Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Volume Number: Issue Number: 4012
No Pages: 4
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Berrow's Worcester Journal
Date of Article: 02/05/1771
Printer / Publisher: H. Berrow
Address: Near the Cross, Worcester
Volume Number: Issue Number: 4012
No Pages: 4
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Price Two- pence Halfpenny. THURSDAY, May 2, 1771. Numb. 4012. SATURDAY'S POST. Litter from Ougly in Asia ( a Dutch Comptoir) to a Merchant in London, dated Sept. 7, 1770. THE Month of March has been nothing but a Series of Calami- ties and Misfortunes. The great Heat and Drought have dried up all the Wells and Ponds, and Thousands perished for Want of Water to quench their Thirst. Others, to prevent so fad a Calamity, retired to the Borders of the Ganges, where they met with another Misfortune as great, a general Dearth, by the Fruits of the Earth being burnt up ; this drove them to seek Assistance among
the European Establishments; but the same Calamity haying reached them, they could not assist the Natives, so that the greatest part of these unhappy Emi- - grants perished through mere Want; and the Number was so great, that the Living were not sufficient to bury the Dead; in consequence of which, an Infection spread, and carried off vast Numbers, who had made a small Reserve to eke out a few more miserable Days. " Previous to the above Calamity at Ougly, the Small Pox broke out, and made amazing Ra- - vages, equal almost to the Plague, and there was not one European Family where one or more did not fall a
Victim. However, it has since stopped, and none have died of it for these three Weeks." LONDON, Thursday, April, 25. Monday a Motion was made in the Lower As- sembly, to repeal the Acts which was made to pre- vent the stealing Dogs, the Mode of punishment, as prescribed in that Act, being contrary to Prin- ciples of Justice. The Bill to prevent killing Game in the Night, and on Sundays, was also moved to be repealed, nearly the same Kind of Punishment being adopted in both these Acts; there being no Appeal from the Conviction of a Justice, but the supposed Offender may be whipt and imprisoned first, and then appeal
to know whether he has been wrongfully whipt or impri- soned, or not: In the one there lies no Appeal; in the other, the Appeal may be brought after the Punishment. The Motions were carried. An Amendment will also be made to the Game Act, whereby it will be enacted, that every Owner of Land, or Farmer who rents to a cer- tain Value, shall have the same Right over and Deputation for Game as the Lord of the Manor. Tuesday the East- India Company's recruiting Bill came under Consideration of the House, when the Motion was made to read it the third Time. Upon a Division there were Ayes 45, Noes 45 : Being equal, the
Speaker declared his Vote with the Ayes; aster which the usual Motion took Place, that the Bill do pass. The House divided, the Ayes were 50, Noes 51, consequently the Bill was lost by the Difference of one. it is imagined that most sulutary Bill for pre- venting the Exportation of live Cattle, so warmly and so humanely supported a few Days ago in the Lower Assembly, by a certain patriotic Gentle- man, will be carried into Execution, as the Rea- sons urged in its Favour are utterly unanswerable. The Bill to prevent the counterfeiting Copper Coin, which has passed the Lower House, lets forth the following Particulars: " That the
coining or counterfeiting any of the Copper Monies of this Realm, being punishable only as a Misdemeanor, the Practice hereof hath of late Years greatly prevailed, and is liable to increase, to the Prejudice of Trade, and the In- jury of his Majesty's Subjects." " That after the 24th of June, 1771, any Person that shall coin or counterfeit any of the Copper Monies of this Realm, commonly called an Halfpenny or Farthing, every such Person and his Abettors shall be adjudged a Felon; and also that after the Time limited as above, every Person, buying, felling, receiving, or paying any counter- feit Copper Money, not melted down or
cut in Pieces at or for a lower Rate or Value than the same by its Denomination, doth or shall import, or was counterfeited, every such Person or Persons shall be adjudged guilty of Felony." " It empowers Justices of the Peace to graut Warrants to search for counterfeit Copper Money, and directs that the same and the Tools and Im- plements used in counterfeiting the same, shall be produced in Evidence against the Persons prose- cuted; and in Case of no Trial, then to be defaced or destroyed, or otherwise disposed of shall be di- recited." Mr. T T declared a few Days since, in a certain Place, that to his certain Know- ledge a
considerable Sum had been lately issued from the Ex r in Bank Bills of 100I. each, and that he believed it had been distributed among the Members of that Assembly, in order to procure a Majority in Favour of A n. It is now the Opinion of some Gentlemen in the Law, than the L- d C r will not hold the S — ls much longer. Last Monday Morning, just as the Inhabitants of Portsoken Ward were going to the Tower to present an Address to the Lord Mayor and Mr. Alderman Oliver, the true ministerial Deputy, Philip Grafton, Esq; sent to the Beadle of the Ward, and demanded his Cloak and Mace, that he might net attend the reft of the
Gentlemen. They were both delivered to the Messenger, and the Gentlemen want without the Beadle. Out Tuesday, being St. George's Day, the laudable Association of Antigallicans held their anniversary Feast at the Ship Tavern at Ratcliff- Cross. Mr. Alderman Wilkes, the Grand President of this Year, Sir Joseph Mawbey, the Grand President of the last Year, and several other Gentlemen, walked in Procession with the Stewards to Stepney Church, where an excellent Sermon was preached by the Rev. Mr. Evans, Chaplain to the Lord Mayor. After Divine Service the Gentlemen of the Associ- ation went to the Tower to pay
their Compli- ments to the Lord Mayor, and to desire his Lord- ship's Leave to nominate him to the Presidentship for the ensuing Year. The Tower Gates were shut, barred, and bolted against them, and Admittance absolutely refused. The Picket Guard was turned out. Several Parleys ensued, and Messages passed for above Half an Hour between the Governor and the Gentlemen of the Association. There was great Affectation of an Alarm in the Garrison, as if the People meant by Force to release their Magistrates, whom they certainly consider as detained there against: Law. The Concourse of the People was prodigious, and
their Acclamations beyond what has been heard on any Occasion. At last it was settled that only twenty Gentlemen should be ad- mitted, and a small Wicket was opened, through which, and between the Guards, they passed to his Lordship's Apartments. Mr. Alderman Wilkes then, in the Name of the Gentlemen, thanked his Lordship, in a short Speech, for the noble Stand he had made in Defence of the Liberties and Constitu- tion of this Country, and desired his Permission to nominate him for the Presidentship of the ensuing Year; to which his Lordship assented. The Asso- ciation then joined again at the Tower Gates, and
proceeded through Whitechapel to the Mile- End Assembly Room, where, after the usual Toasts, Sir Joseph Mawbey took Notice, that that Meeting was generally understood to be the most numerous Meeting in the Year of the Freeholders of Middle- sex, and therefore he wished to take their Sense about the Propriety of Mr. Wilkes's being a Candi- date as Sheriff for the County the Midsummer en- suing. He declared that, for his Part, he heartily approved the Measure; for Mr. Wilkes's Conduct had been so consistent and uniform, so invariably directed to great public Purposes, that he wished to have him called forth on every
public Occasion, where he might be useful ; that he knew many Per- sons intended to keep him back, not only this Year, on Pretence of the Middlesex Election, but for ever; that they had declared he never should be Sheriff, but he was sure the City and County thought more justly, and would call him forward as a most useful and efficient Man, and that he should be glad to lee the Business of the Middlesex Election in Mr. Wilkes's Hands as Sheriff, for he was satisfied he would do Justice to the Liberties of the Freeholders of that County, and the whole Na- tion, which had been injured in his Person. Af- ter Sir Joseph had
finished, two Freeholders desired to know what could be done in Case of Mr. Lut- frequent Opportunities of confirming to him ; and that he expected their Support and Esteem no longer than every Action of his Life proved him their faithful Servant, and the strenuous Assertor to the injured Rights of that County, and of the whole Nation. Mr. Wilkes's Speech was received with general Applause, and every Gentleman present appeared perfectly satisfied. The Question was afterwards put, and carried unanimously, " That Brass Crosby, " Esq; Lord Mayor of the City of London, be " chosen Grand President for the Year ensuing."
The Meeting was very numerous, notwithstanding the great Pains taken to keep the Members from attending. We hear that the Kennedies, who are to be transported, the one for Life, and the other for fourteen Years, will carry with them Commissions to produce abroad, as soon as they arrive, the one a Captain's, worth 1000l. and the other a Lieute- nant's, worth 600l. The late Earl of Plymouth, Lord Windsor Baron of Bradenham, Lord Lieutenant of the County of Glamorgan, Custos Rotulorum of the County of Flint, and Constable of the Castle of Flint, was born May 12, 1731, and married Catherine, eldest Daughter of Thomas
Lord Ar- cher, by whom he has left Issue, four Sons and four Daughters. His Lordship is succeeded in his Titles and Estate by his eldest Son Other Lord Windsor, now Earl of Plymouth, born May; 30, 1751. Married.] Abraham Hume, Esq; Son of Sir Abraham Hume, Bart, to Miss Egerton, Daugh- ter of the Right Rev. Dr. Egerton, Bishop of Coventry and Litchfield. Died.] At his Seat in the Country, Sir Edward Clive, late Judge in the Court of Common- Pleas. — Lately, near Woodstock, Oxfordshire, the Rev. Mr. William Bradshaw, B. D. late Fellow of Je- sus College, Oxford, and Rector of Stonesfield, in that County. MILITIA For
the County of WORCESTER, with the City and County of the City of WORCESTER. THIS is to give Notce, That, in Pursuance of an Order of the Lord Lieu- tenant and Deputy Lieutenants of the said County and City, made at the fourth General Meeting, held on the Thirtieth Day of October last, the Militia Men for the laid County and City are to resort to the City of Worcester, on Monday the Sixth Day of May next, there to be trained and exercised for twenty- eight Days successively; and the Private Mi- litia Men are required to attend at the Town- Hall of the said City, by Ten of the Clock in the Morn- ing, on the said Sixth Day of
May next, in order to receive their Arms and Cloathing. Worcester, JOHN THORNELOE, 8th April, 1771. Clerk of the General Meetings. trell's vacating his Seat, or of a Dissolution of Par- liament. James Adair, Esq; then said, that both those Events had been foreseen, that only three new Cases could arise, Mr. Luttrell's vacating his Seat, the Demise of the Crown, 0r the Dissolution of the Parliament; that in the first Case, the Sheriff ought not to obey the Writ, nor call the Freeholders together, there being no legal Vacancy for the County; that as to the two other Cases, the same Events might happen in any Year when Mr.
Wilkes was Sheriff as well as the present, and therefore could be no particular Objection to him at this Time; that whenever either of those Events did happen, suppose Mr. Wilkes then Sheriff, some Friend of the Cause and Mr. Wilkes would be found to supply the Vacancy for the Time; that he heartily wished Mr. Luttrell might accept a Place the ensuing Year, and then the Spirit and Fidelity of Mr. Wilkes in their Cause would be shown in its full Force and Strength. When Mr. Adair sat down there was a general Cry of " The Question! the Question!" Sir Joseph Mawbey then said, " As " many as are of Opinion that Mr. Wilkes be
a " Candidate for the Office of Sheriff of this County " the Year ensuing, hold up your Hands." Every Hand in the Room was upon this held up. Success to Mr. Wilkes, as Sheriff, was toasted in a Bumper, with three Cheers, and the whole Company pro- mised to support his Election. Mr. Wilkes then thanked the Gentlemen for the honourable Testimony they had given him of their Approbation, and declared that the Public Cause was always nearest his Heart; that he lamented the great Business of the Middlesex Election had so long lain dormant, and seemed to be shamefully neg- lected; that he wished for any Opportunity to re vive it, and should rejoice if that was the Conse- quence of his Sheriffalty ; that so far from betray- ing the Rights of the County, as had been wickedly suggested, he would defend them to the last dying Moment; that if Mr. Luttrell should vacate his pretended Seat, and a new pretended Writ should issue, he would pay no Obedience to it, nor call the County together in Consequence of an Act void in itself, for it must proceed on a false Supposition, on the lying Pretext, of Mr. Luttrell's having a legal Seat in the House of Commons, which no Man could have who was not freely chose by the People; that Mr. Luttrell could not sit as
their Representa- tive, the very I lea was insolent; that he was seated there by a manifest Force and Usurpation, by illegal Violence ; that the County and Nation considered Luttrell as having no Seat among the Representa- tives of the Commons of the Realm, and therefore the Pretence of its being vacated was absurd. He likewise mentioned the Care he would take of any Freeholder's Book, complained of the present as exceedingly incorrect and faulty, every Page of which, he said, the Agents of the Ministry had now got by Heart; but he hoped to remedy all the Abuses of it, and to give that additional Security to the
Preservation of their Lives and Properties. Mr. Wilkes concluded, that he pledged himself to than for the Preservation of their noblest Liberties, the Rights of Election ; that he perfectly knew the Consequences to himself of such a Contest with the present Majority ; that he wished for that impor- tant Hour; that he would be undaunted in the Sup- pretty little compact Farm, all Freehold, and consisting of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Ground, lying together within an Ethering, in the Parish of Dodderhill, near Droitwich aforesaid, and contain- ing about thirty computed Acres, well wooded and watered. For further Particulars enquire
of the Widow Sanders, at Wichbold ( who will shew the Premisses) or of Mr. Thorneloe, Attorney, in Worcester. To be LETT, and entered upon immediately, AGood- accustomed Inn, known by the Name of the SWAN, situate in the High- Street, in Bridgnorth, in the County of Salop. N. B. The Brewing Vessels and Houshold Goods and Furniture to be sold at a fair Appraisement. Enquire of Mr. John Smalman, Grocer; or of Mr. Langley, jun. Attorney, both of Bridgnorth aforesaid. A To be LETT or SOLD, Messuage or Tenement, being a well- accustomed House, known by the Sign of the Leopard, in the Broad- Street, in the City
of Wor- cester ; with a Brewhouse, Yard, Stable, and back Buildings behind the same, very commodious, with good Cellaring; now in the Occupation of Mr. Edmund Jones. The Situation is a good one for any other Business. If lett to a Tenant as a Public House, the Stock and Goods may be Purchafed of the present Occupier. The Premisses are held by Lease from Sir Thomas Cookes, Bart, deceased, for 120 Years, 42 whereof are now unexpired, and subject to a yearly Chief Rent of 61. 5s. The present yearly Rack Rent 18l. For Particulars apply to Mr. Bird, Attorney at Law, in Worcester; or to the said Mr. Edmund Jones,
who will shew the Premisses. To be LETT, upon Charter or Royalty, AProved Mine of Coal, lying under Lands of Thomas Talbot Foley, Esq; at Netherton, in the Parish of Dudley, and very near the Town. Any Person inclined to treat for the same, is desired to send his Proposals before the 27th Day of May next, to Mr. Hickman, Attorney at Law, in oldswinford, near Stourbridge, specifying THE Creditors of Mary Costin, late of the City of Worcester, Spinster, deceased are desired to meet at the House of Mr. Ashtom at the Star and Garter in Worcester, To- morrow the Third Day of May, by the Hour of Three in the Afternoon of
that Day, at which Time it intended to divide the said Mary Costin's Effects And all Persons who have omitted to deliver in a Account of their Demands on the Estate of the said Mary Costin, are desired to send the same to Mr. Holbeche in Droitwich, before the Time aforesaid otherwise they will be excluded the Benefit of the said Dividend. THE Creditors who have prove their Debts under the Commission of Bank- rupt awarded and issued against SAMUEL BRADLEy of the City of Worcester, Chinaman, Toyman Dealer, and Chapman, are desired to meet the A signee of the said Bankrupt's Estate and Effects, four of the Clock
in the Afternoon of Saturday the 11th Day of May next, at the Hop Pole Inn, in the City of Worcester, in order to assent to or dissert from the said Assignee's commencing, prosecuting or defending any Action or Actions, Suit or Suit at Law or in Equity, for the Recovery of or touch- ing or concerning any Part of the said Bankrupt Estate and Effects, or to the compounding or sub- mitting to Arbitration, or otherwise agreeing and Matter or Thing relative thereto, and on other spe- cial Affairs. To be LETT, and entered upon at Midsummer next ADwelling- House, pleasantly situate near the Market Place in Pershore ; consisting of a
Parlour, Kitchen, Pantry, Back Kitchen Brewhouse, and Cellar; three Rooms on the Floor, and two Garrets, with an Out- house and Stable, a large Garden extending to the River Avo in good Order, and planted with Wall Fruit ; wi or without a Malt- House, which joins thereto. One other Dwelling- House, in Pershore, in good Repair, and well tenanted, will be sold by Auction on Tuesday the 11 th Day of June next, between to Hours of Three and Six in the Afternoon, at the Dwelling- House of Mr. Joseph Shelton, Innholder in Pershore. Enquire of Mr. Woodward, in Pershore, will shew the Premisses. To be SOLD to the BEST
BIDDER, Together or in separate Lots, as shall be agreed on, On Wednesday the 22d Day of May Instant, between to Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, at the Pole, in the City of Worcester, AModern Brick Messuage, called the Bath House, with proper Offices, a Garde and large Yard, an excellent Cold Bath, supplied a perpetual Spring, and other Conveniences to the said Messuage belonging. Also a small Tenement or Cottage, with a Gar- den, adjoining to the above Premisses, lett at to yearly Rent of 3l. The above Premisses are held under the Dean a Chapter of Worcester, for four Lives, of which three are existing,
and are subject to a small Cl- Rent. Also a delightful small Tenement or Pleasure House, with the Offices, a Garden, planted wi excellent Fruit Trees, and Appurtenances therein belonging, for many Years past occupied by Samuel Bradley. The last- mentioned Tenement and Premisses also held under the Dean and Chapter of Worcester for four Lives, all existing, and are subject to chief Rent of Seven Shillings and Six- pence, Fifteen Shillings in Lieu of a Herriot. Also the Remainder of a Term of 21 Years which six years only were expired at Christmas last of a convenient Messuage or Dwelling House, the Garden and
Appurtenance thereunto belong- ing, now in the Occupation of Dyer, at yearly Rent of 5l. All the above Messuages or Dwelling Houses a Premisses are situate upon an Eminence, at He- wick, within Half a Mile of the City of Worcester and commanda most delightful View of the River Sever the City of Worcester, and the Count adjacent. For Particulars apply to Mr. Sockett, Attorney in Worcester. Stourbridge, Bewdley, and Birmingham New STAGE COACH. JOHN HANCOX, at the Star Inn, Stourbridge, begs Leave to inform the Public That he has fitted up a STAGE COACH, wh will set out on the 30th Instant, and continue go
between Stourbridge, Bewdley, and Birmingham every Tuesday and Thursday as follows : Will out at Five o'Clock in the Morning from the S Inn in Stourbridge, gets to the Angel in Bewd about Eight, and remains there till Ten o'Clock then returns to Stourbridge to Dinner : Sets about One o'Clock to the Red Lion in Birmingham and gets there by Half past Three o'Clock the sa Afternoon, and will set out for Stourbridge by o'Clock that Evening. Inside Passengers to pay Three- pence per Mi and Outside Passengers Two- pence. Inside Passed gers that return the same Day to pay but Hals- pr back. Those Passengers that return to
Stourbrid from Birmingham, who went that Day from Bew ley or Kidderminster, will be returned at Three pence per Mile from Stourbridge back again. All Parcels that are sent to be conveyed this Coach will be carried on very reasonable Term and the greatest Care taken of them, and kept d Neat Post Chaises or Saddle Horses, to take or fet Passengers to and from the Coach, may be had the fad John Hancox's, on the most reasonal Terms. A Mourning Coach, Hearse, and all Horses, to any Part of England. N. B. The Stage will stop to take up Passenger and Parcels at Mr. Wright's the Bull's Head, Broadwater; the Bell, at
Kidderminster ; Gold Cross, at Hales Owen; and Tap- House, st Hagle Those Gentlemen, Ladies, & c. that will pleased favour this Undertaking, may depend on every thod possible being taken, and no Expence FARM, Tythe- free, to be lett, in the Manor of Hinton on the Green, in the County of Gloucester, called Downrip Farm; con- sisting of about 146 Acres of Arable Land, and 45 Acres of Meadow and Pasture, wall watered, with all convenient Buildings upon the said Farm. Enquire of John Weston, at the , manor - House of Hinton aforesaid, who will shew the Premisses, and give Directions where further Particulars may be
had. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Wednesday next the Eighth Day of May, at the Talbot in Droitwich, at Four o'clock in the Afternoon, A Dwelling- House and Barn, with a
Arrived the Mails from Holland and Flanders Venice, April 2. THE Advices from Egypt bring, that Ali Bey having put a strong Garrison into Jerusalem, afterwards marched into Syria, in order to reduce Damas- cus and Aleppo, the former of which has taken ; that on his Reduction of Jerusa- lem he delivered up the Holy Sepulchre to the oman Catholicks, and assured the Christians that he would likewise give up Jerusalem to them as soon as he shall have conquered the two above- entioned Places. With Respect to the famous lanal which is to join the Mediterranean to the led Sea, we learn that a great Number of Per- sons are
continually working upon it. LONDON, Saturday, April 27. Thursday the Higher Assembly concluded their investigation of the embanking Bill, on which they have been employed six Days. Having had fullest Evidence on the Subject and heard Council, they debated the Question in the House, it was carried in Favour of the Embankment for committing the Bill, twenty- nine to four. Thursday, about Five 0' Clock, Mr. Serjeant Glynn presented to the Lower Assembly the Peti- on of Mr. Allen, praying for Justice against the soldiers for the Murder of his Son in St. George's fields, on the 10th of May, 1768. Mr. Serjeant Glynn moved,
that the Petition might be brought to the Table. Lord North was very strenuous gainst the Motion, aud said the Soldiers did no ore than they were ordered to do, and that it as too late in the Session for such an Affair to some on : Besides, did they think that a Man should surrender himself, who was charged with Murder ?— Mr Edmund Burke was very warm on Occasion, and condemned, in very severe Terms, the Letters sent by the Lords Weymouth and Barrington. — Mr. Charles Fox said, that if he should attain the high Honours held by Noblemen, he certainly should, in the like Circumstances, take Pattern by their Letters.—
Joseph Mawbey said he hoped, that if that incurable Gentleman ever should arrive to such Honours, he would retract his Words, and take arning by those Letters. — Mr Onslow threw out, at Allen's Son was engaged in a Riot, and was busy in insulting the Soldiers. The Petition sets rth, that the Son of the Petitioner was not in Riot, but that it was another Man, who made Escape from the Soldiers. After a long Debate which lasted till Eleven o'Clock, the Question then put, Whether the Petition should be brought up; the House divided, Ayes 35, Noes 158. The Petition, it is said, was drawn up under Inspection of Mr. Serjeant
Glynn, Mr. Dow- eswell, Mr. Burke, Sir Joseph Mawbey, and me other Gentleman of the Minority. Mr. Allen aited in the Lobby all the Time to hear the De- rmination of the Affair. Yesterday Mr. Sawbridge made a Motion for eave to bring in a Bill to shorten the Duration Parliaments. He shewed that this Branch of Constitution had been established by our Saxon ncestors, at which Time they had only been nual; that they were set aside 140 Years by Normans; that on their Revival they had ntinued of short Duration ( mostly annual) till Reign of Henry VIII. whose Tyranny was compleat till established by that Long Par- ament; that
the next Long Parliament was that ommonly so called, in 1641, who, by establish- their Form of sitting, had brought the greatest estruction on the Constitution. The Pension- Parliament in the Reign Of Charles II. was so productive of bad Consequences to the Con- tution ; to remedy which the Triennial Bill is passed, restraining them to fit no more than Years Duration. This was over- turned by at Breach into the Constitution in George the rst's Reign, the voting themselves septennial, passing the Septennial Bill. Though per- the particular Necessities of the Times ight render such an Act at that Day necessary Rebellion just
crushed, and a Pretender to the hrone making it highly improper to call the people together at that Time) yet that Necessity as now at an End, none of those Dangers now nging over it. That the Length of Parliaments gave up that wer which the Constituents ought to have over eir Representatives, that of frequent Exami- ation into their Conduct, and Rejection of them they thought them unworthy. That long Parliaments gave Opportunity to an Intimacy between the Ministers and the embers, always dangerous and destructive to Constitution ; that in shortening the Duration Parliament he should incline to annual, as bject to fewer
Objections, in his Opinion, than iennial, but that must be the Subject of future ebates. Messrs. Ald. Townsend, Dempster, O'Turner, aire, & c. & c. supported this Measure; they fre- uently called on Administration to shew any easons why a Bill should not be brought but, to the Amazement of most Members, one Word was uttered by Administration ; most contemptuous Silence was observed. On is great national Question the short Appeal was the Numbers at the Command of the Minister, the only declared Reasons were 105 to 54. So greatly have Administration increased their wer of Late, by an enormous Number of De endants, that above 700,000l. per Annum goes the several Officers concerned in collecting the rious Taxes. Yesterday came on the third Reading of the Bill prevent the Exportation of Corn, when, after a ort Debate, it passed without a Division. Monday last the further Consideration on the nglesea Claim of Peerage came on before the pper Assembly, when, after a very short Debate, ord Wentworth reported from the Committee, at the Claimant had no Right to the Titles, onours, and Dignities, claimed by his Petition. The Business on Thursday about St. George's elds, came on in so sudden a Manner, ( no Notice and Eight
o'Clock. The Gentlemen who seceded from the Society at the London Tavern, have formed themselves into a Society. Every Member of the Society enters into an Engagement, as the Touchstone of his Principles, to procure by his Vote, in or out of Parliament, and by every other Means, a Bill to shorten the Duration of Parliaments. They have adopted the Subscriptions for Bingley and the Printers, which were the Cause of the Divi- sions in the late Society of Supporters of the Bill of Rights. Their next Meeting, on Wednesday next, is to be at the Half- Moon Tavern in Cheap- fide. Mr. Ald. Sawbridge in the Chair, Mr. Ald. Oliver is
their Treasurer, and Mr. Bodding- ton their Secretary. They do not desire any Sub- scriptions from the Public, but mean to do what public Good they can entire out of their Pockets. They have not even chosen a Name ; and intend only to be known by the good Actions they may perform. They consist at present of about forty Members, and intend to be very careful whom they admit, and for that Purpose have made a Rule that three black Balls in the Ballot shall ex- clude any Person proposed. The Grand Defaulter's celebrated Cub spent, not long ago, a whole Week at the Gaming Ta- ble. He allowed himself no Respite but
when he went home to get a clean Shirt. What a j hopeful Legislator ! He is a worthy Companion to his Friend and Confidant, S , who ad- ministered, with all the Forms of religious Cere- mony, the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper to a Dog. Such are the Men who contend for unde- fined Privileges, and send the Magistrates of Lon- don to the Tower. It is confidently said, that in a Conference which the Minister lately had with a great Per- sonage, the latter observed, that he was often admonished in the Papers to consider the Fate of King Charles, and to be aware of it. I will fol- low the Advice, said he, for Charles's Fate was
owing to quarrelling with his Parliament, which I never will do. The general Review of the Fleet at Spithead, by a Great Personage, is fixed for the 14th of June next. We are assured that there is to be a mock naval Engagement at Spithead, at the approaching Re- view, for the Entertainment of his Majesty. His Majesty has been pleased, in Consideration of the Dearness of Provisions, & c. to order that the Deduction of one Shilling in the Pound, which has hitherto been made by the Paymaster- General of the Army from the Pay of the Foot Soldiers, be remitted ; as also the Deduction to the Regimental Paymaster and Surgeon,
the bet- ter to enable them to provide Necessaries. It is said there are now only three Wards which have not addressed or agreed to address the Lord Mayor and Mr. Oliver. On Thursday two Men, Father and Son, were committed to New Prison, charged with counter- feiting Shillings. The Amnesty, or Accommodation, entered into and agreed upon between the Turks and the Rus- sians, was amply confirmed last Monday. This happy Circumstance co- operating with the gene- ral Complection of Peace between the Kings of Great Britain, France, and Spain, had such an Effect on the Stocks, that they rose upwards of Seven per
Cent. Just before the Departure of the last Packet from Lisbon, a Royal Order was sent to the Custom- House, not to suffer any French Woollen Manufactures, or even any with a Mixture of Wool, to be entered, or dispatched on any Pre- tence whatever ; which had thrown the whole French Factory into the utmost Consternation. It is supposed the next Packet which arrives will inform us of the Cause of this Procedure. The Truth of this Paragraph may be entirely relied on. There is nothing so elear as that Madame de Barre is now in the Zenith of Power at Versailles, and that Power even superior to what was ever exercised by
the late Madame Pompadour. This Lady has rendered the Kingdom of France a very signal Service, by first laying open many of the absurd Plans of the late Minster Choiseul, not one of which, as Madame de Barre prophe- sied above twelve Months ago, has succeeded. The King, charmed as much with the political Abilities, as with the personal Beauties of this Fair Hibernian, has at last, agreeable to her Re- quest, entirely new modelled his Cabinet, of which the following Arrangement is a faithful Description : 1. The Duke d'Aiguillon succeeds to the De- partment of foreign Affairs, in the Place of the Duke de Choiseul. 2.
Monsieur de Boyne is appointed to the Ma- rine Department, in the Place of the Duke de Praslin, who is dead of Chagrin. 3. Monsieur de Foulon is made Comptroller- General, in the Place of the Abbot Terrai. 4. The Duke de Lavoyne is made Superinten- dant of the Post and Relais. 5. The Marshal Duke de Broglio is in Nomi- nation for the War Department. Letters from France inform us that there have been great Insurrections in Lorain, on Account of the Dearness of Provisions ; that many Persons have been killed ; and it was feared there would be much more Bloodshed before they could be quelled. Extract of a Letser from
a Gentleman at Bergen, in Norway. " This will inform you of the dismal Situation this Town is now reduced to, by a Fire that broke out the 2d Instant, between Three and Four o'Clock in the Morning, which in the Space of eight Hours laid the moll opulent and exten- sive Quarter of the City in Ashes. The Damage is computed from 100,000l. to 150,000l. Sterling. The Number of Houses burnt, besides Ware- houses, is reckoned 120. The Consternation was universal, and had not the Weather providentially continued calm, our Situation would have equal- led that of the fatal Fire of 1756, under the Pres- sure of which we were far
from being recovered ; of Gloucester, to Miss Susan Worral, of the same Place. ------ At Birmingham, Mr. Heaton, Draper, to Mrs. Turner, of that Town. Died.] The Rev. George Lewis, Vicar of Wes- terham in Kent, and Rector of Etchingham in Sussex. — Mr. Martin, Broker, at Hoxton.— Mr. Wm. Beconsfield, Mercer, in the Minories. THE Creditors of Mrs. Ann Pardoe, late of the City of Worcester, deceased, are desired to send an Account of their respective De- mands to Mr. James and Mr. John Pardoe, in Wor- cester, Executors of the said Deceased, in order to their being satisfied : And all Persons indebted to the Estate and
Effects of the said Deceased, are hereby required immediately to pay such Debts to the said Executors. N. B. All the Stock in Trade of the Deceased, consisting of Haberdashery and Grocery, to be sold, with the Counters, Drawers, Shelves, Canisters, Scales, & c. Likewise a curious Collection of Shells to be disposed of. TO BE LETT, AHouse, at the Quay, in Worcester, known by the Name of the Old Black Swan. Enquire next Door to the said House. Still upon SALE, The new, elegant, modern- built Brick HOUSE, With the OFFICES, GARDEN, & c. ITUATE at the Entrance into Bromyard, in the County of Hereford, from
Worcester, in the Possession of Mr. William Davis; together with the other Particulars lately advertised for Sale. Apply to Mr. Coleman, Attorney at Law, in Leominster, who will treat with any one that is in- clined to purchase; or of the said Mr. Davis, who will shew the Premisses. day Night, or Saturday Morning last, from the Star and Garter Inn, in Worcester, A White and Yellow- coloured SETTING DOG, of the right English Kind, answers to the Name of CARLO ; he is sometimes lame of the Near Foot be- fore, owing to a Bruise on one of his Toes.— Who- ever will bring him to the said Inn, or give Intelli- gence where he may
be found, shall ha handsomely rewarded: If stolen, a Reward of FIVE GUINEAS will be given, upon Conviction of the Person or Persons so concerned. To be LETT, and entered upon at Michaelmas next, A Very eligible Farm, situated at West Heath, in the Parish of Northfield, in the County of Worcester ; consisting of about seventy- five Chain Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land; with an extensive Right of Common. For further Particulars apply to Dr. Hooper, in Worcester. N. B. The above Farm is within seven Miles of the Towns of Birmingham and Bromsgrove, and situated close to the Turnpike Road. To be SOLD
by AUCTION, On Tuesday in the Whitsun Week, being the 21st of May Instant, between the Hours of Three and Five, at Mr. Benj. Baker's, the Bell Inn, in Worcester, if not previously disposed of by private Contract, Notice of which will be duly given, ASubstantial Freehold Messuage, well tenanted, and in good Repair, situate near S the Quay, in cooke WORCESTER RACES, 1771. ON Tuesday the 6th Day of August will be Run for, on Pitchcroft Ham, near this City, A Purse of FIFTY POUNDS, ( Given by the Members for the County and City) To be run for by four, five, six Years old, or aged Horses, Mares, or Geldings, that
never won above Fifty Pounds atone Time ( Matches and Sweepstakes excepted). Four Years old to carry eight Stone; five Years old, eight Stone and twelve Pounds; six Years old, nine Stone and seven Pounds; and Aged, ten Stone; Bridle and Saddle included; the best of three Four- mile Heats. A clear Heat to be run for the Stakes. On Wednesday the 7th of August, FIFTY POUNDS, ( Given by Thomas Foley, Esq;) To be run for by Hunters, the Property of Free- holders residing in the City and County of Worcester or either of them, and not elsewhere : The said Hun- ters to have been in the actual Possession of such
Freeholders at least six Months before the Day of Running, and that have never been in Training, or had any Sweat as a Running- horse, before the 25th of March next before the Day of Running ( except such Hunters that have started for this Plate and have not won it) shall be allowed to be trained and sweated. Each Horse, Mare, and Gelding, to carry twelve Stone, Bridle and Saddle included, the best of three Four- mile Heats; and that such Horses, Mares, or Geldings, that shall start for the above Purse, shall be certified, at the Time of Entrance, to have been real Hunters the last Season, under the Hand or Hands of the
Proprietor or Proprietors of such Hounds they have hunted with. N. B. No Horse, & c. that has ever won the late Lord Foley or the present Thomas Foley, Esqr's Purse, will be entitled to start for this. And on Thursday the 8th of August, FIFTY POUNDS, a Maiden Purse, ( The County and City Subscription) By four; five, and six Years old, and aged Horses, Mares, or Geldings, that have never won Fifty Pounds ( Matches excepted). Four Years old to carry eight Stone; five Years old, nine Stone; six Years old, nine Stone and seven Pounds; and Aged, ten Stone ; Bridle and Saddle included ; the best of three Four- mile Heats.---
A clear Heat to be run for the Stakes this Day. A Subscriber to pay one Guinea Entrance, a Non- subscriber three Guineas, or double at the Post, ex- cept those Horses, & c. that run for the Hunters" Purse, which are to pay one Guinea Entrance, or three at the Post, which will be for the second- best Horse, winning a clear Heat. No Horse, & c. winning two Heats shall be obliged to start for a third.— No less than three reputed Running- horses, & c. to start for the first or third Day's Purse; nor less than three Hunters to start the second Day.— Certificates of their Ages and Qualifi- cations to be produced at the Time of Entrance,
uuder the Hands of the Breeders and Owners.—- If only one or two enter, to be allowed ten Guineas each, Entrance Money included, and the Purse to be reser- ved for the next Year.-- To run according to Articles. If any Difference shall arise or happen on account of the Age of any Horse, & c. or on Account of the Purses, Heats, or Running, the same shall then be determined by the Majority of the Gentlemen pre- sent at the Races, that have subscribed not less than One Guinea, whose Determination shall be final. No Horse, & c. the Property of Castle, his Son, or Quick, at the Time of the Ascot Affair, 1769, will be allowed to
start for either of the above Purses, nor will Thomas Dunn, their Jockey, be permitted to ride. The Horses, & c. to run for the above- mentioned Prizes to be shewn and entered, for the first Purse, at Benjamin Baker's, at the Bell, in Broad- Street, on Tuesday the 30th Day of July ; for the second, on Wednesday the 31st Day of July, at the Widow Collins's, at the Rein Deer, in Mealcheapen- Street ; and for the third, on Thursday Ist August, at Thomas Ashton's, at the Star and Garter, in Fore- gate- Street, between the Hours of Four and Seven in the Evening. To be kept and remain at such Houses only as contribute not less than
One Guinea to the Subscription Purse. The Ordinary for the first Day will be at Benjamin Baker's, at the Bell, in Broad- street; the second Day at James Fewtrell's, at the Hop- Pole, in Foregate- street; and the third Day at Walter Haynes's, at the Crown, in Broad- street. There will be a Ball at the Guild- hall every Even- ing as usual, Tickets, at Two Shillings and Sixpence each, to be had at Hooper's Coffee- House. And on the Wednesday and Thursday Mornings will be a Public Breakfast at the Widow Wythes's, at Digley Bowling- Green, at One Shilling each Person. THOMAS FOLEY, jun. Esq; Steward. N. B. No Person will be
allowed to erect a Booth The Quay, in Cooken- Street, Worcester, out of the Reach of Floods. Likewise between the Hours of Five and Seven, oh the same Day, A handsome, convenient, and well- accustomed House, Bake- house, and Malt- house, with several Fixtures therein, in the Occupation of Mr. Henry Cotterill, situated next Door to Mrs. Savigny's Boarding School in the said Street. Particulars may be known of Mr. Bell, Attorney, at the Town- Hall ; or of Mr. John Wood, in the afore- said Street, who will shew the Premisses. For SALE to the Best Bidder or Bidders, At the Lyttleton's Arms, in Hagley, on Tuesday the 21st
Day of this Instant May, between the Hours of Four and Six of the Clock in the Afternoon, entire or in Lots, as shall be agreed on at the Time of Sale, and agreeable to Conditions there to be produced, UPWARDS of sixty Chain Acres of Land, lying in the Parish of Hagley, Part old and Part new Inclosure, holden by Lease under the Right Honourable Lord Lyttleton, at the yearly. Rent of 9l. 16s. 7d. Halfpenny, for ninety- nine Years, of which about sixty are unexpired. The same may be entered upon immediately. Further Particulars may be known of Mr. Bret- tell, in Stourbridge. To be SOLD in Fee, by AUCTION, In the following
LOTS, On Tuesday the 14th Day of this Instant May, between the Hours of Three and Fine in the Afternoon, at the Dwelling- House of Thomas Morris, known by the Sign of the Bell Inn, in Pershore, Worcestershire, subject to the Conditions of Sale then and there to be produced, L0T I. A Messuage or Tenement, and Garden planted with Fruit Trees, situate in Leech- Street, or Leech- Lane, in the Pa- rish of Holy Cross, in Pershore aforesaid, now in the Occupation of John Turvey, at il. 10s. per Ann. LOT II. A Messuage or Tenement, and Garden planted with Fruit Trees, situate in the said Leech- Street, or Leech- Lane, now in
the Occupation of John Powles, at il. 6s. per Ann. LOT III. A Messuage or Tenement, and Gar- den, situate in the said Leech- Street, or Leech- Lane, now in the Occupation of Edward Rose, at il. per Annum. Apply for further Particulars to Mr. John White, Attorney at Law, in Upton upon Severn, in the County of Worcester aforesaid. West wood, May 1st, 1771. WHEREAS on Friday Night, the 26th of last Month, a Number of riotous Persons assembled together about the House and Park of Sir Herbert Perrott Packington, Bart, and there cut and greatly damaged a new long Draught Net, hanging on the Pallisades, near the laid
House; Whoever will give Information of the Offender or Offenders, who were guilty of the said Offence, so that they may be convicted thereof, shall receive TWO GUINEAS Reward; or if an Accomplice will inform, he shall receive the like Reward, and a free Pardon, by applying to John Wainwright, Keeper, at Westwood aforesaid. Borough of TEWKESBURY, Gloucestershire, 30th April, 1771. WHEREAS Charles Farmer and Thomas Smith, did, on the 29th Instant, offer to Sale, to John Millard, of the said Borough of Tewkesbury, Watch - Maker, a SILVER TANKARD, which he stopped, on Suspicion of its being stole; and, on
taking the said Persons be- fore a Magistrate, the said Charles Farmer made his Escape, and the laid Thomas Smith now stands committed to the said Borough Gaol, on Suspicion of feloniously Healing the said Tankard : Whoever has lost the laid Tankard may see it, by applying to the said Mr. Millard. THOMAS SMITH, by Trade a Cordwainer, says he was born in Shrewsbury, and is in the Here- fordshire Militia, is about 20 Years of Age, five Feet seven Inches high, pale Complexion, short dark brown Hair, a thin Man, wears a black Coat, a light- bound Cloth Waistcoat, black Breeches, pur- ple and white Stockings, and in his
Shoes a Pair of square worked plated Buckles. CHARLES FARMER ( who on his Examination said his Name was THOMAS JONES) is a Bricklayer and Stone Mason; said he was born at Wellington, in Shropshire, served his Time to Andrew Franks, of St. Toltman's Parish, in Shrewsbury, is about 20 Years of Age, five Feet seven Inches high, a healthy fresh Complexion, a remarkably, well- made, strong, active Man, light- brown Hair, wore a light- coloured bound Frize Coat Frock- fashion, a white Cloth Waistcoat, new Leather Breeches, mingled- coloured Stockings, a Ribband round his Hat, with a Buckle, and in his Shoes a
Pair of worked plated Buckles. Those Men are supposed to have been in most Parts of the Counties of Gloucester, Hereford, Salop, and Worcester. NOTICE is hereby given, that there will be a Main of COCKS fought on Whit- fun Monday, at the Sign of the Cock, at Crab's Cross, between the Gentlemen of Worcestershire and the Gentlemen of Warwickshire; to shew thir- teen Cocks on a Side, for Two Guineas a Battle,
THE Widow of the late THOMAS CLYMER, Plumber and Glazier, in the High- Street, hereby returns her sincere Acknowledge- ments to the Friends of her late Husband, and begs Leave to inform them that she continues on the same Business of Plumber and Glazier, at the same place, as in her late Husband's Time, and humbly solicits the Favours of Gentlemen, Tradesmen, and Others, which will be gratefully acknowledged, and the Business punctually executed, by Their obliged humble Servant, SARAH CLYMER. To be SOLD, at Prime Cost, or under, THE entire STOCK in TRADE of William Field, of Evesham, Worcester shire ; consisting of MERCERY, LINNEN and WOOLLEN DRAPERY Goods. To be LETT, and entered upon immediately, AGood old- accustomed Public House, House, known by the Sign of the Crown and Glove in the Town Ditch, near the Hop Market, Worcester. The Brewing Utensils and Stock, and Part of the Houshold Furniture to be sold. For further Particulars enquire of Richard Adam- son, Glover, in Worcester. Worcester, April 9,1771. To be LETT, and entered upon at Midsummer or Michaelmas next, or sooner, if desired, THAT large and old- accustomed Inn, known by the Name of the TALBOT, in Sidbury, now in the
Occupation of Mr. Hum- phry Moore, with commodious Stall Stabling, a large Yard, Garden, and other Conveniencies. Part of the Stock, Furniture, and Brewing Utensils, may be purchased. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Lovett, Apothecary, at the Cross ; or of Mrs. Sargent, Chandler, opposite the said Inn. N. B. The above Inn is without the Liberties of the City, and not liable to have Soldiers quartered on it, unless by a particular Order from the War Office. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, At the Raven Inn, in Kidderminister, on Thursday the 16 th of this InstantMay, between the Hours of Three and Six of the Clock in
the Afternoon of the same Day, subject to such Conditions as shall be then and there produced, A Freehold Messuage or Tenement, with the Appurtenances, situate at the Upper End of the Vicarage- Street, in Kidderminster afore- said, and near the Market Cross there; consisting of a large Kitchen, Parlour, and Cellar, three Lodg- ing Rooms on the first Floor, and two Garrets, a Luge Shop backwards, and a Brewhouse, with a Well of exceeding good Water therein, and a Gar- den neatly walled about: All which Premisses are now in the Holding of Richard Coates, senior. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Gregory Watkins,
Attorney at Law, in Kidderminster. This Day was published, In Two Volumes, Price Five Shillings, sewed, THE BRITISH MORALIST: Or, Young Gentleman and Lady's Polite Pre- ceptor. Being a new Collection of Novels, Tales, Fables, Visions, Dreams, Allegories. Selected from those Writings of Brooke, Goldsmith, Johnson, Hume, Hawkesworth, Langhorne, Smollet, Sterne, Mulso, Murphy, Shenstone, Miss Carter, and other celebrated Moderns, that have been published du- ring the last Ten Years. To which are added, I. An Introduction, con- taining- Rules for acquiring True Politeness. II. Parallels between Ancient and
Modern Characters, III. A Concise View of the Beauties of the British Constitution. Printed for Robinson and Roberts, No. 25, in Pater- noster- Row, London; and may be had of the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. Of whom may be had just published in TwoVolumes, Price 5s. sewed, THE JEALOUS MOTHER: Or, INNOCENCE TRIUMPHANT. Also to be Sold, at the same Time, in like Manner, with or without the above- mentioned House and A resent Instance of the Efficacy of the BALSAMIC TINCTURE. To Dr. R Y S S E E G. IN the Year 1769, I contracted amostviolent Scurvy, by a too long Confinement to Salt
Provisions, during a voyage on hoard the Phonix Man of War, Capt. Tonny, to Senegal in Africa, where I resided for a con- siderable Time as Steward to Chief justice Christopher Milles, Esq; whose utmost Endeavours to procure Assis- tance for me in that Country were ineffectual. My Dis- order stillincreased to such a Degree, that I had no less than eleven Holes in my Legs, which obliged me to so- licit Permission to return to England. On my Arrival in London, I applied to several of themosteminent of the Faculty, without receiving the Benefit I expected. How- ever, upon observing an Advertisement in the Papers of the very
remarkable Cure of Mrs. Mary Graham, residing at No. 59, Cannon- Street, by the Application of your Balsamic Tincture, I waited on her, to be satis- fied of the Truth of the said Cure; when, being fully convinced of the Authenticity, I bought two Bottles of the Tincture, which I found of much Service to me, and by continuing it, I have the Happiness to assure you that my Disorder is entirely removed, and the Holes in my Legs are perfectly healed, except one, which is now no bigger than the Head of a Pin. I am entirely free from Pain, and in as good Health as ever I was m my Life. I send you this as an Acknowledgement, for the
Benefit of those who may be afflicted with the same Complaint, and am ready to convince any Person of the Truth of this Assertion, who will call on me at Mr. Uphill's China Shop, in Mount- Street, Berkley- Square. I am, Sir, yourmostobliged humble Servant, Jan. 8, 1771. L. DROUARD. Sold wholesale and retale by F. Newbery, at the Corner of St. Paul's Church Yard; and by the Printer of this Journal, at 3s. 6d. a Bottle, THURSDAY'S POST. ( By EXPRESS from LONDON.) FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Paris, April 22. LAST Thursday, in the Night, the Musqueteers carried Letters deCachet to the twelve Members of the Great Council,
who had resigned, or- dering them to return to the Palace, and resume their Functions. Some them would not go King might command his Fortune, his person, and his Life, but that he could not dispose of his Honour or his Conscience. The Parliament of Rouen, hearing of the New Parliament established at Paris, has charged the New Members with Perjury, and forbid all the Officers under their Jurisdiction to acknowledge any of their Acts. LONDON, Tuesday, April 30. This Morning, precisely at Ten o'Clock, Ri- chard Oliver, Esq; was brought by Writ of Ha- beas Corpus before the Barons of the Exchequer, i when, after the
Writ was read, Mr. Serjeant Glynn made a Motion for his Enlargement, which he supported to the following Purport : He observed, " that there were various Cases where the Authority of Parliament ( great as he allowed it to be in many Respects) could not con- troul the established Laws of the Land. He in- stanced in particular the Transaction of the Long Parliament, during the Civil Wars, and asked their Lordships, whether they would not be under the Necessity of condemning their Proceedings. He said the House of Commons could furnish them with no legal Justification, when that House assumed Privileges they had no
Right to assume. That the Cases of Lord Shaftsbury and Mr. Mur- ray, which had been urged as Cases against this Doctrine, were not at all similar, as the former happened at a Period unfavourable to the Liberty of the Subject, and when the Judges were depri- vable of their Office at Pleasure, and as the Letter was a Commitment for a Contempt of the House, in the Face of their Body, and within their own Walls, and did not at all clash with the known and established Laws of the Land. He further observed, that in the Case of the King and Potter, Lord Chief Justice Holt was of Opinion, that the House of Commons derived their
Authority from the Laws, and let me tell your Lordships, ( continued the Serjeant) that great Chief Justice was a Person as well acquainted with the History and Laws of this Country as any Per- son that ever presided in any Court of Justice. The Serjeant then mentioned the Cause of Mr. Oliver's Commitment in a very spirited and pre- cise Manner, and observed, that the Cause of Offence was no more than committing a Messen- ger, who was no other Way authorised than hav- ing an Order of the House in his Pocket, with- out his Name or Office specified, as Authority to execute that Order. Allowing, therefore, says he, the full
Extent of the Privilege of the House, how can Mr. Oliver be guilty of an Offence in committing this unauthorised Person, without sup- posing a personal Privilege in the Messenger ; a Supposition that carries Absurdity on the Face of it. ( In short, it is impossible to follow the learned Serjeant in the Variety of Arguments he made Use of in the Course of full two Hours, where he has left it difficult to determine in which he most excelled, Oratory or Argument. Mr. Serjeant Jephson, and Mr. Lee, severally supported the Serjeant. Mr. Jephson quoted a Number of Cases, in all which the Persons found to be unlawfully committed were
discharged, and for these Reasons, - that the Court, in the Case of a Habeas Corpus, could not support its constitu- tional Authority otherwise. Mr. Lee followed Mr. Serjeant Jephson with great Spirit and Argument, and concluded by bidding adieu to the Civil Liberties of England, if they depended on the arbitrary Decree of Par- liament. After the Arguments were finished, the Court very briefly replied, " They could not take Cog- nizance of the Privileges of Parliament, they were of themselves competent Judges, and that therefore Mr. Oliver must be remanded." Mr. Oliver instantly obeyed this Determination, by getting into a
Hackney Coach, and driving off to the Tower. From the general Course of Proceedings in the Case of the Imprisonment of the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor and Mr. Alderman Oliver, it is evi- dent that the Design of the Foes to Liberty is to confine these patriotic Gentlemen till the Parlia- ment adjourns. The Parliament is to break up next Tuesday. The Expence of the Parliament Business done this Session on account of the City, it is said, al- ready amounts to near 4000 l. The intended Address from Gloucester to the Lord Mayor, and the Aldermen, ( Wilkes and Oliver) is, we hear, laid aside, both the Mem- bers not choosing, it is
thought, to attend with it. We can assure the Public, that Lord Chatham was sent for, a few Days since, by a Great Per- sonage, on a very extraordinrry Occasion, to St. James's, but that he was prevented by a severe Fit of the Gout. The Gout has been remarked in a certain Assembly to be a very great Politician. Mr. Allen has got a Petition drawn up, and signed by six Justices of the Peace and several of the Inhabitants of the Borough, to prove that his Son was a well- behaved Lad, and never was en- gaged in a Riot in his Life, as Mr. O w asserted in the House. We are assured that Mr. Allen will shortly pub- lish to the World
the Petition that was on Friday presented to the House of Commons, and rejected ; with Remarks on Lord Barrington's Letter. Last Friday the Committee sat on the present Cause of Riots and Disturbances. Several Con- stables were examined; but they could not give an Account of any Person, excepting one Keys, ( for pelting one of the Constables) who is out upon Bail. Yesterday the following Bills received the Royal Assent by a Commission from his Majesty, viz. The Bill for applying the Sum granted for the Pay and Clothing of the Militia for the present Year. The Bill for improving and preserving the Na- vigation of the
Rivers Thames and Isis, from the City of London to Cricklade, in Wilts. The Bill for embanking that Part of the River Thames adjoining to Durham Yard in the Strand, and County of Middlesex. Duration of Parliament, on Friday last, said, that he would go as far as any Man at a proper Time ; but he could not then think of such an important Affair, when the Session was almost concluded. " It is never too late, ( said another Member) to improve the Constitution. Though you would go as far as any Man at a proper Time, I will lay an even Wager that you will never be the first Man to make such a Motion at any Season." Extract from
the Speech delivered by Mr. Sawbridge, on Friday last, on shortening the Duration of Parliaments. " Human Nature is so frail or so corrupt that Obligations, unless they are frequently renewed, lose their Force. Hence in the Course of seven Years Representatives forget their Constituents ; and long Parliaments naturally become independent of the People. What is the Consequence ? They become dependent on the Crown, whose influencing Power is, by the vast Increase of Places, become almost irresistible. I own, indeed, that there is some Provision made against known Placemen. But where is there any Security against
secret Placemen and Pensioners, against the Reptiles who creep up the Back- stairs, and come down with a Bag of Gui- neas ready to burst ? In these Cases the Laws are by no Means effectual, and therefore the People have no other Remedy but a new Election." " To refuse short Parliaments may create, but can never prevent, Discontents. Before Septennial Parliaments existed, did the Canvassing begin two or three Years before the Election ? No : For it is na- tural to contend more eagerly for a septennial than a triennial Post of Honour or Profit. Then those who had no natural Interest, law no sufficient Temp- tation to
employ Bribery. When Bribery was not used, every Elector voted according to his natural Bias or Inclination: And now, that Bribes have ac- tually taken Place, whoever buys must come up to the Elector's Price : He therefore that comes in by Corruption, will seldom go out with clean Hands." Price of CORN per Quarter, at London. Wheat 40s. to 46s. Pease 31s. to33s. Barley 25s. to 28s. Hog Pease 25s. to 27s. Oats 16s. to 20s. Beans 22s. to 28s. Brown Malt 29s. to 33s Tares 26s. to 32s. Pale Malt 30s. to 35s. Finest Flour 38s. per Rye 31s. to 35s. Sack. BANKRUPTS required to surrender. William Townsend and James
Smith, of Lombard Street, St. George the Martyr, in Surry, Clothiers and Copartners, May 7, 11, June 8, at Guildhall. John Simpson, of St. Andrew, Holborn, Hard- ware- Man and Jeweller, May i, 14, June 8, at Guildhall. Robert Bagnell, of St. Martin in the Fields, Baker, May 10, 11, June 8, at Guildhall.-- Richard Mathison, of Southwark, Upholsterer, May 4,11, June 8, at Guildhall. Henry Marchinton, Philip Marchinton, and James Marchinton, of Man- chester, Clothiers, May 22,23, June 11, at the Royal Oak Inn, in Manchester. DIVIDENDS to be made to Creditors. June 8. William M'Morran, of St. Andrew, Hol- borw, Linnen draper, at Guildhall. Early Intelligence from our Correspondents in London, ( dated Wednesday, May 1, ) which cannot appear in any other Country Paper sooner than Saturday, nor even in any of the London Papers before those brought by the. Mail on Friday. YESTERDAY a Courier arrived at the Prussian Ambassador's, and we hear he has brought Instructions to his Excellency from his Master to de- mand of the Court of Great Britain the Sum of 300,000 1. which has been due to his Prussian Majesty ever since the lad War ; and that the Ambassador is to insist on an immediate An- swer. The Ambassador immediately
waited on the Earl of Halifax, and it is said a Council is to be held upon it To- day. This Matter has thrown the Ministry into great Confusion. A Correspondent, in a Letter from Portsmouth, dated April 30, says, " I have just been taking a View of the Fleet; a finer Sight I never beheld. I went on Board several Ships, and to my great Surprize found they were not half manned. The Fleet consists of 32 Sail, with several Frigates : Besides a Deficiency in Men, they are also short of Guns and Ammunition : So that should a War break out, not above half this Fleet can be sent to Sea. We hear that the Ministry intend, before the Breaking up of the Parliament, to move, that the Speaker may make out another Warrant for apprehending again Miller, the Printer, and that it may be directed to the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex ; but the Sheriffs have declared, that they will take no Notice of such Warrant. Monday Evening the House of Commons put off the Stock- jobbing Bill sine Die. The Commons at the same Time adjourned till Monday next, having finished the whole Bu- siness of the Session, except that of Prorogation. Several capital Merchants in the City have so- licited many of their Friends in Parliament to make a solemn Demand of Lord North, in bis
Place, whether the Amnesty between the Russians and Turks might be depended on or not. But this Demand cannot now be made, the House meeting no more this Session to debate, or do any other Business. In consequence of the last Dispatches from Madrid, our Court have actually paid off forty King's Ships. — A little Dispute happened be- tween the Spanish Court and ours, soon after the Declaration was ratified by both Courts, about which Court should disarm first, which Spain in- sisted upon we should do, as we were the first that begun to arm ; but we absolutely refused, as they were the first Aggressors. This Point
they have now given up, and the last Dispatches from Ma- drid were to satisfy our Court that the Spaniards had begun to disarm, and lay up all the Ships of War which they had fitted out in the different Ports of that Kingdom. Last Sunday, as the Lord Mayor was return- ing from the Church in the Tower to his Apart- ments, several Girls were playing, one of whom followed his Lordship into his Apartments. Up- on a Table lay a Summons; the Girl jumped up, and seizing the Summons eat it; upon which his Lordship smiled, and stroking her upon the Head, said, " Poor Creature; sure this is an ill Omen 5- 8ths a 3- 4ths. Three r half per cent. 175 Three 1- half per cent. 1758, —. Three per cent, consol. 87 7- 8ths a 88. Ditto reduce 86 I- half a 5- 8ths. Ditto 1726,—. Long A nuities, 26 3- 4ths. South Sea Stock, —. Three per cent. Old Annuities, 84 5- 8ths. Ditto Ne Annuities, —. Ditto 1751, —. India Stock 228 1- 4th. Three per cent. Annuities, 84 3- 4th a 7- 8ths. IndiaBonds, 47s. Navy Bills, 1 i- ha Lottery Tickets, 131. 16s. a 17s. WORCESTER, Thursday, May 2. Yesterday Major General Monckton reviewed in Powick's Ham, near this City, the Regime of Royal Dragoons, ( commanded by the Earl Pembroke) who made a very grand Appearand and gave
great Satisfaction in their Exercise an Evolutions- After the Review, Gen. Monckt entertained the Officers with a very elegant Din ner at the Hop Pole Inn, in this City. — In to Evening, the Officers complimented a very polite splendid, and numerous Company of Ladies a Gentlemen, with a Ball, at the Town Hall. A certain Publican of this City, who, for for Time, had been suspected of certain unnature and detestable Practices, has thought proper to camp, Information having been given again him by a Servant Boy who lately lived with him Yesterday Hen. Ingram, of the Parish of Brom- grove, was committed to our County Goal,
ing charged, by the Coroner's Inquest with m dering his Wife. The four following Person are likewise committed to the said Goal ; v Joseph Dudley, jun. and Joseph Southall, ju both of Dudley, charged with breaking into Ware Room of Mr. Crane, of that Place, a stealing thereout a Quantity of Halfpence : A John Pool and Francis Dankes, both of Dudle charged by the above Dudley and Southall receiving Fowls, the Property of Mr. Bate, of same Town, knowing the said Fowls were stole On Thursday last the Coroner's Inquest ha ing sat, at Holly Green, near Upton upon vern, on the Body of a Bastard Infant, suspect to have
been murdered, the Jury brought in Verdict of wilful Murder against the Moth who, it seems, had privately delivered herself. She remains under the Care of proper Persons she is in a sit Condition to be removed to County Goal. On Wednesday lad one Elizabeth Dodison, the Parish of Wichenford, in this County, delivered of a fine Male Child, which has t perfect Noses. At our Market, lad Saturday, 106 Pockets Hops were sold ; the general Prices from 41. to 51. 5 s. per Hundred. On Thursday last Mr. Francis Wheeley, Birmingham, was married to Miss Sympson, the same Place. On Thursday last Thomas Clarke was co mitted
to Warwick Goal, on Suspicion of m dering his Uncle, Mr. Arnold, of Tanworth. The following is an authentic Copy of the A swer from the Right Hon. the Lord May of London, and Mr. Alderman Oliver, the Address lately presented to those thy Gentlemen from the Corporation this City. To the Worshipful the Mayor and Corporation the City of Worcester " Gentlemen, " We have the Houour of receiving fr Henry Crabb Boulton and John Walsh, Esq your Representatives in Parliament, the most lite Testimony of your Approbation of our C duct on a late Occasion. — It is our Happiness reflect, that we have, at all Times, endeavour to
fulfil the sacred Obligations under which are bound to the Citizens of London, and to People of England ; and it is equally our nour to receive the public Demonstration of good Opinion of our Countrymen in the fai ful Execution of our Trust. " The only Reward we have in View is happy Success of our Wishes to promote Prosperity of this great City, and the gen Welfare of the Kingdom : In the Accompli ment of this salutary End, your generous C currence will strengthen our Resolutions, and Weight to our Endeavours, in defending the Constitution that was ever framed ; and wh we are determin'd, to the utmost of our Abilit shall be
delivered pure and unviolated Posterity. " Conscious that the Law of the Land is only Rule of Power and of Obedience,— to it willingly appeal: Nor will we forego the Sa faction of having discharg'd our Duty, throu the base Consideration that we may thereby come odious to arbitrary and more power Men : — And we are ready, with Chearfulness sacrifice our personal Ease, when there are Ho that it may finally restore the Tranquility, suspend the Murmurs of the People. " With these Principles, we dedicate oursel to the Service of our Country : and, be assur Gentlemen, that the Honours you have confer! upon us, shall never be
used but in the Dese of your Rights, and in the Preservation of Liberties and Franchises of the City of Worces We have the Honour to remain, Gentlemen, Your most faithful From the Tower, And devoted humble Serva April 22, 1771. BRASS CROSBY, RICHARD OLIVER. The Assize of Bread is as follows, viz. o 1 3 6 Penny Loaf to weigh Two- penny Loaf Six- penny Loaf Twelve- penny Loaf Eighteen- penny Loaf The Halfpenny Batch Cake not to weigh than 4 Ounces I Dram, the Penny ditto not than 8 Ounces 3 Drams; and no other Sort Batch Cakes to be made. Wheaten lb. oz. dr 8 3 0 6 1 1 2 2 3 3 Houshit lb. oz. lo 5 0 0 0
To Lord NORTH. ET me ask your Lordship this simple Ques- tion : Whether there can be a surer Symptom systematical Corruption in any Administration, under the Pretence of aiding the Supplies of Year, to promote a regular annual Lottery, the ckets of which are parcelled out in Bribes to the mbers of the two Houses; whist it is a notori- s Truth, that Lord Holland, lo justly named by City, " The Defaulter of unaccounted Mil- is," is permitted to retain in his Hands a Balance to the Public of many Hundred Thousands? From the London Evening Post To the * * * * . SIR. WILLING to embrace the favourable Interval which the
Timidity of your dissolute Mi- ers, or the Suspension of the just Resentment of ur Subjects, allows me, I once more address my- " to your Majesty. The Storm gathers fast; upon whose devoted had it will burst, Heaven only knows. Indeed, Time of such Commotions, in which we may n find ourselves involved, Providence has ever n propitious on the Side of Liberty, and sancti- by Success the glorious Contention for it. Be deceived, Sir, by the Impunity with which r wicked Ministers have hitherto passed in their sonable Attempts to undermine the Constitu- and destroy our Liberties. Do not think Ven- nce is dead, while it only
sleepeth ; or that the ple feel not for Freedom, and conceive an ut- Abborrence of those who would betray it, because y have not yet attempted to do themselves ample ice. It is long, Sir, before the People feel their rtance; — used to a willing Obedience, they not soon routed into resentful Opposition. The ular Power i so widely diffused, that in general cts but weakly. But when Oppression has brought People into Union, and condensed their Force, driving them into close Confederacy, the na- il and political Strength of the Subject imme- tely exerts itself; its Re- action is not felt till it ppressed, and its Resistance sound by the
Oppo- made to it. The Vigour of this Power is soon attained, nor does it exert itself by sudden ineffectual Attempts. Like all other Things permanent Strength, it rises by flow Degrees, l continues to act with irresistible Impulse; reas Tyranny, being the inordinate Lust of one, he intemperate Ambition of many to rule, like den Passion, it vents itself in Hidden Irregu- ty, exerts all its Force at once, and, after the Defeat, it has no Forces to rally, or any Con- rates to trust. Whether, Sir, you regard Things in this Light, now not; possibly Experience may fatally instruct in the Truth of some political Maxims, which er entered into Lord Bute's
System, or your own. real Experience, Sir, may teach you to doubt, east, concerning those Principles he has ad- ced; and your Duty as a King, and your Fears Man, ought to have some Weight with you, n you have so much at Stake as your Subjects fare, and your own. Happy, Sir, would it be the People, if your Ministers had not taught to separate these Ideas, and adopt a Plan of icy upon the most inconsistent, unnatural, and onstitutional Principles. Your Government, Sir, never be happy to yourself, unless it is so to ir People. That it is not so, their Complaints, itions, and Remonstrances, testify. You want Evidences of this;
and you believe it, Sir, in te of all your Ministers c: u lay, or your Mo- r suggest. The discontented Murmurs of your red people have burst through the Barriers of terial Concealment that inclose you, to screen if possible, first from your subjects Complaints, next from their Insults. Instead, Sir, of coin- forth to your People, with conscious Joy in Countenance, resulting from the god- like Sa- ction of being their Father, Protector, and nd, you skrink from the Eye of your Subjects inward Shame; and sometimes we can fee, n your disconsolate Brow, that your Heart wants se secret Satisfactions, which can alone make r Crown easy, and
your Reign prosperous to self, and happy to your People. Painful Strug- have we beheld between that Love of Glory, ch, as a Briton, you boasted yourself in spired h, when you first ascended the English Throne, that native, maternal Pride, which more than nterbalances any patriotic Sentiments that your ast can feel. The Disposition has been carefully rished, by the fame fostering Hand from whence it unhappily derived; and your good Subjects, are almost ready to pardon you, when they re- ber the Stock, on one Side, from whence you ung: But their Resentment re- kindles, when y trace your Origin on the other; from whence
derive Dignity sufficient to deserve our warmest ection and Zeal, if you discredit it not, and to y am equal Resentment if , you do. Call up, Sir, vour Father in, your Soul, and banish your Mother ver ; and white a Race of Heroes pals before your gination, endeavour to catch some of that sacred our and patriotic Flame, that burnt in the Breast our great Deliverer, and glowed in the Heart of rge the First and Second. Let not the Annals of r Reign deliver to. Posterity the dismal Tale of r Dishonour, Sir, and your Disgrace. Let it not said, that George the Third infringed upon those ed Liberties his Ancestors gloriously procured, zealously
preserved; that he broke the Consti- ion by Perverseness and Folly, which they erected their Wisdom, and continued by their Justice ; that he transgressed those Laws, and disregarded to sacred Charter, which his illustrious Ancestors ve to protect and maintain, and which, by every ligation, and the most solemn Oath, he Is bound defend. our Offspring, Sir, are numerous; they may live head your History, and be taught, perhaps, by r Example, what you would do well to learn, w, Sir, will your Shade rest in Peace, if upon the usal of the faithful Page, your Successor shall urn Realms lost by your Inadvertence, and find self
deprived of Empire, by the Hands that ld have preserved, and transmitted it to him h undiminished Glory? How will the real Friends your House mourn, when they only remember by what you might ha- ve been ? Save, Sir, your me and your Posterity from Disgrace. Leave not e future Usurper ( for Scotland still exists---- Re- ion has still her Seat) Room only to point at r History in his own Justification. Perhaps, Sir, think you shall derive some Advantage from h a Remembrance as I have mentioned; and that rity, busy in shewing what so favoured and ent King might have been, will lose all Remem- nce of what he was.
TRIBUNUS. JOHN BROMLEY, MERCER and UNDERTAKER, ( Many Years Servant to the late Mrs. Severn) BEING now engaged in Business for himself, next Door to the Golden Ball, in Goose- Lane, and having laid in a new and compleat Assortment of Goods, takes this Method of entreat- ing the Favours of his Friends, and the Public in general; whose kind Encouragement will always be gratefully acknowledged, and duly esteemed, by Their most obedient humble Servant, JOHN BROMLEY. Worcester, March 20, 1771. BAYLISS and Co. MERCERS and LINNEN- DRAPERS, BEG Leave to acquaint the Public, That they
have opened a Shop, the Sign of the Indian Queen, near St. Helen's Church, in the High- Street, where they have laid in a neat and elegant Assortment of the mod genteel and fashion- able FANCY and PLAIN SILKS, calculated for the Spring and Summer Seasons a large Quantity of Irish Cloths, Lawns, Muslins, & c. with many other Articles in each Branch, which will be sold on the lame Terms as in London. WILLIAM REA, MERCER, LINNEN - DRAPER, HABERDASHER, and UNDERTAKER, BEGS Leave to inform the Public, That he has taken the Shop in the Broad- Street, Worcester, late in the Occupation of Mr. Barnes,
Mercer; where he has laid in a large and elegant Assortment of Goods in the Mercery, Linnen Drapery, and Haberdashery Branches, calculated for the Spring and Summer Seasons ; and earnestly so- licits the Favours of Mr. Barnes's Friends, and the Public in general, assuring them that they will be supplied with every Article 011 the very lowest Terms. N. B. Haberdashery Goods sold Wholesale as cheap as in London. A Youth out of a good Family, wanted as an Apprentice. Worcester, April 18, 1771. TO BE LETT, At Mr. YeOMAnS'S, Currier, in Fish- Street, GENTEEL Apartments, ready fur- nished; consisting of a good
Parlour, Kitchen, Cellar, and two Lodging Rooms ; the Whole com- modiously detached from the rest of the House ; also a Stable, if required. N. B. The Lodger may likewise be accommodated with Boarding, if it is desired. tioned, Inhabitants of the Parishes of Ship- ton, Long Stanton, Munslow, Holgate, Tugford, and Monk Hopton, in the County of Salop, have entered into Articles with each other, to endeavour to apprehend and to prosecute, at our joint Ex- pence, all Persons who shall steal Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any other Things, our respective Pro- perties. The Party, from whom any Thing shall be stolen, is to give
immediate Notice thereof to all the Parties to the said Articles, every one of whom is, then, without Delay, to dispatch a Man and Horse fifty Miles, in Pursuit of the Felon; and if the Person so dispatched shall gain any Intelligence of him, he is to continue his Pursuit, if necessary, throughout England and Wales. The Pursuers will take different Roads from each other, and the Whole is formed upon such a Plan, that every Part of the Kingdom will be travelled in a very short Time. It will therefore be almost impossible for Offenders to escape. Every Turnpike Gate- keeper will be entitled to a Reward of Ten Shillings, if he gives such
Intelligence as shall enable the Pursuers to apprehend the Offender. Shipton. Thomas Littleford, of Thomas Mytton Broadstone Richard Sankey, of the Benj. Cox, of Broadstone Morehouse John Acton, of Larden Edward Milner Benjamin Collins Widow Burgess William Mannox Fr. Hudson, of Skimscot. Long Stanton. Richard Onslow Widow Chidley Fr. Hudson, of Patton Edw. Downes, of Patton JohnBollens of Brock ton John Acton, of Brockton Wm . Bowen, of Brockton Thomas Butcher, of Lit- tle Oxenbold. Munslow. Rev. Mr. Read Francis Wainwright Humphry Wainwright Hannah Wainwright B. Lokier, of Millichap Richard
Bluck Thomas Powel, of Hun gerford Tho. Downes, of Aston Tho. Rowlands Edw. Stedman, of Aston Wm. Smith, of Aston T. Lacon, of Thonglands William Ward Sam. Amies, of Aston. Holgate. Edw. Minton John Hudson John Babb Sam. Fewtrel Cha. Mapp, of Bowden. Tugford. Rev. Mr. Ingram Silvanus Jones Edw. Reynolds Geo. Giles Philip Francis, of Bawcot John Hanson, of Bawcot. Monk Hopton. B. Adney, of Oxenbold. T This Day is Published, Neatly printed in 2 Vols. Octavo, Price bound 12s. HE HISTORY of ENGLAND, from the Earliest Accounts to the Revolution in 1688. By WILLIAM SMITH, M. D. Ne quid falsi
dicere audeat, ne quid veri non audent. CICERO. London, printed for the Author ; and sold by W. Owen, in Fleet- Street; and may be had of the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. On the seme Day will be published, in Two Vols. Octavo, Price bound 12s. by the same Author, The NATURE and INSTRUCTION of GOVERNMENT; containing an Account of the Feudal and English Policy. ---— Juvat integros accedere fonteis Atque baurire LUCRET. The above Works may be had uniformly bound in 4 Vols, at Il. 4s. or either Part separate as above advertised, at 12s. Designed for the USE of SCHOOLS. NOW first published,
Price is. 6d. bound, THE MOST GENERAL SCHOOL- ASSISTANT : Containing a complete Sys- tem of Arithmetic; the common and useful Pro- blems in practical Geometry ; the Methods used in taking- the Dimensions of Artificers Work; Men- suration of all Kinds of Surperficies and Solids, of Artificers Work, of Timber, and of Land; toge- ther with Ganging, Bills of Parcels, & c. & c. By G. DYER, Master of the ' Tuckers School, in Exeter. Printed for Robinson and Roberts, No. 25, in Pater- noster- Row, London; sold by E. Score and W. Grigg, in Exeter; and may be had of the Prin- ter and Distributors of this Journal, This Day is
Published, I n One Volume, Octavo, Price 5s. bound, THE FARMER'S KALENDAR: Or, A Monthly Directory for all Sorts of Country Business : Containing plain Instructions for performing the Work of various Kinds of Farms, in every Season of the Year ; respecting particularly the buying, feeding, and selling Live stock; the whole Culture of Arable Crops; the Management of Grasses; the ceconomical Conduct of the Farm, & c. By an Experinced FARMER. London, printed for Robinson and Roberts, No. 25, in Pater- noster- Row; J. Knox, at No. 148, in the Strand; and sold by H. Berrow, in Worcester. This Day is published, Price
Six- pence, To be continued Monthly, NUMBER IX. for APRIL 1771, of THE Lady's Magazine-, or, Enter- taining Companion for the FAIR SEX ; ap- propriated solely to their Use and Amusement. Embellished with an elegant Pattern of a Lady's Ruffle, being the same with that given of an Apron and Handkerchief in the first Number of this Work, and compleats a Suit. Also four new Patterns of Sprigs; and a beautiful Whole- Length of a Lady, with the Emblems of Spring, in the Dress of April 1771, finely coloured ; and a Song set to Music by Mr. Hudson. N. B. This Magazine contains the Continuation of the Sentimental Journey,
and a Conclusion of the Pyrenean Hermits, by the Author of the former Parts; besides a great Variety of original, instruc- tive, and entertaining Articles. London, printed for Robinson and Roberts, No. 25, Pater- noster- Row; of whom may be had the eight first Numbers, and where Letters to the Au- thors are received. THAT the Public may not be imposed upon by several false, injurious, and malicious Advertise- ments, signed JOHN WHEBLE, in which he pre- tends to complain of the great Injustice he has re- ceived from the present Publishers of the Lady's Magazine, we beg Leave to refer the Public to the Affidavits of the
original Proprietor and Printer, inserted in the different News Papers, by which they will be enabled to form a proper Judgment of the Honesty, Integrity, and singular Modesty of the said John Wheble, in pretending to the Property of a Work for which we have given a very valuable Consideration. ROBINSON and ROBERTS. Please to observe, that the Whole- Length coloured Print of a Lady is in the genuine Lady's Magazine. To be continued Monthly, Ornamented and illustrated with the following ele- gant Engravings, the Subjects of which are, 1. A beautiful Portrait of Miss Ev- ns; 2. A good Likeness of the sorry Motion- maker;
3. Two fine Whole- Lengths of the patriotic Lord Mayor and Mr. Alderman Oliver; and, 4. A true Re- presentation of the little COCKlNG GEORCE, taken from the Life, and cut in Wood, NUMBER XXX. of THE Town and Country Magazine; Or, Universal Repository of Knowledge, Instruction, and Entertainment, tor April 1771. Containing, with the usual Variety of original and important Articles, Histories of the Tete a Tete; or, Memoirs of the Sorry Motion- maker and Miss Ev- ns in which are introduced many secret and curious Anecdotes. London, printed for A. Hamilton, jun. near St. John's Gate, where Letters to the Authors are
re- ceived ; and sold, by Robinson and Roberts, No. 25, Pater- noster- Row; of whom may be had any of the former Numbers. It may likewise be had of the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. The following approved Medicines are sold at Berrow's Printing- Office in Worcester. VELNOS' Vegetable SYRUP. THE following Cure is so very remarkable, both for its Inveteracy and the open Manner in which it wis effected that ' tis to be hoped it will be deemed a sa- tisfactory and incontestible Proof of the Efficacy of the VEGE- TABLE SYRUP; more especially as Cases of this Kind are not easily to be obtained, from Motives of
Delicacy. Edward Davis, Font Soldier in the late Lord Ligonier's Re- giment of Guards, was, from a Venereal Cause of long standing, highly complicated with the Scurvy, covered with large Pustules and fordid Ulcers, from the Crown of his Head to the Soles of his Feet. Upon Examination 1 also discerned, that the Uvula was ulcerated, and the Tonsils almost consumed by two large Ulcers. He was besides afflicted with the most dreadful nocturnal Pains with Nodes on various us Parts, a flaw hectic Fever, and continual Head Ach. He had been under Mercurial Courses without Effect, was it this Time reduced to a mere Skeleton,
and looked on as totally incurable. As I wished to have an Opportunity of putting the Vegetable Syrup to the most severe Trial, I had requested a noble Friend of mine to obtain of Lord Ligonier, that I might have a Soldier from the Hospital in petty France, Westminster, on whom. I might make an Experiment, whose Cafe was be most complicated and obstinate. This Man was presented lea to me by Order of his Colonel, as a most hopeless Subject and sent to my House ; where he was radically cured in the Space of six Weeks, by the use of the Syrup ONLY, and retained for inspection to the Hospital, accompanied by his
Colored and myself, perfectly found, to the great Astonishment of all who were acquainted with his deplorable Case ; and remains to this Day in perfect Health. J. BURROWS, M D. This Medicine, which daily Experience proves to be a Specific in all Venereal and Scorbutic Cases, is to be. had in Bottles, at ios. 6d. each, at Dr. BURROWS'S House, opposite the Prince of Orange's Coffee House, in the Hay Market, Lon- don ; sold also by Fletcher and Hodson, in Cambridge ( who are appointed sole Agents for vending this Medicine in the Coun- try); Mr. Raikes, Gloucester ; Mr. Pugh, Hereford; Messrs, Pearson and Arts,
Birmingham ; Mr. Taylor, Kidderminster Mr. Jackson, Oxford ; Mr. Eddowes, Shrewsbury ; Mr. Tay- lor, Stafford Mrs Thurstans, Wolverhampton ; and by the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. Where also may be had, A Dissertation en its Nature and Effects with an Ac- count of its, Examination by the, Royal College of Physicians, and a Variety of extraordinary cures , properly attested. Any Person doubtful of the Authenticity of this Medicine, may see, in the Hands of Dr. Burrows, such Testimonials as cannot be disputed, the authenticated Certificates by two public Notaries, counter signed by his Britanfinle Majesty's
Ambassador at the Court of France. Dr. STERN'S Balsamic AEther, An easy, expeditious, and effectual Curt for Consumptions, Asthmas, Coughs, Colds, hoarseness Sore- Throats, and other Disease of the Breast, Throat, or Mouth. Being by the Steam of hot Water, applied immediately to the Part affected, the Patient is certain to find Relief in a few Moments; and, by continuing, the Use of this invaluable Medicine for a shorter or longer Time, according to the In- veteracy of his Complaint, he may depend upon a radical Cure, as may be well attested by Numbers of People, both in the City of London, and other Parts of the
Kingdom, But the Public are particularly requested to observe, that in the Small- Pox, Measles, Inflamations. of the Breast called Peripneumonies or Pleurisies, the frequent Application of this Medicine will afford the Patient more Relief than all other Remedies whatsoever. In these dangerous cases, aster plen- tiful Bleeding, it must be applied every Hour, till be Di- sorder begins to remit; and the Water must not be drank, but, when it grows cool, must be thrown out. Sold at 6s. per Bottle, by H. Berrow, Printer, near the Cross, Worcester ; and by most of the principal Booksellers, in Great Britain and Ireland ; of whom may likewise
be & c and Drops. had Dr. STern'S Medical Advice to the Consumptive Asthmatic People of England, Price is. To Dr. F L U G G E R, in Prescot - Street, Goodman's Fields, Author of the Lignorum Antiscorbutic SIR, I should be both guilty of Ingratitude to you, and In- justice to my Fellow- Creatures, was I not to make public the surprizing Cure my Wife hath received, by taking eight Bottles of your Lignorum Antiscorbutic Drops. After having been afflicted upwards of sixteen Years with several Ulcers in her Legs, which, notwithstanding every Method that could be thought of was tried, and no Cost spared, be- came more foul and
corrupted ; insomuch that a Mortifica- tion was hastily ensuing, and a violent Fever had seized her, together with a whole Complication of Disorders ; so that her Life was really miserable, and all Relies despaired of but by Death ; till persuaded by Mr. Shoubridge, the Agent for the Sale in this Town, to try your Drops, which to the Surprize of all who knew her, and much to our Comfort, perfected Cure in a few Months and she is now in perfect Health, and free from all Disorders whatsoever. Witness my Hand, Horsham, Dee. 12, 1770. RICHARD COCK, Cooper. P. S. The Truth of this may be relied on, as can be testified by many
of the Inhabitants of this Town. These Drops will perfectly cure the most inveterate Scurvy, Leprosy, pimpled Face, of ever so long standing ; likewise the Evil, Fistulas, Piles, old obstinate Sores or Ulcers, and is a sovereign Remedy in all Disorders arising from the Foulness of Blood incident to the Fair Sex ; and may be taken by Per- sons of the most delicate Constitutions in any Season or Cli- mite, without the least Inconvenience or Hindrance of Bu- siness; and hath this particular Quality different from most other Medicines, that they strengthen the Patient surprizingly. Any Person doubtful may be referred to many Person, of
Credit, who have been cured by theft Drops of the abovemen- tioned Disorders, and be fully convinced that this is no Impo- sition, by applying it Dr. Flugger, at No. 15, Prescot- street, Goodman's fields , London , the only Author and Proprietor of these Drops, wbere they are sold at 5s. the Bottle, with Directions. Also by Mr. Aris, in Birmingham ; Mrs. Thurston, in Wolverhampton; Mr. Whately, in Lichfield; Mr. Davis, in Leominster Mr. Pugh. in Hereford; H. Berrow, in Wor- cester ; Mr. Taylor, in Stafford; Messrs Jopsons, in Coventry ; Mr. Lingard, in Atberstone, and Nuneaton ; and Mrs. Stock, in Gloucester ; Mr. Martin, at Ashby
de la Zouch ; Mr. Hig- man, at St. Austell; Mr. Bloxbam, in Banbury ; Mr. Chand- ler, in Froome ; Mr. Shoubridge, in Horsham ; Mr. Hull, at St. Alban's ; and Mr. R. Eades, in High Wycombe. Those not in Bottles, marked with the Name of the Drops, also sealed with the Author's Name, are Counterfeits. TO be Sold, at the Corn Warehouse in Bristol, for Ready Money only, s. d. s. d. Wheat 5 8 Beans 3 4 Malt 4 8 8 Gallons Oats 2 2 Barley 3 4 Hog Pease 3 8 Fine Flour 39s. Seconds 37s. Thirds 35s. per Sack, each Sack 280 lb. Neat. TO COVER, at Strensham, in the County of Worcester, on Tuesdays, Wed- nesdays, and
Thursdays ; and at the City of Wor- cester the remaining Days of the Week, during the Season, at One Guinea a Mare, and Half a Crown the Servant, a strong, well- proportioned Bay HORSE, Sixteen Hands high, rising four Years old, beauti- fully marked, perfectly fresh, sound, and free from Blemish. He has line Action, and Bone sufficient for the Coach; was got by Mr. Ellerby's well- known Horse, near Malton in Yorkshire, and was brought, when a Foal, by the present Proprietor; to encourage the Breed of such Horses in this County. TO Cover, this Season, at Stanton, near Campden, Gloucestershire, at One Gui- nea a
Mare, and Half a Crown the Servant, the Money to be paid before the Mares are taken away, The Strong Chesnut Horse, V A N D A L, seven Years old this Grass, and upwards of fifteen Hands high. He was bred by the Duke of Ancaster, got by Spectator, out of a Mare got by Old Blank, and Full Sister to Chrysolite. Chrysolite was esteemed the belt Running Horse of his Year in the Kingdom, and Covers this Season at Twenty Gui- neas a Mare, at Grimthorpe, in Lincolnshire. VANDAL is sound and healthy, and free from all natural Blemishes. Good Grass and Hay for Mares, at 2s. 6d. per Week, and great Care taken of them.
ACock Match will be fought at Had- ley Bowling Green, on Monday and Tuesday the 6th and 7th of May, between the Gentlemen of Worcestershire and Shropshire: To shew 31 Cocks in the Main, for two Guineas a Battle, and thirty the odd Battle, To weigh on Saturday the 4th of May. CHICKETTS and LINES, Feeders. ATCHAM BRIDGE. NOTICE is hereby given, That all Persons, willing to undertake to build a New Bridge across the Severn, at Atcham, near Shrews- bury, and complete the same within a limited Time, for a Sum certain to be paid by Instalments, are de- sired to send in their Proposals, sealed up, to Mr. Flint,
Treasurer for the County of Salop, at his House in Shrewsbury, on or before Wednesday the 29th Day of May, at Ten o'Clock in the Morning, or else to the adjourned Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the said County, which will be held at the Talbot, in Atcham, at the said Time; when and where the Justices will be ready to contract with the fairest Proposer, who mull give Bond with suf- ficient Security to perform his Contrail. Mr. Gwynn's Plan and Elevation on which the intended Bridge is to be con limited, may, at any Time, be seen at Mr. Gwynn's House, in Little- Court, Castle- Street, London, or at Mr. Flints aforesaid, where
a printed Paper, describing the Nature of the Work, with the Quantity and Quality of it, together with the Form of the Engagement which the Proposer is to sign, will be given to any creditable Person de- siring the same. N. B. One Abutment and one Pier of the said Bridge are already built, and the Centre for the first Arch is now fixing up, and there is Stone ready worked upon the Bank, nearly sufficient to turn the laid Arch, so that the Contractor may pro- ceed immediately on the Work. Copies of the said Paper may be had also at the said Air. Gwynn's, in London ; or at the Post- Of- fices in Birmingham, Worcester, Lichfield,
Glou- cester, and Chester. April 19th, 1771.