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Lloyd's Evening Post

Date of Article: 27/09/1771
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Address: St.Paul's Church Yard, London
Volume Number: XXIX    Issue Number: 2221
No Pages: 8
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S EVEN! NG P O S T. VOL. XXIX.] From WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, to FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1771. [ Numb. 2221. To the PRINTS R. SI R, EILL you fpare one corner of your Paper for the relief of a female, who wiil not often trouble you, and who could not exilk without giving an immediate vent to the ill treatment and hanllbips & e fu- ffers from that legal tyrant, a Hufband. You mull know, Mr. Printer, I was married tfoout fix years ago to an Haberdafher in the CVy, and have four children by bam. He is i « a great run of bufmefs, and in a fair way of getting a large fortune. Tbe man, I molt al- low, is fond ttnough of my perfon, and makes, in what is called fhe main point, a tolerable Hufband ; but then he is fo very folicitous and arrtxiaus about faving money, and providing well for his family, that he will not perinit me to partake of thofe fafftionable p'leafures and amufe- nients, wfriieh give a zeft to Jife, and without which a we$ aa » of: any fpifit mull be miferable. Would you believe it, Sir, he- hath a& ually for- Bideleh me to go tto ANY balls, TOUSS, Sec. and is wot pleafed at my making a " party at cards every , evening only in the neighbourhood. This- is ; i'tich tyranny, Sir, as no woman can, or ought to bear. 1 need, flot'acquaint you, Mr. Primer, •' fhat when Wives_ meet with { ucb pewerfe and ; obftinate Hufbands, tliey are frequently oNiged to have recourfc to arts, in order? to moiiify them, and for, which prirpafe it is common for our fex, in filch cafes, to fail into fits. I had fix my heart upon " going to a ball the ether night, with fome of my acquaintance, and tried every endearing method of obtaining my H. u'lbaiid's confer. t to it, but in t ain ; thus driven to my laft refource, . I fell imo fits. My Hafband was frightened, and fent for the Apo- thecary, and he advifed feeding for a Phyfkian. The Do£ lor came, and ordered me to be put to ; bed, and prefcribcd a . number of- hulking medi- cines for me to take, all which I fccretly ordered , my Maid to fling away, and fay I had tJ: en them. I kept my bed for a week, without appearing to be much better ; and, during that time, I per- ceived in the news- paper, which' my Hufband takes in, and brought me every day to a mule me, an advertifcmcr. t of a maiked . ball, which • was to be held atMargate on the nth of this month. This ftruc'k me immediately, and I . relolved to aft the Dctt. r, if going to Margate, and bathing there, Would not do me good, and llrengthen my nerves. Tlie Doctor came into i it immediately, and faid,' lie thought it would be ' of fervicc to me. I then defired him to tell my ' Hufband fo, and perfuade him to let ine go. He i did fo, and my Hufband came'prefently, aftcr- ' waids to me, and told me What tiie Do& or had ' advifed, and fsid, as this was- the molt leifure time of the wh.-. le year, he would order matters . io as to. go along with inc. This was a blow I did not cxptfl. My Hulband perceived it hy my countenance. I could hide it. no pthcrwiie than by falling into a Jit ; fioce which I have j insinuated to him, that i was afraid his going with me might be prejudicial to liis bulincls, ' and that it Would bfUbetter to let me go alone. Bur he perfills in bis reiHntibn of attending me there, and I mtiit have the mortification of go- ing to Margate, where there is to be a mafked ball, to which I know. my Hulband_ will no? . permit mc to go. There is. no jgtradting; wc? are tOjfot out to- morrow m iming, and iny dif- appohntuient is fo great, that I flwil. i burft witlj • vexation, didvi sot iind a vent tor it, by giving you an amount of ray ihtolersjSjg hwd( hip « . ' BOHOTH- VTape. To the P a 1 Ji T E R. S I R. MANY of your Correfpondents, who juftly inveigh againft the luxury and dillipation which too much prevail over cliofc who are in a more cicvateti Ration, do not confider that tlxefe crimes, though far irom the venial, do not fo much tend to the prejudice of the community, as thole more ferious and flagrant ills, which are now, alas! too common; I mean that pitiful ambition, which 11 irs up the . common people to ape their fuperiors, and that woeful extrava- gance, which cntaiis ruifery on many families, and therefore too much affefts the common- wealth. What led me to the above reflation was, a ! circumftance that happened lately. at Ranclagh ; it is not inferred with a view of doing any pre- judice to the hero of my tale, but from a more friendly motive, which is to let him fee bis fitu- ation in inch colours, as may induce him to confider with more attention the Philofopher's : maxim, Know ihjftlf. The flory is this: A Hofier, who / hall be ' namelefs, not ( in hundred miles froxi Baud- Jireet, , fting with remorie, tbat the malicious fates ; fhould confine bis foul to the narrow limits of a ; warehotife ; he, who by nature was formed to; fhine with fplendor in fuperior circles, mult give way to the calls of ambition, and appear at limietagh with his ( word, bag", and embroider- 1 ed . habiliments, and there Unit with all theim- j portartcC of a Nabob. His figuae, < lruck many, I - and among others, fome Genrlemeij, ( his puf- tqmers_, « who were amazed 0 fee iheir worthy Manufacturer of Hofc in Ji- rij a sari?,: One of > them, ftruck with a jul't indignation, clapper! a j farenthejis on tbe unhappy Wight's olfstBsries, and nade him make Lie ol the weapon he had with fo much indullry aajtu- Ec'd to his fide ; our' hero I in amaze, not Snowing how to ait, was ( oon taught the nesrcli. . way out of the room, by the friendly afi- ftance of fqn: e hicks on thepdieriofs. And now. Mr. Printer, how' mi- Gentleman found hiaifelf affcctcd, I fhall not undertake to determine ; bu: i hope this adventure will teach him - and others by his example ( for jeitx < pum Jaciunt aliena ferieula cautum) to be contented ; in their proper fituation; or at leait, if they j mul'c sppvar at public places, to go in character, 1 and not to ape their superiors, in a manner fo perfcfUy ndiciiious; for they ' fliould confider, I thai, when in a bag, fword, and embroidery, j . their ntiution is imini. tely more cor. tcmpxiblc, , than wb. en, behind their re^ jtdtive counters, they are profiting by their CuUomers, and afiiii- ing their families. SOBER ADVICE. Thurfday, " September 26. COUNTRY N, E W S. Sherborne, Sept. 23. X7 E hear an aituil furvcy of the ex ten five VV forel't of Dartmoor is now making by Mr. Aiflabie, the Duke, of Bedford's . Latjd Sur- vcyor, in order to tcveial new turnpike roads being made from MC- eton'. tempfied and Aib- bttrtcn to Taviltoc- k, Plyrpottth, S< c. which v. ill not only open a much Ihorter communication from the city of Exeter into the Well of Eng.- land, but will give an opportunity of cultivating and improving lbme thoufand acics of laud in the foryll of Dartmoor, which axe capajjlc pf be- ing made worth 20s. an acre. Leadenhall- ftrcet, and the queition was pro- p. oitd, whether they fhould divide fix and a quarter upon their capital, Gov. Johnfon pro- poi'ed, that the annual account fhould be firft produced, that they might he abje to determine whether tbe Company could afford it. Mr. Imgey oppofed this motion, as implying an ttn- realb. nahJe. diflrull of the Directors, who had declared, that the ftate of the Company's affairs admitted of fuch a dividend. Mr. Dempller faid, that as he lhould not probably be able to underftand the annual account, except the pa- pers on which it was grounded were likewife produced, he would not infill on that point : . But he enlarged on the malverfation of fom? of the Company's Servants, and the diilrefies of the inhabitants of Bengal, and declared that they proceeded, in a great meafure, from mif- government. He concluded with befeeching. the Direftpjs to e. fiablifh a more juft and equi- table fyHem. The Chairman allured him, that the Direction had had the affair in contempla- tion, that they bad iqade fome prcgrcft, and were refolved to purfuc vigorous mealures, till they fhould effeft a refonnatio. 11. Sir James Hodges and Sir George Colebrooke moved, that Mr. Johnfon's queftiotf fliould be put. It was ac, c . rdir, gly put and thrown out. Then the ori- ginal queition was put, and carricd. Some, new SuperviiW are now g; iti!> otit tp the Eaft. Indie?. Air. Sullivan, it is. Y. iid," j3 to be one of tfie number. We hear, that fevetai | vientenar> t'! on half- pay in tfie army have accepted*' Caramiilknrs in thp Eaft laciia Company's l'crvice. ' We hear from Plymoutli, th- it a French ffi-'- gate has been fcen cfiiafpg oif the Ksun'- head for this week pall, and that Ihe Ihmd; iu ior- land at dark, and difippears at djj'- broak. A Captain of a fhip lately arrived f: om the Welt Indies, fays, that he law thirteen fail of French and Spar. ifh men of war off Monte Chritti. Advice is- rcceived, that there has been a warm difpure between an Englifh man of war and a French frigate in the Mediterranean; the Eng- lish Captain demanded the compliment that is ufoally paid to his Britannic M. ifefty^ lhips>- which the frenchman did not chufe to comply with, till lever,:] foot were fired' at". Him ; bat the gunsnverc ordered' to be pointed'in fuch a manner/ as they could do'no execution. The French Captain declared he fliould lend an ac- count home of the affront dona the Kin » his Mailer. Letters from Ireland mention; that orders had been received for ( hipping oft' 400 tons fif orovi- fionsfor the garrrfons of Gibraltar and Minorca." They write from Algiers, that a rich fhi'p, belonging to Ragullt, valued at 200, cao!'. had becnjvtfl brought in there by a Cori'air. Advice is received ' from. Mad. 3gafc. ar, that 2 fhip. Bailed the Cape Fineltie, ]% la Qa^ ra, Commander, from Bourdeaux, is ieized there bv the natives, who have let the Cantain and cn? w L O N. D O N. Yeflerdaythc General Quarterly Court'of ' t] ie, i Eaft India Company was held at their houfe In i [ Price Two - pence Halfpenny.] - Captaii or. fhore, and gone off with the fliip and c. u go. The pepple were in a few days taken err board • a Dutch fliip. in order to bring them home'.'* The capered advance in rhe price of mi! It ala- ms the poor people of this Metropcij. i, cfne-- 4' ajly thofe who have large i'amiiies^ oi. whqm it will fall very hard. As late as the year i" 7^, gcotl milk, cnaditl- • terated, was fold thrr. « , h the City and Liberty of Weftminfter, at a peony tMfuart. In the winter of riie'ycar 175* good mutton was fold from 2' d. to " pet poundt- j, - winter of if70from. 5id.. trf^ d.— An-- Aftcpda- ing d ® itcu « :! L L O Y D's Tha Wefinuflfter regiment of militia are to have a band of mufic, confuting of eight, who are to receive Serjeants pay, and as many Ser- jeants are to be difcharged. Qn Saturday night as ail Attorney, in Half- Moon- ltreet, Piccadilly, was returning front Kingfton to London in a whiflcy, he was attack- ed and robbed, between Batcerfea Ryes and Vauxhall Turnpike, by a fmgle highwayman, « f one guinea and feven ( hillings. On Tuefday-, about noon, a Milkwaman crof- fing the fields from Loughborotigh- houfe to Camberwcll, was robbed of 24s. by a footpad, who afterwards knocked her down, for having fad Ihe had no money about her. Mr. DAVIS, Maltftcr, of Little Brington, in Njrthamptonlhire, had been affli& ed Two Years, and upwards, with the GraveL On Sa- turday, May Z5, 17.71, he began taking SWIN- FEN'S ELECTUARY, ( fold by Dicey, and Co. Wholefale, & c. in London,) and by t iking one Pot, he voided a great Quantity of Gravel, and has been quite free from the Complaint fince. The Truth of which he has certified under his Hand, to Mr. SWINFEN, with an Intent to make it public. I, RUTH WILLAS, of Qtbus, near Garftang,- Lancafhire, was fo violently affiifted with the RHEUMATISM, that the Ufe of all my Limbs was taken from me, and I was obliged to be carried to and from my Bed* vr Six Weeks ; for the Cure of which I applied to feveral_ Doctors, See. for Relief, but without any Eff'eft ; but, upon hearing ofthe Cures performed by CLUER DICEY and Co's: Original DR. BATEMAN'S PECTORAL DROPS, from London, ( lealed with a Boar's- Head, over it Dicey and Co. and round it By the Kings gate/ it) and of which my Hufband bought one Bottle of Mr. John Bell, ofGarflang; the firit Dofe cafed me, and the two remaining Dofes perfettly cured me, and I ain as well as ever I was in my Life. I defire and wilh this- to be publilhed, for the Benefit of all thofe who labour under the like Calamity, as I ileadfaftly believe it to be a certain Cure. Wttnefs my Hand, this 28th Day of June, 1771. RUTH WILLAS. Two Gentlewomen in and near Lin- caller ( by catching Cold at their Lying- in) in fimilar Cafes, attended with a violent Flux, were relieved by the above Drops only. For further Particulars, may apply to Mr. G. parkin, who fells the Drops, in Lancalter; alio Mrs. Mary Fenton, at the Poll- office, the King's Amis, in Kendall, can inform of many Cures by thefe Drops, bought of Mr. William Sleddali there ; and fcarce a Village in the Kingdom but TfcUimonies of their Cures may be had, & c. KEYSER's FAMOUS PILES, k well known all over Europe, for their fuperior ElKcacv and peculiar Mildnefb, in perfectly eradicating every Degree of a certain Difeafe, without the lead Trouble or Confinement. The Public may be allured, that this excellent Me dicirie is beyond any Thing in all Foulnefs and Impu- rities of the Blood, having performed many aftonifhinf Cures in Scorbutic Eruptions, Leprcfies, White Swel lings, Stiff Joints, Gouty and Rheumatic Diforders, lec. It is to be had at Dr. Cowper's, No. 2, Fortland- ftreet, Oxford- road, with full Directions. & c. it is alfo fold by th : following Booksellers, Mr. Nicoll, at th< Paper Mill, St. Paul's Church- yard Mr. Axtel., No. 1, in Finch- lane, Cornhill j Mr. Tuip:: i, at the Golden Key, St. John's ftreet, Weft Smithfield ; at the Printing oftce, No. 42, Fleet- ftreet; Mv Durham, oppofite to the Cannon Tavern, Charing- crofs ; and I/ r. Dodd, Surgeon, in Sthall- ftreet, lia'h. N. II. At the above Pines is fold, A Narrative oftht Effefts of Keyfer's Medi-< e; containing alt- Certifi. cr. tes of Ambalfadors, Minifters of State, a- d othei Noblemen of the firft Rank, betides thofe of upwards of Fift" of the moll: eminent Phyficians ard Surgeon, in Europe, in Favour of this Remedy ; ( hewing like- v.- i e ibat it is become the only Rem .. ny now ufed in all th? Fienfh HoiVitals, as well as in Priv le P- aft; ce i • Which Diiiinflion no other advertifed Med. cine car claim. E V E N I N To the PRINTER. SIR, FROM the planetary obfervation I have made concerning the eVent of the next eleftion of Lord Mayor for this City, I am very certain that the prefent Lord Mayor will be re- elected by a fufficient majority of the Livery, and returned to the Court of Aldermen; and Alderman Townfend likewife, if he joins with him in the eleftion. I judge that Alderman Nalh will not be one, if there Ihould be a poll. Higb- Jtreet, St. Giles's, T HARMAN. Seft. 24. J G POST, And Sept. 27". To all Admirers of Tiieatrical Performances. RY his MAJESTY'S PATENT. THOSE who are afflidted with Want of Appetite, Sinking of the Spirits, Trem- bling! arifing from Indigeftlon, Opprefiions by Wind, & c. in the Stomach or Breaft, or any other Diforder oc- cafioned by the Want of a juft Proportion of the alim'en- taiy Juices, or of proper Drf. ributions of the Bile, which laft brings on tbe Bilious Cholic ; may receive imme- diate Relief, at the moderate Expence of is. 6d. and in a Ihort Time a certain Cure, by making a fair Trial of the STOMACH PILLS, which are prepared and fold by Mr, Speediman, at the Pine Apple, fecond Door from Arun- del- ftreet, in the Strand, London, and by Mr. Teffyman at York, with full Directions how they are to be taken. N. B. In this Seafon cf the Year the Stomach and Bowels are very liable to Difcrders arifing from eating four Fruit, fucll as CHERRIES, & C. and from drinking CYDER, & C. the Stomach Pills are a furs Relief in fuch Complaints.— If any Perfon fliould be difappointed of Relief, the Money will be returned. Sold by Mr. Wood, at Lincoln. Dr. NORRIS'S ANTIMONIAL DROPS. rPHE generous Effects of this great Medicine are incredible without Experience. The extraordinary Cares it daily performs bear fufficient Tef timony of this Truth. To enumerate Diforders, and to do Juftice to the Med « ae, would exceed the Limits of an Advertifement. The Public are therefore referred to an Efl'ay, ( delivered Gratis by the Venders,) on the An- gular Virtues of this highly exalted Preparation of Anti- mony ; together with a Catalogue of Cures, inconteftibly proving its fovereign Efficacy on the various Diforders for which it is recommended. Sold by Royal Authority, in Bottles at 5s. 3d. ros 6d, and il. is. at the Doitor's Houfe, in Duke- ftreet, Weftminfter ; by Mr. Keariley, Ludgate- ftreet; Mr. Wood fall, Charing- crofs; Mr. Shropthire, New Bond- ftreet; Mr. Parker, and Mr- Davenhiil, Cornhill; Mr. Flexney, oppolite GrayVinn, Holborn; Mrs Gwilt, near St. Margaret's- hill in the Borough j Mr. Turpin, the Golden Key, St. John- ftreet; and in moft Cities and principal Towns in England, and by Mr. Faulkner, in Dublin,. rTtit< afflided with NhRVOU^ DISORDERS, who have not as yet tried Dr. LOWTHER's NERVOUS POWDERS and." DROPS, are earnelily recjuefted ( for their own Sakes) to give them a fair Tiial ; they are fafe, and the Cure cerrain, and will, on every Trial, fully prove their great Superiority, to ali other Medicines yet puhlifheo, or prefcribed, in the Cu. e of Convullions, EpiJepfy, Hyfteric, and Hy- pochondriac AffecUcns, Lethargy, Numbnefs, Melan- choly, Palfy, Lownefs and Sinking of the Spir. ts, Dif- orders ot the Fair Sex, Cbftrudlions, Flushings, Va- pours, Wind, Indigeftion, Nervous and Htftic Fevers, Colliquative Sweats, 1 rembiings, reiaxed and ema- ciated Habits, ditfurbed Sleep, Catching, Starting, Cramp, Nignt- mare, Vertigo, Dizzine! s, Lofs of Me- mory, Pain in the Head arid Stomach, M: ft or DIM- nefs, wirh the Appearance of Specks before the Eyes, Drowfinels, Dejection, and every Malady of the Ner- vous Syltem j and it taken occalionaliy during the New and Full of the Moon, are a fure Preservative againfi Apoplexies. Befides the numerous public Attentions, the Atfiitted may be refened to great Numbers, whofe Cafes never appeared in Print j and who are happ. ly cured by the regular Ufe of the above Medicines, after everv other Method that could be deviled for Relief heie, and in different Countries, had faiied. W. LOWTHER. The above Medicines, by Royal Authority, are If Id a? the Doctor's Houfe, the Golden Lamp, Hatton- gur- den in Parcels and Buttles ' of and 3s. each, j alfo 31 Mr. Cooke's. Bo \ kfe)! er, in Pnter- noit^ i row ; and at Mr. Richard:'*, Milliner. in'Dean-^ reet,' Soho ; wherf. Afendance and Advice, as ufual, are given ' Gratis hk which Places are ibid h ? Afttu'corbutic Powjert, .2 certain Remedy for all Scorbutic Complaints, Books at^ iarge Gratis• On tbe ifl cf Vciober^ i'yji, will bepubi'ijbed, ( To be continued Monthly,) Price One Shilling each, NUMBER f. of THE DRAMATIC CENSOR, "*• or CRITICAL COMPANION. Containing an Illuftration of Richard the Third, Hamlet, Recruiting Officer, and the Stratagem, with Critical Stri& urea on all the Performers who have fuppoited earh Piece for JO Years pall at the Theatres in London, Dublin, and Edinburgh. N. B. The Whole of this interefting Work is al- ready compleated, and may be had in 2 Vols. 8vo. Price 12s. in Boards, containing the like Illuftrations. « f fifty of the moft celebrated a& ing Plays, with Cri- tical Striflurcs on all the Performers in each Piece ; alfo pointing out the Beauties and Defeils of the moll known Dramatic Authors and Performers. Printed for J. Be.' l, at the original and moft exten. five Circulating Library, near Exeter Exchange, in the Strand, Of- whom may be bad, A new Catalogue, Price 6d. including all the new Publications to the prefent Time ; and from whom the Encouragers of this Library may depend on every Ac- commodation that can render their Subfcriptions ufeful and agreeable. The Original DAFFY's ELIXIR, Prepared by DICEY and Co. in London. TN order to prevent , your being impofed upon by a foul , vp and fpurious Elixir, pleafe to re- mark, that if the Names of Dicey and COMPANY are not in tbe Bill of Directions given with each Bottle, ( which is fealed with the fame Im- preffion as in the Margin) they only defire to ( land uniir, peached of the fatal Conferences fo often accruing from taking a bafe and fpurious Elixir And the Cu- es of JOHN MOGFORD, in the Cholic", when almoft defpairing of Relief; likewife JOHN WESCOTT, and WILLIAM ELWORTHY ; fworu before J. TR IP, Efq; one of his Majefty's Jutlices of the Peace for the County of Sotnerfet, inferted in the Direc- tion Sheet with every Bottle of our Elixir. And this certifies, that I HENRY MEARN, Shoe- maker, in Pile- ftreet. Briftol, was, about three Years ago, violently affiled with a hacking Cough, which occa- ( ioned my Spitting a gieat Deal of tough Phlegm, that brought me fo thin and weak, that it was thonght I wa « in a Confumption ; I had alfo a g'eat Srraitnefs in my Breaft, with Loathing of Food, & c. For thefe Complaints I tried feveral Medicines, but all to no Etfeft, till hap- pily I took the above Elixir, ( which we alfo called the Liquor of Life,) which I bought of Mrs. Fitchew, on Rjtcliff- hill, by the Ufe of which a great Deal of ( limy Matier came from me, fo that I got foon ptrfeftly well, and have continued fo ever fince. — My wife, about twelve Months fince, had a violent Pain under her left Breaft of which the above Elixir cured her. To ihe Truth of ihe above I fulemnly majce Oath. H. MEARN. Sworn in Briftol, before me Witneffe, prefent, Kenry Swymmer, Mayor. ™ ARK h" uv' EDWARD SAUNBIII, Thefc ( and a Thoufand o'her) late Inftances of the Efficacy of the original Daffy's Elixir, are, we hope, fufficient to prove to. the Public the Goodnefj of it ; and from our long Experience, and eftabli/ hed Reputation, you may be atliired of its genuine Preparation ; the which none can more ardently wi( h : han tbe Proprietors DICEY and Co. at Dr. Batrman's Warthoufe, in Bow Church- yard, London; who appoint their genuine Medicines to be fold by at ieaft one reputable Trader, in each City and principal Town in Grtat Britain, Inland, America, See. Where may be had, By the KIIVG'S Royal Patenti. Dr. Bj'fman's Pectoral Dro. T; Dr. Fraur. ces's Female Elixir; Dr. Radclifl'e's, Squire's, Bollock's, and Stough- tnn's Elixirs; T. Betton's true Britilh Oil; Fryer's Bal- fim \ Godfrey's Cordial; Bathing Spirits; Eau de Luce f Dr. Swinfon'a EleCiuary for the S one, £ rc. Dr Story's Worm Cakes ; Dr. Hooper's Female Pills; Dr. Bare- rnan's Spirit of Scurvy Grafs; Dr. AndCrlon's true Scots Piils; Dr. Chafe's Balfamic Pills; P itt's Anti- dote, which by rubbing on tke Hands cnly, c » res tb; I ch ; IfTae Plaifters, which Hick without Filleting; and Lariies Stick. , g PlaiHers. %* Obferve, that the Names of Cluer Dicey and Co. b in ever-. Di- efH- n with the true Bottles or Boxes, ic. to prevent Impofitions. t . Sept. , e5— 27- BRITISH CHRONICLE for STbe following is a more particular Account of the to that. Are To Trial of Burch W Martin, for Forgery, (' whofe Sentence is refpited,) than has before appeared, THE trial came on at the Old Bailey, on TVefday, Sept. 17, before Mr. Jultice Willes, and Mr, Jultiee Afhhurlt, of Edward Burch and Matthew Martin, for forging, . and • uttering^ knowing to be forged, a proer Writing, " dated in' 1762, purporting to Be the laft Will of Sir Andrew Chadwick, Knight. The'ihuict- ment contained four counts; lirft, for forging and publilhing; fecondly, for uttering and pub- lifhing, ^ knowing the faid Will to be forged; thirdly, for aiding and affifting in the forging the faid Will, Jo defraud Sarah Law, of Charter Place, in Lancaihire, widow, the heir at law of the faid-' Sir Andrew; and fourthly, for uttering and publifhiog the faid Will, with intent to de- fraud fuch perlcm as is heir at law to the faid Sir Andrew.— The l'rofecutor firft proved the pub- lifhingof the / aid Vyill by the prifoners, and that the'y al'fp had in their pofteffion at the time ot the" publication another pretended Will of the faid SitfAndrew, dated in 1764, which had been either fucreted or deitroyed by the prifoners, or onff'- Mrs. Brooks, Martin's lifter.—- The hand- writing of Sir. Andrew Chadwick, and of the witness to the Will, were fworn to by feveral witneflcs, and to be'forged, and it appears the fame w^ re written on red ltrokes, which had bee! n drawn, by a pencil or fome other inftru- ment.— A very confiderable Paper- maker de- pofed, thaTtlie" moulds of the paper were'not made till the yeai~ T7& 8; and that at the fooneft the paper could- not be in London till the eleventh of Maich in that, year ; but that he thought it 311 lift have been made'ihuch later from thepar'. ticular bluenefsj artddefcribed to' the'Co; irt the feveral-' marks by Which he, knew it to Be his pa- per. The Piofeeutor' then proved that the prifopgrs exp. edted a reward for the publication, and'. then- proved the'' defeent of the faid Sarah Law, and that iiie was heir at" la « r of the faid Sir Andrew.; here - refted the Prcfccu ji's caufe. ' -••••-., - The prifoners were ther. called upon for their evidences.' Martin relied upon Burch, who in the coy. fe of the trial examined the witnefles, and took nores with the greateil calmnefs and compofare. He infilled that the publication of the Will was without tbe thoughts of any gra- tuity or reiward, and that the title to the real ellates of Sir Andrew was not veiled in Sarah Law, hut in another perfon Ci the name ( jf Chadwick,- in'Ireland, wh'o< he pretended was defcended from ia brother of Sir Andrew. Mrs. Brooks was then examined, for the prifon- ers, who' Avore, that betwixt five and fix years ago, one Mrs. Luttrell, who lodged wjtn her,- and was kept by a Gep- tlbnan, leaving M.- s. Brooks'^ loggings in debt, left a bag of papers at Mrs. Brooks's then ficnie, in Mercer- flreet, Long- acre. That the looted into the bag of papers the next morning, and found the Will;, of the year 1762 and 1764. That ihe carried the bag of papers into a. garret, where they re- mained trll about two years fmce, at which time file removed into Grafton- flreet. That on her removing thither, ihe law the Wills of 1762 and 1764, and put them, with the other papers, into a book cale, where- they remained till- about a week before Qhrillmas kit, when foe took them out, and was looking at them upon thc table j Martin came in, and fhe told him of the ! faid Wills. . That', about three weeks after j Chriftmas, Martin and Burch came together to S her houfe, and tocc away with them the faid Wills ; but fome time before they were appre- hended, they delivered her back the Will of 1764 ; and that having been threatened in the beginning of Augui't laft, a few days before the prifoners ware apprehended,. to be profeeuted along witWfhem, ibe went home and burnt the bag of papers, but did nut recollect whether the Will of 1,764 WHS then in it or not.— On her crofs exgmiijatiftn lhj- faid ihe had been married tt) a Jeweller, and that now. fhe was kept by a Gentleman, by whom fhe had two children, and fire prevaricated much in the courfe of her evidence. The prifoner Burch then called feveral people to his ciiarafter, and others to prove the hand writing of the three jwitneffes and the tellator ; one of which witneffes, on his crofs examina- tion, fwore that Burch had received notes wit- aeffed by Martjn, to the amount of 4.000I. from the Chadwicks, the pretended heirs at law, which he fuggeited was in confideration of his . taking three journeys to Ireland, and making parches about their pedigree; but the Court thought fome other confideration was implied, as. the. Will in, 1762 was in favour cf the Lady Chadwick, and that in 1764, in favour of the Cliadwicks who had . given the notes. A witnefs from Ireland was then called, who produced and fwore to copies of feveral Tri. 1i re- gifters, to fhew, a title in the Chadwick family; which copies, from the extraordinary nature cf Ihem, the Court thought proper to detain, that the Profecutors might take fuch fteps on that account as they thought proper. One of thefe Irilh Regifters made Sir Andrew to be born in the year 1670, but. it was foon refuted by the produdtion of his family Bible, whereby it ap- peared by Sir Andrew's own hand writing, he was only born in the. year 16S5. The prifoner Martin was advifed by hi? Council not to call any perfon to his character. Mr. Juftice Willes then fum'moned up the aviSor.' ce, in a very judicious manner,, and the jury withdrew for about half an hour, and then brought in their verdidt , th? t both the prifoners were guilty of tittering and publishing the Willi knowing the fame to be forged-, with intent to defraud Sarah Law, the heir at , law of the faid Sir Andrew. On which tf: e verdift was. recordr ed upon the fecond and laft counts. The trial 1 ailed from half. paft nine in the morning till or. e. the next morning ; t and . in the caurfe. of the trial a great buffie was ralfed by the forged Will. being left for upwards of an hour. AH the books and papers upon the table were Searched j tlie Cannfeis briefs, the papers before' the' judges, but no Will was fotmd. The matter grew then very feriotisj for had the Will been lbft, the prifoners muft have been acquitted.! The Judges then declare^ they would have a general iearch made of everv p'erfon at. cr near the S r R, 1771. tbe P R 3° 7 I N T E R. THE C. oblerof Crcinbourn- Alley, ever attentive to the duty which a public Writer owes to ihe Public, does himfelf the honour to tranfmit you a Plan for difcharging the National Debt 5- and he is ferious in his belief, that, if his' Plan fhould be adopted, it will fully anfwer the end propofed. PLAN for difcharging / A; NATIONAL DEBT. A tax on all bachelors in England, Seotlaad, and Ireland, above thirty years of age, fuppofe half a million off eople, at zos. per ann. — — 500,00o A tax on all frequenters of places of public entertainment, in town and- country. Reckon this article, in the grofs, at the moderate fum of — 50,000 Abolifh all penfions under the Govern- ment. This article maf be / ated at 300,000 Tax every race- horl'e kept in this king- dom, at zol. per ann. ( reckon 1000) zopoo Ten pounds per aim. on every Negro fervant kept in thefe kingdoms, ( fup— pofe 5000J — — — 50,000 Five pounds per ann. on each livery fervant kept by any Nobleman, Gentleman, Merchant, & c. & c.- , ( reckon iio, ooq) -— — 550,00a A tux of 10s. per ann. ou every dog kept- by any p^ rfon, escept a Butcher, or others whole bufinels may demand the afiillance of that animal. We canpot allow a lefs fum for this ar- ticle than : — — — 300,000 A tax of zrx. per aniv- on all, Butchers, & c. keeping dogs under licence, ( foppofe, 20,000) — — zo, 000 A tix on 30,000 Lawyers, at zol. per aim., — — — — 600.0o* Ditto on 10,000 Pawnbrokers,, at 10!.. per snn. — — — 100,000 Ditto on 5.0,000. Publicans,, at 5I. per aim. — — — — 250,090 Ditto on the Balls and Bears of ' Change- Aliey, .( fuppofe 1000) at. 5, ol„ each per ann.. — — 50,000 £.. 2,790,000 Let all taxes, hithertoimpofed for the purpofe fame place had b « n lortked at, nor a minute before, and no Will was there; fo- i: is imagin- ed the perfon in whole pyifeiiion ir was, was intimidated, and dropt it.. The Will being found, the Judge told the Officer in future to lake efpecial care of exhibits, and never keep his eyes off them. By the KING's PATENT. CAKES for making Shining Liquid ' Blacking for Shoes, Boots, See'. Thefe C. kes make, with'the utmoft Eafe, by the Aclditiori ot' Wa- ter only, a muft excellent Shining Liquid Blacking, much fuperior to anv hitherto known ; it gives til;.- fineft Blsi k. and itti/ r beautiful © iofe to the Leather, yet never renders it tliff or hard ; bot, on the contraty, prevents its cracking, aad preferves it faft, piiabie, snd meiiow to the vevv iaft, whereby it is rendered more agreeable to the Wearer, and much more durable. It is perfectly free from Smeli, and the Shoes that are blacked with it will neither foil the Fingers in putting on, or the Stockings in wearing. Sold Whoiefale and Retail by W. Bayley, Perfumer, in Cockl'pur ftreet, near the Bottom of the Hay- market, Alfo Retail ( by Appointment) by A. Roihwell,. at the Civet Cat, New Bond- ftreet; J, GrolVenor, at the Ansel and. Crown, in Holborn Francis Ncwbery, at tbe Corner of St. Paul's Church- yard ; and by J'. Price Perfumer, oppofite the India- houfc, Leadenhill- ftreet Price 6H. the Cake, which wilt niiko a full Pint ol Licvuid niackioe, able number oi years. I am, Sir, yourSj & e. Tb'e Cobler of Cranbmrn- Alit,. The true Effential SALT of LEMONS. '" FHIS SALT, which is nothing more than t* ie pure Acid Part of the Lemon, f^ para? ed from the Puip and grofier Subflance; is a. 1, mirabie for all the Purpofes for which the Lemon i'f. Wf is utei. It makes the itioft excellent Punch, and giv i, the true Flavour of the iir. eft Lemon h' je'! ii « apd Sa- uces. It has the Advantage over the Fruit itfelf, in being always read., never fpoiiirig in keeping, ajid'' i> e- ing chcapcrthan the Lemon can in general be had, 1- VL • « prepared at tbe Seafon of the Year wben the Le- mort are cheapeft, and in tlie sirear*!! Perfe£ f" on. It is likewife infinitely prefer bie to any other Tiling, whatfbever for immediately takir. g. of Iron NTbutis, Ink. Spots, Red Wine, a- d Stains- of every Ivind ou& » f Lace, Moflin, Lawn, C^ mbrick, and Linen, witi, o « t; Trouble, and without doing the leafblnjufy to thefti. It alfo. whitens them, to Admiration if they are pro* p. yellow, fo as to render, them, as beautiful as when ( juite nev.-. Sold wholefale and Rctale only- by W^ liiam 2av! e » , Perfumer,, in Cockfpur ftreet, near the Bottom of tiie Haymarket, London. Sold alfo Retale hy j. Price, Per- fumer,. oppofite the Ihcia ho'ute. Leadenh. a 11- ftreet- j K STewbery, Bookfeller; tbe Cbrper of St.. Paul's Churclv- • vard ; J. Grofuenory Ptsrftimer, near TurnfRle, Hhi— Horn ; and by A. Rothwcll, Perfumer> io. New'Bbais Iftreet. Fricc is » . the EO- x.. r 3GT8 LLOtD's EVENING POST, And A tetter u Dr. William Watfon, F. R. S. givi » s feme. jicc- swit of the Manna Tree, and of the Tarantula ; by DOMINICO CIRILLO, M. D. Trefiffnr of Natural Hiftory at tbe Uniucrfity of iS'apiOf. t : t. IX. 4/' The Philosophical TranfadUons fir the Year 1770, jufl fublijhed.'] ( Read April .26, 1770.) iS 1 r, London, Feb. 4, 1770. AS fern's natural productions of our warm Nea'poJi' r. i climate feemed to engage your cufJolity, to know the particular fadts relating ifo. feijie of - drCm, as I had an opport; *> ity of wCsiainiKg fcVery fpot of the kingdom of Naples ' and SiiSi- v. in tjie year 1766, I ( hall try to com- munityt'e t> voU the oblbrvations I made upon JVeijKcurid>| s arid interefling fubjedts, viz. the Mwrafc. tfee anji the Tarantula. My mis- YorMife is', t5 » iit i'nave not my papers with me, vvhich- rvpald . Save eii& bled hie to give you a WeYuIT and . fa'tisfadtory account; but, how ever, i flatter rffyfelf, I fhiril be able to trace out wh. at. is more effential - arid material to the • parpbie." '' The Manna ' tVee, crimttioi- Jy called Omits by the Botanifts, is a kirrd of afti tree, and is to be found under fWe name of' tWnxinus Ornus, in LTiSneus's Sp. Plant: I fhall^ fry but very little concerning the b& tantc- defcription of this tree, becaufe ; lt ' has' beoh given by all the Writers: and I ffegll' oflly obfem, that this kind of fraxinus' h vety eafily dlftiirguifhed from the common fraxinus, f iv- e fraxi/ ius txceifror, by the feWc's, which are round at' the top, fubrot'unda integerrimk. This tree Very feldoln • grows to a convertible height, nor docs it acquire a confi- det& ile bulk j in general it is from ten to twenty feet high, t'fte'l- rilflk is commonly of five or fix iffcfces in " diameter, and the branches are pretty numerous, and irregularly fprcad: Theie di- rnenfibns, ' however, vary, if thefc trees are not croudcd together, and have more liberty of growth. The Manna tree is common, not only in Calabria and Sicily, but alfo 011 the famous mountain Garganus, fituated near the old town cfSypontum upon the Adriatic; and is men ticmcd even by Horace as an inhabitant of that mountain, Aut Aqnilomhus querceta Gargani laborant Aut fo/ iis • viduantur Orni. In all the woods near Naples the Manna tree is to be found very often ; but, for want of culti- vation, it never produces any Manna, and is ra- ther a fhrub than a tree. The manner in which the Manna is obtained from the Ornus, though very fimple, has been yet very much mifunder- ftood by all thofe who travelled in the kingdom ofNaplcs; and among other things they fecm to agree, that the- befl and purefl Manna is ob- tained from jtht leaves of the tree; but this, I believe, is ail opinion taken from the dodlrine of the antienJS, and received as an inconteftable obfervatioh, without conlulting nature. I never faw fuch a kind, ana all thofe who are employed in the gathering of the Manna know of none that comes from the leaves. The Manna is ge- nerally of two kinds; not on account ofthe in- trinfic quality of them being different, but only becaiife they are got in a different manner. In order to have the Manna, thofe who have the iSanagement of the woods of the Orni in the month of July and Auguft, when the weather is very dry and warm, make an oblong incifion, and take off from the bark of the tree about three inches in length and two in breadth ; they leave the wound open, and by degrees the Manna runs out, and is almoll fuddenly thickened to its proper confiftence, and is found adhering to the bark of the tree. This Manna, which is colledted in bafkets, and goes under the name of Manna GrafJ'a, is put in a dry place, bccawfe moiit and wet places will foon difiolvc it again. This firft kind is often in large ir egular pieces pf a brownifti colour, and frequently is full of duft and other imparities. But when the people want to have a very fine Manna, they apply to the incifion of the bark, thin ftraw, to frriall bks of fhrubs, fo that the Manna, in . co. ming out, runs upon thofe bodies, and is colfddted in a fort of regular tubes, which give it the'- haiue of Manna in eanmli, that is, Manna in t'jfces: TftW fecond kind is more efteemed, and always pfe^ ferred to the Other, becaufe it is free arid cicsr, There is, indeed, a third tand ofManna, i^ hlpiT is not commonly to be met_ with, and: which I have feen after I left Calabria: It is very White! likefugar; but as it is rather for curioffty than for ufe, I fhall fay no more of it. The two fort! of Manna already mentioned, undergcr'n^ ltindoF preparation w'hatfover, before they are exportedt ibmetimes they are finer, particularly the Mamii GraJJ'a, and fometimes very dirty and full of impu- rities ; but theNeapolitans have no intereftiaaciulf terating the Manna, becaufe they alwayshave i great deal more than what they generally ex; port; and if Manna is kept in tire magazines, ii receives often very great hurt by the foythern winds, fo common in our part of the worlds The changes of the weather produce a fudden alteration in the time that the Manna is tO; be gathered ; and, for this reafon,- when, the fam- mer is rainy, the Manna is always very fcarce and very bad. With regard to the ufe we make of Manna in the pradtice of phyfic, I believe it is of v: ry little ' confequence, for it cannot be employed alone as a cathartic, becaufe you mult give a ' confiderable dofe in order to obtain a tolerable operation : It is commonly prefcribed for chil- dren, who foonet take it bccaufeit- is fweet, and fometimes is given in colds and coughs. Thfc generality of the Phyficians at Naples often, give Manna and Salts to keep the body open in . the beginning of many fevers, in which there is k foulnefs of the irmee < nx. We dcr not give any preference to the Manna in any particular cafq, and rather confider it as an article of trade " than, a very ufeful medicine. . After this fhort account of the Manna, ac- cording to my promife I fhall give you a little of fhe hiftory of the Tarantula, becaufe I have had an opportunity of examining the eftedts of this animal, in the Province of Taranto, where it is found'in great abundance; but I am afraid I fhall have nothing more to fay, than that ths lur- prifmgeure of the bite of the Tarantula, by mu- fic, has not the leait truth in it, and that it is only an invention of the people, who want to get a little money by dancing, when they fay the Tarantifm begins. I make no doubt, but fome- times the heat of the climate contributes vei- y much to warm their imagination, and to throw them into a delirium, which may be, in fome meafure, cured by mitfic ; but fevetal experi- ments haye been tried - with the Tarantula; and neither men nor animals, after tbe bite, have had any other complaint, but a very trifling inflam- mation upon the part, like thofe produced by the bite of a fcorpion, which go off by them- felves, without any danger at all. In Sicily, where the fummer is ftill warmer than in any part of the kingdom of Naples, ths Tarantula is never dangerous, and muiic is never employed for the curc of the pretended Tarantifm. It is, no doubt, very extraordinary, that a man ot fenfe, and aPhyfician of great learning, asBag- livi, fhould have been fatisficd with the account of this diforder; and that, inftcad of examining the fadf by experiments, he fliould rather have tried to explain it; but even Philofophers like very much to meet with wonderful and extraor- dinary things, aiid though they are againft all reafon, ftill they want them to be true, and en- deavour to find out the caufe of them. Every year this furprifing diforder lofes graund, and .1 am perfuaded, that, in a very little while, it will entirely lofe its credit. The Neapolitan Phyficians all look upon the Tarantula in the fame light, particularly after the ingenious book publifhed on this fubjedt by the learned fir. Se- rao, who by various experiments has proved, that Sept. 25— 27. the bite of the Tarantula never produced any badeftedts, and that mufic never had any thing to do. with it. The natural hiftory and dcfciip- tion of: this ipidtijs fo well known,- that- I thin£ it quite unneceffary to enter into any farther particulars " relating to it. I hope I fhall be able to fend you, in a feiv m. otfclts, fo'fne of ray qbfervations upon Mount -^ E'ttia, and feveral cyriou, s things concerning the nat'iifjil / hifjtory both of Sicily and Calabria. ... l am, in the mean time, ... Your molt obedient hiimble. fervant, DOMIN- ICO C1R11. LO.' .. Vv r' ' Far ' LXC^ TI'S EVE^ IIic Post. A S E N T 1 Mci NRT U T Jf O- iUiQjli T. By x'a '. 8 A.- 1- bio f'ild' STILL, toftiem. peftuous oh th^ S'e^ bf Life, Mylittle baHc. is driying^' to and fro, ' ,/' With'Winds and waves Lliold'tmequal ftrife,' Nor can decide the doubtful' courfe I " o; ;' < - Contending paffior. s are the. ftorms that rife, 1 And Error's darknefs clouds the mental Jay, The lamp of Redfon fek& m, gilds the.-& les, .. With luftre equal, to diredt/ my way. • • - But there's an hour When ajl thefe l^ orms'lh^ U ceafe, , •'","' J The earknefs fly, and rifing futfs appear, My. bark be fhcltcr'd in the. port of Peace, And ride eternal at an anchoi-. there". .' ' • By a Fit S o N N E . T, q • U A. N D, hat net ' a modern ohe, WHEN on thy boforn I recline, . Enraptur'd ftill to call thee mine- To call thee mine for life, I glory in the facrcd ties. . i . ( Which modern Wits, and Fools defpife) Of. Hufband and of Wife. One mutual flame infpires our blifs, Tbe tender 1 ok— the melting kifs E'en years have not deftroy'd ; > Some'. fweet fenfation ever new Springs up— and proves the maxim true, That Love can ne'er be cloy'd. Have I a wifh, ' tis all- for thee ; ' 1 Haft thou a wifh, ' tis all for me; So loft our moments move, That Angele look with ardent. ga? e,: Well pleas'd to fee our happy, days, And bid us i- ive— and loye. If cares arife ( and cares will come) Thy bofom is ijny fofteft home, I lull me thefe to reft; And is there aij'ght dlftiirbs'my Fajr, I bid herfigh out all her'care, And fOfe. it in my breaft. Have I a joy, ' tis all her own, Or her's and mine are all but pne; Our hearts are fb. entwin'd, That, like the ivy round theitree, Bound lip in clofeft amity, ' Tis death to be disioiri! d. C. L. I. O. W1 A N B C V> 0 T E. HEN Mr. Wilkes was at Calais, on Ihis return to Paris, from one of his vifits to London, he was introduced to the Prince of Cuiji, .( the Governor,) wha very freely- eniored into converfaticn- with niin, and turning the fnbjedt on England, fpoke on the liberty of'jthe people, and to what very great lengths they car- ried it, n it only in their difcourfe, but in their writings :—" And pray, Mr. Wilkes,, ( faid . the Prince,) can you tell how f?. r the Liberty of the Subiedt may reach ?"— Pleafe your Highnefs, ( anfwered Mr. Wilkes,) I cannot exadily deter- mine that, , as I was trying my felt" how. far it would go. k Sept. 25— 27. BRIT Friday, September 27. COUNTRY NEWS. Go/ port, Sept. 24. 1j( wi « 5^ HE harveft in the county of Hants is " l rp I pretty W£ ll compleated, and the corn a T J in general is plenty and good. ^ v Leeds, Sept. 23. Grain fell confi- ' • • * derably in this, and moft , other markets in the Weft'Riding of this county," laft week* and we hope it will 1HU continue . lower r ing, till the poor labourer may have plenty at a coWfiderably lower rate than for a" long while paft. Leeds, Sttpt. iz^. On Saturday fe'nnight the Corner's ' Incjuem fat on the body of John Hi- lton, of- Dean. moor, fervapt toD. aniel. IViack- infon, Blackfmith, at the Four- lane Ends in OverHultdn, Lancalhire, on fufpicion of his being poifoned by his wife, . Mary. Hilton, a Woman of a lewd and abandoned charafter; when it appeared, that returning home from WArfley', thc Sunday evening before, his flipper fo, greatly diiagreed with liim^ that he was feized widV moll violent vomitings, and ftron'g acute pains in jus breai't. He died. on Monday after- noon, generally fuppofed of a violent fit of the tholic, and every thing necelTary was prepared • for his interment on Wednefday ; but the fud- den death of a dog, which had licked up what he had vomited,' raifing a fufpicion in fome that the caufe , of his death was falfly a'fligned, Wil- liam Hulton, Efq; of Hulton, was acquainted therewith, arid he, interefting himfelf humanely and adivdy. in the affair, ordered the burial to be delayed, and the dog and the corpfe to be examined by two. Surgeons, who, finding large ' quantities, of arfenic ill both', made no fcruple to declare that they died of p < ifon. The wife was immediately fecured, and giving many contra- didory- reafons, before the above Inqueft, for her purchafing the arfenic, file was fent off to Lancafter, to take her trial at the next county aflfeS. I S H CHRONMCLE for Copy tjf another L s T T E s. fent to the Earl of " My LORD, LONDON. Yefterday their Majcfties, their Royal High- neffe's the Prince of Wales and the Biihop of Ofnabrug, attended by fome of the Eords ofthe Admiralty, and many of the Nobility, & c. ar- rived at the King's yard, Deptford, about two o'clock ; a large party of Fojt, and a troop of Horfe, njarcheS before in the morning, and , made a line-, right and left, from the yard- gate to the water- fide. As foon as their Majelties appeared a fignal was given, and the royal ftandard was immediately hoiited at the gallery ereded on purpofe for their Majefties and their attendants. His Majefty and the Lords in wait- ing went on board the Grafton, and on their return another fignal was given, on which the yachts lying oif the dock in a line, head and item, with a twenty- fix gun frigate in the mid- dle, with all hands aloft, were immediately full drelled in all their colours, which made a moft pleafing fight ; and a little before three o'clock the Grafton was launched. Two bands of Mu- ficians wcre on board the Grafton, one at cach end, and bands of mufic played in boats on the river all the time ol the launch, which was a very fine one. When Ihe went off the flips there were a great number of people in her. Their Maj- fties were faluted leveral times from the veffe's, and immediately after the launch fet out for London, being fainted by the guns in the Dock- yard at their entrance and at their depar- ture. There was an amazing concotvrfe of people both on the River and in the Dock- yard:, and the whole made a very pleaiing appearance1. The above ihip is ordered to be rigged and fitted out for fea. His Grace the Duke of Devonlhire, accom- panied by fevc. al of the Nobility, is gone to partake f tlie dive/ lion of hunting and fho ting at his., feat at Chatfworth in Derbylhire, where he propefes to continue for three weeks. " I hope you wil! pardon me for the liberty I have taken in fending another letter to your Ltirdltiip j as I fhould not have done it provided proper attention had been paid to my ' laft. I am charitable enough to think that you have not in- tentionally neglected it, but that you are engaged in fome more pleafant and profitable buiinefs, than ftudying the good of your country.— If that is the cafe with your Lordlhip, I hope you will permit me to remind you of apprehending Mr. , the Clerk' in one of your Offices, who, ( as I told you in my laft,) gave the French intelli- gence of your fecret Councils. And, at the fame time, give me leave to bring to your remem- brance one of Pri head fervants, who, ( as I informed your Under ~,) was acquainted with the defign againft his — What further' Information can your Lordlhip d^ fire ? Is it not fuffieient for a further examination ? Irjftead of encouraging my Depofition, you lelfen my credit with the Public; and the principal thing the Public doubts of is, " Whether I w as, or. was not concerned in the late fire at Porcf- mouth?" In anfwer to that, my Lord, 1 beg leave to obferve, that if I was not guilty of that crime, what occafion had I to apply to the Lord Mayor, for his Majeliy's pardon, which I did laft July 25th, and was not confined here till Auguft the . lit, fo confequently I was at liberty when I made the above application. If I am an Impof- tor, bring me to juflice, and let me fuffer my de- feits. What is the reafon that you negled the affair at Portfmouth, 1 cannpt eafily conceive. But I know you are afraid that it will be the pre- lude to more important difcovcries. My Lord, it has been reported, " that I charge fome of our Nobility with being accellary toPortfmoiirhfire." This yoii know, my Lord, is falfe. What I charge fome of our. Englifti Nobility with, is of a dif- ferent nature. I only charge Earl with har- bouring , after the fire happened. The other Nobleman I have mentioned. I will yet ftand to, and prove their receiving money from the French, and efpecially for the late Conven tion. I have diredly charged Lord both in a public and private letter. If thefe Gentle- men are confcious of their own innocency, why do they iliffer me to fay thefe things without aking any trouble, either to clear themfelves, or bring me to jufticc ? " It now may be proper to mention Dudley to your L<? r< lfhip. It is evident, that after you had been in poffeflion of my Depofition a fortnight, this Upftart. declaredjiimfelf a party concerned in the above fire ; you had him examined— you found he was likely to produce no proofs of his affertions, and coofcquently when the Public was deceived in their expectations from him, they would Iriok upon me in the fame light. You have given him a fair chance, I defire the fame, and no more. I defircd to be confronted with him, and always did, andlhall do, declare, that I know nothing of the man. I Ihall trouble your Lord- fhip with no more letters. I have done what J can to bring myfelf ro a trial, ( for you will not bring the others,) and you will not grant me that favour; therefore the world may fee it is not my fault. I once more defire your Lordlhip to give me leave to publifh what I know of the affair, that the wctrld may no longer be deceived. I am, with due refped, your moft obedient humble Servant, Reading Gaol, JONATHAN BRITAIN. Sept. 23, 1771. " P.' SVI a ffit re your Lord { hip, that any Ladies or Gentlemen- that plcsfe to call upon me, ( hall be welcome to'the whole affair from my own mouth, and uo names Ihall be. concealed;" It feems to be the better . opinion, that nothing will coijie put from Dudley's, pretended difcp- 1 veries of the incendiaries at Poftfm'ciith, as he was proved to have been two hundred miles diftant at the time of that dreadful firs break- ing out. 3O9 To Mr. Alder man KIR KM AN. S 1 R, VARIOUS have been the reports r'efpeding1 a converfation which paffed between the Right Hon. Brais Crolby, Efq; and yourfeir on the fubjed of the Remonltrance prefented to his Majefty by the late Mr. Alderman Beckford. We, whofe names are hereunto fubferibed, being Citizens and Liverymen, do requeft 6f you to publilh in the Papers that convention, as near as you can recoiled it; in the doing of' which you will oblige many ol your Fellow- Citizens, as well as, SIR, Your moft obedient humble Servants, Edward Wyburde, William Judd, John Merry. Michael Lovell, C. Sommers, John Lawrence, Samuel Provey, Feathers Tavern, Cheapfide, 25th Sept. i 771. GENTLEMEN, YOUR reafons for enquiring ir. to the conver- fation which palled between the prefent Lord Mayor and me, are too obvious for a co'ro'cient S and as I am confcious of having had no deji'gn to entrap his Lord/ hip into declarations contrary to his aSlions, I the more chearfully fobinit tb your requeft. The day before the late Lord'Mayor ( Mr. Alderman Beckford) called a Common- Hall, tp report his Majefty's Anfwer to the Refoon- . ftrance, Mr. Crolby came to Fiihinongers'Hajl to folicit a Stewardftlip for a friend of his iji Norfolk. As the Court of Afliftants were then fitting, he was Ihewn into a private room, and by his defire I was immediately informed he was wait- ing upon my coming out; and after he had told me ihe purpofe of his errand, he alked nfy opinion about the " bufinefs of the Rir. ion- ftrance." My declaration was uniform with what I have conftantly avowed, " That I dis- approved the language of it, and thought it com- plained of matters as public wrongs which only exifted in a private capacity." His oble'rvaticn was, " He could not tell what thefe people meant lo be at, not he, wilh their Remonltrances and them, he fuppofed they meant to overthrow the Condi- tion, and therefore muft be oppofed." You, Gentlemen, will eafily guefs my ' fur- prize when J found the very next day he went upon the Huftings, and in the ftrongeft terms declared his approbation of the wifole proceed- ing. Iam, your moft obedient humble Servant, College- hill, Sept. 26, 17 71. J. K1R K M A N. To Meft'. Dep. Judd, Michael Lo- vell, John Lawrence, Charles Sommers, Samuel Proi'ey, Edward tifhur- de, John Merry. Yefterday a Committee of Merchants, deputed by the Corporation of Dublin, waited on the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, and prefented the following Refolutions, as a teftimony of their gratitude for his condud and pcrfcverance in the caufe of Liberty ; which will ferve to foew the fenfe that City has of his Lordlhip, as a Ma- gilirate and Patriot. At the Guildhall, on the t^ thofju'y, 1771, being public Quarter- day of the Guild of Merchants, Dublin, the following.: Refolutiahs were agreed to. Rcfahved, That it is the opinion " of this Guild-; that the Freedom of the Prefs is one of the chief bulwarks of theConllitutiona] Liberies; of, thefo Kingdoms. Refohved, That the fincere thanks of this Guild be prefented to the Right Honourable. Brafs Croi'by, Elq; Lord Mayor of the City cf Lon- don, John Wilkes, and Richard Oliver,. Efqrs. Aldermen of the fame, for their uorigh: and manly peri'everancevm the catife of Con ft it u- tional Liberty, ' particularly manifested by their • fpi'rited and fuctefsful endeavours in refeuiffg the. Printers of London from the arbitrary and dc- fpotic hands of illicit power, and thereby-. fe- / 3io LLO V D cr. rint the peate, honour, and dignity of that I great City, and thefe Kingdoms. Ordered, That the aforcfaid Refolutions be printed in tiie Freeman's Journal, Dublin Jour- i rial, and Saunders's News Letter; and that a fair copy thereof be tKfiftnitwd by the Mailers and Wardens of this Gifild, ' under the Corpo- ration Seal, to the beforc- nailicd Gentlemen. Signed by Order. BENJAMIN TAYLOR, Clerk of the Guild. One of the twelve City Companies have or- dered medals' for the life of their body on pub- lic occafions at Guildhall; and we hear that fo excellent an example will be generally followed, to prevent the poflibitity of any rabble ever pnffing'their refoiutions on the world as the re- folution of the London Livery. On Wednefday the Committee of City Lands appointed Mr. Charles Rivington, one of the Common- Council of Alderfgate ward, Printer to the city of London, in the room of the late Mr. Deputy Kent. William Talbot, Efq; is appointed from half- pay, to bp Captain of a Company in the 36th re- giment of foot, in the room' of William Robin- Ion, Efq; deceafed. William M'Intofli,- Efq; is appointed Captain of a Company in the 6qth regiment of foot. Lieut. Rigoy is appointed Lieutenant of the Prudent, aguard- ihip of 64 guns, at Portfmouth. Lieut. Fortcfctie is appointed Lieutenant of his M;; jefty's fhip GlafgoWj at Sheemcl's, in the room of Lieutenant- Hart. A perfon. juft arrived from Madrid, has given the following lift of the Spanifh navy, viz. one of 86 guns; one of 84 ; two of 80; one of 76; two of ; feven of 70; twenty- nine of 68 ; eyre of64; one of 6z; eight of 60; four of 58; onc, of ; o ; three of 30 ; feven of 26 ; three of 34; eight cf 22 ; five of 20; five of 18; four of 16; bomb ketch, one of_ 14; three fire ihips and a hulk at Cadiz, making in all 102. Yefterday morning an exprefs arrived from Holland, laid to contain fomc important dif- patches brought over land from Bengal. On Tuefday was entered at the Cuftom- houfe between fix and feven hundred thoufand pound weight of butter, from Ireland, and yefterday the Cheefemongers raifed the price of that commo- dity a halfpenny per pound. They write from Edinburgh that there was a very great fliew of black cattle on Tuefday ie'n- night, at Falkirk Tryft, but almoft the whole were drove off unfold, there being few buyers, which is a very extraordinary circumltance, considering there is great plenty cf eddage ai- moft over the whole kingdom, occafioncd by the fcafonable rains in Auguft. On Wednefday night there was a diftttrbance at Covent- garden Theatre, owing to a change in the entertainment. Midas had been adver- tised, but Mr. Shuter, who plays the charter, having fprained his. ancle, the Managers were obliged to give another Farce, and by hand bills informed the company on what occaff m the al- teration was made. Notwithftanding this in- telligence, the galleries infilled upon Midas, and not only biffed, but pelted thofe who at- tempted to open Thomas and Sally ( the fublli- tuted Farce) with much vehemence. Mr. Mat- tocks and Mr. Younger,, the Prompter, in vain addreffed them ; and Mr. Eenfley intreated per- miffion to. be heard, with an equal degree of ill fuceefs. At length the pit and boxes, fupport- irrg the Attors, defired Mr. Mattocks to go through with his part in any manner; he accord- ingly got through the firft fong ; and on Mrs. Mattocks's appearance alone in the fecond fcene, foine fellows th- ew apples at her. This roufed the genera] indignation, and many of the party who cailid for Midas, afhamed themfelves of the outrage offered to the unoffending Performers, changed fides, and delired that Thomas and Sally might begin again. This being complied with, peace wus reiloied, and no further inter- taction happ- ncd.. ' s EVENING POST, And A few days ago a than genteel appearance went to an Upholfterer's in this City, and or- dered him to furr. ifh a houfe that he had juft taken, which was complied with; but when the latter went to demand his money, the purchafer Was not to be feen, but he found fome other perfons in pofl'effion of the goods. Yefterday the Upholfterer fent fome people to fetch the faid fqroiture away, when they were aflauked ' ana beaten by three men employed in packing them up, in order to carry them off the premiffes. The Upholfterer's men, Sec. however, at length fe. cured the above perfons, and carried them to the Manfion- houfe; from whence they were Sept. 25— 27. lent to the Poultry Compter for examination, j regiments of foot. >—.—•. .. . ^ , • ., r r 1 r . , l\ / I - " NT - 1J C^.. MARRIAGES. Mr. William Beech, an eminent Apothecary, of Shrewfhury, to Mrs. Steadma- n, a Widow Lady, of Sovvbitch Forge, with a fortune of jo, oool. 24. Dr. Bates, of- Little JViifienden, Bucks, ta Mils Miles,: qf Char! : cre- ftreet, Bloomfbury. ;'*> 2c. Mr. J0hh Fothergili,^ Ironmonger, Of Lecd^. in YorkJhire, nephew w. Dr. Fothergill, to Marjy. Ann Forbes. • 26. Mr. Ekins, Wh. Iefale Linen- draper, qf CornhiH, to MiffStoae,- of Gracechttrch- ftreet. DEATHS. 25 Mr. Oldham, Agent to tha 23d and. 31ft They pretended to have a bill of fale of the gooos ; but on the paper being produced, it was only an order for removing them to another place. Extras of a letter from Capt. Dunn, of tbe fimu Efner, dated St. John, Antigua, Aug. Iq. " Yefterday ended the trial of George Wafh- ington, alias Fifhen, Pirate Captain ; John Coo- per, Chief Mate; John Barlow, Carpenter ; Thomas fe. nkins, Thomas Tcrnay, and James Burrell, Seamen; late belonging to the fnow Eflicr, for piratically running away with the laid veffel, and murdering Charles Phinnie: When they were all condemned to be hanged on the 24th inftant; the two former in chains. They arraigned the juftice of the Court, d n'd the Judges, and behaved in the moft infolcnt and audacious manner ; telling the fpe& ators, efpe- cially the Sailors, that were they out, they would behave worfe than they had ever done ; and afk- ing the Judges, Whether they might not be afhamed to condemn fo many ftout you ng men for fo trifling a crime as they had been guilty of ? " ExtraSl of a Letter, from a Gentleman at Margate, Tuefday, Sept. 24. " This morning about nine o'clock, a Dutch veffel having caft anchor in the harbour, and the wind foon after proving favourable for his failing, the Captain therefore did not think proper to wait to weigh anchor, but cut the cable, and put a buoy to the fame, as a mark where it was to be found ; and it being cuftomary in' thefe cafes to allow falvage to any perfon who will fecure the fame for the owners, a boat with feven men went off, and when they were about half a mile from the piers, they fhifted their fail, and the fea at the lame time running very high, Mr. Nalder, Coal- mc: ehaht, inThames- fti- eef. 26. John Hannam, Efq; in Great RuiS. 1- ftreet, Bloomfbury, oneiof the. Pages, to the latai King. ; .. t ( 3' 1 . . . Mr. Rifcomb, Brandy Merchant, in Thames- ftreet, fuddenly, in an apopleftic fit... I Now the gentle Gales, " Fanning their odosif'ious Wings, difpenfei native Per- fumes, *" And whifper whence they'ftole th'ofe balmy Sppilj." O IC H A K D W A ftR EN, Per- •*• fumer, in Marybone ftreet, G- olden- fqtsare, Lon- don, imports, makes, and fells all Sorts of Perfumery Goods in all its Branches and gieatejt Perfection, V. nok- fale, Retail, and for Exportation, v; z. Tea Fine Lavender Water Hungary Water Honey Water Orange- flower Water Rofe Water Eau d'Arquebufade Eau fans Pareille Eau de Luce Spaniih and India Wool Violet Hair powder Grey and common ditto Violet Shaving Powder Shaving Boxes and Lruiiies Ben Roll Pomatum Sweet Soft ditto, in Pots Marble Waft Balls Double refined QnintrfTence of Lavender. Warren's Im- proved Milk of Holes. . Laud's well- known infallible Corn Salve. Warren's Britijh Teeth Powder. Wairen's Royal Opiate for the Teeth. Dragon Roots for cleaning the Teeth. Royal Liquid of" Violets and J diamine for preserving and t. nicke'njrg the Hair. Bear's Grtai'e'to thicken the Hair. The true Italian Hair Water for changing red Gr grey Hair into' black or br: wn. , , . T - -, Frencll Rouge in Pots and ViSwiier, and Carmine. • Ori- the boat overfet j tour of the men hung to the ?; nalPearl Water fcr the Fa. e and Neck, SenWring r. i^ r. ' ' Drops to take Spots out of- SJlki, SrLlfs, Cambists, ( Queen's Royal. ditto Double French Lily ditto - Chemical and Italian ditto Almond and Spermaceti Pafte French Chickcn Gloves Court Sticking Plaiiter Teeth Eruftes Lilhon Toothpicks Fine Lip Saive of BloUoms Edlnce of 6' ergamot Ellcnce of - Myrrh Eiience of Mulk Effence of Lemon. boat, ar. d three of them got hold of the piers They remained in this dreadful ficuation for about half an hour, in furl view of many of the Gentlemen and Ladies in Surfien's ar, d Ray's coffee- rooms. As foon as the accident was known, two boats immediately put off, and took up fix of the men; but the other was ioft. On Wednefday a boat coming from Green- wich, in which were Mr. Ellers and his Wife, of C'ooper- ftrcet, Weftminfter, was run clown by a North Country veffel, by which accident Mrs. Ellers was drowned. On Tuefday laft a Farrier at Croydon, in Surrey, ihot himfelf through - the head, and on Wednefday the Coroner'; Inqueft fat on his body, and brought in their verdiA lunacy. On Wednefday Mifs Watts, only daughter cf Mr. Watts, Merchant, at Ifiington, being feized with a hidden delirium, ilung herfelf out of a Cloths, & c- Warren's new invented fweet Ambtir Soap for Shaving, Set. Alfo his purified fweei Almond Soap for twining Hands, His ipicroved - Elll- nce of Flowers, and Ene eld Windfor Soap, as u'ud.' ( C5* The aboye are appcinted to be fold alfo by fyfjs. Langford, in Paterr. 6fler., i(. w ; ar. d by Mrs. Skelcon, op- pofile the Spur* Inn, in S: iitbv.- aric; and for the Con- venienc^ of his Friends and Cuftom- rs taking Lesve of the Kingdom from tUe'DdwnsV MJ6 Dixon, at Deal ^ from Portfmouih, ATi-.-' Sneli, oppofite ilie Parade; alfo by Mr. Alls, in Birmingham :- Berrow, in Worcf- ller ; Brown, in. . Briftol ; Bsll; in liath ; Baker, in South- ampton ; Berry, iii'Manehefler; Baker, in Brightheijn- fione- j Simmons, in C. UVI: J bury • Newpor. t. in Doyer- Hall, in Margate; . Walker,- in Fevertham.; Dearling,. in Chirhaiier; Fifter, in RocheSer; Fiflier, in Newcatllc ; Qrice,. in Derby; Gojdhy, in • Sherborn; Kfymer, in Colchefi. cr ; Ruil, in Norwich ; Raikes, in ( jlouceller Sealbj i^ i: cr Co. in S- allfeury ; Shave, in IpTwich ; Wal- two pair of flairs window, and fraftured her ton, in Devizes'; Wilfon, in York.; and Woton, in Ba- fkull: She was taken up alive, but expired in few hours. It was not the Earl of Banbury, but the Right Hon. the Countcfs of Banbury, Mother to the prefent, and Widow of the late Earl of Banbury, whom her Ladyfhip fitrvived. only 3 few months,, who died a few days ago. BIRTH. 25. The wife cf Mr. Kemp, Maftcr of the Eagle Alehoufe, near the Seven Dials, of three, girls, who, with the mother, are likely to> do well. fingfloke. N. B. Country Shopkeepers, & c. fupplied with the beft of Gor. ds, at the loA- efi l-' rices, by Warren as above. STOCKS done this ' Ody pt One o'clock. Bank Stock, — Ind. Stock, -— ' South Sea, — 3 prCtBankRed.— 3 perCt. Conf. 87? af 3* Ditto, 1758, <) of a 4 per Ct. Con. — 3 per Cent. South Sea Old Ann. hew Ditto Ann. - . per Cent. 17 51, fiht. India Ann. — Bank Long Ann. — Afidis Bonds, 53s. pr. Navy & Victualling Bih'j, — cifc. Lott. Tickets, » jl. 1 is.. 6J » . Sept. 25— 27. B R I T I S H C H R O N I C L E for 1771. Poftfcript. This Day arrived tbe Mails from Holland and France. , . From tie Viflula, September 12. • fcltlNCE Nicolas Repnin having in formed Field Marfhal Romanzoff * that the Turks were fortifying them " T felves on this fide'the Danube, near Giurgiovo, and that they had formed intrenchments, which would contain 30,000 men; on this advice, the Marfhal ordered the former to attack them; but the Prince repre fenting to him, that the troops under his com mand were much inferior to the enemy, the command was taken from him, and given to Lieutenant General d'Eifen, who attacked the Turkilh intrenchments, but met with a repulfe wherein Major General Tfchertorilkoi, a Colo- nel, five General Officers, and nine other inferior ones, were killed, and eleven other Officers wounded; befides about 800 private men killed. The attack continued for about four hours; and the Ruffians brought off theirwounded to Bu- chareft. Prince Repnin has drawn up an account of the affair, which lie has fent off to Peterlburgh, after which he fell lick at Buchareft. As to the Crimea, there remains only one fortrefs in the hands CJfthe Turks, which is that of Balaclava. The Ruffians are in poffeffton of the reft of that country ; but the want of pro- vifions will not permit them long to enjoy their conqueft. Bajlia, in Corjica, Sept. _ 1. Though meafures had been taken, which it was hoped would have put a flop to tiie outrages of the Banditti, they feem rather to increafc. A convoy, ef- corted by twelve Grenadiers, from Corte to Niolo, was lately fet upon, and feized by them, after killing three of the Grenadiers, and the reft with difficulty made their efcape. Hague, Sept. 6. The fick. ncfs among the horned cattle continues to rage in the United Provinces. A lift is publifhed of the number of thofe which have been feized with it in the Province of Holland alone, by which it appears that the dead amount to 171,780, and that thofe which recovered amount to 65,536. Copenhagen, Sept. 8. The Courts of Vienna and Peterlburgh have caufed a great number of the horfes, which were fold from the King's ftud in the middle of laft month, to be bought up for their ufe. The news from the feveral provinces of this kingdom announce that the harveft has been very plentiful. Paris, Sept. 20. An arret of Council appeared the 1 ith of this month, which ordains, that all books brought from any foreign country into France, whether in the French or Latin lan- guages, bound or unbound, old or new, fhall pay, on their entry into the kingdom, fixty fivres for every quintal. An Abbe, overcome with a fit of melan- choly, lately threw himfelf from the Pont- nenf, into the river, and was drowned, after having given all his money to the poor, and begged ol them in return to pray for him. LONDON. It was fettled at the Council held on Wednes- day, that the Parliament fhould be farther pro- rogued to Tuefday the 26th of November next; but it is thought they will not fit for the difpatch of bufinefs till after Chrillmas. Both Houfes ot Convocation are further to be prorogued to Wednefday the 27th of November next; ccmmiffiov?-. for that purpofe are pre- paring for the Archbifhops of Canterbury and Yorn. A writ will be ifnied to- morrow for the elec- tion of a Mefnoet for the Borough of Brackley, in NorthampLr. nfhire, in the room of Robert Wood, Elq; deceafed. It is now -_ . r" ain that the Stamp- Office wi) i* j be removed to Ely- houfc in Holborn : A Bill will be brought the _ Parliament, ear]_ next Seffion, to enable Government to purchafe it for that purpofe. Orders are given for lining the doors and window frames of the apartments in the Queen's Palace, where their Majelties intend entirely to reiide, as foon as the necefiary preparations can be made, for the winter feafon. The expence of entertaining their Majefties, and their attendants at Deptford yelterday ( ex- clufive of the buildings) amounted to 1750I. and upwards, Yefterday a Patent paffed the Great Seal con- taining a Confirmation of a Grant to Sir Charles Hardy, of the Office of Mailer and Governor of the Royal Hofpital at Greenwich. Alfo a Patent, containing a Grant to Sir George Bridges Rodney, of the Office of Rear Admiral of Great Britain and of the Admiralty thereof, with allowance of fixteen fhillings a day, and alfo an allowance of twelve men at ten lhilling each per month, together with all privi- leges, profits, and advantages belonging to the faid Office. ' Tomorrow being the day for the Sheriffs eledt to be fvvorn into their Office, Mr. Alderman Wilkes and Frederick Bull, Efq; will walk in proceffion from the Manfion- houfe, attended by the Rev. Dr. Wilfon, and the Court of Affiftants of the Joiners and Salters Companies, with mufic playing before them, to Guildhall, where the two former will be lworn in before the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor; they will then proceed to Church, and afterwards to the eledtion of a Lord Mayor. Mr. Wilkes and Mr. Bull have been entirely neuter as to the eledtion for the Lord Mayor ; and we are told they have not folicited a fingle vote for any particular perfon, confcious that, as Sheriffs, they have no right to interfere in eledlion matters in any manner, but by a punc- tual difcharge of the duties of their Office. Yelterday, at a Coffee- houfe, at the Royal Exchange, a Gentleman agreed to give another one hundred guineas, to reccive one guinea every week for three years, or to ceafe paying it when Mr. Wilkes is chofen Lord Mayor. Yeftcrday at the final doling the books of the Poll forBridge- Mafter, the numbers were, for Mr. Borwick 1503, and for Mr. Townfend 1307.-— And this day a Court of Aldermen was held at Guildhall, to receive the report of the Sheriffs, of the numbers polled for each Candidate at the above' eledtion ; after which the Sheriffs declared Mr. Borwick duly eledled. The employment to which Mr. Deputy Ellis was on Thurfday eledted, inthe room ofThomas Pattle, Efq; is eftimated at an annual 300I. and gives but very little trouble to the pcfleffor. The Bridge Maftcrfhip, decided yellerday in favour of Mr. Borwick, is valued at not half that fum, but a conftant refidence is necefiary in the Officer. The Hamburgh Merchant, Hutchinfon, from Hamburgh for London, is on fhore, in the mouth of Colchefter River, with eight feet water in her hold. Laft Friday evening the wife of aTradefman, in May's- buildings, St. Martin's- lane, going to- bed, as ufual, in good health, fell aflcep, in which file continued till Tucfday morning, although feveral methods were taken but without effedtto wake her, till fhe awoke ofherfejf, got up, and went about her haufhold bufinefs ; and it was with difficulty fhe could be perfuaded it was any other day than Saturday. Yefterday, during the time of the man of war being launched, a boat with fix pafl'engers v\ as overlet, by a Gravefend boat runr^ rg foul of her, when two women were drowned, and the remain, er were faved with very great difficulty.. Laft night, as Mr. Butler, an Attorney, in Lcadenhall ftreet, going to his country houfe at Homerton, was thrown out of his chaife, near the Coach and' Horfes in Hackney, and had his dollar- bone broke-, andotherwile much bruifed. 311 On the eighth of Auguff laft died at Vi mi, in Portugal, Col. J^ mes Anaerfon, in the fervice of the King of Portugal. We / hould be glad to learn from our Correfpondcnt in - what manner he • would chufe to ha ve his Letters inferted, tbe firjf of ' which came to band laj night, and ivas figned WM. TOUCH 1 T. ' H Mavlnx is received, and fball ha- vc a place as foon as pojfible; as fb all the SONG from Sheernefs. At a Meeting laft Night at the King's Arms Tavern, in Cornhill, of abont 500 rdpcdlable Gentlemen, ( Deputy John Patecfon, Efq; in the Chair,) it was unanimoufly refilved to fuoport' the Return of Mr. Alderman Nafh to the Court of Aldermen, as one of the two Perfons for their. Choice of a Lord Mayor of this City f r t'irf Year enfuingj and that a fecond Meeting be held at the fame Place, on Monday next, at Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, to confider what far- ther Step may be necefiary for that Purpofe, ALDERMAN NASH prefems his Compliments to the Gentlemen who were prefent laft Night at the King's Arms Taiern, in Cornhill, is truly fenfible of the Hmour lie . has received from fo numerous and refpedtable an Appearance of his Friends, in order to flip- port his Return to the Court of Aldermen, for their Choice of a Lord Mayor for the Year en- fuing, and earncftly requcfts' their further Af- fiftance on the Day of Eiedlion. Nenv- court, Swithin's- lane, Sept. 27. To tbe Worthy L I VERY M E N of tbe City of . LONDON. GENTLEMEN, VOUR Votes, Intereft, and Poll, . are earneftly requefted for WILLIAM NASH, Efq; Alderman and Salter, To be one of the two Perfons to be returned to the Court of Aldermen, for their Choice of a Lord Mayor for the Year enfuing, he being one of the three Aldermen next the Chair, of whom Mr. Peers has defired Leave to decline. To tbe Worthy LIVERYMEN of tbe City of LONDON. GENTLEMEN, BEING, by Mr. Alderman Peers's Requeft to decline the Mayoralty of this great City, one of the two Aldermen next the Chair, permit me to folicit the Honour of your Votes, Intererf, and Poll, to be one of the two Perfons to be returned to the Court of Aldermen, for their Choice of a Lord Mayor for the Year enfuing. Confcious of having at all Times, both in public and private Life, endeavoured to adt as a good Citizen and an honeft Man, I- prefume to hope, that my Fellow Citrons ( aniongft whom I have been a Trader 30 Years) Will not think me deferving of any degrading Mark of their Difapprobation. Happy, if by your Return to the ufual Mode of Rotation, I may be made an Inftrumcnt of reftoring Peace and Urianiniity amongft: you; 3nd have an Opportunity of proving my firm Attachment to the Conlfituticui of my Country, and of this City in particular, and thefincere Refpedtwith which , ... I am. GENTLEMEN, • Your moft obedient, and moft faithful humble Servant, New- Court, Swithin's- • WILLIAM NASH. Lane, Sept. 21,1771. ' ' - To ihe Worthy LIVERYMEN of the City of LONDON. GENTLEMEN, yo U R, Votes, Intereft, and Poll, are earneftlv requefted for • W I L L I'A M _ N A S. H, Efq; ' Alderman ana Salter, and T H O M A S H A I L I F A X, " *•; Alderman and Go'dfm To be returned to the Cour - f / their Choice r. f a Lord Mayor of'th t the Year enfu ng. .5 [ 12 POST L L NEWS. OYD's EVENING POST, & c. Deal, Sept. 2;. Wind N. E._ Came down and / ailed the Lord Clive, Powtejt, for Tobago ; Galloway, Bilhopbrid » e, for Maryland ; Love, Pallmore, for Lifbon ; Lemon, Whrcheb, for Naples ; and Kirby Kail, George, for Oporto. Remain the India Pilot. Deal, Sef> t. 26. Wind N. E. Came down and failed the Mary, Smith, for Jamaica ; Boftdn Packet, Lyde, lor Bollon ; Barbadoes Planter, Blackburn, for Barbadoes; Bourdeaux Packet, Jenkins, tor BourdeauX; Qtieen of Hungary, Urmfton, for Venice ; St. Thomas, Saiderton, for St. Andrew's ; Colebrook, Reevely, for Ply- mouth ; London, Hird, for Dublin ; and Hel- Icn, Holmes, for Laricalter. Reftiain tiie India Pilot. P O SL j of L o N D o N. Ships entered ln- wards. • Sept. 25 arid .26. from Jamaica, Port Anton ia, M'CVduck. Peter/ burgh, Richard, Murray ; Fi- delity, Gray fon; Beamifh, Atkinfon ; Hopewell, Hipper j Matilda, Grant; William and Alice, Clarke; Hunter, Howell. Koningfberg, Young Prince of Prdfiia, Bohn. Stettin, Seven Stars, Kiefeibeck ; St. Joannes, Seeger; Frederick, jii. tckc; Elizabeth, Tinley ; Young William, Kent. iVjberg, Helena, Kookell. Mattel, Valen- tine, Sheppard. Denlzic, Lady Florentia, Ratliie. Nor. wery, Hope, Winter ; Paul and Catharine; iveollellon ; Providence, Sercnfon ; Tvvo Bro- thers, Smith ; Two Brothers, Wright ; Pearl, T. olbnian. Hamburgh, Hamburgh Commerce, Moller. Gottenburg, b, Jacob, Davidfon; St, Cuth- bert, Forfter; Bremen, Mercurius, Brengman. .• Mijkrdam, Goodwill, Klinkert. Dunkirk, Mary, Hmv. Guirnfej, Milfoid, Viek. Cork, Jonfiy Hope, M'Carthy. Ships cleared Outwards. For Montf rrat, Fanny, Cheefeftwh. Florida, Ge irge, Regan. Gzdiz^ Polly and Charlotte, An- iderfon. Gibraltar, S< dly, Hatch. Nor way, Pa- tient i » , Hanfon. Hamburgh, Flying Mercury, Bntnfwick. Rotterdam, Duke of Yorit, Wilcox Dunkirk, Gideon and Hannah, Gilbee. Dublin, Providence, Mayne ; Neptune, Smithwick. Confers entered Inwards, Sept. 25 and 26. From Dundee, Nelly. Jpfwich, Hare, Benjamin. Harwich, Friends Delight. Milton, Profp'cVoQS.. C'owes, Liberty. ' Rochifler, Sarah and Elizabeth, WclcomcMeflenger. Rye, Vine.— Scven'Colliefs. Coaflers cleared Outwards. Far AbeAttn, [ oily Batchelor. Hull, Generous Friend, Unity, Thomas and Betfy, Halifax. Li- • verpthJ, Friendlhip. Sunderland, Bottle Pafcker, Unity. Barsatutb, Loyalty. Forifir. ou'tk, I. yAitttg- ton. Heigh, Role. Arundel, Oak. Stockton, Heron. Briellington, Bridlington. BcHon, Boiloh. RocleJIe'r, Good Intent. Sandwich, Ifle of Thanet, Bird in Hand. Teverfham, Kerjt, Three Brothers. Wells, Succe'fs. Milton, Sitringbourn. Ho mcirrtkv Morr. inf ' will he pubiijhed, Handfornely printed on a fine Paper, and ornamented w ith an ' elegant engraved f rontiipiece, in 2 Vols. Price 6s. ' THE UNFORTUNATE LOVE FT S; tir, The Gennine DISTRESSES of DAMON and ' CKtlA : in a'Serlesof Letter', between the gate General Cratiflird, Sir John Hiiffey Delaval, Bart, the late Sir Francis Blake Ddaval, Knight of the Bath, and Two UNROITRUWATE LOVERS. By WILLIAM REN W ICK, Bath, Printed by'R. Crutiwell, for the Author; and fold by Mefl" Dodftey, Pall- Mail; Almce, Piccadilly; Griffin, Strand; F. Newbery, Cnr'nir of St ' Paoh Church- yartl-; and Richardfon and Co, under the Royal Exchange, Lcjitlon ; and by T. Slack, NVtwcafiie. To tije P U B L I C. As this original Hiftory ccntains no Chiratfers but What are well known, and whofe real Names are inierttd at length ; n6r a finale A/ Teftinn, or fcvertr, but \ vhar will appear to be authentic, it is hoped, the Public will fo fir give it the Preference to Romantic Novels:— And if Sccnfs of the deepeft Diftrefs, ami Liiiguage the moft pithetic, may be faid to inteteft the Attention, of the feeling Reader, it will, furelv, prove entertaining. To he SOLD in leparate Lots, by public Sale, About the End of this Year, or Beginning of the next, at the Duke^ s Head, al fynn, in tbe County of Norfolk, ALL the ESTATES of the Right - 1- Hon. Eirl FITZWULIAM, lying in Lynn, Runflon, Wcft- Winch, Setchy, Seech, Watlington, Gay wood, Tilriey, Iflington, and Clencbwarton, in the County ef Norfolk, together of the Yearly Value of ibout Zoool. Perfons, defiring to purchafe any Part or Parts, of the above Eftates by PRIVATE Can fit Act, maf fend th= ir Propofals to tbe Earl Fitzwiliiam, at Mili^ n ; Ralph Caiildwell, Efq; at Holkam, in Norfolk j or Mr. John Lens, at Noruikh. LAND co be SOLD by AUCTION. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Tuefday, Otteber 1, 1771, at Three o'CIocJc in the Afternoon, at the Swan, in Atherllone, Warwickthire, if not fold before by priv. te Sale. A EREEHOLD ESTATE, laying in the Parifli of Witherly, in Leicefterthire, within about three Quarters of a Mile of Atherftone, in War- wickshire, now in the Tenure of Thomas Slack, at the Anhual Rent of'Sol. The Premises confift of about fcxty- thiee Acres and a Half of good Failure and Meadow Land, well watered, have a good told Yard, a large Barn, and three Brick Stabies and a brick kiln tneie'on eredted; alfo a Quantity of Clay dug far rtiikiiig Brick artd Tile. At the fjme Time and Place tfill be fdla, two Houfes and Lots of Land, in Atherftone, < vi h rheit Rights of Common, now in Tenure of Jofiiph Smith, and Charles Beal. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. William Ebor- ral, Attorney at Law, or of Mr. John Wiitday, both of Atherftone. SOLD Sept. 25— 27. To be ALL * m fur by AUCTION, By Mr. M O R G A N, On the Premiss, on Wednefday, the 2d Day of O'ftuber, 1771, and the following Days, the Genuine HoulhoLl Fnt- hiture, Plate, China, Linen, Chaifes, Horfes, Wine, Brandy, Fine Ale, Cyder, Brewing Urebfiis, & c. of the Heufe inSwi! by the Sign Of the White Lion Inn, at Kit's End, being about one Mile btyoml fiarnet, on t'. e great North Road, in the County of Middbfrx Confiding of near forty Feither Beds, Bedding, Morine and other Furniture in Beds and Window Curtains, Ma-' htfsany Chairs, Tables, Drawers, Sconce, Pier, ar. d other Giaftl- s, a large Brewing Copper, feverJ other Coppers, twe Eight- day Clocks, and good Kitchen Furniture; five exceeding good Poft- thaifes and Harnefs, a One- hotfe Chaife, about twenty exceeding good Poft- chaife Herfes, Sec. See.. The Whole to be viewed on Monday next, and till the Time of Sale, which will begin each Day at Eleven o'Cl. ck. Catalogues may be then had, at the Crown at Houfl- tljw; the Angel, at Sr. Alban's ; the Cock, ar Eppi, g ; and nf Mr.' M6^ arj, No. 19, Great Queen- ftreet, Lin- ci! n* s- Inn field:-, London. To be ~ L E T T, A N old and weli- frequented Water CORN MILL, called MATTOX ot MAR- DOCK'S MILL, fituated two Miies from Ware, four from Hertford, and feven ot eight from Sturford. To be entered on next Michaelmas Day. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. John Hall, Attorr; ey at Law, in Hertford ; or at Marduck's Houfr, which arjoins to the Piemifies ; or of Mr. Price, at Salrers Hill, in London. THEATRICAL ENTERTAINM ENTS. DRUP. Y- LANE, Sept. 28.] The Mourning Bride, with Harlequin's Invaiion. COVENT- GARDESI, Sept. 27.] The Strata- gem, With the Devil to Pay. Sept. 30.] Gentle ' Barnwell. High'Water at LONDSN BRIIICE. Saturday. At 23 Min. Alter 4 in the Morning. And 44Min. after 4 in the Afternoon. Sunday. At' 6 Min. after 5 in the Morning. And ^ oMiii. after in die Aftcrnrton. tfltm'day. At'rt Mhi. after 5 in the Morning. - And k Min. aftsf61in'the Evenin'e. By the K I N O ' I P A T « M T, ' P OWEN'S SAGO POWDER, / from NORTH AMERICA,) fold by Edward Bar- law, Wine Merchant, No. 14, Savage- ftaittem, witb Direftions for preparing it, in Cannifteri at » s. the Pound, IS; tire Half Pound, Th- is Powder it of a light and nourilbing Subftance, praper as Food in Floxes, and other Difeafes of the Bowels ; alfo in Confumptive, and many othef Cafes ; agreeable infte « j of Chocolate, or as Jelly in Punch, & c. This Powder is of great Utility at Sea ( as well as < m Shore) as freth Provifion, one Pound will make a Meft of wholefome nouriDiing Food for Twenty Men. Sola alfb at the following Places: At the Sworf- blade Colfee- bfcufe, No. 10, Exchange- alley ; Metfrt. Seawell and Harding's, Contraffors for the Navy, Mark- latie ; Mr. George Martin, Surgeon, in Lime- hofife ; Mr. Read, Grocer, Whitechapel ; Mr. Brom- ley, Chemift, oppofite St. George's Church, Borough j Mr. John Henwood> St. Clement's EofFee- hoofe, Strand; Mr. F. Newbery, Corner of St. Paul's Church- yard ; at the Rainbow Coffee- houfe, Cornbill ; and by Turpin. in St. John's- ftreet. Mr. ESSENCE of PEPPER MIN ' V, By bis Majefty's Koyil Letters Patent, l- J A S now long eftabiifhed its Re- patation for fpeeoily relieving Cholicky arfd Ciouty PaiWs in the Sroinach itid Bowels, Sea Sick fit f » , Reichirtgis from other Caufes, and all Difordfcrs arifiiig from Wind. Multitudes of Infants, as well as other?, d- aiiy Experience its- gratetful, cordia1!, and ftomachic Etietts, not equalled by any otber< Medi « he. Prepared and fold by T. Juniper, ParentBe, at Not- tingham, in flopped Boitif s at ss. and Phials at is, e- cb; and is bv him appointed to- be fold at the old Ware- houfe, ka ccle4fie! d- itreet, Soho j by Kir. Oldham, Che mi ft, in tbe Haymarket j. Churchill, in* fhe Strand-; Bsyiey, Perfumer, C6ckfpi! r ; Wiikie/ St. Paul s Ciiureh- yard j Brcdle, Whitcdlipd- feaT*; ' and W- hoifc- fale ar/ d Retail atChater's Circiliating Lib'rar. , No. 39, Kirkg-' fheet, Cheapfide j i? nd at the Raii-'. b \ v Coflefe- ho'jfe. torrihill. Sold alfo by Fktcher a- ii Hoc ion, 4c C- ambridge j Raik- s, ar Giouc'efter j Sealy " and Alex- ander at ^ aliihury ; Pearfo. a- and Aris at Birhiirigham ; and Shave at Ipfwich, & c. N B. Levigated Mercury as ufualyMacclesfield- ftreet. " U A U M E D E V 1 E, By the KING's Letters Patent. /~] PHk unequal fed Virtues of this trioft excellent Medicine are now univerfally ac- knowledged. It is a F « dl, well known, that the* DAL- ME is adminiftered by many of the Faculty, in Complicated Cafes, where every Method, in common Practice, has proved ineffectual. The Introduction of it into this Country has been the providential Means of preferving the Lives of Thoufands. Its great Powers in reftoring and fortifying the Stomach, and expelling bilious - Matter, and its cordial, attenuating, and an- tifeptic Qualities,- may eafjly account for its ErSeajcy in the Gout, Scurvy, Rhcumatifm, Jaundice, Agues, and particularly all thofe cruel D'. forders that attack the Stomach and Bowels — which, though different in Ap- pearance, are generally derived from the fame Source. With the fame Confidence we after:, that this Medi- cine has not Its, equal in all Female Diforders ; or as a Rtfiorati- ve in Gtnerir! j and as a Preventative of tW ill Confequences arifing from contagious Air. * To prevent the pernicious ConfeOuences cf a fpuiious Sort being obauded un the Public, the Bottles are each figned by Mi . BecUet, one i f the" Proprietors j and Mr. Nvicoll, as Vender, the Counterfeiting ot which being Felony, will be profecuted accordingly. This moft admirable Family Meoicine, ^ by a4pp pointment of the Proprietors,) is fold, atv3s- Bottle, with good Ailowar. ee for charitable Ules, or to fell again, by W. Nicoli, No. 51, in St. ' Paul's Church- yard j T. Bsckfit, in the Strand j R. Davis, in Piccadilly ; T. Durham, Cockfpur- ( IreetjCharing trots j Richarufon ahd Co. at the Royal Exchange} and W. Kidney, facina Gray's- inn- gate, Holborn. Where may be had, Price 6d. A Narrative of fome extraordinary and well- attefteJ Cur* 8Wouvbt bvthf RAUWF. OF. Vlfc. hrift- n « d W E J * \ L" L iV Males Females all , Y lUS ,83 37' h 1 L L, Sept f Males Buried -{ Femalci t In all 24. Irtcreaf- d in thr Burials t- his Week zi 804 189 LCmi) ON ; fold by W. ters to tK. 6 Ed'icor and c NIC'OLL, in . V/. ' Paid'. R Church- Yard, ' by < VHOI1I all P'Cii. > « s nwv b regularly ( erved with this Paper. " Let- 4< iver* ifeaients wiil be receivetl, at ' New Ltoy'd's ' Coffee- Hrnfe, in Pipf s Hred- Alley, and at ihe- Pubii& ei's. Jr iiS m % WM
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