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The Daily Advertiser

Date of Article: 02/10/1772
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Address: opposite St.Dunstan's Church, in Fleet-Street
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 13035
No Pages: 4
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The Advertifer. N u m b . 13035. F R I D A Y , O C T O B E R 2, 1 7 7 2. [ P r i c e T w o Pc. cc.") DE A L , September 30. ; R R I V E D and failed for the River, the T r i t o n, Pelhby, from Philadelphia 5 and the T o i t o l a, Planter, Thornplon, from Tortola. Wind at South- Weft. L O N D O N . ExtraB of a Letter jrom Berlin, Sept. 15. " We are allured that the K i n g our moft gracious Sovereign has catlfed Polfeffion to be taken of all Pohlh Pruilta, and hath iffued a Manifelto relative to that Meafure ; that on the 27th of this M o n t h , his Maiefty's new Subjefts will take the Oaths of Fidelity ; and that there will for the future be phced iu each of the- principal T o w n s of that Province, a Garrilbn, conlifting of a great Number of Soldiers. So that this great Atfair is now firmly fettled." T h e above Letter is confirmed by the following A c c o u n t from the Frontiers of Poland, Sept. 13. T h e K i n g of Pruffia lias taken Poffeffion o f the Diftxift of Great- Poland, fituate between the Dr. ige and the Netze, as well as of all the Country of Prtiflia and Pomerania on both Sides the Viltula, 1 which the Crown of Poland has hitherto held under the, Name of Polilli- Pruflia, except the Cities of T h o r n and Dantzick ; and in a M a n i f i f t o juft published on the Occafion, his Pruffian Majefty fays, he hopes the Repubiick of Poland, after having maturely conlidered the Circumftances therein let forth, and weighed the Validity of _ his Claires, will behave herfelf towards him 011 this Subjeft in an amicable Manner. Tlie Stales and Inhabitants of thele Countries are enjoined, by the { kid Mamfefto, to fubmit to his Pruffian Majefty's Dominion, to regard him as their K i n g and lawful Sovereign, to demean themfelyes towards him as faithful and obedient Subjects, and t o coniider tbepifelyes as entirely releafed from all Subjection to the Crown of Poiand; promifing, 011 his Side, to proteft and maintain them in their Rights and Poft'effions, both Civil and Ecclefiaftickj a » d efpscially thole of the Roman Catholick Faith, in the free Exercife. cf their Religion. Extract oj a Letter from the Hague, Sept. 15 " According to Letters from Stockholm, every T h i n g in that K i n g d om is now in a State of perfeS T r a n q u i l i t y ; and the People perceive with great Satisfaflion, that the K i n g , as a true Father of his Country, appears to have entirely at Heart the W e l f a r e of liis Subjects, who flatter theml'eives with l. ving happily under the Government of Guftavus XXI. a Prince equally wife and gracious." Hsr Majeity who has been for fome Days indifpofed with a Cold, i s now p s r l i c l l y recovered, and appeared Yefterday in the Drawing- Koora. T h e lame Day the Ducliefs of Northumberland was at Court far the txrit l i m e iince her Return from Spa in Germany. T h e Earl of Harcourt is making Preparations to fet out for Ireland, as Viceroy of that K i n g d o m , which will be before the Expiration o f the prefent Month. Lord North fet out Yeiterday for Oxford, to attend the Ele& ion of a Chancellor for that University, which will come on Tomorrow. Yefterday at ciofing the Books of the Poll for Lord Mayor, the Numbers were for Mr. Hallifax 9 1 7 ; M r . Shakefpear 85 -: j Mr. W i l k e s 869 ; Mr. T o w n f e n d 883." A t the Meeting of the Livery in Common Hall laft Tuelclay, T h i n k s were ordered to be given to Meff. Wilkes and Ball* in tue faUowitig Words: " R'elblved, T h a t the T h a n k s of this CoUlt of Common Hall be' given to John W i l k e s and Frederick Bulj, lifqrs. late Sheriffs of this City and County o f Middld'ex, for their diligent aiid unwearied Attendance daring the whole Coul'fe of the She- ! l i t f a l t y ; for their fteady Attention to the Prefervation of tlie Pub- j l i d ; Peace; and for their faithful and upright Difcharge c- f e\ cry Part of the Duty of tlieir 0£ ice." Yefterday a Baker in F a n i n g J o n - W a r d Without was convi& ed Before the L o r d - M a y o r , in felling Bread lhort of Weight, in feveral Leaves i j ( Kmces, and paid t h e ' f u l l Penalty of Five Shillings per O u n c e ; feme Threepenny Loaves wanted four Ounces each. T h e Lord North Eafc- Iadiaman. is arrived in the River from the Downs,' and is now delivering P a r t of ijer Lading. Yeiterday was married Blake Stow Lundie, of Berwick, Efq. to M i f s Metcalf, of Hampftead. T h e fame Day was married, W i l l i am Harris, Efq. of St. James's Street, to Mils Payne, of Hill- Street, Berkeley- Square. Yefterday was, married at St. Dionis Back Church, Mr. Bendy, t o Mil's Sherfon, of Lime- Street. T h e fame D a y was married M r . Samuel Lappan, of Bruton- Street, Berkeley- Square, to Mifs Sajvyer, of King- Street, Golden- Square. Y e f t e i d a y was married Mr. John Cooper, of Portpool- Lane, to Mil's Hew, of London- Street, Ratcliff- Crofs. I. aft Sunday was married at St. Bride's, Mr. Graves, Glazier, in St. Bride's Palfage, to Mifs Griglhy, of the fame Parifli. Old Magdonel, who died lately at the A g e of 118, at M a d r u t z in Croatia ( as mentioned Yefterday) was Father to the brs. ve Officer of that Name, who in 1702, in the W a r about the Spanilh Succcffion, raadePrifoner at Cremona the Marlhal de Villeroi, who offered h im on theSpot 10,000 Louidores, and a Regiment, if he wouldreleafe him. Y o u n g Magdonel was then but a Captain, and the Offer, though made by a P e r f o n who was fufficiently able to keep hi^. Word, and which would have tempted many, did not in the leaft ftagger that Iionell and faithful Officer who refufed it. Such Greatnefs of Soul fo weii eitablifhed his Reputation, that his Father, interrogated by his Friends, " how he. managed to look fo frefh and well in old A g e , " ufed commonly to teply, " that the Remembrance of the Difmtereftedoefs and Fidelity of his Son, contributed greatly to prolong; his D a y s ." • On Sunday laft that original Genius and excellent Enginesr, Mr. Jaiues Brindley, after a long Iilnefs which gradually wore h im away, and which Was brought upon him by too intenfe an Application of M i n d to accompliih the great W o r k s in which he was engaged, departed this Life at T u r n h u r f t in Staffordfhire. Oil Wednefday died at his Houfe at Stoke Newington, Thomas Cam, Efq. Y e f t e r d a y died at her Houfe at Blue- Stile, Greenwich, Mrs. Sarah Nickolls, Tv'idow. John M A r t h u r , Mate of the Snow Elizabeth, l y i n g off Shadwell D o c k , was drowned g o i n g on board 011 Wednefday Night laft, in a W h e r r y . On Wednefday Mr. Pocock, Cooper, in Thames- Street, was k i l l ed by t h e Fall of fome Iron at the Steel- Yard. On Wednesday Evening a German who had been drinking at the Spotted Dog Alehoufe in Clements Lane near Clement's Inn, with Mr. Taatfe, a Barber, in that Neighbourhood and others, on a fudden left his Company and went to T a a f f e ' s Hbufe, defired to fee h i s W i f e , and after afktng her if her Hulband was come hom;, he took up a R a z o r and made t w o violent Attempts to cut her T h r o a t ; but Ihe holding her Head down, he cut her Cheek and Chin in a Ikocking Manner; then cut his own T h r o a t from Ear to Ear, and expired immediately. This horrid A f t is fuppofed to have been © ccafioned bv the German bearing Malice againft Mrs. T a a i f e , at whofe Houfe'he lodged fome T i m e ago, becaufe ( lie obliged him to leave it, on a Supposition that he dealt in fmuggled Goods. On Wednefday at the Fublick Office i a Bow- Street, Benjamin B i r d was charged with two different Forgeries; the Particulars of his Examination are as follow : Having in A p r i l , 1771, purcliafed a W a t c h of. Stephen Oben, of Chatham, he tendered him in Payment a Bill of Exchange for 36!. 16s. purporting to be dated at COveijtry, to which Note the Acceptance of Sir George Colebrooke was forged. Oben took the Note and gave him the Change. He was farther charged with drawing a Bill in the Name of Edward Villiers, payable " to hhfifelf, o n ' C o x and Drummond, for 25!. to which the Acceptance of Cox and Drummond was forged. While he had this Bill in his Pofiefiicn, he failed from Dublin fo England, in Company with a Mr. Euftace and Capt. Lawlefs, from the former o f whom he obtained 13 Guineas and 3 s. and from the latter three Guineas, on the Supposition that he was a Gentleman in Diftrefs. The Bill he delivered as a Security to M r . Euftace. Mr. L e f f i n g h am proved Sir George Colebrooke's Name to have been f o r g e d ; and Mr. Mead, a Clerk to Cox and Drummond, proved the Forgery of their Names. T h e P r i f o n e r in his Defence laid, that i n A p r i l , 1771, when the W a t c h was bought at Chatham, lis was at New Y o r k ; but this A f l e r t i o n was refuted by Mrs. Neale, of Parliament- Street, with whom he lodged in that JVfontK, and by a Gentleman who lodged in the Houfe at the T i m e . ' T h e P r i f o n er was lately apprehended at Liverpool, in Conl'eq\ ie » c& of an Ia formation made by Mr. Euftace at Bow- Street, The Parties were bound over t o prosecute. A t the above Ofiice, Elizabeth Day, a Servant Girl, charged a foreign Surgeon, near Moorfields, with an A l f a u l t with an Intent to injure her. It was fworn that the G i r l had put herlelf under the D o f t o r ' s Hands to be cured of a Rupture, when he made the above A l f a u l t , and had nearly effected his brutal Purpofe. Day was bound over to profecute at tiie Old Bailey. On Wednefday died in Newgate John W h i l e , who laft Seffion wa3 capitally convicted for treafonably making, coining, and counterfeiting the current Coin of this Realm, called Shillings. Port/ mouth, Sept. 30. Yefterday died Richard Colebrook, the Sailor belonging to the A f i a , who a few Days before fell from the Topmaft, broke his L e g , and was otfierwife much bruited ; and by his falling on M r . Clayton, jun. a Midiliipman, killed him on the Spot. Wolverhampton, Stafford/ hire, Sept, 18. A young Man, natural Son of a late A l d e r m a n of London, who was fet up in Bulinefs here, and much reipefted, was married laft T h u r f d a y fe'nnight to a deferving young Lady, whom he brought home to his Houfe on the Wednefday Evening following. The next Day, in their W a y to a Friend's Houfe, where they were going to pay a Vifit, he flopped his Bride, killed her, bid her farewell, told her he Ihould never'lee her again, and then precipitately left her. He never did fee her more •. For his Body was found laft ' Sunday M o r n i n g by fome Boys in the Broad- Meadow near this T o w n , with his T h r o a t cur. T h e Purchafers of Shares in the prefent Lottery are reqaefted to obferve that Mefi". Nicholfon and Wells ( at tlieir State Lottery- Offices, remarkable for Goodluck, No. lo- z, 103, in the Bank New Buildings, Cornhill, and at their Office, No. 36, the Corner of Friday- Street, Cheapfide) in the laft Lottery divided the Ticket No. 19,896, a Prize of 5000I. in 14 Shares, as follow, viz. One Quarter, two Eighths, three Sixteenths, two Thirty- feconds, and 16 Sixty- fourths, which was the largeft Prize that was divided in Shares during the laft L o t t e r y . Tickets and'Shares are now felling in great Variety of Numbers, and at the v e r y lovveft Price, and from which, the Publick may be affined, as confiderable Advantages will arife as f r om thofe fold at any other Office whatever. Not two Blanks to a Prize. Wm. Stone, Baker of the Uxbridge Rolls, in Little South- Street, Grofvenor- Square, has been violently afflifted with the Palfeyand Rheumatilm, and loft the Ufe o f one § ide, and rendered incapableof Bufmtfs e i g h t M o n t h s 5 h e applied to Bath eight Weeks, but found little Benefit; he afterwards went to M r . Ben ham's at Otter's Pool, near Watford, Hertfordfhire, and found great Benefit by the hot Bath and cold. Mr. Benham's is a piacd of good Ufage and reafonable. Gentlemen, Ladies, See. may have the Uxbridge Rolls in South- Street, as u'fual, on Monday next, and hot Breakfaft C kes ; he made Oath he ufes 110 A l l u m , nor any Ingredient which is not exceedingly good, clean, and wholelome. Win. Stone. High W « t , ' at London- Bridge this Dry at 54. " Minutes after 5 in the M o r n i n g , and 16 after 6 in the A f t e r n o o n. iuk StvCK- ftiut : ii ditb 1S9 a 190 o u t h - S s d i to, — Ditto Oi l Anni flint Ditl K t w ' A n u . 85 | a | 5 per P. A n . re:! ( hut con . 8S I a i ; r ent. 1716, — j . p c c. L c > j i, Ditto India Ann. ( hut J > 7iX, ' J° l 4. irer Cent. coin, fhut India Braids, 1 j 8 , a i t s . a i 4 . s . a i 3 s. Mavy ar. d V i f t . Bins, » | dii. Long A n n . 16 T i c k e t s , u l . 13s v Z A K and Co. Stock- Bokers, at their Office, Exchange. N A S H, Mayer. A Common- Council h olden in the Chamber of the Guildhall o f t hi I dlefex, ii apj> tartd ( authenticated by Affidavits 1: the publick Ni wt t'aperi) that j'- vtral ferfons had been Uired and paid, and bad actually attended at G ildhall, ] or. the Ptu'poft of' diflurbing the publick Pnut of this Ciy during Hat EleSiinn : This Court, b ing dejirous oj / hetvixg their Abhorrence of fitch evil nd dangerous Prut'iifes, dith Refal'vs andQrder, that for the future ail fuck Dtlinquents ( whether Hirers or Hired) be profecut'td with the utmofi K-. gour oj ihe Law, by their Solicitor, at this Cit-' s Expence. H O D G E S . London Tavern, Sept. 20, 1772. S U P P O R T E R S of the B I L L of Rl , b ' f S . R O B E R T B A L D Y , Efq. in the C H A I R. , E S O L V E D , That the following Refolution of the V Society of ths n i inftant, be continued in atl the Publick Prints until rhe next Meeting of his Society. Refolvei,- Thar it be recommended w the feveral Members of this Society, who are Liverymen of the City of London, to fupport ths Nomination of the Aldermea WlLK. ES and TOWNSEND, .0 be returned to the Court of Aldermen for the Mayoralty the Year enfuing. Refolved, That the next Meeting of this Society be on Tuefday next, the 6ih of Oilober. Dinner on Table at'Four o'Clock. Mr. Alderman B U L L in the Chair. Snbfcrii- tionscontinue to be received at the forowingBankers; Me( T. Harlkey and Co. Meff. Lowry and Co. Meff. Halliday and Co. and by Frederick Bull, Efq. Treafurer to this Society, at his Houfe in Leadenhall- Strlet, London. By Order of the Society, • " ROBERT BALDY, Chairman. F A . R R 1 N G D O N W I T H O U T . THE worthy. LIVE'RYiVJEN of this Ward ( who are attached to the Principles of Freedom and Indcpendascy) arc moft earneftly requeued to meet at the Globe Tavern, Fleet- Street, THIS D a y , at Eleven ,0' 8h; ck precifely, . and from thence pr. ceed logether, in a Body,, to Guildhall, and Poll for the PaCriorick Aldermen WILKES and T O W N END, to be returned to the Court of Aldermen, for their Choice of Lord Mayor for the Ysar enfuing. October z, 1772. Standard Tavern, Ltitejler- Fields, Sept. 30, 1771. T P H E worthy Liverymen of the City of L O N D O N , Jl Freeholders el Middlefex, or Inhabitants of Weftminfter, who are in the Intereft of JOHN WILKES and I AMES TOWNSEND, Efqrs. are requefted to breakfalt wi; h the SocTety of the Friends of Freedom, every Moraing during the Continuance of the Poll. T. B. Secretary. To the worthy and independent Livery of the City of L O N D ON G E N T L E M E N , YO U R Intercft and Poll are earneftly requeued for JOHN V/ ILKES, Efq. Alderman and Joiner, and JAMES TOWN- 8F. ND, Efq. Alderman and Mercer, to be returned to the Court of Aidermen, for their Choice of one of thofe Gentlemen to be Lord Mayor of this great City for the Year enfuing. Note, You are particularly defired to PoLr. for the. above two Gentlemen jointly, as you cannot ferve the Great Publick Caufe by dividing your Poll. The Numbers at the Clofe of the Poll Yefterday were, for FT. M A l. lal- ll'i! 1' Mr. Alderman W O C ~ ? % X .. All T t * *. I * .** Mr. Alderman Townfend 869 1 Mr. Alderman Hallifax' — — 9?.- 833 I Mr. Alderman Shakefpear — 85S The Poll begins this Day at Nine o'Clock, and will clofe at Three. To ths worthy Liverymen of the City of L O N D O N G E N T L E M E N , V O U R Poll and Intereft are eavn. eftly defired for i THOMAS HALLIFAX, Efq. Alderman and Goldfmith, and JOHN SI1& KEGPEAR, Efq. Alderman and Ironmonger, to be returned to the Court of Aldermen, for their Choice of a Lord Mayar of this City for the Year enfuing. The State of the Poll at the Clofe Yeiterday at Three o'Clock. Tuefday Wednelilay Thurfday. Total. 79 171 577 927 " 75 355 858 163 17$ l8t Sir Henry Urnks Mr. Alderman Hallifax Mr. Alderman Slukefpear Mr. Alderman Wilkes — Mr. Alderman Towpfend 259 577 528 4- 3° 442 cbq 8S3 The Poll opens iliis Morning at Nine, and clofes at Three in the Afternoon To the worthy Liverymen of the City oJ^^ L oTN~£ TO~ N] G E N T L E M E N , R. Alderman SHAKESPEAR's Name and mine . being publickly propofed to the worthy LiverymenVf Ixrndon, as proper to he returned by them to the Court of Aldermen, for their Choice of one of us • > e Lord Mayor for the next Year; I think it my Duty to declare, not only my refpeiftful Readinefs to accept, but my With and Ambition to obtain, fo honourable and important a Charge from the Hands of my Fellow- Citiien*; I therefore prefurne ( being next in Rotation) to foiicit the Favour of your Votes and Intcrclt at the- prefent EleSion. Confcious of the Integrity of my Intentions, 1 can allure you, if I am thought worthy of this high Office, it ( hall be my Endeavour to merit it, by a diligent, fteady, and impartial Exertion of the Laws, an invi-. ilable Attachment to our happy Conftitution, and a conftant Attention t<? the Rights and commercial Interefts of this great City. I am, with great Rcfpcfl, Gentlemen, your moll obedient humble Servant, Birchin- Lane, Sept, zg, 1771. THO. HALLIFAX. THE celebrated Sobieflci Clementina, and Mr. Hughes's Exhibition on Horfeback, will end on Monday next, the 41b of Odtober. Until then they will difplay the Whole of their Perfirmance, which is allowed the compleateft of its Kind in Europe. Hughes humbly thanks the Nobility, & c. for the Honour of their Approbation thisSeafon; alfo acquaints them his Antagonize has catched a bad Cold at Weftminffer- Bri'dge, for the Recovery of which he is gone to a warmer Climate ( Bath in Somerfetfhire, and the Towns adjacent); boafls no more of Aftiviey, and is turned Conjurer in the Charaftet of Sieur the Great: Therefore Hughes, unrivalled, will petform his furprijing Feats until Monday next, which will pofitively be the laft Evening tWsSea'jn. Doors open at Half paft r our, mounts precifely at Five. A commodious Room 80 Feet long. Note, Sobiefki rides one, two, and three H irfes, being theCr. ly one of her Sex that ever performed on one or three. Hughes leaps over three Horfes as they are en full Speed ; alfo leaps over two as they leap a Bar four Feet h'gh; goes through the Whole of his Performance without holding the Bridle Reigns ; and many other Feets, that never was pirforpied but by himfelf, too tedious to infert. TO be fold, the next T u r n to a Re£ tory worth more than 1601. a Year, well fituated, and within a Day's Journey of London ; the Reftor is greatly advanced beyond fern fcore. Letters only from Principals ( Pott- paid) addreffed to D. D. at Mr. Mackey's, in Portugal- Street, nej^ Lincoln's Inn, before the 8th inftant, will be replied to on the roth, the Party 11VI ng out of Town, Per for, aj Applications'cannot be attended to. ix ) be fold by private Contrail, a Farm at Witcham, four Miles on this Side Ely in Cambricgefhire 4 . confifting of 206 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and i'aftore Lands, with a very good Farm Houfe, Balfes, Stables, and other Outbuildings, a!! in good Repair, now in the Poffeffion of Mr. William Saberton, and lett to- him for 11 Years from Lady D.< y next, at the yearly Rent of 100 Guineas, clear of al! Rates, Taxes, and Affeffments, except the Land Tax, A very frnall Part of this Eftate is Copyhold of Inhtritance, all the reft is Freehold. Enquire of Mr. Francis Cocke, Pay- Office, Broad Street, and Mr. Hargrave, Quality- Court^ Chancery- Law. H p O be lett, upon a Repairing or Re- building Leafe, a A Brick Meffuage and large Dot Bui'dings", fituate 16 th'e'beft Part of the Town of Afton, in MiiAlc& x, having af delightful and extenfive FtofpcftTtom the back Front oyer the River Tilames'fnto Suny : There is above three Acres ' of Land behind it, and its Situation is remarksbly heal thy,-. Being upon a fins Gravel and weli watered. For farther Particular's enquire of Mr. Robertfon, at the Royal Society's Houfe, in Crane- Court, Fleet- Street; and Mr. Knowlden, Carpenter at Alton, will / hew 1 he Prcmifes.' OY S T E R S fold by J A M KS P E T O , at No. 6, Sherborn- Lane, removed from his late Original. Warehoufe oppofite the Back Gate of the General Port- Office, two Doors higher in the faid Lane, and any Ojrfters lent from my late Warehoufe will not come from me ; but to • prevent Impofitions for the future, all Ovfters lent from my Warehoufe will be marked " j . Peto" on the Side of the Barrel. Whereas I have for 19 Years 1' erved the Nobility, Gentry, and o'^ aers, in all Parts of the Kingdom, with OyIters, and have had the great Pleafure of giving Satisfaftion under the Name of " OyAerieus;" but as another Peril:: ufes that Name, which occafions great Miftakes and Complaints, I now beg the Favour of my Culiomers to direfttheir Orders to me, by my rcai Name, Jara^ s Peto, at No. 6, Sh^ rborn Lane, where Gentlemen and Ladies may depend upon being ferved with the beft G ' e a i Native Cokhefter Oylters at 3s, 6d, per Barrel; aad exceeding fine Pyrieet Oyiters, at 4s. 6d. per Barrel, by. their humble Servant, JAMES PETO. Frefh Mon<- vys, Wednefdays, and Fridays, neat from the Beds. I fell no Oyfters packed at Biliingfgate. My Name over he Door. YO U T H are at Gailes, near Richmond, Yorkshire, qualified for Trade, the Sea, the Army, and the Uoiverlny, by ,' r. JOHNSON, and Afliilants. They are cioatned, bearded, and e.: uia\- d, in a neat and plentiful Manner, fupplisd with Bocks Paper, . md everv o ' h ^ R e - quifite, at twelve Pounds a Year. An able French Ma( W is always kept at this School. Enquire of Mr. Davies ( Agent to the faid Scb ,!) at Mr. S; i le's, in Great Q^ cen- Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields; or of Mi. Eaton, Stationer, in Warling- StreTeht, i s neaDr aSyt . Paisu l'sp. ublifhed, Price zs. Pound, A Nev/ Edition, corrected, being the Twenty . "->, of VA D E ME C U M ; or, T h e aeceffary Pocket- Companion, containing Sir SAMUEL MORELAND's Perpetual A- lmanacIc, adipted to the new, as well as old Stile; complete Lifts of Fairs 5 ' Sables fcr Lanif Meafure, of Expences, of Inrereft, Weights, Meafures, ar. d Coins.; Tab! t<, wherein any Number of Far things, Halfpence, Pen- e, . nd Shillings, arc irady caft up; as all'o Portugal Gold, Guineas, and Half Guineas; Rates of Por:. erage, aifo of'Coachmen, Carmen, and Wacerrren ; Tables cf the principal Ro : ds; Names rf Connries, Cities, apd Borough Towns, v/ ith the Number of Mer. rbers cacli fern: to Parliament, with mary oiher Articles, which render ic eqvialL ufeful in T . wh or ^ ou, . Willed for J, arid f Rivihgtvn, I- la'weS arc Co. J. Futlrr, . . . K r, h J.' HInwii, S » Crowder, E. Law, T. Cafljn, J. Wilkie, G. Robicfon. and R. Baldwin. - This Day is pub'ujhed, Price is. • AConci. fe Account of the Properties and KfFefrs of the POl'DRE UJ^ IOUE; together with the particular Mariner of faking, it, and cor. da£ ting i s different Operations in the Cure of a Multiplicity of Difeafes, many of which have have hitherto been deemed incurable. The Second Edition, with con- Iderable Improvementp,. and an'Er/ umeraticn of feveral Dif « tempers in which it haS proved fvccefsful fince the fci-^ er Account v. a ; tinted. lt> THOMAS SEYMOUR, Apothecary. Printed for ihe Aether, ai d fold ! y G. . Robtnfon, in Pater- nofter- R'ow ; Richardfen and Urquh,'-. rt, ar ' he Royal Exchange ; and E. Macklew, oppolitc the Opera Houfe in the H, y- Market. This Day is puhlijhed, Price 6d. r p H f c L O N D O N IVsAGAZlNE fnr. September r7- 2. Containing, an eriginai- Efiay on Woman, with a very. natural Co. nclufion, from what thev now ire, of what they will be. Anecdotes of the celebrated Mifs Linlev, the Maid of Bath, with an exaift L ke.- iefs ne.* tly e- uraved. Debates of a Political Club. Iaftru& ions for Irarning 10 Draw. W . ^ rful Relations of the Bifcovery of Water under Ground. Narrative of M -. Fordyce's Etamination at Guildhall. Infant Erptifm juftified from Scrip'ore. Defence of Anthony A'Wood's Diary. Complete lift of the Knight* of the nath, from the Revival of the Order. Imf'arrial Reviev. of the- Nevv Pub- ' icationG, Poetical Fffa- s, wi h the Cciicltiiion of Ear Ghoft; Monthly Chronologet, & c. With a neatly engraved Bead of Mifs L:.'.' cy. An accurate Map of Cathnefsjhire and No 1 z. of new Mufl. k. Printed for R, Baldwin, No. .47 Pater nofter P ow. By the King's Authority. Tht> Day. is fuhlijhed, price- t> d. ( Uluftrated with a I-' erfpc^ iivc: \ 7iew of the Sear, of Lord Defpenfcr, in the C'lunty of Kent; a Heid of the celebrated Dr Aitruc, f. om'an original Paint'- ng ; and a RVprefentation of the Nyl- gbjiij an Indi. ui A n; m .1 not hitherto defcribed ; all tli ee beautifully engraved on Copper, wi. h a new Song fet to Mufick,) ; No. CCCLIV. Vol. LI. of r | < H E U N I V E R S A L M A G A Z I N E of Knowledge JL and Pleafure, for Sept. 1772. Containing eight P^ ges er- tra.': HiiLary. Printed for J. Hinton, at the King's Arms, in I'ater- nnfier- Ro*, ne'r Wasw. ck- Larsc; and fold by all the BookfelSers in Qreat Briiain and IreUn< Ji Where alio roav be', had j The 50 Volumes ne- uiy boynd and letiered, Fn^ c 111 5 s. FJilj' bound 10 i. or ar> y finale Number from '". h/ beginning » t 6a. each. This Day ts publijhedr- Price • 6 d..( to be continued] Monthly) Embeliifred with I. A fine Pori; r< jit of the accon- ipltihed Mr?. Oil)— a. 2. A ftrik'ing Likenefs. of Lord G-——- And 3. A • beautiful" hi ( Optical Figure, after Grave) ot, called xhe Fa'a) Compliance, No. XLVIII. of r p f l E T O W N and C O U N T R Y ^ M A G A Z I N E ; ... or, Jl. Uaive. fal Repofitory of Knowledge, I n i . : : . n , and fi , ertainment, for September, 177.1. Containing a great Varrty f mw and e. nte- taining Ait- ths, Printed for A. Hamilton, juu. ritar S'. (, ate : ^ od hdd by G Robinfon, at No-, zc. Pater- nfirter- kovv ; arid W . ' - nice, , t;, f' - Ev^ hange. O K S t B A L L S tj- epared aJIdT; vT7ihe^ Kt^' s Icovat Letters Patent, by - WILLIAM RADI. EY, Dur. .. rhyirift! at Ne, 27, near Gray's Iitii Gate, Hollxra; the [ i- jir.?, P^ lis, which, w ithcut the leaft Gtiping.' pr Sicknefs, fcoor a Hcrfe wc; i and nirke him fiale plentifully, Price as. each Parcel, containing three 1" Piu crick I' . fir hi. h ture the Greafe by a urinary Difch,- rge, zs. per Pot. Powders for Coughs and epedemical Colds, uhi'b may he given wi hour Trouble, a? riiey wii.' tjke it in, th - ir Food, at 2 s. the Parcel. Worm Balls which dertn- y afiKi;; d of Warms in Horfes without tonfinin « netn, 6c. each. Fever F .-( irrs far H. rfes, 3s, twelve L) ofes. Purging Palls, for • 1v. 6 d, L^ R POT, XX.'. V'Y- Office,- kept, IY, 1771V Right Hon. the Lords CuHtmif/ isners of hts Majeftfs Treofury J. having appointed Money for payi.- g Half Pcy to Sea Officers, from the ifi of January t^ the 10th of June la/ 1, accenting t> his Majefty's Bfiablifbmtnt inth. it Behalf: Ti. efe are- to give Notice, t! at the fain Payments will begin to be made at the Office of toe Treafurer of ihe Navy, in- Broad Street, on Monday and Tuefday, the 5?.!> and 6th of next Month, at Ten o'Clock in tho - Mttrnw, •< « . To Captains, end their Attornies, and other Officers ajpedrlng thetrifiives, on the Monday, ana. to Altor/ iies of Lieutenants, Majiers, and Surgeons, on Tuehu. y • ( after which the Lijh wilt be recalled onee a Month) that all Perfms miy then and there attend to receive what may become payable to thin:, and not only bring with them the Affidavit required, touching their- not having enjoyed the Benefit of any- puutick Employment, either at Sea or on Shcre, during the Time they are to be paid their Half- Pay, but alfo produce Certificates that thy have filbfcribed to the Tefi. and taken th&&/ 6jk required by A3 of Parliament, to his prefent Majefiy ; and in& m& gkl' oj' the Sea OfiLers / boll not be able to attend themfelves to r e q ^ ^ ^ ^ f f ^ - . Money, but employ Attornies for that Purpofe, that the ~ may produce the like Certificates ar. d Affidavit— s from' - the m. SwS are enrployedby. ywpUfi • Si: N< L o n d o n Affurr. nee Honfe, Sept. 30, 1 7 7 5. THE Court of Directors of tbe Loudon- Affurante Corporation hereby give Notice, that the Dividend Warrants for the Half Year, ending at Miebaeloas lift, nuill be ready to be delivered and paid on Wedncfdiy the i\ th of. OSlohtr next, and will continue to be delivered and paid on Mondays, V/ ednefdays, and Fridays, from Ten in the tsrenorn till One ( Holidays excepted.) THE CommiJJioriers of the Land- Tax, and alfo for raifing the feveral Rates and Duties upon Houfes, Windows, or Lights for the City o/ LONDON, nvill meet ( by Adjournment) at Guildhall, this Doy, at Ten 0' Click in the Forenoon. R I V £ R L £ E. NO T I C E is hereby given, that a Meeting ot the Trustees for the R I V E R LEE, will be held ( by Adjournment) at the Role'and Crown Inn, at Enfield- Highway, in the County of Middlefex, on Friday the qth of Oftober inftant, at T e n o'Clock in the Forenoon. BEN- R O O K E , Clerk to the Truftees. To all Perfons concerned in B u i l d i n g s , Retraildings', Repairs, & c. [ O T I C . E is hereby given," that when any Hoards or Scaffolds afe immediately wanting to be erefted, Application be made t<> any one at the Parochial Commiffioners of filch Place. By Order of the Commiffioners for paving. Weftmin/ ler, & c. GEO. BOX, Clerk. Weftminfter- Bridge- Office, Old Palace- Yard, Sept. l a , 1772. TO be k t t , by the Churchwardens and Overfeers of the Pari/ h of St. Martin in the Fields, dry, fpacious, and, lofty Wine- Vaults, the Dimenfions of which are as follow ; one Room 30 Feet nine Inches by 17 Feet three Inches; one ditto, ag Feet nine Inches by 17 Feet two Inches ; one di'to, 14 Feet three Inches by 16 Feet. The Whole is arched over with Brick, ar. d covered Buildings over the fame, and has an open arched Communication with each other, has an extreme good Entrance, and Steps down from Caftlc- Stseet, near the Corner of Heming's Row, near the King's Mews, and direftly facing Orange- Court. For further Particulars, enquire at the Workhoufe in Caftle- Srrcet. To the Gentlemen and Ladia inhabitants of St. Andrew'*, Enfield. WI T H the greateft Relpect permit me to return you my mod fincere and unfeigned Thanks, for your numerous and refpeftable Appearance in my Behalf in elefting me Organift of the Pari/ h Church, which favour will be ever mod gratefully acknowledged, hy a conftant Difcharge of the Office repofed in me. I am, with the utmoft Cratitude, Ladies and Gentlemen, Your moll obedient bumile Servant, Artillery Street, Bi/ hopfgate- Street, Sept. 30, 1772. W' P E T E R LEVESQUE, : many Perfon To all P E R S O N S concerned in B U I L D I N G. September 21, 1772. WH E R E A S an A f t was made and paffed in the laft Seflion of Parliament, intituled, " An A f t for the better Regulation " of BuikHngs and Party- Walls within the Cities of London and Weftmin- " tier, arid the Liberties thereof, and other the I'arifhes, Precinfts, and Places " in tlie Weekly Bills of Mortality, the Pari/ hes of St. Mary lo Bonne and " Pacdington, St. Pancras, and St. Luke at Chelfea, in the County of Mid- " dlefex, and for the better preventing of Mifchicfs by Fire within the faid " Cities, Liberties, Pari/ hes, Precinfts, and Places, and' for amending and re- ( i ducing the Laws relating thereto into one A f t , and for other Purpofes :" And whereas it is, amongft other Things, in the faid A f t enafted, " That from and after the 24th Day of ] une 1772, in all Buildings to be built within the Limits of the laid A f t , the Rule% Diseftions, and Kefiriftions therein prefcribed, / hall be duly obferved by all Perfons therein concerned, and that no H'. uf* or other Boilding / hall thereafter be ereftcd, but fuch as/ hill be fuirfsant to fuch Roles and Ordeis of Building as are therein particularly appointed." " And whereas the Builders who folicited for and obtained the faid A f t , have appointed a Committee to carry the fame cftcdlually into Execution, and to proceed ugain/ i fuch Perfons as have or may offend againft the fame And where is the faid Committee have Reafon to believe, that in offenj through Ignorance of the L a w; They did therefore order, at a Meeting held this Day, that an Abftraft of the Rules, Directions, and Reftriftions contained in the faid A f t , be printed in the daily News- Papers, for the Information of all Perfons concerned therein, which Abftraft is as follows: " And be it further enafted, by the Authority aforefaid, That if the Front or Rear Wall of any Houfe or other Building for Habitation, which frcai and after the faid 24th Day of June 1772, / hall be erefted ot builtwithin thc'Limiis aiorefaid, ill all be built, made, or carried up, otherwife than with Brick or Stone, or Briclv and Stone together ( except as therein is excepted); or if any fuch Front Wall / hall not be built and carried op from the Foundation of fuch Houfe or other Building, to the fun Height of 18 Inches above the Gutter; or i f any fuch Wall ihail not- be coped with Stone, Tile, or Brick ; or if any fuch Houfe, or other Building, which ftall be erefted, ftall not have fuch Parly- Wa. 1 and Walls, f l a n k or Side Walls wholly of Brick or Stone, or of Brick and Stone together ( except as therein excepted); or if any fuch Party Wall, Flank or Side Wall of every Houfe or Build ng, the Expence of building and fini/ hingof which / hall exceed 1201. / hall be tvv. o Bricks and an H a l f ' s Lengrh thick in the Cellar or loweft Story, and two Bricks Length thick fttfai iher. ee upwards to the Garret Floor, and from the Garret, Fh- or upwards one Brick and an Half's Length, and / hall be carried up 1% Inches above the Roof or Gutters adjoining thereto; and in every Houfe or Tenement the Expence of building and finifhing of which ftall not exceed 120!. the Walls ftall be cirried up to a like Heighth, but may be Half a Brick's Length lefs in Thicknel".; ' humt Brit: O f S i d e W a r i , loifls, and Templets under them, and other than necefl'ary found fquare Bond Timbers; or if any Timber of the Roof ( except the Purloins and Kirbs thereof, and G utter- Plates) ( hall be laid into any Party- Wall, Flank er Side Wall as aforefaid ; or i f any Girder, or Binding or Trimming Joi/ l / nail he laid into any Party- Wall, more than nine Inches; or if the Ends of any Girders, Binding or Trimming Joifts, in any adjoining Houfes or other Buildings, / hall meet or be laid oypofite to each oiher ; or if the Sides of any Girders, or Binding or Trimming Joi/ ls, in any adjoining Houfe or other Building, / hall not be of the full Di/ iance of nine Inches from each other; or if there fhall not be five Inch • .1 Breadth, at the lea/ l, of folid Brick Work left between the Ends of all and every Lentils, Wall- Plates, or Bond Timbers ; or if any Eow Window, or other Prtjeftion, / hall be built, made, fet up, or affixed to, againft, or befete any Houic or other Building fronting to anv Street, Lane, or Place, except for the Convenience of a Shop or Shops only, or if any Bow Window, or other Projection, for the Convenience of a Shop or Shops, / hall projeft or extend forward more thin five Inches from the Upright of the Houfe or Build ing, to the Front of the Stall- Board in any Street, Lane, or Place, not being 32 Feet wide, or more than 10 Inches from fuch Upright, to the Front of the Mall- Board in any Street, Lane, or l'l. ice, which / hall be more than 32 Feet wide, or fnall be higher than the Top of the Ground, Story, or Story next above the Level of die Street, Lane, or Place of the Houfe. or other Building, to or againft or before which the fame { hall be made or placed ; or if any Roof over any fuch Projection drill be higher than the Sill of the one Pair of Stairs Window of fuch laft- mentio/ ied Houfe or Building; or if any Timber Building, Eretlion, or Projeftion whatever, other than Door- Cafes, Window- Frames, Shutters, Story- Puds, Bread Summer Fronts to the Ground Floor Story, and Cornice to tbe Bread Summer Fronts, ( hall be built or erefted in the Front or Rear, or on the Top of any Houfe or Building; or if any Perfon or Perfons who / hall build agdn/ l any Party- Wall, or End or Side Wall, ( hall make any Indent of more than four Inches for inferring any Paitiiion- Wall and Jambs ef Chimnics therein, or / hail make in any adjoining Front Wall an Indent more 01 deeper than four fnehes for the better adjoining of the Front Walls between Houfe and Houfe, or ( hall cut into any'other Part of any fuch Wall to any grca er Depth than five Inches for the laying of Stone Steps into the fame, ot more than four Inches for laying Stairs or Steps of Wood ; or if any Cornice or Projection of Wood, except to Shops, having Brca/ t- Suminer Fronts, and to Front,/' pieces of Doors,- and fuch Bow Windows as arc thereby authority! 10 be made, lhall be put or fuffered in any Front or Rear Well of any Houfe or other Building already built or hereafter to be UuiIt within the Limits aforefaid, or other Wall fronting to any Street, Lane, or Place ; or if the Jamb or Back of any Chimney to be builtwithin the Limits aforefaid, ( hall not be at leaft one Brick and an Half or 13 Inches thick in the Cellar or lowed Story, and one Brick or nine Inches to the upper Story; or if any With within the Jnfide of anyChioiney ( hall be lefs than four Inches thick; or if any Funnel in any fuch Chimney ( hall not be plaiftered or pargetted within and without, or if the Flue of every Chimney on the Outfide of every Party- Wall next to any vacant Ground ihall aot be Lime- whited from the Bottom to the Roof cf the Houfe or Building ; or if any Chimney hereafter to be built within the Limits aforefaid ( hall not be turned or arched under the Hearth with Brick, except in the lowed Stery ; o r i f any Timber / hall lie or be placed nearer than five Inches to any Chimney, Funnel, or Fire- Place ; or if any Mantle between the Jambs - of the Chimney / hall not be arched over with Brick, or fet upon an Iron Bar or Iron Bars; or if any Wood or Wainfcot fnall be placed or affixed to the F'ront of the Jamb or Mantle nearer than five Inches from the Infide of fuch Jamb or Mantle; or if any Stove, Boiler, Copper, or Oven ( hall be fet up, olaced, or hung, otherwife than w ith Brick or Stone, cr both ; or if, for or on any Account or Pretence whatever, any Party- Wall, or End or Side Wall whatever, fliall be cut into or wounded ( except as is therein excepted); or if any Door- Cafe, Window, Window- Frame,. Lentil, Breaft- S* mmer, Story Poll Plate, or Timber ( all necedary Bond Timber as aforefaid excepted) ( hall be fixed, fet up, or put into any Party- Wall, or End or Sid! Wall, except where two or more Houfes sr other Bid' Jigs ft ail be laid together, and ufcd and occupied as one Houfe or ISuild- . t 6 ; then and in every or any fuSB Cafe, the Mailer or Head Builder, Mailer Bricklayer, or Mafter'Workman, or other Perfon caufing fuch Building to be erefted and built, ( hall for every Oflcnce or Default as aforefaid, forfeit and pay the Sum of Fifty Pounds, one Moiety thereof to be paid to the Overfeer or Overfeers of the Poor of the Parift, Precinft, or Place wherein the Offence was committed, for the Ufc of fuch Poor only; and the other Moiety thereof to the Peifon or Perfoni- fuing for the fame ; and. Jhe like Penalty of Fifty Pounds for every nine Months that fuch Del'efts and Irregul^ ri^ es ( hall continue." Refolved, That this Committee will meat on Monday the 5th Day c f Gftober ne.: t, at Six in the Evening, at the Sun Tavern in St. Paul s Church- Yard, and (• ill then and there receive Notice in Writing, of any Offences committed igainft the faid A f t , or that any fuch Notices, may be fent from Time to Time St. PascraS, Sept. i t , lyyi. HEREAS on Friday laft, about JMX. O'Clock in the Morning, a Male Child, fuppoled to have been jtift born, was found dead in the Garden of the Foundling. Hofpital,. i, a the Psrifh of St. Pancras : And whereas an Inquifition having been taken on the Body thereof, the Jury gave a Verdift of Wilful Murd'e? againft Perfons unknown, there- being great Reafon to believe that the Child was born alive. Whoever will give Information of the Mother of the faid Child, or againft any of the Parlies concerned in the faitl Murder, to- Mr; Wade, Attorney, naar the Foundling H- ofpital, will receive, on Conviftion of any or either of fuch Parties, a Reward of T K i c; Guineas from'the Overfeers of the Poor of the faid Parilh of St. i'ancras. Note, The Child was wrapt in Wool, and putinto a Wig- Box which was tied with Packthread, and thrown over the Gsrden- Wtell next Gray's Inn Lane P.. oad. On Monday next, at Five in the Evening, DR. L E A K E will begin his Courfe of L E C T U R E S on the THEORY and P R A C T I C E of M I D W I F R Y , and the Difeafes incident to W O M E N and CHILDREN, at his Houfe in Craven. Street, in the Strand ; where Propofals may be had, and Particulars known. On Monday next, the $ th inflant, DR. M A C K E N Z I E will begin a Courfe of L E C T U R E S on fhe Theory aad Praftice. of M i D W I F R Y , at his Houfe in St. Saviour's Church- Yard, Southwark. FAMES M A D D O C K S , M'. D . Member of the- Royal d College of Phyficians, - and Phvfician . to the London Hofpkal, will, Tomorrow, the 3d at Half an Hour after Nme in'the Morning precifely, begin a Courfe of Lefturfes on the Theory and P r a n c e of MEDICINE. The Ledares will bs given in a large Room at the Hotel, Tfo. 5, Gap- eT- Court,, Bartholomew- Lane, oppofite the Bank. A Plan, Conditions, 3nd a Syllabus of the Courfe,- may be had at the Doctor's Houfe, No. 7, in1 the fame Court, Note, It had been- propofed to begin the Courfe at Eleven in t for Forenoon this Day, but Information having been received that an. earlier Hour would bz more agreeable and convenient, it has been thought proper to change the Hour pn- pofed, and defer the Commencement of the Courfe for a Day longer, that this Alteration may be properly made known. L N E f l r S O C I E T Y . A new Set of Articles have been drawn up in the tnf^ l judicious Manner^ for forming a Provident Society, calculated for admini/ Uring proper Relief in Siekocfs, and all othe? Cafualiies that may happen to the Members belonging t » i t ; thefe Articles ars acknowledged, by all who have fecn them, to " be the moft advantageous and fecure of any now exifting : The Members, in cafe of Stcknefs, -. re to bs entitled * o One Guinea per Week ; 50 Guineas to be paid at the Death of each Member, to the Executors of the Deceafed'; and each Mtraber to receive 10 Guineas at the Death of bis Wife. This Sociaty is to confift of l o r Merrtbers, and no more; many Gentlemen have already l'ubfcribed, and the. printed Articles and Orders, adapted for the Ufe j f this Sociaty, may be leen l » y thefe Gentlemen a lio are inclined to become Members, by applying at the Bar of the Woolpack, in Krick- Lane, Old- Street. Another Benefit Society has been eftabl'rthed about feven Months at the abovefaid Hftufe, that would be giad of fome reputable healthy Tradesmen to compleat their Number; they- pay i< s. per Week to their in fir m Members. None hue Men of" very fair Charaffer need zppiy. . dcUtn Crtfi Inn, Charing Crcfs, Lordsr. I N C O L N , Peterborough, and Huntingdon New Fty, l- J continue going from cbe above Inn, and from the Rein Peer a* L incoln', every Monday,. Wednefday, and. Fridj* Moioins at Four, soi i' « v to- Lincoia and London every Tuefday, Tharfday, j n d Saturday e j t l y i n - hc Afternoon; , calls at the Croft Keys Inn, in Wood- Street, Cheapfide. goinf out ar-. J coming into London, where [' a/ fen^ sr; and Perceis ee carefully booked, jr. 4. taion up there. Fare to Lift coin and Sieafurd 11< i s . Outlid'e it s. A l l oa Pod- Coach goes from tbe- Rein Deer Inn at Lincoln, to forward the Paftenger* to Barton Humher. Performed by Meff. ijoulton ana Tihfon, Gulden Croft, Charing- Crofs, London; Theckfton and EaAUnd, Lincoln; Grant, at Huntingdon; and Auftin, at Peterborough. Newcajile Bcufe, Uerk- envceli Clofe, Sept. 26, 1772. WHEREAS a Report lias been propagated for feme Days, that Mr. R I C H A R D G O M M , ens of the Proprietors o: the Cabinet and Upholfterv Manufactory, carrying on at thia Place, Is retiring ancE leaving off T* ade, which Report muff probably arofe, partlv from a l'ar » « raph lately inferted in the Daily Papers, relative to the Sale of certain PruYiifes'Vp-- pofite to this Houfe) for she Purpofe of ercfting a new Seffions Moufe, and" partly from an Agreement which has been fome Time in Agitation, between Mr. Gomm and theSubfcrihers to New Ll- jydis Cofl'ee- Houfe, for the Rel'ignation of j h e Leafe of the Cabinet and Uphoiftery Warehoufes in Freeman'j Court, Cornhill ( one exprefsCondition of which is that fome other Houfe upon the fame Spot Ihould be fecured Id Mr. Gomm for the feme Porpofes) and which in fome fore tha t Mfaetahfu rRee phoarst refftiaorudlde d tethned. Ctoo- mthpel ePtiroenju doifc et hoaft AMgrr. e eGmoemnmt } alneda fht itsh eFrea-- mily, lie thinks it incumbent to declare, that fuch Report or Suapofiii, n i 1 entirely falfe and gionndlcfs, and that the Bufineft in both Eramhcs i" frilly and will conrinue to be cairied on both at this Place, and' in Frsemaa, » Courrj as ufual. SX'WY'ERS. The Members of the Friendly and United Society of S A W Y E R S , who are eftablifted on hcaeft Principles, take' this Opportunity to acquaint their Mailers/ that they have opened th- i< Mowing H- oufes of Call, viz. at Mr. Armflrone's, the White Hart, the c ,-- r of Millba. nk- Row, W. e. lminller; Mr. Walker's, the New Hog in the IVrn ;. r|. e' Corne.' of Soath- Molton- Street, Oxford- Street; Mr. Spice's, t!,; i< -.• ' x Head, Compron- Street, S- t. Ann's, Soho; Mr. Mitchell's, the At'sfe ' r'r- ott Little Queen- Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; Mr. Walker's, the T w - Bl'ue Pofls, Bunhill- RoW, Moorfields ; Mr. Slowbohm's, the Four A l l ; , A be!', TVuiWrings, A' Rofemary- Lane ; Mr. Moore's, the Warermens Arms, Narrow- Wall, I ami beth ; and at the White Hsrfe and- Half Moon, in the Borouih High Sittee « where Matters may. depend upon beinj, fapplted with- ihe baft of Worlcinco. va tire / horteft Notiec. Sawyers fent to- anv Part o! the- Towii, or Country ' ' A l l Letter? ( Poft- paid) dulv anfwered. X T - A N T E 7 don. a L., iracy wiin. m 10 01 12 Mi-' es- of Lon- Direft to or c r q c ' i r for A. B. at tho Chapter Celfee- Fio .>... WA N T E D , within 20 Miles of London', a Cui to be entered on immediately. For further Particulars af-}.;' v a Powis's, Shoemaker, near Great TurnfiSle, Lincoln's Ina Fields, be Nine and Elcaeia. L L i'erions. who have any Demands, on D E AN L E O N A R D , late of Weybridge, Surrv, Glaritr, deceafed, JOHN G O O D G A M E , late. of Thames- Ditton, Surry, Carpenter, deceafed, or J U D I TH his Widow, deceafed, or iny. of them, are de/ lred to fend ai- r. Account thereof n or before the 20th i. nft. verified by Affidavits to Mr, Clements., a: Thames. Ditton aforefaid, or to Mr. Geldard, No. 8', St.- vpla- Inn, London, iu order that the Executors and Truttees may pay and ciiflribute the EfFeftsbf the faid Dean Leonard, Tohn Good^ ame, and luoith his Widow, to the feveral- Perfons iotitled thereto under their refpeftive W i l l s ; and i f Judith, the Daughter of Edward Leonard, who intermarried with - Manna, Hatter ( and lived in Blackman- Slreet, Southwark) be living, or i f dead,, her Heir at Law- and perfo:, al Reprefentative are defirad to apply as above foa further Information for their Benefit. L L Perfons who arc indebted to the Eftate and Efrefls of Mr. RICHARD. HOULD1TCH, of Bow) in the County of Midilefex, Malt- Dilliller, are hereby requited forthwith to pay tlae fame to F. >! eat Jackfon, of Mark- Lane, London, Attorpey for the Adigneea of the faid Mr, " Houlditch, or in Default thereof they will be fiaed without further N rice. AL L Perfons who are indebted to the Eitare itnd Efiecvs of Mr. JOHN G R A N T , late of Blue- Anchor- Yard, in ihv Pariffi of St. Mary Whitechapel, Victualler, are required to pay their refpeftive Debts immediately to Ivir. William Read, his Executor, at No. 75, in Whitechapel; and- all Peiforrs- who have any Demands upon the 53/ late. of the Dtceafed, . r e den- ed te lend an Accountthereof, as eaily as pofiible; to the faid William P. ead. HEREAS Sarah Elahatty, - the_ W i f e ct Edv/ ard Flaharty, has ahfeated herfelf from foe without any iu ft Caufe or Piovocation This is to caution the Publick from trufting. her on my Account, as I am determined net to pay any Debt of her contrafting. E D W A R D F L A H A R T Y , Milkman, Gian- viiis- Street, Rafhbnnr- Place. E S E R T E D from Lieut. Cook, of the 3.7th Regiment of Fool, recruiting at Burnley in Lanesfl- ire, Corporal T H O M AS R O B E R T S , about 24 Years of Age, five Feet e? a; Inches high, h « has a round fmooth Sace, dark brown Hair, and is : ojnd ( houldered, lifps in his Speech, and has a remarkable Waddle i- n- his Walk, by Occupation a Labourer, and tonka* 3arnei in HertfordIhire; want otT the 25th of A u j u f i in his Regimentals. Whoever apprehends the ihid Oeferter, and fecu- rt- s, him in any of his Maje/ ly's Gaols, ani gives Notice of the fame to John Richwdfon, Efq. Crown Court, Duke- Street, Weftntiiiftct; or to Lieut. Cook, recruiting at Burnley in Lanca/ hire ; or to the Commanding Officer of the 37th Regiment, Edinburgh- Callle, fhall receivc One. Guinea Reward, o-; or and above what is a lowed by A f t of Parliament. HEREAS Paul Chatain, a Lad. about 18 Years of Age, five Feet five or fix Inches high, of a fair ruddy Complexion, very much marked with the Small- Poxr, brown Hair, inclined to red, hanging loofe over his Shoulders, dreft in a Strawberry mixed coloured Suit of Cloatha, and an old grey Great Coat, did, without the lead Provocation, abfent himfelf Sept. 29, at Eight in the Evening, ftom his Mafter Mr. Tyler, Jeweller, of Marybone Street, Golden- Square. Whoever harbours or employs him ( hall be fued ; if he returns he will greatly relieve his dithefTed Mother, and will be kindly received by his Mafter, who forewarns any one to truft him in his Name. Rotation Office, litchfiild- Street, St. Ann's, Soho. WHEREAS John William Leo, a German, Robert Hollowav, and Simon Ward, ftand charged on Oath with having committed divers Frauds, in having procured Goods from different Tradefmen under falfe Pretences ; all I'erfons who have been defrauded by them, or either of them, are defired to apply forthwith to the Sitting Magi/ lrates at the above Office. Sept. the 29th, 1772.. PA R T N E R . . Wanted, a pearance as Clerk, Affiftant, and partner, in fui table Pei fon of decent A p - ' Partner, , ger. ieel effibn& ej Br" WA N T E D in Surry, within iS and in a good Neighbourhood, a Honfe of thrte vernment Security for the Payment of the fame. None but Principals, a ni fuch who can advance a Sum not left than 1001. will be treated with. Eaatnic or direft a Line for A. C. at Will's Qoffee- Houfe, Spri.-, s- Garder. s, near the Park, from Four to Eight for two Days. Miles of Loncon, ihrfee or four Rooms on a. Floor, with luitabU Ofhcea, i- luft- ha.- c Irieotv ofgesd- Spring Water, . r, d a few Acres of Land. Any Fen'on having fash a' Plate to k t t t- r f t l i , fsmHaa a particular Defcrip': . not llle Premifes, with the Rent, S c . Pof-- oaid, direfled f o r T . R. at- I s Carolina Co/ Tce- Hoirt'e, 12. Birchin- Lune, CorsfeiH, ifiaii be treated v '. h i f approved of. . W A N T E D , for a gtmecf EamHyr,' two • T Rooms, two Bed- Chambers, two Garrets, and Kitchcn, Pantiy, ai> 4 Cellaring, unfurri& ed, in either of the fellowingStreets; Dean or T h r i ft Street, Soho ; Norfolk, Cecil, Craven Street, Strand; Parliament or Bridge Srref , WeftminSer; or in any open genteel Street. Any Perfen having fuck' Apart rents to k i t , mentioning Situation and price, may hear of a T e n x ' t , b* a Line dircfted. to J. R . at MuiWj's Ccffee- Houfe, Maiiea- Lane, Coven:. Garden. i O l i G I N G and board by the Year. A itngle Genttel J L J man m i ? be accommodated in a fmall Familv, in a pleafant a g - r f a f le Situation, 17 Miles from Hyde- Park, ihe Family being 0.1.3 r. fpeftabje F o o l - ing, and genteel Connections; it is cxpefted none will apply but thoCe win- fe Sphere in Life and Conneftions are eligible, and will bear Scrutiny, are ••<{ a fecial affable Difpofition, as they rr. ay depend upon Ufage fuitable ar- d ing People who are acquainted with good Breeding, and know what" is due to- Perfon's of Charafter. Whom this may fuit, are defired to direft for W. H. at Goodwin's Coffee- Houfe, in tbe Strand ; or if they pUafc mayrefsi to g . p ) at Somerfet Coifee- Houft, in the Strand, a Gtntleaian whs is in thaHoufeori the fame Plan. ST O L E N or fttay'd ffom Thomas Langilow, of Abcott, near Ludlow, in the County of Salop, the 21ft of September, 1771, a ftrong black Gelding of the Cart Breod, about 15 Hands three Inches high, four Years old pad, with a Star in his Forehead, about the Siae of a Half Crown Piece, two white Feet behind, and his Tail dock'd / hort. Whoever will give Intelligence of the faid Gelding, fo that he may be had again, to Thomas Lang/ low aforefaid, to Mr. Heighway, Mercer, in Ludlovi; or to Mr. lames Benbow, Sadler, in Shrew/ bury; or Mr. Gray, in Hayes's Court, Newport- Market, Lmyton, / hall receive One Guinea Reward, and all reafonafcle Charges, i f i l r a y ' d ; but if ftolen, on Conviftion of the Offender ot Offenders, / hall receive T e n Guineas Reward, and- all reafonable Charges, by me Thomas Langllow. i ' O L E N or ftray'd from Bromley, in the County ot Kent, a Nag- Tail bay Gelding, 15 Hands and one Inch high, with four white Le^ s, a Slip of White on his Face, fome Spots- where the Hiiir is rubbed off 011 his Shoulders, occafioned by the Collar in draw- ing. Any Perfon that will bring the faid Horfe to Mr. Reed's, at Bromley, Kent, ftall be paid One G rinea Reward, and all reafonable Charges. ¥ O S T on Tuelday Evening, from Princes- Street, Soho, fl / a fmall Spani/ h Eilch, the Face Liver- coloured, and long Liver- coloured Ears, the Body in general White, wilh fome Liver coloured Merles. Whoever brings the faid Dog to Mrs. Dccolomier, Millener, in Prioces- Street, the Corner of Geirard- Street, Soho, may receive Half a Guinea Reward. FR O M 50I. to 200I. ready to be given tcTany Lady or Gentleman- who has Interdl to prosure a Place foe a young Man, j c Years of Age, in the Poft- OUke, Bank, Cuftom- Honfe, » r any o her pubBrfc Employment, either in Town or Country; he under/ lands the Method of Book- Keeping,. and well veifcd in Figures and converfant in Bufinefc, writes a fine expeditious Hand; w ,- uld be happy to ferve any Merchant or Tradefman aa Clerk ( Ihould he not fucceed in the abovg) j he. has ferved a Gentleman jA - th^ Capacity for upwards of feven Years, from whom he can have an undeniable Charafter, and give any Security required. Due Attention, will be- paid to Line direfted for C. B. at M a Beecroft's, ia Little Warwick- Strtet, near Charing- Crofj. The utmoft S j ^ s f y may he depended upon. A N T E D , at a Ladies School, near T o w n , a Erench or Englift Teaciier, that under/ lands all Kinds of fine Works; js good Encouragement will be given, it is expefted none will apply that have srvbeen in the Bufinefs fome Time, ar. d can have a fuitaile Charafter for their Abilities, & c. Enquire or leave a Line f o r Q ^ X . at Mr. Newhery's, the Conner of Sc. Paul's Church- Yard. Alfo \ fanfed a profefs'd Laundry- Maid, as it is to be her whole Employment; none need apply that have not iivad i s thae Capacity ; enquire as above. A W . Wanted for an Attorney, about 20 Miles from _/ London, a fober ( teady Man, without a Family, who tmder/ tandj C c - K - Keeping and Conveyancing, and writes - a good Hand. Such a one, with a gorxi Charafter. may hear of a Place where he will _ et with preier Encouragement, by applying to Mr. Rigge, at the Regifter's Office for Middlefex, in Bell- Yardv Temple- Bar, any Morning this ox the next Week, between the Haura cf T e a and One. WA N T E D by an Attorney and Solicitor, a Clerk or Agent, who perfeftly under/ lands the Kufinefs of an Office, and c as be well recommended. Enquire for A. B. at Joe's. Cof& e- Houfe, Mit're- Coiwf. Fleet- Street. As a genteel Salary will be given, none need apply whofeChara6Ur will not bear the drifted Enquiry. to the Clerk. t any Bv CJreer of the Cotcmutee, HON and L E A D . Whereas on the 21ft Day of September laft, about 17 Flundred and 12 Pounds Weight of Iron, confiliin_ of fundrv Pieces of Bars, new and old, two Area Rails, one Pump Handle, one Lamp Iron, 10S Butt Hoops, and 58 Barrel Hoops. Alfo 35. Pounds Weight of. Lead, co^ nfilling of Cuttings of Sheet Lead, See. fufpefted to have been ftolen were found in a Houfe in High- Street, in the Parift of St. Giles in the Fields in the County of Middlefex ; which faid Iron and Lead, ar. d the Perfon 1 whofe Cuftody the fame were found, were conveyed, before John- Cox, and Thomas Bidiop, EfqrS. two of his Maje/ ly's Juftices of the Peace for the faid County ; which faid. Peifon not giving an Account, to the Satisfaftion of the faid [ uliicts, how he came by the fame, was adjudged guilty of a Mifdemeanor, and the faid Iron and Lead were depofited in the Flands. of the Churchwardens • and Overfeers of the Poor of the faid Parift of St. Giles in the Fields, and carried to the WPRKhoufe of the faid Parilh, where the fame now remains : This is therefore to give Notice, that whoever has loft £ uch Iron and Lead, or any Part thereof, may view the fame by applying at the. fa'td Workhoufe, and upon proving their Property therein, to ihe Satisfaftion of any two of his Majcfly's jMftice of the Peace for the feid County, will have the fame rcftored. , iort. Wanted a Partner in a Poftj i h , or Tuefday the 6th inftant. Enquire for Y 7 X E T E R or Brid| JuL Chaife,- en Monday the T, Lothbuvy, 1 z> W. S. at No. No^- jiS, O* ford- Street. L. UKZ m a S O N j C l e f k, A N T E D , a Partner in a Poft- Chaile, the latter End of next Week, for Doncafter, Sheffield, Rotheram, Rarnfley, or. any Part adjacent. For further Particulars, enquire at the Bar of BicknalKs Coffee- Howie, St. Michael's Alley, Cernhill, any Time before next Wedncfday. TrrfHE St. Alban's old Machine, lets our from tl. eGrey- J[ hv- ond, Weft- Smitbfieid, at Two o'clock every Day, for the Winter Seafon ( Sundays excepted), and return from the Woolsack, St. Alban's, ac Eight in the Morning, as ufual; where Pa/ Tengers may expeft genteel Treatment, and Parcels taken the Utmofl Care of. Performed by A. Binns, and B . ge. AEine Writer, Mathematician, Arithmetician, ant* . Book- Keeper, may hear ef Employment, a3 an Affiftant in a Doardins- Soliool in the Neighbourhood of London, worth h i t Acceptance,- bv applyinj to the Mafter of the Academy, in Charles- Street, Hatton- Garifsn. Tfci Advertifcr begs he- may not be troubled with the O'ffe.- s o f difeuaiified Perfea;. A N T E D , a Eootman in a genteel private Family", to . . do all Work ; he muft likewife be able to drefs a Genrleuian's Hair tolerably wtffi: None need apply unlefs he can have a got> d Charafter from h" » laft Place, in which he muft have refided a Year. Enquire for A. B. a: N ex Lloyd's Coffee- Houfe. A N T E D , a Coachman of light Weight, in a . . private Family, ten- Miles from Los, don : Alfa a t a d is wanted t » look clr ® a Couple of Cows and to wait at TijMe. Enquire for A. B . at tfce Raintow Coffee- Houfe, Cornhill. WA N T E D , a Groom who thoroughly utide/ fLnds his Bufinefs; but what will be paiticulavly expefted is, that he is one who will behaue orderly in a Family, and conform to the Rules of it. Enquire of Mr. Steidel in Albemar! e- Strcer„ A Premium will be given to any Perfon who can procure or recommend a Yearly or Weekly Place of Eir- y'. oyment, for a fober Man, writes a plain Hand, and knowa fotntlhing of Accounts, eithe!- to affift in a Warehcufe, or to carry out fnrall Parcels, i. q « Shop or any other Place l. e may be capable of. - Enquire at the White Horfe, Midlle- Rc'. v, Holborij A N T S a Place, a Man about 40, in or out of Livery, willing to fit his Hand to any T h i n g ; can / hive and drefs if required. Any Lady or Gentleman wanting fuch a one, plesJe to fend a Lir. e for R . B. at the Shakefpear's Head, Bloom/ bury- Market, ai- d ( hall be waited on direftly. AMiddle- aged Man who can have an unexceptionable Charafter for his HOnefty and Sobriety, would t e very glad Lo fervc itt the Capacity of a Storekeeper to a Wharf, or Bock- Kceper to a Stage- Carrie", is Matter of Accompli. Any Perfon whom this may fuit ihali' be waited on immediately, on direfting a Line to J. S. at Old Lloyd's Coffee- Houfe, Lombard- Street. The above Advertifcr baring been for fc* eral Years in the We! VIndies and North- America, in the Mercantile Way, would have no Ol- jeftioa t i going abroad 011 liufinefs for a ic- afonable Encouragement. A N T S a Place, i n a Shop or Warehoufe, to carry out fmall Parcels-, or Whatfoever hi fiiould be thought capable o f , a young Man iuft come out of the Country, aged 25, can write and read, and be well recommended by People of Credit for Honelly nnd Sobriety 1 Or would be glad to fcrvc in a final! regular Family in the Capacity « f a Footman; has no Objection to look after a Saddle Horfe or two, or would keep a little Garden ir> order; and is willing to do any Thing to make himfelf ferviceable to hi'- Employer. Plc- afe to direft foi R, M. at Mr. C o d e r ' s China Shoo, larmvr- Stfeet, Piccadilly. { J y H'ORSF. S. Wanted aringie ac4ivs Man, that tltofougliiy underftands looking after Horfes, 8cc, in all its Branches 5 none, needapply whofe Chandlers will not bear the ftrklett Enquiry.. Any one this- may fuit, by enquiring for A. B. at th; 3 Bull's Head, in Little Windmill- Street, near Golden- Square, Tomorrow Morning from Ten to Eleven o'Clotk, will be treated with. . . , . . . A N T E D , a Place for a Man and his" Wife, who underhand the Farming Bufinefs well, and Hufbandry in all its Branches 5' his Wife to look after the Houfe, and manage a little Dairy j any Gentleman wanting fuch a Couple of induftrious People, hnfty hear of them by a Line dire& ed to Mr. Fields, at the Talbot Livery- Stables, Gray's Inn Lane, this Day and Tomorrow, They are about 40 Years of Age, and canjliave undeniable Chara& srs. A N T E D a Dry- Nurle for a Chiid o f four Months old,* that can be well recommended, and who has been ufed to Children, and that will undertake to do every Thing for herfelf and Child, as no Servant will be kept under her. For Particulars apply for A. B. at the Cannon Tavern, Pimlico, wheie they will be dire died to the Place. Alfo wanted, in the fame Family, a Footman that can fhave and drefs Hair: Apply as above. AGentlewoman who by the Lofs of her Hufband, would be glad to fuperintend in a Tradefman's or private Gentleman's Houfe, or in a Widower's, where there are Children, having been genteely educated, and can undertake with the greateft Probity the Management of any of the abovementioned. Letters directed for A . N. to be left at the Tea Warehotife, No. 35, in Long- Acre, will be duly attended to. A Young Woman wants a Chamber- Maid's Piace in a genteel Family, underftands getting up fmall Liftnen well, works well at her Needie, has no Objection to clean Part of the Houfe. Diredl for E. H. at No. 1, Fan- Court, Miles's- Lane, Cannon- Street. WA N T S a Place, a Widow Woman, of an undeniable Character for Sobriety and Honefty, to look after a Houfe in the Abfence of a Ftfmily, either in Town or Country; or to keep a fingle Gentleman orreputable Tradefman's Hoefe, where another Servant or more is keptj or if none, if Help be allowed once in the Week, and the Wafhing put out, fhe would undertake the reft ; fne can be recommended by People of Repute, whom Die has lived with, as a frugal and ju'ft Oeconomift, and a Perfon that has been well bred j foe alfo underftands French, and can keep Accounts very well. Pleafe to direct for A. B. at Mr. Tully's, in Down- Street, Piccadilly. WA N T E D , two or three Children as Nurfe- Children, not under one Year old, by a Perfon about- a Mile from Hyde- Park- Corner, in a pleafant Situation, whofe Character will bear the ftri& eft Enquiry. Thofe that this may fuit pleafe to diced: a Line to R. T . at Mr. Bellwine's, ghoemaker, in Beak- Street, near Swallow- Street, St, James's, fhall be waited cnjimmediatcly. A N T E D , a Lad of creditable Parents, as an Apprentice to a Pawnbroker, Enquire of Mr. Brown, the Corner of Bedford- Street, Strand. WA N T E D , a Lad that reads and writes well, as an Apprentice to a Law Stationer in good Bufinefs; a Premium will'be expefted, and his Friends to find him inCloaths and Wafhing. Enquire of Mr. Pitts, Shoemaker, Bell- Yard, Temple- Bar. M O N E Y . Wanted immediately 3001, or 4001. till next March, by a Perfon in a well- eftablifhed Bufinefs, whofe Capital at this Time is inadequate to the Extent of his Trade, and insufficient' to pay the Demands nearly due upon him ; an undeniable Security will be given for the Payment of the Principal and Intereft at the abovementioned Time. Pleafe to tliredl for F. M. at the Burton Coffee- Houfe, Freeman- Court, £ heapfide. AN Y young Perfon of Character that underftands common Accompts, and can advance 100 Guineas, for which he fhall receive Five per Cent, and always have double the Amount in his f- Iandsj and as the Bufinefs from the Nature of the Security will require his Attendance about feven Hours in the Day, lhall receive for fuch Attendance 52I. per Annum, to engage for two Years; by the Expiration of which Time he may learn fufncient of the Trade to make two Guineas per Week. Any Perfon whom this may fuit, by leaving a Line at Bill's Coffee- Houfe, Chandcs- Street, Covent- Garden, for P. R. with their Names and Place of Abode, fhall be waited on. None b- ut Principals and People of Chara& er need apply. Honour and Secrefy may be depen— ded on. WA N T E D , by a Perfon in a genteel Place 35I. for which the Borrower will give Five per Cent, and for Life, 35I. for which the Borrower will give Five per Cent, and a mo : erate Premium, payable at nine Month?, with proper Security for the fame, Thofe whom it may fuit pleafe to direct to A. B. at King George's Coffee- Houfe, near the Cuftom- Boufe. WA N T E D immediately, a Poft- Coach ( without Harnefs or Horfes) to go to Falmouth, by a Gentleman going abroad* Whoever has one to lett, and will leave his loweit Price and Dii; e< 5tion, leaied up, at Stewart's Coftee- Houfe, in Bond- Street, fhail be attended to. The Owner of the Coach muft be at the Expence of bringing it back. W A N T E D immediately, a fecond- hand Bihiard- Table in gcod Condition. Whoever has fuch a one to difpofe of, pleafe to direct a Line ( mentioning the Price and Place it may be feen at) to Mr. Jones, at Mr. Barrow'% Buckingham- Street, York- Buildings, and if approved of, will purch.^ fe the fame. CTIQJ By M r . L A N G F O S 1 ) end S O N, At their Houfe in the Great Piwta, Cofent- Gardeii. next Wednefildy, at ONE, by Order of the ADMINISTRATRIX of JAMES WEST, E{$. Late of King Street, Covent Garden, deceifed, L A R G E and C A P I T A L M E S S U A G E , fituate on . the North Sio'e of CLIFFORD- STBKKT, in the Parifhfcf St, George, Hanover- Square, held from the Duke of DEVONSHIRE, for a " term of 61 Years from Michaelmas 1734, under the yearly Rent of 18I. now in the Occupation of the Right Hot. J U E M U B DYSON, at the yearly ftent of 170!. and lett to him for all toe Term now to come, fubjeft to a Dt'. ermination thereof on three Months Notice from Mr. Dyfon. Particulars of which may be had at* Meff.' Laegfotd aforefaid ; and the Premifes maybe viewed every Day ( Sunday e » « epted) by applying to them any Morning at Twelve o'Clock, for Tickets for. that Purpofe. To be Sold by Aufiion by Mr. L A N G E O R D and S O N , " ON the PREMISES, on Tuefday ' the j i t h inftant, by ORDER, of the EXECUTORS of J O H N C A L C R A F T, Efq. Late of INGRESS in the County of KENT, deceafed, AL L his Hounds, Hunters, Hacks, Coach Horfes, and Carriages; alfo his Cows, Sheep, and other Live Stock; upwards of 200 Loads of Hay, about 100 Quarters of Oats, & c. The Whole may be viewed on Saturday the lorh and till the Time of Sale ( Sunday excepted) which will begin punftuallv at Eleven o'clock. '* Catalogues of which may be then had gratis at the Granbv's Head, at D » rtford ; the Crown, at Rochefter; the Leather Bottle, North'fteet; the Bull, at Fartlnngham, and Shooten's Hill; on the Ftemifts; and at Meff. Langfords, in London. To be Sold by Auttion by Mr. L A N G E O R D and S O N , ~ In a fliort Time, by ORDER of the EXECUTORS of J O H N C A L C , R A F T, Efq. Late of INGRESS in the County of KENT, dsceafed, AL L his valuable Stock of W I N E S ; confift'mg of about 700 Dozen, of various Sorts. Timely Notice of ihe Days and Place of S » le will be given. ' Io hi Sold by Auction by Mr. L A N Gt' O R D um'SON , At the Star and Garter Inn at Greenwich, on Tuefday the 27th infiant, at Two o'Clock, in three diftinfi Lets, FO U R T E E N F R E E H O L D - M E S S U A G E S or TENEMENTS, with Gardens, fituate MAIZE- HILL, PARK- ROW, and EAST- LANE, GREENWICH, in the County of KENT, and lett to fubftaatial Tena nts at the yearly Rent of ^ 55 1, Printed Particulars of which may be had gratis on Monday next on the Premises; at the Place of Sale ; of Mr. May, Carpenter, at Green with, who will fcew the Effate ; of Mr. Strong, in Clement's Inn ; and of Meff. La: gfords, in Covent- Garden, To be Sold by Auttion by Mr. L A N G E O R D and SON, At their Houfe in the Gr*: at Piazza, Covent- Garden, in a fhort Time, by ORDER of the TRUSTEES of J O H N M A R S H E D I C K E N S O N , Efq. dsceafed, THE valuable M A N O R of W I C K H I L L , fttuate in the Psrifh of WICKRISINGTON in the County of GLOUCESTER, two Miles from Siow- i,,- the- Wold, five from Burfo/ d, a/ id fix from Chipping- Norton, all go- jd Marke - Towos; confifting of the MANOR- HOUSE and OlBccs, and feveral FARMS, amounting to about Six Hundred and Fifty Acres of rich Meadow „ nd Pafture Lands. The faid Manor includes the whole Paridt with refpeft ' o Game, Royalties, See. and Half the Parim belongs to the Efta: e, through which runs a fine Stream,, abounding with Trout and jCray- Filh. The Whole, of the PremifeS are FREEHOLD; well timbered, and admirably well fenced with good Mounds ind Qiikkfet. He. lges, raffed about 50 Years fince, when the Parifh was inclofed; an. i are all much under- lett to fubftar. tial Tenants, at the yearly Renr of ,566 ). 14s. The Situation of the Home is elegvnc and pleafurable, as it is judiciouilv placed upon a Spot agreeably elevated, commanding Profpefls that gra'tify the M'nd with endlefs Variety, and from whence the Eye may comprehend altpoft every Part of the E/ late. Further Particulars of which may be known of Mr. Holker in St. Thomas Apoftles; and of Mefif. Langfords, any Morning at Twelve o'Cfotk. _ The Premifes may be viewed by applying to Mr. Parran Anfcll at Wickrifihgton aforefaid'. ~ toJe Sold by AuRion by Mr. L A N G E O R D and S O N , At their Hoafe in the Great Piazzs, Covent- Garden, in a flio/ t Time, A N E S T A T E , Part E R E E H O L D . Part C O P Y H O L D , JTiL confiding of a l? rge STONE HOUSE, of four Rooms on a Floor, detached Kitchen and Offices, Coach- Houftf, Stabling for elevenHor/ es, Court and Farm- Yards, Barns, Ac. and'I'leifure and Kitchen Gardens, with thirty- fix Acres of rich Pafture and AtaWe Land - in feveral Inclofures, fituate at GADDESDEN- HILL, near HEMPSTEAD, in the County of HERTS, 28 Miles from Lond. n, and 13 from Watford, Now in the Occupation of JENKIN READING, Efq, The elegant Furniture and Dead Stock ijwy be. purchafed. by Appraisement, For^ farther Particulars apply to Mr. Hamilton, jn, Gate- Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; or to MelT. Langfnri in Covent- Garden. AT the School,. No. 15, Bull- and- Mouth- Street, near Newpte- Street, by CHRISTOPHER GERARD, and proper Afliflants. Youth are carefully and expeditioufly educated in Reading with Propriety and Emphafis, according to the Rules of Grammar; tiie Engli/ h, Latin, and French Languages ; Writing in all the various Hands, ufefu! and ornamental; Arithmetick, both Vulgar and Decimal; Merchants Accompts, & c. Lad'. eS inftrufted in any of the above ufefvil and orr% mental Branches of Literature, in a private Room, that has no Connexion with the other Sex ; attended at Boarding- Schools, or privately at their own Houfes. An Evening- Schcol, from Five to Eight, will be opened at Mlchae'mas next. Monied Office, No. 10, Hell- Yard, near St. Michael's Alley, Ccrnlill. THIS is addrefled to them who may want to raife Sums of Money OH Mortgage oFEftates, fuch f i l l have the Opportunity of having their Purpofes Supplied ; and to Clergymen that have Livings, as well as thofe that arc Ten » nts for Life,' in any certain fecured Incomes, ifl'uingfiom Government, Patent Places, Eftates, or the Exchequer, will be immediately accommodated on good Terms, and have more Years Purchafe than is ufuaily given toEerlons raifinj Money on contingent Securities. Letters ( Pcft- paid) ouly anfwered. U R T B I T T E R S , by Virtue of the K i n g ' S Patent, which for many Years piift have given univeifal Satisfaction, are pre] ared as ufual, and far better Convenience of Ptirchafers, are now appointed. to be fold by Mr. Robert Thornton, Chemiil and Druggift, at No. So, Eart- Smithfield ; and Mr. Thomas Hudfon, Chemift and Druggilt, Stanhope- Street, Clare- Market, only. There is no Sort of Wormwood in the C. impofition, and Half a Spoonful gives a fine grateful Flavour and Tafte to a Pint of Ale ; nolcfs than one Gallon wiil befoldat2S. per Gallon, or five Gallonstogether at2id. per Gallon, with Bills of Directions for their Ufe-; and to betaken away at the Buyers Expence. TO be fold, the Property of a Gentleman, a capital Engliih bred Setter, 28 Inchcs high, has been hunted ever fince the Seafon commenced ; the Reafon of his being fold is the Gentlemfn, cannot find Time to ufe him. A reafonable Trial granted. To be feen at Mr. Grainger's, near St. Andrew's Church, Holbotn. Likewife a Br^. ce of Greyhounds and two Couple of " Beagles, andthe largaft Newfoundland Dog in London; alio fixty Brace of Deer, there is 3o43race of Bucks. Enquire as above. ' T p O be difpoled, the remainin? Part of the Stock in JL Trade of a Coachmaker; confifts of a new Poft- Chariot, lined and painted, all compleat ( it will fuit any Gentleman or Innkeeper, as it will come reafonably); a naked, found- made, Tub boitomcd Cv- ach ; a ditto Poft- Chariot with Cairiage; a new half- panneled Chair, painted and lined, with Brafs Caps to the Wheels; aft old Harnefs; a ihree- quarter Pannel Chair neatly carved, arfid Carriage, with Brafs Caps to the Wheels, not painted or lined. L: lie wife tjie Leafe of the Premifes, which is well fituated for Trade and Bufinefs that requires Room, being large and extenfive, in thorough good Repair, having upwards of tool, laid out within thefe three Years; about 17 Years and Half unexpired at Michaelmas laft, at the yearly Rent of 201. Land- Tax allowed. Enquire of Mr. Stringer, No. 12, Great Eaflcheap. TO be fold, a neat Poft- Chariot, with the Box to take off iceafionally, the Body and Carriage painted green, the Framework gilt, lined with light coloured Cloth, and trimmed with Lacc the fame Colour, Mahogony Shutters, and beft Plate Glades, with or without Harnefs, will be warranted to the Buyer's Satisfaction. Enquire for Needham's, Coachmaks.-, 3n Great Orrn. nd- Yard, Queen- Square. T O be fold for 20 Guineas, a very good Chariot and Harnefs, with Patent Springs, which makes it remarkable eafy to ride in. Alfo a genteel Houfe to be lett, three Safli Windows in Front, two good Rooms on a Floor, neatly finished, with a good Garden, fituate near the Pindar of Wakeiield, Gray's Inn Lane. Enquire at the George Inn, Leather- ' LYan^ e, OH olbboer n. f okt, a liandfome new Poft- Chaife, made for a JL Gentleman ; a fecond- hand Poft- Coach, the Box to take off, never ufed tut one Month ; a fecond- liand one- horfe Chaife and Whiikey. Enquire next Door to the George, the Back of Bedford- Row. • T P O be fold, or lett on a Jobb, a Pair of tine bay Nag- JL Tail Conch Geldings, they were Mr. Clement Bellamy's Horfo, Price if iuld is 80 Guineas; at the fame Place fame ufeful Hacks to lett on Journies at reafonable Terms. Enquire at Mr. Patrick's Livery- Stables, Litile Moarlields. TO be fold, at Mr., Lawf © rd's Livery Stables, the White Horfe Inn, Broadway, Weftminftar, a beautiful well- bred black Stone Horfe, 14 Hands three Quarters high, five Years old, up to the faftcft Hounds in the Kingdom, and two fAafoned Hunters; were the Property of the late Calcraft; has been p'. iyficke. l and cloanfed, and fit for immediate Ufe; alfo a Shooting Galloway, five Years old, temperate and gentle. At the above Place a beautiful well- bred Race- Mare to be ) i » ld, or wilKmin any Thing of her Height in Eiighnd for a Hundred ; flie is * 3 Handi and a Quarter: Any leifonable Trial granted. To be Sold by Auction by Mr. LANGr ORD and SOW, On the Premifes, on Wednefday the 4th of November next, and the two following Davs, THE F U R N I T U R E , P I C T U R E S , E X O T I C K S , a nd other EFFECTS, of K. IRBY- H ALL, near OUNDLE and WELDON, in the County of Northampton, the Seat of the la. e Right Hon. Lord Vifcount H A T T 0 N. The faid Effefls may bs viewed on Monday and Tuefday the 2d and 3d of November, and till the Sale, which will begin each Day punctually at Twelve. Catalogues of which may te ; hen had gratis at the Talbot, at Oundle ; the White Hart, at Thrapfton ; the P. oft- Houfe, at Kittering ; the Hay Cock, at Wandsford; the King'jJArms, at Weldon ; at the Place of Sale; and of Meff. Langfords. in London. n p o be fold by private Contract, a Freehold tftate, 1 fituate in an agreeable Town and pleafant County, 30 Mile's diftant from London, confifting of a modern- built Brick Dwelling Houfe, with a Garden planted with the beft Fruits, now in full Perfeflion, Coach- Houfe for two Carriages, Stables, Cold Bath, Dog- Kennel, and every Conveniency fit f o i ' 3 ^ P rv 11 /> tv. i n ' c Pn rv* i lw U'lvrliM,! 1 m, .- v^ t , r l. » A . „ „ ' L . . —- ' n^ _ / T" to hi Sold by AtStm by, Mr, C. H it 1S T I E, On Thurfday the next, at One o'Clock, E V E R A L H O I J S E S oh the R O Y A L > SRRACFI A D E L P H 1. Alfo fome Houfes of a i& aller Sise in A D AM STtlEET, le, iii; ig irt n the Stand to The R O Y A L T E R R A C E. Theft Premifes are the Proper'j of the MelT. ADAf. iS, and ar executed after Defigns, wh° re Strength, Elegance, Convenience are happily tin ted. The Centrical Situation of theft Houfes, as alio- tbrir- Size . rid F orm, are well calculated cither for Pleafute or Gufir. efs. Ti: s Vicinity cf the River, fubjeft to th « Flux and Reflux of the fide, gives a conftant; Circulation to the Air,, which renders thefe Buildings extremely b- iaUhful. The Pro.')-*£ t is univer'allv allowed to exceed ever? Thing of the Kir. d in Europe, ant makes all Deictiption as difH- ult as n is unnecctT. - y. Theft Premifes may be viewed this D, y, Monday, Wcdnefdav, to the Time of Sale, from Eleven in the Morning til! Thtee in the Afternoon. The Bills of MelT. Adams, or the Bills of Meff. Henry Gallawajr, Alexander Whyte, and Robert Wingate, the: r Agcn's, i r a w u p on their Account, which are not othertvays covered or fecuicd, and ail ether their Simple Contraft Debts, will be taken or fet off in Payment cf the Price for which lie faid Houfes, or any of th- m, frail be fold. Printed Particulars may be had of Mr. Chriftie, in Pall- Mai!; at th? feveral Coffee- Houfes near the Change; and at No. 4, on the Ro;, al Teirace; where a Perfon wiil atten." to ( hew rte Premifes, To be Sold by Auction by Mr. C H R I S T I E, On the i'remifes, in a Ihort Time, THE U N E X P I R E D T E R M of 24 Years of the IMPROVED LEASE of that OLD- ESTABLISHED. TAVERN, the KlNG's ARMS, in BOND- STREET, sow in PoffeHion of the V/ JDOW SMITH, and in full Tra^ e. The Furniture, Fixtures, and Stock of Wines, & c, to be taken by the Purchafer at an Appraisement. Printed Particy- lais will be ready in a few DayS. , To . be Sold, by Auttion by On the Premifes, : . C H R I S ftott Time, r i E, ACompaclr LeafehoJci Meffuage- and Garden, laid out in . Ta, 1e, pleafantly fitua'ed in Bridg'e- Row, the other Side of Weftminftefr- Bridge, The above Premifes are heli fcr-- s Term of- 49 Years, fubjeft to a moderate Ground- Rent, have been latelv improved at a great Expence, a . id are in perft'Ct Repair, having every attached and detached Convenience fuitable for the immediate Reception of a genteel Family. At the fa « e Time will be fold, all the genuine and neat Houfiiold Furniture-. Timely Notice of Viewing and Sale will be given, and the Kremifts/ r. ay be feen by applying to Mr. Chriftie for a Ticket. To be Sold by AudioK by Mr. B O W D I T C H, At his Repofitory and Livery- Stable?, the Ps.? d Lion, Gray's Inn Lane, next To- fday, at Eleven,- . Great Number of Horfes, among which is a fteady, . feafoned, brown Chaife Gelding, with his ftill Tail; fundry ufefiyl good Hacks, fit for Saddle, Poft- Chaife, & c. together jwith a Number of Cariiagcs. To be viewed, and any reafonable Trial granted. The Stocks of Innkeepers and others appraifed, bought and fold, by Commiffron or otherwife. Publiclc Sales every Tuefday. At To be Sold by Autfion by Mr. B O W D I T C H, , his Repofitory and Livery- Stables, the Red Lion, Gray's Inn Lane, next Tuefday, at Twelve, I X Cart Geldings, and a grey Saddle Mare, which Were the Property of a Farmer deceafed, and mull be, fold without Referve. To be viewed, and a reafonabie Trial ha^, " _ To be Sold by Auftion by Mr. B O W D I T C H, At his Repofitory and Livery- Stables, the Red Lion, Gray's. Inn Lane, next Tuefday, at Tv.- eivc, unlefs before fold by piivate ContraCV, FO U R feafoned Hunters of good Age, fine Size, great Strength, and fit for immediate Ufe ; they arc as weil known at Batrow- • Hedgesasany that evef hunttd there, and'are the Property of. a GeiitleWtari who has no further Occafion for them. To be viewed previous to the Sale, and any reafunable Trial Had. To be Sold by Atifficn by R O B E R T W I T H Y, At Oarraway's Coffee- Houfe, Exchange- Alley, next Thurfday, at Two p. recffelj', SE V E R A L Lots of Land in the Ifland of St. John in the Gulph of the River St. Lawrence, containing from 500 to 1000 Acres each Lot, exceedingly well.. fituated, orv a fruitful- Soil, with Plenty, ef. Gar e, and inhabited by fome Families who have fetded' on different Parts of i t , adjoining to a fine Fifhing Harbour and a very heaithy Climate, only about three Weeks, fail from England. A Plan of the Land and Map of the Ifl^ nd. ir. ay be feen, an^ Particulars and Conditions of Sale had, at Ga, rsawav's CottV. e- Houje ; and of Robert Withy, Broker, at his Office, No. 79.. Cow hi 1.1, "' who. buys and fells'by Corrimiffion Elates, Mcjrtgagea, Life Annuities, and all Kinds of Government Securities. . To be Sold bv An tit on by Mr. HARDING," At the George Ian at Aylefbury, Butks, on Saturday the nth inflar. t, at Eleven o'Clock, AFreehold Eftate ; confifting of a very good Brick Houfe, Garden, Stable, Outhoufes, & e. fituated at Aylefhurji aforefaid, near the Water- Houfe, now in the Poiftffion of Mr. Thomas Eig. For farther Particulars pleafe to enquire of Mr, Harding, at No. 60, Minories. To be Soid by AuMon by S A M U E L C R O S L E V, At the White Hart Tavern Bilhopfeate Street, next Thurfday, at Four o'ClccV, THE much- improved Leafe of a genteel fubfhn. tial Brick Dwelling- Houfe, Mo. 31. in New Broad- Street- Bu tidings ; con. filling of two good Garrets, fix Bed- Chambers and large convenient Clofets, three Parlours, large Stone Kitchen, a Wafh- Houfe, large Wine- Vault, fore Airy with four large Vaults, back p. aved Yard, the back Front open to the Gardens ; the i'remifes are compleatly and neatlv fitted up with Marble Chimney- Pieces and Hearths, and are in the moft perfect Repair, in the Heart of a genteel and refpcitable Neighbourhood, and bv its Vicinity to the Royal- Exchange aid Publiclc Offices, is a compleat Refnlence for a Merchant or other opulent Trader. To be viewed till the Sal*, from Ten till Three. Particulars and Conditions on the Premifes, and of Samuel Crolley, No. 27, Little Bell- Alley, Coleman- Street. • a Gentleman's Family. Particulars may be known by. enquiring of Meff. ngfurd's, any Morning at Twelve o'Clock in Coveat- Garden. ^ j p O be fold, a genteel grey Gelding, coming fix Years A old, about T4 Hands and Half high. To be feen this Day and To morrow, at Mr. Eafton's Liverv- Stables, London- Wall. A reafonable Trial will be allowed. O be Ibid, at the Little Driver Livery- Stables, io St. George's Road, near Black- Friars- Bridge, a bay Gelding and a brown Mare, both found and good Trotters, fold for no Fault, but the Owner has » o farlher Ufe for them. Enquire for the Oftler. TO be fold, a Chefnut Gelding, five Years old, 15 Hands high, blazed Face and white hind Legs, fit for theRoador Field, and warranted found. Enquire at No. 13, Wimpole- Strect, Cavendilh- Sqtiare. from Nine to One every Day. TO bs fold, a very beautiful bay Mare, the Property of a Gentleman who does not chufe to keep her during the Winter; fhe will be warranted found in every RcfpcCV ; to prevent Trouble the loweft Price is 20 Guineas. Enquire at Hincbliffc's Livery- Stables, next Cooling's Riding- School, Moorfieids. ~~ io be Sold by Auftiot: hy Mr. L A N G H O R N j ' At his Repofitory in Barbican, this Day, at Eleven, SE V E R A L Pairs and fingle Coach, Machine, and Poft- Chaife Geldings of different Colours; fome feafoned Hunters, and a Number of ferviceable Road Geldings and Mares, Hacks, & c. with fundry Carriages and Harnefs, which will be put up fir ft. Conditions as ufual. To be Shi by AMion by Mr. L A N G H O R N, At his Repofitory in Barbican, this Day, at One, AClever boney black feafoned Hunter, feven Years old, Mafter of 15 Stone, and a well- known Bay ditto, Mafter of 14 Stone. To be viewed till the Sale, and a reafonable Trial allowed.. To be Sold by Authon by Mr. G A L L I M O R « ,, At h" s Repofitory in Blackman- Street, Southwark, on Monday next, at Twelve, SU N D R Y good ufeful Coagh, Machine, and Cart Geldings, fome'feafoned Hunters, with a Number of Road and Poft- Chaife Geldings and Mares, Hacks, & c. alfo feveral Carriages and Harnefs of different Sorts. To he viewed and any reafonable Trial had. To be Sold by Auttion by Mr. T A T T E R S A L L, At his New Stables near Hvde- Park Turnpike, next Thurfday, at Twelve, NE A R 30 well :-> red Horfes, Mares, Colts, and Fillies, the Mares are got by Old Cade, Old Regulus, Second, Blank, Young Qtde, & c. the Colts and Fillies by Matcham, Squirrel, Mafk, Eclipfe, & c. To be viewed, and Catalogues had three Days before the Sale. Mr. Tatterfall begs Leave to acquaint all Noblemen " and Gentlemen that he fhall continue felling Horfes by private Contrail every Day, and by publick Au£ tion every Thurfday, which will begin preciftly at Twelve. To be Sold by Aufiion by Mr. T A T T E R S A L L, At his New Stables, near Hyde Park Turnpike, on Thurfday, at Twelve, n p H R E E Arabians; that well- bred Stallion Scamfton JL Cade; a very fine Mare got , bv Cripple,, out of Lord Godclpkin's Mare, Sifter to Weazcl, & c. covered by Mafk; a grey Mare, well known to be good Runner by the. Name of Mr. Rohifon's Murtc; fhe is the Dam of Amphyon, & c. covered by Mafk. After the well- bred Horfes, Mans, Colts, and Fillies, there will be " fold ftveral fealbnea Hunters, and .10 Couple of fine ftrong hiih- bred young Foxhounds. To be viewed, zpd Catalogues had three Days before the Sale. Mr. Tatterftll begs Leave to acquaint the Noblemen and Gentlemen, that his A u d i t a begins every Thurfdjy ptecifely at Twelve. To be Sold by Audi on bv S A M U E L C R O S L E Y, Oo the Premifes, by Order of Meff. MORI. EY and PURSER, Brewers, cn the 14th and 15' h inflam, beginning each Day at Eleven o'Clork, AL L their Stock in Trade, Utenfils. & c. confifting of a Quantity of fine old Porter, two large Ca ppers, one of which will boil off 33 Barrels, a Mafh Tun that wets 2 ; Quarters, a ' 4 Feet Horfe Wheel, at- d works a large Quantity cf frefh Por'er But s, Puncheons and other Calks, large Backs,. Coolers, Tuns, Lead Piprs, Brafs Cocks, Stillior. s, ftrong ufefut H •! fi s double fliod, Dravs, a very good four- wheel Caravan, and other Fixtures of their late Btewhouft, fituate near the Church, Hackney : Aifo about 42 Loads of exceeding fine Hay, in a Stack contiguous to the Premifes. In the Firft. Day's Sale, at Twelve o'Clock, will be fold, the Leafe of the faid miich- imprcve J Brewhoufe, which is well Supplied with Water, large convenient Malt Lofts, Cellars, & c. is in a populous and genteel Neighbourhood, has a capital Small Beer Trade, wets about 140 Quarters per Week, and capable of great Improve-, ment; two Years unexpired of the Lesfe at Chriftmas nexr, fubjeCf to the froall Rent of 4ol. per Annnm. To be viewed two Days preceding the Sale, v. ben Catalogues and Particulars m- v be had on the Premifes ; and of Samue1 CxoHjvy, No. 27 I. iitle Bell- Alley, Coleman- Street. In the Interim. any Petfon inclined to treat by private. Contra^, msv ap » ! v 1 i the Cr - er. H1 To be Sold by by Mr. HARi/ ER, At his Great Room, in Berwick. Street, Soho, by Order of the Tiuflee . of PHILIP RICHARDSOM, Elq. gone abroad, on Tuefday next, and the Allowing Diys, IS valuable- Houlhold Furniture, capital Figures, Lunnen, China, Trinkets, & r. there is a fine Picture 10 Feer l\ igh, of J/>- feph and Potiphar's Wife,' by C^ lo Si^ nani, fever. ai ethers by Bergharrn -" ft'.- limans, Oftade,\ Johiifleen," and others, a Set of large f^ rs and. Beakers, near three Feet b'gh, the old Japan, and many other Ffiefts.. To be viewed on Monday, and til) the Time. of Sale, To be Sold ky~ Aut. Ucn~ JOiiN ' MOOKeI By Order of the Eiecutrix, on. Monday next, L L the cenuine Houfhokl Goods, & c., belonging to Mr. FRANCIS CEAL, Heeeafed, at No. 12, in the AiT- m'dy. Row, ne^ r the Green Man on Epping Foreft ; confifting of fuur- poft Bedr^ dcds, with print. d Cotton and other Furnitore, Feather- Beds, Chefta of Drawer!, a Defk and Buokcafe, Mahogony Tables and Chairs, Glaffes, an Eight- Day C! o « k, Carpets, Stoves and Furniture, a Cart, a Parcel of Hty, & c. To be viewe- lTomorrow, and'till the Sale, which will begin at Eleven, Catil gues had at the PI ice of Sale; at the Creen Man, on Epping- Eoreft ; and of John Moore, at Stratford, and at his Howfe in Whifecbapel. To be Sold by AuiUm by JOHN MOORE., Ey Order of the Executrix, at the Angel anH C. own Tavern, Whitechape!, in two Lots, this Day, at Three o'Clock, Lot 1, T S a neat, new- built, Brick, Leafehold Houfe and JL I'remifes, at No. 12, in the Affembly- Row, near the Green M m on Epping Foreft, lately occupied by Mr. Francis Ceal, deceaf- d ; the whole Premiles are fitted up in a genteel Manner, with convenient Gfikes, arid a rreat Garden behind, being extremely weil adapted for a fmall Pami'v. and w h - in, ands a molt delightful Profpefl over the Foreft, London, & c. Giound Rent 3 1. 15 s. per Annum. Lot 2. ( which adjoins to Nn, i , in the above Row) Crnfifls of tw<> n » wbuilt Coac'h- H'oufes. a handfome fix- ftall. Stable, with a Man's Bed- Chirnber and large roomy Lofts over the feme, with a lirge Yard, Ground- Rent 2!. rtt, per Anit. of which two Lots ; t Years a: if a H<! f arc unexpired, renewable to the Purchafers at the Expiration of the ;„ r ' Leafes every 21 Years for t* i Years, without any Expence but paying for the Lpafes. To be viewed till rhe Sale. Printed Particulars on the Premife; ; at ::, e Gieeri M; n, on Eppifig- Foceit; at ' he India Coffee- Fonfe * ta\ fe-> ilj: i- Srreet s « ! h » Place of Sale; and of John Moore, in Whitechape,. anJ at his iloufe at Stratford. To be Sold by A U C T I O N , In fundry L o t ^ j t the White- Hart- Yard, Little Windmill- Street, near Colden- 5quare, ' his Day, A B O U T 4000 Feet of ii. ie Cuba Mahogony, the Pro- J. X. perty of a Welt Indii Captain, J o be viewed tili the Sale, which begins T ref. Tn l-. e c'lea- ert Tomorrow. " I'r, .-..;. itu by Aiii '. cn by - 1 H » MaS bMivNb'K, Next /' iiefday, or the Premifes near the Turmike, Kingfland- Green, by Order t the Exeiutot of Mr. 1 H O M A S G I L B E R T , ciecealed, \ ! , L his neat and genuine Houlhold Furniture, ufeful and ornamental China, Turky aid other Carpe t, an Eight- Day Clock in a M- ihogony Cafe, Garden Utenfils, and other Eifc& s. To he viewed on Monday and till the Sale, which will begin at Eleven. Catalogues tfeen en the Premifes ; and of Mr. Skinner, Gofweil- Street. The Houfe to be lett, which contains three ROOTS on a Fluor, a Court- Yard, Pie^ fure and Kitchen Garden, Summer and Green Houle, See. Pleafe to apply til Mr. Skinner, To be Sold by Juflbn by Mr. A F F L E C K and S O N , Or. Tuefday next, the 6ih inft. THE genuine Ilouihold Furniture, firie old China, & c. of a Per ion-, dereafed, at hit late Dwelling- Houfe, at Wilkinfon's Wharf, Cannon- Row, Wellmiftfter. To be viewed on Monday and tili the Sale, which will begirt at Twelve. Catalogues the Day of Viewing at the Place of Sale; and at Mr. Affleck's, Parliament- Street, •} o be Sot, 1 by Auction by T H O M A S bKlNNt. it., On Wednefday ncx', " at Four o'Clock, at tr. e Farnham Caftle, in Little T r i - niiv- Lane, near Queenhith, in two Lc's, AFreehold Eftate, cor. fifting of the Place of Sale, a genteel Pubiick Houfe, and eisht others all adjoining, in the PufleUion of Met!'. Redford, Fitter, Haynes, and othets, Tenants at Will, at the yearly Rem of 861. To he viewtd' till the Sale. Particulars to be had on the" Ptemifes i and of Mr Skirrer. Gofwell- Street. io ce Haiti t Autum ~ T H O M a i T s K I N N t R , ' On V/ ednefday nest, at Four, ar the Fainham Callle in L. ttle Trinity Lane, near Queenhith, A l. eafehold Eftate; confiding of a convenient Dwelling- Houfe, No. 2, fuuate in Church- Court, Clement's Lane Lnmbird- Strcet, w. th a Door into Gracechurch- Street^ the Pien- rifes are three Stories high, and contain Three Rooms on a Floor, a Yard and convenient Offices, yearly Value 501. Term unexpired 18 Years, fubjeft to a Ground- Rent of l 5 1,9S. The Purchafer may have immedia e I'uflefiion. To be viewed till the Sale ; and Particulars had en the Premifes; the Place of Sale ; and of Mr. SkinnJeor , hGeo : wSoellld- Snbeye r . A uction by T H O M A S - S K I N N_ E_ R_,_ _ _ On Wednefday nex-, at Half paft Four, at the Farnham Callle, in Little Trinity- Lane, in two Lots, Lot i. ,' i I. eafehold Brick DwelJingrHoufe, three Stories high, in exceeding good Repair, No. 50, fituate in Thair. es- Street, near Queer, hith, in the Polfeffion of Mr. Richard Rrily, Glazier, on I...-. tie for 3c Years, at a neat Rent of 2< 1. per Annum, clear from Ground Rent, L it 2. A l. eafehold new built . Btiek Dwelling Houfe, three Stories htith, tcenfi- eiy ntied up, fituate in High Timber- Street, near Brocks Wharf, Thames- Street, in the PoflWBon of Mr. Will ams, Tenant at W i l l , at a neat Rent of 201. Term ur.;< pired 60 Years, fubjeft to a Ground Rent of four Guineas. The Premifes may be viewed till the Sale. Printed Particulars on the Premifes ; at the Place of Sale; and of Mr. Skinner, in Gotwell- Street. io pe cioia try Aif'& tm t> y Mr. Atr'LfcCK and & ON, At ths Cock iri Portland- Street, Oxford- Street, Piccadilly, by Order of the Executors, in three Lots, 011 ThurfJay the Sth inft. at Twelve o'clock, Lot i. \ Freehold Houfe, mofc delightfully fituate in Stretton Street, Piccadilly, commanding a moll pSealing View of. the Duke of Dcvor,( hire's Gardens, lett 0' i Leafe to jofllua Ironmonger, Efq. for feven, eleven, >* r fourteen Years, from Midiun- mei 1768, at 50!. per Annum, fubjeit to an Annuity of 4I. per Anr. um. Lot 2, Two Leafehold Houfes, the Corner of Portland- Street and Oxford. Street, held for a Term, 46 Yeats of which were unexpired at Michaelmas 1772, and now lett on Lea e for. 28 Years from Michaelmas 1769, at 70I. per Annum, fubjsft to aGround Rent cf 5I. 10s. per Annum. Lot 3. A Leafehold Houfe in Prince's Street, Oxford- Street, late in the Occupation of Mis. Tudor, dece. fed, held for a Term, 46 Years ef which weie unexpired at Michaelmas 1772, fubjeft to a Ground- Kent of 4'. per Annum. Printed Particulars and Conditions of Sale may be had in a few Days, at Mr, Affleck's, Parliament- Street. To i/' e^ Scld by Av& isn by N. S h R G E A Ni By Order of the Aflignees, 0: 1 the Premifes', next Monday, THE unexpired T e rm of the Leafe of a gentesl Brick Dwelling- Houfe and Pnmifes, late in the Occupation of Mr. E. Wallby, oppofite the Greyhound at Sydenham, a rural Spot, commanding.- beautiful Views and piaurefqi. e Profpe£ ts, 18 Years unexpired, at only 14k per Ann. Alfo all ihe genuine and neat Houlhold Furniture ; cor. fifling of Chamber, Parlour, arid Kitchen Furniture. The Houfc to be viewed till the Sale, and the Furniture Tomorrow. Catalogues at the Place of Sale ; and of the Broker, at Gri[ iby's Coftee- Houfe, and No. 214, Wauping High- Street. To be Sold by AutVmi by MeJ. B R O W N and R E A D , Tomorrow, the 3d infant, THE genuine Houfhold Furniture, Plate, Linnen, and China of Mrs. E L I Z A B E T H T R U E M A N , deceafed, at the Crof: Keys in Church- Street, Edmonton ; confiding of i s Feather- Beds and Bedding, a large Quantity of Linnen, an Eight- Day Clock, and good Kitchen Furniture.. To be viewed till the Ssle., which will begin at Half paft Ten. Catalogues had at the King's Head, Enfield ; at the Three Crowns, Newingtonj at the Place of Sale ; and of Browo and P. ead, Cannon- Street. H p H L G R O C E R S Company hereby give Notice, that J . they intend to le t on a Building Leafe for 61 Years, fiom Old Michaelmas Day next, two front MefTuages, with the Outhoufes thereunto belonging, fituate on the North Side of Upper Thames- Street, near Baynard's Cattle, in the Occupation of Mrs. Ruchatl Grove, and her under Tenants. And on a Repairing Leafe for 21 Years from Michaelmas Day 1773, a goodaccuftomed Pubiick Houfe, lituate in Swithin's Lane, known by the Sign of the Bay Tree, in the Occupation of Mr. Hubbard. A Committee will fit at Grocers Hail for letting ihe Pteie'tfes, on Friday. the j 16th Day of Oft'aber inft. at Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, to receive Pro- - pofiis from any Perfon or Perfons defirous to take the fame. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Alexander, Clerk of the Company. st - y: id bf AutffH hy T H O M A S SKINNER, O i T'. teftlav the 13 h jnflant, at the Red Hart Inn and Livery Stables, Fetterl. ane, by Otdtr of the Exccutrix of M J O S E P H Q U I 3 Y , deceafed, r p H l i Leate and Goodwill of the above Prertiifes, which .*. is didingu'. fhed for its Ccnvenienries, and being frequented by genteel Companies; there are 20 B ds made up. Stabling for 60 Horfes, with Granaries, Mayl.- f- s. Lodting- Rootr. s, to. with a Rit e about 170. Feet long ; the Pretnifes - te in very gtrol Repair, and held for an unexpired Term of ten Years and a Quarter, at a IteO' cf on'y t o o l , per Ann. Land- Tax allowed. To he viewed feven Days preceding the Sate. Printed Particulars then on the 1' remifes. and cf Mr. Skinner, Cofwell- Street. The Purchsfer ma. have immediate PeflelCon, by taking ths Furniture, S c, at an Appraifemen . Aii P^ rfons who hat- e any Demands on the Eilate of Mr- Ju'eph Q_ iihy, are defi.- rd to fend tlneir Accounts to Mrs. Qiiiby, da is Executiix j and all indebted, to p? v the fame a, above. To be Soli by Au£ lm by T H O M A S SKlf^ Ni R, On Wednefday . the 14th inflanr, at Three, at the White Hart Tavern, Holborn, in fix Lots, AValuable Leafehold Eltirte, pleafantly fituate in Canonbury- Lane, Ifitngton; confiding of five fubftanti. al, well- built, Brick Dwelling- Houses, v; itha targe Gt'rlen to cach, walled round j the i'retnifes aie fitte. d up with Marble C himnty Pie: es and Stucco Cornices, and fin'fbed in the comuleateft Manner, in the Potfeflion of Meffj Wilkins, Moore, Girarr'ot, Deeadre, a-\ d M'Kenzic, at 196 1, per Ann. Tttrm unexpired 88 Year?, fubjed to fmail Ground- Rents. Alfo a neat Giound Rent of 30I. 13s. per Ann. iffuine out of eleven fubdan- tial. new- built. Brick Dwelling- Houfcs, in Canonbury- Lane and Horniey- Row, Iflingti> n, lett at 33Q I. per Ann. T o be viewed fix Days preceding the Sale, by afking Leave of the Tenants. Primed Particulars then on the Premifes ; the Place of Sale j and of Mr. Skinner, C- ofwell- St'eet, To be Sold by Auction by W I L L I A M D E l L Y , On Monday next, at Two, on the 1' remifes,. ALeafehok. i Eftate, pleafantly fituated at Greenford, about three Miles from Harrow, and four from Brent'ctd ; confiding of two Tenements, one entirely new. lett at 5 I. 5 s. per Y e , r , the other lett at 3 1. jos. per Year, Tenants at Wilt, with other Oot- BniUings, and a lar; e Piece of Ground fenced in. Particulars at the Place of Sale; at the George, at Aftion'i and of William Deely, at Brentford. The prrfent Tenants wiH fliew the Premises. To be Sold . oy Auction hy J. H A R T, At the Gray's Inn Coffee- Houfe, in Fulwood's P^ nts, Holborn, this Day, between T w o and Four, > T^ HE I. eafe of that well known, eftabliftied, and good- X accudomed Pubiick Ho ife. called Clay- Hall, pleafcntty fituated about two Mtles from Whitec'napel, near Bow in Middiefex ; confiding of a- Houfe, a large Tea Room, and other ccnvenient. OfHces, a Garden containing about lltrfe Acres, a Fifiipor. d well docked with Fifh, & c. 54 Years of the Leale will be unexpired at Chriftfnas next, fubjeft to the yearly Rent or 20 I. To be Sold hy Auction by Mr. ELL W O O D , At No, 12, Cheapfide, on Monday next, aud the following Days, H p H E Stock in Trade of a wholefale Dealer; cor. fifting 1. of a Variety of Silks. and Sattins, Muflir. s, l'rullttlis, Mecklin, Thread, Black, and Blond Laces, with upwards of 20,000 Yards of Ribbons, Jewellety, and Cutlery Ware ; l'kewife a large Quantity of ufetul and ornamental China, which mud be f j ld wirhc- lit Referve. To be viewed till the Sale. Catalogues at . the Placc of Sale, and at the New- Ybilc Coffee- Houfe, Sweti'lng's Alley, near the Royal- Exchange. be lett, at Colney- Hatch, Middiefex, eight Miles from London, and may be entered on immediately, a I^ rge Houft, fit for a genteel Family, con. fiftiiig'of five Rooms on a Floor, with all convenient OftV- es, three Yards, double Coach- Houfe, Stabling fcr fix or 10 Horfer, a large Garden, with high Walls, planted with the choice ft Fruit- Trees, in full Perfeftion, a Greennoufe flocked with all Sorts of Exoticks, a Terras Walk - 900 Feet long, Alcoves ar. d a Summer- Houfe, the Garden lies to the South, and a delightful Profpeft from the Houfe, there are five Pieces of Water flocked with Fifh, the Tenant may be acccmmudatcd with any Quantity of rich Meadow Land adjoining. Enquire of Mr, Nuttall, Linnen- Draper, the Top of Bedford- Row, HolboYn ; cr of Mr. Smith, at Colriey- Hatch, who will fhew the Premifes. Likewife a neat Houfe, two Rooms on a Floor, - with Coich- Houfe and Stabling for two Horfes, Yard, and a Garden; enquire as above. TO be k t t , at Great Warley, in Effex, 18 Miies frotn London, and two from Brentwood, a futftantial good Houfe, with two Parlours, a large - Hall, Pantry, K i t A e n , Housekeeper's Room, Brewhoufe and Dairy,- dry Cellars, and other Conveniencics on the Ground Floor, with two Staircafes, fix ged- Chambtrs, and large Garrets; very good Srabliug for 10 Horfes, a Cow Houfe,- Barn, and. great Conveniences in the Yard, a pleafint Garden, and about 36 Acrcs of Patiure Ground, all clofe adjoining to tbe Houfc, with a Cottage in one of the Fields, and a good Road to the Houfe. Enquire of Mr, Phillips, at Bare- Hill, nedr the thirty- one Mile- Stone on the Bath Head; or cf Mr. Beafley,' Carpenter,' at Warley, who will fheW the" Premtfes. ' be fold, the Leale of a final 1 genteel- Houie,' very L neatly fitted up, in- ihe pleafantefl Part of Green- Street, Kentifh- Town, fubjefl to a - Rent of only 13 L 2 s. 6d. n or to be left at 101. a Year, nine Years to come cf the' Leafe: Alfo to be- lett very reafonable for fisc Mon: hs, a very roomy Houfe. Enquire at theEbli and Laft, in Kentifh- Totfn. T C ) be lb! d, 2 valuable Leafehold Houfe, being No 16, in T To e Soid b\>. Antiion toy T H U M A S S K I N I N L K, On Friday the i6th inftant, at Eleven, at th « White Hart Tavern, in Bifhopfgate- Stjeet, in two Lots, AFreehold fcnd Copyiiold Eftate, Htuate in Mare- Street, Hackney j Lot 1. A capital Brick Manfu> n or Dwelling- Houfe, con taining five Rooms on a Floor, goad Cellaring, a Court- Yard, and a large Plealure and Kitchen Garden 400 Feet deep, walled round, and planted with the jchoice- ft Fruit- Trees, in the Pofleflion of Mr. De Lemos, " yearly Value 1001. Lot a. A fubfUritial new- built Brick DweHing- Houfe adjoining, which contains three Rooms on a Floor, fitted up in the modern Tafle, and Jir- uihed in a cwrhplest iVlanncr, three Cellars, and a good Garden waited round, 200 Feet deep, in the Poffeffion of Mrs. Mary Baas, on an Ag; eemest for a Leafe for 7, 11, or 21 Years from Midfummer 1769, at 43 1. per Annum-. The Premifes may be viewed' ten. Dyy& preceding the Sale by alkirt- g Leave of 1, he Tenants, wkea printed Pafticqlas s may be had on the Pre miles 5 r'he f l a c e of" Sale; Melf. Ben net and Lewis, No 1, Swithiji's Lawe, Lombard- Sc'rtrr ; and of Mr. Skinner, in Gofwe) i- Str « et. To be . Sold by Juv ion by HjKNAY W A T KIN'S, Next Tuefday, at. the Warehoufe in Ceorge- Yerd, Snow- HllI, 0> s' E Hundred and Fifty Lots of unredeemed Men and Womens Wearing Apparel, Watches, & c. To be viewed on Monday and till the Sale, which will begin, at Half paft- Ten, on acc. unt of the Number of Lots, ' which mufi all be cleared the next Day, the Hnufe btiog lett. Caraltit'. up. s then on Premifes ; and of Henrv Wa'kins Hoi be ^- Bridge. ^ To ce •>>. Auction py i i r tJN! RY W A V K I N S : At the Globe Tavern, Fleet- Srree't, on We^ n'efday next, at Tfiree o'Clock, in ten diftinft Lots,- A Valuable Freehold Eftate, which confiftof 11 fubftantial Brick Houfes, ia. Shoe Lane, near Holborn and Plombtfee- Strect adjoining', two of which are ihe North and Stiuih Corner of the ' afore fa id S'reet, in the Polfel^ on of Mr. Welford, S « ke;, at 44I. per Annum, and Mr. Crofslev, at, the Sign of the Red Lion, a gond- accuflo; ned Pubiick Houfe, at4.1L per. An-: nuvn j te. j oiher adjoining Houfes in Plumbtree- Stseet, let't to MefT. Click, Leafon, WiJkins, a- n- d others, ar 1251. 12 s. per Annum. All the Premifes have been lately put into fubftan ial Repair, and v-' ell tenanted. To be viewed by Leave from the Tenants rill the Sals..- and printed Partigula-- s and Conditions of Sale had on the Piemifes j at the Place of Sale; and of H Wat kins, Holborn Bridge To be md- by Auction by Mr. E L L W O O D , At the New-^ York Co See- Houfe, Sweeting's Adley, near the Rc- yal- Exchange, on Thurfday and Friday next, at Five, N E Hundred Thoufand Pieces and upwards o Englifh China Ware, both ufeful and ornament?!; corififting of Cups and Saucers, Bowls. Bafo'rrs, Teapdts, Cream. Ewers, Sauce- Boats, Figures, jars, & c. To be viewed on Monday and tili the Sale, at the large Room ia Exeter- Exchange in the Strand j where Catalogues may_. be t& en had j and at theNew- York Corfee- Houfe. . To~ oe boti Oy- Judiion by Mrt JOHN Y O U N G, This Day, the 2d inflant, T ^ H E genuine and valuable Stock, in Tr2d& of Mr. 1 0BAD1AH W R I G t J T , Hofier, deceafed, at his late Dwdling- Houfe near the Vine Tavern, High- Holbojat.; conAfting of a great" Variety, o f rick" Silk Stockings, Thread, Wojfted, ami Conor: ditto, Breeches Pieces, about Solb. of India Cotton, and furtdry Articles in the Hofiery Way ; tiie Whole lotted to fuit the Trade and private Families. To be viewed till the Sale, which will begin at Twelve. Catalogues at the. Place of Sale, and at Mr. John Young's, High- Holborn. To be Sold by Authon by R I C H A R D " G W I L T \ By Order of the Executrix, on the Prem'fes, next Tuefday, THE genuine and valuable Stock in the Farming Bufinefsof Mr. J O H N SHEPHERD, drceafed, at his late Farm near the King's- Head, Old Meeting- Houfe- Lane, Peckham in Surry; con lifting of fine Hay, Straw, Corn, Clover, five Carts, Horfes, Poultry, Ploughs, Harrows, with various other Articles in the Farming Cufinefs. T o be viewe.' d Tomorrow and " till the Sale, which will begin at. Eleven. Catalogues then at the Place of Sale, and of Mr. GvviU, No. 71, BiHiopfgatfe Within, th « Old Jewry j con lifting of three- Targe Rooms on a Flc* » r, large WarehouTe detaciu. d, Counting- Hcafe, Vaults, & c. and abounding with coiavenient Offices, and within one Minute's W a l k of the " Royal- Exchange, 26 Years unexpired of the Term. To be viewed, and further Particulars had, by applying to, Samuel Crofiey, No. 27, Littig- Bell- Allay,. Coleman- Street. be fold, the Leale of a fmail but very convenient Houfe, fcr eight Years and an Half now to come, and may be entered oa immediately, in an open airy Situ- ation between Oxford- Street and Cavendilh- Square, neatly fit- ted up ( a considerable Sum of Money having been lately laid out upon it) j is fit. for a Batchelor or a very fmall Family, and the Rent very low. Enquire of Mr. Stamford, Attorney, No. 4, College- Street, Weftminfter. ^ ' ^ O be lett, in Old Bofwell- Court* a large Houfe in compleat Repair, and ready to be entered upon, four large Rooms on a. Floor from the Firft Floor, and a large light Garret 26 Feet in Front,, fit for any private Trade, Jeweller, Pf* nter, Taylor, & c. Enquire of Mr. Tones, Paineer, in New- Court, Carey- Street; or at Mr. Sidgier's, the King's Arms, Chancery I ? r. et _ be lett, very ; . . the Inns ot Court, an exceeding good Houfc," with a Garden :.• 4 - Office in the fame, convenient for i, Gentleman of the, Law, and may be . r eti on immediately ; there is a Pumji of excellent Spc^ ng- Water. Enquire at Iv< . : r, Clifford's'Inn,, or at. No. 163, oppolite the New Church, Strand. Alfo a genteel Firft and Second- Floor, together or feparately, with other ConvGniehcies, in the beft and: rtxoft: airy Part of the Strand. Enquire as above. 10 be Sold by Auction hy JOSBPH HUJJ'HARU, On Monday next and the following Day, L L the genuine Houlhold Furniture, Chim, Piste, a , and Stock in Tra « e of Mr. HUMMEL, Mnt'ck- Printer, at l is Houfe in K'ng- Street, oop ifite Naffau- Streer^. St, Ann's, Sobo, confii'ing of all Soits of Mufick for ditTerrnt Infiruments, by ths moft eminent Maflers. Likewife Mufical Inlliurr. ents of various Sor s. T o ba viewed " l omorrow aid till the Sale, which will begin at Twelve. Catalogues at the Place of Sale ; and cf Mr. " Hubbard, in New- Street, near Broad Srreft, Carnaby- Market, VYI, L. RV . ITNNIV. IL) uj ,.,^,......-. 0, AL L the genuine Houfhokl Furniture, Plate .. China, a weU- chofen Library of Books, the Stock and Ute To be Soid by Auftm by Mr. H I G G S, Or. the Premifts, by Order of the Trnflefs, this Day, te, Linnen, enfils in Trade of Mr. NATHANIEL, OWEN,. Oilman, at his Ho. iife in Pudding. Lane, in Lower Thames- Sri- net. And hy Perm. llion of the Truftees will be ( oid, a few Lots of Plate, late the. Praptrtv of a Gen'leman dtceafid. To be viewed till the Sale, which will begin at F.! even. CatalopuYs ? 11h. c i U „ r of 5^' e, and of Mr. Higgs, i- i the B irough. io be Sold by Auction by i l b W i v Y W A I K l . ^ S, At the Globe Tavern, Fleet- Street, on Wednefcay next, at Four o'Ctock, ia eight feparale Lots, ACornpsft Freehold Eftate, called Plumbtrce- Court, near Holbora Bridge, iu which ate nine fubflanti- il Brick. Houfes, three. Stories high, and very roomy, fome with latge Gardens, and Ere& ions in the fame, lett to M.- ff. Drawiter, Howton, Wooion, ar, d others, all Tenants at Will, at 182 1. i S s . per Annum, the Whole capable of great Improvement, To be viewed fcy Leave from the Tenants till the Sale, and printed Particul a r with Conditions of Sale had on the Premifes; at the Place of SaU ; and of H. Watkins. at Huliiorn- Bridge. To he Sold by Auction By H E N R Y V V A T K l N b, At the Globt Tavern, Fleet- Street, in four feparate Lots, on Wednefday next, at Four o'Clock, TW O Freehold fubftantia! Brick Honfes, fituare the South Corner of Princes- Court in Drury- Lane, Sett to Mr. Beal'oy, Haberdafher, on Leafc, of whith Term 41 Years were unexpired laft Michaelmas, at 6 i l . per Ai. » t. one other Premifes, an old and wcll-' eilablifbed tublick Houfe the Sign of the Feathers in Great Wild Street, lett to Mr. Yeates, at a neat Rfnt of zo Guineas per Ann, one fmnller Tenement in Princes- Court, lett to Mr. Aldin, Tenant at Will, at 15 Guineas per Ann. To be viewed till the Sale; and Particulars on each of the Premife.; at the Place of Sale; and of Henfy W. itittns, Holhorn- J? ririge. To be'Sold by Authon h H E N R Y VVATKINS, On the Premifes, " rieKt Friday, at One o'Clock, THE Leafe of a new- built genteel Dweliing- Houfe, moft defirabiy fitua; ed for Air, Retirement, and the UYe of a Merchant, within fivfe Minutes Walk of the Ro^. 1- Exchange, at No. i , Sion- College- Gauieo, Aidermanbury; confiftini of two neat Rooms on each Floor, a Kitchen, Waih- Houfe, good Cellaring, a fmall Yard, and many o her Convs- . niencies feldom met with in the Heart of the City ; the Whole neatly fitted up with every ufeful Fixture necelfary for. the immediate Reception of a Family, tubje£ l to a Rent of 36 1. per Ann, 29 Yer rs and a Ha! f of the Term unexpired ;,:-< m the joth inftant. To be viewed till the Sale. Printed Particulars of th^ Improvements and Fixtures, with C. on. liiL » ris of Saje, then on the Premifes 3 at MeiL Richr. rdfon and Vrquhart's, Bookfellers, under the Royal- ExchaBge 3 and o, f Henry Watkins, Hoi born- Bridge. © II the fame Day will be fold by Auftion, the genuine Houfbold Furniture, the pref& nt PpffeflTo'r being obliged to purchafe the Furniture of a Set of Apartments, taken for the more immediate Convenience of his Butinefs in Point of Situation, To be- Sold ty Auriion bv Mr. M U R R K L L, On the Premifes of Mr, JOHN MF. DS, Fmiterev, in Rofamoni's Row, Clerkenwell, thi3 Day, at Twelve, HIS genteel Mahogony and other HouJhold Furnitiu'e, Linnen, Citiina, Pidiures, See. amongft which are a neat Mahogony Bureau. BediHe-'. d, feather- Beds, Wind^ gr Curtains, Mahogony Chairs, Eibow ditto, Drawers, Tables, p i a f f e . , ' a neat Set of Cafto^ s wi; h Silver Tops, & c. and other BTe& s, To be viewed till the Sale . TO be loki, the Leafe of Repair, and fit to be. entered on retired Situation near Fieet- Street. Enquire of Mr. K d l y i n Grab's Ihn. a genteel Houfe in thorough immediately, fituate in 1 pleafknt and ^ p C ) be lett, in Lothbury, a good Houfe, three Stories JL high, two light Rooms and a Clofet, which will hold a Bed, on each Floor. Enquire at the Bar of John's Coftee- Houfe, Corn hill. TO be iett, gentee'y furnilhed, in aa airy Situation, within 10 Minutes Walk of the Exchange Eaftwarct, a Firft Floor, confifling of a large Dining- Roorn, a Bed- Ch « ambjr and Drci'iing- Rcom, with or without a Compting- Houfe, a fmall Cellar, the Ufe of a Kitchen, Bed for a Servant, and a Stable for a Horfe. Enquire for W. B . at Baker's CofFee- Houfe. To be Sold by Auttion by J O H N B U R T O N, On the Premi ft s, Tomorrow, THE genuine Houlhold Furnirure, China, < kc. the Property of Mrs. M A R Y STEVENS, at her Houfe, No. 15, Suffolk- Street, near the Middiefex Hofpitaij, confifting of four- ooft and other Bedfieads and Furniture, good Feather Beds, an Eight- Day Clock, a neat Barrel Organ in a Mahogony Cafe, plays 30 favourite Tunes, ufeful and ornamental China, Stoves, Carpets, & c. The Whole to be viewed till the Sale, which will begin at Twelve. Catalogues at t! » e Place of Sale; at the Temple- Exchange Coftee- Houfe; and of the Aftioneer, Rlackmoor- Street, Clare- Market. To be Sold by Auffion~ ty C. N I C I l O L L S, On Monday next, and the four following Days, ' T * H E entire Houihold Furniture and Stock in Trade of i the la'c Mr. SAMUEL HALL, Grocer, Shopkeeper, Glafs, China, Eatthenware- Man, and Rag Merchant, dect- afed, at his late t> welling Houfe in Si. Alban's,- in the County of Hertford. To be viewed till the Sale, which will begin at Te-% o'Clock. Catalogues at the Whi e Horfe, Fleet- Market, Red Lion, Barn'et; White Hart, Watford j Rofe and Crown, King's Langfey; King's Arms, HempHead j Sug.^ r Loaf, Dunfta. ble Tom of Bedlam., Redbourn j George, Luion j. Chequer*, Hatfield 3 Busl, Wheathamftead j and of Mr. James Higgins, and the Auctioneer, a: St. Alban's. The Premifes are to Heiett, and is a good Opportunity ' for a Corner- in, being a good and old- accuftomed Shop, well ficuated. ^ T^ O he difpofed of by private Contract, a Leafe of a conir J l pa£? Brewhoufe, by the Water fide,' in exceeding good Trade in the Portec and Small Beer Way, for Exportation, now brews 100 Barrels of Porter per Week;, and Small- Beer in Prx> portion, and which Bufirtefs if carried 011 without the Ufe of Floras or Drays, the - faid Premi& s are defirably fituared, and well adapted for Exportation of Trade,„ ali in fubftr^ ntial Repair,, and Implements in good Condition, wets zo Quarters at a Time, Years to come of . the Leafe, at only' 61. Ground Rent, the Purchafer to take at Appraifernent. all the Implements in the faid BrewLoufe^ Fuftlfer" Particulars may be had at Joha Young's, Sworn- Broker^ in Old- Street. H p O the Brewers. T o be lett, a compieat Set of Vaults^ J[ will hold upw. ards c f 360 Butt?. Enquire of Mr. Cock, at the Dun Horfe, oppolite St. George's Church, Sputhwark. There is a very good Way to them fyr ftarting cr loading. TO be fold by private Contract, tne Leafe of a fubftantial. and much- improved Dwelling- Houfe and Warehoufe, in. excellent Pvepair, three Rooms'on a Floor, four Stories high, well adapted to a Number of Trades, and fituate in Upper Thames- Street. Enquire of j, Williams, Upholder baned lAeutctt, i oante . etr f. iNe oC. o46r, n Oerru tcohfe dt hFer iaHrsa, yw- hMo awrilkl fehte, w Cthoe vPerenmtirfeys*- J[ Street, a large Jloufe, in one of the beft Situations in London, for commanding an extenfive and profitable Trade. Enquire of Mr. Law, Linnen- Draper, oppofite. As the Premium will be eonfidcrable, none tut Principals need apply. ,) the 1 inplate- Workers. To be left, a Shop a? id Ho'. rfe in the City, compleatly fit. ed up for that Bufinefs. Mv. Benhimin S'" urtiy, IJphOiftcrer, Grace. thurch- Street. ) l; e iett immediately, a Houfe and Shop hi toe FJofiery and Worfted Bufinefs, and capable of great Improvements, lltuated in one of the principal St/ eets for Trade in the Freedom.; Fixtures, ScCi to be taken 5 the Coming- in will be e- afy. l> ire< ft for o . R. at the f lower Pot, Bifiio- ofga'e- Street, the Corner of Thread'needle. Street, , \ be lett, an old- accuHomed Ironmongers Shop, in J . St. Paul's, Shad Weil, in full Tr- 0e, late in the Poffeffion of Mr.' David Bafs, deceafed-, the Stock to be taken at a rair Appraisement, the Widow leaving off Trade. Enquire on the Premifes, near Shadwel\ Church. ' " ' p b be fold, the Leafe of a fmall • Houfe and Coahhed^ IL fitijated undeniably, the Rent 10 1. psr Year^ and 20 Y, ears to come of the Leafe. ' Enquire of Wm.- Pilchard,. Biliingfgate Dock,.. Greenwich. Perfcn need'apply that cannot command 1 br'aaol. En^ tiire of NO W felling off undec prime Coft, at No. 49, in Bread- Street, Cheapfide,. L ® ndop, the large and extenfive Stock of Mr. " WILLtAM G A S & I L L , wholefale Ironmonger, confifcing of all Sorts of Ironmongery, Cutlery, Hardware, and Toys in great Variety ; the Wolverhampton - Articles of Locks, Hinges, Bolts,' Nails, Bills, Hoes, Shovels, Spade3, & c, are of the beft Quality and Workmanft> ip 3 and as they have been well got up are well adapted for Merchants and Captains of Snips in the Foreign Trade, snd to: Carpenters, Bricklayers,- Gardeners, & c. The Cutlery is a large /; ffortment of Ivory, Horn, ;* nd Wood Handle Table Knives and Forks, Yaiiety of Pen, Jaclt. an4 other Knives of the beft Manufacture, fuitable' for Town, Country, and Foreign Trade, and private - Families, to whom the fame will be fold in fmall Parcels. The Whole will be fold without Lofs of Time for the Benefit of the Creditors, for ready Mlmey ; and three Months Credit allowed t c the Cufto'mers who were ufed to deal with the faid Mr. Ga/ kill. No TO be Iett on a Leafe, an old and good- accuftomed Butcher's Shop, and Houfe adjoining, wi. h the largeft Slawgbter- Houfa in London, at the Waterfide, fituate on Wapping- WaU, being the moft aefirable and convenient Situation, and in the very Center of the Shipping, is fit for any capital Bttiinefs where Room is requited, and is capable of beinp much enlarged at the V7aterfide for a trifling, Expe. nce 3 tlie whole Premifes have been all built in the moft fubftantial Manner about feven Years fince. inquire of Wm, Kilbinton on the Prem. ifes, TO the Ba kers. Any . fubftantiaj- Baker whom it would fu. it to grind his own, Corn, ar. Q at i. he f^ me Time have a Sunvner's Retreat for his Family, may be accommodated with a P.. ir of Mills and a pretty convenient Houfe under the fame Roof, and five Aires of very fme. M eadow Ground adjoining'. The Mills are called Withy Mill? - on the River Lea, in the Parifti of Hatfield, 19 Mile? from LVoidon. The Rent is 56L 5 s.' a Year. Enquire of Mr. Smith, Bruggift, in Bucklerfbury. TO be lett, a good- accuftomed Shop in the Cheefemopgery Way 3 Coming- in about 40 J. Enquire at Mr, Norton's, Cooper, in Norton Falgate. A Good old accuftomed Chandler's Shop to be k t t , in Little Bridges- Street, next Door to the Two- Shilling, GaFftry of D; ury- Lane Playhoufe, Returns in Trade 1000 T. a Ye. ir 5 the Stock to be fold at prime Cod, and. t:; e Fixtures at a fair Appraifemeat. The Hcufe. is full efgood Lodgers. T O be lett, a good and old- accuftorred Pubiick Houfe, in the Heart of Trade, near the City, but cut of the Freedom, with or without a long Leafs, more than the Rent made by Lodgers, the Trade g- od. in all its Brunches. Enquire at the White Bear, Alder%. ate- Street, the Ccrr. er cf Barbican. This- is not the Houfe. LONDON: painted ior J. Jen cur, at No. 33, oppofite St. Dun/ tan's Church, Fleet- Street, where Advertisements of a. moderate * ;? ngth are taken in for this Paper at Three ShjJUngs each; al, fo at y. Marks' s, i- n St. Martin's Lane; and nowhere elfc
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