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Berrow's Worcester Journal


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Berrow's Worcester Journal

Date of Article: 21/03/1771
Printer / Publisher: H. Berrow 
Address: Near the Cross, Worcester
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 4016
No Pages: 4
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No. 4016. This JOURNAL, though published on Thursday Morning, will ( by Means of an Express) always contain many interesting Articles of Intelligence inserted in the London Papers brought by FRIDAY'S Mail. SATURDAY'S POST. COUNTRY NEWS. Extract of a Litter from Oxford, March 15. AT our Assizes last Week, the only Trial of any Moment, was for the horrid Crimes of wilful Murder, and forcible brutal Ravishment, committed by John Grove, a young Farmer, of Marston, near this City, on the Body of Elizabeth Cummins, a poor decripid Woman, upwards of sixty Years of Age, of the same Place. " The Trial began about Half an Hour after Six o'Clock on Friday Morning ; a vast Number of Witnesses were examined, and the Whole was conducted with that Solemnity, De- liberation, and good Order, which Crimes of such an atrocious Tendency naturally require in a Court of Justice and Equity. It may not be superfluous briefly to recapitulate the Heads of the most material Part of the Evidence, in order to give the Reader a more clear and decisive Information of this barbarous and brutal Trans- action. After the Court had gone through the Examination of several Witnesses, whose De- positions were of little Weight, a Man and his Wife were sworn, at whose House Grove was the Evening preceding the Murder very late, and much intoxicated with Liquor. They both swore positively to the Cloths which were pro- duced in Court, and which they jointly deposed, were what Grove had on when he left their House. Another Evidence, who had sold the Prisoner a new Razor but a few Days before the Murder was perpetrated, also swore that the Razor produced in Court, and with which it was supposed the barbarous Assassin accom- plished his inhuman Design, was the self same Razor that Grove, the Prisoner, had bought of him, having had his Name marked on it at the Time he purchased it. The Coroner was like- wise examined, who deposed, that when he took the Inquest, he enquired of the Prisoner how his Cloths became bloody? whose Answer was, that he had scratched his Finger. Being further asked, why he concealed his Cloths, what caused his Razor to be smeared with Blood, and why he went away from Marston on the very Day that the Murder was committed? he could not utter a single Word, either as a Rea- son for his Departure, or accounting for the bloody Condition and Concealment of his Cloths. Notwithstanding these positive, self- evident Proofs of Guilt, and the clear, cor- roborating, and convincing Manner, with which they were delivered, yet, O horrendum dictu ! in the open Face of Day, and before a very crowded Court, the Person was, after a Trial of no less than eight Hours, acquitted, to the inexpressible Astonishment, and inconceivable Horror and Detestation of every Person pre- sent. — Let the Cause be what it will, it ought, if there is the least Spark of Virtue, Humanity, or Christian Feeling in this Land, be traced to its Origin." LONDON, Thursday, March 14. By an Express arrived on Tuesday Night from Ireland, we learn, that the Right Hon. the Speaker of the House of Commons, ha- ving formally refused to go up with the Ad- dress, resigned his Office. The following is an exact Copy of the Letter sent by the Speaker of the House of Commons of Ireland to the Members of that House, when he resigned the Chair. " Dublin, March 4. " Gentlemen of the House of Commons, " WHEN I had the Honour of being una- nimously elected to the Chair of this House, I entered on that high Office with the warmest Sentiments of Loyalty to his Majesty, and the firmest Determination to dedicate all my En- deavours to transmit to my Successor the Rights and Privileges of the Commons of Ireland, at inviolate as I received them. " But, at the Close of the last Session of Parliament, his Excellency the Lord Lieute- nant was pleased to accuse the Commons of a Crime ( which, I am confident, was as far from their Intentions, as it ever was, and ever shall be, from mine) that of intrenching upon his Majesty's Royal Prerogative, and the just and undoubted Rights of the Crown of Great Bri- tain ; and as it has pleased the House of Com- mons to take the first Opportunity, after this Transaction, of testifying their Approbation of the Conduct of the Lord Lieutenant, by voting him an Address of Thanks this Session, I must, as in my humble Opinion that Address con- veys a tacit Censure of the Proceedings, and a Relinquishment of the Privileges of the Com- mons, beg Leave to resign an Office I can no longer execute with Honour. Your Choice may fall upon some Gentleman, whose Senti- ments, upon this Occasion, may differ from mine, and who may not think an Address of this Nature so derogatory to the Dignity of the House. Signed, JOHN PONSONBY." It is generally believed, that the P— t will have Business of a very critical Nature to discuss, relative to a Sister Kingdom, which will render their Prorogation this Spring much later than usual. The S ls, it is said, are already found to be a weighty Concern by their present Oc- cupier, insomuch that many People begin to cast about for anew C l— r, though all unable to fix on one where the Union of Abi- lities and Inclination may at last, promise some Degree of Permanence, as well as Dispatch, in Business. A celebrated Lawyer is now mentioned as a proper Person for visiting our East India Settle- ments for the Purpose of ascertaining their Rights, Privileges, and Emoluments; and it is further said, that he will embark by the first Opportunity with ample Powers to regulate the Business of those Colonies. Is it not very extraordinary, says a Correspon- dent, that at a Period when we ourselves find the greatest Difficulty in manning our Ships, we should allow the Court of Denmark to de- prive us of 3000 of our best English Sailors ? We hear that a Treaty is now negotiating be- tween the Danish and Sardinian Courts; in Consequence of which the latter are to furnish the Dines with a stipulated Number of Galleys against the Tunisians and Algerian's. A Gentleman observed the other Day, that in the front Page of one of our Morning Papers, notwithstanding the deplorable State of Trade and Finances, there were no less than eighteen Advertisements for public Amusements, all which, he added, could not fail to give Fo- reigners a despicable Idea of our Insensibility. A private Letter from Dublin mentions, that small Parties of Horse patrole the Streets from Sunset, with Orders to disperse any three People conversing together. The Chief Justice of the King's Bench has wrote to the Students of the College, which has been read to them by the Provost; in short, that every Precaution is taken to prevent any future Riot, though it is much to be feared. A large Guard mounts at Newgate, which is now full of Rioters. Yesterday, at Twelve o'Clock, the Man that kept a private Madhouse, and was found guilty at the last Southwark Session of an Assault on a married Woman confined there, stood on the Pillory at St. Margaret's Hill, where, contrary to the Opinion of most People ; he stood re- markably quiet. There was as great a Con- course of People at ever was seen on such an Occasion. To the Right Hon. Sir FLETCHER NORTON, Knt. Speaker of the House of Commons. SIR, ON my Return last Monday Night from the Country, whither my Business had carried me, I was much astonished at being informed that some Persons, pretending to be the Deputy Ser- jeant and Messengers of the House of Commons, had called several Times at my House in my Ab- sence, declaring their Intention to take me into Custody by Virtue of a pretended Warrant from you; and that a Writing had appealed in the Ga- zette; under the Form of a pretended Proclama- tion by his Majesty's Authority, to order all his Majesty's loving Subjects to apprehend John Wheble ; and to forbid all Persons to conceal him at their Peril. In Consequence of this Informa- tion, being better versed in Printing than in Law, I thought it proper to take the Advice of Counsel learned in the Law upon my Case; being desirous to yield an entire Submission to the Laws of my Country, and knowing no Reason why I should conceal myself, or why I should be apprehended, having never been guilty of any Breach of those Laws. Inclosed I have sent you a Copy of my Counsel's Opinion, which I humbly desire you to lay before the House, and to inform the Honour- able House, that I am determined to yield no Obe- dience but to the Laws of the Land, and shall therefore abide by my learned Counsel's Opinion. I am, in all lawful Commands, Your Honour's humble Servant, Pater- noster- Roav, March 14. J. WHEBLE. CASE for Mr. MORRIS'S OPINION. Jovis 21 Die February, 1771. Ordered, That J. Wheble do attend this House upon Tuesday Morning next. Ordered, That the Service of the said Order, by leaving a Copy of the same at the usual Place of Abode of the said J. Wheble, be deemed equal to personal Service, and be good Service. ( Copy.) J. HATSELL., Cl. Dom. Com. THE above Writing, which is by some sup- posed to be a Copy of an Order, or pretended Order, of the House of Commons, was lest, upon Friday, February 22, 1771, at the House of Mr. John Wheble, within the City of London, being put into the Hands of one of his Servants by a Person who stilled himself Messenger to the House of Commons. Upon Thursday, February 28, a Person called at Mr. Wheble's House, and shewed a Paper- writing, which he pretended to be some Warrant or Authority from the Speaker of the House of Commons, directing him to take John Wheble into Custody, for his Contempt in not obeying the Orders of the House for his Attendance on that House. Upon Saturday, March 9, a Paper, in the Form of a Royal Proclamation, appeared in the Gazette, intituled, By the King, a Proclamation for appre- hending John Wheble and R. Thompson. Mr. Wheble did not appear to the above Sum- mons, neither has he been apprehended upon the pretended Warrant of the Speaker, or the pre- tended Proclamation. QUESTIONS. Qu. I. Suppose the Paper- writing first above- mentioned to be a Copy of a genuine Order of the Housé of Commons, is John Wheble, at whole House the same was left, by Law requireable to attend agreeable to the Tenor thereof. Qu. II. If John Wheble is so requireable to attend by Law, He having neglected so to do, what Penalties is he liable to, and by what Means would it have been legal to proceed against him ? Qu. III. If the pretended Warrant of the Speaker is authentic, was John Wheble obliged to pay Obedience thereto, by surrendering himself a Prisoner to a Person who carried with him the same, and called himself a Messenger of the House ? Qu. IV. Taking the Paper which appeared in the Gazette really to be the King's Proclamation, is the same a legal Process, and a sufficient Warrant to such as may venture to act under it ? Upon the Whole, Mr. Morris is desired to give his Opinion on the above stated Case to Mr. Whe- ble, and as Counsel to advise what Conduct he ought by Law to observe upon this Occasion. IHave attentively perused the above - written Case, and though from the bad Designs which appear to be formed against the Liberties of the People, there may be Danger in giving Opinion, which some of my Profession would chuse to avoid, I shall, as it becomes an honest and firm Man, pro- ceed to give Mr. Wheble my Counsel, without Attention to any other Object than the Laws and Constitution of this free Country. ANSWERS. To the first Question, I am most clearly and de- cisively of Opinion, that Mr. Wheble is not com- pellable by Law to attend the House of Commons, in Pursuance of the written Order above stated. If the Grounds upon which the Order of Atten- dance was issued by the House of Commons had been made Part of the present Case, I would then give my Opinion, whether that Assembly had any Authority at all, or in what Cases to compel an Attendance upon them; but as they are not, I must take up the Matter upon the Summons alone. It is now therefore of no Consequence what was the Cause that required Attendance; because I as Counsel can take as little Notice of it Upon the Case before me, as Mr. Wheble could upon a Sight of the Summons, beyond which he had no need to look. The Order itself is worded in so injudicial and unclerk- like a Manner, that it is covered with Objections almost from the first Letter to the last. ( I.) I know not that an English- man is required to understand Latin, especially since the Act of Parliament, that all Process of the Law shall be in English, and in no other Language whatsoever, amongst other Process Orders: Be- ing particularly enumerated, if this Order be not a Process of Law, it can have no Effect ; and if it is, it ought to be in English ; whereas the Order in Question contains Words in a strange Language, without having the Exemption of being technical Latin Words. ( 2.) J. Wheble, is a Description of Nobody, it might as well have been written Eye Wheble, or Nose Wheble; either of them would have been as much the Name of John Wheble as the former. Besides, a Person is not legally named without a proper Addition of Quality and Abode, which is not so much as attempted at in this pre- tended Order. ( 3.) The Place of Attendance is not sufficiently expressed; this House is more pro- perly the House of John Wheble where the Order was left, than any other House ; for there is no Date of Place to the Order: Mr. Wheble there- fore best attended this Order by staying at home. ( 4..) The Date of Time being expressed in a fo- reign Tongue, which an Englishman need not understand or attend to, the Day of Attendance became consequently uncertain; Tuesday Morning next having no Day which it is next to follow, ( 5.) Another Objection lies to this Part of the Order, that the Morning of a Day is too indefi- nite to fix an Attendance; the Law requiring that an Hour as well as a Day should be specified in every Order of Attendance. ( 6.) If the House of Commons had Power to issue this Summons, it ought to be signed by the Speaker, and not by a Person using certain cabalistical Expressions, which may possibly be construed to mean Clerk of the House of Commons. The Speaker ought also to recite that he had an express Authority given him by the House before he presumes to issue any Summons or Warrant whatsoever. It is the Of- fice of the Speaker, and not of the Clerk, to au- thenticate the Acts of the House. ( 7.) But the greatest of Objections to the Order lies in the Want of expressing the Cause upon which the At tendance is required. It cannot be pretended, by any Person, that the House of Commons have an arbitrary Right to require the Attendance of Man, Woman, or Child, at their Pleasure, without having any parliamentary Cause whatsoever for such an Attendance. There may be such a Thing as a Summons ( issued by the Commons) illegal, for Want of Jurisdiction; therefore the Cause of Attendance should be expressed; that the Party upon whom it was served, or others, where it con- cerned them, might judge whether the Cause of Attendance was legal and sufficient for the Sum- mons. That Cause not being expressed, it must be taken to be illegal and insufficient; from the Maxim of the Law, " that the same Rule holds " with Respect to those Matters which do not ap- " pear, as to those which do not exist ; " in fact upon the Face of the Order it appears to be ille- gal, and that Mr. Wheble neither needed or ought to have obeyed. 2d Qu. The first Question being answered in the Negative, the second requires no Considera- tion ; but if the Attendance was legally require- able, pursuant to the above Order, it would not be difficult to shew what Penalties the refusing Party would be liable to upon Resort to the legal Courts of Justice, which have Cognizance of such Offences. 3d Qu. If the Summons be invalid, the subse quent Warrant by the Speaker must necessarily be invalid also; for the Defects of the Summons were not cured by any Appearance of Mr. Whe- ble. A Form of a Warrant no more makes a legal Authority ( for so much the Word imports) than a Constable's Staff makes a Peace Officer. If the Warrant was legal, a Messenger of the House is not a proper Person for executing it; but only the Serjeant at Arms and the Deputy Serjeant. But these are Trifles with Respect to the Question; for the Answer is most plain and positive, that the Speaker of the House of Com- mons is no more a Magistrate appointed to issue Warrants of Apprehension than the House itself is a Court of Justice appointed to punish. Neither one nor the other have those Powers; and when they usurp them, the People have a Right to treat them as Invaders of their Liberties; particu- larly the immediate Object of the Tyranny has Authority, by the Law of this Country, and by the Law of God, to defend his Liberty and Per- son by Force and Arms against such illegal At- tempts, though he should be obliged to sacrifice, in the Protection of himself from the Violence, all the Serjeants, all the Messengers, and even the Speaker himself of the House of Commons. I must add, that a Warrant of Apprehension, grounded upon a supposed Contempt, always carries with it an Argument against its own Legality. No Con- tempts of the House of Commons are punishable by themselves; they can only refrain instant and open Contempts committed by the Party in the Face of the House. A Warrant to apprehend shows that the Party does not, in the Presence of the House, disturb its Debates, or obstruct its Authority; such being the only legal Idea of a CONTEMPT. 4th Qu. This Question admits of no Hesitation or Dispute. The pretended Proclamation of the King is clearly illegal. Proclamations have no intrinsic Force in this Country; nor have they any at all but by Special Act of Parliament. They may serve at other Times to intimate to the People the Necessity and Inclination of the Prince to put particular Laws in Execution. If they introduce a new Law, they are truly inefficacious. The Con- stitution of this Country has not trusted to the King, with whom so much Power is placed, the Authority, of apprehending or committing any Subjects of the Realm. That Authority is left alone to the Magistrates, and to the Courts of Justice. But had the Proclamation in other Re- spects been a legal Warrant for apprehending John Wheble, many Objections would still lie to the Form and Contents of it, If any Person appre- hends Mr. Wheble, in Pursuance of this Procla- mation, he ought to be prosecuted by Action or Indictment; and any Magistrate before whom Mr. Wheble is brought, ought, if he does his Duty, to let him at large, and commit the Assailant upon his Person ( whether he be a King's Herald or a Speaker's Messenger) unless he can give good Bail for his Appearance. Persons are liable to no Pe- nalty for concealing or not discovering Mr. Wheble, as is safely insinuated in the Proclamation. Nei- ther the Officers of the Customs or others have a Right to examine Persons passing beyond the Seas. This Proclamation has not the Force of a Ne exeat Regno. All the loving Subjects of his Majesty, as they tender the Safety of the King's Person, and his Right to the Crown, both which are secured by the Laws, ought, instead of obeying this Pro- clamation, to be assistant in opposing its Execution. As Individuals have a Right to protect their own Liberty, so have others a Right to interpose in their Behalf. Upon the Whole, I do advise Mr. Wheble to pay no Attention or Obedience either to the above- mentioned Summons, Warrant of Apprehension, or Proclamation. All are equally unjust and illegal. Mr. Wheble will be protected in his Re- sistance by Magna Charta and by numerous Statutes which confirm our invaluable Code of Liberties. The Proclamation moreover seems to me to levy a cruel War upon two Individuals without Colour of Law ; and I do give it as my Opinion, that Mr. Wheble may well institute a Action upon the Case, against the Counsellors, Promoters, Aiders, Abet- tors and Publishers thereof. R. MORRIS. Lincoln's Inn, March 14., 1771. Worcester, March 7, 1771. WANTED, as an Apprentice to a Glover in this City, a sober YOUTH, of reputable Parents; with whom a Premium will be expected. - Enquire of the Printer of this Paper. March 6, 1771. Notice is hereby given, THAT a Meeting of the Trustees of the WORCESTER TURNPIKES, will be held at Hooper's Coffee House, in High- Street, on Wednesday the 3rd Day of April next, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, for borrowing One Hun- dred Pounds on the Credit of Lowesmore Gate. By Order of the TRUSTEES, W. GILES, Clerk. AFARM, Tythe- free, to be lett, in the Manor of Hinton on the Green, in the County of Gloucester, called Downrip Farm ; consisting of about 146 Acres of Arable Land, and 45 Acres of Meadow and Pasture, well watered, with all convenient Buildings upon the said Farm. Enquire of John Weston, at the Manor House of Hinton aforesaid, who will shew the Premisses, and give Directions where further Particulars may be had. Berrow's Worcester Journal. THURSDAY, March 21, 1771. MONDAY'S POST. LONDON, Saturday, March 16. The following is an authentic and circumstantial Account of the Affair respecting the Printers. On Thursday Mr. Woodfall, the would most certainly submit; but he begged they would take into Consideration, that if others were allowed to give them with Impu- nity, his Paper would suffer whilst ailing in Obedience to the Order of the House. He was again directed to withdraw. In the mean Time fresh Debates arose, which lasted Printer of a Daily Paper, was called to the Bar of the House of Lords, for the Insertion of a Para- graph reflecting on the Honour and Dignity of that House. He alleged in his Defence, that the Paragraph was sent to him with several others, at an Hour in which he was most hurried in Business, and that it was inserted by mere Accident, and not with an Intention to reflect on that Right Honourable House. Upon this he was ordered to with- draw, and the House seemed inclined to lenient Measures, when Lord G. got up, and observed, that he lamented the Situation of the unfortu- nate young Man, but at the same Time he thought he should be hung out, in Terrorem, as an Example to deter others from the like Of- fence for the future. Soon after this the Printer was acquainted with the Determination of the House as follows: To be fined 1ool. and to be imprisoned one Month in Newgate ; accord- ingly he was conveyed to that Prison about Eight o'Clock in the Evening. The same Day three of the six Printers who were ordered to appear on that Day before the House of Commons, attended in Consequence of the Summons. Mr. W. Woodfall, who stood first on the List, could not attend, having been previously ordered into Custody by the Lords. Mr. H. Baldwin attended, and being ordered to the Bar, was told by the Speaker, that he was accused of printing the St. James's Chronicle of Saturday last, misrepresenting the Speeches of the Members of that House, under the Head of " Debates of the Representatives of the People of Utopia ;" that if he could deny the Publication, or had any Thing to offer in Excuse or Mitigation of the Offence, the House was ready to hear him. The Printer thereupon begged to know if he was to con- sider himself as before a Court of Judicature, where no Man was obliged to accuse himself. Yes, answered the Speaker, before the highest Court of Judicature. In consequence of this Information, the Printer replied, he thought the Charge should be proved against him before he said any Thing on the Subject, and there- fore pleaded not guilty. Accordingly Evi- dence was called to prove the buying of the Paper at his House, and the Register of News- Papers from the Stamp Office was ordered to attend, to prove that the Printer used to pay the Duty for Advertisements, and then they were ordered to withdraw. The Debates on what had passed lasted some Time, when the Printer was called in again, and asked by the Speaker, if he had then any Thing to offer in his Defence, either to disprove the Act of Pub- lication, or in Mitigation of the Offence. This Question embarrassed the Printer much, and he told the House, that till he knew whe- ther they had voted him guilty of the Publica- tion, he was at a Loss how to answer; for if he was not guilty of the Publication, no De- fence could be necessary ; and a Justification, or Excuse, might contain an Acknowledgement of the Publication ; that he looked upon them as two distinct Points, and, if blended toge- ther, might tend to convict himself. Though the Justice of the Remark seemed to be admit- ted, yet the Speaker again put the Question Would the Printer offer any Thing for himself, or for the Paper ? He then spoke in the third Person ; that he understood the Printer of the St. James's Chronicle had not inserted the " Debates of the Representatives of Utopia" till after all the other News- Papers had given Debates of the House of Commons, and that the Paper of Saturday last ( the one before them) was the first that had contained such De- bates ; that it was then done in such a Manner as he supposed could not give Offence to that Honourable House; that such Debates had been given under different Heads in the Maga- zines, and other periodical Publications, for many Years back, without any Notice being taken of them by that House; and that there- fore the same Method had been adopted, as the least likely to give Offence ; that an honour- able Member of that House had assured him, several of the Member's Friends had discon- tinued the Paper because it had not the De- bates ( the Member stood forth to the Truth of this Assertion, having before declared the same in his Speech to the House); and that many other Instances of a like Kind might be pro- duced, to prove the Necessity the Printer was under to give the Debates, or materially in- jure the Paper. — The Printer was now again ordered to withdraw. A long Debate ensued upon what had passed; after which he was again called in, when addressing himself to the Speaker, he declared he would by no Means have given the House such unnecessary Trou- ble, if he had not ( which he now feared was the Case) misunderstood the Speaker upon first being brought to the Bar ; that in all criminal Prosecutions he knew it was common for the Judge to recommend to the Prisoner to put himself upon his Trial, rather than plead guilty, and he thought the Speaker's Words seemed to convey to him that Advice ; that he therefore now stood before them the avowed Printer of the St. James's Chronicle in Ques- tion, and was extremely sorry for the Offence he had given the House by that Publication ; that if they thought proper to enjoin him to discontinue such Debates for the future, he till about Two o'Clock in the Morning, when he was ordered in, for the last Time, to receive the mildest Punishment that House ever inflicts, which was a Reprimand on his Knees for about twenty Minutes, and then discharged, paying bis Fees. He was ordered in and out at least twenty Times. The next Printer who was ordered in gave much the same Reasons for his Conduct, and received the same Punishment; but the third, because he was only the Publisher, was discharged. Yesterday at Twelve o'Clock, John Wheble, Printer of the Middlesex Journal, was taken into Custody by Edward Twine Carpenter, as he was going out of his Shop, and forcibly car- ried before the Sitting Alderman at Guildhall, who, fortunately for the Liberties of this Coun- try, happened to be John Wilkes, Esq; Member for the County of Middlesex. Mr. Wheble was charged before the Alderman with being one of the Persons named in a Proclamation of the King, published in the Gazettes of Saturday and Tuesday last. No other Charge being ex- hibited, and Mr. Alderman Wilkes adjudging the said Proclamation of our Sovereign void of all legal Authority whatsoever, Mr. Wheble was instantly discharged, and declared to be under that Protection of the Laws, which who- ever invaded, would incur a much greater Peril than that false and spurious one intimated in the sublime Proclamation. The Man who ap- prehended Mr. Wheble insisted very strenuously that he had the Authority of the first Magistrate in the Kingdom for his Conduct, no less than his Majesty himself; that he had been promised a Reward by the Royal Proclamation for what he had done, and therefore could not but think his Conduct was legal. The Alderman replied, that the King was the first executive, but not the first judicial Magistrate in the Kingdom; that the Administration of criminal Justice was, in the City of London, placed in the Hands of the Lord- Mayor and Aldermen; that if the pretended Proclamation was the Act of the Sovereign, he ailed illegally therein, and was not to be obeyed; on the contrary, all the loving Subjects of the King were bound, by their Alle- giance to their Country, to withstand every arbitrary Force, whether the same was coun- tenanced by the Kings, the Lords, or the Com- mons. However, as the Man had innocently thought himself entitled to some Merit in this illegal Act, for which he was liable to an Action or Indictment on the Part of Mr. Wheble, and as he was entirely seduced by the pretended Promise of a Reward of 50I. to be paid by the King for the gross Violation of the Laws, and the daring Attack upon the Life and Liberty of a Person against whom he had no Manner of Offence to allege; Mr. Alderman Wilkes, after a severe Reprimand upon the Offender, accepted his Bail for a personal Appearance at the next Sessions, and granted him also a Cer- tificate to the Treasury of having performed the Condition of the Proclamation, by which he became a Creditor to the King for FIFTY POUNDS ; more ( indeed knowing the late Cir- cumstances of the Civil List) to try the Ex- periment whether the Royal Word would be kept for the Payment of the Money, than any Expectation that it would be received in Con- sequence of the Certificate. Mr. Wheble in- stantly walked home in Peace from the Guild- Hall, and now publicly appears in the usual Conduct of his Affairs, without farther Pro- tection than that which is the greatest of all, the Laws of his Country. Mr. J. Miller, Printer of the London Even- ing Poll, was Yesterday, about One o'Clock, greatly alarmed with an unusual Noise in the House, upon which he went into the Passage, and was immediately seized by an ill- looking Russian who was afflicted by another Desperado at his Side. The open Day- light, and the con- stant Intercourse of Business in his House, pre- vented Mr. Miller from taking them to be Rob- bers and House breakers, but left him every other Cause of Suspicion. He accordingly raised the Neighbourhood, and very soon was attended by a vast Posse of Printers, Composi- tors, and Publishers, who live in the Confines of Pater- noster- Row. Amongst other Attend- ants upon the Occasion was a Constable, who immediately commanded the Peace, and took Cognizance of the Outrage. The Russian then pretended to defend himself under some pre tended written Order from some pretended House of Commons, signed by same pretended Speaker having lawful Authority to issue the same. Mr. Miller upon his Part immediately charged the Constable with the Assailant upon his Per- son, and the Constable ( being also present at the Time when Violence and an illegal Re- straint was used) immediately took the Offen- der into Custody. He, styling himself the Mes- senger of the House of Commons, and being a Person named in the pretended Warrant of Sir Fletcher, commanded all the Persons there present to assist him in securing Mr. Miller. The Constable on the other Hand commanded in the King's Name all Persons present to as- sist him in securing the Messenger. It is easy to say, who was best obeyed. In fact, the Messenger was after a stout Resistance clapt into a Coach, and forthwith taken to Guildhall to be brought before the Sitting Alderman there. It happened Mr. Alderman Wilkes, who that Day was the Rotation Magistrate at Guildhall, had just left the Bench, when the Constable arrived with the Messenger and Mr. Miller. Upon which they polled immediately to the Mansion House, when the Lord Mayor ap- pointed the Hour of Six to determine the Mat- ter of both Complaints. The Messenger in the mean Time immediately dispatched several Porters with Letters, to the other End of the Town; one being directed to Sir Fletcher Norton, Speaker, another to the Serjeant at Arms, another to George Onflow, and another to Jeremiah Dyson. Mr. Miller only sent for, his Counsel Mr. Morris of Lincoln's Inn. At Six the Magistrates took the Bench, who were the Lord- Mayor, Mr. Alderman Oliver, and Mr. Alderman Wilkes. Mr. Morris attended as Counsel upon the Part of Mr. Miller, who stood before the Court in the double Capacity of Accuser and Accused. The Counsel opened the Matter with a long and spirited Speech, in which, after exhibiting Mr, Miller's Case, as he was instructed it would come out in Evi- dence before the Court, he opposed with all the Force of Argument and Ridicule the assumed illegal Power of the House of Commons to punish the Subjects of this Country, innocent or guilty; exploded, beyond a Power of Con- tradiction, the monstrous Usurpation of the Speaker to issue Warrants either of Apprehension or Commitment; and proved to the Satisfaction of the Court and all present, that, if no farther Grounds could be given for the violent As- sault committed upon the Person of Mr. Mil- ler, and the false Imprisonment in which he had been held, than the farcical Appearance of what was called a Speaker's Warrant, Mr. Mil- ler had not only a Right to be discharged out of all Custody, but to be admitted himself to make a Charge against the Man who called himself the Messenger of the House of Commons. Upon this, as there was a double Complaint before the Bench, the Allegations of the Man, who pretended to act under a legal Authority, were first received. Upon his Part attended the De- puty Serjeant of the House of Commons, several Members of Parliament, the Attorney General, as Counsellor behind the Scenes, and Mr. Francis, Solicitor of the Treasury. The Paper which was called the Speaker's Warrant was pro- duced, delivered in at the Table at the Instiga- tion of Mr. Morris ( after some considerable Hesitation of the Serjeant at Arms to comply) read by the Clerk, and a Copy taken and en- tered upon the Minutes. This Warrant was after a short Debate adjudged illegal; and the Messenger lest without Defence for his attro- cious Conduct; of which Mr. Miller and se- veral other Witnesses gave an Account upon Oath. Mr. Morris then pressed the instant Commitment of the Messenger, unless he offered sufficient Bail to the Court for his personal Appearance at the next General Quarter Ses- sions of the Peace to be holden for the City of London, there to answer to such Bill of Indict- ment as should be found against him at the Prosecution of John Miller, for the Assault and false Imprisonment of which he then stood charged. The Lord Mayor declared that to be no more than the ordinary Course of Justice; and upon the Messenger refusing to give Bail, the Court adjudged him instantly to Hand com- mitted, and immediately made out a Warrant for his Commitment to the Compter; which was signed by the Lord Mayor, Mr. Wilkes, and Mr. Oliver. The Commitment being delivered to the Officer, the Messenger then thought pro- per to give Bail, though he had refused it be- fore, notwithstanding several Persons out of Pity to his Situation, generously offered to be Bail for him. He said he was directed to wait the Commitment, which indeed ( he also said) the Speaker never thought it would come to, and then to offer his Bail. The Lord Mayor, after having expressed a proper Resentment for the gross Manner in which the Court had been trifled with, said, he was willing to give a Pat- tern of Justice and Lenity to that House under whose illegal Mandates the Messenger had acted, which however he despaired of feeing followed; and then accepted the Bail. Mr. Miller was also bound to prosecute and give Evidence to the Grand Jury at the next General Quarter Session of the Peace. Soon after Mr. Miller's Matter was deter- mined, Mr. Thompson, Printer of the Gazet- teer, was brought into the Mansion House, in Custody by one John Cook, a tall strapping Fellow, who charged him with being one of the Persons named in the King's Proclamation. The Lord Mayor, who was ill with a violent Fit of the Gout, being almost worn out with the last Business, which had lasted full two Hours, desired to refer the Matter to Mr. Oliver, who immediately entered into an Examination of the Business. Mr. Morris also attended upon this Occasion, as Counsel for Mr. Thompson, and as effectually overturned, by his Argu- ment, the King's Proclamation, as he had be- fore done the Speaker's Warrant. The Alder- man adjudged the Proclamation entirely ille- gal ; that it did not admit a Shadow of Doubt; but that it was not more illegal than the Speak- er's Warrant; for the King might as well have a Power to apprehend and punish, as the House of Commons. Accordingly Mr. Thomp- son was immediately discharged; and he not having instructed his Counsel to press any Com- plaint, before the Alderman, against the Man who had laid violent Hands on him, the Man was also discharged. However, Mr. Alderman Oliver very kindly allowed, that he might possibly be innocent of any criminal Intention, any otherwise than what arose from the fordid Motive of gaining the petty Pelf, which Mr. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Thursday the 18th Day of April next, at Mrs. Moore's, at the Sign of the White Lyon, in Upton upon Severn, Worcestershire, between the Hours of four and Six in the Evening ( unless disposed of in the mean Time by private Contract, in which Case Notice will be given) AClose of Arable Land, in a Field called Packer's Hill, containing by Estimation eight Acres, or thereabouts; together with a Close of Pasture Ground thereunto adjoining, called Wood- cock's, containing by Estimation one Acre, or there- abouts, with a Barn and small Piece of Ground thereunto belonging; and also a Butt of Arable Land, in Buryfield : All and singular which said Premisses are situate in the Parish of Upton upon Severn aforesaid, and are held under the Feoffees of the Church Lands of Upton upon Severn afore- said, for the Residue of a Term of ninety- nine Years, sixty- five whereof are yet to come, deter- minable upon two good Lives now in Being. Apply to Mr. Long, in Upton upon Severn aforesaid. STOLEN, in the Night between the 15th and 16th of this Instant, out of the Parish of Claines, near the City of Worcester, THREE GAME COCKS, One a Streak- breasted Grey, in Lift; another a Black- breasted Red, marked ditto; and the other a Spotted- breasted Red, no Mark visible. — On all of them is a private Mark, which the Owner can certainly know them by Whoever gives Intel- ligence of the said Cocks ( so that they may be had again) and likewise gives Information of the Per- son or Persons who stole them ( To that either may be brought to Justice and convicted) will receive of Mr. William Dyer, of the said Parish of Claines, a Reward of Ten Guineas, or in Proportion upon the Conviction of any of the Offenders, and Re- covery of only one or two of the said Cocks. WHEREAS John Tandy, of the Parish of Salwarp, in the County of Wor- cester, was removed by an Order from the Parish of Elmbridge, in the said County, to the said Parish of Salwarp, and about Christmas last did elope and abscond himself from the said Parish, and left his Wife chargeable to the same: Whoever will bring the said John Tandy to the Church- wardens or Overseers of the said Parish of Salwarp, or give Intelligence of him, that he may be brought, shall receive Half a Guinea Reward. N. B. If the said John Tandy will come to the said Churchwardens or Overseers of the Parish of Salwarp aforesaid, of his own voluntary Will, he will be kindly received. —- The said Tandy wears his own Hair, of a brownish Colour, is about five Feet six Inches high, thickest made, stoops in the Shoulders much when walking, and is about thirty Years of Age. Morris had said the — held out to to those who would venture to break the Laws, at his Command; therefore granted the Man a Certificate, in order to obtain the Reward, if it would be paid. Mr. Morris said he had no Doubt of that, " for the King was too much of a Gentleman not to keep his Word." This Day a Council was summoned in order to determine upon the Measures which are to be taken, in Consequence of the spirited Con- duct of the Lord Mayor and Magistrates of London, who have dared to act agreeably to the Laws of the Land, in Opposition to the arbitrary Mandates of the House of Commons. The Affair of Mr. Wheble will most as- suredly produce very spirited, if not very dan- gerous, Consequences ; as at the same Time that the House are resolved to vindicate their Privileges, the People seem determined to bring their Liberties to the severest Test. We are assured that a certain Court Lawyer is extremely busy in looking over old Records, in order to punish, if he can, the Magistrates who have discharged the Printers. The frequent Councils which have been held of late, we are assured, were on Account of Mr. Walpole's Information, who lately arrived from France. So strongly are the Gentlemen at Lloyd's possessed with the Opinion that a War is at Hand, that Thirty- five Guineas were given Yesterday to receive One Hundred Pounds, in case War be declared by the 15 th of March next. The Court of Copenhagen has just concluded a private Treaty with the States General. It is reported that the French have absolutely avowed their Partiality for the Turks, and are setting about the Means openly to assist them in the ensuing Campaign against the Russians. Advices are received that the Entrance of the Dardanelles is blocked up by three Russian Men of War and four Frigates. Orders are given for the immediate Coinage of 1o, oool. in Silver, to be ready for Delivery the first of June. It is said that Charters will be granted to all Canal Companies, and Power to chuse one Member, in Imitation of the Cinque Ports. This Week a noble Lord lost Seven Thou- sand Guineas at Hazard. Died. ) At Burford, in Oxfordshire, the Right Hon. and Rev. Charles Knollis, Earl of Banbury, Viscount Wallingford, and Baron Knollis, of Greys. To all MASTER MASONS. THERE are to be sold, in Wor- cester, at 12s. 6d. per Foot, Two Blocks of White and Vein MARBLE; one containing about 23 Feet, the other about 27 Feet; likewise a Block of Dove Marble, containing about 33 Feet, at 13s. 6d. per Foot— All these Blocks are exceed- ing good, and the Reason of their being offered so cheap is to discharge some Debts of the former Owner. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Lindall, Carver, in Foregate- Street, Worcester. N. B. The Blocks lie very convenient for Load- ing, being near the River Severn. Worcester, March 20, 1771. ON Tuesday the 2nd Day of April, at the Town- Hall, will be an Entertainment MUSIC ; consisting of several Concertos, Soles, and select Pieces of Music, on that most celebrated instrument called the PANTALEONE; on which Mr. Noel has not only made great Improvements, at also adapted many Compositions of his own, a very peculiar and affecting Stile, which he simply hopes will give great Pleasure and Satis- faction to all his respective Hearers. N. B. The Whole of the Music will be divided to two separate Acts, in order to make it a com- plete Evening's Entertainment. After the Performance there will be a BALL. TICKETS, at 2s. 6d. each, to be had at Mr. Noel's Loggings, at the Hop- Pole; or of the Prin- ter of this Journal. JOHN NICHOLLS, Bricklayer, HEREBY begs Leave to return his sincere Thanks to his Friends and the public, for all Favours received, and at the same Time informs them, that he is removed from his Dwelling House in the Quay- Street, to a House joining to that Side of St. Nicholas Church next Cross ; where he hopes for the Continuance of their Custom, which will be gratefully acknow- ledged, by Their obliged, humble Servant, JOHN NICHOLLS. THE several Creditors of Mr. GEORGE. GUISE, late of Astwood, in the Parish of Dodderhill, and County of Worcester, ceased, are desired to send an Account of their respective Demands to Mr. Holbeche, Attorney, Droitwich, in order to their being satisfied. and all Persons in any Ways indebted to the state and Effects of the said Deceased, are hereby quired immediately to pay such Debts to the said Mr. Holbeche, who is duly authorised to receive the same by the Executors of the Deceased's Will. To be SOLD by AUCTION, before the major Part of the Commissioners named in a Commission of Bankrupt against John Prior, of Bell Inn, in the Parish of Belbroughton, in the County of Worcester, Miller, at the House of Richard Philpot, at Bell Inn aforesaid, on Wednesday the Tenth Day of April next, between the Hours of Three and Six in the Afternoon of the same Day ( subject to such Conditions as will then be produced) A Lease ( wherein twenty- two Years are yet to come and unexpired at Lady- ay next) of a House, Stack of Corn Mills, and out eighty Acres of good Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Ground, situate between Stourbridge and Bromsgrove, and adjoining the Turnpike road ; at the yearly Rent of 83I. N. B. The Mill, and all the Out- Buildings on the said Premisses, are in exceeding good Repair. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Walter Noel, and Mr. William Clinton, of Belbroughton; Mr. Jeremiah Church, Attorney at Law, in ourbridge; or of Mr. Richard Philpot, at Bell who will shew the Premisses. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, on the 23rd Day of April next, at the Dwelling- House of William Blew, the Sign of the Falcon, in Bromyard, in the County of Hereford, subject to Conditions of Sale to be then produced, unless sold by private Contract in the mean Time, of which proper Notice will be given, A New elegant modern- built Brick House, consisting of two handsome Parlours, china Closet, Study, Hall, Vestibule, best and back air- Cafe, also a best Kitchen, with a wet and dry Pantry, all on the Ground Floor. A large ead Reservoir over the wet Pantry. — On the first floor, four genteel Bed- Chambers, all hung with fashionable Paper; Dressing- Closets to three of them ; two of them with Fire Places. — In the attic Story, four genteel Bed- Chambers, two of them hung with Paper; two Closets with Fire places; likewise a Servant's Room and Store Room, Three large dry good Cellars and a lower Kitchen. - The Offices, being a new complete Brick Build- ing, consisting of a large good Brew- House, Wash- House, Bake- House, and Laundry over them; a handsome Coach- House, with a Grainery, having Alabaster Floor over it; and a four stalled Stable well fitted up, and an Hay Lost over it. — A Gar- den adjoining to the House, by Estimation one acre, with a Ten Foot Brick Wall, laid out in the gentlest Taste ( well stocked with Wall and other fruit - Trees) with an elegant Shrubbery, and good Kitchen Garden, well cropped. -- An Orchard adjoining to the Court Yard, with a new Barn and Beast- House, and some other new Building for pigs and Poultry, all which are made very con- venient. A Pump in the Court, with exceeding good Water. The above Premises lie pleasantly situated at the Entrance into Bromyard from Worcester, and contain, by Estimation, more than two computed Acres. They command a pleasant Prospect of the own, and are situated in a delightful healthy Air. The Purchaser will be entitled to Right of Common on the Down. Also to be Sold, at the same Time, in like Manner, with or without the above- mentioned House and Premisses, Two computed Acres of Arable Land, lately enclosed out of a Field called Cruxwell Field, in he Parish of Bromyard aforesaid, with Lands of Mr. Thomas Tomkyns, Esq; and in the Possession of Mr. JohnWhittall. — And one other computed Acre of Arable Land, in Cruxwell Field aforesaid, in the Possession of Mr. William Davis. Also the Remainder of a Term in a Lease of Meadow, opposite the House, by Estimation six computed Acres, in the Occupation of the said Mr. Davis, ten Years whereof were unexpired at Candlemas last. Enquire of the said Mr. Davis, who will shew the Premisses; or of Mr. Coleman, Attorney at aw, in Leominster, who will treat for the same. The House to be viewed till the Time of Sale. Bromyard is a Market Town, distant from Lon- don 125 Miles, from Worcester 13 Miles, from Hereford 15 Miles, from Leominster 10 Miles, from Ledbury 15 Miles, and from Tenbury 10 miles, or thereabouts; the three last are good Market Towns. Also to be Sold, at the same Time and Place, One Hundred Feet of new Oak Palisadoes, in Stretches, with Posts, never put up. WANTED, Six of Eight House Joiners, and Two or Three Cabinet- Makers, that can work at Cabinet or Chair Work. Such Hands, according to their Merit, may meet with very good Encouragement by applying to F. L. Hayne, of Bewdley. WORCESTER INFIRMARY. March 20, 1771. A Quarterly General Meeting of the GOVERNORS of this Charity will be held here on Wednesday next, the 27th Instant, at Eleven o'Clock in the Morning. THO. STAPLES, Secretary. HEREFORDSHIRE. BROMYARD SUBSCRIPTION ASSEMBLY will be held at the Falcon Inn, on Tuesday in the Easter Week, being the last for this Season. Worcester, March 2o, 1771. BAYLISS and Co. MERCERS and LINNEN- DRAPERS, BEG Leave to acquaint the Public, That they have opened a Shop, the Sign of the Indian Queen, near St. Helen's Church, in the High- Street, where they have laid in a neat and elegant Assortment of the most genteel and fashion- able FANCY and PLAIN SILKS, calculated for the Spring and Summer Seasons; a large Quantity of Irish Cloths, Lawns, Muffins, & c. with many other Articles in each Branch, which will be sold on the same Terms as in London. THURSDAY'S POST. ( By EXPRESS from LONDON.) LONDON, Tuesday, March 19. THE Right Hon. the Lord Mayor was ordered to attend in his Place this Day in the House of Com- mons, in consequence of his grant- ing a Warrant for taking their Messenger into Custody. This Morning a Hand Bill, addressed to the Liverymen, Freemen, and Citizens of London, was early distributed in all Parts of the Town, acquainting the Inhabitants, that though the Lord Mayor had been confined to his Room for sixteen Days with a severe Fit of the Gout, and was still much indisposed, he was determined to be this Day in his Seat in the House of Com- mons, to support their Rights and Privileges, even though he should be obliged to be carried in a Litter, and that he was to leave the Man- sion House at One o'Clock. In consequence of which an amazing Concourse of People were assembled by Noon in Cheapside, but no Disorder was committed. About a Quarter pall Two o'Clock his Lordship, attended by some Hundreds of the Populace, and accom- panied by Mr. Alderman Oliver, in another Coach, went up to the House. The Letters circulated to the Members on Sunday Night, were in an unusually pressing Stile : — You art most earnestly requested to attend early Tomorrow, on an Affair of the last Impor- tance to the Constitution, and the Rights and Pri- vileges of the Commons of England. The Minister is much embarrassed about the intended Expulsion of two City Magistrates, from a Conviction that one of them will cer- tainly be re- chosen. It is certain that some capital Expulsions will take Place in a Lower Assembly within these few Days. There has not perhaps arisen of late Years, an Event likely to produce so much Alterca- tion as the late Discharge of the three Printers of News Papers, by the Lord Mayor and two Aldermen of London, in direct Opposition to the Mandates of the House of Commons. That Assembly will doubtless assert the Privilege it now claims; the People, on the other Hand, bold in their own Defence, will firmly resist, and as firmly maintain the Immunities and Freedoms given them by Magna Charta, and by the Constitution, and fully confirmed by the Form of Government legally established in this Kingdom. The Premier, it is confidently said, dis- approved of the Motion about the Printers: But the Mover being resolved to proceed, it was necessary to support him in a Thing, on which it was alleged, the very Being of a certain Assembly depended. A Motion was lately made in a Great As- sembly for Leave to bring in a Bill for better regulating the Markets, and for reducing the present high Price of Provisions, which was assented to by the Majority, though the Bill cannot be brought in this Sessions. They write from Dublin, that Party Dis- putes still run high in that City; and that all the Military, within a few Miles, are now quartered in their Suburbs, to prevent any Mischief from the numerous Mobs which are daily collected in their Streets. We are assured, that within these eight Months, several hundred Linnen Manufacturers have embarked from Scotland to North Caro- lina, where that Branch of Trade is now in the utmost Perfection. It is reported that a Fleet of eight Men of War is now fitting out at Plymouth, which, when ready, is to sail for the Tagus, to de- mand Restitution from the Portuguese Court for the many Insults offered to the British Tra- ders in that Kingdom, contrary to the Trea- ties depending between the two Courts. The Spaniards have expended more than Four Millions of Dollars in augmenting the Fortifications of the Havanna, which they NOW look upon as impenetrable. Extract of a Letter from an Englishman at Bar- celona, to a Merchant in London ; dated Jan. 31. " It will not be long before I leave this Place. I only wait for a Vessel to carry me to the Isle of Majorca; for English People are treated here in a very indifferent Manner. The Inhabitants being suspicious that the Eng- lish send home Accounts of their Transactions, all our Letters, which they are able to inter- cept, are examined. They are making here as great Preparations, as if War was actually declared. Bodies of Forces are daily landing at Badalona ( a small Port, about ten Miles from this Place) which Troops are quartered in the Country about Barcelona, and can soon join the main Army. It is computed they have ten thousand well- disciplined Troops, which can be got ready to embark at a few Hours Notice, with a good Train of Artillery, and Plenty of warlike Stores. They have also a good Fleet of Ships hovering about this Coast, and Transports lying in every little Creek. It is impossible to penetrate their dark Designs, as the Inhabitants are very reserved, and the Officers too proud to converse with Englishmen, except of superior Rank. I live here in constant Jeopardy, as my Words and Actions are narrowly watched by some Irish Renegadoes that have taken the Habit." Thirty per Cent, are given upon the Con- tinuance of Peace for a Year. — Clear Proofs that a Storm is brewing. Spain will settle her Right to Falkland's Island. As War begins again to engross a considera- ble Part of Conversation, it may not be im- proper to remark, that our Seamen, the Num- ber of whom were upon the late Supposition of a War increased to 26,000, are now, upon as near a Calculation as can be made, reduced through Sickness, Desertion, and other Means, to 16,000. Such is the Inattention of our provident Maritime Directors to the jolly Tars of Old England, when their immediate Services are not required, that they are daily shipping them- selves off for the Continent: So that if our tur- bulent Neighbours should renew their Alarms, we may find ourselves left in the Lurch. It is said that Orders have been dispatched for the Troops now in Scotland to held them- selves ready to march at the shortest Notice, but their Rout is to be a Secret. It is reported that some Acts of Hostility have passed been the Danes and the Swedes. Policies, we hear, are opened in the City to give ten and fifteen Guineas, to receive a hun- dred, when the Author of Junius is discovered The Bets in the City upon the Sex of D'Eon fun very high. Gentlemen underwrite Policies at 15 per Cent, upon him. One Mr. Giles, who has dealt largely in this Sorr of Traffic, went to D'Eon's Footman and offered him Twenty Guineas, if he would disclose the Truth. The Man refused the Premium, and Giles swears that he had received his Cue from the Chevalier. His next Step was to go to consult his Phy- sician, Apothecary, and Surgeon; the last of whom could, we are assured, give him very authentic Intelligence. The most laughable Circumstance, however, is that Policies at Five per Cent, are done upon the Truth of the fol- lowing Report. D'Eon is not only affirmed to be of the Feminine Gender, but to have had two Bastards by Alderman Wilkes. We hope Mrs. Macaulay stood Godmother. All these Speculations are said to have arisen from his having personated a Woman in Russia, and from Lady Rochford's stiling him Madame D'Eon Perhaps she had good Reasons for what she said. Bank Stock, shut, 146 1- half a 149 a 147 open. Four per cent, consol. shut. Three 1 - half per cent. 1756, —. Ditto 1758, 89 a 88 1- half. Three per cent, consol. 85 a 86 a 85 1 - half a 3- 8ths a 1- half. Ditto reduced, shut. Ditto 1726, —. Long Annuities, no Price. South Sea Stock, —. Three per cent Old Annuities, 84 7- 8ths, a 85. Ditto New Annuities,—. Ditto 1751,—. India Stock, shut; 220 a 224 a 219 a 221 open. Three per cent. Annuities, shut. India Bonds, 40s. a 41s. Prem. Navy Bills, 13 1- 8ths a 1- half Disc. BANKRUPTS required to surrender. James Varley, and Christopher Bailey, of Li- verpool, Partners and Contactors, April 5, 6, 27, at the Golden Lion in Dale- Street, Liverpool. DIVIDENDS to be made to Creditors. April 13. Thomas Wilson, the Younger, of Salisbury- Court, Fleet- Street, Taylor, at Guild- hall April 18. ( by Adjournment from the 9th Instant) John Price, of Walsall, Staffordshire, Shopkeeper, at Guildhall May 1. William Wright, of Chalkirk, Cheshire, Callico Printer, at the Anchor in Stockport, Cheshire. EARLY INTELLIGENCE, received from our Correspondents in London, dated Wednesday, March 20. YESTERDAY the Spanish Ambassador presented the Earl of Halifax, one of his Majesty's principal Secretaries of State, with a Claim to Falkland's Island, which he had that Day received from Madrid, setting forth their prior Right to it, and we hear a Council is to be sum- moned immediately to determine on the Affair. This has caused the Stocks to fall very consider- ably, as it is imagined that there must be a War before the Right to this Island can be determined. Yesterday great Bets were laid at several Coffee- Houses about the Royal Exchange, that Press Warrants would be issued out before Saturday Night Twelve o'Clock, on which Account the Insurance for the Continuance of Peace for one Year, rose to Fifty per Cent. On the Lord Mayor's entering the House Yes- terday, the Speaker rose up to pay his Respects to his Lordship, which was followed by all the Mem- bers present, and having taken his Seat, he was called upon to justify his Conduct ; he gave such strong Reasons, grounded on several Ads of Par- liament, that several of the Speakers were put to Silence, upon which a further Hearing of the Af- fair was postponed till Monday or Tuesday, be- fore which Time his Lordship is to be served with an Order for his Attendance there. A Motion Was made by Sir Joseph Mawbey, for Mr. Wilkes to attend the House, which was agreed to, and he is ordered to attend the House of Commons this Morning. When the Lord Mayor left the House, the Popu- lace, to shew their Regard to this patriotic Ma- gistrate, took his Lordship's Horses from his Coach, and drew him themselves in Triumph to the Man- sion - House, amidst the loud and incessant Accla mations of his applauding Fellow- Citizens. The Guards received Orders on Monday Night to be attending in Arms all Yesterday upon the Parade. Last Night several of the Nobility and Mer- chants waited on our patriotic Lord Mayor, to congratulate him on his safe Return to the Man- sion House, as it was generally believed that he would either be expelled or committed to the Tower. Edward Twine Carpenter, who had been pro- mised a Reward of Fifty Pounds for attacking the Liberty of John Wheble, attended again Yes- terday, according to Appointment, at the Trea- sury, but received, instead of the Fifty Pounds, this evasive Answer ; " There is no Board To- day ; there is something else to do. To- morrow you may attend, if you will; but there will certainly be a Board on Thursday." It will then be de- cided, no doubt, that Mr. Morris was quite right in his Opinion, " that the King is too much of a Gentleman not to keep his Word." WORCESTER, Thursday, March 21. To- morrow will be held the Fair in the Township of St. John's, adjoining to this City, for Horses, Pigs, Sheep, and all Sorts of Horned Cattle; as also for Tanned Leather.— And on Saturday next will be held the first Spring Fair in this City. On Monday last died, aged 72, the Reverend John Smith, B. D. one of the Priests in Ordi- nary of the Chapels Royal, Precentor of this Cathedral, Vicar of Wichenford in this County, and Minister of St. Andrew's in this City; whose constant Attendance on the Duties of his Function, rendered him an Example worthy of Imitation. On Monday last the Body of a new- born In- fant was taken up in our River, near Tame Mouth, by a Fisherman, which is supposed to be the Child of a Servant Girl who lived at a Public House in St. John's, and who has dis- appeared about three or four Weeks,, which is about the Time that the Child is supposed to have lain in the Water. On Tuesday last was committed to our County Gaol, Moses Rea, charged on Oath with Healing out of the Warehouse of Messrs. Geast and Phillips, Mercers, in Stourbridge, a Quantity of Linen Cloth and other Goods. The same Day was likewise committed to the said Gaol, Constantine Timmins, of Stour- bridge, Blacksmith, charged on Oath with receiving at different Times several Quantities of Iron, the Property of Mr. George Attwood and Mr. Benjamin Richards, knowing the same to have been stolen. Last Week as a labouring Man, who lived near Pershore, was fitting at a Door in Sidbury, eating a Cake, he suddenly fell from his Seat, and died immediately: Another poor Man died suddenly the same Week as he was at Work in a Gravel Pit, near Northwick. Early one Morning last Week, the House of Mr. Payton, the White Lion, in Stratford, was broke open and robbed of a large Quantity of Plate, Iool, in Cash, a Bill of Exchange for 20I. and other Things of Value, by one Wil- liam Jenkinson, who had formerly lived as a Waiter at the said Inn. The Robber was pur- sued through Warwick to Coventry, where it was discovered he had packed up all the Plate in a Box and sent it in a Waggon, directed to an Inn in London; upon which the Plate was restored. He proceeded with the rest of his Booty through Dunchurch and Barnet, and being closely pursued, was taken on Thursday Night at the Inn in London where he had di- rected his Box, and the next Day was com- mitted to Newgate. At Gloucester Assizes, which ended on Sa- turday last, forty- one Prisoners were tried, of whom the seven following were capitally con- victed, and received Sentence of Death, viz. William Teakle, for Sheep- stealing; Robert Summers, for Horse- stealing; John Ward, for breaking open the House of Joseph Bass, of English Bicknor; Robert Cuss, for stealing a Bull from Thomas Parsons, of Dursley ; Betty Brown, for stealing 40I. from Daniel Allen, of Hill; William Church, for Healing a Sheep from Mr. John Webb, of this City; and Wm. Jennings, for breaking open Mr. Hancock's Shop in the Westgate- street, and stealing a Watch, & c.— Summers could not be prevailed on to plead not guilty ; he said he committed the Fact, and would not tell a Lie about it, to give the Judge the Trouble of trying him. Three are to be transported for seven Years. The Assize of Bread is as follows, viz. Wheaten Houshold. Penny Loaf to weigh Two- penny Loaf Six- penny Loaf Twelve- penny Loaf Eighteen- penny Loaf The Halfpenny Bach Cake not to weigh less than 4 Ounces 3 Drams, the Penny ditto not less than 8 Ounces 7 Drams; and no other Sort of Bach Cakes to be made. lb. 0 1 3 6 9 ex. dr. 8 7 o 14 2 9 5 2 7 11 lb. oz. dr 0 1 1 2 1 6 4 2 8 5 12 8 4 12 8 3 Extract from the Guildhall Rota Book. Guildhall, March 15; 1771 JOHN WHEBLE, the Publisher of the Middlesex Journal, was this Day brought before Mr. Alderman Wilkes at Guildhall, by Edward Twine Carpenter, a Printer, being apprehended by him in Consequence of a Pro- clamation in the London Gazette of Saturday the 9th of March Instant; but the said Edward Twine Carpenter not having any other Reason for apprehending the said Mr. Wheble than than what appeared in that Proclamation, the said Mr. Wheble was discharged ; and then the said Mr. Wheble charged Carpenter for assault- ing and unlawfully imprisoning him, and on his making Oath of the Offence, and entering into a Recognisance to prosecute Carpenter at the next Sessions in London, Carpenter was Ordered to find Sureties to answer for this Of- fence, which he did, himself being bound in 40l. and his two Sureties in 2ol. each, and was thereupon discharged. — Carpenter requeued a Certificate of his having apprehended Wheble, which was given to him. ( COPY.) Guildhall, March 15, 1771. This is to certify, that John Wheble, the Publisher of the Middlesex Journal, was this Day apprehended and brought before me, one of his Majesty's justices of the Peace for the City of London, by Edward Twine Carpenter, of Hosier- Lane, London, Printer. JOHN WILKES, Alderman Immediately after this Mr. Wilkes wrote the following : To the Right Honourable the Earl of Halifax, one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State ( COPY.) Guildhall of London, March 15, 1771 My Lord, ' I had the Honour of officiating this Day as ' the Sitting Justice at Guildhall. John Whe- ' ble, the Publisher of the Middlesex Journal, ' a Freeman of London, was apprehended and ' brought before me by Edward Twine Car- ' penter, who appears neither to be a Consta- ' ble, nor Peace Officer of this City. I de- ' manded of what Crime Wheble was accused, ' and if Oath had been made of his having ' committed any Felony, or Breach of the ' Peace, or if he lay under a Suspicion strong ' enough to justify his Apprehension or Deten- ' tion. Carpenter answered, that he did not ' accuse Wheble of any Crime, but had appre- ' hended him merely in consequence of his ' Majesty's Proclamation, for which he claimed ' the Reward of Fifty Pounds. As I found ' that there was no legal Cause of Complaint ' against Wheble, I thought it clearly my ' Duty, to adjudge, that he had been ap- ' prehended in the City illegally, in direct Vio- ' lation of the Rights of an Englishman, and ' of the Chartered Privileges of a Citizen of ' this Metropolis, and to discharge him. He ' then made a formal Complaint of the As- ' sault upon him by Carpenter; I therefore ' bound him over to prosecute in a Recogni- ' zance of Forty Pounds, and Carpenter to ' appear and answer the Complaint at the next ' Quarter Sessions of the Peace for this City, ' in a Recognizance of Forty Pounds himself, ' with two Sureties in Recognizances of Twenty ' Pounds each. ' I am, my Lord, Your Lordship's most obedient, Right Hon. Earl ' Humble Servant, of Halifax. ( Signed) ' JOHN WILKES.' ASCHOOL will be opened on Monday the 8th of April next, at a large and commodious House at KEMPSEY, near Worcester, a Place much esteemed for its agreeable Situation, and salubrious Air, where YOUNG GENTLEMEN will be genteelly Boarded, and carefully instructed in the ENGLISH and LATIN LANGUAGES ; Writing in all the Hands expeditiously taught, not only on Mathematical Principles, in order to im- print in the Mind a just and necessary Idea of true PENMANSHIP, but by such other particular new improved Methods as cannot fail of enabling Learners, in a short Time, to arrive at a Masterly Proficiency in that most desirable AKT: Also Arithmetic both Vulgar and Decimal ; Geography, History, the Use of the Globes, and the various Branches of the Mathematics; Navigation, Men- suration, and Book keeping both Foreign and Do- mestic ; with French, Dancing, Music, and Drawing ( if required) on the most reasonable Terms, by W. HULL and proper MASTERS. The utmost Attention and Regard will be paid to the Health, Morals, and Deportment of the Pupils, as well as every effectual Method and Endeavour used to qualify and enable them to fill their future Stations in Life with Propriety. ESTATES, 0r whole LORDSHIPS accurately surveyed and elegantly mapped, at such Intervals as may not interfere with other Business. Shewsbury, March 7, 1771. ELIZABETH ROGERS, WIDOW of the late Owner Rogers, hereby returns her sincere and grateful Acknowledgements to the Friends of her late Husband, and begs Leave to inform them, that she continues on the Business of conveying Goods, & c. by Water, from Shrewsbury to Gloucester, as in her late Husband's Time ; and humbly solicits the future Favours of all Gentlemen, Tradesmen, and Others, which will be gratefully acknowledged, and the Business punctually executed, by Their obliged humble Servant, ELIZABETH ROGERS. To be LETT, and entered upon immediately, Situate in a good Sporting Country, within four- teen Miles of Shrewsbury, and within two Miles of a good Market Town, A Complete handsome well - built House, consisting of nine Rooms on a Floor well furnished, with good Garrets, a Brew- House, Cellars, Pantries, and every other Convenience : Also good Stabling, and a Coach- House; a Garden well walled and fruited, and an exceeding good Orchard well planted, the Whole about two Acres. — To be lett for seven Years certain, at the yearly Rent of Thirty- five Guineas. With the above Premisses may be had any Quantity of Land, from one Acre to fifty. For further Particulars enquire of the Printer of this Paper. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the Crown Inn, in Bosbury, in the County of Here- ford, on Monday next, the 25th Day of March Inst. between the Hours of Three and Five in the After- noon, according to Conditions of Sale then to be produced, AMessuage or Tenement, called Arnolds, with convenient Out- Buildings, and about thirty Acres of Arable Land, Meadow, Pasture, and Hop Ground, adjoining together, and planted with the choicest Fruits ; situate in the Pa- rish of Bosbury aforesaid ; now in the Occupation of John Kendrick, who holds the same by a Lease for a certain Term of Years, whereof four are yet unexpired. --- The greatest Part of the Pre- mises are Freehold, and the Residue thereof Copy- hold of Inheritance, held under the Bishop of Hereford. Further Particulars may be had of Mr. God- frey, Attorney, at Mathon, on Mondays; or at the Green Dragon, in Ledbury, on Tuesdays. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER or BIDDERS, At the Sign of the Duke of Beaufort's Arms, in the Town of Monmouth, on Wednesday the Day of April next, betwixt, the Hours of Twelve and Two, in two separate Lots, agreeable to Articles then and there to be produced, LOT I. THREE Hundred and Fifty- six Oak Trees, now growing on an Estate at Callow Hills, near Monmouth aforesaid, in the County of Hereford, which Trees are all marked out for Sale. LOT II. Four Hundred and Five Oak Trees, now growing on an Estate at Carmaddock, in the Parish of Garway, in the said County of Hereford, all which Trees are likewise marked out for Sale. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Thomas Holder, of Carmaddock aforesaid, who will shew the same. THE English CHOCOLATE POWDER, composed of English Balsamic Buds, Blos- soms, Flowers, and Variety of Aromatics, & c. Adapted to both Sexes, all Ages, and Constitutions, very agreeable to the Taste, and to be drank in common as Tea or Coffee. it is exceedingly nourishing and surprisingly efficacious in the Cure of Nervous Disorders, Windiness or disorderly Motions in the Stomach, sour Belchings, Short- ness of Breath, & c.--- Many of the most eminent of the Faculty approve and recommend it. Sold ( by special Appointment of the Proprietor) by H. Berrow, Printer of this Journal ; Price 2s. 6d. a Canister. Of whom may be had, Price 2s. 6d. the Canister, The ENGLISH COFFEE, Composed entirely of English Herbs, Roots, Barks, Plants, & c. and Variety of Balsamic Productions from Venice. To be drank for Breakfast and in the Evening in common, as Tea or foreign Coffee. It is inconceivable how soft, smooth, and pleasing it is. It not only serves for Drink, but is nou- rishing ( as Food) to the most weak and delicate Constitutions. This Coffee is beyond Parallel for the following Complaints, viz. Colds, Coughs, Asthmas, Con- sumptions, Shortness of Breath, Faintness, Tremb- lings, Giddiness, Reachings, Appetite gone, and all Kinds of Nervous Disorders, from what Cause forever they proceed. Sublata causa, Tolluntur Effecta. A Discovery is at last happily effected for the Cure of that painful and dangerous Disease, the STONE and GRAVEL, deemed opprobium Medicorum. As every Physician of Ex- perience allows the generating Principle of the Stone is the Attraction of its earthy and saline Particles— after numerous Experiments on Stones, as well in as out of the Bladder, a Medicine is recommended to the World, as a radical Cure thereof, in either Sex ; which acts by destroying its oily Parts, and volatilizing its Salts, thereby depriving it of its Principles, so that it no longer cements, but separates, and stimulating the Blad- der, it is expelled with the Urine, in the Form of an earthy Sediment totally cleaning it of all fabulous Concretions whatever, and by that Means rendering that dreadful and hazardous Stroke of the Knife useless. A Medicine so apparently serviceable in the Stone, cannot but be infallible in the Gravel, as it almost instantaneously discharges it where it is not yet accumulated; and as gravelly Concretions are always the Subject of Nuclei, it never fails pre- venting its becoming a Stone. There remains little to be said as an Encomium 011 a Medicine, which, to every one's Reason, so evidently excels all others, but that it is of sove- reign Efficacy in all Retentions of Urine, Strangury, and Diabetes; and where Urine is made in small Quantities, attended with Pain. It is sold by W. Adams, Surgeon, in Bottles of 5s. 6d. each, at the following Places, viz. at the Essex Coffee House, in Whitechapel; Mrs. Lang- ford's, at No. 18, in Pater- noster- Row; Mr. Southern's, Stationer, opposite Park- Place, St. James's ; and may be had of the Printer and Dis- tributors of this Journal. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Tuesday next, the 26th Day of March Inst. at Mr. John Beaumont's, at the Boar's Head, in Tenbury, in the County of Worcester, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, FOUR substantial Brick Messuages or Tenements, with a Brew- house, Stable, and other Out- Buildings; and also a sufficient Quantity of Garden Ground to them belonging ; situate on the East Side of ( and near unto) the Parish Church of Tenbury: And also a Piece of Land adjoining to the said Garden Ground, con- taining about two Acres, which is fenced in on every Side with a substantial Brick Wall upwards of eight Feet high, called the Cherry Orchard ; together with the said Wall, and a Brick Build- ing erected on Part of the Piece of Ground, which has been used as ( and may at a very easy Expense be converted into a complete) Dwelling House; and also about one Yard's Breadth of Land, which is Part of, and belonging to the said Piece of Ground, and left without the said Wall on every Part thereof, for the Purpose of planting Fruit Trees as well against the Out at the Inside of the said Wall. Also to be Sold, by private Contract, A complete and very desirable ESTATE, situate in the Township of Howsell, in the Parish of Leigh, in the County of Worcester, within about four Miles of the City of Worcester, and a small Distance of two good Turnpike Roads leading to that City; consisting of a newly erected substantial convenient Brick House, Barns, Sta- bles, Cow House, Cyder- Mill, Cyder- House, and other necessary Out- Buildings, and upwards of fifty- six Acres of Arable Land ( of which about thirteen Acres are planted with young Trees of the choicest Fruit) about five Acres of Meadow Land, five Acres of Pasture, and one Acre of Wood Land ; and also a Coppice, containing about three Statute Acres; and which Building and Coppice, and about twenty- one Acres of the other Lands, are Freehold, and the other Part Lease hold for Lives, held under Mr. Cox, at a Chief Rent of us. and a Money Herriot of 1l. 10s. on the Death of every Life. The Whole of which Premisses ( except the Coppice) are now in the Possession of Richard Harris, as Tenant thereof, and can be lett at 45I. per Annum. Particulars may be had of Mr. Norris, Attor- ney, in Droitwich ; on Saturdays, at the Crown and Sceptre, in the Hop Market, Worcester; and on Tuesdays at the Golden Cross Inn, in Bromsgrove. By his Majesty's Royal Letters Patent, The new- invented Cake Ink, Made by Sarah Smith and Son, the sole Patentees, Found, by repeated E* perience, to be the finest, blackest and most durable I N K ever offered to the Public, for every Species of Writing, and greatly superior to any Ink Powder. THE Ink made from this Cake is as thin as Water, will never mould, and when used, appears a fine Black, which will never fade as long as Paper or Parchment will endure, but apparently makes a daily Improvement in Point of Beauty and Co- lour. Its peculiar Advantage for Travelling are greater than any other Species of Ink, as it may be packed in Baggage amongst the finest Linen, without the least Dan- ger of staining ; and, at it is not subject to decay, or loss its Quality in any Length of Time, or Climate, Gentle men, Merchants, and Others, may be supplied in the re- motest Parts of the World, with the finest, blackest, and most durable Ink that can be procured in any part of Eu- rope. Price Six- pence per Cake, with printed Directions. Sold by the Patentees, Sarah Smith and Son, Stationers and Ink- Makers, at No. 13, in Sweeting's. Alley, Royal Exchange, London; where Merchants and Shop- keepers may be supplied, Wholesale and Retail; sold also by H. Berrow, Printer of this journal ; and by the most eminent Booksellers : and Stationers in Town and Country . N. B. Patent Red Ink Cakes, and a curious Liquid for Town Use, in Bottles at 2s. 1s. and 6d. each ; also a fine Japan in Sixpenny Bottles. The Cakes may be had VELNOS' Vegetable SYRUP. THE following Cure is so very remarkable, both for its Inveteracy and the open Manner in which it was effected, that it is to be hoped it will be deemed a satisfactory and incontestable Proof of the Efficacy of the VEGETABLE SYRUP ; more especially as Cases of this Kind are not easily to be obtained, from Motives of Delicacy. Edward Davis, Foot Soldier in the late Lord Ligonier's Regiment of Guards, was, from a Venereal Cause of long standing, highly complicated with the Scurvy, covered with large Pustules and fordid Ulcers, from the Crown of his Head to the Soles of his Feet. Upon Ex- amination also discerned, that the Uvula was ulcerated, and the Tonsils almost consumed by two large Ulcers. He was besides afflicted with the most dreadful nocturnal Pains, with Nodes on various Parts, a slow hectic Fever, and continual Head Ache. He had been under Mercurial Courses without Effect, was at this Time reduced to a mere Skeleton, and looked on as totally incurable. As I wished to have an Opportunity of putting the Vegetable Syrup to the most severe Trial, I had requested a noble Friend of mine to obtain of Lord Ligonier, that I might have a Soldier from the Hospital in Petty France, West- minster, on whom I might make an Experiment, whose Case was the most complicated and obstinate. This Man was presented to me by Order of his Colonel, as a most hopeless Subject, and sent to my House ; where he was radically cured in the Space of six Weeks, by the Use of the Syrup ONLY, and returned for Inspection to the Hos- pital, accompanied by his Colonel and myself, perfectly found, to the great Astonishment of all who were acquainted with his deplorable Case ; and remains to this Day in perfect Health. J. BURROWS, M. D. This Medicine, which daily Experience proves to be a Specific in all Venereal and Scorbutic Cases, is to be had in Bottles, at 10s. 6d. each, at Dr. Burrow's House, opposite the Prince of Orange's Coffee House, in the Hay Marin, London ; sold also by Fletcher and Hodson, in Cambridge ( who are appointed sole Agents for vending this Medicine in the Country); Mr. Raikes, Gloucester ; Mr. Pugh, Hertford; Messrs. Pearson and Aris, Birming- ham-, Mr. Taylor, Kidderminster ; Mr. Jackson, Oxford ; Mr. Eddowes, Shrewsbury ; Mr. Taylor, Stafford ; Mrs. Thurstans, Wolverhampton ; and by the Printer and Dis- tributors of this Journal. Where also may be had, A Dis- sertation on its Nature and Effects, with an Account of its Examination by the Royal College of Physicians, and a Va- riety of extraordinary Cures, properly attested. Any Person doubtful of the Authenticity of this Medicine, may see, in the Hands of Dr. Burrows, such Testimonials as cannot be disputed, the authenticated Certi- ficates by two public Notaries, countersigned by his Britan- nic Majesty's Ambassador at the Court of France. The following approved Medicines are sold Ber row's Printing - Office in Worcester. By the Authority of his Majesty's Royal Letters Patent. DR. Norris's Antimonial Drops most wonderfully efficacious in the Cure of all Kinds of Fevers, Nervous and Rheumatic Complain & c. & c. Price Five Shillings and Threepence a Bottle Sold, by the Doctor's Appointment, in Bottles at 5s. 3d each, by Mr. Grimes, in Bromyard; Mrs. Watson, Bromsgrove ; Mr. Clare, in Bewdley; Mr. Haslewood in Bridgnorth ; Mr. Andrews, in Evesham ; Mr. Taylor in Kidderminster ; Mrs. Hankins, in Ledbury, Mr. Ho- ward, in Tewkesbury ; and H. Berrow, in Worcester. Letter from the Reverend Mr. LANTMOINE, to Dr. NORRIS, of Duke- Street, Westminster. SIR, MAN, in all Probability, is not liable to more Diseases that there are Means of Cure ; as with a weakly Constitu- tion, subject to Disorders of the Head, Stomach, and Lungs together with Cholics, Palpitations of the Heart, the Rheu matism, & c.. an old Age may be attained: This is a of which I myself am a Testimony. It is true, indeed, to Medicines and proper Diet have always been of Service me; and as often as I have I been told, Qui medicine viv- misere vivit ? my Answer has been, Vivittamen. I had bad Death often before my Eyes ; and believe it has been owing to my own Care and Precaution that I aw now to numbered amongst the Living. It it most natural, highly consistent with Reason and good Sense, that was we are afflicted with a bad State of Health, we should be Recourse to Medicine and every necessary Meant of Cure In a Word, on the 12th of October, 1770 ( for this is Circumstance at present chiefly to be considered) a Ccld in Head, being a Disease to which I am frequently subject threatened me with a total Suffocation, insomuch, that own Knowledge and Experience in usual Remedies fails me, I concluded that my latter End was at Hand ; notwith- standing which I was so happy as to meet with a per Cure from the sole Use of your Antimonial Drops. In a Hours after taking them, my Head was free and easy ; I felt myself, in all Respects, wonderfully restored; so the notwithstanding my experiencing many excellent Medicine by which I have hitherto prolonged my Life, I do afflict that these Drops are, in my Opinion, the Most salutary efficacious Medicine in the World. I am, Sir, Your humble Servant, No. 14, Watling- Street, P. LANTHOINE See a Pamphlet delivered gratis by the Vend of this Medicine, intitled, A Short Essay on the singular Virtues of an highly exalted Preparation of Antimony, Dr. Norris's Antimonial Drops ; to which is added, a catalogue of Cares, incontestable proving the sovereignEffect of this great Mediane in the many Disorders for which is recommended. MAREDANT's DROP To Mr. Norton, Surgeon, Golden- Square SIR, Having some Time since been greatly afflicted were the Scurvy, which appeared in great Blotches and other Eruption all over my Body, and having had the of several eminent Physicians without Relief, I was last advised by a Friend to try your ( Maredant's) Drops which I accordingly did, and am now perfectly to my former Health by no other Means. If you proper to publish this, I have no Objection. Chancery- Lane, I am your very humble Servant Dec. 5, 1770. THOMAS WILLIAM PIN Any Person still doubtful of the Efficacy of this Me dicine, may ( by applying to Mr. NORTON, Surgeon, West Side of Golden square, near Piccadilly, London, only Author and Proprietor, where these Drops are in Bottles of Six Shillings each) be fully convinced their good Effect, by being referred to many People Credit, who have been cured of the Leprosy, Scurvy Ulcers, the Evil, Fistulas, Piles, long continued Inflammations of the eyes, and every other Disorder are from a Foulness in the Blood. They may be taken in all Season, without the least Inconvenience or Hindrance of Business. They also perfect Digestion, and amazing create an Appetite. N. B. None are genuine but what are signed by Jo NORTON, in his own Hand- writing ; who hath appoint- them to be sold by H. BERROW, at his Printing Office near the Cross, Worcester, and may be had of the Distri- butors of this Paper; also sold by Mr. Taylor, at Stafford Mr. Hodson, at Burton ; Mr. Hubbard, and Mr. Morgan at Lichfield ; Messrs. Smith and Bridgwater, at Wolver- hampton ; and Mr. Smith, at Newcastle under Line. By His Majesty's Letters Patent, ( Granted to WALTER LEAKE, of the City of London, P. P.) is recommended the Just Famous PILL, called in the Patent, PILULA SALUTARIA And there pronounced to be a Cure for the VENEREAL DISEASE, SCURVY, and RHEUMATISM. In fifteen or eighteen Days it generally cures the cruel Disorders, and where it fails of perfectly restored Health in that Time, the Patient has the happy Assurance that he or she is at the Eve of being restored, let the Degree of Malignancy be ever so great. It is an Excel- lency peculiar to these Pills, to make directly to the com- plaining Parts, and enter Into Contest with the offending Matter, which they soon dislodge and expel. They a declared by Experience to be a Preserver of Health, well as a Restorer, by taking only eight single Pills Instructed by the Direction Bills) once or twice a Year In short, the Patentee has this extraordinary Obligation to them, that whatever he promised himself from the they were sure to fulfil and exceed, as though impatient of immortal and universal Fame. These Pills are more worth a Place in the Cabinet of Masters and Captains Ships, and the more so, for that they require no Confine- ment, nor Restraint of Diet, will keep good in all Cli- mates any Length of Time, and effect a Cure even when Salivation fails. Sold by the Patentee ( in Boxes of 2s. 6d. each) at his House No. 16, Bride Lane, Fleet Street ; who effectu- ally cures Gleets and Seminal Weaknesses : Also sold Appointment by Mr. Hart, Druggist, in Wolverhampton Aris and Co. Birmingham ; Smart, Ludlow; Hartlebury Tewkesbury; Raikes, Gloucester ; Jackson, Oxford: and at Berrow's Printing Office in Worcester. Sold like- wise at Berrow's Printing Office, and by the Worcester Newsmen, New- invented Cakes, for making of Shining Liquid Blacking. One Cake, Price 6d. will make a full Pint of good Blacking that will greatly preserve the Leather, and not soil the Stockings. Also it be bad, as above, The genuine Sort of the British Herb Snuff and Tobacco. WORCESTER: Printed by H. BERROW, near the Cross ; Who sells all Kinds of Blank Warrants, Land Tax Receipts, Parish Certificates, Summonses, Orders of Removal, and every Form used by Justices of Peace, Parish Officers & c. and by whom the PRINTING Business is executed in a neat and expeditious Manner on very reasonable Terms.
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