Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal
Date of Article: 29/04/1773
Printer / Publisher: H. Berrow
Address: Near the Cross, Worcester
Volume Number: Issue Number: 4116
No Pages: 4
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Price Two- pence Halfpenny. T H U R S D A Y April 29, 1773. Numb. 4116. Saturday's and Sunday's Posts. This Day arrived a Mail from FRANCE. Barcelona, April 3. AN extraordinary Courier arrived here a few Days ago from Madrid, with particular Orders from the Court; and since that Time the Workmen in our Arsenal have been employed in casting Field Artillery for all the Regiments of Foot. Nine thousand Tents are also getting ready for the Service of 60,000 Troops. Two Xebecks, which lately arrived here, are gone to Majorca to engage all the Sai- lors they can find; and the same Business is doing all along the Coast of
Catalonia. LONDON, Friday, April 23. Lord North did not come on Wednesday from St. James's to the House of Commons till near Four o'Clock. As soon as his Lordship arrived, the Speaker rose, and acquainted the House that he had received a Letter from the Sheriffs of Middlesex, signed " Richard Oliver and Watkin Lewes," in Answer to a circular Letter he had written to them by Order of the House ; that he had the Purport of their Answer in a Note, which he had in his Hand, which was, " that they had summoned John Wilkes and John Glynn, Esqrs. as Knights of the Shire for the County of Mid- dlesex; that he would read it,
if the House pleased, but that he imagined there was no Oc- casion for so doing, as it had been already very faithfully copied in all the News- Papers. At the Instant the Speaker had done, his Lordship called tor the Order of the Day, and no Person rising to speak on either Side, no further Notice was taken of the Affair. To the Right Hon. Sir FLETCHER NORTON, Knight, Speaker of the House of Commons. ( COPY.) SIR, Prime's Court, April 20, 1773. IN Persuance of your Orders to the Sheriff of Middlesex, on the 7th of this Month, to sum- mon the Representatives of this County, I have re- ceived a Letter from Richard Oliver,
Esq; and Sir Watkin Lewes, requiring my " Attendance in the House of Commons on the 26th Day of this Instant April," with a Declaration, " that the House of" Commons intends to proceed with the utmost Se- verity against such of their Members as shall then neglect to attend the Service of the House." The two Gentlemen, Sir, as well at every Man of Sense and Principle in the Kingdom, could not entertain a Doubt, that the legal Members for Middlesex were Mr. Glynn and myself, the Per- sons who were chosen into Parliament by a Ma- jority of Freeholders. The Summonses in C0n- sequence issued to us by their express
Directions. The Sentiments, however, of the House of Com- mons appear to me very different, and not less in direct Opposition to every Idea of Justice than to the Rights of the People. It is too evident they mean a Continuation of their former Injuries to the County of Middlesex, and the Nation at large, by their still suffering Mr. Lutrrell to fit in Parliament, the pretended Representative of Freeholders who voted against him. In this Spirit of Injustice they intended the Summons should issue to a Gentleman who has no Pretence to a Seat in the House of" Com- mons, but finds his Usurpation supported by their Fraud and Violence. I
have not been remiss, Sir, on this Occasion in Duty to my worthy Constituents, and to my Coun- try. I neglected no Opportunity of demanding the Seat to which I was so honourably chosen, nor have I failed to protect frequently, both to the Parliament and Nation, against this Injustice done to the Free- holders of the County of Middlesex, as being suf- fered to be represented only in Part by Mr. Glynn, although with the highest Reputation to himself, and the most essential Benefit to the Public. On the 27th of January, 1769, I demanded in Person, at the Bar of the House of Commons, to be admitted and sworn in, as one of the
Knights of the Shire for this County. In a Letter to you, Sir, as Speaker, on the 20th of March, 1771, I declared, " In the Name of the Freeholders of Middlesex, I again de- mand my Seat in Parliament, having the Honour of being freely chosen, by a great Majority, one of the Representatives for the said County. I am ready to take the Oaths prescribed by Law, and to give in my Qualification as Knight of the Shire." I now to you, Sir, as Speaker, renew the same Claim, in the strongest Manner, for the injured People of England, and my Constituents, the Free- holders of the County of Middlesex. I will never cease to support with
Spirit the clear Right I derive from them by all constitutional Modes of Redress, till every the most minute Trace of the late slagitious Proceedings be utterly done away, and the Guilt fully expiated. The People, Sir, are anxious that the House should embrace the Opportunity, which now natu- rally offers, of reviewing their Conduct, of doing a necessary Piece of Justice by rescinding that arbi- trary Resolution of May 8 th, 1769, which virtually re- peals the Great Charter and the Bill of Rights in the important Point of the Freedom of Election, " That Henry Lawes Luttrell, Esq; is duly elected a Knight of the Shire for the County of
Middlesex." While this Resolution remains in the Journals of the House, I affert that the House of Commons , in the Person of one Man, illegally deprived of his Seat in Parlia- ment, have disfranchised all the People of England, and in the Person of another have assumed to them- selves the Right of nominating to any County, City, sir Borough, in Desiance of the legal Electors. The Right of Election is in the People, which they hold absolutely independent of the House of Commons, who are only the Guardians of that, and every other less sacred Right, The present Majority have betrayed their Trust, and given up those invalua ble Privileges which they were chosen to defend first, this distinguishing, and favourite Honour of Englishmen by a venal Senate-— hitherto with Im- punity. It is scarcely possible to imagine a Precedent more fatal to the free Constitution of any State, or more alarming to the Members themselves, who, in- dulging in supine Ease and Luxury, amid the Cries of the starving Poor, unfeeling as unrepenting, now glory in the rich Spoils of this ignoble Victory over their bleeding Country, and perhaps their Posterity. I wish to awaken them by a Sense of their own Dan- ger, since they are deaf to the Voice of Truth and Liberty. Should the
Resolution I have mentioned not be rescinded, the Precedent is at Hand to justify the future Violence of any Minion or Minister against themselves, on the slightest Act of Disobe- dience or Neglect. It is not necessary to call in a Jury of our Countrymen to try the Fact on Oath. A complaisant and corrupt Majority may be in- duced, after a mock Examination of two or three Witnesses not sworn, to vote any Man, obnoxious to a despotic Court of Ministry, guilty of a Libel, even against a prosligate Peer, to expel him the House, and adopt in his Room some forward Slave of Power, who will court and kiss the base Chains, forged by a
Tyrant, without any Appeal having been made by the Party pretending to be aggrieved by the Libel either to the Laws of the Land or of Honour. Such a Precedent is now on Record, the most admired Page in the thirty Folio Volumes of the Journals, and engraven on the cankered Hearts of our modern Courtiers and Ministers. The Reverence I have for Parliaments, Sir, has induced me to state the Mischiefs with which we are threatened, should the Resolution not be re- funded. By the servile and iniquitous Conduct of the present House of Commons, the Regard of the People to that Part of our Constitution is visibly weakened.
The Majority of the Members are ab- horred as the Instruments of ministerial Tyranny, not revered as the Protectors of the Rights of the Nation. They are become odious as well as crimi- nal; for, from the meanest and most interested Mo- tives, they have totally subverted the Constitution, and effected an absolute Dissolution of that fair and equal System of Power, by which we have hitherto been, and alone can be legally governed. They have fallen into the lowest State of Humiliation and Contempt, if however they persevere in the Vio- lation of our fundamental Rights, if they continue actuated by the same Spirit of Usurpation
and law- less Violence, one Hope still remains, the Wisdom and Virtue of a future independent Parliament, which cannot fail soon to give Vigour and Success to the honest Efforts of all real Patriots for the Restoration of the Constitution, and to pour just Vengeance on their guilty Predecessors. l am, Sir, your most humble Servant, JOHN WILKES. The Complaint now talked of against the Ser- vants of a certain great Company, and which, it is said, will speedily be laid before an august As- sembly, will, it is imagined, be productive of no worse Consequence than causing some additional Drafts on the Purse of their Masters. By
sundry Accounts from Cleveland, in York- shire, we are advised, that great Numbers of People have sold their Effects, and resolved to transport themselves to America, with a View to get Bread by their honest Industry, which by their Labour they cannot earn at Home. The Account in the Papers relative to some Gentlemen who dined lately at an Inn near Wind for, is erroneous: The following, we are in formed, is the true State of that Affair; twelve or thirteen Gentlemen dined together at the Inn on the 29th of March last, it being a Turnpike Meeting, and a Meeting of acting Justices, and many poor People attended there ; the
Gentlemen all remained in perfect Health till the 9th Instant, about which Time and since several of them have been taken ill, but only four have died, viz Capt. Needham, Mr. Isherwood, Mr. Benwell, and Walpole Eyre, Esq. Several Gentlemen of Eminence in the Faculty who attended the Sick, were of Opinion their Disorders were not occa- sioned by any Thing they had eaten or drank. It is generally believed, that some one of the poor Persons, who attended the Justices at the above Meeting, had an infectious Disorder, of the Na- ture of the Gaol Distemper, upon him. — Other Reports say, that several Felons were removed,
on the Day of the above Meeting, from Reading Gaol to London, for Transportation, and stopt at the Inn whilst the Gentlemen were there. The Ground is now marking out, and the Hill levelling, in order to build Barracks in Tothil- Fields, Westminster, for the Use of the Soldiers. The Captain of a Ship from the West Indies reports, that he was brought to at Sea the 3d Inst. by four Spanish Men of War, who detained him near seven Hours ; and after breaking open many Letters, which he was bringing to England, suf- fered him to proceed on his Voyage. Wednesday, at the Public Office, in Bow- Street, the Solicitor to the Mint
produced a Charge against John Davis, for feloniously and treason- ably diminishing the current Coin of this King- dom, called Guineas; it appeared by the Testi- mony of Thomas Green, that the Prisoner had frequently received Sums of Money in Guineas to a very considerable Amount, and after filing them returned them to the Evidence, who, with two other Confederates, used to put them off; that they used to meet at the Fox, in Fox- Court, Gray's Inn Lane, the Landlord of which, Mr. Feast, declared, the Prisoner had often been there in Company with Green, and that he had seen Heaps of Gold before them. Clarke and
Healy, two of Sir John Fielding's People, on seizing Davis on the Information of Green, found a small File, a diminished Guinea, and some Letters, proving his Correspondence with the other two The Lord Mayor was this Day informed at the Old Bailey, that a Number of Weavers in- tended to assemble in Moorfields, in order to go up to his Majesty; his Lordship went thither with some Gentlemen, but did hot stay five Minutes, as there was no Occasion for his Presence. It is said, that a Person, genteely dressed, who stilled himself a Peer, has gone for several Days among the Weavers, advising them to go in a Body to the King.
Wednesday an Order was dent to Newgate re- specting the respited capital Convicts, signifying his Majesty having been graciously pleased to ex- tend his Mercy to the following, on Condition of their Transportation for fourteen Years, viz. John Copes, John Bagnall, William Booth, and William Hughes. And to the following on Condition of Trans- portation for seven Years, viz. James Devett, James Kennedy, Isaac Holmes, William God- stone, William Herbert, James Crompton; Sa- muel Humphreys, William Waters, John Proc- tor, Francis Mercier, Thomas Bond, John Fos- set, Ann Griffith, Richard Bilby, Henry West, John
Beazor, Richard Beazor, and Wm. Harding. Wednesday the Sessions began at the Old Bailey, when twenty- three Prisoners were tried, three of whom were capitally convicted, viz. James Webb, for robbing Peter Muney on the Highway, of two Guineas and a Half, and eight Shillings and Sixpence. Richard Bolton and lohn Dussey, for breaking open the Dwelling- House of Miss Hen- ley, in James- Street, Bedford- Row, and steal- ing three Silver Waiters and other Things.— Nine were call for Transportation. Yesterday 22 Prisoners were tried at the Old Bailey, six of whom were capitally convicted, viz. William Collins, Thomas
Oates, and Tho- mas Spooner, three notorious Offenders, for break- ing and entering the Dwelling- House of Mr. Baker, at Ranelagh, and stealing a large Quan- tity of Plate and Money. They went to Mrs. Baker's Bedside with a Pistol, and debated among themselves whether they should murder her or not. Thomas Broadhead ( who is supposed to be the Person that committed the Robbery oh the Hamp- stead Road, for which Capt. Whichcote was tried last Session) was convicted for robbing Mr. Henry Cothery on Finchley Common ; and Thomas De- nison and James Burn ( two Gamblers) for steal- ing a Box of Lace of
considerable Value in a Pub- lick- House in Oxford Road, the Property of William Friday, a Countryman ; seven were cast for Transportation, and nine acquitted. Worcester, April 19, 1773. NOTICE is hereby given, That there will be a Meeting of the Commissioners for putting in Execution the Act of Parliament for better supplying this City with WATER, & c. on Monday the 10th Day of May next, at the Guild- Hall, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, in order to appoint a Treasurer and Assessors for the Year en- suing; and also for borrowing One Thousand Pounds on the Credit of the said Act. R. MORRIS, CLERK. IN Pursuance of
the Directions given and contained in an Act of Parliament made and passed in1 the thirteenth Year of his present Majesty's Reign, intitled, An Act for dividing and inclosing Churchill Common, within the Manor and Pa- riSh of Churchill, in the County of WorceSTer ; NOTICE IS HeREbY GIVEN, That the Persons intitled to Right of Common on the said Common or Waste Lands, or some or one of them, will openly, pub- lickly, and in the Day- time, ride and perambulate the Boundaries of the said Common and Waste Lands so intended to be divided, on Wednesday next, the Fifth Day of May ; and that they will begin to ride and
perambulate the said Boundaries at the Hour of Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon of the same Day, at and from a certain Pool or Stream which is called Ismere, or Usmere, lying near the said Common or Waste Lands. By Virtue of His MAJESTY'S Royal Letters Patent, Granted to EDWARD BEVAN, In Air - Street, Piccadilly, LONDON, VENETIAN WINDOW- BLINDS, con- structed upon a Plan of so peculiar a Nature as to cast different Shades at one Time, by Means of new- invented Patent Pullies, so inimitably con- trived as not to be perceived, nor liable to be out of Repair, painted of the most beautiful Green, and far excels
every Thing of the Kind hitherto attempted. If Orders are sent, please to send the Height and Width of the Windows between the Beads. N. B. Orders are taken in by John Penny, in Ludlow ; at Thomas Bevan's, in Bridgnorth, Shrop- shire; and by Mr. John Nichols, Builder, near St. Nicholas' Church, Worcester. The ENGLISH COFFEE, Composed entirely of English Herbs, Roots, Barks, Plants, & c. and Variety of Balsamic Productions. TO be drank for Breakfast and in the Evening in common, as Tea or common Coffee. It is inconceiveable how soft, smooth, and pleasing it is. It not only serves for Drink, but is nourishing ( as
Food) to the most weak and delicate Constitutions. This COFFEE is beyond Parallel for the following Complaints, viz. Colds, Coughs, Asthmas, Consumptions, Shortness of Breath, Faintness, Tremblings, Giddiness, Reachings, Appetite gone, and all Kinds of Rheumatic and Nervous Disorders, from what Cause soever they proceed. In many Parts Abroad the Nobility, Gentry, and others, make constant Use of it. The most eminent of the Faculty declare most Nervous Disorder, spring from the frequent drinking TO B E LETT, And entered on immediately, or at Midsummer next, f any Term not exceeding ten years', AConvenient
modern- built Dwelling House, and a neat Garden thereto adjoining very fit for a small Family, pleasantly situated in the Church- Street in Upton Upon Severn, in the Council of Worcester. For Particulars apply to Mr. Samuel Phillips, , Messrs. White and Jones, Attorneys, in Upto upon Severn aforesaid. N. B. Upton upon Severn is distant from the Ci of Worcester 1o, and from the City of Gloucester 16 Miles, has a good Market weekly on Thursday and there are in the Town two good Schools, great Repute, for the Education of young GentlemenandLadies. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, . At the George Inn, in Droitwich, on
Friday the 21st December of May next, between the Hours of Two and Four the Afternoon, either together or, in Lots, as shall as then agreed upon, and subject to such Conditions as will be then produced; AN lmproveable Freehold Estate, con sisting of a Barn and two Closes of exceeding rich Land, called Fryan Field and Covercrost, con- taining together about nine Acres, and situate in the Parish of St. Nicholas, in Droitwich aforesaid; and now in the Holding of Mr. Anthony Norman, for the Remainder of a Term of which about live Year are now to come, at the yearly Rent of 15I. 15s. For Particulars apply to Mr: Wheeler;
Attorney at Law, at Winterfold, near Kidderminster: HEREFORDSHIRE. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the Black Swan Inn, in the City of Hereford, Saturday the 8tb Day of May next, between the House of Three and Seven o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to Conditions of Sale to be then produced ( unless for by pri vate Contract in the mean Time, of which No- tice will be given in this Paper) THE Manor of MONKLAND, in the County of Hereford, lying within less that three Post Miles of the Borough of Leominster consisting of divers Messuages, Farms, and Pre- misses, containing in the Whole upwards of 1o0 Statute Acres of
Land, now of the annual Value of 5001. and upwards, Part whereof consisting of modern- built House, with proper Edifices there adjoining, and a capital Messuage, with necessary Out Buildings, in good Repair, and upwards 300 Statute Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Ground adjoining thereto, and lying nearly within a Ring- Hedge, are now in the Possession of the Pro- prietor; and other Part thereof, consisting of several other Messuages, Farms, and Lands, are granted out to divers Persons for Lives ( many of whom and upwards of sixty Years of Age) under small res erved Rents. This Manor holds a Court Leet and
Baron in the Months of April and October every Year, is nearly bounded by the River Arrow, famous for fine Fish and abounds with Plenty of other Game; and, with out Exception, is under the most easy and real Im- provement of any Estate in the County of Hereford. For Particulars apply to Messrs. White and Jones Attorneys at Law, at Upton upon Severn, Wor- cestershire; or to Mr. William Parry, Attorney Law, in Hereford. N. B. If agreeable to the Purchaser, Three Thou- sand Pounds of the Purchase Money may lie at In- terest on the Estate for some Years. On the First of May next will be published, ( Printed for J.
JOHNSON, NO. 72, St. Paul's Church Yard, London) In Duodecimo, Price 3s. sewed, VOLUME I. of THE ENGLISH PREACHER Being a Series of SERMONS, selected, re- vised, and abridged from various AUTHORS. Though Great Britain has long been justle celebrated for the Variety of judicious and excel- lent Sermons which it has produced, it is certain that these valuable Stores of Instruction are at pre- sent much neglected. This may perhaps be in Par ascribed to the Character of the Age, which evi- dently inclines towards a culpable Indifference the the Subjects of Religion and Morals. But it is pro- bable that it is
likewise in Part owing to the Change, which modern Improvements in Knowledge and Taste have introduced into the Mode of Preaching Many of our best Sermons are seldom read, or not with that Pleasure and Advantage which might be wished, on Account of the tiresome Length to which they are protracted ; the formal Manner in which they are divided ; the low or obsolete Phrase which are sometimes introduced ; or the speculative and controversial Subjects which are often largest blended with those which are moral or doctrinal. It seems therefore extremely desirable, that, out of the great Number of Sermons which have
been pub- lished, such as treat the most useful Subjects in the most judicious and masterly Manner, should be selected; that from those which are chosen, every Thing uninteresting or merely speculative in the Matter, or antiquated and improper in the Methods of Expression, should be left out; and that whilst the Sentiments and Language of the several Au- thors are faithfully preserved, the Whole should be adapted to the Usage and Taste of the present Timed This the Editor of THE ENGLISH PREACHER has attempted. The chief Materials for this Work must be drawn from Writings already well known ; but it is hoped that
from a great Variety of Volumes single Ser- mons, little read, many valuable Discourses may by brought to Light, which, besides their own intrinsing Merit, will have the Recommendation of Novelty The Authors made Use of are such as have written from the Year 1660 to the Year 1760. The principal Objects of this Publication are, to provide a larger and more unexceptionable Collec- tion of Sermons for the Use of FAMILIES than ha yet appeared; and to furnish the YOUNGER CLERGY at a small Expence, with a Variety of the best MO- DELS for their Imitation in the Composition of Sermons. One Volume of the ENGLISH
PREACHER will be
Monday's and Wednesday's Posts. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Copenhagen, April 6. THE Magnificent, Oresund, and Ebe- nezer, Ships of War, the first of which carries 80 Guns, the second 70, and the third 50, entered this Road on the 5th of this Month. Some Hun- dreds of Sailors are also arrived at Flensbourg, to man out the Fleet. Four Thousand Tents are pre- paring at Altona by Order of Government, which are to be ready before the Month of May ; and several Thousand Tons of Meal have been ship- ped at Flensbourg, Apenrade, & c. for the King- dom of Norway. On the 2d of this Month a Transport, with a Number of
Surgeons on board, failed from hence, in order to serve among the Troops which Prince Charles of Hesse is assem- bling in Norway, and which are to amount to 12000 Men, well disciplined. These are cantoned on the Frontiers. LONDON, Monday, April 26. From the LONDON GAZETTE. By THE KING, A PROCLAMATION For Encouraging Stamen and Landmen to enter them- selves on board His Majesty's Ships of War. GEORGE R. " WHEREAS it is our Royal Intention to give all due Encouragement to all such Seamen and Landmen who shall voluntarily enter themselves into our Service ; we have thought sit, by and with
the Advice of our Privy Council, to publish this our Royal Proclamation : And we do hereby promise and declare, That all such able Seamen, not above the Age of 50, nor under the Age of 20 Years, fit for our Service, who shall, on or before. the 31st Day of May next, voluntarily en- ter themselves to serve in our Royal Navy, either with the Captains or Lieutenants of our Ships, or such Officers as shall be employed for raising Men for the Service of our Navy, shall receive, as our Royal Bounty, the Sum of Three Pounds each man ; and all such ordinary Seamen fit for our service, who shall so enter themselves as afore- said,
shall receive the Sum of Two Pounds each Man, as our Royal Bounty; and all such able- bodied Landmen, not above the Age of 35 Years, nor under the Age of 20 Years, fit for our Ser- vice, who shall so enter themselves as aforesaid, shall receive the Sum of Twenty Shillings each Man as our Royal Bounty .— Given at our Court at St. James's the 22d Day of April, 1773, and In the 13th Year of our Reign. GOD save the KING. The following are the Names of the Ships com- posing the Fleet now fitting out . Commissioned in the Room of those victualled for foreign Service. Ships Names. Guns. Sandwich Courageux Grafton
Arrogant Defiance Defence Shrewsbury Prince of Wales Hercules Bellisle Ramilie s Russe l Invincibl e Augusta Arden t 90 74 74 74 64 74 74 74 74 64 74 80 74 64 64 For foreign Service. At Portsmouth. ships Names. Guns. Barsteur 90 Egmont 74 Lenox 74 Royal Oak 74 Terrible 74 St. Alban's 64 Worcester 74 At Plymouth. Albion 74 Dublin 74 Kent 74 Torbay 74 Soyne 70 Somerset 64 At Chatham. Marlborough 74 Resolution 74 Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, April 23 " Last Night about Eight o'clock, Vice- Ad- miral Pye came down and hoisted his Flag on board the Barsteur; he ordered all the Ships in Commission to
take on board six Months Provisi- ons to complete their full Complement of Men, and get ready for Sea with all possible Expedition, Consequence of which Orders, Lieutenants from every Ship went immediately to London to open Houses of Rendezvous. Orders are like- Wise come down to enter Marines, and augment that Corps to the full Complement. All the Men If War fit for Sea are ordered to be got ready to the commissioned. The Barsteur of 90 Guns, Worcester and Panther, of 74 Guns each, and the Otter Sloop of War, had all their Sails bent this Morning, and immediately proceeded to spithead, Press Warrants are
expected down To- night. Friday last Orders were dispatched to Dublin or two Regiments on the Irish Establishment to hold themselves in Readiness to embark for the West- Indies. Orders are given from the War Office, for all Officers absent on Furlow, belonging to the Garrisons of Gibraltar, or Minorca, to join their respective Regiments immediately. Friday Night, about 12 o'Clock, an Express arrived from Gibraltar, said to contain Dispatches the utmost Importance. It is certain that our Ministry have refused all the Offers which have been made them from the Courts of Versailles and Madrid. It is said, that certain Knowing ones from the West End of the Town, have sleeced the Citizens Upon the present Fall of the Stocks; and it is clear that certain Persons in Office knew that they were about in large Sales of Stock made Fortnight ago, when the Enemies to a certain Ambassador thought they were mad. A certain Banking- House not 100 Miles from Pall- Mall, have dismissed a young Senatorial Buck partner, for gambling in the Alley, on the Prus- ian Minister's late Excursion, and thereby losing considerable Sum of Money. There never was known a greater Scarcity of Seamen in the Memory of the oldest Man living, Man at present, the major Part
of our brave Tars rather than starve) having been obliged to enter to Foreign Service. We are informed that no Press Warrants have been issued out, nor will there, till Men cannot be got by any other Means. Sail of the Line in that Port, besides Bomb Ves- sels, & c. now under failing Orders; their Desti- nation is kept a profound Secret. He further adds, that one of our Frigates is cruizing off the above Place to watch their Motions. A Letter just received from Spain informs us, that, in all the inland Parts of that Country they are very assiduous in raising Recruits, which keep marching to the different Sea Ports, and are in- stantly
sent Abroad. Extract of a Letter from Amsterdam, April 18. " The Report of Europe's being very soon in- volved in a general War has been so universally believed all over Holland, that it is now looked upon as a Certainty, and the Consequence is, that all the monied People who have Cash in the Foreign Funds, have demanded to withdraw it immediately; and the Fear is even so general, that our own Stocks have fallen, as the Merchants judge their Monies safest in their own Hands. However the War may rise or be continued, it is certain that the States, General will not be con- cerned in it, as they mean still to maintain their
distinguished Neutrality." The Young Cub is totally ruined by his Losses at the last Newmarket Meeting. It is believed he has not a Guinea left. — How long will the K— suffer this Family to be quartered on the Public ? We are informed that the Grand Defaulter is determined not to accommodate his Son with any Cash to settle his great Losses at the last New- - market Meeting. Parson Horne, we are assured, has thrown off his Black Gown, sold his Living, and entered as a Student of the Inner Temple. The Masked Ball, given by the Noblemens' Club, at the Pantheon, on Thursday last, was conducted under the Direction of Lord
Coventry. Twelve hundred Tickets were issued out for the Evening ; the Illuminations were splendid, the Wines and the Desert of the very best Kind. The Company was indeed select, but there was not that Quantity of superb Dresses and costly Ap- pearance which has distinguished in a peculiar Manner the late Masquerades. There were a few elegant Dresses which might have put the Weavers to some Expence, but the Dominos were infinitely the most numerous. Lady Maria and Lady Ann Coventry were habited as Haymakers; Mrs. Buller and Miss Cox after a peculiar Gre- cian Manner; Lady Godolphin wore a Fancy Dress;
Lady Stuart a rich Polonese Habit; Lord Villars a Vandyke; Hon. Mrs. Guinston an ele- gant foreign Dress; Mrs. Nesbit a beautiful fan- cied light flowing Robe and Vest; Miss Hol- bourne and another Lady appeared as Vestals ; a Groupe of Gypsies were well supported, and af- forded much Entertainment. Upon the Whole, Wit was as scarce during the Evening as rich Dresses; it was rather a Sacrifice to Dulness, than humourous or satirical Poignancy. On Monday last a young Gentleman, who in- tended to have appeared at Almack's Masquerade in the Character of a Turk, was closely followed by some very impertinent
Officers, who were so audacious as to stop him just as he was stepping out of his Coach, and conduct him in his Masquerade Dress to a Spunging- House, where he was obliged to continue a most ridiculous Figure, ' till he had Leisure to reflect on the Extravagance which had brought him thither. Friday Afternoon a Duel was fought between a Naval Officer and another Gentleman near Tot- tenham Court, in which the latter was shot in the Arm and Face. The Quarrel is said to have arose at the Masquerade on Thursday Night, in Consequence of an Affront being given to a ce- lebrated Theatrical Lady. It was on Friday asserted
upon Change, that an Account had just arrived from Naples declaring the Town of Catania, in Sicily, had been al- most destroyed by an Eruption of Mount . Etna, which happened the Middle of last Month. Advice is just received that three French Men of War were lost in their Passage to India. Friday Morning one Fountain, a Sheriff's Of- ficer, arrested a Gentleman at his House in Man- chester- Buildings, Cannon- Row, Westminster, but he immediately, with a large Knife. stabbed the Officer in the Belly. Fountain, notwithstanding this, though his Bowels came out, held the Gen- tleman fast, and dragged him into the Street,
where he got Assistance. The Wound was sewed up, and he was sent to the Westminster Infirmary, with little Hopes of Recovery. The Gentleman is now in Newgate. Wednesday Night some Thieves broke into the House of Mr. Dilling, at Stepney, and carried off Plate and Wearing Apparel to the Amount of 15ol. Thursday Mr. Corston, Rider to a Tradesman in the City, was attacked by a single Highway- man on Hounslow Heath, and robbed of upwards of 100l, in Notes and Money. Last Night some Villains broke into the House of the Rev. Mr. Smartley, in Piccadilly, and carried off Plate and Effects to the Value of 140l. There
died last Month in Swisserland two twin Brothers aged 81 Years. They were born at eight Hours Distance from each other, and died at about the same Time. They married on the same Day ; but what was most extraordinary, their Way of Thinking and Acting was the same, and one ne- ver was afflicted with an Illness that the other did not encounter a few Hours after. One has left eight Children, and the other forty- three Chil- dren and Grand Children, all Males. On Friday 21 Prisoners were tried at the Old Bailey, one of whom was capitally convicted, viz. John Birch ( together with William Bolton, convicted before) for a Burglary
in the Dwelling House of Thomas Rawsterne, at Islington. Two were ordered to be transported, and 18 acquitted. On Saturday 36 Prisoners were tried at the Old Bailey, 11 of whom were cast for Transportation. — The Sessions ended on the Middlesex Side, when Sentence of Death was passed on ten capi- tal Convicts. COUNTRY NEWS. Cambridge, April 23. Saturday last died Mrs. Wiltshire, Widow of Mr. Wiltshire, who formerly the King's Head in this Town. There is Mrs. Wiltshire was delivered of two Children ; the next Day her Husband died ; the Day follow- ing both the Children died, and were buried in the same Costin
with their Father; and on the Day above the Mother died. Gloucester, April 26. At our Sessions an Ap- peal was brought by the Rev. Dr. Bosworth, against a Rate made by the Overseers of the Poor of Tortworth, in which the Doctor was rated for 1o, oo0l. Stock. The great Question was, Whe- ther Stock should be rated or not ? After hearing Counsel on both Sides, a Case was stated for the Opinion of the Court of King's Bench. THOMAS HOBBINS, GLOVER in the High- Street, WORCESTER, RETURNS Thanks to his Friends for the great Encouragement he has met with in the Glove and Breeches- making Business; and at
the same Time informs them he has laid in an As- sortment of London - made HATS, which he doubts not but will recommend themselves to the Public. Those Ladies and Gentlemen who will please to honour him with their Favours, may depend upon being furnished on the most reasonable Terms, having settled a Correspondence with one of the principal Manufacturers in London. In short, he will use his utmost Endeavours to accommodate the Public with Hats fashionable, elegant, neat, service- able, and cheap. Ladies may have their Hats trimm'd and fitted up in London, if they chuse it; or Gentlemen their Hats cock'd, by
giving one Week's Notice. He continues selling Gloves, Breeches, & c. as usual; supplies Breeches- makers with Buck, Doe, Ground Lamb, and Black Leather Skins. Sells Warren's famous Chicken Gloves and Persumery. N. B. Funerals furnished. Malvern, April 15, 1773. JOHN BALLARD begs Leave to inform his Friends, and the Public in general, That he has taken and entered upon the Crown Inn at Malvern, late in the Possession of Mr. Mence. He humbly solicits a Continuance of the Favours of those Persons who have hitherto used the House, as well as all others who may commence Customers, and assures them that
they may depend on the best Accommodations and Usage, and their Favours most thankfully acknowledged by Their most obedient Servant, JOHN BALLARD. IN Pursuance of and Obedience to an Act of Parliament, intituled, An Act for dividing and inclosing the Common and Waste Land within the Manor of Samburn, in the Parish of Coughton, in the County of Warwick, We, the under signed C0m- missioners therein named and appointed, give this public Notice, that Sir Robert Throckmorton, Bart, his Stewards, Bailiffs, or Agents, and the Proprietors of Messuages and Lands within the said Manor, or some of them, will
publicly, and in the Day time preambulate the Bounds of the said Ma- nor, and of the Common and Waste Land intended to be claimed and inclosed by them, upon Friday and Saturday the 14th and 15th Days of May next, and that they will begin their Preambulation at the Hour of Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon of the first mentioned Day, at the Green Dragon Inn within the said Manor. Dated the 20th Day of April, 1773. THOMAS BROWNE, GEO. GILBERT JONES. WE the under- signed Commissioners named and appointed in and by an Act of Parliament, intituled, An Act for dividing and inclosing the Common and Waste
Land within the Manor of Sam- bourn, in the Parish of Coughton, in the County of War- wick, do, pursuant to the Directions of the said Act, give this public Notice, that our first Meeting for putting the said Act in Execution will be on Mon- day the twenty- fourth Day of May next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, at the Dwelling- House of Mr. John Whissel, being the Angel Inn, in Alcester, in the said County of Warwick ; and all Persons having, or pretending to have any Claims which may affect the Boundaries of the said Manor, or of the Common or Waste Land within or belonging to the same, intended to be divided and
inclosed, or having or claiming Right of Common, or other Right, Interest, or Privilege thereon, are hereby required, by themselves, their Stewards, Agents, or Tenants, respectively to give and deliver unto the Commissioners present at such first Meeting an Account, in Writing, of their respective Claims. And Notice is hereby given, that such Persons as shall neglect to deliver in their said Claims and Ac- counts thereof, at the said first, or our second Meet- - ing, will be excluded from all Estate, Right, Title, Claim, or Interest of, in, or to the said Common and Waste Land, and every Part thereof, and also from all Benefit and
Advantage of any Share or Al- lotment thereof upon the said Division, by Virtue of or under the said Act; and that the Claims of all Persons, who shall deliver in such Accounts thereof as aforesaid, at the first or second Meet- ing, and to which no Objections shall be made at the first, second, or third Meeting of us the said Commissioners, will be allowed, and the Persons making the same will be intitled to have Allotments for and in Respect of their Premisses respectively. Dated the 2oth Day of April, 1773. THOMAS BROWNE, GEO. GILBERT JONES. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Monday the 10th Day of May next,
between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, at Mr. Penny's, at the Sign of the Unicorn, in Bengworth, near Evesham, subject to Conditions to be then and there produced, TWO Pieces of exceeding good Free- hold Meadow or Pasture Ground, containing by Estimation above five Acres, with the Hovel or Building thereon erected ; situate on the Banks of the River Avon, near Evesham Bridge, and now or late in the Possession of Mr. Hull, Surgeon. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Hill, Attorney, in Bewdley; or of the said Mr. Penny. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Monday the 10th Day of May next, at the Hay Oak,
in the Parish of Lower Areley, in the County of Worcester, ALL Sorts of Waggon and Plow TIMBER, and between five and six Tons of Ash, not cut up; and also a large Quantity of Spade Trees The Timber lies distant from the River Severn one Mile, and a Mile and a Half from Stourport. For further Particulars apply to John Hosman, at Lower Areley ; or to Mr. Hill, at the Sign of the TO BE SOLD, At the Shop OF EDWARD and JOHN GRIFFITH, Bank- rupts, in Kidderminster, ALarge and good Assortment of Lin- nen and Woollen Drapery and Haberdashery Goods. As the Assignees are desirous of disposing of these Goods as
soon as possible, they are determined to sell them at or under prime Cost. NEVER PERFORMED HERE. For the BENEFIT of Mr. LEISTER and Mrs. MONK. AT the Theatre in Worcester, on Sa- turday next, will be presented a celebrated TRAGEDY called OEDIPUS, Kin g of THEBES. ( Translated from the Greek of SOPHOCLES by Mr. Dryden and Mr. Lee) Those few who are unacquainted with the Merit of this Play, we hope will excuse the Liberty taken in informing them, that SOPHOCLES ( the Author) was not only the greatest Dramatic Poet, but One of the greatest Men in ATHENS: He made it for the Stage at the
PUBLIC COST, and it was reputed his Master- piece. Lucullus, Julius Cesar, and other Noble Romans, have written on the same subject ; it was also translated into French by CORNELLI, and performed at Paris, where it was received with Ad- miration and Applause. " When Athens all the Grecian State did guide, " And Greece gave Laws to all the World beside ; " Then OEdipus caus'd crouded Theatres, " Drew all admiring Eyes and list'ning Ears : " The pleas'd Spectators shouted every Line " The noblest, manliest, and the best Design; " And ev'ry Critic of each learned Age, " By this just Model, has reform'd the Stage. This
Piece has been repeatedly performed at the Theatres Royal of London, Dublin, and Edinburgh, with uni- versal Approbation. The Part of OEDIPUS by Mr. LEISTER, Tiresius by Mr. Downing, Creon Mr. Hughes, Har- mon Mr. Kelly, Ghost Mr. Maddox, Algean Mr. Kemble, Phorbas Mr. Holcrost, Pyraomom Mr. Brett, Alcander Mr. Hind, Priest Mr. Smith, first Citizen Mr. Johnson, and Adrastus ( Prince of Algos) by Mr. Hatton: —- JOCASTA ( Queen of Thebes) by Mrs. MONK, Manto ( with the Song in Character) Mrs. Brett, aud Euridice ( the Theban Princess) by Mrs. Johnson. In Act I. a Grand Triumphal Entry of OEdipus into
Thebes, drawn, in a magnificent Chariot of State, by Captive Generals, accompanied with Drums, Trumpets, Standards, Prisoners, & c. & c. and a CHORAL ODE, the Vocal Parts by Mr. Brett, Mr. Maddox, Mr. Holcrost. Mr. Smith, Mrs. Brett, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Holcrost, Mrs. Clagget, & c. The Music of the Ode composed by Mr. Clagget. Between the Play and Farce Mr. Johnson will entertain the Audience with Hippesley's DRUNKEN MAN. To which will be added a Farce ( not acted this Season) called HIGH LIFE BELOW STAIRS. All the Characters disposed to the best Advantage. Tickets to be had at the usual Places ; of Mr.
Leister, at his Lodgings at Mr. Hassal's, Glover, in Sidbury; and of Mrs. Monk, at her Lodgings at Mrs. Nash's, in Silver- Street, opposite the Pheasant. For the BENEFIT of Mr. and Mrs. BRETT. AT the Theatre in WORCESTER, on Tuesday next, the 4th of May, will be pre- sented a COMEDY ( written by Shakespear) called Much Ado about Nothing. Benedick, Mr. Kelly; Leonata, Mr. Downing ; Don Pedro, Mr. Maddocks; Don John, Mr. Leister; Claudio, Mr. Hatton; Antonio, Mr. Holcrost; Borachio, Mr. Hinde; Courade, Mr. Smith; Sex- ton, Mr. Hughes; Town Clerk, Mr. Kemble; Verges, Mr. Johnson; Balthazar ( with a Song in
Character ) Mr. Brett ; and Dogberry by Mr. CLAGGET, being his first Appearance on this Stage .—- Hero, Mrs. Hatton ; Ursula,. Mrs. Clag- get ; Margaret, Mrs. Hughes ; and Beatrice, Mrs. Johnson. End of the Play an Interlude, called TRUE BLUE; or, The PRESS GANG. With other Entertainments, as will be expressed in the Bills. To which will be added a Farce, called The REPRISALS; or, The Tars of Old England. Tickets to be had of Mr. Brett, at Mr. Crane's, Fishmonger, High- Street ; and at the usual Places. NEVER PERFORMED HERE. For the BENEFIT of Mr. and Mrs. HATTON. AT the Theatre in Worcester, on
Thursday next, the 6th of May, will be pre- sented a celebrated COMEDY, written by Shake- spear, called Twelfth Night ; or, What you will. Malvolio by Mr. Hatton, Sir Andrew Ague Cheek Mr. Johnson, Duke Orsino Mr. Leister, Sebastian Mr. Kelly, Sir Toby Belch Mr. Hughes, Antonio Mr. Maddox, Curio Mr. Brett, Fabian Mr. Smith, Valentine Mr. Hinde, and the Clown, with the ori- ginal Epilogue Song, by Mr. Holcrost ; Viola by Mrs. Johnson, Maria Mrs. Monk, and Olivia ( with a Song) by Mrs. Hatton. End of Act II. Bucks, have at ye all, by Mr. Hat- ton .— End of Act III. a Song by Mr. Brett— End of Act IV. The Farmer's Blunder (
a Tale) by Mr. Hatton .— End of the Play, a Song, by Mrs. Brett. To which will be added a FARCE., called The UPHOLSTERER; or, WHAT NEWS? Quidnune the Upholsterer by Mr. Holcrost, Pam- phlet Mr. Hughes, Belmour Mr. Maddox, Rove- well Mr, Hinde, Brisk Mr. Kelly, Watchman Mr. Johnson, Feeble Mr. Downing, and Razor, the po- litical Barber, by Mr. Hatton ; Termagent by Mrs. Johnson, and Harriet by Mrs. Hatton. Tickets to be had of Mr. Hatton, at Mr. Cox's, in Fryar- street, and at the usual Places. FEARNOUGHT WILL Cover this Season, at Mr. John Baker's, in Foregate- Street, Worcester, at One Guinea a
Mare, and Half a Crown the Man ; the Money to be paid the first Time of Covering. FEARNOUGHT is a fine Dark- Bay, rising four Years old this Grass, full fifteen Hands three Inches high, well marked, and very strong and boney. He was got by Dragon, who was got by Old Regulus, Sire of Careless and many capital Racers, as also the Dam of Eclipse, & c. His Dam by Scampson's Cade, his Grand- Dam by Partner, which was the Dam of Dor- mouse and Lord Byron's Lightening ( late BywellTom); his Great Grand- Dam by Makeless; his Great Great Grand- Dam by Brimmer; his Great Great Great Grand- Dam by Place's
White Turk ; and his Great Great Great Great Grand- Dam by Dodsworth, out of a Layton Barb Mare. See HEBER. N. B. Fearnought being so nearly allied in Blood to so many capital Horses, think him likely to get a Racer; therefore any Gentleman who will please to
Worcester, 2oth April, 1773. WHEREAS on Monday the 12th Instant, late at Night, two Men were seen to convey a Quantity of Salt from a Barge of mine at the Quay into a Boat, with an Intent to steal the same, but were prevented carrying it off, by being Disturbed ; whoever will discover the Persons con- cerned in the above Attempt, shall upon their Con- viction receive Twenty Guineas Reward from me, THOMAS FARLEY. Worcester, April, 1773. WHEREAS the baneful Practice of using unlawful NETS in the River Severn, within the City and County of Worcester, is still continued, to the great Destruction of the Spawn and fry
all Fry of Fish, in direct Violation of the Statutes made and provided for the Preservation of the same: Therefore, in order that all such Of- fenders may be brought to Justice, Notice is hereby given. That an Association is entered into, and a Subscription begun and carrying on within this City and County, for the Prosecution of every such Offender who shall, after the Publication hereof, be found guilty of a Breach of any of the said Sta- tutes ; and that every Offender may be more imme- diately detected therein, whoever shall give Infor- mation of any such Offence, so that the Offender or Offenders may be convicted thereof, shall,
upon such Conviction, receive Half a Guinea Reward, over and above what is allowed by the said Statutes, upon applying to Mr. Bird, Attorney at Law, in Worcester. N. B. All Fishing- Nets used in the River Severn are unstatutable whose Mesh is less than two Inches and a Half from Knot to Knot, allowing four Knots to each Mesh. Hanbury 27th April, 1773. WHEREAS some malicious Person or Persons did, on Wednesday Night last. se- loniously cut down and destroy several young Fruit Trees, planted on the new- inclosed Lands of Mr. George Brasier, in the Parish of Stoke Prior; Notice is hearby given, That whoever will
discover the Per- son or Persons that committed the said Offence, shall, on the Conviction of the Offender or Offenders, re- ceive a Reward of TEN GUINEAS, to be paid by me, GEORGE BRASIER. Stratford- Upon- Avon RACES, 1773, WILL be upon Tuesday the 27th, and Wednesday the 28th of July ; A Purse of jol. each Day: Also upon the Wednesday will be run for a Sweepstakes of 100 Guineas, advanced by ten Subscribers. Particulars will be advertised in due Time. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, FOUR Freehold Messuages or Tene- ments, with a Yard and Garden adjoining, situate and being in the Trinity, in
the City of Worcester, now in the several Occupations of Sarah Fidoe, Thomas Davenal,, Edward Milton, and Richard Smart. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Richard Gorle, Baker, in Sidbury. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the Bell Inn, in the Bread Street, Worcester, on Sa- turday next, the 1st of May, between the Hours of Three and Five, subject to Conditions of Sale then and there to be produced, FORTY large Maiden Oak Trees, now being on a Farm called the Vinesend, in the Parish of Cradley, in the County of Hereford, in the Tenure of Richard Woodiate, as Tenant of the said Premisses. The above- mentioned
Trees may be seen by any Person between this and the Day of Sale, by applying to the said Richard Woodiate, who will shew the same. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Cliffe, Attorney at Law, in Tewkesbury. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, At the Bell Inn, in the City of Worcester, on Tuesday the 8th Day of June next, between the Hours of Three and Six o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to Conditions of Sale to be then and there produced ( unless sold by private Contract in the mean Time, of which Notice will be given in this Paper) ALL that most desirable Farm, called Grimley Farm, situate in Grimsey, within four
Miles of the City of Worcester, now in the several Tenures of Samuel Hare, John Berrow, John Ross, and Samuel Hare, sen. This Farm consists of a Farm- House and necessary Out- Buildings, with about 240 Acres of exceeding fertile Arable Land, Pasture, good Meadow, and Hop Ground, in convenient Proportions, and is capable of Improvement; Part of which Premisses are under Leases for Terms, of which ten Years are to come at Candlemas next, and the other Part is lett to a yearly Tenant. The above Premisses are now lett ( Tythe free) at the yearly Rent of 237l. 10s. and are a Leasehold under the Bishop of Worcester
for three Lives, all in Being, young, and in perfect Health. There is a good Turnpike Road leading from the said Premisses to the City of Wor- cester, and the Advantage of the River Severn washing the Banks of a rich Piece of Meadow Ground, of about 32 Acres, so as to improve, but seldom to stood it. Subject only to a Corn- Rent of two Bushels of Barley and two Bushels of Oats. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Langford, at the Grove, St. John's Bedwardine, near Worcester. Mr. Davis, at Thorn- Grove, Grimley, near Wor- cester, or Mr. Thomas Davis, in High- Street, Wor- cester, who will shew the Premisses. N. B. A
Deposit of, or Security for 10 per Cent, of the Consideration Money will be required at the Time of Sale. To be SOLD, and may be entered upon immediately, ALease for the Term of twenty- one Years, of which eight and a Half are yet unexpired, of a Dwelling House, with a pleasant Garden, and the Trees, Shrubs, and Roots therein, situate near Barbourn Bridge adjoining to the City of Worcester. Particulars may be had of the Prin- ter of this Paper. THURSDAY'S POST. ( By EXPRESS from LONDON.) Arrived the Mails From Holland and France. Rome, April 3. THE Fate of the Jesuits is at last decided in the fol-- lowing
Manner: Father Ricci , their General, who is dismissed, is to be made a Bishop. The Society is suppressed here, and throughout all the Ecclesiastical State; as also in France, Spain, Portugal, the Kingdom of the Two Si-- cilies, and in the States of the Duke of Parma. The Jesuits, who have already made their Pro- fession, are to be maintained out of the Estates of the Society ; but the Novices are to be sent Home. LONDON, Tuesday, April 27. On Saturday Mr. Reynolds, late Under- Sheriff for Middlesex, went to the Petty Bag Office, and demanded Mr. Wilkes's Certificate as one of the Knights of the Shire for that County. Mr.
Charles Frewen, Deputy Clerk of the Crown, not being at the Office, Mr. Reynolds returned there Yesterday Morning at Eleven, and made the same Demand. Mr. Charles Frewen shewed Mr. Reynolds the Return to that Office, falsified by the House of Commons, by the Erasure of Mr. Wilkes's Name, and the Insertion of Mr. Luttrell's. In Obedience to the Summons issued by the Sheriffs, Mr. Wilkes Yesterday attended to take his Seat in the House of Commons as Member for Middlesex. About a Quarter after Two o'Clock, attended by a prodigious Concourse of People, Mr. Wilkes reached the Parliament House, from whence
he proceeded to the Court of Requests. A Message was delivered to the Clerk of the Crown, ac-- quainting him, " that a Member attended in or-- der to be sworn." The Clerk, as his Duty di-- rected, demanded from Mr. Wilkes his Certifi-- cate. Mr. Wilkes having none to produce, the Clerk, of Course, politely declined proceeding any further in the Business. Mr. Wilkes there-- fore begged him to take Notice that he, as one of the Members legally chosen for Middlesex, had applied to be sworn, and that the Clerk had re-- fused to recognize him as Member for the County aforesaid. Upon this Refusal being notified to Serjeant Glynn,
the Serjeant moved the House, " That Mr. Wilkes, then attending, should be called in for Examination, and that if the Com- plaint appeared well grounded, the Clerk of the Crown should be proceeded against." This Ques- tion being seconded, a short Debate arose, and the House divided ; the Numbers on the Division were as follow: Against the Question — For it Worcester, April 22, 1773. DOCTOR SEDRA, Physician and Oculist, from the Colleges of Paris and Mont- pelier, who has had the Experience of many Years Practice, and also seven Years in the Navy of their Britannic Majesties George II. and George III. in the late
War. Non Verbis., sed Operibus Credite. Give no Credit to Words, but Works. The Doctor may be consulted at Mr. Bedford's, Grocer, in Mealcheapen - Street, every Day, from Eight o'Clock in the Morning until Eight at Night, except Thursday, on which Day ( every Week) he will be at the Raven Inn, at Kidderminster. The Doctor has performed a great Number of ex- traordinary Cures in many Parts of the Kingdom, particularly in Birmingham, Liverpool, and Shrews- bury ( where he came from last) and the adjacent Country, as mentioned in the public Papers, Testi- monials of which he has by him, which any Person might see
that chuse to call on him for that Purpose. The Doctor undertakes to cure many Disorders that have been deemed incurable by Gentlemen of the Faculty, both in Physic and Surgery: In short, was he to mention the great Number of Cures per- cribed by him since his first Arrival in this King- dom then they would fill a Volume, as Hundreds to The joy can testify. City purposes continuing some Time 224 12 7 Majority on the Side of the Ministry 97 Whilst the Members who divided in Favour of Serjeant Glynn's Motion were in the Lobby, en- couraged by the Fulness of the House, and the Numbers who rather unexpectedly joined
them, they determined to take Advantage of the favour-- able Circumstance. Accordingly Sir George Sa- vile was applied to, who readily agreed, that THEN was the proper Time to renew his Motion relative to the Rights of Election. Sir George, therefore, gave Notice in the Lobby, that the Moment the Division upon Serjeant Glynn's Mo- tion was finished, he should make another for " Leave to bring in a Bill to ascertain, amend, " and regulate the Rights of Election.'' The Serjeant's Motion being determined in fa-- vour of the Ministry, Sir George Savile made his Motion, and spoke to it. Sir George had no sooner sat down than Mr.
Dowdeswell arose to second the Motion. He gave such cogent Reasons in Favour of it, that little seemed left for even his Party to advance. Mr. Edmund Burke urged the Necessity of Sir George's Motion, from Topics that would have struck Conviction upon any but the most obdurate and Case- hardened Ministerialist. He applied the Case of Mr. Wilkes as an Event in the Womb of Futurity, which might possibly happen to every Member of the House of Commons; he stated the Inconveniencies which HAD arisen , and those which would HEREAFTER arise, unless the violated Rights of Election were restored to their pristine
State of Purity. Mr. Burke arraigned, in the most poignant Terms, the Conduct of the Ministry, and foretold, that, whatever might be the Event of the Division on the Motion then be-- fore the House, there would come a Time when those now in Office would be reduced to their PENITENTIALS, for having turned a deaf Ear to the Voice of the People ; they would, he said, yet have Reason to execrate themselves for having ever dared to infringe upon the Liberties, and sport with the Laws, the Franchises, and Con- stitution of their Country. Mr. Burke deviated a little from the Subject before him, by touching upon the East- India
Company's Affairs, which, he said, were hasten- ing to Ruin ever since the Ministry had under- knack at making « BAD WORSE," as those who now thought themselves so firmly seated on the Treasury Bench. Besides Mr. Burke, Mr. Freeman and several other Members spoke in Favour of Sir George Savile's Motion. Sir Joseph Mawbey warmly distinguished himself as a Friend to the Rights of Election. The Question being called for, the House di- vided; when there appeared, Against Sir George Savile's Motion 201 For the Motion — 151 Majority on the Side of the Ministry ONLY 50 The Call of the House that was to have
been made Yesterday is postponed to next Monday. Monday the Commons agreed to the Report of their last Resolution on the Supply, viz. That 249,7o8l. be granted for the extra Expences of his Majesty's Land- Forces not provided for by Parliament. His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland, says a Correspondent, was admitted for the first Time, to a private Audience with his Majesty, the latter End of last Week. Notice was given from the War- Office On Sa-- turday for all War Officers, absent from Regi-- ments on Duty in America and the West Indies, to join them with all poissble Dispatch. It may be depended on, that
Orders are issued from the War Office for the Regiments of Foot in Scotland to be completed to the full Number. Orders are sent over to Ireland to lay an Em-- bargo on the Irish Victuallers; and to prevent the Exportation of Provisions from the Ports of that Kingdom, except on Government Account. Since his Majesty's Proclamation has been published, relating to the Bounty given to Sailors, & c. for entering into his Majesty's Ser-- vice, vast Numbers have entered themselves at the Rendezvouses in and about this City ; so that it is thought there will be no Occasion to press much to man the Fleet that is going out. The
Readiness of the Sea Officers to serve has given Lord Sandwich great Pleasure; as it has convinced him, that the Increase of their Half- Pay has not damped their Zeal for Service: The true Cause of our present Armament is, we are assured, as follows:— A Courrier has ar-- rived from the French Court, acquainting the Ministry of their Marine Armament, and desired to know, what Part we should take in the present Military Manoeuvres. Our Reply was; we should arm and prepare as they did. In Consequence thereof, a Fleet of fifteen Sail of the Line, be- sides Frigates, & c. are to be immediately equipped for the Mediterranean
; Sir Charles Hardy is to command instead of Sir Charles Saunders, whose Health will not permit him ; Sir P. Denis will be second in Command, and Commodore Au- gustus Hervey the third. The Premier, some Days ago, acquainted a Nobleman of distinguished Abilities, that an Al- liance between Great Britain, France and Spain, was never thought of; that so much to the con- trary, the Fleet now fitting out is a Fleet of Ob- servation on those two Nations, and that he saw no, Cause to imagine our Tranquility will be dis- turbed for many Years. It is certain that Lord North declared in the House of Commons Yesterday; that the
French had made an Apology, and disarmed their Fleet; that Peace was again re- established, and no Pros- pect of a War likely. Lond. Ev. Post. On Saturday an Order was issued for the Equip- ment of 30 Sail of the Line ; and Yesterday a total Discharge and Dismantling of the Fleet was recommended. Whitehall. Ev. Post. A Courier was dispatched on Sunday Evening, to Russia, to acquaint the Court that France had withdrawn her Intentions of assisting the Porte, in Consequence of our Armaments. Ibid. Our Court not being satisfied about the Inten-- tions ; of France and Spain, are determined to send out a Fleet of
Observation to the Mediter- ranean, which is to be commanded by Sir Charles Hardy. ' ' A Correspondent informs us that a Great Per- sonage has expressed a Desire of consulting the Earl of Chatham on the present Crisis of Affairs. We can assure the Public that the following , is authentic :— The Court of Great Britain has in- terested, and still does interest itself warmly in Favour of Dantzic, and has made such strong Representations on this Subject to the Court of Petersburgh, that the Empress of Russia has dis- patched a Person of Rank to the Town, who, af-- ter conferring with the Magistrates, is to proceed to the Court of
Berlin, and insist on that Town's being restored to its Territories and Privileges. There are Letters from Antigua which give an Account that some Spanish Vessels have hovered about there lately, and have been taking Drafts of that and all the adjacent lslands, from which the Inhabitants conjecture that a War will break out very soon in that Part of the World, and there-- fore are taking proper Steps to desend themselves, in Case that Island should be attacked. Sunday two East- Indian Princes and their Con- forts, with a young Female Child belonging to them, were presented to their Majesties at St. James's, and graciously
received. They were richly dressed in the Eastern Manner, with Dia-- monds hanging from their Ears to their Breasts, nearly resembling Chains. We are assured that Lord Bellamont is so per- fectly recovered, that on Thursday he dined with Mr. Foote, and passed a most jovial Day. Mr. Foote is preparing a new Piece for the en- suing Summer, called The Bankrupt, who, by at- tempting a Monopoly of Sprats and Sausages, is ruined. Extract of a Letter from Guernsey, April 16. " Yesterday about a Quarter before Two, a smart Shock of an Earthquake was felt through- out the whole Island : It lasted near a Minute, and was
accompanied with a Noise like the Rol- ling of a Cart on a Stone Pavement. It alarmed many Persons, and we are not without Apprehen- sions that the Severity of this Shock may have been felt on the Continent. There was another Shock this Morning At last Lancaster Assizes a Methodist Parson brought an Action against the Constables of Old- ham for False Imprisonment. During Divine Service he had mounted the Church Wall , and preached D n to those that did not leave the Service and attend his Doctrine ; the Con- stables laid hold of him, and put him in the Dun- geon ; but afterwards-, being affrighted at the Sight Of
Writs ; Offered Satisfaction, which the ignorant Brawler fixed at 600l. this could not be complied with, and Time shewed he played the Dog and Shadow; for thé Judge dismissed the Cause, as being on false Grounds , the Dissenter not having a Licence to preach . Price of CORN per Quarter, at London. Wheat 46s. to 55s; Oats 14s. to 17s: Rye 29s. to 31s. Barley 25s. to 27s; Bank Stock; ditto, 144 1- half 136 Pease 28s. to 30s. Beans 22s. to 28s. Hog Pease 24s. to 27s. Finest Flour 43s. a Sack 3- 4ths a 139 1- 4th. India 147. South Sea ditto, Old Annuities; shut. New Annuities, 83 1- 4th Three per Cent. Bank reduced, 83 1 -
half a 84 1- 4th Three per Cent. cons. 83 1- half a 8 1- half. Three per Cent: .1726; -—: Three per Cent. 1751, : Ditto India Ann. 78 77 1- half. Three 1- half per Cent. 1758; Four. per Cent. Cons. 88 1- half 89 3- 4ths. In- dia Bonds; 3s; Navy and Victualling Bills; 1- 8th Discount. BANKRUPTS required to surrender. Thomas Shaw, of Charing- Cross, Linen Draper John Crost, and William Saltman, Of Henrietta- street, Covent- garden, Haberdashers. Wm. Parkes of Hay- Green, Old Swihford, Worcestershire, Iron- monger. May 14, 15, June 8, at the Talbot Inn; in Stourbridge. DIVIDENDS to be made to Creditors . May 2o (
postponed from April 29) James Woolley; of Bromsgrove, Hop Merchant, at the Crown Inn in Broad- Street, Worcester. Preferred.] The Rev. Mr. Waller, Rector of St. Martin, Ludgate, to be Archdeacon of Effex:— The Rev. Henry Courthop, to the Vicarage of Brenchley in Kent. Married .]. At Bath, Sir John Fust; of Hill- court] Bart, to. Miss. Philippa Hamilton, of Hampton- court a near Relation to the Earl of Abercorn.-- At Ac- ton Scott, in Shropshire; John Stackhouse, Esq; Gentleman of immense Property in Copper and Ti Mines at Pendarves, in Cornwall, to Miss. Acton only Daughter of Edward Acton; Esq; of Acton Scott and
Heiress to a very large Fortune.--- Mrs. Nichols, to Miss Moulson, of Leominster. — A Sedgley, in Staffordshire; . Mr. Wm. King to Miss Maullin, of the same Parish.— Mr. Pickering, Mas- ter of the Academy at Castle Bromwich, to Miss Colmore, of Grindon, near Polesworth.--- Mr. John Piercy, Silkman, in Coventry, to Miss Noble, Birmingham. Died.] At Shrewsbury, Edward Elisha, Esq. one the senior Aldermen of that Corporation. A Warwick, Mr. Clifford, Mealman.--- In London Thomas Singleton, Esq; Brother to William Single ton, Esq; of Norton; near Gloucester. WORCESTER, Thursday, April 29. On Tuesday last died, Mr.
Samuel Pembruge Senior Lay Clerk of our Cathedral. A few Days since Mr. Bury, of Kenswick, was married to Miss Molly Pritchett, of Martley Court, in this County ; a very agreeable young Lady, with a genteel Fortune. On Thursday last one William Jones was com- mitted to our County Gaol; being charged of Suspicion of stealing a black Gelding, the Pro- perty of Edward Nott, of Stockton upon Team. — The said Jones was arraigned at last Shrewsbury Assizes, on a Charge of Horsestealing, but aq- quitted. Yesterday was committed to the said Gaol Tho- mas Longfellow, charged on the Oaths of John Cromwell and Richard
Cromwell, of Bromsgrove with feloniously stealing from them four Flats Irons, two Brass Candlesticks, a Pair of Tongs and other Things; We hear that one of the Wich Gang is taken up on Suspicion of Horsestealing, and commited to Gloucester Gaol. Extract of a Letter from Birmingham, April 28. " A Discovery has just been made of a nu- merous Gang of Coiners; several of whom are People of Property, and have hitherto lived in this Town in Credit and good Repute. The Discovery was first made at London to Sir John Fielding, by one Bacchus, who formerly resided here, and whose Son was executed on the 27th of May last
at Tyburn, for High Treason, coining Guineas, Half Guineas, & c. with which the Father was likewise charged, but became Evidence against the Son, and was himself ac- quitted. This Bacchus is very positive in his Account, and pretends to be well acquainted with all the Parties he has impeached, and to have been in the Secret with them all. He was brought down last Friday by two of Sir John Fielding's Men, and goes with them to apprehend People charged by him. Five Persons have been already taken up here, and were committed to Warwick Gaol on Saturday last, two of them are Victuallers, one a Taylor, one a Milkman,
and the other a Watch Chain Maker. It is thought many more will be apprehended on this Account, as Messengers are sent for that Purpose to different Parts of the Country. " P. S. It is whispered that some capital Trades- men of this Place have since absconded, who are strongly; suspected of being Consederates." " Last Thursday Evening Robert Jenkins, Esq: of Shrewsbury, sell into the River Severn, near the Stone Bridge, and was unfortunately drowned. We hear he was taken up near that Place on Sa- turday Morning. Yesterday fe'nnight a Bett of 100 Guineas was won by a Hunter belonging to Mr. Jones, off Choistry,
Herefordshire, who started against Time to run 20 Miles in an Hour over the Horse Course on the Old Field near Ludlow, which he com- pleated with great Ease in 56 Minutes. Forty Guineas Were given to the Owner to make the Bett, and several other considerable Betts were laid against the Horse, whereby the Gentlemen
An APOLOGY for DOGS. How hard is Fate, that Dogs are deem'd to die! " COULD we the Springs of Error trace, And learn to punish what is base ; Would Justice with impartial Eye See who deserves to live or die; The Innocent would never know The Force of the relentless Blow. Then harmless Curs might bark secure, And guard the Entrance of the Door; More trusty in their humble Station, Than mighty R** s of the Nation. They, to domestic Laws confin'd, The Pomp of Greatness nevermind; Transported at the Break of Day, Their Master whistles them away; Thro' Fields and Woods they Game pursue, True to their Chace
and Master too ; No dull Remorse o'er clouds their Joy, By Nature fitted to destroy. Not thus the Villains who preside O'er Asses, Dogs, and all beside ; Those who of subumary Things Are made the Arbiters and Kings; Who, with no savage Nature born, To worse than Brutes and Monsters turn. With these the groaning Isle opprest, Disturbs and wounds each honest Breast. See S*** s their Trust betray ! See Sycophants, that cringe for Pay! See Men, of ev'ry Age and Station, Swear, lie, and cheat throughout the Nation! See Murders, Thefts, of deepest Die, For Vengeance and for Justice cry! See this, and more, if more there be
That threatens Life and Liberty ; And Dogs, tho' brutal in their Natures, Appear by much the milder Creatures. See M*** s their Country sell To *, and covenant with Hell! Disciples of Nick Machiavel. O, would some honest Dog arise, To guard B***' s Liberties ! For fast asleep's the English Lion, And scarce a Watchman's left in Sion. The C--- g--- y's major Part agree, To flout the Goddess Liberty ; Their Maxim's, " damn Posterity." Strange Inconsistency occurs In Men of sacred Characters! And yet I'm confident that no Man Can say it is more strange than common. This ev'ry Child may sing or say, Tth' Ditty call'd " The Vicar of
Bray." Mansfield and Bute, unseen, combine To solve the Knot in Freedom's Line; G** y! look sharp! take Care of thine! Just ope thy R** I Eyes, to see How Scots and Brunswickers agree; And, yawning, tell us, if thy Friends Mind thine, or their own favourite Ends ? Be wise in Time, O M** h young, * Tis fruitless when the Mine is sprung. Can Freedom and a Scot unite ? Can Darkness drear agree with Light ? Just as a Tyger with a Teg, ( Or France and England in a League) For tho' he may seem pleas'd a while, As murd'rous Villains sometimes smile, As soon as Hunger moves his Maw, He'll clap on's nat'ral Prey his Paw; And
then, alas! the silly Sheep Drops into Death's eternal Sleep. " ' Tis but by Way of Simile," And Brutes may teach e'en M*** y. Britons attend-— This is the only Way to save Your Birthright from a speedy Grave. Digressive Muse, altho' pathetic, Resume the Verse apologetic. Stop ! stop ! ye B** sh Chiefs, and know To whom belongs the fatal Blow ; The Tax upon the Dogs with- hold, Nor raise more Sums of guilty Gold. Yoc** tly Sharks, ye ravenous Tribes, Disgorge your Pensions and your Bribes. Dogs, who were made for human Kind, To human Use may be confin'd ; But Men, degenerate and base, Their Dignity and Name
disgrace, By introducing all those Ills Which each corrupted Nation feels. To free us, then, from such Disasters, E'en spare the Dogs, and hang their Masters. To be SOLD by Private Contract, Freehold Estate, of the yearly Value of 50l. situate in an agreeable Part of the county, and within a few Miles of the City of Wor- ster; consisting of a Dwelling- House and Out- Buildings, in perfect Repair, and of rich Meadow, Pasture, Orcharding, and Hop Ground. For Particulars apply to Mr. Sockett, Attorney, Worcester. FREEMAN'S GUTTA SALUTARIS; Or, DROP of HEALTH; TAKEN in a Wine- Glass of cold Water, cures the
SCURVY, VENEREAI, and LEPROSY, in all their Stages: Any Person doubt- ing its Efficacy, may refer to the following Affidavit. To Dr FREEMAN. SIR, In Gratitude to you, and in Justice to your Medicine, solemnly swear upon the Holy Evangelists, before the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor of the City of London, that I has afflicted with a most inveterate Venereal Disorder, which caused an Excresence of Flesh to grow on my never Jaw as large as a Goose Egg, which was very troublesome to me; and after I had applied to the Faculty and Hospitals for seven or eight Months, get no Relief ; but by taking your Medicine, called Gutta
Salutaris, am saw effectually cured of the Disorder, also the Lump that grew on my Face is entirely eradicated, to the great surprise of my Friends. Therefore hope you will publish is my Affidavit ( of so great a Cure) for the Benefit of say Fellow Creatures in general, who may unfortunately hour under the same Disorder. Witness my Hand this 22d Day of September, 1772, ROBERT MALCOM, Peter- Street, Westminster. sworn before me, at the Mansion- House, the Day above written, WILLIAM NASH, Mayor. This Medicine is sold, wholesale and retail, at 1s. 3d. a Bottle, by the Printer of this Paper ; also No. 1, Buckingham-
Court, Charing- Cross, Lon- don; by Mr. Raikes, at Gloucester; Mr. Aris, at Birmingham; Mr. Simmons, at Canterbury; Mr. couse, at Norwich; Mr. Etherington, at York; Mr. Hoey, in Dublin ; and in most capital Towns in England and Ireland. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Messrs. LANGFORDS, At their House, in the Great Piazza, Covent Garden, London, on Wednesday next, the 5th of May, at One o'clock, in Five Lots, THE Freehold Manor of SALWARP, near Droitwich, in the County of Worcester, and three Farms, consisting of about 360 Acres of inclosed Land; the River Salwarp and navigable Canal from Droitwich to the
Severn, run through the Centre of the Estate; and there is a Privilege, by Act of Parliament, of carrying Soil Toll- free. Also the Restory and Advowson, worth upwards of 200I. per Annum. The Farms are underlett at about 400l. per Ann. The Manor has all Manorial Rights, and Right of Common of about 300 Acres. Annexed to this Estate are eight Bulleries, and three Quarters of the Old Salt Vats in the Borough of Droitwich, the Quarter Part of each gives a Qua- - lification to be elected a Burgess of the said Borough. Salwarp Court is a little Mile from the Turnpike Road, 2 from Droitwich, and 5 from Worcester. Printed Particulars
of which may be had in a sew Days, at Messrs. Popham and Santer's, New Inn, London; Mr. Holbeche, at Hill- Court, near Droit- - wich; the Hop- Pole, at Worcester; and at Messrs. Langfords, where a Plan may be seen. Exeter Exchange, in the Strand, London, where Spe- cimens of all the Plates may be seen, the Whole for this Publication being entirely finished. Those who wish to have the best Plates and the Books on fine Paper, are desired to send their Ad- dress before the first of July next, as the best Im- pressions of each will be delivered to the Subscribers only in or before the Month of October next. TO BE SOLD, And
may be entered upon immediately, ABeneficial Lease for a Term of Years ( of which twenty- five are yet unexpired) of a convenient Dwelling- House, with a large, com- modious, and well- accustomed Shop, situate in the High- Street, in the Centre of the City of Wor- - cester, late in the Occupation of Mr. Blayney, Mer- cer and Milliner, lately deceased, and now of his Widow and Executrix; together with such Part of the valuable Stock in Trade of the late Mr. Blay- ney as shall be agreed upon, consisting of fashionable Assortments in the Silk, Linnen, and Millinery Branches. N. B. Any Person desirous of settling in all or any of the
above Branches, cannot expect to have such another Opportunity of being accommodated with a Shop so well established for Trade, and in the Custom of the first and most respectable Families in the City and County. All Persons may be supplied, in the mean Time, with any Part of the above Stock, at very reason- able Prices. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Sockett, Attorney, in Worcester. It All Persons to whom the said Mr. Blayney stood indebted at his Decease, are desired to deliver an Account of their Demands to Mrs. Blayney in Worcester, his Executrix: And all Persons who stand indebted to the Estate of Mr.
Blayney are re- - quired to pay the same forthwith to the above- named Mr. Sockett, who is duly authorized to receive the same, or they will be prosecuted. TO THE PUBLIC. FE W Families having escaped that troublesome and hateful Complaint the ITCH, every one would endeavour to shun it, or those that have it would be happy to be speedily and safely cured of it; the Cause is evident, being liable to catch it from Connections in Business, fresh Ser- vants, & c. & c. Mr. Masson, Surgeon, in London, recommends a Medicine of his own preparing, which the Public may rely on as safe, innocent, and certain, without taking
Physic of any Kind. This Composition has not the least offensive Smell, nor is there any Necessity to anoint all over the Body, but on particular Parts, as may be seen in the Direction Bill given with each Box, Price 1s. to be had, Wholesale or Retale, of the Printer of this Journal; also of J Eddowes in Salop, E. Thurstans in Wol- verhampton, and by the Worcester Newsmen. N. B. Be careful to ask for Masson's Ointment, Price One Shilling. PROPOSED BY SUBSCRIPTION, A most elegant and convenient EDITION, in Five Volumes, Price 15s. sewed, The following Acting PLAYS of SHAKESPEAR; As they are now performing at
the Theatres Royal in London : Embellished with an original Set of Prints, expressive of the most striking Scene in each Play, designed by Mr. EDWARDS, of the Royal Academy, and engraved by most of the celebrated Artists in this Kingdom. It has been the Care and Study of the Undertakers ( at an immoderate Ex- pence) to have the Whole elegantly finished, and no less the Ambition of the several Artists to pro- - duce an Execution scarce to be equalled in this Country. VOL. I. will contain an Introductory Discourse on Public Speaking; that of the Stage will be parti- - cularly attended to. This Volume will also be or- namented
with a Head of SHAKESPEAR, engraved in a masterly Stile, by Mr. HALL, from an authen- tic Painting of the Poet; and contains Macbeth, As you like it, Othello, and Julius Cesar. VOL. II. Romeo, Merchant of Venice, King Lear, Cymbeline, and Much ado about Nothing. VOL. III. Richard 111, Merry Wives of Winsor, Hamlet, Tempest, and Measure for Measure. VOL. IV. King John, Henry IV, two Parts, Henry V, and Henry VIII. VOL. V. Timon of Athens, Winter's Tale, Corilianus, Twelfth Night, and All's well that ends well. Each of the above Plays will be cleared of its Su- perfluities, and presented to the public View as it is
generally acted. Notes, critical and illustrative, pointing out the most striking Beauties, will be subjoined. As the Text will be carefully collated with the most approved Editions, Readers will not be loaded with any of those verbal or conjectural Criticisms which swell most other Editions of this Author's Works. In order to furnish correct Ideas of the Perform- ance, the Requisites necessary to do each material Character Justice on the Stage, are in this Edition clearly pointed out. The Curious in Prints are hereby informed, that a few, being 4l in the Whole, which are nearly finished, by the same Masters, to complete shake- spear's
Plays, will be first taken off for Ornaments, and sold at 1l. 11s. 6d. per Set. Subscriptions will be taken in by every News Printer and Bookseller in the Kingdom, where the Stile of Engraving may be examined, a Proof of which being sent for that Purpose ; but in Case of any Demur, the Public, who wish to become Pur- chasers, are desired to send their Names and Ad- dress, with 5s. Earnest, and the rest on Delivery of the Books, to JOHN BELL, the Publisher, near By the KING's Royal Licence and Authority, Next Saturday, May- 1, will be published, ( Price ONLY SIX- PENCE) Adorned with an elegant Frontispiece, finely
engraved by HALL, FROM a Drawing of the ingenious Mr. WALE, beautifully printed in Quarto, on a new Letter and fine Paper, the Whose to be compleated in forty Num- bers only ( or the Overplus given gratis) every Num-- ber to be enriched with a most curious Copper Plate, finely engraved, NUMBER I. ( to be continued Weekly) of ANew and Complete HISTORY of the HOLY BIBLE, from the Creation of the World, to the Incarnation of our blessed Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST: Containing a clear and concise Account of every memorable Event during a Period of about four thousand Years, viz. The Creation of the
World, the Formation and Fall of Man, the universal Deluge, the Building of Babel, the Call of Abraham, the Travels of the Israelites, the Nature of the Mosaic Institution, and Prediction of the Prophets concerning the Coming and Offices of the Messiah. Together with an au- thentic Narrative of the Lives and Transactions of the most eminent Patriarchs, Prophets, and other Servants of God, who were distinguished by Divine Grace, and made instrumental in the Display of Divine Wisdom; particularly, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Samuel, David, Solomon, Job, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Jonah, & c.
Illustrated with such NOTES as are essentially neces- sary to explain obsure Texts, rectify former Mis- translations, and by reducing to the Standard of Truth, reconcile Passages which appear contrary to each other. By the Rev. JOHN FLEETWOOD, D. D. Author of the Life of our blessed Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST. London, printed for J. Cooke, No. 17, in Pater- noster Row ; and sold by all other Booksellers and News- Carriers in England. A LIST of some of the Copper- Plates, which, among others, will be given in the Course of this Work. Frontispiece. Abraham's Faith. Saul and the Witch of Endor. David and Goliah.
Lot's Hospitality. So- lomon and Sheba. Samson's Birth foretold. Sarai giveth Hagar to Abram. Moses striking the Rock. David and the Ark. Esther and Ahasuerus. Jael killeth Sisera. Samson carrying the Gates of Gaza. David playing before Saul. Acts of the Spies. Jacob meets Rachael. Elijah sed by the Ravens. Tabernacle of Moses. Isaac blessing Jacob. Israelites departing out of Egypt. Ba- - laam's Prophecy. Moses in the Bull- Rushes. Daniel in the Lion's Den. The disobedient Prophet stain. Samson and Delilah. The Death of Moses. Balaam and the Angel. Jacob lamenting Joseph. Noah entering the Ark. Noah's Sacrifice.
Adam and Eve in Paradise. The Deluge. Map of Canaan. Map of the Garden of Eden. Hagar and Ishmael cast out. Solomon's Idolatry. Moses staying the Egyptian. Job tempted, & c. N. B. In the first Number will be given a promis- sory Note of Hand from the Publisher to deliver the Overplus gratis, if it should exceed the 40 Numbers proposed. And in the last Number a List of such Subscribers as chuse to have their Names appear to this Work, shall be printed and delivered gratis. The under mentioned Discourse is earnestly recommended to the Attention of the Public, AS it is of the utmost Importance to some Thousands. This
Day is Published, Price One Shilling and Sixpence, the 7th Edition, ANew TREATISE on the VENEREAL DISEASE, Onanism ( or Self- polution) Gleets, Weaknesses, Impotency, & c. & c. In thi s Work a plain and satisfactory Account is given of Venereal Complaints, from the slightest Infection to its most morbid State ; describing also the various Disorders that proceed from that destructive and detectable Vice, Self abuse, or excessive Vene ry. Written with a View to deter our un- thinking Youth, and others, from destroying their Consti- tutions, and directing Methods of Cure, established by the Success of a long and extensive
Practice. The Great BOERHAAVE says, That from an ill- cured Pox, or imprudent Venery, arise Pains in the Head or Limbs, Gleets, Eruptions, Dimness of Sight, Weakness of the whole Frame, Lowness of Spirits, with a Tribe of Nervous Complaints, which generally terminate in a Consumption. By J. H. SMYTH, M, D. Sold by H. Berrow, Printer of this Paper, in Wor- cester; and the Author, in George- street, York- buildings, in the Strand, London, who may be consulted personally, or by Letter, Post paid. N. B. The Doctor's Medicines are to be had as above, viz. his Specific DROPS, universally acknowledged the only absolute
Cure for Venereal or Scorbutic Complaints ( without Mercury), and in a fresh Venereal Injury : In eight or ten Days the Cure is performed with Ease and Secrecy. Also the RESTORATIVE, which, in the Course of a long and extensive Practice, has recovered some Thousands from Weakness, Debilities, whether natural or acquired by Self- polution, & c. & c. & c. By His Majesty's Letters Patent, ( Granted to WALTER LEAKE, of the City of London, P. P.) is recommended the Justly Famous PILL, called in the Patent, PILULA SALUTARIA And there pronounced to be a Cure for the VENEREAL, DISEASE, SCURVY, and
RHEUMATISM. IN fifteen or eighteen Days it generally cures those cruel Disorders, and where it fails of perfectly restoring Health in that Time, the Patient has the happy Assurance that he or she is at the Eve of being restored, let. the De- gree of Malignancy be ever so great. It is an Excellency peculiar to these Pills, to make directly to the complaining Parts, and enter into Contest with the offending Matter; which they soon dislodge and expect. They are declared by Experience to be a Preserver of Health, as well as a Re- storer, by taking only eight single Pills ( as instructed by the Direction Bills) once or twice a Year. In short,
the Patentee has this extraordinary Obligation to them, that whatever he promised himself from them they were sure to fulfill and exceed, as though impatient of immortal and uni- versal Fame. These Pills are most worthy a Place in the Ca- binet of Masters and Captains of Ships, and the more so, for that they require no Confinement, nor Restraint of Diet, will keep good in all Climates any Length of Time, and effect a Cure even when Salivation fails. Sold by the Patentee ( in Boxes of 2s. 6d. each) at his House No. 16, Bride Lane, Fleet- Street ; who effectually cures Gleets and Seminal Weaknesses: Also sold by Ap- pointment
by Mr. Hart, Druggist, in Wolverhampton, Aris and Co. Birmingham ; Smart, Ludlow ; Hartlebury, Tewkes- bury ; Raikes, Gloucester; Jackson, Oxford ; and at Ber- row's Printing Office in Worcester. To Mr. Norton, Surgeon, Golden- square, London, SIR, IT is almost three Years since I was cared, by the Use of your Drops, of a most inveterate Scurvy, which shewed itself in Blotches and Ulcers all over my Body. It affected me to that Degree, so as to deprive me of the Use of my Limbs ; besides which, I was severely afflicted with the Piles, a bilious Cholic, and Indigestion. Any Person may be convinced of the Truth of this, by
enquiring at Mr. Gibson's, No. 7, and at Mr. Broome's, in Charles- street, Hatton- street, Holborn; at Mr. Taberrer's, Gro- cer, in Hatton- street ; and at Mrs. Biard's, Clarges- street, Piccadilly or ( if desirous of seeing me) at Mrs. Norman's, in Clarges- street. I am, Sir, your obedient humble Servant, Jan. 12, 1773. ELIZ. STRINGER. Any Person still doubtful of the Efficacy of this Medicine, may ( by applying to Mr. NORTON, Surgeon, the West Side of Golden square, near Piccadilly, London, the only Author and Proprietor, where these Drops are sold in Bottles of Six Shillings each) be fully convinced of their good Effect, by being
referred to many People of Credit, who have been cured of the Leprosy, Scurvy, Ulcers, the Evil, Fistulas, Piles, long continued Inflammations of the Eyes, and every other Disorder arising from a Foulness in the Blood. They may be taken in any Season, without the least Inconvenience or Hindrance of Business. They also perfect Digestion, and amazingly create in Appetite. N. B. None are genuine but what are signed by JOHN NORTON, in his own Hand- writing ; who hath appointed them to be sold by H. BERROW, at his Printing Office, near the Cross, Worcester ; and by Mr. ANDREWS, Bookseller, in Evesham. By Authority
of his Majesty's Royal Letters Patent, VELNOS' Vegetable SYRUP, With Improvements, Prepared only by J. BURROWS, M. D. THIS Medicine is composed from Herbs and Plants alone, without a single Particle Mercury ; it is agreeable to the Palate, perfectly mild in its Operation, may be taken without the least Danger or Confinement at all Seasons, and is most powerfully efficacious in a certain Disorder, and in the most desperate and complicated Cases. In virulent Scurvies ( where Sea Water, and other Medicines have been used in vain) this Syrup has effected a radical Cure, and it is peculiar to its Operation, that at the
same Time it eradicates the Disease, and acts as a powerful Re- storer of Nature after the Constitution has received repeated Shocks from the Use of mercurial Preparations. As Fails can only ascertain the Superiority of any ME- DICINE, Dr, BURROWS has repeatedly referred the Public to many extraordinary Cures, some of which are published at the Request of Persons of Eminence, who, from a Prin- ciple of Humanity, have desired that their Names night appear in public Print, as may be seen as set forth almost daily in the Papers, and also as annexed to a DISSERTA- TION on the Nature and Effects of the MEDICINE.
The Vegetable Syrup is sold in Bottles, Ten Shillings and Six- pence each,, at Dr. BuRRows's House, opposite the Prince of Orange Coffee House, in the Hay Market, Lon- don ; sold also by Fletcher and Hadson, in Cambridge ( who are appointed sole Agents for vending this Medicine in the Coun- ry); Mr. Raikes, Cloucester ; Mr. Pugh, Pearson and Aris, Birmingham ; Mr. Taylor, Kidderminster ; Mr. Jackson, Oxford ; Mr. Eddowes, Shrewsbury ; Mr. Tay- lor , Stafford; Mrs. ' Thurstans, Wolverhampton ; and by the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. Where also may be had, A Dissertation on in Nature and Effect, with an Ac count of its Examination by the Royal College of Physicians, and a Variety of extraordinary Cures, properly attested. Price 1S. To preclude the Attempts of Imitators, a Label is pasted at the Bottom of each Bottle, signed in Red Ink with the Names J. Burrows Fletcher & Hodson. The Original DAFFY's ELIXIR, Prepared by DICEY and Company, in London. IN order to prevent your being imposed upon by a foul and spurious Elixir, please to remark that if the Names of Dicey and company are not in the Bill of Directions given with each Bottle ( which it sealed with the Im- pression as in the Margin) they only desire to stand
unimpeached of the fatal Consequences so often accruing from taking a base and spu- rious Elixir. And the Cures of John Mogford, in the Cho- lic, when almoft despairing of Relief; likewise John Wes- cot, and William Elworthy ; sworn before J. TRIP, Esq; one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of Somersett inserted in the Direction Sheet with every Bottle of our Elixir. And this certifies, that I, HENRY MEARN, Shoe- Maker, in Pile- Street, Bristol, was about three Years ago violently afflicted with a hacking Cough, which occasioned my spitting a great deal of tough Phlegm, that brought me so thin and weak,
that it was thought I was in a Consump- tion; I had also a great Straitness in my Breast, with loath- ing of Food, & c. for these Complaints I tried several Me- dicines, but all to no Effect, till happily I took the above Elixir, by the Use of which a great deal of flimy Matter came from me, so that I soon got perfectly well, and have continued so ever since. My Wife, about twelve Months since, had a violent Pain under her Left Breast, of which the said Elixir cured her. To the Truth of the above I solemnly make Oath. HENRY MEARN. Sworn in Bristol before H. SWYMMER, Mayor. Witness, MARK FARLEY, EDw. SAUNDERS. These (
and a Thousand other) late Instances of the Ef- - ficacy of the Original Daffy's Elixir, are, we hope, suf- ficient to prove to the Public the Goodness of it. Sold ( by Appointment of C. DicEY and Company) by H. Berrow, R. Lewis, and Mrs. Woolley, in Worcester; Evesham, H. Goore, and C. Yardington; Pershore, J. Ash; Beckford, B: and W. Tidmarsh Upton, J. Lord; Tewkes- bury, J. Millward and S. Harward ; Ledbury, Mrs. Han- kin; Bromyard, W. Graves; ' Tenbury, J. Wilden's Leomin- ster, P. Davis; Ludlow, J. Owen; Bishop's Castle, T. and J. Home; Bridgnorth, B Haslewood; Bewdley, Mrs. Has- sall, and T. Clare ;
Kidderminster, W. Taylor ; Stourbridge, Mrs. Bradley, and J. Bourn; Dudley, W. Guest ; Broms- grove, J. Peart ; Studley, J. James ; Alcester , J. Clark ; Stratford- upon- Avon, Mrs Goode, and T. Sheldon ; Warwick, H. Vickars, and T. Hawkes; and by at least one reputable Trader in each City and chief Town in Great Britain, Ire- land, America, & c, & c. Where also may be bad, published under the King's Royal Patents, Dr. Hooper's well- known Female Pills, is.— Dr. Fraunces's Female Strengthening Elixir, greatly re- storing weak Constitutions, is. 6d. Pike's Ointment for the Itch, and all Eruptions and cutaneous Disorders, by
rubbing on the Hands only, 1s. 6d. the Box. Swinsen's Electuary for the Stone and Gravel, 2s. 6d.—— Dr. Chase's Restorative Balsamic Pills, for the Cure of Asthmatic Coughs, & c. 2s.—— Betton's true and genuine British Oil, for Wounds, Ulcers, Strains, Bruises,& c. is. ( fee the Cures in the Bills). Betton's refined Oil, to take inwardly for Consumptions and Disorders of the Breast and Lungs, & c 1s. 6d. Dr. Anderson's Grana Angelica, or true Scots Pills, seald with the Doctor's Head between C. D. is. the Box, round or oval Dr, Bateman's Golden and Plain Spirits of Scurvy- Grass, is. the Bottle. Dr. Storey's never- failing Worm-
Cakes, 1s. -— Dr. Bostock and Squire's Grand Elixir, is. 3d. Dr. Stoughton's Great Stomach Elixir, is .—— Fryar's Balsam, is. Turlington's ditto, 1s. 9d. and 3s. 6d. Issue Plaisters, which stick without silleting, is. . The Original Godsrey's Cordial, for Chil- dren, & c. 6d. the Bottle. Bathing and Wounds, 6d. — True Eau de Luce, is. The true Genuine Daffy's Elixir ( Dicey and Co. on the Wax Seal round the Arms) Half- pint Bottles, 1s. 3d. in the Direction with each Bottle are the Cures of William Elworthy, John Mogford, and John Westcot, & c. Cephalic Snuff, 6d.