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Berrow's Worcester Journal


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Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal

Date of Article: 23/01/1772
Printer / Publisher: H. Berrow 
Address: Near the Cross, Worcester
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 4050
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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Price Two- pence Halfpenny. THURSDAY, January 23, 1772. Numb 4050. SATURDAY'S POST. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Marseilles, December 27. WE learn by Capt. Guirard, who left the Dardanelles the 20th of December, that the Port being informed of the Descent of the Russians in the Isle of Metelin, the Grand Signor immediately ordered the Captain Pacha to go to the Assistance of that Island; and that having advanced to Cape Baba with 15,000 Men, the Russians were no sooner apprised of his coming, than they embarked again with great Precipita- tion, after setting Fire to a Part of the Town of Metelin. LONDON, Thursday, January 16. Yesterday a Chapter of the Order of the Bath was held at St. James's, to fill up the Vacancies by the Death of the late Duke of Chandois, and Sir Francis Blake Delaval ; when the Hon. Wil- liam Hamilton, Esq; his Majesty's Ambassador at the Court of Naples, and Sir Charles Hotham, were invested with the Ensigns of the said Order. The Royal Family are inconsolable for the Duke of Gloucester, on Account of his present irreparable Situation. His Royal Highness would have been in England long before this Period, but for the unfavourable Opinions that have been pronounced by his Physicians ; indeed, every one that knows any Thing of the Country, must know that a Journey through Italy would certainly put a Period to his Life. There arc few Characters, however devoted to serve the Purposes of a Court, that do not at par- ticular Periods givé Proofs of their Respect for Truth and Integrity. Lord M d we are assured has interested himself in the warmest Manner in Favour of the Duke of C d, and when it was proposed to him, by some of the K ' s Friends, to point out the most effectual Steps to invalidate the Duke's Marriage, he de- clared h. c would never engage in so unjustifiable a Proceeding, and observed that whenever Law became subservient to Will, the Riches, the Power and Liberties of the People would be immediately annihilated.— Lond. Packet. An anonymous Correspondent says, Col. Lut- trell has had three Messages that his Appearance at Court will be dispensed with. A Scheme is preparing to be laid before a Great Assembly, for raising 20,000l. per Ann. to the Crown, without laying any new Burthen on the Subject. It is now generally believed that Affairs on the other Side of the Water ( not the Dissolution of the Duke Of Cumberland's Marriage) will be the first and principal Business of Parliament the ap- proaching Sessions. Letters from Ireland fay, that the Irish Papists are felling their Estates in great Numbers, and re- tiring every Day to the Continent of America, where they can exercise their religious Principles with greater Freedom. They write from Dublin, that an Act is in- tended to be parted this Session, laying a heavy Penalty on Irish Artificers going into foreign Ser- vice, and on thole who engage them. On Tuesday Night his Excellency Count de Guignes, Ambassador from the French Court, arrived at his House in Great George- Street, from Paris, and was Yesterday at Court. We learn from Paris, that every Day produces some satyrical Pamphlet against the Ministry, and particularly the Chancellor, and that the Spies of the Police are very active in discovering the Au- thors and Publishers of these Pieces. Amongst others a little Production has just appeared under the Title of, Avis aux Exiles & malheureux ( Advice to the Exiled and Unfortunate) which pointed out a sure Method of putting an End to their Cala- mities. The Spies discovered the Author, who, having a Suspicion of his Detection, fled abroad ; but the Work has been burnt, and the Publisher sent to the Bastile, where, it is said, he is since dead. They write from Jamaica, that among other Fortifications now carrying on by the Spaniards at the Havannah, all the Avenues to the Citadel, and other strong Holds, are shutting up, by driv- ing large Piles of Timber into the Ground, strongly secured together with Iron, and headed with sharp Spikes. These Piles are designed to render the future Carriage of heavy Artillery form the Sea impracticable ; 20,000 Trees have lately been cut down for this Purpose, by the Direction of an Irish Engineer, lately arrived there from Spain. A Correspondent assures us, that since the French have been in Possession of Corsica, they have imported, at Toulon, Timber sufficient to furnish their Dock Yards for there seven Years to come. They write from Hambourg, that some hun- dred Jews, whom the late Edicts at Berlin and Warsaw had restricted from carrying on certain lucrative Branches of Commerce in the Domi- nions of Poland and Russia, have been engaged by the Russian Commissaries to embark for Pe- tersbourg, where they are promised all due En- couragement to settle and trade under her Imperial Majesty. They write from New York, that a Manufac- tory of fine Soap, equal to the best Castile, has been lately set up there. By the last Letters from Tobago they write, that in a very few Years it will produce as much, if not more Sugar than any other Island, the Earth being so very rich and fine, and they are cutting down all the Woods as fall as possible. On Tuesday Morning died at his Seat at the Grange, in Hampshire, the Right Hon. Robert Henley, Earl of Northington, Lord Henley, Ba- ron of Grange, Lord Lieutenant and Custos Ro- tulorum of Hants, Recorder of Bath, and a Go- vernor of the Charter- House, and late Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain. His Lordship is succeeded in Title and Estate by his Son Lord Henley, Knight of the Shire for the County of Hants, whereby his Seat in the House of Com- mons is become vacant. In December, 1743, his late Lordship married Jane, Daughter and Coheir of Sir John Hubard, of Ipsley, in War- wickshire, Bart, and by her Ladyship he had Is- sue the above- mentioned Robert, Viscount Hen- ley, ( one of the Tellers of the Exchequer) and five Daughters. This Day some Of the Silk and Lace Weavers of Spítal- Fields, were on the Search amongst the Mantua- makers and Tailors of St. James's Parish, where they picked up a rich Booty of French Ma- nufacture, which was designed to be worn on the Queen's Birth- Day. A Mercer near Covent- Garden has forfeited no less a Sum than 2000l. on Account of 20 Pieces of French contraband Goods being found in his Bed- Chamber one Day last Week. The Goods themselves are also forfeited. Many of the No- bility and other Persons of Quality, of both Sexes, will be disappointed of Birth- Day Suits on the above Account. It is said that ' Squire Morgan and his new mar- ried Lady are to be admitted Members of the Coterie, by Way of introducing him into the best Company. A remarkable Circumstance lately happened not a hundred Miles from Clifton, near Olney, Buckinghamshire. A young Lady who had been kept for some Time by a near Relation, on a Visit to her Father, at a little Distance from thence, was taken in Labour. Such was her Desire to bring Home the Fruit of this Connection, that she ordered a Post- Chaise to return in, but was delivered on the Road, without any Assistance. Our Correspondent remarks, that so fashionable is Mistress- keeping grown, that when she ar- rived, the Gentleman gave Orders for all the Workmen employed about the House, although upwards of one hundred, not to strike one Stroke for above three Week, left they should disturb the Peace and Quiet of the Lady. A few Days since a poor Man, his Wife, and twoChildren, who went begging about the Coun- try, were found frozen to Death under a Hedge, in Star- Lane, near Stroud, in Kent. A Man was on Tuesday sent down to Ciren- cester to take his Trial for a Murder which he has confessed to have committed 10 Years ago. On Tuesday a Person belonging to a public Office was taken up, being charged with Forgery. He was examined before Sir John Fielding, when a Discovery was made of several Persons of great Distinction being concerned in several Forgeries. He was secured for further Examination ; and last Night another Person was taken up on the same Account. Yesterday Morning one Thomas Wood went to the Antigallican Coffee- House, in Threadneedle- Street, and sent one of the Waiters to the Hon. Richard Walpole, Esq; and Co. Bankers, in Lombard- Street, for some Checks, in the Name of Mr. Olivier, who is in Partnership with Sir Joshua Van Neck ; when he had got them he filled one for 500l. and signed it Olivier. After the Waiter had left the Bankers, Mr, Walpole suspecting something unfair carrying on, went to the above Coffee- House, and asked for Mr. Oli- vier; the Waiter pointed to Wood, saying that is he, and added that he had given him a Draft for 500l, which he was going to his ( Mr. Wal- pole's) House to receive. Mr. Walpole then went up to Wood, and asked if his Name was Olivier ; he first replied yes; but afterwards said he was a Clerk in that House ; upon which an Enquiry was made at Sir Joshua Van Neck's, whether such a Person was a Clerk there, and finding he was not, he was taken into Custody, and carried before Alderman Halifax, at Guild- hall. The Alderman asked him if he had any. Thing to say in his Defence ; he replied that he was a Sworn Broker, and had been for eight Years, four of which he had resided in Holland, but came from thence a few Days ago, and that what he had done was by the Order of a Merchant at Amsterdam ; whereupon he was committed to the Poultry- Compter, the Hon. Mr. Walpole. was bound over to prosecute, and the Waiter to give Evidence. He was formerly Clerk to a Mer- chant of this City. Last Night two Persons were robbed near Shep- herd's Bush, by four Footpads, of eight Guineas, and a Watch : One of them making Resistance, was so terribly beat that he was left for dead. Yesterday one Hudson was committed to New- gate, by Thomas Kynaston, Esq; he standing in- dicted for burglariously breaking open the House of Mr. Nesbit, in Aldermanbury, and stealing a Quantity of Plate. Tuesday twelve Prisoners were tried at the Ses- sions in the Old Bailey, four of whom were capi- tally convicted, viz. Charles Burton, Francis Phoenix, alias Finikin, Edward Flanagan, and Henry Jones, alias Owen, all notorious Offend- ders, for breaking and entering the Dwelling- other very valuable Effects. One was call for Transportation, one to be branded, one whipt, and five acquitted. The Trial of the four young Men for the Bur- glary at Sir Robert Ladbroke's began at Eleven o'Clock, and lasted near five Hours, the summing up of the Evidence by Mr. Justice. Willes another Hour, after which the Jury withdrew for about twelve Minutes, and then gave in their Verdict, finding the four Principals guilty, and acquitting the two Accessaries, who were tried for receiving the Goods. The Council for the Prosecution were Mr. Bearcroft and Mr. Lucas, and the principal Evi- dences were John Lyons, who received the Goods, and his Wife, corroberated by the Testimony of his Maid Servant, who carried Money to the four Prisoners at different Times in New Prison and Newgate, as also by the City Marshal and two of Sir John Fielding's Servants, who took up the said John Lyons, and searching his House found almost all the Diamonds and a Hoop Ring. There were two Circumstances in the Course of this Trial, which Justice and a Veneration for such Candour and Generosity, oblige us to men- tion : When the Trial began, the Prisoners com- plained they could get no Counsel to plead for them, and said, that none of them would plead against Sir Robert; on this Mr. Cox, and two or three more, stood up, and declared they were never applied to. Mr. Chetwood then very ge- nerously said he would act for them ; on which Sir Robert Ladbroke got up and said, " that as he only wished in this Affair to have the Laws of his Country executed with Justice, he would pay any Council that would undertake their Cause." The other Circumstance does Sir Robert no less Honour : After the Trial, Mr. Cox ( the Refiner, who bought the Gold Ingots at a fair Market Price, and who, in the Course of the Trial, ap- peared to act the Part of an honest Man) applied to the Court for the Possession of the Ingots, when he was told, that the Verdict of the Jury made them Sir Robert's Property, and accordingly they were put into his Possession ; but Sir Robert ob- served, that as Mr. Cox had bought them fairly, and paid the usual Price, he would not deprive an honest Man of the Benefit of his Industry, and as politely, as generously delivered up the Ingots to Mr Cox. Sir Robert Ladbroke has received again about 32 Ounces of melted Gold, and 63 small Dia- monds, also a Diamond Hoop Ring, all estimated at about 400 Guineas. Yesterday the Sessions ended at the Old- Bailey, when three Prisoners were tried, one of whom was Joseph Sloper, a Servant in the General Post- Office, who was capitally convicted for stealing two Half Guineas out of a Letter; but Judgment was respited, William Hudson, tried for a Bur- glary in the House of Mr. Nesbit, was acquitted. Another Person was fined Is. and ordered to be imprisoned one Month. Eleven received Sen- tence of Death ; 44 were cast for Transportation for seven Years; two were branded, and three whipped. There being a Detainer lodged against Hudson, for breaking open the House of Mr. Phenix, in Cheapside, and stealing a Silver Dish, & c. he was commanded back to Newgate, to take his Trial the next Sessions at the Old- Bailey. The Trial of the Coiners is put off till next Session, on Account of some more fresh Disco- veries being made. Yesterday at the Old- Bailey, a Person was tried by the Name of Charles Goodin, for de- frauding a Boy, Servant at the India- House, of some Linen, which was obtained from him under Pretence of getting it washed ; and some Suspi- cion arising among the By- standers relative to the Sex of the Prisoner, the Question was put, on which the Prisoner, after some Hesitation, de- clared herself a Woman; that though confined amongst the Men ever since the 6th of December, she had carefully concealed her Sex till that In- stant. She was convicted of the Fraud, and was fined is. and ordered to be imprisoned one Month in Newgate. Yesterday fourteen Prisoners in the Savoy Prison, who hail been condemned to be shot, received his Majesty's Pardon, and were put on board a Lighter to be carried down to the Nore, in order to be sent Abroad. To be SOLD by AUCTION, some Time this Month ( the Time and Place to be fix'd in this Journal) unless disposed of in the mean Tirne by private Contract, of which Notice will be given, the following FREEHOLD PREMISSES : Lot 1. A Messuage or Tenement, called Barnard's, situate at Ripple, Wor- cestershire, with convenient Out- Buildings, and two Orchards, containing about three Acres, and about forty Acres of Arable Land, more or less, in the Common Fields of Ripple aforesaid, thereunto be- longing now rented by Richard Bennett. LOT 2. A Toft of Land, in the Parish of Han- ley Castle, near the Rid Green, Worcestershire, and a Close of Pasture Land, thereunto adjoining, called Priddy Paddock, containing about three Acres, more or less, now rented by Mr. Enoch Lloyd. LOT 3. A Close of Pasture Land; called Jelf's Leasow, lying in a Place called Buryend, in the Pa- rish of Upton upon Severn, Worcestershire, contain- ing about three Acres, more or less, now rented by Mr. John Morris. LOT 4. Two Rudges of Arable Land, by Esti- mation Half an Acre, more or less, in Bury Field, in the Parish of Upton upon Severn aforesaid, now rented by Mr. Joseph Hudson. Particulars may be had of Mr. Long at Upton Worcester, Dec. 11,1771. To be LETT ( or SOLD) and I entered upon imme- diately, either as an Inn, or divided into two private Tenements, THAT large- and old- accustomed Inn, known by the Name of the TALBOT, in Sidbury, now in the Occupation of Mr. Humphry Moore, with commodious Stall- Stabling, a large Yard, Garden, and other Conveniencies. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Lovett, Apothecary, at the Cross ; or of Mrs. Sargent, Chandler, opposite the said Inn. N. B. The above Inn is without the Liberties of the City, and not liable to the Quartering of Sol- diers, unless by a particular Order from the War Office. A FARM to be LETT, And entered upon at Candlemas. KENCHESTER COURT, within four Miles of the City of Hereford; consist- ing of an exceeding good Dwelling House, with large and commodious Barns, Stables, Grainary, good Cyder Mills, and all other convenient Out- Buildings, with III Statute Acres of rich Meadow and Pasture Land, and 120 Acres of Arable Land, all lying within a Ring Hedge, and contiguous to the Turnpike Road and the River Wye; and also great Plenty of fine young Orcharding, planted with the choicest Fruit, and now in Perfection. For further Particulars apply to Timothy Davis, at Mrs. Harrison's, at Cubsmore, near Severn Stoke, Worcestershire. TO BE SOLD, On Tuesday next, the 28th of January Inst. between the Hours of Two and Four o'clock, at Mr. John Moore's known by the Sign of the Golden Cross, in Bromsgrove, A Copyhold Estate, called the Elbows! lying in the Manor and Parish of Tardebigg, in the County of Warwick; consisting of a good Farm- House, Barn, and other necessary Out- Build- ings, with about twenty- four Acres of Arable and Meadow Land, pleasantly situated on the London Turnpike Road, three Miles from Bromsgrove, now in the Holding of Richard Sale, as Tenant at Will. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Richard Johnson Grocer, in Wolverhampton. The Tenant will shew the Premisses. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Wednesday the 12th Day of February next, at the House of Mr. Caddick, at the Bush Inn, Dudley in the County of Worcester, between the Hours Three and Five in the Afternoon, pursuant to Condi- tions of Sale then to be produced, ALL that Messuage, Tenement, ot Farm- House, with the Barns, Stables, and other necessary and convenient Out- Buildings, and also two other Tenements, and upwards of 15 Sta- tute Acres of Arable, Meadow, and pasture Land, situate and being near to a Place called Withemore Mill, in the Parish of Dudley aforesaid, near to the Turnpike Road leading from Dudley to Hale's Owen, and adjoining to the new Turnpike Road leading from Dudley aforesaid through Rowley which said Premisses are now in the Occupation of Mr. Jos. Hipkiss, or his Under Tenants : Together also with the Mines of Coal, Iron Stone, Clay, and other Minerals, lying in and under the said Premisses N. B. The present Owner of the said Premisses has already bored one Hole to the thick Coal, and one other Hole through the thin Coal, on the said Estate; so that from the Contiguity of the Pre- misses to other Coal Mines, and from the Measure found in such Borings, it cannot be doubted that there is a good Mine under the same. The. Tenant will shew the Premisses ; and further Particulars may be had of Mr. George Stokes, Kinsare, Staffordshire ; or of Mr. Holbeche, A torney, in Droitwich, Worcestershire. To Dr. FLUGGER, In Prescot- Street, Goodman's- Fields, London SIR, IShould think myself wanting in Gratitude t you, and Humanity to my Fellow- Creatures, if I long omitted acquainting the Public of the most Surprising Cu I have obtained by the Use of your Lignorum Antiscorbutic Drops, It is a great many Years since I was first taken of the Scurvy, and with a very sharp Humur all over a Body; and at last it fell into my Legs, and broke out Scabs, with a great Swelling, out of which issued a that watery Matter : I could find it run a Pint in a Day. In the Situation I was for two Years, so that I was not able work or stand. I have had the Advice of many emine Physicians and Surgeons without receiving the least Benefit I was in the must afflicting Situation, without Hope of Re- covery ; when happily reading the News- paper, I read the surprising Cure of Mr. Cock's Wife at Horsham. I sent Mr. Shoubridge, the Agent for the Sale of your Drops Horsham, for a Bottle: In taking of which I found gre Benefit, particularly in my Constitution and Appetite; by continuing them for a few Months, l am now perfect cured, and free from every Disorder whatsoever. Witness my Hand. EDWARD WOOD. Sheply, in the County of Sussex near Horsham, 15th June, 1771. These Drops will perfectly cure the most inveterate Scurvy Leprosy, pimpled Face, of ever so long standing ; likewise Evil, Fistulas, Piles, old obstinate Sorer or Ulcers, and is savereign Remedy in all Disorders arising from the Foulness of Blood incident to the Fair Sex ; and may be taken by Pe sons of the most delicate Constitutions in any Season or C mate, without the least Inconvenience or Hindrance of B siness ; and hath this particular Quality different from m other Medicines, that they strengthen the Patient surprizing Any Person doubtful may be referred to many Person: Credit, who have been cured by these Drops. of the abovem tionted Disorders, and be fully convinced that this is no Imp sition, by applying to Dr. Flugger, at No. 15, Prescot- stre Goodman's fields, London. the only Author and Proprietor of the Drops, where they are sold at 5s the Bottle, with Direction Also by Mr. Aris, in Birmingham ; Mrs. Thurston, Wolverhampton; Mr. Whately, in Lichfield ; Mr. Davis, Leominster ; Mr. Pugh, in Hereford ; H. Berrow, in W cester ; Mr. Taylor, in Stafford ; Messrs. Jopsons, in Co Mr. Lingard, in Alberstone and Nuneaton ; and Mrs. sto in Gloucester ; Mr. Martin, at Ashhy de la Zouch ; Mr H man, at St. Aused ; Mr. Bloxbam, in Banbury ; Mr Chan ler, in Froome ; Mr. Showbridge, in Horsham ; Mr. Hull St. Alban's ; Mr. Clay and Mr, Sharp, in Warwick ; Mr. R Eades, in High Wycombe. These not in Bottles, marked with the name of the FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Paris, January 3. Foreign Minister having contracted many Debts here, was preparing to go off without paying them ; but his Creditors getting knowledge of it, complained to the Ministry, and he is refused the necessary Passports till he hat paid all he owes. This Case has raised a Question, whether they can stop the Departure of a Person in a public Character. Many think this is against the Law of Nations; but they are answered, that it is much more unjust to abuse that Character by violating the Engagements they have contracted. This Process is yet undecided. LONDON, Saturday, January 18. St. James's, Jan. 18. His Majesty has been pleased to grant unto Philip Duval, Bachelor of Laws, the Place and Dignity of a Canonry or Prebend in the Collegiate Church or Free Chapel of St. George in the Castle at Windsor, void by the Death of Richard Wilmot, late one of the Prebendaries thereof. His Majesty has been pleased to grant unto Gregory Parry, Master of Arts, the Canonry or Prebend of the Cathedral Church of Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary in Worcester, now void by the Promotion of Philip Du Val, Bachelor of Laws, late Prebendary thereof. Gazette. We heat that an authentic Account of the Duke of Gloucester's Illness arrived on Tuesday from Dr. Jebb and Mr. Adair, Surgeon General. It seems the Dysentery has entirely left his Royal Highness; but he is very low spirited and weak; and afflicted with a stow, depressed, hectic, inter- mittent, irregular Fever, with a morbid Affection of the Lungs, from which he throws up stony Concretions about the Size of a Pin's Head. From this deplorable State all the Hopes of the Re- establishment of his Highness's Health seem va- nished, and we are extremely sorry to say, we hear that a fatal Prognostic has accordingly been made. Some Overtures have been lately made to allure Lord H. into active Life again, but his Lordship has peremptorily refused. He has, however, pro- mised, on Terms of high Advantage to his fa- vourite Son, his utmost Assistance to the Measures of Administration. It being publickly asserted that the Lord Lieu- tenant of Ireland had saved above 16,0001. be- sides the Receipts of his English Estate, since he has been appointed to that Office, we can assure the Public, that the first Year of his Viceroyship he drew on his Agent here for 11,000l. over his Income, as that Year he took a Tour through the Kingdom ; the next Year he drew on him for 70001. over, and every Year since to the full Amount of it; so that, from these Calculations, which may be depended on, he has incurred a Mortgage on the English Estate of 18,000l. be- side spending the Revenue of his Employment, which is l6, oool. per Year. We can, however, readily account for the Supposition of his having saved a great deal of Money, at his domestic Ex- pences have been always much within the Limits of his Irish Revenue ; but such has been the Ef- fects of his bungling Administration, that he has been obliged to employ those private Sums ( over and above what are usually allowed by Govern-, ment) for the Purpose of securing a Majority in the House, and consequently his own Continu- ance in Office. Thursday it was asserted on Change, that Ad- miral Rodney had written a Letter to the Admi- ralty, insisting on being recalled, as he said he was not authorised by the Ministry to act as be- came a British Seamen. The Spanish Ambassador, in a late Conference with the Premier, declared in the Name of his Master, and gave the most solemn Assurances that the Preparations now making in the maritime Forces of Spain, were not intended to serve in any Respect against the English ; but that the King his Master was resolved for the future to keep his naval Power on a more respectable Foot- ing, which was the sole Motive of so many Ships being fitted out. It is said that General Paoli will shortly be ho- noured with the Government of some of our Set- tlements Abroad. We hear that two Bills are intended to be sub- mitted to the Consideration of Parliament; one for a Limitation of the Claims of the Church similar to that of the Crown ; and the other for more effectually preventing the Frauds so often practiced to obtain Wills from Women, Para- lytics, and superannuated Persons, and to make it Felony to secrete and destroy a Will, the same Injustice resulting to Families, and Mischief to Society, from the Suppression, as from the pos- tive Forgery of a Will. We hear it has been recommended to Lord North, to employ all Felons, but those that are guilty of Murder, in cleansing the Bed of the River Thames. For that Purpose, at the Mouth of the ¡ River, and upon all the Points, large Lighters, with Horse Machines on board, are to be constantly at Work, to supply the Roads with Ballast. The Felons to be employed in loading small Craft for the landing the Materials when wanted ; their Habitations to be floating Hulks, and they never suffered to go on Shore; the Re- venue of the Trinity House to be appropriated for their Preservation, which is calculated, to be 20,000l. a Year. It is supposed that in a few Years a First Rate Man of War may sail up to the Tower. It is talked, that the Duties on Cotton Wool imported will be discontinued, and that an addi- tional Duty of 3s. per Piece will be laid on all French Cambricks and Lawns, exported to the Plantations. A Plan is now in Agitation by Lord Sandwich to raise the Wages of the Seamen in his Majesty's Navy. Orders are issued from the War- Office, for all Officers belonging to the Regiments now on Duty in Scotland, to join their Corps by the Second of House to congratulate him on his Return to Eng- land, when one of his Domestics brought them thirty Guineas, but observed, that it was a Scan- dal for Men, who are in the Pay of the King of England, to beg on such Occasions. The Field Officers of the Guards have since given Orders, that any Drum- Major or private Drummer, who shall beat a Drum at any Person's House, shall be severely punished. We hear that Matters are now very likely to be accommodated between Alderman Wilkes and Alderman Townsend, through the Intercession of the Lord Mayor, and that his Lordship will soon give a grand Entertainment to the Court of Aldermen. Thursday Messrs. Wilkes and Bull, at the Re- quest of the Prisoners in. Wood- Street Compter, went to that Prison, and ordered several Griev- ances under which they laboured to be redressed. Amongst others, the following deserves Notice no Person is to be committed to Newgate by the Keeper for Misbehaviour, without a fair and can- did Hearing before the Sheriffs, For the future, every Debtor in the above, Prison, who pays 2s. 6d. per Week for his Room is to have it furnished to the Value of 10l. A very humiliating Circumstance is said to have lately occurred at Court. On, the Lord Chamberlain's officially announcing the ensuing Commemoration of the Queen's Birth- Day, and that the Peeresses who attended to- dance Minuets were desired to send their Names in Writing to this Office, in order that the proper Tickets might be made out according to their Rank;- the Duchess of Cumberland declared her Intention Of Writing to the Lord Chamberlain, that she proposed to dance a Minuet at Court on that Day, This Declaration got Wind— the- King's Friendly were alarmed at the Consequence— Precedence of all the Peeresses, or a public Interdiction from Court must have followed — The former was too mortifying, and the latter too imprudent. No middle Way could be hit upon ; and at last the submissive, abject Intercession was obliged to be made, " that Her Royal Highness" would, " for the present," wave her Intentions; and the hu- miliating Application concluded with a distant Hint, that this Concession might possibly be the Means of facilitating that Restoration to Royal Favour, which the D. of C was so very anxious of attaining. We can assure the Public, the Duke of Cum- berland reads, on an Average, two Hours every Day. As his Duchess is a Lady of great Wit and and Sensibility, he permits her to direct him in his Choice of Books. She is besides an accurate Geographer; and they amuse themselves in the Evening in this pleasing Study. So that Love ( contrary to the several Maxims) is likely to pro- duce more Improvement in this young Prince, than the united Labours of Dr. Charles and Dr. Blair. His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland has disposed of his Running Horses and he, to- gether with the Duchess, continues to live in a private Manner at Windsor Lodge. General, Paoli has paid a Visit to the D — of C d at Windsor. Her Majesty having lately heard that a Gen- tleman of the Bar had died in embarrassed Cir- cumstances, and left his Widow, who was near lying- in, in the greatest Distress, sent the Duchess of Ancaster to visit her. The Duchess acquainted the Lady from whom she came, and presented her with a Bank Bill of 501. bidding her be in good Spirits, for that was not all her Majesty intended to da for her. Some Time before Lady G ' s Infidelity was discovered, the late Sir Francis Delaval and Mr. Foote were at Court, when Lady G - r and Lady L r were conversing together in a Win- dow; two such fine Women attracted the Knight's Notice, when he asked Foote, which he thought had the most Innocence in her Face ? To which Sam replied, As to Innocence, Frank, 1 dou's see much in either ; the one looks like a w— e already, and the other as if she would be one very soon. Two Indictments, for attempting to commit a detestable Crime, are preferred against the Ser- vant to a Shopkeeper in Fleet- Street; his second Attempt was on a young Man during Divine Ser- vice last Sunday Evening in St. Dunstan's Church. The following remarkable Affair happened a few Days ago at Fulham : A Gentleman hired a House there, and accidentally found a Key of uncommon Construction, and was determimed to find out the Place it belonged to ; aster searching for some Time, he discovered a small Door in a dark Corner of one of the Garrets, which he opened with the Key, and found a Place resem- bling a Well ; it proved to be a winding Stair Case, 12 Feet deep, and there was no other Way of descending but by going backwards ; on coming to the Bottom, by Means of a Candle, he discovered a complements Set of Implements for coin- ing ; the Smoke from the Melting Furnace was artfully conveyed to the main Chimney by Means of a concealed Flue. By the Dyes it seems were counterfeited the old broad Gold Pieces, and, as near . as can be conjectured, it is now about 200 Years since this curious Place was first made. Last Thursday Night a Gentleman and his Sister, who had been to spend the Evening at a Friend's House at Charing- Cross, returning home to Old Bethlem, seeing a Coach upon the Stand without Temple- Bar, stept into it ; but the young Fellow who drove - it, coming out of an Alehouse near the Stand, said that his Coach was hired by some Gentlemen in the House, and called out several Men to pull them out of the Coach ; upon which the Gentleman got out to call the Watch- men to his Assistance, and in the mean Time three of the Fellows jumping into the Coach, or- dered the Coachman to drive off, which he did very furiously ; the Gentlewoman, who was left in the Carriage, cried out Murder, but the Bro- ther could not get to her Assistance ; and one of the Villains held a Knife to her Throat, whilst the other two forcibly abused her. The Coach was at length stopt at Aldgate, and the Driver taken into Custody, who discovered two of the A Warrant was also issued ouþ for apprehending the other. Yesterday Thomas Wood, who was committed to the Poultry Compter on Wednesday, for a For- gery on the Hon. Rich. Walpole, Esq; was under Examination five Hours at the Mansion- House, on a Suspicion of being the Person. who four Years ago defrauded the Bank of 45oool. by a false and counterfeit Draft in the Name of Sir Joshua Van Neck. He was remanded to Prison for a further Examination. It is said that the above Thomas Wood drew a Draft for 2001. last Thursday Night on Drum- mond and Co. Bankers, and was sending it for Payment, but the Keeper of the Poultry Compter ( where he was confined) happening to hear of it he prevented its being carried. It was signed O'Kelly. Yesterday one Abrahams Was brought before the Sitting Alderman, at Guildhall, for feloniously uttering and publishing a Name wrote on a pro- missary Note: for 5001. as the Indorsement of capital Þradesman in Birmingham with Intent to defraud two eminent Merchants in the City ; he is committed to Wood- Street Compter, and is to be brought up again in a few Days. Thursday a young Fellow, booted and spurred went to a Pawnbroker's Shop in Oxford Street to pledge his Watch, " but unfortunately he did not know wheþher it was a Metal Or a Gold one, which occasioning ; Suspicion, a Constable was immediately sent for, and the young Fellow being searched, a Brace of Pistols ready loaded and primed, was found upon him, with a Bullet- Mould and a black Mask ; he was secured and taken before a Magistrate, who committed him to Bridewell. They Write from Philadelphia, that that City has, within these five Years past, increased in Buildings by upwards of 1000 new Houses On Thursday last the Waters rose so high be- tween the Bridge and Church, in the Town of Wandsworth, that Carts were employed to carry Passengers over ; the Cellars and lower Rooms were quite full, and the Inhabitants retired to their Chambers, the Water running through several Houses with a very strong Current. Extract if a Letter from Reading, dated Jan. 16. " The Waters hereabout are very much out," have done considerable Damage, and the Road be- tween this and Maidenhead is impassable, on Ac- count of the Destruction of Twyford- Bridge, by the sudden Rife of the River." Extract of a Letter from Ahergavenny, Jan. 16. " We had a terrible Inundation on Saturday last between this Place and Crickhowell. The Torrent came down from the Mountains with irresistible Force, and laid waste all the low Coun- try near the River. The Landiloe Waggon had set off from hence that Morning, and between this and Crickhowell was overturned and carried away by the Torrent. The Waggoner, at the Risk of his Life, went up to his Chin in Water to loose the Horses, and luckily saved them. The Goods, to a considerable Amount, were nearly all lost; though some People of the Country, with singular Industry, collected whatever could be saved from the Waters; — not indeed to the Owner's Advantage, for, the Wretches, shutting their Hearts against every Call of Compassion, turned the poor Man's Misfortune and Distress, into an Opportunity of Plunder. Many Boxes have been since found in the Fields, but their Contents are stolen ; among other Things a Pocket- Book had been taken out of a Box, and the Clasp of White- Metal had been cut off. The Book has been since found, with two Bank Bills of 50l. Value that were in it, which the Ig- norance of the Thieves had saved. It was re- markable that, several Sheep were carried from the Meads and left by the Torrent in the Branches of the Trees. Died.] Wednesday, at Edinburgh, at the Old Kirk of Gladesmuir, East. Lothian, one J. Tait, formerly a Collier, in the 110th Year of his Age. It is remarkable of this Man, that about twelve Years ago he lost the Use of his Sight entirely, but in a short Time recovered it, and retained it to his Death. By two Wives he had 28 Children on the Record of Baptism ; and the second Wife, who has lived with him upwards of sixty Years, is now living. THE Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt awarded and issued forth against Robert Martin, late of Cirencester, Gloucestershire, Innholder, Dealer, and Chapman, intend to meet on the 14th Day of February next, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, at the House of Mr. Thomas Jones, known by the Name of the Swan, situate in the City of Gloucester, in order to make a Dividend of the said Bankrupt's Estate and Effects; when and where the Creditors, who have not already proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the same, or they will be excluded the Benefit of the said Dividend. I N Quantity about One Hundred Dozn of good IRSH, and some stronger of a different Country, dry CALVE - SKINS, in the Hair. Enquire of Mr. Edward Hawkins, at Newnham, in Gloucstershire. To be LETT or SOL D, For the Tern of Ten Years, AN advantageous Salt Yard or Work, in Droitwich, vith Brine Pits, and all Con- veniences for making and selling Salt, particularly a large Yard for the Retale Business. A longer Term may be had therein, if' required. For further Particular; enquire of Mr. Hazledine in Droitwich; Mr. Glover, at Astley; or of Mr. Thomas Sheward, or Mr. Hill, in Bewdley. TO BE SOLD, AFreehold Messuage, Garden, two Acres of Pasture and two Acres of Arable Land, thereunto adjoining and belonging, called Addis's croft, situate at Cleeve Load, in the Parish of Great Malvern, Worcestershire, now in the Pos- session of Thomas Meddirs, who will shew the Premisses. Apply to Mr. Long, Attorney at Law, at Upton- upon Severn, in the said county of Worcester. N. B. The Premisses He near the Turnpike Read leading from Worcester to Upton upon Severn afore said, are well fruited and Watered, and Tythe free A THE Manor of Brinsiviog, in the Parish of Glazebury, in the County of Rad- nor, , with it's. Rights, Members, and Appurte- nances, together with the Freehold and Leasehold ' Estates of Edward Maynwaring Davies Howorth, of Llandovery, in the County, of Carmarthen, Esq; situate in the Counties of Garmarthen and Radnor, will soon be put up by Auction, in divers Lots, the Times and Places where to be sold will be inserted in this and other Papers ; and for further Particulars apply to Francis Skyrme, of Llawhaden, in the County of Pembroke; Esq; Mr. John White, At- torney at Law, at Upton upon Severn, in the County of worcester ; or to Mr. Francis Eves, Attorney at Law, at the Hay, in the County of Brecon. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Tuesday the 4th Hay of February next, between the Hours of Eleven and Twelve, at the House of James Fewtrell , the Sign of the Hep Pole, in the City of Worcester, by Order of the Affiances under a Com- mission of Bankrupt awarded against Thomas Mayhery, late of Powick, in the County of Worcester, Ironmaster, THE Bankrupt's Interest in the Sum of Five Hundred Pounds' ( lest to him by the Will of his Mather, Mary Maybery deceased) ex- pectant upon the Decease of Elizabeth the Wife of " James Ballard, late of the City of Worcester, with To be SOLD by AUCTION, This Day the 23d of January Instant, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, as the and Lyon Inn, in Upton upon Severn, in the County of Worcester, subject to Conditions of Sale then to be Pro- duced, or in the mean Time by private Contract, AGenteel new- built Brick Messuage or Tenement, with a Yard and all other Conveniencies thereto belonging ; situate in a cer- tain Street called Old Street, in Upton, upon Severn aforesaid, and now in the Occupation of Mrs. Tandy, as Tenant thereof, at 81, 8s. per Annum, but well worth 11. a year. Also a new Piece- of Building, erected in or near a certain Place called Corn Collinghurst and an joining to the Yard of the above- mentioned Mes suage or Tenement, and which, with small Er- pence, may be converted into a Tenement that will set at 3l. per Annum. For Particulars apply to Mr. John White, At- torney at Law, at Upton, upon Severn aforesaid. To be SOLD, to the BEST BIDDER, On Thursday next, the 30th Day of January Instant, at the Dwelling- Hose of Mrs. Moore, known the Sign of the White Lyon, in Upton upon Severn, wor- cestershire, Freehold Messuage, Garden, and convenient Out- Buildings, situate at Naun- ton, in the Parish of Ripple, in the said County of Worcester, with about forty- three Acres of Land, more or less, thereunto belonging, now in the Pos- session of Richard Bennett, at Tenant thereof. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Long, At- torney at Law, at Upton upon Severn aforesaid. N. B. The other three Lots, advertised with the above, in the first Page of this Paper, are disposed of by private Contract. To be SOLD to the Best Bidder or Bidders, At the Golden Lion, in Kidderminster, on Monday next, the 27th of January Instant, between the Hours of Two and Four of the Clock in the Afternoon of the same Day, THREE well- built Messuages. or Dwelling- Houses, situate in Kidderminster near to the Market Place, two of them fronting the Worcester Street, and the other backwards, all ad joining, and in the respective Holdings of Benjamin Hartland, John Partridge, and ----- Pearson; with the Stables, Out- Houses, and Garden belonging to the said first- mentioned House : The whole Free- hold of Inheritance. Further Particulars may be known of Mr. Bret- tell, in Stourbridge. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, At the Sign of the Fish and Anchor, near Offenham in the County of worcester, upon Wednesday next the 29th of January Instant, between the Hours of Ten and Twelve o'Clock in the Forenoon, THE Reversion ( after an old Life of 80) of two Messuages or Tenements, now occupied by three Tenants, With a Barn, Garden, and. Close, about Half an Acre, and one Yard- Land, lying dispersed in the Common Fields of North Lit- tleton, in the County of Worcester, with three Acres of Meadow Ground, inclosed, and thereto belonging, Also to he SOL D, One Hundred, and Eighty Oak Trees, fell'd last Spring, lying in and near Ipsly, in the County of Warwick, great Part whereof is fit for rending into Spokes and Laths, and the rest very good Building Timber. Further Particulars of the Estate may be had any Day before the Day of Sale, of Mr. Phillips, of Evesham ; who will treat with any Person for the Timber aforesaid. TO BE SOLD, Pursuant to an Order of the High Court of Chancery, before Edward Montague, Esq one the Masters of the said Court, at his Chambers, in Symond's Inn, Chancery- Lane, London, THE Freehold ESTATE of John Mascall, late of the Berrow, in the Parish of Feckenham, in the County of Worcester, Gentle man, deceased, in two distinct Lots, viz. LOT I. A Messuage or Tenement, with Barns Stables, Orchard, Fold- Yard, Dove- House, and Other convenient Out- Buildings, and ; about Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture- Land ( ex- clusive of the Orchard and Fold- Yard) called the Berrow Hill and Haydens Farm, in the Parish of Feckenham aforesaid, estimated to be of about the yearly Value of 100l. N. B. The Premisses mentioned to be in this Lot are subject to a Chief Rent of Il. 6s. 2d. per Ann LOT 2. Three Closes of Meadow or Pasture Land, called by the Names of Pitt's Hill, Cook's Close, and the Paddock, containing together about 21 Acres and 3 Roods, in the Parish of Stock and Bradley, near Feckenham aforesaid, estimated to be of about the annual Value of 38l. The Premisses contained in this Lot are subject to a Chief Rent of 8s. 2d. per Ann. N. B. The Premisses contained in the above Lots are now held by Elizabeth Woodward, at the yearly Rent of 117l. under an Agreement for a Lease, which there were eight Years unexpired at Lady, Day, 1771, which Agreement will be void in case Mrs. Frances Mascall ( Tenant for Life of the whole Premisses) should die before the Expiration of the STOLEN for strayed, out of Ground near Stratford upon Avon, in the County of Warwick, A Bay GELDING, about 15 Hands high, with a cut Tail, and the Off Leg behind a ttle white; he is very fine in his Shoulders, the hair is worn off in the Collar- Place, he has been Post- Chaise Gelding, and very often bum on the Leg before. Whoever will give any Intelligence of the said Gelding ( so as the Owner may have him again) hall have One Guinea Reward, and all reasonable Charges, from Samuel Arnold, of Stratford upon Avon aforesaid. To be SOLD or LETT, A Freehold Messuage and Farm, in the Parish of Doddenham, in the County of Worcester; consisting of about fifty four Acres of Tillage ( including Eight and an Half of Hop- Ground, and four Acres of Orcharding) and of about Twenty Nine of Meadow and Pasture ( nine Acres of which are Orcharding) and about five Acres of Coppice Ground ; situate near the Turn- Like Road leading to Worcester, at the Distance of about seven measured Miles from Worcester, and Five from Bromyard : All which Premises are now In the Occupation of Farmer Clewer.— Also a Leasehold Farm at Clifton, in the Parish of Severn Stoke,, in the said County of Worcester; consisting of about fourteen Acres of Meadow Ground, and thirty one Acres of Tillage, now in the Occupation of George Wargen, at the Distance of about five Miles from Worcester, and four from Upton. Enquire of Mr. Thorneloe, in Worcester. M I L I T I A, with the City and For the County of WORCESTER County of the same City. NOTICE is hereby given, That at the General Meeting of the Lord Lieutenant land Deputy Lieutenants, held at Hooper's Coffee- House, in the said City, on Tuesday the 29th Day of October last, the following Sub- division Meetings of the Deputy Lieutenants and Justices of the Peace of the County of Worcester, and City of Wor- cester, were appointed to be held on the Days and at the Places herein after mentioned, viz. The first Sub- division Meeting for the Upper Di- vision of Pershore Hundred, the Upper Division of Oswaldslow Hundred, and the Upper and Lower Divisions of Blackenhurst Hundred appointed to be one Sub- division for the said County) at the Rose and Crown, in Evesham, on Monday thé 2d Day of March next, at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon. — A second Sub- division Meeting for the same Sub division, at the same Plate and Hour, on Monday the 23d Day of the samé Month- - A third Sub- division Meeting for the same Sub- division, at the same Place and Hour, on Monday the 6th Day of April next. And a fourth Sub- division Meeting for the same Sub- division, at the same Place and Hour, on Monday the 17th Day of the same Month. The first Sub- division Meeting for the Middle Division of Oswaldslow Hundred, the Lower Divi- sion of the same Hundred, and the Lower Division of Pershore Hundred ( appointed to be another Sub- division for the said County) at the Talbot, in Claines, on Saturday the 29th Day of February next, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon.-— A second Sub- division Meeting for the same Sub- division, at the same Place and Hour, on Saturday the 21st Day of March next.-- A third Sub- division Meeting for the same Sub- division, at the same Place and Hour, on Saturday the 4th Day of April next. And a fourth Sub- division Meeting for the same Sub- divi- sion, at the same place and Hour, on Saturday the 25th Day of the same Month. The first Sub- division Meeting for the Upper Di- vision of Doddingtree Hundred, and the Lower Di- vision of Doddingtree Hundred ( appointed to be another Sub- division for the said County) at the Hundred House, in Great Whitley, on Wednesday the 4th Day of March next, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon.--- A second Sub- division Meeting for the same Sub- division, at the same Place and Hour, 0n Wednesday the 25th Day of the same Month.— A third Sub- division Meeting for the same Sub- division, at the same Place and Hour, on Wednesday the 8th Day of April next. And a fourth Sub- division Meeting for the same Sub- division, at the same Place and Hour, on Wednesday the 29th Day of the same Month. The first Sub- division Meeting for the Upper and Lower Divisions of Halfshire Hundred ( appointed, to be the other Sub- division for the said County) at the Golden Cross, in Bromsgrove, on Tuesday the 3d Day of March next, at Ten o'clock in the Fore- noon.-- A second Sub- division Meeting for the same Sub- division, at the same Place and Hour, on Tues- day the 24th Day of the same Month. —— A third Sub- division Meeting for the same Sub- division, at the same Place and Hour, on Tuesday the 7th Day of April next.—-- And a fourth Sub- division Meet- ing for the same Sub- division, at the same Place and Hour, on Tuesday the 28th Day of the same Month. And that the first Sub- division Meeting for the City of Worcester, and County of the said City, will be held at the Guildhall of the same City, on Tuesday the 3d Day of March next, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon. A second Sub- division Meeting for the same Sub- division, at the same Place and Hour, on Tuesday the 24th Day of the same Month A third Sub- division Meeting for the same Sub- division, at the same Place and Hour, on Tuesday the 7th Day of April next.— And a fourth Sub- division Meeting for the same Sub- division, at the samePlace and Hour, on Tuesday the 28th Day of the same Month. And the several Gentlemen, in the former Ad- vertisements mentioned, and appointed to act as Deputy Lieutenants in and for. the lèverai Sub- divi- sion aforesaid, together with such other Deputy Lieutenants and Justices of the Peace as may be pleased likewise to act in the Execution of the Mi- litia Laws, are desired to attend the laid several Sub- division Meetings. And the Constables, Tythingmen, or other Parish Officers, are to return to the first Meeting of the said several Sub- divisions, Lists of the Names of the Men between the Ages of Eighteen and Forty five Years, residing in their respective Parishes or Places. And Notice is hereby also given, That in Pursuance of an Order of the Lord Lieutenant and Deputy Lieutenants, made at their General Meeting afore- said, the Militia Men for the said County and City are to resort to the City of Worcester on Monday the 4th Day of May next, there to be trained and exercised for the Space of Twenty- eight Days, ac- cording to Act of Parliament Abberton, in the County of Worcester, Two HEIFERS, rising two Years old; the one is a Red, and up in the Horn ; the other all over Red, except some White on her Back, Belly, and Face,— Who- ever will give Intelligence of the said Heifers ( so that they may be had again) will receive Five Shil- lings Reward, and all reasonable Charges, of Tho- mas Raven, of Abberton aforesaid. THURSDAY'S POST. ( By EXPRESS from LONDON.) From the LONDON GAZETTE. Westminister, January 21. HIS Day His Majesty came to the House of Peers, and being in His Robes seated on the Throne with the usual Solemnity, Sir Francis Molyneux, Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, was sent with a Message from His Majesty to the House of Commons, commanding their Attend- ance in the House of Peers. The Commons be- ing come thither accordingly, His Majesty was pleased to make the following most gracious Speech : My Lords, and Gentlemen, IT gives Me much Satisfaction, that nothing in the Situation of Our Affairs, either Foreign or Domestick, has obliged Me to require Your Attendance earlier than might have been consist- ent with your private Convenience; and that now you are met together, you will find your- selves at Liberty to give your whole Attention to the Establishment of wife and useful Regulations of Law, and to the Extension of our Commercial Advantages. THE Performance of the Engagement of the King of Spain, in the Restitution of Port Eg- mont and Falkland's Island, and the repeated Assurances I have received of the Pacifick Dispo- sition of that Court, as well as of other Powers, promise to my Subjects the Continuance of Peace; and We may, with the greatest Confidence, hope, that We shall not be disturbed in the Enjoyment Of this Blessing, as there is no Reason to appre- hend that We shall become involved, in the Trou- bles which still unhappily prevail in One Part of Europe. THE Danger of the farther spreading of the infectious Sickness in Europe is, I trust, very much abated : But, I must recommend it to you not to suffer Our Happiness in having been hitherto preserved from so dreadful a Calamity, to lessen your Vigilance in the Use of every rea- sonable Precaution for Our Safety. Gentlemen of the House of Commons, I HAVE ordered the Estimates for the Service of the current Year to be laid before You. I make no doubt but you will fee the Propriety of maintaining a respectable Establishment of My Naval Fortes. I am pleased, however, to find, that I shall be under no Necessity of asking of you, at this Time, any extraordinary Aid. My Lords, and Gentlemen, THE Concerns of this Country are so various and extensive, as to require the most vigilant and active Attention ; and some of them, as well from Remoteness of Place as from other Cirtum- stances, are so peculiarly liable to Abuses, and exposed to Danger, that the Interposition of the Legislature, for their Protection, may become necessary. If in any such Instances, either for sup- plying Defects, or remedying Abuses, you shall find it requisite to provide any New Laws, you may depend upon My ready Concurrence, in whatever may best contribute to the Attainment of those Salutary Ends. [ Thus far Gazette.] LONDON, Tuesday, January 21. The Prince of Wales and the Bishop of Osna- burgh went privately this Day to the House of Peers, to hear his Majesty deliver his Speech from the Throne. The Princess Dowager is relapsed. This Morning his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland and his. Duchess came to Town from Windsor to their House in Pall Mall. The Public will in a few Days be convinced what are the Designs of the Court, and the Reso- lutions of the P — t, respecting a late Mar- riage, as it is certain it will either be early brought on the Carpet, or never become the Object of farther Resentment. Two of the most eminent Patriots of a Siller Kingdom will very soon begin their patriotic La- bours in a certain Great Assembly; and as their Commissions are as extensive as. their ; Zeal and Abilities, great Expectations are formed of their Success. On Saturday, after the breaking up of the Court at St. James's, Earls Temple and Chatham, who were at Court, had the Honour of Half an Hour's Conference with his Majesty. A Bill is preparing to be laid before Parlia- ment to correct some Abuses which have crept into the granting Licences to Retailers of Spi- rituous Liquors, & c. It is affirmed by Letters from the Continent, that a Royal Prisoner is certainly detained in a Tower inaccessible to every Creature, except such as are appointed to attend her : But that an ab- solute Silence is imposed throughout the King- dom, on this Subject. A private Letter- was received at the Admiralty Office Yesterday, ( by the Way of Holland) from Seville, which brought Information that eight Spanish Ships of the Line were at one of the Spa- nish Ports fully fitted out, and were waiting for sailing Orders; their Destination was a Secret, but it was generally thought they were for the Weft Indies. Information likewise came from Brest, that four of War lately took one of his Majesty's Ships of twenty Guns, and carried her into a French Port in the West Indies, on Account of the latter's having taken Possession of some of their smug- gling Vessels." Letters from the Continent advise, that a Treaty of Commerce is now forming between the Province of Zealand and his Prussian Majesty, which has given Umbrage at the Hague, and it is said to be the chief Reason, from the Conse quences that will likely ensue, of the Dutch augmenting their Marine and Land Forces. They write from Paris, that the French King greatly recovered from his late Indisposition, and intends to go to Versailles the 5th of next Month. Private Letters from Paris of the 1st Instant say, that the French are preparing to raise four new Regiments, which are to serve as Marines on board the Fleet at Brest. The Parliament of Paris has presented Peti- tions to the King, desiring an Accommodation of all Disputes subsisting between them, which it is expected will be complied with. Letters from Berlin advise, that the King of Prussia had farmed the Revenue of Tobacco, im- ported into his Dominions, to a Frenchman, for five Tons of Gold, or 50,000l Sterling. Orders are given for the Store Keepers of this Dock Yards at Chatham and Sheerness, to attend the Board of Admiralty with their Accounts on Thursday next, for their Lordships Inspection. We hear from Maidstone, that last Thursday there was a very numerous Meeting of the Hop Planters there, in order to instruct their Members, with Respect to the Bill for preventing the Impor- tation of that Commodity from foreign Parts. On Friday last Lord Sandwich, accompanied by many of the Lords of the Admiralty, went on board the Resolution Man of War in Deptford Dock, to fee an Experiment made of a Machine, which is fixed in the laid Ship, for the Purpose of making Sea Water fresh, and also by baking Biscuit, and dressing different Kinds of Provisions many different Ways, by Means of but one small Fire, which answered to general Satisfaction. It is the Invention of a Gentleman of Little Chelsea. The Court on Saturday Night last ( being the Birth- Night of our amiable Queen) was remark- ably brilliant, considering the Inclemency of the Day, which prevented many from attending, through the Hazard of going in their Carriages. All the foreign Ambassadors, with their Ladies, were present, and seemed to vie with each other in Splendor and Magnificence. The Imperial Ambassador, in particular, besides a Star, richly studded with Diamonds, had his Coat Buttons all of the first Water. Lord and Lady Clive were true Representatives of Eastern Magnificence, particularly the latter, who, like the Sun, was invisible from her Lustre. — The King and Queen entered the Ball- Room about Nine o'Clock, his Majesty dressed in Scarlet richly embroidered, her Majesty in Silver Tissue, covered with Diamonds. Soon after their Appearance the Minuets were opened by his Serene Highness the Prince of Mecklenberg and the Princess of Brunswick, which continued till near Eleven, when the Country Dances began. Their Majesties retired about Half an Hour past Eleven, and all the Company broke up soon after Twelve, there being but three Country Dances called for. There was likewise a very brilliant Court in the Morning, when her Ma- jesty accidentally burst one of her Bracelets, which was composed of five Rows of very valuable Pearls, several of which were picked up, though the whole could not be collected. The Frost being set in, no Business was done Yesterday at the Corn Exchange. The Roads are so bad by the late heavy Rains and Snow, that they are almost impassable; by which Means the Mail Carts came so late Yester- day to the General Post Office, that it was Seven o'Clock in the Evening before the Letters could be delivered out. A Farmer at Slough brought a Heifer to Smith- field Market on the 13th of this Month, and could get but 81, for her; he therefore resolved to re- turn Home again with her, kill her, and fell the Meat to his Neighbours at Two- pence Halfpenny a Pound ; when he found he made Twelve Pounds Ten Shilling and upwards, besides the Hide, which he sold for 18s. Lad Saturday a Person, said to be a Merchant of this City, was brought to Town from Dover, where he was taken from on board a Ship just go- ing for France, and examined five Hours at the Mansion House, being charged with a Forgery on the Bank about four Years ago, for 4500I. This Person, as soon as he heard that Thomas Wood was suspected of having been concerned in that Forgery, and to be examined thereon, thought proper to disappear, and had he not been so closely pursued, he would have landed in France, in a few Hours. He is committed to Wood- Street Compter for a further Examination. A Person who lived in Austin Friars, and was formerly a Clerk in Sir Joshua Vanneck's House, was taken on board the Packet going to Holland, charged with the Forgery committed on that House about four Years ago. Information is given against two others concerned in the same, after whom diligent Search is making. Sunday Morning last seven of the desperate Gang were taken up at a House in Islington, who have so long been a Terror to that Neighbour- hood and Parts adjacent, and committed to New Prison and Bridewell. Saturday last a Petition was delivered to Sir Robert Lad broke, by the four Convicts Under Sentence of Death in Newgate, begging they might be transported for Life; to which Sir Ro- bert generously returned for Answer, that he would use every Means in his Power to obtain it. Preferred.] The Rev. Mr. Edward Cuthbert, to the Rectory of Stifford, in Essex. — The Rev. George Hayward, to the Rectory of Nympsfield, in Gloucestershire. Married.] At Christ- Church, Middlesex, . Wil- liam Vernier, Esq;: to Miss Susannah Waters, of Spital- square.-- At Bromley, in Kent. Thomas Place. — Samuel Kimbolton, Esq; of Great George- street, Westminster, to Miss Humphrys of Woolwich. — Mr. C? iles, Hosier, in Holbourn, to Miss Turner, of Kensington. — Richard Phil lips, Esq; of Upper Brook- street, to Miss Eliz. Clifton, of New Burlington- street. Died.] At West Meon, in Hampshire, the Rev. Stephen Unwin, 49 Years resident Re£ toi of that Parish, and Prebendary of St. Paul's: — In Fetter Lane, Mr. Thomas Potter, one of the Messengers to the Court of Exchequer.— In Cur- sitor- street, Mr. Dowham, an Attorney. — At Cheshunt, in Hertfordshire William Hester, Esq; — Mr. Knowles, Brewer, in Thames- street.— At Hampstead, Mr. Hankins, formerly a Dry- falter in Holborne. Bank Stock, 153 a 152 1- half. Three per cent, reduced, 88 i- 8th a 87 7- 8ths. Three per cent, consol. 87 3- 4- ths a 8 a 7 7- 8ths, Three per cent, 1726, . Three 1- half per cent, 1758, 90 3- 8ths. Four per cent, consol. 95 7- 8ths a 3- 4ths a 5- 8ths, Long Ann. shut. South Sea Stock, —. Old Annuities, —. New Annui- ties, 8; 1- half. Three per cent. 85 i- 8th. India Stock, 217 3- 4ths. India Annuities, shut Ditto Bonds, 47 a 48 prem. Navy and Victual Bills,—. Exchequer Bills, —. BANKRUPTS required to surrender. William Phillips, of Liverpool, Hatter, Feb. is, si » 29, at George's Coffee House House in Liver- pool.---- James Champneys, of London, Optician Jan. 21, Feb. 4, 29, at Guildhall. DIVIDENDS to be made to Creditors, Feb. 10. John Crosbie, Wm. Crosbie, and Geo Bowdon, of Liverpool, Merchants, at Pontack's Coffee- House, in Liverpool.— Feb. 8, James Lacey, of St. Clement Danes, Hosier, at Guildhall. - Feb. 14. Richard Kilsby, of St. Martin's Lane, Oilman, at Guildhall.- - Feb. 12. John Kelsey, of Birmingham, Button maker, at the New Tavern, in Bull- Street Birmingham.— Feb. 22. Samuel Alien, of Banbury, Oxford shire, Mercer, at Guildhall, London. Intelligence from our Correspondents in London, dated Wednesday, January 22. LAST Night an Express arrived at Carlton House from his Royal High- ness the Duke of Gloucester, with an Account that his Highness was arrived at Leghorn, and was so well recovered from his late Indisposition, that he intended in a| few Days to set out for England. Sensible People imagine that we are now either upon the Eve of a fresh Flame in this Country, or upon the Eve of a Parliamentary Dissolution; the latter is thought highly preferable to the for- mer, and some People even assert that it has been already thought of by the Ministry, A Law is talked of to be passed this Session, to reduce the Admeasurement of all Sorts of Grain to one Standard. By private Letters from Paris there is Advice that it is strongly reported that the Illness of the French King was occasioned by a Dose of flow Poison, put into some Wine, which that M drank at a Banquet; and that is was strongly sus- pected that one of his Majesty's discarded Mis- tresses, who has since disappeared, had a Hand in it. WORCESTER, Thursday, Jan. 23. On Friday last Thomas Coventry, Esq; of Ser- jeant's Inn, London, Barrister at Law, and Mem- ber of Parliament for Bridport, in Dorsetshire was chosen Town- Clerk of this City, in the Room of William Bund, Esq; lately deceased. On Tuesday Mr. Thomas Hayward, this City, was married to Miss Barrett, of Bar bury, in Oxfordshire. A few Days ago one Edward Jones, of Kidder- minster, was committed to our County Gaol, suspicion of dealing a Waggoner's Frock, Property of Joseph Wynn. On Tuesday last was committed to the abo Gaol, James Shotton, of Dudley, on Suspici of stealing out of the Dwelling- House of Th mas Hawkes, Butcher of that Place, a Coat a a Pair of Pumps. Sarah Atkins, who was publickly whipped Saturday last, by Order of the Justices at County Quarter Sessions, for stealing some Wea ing Apparel, the Property of Mr. Thomason, Clifton, is detained in Gaol on a Charge of stea ing a Gown, and several Aprons and Handke chiefs, the Property of Mr. York, of the Par of St. John in Bedwardine. The great Confluence of People from all Parts the Country, with their various Complaints in Eyes and Ears, & c. & c. who are daily applying Dr. RAYNES, Oculist and Aurist, from Lon who has had the high Honour to be recommend by his present Majesty King George the Thin public Court, has induced him to continue so Time longer in this City. After the many Instan of his great Success in restoring the Blind to the Sight, and the Deaf to their Hearing, it must needless for us to hold forth his superior Abilities the above Practice, as it is universally allowed t he excels all others in these critical Operations.- Seven Persons have been cured by him since Abode here, of Ruptures, vulgarly called Brok Bellies, all of whom are ready to affirm it to Afflicted in that Way, and to no one else. We have Authority to acquaint the Public, t William Turner, of Lay, near Tewkesoury, in County of Gloucester, has recovered his Sight Dr. Raynes. And likewise that Riehard Wall aged 60, of the Parish of Whitbourn, Herefordsh; has recovered his Sight by the Doctor. He cures Cancers in the Bread or any ot Part of the Body, without cutting. The Doctor may be consulted at Mr. Chanc Grocer, in Newport- Street. The ASSIZE of BREAD continues as follows Wheaten Housho lb. ox. dr. lb. oz. Penny Loaf to weigh 0 7 14 0 10, Two- penny Loaf 01512 1 4 Six- penny Loaf 2 15 4 3 14 Twelve- penny Loaf 5 14 8 7 12 Eighteen- penny Loaf 8 13 12 11 10 The Halfpenny Batch Cake not to weigh than 3 Ounces 15 Drams, the Penny ditto not than 7 Ounces 14 Drams; and Io Other So IT is humbly hoped the Nobility and Representa- tives in Parliament of this, and all the Counties where any Branches of the Woollen Manufacture are carried on, will take under their serious Con- sideration, and earnestly represent at the ensuing Session the great Loss this Nation sustains by the Ex- portation of our Sheep and Wool; a Practice which is still privately used to a very great Degree, in Op- position to every Law which hat hitherto been enacted for its Prevention; a Practice, which, if not suppressed by some future Regulation, must termi- nate in the Ruin of that most valuable Branch of our Trade, the principal Support not only of par- ticular Counties, but of the Kingdom in general. The Consequence of this illegal Exportation has been a general Decay of Business in all the Clothing Counties, but chiefly in Gloucestershire, where al- most a Stagnation of Trade took Place at a Time * when the Necessaries of Life bore a most enormous Price. The various Scenes of Distress which con- tinually presented themselves were truly a affecting. In this melancholy Situation, many of our poor industrious Manufacturers were obliged either to petition for Relief, or seek Employment in distant Countries. But it is not my Intention here to draw a Picture of Distress which must he recent in every Person's Memory. It is my Design to aw awaken the Attention of the Legislature to a real Grievance, that some Methods may be adopted to prevent the Growth of an Evil so fatal in its Consequences; for, it is be- yond a Doubt, unless some Mean's are found to keep our Wool at Home, the Staple Trade of the Kingdom will yearly decrease. To make this ap- pear, I need only recall to your Mind the lull War with France. It was very observable to what a State of Decay the Woollen Manufacture of the French was reduced, owing to the Number of Ships we, had continually cruizing between the two Coasts, which prevented their being supplied with English Wool. The Manufacture here flourished in Pro- portion. It is well known that the Price of Labour in France is much cheaper than in England, and that the French understand the Method of Manufacture equally with ourselves. It is evident, then, if our Enemies are supplied with proper Materials from England, they are enabled to fell their Cloths in the Markets Abroad, as well manufactured, and upon more reasonable Terms than we possibly can. It may not be improper to take a Review of the State of the Woollen Manufacture from the Year 1489, when King Henry the Seventh began to give it En- couragement, to the Year 1 587, when Queen Eliza- beth saw that great Work gradually arriving to Perfection. Here let us observe in how short a Time the Queen ( ever attentive to the commercial Interests of her Subjects) put an entire Stop to the Exportation of the Wool which supported the Manufacture in Flan- ders. By this Part of her Conduct the Woollen Manufacture in the Netherlands received its fatal Wound, the Prohibition starved the Inhabitants, The Trade decayed and came to nothing; in a Word, the Flemings being impoverished, dispersed and fled into other Countries for Employment. The happy Effects which this politic Measure produced are ex- tremely obvious. I cannot conclude without mentioning an Arti- fice, by which the Laws are evaded. I mean the Exportation of Wool in the Form of Wadding for under the Pretence of its being manu- factured. This is often practised. Indeed no Staffs should be exported, unless they are first manufac- tured in such a Manner as to prevent their answering the Purpose of Wool. I do not presume to dictate Means to Persons of superior Abilities, but permit me, with the greatest Deference, to make the following Proposals : 1st. That no British Wool be put on board any Ship or Vessel intended for the open Seas, upon Forfeiture of the Life of the Captain of the Ship and Cargo, and of Fen Shillings for every Pound of Wool by the Exporter. 2d. With Respect to Ireland, that no Irish Wool be exported, except from Dublin or Cork to Bristol or Liverpool, and that in Ships appointed to sail each Month by the Government; and that n0 other Ship be permitted to convey it. 3d. That n0 Wool be exported to Jersey, Guern- fey, Alderney, or Sark, as it is thought that the Permission to carry eight or nine hundred Packs Yearly to these Islands, must afford an Opportunity of carrying some thousand Packs yearly to France. FREEHOLDER. The Year 1766. As in Holland, France, or Denmark. In Den- mark the Woollen Manufactory is at this Time carried on of Englishmen. To the PRINTER. SIR, TOWARDS the; Close of the last Session, Lord Chatham had altered his Opinion with Regard to the Duration of Parliaments, and, n0 doubt, upon full Conviction, strenuously pleaded for a Limi- tation to three Years. Junius in his late. Letter, addressed to the So- ciety at the London Tavern, is plainly of the same Sentiment, and indeed makes it the Sine qua non of all Reformation. To lop off Four Years out of Seven is undoubtedly Change for the better ; but at it has always been deemed the found it Policy to recur, as near as possible, to the original Constitution, why not go Lack one Step further, and reduce Parliaments to the Duration one Year ?-- Junius items to have no other Objection to this Method than the Apprehen- sions of frequent Riots and Tumults that usually- attend Elections ; but, surely, if they were annual, there could he no Inducement to Cabals, and Disor- ders ; for People would not be riotous, unless insti- gated by Money, or Liquor; which no Candidate would be mad enough to give for one Session. Junius is utterly averse to the Annihilation of the Boroughs, upon the plausible Pretence of de- riving People of their Birth- right; but if this be his only Objection, that may easily be removed, by giving a Right to the Inhabitants of Cities and Bo- roughs to vote for the Counties at large, somewhat similar to a Scheme published in the London Chronicle, June 10, 1770 ; and by opening a Poll, on the same Day, at every Market- Town, in a County, the Bu- ness would be brought near to every Inhabitant, and determined in one Day. If a Plan of this Sort could be adopted, there seems no Reason why the whole Representative of County might not be elected with as much Order, nd Decorum, as a Coroner, is now chosen. A more equal Representation is desirable on many Accounts ; but one more especially, and that a new Assessment of the Land- Tax, which at many others do not pay above one Fourth. Nothing can be more reasonable, than that an equal Protection, requites an equal Contribution, towards the Support of Government. Multiply the Number of Voters, and you lessen the Possibility of Bribery. Of this the House of Commons were so sensible the last Session, that, in order to punish the venal Borough of Shoreham, in Sussex, they not only disqualified the most guilty for ever voting again, but, to prevent the like iniquitous Practices for the future, they invested every qualified Freeholder in the Rope of Bramber, wherein Shoreham is situated, with a Right of voting in that Borough. If every rotten Borough was treated in like Man- ner, it would give some Check to that bare- faced Corruption that now prevails in the greatest Part of them; but so fertile is the Invention of Man to evade the strongest Barrier of a Law that impedes their wished Designs, it is apprehended that even this salutary Alteration will not produce a Remedy for the Evil complained of, without the Assistance of a Place and Pension Bill, for annual, as well as septennial Bribes, may be given. The Scheme above referred to gives the Number of Members now chosen for every County, with the Sums raited for the Land Fax in each, and also the Number that ought to be sent in Proportion to the Assessment; whether this should be strictly followed, may admit of a Doubt, but it serves to shew the great Inequality of the present Plan. I am, Sir, your's, & c. Jan. 16, 1772. E. E. THE Creditors of the Rev. Mr. Cor- field Clare, of Maddresfield, Worcestershire, are desired to attend in Person, or by Representa- tive, at the Hop- Pole, in Worcester, 0n Monday next, the 27th of January Instant, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, when a Proposal will be made to them for compounding their Debts, and such, it is presumed, as they will think it their Interest to accept. An Entire NEW WORK. This Day is published, Price 2s. in Marble Covers, Embellished with a humorous Frontispiece, drawn from real Life, representing a droll Scene in a Round House, THE MIDNIGHT RAMBLER; Or, NEW NOCTURNAL SPY. For the Year 1772. Containing a complete Description of the modern Transactions of London and Westminster, from the Hours of Nine in the Evening, till Six in the Morn- ing; exhibiting great Variety of Midnight Scenes and Adventures in real Life, both serious and comic, wherein are displayed the various Humours and Transactions of' the different Inhabitants of the Metropolis, from the Duke in high, down to the Cobler in low Life ; and from the Duchess in St. James's down to the Oyster Woman at Billingsgate, & c. & c Illustrated with real Characters and whim- sical Anecdotes of several Votaries of Bachus and Venus, from the full- rate Bucks, Bloods, and Fillie des Joye, down to thole in more humble Stations, as well as those in more deplorable Conditions, whose utmost Prospects are through the Bars of a Prison. Also the Characters of Gaolers, Round- House Keepers, mercenary Beadles, reforming Con- stables, & c. & c. London, printed for J. Cooke, at Shakespear's Head, No. 17, Pater- noster Row; sold by all other Booksellers in Great Britain and Ireland; and may be had of the Printer and Distributors of this Paper. St. James's, for the Publication of this Work On Saturday last Was published, Price ONLY Six- pence, Adorned with an elegant Frontispiece, finely engraved by Hall, from a Drawing of the ingenious Mr. Wale, beautifully printed in Quarto, 0n a new Letter and fine Paper, the Whole to be completed in Forty Num- bers only ( or the Overplus given gratis) every Num- ber to be enriched with a most curious Copper Plate, finely engraved, Number I. ( to be continued Weekly of ANew and Complete HISTORY of the HOLY BIBLE, from the Creation of the World to the Incarnation of our blessed Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST; containing a clear and concise Account of every memorable Event during a Period of above four thousand Years, viz. The Creation of the World, the Formation and Fall of Man, the universal Deluge, the Building of Babel, the Call of Abraham, the Travels of the Israelites, the Nature of the Mosaic Institution, and Predic- tions of the Prophets concerning the Coming and Offices of the Messiah, Together with an authentic Narrative of the Lives and Transactions of the most eminent Patriarchs, Prophets, and other Servants of God, who were distinguished by Divine Grace, and made instrumen- tal in the Display of Divine Wisdom; particularly Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Samuel, David, Solomon, Job, Isaiah, Je- remiah, Daniel, Jonah, & c. Illustrated with such Notes as are essentially ne- cessary to explain obscure Texts, rectify former Mistranslations, and by reducing to the Standard of Truth, reconcile Passages which appear contrary to each other. By the Rev. JOHN FLEETWOOD, D. D. Author of the Life of our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; and of the Christian's Prayer Book, or Com- plete Manual of Devotions. Printed for J. Cooke, at Shakespear's Head, in Pa- ter- noster Row, London; and sold by all Book- sellers and News- Carriers in England. A List of some of the Copper Plates, which, among others, will be given in the Course of this Work. Frontispiece. Abraham's Faith. The Ghost of Samuel called up before Saul by the Witch of Endor. David with the Head of Goliah. Lot's, Hospitality. Sheba's Reception by Solomon. Samsons Birth foretold. Sarai giving Hagar to Abraham. Moses striking the Rock. David dancing before the Ark. Esther fainting before Abasuerus. Jael killing Sisera. Samson carrying the Gates of Gaza. David playing before Saul. The Spies bearing the Cluster of Grapes. Jacob meets Rachael. Elijah fed by Ravens. Inside of the Tabernacle of Moses. Isaac blessing Jacob. Israelites departing out of Egypt. Balaam's Prophecy. Moses among the Bull- rushes. Daniel in the Lions Den. Jaden the disobedient Prophet slain. Samson betrayed by Delilah. The Death of Moses. Balaam meeting the Angel. Jacob lamenting Joseph's Death. Noah, entering the Art Noah's Sacrifice Adam and Eve in Paradise. Mordecai honoured by Human. Map of Canaan. Map of the Garden. of Eden. Abraham dismissing Hagar and Ish- mael. Solomon's Idolatry. Moses staying the Egyptian. Job tempted, & c. & c. & c. N. B. In the first Number will be given a promis- sary Note of Hand from the Publisher, to deliver the Overplus gratis, if it should exceed the Forty Numbers proposed; and in the last Number a List of such Subscribers as chuse to have their Names ap- pear to this Work, will be printed and delivered gratis. I On the 1st of February will be published, Price is. ( To be continued Monthly) NUMBER. I. of THE BRITISH MAGAZINE, and GENERAL REVIEW of the Litera- ture, Transactions, Pursuits, and Amusements of the Times. For JANUARY, 1772. TO THE PUBLIC. THE very liberal Encouragement which is given to almost every Work which appears under the Title of a MAGAZINE, is a Proof at once of the Utility of their general Plan, and of the Insufficiency of their particular Execution. To promise much and perform little, is indeed the too common Custom of Projectors of New Magazines; but how should it be otherwise, when they undertake for Profit what they cannot perform without evident Loss! Add to this, that the Limits, to which they are confined, are too narrow to include even the choicest Part of that vast Variety of Information and Amusement which is required in a polished and literary Age, to gratify the public Curiosity. They may seduce the Reader at first, by a promising Sample of amusing Matter and shewy Embellishments; but how soon is he undeceived by the contracted Entertainment and miserable Engravings which Succeed in the Con- tinuation of the Work! As its Extent is too limited for the Purposes of the Purchasers, so the great Ex- pence of Outlet, and the little Profit arising from the most extensive Sale of a Six- penny Pamphlet, render it impossible for the Undertaker, whatever may be pretended, to fulfil his extravagant Promises. The Proprietors of the present Undertaking, there- fore, resolved to promise nothing they cannot per- form, and trailing to the Liberality of the Public for their just Encouragement, presume to offer them a Magazine of such an Extent as may answer the End of the Reader, and at such a Price as may en- able the Proprietors to proceed as they set out, and to improve as they proceed. As the general Nature of these periodical Miscellanies is well known, and the Proprietors with not to allure only by Promises, they dwell not here ostentatiously on any particular Improvements in their own, or the Materials ob- tained, or the Assistance engaged to prosecute their Design: They content themselves with assuring the Public, that the Matter of Information and Enter- tainment shall be proportionably more, and the most select and valuable, on all Affairs of State, Party, Commerce, Finances, Literature, the Police, the Theatres, and every other Subject of general Concern and Amusement. The Plates by which the. Work will be embellished, three of which at least will be given in each Number, will be designed by the best Hands, and engraven by Mr. Grignion, and other really eminent Artists. London, printed for T. Evans, in Pater- noster. I Row; sold by the Booksellers in Town and Coun- try ; and may be had of the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. The Public having been so often imposed on by the specious Pretences of some Publishers, the Purchaser of the First Number, who, on reading, is dissatisfied with the Plan or Execution of this Work, may receive back his Money, on the Return of the Magazine. For the SCURVY IF there be any yet afflicted with this Disorder, who have not tried the Water Dock, whether from In- attention, or from the suppose.) Discredit of advertised Me- dicines ( though when the Author it known, and capable, that ought cease) it may be proper to remind them that this is the Season for a perfect Cure, The Certainly of Effects, ever in the most confirmed Cases, are sufficiently known, from those of Mr. Wilson, Mrs. Garne, Sir Roger Twynsden, and many more, and its Innocence such, that Infants take it in a proper Dose. There are many ether Persons of Distinction in whole Faces the good Effect of this Medicine may be seen ; through it were ill to revive the Me- mory of a part Disorder, by mentioning their Names: This may be said with Truth and Safety, None need fear a Cure from it because they have taken other Things in vain. Sold by H. BERROW, Printer, in Worcester, whom I have appointed my Agent for the Sale of my Medicines it Worcester, and Places adjacent ; and ail Persons desirous of vending then may be supplied by him on advantageous Terms. Arlington- street, London, J. HILL Oct. 17, 1766. I. ELIXIR of BARDANA, for the Gout and Rheumatism. This re- establishes the Health after the Fits of the Gout, shortens such as follow, and eases the Pain. For the Rheumatism it is a certain Cure; and the Disease never returns. 2. PECTORAL BALSAM of HONEY, for Colds, Coughs, and Asthmas. A common Cold is often cured, and all the bad Consequences prevented by a single Dose. These Complaints are so common, that no Family should be without the Medicines. 3. TINCTURE of SPLEEN- WORT, the new- invented Medicine for Hypochondriacal Disorders. 4. TINCTURE of VALERIAN, for Disorders of the Nerves, Faintness, Head achs, and all Kinds of Fits. 5. TINCTURE of SAGE, to lengthen Life and keep off the Decays of Age ; as Tremblings, Deasiness, and all other the Weaknesses of an advanced Life. 6 TINCTURE of CENTAURY, a Sto- machic Bitter, that gives a healthy Appetite and sound Di- gestion: A certain Cure for all Weaknesses and Disorders of the Stomach All these are pleasant, innocent, and efficacious Medi- cines. discovered by the Author, in the Course of his study of Plants; and are so safe that Infants may take any of them in a proper Dose they are sold at 3s a Bs. a Bottle each valerian 2s. 6d with printed Directions By his Majesty's Royal Litters The new- invested Cake Ink, Made by Sarah Smith and Sen, the sole Patentees, Found by repeated Experience to be the finest, blackest, and most durable INK ever offered to the Public, for every Species of Writing, and greatly superior to any Ink Powder. THE Ink made from this Cake is as thin as Water, will never mould, and when used, appears of a fine Black, which will never fade as long as Pa- per or Parchment will endure, but apparently makes a daily Improvement in Point of Beauty and Colour. Its peculiar Advantage for Travelling are greater than any other Species of Ink, as it may be picked in Baggage amongst the finest Linnen, without the least Danger 01 gaining; and, at it is not subject to decay, or lose it « Quality in any Length of Time, or Climate, Gentlemen, Merchants, and Others, may be supplied in the remotest Parts of the World, with the lineal, blacked, and most durable. Ink that can be procured in any Part of Europe. Price Six- pence per Cake, with printed Directions. Sold by the Patentees, Sarah Smith and Son, Stationers and Ink- Makers, at No. 13, in Sweeting' « Alley, Royal Exchange, London ; where Merchants and Shop- keepers may be supplied, Wholesale and Retail; fold alfo by H. Berrow, Printer of this Journal; and by the most eminent Booksellers and Stationers in Town and Country . N. B. Patent Red Ink Cakes, and a curious Liquid for Town Use, in Bottles at 2s. is. and 6d. each; also a fine Japan in Sixpenny Bottles. THE true original Daffy's Elixir, a CORDIAL. greatly recommended and universally esteemed in relieving the Cholic, Colds, and many other Disorders, which are particularly expressed in the Bills of Directions, which we refer to, and give only the following Instance of its happy Effects : I, HENRY MEARN, Shoe- Maker, in Pile- Street, Bristol, maketh Oath, That I was about three Years ago violently afflicted with a hacking Cough, which occasioned my spitting a great deal of tough Phlegm, that brought me so thin and weak, that it was thought I was in a Consump- tion ; I had also a great Straitness in my Bread, with loath, ing of Food, & c. for these Complaints tried several Me- dicines, but all to no Effect, till happily I took the above Elixir, by the Use of which a great deal of slimy Matter came from me, so that I soon got perfectly well, and have continued so ever since. My Wife, about twelve Months since, had a violent Pain under her Left Breast, of which the hid Elixir cured her. To the Truth of the above I solemnly make Oath. HENRY MEARN. Sworn in Bristol before H. SWYMMER, Mayor. Witness, HALT FARLEY, EDW. SAUNDERS. The genuine Sort of the above Medicine is sold by H. Berrow, in Worcester, and the Worcester Newsmen. Sold likewise at Berrow's Printing - Office, by Ap- pointment from DICEY and Co. Dr. Radcliff's Purging Elixir; the best of all Purges to cleanse the Body of gross Humours contracted by hard Drinking, Surfeits, & c. 1s. Godfrey's General Cordial ; a Medicine very beneficial to Women, both before and after Birth, and to young Chil- dren that are weakly or inclined to the Rickets, & c. 6d, Dr. Anderson's true Scots Pills; they are well known to be the best Purgative extant, is. Dr. John Hooper's Female Pills, of great Virtue. 1s. Betton's genuine British Oil for Wounds, Ulcers, Strains, Bruises, & c. is. Stoughton's Elixir, creates an Appetite, helps Digestion, and strengthens the Stomach. 1s. Bostock's famous Cordial Purging Elixir, is, Turlington's Balsam. 1s, Greenough's Tincture for the Teeth and Gums. 1s, Bateman's Golden and Plain Spirits of Scurvy Grass. Is, By Authority of his Majesty's Royal Letters Patent. DR. Norris's Antimonial Drops, most WOnderfully efficacious in the Cure of all Kinds of Fevers. Nervous and Rheumatic Complaints & c. & c. Price Five Shillings and Threepence a Bottle. Sold, by the Doctor's Appointment, in Bottles at 5s 3d. each, by Mr. Grimes, in Bromyard; Mrs. Watson, in Bromsgrove; Mr. Clare, in Bowdley ; Mr. Haslewood, in Bridgnorth; Mr. Andrews, in Evesham; Mr. Taylor, in Kidderminster; Mrs Hankins, in Ledbury, Mr. Harward, in Tewkeshury and H. Berrow, in Worcester. Letter from the Reverend Mr. LANTHOINE, to Dr. NORRIS, of Duke- Street, Westminster. SIR, MAN, in all Probability, is not liable to more Diseases than there are Mean of Cure ; as with a weakly Constitutions subject to Disorders of the Head, Stomach, and Lungs, toge- ther with Cholics, Palpitations of the Heart, the Rheumatism, & c. an old Age may be attained;: This it a Truth of which I myself am a Testimony. It, is true, indeed, that Medicine, and proper Diet have always beet of Service to me; and as often , as I have I been told,, Qui medice vivit, misere vivit? my Answer has been, Vivit tarnen. I have had Death often before Eyes: and believe it has been owing to my own Care and Precaution that I am new to be numbered amongst the Living. It it most natural, and highly consistent with Reason and good Sense, that when we are afflicted with a state of Health, we should have Recourse to Medicine and every neces- sary Means of Cure. In a Word, on the 12th of October, 1770 ( for this is the Circumstance at present chiefly to be con- sidered) a Cold in my Head, being a Disease to which I am frequently subject, threatened me with a total Suffication; insomuch, that my own Knowledge and Experience in usual Remedies failing me, I concluded that my latter End was at Hand; notwithstanding which I was so happy as to meet with a perfect Cure from the sole Use of your Antimonial Drops. In a few Hours after taking them, my Head was free and easy; and I felt myself, in all Respects, wonderfully restored; so that, notwithstanding my experiencing many excellent Medicines, by which I have hit her to prolonged my Life, I do affirm, that these Drops are, in my Opinion, the most salutary and effica- clous Medicine in the World. I am, Sir, Tour bumble Servant, M. 14, Watling Street. P. LANTHOINE. See a Pamphlet delivered gratis by the Venders of this Medicine, intitled, A short Essay on the singular Vir- tues of an highly exalted Preparation of Antimony, or Dr. Norris's Antimomal Drops ; to which is added, a Catalogue of Cures, incontestibly proving the sovereign Efficacy of this great Medicine in the many Disorders for which it it recommended. A recent and most extraordinary Cure by the Use of MAREDANT's DROPS. To Mr. NORTON, Surgeon. Golden- Square. SIR, Oxford, Dec. 16, 1771. IN Gratitude to you, and for the Good of the Public, I beg Leave to send you the following miraculous Account of a Curt which does Honour to yourself and your invaluable Medi- cine, and which I desire you will publish for the Good of Max- kind in general. My youngest Son, about twelve Years of Age, bad been af- flicted, for about two Years, with a violent scorbutic Humour in the Teeth and Gums; by which the salival vat Glands were so swelled and inflamed that it was with Difficulty be could open his Mouth to receive the smallest Nourishment, which could only be conveyed by a small Spoon. I had the timely Advice of more than one able Physician and Surgeon ; but the Methods they used were so inefficacious, and the Disorder gained so much Ground, notwithstanding all their Prescriptions, that I bad resolved to take him to London, where, if possible, I might meet with better Advice and Success. I should have put this Design in Execution, bad not a Gentleman of Oxford informed me of the great Benefit be bad realised from the Use of year DROPS, which I immediately resolved to make Trial of, and bad the Satisfaction of seeing my Son gradually mend, and, in less than a Month, perfectly recovered. He is new in Oxford, where many People of Credit are ready to the Truth of this Cure. I am, Sir, your most obliged, and grateful humble Servant, THOMAS WILK. 1NS. Any Person still doubtful of the Efficacy of this Medicine, may ( by applying to Mr. NORTON, Surgeon, the West Side of Golden- square, near Piccadilly, London, the only Author and Proprietor, where these Drops are sold in Bottles of Six Shillings each) be fully convinced of their good Effect, by being referred to many People of Credit, who have been cured of the Leprosy, Scurvy, Ulcers, the Evil, Fistulas, Piles, long continued Inflammations of the Eyes, and every other Disorder arising from a Foulness in the Blood. They may be taken in any Season, without the least Inconvenience or Hindrance of Business. They also perfect Digestion, and amazingly . create an Appetite. N. B. None are genuine but what are signed by ONN Norton, in Wis own Hand- writing ; who hath appointed them to be sold by H. BERROW, at his. Printing Office, near the Cross, Worcester ; and by Mr. ANDREWS, Bookseller, in Evesham. N. B. These Drops are in square Bottles, with the following Inscription on them, viz. John Norton, only Proprietor and Author of Maredant's Drops. Beware of Counterfeits. Maredant's Drops, so univer- sally known and esteemed, were never sold for less than SIX SHILLINGS the Bottle. WORCESTER: Printed by H. B E R R O W, near the Cross; sells all Kinds of Blank Warrants, Land- tax Receipts. Parish Certificates
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