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Berrow's Worcester Journal


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Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal

Date of Article: 15/08/1771
Printer / Publisher: H. Berrow 
Address: Near the Cross, Worcester
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 4027
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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Price Two- pence Halfpenny. THURSDAY, August 15, 1771. Numb. 402 their Dispatches were examined the next Day in a great Council which sat till Evening. SCOTLAND. Dumfries, July 22. A Plan of connubial Felicity, formed by a young Man of this Place with a Girl of 1500l. Fortune, had been entirely defeated, almost at the Point of Completion, if he had not exerted more than common Spirit. The Banns were published Yesterday for the third Time, this was fixed for the happy Day, and on Saturday last the Lover had brought his Mistress on Horseback from Moffat, to within six Miles of this Place, when another Lover, accompanied by six Men with Arms, forced her from him into a Chaise, with an Intent to convey her to Edin- burgh ; but the first mentioned young Man, un- willing to quit his Prize, pursued them, and having collected a superior Force at Moffat, over- - took the Ravishers, recovered and brought back his Bride to Moffat, were they were married im- mediately ; and he returned with her the same Night, under a sufficient Escort, to this Place, where their Nuptials have been again solemnized, to take off the Irregularity of the former. COUNTRY NEWS. Leeds, August 6. On Saturday last a Person, who calls himself Charles Coop, was taken up at York, on Suspicion of having robbed his Mailer, William Agnew, Esq ; of Killwagter in Ireland, of three Bags of Money, amounting to upwards of 1000l. in May last, with which he got three Bills of Sir George Colebrook, one for 700l. another for 100l. and another for 40l. all which Bills were sound upon him. He is committed to the City Jail, and at present will confess nothing. LONDON, Thursday, August 8 There will be no Changes in the Administra- tion till after the Meeting of Parliament, which will be sooner than was expected. An Enquiry into the Application of certain Monies, granted the two last Sessions for publick Uses, will be made in a great Assembly at their next Meeting. At the Opening of the next Session it is said the Lord Mayor will present a Plan to a Great Assem- bly for, the settling the Price of Provisions: It has already undergone the Inspection of several eminent Persons in the City. Several Noblemen, we hear, have resolved to give annual Premiums to those Farmers who shall produce the greatest Number of Calves, Sheep, & c. A most noble and salutary Plan for effecting the real Happiness of this Country, by reducing the Price of Necessaries. The Meeting of the Society of the Bill of Rights last Night, we are told, was for the Purpose of drawing up a new Remonstrance, though they are reported to have received many advantageous Overtures on the simple Condition of foregoing that Resolution. Letters just received from Lisbon advise, that Mr. Lyttelton, the British Ambassador there, tired out with the Insolence of that Court to- wards the English Traders, has actually sent to London, desiring to be recalled from thence. The same Letters add, that it is firmly be lieved to be at the Instigation of the Spanish Court, which induces the Portuguese to such an ungrateful Behaviour. There are now 16 Sail of Spanish Merchantmen in the Tagus. A moderate Man in Administration ( Lord G.) at a late Council, advised the sending a consi- derable Squadron immediately to the Tagus, to demand Satisfaction for the Insults shown to the British Nation. It is now looked upon as certain that England cannot much longer avoid a spirited Altercation with Portugal, unless we are determined to be- come a Proverb for Meanness and Tameness. By Advices from Madrid we learn, that no lest than 15 armed Vessels, laden with Stores and Ammunition, have sailed from the several Ports of that Kingdom, within these three Months, for the Spanish West Indies. A Correspondent asks, why the Royal Family should pay so much Attention to the Land- Forces of this Kingdom, which they do by their Reviews and Donations, as if we were a continental Peo- ple ; when the Navy, which from our Situa- tion should be a Royal Concern, is lest to the Guidance of old Women and Boys? An anonymous Correspondent says, we may depend on the Authenticity of the following In- telligence, viz. the French Ambassador is at this Time visiting, under the Conduit of Vice Admi- ral Lord Edgcumbe, the State of the Storehouses, Magazines, and other vulnerable Places in Ply- mouth Dock Yard, having already had a thorough Inspection of those at Portsmouth in Company with the Earl of Sandwich, First Lord of the Admiralty. By a Letter from Constantinople Advice is re- ceived, that the Russians have taken several French They write from Birmingham, that there are now fabricating there a Quantity of Military Utensils of different Kinds, to the Amount of 70,000l. for the Use of his Danish Majesty. A Loan of 1,5oo, oool. is now negociating among the monied Men, for the Use of her Im- perial Majesty. Sunday last a Sermon was preached, by a pa- triotic Clergyman, at a Church in the City, who concluded his Discourse with the following Words: " This I may affirm, in Conclusion, that well and wisely governed Nations; such as have not corrupt, venal and lascivious Ministers; evil, designing and ignorant Counsellors ; but on the contrary, such as have honest and impartial Judges; vigilant and disinterested Magistrates, will never be over- run with Thieves and Robbers, Rogues, and Vagabonds, Locusts, and Caterpil- lars. In a Word, let the Wicked be taken from before the King, that his Throne may be esta- blished in Righteousness ; then shall Joy and Ex- ultations revisit our long- deserted Dwellings, and Terror and Dismay shake the Mansions of our Enemies." King James I. in one of his Speeches, made this Observation, ( the wisest he ever made during his whole Reign) " That Speeches from the Throne should be plain and sincere: By sincere, says he, I mean that Uprightness and Sincerity which ought to be in a King's whole Speeches and Actions; that as far as a King is in Honour above his Subjects, so far should he strive in Sin- cerity to be above them all; and that his Tongue should be the true Messenger of his Heart." But, on the contrary, in the present Reign, Have we not Falshood put into the Mouth of Majesty ? A Gentleman at Henley upon Thames has in- vented a Machine, in which a single Horse, it is said, can draw 40 Men with great Facility. On Monday last Mr. Moore's new- constructed Cart, loaded with 29 Sacks of Coals, drawn by two Horses only, was set in the Channel coming out of Thames- Street into Queen- Street, by the breaking of one of the Iron Tugs in turning the Corner very short, as Part of the Pavement was taken up ; notwithstanding which, after the Tug was made fast with a Rope, the Horses being bid to go on, without touching them with the Whip, immediately set forward, and drew the Carriage to Goodman's Fields. The Weight of the Coals and Cart were near five Tons. A Correspondent hearing that the ingenious Mr. Moore had contrived for one Horse to draw equal with three, out of good Will to the Public, and Compassion to the Beast, offers the following Considerations. — Bearing Reins are not only use- less but make a Horse stumble, breathe the worse, and hinder his Draught, especially up Hill, be- yond Conception. They hinder the Beast from beating off the Flies from his Face, Neck, and Shoulders. By this Means, and more especially by cutting the Tail short, Horses are tortured by Infests, lose their Stomachs and Strength; if some go thro' it better, others are worn down, and rendered unfit for Work. If Dealers in Car- riages will consider this, from the Principles of Prudence, as well as Humanity, it is presumed it may be deemed an additional Advantage to Mr. Moore's late Invention. False Collars, and what- ever else may tend to preserve from the chasing of Traces, and galling of Saddles, may be consider- ed as saving so much of the Strength of the Beast ; and as Horses that travel over hard Soil tire fast in the Feet, before they are weary of either car- rying or drawing moderate Burdens, the Art of Shoing is of the greatest Consequence, and de- mands the greatest Attention. Dr. Cadogan declares that no Physician, to do his Patients Justice, can visit more than five a Day. His Rule, we hear, is to give every Pa- tient an Hour at least— sometimes two ; and he declares, that seeling the Pulse upon immediate Entrance is injudicious, as the mere Sight of a Doctor occasions an Alteration in the Blood of the afflicted Person, which should have Time to compose, before the Opinion is given on the Case. A Method of destroying Wevils in Corn Cham- bers, which has proved successful on repeated Trials. Carefully dig up an Ant or Pismire's Hill with a Spade, and place it in a Corner of the Chamber, and in a Month the Wevils will all be destroyed by the Ants; but if any should re main after that Time, which is seldom the Case, replace the old Hill with a fresh one. The late Rains have been of great Service to the Hop Plantations; many Acres, which lately appeared to be quite blighted, and in a lifeless State, have recovered their Strength and Vigour. The following is the Epitaph on the Monu- ment of the late Mr. Holland in Chitwick Church: If Talents to make Entertainment Instruction, to support the Credit of the Stage by just and manly Action, and to adorn Society by Virtues, which would honour any Rank and Profession, deserve Remembrance; let him, with whom these Talents were long exerted, to whom these Virtues were well known, and by whom the Loss of them will be long lamented bear Testimony to the Worth and Abilities of his departed Friend It is rumoured in the Neighbourhood of Hat- ton Garden, that a certain amorous Prince, who some Time ago made a Figure in Westminster- Hall, in the Character of Squire Morgan the Fool, will shortly make his Appearance there again in the Character of a Bayly's Follower. They write from Marseilles that a very curious Accident has lately happened, which much en- gages the Attention of the People there. A Boy of ten Years of Age has discovered a wonderful Sagacity in discovering Water under Ground. His Father, a Peasant in the Neighbourhood, happening to dig pretty deep in the Ground, the Boy called out to him, that if he went farther he would immediately meet with Water. The Fa- ther, to satisfy his Curiosity, tried the Experi- ment, which turned out as the Boy had said. This was communicated to several Gentlemen in the Neighbourhood, who carried the Boy along with them into their Lands, and ordered their Servants to dig wherever he told them there was Water. In all the Trials which were made he never was once mistaken. One Gentleman with his own Hands placed a Tub of Water several Feet under Ground, and after harrowing it for twenty Feet on all Sides, so that it was impossi- ble to perceive where the Water had been placed, he led the Boy, as by Accident, into the Field, who stopped, as a Setting Dog would do on the Scent of Game, as soon as he was upon the Spot under which the Water Tub had been placed. Our Correspondent says there are not hitherto any probable Conjectures by what Means this Boy can make such a Discovery. He is perfectly unacquainted with them himself, and seems guided rather by a blind Instinct than by any In ductions of Reason. Yesterday Frances Allen ( concerned with dumb Jemmy and Sarah Beeks, who are respited) for breaking into the House of Mrs. Bradshaw, in Little Queen Anne Street, and stealing a Quan- tity of Plate, and Thomas Jones and Matthew Poland, for breaking into the House of Mr. Tay- lor, a Publican, near Rag Fair, and stealing a Bag of Halfpence, were executed at Tyburn. A Gentleman, dressed in Mourning, went in the Cart, and fat next to Frances Allen; and a Hearse, with a Coffin in it, attended at Tyburn to receive her Body. She was about 23 Years of Age, Jones 18, and Poland 19. Poland had been five Times an Evidence at the Old Bailey. It is said that an Uncle of the above Frances Allen, by her Mother's Side, has been drowned fence her being under Condemnation, by which she became entitled to a Freehold Estate of about 60l. a Year. Mr. O'Neil, the unhappy young Man who lived in Savage Gardens, Tower- Hill, and on Saturday last was guilty of the horrid Crime of Suicide, declared, in a Letter he wrote previous to the Commission of the Act, that the Reason which occasioned his shooting himself arose from encouraging too great a Propensity to Places of public Diversion ; there he spent, in a few Months, above Five Hundred Pounds; when not knowing how to raise any more, as his Friends lived at Lisbon, and having kept it up ( as the Phrase among the Dissolute is) he sought a Refuge from Re- morse in this Deed of Desperation. Married.] Robert Thorne, Esq; of Queen Ann Street, to Miss Hannah Grove, of Lower Gros- venor Street. Died.] Yesterday Morning, suddenly, the Hon. Sir Francis Blake Delaval, K. B. in the 48th Year of his Age. — At Hurley Place, in Berks, the Rev. Dr. Edmund Lewis, Rector of Weft- mill, in Hertfordshire, and Stone in the County of Kent, and Chancellor of the Diocese of Ro- chester. to be LETT and may be entered upon Immediately A Very convenient Dwelling - House, situated at the Upper End of Cooken- Street, in the Parish of St. Helen, in the City of Worcester, late in the Occupation of Mr. Bibb, with a good Brewhouse ( over which is a very good Lodging- Room) vaulted Cellaring, a good Yard, and other Conveniencies, as also a good Stable. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Richard Southall, in Town Ditch. TO BE SOLD, AN improveable Copyhold Estate, with upwards of fourscore Acres of Land ; situate at Cleeve Prior, in a pleasant Part of the Vale of Evesham, in the County of Worcester, held under the Dean and Chapter of Worcester for four Lives, all young and healthy. The Tenants, Tho- mas Phillips and Francis Ballard, will shew the Pre- misses; and for further Particulars apply to Mr. Collet, Attorney at Law, in Worcester. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, At the Golden Lyon, in Kidder mirster, on Thursday the 29th Day of August Inst. between the Hours of Three and Six in the Afternoon, subject to the Conditions for Sale then to be produced, AN undivided Moiety or equal Half Part of an exceeding good Messuage or Dwel ling House, with a Garden, Stable, Shops, and con venient Out- Buildings, lying behind the same situate in the Worcester- Street, within the Borough of Kidderminster, and now in the Occupation of Mr. John Yearsley. Also of two Tenements and a small Garden, situ ate in the Vicar- Street, within the Borough of Kid derminster aforesaid, and now in the several Occu pations of William Cranage and John Cooper. And also of a rich Piece of Land lving near to LYING - IN. ANY Lady, desirous of being teely accommodated during her Lying- in, be informed of a very convenient Situation, fifteen Miles from Worcester, in the House of a table Surgeon and Man- midwife, whose Terms be made agreeable to the Person's Circumstance The strictest Honour and Secrecy may be depended and, as a private Place for such Kind of Accoma- dations may fall within the Censure of some parti- cular Persons, the Advertiser will take every nece- Precaution to remove every reasonable Object which can be made. Particulars may be more known by directing a Line to Z. Z. to be left the Printer hereof. N. B. Letters directed as above ( Post paid) be duly answered. STOLEN or strayed, on Thurs Night, the 1st of August Instant, from Smithmoore Common, near Upton upon Seven Worcestershire, Two Black GELDINGS, one Years old, upwards of fifteen Hands high, h Blaze down the Face, two white Heels behind, Near Foot before white, and a sprig Tail. other four Years old,. about fifteen Hands high, a Blaze all down his Face, running crooked tow one Side of the Nose, with a little White on near Heel behind, and carries his Nose out in go and is a little crooked in the Thighs. Whoever gives Intelligence of the said Geld ( so that they may be had again) to John James Hill Croome, near Upton upon Severn, Worcester- shire, will receive Two Guineas Reward for Gelding, and all reasonable Charges, besides is allowed by Act of Parliament. TO BE LETT, And entered upon at Michaelmas next, or soone required, at Ashford Bowdler, in the County Salop, A New erected Brick House, situa on a pleasing Eminence, at a proper Dist from the London Road, and two Miles from much admired Town of Ludlow ; consisting Hall, three Parlours, two in Front, one 27 Fee 18, the other 22 by 18; a large Kitchen, But Pantry, Servants' Hall, Back Kitchen, Brew Ho Pantries, Landry, and 14 lodging Rooms in the Ho exceeding good Stabling for 14. Horses, a C House, with a Granary, and lodging Rooms them. The Tenant might have from 40 to 70 A of Land, and a Farm of 100 Acres more, with venient Buildings, very contiguous, if requr This is in an exceeding good Neighbourhood ; Proprietor is Lord of the Manor; there is plenty Game ; and, to a Lover of Angling, fine Trout Greyling Fishing. For Particulars enquire of Captain Edward H of Ashford aforesaid ; or of the Rev. Mr. Green Burford, near Tenbury, Worcestershire ; or of Rev. Mr. Littleton, of Bridgnorth, Shropshire. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Tuesday the 3 d Day of September next, at the D ling- House of William Blew, the Sign of the Falco Bromyard, in the County of Hereford, subject to ditions of Sale to be then produced, unless sold by pri- Contract in the mean Time, of which proper N will be given, ANew, elegant, modern- built Bri House, consisting of two handsome Parlour China Closet, Study, Hall, Vestible, best and b Stair- Case, also a best Kitchen, with a wet and Pantry, all on the Ground Floor. A large Lead servoir over the wet Pantry On the first Fl four genteel Bed- Chambers, all hung with fashion able Paper ; Dressing- Closets to three of them ; of them with Fire Places— In the Attic Story, f genteel Bed- Chambers, two of them hung w Paper; two Closets with Fire Places; likewise a vant's Room and Store Room. Three large good Cellars and a lower Kitchen--- The Office being a new compleat Brick Building, consisting a large good Brew- House, Wash- House, Bake Ho and Laundry over them ; a handsome Coach- House with a Grainery, having an Alabaster Floor over and a four stalled Stable well fitted up, and an H Loft over it--- A Garden adjoining to the Ho by Estimation one Acre, with a Ten Foot Br Wall, laid out in the genteelest Taste ( well stock with Wall and other Fruit- Trees) with an eleg Shrubbery, and good Kitchen Garden, well cropp --- An Orchard adjoining to the Court Yard, w a new Barn and Beast- House, and some other Building for Pigs and Poultry, all which are m very convenient. A Pump in the Court with ceeding good Water. The above Premisses lie pleasantly situated at Enterance into Bromyard from Worcester, and tain, by Estimation, more than two computed Acre The command a pleasant Prospect of the Dow and are situated in a delightful healthy Air.--- T Purchaser will be entitled to Right of Common the Down. Also to be Sold, at the same Time, in like Mann with or without the above- mentioned House Premisses, Two computed Acres of Arable Land, lately closed out of a Field called Cruxwell Field, in Parish of Bromyard aforesaid, with Lands of Th mas Tomkyns, Esq; and in the Possession of N John Whittall---- And one other computed Acre Arable Land, in Crux well Field aforesaid, in t Possession of Mr. William Davis. Also the Remainder of a Term in a Lease of Meadow, opposite the House, by Estimation computed Acres, in the Occupation of the said Davis, ten Years whereof were unexpired at Ca dlemas last. Enquire of the said Mr. Davis, who will shew Premisses; or of Mr. Coleman, Attorney at La in Leominster, who will treat for the same. The House to be viewed till the Time of Sale Bromyard is a Market Town, distant from don 125 Miles, from Worcester 13 Miles, Hereford 13 Miles, from Leominster Io Miles. BERROW'S WORCESTE RJOURNAL. SATURDAY'S POST. Arrived the Mails from Holland and Flanders. Madrid, July 5. IT appears that Affairs of great Consequence are 0n Carpet between this Court and that of Versailles. for the dispatching of Couriers to and fro, has never been so frequent. Four arrived here in one Day from Paris, and rived the Mails from Holland and Flanders. Vienna, July 23. THE Austrian Troops have possessed themselves of all the Palatinate of Cracow and the District of Sendomir, to the Number of 234 Villages and 15 Towns. The Pretext for this In- on is, that our Court having some old Claims this Part of Poland, will not let it suffer from present Troubles which desolate that King- ; and therefore that it will protect its Sub- during the present general Combustion, till, she Return of Peace, it can make good its own hts. General Torrech, who commands our ces, as he extends his Line, obliges all the ility and Peasants to take the Oath of Fide- to their Imperial Majesties ; and the Repre- ations made to our Court by some Polish ds on this Head, have proved ineffectual. Troops also of another German Power are ancing on their Side. The End of all these vements will not long be a Mystery to the blic. AMERICA. wilmington, North Carolina, May 22. The f Complaints of the Regulators, as alledged them, are against the many Enormities, Ex- lions, and Exactions, practised on them by yers, Clerks, Registers, Sheriffs, & c. against m a great Number of Actions have been ught for their Extortion, but the Trials were ays put off, except a few against Col. Fan- ( late Sheriff) and even those were put off urt after Court, till the Evidence were quite d out. That some of them ( the Regulators) live at a Distance from the Place of holding Court, have, for a trilling Debt of 43s. been iged to pay 56I. Costs, and Executions issued tor 14o1. more. And one of them who lent dorse to an Attorney, only for asking for him n, was put into Prison and ruined. Others we attended, Court after Court, for two Years upwards, with their Complaints, and have ught themselves to the Brink of Ruin, by ir Attendance, and Costs of malicious Prose- ions, and were no nearer having their Grie- ces redressed than at first. Many Complaints y have of the like Nature, for which, not- withstanding the Governor had formerly promised the Assistance of the Attorney General, y could obtain no Redress ; and therefore, out Love to themselves and Posterity, they were ermined to contend unwearied for their con- utional Rights and Privileges, and to keep r Money until they had some Probability or urance that it would be applied towards the port of Government; and that if they must a Sacrifice to Military Force, they shall not the first, but will bear it, for Death itself were ter than such Slavery. LONDON, Saturday, August 10. It is said that Mr. Lyttelton's Letters of Recall omLisbon) are made out, and will be sent to by the next Packet. Discoveries have been made in the Policy of the tuguese Nation, which, it is said, will supply with a Clue to all their late Proceedings, as well point out the Train of their future Measures. His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester. said," is furnished with Commissions of the Importance to the Honour and the Interest of Country, and that they relate to our Affairs, well in the African as European Quarter of the orld. Nothing can more strongly evidence the Base- and Meanness of the English Court, than its ect Submission to the Ignominy which Spain fixed upon the British Navy, by refusing En- nce to English Men of War into any Spanish t. The Pretence of refusing the same to French Dutch Ships is merely a Feint, agreed to by Ministry in order to blind the People. Eng- land formerly had exclusive Privileges ; our Court v thinks itself very honourably off, if it can y prevail by its Negociations to make an Ap- rance of receiving an Affront in common with er States. is confidently reported, that a secret Expe ion of Importance is now in Agitation between States of Holland and the Court of Berlin. An anonymous Correspondent gives us the lowing lntelligence:—" By a Friend and parti- ar Acquaintance of mine ( who is this Day ived from Constantinople) lam this Moment red that a Servant of the Grind Seignor at nstantinople murdered him while asleep in his, who has made his Escape, but diligent Search making after him. Constantinople is all in an roar : A Revolution is every Moment expected he general cry is, Peace ! Peace ! A Letter from Port Royal in Jamica, of the of May, says, " Rodney, we are told, is ming here with a Fleet. Should there be a ar, we think we shall stand a poor Chance ainst the Spaniards. The Guns of the Fort re are unmounted, and the Carriages rotten, a few of Rodney's Ships will be much wanted." There are Letters in Town from Genoa, which fitively affirm, that the French have, in the purse of the last six Months, lost upwards of oo Men in Corsica, partly cut off by the New ss of the Wines, the Unwholesomeness of the mate, but most of all by the Sword of the emy. Extract. of a Letter from Stockholm, July 19. " Since the 3d of last Month, his Majesty gives dience regularly three Times a Week to all at prefect themselves ; his Subjects come in owds to the Feet of their Sovereign, who igns to hear them ; to enter into the minutest details that concern them; informs himself of their private Affairs; regulates them; renders m Justice, and gives them speedy Satisfaction all legal Subjects of Complaint. They never part from these Audiences without being pene ed with Admiration, Love, and Veneration , without returning Thanks to Heaven for upwards of 10,000 per Year additional In- cumberance has been laid upon the Irish Establish- ment, within the last three Months, in Pensions to different Persons. It is now believed that the Quarrel between the French Ambassador's Servants and the Constables is entirely settled, to the Satisfaction of France. My Lord Mayor, we are told, has declared he will spend every Shilling he is worth sooner than submit to any Encroachments on the Privileges of the City, though by the K.— himself; to which End he is getting proper Information, and is ex- ceedingly assiduous to come to Action ; and in order to enable him to go through with his De- sign, ' tis said he will be again elected Lord Mayor for the Year ensuing. The good Effects of the Lord Mayor's late Survey of the Encroachments on the River, al- ready appear very visible, as several Offices, & c. built on the same, are removing. The Desert preparing for the Lord Mayor's Entertainment, will be the most elegant which ever graced the Egyptian Hall ; amongst other curious Devices, the Tower of London is to be represented. We are assured that the two Kennedys, thro' the Interest of their Sisters, are appointed to Places of considerable Emolument in America. There is a Farmer now in Berkshire who holds no less than nine Farms. Is not this engrossing with a Vengeance ? An Anecdote of a late Chancellor's Father : — After the Death of his first Lady, he rose one Morning with the whimsical Resolution of marry- ing any one of his Maids who should first appear upon his ringing the Bell. He rang, and the Chambermaid came up ; to whom he abruptly said, " Get yourself ready, and go with me to be married." The silly Girl treating the Affair as a Joke, refused, and withdrew. He rang the Bell a second Time, when the Cook Maid ap- peared ; to whom he said, " Well, my Girl, I intend this Day to make you my Wife ; go and dress yourself in the best you have, and order the Coach to be ready immediately." She took him at his Word, dressed herself, and coming down Stairs was met by the silly Chambermaid,- who asked her where she was going : she answered, " abroad ; I have my Masters Leave." She had scarce uttered these Words when her Master came down, and took her by the Hand to the Coach, which drove to St. Bennet's Church, where they were married. Whenever the Gen- tleman was upbraided by his Acquaintance and Relations, for his Weakness, his usual Reply was, " There is n0 Prudence below the Gir- dle." The Fruit of this Marriage was a late Chancellor. We hear that by the Death of Sir Francis Blake Delaval, an Estate devolves to his Brother, Sir John Delaval, of 4000l. per Annum; he has likewise lest in Specie 36,000l. The two natural Children to whom Sir Francis Blake Delaval is said to have left a Fortune of 10. oool. each, are a Son and a Daughter by the celebrated La R— he, now Lady A . It is said that Lady G. is so chagrined at the early Neglect she has experienced from her R— 1 Seducer, that she has resolved to follow Lady L.' s Example of retiring into a Nunnery; for which Purpose she will take Leave of this Country in a few Weeks. Yesterday, at Half past One o'Clock, Mr. Moore set out from his House in Cheapside, with his new- constructed Coach, for Richmond, drawn by one Horse, carrying six Persons, exclusive of the Driver ; where he was introduced to his Ma- jesty, and graciously received. His Majesty was pleased to express his Approbation of the said Coach, and also of Mr. Moore's new Plough, of which he produced a Model. Afterwards Mr. Moore and his Friends came to Town with great Ease with the same Horse. Mr. Moore's has been with the Post- Master General, with a new Scheme for Mail Carts, on the Principles of his Cart, by which Half the Number of Horses may be saved that are used at present. The Season has proved very fatal to the Deer throughout England. In Bushy Park not less than 200 have died, without any Appearance of a Distemper. This Mortality is generally attri- buted to the Wetness of the Spring. At the Assizes at Stafford, Robert Dickinson and James Thornway for stealing Lambs, were con- victed, but afterwards reprieved. — Charles Cook, alias George Halen, alias James Pool, Samuel Dangersield, and Henry Foster, for stealing Ap- parel ; Thomas Rushton for stealing Shoes and Money, and Daniel Devon, for stealing Hens, to be transported for seven Years ; Samuel Wilson for stealing Iron burnt in the Hand. - John West- wood and William Westwood for assaulting a Constable and rescuing a Prisoner in his Custody, to be imprisoned a Month. At the above Assizes the long depending Cause between William Newton, Plaintiff, and Thomas Newton, Esq; Defendant, to try whether the Plan- tiff or the Defendant was Heir at Law to the late John Newton, of Corbyn's- Hall, Esq; deceased, was finally determined before Sir Richard Aston and a Special Jury at Stafford, in Favour of the Defendant. The two following melancholy Accidents hap- pened 0n Thursday Afternoon, near Wands- worth : A Tradesman of that Place, swimming in the River Merton, was seized with the Cramp and drowned, though the Water was not Breast high. The other was a fine Girl, of three Years of Age, who fell out of a Window into the said River, and was also drowned Her Father com- ing home, saw a Child in the Water, and finding it to be his, was so much affected, that he fainted, and it was a long Time before he was brought to himself again. The following melancholy Accident happened last Week at an Handkerchief Printer's in Cover- ley's Fields, Whitechapel: An Errand Boy hav- ing been fighting a Day or two before with some other Boy in the Neighbourhood, and the Battle not having been fought out another Day was The Jury sat on his Body, and brought in their Verdict Accidental Death. On Wednesday a Porter with a Hamper of Wine on his Back, which he was carrying to a Gentleman at Hackney, in going through the Court- Yard, was seized by a Mastiff- Dog, from which endeavouring to disengage, he broke his Back, and died in a few Hours. Yesterday Morning, a little before One o'clock, a Fire broke out at Cook's- Hall, in Aldersgate- Street, which consumed the same, with a large Quantity of Timber in Mr. Hatton's Timber- Yard adjoining ; it likewise burnt the greatest Part of the Nag's Head Alehouse, with a Stable and Outhouses belonging to it, and damaged the back Part of several of the Dwelling- Houses that front the Street. Between Eleven and Twelve at Night, the Fire broke afresh at Mr. Smith's, a Dyer, and entirely consumed his Workshop and Utensils in Trade, with several other Sheds and Outhouses, besides greatly damaging the Melting House of Mr. Wilson, Tallow Chandler, adjoin- ing ; the Flames burnt with prodigious Fury for upwards of an Hour before they could be got under; and the second Alarm thus given to the People, who had been fatigued in moving their Goods before, was particularly dreadful. This terrible Fire was caused, it is supposed, by leaving a Candle burning in one of the Out- Houses belonging to Cook's Hall ; and had it not been for the amazing Activity and Intre- pidity of Mr. Harley, of Little Britain, who ventured amidst the Flames with an Engine Pipe, the melted Lead pouring down on each Side of him like Water, and an Engine playing upon him to prevent his being burnt to Death, Mr. Mott's New Inn would have suffered greatly, if not been totally consumed. Mr. Harley's Hands and Legs are terribly scorched. Surely this Person deserves more than bare Tanks from Mr. Mott and the Insurance office. Married.] Capt. Bell, of the 30th Regiment, to Miss Affleck, Daughter of Mr. Affleck, in Parliament- Street, Westminster. - Mr. Pond, jun. to Miss Oria Mitchell, only Daughter of Peter Mitchell, Esq; Secretary to the East India Com- pany. Died.] Mr. Roberts, Master of the Academy at Chiswick. — In Queen- Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, William Grant, Esq — At Islington, Joshua Territt, Esq; formerly a Tea Broker.— At Norwich, Mr. Tho. Lindell, Manufacturer there.— Mrs. Lee, Wise of Mr. Lee, Master of the Sun Tavern, Ludgate- Street. — In Holborn, Mrs. Henchman a maiden Lady. To the Proprietors of the ENGLISH COFFEE. South Lambeth, June 17th, 1771. IShould think myself wanting in Gratitude to you, and Humanity to Mankind, if I longer omitted acquainting the Public of the most extraor- dinary cure I have received by drinking your Eng- lish Coffee. It is some Years since I was afflicted with a dreadful nervous Complaint, with a trembling to that Degree, that I could not raise my Hand to my Head, attended with a Cough and Asthma; my Ap- petite quite gone, and my Sinews shrunk, with a Rheumatic or Gouty Pain, and my Spirits depres- sed with Fainting and Sickness; in short, with a Complication of Disorders I was emaciated to the lowest Ebb of Life. I have had the Advice of many Physicians of Eminence, from some of whom I re- ceived temporary Relief, whereby I supported a miserable Life: At last I was advised to try your English Coffee for Breakfast and Afternoons, and, it being very pleasant, I continued it in common, as other Tea or Coffee, according to the Directions, and in a little Time I found great Benefit in my Constitution ; my Appetite returned, and my Dis- orders abated ; I was effectually cured by it, and remain in perfect Health. I can justly and truly say I was as bad as mortal Man living ever was, but am now well. I and my Family make common Use of it. Any Persons doubting the above, I will con- vince them of the Truth thereof. I am, Your most humble Servant, ROBERT TOWNSEND. N. B. This is but one Instance, among some Thousands, of" the Efficacy of this Coffee, which needs not the Parade of a Patent, as the Composi- tion is above Imitation. To be had at Berrow's Printing Office in Wor- cester, and of the Worcester Newsmen, at Two Shillings and Six pence a Canister, which is not above a Penny per Ounce. THE FRIENDLY ASSOCIATION at the Crown in Bromsgrove, will be this Year on Wednesday next, the 21th of this Instant August. THE FRIENDLY ASSOCIATION, held last Year at the White Hart in Evesham, will be held this Year at Mrs. Moore's, at the White Lyon, in Upton upon Severn, on Friday the 23d of August Inst.— Ordinary and Extraordinary Is. 6d. Dinner will be 0n the Table at Two o'Clock. To the GENTLEMEN, CLERGY, and Others, Non- resident Burgesses of the Borough of Bridgnorth. GENTLEMEN, WHEREAS this Day was held a very numerous Meeting, consisting of the Bailiffs, Aldermen, and principal Inhabitants of the Town of Bridgnorth, where it was unanimously agreed to put in Nomination and to support Major THOMAS WHITMORE at the ensuing Election for a Member to serve in Parliament for this Bo- rough, in the Room of our late worthy Member, General WHITMORE, deceased; we beg the Favour of your Concurrence in the said Nomination and Election with us, your Fellow Burgesses and very humble Servants. By Order of the Meeting. BRIDGNORTH, GEORGE COLLEY, August 6th, 1771. Town Clerk. THE Stock in Trade of William Field, of Evesham, in Worcestershire, a Bankrupt, consisting of great Choice of Linnens, Woollens, and Haberdashery, is now selling off at his Shop and Warehouses there, under prime Cost, to retail Customers, and with the usual large Abate- ments to wholesale Purchasers who are in Trade. All Debtors to the Estate of the Bankrupt are to pay their Debts, without Delay, to Mr. Welch, of And entered upon at Michaelmas, or sooner, if required, THE UNICORN INN, in Broad- Street, Worcester. A good Tenant will meet with all reasonable Encouragement. For Particulars enquire of James Whittall, at the next Door to the Unicorn. To be LETT, and entered upon at Michaelmas next, THAT old and well- accustomed Inn, known by the Sign of the BEAR, at Broad- waters, a commodious Coach- House, Stall and other Stabling, with a Barn, Cow- House, and sixteen Acres of Land thereto belonging, and is situate in the Great Road between Bath and Chester. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Newnham, at Broadwas, or of Mr. Hyat Walker, at the Angel, in Kidderminster, who will shew the Premisses. N. B. The House will be new fronted as soon as possible. Tewkeshury, Aug. 14th, 1771. STOLEN, on Thursday the 8th Inst. A white- coloured POINTING DOG, with a yellow Spot across his Rump, and Ears of the same Colour, pared round, some Hair off his Tail, and answers to the Name of Sancho. Whoever will bring the said Dog to Mr. Samuel Jeynes, jun. in Tewkesbury, shall have Two Gui- neas Reward ; and whoever detains him after this Publication will be prosecuted according to Law. This Day was published, Price only One Shilling and Six- pence, bound, A new Edition, corrected, with many Additions, particularly Cross Roads, THE Traveller's pocket- Book ; or, OGILBY and MORGAN'S Book of the Roads : Improved and amended, in a Method never before attempted. Containing, 1. An Alphabetical List of all the Cities, Towns, and remarkable Villages, shewing in or near what Roads they are situated. 2. The Distances, in measured Miles from Lon- don, to all the Cities, Towns, and remarkable Vil- lages in England and Wales, according to the new- erected Mile Stones; and an Account of such Noble- men and Gentlemen's Houses as lie upon the Road. 3. The great Cross Roads in England and Wales. 4. A Whole sheet Map of the Roads of England and Wales, fitted to bind with the Book. 5. The High Roads in Scotland, measured from Edinburgh, with the Principal Cross Roads, in English Miles. 6. The Postmaster- General's Account of the Nights that Post- Letters are dispatched to the several trad- ing Towns, and the Expences of sending a Packet or Letter by Express to any Part of the Kingdom. 7. A List of the Fairs of England and Wales ; the most correct now extant. London, printed for J. Brotherton, J. Rivington, J. Buckland, R. Baldwin, S. Crowder, B. Law, C. Corbet, R. Horsefield, P. Stephens, C. Bowles, T. Caslon, J. Almon, and S. Bladon. This Day is published Price 25. 6d. bound, PRACTICAL MEASURING made easy to the meanest Capacity, by a now Set of Tables; which shew at Sight the solid or superficial Content ( and consequently the Value) of any Piece or Quantity of squared or round Timber, be it standing or felled; also of Stone, Board, Glass, & c. made Use of in the erecting or repairing of any Buildings, & c Contrived to answer all the Occa- sions of Gentlemen and artificers, far beyond any Thing yet extant: The contents being given in Feet, Inches, and Twelfth- Parts of a inch with a Preface; shewing the Excellence of this new Me- thod of measuring and demonstrating, that whoever ventures to rely upon those obsolete Tables and Directions published by Isaac Keay, is liable to be deceived ( in common Cases) 10s. in the Pound. By E. Hoppus. ( Surveyor to the Corporation of the London Assurance.) The ninth Edition, greatly improved by the fol- lowing Additions. I. New Tables shewing at Sight the Value of any Piece or Quantity of Timber, Stone, & c. at any Price, per Foot Cube. II. Mr. Hoppus's Table of Solid Measure, applied to the Freighting of Ships. III. Some very curious Ob- servations concerning the measuring of Timber by several Dimensions, communicated by one of his Majesties Purveyors. Printed, by Assignment from the Trustees of E. Wicksteed, for J. Rivington; Haws, Clark and Collins; J. Hinton; R. Baldwin; S. Crowder; T. Caslon; B. Law; Robinson and Roberts; G. Pearch ; and sold by the Printer of this Paper. On the First of August was published, Price Six- pence ( to be continued Monthly) No. I. of a New Work, entitled THE DIARIAN REPOSITORY: Or, MATHEMATICAL REGISTER. Containing all the Questions, together with their Solutions, which have been annually published in the Ladies Diary, from the Commencement thereof, in 1707, ( when Questions of this Kind were first in- troduced into that Work) to the present Time. By a SOCIETY of MATHEMATICIANS. CONDITIONS.— I. That the Work be printed in Quarto, and will make One handsome Volume. II. That the Whole will be comprised in Thirty Numbers. III. Each Number ( Price only Six- pence) will contain three Sheets of Letter Press and. Cuts. IV. The first Number to be published on Thursday, August 1, 1771, and thence regularly continued on the first Day of each successive Month, until the Whole shall be be compleated. To the PUBLIC. THE Design of this Work is to collect from the Ladies Diaries a complete Set of Mathematical Ques- tions registered in the same Order, with the Names of the respective Authors under which they appeared in each successive Number of that annual Publica- tion : It is also proposed, to annex one or more of the best Answers then given, and likewise to subjoin ( when necessary) a Repository Solution, agreeable to the latest Improvements in the several Branches of Mathematical Learning : The Utility of such Solu- tions is extremely obvious, as many of those pub- lished in the Diares refer only to the bare Numbers which satisfy the Conditions of the Question, with- without any Sort of Investigation whatsoever; not to mention many more to which false and absurd Solutions have been printed. The Mathematical Reader will be furnished by this Work with more than six Hundred Questions proposed by, and con- sequently the Invention of almost as many different Persons, which must undoubtedly procure such a Va- riety of Examples in the various Parts of Mathema- tical Enquiries, as to render this Performance a com- plete Exercise for those who have already acquired WANTED, a sober, sedate working GARDENER, that will produce the Fruits of the Season in due Time. Likewise a COACHMAN, that can bring a Cha- racter of his Sobriety, & c. from the last Place he lived in, to drive a Couple of Horses, and take Care of two Hackneys; if he is forty Years of Age it will be no Objection. For Particulars apply to Mr. Wakeman, in Worcester. On Thursday, the 29th Day of August Infant, between the Hours of Three and Six of the Click in the After- noon of the same Day, at the Raven Inn, in Kidder- minster, Worcestershire, will be Sold to the Best Bid- der or Bidders, either together or in Parcels, agreeable to the Conditions of Sale to be then and there produced, FIVE several Dwelling- Houses, situate in the Worcester- Street, in Kidderminster aforesaid, in the respective Occupations of Benja- min Dewsbury, Joseph Broughton, Win. Craner, William Brooks, and Abraham Jevons, with com- modious Shopping, Gardens, and other Conveni- ences belonging to each Dwelling- House. Further Particulars may be known of Mr. Gre- gory Watkins, in Kidderminster. WHereas, of late, some ill- natured Person or Persons, either through Malice, or a cruel Fondness of brutal Barbarity, have been guilty of the base Practice of anointing Dogs with Turpentine, the Effect of which ( seeming Mad- ness) have induced ignorant People to destroy them; Any one who will discover the Offender or Offen- ders, or, for the future, detect them in such bar- barous Cruelties, may, by giving proper Informa- tion to Mr. Baker, in Foregate- Street, Worcester, receive Half a Guinea Reward. Worcester, August 15th, 1771. DESERTED from Lieut. Jenkins's Recruiting Party of the Second Battalion of his Majesty's Marine Forces, THOMAS POWELL, 5 Feet 7 Inches high, 23 Years of Age, brown Com- plexion, brown Hair, and hazle Eyes. He was an Inhabitant of Broad Heath, in this County, and was frequently employed as a Pig Driver. EDWARD DELAHAY, 5 Feet 6 Inches high, dark Complexion, brown Hair, at present follows the Business of a Bailiff's Follower, and was lately Turnkey at the County Gaol of this City. EDWARD GWILLIAMS, a Native of Wor- cester, by Trade a Parer of Leather, 5 Feet 6 Inches high, fresh Complexion, and light curled Hair. Whoever apprehends the said Deserters, and se- cures them in any of his Majesty's Gaols in Great Britain, and gives Notice thereof to Lieut. Jenkins, at Worcester, or to Griffith Williams, Esq; ( Agent for the Marine Forces, in Bartlet's Buildings, Hol- born, London, shall receive Twenty Shillings Re- ward for each Deserter. This Day is published, Price Six- pence, Murther lamented and improved, ASERMON preached at Kiddermin- ster, June 16, 1771, on the Occasion of the Death of Mr. Francis Best, who was robbed and mur- dered by John Child, 011 Saturday June 8.----- To which is added, a Narrative of the principal Circum- stances attending the Murther, and the Trial and Execution of the Criminal. By BENJAMIN FAWCET, M. A. Shrewsbury, printed by J. Eddowes, and sold by J. Buckland, at No. 57, Pater- noster- Row, London. To the Gentlemen of the Turf and all Lovers of that noble Animal, the HORSE. This Day was published, ( Price 6s. in Marble Paper or is. bound.) THE SPORTSMAN'S Pocket Com- panion. Being a striking Likeness or Portrai- ture of the most eminent Race- Horses and Stallions that ever were in this Kingdom, represented in a Variety of Attitudes. To which is added, Their genuine, complete, but concise Pedigrees and Per- formances : Interspersed with Variety of Tail- pieces and Embellishments alluding to the Sport. The Whole calculated for the Utility and Entertainment of the Nobility and Gentry, as well as Breeders and Lovers of that noble and useful Animal. Printed for R. Baldwin, No. 47, in Pater- noster- Row ; and sold by H. Berrow, in Worcester ; and by most of the Booksellers in Town and Country. N. B. This Work is so contrived that it may be framed and glazed, and will make an elegant and pleasing Furniture. By his Majesty's Royal Letters Patent, The new- invented Cake Ink, Made by Sarah Smith and Son, the sole Patentees, Found by repeated Experience to be the finest, blackest, and most durable I N K. ever offered to the Public, lor every Species of Writing, and greatly superior to any Ink Powder. THE Ink made from this Cake is as thin as Water, will never mould, and when used appears of a sine Ruck, which will never fade as long as Pa- per or Parchment will endure, but apparently makes a daily improvement in Point of Beauty and Colour. Its peculiar Advantage for Travelling are greater thin any other Species of Ink, as it may be packed in Baggage amongst the sines Lionen, without the least Danger of staining ; and, as it is not subject to decay, or lose its Quality in any Length of Time, or Climate, Gentlemen, Merchants, and Others, may he supplied in the remotest Parts of the World, with the finest, blackest, and most durable Ink that can he procured in any Part of Europe. Price Six- pence per Cake, with printed Directions. Sold by the Patentees, Sarah Smith and Son, Stationers and Ink- Makers, at No. 13, in Sweeting's Alley, Royal Exchange, London ; where Merchant and Shop- keepers may be supplied , Wholesale and Retail ; sold also by H. Borrow, Printer of this Journal ; and by the most eminent Booksellers and Stationers in Town and Country. N. B. Patent Red Ink Cakes, and a curious Liquid forTown. Use, in Bottles at 2s. Is. and 6d. each ; also a fine Japan in Sixpenny Bottles. THURSDAY'S POST ( By EXPRESS from LONDON.) LONDON, Tuesday, August 13. E hear that Lord Chat- ham is determined to make a Motion, in the next Session of Parlia- ment, relative to the scandalous Neglect of the English Dominions on the River Missisippi, which, tho' ceded to us by Treaty, are, in fact, possessed by Spain, though known to be of more it moreover with the Property of England Immense Forests of Shipping Timber grow on our Territories near the Missisippi, which the Subjects of Spain are continually cutting down, and conveying to Cuba, where they employ it in strengthening their Navy, with ( too probably) a View of annoying this much injured Nation. It may be depended on that the Spaniards have at this Time at Cadiz, Carthagena, and Barce- lona, above fifty Men of War ready for Sea at a Day's Warning. The Britannia, Collinson, arrived last Night from Gibraltar, brings Intelligence that the Spa- niards have thrown into the Garrison of Ivica ten Battalions of Infantry, and are exporting from Cadiz several Tons of Ordnance Stores for the Works of the above Place, which are undergoing a considerable Augmentation and Repair. A secret Messenger, charged with important Dispatches, arrived on Saturday Night at the Spanish Ambassador's, and Yesterday he set out on his Return to Madrid. Last Night, a private Message was sent by his Majesty to the two Secretary of State's Offices, the Contents of which have not yet transpired. If our Ships are to be refused Enterance into every Spanish Port, what Kind of Terms, asks a Correspondent, are we to conceive ourselves upon with the Spaniards ? but Peace is our dear De- light, and therefore no Matter for Indignities. A Correspondent assures us for Fait, that the Portuguese have, during these last two Months, exported above 6, ooo Tons of military Stores from the Tagus to their Settlements in the East Indies and South Seas. The whole Navy of Portugal, at the Beginning of last War, consisted of only thirty Ships ; which is now encreased to fifty, thirty of which are of the Line. On Friday last two Vessels were taken up in the River on Government Service, to carry Troops and Stores to Minorca and Gibraltar. Two Vessels of 200 Tons are taken up in the River for carrying a Quantity of small Arms, Ordnance Stores, & c. to New York, in America. Orders are sent to Woolwich for 300 Tons of Ordnance Stores to be shipt immediately for the Island of Grenada, in the West Indies. Sir Peter Dennis has hoisted his Flag on board the Trident, of 64 Guns, at Spithead, in which Ship he is to go to the Mediterranean to have the Command there. We hear that the present Visit of the Duke of Gloucester is something more than for either a Tour of Pleasure, or the Benefit of his Health, which last is now pretty well established. He is to be accompanied by the whole Train of his Domestics, his Revenue to be occasionally en- larged, and his whole Appearance to be in every Respect equal to the King of England's Brother. His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester has several very genteel Presents with him intend- ed for the Italian State. Some important Resolutions arc expected to be formed on Wednesday next, at the Board of Trea- sury, relative to public Affairs, several very illus. trious Persons being particularly desired then to at ted. Lord George Germaine, it is said, has declared an Intention of supporting the Ministry in the House of Commons next Winter, and we are told that a Restoration of his military Honours will be the immediate Consequence. A Correspondent says, that if we should have a Parliament with Virtue enough to impeach bad Ministers, few or no good Consequences are to be expected even from that Measure, because the Crown has the Power of pardoning, and the Mi- nister possessing that Power through the Person of his Master, will naturally employ it for his own Preservation. When the Earl of Danby was impeached in the Year 1679, he pleaded a Pardon at the Bar of the Upper House, before a single Evidence against him was produced by the Commons, and triumph- ed over Justice, even while her Sword was drawn to revenge the Injuries of the Kingdom. Lord Sandwich, we hear, has lately affirmed that nothing can be more foolish in Government than throwing away Money upon Elections. " What signifies who is Member ( said his Lord- ship) is he not to be had when he comes into the House ?" The following Fact may be depended on : After Dr. Johnson had written his last Pamphlet, ( called Falkland's Island) Lord North personally waited on him, with a Message from his Majesty, to know what Compliment he should pay him. Johnson paused for some Time, and at last re- plied, — " I am too old and lazy for Office, my Lord." It is your Convenience, Doctor, returned his Lordship, we would consult. " Then make my Three Hundred a Year Five ( says the Doctor) and you may keep the Keys of the Treasury un- envied." He had his Wish, for the Appoint- ment was made out the following Week. Notwithstanding what has been lately asserted in some Papers to the contrary, we are positively allured that the Civil List is so far from being five Quarters in Arrear, that it is but barely one Quarter in Arrear, which will be paid off this Week. It is privately asserted, that a certain British Nabob has declared, that a Friend of his lately arrived from India, who was concerned in col- lecting the Revenue of the E— I — C in Madrass, has gained at least half a Million Ster- ling in three Years. Sir George Colebrook and several other Gen- tlemen of large Fortune are now embarked in an American Plan of such extensive Importance, that the Gain or the Loss must be prodigious; and therefore we may conclude the Prospect extremely flattering indeed, when on such Conditions they are induced to become Adventurers. More than 150 Ladies we are told, have re- ceived Cards from the Lord Mayor, inviting them to the Ball this Night, exclusive of those belong- ing to the Aldermen and Common Councilmen. Those who have seen the late- Installation, pro- nour to the greatest Personages who shall be at the the Feast and Ball. An additional Tax, we hear, will be laid upon Tea, Coffee, and Chocolate, next Meeting of Par- liament, in order to enable his Majesty to remit the Tax upon Porter. It is said some Regulations will speedily take Place for preventing the Running of Wool from the Coast of Sussex and Kent to France; a Prac- tice that prevails at this Time more than it has done for many Years. On Saturday Dr. Solander and Mr. Banks, ac- companied by Sir John Pringle, by his Majesty's Desire, attended at Richmond, and had the Ho- nour of a Conference with his Majesty, on the Discoveries they made on their last Voyage. No less than 17,000 Plants, of a Kind never before seen in this Kingdom, have been brought over by Mr. Banks; which, we hear, are very likely to live in the royal Gardens of Richmond. The True Briton, Tilson, from Quebec, brings Advice that the English have established a new Settlement and erected a Fort at Iwhovinack, on the River Sambre, which is already garrisoned with 120 Men. Another Fort is erecting about 100 Leagues higher, for the greater Benefit of the Fur Trade. By a Letter from Dover dated the 11 th we have Advice of the Arrival of the Britannia, Ball, from South Carolina ; the Redmond, Christie. from Tobago ; the Prince George, Torrie, from Oporto; the Euphrates, Anson, from Smyrna; the Hunter, Kennedy, from Lisbon, and the Nep- tune, Knowler, from Denia. The following Intelligence from Paris, fays a Correspondent, may be depended on as authen- tic : The Court has given Orders for four Regi- ments of Cavalry to be quartered immediately within this City. One Regiment to be on Guard at a Time within the King's Palace. The King of France has not stirred out of his Chamber, ex- cept to his Chapel and to the Council Room, for above these ten Days past. Some very important Discoveries, relative to the Designs against the King's Person, are just come to Light. By an Edict published at Paris, dated July 26, his Majesty ordains that such of his Subjects who have obtained the Rights and Privileges of No- bility since 1715, by virtue of the Offices they have enjoyed, shall be confirmed in them, on their paying each of them 6000 Livres, at two Sols to the Livre ; and their Wives, Children, or Descendants are to enjoy the same on their pay- ing proportionable Sums, according to the Degrees they respectively stand in to the Deceased. Sunday Night died, suddenly, Soames, Esq; who lately married the Daughter of Sir John Wynn, Bart, in Dean- Street, Solio. On Wednesday se'nnight, between the Hours of Five and Six o'clock in the Afternoon, they had a most violent Tempest of ' Thunder and Lightening at Wymondham in Norfolk. The Lightening struck the East End of Becket's Cha- pel, now the Free Grammar School, and beat down the Weather- Cock, with a large Ball of Stone on which it stood, broke the Window, split the Freestone Quoins, and very much shattered the whole End of the Building ; Part of the same Flash entered a Dwelling- House in the same Street, in which were several Persons, one of whom, a Woman, was struck down, and very much burnt ; but is now in a fair Way of Re- covery. The Storm lasted near an Hour, and it rained violently all the Time. Price of CORN per Quarter, at London. Wheat 40s. to 47 s. Oats 17s. to 21s. Barley 22s. to 25s. Pale Malt 30s. to 35s. Rye 32s. to 34s. Pease 30s. to 32s. Beans 24s. to 28s. Hog Pease 26s. to 28s. Finest Flour 38s. per Sack. BANKRUPTS required to surrender. Charles Douglass Bowden, of Christ Church, in Surry, Pump- maker, Aug. 24, 3I, Sept. 2I, at Guildhall. Thomas Turner, of Greek- Street, Soho, Tallow Chandler and Plaisterer, Aug. 14, 24, Sept. 21, at Guildhall. -- Nicholas Seakins, of Bris- ton, in the County of Norfolk Grocer, Aug. 24, 28, Sept. 24, at the Maid's Head, in Norwich. James Bidmead, of Chalford Bottom, in the Parish of Hampton, Gloucestershire, Clothier, Aug. 19, Sept. 11, 24, at Guildhall, London. DIVIDEND to be made to Creditors. Sept. 4. Charles Salter, late of Kington Langley, in the County of Wilts, Clothier, at the White Hart, Chippenham. Early Intelligence from our Correspondents in London, ( dated Wednesday, August 14,) which cannot appear in any other Country Paper sooner than Saturday, nor even in any of the London Papers before those brought by the Mail on Friday. YESTERDAY Orders were sent to Plymouth, Portsmouth, and Chatham, for the Men to work double Tides, in order that the Ships which are destined for the West Indies may sail as soon as possible. It is imagined some dis- agreeable News, received from Jamaica by the West India Mail which arrived on Monday last, occasioned the above Order. Yesterday great Bets were laid at several Coffee Houses about the Royal Exchange, that a War would break out between England, France and Spain, before the First of January next; it being well known that the West India Merchants have received some disagreeable Accounts which were Yesterday transmitted to the Secretaries of State. Advice was received by the West India Mail which arrived on Monday, that some French and Spaniards had endeavoured to persuade the Slaves of several Planters, inhabiting the back Parts of the Island of Jamaica, to murder their Mailers, and seize upon their Property, and afterwards to join a Set of People they call Regulators; but happily the Affair was discovered by an honest Negro, who had a great Regard for his Mailer. A Council will meet this Day, which, we hear, is to be upon the Irish Affairs. It is also said that a Messenger is waiting in Town to carry the Result of it immediately to Ireland. A Letter from Copenhagen, of the 23d ult. men- tions. that the Queen of Denmark was then in a Married. Mr. Collier, Linren- Draper, Strand, to Miss Yeats, of St. Bartholomew Great.- At West Ham, in Essex, John Toul Esq; of Crutched Friars, to Miss Mary F Daughter of Field, Esq; of West Har Mr. John Bennet, a wealthy Carcase Butche Eore- Street, to Miss Ann Simes, of Clerken Mr. James Rowles, Wine Merchant, Cleveland- Row, St. James's, to Miss Holl of Fulham. At Greenwich, Thomas Wigg Esq; to Miss Judith Chalie, of Blackheath. tain Edrington, lately arrived from America Mrs. Hatsel of Spring- Gardens. Died.] At Newbury, William Quaring Esq. At his House near Tunbridge in Humphry Deere, Esq. Bank Stock, . Three per cent, redu 88 a 1- 8th. Three per cent. consol. 87 Three per cent. 1726, . Three 1- half cent. 1758, . Four per cent, consol 1- 4th a 3- 8ths. Long Ann. —. South Stock shut. Old Annuit. —. New Annuit. Three per cent. 1751, —. India Stock, Ditto Ann. — . Ditto Bonds, 56s. Navy Victualling Bills, 1 1- 8th a 1- 4th. Exche Bills, —. Lottery Tickets, 13I. I3S. 6d. WORCESTER, Thursday, Aug 15. At our Market last Saturday, upwards of Pockets of Hops were sold ; the general P from 6l. 10s. to 8l. 15s per Hundred. — widely different are the Opinions of our sage culatists, in respect to this Year's Produce of Hop Plantations in these Parts, that the fold- ing extraordinary Betts are actually depend viz. Some, that the Duty paid for this Growth will not amount to 500l. some, th will amount to 7000l. 8000l. 9000l. and 12, oool. — Some arch Wags compare the B and mysterious Transactions every Market- amongst the Planters and Dealers, to the Barley amongst the Stock- Jobbers in London that we seem to have here a ' Change Alley, a Jonathan's; — that we have the Hum of the regularly, by some privaee Letter from Kent, other Places, and are as strongly agitated by : authentic Intelligence as the Bull, and Bears casionally are at Jonathan's ; — and that not seems to be wanting to heighten the Resemble of the Londoners but a few Lame Ducks. On Thursday last our Races ended, when started for the County and City Subscri Purse of 50l. and Came in as follows, viz. Mr. Woolley's bay Horse, Why- not, 4 I Mr. Williams's bay Mare, Cadelia, I 3 Mr. Green's chesnut Horse, Precarious, 5 5 Mr. Snell's bay Mare, Riot, 2 2 Mr. Collins's bay Horse, Caducous, 3 4 The first Heat was won by Cadelia in an Manner. Riot came within the Distance a siderable Length before any of the other which the Rider pulled up, and was walking to the Chair; which Mr. Williams's Rider serving, although he had likewise pulled suddenly slipt by, and won the Heat. Upon whole this Day afforded remarkable fine Sp the last Heat in particular proved a very st Trial. At Warwick Assizes last Week, was tried, fore Lord Chief Baron Parker and a Special a Cause wherein Messrs. Cappers, Partners Mercers, in Birmingham, were Plaintiffs, Sir Walter Abington Compton, of Court, in the County of Gloucester, Baro Defendant : The Action was brought by Plaintiffs for 380l. for Silks and various o unnecessary Goods fold by the Plaintiffs to Compton, the Defendant's Wife. After the Plain- tiffs had proved the Delivery of the Whole greatest Part of the Goods, the Defendant, in Defence, shewed that he was then an Infant der the Age of Twenty- one, and that Compton had absconded with a Man with w the then did, and has ever since lived in a of open Adultery, and therefore he was no Law chargeable or liable to pay for the Goods ; when, after some few Arguments Counsel, the Plaintiffs agreed to give the dant a Release from the said Debt, and a was withdrawn. At the above Assizes which proved a ma one : The following Prisoners were call for Tr portation ; Mary Eaton for stealing some Ribb the Property of Mr. Chawner ; William for stealing Rod Iron ; Mary Jackson, for steal Shoes, & c. Mary Nash, for stealing Woman Apparel; James Roper for stealing silver S and Alice Ruston, for stealing. Silk Handkerc On Thursday the first Instant a remark Case in Surgery happened at Ludlow : Men of that Town who were drinking toge in a Public House quarrelled, and a Struggle sued, in which, without any Blows, both to the Ground ; they were taken up and par and one of them went Home; the other had fat long before he fell from his Chair, and ro upon the Ground in great Agonies; he was ried Home and remained in most exquisite ' till the Sunday Evening following, when he — The next Day the Surgeons opened his B and discovered a Rupture in the Bladder, w they gave at their Opinion was caused by Fall ; by much drinking, without a Discharge Urine, it was supposed to burst by the falling together. The Coroner's Inquest, fitting near four Hours, brought in a Verdict Manslaughter against the Survivor, whereu he was apprehended, but admitted to Bail to pear at the next Assizes for that County. Last Week died at Ludlow, after a Iinge Illness, Mr. Perks, Town- Clerk and Deputy corder of that Town. The Assize of Bread continues as follows, viz wheaten Houshold lb oz. dr lb. Penny Loaf to weigh 0 7 14 o 1 Two- penny Loaf 0 1 5 2 1 Six- penny Loaf 2 15 4 3 1 Twelve- penny Loaf 5 14 8 7 1 Eighteen- penny Loaf 8 13 12 11 O' Neil, who lately committed an Act of Suicide, Bingham Ellison, Esq; No. 3, Suffolk- Street, Cha- Cross. Dear Friend, In sorry to part with you in so abrupt a Manner ; must be done, Providence has decreed it. It is y I am going to commit, I see it in its proper t, but I am weak ; I have not Strength enough spel the gloomy and melancholy Thoughts that nually hover about me. This is no new Inten- I have had it ever since I landed in England; I vered it to you one Night in my Cups; you be- as a Friend, and a worthy one; you strove to ade me off so vast an Enterprize; I seemed in earance convinced of my Error, put on a smile- Countenance, but to no Purpose; I never set Resolution out of my Head ; with this Intention nt to the Country, but never found a proper ortunitv to put it in Practice, and before- hand t a few Letters to the very few Friends I have. Day you went to London I determined should my last, but your carrying the Key of your nk prevented me, the Pistols being locked up in this was the Reason that carried me Yesterday to Lodgings in Search of them and this is the on I wrote you this Morning so plausible a Let- n order to get them, now i have got them I am g to put an End to this Life. Alas! dear Friend, st die; if I do not now, I must in a few Days e; the all- seeing Providence, when he sent me in- eWorld, foresaw my End. Scripturians, Divines, will all condemn me to Hell, for putting an End y own Life; let them talk and bark, my Reason linces me of the contrary. Did God ever create a to be damned ? No. wherefore did he then send the World, when he foresaw my End would be as deserved Damnation ? This makes me easy; makes me depart contentedly; it is a Folly to k that Men must be cracked, or non compos, to an End to themselves; no such Thing : I am as h in my Senses now as ever I was in my Life ; may reply, why then you never was in your s I have Presumption enough to be of a con- Opinion : So have Fools, you may say. Enough lis. ne Trifle I owe you'll not get at present; I have e to Mr. Caffery of Lisbon to pay it to your r, who will instantly do it. I beg, my dear d, that you will see me put under Ground; s all I request of you. I hope you will meet all the Success in the World, a long and happy a Friend, and a good Bottle to give him, and all a happy Death. I beg you will insert this ppy Circumstance in the Papers, it may per- hinder some young Men of coming to the same it will be an Example to them, likewise an ee to Parents not to give their Children too Liberty, to avoid letting them have Cash, if le ; it was these two Circumstances that brought this untimely End. Adieu, dear Friend, I am yours, & c. PHILIP JAMES O'NEIL. . S. If I should chance to get into the Elysian s, I will keep you a good Place. THE Meeting of the THREE CHOIRS of Here- ford, Gloucester, and Worcester, for the Benefit of the Widows and Orphans of the poor Clergy of these Three Dioceses, will be holden at HEREFORD, on Wednesday the 28th of August, and the two follow- ing Days. On Wednesday Morning will be performed, at the Cathedra), Mr. Purcell's Te Deum and Jubilate ; an Anthem by Dr. Boyce; and Mr. Handel's Corona- tion Anthem. And at the Music- Room, in the Even- ing, the Oratorio of Esther. On Thursday Morning, at the Cathedral, Handel's Dettingen Te Deum and Jubilate, and Coronation An- them, and a new Anthem by Dr. Howard. In the Evening, at the Music- Room, the Cure of Saul, a sacred Ode, by Mr. Arnold. On Friday Morning, at the Cathedral, the Messiah, a sacred Oratorio; to which none will be admtited without Tickets. And in the Evening, at the Music- Room, a CONCERT, consisting of select Pieces and favourite Songs. After each Evening's Performance will be a BALL, to which no Person will be admitted without a Con- cert Ticket. Principal Vocal Performers The two Miss Lin- leys, Messrs. Norris, Mathews, & c. & c. The Band to be led by Signor Degiardini. The Performers are desired to be in Town on Sun- day Evening, in order to rehearse on Monday the 26th, in the Morning, and to dine with the Stew- ards at the Maidenhead Inn the Day following. The Rt. Hon. the LordViscountBateman And The Rev. Mr. Bach, Prebendary of Stewards Hereford, To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Friday the 3oth Day of this Infant August, between the Hours of Eleven and One, at the George Inn, in Droitwich, in the County of Worcester, in the follow- ing Lots, unless disposed of in the mean Time by pri- vate Contract, of which Notice will be given in this Paper, To the PRINTER. SIR, BEING unfortunately at Law, I called the other Morning upon my Attorney in the Temple; while he was hunting for a Paper, I dipt into a : Folio which lay 0n the Table, and read- Par- quitur ventrem-- the Child takes after his Mother— ered as a Maxim of Law. I have since reflected tently with myself, whether this Maxim holds ly in Theory ; but the Manners of the present es convince me, that it holds very generally in ice. Who does not look up to the Conduct of Mother, and derive from thence an Apology, if Justification, for the Amours of ' Squire Mor- And who does not, in Lady L- g-- n-- r's Af- on for the lusty Groom, see the natural Conse- ce of Mrs. P- tt's Love for the Stable ? Who- can reflect upon the Mother's riding a- stride er favourite Stallion, and hear with Surprize of daughter's Familarity with the Groom ? As it ie, according to the old Saying, " The Mother d never have looked for her Daughter in the , if she had not been there before her; it is lly so, that when the Mother has been in the or the Stable, if she afterwards looks there er Daughter she is not likely to lose her La- Every Endeavour should be used to prevent Mischief. True Sportsmen are extremely care- out the Dam in the Breed of their Horse and They not only consult the Shape, and the but the Temper and Disposition of the Fe- from whence they intend to breed ; for tho not universally true, in the Brute or Human les, that Partus sequitur ventrem, that all the eny are blemished or virtuous, if the Mother is hey think the Risque too great, and are too Ful of their Stud and Kennel, to breed from la Stock. I would ask our Governors and Ma- ates, whether it is not to be wished that the Care was taken of the Human Species that is oyed to keep up the Breed of Dogs and Horses ? I am, Sir, yours, & c. OLD TRUEPENNY, To be SOLD or LETT, Genteel modern- built House, situated upon an Eminence, within a Quarter of a of the City of Worcester, with a very good en, stocked with Wall Fruit and others, a large It- Yard, with convenient Offices, a good Kitchen, Parlours, with large Closets, three Lodging rns, three Garrets sealed and papered, a large idry over the Kitchen, and an excellent Cold supplied by a perpetual Spring, quire of the Printer of this Paper, who will where further Particulars may be known. LOT I. FOUR Pieces of old Pasture and Meadow Land, in the Parish of Dod derhill, in the County of Worcester, within less than a measured Mile of the Town of Droitwich, now in the Possession of Christopher Howell, Butcher a yearly Tenant thereof. N. B. The above Lands have a Right of Common upon Huntingtrap Common. LOT 2. A Dwelling- House, Bakehouse, and other Buildings convenient for carrying on the Business of a Baker, situate in the Town of Droitwich ; toge- ther with a Piece of rich Pasture Land, lying near the Town of Droitwich, now lett with the same to John Baker, as Lessee thereof, for twenty- one Years, of which sixteen are to come from Michael- mas next, at the yearly Rent of 161. LOT 3. One Acre of Arable Land, in a Com- mon Field lying near the Town of Droitwich, called Fryen Field, and now in the Possession of Mr. Joseph Priddey, as Lessee thereof, for twenty- one Years, of which twenty Years were expired at Lady- Day last, at the yearly Rent of 30s . LOT 4. A Piece of Arable Land, lying near the Town of Droitwich, now in the Possession of John Evans, as Lessee thereof, for the Term of twenty- one Years, of which Years are yet to come, at the yearly Rent of 4l. LOT 5. One Acre of Arable Land, in a Com- mon Field near Droitwich, called Pason Pitt Field, now in the Occupation of Mr. Freeman, but hath been lett at 40s. a Year. LOT 6. A Sling of rich Pasture Land, contain- ing about two Acres, lying near the Town of Droit- wich aforesaid, and now in the Occupation of Wil- liam Green, at Pason Pitts aforesaid, a yearly Tenant thereof. LOT 7. One Acre of Land, in St. Peter's Field, near the Town of Droitwich aforesaid, in the Pos- session of Mr. Freeman. LOT 8. A Messuage and Garden, with a good Cellar, and other Conveniences for a Public House, situate in the Parish of St. Nicholas, in the Town of Droitwich, now untenanted, but lately lett in Tenements to William Baldwin and John Puttock, at the yearly Rent of 7l. The above Lands and Premisses are Freehold, and are capable of great Improvement. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Sockett, At- torney, in Worcester; or of Mr. Hinksman, near Westwood. THE Canal from Droitwich to the Severn being now opened for the Passage of Barges and other Vessels, the Company of Proprie- tors of that Undertaking, think proper to give this public Notice of their Intention to prosecute all Per- sons who shall be guilty of any of the Offences men- tioned inthe Act of Parliament parted for making the said Navigation. And in order that no Person may, with any Reason, pretend to be ignorant of those Offences, the said Company hereby give further Notice, That If any Person shall - wilfully or maliciously damage or destroy any of the Banks, or other Works, belonging to the said Company, such Person is guilty of Felony. Every Master or Person, having the Command of any Vessel navigating on the said Canal, is to cause his Name to be set in large painted white capital Letters, on a black Ground, on both the Out sides. of such Vessel, so high as not to sink into the Water ; and is also to permit his Vessel to be measured, marked, and numbered, when required by the Company, or any one by them appointed, not exceeding four Times a Year; and every Person neg- lecting, refusing, or defacing such Name or Marks, for- feits Forty Shillings. The Master or Owner of every Vessel is answerable for any Damage or Mischief done by the Vessel, or the Persons employed in or about the same. If any Vessel, placed in the Canal, shall not be re- moved, on Request made, the Person having the Care of such Vessel forfeits not more than Ten Shillings, nor less than live Shillings for every Hour afterwards ; and the Company are authorized to unload and detain such Vessel, till Satisfaction is made; and if any Vessel is sunk, and not immediately weighed up, the Company are also au- thorized to weigh up and detain the same, till all Ex- penses are paid. If any Person floats Timber on the Canal, or suffers any Timber to lie over the Sides of a Vessel, or shall overload any Vessel, or obstruct the Passage of any other Vessel, such Person forfeits Five Pounds. Any Person throwing any Stones or Rubbish into the Canal, forfeits Five Pounds. No Boatman, or his Servants, passing with any Ves- sel through a Lock, is to suffer the Water to remain in such Lock longer than is necessary for his Vessel to pass; and, in going down the Canal, is to shut the Lower Gates before he lets in the Water at the Upper Gates, and after his Vessel is in such Lock, is to shut the Upper Gates, before he lets out the Water at the Lower Gates ; and in going up the Canal, is to shut the Upper Gates so soon as he has passed the Lock, and draw off the Water at the Lower Gates, unless another Vessel shall then be in Sight of such Lock, coming down. And in all dry Seasons the Vessels going up, if not more than three hun- dred Yards below a Lock, is to pass the Lock before the Vessel coming down, and then the Vessel next above is to come down; and so by Turns, as aforesaid, where there are more Vessels than one: And every Person acting con- trary to these Directions, forfeits Forty Shillings. And in order that all Persons navigating on the said Canal may at all Times be informed of, and understand the Directions and Forfeitures above- mentioned, such Persons, by applying to Mr. Hol- beche in Droitwich, or to the several Lock- keepers on the said Canal, will have printed Copies hereof delivered to them. And such Persons as have Oc- casion to consider the Laws of the said Navigation more fully than can be contained in this Extract or Advertisement, will, by applying to the said Mr. Holbeche, be supplied with a Copy of the Statute at Large. THOMAS HOLBECHE, Clerk to the Company. Droitwich, 31st July, 1771. This Day was published, ce Five Shillings and Three- pence in Boards, New and complete Treatise on the DISEASES of WOMEN. In which every rder the Female Sex is peculiarly subject to is ned ( with their Causes and various Symptoms) clear and concise Manner, and the most ap- ed Methods laid down for their Cure. By H. MANNING, M. D. The Critical Reviewers for June, after ex- ing their Approbation, and giving Extracts some particular Parts of this Work, con- with the following Words: " Besides eluci- g several controverted Points, this Treatise lins such a System of Female Diseases, as is not found in any former Publication ; we are, re, far from over- rating its Merit, when we it to be the most useful Production on the Subject. STATE LOTTERY, 1771 THE Tickets, and Shares of Tickets, are sold and divided into Halves, Quarters, Eighths, and Sixteenths, by HAZARD and Co. Stock- Brokers, at their State Lottery Office, under the Royal Exchange, London; where the Numeri- cal and Register Books of the Drawing of the Lot- tery are kept. The Tickets and Shares registered at Six- pence per Number, and the earliest Account of their Success sent to any Part of Great Bri- tain, & c. SCHEME of the LOTTERY. No. of Prizes 2 3 5 10 15 30 100 250 16,275 of Value of each 20,000 10,000 5,000 2,000 1,000 500 100 50 2o Total Value 40,000 30,000 25,000 20, coo 15,000 15,000 10,000 12,500 325,500 16,690 Prizes First Drawn for the first. six Days will be intitled to 1000l. Last Drawn — 33,310 to Blanks. 50,000 Tickets Not Two Blanks to The present Pride of S 1. s. d. An Half - A Fourth 493,000 6,000 1000 An Eighth - A Sixteenth £. 500,000 a Prize. HARES. l. s. d. I 16 0 0 18 0 The Prizes will be paid at this Office agreeable to Act of Parliament. All Shares sold at this Office will be stamped with the Crown, and round it, Hazard's Lottery Office. Letters ( Post paid) duly answered. Schemes gratis. The Lottery begins drawing the 18th of November. Bank, India, and South Sea Stocks, with their several Annuities; India Bonds, Navy and Victual- ling Bills, and all Kinds of Government Securities bought and sold by Commission. SWINFEN's ELECTUARY, Price Two Shillings and Sixpence the Pot, AMedicine proved, from a long Series in private Practice to be of the greatest Efficacy in giving immediate Ease in the most excruciating Fits of the Stone and Gravel, and curing those painful and melancholy Disorders. It is pleasant to take, having no nauseous or disagreeable Taste ; fits easy on the Stomach, and is so safe and inoffensive in its Operation, that it is taken without any particular Regi- men or Confinement. Amongst the great Number of extraordinary CURES done by this ELECTUARY, the following Cafes are sub- mitted to the Public : JOHN BOWN, of Kirkby- Malory, in the County of Leicester, was violently afflicted with the Gravel and Stone ten Weeks, and had the Advice of an eminent Apothecary, without receiving any Ease. On the 3d of December last he began taking Swinfen's ELECTUARY, and after taking three Doses, he found himself much easier; and, by the Time he had taken one Pot, more than a large Coffee- cup full of Gravel and small Stones came from him. He was perfectly cured, continues free from Pain, and has had no Return of the Disorder since. JOHN COOPER, jun. of Hinckley, Peruke- maker, was afflicted with the Cravel and Stone from two Years of Age, and suffered the most excruciating Pains and Anguish with it for sixteen Years, during which Time he had the repeated Advice of the most eminent of the Faculty, who gave him not the least Relief. On the 11th of October last he began with Swinsen's ELECTUARY, and, by taking one Pet, his Pains entirely ceased, and has remained perfectly free from the Complaint ever since. Witness my Hand JOHN COOPER. In the Presence of CORIOLANUS COPPLESTONE, Minister. JOSEPH ILIFE, JOHN BOLESWORTH, Church- wardens. The Genuine Sort of the above Medicine is sold by the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. BAUME DE VIE. By the KING's Patent. THE unequalled Virtues of this most excellent Medicine are now universally acknowledged. It is a Fact, well known, that the Baume is administered by many of the Faculty, in complicated Cases, where every Method, in common Practice, has proved ineffectual. The Introduc- tion of it into this Country has been the providential Means of preserving the Lives of THOUSANDS. Its great powers in restoring and fortifying the Stomach and expel- ling the bilious Matter ; and its cordial, attenuating, and antisceptic Qualities may easily account for its Efficacy in the Gout, Scurvy, Rheumatism, Jaundice, Agues, and par- ticularly all those cruel Disorders that attack the Stomach and Bowels— which though different in Appearnce, are ge- nerally derived from the same Source. With the same Con- fidence we assert, that this Medicine has not its Equal in all FEMALE DISORDERS ; or as A Restorative in General; and as a Preventative of the ill Consequences arising from con- tagious Air. *** To prevent the pernicious Consequences of a spurious Sort being obtruded on the Public, the Bottles are each signed by Mr. BECKET, one of the Proprietors; and Mr. NicoII , as Vender, the Counterfeiting of which being Feleny, will be prosecuted accordingly. Thismostadmirable Family Medicine ( by Appointment of the Proprietors) is sold by W. Nicoll, No. 51, in . St. Paul's Church Yard, London, at 3s. the Bottle; with good Allowance for charitable Uses, or to sell again; and by Mr. Aris, in Birm- ingham; Mr. Raikes, in Gloucester; Mr. Pugh, in Here- ford; Mr. Jackson, in Oxford ; Mr. Taylor, in Stafford ; Mr. Keating, in Stratford, and by H. Berrow, Printer, in Worcester, Of whom may be bad, Price only 6d A Narrative of many extraordinary and well- attested Cures wrought by the Baume de Vie. This Day is published, Price Six- pence, Embellished with a Frontispiece, and three other Copper- plates, from Subjects in real Life, and from Charac- ters and Events both comic and serious, by the most capital Engravers ; with a Song set to Music on Pur- pose for this Work by the celebrated Dr. Arne, whose Abilities are sufficiently known to render all Encomiums unnecessary, NUMBER I. of EVERY MAN'S MAGAZINE; or, MONTHLY REPOSITORY of Science, Instruc- tion, and Amusement. By a Society of GENTLEMEN. London, printed for the Authors, and sold by F. Blyth, Bookseller, at the Royal Exchange; Mr. Fletcher, at Oxford ; Messrs. Fletcher and Hodson, at Cambridge; Mr. Etherington, at York; Mr. Wilson, at Dublin; and all other Booksellers in Great Britain and Ireland. TO THE PUBLIC. THE Gentlemen who have set on Foot the pre- sent Undertaking will rely on the Candour of a dis- cerning indulgent People not doubting that the Means they have employed to procure a Fund of the most useful Knowledge, and of the most varie- gated, rational Entertainment for Persons of both Sexes, and of every Rank in Life, will entitle them to a Portion of the public Favour, and that they shall be able to make this Performance agreeable to the literal Sense of its Title, Every Man's Magazine. They mean to range through the vast Regions of Science, to root up the noxious Weeds carefully to cull the salutary Simples, as well as the rare Flowers of exalted Genius, and so judiciously to assort and dispose them, that neither the Eye, the Ear, nor the Judgment may be wearied, or fatigued with disgusting Sameness. That Part of Education which tends to the Accomplishment of the real Gen- rleman, and paves the Way to Honour and Prospe- tity, shall be particularly attended to. Sprightly Essays, and familiar Anecdotes, founded on enter- taining recentOccurrences, will be dispersed through- out the Work. A critical Analysis will be given of the State of Literature in Italy, France, and Eng- land, with copious Extracts from all Works of dis- tinguished Merit. And, that no Doubt may re- main of the superior Excellence of our Materials, we have to add, that the celebrated Dr. ARNE has engaged to provide for the Entertainment of the Lovers of Music, a new Song for every Number; and great Care will be taken that the Words shall do Honour to the Compositions of that great Master. The Monthly Register of Politics, and of familiar domestic Events, shall be stated with that Concise- ness and Precision which may render it entertaining at the End of the Month, even to those who have cursorily perused the Daily Papers. In fine, the Proprietors, in order to insure Success in this enter- taining Article, have engaged, at a great Expence, the most capital Engravers, and will give three ele- gant Copper- plates with every Number. The lite- rary Aid of the Patrons of useful Undertakings is earnestly requested. As we flatter ourselves we shall deserve the Approbation of the Public, we earnestly intreat them to peruse the First Number, which may be re- turned, if not approved. I By His Majesty s Letters Patent, ( Granted to WALTER LEAKE, of the City of London, P. P.) is recommended the Justly Famous PILL, called in the Patent, PILULA SALUTARIA; And there pronounced to be a Cure for the VENEREAL DISEASE, SCURVY, and RHEUMATISM. IN fifteen or eighteen Days it generally cures those cruel Disorders, and where it fails of perfectly restoring Health in that Time, the Patient has the happy Assurance that he or she is at the Eve of being restored, let the De- gree of Malignancy be ever so great. It is an Excellency peculiar to these Pills, to make directly to the complaining Parts, and enter into Contest with the offending Matter, which they soon dislodge and expell. They are declared by Experience to be a Preserver of Health, as well as a Re- storer, by taking only eight single Pills ( as instructed by the Direction Bills) once or twice a Year. In short, the Patentee has this extraordinary Obligation to them, that whatever he promised himself. from them they were sure to fulfil and exceed, as though impatient of immortal and uni- versal Fame. These Pills are most worthy a Place in the Ca- binet of Matters and Captains of Ships, and the more so for that they require no Confinement, nor Restraint of Diet, will keep good in all Climates any Length of Time, and effect a Cure even when Salivation fails. Sold by the Patentee ( in Boxes of 2s. 6d. each) at his House No. 16, Bride Lane, Fleet Street; who effectually cures Gleets and Seminal Weaknesses : Also sold by Ap- pointment by Mr. Hart, Druggist, in Wolverhampton, Aris and Co. Birmingham ; Smart, Ludlow; Hartlebury, Tewkes- bury ; Raikes, Gloucester; Jackson, Oxford; and at Ber- row's Printing Office in Worcester. Dr. Walker's Patent Jesuits Drops, And SPECIFIC PURGING REMEDY. All Persons unhappily afflicted with the VENEREAL DISEASE, are earnestly requested to read the following Ad- vertisement with the most serious Attention. WHEREAS there ate numberless Quack Medicines, such as Pills, Electuaries,& c. advertised for the Cute of the above Disorder, all of which chiefly consist of Mercurials, the taking of which is sure to be attended with the most dreadful Consequences to the unhappy Patients, we beg Leave to inform the Afflicted, that Dr. WALKER'S Genuine, True, and Original, Patent Jesuits Drops, and his Specific Purging Remedy ( in which there it not the least Particle of Mercury, as may be seen by any one who chutes to examine our Patent) are sold at our Warehouse, No. 45, the Corner of FleetLane, Old- Bailey, London, and ( by special Appointment of the Patentees) are likewise sold by H. Berrow, Printer of this Journal. The Drops in Bottles at 2s. 6d. and the Specific Purging Remedy in Pots at 2s. 6d. each. With every Bottle is given the fullest Directions bow every Patient may cure himself, without the Knowledge even of a Bedfellow. The many Thousands who have experienced the happy and quick Effects of these invaluable Medicines, are the most convincing Proofs that they are the most certain, plesant, safe, and immediate Cure ever discovered, for Gleets and Seminal Weaknesses, which both Sexes are sub- ject, though ever so obstinate and long standing, or by whatsoever Means occasioned ; and for the VENEREAL DIS- EASE. from its slightest to its most malignant Symptoms ; and likewise for the Gravel, Stone in the Bladder, and all Scorbutic Cases. And the Proprietors beg Leave to observe farther, that when their surprizing and quick Efficacy is considered, they are the cheapest Remedy ever offered to the Public. N. B. The Patentees have come to a Resolution to write on each Bottle, their Name, J. WESSELS and Co. in their own Hand- writing, that the Public may be no longer im- posed on.--- All others which are not wrote on the Outside J. WESSELS and Co. are Counterfeits.
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