Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Volume Number: Issue Number: 4031
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Berrow's Worcester Journal
Date of Article: 12/09/1771
Printer / Publisher: H. Berrow
Address: Near the Cross, Worcester
Volume Number: Issue Number: 4031
No Pages: 4
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Price Two- pence Halfpenny. SATURDAY'S POST. COUNTRY NEWS. Chester, September 3. ON Saturday the 24th ult. about THURSDAY, September 12, 1771. four o'Clock in the Morning, a smart Shock of an Earthquake was felt at Astbury, in this Coun- ty, by several People whose Beds shook under them, and also se- veral other Things in each House ; it lasted about three Seconds. One William Reynolds, a Hatter, about two Months ago attempted to destroy himself by cut- ting his Throat, but having not done it effect- ually, and the Wound being immediately sewed up, with the Application of other Remedies, he in a very
short Time perfectly recovered : In the mean Time, a Divine, very eminent for his ex- alted Talents, Piety, and Learning, as well as for his unwearied Diligence in warning obstinate Sin- ners to flee from the Wrath to come, waited on this miserable Object, gave him the most salutary Advice, and prayed the Father of all Mercies to forgive him this enormous Crime; but it seems they were Pearls cast before Swine, for on the 23d ult, he effectually hanged himself, by a Cord tied to the Top of a Bedstead. The Coroner's Inquest brought in their Verdict, Self Murder ; his Body was therefore put in a Coffin, and conveyed in a Cart to
Marchwiel Parish, in order to be buried in a cross Road, ( he being a Pauper of that Parish, although a resident at Wrexham) but the Inha- bitants being alarmed, and unwilling that such a Monster of Iniquity should be deposited near their Habitations, prevented his being buried that Night. All the next Day ( being Sunday) he lay in the Cart, near the Churchyard, with the Coffin Lid open ; Monday about twelve o'Clock he was buried in an obscure cross Lane in the said Parish, near a Place called Street- yr- Hwch- His predo- minant Vice was Drunkenness ; he walked by Crutches for several Years, and was about 70 Years of Age.
Extract of a Letter from Bury St. Edmunds, Aug. 28. It is imagined that many of our Farmers do ( but by what Means we cannot find out) export their Corn to foreign Parts, vast Quantities being sent to Ipswich, and other Sea Ports, under Pre- tence of its being designed for the London Mar- ket, where it is supposed not much above one half of it arrives. It is said by some, that the rest goes to feed our good Neighbours the French, while our own Poor are kept nearly starving here at home. Some worthy Gentlemen in this Neigh- bourhood have agreed to give a handsome Re- ward to any Person who shall discover any of the
Offenders, so that they may be brought to justice." Extract of a Letter from Canterbury, Aug. 31. " At the Meeting at Sittingbourne, on Tues- day last, of the Gentlemen, Planters, and others, of the Eastern and Western Parts of this County and of Sussex, the High Sheriff, Lord Romney, Sir William Fagg, Sir Thomas Rider, Roger Twisdale, Horatio Mann, and Charles Stewart, Esqrs. and many other principal Gentlemen were present. Several Schemes were proposed to pre- vent the illicit Importation of foreign Hops into this Kingdom, and at length determined, that three Committees be appointed, which was im- mediately done, to
take the most effectual Me- thods for preventing the same. A Subscription was also opened for defraying those Expences which have been already incurred in preventing that illegal Trade, to which Lord Romney sub- scribed 100l. and several other Gentlemen sub- scribed in a very liberal Manner, being deter- mined to support the English Plantation against every Combination to import that Commodity un- lawfully ; and the Committee resolved to meet again at the same Place on the 16th of September next to consider further of the most eligible Method for that Purpose." LONDON, Thursday, Sept. 5. It is said a Great
Personage has ordered the D. of C. to ask no Favour in any Department for Mr. B. A Great Personage has invented a Machine re- sembling a Baker's Tally, which is kept by the Governor of his eldest Son, with Orders to pro- duce it notch'd every Morning, to the Great Per- sonage, who, from the particular Manner of its being cut, can distinguish whether Young Georgy has been a good or a naughty Boy the preceding Day. We hear the late Installation which made so much Noise has occasioned the Records of Knight- hood to be carefully examined into, and it seems a Discovery is made that is like to be very disa- greeable to
the Poor Knights of Windsor. They have for many Years been suffered to live at home with their Families, or where it best suited their Convenience, which is found to be very irregular, and they are now, by Order of a Great Personage, all summoned to their Apartments at Windsor Castle, with strict Orders for them to go to Church twice every Day with their Uniforms on, in order to keep up the Dignity of the noble Order of knighthood. We are assured, that one Particular which the D— of Glocester has to transact with the Court of Lisbon, is to demand the delivering up of the Argyle Ship and Cargo, which the Governor of the
Brazils seized on Suspicion of their being Pi- rates. Account of the Seizure of a Bri- to be authentic : Capt. Hassel, of the Duke of Portland Indiaman, having hired the Argyle, a Ship of 150 Tons, on his own private Account for carrying out Goods, which are strictly prohi- bited by the Company, sent her before him to the Canaries, where, it is supposed, his Intention was to have taken them on board his own Ship. The Company had so closely stowed and filled the Indiaman with their Goods for Bombay, that the Captain found it impracticable to put his Design in Execution, therefore ordered the Master of the Argyle to proceed to
the Brazils. On his Arrival there ( the Duke of Portland was already at An- chor) the Governor sent his Officers on board, as usual, to make Search, and enquire their Desti- nation, but finding such a Quantity of Arms on board, pronounced them Pirates, and forbade their coming in. For several Days they beat about the Mouth of the Harbour, when remonstrating on their Want of Water, and other Articles, they were ordered under the Fort, where the Ship was seized, and the Master and Crew committed to the Dungeons, where they continued above five Months, ' till Accounts were sent to Lisbon. At the Expiration of this Time
they were sent by Or- der in a Man of War to Lisbon, where they un- derwent an Examination. The Crew were there discharged and sent to England, but the Master of the Argyle is detained. The Ship and her Cargo mull and will be delivered up, there being no Sort of Reason for supposing them Pirates; but it is imagined, the Captain of the Portland will not be employed any more in the Company's Ser- vice, on Account of this Affair. The following is given as a true State of the Affairs of the East India Company at Home, chiefly taken from an Estimate lately made up to next Month ; by this it appears that, after the Company have
paid off every Debt which is due, there will be a Balance in the Treasury of 22o, oool. That there are in their Warehouses Goods unsold, which came by the Ships lad Year, to the Value of 1,500,000l. The Car- goes of the eighteen Ships which have arrived this Year may be estimated to near 2,300,000l. and there are eleven Ships which are daily ex- pected, the Cargoes of which may be computed at 1,500,000l. which seems together to amount to 5,500,000l. In this general State no Notice is taken of the Value of the Cargoes of the thirty- seven Ships which sailed last Season, and not yet arrived in India, nor of the Goods which
are already provided in India and in China, for lading them for their homeward Voyage. There is a striking Similitude between the pre- sent Situation of the People of England and the People of France. In both the People are alike oppressed ; in both the Finances of the Public are in a wretched Condition ; in both the Reins of Government are guided by a Woman ; in both their Parliaments have been essentially suppressed, the one by Force, the other by Fraud ; in both their Princes do not rely 011 the Affections of their Subjects, but on large standing Armies ; in both the King's Will and Pleasure is the only Law ; in both the just
and constitutional Rights and Liber- ties of the People have been infringed and tram- pled upon ; in both there have been frequent Re- monstrances to their Kings, which have been to- tally disregarded ; and in both there is such a ge- neral Ferment and Discontent, that may probably bring on a Confusion, and end in a Change of their present Forms of Government. The present Lord Mayor is indefatigable in forming Plans for the reducing the Price of Pro- visions, and, it is said, that his Lordship has hit on a Scheme which will prevent the Necessaries of Life passing through so many Hands before they come to the Consumer.
Information has been given, that Carcase- Butchers buy up the fat Cattle in Smithfield Mar- ket, and keep them in Grounds, and afterwards bring them to Market a few at a Time, so that the Market is kept thin, which greatly enhances the Price of Meat, to the great Hurt of the Poor of this Metropolis, and contrary to the Acts of 22 and 23 Charles lI. which expresses, " That if any fat Cattle, bought in Smithfield Market, shall be brought again into the said Market, to be sold alive, they shall be seized by the Officer who has the Care of the Market, for the Use of the Lord Mayor and Aldermen ; and for the Disco- very thereof, all Cattle
sold shall be marked, by cutting off two Inches of their farther Horn when sold." The City Marshal has Orders to attend the Market, to prevent the Carcase- Butchers practising their Villainy any longer. It is a well known Fact, that Numbers of the Cattle apparently sold in Smitsfield on Monday, are really contracted for on the preceding Day, at Highgate, Holloway, Islington, & c. A Law Suit is commenced against a Butcher not many Miles from St. James's, by the Father of his Apprentice, for obliging the Boy to assist in burning, and otherwise destroying Meat, in order to keep up the Price. There is now in this Metropolis a Corn factor, who, some Time ago, had in his Possession 30,000 Quarters of Wheat, and, rather than sell it rea- sonably, suffered it to be spoiled; after which he employed Carts towards Plaistow, Bromley, and Villages adjacent, to sell it for Two Shillings per Bushel, to feed Swine, Estimate on the national Duty on Hops for the Year 1771. Kent — £. 14,000 North Clays 1400 Essex 1500 Worcester — 5000 Hereford — 4000 Hants ------ 3400 The Affair of the Delay of sending the Writ for the Election of a Member for the County of Monmouth, will certainly be enquired into by a Great Assembly, at the earnest Request of most of the
principal Gentlemen of the County, se- veral of whom have already written to the Presi- dent on the Subject. Yesterday a Presentation passed the Seal unto the Rev. Theophilus Meredith, of the Prebend of Cublington, in the Cathedral of Hereford, on the Presentation of the Lord Chancellor. It is said, that during lad Week, Mr. Dudley, a Prisoner for Debt in. Wood- Street Compter, was visited by two great Officers of State, relating to the Discovery of setting Fire to Portsmouth Dock- Yard. He was strongly importuned to disclose what he knew of the Matter ; but refused to say any Thing without a Promise of five Hundreds.
However, as he lay for one Hundred and upwards, he was admitted to Bail, but within one Hour af- ter, he was arrested on another Action for seventy Pounds, and carried to a Lock- up House, oppo- site to the aforesaid Prison, where he now remains. This pretended Discovery is thought, by many People, to be nothing more than a Juggle be- tween D y and B n to acquire their En- largement. A Correspondent observes, that the late Fire at Portsmouth was a more infernal Scheme than the Popish Plot, and worse in its Consequences; the greatest Loss that could have ensued in the latter, would have been only blowing up both
Houses of Parliament, which could soon have been repaired ( at least if they were not better than the present) without much Loss; but the Destruction of the British Navy might have been fatal to the whole Nation. A certain unpopular Alderman having left his Great Coat in a Hackney Coach, issued his War- rant to apprehend the Coachman and bring him before his Worship at the Mansion- House ; when the supposed Culprit appeared, and was duly ar- raigned by the two Attornies who were retained by the Alderman ; he said he was not answerable for the Forgetfulness of any Fare, and his Wor- ship might as well send for all
the Persons who had hired his Coach ever since he had left it, as charge him with taking his Worship's Great Coat. The Attornies insisted and quoted many learned Cases to prove he was liable to make good the Loss, as in the Case of a Waggoner, or Innkeeper; and though the Coachman could not see the Cases tal- lied, the learned Magistrate, who was one of the Quorum, is an Interpreter of the Law, was clearly of Opinion with his two Attornies, and ordered a Prosecution against the Hackney Coachman. The Alderman has lost a Great Coat, the Coach- man has not found it, and the Attornies have got a good Suit. Among
the many Instances of Female Frailty, which furnishes the Conversation of the Day, we are happy in relating a recent Instance of Female Virtue. — A Gentleman, who has made no small Figure in the Beau Monde, was some Time since married to a most agreeable Woman ; soon after his Marriage he lived in the most expensive Man- ner, and lavished vast Sums at Newmarket. He had not been long married before he grew neg- lectful of his Lady, frequently left Gentlemen at home for her to entertain, and obliged her to ac- company them to public Places: The Conse- quence was, several of them used such Freedoms with her,
as were by no Means consistent either with her Delicacy or Virtue. She, however, concealed the Affronts she received, led she should endanger the Life of her Husband, till a certain Nobleman, who is a married Man, made her such Proposals as shocked her, at the same Time, inform- ing her, they were with her Husband's Approba- tion. She flew to her Husband, who told her, she would be wise to comply with his Lordship's Of- fer, as thereby she would secure a fine Settlement to herself, and a good Appointment to him, as he was sorry to inform her he was not worth one Guinea, and expected an Execution in the House
every Moment. On receiving this infamous Ad- vice, she turned from him with Indignation, and returned to his Lordship, who told her he had already made her Husband a Present of Three Hundred Pounds, and had gone too far to recede. She then told his Lordship, that since it was her Husband's Desire, she begged his Lordship to get the Settlement made out, and bring it to her, in order that she might consult her Attorney. His Lordship, in Raptures, obeyed her Commands ; but no sooner had she the Parchments in her Pos- session, than she went to his Lordship's Family, and delivered them up. They were charmed with her
Virtue, and with the Revenge she had taken of two perfidious Men, and voluntarily between them made a Settlement of Two Hun- dred Pounds per Annum on her for Life, on which the now subsists in Italy. A poor Girl, now in Service at a Public House in Oxford Road, received the agreeable News Yesterday from a Merchant in the City, that her Brother lately deceased in the East Indies, had left her near 9000l. besides many valuable Effects. A Person belonging to the Law, near one of the Inns of Court, was lad Night taken up, and sent to Newgate, he being charged with a Mur- der committed about ten Years since. A few Days
ago the eldest Son of the Rev. Mr. Bridges, of Cowarn, in the County of Here- ford, fell down dead as he was walking in his Father's Garden. Lad Week, as a Man was beating his Wife in Duck- Lane, Westminster, she cried out Murder, Numb. 403 threw a Glass Bottle at Firman's Head, and tured his Skull; he was carried to the West ster Hospital, but soon expired, The Cor Inquest fat on his Body, and brought in Verdict Manslaughter. Mr. Goodsell, Farrier at Paddle- Dock, very antient Horse, which belonged to a So at the latter End of Queen Anne's Wars in ders, and is now at least near 60 Years old. They write from Scotland,
that at Irwin, one Donaldson, a labouring Man, who had deaf upwards of twenty Years, was at Work in Fields, he was struct to the Ground by a Fla Lightning, but soon after recovering, he for to his great Surprise, that he was restored to Hearing. Married.] Edward Beaver, Esq; of Farnha Surry, to Mrs. Webb, Relict of Philip Carl Webb, Esq. — The Hon. Col. St. John, to Bladen, Sister to the Countess of Essex. Died,] A few Days ago, the Rev. Matt Wilmot, Rector of Hales Owen, in Shropshi Monday the 26th of August, at his Hous Maidenhead Thicket, Berks, John Lenox Dut Esq; eldest Son of James Lenox Dutton, Esq
Sherborne in Glocestershire. So many have been hurt by taking unknown curials, for scorbutic Eruptions, have lost, Teeth, have elapsed after seeming well, 0n have upon their boasted Cure; and the Causes of all are so plain, that it becomes needful to de there is a safe Medicine, effectual for that Di the ESSENCE of WATER- DOCK, a Vegetable T ture, that while it clears the Skin, strengthen Constitution. My Life has been employed in Study of Plants, and as their Virtues become k to me, I have made them public, and in a Coun fourteen Years, of all who have applied to never knew this Medicine once fail, even in word
Cases, to afford a perfect Cure, without! lapse. There are Multitudes of healthy living nesses of it. This I think a Duty now to declar St. James's Street, Aug. 13. J. HI I have appointed Mr. Baldwin, Bookseller Pater- noster- Row; Ridley, in St. James's- Street Muggeridge, in the Borough ; Parker, in Corn Turpin, in St. John's- Street; and Newbery a Paul's; and some respectable Bookseller to se 3s. in every considerable Street in London, every great Town in England. Directions are with it, and my Name is at the Bottom of Bottle, which it is Felony to counterfeit. Poor may receive it gratis at my House, and Charitable at the Price of
the Materials. STATE LOTTERY, 1771. TICKETS and Shares of Tickets now selling in Halves, Quarters, Eig Sixteenths, Thirty- seconds, and Sixty- fourth the lowest Prices, by BARNES and GOLIGH Stock Brokers, at their Old State Lottery No. 9, in Pope's Head Alley, near the Royal change, Cornhill, London ; where many large have been sold and registered, particularly in Lottery 1767, N0. 3379, the capital Prize of 20 and in the Lottery 1768, No. 19,384, a Pri 10,000l. besides several Prizes of 5000l. 2000l, 1oool. each, in the last and former Lotteries. At this Office Tickets are divided into Sha the most advantageous Manner
to the Purch by which may be gained the following large P viz. by a Half, 1o, oool. a Quarter, 5000l. an E 2500l. a Sixteenth, 1250l. a Thirty- second, a Sixty- fourth, 312l 10s. The Prizes will be paid at this Office at the R Ninety per Cent, agreeable to Act of Parliament. Schemes gratis. Letters ( Post paid) duly answer Correspondents in the Country may have T and Shares sent them, by remitting good B Sight, or short Date, on London; and if the nut any Thing over, may depend it shall be tualty paid to their Order. Tickets carefully registered, and the most s Account sent of their Success. N. B. The Lottery will begin drawing the r
November. All Kinds of Government Sec bought and sold by Commission. H. BERROW, Printer of this Journal, appointed Agent to the above Barnes and Goli sells their Whole Tickets, and Shares of Tick His Price of Shares this Day ( Sept. 12) in Commission, Registering, Examining, Lett Advice as soon as the Numbers are drawn is as follows: Half - - - 7 5 6 Sixteenth - - 1 Fourth - - 3 1 5 0 Thirty- second 0 Eighth - - 1 18 6 Sixty- fourth - o TO BE SOLD, A Compleat Freehold Estate, del fully situated in a pleasant and fertile the County of Worcester, within a few Miles City of Worcester, now lett at the yearly R Forty- five
Pounds. For Particulars apply to Mr. Sockett, Att in Worcester. BEWDLEY HOP MARKET, 1771 NOTICE is hereby given, Th the Angel Yard, Bewdley, there are and convenient Warehouses, with a spacious where all Planters, Farmers, and Hop Dealer be accommodated with Room for selling and h their Hops. Nothing will be desired for any tity brought in and housed before the Market and only One Penny a Bag afterwards, as is mary at Worcester. N. B. The Crops in Worcestershire an fordshire are very promising this Year, Market Days at Bewdley aforesaid are on H in every Week during the whole Year.--- will be a Clerk
and proper Persons to atte Scales, where all Dealers shall have Justice and their Favours will much oblige
ed the Mails from Francs and Holland. Acre, in Syria, June 6. Courier arrived here this Morning from Ali Bey's Army, to bring the Chiek Daher Advice of the Defeat of the Turkish Army, which defended Damascus, consisting, by some Ac- of 12,000 Men, and by others of 24,000. ipee Pachas who commanded them, sallied the Morning of the 4th Instant; Ali Bey's immediately attacked them, Sabre in and routed the whole Army, after a fee- assistance. The Pacha of Tripoli was slung his Horse by a mortal Wound he received Thigh. This Account was sent by Ali to the Chiek Daher his Father, from the of Battle. He adds, that the
victorious is preparing to enter Damascus: This lies open, and its Castle, which was built Caliphs, is not able to hold out long. COUNTRY NEWS. ningham, Sept. 9. A short Time since two rs sitting in a Public House at Pattingham, a handsome Mare led by the Door, and ling who owned her, were told by the that the was the Property of a neigh- Farmer. They asked if the was to be and were told she was ; being informed of mer's Name, and Place of Residence or- their Bill to be made and their Horses to be dy ; one of them then called for Pen, Ink, per, and whilst he was waiting the other for the Birmingham Gazette, which being
t, he examined it, and said he wanted one rmer Week ; it his being likewise produced, sired Leave to cut an Advertisement out of Landlord told him he was welcome either out the Advertisement he wanted, or to whole Paper; he only chose the former, Companion having finished his Writing, discharged the Bill and departed. The ord being curious to know what the Man but out of the News- paper, took it to a bour, and on comparing it with another of me Week, found that the Paragraph taken as that which contained a Caution to Trades- against the Frauds of an Adventurer who taken Houses at Burton, & c. and defrauded who
supplied him with Furniture. Alarmed Circumstance, he set out immediately for Irmer's House, and on his Arrival found These Rascals had cheated him out of the by the fallowing Pretence : When they to his House they enquired for him, and him aside, told him that they had an Ex- er Writ against him for Twenty Pounds ; Writ was of so special a Nature that should not take Bail ; that therefore he must pay the Money, or go to Stafford Gaol di- On enquiring into the Cause of this Ac- he was told it was commenced for drawing la greater Number of Horses on the Turn- eoads than the Acts of Parliament allowed ; e common
Methods of Proceeding for this ce not being effectual, the Men in Power determined to put a Stop to the Practice by extraordinary severe Mode of Procedure ; mentioned how very injurious it would be to edit if he suffered himself to be taken to were very sorry for him, and to convince if the Sincerity of their good Wishes, dropt that they had a Power of mitigating the The Farmer, conscious that he had of against the Statute, and afrighted at the of a Prison, was happy in the Hopes Compromise, but told them that he had not in the House to answer their Demand ; one em then asked him if he had not a Mare he wanted to fell; on
being told he had, agreed to purchase her, and abating about a Part of the pretended Fine, and paying armer three Guineas down, they took the away. They left the pretended Writ be- em. The Farmer on reading it found a of incoherent Words, and suspecting the the Arrival of the Landlord Confirmed suspicion ; they pursued instantly, but to no the Villains getting clear off. The before this Transaction happened, they de- led another Farmer, by the same Pretences, tee Guineas ( being all the Cash he had by land a Note of Hand for four Guineas more. is hoped that the Insertion of this. Para- will put Farmers, Carriers, & c. upon
their One of the Men is about five Feet nine high, wears his own brown Hair tied be- a green Coat with tarnished Geld Thread ns, and a shabby scolloped Gold- laced Hat, the Person, it is supposed, who was men- in the Papers some Time since to have taken near Coalbrook- Dale. whom he wrote Cards of Invitation. The Ladies accordingly waited on him, and the Night was spent with great Joy and Festivity ; when, about Two o'Clock in the Morning, as the Company stood up to dance after Supper, the Squire think- ing it Time to retire, he and his Aid de Camp slipped down Stairs, called for the Bill, and cast- ing it up, found it
was exactly Seventeen Shil- lings and Sixpence per Head ( Ladies included); his Aid de Camp, by his Order, laid down Thirty- five Shillings, which done, they whipt into the Squire's Chaise, and instantly drove off. The Gentlemen above Stairs soon after miffing the Squire, came down, and enquired of the Land- lord what was become of him, when they were informed what had happened; which so irritated them, that they that Night, after paying the Re- mainder of the Bill, subscribed a handsome Sum for the Ringers to usher him out of Town with as joyous a Peal as if he had but just arrived ; which was accordingly done, to the
no inconsiderable Diversion of a great Crowd of Spectators assem- bled on that Occasion. A bold and spirited Remonstrance, we are in- formed, is preparing for the Approbation of the Livery on Michaelmas Day next; and, if, it should be approved, Mr. Wilkes is determined to go up to St. James's to know his Majesty's Pleasure when he will receive it. Many and very considerable Betts are laid that the present Lord Mayor will be the acting Ma- gistrate for the Year ensuing. The present Lord Mayor's Attention to the Re- duction of the Price of Provisions, is absolutely unequalled, and deserves the warmest Acknow- ledgments of
his Fellow Citizens. Many Hundreds of the industrious Poor of this Metropolis have for many Months been reduced to live on Bullocks- Livers; a Truth sufficient to awake the Humanity and Compassion of any Breast but that of an obdurate Engrosser of Pro- visions. Wednesday se'nnight on an Information laid before the Commissioners of Excise, that a Quan- tity of prohibited Goods Were secreted in the House of the Spanish Ambassador, the Commis- sioners thought proper, in a polite Letter, to in- form his Excellency of it, rather than vielate any assumed Punctilio by searching in the usual Way. On the Receipt of the Letter,
he appeared greatly surprized, and declared, On his Honour, if it was. so, it must have been the Practice of some of his, Servants, and utterly unknown to him ; and very genteelly gave the Officers free Permission to search his House ; in Consequence of which, they seized 105olb. weight of Tea, in the Apartments belonging to the Coachman, which was Carried to the Custom House. In a few Days' is expected an Account from the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, when he intends returning to this Kingdom, and, if immediately, it is said the Duke of Grafton will be appointed to succeed him. We are informed, that the principal Reason
of the Hon. Col. Coote's coming from Bengal to England is, to lay before Government the State of that Country, and to propose the raising two Regiments of Foot for the Company's Service.- The Colonel, it is said, has brought with him from Bengal, a young Gentleman, a Native of that Place, who has a Commission in the East- In- dia Company's Service ; he speaks English very, fluently, is possessed of amazing military Abilities, and is thought, by his being so well acquainted with the Country, he will be of great Service, in cafe of any futnre. War. We are told it is under Contemplation to ap- point a Maitre de Police in. every
Post Town in this Kingdom, for the Purpose of enquiring into the Names, Families, Connections, & c. of all Foreigners, in the same Manner as is done in France : A Regulation which it is imagined will prove of great Utility to this, Kingdom. A Man, who has for some Time made it his Custom to travel from one of our Country Towns to another, and reside long enough in them to make himself acquainted with their Customs, Ma- nufactures, & c. has, we hear, been detained, by a certain Nobleman for further Examination, on the accidental Information, which is said to have dropped out of his Pocket, and containing Mat- ter of a
treasonable Nature. Our Coasts swart so at present with Smuggling Vessels, that we hear it has been resolved that a few of our small Ships of War shall be put into immediate Commission, for the Purpose of giving a Check to them, and constantly reconnoitering the several Harbours which are. their most noto- rious Rendezvous. We hear that Mr. Moore, the mighty mechani- nical Genius in the large Way, is likely to be greatly outdone in Miniature : A whimsical Me- chanick ( it is reported for a Fact) having invented a Machine for cracking Walnuts, forty of which will not weigh an Ounce, and yet so powerfully and easily
managed, as without straining the Teeth or Hand, a Child of fix Years old, may be capable of breaking the hardest and largest Wal- nut instantly. Yesterday, early in the Morning, a dreadful re broke out in a Stable of Mr. Goreirig's, at Theobalds, near Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, which communicated itself rapidly to the Barns, Dwel- ling- House, and Out- Houses whereby the Whole were entirely destroyed, with all the Grain, and most of the Furniture. it is said to have been occasioned by a Servant's carelessly throwing the Snuff of a Candle amongst the Litter in the Stable. The two Under Secretaries of State have been down to
Reading, and taken six Sheets of Depo- sitions relative to the Fire at Portsmouth Dock. On Wednesday the Depositions taken a few Days ago on the. Examination of the Person in Confinement in Wood- Street, concerning the Fire in Portsmouth Dock, before the Lord Mayor, were sent to the Secretaries. of State for their In- spection, The Examination of the Person on Thursday Night, relative to the Fire in Portsmouth Dock- Yard, before the Lord Mayor, Aldermen Treco- thick and Kenrett which were present the Se- folded, and led to the Place by a certain Captain whom he could produce if he was to be sent to Portsmouth : He
was told that if he had any Dis- coveries to make, by which the Affair could be brought to light, so that the Persons concerned might be convicted thereof, he should not only be admitted as an Evidence, but have all his Debts paid, which, it is said, amount to near 1oool. He replied that he expected something more ; but he was informed that his Request could not then be positively granted. He gave no very satisfac- tory Answers to any of the Questions asked him ; upon which the Lord Mayor ordered him into another Room, with the Officer in whose Custody he was, till his Lordship and the Gentlemen abovementioned had
consulted how they should proceed in the Business. In the mean Time he was allowed some Wine in the Room to which he was sent, where he drank plentifully, and smoked his Pipe, till Ten o'Clock at Night; by which Time every Thing being settled with Regard to the Debt he was arretted for, and also what he had contracted in the Spunging- House for Eating, Drinking, & c, which Score it is said amounted to about 20l. a Messenger with his Assistant came and took him from the Mansion, House, and set off immediately with him for Portsmouth, to fee if he can make the Discoveries there which he has asserted he can. It is
said, that a Copy of the above Examina- tion has been sent from the Mansion House to the Lords of the Admiralty. We are informed that strict Orders have been given to the Messenger and his Assistant who set out with Dudley as above, to keep a strict Watch over him, that he may not escape them, which is much suspected. Dudley is a very artful Man, and it is generally supposed he has some sinister End to serve, foreign to the promised Discovery. It is said that Dudley has declared that there were but two Englishmen concerned in the late Fire at Portsmouth, and that all the rest were Frenchmen. A Correspondent remarks
that the M y seem very unwilling to push forward an Examina- tion into the Cause of the late Portsmouth Fire, which gives Occasion to suspect. that some of the Great- Ones are concerned. We are informed, that the People in different Parts of the Country are in the greatest Anxiety to know the Issue of the strange Hurly- Burly about the late Fire at Portsmouth Their unani- mous Opinion is, that it will never be rightly dis- cussed till the Ministry are rolled in Tar, and made a Bonfire of likewise. It will be bat Tit for Tat, they say. If any foreign Ambassador was concerned in the burning of Portsmouth Dock, no doubt he was wife to
make a precipitate Flight when the Plot was said to be discovered ; and they are mis- taken who imagine that his Privilege of Ambassa- dor would save him from Punishment. Lord Chief Justice Catlin, in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, speaks thus,—" Is this lawful for any? May Ambassadors do so ; Be these the Parts of Am- bassadors? No; They have their Articles in Law, by which they are bound ; let them do as the Law will let them. If they will transgress these, and procure the Danger of Princes, let them feel as Law will. I can shew yon a Precedent and History for it within our Memory : About thirty- seven or thirty- eight
Years ago, about the 25th Year of Henry the VIIIth, it was done by the Duke of Milan. The French King, that then was Francis, Grandfather to the French King that now is, sent one Monsieur de Merveilles to the Duke of Milan as his Ambassador : this Monsieur de Merveilles, the French King's Ambassador, con- spired against the State and the Duke of Milan. The Duke understood it ; he caused him to be ar- raigned after the Order of their Law ; and being found guilty, he beheaded him : And this Jure Gentium was lawfully done. Conspiring against the Princes and Kingdoms to which they be sent, is not their Messuage, it is no
lawful Cause of their sending : If of their own Heads they presume it, they must by Law be touched and taught to keep them within their Duties." The 24th of last Month, a Woman at Leith, searching for something with a lighted Candle, accidentally set Fire to her Head Dress, which Hie immediately perceiving, with her Apron attemp- ted to extinguish it, but that and the reft of her Cloaths taking Fire, before any Assistance could be given, she was burnt to Death. Wednesday as a Servant Maid belonging to Mrs. Broyster, of Maldon, in Essex; was return- ing to her Mistress's House, she was attacked by a Soldier, who ravished
her, and otherwise treated her so ill, that ' tis thought she cannot live. The Soldier is since taken, and committed to Gaol. Last Week a Gipsy defrauded John Gee, at Crawley, near Witney, in Oxfordshire, of Four Guineas and Eighteen- pence, under Pretence of having, in Return Twenty Guineas; a Watch, a Gold Ring, Silver Buckles, and Shirt Buttons, conveyed under his Pillow the second Night fol- lowing, by three white Doves, in which Time the Gipsy took care to march off with her Booty. A Correspondent, on reading the humourous Bill of the Gloucestershire Painter for religious Work doné, observes, that there is not a
Divine in the Kingdom who would have done a tenth Part fo much, for twenty Times that Sum. Another Correspondent observes, that the above Affair reminds him of the Story of a Painter at work in a Church in the Country, drinking with the Squire of the Parish, who insisted on his taking Part of another Bottle; thé Painter replied, " Permit me just to finish our Saviour and the Twelve Apostles, and I will be With you again in Half an Hour. '' Died.] A few Days ago, in the Parish of Westerleigh, Gloucestershire, one Mr. Isaac Nash, a Farmer, aged 104, and the Day after he was buried, his Wife died, aged 115 Years; they had been
Man and Wife 81 Years. — The Rev. Mr. Robert Foulks, Rector of Steeple Ashto, in Wilts; which Living, worth 300l. a Year, is in the Gift of Magdalen College, Cambridge. — The Lady of Sir Francis Skipwith, Bart.— The Rev. Mr. Rhoden, Rector of Quatt near Bridgnorth.— DURING the Life- Time of his Father Francis Blake Delaval, Esq; of Seaton Delaval, in Nor- thumberland, Mr. Delaval was much straitened in his Finances; and a Life of incessant Gaiety and Dissipation, at length brought him into so embar- rassed a Situation, that some Expedient was requisite to raise the neceiTary, Supplies. At this Juncture old Lady N P t
signified that she had some Thoughts of Matrimony to Mr. F. a Friend of Frank's, who immediately hit on a Scheme whereby Mr. Delaval might make sure of her Ladyship and her Fortune, above 90,000l. The Project was thus concerted : Mr. F. informed her Ladyship that there was a very extraordinary Man, a Conjuror, in the Old Bailey, who foretold such Events as were almost incredible, and could only be believed by their tak- ing Place, and that if it was agreeable he would wait upon her to him ; for though he had no great Faith in Fortune- Tellers, he had heard from several of his Friends such very extraordinary Occurrences
pre- dicted, and which had happened precisely as men- tioned by the Conjuror, that his Incredulity was not a little staggered. Her Ladyship inapt at the Bait, and the lata facetious Jemmy Worsdale was appointed to personate the Conjuror, in a Lodging within a few Doors of the real Magician. Jemmy being ac- quainted with her Ladyship's Affairs, told her the most remarkable Transactions, to her great Astonish- ment. He then acquainted her Ladyship, that there was an Occurrence upon the Point of taking Place, which would be the most important of her whole Life. Her Ladyship. being very inquisitive to know the Particulars, he
informed her, " that she was up- on the Point of being married." '' Indeed!" said she, " Pray, Mr. Conjuror, to whom ?" " I am not, he replied, at Liberty to acquaint you at present who is the Person ; but I can acquaint you when and where you will see him, and point out to you his Dress." " Bless me! tell me I beg of you." " On Thursday next you will be walking in the Park, you will there observe a tall fair Gentleman, remarkably handsome, dressed in Blue and Silver ; he will bow to a Person in your Company the first Time he meets you ; upon his Return he will join your Party. It is irrevocably fixed by Fate, that Man is to be your
Husband.'' Her Ladyship asked no more Questions, but resolved not to fail being in the Park the Day the Conjuror had mentioned. Delaval appeared dressed precisely as descrided, bowed, joined, and in three Days, married her Ladyship. As this Marriage was entirely with a View of re- pairing his Fortune, it cannot be supposed he had any great Attachment to her Ladyship. Indeed the Disparity. of their Years might have been a sufficient , Plea for his Infidelity, if the Disproportion of 60 and 24 can he admitted as such. A Divorce in the Com- mons soon took Place, by mutual Consent,' it being agreed that her Ladyship should be
detected in Bed with Capt. S---— its, in order to give it a Colour. DROITWICH CANAL NAVIGATION. Sept. 6, 1771. AT a General Meeting of the Pro- prietors, held this Day, it was agreed, That, n order, to encourage the Trade and Navigation of this Canal, Owners of Vessels he allowed to carry up the said Canal any Quantity of Iron, or other Goods ( Coals only excepted) not exceeding ten Ton, exempt from Tonnage, on this Condition only, that they carry down in the same Vessel twenty Ton of Salt, and so in Proportion; if the said Owners shall carry up any Quantity of Goods above the said ten Ton, they shall then be obliged
to load down with a double Quantity of Salt above the said twenty Ton, for which Salt they mud pay the usual Tonnage. N. B. All Persons that have any Claim upon the Company for Damages done to their Lands adjoin- ing to the Canal, are requested to fend in their Ac- counts to the Committee, at the George Inn, in Droitwich, on the 15th, or to the General Meeting on the 26th Instant, when the same will be taken into Consideration. LYING- IN. ANY Lady, desirous of being gen- teely accommodated during her Lying- in, may be informed of a very convenient Situation, about fifteen Miles from Worcester, in the House of a repu table Surgeon and Man- midwife, whose Terms will be made agreeable to the Person's Circumstances. The strictest Honour and Secrecy may be depended on; and, as a private Place for such Kind of Accommo- dations may fall within the Censure of some parti- cular Persons, the Advertiser will take every necessary Precaution to remove every reasonable Objection which can be made. Particulars may be more fully known by directing a Line to Z. Z. to be left with the Printer hereof. N. B. Letters directed as above ( Post paid) will be duly answered. TO BE SOLD, A Compleat Freehold Farm, consisting of a good Dwelling-
House, and all conve- nient Out- Buildings, in perfect Repair, five Acres of Orchard Ground, twenty- two Acres of Meadow, twenty- nine Acres of Pasture, and thirty Acres of Arable Land; situate within about four Miles of Ludlow, and something more than the same Distance from Tenbury. Further Particulars may be had by applying to Mr. Sockett, Attorney, in Worcester. This Day is published, Pries 5s. in Boards, Dedicated, by Permission, to the Right Honourable the Countess of HUNTINGDON, EIGHTEEN SERMONS, PREACHED by the late Rev. GEO. WHITEFIELD, A. M. On the following Subjects: I. A Faithful Minister's
parting Blessing. II. Christ, the Believer's Refuge. III. Soul Prosperity. IV. The Gospe!, a. dying Saint's Triumph. V. Re- pentance and Conversion. VI. Glorifying God in the Fire, or the right Improvement of Affliction. VII. The Beloved of God. VIII. The Furnace of Affliction. IX. The Lord our Light. X. Self- Enquiry concerning the Work of God. XI. The burning- Bush-. XII. Soul Dejection. XIII. Spi- ritual Baptism. XIV. Neglect of Christ the kil- ling Sin. XV. All Mens Place. XVI. God, a Believer's Glory. XVII. Jacob's Ladder. XVIII. The Good Shepherd. Taken verbatim in Short- Hand, and faithfully tran- scribed by JOSEPH GURNEY.
Revised by ANDREW GIFFORD, D. D. London, printed for and sold by Joseph Gurney, Bookseller, No. 54, in Holborn, opposite Hatton- Street; also sold by all Booksellers in Town and Country. Note, These Sermons will not be included in the Collection of Mr. Whitefield's Works now publish- ing in Numbers. There is also just published, the seventh Edition, of BRACHYGRAPHY; or, SHORT- WRITING made easy to the meanest Capacity. By J. Gurney. mouth Dock Sept. 3. An anonymous cau- ry Letter has been received by some of Officers in the Yard, warning them to be ful against Incendiaries; upon which the Women have
not been suffered to run about ard as usual; but Men have been ordered to the Chips to a particular Place for them. account of this new Regulation the Women been very disorderly ; but every Person of approves of this Scheme, as many, out of nce to gather Chips, went in to thieve and Iron and Nails. Were the Shipwrights es to be advanced, and were they to be al- no Chips, considerably more Work would hue, besides a great Saving of Timber. LONDON, Saturday, Sept. 7. is said a Great Personage has strongly recom- ded the most serious Attention to be paid to regulating the Prices of Provision, and that ill exert his.
Authority as a Sanction to what be thought the most salutary Scheme. Is reported that the D e of C — d actually put himself under the Tuition of an Master, in order to go through a regular y of the Belles Lettres, & c. hen Squire Morgan was at C - n - r, a few ago, he proposed to several Gentlemen of Town to bending
Meeting of the Trustees of the Worcester npikes will be held at Hooper's Coffee- House, in - Street, Worcester, on Wednesday the second of October next, at Ten o'Clock in the Fore- for borrowing ONE HUNDRED POUNDS the Credit of the London Gate. By Order of the Trustees, W. GILES, Clerk MANORS of LEIGH and SUCKLEY. THIS is ro give Notice, That all unqualified Persons, who shall presume to troy any of the GAME, within my said Manors, o Fish in Leigh Brook, will be prosecuted as the directs. CHARLES COCKS. MAHOGANY, just imported, of a very good Quality; about One Hundred gs to be sold on very
reasonable Terms, by Wil- m Hill, Timber Merchant, in Worcester. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By R. MEREDITH, On Friday and Saturday, the 20th and 21st Instant, THE entire Houshold Furniture, Plate, Linnen, China, Brewing Utensils, & c. the Dwelling- House of Mr. William Bowker, at Bear Inn, at Broadwaters, near Kidderminster, the County of Worcester; as also a handsome st Chaise, with Harness for four Horses.—— The e to begin each Day at Ten o'Clock.- The Whole ay be viewed the Day preceding the Sale. To be SOLD by AUCTION, R. MEREDITH, Wednesday and Thursday, the 25th and 26 Instant, THE entire,
elegant Houshold Fur- niture, Plate, Linnen, China, Brewing uten- s, & c. at the late Dwelling- House of Mr. Moore, Kempsey, near Worcester.—-- The Sale to begin ach Day at Ten o'Clock.— The Whole may be ewed the Day before the Sale. Catalogues may be had, in due Time, at Mr. coney's, at the Crown Inn, at Kempsey; or of Mr. Meredith, in Worcester. To be LETT, and entered upon at Michaelmas next, or sooner if required, A Very good roomy Malt - House, situate in Merry- Vale, in the Parish of All saints, in the City of. Worcester, lately occupied by Mr. John Partridge, Maltster, and since by one Bissel. Also to be Lett,
A very good Dwelling- House, with a large Kitchen and pleasant Garden, and about two Acres of Pas- ture Land adjoining, pleasantly situated at the West End of the Town of Droitwich, facing the Canal. For further Particulars apply to the Printer of this Paper. To be LETT, and may be entered upon Immediately, AGenteel House, neatly furnished, situate in the College- Yard, Worcester, con- sisting of two Cellars, a Kitchen, a handsome Fore- street Parlour, three good Lodging- Rooms upon the First Floor, and two Garrets, also a convenient Back Yard, well supplied with Water. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Patters, Baker, in
the College- Yard aforesaid. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Thursday next, the 19th of September Instant ( in- stead of Saturday the 14th, as mentioned in a former Paper) between the Hours of two and Five in the Afternoon, at the Bell Inn, in the City of Wor cester, subject to such Conditions as will then be pro- duced, either together, or in the following or such other Lots as shall be agreed on, LOT 1. Messuage or Tenement, with a A Barn, Stable, Cyder Mill, Hop Kiln, and about 43 Acres of Arable, Meadow and Cop- pice Ground, Hop Ground and Orcharding, with a Cottage and Garden ( now lett at Il. 15s. a Year)
belonging thereto, on Part of the said Premisses; all of which are lying within a Ring Hedge, and situate in the Parish of Whithourn in the County of Hereford, being Copyhold of Inheritance, held under the Bishop of Hereford. LOT 2. About seven Acres of Arable Land, called Rookefield, adjoining to a Common Field, called Church Field, in the laid Parish of Whitbourn ; and two Acres of Coppice Ground adjoining thereto, Being also Copyhold of Inheritance, held under the said Bishop of Hereford. LOT 3. Five Acres of Tillable Land, being Freehold, lying dispersedly in the said Common Field; and a Piece of rich Freehold Meadow
Ground, containing about five Acres, situate by the River Team Side, close adjoining to the said Common Field. All the above- mentioned Premisses are in the Oc- cupation of Mrs. Fincher, Widow, who will shew the same. For Particulars apply to Mr. Bird, Attorney, in Worcester. To be LETT, to the BEST BIDDER, To- morrow, the 13th Instant, at Mr. Thomas Huxley, at the Crown and Sceptre, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, according to Conditions as shall then be produced, THE House now in the Occupation of Mr. Oliver, Grocer ( situated at the Hop- Market, in this City) who will shortly remove to his
new- built House adjoining. Worcester, Sept. 12, 17 71. WHEREAS on Friday Night last, a Window of the Compting- House of Mr. Oliver, Grocer, in this City, was broke open, and a SILVER WATCH, that hung up in a small Walnut- tree Case near the Window, was stolen away; if the said Watch should be offered to be pawned or sold, it is desired that it may be stopped, and the Person who offers it; for which a Reward will be given, by Mr. Oliver, of Two Guineas.— On the Inside Cafe of the said Watch the Name of Richard Walker is engraved at full Length. THURSDAY'S POST. ( By EXPRESS from LONDON.) This Day
arrived the Mail from Holland. Paris, August 30. Tunnestrick, by Origin an Englishman, has just exhibited at Versailles a very singular Experi- ment. He opened the Heads of a Sheep and Horse from Side to Side, by driving a large Iron Wedge into the Skull, by Means of a Mallet, Pair of Syringe, a spirituous sition, to which he attributes surprising Effects, The Taste of this Liquor resembles that of Com- manders Balm. Caun, Ang. 16. A Letter from Prince Dol- gorucki, Commander in Chief of the Russian Army in the Crimea, dated Cafa, July 29, says, " All the Crimea is happily conquered. Kerizi and Janicola have submitted to the
Arms of our Sovereign. . We are Mailers also of the Isle of Taman; so that nothing" further remains for me at present to do, but to maintain them. Having thus compleated what I proposed, I am now em- ployed only in providing a Twelvemonth's Pro- vision for my Army. I have already established a Magazine of Subsistence for five Months, in a Fort at & Place called Szaytyre, seventy Werstes from Precop". Extract of 4 Letter from Venice, Aug. 15. According, to Advices from Macedonia, the Russians block up the Passage of the Dardanelles in such a Manner, that no Ship can pass or repass without being visited ; so that the four
Galliots which the Captain Pacha had sent to the Archi- pelago, to raise Part of the Tribute, are given over for lost," LONDON, Tuesday, Sept. 10. The Parliament of England is not to meet till after Christmas. The Parliament of Ireland meets on the 8th of next Month. A large Sum of Money is to be raised by both Parliaments, ' tis hoped not to support the present Ministry in Extravagance and Corruption. Lord Holland, we have heard with Astonish- ment, intends to make a Motion relative to seme Defalcations in Lord Chatham's Accounts, during the Time of his Paymastership, early in the Course of next Winter. Several
Parliamentary Agents have lately ar- rived in Town from the Lord Lieutenant of Ire- land, and from the favourable Reception they have met with at St. James's, there is no Reason to- suspect a Change In the Administration of the Sifter Kingdom. A Plan for a thorough Coalition of Parties is now certainly on the Carpet tinder the Direction of the Earls of Northington, Camden and Ches- terfield. It is said, that the Man who was examined be- fore the Lord Mayor on Thursday Night, de- clared some Frenchmen and an English Romish Priest planned the Affair for setting the Dock- Yard on Fire ; but that Englishmen were hired to
perform the dangerous Part of it, while the others were in a French Frigate lying off the Har- bour ready to receive them in case of a Discovery ; but they having carried their Plan into Execution passed unnoticed. A Letter from Portsmouth, dated Sept. 6, men- tions, that the Person who gave Information con- cerning the setting the Dock- Yard on Fire, ar- rived there that Day, in Custody of one of his Majesty's Messengers, they having travelled all Night; he was carried before the Governor, to whom it is said, he gave Information against a Romish Priest, and, a Person who goes by the Name of Captain, both of whom left the
Town as soon as it was known what the Informer was in Custody for. The Letter adds, that several other People there are suspected of being concerned in the iniquitous Transaction. They also write from Portsmouth that about six Persons, two of them capital Traders, have ab- sconded from thence since the Beginning of last August. It is greatly imagined that the pretended Dis- coveries to be made by Dudley and Britain, re- lative to the Fire at Portsmouth Dock, are no- thing more than so. many Attempts to impose upon the Government, and to profit by the Cre- dulity of the People. We are told from Authority, that six Regi ments of Foot on the Irish Establishment are shortly to be draughted off for America. They write from Philadelphia, of the 28th of June last, that every Part of the Province seems roused at the super Insolence of the Military at Boston and New- York, which threatens the Dis- solution of their Liberties as Men ; and that the strongest Remonstrances are preparing to be sent to the Mother Country on the Subject. It is reported that a definitive Treaty ( in the Manner of the Bourbonian Compact) is now on Foot between the Courts of London, Copenhagen, Berlin and Petersburgh. Saturday Dispatches were received from the States
General at the Secretary of State's Office in Cleveland Row, concerning some Affairs re- lating to their Settlements in India. A few Days ago a Courier arrived in Town, with Dispatches of the last Importance from the Court of Vienna. It is said that he also delivered some Letters to the Courts of Madrid and Ver- sailles on his Way. We are assured, that above eight different Cou- riers have brought Dispatches to the French Charge des Affairs, since the Departure of Count de Guignes. The Parliament of Paris have just registered a new Edict, which lays a Duty upon Starch of two Sols per Pound, and also a Declaration establish
ing a new Tariff upon Paper, Pasteboard, & c. Last Year the East India Company took thirty- one Ships into their Service, and this Year they have only taken twenty- five. By Letters from the West- Indian Islands, by some Ships arrived in the Downs, there is an Ac- count that they have had some very fine Rains, and that there is the greatest Prospect of a fine Crop of Sugar as has been known for many Years. Extract of a Letter from New- York, July 29. " The last Advices from North Crrolina say, that the Disturbances in that Province have sub- sided ; the Troops which had been employed in the Government's Service were
returned to their respective Homes and discharged. Most of the Regulators, who had been tried and convicted, it was imagined would not be executed, they having the Choice either to inlist in the Regular Service, or receive 500 Lashes; some of them have chosen the former. Neither of the Outlaws had been they could not be easily discovered. Number of Cattle which were taken from the Re- gulators, had been brought into Newbern, and there fold at a public Auction." Considerable Wagers are held that Mr. Saw- bridge, and not Mr. Crosby, will be Lord Mayor in London for the ensuing Year. Yesterday Morning the Lord Mayor
ordered proper Officers to attend in Smithfield, to see if there were any frauds committed in the buying and selling of Cattle, that the Parties offending may be brought to Justice, and that a Stop may be put to the iniquitous Practices which have been carried on for some Time by the Carcase Butchers in keeping the Market thin. We are assured that a Contract was lately made by a Farmer in Buckinghamshire to deliver one thousand Quarters of Barley at twenty Shillings per Quarter. Last Week a Custom- house Officer made a Sei- sure of ten Bales of Books, printed in Dublin, which were taken to the Custom- House, that the
good People of England may not be imposed on by those pirated Editions. We are assured that the D— of C- is now strongly soliciting a Place in the' Treasury of 500l. per Ann. for Mr. Bailey. As a Proof of the Goodness of Mrs. B- l- y's Heart, and of her parental Fondness, we can assure the Public that it was with Difficulty she could be kept from an Assembly the very Night that her Child breathed out his last. She buried him directly, that she might no longer be baulked by the Brat. Nor is she the only one of the Fa- mily that despises Decorum. She, Cornuto, the Mother, and the whole Family, went to Rane- lagh the Night after
the Death of her Father. There are no less than twenty- five Causes now depending in Doctors Commons, for Adultery and Criminal Conversation, in order to obtain Divorces, and most of them between the People at the West End of the Town. There have not been so many Causes of that Kind brought into the Ecclesiastical Court for fifty Years before. There was the greatest Storm of Rain and Wind on Sunday in the Neighbourhood of Har- row on the Hill, Finchley Common, Southgate, Endfield, & c. that has been known for some Years. On Endfield Chace a high Phaeton, in which were a Gentleman and Lady, was blown
over, but no Damage ensued therefrom. Thursday Evening one Donald, who by his Employment as a Porter, had saved upwards of 30l. took an Acquaintance home with him to his Lodgings in Drury Lane, treated him, and made him stay all Night, when the ungrateful Villain took an Opportunity of robbing the poor Man of all his Money, and made his Escape. A Correspondent informs us, that at Clewer, a Village about a Mile from Windsor, an un- happy, or rather an horrid, Accident happened: A Publican of that Place, a Man notorious for his Profligacy, entered a Swearing Match with another of the same Stamp with himself; the
Bett was Half- a- Guinea ; and he that uttered the most far- fetched blasphemous Oaths was to be the Winner. Arbitors were appointed, and there were many By- standers in the midst of his Impre- cations the Publican's lower Jaw was suddenly turned on one side, and he was seized with Con- vulsions; and, lying speechless for three Days, he died. Such an Instance as this may be an Admonition to many who are running headlong into eternal Misery ; disbelieving or at least doubt- ing, the Existence of God, merely because they do not see oftner such Marks of his Vengeance as this. Early on Saturday Morning Mr. Johnson a
Far- mer near West Wickham, in the County of Bucks, was attacked by two Footpads, in a Place called Featherbed- Lane, adjoining to that Town, who seized his Horse by the Bridle, obliged him to dismount, and after robbing him of about se- venteen Pounds, both got on his Horse, and made their Escapes. On Saturday Evening some Villains attempt- ing to break into the House of Mr. Jackson, at Ridge in Hertfordshire, alarmed a Neighbour's Dog at the adjoining House, who leaping over the Pales, attacked and tore one of them almost to Pieces : His dead Body was found in the Garden the next Morning. On Monday Mr.
Ives, a Master Taylor in St. John's Street, was found drowned in a Tub of Water. It was his Custom to wash his Head every Morning, as he was often troubled with a Ver- tigo ; the Coroner's Inquest brought in their Ver- dict Accidental Death. The Rev. Thomas Fountaine, M. A. Fellow of of Trinity College, and Chaplain to the Earl of Rochford, is presented by the Lord Chancellor to the Vicarage of Old Windsor, in Berks, in the Room of Dr. Ballard, deceased. The Partnership Account depending between ' Squire Morgan and ' Squire Fettiplace, about their Running Horses, which has reflected so much Honour on the former, is on
the Point of being dis- solved, on Account of the latter's producing a Charge of Hay and Oats, which the other demurs to. This important Dispute, ' tis thought, will be brought before the Jockey Club for their Decision. A Correspondent, admiring the Bill of the Ci- rencester Painter, has sent the Bill of a Sussex Farrier : To Esq; To curing your Honour's Horse that died 15s. Died.] At Newington in Surry; Mr. Mills, an eminent Hop Merchant. — In Henrietta- street, Cavendish- square, Benjamin Parkinson, Esq; In Thames- street, Mr. Mason, Dry Salter. BANKRUPTS required to surrender. Charles Roberts, of Oxford- Street, St.
George, Hanover- Square, Dealer, Sept. 14, 24, Oct. 19, at Guildhall. William Mitchell, of the Parish of Stroud, Gloucestershire, Clothier, Sept. 19, 20, Oct. 22, at the Golden Cross, at Cain's Cross, in the Parish of Randwick, Gloucestershire. DIVIDENDS to be made to Creditors. Oct. 8. David Hancock, of Bristol, Haberdasher of Small Wares, at the, Three Tuns Tavern, in Corn- Street, Bristol. —-- Nov. 1. Joseph Bull, of Princes- Street, in the Park, Southwark, Cabinet- maker, at Guildhall. Br Tares 24s. to 38s. Pa Finest Flour 39s. per Ry Sack. Bank Stock, 155 3- 8ths. Three percent, re- duced, 87 7- 8ths a 88. Three per cent,
consol, 87 , l- 4th a 3- 8ths. Three per cent. 1726,—. Three 1- half per cent. 1758, . Four per cent, consol. 95 7- 8ths a 96. Long Annuities, — . South Sea Stock, . Old Ann. 86. 1- 8th a 1- 4th. New Annuities, . Three per- cent. 1751, . India Stock, . Ditto Ann. 84 7- 8ths a 85. Ditto Bonds, 55 a 54. Navy and Victualling Bills, 1 1- half Discount. Lottery Tickets, 131. 14s. 6d. Early Intelligence from our Correspondents in London, ( dated Wednesday, Sept, 11,) which cannot appear in any other Country Paper sooner tan Saturday, nor even in any of the London Papers before those brought by the Mail on Friday. BY a Private Letter
from Paris we have Advice, that as soon as the Count de Guignes arrived there from London, an extraordinary Council was held, and that as soon as it broke Up Dis- patches were sent to every Sea Port Town in the Kingdom, from which it is conjectured that a War is at . Hand. The Letter further says, that that the Reason of this sudden Change in Affairs is on Account of some important Discoveries lately made in England, not at all to the Honour of France. Expresses were likewise sent to Spain and Portugal, relating to some extraordinary Af- fairs which Time only can discover. By another Letter from Paris we have Advice,
that lately were published there two excellent Prints; one is a fine Representation of the Con- flagration in Portsmouth Dock Yard ; and the other a true Representation of it in July last, with an Account of all the Stores, Storehouses, Ship- ping, & c. both of which are executed in a mas- terly Manner, and are said to have been taken on the Spot. A Gentleman, who is just come from Paris says, that the E. of S is laughed at there, for his Weakness in permitting some French Gentlemen to view the Dock Yards at Portsmouth and other Places. It is now pretty certain that the Discoveries made with regard to the late- Fire at
Portsmouth Dock Yard, have given great Uneasiness to tie Gentry at the West End of the Town, and that every Art is used to stifle the Evidence of Duc- ley, who was conveyed from the Mansion- House to Portsmouth ; for, by Letters from thence, appears, that as Steps have been taken to bring the Matter to Light, some particular Persons finding that he is a great Lover of Liquor, have supplied him with so much, that he has not been fit- for a regular Examination since he has been in that Town. WORCESTER, Thursday, Sept 12. On Thursday next will be held our Great Fair for Hops, Cheese, Linnen Cloth, Leather, and other
Commodities. At our Market, last Saturday, 183 Pockets Hops were sold ; the general Prices of old Ho were nearly the same as on the Saturday before Seven Pockets of new Hops, of a very good Qua- lity, were brought to Market, and fold fro 81.8 s. to 9l. 9 s. per Hundred. On Tuesday last the Races began at Shrewsbury when the Purse of 50l. Weight for Age and In- ches, was won, in two exceeding fine Heats, Lord Abingdon's Chesnut Mare, beating S W. W. Wynn's Horse, Twenty- one, and Sparrow's Bay Horse, Spavin Sir Watki Horse Was beat but by a Length the second He The same Day the Sweepstakes for 200 G
neas was won easy by Lord Grosvenor's, Chesn Colt, beating Mr. Pigott's Bay Colt, Freed, and Mr. Maurice's Colt, Toledo. LUDLOW RACES last Week. The Thursday's Purse was won, in two Hea by Mr. Herbert's Sparkler, beating Mr. Mauric Penseroso, and Sir W. W. Wynnes Flimnap. Odds before starting were Five to Four on Flim- nap against the Field, and Bets ran currently to One the Field against Sparkler ; whereby Gentlemen of the Turf were deeply taken The second Heat afforded excellent Sport, be strongly contested between Penseroso and Spark Flimnap run so flaggy this Heat that he drawn, and yielded the
Stakes to Penseroso. Friday's Purse was won, in three Heats, by Sparrow's Spavin, beating Mr. Spigot's Lap- Sir W. W. Wynn's Twenty- one ( who won Stakes) and Mr. Baker's Riot. We are informed that there is in Birmingh at this Time, a Set of Sharpers, who pre they are just come from Sea, and have a Qua of Muslins, Lawns, Lace, India Handkerc & c. which they pay no Duty for, and which pretend to sell under their real Value, by Means the Unwary have been greatly tak by them. One of them, who goes by the of Y—— ge, was, on Friday last, at 3 Tr man's House in that Town, offering the aso Goods in the said Manner;
the Lady " bei Want of some Muslin, bought a Piece at 5 per Yard, which he assured her was worth but, upon the. Lady's comparing it, four was greatly taken in ; however, she followed to his Quarters, and charged him with the sition; who very audaciously offered her 3 Yard for her Muslin.— Quere, Is it not great Disrespect to the fair Tradesmen to rage these Wretches ? A Practice which to are guiltv of. The Assize of Bread continues as follow, Wheaten H lb. cz. dr. ib Penny Loaf to weigh 0 7 14 0 Two- penny Loaf 015 2 1 Six- penny Loaf 2 15 4 3 Twelve- penny Loaf 5 14 8 7 Eighteen- penny Loaf 8 13 12 11 The Halfpenny
Batch Cake not to we than 3 Ounces 15 Drams, the Penny ditto than 7 Ounces 14 Drams; and no other Batch Cakes to be made.
Gloucester, Sept. I, 1771. IWas walking very early this Morning, as is my Custom, and lounging up a private Foot- path about three Miles from my House, close to a thick Hedge- row, I was startled by the Report of a Gun on the other Side the Hedge. Dead, by G— d, says a Voice. The Smell of the Powder was so strong in my Nose, that the Probability that might have been shot made me doubt for some Time whether I was not really wounded. When I recovered my found Senses, and found myself in a whole Skin, I Was at Leisure to see from whence all my Danger came, and, to my Surprise, found the Vicar of a neighbouring
Parish picking up a dead Partridge. " What, the Parson shooting on a Sunday !" says I to myself, and then I recollected this was Execution Day among the feathered Game. Parsons, thought I, are like other Men, they are mere Flesh and Blood as well as their Congregation ; and though I thought he might employ his Time more to his Credit, if not to his Advantage, I cannot say I found any Indignation rising in me from what had passed. But I had not gone fifty Paces before I heard my Reverend Neighbour cursing and swear- ing at a Man he was lugging out of a little Thicket. " I've a great Mind ( says he to the poor Fellow) to
have you hang'd, you Dog; if I had a Pen, Ink, and Mittimus about me, you should go to Gloucester Gaol this Moment, you Scoundrel;" and upon my coming up (" Look you here, Sir ( says the Vicar, almost black in the Face with Rage) see these snares, and look at that Hare peeping out of his Bag," The poor Man promised to do so no more, and pleaded a Wife and five Children. " Don't tell me of your Wife and five Children ( replies the Reverend Sportsman) you are a profligate Villain to carry on these unlawful Practices on the Lord's Day," and then swore he would make him pay for it, and ruin him into the Bargain ; and then,
after another Volley of Oaths, asked me if it was not very provoking, and if I did not think the Rascal deserved to be hang'd? " To be sure ( says I) it is enough to make a Parson swear, but not quite so much as you, Doctor: The Man pleads a Wife and five Children, and promises to do so no more, and that makes me wish to have him excused this Time, and"—" Aye, there it is ( interrupts the Parson) it is such People as you that encourage the common people to fly in the Face of all Law and Authority. ought to be ashamed, he said, to countenance and justify a Man caught in the very Act of breaking a penal Statute, and
profaning the Lord's Day." I had much to reply, if not in Favour of the poacher, yet in Answer to his Accuser, but he seemed such a Rage, and had his Finger so frequently upon the Trigger of his Gun, that I thought it bet- ter to leave preaching to him whose Province and Duty it was ; and so I pursued my solitary Walk, making a thousand Refections on what I had seen and heard, which I would send you, but I conceive they will naturally occur to every Reader from the Ficts here related. CANDID. city of worcester, between the Hours of Three and Six in the Afternoon, A Messuage and Lands, called Cawen's, in Over Howsell,
within the Manor of Leigh, in the County of Worcester, held by Lease for three Lives, under Charles Cocks, Esq; Lord of the said Manor, two of which are now in being. And also all that Messuage and Lands, called Harper's, and a Meese Place and Toft of Ground, called Nether Steward's, in Over Howsell aforesaid, also held by Lease for three Lives, under the said Charles Cocks, two of which are also in being. William Causier, the Tenant, will shew the Pre- misses; and for further Particulars enquire of Mr. Bund, Attorney, in Worcester. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, To- moroow, the 13- th of September Inst. between the
Hours of Two and Five in the Evening, at the Dwel- ling House of John Reeves, Victualler, in Gotherington, Gloucestershire, together or in separate Lots, as shall be most agreeable to the Majority of Bidders present, ( un- less disposed of in the mean Time by private Contract, in which Case Notice will be given) AMessuage or Tenement, and Water Corn Mill, with a Stable, Garden and Orchard thereunto adjoining, situate at Woodmancoat, in Gloucestershire; another Orchard in Woodmancoat aforesaid, an Acre of Arable Land in Windmill- Field, and an Acre of Arable Land in Southam- Field, whereon Hands a Windmill,
together with the said Windmill, now rented at 251. per Annum. The Mills lie within less than a Mile of each other, are in good Repair, particularly the Windmill, which has been lately- built with the best Sort of Stone, and are well situated for Country Custom. All the Premisses are Freehold, except the Acre in Southam- Field, on which the Windmill stands, which is Leasehold for the Remainder of a Term of ninety nine Years, sixty whereof are unexpired, renewable at the Expiration of the said Term at a Fine of 10l. The Orchards are will planted, and capable of pro- ducing sixteen or more Hogsheads of Cyder annu- ally. The
present Tenants quit at Michaelmas, and the succeed nig Tenants will agree with the Purchaser for the Premisses for one Year, three, seven, or ten Years, as shall be most agreeable. Mr. George Troughton, of Winchcomb, will shew the Premisses; and for further Particulars apply to Mr. Long, Attorney at Law, in Upton upon Severn, Worcestershire. CATALOGUE of New BOOKS and PLAYS, just going to be published, and of the Names of the respective Authors. THE Hypocrite, a Farce— by his M The Art of breeding Rabbets— by her M A new and expeditious Method of learning to eak Greek with Fluency— by the Prince of
Wales A Dissertation on the Church Catechism, and the Mystery of playing at Taw— by the Bishop Osnabrug. The Art of Drawing Corks— by Lord Weymouth A new Way to pay old Debts— by J. Wilkes, Esq; The Life of God in the Soul of Man— by the Rev n Horne. Maiden- hood well lost— by Miss Vanfittart. The Virtuous Wife— by Mrs. Bailey. The Vestal Nun, a true History— by Lady Har- gton. Laugh and lie Down— by Lady Grosvenor. Þhe Devil to pay— by Junius. Wives Excuse, or Cuckolds make themselves Lord Grosvenor. The Rival Milliners- by Mrs. Rheda and Miss S Bow- Street. Wife to be lett— by Mr. Bailey.
Adventures of Half an Hour— by the Duke of unberland. All for Love— by Miss Hunter. Wife's Revenge-- by Lady Percy. Platonic Love— by Mrs. Cornewall and Mr. Brad The Petticoat Plotter— by the Princess Dowager Wales. Fashionable Lady— by Mrs. Lessingham. The Clanderstine Marriage— by Lady Waldegrave the Duke of Gloucester. The forsaken Shepherdess— by Lady Waldegrave. Kiss my A- se is no Treason— by L. Northington. Tis an ill Wind that blows nobody Good— by orge Bellas. The Wolves guarding the Sheep- sold-— by the use of Commons. The Man after God's own Heart— by L. Sandwich The Fool
of Quality— by the D. of Cumberland. The Court of Comus— by Mr. Rigby. The Arcanum Magnum, or the three Angles of a angle proved equal to three light Angles— by Goldsmith. The Virtues of a Pension explained and exempli- - by Dr. Johnson. King and no King— by his vit without Money— by Edmund Burke. Money without Wit— by Sir Robert Ladbroke. The Banquet of the seven wise Men— by the pro- ng Aldermen, The wise Men of Gotham— by ditto, eck or Nothing— by Lord North. The State Jugglers— by the Ministry. The Informer, or the Way to grow rich— by Sir es Lowther. Penny saved is a Penny won.— by L.
North The tame Husband, or the Cuckold putting his ns in his Pockets— by the Duke of Grafton, she Distrest Lover— by Mr. Harris, she Art of Twisting— by Sheriff Baker, he Art of Cringing— by Lord Barrington. e Court Spy, or Tell- tale— by Lord Burghersh be Complete Linguist— by Lord Suffolk, e French Rake— by Lord Rochford. e Lame Duck - by Lauchlin Macleane. tto— by George Dempster. iss in her Teens- by Sir Geo. Colebroke, he Muckworm- by Peregrine Cust, cry Man his own Broker- by Judge Aston. be Bedlamite-- by Mr. Morris. A of the most celebrated Artists of the Age ( the Whole to be comprized in Fifty four Numbers, Price 6d. each Number, and to make One Volume in Folio, embellished with Upwards of Fifty Copper- Plates, and is absolutely the cheapest and most elegant FAMILY BIBLE that ever appeared) THE Complete FAMILY BIBLE, A Work of the utmost Elegance. Containing the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament at large, together with the Apocrypha; with a complete Illustration of all the difficult Pas- sages: Together with Notes historical and critical. By the Rev. SAMUEL NEWTON, D. D. Rector of Clifton, & c. In the Course of the Work will be given up- wards of Fifty Copper- Plates, such as will reflect
Honour on the Artists, and add Splendor and Dig- nity to the Work : And in the First Number will be given a Promissory Note of the Publisher, engaging to deliver, Gratis, all that shall exceed Fifty- four Numbers. Number I. and II. may be read, Gratis, and returned if not approved. The Subscribers Names will be printed. To the PUBLIC The sacred Writings con- tain The Words of eternal Life; and Men in all Ages, of the most illustrious Characters, have always enter- tained the utmost Reverence for the DIVINE BEING, and the greatest Veneration for his Word. " I esteem," says holy Job, " the Words of thy Mouth, more than my
necessary Food," " I have more Un- " derstanding," says David, " than all my Teachers, " because thy Testimonies are my Meditations." " Study the holy Scriptures," says the great Mr. Locke, " therein are contained the Words of eternal " Life : It hath God for its Author, Salvation for its " End, and Truth without any Mixture of Error, " for its Matter." Many Difficulties attend the Study of the holy Scriptures, owing to their having been written in a Language whole Genius is different from that of our own ; An earnest Desire to remove those Difficulties, has furnished me with abundant Reason for engaging in this Performance. How
faithfully and judiciously it is executed, must be left entirely to the Decision of the impartial Public. Clifton, May 31, 1771. S. NEWTON. London, printed for the Author, and Sold by T. Evans, at No. 54., Pater- noster- Row; Mr. Ethering- ton at York ; Messrs. Fletcher and Hodson at Cam- bridge ; Mr. Wilson at Dublin, and all other Book- sellers in Great Britain and Ireland; where Proposals at large may be had. AN ENTIRE NEW WORK. The whole to be compleated in One Hundred Num- bers, making two large handsome Volumes in Folio, enriched with upwards of 120 beautiful Copper- Plates, elegantly engraved by those emi nent Artists, GRIGNION and WALKER, from the original Drawings of Mr. WALE, curiously orna- mented with fancied Borders by CLOWES, and the Writing engraved by THOROWGOOD. This Day is published, Price only SIX- PENCE, Elegantly printed on a new Letter cast on Purpose for the Work, and on fine Paper, adorned with, a curious Frontispiece drawn by WALE, and en- graved by GRIgNION ; and a beautiful whole Length of HENRY III. drawn by WALE, and en- graved by WALKER ; NUMBER I. ( To be continued Weekly) of A NEW and UNIVERSAL HISTORY of ENGLAND, From the Earliest Authentic ACCOUNTS
to the present YEAR, 1771. Containing a comprehensive and accurate De- scription of all the Battles, Sieges, Sea- fights, and other memorable Events, in which the English have been concerned, from the remotest Period of Intel- ligence. With a circumstantial Account of the Ori- gin of this flourishing Kingdom, its Government and Laws ; the many Revolutions it has undergone, the amasing Progress made by its Inhabitants in every Branch of Science, and their various Discoveries, Conquests, and Acquisitions in different Parts of the World. Together with faithful Delineations of the Characters of all the Princes who have
swayed the British Sceptre, and other illustrious Personages, who have rendered them selves conspicuous by then Valour, their Patriotism, their Virtue, or their Learning. The whole tending to display the patriotic Virtues of our illustrious Ancestors, and inspire the British Youth with an Emulation of imitating their glorious Examples. By WILLIAM HENRY MOUNTAGUE, Of Portland- Street, Soho, Esq; London, printed for J. Cooke, at Shakespear's- Head, No. 17, in Pater- noster- Row, and sold by all Booksellers and News- Carriers in Great Britain and Ireland. A List of some of the Copper- Plates which will in- finitely excel, both
With respect to the Elegance of the Designs and Beauty of the Engraving, any ever yet given in a Work of this Kind before. Frontispiece. Queen Emma's Chastity tried by Fire ordeal. The Black Prince making his Entry into London, with the King of France his Prisoner. King Henry VI. crown'd at Paris. Death of Lady Jane Gray. Queen Elizabeth striking the Earl of Essex. Large Map of Great Britain. Prince Arthur murdered by King John. King Athelstan saving his Father's Life. The Monks of Bangor put to the Sword by Ethelfrid. Berinus converting the Saxons to Christianity. Single Combat between Edmund Ironside and Canute
the Great. Murdering the Druids, and burning their Groves by Paulinus Sue- tonius. Gloucester accusing the Queen of Edward IV. of Witchcraft. Magnificient Entry of Henry V. into Paris. Murdering of Edward V. and Duke of York. Beheading Mary Queen of Scots. Death of Richard III. Anson taking the Manilla Galeon. Battle of the Boyne. Death of General Wolfe. Battle of Agincourt. The Maid of Orleans receiving the Sword of St. Catherine. Cardinal Wolsey resign- ing the great Seal to the Dukes of Norfolk and Suf- folk. Edmund I. stabbed by Leolf the Robber. Ca- ractacus betrayed by Cartismandua into the Hands of the
Romans. Anselm Fitz- Arthur claiming the Ground wherein William the Conquerer was going to be buried. Richard I. mortally wounded by Ber- tram Gourdon. Defeat of the Spanish Armada. Duke of Suffolk beheaded in a Long- Boat by Cap- tain Nicholas. Henry Prince of Wales taking the Crown from the Head of his Father Henry IV. Richard II. serving the first Dish to his Son Henry's Table. Whole Length Figures of all the English Monarchs, from William the Conqueror to the pre- sent Time. We would have given the Names of all the Plates, but the Compass of an Advertisement is too small to contain a List of the Whole. this
Day is published, embellished with a Frontispiece, Price Two Shillings, neatly bound in Red, ( a Book infinitely superior to any Thing of the Kind) THE Lady's Polite Secretary; or, New Female LETTER WRITER : Containing an elegant Variety of interesting and instructive Letters, intended as Models to form the Stile on every Point essential to the Happiness of the Sex: In which are comprised many admired epistolary Narratives, an Article hitherto unattempted in every Book of the Kind: Likewise several original Letters of Wit and Sentiment, by Ladies of the first Rank in the literary World. To which are added, Instances to serve
as Beacons to the inexperienced Writer of that flimsy affected Stile and Sentiment, so prevalent in modem Correspondence, the De- light of our Novelists, and the Bane of our Youth : With Variety of poetical Letters, humourous, pa- thetic, sentimental, and descriptive : And Cards of Compliment and Condolance, of Friendship, and Compliment. In this Collection are contained Rules to be ob- served in writing Letters, and the different Forms of Address. To which is prefixed, A short but comprehensive Grammar of the Eng- lish Language: The Whole so calculated that any Lady may, in a very short Time, be enabled to write her
Thoughts with becoming Propriety and Ease. By the Right Honourable Lady DOROTHEA DU BOIS. Do you, my Fair, endeavour to possess An Elegance of Mind as well as Dress; Be that your Ornament, and know to please By graceful Nature's unaffected Ease. LITTLETON. London, printed for J. Coote, at No. 16, and T. Evans, at No. 54., Pater- noster- Row; and may be had of all other Booksellers in Town and Coun- try. Where may be had, in two Volumes, 12mo. Price 6s. sewed, THEODORA, a Novel, by the same Author. By the KING'S Patent. THE unequalled Virtues of this most excellent Medicine are now Universally
acknowledged. It is a Fact, well known, that the Baume is administered by many of the Faculty, in complicated Cases, where every Method, common Practice, has proved ineffectual. The Introduc- tion of it into this Country has been the providential Means of preserving the Lives of THOuSANDS. Its great Powers in restoring and fortifying the Stomach and expel- ling the bilious Matter ; and its cordial, attenuating, and antisceptic Qualities, m; y easily account for its Efficacy it the Gout, Scurvy, Rheumatism, Jaundice, Agues, and par- ticularly all those cruel Disorders that attack the Stomach and Bowels— which though different
in Appearnce, are ge- nerally derived from the same Source. With the same Con fidence we assert, that this Medicine has not its Equal in all FeMALE DISORDERS; or as a Restorative in General, and as a Preventative of the ill Consequences arising from con tagious Air. To prevent the pernicious Consequences of a spurious Sort being obtruded 0n the. Public, the Bottles are each signed by Mr. BECKET , one of the Proprietors; and Mr. NICOLL as Vender, the Counterfeiting of which being Felony, will be prosecuted accordingly. This most admirable Family Medicine ( by Appointment of the Proprietors) is sold by W. Nicoll.
No. 51, in St. Paul's Church Yard, London, at 3s. the Bottle, with good Allowance for charitable Uses, or to sell again ; and by Mr. Aris, in Birm- ingham ; Mr. Raikes, in Gloucester; Mr. Pugh, in Here- ford; Mr. Jackson, in Oxford ; Mr. Taylor, in Stafford ; Mr. Keating, in Stratford; and by H. Berrow. Printer. in Worcester, Of whom may be bad. Price only 6d. A Narrative of many extraordinary and well- attested Cures wrought by the Baume dt Vie. MAREDANT's DROPS. To Mr. Nortec, Surgeon, Goldon- Square. sir, I N Gratitude to you, and for the Good of others, I send yon the following Case to publish I Was afflicted for above;
six Years with amostviolent Inflamation in my Face and Arms attended with while Blisters and extreme Pain, which caused them to swell to an immoderate Size ; this Disorder brought me so low, that I was believed to be in a Consumption. I applied to many without Success, till Providence directed me to take your Drops by which Means I am restred to perfect Health, the above mentioned Complaints having long fince lost me. Any Person, by applying to Mr. Le Febura's, in Cogdell- Court, sil. ver- Street, Golden Square, may be convinced of the Truth of I am your humble Servant, August 5,1771 ANN BOWIE. Any Person still
doubtful of the Efficacy of this Medicine, may ( by applying to Mr. NORTON, Surgeon, the West Side of Golden square, near Piccadilly, London, the only Author and Proprietor, where these Drops are sold in Bottles of Six Shillings each) be fully convinced of their good Effect, by being referred to many People of Credit, who have been cured of the Leprosy, Scurvy, Ulcers, the Evil, Fistulas, Piles, long continued Inflammations of the Eyes, and every other Disorder arising from a Foulness in the Blood. They may betaken in any Season, without the least Inconvenience or Hindrance of Business. They also perfect Digestion, and
amazingly create an Appetite. N. B. None are genuine but what are signed by JOhn NORTON, in his own Hand- writing ; who hath appointed them to be sold by H. BERROW, at his Printing Office, near the Cross, Worcester. N. B. These Drops an in square Bottles, with the following Inscription on them, vix John Norton, only Proprietor and Author of Mandant' Drops, Beware of Counterfeits. Maredants Drops, so univer- sally known and esteemed, were never fold or less than SIX SHILLINGS the Bottle. For the STONE and GRAVEL. SWINFEN's ELECTUARY, Price Two Shillings and Sixpence the Pot, AMedicine proved, from a
long Series in private Practice, to be of the greatest Efficacy in giving immediate Ease in the most excruciating Fits of the Stone and Gravel, and curing those painful and melancholy Disorders, It is pleasant to take, having no nauseous or disagreeable Taste ; sits easy on the Stomach, and is so safe and inoffensive in its Operation, that it is taken without any particular Regi- men or Confinement. Amongst the great Number of extraordinary CURES done by this ElECTuarY the following Cases are sub- mitted to the Public : JOHN BOWN, of Kirkby- Malory, in the County of Leicester, was violently afflicted with the Gravel and
Stone ten Weeks, and had the Advice of at eminent Apothecary, without receiving any Ease. On the 3d of December last he began taking Swinsen's ELeCTUARY, and after taking three Doses, he found himself much easier; and, by the Time he had taken one Pot, more than a large Coffee- cup full of Gravel and small Stones came from him. He was perfectly cured, continues free from Pain and hat bad no Return of the Disorder since. JOHN COOPER, jun. of Hinckley, Peruke- maker, was afflicted with the Gravel and Stone from two Years of Age, and suffered the most excruciating Pains and Anguish with it for sixteen Years,
during which Time be had the repeated Advice of the most eminent of the Faculty, who gave him not the least Relief. On the 11th of October last be began with Swinfen's ELeCTUARY, and, by taking one Pot, his Pains entirely ceased, and has remained perfectly free from the Complaint ever since. Witness my Hand, JOHN COOPER In the Presence of CORIOLANUS COPPLESTONE, Minister. JOSEPH iliff, Church- wardens. JOHN BOlesWORTH, The Genuine Sort of the above Medicine is sold by the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. Sold likewise at Berrow's Printing- Office, and by the Worcester Newsmen,
Greenough's TINCTURE, Price 1 s. a Bottle, This is the best Tincture of the Kind ever invented for washing the Gums, and pre serving the Teeth from Decay. Another recent Instance of a most inveterate SCURVY cured by the Use of VELNOS' Vegetable SYRUP, JOHN SHERWOOD, Esq; in the Commission. of the Peace for the County of Middlesex, had for many Years been afflicted with an inveterate Scurvy, which formed an Incrustation over the whole Crown of his Head, with Eruptions on several Parts of his Body. He had also been frequently liable to an apoplectic Tendency, or Swimming in the Head, to such a Degree,
that he has often fallen senseless. on the Floor. He had taken a great Variety of Medicine from some of the most respectable of the Faculty, but to- tally despaired of ever being radically cured ; but hearing of the Virtues of the Vegetable Syrup, by a Friend of his, the proprietor of which ( Dr. Burrows) he bad known abroad to be a Man of Skill and Reputation, he was induced, on this Recommendation, to make a Trial of it, and is now, aster taking it three Months, perfectly cured of all his Complaint. In Gratitude for the Health he enjoys, in Justice to the Doctor, and more especially that a Remedy, at once so inno- cent and
efficacious, may be more generally known, he per- mits this Account to be published. Any candid Enquirer may be fully satisfied, by applying to Justice Sherwood, at Shadwell. I hereby certify that the above is true and candid Account Shadwell, March 2, 1771. JOHN SHER WOOD. This Medicine, which daily Experience proves to be a Specific in all Venereal and Scorbutic Cases, is to be had in Bottles, at 10s. 6d. each, at Dr. BURROWS'S House, opposite the Prince of Orange's Coffee House, in the Hay Market, Lon- don ; sold also by Fletcher and Hodson, in Cambridge ( who are appointed sole Agents for vending this
Medicine in the Coun- try); Mr, Raikes, Gloucester ; Mr. Pugb, Hereford; Messrs Pearson and Aris, Birmingham ; Mr. Taylor, Kidderminster Mr. Jackson, Oxford; Mr. Eddowes, Shrewsbury ; Mr. Tay- lor, Stafford; Mrs. Thurstans, Wolverhampton ; and by the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. Where also may be had, A Dissertation on its Nature and Effects, with an Ac- count of its Examination by the Royal College of Physicians, and a Variety of extraordinary Cures, properly attested. Price 6d. By His Majesty's Letters Patent, ( Granted to WALTER LEAKE, of the City of London, P. P.) is recommended the Justly Famous
PILL, called in the Patent, PILULA SALUTARIA; And there pronounced to be a Cure for the VENEREAL DISEASE, SCURVY, and RHEUMATISM. IN fifteen or eighteen Days it generally cures those cruel Disorders, and where it fails of perfectly restoring Health in that Time, the Patient has the happy Assurance that he or she is at the Eve of being restored, let the De- gree of Malignancy be ever so great. It is an Excellency peculiar to these Pills, to make directly to the complaining Parts, and enter into Coated with the offending Matter, which they soon dislodge and expell. They are declared by Experience to be Preserver of
Health, as well as a Re- storer, by taking only eight single Pills ( as instructed by the Direction Bills) once or twice a Year. In short, the- Patentee has this extraordinary Obligation to them, that whatever be promised himself from them they were sure to fulfil and exceed, as though impatient of immortal and uni- versal Fame. These Pills are most worthy a Place in the Ca- binet of Mallets and Captains of Ships, and the more so, for that they require no Confinement, nor Restraint of Diet, will keep good in all Climates any Length of Time, and effect a Cure even when Salivation fails. Sold by the Patentee ( in Boxes of 2s. 6d. each)
at hit House No. 16, Bride Lane, Fleet Street; who effectually cures Gleets and Seminal Weaknesses: Also sold by Ap- pointment by Mr. Hart, Druggist, in Wolverhampton, Aris and Co, Birmingham ; Smart, Ludlow; Hartlebury, Tewkes. bury; Raikes, Gloucester; Jackson, Oxford; and at Ber- row's Printing Office in Worcester, WORCESTER: Printed by H. BERROW, near the Cross ; sells all Kind of Blank Warrants, Land- Tax Receipts, Parish Certificates, Summonses, Orders of Removal, and every Form used by Justices of Peace, Parish Officers & c. and by whom the PRINTING Business is executed in a near and expeditious;
Manner on very reasonable Terms: