Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Volume Number: Issue Number: 4099
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Berrow's Worcester Journal
Date of Article: 31/12/1772
Printer / Publisher: H. Berrow
Address: Near the Cross, Worcester
Volume Number: Issue Number: 4099
No Pages: 4
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Price Two- pence Halfpenny. THURSDAY, December 31, 1772. Numb. 4099 Saturday's and Sunday's Posts. IRELAND. Dublin, Dec. 15. On Sunday, about Eleven at Night, as a young Woman, intoxicated with Liquor, was passing under Newgate, she was forcibly taken into the Guard- Room, where three of the Soldiers ravished her, and used her in a most bar- barous and brutal Manner, by cutting and bruising her so cruelly that her Life is in great Danger. The Lord Mayor being informed of this atrocious Crime, sent to the Barracks to demand the Ser- jeant, the Corporal, and the twelve private Men who mounted that Guard.
The Commanding Officer very readily gave up the Delinquents, who were sent to Newgate. Upon Application of the Lord Mayor and Sheriff Jones to his Ex- cellency Lord Harcourt, he was pleased to grant an Officer's Guard at Newgate, for the Safety of his Majesty Gaol ; and such further Guards as the Lord Mayor shall think necessary. COUNTRY NEWS. Canterbury, Dec. 19. A few Mornings ago as the early Coaches were coming from London, not far from Blackheath the first Coach passed a Man with a Link; this Coach had only one Gentlewo- man in it. As soon as the Coach was passed, the Man extinguished the Link,
called to the Coach- man, and desired a Place to Dartford, to which the Coachman assented, but was not suffered to get from his Box to open the Door, the Man per- formed that Office himself; he got into the Coach, robbed the Gentlewoman of 1l. 7s. got out of the Coach again, told the Coachman " he had settled his Business, that it did not suit him just now to go to Dartford," and made off. Chester, December 22. On Tuesday last: Job Jackson, alias Johnson, and John Gehagan, were committed to out Castle on Suspicion of dealing, in Confederacy with George Crinnion, a Letter Carried in Dublin, several Bills of Exchange of
the Value of 115ol. out of a Letter sent by Mr. William Corles of this City, to his Brother in Dublin ; They were apprehended at Holyhead on their Return from London, where they had been to get the Bills accepted and discounted. Cash and Goods nearly of the Value of the Bills were found upon them. LONDON, Friday, Dec. 25. An authentic Account of Wednesday' s Debate in the House of Commons. About three Quarters past Two o'CIock Mr. T. Townsend made a Motion, that the Enquiry into the Expedition against the Caribbs should be on the 27th of January next ; and he read a List of Officers of the 32d Regiment, with
Governor Melville and General Trapaud, to be examined at the Bar. - Assented to. Governor Pownal made a Motion, that the Pa- pers containing the Treaty between the English and Caribbs in the Year 1660, the Account of the Barter and Sale of St. Lucia in the Year 1663, and the Account of the Expedition against the Caribbees, and the taking of St. Vincent in the Year 1666, be laid before the House. As- sented to. Mr. Dempster moved, that as the Evidence given last Friday at the Bar were partial Quota- tions, he moved, that the whole Records from which they were taken may be laid before the House, as the Character of a
deserving Officer, ( General Smith) was aspersed, which if the whole instead of Part, had been given, would have ap- peared very different. Mr. Sykes. [ Here the House, astonished at the singular Confidence of this Man, were vociferous to hear what Mr. Sykes could urge in his Behalf, looking at him with Contempt and Indignation.] — Mr. Speaker. Sir, Mr NAME! having been mentioned by the Evidences last Friday, I am extremely concerned to find that my HONOUR is attacked. The whole Affair of that Tax, which has been considered as arbitrary and illegal, I will prove was agreeable to the Form of Govern- ment established
by Lord Clive, and the Select Committee. I do not mean to enter into the Par- ticulars at present; but I shall, in the Course of the Business, wipe away every Impression which may have been made against my HONOUR ; and as I shall not at this Time enter any further, I shall say what I have to say another Time. It appeared by the Evidence given at the Bar on Friday Night last, that the Rapacity of some of the Company's Servants in Bengal alone, for the last six Years, made an actual Difference in the Company's Affairs of 3,200,000l. We can with the utmost Pleasure and Truth as- sure our Readers, from undoubted Authority,
that the East India Company have commenced Prosecutions against the Oriental Defaulters of unaccounted Millions, to oblige some of them to disgorge some of their ill- gotten Pelf, extorted from the miserable Natives of Bengal, and with which they are rioting in the Height of Luxury land Dissipation. Yesterday the following Bills received the Royal Assent by Commission :— The Bill for regulating his Majesty's Marine Forces— The Bill to restrain the East India Company from appointing Super- visors, & c. for a limited Time— And to such other Bills as were ready. After which both Houses adjourned till Tuesday the 19th of
January next. soon after the Holidays, for petitioning his Majesty to allow of State Lotteries only once in three Years, except when the Exigencies of Govern- ment render that Mode of raising Money abso- lutely necessary. Lord Clive, it is said, is much talked of as an Ambassador to a foreign Court. Sir James Lowther, Bart, it is reported, will shortly be created an English Peer. The rest of the Ministry are become disgusted with Lord Sandwich. He is too headstrong. Po- liticians therefore date his Continuance at the Head of the Admiralty to be short. It is asserted, that an Addition to the Salaries of the Scotch Judges will soon take
Place. Letters from Dublin inform us, that the Effigy of Lord Townshend, in the Uniform of the 28th Regiment, of which he is Colonel, was carried in the Black Cart, which always conveys the Crimi- nals to Execution, with a Rope about his Neck, to the Duke of Leinster's and Lord Lanesbo- rough's, where the Populace gave three Huzzas ; and from thence they went to Lord Ely's and Lord Annaly's, and afterwards to the Comb, where it was hung upon the Gallows amidst some Thou- sands of Weavers. Letters dated the 14th of October are received at Edinburgh from St. Vincent's, which mention, that the Troops were kept at hard
Duty in the Woods, watching the Motions of the Caribbees ; there had been no general Action, but only some Skirmishes, in which a few had been killed on both Sides. These Letters mention the Death of Capt. Barbazon O'Hara, of the 14th Regiment of Foot, who died the 5 th of October of a Fever. Nothing demonstrates; to a greater Certainty, the determined Resolution of our virtuous Mi- nistry to exterminate the poor harmless CARIBBS in the Island of St. Vincent, than the joining to our un- happy regular Forces a Detachment of Bush- sight- ers from North America, the more effectually to accomplish this bloody Scene, which
is supposed at this Moment to be carrying into Execution. Wednesday a Meeting of the Creditors of Mess, Neale, James, Fordyce, and Down, was held at Guildhall to declare a Dividend, when it appeared that the Proofs and Claims under the Commission amounted to 181,330l. 19s. 5d. and the Assignees having produced their Accounts, a Ballance re- mained in their Hands of 33,019l, 15s. 2d. where- upon a Dividend of 4s. in the Pound was ordered to be made. On Tuesday Mrs. Cornelys's House and Fur- niture, ins Soho- Square, were sold by Auction for Ten Thousand Two Hundred Pounds. It is remarkable that the
principal Creditors of Mrs. Cornelys, previous to their taking out the Commission against her, generously offered her 600l. per Annum for her Life, and to keep her a Carriage, provided she would let them have the sole Benefit arising from the Amusements of the House, & c. and she should notwithstanding ap- pear at the Head of it. This Overture is said to have been refused not only with a sovereign Con- tempt, but the most opprobious Language. We hear that lately three Ship Loads of Cheese came to the Port of London consigned to one Man in Westminster, but under three different Names ; the Cargoes are kept up, and so
is the Price of that Article. The Countess of Huntingdon has engaged about forty Gentlemen and Ladies to subscribe a Sum of Money, to the Amount of 5000I. for the Purpose of importing a Quantity of Wheat, which they purpose to sell to the Poor at prime Cost, themselves defraying the Charges of Freightage. Wednesday Morning, during the great Fog, two Horses belonging to a Dray- Cart, got loose from their Driver in the Haymarket, and running furiously along, beat down two Men, and killed them on the Spot. One Mr. Wilhaw, a Taylor, in Palsgrave Head Court, Temple- Bar, narrowly escaped the same Fate. A poor Man in
the Strand taking up an old Pipe was run over, and taken up speechless, with little Hopes of Reco- very ; and the Darkness was so great, that the Carriages of the Nobility and Gentry had Lights, & c. the same as at Midnight; and in the Morn- ing, a Man, decently dressed, was found dead near the Three Crowns, at the Bottom of Gray's- Inn- Lane, supposed to have perished through the Inclemency Of the Weather. A Gentleman and a Lady were overturned in a One Horse Chaise, about One o'Clock, from not being perceived by the Driver of one of the Western Stages, by which Accident the Lady broke one of her Arms, and
the Gentleman's Skull was fractured in such a Manner that he died before he could be brought to Town. There are Letters from France which say, that Madame Barre is disgraced. Various Reasons are assigned for this Step. The ostensible Reason is, it was discovered by the King's Physicians, that she had given some Provocatives to his Majesty in Sweetmeats, A Revolution in the French Ministry is expected as a Consequence of this Manoeuvre. Advices are just received from Geneva, of à very dangerous Insurrection in that City, with a Design to cut off some of the principal Burghers, and to new model the Government.
Upwards of 2000 Men were actually under Arms when it was discovered. Sixteen of the Principals were im- mediately hung up, and the rest dispersed. Wednesday at an adjourned Session at the Old Bailey 13 Prisoners were tried. James Harrison were acquitted; as were two others tried for Perjury. Monday a Person belonging to a Public Of- fice shot himself. He was on Sunday detected committing an unnatural Crime with a Lad about 16 Years of Age. They write from Rome, that the Pope lately drew up certain Proposals for the gradual Extir- pation of the Jesuits, which he sent to his Catholic Majesty for Approbation ; but that
Monarch re- turned for Answer, that he was resolved to consent to no Measure which did not immediately strike at the Root of those Pests of Society. Bridgnorth, 9th Dec. 1772. ALL Persons who have any Demands upon the Estate and Effects of Mr. John Smalman, late of Bridgnorth, in the County of Salop, Grocer and Fanner, deceased, are desired to send an Account thereof to Mr. Thomas Powel, of Bridgnorth, Tanner, or to Edward Wheeler, of Lambswick, in the County of Worcester, Gent, his Executors; or to Mr. Langley, jun. Attorney, in Bridgnorth aforesaid : And all Persons indebted to the Estate of the said John
Smalman, deceased, are hereby required to pay their respective Debts to the said Mr. Thomas Powel, or Mr. Edward Wheeler, on or before the first Day of February next. LONDON. Clerkenwell Green, Dec. 31st, 1772. CABINET and UPHOLSTRY WAREHOUSE and MANUFACTORY. THE Partnership between Messrs. GOMM's and Myself being this Day dissolved, I beg Leave to solicit the Favours of the Public in general, and my Friends in particular, for my own Account, which will lay the highest Obligation on Their most obedient Servant, FRANCIS PETER MALLET. N. B. Letters and Messages are received at the Bar of
Garraway's Coffee- House, in Exchange- Alley, where Mr. Mastet will attend every Day. Worcester, 23d Dec. 1772. MEADOWS TO BE LETT. To be LETT, and entered upon at Candlemas next, In separate Allotments, or together, FIFTY Chain Acres of fine rich Meadows, situate by the Side of the River Team, near Powick's Bridge, in the Parish of St. John in Bedwardine, within a Mile and Half of the City of Worcester. One of the Meadows, consis- ting of about ten Acres, is divided from the rest by that River, and lies above Powick's Ham, bears the earliest and best Grass in the Country, and is to be sett immediately. The
above Meadows are fenced and mounded in a Husband- like Manner, are perfectly level, and well drained, and may at any Time in a dry Season be laid under Water. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Dandridge, at the Commandry in Worcester. TO BE LETT, And entered upon at Lady - Day next, AVery good FARM, consisting of a Dwelling- House, a Dove- House, two Barns, and other convenient Buildings, in good Repair ; an Orchard well stocked with Fruit Trees, just in their Prime, and 106 Statute Acres of Arable and Pasture Land, within a Ring Hedge ; and also 10 Acres of Meadow Ground. The whole Premisses are
Tythe free, and capable of Improvement. Great Encouragement will be given to a good Tenant. The Premisses are situate at Naunton Beau- champ, within one Mile of a good Turnpike Road, distant about eight Miles from the City of Worcester. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Collet, Attorney, in Worcester; or of Mr. William New, the present Tenant, who will shew the Premisses. TO BE LETT, And entered upon at Lady - Day next, THAT large, handsome, and com- modious BRICK HOUSE, known by the Name of the CROWN Inn, at Great Malvern, with ten Acres of rich Pasture Land annexed. The Beauty and Salubrity of
its Situation, and the Prospect it commands, extending over several neigh- bouring Counties, are too well known to need De- scription, and the Building itself is equally com modious for the Residence of a Gentleman, as for an Inn.— For Particulars, apply by Letter ( Post- paid) to Mr. Mence the present Possessor, at the said Inn. TO BE LETT, And entered upon at Michaelmas next, ALL that antient and well- accustom'd Inn, known by the Name or Sign of the Sun and Inn, situate and being at Upton upon Severn, in the County of Worcester, upon the main Road leading from Chester to Bristol and Bath, and now in the Tenure
and Occupation of Mr. Frank Rawlings, as Tenant thereof. N. B. The above- mentioned Premisses, with the Stabling and other Out- Buildings, are in exceeding good Repair; and great Encouragement will be given to a good Tenant. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Joseph Bay- lis, Surgeon, the Proprietor of the said Premisses ; or to Mr. William Symonds, at Upton upon Severn aforesaid. To be LETT to the BEST BIDDER, On Tuesday next, the 5th Day of January, at the Golden Cross in Bromsgrove, in the County of Wor- cester, between the Hours of Two and Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions as
shall be then and there produced, UPWARDS of fourscore Acres of rich Pasture Ground, lying together or Lower Bentley Common, in the Parish of Tardebig, in the County of Worcester. The Proprietor thereof will inclose and fence the same in proper To peremptorily SOLD to the Best Bidder At the Golden Lyon Inn, in Kidderminster, on Thursday the 14th Day of January next, between the Hours Three and Five o'CIock in the Afternoon of the Day, subject to such Terms and Conditions of shall be then and there produced, ALL that Freehold Messuage a Farm, situate in the Parish of Over Are in the County of Stafford, now in the
Tenure Occupation of Joseph Dolloway. The said Estate contains upwards of 67 Statute Acres of Ara Meadow, and Pasture Land ; is free of all Tythe Corn and Grain; and is a very improvable eligible Estate, being within a convenient Distant of the four Market Towns of Bridgnorth, St bridge, Kidderminster, and Bewdley. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Will Bayliss, of Bellbroughton; or of Mr. Roberts, Bewdley. The LADIES of this KINGDOM Are particularly requested to take Notice, That most beautiful PICTURE that ever adorned monthly Publication, representing the celebrated Mrs. HARTLEY, of Covent Garden Theatre
the much- admired Character of Elfrida; M MATTOCKS, as one of the Chorus; and HULL, in the Character of Edwin, relating Fall of Athelwold, with a faithful Description the Scene ; together with two fashionable Patte properly shaped and engraved from the new worked Winter Gloves and Mitts of a Lady Fashion, and a Song, composed and set to M on Purpose for this Work, will compose the Em- bellishments for WHEBLE's Lady's Magazine, December, which will be published morrow, January 1, Price only 6d. and sold John Bell's, No. 132, Strand, London, where C respondents are desired to direct their future Favours. In the
above Work will be given all the necessary Continuations, several original and pleasing A cles of Entertainment, with a judicious Miscella of monthly Information, for the Amusement Embellishment of Female Minds. Please to be particular in enquiring forWheb Lady's Magazine, continued by J. BELL, as seve Proprietors and Booksellers, interested in ot Works, conscious of its rising Fame, have mea attempted to throw a Veil over its Merits, by tending to meet with Difficulties in obtaining Magazine, and otherways pretending to recom mend different Works in Preference. The LADIES are further requested not to acc any other
monthly Work in Preference to this, they may depend on our commencing the Year w additional Recommendations, and such elegate Embellishments as must claim a Superiority to eve Production of a similar Nature. The above Magazine is sold by H. Berro Printer, in Worcester; E. Andrews, Evesham; Harward, Tewkesbury; and all other Bookseller in the Country; and may likewise be had of the Distributors of this Journal and all other Nev Carriers. Published by the KING's ROYAL LICENCE a AUTHORITY, granted at St. James's, the Day of November, 1772, and recommended several eminent Divines of the Church of En
land, whose Names are inserted in the Work. This Day is published, Price only One Shilling and Six- pence, bound in Bla embellished and illustrated with a curious Frontispiece properly adapted to the Subject, and five other capi Engravings ( tending to elevate the Mind of the sincere Christian) representing the most remarkable Sufferings, & c. of our HOLY REDEEMER, VIA His Agony in the Garden-- his Institution of the bless Sacrament—- his carrying the Cross whereon he w crucified— his Crucifixion between the two Thieves- and his glorious Resnrrection; THE Christian's Preparation for the worthy Receiving of the Holy
Sacrament the LORD'S SUPPER. IN FOUR PARTS. I. Meditations, Prayers, Confession, & c. proper adapted to the Preparation necessary for receiving the Lord's Supper worthily. II. The Devout Communicant's Assistant for the Holy Table, calculated to direct the Communicant Behaviour at the Celebration of the Lord's Supper. III. Meditations, Prayers, and Thanksgiving after receiving the Holy Sacrament. IV. Devotions adapted to various Occasions, bot with Regard to a Family and the Closet; and a Pa raphrase on the seven penitential Psalms. To which is prefixed An INTRODUCTION, displaying the Nature an Design of the
Holy Sacrament; the Ends for which it was appointed ; and the Preparation necessary for the worthy Receiving of the Lord's Supper. By a CLERGYMAN of the Church of England. London, printed ( pursuant to his Majesty's Au thority) only for J. Cooke, at Shakespeare Head Pater- noster Row; and may be had of most other Booksellers in Great Britain and Ireland; and of the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. When it is remembered that the Holy Sacrament is the most solemn Act of the Christian Religion, and the the worthy Receivers of it obtain Remissionof their sins and are made Partakers of the Kingdom of Heaven;
this little Treatise will, it is hoped, meet with a favour able Reception. Animated with a sincere Desire of pro curing the Happiness of his Fellow Christians, the Au thor has exerted his utmost Abilities to explain the Nature and Design of that heavenly Mystery, to shew, in the plainest Manner, what Preparation is necessary before we approach the Lord's Table; - and to give the devour Communicant every Direction necessary for receiving the sacred Elements in such a Manner as cannot fail of pro curing the most solid Comfort to his Soul. In a Word, has endeavoured to inform the Understanding and warn the Heart; to inspire the
Mind with Gratitude for the astonishing Love of a during Saviour , and to ex
Monday's and Wednesday's Posts. Arrived the Mail from Holland. Seville, November. 20. ORDERS are arrived at this Place and at Cadiz, for holding all the Ships in Readiness to put to Sea immediately, on any Emergency, they are likewise to take on board six Months Provi- sions and their full Complement of Men. On that Account these extraordinary Orders are, cannot be even guessed at with any Degree of certainty ; but most People conjecture they are resigned for the West Indies, as the Spanish Mi- nistry seem of late extraordinary jealous of their possessions in that Part of the World, and are particularly attentive in
fortifying all the Cities and Towns in the Islands of Cuba, Hispaniola, etc. & c. COUNTRY NEWS. Lyme, in Dorsetshire, Dec. 21. An Accident happened here Yesterday, of which the following are the Particulars: Some Men, from a Smug- ling Vessel, taking to their small Boats to land their Goods, to avoid a Pursuit from the Custom House Cutters belonging to this Port, one of them, with seven Men in her, turned topsy- turvy, with the violent beating of the Sea, and inclosed them underneath it. Upwards of thirty Persons went to their Assistance, the Boat being a few ards off the Shore, and on a shallow Part of the Beach, so that
they waded down to her, but with il their Efforts could not raise her, so that the Men were suffocated rather than drowned. Birmingham, Dec 28. Sunday se'nnight a Master Peruke- maker and his journeyman were taken up on Suspicion of robbing Miss Fidoe and Servant, at Richards Hill, and on Saturday were committed to Warwick Gaol. A few Evenings ago some Villains attempted to break into the House of Mr. William Tomlinson, an eminent Maltster at Yardley ; it is thought the Attempt was made by some Rogues who have belong infested that Neighbourhood, in Hopes to have carried off a large Booty, but Mr. Tomlin- son
over- hearing them, prevented their Design. On Friday Night, the 17th past, a Barn of Mr. George Colclough, Butcher, at Harbourne, was wilfully set 00 Fire; as were also, on Mon- day Night last, the Hay Rick and Barn of Mr. Richard Silk and Mr. Thomas Birch, both in the same Parish, by some evil- minded Person or Per- sons unknown. About Six o'Clock on Saturday Evening last, three Post- Chaise Boys, belonging to Mr. Butler, of Lichfield, returning with Horses from Coven- try, were stopped within two Miles of Lichfield, by two Men on Horseback and a Footpad, when, apprehending they intended to rob them, they set
Spurs to their Horses and rode off ; one of the Villains fired a Pistol after them. — It is appre- hended they are the Men who have committed so many Robberies the three last Months on the Road to Coventry : The Person who attacked any one was generally on Foot, whilst his Comrades were at a little Distance on Horseback. A Gen- tleman travelling on was met by the Boys, who told him of the Danger of being robbed, upon which he returned back. who upon LONDON, Monday, Dec. 28. Report from the COMMITTEE appointed to ex- amine the several Laws in being relative to the Assize of BREAD. YOUR Committee have
examined several Evidences, from the several Branches of this Bu- siness ; viz. the Cornfactor, the Mealman, and the Baker, And Your Committee do find, that from Time im- memorial, and in all Times to the thirty- first Year of the Reign of George the Second, there was in all Assize Tables, made under the Law, a Wheaten Bread made of Flour the whole Produce of the Wheat, the said Flour weighing, at an Average, three Fourths of the. Weight of the Wheat whereof it was made. Your Committee are informed, and do find, that such Flour doth contain the whole Nutrition or Sustenance of the Wheat ; and that such is the best
medium Standard, a the most proper which can be introduced for Bread in. common Use. That, in the thirty- first Year of the Reign of George the Second, an Act passed, intituled, " An Act for the due making of Bread, and to " regulate the Price and Assize thereof, and to " punish Persons who shall adulterate Meal, " Flour, or Bread," wherein, amongst other Matters, it is directed, that, where an. Assize shall be set, no other Sort or Sorts of Bread [ made of Wheat] except the Wheaten and Houshold, as set in the Fables annexed to the said Act, should be made or sold, under a Penalty expressed in the said Act. Which Sorts of
Bread, although there be no specific Description of them in the said Act, nor any such Description to be collected from the said Tables, are holden forth to us to be made by a Division of the Flour ( representing the whole Wheat) into two Parts ; the Wheaten Bread in- tended by that Act being supposed to be made of the liner Half, and the Houshold Bread to be made of the coarser Half. That the Wheaten Bread made of the Floor ( representing the Whole of the Wheat) which had from Time immemorial been set and stood in all Assize Tables heretosore made, and was the Basis and Standard of all, was by this last mentioned
Act excluded and prohibited from being made and sold. Your Committee do find that this Act has never been, from the Time of passing the same, nor is at this Day, in actual Operation, according to the true Intent and Meaning thereof : That the Flour is not in Fact so divided, nor the Bread so made as is described : That very little House- hold Bread whatsoever is made : That no House- hold Bread such as is supposed and was intended by the Act, is made : That the Wheaten Bread which is made and, sold, is not the Wheaten amongst others, the Market hath been prevented from being supplied, in Times of Scarcity, with a
Bread made of such Flour as the Law permitted to be imported for that purpose. That your Committee, considering these Con- sequences and Effects of the quitting the old Me- dium Standard Wheaten Bread made as above described, do find, that if that Standard Bread made of Flour, which is the whole Produce of the Wheat, the said Flour weighing, on an Average, three Fourths of the Weight of Wheat whereof it is made was again introduced under certain Re- gulations and Restrictions, it would tend to pre- vent the said Confusions, and to remedy the laid Inconveniences : And your Committee find, that the Columns
calculated for the Wheaten Bread, in the now repealed Assize Tables of the Act of the 8th of Ann, would be the proper Assize for the said Bread ; and will have this further Benefit and Advantage, that when Wheat ( the Baker's Allowance included) is at Seven Shillings the Bushel, the Wheaten Twelve- penny Loaf of this Standard Bread would contain 7 lb. 70Z. 3dr. of Bread, whereas the Twelve- penny Wheaten Loaf, according to the Assize of George the Second, doth contain only 61b. 8oz. 4dr. and so in the like Proportion. Although your Committee may apprehend that, within the Cities of London and Westmin- ster, and
within the Markets dependent upon, and connected with the same, some Inconve- niences. might arise, if the Magistrate, whenever he should direct this Standard Wheaten Bread to be made, and to set an Assize thereon, Should for the present be permitted to prohibit the Wheaten now in Use from being made and fold, or omit to set an Assize thereon : Yet they do not find, that, when and where, in any other Parts of the King- dom, the Magistrate shall let an Assize upon, and direct this Standard Bread to be made, any In- convenience could arise, if there was no Assize set for any Bread of a finer Sort, nor any such per- mitted
to be made without a Licence. On the other Hand, they find that, in order not to en- hance the Price of Bread upon any Persons who are used, or Should be willing to be supplied with Bread of an inferior and cheaper Sort than the said Standard Bread, the Bakers shall be at Li- berty to bake and fell the said inferior Sorts of Bread, provided they be restrained by severe Pe- nalties from felling, at the Price of Standard Bread, any Bread which shall not come up to the full Standard in its Composition. Upon the Whole, your Committee came to the following Resolutions : Resolved, That it is the Opinion of this Com- mittee, that if the
Magistrates were by Law per- mitted ( when and where they shall think fit to set an Assize on Bread) to introduce again under certain Regulations and Restrictions, the old Standard Bread of Flour, which is the whole Pro- duce of the Wheat, the said Flour weighing, on an Average, three Fourths of the Weight of the Wheat whereof it is made, it will tend to pre- vent many Inconveniences which have arises in the Assize and making of Bread for Sale. Resolved, that it is the Opinion of this Com- mittee, that the Columns calculated for the Wheaten Bread, in the now repealed Tables of the Aft of the 8th of Queen Anne, intituled, " An
Act to regulate the Price and Assize of Bread," would be the proper Assize for the said Standard Wheaten Bread ; and that the Twelve- penny Loaf of this Standard Wheaten Bread, con- taining the whole Flour of the Wheat ( the said Flour weighing on an Average, three Fourths of the Weigh: of the said Wheat) would, upon a Medium, contain one Pound of Bread in eight more than the Twelve- penny Loaf of the present Wheaten Bread made under the Aft of the 31 ft of George the Second. Among several Gentlemen who were examined before the House of Lords, on Wednesday last, on the East India Company's Petition,
against the Bill for restraining them from sending Super- visors, was Mr. Holt, the Accomptant- General, whose Testimony was to the following Effect : That the Net Duties paid to Government of I, ooo, oool. per Ann. the Indemnity upon Tea, and the 4.00,000l. paid to Government, amounted in the Whole to an annual sum little Short of 2,000,000l. That the Company loll by the In- demnity Agreement, since its Commencement, at least 1,000,0001. of which 700,0001. was paid to Government, and 300,0001. to the Purchasers. That the Sale of 3 1 , ooo, oco Pounds of Tea, sold the last five Years, produced a Sum less by ioo,
oool. than 21,000,000 of Pounds sold in the preceding five Years, from which it appears the Company suffered a total Loss of 100,0ool, and 10,000,000 Pounds of Tea. That Government have profited by the Company, within the last five Years, 3,395,000l. that is to say, 2,200,000l. being the Produce of five Years and an Half of the 400,0001. per Ann. the Company stipulated to pay it, and 1,195,0001. Increase of the Reve- nue on that Branch compared on a Medium of the preceding five Years. That the Whole of the Company's Receipts of Dividend, during the fame Period, was short of 9oo, oool. above Six per Cent, the lowest
trading Dividend in Time of War ; and on the Whole, that the mercantile Pro- fits being, on an Average, 464,0601. per Ann. during the above Period, they would afford a Dividend of Twelve and an Half per Cent, from whence it was evident that Government reaped an Advantage of 3,395,000l. and the Company nor Proprietary not a single Shilling. Her Royal Highness the Princess Amelia has ordered a List to be made out, of the Names of the molt industrious necessitous Poor in the Neigh- bourhood of Gunnersbury House, to be laid be- fore her Royal Highness forthwith, in order to the granting them some Relief in this severe
Season. A Correspondent says, that whatever spirited Steps may be taken, in order to clear our Coasts from Smugglers, there can be no Hopes of Suc- cess, whilst the first Men in the Kingdom can def- dend so low as to follow the Practice themselves, A Scheme is on the Tapis to prevent the Ex- portation of Silver Coin from this Kingdom. The following are the Alterations lately made by Mr, Garrick in the Tragedy of Hamlet : — The Ghost has hitherto made his Appearance to Hamlet in the first Act ; but now is judiciously carried, to the second, as there js not only full Matter enough in the first without this, but as it gives that
necessary Pause to the next Meeting, where Hamlet tells his Friend Horatio, he'll meet him on the Platform between 11 and 12.— In the second Act the Ghost appears, and is a Con- tinuation of the Remainder of the first Act. The second Act stand as the third, the third as the fourth. The fourth and fifth Acts are how united. The Gravedigging Scene is entirely ex- punged. It is the Distress of Ophelia which con- tributes to the Catastrophe, not the Mode of her Interment. Laertes's Fencing Match with Hamlet has suffered the same deserved Fate, and is now very properly changed into a Rencounter, where, after Hamlet kills the
King, he fights with Laertes, and is killed by him : In short, the Ab- surdities and Improbabilities of this Piece are removed, and the Chain of the Plot is now con- ducted rationally, unbroken and connected. It is a melancholy Truth, that above 6000 of the Spital- Fields Weavers are at this Time out of Employ ; the Warehouses and Hospitals are filled with them. A hearty Meal for six People, humbly recom- mended to the Charitable and Humane : Take a Gallon of Water, half a Pint of split Peas, one Pound of lean Beef cut in Pieces, six Potatoes, two Onions, two Ounces of Rice, with some Pepper and Salt ; put all in a Pot and bake
it well in the Oven. The Expence is one Shilling. That every Person whose Stomach is vitiated with Drams, consumes less by Three- pence per Day, of the Produce of the Kingdom, than thole who never drink any, will be allowed a very low Calculation; and suppose the Number so vitiated to be Two Hundred Thousand in London ( tho it is to be feared they are much above double the Number) the Loss to the landed Interest in that Article will amount to little less than Six Hun- dred Thousand Pounds a Year. If we add to this the Loss of at least Half the Labour of these enfeebled Creatures, which, at Three- pence per Day,
amounts to Four Hundred fifty- six Thou- sand Two Hundred and Fifty Pounds, it. will make the whole Sum amount to near a Million per Annum. They write from Guernsey, that upwards of 500 English Sheep are constantly fed in the Neigh- bourhood of Rouen in Normandy, and their Number kept up by fresh Supplies from this Kingdom, for the Benefit of the Woollen Manu- factures carried on in that Province. A Letter from Charles Town, South Carolina, Nov. 2, says, " We hear from the West- Indies, that the Operations against the Black Caribbes of St. Vincent are commenced. Being amply pro- vided with Arms and.
Ammunition, they have killed several of his Majesty's Subjects in the Island, and have cut off the Crews of two or three Vessels that were unfortunately becalmed where they could attack them in their Canoes : Sixteen of them have been made Prisoners in a Skir- mish they had with a Detachment of the King's Troops." According to the last Letters from Vienna, that Court intends to send more Troops into the Pro- vinces which sell to her Share in Poland, in order " to keep the Inhabitants in proper Subjection.— These Letters add, that the Court is going to publish an Account of the Legality of her Pre- tensions to Poland. They
write from Ratisbon, that the King of Poland has lately written a Letter to the general Diet of the Empire in which he makes heavy Complaints against the Division of his Kingdom by the Courts of Vienna, Petersburgh, and Ber- lin. This Letter is said to have made a strong Impression upon the Ministers who compose the Diet ; in as much as it is therein set forth, that all the Princes of the Empire are in a precarious Si- tuation with respect to their Possessions, if the natural Right of Nations, and the Faith of Trea- ties are no longer to be regarded. Several Letters from Prussia say, that a Prussian Fiscal has been all over the new
Acquisitions of that Court, and has announced to all the Senators of Polish Prussia. that they are not to go to War- saw to assist at the Assembly of the Senate, under Pain of having their Effects and Prerogatives con- fiscated. As these Senators will be summoned by the King and the Republic to assist at that Assem- bly, one may judge of the Embarrassment they are in about it. On Friday Advice was received at the India- House, that the Colebrooke East- Indiaman from Coast and Bay, was arrived safe in Margate- Roads, but must wait for a high Tide to get over the Flats. Sunday sennight the following melancholy Accident
happened at Winchester : An Officer of Excise ordered his Son, a Lad about 15 Years of Age, to ride his Horse to Water, which he agreed to with some Reluctance ; as soon as he was mounted, the Horse ran away, threw him, and dragged him a considerable Way with his Feet in the Stirrup, when the Horse suddenly turned round, seized him by the Throat, and tore out his Hold, which instantly killed him. The Driver of one of the Western Stage Wag- gons, was, through the Darkness and Fog on Wednesday Evening, jammed against a Post and crushed to Death, between Hammersmith and ' Turnham- Green. An old
Correspondent assures us, it is an un- doubted Fact, that there is a Woman in living in the Town of Islington, who was born in New- Prison, where her Father and Mother were com- mitted, and afterwards suffered at Tyburn for Coining, whose Brother was transported, whose first Husband was shot in attempting to rob a Gentleman's Coach, and whose two last Husbands were executed within these few Years for different Felonies. were taken tip on Suspicion, but no clear Evi- dence appearing against them, they were set at Liberty. Last Night a Wait at a Coffee- House, was taken up in Exchange Alley, in Company with another
Man, in an unnatural Attempt, and were both taken into Ostody, and lodged in the Poultry Compter, for Examination. HEREFORD SHIRE. ESTATES wannting, for TENANTS. GENTLEMEN that have good Estates, from Fifty Pounds per Annum to Two Hun- dred, that consist each of Meadow Land, pasture, Arable, Orcharding and Hop Ground, that lie under Improvement, in the County of Hereford, or Borders of Worcestershire, have now an Opportu- nity of letting them for twenty- ore Years at a Time's Price and fair Valuation, to substantial and undeniable Tenants. Several are wanting to be entered upon at Candlemas or
Lady- Day next, and several to be entered upon next Year. Letters, Post paid, will be punctually answered with all possible Speed, describing the Situation and the several Quantities and Qualities of each Estate, directed to Mr. Joseph Baylis, in Bromyard, Here- fordshire. To be SOLD in FEE, to the Best Bidder, On Monday the 18th Day of January next,, between the Hours of Two and Five in the Afternoon at the Crown and Sceptre Inn, called the Hop Market, in the City of Worcester, subject to such Condition as will then be produced, THREE Freehold Tenements, ad- joining together, in Rosemary- Lane, in the Parish of St.
Clement, in the City of Worcester, now in the Possession of William Moore, and others. For Particulars apply to Mr. Bird, Attorney, in Worcester. To be SOLD by AUCTION, ( Together, or separate, as shall be agreed on at the Time of Sale) At the Sign of the Cock, near the Market- Hall, Bridg- north, on Saturday the 9th Day of January next, be- tween the Hours of One and three o'clock in the Af- ternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall then be produced, THE following Parcels of Timber, viz. Thirty- four Elms, seven Oaks, and six- teen Pollard Trees, growing on Lands near Bridg- north, in the Holding of William
Cropp, Gardener. Fifty- four oak Timber Trees on the Rays Farm, in the Parish of Stottesdon, in the County of Salop, and adjoining the Turnpike Road leading from Cleobury Mortimer to Bridgnorth aforesaid, in the Occupation of Thomas Garbett. Thirty- three oak Timber Trees, and thirty Pol- lards, on Meaton Farm, in the Parish of Kinlett, in the aforesaid County, in the Occupation of Mrs. Ann Harper. The Tenants of each Farm will shew the Timber thereon. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Wednesday the 6th Day of January next, in. Lots, agreeable to the Purchasers, at Aberystwith, Cardi- ganshire, South Wales, THE Cargo of
the Ship Campo Bello, John Bone, Mailer, from Campo Bello in Nova scotia; consisting of twenty thousand Feet of Pine Timber, from ten to twenty Inches square ; a Quantity of Black Birch in Logs ; sundry large and small Masts and Bowsprits ; a large Quantity of Lath Wood, Hogsheads, Staves, and pine Planks. Immediately after the Sale of the Cargo,, will be put up by Auction, the Hull of the said ship, Bur den 700 Tons, and all the Materials that are saved as she NOW lies stranded in Cardigan Bay. For further Particulars apply to William Owen Esq; at Aberystwith; Mr. Joseph Green, No. 5, Tokenhouse- Yard, London ; or
Mr. Thomas Ker foot, Merchant, in Liverpool. STOLEN or strayed, in the Night time between the 17th and i8th of this Instant December, from out of the Slings, between the Windmill and Battenhall Lane, near the Turnpik leading from Worcester to London, A DARK BROWN MARE, about fifteen Hands high, full aged , with a swi Tail, and brown Muzzle, between the Cart and Hackney Kind, hath a Vein dropped on the near Side of her Neck, and a white Saddle Spot on the same Side. Whoever can give any Intelligence of- the fa Mare to Mr. John Ellis, in Sidbury, Worcester ( that she may be had again) shall, on the Convictic of
the Person who stole her, receive a Reward Five Guineas ; or if only strayed, shall be handsome rewarded, on giving Notice to the said Mr. Ellis. THIS is to give Notice, to all Gen tlemen, Musicians, Lovers of Music, Others, That JOHN PILLEMENT is lately arrived from Italy and Germany with a large Asso ment of Musical Instruments, viz. Italian Violin new and old of the first Quality, Tyrola Violin ditto superfine Basses, Bows of all Sorts, and a large Quantity of the belt Roman Strings, He spins the Strings for all Instruments. All the above to sold at a very low Price, Wholesale and Retail, the King's Head, in High- Street,
Worcester, this Week and no longer. To be SOLD by AUCTION, In small Quantities, without Reserve ( by Order the Assignees of a late Bankrupt) in a la Room at the Talbot, in Sidbury, Worcester, SEVERAL hundred Lots of Linne Drapery, Hosiery, Haberdashery, and Jew lery Goods ; among which are the following, A large Quantity of Irish Linnens and Long Law several thousand Yards of printed Cottons of' newest Patterns ; a large Quantity of Muslins of Kinds; Silk Cardinals, Scarlet ditto ; Sattin Ha Lawn and white bordered Scotch Handkerchief Silk ditto, Silk and Muslin ditto, printed ditto, : all other Sorts of Handkerchiefs;
Men and Women's Worsted, Cotton, Thread, and Silk Sto ings; Knit Pieces for Breeches and Waistcoa Silk and Worsted Mits; some very rich Nee worked Pieces for Gowns and Aprons ; Manch Velvets, Silk Stripes for Waistcoats ; plated Buc and Spurs; Bristol Stone Buttons, Necklaces, M Rings, enamelled Buttons, Hair- Pins, and Ri Also a great Assorrment of Lace of all Sorts, many other Articles, which are new and in good con dition, must be sold off with the utmost Disp for the Benefit of the Creditors. of Housekeepers s1
SIR Walter Abington Compton, Bart. being, desirous of paying all his just Debts, cortracted either in his Minority or since, requests his Creditors to send the Particulars of their De- mands to Mr. Welch, of Evesham in Worcester- shire, whom he hath empowered to act for him on this Occasion. Worcester, Dec. 30th, 1772. THOMAS POPE, Taylor; from London, late Apprentice to Mr. Mark Adston, Taylor, in Green- Street, Leicester- Fields, London, having already met with great Encourage- ment, begs Leave to return his most sincere Thanks to the Nobility, Gentry, and Others, for the Fa- vours he has received from them, and to
acquaint them that he is removed from Broad- Street to the House late Mr. Charles Hornblower's, Taylor, in Angel- Lane, where he hopes for a Continuance of their Favours, which will be gratefully acknow- ledged, By their most humble Servant, THOMAS POPE. ALL Persons indebted to the late John Shingleton, of the Sign of the Drum in his Widow, Sarah Newport Street, Worcester, deceased, are desired to pay their respective Debts to his Widow, Sarah Shingleton: And the Creditors to the said John Shingleton are requested to bring in an Account of their several Demands to his said Widow. The said Sarah Shingleton
returns her sincere Thanks for the past Favours of the Public, and humbly hopes for a Continuance of the same, which will be ever gratefully acknowledged. N. B. The Materials for a BOOTH to be sold. On Saturday January 9, 1773. will be published, Price SIX- PENCE, ( Adorned with an elegant Frontispiece, engraved by one of the most celebrated Artists if the Age, the Whole to be comprised in fifty- four Numbers, Price Six- pence each Number, and to make one Volume in Folio, em- bellished with upwards of fifty elegant Copper- plates, and it absoutely the cheapest and most elegant Family Bible that ever appeared)
NUMBER I. of THE Complete FAMILY BIBLE; A WORK of the utmost Elegance. Containing the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament at large; together with the Apo- crypha; with a complete Illustration of all the dif- ficult Passages ; Together with Notes historical and critical. By the Rev. SAMUEL NEWTON, D. D. Rector of CLIFTON, & C. In the first Number will be given a promissory Note of the Publisher, engaging to deliver, gratis, all that shall exceed fifty- four Numbers, and also to return the Money if the Work should not be com- pleated in fifty- four Weeks. Number I. and II. may be read gratis, and returned if not
approved. To the PUB L I C. the Words of ETERNAL of themostillustriousCha- The sacred Writings contain LIFE: and Men in All ages racters, have always entertained the utmost Reverence for the DIVINE BEing, and the greatest Veneration for his Word. " I esteem ( says holy JoB) the Words of thy " Mouth more than my necessary Food." " I have more " Understanding ( says DAVID) than all my Teachers, " because thy Testimonies are my Meditations." " Study " the Holy Scriptures ( says the great Mr. LOCKE) " therein are contained the Words of eternal Life: It has " God for its Author, Salvation for its End, and Truth, "
without any Mixture of Error, for its Matter." Many Difficulties attend the Study of the Holy Scrip- tures, owing to their having been written in Languages whose Genius is different from that of our own : An earnest Desire to remove those Difficulties has furnished me. with - abundant Reason for engaging in this Perfor- mance. How faithfully and judiciously it is executed, must he left to the Decision of the impartial Public. Clifton, Dec. 19, 1772. S. NEWTON. London, printed for the Author, and sold by T. Evans, at No. 54, Pater- noster Row; Mr. Ether- ington, at York.; Messrs. Fletcher and Hodson, at Cambridge; and all other
Booksellers, & c. THURSDAY'S POST. ( By EXPRESS from LONDON.) FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Copenhagen, Dec. 12. HE Queen Dowager, and her Son Prince Frede- rick, have not appeared at the Court Days and Drawing Rooms for the last three Months. All her Friends are banish- ed from Court. His Majesty never takes any Advice from the Board of Council, which was appointed for that Pur- pose in January last; but has his unlimited Royal Will as before. Couriers almost every Week are passing to and from Hanover ; and what is most remarkable, Yesterday there was a Court Day at her Royal Highness the young
Princess's, which it is supposed was a particular Compli- ment to her Royal Mother; and this Day his Royal Highness the hereditary Prince was at Court. By all Circumstances we can very clearly see, that the greatest Harmony at present reigns be- tween our Court and that of London, in Conse- quence of which an unfortunate Queen may very soon be restored to her former Royal State and Dignity. LONDON, Tuesday, Dec. 29. The Recess of Parliament, we have the Plea- sure to hear, is no way prejudicial to the public Business, all the Committees meet uninterruptedly on the several Objects referred to their Examina- tion,
and will have the proper Reports ready on the first Re- session of the Legislature. The Lords Protest ( inserted in the last Page of this Paper) against passing the Bill restraining the East India Company sending Supervisors to India, was signed by the Duke of RICHMOND, DEVONSHIRE, PORTLAND, Viscount TORRINGTON, Lord MARSTON ( Earl of Corke) The present patriotic Lord Mayor has, we hear, a Scheme which he intends to offer for the Approbation of Parliament soon after the Holi- better Provision of the Poor, as well as Trades men and others, who, by Sickness or Misfor- tunes, may become incapable of
Business. This Scheme is calculated so as not to be Half so bur then some to Housekeepers as the present Mode of levying the Poors Rate is universally known to be. The Gentlemen of the Chapter Coffee House Association for lowering the Price of Provisions, have found themselves unequal to the Completion of the laudable Purpose they aimed at. They have been made the Dupes of a Set of Thieves and Scoundrels. Finding that their Money only went into the Pockets of Sharpers, without at all answering their humane Design, they have made a Division of all the Subscription Money they had in Hand. The ill Success of the
private Attempts for the Reduction of Provisions, has induced a Set of n0 less spirited than humane Gentlemen to solicit the Sanction of Government, by Way of Licence for a certain Period, to purchase and vend certain Commodities according as the Urgency of the Times may require and Convenience admit, We hear that her Majesty, according to her wonted Goodness, has ordered 5o0l, out of her own Privy Purse to augment the annual chari- table Donation of his Majesty to the Poor of London and Westminster. Her Royal Highness the Princess Amelia has ordered a Sum of Money to be distributed among the poor
Inhabitants of Brentford, Ealing, Turnham Green, and the Parts adjacent; and we hear her Example will be followed by his Grace the Duke of Northumberland, and other distinguished Characters in that Neighbourhood. Their Royal Highnesses the Duke of Cumber- land and his Duchess, though at present in Town, have given Orders for their Seat at Windsor Lodge to be kept open for three successive Days during the Holidays, for all the neighbouring People to be entertained with Beef, Plumb- Pud- dings and Minced- Pies, according to the Old English Way of living. Sunday Night a Cabinet Council was held at the Queen's
Palace, at which several of the great Officers of State assisted. It is said that a very equivocal Answer has been given to the Demand of the English Ambassador at Madrid, concerning the Expeditions to the South Seas. We are informed that the Garrison of Gibral- tar is ordered to be augmented with another Re- giment, and a large Draught of Matrosses. A certain noble Lord, much concerned in India Affairs, has lately, we are assured, advanced a large Sum of Money to supply the private Exi- gencies of State. Mr. Charles Fox never displayed himself so much as a few Days ago against Mr. Burke. The latter had imprudently
suffered himself to be betrayed into a Passion, which hurried him into several unguarded Expressions, and some unsolid Reasons. Mr. Charles Fox took a few Notes, rose up, seized the Advantage, and in a spirited Reply, entirely got the better of the Argument, even in the Opinion of Mr. Burke's Friends. Last Week the Earl of Bellamont resigned his Employment of Quarter- Master General of Ire- land, and retired from the Service. We hear that the Earl of Bute intends the Be- ginning of next Month to set out for the South of France. Admiral Keppel is ill at Bath, having had a severe Stroke of the Palsy. They advise from Paris,
that a Person there has invented a Machine, which throws heavy Bombs with surprising Exactness, and by which great Mortars are fired as quick as Cannon, in a Man- ner entirely new. An Agent from the King of Portugal has been for some Time in Town, and has purchased a great Number of fine English Hunters, which will in a few Days embark for that Kingdom. They write from the Hague, that his Imperial Majesty has returned a disagreeable Message to the Representations of the States, concerning the Salt Works in that Part of Poland now annexed to his Dominions, on the Security of which the Dutch had lent large Sums
to his Polish Majesty. Extract of a Letter from the Hague, Dec. 2 1 . " Yesterday the English Ambassador had a Conference with the States General relative to the late Division of Poland, and the King of Prussia's Behaviour with respect to Dantzick, in order to concert how England and Holland may act in Conjunction on those important Objects. A large Spanish Ship from Cadiz to Mar- seilles, was totally lost in a Storm of Wind within three Leagues of the Mouth of Marseilles Harbour, and ten of the Crew were drowned; the rest saved themselves in a Boat. On the 13th Instant the Ship de Susannah, of Amsterdam, Hans Cofoct,
Master, bound from Surinam to Amsterdam, laden with Sugar, Cof- fee, Cotton, and Cocoa, was driven on the Rocks near Barnstaple in Devonshire, where she was totally lost, with the greatest Part of her Cargo. By Letters from Jamaica we have Advice, that there has been an Insurrection in a Plantation on that Island belonging to Mr. Macdonald, by his Slaves, who rose upon the Family to destroy it, but happily he had got some Intelligence of their Design ; and had procured a Body of Men whom he placed in Ambush, and, as they were making for the Dwelling- House, the People suddenly rushed out upon them, and
surrounding them, secured them all. Three of the Ringleaders were immediately hung up. By Accounts brought by the Ships lately ar- rived from Hudson's Straights, we are assured, that an ingenious English Surgeon has disco- vered a Copper Mine of great Value, and has also brought the Cultivation of Oats, Radishes, Turnips, & c. to great Perfection in that barren rocky Soil, a Circumstance that must turn out of no little Importance to our Settlers at Churchill Factory and the Parts adjacent. Extract of a Letter from Lisbon, Dec. I. " The News which has been received of the Disturbances in the Brazils, has been repeatedly
confirmed by every Vessel that has arrived from Court of Lisbon have ordered four ships of war and some Transports, with three Regiments of Infantry and one of Cavalry, to embark imme- diately in Case an Emergency should demand their Assistance." A Letter from Bautzen, in Germany, dated Dec. 11, says, that a terrible Fire lately hap- pened in the Town of Zittau which consumed 197 Houses ; and that three Persons are taken up on Suspicion of being the Incendiaries; A few Days since a Person known by the Name of a Swindler, got in Debt with a dry Quaker in St, Martin's Lane, in the Strand to the Sum of about 10I.
and took Refuge in the Verge of the Court; the Quaker took the fol- lowing Scheme to recover his Money ; - he got a Chimney Sweeper's Boy to run against him, when he struck him, and in Consequence thereof a Warrant was taken out against him, and he was taken out of the Rules by a Constable, when a Bailiff stood ready and arrested him, and he was obliged to pay the Money. Last Friday Evening between the Hours of eight and ten, the House of Mr. Peter Barker, Coal Factor, in Samson's Gardens, was broke open, and robbed of Plate, Wearing Apparel, Linnen of various Sorts, such as Body Linnen, Table Linnen, and
Sheet's ; a Pocket Book, which contained several small Bank Notes, all to the Amount of Two Hundred Pounds and up- wards.— The above Robbery was committed in the Absence of the Servant, who was left in Charge of the House while the Family were on a Visit in the Neighbourhood. One Day this Week a Tanner in Long- Lane dropped a Pocket- Book in the Leather- Market, Leadenhall- Street, containing three Bank Notes of 30l. each, which being picked up by an honest Porter, he found out the right Owner, and car- ried him the same Home, who generously made him a Present of 13 Guineas for his Honesty. Saturday
Morning the Wife of a Publican in Southwark, was found hanging in her Bed- chamber. Her Husband having lost a consider- able Sum of Money at a Cock- Match, which was to have paid the Brewer, is supposed to be the Reason of her committing this rash Act. Saturday Night Mr. Phelps, Hatter, in Ox- ford- Street, was stopt by three Footpads, near Paddington, who robbed him of his Watch and Twenty- seven Shillings ; they afterwards beat him in so cruel a Manner that his Life is de- spaired of. One Evening last Week as the Oxford Stage Coach was coming to Town over Hounslow Heath, a Person well mounted came along
side of the Coach three different Times. As often as he came up to the Coach, a Lady put down the Window and looked at him. There were several Oxonians in the Coach, and each had a Blunderbuss : The Gentleman was suspicious of something of that Kind by the Lady's putting down the Window so often ; therefore he thought proper to decamp without his Booty. Saturday Night two Carpenters in the Bo- rough who had been a Holiday making, dis- puted about the Reckoning, when one gave the other such a violent Blow on the Temple, that he expired in a few Minutes; the Murderer sconded. ab- To the PRINTER. SIR, AS
there may be many People who are igno- rant of the Danger of Laurel to Cattle, if eaten by the, I write this for their Information ; having myself formerly lost two fine Heifers by the Leaves of that Tree, and last Week again being very near losing six Cows, who got into an inclosed Clump of Ever- Greens, amongst which was a great deal of Laurel; the Cow which had eaten the most plentifully of it was so swelled that I thought she would have burst ; the others were very sick, but by keeping them continually in Motion for an Hour or more, and withholding them from Water all that Day, and by giving a Pint of Sallad Oil to the swelled
Cow, they were all recovered. Most People know that Yew has the same bad Effects. Shropshire, Dec. 1772. M. G. Wheat 46s. to 54s Pease 40s; to43s Oats 16s. to 21 s. Beans 305. to 34s. Rye 32s. to 33s Hog Pease 38s; to 39 Barley 24s. to 31s. od. Finest Flour 43s; a Sac PRIZES drawn in the STATe LOTTERY find those mentioned in our last Paper. Wednesday, No. 33,035, 2OOOl. No, 47,5 26,360, 500I. each). No. 40,817, 17,541, 1ool. each No: 28,755, 54800, 58,226, 58, 827,20,465, 51, 27,745, 50I. each. Thursday, No. 27,418, 11,698, 1oool. each. 15,315, 25,175, 2377, 100l. each. No. 1132, 36, 38.521, 57.924
,4765, 3786, 53,551 28,382 12, 47,856,< 28,077, 39,435 49.102 35,519. 57,65 1295; 10,371. 14.615, 29,624. 54,324. 5ol. each: Saturday, No. 45,031, 500I. No. 45,403, 48,3 23,150, 16,005, 10oI. each. No. 45,998, 45,8 46,877, 23,629, 42,133, 946, 30,696, 13,3 25,179, 40,163, 51,959, 32.489. 501. each. Yesterday, No. 1o, 19., 1029, 14,023, 33,5 100I. each. No. 16,128, 16,630, 52,227, 16.9 21,961, 15,056, 20,392, 50I. each. This Bay, No. 37,538, 500I. No. 37,962, 24,025, 1ool. each. No. 12,471, 32,925, 52,1 26,965, 50l each. Promoted.] The Rev. Thomas Burnet, M. A Wadham College, Oxon, to the Vicarage of borough
together with the- Vicarage of Roth, both in the County of Northampton, and Dio of Peterborough.—- The Rev. Mr. Ellis, a Mi Canon of Ely, to the Vicarage of Milbourn, in County of Cambridge and Diocese of Ely, by Death. Married.] Dr. Sedra to Miss Boar of Shrewsbury — A Couple at the Parish Church of Blockley Worcestershire; and what is remarkable, they married at Nine o'Clock, the Bride was brought Bed by Two o'clock in the Afternoon, and Child was baptised by Four the same Day.-- At verhampton, Mr. Amos Parkes, of Bilston, to Bradley, of the former Place.-— Benjamin Beef Esq; of Great Ormond- Street, to Miss
Gardiner Park- Street.—- Mr. Francis, of Canterbury, to Hunter. —- Matthew Hindky, Esq; of Great Ru Street, to Miss Webb, of Marybon- Street.-— Brest, Esq; of Parliament- Street, to Miss Mer of St. Martin's Lane. Died.] Mr. Collett, Gardener, in Birming — At Oldbury, near Bridgnorth, aged 75, Richard Hylton Howard, School master. —- At ton, Mr. Crowder, formerly an Apothecary Brewer- Street, Golden Square.— At Hackney niel Spearson, Esq; formerly a Grocer in Loth — At Hammersmith, William Catlyn, Esq— Wm. Scooly, late of Mark- Lane, Cornfactor In Tooley- Street, Mr. Jonas Grammage, Ti Merchant.— At
Woolwich, Mr, Stokess Diffe Minister. — In Cornhill, Thomas Davidson, Merchant.— In Silver- Street, Golden- Square, than Vale, Esq; West India Merchant.-- A House in Audley- steet, after eating a hearty ner, Dr. Richard Coombers, Fellow of Clare Cambridge. WORCESTER, Thursday, December 3 Many daring Robberies having lately committed in and about Worcester, it is recom mended, as a good Precaution against H Bank Stock, 144 7- 8ths. India ditto, 167 1 - half. South Sea ditto, shut. Ditto Old An- nuities, 86 3- 4ths, New Annuities —. Three per Cent. Bank reduced, 87 5- 8ths a 3- 4ths. Three per Cent. Consol.
shut. Three per Cent. 1726, —. Ditto 1751,—. Ditto India Ann. 81 3~ 4ths a 7- 8ths. Three 1 half per Cent, ditto, 1758, shut. Four percent. Cons. I762, 93 1 - 8th. India Bonds, Par, a 1s, Disc. Navy and Victualling Bills, ——. Three per Cent. Exchequer Bills, —. Long Annuities . Lottery Tickets, —. BANKRUPTS required to surrender. Isaac Attwood, late of Wednesbury, but now of Westbromwich, Staffordshire, Surgeon and Apo- thecary, Dec3o, 31, Feb. 2, at the Swan Inn in Wolverhampton.— John Robertson and Wm. Tur- ner, of St. Paul's Church- Yard, London, China- men, Jan. 2, 9, Feb. 6, at Guildhall. Alexan- der Smith, of
the Parish of St. George, Middlesex, Taylor, Jan. 2, 12, Feb. 6, at Guildhall. — Wm. Gorney, of Villiers- Street, York- Buildings, Mid- dlesex, Taylor, Jan. 2, 16, Feb. 6, at Guildhall.— Samuel Cox, of the Maze, Southwark, Grocer, Jan. 9, 16, Feb. 6, at Guildhall. — John Watson and Thomas Thorley, both of Rainow, in Cheshire, Button Merchants, Jan. 8, 9, Feb. 9, at the King's Arms in Macclesfield.--- Richard Edge, of Wednes- bury, in Staffordshire, Gunmaker, Jan. 5, 6, Feb. 9, at the Green Dragon, in Walfall.— Samuel Live- say, of Walfall, ii. Staffordshire, Cabinetmaker, Jan. 5, 6, Feb. 9, at the Green Dragon, in Walfall.
DIVIDENDS to be made in Creditors. Jan. 22. John Gee, heretofore of Stockport, in the County of Chester, Check Manufacturer, at Crompton's Coffee- House in Manchester.— Jan. 19. Daniel Saunders, of Cote, in the Parish of West- bury upon Trim, Gloucestershire, Merchant and Potter, at the Fountain Tavern in Bristol.-- Jan. 25. Thomas Copes, of the Tower of London, Mer- chant, at Guildhall.-- Jan. 16. Joseph Tolson, of Wapping, Sugar Refiner.— Jan. 30. Samuel Peate, of Hounslow, Middlesex, Innholder, at Guildhall. breaking in large Houses in the Country, to on. the Top of them a large Bell, which Means of a
Communication with some Chambers, would serve to give an Alarm Neighbourhood, in Case of any Attack in Night- time, or in Case of Fire. Last Week died Francis Highway, E Chaddesley Corbett; formerly High She this County. On Tuesday last a Match for 50l. the of three Two- mile Heats, was run over the Field, Ludlow, between Mr. Davis's black ing, Oyster, and Mr. Adams's chesnut Ge Silk Worm, which was won by the former, before starting 6 to 4 Oyster won. This Heat was strongly contested. Extract of a Letter from Ludlow, Dec. " On Saturday the 19th Inst. John Med Labourer, was brought before the Rev. Holland
and Somerset Davies, Esq; two Majesty's Justices of the Peace, on a strong picion of being the Man who assaulted Andrews on Monday the 7th Inst in the ing; and also of Hopping, firing at, and ing Mr. Reynolds, the same Morning. young Woman refused to swear to the lder his Person, as the Darkness of the Morning vented her observing many Particulars but by what she could recollect she very lieved him to be the Man who had stopped He was discovered by a Pistol being loaded with a Slug, which was taken to smith in Ludlow, who deposed, that he h that Pistol and its Fellow to the Prisoner Year ago ; upon this
Information a Warr issued for apprehending him. On his Ex tion he endeavoured to prove an Alibi, Circumstance of which he was totally co whereupon he was committed to Prison ther Examination, till Mr. Reynolds c sent for. In the mean " Time Mr. Sted Farmer, of Coxall, made Information had been stopped on Mogtree, in Herefor in February last, and robbed of a Sum ney, amongst which were a Crown Piece a remarkable" Halfpence, and had a strong cion that the Prisoner was the Person robbed him ; and, upon his Re- examin Publican, who had changed the Crow and received the Halfpence, appeared, a tively declared
the Prisoner to be the M whom he had received them. Many ot cumstances concurring to prove his Guilt committed to Hereford Gaol." The ASSIZE of BREAD continues as wheaten lb. oz dr. Penny Loaf to weigh 0 8 3 Two- penny Loaf I 0 6 Three- penny Loaf 1 8 8 Six- penny Loaf 3 1 l Twelve- penny Loaf 6 2 2 Eighteen penny Loaf 9 3 3 I The Halfpenny Batch Cake not to than 4 Ounces I Dram; and the Pen Cake not less than 8 Ounces and 3 Dra All Sorts of Almanacks, Gentleman Ladies Memorandum Books. Court Kale
THE WORCESTER JOURNAL. Worcester College Green. asioned by Verses in the St. Jama's Chronicle, st Month, intitled Glocester College- Green.) A Jocund Muse of late has been Amongst the Belles in * College- Green; me she extols for Shape and Grace, and some for every Charm of Face. Now by theses Presents he it known, that this same Muse is hither shown ; r shalt thou, Glo'ster, and thy Fair, one her Smiles and Praises share. ! haughty City ; thou shalt see ight Beauty's Palm transferr'd from thee, and hung up in our College- Green, Order of the Cyprian Queen ; here all those lovely Belles resort, which here
compose her splendid Court. rst blooming H be, on whose Cheek Cupid lurks in Dimple sleek : and from that dangerous Ambuscade, that cruel Havock has he made ? M— y comes!— what Hand can trace the Beauties of that Angel- Face ! the Blush which mocks the mimic Art, and captivates the fluttering Heart; he melting Languor of her Eye, which prompts the World to wish and sigh ; the ruby Lip -— but I forbear, " oth Praise, tho'just, to wound thine Ear. n R l, delicate and mild, s on a Sister Grace she smil'd, ow both to P-- l-- y W-- ll repair with rosy Cheeks, and ebon Hair; whose laughing Eyes reveal a Mind o Candour,
Mirth, and Joy inclin'd. this lovely Three might they behold rest as the Graces were of old, such Macaroni soon would swear, ' e had the real Graces here. See stately G— ley walks the Green, mistaken oft for Beauty's Queen : and H— r fair, from H— ley's Grove, There every Muse delights to rove, d by great L— t n along, after of Soul enchanting Song, could I match his tuneful Lays, then would dare to sing thy Praise ! Ah, K-- t-- y T r! how can I stain the Lightning of thine Eye, any Shape, thy frolic Air, each Charm, which might an Hermit's Bosom warm ? The Rose- bud opening to the View emblematic, B— t, of you. the
Charms by you even now possest, with Envy rack each Female Breast ; and when to full Perfection grown, nus shall tremble for her Throne. It were High Treason against Beauty, would I neglect to pay my Duty Hiatus lachrymabilis. By these, and fifty more beside, o'ster, I might subdue thy Pride: these, and every favourite Name, or'ster might vindicate her Claim be ( even by thyself contest) The Seat of Beauty in the West." after, Dec , 1772. At Glocester. Milton. At Mrs. S.' s Boarding School. OTEST of the House of Lords Against the EAST- INDIA BILL. issentient, BECAUSE the Bill takes away from a great Body Corporate,
and from several free Sub- of this Realm, the Exercise of a legal Fran- without any legal Cause of Forfeiture assigned. Persons appointing the Commissioners had by a Right to elect; and the Persons chosen had aw a Capacity of being elected. The Choice regutarly made according to the Constitution e Company. It was confirmed on Ballot. The rvisors had a fall Right veiled in them agree- to the Powers and Conditions of their Ap- tment. No Abuse has been suggested, no De- ency has been charged. These legal Rights Capacities are therefore taken away by a mere of arbitrary Power; the Precedent of which s no Sort of
Security to the Subject for his ties ; since his exercising them, in the strictest formity to all the Rules of Law, as well as to of general Equity and moral Conduct, is not ient to prevent Parliament from interesting its eign Powers to divest: him of those Rights, by s of which Insecurity the honourable Distinc- between the British and other Forms of Go- vernment is in a great Measure lost ; a Misfortune we are sorry to find greatly growing upon us those temporary, occasional, and partial Acts of ment, which, without Consideration of their formity to the general Principles of our Law Constitution, are adopted rashly and hastily on petty
Occasion. BECAUSE this Bill appears to us a manifest tion of the public Faith. The Charter of the India Company has been granted by the Crown, prised by Act of Parliament, and purchased for Able Consideration of Money lent, and paid, charter empowers the Company to manage its Affairs, according to its own Discretion, by ns of its own Appointment. This Bill sus- for a Time the Exercise of this Privilege, y groundingtheSupervision upon the actual In- ence of Parliament on the Affairs of the Com- establishes a Principle which may be used for actuting indefinitely the Restraint, because Par- nt may keep their Affairs, by
frequent Revi- almost perpetually under Consideration. The Principle is also applicable to the Suspension or vation of any other Privilege which they hold their Charter. We admit that it is difficult any legal Limit to the Extension of legislative r; but we apprehend that Parliament is as bound as any Individual to the Observance of n Compacts ; else it is impossible to under- what public Faith means, or how public Cre- n subsist. BECAUSE it appears by Evidence at the Bar his House, upon Oath, that the Company had ved Assurances from their Chairman and De- Chairman, that the Appointment of a Com- on for superintending and
regulating their Af- would be approved by Administration. This e only Channel of Communication with Mi- s that the Company can have, and it is pecu- hard that, driven from all Confidence in pub- tith, and the Laws of their Country, they d find no Security for their Charter Privileges st the Attempts made by those very Ministers under whose Sanction they had all possible Reason to believe they had been acting. IV. BECAUSE it appears to us that the Company was not only authorised by Law, but bound in Duty to appoint a Commission for regulating their Affairs, and correcting Abuses; and it would, in our Opi- nion, furnish a
more plausible Ground, for attack- ing the lawful Powers of the Company, if it were charged, that they had not exercised them for Re- dress of the said Abuses, than that they had ap- pointed a Commission for such a necessary Purpose; it might have been alledged by the Adversaries of the Company, that non Use and Neglect of apply- ing legal Powers for the Ends for which such Powers were given, were Matters of Delinquency in that Corporation, and might have subjected them to Process in the Courts below, or to an adverse Pro- ceeding in Parliament. It is a Government, as we conceive, full of Deceit as well as Violence,
where Men are to be punished if they decline, or to be restrained if they endeavour to exercise their lawful Powers. V. BECAUSE we have Reason to believe, from public Opinion and Report, that great Abuses still prevail and increase in the Company's Settlements Abroad, which makes it highly expedient that the Commission restrained by this Bill for six Months should have as little Delay as possible. Six Months Delay in the Commission will, by the Nature of the Season, certainly protract its Operation for a Year, and probably for much longer. By this Means all Abuses will gain Ground, and their Reformation will become more
difficult: Nor can we allow that the Speculation of . more ample Powers to be here- after given by Parliament ( but which are not as yet so much as proposed) can furnish an adequate Rea- son for preventing the Operation of such Powers as legally exist at present- Besides, without suspend- ing the Commission, any Degree of Authority thought Expedient might have been superadded to the present Powers given by the Company : We do therefore in this solemn Manner exculpate our. selves to the present Time, and to Posterity, from having any Share in the Oppressions which may arise, or be continued, on the native Inha bitants in the Company's Possessions in India ; and from any Part in the Danger which may happen so their valuable Possessions from the Waste or Decay of their Revenues, or in the Loss or Di- minution of Trade, which may so very probably arise from this arbitrary Delay of a timely Remedy. It must be a Matter of Astonishment to the Public, who have for a long Time earnestly and anxiously looked to the Company, or to Parliament, for Re- dress of the Grievances in India, to find at length, that the latter is only employed in preventing the former from doing its Duty; that, instead of cor- recting the Abuse, we oppose ourselves
to the Re- formation ; that, when it was expected that those who have wronged the Company should be brought to exemplary Punishment, the suffering Company itself is deprived of its Rights; and, instead of calling Delinquents to Account, the Persons legally empowered to correct or restrain them, are by Par- liament suspended from their Office. It was the more necessary for the Company to give the strictest Attention to their Affairs, to enable them to an- swer the exorbitant Demands of Government, as it appeared from the Witnesses at the Bar, that the Exactions of Parliament have amounted to more than the Whole of the
Profits from the late Acqui- sitions, and the Trade in Consequence of them ; while the Proprietors, who have spent so much, and so often risqued their All, for obtaining these Acquisitions, have not been permitted to divide even so much as the Profits of their former Trade would have afforded. VI. BECAUSE the Bill was brought in at a Sea- son when this House is always ill attended, and carried through with a violent and indecent Pre- cipitation. The Reason assigned for this Precipi- tatiotn is as unsatisfactory as the Ac is violent; " that unless the Bill was parted, the Commissioners " might fail during the Recess at Christmas ;"
this, considering their Circumstances, is almost phy- sically impossible ; nor, if it were otherwise, can we think the mere Possibility of the Abuse of a legal Right in the Subject, any Sort of Reason, for our being precipitate in taking it away. VII. BECAUSE a Reason of Fact is alledged in the Preamble of the Bill, stating the Expence of the Commission to be very considerable ; and this House has not before it any Account or Estimate of the Expences actual or probable, nor are we supplied with any Accounts shewing or tending to shew the present Ability or Inability of the Company to bear it; so that Lords are made to assert Facts,
and on these Facts to ground a Law, altering the Condition and suspending the Charter Rights of the Company, without a Possibility of knowing whether the said Facts are true or false. Lords, in whom the Law places such an high Con- sidence, that it accepts in all Cases of Property, their Honour in the Place of the sworn Testimony of other Men, ought in their public Character to be remarkably punctilious in affirming any Matter which can affect such Property, without a thorough Knowledge of its Truth. VIII. BECAUSE this House not content with asserting the said Fails without any Knowledge of their Foundation, did absolutely
resolve to con- tinue uninformed, refusing to call for the Evidence of the Directors concerning the Expence ; or in a Matter of such Importance both in itself and in its Example, to follow the antient settled parlia- mentary Course of desiring a Conference with the Commons, in order to be acquainted with the Evi- dence which they received as the Grounds of their Proceeding, by which Means this House submits to be the Instrument of the Commons; to be merely the Register of their Acts, and to lower in the Estimation of the World, the natural Honour and Dignity of the Peers. IX. BECAUSE this Bill for suspending the legal Powers
of the Company in the Appointment of its own Officers, appears to us to be Part of a Design, long since formed, and never abandoned, for enlarging the Influence of the Crown ( already far too prevalent and extensive) by the Introduc- tion of ministerial Authority in the Nomination to the numerous lucrative Employments now in the Gift of the Company ; a Design which, adhering to the Principles of the Protest of the 9th of Fe- bruary, 1768, we think ourselves obliged to oppose. We therefore do protest against this Bill, as evi- dently a leading Part in that Design, as inexpedient, unconstitutional, supported neither by any Fact that
we know, or any Reason that we have heard, at contrary to natural Faith, injurious to public Cre- dit and to the legal Rights of the Subject, and hur- ried through this House in a Manner neither de- cent, nor parliamentary, nor suitable to the Inde- pendence and Dignity of the Lords. CLINTON'S Royal GOLDEN SNUFF. THIS SNUFF, which Thousands of People- have found to be the most effectual Remedy for taking away all Pains and Aches out of the Head, cures the Head- Ach, be the Pain ever so violent; it instantly removes Drowsiness, Sleepiness, Giddi- ness, Vapours, Apoplexy, and Deafness; the Evil in the Eyes, or any
Humour in them ; Dropsies in the Head, or Stoppage or Cold in the Head: It cures the Catarrh, or Drippings from the Head upon the Lungs, which causes tickling Coughs; it brings away all Mercury which lodges in the Head, occa- sioned by some Trades that are offensive to the Brain, as Plumbers, Refiners, Silversmiths, Gilders, & c. In short, it is the most agreeable Snuff in the Universe for all Distempers in the Head and Eyes. This Snuff is very proper for all Persons who have had the Small- Pox, to purge the Head, and carry off the foul Humours which lodge there after that Distemper, and fall upon the Eyes, and often cause
Soreness and Weakness in them, if not Blindness. It also cures the Polypus. Three Papers for 6d. and six Papers cure most Disorders in the Head and Eyes. For Deafness, after taking six Papers of Snuff, take the Oil pre- pared by the Author for that Disorder, and drop four Drops into each Ear, which is a certain Cure for them that have been deaf for many Years, and is sold for 6d. a Bottle. The above Snuff and Oil are sold by H. Berrow, in Worcester ; and by the Worcester Newsmen. This Day were published, Price 2s. 6d. sewed, THE Laws of the Highways and Turnpike Roads, under the following Heads : I. What shall be
deemed a Highway ; to whom the Freehold and Soil of the Highway belong ; of changing a Highway; of stopping a Highway, and other Nuisances therein ; who are obliged to repair a Highway by the Common Law ; where a Person shall be liable to repair a Highway by Reason of In- closure, Tenure, or Prescription, & c. II. All the Acts of Parliament now in Force, concerning the Highways and Turnpike Roads. III. Variety of Precedents relative to the Execution of the Acts concerning the Highways and Turnpike Roads, with the Form of a Book for the Surveyors to keep their Accounts in. To the whole are sub- joined two large
alphabetical Tables or Indexes. By T. CUNNINGHAM, Esq. London, printed for W. Griffin, in Catharine- Street, in the Strand ; sold by H. Berrow, Printer, in Worcester, and may be had of the Worcester News- Carriers, and all Booksellers. MAREDANT's DROPS. To Mr. NORTON, Surgeon, Golden- Square. SIR, ABOUT two Years and a Half ago I was seized with a violent Hoarseness and Shortness of Breath. I sent for a Physician, who ordered me to be bled: I also took a great many Medicines, but grew worse instead of better. My Head ached so violently, that it prevented my getting any Rest ; my Face and Head broke out in
large Blotches, which spread so much that I was in daily Fear of losing my Eye sight. The Humour which discharged from my Face was so very offensive, that I could hardly bear it myself ; but, by the Use of your Maredant's Drops, I am effectually cured. Any Person doubtful of this, may be convinced of the Truth, by calling on Mrs. Copson, at Brompton; or by enquiring of Mr. Orton, Coal Merchant, in Whitcomb- Street, near Leicester Fields, I am, with great Respect, Sir, Brompton, Your most humble Servant, October 3o, 1772. MARY COPSON. Any Person still doubtful of the Efficacy of this Medicine, may ( by applying to Mr.
NORTON, Surgeon, the West Side of Golden square, near Piccadilly, London, the only Author and Proprietor, where these Drops are sold in Bottles of Six Shillings each) be fully convinced of their good Effect, by being referred to many People of Credit, who have been cured of the Leprosy, Scurvy, Ulcers, the Evil, Fistulas, Piles, long- continued Inflammations of the Eyes, and every other Disorder arising from Foulness in the Blood. They may be taken in any Season, without the least Inconvenience or Hindrance of Business. They also perfect Digestion, and amazingly create an Appetite. N. B. These Drops are in square
Bottles, with the following Inscription on them, viz. John Norton, only Proprietor ang Author of Maredant's Drops. N. B. None are genuine but what are signed by JOHN NORTON, in his own Hand- writing ; who hath appointed them to be sold by H. BERROW, at his Printing Office, near the Cross, Worcester ; and by Mr. ANDREWS, Bookseller, in Evesham. Beware of Counterfeits.—— Maredant's Drops, so univer- sally known and esteemed, were never sold for less than SIX SHILLINGS the Bottle. Mr. NORTON having lately discovered that his Bot. tles, Bills of Direction, together with his Hand- Writing, have - been
counterfeited, in order to impose on the Public a spurious Medicine for his ( Maredant's) Drops, he therefore hopes, for their Health's Sake, they will be extremely cautious of whom they buy them. THE true original Daffy's Elixir, a CORDIAL greatly recommended and universally esteemed in relieving the Cholic, Colds, and many other Disorders, which are particularly expressed in the Bills of Directions, which we refer to, and give only the following Instance of its happy Effects : I, HENRY MEARN, Shoe- Maker, in Pile- Street, Bristol, maketh Oath, That I was about three Years ago violently afflicted with a hacking Cough, which
occasioned my spitting a great deal of tough Phlegm, that brought me so thin and weak, that it was thought I was in a Consump- tion ; I had also a great Straitness in my Breast, with loath- ing of Food, & c. for these Complaints I tried several Me- dicines, but all to no Effect, till happily I took the above Elixir, by the Use of which a great deal of slimy Matter came from me, so that I soon got perfectly well, and have continued so ever since. My Wife, about twelve Months since, had a violent Pain under her Left Breast, of which the said Elixir cured her. To the Truth of the above I solemnly make Oath. HENRY MEARN. Sworn in
Bristol before H. SWYMMER; Mayor. Witness, MARK FARLEY, EDW. SAUNDERS. The genuine Sort of the above Medicine is sold by H. Berrow, in Worcester, and the Worcester Newsmen; also by T. and J. Home, at Bishop's Castle, Shropshire. Sold likewise by the said Persons, by Appointment from DICEY and Co. Dr. Radcliff's Purging Elixir; the best of all Purges to cleanse the Body of gross Humours contracted by hard Drinking, Surfeits, & c. 1s. Godsrey's General Cordial ; a Medicine very beneficial to Women, both before and after Birth, and to young Chil- dren that are weakly or inclined to the Rickets, & c. 6d. Dr.
Anderson's true Scots Pills; they are well knownto be the best Purgative extant, 1s. Betton's genuine British Oil for Wounds, Ulcers, Strains, Bruises,& c. 1s. Stoughton's Elixir, creates an Appetite, helps Digestion and strengthens the Stomach, 1s. Dr. John Hooper's Female Pills, of great Virtue, Is. Bostock's famous Cordial Purging Elixir, 1s. 3d, Turlington's Balsam. 1s. 9d. Bateman't Golden and Plain Spirits of Scurvy Grass. 1s Greenough's Tincture for the Teeth and Gums. 1s. By Authority of His Majesty's Royal Letters Patent's granted to J. Burrows, M. D. VELNOS' Vegetable SYRUP, Proved by general Experience to be a
sovereign Remedy in the most inveterate and complicated Venereal, Scorbutic, and Scrophulous Cases. To Dr. BURROWS. IHave the Pleasure to acquaint you, that I have received a very extraordinary Cure, by taking Velnos' Vegetable Syrup. For upwards of 12 Years I had been af- flicted with so dangerous and virulent a Scurvy, as affected me in almost every Part of my Body, particularly my Throat, Head, and Face; it was with the utmost Difficulty that I swallowed any Thing, and I had several running Wounds in my Head and Face ; in short, my Condition was really most miserable, having besides intolerable Pains in my
Head and Limbs; but upon taking a few Bottels the Vegetable Syrup, according to jour Directions, I was re- stored to a perfect State of Health, in every Respect, and am now as well as I ever knew myself, and have the greatest Reason to believe I am radically cured. I think myself bound in Justice to your excellent Medicine, being fully per suaded, that the Encouragement of it will be of public Utility, and you have my Leave to publish this, or any Part of it ( if you think fit) for the Good 0f Mankind, 1 am. Sir, your humble Servant, Wych- Street, March 30, 1772. S. WARD, sen. This Letter was inclosed and sent to Dr. Burrows, by
the Rev. Dr. Wicks, of Bartholomew- Close, London. The Vegetable Syrup is sold in Bottles, Ten Shillings and Six- pence each, at Dr. BURROWS'S House, opposite the Prince of Orange Coffee House, in the Hay Market, Lon. dan ; sold also by Fletcher and Hodson, in Cambridge ( who are appointed sole Agents for vending this Medicine in the Coun- try); Mr. Raikes, Gloucester ; Mr. Pugh, Hereford; Messrs. Pearson and Aris, Birmingham ; Mr. Taylor, Kidderminster Mr. Jackson, Oxford-, Mr. Eddowes, Shrewsbury Mr. Tay. lor, Stafford; Mrs. Thurstant, Wolverhampton ; and by the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. Where
also may be had, A Dissertation on its Nature and Effects, with an Ac count of its Examination by the Royal College of Physicians, and a Variety of extraordinary Cures, properly attested. Price 1s. To preclude the Attempts of Imitators, a Label is pasted at the Bottom of each Bottle, signed in Red Ink with the Names J. Burrows, Fletcher & Hodson. BEAUME DE VIE. By the KING'S Patent. Against AUTUMNAL COMPLAINTS, which for the most Part arise from obstructed Perspiration. THERE is not, in the whole Materia Medica, so great a Preservative as that celebrated Medicine she BEAUME DE VIE ; which, by its cordial,
attenuating, and detergent Powers, fortifies the Stomach and Bowels, puri- fies the Blood and Juices, and gives at it were, to the whole System. its natural Equilibrium. To these Quali- ties we attribute its having proved so eminently serviceable in Gouty, Rheumatic, and Scorbutic Habits; and from the same Principle, has never failed to relieve in Languid, Ner- vous, and Hypochondriac Cases: And also, that it has been found so particularly beneficial in Female Disorders. To prevent the pernicious Consequences of a spuri- ous Sort being obtruded on the Public, the Bottles are each signed as under, the counterfeiting of which
being Felony, will be prosecuted accordingly. W. NICOLL T. BECKET, ( Vender.) ( a Proprietor,) This most admirable Family Medicine ( by Appointment of the Proprietors) it sold by W. Nicoll, No. 51, in St. Paul's Church Yard, London, at 31. the Bottle; with good Allowance for charitable Uses, or to sell again ; and by Mr. Aris, in Bir- mingham; Mr. Raikes, in Gloucester; Mr. Pugh, in Here- ford ; Mr. Jackson, in Oxford; Mr. Taylor, in Stafford ; Mr. Haslewood, in Bridgnorth ; Mr. Holdier, in Cirercester; Mr. Jopson, in Coventry; Mr. Clarke, in Ludlow, Mr, Eddowes, in Salop ; Mr. West, in Stourbridge; Mr. Keating, in Warwick ; Mr.
Keating, in Stratford; and by H. Ber- row, Printer, in Worcester. Another recent Instance of the singular Efficacy of Dr. SMITH'S RESTORATIVE MEDICINE. The Case of C. BURTON, Esq. SIR. IThink it my Duty ( as it may be the Means of pointing out Relief to such as labour under similar Complaints) to inform you, that if you think proper you may commu- nicate to the Public that I am perfectly recoverse from a relaxed, emaciated State, by taking your Restorative Medi- cine, My Disorders, I am well convinced, arose from youthful Imprudence, and the natural Effects of a hot Country. I consulted some of the most eminent
Physicians, and regularly followed their Prescriptions, but all to no Ef~ fect. At length happily meeting with a Gentleman who had been your Patient, he informed me of the Benefit he had received from your salutary Medicine. I am, Sir, with the greatest Respect, your most humble Servant, Cambridge, July 22. C. BURTON. In the Course of many Years Practice innumerable Instances have indisputably proved the strengthening and cordial Effects of this Medicine in all Weaknesses, Debili- ties, & c. whether natural or acquired by Self- polution, or excessive Venery, and Nervous Complaints in general ; also those secret Infirmities
that attend Persons advancing in Years are by it removed ; and the natural Powers of the whole Vital System art nourished, comforted and prolonged. The Causes of Impotency in one Sex, and Barrenness in the other, have been eradicated by this Medicine. The Great Boerhaave says, From an ill- cured Pox," or imprudent Venery, arise Pains in the Head er Limbs, Erup- tions, Gleets, Weakness of the whole Frame, Lowness of Spi- rits, Dimness of Sight, with a Tribe of Nervous Complaints, which generally terminale in a Consumption. For a full Account read the Doctor's New Treatise, just published, Price 1s. 6d. the seventh
Edition. The RESTORATIVE is to be had in Bottles at 10s. 6d. with full Directions, of H. Berrow, Printer of this Paper, in Worcester ; and of the Doctor, in George- street, York- buildings, in the Strand, London, who may be consulted personally, or by Letter, Post paid. By His Majesty's Letters Patent, ( Granted to WALTER LEAKE, of the City of London, P. P.) is recommended the Justly Famous PILL, called in the Patent, PILULA SALUTARIA; And there pronounced to be a Cure for the VENEREAL DISEASE, SCURVY, and RHEUMATISM. IN fifteen or eighteen Days it generally cures those cruel Disorders, and where it fails of
perfectly restoring Health in that Time, the Patient hat the happy Assurance that he or she is at the Eve of being restored , let the Di- gree of Malignancy be ever so great. It is an Excellency peculiar to these Pills, to make directly to the complaining Parts, End enter into Contest with the offending Matter, which they soon dislodge and expell. They are declared by Experience to be a Preserver of Health, as well as a Re- storer, by taking only eight single Pills ( as instructed by the Direction Bills) once or twice a Year. In short, the Patentee has this extraordinary Obligation to them, that whatever he promised himself from them they
were sure to fulfil and exceed, as though impatient of immortal and uni- versal Fame. These Pills are most worthy a Place in the Ca- binet of Masters and Captains of Ships, and the more so, for that they require no Confinement, nor Restraint of Diet, will keep good in all Climates any Length of Time, End effect a Cure even when Salivation fails. Sold ( in Boxes, at 2S. 6d. each) by H. Berrow, Printer, in Worcester.