Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Volume Number: Issue Number: 4010
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Berrow's Worcester Journal
Date of Article: 18/04/1771
Printer / Publisher: H. Berrow
Address: Near the Cross, Worcester
Volume Number: Issue Number: 4010
No Pages: 4
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Price Two- pence Halfpenny. SATURDAY'S POST. COUNTRY NEWS. Bristol, April I1. AT our Assizes last Week, John Friend, Mate of the Brig Han- nah, for stealing eight Casks of Oil, the Proper of Captain Pope; and Grant Cottle, for stealing out of the Dwelling- House of his Aunt, a Bond of 50 I. besides a Quantity of Plate, and Cash THURSDAY, April 18, 1771. Numb. 4010. to a considerable received Sentence of Death.— Cottle was on his Trial near nine Hours, owing to the Indulgence of the Judge, who al- lowed him to plead his own Cause, and interro- gate the Witnesses; which is a Privilege that every Englishman who
claims it ought to be al- lowed. LONDON, Thursday, April 11. Yesterday, in a Committee of the whole House, Sir Charles Whitworth in the Chair, the Budget was opened by Lord North, who proposed a Lottery, which, he said, he was sure the People would like; the Tickets to be at 13l. each, and Ten per Cent, to be deducted out of the Prizes: He said, in the last Lottery, many Gentlemen lost by them, as they were sold under Par; that the present Sessions opened with Demurring, Plague, and a War, but that was all blown off; however, that we were still in a critical Situation with Spain, for we did not know how soon we might
have a War there; but he hoped the Peace would last a long Time, and he assured the House, if there was no War, he would, next Sessions, move for the Land Tax to be Three Shillings in the Pound, instead of Four. He likewise moved for Two Hundred Thousand Pounds to be al- lowed for the Navy, as there were 150 Ships in Commission, with Frigates and Sloops. He took Notice of the preseut Disturbance and Disputes, and of the Orders of the House being disobeyed, and a Faction being raised to throw every Thing into Confusion : He paid a great Compliment to the Sovereign, of whom he gave the greatest Cha- racter.
Lord North was answered by Mr. Dowdes- well, who said he did not understand what the noble Lord meant; first, we were at Peace, and then at the Eve of a War ; that he could not tell how to determine one Way or the other. Mr. Burke, Col. Barre, Mr. Tho. Townshend, and Mr. Alderman Townsend, spoke also with their usual Eloquence; and attacked the Ministry with great Warmth and Spirit upon their late Pro- ceedings respecting domestic and foreign Affairs. Mr. Cornwall objected to raising the Supplies by way of Lottery, unless a Clause was inserted, re- stricting the Members of that House from receiv- ing any Number of
Tickets from the Minister, by way of Doceur for pad or future Services. He also expressed a With that the Dissolution of that Assembly might speedily take Place. Neither the Premier, nor any of his Friends, returned Answers to the many weighty Objec- tions made Use of by several Members to the Contents of the Budget. After he had opened it, he threw himself back in his Seat, in his usual Manner, with his Arms across, and the rest of the Treasury Bench imitated him, secure in the Knowledge of the Number of their Votes. Not a Word was mentioned by either Party con- cerning the Release of the Lord Mayor and Mr. Oliver;
nor any Notice taken of the Grand Jury's having found the Bill against the Messenger. The Supplies for the Year are to be raised, it is said, in the following Manner: By 50,000 Lottery Tickets, at 13l. each.- By this Method 65o, oool. will be raised, 500,0001. of which is to be distributed into Prizes. — Ten per Cent is to be deducted from each Prize. 691,977l. remaining in the Exchequer, which has arisen from Reserves imposing on the Sinking Fund, is to be applied towards the Supplies for 1771 ; as is also 1,650,0001. out of such Money as may arise from the said Fund. 400,0001. which is to be paid by the East India Company ;
89,6581. the Surplus on Grants; 2o, oool. out of the Money granted for main- taining the Forces and Plantations in America; and all the Money arising from the Duties on Gum Arabic, Gum Senega, & c. are likewise to be applied to the same Purpose. It is also proposed to pay off 2oo, oool. of the Navy Debt out of the Supplies of the present Year. The Sinking Fund has produced, in the Course of the last Year, upwards of Two Millions. A Noli Prosequi will certainly issue to stop the Prosecutions against the Messenger ; but cannot hinder the Printers from bringing Actions of As- sault and false Imprisonment. It can only stop the
present Mode of proceeding by Indictment, as the Crown is in this Case the Prosecutor. Orders are issued for all Officers belonging to Regiments abroad to join their Regiments forth- with ; and the additional Company to each Regi- ment of Foot in the Service, which has been lately raised in England, and newly compleated, is to join the Corps it belongs to. It is thought the Intention of ordering all the Men of War to Spithead, is for the general Re view of the Fleet and that their Majesties pur- Tuesday there was a very full Meeting of the Society of the Bill of Rights, in Pursuance of the special Summons, upon important Business.
The Meeting opened with a Confirmation of the Gra- tification before agreed upon to the Printers; and a Vote of Thanks was then resolved upon to the Lord Mayor, for his upright and intrepid Conduct in defending the undoubted Liberties of the Sub- ject against the illegal and arbitrary Proceedings of the present H--- of C-------- . During the Progress of the Debate upon the first Motion, a very violent Altercation passed, as usual, between Mr. Wilkes and Mr. Home, replete with the common Expressions of false, selfish, malignant, surreptitious, fraudulent, and so forth. Mr. Wilkes, in particular, declared that Mr. Home's Conduct,
both to him and the Public, had neither been consistent with the Truth of a Clergyman, or the Faith and Honour of a Gentlaman. Mr. Horne said, that the Society was become nothing more than a Scene of personal Quarrel; the pub- lic Interests were absorbed in the petty Faction of one Individual; that Regularity, Decency, Or- der, and Concord, were banished together ; he therefore moved, " That the Society should be dissolved." It was in vain objected, that a Mo- tion of that Consequence should not be put so suddenly, whatever Cause to it the present Dis- turbances might afford; that, in fact, the Fer- ment in which the Society
then was, shewed an improper Temper of discussing so serious a Ques- tion ; and that, at least, the Sense of the Society should be first taken, whether they would rescind the restrictive Resolution against opening any new Subscriptions whatsoever, but for the private Pur- poses of Mr Wilkes, till the whole List of his Debts was discharged; as the Charge against the Society for existing only in the Capacity of Mr. Wilke's Committee might then be obviated. Both Parties, equally sure of a Victory, or de- sirous of meeting their Defeat, were eager to put the Question. The Motion to defer the Conside- ration of a Dissolution, was only
supported by five Members, among whom were Dr. Lee, Mr. Morris, Mr. Grieve, & c. The main Question was then put, when their appeared for the Disso- lution, 24; against it, 26. Mr. Alderman Town- send was in the Chair; and the whole Number present at the Meeting was 53, being the fullest Meeting which had ever been held in the Society. Lord Mountmorres, and another Gentleman, re- tired before the Division. For dissolving the So- ciety there appeared Mr. Alderman Sawbridge, Sir Francis Bernard, Sir Francis Delaval, Mr. Bellas, Mr. Tooke, Mr. Home, Mr. T. Oliver, Mr. Twogood, & c.— Against it, Mr. R. Jones, Mr. Ellis,
Mr. Bull, Mr. Baldy, Mr. Adair, Dr. Wilson, Mr. Wilkes, Mr. Churchill, & c. the Gentlemen who divided against putting the Ques- tion. Those who were for the Dissolution, having failed in their Motion, then immediately pro- ceeded to strike their Names out of the Society's Book, which was first done by Mr. Alderman Townsend, who also struck out, at the same Time, the Names of Sir Cecil Wray and Mr. Charles Turner, who had authorised him for that Purpose. After this, they withdrew into ano- ther Room, and there signed a Resolution to form a new Society, to exist only upon the pub- lic Ground. Mr. Morris, Mr. Grieve, Dr. Lee,
Mr. Sayre, and others, declared they would fol- low them in their Secession, unless the remain- ing Members of the Society came to a Resolution to rescind the absurd Vote of Restriction against opening new Subscriptions, as public Exigencies should require, whether Gentlemen were willing to contribute farther to the Discharge of Mr. Wilkes's Debts or not. Yesterday Afternoon, about Five o'Clock, a Child was found in the Avenues leading to the House of Commons; one of the Fruit Women that attend the House, hearing of it, brought the Child to the Lobby, where several of the Mem- bers law it, and the Parish Officers came
to take it away ; but the Woman refused to let them have it, and said she would keep it herself: Accord- ingly she collected twelve Guineas of the Mem- bers towards its Maintenance. The Speaker, hearing of the Affair, desired the Child might be sent to the Foundling Hospital, but the Wo- man carrying it there, they refused to take it in, and so she brought it back again to the House. She says the Child ( which is a Boy, and seems about a Fortnight old) is to be baptized by the Name of Fletcher Norton, and that the Speaker and Mr. Charles Fox are to be Godfathers. Monday Night about Eight o'Clock two Men knocked at the
Door of Mrs. Chancellor, who keeps a Lace Warehouse in Duke- Street, Picca- dilly. The Maid opening the Door to them, they desired to fee her Mistress, but without waiting for an Answer followed the Maid up Stairs to the Room where Mrs. Chancellor, two other Ladies, and a Child were sitting. The Villians put on black Vizors, one drew a Sword, and the other presented a Blunderbuss at them, commanding them all to shew them into the Room which is called the Lace Warehouse, at the back Part of the House, and Mrs. Chancellor herself to deliver them her Keys, which if she refused, they would certainly murder them all;
they then took out three Drawers full of rich Laces, which, with a Sum of Money to a very considerable Amount, they carried off, locking all the Women up in the Room when they lest it, who, finding them gone, Rooms, by which one of the Rogues was appre- hended, and is committed to Newgate. He proves to be a Steward to Admiral Rodney. Yesterday Morning, about Seven o'Clock, a Woman, about twenty- three Years of Age, who had lain at the Bolt and Ton, in Fleet- Street, was found shot dead in her Apartment; there were two Pistols in the Room with her, one loaded, the other discharged. Soon after this unhappy Affair
happened, her Husband, from whom she eloped, came to the Inn to enquire for her, and to his great Surprize, found her in that shocking Con- dition. They had been married about a Month, and she had taken Post Chaise to go to Richmond, as Yesterday Morning, and wrote to her Friends in the Country, intimating that they must never expect to see her again. Worcester, April 3, 1771. WHEREAS the Masters in the Glove Manufactory in this City, have been much injured by the Work People embezzelling and sel- ling their Gloves, Leather, and Leather Shreads; Notice is hereby given, That a Reward of FIVE GUINEAS will be
paid by the Steward of the Company, to any one who shall impeach, to Con- viction, the Embezzeller or Seller of Gloves, Lea- ther or Leather Shreads: And also the same Re- ward will be given for impeaching the Buyers or Receivers of Gloves, Leather, or Leather Shreads. By an Act of Parliament of the twenty- second of George the Second, it is therein enacted, That any Work People, who embezzle, purloin, sell, or secrete any Leather of his, her, or their Master, shall be publikly whipped for the first Offence; And any Person buying, receiving, accepting, or taking the same by Way of Gift, Pawn, Pledge, Sale, or Exchange, or
in any other Manner what- soever, on Conviction, forfeits the Sum of Twenty Pounds; on Default of Payment to be whipped in Public at the Market Place: And all Work People are required to bring in their Work compleated within twenty- one Days from the Delivery, toge- ther with their Shreads, whether Cutters, Parers, or Sewers, or they are liable to be punished as though the same was actually embezzelled or purloined. Like- wise any one receiving Work, and shall quit or re- turn the same before it is compleated, or afterwards suffer themselves to be subsequently employed be- fore the Work first received is finished and
delivered back to their Employer, are subject to be commit- ted to the House of Correction, there to be kept to hard Labour for one Month. And whereas some People have pretended that they had a Right to sell, and others to buy, Gloveresses Shreads, This is to inform all such That both the Seller and Buyer are as punishable in this Case as in the above, for selling of Leather, & c. And the same Reward, on Conviction, will be paid, altho the Delinquent should be a Manufacturer, they having no more Right to purchase, or accept them by Way of Gift, than others; and a Promise of a Token or Reward on a future Day, in
Consequence of the Sewer's bringing them ( where any Part thereof is the Property of another Master) the same will be deemed to be taken by Way of Pledge or Gift, and is cognizable under the Clause before noticed. And it is likewise thought necessity to inform all Cutters who put up their Gloves short of Tale to what they marked them at ( and reckon for) or otherwise commit any Fraud, that they will be prosecuted. As the Trade hath been so grosly abused, and wronged in their Property, they are determined to spare neither Cost nor Pains in bringing to condign Punishment all such as shall offend against the above
mentioned Act. By Order of the COMPANY, PETER YOUNG, CLERK. THE Creditors of Mary Costin, late of the City of Worcester, Spinster, deceased, are desired to meet at the House of Mr. Ashton, at the Star and Garter in Worcester, on Friday the 26th Day of April Instant, by the Hour of Three in the Afternoon of that Day, at which Time it is intended to divide the laid Mary Costin's Effects : And all Persons who have omitted to deliver in an Account of their Demands on the Estate of the said Mary Costin, are desired to send the same to Mr. Holbeche in Droitwich, before the Time aforesaid, otherwise they will be excluded the
Benefit of the said Dividend. WE, whose Names are under men tioned, Inhabitants of the Parishes of Ship- ton, Long Stanton, Munslow, Holgate, Tugford. and Monk Hopton, in the County of Salop, have entered into Articles with each other, to endeavor to apprehend and to prosecute, at our joint Ex- pence, all Persons who shall steal Horses, Cattle, Sheep, or any other Things, our respective Pro- perties. The Party, from whom any Thing shall be stolen, is to give immediate Notice thereof to a, the Parties to the said Articles, every one of who is, then, without Delay, to dispatch a Man an Horse fifty Milts, in Pursuit of the Felon;
and the Person so dispatched shall gain any Intelligent of him, he is to continue his Pursuit, if necessary throughout England and Wales. The Pursue will take different Roads from each other, and the Whole is formed upon such a Plan, that every Part of the Kingdom will be traversed in a very short Time. It will therefore be almost impossible of Offenders to escape. Every Turnpike Gate- keep will be entitled to a Reward of Ten Shillings, if , gives such Intelligence as shall enable the Pursue to apprehend the Offender. Shipton. Thomas Mytton Richard Sankey, of the Morehouse John Action, of Larden Edward Milner Benjamin
Collins Widow Burgess William Mannox Fr. Hudson, of Skimscot. Long Stanton. Richard Onflow Widow Chidley Fr. Hudson, of Patton Edw. Downes, of Patton JohnBollens of Brockton John Action, of Brockton Wm. Bowen, of Brockton Thomas Butcher, of Lit- tle Oxenbold. Munslow. Rev. Mr. Read Francis Wainwright Humphry Wainwright Hannah Wainwright B. Lokier, of Millichap Richard Bluck Thomas Littleford, of Broadstone Benj. Cox, of Broadstone Thomas Powel, of Hurt gerford Tho. Downes, of Aston Tho. Rowlands Edw. Stedman, of Aston Wm. Smith, of Aston T. Lacon, of Thongland William Ward Sam. Amies, of
Aston. Holgate. Edw. Minton John Hudson John Babb Sam. Fewtrel Cha. Mapp, of Bowder Tugford. Rev. Mr. Ingram Silvanus Jones Edw. Reynolds Geo. Giles Philip Francis, of Bawco JohnHanson, of Bawcol Monk Hopton. B. Adney, of Oxenbold THE Creditors who have proved their Debts under the Commission of Bank- rupt awarded and issued against SAMUEL BRADLEY, of the City of Worcester, Chinaman, Toyman, Dealer, and Chapman, are desired to meet the As- signee of the said Bankrupt's Estate and Effects, at four of the Clock in the Afternoon of Saturday the 11th Day of May next, at the Hop Pole Inn, in the
City of Worcester, in order to assent to or dissent from the said Assignee's commencing, prosecuting, or defending any Action or Actions, Suit or Suits, at Law or in Equity, for the Recovery of or touch- ing or concerning any Part of the said Bankrupt's Estate and Effects, or to the compounding or sub- mitting to Arbitration, or otherwise agreeing any Matter or Thing relative thereto, and on other spe- cial Affairs. THE Creditors of Mrs. Ann Pardoe, late of the City of Worcester, deceased, are desired to send an Account of their respective De- mands to Mr. James and Mr. John Pardoe, in Wor- cester, Executors of the said
Deceased, in order to their being satisfied : And all Persons indebted to the Estate and Effects of the said Deceased, are hereby required immediately to pay such Debts to the said Executors. AFARM, Tythe- tree, to be lett, in the Manor of Hinton on the Green, in the County of Gloucester, called Downrip Farm, con- sisting of about 146 Acres of Arable Land, and 45 Acres of Meadow and Pasture, well watered, with all convenient Buildings upon the said Farm. Enquire of John Weston, at the Manor- House Hinton aforesaid, who will shew the Premisses, art give Directions where further Particulars may be had To be SOLD to the
BEST BIDDER, On Tuesday next, the 23d Instant, at the Dwelling House of William Blew, the Sign of the Falcon, Bromyard, in the County of Hereford, subject Conditions of Sale to be then produced, unless sold private Contract in the mean Time, of which pro- per Notice will be given A New elegant modern- built Bric House, consisting of two handsome Parlour China Closet, Study, Hall, Vestible, best and bad Stair- Case, also a best Kitchen, with a wet dry Pantry, all on the Ground Floor. A large Lead Reservoir over the wet Pantry.--- On the such Floor, four genteel Bed- Chambers, all hung with fashionable Paper; Dressing -
Closets to three them ; two of them with Fire Places.... In the Attic Story, four genttel Bed- Chambers, two of the hung with Paper; two Closets with Fire Place likewise a Servant's Room and Store Room. There large dry good Cellars and a lower Kitchen. Offices, being a new compleat Brick Building, con- sisting of a large good Brew- House, Wash- House Bake- Houee, and Laundry over them; a handsome Coach- Houae, with a Grainery, having an Alabasted Floor over it; and a four stalled Stable well fitted up and an Hay Lost over it.— A Garden adjoining the House, by Estimation one Acre, with a Foot Brick Wall, laid out in
the genteelest Task ( well stocked with Wall and other Fruit Tree with an elegant Shrubbery, and good Kitchen Gar- den, well cropped. An Orchard adjoining to the Court Yard, with a new Barn and Beast- House, and some other new Building for Pigs and Poultry, which are- made very convenient. A Pump in the Court, with exceeding good Water. The above Premisses lie pleasantly situated at the Entrance into Bromyard from Worcester, and con- tain, by Estimation, more than two computed Acre They command a pleasant Prospect of the Down, and are situated in a delightful healthy Air. — The Purchaser will be entitled to
Right of Common on the Down. Also to be Sold, at the same Time, in like Manne with or without the above- mentioned House at Premisses, Two computed Acres of Arable Land, lately en- closed out of a Field called Cruxwell Field, in the Parish of Bromyard aforesaid, with Lands of Tho- mas Tomkyns, Esq; and in the Possession of M John Whittall. — And one other computed Acre Arable Land, in Cruxwell Field aforesaid, in the Possession of Mr. William Davis. Also the Remainder of a Term in a Lease of Meadow, opposite the House, by Estimation, computed Acres, in the Occupation of the said Mr. Davis, ten Years whereof
were unexpired at Candlemas last. Enquire of the said Mr. Davis, who will she the Premisses; or of Mr. Coleman, Attorney Law, in Leominster, who will treat for the same. The House to be viewed till the Time of Sale. Bromyard is a Market Town, distant from London 125 Miles, from Worcester 13 Miles, from Herd- ford 15 Miles, from Leominster 10 Miles, from Ledbury 15 Miles, and from Tenbury 1O Miles BERROW'S WORCESTER Journal
FOREIGN AFFAIRS. LETTERS from Lemberg of the 13th of March bring, that the Turks having attacked the advanced Posts of Austrians, several Squadrons of the latter instantly assembled, and cut to Pieces some Thousands of the Ottomans. of the Austrians, feveral Squadrons of the latter inllantly aifembled, and cut to Pieces forse Thoufands of the Ottomans. From the LONDON GAZETTE. from the LONDON GAZECcnflantinoplc, March 4. On the From the LONDON GAZETTE. Constantinople. March 4. On the 18th past, at Midnight, a dreadful Fire happened at Galata, which consumed Two Thousand Five Hundred
Houses and Shops. It broke out near the Gate of Tophana, and a very high Northerly Wind spread the Flames with rapid Vehemency, so that the Fire raged for fifteen Hours. The miserable In- habitants were chiefly Greeks, Armenians, and Jews, and suffered much from the Cold, which was so intense, that a continual Snow fell to the Ground, frozen like Hail; some Children and sick People are said to have lost their Lives by it; but we do not hear that any perished in the Flames. Two other Fires began the same Night at Constantinople ; the one laid Twelve Houses in Ashes, the other Three, before it could be extinguished. It is
said to be discovered that all the Three Fires were caused by Incendiaries, and that an Attempt was made the same Night to let Fire to the Quarter of the Greeks at Fanal in Constantinople. [ Thus far Gazette. COUNTRY NEWS. Birmingham, April 15. Friday Se'nnight Mr. Joseph Arnold, aged 79, was found murdered in his Bed in Tamworth Parish He lived by himself, and is supposed to have been murdered some Days before he was found. LONDON, Saturday, April 13. It was Yesterday considently reported at the Court End of the Town, that the Majority being heartily sick of the Lord Mayor's Confinement, and not being able
to procure a Motion ( whilst his Lordship was never in better Spirits) for the Release of him and the Alderman, are determined to get rid of the Business, by a Prorogation, as soon as possible, which will be done in less than a Month. It was also as confidently reported, that it had been agreed in Council absolutely to dissolve the present Parliament, upon a Persumption that the Court will undoubtedly again secure a Majority. Lord North's Departure from the Treasury and Exchequer is looked upon as certain. The Crown Lawyers have given it as their Opi- nion, that the Proceedings of a certain Assembly, in Regard to their
Messenger, are illegal. Mr. Wilkes has declared his Resolution to be Sheriff next Year for the City of London and County of Middlefex ; and attended a Meeting of the Common- Council of his own Ward last Night to propose it to them. All his Friends have represented to him the evil Consequences of this Step without being able to prevail upon him to desist. The County of Middlefex think them- selves particularly ill- treated, because their Cause deserted by him they have so generously supported ; for should Mr. Luttrel vacate his Seat when Mr. Wilkes is Sheriff, this County will be betrayed ; and the grand Question of the Right
Election left undecided. Yesterday Noon Mr. Wilkes waited on Mr. Aldermam Oliver in the Tower, and told him the Resolution he had taken to be Sheriff next Year with Mr. Oliver. Mr. Oliver gave him many strong public Reasons why he ought not to attempt it; but he was not able to prevail over the private Reasons of the illustrious Patriot. In the Evening, we are informed, a Letter from Mr. Oliver was brought by Mr. Lovell, and given to Mr. Wilkes's Deputy ( Mr. Wilkes being himself busy with his Common- Council.) Mr. Lovell told the Deputy that though the Letter was directed to Mr. Wilkes, it was intended to be seen by all the
Gentlemen present. Mr. Lovell afterwards told one of the Common Councilmen he Purport of the Letter, which is said to be as follows, viz. " That Mr. Oliver knowing from Mr. Wilkes's own Declaration that his political views and Intentions were very different from Mr. Oliver's, was for that Reason and many other Reasons determined not to serve the Office of Sheriff with Mr. Wilkes; and he desires Mr. Wilkes to shew this his Letter to the Gentlemen if his Ward, if Mr. Wilkes was determined to persevere in his Attempt." Mr. Alderman Oliver, and his Brother Mr. Thomas Oliver, besides all their other public Subscriptions and
Expences, have contributed one tenth Part of all the Money which has publickly subscribed for Mr. Wilkes; and yet Mr. Wilkes has now the Gratitude to endeavour to force the Alderman to pay the Expences of Wilkes's Shrievalty whether he will or not, a Sum lot less than Fourteen Hundred Pounds, even when Sheriffs are prudent; for the two Collegues in that Office make but one Sheriff, and bound for each other. Sheriffs are bound to have enough Property in the County for which they serve to answer the King and his People ; Mr. Wilkes in his present situation has the Modesty to request to be Sheriff. when he has not where
with to answer his own Creditors ; notwithstanding the Supporters of the Bill of Rights have discharged for him Twenty- four thousand Pound,. Add to these Considerations that Mr. Wilkes's Colleague will be answerable in his Person and Fortune for all the desperate Acts Mr. Wilkes lay chuse as Sheriff to perform; by which Acts Mr. Wilkes will risque nothing, having nothing, and all must be done at the Peril of his Collegue, whilst Mr. Wilkes will be attempting all the Time to destroy his Friend's Reputation left it shoULD eclipse his own. It is said the County of Middlesex will shortly be assembled on this Occasion, in order to
demand from Mr. Wilkes that public Benefit he can pretend will arise from his present Attempt; and to instruct him as their Representative not to betray their Cause, Id plunge himself into fresh Difficulties and This Day the following Bills received the Royal Assent by a Commission from his Majesty, viz. — The Bill for raising a certain Sum of Money by Loans on Exchequer Bills, for the Service of the present Year. — The Bill for improving and preserving the Fisheries in the River Tweed, & c. — The Bill for licensing an additional Number of Hackney Coaches.—' l'he Bill for continuing the Tolls on London Bridge.— And also to
several Road and inclosure Bills. " For my Part ( fays young Reynard) in his Speech against the Lord Mayor) I think both Petions and Addresses are of so equivocal a Nature, that I will never acknowledge the Voice of the People to be fully expressed any where but in this House " To which our Correspondent re- plies, " You are right, Reynard, to stick by this Doctrine, left your Father, the public De- faulter of unaccounted Millions, be obliged to disgorge what he has so infamously come by, should our gracious Monarch ever be pleased to listen to the just Complaints of his much- abused Subjects, in dissolving the present corrupt
Par- liament." A certain great Lady, complaining bitterly at the Levee of a great Personage of the Turbulence of the Times, declared that if that Incendiary, Wilkes, was not speedily banished, the would leave the Kingdom, and take up her Residence at Zell. A Nobleman in the Minority overhearing these Threats, turned short upon his Heel, and muttered loud enough to be understood And if it was to H- ll, Madam, nobody would shed ' Tears, especially as we should have no Apprehensions of your Return to us again." The Ministry applied a few Days ago to a Northern ' T ory ( Sir W. B.) to move for the Release of the Lord Mayor
and Mr. Oliver; but he refused it, saying he had consulted some Country Gentlemen, who did not approve of either the Motion or the Commitment. Several other Mem- ber were then applied to, but they all refused. The late bold Steps of a great Assembly have discovered the fatal Effects of Venality so manifestly to the Public, that even those Boroughs ac- counted the most corrupt, are now determined for the future to elect none but those who are above submitting to the dirty Service of a Minister. Yesterday a Manuscript Paper, of a treasonable Nature, was found stuck up in one of the Ave- nues leading to the House of
Commons, which was ordered to be taken down and destroyed. Yesterday was held a Court of Common- Coun- cil, Alderman Trecothick, Locum Tenens, who acquainted the Court, that the Bill for embanking the River Thames at Durham Yard had passed the House of Commons; upon which a Motion was made, that a Petition be immediately prepared and presented to the House of Lords, which was carried in the Affirmative, and ordered accor- dingly. The Duke of Gloucester's Disorder is in his Liver. We hear his Highness is advised by his Physicians to go to the South of France. A Correspondent desires to know the Cause
of Yesterday 18 Prisoners were tried at the Old- Bailey; three of whom were capitally convicted, viz. Benjamin Isaacs, John Haines, and Richard Butcher, for breaking and entering the House of Mrs. Moore, in South Audley- Street, and Heal- ing Plate, & c. five were cast for Transportation, and ten acquitted. The Trial of Mr. Powell for Forgery on the East India Company, is put off till next Sessions, I he having strong Objections against the Jury. Promoted.] The Rev. William Sandys, M. A. late of All Souls College, Oxford, Chaplain to the Right Hon. Lord Craven, to hold the Rec- tory of Illogane ( to which he was lately presented)
in the County of Cornwall and Diocese of Exe- ter, together with the Rectory of St. Ninyer in the same County and Diocese, worth 270I. per Annum.— The Rev. Philip Lyne, D L. late of Oriel College, Oxford, to hold the Vicarage of Mevagissie, together with the Vicarage of Leskeard, both in the County of Cornwall and Dio- cese of Exeter, worth near 3o0I. per Annum. ' WANTED, A Maid Servant, who has been used to and will take upon her the Care of Children. Such a Person, who has had the Small- Pox, and can have an unexceptionable Character from her last Place, for her Attention, Care, and Integrity, may hear of a
Place, by ap- plying to the Printer of this Paper. MILITIA For the County of WORCESTER, with the City and County of the City of WORCESTER. THIS is to give Notce, That, in Pursuance of an Order of the Lord Lieu tenant and Deputy Lieutenants of the said County and City, made at the fourth General Meeting, held on the Thirtieth Day of October last, the Militia Men for the said County and City are to resort to the City of Worcester, on Monday the Sixth Day of May next, there to be trained and exercifed for twenty- eight Days successively; and the Private Mi- litia Men are required to attend at the Town- Hall of the said City, by
Ten of the Clock in the Morn- ing, on the said Sixth Day of May next, in order to receive their Arms and Cloathing. Worcester, JOHN THORNELOE, 8th April, 1771. Clerk of the General Meetings. Worcester, April 18, 1771. TO BE LETT, At Mr. YEOMANS'S, Currier, in Fifth- Street GENTEEL Apartments, ready furnished; consisting of a good Parlour, Kitchen, Cellar, and two Lodging Rooms ; the Whole commodiously detached from the rest of the House ; also I a Stable, if require. N. B. The Lodger may likewise be accommodated with Boarding, if it is desired. Worcester, April 11, 1771. J O H N B R O M L E Y, MERCER and
UNDERTAKER, ( Many Years Servant to the late Mrs. Severn) BEING now engaged in Business for himself, next Door to the Golden Ball, in Goofe- Lane, and having laid in a new and compleat Assortment of Goods, takes this Method of entreat- ing the Favours of his Friends, and the Public in general; whose kind Encouragement will always be gratefully acknowledged, and duly esteemed, by Their most obedient humble Servant, JOHN BROMLEY. the present most exorbitant Price of all Kinds of Provisions, thinking it a Matter of the most serious Concern. A Correspondent ussures us, that there have been exported from the
Kentish and Suffex Coasts,. within these two Months past, above 2500 Head of Cattle, of all Kinds, to the Continent; and that they arc daily Killing for the same purpose, It was Yesterday reported, that a Sloop is dispatched to recall the Squadron destined for Falk land's Island. It is said a certain Ambassador has ordered all his Tradesmen's Bills to be immediately paid, be- ing in daily Expectation of a Recall. A Gentleman lately come from Cadiz says, they are raising Recruits in all Parts of Spain with the greatest Expedition. By a private Letter from Paris we are informed, that Wednesday last was the Day appointed for forming
the new Parliament, in Consequence of which great Interest was making by the best Fami- lies for their Friends and Relations. The Circumstance of dissolving the French Par- liament is perhaps one of the most arbitrary and oppressive Proceedings of that arbitrary Govern- ment; the Seats in it being all so notoriously ve- nal, that they are put up to public Sale, nor is there a Member but purchases the Honour he en- joys ; a Seat in Parliament is however so great an Object, notwithstanding its Uncertainties, that it is no uncommon Thing for a Gentleman of Fa- mily, whose whole Fortune does not exceed Ten Thousand Pounds,
to give Five Thousand for that Distinction, as being the infallible Channel to Military and Civil Preferments. The Mountaineers of Corsica, whole Love of Liberty will not suffer them to submit to the French Yoke, are actually now in Arms, while their Mailers are obliged to be continually encamped, dreading the Attack of these- desperate and invincible People. On Thursday Night, About Nine o'Clock, as Col. Desaguliers, of the Royal Regiment of Ar- tillery, was going in his Chariot to his House at Woolwich, he was stopped by a single Footpad on this Side the Five Bells, on the Deptford Road, who presented a Pistol to the
Coachman, bid him stop, and then demanded the Colonel's Money, who gave him his Purse. containing 40s. Whilst he was putting it into his Pocket, the Coachman leapt from the Box, tript up his Heels, and fell upon him: The Footpad being a strong Man, about 25 Years of Age, got up again, and en- deavoured to strike the Coachman with the Butt End of his Pistol, but was prevented by the Col who had jumped out of his Carriage and drawn his Sword, with which, in the Scuffle, he wounded the Robber, whom they seized, got him into the Carriage and carried him to an Inn at Green- wich, where, on the Constable's searching
him, another loaded Pistol, a Knife, and a Hanger were found upon him. He was carried before Justice, where he confessed, he was a Gardener at Greenwhich, and that it was the first Offence The Colonel lent for a Surgeon to dress the Fel- low's Wound, and ordered Care to be taken of B B' Worcester, March 2o, 1771 B A Y L I S S and Co. MERCERS and LINNEN- DRAPERS, BEG Leave to acquaint the Public, That they have opened a Shop, the Sign of the Indian Queen, near St. Helen's Church, in the High- Street, where they have laid in a neat and elegant Assortment of the most genteel and fashionable FANCY and
PLAIN SILKS, calculated for the Spring and Summer Seasons; a large Quantity of Irish Cloths, Lawns, Muslins, & c. with many other Articles in each Branch, which will be sold on the same Terms as in London. Worcester, April 11, 1771. GOOLDEN and LOWE, Mercers, At the COLLEGE GRATES, BEG Leave to inform the Ladies and the Public, that their great Sale of New SILKS began on Monday last, the 8th Instant; consisting of a very genteel and fashionable Assort- ment, just come down from the Looms, the Patterns of which are fancied by the first Ar tists in the Kingdom, and fabricated on the Italian Principle, which, for
Beauty and Wear, far exceeds the common Method of manufacturing Silks. Rich flowered Brocades ; Italian, Sattin, and striped ditto; Ditto Armozeens and Ducapes; Sattin and striped ditto; Corded, shot, and plain ditto; Clouded, Paoli's, Tobines, Ducapes, and Tabbies; Black, white, and Coloured rich Italian Mantuas and Ar- muzeens; Flowered Italian Mantua Sattins; Velderoys, Tissues, and Peruvians; Flowered Sattins and Damasks; Rich, plain, and flowered Sattins for Cloaks and Cardinals; Flowered Modes, Sarsenets, Persians, & c. with every other Article in the Silk Mercery and Haberdashery Way; which the Ladies and
the Public may depend on will be sold on their usual low Terms. Mr. Goolden of Birmingham thinks it very necessary he should inform the Public, that he has no Sort of Connection with Bayliss and Co. as has been industriously reported; and that his Partner ( Mr. Lowe) will be al- ways ready to wait upon the Ladies at their old Shop at the College Grates. Worcester, April 3, 1771. To the Creditors of EDWARD JONES, Baker. WHERE AS I stand indebted to several Persons in divers Sums of Money, which I am now unable to pay, I must beg of you to consider the present unhappy Situation of my Family, and accept Payment of
my Debts in the Manner following, viz.. Five Shillings in the pound to be paid on or before the Expiration of two the Remainder shall be paid. It is not in my Power, Gentlemen, to pay you any other Way, except I deliver up my All, which, I am certain, will not amount to ten Shillings in the Pound. I do assure you it is my Intention to pay every body to the utmost Farthing, but if a Statute is issued against me, the Expences will absolutely disable me from doing it: I must therefore beg of you to prevent it, and accept the Composition I have above proposed : The Distress of my poor Family, my Wife being both sick and lame, and not
having lain in but a Fort- night, and I being obliged to leave her, with five small Children, unable to help themselves, will, I hope, raise Compassion in your Breasts, and excite Pity towards your unhappy distressed humble Servant, EDWARD JONES. THE Main of Cocks that used to be fought in the Whitsun Week, at Mr. Pemberton's at< ill> T O BE S O L D ALarge Quantity of Gardener's Hand Glasses, of different sizes, at reasonable Rate. Fo: Particulars enquire of Mr. Shepheard, or Samuel Hare, at Grimley, near Worcester. To be LETT, and entered upon immediately, TH E well- known and good- accus tomed Public House,
known by the Sign of the Adam and Eve, situated in High- Street, Worcester, opposite the Post Office. For further Particulars enquire at the said House. N. B. A Tenant maybe accommodated, on easy Terms, with great Part of the Houshold Furniture, and all the Brewing Utensils. To be LETT or SOL D, AMessuage or Tenement, being a well- accustomed House, known by the Sign of the Leopard, in the Broad- Street, in the City of Worcester with a Brewhouse, Yard, Stable, and back Buildings behind the same, very commodious, with good Cellaring ; now in the Occupation of Mr. Edmund Jones. The Situation is a good one for
any other Business. If lett to a Tenant as a Public House, the Stock and Goods may be purchased of the present Occupier. The Premisses are held by Lease from Sir Thomas Cookes, Bart, deceased, for 120 Years, 4.2 whereof are now unexpired, and subject to a yearly Chief Rent of 61. 5s. The present yearly Rack Rent 181. For Particulars apply to Mr. Bird, Attorney at Law, in Worcester ; or to the laid Mr. Edmund Jones, who will shew the Premisses. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, AFreehold Lot, consisting of three Houses, with two Stables, and other Con- veniences, now occupied by John Bennett, sen. William
Buckle, and John Badger. The Premisses are situate in the Shambles, in the City of Worcester, opposite the New Market. They will be sold on Terms which will answer to a Purchaser either to repair or rebuild them. The Sale to be at the Bell Inn, Worcester, on Tuesday the 30th Instant, at Five o'clock in the Afternoon. Enquire of the Landlord, Tenants, or Mr. Berrow, Printer. Tobe SOLD by AUCTION, Same Time in May next, if not previously disposed of by private Contract, Notice of which will appear in this Paper, AConvenient modern- built Freehold Messuage, situate in the Cooken- Street, Wor- cester, occupied by Mr. John
Wood, and eligible for a Manufacturer or genteel Family. Likewise another substantial Freehold, in very good Repair, situated near the Quay in the same Street. Also a handsome, convenient, and well accustomed House, Bakehouse, and Malthouse, with several Fixtures Henry Cotterill ; situated next Door to Mrs. Savigny's Boarding School in the said Street. Particulars may be known of Mr. Bell, Attorney, at the Town Hall ; or of Mr. John Wood, who will shew the Premisses. To be L E TT, upon Charter or Royalty, AProved Mine of Coal, lying under Lands of Thomas Talbot Foley, Esq; at Netherton, in the Parish of Dudley, and
very near the Town. Any Person inclined to treat for the same, is desired to send his Proposals before the 27th Day of May next, to Mr. Hickman, Attorney at Law, in Oldswinford, near Stourbridge, specifying what Charter or Royalty he will be willing to pay, clear of all Deductions, and what Quantity of Coal he will oblige himself to raise annually. By the KI N G's PATENT. THE new- approved TIRE, for all Sorts of Wheel Carriages, is manufactured and sold by James anil Benjamin Pratt, of Titton Forge, near Kidderminster, and at Benjamin Pratt's in Stourbridge ; where Coach- makers, Wheel- wrights, and Others, may be
supplied with any Quantity, 0n the shortest Notice, forty Sh llings per Ton under the present Price. The said TIRE is sold by Mr. John Cox, Iron- monger, in Bromsgrove; and by Mr. James Davits, at the Black Boy in Bewdley. N. B. A Warehouse will be opened every Satur- day at Mr. Crane's, the Old Wheatsheaf in the Corn Market, Worcester ; where a Person will re- gularly attend to deliver out Goods. Holderness CAT T L E. To be SOLD to the highest BIDDERS, Tomorrow the 19tb Day of this Instant April, at Kinlet Hall, in the County of Salop, THE whole Stock of CATTLE ( being of the Holderness Breed) Sheep, Pigs, Cart-
Horses, and Implements of Husbandry, be- longing to the Demesne at Kinlet aforesaid. TO COVER, at Strensham, in the County of Worcester, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays ; and at the City of Wor- cester the remaining Days of the Week, during the Season, at One Guinea a Mare, and Half a Crown the Servant, A strong, well- proportioned Bay HORSE, Sixteen. Hands high, rising four Years old, beauti- fully marked, perfectly fresh, found, and free from Blemish. He lias fine Action, and Bone sufficient for the Coach ; was got by Mr. Ellerby's well known Horse, near Malton in Yorkshire, and brought, when a Foal,
by the present Proprietor, to encourage the Breed of such Horses in this County. Bridgnorth, 30th March, 1771. NOTICE is hereby given, That the Parishioners and principal Inhabitants of the Parishes of Saint Leonard, and Saint Mary Mag- dalen, in Bridgnorth, in the County of Salop, did by Agreement under their Hands, bearing Date the 21st Day of this Instant March, agree to prosecute, at their joint Expence, Felons in general, but par- ticularly Housebreakers, and to bear an equal Share in prosecuting them to Conviction ; and also to al- low a handsome Premium over and above what is
NOTICE IS hereby given, That a Meeting will be held at Bridgnorth in the County of Salop, en the First Day of May next, ( the same to- be continued annually) for the Sale of Horned Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Pigs, and all other Goods and Merchandize. N. B. Every Thing Toll- free. CORN M I L L S to be Lett, Commonly Called Powick's Corn Mills, SITUATED about one Mile and a Half from the City of Worcester, and never known to want Water in the driest Summer ; in a pood Corn Country, and the River always naviga- ble to and from Bristol and other great Markets. The Mills consist of four Pair of Stones, a Dressing Mill, & c.-—
Great Encouragement will be given to a good Tenant, by applying to Mr. Richard Crost, at Powick. TO be Sold, at the Corn Warehouse in Bristol, far Ready Money only, s. d. Wheat 5 4- Beans 3 4- Malt 4. 4 > 8 Gallons Oat 2 o Barley 34.' 4 Hog Pease 3 8 Fine Lammas Flour 38s. Seconds 3 6s. Thirds 34s. per Sack, each Sack 280 lb. Neat. THURSDAY'S POST. ( By EXPRESS from LONDON.) From the LONDON GAZETTE. Berlin, April 6. the latest Accounts To be LETT, and entered upon immediately, AGood old- accustomed Public House, House, known by the Sign of the Crown and Clove in the Town Ditch, near the Hop
Market, Worcester. The Brewing Utensils and Stock, and Part of the Houshold Furniture to be fold. For further Particulars enquire of Richard Adamson, Glover, in Worcester. To be LETT, end entered upon immediately, AGood- accustomed Inn, known by the Name of the SWAN, situate in the High- Street, in Bridgnorth, in the County of Salop. N. B. The Brewing Vessels and Houshold Goods and Furniture to be sold at a fair Appraisement. Enquire of Mr. John Smalman, Grocer; or of Mr. Langley, jun. Attorney, both of Bridgnorth aforesaid. ACock Match will be fought at the House of Joseph Stephens, in Frog- Lane, Worcester,"
between the Gentlemen of Worcestershire, and the Gentlemen of Herefordshrine; to shew 31 Cocks on each Side, all in the Main, for Four Gui- neas a Battle, and Forty the Main: To weigh on Saturday the 18th of May, and to right on the Mon- day and Tuesday in the Whitsun Week. RIDLEY and ELSMOORE, Feeders. TO COVER, this Season, at Thomas Williams's, at the Griffin, in Sidbury, Wor- cester, at Half a Guinea, and a Shilling the Servant, the Money to be paid at the Stable- Door the first Leap. The noted, strong, boney, and high- bred Bay Horse, called and known by the Name of FORESTER. Good Grafs for Mares,
and proper Care taken of them. M1 Worcester, April 18, 1771. SUM SOLUS. . MR. POWELL, the wonderful Fire Eater, is now to be seen at the Golden Lion, in this City, this and every Evening, for one Week only. His Performances astonish the most curious and learned spectator; nor can the greatest Philosopher, or the most exalted Genius account for this furprizing Phenomenon in Nature. He eats red- hot Coals out of the Fire as natural as Bread ; he licks a red- hot Heater with his Tongue, and carries it round the Room several Times between his Teeth; he broils a Slice of Beef or Mutton on a Gridiron in his Mouth; he eats
Rosin, Pitch, Bees- Wax, Brimstone, Allum, and Lead, boiling- hot, with a Spoon. With various other extraordinary Perfor- mances never attempted by any other Person in this Age, and there is scarce a Possibility ever will, so that thole who neglect this Opportunity of seeing the Wonders performed by this Artist, will lose the Sight of the most amazing Exhibitions ever done by Man. The Doors to be opened at Six, and his Perfor- mances begin at Seven o'Clock, without any Notice being given by Sound of Trumpet. Admittance One Shilling each. There are good Fires to keep the Room warm. Note, Ladies and Gentlemen may
have a private Performance any Hour of the Day, on giving pre- vious Notice. In his Way to Wolverhampton, he will perform only two Nights at Bromgrove, and two at Stour- bridge. AN ENTIRE NEW WORK. Freed from the Errors, Obscurities, and Supersluities of former Writers on the Subject. This Day is published, Price only is. 6d. Adorned with a beautiful Frontispiece finely engraved from an original Drawing, TH E Complete English Farmer : Or, Husbandry made perfectly easy in all its various Branches. Containing a greater Variety of useful Articles than are to be found in any other Book of this Kind, though four Times the
Price, particularly, The Management and Qualities of the different Kinds of Grafs, and of making Hay. Description of the different Soils, and of manuring and ploughing Land. The Cultivation and Manage- ment of Wheat and Barley. The Culture of Oats and Rye. Of the Farmers Stock, & c. The best Methods of breeding and rearing Colts, managing Horses and Mares, and of curing their numerous Diseases. The Art of rearing Calves and Lambs, together with the best Method of managing Bulls, Oxen, Cows, and Sheep, to make them turn out to the greatest Advantage. Also several Receipts to cure the different Disorders they
are subject to. The best and most approved Method of rearing and fat- tening Swine, and chafing the best Sort for breeding, and for curing all their Disorders. Of breeding Rabbits to the best Advantage. The whole Art of rearing and managing Fowls, Ducks, Geese, Turkies, and Pigeons, to'make them turn out profitable to the Farmer, with choice Receipts to cure their several Distempers. The Management of Bees both for Profit and Pleasure. The Cultivation of Tur- nips, Beans, Peas, Tares, Flax, and Hemp, & c. And other useful Articles, too numerous to mention in an Advertisement- ' To Plough, to Harrow, or to Sow, To Set,
or Plant, or Reap, or Mow; And manage well all Sorts of Grain; This Book will teach the Reader plain. from Poland the Grand Russian and Turkish Ar- mies still remained quiet in their respective Win- ter Quarters, the Seve- rity of the Weather, and extreme Backwardness of the Season, not yet per- mitting them to take the and such is said to be the Scarcity of Fo- rage and Provisions throughout that whole Coun- try, especially in those Parts which were the Theatre of the War during the last Campaign, that it is believed they will not be able to move or commence any Military Operations till to- wards the Middle of next June. [
Thus far Gazette. LONDON. Tuesday, April 16. Yesterday came on in the Lower Assembly, in a Committee of the whole House, the further Consideration on the East- India Bill, when 1400 Men were proposed to be raised for the Service of the Company, Foreigners included : Col. Barre proposed 200 more, but to have no Foreigners, for if they should ever come to Battle, he said, they would desert and go over to the Enemy ; he purposed therefore 1200 Men to be raised here, and 400 in Ireland. After a Debate which lasted till Eleven o'Clock, they adjourned the farther Consideration of the Question till another Day. The Petition
from the City of London against the embanking Durham Yard, will be heard on Thursday next in the Upper Assembly. Like wise at the same Time will be heard the Petition of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, laying their Claim to the Soil, in which it is pretended they have a better Right than the City. We hear that the Parliament will be prorogued next Thursday Fortnight. It is said, that a Dissolution of the Parliament has been strongly debated in the Cabinet, and determined on. Lord North it is reported, was dissentient in the highest Terms, Ld. Ev. Post. It is considently reported that the whole Ministry have declared, that if
the Parliament should be dissolved, they will resign their Places before a new one is chosen, which, it is said, greatly embarrasses a Great Personage, who seems to be hard set to find out proper Successors. It is reported that a certain illustrious Lady will make a second Tour to the Continent, as soon as public Affairs are brought into due Train by the happy Operation of that Influence she has so long and so successfully exercised. Several Threatening Letters have been very lately lent to the Treasury, the Contents of which it has been thought proper to suppress. On Thursday several Gentlemen and eminent Merchants, well
versed in the public Funds, at- tended the Lords of the Treasury, in Relation to the present languishing Condition of public Credit; and we hear that great Attention was given to their Reasoning and Remonstances, and that something will certainly be done in its Favour. The Commissioners of the Treasury have or- dered the Quarterly Remittances to all the Fo- reign Ministers. It is said that a Tax will be laid on all who keep open Shops for the Sale of any Commodity whatsoever. It is said all the Lottery Tickets were disposed of among the Premier's Friends, before the Bud- get was opened, or the Terras of the Lottery publickly
known. Lord North in opening the Budget, said, that the Opposition had studiously contrived to lead the House into such Dilemmas, that they could not be moderate, without being accused of Ti- midity ; or vigorous without being charged with Oppression. Mr. Burke, in his Answer, observed, " that most People, who had been brought into Dilemmas, were content to take only one- Part of the evil Alternative ; but this Ministry managed Matters so, as to fall into both the evil Extremes. They had, with great Dexterity, contrived to be at once remiss and rigorous; but. in such a Man- ner, that their Moderation should always evidently
appear to the World the Effeft of Fear, and their Rigour the l'. fftd of Injuftice. They ( hewed their Spirit, by imprifoning two Members of their own, who, in Obedience and Deference to their Or- ders, had put themfelves into their Power ; and they ( hewed their Lenity, by suffering Mr. Wilkes to escape, who had despised their Authority." He animadverted on their Expedient of ad- journing over last Monday, for the Purpose of flying from Mr. Wilkes, who had been ordered to attend that Day. " They pretended this," said he, " to be out of Contempt; but that Pretence only discovered more fully their Dread of him ; for, if they despised
him too much to see him on the Day of their Order, why did they make an Order for his Attendance ? Why did they renew the Order? " Their effacing a Day from the Kalendar might," said he, " be an Improve- ment in Astronomy, but it made a miserable Fi- gure in Politics; since so strong a Measure, by Which they cut off a Day from their Business, without any other Reason or Pretence, declared, in the most decisive Manner, to the World, how much they dreaded to have any thing to do with an Adversary, who had given them so much Trouble." By expunging that Monday from the Parliamentary Kalendar, they rendered it
memorable for ever. It will, said he, always hereafter carry the Name of Wilkes's Monday. He had before been their Martyr; he was now their Saint. He observed, that the Fortune of that Gentleman was singular, and in almost all Points the least conformable, to what was to be expected from To JOHN WILKES, Esq; SIR, THAT I may be explicit as early as possible after your Desire that I should explain myself concerning the Shrivealty, 1 must inform you, that I am determined not to serve the Office of Sheriff with you ; because I really do not think, from your own Declarations, that your political Aims are similar to mine.— This
Resolution I must communicate to the Livery, if you join me in your Nomination. I am, Sir, Tower, Your most humble Servant, April 11,1771. RICHARD OLIVER. To RICHARD OLIVER, Esq; S I R,- Prince's Court, April 12. DID not receive your Letter till Nine last Night, when I was in the City with my Com- mon Council. When we were alone a very few Days ago, you asked me if I meant to be Sheriff the ensuing Year. I answered with the Frankness of my Nature to a Friend, that if I had the Ho- nour of being chosen, I would not decline that troublesome and expensive Office; and that, in the actual Crisis of Affairs, I really wished it
for various Reasons of great public Utility, which I am persuaded still live in your Memory. Yesterday Morning I put the same Question to you. Your verbal Answer was not explicit: Your Let- ter is. You say,. " I am determined not to serve the Office of Sheriff with you." The Propriety of such a Declaration does not strike me. 1 consider it as the Duty of every Gentleman to submit to the Livery the Choice should they think proper to elect him. You add, because I really do not think from your own Declarations that your political Aims are similar to mine." My Declarat ions have always been very explicit: My Aims fair and honour- able. I
am satisfied that your's are no less up- right. 1 started much earlier than you in politi- cal Life. I gave my public Creed on several Occasions. You have done the same. Our Sen- timents have always coincided, although our Expressions have varied. How then can our political Aims not be similar ? I wish to know in what they differ. I will at any Time yield to the Conviction of superior Reason. You conclude, " this Resolution I must com" municate to the Livery if you join me in your " Nomination." I never entertained the Idea of any Nomination proceeding from myself. If I am called upon I will serve ; but I shall never dictate to the
Livery what they shall do. I shall likewise not fail to communicate to so respectable a Body every Transaction of a public Nature, respecting their Rights or Interests, and I will obey their Commands. I am, Sir, Your most humble Servant, JOHN WILKES. Mr. Wilkes has received no Answer to his Letter. Mr. Alderman Oliver's Objection to Mr. Wilkes as Colleague in the Office of Sheriff, has caused a Coolness between him and his patriotic Fellow Prisoner. We hear the present Attempt of the Shelburne Party to set aside Mr. Wilkes from being Sheriff of this City for the ensuing Year, meets with the general Abhorrence of the Livery.
It is asserted that the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, Sir Joseph Mawbey, and many other Gentlemen of the best Character and Fortune, have expressed in strong Terms their Dislike of the present Attempt to set aside Mr. Alderman Wilkes. It is rumoured in the City, that, in order to preserve Harmony amongst the Patriots, Messrs. Oliver and Wilkes will be set aside, and two other Gentlemen nominated to serve the Office of Sheriff for the ensuing Year. We hear, that if Mr. Wilkes should be chosen Sheriff, he will not desert the Freeholders of Middlesex. Should the Ministry vacate Mr. Luttrel's Seat, Mr. Wilkes, as Sheriff, will take no
Notice of the Writ, as knowing no such Man ever was Member for Middlesex : But if the Parliament should be dissolved, as is talked of, then Mr. Wilkes will put up for the City and Liberty of Westminster. " The Sum of 2oool. we hear, is already deposited for the Use of Mr. Wilkes, in cafe he should be chosen Sheriff, which is more than sufficient to answer the Charges, the same being estimated at no more than 140oI. We hear that Lord Grantham will set out on his Embassy to the Court of Spain next Week ; all Matters between Great Britain and Spain, be- ing, it is said, entirely adjusted. We hear that a Regiment of light- armed
Ca- valry will be raised with the utmost Expedition, and that George Elliott, Esq; will have the Com- mand of it. By Letters from various Parts of the Country we are informed that the Prices of all Kind of Provisions are in Proportion as high as they are in London. A Letter from Lincoln says, " The Farmers in this Country are obliged to sell their Sheep at any Price, for want of Grafs ; as a Proof of this, a Farmer sold here last Thursday, a Score for 15s. a- piece, which last Year at this Time would have fetched 25s. each." Bank Stock, shut, 149 3- 4ths a 150. Four per cent, consol. 93 3- 4ths a 7- 8ths. Three 1- half per cent. 1758, 88
7- 8ths a 89. Three per cent, consol. 857- 8ths a 86. Ditto reduced, shut. Ditto 1726, 83 3- 4ths. I, ong Annuities, 26 1 - 8th. South Sea Stock, —. Three per cent. Old Annuities, shut. Ditto New Annuities, 83 3- 4ths a 7- 8ths. Ditto1751, —, India Stock, 220 a 1- half. Three per cent. Annuities, shut. India Bonds, 43s. a 44s. Navy Bills, 1 3- 4ths. Lottery Tickets. 13I. 16s. 6d. Dividends paying at the Bank. BANKRUPTS required to surrender. John Macorland, of Bowbridge, in Gloucestershire, Clothier, April 19, May 4, 25, at Guildhall. DIVIDENDS to be made to Creditors. May 13. William Wolfe, of Tavistock- Street, Westminster,
Furrier, at Guildhall.—- May 11. Ri- Early Intelligence from our Correspondent in London, ( dated Wednesday, April 17) which cannot appear in any other Country Paper before Saturday, nor even in any if the London Papers before those brought by the Mail on Friday. YESTERDAY the Committee appointed to support the Lord Mayor and Mr. Alderman Oliver carried on against them by the House of Commons, took out an Habeal Corpus, to carry his Lordship and Mr. Olive To- morrow before the Court of King's Bench and Westminster, in order for their being discharge out of Custody, as it was intimated by the Chief when they
were before him a few Days ago, that he did not chuse to give his Opinion singly with Regard to the Privileges of the House of Commons, but would rather have the Opinion of some other of his Brethren. It will now appear whether they will act according to Law, or the Dictates Last Night Orders were issued out for the Constables of the several Wards of this City to Mayor and Mr. Alderman Oliver go to Westminster, in order to prevent any Riots or Disor ders by the Populace. The Committee, many of the Common Council and Livery, and a Number of opulent Merchants, Mayor and Mr. Alderman Oliver from the Towel to
Westminster- Hall, in Procession; on which Account Hand- Bills were dispersed, desiring that the Populace would behave in an orderly Manner, that the ministerial Gentry might not have an Opportunity of saying Rioting ; it was therefore judged improper for Mr. Alderman Wilkes to go in the Procession, as his Presence alone would draw the Multitude together. Mr. Serjeant Glynn, Mr. Serjeant Leigh, and Counsellor Dunning, whose Opinion the Committee have taken for suing out another Habeal Corpus, are to attend To- morrow in the Court of King's Bench, when the Lord Mayor and Mil Oliver go up, to argue the Points
whether those Gentlemen have not a Right to be discharged according to the Law of the Land. — Chancellor Fortescue says, " England is a political Kingdom, and therefore the Parliament have not Power to alter the Laws of the Land ; and thai if a Magistrate acts according to Law, and the Oath he has taken, the House have no Power to commit him for a Contempt. Price of CO R N per Quarter, at London. Wheat 38s. to 45s. Peafe 30s. 32S. Barley 24s. to 28s. | Hog Peafe 25s. to 27s. Oats 15s. to 19s. | Beans 20s. to 27s. Brown Malt 27s. to 32s Tares 24s. to 32s. Pale Malt 28s. to 34s. Rye 30s. to 3 2s. Finest Flour 38s. per
Sack. WORCESTER, Thursday, April 18. At a Meeting of the Corporation on Monday last, it was unanimously agreed . That the Freedom of the City should be presented to the Right Hon. Brass Crolby, Esq Lord Mayor of the City of London, and Mr. Alderman Oliver, as a grateful Testimony of that Regard which is due to them for their Coarse and Activity in vindicating the constitutional Laws of their Country, and the chartered Privileges of their Flow Citizens And that an Address of their spirited and laudable Resolution in a late very interesting Point: And that such Address be transmitted to Henry Crabb Boulton and John Walsh,
Esqrs. our worthy Representatives, earl nestly requesting them to present the same; and to accept themselves the Thanks of the Corpo ration for their steady, patriotic Conduct in Parliament upon all Occasions. At our Market, last Saturday, upwards of 8 Pockets of Hops were sold ; the general Price from 4I. 5s. to 5I. 5s. per Hundred. On Sunday last died here, after a tedious Illness, that very worthy and learned Divine, the Rev. Mr. Samuel Pritchet, Rector of Knightwick in this County and Diocese; which Living is in the Gift of the Dean and Chapter of Worcester. Last Thursday died at Ludlow, Mr. Pete Broome, of that Town,
Attorney at Law, and one of the Masters in Chancery. In June last, died at Calcutta in the East Indies. Charles Ingram, Esq; youngest Son of John In gram, of Bewdley, Esq. The Assiize of Bread is as follows, viz. wheaten Houshold lb oz. dr. lb oz. dr Penny Loaf to weigh 083o 10 11 Two- penny Loaf 106 I 5 6 Six- penny Loaf 3 I I 40o TwelvepennyLoaf 6228o o Eighteen- penny Loaf 9 3 3 12 o 8 The Halspenny Batch Cake not to weigh less than 4 Ounces 1 Dram, the Penny ditto not less than 8 Ounces 3 Drams; and no other Sort Batch Cakes to be made. The Meeting of the Creditors of Mary Costins to receive a Dividend of
her Estate and Effects, advertised in the first Page of this Paper to be on Friday 26th Instant, is Postponed to Friday the 3d of May. T0 the Printer of the Worcester Journal. Mr. BERROW, Am glad to find that my ingenious Friend Mr. NOEL, who has frequently, as well a greatly contributed to my Entertainment, intend to give us further Displays of his Musical Talents, without the least Shadow of a Compliment He is certainly a most inimitable Performer. Such fine Execution, and such transcendent are seldom or ever united in the same Player. It is not in my Power to recollect such an Instance. His Transitions and Modulations
may be said with every Degree of Propriety, to be the very Standard of Musical Expression. When I attend to them, I am warmed as it were with a pleasing Kind of Enthusiasm ; and every body knows the small Tincture of < ill> I
SPEECH on Wednesday last, against the minister, Mr. Speaker, THE Minister has told us, that every Thing is as it should be Abroad, except in Spain ; that every other State, as far as relates to us, breathes Peace; but that, with Regard to it, we are still in a critical Situation. Whence is all th: s ? What is be- come of the Convention, for which we lately thanked his Majesty? We were told, when Resolutions of Censure were proposed, that it was adequate," ho- nourable, and advantageous; and that it finally adjusted all Differences. If there was any Truth in all these Assertions, how come we to be in a Month's Time at the Eve of a
War with that Power ? Having to lately concluded an adequate, honourable, and advantageous Peace with Spain, she ought, of all other States, to be the last with which we should quarrel. I protect the Noble Lord's Language is a Mystery to me, upon supposition that your late Vote of Apporbation was founded on Wisdom; and I dare say the most cunning Sophist among you will be gravelled to explain the Matter to the satisfaction of an unbaissed Man. But, if we grant that your Act upon that Occasion was the Effect of Folly, the Solution of the Difficulty will be very easy and na- tural. The Noble Lord informs us, that the only
Subject of Dispute now between the two Crowns is the Reductions of the respective naval Forces. We insist upon Spain's disarming first, because the com- mitted the first Act of Hostility. Spain will not agree to this Proposal; but pretends, that we should set the Example. What Reasons she assigns for this Conduct, the Minister has not told us; and the Rea- son is very obvious. He knows that they would prove very disgraceful to himself, who was, at least, the oftensible Midwise to the Convention. I could lay an even Bett, that the Determination of the Right of Falkland's Islands is the Excuse for all this Delay. Till that Point is
settled in Favour of Spain, she cannot think of laying down her Arms. No- thing but the Distraction of France could have pre- vailed upon her to make the Concessions in the Con- vention. It was evident, to every Man that was not perfectly Blind, that she would never have com- mitted such a violent Act of Hostility, without in- tending to come to an open Rupture with Britain, and that Necessity alone had forced her to temporise, and to make for the present an evasive Compromise. If she meant lasting Peace and Friendship, why did the reserve the Discussion of the Right to a future Period ? Had other pacific Offers been sincere,
she would have delivered us the contested Island with- out any Incumbrance. Why then did not the Mi- nistry insist upon this Point? Why were not they as punctilious on one Hand as Spain was on the other ? teeing her shuffling Arts, they ought to have forced her to be explicit, and not to have left the Nation in a State of Suspence. It is Tacicus, I think, who says, that certain War is preferable to uncertain Peace, as being a State of greater Security. Our Ministers were of a contrary Opinion. They chose rather to keep a large Fleet, at an immense Expence, in our Harbours, than to employ it against an Ene- my, that was only
waiting for an Opportunity of giving us a dangerous Blow. Peace, if Peace it be, entails upon us not only the Dangers and Anxieties, but the Expences and Disbursements of War. What Minister of common Understanding would have failed to stipulate, in a Treaty of Peace, the Time and Manner in which the Enemy's Forces were to be reduced ? Even the Peace- makers of Versailles, improvident as they were, did not forget this essen- tial Article: But it is our Fate, it seems, to pro- ceed from bad to worse, and to see the Ruin begun by the Master, compleated by the Disciple. What the Minister of 1763 left undone, is to be
finished by the present. To be LETT, and entered upon immediately, ( Pleasantly situated at Droitwich, near the new Na- vigation, and late in the Occupation of Wheeler, Esq; deceased) A Large and very commodious Mansion House, in thorough Repair; consisting of a large Kitchen, a Hall, two Parlours, and other Con- veniences on the Ground Floor; with two good Cellars; and on the second Floor are a large Dining Room, three large Chambers, all in the Front, with two Closets, and one Chamber backwards ; and over the Whole are very good Garrets. There are likewise a good Brewhouse ( in which is a constant Supply of
good Water) a Stable and Earn adjoining; together with a large Fruit and Flower Garden, walled in, and a Kitchen Garden ; at also about two Acres of good Orcharding. Further Particulars may be had of Mr. Collet, Attorney, in Worcester; or of Mr. Harry Priddy, Carpenter, in Droitwich, who will shew the Premisses. Good - accustomed Inn, known by the Sign of the Three Tons, situate in the Load- Street, Bewdley, near the Barley Market; con- sisting of a good Kitchen, one Front Parlour, a large Back Parlour, and a Shop in the Front, which hath usually been lett by the Tenant who occupied the above Premisses, but is now void,
and may, if necessary, be converted into a Parlour; seven Rooms on the first Floor, with Garrets overthem, a good Brewhouse, with Coolers, a Pump, and Lead Pipe for conveying the Wort into the Cellar ( which is capable of holding 13 or 14. Hogsheads) as also three Bins for Wine or Spirituous Liquors. Behind the House are a Stye and two large Vats for seeding of Pigs. The Furniture of the House, together with the Brewing Utensils, to be disposed of. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Wm. Banks, Founder, in Bewdley, who will shew the Premisses ; or of Mr. Bulstrode, Attorney at Law, in Worcester. To be SOLD to the
BEST BIDDER, To- morrow the 19th Day of April, at the Dwelling House of James Trovell, known by the Sign of the Fish, at Defford Bridge, in the County of Worcester, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Evening, unless disposed of, in the mean Time, by private Con- tract, in which Cafe Notice will be given, A Free hold Messuage or Tenement, Farm, and Premisses, with convenient Out- Buildings, situate at Defford aforesaid, Tythe- free, and now rented at 4.1l. per Annum. James Trovell will shew the Premisses; and Mr. Long, of Upton upon Severn, Worcestershire, will treat for the Sale of the same. To be LETT, and
entered upon immediately, Situate in a good Sporting Country, within fourteen Miles of Shrewsbury, and within two Miles of a good Market Town, AComplete, handsome, well - built House, consisting of nine Rooms on a Floor, well furnished, with good Garrets, a Brew- House, Cellars, Pantries, and every other Convenience : Also good Stabling, and a Coach- House; a Garden well walled and fruited, and an exceeding good Orchard well planted, the Whole about two Acres. To be lett for seven Years certain, at the yearly Rent Of Thirty- five Guineas. With the above Premisses may be had any Quan- tity of Land, from one Acre
to fifty. For further Particulars enquire of the Printer of this Paper. TO BE SOLD, At the House of John Hemmings, near Tardebig Church, On Monday next, the 22d Day of this Instant ( the Sale to begin at 12 0' Clock in the Forenoon) A Quantity of large Oak Timber, in the Parish of Tardebig and County of Worcester. For further Particulars enquire of William Moore, of Tardebig aforesaid. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, To- morrow the 19th Day of April Instant, between the Hours of Four and Six in the Evening, at the Dwel- ling House of James Travel, known by the Sign of the Fish, in Defford, Worcestershire, LOT 1. A
Freehold Messuage or Tene- ment, Barn, Orchard, and Premisses, situate at Defford aforesaid, now in the Possession of sarah Watkins, Widow. LOT 2. A Freehold Close of Pasture Land, and Orcharding, called Charlham Close, containing, by Estimation, two Acres, or thereabouts, situated at Defford aforesaid, and now in the Possession of Francis Collins, as Tenant thereof. All the above Premisses are Tythe- free. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Long, at Upton- upon- Severn, Worcestershire. SEVERAL substantial and convenient Houses Freehold, pleasantly situated in the Town of Pershore, one near the Market Place,
with a Malt House adjoining thereto, the Garden extending to the River Avon. Enquire of Mr. Woodward, of Pershore, who will treat for the Premisses. WHEREAS it was discovered, on Saturday Morning the 6th Day of April In- stant, that a Door of the Parish Church of Elmly Lovett, in the County of Worcester, had been sa- crilegiously broke open, the Locks of a strong Chest within the said Church burst and forced open, and upwards of Twenty Pounds in Money feloniously taken away out of the said Chest: We, the under- named Churchwardens of the said Parish, do hereby promise to pay, upon Conviction of the Offender or
Offenders, Ten Pounds, as a Reward to any one who shall discover to us the Person or Persons con- cerned in the said Robbery. And if more than one Person were concerned therein, he that shall disco- ver his Accomplice or Accomplices will be intitled to the same Reward, upon Conviction, and Inter- cession made for his Pardon, Witness our Hands this 11th of April, 1771, JOSEPH HARVEY, JOHN HARRIS, Churchwardens. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Thursday the 2d Day of May next, between the Hours of Eleven and One, at the Green Dragon, upon Corse Lawn, about four Miles distant from Upton upon
Severn, in the County of Worcester, SIX Acres and a Half of very rich Meadow Ground, in a Common Field, called Didmore; and one Acre and a Half of rich Meadow Ground, in another Common Meadow, called Lord's Meadow, situate in the Parish of Tirley, in the County of Gloucester, with an extensive Right of Common from Lammas to Candlemas, in a large Tract of rich Meadow Ground there ; subject to a Chief Rent of Four Shillings and Four- pence. N. B. The above Premisses are Freehold. Also fifteen Acres, or thereabouts, of Arable Land, called Furlow's Hill, ( being Leasehold, and held for the Remainder of a Term of
one thousand Years, of which about nine hundred are yet unex- pired, at a Pepper- Corn Rent) situate in the Parish of Chatesley, otherwise Clateley, in the County of Worcester, with an extensive Right of Common upon Corse Lawn. The Rev. Mr. Parker, of Hasfield, will cause the Premisses to be shewn ; and further Particulars may be had of Mr. Sockett, Attorney, in Worcester. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, Together or in separate Lots, as so all be agreed on, On Wednesday the 22d Day of May next, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, at the Hop Pole, in the City of Worcester, A Modern Brick
Messuage, called the Bath House, with proper Offices, a Garden, and large Yard, an excellent Cold Bath , supplied by a perpetual Spring, and other Conveniences to the said Messuage belonging. Also a small Tenement or Cottage, with a Gar- den, adjoining to the above Premisses, lett at the yearly Rent of 31. The above Premisses are held under the Dean and Chapter of Worcester, for four Lives, of which three are existing, and are subject to a small Chief Rent. Also a delightful small Tenement or Pleasure- House, with the Offices, a Garden, planted with excellent Fruit Trees, and Appurtenances thereunto belonging, for
many Years past occupied by Mr. Samuel Bradley. The last- mentioned Tenement and Premisses are also held under the Dean and Chapter of Worcester, for four Lives, all existing, and are subject to a Chief Rent of Seven Shillings and Six- pence, and Fifteen Shillings in Lieu of a Herriot. Also the Remainder of a Term of 21 Years ( of which six Years only were expired at Christmas last) of a convenient Messuage or Dwelling House, with the Garden and Appurtenances thereunto belong- ing, now in the Occupation of Dyer, at the yearly Rent of 5l. All the above Messuagges or Dwelling Houses and Premisses are situate upon
an Eminence, at Hen- wick, within Half a Mile of the City of Worcester, and command a most delightful View of the River Severn, the City of Worcester, and the Country adjacent. For Particulars apply to Mr. Sockett, Attorney, in Worcester. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the Dwelling House of William Martin, Innholder, known by the Sign of the Swan, in Tewkesbury, in the County of Gloucester, on Thursday the 2d Day of May next, between the Hours of Two and Five 0' Clock in the Afternoon, according to Conditions of Sale then to be produced, TWO substantial Messuages or Tene- ments, with the Appurtenances, adjoining
together, situate in the High- Street, in Tewkesbury aforesaid, near the Tolsey, one whereof was late in the Occupation of William Mason, Glover and Haberdasher; and the other is now is now in the Occupation of Thomas Hudson, Brasier. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Young, Attorney at Law, in Pershore. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Monday the 29th of this Instant April, between the Hours of Two and Six 0' Clock in the Afternoon, at Edward Williams's, the Hop Pole Inn, in Bromyard, Herefordshire, subject to Conditions of Sale to be then produced, unless sold by private Contract in the mean Time, of which proper Notice
will be given, A Copyhold Estate, consisting of a good Dwelling House, Barn, Stable, Cow House, & c. and a good Stone Cyder Mill, all in good Repair; likewise 23 Acres of very good Arable and Pasture Land, well planted with the best Sort of Fruit Trees, now in their Prime: Also three Acres of good Hop Ground, planted with grafted Trees, and five Acres of very good Coppicing, mostly Ash and Oak, and known by the Ñame of Debley ; situated in a plea- sant Part of the Township of Linton, in the Parish of Bromyard, Herefordshire, and has a Right on Bringsty Common ; now in Possession of John Pos- tance, who will shew the
Premisses. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. John Wil- liams, Surgeon, in Bromyard. Staffordshire and Worcestershire CANAL NAVIGATION. To all Merchants, Traders, and Others, THE Proprietors of this Undertaking hereby give Notice, That this Canal is now open from the River Severn, near Stour's Mouth, in the County of Worcester, to Compton, near Wolverhampton, in the County of Stafford; and that Wharss and Warehouses are made and erected, and Wharfingers fixed, to receive and forward Goods, at the following Places, viz. At Stourport, ( hitherto called Newport) in Wor- cestershire, about three Miles below
Bewdley; being the Place where this Canal communicates with the Severn— Daniel Wall. At Kidderminster, four Miles and a Half from Severn— John Butler. At Stewponey, twelve Miles from Severn Walter Grosvenor. At Compton, near Wolverhampton, twenty- three Miles from Severn— Henry Millington. Goods are regularly forwarded and received at Compton, to and from Wolverhampton, Bilston, Walsall, Willenhall, and all adjacent Places; and to and from the North Parts of England. At Stewponey, to and from Birmingham, Stour- bridge, Hales- Owen, Dudley, Brittel- Lane, and all adjacent Places. At Stourport, to and from
London, Bristol, Wor- cester, Gloucester, and all Parts of the West of Eng- land, and South Wales. RATES of TONNAGE and FREIGHT on the said CANAL NAVIGATION. Goods not perishable, at Two- pence Halfpenny per Ton per Mile. Perishable Goods in Proportion to their Value. Nails and Clay, from Stewponey to Stourport, at Two Shillings per Ton. The Proprietors Wharfs are free for Coal, Pig Iron, and Lime Stone. Due Care will be taken of all Goods committed to the Care of the Proprietors' Wharfingers; and the Proprietors will be answerable for all Water Damage done to Goods whilst under their Care, but they do not
undertake to deliver Goods beyond the Extent of their Canal, only to forward them by others to or towards the Places to which they shall be directed. N. B. Every reasonable Encouragement will be given to Owners of Vessels on Severn, who will be regular in the Delivery of Goods to and from the Canal Bason : And such Owners are desired to send their Terms of doing Business upon Severn to Mr. John Jesson, Attorney, or Mr. John Baker, of Wol- verhampton, that every Person who shall apply to this Company of Proprietors, in that Behalf, may be made acquainted therewith. APPEAL TO THE LADIES. JOHN WHEBLE,
Publisher of the LADY'S MAGAZINE, gratefully sensible of the Obligations conferred on him by the very fa- vourable Reception it has met with, is sorry to find himself under the Necessity of appealing to his in- dulgent Readers in Behalf of his Pretentions to that Encouragement they have so liberally bestowed. He would be wanting, however, both to himself and the Public, should he fail to give the earliest Notice of a Design that is formed to deprive him of the honest Emoluments of his Publication ; and to impose a different Undertaking, under the same Ti- tle, on the Inattention of the unsuspecting Purchaser. The Time,
Application, and Invention, which he has constantly and laboriously employed in the Prosecution and Perfection of the Lady's Magazine he conceives, entitles him to the just Reward of his Industry. But to such a Height is the Spirit of Li- terary Invasion grown, that there are Persons whom no Ties of Probity or Fair- dealing will restrain from attempting to engross the Whole of every Publication attended with distinguished Success. The Original Publisher, therefore, begs Leave par- ticularly to solicit the Protection of the more amia- ble Sex; whose Delicacy of Sentiment, and Detes- tation of Injustice, cannot fail to excite in them a
generous Indignation against every Act of Oppres- sion and Imposture. Under their favourable Auspices, and with the Resolution of sparing neither Cost nor Pains to add to their Satisfaction, by still greater Improvements in the Variety, Utility, and Embellishments of his Magazine, he takes the Liberty of requesting their Attention to the above Circumstance; and to en- treat they will not permit any other Magazine, in Imitation of his, to be intruded upon them; but that they will give particular Directions to be supplied with the Lady's Magazine, printed only for the Original Publisher; who begs to subscribe himself, Their most obliged,
And most grateful humble Servant, JOHN WHEBLE, No. 24, Paternoster Row, To whom his Fair Correspondents are humbly de- sired to direct their future Favours. The above Magazine is sold by Mr. Lewis, Bookseller, in Worcester. N. B. The intended spurious Magazine is not yet published; the last Number, for March, 1771, be- ing genuine; notwithstanding some Thousands of them have been distributed, with the Name of ano- ther Publisher artfully substituted in the Place of that of J. WHEBLE ; and at a Time when it was impossible to prevent or expose that Transaction without creating a Disappointment to the Fair
Purchasers. THAT the Public may be no longer imposed upon by a false, injurious, and malicious Advertise- ment, signed John Wheble, in which he pre- tends to complain of the great Injustice he has received from the present Publishers of the Lady's Magazine, we think it incumbent upon us, as Proprietors and Publishers of that Work, to sub- mit the following Affidavit to the Public, by which they will be enabled to form a proper Judgment of the Probity, Integrity, and singular Modesty of the said John Wheble. ROBINSON and ROBERTS. Pater- noster Row, April 9, 1771. JOHN COOTE, of Pater- noster Row, London, maketh
Oath, That he this Deponent having, on or about the Month of August last formed a Plan for a Lady's Magazine, he engaged an Author, Engraver, Printer, & c. to carry it into Execution, and applied to John Wheble, Book- seller, in Pater- noster Row, who very willingly agreed to publish the Work solely for this Depo- nent. And this Deponent further faith, That about the Time the first Number was published, the said John Wheble applied to this Deponent, requesting a small Share in the said Lady's Magazine, which this Deponent absolutely refused; declaring at the same Time, that he was determined to be the sold Proprietor. And
this Deponent further faith, That the said John Wheble published the Numbers 1, 2 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, of the said Magazine, for and on Account of this Deponent ( the said John Whe- ble being only the Publisher or Agent for this De- ponent) and accounted to this Deponent from Time to Time for the Numbers he had sold, after deduct- ing what is usually paid by the Proprietor for pub lishing, and some few trifling incidental Expences. And this Deponent faith, That he hath sold the Property 0r Copy- Right of the said Magazine to Messrs. Robinson and Roberts, in Pater- noster Row, for a valuable Consideration. And this Deponent
further faith, That so far from the said John Whe- ble's being laboriously employed in the Perfection ( as he calls it) of the said Magazine, that he had no Share in the conducting it any otherwise than as Publisher. and very seldom knew any Part of the Contents, till the Numbers were delivered from the. Printer, by this Deponent's Order, to be sold upon his Account; nor has the said John Wheble so much as drawn up a single Advertisement for the said Magazine; but they were ail prepared by this Deponent, though that Department is frequently submitted to the Management of the Publisher. And this Deponent faith, That the
said John Whe- ble has not, nor ever had, any Share or Property whatsoever in the said Magazine. And, lastly, this Deponent faith, That the said John Wheble, after being informed that this Deponent had disposed of the Copy- Right of the said Magazine to Messrs. Robinson and Roberts, applied to this Deponent to use his Interest with the said Robinson and Roberts, to continue him the Publisher of the said Magazine, or, at least, that he might be permitted to publish the next Number for them; in Consequence of which, this Deponent did apply for that Purpose to Messrs. Robinson and Roberts, who peremptorily refused to
comply with his Request. JOHN COOTE. Sworn before me, at the Guildhall, London, 9th April, I77I. RICHARD GLYN. The LADY'S MAGAZINE. WHEREAS it is asserted, by Mr. John Coote, that the Plan of the Lady's Magazine having been formed by him, the Pub- lisher, John Wheble, acted merely as his Agent, and sold it only for his Benefit, having himself no Share whatever in the Property of the Work, which is now transferred, together with the Publi- cation and Copy- Right to Robinson and Roberts. To this I beg Leave, as the Original Publisher, to reply; That Mr. Coote, in disposing of his own Property in the Lady's
Magazine, had no Right whatever to dispense with the Engagements he pre- vailed on me to make with the Public, for the Con- tinuation of it. That Mr. Coote was the Proprietor, as he calls himself, in as much as it was printed at his Expence, is certain. I lay no Claim to any Part of Mr. Coote's Property; but, as I, and not Mr. Coote, stand en- gaged for the Execution of the Plan proposed in my Name to the Public, I cannot but think myself ac- countable for the future Conduct of the Work, and bound in Duty to that Public to perform the Promise I have made it. As to the Insinuation, that the Publisher of a Magazine may have no
Concern in the Compilation of it, when the Correspondence which supports it is addressed only to him, and he is answerable both in Person and Property for every Thing inserted in it, it is too gross a Pretext to pass on the most Undis- cerning. At the same Time the Case of a Publisher is hard indeed, if he is to exert his Interest and In- dustry to raise a new Publication into Esteem, and is then not only to have its Emoluments wrested from him, but to risk his Credit by being repre- sented as the Instrument of another's Imposition ; For what is it but an Imposition both on the Pub- lisher and the Public, if a presuming Proprietor
thus takes upon him to put it out of the Power of the former to fulfil his Engagements with the latter; and for a present pecuniary Consideration it becomes totally indifferent whether they are fulfilled or not. What is it but obtaining the Favour of the Public on false Pretences, and turning it to private Profit, without any Regard to the Conditions of the Obli- gation ? The Original Publisher begs Leave to assure the Ladies, he entertains a very different Sense of the Favours conferred on him; and, as his Credit is so nearly concerned in discharging the Obligations he is laid under to return, he flatter himself that, not- withstanding Mr.
Coote has been pleased to take on himself the sole Merit of having hitherto fur- nished their Entertainment, he shall be able to con- vince them of the contrary, by preventing their be- ing any wife sensible of that Proprietor's Defection from their Service. In the mean Time he takes the Liberty of assuring his Fair Correspondents, that he shall never presume, after so fordid an Example, to sell the Copy- Right of their voluntary Productions before he receives them, or drive so ungrateful a Traffic with the Indulgence of the Public. JOHN WHEBLE. To the LADY'S MAGAZINE, No. IX, which will be published on the First of May, will be
prefixed a more particular Reply to the Allegations of the late and present Pretenders to Property in that Work; by which our Fair Readers will be enabled to form a Judgment of the Candour and Capacity of Mr. Coote, and the singular Sagacity as well as Probity, of Messrs. Robinson and Roberts.