The Daily Advertiser
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Volume Number: Issue Number: 19/02/1935 00:00
No Pages: 4
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The Daily Advertiser
Date of Article: 10/02/1772
Printer / Publisher: J. Jenour
Address: No 33. opposite St.Dunstan's Church, Fleet-Street
Volume Number: Issue Number: 19/02/1935 00:00
No Pages: 4
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The Daily Advertiser. Numb. 12834. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1772. [ Price Two Pence ] DEAL, February 7. U T back the Gatton East- Indiaman and re- mains, with the India Pilot, Boyce, and, the Matilda, Dixon, for Monserrat. Sailed for the River, the Swift East- India Pilot, Lante. Wind at West- South- West. Deal, Feb. 8. Came down and remain with the Gatton East- Indiaman, and the India Pilot, Boyce, and Matilda, Dixon, for Montserrat, the Mary and Elizabeth, Sparkes, for Phila- delphia ; the Countess of Effingham, Crisp, for Jamaica ; the Prince, Jones, for Africa; the Betsey, Mitchell, for the Musqueta Shore. Arrived and
sailed for the River, the Active, Hughes, from Leghorn. Wind at West- South- West. From the LONDON GAZETTE. St. James's, Feb. 8. This Morning, between the Hours of Six and Seven, her Royal Highness the Princess Dowager of Wales de- parted this Life, to the great Grief of their Majesties and all the Royal Family, after a very long and painful Illness, which the bore with the greatest Fortitude and Resignation. Stockholm, Jan. 21. Last Saturday died Count Wrede Sparre, Grand Governor of Stockholm; by which one of the most profita- ble and important Posts in this Kingdom is become vacant. 1 Liege, Jan. 21. On the
16th Instant, Count Francis de Velbruck, Canon of the Cathedral of this City, was elected Bishop of this See. BANKRUPTS. Anthony Morland, of islington, Carpenter, to surrender Feb. 14, 22, March XI, at Guildhall. Benjamin Porter, of Pater- noster- Row, London, Leather- Parer, to surrender leb. 13,24, March 21, at Guildhall. Thomas Lucas, of Drury- Lane, Coachmaker, to surrender Feb. 19, 21, March 21, at Guildhall. Stephen Fargues, of the Old Artillery- Ground, Weaver, to surrender Feb. 14, 25, March 21, at Guildhall. Thomas Harrison, of Walton in Lancashire, Merchant, to surrender Feb. 24, » 5, March 21, at the Red
Lion in Penrith, in Cumberland. Herbert Higgins and James Leishman, of Trinity Minories, Drum- Makers, Turners, and Partners, to surrender Feb. 18, 21, March 21, at Guildhall. John Bean, of Wandsworth in Surry, Callico- Printer, to surrender Feb. 14, 19, March 21, at Guildhall. Joseph Parr, of London, Broker, to surrender Feb. 14, 25, March 21, at Guild halL Dividends to be made. March 5. Samuel Whiley, of St. Martin's in the Fields, Cordwainer, Guildhall. March 2. John Riply, of Yarm in Yorkshire, Grocer, at the George in Yarm. March 2. Ann Langley, of Scarborough in Yorkshire, Linnen- Draper, at the George in Coney-
Street, in York. March 7. Peter Finn, of King- Street, St. James's, Taylor, at Guildhall. Since our last arrived the Mails from HOLLAND. Copenhagen, Jan. 21. Count Struensee, loaded with Irons, as confined in the darkest Dungeon where the greatest Malefactors used to be placed. An extraordinary Commission, composed of a Mem- ber of each Department, is now employed in examining the Papers of the Prisoners, and preparing their Process. In the Interim, the King has appointed a Council, which for the present is composed of his Royal Highness Prince Frederick, Count Tott, Count Osten, Minister of foreign Affairs, Count
Rantzau Aschberg, General and Deputy of the Council of War, Admiral Romeling, Privy Coun- sellor Schack, and Gen. Eichstedt, & c. All the Queen's Household, except three Ladies who were dismissed, set out the 19th for Cro- nenbourg. Copenhagen, Jan. 25. Since Yesterday, the Gazettes of this Country do not any longer keep the Subject of the Revolution here a Secret, they call it only " a great Change in the Ministry," and add " that the Queen set out the 14th for the Fortress of Cronen- bourg." The Names of all the Prisoners of State are mentioned, and the Promotions the King hath made ; likewise that by his Ma- jesty's
Order, publick Prayers be offered up Tomorrow in all the Churches in this Capital, to return Thanks to the Almighty, for deigning to preserve the King, Royal Family, and the whole King- dom, in these critical Circumstances. Petersbourg, Jan. 9. The Empress has bought a Quantity of Diamonds, valued at 100,000 Roubles, to recompense the Officers who have rendered the most important Service to the State during the present War. This proves, that the Imperial Treasure is not on the Decline, and the Manner this Money is employed is noble, and worthy the Magnificence of the august Sovereign who ordered it. Hamburgh, Jan.
27. Yesterday died his Excellency Count Franz Maximilian Janus of Eberstadt, his Imperial Majesty's Field- Mar- shal, Lieutenant and Governor of this City and Fortress. He has been Governor of Hamburgh ever since the Year 1763- The Annals of Europe can sufficiently tell this worthy General's Character. Hague, Jan. 31. ' Tis reported, that two Danish Lords passed through this Town last Monday, in their Way to the Court of London, with an authentic and particular Account of the great Re- volution at Copenhagen. LONDON. Yesterday a great Number of the Nobility resorted to St. James's with their Compliments of
Condolence to their Majesties 0n the Decease of her Royal Highness the Princess Dowager of Wales, whose Names were all taken down by the Lord and Lady of the Bed- Chamber in waiting. Her late Royal Highness the Princess Dowager of Wales was the youngest Daughter of Frederick II. Duke of Saxe- Gotha ; she was born on Nov. 30, 1719; and was married at St. James's, April 27, 1736, to Frederick, late Prince of Wales, by whom she had Issue, 1. Augusta, born in 1737, O. S. married to the Hereditary Prince of Brunswick. 2. His present Majesty George III. born in 1738, O. S. 3. Edward, Duke of York, born in 1739,
died in 1767. 4. Elizabeth, born in 1740, died in 1759. 5. William, Duke of Gloucester, born in 1743. 6. Henry, Duke of Cumberland, born in 1745. 7. Louisa, born in 1748, dead. 8. Frederick, born in J750, died in 1765. 9- Caroline, born in July 11 ( after the Death of her Father) 1751, married Oct. 1, 1766, to Christian VII. King of Denmark. Their Majesties sat up all Friday Night at Carlton- House, and re- turned about Eight on Saturday Morning, to the Queen's Palace. It is said that Her Royal Highness left no Will ; and that his Ma- jesty, before he quitted Carlton- House 0n Saturday, was pleased to order that all her Servants
should continue to receive their usual Sa- laries, until he shall provide for them. Sir John Pringle, Physician to her Royal Highness, attended her the whole Time. The great Bell at St. Paul's was tolled on Saturday Morning eve- ry Minute, from Eleven till Twelve o'Clock, when the Clapper fell out; but neither of the four Men who tolled it received any Injury.' Orders were on Saturday sent by the Lord Chamberlain to the Theatres, and other Places of publick Amusement, to be shut up till further Orders. The Mourning for the Princess Dowager of Wales will, it is said, be for three Months. We hear that their Majesties will remove this
Day to Richmond, and continue there till after the Interment of Her Royal Highness. On Saturday a Commission passed the Great Seal, tor empowering certain Peers therein mentioned, to give the Royal Assent this Day to the Bill for prohibiting the Exportation of Corn, the Bill to con- tinue an Act for the free Importation of Irish Provisions, and other Bills now ready. Extract of a Letter from Copenhagen, dated Jan. 22. " The Houshold of the Queen Matilda set out the Day before Yesterday to Cronenbourg, except three Ladies who are discharged. The Field Marshal Numsen is made Governor to the Prince; Gen. Count Rantzau
de Aschberg has the Honour of the Ribbon of the Elephant, and Gen. Eichstedt and Gen. Lieut. Koller are created Knights of the Order of Dannebrog. Major Eastenshiold of the Dragoons is advanced to be first Lieutenant. The Commissioners of the Revenue, Privy Counsellor Schack, Tondern and Scheel are ordered to appear in Council. The Privy Councellor Tott is already arrived. The Privy Counfellor Strodersee is made Deputy Governor of Copenhagen. On Saturday the King went to the Opera. On Sunday his Majesty was at the Chapel- Royal to hear Divine Service, and that Day all was quiet; next Day ( Monday) there
was a Di- version with Sledges. For the future no Operas or Comedies will be performed on Sundays as formerly. " The Commissionsrs appointed for the Examination of the. State Prisoners sat Yefterday ( January 21) for the first Time, consisting of the Privy Counsellors Suelwind, Braem, Stampe, Luxdorf, Carstens Sevel, Roeford- Ancher and Guldberg. Notwithstanding this Affair , is of the greatest Consequcnce, it is believed that it will be finished in less than two Months. Both the Counts Struensee and Brandt have double Irons on, the Colonels Falckenshiold and Hasselberg are im- prisoned in Scifs- Holm. Major General
Gude, and the two Cabinet Secretaries Zoega and Martini are set at Liberty ; the Master of the Horse, Baron de Bulow, is 0n his Patrole of Honour to keep in his house. The two Running- Footmen of Count Struensee are im- prisoned and doubly ironed. All the Letters which arrived by the two last Posts, directed to the two before- mentioned State Prisoners, were ordered to be sent to the Privy Council. This Day a whole Squadron of Dragoons marched to Helsingor, the Reafon is not known as yet. In my last I forgot to mention the extraordinary Service which the Count de Osten did in the late Affair; it was he who so wisely
planned the Whole, that not withstanding the dangerous Commotions of the People, not a Drop of Blood was shed. Expresses are sent to all foreign Courts." Extract of another Letter from Copenhagen. " For several Weeks past we perceived that some extraordinary Alteration would happen, the Artillery Guard was augmented with 75 Men, the Ammunition- Waggons got ready, and the patroles by Day and Night denoted something dangerous, and put almost every Body in Fear. God be thanked that this great Affair has taken quite another Turn; every one rejoiced when they heard of the Persons mentioned in my last, being
arrested. The Count Struensee was embarrassed when arrested, and endeavoured to gain Time; but Col. Koller desired him to be quiet and make Haste to get safe to the Place of Security, otherwise he would be in Danger of his Life from the Populace. He swore much at his Valet de Chambre, as he came down Stairs from his Apartments ; that he did not give him his RoqueloU lined with Fur. He was put before Day- Light into a Hackney Coach, and brought to the Castle. Capt. Falbe has the Guard over him." WESTERN CIRCUIT. Mr. Justice Blackstone, Mr. Justice Ashurst. Southampton, Tuesday March 3, at the Castle of
Winton. Wiltshire, Saturday 7, at New Sarum. Dorsetshire, Thursday 12, at Dorchester. Devonshire, Monday 16, at the Castle of Exeter. City and County of Exeter, the same Day at Exeter. Cornwall, Saturday 21, at Launceston. Somersetshire, Thursday 26, at the Castle of Taunton. On Friday came on in the Court of King's Bench, Westminster- Hall, the Case of James Summerset, a Negro, who being apprehend- ed by his Master, Capt. Stewart, and sent on board a Ship, in order to his being conveyed to Jamaica, brought his Habeas Corpus, with a View of trying the Point, how far a Negro, or other Black, is a Slave in
England, and consequently intirely at his Master's Dispo- sal. Mr. Serjeant Davy and Mr. Serjeant Glynn, Counsel for the Negro, argued very strongly in his Behalf. Mr. Wallace and Mr. Dunning were Counsel for Capt. Stewart, but it being late the Court deferred hearing their Arguments till next Term. On Friday, the Cause some Time depending between Mrs. S. and Col. S. her Husband, in Doctor's Commons, was heard in the Pre- rogative Court at that Place, when it appeared her Charge against him was not properly Supported, and the Plaintiff was non suited. The Naples Gally, Capt. Highington, which is arrived at Civita
Vecchia from Newfoundland, met on the 10th of December, off the South End of Sardinia, with a very hard Gale of Wind, with violent Thunder and Lightning, one Flash of which fell on the Ship, car- ried away the Head of her Main- Mast, all the main Rigging, started all the Planks on the Larboard- Side from the Gunnel to the Bends, split the Gunnel and Plank Shears, and drove a Piece seven Feet long out of each Side. Yesterday two Houses belonging to Mr. Pullen's Rents, Swan- Alley, fell down, but happily no Person was hurt. Last Friday died Mr. Hickman, Master of the Glass Manufactory Warehouse, in Whitecross- Street.
On Friday died Mr. Jordaine, Tallow- Chandler, in Pater- noster- Row, one of the Common- Council for Castle- Baynard Ward. Saturday died at his House in Pall- Mall, Mr. Boodle, formerly in Partnership with Mr. Almack, of the. same Place. On Saturday died Mr. Maine, Wine- Merchant, in Jermyn- Street. He had lately apprehended two Housebreakers, who were attempt- ing to rob his House, and in the Scuffle had two of his Ribs broken, which occasioned his Death. Last Saturday died Mr. Johnson, of Islington; his Death is sup- posed to have been occasioned by the Fright he received from four Footpads stopping a Coach in
which he was lately going home, by which he was so terrified that he has not been well since. Last Friday four Stage- Coaches were stopt near the Causey in the Road to Islington, and the Passengers robbed of their Money. The same Night several other Persons were robbed by the above Gang in and near Islington. On Friday the honorary Silver Medals of the Society in the Strand, for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, were given to Master Isaac Popplewell, of Wardour- Street, Soho, aged 14 Years ; and Mister Henry Jourett, of Maiden- Lane, Covent- Garden, aged 13 Years ; both Scholars at
Burgess's Drawing School, No. 33, in Maiden- Lane, Covent- Garden; for the best Drawings of the human Figure, after a Picture, Print, or Drawing, Class 131. A Journeyman Iron- Plate- Worker is wanted to make Cinder- Shovels, and if he can make Coal Scoops he will be better approved of. Any Person of good Character this may suit may . meet with good Encouragement, and constant Employ all the Year, by apply- ing to the Tinshop in Postern- Row, Tower- Hill. An Apprentice and a Journeyman in the Tin Trade are wanted. Lottery Certificate- Office, Feb. 7, 1772. THE CommissionerS appointed to take in the Benefit
Tickets of the Lottery, Anno 1771, do hereby give Notice, that they will attend at their Office, near the Receipt cf his Majestys Exchequer, on Monday the 17 th inst and the following Days ( Saturdays and Holidays excepted) from Ten o'clock in the Forenoon till One in the Afternoon of each Day, to take in and enter the Benefit Ticket) of the said Lottery to be exchanged for Certificates, pursuant to the Act of Parliament in that Behalf; and for the better Dispatch thereof the said Commissioners will take in and enter the Benefit Tickets, beginning No. 1, and ending No. 25,000, at one Seat, and the Benefit Tickets, beginning No.
25,001, and ending No. 50,000, at another Seat, of which the Persons possessed thereof are desired to take Notice, and to bring with their Tickets Lists thereof formed in numerical Order, adapted to each of the said Seats, and at the Bottom 0f such Lists to write the Name and proper Additions of the Persons to be inserted in the Certificates as Proprietors of the said Tickets, with the Number and Value thereof, after deducing Ten per Cent. pursuant to Act of Parlia- ment. By Order of the said Commissioners, EDW. JOHNSON. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders of the County of ESSEX. GENTLEMEN, THE Honour I
have this Day received from a very numerous, and not less respectable Body of Freeholders, at the publick Meeting, is more than sufficient to raise the Pride of one less ambitious than myself. The Zeal and Unanimity which have been exerted on all Sides, to recommend me to the Suffrages of my Countrymen on the Day of Election, demand my earliest and my warmed Thanks. By your Nomination I seem to be the chosen, if not the accepted Means, of restoring Peace and Tranquillity to the County, and of uniting the Minds of all to our Common Interest : N'ot, therefore, presuming so much on my own Merit, as impressed with
an eager Desire to fulfill your Wishes, permit me to entreat the Continuance of your Attention to this salutary Purpose, which cannot be compleated without the further Exertion of your Interest, and an early Attendance on the Day of Elec- tion, which must render suceessful, Your most grateful, and truly devoted humble Servant, Copped Hall, Feb. 4, 1771. JOHN CONYERS. The Election is fixed for Tuesday the 25th instant, at Ten in the Forenoon. Mr. Conyers hopes to be excused paying his personal Respects, as the Short- ness of Time renders it totally impracticable. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders of the County
of SALOP. GENTLEMEN, ITake the Liberty of making this publick Application to you, in Consequence of the Death of your late worthy Representativc Sir John Astley, and of the Encouragement which I have received from a great Number of my Friends, to offer you my first Services for the Remainder of the present Parliament. Should I be so happy as to be approved of by the General Meeting of the County, I shall flatter myself with the pleasing Pros- pect of Success, and shall warmly endeavour, if chosen, to prove myself not altogether unworthy of the great Confidence which shall be placed in your most obedient and faithful
humble Servant, WATKIN WILLIAMS WYNN. Grosvenor- Square, Feb. 4, 1772. PANTHEON. THE Proprietors acquaint the Nobility and Gentry, Subscribers to the Pantheon, that the Evening Entertainments CEASE till further Notice. ^ Company may fee the Building every Day from Nine o'Clock in the Morn- ing till Four in ihe Afternoon, on Payment of 5 s. each Person. Note, No more Tickets can be issued for this Subscriprton. February 10, 1772. MR. HENRY, the inventor of the Machine for pre- venting Burglaries and Fire from spreading, for which his Majesty was pleased to grant him his Royal letters Patent, begs Leave to
inform the Pub- lick, that one of them will be fixed very shortly for their Inspection, at a House in the City, of which timely Notice will be given in the daily Papers. WHEReAS an Act is intended to be applied tor this present Sessions of Parliament, to enable the Proprietors of Grounds and Houses, and the Inhabitants of that Part of the Parish of St. Pancras which lays on the West Side of Tottenham- Court- Road, to new pave, watch, light, cleanse, and keep in Repair the Streets and publick Passages within the same : Notice is hereby given, that the Petition for that Purpose, signed by many of the said Inhabitants, will be left with
Mr. Frost, at the Two Blue Posts, in Tottenham- Court- Road, this Day, and Tomorrow, from the Hours of Ten in the Morning to Two in the Afternoon, to be signed by such other Inha- bitants as approve the same. SOCIETY of EPICTETUS, Long- Acre Coffee- House. Long- Acre. THE Noblemen and Gentlemen, Members of this So- ciety, are requested to take Notice, that the next Meeting will be on Thurs- day next, and continued weekly, without further Notice. Dinner on Table r. t Four a'Ciock. No Gentleman can be admitted without a Ticket, or being introduced by a Member. Wanted at the same Place, a professed Woman
Cook, that understands her Business perfectly well, and can have a good Character from her last Place The HORSE fires a PISTOL. AT the Great Room, over Exeter- Change, in the Strand, which is fitted up in a commodious Manner, this . . every Evening, the amazing, learned MILITARY HORSE, will exhibit his various Magical Operations and Deceptions; also on Watches, Money, Birds, Medal Boxes, and several of Comus's Experiment: , as they are now exhibited at the Boule Vard de Tample a Paris. Every Night he will present and fire a Pistol off himself, which is curious and astonishing. A trans- parent Figure of the little
Horse, at the Window over the Change Doors to be opened at Six o'Clock, and to begin at Half after. Admittance Front Box, Two Shillings, Back ditto one Shilling each. WHEREAS a Gentleman went out on Monday noon, the 20th ull. and has not since been heard of, and there., the greatest Reason to apprehend some fatal Accident has befallen him. Who- ever can give satisfactory Information concerning him to Mr. Ridley, Bookseller, in St. James's Street, shall receive from him ONE HUNDRED GUINEAS. He was dressed in a Chocolate- coloured Frock and Waistcoat, and a blue Sur- tout, black Breeches, white Stockings, a
plain ruffled Shirt, and a plain Hat. He had a Gold Watch in his Pocket, with a Coat of Arms engraved on the outside Case, with a Trinket hanging to it, viz. a Chrystal Locket set round with Diamonds, one of which has fallen out of the Setting, and some Seals. If offered to any Pawnbroker, or other Person, they are desired to stop the Party, and give Notice as above, and shall have the same Reward. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Copartnership be- tween JOHN MOORE and RICHARD HORNIMAN, of White- chapel, Middlesex, and of Stratford, Essex, Upholders, Cabinet- Makers and Brokers, will be discontinued ca the i6.
h Day of February, and finally dissolved on the 25th Day of March next: All Persons therefore who have any Demands on the said Copartnership, are defired to fend an Account thereof to the Shop in Whitechapel aforesaid, with all convenient Speed ; and all Persons indebted to the said Copartnership, are to pay their respective Debts to the said John Moore and Richard Horniman, or one of them. JOHN MOORE, Whitechapel, Feb. 1, 1772. " RICHARD HORNIMAN. The above- named John Moore returns his Friends and Customers his sincere Thanks for all past Favours, and begs Leave to acquaint them that the Business of
an Upholder, Cabinet- Maker and broker, will be carried on by him ( only) at the above- mentioned respective Shops; where he hopes to be honoured with their future Commands, which fhall be executed with Fidelity and Difpatch, by their most obedient humble Servant, JOHN MOORE. LOST coming from Dover to London on the 8th of January last, an Instrument called a Mandoline, it was in a Case, Lock in one End; it is inlaid with Mother of Pearl, Tortoishell and Silver over the Top, and where they play with the Quill. Whoever brings it to Mr. Bourgeois, perfumer, in the Hay- Market, shall receive a Guinea Reward. WANTED,
a Person of good Character that can com- mand 1000 1. and upwards, and would enter into Partnership with _ Person already settled in a good Business, and in the best Situation in the Liber- ties of Westminster, where the Profits in Trade are very considerable, and worth the Attention of any one who has the above Sum, and may be always in Pos- session of his own Property. Particulars may be known by addressing a Line directed for A. B. C. to be left at Owen's Coffee- House, Holborn, where they may be treated with by the Principal. Man about 20 Years of Age, who writes a good Hand, and understands Merchant's
Accompts, can have an undeniable Character, and Security if required, would be glad to go as Merchant's Clerk to any Part of America, has no Objection to article for a Term of Years. Direct for W. W. at Mr. Edington's, Coal- Merchant, Bristow- Street, near puddle Dock, Black- Friars. To be Sold by Auction by Mr. BURNSALE, At his Auction Room, Charles- Street, Berkeley- Square, next Friday and Saturday, the greatest Part of which he C0llected abroad, THE genuine Collection cf Pictures of Mr. DEWICK ; amongst which are many Capital, and by the greatest Masers. Farther Particulars, with the Names of some of the Great
Masters, will be given, ' BLACK SILKS and BOMBAZEENS. J. HAWKES, Mercer, at the Wheatsheaf, in Tavisock- • Street, Covent- Garden ( going to remove from thence) returns his Thanks to those Ladies his Customers, and others, for their very obliging Favours during his Sale, and begs Leave to acquaint them, that he shall continue selling, con- siderably under prime Cost, his Stock until the Whole is disposed of, allowing Five per Cent, upon every Bill of 10 1. and upwards. A large Assortment of black Silks and Bombazeens, which having been along Time out of the Looms, may be depended upon for Colour and Wear.
Note, A black flowered watered Tabby to be sold cheap. This Day are published, TWO HISTORICAL PRINTS: The St. Caecilia of Ra- phael, in the Church of S . Giovanni, in Monte, at Bologna ; and the celebrated Madonna, of Correggio, with the Magdelen, St. Jerom, See. in the Royal Academy at Parma. Engraved by R. STRANGE. To be had at his House. in Castle- Street, Leicester- Fields. This Day are published, in z Vols. 12mo. Price 6s. bound, DISCOURSES on personal Religion. By SAMUEL STENNETT, D. D. Printed for J. Buckland, in Pater- noster- Row G. Keith, in Gracechurch- Street; W. Harris, in St. Paul's
Church- Yard W. Brown, the Corner of Essex- Street, Strand; and R. Bishop, near Leicester- Fields. Where may be had, The same Book in 2 Vols, 12mo, on a fine Paper, and a few remaining Copies in 2 Vols. 8vo. This Day are published, Puce 6 s. in Boards, SERMONS. By F. WEBB. Volumes ill. and IV. Printed for G. Kearsly, in Ludgate- Street; T. Johnson, in St. Paul's Church- Yard ; W. Domvllle, at the Royal Exchange; J. and J. Fletcher, at Oxford; Mess. Fletcher and Hodson, at Cambridge; and T. Cadell, at Bristol. The Purchasers of the former Volumes are requested to complete their Sets. A few Copies of the Third
Edition of Volumes First and Second may be had of any of the above Booksellers. Also, by the same Author, Friendship, a Poem ; in- scribed to a Friend, Price 2 s. 6d. An Ode to the People of England, Price is. This Dav is published, Price 4 s. THE REAL SEEKER, upon the Merit of Subscription, and a more extensive Toleration ; with an Appendix. Printed for J. Williams, at No. 38, in Fleet- Street. Where may be The Jew Apologist, in Thrre Volumes, Price 18 s. Note, Six Copies of the Whole, for ridding the Seeker of his Scruples, to be given gratis to as many Divines, who will pledge their Word for answering, by a Line left
wilh the Publisher, what may chance therein to clash with their respective Persuasions. This Day are published, Price 4s. sewed, THE Controversial Letters of JOHN WILKES, Esq. the Rev. Mr. JOHN HORNE, and their principal Adherents; with a Supplement, containing material anonymous Pieces, Ac. Printed for T. Wil- liams, at No. 38, in Fleet- Street. Where may be had, that excellenc Tract of be late Lord Summers, entitled, The judgment of whole Kingdoms and Na, ions concerning the Rights, Power, and Prerogative of Kings, and the Rights, Privileges, and Properties of the People, & c. This Day is published, in Quarto,
Price is. THE ENGLISH GARDEN. A Poem. Book the First. By W. MASON, M. A. London printed : And sold by R. Horsfield it No. 22, in Ludgate- Street; and H. Denoyer, in Lisle- Street; a'fi by w. Tessyman, in York. Where may be had, elegantly printed in small Octavo,' price 5 s. Inscribed to the Right Hon. the Earl of Holdern, ( Te, Mr. Mason's Poems. This Edition contains Elfrida, Caractacus and the est of Mr. Mason's Poems, ( revised and corrected throughout) which have een before published separately.
High Water at London- Bridge, this Day, at 39 Minutes after j in the Morning, and 2 after 6 at Night. HAZARD and Co. Stock- Brokers, at their Office, Exchange. VICTUALLING OFFlCE, Feb. 3, 1772. THE Commissioners for Victualling his Majesty's Navy do hereby give Notice, that on Monday the 17th instant, they will be ready to receive Tenders in Writing ( sealed up) and treat for what Oxen shall be demanded for fresh Meat for his Majesty's Ship at Portsmouth for three Months, commencing the 1st of March next. The Conditions of the Contract may be seen at the Secretary's Office, at this Office. And all Persons who may
think proper to make Tenders upon the said Occasion, are desired to take Notice, that n0 Regard will be had to any tender that shall not be delivered to the Board before One 0' Clock on the said 17th instant. THE Gentlemen of the DEVONSHIRE CLUB, at the Star and Garter, Pall Mall, desire the Company of the Gentlemen of the County, to dine with them on Friday next, the 14th instant, being the Anniversary of their Initiation. Dinner at Four o'Clock. STEWARDS. Major Coleman, Mr. Marwood, Mr. Hamlin, Mr. Fellows. FORTH and CLYDE NAVIGATION: THE Annual General Meeting of the Company of Pro- prietors of the
FORTH and CLYDE NAVIGATION, is to be held at the Sr. Alban's Tavern, in St. Alban's Street, on Wednesday the 19th inStant, pursuant to Act of Parliament. As Business of very material Conse- quence will then come under Consideration, the Attendance of all the Proprie- tors residing in and about London, is earnestly requested, precisely at Eleven o'Clock. And such of the Proprietors as are still its Arrear any of the nine Calls already made, ( amounting to 65 1. per Cent. of the original Subscription Money) will be pleased to pay such Arrear to John Drummond, Esq. and Co. at Charing- Cross, before the 19th, that their
Names may not appear in the List of Deficients, then ordered to be laid before the General Meeting. CALCUTTA SUFFERERS, in 1756. THE English Subjects, or their Representatives. who were Sufferers at the taking and plundering of CALCUTTA, in the East- Indies, by SEUAJAH DOWLA, in the Year 1756, are particularly requested to meet at the Horn tavern, in Fleet- Street, on Friday the 14th Day of February instant, at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, on very special Affairs. ISLINGTON - TURNPIKE. AGeneral Monthly Meeting of the Trustees of Islington- Turnpike, will be held at the Office in Brook- Street, Holborn, On
Wed- nesday next, at Ten in the Forenoon. THO. SHERRIFF, Clerk. AMeeting of the Trustees for, putting in Execution the Act of Parliament for repairing the Highways between Tyburn and Ux- bridge, in the County of Middlesex, and for amending the Road leading from Hunt- Bridge, over Hanwell- Heath,. to the great Western Road, & c. is to be at the House of Mr. Brown, the Old Hat, in the Parish of Ealing, on Saturday next, the 15th Day of this instant, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, by Ad- journment of two of the Trustees, for want of a sufficient Number to act at the last Meeting. Feb. 3, 1772. JABEZ GOLDAR, Clerk to
the Trustees. Shoreditch Pavement. ANY Person or Perfons willing or desirous to become a Purchaser or Purchasers of Annuity or Annuities for their own Lives, or the Life of any other Person or Persons not under the Age of 40, to be se- cured to them by Rates to be made upon the Inhabitants of Shoreditch High- Street, & c. and by a Toll to be collected in the same Street upon all Horses passing through the same, in Pursuance of an Act of Parliament lately passed, intitled, " An Act for opening certain Passages, and for paving the Streets and other PlaceS in the Parish of St. Leonard, Shoreditch, in the County of : Middlesex,
and for preventing Annoyances therein," are desired to deliver in their Proposals to the Commissioner appointed by the said Act on Wednesday the 26th Day of February instant, at the Vestry- Room, in Shoreditch- Church, It Three oclock in the Afternoon precisely. Primrose street. RICHARD RUTSON, Clerk. Shoreditch Pavement, feb. j, 1772. THE Commissoners give Notice that they will meet on Wednesday the 26th Day of February inst. at Three o'Clock in the After- noon precisely, at the Vestry- Room in Shoreditch Church, to receive Pro- posals and contract for keeping the new pavement in the Highway there in Repair;
and in the mean Time, all necessary Information relating thereto will be given on Application to Mr. Rutson, in Primrose- Street, Bishopsgate- Street. By Order of the C0mmissioners, RICHARD RUTSON, Clerk. TO be bett by publick Auction,- in the Vestry- Room of the Parish of Lambeth, in the County of Surry, on a Repairing Lease ' for 41 Years, on Tuesday the i3th inst. at Ten, all those four Messuages or Tenements situate on the South Side of the Church- Yard, now in the Occu- of Nahor Tearce, Elizabeth Jarman, Elizabeth Hanscomb, and James Muir. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Richard Summersell, Vestry- Clerk, in
Paradise- Row, Lambeth. St. Olave's, Southwark. TO be left, together or in separate Lots, upon Building Ieases for 61 Years, by the Governors of St.. Olave's Free- School, a Piece of vacant Ground, situate on the South Side of Fair- Street, in the Parish of St. John, in Southwark, at the East End of the Church- Yard of the said parish. Such Persons as are desirous to take Building Leases of the said Ground, ' are to deliver their Proposals in Writing to the said Governors, on Tuesday the 18th instant, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, at the Vestry- Hall of St. Olave's Parish. in Tooley Street, in Southwark. Farther Information
relating to the Premises, may be had in the mean Time, by applying to Mr. Thomas Poult- ney, Surveyor to the said Governors, at his House in Horslydown- Lane, near the said piece of Ground. St. Ann, Westminster, Jan. 13, 1772. THe Committee for paving this Parish give Notice, that they will meet in the Vestry- Room on Monday the 1oth Day of February next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, to receive Proposals for new paving such Parts of the Carriage- Way of Soho Square, as shall be directed, with squared Guernsey Pebbles, Aberdeen Granite, or any other Stone of a flat sur- face and a hard and durable Substance,
nor less than nine Inches deep, or wider than five Inches on the Top, the Bed and Bottom of such Stones not less than 4- 5ths of the Superficies of the Top ; also for fixing and relaying bv the square Yard, such Quantity of the old Pebbles as shall be found necessary to compleat the Carriage- Way of the said Square from the Iron Rails to the Channel, the Stones to be laid in the best screened Gravel, agreeable to such Form and Level as shall be directed, the Contractor finding Labour and Gravel, and to cart away the Remainder of the old Stones to any Distance not ex- ceeding Half a Mile. The Committee will likewise receive
Proposals for new paving the Carriage- Ways of Sutton- Street, Leicester- Street, Lisle- Street, Grafton- Street, Litchfield- Street Porter- Street and Richmond- Buildings, with good- sized Pebbles, not less than seven Inches deep, to be laid in the best screened Gravel, agreeable to such Form and Level as shall be directed ; also for fixing and relaying such of the old Pebbles to be taken up in the and several Streets and Places where the new Work is to be performed as the said Com- mittee or their supervisor shall direct the Contractor to find Labour and Gravel, and defray all incidental Expences attending the said Works. The
committee will at the same Time receive Proposals for new paving the Foot- ways of the several Streets and Places abovementioned j as also of Hayes- Court, Newport- Court, Rider's Court, Cranbourn- Street, Alley and Passage, earl's Court, Sidney's Alley, and Meard's Court and Street, with the best Purbeck or Yorkshire Elland Edge Stone, not less than two Inches and a Half thick, and a Moor Stone Kirb, where necessary, not less than 12 Inches broad and eight Inches thick ; the ContractOr to take up the old Foot Paving and relay such Part thereof as shall be directed, to level the Ground, cart and carry away all useless
Stones and Rubbish, and defray all other incidental Expences at- tending the said Work. Proposals will be also received for keeping in Repair the several Carriage- Ways and Footways so to be new paved, for any Term not exceeding IQ Years, to commence at the Expiration of the first Year after the same are compleated, till which Time the several Contractors who perform the new Work are to keep the same in Repair. Each Contractor must give Security for the due Performance of his Contract, and separate Proposals for each particular work must be delivered in, sealed up, to the Committee at the Time and Place aforesaid.
For further Information, if necessary, enquire at the Clerk's Office in Dean- Street. By Order of the Committee. C. FOWLER, Clerk. MR. SMETHURST continues his Course of Lectures on TIME on Friday, Saturday, and Monday Evenings, at Seven, at Cecil- Street Coffee- House, Strand, Tickets for the 12 Lectures at Half a Guinea each, may be had at the Bar of the said Coffee- House single Lectures Admittance 1s. 6 d. In the course of the lectures will be explained the Con- stellariums or apparent Astronomy, both spherical and plain; the universal Tide- Table, the Chinese Swan- Pan, or blind Man's Accompt- Table; ( these
Instruments hiS own constructing. The Explanation and Use of the Constella- rium is sold by J. Dodsley, in Pall- Mall; T. Durham, Cockspur- Street, Char- ing Cross; J. Johnson, No. 72, St. Paul's Church- Yard; and Heath and Wing, Mathematical Instrument- Makers, Strand. Price 2s. 6d. MECHANICAL EXHIBITION. This amusing and instructive Entertainment, which, for these four last Winters, has been exhibited with such general Approbation, is now again open, and besides that matchless Piece of Mechanism the PANOPTICON, and the various other Machines and Models in Husbandry, Arts, and Commerce, has some
new and singular Pieces, and is to be seen in Mr. Pinchbeck's Repository over his Shop, in Cockspur- Street, from Ten in the Morning, till Six in the Even- ing, at is. each. In his Shop is the greatest Variety of new and beautiful Toys for the Season, and the greatest Choice of the best and most fashionable Mourning buckles, Buttons, & c, ASSEMBLY at Hackney, Feb. 10, 1772. THE Ladies and, Gentlemen, subscribers to this Assembly, are desired to take Notice, that their next BALL, intended to be on Wednesday the 12th instant, is postponed to Wednesday the icjth, on account of the Death of her late Royal Highness the
Princess Dowager of Wales. By Order of the Treasurer, THO. WRIGHT. MR. MARTIN's Lecture this Evening will begin at Half after Six, on the Principles and particular Species of Navigation, and the Instruments made use of in that Art. The Magnetical Experiments proper for explaining the Rationale Needles, and the best Construction of an Azimuth Compass. The Nature and Use of Hadley's and Davies's Quadrants, in several new and advantageous Forms, for Land and Sea Use; also an Idea of Fortification, by a curious Model of a fortified Town, with all the Works compleat, and raised. The Course will begin again on
Wednesday next. AT the Cockpit- Royal, the South Side of St. James's Park, this Day, and all the Week, will be fought a Main of COCKS, between the Gentlemen of Middlesex and Berkshire, for Four Guineas a Battle, and Forty the Odd. To begin fighting at Five o'Clock. AlL Persons who have any Demands on the Right Hon. the Earl of GRANARD, are desired to send an Account thereof to Mess. Brown and Hayes, in Size- Lane, Bucklersbury ; or to Mr. Watson, Carver, in Long- Acre. THE Judgment Creditors of RANDOLPH HORNE, late of Chertsey, n the County of Surry, Esq. deceased, are desired forthwith to deliver in an
Account of their respeftive Demands to Peter Rich, of Brownlow- Street, near Long- Acre, Attorney for the Administrator of the said Randolph Home, in order to the making a Dividend of his Effects amongst his said Creditors. THE Creditors of Mess. BUXTON and AUSTIN, late of the Red Lion Wharf, Upper Thames- Street, London, Corn- factors, Copartners and Dealers in Corn, who have made due Proof of their Debts, may receive a Dividend thereon by applying to the Trustees of the Estate of the said Mess. Buxton and Austin, and Robert Jackson, their Attorney, on Wednesday next, the 12th inst. between Eleven and
Twelve o'Clock in the Fore- noon, at the Cornfactors Coffee- House, in Mark- Lane THE Creditors who have proved their Debts under a Commission of Bankrupt awarded against JOHN METCALFE, of Cannon- Street, London, Merchant, Dealer and Chapman, may receive a Di- vidend Tomorrow, the nth instant, between Ten and Twelve, by applying to Mess. Gregg and Potts, Skinners- Hall, Dowgate- Hill. ALL Persons to whom Mrs. Jane Breese of Wisbeach St. Peter, in the Isle of Ely and County of Cambridge, stands indebted, are desired to send an Account of their respective Claims immediately to Mr. W. Breese, at
Wisbeach aforesaid, that they may be discharged FRIDAY Night, Nine o'Clock, the Coach that was called from the Stand in Bond- Street, to New Burlington- Street, to take up a young Weman with Boxes and other Things, and set her down in Park- Street, Grosvenor- Square the Boxes were taken out, and the following Things forgot left in the Coach, viz, 11 new Muslin Handkerchiefs, seven Silk Plaid Handkerchiefs, a ditto tied round a Fowl ; a ditto hemmed; four coloured Aprons, a flowered Muslin - ditto ; a Pair of Sleeves, a Pocket Handkerchief, a Work- Bag. a red Pan, with other Articles too tedious to mention. If the
Coachman, or any other Person, will he honest enough to bring the above- mentioned Things to Mr. Horton's, Baker, in Park- Street, Grosvenor- Square ; or to the White Horse in New Burlington- Street, shall receive One Guinea Re- ward. The Number is forgot but the Coachman is very well known it is to be hoped whoever has got the Things will return them, as they are the Property of a Servant. STOLEN out of the Timber- Yard, opposite St. Giles's Church, in the Night between the 7th and 8th inst. a long Saw about seven Feet long, and Tiller ( about Half worn) Maker's Name Squire- If of- fered to be pawned or sold, stop it
and the Party, and a Reward of One Guinea shall be paid on Conviction of the Offender,. by John Coleman and Co. If already pawned or sold, give Notice as above. LEFT in Cloth- Fair, West- Smithfield, by a Butcher's Lad, on Friday Night last, behind where they put the Shutters, a Sack of Fat. Whoever has found the same, and brings it to Mr. Carter, Butcher, in Fleet- Market, shall have Ten Shillings and Sixpence Reward. If offered at any Tallow- Chandler's please to stop it and give Notice as above. KEYS. Lost on Saturday Morning between Lombard- Street and King- Street, Cheapside, four Keys on a Ring. Whoever
brings them to the Bar of the Carolina Cofftee- House, in Birchin- Lane, shall receive a Reward of Five Shillings. STOLEN or strayed from Aston upon Trent, in the County of Derby, on Thursday Night the 23d ult. a brown Gelding, five Years old, about 15 Hands two Inches high, with a full Mane and Tail, a large Star in his Forehead, some White upon his Nose, his off Foot behind White, his Forehead rather flat, and his Ears- wide. Whoever will bring the said Gelding, or give such. Intelligence that he may be recovered, shall receive Five Guineas, by applying to Mr. Keat's Livery- Stables, at the George, Pic- cadilly, or to Mr.
Phillips, at the King's Head at Derby. STRAYED from a House in Bennet- Street, St. James's, between Nine and Ten o'Clock on Friday Night last, a large black rough Water Dog, his four Paws are tipped w: th white, and clipped to the first Joints he had on a Leather Collar, and answers to the Name of Mandrin. Whoever will bring him to Pero's Bagaio, St. James's Street, shall have a Guinea. LOST, an old Pointer Bitch, mostly White, one Side of her Face and Ears Liver- coloured and feathered with White, also a small Spot m her Forehead, she is very strong made, has a great Head, and remarkable large Teats she answers to
the Name of Poll, and has a Twist in her hair over the Shoulder, occasioned by a Scald. Whoever brings her to Mr, William Miller, at the Salutation, near Cuper's Bridge, Lambeth, shall have Half a Guinea Reward. No greater Reward will be offered. FOUND a Spaniel Dog with Liver- coloured and white SpotS Liver- coloured Ears, four white Feet, and white Tip to his Tail had on a Collar with a Ring to it; may have him again by applying to Mr. Totkil, Butcher, in George- Court, York- Buildings, and paying for adver- tising him. He will be kept but one Week longer, having already been kept ten Days in hopes the Owner would have
advertised him. ' * FOUND some Money not far from the Green Park. direct a Line, Post- paid, to A. B. No. 56, Charles- Street, Westminster, mentioning the Sum lost, Time and Place, and it will be returned to the right Owner, paying for this Advertisement. A First Floor to be lett. THE Creditors- of SAMUEL FIERREPON who lately kept the Marquis of Granby, at New- Crofs, Deptford, may re- ceive Eight Shillings in the Pound by - calling on Mr. Drew, No. 152, in Bcr- mondfey- Street, Southwark, any Day this Week at Ten in the Morning, or Two in the Afternoon. - npHIS is to caution ail Perlons not to_ fruit Mary Plant/ X the Wife
of Thomas Plarit, Mariner, flic having by her ill- Critdii& rendered him unable to pay any Debts flie may contra£ l_, he having nothing left to lupport himfelf. WUne& my Hand, THOMAS PLANT. Virginia- Street. • WHEK EAS I have faid feveral Things to the i- reju- dice of my Mader, Mr. Brofier, Hair- Drefler, in Chandos Street, which I am forry for, and acknowledge to be falfe, and defire this to be put in the Papers. Feb. 5, 1772. ; MARK. BUCKHAM. AREWARD. AS the Demand for my ufeful Patent Warming Machines has roufed'the drooping Spirits of a few infjgnificant Up ft arts, who for^ Gain leave no Stone unturned to
perfuaae the Publick, that they have a Right to itnitate mv Principles, by calling their Work Stoves inftead of Warming Machines 5 whereby, tho' they never anfwer the Buyer's Expeftatinn, yet they have imposed on fome Gentlemen of the firft Rank ; and as their Pro- ceeding is aiidacioufly unjuftifiable, I do hereby promlfe a Reward of Twenty Pounds, to be paid by ras, on Conviction. of either Founder, Smith, Sec. guilty of making or felling Stoves on my Principles, made to burn without a Crate. No. 14, Catherine- Street, Strand; ABRAHAM BUZAGLO. No Coft will be fpared to bring the Infringer to condign Punifhment.
WHEREAS Peter Rofe, late Chief Mate of the Great Marlow, ' Mathias Kitchcn, Commander, arrived from Jamaica, ftands cliarged upon Oath, before a J- uftice of the Peace, with being concerned in felonioufly ftealing a Quantity of Sugar from on board the faid Ship j and the faid Peter Rofe having abfeonded: The Weft- India Merchants do hereby promife a Reward of Twenty Pounds, one Half thereof to be paid upon the apprehending and fecuring the faid Rofe in any of his Majefty's Goals, in orde.- that he m^ y be brought to Juftice j and the other Half to be paid upon his Convjftion. The faid Peter Rofe is about 30 Years of
Age, a thin Man, five Feet fev? n Inch;** high, dark Complexion, rather long Vifage, a little pitted with the Small- Pox, ufually wears a dark cut Bob Wig., and one Leg mogter than the, other. . J. ALLEN, Secretary. OME Ca( ks of Currants left at Warner's Yard, Min- cipg- Lane ; if not taken away within the Space of ten Days, they will be fold according to Law. ^ y^ HE Hatter that left his Lodgings the 30th of January Jf^ laft, is defired to return the four Hats that he had to drefs, and has not been heard of fince : This is to let him khow, that if he does not return them by the 14th i r^ flant, his Name will be put in full Length, defcribing
his Perfon. LOST about a Fortnight ago, a lingle Clufcer Brillant Ring, Weight of the Diamonds feven Grains Furl. Whoever brings it to Meff. Morion and Stephenfon, at No. 5, Ludgate- Hill, fhall have Two Guineas Reward. If offered to be pawned or fold pleafe to ftop it, and the fame Reward will be given. STOLEN on Friday laft, a Silver Watch, Maker's Name Mafon, No. 1062, London, on the Dial Plate, and J. Mayo en- graved on the in- fide Cafe, Whoever brings it to John Miyo, Baker, oppofite VVhitechapel Church, fhall receive Two Guineas Reward. If offered to be pawned or fold ftop it, and you fhall have the fame Reward,
IOST on Friday Evening, going frotfi Warwick- Court, to the upper End of Newgate- Street, in a Hackney Coach, the Bow and Drop of a Pearl Ear- Ring. Anv Perfon bringing'it to Miles Penfold, Jeweller, in Newgate- Street, { hall receive Haifa Guinea Reward. IOS I in the late Frott from a Ship in tlie Pool, two _ j new Bowfprits marked T G, one about 21 Inches in Diameter, theother about iS. Wkoever gives Intelligence of the fame to Richard Man, Malt- maker, near Coal- Stairs, Shadwell, fliail receive a handfome Reward, and rea- f - nable Charges. • DROPF on Saturday lalt, between Salitbury- Court and St. Paul's, a PromifTory
Note for jol. 15 s. dated Briftol nth Nov. 1771, for two Months, by Ewhank and Stephens, to Mifs Eliz, Bo'wyer, or Order, payable at Dimfdale, Archer, and Byde, Dimfdale and Co. Whoever has picked it up, and will bring it to Harris and Tiffin, No. 86, Fleet- Street, fhall have Ten Shillings and Sixpence Reward 3 110 greater Reward will be given, as Payment is ftopt. J ROSE INN, Sittingbourn. VALENTINe SIMPSON takes this Method of acquaint- ing the Nobility, Gentry, and Publick in general, travelling the Kent Road, that he now intends to supply them with genteel Post- Chaises, and the best of Horses, at § d. a Mile: All
Gentlemens own Chaises, drawn with four Horses, at ijd. a Mile: Likewife will endeavour to render every other Ac- commodation agreeable, on the most easy Terms. He humbly solicits the Honour of their Favours, which it shall ever be his constant Study and Atten- tion to merit; TRUMAN'S STAMFORD, & c. Stage Waggons are now removed from the Castle Inn, Wood- Street, and now set out from No. the Castle and Falcon Inn, in Aldersgate- Street, London for Stamford, Oakham, Uppingham, Grantham, Newark, Gainsborough, every Wednesday and Saturday at Two o'Clock. each Afternoon. Stamford, Nov. 27, 1771.
Performed by JOHN TRUMAN. Note, These Waggons have entirely left off going from the Castle in Wood- Street, and have no Connexion whatsoever with Mr. Hanforth. HANFORTH and Co.' s Stage Waggons set out from the Castle Inn in Wood- Street, every Wednesday and Saturday, at Two o'Clock each Afternoon, carry Goods and passengers with the greatest Care and Expedition to Stamford, Oakham, Uppingham, Grantham, Newark, Gainsborough, and all Places adjacents and no other Waggon to Gainsborough but from the above Inn. Performed by Hanforth and Co. These waggons go throughout to Grantham,
Newark, and Gainsborough with- out any Loss of Time, and have no Connection with Mr. Truman whatsoever. HADHAM, Hoddesdon, and Wormley Machine sets out every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Morning at Seven o'Clock, from the Red Lion at Hadham, to be at the Bull Inn, Bishopsgate- Street, be- tween One and Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, and will set out from the said Bull Inn, on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Mornings at Nine o'Clock, to be at Hadham between Three and Four in the Afternoon, Performed by your humble Servants, J. Ellis and Co. at the White House, Wormley. Great Care will be observed
in delivering Parcels. THE Wolverhampton Waggons late belonging to Mr. Richard Fryer, now in the Hands of Mess. Hodgetts and Judson, are removed from the Ram Inn in Smithfield, London, and now inn at the Blossoms Inn in Lawrence- Lane, near Cheapside j from whence they set out every Monday and Thursday Morning at Ten o'Clock where all Persons who please to favour them with their Carriage may depend upon the utmost Care and Dispatch, and their Favour gratefully acknowledged by their humble Servants', JOHN HODGETTS, JOHN JUDSON. A large Quantity of exceeding good old Linseed Oil to be sold by
Mr. Richard Fryer, at Wolverhampton. THOMAS TWINAM, Leather Breeches- Maker and GloVer, late Foreman to Mr. Evans of Finsbury, Moorfields, deceased, begs Leave to acquaint his late Master's Friends and Customers, and the Publick in general, that he has taken a Shop, the Buck and Breeches, the Corner of Finsbury- Yard, near Chiswell- Street; where he carries on the Business as in his late Master's Time. And assures those who shall be pleased to favour him with their Commands that they may depend upon having them executed in the neatest and compleatest Manner. Breeches cleaned and mended. WANTED,
a Place of 100l. 0r 200l. per Ann. under the Government, for which an adequate Premium will be given, and as the Advertiser has considerable Interest, he may probably procure a Resig- nation no Objection to any Sea Port Town in his Majesty's Dominions; if he should not be able to meet with any Thing of the above Kind, would be glad to be Steward or Agent to any Nobleman or Gentleman in the Country, as he can give undeniable Security, or would purchase an Annuity of 100l. or 200l per Ann. for the Life of the Seller, Entire or direct, post- paid, to Mr. Thomas Stewart, at Mr. Wright's No. 3, Lime- Street, near Leadenhall-
Market. Secresy may be depended on. FROM 300I. to 500I. ready to be given to any Lady or Gentleman having Interest to procure a Place adequate to that Sum. If out of London tbe more agreeable ; Honour and Secresy may be relied on. A Line directed to R. M. at the Bar of the Grecian. Coffee- House, Devereux Court, Temple- Bar, will be duly attended to by the Principal only. No Ob- jection to a Place that requires constant Attendance. To Painters and Plaisterers. Those of the above Busi- ness that chuse to contract for compleatly finishing one or more House or Houses, are desired to give in their Particulars and Prices of
their several Branches of Work, at No. 14, Savage- Gardens. It is expected they give Se- curity for performing their Contract. WANTED, between this and Lady- Day next, for a Term of Years, or to purrchase, an improved Lease of a small House, with from 10 to 30 Acres of Meadow and Pasture Land ; the House must be in a dry and healthy Situation, not less than eight nor more than 15 Miles from Westminster- Bridge, the County of Surry or Middlesex would be preferred, and if on or near the Banks of the Thames, or any other River the more agreeable. Persons having such Premises to lett, are desired to send a particular
Account thereof with regard to Rent, & c. to Mr. Meredith, Taylor, at No. 1, Oxford Inn, Warwick- Lane. The House must not be in a Village. WANTED, a genteel First floor well furnished, in an airy Situation, for a Lady and her Servant; a House where there are no other Lodgers would be most desirable; Bloomsbury, or the best Streets in Covent- Garden, would be convenient; the City would not suit; none but those whose Characters will bear the strictest Enquiry need apply, as the Lady's is unexceptionable; the Lady would take them by the Year if the Terms were reasonable ; please to be particular to prevent Trouble. Direct for
F. W. to be left at Mr. Southern's, Bookseller, St. James's Street. WANTED, in a Boarding- School near Town, a young Lady 18 or 19 Years of Age, who would be glad to be qualified as a Teacher, she must have been in a School, and speak French tolerably; also wanted an Half- Boarder. Enquire at Mr. Lanthoine's, No. 14, Watling- Street. BREWERY. Wanted immediately, in a capital House, _ a compleat House- Clerk ; one of genteel Abilities, good Address, and de- termined Assiduity, will meet with all reasonable Encouragement. Leave » Line at Old Slaughter's Coffee- House, St. Martin's Lane, for A. B. WANTED a
Footman, who has lived two Years in his last Place, he must have lived with a small creditable Family, well known, and no Foreigners. His Character muct be undeniable, he must be single, and wait well at Table. His Business will be to go out behind a Coach and with Messages, and assist the Butler in cleaning Knives and Tables, or do any Thing he shall be ordered. He will have a full Suit of Livery be- sides Jackets and Frocks; his Wages will be 14 Guineas a Year, out of which he must find Boots and Leather Breeches ; he will have given him at the End of every Year that he shall live in the Family Two Guineas, as a Gratuity
over his Wages. No Foreigner, nor any Roman Catholic, need apply. Enquire for L. N. at the Red Lion, King's Street, Bloomsbury- Square, from Nine till Ten in the Morning. WANTED, a clean likely Footman who can shave and drefs Hair very well. Such, with a good Character, may apply at Jenkinson and Co.' s Register- Office, opposite Northumberland- House, Cha- ring- Cross. WANTED, an honest sober industrious Country Man, that thoroughly urderstands looking after Cart Horses; he must lived some Years in his last place, from which the best of Character; will be required ; his Situation will he quite comfortable, and
Place good, therefore none need apply that cannot answer the above Enquire of Mr. Marmaduke Thompson, Coal- Merchant, Redcross Wharf, No. 116, Upper Thames- Street. WANTED, a Porter who has lived some Time in his last Place, can have a good Character, and has been used to the K must have had the Small Pox, and write a little also a Nursery- Maid, who has been used to Children ; likewise a smart Errand- Boy. Enquire at Mr. Javis's, Hosier, the Corner of Maiden- Lane, Covent- Garden. WAnTS a Place, a sober steady Man, 33 Years of Age, a Butler out of livery ; can shave and dress Hair and Wigs,
understands a Table, Brewing, the Care of a Cellar, and every Thing of the, Business of a Butler. Please to direct to W. J. at William's Coffee- House in Portman- Street Portman- Square. WA NT Places, a Man and his Wife ; the Man un- derstands the Business of a Footman and Gardening; the Woman Cook in the plain Way, have no Incumbrance, and can have an undeniable Character from genteel People of Repute. Please to direct for D. M. No. 09, opposite Southampton- Street, in the Strand, or at the King's Head, in Cannon- Alley, St. Paul's Church- Yard. WANTS a Place, in Town or Country, a steady middle- aged
Footman; he shaves and dresses all Sorts of Wigs in Taste, understands the Side Board, waiting at Table, or the Cellar ; he writes a good Hand, and desires only encouragemenT according to his Merit ; can have a Character from his last Place, which he lived a Year in. Direct for A. M. two Doors above the Red Hart Inn, Fetter- Lane. V r- V jefti ab- J No ha wi Tc Pi ha t" V T J in h. ni V H A L Je at J N ol B A • S1 h it 5
WANTED for a family a Footboy about 15 or 16 Years of Age, a stout Lad, clean in Person, that, can be well re- commended, and has lived in a reputable Family. Enquire at Mr. Bell's, No. 3 Michael's Alley; Cornhill. . WA NTS a Place, a young Man, to wait on a single Gentleman, can shave and dress extremely well, and have an unde- niable Character from his last Place ; or should be glad to engage with any Gen- tleman to go the Western Circuit, that may require a Servant for that Time. - Direct for G. H. at the White Lion, in Wych Street, near Temple- Bar. TO the Brewery or Distillery. Wanted a Broad Clerk's Place in either
of the above Branches for a Person in every Respect qualified for the same, being thoroughly acquainted in and about this. Metropo- lis, having served upwards of eight Years in his last Place, from which he can have an undeniable Character, and can give good Security. Direct for W. W. at the Bar of the Bedford Head, in Maiden- Lane, Covent- Garden. No Ob- jection to the Wine Trade. TO the Merchants, Tradesmen, or others. A young Man who can give Security for any Trust reposed in him, offers his Service to any one who may have Occasion for a Person thoroughly qualified to settle Accounts, for a few Hours in the
Week, having leisure Time 0n his Hands, as belonging to a publick Office, would wish to be employed on very reasonable Terms. Please to direct fot A. B. at Mr. Jones's, No. 17, in Crooked- Lane, Cannon- Street. WANTED, to superintend the Education of two very young Ladies, a real and accomplished Gentlewoman, that can with Pleasure give constant Attention to Children, is of a chearful and mild Dispo- sition, and of the strictect Morality, who will be treated With that Respect that, is due to such amiable Qualifications, of which the strongest Attestation from Persons of undoubted Veracity and Reputation is expected.
Direct to MrS. Fyler, in Mount- Street, Berkeley- Square. WANTED immediacy, at a young Gentlemens Boarding- School near Town, two Women Servants ; one for the Laundry, the other for the House. Those whom such a Place will suit are de- sired to inquire for A. B, at the Nag's Head Inn, opposite Whitechapel- Church, Tomorrow, between the Hours of Eleven and Three. None but persons of Character need apply. . WANTED, for a small genteel family, where two Maids and a Man are kept, a good plain Cook ; she must be thorough- ly well recommended for great Neatnefs, Honesty and Sobriety, and have lived above a
Year in her last Place. Enquire at Mrs. Hasker's, Shoemaker, No. 26, the South- Side of St. Paul's Church- Yard. No Objection to one that has lived in the Country. WANTED immediately, a compleat House- Maid ; must have no Objection to attend in the Nursery, where there is a Nurse and Child ; must have an undeniable Character from her last Place. inquire at No. 11, Devonshire- Street. WANTED a Cook about 30, she must be very cleanly and know her Business well, and have a good Character from her last:. Place. Enquire at Mrs. Bently's, Butcher, Great Tower Street, Tomorrow, before Four o'Clock in the Afternoon.
WANTED a professed Woman- Cook, in a Gentle- man's Family in the City, where no Kitchen- maid is kept; must have an undeniable Character from her last Place. Enquire at. Mr. Wain- wright's, Sadler, opposite Old Slaughter's Coffee- House, St. Martin's Lane, Tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday next, at Eleven o'Clock. WANTED, a Woman- Cook; she must understand to dress plain Victuals, Fish, and Pastry very well, and some Made- Dishes; must be sober, cleanly, and good- natured, had the Small- Pox, and have lived at least 12 Months in her last Place, from which she must have a good Character; she must not
come out of a great Family, where they kept a great Number of Servants, as that will be an Objection. Enquire of Mrs. Jones, Baker, in Charles- Street, Hatton- Garden, this Day or Tomorrow from Ten- to Twelve in the Morning, or from Four to Six in the Afternoon. ANavy Officer's Widow, of good Character, wants one of the following Places ; viz. Companion to a Lady, English Teacher in a School, or Housekeeper to a Gentleman, if he has a Child or. more for • her to take Care of, as she has been used to the educating of Children above nine Years, understands the Tambour, several Sorts of Muslin Work, and Variety of
Netting. To be spoken with at Mrs. Gandon's, Haberdasher, Great Hart- Street, Covent- Garden. All Letters ( Post paid) directed to her will be duly answered. WANTS a Place, as Lady's Maid, a Person near 30, can work well at her Needle, get up fine Linnen, and understands the . Mantua- Making and Millenery. Please to direct to D. B. at No 221, near Little Queen- Street, Hrgh- Holborn. WANTS a housekeeper's Place., a Person that can be very well recommended from her last Place, or would have no Ob- jection to be Housekeeper and Lady's Woman if required. Please to enquire at Mr. Billing's, Turner, in Great Windmill-
Street, near the Hay Market. WANT'S a Place, a Widow Woman of undeniable Character, is willing to serve any single Gentleman or Lady as House- keeper, or in the Capacity of a Cook in a small Family. Please to send a Line to M. P. at No. 7, Portland- Street, facing the Coachmaker's, Oxford- Road. AStrong healthy young Woman, about 21 Years of Age, would be glad of a Place to look after Children, works at her Needle, or to do any Thing she may be found capable of she is just come out of a Service, where she has lived above a Year, and been used to the above Business. Please to direct to C. W. at Mr. Fenwick's,
Locksmith, in Blue- Anchor- Alley, Bunhill- Row. _ WANTS a Wet- Nurse's Place, a healthy young Womm, who can be extremely well recommended by the Lady ( whose Child she has suckled five Months) for Tenderness of her Charge, and - good Behaviour in the Family; her own Child is dead, and was only one Month old when she came to her Place; she has no Followers, and her Husband is not living. Please to enquire for S. H. at Mr. Chambers's, in St. Alban's Street. WANTED, by a sober Person, in an airy Place near Islington, whose Character will bear the strictest Enquiry, a Nurse- Child, either wet or dry, having a fine
Breast of Milk. Enquire at Mr. Aldridge's Oil Shop, facing the Hoop and Adze, St. John's Street, Clerkenwell. WANTED immediately, a Lad as an Apprentice to a genteel Trade he must be found in Cloaths, Washing and Mending. : Enquire at No. 54, the North Side of St. Paul's Church- Yard. A Premium is expected. WANTED a Youth, of creditable Parents, as an Apprentice to an Engraver, a Freeman of London, the Parents to find him in Cloaths and Washing during his Apprenticeship ; a Premium will be expected. Direct for A. D. at Mr. Desbrow's, Baker, in Little Newport- Street, Long- Acre. WANTED a Person, to be engaged
in a Business, that can advance about 200 1. or 3001. during the Course of the Year j this Address will suit a Person in Trade or out, as little Attendance is required, unless the Person can apply the Whole of his Time in keeping the Books, collecting Bills, & c. Enquire for A. B. at the Bohemia Head, in Wych- Street, near Drury- Lane. MONEY Wanted, for about a Year certain, 40l. or 50 1. for a Man in Business, for which Five per Cent. good Security, and a very genteel Premium will be given. Direct for A. B. C. at the Wheat- sheaf in Hand- Court, Holborn. Principals only will be treated with. WANTED immediately, the Sum of
301, on Bond Security, for 12 Months certain, for which a Premium will be given, and Five per Cent, or if the Lender rather chuses to lend- on a good Mortgage jn the Country, in good Repair, now lett at 191. a Year and upwards, the Sum of 2001. for w'nich the above Interest will be given. Any one whom this may suit, will be informed of farther Particulars by directing for L. M. at the New Pantheon Coffee- House in Oxford- Street. TEN and a Half per Cent, given for Life, to all Ages. Such Persons as are desirous of purchasing one or more Annuities for their own Lives, or the Lives cf others, may have the same well secured, and
paid Half- yearly at a Banker's in London. For Particulars apply at the Annuity Office, No 4, Hatton- Court, Threadneedle- Street. MONEY ready to advance. Those who have any plan Improvement, or Scheme to offer to the Publick, and in Want of Property to carry it into Execution, may have the same stated under every Ad vantage, and be introduced to a Society of Gentlemen of Fortune, enterprizing spirits, and liberal Minds, who will advance any Sums where the Probabilities of Gain are proportionate to the Risk ; they have employed the Advertiser for this Purpose, from his great Intelligence in Business. Or those in
established Trades wanting Partners, or pecuniary Assistance for the Enlargement, & c. of their Concerns, may be surely and speedily accommodated by applying with their proper Address to K. K. at Young Slaughter's Coffee House, St. Martin's Lane, by Mr. LANGFORD and SON, At their House in the Great Piazza, Covent Garden this and the three following Evenings, by Order of the EXECUTOR; THE large and capital COLLECTION of Prints and Drawings of JONATHAN RICHARDSON, Esq. Late of Queen- Square, Ormond- Street deseased. To be viewed till the Sale, which will begin a' Six o'Clock. Catalogues may be
had at Mr. Langford's aforesaid. , _ . To be Sold by Auction by Mr. LANGFORD and SON, At their House in the Great Piazza, Covent- Garden, on Wednesday and Thursday next, THE genuine and curious COLLECTION of Roman and English Coins and Medals, in Gold, Silver, and Brass, many of which are very rare, and in the finest Preservation, of A GENTLEMAN lately gone abroad. They may be viewed till the Sale, which will begin punctually at Twelve, Catalogues of which may be had gratis at Mr, Lamford's aforesaid. To be Sold by Auction by Mr. LANGfOrD and SON, At their House in the Great Piazza, Covent- Garden,
next Saturday, the 15th instant, at One o'Clock, THE ELEGANT FREEHOLD VILLA OF JOHN BINDLEY, Esq. Called CAVERSHAM- GROVE, situate on a fine Eminence within two Miles and a Half of READING; Consisting of a genteel Dwelling- House, numerous detached Offices and Stabling, two large and excellent Kitchen- Gardens walled in, with Pineries, & c. and also between 60 and 70 Acres of beautiful Lawn and Wood- Lands, thro1 which there is one Approach to the House, and several pleasing Walks, and contiguous to the House is a rich Plantation of Shrubs and Forest Trees, with circuitous Gravel Walks. The
Situation of Caversham is happily chosen, improved by Art, and smiling with the Luxuriancy of Nature. The said Villa may Be viewed every Day, and printed Descriptions of which, with Conditions of Sale, may be had at the Crown Inn at Reading; and at Mess. Langfords, in Covent- Garden aforesaid. To be Sold by Auction by Mr. LANGFORD and SON, At the Swan at Leatherhead in Surry, on Monday the 17th inst. at One, ANeat Dwelling- House, with good Stabling, and 31 Acres of fine Meadow and Pasture Land, situate at Mickleham, a Spot most convenient for Training and Breeding, and held for the Remainder of a Term of
19 Years. At the same Time will also be sold, a Stock of excellent Hay, made on the Premises, and a new Cart, with a Watering- Tub. Also the Remainder of a Term ( which expires next Midsummer) of a House., Gardens, Stables, & c. and about 12 Acres of fine Meadow- Land, situate at Leatherhead, late in the Possession of Sir William Codrington, Bart. Note, The Meadow- Land is remarkable for producing fine Hay, which the Purchaser will have the. benefit of, as it is generally mowed the Beginning of May. Any Person desirous of purchasing the above by private Contract, may apply to Mr. Brice, at the Green Park or
Sometset Coffee- Houses; Mess. Popham and Santer, in New- Inn ; Mr. Butcher at Leatherhead ; or Mess. Langfords To be Sold by Auction by Mr. LANGFORD and SON, At their House in the Great Piazza, Covent- Garden, on Tuesday the 18th instant, by Order of the Executor, THE genuine and entire COLLECTION of PICTURES of JONATHAN RICHARDSON, Esq. Late of Queen- Square, Ormond- Street, deceased, To be viewed on Saturday the 15th and till the Sale, which will begin at Twelve. Catalogues may be had on Friday the 14th, at Mr. Langford's. To be Sold by Auction by Mr. LANGFORD and SON, A t their
House in the Great Piazza, Covent- Garden, on Wednesday the 19th inst. THE Genuine COLLECTION of Italian, French, flemish, and Dutch PICTURES, and Drawings framed and glazed of A GENTLEMAN who has left off collecting, They may be viewed at the same Time with Mr. RICHARDSON'S before- mentioned, and Tuefday excepted, till the Sale, which will begin at Twelve. Catalogues of which may he then had at Mr. Langford's aforesaid. To be Sold by Auction by Mr. LANGFORD and SON, On the PREMISES, on Thursday the 20th instant, at ONE o'Clock, THE Large and convenient DWELLING- HOUSE of Mr.
LALAUZE, Situate on the East Side of LEICESTER- SQUARE. The Premises are in good Repair, contain three Rooms on a Floor, and an elegant Room on the Ground Floor of 2o Feet by 30, and 14 feet high, ^ ad are held by LEASE far a Term of 15 Years and a Half to come, from Lady- day 1772, subject to the Payment of a Rent- Charge of 581, per Aim. out of which the Land- Tax is allowed. The House may be viewed : and any farther Particulars known of Mr. Lalauze. To be Sold by Auction by Mr. LANGFORD and SON, At their House in the Great Piazza, Covent Garden, on Wednesday the z6th inft. and the following
Days, THE COLLECTION of Italian and Flemish PICTURES ( one of which is by RAPHAEL, remarkably fine) Prints, Drawings, curious antique Gems mounted in Gold, antique and modern Bronzes, Chry- stals, Enamellings on Copper, Raphael's Ware, antique Perfume- Pots, Silver Filligree Work, Pieces of Mountings in Or Moulu, Figures and Carvings in Ivory, Watch- Stands, Dressing- Boxes inlaid with Brass and Torto shell, Gold enamelled Watches, a Collection of Silver Medals, and a large antique Casket finely inlaid with Pearls, Agates, and Corals, purchased by a GENTLEMAN during his Travels in France, Italy, and
Flanders. The said EfFects may be viewed on Monday the 24.' h, and every Day after till the Time of Sale, which will begin each Day at Twelve. Catalogues may be had gratis on the Days of Viewing at Mr. Langford's. To be Sold by Auction by Mr. LANGFORD and SON, ON the PREMISES, some Time in MARCH next, THE Large and Capital FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or TENEMENTS of PHILIP CARTERET WEBB, Esq. lately deceased, Situate in GReAT QUEEN- STREET, LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS. At the same Time will also be sold by Auction, all the HOUSHOLD FUR- NITURE and other EFFECTS. Farther Particulars of
which may be known, and Tickets had for viewing the fame, by applying to Mess Langfords, in Covent- Garden, any Day at Twelve. No'e, The Premises are about iqo Feenn Depth, and 4o feet in front. TO be sold, some fee Farm Rents, in Lincolnshire, Yorkshire, Surry, Essex, and Bedfordshire. Enquire at Doyley's Ware- house, Strand. None but Principals will be treated with. Rochester, " Jan, PUBLICK and private Education. The Rev. Mr. JONES, second Master of the King- s Grammar- School at Rochester, 30 Miles from London, and in a very healthy and agreeable Situation, is desirous of taking six young Gentlemen to
board with him, whom he intends making in some Measure his Companions. As the Union of publick and private Education in the same person is universally agreed to be the best adapted Method for the Improvement of Youth ; Mr. Jones, therefore proposes bestowing particular Attention on the young Gentlemens Learning and Morals, both in and out of School. His Terms are 40 1. per Ann. Writing, Dancing, French, See. for which there are able Masters, will be separate Expences. The School is endowed with several Scholarships for Oxford. LANDLORDS and others who may have Occasion to distrain Goods or other Effects
for Rent, in Town or Country, may meet with a Person that will answer Expectations, by enquiring, for Mr. Simmonds, at No. 3, in Clifford's Inn Passage, near St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet- street, TO be sold, 30 Loads or more of fine large Beech, fit for Cabinet- Makers and other Trades j it is within about 25 Miles of London. Enquire of Mess. Jenkins and Bray, New Inn. TO be disposed of, an old- established News- Walk, which has been carried on for some Years with Success, the clear Profit arising from which amounts to 2. 1. per Week. Any Person inclined to treat with the Principal, this Day, Tomorrow, or Wednesday next,
from Eleven till Three in the Afternoon for the same, may be further informed, by enquiring for A. B. at the Bird in the Hand, in Long- Acre. TO be sold cheap, of the best Sort, a new handsome Garnet Necklace and Ear- Rings, and a Sultana, all real Garnets, for Dress or Undress. Enquire of Mr. Wright, Goldsmith, near Bleeding- Hart- Yard, in Charles- Street, near Hatton- Garden, Holborn. ETT. An Assortment to be sold remarkably CHEAP, wholesale and retail, at CHARLES NORRIS's, Goldsmith, Jeweller and Toyman, the Corner of St. Michael's Alley, Cornhill. TO the Publick. Edward Whatmore, jun. and Co. at the Wiltshire
Woollen- Drapery Warehouse, near Exeter- Change in the Strand, London, having a large Stock of the very best black and grey Spanish Wool Broad- Cloth by them, all fresh from the Makers, and dyed from the best Whites, are determined to sell them in small Quantities at their usual low Prices. The Blacks at 16 S. a Yard, the Greys at 16 s. and 6 d. a Yard ; war- ranted to be inferior to none sold in London. Shalloons, second and inferior Cloths of all Colours and Prices,, without any Advance, and as cheap in Pro- portion as their Superfines. They are determined to sell all the above Sorts of Goods at the same low Prices at
their Warehouse the South- Side of the Mar- ket- Place, Salisbury, for ready Money only. ADViCE to Lovers of Turning. MOOBOIS, Mechanist and Turner, in Store- Street, Tottenham- Court- Road, composes all Sorts of Turning Engine Lathes, for the Oval, Excentrick, and Square ; likewise for Turning; the Model, and all Sorts of Basso Relievos, that diminish or enlarge the Object from three Inches in Diameter, to the Size of a Nail of a Finger; he has the finest Lathes of all Sorts finished by him, from 12 Guineas to 500.; he also teaches the Manner of Turning, to Ladies' and Gentleman, in a short Time; he teaches the Manner
of working the Tortoishell to make all Sorts of Toys, and inlay all Sorts of Flowers and other Ornaments in Gold or Silver; he has the Composition of the best Varnish and of Dyes; turns all Sorts of Rose Work either in Gold, Silver, or Steel. Those Persons that turn for their Pleasure,- and no other, and are desirous to see some of his Operations, or all, will be so kind as to give him Notice fome Time before they come, that he may have Time to prepare himself for their Reception, otherwise he cannot. LANCETS. The great Difficulty of making Points to these Instruments sufficiently thin to enter freely in the Vein without creating a
Danger of their breaking in the Operation, has been the Object of general Complaint. Mr. Savigny having discovered a Method of tempering Steel, by which these instruments receive a sufficient Degree of Hardness with- out suffering any considerable Diminution of that Property which Naturalists dis- tinguish by the Term of Body, flatters himself he shall be able to produce lan- cets in such a State of Perfection as greatly t0 remove all Apprehension of giv- ing Pain to the Patient, or leave the Operator in any Fear for their Fragility. Orders directed to him in Pall- Mall will be carefully executed. • To be Sold by Auction by Mr.
Christie At his Great Room, late the Royal Academy, in Pall- Mall this the five followiNg Days; ALL the most capital And valuable COLLECTION of Mr MORGAN, of Arlington- Street, quitting business. Consisting of Cabinets, Chests, Screens. Tables, Dressing Boxes ous Shapes and of the very scarce old Japan of the first Class. Great Variety of the most beautiful Seve; CHANTIlly, TOuRNAY, and saxon porcelaine, in Table and Desert Services, Tea and Coffee Equipages, Groupes, and Single Figures in Baskets, and enamelled, Vases. urns, Ewers, jarS, beakers, pot Porier, Dejunas, Candle Basons, and PlateS Cups and
Saucers, Toilet Pots, of most exquisite beauty A superb Collection of the very rare old blue and coloured Japan with the brown Edge, fine old Enamellings on Copper Roman Earthenware, See* many of which are out of the most celebrated Cabi- nets in Europe together with his large Stock of India and Japan China, both useful and ornamental, great Choice of Chelsea, Derby} and Worcester Porcelaine lacquered Ware, Pearl Beads, Fish and Coaniers, India Mats, and Prints, with many Oriental and other Curiosities , Catalogues had as above, the Corner of Arlington- Street. To be sold by AUction by Mr. CHRISTiE, On the
Premises, on Monday next, at Twelve o'Clock, THE unexpired Term of the improved Lease of a large MESSUAGE, elegantly fitted up in Taste, belonging to - Captain O'K ELLEY. Situate the Corner of Great Marlborough- Street and Poland- Street. On that and the following Day will be sold, the genuine and rich HOUSE- HOLD FURNLTURE, China, and other valuable Effects. To be viewed on Friday and Saturday. Printed Particulars and Catalogues may be then had as above, and at Mr. Christie's, in Pall Mall; _ To be Sold by Auction by Mr CHRISTIE, At his Great Room, late the Royal Academy, in Pall- Mall, by Order of the
Devisees, on Tuesday the 18th instant, and the following Day, at Twelve, THE- VALUABLE JEWELS, & C. of i A NOBLE PERSONAGE, deceased Consisting of a large single- stone Brillant Necklace, with Chain, Cross, Ear- Rings, Egrets, Bows, Stars,. Rings; & c Also in the above Sale will be an elegant Set of rich and curious dressing- Plate, Jewels, Caskets in Gold and Silver Fillagree, and various other Curiosities. To be viewed on Saturdav and Monday preceeding the Sale. to be Sold by Auction by Mr. CHRISTIE, At his Great Room in Pail- Mall, on Thursday the 20th instant, - and the two following Days, A Capital and
valuable COLLECTION of PICTURES of ROBERT STRANGE, Selected from the ROMAN, FLORENTINE, LOMBARD, and other Schools consisting of the Works of the following Masters; Corregio, Primaticcio, A. Carracci, M. A. Carravagio, Domenichino, Guido, Guercino, F. Mola, Bolognese, C. Cignani, C. Marratte, C. Calabrese, L. Giordano, Solomeni, P. da Matei, Rubens, Vandyke, N. and G. Poussin, Bourdon, Le Brun, De la Hire, Boullougne, Coypel, Jouvenet, Le Moin, Vanloo, Restout, & c. To be viewed on Tuesday the iSrh instant, and to the Time of Sale, which- will begin at Twelve Caralogues may be then had as
above. to be Soid by Auction by Mr. CHRISTIE, At his Great Room in Pali- Mall, on Monday th; 17th instant, and the thirteen following Evenings, THAT much esteemed and well- known COLLECTION of Prints, and Books of Prints, belonging to the Marquis LEONORI of PESARO; Amongst which is a beautiful and compleat Set of the Cabinet du Roy, in 25 Vols, a Present from Louis XIV to Cardinal Valenti. when Secretary of State. To be sold by Auction by Mr. CHRISTIE In a short Time, in two Lots, Lot A Substantial well- built Messuage, with three good Rooms on a Floor, neatly fitted up and conveniently laid o- desirably
situate the last House on the South Side of Great George- st , commanding a full View of St. James's Park, which from the Improvements already and intended to be made, will make the Objects beautiful and interesting Lot 2. A spacious Messuage, with Coach- House, Stabling and proper Offices, situate in Great George- Street, lett to Mr. Smith, Tenant at Will, at the an- nual Rent of One Hundred and Efghtv Pounds. Printed Particulars will be ready in a few Davs. To be Sold by Auction by Mr. ChrisTie, At his Great Room , in Pall- Mall, some Time in March next, in three Lots, THREE substantial well- built Leasehold Houses,
neatly finished in the present Taste, three Rooms on each Floor, conveniently laid out and compleated with requisite Fixtures, suitable for the immediate Re- ception of Families, are held for a Term of 999 Years, on moderate Ground- Rents, and are situate in King's Place, Pall- Mall. Printed Particulars may be had next Thursday as above at which Time a Person will attend to shew the Premises till the Sale. TO be sold, a handsome Crane- necked Town Chariot, with light coloured Cloth, and trimmed with Lace Of the same Colour, and has its first Wheels on. Enquire of Mr. Samuel Carr, Coachmaster, at the Argyle Arms Yard,
in Oxford- Road. TO be sold, a good second- hand Post- Chariot and one Pair of Harness. Enquire at Mr. Bishop's, Coachmaker, Oxford- Street, A neat Post- Coach may be finished to any Gentleman's Taste on the shortest Notice. AT Foot and Birch's Livery1Stables in Chapel- Street, near GrosVenor- Square, are to be sold a Pair of long tailed bay Coach Horses, rising five Years old, warranted found the Property of a Gentleman that has no farther Use for them. TO be sold, a pair of clever bay Geldings, 1.5 Hands and a Half high, five Years old, Nag- Tails, long Forehand, small Blazes, well broke in Harness, have been used
to a Phaeton very fast Trotters, warranted found, very fit for a Chariot the Price is 65 Guineas. To be seen at the Golden Lion Tavern, opposite- Exeter- Change, Strand. To be sold, with Saddle and Bridle, a bay Horse, has been used to run in a Chaise, is very quiet, fit for an elderly Gentleman, six Years old, warranted sound, and any Trial had; the Price nine Guineas. Enquire of Mr. Tyneby, No. 1, in Flying- Horse- Yard, in Grub- Street, near Cripplegate. TO be sold, at Thomas Dockeray's Livery- Stables, in the Curtain, near Hog- Lane, Moorfields, a high- bred Race- Horse, rising five Years old, warranted sound ; he won 50l.
at Canterbury last Year at four Heats, and is thought to be as good a Give- and- Take as any in the King- dom, is the Property of a Gentleman going abroad; also a bay Mare, rising six Years old, warranted sound, 15 Hands high, Mistress of 16 Stone in the Field, for which she is well qualified, as she leaps remarkably well, and has Speed for the swiftest Pack of Hounds in the Kingdom. tO be sold, a very fine brown bay Gelding, rising only six YearS old, Master of 16 or even 18 Stone up to any Fox- Hounds, is very steady and temperate, will be warranted perfectly sound, and free from any Blemish whatever, by the Gentleman
who owns him, and who parts with him becaufe he is grown too large since he had him ; also a handsome bright bay Gelding, rising but six Years old, Master of 14 Stone, warranted quite sound, hunts well, or would make a very good Carriage Horse for a Chariot they are lately come out of the Country, and are quite fresh not having been ever very hard worked, and are fit for immediate Service. Enquire at Deane's Stables, the Greyhound, in brick- Street Piccadilly ; where the Prices are left. To be Sold by Auction by Mr. BEVER, At his Repository in St. Martin's Lane, on- Wednesday next, at Twelve o'Clock, AFair of ka; oned
black Geldings with long Tails, three ditto dun Stone Horses, ditto, two Pair of Nag- Tail ditto, a single bay ditto, with several others of different Sorts, found and fteady in Harness ; two young brown Geldings With their full Tails, fit for an Officer or Carriage; a fine well- bred Stone Horse with his full Tail, four very good seasoned Hunters, some valuable Road Geldings, found, and free from Vice; Carriages, Post- Chaise Geldings, & c. To be viewed, and any reasonable Trial had. Hope no Person will attempt to send in either a distempered or vicious Horse, & c. as they will not be taken in. To be SOLD At Mr. BEVER'S Repository,
together or separate, FOUR beautiful pye- bald Stone Horses, five Years old, perfectly sound, and steady in Harness; with some others j the Property of the Breeder. To be viewed, and any reasonable Trial had. Thefe were to have been shewn as last Wednesday, but the Weather being so bad prevented their coming out of the Country. If not fold by private Contract before next Wednesday they will then- be put up to Sale with near 100 others of different Sorts. Several Carriages." to be sold by auctionsby mr. GALLIMORE, At his Repository in Blackman- Street, Southwark, this Day, at Twelve, AGreat Number of Horses fit for
different Purposes, some for the Road and Field; others for Post- Chaise Hacks, & c. three Poft Chailes, t< Vo fingle- horfe Chaifes, and a Phaeton. ' : To be viewed, and any reasonable Trial had. A very good slug wheel Cart, the Property of a Person that has no farther Occasion for it, and must be sold without Reserve. The first Evening's Sale by Auction, at Six o'clock, of THE library, Prints, and Books of Prints of HENRY BAKER, Esq. Fellow of the Royal Society, Member of the Society Antiquarians, and of Arts and Commerce,, by Mess. BAKER and LEIGH, Booksellers, at their house in York Street, Covent Garden. _ had
gratis at Mr. Dodsley's; in Pall- Mall ; Mr. Robson's. Bond Street Walter's, Charing- Cross; Mess. Brotherton's and Sewel's, in cornhill Owen's, Temple- bar and at the Place of Sale.
At the George and Vulture Tavern, Cornhill, next Wednesday, at Four, SUNDRY loose and set Brillant and Rose Diamonds, Rubies, Emeralds, & c. Plate, Gold Repeating and other Watches; to which will be added, the remaining Stock of a Goldworker, deceased, consisting of Gold Watch- Chains, Cane Heads, Shirt- Buckles, Shoe, Knee, and Stock Buckles plated with Gold, and other Articles, which must absolutely be sold without Reserve. To be viewed at the above Tavern this Day and Tomorrow, from Ten till Two, and on Wednesday from Ten till One. Catalogues at the Bank- Coffee- House near the Royal- Exchange ; Old
Slaugh- ter's, in St. Martin's Lane ; Goldsmith's, in Gutter- Lane ; and at the Place of Sale. HENRY SERVANT, Sworn- Broker. Who buys and sells ( by Commission) Estates, Jewels, Plate, Watches, & c. by private as well as publick Contract. To be Sold by Auction by Mr. PRESTAGE, At his Great Room the End of Savile- Row, in a few Days, SOME fine and matchless Pieces of Inlaid Work, began by that Artist Mr. PETER LANGLOISE, and finished after his Decease. In this Sale will be exhibited, a pleasing Variety of Commodes, Cabinets, Dressing Tables, inlaid in the most elegant Taste, and richly ornamented with Or Molu ;
particularly a Cabinet in the antique Taste, finely varnished with japan; a most beautiful Ladys Secretary, & c. several Pieces of the Or Molu, in Figures, Candle- Branches, and various other Ornaments. At the same Time will be sold, some. rich elegant Houshold Furniture, China, & c. Farther Particulars with the Days of Sale and View will shortly be given. To be Sold by auction by Mr. BROWNING, At his House, No. 69, in the Old- Bailey, Ludgate- Hill, on Monday the 17th instant, and the following Days, at Twelve, THE valuable Houshold Furniture, Wearing Apparel, Linnen, Plate, China, Pictures, and other Effects of several
Persons of Distinction, deceased ; also the Stock in Trade of an eminent China Dealer, de- ceased ; consisting of crimson Silk Damask, fine printed Cotton, and other Fur- niture, a curious Machine Patent Bedstead for a sick Person, fine Swan Feather- Beds, crimson Damask Chairs, large Library- Cases, Wardrobes, Library- Ta- bles, and other rich Cabinet- Work of the most beautiful Rosewood and Maho- gany, magnificent Glasses in rich carved and gilt Glass Frames, a fine- toned Chamber. Organ by Old Father smith, a curious Organ Clock, Table and other standing Clocks, Turky and Wilton Carpets of the finest Colours,
curious Chi- nese Paintings on Looking- Glasses, several remarkable fine Cabinets, Chests, and Screens of the rare old Japan, large Jars and Beakers, Table- Services, Tea and Coffee Equipages of the fine Dresden Porcelain and old Japan, a large Ward- robe of fine stalled Sheets, Table Linnen, Men and Womcns rich Wearing Apparel, fine Point and Mecklin Laces, Muslins, & c. a Sideboard of chased Plate, Gold and Silver Watches, Jewels, and various other EfFects. The Goods to be viewed on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday before the Sale; when Cata- logues will he delivered at the Place of Sale; at Garraway's Coffee-
House, Ex- change- Alley ; and at Slaughter's Coffee- Houfe, St. Martin's Lane. To be Lett by Auction by Mr. GOOD, On Lease for 7, 14, or 21 Years. at Garraway's Coffee- House, Change- Alley, on Friday the 28th instant, at Twelve, if not before sold by private Contract, ALL that Freehold Wharf, Quay, Dock, Warehouses, and Cranehouse thereto belonging, called Sabb's Quay, otherwise Little Bear- Key, near the Custom- House, London. The Warehouses are very sub- stantially built, four Stories high, with Cellars. The Cranes, Chains, and Utensils, to be sold to the best Bidder at a fair Appraisement. The premises to be
viewed by applying to the Auctioneer, No. J21, Fleet- Street; where printed Particulars and a i 1- m of the Premises may be seen; and of Mr. John Elliot, Hare- Court, Inner- Temple. To be Sold by AUCTION, At the Buffalo Tavern, Bloomsbury, by Order of the Assignees under a Com- mission of Bankruptcy awarded against HENRY ROSE, late of Bedford- Court, North- Street, Red- Lion- Square, Carpenter, on Wednesday the 19th inst at Twelve, THE following several Leasehold Messuages, with their Appurtenances, viz. one situate on the West Side of North- Street afore- said, in the several Occupations of Mrs. Holland, and
Mrs. Leveret, held for a Term, whereof about Years are to come, Ground- Rent 131. 13 s. per Ann Another situate on the West Side of Red- Lion- Street, in the Occupation of Mr. Amos, held for a Term, whereof about 26 Years are to come, Ground- rent 51, per Annum. Another situate in Bedford- Court aforesaid, in the Occupation of the said Henry Rose, held for a Term, whereof about 55 Years are to OTOC, Ground- Rent 41, per Annum. Another situate on the West Side of' North- Street aforefaid, in the Occupation of Mrs. Roswell, about 55 Years are to come. Ground- Rent 7 1. per Annum. Another situate in Bed- ford-
Court aforesaid, in the Occupation of Mrs. Bowpin, about 55 Years are to come, Ground- Rent 41, per Annum. Another situate in Bedford- Court aforesaid, in the Occupation of Mrs. Perry, about 55 Years are to came, Ground Rent 4 I. per Annum. And another, together with a Garden, situate in Bedford Court aforesaid, in the Occupation of divers Inmates, about 56 Years are to come, Ground- Rent 9I. per Annum. Also the Workshop of the said Henry Rose, situate in Bedford- Court aforesaid. Printed Particulars may be had of Mr. Wearing, Timber Merchant, Lam- beth ; Mr. Tozer, Brewer, Eagle- Street; Mr. Campbell, Linnen-
Draper, Red- Lion Street, in Red- Lion- Square ; and Mr. Greenland, Attorney at Law, in Newman Street, Oxford- Road. To be Sold by Auction by THOMAS WINN, At his Great Room, No. 33, Wigmore- Street, Cavendish Square, by Order of Administrator of Mr. cHRISTOPHER LAWSON, deceased, on Wed- nesday next, the 12th instant, at One, AValuable Leasehold Estate of a substantial and well- built Brick Dwelling- House, having three Rooms on each Floor, and a Garden behind, 94 Years unexpired at Christmas last, subject to the Payment of a small Ground- Rent of 4I. 10s. per Ann. pleasantly situated in St. George's
Row, facing Hyde Park. To be viewed till the Sale. Particulars and Conditions of Sale to be had on the Premises; of Mr. Webber, No. 46, Aldermanbury; and of Mr. Winn, at his Great Room. To be Sold by Auction by THOMAS WINN, At his Great Room, No. 33, Wigmore- Street, Cavendish Square by Order of the Proprietor, next Wednesday, at One, AValuable Leasehold Estate of a substantial and well- built Brick Dwelling- House, having two Rooms on each Floor, and. a Garden behind, 94 Years unexpired at Christmas last, Ground- Rent 4I. 10 s. pleasantly situated in St. George's Row, facing Hyde- Park. To be viewed till
the Sale. Particulars and Conditions of Sale on the Premises; of Mr. James Webber. No. 46, Aldermanbury ; and of Mr. Winn, at his Great Room. To be Sold by Auction by THOMAS RlDGEWAY, At Garraway's Coffee- House, Exchange- Alley, next Wednesday, at Twelve, THE much- improved Lease of a good Dwelling- House, and a Messuage adjoining; also a very large compact Warehouse three Stories high, agreeably situated in St. Mary Axe, late in the Occupation of Mess. Broom and Richard Witts, Woolstaplers, held for a Term, of which about nine Years are unexpired, at 55 1. per Annum, very suitable for any
Merchant nr Manufactory that requires a great deal of Room. Particulars at the Rainbow Coffee- House, Cornhill ; and at Mr. Ridgeway's, in Norton- Falgate. To be Sold by Auction by THOMAS RIDGEWAY, By Order of the Proprietor, at Garraway's Coffee- House in Exchange- Alley, Cornhill, on Wednesday the 26th instant, at Twelve, if not disposed of sooner by private Contract, ASpacious and convenient Dwelling- House, Warehouse, Compting- House, and Brewhouse, two back Warehouses, and good Cellars, situate in Watling- Street, No. 68, late in the Occupation of Mr. Jo- seph Mico, Merchant, deceased. There has
been upwards of 3001, laid out on rhe Premises in substantial Repairs and suitable Improvements ; 17 Years are to come at Lady Day next, subject to the yearly Rent of 40I. and may be viewed till the Sale, by applying on the Premises. Particulars will soon be delivered at the Place of Sale, and at Mr. Ridgeway's, Norton- Falgate, To be Sold by Auction by Mr. BLYTH, At his Great Room in Dean- Street, Soho, by Order of the Executor, on Wed- nesday next, and the three following Days, THE genuine Houshold Furniture and other Effects of a Gentleman of the Inner- Temple deceased, no Sale being there per- mitted ;
consisting of green Damask and other Beds and Window- Curtains, large Pier and Chimney Glasses, Mahogony Library- Table and Book- Case, an Eight- Day Clock by Whichcote, Carpets, Stoves, See. also some genteel Ladies Ap- parel, and Linnen, Books, & c. To he viewed Tomorrow ; when Catalogues may be had. To be Sold by Auction by Mr. HARPER, At his Great Room in Berwick- Street, near Broad- Street, Soho, this and the following Day, ALL the genuine Houshold Furniture, some valuable Pictures, Plate, Linnen, China, and Library of Books in good Con- dition, of a Gentleman deceased, removed from his
House, near the Middlesex Hospital. To which, by Permission, will be added, the remaining Part of the Stock in Trade of a Person under Misfortunes, consisting of Irish Linnen, stuffs, Camblets, Muslins, Hosiery, See. To be viewed till the Sale. to be Sold by Auction by Mr. MARSHALL, By Order of the Executor, on Wednesday and Thursday next, THE genuine Furniture, Plate, Jewels, Gold Watches, China, Linnen, Books, and other Effects of JOHN THOMPSON, Esq. deceased, at his late Dwelling- House in German- Street, near St. James's Church. To be viewed till the Sale, which begins at Twelve. Catalogues at the Place
of Sale ; at Mr. Cole's, Upholsterer, in Golden- Square; and at Mr, Marshall's, in Margaret Street. To be Sold by Auction by SAMUEL BURTON, By Order of the Executors, at Shore- House, Hackney, next Wednesday, ALL the Houshold Furniture, Linnen, and Wearing Apparel, a good Eight- Day Clock, ftc. of Mr. JOHN DOVE, deceased. to be viewed Tomorrow and till the Sale, which will begin at Twelve. Catalogues at the Place of Sale, and S. Burton, No. 13, Houndsditch. A To be Sold by Auction by THOMAS SKINNER, To the Trade only, Tomorrow, at Eleven, on the Premises, ALL the Houshold Furniture, valuable Fixtures,
& c. be- longing to the white Hart in Gracechurch- Street, near Fenchurch- Street, No, 70; consisting of five Ranges, four Coppers, two Lead Cisterns, ten Fea- ther- Beds and Bedding, an Eight- Day Clock, ditto Dial, and sundry other Effects. To be viewed the Morning of Sale; when Catalogues may be had. To be Sold by Auction by THOMAS SKINNER, On Monday the 17th instant, at the Jerusalem Tavern, Clerkenwell, at Three, in five Lots, by Order of the Assignees of Mr. JOSIAH COLLINS, late of Islington, Builder and Bricklayer, a Bankrupt, ALeasehold Estate, consisting of the Colebrooke Arms, and three other Dwelling-
Houses, with a large Garden to each walled round, and a Piece or Parcel of Ground, 255 Feet in Front and 170 deep, in Cole- brooke- Row near the Riverside, Islington, on which may be built 12 Dwelling- Houses ; the yearly Value of Houses and Ground 216 1. the Term unexpired up- wards of 60 Years; the Parcel of Ground subject to 8s. per Ann. only, the Dwel- ling- Houfes easy Ground- Rents. To be viewed till the Sale. Particulars on the Premises; at the Place of Sale; and of Mr Skinner, Goswell- Street, to be Sold by Auction by THOMAS SKiNNeR, On Monday the 17th inst. at Half part Three, at the above Tavern, in one
Lot, ALeasehold Estate, situate opposite Hornsey- Row at Isling- ton ; consisting of the Crown and Thistle, a Publick House, and three others adjoining, with a Garden to each, in the Possession of Mess. Ireland, Fuller, Davis, and Moth, all Tenants at Will, at 82I. 10s. per Ann. To be viewed till the Sale. Printed Particulars on the Premises; at the Place of Sale ; and of Mr. Skinner, in Goswell- Street. io be Sold by Auction by THOMAS SKINNER, On Thursday the 20th instant, at Appleby's Tavern, Parliament- Stieet, West- minster, and immediate Possession given to the Purchaser, ALeasehold Estate, most delightfully situated in
Great Queen- Street, Westminster, adjoining to St. James's Park ; consisting of a capital Brick Dwelling- House, built with the best Materials, the Offices are spaci- ous and convenient, with a Door into the Park, yearly Value 2001. Term unex- pired 71 Years, Ground- Rent only 171. per Ann. To be viewed seven Days preceding the Sale. Printed Particulars then 0n the Premises; the Place of Sale; and of Mr. Skinner, Goswell- Street. To be Sold by Auction by Mr. MARTIN, This Day, at Two o'clock, THE Stock in Trade of a Carpenter, deceased, at his late Dwelling- House the Middle of Air- Street, near Piccadilly; consist- ing of
dry Mahogony, dry Inch and Half Wainscot, Sashes, Shutters, Doors, dry Lime, and other Woods, Pantile- Laths, and other Laths, a Lathe to turn Ovals, Wearing Apparel, See, To be Sold by Auction by MATTHEW MEAD, Tomorrow, and the following Day, PART of the Stock in Trade of Mr. Thomas Greenwood, Copper- Plate- Printer, in Fox- Court, Gray's Inn Lane; consisting of Printing- Presses, a Lead Sink, Hair Lines, Books, & c. To which is added, bv Permission, Part of the genuine Houshold Furniture, Stock in Trade, and Wearing Apparel of Mr. MATT. WESTERON, Linnen- Draper, of St. Mar- tin's Lane removed to Fox-
Court, Gray's Inn Lane, not being permittrd to be sold on me Premises; consisting of printed Linnens, Cottons, Muslins, Irish, Scotch, and Gulix Hollands Remnants, and Pieces of Sheeting ; some fine Broad Cloth, Hosiery, Feather- Beds, & c. To he viewed till the Sale, which will begin at Twelve. To be sold by AUCTION, On Monday the 17th instant, and the five following Days, ALL the genuine Stock in Trade belonging to JOHN MOORE and RICHARD HORNIMAN, Cabinet- Makers, Upholders, and Brokers, at their House and Warehouse in Whitechapel; consisting ef Bed- steadS and Furniture, Feather- Beds, Carpets made
and unmade, Mahogony in Logs, Planks, Boards, Veneers, Wainscot, Deals, Chair- Stuff, and Variety of Goods in the Upholstery and Cabinet Business. To be viewed on Friday and till the Sale, which will begin at Eleven. Catalogues then at the Place of Sale, and at the East- India Coffee- House in Leadenhall- Street. The Business will be carried on by the said John Moore only, at the several respective Shops. To be Sold by Auction by Mess. Tayler and Wright, This Day, the 10th instant, THe genuine Houshold Furniture of the Rev. Mr. WALKER, at his late Dwelling House at Woodford- Bridge, near Chig- well, Essex ;
consisting of four- post Bedfteads and Furniture, good Feather- Beds, Carpets, Kitchen Furniture, & c. To be viewed till the Sale, which will begin at Eleven. Catalogues at the Place of Sale; and of Mess Tayler and Wright, No. 157, Fenchurch- Street. ^ to be Sold by Auction by Mr. BENNETT, On the Premises, by Order of the Executors, on Thursday next, ALL the entire neat genuine Houshold Furniture, Wear- ing Apparel, of Mr. BRAINT, deceased, at his late House, No. 45, in Great Marybone- Street, next Harley- Street, fronting the Fields, Marybone. To be viewed on Wednesday and till the Sale, which will begin at Twelve. '
Catalogues at the Place of Sale; and of Mr. Bennett, in Brownlow- Street near Lone- Acre. The House to be lett. To be Sold by Auction by Mr. MORGAN, At the King's Arms in Duke Street, Grosvenor- Square, next Thursday, ALL the neat and genuine Houshold Furniture, Plate, Linnen, and China of Mr. THOMAS KNIGHT, and likewise his Wife's Wearing Apparel, removed from his House in Brown- Street, there nOt being Convenience to fell on the Premisse. To be viewed on Wednefday and till the Sale, which will begin ai Twelve. Catalogues may then be had at the Place of Sale; and of Mr. Morgan, at No. 19, Great Queen
Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields. To be SOLD, By a written Catalogue, at the Milliner's next Door to the Northumberland Arms in Goodge- Street, near the Middlesex- Hospital, next Thursday, THE elegant Houshold Furniture of a Gentleman, as- signed over for the Benefit of his Creditors, brought from his House in Red- Lion- Court- Passage, Fleet- Street, a Sale not being permitted there. The Furniture all new within three Months. To be viewed on Wednesday and till the Sale, which will begin at Twelve." The Whole to be cleared on Fridav. The Rooms to be lett. Gentlemen going to the indies, & c. IRWIN and DUNCAN, at the Crown
and Glove, Panton- Street, Hay- Market, Lon- don, Hosiers, make and sell the best of Hosiery of all Sorts; likewise ready- made Linnen, the finest Shirts and Shifts with the Needlework neatly per- formed ; Shirts for the Army, Houshold and other Linnen for Families or Gentlemen going abroad. A large Quantity of fine and other Callico Shirts to be sold much under the usual Price. As Gentlemen going to India may be unacquainted with the Necessaries proper to take out, printed Lists may be seen, and every Article furnished on reasonable Terms. POWELL and Co. Taylors and Habit- Makers, at No. 65, in the Old- Bailey, six
Doors from Ludgate- Hill, take this Me- thod to acquaint the Nobility, Gentry, and others, that they undertake to make plain Suit of Mourning on the present Occasion, of the very best Su- perfine Cloth and best Materials, for middle Size Gentlemen, for 5 1. 5 s. and at other Times proportionally cheap, as is expressed in their printed Bills, wherein every Gentleman may see their prime Cost, and know their Profit to be very small, and the only Advantage is ready Money, which they expect on De- livery of the Cloaths. Gentlemen that chuse to find their own Cloth, they deduct 17s. per Yard out of the above Price. TO be lett, by the
Committee of the Worshipful Com- pany of GOLDSMITHS, at Goldsmiths-- HalI, London, on Thursday the 13th of Feb. 1772, at Four in the Afternoon, the following Estates ; viz. Lot 1. A new- built Brick Houfe and Shop, situate on the North Side of Mansion- House- Street, and at the East Corner of St. Mildred's Court, in the Poultry, for a Term not less than 21 Years, nor more than 61 Years, com- mencing from Lady- Day next, at a clear yearly Rent, free from all Taxes, and the Taker to compleat and fit up, and afterwards keep the Premises in Repair during the Term. Lot 2. A Piece of Ground, situate on the West Side of
Foster- Lane, fronting Goldsmiths- Hall, upon which two old Houses next the Lane, now in the several Occupations of Mr. Waters and Miss Chowne, and other Buildings backwards, in Bell- Court, now stand, on a Building Lease for 6.1 Years, want- ing II Days, commencing from Lady- Day next. Lot 3. A Piece of Ground, containing about 59 feet three Inches in Front, and in Part about 99 Feet eight Inches deep, situate on the West Side of Monk- well- Street, and Northward of Barbers- Hall, upon which eight old Houses next the Street, and in: Doby- Court, now stand, on a Building Lease for 61 Years, wanting 11 Days,
commencingfrom Lady- Day next. Lot 4. A Piece of Ground, containing about 54 Feet two Inches in Front, situate on the South Side of Jewin- Street, and Eastward of and adjoining, to the new Meeting- House there, on a Building Lease for 61 Years, commencing from Lady- Day next. Lot 5.' Three Pieces of Ground, situate on the West and North Sides of Great New- Street, near Dean- Street, Fetter- Lane, on a Building Lease for 61 Years, commencing from Lady- Day next. And in the mean Time Plans of the Premises and DescriptionS of the Manner of building the Houses may be seen, and further Information had at the
Clerk's Office, in Goldsmiths- Hall aforesaid. RICHMOND. To be sold, a substantial Brick House, of four Rooms on a Floor, besides Closets, a very good Kitchen, Wine Vault, and all Manner of convenient Offices for a Gentleman's Family, a double Coach- Houfe, and Stabling for six Horfes, all Brick Buildings, a con- venient Yard, and fmall Garden ; the Whole walled round, very compact, in a pleasant Situation, and remarkably dry. Enquire of James Sayer, Esq. in Old Palace- Yard, Westminster. TO be lett, a House, or upper Part of a House, gen- teely furnished, two Rooms and a large Closet on a Floor, at No. 14, in Wells-
Street, near Oxford- Street, opposite Margaret- Street. TO be lett, two new- built Brick Houses, pleasantly situ- ated in Bentinck- Strcet, near Portman- Square, four Stories high, two Rooms on a Floor, three good square Garrets, with good dry Vaults, and other Conveniencies the Whole genteelly finished, and thorough dry. Enquire of Mr. Mandell, Builder, opposite the Chapel, in Portland- Street, Oxford- Road 5 or at the Coachmakers Arms in Bentinck- Street. TO be lett, a House situated in Bishopsgate With- out, of which there were three Years to come of the Lease at Christ- mas last, late employed in the Haberdashery Way,
but may be converted to any Business, as there is a good Shop to the Front, and a large Yard and Warehoufe backwards, to suit for carrying on a Manufactory, and lett at a low Rent. Enquire at No. 41, Bishopsgate Without. be lett, a large commodious Dwelling- House, within three Minutes Walk of the Royal- Exchange j also another snug con- venient one, within five Minutes Walk of the Royal- Exchange. Enquire of Atkinson and Smith, Attornies, No. 7, Great St. Helens. tO be lett, a First and Second Floor, genteely fur- nished, or the whole House, if wanted, near St. James's Park Enquire next Door but one to the Chapel, in
Duke- Street, Westminster. TO be lett, together or separately, situated near Cheap- side, in a good House well furnished, some Apartments on the Ground Floor, and some on the First and Second Stories, with upper Rooms for Ser- vants. Enquire at the Three Morrice Dancers, in the Old Change. TO be lett, upon Lease, or by the Year, a commo- dious and elegant Tavern, well accustomed, and in a good Situation for Chance Custom, and has a good out- door Trade, which may be improved greatly by keeping a Stock of good old Wine, Rum and Brandy, & c. A Capital from about 700 to 10001. will be necessary and those who
cannot bring the best of Characters need not apply. Enquire for D. H. at Will's Coffee- House, near the Royal- Exchange, at Two o'Clock. TO the Soapboilers. To be lett, a compact Soap Ma- nufactory, in a full ready Money Trade, in the East Part of the Town, near the Waterside, pays Duty 12001. per Ann. the present Proprietor has greatly improved the Trade, and is willing to accept of a steady Person with 400 1. or 500 1. Capital as a Partner; if a Stranger to the Business it is imma- terial, as it is already conducted by an experienced careful Servant, and the Proprietor, though gone into another Business, intends to
superintend this, if he takes in a Partner, the which he can do, being situated so near as to look to it every Day or the Whole may be had by taking the Utensils which are in excellent Condition, by Appraisement. Enquire of Mr. Hopkins, at the Crown, in Ratcliff Highway. TO be disposed of, the Lease of a large and convenient House and Shop, in thorough Repair, situate in the most eligible Part of Gracechurch- Street, consisting of a large and convenient Shop, a large Parlour and Compting- House behind the Shop on the Ground Floor, a large Dining- Room, Parlour, and Kitchen on the First Floor, a large Room in Front, and
two large and convenient Bed- Chambers on the Second Floor, a large and con- venient front Room, and two large and convenient Bed- Chambers on the Third Floor, and three large Garrets, which may be partitioned off to make six Servants Bed- Rooms, together with good and dry Cellaring, conveniently partitioned ofF under the same, at an under Rent, of which 18 Years and a Half were un- expired at Christmas last, well adapted to any wholesale and retail Trade, but particularly to the wholesale and retail Tea Trade. Direct for W. P. at the Bank Coffee- House, opposite the Bank. NO. 60, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH- YARD, to
be lett, being a large commodious House and Shop, in a good Situation, and fit for any Business that requires Room. AGenteel House and Shop to be lett, in the Perfume and Snuff Trade, near a very genteel Neighbourhood, with an advantageous Lease, Rent 4z 1. per Ann. great part of which may be made by Lodgers; the Fixtures to be taken, and Stock, if agreeable. Enquire at No. 5, Theobald's Row, near Holborn. The Shop will do for any genteel Business. TO be lett, well situated, a good- accustomed Baker's Shop, out of the Freedom, the Premises and Oven new built, with an old- established Trade, held on Lease at an
easy Rent, which has iS Vears 10 come, there is good Conveniences for the Corn- Chandlery Business, which has been followed by the present Occupier. Enquire of G. W. at the Boar and Castle, Oxford- Street, St. Giles's. TO be lett, in James- Street, Westminster, fronting St. James's Park, on Lease for seven years, at 60 Guineas per Ann. Land Tax deducted, a genteel House, three Rooms on a Floor, three Stories high, with proper Offices, and a Garden to the same. Enquire on the Premises J 01 at the White Horse, Queen's Gate. TO be lett, out of the Freedom, in a pleasant open airy Situation, in an improving
Neighbourhood, a Shop and Part of a House, in the Grocery and Chandlery Way j Coming- in about 15 1. Enquire this Day and Tomorrow at the King's Head, in Mitchill Street, near St. Luke's Church, Old- Street. TO be lett, two roomy commodious Houses and Shops, in the Chandlery, Wood, and Coal Business, both extraordinary well situated ne > r Holborn, out of the City, low rented, in good Trade, and Coming- in easy. Enquire of F. Carter, Grocer, in Gray's Inn Lane. TO be lett, a genteel well- accustomed Eating- House, near Charing- Cross ; Coming- in about 901. Enquire of Mr. Ismay, No. Inner- Temple- Lane. TO be
lett, a good Publick House Coming- in easy. Enquire this Day and Tomorrow, at the Cross Keys, in Bermondsey- Street, Southwark. This is not the House. TO be lett, a compleat Publick House, in full Trade; the Coming- in will be made easy. Enquire at the Flying Horse, in Lambert- Street, Goodman's Fields, this Day and Tomorrow. This is not the House. TO be lett, a roomy, commodious, genteel Publick House, most delightfully situated at the West End of the Town, in good Trade in all its Branches, with a pleasant Tea and Coffee- Room. Enquire of P. Drummond, at the Golden Ball, in Green- Street, Leicester- Fields. TO be
lett, a good Publick House, out of the Freedom, with a good Shuffle Board and Skittle Ground, Draught between five and six Butts per Month, with a large Quantity of Spirits, and Amber in Pro- portion. Enquire at the Blue Post, Southampton- Buildings, Holborn. The Rent best Part made by Lodgers, and the Coming- in will be 1591. BOOKS this Day on Sale. E. BALLARD's Catalogue of near 10,000 Volumes, for 1772 ; containing several valuable Libraries and Collections lately purchafed, including those of the late THOMAS SAVAGE, Esq and WILLIAM HUGHES, Esq. amongst which are a great Number of very scarce and
uncommon Books, in various Languages, Arts and Sciences, and for the most Part in very fair and neat Condition, and many on large Paper, The lowest Prices are printed in the Catalogue, and will be sold ( for ready Money only) this Day, and continue daily, by E. Ballard, Bookseller, at No. 59, Little Bri- tain, near Newgate- Street, who gives the full Value for any Library or Parcel Catalogues ( Price 6d.) allowed in Purchase, to be had at the Place of Sale; at Mr. Dodsley's, Pall- Mall; Mr. Robson's, New Bond. Street - t Mr. Walter's, Charing- Cross Mr. Lewis's, Russell- Street, Covent- Garden ; Mr. Owen's, Temple- Bar; Mr.
Cook's, Cornhill; Mess. Merrill, at Cambridge; and at Mr Prince's, at Oxford. A Catalogue of Divinity Books to be had. NEW MUSICK. This Day is published, ASET of TRIOS. By J. B. WINDLING. For a Flute, Violin, and Bass, or two Violins and Bass. Printed for W. Napier, at his Musick Shop, the Corner of Lancaster- Court, in the Strand, near Charing- Cross. Where may be had, A Set of Trios, b, Celoneatt, and other eminent Masters, just published. This Day is published, Price 1 j. 6 d: Designed to set People right in Conversation, with Respect to History, a new Edit. ( the Fourth) with a Frontispiece, and great Improvements
and Additions, of TRUSLERS'S Chronology; or, the Historian's Vade Mecum; wherein every remarkable Occurrence in our own History, and most of the principal Events of ancient History, are alphabetically recorded, with the Dates affixed ; with a full Chronology of the lives of the most eminent Men, in all Ages of the World ; with several useful lists. It will lie in a Pocket- Book. being printed on Bank Paper for that Purpose. Sold by A. Morley, in St. Clement's Church- Yard, Strand-, and may be had of all the Booksellers. This Day is published, Price 6d. ASermon preached before the Lords Spiritual and Tem- poral in the Abbey
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