The Newcastle Courant
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The Newcastle Courant
Date of Article: 21/12/1771
Printer / Publisher: T. Saint and Co.
Address: Pilgrim-street, Newcastle upon Tyne
Volume Number: Issue Number: 4970
No Pages: 4
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THE NEWCASTLE COURANT, Printed and Sold by T. SAINT and Co. in Pilgrim- street, Newcastle upon Tyne. N° 4970. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1771. All Letters and Advertisements for the Printers of this Paper are taken in at the London Coffee- house, Ludgate- hill, where the Paper is regularly and separately filed; also Letters and Advertisements are taken in at W. Charnley's Bookseller, at the Bridge End, Newcastle upon Tyne. Saturday's and Sunday's Posts. LONDON, Dec. ir. IT is reported that the courts of France and Spain have disavowed in the strongest manner, any hostile intentions towards Great Britain, but
have declared they cannot behold without jealousy our great naval preparations. The French King has Threatened to recall his Minister and Consuls from every place in the Por- tugueze dominions, if some infringements, of which his subjects complain, are not immediately removed. It is said that a Great Personage has signified his disapprobation of the intention of the eccleliastical petitioners. « Jt is reported that Lord Camden has had some recent offers made him, and that his Lordship has not yet returned any absolute answer. The Earl ofC — m has positively declared that he will take no part in any administration that shall
be formed by the M s of R m. The friends of the superiority of this nation over its conquests and colonies affirm, that an adt will pass describing the limits which the assemblies of of such ought to go. A certain young nobleman, just come of age, was touched the other morning, at a Chocolate- house near Pall- mail, for 70001, at piquet. LONDON, Dec. 11. We hear that the dispute which lately happened between an english floop and a Portuguese frigate the Brazils; entirely accommodated to the satisfaction of both Courts. By a vessel from Antigua there is advice, that the town of La Vega, the capital of the island of Hispaniola,
was totally swallowed up by an earth- quake the 21st of September. We hear that orders are given for a survey to be made of all the ports and harbours belonging to the British colonies in America. No less than three expresses were received yester- day from the Earl of Grantham at Madrid. Earl Temple was yesterday at the levee and council, and after the business was over, had a long private conference with his Majesty. Yesterday the Right Hon. the Earl of Bute had the honour of a conference with his Majesty, after the breaking up of the levee at St James's. Several Cabinet Councils have been held on ac- count of the
Resolutions of the House of Commons in Ireland; and, we are told, the Ministry are at a stand how to proceed. The Rev. Mr S— t— ns, who married the Duke of C— ra—— d on the 2d of October last, had a sa- lary of 100l. per ann. settled on him immediately " after the ceremony. We are informed that yesterday, at a general meeting of the Clergy and other Gentlemen united to obtain relief from subscription to the 39 articles, & c. after fome previous business, a Committee was proposed, and unanimously chosen, to consider of the proper method of carrying the Petition into the House, and that a fourth general meeting was
fixed for the 23d. of January next. Last night Lottery Tickets sold at some of the Offices from ]. to 36I. Monday's and Tuesday's Posts. ST JAMES'S, Dec. 11. THIS day was received from Capt. Stott, of his Majesty's Ship Juno, who arrived at Plymouth the 9th inst. in 70 days from Port Egmont, the following account of the execution of his commission to receive the possession of Falklands Island, in his Majesty's name. On the evening of the 13th of September last, Capt. Stott arrived at Port Egmont, with his Majesty's frigate Juno, the Hound sloop, and Florida storeship, under his com- mand. The next morning, seeing Spanish
colours flying, and troops on shore at the settlement for- merly held by the English, he sent a Lieutenant to know if any officer was there on behalf of his Catholic Majesty, empowered to make restitution of possession to him, agreeable to the orders of his court for that purpose, duplicates of which he had to deliver to such officer. He was answered, That Don Francisco de Orduna, a Lieutenant of the Royal Artillery of Spain, was furnished with full powers, and ready to effect the restitution. Don Francisco soon after came on board the Juno; when Capt. Stott delivered to him his Catholic Majesty's orders. They then examined,
together, into the situation of the settlement and stores ; adjusted the forms of the restitution and reception of the pos- session ; instruments for which Were settled, and re- ciprocally delivered. On Monday, the 16th of September, Capt. Stott landed, followed by a par- ty of Marines, and was received by the Spanish officer, who formally restored him Falkland's Island, Port Egmont, its fort, and other dependencies, giving him the same possession as his Majesty had before the 10th of June 1770: On which he caused his Majesty's colours to be hoisted, and took pos- session accordingly. The next day Don Francisco, with all the
troops and subjects of the King of Spain, departed in a schooner which they had with them. ( Gazette.) Arrived the Mails from Holland and Flanders. Riga, Nov. 3 The contagious distemper still continues to make great ravages in the government of Moscow, and to extend to the neighbouring pro- vinces. It has broke out in the districts of Tweer, Jaroslaw, Kiovia, and the Ukrane. ' LONDON, Dec. 13. From Constantinople we hear, that feveral Rus- sian prisoners have been led in triumph, through . the principal streets, in order to lessen the idea en- tertained of the successes of the Russian army. , His Majesty of Prussia is so
capital a politician, that he never fails to declare, that ' his sole motive for keeping up an immense army, and marching his troops into different parts of Europe, is the public welfare alone, thereby preserving his lov- ing subjects and neighbours from that dreadful ca- lamity the plague, and levying money from those who can best afford it, for the support of his Im- perial designs. You must, says he, purchase my friendship and alliance, or you know what follows. They write from Toulon, that the naval com- mander there had just received an order from his court, to equip a number of men of war and fri- gates for sea, with the utmost
expedition. , Advices from Paris say, a letter, replete with polite raillery, and the most poignant satire, hath been sent from a celebrated Marchioness to the King, and that his Majesty hath commanded her personal attendance. Wednesday five sail of ships arrived in the river, laden with corn from Holland, and several more are daily expected. This morning a courier with letters of impor- tance arrived at St James's from Madrid. Last night the Earl of Bute, Jeremiah Dyson, Sir Gilbert Elliot, and another gentleman were in conference with his Majesty above two hours. The Duke of C arrived in town on Wednes- day night incog, and
yesterday morning had an au- dience of the Princess Dowager, whose pardon he is said to have procured. It is reported that when a certain Lady went to pay her respects to the D s of C at Windsor Lodge, the, agreeably to the former intimacy that subsisted between them, rushed forward to embrace her with all the ardour of affection; when, instead of meeting with that return which friendship or good breeding demanded, the D. of C. sat in her chair of state with great dignity, and held out her hand to be kissed, after the royal manner, as an in- stance of her great humility. Nothing can be more pertinent to the D. of C.' s marriage,
than the learned Selden's observation on marriages in general: " Of all the actions of a man's life; his marriage does least concern other people ; yet of all actions of our life, ' tis most med- dled with by other people.' The public is greatly astonished to find that this week has passed, without any fresh detection of Crim. Con. or a new divorce being talked of. Monday a shoe- black and his wife quarrelled, when the woman, with a deal of humour, said, " she could not put up any longer with his ill u- sage, and should sue for a divorce." LONDON, Dec. 14. Letters from Leghorn say, the Duke of Glouces- ter intends to make but a short
stay at Pisa, and will spend the remainder of the winter at Florence. Six men of war, with land forces, sailed from Cadiz for the Musquito shore the 27th ult. The Spanish Embassador has at length declared, that his court is willing to conciliate matters with Great Britain— by the mediation of France. A sloop of war is left at Port Egmont. The Carysfort frigate, which was to sail from Admiral Rodney, on the 8th of October, with some important dispatches, is hourly expected. A letter from the Hague says, the states had re- solved to send a considerable reinforcement of ships and soldiers to their East India settlements. The Duke of
Cumberland is now in town. It is said that his Royal Highness sent a letter yesterday to a great and amiable Lady, and received a very gracious answer; so that it is thought all differences will be soon adjusted. Wednesday the Princess Dowager of Wales went to the house in Pall Mail, opposite to the Cocoa- tree, which is taken for the Prince and Princess of Brunswick, viewed every part of it, and seemed as well as she had been these ten years. The King and Queen of Denmark are not expec- ted- on a visit to this kingdom, as has been said. his Grace the Duke of Northumberland was yes- terday at the levee at St James's,
and after it broke up had a conference with his Majesty. It is said that Lord George Germaine has had fre- quent conferences with his Majesty. lately. Summonses were sent this morning to the Lord President Earl Gower, Lord North, the Earls of Sandwich and Hertford the Secretaries of State, &. c. to attend at a Council on Monday. The above Council is said to be summoned in consequence of some very interesting advices that arrived last night from Paris. We hear Sir Gilbert Elliot is shortly to be crea- ted a Peer, by the title of Lord Greenwich. The account of a Coalition of Parties being a- gain'on the Carpet, is without
foundation. A correspondent says, there will soon be an al- teration in the Board of Ad y, on account of a late quarrel between two of the L— ds. The Irish Parliament have no positive right to strike off such pensions as are granted by the King's letter, on the revenues of that nation; but they have a power nearly equal, which is to raise no more money than they think proper; and this they will certainly exercise on the present occasion, to the great mortification of government. The little junto, and doers of all public business, have resolved to support Lord Townshend in Ire- land, against the Houfe of Commons there. It is confidently
said the marriages of two noble personages will be referred to the consideration of Parliament. Wednesday, Capt. Fortescue, of the Osterley ; Capt. Todd, of the Earl of Lincoln; Capt. Carr, of the Greenwich ; and Capt. Johnson of the Gran- by, took leave of the Court of Directors. Three Supervisors will certainly be sent by the Company to India, and the Gentlemen intended are Mr Sullivan, Mr Purling, and Mr Rumbold. Mr Dunn claims to be the first discoverer of seas in the moon, and observes. that, altho' some Astronomers have conjectured it, others as eminent have denied it to the present time. He gives the following as an
ocular demonstration thereof.. From the time of the change of the moon till the time of full moon and from the time of full moon till the time of the change of the moon, as far as the brown parts extend on the illumi- nated part of the Moon, they appear of the same colour, and terminate in the arch of a cir- cle, on the Moon's surface, which arch is accu- rately between the illuminated and unilluminated part: that those brown parts are never visible be- yond that line, nor invisible short of it; and there- fore, from the position of that line, as seen from the earth, those brown parts are in the surface of the Moon's body, and as nothing but
a fluid can so exactly conform to that surface, therefore the brown parts of the Moon are seas. Lord Baltimore's Will came over last Monday from Italy, his Lordship has appointed Hugh Ha- mersley, Robert Eden, Robert Morris, of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister, and Peter Provost, Esqrs. trustees and executors, with an annuity to each of 1ool, for life, and 15001. to be divided among them; and has bequeathed to Sophia Hales and Elizabeth Hales, infants, daughters of Elizabeth Dawson, spinster, 10001. each, and 10001. to their mother; to Charlotte Hope, daughter of Elizabeth Hope, 2000I. to his sisters, Caroline Eden, and Louisa
Browning, 10,0001. each ; to Henry Harford, son of Hester Rhelan, of the age of 14, his Province of Maryland, and all his real and personal estates at the age of 21 ; and, in case of his death before 21, to his sister, Frances Mary Harford, and her heirs; and he also gave to she said Frances Mary Harford, 30,0001. and to the said Hester Rhelan, an annuity of 2001. a- year for life. There are a great number of bad 36s. pieces and moidores now circulating ; they appear very good, are pale coloured, and cannot be easily distinguish- ed from the real ones, but by scraping the edge a little, when the base metal will appear of a white
hue. The Lord Mayor and Aldermen intend to put into execution, the stat. 22d and 23d Charles II. cap. 19. That no Butcher in London or Westmin- er, or within ten miles thereof, shall buy fat cattle to sell them again, alive or dead, to another But- cher, on the forfeiture of the value of such cattle. We are informed that the mildness of the season has occasioned more wheat to be sown than was ever remembered at this period. NORTHUMBERLAND. At the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace of our sovereign Lord the King, held at Alnwick, in and for the said County, on Wednesday the 9th day of October, in the eleventh year
of the reign of our sovereign Lord George the Third, King of Great Britain, and so forth, before Gawen Aynsley, George Delaval, William Carr, Robert Fenwick, Gabriel Selby, Alexander Col- lingwood, and John Widdrington, Esquires, and others, his Majesty's Justices of the Peace, assign- ed to keep the Peace in the said County. THIS COURT taking into serious consideration the pernicious consequences of the excessive increase of petty Horse Races of late years within this county, in open violation of the known laws of this kingdom, and tending directly to corrupt the morals of the peOple, already too much de- praved, and
to habituate them to a course of idle- ness and debauchery, by which the community is not only deprived of the benefit of the work of many hundred able and useful hands ( and frequent ly at those seasons of the year when it is most wanted) but also becomes burthened with the maintenance of the wives and children of such idle persons thus reduced to poverty and distress: This Court being sensible that drunkenness, gambling, prophane cursing and swearing, quarrelling, and fighting, and other breaches of the peace and good behaviour never fail to attend those unlawful as- semblies; and that of all the various kinds of gam ing, horse races are the most injurious to society, as they are the means of collecting together the greatest number of the lower classes of the people, and robbing the public of their labour. Therefore, to remedy thefe inconveniences, and to Restrain Horse Races in this county, within the limits of the law, the Magistrates, ever zealous to promote the general welfare of the county, and to pre- serve peace and good order within the same, as far as by law they may; and being persuaded, that this desirable end cannot by any method be so ef- fectually obtained as by discouraging and punishing all manner of vice, prophaneness,
and immorality, the main sources from which most disorders and irregularities proceed, have determined to prose- cute at their own expence, all persons who shall hereafter, in this county offend against the act of parliament made in the 13 Geo. 2. entitled, An Act to restrain and prevent the excessive increase of horse races ; and that this order may be the more generally and punctually carried into execu- tion, all high and petty Constables, and other peace officers within the county are hereby strictly charged, as they will answer the contrary at their peril, to give immediate notice to the nearest Jus- tice of the Peace, or to the
Clerk of the Peace, or his Deputy, if any person or persons within their respective divisions shall presume to offend herein, by running any horse, mare, or gelding, for any prize or sum of money under the real and intrin- sick value of FIFTY POUNDS sterling, in order that such offender or offenders may be proceeded against according to law, for the recovery of the penalty inflicted by the said statute for such offence: An extract from which statute is inserted below. By Order, J. FRENCH, Deputy Clerk of the Peace. by 13 Geo. 1, c. 19. It is enacted that n0 plate, prize, sum of money, or other things, shall be run for by any horse,
mare, or gelding, or advertised, published, or proclaimed to be run for by any horse, mare, or gelding, unless such plate, prize, or sum of money shall be of a full, real, and in- trinsick value of FIFTY POUNDS ; and in case any person shall enter, start, or run any horse, mare, or gelding, contrary to this act, he shall forfeit Two HUNDRED POUNDS; or shall make, print, publish, or proclaim any advertisement thereto, shall forfeit ONE HUNDRED POUNDS. To be LET or SOLD, in the pleasant village of Temple Sowerby, in the county of Westmoreland, TWO new built DWELLING- HOUSES, compleatly furnished, and all the room'
paper- ed in the most elegant manner within this few years ; with good gardens, and a brick- Wall well planted with fruit- trees; together with eight acres, or more, of ex- cellent good land. The above prcmises may be entered upon immedi- ately ; and Joseph Brown at Acornbank, or George Atkinson of Temple Sowerby, will shew and treat about the same. To be LET or SOLD, ALL that Freehold MESSUAGE or TE- NEMENT, pleasantly situate at the South end of Morpeth Bridge, lately in the possession of Mrs Soulsby, deceased. It contains ten fire Rooms, a Brew- house, Stable for three Horses, and a Garden, with a Pump in
the Yard.— For further particulars, enquire of Mr George Potts, of Netherton, near Morpeth aforesaid. correct List of the House of Peers, their Names, and the Dates of their Creation ; as also the value of. the Bishoprics in the King's books annexed to each of their names s and a correct List of the House of Commons, brought down to Nov. 5. Table of all the principal Roads in England, Wales, and Scotland, and of several other Roads, which branch out from the direct Roads, with their distances in measured or computed Miles : so as to form the completest account of them hitherto published for the use of Travellers. The ONLY
authentic List of the Horse Races for 1771, to which is added the Matches to be run at Newmarket for 1771 : which are more real interesting Articles, than any Memorandum Book has procured.'] This Day is published, Very neatly bound in the best Red Leather, with PACKETS to hold Letters, Price only IS. S d. THE Universal Cash Book, O R Newcastle Pocket Diary, for 1772. CONTAINING A memorandum part, properly ruled, printed on the finest paper, separate from the CASH account of monies paid, lent, or received ; the clashing of which together in other memorandum books, has caused Such COnfusion ill the accounts
of many Tradesmen, who have used them, that the proprietors can with pleasure assure those who chuse to keep an exact account of their receipts, dis- Bursments, & c. they cannot purchase So eligiblE a Book for the purpose amongst any that are ofFered to the public, Exclusive of the above very interesting article , ther is a List of the Brokers and Wharfingers in Newcastle. Diary Table, SHewing the correspondent month and week days in 1771. Table of the Sun's rising every third day in the year. Common Notes and remarkable days in 1771 Full and new Moons. Eclipses. Attorney and Solicitors Term Table. Rates of
carriage by land, from London to Newcastle, as also to the City and every Town in the county of Durham. Lift of the Carriers, and the days of their arrival at Newcastle and their respective Homes. List of the Officer in the Bishop of Durham'S Spiritual and temporal Courts. List of the Magistrates in Newcastle. A correct List of all the Fairs in England AND Scotland. A window cess Table. The Ready Reckoner ; or tables shewing the value of any commodity from one farth- ing to 10s. by the pound, ounce, ell or yard. The time for killing GamE according to the act. And the resolution of the Grand Jury, for the county of
Northumberland. The times of the Fly going out from London to New castle, and from Newcastle to London; as well as from Newcastle to Edinburgh, as from Edinburgh to New- castle. Barometer, or rules to judge of the weather. Rates of postage of letters throughout the world, as settled by his Majesty's Post- master General. Regula- tions of the post at Newcastle. Form of a letter to recommend patients to the Infirmary. Table of the duty to be done on high roads. Compositions and penalty. A tide Table for the principal ports in Great Britain, coast of France and Flanders. NEWCASTLE: Printed by T. SAINT, and Sold by Mess.
Ashburner and Pennington, Kendal Wilkinson, Appleby; Dunn, Ware, Forster, and Little, White- haven ; Brough, Workington; Cowley, Cockermouth; Corney, Soulby, and Richardson, Penrith; Hodgson, Carlisle ; Wilton, Boyd, and M'Laughlin, Dumfries J Lee and Hudson, Hexham; all the Booksellers in York; Ianson, Middleham ; Beckwith, Ripon ; Todd, Bedale; Metcalfe, Tunstal, and Tinker, Richmond; Vesey and DArnton, Darlington; all the Booksellers in Durham; Bainbridge, Middleton in Teasdale; Pickering' and Christopher, Stockton; Atkinson, Kirkleatham; Jackson and Sanders, Gisbrough ; Oyston and Jackson, Bishop auckland; Meikle, Barnardcastle; Graham and Creighton, Sunderland; Oliver and German, North Shields ; all the Booksellers in Newcastle; Graham, Alnwick ; Burn, Wooller; Taylor, Berwick; and Lawrie, Tweedmouth. Gentlemen who chuse to have the only authenticated List of the Races in Great Britain, for 1771, as well as the matches for 1771, and the Traveller's Guide, are requested to he particular in ordering the Cash Book printed by T. SAINT only, otherwise spurious ones may be passed off in its Head. Also This Day is Published, Price is. • For the USE of SCHOOLS, RUDIMENTS OF THE ENGLISH TONGUE; OR,
THE Principles of English Grammar, Methodically digested into Plain RULES, And adapted to the CAPACITIES of CHILDREN After the PLAN of Mr RUDDIMAN'S Latin Rudiments. CONTAINING, I. ORTHOGRAPHY,— which treats of Letters, and the due Pronunciation and Spelling of Syllables and Words in the English Language. II. ETYMOLOGY,— which treats of the Nature and Properties of Words. . . III. SYNTAX, 01 CONSTRUCTION, which is the right ordering of Words in Speech, or joining them regularly in a Sentence. IV. PROSODY,— which treats of the Quantities of Syllables, and of Verse. To which are added,
ENGLISH EXERCISES, of EXAMPLES, on the most useful New PLAN; to be rectified by the Rules of ORTHOGRAPHY, ETYMOLOGY, and SYNTAX. WITH Proper DIRECTIONS and ADDRESS from Inferiors to Persons of Distinction: And also a TABLE Of Ab- BREVIAT10NS, with an Explication of THem; 3ce. The SECOND EDITION, Revised, Corrected, and Improved, By L. METCALFE, CURATE at Middlsham, in the County of York.
and Friday's Posts. ; arrived the mails from France and Holland. Genoa, Nov. 16. Letters from Madrid intimate hat the British EmbassadOr at that court, and the Secretary of State, hold frequent conferences. Stockholm,, Nov. 11. There never before was remembered such a number of ships lost as of late in the Baltick, and the storms still continue-. LONDON, Dec. 16. Letters from Madrass and Bombay give an ac- count of several British vessls. being seized in the Gulph of Bassora, by the Persians. Advices from Cadiz say, that great quantities of ammunition of war continue to arrive there from foreign countries, destined for the
Spanish Domi- nions in South America. , The last hand is just put to an important treaty which has' for some time been negociating between the courts of france, Spain, Lisbon, and Stockholm. By recent advices from France we are assured that the French fleet, ordered to be equipped at Brest, is ready for sea, and will sail in a few days for the Mediterranean. There are considerable orders come over in the London, Capt. Calef, which arrived last Sunday at Dover, from Boston, to the Merchants of this city, for large quantities of silks of the newest patterns. The letters from thence say, that trade begins a- gain to flourish there,
and that peace and harmony reign throughout the whole province. Orders were on Saturday evening sent to his Majesty's dock- yards for fitting out with all expe- dition, one first rate, two second rates, and some other ships of the line; which, when ready for sea, are to sail for Jamaica to reinforce Adm. Rodney. By the Master of a vessel from Jamaica, we have advice, that Admiral Rodney's squadron, con- sisting of six sale of the line, and two frigates, which had been on a cruize, returned safe to Port Royal harbour the 25th of October.— The same advices add, that two frigates, and a' sloop are ap- pointed by the same
Commander to reconnoitre the harbours at Havanna, St Jago and Martinico, ' and. to bring the most early accounts of any material transactions in those parts. A draught of twenty men from every regiment in England, is to be made to ' reinforce the garri- sons abroad, and, four new regiments are to be rai- sed here to replace them. Saturday her Royal Highness the Princess of Brunswick, arrived at Carltoni- house from Bruns- wick, in perfect health. His serene Highness is expected very soon. And yesterday her Highness paid a visit to their Majesties at the Queen's palace. The D— of C - d is so far from - thinking him- self
hardly treated by a Great Personagc, that he expressed himself in the following terms, to a friend who was talking to him on the subject:— " I never entertained a thought of gaining my brother's approbation to an act that did not pro- mise an addition to his dignity: the . furthest extent of my imaginations Were limited within the bounties of that reclusion, which characterizes a private country gentleman; unbiased in any affairs, but these which his own family necessarily demands. Let them strip me of every honour and title, so they leave me that which I esteem the greatest, they the the least—. the greatest blessing the most potent
monarch or the poorest slave can enjoy— An angel's representative on earth, a virtuous, beau- tiful, good, and affable woman ! The thoughts of exhibiting impeachments a- gainst certain distinguished Personages are said to be given over, but a different mode will be adopt- ed to keep up the opposition. This morning early one of the messengers set off with dispatches for the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. Stockholm, Nov. 16. The resolation of the States regarding the free importation, of grain stands at present limited to the latter end of March; but as the general opinion seems to be; that this term is too short to be of any service, it
is not unlikely that it may be extended to the end of . May, as has been proposed in the order of Clergy. Copenhagen, Dec. 3. By a late order, the im- portation of English salt into Denmark has been again permitted. The duty laid upon it amounts to eight rixdollars per last, containing 12 barrels, besides the usual excise upon consumption. Berlin. Dec. 7 On the 1st instant the King of Prussia, and the Princess Royal, arrived here from . Potadam. The next day his Majesty went from hence t0 Oranienburgh, at which place arrived soon after Prince Henry, conducting the Queen Dowager of Sweden, and the Princess Sophia Al bertina, her daughter. This morning his Majesty set out from hence for Potzdam, from whence it is expected he will return in about 10 or 11 " days ; when the diversions of the carnival will begin, here. ( Gaz. Wilna, Nov. 15. We learn from Warsaw, that several Dominicans had been privy to the plot to seize or assassinate the King, of Poland, some of whom are said to be taken. LONDON, Dec. 17. According to the last advices from Constantino- ple, a discovery had lately been made of an im- mense treasure in one of the vaults of the Seraglio, the value of many millions sterling, which had been buried underground some
hundred years ago, by one of their Emperors, during an insurrection. The troops belonging to his Prussian Majesty, which are now assembled in Polish Prussia, amount to 20,000 men, infantry as well as cavalry, besides feveral detachments of light troops, who have cross- ed the Wartha, in order to procure horses in Po- land to remount the cavalry. They write from Vienna, that the late rumours of a rupture with one of the northern States, have again subsided, and a stop put to the further pro- gress of the levies of troops and forage. Orders were sent yesterday from the Admiralty Office, for three men of war to sail immediately
for the Mediterranean, their particular destination is not yet known. A Messenger was sent this morning with expres- ses to the Duke of Gloucester at Rome. Our amiable Queen has offered her good offices, jointly with the P- ss Amelia, to reconcile a Great personage to his newly married brother, and as they have brought over the P. D. it is thought he will not long hold out. It is now confidently said that no discussion of a late marriage will take place in an august Assembly. yesterday three Jews were taken in Wimple- - court, Petticoat- lane, on a suspicion of being ac- complices in the murder and robbery at Mrs Hut- chins's,
near Chelsea; Ninevah, the fellow who forced the pistol to her mouth, by which he cut her lip and loosened a tooth, is one of the number; they were carried before Sir John Fielding, who committed them for a further examintion. Mr Ralph Bates, Mr Wm Archdeacon, Mr John Widdrington, Mr Wm Peareth, jun. Mr John Graham, Mr Jonathan Skelton. BANKRUPTS. Sam. Webster, of Tavistock- street, Middlesex, Haberdasher James Brown, of Portugal- street, Middlesex, Upholsterer. NEWCASTLE, Dec. 21. Mr Marshal Vesey, Bookseller, in Darlington, Agent for the Newcastle Courant, has appointed John. Furnass to distribute
that paper betwixt Dur- ham, Richmond, Bedale, Ripon, Northallerton, and all their neighbouring towns; & c, by whom, , Parcels, & C will be carefully and. expeditiously convoyed on these roads. On Wednesday last there was a meeting of the inhabitants of this town at the Mayor's Chamber, to set on foot a subscription for the relief o. f the un- fortunate sufferers by the late floods; when a sub- scription was agreed to be opened, arid a committee appointed for the management, as advertized . in this Paper.— The Corporation has generously gi- ven 2001, and Mrs Gordon, sister to the late Sir William Blackett, Bart. 1001.
Benefactions for the relief of the poor Sufferers in Gateshead, by the late flood, since our last, viz.' Mr Snow Clayton, 51. 5s. and Anonymous, by. Mr Addison Glazier, 3I. 3 s. NORTHUMBERLAND, HEXHAM, Dec. 19, 1771. THE Gentlemen and Clergy of this County, at a General Meeting held here this day for receiving informations of the loss and damage which many of the inhabitants of the said county have sustained by the late dreadful and destructive inundation, and for procuring speedy relief to the unhappy suf- ferers, came to the following resolutions. 1. That books for subscriptions to this charity be immediately opened
in the several towns here- under- mentioned: Newcastle, . At the office of Mr Thomas David- son, Under Sheriff for the County of Northumber- land. • Hexham, At the office of Mr Ralph Heron, Bai- liff of the manor of Hexham. Shields, MrBrough, Attorney at Law. 1 Morpeth, The Head Bailiff of the Corporation. Alnwick, Mr Linsay, Coroner for the County.. Belford, Rev. Mr Noble. Rothbury, Mr Robert Storer. r- Wooller, Rev. Mr Allan. Stamfordham, Doctor Scott, Coroner for the County. Bellingham, Rev. Mr Harrison. • - , Haltwezel, Rev. Mr Rotheram. Berwick, Mr. Mayor. 2. That the subscribers be dedired to pay their money at the
time they subscribe, as the objects of this Charity are in want of immediate support, 3. That the money subscribed and paid in the several towns above- mentioned shall be transmitted weekly to the treasurer of the county, or to one' of the banks in Newcastle on his account. 4. That the agents of Noblemen . and Gentlemen having property in this county, and are not at this time resident therein, be desired to transmit to their masters the resolutions of this meeting. 5. That a committee of 33 Gentlemen and Cler- gymen residing near to the River Tyne, where the principal damage was done, be appointed and au. thorised to
distribute amongst the sufFerers by the late inundation all the money which shall be raised by this subscription, and that the committee be desired to use their endeavours to be truly informed not only of the loss which individuals have suffer- cd, but also of the present condition and. circum- stances of the sufferers, that the distribution of the money to be collected, may bear proportion to the necessity of the receivers. . T' 6. That the committee be desired to meet on Monday first, in the Grand jury room in Hexham,, in order to get the accounts delivered 50 them by the sufferers, as well authenticated as the nature of the case will
admit; and to adjourn from time, to time, as they shall judge necessary. 7. That any seven of the committee be empower- ed to transact all business relative to this charity,, excepting the disposal of money, on which occasi- on eleven, at the least, . must be present. . 8. That the committee, or the major part there- of, may at their first or second meeting, draw upon the- County Treasurer, or one of the Banks in New- castle, for any sum not exceeding 2ool to be im- mediately distributed amongst the most necessitous 6f the sufferers, for their present support. 9. That the books for subscriptions be kept o- pen to the 20th of January
next, and no longer. to. That the committee are desired to meet as soon as may be after the books of subscription are shut, that they may, when they know the whole sum collected, settle the distributive shares to be paid to the respective object of this charity. 11. That as soon as all the money shall be distri- buted, the committee be desired to publish in the Newcastle news- papers an account of their receipts and disbursements. A correspondent informs us he has recommended . to the publishers of a London paper, a Scheme for the relief of the poor distress'd sufferers, by the late inundations in the rivers Tyne, Wear and
Tees, which he hopes will meet with the approbation of. our readers. The plan recommended is for every adventurer in the present Lottery, who has, or shall gain a prize, to bestow a part of such prize for the laudable purpose above- mentioned, in proportion to the value of it: ( viz) every » ol. to contribute zs. If every person who obtains a prize, would come into this Scheme and Contribute accordingly, he assures us it would raise upwards of four thousand, four hundred pounds; a considerable relief Without affecting any man's fortune, and such as one would imagine every person would wish to have in his power let some
generous spirit Shew the way, by making public in some weekly paper, that he has contributed a share of his prize, agreeable to the above plan, and there is no doubt but he will find great numbers to follow him. Our corres- pondent further recommends to have the said con- tributions lodged in fome principal Banker's hands in London, a Newcastle, and in the hands of some Merchant or tradesman, in the Cities and princi- pal Towns through the Kingdom, most convenient to the persons that may obtain any of the said prizes. BENEVOLUS. This is to inform the public, that no temporary bridge is finished, or scarcelv yet begun,
at Greata Bridge, notwithstanding the repeated advertise- ments to, the contrary in this paper. Therefore the only road now for travellers westward is to turn off Gatherly Moor, and go through Forcet, over Winston Bridge. Yesterday se'nnight a dispensation passed the seal to enable the Rev. Ambrose Eyre, M. A. Chaplain to the Bishop of Carlisle, to hold the Rectory of Out- well, in Norfolk, together with the Rectory of Bat- ley, in Herts, worth together 360! per annum. The Magistrates. will go to St Andrew's Church the Sunday after Christmas- day, on account of the collection for the poor of that parish ' We hear from Alnwick,
that a few days ago Mr Mackorkell, Dancing Master there, from, Edin- burgh, give a ball to his Scholars, He was h0- noured with a great Company of Ladies and Gen- tlemen, from town and country. The ball was opened by two children, each of them not ex- ceeding seven years of age; the Minuets and high Dances lasted from six o'clock in the evening till eleven at night, likewise a Cotilion by of them; all which gained the Master great, ho- nour, and the Scholars, got great applaUse. At a meeting this week, the Grocers and Tallow Chandlers in Gateshead, determined to give no . Christmas Candles,' . . Notwithstanding the
absolute contradiction, in- serted in our last, to the paragraph in the Chro- nicle and Journal of the decision of the cause about the living of Chester- le- street, in favour of Mr Milbanke, many people are so credulous as yet to believe it is decided, we, therefore, from absolute authority, again declare, that the cause is so far from being decided in favour of Mr. Milbanke, that if Is recommenced IN the King's Bench. We are told, that last week a woman in this town was seized with a fit, and being pUt to bed was thought soon after to expire. A coffin was got, and though the bed was warm, and the body pliable, it. was put in, and
conveyed to the mansions of the dead. It is really shocking that husbands, wives, or children, should be so precipitate in re- moving from sight what once ought to have been so dear, and was so near to them. Thursday, Mr Archer, Brush- maker here, on his return from Alnwick, fell off his horse, near Stannington, where he remained speechless. for some time, and is in a dangerous way. , Yesterday, William Craig, a Journeyman Joiner, coming to this town to work, from Oakwell- gate, Gateshead, had the misfortune to fall down the bank leading from Gateshead church to the end of Hillgate, by which he broke three ribs of his
side, and is otherwise much bruized, so that his life is despaired of: He has a wife and five small children, two of whom ( are twins) she is now lying- in of. Andrew Wilson, Margaret Hart, Margaret Hen- dry, and Susan Huntley, are taken up, on suspici- on of larcenies, both in Northumberland and this town; but are only, as yet, detained for exami- nation. They are old offenders. Margaret Les- lie is committed to be tried at the next sessions, for picking a person's pocket in the Pullen- market. We hear from Rothbury, that one Edward Hope, a bachelor, having acquired a considerable fortune, retired from business, and betook
himself to a private course of life, at a village called Holy- stone, nigh, that place, where he kept only one servant- girl, who, last week in the absence of her master, went an errand to a neighbours house, and locked the door, but forgot the key therein; she returned in a few minutes, when to. her great surprize, she found the lock tore off a large chest alarming her master, he instantly missed a small trunk which contained a number of writings of great importance, besides upwards of 300I.— This may serve as a caution to servants and others, not to leave the key behind them. Tuesday se'nnight was. married at Warkwork, Mr
Edmond Scott; of Shortridge, aged 8o to Mrs Ann Embleton, a widow Lady, Upwards of 60. Notwithstanding the Bridegroom's advanced age, he went through the business of the day with all the spirit imaginable: . Sunday was married at All Saint's, Mr Bateman, one of the Clerks of the Newcastle Bank, to Miss Wright, of St Nicholas's Church- yard, an amiable, and accomplished young lady. , Two Government cutters are stationed along the North coast, from Berwick to Beachy Head, to cruise to intercept the smugglers. ' , The Concord, Ramage, from Petersburgh, was driven from her anchors in YarmOuth Roads on the 8th
instant in the night, on Barber Sands, a little north of the town: the crew are saved, but it is feared that the ship will not stand long; there is some hope of saving the greatest part of the cargo. The Jenny, Slight, from Petersburgh to Hull, is lost in the Baltick, and all the crew perished. The Charles Town, Morrison, and Nelly, Lind- say, are both lost in the Baltick. Wednesday se'nnight, the Charles and Jane, Nixon, and the Jenny, Heath, both of this port, were, in a hard gale of wind, drove on the Salt Scars, near the Tees, and lost; the crews saved. The Nancy, Elliot, from Virginia to White- haven, struck on some rocks off the mouth
of Bullen's Bay, and went to pieces. Seven of the people were drowned: 8oo barrels of tar are saved. Ships Captains Nov. 30. John Robson Dunbar Nelson, Dec. I. K. George Brown . 4. Nancy Clark 5. Hannull Clunie Grove , Strannack Upwell Manson Henry Taylor Reading Hasting 6. Friends Goodwill Wask Henrietta Knight - Hope Arbuckle 7. Lyon Mills Arrived at shields; .1 friendship, Farthing, from Arundel, with raff: - Springfield,. Co from Archangel, with iron : John Robson, from Wyburgh, with raff: Hope, Donkin, from Memell, with raff: John & Jane, Young; Lark, Anson, from Alemouth, withi corn: Brotherhead, Potts, from
Berwick, with corn : Good intent. Manners. from hull, with goods: Elizabeth, Gidding, from Stockton, with goods: John Elizabeth, Barry, from Lynn' Rose, Cook, from Sandwich, with apples: Isabella, Hall, from Carron, with tobacco- Also several light ships. . Ships cleared overseas The Britannia, Robson, for Rochfort; Corsica Mann, for Montserrat Bacchus, Hopper, for Lisbon: Dixon for Hambro Extract of a letter from Dunwich, Suffolk, Dec. ix. " Last Saturday and Sunday there was here the most blowing weather I ever remember; large trees were torn up by the roots, barns were blown down, dwelling- houses unroofed, and
some cot- tages laid flat; but I hear of no lives being lost. The sea ran so high, that a great part of our low grounds were laid under water, and many head of cattle drowned ; but the seas along our coast pre- sented to our view a most melancholy scene, the wrecks of ships and dead bodies being, every tide thrown up; in short, by what we can here see, the damage at sea must be very great." York, Dec. 17. The' contributions in this city, for the relief of the unhappy sufFerers by the late great inundations in the North of England, already subscribed and paid, in consequence of the adver- tisement in our last, amount to the sum of
870. 13s. 5d. exclusive of 5o l. given for the same pur- pose by the Corporation of this city, 20 guineas by the Gentlemen's Club at the York Tavern, and 10 guineas by the Grand Lodge of Free Masons; and it is hoped so laudable an example Will be fol- lowed not only in this county, put in other coun- ties, and by other societies in England. As soon as satisfactory account's can be received Of the real damage which has been sustained in the several places where the inundations have happened, the money will be applied in such manner as may best answer the intent of the charitable contributors. Wednesday last, at the
Guildhall, Mr Henry Jubb was chosen an Alderman of this city, in the room of Richard Garland, Esq; deceas'd. A few nights ago a gang of nine thieves beset the mill called Watson's mill, Jiear Ripponden, three or four of whom got upon, the mill wheel, and so through a hole into the mill ; but the miller, being apprized, of their design, Was all the time watch- ing their motions; for when , they had supplied themselves with a quantity of flour, and got upon the mill- wheel in their return, he immediately set the mill a- going, whereby as many as were on the wheel were thrown into the river; but after being well duck'd, they all found
means to crawl out and make their escape. ., • Leeds, Dec. 17. We are assured, that a subscrip- tion will be immediately begun in that town and neighbourhood, for the relief of the unhappy suf- ferers by the late inundations in the North. Edinburgh, Dec. 17. It has been proposed by some of the freeholders of this country and Ayr- shire, to make application to parliament for an a- mendment of the game- laws, by making game property. Whether this amendment will be a- greeable to the majority of the land- owners of Scotland, time will discover., The candidates for representing the boroughs of Peebles, Selkirk, Lanerk and
Linlithgow, in place of their late member Mr Dickson, are Sir James Cockburn, Bart, and Captain Adam Hay. THe election comes on in a few days.. Newcasle upon Tyne, Dec. 18, 1771. AT a EETING of the INHABITAN TS of the Town of Newcastle, at the Mayor's Cham- ber, pursuant to ati Advertisement, it WAS resolved. That a SUBSCRIPTION be Opened for the ReLIef of the unhappy SUFFERERS by the late Inundations in the town and county Of Newcastle upon Tyne, the counties of Durham and Northumberland: To which Subscriptions, all the charitably disposed Inha- bitants of this town, and others, are most earnestly
invited, and to make and pay their Subscriptions into either of the two Banks in this town : At the same time, a Committee of thirteen Gentlemen was appointed to enquire, in the best manner they shall think proper, into the real losses sustained in this town and neigh- bourhood, and the real proper Objects of this Charity, that the said Committee ( five of whom are impowered to do meet in the Merchants Court, on Monday next, at ten of the clock in the morning, and adjourn from time to time as they shall think proper; and do procure the best Information they are able from the Committees, which they hope will be appointed, in
the counties of durham and Northumberland, of the Losses and proper objects, and the amount of the subcriptions in the said counties: And it is recommended, that the several Committees do appoint by advertisement, an early peremptory day for the Sufferers to bring in and make proof of their, real Losses. The Committee appointed was. Mt Alderman Mosley, Mr Alderman Blackett, Mr Wilkinson, Sheriff, Mr Richard Lacy, Mr James Liddell, The Rev. Dr Fawsett, Mr Joseph Reay , TOWN and COUNTY of NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE, At a Common Council held the 6th day of December, 1771, UPON Complaint being this day
made in ' Common Council, that divers persons do still con- tinue the illegal and prejudicial practice of setting up shambles and exposing beef to sale thereon, at the Key- side in this town, notwithstanding several of them have been indicted', and cOnvicted of, and fined for the same: It is ordered, that the aforesaid practice be wholly dis- continued; and that all persons who shall presume to repeat the same, after Saturday next, the 21st instant, shall be prosecuted with the utmosy severity. And to the end that all persons concerned may have notice hereof, it is furtHer ordered, That the Town Clerk do cause this order to be
published in one of the Newcastle News- papers next Saturday, and printed copies of the same to be put up at the Keyside, and other public places in this town, and delivered to the Stewards of the Butchers' company, to be by them made known to their brethren." - . .. By Order, GIBSON. A Boarding School at Stockton, In the COunty of DurHAM, AN Monday the 20th of January 1772, Mrs and Miss MellANBY, with proper Assistants, propose opening a SCHOOL for the Education of young Ladies, in a house pleasantly situated at the south end of the town, ( where the late boarding school was kept by Mrs Turner and Mrs
Kinderly) with a good garden adjoining, which will be appropriated to the use, and for the amusement of the young Ladies.— Boarding, English Grammar, Tambour, and all sorts of Needle- work, at 14 guineas per annum, and half a guinea en- trance. Each Lady to bring with her a pair of sheets, a pair of pillow- cases, two towels, a knife, fork, and spoon, ( those things remain in the school) or pay one guinea for the use of them.— The structest attention will be paid to the Health, Morals, Behaviour, and every necessary qualification of the young Ladies. N. B. Proper Masters will attend the school to teach Dancing, Writing, and
Arithmetic; Music and if requir'd.— Day- scholars, half a guinea per quarter
% thE Commissioners in a Commission of , Bankrupt awarded and issued forth against George ' Wilson and William CARR, of the Town and County of Newcastle upon Tyne,: Merchants and Partners, intend to meet on the 23d day of December instant, at three of the clock in the afternoon, at the Custom- house Cof- fee- house in Newcaftle upon Tyne, in order to make a further dividend of the, said Bankrupts eftate and ef- fects ; when and where the Creditors who have not; al- ready proved their debts, are to come prepared to prove the same, or they will be excluded the benefit of the said dividend. . .. . 1
NORTHUMBERLAND GRAND ROAD leading from the city of Carlisle the TOWN of Newcastle upoh Tyne. NOTICE it hereby Given THAT a MEETING of the CommissiOnerS and TrusteeS of the Northumberland part of the said Road will be held at the Moothall, in the Castle- garth, in Newcastle upon Tyne, 0n Saturday the 28th day of December instant, at eleven of the clock in the forenoon, to settle the Treasurer's Accounts, and on other special Affair- relating to the said Road. ( ToL LS) And at the same time and place, the TOLLS of the Northumberland Part of the said Road will be Let to the highest Bidder, for such term of
years as shall be then agreed on, to commence on the 1st day of January next; and the Person who takes the same must find sa- tisfactory security for payment of the Rent. It ia particularly desired that as many Of the Com- missioners will be present- as conveniently can. . WM GIBSON, Clerk. To be SOLD, Subject to a life Estate of a person of 71 years of age, ALL that MANSION or SEAT HOUSE n with, the Stables, Coach- houses, and other build- ings and conveniencies thereunto belonging, with a good Garden and paddock behind the same, situate and be- ing at Haughton in the cOunty of Durham, within a mile of
Darlington in the said county, now in the pos- session of william Alexander, Esq; Also all that MESSUAGE, TENEMENT or FARM- HOLD, and the Lands and Grounds thereunto belong- ing, commonly called and known by the name of Red- hall, situate lying and being at Haughton aforesaid, contiguous to the said Mansion or Seat- hOuse, now tenanted by Mr . Thomas Hall.— for further particulars, apply to Mr robert Bates, jun. at Faw Lees, in the said County of Durham, or Mr Sparke at Hexham, in the county of Northumberland. To be SOld together or separate, THE two following Freehold ESTATES, i adjoining each other, In
a ring Fence: All that rich TRACT of LAND, called Norham Mains, in the township of NOrham, and county of Dur- ham, now let 0n lease to Mr Jonathan Middleton, for xr years, from Whitsunday last, at the clear yearly rent of 6451. for the first seven, and 579 1. for the last 14 years of the term. And also all that other rich TRACT Of LAND called Murray's Half Farm, now let on lease to Mess. John and David Gibson, for 19 years, from Whitsunday last, at the clear yearly rent of 1411, for the first nine years, and 147 i for the last 10 years of the term.— The te- nants will shew the premises ; and for farther particu- lars, enquire of
Collingwood Forster, Esq; at Alnwick, Northumberland; MR Robert Potts, at Lemmington, near Alnwick ; or Mr Gibson, at his office in Westgate- street, Newcastle upon Tyne. N. B. The Dwelling- houses, Barns, byers, & c. on the premises, are new, and in good repair. The Estate ( 1360 acres and upwards) is well inclosed near lime and coal, and distant from Porwick upon Tweed about seven miles To be SOLD, in different LOTS, At the house of William Elliot in Bellingham,: on Wednesday the 22d day of January next,' and the succeeding days, till all are sold THE feveral PARCELS of Oak, Ash, Elm, Birch, and Alder Tries,
numbered and marked, standing and growing upon the several Estates belonging to William Charlton of Heslieside, esq hereafter men- tioned, viz. upon the Green Farm, 141 Oak, 1850 ASH, and 619 birch and ALDer ; upon Goat- hill Farm, 605 ash upon Anton- hill farm, 8o Oak, 300 ASHi and Elm; upon Dunterly farm, 213 oak and upon a part of Briggford Farm, called the High and Low Garret Hotts, not marked, two large Parcels of Birch and Alder Trees, containing many thousands. Any period or persons may, in the mean time, be informed of the particulars by applying to Mr William Kirsopp, or Mr Richard Wray, both of
Hexham, or Mr Stephen. Hodgson, of Heslieside, and have the several Parcels of Wood shewn,. by applying to the said MR Hodgson; To be SOLD to the best Bidder, At the house of Mr George Kerr, the Bee- hive in North Shields, on Monday the 23d of December inst. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, THE SHIP FAME, burthen 260 tons dead Weight.— An In- ventory of her materials may br seen by applying to Captain John Usher, on board the said Ship, lying off Smith's Dock, South Shields, or at Mr William Nesbitt's Office, Newcastle. To be SOLD to the highest Bidder, At the house of Mr Robert Feard, in South Shields,
known ' by the sign of the Carpenters Arms, on Tuesday tbe 31st dal of December instant, between the hours of three and five In the afternoon, ALL that good SHIP or VESSEL, called the ELIZA- BETH and ANN, now lying at Cooksons Quay, in South Shields, • whereof Capt Robert Johnson was late Master, of the burthen of 100 tons or thereabouts, planta- tion- built, sheathed, and a good sailer.— An inventory of her materials may be seen at Mr Robert Feard's aforesaid, or at Mr Armstrong's of- fice, in North Shields. " This Day is Publish'd, Price 2s. neatly bound, Printed on a large Post paper, and ruled in a most com prehensive manner for keeping accounts and altering Me- morandums, JOHNSON'S GENTLEMAN and TRADESMAN'S DAILY JOURNAL, For the YEAR 1772. Containing, 1. Correct lists of the Houses of lords and Commons, wherein is expressed the date of the year in which each Peer succeeded to his title. 2. a'n alphabetical list of the several Trades, Manu- factories, Arts, and Professions carried on in the cities of London and Westminster, and their environs, with the names of some of the m0st considerable dealers in each branch J also a copious list of foreign Merchants, comprehending near 300 different branches of
business. 3. the imports and exports of Great Britain, com- pared with the balance of trade arising from each coun- try, intended to ascertain the yearly profit brought into this kingdom by its foreign commerce. 4. A much improved table, shewing the intrinsic va- lue of the several public funds, with the comparative value of landed property. j. Abstracts of acts of Parliament of gen Holidays, & c. with several other particulars • rous to be particularized, calculated to entertain speculative, and assist the busy. Printed for J. JOHNSON, No 71, saint Paul's church- yard, and J. PaynE. *,* Wheie may be had, JOhnson's Li , . Pocket-
BOOK for1772. & J NORTHUMBERLAND. MORPETH, Dec. 4, 1771 AT a numerous MEETING of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for this county, held here this day, to receive the Surveyor's Report of the present condition of the County Bridges, pro- per resolutions were agreed to for, the immediate lately and convenience of the public, as far as the nature of the case, and the season of the year would permit; and estimates for the rebuilding of the bridges, destroyed by the late dreadful flood, were ordered to be made and laid before the Justices of the Peace, at their Christmas Sessions, that no time may be lost for
restoring the communications unfortunately cut off by the late destructive inun- dation And any person or persons willing to con- tract for the rebuilding of Haydon Bridge, Hex- ham Bridge, and Chollerford Bridge, [ these Bridges being of the most general use,: are intended to be first rebuilt) may deliver their proposals to the Justices, at their next general Quarter Sessions, to be held at Morpeth, at Christmas next. By Order, J. FRENCH, Deputy Clerk of the Peace. This is to inform the PUBLIC, . THAT GREATA BRIDGE is, now made compleatly passable for Carriages, and all other Conveyances. NOTICE is Given THAT a
Quantity of TIMBER, & c. is cast upon the shore of the Manors of Seaham and Dawdon, and in the custody of the bailiff of the Lord Of the same Manors : Any person having lost any Timber, & c- by the late flood, by sending an account and de- scription of the mark thereof, And proving' their property in any part of the said timber, Sic. may have the same redelivered to them, on payment of reasonable charges and salvage; and Mr Morrison will attend at Seaham, on the 16th day of December, to receive claims and de- liver the Wood, Sunderland, Dec. 14. 1771 TURNPIKE RoAD leading from Durham to TyNEbRIDGe. THE next
MEETING of the TRUSTEES of the said Road, is appointed to be held at the House of Mrs Huntley in Gateshead; upon the 2d day of January next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon), in order to take into further consideration, the in- tended application to Parliament; and a resolu- tion having been entered into by the Trustees, at their last Meeting, for . the applying to Parliament to increase the Tolls- one- half and to borrow a sum of money upon the credit thereof ; and that such ad- ditional Toll should he appropriated to the payment of the money so to be borrowed, in the first place. Therefore ' any person . willing to advance any
mo- ney, may apply to the Trustees at their next Meet- ing, or to their clerh in the interim. Dec. 1o. 1771. By Order, S. BURKE, Clerk, ' , dec. 10. 1771. dEfigning to commence bROKER for freighting ships, & c on the 1st of January next, and having hired Mr Lancelot Atkinson, ( who has been many years conversant in that branch) as an assistant. I take this method to solicit the favours of my friends and the public, assuring them every thing shall be done to merit future confidence, that is in the power of 1 ... Their most obedient servent, EDWARD HUMBLE. . The business of the Royal Exchange Fire- Office for assuring Houses,
goods Merchandise, and Ships from loss or damage by Fire, continues to be regularly trans- acted at my office on the Quay Side. WILLIAM HILLS, BOOT and SHOE- MAKER, late upon Tyne Bridge, returns his sincere thanks to his, friends and the Public, particu- larly to the benevolent subscribers in Gateshead, & c He is now in the shop late belonging to Mr Fleming, Bookseller, on the North end of Tyne Bridge, where he continues the Shoe- making business, as usual, in all its branches 5 particularly women's stuff- shoes, wholesale and retale.' He hopes tHose who stand indebted to, him, will discharge their debts
immediately, as he is now paying his creditors 20S. per pound. Those who please to favour him with their orders may depend on being well served, and their favours gratefully acknowledged, by ' Their very humble servant, newcastle, Dec, 7. 1771 WM HILLS. N. B. Women's silk shoes, slippers, & c. and lea- ther clogs of all sorts. v This is to acquaint our FRIENDS and the PUBLIc, tHAT we continue, as usual, to take in GOODS at William Anderson's, the Pack- horse on the side, Newcastle, and at our respective Inns in Richmond and Manchester, and will convey all Goods sent by us with the usual care ; but from this date will
not be accountable for the risque in conveying them over the river Tyne. ADAM BATTINSON, Manchester Carrier. , WILLIAM BATTINSON, Richmond Carrier. ' Newcastle, 18th DeC. 1771 We are at Newcastle every Wednesday as usual. SUNDERLAND, Dec. 1, 1771, ft, he - LET,- An - undivided H A L F- P A R T of the QUAY or WHARF called the Partnership Quay, adjoining to the East end of the late Mr Ettrick's Quay, and extending Eastward to the slip belonging to the Co- blemen of Sunderland ; with that part of the said Quay whereon- the said slip is laid. Also One undivided HALF - PART of tbe Boat- builder's Shop and
Yard, whereof Thomas Hardcastle is tenant at will, and of two mooring posts, with the like part of the Wharfage and groundage to the low water mark.— Enquire of B. Hodgkin, Esq; • N.' B. The said Quay being 63 feet broad in the mid- dle part, from the front to the South wall, affords suffici- ent length for building keels, laying timber, & c- and another mooring post will be put down under the said Quay at the west- end thereof , To be lET and entered upon at May- day next, 1771, HORDON WEST FARM, iri the- Parish of Easington, and county of Durham, consisting of 272 acres of arable, meadow, and pasture Grounds, now in
the possession of William and Ralph Clennells, who will shew tbe premises; and, for further particu- lars apply to Mr Robert Lynn, at Urpeth house. To be L E T, And entered upon at Old Lady- day, 1773, ALL that FARM, called the Hallgarths and Heaning, situate within two miles of Kirkbystephen, belonging to Sir Philip Musgrave, Bart, consisting of above 300 acres of arable, meadow, and pasture Ground, and now let to Anthony Wharton. Also to be LET, and entered upon at Christmas next, All those LEAD MINES belonging to the said Sir Philip Musgrave, within his Manor of Hartley, near Kirkbystephen aforesaid.- Whoever
are inclined to take the same, may apply to Mr Dobson, of EdenhaLl near Penrith, Cumberland JAMES GIBSON, , At the Head of the Side, Newcastle upon TYNE, CLOCK and WATCH- MAKER, HAving declined that BUSINESS, takes this Opportunity of returning. Thanks to his Friends and Customers for their past Favours, and begs the Liberty of recommending John Harrison, lately, arrived from London, who succeeds him in his Shop and Business to their future, orders in that Branch : And the said John Harrison begs Leave to, inform the Public, that then Favours will he most gratefully acknowledged and executed in the
best and most reasonable manner. Whereas I EDMOND ATKINSON, Con- stable of Askrig, in the county of York, did on on or abOut the 4th day of April last; by virtue of a warrant, apprehend and take into custodv, Isaac Alder- son, a minings Agent, and several workmen, employed by Thomas Smith of Gray's Inn, Esq; and did keep and detain them in my custody three days, without con- Veying them before a Magistrate, although earnestly and repeatedly requested so to do'; ( and which I did at the persuasions of one John Metcalf; Lord, Pomfret's mi- ning Agent, and Mr William I'Anson, his Lordship's Attorney, who both
promised to protect me) for which illegal- proceeding the said persons threatened to com- mence prosecutions against me.— Now I, the said Ed- mond Atkinson, do hereby humbly ask pardon of the said Isaac Alderson, and the said workmen, for so ille- gally depriving them of their liberty ; and do return them, and the said Thomas Smith, my most humble thanks for stopping all prosecutions against me.— And I consent that this acknowledgement of my fault may be printed in all, or any of the public news- papers. Given under my hand; this 7th day of December 1771. EDMOND ATKINSON. Witness, Tho. Heslop, John
Hemingway, Ja. Bell. To be SOLD,- ALL that HOUSE and SHOP, with the Appurtenances, situate in the Side, NeWcastle, now in the occupation of Miss Todds. Hatters; and also the WAREHOUSES and STAbLeS, in the Painter- heugh, now in the occupation'of Mr Caleb Alder. Enquire of Mr Jonathan Sorsbie, jun. or of Mr Robert Coulter, on the Sandhill, Newcastle. ( N. B. This will be but once more advertised.) , To be SOLD, to the highest Bidder, At the house of Mrs Martha Hodgson,. Innkeepert in Wol- singham, on Tuesday the 31st day of December instant, between the hours of two and five of the clock in the after- noon,
together or in. Lots, as shall be agreed up0n at the time of sale sEveral Copyhold MESSUAGES or 0 DWELLING HOUSES, with a large, Orchard behind the same, and other the appurtenances there- unto belonging, situate in Wolsingham aforesaid, late' the Estate ot Anthony Dixon, late of Wolsingham afore- said, Skinner and Glover, deceased, new in the several occupations of John Dobson, Mary Smith, widow, and Thomas Wheatley; together with a piece or parcel of ground, lying upon Wolsingham North moor, awarded and set out to the said Anthony Dixon, upon a division of the said moor in right of the said messuage or
dwel- ling- houses, now in the occupation of Robert Storey. Ralph Wilson, of Wolsingham afbrefaid, Gentleman, or Thomas Johnson, Weaver there, will shew the premises; and, for further particulars, apply in the mean time to Mess. Hopper and Pearson, Attorneys at Law, in Dur- ham. N. B. THis - will be no more advertised. To be LET and entered upon at Whitsuntide next, Or sooner if required, THAT well- accustomed INN, known by the sign of the Black Swan, sitUated in Alnwick, now in the possesslon 0f Miss Woodhouses, consisting of ten fire rooms, one large dining room, brewhouse, cel- lars, stable's, and every
convenience suitable, N. B. The Person who takes the said Inn, may be accommodated with all sorts of Brewing Utensils and Houshold Furniture, at a very reasonable price. For further particulars, enquire of Robert Whinham, at the Crown and Glove, in Alnwick aforesaid, who will shew the premises and let the same. To be LET and entered to on the 12th of May next, A FARM galled the EAST HOUSES, be- ing part of the township of Aberwick, contain- ing near 100 acres of arable, meadow, and pasture land, divided into nine inclosures, together with' 217 acres of moor adjoining, and well inclosed with a stone Wall. And a so '
A FARM, called BROOMHILL, being part of the township of Aberwick, cOntaining 150 acres of arable, meadow, and pasture land, divided into seven inclosures, together with 210 acres of moor adjoining, some of which may be very easily improved, and is well inclosed with a stone wall.— The above Farms will be let free of corn and hay tithe. They are situated within four miles of Alnwick, and Within three miles of sale draw kilns, to which the greatest part of. the road is a good Turn- pike.— For . particulars, enquire at Broom Park.' To be S OLD to the best Bidder, At the House of Mr Robert Potts, in Bedlington, the 6th day
of'January, 1772, between the hours of two and four in the afternoon, , A LL that CLOSE or PARCEL of GROUND commonly called or known by the name of Black's Ridges, containing! by estimation, eleven acrcs or thereabouts, situate, lying, and being at Bedlington aforesaid, and now in the possession of Mr John Skipsey, as tenant thereof. For further particulars enquire of Robert Bell, Esq; or Mr Thomas Watson, both in Bed- lington. Mr Skipsey, the present tenant, will shew the premises., ( This - will be no more advertised To be SOLD by public Auction, ( If not disposed of in the mean Time by private Contract) THE
following ESTATES, late the Property of Henry Thomas Carr, Esq; deceased ( viz,) , One Undivided MOIETY or HALF PART of Manor of Gateshead, held by lease for the term cf twenty- one years, under the Lord Bishop of Durham; and A Moiety or Half Part of the very valuable Seams of Coal in the same; and an undivided Moiety or Half Part of the Freehold estate of Shipcote, both lying in the county of Durham, and near the town Of Newcastle upon Tyne : And also an undivided MOieTY or HALF PART of the Freehold Manor of Bellister, near Haltwhistle, in Northumberland.— Particulars of which will be shortly advertised in
this and the other Newcastle Papers; and proper Persons will be named to receive proposals, give information, and the premises. • DarliNgTon, Dec 16, 1771 THE several CREDITORS of George Fleatham, of Darlington, are desired to attend the Trustees, on Monday the 4th day of January next, at the house of Mr John Beck,_ in Darlington aforesaid, at two o'clock in the afternOon, when such Creditors, who have signed the Deed of Assignment, will be paid their several and respective Dividends; and such Cre- ditors as shall neglect 0r refuse to sign the same will be excluded. ( This will be no more advertised. j To be
peremptorily SOLD by AUCTION, In the eleven following lots, on Wednesday the 22d of Ja- nuary next, between the hours of eleven and twelve in the forenoon, at the Turk's Head Tavern, in the Oat- market, Newcastle, ( if not disposed of before by private contract) subject to the conditionS of sale to be then and there produced, THE Capital MANSION- HOUSE of Ben- well ; a very improveable and freehold ESTATE thereto adjoining, ( being part of the manor of Benwell. Within two miles of Newcastle upon Tyne, in the coun- ty of Northumberland, the grand military road, between Newcastle and Carlisle, adjoining to the said
estate, viz. Lot 1. The Capital MANSION- HOUSE, most de- lightfully situated, and elegantly fitted up, which com- mands a charming and extensive prospeCt of the River Tyne, Newcastle, a fine vales the country adjoining, and the seats of several Noblemen and Gentlemen : Consisting, 0n the ground floor, of a hall laid with black and white marble; a spacious. drawing- room, with a large bow window, and a very handsome marble chim- ney piece, with a frame richly carved and guilded ; an exceeding good dining room, with a latge Venetian win- dow, all elegantly stuccoed, and compleatly finished ; a Very good parlour, with a
marble chimney- piece, with a richly carved frame; a study, and dressing- room. The second floor consists of eleven exceeding good bed- cham- bers,, some of them with marble chimney- pieces, richly ornamented, and hung with genteel paper, with a gal- lery or passage, of between 40 and 50 feet long, leading thereto. The Attic story . contains six large lodging- rooms, Very well papered. There are three stair- cases, the best genteely hung,. finished, and carved, with a black and white marble floor ; the second of stone, with an iron hand rail : There are six very large cellars cut out of the solid rock, aud arched with brick, with
se- veral large arched binns for wine; a spacious large kitchen, near 20 feet high, with a gallery therein ; a good back- kitchen, pantry, store- room, housekeeper's room, butler's pantry, servant's hall, porter's lodge brewhouse, still- room, laundry, milk- house, bake house, ice- house, a coach- house for three carriages, with a very large loft above, whereto there is an out- entrance, ex- cellent stables for 30 Hotses, with a pump in the stable- . yard, and another next the Mansion- house; a large gra- nary, dove- COt, hen- house, dog kennel, and other of- fices, all in compleat repair; three large fish- ponds well stocked; a lawn and
plantations neatly laid out, with serpentine walks, and variety of flowering shrubs ; with a kitchen garden, containing. together 12 acres of ground, and tithe free. All the fixtures, brass- locks, brass- bolts, go with the house, which may he en-. tered upon at May day. next, 1772. LOT 2 A rich TRACT of LAND, all in meadow and pasture, Containing, 35 acres, 1 rood, 8 perches, or thereabouts, now, let on lease to John Richardson, of Which eight years are yet unexpired, at the clear year- ly rent of * LOT 3. A rich TRACt of LAND, all In meadow, containing 11 a. 1 r. 10p. or thereabouts, now let on lease to Thomas Wake, of which
six years and a half are yet unexpired, at the clear yearly rent of 3 j 1. LOT 4. A rich TRACT of LAND, or park, all in meadow, containing 45 a. 3 r. or thereabouts, now let on lease to Mr, Thomas Moses, of which nine years are yet unexpired, at the clear yearly rent LOT 5. A rich TRACT of l. AND, all in meadow and pasture, containing 33 a. 1 r. 37 p or thereabouts, now let on lease to Charles Lawson, of which years are yet unexpired, at the clear yearly rent of . LOT 6. A rich TRACT Of LAND, all in meadow and pasture, containing ri a. r. l j. Or thereabouts, now let to Henry Airey, Esq; on lease, of which eight yearS and a half
are yet unexpired, at the clear yearly rent of LOT 7. A rich TRACT of LAND, all in meadow and pasture, except six acres in corn, containing 71a. o r. 1 p p. or thereabouts, now let to Mr Samuel joplin and Brother, on lease, of which nine years are yet un- expired, at the clear yearly rent of LOT 8. A rich TRACT of LAND, all in meadow and pasture, containing 41 a. 1 r. 38 p. or thereabouts, now, let on lease to Robert Harrett, of which years are yet unexpired, at the clear yearly rent of 90 1. i'J s. LOT 9- A rich TRACT of LAND, all in meadow and pasture, containing ; o a. 1 r. 13 p. or thereabouts, now let on lease, of which nine
years are yet unexpi- red, at the clear yearly rent of . LOT 1O A rich TRACt of LAND, all in meadow and pasture, containing a- " 1 t. it p.' or thereabouts, with a large new spacious hOuse, garden, and all neces- sary conveniencies, now let on lease to Ralph Ogle, Esq; of, which nine years and a half are yet unexpired, at the clear yearly rent of 60 1. 3 s. 10d. LOT 11 A small rich TRACT Of LAND, all in meadow, containing i a it, up. or thereabouts, now let on lease to Wm Joblin, of which two years and. a half are yet Unexpired ; at the clear yearly rent of N. B. The above estate is remarkably well planted with several kinds of
trees, several of which are come to a good size ;' and also exeeedingly well walled, fen- ced, and watered; and all the several tracts of land finely situated to build on, is let to very reputable and ' good tenants, who are exempted from Turnpike toll with respect to the manure led by them, which may al- so be brought, by water. It pays only a small modus for tithe- hay; which modus, together, with the land- tax, are chargeable on the other part of the manor of Ben- well, not belonging to the proprietor Of this estate. Any person desirous of purchasing all, 0r any of the lots, for further particulars, may. apply to Matthew Duane, Esq; at
his chambers, No 2, Lincoln's Inn, London, where a plan of the estate may be seen ; or to Mr Archdeacon, at his house in Newgate- street, New- castle, who has also a plan, and who will send a pro- per person to shew the premises. Note also, Any part of the purchase- moncy may re- main in the purchaser's hands at reasonable interest; and the purchaser of the Mansion- house may be accom- modated with any quantity of ground contiguous to the said house, by a special clause and agreement made with the tenants for that purpose. Two new good farm houses, with byers and stables, were built last summer, and all other
tenants' houses, & C; have been fully and substantially repaired If the above lots should be sold by public sale, . the public may depend, and rest assured, that no sweetners will be Employed; but that the strictest houour and Candour will be used in this sale. Also to let or sold, and entered upon immediately, at Candlemas, or May- day next, 1772, All that large, commodious HOuSE in Newgate- street, Newcastle, late- ly occupied by Sir Robert Bewick, Knight. It will be let ( if not sold) either altogether, or in two separatc1 te- nements, and contains every convenience both for a large and small family.— For farther particulars
apply , to Mr Archdeacon, next door but one fo the' said house, who will shew the said Premises
< f To be L ET, and enter don at May- day next, AWell- situated FARM, called Sunderland Closes, within four miles of Durham, in the said county, consisting of 282 acres of arable, meadow, and pasture Grounds, now in the occupation of William Worthy, as tenant— For further particulars, apply to John Hunter, of Croxdale, who will shew the premises. N. B. The above Farm pays a prescript for Corn and Hay Tithes- To be LET and entered on the 12th of May next, Either together or separate, TWO FARMS of LAND at West- harle, in the parish of Kirkwhelpington, and county of Northumberland : The one containing i So acres
of" good Land, well inclosed with stone walls and quickset hedges, and Only zi acres of Tillage in the said Farm, near 1oo acres is now used as a Feeding Firm, with pro- per housing all in good repair : The other containing 1 70 acres of Land, with a good Limestone Quarry and Drawkiln on the premises, and a Farm- house and all necessary conveniencies newly erected.— For particulars, enquire of Mr Daniel Harle, at West- harle. N. B. The Farms may be viewed any time, and at- tendance will be given on Mondays and Fridays to let the same. To he LET and entered upon at May- day, next, AFARM of LAND at Newball, near
Hamsterley, now in the possession of John Siddall; alfo another FARM at Hilltop, near Hamsterley, now in the possession of Edward Lowes. Enquire of An- thony Vafey, at Hoppyland, who will shew the premises. N. 8. Both Farms are free of all manner of tithes. To be LET, And entered upon the 12th day of May next, 1771, CHATTERLEY FARM, situate within a mile of Wolsingham, in the county of Durham, now in the possession of Richard Garthwaite, as tenant: Also WEST SHIPLEY fARM and SOUTH SHIP- LEY, other wise Hoppyland Fell and Shull; together with all the FELL LAND, in the Chapelry of Hamster- ley, in the
said cOunty of Durham, now in the several possessions of William Teasdale as tenant, and William Blackett the owner: Also that well- accustomed CORN MILL, known by the name of Furnace Mill, situate on the the river Wear, in the parish of St Andrew Auck- land, in the said county of Durham. Also to be LET or SOLD, A Copyhold HOUSE in Bishop Auckland, now in the possession of Miss Blacketts: Also all that ALLOT- MENT upon Willington Fell, now in the possession of Timothy Hudson, as tenant: Also all that ALLOT- MENT upon Staindrop Moor, now in the possession of John Atkinson, as tenant: Alio all that COTTAGE
and GARTH, situate in the town of Staindrop, in the possession of Robert Keighkley : Also all that COT- TAGE, HOUSE, SHOP, and PREMISES, in the said town of Staindrop, in the possession of John Mader and John Hutton, as tenants.— For further particulars, en- quire of William Blackett, of Helmedon- hall, Esq; N. B. All persons are desired to abstain from hunting Or shooting in the above farms; and likewise in a farm at Hedley hill, in the parish of Lanchester, now in the possession of Robert Wilson. Nov. 30, 1771. Town and Borough of Alnwick, Northumberland, To be LET to the best Bidder, for a term of 15 years, or
more, ( to enter upon at Whit- suntide, 1773) at the house of Mr George Nelson, the White Swan, in Alnwick'aforesaid, on Saturday the 1st day of February next, betwixt the hours of two and five o'clock in the afternoon, ( together or separately ALL that TENEMENT or FARMHOLD, situate in the parish of Alnwick aforesaid, com- monly called or known by the name of the Freeman- hill Farm, consisting of 478 acres or thereabouts, and . now in the occupation of William Morrison, George Story, and Robert Davison. And also all that TENEMENT or FARMHOLD, situate in the parish of Alnwick aforesaid, commonly called or known
by the name of Alnwick Far Moor- house and Intake, containing near 2oo acres, and now in tht occupation of Mr Thomas Horsley. The said two Farms adjoin together, are part of the lands belonging to the Corporation of Alnwick, and are conveniently situated for coal and lime. Edward Davison, the head of Alnwick moor, will shew the premises.— For further particulars, enquire in the mean time of Robert Richardson, jun. Attorney at Law, in Alnwick aforesaid. N. 8. Good security, if required, must be given To be SOLD SIX hundred and fifty- three OAK TREES, seventy- five Ash, and eighty- five Birch and Alder Trees, standing
and growing near Brancepeth. En- quire of Ralph Hutchinson, at Baxerwood, near Durham. To be SOLD, Situate at the lower end of Smith Shields, AVery commodious and well- accustomed Public HOUSE, known by the " name of the sign of the Orange Tree, late in the occupation of Mr John Thompson and others; together with some adjoining Tenements, the whole held by lease under the Dean and Chapter of Durham. Whoever inclines to purchase the same, may apply to Mr Robert Wilson, Attorney at Law, in Newcastle upon Tyne. The tenants will shew the premises. - PROPOSALS for PUBLISHING WEEKLY, A
Dictionary of the World: O R, A Geographical Description of the - Earth ; With an Historical and Biographical. Account of its Principal Inhabitants, From the Earliest AGES to the Present TIME. Including whatever is most useful in Geography, and jnoft intereding in Sacred and Prophane History. Containing a Description of the Continents, Islands, Empire;; Kingdom, States, Provinces, Mountains, Ci- ties, Principal Town's, Seas, Lakes, Rivers, & c. Together with an Account of the Lives of the Patri- archs, Primitive Fathers, Emperors, Kings, Popes, Le- gislators, Great Generals, Admirals, Painters, Statua- ries, Historians, Divines,
Orators, Poets, Philosophers, Lawyers, Physicians, Learned Women, & c. With their principal WORKS and bed EDITIONS. And the Geographical Part by JOSEPH COLLIER. Printed for T. Carnan, and F. Newbery, junior, at No. 65, in St Paul's Church- yard. CONDITIONS. I. This work will be printed in folio, 011 the same size, letter, and paper, as Chambers' Dictionary. II. A number, containing three sheets of letter- press, will be published weekly, price six pence. III. The first number will be published on Saturday the nd of December, 1771, and continued regularly until the whole is completed, which will be in one hun- dred
numbers, making two volumes. IV. The same profit will be made to the trade in the country by the publishers which they have hitherto al- lowed ; j^ s they did not agree to the combination for raising the prices of books sold in numbers, being de- termined always to allow. a fair profit to thofe who may have the trouble of vending their publications. V. The first number may be purchased as a specimcn, and perused; and if not approved, the money shall be returned. gt1 This work has been some years in hand, and during that time has undergone frequent revision and received consi- derable additions from the authors; so that we
hope it will be found far preferable to those hasty periodical publications which have been too often obtruded on the public. Just published, price is. o a. eNglish Rudiments ; or an easy introduc- J tion to English Grammar, digested and metho- dized after a new and easy plan, and particularly cal- culated both for the ease of the teacher, and benefit of the scholar, By the Rev. Mr Rain, Vicar of St John's, Stanwick, and Master of the free Grammar- school at Hartforth, for the Use of Schools.—- Darlington : Print- ed by John Sadler, for the Author, and sold by W. Charnley, and all the other Booksellers in Newcastle; R. Manisty, P.
Sanderson, and A. Clifton, in Dur- ham; Graham, Sunderland ; Vesey, Darnton, and Wharton, Darlington; J. Rablaw, Barnardcastle; Tun- stall, Metcalf, and Tinkler, Richmond ; Dawson and Todd, Northallerton ; T. Scavers, Thirsk, Beckwith, Ripon; D. Peck, and all the other Booksellers in York ; and by the Booksellers in Alnwick, Berwick, Carlisle, Penrith, Kendall, Lancaster, & e. This Day was published, Handsomely printed in one Volume Folio, and embellished with a HEAD of the AUTHOR, Price 1 I. 11 s. 6 d. bound with Cuts, or 11. S s. without, A NEW EDITION, being the SEVENTEENTH, of that excellent and well- known
Work, intitled, EXPOSITORY NOTES, with PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS, on the NEW TESTAMENT, of our Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST. Wherein the Sacrcd Text is at large recited, the Sense explained, and the indructive Example of the Blessed Jesus, and his Holy Apostles, to our Imitations recom- mended. The Whole designed to encourage the Reading of the ScRIP TURES in Private Families, and to render the daily Perusal of them profitable and delightful. By WILLIAM BURKITT, M. A. Late Vicar and Lecturer of Dedham in Essex, Printed for W. Strahan, J. and F. Rivington, J. Hinton, J. Fuller, sen. J. Buckland, L.
Hawes and Co. W. Johnson, E. Johnson, W. Owen, T. Caslon, S. Crowder, J. and W. Oliver. T. Longman, B. Law, C. Rivington, E. and C. Dilly, A. and C. Corbett, J. Wilkie, Z. Stuart, G. Kearsley, G. Keith, T Becket, W. Nicoll, S. Bladon, T. Cadell, Robinson and Roberts, J. KnOx, G. Pearch, R. Baldwin, W. Otridge, J. Bell, B. Collins, C. Etherington. Where may be had the CUTS alone. * *,* The Country Booksellers, and the Public in ge- neral, are hereby cautioned againd a spurious Edition of the above Book, as the Proprietors arc determined not to suffer it to be sold to their Injury, and in Defiance of the Laws. By the Original
Publisher J. WHEBLE, On Monday, December the Second- was publish ed, Price 6 d to be continued Monthly. Decorated with a Copper- plate, executed by Mr Wal- ker, in the same masterly manner as that given in last month— it represents a scene in the New mask of the Institution of the order of the garter ; the two figures in front of the piece are the genius of England and King Edward ; and in the back ground appears Bri- tannia, the mistress of the world, Neptune at her feet offering his Trident, with various other attendants, such as Peace, Plenty, the Arts, & c.,& c.— The pat- tern given, is for working on white sattin or
dimity, a childbed pincushion in gold or colours, according to the present fashion, suitable to a pattern to be given in our next of a cover for a basket— A song by Mr Hooke; and the cookery embellishments for the month. Wheble's Lady's Magazine, For NOVEMEBER, 1771 ; Or ENTERTAINING COMPANION for the FAiR SEX Appropriated solely to their use and amusement. ThIS month has numberless important and enter- taining articles; the Lady's sentimental journey.— Lady's Biography ; Female Rambler ; and other con- tinuations of course; and amongst the new subject will be found Reflections on the Characters,
Disposition and Conduct of the Dukes of Gloucester and Cumber land.— Account of the Fairy Prince.— The Prize poem in praise of Sentimental love.— Necessity of knowing Ones self, a poetical piece by Lady Dorothea Du Bois. — Verses to several Ladies— Epitaphs— French Tales— Enigmas, and Answers, & c. & c. Printed for J. Wheble, at No. 14, Pater- noster- Row( and sold by the Booksellers in town and country. Also LONDON, NOV. 1, 1771. To the Ladies of Newcastle, and to all the fair Readers of this paper. To You, ye fair the Muse her tribute pays, The humble off'ring of her annual lays ; Salutes you gladly with
hcr wonted strain, And pleas'd renews the grateful toll again. This Day is published, price only one shilling, neatly bound, with pockets for letters, & c. Decorated with four beautiful copper plates designed and engraved by Mr Walker ; first, The frontispiece represent- ing her majesty, conversing with a lady of quality, attended by her maids of honour. Second, The lady viscountess Torring- ton in an elegant riding dress, driving a Pheton with two beautiful small horses. Third, Lady Archer going to Court in a full dress. Fourth, Lady Waldgrave in a genteel undress. the whole finely executed, and to these are added the music for four
songs, with an excellent new treatise, containing instruc- tions for learning to sing, which will be found of infinite use to such ladies as wish to become possest of that very polite accomplishment. The LADIES most elegant and convenient POCKET BOOK, For the Year 1772. Containing, Amongst the greatest variety of useful, ornamental, and instructive articles, the following, The necessary pages for engagements, memorandums and expences, ruled in a more plain and familiar man- lier than any yet adapted for the use of the ladies; an address to the ladies ; instructions for learning to sing, with examples and songs set to
music; the favourite new songs sung at the public gardens, & c. with several select pieces of original poetry ; Twenty- four country dances for the year 1771; the laws of whist and quadrill; the necessary rates of coachmen, chairmen, & c. with all the useful interest, marketing, and expence tables, See. Compiled at the request of several ladies of quality, un- der the immediate inspection of The RT. HON. LADY DOROTHEA DE BOIS. . By whom the poetical Introduction to theLadies is written Printed by John Wheble, in Pater- noster- row, London, and sold by T. Saint, and the rest of the Booksellers in Newcastle. It has been the
constant practice of my cotemporaries to boast of what they have, done for the ladies by their past publications, and if I were to follow their examples, I might ( from the success I met with last year so far be- yond my spectations) with justice say more on that sub- ject than any of them, but being so amply honoured and rewarded for what is past, I shall lay claim to no other favour, than what the present publication may in the opinion of the ladies be entitled to. J. WHEBLE, To le LET and entered upon at May- day next, AWell- situated PAPER MILL, at Crox- dale, now in the possession of Thomas Cummins, as tenant. For further
particulars, apply to John Hunter, at Croxdale. To be LET, and entered on at Candlemas- day next, ALL that DWELLING- HOUSE, with the Brewhouse and Stable thereto adjoining, together with the Bowiing- green, and a large Garden and Orchard, now in the occupation of James Corrie, as tenant thereof, and known by the name of Spring Garden, laying near to the East walls of the city of Carlisle.— For farther par- ticulars, apply to Mr John Pearson, at Carlisle aforesaid. This Day is Publish'd, In two handsome volumes, folio, price three guineas neatly bound in calf and lettered, containing a complete set of large, elegant, and
correct Maps, engraved by Kitchen, & c. which form a valuable Atlas-, and a great number of beautiful Copper- plates by Hall, Grignion, and Rooker, representing the Customs, Dresses, religious and other Ce- remonies, historical Events, and curious Remains of Anti- tiquity in the various parts of the world; A New System of Georgraphy Or, A General Description of the whole known World, Containing a particular and circumstantial account of all the Countries, Kingdoms, and States of EUROPE, ASIA, AFRICA, and AMEIRCA; their Situation, Climate, Mountains, Seas, Rivers, Lakes, & c. the Religions, Manners, Customs,
Government, Manufac- tures, Trade, and Buildings of the Inhabitants : with the Birds, Beads, Reptiles, Insects, the various Vege- tables and Minerals, found in different regions. Also, A Concise History of each Country from the ear- lied Times, comprehending an interesting Epitome of Universal History. To the whole is prefixed, An Introductory Treatise on the Science of Geography; and a copious Index is given with each volume. By the late D. FENNING, Author of the Royal English Dictionary, The Use of the Globes, The Young Algebraist's Companion, & c. And J. COLLYER, Author of the Letters from Felicia to Charlotte ; and
Translator of the Messiah and Noah from the Ger- man. A new edition, revised, corrected, and enriched with the latest discoveries, particularly those made in the late Voyage round the world in his Majesty's ship the En- deavour. London: Printed for J. PAYNE, and sold by J. JOHNSON, NO 71, in St Paul's Church- yard. To accommodate such as choose to become pos- sessed of this valuable work in an easier manner, on the 19th of October last was published the first number, price six- pence, and a number a- week will be regularly continued until completed. The whole will be com- Comprised in 114 six- penny numbers. A
list of the Maps and Copper- plates may be seen in the proposals at large, which are given gratis. By the King's Royal Licence and Authority, Granted at St James's, for the publication of this Work, The whole of which to be compleated in Sixty Numbers, ( each containing one or more Copper- plates, finely engraved) ma- king an elegant Volume in folio, On Saturday the 30th of November, 1771, was pub- lished, ( Price SiX - PeNCE, Elegantly printed 011 a new letter and fine paper, adorned with a beautiful Frontispiecc designed by WALE, and engravd by GRIGNION, and a correct map of South America.) . NUMBER I. ( to be
continued weekly Of A New and Universal Collection Of Authentic and Entertaining VOYAGES AND TRAVELS: From the Earliest Accounts to the Present Time. Judi- ciously selected from the best writers, in the English, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, German, and other languages: Comprehending whatever is curious ill the Government, Commerce, Natural History, Cus- toms, Habits, Marriages, Funerals, and other cere- monies of the different nations in the known world. Including an account of the most remarkable Discovc- ries, Conquests, Settlements, Battles, Sea- Fights, Hur- ricanes, Shipwrecks, Sieges, Tortures,
wonderful Es- capes, Massacres, and strange deliverances, both by sea and land. Also a description of the Buildings, Mountains, Rivers, Harbours, Lakes, Islands, Penin- sulas, Creeks, & c. of the various countries. Being an account of whatever is most worthy notice in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. Illustrated with a great number of maps and copper- plates by GRIGNION, and other celebrated masters, exhibiting the most re- markable occurrences of the history. By EDWARD CAVENDISH DRAKE, Esq; London : Printed for J. COOKE, at Shakespear's- Head, in Pater- noster- row, and sold by all Booksellers and News carriers in Great Britain and Ireland : of whom may be had gratis, proposals at large, with a lid of ALL the Copper plates. A LIST of some of the ELEGANT COPPER- PLATES which will be given in this WORK, the whole being too numerous to insert in the compass of this adver- tisemcnt. Frontispiece. The landing of Capt. Rogers's men at California, and their reception there. The Indians astonished at the eclipse of the moon foretold by Co- lumbus. The first meeting between Metezuma and Cortes in the city of Mexico. The Emperor Mete- zuma's dead body sent out by Cortes to the Mexicans. Capt. Rogers's men stripping fome
Ladies of their jewels at Guaiquil. The ceremony of ducking sea- men under the tropic. Habits of the inhabitants of Bulaganski. Summer habits of the Egyptians. The manner of the Negroes Espousals. A Gentoo Wo- man burning herself on the funeral pile of her de- ceased husband. The ceremony of a Japanese marri- age. Habit of the Great Mogul going to ride. Habit of a Princess of the Mogul's Empire. Columbus pre- senting an account of his voyage to the King and Queen of Spain. A whole sheet map of the world. A view of Saba, a city of Persia. Persians smoaking through water. Processions of penitent prostitutes at
Naples, An accurate map of Africa. A view of the city of Paris. A view of St Peter's at Rome. The ceremony of a negroe funeral. Women expecting '• death from Dutch sailors who had murdered their husbands. Admiral Anson's men in the dress of the inhabitants of Payta. The cloathing and arms of the Hottentots. Hottentots tearing to pieces a dead ox, and eating it. Massacre of 335 Moors. A west view of the ruins of the great temple in Palmyra. A curious Chinese vessel called a snake boat. Manner of executing criminals in Guinea. The Emperor of China. Begging devotees of China, and jugglers mounted on tame tygers. An accurate map of Asia. An accurate map of the West Indies, & c. & c. & c. In the first number will be given a promissory note of hand from the publisher, to deliver the over- plus gratis, if it should exceed the sixty numbers pro- posed.— And in the last number a list of such subscribers as chuse to have their names appear to this work, shall be printed and delivered gratis. To the PRINTER. THE late extraordinary conspiracy, formed and carried into execution at Wariaw, will now justify my publishing a story I have often told, and been as often laughed at for giving credit to; but as I had it from the mouth of an Irish Officer in the
French service, who was to have been the Koczin- sky of such another bold attempt in London, in the year 1756, I will ( for obvious reasons) publish it. I had received some civilities of Capt. Koczinisky ( so I will call him) at Paris, and became so intimate with him that he borrowed a little of my money ; and as I found he did not love the French nation more than myself, I asked him, why he entered into their service ? He was a younger brother, he said, and his religion, which he then thought too important to part with, led him abroad, and his at- tachment to the Chevalier fixed him. He said, he accompanied his Prince to London in
the year 1756, and there they formed a scheme for seizing the late King as he returned from the play- house. To this purpose some hundred Irish Papists ( some of condition, but many of them chairmen) were warn- ed to be in readiness upon some very urgent, though they did not know what occasion; and upon the sig- nal or alarm given, they were to rendezvous oppo- site the Duke of Newcastle's house in Lincoln's- inn- fields. Their intention was not to kill, but to car- ry the King on board a small vessel, prepared for that purpose ; and he assured me he was the very person who undertook to carry this bold stroke into
execution. When I started the many difficulties which would arrise in the execution of such a scheme he shewed me the possibility, and even pravticabi- lity of it. He supposed the King to be returning from the play, at about eleven at night, with two or more gentlemen in his coach with him, and four servants behind with flambeaux, without any guard, which was often the case; now supposing him pas- sing through Henrietta- street, his coachman instant- ly shot, the servants cut down from behind, their lights extinguished, and the King and his company pulled out of thecoach, the latter perhaps murdererd, and the King dragged
down by half a score men to the water- side; all this might be done in a few mi- nutes, and it requires more than a few minutes for reasonable men, and armed men, and then in the night, they might be at a loss to know which way to pursue. Had any suspicion been formed of such an attempt, the King would not have been found so defenceless; and that is a proof that their scheme would most likely succeed. The Irish Officer knows London as well as I do, and knows whom he might trust, and where to go on such business, much better; aud having many years before took a Lady myself ( without whom I could not be happy in a
large city, in the face of the sun, and hundreds of spectators, and who was guarded by males and females, convinced me that the thing is practicable. This story was not told me in confidence; most of the English gentlemen who frequent Paris know this man very Well, and, if it were necessary, I have NO desire of concealing his or my own name. It may now be asked, Why it was not carried into execution then ? The pre- tender was known, and accosted by one who had served him in Scotland, and this alarmed his friends so, that he embarked that very night for France, in the same bark which was prepared for the king. It will
be said, perhaps, the Pretender was not in England in 1756, but I do aver he was, Mons. Red- mond, a Lieutenant- general in the French service, who was lately in England, and well known, assured me he was; Mr Lloyd, a gentleman 93 years of age, and now living at St Germain's, and who went there with King JameS and many others, con- firmed it to me, and mr Lloyd eXpressed his sur prize and disapprobation of so rash a visit; he even mentioned to me the Lady's name at whose house the Pretender was concealed, and the consternation and hurry with which they put him on board in the night, after he had been accosted
by one who knew him. Mr Fotheringham, another old gen- tleman now living at St Germain's, and who at- tended the Pretender into Scotland in 1745, also assured me of thefe tru- ths. If it were so, it is a proper caution, and ought to be published; if it were not, the gentlemen I have mentioned, who are, exclusive of their political principles, esteem- ed men of veracity and character, have told a wan- ton lie to impose upon your humble servant, An injured Subject, but a Friend to the King. P. S. The French Officer assured me, that in half an hour he could have assembled 1500 Irish chair- men, and other Roman Catholic subjects,
in the neighbourhood of Lincoln's- inn. Weekly List of PATRIOTIC PARAGRAPHS. 1/ I '' Here are no less than three half year's wages due to the servants of his Majesty. Which three half years commenced the 5th of July last. The keepers and servants at Windsor are obli- ged to live on venison. To which Edmund O'Ju- nius, fron his usual benevolence, has added potatoes. 3. The Princess Dowager of Wales is certainly dying. Patriots believe what they wish. 4. Abbe Grant, a Scotch Jesuit, is to be ' provi- ded for by government. Why do they not, for the sake of peace, provide for the IRISH JESUIT ? 5. The Irish Patriots have
behaved nobly— in voting the usual supplies. 6. Lord Mansfield NOW gives verdicts, and not the Juries. Which he effects by convincing them of what is right. 7. The court of Spain- derives credit from our dishonour. Which appears from their being hector- ed into our measures. 8. A certain noble Lord is a woman in breeches. That is a POSTERIOR consideration. 9 » Lord North should muster up a listle man- hood— and give up his place to the Patriots. 10. There is a great intimacy between the Pre- mier and Chancellor. Some bloody conspiracy is on foot 11. Lord Temple is summoned to a Cabinet Council. So he is at last
SENT FOR. 11. One of our men of war. has sunk a French frigate. We shall hear no more of her'. 13. The Irish House of Commons are to insist upon a law, declaring all pensions illegal: And in the mean time they vote the money. 14. One of the Yeomen of the Guards accosted Lord North, and told him, that there was three quarters of a year's wages due to the King's ser- vants. What a lying rogue your news- collector is ! 15. Lord Cambden has had recent offers mnade him, but his Lordship has not returned any an- swer. this delay is not prudent, for the Ministry . may change their sentiments. 1 16. Many people are opinion,
that Lord Mans- field will soon resign " In favour of his friend, Mr Serjeant Glynn. Mercy on us ! what an increase in the lies !— 16.