Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal
Date of Article: 14/03/1771
Printer / Publisher: H. Berrow
Address: Near the Cross, Worcester
Volume Number: Issue Number: 4015
No Pages: 4
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Berrow's Worcester Journal. THURSDAY, March 14, 1771. No. 4015. This JOURNAL, though published on Thursday Morning, will ( by Means of an Express) always contain many interesting Articles of Intelligence inserted in the London Papers brought by FRIDAY'S Mail. SATURDAY'S POST. FOREIGN NEWS. Extract of a Letter from Paris, Feb. 28. THE French King held a Bed of Justice here on the 22d of February last, when he issued an Edict, namely, that as the Jurisdiction of the Parliament was too extensive, reaching from Lyons southwardly, to Arras in French Flanders northwardly, which great Distance occasioned
much Expense to his Subjects, who might be obliged to come to Paris for the Prosecution of their Law Affairs, his Ma- jesty has thought fit to branch the Parliament of Paris into six different Parliaments, under the Denomination of Superior Courts, each Parlia- ment having similar Jurisdiction ; and that his Majesty had appointed them their respective | Salaries. " The Friends of the Chancellor trumpet abroad this new Regulation as a Master piece of Politics, which cannot fail, they think, of endearing him to the People ; but they seem to forget the main Point of the Story, and that is, that the Town of Paris, hitherto so brilliant in
Equipages and magnificent Hotels, will be- come, in a Year or two, little better than any other of their Towns in which Parliaments are to be annually held. Let us conceive for a Mo- ment what a desolate Place London would be, where these Parliaments to be held at one and the same Time in London, York, Bristol, Nor- wich, Liverpool, Northampton, Birmingham, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Glasgow, & c. & c. This is actually the Case of the City of Paris at pre- sent, and consequently one continued Appear- ance of Melancholy, Dissatisfaction, Discon- tent, and Want of Business, reigns from one End of it to another. But it seems the
City of Paris has offended Louis the Fifteenth, and he is now glutting his Revenge on it, in thus dis- membering that ancient and long- flourishing City, by reducing its Power and Jurisdiction, under Pretence of making all Law Prosecutions less expensive, less tedious, and less corrupt to his Subjects in general. — Time, perhaps, will soon convince even this King, that, like the raging of the Waves, " Thus far he may go," but no farther." IRELAND. Extract of a Letter from Dublin, Feb. 27. " On the 26th our Parliament met, when the Forces on both Sides were mustered. There were more Members in the House than were ever
known on any other Occasion. The Ques- tion, on the proposed Address, was carried by a Majority of 25, in Favour of Government, to the Surprise of every body, who have so long seen the great Parties of this Country govern this Kingdom as they pleased. — At this Time the great Chiefs were all united against it, and even pressed some Servants of the Crown, to oppose it at the Hazard of their Offices. " This Day, however, has afforded an un- expected, though no new Scene in this Country, for when the House should have proceeded on the usual Businesses of the Day, a desperate Mob, armed with Clubs, Cutlasses, & c.
surrounded the Parliament House, and attempted to swear several of the Members, who very spiritedly refused the proposed Oath. Upon which they Insulted some, and beat others, selecting with great Nicety the Supporters of Government, from the Members in Opposition. The Bishops of Ferns and Cork were both beat and other- wise much abused. Lord Chief Justice An- bely, and Lord Tyrare were also very roughly treated. Lord Loftus was particularly searched for ; he is marked by the Mob for joining Go- vernment, and deserting from the Patriots. Two of the Ringleaders, armed with Cut- asses, who attempted to swear the
Bishops with Manual ( or Popish Prayer Book) were taken and lodged in Newgate, by Order of the House of Lords. " Their Confession was taken down by the Lord- Mayor; it is said they have made some material Discoveries. The Mob consisted of the Weavers, for whom a charitable Contri- bution was carried on by our Patriots for some Months past. The Speaker subscribed One hundred Pounds to this Scheme, two Days be- fore the opening of the Sessions. P. S. Since writing the above, an Address of Thanks to the Lord Lieutenant, for his Conduct this Day, was moved for and carried by IO5 to 5 1." LONDON, Thursday,
March 7. The principal Arguments used on Tuesday by the Ministers against Governor Pownal's Motion were, that the Matter had been suf- ficiently discussed, and finally determined, on the 13th ; that Possession gave us the only Right which has any essential Meaning, & c. The Op- position contended, that by the present State of things, Spain had a Pretence of attacking us at any Time ; that general Orders were much more dangerous than particular ones; that Posses- sion did not always imply the Right of Possession, and that therefore an Acknowledgement of our Right to Falkland's Island had a very essential Meaning;
that if it had not, Spain would not have been so very careful not to make it; that she evidently meant something by her Reservation ; and that our Ministers were inexcusable, as well for allowing any Reservation, as for accepting less than was first offered by the Court of Spain. Tuesday the Cause so long depending be- tween the Earl of Pomfret and Thomas Smith, Attorney at Law, which was tried at the last Assizes at York, concerning a valuable Lead Mine, and afterwards tried in the Court of Chancery before the Lords Commissioners, and given against the Earl in both Places, was given, after twice hearing at the Bar of the
House of Peers, by a Majority of seven Voices in Favour of the Earl to have a new Trial ; 17 to 10. It is strongly reported, that the King of Prussia has demanded Payment of the Debt con- tracted in the late War by the English Nation. The above Report occasioned Stocks to fall on Change Yesterday. Notwithstanding the present peaceable Aspect of Affairs, a Gentleman at a Coffee House at the West End of the Town offered to bind him- self in the Payment of 1000l. on Condition of receiving 100l. if we are not at War with both France and Spain this Day of Twelvemonth. They write from Plymouth, that the Regi- ment lying at the
Barracks has Orders to hold itself in Readiness to embark for Jamaica. The Lovers of Human Carnage promise themselves much Sport from the enuring Cam- paign between the Russians and the Ottoman Porte, both Nations having thrown their whole Force into the Field. We hear that a Treaty of Partition, with regard to Poland, is on the Carpet, between the Courts of Russia, Vienna, and Prussia. The King is to retire to England, upon a Pen- sion of 400,000l. per Annum. It is said that two Crown Engineers are actu- ally set out to inspect the Castles and Forts on the Coast of Sussex and Cornwall. Yesterday came on, in the
House of Com- mons, the further Consideration of the Oxford Paving Bill, when, after a Debate, a Division was called for, and the Numbers appeared to be in Favour of it, 103 ; against it, 44. The last Letters from the Earl of Bute men- tion, that his Lordship is in a better State of Health than he has been in for some Time past, and that he intends returning to England this Summer. A popular Gentleman spends much of his Time in the Town Clerk's Office in making Notes upon, and Extracts from, the City Re- cords. The following is an Abstract of the Opinion of the Counsellors relative to the Refusal of the Goldsmiths, Grocers,
and Weavers Com- panies, to obey the Precepts of the Lord Mayor, except in Cases of Election:—" Messrs. Wed- derburne, Glynn, and Dunning, are unani- mously of Opinion, that the Masters and War- dens of the three Companies are bound to obey the Lord Mayor's Precepts are liable to be disfranchised for Refusal The Common Ser- jeant is obliged to file an Information in the Mayor's Court for that Purpose, by the Direc- tion of the Court of Aldermen and Common Council, or by Order of the Common Hall, and liable to criminal Prosecution for not obey- ing such Orders." Lord Clive has purchased a very large Estate in the
County of Monmouth, of Lord Mounte Stewart and Lord Beauchamp, containing the Castle of Uske, with several Manors and Lord- ships adjoining. The East- India Squadron is to be completely fitted out, and ready for failing, about the 20th of this Month. The Fleet under Admiral Harland is destined to be stationed in such Manner as may best de- fend the Mouth of the Ganges, and thence prevent the French from making any sudden invasion of the Province of Bengal, by Troops conveyed from the Mauritius, where it has been suspected for some Time, they have been sent from France, to be ready on a proper Oppor- tunity for
that Purpose. On Saturday Night an old Woman, who used to deal in smuggled Goods, as Teas, China, & c. was murdered between Rotherhithe and Deptford. She was found on Sunday Morn- ing by a Pensioner of Greenwich Hospital sitting upright under a Hedge. All her Money was taken from her, but a Quan- tity of Tea and other Things lay by her; she had a large Contusion on the Head, and another under the Breast. Two Men, who are said to be Smiths, belonging to Deptford Dock- Yard, and who were seen in Company with her the Night before, are taken up on Suspicion. The Jury sat on her Body late Yesterday Even ing at Deptford, and brought in their Verdict Wilful Murder. The atrocious Practice of coining Guineas is resumed again in the North. The SPEECH of his Excellency GEORGE, Lord Viscount TOWNSHEND, Lord Lieutenant Gene- ral, and General Governor of Ireland, to both Houses of Parliament, at Dublin, on Tuesday the 26th Day of February, 1771. " My Lords, and Gentlemen, " IT is with the truest Satisfaction that I obey his Majesty's Commands to meet you again in Parliament. " The Attention which his Majesty bears to his faithful Subjects of Ireland, and his Rea- diness to concur with you in every Measure which may
conduce to their Prosperity, have determined his Majesty to call you together at this Time, that you may take into your serious Consideration such Laws as shall be found to be immediately necessary for the general Good of this Country. The present high Price of Corn is an Ob- ject of the first Importance, and demands your utmost Attention ; and I also recommend to you the Continuation or Revival of such Laws as from Experience have proved of Advantage to the Public. " I have particular Pleasure in being able to inform you, that not only the usual Bounties on the Exportation of Irish Linens have been continued by the British
Parliament, but that they have been still further extended ; a Cir- cumstance which I hope will be productive of beneficial Effects to that Manufacture. " Gentlemen of the House of Commons, " As I have Reason to expect that with very strict Economy, the Duties which were granted last Session of Parliament, and which will not expire until Christmas next, may be sufficient to answer the Expenses of his Majesty's Go- vernment, I am not now to ask for any further Supply. " My Lords, and Gentlemen, " The Increase of his Majesty's Royal Fa- mily by the Birth of another Princess, since the last Session of Parliament, is an Event in
which we are all interested, and must afford us the sincerest Pleasure. " His Majesty's paternal Care of this King- dom requires every Return of Gratitude on your Part; and I have no Doubt, from your known Loyalty, that you will manifest your Sense of his Goodness by the Temper and Una- nimity of your Proceedings. " I rejoice in this Opportunity of co- opera- ting with you for the public Welfare, and I flatter myself our Endeavours will be mutual to bring this Session to a speedy and happy Conclusion." Letter from Paris, Feb. 22. " The Lieutenant of the Police is very active in searching out the Persons concerned in the licentious
Papers that are daily stuck up in every Part of this City. A few Days ago he detected a Shoe- cleaner, who was employed in pasting some of these Papers against the House of Mr. de Sartine, in the Middle of the Day. The Method he made Use of was, by carrying a Box upon his Back, with a Child in it, who, by Means of a little Window made in the Box, upon certain Signs given, fixed up the intended Paper. The Man and the Child are both sent to Prison, where they have under- gone several Examinations, from which some further Discoveries are expected to be made." DROITWICH CANAL. WHEREAS a Number of the
Barrows, Planks, and other Implements and Materials belonging to the Company of Pro- prietors of this Undertaking, have been taken away from the Work, by divers Persons living in the Neighbourhood, and converted to their own private Use; This public Notice is therefore given, That all Persons having any such Materials in their Custody, are hereby required to return the same to the said Company, their Servants, or Agents, at the said Work, within the Space of fourteen Days from the Date hereof, in Default of which all Per- sons in whole Possession such Materials may here- after be found, will be prosecuted pursuant to the
Powers given by the Act passed for making the said Canal. THOMAS HOLBECHE. Droitwich, March 7th, 1771. AS the Sporting Season is very far advanced, and it's imagined the Doe Hares are many of them big with Young, Lord Plimouth desires that nobody will, during the Remainder of this Season, course, hunt, or shoot, within any of his Manors, and has directed his Agents to pro- secute every Unqualified Person that Shall hereafter be detected in so doing. THE several Creditors of Mr. GEORGE GUISE, late of Astwood, in the Parish of Dodderhill, and County of Worcester, deceased, are desired to send an Account of
their respective Demands to Mr. Holbeche, Attorney, in Droitwich, in order to their being satisfied. And all Persons in any Ways indebted to the Estate and Effects of the said Deceased, are hereby required immediately to pay such Debts to the said Mr. Holbeche, who is duly authorised to receive the same by the Executors of the Deceased's Will. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, To- morrow, the 15th Day of March Inst. between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, at the Unicorn Inn, in the City of Worcester, unless dis- posed of in the mean Time by private Contract, of which public Notice will be given in this Paper,
ALL that large and commodious Brick Messuage, now and for many Years used as an Inn, and known by the Name of the UNICORN ; situate in the Broad- Street, in the City of Worcester; for some Years last past occu- pied by Thomas Williams; with a convenient Yard, Warehouse, and large and commodious Stables, and other necessary Offices and Out- Buildings, all in complete Repair, and great Part thereof new Building. N. B. The above Messuage and Buildings may, at a small Expense, be converted into a very hand- some and convenient Dwelling for a wholesale Tradesman. For other Particulars enquire of Mr. Davis,
Builder, or Mr. Sockett, Attorney, in Worcester. FITZER, Clock and Watch- Maker, From LONDON, At the Dial, near the Crown Inn, in Broad- Street, WORCESTER, MAKES and Sells all Sorts of Clocks, Watches, Silver and Plated Goods, Gold Rings, & c. in the newest Taste, and on the lowest Terms. Ladies, Gentlemen, and Others, who are pleased to favour him with their Com- mands, may depend on having their Orders punc- tually obeyed to their Satisfaction, and their Fa- vours will be gratefully acknowledged, by their humble Servant, BENJAMIN FITZER. N. B. Clocks, Watches, Jewellery, and Silver- smiths' Work,
repaired in the most careful and neat Manner. Shrewsbury, March 7, 1771. ELIZABETH ROGERS, WIDOW of the late Owner Rogers, hereby returns her sincere and grateful Acknowledgements to the Friends of her late Husband, and begs Leave to inform them, that she continues on the Business of conveying Goods, & c. by Water, from Shrewsbury to Gloucester, as in her late Husband's Time ; and humbly solicits the future Favours of all Gentlemen, Tradesmen, and Others, which will be gratefully acknowledged, and the Business punctually executed, by Their obliged humble Servant, ELIZABETH ROGERS. ASCHOOL will
be opened on Monday the 8th of April next, at a large and commodious House at KEMPSEY, near Worcester, a Place much esteemed for its agreeable Situation, and salubrious Air, where YOUNG GENTLEMEN will be genteely Boarded, and carefully instructed in the ENGLISH and LATIN LANGUAGES ; Writing in all the Hands expeditiously taught, not only on Mathematical Principles, in order to im- print in the Mind a just and necessary Idea of true PENMANSHIP, but by such other particular new improved Methods as cannot fail of enabling Learners, in a short Time, to arrive at a Masterly Proficiency in that most desirable
ART: Also Arithmetic both Vulgar and Decimal ; Geography, History, the Use of the Globes, and the various Branches of the Mathematics ; Navigation, Men- suration, and Book keeping both Foreign and Do- mestic; with French, Dancing, Music, and Drawing ( if required) on the most reasonable Terms, by W. HULL and proper MASTERS. The utmost Attention and Regard will be paid to the Health, Morals, and Deportment of the Pupils, as well as every effectual Method and Endeavour used to qualify and enable them to fill their future Stations in Life with Propriety. ESTATES, or whole LORDSHIPS accurately surveyed and
elegantly mapped, at such Intervals as may not interfere with other Business. Worcester, January 30, 1771. WHEREAS the Masters in the Glove Manufactory in this City, have been much injured by the Work People embez- zling and selling their Gloves, Leather, and Lea- ther Shreds; Notice is hereby given, That a Re- ward of FIVE GUINEAS will be paid by the Steward of the Company, to any one who shall impeach, to Conviction, the Embezzeler or Seller of Gloves, Leather, or Leather Shreds: And also the same Reward will be given for impeach- ing the Buyers or Receivers of Gloves, Leather, or Leather Shreds. By an Act
of Parliament of the twenty- second of George the Second, it is therein enacted, That any Work People who embezzle, purloin, fell, or secrete any Leather of his, her, or their Master, shall be publicly whipped for the first Of- fence : And any Person buying, receiving, ac- cepting, or taking by Way of Gift, Pawn, Pledge, Sale, or Exchange, or in any other Manner what- ever, from any Workmen, any Leather, on Con- viction, forfeits the Sum of Twenty Pounds ; on Default of Payment to be whipped in public at the Market Place." As it is well known many Work People have offered, if not sold, Skins to Shoe- makers, Car- penters,
and Others; This is to inform all Per- sons that buy, receive, accept, or take, by Way of Gift, Pawn, Fledge, Sale, or Exchange, a single Skin, Piece, or Shred of Leather, that they are lia- able to the Penalties above recited. As the Com- pany in general have been so grossly abused and wronged in their Property, they are determined to spare neither Pains nor Expense in bringing to Justice all Offenders under the above- recited Act, whether they have any Connections or not with the Glove Manufactory. By Order of the Company. RICHARD KNIGHT, Steward.
FOREIGN NEWS. Minorca, Jan. 21. THIS Morning arrived the Emerald with our Governor, General Mostyn, and Lord George Lenox and his Lady, and were saluted with 19 Guns from the Citadel. We hear an Order is arrived to level the Town of St. Phillip's; this is a very necessary Thing, as it can afford a good Shelter for above ten thousand Men, a great Part of which may be lodged in the Wine Cellars secure from Shot or Shells ; this the French availed themselves so much of, that they lost but few Men before their Batteries were opened. We have been hard at Work for these two Months past, in putting every Thing in the
best Posture for Defence ; the Smallness of our Garrison will not admit of our manning the outer Covered Way, therefore we must be content to give up that Advantage, and make the best of the inner one. Very little Attention seems to be paid to this Place, as a Proof two Companies of Artillery were lately draughted to Gibraltar; indeed that is a Place of so much greater Consequence, that no Pains should be spared to strengthen it in Men and Works, but in the mean Time we should not be forgot. The Spaniards have but one Sail of the Line in the Mediterranean and at Carthagena, all the rest are assembled at Cadiz, from an
Apprehension we shall attack it; had this, as it should have been done two Months ago, it is agreed on all Hands that it must have fallen; there is not a Doubt of it amongst all the Mediterraneans; the Spaniards confess it. We fear we have given them Time to arm, and are now too well pro- vided. This we are certain cannot be attributed to Lord Chatham, and are also certain, were his Counsels followed in every Operation of War the English would be always victorious. Stockholm, Feb. 15. On Wednesday Morn- ing early the Senate assembled, and gave Or- ders for proclaiming his present Majesty Gus- tavus ( which was
accordingly performed the same Day at Noon with the usual Solemnity) to whom they immediately took the Oath of Fidelity in the Presence of the other Colleges, who were summoned for that Purpose to the Council Room ; after which they waited upon Prince Charles, and administered the same Oath to his Royal Highness, which will likewise be taken by all the Colleges. COUNTRY NEWS. Birmingham, March 11. An alarming Ac- cident lately happened at Church Leigh, that might have been attended with fatal Consequences. — A Servant Woman of Mr. Blurton's going to a Draw- Well for a Pail of Water, her Feet slipped with
the Frost, and she fell down with her Head foremost, the Well being at least twenty Yards deep. She had the good Fortune to turn in the Water, and caught Hold of the Chain, calling for Help, and was got out unhurt. LONDON, Saturday, March 9. The following is an authentic Copy of the King of Spain's Ratification of the late Con- vention. Translation of his Catholic Majesty's Orders, signified by the Balio Fray Don Julian de Ariaga, to Don Philip Ruez Puente, dated Pardo, 7th of February, 1771. " IT being agreed between the King and his Britannic Majesty, by a Convention signed at London on the 22nd of January last past, by
the Prince of Maserano and the Earl of Roch- ford, that the Great Malouine, called by the English Falkland's Island, should be imme- diately replaced in the precise Situation in which it was before it was evacuated by them on the 10 th of June last Year; I signify to you, by the King's Order, that as soon as the Per- son commissioned by the Court of London shall present himself to you with this, you order the Delivery of the Port de la Crusada or Egmont, and its Fort and Dependencies, to be effected ; as also that of all the Artillery, Ammunition, and Effects, that were found there, belonging to his Britannic Majesty and his
Subjects, ac- cording to the Inventories signed by George Farmer and William Maltby, Esqrs. on the 11th of July of the said Year, at the Time of their quitting the same, of which I send you the inclosed Copies, authenticated under my Hand ; and that a soon as the one and the other shall be effected, with the due Formali- ties, you cause to retire immediately the Of- ficer, and other Subjects of the King, which may be there. God preserve you many Years. Pardo, 7th of Feb. 1771. ( Signed) The Balio Fray Don Julian de Ariaga. To Don Philip Ruez Puente. Although the above is only a Copy of the Order for Restitution, yet it is the
only Instru- ment which the King of Spain has sent to our Court; and it has been accepted as a full Ratification. * In the Spanish Papers lately published, there is this striking Passage in Lord Weymouth's Letter to Mr. Harris, of October 17, 1770: " I was ordered to say that his Majesty adheres " invariably to his first Demand, and that without " entering into the insurmountable Objections to the " Matter of this proposed Convention, the Manner " alone is totally inadmissible, for his Majesty cannot " accept under a Convention, that Satisfaction to " which he has so just a Title, & c." [ See Page 18 if the Papers, Part the First. ]
Yesterday his Majesty went to the House of Peers, and gave the Royal Assent to the fol- lowing Bills, viz. The Bill to continue an Act for punishing Mu- tiny and Desertion in the American Colonies. The Bill for the better Regulating and Em- ploying the Poor within the City of Oxford. The Bill to oblige the Proprietors of the Bir- mingham Canal Navigation to complete the same to a Field called Newthall Ring, near Birmingham. The Bill for erecting a Playhouse at Liverpool. The Bill to explain and amend an Act for making the River Clyde navigable. The Bill to enable Lord Ducie to take and use the Name of Moreton, & c. The Bill for
exemplifying the Will of Fran- cis Macartney, Esq; to be Evidence in all Courts of Law throughout Great Britain and Ireland. The Bill to explain, amend, and render more effectual, an Act for better supplying the City of Worcester with fresh Water, and for better lighting, watching, and paving the said City, and to prevent Annoyances therein. An also to several Road, Inclosure, and other Bills. In this Night's Gazette a Proclamation, with a Reward of 50l. is issued for the apprehend- ing John Wheble, Printer of the Middlesex Journal, and R. Thompson, Printer of the Ga- zetteer, for having misrepresented the Speeches, and reflecting
on several Members of the House of Commons in Breach of the Privilege of the said House. Thursday Night in the Lower Assembly a Motion was made by Mr. D ll, relative to the Power of Juries. At Ten the House di- vided, when there appeared for the Motion 72; against it 218. The Patriots were the only Speakers; the Ministers opened not their Mouths. A Plan has lately been digested, by a very ingenious Foreigner, for paying off the Na- tional Debt without laying an additional Bur- then upon the Subject, which has been offered to the PREMIER, who has greatly approved of it, as have many of the Friends of the Minister, and
the Author has been assured that it shall be laid before a certain great Assembly at their first Leisure. Wagers are now offered and accepted on very great Odds, that only a few Months will elapse before a celebrated Company are compelled to repose themselves in the immediate Arms of Government, and obliged to subscribe to Regu- lations which at present they have no Idea of. The following is the Plan now adopted for recruiting the Military Forces of the East India Company : The Company are to pay 6o, oool. to Government, to build Barracks for 2500 Men in the Islands of Guernsey and Jersey, where a Regiment of
Recruits is to be formed for the India Service, confiding of three Bat- talions, of 700 Men each, one Battalion of Irish Catholic's, one Battalion of Germans, and one Battalion of Swiss; and one Battalion of Artillery of 400 Men : For the latter, the Company are to pay Government 1o, oool. an- nually, as it is to be formed by Draughts from Woolwich, and will necessarily occasion an ad- ditional Battalion to the Royal Corps of Artil- lery, Consequently a great additional Expense; yet this will give the India Company the Ad- vantage of the best Artillery in Europe. The King's Lieutenant Governor of Guernsey is to command these
Troops, to whom the outward- bound India men are to bring the Order of the Secretary of War for the Embarkation of any Number of Recruits for India, not exceeding 1400 Men, and a Detachment of 200 from the Artillery ; which leaves a Fund for the Regi- ment of 700 Men, and 200 of the Artillery Regiment. The Money for the Payment of the Troops is to be remitted from the Pay Of- fice, where, at the Commencement of each Year, the full Charge of these Troops to be paid by the Company. The Commissaries and Paymaster of these Corps are to be recom- mended by the Company, and commissioned by the King, as well as
the other Commis- sioners. By this Plan only 200 Men are an- nually sent from England, no Detriment is done to the Recruiting Service, there is a Sa- ving of 1800 Men by the present Method, a strong Garrison is formed for Guernsey and Jersey, and no Loss accrues to the Company by Desertion. The engaging Irish Catholics will effectually ruin the Irish Regiments of France and Spain. When an Act of Parliament is obtained for a Divorce, the injured Party is thereby enabled to marry again, but as to the offending Party the Law is silent; and therefore both Parties have hitherto reaped equal Benefit by the Act, which is extremely
unjust, and certainly never could be the Intention of the Legislature. A Bill is now about to pass for preventing the offending Party from marrying again, which it is hoped will render the Instances of conjugal Infidelity less frequent than of late they have been. By a Letter from Plymouth, we hear they are very busy there in fitting out Part of the Squadron destined for the Mediterranean. Others Letters from the same Place say, that they have Orders to enter such Seamen as may offer themselves, but to press none. There are Letters in Town which mention the Death of Admiral Elphinstone, of the Rus- sian Squadron in the
Mediterranean, with this Circumstance, that Capt. Gregg succeeds him in the Command. Letters from Poland say, that the Plague has entirely ceased in those Parts. We hear upwards of 200 English Seamen have entered into the Service of the King of Denmark. On Tuesday Night, by Virtue of an Infor- mation, a Number of Coiners were seized, with all their Implements, at a House in School- house- yard, Clerkenwell. Informations are made against several more, after whom dili- gent Search is making. The celebrated Lady who was so dexterous a few Years since at a Jeweller's in Bond- street, in conveying away a Pair of
valuable Diamond Ear- rings, and leaving a Paste Pair in their Stead, met with a very mortifying Repartee last Week at a Card Table. The Lady of the House, who sat next to her, retiring for a few Minutes, left her Gold Snuff- box on the Ta- ble ; upon her Return it had vanished; she enquired if no Lady by Mistake had put it into her Pocket ? Every one denied it, when a Girl, about ten Years old, said to the Fair Culprit, " Indeed, my Lady, I saw you put it in your Pocket." She coloured as much as her Complexion would allow her, and pro- duced the Box, saying, " I am very absent. " And I beg, my Lady, ( replied the Proprie- tor of
the Box) you may remain so; for I never desire to see your Face again." Tuesday Morning two fine Cucumbers were sold in Covent Garden Market, to a Gentle- man's Butler, for three Guineas; being the first brought there this Year. This Morning was married, at St. George's Hanover- Square, John Aubrey, Esq; Member in the present Parliament for Wallingford, and Son of Sir Thomas Aubrey, Bart, to Miss Colebrooke, eldest Daughter and Co- heiress of the law Sir James Colebrooke, Bart, with a Fortune of upwards of 1oo, oool. Died.] On Friday last, at his House at Stee- ple Aston, Oxfordshire, Sir Hans Fowler, Bart. of Abby cwm- hyr, Radnorshire; by whose Death without Issue the Title it become extinct. JOHN NICHOLLS, Bricklayer, HEREBY begs Leave to return his sincere Thanks to his Friends and the Public, for all Favours received, and at the same Time informs them, that he is removed from his late Dwelling House in the Quay- Street, to a House adjoining to that Side of St. Nicholas Church next the Cross; where he hopes for the Continuance of their Custom, which will be gratefully acknow- ledged, by Their obliged humble Servant, JOHN NICHOLLS. ELIZABETH ARTHUR TAKES this Method to acquaint her Friends, and the Public in
general, That she keeps on her BOARDING SCHOOL, at Waresley Green, in the Parish of Hartlebury ( a very healthy Air) and continues to instruct young Ladies in all the necessary Accomplishments, such as Spelling, Reading, Marking, good Plain Work, Lace Work, Tent Work, both Cross Stitch and Embroidery, Dresden, and all other Sorts of Needle Work now in Taste, upon the usual Terms. DROPT, on Friday the 1st Instant either in Worcester or between that Place and the Halfway House in Ombersley, A PORT- MANTEAU. Whoever brings it to the Bell, in Broad- Street, shall receive Two Guineas Reward. If nothing else
is returned, it is hoped a Tin Box, containing Writings, of no Use but to the Owner, will be brought to the above Place, or sent to the Owner himself, according to the Direction of the Franks that were in the Portmanteau. LOST, on Friday the 8 th of this Month, between Worcester and Droitwich, a Black and White young FOX- HOUND DOG, with Tan- coloured Ears, with a Piece cut out of each, who answers to the Name of LOYAL ; about twenty- three Inches high, and had a Collar on, with John Pidcock, near Stourbridge, wrote upon it. Whoever has found him is desired to send him to Mr. Nathaniel Pidcock, near Stourbridge; or
William Packer Surman, Esq; of Bewdley, and he shall be handsomely rewarded for his Trouble. To be LETT, and entered upon immediately, AGood old - accustomed PUBLICK. HOUSE, known by the Sign of the Crown and Glove in the Town Ditch, near the Hop- Market, Worcester. The Brewing Utensils and Stock, and Part of the Houshold Furniture to be sold. For further Particulars enquire of Richard Adamson, Glover, in Worcester. To be LETT, and entered upon immediately, Situate in a good Sporting Country, within four- teen Miles of Shrewsbury, and within two Miles of a good Market Town, A Complete handsome well
- built House, consisting of nine Rooms on a Floor, well furnished, with good Garrets, a Brew- House, Cellars, Pantries, and every other Convenience : Also good Stabling, and a Coach- House; a Garden well walled and fruited, and an exceeding good Orchard well planted, the Whole about two Acres. — To be lett for seven Years certain, at the yearly Rent of Thirty- five Guineas. With the above Premises may be had any Quantity of Land, from one Acre to fifty. For further Particulars enquire of the Printer of this Paper. TO BE SOLD, AMessuage or Tenement, together with a Malt- House, other Out- Buildings, and about
fourteen Acres of inclosed Land thereto belonging, situate at Bradforton, in Worcester- shire. — Any Person may view the same by applying to John Burston, the present Tenant. — The Pre- misses are Freehold, and some valuable Timber is growing thereupon. Further Particulars may be had of Mr. Jeffery Bevington, of Eatington ; or of Mr. Hunt, of Stratford upon Avon. TO BE SOLD by AUCTION, At the Golden Cross, in Bromsgrove, on Tuesday next, the 19th Day of March Instant, between the Hours of Two and Four of the Clock in the Afternoon, at FREEHOLD ESTATE near the Town of Broms- grove,, in the following Lots,
LOT I. A Messuage, Barn, Nail Shop, Garden, and about four Acres of Land, upon which there is a Brick Kiln, called the Sheep Cot, and held by Lease to William Green, at the yearly Rent of 12l. 15s. of which Lease about eight Years are unexpired. The Buildings in good Repair. LOT II. A Close of Land, adjoining to the Town of Bromsgrove, about two Acres, withe some large Timber Trees growing thereon and a Stable and Pig- Sty adjoining, at a Place called Clapping Gate. These Premisses may be en- tered upon immediately. Further Particulars may be known of Messrs. Thomas Brettell and James Brasier, Attorneys at
Law, who are jointly authorized to sell the same. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the Crown Inn, in Bosbury, in the County of Here- ford, on Monday the 25th Day of March Instant, between the Hours of Three and Five in the After- noon, according to Conditions of Sale then to be produced, Messuage or Tenement, called Arnolds, with convenient Out Buildings, and about thirty Acres of Arable Land, Meadow, Pasture, and Hop Ground, adjoining together, and planted with the choicest Fruits; situate in the Pa- rish of Bosbury aforesaid ; now in the Occupation of John Kendrick, who holds the same by a Lease for a certain Term of
Years, whereof four are yet unexpired,---- The greatest Part of the Pre- misses are Freehold, and the Residue thereof Copy- hold of Inheritance, held under the Bishop of Hereford. Further Particulars A may be had of Mr. God- frey, Attorney, at Mathon, on Mondays ; or at the Green Dragon, in Ledbury, on Tuesdays. This Day was Published, In Two Volumes, Twelves, Price Five Shillings, sewed, or Six Shillings bound, THE VICAR of BRAY. A TALE. Printed for R. Baldwin, in Pater- noster- Row, London ; and sold by H. Berrow, in Worcester. Of whom may be had, The Favourite, 2. Vols. Price 5s. séwed. The Divorce, 2. Vols,
Price 5s. sewed. In a few Days will be Published, In three Volumes, Twelves, Price 7s. 6d. sewed, ROSARA; or, The Adventures of an ACTRESS. A Story from real Life. Translated from the Italian of PIETRO CHIARI. London, printed for R. Baldwin and S. Bladon,| in Pater- noster Row; and sold by the Printer of this Journal. In the PRESS, And will be published about the End of this Month, ANew and complete Treatise on the Diseases of Women; in which every Dis- order the Female Sex are peculiarly subject to is explained ( with their Causes and various Symp- toms) in a clear and concise Manner, and the most approved
Methods laid down for their Cure. By a PHYSICIAN. London, printed for R. Baldwin, No. 47, Pater- noster Row, and sold by the Printer of this Journal. This Day was Published, THE CRITICAL REVIEW Or, ANNALS OF LITERATURE. For FEBRUARY, 1771. Containing, I. Continuation of the Account of Guthrie's History of Scotland. II. Drury'sl Illustration of Natural History. III. Dossie's Me- moirs of Agriculture, Vol. II. IV. The West Indian, a Comedy. V. Emerson's Mathematical Principles of Geography. VI. Osbeck's Voyage to China and the East Indies, & c. VII. Letter to Robert Morris, Esq. VIII. Langhorne's Transla- tion of
Plutarch's Lives. IX. The Minstrel, a Poem. X. Furneaux's Letter to Mr. Justice Blackstone, 2nd Edit. XI. Critical Observations on the Buildings and Improvements of London. XII. History of Sir William Harrington, & c. & c. & c. and with a large Monthly Catalogue. Sold by R. Baldwin, No. 47, Pater- noster Row, London, and may be had of the Printer of this journal. Sublata causa, Tolluntur Effecta. A Discovery is at last happily effected for the Cure of that painful and dangerous Disease, the STONE and GRAVEL, deemed opprobium Medicorum. As every Physician of Ex- perience allows the generating Principle of the Stone is the
Attraction of its earthy and saline Particles-— after numerous Experiments on Stones, as well in as out of the Bladder, a Medicine is recommended to the World, at a radical Cure thereof, in either Sex ; which acts by destroying its oily Parts, and volatilizing its Salts, thereby depriving it of its Principles, so that it no longer cements, but separates, and stimulating the Blad- der, it is expelled with the Urine, in the Form of an earthy Sediment— totally cleansing it of all fabulous Concretions whatever, and by that Means rendering that dreadful and hazardous Stroke of the Knife useless. A Medicine so apparently serviceable in the
Stone, cannot but be infallible in the Gravel, as it almost instantaneously discharges it where it is not yet accumulated; and as gravelly Concretions are always the Subject of Nuclei, it never fails pre- venting its becoming a Stone. There remains little to be said as an Encomium on a Medicine, which, to every one's Reason, so evidently excels all others, but that it it of sove- reign Efficacy in all Retention of Urine, Strangury, and Diabetes; and where Urine is made in small Quantities, attended with Pain. It is sold by W. Adams, Surgeon, in Bottles of 5s. 6d. each, at the following Places, viz. at the Essex Coffee- House, in
Whitechapel; Mrs. Lang- ford's, at No. 18, in Pater- noster Row; Mr. Southern's, Stationer, opposite Park- Place, St. James's; and may be had of the Printer and Dis- tributors of this Journal.
March 6, 1771. Notice is hereby given, THAT a Meeting of the Trustees of the WORCESTER TURNPIKES, will be held at Hooper's Coffee House, in High- Street, on Wednesday the 3rd Day of April next, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, for borrowing One Hun- dred Pounds on the Credit of Lowesmore Gate. By Order of the TRUSTEES, W. GILES, Clerk. Messrs. GOOLDEN and LOWE, At the COLLEGE GRATES, BEG Leave to inform the Ladies and the Public, That the new Silks for the Spring are almost completed, and will be ready for Sale about the End of this Month : They have near one hundred Looms now at work,
upon the most elegant Patterns, drawn and fancied by the first Artist in the Kingdom. The Ladies may depend upon being informed, by a future Adver- tisement, when the Looms are completed. N. B. They likewise beg Leave to inform them, that they have now a Parcel of Silks, purchased at a Sale in London, to be sold exceeding cheap, together with some Remnants. AFARM, Tythe- free, to be lett, in the Manor of Hinton on the Green, in the County of Gloucester, called Downrip Farm; consisting of about 146 Acres of Arable Land, and 45 Acres of Meadow and Pasture, well watered, with all convenient Buildings upon the said
Farm. Enquire of John Weston, at the Manor- House of Hinton aforesaid, who will shew the Premisses, and give Directions where further Particulars may- be had. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Monday next, the 8th Day of March Inst. at the Golden Lion, in the High Street, in the City of Worcester, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, FOUR Freehold Houses, in good Repair, situate in the Cooken Street, in the City of Worcester, and now set for 14l. 15s. per Annum. Two of the Houses are in the Front of the Street, and are spacious, and might be made very commodious for a Baker or Master. For
Particulars enquire of Mr. Parker, Attor- ney, in Worcester. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER or BIDDERS, At the Sign of the Duke of Beaufort's Arms, in the Town of Monmouth, on Wednesday the 3rd Day of April next, betwixt the Hours of Twelve and Two, in two separate Lots, agreeable to Articles then and there to be produced, LOT I. THREE Hundred and Fifty six Oak Trees, now growing on an Estate at Callow Hills, near Monmouth aforesaid, in the County of Hereford, which Trees are all marked out for Sale. LOT II. Four Hundred and Five Oak Trees, now growing on an Estate at Carmaddock, in the Parish of Garway, in
the said County of Hereford, all which Trees are likewise marked out for Sale, For further Particulars apply to Mr. Thomas Holder, of Carmaddock aforesaid, who will shew the same. WHEREAS Benjamin Bird, late of Coventry, was to have delivered, at Mr. Thomas Barr's, in Birmingham, a Pair of Saddle Bags, containing in them Twenty Pounds in Cash, a new Silver Watch, four small Tea Spoons, a Pair of black knit Breeches, a Pair of Stone Knee Buckles, two new ruffled Shirts marked T. B. two Stocks, two Pair of Random Worsted Stockings, a Pair of dark Silk ditto, one Pair of Thread ditto, a Pair of Shoes, a Pair of black
Buckles, a Surtout Coat lined with Oil Case, and a red Pocket Book, containing several Bills of Parcels and Orders, a Pair of Scissors, and a Knife. Whoever will secure the said Benjamin Bird, and give Information thereof to Mr. Tho- mas Barr, of Birmingham, or to Mr. Ashton, at the Star and Garter, in Worcester, shall receive Five Guineas Reward. N. B. The said Benjamin Bird is a thin young Man, about five Feet ten Inches high, pale Com- plexion, had on, when he went from Worcester, a black Suit of Cloths, a light Surtout Coat with a red Collar, a new Hat with a Gold Button and Loop, and sometimes wears a Cockade. For
the STONE and GRAVEL. SWINFEN'S ELECTUARY, Price Two Shillings and Sixpence the Pot, AMedicine proved, from a long Series in private Prac- tice, to be of the greatest Efficacy in giving imme- diately Ease in the most excruciating Fits of the Stone and Gravel, and curing those painful and melancholy Disorders. It is pleasant to take, having no nauseous or disagreeable Taste ; sits easy on the Stomach, and is so safe and inoffensive in its Operation, that it is taken without any particular Regimen or Confinement. Amongst the great Number of extraordinary CURES done by this ELECTUARY, the following Cases are
sub- mitted to the Public : JOHN BOWN, of Kirkby- Malory, in the County of Leicester, was violently afflicted with the Gravel and Stone ten Weeks, and had the Advice of an eminent Apothecary, without receiving any Ease. On the 3rd of December last he began taking Swinfen's ELECTUARY, and after taking three Doses, he found himself much easier; and, by the Time he had taken one Pot, more than large Coffee- cup full of Gravel and small Stones came from him. He was perfectly cured, continues free from and has had no Return of the Disorder since JOHN COOPER, jun. of Hinckley, Peruke- maker, as afflicted with the
Gravel and Stone from two Years of Age, and suffered the most excruciating Pains and An- guish with it for fifteen Years, during which Time he had the repeated Advice of the most eminent of the Fa- ulty, who gave him not the least Relief. On the 11th of October last he began with Swinsen's ELECTUARY, And, by taking one Pot, his Pains entirely ceased, and has remained perfectly free from the Complaint ever since. Witness my Hand, JOHN COOPER, In the Presence of CORIOLANUS Copplestone, Minister, JOSEPH ILIFF, Church- wardens. JOHN BOLESWORTH, THURSDAY'S POST. ( By EXPRESS from LONDON.)
LONDON, Tuesday, March 12. IT is said the Duke of Graston has refused to take Part in the present Administration, unless Lord Cam- den is appointed to a honourable Post therein. We are assured, from the best Authority, that the Premier has declared, within these few Days, on hearing of the late sudden Fall of the Funds, that, " however the too credulous " Part of Mankind chose to let themselves be " gulled out of their Property, through the " groundless Fears, and the wicked Arts made " Use of by Harpies, to take Advantage of " the real monied People, Matters were now " settled on so respectable and firm a Basis, " that,
to all human Appearance, there was " not the Shadow of a Reason, to suppose the " public Tranquility could be disturbed again, " by any real Cause, for many Years to come." Yesterday the Resolutions of Friday last were agreed to, that the Charge of the Militia be defrayed out of the Land Tax for 1771. We hear that several Doubts have arisen among some of the Learned in the Law, con- cerning the Legality of a late Proclamation. It has been strongly reported that an Out- lawry against the disobeying Printers was in- tended to succeed to the King's Proclamation for apprehending them; but the Lawyers say that no such
Process can take Place. Others assert the Proclamation to be of a similar Nature with that prohibiting the Ex- portation of Corn, which stood in Need of the Assistance of an Act of Parliament, to indem- nify the Advisers. In Conformity to this Opinion, a popular Alderman it is said attended the Chapter Cof- fee House three Days successively last Week with a blank Warrant in his Pocket, to com- mit such as should be concerned in enforcing the Proclamation. The Friends of Liberty observe, with the utmost Concern, the present Dissensions among the Members of the Opposition, and the bitter Sarcasms which they publicly throw
out against one another. — A few Nights ago, in the House of Commons, Mr. Burke said, " That Sir William Meredith resembled the Pendulum of a Clock, vibrating between Ministry and the Opposition." We can assure the Public, that there is not the least Foundation for the Reports circulated in the Papers concerning Lord Mansfield's speedy Resignation ; the Thing was never once thought of, and his Lordship is in better and more established Health than he has been for many Years. The Lord Mayor has ordered a Common Council to be summoned for Thursday next, to consider how far the City's Right may be injured by a Bill
now depending, for improving the Navigation of the River Thames from London to Cricklade. And the above Court will take into Consideration Mr. Mylne, the Surveyor's Claim, and resume the adjourned Debate concerning Press Warrants. It is supposed that a new Trial between Lord Pomfret and Mr. Smith will cost each Party between Two and Three Thousand Pounds, as the Witnesses and the Jury must all be brought up to London, and kept here, at no small Ex- pence. But It is asserted, that Mr. Smith will appeal to the House of Lords for a Rehearing, which is a very uncommon Circumstance. The King of Prussia has
notified in Form to the States General, that the Reports propa- gated, concerning his Design upon Dantzic and a Part of Poland, were void of all Foun- dation ; that the great Force which he has spread along the Confines of Poland was merely to prevent a Communication of the Plague; and that his Views are, in all Respects, pa- cific. Veracity is not the most splendid of his Majesty's Virtues. The proposed Congress at Vienna, between the Russians and Ottomans, is dropped, and another Campaign seems now inevitable. Considerable Presents are preparing to be sent to Senegal, to be distributed among the African Princes. A
Part of the Train of Artillery have re- ceived Orders to hold themselves in Readiness to embark for the West- Indies. We can assure the Public, that no Account of the Aurora Frigate is yet arrived ; so that it is more than probable that the Supervisors are lost : An Event that will not dis- agreeable to the Servants of the East India Company. It is certain that a late Plenipo, from the French Court to that of Great Britain, actu- ally proves to be a Female : This Virago had served many Years in the Army, was Captain of Dragoons, and had been honoured with the Cross of St. Lewis; was employed in many difficult and dangerous
Expeditions and Nego- ciations, all of which she brought to a happy Conclusion. A Correspondent informs, that the Discovery of her Sex was occasioned by her lately discharging a favourite Footman, whom she had entrusted with the Secret. It is somewhat remarkable, that the Spanish Messenger, who brought his Catholic Majesty's Approbation, or ( as it is called) Ratification, of the late Convention, still remains here, but for what Purpose is not known. Letters from Smyrna inform, that the Plague is again broke out there, and daily carries of a great Number of the Inhabitants. Yesterday Morning the Right Hon. Lord Mansfield
had a Conference with his Majesty at the Queen's Palace, which it is supposed, was on the Subject of the late Proclamation against the Printers. The Reason why the Premier did not attend a certain House when the East India Recruit- ing Bill was agitated there, is said to have been, left the Opposition should have taken the Alarm, and united to defeat a Measure so advantageous to the Prerogative, that nothing but the Inattention of that Body of Men can ever carry it into a Law. It is said that Actions of Ejectment will soon be brought against some of the Inhabitants of the Savoy, when the Right of the Crown to that Place will be
tried. On Sunday, about Two o'Clock in the Af- ternoon, a Fire was discovered in an Apart- ment adjoining to the King's Dressing Room at St. James's, which greatly alarmed the whole Court. The Accident happened by some De- ficiency in the Hearth, through which the Fire had communicated to the Joists underneath, and had been burning for some Time; but by ripping up the Flooring, the same was happily extinguished without the Assistance of Engines, though several were present. The Populace were particularly inquisitive, whether the Fire was in the Kitchen, but were assured there had been no such Thing there for
some Years. On Sunday the following Accident hap- pened at the House of an eminent Dyer, in Albemarle street, Clerkenwell : His Brother, going into the Dye- house, being very dry, and seeing a Pewter Alehouse Pot, in which were, as he imagined, the Remains of a Quart of Porter, drank it off, but it unhappily proved to be Oil of Vitriol, which had such an imme- diate Effect, that he became raving mad, threw himself out of a Two- pair of Stairs Window, and expired soon after in great Agonies. On Friday a young Lady, Niece to an emi- nent Apothecary, set out on a matrimonial Expedition for Scotland with her Uncle's Jour neyman. She is entitled to 9000I. Fortune when of Age, which will be in June next. It is not the first Time there has been Dis- turbances in Dublin during the Meeting of Parliament: About eight Years ago the Mob attempted to swear the Members going to the House; and Mr. Woodward, the Comedian, being then in Dublin, they knocked at his Door to borrow a Bible, who gave them a Vo- lume of the Spectator, which they made Use of, and then very honestly returned it. Died.] At her House in Old Bond- Street, her Grace the Duchess of Hamilton, Lady of the Hon. Mr. Nassau, Mother to the Countess of Donnegall, and
Grandmother to the present Duke of Hamilton. Price of CORN per Smarter, at London. Pease 28s. to 30s. Hog Pease 24s. to 26s. Beans 20s. to 26s. 6d. Tares 30s. to 36s. Finest Flour 38s. per Sack. Wheat 38s. to 45 s. Barley 25s. to 29s. Oats 15s. to 19s. Brown Malt 26s. to 32s Pale Malt 27s. to 34s. Rye 23s. to 27s. Bank Stock, shut, 152 a 149 1- half open. Four per cent, consol. 97 1- half a 1- 4th. Three 1- half per cent. 1756, —. Ditto 1758, no Price. Three per cent, consol. 87 1- half a 87 - 8th a 86 1- half. Ditto reduced, shut. Ditto 1726, —. Long Annuities, 26 5- 8ths a 1- half. South Sea Stock, —. Three per cent. Old
Annuities, 86 a 1- 8th. Ditto New Annuities, 5 1- 4th a 85. Ditto 1751, — . India Stock, 230 a 225 1- half. Three per cent. Annuities, shut. India Bonds, 51s. a 52s. Prem. Navy Bills, 1 3- 8ths Disc. BANKRUPTS required to surrender. Thomas Price and Samuel Horton, of St. George the Martyr, Surry, Cyder- Merchants, March 14, 23, April 2o, at Guildhall. --- Edward Pryer, of Dorkin, in Surry, Mealman, March 16, 30, April 20, at Guildhall. —- John M'Craken, of Bristol, Linnen- Draper, March 25, 26, April 20, at the Bush Tavern, in Bristol Benjamin Maisoneuve, of Pall- Mall, Jeweller, March 12, 23, April 20, at Guildhall. —- Ann
Griffiths, of Westminster, Linen Draper, March 16, 19, April 20, at Guildhall. DIVIDENDS to be made to Creditors. April 17. John Martin, of Birmingham, Lin- en Draper, at Guildhall April 17. Thomas Street, of Southwark, Distiller, at Guildhall. April 22. Cuthbert Wilkinson and James Siddall, of London, Haberdashers, at Guildhall. The sale of Rowley's Hero Snuff and Tobacco, so deservedly encouraged by the Public, is removed from the St. Paul's to the London Cof- fee House on Ludgate Hill, London; where all Orders for that Commodity are executed with the usual Dispatch, by the Public's very obe- dient Servant, J. ROWLEY.
The following is another remarkable Instance of the good Effects of Rowley's Herb Snuff and Tobacco. Mr. JOHN STRAHAN, Watchmaker, in Ratcliff Row, City Road, London, was subject to a De- cay of Sight for many Years, until at length the Use of Glasses, and the Assistance of many skilful Persons proved ineffectual; an Inflammation came on in both his Eyes; he was for a long Time in- capable of following his Business, and had nothing before him but the melancholy Prospect of be- coming- blind, when Rowley's Herb Snuff relieved him. He continued the Use of it for about a Year, and can now fee to perform with Ease
the nicest Part of the Watch- Making Business without Spectacles. I do aver the above Relation to be true, and that it is a Fact well known to all my Acquaint- ance. JOHN STRAHAN. This Herb Snuff and Tobacco is sold by Mr Gamidge, Bookseller, in Worcester, and may be had in most of the principal Towns in England and Wales— but be careful to ask for Rowley's, EARLY INTELLIGENCE, received from our Correspondents in London, dated Wednesday, March 13. AMotion was Yesterday made by Mr. Al- derman Sawbridge, in a certain A y, for restoring, Triennial Parliaments; in which he was seconded by Mr. Serjeant
Glynn, who said it was the only Way to quiet the People, who were much dissatisfied with not having the Prayers of their several Petitions complied with, which were to dissolve the present Parliament. He observed, that a Triennial Parliament must put a Stop to Bribery and Corruption, and pre- vent such immense Sums of the Public Money being squandered away at Elections. — There were great Debates, but it was at length car- ried by a great Majority against the Motion. We can assure the Public, that a Memorial did actually arrive, in the Course of last Week, from France to our Court, demanding why our naval Preparations
were still kept in Motion, and insisting on almost a categorical Answer.— Mr. Walpole's hasty Return to England was on that Business. — The Stocks fell as soon as the Report transpired, and have continued to do so since; they fluctuated very considerably on Monday. The D of A , a few Days since, we are informed, backed his Opinion with 500I. that D' n is of the feminine Gender. The following Incident has occasioned much Diversion in the polite Circles: Two Ladies of Fortune, who have for some Time past been constantly invited to a great Rout near Charing Cross, were observed by the Lady of the Ass- embly to use some
Art in Play, not confident with Women of Character. The Lady, who is possessed of Humour, and a great Share of Understanding, sent for the famous Mr. Jonas, dressed him like a Foreigner of Distinction, and sat him at the same Table with the above- men- tioned Ladies. He observed the Arts made Use of by them for two or three Games, and played off his own against them, by which Means he stripped them of all their Money, and obliged them to engage their Honour for other Sums. The Ladies complained of Fraud. Nay ( says Mr. Jonas) hold your Tongues ; I am a fair Trader; you have entered on my Province, and have
now met with your Match." WORCESTER, Thursday, March 14. At our Assizes, which ended Yesterday, the two following Persons were capitally convicted, and received Sentence of Death, but were af- terwards reprieved, and ordered to be trans- ported for seven Years, viz. William Ma- thews, for stealing a Heifer, the Property of John Goforth, of Holt; and Elizabeth Win- nall, for breaking into the Dwelling House of George Bartlett, of Pedmore, and stealing thereout a Pair of Stockings, two white Hand- kerchiefs, and divers other Things. William Nicholls, for stealing a Piece of Linen Cloth, from Mr. William Yate, of
Kidderminster, was likewise ordered to be transported for seven Years. — Edward Leigh, for stealing a Brass Pot and a Kettle, was discharged by Procla- mation. Samuel Davis, who had been committed to our City Gaol, for the Murder of his Wife, by striking her on the Head with a Pair of Tongs, and who was to have been tried at this Assize, died in Gaol on Monday last. At this Assize Came on to be tried, by a Special Jury, a remarkable and much- talked- of Cause, wherein Mr. Jonathan Green, of Dudley, was nominal Plaintiff, and four others Defendants, for an Assault and Imprisonment; but it clearly appearing, in the
Course of the Trial, that the Plaintiff was unhappily af- flicted with Lunacy; that he was taken up, and put under the Care of one of the Defen- dants, and attended by Dr. Monro, for the Purpose of effecting a Cure, and to prevent him from doing Mischief to himself and Friends, and that this Action was commenced by a cer- tain Attorney of Dudley, to serve his own Pur- pose, and oppress the Plaintiff's Family, a Verdict was found for the Defendants. Yesterday Mr. Justice Ashurst and Mr. Jus- tice Willes set off for Gloucester, in order to open the Commission at that Place, where there are above twenty Prisoners to take their
Trials. On Thursday last, two Men in digging for Gravel in a Field at Upper Wick, in the Parish of St. John in Bedwardine, near this City, discovered, about a Foot deep in the Earth, the Skeleton of a human Body, of a middle Size, which by the Appearance of the Bones, seemed to be a young Person, and is supposed to have been in the Ground about twelve or thirteen Years; but notwithstanding great Enquiry has been made in the Neigh- bourhood, no Conjecture can be formed con- cerning it. On Tuesday last there were great Rejoicings at Droitwich, in this County, on Account of two Vessels arriving at that Place, up the new
Canal, loaded with Coals. The Assize of Bread it as follows , viz. Wheaten Household. lb. oz. dr. lb. oz. dr. Penny Loaf to weigh 0 8 7 0 11 2 Two- penny Loaf I o 14 1 6 4 Six- penny Loaf 3 2 9 4 2 12 Twelve- penny Loaf 6 5 2 8 5 8 Eighteen- penny Loaf 9 7 11 12 8 3 The Halfpenny Bach Cake not to weigh less than 4 Ounces 3 Drams, the Penny ditto not less than 8 Ounces 7 Drams; and do ether Sort of Bach Cakes to be made.
SIR, IN an Age of general Indulgence and Dissipation, too great Praise cannot possibly be bellowed upon the Westminster justices, by the few regain- ing Friends of Virtue and the Constitution, for the vigorous and effectual Support they have given the Informants against one of the greatest Pests of So- ciety in modern Times— the Syren of Destruction in Soho- Square- - who, like another Circe, is con- stantly employed in weakening the Restraints of Virtue, and heightening the Gusto of false Plea- sure, by every adscititious Embellishment that can make the Descent to Sensuality and Vice more enchanting and delightful. To
check the Growth of this Evil, those worthy Magistrates have boldly thrown open the Portals of Justice, and stepped forth in Support of Decency and Order and the insulted Laws of their Country --- notwithstanding the Threats of a Confederacy formed to support her Interest among the tattered Shreds of Nobility, and dissolute Commoners, who attend her nocturnal Orgies, and encourage her Extravagance : For certainly those deserve no bet- ter Epithets, however great and elevated in Rank and Fortune, who dare to trample on the Laws they have enacted— and have exchanged the comely, masculine Garb of public and
private Virtue, which sat so graceful on their Forefathers, for the Frivolism and Infidelity of modern Petit Maitres— who take greater Pleasure in listening to the Squalls of an Eunuch, and aping Brutes at a Masquerade, than in supporting their real Dignity as Patriots, and Gentlemen of independent Principles and Fortune. I have often amused myself with drawing a Parallel between the manly, spirited Pursuits and Conduct of our ancient Nobility and Gentry, who lived independent on their Estates, in an hospitable Manner in the Country, diffusing Joy and Glad- ness around them; rough, bold, and hardy, in pursuing the Sports of
the Field, or weilding the Spear and Battle- Axe against the Enemies of their Country— and their present weak, sickly, degene- rate, puny Successors; who tremble at the Appear- ance of Fatigue and Danger, and know no Toils but these of the Toilette— where they spend more Time in a Day, than their Great Grandmothers did in seven, in disguising themselves with Pow- der, Essence, and Washes, till their sweet Faces have lost all their distinguishing Traits of Sex and Gender, and every Beholder is ready to take them for Females in Disguise; their Manners and Sen- timents being as effeminate as their Dress and Ap pearance. They are a motley Kind of Beings, who having caught the Contagion of every Vice and Folly on the Continent in their Travels, im- port them on their Return, to contaminate the Principles and Customs of their native Country. Such are the Descendants of those glorious Ba- rons who fought at Cressy and Poictiers, and as- serted and secured, in Spite of Tyrants, the great Charter of Liberty they are endeavouring to subvert, and render ineffectual, by Venality, Cor- ruption, and a tame and abject Submission to Court, both in their private and Senatorial Capa- cities. They never think of Matrimony, till Di- sease and
Penury remind them of a Dower, and chaster Connections ; and, when fleeced at the Hazard Table, they sell their Votes and Interest to the Minister for present Subsistence. Where general Luxury prevails, Liberty can- not long reside. She, sweet Goddess, is the Hand- maid of Industry and Commerce, and her Sup- porters are Temperance and Fortitude; in her Right Hand is the Sceptre of Equity, and in her Left the Horn of Plenty : And yet, so ungrateful are Mortals, that they suffer the Blessings she con- fers to contribute at last to her total Extinction ; of which her sad Fate amongst the Grecian and Roman Republics is a
melancholy Proof; and similar Causes will always produce similar Effects. It is therefore wife and magnanimous in our Ma- gistrates to curb the Licentiousness of the People as much as possible in the Capital, and convince those of Birth and Fortune, that they are equally subject to the Control of penal Laws with the meanest of their Fellow Subjects. In them Li- centiousness is doubly criminal, and Profligacy productive of the most baneful Effects, by sub verting the Foundations of Religion and Mora- lity, and introducing Anarchy and Confusion amongst the subordinate Ranks in the State. En- couraged by their Example, already
we see the Ordinances of the Church more and more ridi- culed, and despised by the Vulgar and Illiterate Marriage neglected ; Gaming encouraged; In- trigues carried 0n; and an Affectation of Dress and Ostentation prevailing, inconsistent with their Circumstances. And are not these strong Symp- toms of the weak and cachectic State of the Body Politic ? which, if not timely remedied, must soon produce a total Change, or Dissolution, of one of the most perfect and equal Forms of Go- vernment, that ever the Wisdom of Man con- trived for Perpetuity, Glory, and Happiness. MENTOR. To be SOLD or LETT, And may be entered
on at Lady - Day next, AN exceeding good Freehold Dwel- ling House, with all necessary Out- Buildings thereto adjoining, situate in Pershore, in the County of Worcester, and sit for a Gentleman or Tradesman. Particulars may be had by applying to Mr. Young, Attorney at Law, in Pershore aforesaid. Worcester, March 7, 1771. WANTED, as an Apprentice to a Glover in this City, a sober YOUTH, of reputable Parents; with whom a Premium will be expected. Enquire of the Printer of this Paper. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On the 23d Day of April next, at the Dwelling- House of William Blew, the Sign of the Falcon, in
Bromyard, in the County of Hereford, subject to Conditions of Sale to be then produced, unless sold by private Contract in the mean Time, of which proper Notice will be given, ANew elegant modern- built Brick House, consisting of two handsome Parlours, China Closet, Study, Hall, Vestibule, best and back Stair- Case, also a bed Kitchen, with a wet and dry Pantry, all on the Ground Floor. A large Lead Reservoir over the wet Pantry. --- On the first Floor, four genteel Bed- Chambers, all hung with fashionable Paper; Dressing- Closets to three of them ; two of them with Fire Places. --- In the Attic Story, four genteel Bed-
Chambers, two of them hung with Paper; two Closets with Fire Places; likewise a Servant's Room and Store Room. Three large dry good Cellars and a lower Kitchen. -— The Offices, being a new complete Brick Build- ing, consisting of a large good Brew- House, Wash- House, Bake- House, and Laundry over them; a handsome Coach- House, with a Grainery, having an Alabaster Floor over it; and a four stalled Stable well fitted up, and an Hay Loft over it. —- A Gar- den adjoining to the House, by Estimation one Acre, with a Ten Foot Brick Wall, laid out in the gentlest Taste ( well stocked with Wall and other Fruit - Trees) with
an elegant Shrubbery, and good Kitchen Garden, well cropped. -- An Orchard adjoining to the Court Yard, with a new Barn and Beast- House, and some other new Building for Pigs and Poultry, all which are made very con- venient. A Pump in the Court, with exceeding good Water. The above Premisses lie pleasantly situated at the Entrance into Bromyard from Worcester, and contain, by Estimation, more than two computed Acres. They command a pleasant Prospect of the Down, and are situated in a delightful healthy Air.— The Purchaser will be entitled to Right of Common on the Down. Also to be Sold, at the same Time, in
like Manner, with or without the above- mentioned House and Premisses, Two computed Acres of Arable Land, lately enclosed out of a Field called Cruxwell Field, in the Parish of Bromyard aforesaid, with Lands of Thomas Tomkyns, Esq; and in the Possession of, Mr. JohnWhittall.— And one other computed Acre of Arable Land, in Cruxwell Field aforesaid, in the Possession of Mr. William Davis. Also the Remainder of a Term in a Lease of a Meadow, opposite the House, by Estimation six computed Acres, in the Occupation of the said Mr. Davis, ten Years whereof were unexpired at Candlemas last. Enquire of the said Mr.
Davis, who will shew the Premisses; or of Mr. Coleman, Attorney at Law, in Leominster, who will treat for the same. The House to be viewed till the Time of Sale. Bromyard is a Market Town, distant from Lon- don 125 Miles, from Worcester 13 Miles, from Hereford 15 Miles, from Leominster 10 Miles, from Ledbury 15 Miles, and from Tenbury 10 Miles, or thereabouts; the three last are good Market Towns. Also to be Sold, at the same Time and Place, One Hundred Feet of new Oak Palisadoes, in Stretches, with Posts, never put up. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, To- morrow, the 15th Day of March Instant, between the
Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, at the Dwelling House of Edward Dudfield, known by the Sign of the Flying Horse, in Strensham, in the County of Worcester, subject to Conditions then to be produced, ANew- built Freehold Messuage or Tenement, Garden, and Premisses, with the Appurtenances, situate at Strensham aforesaid, late in the Possession of William Tustian, and now of Richard Knight, is Tenant thereof, at the annual Rent of 2l. 15s. Further Particulars may be had of Mr. Long, in Upton upon Severn, Worcestershire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Tuesday the 26th Day of March Instant, at Mr. John
Beaumont's, at the Boar's Head, in Tenbury, in the County of Worcester, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, FOUR substantial Brick Messuages or Tenements, with a Brew- house, Stable, and other Out- Buildings; and also a sufficient Quantity of Garden Ground to them belonging ; situate 011 the East Side of ( and near unto) the Parish Church of Tenbury : And also a Piece of Land adjoining to the said Garden Ground, con- taining about two Acres, which is fenced in on every Side with a substantial Brick Wall upwards of eight Feet high, called the Cherry Orchard; together with the said Wall, and a Brick
Build- ing erected on Part of the Piece of Ground, which has been tiled as ( and may at a very easy Expense be converted into a complete) Dwelling House; and also about one Yard's Breadth of Land, which is Part of, and belonging to the said Piece of Ground, and left without the said Wall on every Part thereof, for the Purpose of planting Fruit Trees as well against the Out as the Inside of the said Wall. Also to be Sold, by private Contract, A complete and very desirable ESTATE, situate in the Township of Howsell, in the Parish of Leigh, in the County of Worcester, within about four Miles of the City of Worcester, and a small
Distance of two good Turnpike Roads leading to that City; consisting of a newly erected substantial convenient Brick House, Barns, Sta- bles, Cow House, Cyder- Mill, Cyder- House, and other necessary Out- Buildings, and upwards of fifty- six Acres of Arable Land ( of which about thirteen Acres are planted with young Trees of the choicest Fruit) about five Acres of Meadow Land, live Acres of Pasture, and one Acre of Wood Land ; and also a Coppice, containing about three Statute Acres; and which Building and Coppice, and about twenty- one Acres of the other Lands, are Freehold, and the other Part Lease hold for Lives,
held under Mr. Cox, at a Chief Rent of 12s. and a Money Herriot of 1l. 10s. on the Death of every Life. The Whole of which Premisses ( except the Coppice) are now in the Possession of Richard Harris, as Tenant thereof, and can be lett at 45l. per Annum. Particulars may be had of Mr. Norris, Attor- ney, in Droitwich ; on Saturdays, at the Crown and Sceptre, in the Hop Market, Worcester; and on Tuesdays at the Golden Cross Inn, in Bromsgrove. WARREN's improved MILK of ROSES. RICHARD WARREN, Per- fumer, in Marybone- Street, Golden- Square, Lon- don, begs Leave to recommend to the Public the above, as he
has found it much superior not only in Elegance and Pleasantness, but also in Efficacy, to any Thing yet made Use of, such as cleaning, clearing, smoothing, and soften- ing the Skin, even to Admiration, though prepared from that innocent, pleasant Flower, whence it takes its Name. And as some of the first Personages in this King- dom have been pleased to approve of it, he would also inform the Public, that the salutary and singular Effect it has on Children and young Persons is beyond Concep- tion from an Article entirely Vegetables. As it it not only of the utmost Benefit to Ladies and Children, it is also of infinite Use to
Gentlemen after Shaving, especially those whose Faces are apt to be rough and sore after that Operation. Prepared and sold only by the above Richard Warren, and by his Appointment sold also by the Printer of this Paper, and may be had of the Men who deliver it, at 3s 6d. a Bottle. By whom are also sold from Mr. Warren, as above, viz. His only true British Powder, for cleansing and preserv- ing the Teeth and Gums to the latest Date of Life, 1s. a Box. Dr. John Lord's well known infallible Corn Salve, for giving present Ease and perfect Cure, 1s. 6d. a Box. Court Plaister, Lip Salve, Scowering Drops for taking Spots, Grease,
Paint, & c. out of Silks, Camblets, Cloth, Stuffs, & c. 1s. a Bottle. Eau de Luce, 1s. 6d. a Bottle. New publishing, ANew Edition of the Illustration of the NEW TESTAMENT, by NOTES and EXPLICATIONS. Printed for R. Gondby, and sold by J. Towers, at No. 111, near Cripplegate ; which has met with such Appro- bation as to pass through several Editions: And for the Convenience of Purchasers of all Ranks, may now be had in weekly Numbers at Six- pence or Three- pence each, to be completed in 68 Numbers at Six- pence, or 136 at Three- pence ; ornamented with 68 full Folio beautiful COPPER- PLATE CUTS, which will
be given Gratis; or in MONTHLY NUMBERS, Sewed, at Five Shillings each, to be completed in SEVEN NUMBERS ; or the Whole completed, in TWO VOLUMES FOLIO, Bound in Boards and lettered, Price Two Pounds, or Two Pounds Five Shillings handsomely bound in Calf. THIS WOrK is executed on a different PLAN from any other Exposition of the Scriptures ; neither received Opini- ons, nor former Expositors being followed, any further than they agree with Reason and the known Attributes of the DE- ITY ; and by a great Number of new Notes, not to be found in any other Expositort many Passages are set in a new
Light, and thereby many important Doctrines explained in the most rational Manner, and many received Opinions shewn to have no Foundation in the Scriptures, And as several pious and learned Writers have of late employed their Pens in elucidating the Scriptures, and the Religion of CHRIST, with a Freedom of Sentiment and Enquiry that isbestadapted to finding out Truth ; from such Help:, it may be presumed, this Work may give a more rational Illustration of the Scrip- tures, than has hitherto appeared. For as Men attain, from increased Knowledge and Enquiry, a more perfect Compre- hension of the Works of GOD in the
natural World, so there is Reason to think they may in the Moral; and that the true Spirit of his revealed Will may be better understood the more it is enquired into. Nor is any Thing worthy of Notice in farmer Commentators omitted ; and such copious Extracts are given from the best Sermons, Discourses, and Treaties, on difficult or interesting Texts and Doctrines of the Scriptures, that it may just be considered as a LIBRARY of Christian Knowledge, Whatever is most beautiful and affecting in the best Writers on the Christian Dispensation the Doctrine: of CHRIST, and Duties of Christians, being so introduced, as to render the
Reading delightful, as well as greatly instructive in Christian Knowledge, The vast SALE of this WORK, far beyond any Thing of the Kind, best speaks its Praise ; and nothing more is desired, than to compare it with any other EX- position published, to see which will give most Satisfaction to the Enquirer after Truth and solid Piety. Those desirous of having this Work, are desired to order for the ILLUSTRATION printed for R. GOADBY. It may be had by giving Orders to H. Berrow, Printer of this Journal, or to the Worcester Newsmen; it may likewise be had of the several Booksellers in Tewkesbury, Gloucester, Hereford, Ledbury,
Birmingham, Stourbridge, Bewdley, Kidderminster, Wolverhampton, Shrewsbury, Ludlow, Ten- bury, Evesham, Stratford- upon- Avont Warwick, Coventry and all other Booksellers in Town and Country. N. B. A New Edition of the OLD TESTAMENT executed upon the same PLAN, is now publishing in Num- bers weekly, at either Six- pence or Three- pence each ; in which above two hundred beautiful Copper- Plate CUT will be given Gratis. Now first made Public by J. BURROWS, M. D. VELNOS' Vegetable SYRUP: An acknowledged SPECIFIC in all Venereal and Scorbutic Cases. THIS is the Medicine so long wished far by
renowned Boerhaave, Sydenham, and Others. It has undergone the severest Examination by the Royal College of Physicians at Paris, and is by them pro- nounced to be an absolute Specific in every Stage of these Disorders. It is solely composed from Herbs and Plants, without a single Particle of Mercury ; is very agreeable in its Operation, and effects a certain Cure in the most desperate and complicated Cases, where the Use of Mer- curials is asserted, by the most skilful of the Faculty, to be not only ineffectual, but pernicious. In the most desperate Scorbutic Cases ( where the Sea Water and other Medicines have been
used in vain) the Syrup has effected a radical Cure. An Alteration for the better is visible after a few Days Use ; and it is peculiar to the Operation of this Medicine, that at the same Time it eradicates the Disease, and acts as a powerful Restorative. The Physician, who now offers it to the Public, be- sides having minutely observed its Effects during a long Residence at Paris, is further convinced, by daily Ex- perience, of its Superiority over every other known Me- dicine ; he therefore trusts to the Candour of the Public, for distinguishing between the Nostrums frequently im- posed on them, and a Medicine thus authenticated by the
Testimony of Persons of the first Rank. It is sold in Bottles, 1os. 6d. each, at Dr. Burrow's House, opposite the Prince of Orange's Coffee House, in the Hay Market, London ; sold also by Fletcher and Hodson, in Cambridge ( who are appointed sole Agents for vending this Medicine in the Country); Mr. Raikes, Gloucester, Mr. Pugh, Hereford; Messrs., Pearson and Aris, Birming- ham ; Mr. Taylor, Kidderminster ; Mr. Jackson, Oxford; Mr, Eddowes, Shrewsbury ; Mr. Taylor,, Stafford; Mrs. Thurstans, Wolverhampton ; and by the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. Where also may be had, A Dissertation on its Nature and
Effects, with an Account of its Examination by the Royal College of Physicians, and a Va- riety of extraordinary Cures, properly attested. Any Person doubtful of the Authenticity of this Medicine, may see, in the Hands of Dr. Burrows, such Testimonials as cannot be disputed, the authenticated Certi- ficates by two public Notaries, countersigned by his Britan- nic Majesty's Ambassador at the Court of France. The following approved Medicines are sold at Berrow's Printing- Office in Worcester. ESSENCE of WATER- DOCK, For the SCURVY. IF there be any yet afflicted with this Disor- der, who have not tried the Water- Dock,
whether from Inattention, or from the supposed Discredit of ad- vertised Medicines ( though when the Author is known, I and capable, that ought to cease) it may be proper to remind them that this is the Season for a perfect Cure. The Certainty of Effects, even in the most confirmed Ca- ses, are sufficiently known, from those of Mr. Wilson, Mrs. Game, Sir Roger Twynsden, and man, more, and its Innocence is such, that Infants take it in a proper Dose. There are many other Persons of Distinction, in whose Faces the good Effect of this Medicine may be seen ; through it were ill to revive the Memory of a past Disorder, by
mentioning their Names : This may be said with Truth and Safety, None need fear a Cure from it because they have taken other Things in vain. Sold by H. BERROW, Printer, in Worcester, whom I have appointed my Agent for the Sale of my Medicines in Worcester, and Places adjacent ; and all Persons desirous of vending them may be supplied by him an advantageous Terms. Arlington- street, London, Oct. 17, 1766. J. HILL 1. ELIXIR of BARDANA, for the Gout and Rheumatism. This re- establishes the Health after the Fits of the Gout, shortens such as follow, and cases the Pain. For the Rheumatism it is a certain Cure ;
and the Disease never returns. 2. PECTORAL BALSAM of HONEY, for Colds, Coughs, and Asthmas. A common Cold is often cured, and all the bad Conferences prevented by a single Dose, These Complaints are so common, that no Family should be without the Medicines. 3. TINCTURE of SPLEEN- WORT, the new- invented Medicine for Hypochondriacal Disorders. 4. TINCTURE of VALERIAN, for Disorders of the Nerves, Faintness, Headaches, and all Kinds of Fits. 5. TINCTURE of SAGE, to lengthen Life and keep off the Decays of Age ; at Tremblings, Deaf- ness, and all other the Weaknesses of an advanced Life. 6.
TINCTURE of CENTAURY, a Sto- machic Bitter, that gives a healthy Appetite and found Digestion : A certain Cure for all Weaknesses and Disorders of he Stomach. All these are pleasant, innocent, and efficacious Medicines; discovered by the Author, in the Course of his Study of Plants; and are so safe that Infant, may take any of them in a proper Dose. They are sold at 3s. a Bottle each, Valerian as. 6d. with printed Directions. To Dr. FLUGGER, in Prescot - Street. Goodman's Fields, Author of the Lignorum Antiscorbutic Drops. SIR, I should be both guilty of Ingratitude to yon, and Injustice to my Fellow- Creatures, was I not
to make public the surprizing Cure my Wife hath received, by taking Eight Bottles of your Lignorum Antiscorbutic Drops After having been afflicted upwards of sixteen Years with several Ulcers in her Legs, which, notwith- standing every Method that could be thought of was tried, and no Cost spared, became more soul and corrupted ; in so much that a Mortification was hastily ensuing, and a violent Fever had seized her, together with a whole Com- plication of Disorders; so that her Life was really miser- able, and all Relief despaired of but by Death ; till per- suaded by Mr. Shoubridge, the Agent for the Sale in this Town, to try
your Drops, which to the Surprise of all who knew her, and much to our Comfort, perfected a Cure in a few Months ; and she is now in perfect Health, and free from all Disorders whatsoever. Witness my Hand, RICHARD COCK, Cooper. Horsham, Dec. 12, 1770. I1. S. The Truth of this may be relied on, as can be testified by many of the Inhabitants of this Town. These Drops will perfectly cure the most inveterate Scurvy, Leprosy, pimpled Face, of ever so long standing ; likewise the Evil, Fistulas, Piles, old obstinate Sores or Ulcers, and is a sovereign Remedy in all Disorders arising from the Foulness of Blood incident to the
Fair Sex ; and may be taken by Persons of the most delicate Constitu- tions in any Season or Climate, without the least Incon- venience or Hindrance of Business ; and hath this particular Quality different from most other Medicines, that they strengthen the Patient surprisingly. Any Person doubtful may be reserved to many Persons of Credit, - who have been cured by these Drops of the above- mentioned Disorders, audit fully convinced that this is no Imposition, by applying to Dr. Hugger, at No. 15, Prescot- street, Goodman's fields, London, the only Author and Pro- prietor of these Drops, where they are sold at 5s. the Bottle,
with Directions. Also by Mr. Aril, in Birmingham ; Mrs. Thurston, in Wolverhampton-, Mr. Whately, in Lichfield ; Mr. Davis, in Lominster ; Mr. Pugh, in Hertford ; H. Berrow, in Worcester ; Mr. Taylor, in Stafford; Messrs. Jopsons, in Coventry ; Mr 1 Lingard, in Atherstone, and Nuneaton ; and Mrs. Stock, in Gloucester ; Mr. Martin, at Ashby de la Zouch ; Mr. Higman, at St. Austell; Mr. Bloxbam, in Banbury ; Mr. Chandler, in Froome ; Mr. Shoubridge, in Horsham ; Mr. Hull, at St. Alban's ; and Mr. R. Eades, in Hgh Wycombe. Those not in Bottles, marked with the Name of the Drops, also sealed with the Author's Name, are
Counterfeits. Dr. STERN'S Balsamic AEther, An easy, expeditious, and effectual Cure for Consumptions, Asthmas, Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sort- Throats, and every other Disease of the Breast, Throat, or Mouth. Being by the Steam of hot Water, applied immediately, to the Part affected, the Patient is certain to find Relief in a few Moments; and, by continuing the Use of this invaluable Medicine for a shorter or longer Time, accord- ing to the Inveteracy of his Complaint, he may depend upon a radical Cure, as may be well attested by Numbers of People, both in the City of London, and other Part, of the Kingdom. But the
Public are particularly requeued to observe, that in the Small- Pox, Measles, Inflammation of the Breast called Peripneumonia 0r Pleurisies, the frequent Appli- cation of this Medicine will afford the Patient more Re- lief than all other Remedies whatsoever. In these dan- gerous Cases, after plentiful Bleeding, it must be applied every Hour, till the Disorder begins to remit; and the Water must not be drank, but, when it grows cool, must be thrown out. Sold at 6s. per Botrle, by II. Berrow, Printer, near the Cross, Worcester, and by most of the principal Booksellers, & c. in Great Britain and Ireland ; of whom may likewise be had Dr.
STeRN'S Meditcal Advice to the Consumptive and Asthmatic People of England, Price 1s. Also to be had, at Berrow's Printing - Office, The genuine Sort of the British Herb Snuff and Tobacco. WORCESTER: Printed by H. BERROW, near the Cross ; Who sells all Kinds of Blank Warrants, Land - Tax Receipts, Parish Certificates, Summonses, Orders of Removal, and every Form used by Justices of Peace, Parish Officers, & c. and by whom the PRINTING Business is executed in a neat and expeditious Manner on very reasonable Terms.