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Berrow's Worcester Journal


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Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal

Date of Article: 04/04/1771
Printer / Publisher: H. Berrow 
Address: Near the Cross, Worcester
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 4018
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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Berrow's Worcester Journal. THURSDAY, April 4, 1771. No. 4018. This JOURNAL, though Published on Thursday Morning, will ( by Means of an Express) always contain many Interesting Articles of Intelligence inserted in the London Papers brought by FRIDAY'S Mail. SATURDAY'S POST. LONDON, Thursday, March 28. Continuation of the Proceedings in the present Contest about the Printers. YESTERDAY Morning many Persons of Distinction visited the Lord Mayor at the Mansion House, expressed the warmest Approbation of his Lordship's Conduct, entreated him to continue steady, and assured him that they would be ready to sup- port him even at the Hazard of their Lives and Fortunes. They afterwards paid a Visit to Mr. Oliver in the Tower, who has the same Apartments which Mr. Wilkes had when he was committed by the Earl of Halifax. About One o'clock the Lord Mayor, at- tended by the Aldermen Wilkes, Stevenson, Turner, and Trecothick, his Committee, a vast Number of Citizens, Merchants, and in- dependent Gentlemen, set out for the House of Commons. The Row of Carriages reached from St. Paul's to Charing - Cross. The City was all in Motion, and by its Acclamations testified its Satisfaction with his Conduct. Mr. Wilkes rode in his Mother's Chariot. Mr. Bellas and Mr. Reynolds, with the rest of the Committee, attended on the Occasion. The Justices and Constables were at the House of Commons by Twelve o'Clock, before the Lord Mayor came down, to guard the Avenues of the House, and prevent the Members from be- ing insulted, but without Effect, as the Mob were so outrageous as to insult several of the Members in their Way to the House. Lord North was insulted very much, the Glasses of his Chariot broke, his Wrist much hurt, and his Face scratched; Sir Wm. Mere- dith was thrown down in endeavouring to assist him; the two Mr. Foxes, Mr. Wellbore Ellis, and Hans Stanley, were likewise greatly in- sulted. — Several of the Members in the Mi- nority, particularly the Sheriffs, Alderman Saw- bridge, Sir George Saville, Mr. Burke, Mr. Townsend, and Mr. Whitworth, expostulated with the People on the Impropriety of their as- sembling, who received what they said with loud Acclamations, but did not think fit to disporse. The Justices in vain attempted to read the Riot Act the People threw Mud at them, and obliged them to withdraw. The Lord Mayor in this Procession was ac- companied by two Gentlemen, in his own Coach, and attended by five Footmen in their State Liveries behind it. The Concourse of People who came along with him from the Mansion House were more than double in Num- ber of those on Monday; and their continued Acclamations were louder, as well from the Number as from the Occasion. His Lordship seemed, as before, extremely ill, and was de- fended against the Effects of the Cold with his usual Precaution, the Use of Flannels, & c. He was supported to the Door of the House of Commons by his Friends. The City Commit- tee went with him, in order to assist him in the Defence of his Conduct. Mr. Wilkes designed only to attend the Lord Mayor on his Way, but when his Carriage reached St. Martin's Lane, the Populace took off the Horses, and drew it to the King's Arms Tavern, Palace Yard. The People were so outrageous, that above two hundred Constables could not keep them in Order, and the House, in short, could not proceed to Business for a considerable Time. The Speaker mentioned the Disturbance, and said no Business could go on till the People were dispersed. Mr. Wedderburn complained of the People without Doors making Insults on the Members. The Sheriffs, and Sir George Saville, Mr. Whitworth, and Townsend, went out, and de- sired the People to disperse. The Sheriff's re- turned, and said that all was quiet, and the Peo- ple were dispersed. The House then proceeded on Business. They talked some Time about the Riot, and Mr. Wedderburn said he in- tended to move for a Committee to enquire into these Disturbances. The Order of the Day being read, Mr. Burke moved to adjourn, which Motion, how- ever, after some Debate, he withdrew. The Lord Mayor then spoke, and said he had attended in his Place six Hours, expecting a Decision of his Cause, and it was not yet begun. Mr. Ellis then moved, that Brass Crosby, Esq; Lord Mayor of the City of London, having discharged out of the Custody of a Messenger of this House, J. Miller, & c. and having signed a Warrant for the Commitment of William Whitham, & c. was guilty of a Breach of Privilege, & c. No Division. Mr. Ellis then moved that Brass Crosby, Esq; be for the same Offence committed to the Cus- tody of the Serjeant at Arms. The Lord Mayor said he was equally crimi- nal ( if what he had done was a Crime) with his Brother Aldermen; that as the honourable Member ( meaning Mr. Ellis) had proposed, in Consideration of his ill State of Health, this lenient Method of Punishment, he freely de- clared he wanted no Lenity from him or any on that Beneh ; that he was ready to meet his Fate be it what it would, and did not desire any Lenity on Account of his Health. Mr. Ellis then moved to leave out the Words, Cus- tody of the Serjeant at Arms, and insert Tower of London; no Division upon it. The main Question was then put, That Brass Crosby, Esq; Lord Mayor of the City, be committed to the Tower of London. They divided on this Question. For it 202, against 39. This Business being finished, Mr. Wellboro Ellis moved, that a select Committee of twenty- one, to be chosen by Ballot, ( which is to be done by the Ministry To- day) be appointed to enquire into the Facts, Causes, and Circum- stances of the Obstructions to the Orders of the House, and how the House may enforce a due Obedience to their Orders for the future. This Committee is not limited to any Dura- tion, and the House, as far as it can, has given it a Power to send for Persons and Papers. So that this Committee, of Ministers and their Agents, may send for all England, and order every Man to bring all his Papers. Lord North said, it had been reported that he was going out of Office. He took that Op- portunity to say he knew nothing of it. That nothing but the Mob, or the King, should turn him out. That though he was ready, and wished to give up his Place, yet this was not a Time to resign. That he had very narrowly escaped being demolished in coming to the House. He thanked Sir William Meredith, who had rescued him from the Fury of the Peo- ple; and— burst into Tears. Between the Hours of Twelve and One this Morning, the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, attended by his Chaplain and two Messengers, left the House of Commons; as soon as his Lordship and the above Gentlemen had got into his Coach, the Populace proceeded to take the Horses from the Carriage, and immediately joined Hand in Hand, and drew his Lordship to Temple Bar : As soon as they arrived there, they shut the Gates, and informed his Lordship that two of the Company he had with him had been drawn to the Extent of their Boundaries, and insisted upon their immediately getting out of the Coach. His Lordship informed them they were not the People they suspected them to be, but two of his Friends and his Chaplain, who were going with him to the Mansion- House : They gave him three Huzzas, and then opened the Gates, and drew him within the City, to the Mansion- House, amidst the loud Shouts and Acclamations of a prodigious Con- course of People, and by the Ladies and Gen tlemen from almost every Window as they pas- sed along. When come to the Mansion - House, they insisted none but his Lordship and his own Domestics should enter, which as soon as they had seen done, they gave a Number of loud Huzzas, and then departed very quietly. About Four o'Clock this Morning, the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor arrived at the Tower, and was lodged at Mrs. Bradshaw's, 0n the Parade, next Door to the bloody Tower. His Lordship, notwithstanding his Indisposition, was in great Spirits. The Serjeant at Arms would certainly have been hanged last Night at Temple Bar, had not the Lord Mayor and Mr. Evans ( his Lordship's Chaplain) entreated the Crowd to spare him, as he was only doing his Duty. They had prepared Ropes on Purpose. Sir William Meredith, in attempting to res- cue Lord North, lost his Hat, which being taken by the Mob for Lord North's, was torn into small Pieces, and sold for 6d. and 1s. each. It is computed that there were above 50,000 People last Night in the different Avenues to the House of Commons, most of whom appeared to be respectable Tradesmen. It is to be lamented, that a certain great Lady has such Influence in the Cabinet, as her Principles are as destructive to Liberty as if she had been born in Scotland. The Third Regiment of Guards is now do- ing Duty in the Tower, under the Command of Col. Murray. In the Year 1655 it was little expected that Oliver would be sent to the Tower, and the Third Regiment of Guards placed over him. A Motion was made, in the Court of Com- mon- Council on Tuesday, that in case the Bill for embanking the Thames at Durham Yard, should pass the House of Commons, that this Corporation do petition the other Branch of the Legislature against it, which was carried in the Affirmative, and it was referred to the Com- mittee, to whom the Consideration of the Em- bankment was referred, to prepare a Petition against the next Common- Council. Yesterday Robert Morris, Esq; of Lincoln's Inn, being presented by the Lord Mayor to the Freedom of the City, was admitted into the Drapers Company. This Day his Majesty went to the House of Peers, attended with the usual State, and gave the Royal Assent to the following Bills: The Bill to indemnify Persons who have omit- ted to qualify themselves for Offices or Employ- ments within the Time limited by Law, and for allowing a further Time for that Purpose. The Bill to explain, amend, and render more effectual an Act for paving the City and Liber- ties of Westminster. The Bill for amending certain Mile- Ways leading to the City of Oxford, for making a commodious Entrance through St. Clement's Parish, for rebuilding or repairing Magdalen- Bridge, & c. The Bill to restrain divorced Persons from marrying the offending Party. The Bill to enable Lunatic's entitled to re- new Leases, their Guardians, and Committees, to accept of Surrenders of old Leases, and grant new ones, & c. And also to several Road, and Enclosure, and other Bills. The following Order has been served on Mr. Alderman Wilkes. It is the Third he has received. ( COPY.) Lunae 25 Die Martii 1771. The Order of the Day being read for the Attendance of John Wilkes, Esquire, Ordered, That John Wilkes, Esquire, do attend this House upon this Day Fortnight the eighth Day of April next. J. HATSELL, CI. Dom. Com. The further Consideration on the Anglesey Claim of Peerage, is put off for three Weeks. Yesterday the five following Convicts under Sentence of Death in Newgate, were executed at Tyburn, viz. Richard Morris, for firing a loaded Pistol at Thomas Perkinson, in Hertford- shire ; Thomas Peake, for returning from Trans- portation before the Expiration of his Time; John Sidey and George Burch, for breaking open the House of Mr. Greenfield, Linen- Draper, in Fleet- Street, and Healing Linens, & c. to the Amount of more than 1300I. and Luke Cannon, concerned with Sidey, in break- ing into the House of the H0n. Mr. Stratford, in Park- Street, and Healing Plate, & c. to the Amount of 200I.— Luke Cannon, one of the Convicts executed Yesterday, said at the Gal- lows, That he had been a single Man, a mar- ried Man, an honest Man, and a Rogue, within a Twelvemonth, and it was Time he should suffer. Another of them struck the Executioner when getting into the Cart at Newgate. Worcester, March 7, 1771. WANTED, as an Apprentice to a Glover in this City, a sober YOUTH, of reputable Parents; with whom a Premium will be expected. — Enquire of the Printer of this Paper. Worcester, March 20, 1771. BAYLISS and Co. MERCERS and LINEN - DRAPERS, BEG Leave to acquaint the Public, That they have opened a Shop, the Sign of the Indian Queen, near St. Helen's Church, in the High- Street, where they have laid in a neat and elegant Assortment of the most genteel and fashion- able FANCY and PLAIN SILKS, calculated for the Spring and Summer Seasons; a large Quantity of Irish Cloths, Lawns, Muslins, & c. with many other Articles in each Branch, which will be sold on the same Terms as in London. Worcester, March 25, 1771. To be LETT, and entered upon at Midsummer or Michaelmas next, or sooner, if desired, THAT large and old- accustomed Inn, known by the Name of the TALBOT in Sidbury, with commodious Stall Stabling, a large Yard, Garden, and other Conveniences. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Lovett, Apo- thecary, at the Cross, or of Mrs. Sargent, Chand- ler, opposite the said Inn. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By R. MEREDITH, On Tuesday the 16th Day of April, and the two following Days, THE entire Household Furniture of of Mr. Thomas Williams, at the Unicorn Inn, in Broad- Street, Worcester ; consisting of Variety of Four- post and other Bedsteads, with Harrateen, Cheney, Linen, and other Hang- ings ; superfine Goose and Down Feather Beds, Bolsters, and Pillows; superfine Witney Blankets, Quilts, Counterpanes, Mats, Chairs, Square- leaved Dining Tables, Tea Tables, Pier, Chim- ney, and Dressing Glasses; Plate, Linen, China, and Glass; also the Kitchen Furniture and Brew- ing Utensils: Likewise two neat Four- wheel Poll Chaises, one Pair of Geldings, with Harness to ditto The Whole may be viewed on Friday and Saturday before the Sale. Catalogues to be had, gratis, in due Time, of R. Meredith. Those Persons who have any Demands on the said Mr. Williams, are desired forthwith to send in their Accounts to Mr. Davis, or to Mr. Charles Steward, in Broad- Street: And those Persons who stand indebted to the said Mr. Wil- liams, are desired immediately to pay in their respective Debts to the above Mr. Davis, or Mr. Steward ( who are duly authorised to receive the same) or they will be sued without further Notice. AFARM, Tythe- free, to be lett, in the Manor of Hinton on the Green, in the County of Gloucester, called Downrip Farm ; consisting of about 14.6 Acres of Arable Land, and 45 Acres of Meadow and Pasture, well watered, with all convenient Buildings upon the said Farm. Enquire of John Weston, at the Manor- House of Hinton aforesaid, who will shew the Premises, and give Directions where further Particulars may be had. To be LETT, and entered upon immediately, Situate in a good Sporting Country, within four- teen Miles of Shrewsbury, and within two Miles of a good Market Town, A Complete handsome well - built House, consisting of nine Rooms on a Floor, well furnished, with good Garrets, a Brew- House, Cellars, Pantries, and every other Convenience : Also good Stabling, and a Coach - House; a Garden well walled and fruited, and an exceeding good Orchard well planted, the Whole about two Acres. — To be lett for seven Years certain, at the yearly Rent of Thirty- five Guineas. With the above Premisses may be had any Quantity of Land, from one Acre to fifty. For further Particulars enquire of the Printer of this Paper. To be SOLD by AUCTION, Before the major Part of the Commissioners named in a Commission of Bankrupt against John Prior, of Bell Inn, in the Parish of Belbroughton, in the County of Worcester, Miller, at the House of Richard Philpot. at Bell Inn aforesaid, on Wednesday the Tenth Day of April Inst. between the Hours of Three and Six in the Afternoon of the same Day ( subject to such Conditions as will then be produced) ALease ( wherein twenty- two Years are yet to come and unexpired at Lady- Day next) of a House, Stack of Corn Mills, and about eighty Acres of good Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Ground, situate between Stourbridge and Bromsgrove, and adjoining the Turnpike Road ; at the yearly Rent of 83l. N. B. The Mill, and all the Out- Buildings on the said Premisses, are in exceeding good Repair. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Walter Noel, and Mr. William Clinton, of Belbroughton; of Mr. Jeremiah Church, Attorney at Law, in Stourbridge; or of Mr. Richard Philpot, at Bell Inn, who will shew the Premisses. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On the 23rd Day of April Inst. at the Dwelling- House of William Blew, the Sign of the Falcon, in Bromyard, in the County of Hereford-, subject to Conditions of Sale to be then produced, unless sold by private Contract in the mean Time, of which proper Notice will be given, ANew elegant modern- built Brick House, consisting of two handsome Parlours, China Closet, Study, Hall, Vestibule, best and back Stair- Case, also a best Kitchen, with a wet and dry Pantry, all on the Ground Floor. A large Lead Reservoir over the wet Pantry. —- On the first Floor, four genteel Bed- Chambers, all hung with fashionable Paper; Dressing - Closets to three of them ; two of them with Fire Places In the Attic Story, four genteel Bed - Chambers, two of them hung with Paper; two Closets. with Fire Places; likewise a Servant's Room and Store Room. Three large dry good Cellars and a lower Kitchen. — The Offices, being a new complete Brick Build- ing, consisting of a large good Brew - House, Wash- House, Bake - House, and Laundry over them; a handsome Coach - House, with a Grainery, having an Alabaster Floor over it; and a four stalled Stable well fitted up, and an Hay Lost over it A Gar- den adjoining to the House, by Estimation one Acre, with a Ten Foot Brick Wall, laid out in the gentlest Taste ( well stocked with Wall and other Fruit - Trees) with an elegant Shrubbery, and good Kitchen Garden, well cropped. — An Orchard adjoining to the Court Yard, with a new Barn and Beast- House, and some other new Building for Pigs and Poultry, all which are made very con- venient. A Pump in the Court, with exceeding good Water. The above Premisses lie pleasantly situated at the Entrance into Bromyard from Worcester, and contain, by Estimation, more than two computed Acres. They command a pleasant Prospect of the Down, and are situated in a delightful healthy Air. The Purchaser will be entitled to Right of Common on the Down. Also to be Sold, at the same Time, in like Manner, with or without the above- mentioned House and Premisses, Two computed Acres of Arable Land, lately enclosed out of a Field called Cruxwell Field, in the Parish of Bromyard aforesaid, with Lands of Thomas Tomkyns, Esq; and in the Possession of Mr. John Whittall. — And one other computed Acre of Arable Land, in Cruxwell Field aforesaid, in the Possession of Mr. William Davis. Also the Remainder of a Term in a Lease of a Meadow, opposite the House, by Estimation six computed Acres, in the Occupation of the said Mr. Davis, ten Years whereof were unexpired at Candlemas last. Enquire of the said Mr. Davis, who will shew the Premisses; or of Mr. Coleman, Attorney at Law, in Leominster, who will treat for the same. The House to be viewed till the Time of Sale. Bromyard is a Market Town, distant from Lon- don 125 Miles, from Worcester 13 Miles, from Hereford 15 Miles, from Leominster 10 Miles, from Ledbury 15 Miles, and from Tenbury 10 Miles, or thereabouts; the three last are good Market Towns. Also to be Sold, at the same Time and Place, One Hundred Feet of new Oak Palisadoes, in Stretches, with Posts, never put up. MONDAY'S POST. COUNTRY NEWS. Shrewsbury, March 30. AT our Assizes, the two following Persons were convicted, and after- wards reprieved, viz. Morris Davis, ordered last Assizes to remain in Gaol, to be tried for Horsestealing; and Elizabeth Baker, for breaking open the House of William Drury, and taking away a Silver Watch. Four were burnt in the Hand, one to be imprisoned, and six acquitted. Judge Ashhurst was taken so ill here, that he could not attend the Assizes at Stafford. LONDON, Saturday, March 30. This Day the Speaker was at the House of Commons by Twelve o'Clock, the House not having adjourned on Thursday, as intended. The Reason of the House's meeting To- day ( a Circumstance never known before) is in order to receive the Report of the Committee, which sat till Twelve o'Clock on Thursday Night upon the present Riots. The following is handed about as the Com- mittee appointed to inquire into the Cause of the late Disturbances: Mr. W. Ellis, Sir H. Houghton, Rose Fuller, Frederic Montagu, Lord George Germain, Mr. Buller of Exeter. Mr . Marsham, Dr. Burrell, Sir R. Newdigate, Sir William Bagott, Sir Gilbert Elliot, It is said that the true Intention of Mr, Mr. Dyson, Mr. John York, Lord John Cavendish, Mr. Ongley, Lord Advocate, Mr. De Grey, Mr. Stanley, Sir Tho. Clavering, The Attorney General, The Sol. General, 21. El-- lis's Committee is to bring in a Bill to inca- pacitate the Lord Mayor, Mr. Alderman Wilkes, and Mr. Alderman Oliver, both as Magistrates and Members of Parliament, for ever; and that all the present Rancour against the City pro- ceeds not from Carlton- House, but from Buck- ingham - House only. By Way of Blind, and in order to cover this diabolical Design for a little while, the Ministers, by the Assistance of their corrupt Majority, have artfully put upon the Committee Lord George Germain, Lord John Cavendish, and Frederic Montagu Esq; Men who never did, nor probably ever will act with them. The Scotch Traitors, who were in the last Rebellion, and are now basking in the Sunshine of the Court, are in high Spirits with the Prospect of these Stuart Vio- lences : They are incessantly exclaiming, Our gude King will do for the sackshus lnglish noow ! Wee shal get aw ther forfaited Estates ! Yesterday two Meetings were held of seve- ral, Members of the Opposition, Lords and Commoners, when it was resolved to visit the Al- dermen in the Tower; in consequence of which the Dukes of Richmond, Portland, and Man chester, the Marquis of Rockingham, Earl Fitzwilliams, Lord King, Sir Charles Saun- ders, Admiral Keppel, Sir James Pennyman, Bart, attended by the two Sheriffs, Baker and Martin, this Day visited the Lord Mayor and Mr. Alderman Oliver at their Apartments in the Tower, in order to express their particular Regard for the Persons of those Gentlemen, and their entire Disapprobation of those Pro- ceedings, in which Sentence was passed with- out a full and fair Discussion, and a most deli- cate Question of Constitutional Law decided, by inflicting a Punishment upon Magistrates, who pleaded the Obligation of an Oath, with out a Heating of Counsel to their whole De- fence, whereby the Foundations of Parliamen- tary Justice have been sapped, and the Credict of this Commercial City injured by the Ob- struction given to public Business. This Day the Gentlemen of the Inquest of the Ward of Billingsgate, in their Livery Gowns, preceded by the Beadle of the said Ward with his Mace, waited upon the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor and Mr. Alderman Oli- ver, in the Tower, to express their Thanks for the noble and upright Conduct they had shewn in Defence of the Rights and Privileges of their Fellow Citizens. - His Lordship received them with great Cheerfulness, and assured them that he had only acted as his Duty required and that he was particularly happy in meeting with their Approbation. And we hear that all the Inquests of the several Wards intend to fol- low their Example. No Locum Tenens will be appointed, on which Account much of the Custom House Bu- siness, which comes necessarily before the Lord Mayor, will be stopped, his Lordship's Com- plaisance not carrying him so far as to do his Majesty's Business whilst a Prisoner in the Tower. Another Account says, all Business is at a Stand at the Mansion House, no Alderman chusing to fit for the Lord Mayor, though se- veral have been applied to for that Purpose. Late 011 Tuesday Night last a certain Dowa- ger Lady was mightily displeased with the Conduct of her eldest Son, charging him with Want of filial Duty in not resenting the odious Reflections which had been thrown out against her in a certain Assembly, by Mr. Townshend; and insisted upon her Son's clearing her from having any Interest or Hand in making the late Treaty of Peace. The Reply which the Son gave on this Occasion has much incensed the Dowager, and the Nation may now begin to hope that the Influence which has governed the Councils of this Kingdom for these last ten Years is upon the Point of losing all its Weight, and hitherto fatal Ascendency. It is owing to this Quarrel that Lord North did not resign on Tuesday Night. The following is a true as well as curious State of some Facts, which are the Causes and Out- lines of the present Negotiation between the Courts of London, Paris, and Madrid : Monday, March 4, 1771, The French and Spanish Ambassadors waited upon Lord Roch- ford, and demanded, that a Day should be fixed for settling the Question of the prior Right to Falkland's Island.— Lord Rochford refused to name any Day. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, March 6, and 7, our ostensible Ministers had Con- ferences with Mr. Stuart Mackenzie, and the French and Spanish Ambassadors. Monday, March 11, The same Ambassadors went again to Lord Rochford, and not only made the same Demand as before, but added, that they were further instructed to demand, that a Day should be fixed for restoring Falk- land's Island agreeable to Promise. Lord Roch- ford refused to enter into any Negotiation upon the Subject. ON Tuesday the 19th of March, an Express arrived from Lord Harcourt, our Ambassador at Paris, with an Account that the King of France had written a Letter to the King of Spain, wherein he assured the Catholic King, " that he was ashamed of the Conduct of the " Court of London ; that he was ready and " willing to co- operate with the King of Spain, " in whatever future Measures should be judged " Expedient; that he put himself entirely un- " der the Direction and Wisdom of the Ca- " tholic King; and only begged, that in their " future Operations, that Monarch would have " an Eye to the present Situation of France." Next Day Lord North and the two Secretaries of State waited on the K -, who was exceed- ingly shocked at receiving this Account. On the 8th or 10th of April a Courier is expected to arrive from the Court of Madrid. He is to take Versailles in his Way to London ; so that on his Arrival here, the great Event will be determined, and we shall then know whether Peace or War with France and Spain is to take Place or not this Year. It is said that the failing of the Ships in- tended to take Possession of Falkland's Island, is counter ordered, or deferred. Two Sloops, of 20 Guns each, from Ply- mouth, it is said, are appointed to watch the Motions of the French Fleets in the Harbours of Brest and Cherbourg. Advices are received from Lisbon, that all the capital Merchants in Portugal are prepa- ring to leave that Kingdom by the next Ships that come away, being wearied out with the tedious Oppressions of the Court of Lisbon. At the Beginning of Winter, a Negotiation was set on Foot at Constantinople, for a Peace between the Russians and Turks ; and the King of Prussia offered his Mediation. But since the Death of George the Second, it has been the uniform Practice of the British Court to oppose the King of Prussia in every Thing. When the King of Prussia's Mediation was known at the Court of London, Mr. Murray, the British Resident at Constantinople, was in- structed to counteract and thwart his Design. Agreeable to this, Mr. Murray represented to the Porte, that the King of Prussia had no In- fluence over the Court of Petersburgh, nor even any Weight at that Court. In consequence of such Representations, the Négociation for Peace broke off. The King of Prussia has determined to resent this Treatment of his Mediation. He has said, " That if the Court of London did not chuse to treat him like an old Friend and Ally, he had, at least, a Right to be treated " like a Gentleman." And he is preparing to enforce that Peace by the Sword, which we, with more Ignorance than Wisdom, prevented by Négociation. In consequence of his Pre- parations, th e Austrian Troops in the Nether- lands are in Motion. Three Corps have actu- ally begun their March towards Germany, and the rest are in Expectation of Orders every Day to do the same. Thursday, as the King was going from the Parliament House, a Gentleman cried out, No Lord Mayor, no ! The Constables took him before the Justices at Guildhall, West minster, where he told them he was a Citizen of London, and should not retrait what he had said. After a little Advice from Sir John Fielding, he was discharged. A Correspondent desires to know why his Majesty's venerable Grandfather never was nor had any Occasion to be guarded in the Manner his Majesty was on Thursday last. An old Nobleman, who is an Honour to our Court, said, That the Ministry had now made a Rod for themselves ; for, in the deplorable Reign of James the Second, the City was not thoroughly roused to Resentment, till the Court seized the good Alderman Cornish, the Oliver of the last Century. We hear that the several Counties and inde- pendent Corporations in England, are pre- paring Addresses to be presented to the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, and Mr. Oliver, for their patriotic Behaviour in the House, by re- fusing, with a noble Disdain, to make any Sub- mission that might tarnish their Conduct. It is expected that the Measures taken on both Sides in the Field of Contention, will, if no other Good accrues from it to the Public, produce a Change in Administration, which has been for a long Time desired. Alderman Oliver's Lady continues with him in the Tower, and seems very happy in enjoy- ing so much of his Company. The Ladies of some other Aldermen, we are assured, wish for the Commitment of their Husbands on the same Account. We hear that the Lord Mayer and Mr. Oli- ver will sue out a Habeas Corpus to bring them before the Chancellor, in order to be dis- charged out of the Tower. The Lord Mayor and Mr. Oliver, it is said, will bring a Bill of Indictment at Guildhall, against the S r for false Imprisonment. It is confidently said that so great a Run is expected on the Bank, during the Course of next Week, that Orders have been sent from a certain Quarter, if such a Circumstance should happen, to make their Payments in Sil- ver, thereby to lengthen out Time. And it is reported, but, we hope, without Foundation, that Silver Coin is now privately buying up for the Use of the Bank, in order to be tendered in Payment, should certain Threats of monied Persons be carried into Execution. Considerable Bets are laid that a Dissolution of Parliament takes place within these six Weeks, and this is thought by the Friends of Administration. We hear that a Meeting will soon be held by several Merchants in the City, in order to con- sider of the most effectual Means to prevent the present Hindrance to Exportation, occasioned by the Lord Mayor's Confinement. The poor Printers and their Devils have given the Great Folks much Uneasiness. On Thursday last before the Speaker went to the House of Commons, his House was sur- rounded by upwards of 2oo Constables, in order to protect him from any Insult from the Populace. It is computed that no fewer than 500 Cons- tables and Peace Officers attended his Majesty on Thursday last, to the House of Peers. Three of the principal Leaders in the Riot- ing on Wednesday were secured in one of the Avenues leading to the House of Commons, but the Mob broke in and released them. The Confinement of the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor in the Tower prevents the usual Application to the Markets, Coffee - Houses, & c. for Charity, to be distributed to the Prisoners in the Compters in this City, the Collection whereof seldom amounted to 40l. but his Lordship and the Sheriffs have gene- rously given 50l. to this laudable Charity. The Easter Ball is put off. The City will have no Rejoicings whilst their Magistrates are imprisoned. Several of the Nobility who were invited to the Lord Mayor's Ball, have sent Cards to his Lordship, signifying their Intention of paying his Lordship friendly Visits in the Course of next Week, in the Tower. Yesterday the Duke of Northumberland visited the Lord Mayor at the Tower, and other Carriages, with Coronets, were waiting at the same Time without the Gates. A Correspondent says, Yesterday his Majesty went to the House of Peers, amidst the ----- of his People. The fashionable Toast that now prevails from one End of this Metropolis to the other, is, Success to OLIVER the Second On Wednesday a City Clergyman, after these Words in the Litany, For all Prisoners, added, particularly for the worthy Alderman now in the Tower, All the Business of this great City and King- dom seems to be reduced to Job- work. Col. Barre observed, in a Debate on Embanking the River Thames, that the Question was never attended to by the People who voted. Several Members, while he was speaking, entered the House: " There, says he, is one whose Vote I know very well upon this Question ; has he heard any Thing of this long Debate ? No. Nevertheless he votes. It is said, by many very judicious People, that by the Act for embanking the River Thames, no less a Sum than 45,000l. will be put into the Pocket of Mr. Mylne, the Scotch Architect, for robbing the City of London of its greatest Beauty, and extending Lines of Deformity. A Merchant's Clerk on Wednesday standing to see the Lord Mayor come out of the Mansion House, had his Pocket picked of his Pocket- Book, containing Bills to the Amount of 250l. Birmingham and Bristol Stage Coach, ( In One Day and an Half) BEGINS on Tuesday April 9 ; sets out from the Dolphin Inn in Birmingham, every Tuesday and Thursday at Five o'Clock in the Morning, lies at Gloucester that Night, and gets to Bristol by One o'Clock the next Day.--.-- Returns from the White Hart Inn, in Broad- Street, Bristol, every Tuesday and Thursday, at Five o'Clock in the Morning, lies at Worcester that Night, and gets to Birmingham by One o'Clock the next Day. Each Passenger to pay 18s. and to be allowed Fourteen Pounds Weight of Luggage; all above to pay One Penny per Pound. Children on Lap and Outside Passengers to pay Half Price, and have no Luggage al- lowed. Performed by THO. GARMSTON, Worcester. HENRY WITTON, Gloucester. RICHARD BOWSHER, Bristol. Worcester and Birmingham COACH, in Half a Day, sets out from the Hop Pole Inn, in Worcester, every Monday, at Eight o'Clock in the Morning, and every Wednesday and Friday at Six o'Clock in the Morning, and returns the next Days. They will not be answerable for any Money, Bills, Plate, & c. unless entered as such, and paid for accordingly. N. B. A neat Post- Coach, and neat Post- Chaises, to any Part of England. -- Likewise Hearses and Mourning Coaches to be had of the said Thomas Carmston. WORCESTER RACES WILL be on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, the 6th; 7th, and 8th of August; the Particulars of which will be adver- tised in due Time in this and other Papers. Worcester, April 4, 1771. Notice is hereby given, THAT there will be a Meeting held of the Commissioners for putting in Execution the Act of Parliament for better Ap- plying this City with Water, & c. on Monday the 22nd of this Instant April, at the Guildhall, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, for the Purpose of Borrowing Money, and to appoint a Treasurer and Collectors. R. MORRIS, Clerk. ELIZABETH BOWNESS, ClearStarcher, BEING removed from Sidbury, to to the Upper End of the Cooken- Street, takes this Opportunity to return her grateful Acknowledgments for the kind Encouragement she has met with from her Friends, and hopes for the Continuance of their Favours, which she will endeavour to merit by a punctual Observance of their Command;. WANTED, Six or Eight House Joiners, and Two or Three Cabinet- Makers, that can work at Cabinet or Chair Work. Such Hands, according to their Merit, may meet with very good Encouragement by applying to F. L. Hayne, of Bewdley. WHEREAS upon Monday the 11th of this Instant March, between the Hours of Seven and Nine in the Evening, the Garden- House belonging to Thomas Foley, of Witley Court, Esq; was attempted to be broke open ; Any Person that will give Information of the Offender or Offenders, so that they, or either of them, may be brought to Justice and con- victed, shall receive Five Guineas Reward, of me NATH. SMITH. THE second Great Main of Cocks, between two Gentlemen, one of Stafford- shire. the other of Worcestershire, will be fought at Duddeston Hall, otherwise Vaux Hall, near Birmingham, on Monday, Tuesday, and Wed- nesday next, the 8th, 9th, and 10th of this In- stant April. { THOMAS PHEBY for the former, AND FEEDERS, JOHN POTTER for the latter. March 30 th, 1771. To be LETT or SOLD, in DROITWICH, BUILDNGS and Premisses, very commodious for Salt- work, Warehouse, and Wharf, situated at the Head of Navigation, with great Encouragement for getting a good Brine Pit, and other Improvements, by Agreement with Mr. Penrice. TO BE SOLD, SEVERAL substantial and conve- nient Houses Freehold, pleasantly situated in the Town of Pershore one near the Market Place, with a Malt House adjoining thereto, the Garden extending to the River Avon. Enquire of Mr. Woodward, of Pershore, who will treat for the Premisses. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Friday the 19th Day of April next, at the Dwel- ling- House of James Trovell, known by the Sign of the Fish, at Defford Bridge, in the County of Wor- cester, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Evening, unless disposed of, in the mean Time, by private Contract, in which Case Notice will be given, A freehold Messuage or Tenement, Farm, and Premisses, with convenient Out- Buildings, situate at Defford aforesaid, Tythe - free, and now rented at 41l. per Annum. James Trovell will shew the Premisses; and Mr. Long, of Upton upon Severn, Worcestershire, will treat for the Sale of the same. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Thursday the 11th Day of April Inst. between the Hours of Three and Five in the Evening, at Mr. Walker's, At the Star in Upton - upon- Severn, Wor- cestershire, the several Freehold Premisses herein after mentioned, viz.. LOT I. A Piece of Meadow Ground, called Browning's Moore, situate near Soley's Causeway, containing about four Acres. LOT II. An inclosed Piece of Pasture Land, called Stoney Acres, containing about two Acres and Half. LOT III. An inclosed Piece of Arable Land lying in a Field called Stoney Ley, containing about two Acre. The several Premisses lie in the Parish of Upton- upon - Severn aforesaid, and are in the Possession of Mr. Pumfrey. —- Apply to Mr. Long, at Upton - upon - Severn aforesaid. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Monday the 9th Day of this Instant, between the Hours of Two and Six o'Clock in the Afternoon, at Edward Williams's, the Hop Pole Inn, in Bromyard, Herefordshire, subject to Conditions of Sale to be then produced, unless sold by private Contract, in the mean Time, of which proper Notice will be given, ACopyhold Estate, consisting of a good Dwelling House, Barn, Stable, Cow- House, & c. and a good Stone Cyder Mill, all in good Repair; likewise 23 Acres of very good Arable and Pasture Land, well planted with the best Sort of Fruit Trees, now in their Prime: Also three Acres of good Hop- ground, planted with grafted Trees, and five Acres of very good Cop- picing, mostly Ash and Oak, and known by the Name of Debley ; situated in pleasant Part of the Township of Linton, in the Parish of Brom- yard, Herefordshire, and has a Right on Bringsty Common ; now in Possession of John Postance, who will shew the Premisses. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. John Williams, Surgeon, in Bromyard. Worcester, April 3, 1771. WILLIAM SIMPSON, HEREBY informs the Public, That he will open a SCHOOL on Monday next, in the Trinity Hall, for the Instruction of Youth, of both Sexes, in Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic. Those who chuse to entrust him with the Care of their Children, may depend on having them expeditiously forwarded in the above branches, on very reasonable Terms. Worcester, April 4, 1771. GOOLDEN and LOWE, Mercers, At the COLLEGE GRATES, BEG Leave to inform the Ladies and the Public, that their great Sale of New SILKS will begin on Monday next the 8th instant; consisting of a very genteel and fashion- able Assortment, just come down from the Looms, the Patterns of which are fancied by the first Artists in the Kingdom, and fabricated on the Italian Principle, which, for Beauty and Wear, far ex- ceeds the common Method of manufacturing Silks. Rich flowered Brocades ; Italian, Sattin, and stripped ditto; Ditto Armozeens and Ducapes; Sattin and striped ditto; Corded, shot, and plain ditto; Clouded, Paoli's, Tobines, Ducapes, and Tabbies; Black, white, and coloured rich Italian Mantuas and Armozeens ; Flowered Ita- lian Mantua Sattins; Velderoys, Tissues, and Peruvians ; Flowered Sattins and Damasks ; Rich, plain, and flowered Sattins for Cloaks and Car- dinals; Flowered Modes, Sarsenets, Persians, & c. with every other Article in the Silk Mercery and Haberdashery Way; which the Ladies and the Public may depend on will be sold on their usual show Terms. Mr. Goolden of Birmingham thinks if very necessary be should inform the Public, that be has no Sort of Connection with Bayliss and Co. as has been industri- ously reported; and that his Partner ( Mr. Lowe) will be always ready to wait upon the Ladies at their old shop at the College Grates. Worcester, April 3, 1771. To the Creditors of EDWARD JONES, Baker. WHEREAS I stand indebted to several Persons in divers Sums of Money, which I am now unable to pay, I must beg of you to consider the present unhappy Situation of my Family, and accept Payment of my Debts in the Manner following, viz. Five Shillings in the Pound to be paid on or before the Expiration of two Months, Five Shillings more at the Expira- tion of three Years, and Five Shillings more at the Expiration of six Years, and at the End of nine Years the Remainder shall be paid. It is not in my Power, Gentlemen, to pay you any other Way, except I deliver up my All, which, I am Certain, will not amount to ten Shillings in the Pound. I do assure you it is my Intention to pay every body to the utmost Farthing, but if a Sta- tute is issued against me, the Expenses will ab- solutely disable me from doing it: I must there- fore beg of you to prevent it, and accept the Com- position I have above proposed : The Distress of my poor Family, my Wife being both sick and lame, and not having lain in but a Fortnight, and I be- ing obliged to leave her, with five small Children, unable to help themselves, will, I hope, raise Compassion in your Breasts, and excite Pity to- wards your unhappy distressed humble Servant, EDWARD JONES. To be LETT, and entered upon immediately, A Good- accustomed Inn, known by the Sign of the Three Tons, situate in the Load- Street, Bewdley, near the Barley Mar- ket; consisting of a good Kitchen, one Front Parlour, a large Back Parlour, and a Shop in the Front, which hath usually been lett by the Te- nant who occupied the above Premises, but is now void, and may, if necessary, be converted into a Parlour ; seven Rooms on the first Floor, with Garrets over them, a good Brewhouse, with Coolers, a Pump, and Lead Pipe for conveying the Wort into the Cellar ( which is capable of holding 13 or 14 Hogsheads) as also three Bins for Wine or Spirituous Liquors. Behind the House are a Stye and two large Vats for feeding of Pigs. The Furniture of the House, together with the Brewing Utensils, to be disposed of. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. William Banks, Founder, in Bewdley, who will shew the premisses; or of Mr. Bulstrode, Attorney at Law, Worcester. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Thursday the 18th Day of April Inst. at Mrs. Moore's, at the Sign of the White Lyon, in Upton- upon- Severn, Worcestershire, between the Hours of Four and Six in the Evening ( unless disposed of in the mean Time by private Contract, in which Case Notice will be given) A Close of Arable Land, in a Field called Packer's Hill, containing by Estimation eight Acres, or thereabouts; together with a Closed Pasture Ground thereunto adjoining, called W'ood- ck's, containing by Estimation one Acre, or there- abouts, with a Barn and small Piece of Ground hereunto belonging; and also a Butt of Arable Land, in Buryfield : All and singular which said premisses are situate in the Parish of Upton upon severn aforesaid, and are held under the Feoffees of the Church Lands of Upton upon Severn afore- said, for the Residue of a Term of ninety- nine years, sixty five whereof are yet to come, deter- minable upon two good Lives now in Being. Apply to Mr. Long, in Upton upon Severn foresaid. Worcester, April 3, 1771. WANTED, as an Apprentice to a Millwright, in a Market Town in Wor- cestershire, a sober Youth, of a creditable Fa- mily. -— For Particulars enquire of Mr. Hussey, Cooper, in Sidbury. We hear, that by a secret Convention be- tween the two Courts, England has after all this Expense and Insult, agreed to give up Falkland's Island again, after the Spaniards have made Restitution of it to us in due Form. It was Yesterday Morning strongly reported upon Change, ( on what Authority, or for what Purpose, we pretend not to say) that Gibraltar was attacked by the Spaniards, both by Sea and Land ; that the Fleet which lay before it consisted of 30 Sail of Ships from Barcelona, and other Spanish Ports ; and that the Army employed against it, confided of 17,000 Men, who had raised several large Bat- teries within Gun- shot of the Fort; and that it was expected, before this Time, that the Spaniards had made themselves Matters of it. Yesterday Morning Policies were opened at To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, ON Friday the 19th Day of April instant, between the Hours of Four and Six in the Evening, at the Dwelling House of James Travel, known by the Sign of the Fish, in Defford, Worcestershire, LOT 1. A Freehold Messuage or Tene- ment, Barn, Orchard, and Premisses, situate at Defford aforesaid, now in the Possession of Sarah Watkins, Widow. Lor 2. A Freehold Close of Pasture Land, nd Orcharding, called Charlham Close, contain- ing, by Estimation, two Acres, or thereabouts, situated at Defford aforesaid, and now in the Pos- session of Francis Collins, as Tenant thereof. All the above Premises are Tythe- free. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Long, at Upton - upon - Severn, Worcestershire. can be thought of taken for their Relief. Hun- ger drives many of them to such Distress, that the Strongest frequently in some Parts of the Country fall upon the Weaker, and devour them. Balls, Concerts, and all public Entertain- ments, ought to subside at this Time of gene- ral Scarcity; but I am sorry to say they have not; and under the Doors and Windows of these Places of Amusement lie many dead Bo- dies, and others again in all the Agonies of Death, Despair, and Want. But let me quit this melancholy Subject, and inform you that there is a Prospect of a very plentiful Harvest, and Grain begins to be cheaper. There has also been great Mortality among the Europeans here, upwards of two hundred have died within these two Months, and the sickly Season is not yet over. LONDON, Tuesday, April 2. We hear that circular Letters have been sent to all the Members of the Minority, so that some grand Eclat is soon expected from that Quarter. Considerable Betts are depending on the Re- lease of the Lord Mayor and Mr. Alderman Oliver, which it is affirmed will be To- morrow se'nnight. The House have adjourned a Day beyond that appointed for Mr. Wilkes's Attendance. The Lord Chancellor is sent for to Town, to be present at the Council to be held this Day. The Report of his having resigned the Seals is groundless. We hear that the Court of Common Coun- cil will immediately deliberate on a legal Me- thod of Proceeding against the President of a Certain Assembly; and that the Lord Mayor and Alderman Oliver are determined to bring an Action on the Case for 100,000l. Damages, against the said President, for false Imprisonment. A Correspondent informs us, that the Q—— is greatly distressed at the present unhappy Di- visions, and frequently importunes a Great Personage that some general Plan may be im- mediately adopted for the Reconciliation of all Parties. So great has been the Run on the Bank, since the Commitment of the Lord Mayor and Mr. Alderman Oliver to the Tower, that Betts were laid on Saturday last at New Lloyd's, to pay 30 Guineas to receive 100, if Bank Notes were not discounted before the Expiration of one Month. Friday fresh Instructions, of an extraordi- nary Nature, were sent to the Commissioners of Portsmouth, Plymouth, and Chatham, from the Admiralty Office. It is said that Orders are sent to Ireland for the Fortifications of that Kingdom to be put in an immediate Posture of Defence ; the like Orders are sent to Scotland. It was Yesterday reported that a Merchant- man, from Guernsey to Barbadoes, was taken by a Spanish Brig, and carried into Cadiz. The following Noble Personages were Yes- terday carried in two Carts, with a Hearse be- fore them, through the City, and down the Minories, to Tower- Hill. The P D . L. B-, D. of G. Ld. M. Sir F. N-, the Attorney General ; Wedderburne, hung by the Heels as being a Turn- coat; Sir . Gilbert Elliot, Dyson, Jenkinson; C. Fox in the Body and Legs a Man, Head and Tail a Fox, with a Bunch of Grapes before him, Ld. W. Ld. H. with a Stick, in Imitation of a Pensioner, or one out of Place ; Lord North. Near ten thousand People were assembled, who expressed great Satisfaction, and wished for the Origi- nals in their Room. One Gentleman, who seemed to be a Merchant, treated the People with Beer, and lent a Hand in tying them to the Gallows, which was thirty Feet high ; af- ter hanging an Hour, the Mob, seeing a Hearse to take away the Bodies, declared they had been such Enemies to the King and Coun- try, that they should not be delivered, for they would burn them on the Gallows, which was done. A Sweep- chimney, with a Band, at- tended as Ordinary. Letters from several Parts of Devonshire say, that when the Account was received of the Imprisonment of the Lord Mayor, and Alder- man Oliver, the People assembled in large Bo- dies, and behaved in a very riotous Manner calling out, To Arms ! It was with great Diffi- culty that the Justices dispersed them. They declared that they would at any Time, ( if Gen- tlemen of Distinction would head them) take up Arms in Defence of those Magistrates who attempted to prevent the Laws from being trampled under Foot, and who preserved the Rights and Privileges of the People from Vio- lation. On Saturday the following Bill was put upon the Lord Mayor's private Door at the Mansion - House, which opens into Charlotte- Street: — " This House to be lett. Enquire of Sir " Fletcher Norton, at the Augean Stable. We hear that the Lieutenant of the Tower having sent his Compliments to the Lord Mayor, informing his Lordship that he is at Liberty to walk about any where within the Tower- walls, attended by a Warden, if he desired it, his Lordship returned him Thanks for his kind Offer; and added, that he did not chuse to ask or accept of any Favours; that he was satisfied with the Apartments allotted him, and would continue within them till his Discharge should be ordered. A Correspondent observes, that as the Citi- zens are now deprived of their Chief Magi- strate, it looks as if a certain great Assembly intended to make April Fools of them. BANKRUPTS required to surrender. Richard Dewhurst, of Pilkington, in the Pa- rish of Prestwich, in Lancashire, and John Mills, of Darcy Lever, in the said County, Fustian Ma- nufacturers and Merchants, April 19, 20, May 11, at the Spread Eagle, in Hanging- ditch, in Manchester. Anthony Hilder, of Sun- tavern- fields, St. Paul, Shadwell, Brewer, April 9, 20, May 11, at Guildhall. — Joseph Parsloe, of Great Marlborough - street, Westminster, Wine Mer- chant, April 2, 13, May 11, at Guildhall. Thomas Southgate, of St. Martin's in the Fields, Glazier and Painter, April 6, 12, May 11, at Guildhall. — James Perry, of Madeley, Stafford- shire, Coal Merchant, Victualler, and Chapman, April 18, 19, May 14, at the Red Lion, in Nant- wich, Cheshire. — James Honeyman, of Bristol, Pedlar, Dealer, and Chapman, April 17, 18, May 14, at the Bush Tavern, in Corn- street, Bristol.—— Henry Pullon, of Manchester, Vint- ner, April 24, 25, May 14, at the Black Swan Inn, in Coney- street, York. DIVIDENDS to be made to Creditors. April 25. Edward Bowen, of Bristol, Haber - dasher, at the Nag's Head Tavern, in Wine - street, Bristol. May 7. James Mallalieu, of Windy Bank, in the Parish of Ashton under Line, Lan- cashire, Woollen- clothier, at Compton's Coffee- house, in Manchester. — April 30. Wm. Sprott, the Younger, of Leominster, in Herefordshire, Cutler, at the Unicorn, in Leominster. EARLY INTELLIGENCE, received from our Correspondents in London, dated Wednesday, April 3. YESTERDAY a certain great Personage ; sent a Message to the Lord Mayor, that it was his Desire that his Lordship should be released from his Confinement, and accord- ing gave Orders for that Purpose, but his Lord- ship told the Messenger, that he had a Roman Soul, and would answer as St. Paul did upon a similar Occasion : " They have cast me into Prison without Fault; but let them come them- selves and fetch me out, for the K - has no Power to discharge me in this Case." The Port of London being shut ( on account of the Lord Mayor being in the Tower) with regard to Coals, Corn, & c. which according to Law must pass through the Cocket Office, be- longing to the Lord Mayor of London, many Hands are out of Employ, a great Number of whom assembled Yesterday and patroled the City of Westminster, vowing Revenge on the Enemies to the Constitution. We do not hear- of any Mischief having been done ; however we are in the greatest Consternation, dreading the fatal Consequences which are likely to en- sue before Matters can be finally determined. Last Night several Accounts arrived from divers Parts of Yorkshire, that on receiving In- telligence that the Lord Mayor and Mr. Alder- man Oliver were sent to the Tower, and that it was believed Sir George Saville would be sent there likewise, for some spirited Expressions he used in supporting their Cause, several large Bodies assembled together, and vowed that if it should so happen, they would fetch him out, was the Tower surrounded with the Guards; and it was proposed to form themselves into an Army ( as most of them were disciplined) and march to Town, not doubting but they should be reinforced on their Way; for which Purpose each Man was provided with a Sword and Gun ; but Sir George's Friends assuring them that he was safe, and had not even been threatened to be sent to the Tower, they were prevailed on to lay aside their bold concerted Scheme. A private Letter from the Hague, dated the 25th of March says, " A considerable Fleet is fitted out and ready to put to Sea; it is re- ported to be bound for the East Indies, but to what Part cannot be learnt. The Honourable Mr. Yorke, the English Ambassador, has de- livered a Memorial to the States General, de- manding the Reason of their fitting out so great an Armada in Time of Peace, but re- ceived no Answer; in consequence of which he Yesterday demanded a peremptory Answer, the Result of which we impatiently wait for. WORCESTER, Thursday, April 4. On Saturday next will be held our second Spring Fair, At our Market last Saturday, 66 Pockets of Hops were sold; the general Prices were from 4l. 10s. to 5I. 12s. per Hundred. Yesterday three Troops of the Royal Regi- ment of Dragoons, commanded by the Earl of Pembroke, came into Quarters in this City. The other three Troops are daily expected.— After this Regiment is reviewed here it is sup- posed a Part of it will be quartered in the neighbouring Towns. Last Week died, after a lingering Illness, the Rev. Mr. Rochford, Vicar of Kingsbury, War- wickshire, and Curate of St. Mary's, Lichfield. On Tuesday last was committed to our County Goal Andrew Fitz Gerald, and Bar- nerd Whitrow Garnish, charged on Suspicion with breaking open a Chest, belonging to Geo. Thompson, of Kidderminster, and taking there- out seventeen Guineas, and one thirty- six Shil- ling Piece in Gold. The three following Persons are left for Ex- ecution at Warwick, viz. Richard Baylis, for Sheepstealing; William Jenkinson, for robbing Mr. Payton's House at Stratford; and Charles Haslito, for breaking open the House of Mr. Miller, and stealing Silver Plate. Last Thursday an unhappy Accident hap- pened at Dawley in Shropshire. — A Man and a Horse being at Work in a Coal Pit, it took Fire, and, by the Explosion, the Horse was blown out of the Pit and burnt to Ashes. The Man was drawn out by Ropes alive, but most terribly burnt, and a shocking Spectacle. On Friday the 22nd past, the House of Mr. Luke Mason, near the Church, in Kington, Herefordshire, was broke open with so little Noise, that his Breeches ( in which were a Purse containing thirteen Guineas, and nine Guineas and a Half loose) were taken from under his Head while asleep, and carried off. The mid- dle Part of a Flitch of Bacon was also stolen. In the Morning the Breeches were found in an Orchard behind the House, and the Purse with the thirteen Guineas. The Assize of Bread, set by the Right Worshipful the Mayor and Justices, on Monday last. Wheaten Houshold. WANTED immediately, to wait upon an elderly Gentleman, a careful, sober, middle- aged Man, whose Character will- bear the strictest Enquiry. — For Particulars apply to the Printer of this Paper. TO be Sold, at the Corn Warehouse in Bristol, for Ready Money only, s. d. s. d. Wheat 5 4 Beans 3 4 Malt 4 4 8 Gallons Oats 1 1o Barley 3 o Hog Pease 3 8 Fine Lammas Flour 38s. Seconds 36s. Thirds 34s. per Sack, each Sack 280 lb. Neat. LOST, on Wednesday the 27th of March, between the Bell, in Broad- Street, in the City of Worcester, and Mathon, through Great Malvern, in the County of Worcester, A PINCHBECK WATCH, j In a black Shagreen Case, much worn, Maker's Name and Number forgot, with a double- linked Steel Chain, to which was hung a Brass Key and a brown Chrystal Seal, set in Gold, Impression three Griffins Heads on a Field, Argent, a Fesse across the Field, with three Mullets thereon, the Crest a Griffin passant. — Whoever has picked up the above Watch, and will bring it to Mr. Baker, at the Bell, in Broad- Street, Worcester, shall be handsomely rewarded for their Trouble. To be peremptorily SOLD, AFreehold Lott, consisting of three Houses, with two Stables, and other Con- veniences, occupied by John Bennet, Sen. Wil- liam Buckle, and John Badger. The Premisses are situate in the Shambles, in the City of Wor- cester, opposite the New Market. They will be sold on Terms reasonable enough to make it an- swer to a Purchaser either to repair or rebuild them. Enquire of the Landlord, Tenant, or of Mr. Berrow, Printer. THURSDAY'S POST ( By EXPRESS from LONDON.) Extract of a Letter from an Officer at Bengal, dated Sept. 4, 1770, to a Gentleman in London. YOU will undoubtedly receive very shocking Accounts of the Famine that has made such terrible Ravages in the Provinces of Bengal, Bahaar, and Oriza, nay throughout all Indostan : The Dearth has been so very great for the last six Months, that in the Company's Districts alone ( upon a moderate Computation) there have died upwards of Three Hundred Thousand Inhabitants through mere Want. During the last six Weeks we have lost in Cal- cutta and its Environs 7,6oo; and at the Cities of Patua and Mudabad it is supposed more than double that Number, although there are many public Charities open, and every Method that several Coffee Houses about the Royal Ex- change, to receive Five Guineas to pay One Hundred if the Spanish Ambassador does not leave this Court on or before the 25th of April. Very few chose to underwrite it. It is said that private Orders are given for eight Men of the Line to be stationed in the Downs immediately. Large Bets are depending, that Press War- rants will be issued before the Expiration of a Fortnight. Penny Loaf to weigh lb. 0 oz. 8 dr. 3 lb. 0 Oz. 10 dr. II Two- penny Loaf I 0 6 I 5 6 Six- penny Loaf 3 1 1 4 0 3 Twelve- penny Loaf 6 2 2 8 0 5 Eighteen- penny Loaf 9 3 3 12 0 8 The Halfpenny Bach Cake not to weigh less than 4 Ounces 1 Dram, the Penny ditto not less than 8 Ounces 3 Drams; and no other Sort of Bach Cakes to be made. A LETTER from the Committee of the Com- mon Council of London being sent to Mr. Al- derman Oliver, acquainting him, that it had been resolved to provide a Table for him, at the Expense of the City, during his Confine- ment in the Tower, the worthy Alderman re- turned the following Answer: GENTLEMEN, IBEG the Favour of you to return my Thanks to the Common Council of London, for this affectionate Proof of their Attention to the Situation of one of their Magistrates. Tho' the faithful Administration of Justice, according to my Oath, was the sole Motive of my Conduct, yet I cannot but confess that their Approbation makes my Duty more pleasing. The Satisfaction of their Concurrence is however the only Advan- tage I mean to receive from their Resolution: Many strong Reasons, both public and private, oblige me to decline the Table they have pro- vided for me, and I hope they will not be of- fended at my Refusal. I am happy, Gentlemen, to find that the Common Council agree with me in thinking that an Apology is due from the House of Commons, who have violated the Laws, and not from the Magistrate who has fulfilled them. This Country has been unhappy from the Moment that the present prevailing Counsels have influenced the Sovereign. The last ten Years have afforded to the Citizens of London in particular every Instance of Neglect, Unkindness, Insult, and Injury. Their Petitions have been rejected, flighted, ridiculed : Their Property un- justly conveyed to others: Their Charters vio- lated : Their Rights invaded : The Laws con- temned : Their Magistrates imprisoned. The Power that consumes us has the plainest and most odious Marks of Despotism,-- abject Abroad, and insolent at Home. Whether our Rights will in the End be peaceably re- established, or whether this Violence will be pursued, is more than I can certainly declare; but this I will venture to say for myself, they must either change the Laws or the Magistrate ; for my Adherence to my Duty shall be invariably the same, regardless of the Consequences. I am, Gentlemen, With the greatest Respect, Your most obedient and faithful humble Servant, Tower, March 19, 1771. RICHARD OLIVER you would not allow mention to be made of the traitorous Member, who declared, in the face of day, that he hoped to see his Majesty as absolute and despotic as the King of Prussia; and that he had bought of his constituents, and made of their instructions an use not fit to be named ! Had you been true representatives, you would have im- mediately dropped every other subject, and blushed to determine any national affair, till you had re- moved from among you such an accursed thing, such an abomination to all honour and honesty. But you love to protect such culprits, because of such is your kingdom composed. How then can you imagine that the people will tamely acquiesce in injuries received from men of your stamp ? How can you imagine, that Britons will endure an act of tyranny, as alarming as any practised by the despot of France ? Louis the well- beloved erases the acts of his parliaments; and our beloved House of Commons erases the legal proceedings of our courts of record. Why, the violence of Charles the First, when he entered this House in person, and seized the five Members, was not a matter of such pernicious example! You have struck at the very root of all law and justice, and endea- voured, at one blow, to annihilate all our liberties. The consequence is natural. After having as- sumed an arbitrary dominion over truth and jus- tice, you issue orders, warrants, and proclama- tions, against every opponent, and send prisoners to your Bastile all those who have the virtue and courage to defend the expiring freedom of their country. But it is in vain that you hope by fear and terror to extinguish every spark of the ancient fire of this isle. The more sacrifices, the more martyrs you make, the more numerous the sons of liberty will become. They will multiply like the Hydra's head, and hurl vengeance on your devoted heads. Let others act as they will, while I have a tongue or an arm they shall be free. And that I may not be a witness of this mon- strous proceeding, I will leave the House; nor do I doubt but every independent, every honest man, every friend to England, will follow me. The following is given as the Speech of Colonel ISAAC BARRE, when the Motion was made in the House of Commons for sending Mr. Alderman OLIVER to the Tower. Mr. SPEAKER, SINCE I had the honour, or rather dishonour, of sitting in this House, I have been witness to many strange, many shameful transactions; but, since I could call myself a Member of the British Senate, never were my ears shocked with such an abominable proposal, as that which now disgraces this Assembly. A representative of the first city in the empire, or perhaps in the world is to be treated as a state criminal, for support- ing the general rights of the nation, and the pe- culiar privileges of his fellow citizens. It has been proved to a demonstration, that your claim of privilege was meant as a bulwark against the encroachments of the Crown, and not as a check upon your constituents. It has been clearly shewn that you have acted contrary to Magna Charta and that the arraigned magistrates have adhered to the Law of the land. Nor is this all. — You have been convicted of invading the peculiar franchises of the City, and of trampling on nu- merous statutes made in its favour --- while the ob- jects of your impotent malice have only acted ac- cording to the dictates of conscience, and the religion of their Oath --- You will punish them, be- cause they would not for the purposes of your tyranny betray their trust, and be guilty of per- jury. What can be your intention in such an attack upon all honour and virtue ? Do you mean to bring all men to a level with yourselves, and to extirpate all honesty and independence ? per- haps you imagine that a vote will settle the whole controversy ? Alas! you are not aware that the manner in which your vote is procured, remains a secret to no man. Listen -— for, if you are not totally callous, if your consciences are not seared, I will speak daggers to your souls. Whence - did this motion take its rile ? Where was the scheme concerted ? Did it originate in this House ? Is it the legitimate offspring of this Assembly ? No; it is the abortion of five wretched Clerks, who, though a disgrace to this House, have the ma- nagement, I beg pardon, the mismanagement, of all national affairs. These pitiful drudges brought the Treasury into the scheme ; the Trea- sury influenced the junto of Carlton- House; Carl- ton - House set all the administration in motion; and the administration gave life and vigour to the machines that compose the majority. Thus are you played off, like puppets, for the entertain- ment of the magicians that act behind the curtain. Do you not blush at such infamy? Do not your cheeks burn with conscious shame at being mere walking plants, perfect oxen in a stall, fed by the hand of your master, and forced to draw in his yoke ? By Heaven, I had rather not be, than drag such a heavy, such a galling, such a detestable chain. There are indeed, those of whose com- mands I should be proud, because their service is perfect freedom. The instructions of your con- stituents you should be always ready to obey. But you have inverted the maxim of the gospel, and made the servant greater than his master. You, who are only deputies and factors, have usurped a power not only superior to that of your creators, but destructive of the very rights in which they exist as freemen. In the gulf of your privileges you have followed up the birthright of the peo- ple ; who are ultimately paramount to all the three branches of the legislature. Had you been as te- nacious of your duty as your interest, you would have first provided for the safety of the people's rights, and then entered into the discussion of your own privileges. It is the privilege of the people to be tried by the law of the land, and to see the course of justice free and uninterrupted. Both you have flagrantly violated, and opened a door for anarchy and confusion. But where is the won- der that you act in this arbitrary manner, when The following Letter was sent to the Printer of an Evening Paper on Thursday last. SIR, IAm no way surprised, though I am greatly afflicted, at the Events to which I have this Day been a Witness. I have seen a Multitude, certainly not less than fourscore Thousand, ex- erting themselves, in the most extraordinary Man- ner, in heaping Insults, and Outrages of all Sorts, upon the King's Person, and even loading him with Execrations.— This is very melancholy, Sir, but the Cause of it is worse. The King, with as many Virtues as ever adorned a private Person, is unfortunately beset with Men, who care as little for his real Honour and Interest, as they do for that of the Nation. By their Advice he shuts his Ears to the Complaints of his Peo- ple, and suffers them to push him on to such violent Measures, as must end in Destruction. To- day, indeed, he heard the Voice of the Peo- ple pretty distinctly, and, if one may judge by his Royal Countenance, the Crown of England would be dearly purchased at the Price of such Agonies of Grief and Shame, as he must have experienced this Morning. — The Resentment of the Populace would probably not have been car- ried so far as it was, but for the indecent and most shocking Behaviour of Mr. C. Fox, who is supposed to have great Influence with his Majesty, and already assumes the Stile and Port of Minister. This Youth, for above Half an Hour, was lean- ing out of a Coffee- house Window in Palace- yard, shaking his Fist at the People, and pro- voking them by all the reproachful Words, and menacing Gestures, that he could invent. Geo Selwyn stood behind, encouraging him, and clapping him on the Back, as if he was a dirty Russian going to fight in the Streets. They often pointed at the Horse Guards, and it was evident they meant to urge the People to some Violence, upon which they might call in the Soldiery to butcher their Fellow Subjects. These are our Senators;— these are the Men whom our gracious K— supports, and for whose Sake he exposes his Person to something much more serious than Scorn and Contempt. I am truly sorry to see him so shamefully ill advised. A. B. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, At the Angel Inn, in Bewdley, on Saturday the 20th Day of April Ins. between the Hours of Three and Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Terms and Conditions of Sale as shall be then produced, TWO Messuages or Tenements, situate at the Upper End of Load- Street, in Bewdley aforesaid, with the Yard, Gardens, and Ground thereto belonging, and other Ap- purtenances and Conveniences held with the said Dwelling Houses ; all which Premisses are commodiously situated for Trade, and are in ex- ceeding good Repair, and now in the several Tenures or Occupations of Mrs. Deborah Crump, Milliner, at the yearly Rent of 11l. of Mr. James Kettelby, Butcher, at the yearly Rent of 4l. 1os. and of Mr. Joseph Radnall, at the yearly Rent of 1os. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Joseph Cottercll, in Wribbenhall; or of Mr. Roberts, in Bewdley. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Monday the 22d Day of April, between the Hours of Three and Five, at the House of David Lips- combe, known by the Sign of the Red Lion, in Clifton upon Team, in the County of Worcester, ac- cording to Conditions then to be produced, unless sold in the mean Time by private Contract, of which timely Notice will be given, ALL that Copyhold Messuage or Tenement, now divided into two Dwel- lings, with a Barn, a Mill- House, Cyder- Mill, and about four Acres of Land planted with the choicest Sort of Fruit Trees, now in their Prime; situate, lying, and being, at Lower Tedney, in the Parish of Whitbourne, and County of Here- ford, and late in Possession of Edward Colley, deceased. Wm. Wood, Shoemaker, at Whitbourn, will shew the Premisses; and Particulars may be had by applying to Mr. John Broome, at Stanford. This Day is Published, The Sixteenth Edition, adorned with thirty- two Copper- plates, representing the most remarkable Incidents in the English History, together with the Heads of all the KINGS and QUEENS; Price 4s. with Cuts, and 3s. without. ANew HISTORY of ENGLAND, By QUESTION and ANSWER. Extracted from the most celebrated English His- torians, particularly M. Rapin de Thoyras. Giving an accurate Account of the Monarchy, the State, Government, and Geography of Great Britain and Ireland; the Wars and Revolutions that have happened in these Kingdoms ; the Con- quests and Governments of the Romans, Saxons, Danes, and Normans, in England; and a parti- cular History of each King, from the first Esta- blishment of that Kingdom to the End of the late King's Reign. A chronological Table is pre- fixed to each King's Reign, shewing the Popes, Emperors of the East and West, Kings of France, & c. then reigning. An Account is also given of the most eminent Men who flourished in each Reign ; by what Means the Kingdom of Ireland came to be dependent on the Crown of England ; what Wars have happened in Ireland and Scot- land. This Book deserves a Place in the best Study, and yet is so easy and intelligible, that it will de- light and improve the meanest Understanding, to so great a Degree, that even Children may become excellent Historians, and give a good Account of these Kingdoms, and the Government of them. London, printed for J. Rivington, Hawes, Clark and Collins, W. Johnston, R. Horsefield, T. Caslon, B. Law, G. Kearsley, Carnan and Co. Robinson and Roberts, S. Bladon, F. New- bery, W. Woodfall, and R. Baldwin. Sold by H. Berrow, in Worcester. Of whom may be had, A New ROMAN HISTORY, by Question and Answer ; in a Method more comprehensive than any Thing of the Kind extant. Price 3s. 6d. with Cuts, and 3s. without. The HISTORY of GREECE, by Question and Answer. Twelves, Price 2s. 6d. bound. A short Way to know the WORLD, or a Com pendium of modern GEOGRAPHY, by Question and Answer. Price 3s. All designed for the Use of SCHOOLS. Next Wednesday will be published, neatly print in 3 Pocket Vols. on a fine Writing Paper, Print nine Shillings sewed, or Half a Guinea bound SERMONS to YOUNG MEn By the Rev. WILLIAM DODD, LL. D. Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majesty. On the following important Subjects: 1. The Advantages of early Piety. 2. The fatal Conse- quences of youthful Deviations and Excess. 3. Love. 4. On fraternal Love. 5. Early Ap- plication to Wisdom and Learning. 6. Advise to Apprentices. 7. On bad Company, 8. bad Books. 9. On Ridicule. 10. On Pleasure. 11. On Impurity. 12. On Intemperance. 13. Gaming. 14. On Duelling. 15. On Conversa- tion. 16. On Friendship. 17. On the right an industrious Employment of Time. 18. On Re- ligion, & c. To each SERMON are subjoined ANECDOTe tending to enforce and illustrate the Subject. London, printed for J. Knox, at No. 148, next Somerset House; T. Cadell, facing Catherine Street, in the Strand; and may be had of the Printer of this Paper. This Day was Published, Price 6d. ( To be continued Monthly) Enriched with eight new and elegant PATTERNS in NEEDLE - WORK, of Sprigs for Aprons, Handkerchiefs, & c. and a beautiful Scene in DOMESTIC LIFE, with a NEW SONG set to Music by Mr. Hudson. NUMBER VIII. for March, 1771, of THE LADY'S MAGAZINE; Or, ENTERTAINING COMPANION for the FAIR- SEX. Appropriated solely for their USE and AMUSEMENT. London, printed for Robinson and Roberts, No. 25, in Pater- noster- Row; of whom may be had any of the former Numbers, and by whom future Favours from Correspondents will be received. -— Sold by Mr. Andrews, in Worcester and may be had of the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. In the eight Numbers already published have been given a great Variety of elegant Patterns in Needle- work, nine beautiful Copper- plates, and eight new Songs, set to Music by Mr. Hudson, on Purpose for this Work. The PROPRIETORS of the LADY's MAGAZINE to the FAIR- SEX. The very extraordinary Success this Work has obtained from the Public in general, and the Ladies in particular, throughout the British Do- minions, has induced us not only to enlarge our Plan, but to engage several Writers of the first Eminence to give their Assistance in bringing this Performance to a still higher Degree of Perfection. It is with Pleasure we find the English La- dies every Day improving in their intellectual Endowments. They have been long celebrated for their personal Charms ; they have long been the most beautiful, and are now become the most sensible Women in the Universe: Wherefore it shall be our Employment to promote, upon every- Occasion, that Emulation for polite Learning which now so eminently distinguishes their fair Country- women; but the Authors do not confine their Miscellany to the dry Pursuits of Literature alone. Every Female Avocation is attended to, and NEEDLE- WORK, in all its Branches, must be considered as a Subject of great Utility in this Performance: The most approved PATTERNS will, therefore, continue to be presented to the Reader, without any additional Expense. In this we con- sult not only the Embellishment, but also the Profit of our fair Patronesses. They will here find, for Six- pence, among a Variety of Entertainment and numerous Copper- plates, a Pattern, which alone at the Shops would, in most Instances, cost four Times the Price of the Magazine. Several Ladies of Taste and Learning have en- gaged to superintend that Part of the Work which immediately regards the Vocations and Avocations of their own Sex, they flatter themselves they will obtain not only the Approbation, but the Acknow- ledgments of their Fair Country- women, by en- deavouring to form the most desirable of all Cha- racters, an ACCOMPLISHED WOMAN. To effect this Intention, Histories will be given of virtuous and vicious Women, properly contrasted, in order to point out to the unexperienced Reader the Snares that are constantly spread for Innocence and Beauty. This Article, in particular, demands the Attention of Teachers and Governesses, who are charged with the Education of young Ladies, and is recommended, with Confidence, to Parents of all Con- ditions, who are animated with a proper Regard for the Welfare of their Daughters. The Proprietors cannot conclude their Address, without repeatedly requesting the Correspondence of the Ingenious of both Sexes, but particularly the Ladies, upon any Topic included in their ex- tensive Plan; and every Hint that may tend to enhance the Value of this Work will be kindly received, and duly attended to. Printing for the Author, by N. Nickson in Y0rk ANew SYSTEM of HUSBANDRY In Three Volumes, Octavo. To Subscribers Twelve Shillings and Six- pence to Non- subscribers Fifteen Shillings the in Boards. By C. VARLEY, Esq. This Work is wrote from Experience, and treat of the following Particulars, viz. On Wheat, Barley, the six- rowed Barley; Rye, Beans, Pease, Oats; on the naked Oat; Buck- wheat, Rape- seed, Cole- seed, Cabbage, Tu- rnip- cabbage, and Turnips; on Madder, Pickle for Wheat. How to prevent Worms from destroying green Corn, Vermin from destroying the Seed, who sown, and the Fly from destroying young Tu- rnips ; also how to preserve Turnips good for Spring- feeding; how to prevent smutty Wheal and it black, how to clean it without washing. On Hemp, Flax, Vetches, Tares, Lentiles; all Sorts of Grass- feeds, viz. Clover, Lucern Saintsoin, Rye- grass, and Burnet; on all Sort of Manures, Maris, Clays, Sands, & c. how destroy Whins, and to improve barren Land all Sorts. A sure Method to prevent the Rot in Sheep besides many other proved Receipts for the Cure of all Sorts of Cattle. On rearing, breeding, and feeding Cattle, ex- plaining each Sort of Food which lays on and Lean ; on a new discovered cheap Feel which upon first Trial produced twenty Stone and five Pounds of Tallow in a small Beast. How to make Fences, plant Quicks, and wet Lands, upon a better and much cheaper Plan than at present is practised in this Kingdom. Also a new and most valuable Method to rais good and clean Crops of Corn on the same Ground every Year ( after the first) for every without either Fallow or other Manure than what itself produces. A Description of a most valuable new- invented moving Sheep- house, Cow- house, and Stable which will be of great Utility to those who keep any Sort of Cattle, particularly for eating Turnips or Cabbages on the Ground with Sheep Oxen, by which Means there is not the least Waste; and though the Land be wet and clayed the Cattle are kept clean, warm, and dry all Win- ter. The Land receives the Benefit of the Urine as well as Dung, and all this with much less Trouble and Expense than with common Sheep Pens. Each House measures the Ground as goes, and also gives the Weight of Turnips each Acre produces, and what Weight the Cattle within each House eats from one Day to a Year A strong Boy may move them to any Part of Field, and can take Care of five or six hundred Sheep, without any other Assistance. A Waggo may carry five or six at a Load, if wanted to carried from Field to Field, & c. Two Men may take a House into eight Parts in fifteen Minutes and let it up again in the same Time: But what adds to their Value, is, being of a simple Con- struction, and within the Purchase of every Far- mer. A House for twenty Sheep ( and that may last twenty or thirty Years) will only cost two Guineas and an Half, and for three Horses, four Oxen, five Guineas. The universal Applause that this Work has with, flatters the Author that these new Disco- veries will shew themselves Proof against even Obstacle that can be started by the most bigotted old- fashioned Farmer, though indeed Strength of Argument, or even ocular Demonstration will be laughed at by some of them : But happen it is, that the Field of Improvement is large, and open to everyone to try their Talents in, thought only expected to flourish under the Patronage Men of real Sense or enlarged faculties; it them which must fosture every new Scheme, and bring it to Maturity; and it is only such that the Author desires to peruse his Work, as the Simple Illiterate are ever ready to laugh at what ap- pears wonderful, or out of the common Road but Men of enlarged and refined Ideas will; Ingenuity in every new Enterprise that appears for the Public Good. The Author returns his sincere Thanks to the great many respectable, worthy, spirited Gen- tlemen who have already subscribed to the Work, which shews their laudable Intention encourage useful Knowledge in that valuable Science of Agriculture. This Work also contains two or three Chap- ters which are humbly offered for the Perusal of the Legislature, in regard to two or three Act of Parliament which might be passed for the Good of the Public. The Work is put to Press, and in great For wardness. N. B. Such as please to become Subscriber are desired to give their Orders to a Rider that will attend on them with the Subscription Book but no Money will be taken till the Books are delivered. A List of the Subscribers will printed in the Work. Subscribers Names art taken in by the Printer of this Journal. WORCESTER: Printed by H. BERROW, near the Cross ; Who sells all Kinds of Blank Warrants, Land Tax Receipts. Parish Certificates, Summonses, Orders of Removal, and every Form used by Justices at Peace Parish Officers, & c. and by whom the PRINTING Business is excused in a neat and expeditious Manner on very reasonable Terms.
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