Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Volume Number: Issue Number: 4011
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Berrow's Worcester Journal
Date of Article: 14/02/1771
Printer / Publisher: H. Berrow
Address: Near the Cross, Worcester
Volume Number: Issue Number: 4011
No Pages: 4
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Berrow's Worcester Journal. THURSDAY, February 14, 1771. No. 4011. Notwithstanding this Journal is, in most Places, distributed at least a whole Day before any other Country News Paper of the same Date, and also many Hours before the Arrival of the London Mail, it not only contains the most material News published in London on Tuesday Night, but many interesting Articles of Intelligence, not inserted in other Country Papers before the Saturday following. SATURDAY's POST. Arrived two Mails from Holland. Toulon, January 1. THOUGH the Advices from divers Places say that the Dif- ferences between Spain and
England are on the Point of being terminated, yet there are great Movements in this City, and the Labours carry- ing on in our Arsenal were not discontinued even during the Holidays. The Number of Workmen in the Dock Yards has been in- creased, as well as that of the Shipwrights; and, for this Fortnight past, we have not ceased working, both on Sundays and Holi- days, on the Batteries along the Road. The Fleet ready in this Port consists of twenty- two Ships of the Line and twelve Frigates. LONDON, Thursday, Feb. 7. The following is an accurate Copy of the two Questions proposed Yesterday in a certain Assembly, by
the Earl of Chatham : 1. Whether, in Consideration of Law, the Imperial Crown of this Realm can hold any Territories or Possessions thereunto belonging, otherwise than in Sovereignty ? 2. Whether the Declaration, or Instrument for Restitution of the Port or Fort called Eg- mont to be made by the Catholic King to his Majesty, under a Reservation of a disputed Right of Sovereignty expressed in the very Declaration or Instrument stipulating such Restitution, can be accepted or carried into Execution without derogating from the Maxim of Law before re- ferred to, touching the inherent and essential Dignity of the Crown of Great
Britain ? After an interesting Debate, in which Lord R— rd, the Dukes of R - d, and M r, I and Lord C - m spoke, it was carried in the Negative, 69 to 22. A few Days since the Premier was refused Admittance into the House of Peers as a Com- moner, but told that he might be admitted as a Lord, which he would not accept of. A Correspondent, on observing that Lord Mansfield is appointed Speaker of the House of Lords in the Absence of the Lord Chan- cellor, desires to know whether the present is not the first instance of there being two Speak- ers of that House at one Time ? It is said that the Salary of 5000l. per Ann. is still
continued to Lord Mansfield, as Speaker of the House of Lords. It is again reported, that the Duke of Glou- cester it indefatigable in endeavouring to bring about a Reconciliation between the present con- tending Parties, which, it is said, is at the Re- quest of a Great Personage. It it said, that the Reason of a certain Great S y't not choosing to be in the Southern Department, which was first offered him, was, that in that Case he must correspond with several old Acquaintances in a neighbouring Kingdom, where he was formerly Vice Roy, which would subject him to be reminded of several Promises made to them of Services,
both public and private, which he has hitherto thought it pru- dent to forget. A Correspondent, in the present State of po- litical Controversy, desires we would recom- mend a certain witty Peer's Example to the Public, who, whenever a Tale is told him, claps his Hand upon one Ear, in order, as he humourously confesses, to reserve it for the opposite Party, very properly reminding him- self of the old Proverb, that one Story is good still another is told. It is confidently reported, that the Gentle- men of the Alley have a Scheme under Con- sideration, which will prevent the Possibility of Lame Ducks for the future. This, it is said, is to
insist upon every Broker's naming his Principal at the Time of buying, and thereby giving the Seller an Opportunity of judging for himself how far his Property may be safe. To avoid the Consequences, however, of disco- vering Secrets, the Seller is to be excluded the Alley, if he reveals the Name of any Principal who wishes to be concealed in the Course of the Transaction. G— t, we are assured, have resolved, so soon as they have completed their Military and Naval Schemes, to turn their Attention to the already overgrown Revenue of a certain great Company. A Resolution which has so far trans- pired, though in Embryo, as
to cause an uni- versal Convulsion in that powerful Body. Three Gentlemen are expected from India in the Spring; one of whom is said to have made Half Million of Money in ten Years, and the two others 300,000l. each. The Commissioner of Bankrupt, for whom the Lord Ch r displaced his Nephew, owed his Success with the D — e of C d to the Interest of his Wife, who is fortunate enough to visit Mrs. B , of Hatton Gar- den. It it generally imagined that Lord Cam- den, in " a similar Cause," would have behaved unpardonably. Notwithstanding the late Convention, the most sage Politicians are of Opinion that a War with Spain is
inevitable. Letters from Berlin, dated January 28, ad- vise, that that Morning died, almost suddenly, Sir Andrew Mitchel, Minister Plenipotentiary from England to the King of Prussia. This Day a Court of Common Council was held at Guildhall, to settle the several Com- mittees for the Year ensuing. At this Meet- ing the further Consideration of the Motion made in the last Court for prosecuting the se- veral Magistrates who should back Press War- rants, and the Constables who should execute them, was postponed till the next Court of Common Council, and every Member was de- sired to prepare himself to give his Opinion upon
the Subject. Mr. Alderman Harley has engaged to meet Mr. Wilkes in Support of the Legality of such Warrants. A Gentleman who has served above thirty Years in the Navy, though now only upon a Lieutenant's Half- Pay, making Application the other Day for the Command of a small Vessel, was informed, that it was already given away, at the Solicitation of a certain illustrious Duke, to a young Fellow, who was then to make his second Voyage in Character of a Captain. Yesterday there was an exceeding grand Masquerade Ball at Mrs. Cornelly's, in Soho Square, at which their Royal Highnesses the Dukes of Gloucester and
Cumberland were present, and a very numerous Company of the Nobility and Gentry; as also the Imperial, Danish, Hanoverian, and other Foreign Ministers. The Duke of Bolton, in an Old Woman, sustained his Character with much Humour. Mr. Vaughan supported the Coun- try Farmer with vast Pleasantry, and an uni- form Adherence to Nature. Mr. Webster, in the Character of Guiderus in Cymbeline, a Masque greatly admired. Mr. J. Goodaker, gave great Satisfaction ( by the Bulls he made) in the Dress of an Irish Haymaker. A Friar, whose Face was the Picture of Luxury and Voluptuousness, was incessantly preaching up
Penitence and Abstinence. The extraordinary Appearance of one Mask ( Colonel Luttrell) gave very high Offence to the Ladies; and he was not only pretty warmly rallied, but reproved : He appeared as a dead Corpse, in a Shroud, and walking strange Powers, that give a dead Corpse Leave to walk!) his Coffin, decorated with all its so- lemn Ornaments. On the Front was passed the following Inscription : Mortals, attend! this pale and ghastly Spectre, Three Months ago was plump and shout as Hector ; Cornely's, Almack's, and the Cotterie, Have now reduced me to the Thing you see. Oh ! shun harmonic Routs and midnight
Revel, Or you and I will soon be on a Level. One Lady gave the Colonel an excellent sa- tiric Stroke. Says she, " Indeed, Colonel, you may aptly compare yourself to Hector, who have found the Means to hector a whole County out of its Representative ; but your Character of To- night will no Doubt reconcile you to every Freeholder of Middlesex; for you are certainly now the Representative of what they most heartily wish you the Reality." Among the Company were also the follow- ing characters: A Fryar with an excellent Mask, and a well- dressed Lady Abbess; a Spa- niard in scarlet Satin, with brown Fur Edgings, had a good
Effect, though improper for his Climate; a Madman with a four- square Hat ornamented with Straw, his Woollen Mantle had the nine of Diamonds on his Shoulders, and to his Belt hung a large Horn ; in his Com- pany was often seen an honest Serjeant at Law taking Briefs without taking Fees; a Dutch- man with a Tongue as useless as his Pipe ; two smart Quakers who never felt the Spirit till the Champaign was pushed about ; a gouty Man in an India Night Gown, a good Masque but very noisy; a Contract between a rude, lean Parish Girl, and a well- dressed Lady; a fair Chinese in a scarlet Satin Petticoat and black Silk Cloak,
very genteel, and remarkable fine Hair well dressed ; a pretty Milk- Maid with her Pail, in Company with a high- dressed Masque, Arm in Arm; a fat Man, formerly a Seal Graver, now in the Shape of an old cloaked up Bawd; two jolly Sailors in Quest of Company, and another Sailor with his two Girls very happy; a Watchman with a Candle and Lant- horn, crying, " past Twelve o'Clock;" three comical Devils, very tempting, and two dry Devils that every one avoided; a feathered Man ; a tall Punch, known only by his Hump behind and the Buttons before; a very gen- teel young Lady in an old English Dress, bleak Velvet, trimmed
with Point Lace; an Indian Hunter; an Indian Huntress, well dressed in blue Satin and Silver, with a Quiver on her Back, and her Bow in her Hand, had a bril- liant Effect; a droll, diminutive, fat Spaniard ; two great Girls, one in a white Frock, with her Doll; a very elegant Lady, in a Parisian Silver Tissue Robe, her Hair and Head remarkably well dressed, was esteemed among the smartest in the House ; a gobbling Countryman very wittily said, he could dance like any Thing ; three Harlequins without Oil in their Joints; a Savoyard playing Minuets to a very well equipped dancing Bear; two beautiful Novices, in white Silk, were
deservedly admired for the Neatness of their Dress, and Comeliness of their Persons, and termed by many the Angels of the Place in Opposition to the Devils before- mentioned; a very droll Woman, with blue Stockings and scarlet Clocks; the Figure of Tragedy was rich, graceful, and becoming, but surprized several to see her in Company with a Barber ; Sorrow and Joy, expressed by Scarlet and Black; a dull Hermit and Pilgrim ; a Cricket Player; a very fat running Footman ; a Light- Horseman ; a little Merlin ; a Wag- goner ; a Character who came in Forma Pau- peris in the Character of Jerry Sneak, so thin that he could
creep through a Gold Ring, was so swelled by Morning, and so unruly, that they could not force him out of the great Gates, after assuming the Character of Colonel Bully. It was observed that the Men in general ad- dressed the Devils more than the Angels; and one, noticing that he had not heard one smart Saying, another replied, " It was a Miracle if he had, as none was said." The following Anecdote may be depended on A few Days since a Lady ( Mrs. S.) who is called a Woman of Spirit, ordered an elegant Masquerade Habit for the Masquerade at Mrs. Cornelly's, which was brought Home last Sa- turday ; she had surveyed
it with Rapture, and thrown it on a Sopha in her Dressing - Room, and went out to invite some of her Inmates to partake of her Joy ; soon after her Departure, an honest Tradesman came with his Bill; he had at different Times called, for twelve Months past, on the same Errand, but to no Purpose; he now asked for the Lady's Husband, who hap- pened to be at Home, and who is a Man of great Humanity, although of a humorous Turn. On hearing his Tale, the Gentleman took him to his Wife's Dressing Room, " My Friend, ( says he) I have no Money by me; but take this Fool's Coat ( giving him the Masquerade Dress) you will, at
this Time, sell it for more than will discharge your Bill." The Tradesman walked off highly pleased. The Lady has taken to her Bed with Vexation. Extras of a Letter from Cambridge, Feb. 4. " This Afternoon came on the Election in the Senate- House, for a Member to represent this University in Parliament, in the room of Sir William De Grey, the present Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, when Richard Croftes, Esq; was elected. A sudden Opposition was raised this Morning in Favour of Dr. Wynne, Fellow of Trinity- Hall, and Chancellor of Durham, for whom a much greater Number of Gentlemen, unsolicited,
appeared, than could have been expected, from so unexpected an Event; for upon calling up the Votes, there appeared for Mr. Croftes, 76, for Dr. Wynne, exactly 45." A Letter from St. Nicat in Cornwall, dated the 31st of January, says, " with great Dif- ficulty I got Home, for never was the like Quan- tity of Snow seen in Cornwall before; the Co- roner has been fetched to seven Men in a Day, found dead under the Snow; and there is not yet any palling the Western Places of that Part of Cornwall." . MIDLAND CIRCUIT. Lord Chief Baron Parker, and Mr. Justice Aston. Rutlandshire, Monday March 4, at Oakham. Lincolnshire,-
Tuesday 5, at Lincoln. City of Lincoln, the same Day at the said City. Nottinghamshire, Saturday 9, at Nottingham. Town of Nottingham, same Day at that Town. Derbyshire, Wednesday 13, at Derby. Leicestershire, Saturday 16, at the Castle of Leicester. Borough of Leicester, same Day at that Borough. City of Coventry, Wednesday 20, at that City. Warwickshire, Thursday 21, at Warwick. Northamptonshire, Tues. 26, at Northampton. WESTERN CIRCUIT. Mr. Justice Blackstone and Mr. Justice Nares. Southampton, Thursday March 7, at the Castle of Winton. Wiltshire, Saturday 9, at New Sarum. Dorsetshire, Thursday 14, at
Dorchester. Devonshire, Monday 18, at the Castle of Exeter. City and County of Exeter, the same Day at the Guildhall of the said City. Cornwall, Monday 25, at Launceston. Somersetshire, Sat. 30, at the Castle of Taunton. NORTHERN CIRCUIT. Lord Mansfield, Mr. Justice Gould. City of York, Saturday March 9, at the Guild- hall of the said City. Yorkshire, same Day at the Castle of York. Lancashire, Saturday 23, at the Castle. HOME CIRCUIT. Mr. Baron Smythe, and Mr. Baron Perrot. Hertford shire, Wednes. March 6, at Hertford. Essex, Monday 11, at Chelmsford. Sussex, Monday 18, at East Grinstead. Surry, Wednes. 20,
at Kingston upon Thames Kent, Monday 25, at Maidstone. On Monday a Dispensation passed the Seal to enable the Reverend William Shipley, M. A. Student of Christ Church, Oxford, Son of the Bishop of St. Asaph, to hold the Rectory of Skeiviog, in the County of Denbigh, worth upwards of 500I. per Annum. Tuesday a Dispensation passed the Seal to enable the Rev. William Davies, M. A. late of Christ Church College, Oxford, to hold the Rectory of Shervog, in the County of Flint, and Diocese of St. Asaph, together with the Vicarage of Wrexham, in the County of Den- bigh, and Diocese aforesaid, worth upwards of 230I. per
Annum. Married.] On Wednesday Morning last, M. B. Hawke, Esq; eldest Son of the Right Hon. Sir Edward Hawke, to Miss Cassandra Turner, youngest Daughter of the late Sir Edward Turner, Bart, of Ambroseden, in the County of Oxford. — Tuesday, Mr. Stones, of Parliament- Street, to Miss Gomm, of Clerkenwell. ALL Persons who stand indebted to the Estate of SAMUEL BRADLEY, of the City of Worcester, Chinaman, Toyman, Dealer and Chapman, a Bankrupt, are required to pay the several Sums in which they so stand indebted, either to Mr. Richard Sockett, Attor- ney, in Worcester, or to Mr. Thomas Jenkins, at Mr.
Bradley's late Shop in the said City, who are duly authorized, as well by Charles Trub- shaw Withers, Esq; the Trustee, as by Mr. Robert Blayney, the sole Assignee of the Estate and Effects of the said Samuel Bradley, to receive the same, or they will be proceeded against at Law for the Recovery thereof. N. B. The STOCK in TRADE, late of the said Samuel Bradley, confiding of Jewels, Plate, China, as well Foreign as Worcester, and other valuable Effects, is now selling at his late Shop, opposite to the Town Hall, in the City of Wor- cester, where Traders and others may be supplied with a great Variety of Elegant Goods, for
ready Money only. January 12, 1771. ALL Persons indebted to the Estate of Mr. JOSEPH FRANKLIN, late of Evesham, Sadler, deceased, are desired to pay what they owed him, to his Administratrix and Widow, Mary Franklin, of the same Place; who carrying on her late Husband's Businesses there entreats the Continuance of the Favours of his Customers, and begs his Creditors will transmit her an Account of their respective Demands. TO BE SOLD, A Quantity of Oak and Ash Trees, in the Parish of Tardebigg, and County of Worcester. Also to be Lett, and entered upon at Lady- Day next, A Farm, consisting of upwards of
180 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Ground, in the Parish of Tardebigg, and County aforesaid. For further Particulars enquire of William Moore, of Tardebigg aforesaid. TO BE SOLD, ABOUT sixty Yards of Iron Pal- lisading, variously ornamented, between four and five Feet high between the Pillars, with a large Lead Flower Pot upon each Pillar. Also to be Lett or Sold, A good Dwelling House, lately put in very good Repair, with a large Barn and Stable, a good Garden and Fold, & c. and known by the Name of the Green Dragon, in Bromyard. — Good Encou- ragement will be given to a good Tenant, or any Part of the
Money may lye at Interest, to accommodate a Purchaser. Further Particulars may be had by applying to Joseph Baylis, in Bromyard, Hereford shire. To be peremptorily SOLD to the Best Bidder, On Monday next, the 18 th of February Inst. between the Hours of Two and Four in the Afternoon, at the Hop- Pole, in the City of Worcester, TWO Freehold Farms, situate at Kington, in the County of Worcester; the one consisting of a large and convenient Farm House and Garden, two Barns, one Stable, a Cow House, a Perry Mill, and a Cart House, all in good Repair; about fifty- nine Acres of Arabia Land in the Common Fields of
Kington, three- Acres of Meadow in a Common Meadow there, and fourteen Acres of Pasture inclosed, now in the Occupation of Thomas Payton. The other consists of a comfortable Dwelling House and Garden, two Barns, one Stable, and a Cow House, all in good Repair, three Orchards, containing about three Acres, fifty- two Acres of Arable Land, or thereabouts, in the Common Fields of Kington, and six Acres of inclosed Pas- ture, now in the Occupation of Robert Payton. The above Farms have a Right of Common, without Stint, upon an excellent Common called the Husk, and in the Common Fields of Kington, and are
held together by the above- named Tho- mas Payton, under a Lease for the Remainder of a Term of twenty Years, of which about fifteen are yet unexpired, at the yearly Rent of Forty- eight Pounds. The Tenants will shew the Premisses ; and Fur- ther Particulars may be had by applying to Mr. Sockett, Attorney in Worcester.
MONDAY's POST. Yesterday arrived the Mails from Holland. Leghorn, January 16. WE learn from Genoa that the British Consul who resides there, received a Courier the 13th Instant from Turin, with Dispatches for the Se- nate, by which the King of Eng- land desired to know, whether in Case he should be engaged in a War with Spain, the English Ships might be permitted to come into the Ports of the Republic. The Senate answered that it could not consent to it, on Account of its Connections with Spain and France. Accord- ingly the Genoese have ordered their Coasts to be put in a good State of Defence. Marseilles, Jan. 18.
We hear that the Rea- son of the Embargo which has been laid on all the Ships in the Alicante is, that 3000 Men might be transported to Majorca, where 9000 are al- ready arrived. COUNTRY NEWS. Gloucester, Feb. 11. On Thursday the Rev. Mr. John Arnold was instituted to the Rectory of Cubberly; to which he was presented by Lady Dowager Chedworth. And on Friday the Rev. Mr. Parry was in- stituted to the Rectory of Mitchel- Dean ; to which he was presented by Maynard Colches- ter, Esq. Last Sunday Se'nnight divine Service was performed at Winserton, in the County of Hereford, by a Gentleman of uncommon Abi lities, who has been blind for more than six Years, attended by a Clerk who is likewise des- titute of Sight. The Reverend Divine made use of the following Text: We Walk by Faith not by Sight. LONDON, Saturday, February 9. From the LONDON GAZETTE. SHERIFFS appointed by his Majesty in Council, for the Year 1771. Berkshire, Sir W. Stonehouse, of Radley, Bart Cheshire, John Crewe, of Bolsworth, Esq. Gloucestershire, Tho. Master, of Cirencester, Esq Herefordshire, Sir Chandois Hoskins, of Ware- wood, Bart. Leicestershire, Lebbens Humphrey, of Kibworth Harcourt, Esq. Monmouthshire, Postponed. Oxfordshire, W.
Draper, of Nether Worton, Esq. Shropshire, Joseph Griffiths, of Dinthill, Esq. Somersetshire, Thomas Coward the Younger, of Freshford, Esq. Staffordshire, Thomas Hoo, of Barr, Esq. Warwickshire, Sir William Wheler, of Lem- ington Hastings, Bart. Worcestershire, Edmund Pytts, of Kyre, Esq. Wiltshire, William Langham Jones, of Rams- bury, Esq. SOUTH WALES. Brecon, Marmaduke Gwynne, of Garth, Esq. Carmarthen, Vaughan Horton, of Llether- lleesty, Esq. Cardigan Lewis Gwynne, of Mynachty, Esq. Glamorgan, Wm. Thomas, of Llanblethian, Esq. Pembroke, Tho. Lloyd, of Cumgloyne, Esq. Radnor, Charles Gore, of
Divanner, Esq. NORTH WALES. Carnarvon, Rice Thomas, of Coed Alen, Esq. Denbigh, John Vaughan, of Grees, Esq. Flint, Thomas Eyton, of Leeswood, Esq. Merioneth, Richard Parry, of Plasynyddol, Esq. Montgomery, John Lloyd, of Talwrn, Esq. [ Thus far Gazette ] Yesterday, in the Upper Assembly, the Duke of Bolton moved, " That an humble Address be presented to his Majesty, to desire that he will be graciously pleased to give Directions that these may be laid before this House Co- pies of all the Orders and Instructions which were given to the Officer who first; took Posses- sion, in his Majesty's Name, of Falkland's
Island, and to all Commanders of such of his Majesty's Ships or Vessels as were employed at the said Island, during the whole Time the same was in the Possession of the Crown of Great Britain, as far as such Orders and In- struction relate to Falkland's Island only. — It was carried in the Negative, 57 against 22.— The principal Speakers were the Duke of Bol- ton, Lord Chatham, Lord Sandwich, Duke of Athol, Duke of Richmond, Lord Halifax, & c. We hear that the Motion made by Sir Geo. Saville, in the Lower Assembly, on Thursday, was, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill for the more effectually securing the Rights of
the Electors of Great Britain, with Respect to the Eligibility of Persons to serve in Parlia- ment. The House divided, Ayes 103, Noes 167. The principal Speakers were Sir George Saville, the Attorney General, the Solicitor General, Serjeant Glynn, Mr. Charles Fox, and some others. The House rose about Eight o'Clock. We are informed that Mr. Alderman Harley has promised the Ministry an Address from the City, approving of the late infamous Conven- tion with Spain. The following is a Copy of the Resolutions of the Society termed the Friends of Freedom, held on Wednesday at the Standard Tavern: " That the Society of the
Friends of Freedom do thoroughly approve of the Conduct of John Wilkes, Esq; and think him entitled to their warmest Thanks, for his continued Attention to the public Welfare ; that the Thanks of this Society be returned to Mr. Serjeant Glynn, for his Heady Perseverance in the Cause of public Liberty, and for his Regard to this Society, testified by Letter." The unexpected Appointment of Lord Mans- field to the Chair in the Upper House, gives great Scope for political Speculation. Thursday Night Mr. Wedderburn, and Mr. Whateley, divided with the Minority. A few Days since the Premier was refused Admittance into the House
of Peers as a Com- moner, but told that he might be admitted as a Lord, which he would not accept of. The enormous Sum of 8o, oool. issued from the Treasury in exact Sums of 500I. each, looks as if we were really in a State of Decay, for it borders on Corruption. Orders are given for the Court's going into Mourning on Sunday next, the 10th Instant, for her late Royal Highness the Infanta, Prin- cess- Mary- Frances- Dorothy, third Daughter of the King of Portugal. Yesterday Sir William Stephenson and Mr. Alderman Peers, with a Committee of the Com- mon Council, attended by Mr. Remembrancer, presented a Petition to the
House of C. for Leave to import Wheat from America Duty free. The Committee met Yesterday to carry into Execution the Motion of the Court of Com- mon- Council, respecting the erecting a Statue Guildhall, of the late William Beckford, Esq; when they agreed for the same with Mr. Moore, agreeable to the Election of the former Committee, and directed the same to be com- pleted with as much Expedition as the Nature of the Work would admit. It is said that the Checks the Tide has re- ceived from the Increase of Bridges upon the River Thames, will make it absolutely neces- sary to improve the Bed, and remove every
possible Obstruction of Sand Banks, & c. the ensuing Summer, which will at least furnish no inconsiderable Employment for our industrious Poor. We are informed that some of the leading Directors of the East India Company, influ- enced by a certain Nabob, and actuated by their own selfish Views, are going to petition for a Bill in Parliament, in order to enable the Company to keep up a standing Army of three thousand Men, in these Kingdoms, even with- out the Clauses of annual Restrictions, which have been hitherto constantly provided by the Mutiny Act. The Vigour with which the warlike Prepa- rations were carrying on at
the Dock- Yards, is not yet in the least Degree relaxed. They write from Leghorn that the Spaniards are enlisting foreign Sailors in all the Sea Ports of Italy for the Service of their Fleets. The 31st and 61st Regiments of Foot have received Orders to embark for Minorca, toge- ther with the second Battalion of the Royals, to relieve three Regiments on Duty there, that are soon expected home. Extract of a Letter from Philadelphia, Dec. 6. " Capt. Eve, from the Bay of Honduras, informs, that about six Weeks ago, a Spanish Pettianger, with four swivel Guns and about eighteen Men, from Baccalar, went to an Island in the Bay called
Ambergia, burnt several small Houses, and carried off a Negro, under Pre- tence that the English had no Right to cut Wood there." Letter from Kingston, Jamaica, Oct. 27. " On Tuesday last the Honourable Assembly of this Island met; when his Excellency Go- vernor Trelawney opened the Session with a Speech; in which he informs them, that he shall direct a State of the Forts and Fortifi- cations to be laid before them, which he re- commends to their most serious Consideration; and adds, that he doubts not that they will raise for these and other Exigencies of Govern- ment such Supplies as they shall judge necessary for the
Honour and Safety of the Island." Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, Feb. 7. " Advice is just received at this Port for the following Ships to be got ready for the West- Indies, under the Command of Admiral Rod- ney, viz. Princess Amelia, of 80 Guns, Capt. Marshall; Arrogant 74, Capt. Moore; Corn- wall 74, Capt. Lloyd ; Worcester 64, Capt. Hughes; Achilles 60, Capt. Wheelock; Firm 64, Capt. Rushworth ; and the Buckingham of 64 Guns. The Grosvenor and Glatton East- Indiamen are sailed from St. Helen's." Yesterday Morning John Taylor, Serjeant of the Grenadier Company of the Royal Scots, was brought to the Bar of the
King's Bench, Westminister- Hall, when Lord Mansfield sum- med up the whole of the Cause; by which it appeared, that the Prisoner had been three Times assaulted, without any Provocation, tur- ned out of the House, and called by the most opprobrious Names; and farther, that when out in the Street, he was pursued and attacked by two Men, before he offered to draw his Sword ; from which Circumstances he appeared to be only guilty of Manslaughter. The Court were unanimous in the same Opinion, and the Serjeant was ordered to be burnt in the Hand behind the Bar. At the Soho Masquerade on Wednesday Night, a
Quarrel happened between two Gen- tlemen, the one a young Baronet, and the other an Officer in the Guards; the former insisting on seeing a young Lady's Face, lifted up her Masque, and the Officer telling him the young Lady was under his Care and Protection, Words arose between them, when the Officer gave him a severe Drubbing for his Insolence. We are well informed that the Conductress of a Certain fashionable House of Pleasure, was told, the other Day, from the Bench of Justices, that the next Time she offended in the like Manner, she might ( pursuant to an Act of Parliament) depend on being conducted to
Bridewell. From a Gentleman who was lately at Berlin, we have the following authentic Anecdote — About three Years ago, an English Ship waiting for a Cargo at Dantzic, one of the Sailors going on Shore to amuse himself, was trepanned and carried off into the Prussian Territories, where he was forced to enlist, in one of the Prussian Regiments as a common Soldier. In this Situa- tion poor Jack remained a whole Year, in Despair of obtaining his Liberty, after which he pined exceedingly. At length, however, hav- ing the good Fortune to be stationed in a Town near the Sea Coast, he met a Countryman ( a Sailor) with whom
he had an Opportunity of conferring; and it was resolved that Jack should write a Letter to the King of England, from whom he was sure of Redress, which his Brother Tar promised on his Arrival in Eng- land to deposit carefully in the Post Office. The Epistle was conceived in Terms truly cha- racteristic of the English Tar. — He begins by telling his Majesty that he was bred up a Sai- lor from his Childhood ; that he was quite sa- tisfied with his Situation and his Master, and unless it was to serve his Majesty he never de- sired to leave him; but about a Year before, the Vessel being at Dantzic, where she waited for her Cargo, he
obtained Leave one Day to go on Shore, and the Weather being fine, he had a Mind to take a little Jaunt to see the Country. The Master and Mistress of the Public House where he put up, offering to ac- company him, Jack hired a small Waggon ( which he tells his Majesty is the usual travel- ling Carriage in that Country) and set out with his Party. As he was returning, the Weather being very hot, he stopped at a Pub- lic House to get a little Brandy and Water to drink; here he met two or three Men who complained of the violent Heat, and begged Permission to get upon the Waggon. When they came near the Town, all alighted
together, and the Landlord and Landlady walked on while he stayed behind to pay the Waggoner. The Men, whom he had taken up, watching for this Opportunity, which they had con- certed with the Landlord, & c. seized him, tied his Hands, and carried him off in the same Waggon to a neighbouring inland Town, where he was forced to enlist, and immediately set to learn the Exercise. He does not com- plain of bad Treatment, for he says he has learned the Exercise at well as any of them ; he can speak their Language, and while they flog their own Countrymen most cruelly, they give him good Words, and use him civilly ; but
for all that he cries all Day, and shall cer- tainly die of Grief in a short Time if not re- lieved. His Father, he tells the King, is a Bricklayer by Trade, but too old to work, lives upon a little Farm with his Mother, and as he is their only Child, it will break their Hearts not to see him again. He wrote two or three Letters to the King of Prussia, requesting that he might be discharged, or taken into his own Regiment of Guards ( as that is preferable to the common Services) but he is sure the King never received his Letters, for he got no An- swer. He says he has nobody to speak English to, so fears he may have forgot a good deal of his
own Language, therefore if there are any im- proper Expressions in his Letter, he hopes his Majesty will pardon them. He desires his Ma- jesty will not trouble himself to write on Pur- pose, as he doubts not but he will soon have Occasion to send one of his Servants to Berlin upon his own Business, and hopes he will then give him Instructions to apply for Jack's Dis- charge, who can never be happy unless serving his old Master, or his Majesty, whose faithful Servant he is till Death. In a Postscript he says, he is only 28 Years of Age, well made, five Feet ten Inches high, the only Fault for which they took him; that he was
quartered at such Place, in such a Regiment. This Letter fortunately reached the King's Hands, who actually sent it to Sir Andrew Mitchell, with Orders to get him discharged, which was im- mediately done. A poor Woman, a short Time ago, was beg- ging Charity of a Gentleman in the Street, whom she informed, that a Relation of her's lately died, and she imagined had left her a considerable Sum, but that she was so poor as not to be able to seek into it; upon which the Gentleman told her to apply to some Gentle- man in Doctors Commons, and that he would serve her notwithstanding; and, upon an Ap- plication to a Proctor,
he looked into the Mat- ter, and found her to be entitled to Ten Thou- sand Pounds. LEFT, at the Rose and Crown Inn ; in Evesham, the 2d of February Instant, a BAY MARK Whoever will come and describe her Marks, proving her to be their own, upon paying all Expenses, may have her again. WHEREAS on Saturday the 2d of February Instant, a GELDING, of no considerable Value, was left at the Red Lion, in Bengworth, Worcestershire, by a Person un- known; This is therefore to acquaint the said Person, that if he does not immediately fetch the said Gelding away, and pay the Charges of keep- ing, & c. the Gelding will be
publicly sold, to defray the same. EDWARD LAWRENCE. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, Together or Separate, FOUR good well- built Dwelling- Houses, three of them sashed, situate in the Shambles, in the City of Worcester, occupied by the under- mentioned Tenants: One occupied by Thomas Turnor, containing a Shop, Kitchen, Parlour, Brew- House, four Rooms on the first Floor, three Garrets, and a Cellar; there is also a Court Yard, and two Stables. One occupied by John Hodges, containing a Shop, Kitchen, Parlour, Brew- House, Cellar, three Chambers, two Garrets; there is also a Court Yard. Two
Tenements, with a Court Yard, occupied by Hannah Farmer and George Hide will be sold together : They contain a Parlour, two Kitchens, a large Brew- House, Cellar, three Chambers, two Garrets, and a large Garret now used for drying of Leather, being a very complete House for a Glover. For further Particulars enquire of the Printer of this Journal. N. B. Two- thirds of the Purchase Money may be left upon the Premisses, if desired, allowing a moderate Interest. LOST ( supposed to be strayed ) out of a Piece of Ground at Henwick, in the Parish of Hallow, near the City of Worcester, on Monday last, the 11th Instant," A very
strong, dark- brown MARE, of the Draught Kind, in very good Condition, rises five Years old, has a short Tail, a large Blaze in her Face, above fifteen Hands high, has the Hair much rubbed off her Sides with the Gears, and is big in Foal.— Who- ever can give Intelligence of her to Mr. Ward, of Henwick aforesaid, shall be handsomely rewarded. STOLEN, from Evesham Fair, on Saturday the 2nd of this Instant February, A brown COLT, coming three Years old, of the Cart Kind, about thirteen Hands and a Half high, with a Star in his Forehead, and a little White on the Fetlock Joint of one of the Hind Legs; when stole, the Colt had
a long Mane and Tail, which had never been cut. Whoever stops the said Colt, or will give Intel- ligence of him ( so that he may be had again) to Mr. Joseph Clarke, of Churchill, near Worcester, shall receive a Reward of Two Guineas, and be paid all reasonable Charges. To be LETT, and entered upon Immediately, READY furnished Lodgings, situ- ated in a pleasant Part of the Foregate - Street, Worcester, neatly fitted up ; consisting of two neat Parlours in the Front, two very good Lodging Rooms on the first Floor, with Closets; together with two Garrets for Servants, a good Kitchen, and two Lock Cellars. N. B. There is a Malt
House and a good Three- stall Stable to be lett with the above, if required; and a Coach House will be built, if wanting. Enquire of the Printer of this Paper. To be LETT, and entered upon immediately, NINETY Acres of Land, a good Farm House, with a Barn, Stable, Pigeon House, and other Out Buildings, in the Parish of Broadwas, Worcestershire. Enquire of Mr. Richard Smith, at Hardmas, in the said Parish of Broadwas. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, At the House of Mr. Thomas Low, the Talbot, in Cleobury Mortimer, in the County of Salop, on Wednesday next the Twentieth of February Inst. between the Hours of Two
and Four in the Even- ing, subject to such Conditions as shall he then produced, NINETY- SEVEN Oaks, Eighty- nine Ashes, and Fifty- five Elms and Wych Hazels, & c. growing on an Estate in the Parish of Neen Savage, within a measured Mile of Cleobury Mortimer aforesaid, now in the Pos- session of Samuel Watts. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Langley, jun. Attorney, in Bridgnorth. Mr. Samuel Watts, the Tenant, will shew the Trees. This Day is published, Price Six- pence, ( To be continued Monthly) Embellished with a most curious and elegant Pat- tern of a Waistcoat, for the Tambour, Em- broidery, & c. which
could not be purchased at any of the Pattern Shops for less than Five Shillings, though it is given gratis in this Ma- gazine. Also the Friends, a fine Engraving; and a new Song set to Music by Mr. Hudson 0n Purpose for the Work, and adapted to the Harp- sichord, & c. as well as the Voice, NUMBER VI. of THE LADY'S MAGAZINE; or, ENTERTAINING COMPANION for the FAIR SEX. Appropriated solely to their Use and Amusement. London, printed for J. Wheble, at No. 24, in Pater- noster - Row, by whom Letters to the Editor are requested and received; sold by all other Booksellers in Great Britain and Ireland, and may- be
had of the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. Where may be had, Numbers I, II, III, IV, and V, which are all now reprinted. The vast Sale of this Performance sufficiently shews the Encouragement it meets with from that Sex to whose Use it is particularly adapted; it it upon them our Fate depends, and while we con- tinue to give in our Magazine ( exclusive of the usual Quantity of Copper- Plates and Letter - Press such a Pattern as this, which is worth Five Shil- lings of itself, the Ladies will undoubtedly con- tinue to encourage us. — We should be inexcusa- ble if we neglected any Opportunity of shewing our Gratitude to our
Fair Supporters. In the five Numbers already published this Work are given the following most elegant Copper Plates, viz. No. I. contains a Frontis piece; a curious new Pattern of an Apron 0n Handkerchief, a Lady in full Dress, and a Son set to Music by Mr. Hudson. No. II. is enriched with a curious Pattern of a Lady's Ruffle; Scene in the Lady's Sentimental Journey, and New Song set to Music. No. III. An. excellent Pattern of an Apron or Handkerchief; the Game- sters, a Satirical Print; and a New Song set to Mu sic. In No. IV. are given two excellent Pattern for Gentlemen's Ruffles ; Miss Catley in Rosette in Love in a Village,
and a Song set to Music by Mr. Hudson. No. V. contains six most elegant Patterns of Sprigs; the Fortune- Tellers, a fine Engraving; and a Song, as usual, set to Music by Mr. Hudson. Any of the Patterns may be taken out so the Use of the Ladies, without rendering the Ma- gazine imperfect. Any Favours from Correspondents will be thankfully received.
THE Creditors of JOHN PRYOR, of Bell- Inn, in the Parish of Bell- Brough ton, in the County of Worcester, Miller, are de- sired to meet at Mr. Philpotts, at Bell- Inn afore- said, on Thursday the 28th of February Instant, by Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, to consider of proper Means to obtain their respective Debts, at the easiest Expense ; as well as for collecting the Debts, due to the said John Pryor, and to give him License for that Purpose. Worcester, Feb. 13, 1771. CARDEN and BISHOP, ( Late Partners with Mr. JOHN CRAIG) BEING removed from the Cross to the Top of Mealcheapen- Street, carry on the Business, as
usual, of Wholesale and Retail Woolen Drapers, and hope for the Continuance of the Favours of their Friends, which will be gratefully acknowledged, by Their most obliged humble Servants, CARDEN and BISHOP. To be LETT, and entered upon immediately, AGood old - accustomed PUBLICK HOUSE, known by the Sign of the Crown and Glove in the Town Ditch, near the Hop- Market, Worcester. The Brewing Utensils and Stock, and Part of the Household Furniture to be sold. For further Particulars enquire of Richard Adamson, Glover, in Worcester. TO BE SOLD, AMessuage or Tenement, together with a Malt- House,
other Out- Buildings, and about fourteen Acres of inclosed Land thereto belonging, situate at Bradforton, in Worcester- shire. --- Any Person may view the same by applying to John Burston, the present Tenant.—- The Pre- misses are Freehold, and some valuable Timber is growing thereupon. Further Particulars may be had of Mr. Jeffery Bevington, of Eatington ; or of Mr. Hunt, of Stratford upon Avon. ALL young Men of Spirit, who chuse to enjoy the Pleasures of a Military Life, by serving the Hon. United East India Company, in India, for Five Years only, under the Command of Colonel Winwood, who has got a large For- tune
in that Service, let them with Cheerfulness repair to the Sign of the Pack- Horse, near St. Nicholas Church, Worcester, where they will be kindly and honourably entertained, and enter into present Pay of One Shilling per Day, and good Quarters.------ When they go on board their re- spective Ships, they will receive to the Value of Three Pounds Ten Shillings, in Money and Clothes, with all other Necessaries fitting for the Voyage, gratis. N. B: No Apprentice or married Man will be taken, if known; nor any Person disguised in Li- quor Men five Feet one Inch high will be taken, and whoever brings a Recruit will be ge- nerously
rewarded. This is a new Rendezvous, where Honour and Justice may be depended upon. Now or Never, my brave Hearts of Gold. THURSDAY's POST. ( By EXPRESS from LONDON.) From the LONDON GAZETTE. Berlin, February 2. YESTERDAY, in the Evening, the Corpse of the late Sir Andrew Mitchell was deposited, in a pri- vate Manner, but with all becom- ing Decency and Decorum, in one of the Vaults of the principal French Church of the Reformed Religion. St. James's, February 11, 1771. His Ma- jesty in Council was this Day pleased to appoint the following Sheriffs, viz. Monmouthshire, Thomas Fletcher, of Mon mouth, Esq. Sussex, Win. Richardson, of Milland, Esq. This Day a Chapter of the most Noble Order of the Garter was held in the Great Council Chamber, when Granville Levison Gower, Earl Gower, being first Knighted with the Sword of State, was afterwards elected, and invested with the Garter, Ribbon, and George, with the usual Solemnities. [ Thus far Gazette. LONDON, Tuesday, Feb. 12. A Motion was Yesterday made in the Upper House, " That an humble Address be presented to his Majesty, that as his Ministry have ac- cepted a Declaration from Spain, for the In- jury done to the Honour of the Crown, he will be
graciously pleased to give Orders for recalling the Warrants for pressing Seamen and Seafaring Men ; a Practice which nothing but Necessity can excuse, as being highly inconvenient to ; the Trade of this Kingdom, and bearing hard on one of the most useful Orders of his Majesty's Subjects." After some Debate it was proposed to withdraw the lotion, and the three Secretaries of State ac- quiesced in it; but Lord Gower stood up and said, " The House was in Possession of the " Motion, and it should not be withdrawn." Lord Suffolk supported Lord Gower. The three Secretaries of State, ( who it seems are no Ministers) then
followed Lord Gower ; and a Negative was put upon the Motion, without a Division. The principal Speakers were the Duke of Richmond, Lord Chatham, Duke of Bolton, Lord Halifax, & c. To- morrow is the Day fixed for taking the Spanish Papers into Consideration in the Lower Room of a certain Assembly. The House of Peers it adjourned till Thurs- day next. Extract of a Letter from Lord WEYMOUTH to MR. HARRIS, dated St. James's, the 17th of October, 1770. " His Majesty cannot accept, Under a Con- vention, that Satisfaction to which he has so just a Title without entering into any Engage- ments to procure it. The Idea of
his Majesty's becoming a contracting Party upon this Oc- casion, is entirely foreign to the Case; for, having received an Injury, and demanded the most moderate Reparation of that Injury his Honour will permit him to accept, that Repa- ration loses its Value, if it is to be conditional, and to be obtained by any Stipulation what- soever on the Part of his Majesty." The Conspiracy formed between the Mar- quis de Grimaldi, the Head of the Spanish Ministry, and the Duke de Choiseul, to in- volve Europe in a general War, was the real Cause of the Disgrace of the latter. It was agreed between the two Ministers, that the Negotiation
with England should be protracted till a French Army of forty thousand Men could be got ready to march into Brabant. The Count de Stainville, Choiseul's Brother, was to have the Command, and to carry a Re- quisition, that the United Provinces should immediately become Parties in the War on the Side of France ; in case of a Refusal, he was to commence Hostilities. The States, upon the Discovery of this secret Machination, ap- plied immediately to the King of Prussia, whose Minister was the first Person who carried the Designs of Choiseul to the King, his Master. Louis, who is naturally an Enemy to Blood- shed, preferred
the turning out of his Minister to a War. Orders are issued from the Admiralty to the Marine Officers who are recruiting, to take such Recruits as shall offer of the Size of five Feet four inches. If this Order had been given at the Beginning of the present Disturbance with Spain, some Hundreds of fine young Fel- lows might have been picked up and sent on board the Fleet, which is in great Want of that useful Corps to complete it for Sea. Lord Howe has declined accepting of the Mediterranean, or any other Command, in Times like these which look so much like Peace. Sir G S ' s Motion last Week was in Effect nothing more than
to obtain it to be recorded on she Journals of a certain Assembly, that Expulsion does not mean Incapacitation; and it was treated, we understand, in that Sense by those who spoke to it. We hear that the greatest Care is taken to prevent a Great Personage reading the Letters of Junius. We hear that the Sutton Family, who have made such extensive Fortunes by the Success of Inoculation, are going to erect a Monument in Compliment to the Memory of Lady Mary Wortley Montague, the first Introducer of this System into Europe. We are assured that a certain Scotch Banker, who has been of late very much a Child of Fortune,
has from his Intimacy with the Pre- mier, during the late pacific Negotiation, made no less a Sum than 65,0001. in the Alley. An Edict is published in Portugal, prohibit- ing the Importation of English Hats, after the 10th of March, and a Prohibition of Stockings, both Silk and Worsted is soon expected. Extras of an authentic Letter from Paris, Feb. I. " War between Spain, Us, and England, appeared lately almost unavoidable ; the Storm seems to disperse for the present, but it is feared that in the general Confusion of Europe fresh Broils may arise ; for it was much against our Will, and nothing but our own present unhappy Situation
compelled us to contribute to the restoring Tranquility between the con- tending Parties. " Our Marine increases apace, and will shortly be upon a very respectable Footing We then shall once more try who shall be Mas- ters of the Sea." Letter from the Hague, Feb. 5. " The last Letters from Vienna confirm the Accounts we have received from Constantino- ple, advising that there is no longer any Sign of accomplishing a Peace between the Turk and the Russians, the Grand Signor having haughtily rejected as inacceptable the Condi- tions proposed by the Court of Petersbourg the Substance of which is assured to be as fallows :
" I. The Liberty of a free Navigation in the Black Sea. 2. The Cession of all Crimea for ever. 3. The Indépendance of the Tar- tars, who are no longer to be subject to the Ottoman Porte in any Degree. 4. The Ces- sion of Moldavia, Walachia, and Bessarabia which Provinces however the Russians do not intend to take Possession of in their own Right but will transfer them to two other foreign Princes, who are not named, 5. The Pay- ment o f twenty Millions of Rubles to re- imburse the Russians the Expense they have been at on Account of the present War. " These Demands on the Part of Russia so exasperated the Grand
Signor, that he rejected them with Disdain, and determined to risque another Campaign, and to command his Army in Person. These Letters add, that three Camps are to be formed next Spring, one near Luxembourg, another near Nieustadt, and the third between Baden and Pest in Hungary, the last of which, it is said, is to Consist of between 40 and 50,000 Men, with a proportionable Train of Artillery ; from all which it is ap- parent that the Empress Queen has some im- portant Stroke in View, though at present it not known." A Geographical Correspondent, who is Well acquainted with thé Situation of our much- talked- of
Settlement at Falkland's Island, known by the Name of Port Egmont, so named from Lord Egmont's being then at the Head of the Admiralty, sincerely wishes, that an Enter- prize so romantic had never been concerted; and that the wise Planners of it had been at the Bottom of the Atlantic before they had brought on so futile a Scheme that must have cost Great Britain, first and last, Three Millions of Mo- ney. Our Correspondent further acquaints us, that at the Back of the above Fort there is a Chain of Hills, from the Advantage of which Eminence, two or three hundred Men can, at any Time, dispossess us in a few Days, by
playing from a Battery de Revers, of no more than fix Guns, as the Fort cannot bring one Gun to bear that Way, capable of making the least Defence. Mrs. C y, who the other Day was con- victed before certain Magistrates in the Penalty of Fifty Pounds, for suffering an Opera to be played in her House without a legal License, has appealed, we hear, to the Quarter Sessions from the Justices Conviction. The celebrated Charlotte Hayes has been subpoenaed to be examined as a Witness on Be- half of Lady Grosvenor. This Cause will be finally concluded next Term. On Friday last the Complaint of Mrs. S was opened against her
Husband in a Great Ecclesiastical Court. The principal Charge against him was, that he was incapable of performing Matrimonial Rites according to the Law of Nature. The Depositions furnished great Entertainment to the Gentlemen of the Long Robe. It seems the Lady was a Widow with a Jointure of 900I. per Annum, was in Possession of a Town and Country House, ele- gantly furnished, with an Equipage, & c. Mr. S was a young Man of small Fortune, and plyed the Widow so closely, that she soon con- sented to give her Hand in Marriage. On the Wedding Day they went with a Number of Friends to Salt- Hill, in order to
celebrate their Nuptials, and on the Lady retiring after Sup- per, the Bridegroom followed her, and after expressing great Uneasiness, explained the Cold- ness of his Disposition, on which the Lady de- clared, that as long as he behaved with Polite- ness and good Humour to her, she should never publish the Secret he had trusted her with.— About two Years elapsed, during which Time they to all Appearance lived very happily, when Mr. S ( as it is said) began to use his Wife with great Neglect, and sometimes beat her ; on which she discovered her Situation to a Relation, who advised her to apply for a Divorce, which she has
accordingly done.-— This is the Lady's Part of the Story. — Mr. S--------- , on the other Hand, denies her Charge, offers to prove the Falsity of them, by an Ap- peal to any of the Faculty, and accuses her of many Misdemeanors. The Matter is deferred to a future Day; when, no Doubt, Justice will be done to all Parties. The Inhabitants of the Town of Greenwich have for some Time past been alarmed with the Account of a Ghost, or rather a superna- tural Noise, which makes great Disturbance in the House of a Petty Officer of a Man of War, in Cock- Yard. His Daughter, a Girl about thirteen Years of Age, is the most affected by it
; whatever Room she lies in, the Noise pur- sues her, and the Pillow and Bolster are fre- quently, in the Sight of Numbers of Persons, by some unseen Agent, drawn from under her Head, and forcibly thrown upon her Face, Strange Sounds are also heard at the same Time in the lower Part of the House, particu- larly in the Cellar, where the Spirit seems to labour very hard. The Affair is similar, in some Respects, to that of the famous Cock Lane Ghost ; but the Girl does not accuse any Person, on the Information of her secret Ac- quaintance, or pretend to know any Cause for her being haunted ; she puts her Hands out of Bed,
and does every Thing required by the Auditors, to prevent any Suspicion of Impo- sture, and seems at Times in great Agonies from the Visitation of this extraordinary Dis- order. Sunday Night the Frost was so intense, that the Thermometer was below 1 Deg. 12 Dig. at about Eleven o'Clock. And Yesterday Morn- ing the Barometer was two Degrees lower than has been known for these nine Years. CHESTER CIRCUIT. The Hon. John Morton, and Taylor White, Esqrs. Montgomeryshire, Wednes. March 20, at Pool Flintshire, Tuesday 26, at Flint. Denbighshire, Monday April 1, at Wrexham Cheshire, Saturday 6, at Chester.
NORFOLK CIRCUIT. Ld. Ch. Justice De Grey, and Mr. Baron Adams Bucks, Monday, March 4, at Aylesbury. Bedfordshire, Thursday 7, at Bedford. Huntingdonshire, Saturday 9, at Huntingdon Cambridgeshire, Tuesday 12, at Cambridge. Norfolk, Friday 15, at Thetford- Suffolk, Tuesday 18, at Bury St. Edmund's. Bank Stock, 149 1- 4th a 1- half a 149. Four per cent, consol. 93 3- 4ths a 94. Three 1- half percent. 1756, shut. Ditto 1758, 87 3- 8ths a 1- half. Three percent, consol. 84 1- 4th 1- half. Ditto reduced, 84 1- half a 3- 4ths. Ditto 1726, —. Long Annuities, 25 1 - half a 5- 8ths South Sea Stock, —. Three per cent. Old
Annuities, 83 1- 4th a 1- 8th. Ditto New An nuities, —. Ditto 1751, —. India Stock 220 1- half a 223 a 222 1- half. Three per cent. Annuities, 92 1- 4th. India Bonds, 31s a 32s. Prem, Nary Bills, 1 7- 8ths a 2 per Price of CORN per Quarter, at London. Wheát- 37S. tö 43s. Pease 29S; to 3 1s Barley 22s. to 26s. Hog Péase 24s. to 26s. Oats 15s. to 18s. Beans 21s. to 26s; 6d. Brown Malt 26s. to 32s Tares 30s. to 36s. Pale Malt 27s. to 34s. Finest Flour 36s. per Rye 28s. to 29s. Sack. BANKRUPTS required to surrender. Abraham Slack, of Manchester, Merchant, March 4, 5, 23, at Crompton's Coffee - House, in Manchester. —
Joseph Taylor, of Smithfield, Lon- don, Paper- stainer, Feb. 14, 23, March 23, at Guildhall. — Nicholas Norville, of Water- Lane, London, Hatter, Feb. 11,19, March 23, at Guild- hall.— George Bridger, of Allhallows- Court, London, Poulterer, Feb. 12, 19, March 13, at Guildhall.— Thomas Slack, of Manchester, Small- Ware Manufacturer, March 6, 7, 26, at Cromp- ton's Coffee - House in Manchester.------ Nicholas Ward, of Warwick, Victualler and Carrier, March II, 12, 26, at the George Inn in Shipston upon Stower, Worcestershire. DIVIDENDS to be made to Creditors. March 2. Thomas Sheriffe, of Bungay, in Suf- folk,
Merchant, at Guildhall. March 5. John Dod Bonell, of London, Merchant, at Guildhall. -- March 9. Peter Leay, of West- Smithfield, Haberdasher, at Guildhall March 13. James Woolley, of Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, Hop- Merchant, at the Crown Inn, in Worcester. EARLY INTELLIGENCE, received from our Correspondents in London, dated Wednesday, February 13. We are told some very extraordinary News is expected every Day from the Continent of Germany, but what that may be, puzzles our ablest Politicians, so secret and inscrutable is the King of Prussia in all his grand Designs. As the late Overtures for an
Accommodation between the Empress of Russia and the Grand Signor were received by the latter Sovereign with high Contempt and Indignation, it makes the political World imagine that some new Powers on the Continent have already de- clared in his Favour, or, at least, that some Diversion will be made by some of the German Powers to draw the Russian Forces out of the Turkish Empire. We hear, by a Letter from Paris, that the King of France has sent the Prince of Conti, Duke of Orleans, and several other Princes of the Blood, into Exile, for not acknowledging the new Parliament in France. Yesterday the Royal Assent
passed the Great Seal for the Confirmation of the Right Rev. William Markham, Doctor of Laws, Lord Bishop of Chester. And Yesterday a Commendam passed the Seal, to empower the Right Rev. the Bishop of Chester to hold in Commendam with the said Bishopric, the Deanery of Christ Church, in Oxford. The Oxford Circuit is not yet fixed. Yesterday Mr. Alderman Wilkes set out for Lynn, in Norfolk, to take up his Freedom for that Borough. The Snow is so very deep between Kentish Town and Hampstead, that the Stages which used to go twice a Day to those Places, are now quite stopped. Early Yesterday Morning a poor
ancient Wo- man, supposed to have perished through the Extremity of the Cold and Hunger, was found dead in Upper Moorfields. And Yesterday Morning, a Woman with a young Child at her Breast, were both found frozen to Death in Denmark - street, St. Giles's. Above seventeen Persons with broken Legs, Arms, & c. occasioned by the Slipperiness of the Weather, have been carried to St. Bartho- lomew's Hospital since Saturday Morning. WORCESTER, Thursday, February 14. Yesterday one Nicholas, a Gardener, war publicly whipped in our Corn Market, by Or- der of the Mayor and Justice on Monday last, for Healing a
Coat from out of the Shop of Mr. Sheriff, near the College Grates, in this City. Last Week the Lady of Sir Walter Blount, Bart, of Mawley Hall, near Cleobury, was safely delivered of a Son, at his House, in Upper Grosvenor - Street, London. A Dispensation has passed the Seal to enable the Reverend Nowess Lloyd, M. A. late of St( John's College, Oxford, Chaplain to the Right Hon. Lord Craven, to hold the Rectory of In- borne, to which he was lately presented, in the County of Berks, with the Rectory of Hinton, in the County of Wilts, and Diocese of Salis- bury, worth 150l. per Annum. Last Week died at Shrewsbury, Mr. William
Beech, formerly an eminent Apothecary of that Place. The Assize of Bread is at follows, viz. Wheaten Household lb. oz. dr. lb. ox. dr Penny Loaf to weigh 0 8 II 0 11 9 Two- penny Loaf 1 1 6 1 7 3 Six- penny Loaf 3 4 2 4 5 8 Twelve- penny Loaf 684 8 11 1 Eighteen - penny Loaf 9 12 7 13 0 9 The Halfpenny Bach Cake net to weigh less than 4 Ounces 5 Drams, the Penny ditto not less than 8 Ounces 11 Drams; and no other Sort of Bach Cakes to be made. Exceeding good INK, for marking Leather, it sold by the Printer of this Paper, at Sixpence the Pot.
A DIALOGUE between an ENGLISHMAN and a SPANIARD. WHAT an excellent Agreement have you drawn us into! You took an Island from us by Force and open Hostility, put us to an immense Expense in Military Preparations to do ourselves Justice, and then have made up the Matter with us, by giving us a Declaration, which is no Sort of Satisfaction. Span. I have made you more Satisfaction than I was empowered to do, or than I wish I had done. Eng. More Satisfaction ! Sir! Why, you have made us none at all. Your Declaration is rather a fresh Insult upon the British Crown, than any Reparation for the Dishonour you had
done it. Span. Is not a Disavowal of Mr. Buccarelli's taking that Island a prodigious Condescension in the Crown of Spain ? It is such a Condescension, Sir, that neither the Entreaties, nor the Threats of your Minister, should have prevailed upon me to have granted, had it not been for the over- bear- ing Influence of France, and for which I may probably be made to answer. Eng. How can you call a Disavowal of Mr. Buccarelli's taking that Island, a Satisfaction to the Crown of Great Britain ; when, at the same Time, you insist upon your Right to it, and consequently to take it again at a fitter Opportunity ? Span. Is not a Disavowal
of the taking that Island, to which we know we have an undoubted Right, a greater Condescension and Satisfaction than if we had not such Right? Eng. But, Sir, we positively deny you have any such Right; and your insisting upon it in your Declaration that you have, hath left the Door open for a future Quarrel on that Occasion; and which, we suppose, you will begin, as soon Fiance shall be ready to back you in it. Span. You may suppose what you please, we are not to answer for your Suppositions. Our Right to that Island is just and well known to the whole World ; and you yourself have in Part ad- mitted it, by leaving it open
to a future Discussion. Eng. This is a fine Satisfaction truly ! You could not prevail upon Fiance to join with you in a War against us at present; and being sensible of your liability to contend with us alone, you have consented to give up the Place, but at the same Time have insisted upon your Right to it. By which, it is very apparent, you intend to as- sert your Right to it, and commence Hostilities again, as soon as France shall be in a Condition to support you in the War. And can you think, Sir, that this is maintaining the Honour of the British Crown ? Span. It was not my Business to maintain that; it is enough for me, if I have
supported the Ho- nour of the Crown of Spain. Worcester, January 30, 1771. WHEREAS the Matters in the Glove Manufactory in this City, have been much injured by the Work People embez- zling and selling their Gloves, Leather, and Lea- ther Shreds; Notice is hereby given, That a Re- ward of FIVE GUINEAS will be paid by the Steward of the Company, to any one who shall impeach, to Conviction, the Embezzeler or Seller of Gloves, Leather, or Leather Shreds: And also the same Reward will be given for impeach- ing the Buyers or Receivers of Gloves, Leather, or Leather Shreds. By an Act of Parliament of the twenty -
second of George the Second, it is therein enacted, " That any Work People who embezzle, purloin, sell, or secrete any Leather of his, her, or their Master, shall be publicly whipped for the first Of- fence : And any Person buying, receiving, ac- cepting, or taking by Way of Gift, Pawn, Pledge, Sale, or Exchange, or in any other Manner what- ever, from any Workmen, any Leather, 0n Con- viction, forfeits the Sum of Twenty Pounds; on Default of Payment to be whipped in public at the Market Place." As it is well known many Work People have offered, if not sold, Skins to Shoe- makers, Car- penters, and Others; This is to inform
all Per- sons that buy, receive, accept, or take, by Way of Gift, Pawn, Pledge, Sale, or Exchange, a single Skin, Piece, or Shred of Leather, that they are liable to the Penalties above recited. As the Com- pany in general have been so grossly abused and wronged in their Property, they are determined spare neither Pains nor Expense in bringing to Justice all Offenders under the above- recited Act, whether they have any Connections or not with the Glove Manufactory. By Order of the Company. RICHARD KNIGHT, Steward. ROTTEN SHEEP cured, By Hervey's Inestimable Powders, THE Virtues of which have been of infinite
Service in every Grazing County in the Kingdom, from the Proprietor's own Ap- plication of it ( for eight Years) on the fair Terms of No Cure no Pay. The Inconvenience he has laboured under in collecting for single Papers, with the Expense attending that Method, makes it impracticable. The great Success attending it in this confined State has induced him to make it public, and distribute it round the Country; and as the late wet Season is likely to greatly injure those useful Animals, by the Application of the above Pow- ders, the Graziers may be convinced of their Effi- cacy ; proper Certifications of which will be given by
reputable Persons from most Parts of the King- dom, in the St. James's Chronicle, Lloyd's Even- ing- Post, and several other Papers. Sold Wholesale by Mr. J. Westgarth, No. 78. St. Paul's Church- Yard, London, and no where else. Retail by Messrs. Green, of Hereford ; Clare, Hewdley ; Geast, Dudley and Stourbridge; Hartlebury, Tewkesbury; Taylor, Kidderminster; Barrow, Leominster; Taylor, Stafford; Corbett, Sheffnall;, Morgan, Lichfield; of Mrs. Thurstans, Wolverhampton; Mr. Ducker, Wrexham; Mr. Allen, Pembroke; and Mrs. Lucas, Carmarthen, in Wales; by one principal Tradesman in every Capital Town in the Kingdom,
and by the Printer of this Paper, and the Men who distribute it. Price 7s. 6d. each Packet. To the LOVERS of, and STUDENTS in MUSIC. A WORK ON AN ENTIRE NEW PLAN, Which, when complete, will be the most capital of the Kind ever printed in this Kingdom. PROPOSALS for Publishing Monthly, to commence Feb. 1, 1771, A Select COLLECTION of VOCAL MUSIC, SERIOUS and COMIC, With a Thorough Bass for the Harpsichord, and Transpositions for the German Flute. By the AUTHOR of Love in a Village, Maid of the Mill, & c. This Work will be comprised in Forty Num- bers, each Number containing four English
Songs, adapted to Italian Airs; selected from the Works of the most capital Composers ; and, when finished according to the Editor's Plan, will be for its Me- lodies the most pleasing, for its Variety the most entertaining, and for its Stile and Method the most useful, both for Singers and Instrumental Per- formers, of any Musical Collection extant. With Number X ( which will complete the First Volume) will be given Gratis, a Treatise on Vo- cal Music, the Management of the Voice, and the Manner of Accompaniment on the Harpsichord, extracted from the Works of the celebrated Tartini, and J. J. Rousseau. The first Number was
published on the First of February Instant, Price 1s. 6d. by J. Johnston, at his Music Shop, the Corner of York- Street, Covent Garden, London ; and may be had of the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. CONDITIONS. I. The Songs in this Work will always be Eng- lish Words, adapted to Italian Airs; which will be printed far the Harpsichord, with a correct Thorough Bass, and transposed for the German Flute; and in the Course of Publication will be given the choicest Compositions of Pergolese, Io- melli, Ciampi, Vinci, Gallupi, Cocchi, Vento, Perez, Piccini, and the most admired, modern Composers now in Italy ; the Editor
having settled a Correspondence at Rome, Naples, and Venice, for that Purpose. II. Particular Care will be had in the poetical Part ( which will be new, or taken from the Wri- tings of our best Lyric Poets) that the Harshness and Inelegance of the Words may not hurt the Music, and that the Sound and Sense may correspond. III. The Words will not only be accented with the greatest Accuracy, but the Music marked with a Precision, which cannot fail to direct every Stu- dent, with the least Attention, to sing and play with Taste and Delicacy ; this Publication being equally calculated for the Vocal and Instrumental Performer. IV.
Over and above the four Songs, a Venetian Ballad ( also adapted to English Words) will be given in every Number, for the Use of young Beginners. V. The whole Work will be beautifully engra- ved, and printed on a fine Paper, and will be published regularly the First of every Month, from its Commencement, till it is complete. By the KING'S Royal Licence and Authority, Granted at St. James's, for the Publication of this Work, the Whole to be completed in Sixty Numbers, making an elegant Volume in Folio. This Day is Published, Price Six- pence, Elegantly printed on a new Letter and fine Paper, adorned with a curious
Frontispiece designed by Wale, and engraved by Grignion ; and a beautiful view of the Mansion House and Guildhall, NUMBER I. ( to be continued weekly) of ANew and complete HISTORY and SURVEY of the Cities of LONDON and WESTMINSTER, the BOROUGH of SOUTHWARK, and Parts adjacent; from the earliest Accounts to the Year 1770. Containing an Account of the original Foundation, ancient and modern State of those Places. Their Laws, Charters, Customs, Privileges, Immunities, Go- vernment, Trade, and Navigation. A Description of the several Wards, Parishes, Liberties, Precincts, Churches, Palaces,
Noblemen's Houses, Hospitals, and other public Buildings. An Account of the Curiosities of the Tower of London, the Royal Exchange, St. Paul's Cathedral, the British Mu- seum, Westminster Abbey, & c. A general History of the memorable Actions of the Citizens, and the Revolutions that have happened, from the In- vasion of Julius Caesar to the present Time. The Whole comprehending whatever has been thought most proper to engage the Curiosity, or improve the Mind of the Reader; and freed from the dull Repetitions and absurd Conjectures of former Writers. By a SOCIETY of GENTLEMEN; Revised, Corrected, and
Improved, by HENRY CHAMBERLAIN, of Hatton Garden, Esq. Hail Chief of Cities, whose immortal Name, Stands foremost in the glorious List of Fame -, Whose Trade and Splendor roll on Thames' s Tide, Unrivall'd still by all the World beside. London, printed for J. Cooke, at Shakespear's Head, No. 17, in Pater noster Row; and sold by the Printer and Distributors of this Journal, and by all Booksellers and News- Carriers in Town and Country. A LIST of some of- the elegant Copper- plates which will be given in this Work, the Whole being too numerous to insert in the Compass of an Advertisement. Frontispiece.
Representation of Blood and his Accomplices dealing the Crown from the Tower. Manner of burying the Dead at Holywell Mount, during the dreadful Plague in 1665. View of an ancient Shooting Match between the Citizens of London. Representation of an ancient Tourna- ment in Smithfield. Dr. Shaw preaching at St. Paul's Cross. The Lord Mayor and Aldermen laying the first Stone of Black Friars Bridge. All the City Gates in one Plate, as they appeared be- fore taken down. Print of Henry Fitz- Alwyn, first Lord Mayor of London. Print of Sir William Walworth, Lord Mayor of London. The Cere- mony of the Champion's Challenge
at the Coro- nation. Manner of burning the Martyrs in Smithfield. Habit of a Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress in 1640. Habit of a Merchant and his Wife in ditto. The Bishops and Citizens swearing Fealty to William the Conqueror. Wat Tyler killed in Smithfield. Sir Christopher Wren's Plan for rebuilding the City of London after the dreadful Conflagration in 1666. Large Map of twenty Miles round London. Large ditto of Lon- don, with the new Buildings. View of London as it appeared in the dreadful Fire in 1666. View of London from Greenwich- Hill, London- Bridge, Westminster Bridge, Black- Friars- Bridge, Ful- ham Bridge, & c. The
Archbishop's Palace at Lambeth. The Treasury and Horse Guards. The Banqueting House. The Admiralty - Office. Westminster - Hall, Guildhall, Goldsmiths - Hall, & c. & c. Gresham College, Royal Exchange, Lincoln's Inn, Gray's Inn, & c. & c. Ranelagh and Vauxhall Gardens. Greenwich Hospital, Chelsea Hospital, Christ's Hospital, St. Luke's Hospital, St. Bartholomew's Hospital, Bethlehem Hospital, St. Thomas's Hospital, St. George's Hospital, Guy's Hospital, Foundling Hospital, Middlesex Hospital, & c. & c. & c. The Tower of London. The Custom House. The British Mu- seum. The Bank of England. The Monument.
Bancroft's Alms - Houses, Trinity Alms - Houses, & c. The Mansion House, Bedford House, Bur- Iington House, & c. & c. And many other public Buildings. Also several Views of Churches in London, Westminster, and Parts adjacent; the Whole being too tedious to insert in an Adver- tisement. In the first Number will be given a pro- missory Note of Hand from the Publisher, to de- liver the Overplus gratis, if it should exceed the sixty Numbers proposed. And in the last Number a List of such Sub- scribers as chuse to have their Names appear to this Work, shall be printed and delivered gratis. A CARD. THE very salutary Effects of
the BEAUME DE VIE, and the consequent large Demand, having prompted avaricious and fraudulent Persons to attempt Imitations of this excellent Medicine, which may have the most pernicious Effects on the Health of those who are imposed upon by them ; the Patentees have therefore empowered MR. Thomas Becket, one of the Proprietors, to sign his Name to each Bottle, and have also appointed W. Nicell, to sign his Name as Vender ; as being the most effectual Security to the Public against such dangerous Counterfeits. The Sellers of this ONLY GENUINE BEAUME DE VIE, as well as the Purchasers, are requested to
take Notice of this Alteration. Any Person forging the above Signatures is guilty of Felony, and will be prosecuted accordingly. This most admirable Family Medicine ( by Appointment of the Proprietors, to whom his Majesty has granted his ROYAL LETTERS PATIENT) is sold by W. Nicoll, NO. 51, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH YARD, IN LONDON, AT 3s. the bottle ; with good Allowance for charitable uses, or to sell again ; and by Messrs. Pearson and Aris, in Birming- ham ; Holdier, in Cirencester ; Jopson, in Coventry ; Raikes, in Gloucester ; Pugh, in Hereford; Pearce, in Ludlow; Jackson, in Oxford ; Taylor, in Stafford ; Hesketh, in
Stourbridge ; Keating, in Stratford ; Eddowes, in Salop ; Berrow, in Worcester ; Keating, in Warwick ; and Lambert, in Walfall. Of whom may be had, Price only 6d. A Narrative of many extraordinary and well attested Cures wrought by the Beaume De Vie. Now first made Public by J. BURROWS, M. D. VELNOS' Vegetable SYRUP: An acknowledged SPECIFIC in all Venereal and Scorbutic Cases. THIS it the Medicine so long wished for by the renowned Boerbaave, Sydenham, and Others. IT has undergone the severest Examination by the Royal College of Physicians at Paris, and is by them pro- nounced to be an absolute
Specific in every Stage of these Disorders. It is solely composed from Herbs and Plants without a single Particle of Mercury ; is very agreeable in its Operation, and effects a certain. Cure in the most desperate and complicated Cases, where the Use of Mer- curials is asserted, by the most skilful of the Faculty, to be not only ineffectual, but pernicious. In the most desperate Scorbutic Cases ( where the Sea Water and other Medicines have been used in vain) the Syrup has effected a radical Cure. An Alteration for the better is visible after a few Days Use ; and it is peculiar to the Operation of this Medicine, that at the same Time
it eradicates the Disease, and acts as a powerful Restorative. The Physician, who now offers it to the Public, be- sides having minutely observed its Effects during a long Residence at Paris, is further convinced, by daily Ex- perience, of its Superiority over every other known Me- dicine ; he therefore trusts to the Candour of the Public, for distinguishing between the Nostrums frequently im- posed on them, and a Medicine thus authenticated by the Testimony of Persons of the first Rank. It is sold in Bottles, 10s. 6d. each, at Dr. Burrow's House, opposite the Print, of Orange's Coffee House, in the Hay Market, London ; sold also by
Fletcher and Hodson, in Cambridge ( who are appointed Sole Agents for vending this Medicine in the Country); Mr. Raikes, Gloucester ; Mr. Pugh, Hereford ; Messrs. Pearson and Aris, Birming- ham ( Mr. Taylor, Kidderminster ; Mr. Jackson, Oxford ; Mr. Eddowes, Shewsbury ; Mr. Taylor, Stafford, Mrs. Thurstans, Wolverhampton ; and by the Printer and Dis- tributors of this Journal. Where also may be had, A Dis- tortation on its Nature and Effects, with an Account of its Examination by the Royal College of Physicians, and a Va- riety of extraordinary Cures, properly attested. Any Person doubtful of the Authenticity of this
Medicine, may see, in the Hands of Dr. Burrows, such Testimonial's as cannot be disputed, the authenticated Certi- ficates by two public Notaries, countersigned by his Britan- nic Majesty's Ambassador at the Court of France. ESSENCE of WATER- DOCK, For the SCURVY. IF there be any yet afflicted with this Disor- der, who have not tried the Water- Dock, whether from Inattention, or from the supposed Discredit of ad- vertised Medicines ( though when the Author is known, and capable, that ought to cease) it may be proper to remind them that this is the Season for a perfect Cure, The Certainty of Effects, even in the most
confirmed Ca- ses, ate sufficiently known, from those of Mr. Wilson, Mrs. Garne, Sir Roger Twynsden, and many more, and its Innocence is such, that Infants take it in a proper Dose. There ate many other Persons of Distinction, in whose Faces the good Effect of this Medicine may be seen ; though it were ill to revive the Memory of a past Disorder, by mentioning their Names: This may be said with Truth and Safety, None need fear a Cure from it because they have taken other Things in vain. Sold by H. Berrow, Printer, in Worcester, whom I have appointed my Agent for the Sale of my Medicines in Worcester, and Places
adjacent ; and all Persons desirous of vending them may be supplied by him on advantageous Terms. Arlington street, London, Oct. 17, 1766. J. HILL. 1. ELIXIR of BARDANA, for the Gout and Rheumatism. This reestablishes the Health after the fits of the Gout, shortens such as follow, and cases the Pain. For the Rheumatism it is a certain Cure ; and the Disease never returns. 2. PECTORAL BALSAM of HONEY, for Colds, COUGHS, and Asthmas. A COMMON COLD is OFTEN cured, and all the bad Consequences PREVENTED by a single Dose. These Complaints are so common, that no Family should be without the
Medicines. 3. TINCTURE of SPLEEN- WORT, the new- invented Medicine for Hypochondriacal Disorders. 4. TINCTURE of VALERIAN, for Disorders of the Nerves, Faintness, Head ache, and all Kinds of Fits. 5. TINCTURE of SAGE, to lengthen Life AND keep off the Decays of Age ; as Tremblings, DEAF ness, and all other the Weaknesses of an ADVANCED Life. 6. TINCTURE of CENTAURY, a Sto- machic Bitter, that gives A healthy Appetite AND sound Digestion : A certain Cure for all Weaknesses and Disorders of the Stomach. All these are pleasant, innocent, and efficacious Medicines; discovered by the Author, in the
Course of his Study of Plants; and are so safe that Infants MAY take any of them in A proper Dose. They are sold at 30. Bottle each, Valerian 2s. 6d. with printed Directions. By his Majesty's Royal Letters Patent, The new- invented Cake Ink Made by Sarah Smith and Son, the sole Patantees, FOUND, BY REPEATED EXPERIENCE, TO BE THE FINEST, BLACK AND MOST DURABLE INK EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC, EVERY SPECIES OF WRITING, AND GREATLY SUPERIOR TO AN INK POWDER. THE Ink made from this Cake is as this as water, will never MOULD, AND WHO USED, APPEARS OF A FINE
FOR TOWN USE, IN BOTTLES AT 2S. IS. AND 6D. EACH ; ALSO FINE JAPAN IN SIXPENNY BOTTLES. THE CAKES MAY BE WITH DIRECTION BILLS, EITHER IN English, French, German, Spanish, or Italian. Sold likewise at Berrow's Printing Office, by the Worcester Newsmen, Dr. Lord's CORN SALVE Which not only eases Corns, but will entirely root them out 1s. 6d. each Box. SWAlN's much esteemed PAST For destroying Rats and Mice, 1s. a Box. WORCESTER: Printed by H. BERROW, near the Cross ; Who sells all Kinds of Blank Warrants, LandTax Receipts, Parish Certificates, Summonses, Orders of
Removal, and every Form used by Justices 0f Peace, Parish Officers, & c. and by whom the PRINTING Business is executed in a neat and expeditious Manner on very reasonable Terms. To be LETT, and entered upon at Lady- Day next, ALL that neat and good- accustomed PUBLIC - HOUSE, known by the Sign of the QUIET WOMAN, situate in Pershore, in the County of Worcester, together with an exceeding good Malthouse, Stable, and other necessary Out- buildings, and a large spacious Garden adjoining to the same, all which Premisses are in complete Repair, very convenient; and a good Pump, with excellent Water
famous for making good Ale, is near the Brew House and Malt House. Encouragement will be given to a good Tenant by Mr. Falkner, the Owner and present Occupier, who is going to retire from Business. — The Tenant may, if he pleases, purchase the Household Goods and Brewing Utensils. Further Particulars may be known by applying to Mr. Harry Long, Attorney at Law, in Pershore aforesaid. To be Sold to the Best Bidders, in two Lots, At the House of Ann Munn, being the Sign of the Dog, in Kempsey, near Worcester, To- morrow, the I5th Day of February Inst. between the Hours of Two and Five in the Afternoon (
unless disposed of in the meant Time by private Contract, of which Notice will be given) subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall be then and there produced, LOT 1. ALL that Close of Arable Ground, called the Lifts, in the Tenure of Thomas Scrivin; all that Parcel of Meadow Ground, lying together in a certain Meadow, called the Upper Meadow, in the Occu- pation of Mr. Moore ; and all that Close of Pas- ture Ground, called Brockend Close, in the Tenure of Thomas Meredith; being all together about eleven Acres. LOT 2. All that Orchard of Pasture Ground, called Palmer's Close, with all that Meadow, called the Neyte, both
in the Tenure of William Dalbey ; and all that Close of Ground, called Sutfield, in the Tenure of Thomas Godsal ; being all together about six Acres. The above Premisses are situated at the pleasant Village of Kempsey aforesaid, near the Turnpike Road, and within three Miles and a Half of the City of Worcester; and are Leasehold for three Lives ( all in being) under the Bishop of Worcester For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Lang ford, at Kempsey. N. B. A Deposit of 10L. per Cent, will be re- quired at the Time of Sale. This Day was Published, Very beautifully printed in One Volume, Octavo, Price 4s. 6d. sewed, A NEW
EDITION, being the SECOND, of AN ESSAY on the WRITINGS and GENIUS of SHAKESPEARE, com- pared with the Greek, and French Dramatic Poets with some Remarks on the Misrepresentations of Mons. DE VOLTAIRE. By Mr. MONTAGUE. Printed for J. Wilkie, at No. 71, in St. Paul's Church- Yard; J. Dodsley, in Pall- Mall; T Becket, and T. Cadell, in the strand ; and Messrs. Baker and Co. in York- Street, Covent Garden; and sold by Mr. Berrow, Worcester.