcester to the Bull and Mouth Inn in London, return their sincere Thanks to their Friends, and the Public in general, for their past Favours, and beg Leave to inform them, that
their coaches will continue going 011 the usual Days, and Hours, from the above Inns. May 27, 1773. WHEREAS it is apprehended that great Part of the Goods and Effects of JAMES SIMPSON, of Dudley, in the County of Worcester, Haberdasher ( against whom a Commis- sion of Bankrupt hath issued) are concealed from his Creditors : If therefore any Person or Persons will make Discovery of any Part of the Bankrupt's Estate, not come to the Knowledge of the Assignees, shall be paid and allowed Five per Cent, pursuant to Act of Parliament ; and such further and other Re- ward as the Assignees and major Part of the
Credi- tors in Value shall think sit, by Joseph Dixon and Son, of Dudley : And such Person or Persons a shall, after this Notice, continue to conceal 0r with hold any Goods 0r Effects of the said Bankrupt.
Monday's and Wednesday's Posts. FOREIGN NEWS. Cronstad, May 12. WE have just received the certain Ad- vice that a considerable Number of Turks, which had passed the Danube, have been defeated by the Russians near Jaloniza.. The Loss of the Ot- tomans in Killed and Wounded amounts to ten thousand Men. The Russians, besides a great Number of Trophies, have taken twenty- eight Pieces of Cannon. Among the Prisoners are two Pachas, who have been conducted to Bucharest. Cronstad, May 19. The Turks, wanting to possess themselves of Giurgewo by Surprize, and knowing that there was only a Garrison
in the Place of one thousand Men, marched out of Ruszick, to the Number of 5000, in order to pass the Danube, with the View of executing his Enter prize. But they, were no sooner em- barked than the Russians played the Cannon of the Fortress so briskly on the Ottoman Boats, that a great Number of them were sunk, and the rest put into Disorder. Most of the Turks were either killed or drowned in the Danube, and 372 made Prisoners. Dresden, June 2. We have received a very disagreeable Account of great Damage having been done by a Storm of Thunder and Light- ning in the Circle of Voigtland in this Electorate: The
whole Town of Reichenbach is entirely re- duced to Ashes. The Effects of the Lightning were so sudden and so very rapid that the Inha- bitants had the greatest Difficulty to escape from the Flames. The Officers and Soldiers of the Elector's Regiment of Cavalry, which was in Garrison in that Town, had all their Baggage burnt. Lond. Gaz. COUNTRY NEWS. Bristol, June 10. Last Friday an Officer of Ex- wife in this City seized about 50 Cwt. of Soap, which, though made in England, was sold as so- reign. For several Years last past large Quanti- ies made in London have been sent to this City, and by a Broker disposed of to the
Clothiers in the Country as foreign, on which a double Draw- back has been received of Government. By this Means the Clothier has been imposed on, the Re- - venue defrauded, the honest Trader injured, and the Millian or Fuller has innocently taken a false Oath, as often as he has applied for the Draw back. Canterbury, June 9. On Friday Night last a Labouring Man, of Minster, in the Isle of Tha- net, coming Home rather intoxicated, his Wife, who had often threatened him with Death for coming Home so disguised, at length took the fatal Resolution of strangling him by a Cord tied round his Neck, which she fastened to the
Bed ; in which Situation he was found by the Neigh- bours the next Morning, she at the same Time lying by the Corpse. Some of the Children ( of whom there are fix) first alarmed the Neighbour- hood with the Death of their Father. The Wo- man expressed but little Concern for this horrid Act. She was brought on Saturday to St. Dun- can's Goal, where she lies committed for Petty reason, of which the Jury found her guilty for killing her Husband. The Fly increases daily in our Plantations of Hops, which portends a Blast. Gloucester , June 14. On Saturday the 5th In- stant, Mrs. Conibeere ( a Relation of Mr. Geo. Conibeere, of
this City) and her two Daughters, were found most barbarously murdered. They lived in a lone House in the Village of Monk- Silver, near Taunton, in the County of Somer- set. Mrs. Conibeere was a Widow, between 80 and 90 Years of Age, possessed of about 40l. a Year for her Life ; on which she had lived with the strictest ( Economy to provide for the Support of her Daughters after her Death, and it is sup- posed had saved a pretty round Sum. The Baker's Boy, who used to supply them with Bread, came to the House, which Jay at a little Distance from the Road, and hallooed, as he used to do, to call them to fetch the Bread.
He repeated this several Times, but no one coming, he dis- mounted and went to the House, where, on open- ing the Door, he discovered the shocking Scene of the poor old Woman and her two Daughters lying on the Floor with their Throats cut. The Boy ran into the Village with Cries of Murder, and the Neighbours instantly surrounded the House. The Bodies were found quite warm, the Blood still gushing from the Wounds; their Din- ner was on the Table. It is beyond a Doubt that the Baker's Boy came just at the Moment that the horrid Deed was perpetrated; and by his hal- looing alarmed the Villains, who escaped thro' the
Back Door before they had Time to risle the House; for no Box was broke open, nor were any things taken away. One of Mrs. Conibeere's Daughters was seen in the Village between Eleven and Twelve, and it was but just One o'Clock when the Bodies were found. The Wooden Bar to the Door was laid upon the Table very bloody and it appeared that the Skull of each was terri- bly fractured, and their Throats cut in a most in human Manner. One of the Daughters had a Wound on her Cheek, as though, in attempting to rise, she had received a desperate Thrust from the End of the Bar, which was very bloody ; her Throat was cut
so shockingly as almost to fever the Head from the Body. Many People have been taken up on Suspicion, but when our last Accounts came away there was not sufficient Proof against any one to warrant their Commit- ment. Some think it was perpetrated by a Part of the Gang of Cheats mentioned in our first Page, who have infested the Country round Exeter. LONDON, Monday, June 14. House of Lords, June 11.] In a Committee, went through and reported the Bill to prevent the retailing of Spirituous Liquors. Read a second Time the American Paper Bills Credit hereaster to be issued in America, as Tender in payment of
Money, House of Commons, June 11.] In a Committee of Supply, voted 8750l. to Mr. Harrison, for a Reward for his invented Time- Keeper. And on Ways and Means voted 6o0, oool. to be raised by Loans or Exchequer Bills. On Thursday Night the Bill for establishing certain Regulations for the better Management of the Affairs of the East India Company, as well in India as in Europe, passed the House of Com- mons; and was ordered to the Lords. It was carried on a Division, 131 against 31. And on Friday the above East India regulating Bill was presented to the House of Lords, read a first Time, and ordered to be printed.
Lord Chatham has written a long and very able Letter to a Noble Law Lord, on the Subject of East- lndia Affairs, declaring his unavoidable Re- solution ( on Account of the bad State of his Health) to remain in his present Retreat, " an inactive, though not unaffected Spectator of the Depredations of the Minister on the Constitu- tion of his Country; but strongly recommending it to the Noble Lord to exert his own Powers, and in his ( Lord Chatham's) Name to recommend it to all his Friends in the Upper- House, to oppose the Minster Inch by Inch. Mr. Dowdeswell has been again offered the Chancellorship of the Exchequer, but he
has de- clined joining the present Ministry. We hear that the Queen's Physicians have given it as their Opinion, that her Majesty's Condition, who is in the fourth Month of Preg- nancy, will not admit of her being present at the approaching Review of the Fleet, without im- minent Danger. The Public may be assured, that the long de- pending Cause between the City of London and the three refractory Companies will terminate in the following Manner: If the Defendants should be cast, they will immediately bring a Writ of Error to suspend the Judgment of the Sheriff's Court, and carry the Cause before the House of Lords, where it
will most certainly be given against the City. There can be no Appeal made from the Sheriffs to any other Court of Justice than the House of Lords. Dispatches are said to be received from the Bri- tish Ambassador at Madrid, signifying, that the Spaniards would not disarm their Fleet, though his Excellency remonstrated very spiritedly on that Subject with the Spanish Minister, who said, their Naval Armament was intended for the Spanish West- Indies to keep in Awe some of their rebel- lious Subjects. By many Letters from Germany to commercial Gentlemen in this City, we are informed, that the Emperor of Germany had put
himself at the Head of a Body of 70,000 Men, and has entered Turkey by Way of Hungary .— The Peace between Russia and Turkey would have been long since con- cluded had it not been impeded by a sudden Claim of the Emperor on the Porte, for Dominions ceded to the latter from Compulsion, to which the Porte had no Manner of Right but from their su- perior Force of Arms. Extract of an authentic Letter from Mr. Malone, an Irish Gentleman at the Havannab, April 24. " The Guasco, Don Pedro Aurillas, a Spanish Frigate of thirty Guns, has just arrived here from the Coast of Chili in South- America, and brings the
melancholy Intelligence to the Spaniards, of the native Chilesians having absolutely repossessed themselves of best Part of that Country, having partly extirpated, and partly drove all the Eu- ropeans from it. This insurrection began at the latter End of the Year 1771, and continued to the Middle of last Year with amazing Success on the Side of the Chilese, who possessed themselves of the whole Island of Chiloe, and several Towns on the Sea- Coasts of Chili, together with the Cities of Conception, Coquimbo, Villarica, & c. They likewise attacked St. Jago, the Capital, Bal- divia, and the Town of Imperial, but were, after doing
much Damage, repulsed, The Governor of Lima ordered a Fleet of four Sail of the Line, three Frigates, and some smaller Vessels with Troops, Ammunition, and Stores, to sail for Chili, to assist the Spaniards, while the Governor himself gathered an Army of Forty Thousand Men, mostly Indians and Mestize, and marched himself at the Head of them. After a tedious March, the Army arrived on the loth of July, 1772, in the Valley of Araves, where they found a Body of Twenty- four Thousand Chilese, drawn up to oppose them. The Spanish Troops charged them, and after a little Stand the Chilese seemed to make a Retreat
towards Araves, and the Spaniards followed them ; but, being drawn into a narrow Pass, fresh Numbers of the Chilese poured in upon them, and made such Havock, that the Governor himself, with between eleven and twelve thousand Men only, made good a Re- treat, and got into the City of Baldivia, which they fortified and strengthened. On the 22d of July the Chilese, to the Amount of One Hundred Thousand, invested the City, and having a Num- ber of Field- Pieces with them, continued the Siege with great Fury. In the mean Time the Ships from Lima arrived in the Harbour of Baldivia, and threw their Men and Supplies into
the City, which protracted the Siege till the 2d of August, when the Chilese entered at a Breach, and setting Fire to every Part of the City, murdered without Distinction Spaniard, Negro, and Indian. The Governor of Lima, and the Governor of Baldivia, with most of the Spaniards of Note, and about four thousand others, escaped on board the Ships, where the Treasures were before lodged ; the rest of the Spaniards, and their Indians, either sell Sa- crifices to the Fury of the Chilese, or made a Re- treat to the Country. Baldivia was soon burnt down to the Ground, and the Chilese razed every Part of it, so that scarce a Vestage
remains. The Ships failed immediately back for the Port of Cal- lao, except the Gasco, which was dispatched with these Advices to Old Spain, but put in here for Provisions." Among the sundry fashionable Routs or Clubs that are held, that of the Black or Negro Ser- vants is not the least. On Thursday Night no Horns, and other Instruments, at a Public- House in Southwark, till Four in the Morning. No Whites were allowed to be present, for even all the Performers were of Cain's Colour. Thursday two celebrated Fortune- tellers were brought before the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, by the City Marshal, on a Complaint of several
Gentlemen of the Ward of Farringdon Without; many very curious Letters were produced from credulous young Girls to these Dippers into Fu- turity, particularly one good- natured Lass, who desired to know whether she was with Child by her Master, and when he would marry her. His Lordship was pleased to release them, on giving Security that they would leave the City imme- diately. There were no less than twelve Ladies waiting to know their Fortune in an adjacent Room, when the City Marshal went into the House. On Saturday Evening a young Lady, Daughter to a Tradesman near Cornhill, went from her Father's House,
dressed in white, on a matrimo- nial Excursion, but being soon missed, she was pursued, and carried back to her Father's House, and closely confined in a Two- pair of Stairs Room, which so enraged her that she threw herself out of the Window, and died on the Spot. Not long since a Gentleman observing the Daughters of one of his Tenants dressed in the Tip of the Mode, with high Caps and Negli- gees, grew alarmed at the growing Luxury of the Farmer, and was determined to take him down, having then a good Opportunity to do so, his Lease being just expired ; which the Farmer re- newed, indeed, but with an Addition
from his Landlord of One Hundred per Annum. This had such an Effect on the Farmer, knowing the Cause, that he ordered his Daughters to produce their Caps, on Pain of his eternal Displeasure, when he made a Pile, and committed them to the Flames, as a Victim to their Vanity and his own Folly. BRIDGNORTH RACES. Wednesday, 50l. for Four, Five, Six Years old, and Aged Horses. Mr. Walker's Cicero 3 1 1 Mr. Norcop's Intrepid 1 2 2 Lord Pigot's ----- 233 Thursday, for the Give and Take Purse, Mr. Walker's Cicero — 311 Sir Richard Bamfield's Weasel — 1 3 3 Mr. Walker's Venture 222 The Bets at starting each Day
were in Favour of Intrepid and Weasel, and as the first Heat of both Days was seemingly won with Ease by the favourite Horses, great Odds were laid, and after two strong Contests, which afforded excellent Diversion, many Connoisseurs of the Turf were taken in by the unexpected Superiority of Cicero. WORCESTER INFIRMARY. June 17, 1773. THE Governors of this Charity are desired to attend at a Quarterly General Meeting appointed to be held on Wednesday next, the 23d Instant, at Eleven o' Clock in the Morning, to dispatch the necessary Business of the Hospital, on Account of the Anniversary Meeting being ap pointed to be held earlier than usual. THO. STAPLES, Secretary. WANTED immediately, to undertake the whole Care of A Bailiff, of an extensive Farm. Enquire of the Printer of this Paper. None need apply whose Character will not bear the strictest Enquiry. APARTMENTS to be lett, ready furnished, at Lower Wick, near Worcester, consisting of two Parlours, two or three Lodging Rooms, with several other Conveniences, pleasantly situated, and in a genteel Neighbourhood,, by the Side of the Great Turnpike Road to Malvern, and is the Mid- way between Worcester and Powick, be- ing only one measured Mile from each
Place, and a Baker and Butcher goe by the Door every Day. There is a good Dairy, as also a Garden, which is early, plentiful, and very good in its Produce; there is likewise a proper Covering for a Carriage, and good Stabling for a Pair of Horses, if required. Enquire of the Printer of this Paper. Letters, Post paid, will be duly answered. This will not be advertised any more. Tone LETT, and entered upon immediately, AL L that Messuage or Dwelling- House, situate in the Corn- Market, now in the Tenure of John Shelton ; and also a Messuage, Brew house, Garden, and Premisses, situate in the High- Street, late in the Tenure of
Mr. Partridge, Maltster, and formerly of Mr. Alderman Taylor, deceased. For Particulars enquire of the said Mr. Shelton. TOBE SOLD BY Order of the Trustees of Kidder- minster Turnpike, Notice is hereby given, that at their next Meeting, ( which will be held on Friday the 15th of June Instant, at the Dwelling- House of Mr. Richard Dovey, known by the Sign of the Golden- Lion, in Kidderminster, by Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon ) The TOLLS arising from the several Toll- Gates hereafter men- tioned, and belonging to the said Turnpike, viz. Chester - Lane, Comberton, and Bromsgrove, will be lett together or separately to
the best Bidder or Bidders for the same. T THE second Meeting of the Com- missioner's named and appointed in and by an Act of Parliament, intituled An Act for dividing and inclosing the Common and Waste Land within the Manor of Sambourn, in the Parish of Coughton, in the County of Warwick, will be on Tuesday the 6th Day of July next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, at the Dwelling- House of Mr. John Whissel, being the Angel Inn, in Alcester, in the said County; at which Meeting all Persons having any Claims which may affect the Boundaries of the said Manor, or of the Common and Waste Land within or belonging
to the same, or having or claiming Right of Com- mon, or other Right, Interest, or Privilege thereon, are, by themselves, their Stewards, Agents, or Te- nants, respectively to deliver unto the Commis- sioners present at such second Meeting, an Account in Writing of their respective Claims, or in Default thereof will be excluded from all Estate, Right, Title, Claim, or Interest of, in, or to the said Common or Waste Land, and every Part thereof, and also from all Benefit and Advantage of any Share or Allotment thereof upon the said Division, by Virtue of or under the said Act. Dated the 29th Day of May, 1773. Worcester, June 17,
1773. WILLIAM PRICE, CLOCK and WATCH- MAKER, in Goose Lane, TAKES this Method of returning his sincere Thanks to such Ladies, Gentlemen, and all Others, who have hitherto obliged him with their Business, and begs Leave to solicit a Continuance of their Favours, which it will be his constant Care and Endeavour to merit, by executing their Orders in the completest Manner, and with the utmost Dispatch and Punctuality : And he thinks it ne- cessary to inform the Public, that he sells Silver and Plated Goods, Gold Rings, & c. N. B. A Journeyman Clock- Maker is imme- diately wanted by the said William Price, who will
give all due Encouragement to a sober, good Workman. AT William Frank's Bowling- Green, at Droitwich, on Tuesday the 29th of this Instant June, will be a PUBLIC BREAKFAST, at one Shilling each Person. N. B. A good Band of Music will be prepared. Stratford- upon- Avon RACES, 1773. ON Wednesday the 28th Day of July will be run for the Noblemen and Gentlemen's Purse of FIFTY POUNDS, by any Horse, & c. that never won 20l. at any one Time; four Years old to carry 7ft. 71b. five Years old to carry 8ft. 7lb. six Years old to carry 9ft. 7lb. and Aged, 10ft. Bridle and Saddle included; the best of three Four- mile Heats.
On Thursday the 29th Day of July, will be run for, upon the same Course, the Town Purse of FIFTY POUNDS, between the Hours of Eleven and Twelve in the Forenoon, by four Years old. Those that have not won 50l. in Plate, Match, or Sweepstakes to carry 8ft. 3lb. and those that have won one or more 50l. or other greater Sum in Plate, Match, or Sweepstakes, to carry an additional Weight of 31b. for each 50l. or other greater Sum they have won more than the maiden Horses, & c. Geldings and Fillies to carry 31b. less than Colts. The best of three Three- mile Heats. No crossing or jostling to be allowed in running for either
of these Purses. And in the Afternoon of the same Day, will be run for upon the same Course, a Sweepstakes of ONE HUNDRED GUINEAS, advanced by the following Noblemen and Gentlemen: THE Manor of Eckington, Wick- night Per shore, Bright Campton, Comberton, Elmley, Binholme, Pershore, and Pershore Portsmouth, situate near the Town of Pershore, in the County of Worcester; with divers Messuages, Mills, Lands, and Tenements thereunto belonging, of the yearly. Value of 470l. held by Lease from the Dean and Chapter of Westminster and also the Tythes of Middle Littleton, North Littleton, South Littleton,
Hampton, Offenham, Wickhamford, Badsey, and Aldington, situate near the Borough of Evesham, in the same County, now let at 485l. per Annum, and held by Lease under the Dean and Chapter of Christ Church, Oxford. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Hunt, at Stratford upon Avon, in Warwickshire; or of Mr. Berriah Hills, in East- Lane, Rotherhithe, in Surry. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the Dwelling- House of Thomas Andrews, known by the Sign of the Golden Lyon Inn in Bromsgrove, in the County of Worcester, on Tuesday the 6th Day of July next, if not disposed of before by private Contract, between the Hours of
Three and live in the After- noon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as will be then produced, FOUR Pieces of good Land, fit for either Tillage or Grazing and may be entered upon at Michaelmas next, old Stile, and containing 16 Acres or thereabouts, situate not far from the Parish Church of Stoke Prior, in the County of Worcester, now occupied by John Brittain, as Grevil, T. Skipwith, Craven, G. Shirley, Archer, W. Holbech, J. Ingram, Fra. Canning, G. Townfend, D. Ruston. Each Subscriber to pay his Ten Guineas into the Hands of the Clerk of the Course before Twelve o'Clock on the Day of Running, or double at the Post. N.
B. They run the best of three Two- mile Heats, and according to the King's Plate Articles. Horses, & c. to be shewed and entered on Thurs- day the 22d Day of July, at the House of William Judd, in Stratford aforesaid, known by the Sign of the King's Arms and Angel, between the Hours of Twelve and Seven in the Afternoon, and to be subject to the Articles which shall be then produced. Certificates of the Horses, & c. and Qualifications for each of these Purses, to be produced at the Time of Entrance, or before the Day of Running, and no less than three reputed Running Horses, & c. to start for either of these Purses. Each
Horse, & c. if a Subscriber's, to pay One Guinea Entrance, and 7s. 6d. to the Clerk of the Course. If a Non- subscriber's, to pay One Guinea Entrance, 7s. 6d. to the Clerk of the Course, and Two Guineas ta- wards future Diversions. Every Horse, & c. that enters at the Post, if a Subscriber's, to pay One Guinea Entrance, and Two Guineas towards future Diversions : If a Non- subscriber's, to pay One Guinea Entrance, 7s. 6d. to the Clerk of the Course, and Four Guineas towards future Diversions. Every Subscriber that enters any Horse, & c. for either of these Purses, to subscribe fourteen Days before the Day of Running, and
pay his Subscrip- tion Money to the Clerk of the Course. If but one Horse, & c. enters for either of these Purses, to be allowed Ten Guineas, and his En- trance Money; and if but two Horses, & c. enter for either of these Purses, to be allowed Five Gui- neas each, and their Entrance Money. The Horses, & c. to stand at the House of Wil- liam Judd aforesaid only, from the Day of En- trance to the Day of Running, where will be ex- ceeding good Hay and Corn, and also good Stabling near the Course. No Horse, & c. to start for either of these Purses that is not plated by a Blacksmith that hath sub- scribed 10s. 6d. towards the
Town Purse. No Person to erect any Booth, Shed, or Stall, or near the Course, to sell any Thing during Races, that hath not subscribed 10s. 6d. towards Town Purse. All Differences in entering and running to be
WHEREAS the Parthership be- tween Messrs. HUNTER and BROWN, OF Evesham, DRAPERS, & c. is mutually dissolved, Mr. BROWN takes this Opportunity of return- ing his Friends and the Public in general, his most sincere Thanks for their past Favours, and at the, same Time begs Leave to inform them, that he has fitted up a new Shop, next Door above Mr. Sa- vage's, Apothecary, in the Bridge- Street, where he has laid in a good Assortment of LINEN and WOOL- LEN DRAPERY, MERCERY and HABERDASHERY GOODS, ( calculated for the Country Trade) which will be sold on the very lowest Terms, and the
Favours of his Friends, either in the Wholesale or Retail Trade, will be duly executed, and grate- fully acknowledged, by Their most obedient humble Servant, JOHN BRO W N. THIS is to give Notice, That Stubhill Garden, in the Parish of Twyning, by the Side of Brockeridge Common, three Miles from Tewkes- bury, and three Miles from Upton upon Severn, was opened on Wednesday the 9th Instant, for the Reception of Company, whore constant Attendance will be given during the Summer Season; and for their Entertainment there are sold Coffee, Tea, Wine, Bottle Beer, and Cyder, and all Sorts of Spirituous Liquors. There
will be a PUBLIC BREAKFAST on Thursday the First Day of July, at 1s. each Person. A Band of Music from Worcester will be pro vided. Breakfast at Ten o'clock. Tickets to be had at Stubhill House. TO BE SOLD, A Very compleat and eligible Freehold Dwelling House and Estate, situate on a Turn- pike Road within about a Mile of the City of Wor- cester ; consisting of about 150 computed Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Ground, in a rich Soil: The House is large and commodious, with convenient Out- Houses and Buildings, all in good Repair. There is a Situation for a new - Mansion upon an Eminence, Part of the
Estate, overlooking the Conflux of the Rivers Severn and Team, for Beauty, Air, and Prospect not inferior to any in England; which, by Means of an adjacent Wood, extending itself in Length near Half a Mile, on the Side of the first- mentioned River, and other natural Advantages, peculiar to that happy Spot, affords Capabilities of Improvements that, with a good Taste, and at a small Expence, may vie with, and, perhaps in Elegance, surpass many magnificent Villas of the Great. Enquire of Mr. Thorneloe, in Worcester. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Monday the 10th Day of July next, between the Hours of Three and
Five in the Afternoon, at the Green Dragon, in the Newport- Street, in the City of Worcester, THE aforesaid well- accustomed Inn, called the GREEN DRAGON ( being Free- hold) new in the Possession of Edward Rawlins, as Tenant thereof for the Remainder of a Lease of which two Years are yet to come at Christmas next, at the yearly Rent of 3ol. with large and commo- dious Warehouses, Stables, and other convenient Buildings, in very good and substantial Repair. For other Particulars, in the mean Time, apply to Mr. Sockett, Attorney, in Worcester. To be SOLD upon the Premisses, On Tuesday the 29th Day of June
Instant, at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, ALL the Houshold Furniture, Work- ing Tools, for three Men, Stock in Trade, and Effects of JAMES GARFIELD, late of Al cester, in the County of Warwick, COOPER, con- sisting of Bedding, Linen, and other necessary House hold Furniture; a considerable Quantity of Ash Poles, Hoops, Timber of various Kinds, and a large Quan- tity of Casks, Tubs, and other Sorts of Goods ready made up. The above Goods and Stock would be very suit able for a Person in the Trade that wants to fettle himself, as it is a good accustomed Shop, which with the House, may be lett and entered upon
immediately. For Particulars apply to Mr. William Garfield, at Spernal; or Mr. Jones, Attorney, in Alcester afore- said, who will shew the Goods, & C. TO BE LETT, And entered upon at Midsummer next, A Convenient Dwelling- House, situate in the Parish of St. Martin, in the City of Worcester, late in the Occupation of Mrs. Marlow ( now deceased) lying contiguous to, and com- manding a pleasant View of Sandsome Fields; con- si g of two good Parlours, one of which is 23 Feet long, with Chambers of equal Dimensions, Garrets, Kitchen, and other useful Offices, and fit for a small genteel Family. For Particulars apply to Charles
Trubshaw Withers, Esq; or Mr. Sockett, Attorney, in Worcester. N. B. A convenient Quantity of Pasture Land may be rented with the above Dwelling- House, if required. LOST, On the Turnpike Road between Hartlebury and Worcester, on Tuesday Night the 1st of this instant, A Bay MARE, about 14 Hands high, with along swish Tail, a small Star in her Forehead, one white Heel behind, and has some grey Hairs on the off Side her Belly, by being spur- red. The above Mare stray'd away with a Bridle and Saddle on, and a Mail Pillion. Whoever has taken her up, and will give Notice, or bring her to the Star and Garter in Worcester,
or to the Crown at Ombersley, will be well rewarded, and paid all reasonable Charges. To be SOLD in FEE, to the Best Bidder, On Friday the 25th Day of June Instant, between the Hours of Two and Four in the Evening, at the Dwel- ling House of Mr. Kings, known by the Sign of the Crab Mill, near Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, A Messuage or Tenement, and Out- Buildings, with about Acres of Arable and Pasture Land thereunto belonging, situate at Twatling- Street, in the Parish of Bromsgrove afore- said, and now in the Possession of William Kempsey, as Tenant thereof, who will shew the Premisses. For further Particulars
apply to Mr. Long, at Upton upon Severn, Worcestershire. THURSDAY'S POST. ( By EXPRESS from LONDON.) LONDON, Tuesday, June 15 Yesterday Lord Rochford moved in the Upper As- To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Saturday the 26th of June Instant, at the Raven Inn, in Wribbenhall, in the County of Worcester, be- tween the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, subject to the conditions to be proceed, AMessuage or Tenement, called the Cherry Orchard, together with the Barn and Cow- houses, and about 12 Acres of Arable, Mea- dow or Pasture Ground thereto adjoining, situate in the Parish of Areley,
in the County of Stafford, and now in the Possession of Thomas Bishton. These Premisses are well fruited, and near to the Turnpike Road leading from Stotesdon towards Bewdley, and have a Right of Common in the Woods and Waste Lands of the Manor, and there is good Coal Mine on the Premisses, which may be worked at an easy Expence. This Estate is Copyhold of Inheritance, held of the Manor of Areley, at the yearly Rent of 4I. The Tenant will shew the Premisses, and for fur- ther Particulars apply to Mr. White, Attorney at Law, in Kidderminster. SPANKER COVERS, this Season, at Powick, near Worcester, at One
Guinea each Mare, and Half a Crown the Servant. He was got by Sir Marmaduke Wywell's Antelope, who was got by the famous Belgrade out of Lord Leigh's Charming Molly. Spanker never started but eight Times, out of which he won seven. He carried sixteen Stone this Season in the Field; is perfectly found, and free from all natural Blemishes. He is very lucky in getting Foals, which are exceeding strong and boney sembly, that the East India Regulating Bill should be read a second Time this Day, which was opposed by the Duke of Richmond, and thers, and, after a short Debate, the Question was put, when 35 appeared
for, and 13 against it. The Lords to be summoned. A Motion was made for all Papers, Charters, & c. of the East- India Company, to be laid before the Upper Assembly. Passed in the Negative, 33 against 15. On the D of R d's Motions concerning the East- India Bill being rejected in a Great Assembly on Friday last, a Protest was entered thereupon, which was signed Yesterday by seven Members of that Assembly. PROTEST signed in the House of Lords Yester day, June 14, 1773, on the Bill to rob the East India Company of their chartered Rights, pur chased of the Public under the Sanction of a Par- liamentary Guarantee.
BECAUSE a Bill, evidently taking away, without Consent or Compensation, several Rights and Privileges now enjoyed by a great corporate Body, purchased for a valuable Consideration, and confirmed by the most solemn Sanctions of parliamentary Faith, can be justified only by such Delinquency as incurs a Forfeiture of those Rights, or by such urgent Necessity as admits of no Method consistent with the Charter of the Com- pany, for the immediate Preservation of those Objects for which the Corporation was formed. The Evidence therefore of such Delinquency, or such Necessity depending essentially on Matters of Fact and
Record, it is impossible for Peers to proceed on this Business in a proper Manner, while they are unfurnished with that Informa- tion which it was our Duty to demand, and which it was the Disposition of the House to refuse. Secondly, Because the House of Commons had appointed Committees to examine into the State and Condition of the East India Company, and have from them received several Reports previous to the bringing in this Bill ; a previous Course of the same Kind is equally necessary in this House; nor is it enough for Lords to be informed from common Conversation that other Men have done their Duty as a
Reason for neglecting ours. This House nevertheless ( in Conformity to its late Me- thod of Proceeding, but in direct Contradiction to the uniform Practice and Principle of better Times) has wholly declined to make any En- quiry into this important and delicate Subject ; though such Enquiry had been strongly recom- mended from the Throne at the Opening of this Session. Not content with this Neglect of Duty and Contempt of his Majesty's Recommendation, a Conference with the Commons was also refused ; by which, however imperfectly, the Inattention of the Peers might have been remedied by the Diligence of the other
House ; and when a Con cession was made that the Reports of the Com- mittees of the House of Commons should be laid before us, on Condition of their not being read by the Clerk, this small Concession of imperfect In- formation was immediately withdrawn, and the House resolved to proceed altogether in the Dark. Thirdly, Because We conceive, that, the Rea- son of Dispatch assigned for this Refulai of all Sorts of Information to be unworthy the Legisla- tive and the Judicial Character of the House, We are persuaded that, invested as We are with a public Trust of the highest Importance, We ought in all Cases to postpone
our Amuse- ments to our Duties, and are bound to measure our Consideration of the Affairs before us, not by the Season of the Year, but by the Nature of the Business. If We once admit the advanced Period of the Session as a Reason of refusing to ourselves every Information required by the Case, the Commons have it in their Power to preclude the House from the Exercise of its deliberative Capacity ; they have nothing more to do than to keep Business of Importance until the Summer is advanced, and then the Delay in that House is to be assigned as a sufficient Ground for a preci- pitate Acquiescence in . his. Fourthly,
Because we think, that having re- jected the antient, reasonable, and parliamentary Mode of Proceeding, the Maxim established in its Place is dangerous and irrational. We do constantly deny that what is commonly called public Notoriety ( which is in Reality no better than common Rumour) is or can be a Ground quently uncertain in its Foundation, generally under the Influence of violent Passions, and en- tirely destitute of that Accuracy which is neces - sary for ascertaining the Nature, Extent, or Ten- dency of any Grievance, or consequently for furnishing any wise or adequate Methods of Re dress. Signed, RICHMOND,
ROCKINGHAM, FITZWILLIAMS, PORTLAND, MILTON, DEVONSHIRE, PONSONBY. A Petition was presented Yesterday to the House of Peers, on Behalf of the East- lndia Com- pany, praying to be heard by Council against the East India Regulating Bill. Last Week died, at his House in Leadenhall- Street, John Company, Esq; a very old; reputable, and eminent Merchant, & c. one to whom Thousands were obliged. He was taken ill in Novem- ber last, and unluckily having, within a few Yean, made some Acquaintance at what is called the po- lite End of the Town, and having been slighted by his old Friend Dr. Bank, he
neglected his Friends the Physicians in the City, and applied for Relief to Dr. North and Dr. Parliament, two Pers- ons of some Eminence ; but they, quite mistake- ng his Case, gave him such Remedies as put an End to his Being. There will be no Lottery this Year The Rea- son assigned by Lord North was, the present dis- tressed State of public Credit, and that the public Service required no important Operation of Finance: The true Cause of there being no Lottery this Year is; we are assured from good Authority, the Refusal of the monied Men in the City having any Thing to do with it. Lord North's Promise of discharging the
17, ooo, ooo1. in ten Years is come to nothing; not a Shilling of the funded Debt being to be paid off this Year. Oh Friday the Bill to repeal an Act made in the 10th. Year of his present Majesty, for pre- venting the stealing of Dogs, and for making other Provisions in Lieu thereof, passed the House of Commons. The House of Commons will positively break up on Monday se'nnight. The Suspicion that a Change of Ministers is in Agitation continues. it is reported that the Duke of G. has written a Letter to the K—, in which he informs him, that " he believes he has not long to live ;" and begs, as the most ardent Wish of his Heart, to
be recon- ciled to his Brother, and to share his Affection the little Time he expects to survive his present Malady. Letters from Dublin Express their Hopes of his Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester's visiting that University this Summer, if his Health will permit, in order to be installed Chancellor. His Royal Highness was elected Chancellor on the Death of the late Duke of Bedford. — We are told that the Revenue of that University amounts to upwards of 4000I. per Annum. The Resolution of the City of London not to address his Majesty on Occasion of the Dutchess of Gloucester being safely delivered of a Princess, is said to
have determined several other Corpora- tions, contrary to their former Intentions, to take no Notice of that Event. It is said the Board of Admiralty is to entertain his Majesty, during the three Days the Royal En- sign flies at Spithead, on board the Barfleur: And that the Contractor for the three Royal Ban- quets is allowed 4000I. Her Majesty does not accompany the King on this Excursion. A Correspondent assures us, that One Hundred Guineas have been refused in Portsmouth for a House only during the Residence of his Majesty. For some Time past the People at Portsmouth and Goport would not let any Lodgings without
stipulating for an extraordinary Sum for the Week his Majesty was to be there; from 14 Guineas to 20 are given only for a Bed- chamber for that Time, and the People there laugh in their Sleeves at the Curiosity of such who give it, as the first Broadside from the Fleet will put an End to any Thing being seen of the Fleet, as they will be enveloped in Clouds of Smoak. A great Number of small Vessels from the Coast of France have already arrived at Spithead, and many more are expected. Lord Sandwich's Attorney sent a Letter to the Printer of the London Evening- Post on Saturday last, informing him, that the Trial between him
and his Lordship ( which was to have come on the 16th Inst.) would be put off till next Term. Last Monday, being the Anniversary of Lord Bute's Birth- day, there was a numerous Meeting of his Lordship's Tradesmen at the King's Head Tavern in New Bond- Street, who after Dinner drank several loyal Healths on the Occasion, with a particular one, " That all Noblemen and other great Persons in England would follow his Lord- ship's Example, in paying his Tradesmen punctu- ally every Month." Sunday Morning the Pursers of the Duke of Cumberland, Capt. Savage, and the Shrewsbury, Capt. Jones, East Indiamen, came to the
East India House, with the News of the above Ships being safe arrived off the Isle of Wight, from Bombay. Yesterday a Man was taken into Custody, charged with several Forgeries to the Amount of Seven Hundred and Eighty Pounds. Sunday Evening John Duffey, Richard Bolton, William Collis, and Thomas Spooner, who are to be executed on Friday next for Burglaries, found Means to saw off their Fetters and attempted to escape from their Cells; as did also James Monk, Edward Delany, and William Lushley, who are under Condemnation for Burglary and Highway Robbery. They behaved very despe- rate on being
detested, and swore the long Con- finement they had undergone was ten Times worse than Death ; they were at length properly secured the latter was killed on the Spot : He was Heir to a good Estate in Worcestershire. There is too much Reason to think that when the three Combined Powers have divided Poland they will proceed farther. These Powers are said, from the Beginning, to have had three great Points in View. Russia is determined, if possi- ble, to secure the Navigation of the Black Sea and the Bosphorus; the Object of Austria is the Conquest of Belgrade, Servis, Bulgaria, Mol davia, and Walachia; and of Prussia,
the Pos- session of the Coasts, Ports and Towns of the Bal tick, together with the City of Dantzick. This latter supposition seems further justified by the An- swer which, on Credible Authority, the Court of Petersburgh made lately to the British Court, con- c erning the Guaranty of 1767, viz. " That she was ready to join in securing the Rights of Dant- zick, so far as they were consistent with the Pre- tensions so far third Power." It is further justified by a Declaration said to be made by Austrian '' That she was also ready to join in any Plan, to circumscribe the Ursurpation of Prussia, provided Russia would do the same." on Thursday
was apprehended at Arundel in Suffex, one Stretton, late Servant to Mr. Edw. Nodes; Farmer, at Hambleton in Ham- ps hire, who, on the 4th Instant in the Afternoon; broke open a Chest belonging to his said Master; and stole thereout One Hundred Pounds in Gold; Five Pounds in Crown and Half- Crown Pieces; and 150 Farthings; On his Examination before a Magistrate he confessed the Fact; and delivered up One Hundred Pounds, Nineteen Shillings of the said Money. In the Night between the 7th and 8th Instant, Richard Holt, of Bierton, near Aylesbury, in the County of Bucks, Farmer, was most barbarously murdered in
his Bed- Chamber ( his Brains being beaten out) and his House plundered of Money and other Effects; by some Persons unknown; who, it is supposed, got down the Chimney into the said Room; two Ladders having been found the next Morning set against the House, and the Top of the Chimney being damaged; Two Clubs were found in the Bed- Chamber, and and other Club, with Mr. Holt's Gun, in the Yard near the Door of the House. Newcastle, June 12. Last Week were commit- ted to Lancaster- Castle, by Col. Townley; a Per- s on from Halifax Parish, another from Rochdale; and one Mr. M— rr — y; a Leather C— tt— r
at Rochdale, on Suspicion of diminishing the cur- rent Coin, & c. Bank Stock, —. India ditto, 143 1/ 2. South Sea ditto, —, Old Annuities. 83 1/ 8 a 3/ 4. New Annuities; 84 1/ 2 a 5/ 8. Three per Cent. Bank Reduced; 85 Three per Cent. Cons. 86 Three per Cent. 1726, —. Three per Cent 1751, —; Ditto India Ann; --. Three 1 hall per Cent. 1758, 88 1/ 8 Four per Cent; Consol 89 7/ 8 a 90. India Bonds, 1s. Discount. BANKRUPTS required to surrender: John Browne, of Richmond Buildings, Merchant — Samuel Nathan, of Great Somerset- street, White - chapel, Merchant.--- Joseph Valux, of Cornhill, Ha- berdasher.—- Isaac
Mallortie of Hammersmith, Mer- chant.— Philip Osborne, of Ross, in Herefordshire Tanner.— Benjamin Baker, of Beccles, in Suffolk, Shopkeeper. — Thomas Smith, of Butcher- Row, near Temple- bar, in the County of Middlesex Upholder.—- Richard Harvey, of Holbrooke, Derby. shire, Shopkeeper and Flax- Dresser. Samuel Akers, of Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, Butcher. DIVIDENDS to be made to Creditors. July 8. Samuel Jocliam, of Bristol, Butcher.- 15. William Doure, of Campden, in Glocestershire, Shopkeeper— 19. William Coles, of Romsey, in Hants, Common Brewer.-— Aug. 10. Ferdinand Shaw, of Mansfield,
Nottinghamshire, Hosier. Promoted.] The Rev. Joseph Hoole, B. D. of Magdalen College, Oxford, to hold the Rectory of Bradley, in the County of Southampton and Dio- cese of Winchester; together with the Rectory of Winterbourne Basset, in thé County of Wilts, and Diocese of Salisbury. Wheatcn Houiliuld. lb. 0 « . dr. lb oz. A 0 8 3 0 10 4 1 0 6 I 5 t 1 8 8 t 0 t 3 « > 4 0 3 622 8 0 ; 9 3 3 120t WORCESTER, Thursday, June 17. The Assize of Bread, as set by the Right Worshipsur the Mayor and Justices, on Monday last, and to commence this Day. Penny Loaf to weigh Two- penny Loaf Three- penny Loaf Six- penny Loaf
Twelve- penny Loaf Eighteen- penny Loaf The Halfpenny Batch Cake not to weigh less than 4 Ounces 1 Dram ; and the Penny Batch Cake not less than 8 Ounces and 3 Drams. The Governors of our Infirmary return their Thanks for a Benefaction of one Guinea, received by the Hands of the Right Worshipful the Mayor from a Person Unknown. On Saturday last was committed to our County Goal, John Everitt, Farmer and Tileman, of Yardley, he being charged, by the Coroner's In- quest, with killing his Wife on a sudden Quar- rel, on the 3d Instant; the Particulars of which are said to be as follow, viz. His Servant Mar coming to
the Door at the Time, found it fast and heard his Mistress crying out; he then went into the Brewhouse, and saw him kneeling upon her Breast, with one Hand upon her Mouth, and the other upon her Throat; this alarmed him so much that he went to a neighbouring Woman, and related the Story, strongly suspecting the Consequence would be bad : On his Return; which was in a short Time, he heard no Noise: soon after this, Everitt went to one of his Neigh bours and told her his Wife was very ill; and he imagined she would soon be dead. After con- cealing her Death with as much Art he was Capa- ble of, she was buried the
Sunday following ; but Suspicions increasing, her Body was taken up on Thursday last, and examined by the Coroner's Inquest. La st Wee k were discovered in a Rabbit Holes about five of six Miles from Birmingham, a Number of Pieces of base Metal ( designed for
To the PRINTER. SIR, WITH the highest Opinion of Lord clive's Abilities and Integrity, I always thought himmuch indebted to Fortune. The Accident at first sent him to India, the Concurrence of Cir- cumstances that led him into the Military Line, the opportunities he met with to distinguish himself, y Conduct as well as Courage, on the Coast of Co- mandel, and at last the Treachery of Surajah owla, and the Destruction of Calcutta, which lled him forward to a greater Scene of Action, he all to be placed to the Account of his good Fortune. If the Peace of Aix la Chapelle had been observed in India, Lord Clive would probably at his
Hour have been the Chief of some of our in prior of Settlements, or at the best perhaps a rich Governor returning from Madrass. His Conduct the most trying Situations has proved that he was forthy of the good Fortune that placed him in them, great Occasions are thrown away upon common then. I do not mean to write the Panegyric of Lord clive. There was a Time when the English Nation acknowledged his Services with Gratitude and Rap- re. After a Moment's Delusion they are re- turning very fast to the same Sentiments. A wise people cannot long be deceived by the insidious Articles of a Party formed to ruin an Individual,
under the Pretence of a general Reformation ; a grave and generous People cannot long be unjust. But without attending to his Services, or the Re- ward they have met with, I still mean to insist upon his good Fortune. At this Period of Life he had Right to expect, that he should ever have an opportunity of shewing the World, that the same Man who had borne the most extraordinary Success and Advancement with Moderation, could preserve the Equality of his Mind at the Approach of Ad- versity, and support the Loss of every Thing but Character with Temper and Resolution. I con- gratulate him not so much upon the Triumph
of a most honourable Acqnittal, as upon having justly concurred those personal Enmities that brought him to the Trial. It is well known from what Cause whose Enmities have proceeded. He was solicited to undertake the invidious, ungrateful Office of correcting Abuses and punishing Offenders: and he returned from his last Expedition to India loaded with the Enmity of Individuals, whose Applause and Friendship he might easily have acquired. There cannot be a stronger presumptive Proof of his having faithfully discharged his Duty to the Public. From this Period we are to date the Design of a particular set of Men to rob him of
his Fortune, and to six an odious Stain upon his Reputation. The Facts on which they have chiefly insisted, were as publicly known a Dozen Years ago as they are at this Mo- ment. Why were they not made the Subject of enquiry and Prosecution before he was sent out in the last Instance to put a Stop to the Proceedings of some of the Company's Servants at Bengal ? Why is the Memory of an execrable Tyrant lately be- come the Object of so much Tenderness and Re- spect ? The good Man slumbered, bonus dormitat, while an hundred English Gentlemenwere suffocated in a loath some Dungeon. If he had been waked,
perhaps he might have set them at Liberty. To Judge of what he would have done, it might be proper to read Mr. HolIwell's Account of the brutal Cruelty with which he treated the few who survived. is the chaste Governor Burgoyne really such an Chemy as he pretends to be to thé touching of pub- ic Money ? Though we never heard of his Ser- vices, we have seen him loaded with Honours and moluments. We have also seen him charged, soon very strong circumstantial Evidence, with pocketing the Purchase Money of a Patent Place, which the Minister suffered to be sold for his Use. A s a Soldier, he would have thought it
incumbent upon him to have called for a Court Martial to clear his Character. As a Member of Parliament, he did not think it so advisable to move for a Com- mittee to enquire into that infamous Transaction. The prudent Governor then thought it sufficient to insure his personal Safety by the Duke of Graf- son's relinquishing the Prosecution he had com- menced against Samuel Vaughan. The Bedford Party have shewn a wonderful Zeal and Forwardness to bring this great Criminal, Lord Clive, to Justice. We give them Credit for their public Spirit, and acknowledge their Abhorrence of all Peculation or anbezzlement ; nor have I
any Objection to their concern for the Memory of Surajah Dowla. In the Service of such a Prince they would have sup- planted Omichund. But when they talk of Trea- ties, one would think they might recollect what Blind of Treaty the late Duke of Bedford concluded at Fontainbleau. If he did not sell the Nation him- self, this Country has too much Reason to believe both he and the Nation were sold by his Friends. Governor Johnstone makes no Secret of the Mo- tives of his Refenment against a Man, who was found by Duty to bring his most respected Brother to Punishment. Great Allowance is to be made for the natural Feelings
of so near a Connection ; and as I have not the smallest Doubt but that he himsèlfwould have acted as his Brother did in In- dia, I am equally persuaded that his Brother would have defended himself with equal Zeal in England, such Men should always be provided with such Brothers. Lord North, I believe, has been hurried by the Violenceof others beyond his own Inclination and Intention. Though he concurred in the Resolu- tion, to Man in the House, of Commons was louder than himself in the Praises of Lord Clive. The Effect of this System of Conduct will probably be, that all Parties will join in running him down, until the Duke
of Grafton is strong enough to drive him from his Post. If that should happen, the King will soon know what it is to commit himself and as Affairs to the Power of a single Party. Such are the People who have conspired to ruin a Man, to whom Great Britain owes all it's Acquisitions in the East, Indies, and to whom the Company have repeatedly acknowledged that they are indebted for their Existence. Yet, after all the Clamours which havèbeen so industriously raised and propagated of Plunder, Treachery, and Assassination, we find at last that the whole Strength of the Ministry has not been sufficient, even in such a House of
Commons as the present, to make good a single Charge against him. His Acquittal is due to the Justice of his Cause ; but I reckon it among the Instances of his ood Fortune that he has had the Weight of Ad- ministrationçonstantly against him. Had it been otherwise, his Enemies would have said that he had saved himself by some secret Accommodation with the Ministry. Now setting Lord Clive out of the Question, and Leaving the worthy Governor Burgoyne to reflect upon the honourable Figure he makes in the Eyes of the Nation, it is very necessary to direct the At- tention of the Public to the Mode of the Com- mittee's
Proceedings. To gratify a personal Ran- cour against one Man, they have violated every Principle of Law, Reason, and Justice. The warmest Friends of Government were struck with the Base- ness of their Proceeding, and refused to concur in it. Their iniquitous Plan has been defeated, and Lord Clive is beyond the Reach of their Resent- ment ; yet it is worth considering that the same Measures may be adopted hereafter to destroy any Man obnoxious to the Ministry, and that they tend to establish a Precedent, which ought to be unani- mously condemned by the Nation. The Select Committee was appointed to inquire into the
Nature, State and Condition of the East- India Company's Affairs, and of the British Af- fairs in the East Indies. Instead of reporting to the House a general State of these Affairs as they exist at present; instead of enquiring into the Causes of their Decline from that flourishing Condition, to which Lord Clive's Services had raised the Com- pany; instend of forming a general Plan of Reforma- tion for the future, what have the Committee done after sitting two Sessions ? Their utmost Zeal and Diligence have been employed in searching for Ma- terials to disgrace and ruin a Man, whose eminent Services have been acknowledged, not
only by his Employers, but by his Country and his King. In order to ruin his Reputation, they go back sixteen Years to prove that he deposed a Tyrant, and de- ceived a Traitor. If this Part of his Conduct was criminal, why was it not long since made the Sub- ject of Inquisition, or why have the Company and the Nation been so ready to profit by his Crimes? I presume General Burgoyne and his Accomplices thought they had a good Precedent to follow in the base and iniquitous Proceedings against Sir Walter Raleigh. In order to rob Lord Clive of his Fortune, they obtain Evidence from himself, on which they after- wards ground a
criminal Charge against him. In this Instance we see the Extremity of Passion with- out the Shadow of Justice on Discretion. They charge him with receiving Presents in a Country where no Man but himself ever refused a Present. It is well known, that after the Battle of Plassey, when the Inhabitants of Muxadavad desired him to name his own Terms, and when he might have ran- somed the City for Millions, he refused to accept of a single Rupee ; yet at that Time there was no Co- venant or Prohibition on the Part of the Company against taking Presents. If he had been a greedy Man, he might have gratified his Avarice to ten
Times the Amount of his present Fortune, without Disobedience of Orders, or Violation of Faith to his Employers. The Committee having at last col- lected their Evidence, let us see what life they en- deavour to make of it. By Way of laying a Foun- dation for robbing Lord Clive, General Burgoyne insidiously betrays the House into a general Resolu- tion, that all Acquisitions made under the Influence of a military Force do of Right belong to the State. Upon this extraordinary Resolution I have two Ob- sérvationsto make. The first is that, taken as a general Proportion, and supposing the equivocal Word Acquisition to refer to
moveable Property, it is notoriously false, whether the Word State be un- derstood to mean the executive or the legislative Power of this Country. We have nothing to do with the Practice of the Greeks or Romans. If the general Proposition be founded on the written Law of England, let General Burgoyne produce a Sta- tute, in which this is declared to be the Sense of the Legislature. If it be founded on the Custom of England, let him shew us in what Instance the State has appropriated to its own Use the Booty, Ransom, Plunder, or Prize- Money taken by our Fleets or Armies from a foreign Enemy, or in what Instance the State
has ever averted its Right to such Acqui- sitions. Our gallant Soldiers and Sailors are much indebted to a Brother Officer, who has done every Thing that depended upon him to deprive them of the Reward of their Labours, and to leave them at the Mercy of the Minister. It is to be hoped that one Day or other they will make this Deserter feel the Weight of their Resentment. Let it be admit- ted then that Lord Ciive obtained his Fortune by the. Influence of a military Force, and did not re- ceive it as a voluntary Donation from a Prince who had as good a Right to give him a Lack of Rupees as the King of Portugal had to give General
Bur- goyne a Diamond : lie is not the only Man who has made a Fortune at the Expence of a foreign Enemy. If Mr. Burgoyne does not act upon Mo- tives of personal Rancour, why does he not call upon the Representatives of Lord Anion to account for the Capture of the Galleon; or on those of Lord Albemarle to refund the Prize Money and Donation at the Havannah? Has he settled with Sir William Draper, to whom the Manilla Ransom shall belong, if ever it should be recovered ? Has he kept any Account of the Distribution of Prize Money among our Soldiers and Sailors since the Beginning of the last War? He may proceed in
an Inquisition of this Sort without any Hazard to his own Fortune. His Resources are of another Nature. He never was in the Post of Danger, therefore has never gained any Thing from a foreign Enemy, though he has sharedas largely as most Men in the Plunder of his own Country. My sécond Observation upon the above Proposition is, that supposing it to be gene- rally true, nothing can be more absurd than the particular Application of it to Lord Clive. With Respect to him, the State must signify the East India Company. Now the Company have not only never questioned his Right to the Fortune he enjoys, but have confirmed to
him, by a specific Agreement, that Part of it which it was in their Power to have disputed with him after he had realized the rest. They çonfirmed his Jaghire, and sent him out again to India in an Employment of the highest Consi- dence, Honour, and Importance. It is now given out that all further Enquiries are to cease. If this should be the Casé, the Nation will sée beyond a Doubt what was the real Object of the Committee. The last Thing I shall take Notice of is the Bill of Regulation how depending in the House of Com- mons. The Provisions contained in this Bill not only annihilate the East India Company, but strike at the
chartered Rights of every Corporation in the Kingdom. From Corporations there will be an easy Transition to Individuals. No Man's Liberty or Property is safe, when the legislative Power as- sumes to itself the whole Office of the judicial, pro- ceeds to Reformat on without proving an Abuse, and inflicts Punishment before any Crime is esta- blished. Upon what Evidence of Fact has the Par- liament a Right to assert, as they do in the Pream- ble, that Frauds and Oppressions have too long pre- vailed in the Government of the Affairs of the East India Company both at Home and Abroad ? One Man alone has been accused ; one
Man alone has been tried, and that Man has been honourably ac- quitted. Yet Parliament proceeds to deprive the Company of their Charter in a Way that would be thought cruel and arbitrary, even if the Abuses they speak of had been proved, or if the Authors of those Abuses had been tried and convicted. I do not mean to say that no Abuses have existed, or that no Crimes have been committed. But let Parliament establish their Premises before they come to so important a Conclusion. It is easy to cast a general Odium without Proof on any Set of Men whatsoever. But this is not a just or parlia- mentary Way of proceeding.
The Preamble of thé Bill refers generally to Facts, no one of which have been particularly proved, and the English Na- tion is disgraced in the Eyes of Europe by a general Charge, which Parliameat have not yet been able to make good in a single Instance. If great Of- fences have been committed by Individuals, it does not follow that the Punishment should fall upon the Corporation. It is not reasonable either in Law or Logic that the innocent Proprietors should be di- vested of their Rights by Parliament, because their Affairs hare been mismanaged, and their Property embezzled by their Servants. Such was the Mercy and
Justice of the Romans to their Allies. " You have " been extremely ill governed by your own Princes " or Nobility, therefore it is but just and reasonable " that you should become a Province of the Re- " public." CLIVDEN. MILITIA, For the COUNTY and CITY of WORCESTER. NOTICE is hereby given, That at a General Meeting of the Lord Lieutenant and Deputy Lieutenants, held at Hooper's Coffee- House in the said City, on Tuesday the 27th Day of October last, the Sub- division Meeting, of the Deputy Lieutenants and Justices of the Peace for the said County and City, were appointed to be held on the Days and at the Places
herein after men- tioned, viz. The first Sub- division Meeting for the Upper Di- vision of Pershore Hundred, the Upper Division of Oswaldslow Hundred, and the Upper and Lower Divisions of Blackenhurst Hundred, at the Crown Inn, in Bridge- Street, in Evesham, at Ten o'clock in the Forenoon, on Monday the 5th Day of July next ; the second on Monday the 26th Day of the same Month ; the third on Monday the 16th Day of August; and the fourth on Monday the 6th Day of September next, at the same Hour and Place. The first Sub- division Meeting for the Middle and Lower Divisions of Oswaldslow Hundred, and the Lower
Division of Pershore Hundred, at the Talbot, in the Parish of Claines, in the said County, at Ten o'clock in the Forenoon, on Saturday the 10th Day of July; thé second on Saturday the 31st Day of the same Month ; the third on Saturday the 21 st Day of August; and the fourth on Saturday the 11th Day of September next, at the same Hour and Place. The first Sub- division Meeting for the Upper and Lower Divisions of Doddingtree Hundred, at the Hundred House, in the Parish of Great Witley, in the said County, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, on Wednesday the 14th Day of July next; the se- cond o n Wednesday the 4th Day of
August ; the third on Wednesday the 25th Day of the same Month; and the fourth on Wednesday the 15th Day of September next, at the same Hour and Place. The first Sub- division Meeting for the Upper and Lower Divisions of Halfshire Hundred, at the Golden Cross, in Bromsgrove, at Ten o'Clock in the Fore- noon, on Tuesday the 13th Day of July next; the secondon Tuesday the 3d Day of August; the third on Tuesday the 24th Day of the same Month; and the fourth on Tuesday the 24th Day of Sep- tember next, at the same Hour and Place. The first Sub- division Meeting for the City of Worcester, at the Guildhall of the said
City, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, on Tuesday the 6th Day of July next ; the second on Tuesday the 27th Day of the same Month ; the third on Tuesday the 17th Day of August; and the fourth on Tuesday the 7th Day of September next, at the same Hour and Place. And the several Gentlemen appointed to act for the Sub- divisions aforesaid, and such other Deputy Lieutenants and Justices of the Peace, as may please to act in the Execution of the Militia Laws, are de- sired to attend the said Sub- division Meetings. And the Constables, Tytbingmen, or other Pa- rish Officers, are to return to the first Meeting of the said several
Sub- divisions, Lists of the Names of all Men between the Ages of Eighteen and Forty- five Years, residing in their respective Parishes or Places. J. THORNELOE, Clerk of the General Meetings. This Day is published, Price 5s. bound, EVERY Man his Own Gardener : Being a more complete GARDENER'S KALEN- DAR than any one hitherto published. Containing not only an Account of what Work is necessary to be done in the Hot House, Green House, Shrubbery, Kitchen, Flower, and Fruit Garden, for every Month in the Year, but also ample Directions for perform- ing the said Work, according to the newest and most
approved Methods now in Practice amongst the best Gardeners. In this Edition particular Directions are given with Respect to Soil and Situation; and to the Whole is added complete and useful Lists of Forest Trees, Flowering Shrubs, Fruit Trees, Evergreens, annual, biennial, and perennial Flowers, Hot House, Green House, and Kitchen Garden Plants, with the Varieties of each Sort, cultivated in the English Gardens. By THOMAS M A W E, ( Gardener to his Grace the Duke of Leeds) AND OTHER GARDENERS. The Fifth Edition, corrected, enlarged, and very much improved. London, printed for W. Griffin, at Garrick's Head,
in Catharine- Street, Strand. Sold by H. Berrow, in Worcester; S. Harward, in Tewkes- bury; and by all Booksellers in the Country, and the Worcester Newsmen. Where may be had, Price 5s. in Boards, A New Treatise on the Laws concerning TITHES ; containing all the Statutes, adjudged Cases, Resolu- lions, and Judgments relating thereto, with some interesting Cases concerning Tithes, determined in the Court of King's Bench by the Earl of Hard- wicke and Lord Mansfield. The Third Edition, corrected and enlarged, with the Addition of several Cases never before printed. By T. CUNNINGHAM, Esq. MAREDANT's DROPS.
To Mr. Norton, Surgeon; Golden- square, London. S I R , IAm cured, by the Use if your Maredant's Drops, of a most afflictingDisorder of the scorbutic Kind, after tryingevery Medcine that could be thought of for my Rehef, in Vain. My Case was as follows: I first had small Pimples come out on my Head, Face, Hands, and Legs; in a little Time after, my Face and Body were covered with large Blotches which discharged a Kind of watery Humour, attended with excessive Itching : I was in this Situation till about January, 1766, when I was recommended by a Gentleman, who was cured, by the Use of your Drops, of an inveterate dry
Scurvy all over his Body. 1 am now in perfect Health, and am continually praying for the Welfare of the Author of so valuable a Medicine. In Justice to you, and for the Good of Mankind, I give you Leave to make what Use you please of this. I am, with great Esteem, Sir, Yourmost obedient humble Servant, CHARLES COOK. Cook - Street, Liverpool, May 14, 1773• Any Personstill doubtful of the Efficacy of this Medicine, may ( by applying to Mr. NORTON, Surgeon, the West side of Golden square, near Piccadilly, London, the only Author and Proprietor, where these Drops are sold in Bottels of six Shillings each) be fully
convinced of their good Effect, by being referred to many People of Credit, who have been cured of the Leprosy, Scurvy, Ulcers, the Evil, Fistulas. Piles, long continued Inflammations of the Eyes, and every other Disorder arising from a Foulness in the Blood. They may betaken in any Season, without the least Inconvenience or Hidrance of Business. They also perfect Digestion, and mazigly create an Appetite. N. B. None are genuine but what are signed by JOHN NORTON, in his own Hand- writing ; who hath appointed them to be sold by H. BERROW , at his Printing Office, near the Cross, Worcester ; and by Mr. ANDREWS,
Bookseller, in Eersham. Another extraordinary CURE performed by that celebrated Preparation, Dr. SMITH's RESTORATIVE MEDICINE. The Case of LEWIS HATFIELD, Esq. S I R, I Think I should be undeserving of the Benefit I have re- ceived and greatly deficient in Gratitude to you, if I omitted informing you that I am recovered from a deplorable State of Body, by taking your Restorative Medicine. I laboured for many Years under a univesal Relaxation and Complication of Disorders, occasioned, 1 am well assured, by javenile Imprudence, for which I took innumerable Medicines, but to no Manner of Effect. Relating my
unhappy Case to a Gentleman, be advised me to take your Medicine; He said a Friend of his had been cured by it ; on which I began to take it, and, by continuing some Time, am restored to perfect Health. I am, Sir, With the greatest Respect, your very obliged humble Servant, York, Match 31, 1773. LEWIS HATFIELD. In the Course of many Years Practice, innumerable, lnstances have indisputably proved the strengthening and cordial Effects of this Medicine in all Weaknesses, Debili- ties & c. whether natural or acquired by that Beinous Vice Self- pollution, too early or excessive Venery, Mercurial Courses, and Nervous
Complaints in general ; also those secret Infirmities that attack Persons advancing in Years are by it removed ; and the natural Powers of the whole vital System are nourished, ccmforted, and prolonged. The Causes of Impotency in one Sex, and Barrenness in the other, have been eradicated by this Medicine. The great BOERHAAVE says, " From an ill- cured Pox, and imprudent Venery, arise Pains in the Head or Limbs, Eruptions, Gleets, Weakness of the whole Frame, Dimness of Sight, with a Tribe of Nervous Complaints, which generally terminate in a Consumption, For a full Account read the DOCTOR'S New Treatise, just
published, Price 1s. 6d. the 8th Edition. The RESTORATIVE is to be had in Bottles at 10s. 6d. with full Directions, of H. Berrow Printer of this Paper, in Worcester ; and of the Doctor, in George street, York- buildings, in the Strand, London, who may be consulted , periodically, or by Letter, Post- paid, VELNOS' Vegtable SYRUP, With IMPROVEMENTS, Prepared only by J. BURROWS, M. D. Sole Patentee. THIS Medicine is authenticated, by theTesti- mon y of Persons ot Eminence, as efficacious in all SCORBUTIC CASES, and every Degree of a CERTAIN DIS- ORDER, for which the Public are referred to the Daily Pa- pers,
and a Dissertation on its Nature and Effects. WILLIAM CHAPMAN, Cabinet- maker, Was recom- mended to the Care of Dr. Burrows, by Mr. M Kinnow, Uphosterer, the Corner of Lincoln's Inn Fields ( with whom be had formerly worked) having laboured under a Venereal Compliat, highly complicated with the Scurvy, upwards of six Years. His Body was covered with Pustules of a putrid Nature. There was a large soetid Ulcer on the Right Leg, and a Fistula in the Perineum, through which the Urine passed, and gave him exquisite Pain He had been twice salivated without Effect, notwithstanding which dreadful Symptoms the
Doctor was encouraged by former Success in themostdangerous Cases to put him under a Course of his Vegetable Syrup. In the Space of about seven Weeks the Ulcer in tbe Leg was cured ; at the End of the two Months all the putrid Eruptions disap- peared, and in fourteen Weeks the Fistula was healed ; the Urine passed through the natural Channel, and he has not since had the least Complaint. This Patient was visited, at the Request of Dr. Burrows, by two Gentlemen of the Faculty, during the Course, who, on Application, will testify the same. The Vegetable Syrup is appointed to be sold in Worcester by H . Berrow, at
10s. 6d, a Bottle. By His Majesty's Letters Patent, ( Granted to W ALT E R LEAKE, of the City of London, P. P.) is recommended the Justly Famous PILL, called in the Patent, PILULA SALUTARIA And there pronounced to be a Cure for the VENEREAL DISEASE, SCURVY, and RHEUMATISM. IN fifteen or eighteen Days it generally cures those cruel Disorders, and where it fails of perfectly restoring Health in that Time, the Patient has the happy Assurance that he or she is at the Eve of being restored , let the De- gree of Malignancy be ever so great. It is an Excellency peculiar to these Pills, to make directly to the complaining
Parts, and enter into Contest with the offending Matter, which they soon dislodge and expell. They are declared by Experience to be a Preserver of Health, as well as a Re- storer, by taking only eight single Pills ( as instructed by the Direction Bilis) once or twice a Year. In short, the Patentee has this extraordinary Obligition to them, that whatever he promised himself from them they were sure to fulfil and exceed, as though impatient of immortal and uni- versal Fame. These Pills are most worthy a place in the Ca- binet of Masters and Captains of Ships, and the more so, for that they require no Confinement, nor Restraint of Diet,
will keep good in all Climates any Length of Time, and effect a Cure even when Salivation fails. Sold by the Patentee ( in Boxes cf 2s. 6d. each) at his House No. 16, Bride Lane, Fleet Street; who effectually cures Gleets and Seminal Weaknesses: Also sold by Ap- pointment by Mr. Hart, Druggist, in Wolverhampton, Aris and Co. Birmingham ; Smart, Ludlow ; Hartlebury, Tewkes- bury ; Raikes, Gloucester; Jackson, Oxford; and at Ber- row's Printing Office in Worcester.