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Berrow's Worcester Journal


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Berrow's Worcester Journal

Date of Article: 25/04/1771
Printer / Publisher: H. Berrow 
Address: Near the Cross, Worcester
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 4011
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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BERROW'S Worcester Price Two- pence Halfpenny. THURSDAY, April 25, 1771. Numb. 4011, SATURDAY'S POST. Arrived the Mails from France and Holland. Constantinople, March 4. city Suburbs, the Caima- cham, and other great Officers, went to the Place where it raged, and the Caimacham seeing some Wretches pillaging the Inhabi- tants of what little they had saved, in order to deter others, ordered them to be thrown into the Flames. LONDON, Thursday, April 18. Yesterday five News Carriers who had received Orders to attend the Committee appointed by the House of Commons to enquire into the Cause of the late Riots, were examined by the said Com- mittee respecting the Delivery of Hand Bills on the Day the Lord Mayor and Mr. Alderman Oliver went to the House; when the only Infor- mation gained was, that the said News Carriers received the Hand Bills in the Street, from a Person whom they did not know, and that they could not tell by whom they were printed. No Certiorari has been applied for, to remove the Proceedings against Whittam the Messenger, nor can they be removed before Judgment has been obtained; but, after such Judgment, they may be removed to a superior Court. On Tuesday last at the Bill of Rights, Mr. Wilkes moved the Society to rescind the former restrictive Order, that no new Subscriptions should be opened in the Society till after the finishing of his Affairs. He was seconded by Mr. Adair, and the Resolution passed unanimously. Robert Jones, Esq; was in the Chair. Twenty- eight Members attended, and the utmost Harmony prevailed. Fourteen new Members were proposed, and are to be ballotted for at the next Meeting. The Lord Mayor and William Sharp, jun. Esq; of Newport in the Isle of Wight, were unanimously elected. Wednesday Noon Rob. Jones, Esq; Chairman at the last Meeting of the Bill of Rights, attended by Sir Jos. Mawbey, Bart. Savage Barrell, Esq; William Ellis, Esq; Alderman Wilkes, & c. went in several Coaches to the Tower, and presented the Lord Mayor with a Copy of his Election into that Society fairly engrossed. His Lordship expressed in the handsomest Manner his Sense of the Honour done him, and declared his Resolution of paying his Respects to the Society as soon as possible after his Enlargement. We hear that it is intended to nominate Frede- rick Bull, Esq; a Gentleman of Fortune and Cha- racter, to be one of the Sheriffs for this City and County along with Mr. Wilkes, and that Mr. Bull has declared his Resolutions of serving that Office, of he should be chosen. That Gentleman is a Member of the Bill of Rights, and was chosen Treasurer to the Society last Tuesday. This Day was determined, in the Court of Common Pleas, the Action upon the Cafe for a Li- bel and defamatory Words, Onflow against Horne, as by Adjournment the last Term. Lord Chief Justice De Grey, after recapitulating the Whole of the Cafe, and the Arguments used by both Councils last Term, observed, that one general Rule was to be observed in Cafes of defamatory Words ; and that was, when the Words so spoken were obnoxious to Prosecution and Punishment; yet even this general Rule was subject to Limita- tion. For Instance, says he, to charge a Trader with Bankruptcy, a Man of Profession with In- capacity, or a Person in a public Office with Breach of Trust : These specific Charges are cer- tainly actionable, because the Damages are obvi- ous. But let us see how these Facts will operate on the Case in Point.— At a Meeting at Epsom, on the 26th of June, 1769, to instruct the Re- presentatives of the County, the Dependant said, " As for instructing one of our Members to ob- tain Redress, we may as well instruct the Winds, the Water, or the Air ; for should he ( Mr. On slow) promise his Assistance, I will not believe him," Now here is no Charge of the Violation of his Oath as a Member of Parliament, or any Charge whereby he may suffer Damages. The Sentence contains no more than that he believes Mr. Onslow will not keep his Word ; for these Reasons I am of Opinion no Judgment can be given. The rest of the Judges were of the same Opinion. It is confidently asserted, that, before the Ex- piration of the present Session of Parliament, some of the most spirited and most judicious Friends of the Community will contrive the Means of eradicating that rotten Part of our Constitution, the Boroughs, which for a long Time have ren- dered the Balance unequal in a certain Assembly. We have the Pleasure to inform the Public, Lord Bute enjoys a better State of Health than he has done for some Years, and hopes shortly to return to England. An Express is arrived from the Island of St. Croix, in South America, which brings the News of the Discovery of a Gold Mine; the Vein is eleven Feet wide solid. Four Expresses are dis- patched for Copenhagen with this great News for the King of Denmark. The Mine is on the Estate of the Baron van Britton. The Court of Lisbon, jealous of the great Pro- gress the British Trade is making towards the south of America, has published an Edict, ex- cluding all Foreigners from trading with the Por- It is an undoubted Fact, that the King of Prussia is at this Moment collecting as much Corn as can be possibly got into Magazines; nor are any Ships suffered to depart from any of his Ports without his special Licence. Prince Gallitzin, the Russian Minister at the Hague, has received a Letter from Count Roman- zow, dated March 15, giving an Account of his having taken the Town and Fortress of Guirgin, on the Danube, which was defended obstinately by 10,000 Turks, and covered by two Intrench- ments, from both which they were driven, with the Loss of 4000 Men killed ; after which the Remainder retired to the Castle for several Days, when a Magazine of Powder blowing up, the Remainder, amounting to about 3000, on Ac- count of the Want of Provisions, were suffered to join the main Body of their Army. Sixty two Pieces of Brass Cannon, two Mortars, and a vast Quantity of warlike Stores were likewise taken. The Russians had only 400 killed, and 80o wounded; among the latter, the Generals Got- tenhelm and Mosino, and Colonel Count Natali. Tuesday Night a most barbarous Murder was committed in a Field near Bethnal Green Work- house, on Mr: Clarke, Pattern- drawer, of Ar- tillery- Lane, for having been an Evidence against Esterman, one of the Cutters, who was executed some Time ago. A large Body of Weavers met with him in the above Field, about Six o'Clock, and surrounded him. As they dragged him about, and stamped on his Body, he begged Per- mission to say his Prayers, which was granted him, but during the Time they pelted him with Stones and Brickbats. They tormented the poor Man in this Manner some Time, cutting him with Knives, till at last, with the Loss of Blood, and the many Wounds and Bruises he had received all over his Body, which made him a shocking Spectacle, he expired by a Blow from a large Brick, which hit him with great Violence over the Head. Nobody dared to interpose in his Behalf, left they should share the same Fate. He had previous Notice of their Intention, and was therefore armed with Pistols, but could not make Use of them. Three Men were apprehended last Night, by Sir John Fielding's Men, on Suspicion of the Murder of Mr. Clarke ; there are eighty Men, well armed, in Search of the Offenders, whence it is hoped that the Perpetrators of this horrid Crime will soon be brought to Light. A Drayman was observed to be remarkably ac- tive in the Murder of Mr. Clarke ; he endea- voured to put hot Grains in the Mouth of the Deceased, and hit him several Blows, particularly one that beat out one of his Eyes. At the last Lancaster Assizes came on to be tried before Sir Henry Gould and a Special Jury, an Action against Colonel John Burgoyne, Mr. Lut- widge, Mr. Wilson, and others, which was pro- secuted by Mr. John Gornall, for a most daring Attack upon his House in Preston, by the De- fendants and a great Country Mob, which they brought into the Town of Preston, a little pre- vious to the late contested Election at that Place. This public spirited Action met with the Success it merited ; the Dependants were clearly proved guilty of this and many other most dreadful Out- rages, and the Jury gave the Plaintiff 801. Da- mages, and Costs of Suit. Many other Gentle- men, whose Houses and Property were plundered. at the same Time, we hear, are determined to pursue the same Remedy; and it is to be hoped that, by the making a legal Example of these Offenders, the barbarous Practice of hiring Elec- tioneering Mobs will be put an End to, and the Subjects of this Country will be suffered in future peaceably to exercise their first and sacred Fran- chise of electing their own Representatives in Parliament. Died] A few Days ago, at Hartmore, near Devizes, Mr. Henry Axford. He lost his Speech in the Year 1740, by catching a violent Cold af- ter Dancing, and was dumb for five Years after ; when dreaming one Night that he was falling into a Furnace of boiling Wort, he was so terri- fied that he screamed out, and instantly recovered his Speech, which he retained during his Life. Wolverhampton, 2oth April, 1771. THE Creditors of the late Mr. Burslem Sparrow, deceased, are desired to meet at the Angel Inn, in Wolverhampton, on Thursday the second Day of May next, by 12 o'Clock, to consider of proper and necessary Steps to be taken by them to compel his Son ( the present John Port, Esq; of Ilam) to give an Account of what Monies or Profits have been received from his said Father's Estate and Effects by him, and the late George Port Esq; deceased, under an Assignment made of some Part thereof by the said Burslem Sparrow, by Way of Indemnity or collateral Security to the said George Port, deceased, or otherwise, and how such Monies have been applied and disposed of, the Cre- ditors having Reason to apprehend that the said Mr. Ports have already received upwards of Five Thousand Pounds from the said Estate and Effects ; and likewise to enquire how the Trustees to whom the Estates and Effects of the said Burslem Sparrow were assigned, for the Benefit of his Creditors, have acted in the said Trust since the same were so as- signed, or agreed to be assigned to them, or ought now to act therein. This being a Business of great Consequence to the Creditors, it is hoped most of them will send; and that those who cannot at- tend will appoint somebody to appear and act for THE Creditors who have proved their Debts under the Commission of Bank- rupt awarded and issued against SAMUEL BRADLEY, of the City of Worcester, Chinaman, Toyman, Dealer, and Chapman, are desired to meet the As- signee of the said Bankrupt's Estate and Effects, at four of the Clock in the Afternoon of Saturday the 11th Day of May next, at the Hop Pole Inn, in the City of Worcester, in order to assent to or dissent from the said Assignee's commencing, prosecuting, or defending any Action or Actions, Suit or Suits, Law or in Equity, for the Recovery of or touch- ing or concerning any Part of the said Bankrupt's Estate and Effects, or to the compounding or sub- mitting to Arbitration, or otherwise agreeing any Matter or Thing relative thereto, and on other spe- cial Affairs. THE Creditors of Mary Costin, late of the City of Worcester, Spinster, deceased, are desired to meet at the House of Mr. Ashton, at the Star and Garter in Worcester, on Friday the Third Day of May, by the Hour of Three in the Afternoon of that Day, at which Time it is intended to divide the said Mary Costin's Effects : And all Persons who have omitted to deliver in an Account of their Demands on the Estate of the said Mary Costin, are desired to send the same to Mr. Holbeche in Droitwich, before the Time aforesaid, otherwise they will be excluded the Benefit of the said Dividend. WILLIAM RE A, MERCER, LINNEN - DRAPER, HABERDASHER, and UNDERTAKER, BEGS Leave to inform the Public, That he has opened the Shop in the Broad- Street, Worcester, late in the Occupation of Mr. Barnes, Mercer; where he has said in a large and elegant Assortment of Goods in all the above Branches, calculated for the Spring and Summer Seasons; and earnestly solicits the Favours of the Public, assuring them that they will be supplied with every Article on the very lowest Terms. N. B. Haberdashery Goods sold Wholesale as cheap as in London. Worcester, April 11, 1771. JOHN BROMLEY, MERCER and UNDERTAKER, ( Many Years Servant to the late Mrs. Severn) BEING now engaged in Business for himself, next Door to the Golden Ball, in Goose- Lane, and having said in a new and compleat Assortment of Goods, takes this Method of entreat- ing the Favours of hisFriendsand the Public in general ; whose kind Encouragement will always be gratefully acknowledged, and duly esteemed, by Their most obedient humble Servant, JOHN BROMLEY. Worcester, March 20, 1771. BAYLISS and Co. MERCERS and LINNeN- DRAPERS, BEG Leave to acquaint the Public, That they have opened a Shop, the Sign of the Indian Queen, near St. Helen's Church, in the High- Street, where they have said in a neat and elegant Assortment of the most genteel and fashion- able FANCY and PLAIN SILKS, calculated for the Spring and Summer Seasons; a large Quantity of Irish Cloths, Lawns, Muslins, & c. with many other Articles in each Branch, which will be sold on the same Terms as in London. Worcester, April 11, 1771. GOOLDEN and LOWE, Mercers, At the COLLEGE GRATES, BEG Leave to inform the Ladies and the Public, that their great Sale of New SILKS began on Monday last, the 8th Instant; consisting of a very genteel and fashionable Assort- ment, just come down from the Looms, the Patterns of which are fancied by the first Artists in the Kingdom, and fabricated on the Italian Principle, which, for Beauty and Wear, far exceeds the com- mon Method of manufacturing Silks. Rich flow- ered Brocades ; Italian, Sattin, and striped ditto ; Ditto Armozeens and Ducapes; Sattin and striped ditto; Corded, shot, and plain ditto; Clouded, Paoli's, Tobines, Ducapes, and Tabbies; Black, white, and coloured rich Italian Mantuas and Ar- mozeens ; Flowered Italian Mantua Sattins; Vel- deroys, Tissues, and Peruvians ; Flowered Sattins and Damasks; Rich, plain, and flowered Sattins for Cloaks and Cardinals; Flowered Modes, Sarsenets, Persians, & c. with every other Article in the Silk Mercery and Haberdashery Way; which the La- dies and the Public may depend on will be sold on their usual low Terms. Mr. Goolden of Birmingham thinks it very necessary he should inform the Public, that he has no Sort of Connection with Bayliss and Co. as has been industriously reported; and that his Partner ( Mr. Lowe) will be al- ways ready to wait upon the Ladies at their old Shop at the College Grates. To be LETT, and entered upon immediately, ( Pleasantly situated at Droitwich, near the new Na- vigation, and late in the Occupation of ——— Wheeler, Esq; deceased) A Large and very commodious Mansion House, in thorough Repair; consisting of a large Kitchen, a Hall, two Parlours, and other Con- veniencies on the Ground Floor; with two good Cellars; and on the second Floor are a large Dining Room, three large Chambers, all in the Front, with two Closets, and one Chamber backwards ; and over the Whole are very good Garrets. There are likewise a good Brewhouse ( in which is a constant Supply of good Water) a Stable and Barn adjoining; together with a large Fruit and Flower Garden, walled in, and a Kitchen Garden ; as also about two Acres of good Orcharding. Further Particulars may be had of Mr. Collet, Worcester, April 3, 1771. WHEREAS the Masters in the Glove Manufactory in this City, have been much injured by the Workpeople embezzelling and sel- ling their Gloves, Leather, and Leather Shreads; Notice is hereby given, That a Reward of FIVE GUINEAS will be paid by the Steward of the Company, to any one who shall impeach, to con- viction, the Embezzeller or Seller of Gloves, Lea- ther or Leather shreads: And also the same Re- ward will be given for impeaching the Buyers or Receivers of Gloves, Leather, or Leather Shreads. By an Act of Parliament of the twenty- second of George the Second, it is therein enacted, That any Workpeople, who embezzle, purloin, sell, or secrete any Leather of his, her, or their Master, shall be publickly whipped for the first Offence: And any Person buying, receiving, accepting, or taking the same by Way of Gift, Pawn, Pledge, Sale, or Exchange, or in any other Manner what- soever, on Conviction, forfeits the Sum of Twenty Pounds; on Default of Payment to be whipped in Public at the Market Place: And all Work People are required to bring in their Work compleated within twenty- one Days from the Delivery, toge- ther with their Shreads, whether Cutters, Parers, or Sewers, or they are liable to be punished as though the same was actually embezzelled or purloined. Like- wise any one receiving Work, and shall quit or re- turn the same before it is compleated, or afterwards suffer themselves to be subsequently employed be- fore the Work first received is finished and delivered back to their Employer, are subject to be commit- ted to the House of Correction, there to be kept to hard Labour for one Month. And whereas some People have pretended that they had a Right to sell, and other, to buy, Gloveresses Shreads, This is to inform all such, That both the Seller and Buyer are as punishable in this Case as in the above, for selling of Leather, & c. And the same Reward, on Conviction, will be paid, altho' the Delinquent should be a Manufacturer, they having no more Right to purchase, or accept them by Way of Gift, than others; and a Promise of a Token or Reward on a future Day, in Consequence of the Sewer's bringing them ( where any Part thereof is the Property of another Master) the same will be deemed to be taken by Way of Pledge or Gift, and is cognizable under the Clause before noticed. And it is likewise thought necessary to inform all Cutters who put up their Gloves short of Tale to what they marked them at ( and reckon for) or otherwise commit any Fraud, that they will be pro- secuted. As the Trade hath been so grosly abused, and wronged in their Property they spare neither Cost nor Pains in bringing to condign Punishment all such as shall offend against the above mentioned Act. By Order of the COMPANY, PETER YOUNG, CLERK. TO COVER, at Strensham, in the County of Worcester, on Tuesdays, Wed- nesdays, and Thursdays; and at the City of Wor- cester the remaining Days of the Week, during the Season, at One Guinea a Mare, and Half a Crown the Servant, A strong, well- proportioned Bay HORSE, Sixteen Hands high, rising four Years old, beauti- fully marked, perfectly fresh, sound, and free from Blemish. He has fine Action, and Bone sufficient for the Coach; was got by Mr. Ellerby's well- known Horse, near Malton in Yorkshire, and was brought, when a Foal, by the present Proprietor, to encourage the Breed of such Horses in this County. TO COVER, this Season, at Thomas Williams's, at the Grissin, in Sidbury, Wor- cester, at Half a Guinea, and a Shilling the Servant, the Money to be paid at the Stable- Door the first Leap, The noted, strong, boney, and high- bred Bay Horse, called and known by the Name of FORESTER. Good Grass for Mares, and proper Care taken of them. TO Cover, this Season, at Stanton, near Campden, Gloucestershire, at One Gui- nea a Mare, and Half a Crown the Servant, the Money to be paid before the Mares are taken away, The Strong Chesnut Horse, VANDAL, seven Years old this Grass, and upwards of fifteen Hands high. He was bred by the Duke of Ancaster, got by Spectator, out of a Mare got by Old Blank, and Full Sister to Chrysolite. Chrysolite was esteemed the best Running Horse of his Year in the Kingdom, and Covers this Season at Twenty Gui- neas a Mare, at Grimthorpe, in Lincolnshire. VANDAL is found and healthy, and free from all natural Blemishes. Good Grass and Hay for Mares, at 2s. 6d. per Week, and great Care taken of them. BRITANNICUS will Cover the ensuing Season, at Bisley, Gloucestershire, at Two Guineas and a Crown each Mare. He is nine Years old, full fifteen Hands one Inch high, quite fresh and healthy, bred by Mr. Aldridge, got by the Duke of Ancaster's Old Blank, a Son of the Godolphin Arabian; his Dam, which was Creep- ing Molly, was esteemed the best Mare Racer of her Time, and was also the Dim of Americus, by Old Second, a Sou of the Devonshire Childers, Grandam by Evans's Arabian, great Grandam bred by Sir William Morgan, and got by his Old Cartouch, Son of the Bald Galloway. He was lamed the latter End of his five Years, be- fore then he was a good Runner. He has covered only two Seasons, and the Stock of his Get, now rising Yearlings, are remarably strong, large, bo- ney, and very clever; and from proper Mares is as likely to get Racers as any Horse in England. Note. This Horse and Chrysolite, ( who hath for- some Years, and doth now stand at Twenty Guineas a Leap, and is in the highest Esteem) Were got by the same Horse, and both out of Grandaughrers of Childers. Journal Clerk of the Battalions, and paid to each Officer, should be refunded ; as, according to the Clause in the last Militia Act, the Absentees were not entitled to Pay : A Clause was moved that Pay should be allowed for the whole Month, for all the Officers. This Clause was a Retrospect as well as Prospect. The Debate lasted but a little Time, and the Clause was carried in the Affir- mative. It is said that some new Regulations will be made in the Land Tax, which is at present par- tial, and consequently oppressive; As whilst some Parishes submit to the heaviest Imposts, the Parish of Marybone, for Example, is almost wholly exempt from every such Incumbrance: A Partia- lity that calls loudly for Redress. It is said a Council will soon be held, in order to consider of the present most exorbitant Price of Provisions. The present Freeholders Book has been made several Years. The Agents of the Ministry know exactly every Page of it, and where it ought to open for the Choice of their Friends. The Ad- dition of Esquire has ridiculously been put to se- veral Names, on Purpose to assist the ministerial Tools. It has been hinted to transpose the pre- sent Order of the Parishes, to be extremely care- ful about the Addition to the Names, and above all to see that the Constables return full and com- plete Lists to the Quarter Sessions, many respec- table Persons being now omitted. This is the most essential Service that can be done this City and County, and all the Friends of Liberty hope that Mr. Alderman Wilkes and Mr. Bull, if they are chosen Sheriffs for the Year ensuing, will give their particular Attention to so important a Business. A Promotion in the Marines has taken Place. Major Sheldan is promoted to the Rank of Lieut. Col. and Lieuts. Wood and Timins to that of Captain Lieuts. This latter Rank is a new Esta- blishment, and it is said that this Corps is now fixed upon such a Plan, as to make it as desireable as the best of the Marching Regiments, to the no small Satisfaction of that useful Body of Men, who distinguished themselves so greatly during the late War, and most particularly at the Landing and Taking of Belleisle. We are assured that Lord Bute is expected to arrive in England about the Middle of June next. Private Letters from Copenhagen advise, that the Queen of Denmark is with Child, to the great Joy of the whole Nation, and is happily in per- fect Health. These Letters add, that the King of Denmark has granted the Liberty of the Press in his Dominions; and that his Majesty has re- ceived a Letter in Consequence from Mr. De Vol- taire. together with a Poem : wherein hi shiles this Liberty the greatest Blessing which his Danish Majesty could have bestowed Upon his Subjects for the Improvement of Learning. It is generally believed that a very formidable Power has resolved to give us all possible Inter- - ruption in the Mediterranean; a Circumstance which not a little chagrins a certain great Perso- nage, whose whole Delight is Peace. All his Majesty's Cutters, & c. stationed on the Irish Coast are ordered to fail immediately for Spithead. Twelve more Ships of the Line are actually sit- ing out at the different Sea- Ports. There are now at Spithcad 35 Ships, including Frigates, Bombs, & c. The Spaniards have now begun to transport all the Flower of their Troops from the Sea Ports in Old Spain to their American Settlements. — This occasions various Conjectures. For several Days past a great Number of Coal- Porters, & c. have assembled at the Wharfs of this City, behaving in a very outragious Manner and have put. a Stop to the Business by taking the Men away. They urge, that on Account of the Dear- ness of all Kinds of Provisions, they must have their Wages raised from 8d. a Chaldron for clear- ing out the Lighter to Iod. and instead of 4d. per Chaldron shooting, they insist on 6d. On Thurs- day several of them were taken into Custody, but afterwards rescued from the Constables. Yesterday the following Letter was received by David Wilmot, Esq; one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of Middlesex: Apl. 17. 1771 " Mr. Wilmot You Scoundrel the Fellow we kill'd on " Tuesday swore away the Life of my dearest " friend and if he had had a thousand lives I " wold with pleasure have taken them and if you " attempt to take his part as you seem to do by " your Advertisement you may depend upont " that You & Familly shall not exist one Month " longer nor your House be free from fire and " desolation I shall not swear about it as is the " usual Stile of these Letters but if you can be- " lieve any thing thats True take my word for " this " One of ten Thousund Superscribed " To " David Wilmot, Esqr. " in Bethnal Green Road " These" His Majesty has offered a Reward of 100I. for the Discovery of the Author of the above Letter, and 100l. for the Discovery of any of the Ac- Complices in the Murder of Mr. Clarke. It is said that the Cause of a certain Nobleman's Steward shooting himself on Wednesday last. was from a Compunction of Confidence, for having many Years since sworn away the Life of a Man whose Name is said to be Ayliffe. The D— of C- has left Mrs. B , with an Annuity of Three Hundred per Ann. and is lost 600 Lambs out of 800, by the Severity of the Weather. On Thursday Mr. Bacon, Pewterer to his Ma- jesty, dropt down in a Fit of Apoplexy, near his own Door in the Strand, and instantly expired. Married.] Mr. John Hullett, of Upton Bishop in Herefordshire, to Miss Peach of Hellings, in the Parish of Marcle, in the same County. Died.] The Rev. Edmund Gibson, Son of the late Dr. Gibson, Bishop of London. — At Bury St. Edmund's, Suffolk, William Allen, Esq; who had been an Alderman of that Borough upwards of 60 Years. He had 24 Children by his first Wife, but had none afterwards, — At Birming- ham, Mr. Audley, Surgeon.— At the same Place, Mr. Edward Hayward, Button- maker. The Sale of Rowley's Herb Snuff and Tobacco, so deservedly encouraged by the Public, is re- moved from the St. Paul's to the London Coffee- House on Ludgate Hill, London; where all Orders for that Commodity are executed with the usual Dispatch, by the Public's very obedient Servant, J. ROWLEY. The following is another remarkable Instance of the good Effects of Rowley's Herb Snuff and Tobacco. Mr. JOHN STRAHAN, Watchmaker, in Ratcliff Row. City Road, London, was subject to a Decay of Sight for many Years, until at length the use of Glasses, and the Assistance of many skillful Persons proved ineffectual; an Inflammation came on in both his Eyes; he was for a long Time incapable of fol- lowing his Business, and had nothing before him but the melancholy Prospect of becoming blind, when Rowley's Herb Snuff relieved him. He continued the Use of it for about a Year, and can now fee to per- form with Ease the nicest Part of the Watch- making Business without Spectacles. I do aver the above Relation to be true, and that it is a Fact well known to all my Acquaintance. JOHN STRAHAN. This Herb Snuff and Tobacco is sold by Mr. Ga- midge, Bookseller, in Worcester, and may be had in most of the principal Towns in England and Wales--- but be careful to ask for Rowley's. MILITIA For the County of WORCESTER., with the City and County of the City of WORCESTER. THIS is to give Notce, That, in Pursuance of an Order of the Lord Lieu- - tenant and Deputy Lieutenants of the said County and City, made at the fourth General Meeting, held on the Thirtieth Day of October last, the Militia Men for the said. County and City ire to resort to the City of Worcester, on Monday the Sixth Day of May next, there to be trained and exercised. for twenty- eight Days successively; and the Private Mi- litia Men are required to attend at the Town- Hall of the said City, by Ten of the Clock in the Morn- ing, on the said Sixth Day of May next, in order to receive their Arms and Cloathing. Worcester, JOHN THORNELOE, 8th April, 1771. Clerk of the General Meetings. Worcester, April 18, 1771. TO BE LETT. At Mr. YEOMANS'S, Currier, in Fish- Street, GENTEEL Apartments, ready fur- nished; Consisting of a good Parlour, Kitchen, Cellar, and two Lodging Rooms ; the Whole com- modiously detached from the rest of the House; also a Stable, if required. N. B. The Lodger may likewise be accommodated with Boarding, if it is desired. CORN MIL L S to be Lett, Commonly called Powick's Corn Mills, SITUATED about one Mile and a Half from the City of Worcester, and never known to want Water in the driest Summer ; in a good Corn Country, and the River always naviga- ble to and from Bristol and other great Markets. The Mills consist of four Pair of Stones, a Dres- sing Mill, & c.--- Great Encouragement will be given to a good Tenant, by applying to Mr. Richard Crost, at Powick. d. all New TO be Sold, at the Corn Warehouse in Bristol, for Ready Money only, s. d. Wheat 5 8 Beans 3 4. Malt 4 8 8 Gallons Oats 2 2 Barley 34 Hog Pease 3 8 Fine Flour 39s, Seconds 37s. Thirds 35s. per Sack, each Sack 280 lb). Neat. FOUND, on the 7 th of this Instant April, in a Hay Barn belonging to Royals Court, near Upton upon Severn, Worcestershire, Two large SILVER SPOONS, and Four TEA SPOONS, of different Marks. Any Person de- scribing the Marks, and proving the Spoons to be their own, may have them again, on paying for ad- vertising and picking up, by applying to William Hall, of Royals Court aforesaid. ATCHAM BRIDGE. NOTICE is hereby given, That all Persons, willing to undertake to build a New Bridge across the Severn, at Atcham, near Shrews- bury, and complete the same within a limited Time, for a Sum certain to be paid by Instalments, are de- sired to send in their Proposals, sealed up, to Mr. Flint, Treasurer for the County of Salop, at his House in Shrewsbury, on or before Wednesday the 29th Day of May, at Ten o'clock in the Morning, or else to the adjourned Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the said County, which will be held at the Talbot, in Atcham, at the said Time ; when and where thé Justices will be ready to contract with the fairest Proposer, who must give Bond with suf- ficient Security to perform his Contract. Mr. Gwynn's Plan and Elevation on which the intended Bridge is to be constructed, may, at any Time, be seen at Mr. Gwynn's House, in Little- Court, Castle- Street, London, or at Mr. Flint's aforesaid, where a printed Paper, describing the Nature of the Work, with the Quantity and Quality of it, together with the Form of the Engagement which the Proposer is to sign, will be given to any creditable Person de- siring the same. N. B. One Abutment and one Pier of the said Bridge are already built, and the Centre for the first Arch is. now fixing up, and there is Stone ready worked upon the Bank, nearly sufficient to turn the said Arch, so that the Contractor may pro- ceed immediately on the Work. Copies of the said Paper may be had also at the saidMr. Gwynn's, in London ; or at the; Post- Of- fices in Birmingham, Worcester, Lichfield, Glou- well- accustomed House, known by the Sign of the Leopard, in the Broad- Street, in the City of Wor- cester; with a Brewhouse, Yard, Stable, and back Buildings behind the same, very commodious, with good Cellaring; now in the Occupation of Mr. Edmund Jones. The Situation is a good one for any other Business. If lett to a Tenant as a Public House, the Stock and Goods may be purchased of the present Occupier. The Premisses are held by Lease from Sir Thomas Cookes, Bart, deceased, for 120 Years, 4.2 whereof are now unexpired, and subject to a yearly Chief Rent of 6l. 5s. The present yearly Rack Rent 181. For Particulars apply to Mr. Bird, Attorney at Law, in Worcester; or to the said Mr. Edmund Jones, who will shew the Premisses. To be LETT, and entered upon at Midsummer next, ADwelling- House, pleasantly situated, near the Market Place in Pershore; consisting of a Parlour, Kitchen, Pantry, Back Kitchen, Brewhouse, and Cellar; three Rooms on the first Floor, and two Garrets, with an Out- house and Stable, a large Garden extending to the River Avon, in good Order, and planted with Wall Fruit; with or without a Malt- House, which joins thereto. One other Dwelling- House, in Pershore, in good Repair, and well tenanted, will be sold by Auction, On Tuesday the 11th Day of June next, between the Hours of Three and Six in the Afternoon, at the Dwelling- House of Mr. Joseph Shelton, innholder, in Pershore. Enquire of Mr. Woodward, in Pershore, who will shew the Premisses. To be- SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, AFreehold Lot, consisting of three Houses, with two Stables, and other Con- veniences, now occupied by John Bennett, sen. William Buckle, and John Badger. The Premisses are situate in the Shambles, in the City of Wor- cester, opposite the New Market. They will be sold on Terms which will answer to a Purchaser either to repair or rebuild them. The Sale to be at the Bell Inn, Worcester, on Tuesday the 30th In- stant, at Five'o'Clock in the Afternoon. Enquire of the Landlord, Tenants., or Mr. Ber- row, Printer. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Wednesday the Eighth Day of May next, at the Talbot in Droitwich, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, ADwelling- House and Barn, with a pretty little compact Farm, all Freehold, and consisting of Arable, Meadow., and Pasture Ground, lying together within, an Ethering, In the Parish of | Dodderhill, near Droitwich aforesaid, and contain- ing about thirty computed Acres, well wooded and watered. For further Particulars enquire of the Widow Sanders, at Wichbold ( who will shew the Premisses) or of Mr. Thorneloe,. Attorney, in Worcester. To be SOLD by AUCTION, Some Time in May, if not previously disposed of by private Contract, Notice of which will appear in this Paper, ASubstantial Freehold Messuage, in very good Repair, situated in the Cooken- Street, near the Quay, and out of the Reach of Floods. Likewise a handsome, convenient, and well- ac- customed House, Bakehouse, and Malthouse, with several Fixtures therein, in the Occupation of Mr. Henry Cotterill, situate next Door to Mrs. Savigny's Boarding school, in the said Street. Particulars may be known of Mr. Bell, Attorney, at the Town Hall ; or of Mr. John Wood, in the aforesaid Street, who will shew the Premisses. Stourbridge, Bewdley, and Birmingham New STAGE COACH. JOHN HANCOX, at the Star Inn, in Stourbridge, begs Leave to inform the Public, That he has sitted up a STAGE COACH, which will set out on the 30th Instant, and continue going between Stourbridge, Bewdley, and Birmingham, every Tuesday and Thursday as follows: Will; set out at Five o'Clock in the Morning from the Star Inn in Stourbridge, gets to the Angel in Bewdley about Eight, and remains there till Ten O'Clock; then returns to Stourbridge to Dinner: Sets out about One o'Clock to the Red Lion in Birmingham, and gets there by Half past Three o'Clock the same Afternoon, and will set out for Stourbridge by Five o'Clock that Evening. Inside Passengers to pay Three- pence per Mile, and Outside Passengers Two- pence. Inside Passen- gers that return the same Day to pay but Half- price back. All Parcels that are sent to be conveyed by this Coach will be carried on very reasonable Terms, and the greatest Care taken Of them, and kept dry. Neat Post Chaises or Saddle Horses, to take or fetch Passengers to and from the Coach, may be had at the said John Hancox's, on the most reasonable Terms. A Mourning Coach, Hearse, and able Horses, to any Part of England. N. B. The Stage will stop to take up Passengers and Parcels at Mr. Wright's, the Bull's Head, at Broadwater; the Bell, at Kidderminster; Golden Cross, at Hales- Owen; and Tap- House, at Hagley. Those Gentlemen, Ladies, See. that will please to favour this Undertaking, may depend on every Me- thod possible being taken, and no Expence. spared to accommodate them, and their Favours ever grate- fully acknowledged, bytheir obedient humble Servant, JOHN HANCOX. WARREN's improved MILK of ROSES. RICHARD WARREN, Persu- mer, in Marybone- Strett, Golden- Square, London, begs Leave to recommend to the Public the above, as he has found it much superior not only in Elegance and Plea- santness, but also in Efficacy, to any thing yet made use of, such as cleansing, clearing, smoothing, and softening the Skin, even to Admiration, though prepared from that inno- cent, pleasant Flower, whence it takes in Names. And as some of the first Personages in this Kingdom have been pleased to approve of it, he would also inform the Public, that the salutary and singular Effect it has on Children and young Persons it beyond Conception from an Article en- tirely Vegetables. As it is not only of the utmost Benefit to Ladies and Children, it is also of infinite Use to Gentlemen after sha- ving, especially those whose Faces are apt to be rough and fore after that Operation. Prepared and sold only by the above Richard Warren, and by his Appointment sold also by the Printer of this Paper, and may be had of the Men who deliver it, at 3s. 6d. a Bottle, By whom are also sold from Mr. Warren, as above, viz. His only true British Powder, for cleansing and preserving the Teeth and Gums to the lalest Date of Life, is. a Box. Dr. John Lord's well- known insallible Corn Salve, forgiving present Ease and perfect Cure, Is. 6d. a Box. Court Plaister. Lip Salve, Scowering Drops for taking SPOTS. LONDON, Saturday , April 20. YESTERDAY came on before the Com- mittee of the House of Commons, Mr. Montague in the Chair, the Bill for disqualifying the Club of Shoreham. Several Amendments were made in it, and one was proposed that Freeholders of forty Shillings, be added to the Shoreham Votes, to make up the Number intended to be taken away. Sir G. Elliot was for having the Borough disfran- chised. Mr. Ongley objected to this, saying, that if they plucked out one Hair of the Horse's Tail, they would then pluck out another, and another, and so reduce the House to a very few Members. They afterwards went through the Bill, which was ordered to be reported on Monday. Lord Chatham's Appeal is postponed till wed- nesday, when all the Members of the Upper- house are Summoned to meet. Several Overtures we are assured have been made by the Carlton- House Junto to the Marquis of R m and the E. of S ne to return into Administration. The Number of their Friends to be brought in with them is the Matter yet in Dispute, and which as soon as settled, will bring about a total Change of the Ministry, but not till after the Prorogation of a great Assembly. A great Personage has, it seems, declared his Wishes to have a Set of popular Servants about him. Yet the same Rancour is predominant in a great Lady, who makes a Point of whatever Change shall take Place, that they shall abandon the Patriot Mr. Alderman Wilkes, and disavow every Connexion and Concern with him, to which it is Said these two Noblemen and their Adherents have acceded. But our Correspondent adds, that while Lord B. corresponds with this great Lady upon Govern- ment Matters, the Patriot is not idle in exerting himself for the Good of the Public and Posterity, in not only pointing out the Laws made by their Ancestors, but of proving to them by Demonstra- tion that with a proper Spirit their Rights, Liber- ties and Franchises may be recovered, and main- tained , in Spite of all the Power of the Crown. While a certain great Lady and Lord B. keep up the Spirit of Persecution against Mr. Wilkes, the Publick ( says another Correspondent) ought to think themselves much obliged to them all, as Liberty thereby gains Ground apace. Some Time ago Lord North complained to the King, that he had not the Cabinet, but was out- voted there : His Majesty replied, " Lord Sand- wich Shall be appointed to a Post, which will give him a Place in the Cabinet, and then his Voice will give you a Majority." Lord Sandwich was accordingly appointed. Soon after Lord North applied to the King, desiring that Lord Hinchin- brook, Son of the Earl of Sandwich, might be appointed Chamberlain to the Queen: His Ma- jesty answered, That he never suffered any Mi- nister to recommend to Places in his Household ; that Department belonged to himself, and he meant to appoint his own Officers, but that Lord Sandwich might apply to the King; Lord Sand- wich accordingly applied to the King, who an- swered. That he had no Objection to lord Hin- chinbrook, and approved very much of Lord Sandwich, and that Lord Hinchinbrook should certainly be appointed Chamberlain, if Lord Sand- wich would apply to Lord Rochford to ask it for him ; for, added his Majesty, Lord Rochford is the Man who delivers my Sentiments in the Ca binet. It is, faid Lord North has ever since been lavish in the Praises of Sincerity in Politics, and has been heard to exclaim how happy he is that Lord Sandwich was not debauched from him as soon as he was given to him. We hear that great Offers have lately been made to Councellor Dunning, who nobly refused them. We hear the Bill to prevent the Exportation of Cattle to France for a limited Time has been read a second Time in the House of Commons upon a Division of 66 to 40. It seems extraordinary that the Dearness of Provisions Should be argued as ne- cessary to Manufactures, because it has been hi- therto always understood, that the working up cheap enables the Seller to afford his Work for a reasonable Price ; whereas the Necessaries of Life being dear must enhance the Price of Labour, and of Corse encourage Smuggled Goods, rather than give So great a Price for our own; and as the Englishman should eat good Meat as well as Bread, the Exportation of the one as well as the other should be prohibited, when it arises to an Exorbitant Price. Yesterday Morning Sir Francis Blake Delaval, night of the Bath, waited upon the Lord Mayor, the Aldermen Wilkes and Oliver, at his Lord- ship's Apartments in the Tower, and presented them with an Address from the free Burgesses of the Corporation of Newcastle upon Tyne. The Lord Mayor, in the Name of the other Gentlemen, addressed himself in a short Speech of Thanks to Sir F. B. Delaval, and then pre- sented him with a Letter Signed by his Lordship, John Wilkes and Richard Oliver, Esqrs. to be transmitted to the Burgesses of Newcastle, which concludes thus ;—" We shall with Pleasure em- brace every Opportunity of acting in the most perfect Union with such true Friends of Liberty and our Country, as the Free Burgesses of the Corporation of Newcastle." Yesterday the Common- Councilmen, and many of the principal Inhabitants of Bishopsgate Ward, went in 32 Coaches to the Tower, and presented in Address to the Lord- Mayor and Mr. Alder- man Oliver. The same Day the Inquest of the Ward of Queen- the waited on the Lord Mayor in the Tower, and resented to his Lordship an Address, expressing heir Approbation of his Conduct. This Day the Ward of Billingsgate, in thirty- Two Coaches, went to pay their Compliments to the Lord Mayor in the Tower. Mr. Ridley had determined to move on Wed- nesday in the house of Commons for the Release- ment of the Lord Mayor and Mr. Alderman Oli- ver from the Tower: He applied to a Gentle- than to Second him, who replied -" No, I will have no Hand in any Part of this infamous Bu- Sir William Meredith to second the Motion, but finding neither Side of the House willing to countenance it, it was declined. On Monday the Lower Room met about three o'Clock. A small Debate arose about the Militia Pay Bill. The Barons of the Exchequer having given their Opinion, that the Pay of all Officers, absent either by, Leave or Sickness from the last Monthly Meetings, which was received by the elegant, modern- built Brick HOUSE, With the OFFICES, GARDEN, & c. SITUATE at the Entrance into Bromyard, in the County of Hereford, A from Worcester, in the Possession of Mr. William Davis; together with the other Particulars lately advertised for Sale on Tuesday last. Apply to Mr. Coleman, Attorney at Law, in Leominster, who will treat with any one that is in- clined to purchase; or of the said Mr. Davis, who will shew the Premisses. T0 BE LETT, A House, at the Quay, in Worcester, known by the Name of the Old Black Swan. Enquire next Door to the said House. To be LETT, and entered upon immediately, A Good old- accustomed Public House, House, known by the Sign of the Crown and Glove in the Town Ditch, near the Hop Market, Worcester. — The Brewing Utensils and Stock, and Part of the Houshold Furniture to be sold. For further Particulars enquire of Richard Adam- son, Glover, in Worcester. To be SOLD, at Prime Cost, or under, THE entire STOCK in TRADE of William Fields of Evesham, Worcester- shire ; consisting of MERCERY, LINNEN and WOOLLEN DRAPERY Goods. A Cock Match will be fought at Had- ley Bowling Green, on Monday and Tuesday the 6th and 7th of May, between the Gentlemen of Worcestershire and Shropshire: To shew 31 Cocks in the Main, for two Guineas a Battle, and thirty the odd Battle. To weigh on Saturday the 4th of May. CHICKETTS and LINES, Feeders. Worcester, April 25, 1771. SUM SOLUS. MR. POWELL, the wonderful Fire Eater, is now to be seen at the Golden Lion, in this City, this and every Evening, for the Re- mainder of the Week, and next Monday and Tues- day Evening, which will positively be the last Nights of performing here. His Performances astonish the most curious and learned Spectator; nor can the greatest Philosopher, or the most exalted Genius account for this sur- prizing Phenomenon in Nature. He eats red- hot Coals out of the Fire as natural as Bread ; he licks a red- hot Heater with his Tongue, and carries it round the Room several Times between his Teeth; he broils a Slice of Beef or Mutton on a Gridiron in his Mouth; he eats Rosin, Pitch, Bees- Wax, Brimstone, Allum, and Lead, boiling- hot, with a Spoon. With various other extraordinary Perfor- mances never attempted by any other Person in this Age, and there is scarce a Possibility ever will, so that those who neglect this Opportunity of seeing the Wonders performed by this Artist, will lose the Sight of the most amazing Exhibitions ever done by Man. The Doors to be opened at Six, and his Perfor- mances begin at Seven o'Clock, without any Notice being given by Sound of Trumpet. Admittance One Shilling each; Servants and Children only Six- pence each. There are good Fires to keep the Room warm. Note, Ladies and Gentlemen may have a private Performance any Hour of the Day, on giving pre- - vious Notice. In his Way to Wolverhampton ( where his Stay will be but short) he will perform only two Nights at Bromsgrove, and two at Stourbridge. THE English CHOCOLATE POWDER, composed of English Balsamic Buds; Blossoms, Flowers, and Variety of Aromatics, & c. adapted to both Sexes, all Ages, and Constitutions, very agreea- ble to the Taste, and to be drank in common as Tea or Coffee. — It is exceedingly nourishing, and sur- prizingly efficacious in the Cure of Nervous Disor- ders, windiness or disorderly Motions in the Sto- mach, four Belchings, Shortness of Breath, & c Many of the most eminent of the Faculty approve and recommend it. Sold ( by special Appointment of the Proprietor) by H. Berrow, Printer of this Journal; Price 2s. 6d. a Canister. Of whom may be had, Price 2s. 6d. the Canister, The ENGLISH COFFEE, Composed entirely of English Herbs, Roots, Barks, Plants, & c. and Variety of Balsamic Productions from Venice. To be drank for Breakfast and in the Evening in common, as Tea or foreign Coffee. It is inconceivable how soft, smooth, and pleasing it is. It not only serves. for Drink, but is nourishing ( as Food) to the most weak and delicate Constitutions. This Coffee is beyond Parallel for the following Complaints, viz. Colds, Coughs, Asthmas, Consump- tions, Shortness of Breath, Faintness, Tremblings, Giddiness, Reachings, Appetite gone, and all Kinds of Nervous Disorders, from what Cause soever they proceed. THURSDAY'S POST. ( By EXPRESS from LONDON.) AMERICA. New York, Feb. 14. WE learn that an English Tower, attended by the proper Officers, and pas- sed through Tower- Street and Cannon- Street, to be carried before the Court of Common Pleas in Westminster Hall, to which Place he was fol- lowed by a vast Concourse of People, amongst whom were many very respectable Persons. Bow Bells began to ring at the Time his Lordship came out of the Tower, and continued ringing till he was out of the City; Mr. Oliver did not go up. When he came to the Court of Common Pleas, it was found that there was not a proper Return of the Habeas Corpus, the Lieutenant of the Tower having directed it to Sir William De Grey, the Chief Justice, instead of the Court. As it was alledged that, in Consequence of this Error, the Habeas Corpus was not before the Court, Mr. Serjeant Glynn moved, that, as he was in Cus- tody, and it did not appear to the Court by what Authority he was imprisoned, he Should be dis- charged. The Chief Justice said, that he was mistaken in his Opinion, since, if the Habeas Corpus was not before them, neither could the Lord Mayor be before them. This Difficulty, however, was surmounted, by amending the Re- turn ; and Serjeant Glynn made an excellent Speech, in substance as follows: He observed, that " the Lord Mayor was com- mitted by a Warrant of Sir Fietcher Norton, stated to be an Order of the House of Commons, for the Infringement of their Privileges; that to this he opposed the Heabeas Corpus Act, the highest constitutional Authority, to satisfy how far that Warrant was legal on Enquiry; that the special Mandate of the King, was often over- ruled by this Authority; that no Power was su- perior to it, here they must all bend, all yield Acquiescence. He said, he would not deny, but that the House had certain Privileges annexed to their Authority, but they were not of that mystic Sense to exclude the Interference of the Laws of the Land, particularly when they directly contra- dicted them ( Here the Serjeant stated the whole of the present Transaction). And now, my Lords, concludes he, how could my Lord Mayor Act otherwise than he did As Chief Magistrate of this City, he was bound by his Oath and Con- science to distribute the Laws as they appeared to dictate to him— no Consideration on Earth could possibly interfere ; and did not the common Law speak so expressly for the Conduct of his Lord- ship, his acting from Conscience alone could not culpate him, has no Magistrate whatsoever can be punished who acts intentionally right, and who takes his Conscience for his Guide. If you add to these Considerations, that the Order for appre- hending the Printer of the London Evening Post, was directed to the Serjeant, or Deputy- Serjeant of the House of Commons, and notwithstanding this Specification, executed by Witham the Mes- senger, your Lordships will, in my Opinion, have the justest Grounds for immediately enlarging his Lordship." Serjeant Jephson seconded Serjeant Glynn, by entering into the Power of the House of Com- mons, Shewing , in what particular Cafes they were amenable to the Courts. He entered into a Description of the Habeas Corpus Act, and its Consequences, and then quoted several Cases of Persons having been discharged for not being pro- perly committed ; : he then shewed, with great Ingenuity, how far these Cases applied to the present, which, he said, proved to a Certainty the legal Necessity of having his Lordship imme- diately discharged. These Arguments being concluded, Lord Chief Justice de Grey gave his Opinion to the following Purport: He observed, " the first Point to consider was, whether the Authority of Commitment was a legal Authority ; if legal, the Court could not discharge; now, the Commitment was for a Breach of Privilege, in discharging a Printer contrary to their Order. I should be glad to know how we can try that Matter here? Here are no Parties; we can hear no Witnesses ; formerly the Pleas of Privilege superseded the Law in Cases of Action ; now they are Pleas in Stay of Process; therefore only said, that, having given the strictest Attention to this whole Business, he was clearly of Opinion with the rest of his Brother Judges. This Determination was instantly returned by the Populace in the Hall with Hisses and Groans, till the Lord Mayor came down the Steps of the Court, when they were converted into the loudest Huzzas and Acclamations; and when his Lord- ship got into his Coach to return to the Tower, the Populace took the Horses from the Coach, and dragged him in it to the Mansion House, where he dined ; after which he signed several Affidavits, and transacted some other Business which had been delayed for Want of the Atten- dance of the Chief Magistrate. When his Lord- ship reached Temple Bar, the Populace insisted that the Officer of the Tower, who attended his Lordship, should get out; but, at the Lord Mayor's earnest Request, he was permitted to go on with him. It is said that a certain great Man has declared, that let the Consequence be what it may, he will only a very short Time longer submit to be the oftensible Person in a Department, where he has neither Voice nor Power, at the same Moment that he incurs the whole Disgrace of a blundering Ministry. It is universally reported, that a Change will speedily take Place in several of the first Depart- ments, nor do People scruple to whisper the Man- ner, from the Appearance of some new Faces at a certain great Levee, with very unusual Marks of Distinction and Approbation. Yesterday Mr. Lee and Mr. Davenport, on Be- half of the City of London, continued the Exa- mination of the City's Right to the Waste of the Soil of the River Thames, which has taken up three Days at the Bar of the House of Lords, in Opposition to the Bill for justifying the Encroach- ment at Durham Yard ; in the Course of which it has been proved, that the Right in Question was granted them by a Charter of King Henry the Sixth, and not only confirmed by subsequent Charters and Acts of Parliament, but also solemnly determined upon various Questions in the Courts of Law, and that the City had constantly and uni- formly exercised this Right for 300 Years past, by granting Parts of the Soil to private Persons whenever Accommodation could be effected with- out Injury to the Publick ; and the City and their Officers do now receive considerable Rents upon that Account. They also proved by introverti- ble Evidence, the Damage which this Encroach- ment has done to the Navigation, and might have been supported by Four- fifths of the Owners of Craft upon the River, but the Counsel thought proper to rest the Opposition to the Bill upon the Evidence of the ought, and concluded with the remarkable Words of Mr. Dunning, " That if " the City's Title ( which they were ready to try " in a Court of Law) was not sufficient to guard " them against the Encroachments of Persons " who had no retence of Right, no Title what- " ever could be valid, nor any Property in the " Kingdom be secure." Saturday Morning a Messenger arrived at the Spanish Ambassador's charged with important Dispatches from the Court of Madrid. Imme- diately after the Reception of which his Excel- lency waited on several of the foreign Ministers, particularly the French Ambassador, with whom he had a very long Conference. A Report was general at Hambourg, on the 12th Instant, as we are informed by this Day's Holland Mail, that the Venetians had taken a Resolution of joining their Naval Forces to that of the Russians. It is confidently reported, that a Legacy of 5o, oool. has been lately bequeathed to Mr. Wilkes, by a Gentleman of the Name of Nesbit, near Hull, in Yorkshire. About Nine o'clock on Tuesday Morning last, a terrible Fire broke out at a Shoemaker's in Tostock, in Suffolk, which in a short Time con- sumed Nine Dwelling Houses, besides many Out- Buildings,. Thirteen Families have lost almost all their Effects, by the Rapidity of the Flames, which were occasioned by some Soot taking Fire in the Chimney . per Barley 24s. to 28s. Hog Pease 27s. to28s Oats 17s. to 20s. Beans 21s. to 27s. Brown Malt 28s. to 32s Tares 26s. to 36s. Pale Malt 28s. to 34s. Finest Flour 38s. Rye 30s. to 32s. Sack. Bank Stock, 156 a 157 3- 4ths. Four per- cent, consol. 95 1 - 4th a 3- 4ths Ex. Div. Three 1- half per cent. 1758, —. Three per cent consol. 87 i- 4th a 88. Ditto reduced, shut. Ditt- 1726, —. Long Annuities, 26 1- 4th a 3- 8ths South Sea Stock, —. Three per cent. Old An- nuities, shut. Ditto New Annuities, 85 a 3- 4ths Ditto 1751, —. India Stock, 229 a 232 a 231 Three percent. Annuities, no Price. India Bonds 44s. a 45s. Navy Bills, 1 5- 8ths a 3- 4ths Lottery Tickets, 13I. 19s. a 17s. 6d. BANKRUPTS required to surrender. Robert Dean, of Stamford, in Lincolnshire, Inn- holder, May 14, 15, June 1, at the Crown Inn, in Stamford. William Castle, of Chichester, Brasiers May 3, 11, June 1, at Guildhall. John Clark of Northumberland- Street, Taylor, April 27, June 1, at Guildhall. John Keates, of Stanwell, Mid dlesex, Paper- maker, April 26, May 4, June Guildhall. DIVIDENDS to be made to Creditors. June 3. Ephraim Brooks, of Long- Acre, Sir Engine- Maker.— June 26. Francis Blount, of Re- Lion- Street, Clerkin well, Merchant May 11 Henry Lane, of King- Street, Bloomsbury, Taylor — May 11. John Tate, of Chancery- Lane, Vint- ner. --- May 13. James Duewick, of Hertingford bury, Linnen- Draper. -— May 14 Christopher Stid- man. of Swithin's Lane, Ironmonger; all Guildhall. --- May 20. John Smith, of Bristol, Soap boiler, at the Three Tuns Tavern, in Bristol. Schooner arrived, lately at Statia, the Master of which informed, that, near that Place, he was brought- to and robbed by a Spanish armed Ves- sel; that the Spaniards stripped and bound the Crew, telling them that War was declared, and after whipping them se- verely, suffered the Vessel to proceed on her Voyage. LONDON, Tuesday, April 23. The Shoreham Bill was Yesterday ordered to be put off till To- morrow, on Account of the small Number of Members in the House. This Day we are told that Lord North is to make a very surprizing Speech in the House of Commons. We are assured the Parliament will be pro- rogued on Thursday se'nnight. We hear that a Great Personage will soon set out for Portsmouth in order to be present at a ge- If these were, and are the Cafes in common Ac- tions, how much less Authority have we in the present, when the Affair is a Commitment for a Breach of Privilege, and Contempt of their Au- thority. He further observed, that every Court, had its particular Privileges, where the other could not interfere, as the Constitution had thought it more proper to give this Power into the Hands of Men, bound by their Oaths and Duty, than incur the Risk of Continuance of Trials from Court to Court. He instanced this in the Cafe of a Person's being pilloried for a Contempt of the Court of Common Pleas, which however it may be thought a Hardship, there was no further Redress: If this Limitation takes Place then, says he, in inferior Courts, how much more must it in the highest Court of Judicature in the Kingdom, where Lord Coke says, the Members have not only a judicial Seat but a judicial Power in their own Laws and Privileges? It were no doubt to be wished, that there was a regular Code expressive of those Privileges, that we should be able to judge with some Degree of Precision ; but since we cannot judge of the Contempt, how can we judge of the Punishment? For these Reasons he was for remanding his Lordship to the Tower. Mr. Justice Blackstone apologized for adding any thing of his own to two such respectable Au- thorities ; but said he could not resist, in so parti- cular a Case, making a few Observations, which were, " That Privileges were inseparable from so high a Court of judicature as the House of Com- mons ; they were the necessary Effect of such a Tribunal, for the Sake of Justice ; every Court, he observed, had its particular Privileges, which were not trangressed by the other Courts; for, if the contrary was the Cafe, a Person committed in one, may be tried alternately by the other three ; it would therefore be equally Improper to involve the Privileges of the House of Commons with the Courts, as the Privileges of the Courts with those of the House of Commons." Mr. Justice Nares observed, he would not en- Early Intelligence from our Correspondents in London, ( dated Wednesday, April 24) which cannot appear in any other Country Paper sooner than Saturday, nor even in any of the London Papers before . those brought by the Mail on Friday. TO- MORROW Mr. Alderman Oliver, by Virtue of a Habeas Corpus, is to be carried from the Tower to the Court of Common Pleas in Westminster- Hall, in order for his being dis- charged out of the Tower ; but it is imagined that he will meet with no better Treatment than the Lord Mayor: However, they will, by this Proceeding, be the better able to lay their Da- mages; for, if they had not taken out the Ha- beas Corpus, it might have been objected on the Trial for false Imprisonment, that had they ap- plied for a Habeas they might have been dis- charged, but no such Excuse can now be made, and therefore the Damages must be said ac- cordingly. The Courier who arrived on Saturday last from Madrid, brought with him the Articles of Con- vention, and was dispatched to Spain Yesterday Morning, with proper Answers from our Court. By the Venus Frigate, which is arrived Ex- press at Portsmouth from Lisbon, there is Advice that all the British Merchants there are settling their Affairs, in order to quit Portugal, as they are now admitted into no Part of the Trade, & c. and are daily insulted by the Portuguese. In any Reign but the present a Fleet of Men of War would have been sent thither, which would have soon brought them to Reason; but, alas! what a Falling- off in these Times to those of George the Second. A Treaty of Marriage is said to be on Fooþ, and will be shortly celebrated, between George Willicott Mawbey, Esq; Nephew to Sir Joseph Mawbey, Bart, and Miss Wilkes, Daughter to WORCESTER, Thursday, April 25. The Governors of our Infirmary return their Thanks to Mr. William Toldervy, of Ludlow Attorney at Law, Executor and Trustee name in the last Will of Doctor Peter Cranke, late of Eyton, in the County of Hereford deceased, so a Legacy of Fifty Pounds left by him to the Charity, which has been paid to one of the Treasurers. On Wednesday next the Royal Regiment of Dragoons, commanded by the Earl of Pembroke will be reviewed, in Powick's Ham, near this City, by Major General Monckton. The Rev. Mr. Hugh Laurents, of Fulham has been instituted by the Lord Bishop of Wor- cester to the Rectory of Doverdale, in this Count and Diocese, void by the Death of the Reveren Mr. Harrison. We hear, that last Week died, at Bath, the Right Hon. Other Lewis, Earl of Plymouth. On Friday last Henry Crabb Boulton, and John Walsh, Esqrs. our worthy Representative in Parliament, waited on the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor of London, at his Apartments in the Tower, and presented his Lordship and Mr. Al- derman Oliver with the Freedom of this City, of which the following are authentic Copies: City of Worcester. In the Time of Edward Wellings, Esq; Mayor 15th April, 1771, The Right Honourable Brass Crosby, Esqs, T-- Mayor of the City of London, was admitted Freeman of this City, gratis. William Bund, Esq, Town Clerk. City of Worcester. In the Time of Edward Wellings, Esq; Mayor 15TH April, 1771. The Worshipful Richard Oliver, Esq; one of the Aldermen of the City of London, was admitted a Freeman of this City; gratis. William Bund, Esq; Town Clerk. After which the said Gentlemen presented the Lord Mayor and Mr. Oliver with the following Address: T0 the Right Honourable Brass Crosby, Esq; Lord Mayor of the City of London, and the Worships Richard Oliver, Esq; one of the Aldermen of the said City. " WE the Mayor, Aldermen, and Citize of the City of Worcester in Council assemble acknowledge with the warmest Gratitude, t0 firm and generous Support which you have give on a late Occasion to the Laws of your Country " We saw with Indignation and Astonishment those Laws invaded under the specious Pretext Privilege, and blushed to think Men of Weigh and Influence could be found, who were daring enough to advise a Measure, which besides to Oppression of individuals, has a Tendency subvert all Law. " As Fellow- Subjects, to whom the Laws their Country are equally dear and valuable, we most earnestly entreat you to persevere in the Conduct, being persuaded, as well from the Spirit of Resentment which constantly animat- our Countrymen, when their Liberties are Stake, as from the Influence of your Example that the Laws will soon recover their proper Vi- gour, and that no Privilege can long Screen from Punishment, Men who by controlling Magistrate in the legal Exercise of their Power, and under the solemn Obligation of Oaths, have malicious endeavoured to weaken their Force. " The Firmness and Magnanimity with which you have resisted these Attacks, cannot fail endearing you to your Country ; and, as a small Testimony of our Regard, we beg to have the Ho- nour of inrolling you in the Number of on Citizens. " Given under our Common Seal the 15 th April, 1771." [ The Answer in our next.] At our Market, last Saturday, 130 Pockets Hops were sold ; the general Prices from 4l. to 5l. 5s. per Hundred. The Assize of Bread it as follows, Wheaten Penny Loaf to weigh Two- penny Loaf Six- penny Loaf Twelve- penny Loaf Eighteen- penny Loaf The Halfpenny Batch Cake not to weigh than 4 Ounces Dram, the Penny ditto not than 8 Ounces lb. 0 1 3 6 9 dr. 3 6 1 2 3 3 viz;. Houshold lb. oz. 0 1 4 5 12 10 5 o o o A Bill for prohibiting the Exportation of Provi- sions for a limited Time, having been propo- sed, and brought into the House, two Evidences were examined" at the Bar. The first:, a Butcher from Sandwich, declared, that sixteen Carcases of sat Bullocks had been exported to Calais in two Cargoes ; that the Price of Butchers Meat had im- mediately risen in Consequence; that Exportation of Provision to France was not usual; that the Quantity of sat Cattle in Kent was at present very inconsiderable; that great Numbers of Sheep and Lambs died with the Rot; and that he apprehended the Exportation of Provision to France, which was sat present greatly called for, would mightily distress the Poor, as there were many Dealers ( who had no other Way of disposing of the Cattle they had brought) that would in all Probability continue to Export, if they were not prevented by an Act of Parliament. The second Evidence, a Butcher from Canter- bury, corroborated his Testimony, and upon his withdrawing, a short Debate ensued. William Poultney said, that he had, upon all occasions, given it as his Opinion, that Restrictions Upon Exportation were impolitic; that he did not yet find any Reason to alter his Sentiments; that in Case of the Corn Bill he had held the same Maxim; that the House would in Time perceive he was right; that such Restraints were miserable, tempo- rary, and local Expedients ; that they would neces- sarily diminish our Stock at Home; that they were ill well only in great Emergencies, when Necessity ( which has no Law) presses; that the present Case was none of these Emergencies; that the Evidence at the Bar had only proved that the Price of Butchers Meat had risen a little upon the Exportation of six- teen Carcases; a Thing not very probable, as Pro- visions are mutually sent over from France, and the Price of all Eatables rises generally at this Season of the Year; that the Season of the Year was extremely backward; that this Circumstance had a considera- ble Influence, as Farmers, Grasiers, and Butchers, had how learned to speculate as well as Merchants; that he was well informed, that there were in Yorkshire treat Quantities of Cattle intended for the Market; that these, though hitherto kept back on Account of the low Price offered by the Grasiers of Norfolk, would necessarily come soon to the Shambles, and lower the Price of Butchers Meat, and consequently of all other Sorts of Provision ; that, weighing all these Circumstances, he was against the Bill, on ge- eral and particular Principles. Sir Edward Astley said, That, though he admit- ed Mr. Poultney's general Principles, he could not think them applicable on this Occasion, as it seemed to be one of those particular Emergencies which the honourable Gentlemen seem to think owght to be excepted, and regulated on Principles of their own ; that temporary Evils were to be removed by tempo- rary Remedies; that the Provisions imported from France were Fowls, Turkies, Geese, Hares, and such other Kinds of Food as the Poor could not hope to taste ; that therefore the Exportation was not balanced by the Importation; that the People of Norfolk had, in his Opinion, offered a very fair price for the Cattle, which, he said, were now kept < ill> Yorkshire; that they could not soon be fattened, nor lower the Provision, as the Frost had destroyed he Turnips not only in Norfolk, but in every other county; that he was therefore for the Bill. Mr. Whitworth, and two or three other Gentle- men, spoke in the same Strain. INTELLIGENCE EXTRAORDINARY. Political Physician of great Eminence has favoured us with the following List of distempered Persons, with some Account of their Disorders, in order that those who are in good Health may keep out of the Company of such, from whom it is possi- ble the Infection may be imbibed. THE K— is afflicted with a. Dimness of Sight, occasioned by a Film of extraordinary Thick- is having grown over both Eyes. He will < ill> t submit to couching. The Q^--- n is troubled with a White Swelling. his Complaint has been several Times removed, it constantly returns. The D— of C d is troubled with a Giddi- ts in the Head. Lord M- ns. d with the Scurvy. Lord W- ym— h with the Spleen. Lord B rr n Spits Blood. Lord B— e is Sick— of his Banishment. Lord N h labours under a Mortisication. Sir F r N-— n has got the Gripes. Mr. Wedd--— ne the Itch. Mr. C. F- x the Hydrophobia. — He was hit by < ill> Father.— This young Man's Keeper on a late < ill> n acted very imprudently ; for exhibiting him in the Window of a Coffee- House, his strange Gesticu- tions alarmed a great Number of Persons and had not been suddenly removed, it is thought they should have gone into Fits. G O w has a Vertigo in the Head. Lady S E a Pertigo in the Tail. Lady G - ris troubled with fainting sits, Lady H- r n with the falling Sickness. Numbers of the Ministry have broke out in horried < ill> tches, but whether ' tis the Leprosy or the Plague, doubtful, though the Faculty in General believe to be the Latter. The Minority have got the Heart- Burn. " The Lord Mayor and Mr. Alderman Oliver are < ill> sined to their Chambers by a Surfeit. The Recorder, is afflicted with the Overflowing of Gall. Sir R-.,—- d G— n with a Lethargy. Mr. H - y with the Yellow Jaundice. And The People of England are in a high Fever. To , be SOLD by AUCTION, Monday next the 29th of April Instant, between the Hours of Two and Six o'clock in the Afternoon, at Edward Williams's, the Hop Pole Inn, in Bromyard, Herefordshire, subject to Conditions of Sale to be then produced, unless sold by private Contract in the mean Time, of which proper Notice will be given, A Dwelling House, Barn, Stable, Cow House, & c. and a good Stone Cyder Mill, all good Repair; likewise 23, Acres of very good Arable and Pasture and, well planted with the best Sort of Fruit Trees, win their Prime; Also three Acres of good Hop sound, planted grafted Trees, and five Acres very good Coppicing, mostly Ash and Oak, and own by the Name of Debley ; situated in a plea- sant Part of the Township of Linton, in the Parish Bromyard, Herefordshire, and has a Right on < ill> ngsty Common ; now in Possession of John Pos< ill> ce, who will shew the Premisses. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. John Wil- liams, Surgeon, in Bromyard. County of Salop, on the First Day of May next, ( the same to be continued annually) for the Sale of Horned Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Pigs, and all other Goods and Merchandize. N. B. Every Thing Toll- free. AFARM, Tythe- free, to be lett, in the Manor of Hinton on the Green, in the County of Gloucester, called Downrip Farm; con- sisting of about 146 Acres of Arable Land, and 45 Acres of Meadow and Pasture, well watered, with all convenient Buildings upon the said Farm. Enquire of John Weston, at the Manor- House of Hinton aforesaid, who will shew the Premisses, and give Directions where further Particulars may be had. To be LETT, and entered upon immediately, AGood- accustomed Inn, known by the Name of the SWAN, situate in the High- Street, in Bridgnorth, in the County of Salop. N. B. The Brewing Vessels and Household Goods and Furniture to be sold at a fair Appraisement. Enquire of Mr. John Smalman, Grocer; or of Mr. Langley, jun. Attorney, both of Bridgnorth aforesaid. To be LETT, upon Charter or Royalty, AProved Mine of Coal, lying under Lands of Thomas Talbot Foley, Efq; at Netherton, in the Parish of Dudley, and very near the Town. Any Person inclined to treat for the same, is desired to send his Proposals before the 27th Day of May next, to Mr. Hickman, Attorney at Law, in Oldswinsord, near Stourbridge, specifying what Charter or Royalty he will be willing to pay, clear of all Deductions, and what Quantity of Coal he will oblige himself to raise annually. To be LETT, and entered upon immediately. Situate in a good Sporting Country, within fourteen Miles of Shrewsbury, and within two Miles of a good Market Town, AComplete, handsome, well - built House, consisting of nine Rooms on a Floor, well furnished, with good Garrets, a Brew- House, Cellars, Pantries, and every other Convenience: Also good Stabling, and a Coach- House; a Garden well walled and fruited, and an exceeding good Orchard well planted, the Whole about two Acres. To be lett for seven Years certain, at the yearly Rent of Thirty- five Guineas. With the above Premisses may be had any Quan- - tity of Land, from one Acre to fifty. For further Particulars enquire of the Printer of this Paper. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the Dwelling House of William Martin, Innholder, known by the Sign of the Swan, in Tewkesbury, in the County of Gloucester, on Thursday next the 2d Day of May, between the Hours of Two and Five o'clock in the Afternoon, according to Conditions of Sale then to be produced, TWO substantial Messuages or Tene- ments, with the Appurtenances, adjoining together, situate in the High- Street, in Tewkesbury aforesaid, near the Tolsey, one whereof was late in the Occupation of William Mason, Glover and Haberdasher; and the other is now is now in the Occupation of Thomas Hudson, Brasier. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Young, Attorney at Law, in Pershore. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Thursday next the 2d Day of May, between the Hours of Eleven and One, at the Green Dragon, upon Corse Lawn, about four Miles distant from Upton upon Severn, in the County of Worcester, SIX Acres and a Half of very rich Meadow Ground, in a Common Field, called Didmore; and one Acre and a Half of rich Meadow Ground, in another Common Meadow, called Lord's Meadow, situate in the Parish of Tirley, in the County of Gloucester, with an extensive Right of Common from Lammas to Candlemas, in a large Trait of rich Meadow Ground there; subject to a Chief Rent of Four Shillings and Four- pence. N. B. The above Premisses are Freehold. Also fifteen Acres, or thereabouts, of Arable Land, called Furlow's Hill, ( being Leasehold, and held for the Remainder of a Term of one thousand Years, of which about nine hundred are yet unex- - pired, at a Pepper- Corn Rent)' situate in the Parish of Chatesley, otherwise Clateley, in the County of Worcester, with an extensive Right of Common upon Corse Lawn. The Rev. Mr. Parker, of Hasfield, will cause the Premisses to be shewn; and further Particulars may be had of Mr. Sockett, Attorney, in Worcester. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, Together or in separate Lots, as shall be agreed on, On Wednesday the 22d Day of May next, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, at the Hop Pole, in the City of Worsester, A Modern Brick Messuage, called the Bath House, with proper Offices, a Garden, and large Yard, an excellent Cold Bath, supplied by a perpetual Spring, and other Conveniences to the said Messuage belonging. Also a small Tenement or Cottage, with a Gar- - den, adjoining to the above Premisses, lett at the yearly Rent of 3I. The above Premisses are held under the Dean and Chapter of Worcester, for four Lives, of which three are existing, and are subject to a small Chief Rent. Also a delightful small Tenement or Pleasure- House, with the Offices, a Garden, planted with excellent Fruit Trees, and Appurtenances thereunto belonging, for many Years past occupied by Mr. Samuel Bradley. The last- mentioned Tenement and Premisses are also held under the Dean and Chapter of Worcester, for four Lives, all existing, and are subject to a Chief Rent of Seven Shillings and Six- pence, and Fifteen Shillings in Lieu of a Herriot. Also the Remainder of a Term of 21 Years ( of which six Years only were expired at Christmas last) of a convenient Messuage or Dwelling House, with the Garden and Appurtenances thereunto belong- ing, now in the Occupation of Dyer, at the yearly Rent of 5l. All the above Messuages or Dwelling Houses Premisses are situate upon an Eminence, at Hen- wick, within Half a Mile of the City of Worcester, and command a most delightful View of the River Severn, the City of Worcester, and the Country adjacent. For Particulars apply to Mr. Sockett, Attorney, in Worcester. by a false, injurious, and malicious Advertise- ment, signed John Wheble, in which he pre- - tends to complain of the great Injustice he has received from the present Publishers of the Lady's Magazine, we think it incumbent upon us, as Proprietors and Publishers of that Work, to sub- - mit the following Affidavit to the Public, by which they will be enabled to form a proper Judgment of the Probity, Integrity, and singular Modesty of the said John Wheble. ROBINSON and ROBERTS. Pater- noster Row, April 9, 1771. JOHN COOTE, of Pater- noster Row, London, maketh Oath, That he this Deponent having, on or about the Month of August last, formed a Plan for a Lady's Magazine, he engaged an Author, Eagraver, Printer, & c. to carry it into Execution, and applied to John Wheble, Book- seller, in Pater- noster Row, who very willingly agreed to publish the Work solely for this Depo- - nent. And this Deponent further faith, That about the Time the first Number was published, the said John Wheble applied to this Deponent, requesting a small Share in the said Lady's Magazine, which this Deponent absolutely refused ; declaring at the same Time, that he was determined to be the sole Proprietor. And this Deponent further faith, That the said John Wheble published the Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, of the said Magazine, for and on Account of this Deponent ( the said John Whe- - ble being only the Publisher or Agent for this De- ponent) and accounted to this Deponent from Time to Time for the Numbers he had sold, after deduct- ing what is usually paid by the Proprietor for pub- lishing, and some few trifling incidental Expenses. And this Deponent faith, That he hath sold the Property or Copy- Right of the said Magazine to Meffrs. Robinson and Roberts, in Pater- noster Row, for a valuable Consideration. And this Deponent further faith, That so far from the said John Whe- ble's being laboriously employed in the Perfection ( as he calls it) of the said Magazine, that he had n0 Share in the conducting it any otherwise than as Publisher, and very seldom knew any Part of the Contents, till the Numbers were delivered from the Printer, by this Deponent's Order, to be sold upon his Account ; nor has the said John Wheble so much as drawn up a single Advertisement for the said Magazine; but they were all prepared by this Deponent, though that Department is frequently submitted to the Management of the Publisher. And this Deponent faith, That the said John Whe- - ble has not, nor ever had, any Share or Property whatsoever in the said Magazine. And, lastly, this Deponent faith, That the said John Wheble, after being informed that this Deponent had disposed of the Copy- Right of the said Magazine to Meffrs. Robinson and Roberts, applied to this Deponent to use his Interest with the said Robinson and Roberts, to continue him the Publisher of the said Magazine, or, at least, that he might be permitted to publish the next Number for them ; in Consequence of which, this Deponent did apply for that Purpose to Meffrs. Robinson and Roberts, who peremptorily refused to comply with his Request. JOHN COOTE. Sworn before me, at the Guildhall, London, 9th April, 1771. RICHARD GLYN. The LADY'S MAGAZINE. WHERE AS it is asserted, by Mr. John Coote, that the Plan of the Lady's Magazine having been formed by him, the Pub- lisher, John Wheble, acted merely as his Agent, and sold it only for his Benefit, having himself no Share whatever in the Property of the Work, which is now transferred, together with the Publication and Copy- Right to Robinson and Roberts. To this I beg Leave, as the Original Publisher, to reply ; That Mr. Coote, in disposing of his own Property in the Lady's Magazine, had no Right whatever to dispense with the Engagements he pre- vailed on me to make with the Public, for the Con- tinuation of it. That Mr. Coote was the Proprietor, as he calls himself, in as much as it was printed at his Expence, is certain. I say no Claim to any Part of Mr. C'oote's Property; but, as I, and not Mr. Coote, stand en- - gaged for the Execution of the Plan proposed in my Name to the Public, I cannot but think myself ac- countable for the future Conduct of the Work, and bound in Duty to that Public to perform the Promise I have made it. As to the Insinuation, that the Publisher of a Magazine may have no Concern in the Compilation of it, when the Correspondence which supports it is addressed only to him, and he is answerable both in Person and Property for every Thing inserted in it, it is too gross a Pretext to pass on the most Undis- cerning. At the same Time the Case of a Publisher is hard indeed, if he is to exert his Interest and In- dustry to raise a new Publication into Esteem, and is then not only to have its Emoluments wrested from him, but to risk his Credit by being repre- - sented as the Instrument of another's Imposition ; For what is it but an Imposition both on the Pub- - lisher and the Public, if a presuming Proprietor thus takes upon him to put it out of the Power of the former to fulfil his Engagements with the latter; and for a present pecuniary Consideration it becomes totally indifferent whether they are fulfilled or not. What is it but obtaining the Favour of the Public on false Pretences, and turning it to private Profit, without any Regard to the Conditions of the Obli- gation ? The Original Publisher begs Leave to assure the Ladies, he entertains a very different Sense of the Favours conferred on him; and, as his Credit is so nearly concerned in discharging the Obligations he is said under to return, he flatter himself that, not- withstanding Mr. Coote has been pleased to take on himself the sole Merit of having hitherto fur- nished their Entertainment, he shall be able to con- - vince them of the contrary, by preventing their be- - ing any wise sensible of that Proprietor's Defection from their Service. In the mean Time he takes the Liberty of assuring his Fair Correspondents, that he shall never presume, after so fordid an Example, to sell the Copy- Right of their voluntary Productions before he receives them, or drive so ungrateful a Traffic with the Indulgence of the Public. JOHN WHEBLE. To LADY'S MAGAZINE, No. IX, which will be published on the First of May, will be prefixed a more particular Reply to the Allegations of the late and present Pretenders to Property in that Work; by which our Fair Readers will be enabled to form Judgment of the Candour and Capacity Mr. Coote, and the singular Sagacity as well as Probity, of Meffrs. Robinson and Roberts. Week, at Mr. Pem- berton's, at Vauxhall, near Birmingham, between the Gentlemen of the City of Worcester and the Gentlemen of Birmingham, for Five and One Hun- - dred, will be shewn and weighed the 29th of this Instant April, and sight the 1st, 2d, and 3d of May. PHEBY and BIRD, Feeders. By the KING'S PATENT. THE new- approved TIRE, for all Sorts of Wheel Carriages, is manufactured and sold by James and Benjamin Pratt, at Titton Forge, near Kidderminster, and at Benjamin Pratt's in Stourbridge ; where Coach- makers, Wheel- wrights, and Others, may be supplied with Quantity, on the shortest Notice, forty Shillings per Ton under the present Price. The said TIRE is sold by Mr. John Cox, Iron- - monger, in Bromsgrove ; and by Mr. James Davies, at the Black Boy in Bewdley. N. B. A Warehouse will be opened every Satur- - day at Mr. Crane's, the Old Wheatsheas in the Corn Market, Worcester ; where a Person will re- gularly attend to deliver out Goods. This Day is Published, In One Volume, Octavo, Price 5s. bound, THE FARMER'S KALENDAR: Or, A Monthly Directory for all Sorts of Country Business Containing plain Instructions for performing the Work of various Kinds of Farms, in every Season of the Year ; respecting particularly the buying, feeding, and selling Livestock; the whole Culture of Arable Crops; tht Management of Grasses ; the ecconomical Conduct of the Farm, See. By an Experienced FARMER. London, printed for Robinson and Roberts, No. 25, in Pater- noster- Row; J. Knox, at No. 148, in the Strand ; and may be had of the Printer and Dis- tributors of this Journal. Designed for the USE of SCHOOLS. Now first published, Price is. 6d. bound, THE MOST GENERAL SCHOOL- ASSISTANT Containing a complete Sys- tem of Arithmetic ; the common and useful Pro- blems in practical Geometry ; the Methods used in taking the Dimensions of Artificers Work; Men- suration of all Kinds of Surperficies and Solids, of Artificers Work, of Timber, and of Land; toge- - ther with Gauging, Bills of Parcels, See. See. By G. DYER, Master of the Tuckers School, in Exeter. Printed Pater- noster- Row, London ; sold by E. Score and W. Grigg, in Exeter; and may be had of the Prin- - ter and Distributors of this Journal. This Day was published, In Two Volumes, Price Five Shillings, sewed, THE BRITISH MORALIST: Or, Young Gentleman and Lady's Polite Pre- ceptor. Being a new Collection of Novels, Tales, Fables, Visions, Dreams, Allegories. Selected from those Writings of Brooke, Goldsmith, Johnson, Hume, Hawkesworth, Langhorne, Smollet, Sterne, Mulso, Murphy, Shenstone, Miss Carter, and other celebrated Moderns, that have been published du- - ring the last Ten Years. To which are added, I. An Introduction, con- - taining Rules for acquiring True Politeness. II. Parallels between Ancient and Modern Characters. III. A Concise View of the Beauties of the British Constitution. Printed for Robinson and Roberts, No. 25, in Pater- noster- Row, London; and may be had of the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. Of whom may be had just published in Two Volumes, Price 5s. sewed, The JEALOUS MOTHER; Or, INNOCENCE TRIUMPHANT. On Wednesday the First of May will be published, Neatly printed in Two Volumes, Octavo, Price bound I2S. THE HISTORY OF ENGLAND, from the Earliest Accounts to the Revolution, in 1688. By WILLIAM SMITH, M. D. Ne quid falsi dicere audeat, ne quid veri non audeat. CICERO. London, printed for the Author; and sold by W. Owen, in Fleet- Street; and may be had of the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. On the same Day will be published, in Two Vols. Octavo, Price bound 12s. by the same Author, The NATURE and INSTRUCTION of GOVERNMENT; containing an Account of the Feudal and English Policy. Juvat integros accedere fonteis Atque haurire LUCRET. The above Works may be had uniformly bound in 4 Vols, at 1l. 4s. or either Part separate as above advertised, at 12s. WHEREAS I, the under- named Richard Williamson, have sold a spurious Medicine under the Name of MAREDANT'S DROPS, prepared by Mr. JOHN NORTON, of Golden- square, Surgeon, which Medicine was in square Bottles, with the Name of JOHN NORTON, only Proprietor and Author of Maredant's Drops, sealed and folded in a printed Paper, the same as those given by Mr. Norton with the Drops prepared by him, whereby the Public have been greatly imposed on: AND WHEREAS the said Mr. John Norton was about to prosecute me for having sold such spurious Medi- - cine, but has agreed to forgive me for such Offence on my acknowledging the same in the Gazetteer, Daily Advertiser, Lloyd's Evening Posl, and Saint James's Evening Post: NOW I, the said Richard Williamson, in Consideration of the said John Nor- - ton agreeing not to prosecute me, do hereby ac- knowledge and declare, that none of the said Medi- - cine sold by me, under the Name of Maredant's Drops, were prepared by the said Mr. John Norton : AND I hereby humbly ask his Pardon for my hav- ing sold such spurious Medicine, and do promise never to be guilty of the like Offence for the future, and to publish this my Acknowledgment in the News Papers above- mentioned at my own Expence. And I consent and agree, that the said John Norton shall be at Liberty to publish this my Acknowledgment in all or any of the public News Papers, when and so often as he shall think proper. Witness my Hand this 9th Day April, 1771, RICHARD WILLIAMSON. No. 76, Wood- Street, Cheapside, London. Witness, GEORGE FREEBAIRN. N. B. The Genuine Sort of Maredant's Drops it sold, by Appointment, by H. Berrow, Printer, in Worcester. WORCESTER: Printed by
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