Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Volume Number: Issue Number: 4010
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Berrow's Worcester Journal
Date of Article: 07/02/1771
Printer / Publisher: H. Berrow
Address: Near the Cross, Worcester
Volume Number: Issue Number: 4010
No Pages: 4
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No. 401o. THURSDAY, February 7, 1771. Notwithstanding this Journal is, in most Places, distributed at least a whole Day before any other Country News Paper of the same Date, and also many Hours before the Arrival of the London Mail, it not only contains the most material News published in London on Tuesday Night, but many interesting Articles of Intelligence, not inserted in other Country Papers before the Saturday following. SATURDAY'S POST. This Day arrived the Mails from France, Flanders, and Holland. Leghorn, December 29. Russian Officer, who is in the Lazaretto, has given us the following Anecdote : " Mr.
Fort, of Marseilles, who in the last War of the French against the English, commanded the Ship l'Hiron- delle, entered into the Russian Service this Campaign, and was admitted as Lieutenant on board the Admiral's Ship; he distinguished himself very much at Napoli di Romania ; but in the Naval Combat at Chesne he shewed an Intrepidity hardly to be equalled, on board the said Ship, where he commanded three Cannon en the first Deck. Half an Hour after the Commencement of the Engagement, a Ball took off his Nose and, Part of his Neck ; but he would neither quit his Post, or suffer his Wound to be dressed, but only held
his Hand- kerchief to his Face to stop the Blood. A Quarter of an Hour after that another Ball carried away his Right Arm near the Shoulder, and threw him down : He had yet Strength sufficient to get up, and was going to take his Sword in his Left Hand, when a third Ball cut him in two. He was very greatly regretted, and Count Orlow, in particular, was very much affected with the Loss of that brave Man ; and as soon as the Fight was over the Count desired no Neglect might be made in enquiring whether Mr. Fort was married, and had any Family, as he intended to obtain a Pension from his Court for his Widow. The Officer
charged with these Enquiries could not be fully satisfied till he arrived here, and he is hastening now to Acquaint the Generalissimo of the Result of his Enquiries, in order to his procuring the pro- mised, Pension for his Widow. Madrid, Jan. 3. There is a Squadron of twelve Ships of the Line at Cadiz ready to put to Sea, which is to be commanded by the Sieur Tillie ; there is besides, at Ferrol, another Squadron ready equipped, consisting of twelve Ships of War, among which are one of 112 Guns, live of 86, and six of 70, with six Fri- gates, which wait only for the first Notice to put to Sea under the Command of the Sieur Reggio.
Hambourg, Jan. 18. Letters from Hanover inform us that the King of England has given Orders for remounting the Artillery, not only at Hanover, but also at Stade, Hamelen, Har- debourg, Neiubourg, and other Fortresses of the Electorate, to make new Baggage Waggons, Carnages, and Pontoons; and to form through- out all the Electorate the most exact Lists of all the young Fellows able to bear Arms. These Preparations greatly perplex our Politicians. COUNTRY NEWS. Oxford, Feb. 2. On Thursday last Lord Robert Spencer, Brother to his Grace the Duke of Marlborough, was unanimously elected Member for this City, in the
room of the Hon. Mr. Justice Nares. On Wednesday John Skynner, Esq; of Great Milton, in this County ( last Week appointed King's Council, in the room of Lord Chief Justice De Grey) was also unanimously elected for the Borough of Woodstock, in the room of Lord Robert Spencer. LONDON, Thursday, Jan. 31. The following remarkable Queries are ad- dressed, in a Morning Paper, to Lord Rochford: 1. Did you not know, previous to the Pub- lication of what is called your Acceptance, that Prince Maserano had no Orders, or was in any ways authorised by his Catholic Majesty to sign the Declaration of the 2zd of January, 1771
? 2. Did you not, in Conjunction with Monsieur Francois, the French ACTUAL AMBASSADOR, endeavour, in several Conferences with the Prince, previous to that Epoch, to persuade him to sign a Declaration, and did he not al- ways refuse ? 3. Do you not know that Mr. Francois of- fered him an Indemnification on the Part of the King of France, in case he would sign ? 4. Do you not know that Mr. Francois wrote the Prince several Letters, purporting to be an Indemnification; and did he not, nevertheless, refuse to sign, urging them to be insufficient ? 5. Was you not with the Prince near four Hours, a very short Time before his
Signing, and did you not come from him in a great Heat, and say, There was no making any Thing of the mulish Fellow ? 6. Did you not threaten him if he would not sign ? And did he not at last sign with great Reluctance, and even shed Tears afterwards? How can you, as a Man of Veracity, SAY, and SIGN, " His Catholic Majesty having AUTHORISED the Prince of Maserano, his Am- bassador Extraordinary, to offer in HIS MA- jesty's NAME,& c.---- Vide L--- d R d's Acceptance of the 22nd of January, 1771. Lord Chatham, it is said, has by some Means obtained an authentic Copy of every single Pa- per that passed between
Great Britain and Spain in a late Négociation ; and intends, it is said, to compare what he has with what may be delivered in as the Whole of that Corres- pondence, by the Ministry, whence it is ap- prehended some important Discovery will be made. It is certain that the present pacific Appear- ance of Affairs will not be of long Duration, and that the lately signed Declaration will bring on an Altercation that must end in War. An Express is sent down from the Admiralty to the Commissioner of his Majesty's Dock- yard at Plymouth, to keep all the Artificers Hill at work as briskly as possible, Sunday included. We hear the greatest
Degree of Animosity subsists at present between the present Head of one Assembly, and the late Head of another ; and that it is now increased to such a Degree, that they are never suffered to meet together. Lord Mansfield, it is said, has declared he will quit a certain Assembly if Sir Fletcher Norton be brought into it; which has greatly embarrassed the Ministry. Private Letters from Charles Town, South Carolina, speak positively of the Non- import- ing Association being broke up, and that they have agreed to import British Goods, except Tea, like the other Colonies. It is said that the Irish have declared their Resolution to
make one spirited Push towards a new Regulation of their Civil List ; as the Grievance of having so many Pensions saddled on them is become too heavy to be supported any longer. This Day the Judges met in Lord Chief Justice Mansfield's Chamber, Westminster Hall, and chose their respective Circuits for the en- suing Lent Assizes, viz. Northern, Lord Chief Justice Mansfield and Justice Gould.. Norfolk, Lord Chief Justice De Grey and Baron Adams. Midland, Lord Chief Baron Parker and Justice Aston. Home, Baron Smythe and Baron Perrott. Oxford, Justice Willes and Justice Ashhurst. Western, Justice Blackstone and
Justice Nares. We hear from Tenbury in Worcestershire, that a Lace Manufactory has been lately set on Foot there by a noted Milliner from Bath, who has fixed some French People there to teach the poor Inhabitants the Art of Weaving that Arti- cle, & c. and that the Work goes on prosperously. Thursday the Affair of the Prisoners, James Stevens, Robert Leslie, William Thomson, J. Biggs, and John Mein, who forced out of the King's Bench Prison the 19th of November last, came on before the Court of Westminster Hall, when the Rule was made absolute for an Information against them. — Lord Mansfield being at the house
of Peers, the other three Judges gave their Opinion upon Mr. Stevens's Pamphlet concerning Imprisonment for Debt : — " No Doubt the Equity of such a Thing now, ( said one of them) after a Practice of Four Hundred Years, would be preposterous, and what none but mad Men could think of; however, Men ought to be tender of the na- tural and personal Liberty of their Fellow Creatures." Extra c t of a Letter from Limerick, Jan. 15. " A dreadful Murder was committed here last Saturday Night on the Body of one Patrick Poole, a Broker, and a Woman who kept House for him in White Horse Lane. — Some Villains got into the
House in the dead Time of the Night, and he having the Name of being a Man of Wealth, it is supposed with Intent to rob him ; but not finding what they ex- pected, they cruelly struck him on the Head, it is thought, with an Axe ; and likewise kil- led the Woman in the same Manner, who lay in a separate Apartment: They were both found dead the next Morning. The Perpetrators of this inhuman Murder have not yet been discovered." A Letter from Chatham, January 26. " The following odd Affair you may depend upon to be authentic: This Morning a Person, known by the Name of Charles Waddell, be- longing to his Majesty's
Ship Orford, was ordered to receive two Dozen Lashes for Deser- tion; but when tying up to the Gangway, the Culprit was discovered to be a Woman. She confessed afterwards, she had travelled from Hull to London, after a Man with whom she was in Love ; and hearing he had entered on board the Orford at Chatham, she entered at the Rendezvous in London, for the same Ship, the 9th Instant. On the 17th of this Month she came on board, and was looked upon as a very active young Fellow; but finding that her Sweetheart, who had entered for the above Ship, was run away, in Consequence thereof, she de- serted
Yesterday in Pursuit of him ; but was taken up as a Deserter, on the London Road, and was brought again on board last Night, where she was confined in Irons; and this Morning she was to have received her Punish- ment, but the Discovery prevented it. She was immediately carried before Admiral Sir Peter Dennis, who made her a Present of Half a Guinea; Commissioner Hanway, and most of the Officers of the Yard made her Presents.— She is about 19 Years of Age." Died.] On Saturday last, at his House in Coventry, Thomas Burgh, M. D. and Member of Christ Church College, in Oxford. Worcester, January 30, 1771.
WHEREAS the Masters in the Glove Manufactory in this City, have been much injured by the Work People embez- zling and selling their Gloves, Leather, and Lea- ther Shreds ; Notice is hereby given, That a Re- ward of FIVE GUINEAS will be paid by the Steward of the Company, to any one who shall impeach, to Conviction, the Embezzeler or Seller of Gloves, Leather, or Leather Shreds: And also the same Reward will be given for impeach- ing the Buyers or Receivers of Gloves, Leather, or Leather Shreds. By an Act of Parliament of the twenty - second of George the Second, it is therein enacted, " That any Work People
who embezzle, purloin, sell, or secrete any Leather of his, her, or their Master, shall be publicly whipped for the first Of- fence : And any Person buying, receiving, ac- cepting, or taking by Way of Gift, Pawn, Pledge, Sale, or Exchange, or in any other Manner what- ever, from any Workmen, any Leather, on Con- viction, forfeits the Sum of Twenty Pounds; on Default of Payment to be whipped in public at the Market Place." As it is well known many Work People have offered, if not sold, Skins to Shoe- makers, Car- penters, and Others; This is to inform all Per- ions that buy, receive, accept, or take, by Way of Gift, Pawn, Pledge,
Sale, or Exchange, a single Skin, Piece, or Shred of Leather, that they are lia- ble to the Penalties above recited. As the Com- pany in general have been so grossly abused and wronged in their Property, they are determined to spare neither Pains nor Expense in bringing to Justice all Offenders under the above- recited Act, whether they have any Connections or not with the Glove Manufactory. By Order of the Company. RICHARD KNIGHT, Steward. ALL Persons who stand indebted to the Estate of SAMUEL BRADLEY, of the City of Worcester, Chinaman, Toyman, Dealer and Chapman, a Bankrupt, are required to pay the
several Sums in which they so stand indebted, either to Mr. Richard Sockett, Attor- ney, in Worcester, or to Mr. Thomas Jenkins, at Mr. Bradley's late Shop in the said City, who are duly authorized, as well by Charles Trub- shaw Withers, Esq; the Trustee, as by Mr. Robert Blayney, the sole Assignee of the Estate and Effects of the said Samuel Bradley, to receive the same, 0n they will be proceeded against at Law for the Recovery thereof. N. B. The STOCK in TRADE, late of the said Samuel Bradley, consisting of Jewels, Plate, China, as well Foreign as Worcester, and other valuable Effects, is now selling at his late Shop,
opposite to the Town Hall, in the City of Wor- cester, where Traders and others may be supplied with a great Variety of Elegant Goods, for ready Money only. TO BE SOLD, AMessuage or Tenement, together with a Malt - House, other Out- Buildings, and about fourteen Acres of inclosed Land thereto belonging, situate at Bradforton, in Worcester- shire. --- Any Person may view the same by applying to John Burston, the present Tenant. — The Pre- misses are Freehold, and some valuable Timber is growing thereupon. Further Particulars may be had of Mr. Jeffery Bevington, of Eatington ; or of Mr. Hunt, of Stratford upon Avon.
To be peremptorily SOLD to the Best Bidder, On Monday the 18th Day of February Inst. between the Hours of Two and Four in the Afternoon, at the Hap- Pole, in the City of Worcester, TWO Freehold Farms, situate at Kington, in the County of Worcester; the one consisting of a large and convenient Farm House and Garden, two Barns, one Stable, a Cow House, a Perry Mill, and a Cart House, all in good Repair; about fifty- nine Acres of Arable Land in the Common Fields of Kington three Acres of Meadow in a Common Meadow there, and fourteen Acres of Pasture inclosed, now in the Occupation of Thomas Payton. The
other consists of a comfortable Dwelling House and Garden, two Barns, one Stable, and a Cow House, all in good Repair, three Orchards, containing about three Acres, fifty- two Acres of Arable Land, or thereabouts, in the Common Fields of Kington, and six Acres of inclosed Pas- ture, now in the Occupation of Robert Payton. The above Farms have a Right of Common, without Stint, upon an excellent Common called the Husk, and in the Common Fields of Kington, and are held together by the above- named Tho- mas Payton, under a Lease for the Remainder of a Term of twenty Years, of which about fifteen are yet
unexpired, at the yearly Rent of Forty- eight Pounds. The Tenants will shew the Premisses; and fur- ther Particulars may be had by applying to Mr. Sockett, Attorney, in Worcester. To be LETT, and entered upon at Lady- Day next, ALL that neat and good- accustomed PUBLIC- HOUSE, known by the Sign of the QUIET WOMAN, situate in Pershore, in the County of Worcester, together with an exceeding good Malt house, Stable, and other necessary Out- Buildings, and a large spacious Garden adjoining to the same, all which Premisses are in complete Repair, very convenient; and a good Pump, with excellent Water famous
for making good Ale, is near the Brew- House and Malt - House; Encouragement will be given to a good Tenant by Mr. Falkner, the Owner and present Occupier, who is going to retire from Business. — The Tenant may, if he pleases, purchase the Household Goods and Brewing Utensils. Further Particulars may be known by applying to Mr. Harry Long, Attorney at Law, in Pershore aforesaid. To be Sold to the Best Bidders, in two Lots, At the House of Ann Munn, being the Sign of the Dog, in Kempsey, near Worcester, on Friday the 15 th Day of February Inst. between the Hours of Two and Five in the Afternoon ( unless
disposed of in the mean Time by private Contract, of which Notice will be given) subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall be then and there produced, LOT 1. ALL that Close of Arable Ground, called the Lifts, in the Tenure of Thomas Scrivin; all that Parcel of Meadow Ground, lying together in a certain Meadow, called the Upper Meadow, in the Occu- pation of Mr. Moore ; and all that Close of Pas- ture Ground, called Brockend Close, in the Tenure of Thomas Meredith; being all together about eleven Acres. LOT 2. All that Orchard of Pasture Ground, called Palmer's Close, with all that Meadow, called the Neyte, both in the
Tenure of William Dalbey ; and all that close of Ground, called Sutfeld, in the Tenure of Thomas Godsal; being all together about six Acres. The above Premisses are situated at the pleasant Village of Kempsey aforesaid, near the Turnpike Road, and within three Miles and a Half of the City of Worcester; and are Leasehold for three Lives ( all in being) under the Bishop of Worcester. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Lang- ford, at Kempsey. N. B. A Deposit of 10I. per Cent, will be re- quired at the Time of Sale. To be SOLD in Fee to the best Bidder, To- morrow the 8 th Day of February Inst. between the Hours of Two and
Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the Sign of the Bear's Head, in the Parish of Severn Stoke, in the County of Worcester, subject to Conditions of Sale then and there to be produced ( or in the mean Time by private Contract, of which Notice will be given in this Paper) AMessuage or Tenement, with a Barn, Stable, Cyder Mill - House ( with a Mill thereon) and other Out- Buildings, together with a Garden, Orchard, and two Pieces of exceeding rich Arable Land, with the Appur- tenances thereto belonging, containing, by Esti- mation, five Acres ( be the same more or less) situate, lying, and being, in the Parish of Severn Stoke
aforesaid, and now in the Tenure or Occu- pation Of Benjamin Smith, as Tenant thereof. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Joseph Baylis, Surgeon, or Mr. John White, Attorney at Law, both of Upton upon Severn, in the said County of Worcester. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, At the House of Mr. Thomas Low, the Talbot, in Cleobury Mortimer, in the County of Salop, on Wednesday the Twentieth Day of February Inst. between the Hours of Two and Four in the Even- ing, subject to such Conditions as shall be then produced, Ninety- seven oaks, Eighty- nine Ashes, and Fifty- five Elms and Wych Hazles, & c. growing 011
an Estate in the Parish of Neen Savage, within a measured Mile of Cleobury Mortimer aforesaid, new in the Pos- session of Samuel Watts. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Langley, jun. Attorney, in Bewdley. Mr. Samuel Watts, the Tenant, will shew the Trees. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Thursday next, the 14th of February Inst. between the Hours of Eleven and One, at the White Lion and Sun, in Upton upon Severn, in the County of Worcester ( unless disposed of in the mean Time by pri- vate Contract, of which public Notice will be given) SIX Acres and a Half of very rich Meadow Ground ( being Freehold) in a
Com- mon Meadow, called Didmore; and one Acre and a Half of rich Meadow Ground, in another Com- mon Meadow, called Lord's Meadow, situate in the Parish of Tirley, in the County of Gloucester; with an extensive Right of Common from Lammas to Candlemas, in a large Tract of rich Meadow Ground there; subject to a Chief Rent of Four Shillings and Four- pence. Also, Fifteen Acres, or thereabouts, of Arable Land, called Furlow's Hill ( being Leasehold, and held for the Remainder of a Term of one thou- sand Years, of which about nine hundred are yet unexpired, at a Pepper Corn Rent) situate at Chatesley, otherwise
Clateley, in the County of Worcester; with an extensive Right of Common upon Corse Lawn. The Meadow Ground is situate near to the River Severn, and there is growing on the Arabic Land a Quantity of Elm Timber, and some Fruit Trees. Upon Application to the Rev. Mr. Parker, at Hasfield, the Premisses will be shewn; and fur- ther Particulars maybe had of Mr, Sockett, At- torney, in Worcester, Berrow'sWorcester Journal.
MONDAY's POST. FOREIGN NEWS. Litter from the Hague, dated January 25. The last Letters from Hambourg mention, that a Report prevailed there, that a large Detachment of the King of Prussia's Troops had seized upon the City of Dantzick by Surprize, and had placed a strong Garrison in it; but this News does not meet with great Credit. These Letters likewise say, that the Count de Bernstorff, heretofore in the Service of Denmark, is going to be employed by the King of Great Britain in his Electorate of Hanover. " They write from Ratisbon, that the Court of Vienna doth not consider, in a favourable Light, the Mediation of
England, in order to bring about a Peace between the Turks and Russians, especially as to what relates to Po- land, which is comprehended in it." COUNTRY NEWS. Dartmouth, Jan. 30. On the 29th arrived the Cruizer Sloop of War, Capt. Jordon; and the Glory Frigate, both from a Cruize. The St. John Cabot, Gerrish, from St. Michael, mentioned in my last, to have arrived the 26th lnst. brought home an Express; and it is re- ported that the Portugueze had stopped three Eng- lish Men of War at the Brazils. The Captain set off with the Express for London immediately on his Arrival here, and even before his Ship came to
Anchor. Letter from Maidstone, dated Jan. 29. " Last Friday a Post- Chaise came into this Town from the Ashford Road, with a very large Trunk behind it, changed Horses, and proceeded towards London by Farningham. In the Chaise was only one Servant. An Of- ficer of the Customs here, suspecting the Con- tents of the Trunk, pursued and seized it near Farningham. The Servant readily acknow- ledged the Trunk contained Cloths from France, the Property of Mr. C. F— x, whose Ser- vant he was, and to whom the Chaise also be- longed. He offered to give the Officer One Hundred Pounds, if he would suffer it to pass, which
the Officer refused, and then sent the Cloths to the Custom House at Rochester. There are near eight complete Suits of very rich embroidered Velvets, & c. two Pieces of Cambrick, some Shirts made up with C. F. marked on them, and other Things of the same Nature. There is no Question but the Cloths are Mr. F— x's, and smuggled; the only Question is, what those Vultures deserve, who, not content with plundering their Country, take every Method to prevent and curtail the very Revenue which supports them ? Gracious and best of Princes, are these the Miscreants thou nurtured in thy Bosom ? " LONDON, Saturday, Feb.
2. Yesterday the Prince de Maserano, the Spanish Ambassador, received an Express from the Court of Madrid, and the same Evening had a long Conference with the French Ambassador, at his Excellency's House in Great George- Street, Westminster. This Morning an Express was sent from the Admiralty- Office to Falmouth, to be forwarded with all Expedition to Commodore Proby, Commander of his Majesty's Squadron in the Mediterranean. This Morning some Dispatches of Importance arrived at the Secretary of State's Office from Gibraltar. By the Delight, Capt. Rogers, from Cadiz, at Poole, in thirty Days, we hear, that
the Spa- niards continue their maritime Preparations with more than ordinary Diligence, and that it was generally known some Attempt was intended soon to be made on Gibraltar It is affirmed that the Objections against the Importance of Gibraltar, which are circulating by the Dependants on Administration, are only a Prelude to a vile Bargain which is now in Agitation for the Sale of it. We can assure the Public, from the best Au- thority, that a Letter in a Morning Paper, said to be sent from the Admiralty to Lloyd's Cof- fee House, is an absolute Forgery, supposed to be calculated to alarm the Merchants for the base Purpose of
affecting the Stocks. It was Yesterday received by one of the Waiters at the Bar of Lloyd's Coffee House, from a Person who said he brought it from the Navy Office. The following is a Copy of the Letter re- ferred to above : " Mahon Yard, Dec. 28, 1770 " Capt. Goare is arrived here Express from Lieutenant Governor Johnson, advising, that the Spaniards had a great Number of Forces at Majorca and Barcelona ; that they were making Scaling Ladders, and other warlike Prepara- tions for an immediate Embarkation, supposed to be intended against the Island of Minorca ; and that Admiral Proby, with two other Ships, is failed
from Mahon Harbour to Gibraltar.'" Admiralty Office, Jan. 31. We are assured that the Reason for continu- ing the Press is to complete the intended Aug- mentation of the Marine, which, when effec- ted, all the able- bodied Seamen will be kept in Pay, and the Refuse, who have never been at Sea, discharged. Orders are issued out to put a Stop to the Recruiting in Ireland, for the Augmentation of the Regiments on the British Establishment. They write from Leghorn, that a Venetian Squadron of great Force is now cruizing along the Mediterranean Coast; for what Reason is not known; though it is conjectured to be something
more than Observation. Last Night the Speaker of the Lower House received a Message to attend at the Q; n's P e, where he had a long Conference with his M y on Affairs of Importance. It is generally believed that the President of a Lower Assembly will very soon resign, as he seems to be withdrawing himself from the mi- nisterial Junto, in Consequence of some late Promotions. On the Ch— ll- p's being conferred on Mr. C. J. B— h- st, his R. H. the D. of C. thought proper, though somewhat unseasonably, to re- commend a Gentleman for a Commissioner of Bankrupts; his L p returned a most polite Answer, lamenting his
Inability to comply with his H ss's Request, as the Appointments were not only already made, but the List deli- vered out. His H ss nevertheless insisting upon being obliged, his L p told him that there was but one Way with Honour to do it. I have, said he, myself appointed a single Person to the Commission, and that single Person happens to be my own Nephew; he shall therefore make Room for your Recommen- dation ; for, at the Time that I would pay all possible Reverence to your H ss, I would on no Consideration wound either my Politeness or my Rectitude in my Intercourse with the rest of Mankind. Last Tuesday the
present worthy Lord Chan- cellor paid the following high, but justly merited Compliment, as he sat hearing a Cause in Chancery, to Lord Camden :—" That he would always consider that worthy and great Man's Decrees as the best Precedents he could follow, in all Cases where the Causes were simi- lar to those that should come before himself." We are assured that when the Privy Seal was offered to Lord Suffolk, he desired Time to consider of it; the next Day he desired a Con- ference with Lord North ; Lord North did not chuse to see him for three Days, and when he did admit Lord Suffolk to an Audience, he in- formed him
that the Place must first be offered to Lord Dartmouth and to Lord Hardwicke, and if they both refused it, then Lord Suffolk might have it. This hopeful young Lord, with a very large Fortune of his own, Forty Thousand Pounds with his Lady, a Widower with only one Child, a Daughter, and who has signed both the PROTESTS, was humble enough to accept the Privy Seal in this igno- minious Manner. It is said that a certain great Lawyer has de- clared, that however otherwise he might have been inclined to quit public Scenes, he will not give his Enemies such Cause for Triumph as to consult his Inclination until they are con vinced how ineffectual are all their Attacks upon him, and till the judicious Part of the Com- munity acknowledge him a no less innocent than injured Man. It is very remarkable, there is not a Council of any Eminence at the Bar, but has lately been offered a Silk Gown. The P r, it is said, has lately suffered an old Acquaintance, for whom he some Years since professed a particular Friendship, to lose 2o, oool. in the Alley, by not giving him a Hint to be on his Guard, in consequence of which the Gentleman is fallen into a State of Melancholy, which, it is feared, will prove fatal to him. It is confidently reported, that a certain po- pular
Alderman has lately received a most cor- dial and pressing Invitation to go and settle at Boston, in North America, wh; re his Character is held in the highest Estimation. Two distinguished Gentlemen of the Court of Aldermen have promised to discuss the Mat- ter of Press Warrants at the Court of Common Council on Thursday next. An honourable Gentleman has undertaken to prove the Lega- lity, and Mr. Wilkes to prove the Illegality. It is thought it will cause a full Court, as many of the Members will be there to improve them- selves in the Art of Oratory. There is a most astonishing Peculiarity, says a Correspondent, in the
English; when they are at Peace with all the World besides, they are constantly engaged in domestic Broils, and the only Foundation amongst them of Unani- mity is the being at Variance with foreign Powers. We are assured that a Bill will soon be brought into Parliament for preventing the farther Increase of Buildings in this Metropo- lis. This was done in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, when, by an Act of Parliament, a new Foundation was not to be laid within three Miles of London ; and at that Time it was not a Quarter of its present enormous Size. The City of Amsterdam is under a Re- gulation of this Nature; and round Paris
are fixed Posts, with Inscriptions setting forth that no new Building is to be erected beyond those Bounds. The State of the British White Herring Fishery was finally adjusted on Wednesday Evening, when they came to the following Re- solutions, viz. Resolved, That the carrying on the White Herring Fishery will be advantageous to the Trade and Navigation of these Kingdoms. That from the Expiration of the Term for which the present Bounty is given, the Sum of thirty Shillings per Ton be granted and paid to all Vessels from twenty to eighty Tons, which have been built since the Year 1760, or which may hereafter be built, for the
Purpose of the White Herring Fishery, and shall be actually employed therein. The Silver Coinage at the Tower, amount- ing to Eighty Thousand Pounds, will be issued out within two Months. We hear that a Sum of Money amounting to nearly 8o, oool. has been, within these few Days past, issued from the Treasury, charged to the Account of secret Services. It is now said the Supplies for the present Year will be raised by Annuities, and a Lottery. Each Subscriber of 100l. is to have 105l. An- nuities, and a Lottery Ticket Value 10l. The Linen Manufactory in the Isle of Man succeeds beyond Expectation; in the Year 1769 they
exported above one thousand Yards, and last Year above nine thousand, besides what is used in Home Consumption. We hear that a Gentleman of this City has drawn up a Plan for manning his Majesty's Ships, without impressing ; which he Yesterday laid before the Lord Mayor. It is remarkable that but one Ship has been ordered to be paid off since the signing the Spa- nish Convention ; and that the Recruiting for the Completion of the several Regiments is now carrying on in the different Counties with uncommon Spirit. We are told that the Sardinian Army is to be increased to 30,000 Men. This is a pro- digious Army for so
small a State, and is very far from a pacific Appearance. . The following Particulars have come to Hand concerning the late Duel between two noble Lords. A written Challenge was sent by L. P. on Monday, after the Guards were taken off. This Challenge was shewn to Sir F. N. pre- vious to its being delivered. Each of the Combatants brought two Brace of Pistols unloaded into the Field, to be there loaded. Lord M. objected to Lord P.' s first Pair, as being too long, on which the latter replied he had a shorter Pair than Lord M.' s which would do the Business equally as well. Fourteen Yards of Ground were measured out by the
Seconds, at which Distance the Parties agreed to stand till one or the other dropped. Lord P. having a Contraction in his Fingers, it was agreed that he should have the Liberty of firing over his Arm. Lord P.' s Pistol missed Fire first, when Lord M. fired his; after which Lord P. fired, and struck his Opponent slant- ways on the Breast- Bone. Lord P. presented a second Pistol, but perceiving that Lord M. was wounded did not fire it; when the Seconds interposing, begged that his Lordship would not fire on a wounded Man. On which his Lordship said he hoped the Wound was not mortal. Next Week will come on to be heard before
Dr. Bettesworth, in Doctors- Commons, a Cause brought by Col. S. against his Lady for a Di- vorce, charging her with having been guilty of Adultery. A Cause will also be brought on at the same Time by the Lady against the Colonel, her Husband, charging him with several Misdemeanors. A Letter from Paris, dated Jan. 23, says, The Dispute between the King and the Par- liament of Paris, is at length terminated in the Banishment of every one of them ; and the King has not only exiled them to different Places, but sent the major Part of them to lit- tle Villages scarcely to be called inhabited." A Ship from Petersbourg, Name not
men- tioned, was lost last Sunday Night in the Storm in Yarmouth Roads, and every Soul perished. Several Colliers from Newcastle were the same Night lost, and all their Hands drowned. It is supposed that many more Vessels were lost or drove out of the Roads. A Latter from Aberconway, in Wales, ad- vises, that last Sunday a Gentleman and his Horse were found, near the Bottom of Pen- manmawr, almost dashed to Pieces. It appears by a Letter in his Pocket, his Name is James O'Neal, and was on his Way to London ; he had hired the Horse at Bangor, and, by some Accident, had fallen down that dreadful Pre- cipice, at
a Place where the Wall built to pre- serve Passengers is, at present, broken down. Thursday, about One o'clock in the Morn- ing, a Fire broke out at the House of Mrs. Thatcher, Silk Dyer, in Petticoat- Lane, White- chapel, which greatly damaged the same, and destroyed near 200I. worth of Apparel, Furni- ture, & c. but by a speedy Assistance it was pre- vented spreading any farther. Married.] At St. Clement's Danes, Mr. Timothy Hill, of Redbrook Gloucestershire, belonging to the Iron Manufactory there, to Miss Pennington, of Stanhope- Street, only Daughter of Mrs. Jane Brown, late of St. Clement's Church Yard. To be LETT,
and entered upon Immediately, READY furnished Lodgings, situ- ated in a pleasant Part of the Foregate- Street, Worcester, neatly fitted up ; consisting of two neat Parlours in the Front, two very good Lodging Rooms on the first Floor, with Closets ; together with two Garrets for Servants, a good Kitchen, and two Lock Cellars. N. B. There is a good Three- stall Stable to be lett with the above, if required; and a Coach- House will be built, if wanting. Enquire of the Printer of this Paper. ALL Persons indebted to the Estate of Mr. JOSEPH FRANKLIN, late of, Evesham, Sadler, deceased, are desired to pay what they owed him, to his
Administratrix and Widow, Mary Franklin, of the same Place; who, carrying on her late Husband's Business there, entreats the Continuance of the Favours of his Customers, and begs his Creditors will transmit her an Account of their respective Demands. TO BE LETT, And may be entered upon immediately, A Very good Brick Work, at Team Mouth ( late in the Occupation of Mr. Beach) where all the Articles manufactured there in the Brick and Tile Branches, have, for many Years, been much esteemed. — This Work is very conveniently situated for landing of Coals, or other Articles. For further Particulars enquire of Mr.
Joseph Libery, at Powick, near Worcester. N. B. The above Brick Work will, if desired, be sold for a Term of Years. January 12, 1771. To the LOVERS of, and STUDENTS in MUSIC. A WORK ON AN ENTIRE NEW PLAN, Which, when complete, will be the most capital of the Kind ever printed in this Kingdom. Proposals for Publishing Monthly, to commence Feb. 1, 1771, A Select COLLECTION of VOCAL MUSIC, SERIOUS and COMIC, With a Thorough Bass for the Harpsichord, and Trans positions for the German Flute. By the AUTHOR, of Love in a Village, Maid of the Mill, & c. This Work will be comprised in Forty Num bers, each Number containing four English Songs, adapted to Italian Airs; selected from the Works of the most capital Composers; and, when finished according to the Editor's Plan, will be for its Me- lodies the most pleasing, for its Variety the most entertaining, and for its Stile and Method the most useful, both for Singers and Instrumental Per- formers, of any Musical Collection extant. With Number X ( which will complete the First Volume) will be given Gratis, a Treatise on Vo- cal Music, the Management of the Voice, and the Manner of Accompaniment on the Harpsichord, extracted from the Works of the celebrated Tartini,
and J. J. Rousseau. The first Number will be published on the First of next February, Price is. 6d. by J. Johnston, at hit Music Shop, the Corner of York- Street, Covent- Garden, London ; and may be had of the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. CONDITIONS. I. The Songs in this Work will always be Eng- lish Words, adapted to Italian Airs; which will be printed for the Harpsichord, with a correct Thorough Bass, and transposed for the German Flute; and in the Course of Publication will be given the choicest Compositions of Pergolese, Io- melli, Ciampi, Vinci, Gallupi, Cocchi, Vento, Perez, Piccini, and the most admired,
modern Composers now in Italy; the Editor having settled a Correspondence at Rome, Naples, and Venice, for that Purpose. II. Particular Care will be had in the poetical Part ( which will be new, or taken from the Wri- tings of our best Lyric Posts) that the Harshness and Inelegance of the Words may not hurt the Music, and that the Sound and Sense may correspond. III. The Words will not only be accented with the greatest Accuracy, but the Music marked with a Precision, which cannot fail to direct every Stu- dent, with the lead Attention, to sing and play with Taste and Delicacy ; this Publication being equally calculated for the
Vocal and Instrumental Performer. IV. Over and above the four Songs, a Venetian. Ballad ( also adapted to English Words) will be given in every Number, for the Use of young Beginners. V. The whole Work will be beautifully engra- ved, and printed on a fine Paper, and will be published regularly the First of every Month, from, its Commencement, till it is complete. The following ARTICLES are sold by WILLIAM FAIRFAX, Tea Dealer and Confectioner, near St. Helen's Church, High- Street, Worcester. PECTORAL and STOMACHIC LOZENGES, ( by S. Sergnette, Inventor of the famous Salt of Rochelle) are an infallible Remedy
against all Rheum, Coughs, Hoarseness, & c. They prevent the Phthysic, Asthma, and Consumption ; they ease the Irritation of the acid Humours that excite the Cough : By their balsamic and nutritive Virtues they fortify the tender Vessels of the Stomach, help Digestion, and promote Chylification. They melt in Water like Sugar, are of a most agreeable Taste, and fail not to cor- rect the Breath and the impaired Exhalations of the Stomach. N. B. The Superiority of the above Lozenges over any other, for Efficacy and Pleasantness, having induced several Persons to sell a counterfeit Sort, it is therefore necessary to observe, that
the right Sort are as white as Sugar, fitted in the Box with an exact Symmetry and Order, not easily counterfeited. They are sold as above, at is. a Box. EAU DE LUCE, which amongst the Nobility and Gentry in England, as well as in France, is constantly made Use of as a Smelling- Bottle, being infinitely more powerful than any Salt. It revive the Spirits, prevents Infection from the Small- Pox, Fever, or any contagious Distemper, and give present Relief in the Head- ache. Sold by Appoint- ment at 1s. per Bottle, and 1s. 6d. with a Case. The Scott Plaister for Corns. As every Being is endued with a Kind of Instinct according to it
Wants, so Man, by adding Understanding to this Instinct, is enabled not only to discover, but like wife to adapt, in a suitable Manner, the Proper ties of such Things as are necessary for him. The Highlanders in Scotland, being obliged to lead laborious Life, attended with Hardships, although they are in other Respects an indefatigable People are nevertheless liable to the Infirmities of Na- ture; their continual Excursions subjecting the to Corns on their Feet, they have invented a Re- medy for them, which is the most efficacious of any hitherto discovered. It is now offered to the Public, from a Persuasion that those who shall make
Use of it, will experience its Effects to be infallible. This Plaister, which has a very agree able Smell, cures and eradicates all Kinds of Corns; and is sold at 1s. per Box. At the above Place may be had, The Game Mottos, or English Jokes; Fleur de Venice ; Are matic Tooth Water; Lozenges of Tolu, and Lo zenges Seignette ; Scots Pills: and large Sticking Plaisters, 6d. each.
TO BE SOLD, A Quantity of Oak and Ash Trees, in the Parish of Tardebigg, and County of Worcester. Also to be Lett, and entered upon at Lady- Day next, A Farm, consisting of upwards of 180 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Ground, in the Parish of Tardebigg, and County aforesaid. For further Particulars enquire of William Moore, of Tardebigg aforesaid. TO BE SOLD, ABOUT sixty Yards of Iron Pal- lisading, variously ornamented, between four and five Feet high between the Pillars, with a large Lead Flower Pot upon each Pillar. Also to be Lett or Sold, A good Dwelling House, lately put in very good Repair, with a
large Barn and Stable, a good Garden and Fold, & c. and known by the Name of the Green Dragon, in Bromyard. — Good Encou- ragement will be given to a good Tenant, or any Part of the Money may lye at Interest, to accommodate a Purchaser. Further Particulars may be had by applying to Joseph Baylis, in Bromyard, Herefordshire. THURSDAY'S POST. ( By EXPRESS from LONDON.) FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Florence, Dec. 29. YESTERDAY a most violent Earth- quake was felt here, which was followed by several Shocks less considérable. Several Houses were thrown down, and many Families buried under the Ruins.
AMERICA. Boston, New- England, Dec. 1o. At the Su- perior Court of Judicature, now holding at Boston, came on the Trial of eight Soldiers belonging to the 29th Regiment, who stood in- dicted for the Murder of the several Persons on the 9th of March last, by firing their Guns in King - Street : The Examination of the Wit- nesses took up five Days, the Counsel for the Crown and the Counsel for the Prisoners held about two Days. On Wednesday the honour- able Court summed up the Case, when the Jury brought in their Verdict, two of the Soldiers guilty of Manslaughter, the other six not guilty. The two former were committed
to Gaol, and the six were discharged. The two Soldiers convicted as above, have since been branded in the Hand in open Court, and discharged. Boston, Dec. 17. At the Superior Court held in this Town last Wednesday, came on the Trial of Edward Manwaring, Esq; an Of- ficer in the Customs, Mr. John Munro, Notary Public, Hammond Green, and Thomas Green- wood, who had been charged with firing Guns out of the Custom- house on the 25th of March, and indicted by the Grand Jury for the Murder of those Persons that were killed at that Time, and for Which Manwaring, & c. were im- prisoned. After a few Hours Trial,
they were acquitted. COUNTRY NEWS. Norwich, Feb. 2. On Saturday Evening as Mr. Robert Smith, of Bracon- Ash, Farmer, was returning Home with his Wife from Nor- wich Market, they were attacked between Har- ford Bridges and Swardeston by three Footpads, who demanded his Money, at the same Time one of the Villains seized the Horse by the Bridle. Mrs. Smith jumped down from behind her Husband, and he knocked one of them down with his Whip, but the other who held the Bridle pulled the Horse round several Times, which caused Mr. Smith to fall, when they took his Whip from him, and with their Sticks beat
and bruised him terribly over the Head ; they then robbed him of upwards of 27l. Mrs. Smith calling out Murder, her Cries alarmed some Persons that were on their Return from this City, who made up to her Assistance ; they pursued and took one of the Villains going for Norwich, but the others got off ; he was com- mitted to the Cattle, by the Name of Robert Barber, of London, Labourer. — The other two are his Brothers, one of whom was apprehended at a Public- House in Yarmouth, on Wed- nesday last. LONDON, Tuesday, Dec. 5. It is positively asserted that the Spanish Am- bassador has received Orders to return to Ma drid, in Consequence of the King of Spain's not approving of his Conduct in the Négo- ciation of the late Convention, which, it is said, was absolutely brought on by sending the Son ofthe public Defaulter to Paris, who so effec- tually played his Cards with the French King's Favourites, by Means of Five Thousand Gui- neas which he received from the Tr — s- ry as a Present to Count Barre, and a rich Diamond Necklace, of more Value, for the Countess de Barre, that he obtained an Audience with the French King, and Lord Harcourt ( the English Ambassador there) was ordered to attend his Majesty at Midnight, who promised
that his Ambassador at London should settle the Business with Prince Maserano ; on which Couriers were dispatched by the several Parties, and a grand Conference was immediately held upon their Arrival here, between the English oftensible Ministers, the Spanish Ambassador, and Mons. Francois, but without Success, Prince Maserano positively refusing to sign, alledging that he had positive Orders from the King his Master to the contrary. Mons. Francois then asked if he would sign upo n an indemnification beinggiven him by the King his Master; at this Prince Maserano hesitated— and Mons. Francois wrote him a Letter
upon the Subject. This was re- turned, as not properly strong ; and likewise a sécond; a third Letter, however, had some Ef- fect, though he still persisted in his Refusal. On Sunday the 21st of January, the Count de Guygnes gave a Dinner at his House in Great George- Street, to which all the Foreign and English Ministers were invited; — all, except those of France, Spain, and England, were above Stairs — these remained in the lower Apartments till Six o'clock, in close Confe- rence ; nor was Dinner served up till that Time. Prince Maserano, notwithstanding all their Ef- forts, remained firm, and absolutely refused signing the
Declaration ; nor did he sign it till the TWENTY- THIRD, shedding Tears at the same Time.) Two Days after he had signed this famous Declaration, he received Orders from the King of Spain, his Master, to return Home, without taking the usual Leave of the Court. A most incontestable Proof that the King of Spain was totally unacquainted with the Négociation, and that it originated and ended at London or Versailles. The Minister has declared that he will take the Load of Blame upon himself, if any should accrue, respecting the Spanish Négociation. Lord Northington, we are assured, declared, within these few Days, in the
Presence of a Great Personage, that if we keep up the in- tended Augmentation by Sea and Land, he will insure a Peace to England for twenty Years to come against the united Force of all Europe. It is said that the Dissident which the Mi- nistry have of their Strength on the trying Oc- casion of the Approbation of the Convention, when they fear the independent Voices, that are generally with them, will be adverse, has occasioned their going extraordinary Lengths in Concessions of Favours to bring over Part of the Opposition. Besides the Douceur annexed to the Solicitor General's Office, it is thought the securing that one
Connexion will cost a British Peerage ( conferred on a Nabob) and several other considerable Grants. This Day, and not before, Lord Hinchin- brook was appointed Vice Chamberlain to his Majesty, in the Room of Lord Grantham ap- pointed Ambassador to the Court of Spain. We hear there is a great Friendship subsisting between Lord Camden and the present Lord Chancellor, insomuch that the latter frequently consults the former, We are told, from pretty good Authority, that a great Man, just advanced to Office, has already gratified his Dependents with Places to the Number of 175, and that upon his List there are still no
less than 420 Promises. It is said that the Duke of Rutland is so dan- gerously ill that his Life is despaired of. Yesterday the Right Hon. Lord Grosvenor was produced in the Bishop of London's Court, and gave in his Answers to Lady Grosvenor's Allegations. It is an undoubted Fact, that above sixty Witnesses have been examined in the said Cause. We are assured the Lords of the Admiralty are determined to make an Example of the Person who forged the Letter in their Names to the Master of Lloyd's Coffee House, of of whom, it is said, they have accidentally got sufficient Information. The above Letter we are informed, was
chiefly calculated to take in two capital Men in the Alley, neither of whom, however, fell into the Snare. A Correspondent at Berlin informs us, that the King held the other Day a most parti- cular Council of War ; above fifty General Officers, many from distant Parts, appeared at the Palace of Potsdam, the same Day, un- known to each other. They were all ordered to adjourn to different Chambers allotted for that Purpose, and ( like Jurymen) had no Re- freshment. His Prussian Majesty in Person then gave each of them a written Question, which they were to answer while he said. When the King had recovered all these State
Answers, they were escorted out of Town by different Roads, and were not allowed to con- verse together. Yesterday the Recorder of this City made the Report to his Majesty in Council of the Malefactors under Sentence of Death in New- gate ; when Daniel Harris, for stealing a large Quantity of Goods out of the House of his Master, Mr. Morgan, Cabinet- maker, in Good- man's Fields, was ordered for Execution on Wednesday the 13th Instant. James Glover, for stealing nine Firkins of Butter from a Ship in the Thames ; and A. Banks, for breaking into the House of Mrs. Toms, and stealing Wearing Apparel, were respited. The
Rev. William Windsor Fitz Thomas ( Chaplain to Lady Bute) is appointed to the Rectory of Arrow, in Warwickshire, in the Gift of Lord Hertford. This Morning died, at his Apartments in Coleman- Street, Capt. James John Thompson, aged 101 Years, formerly Commander of a Ship in the Spanish Trade. He retained his Memory till within a few Days of his Death. He was Mate of a Ship at the Time King James abdicated the Throne. INTELLIGENCE EXTRAORDINARY. THERE has been the Devil to pay for some Time past among the Cooks in the Kitchen of a certain Great House at St. James's ; nothing to be heard but
Complaints, Grumblings, Heart- burnings, and Abuse, occasioned by the Master of the House ( who was always reckoned a good sort of Man) having suddenly taken it into his Head not to have any English Roast Beef and Plum Pudding brought to his Table, as usual, and ordering in their Places a vail Quantity of PEACE Soup, which none of his faithful Servants can swallow SPANISH OLIOS, Potted Pigeons, German Puffs, and French Truffles. He has lately taken a great Liking to some rank Flummery, which was sent him from Paris and Madrid— to which Places, instead of returning Forc'd- meat Balls, in the Manner of his
Predecessors, he has transmitted a large Quantity of Humble Pye. Among other strange Dishes which have taken Place of the plain English Fare, are But- tered Tongues, which the Master seems fonder of than any Thing else ; though it is well known by Mr. Daniel Philpot, the Head Cook, and the rest of the Servants, that there has not been a good Tongue about the House for a long Time past, all of them being unfound and corrupted. These new Whims in the Gentleman, who glories in being born a Briton, has caused such Discontent among his People, that they have all given Warning, and not a Sound of Jollity is now to be
heard in those ( once happy) Re- gions, except now and then the old Song of Alteration, Alteration, a wonderful Alteration, which is dolefully drauled out by Way of Insult. Price of CORN per Quarter, at London. WEDNESDAY, February 6. Yesterday the Spanish Declaration, and the Papers relative to the Negotiation respecting Falkland's Islands, were laid before the Upper Room of a Great Assembly, when the further Consideration of them was postponed till Friday next, when there will be a further Call of the Room. In the Lower Room a Motion was made by Mr. Seymour, and seconded by Mr. Dowdes- well, to address his
Majesty, to inform the Room, whether tile French King did interfere in the Negotiation with the Court of Spain, and that all Transactions between his Majesty's Ministers and the Ministers of the French King, be laid before the Room. After a Debate it passed in the Negative, 173 against 35. The House of Lords was uncommonly full Yesterday, owing as well to the interesting Matter, which became the Subject of Debate, as to the strict Order for the personal Attend- ance of the Peers. The Declaration is to be considered in the Lower Room on Wednesday next. It is said, that when such Part of the Matter respecting the Négociation
relative to the Cap- ture of Falkland's Islands, as the M y choose to lay before the People in their repre- sentative Capacity, be thoroughly investigated and examined, Opposition are determined to make a very strong Effort for the bringing to Light such other Part of that Négociation, as the M y is supposed to, and may, have suppressed. The pricking of the Sheriffs is put off till this Day, when the Chancellor will attend his Majesty at St. James's for that Purpose. His Majesty's Ship the Pearl is arrived at Plymouth from Gibraltar, with an Express. The Advice brought by this Ship is as follows : " That the Spaniards have an Army of
thirty Thousand Men encamped in their Lines at the Half Moon Battery, and another Army of the same Force at Santa Roupe ; and that it was thought these two grand Armies were only waiting the Arrival of their Fleet from the Spanish Ports to begin the Seige of that impor- tant Garrison. WORCESTER Thursday, February 7, On Saturday last Richard Hooper, convicted of embezzling one Dozen of Oyl Lamb Skins, the Property of Mr. Timothy Bevington, off this City, was publicly whipped in our Corn Market: And on Tuesday last Richard Wintle, convicted of receiving the said Lamb Skins in order to pledge or sell the same, was
likewise publicly whipped. Tuesday Morning, a Gentleman, who had been confined for Debt in our Castle about three Weeks, was found dead in his Chamber, having cut his Throat the preceding Evening in a most shocking Manner. An Inquest was the same Day taken on the Body, who brought in their Verdict, Lunacy. On Saturday last, at Evesham Fair, a Coun- tryman was tricked out of a Cost in the follow- ing Manner, by two Sharpers; one of them having agreed with him for the Purchase of it, it was proposed they should go to a Public House to drink, and the Countryman was there to receive his Money, which was Four teen Pounds. They had not sat long together before one of the Sharpers went into the Yard, where the Colt was tied, and rode off with it: The other, after staying a little Time, likewise left the Room, but instantly returned, and, with an affected Surprize, informed the Coun- tryman that the Colt had broke its Bridle, and was got away; upon which the Countryman set out in Quest of his Colt, and the Sharper took that Opportunity of following his Com- panion. We have the Pleasure to inform the Public that, notwithstanding the Accounts in the Lon- don Papers, and copied into this, of the Death of Brook Forrester, Esq; of Dothil in
Shrop- shire, that Gentleman is now in perfect Health. Extract of a Letter from Bristol, dated Feb. 5. " A Scheme is now in Agitation here to procure an Act to remedy the present expensive, tedious, and uncertain Navigation of the River Severn, in which it is proposed to tow the Vessels and Barges on the said River, with Horses instead of Men. The Undertakers of this Scheme, in order to convince the Public of the many Advantages that will be derived from such Alteration, and the Necessity for its taking Place, have made the following Observations, viz. " That one able Horse, trained to the Business, will draw more than 4 Men
; con- sequently 2 Horses will be equal to 8, and 3 to 12 Men, whose Pay and Expenses are never less than Two Shillings and Six- pence per Man per Diem, and sometimes more. Now it sometimes happens, that the Strength of eighteen Men, and upon extraordinary Occasions as many as twenty - four, are ne- cessary to tow or draw a Barge, — frequently twelve, and hardly ever less than six. But such a Number of Persons who cannot, by the Nature of the Service, be constantly em- ployed, have therefore so many vacant Hours, and even idle Days upon their Hands, that they are not easily found out, or speedily got together
when wanted; and after they are assembled, they will grow the more extorti- onate in their Demands, in Proportion as they find there is an urgent Necessity for their Ser- vice. In the mean Time, the Opportunity of passing is often lost, the Vessel, which might have made a Trip or two, and have returned with other Cargoes, is detained for Days, sometimes for Weeks, and even Months, whereby the Person to whom the Goods are consigned, is grievously disappointed, and much injured by this long Delay; and a proper Mar- ket is often lost. But the great Expense hereby incurred, and the unreasonable Loss of Time, are not the
only Evils to be complained of; for the Goods on board, often perish, or take Damage, according to their respective Natures, either through the Heats in Summer, or by the Cold or Frosts in Winter. " Upon these Accounts it is humbly presumed, that more need not be added in order to expose the Inconvenience of the present Method, or to prove the Necessity of changing Men for Horses. It is therefore proposed that Ground for towing Paths shall be purchased, or rented, six Feet in Breadth, along the Sides of the River, from Bewdley Bridge to a Place called the Flat, below the City of Gloucester ; and that these Paths shall be
raised considerably higher than the Level of the adjacent Grounds in all wet and marshy Places; which, by the by, will be a great Advantage, and a Fence against Floods to such Grounds:— And also that these towing Paths shall be kept in such constant good Re- pair, at the sole Expense of the Proprietors and Owners of Vessels and Barges plying upon the Severn, as shall render them ornamental along the Sides of the River, as well as useful." The Assize of Bread, set by the Right Worshipful the Mayor and Justices, on Monday last. The Halfpenny Bach Cake not to weigh less than 4 Ounces 5 Drams, the Peony ditto not
less than 8 Ounces 11 Drams; and no other Sort of Bach Cakes to be made. Exceeding good INK, for marking Leather, it sold by the Printer of this Paper, at Sixpence the Pot. Wheat 37s. to 43s. Pease 29s. to 31s. Barley 22s. to 26s. Hog Pease 24s. to 26s. Oats 15s. to 18s. Beans 21s. to 26s. 6d. Brown Malt 26s. to 32s Tares 30s. to 36s. Pale Malt 27s. to 34s. Finest Flour 36s. per Rye 28s. to 29s. Sack. Bank Stock, 147, 1- 4th a 3- 4ths. Four per cent, consol. 93, 5- 8ths a 3- 4ths. Three 1- half percent. 1756, shut. Ditto 1758, 87 I- 8th a 1- 4th. Three per cent, consol. 84 1 - 8th a 1- 4th. Ditto reduced, 84 3- 8ths a 1- half.
Ditto 1726, —. Long Annuities, 25 1- half. South Sea Stock, —. Three per cent. Old Annuities, 83 1- half a 5- 8ths. Ditto New Annuities, 82. Ditto 1751, . India Stock, 213. Three percent. Annuities, 81 3- 4ths a 82. India Bonds, 29s. a 30s. Prem. Navy Bills, 2 per cent. Disc. BANKRUPTS required to surrender. David Clarke, of Mayshill, in the Parish of Westerleigh, Gloucestershire, Cheese Factor, Mar. 13, 14, 16, at the Swan, in Chipping Sodbury, Gloucestershire. — Thomas Joseph Bullock, of Bishopsgate - Street, Wine Merchant, Feb. 13, 16, March 16, at Guildhall. — John Pearson, of All Hallows Barking, Merchant, Feb. 6,
14, March 16, at Guildhall. —- Robert Hare Killingley, of Windsor- Street, near Bishopsgate- Street, Ware- houseman, Feb. 13, 26, March 16, at Guildhall. Robert Fladgate, of St. George, Hanover- Square, Coal Merchant, Feb. 5, 16, March 16, at Guildhall John Henry Shoen, of Newgate- Street, Tobacconist, Feb. 8, 18, March 16, at Guildhall— John Hatley, of St. Neot's, in Hun- tingdonshire, Common Brewer, Feb. 6, 14, Mar. 16, at Guildhall Thomas Carr, of Red Lion Court, St. John, Southwark, Furrier, Feb. 15, 18, March 16, at Guildhall. DIVIDENDS to be made to Creditors. Feb. 16. Francis Foster, of Gerard- Street, Soho,
Upholsterer, at Guildhall. CERTIFICATE to be granted. February 23. John Brace, of Worcester, Baker. The following Articles of Intelligence are copied from the London Papers 0f YESTERDAY's Publication. Wheaten Household. lb. ox. dr. lb. ox. dr. Penny Loaf to weigh 0 8 11 0 11 9 Two- penny Loaf 1 1 6 1 7 3 Six- penny Loaf 3 4 2 4 5 8 Twelve- penny Loaf 684 8 11 1 Eighteen- penny Loaf 9 12 7 13 0 9
To THE PRINTER. SIR, IF we recollect in what Manner the King's Friends have been constantly employed, we shall have no Reason to be surprised at any Con- dition of Disgrace to which the once respected Name of Englishman may be degraded. His Ma- jesty has no Cares but such as concern the Laws and Constitution of this Country. In his Royal Breast there is no Room left for Resentment, no Place for hostile Sentiments against the natural Enemies of his Crown. The System of Govern- ment is uniform. Violence and Oppression at Home can only be supported by Treachery and Submission Abroad. When the Civil
Rights of the People are daringly invaded on one Side, what have we to expect but that their Political Rights should be deserted and betrayed, in the same Proportion, on the other ? The Plan of do- mestic Policy, which has been invariably pur- sued, from the Moment of his present Majesty's Accession, engrosses all the Attention of his Ser- vants. They know that the Security of their Places depends upon their maintaining, at any Hazard, the secret System of the Closet. A fo- reign War might embarras, an unfavourable Event might ruin the Minister, and defeat the deep- laid Scheme of Policy, to which he and his Associates
owe their Employments. Rather than suffer the Execution of that Scheme to be delayed or interrupted, the King has been advised to make a public Surrender, a solemn Sacrifice, in the Face of all Europe, not only of the Interests of his Subjects, but Of his own personal Reputation, and of the Dignity of that Crown, which his Predecesores have worn with Honour. These are strong Terms, Sir, but they are supported by Fact and Argument. The King of Great Britain had been, for some Years, in Possession of an Island, to which, as the Ministry themselves have repeatedly asserted, the Spaniards have no Claim of Right. The
Impor- tance of the Place is not in Question. If it were, a better Judgement might be formed of it from the Opinions of Lord Anson and Lord Egmont, and from the Anxiety of the Spaniards, than from any fallacious Insinuations thrown out by Men, whose Interest it is to undervalue that Property which they are determined to Relinquish. The Pre- tensions of Spain were a Subject of Negotiation between the two Courts. They had been discussed, but not admitted. The King of Spain, in these Circumstances, bids adieu to amicable Negotia- tion, and appeals directly to the Sword. The Expedition against Port Egmont does not appear
to have been a sudden ill- concerted Enterprise. It seems to have been conducted not only with the usual Military Precautions, but in all the Forms and Ceremonies of War. A Frigate was first employed to examine the Strength of the Place. A Message was then sent, demanding im- mediate Possession, in the Catholic King's Name, and ordering our People to depart. At last a mi- litary Force appears, and compels the Garrison to surrender. A formal Capitulation ensues, and his Majesty's Ship, which might at least have been permitted to bring home his Troops immediately, is detained in Port twenty Days, and her Rudder
forcibly taken away. This Train of Facts car- ries no Appearance of the Rashness or Violence of a Spanish Governor. On the contrary, the whole Plan seems to have been formed and execu- ted in Consequence of deliberate Orders, and a regular Instruction from the Spanish Court. Mr. Bucarelli is not a Pirate, nor has he been treated as such by those who employed him. I feel for the Honour of a Gentleman, when I affirm that our King owes him a signal Reparation. Where will the Humiliation of this Country end! A King of Great Britain, not contented with placing himself Upon a Level with a Spanish Governor, descends to low
as to do a notorious Injustice to that Governor. As a Salvo for his own Reputa- tion, he has been advised to traduce the Character of a brave Officer, and to treat him as a common Robber, when he knew with Certainty that Mr. Bucarelli had acted in Obedience to his Orders, and had done no more than his Duty. Thus it happens in private Life, with a Man who has no Spirit or Sense of Honour. — One of his Equals orders a Servant to strike him. — Instead of re- turning the Blow to the Master, his Courage is contented with throwing an Aspersion, equally false and public, upon the Character of the Servant. This short
Recapitulation was necessary to in- troduce the Consideration of his Majesty's Speech, and the subsequent Measures of Government. The excessive Caution, with which the Speech was drawn up, had impressed upon me an early conviction, that no serious Resentment was thought of, and that the Conclusion of the Busi- ness, whenever it happened, most, in some De- gree, be dishonourable to England. There ap- pears, through the whole Speech, a Guard and Reserve in the Choice of Expression, which shews how careful the Ministry were not to embarrass their future Projects by any firm or spirited Decla- ration from the
Throne. When all Hopes of Peace are lost, his Majesty tells his Parliament, that he is preparing,-— not for barbarous War, but ( with all his Mother's Softness) for a different Situation. — It would indeed be happy for this Country, if the Lady I speak of were obliged to prepare herself for a different Situation. -- An open Hostility, authorised by the Catholic King, is called an Act of a Governor. This Act, to avoid the Mention of a regular Siege and Surrender, passes under the piratical Description of seizing by Force; and the Thing taken is described, not as a Part of the King's Territory or proper Dominion, but merely as a Possession,
a Word expressly chosen in Contradistinction to and Exclusion of the Idea of Right, and to prepare us for a future Surrender both of the Right and of the Possession. Yet this Speech, Sir, cautious and equivocal as it is, cannot, by any Sophistry, be accommodated to the Mea- sures, which have since been adopted. It seemed to promise, that, whatever might be given up by secret Stipulation, some Care would be taken to save Appearances to the Public. The Event shews us, that, to depart, in the minutest Article, from the Nicety and Strictness of Punctilio, is as dan- gerous to national Honour, as to Female Virtue. The Woman,
who admits of one Familiarity, seldom knows where to stop or what to refuse; and when the Counsels of a great Country give Way in a single Instance,--- when once they are inclined to Submission, every Step accelerates the Rapidity of the Descent. The Ministry themselves, when they framed the Speech, did not foresee that they should ever accede to such an Accommodation as they have since advised their Master to accept of. The King says, The Honour of my Crown and the Rights of my People are deeply affected." The Spaniard, in his Reply, says, " I give you back Possession but I adhere to my Claim of prior Right,
reserving the Assertion of it for a more favourable Opportunity." The Speech says, " I made an immediate De- mand of Satisfaction, and, if that fails, I am pre- pared to do myself Justice. This immediate De- mand must have been sent to Madrid on the 12th of September, or in a few Days after. It was cer- tainly refused, or evaded, and the King has not done himself Justice. — When the first Magistrate speaks to the Nation, some Care should be taken of his apparent Veracity. The Speech proceeds to say, " I shall not dis- continue my Preparations, until I have received proper Reparations for the Injury." If this As- surance may
be relied on, what an enormous Ex- pense is entailed, sine die, upon this unhappy Country Restitution of a Possession and Repara- tion of an Injury are as different in Substance, as they are in Language. The very Act of Restitution may contain, as in this Instance it palpably does, a shameful Aggravation of the Injury. A Man of Spirit does not measure the Degree of an Injury by the mere positive Damage he has sustained. He considers the Principle on which it is founded;— lie resents the Superiority asserted over him; and rejects with Indignation the Claim of Right, which his Adversary endeavours to establish, and would force
him to acknowledge. The Motives on which the Catholic King makes Restitution, are, if possible, more insolent and disgraceful to our Sovereign, than even the decia- ratory Condition annexed to it. After taking four Months to consider, whether the Expedition was undertaken by his own Orders or not, he condescends to disavow the Enterprise and to re- store the Island,--- not from any Regard to Justice; --- not from any Regard he bears to his Britannic Majesty, but merely " from the Persuasion, in which he is, of the pacific Sentiments of the King of Groat Britain."— At this Rate, if our King had discovered the Spirit of a Man,-- if
he had made a peremptory Demand of Satisfaction, the King of Spain would have given him a peremptory Re- fusal. But why this unseasonable, this ridiculous Mention of the King of Great Britain's pacific Intentions ? Have they ever been in Question ? Was He the Aggressor ? Does he attack foreign Powers without Provocation ? Does he even resist when he is insulted ? No, Sir, if any Ideas of Strife or Hostility have entered his Royal Mind, they have a very different Direction. The Enemies of England have nothing to fear from them. After all, Sir, to what Kind of Disavowal has the King of Spain at last consented ? Sup- posing
it made in proper Time, it should have been accompanied with instant Restitution; and if Mr. Bucarelli acted without Orders, he de- fended Death. Now, Sir, instead of immediate Restitution, we have a four Months Negotiation, and the Officer, whose Act is disavowed, returns to Court, and is loaded with Honours. If the actual Situation of Europe be considered, the Treachery of the King's Servants, particularly of Lord North, who takes the Whole upon him- self, will appear in the strongest Colours of Aggra- vation. Our Allies were Mailers of the Mediter- ranean. The King of France's present Aversion to War, and the Distraction of
his Affairs, are notorious. He is now in a State of War with his People. In vain did the Catholic King solicit him to take Part in the Quarrel against us. His Finances were in the last Disorder, and it was probable that his Troops might find sufficient Em- ployment at Home. In these Circumstances, we might have dictated the Law to Spain. There are no Terms, to which she might not have been compelled to submit. At the worst, a War with Spain alone carries the fairest Promise of Advan- tage. One good Effect at least would have been immediately produced by it. The Desertion of France would have irritated her Ally, and in all
Probability have dissolved the Family Compact. The Scene is now fatally changed. The Advan- tage is thrown away;— the most favourable Op- portunity is lost Hereafter we shall know the Value of it. When the French King is reconciled to his Subjects ;— when Spain has completed her Preparations;—- when the collected Strength of the House of Bourbon attacks us at once, the King himself will be able to determine upon the Wisdom or Imprudence of his present Conduct. As far as the Probability of Argument extends, we may falsely pronounce, that a Conjuncture, which threatens the very Being of this Country, has been
wilfully prepared and forwarded by our own Ministry. How far the People may be ani- mated to Resistance under the present Admini- stration, I know not; but this I know with Cer- tainty, that under the present Administration, or if any Thing like it should continue, it is of very little Moment whether we are a conquered Nation or not. Having travelled thus far in the high Road of Matter of Fact, I may now be permitted to wan- der a little into the Field of Imagination. Let us banish from our Minds the Persuasion that these Events have really happened in the Reign of the belt of Princes. Let us consider them as nothing more than the
Materials of a Fable, in which we may conceive the Sovereign of some other Coun- try to be concerned. I mean to violate all the Laws of Probability, when I suppose that this imaginary King, after having voluntarily dis- graced himself in the Eyes of his Subjects, might return to a Sense of his Dishonour; that he might perceive the Snare laid for him by his Ministers, and feel a Spark of Shame kindling in his Breast. The Part he must then be obliged to act, would overwhelm him with Confusion. To his Parlia- ment he must say, " I called you together to re- ceive your Advice, and have never asked your Opinion."— To the Merchant,
" I have distressed your Commerce; I have dragged your Seamen out of your Ships; I have loaded you with a grievous Weight of Insurances." To the and holders, " I told you War was too pro- bable, when I was determined to submit to any Terms of Accommodation ; I extorted new Taxes from you, before it was possible they could be wanted, and am now unable to account for the Application of them." — To the public Creditor, " I have delivered up your Fortunes a Prey to Foreigners and to the vilest of your Fellow Subjects." - Perhaps this repenting Prince might conclude with one general Ac- knowledgement to them all; " I
have involved every Rank of my Subjects in Anxiety and Distress, and have nothing to offer in Return, but the Certainty of national Dishonour, an armed Truce, and Peace without Security." If these Accounts were settled, there would still remain an Apology to be made to his Navy and to his Army. To the first he would say, " You were once the Terror of the World. But go back to your Harbours. A Man dis- honoured; as I am, has no Use for your Service." It is not probable that he would appear again before his Soldiers, even in the pacific Ceremony of a Review. But wherever he appeared, the humiliating Confession would be
extorted from him -" I have received a Blow, and had not Spirit to relent it. I demanded Satisfaction, and have accepted a Declaration, in which the Right to strike me again is asserted and con- firmed."- His Countenance at least would speak this Language, and even his Guards would blush for him. But to return to our Argument,— The Mi- nistry, it seems, are labouring to draw a Line of Distinction between the Honour of the Crown and the Rights of the People. This new Idea has yet been only started in Dis- course for in Effect both Objects have been equally sacrificed. I neither, understand the Distinction, nor what Use the
Ministry propose to make of it. The King's Honour is that of his People. Their real Honour and real In- terest are the same. — I am not contending for a vain Punctilio. A clear; unblemished Cha- racter comprehends not only the Integrity that will not offer, but the Spirit that will not sub- mit to an Injury; and whether it belongs to an Individual or to a Community, it is the Foundation of Peace, of Independence, and of Safety. Private Credit is Wealth ;— pub- lic Honour is Security. ---- The Feather that is adorns the Royal Bird, supports his Flight. Strip him of his Plumage, and you fix him to the Earth. JUNIUS. By the KING's Royal
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