Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Volume Number: Issue Number: 4006
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Berrow's Worcester Journal
Date of Article: 10/01/1771
Printer / Publisher: H. Berrow
Address: Near the Cross, Worcester
Volume Number: Issue Number: 4006
No Pages: 4
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THURSDAY, January 10, 1771. No. 4006. Notwithstanding this Journal is, in most Places, distributed at least a whole Day before any other Country News Paper of the same Date, and also many Hours before the Arrival of the London Mail, it not only contains the most material News published in London on Tuesday Night, but many interesting Articles of Intelligence, not inferred in other Country Papers before the Saturday following. SATURDAY'S POST. AMERICA. Philadelphia, November 18. YESTERDAY and this Day, arrived here two Ships from Honduras and Cuba, where they went for Mahogany, but were obliged to
return with- out it, the Spaniards having driven the Cutters from both Places, and threatened to sink them if they offered to approach the Harbour. COUNTRY NEWS. Bristol, Jan. 3. A few Days since the fol- lowing melancholy Accident happened at a Village near Tregony, in Cornwall ; one Ri- chard Michael, a Farmer, coming Home late at Night, drunk, from a neighbouring Ale- house, took up a loaded Gun, which imme- diately went off and killed his Wife. Gloucester, Jan. 3. Last Tuesday Night, about Eight o'Clock, a melancholy Accident happened at the sea, about three Miles below this City, where five Fishermen, belonging
to Mr. Darke of this Place, were unhappily over- set by the Violence of the Wind, in crossing the Severn, and every Soul perished. LONDON, Thursday, Jan. 3. We are told that, at a Meeting of a Great Assembly, immediately after the Recess, a ce- lebrated Chief Justice is determined to make a regular Motion for an Enquiry into his own Conduct, to point out the Power of Juries to its full Extent, and to throw such legal Lights upon the Spirit of Our Constitution, as will be highly serviceable to the Community. We are also told, that Government has a Design of granting Salaries to all the American Governors, to render them
independent of the Assemblies. They have already begun with the Governor of Massachusetts Bay, and it is expected will immediately proceed to the same Regulation with respect to the other Colonies. They write from Paris, that there is no Foundation for the Report of the French Mi- nistry having the least Design of breaking with the British Court, but that, on the contrary, they are earnestly endeavouring to bring about a Reconciliation between England and Spain, France being in no Condition to assist the latter in case of Rupture with the English. The Revolution lately brought about in the French Ministry, is not so much the
Effect of any Négociations with Respect to Peace or War, as the Consequence of a long and invete- rate Pique between the two Principals in the Lite and present Ministry. The Duke d'Ai- guillon has for some Time past been prosecuted with great Spirit by the Friends of Liberty and Mr. Chalotais, in Return for the cruel Oppres- sionsinflicted by him upon that worthy Gen- tleman. This Prosecution the Duke de Choi- seul, to his great Honour, is known to have favoured strongly. Accordingly Matters went on very heavily against the Duke d'Aiguillon, who having unfortunately the wrong Side of the Question, had no other Means of
warding off the Blow, but by having Recourse to the Influence of Madam Barre. The first visible Effect of his Application was the procuring an infamous Order from the King, to stop all the Proceedings of the Parliament. These being justly exasperated at such an unjust Violation of their Right, in a Matter which called out for Redress and Equity, presented Remonstrance upon Remonstrance to his Majesty, praying that they might be permitted to proceed. But the Influence of the Lady still prevailing, the Dispute grew every Day more obstinate, info- much at that last it became necessary for both Parties, that one or other of them
should fall. The Duke de Choiseul's good Intentions, tho' assisted by the Power of all the Parliaments, and every good Man in France, could not gain the Ascendant. The Lady's Charms still pre- vailed; and, to make her Triumph more com- plete, the Duke d'Aiguillon was appointed Minister, in the room of his disgraced but vir- tuous Adversary the Duke de Choiseul. Thus, from being at first only an Auxiliary in the Cause, Madam Barre at least became a Princi- pal; but whether her Power will continue long, or there be a Possibility that even Kings themselves may sometimes be brought to see, Time, with the present universal
Fermenta- tions in France, is the only Criterion to shew. A Correspondent, however, assures us that the late Revolution in the French Ministry is of a pacific Tendency, and was actually affected by English Gold. A Correspondent says, that should Great Britain take as much Advantage of the bad Situation of the French, at this Time, as that proud Court did of the poor Corsicans, it is more than probable that Kingdom would be again in the Hands of the English, or at least reduced to as narrow Limits at in the Reign of Edward III. A Morning Paper has the following Article, which was received a few Days since by a cer- tain Great
Man. [ L- d M-- sf— d.] " My Lord, " A Word before the Blow, as the Lighten- ing before the Thunder. Beware how you make us desperate by causing your Doctrines to be approved by the worthless Mercenaries in both Houses. Remember, I forewarn you: It is a Subject which we will be seen, heard, and Buckingham Gale, FELT ON." August the 3d, 1628. It is said there are considerable Subscriptions already paid to the Bill of Rights, for the Pur- pose of trying the Land Tax Affair, & c. with the Commissioners for Middlesex. The manufacturing of Iron from Pit- Coal ( which some eminent Gentlemen some Time since obtained
Letters Patent for) answers beyond Expectation. Above one hundred thousand Pounds Sterling, has been, for Years past, re- mitted to Sweden for Swedish Iron, till this most useful Invention was practised in Great Britain. The constant Drain of Cash from this Nation to Sweden, by the above Means, will be totally stopt. Last Monday Mr. Alderman Wilkes attended the Committee at Guildhall, for entering Sea- men on the City's Bounty, when exactly 45 able Seamen entered into his Majesty's Service. We hear that at Liverpool 1000 Men have been raised for his Majesty's Fleet. Bamber Gascoyne, Esq; was on the 26th of last
Month returned Member for the Borough of Weobley, in the room of the Right Hon. Henry Frederick Thynne, Esq; who is appointed Joint Postmaster General. A Wit was asked the other Day, if we should have a War— no, cried he, I believe not— yet we shall have no Peace if there is not a War. In the Beginning of last- Year one James Bromley, a Linen and Cotton Dyer in Man- chester, one who was excellently well skilled in his Profession, being unable to pay all his Debts, or to compound with his Creditors, and being threatened to be sent to Prison, was applied to by one to engage himself to go over to France, to manage at
Rouen a new- established Dye- House at that Place. The poor distressed Man embraced the Offer; Assurance of 25s. a Week was given him at the least, and he had six Guineas in Hand to carry him to Dieppe. He was sent into the Service of Messrs. Morris, Hope, and Holker, and they entered into an Agreement in Writing with him for seven Years, engaging him not only to superintend their Work, but to bring up and teach Apprentices the same Mystery. His Wages were settled at a Guinea and a Half per Week, and, in Case of his Death, twenty Guineas were to be paid to defray the Expense of his Family's Return to England.
After a four Months Stay at Rouen, a Desire of breathing his native Air made him risque every Thing; he made his Escape from France, and returned to England. Being still afraid of his Creditors, instead of Manchester, he went to work at his own Business in Moor fields, and could earn 36s. a Week, which is a Proof of his being a valuable Hand. But his foreign Mailers soon found him out, and gave Information to his Creditors, who arrested him, threw him into the King's Bench, where he now lies almost in a starving Condition. His Wife and four Children are gone back to Manchester, either to become a Burthen to their Friends,
or probably the Parish. Letter from Philadelphia, dated Nov. 15. " Friday last arrived here the Ship Hope, Capt. John Robinson, from the Bay of Hon- duras, which he left the 25th of September, by whom we learn, that a Number of Spaniards having been detected in enticing the Negroes to run away, were seized by Way of Reprisal, and put to work on board an English Vessel." The David and Elizabeth, Clancy, from Genoa to the Coast of Valencia, is totally lost near Port Mahon; the Crew and Passengers perished. On Monday Night last two Gallies, with their Gangs on board, attempted to press the Bargemen of a West-
Country Barge at Queen- hithe, who made such a stout Resistance, that they sheered off and brought five more Gallies to their Assistance; the Bargemen gave these likewise a hearty Drubbing; and though at last they were obliged to leave their Barge, they had not one Man impressed. His Grace the Duke of Bedford, besides for- giving his Tenants a Year's Rent has advanced considerable Sums of Money, without Interest, to enable them to purchase Stock and Imple- ments in Husbandry, which were destroyed by the late great Floods. We are informed a Man was committed to Hertford Gaol a few Days since, for shooting at a
young Gentleman, Son of the Steward of a noble Lord, with an Intent to murder him. It seems the Ball entered his Cheek, and came out through his Mouth, so it is thought the Wound is not mortal. The Fact was perpetrated on premeditated Malice, the Youth having in- formed against the Criminal for Poaching. It is said that Mr. Laforest, Master of the London Tavern, in Bishopsgate Street, pays to the Proprietors for the Use of the House, Fur- niture, China, Plate, and Linen, two thousand five hundred Pounds a Year; so that he must appropriate near seven Pounds a Day to this Purpose, before he can apply a Shilling to the
Uses of his Family. It is also mentioned, as a Proof of our pre- sent great Distresses, that at the above Tavern the mere Article of Vegetables only amounts upon an Average to twelve Pounds a Day. A few Days ago the Lady of Sir Walter Compton, of Hartpury, in the County of Glou- cester, Bart was safely delivered of a Son, to the great Joy of his Family. A few Days since an Honest Hibernian went to a Lottery- Office to insure a Ticket already a Blank, that it might not come up so a second Time. Yesterday Morning the four following Con- victs were executed at Tyburn pursuant to their Sentence, viz. Mark Marks, for a Street
Rob- bery in Whitechapel; John Clarke, and John Joseph Defoe, for robbing Alexander Fordyce, Esq; on the Highway, of a Gold Watch and some Money ; and Thomas Hand, for firing a loaded Pistol at Joseph Holloway, whereby he was wounded in the Hand. They all behaved with extreme Penitence ; and Mark Marks, the Jew, denied the Crime for which he suffered to the last Moment of his Life. John Joseph Defoe is said to be Grandson to Daniel Defoe, Author of the True- born Englishman, Robin- son Crusoe, Colonel Jack, and other ingenious Pieces. This Morning Capt. Ferguson, for the Mur- der of his Cabin Boy, was
executed at Execu- tion Dock, Wapping, pursuant to his Sen- tence. He was a young Man, about twenty- six Years of Age, and behaved with great Pe- nitence. After hanging the usual Time, his Body was put in Chains in the Marshes near Blackwall. The poor Man was obliged to wait a full Hour in the Press Yard before a Hal- ter could be procured. Married.] At Sutton St. Michael, Hereford- shire, Mr. George Bennett, to Mils Susannah Bree Parker, of Bewsall, in Warwickshire ; possessed of a Fortune of 5o, oool. Died.] At Mr. Davies's of the Knapp, in the Parish of Bridge, Herefordshire, Mr. Martin Bird, who formerly kept a,
Tavern at Richmond, in Surry. About a Week before his Death he ordered a Coffin and Shroud to be made ; and likewise a certain Number of Hatbands to be bought for those that were to attend his Funeral. He desired every Thing might be brought for him to see, and after examining the Coffin Lid he lay down in his Bed, and died about ten or twelve Hours after. - Mr. John Ashmeade, sen. an eminent Mercer of Gloucester. TO BE SOLD, AFreehold Estate, in the Parish of St. John in Bedwardine, in the County of ( and within two Miles of the City of) Wor- cester, called and known by the Names of Powick's Forge, and Powick's
Mills-, the Forge consisting of three Fineries and a Slitting Mill, and the Corn Mills of three Pair of Stores and a Dressing Mill, which have full Employ from the City and neigh- bouring Villages; together with a Dwelling House, several lesser Tenements, Out Buildings, Stabling, & c. a large Orchard and Pasture Grounds. The Works are regularly supplied with Water by two Streams, viz. Team and Laughern united, the first of which is navigable to and within the Distance of Half a Mile of the River Severn, and in a plen- tiful Country of Wood, and is on every Account a very desirable Purchase; now lett to Mr. Crofts, for a Term, ten
Years and a Half of which are yet to come and unexpired, at the yearly Rent of 84I. free from any Deductions for Land Tax and Repairs. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Mayhow, Attorney, at his Chambers, No. 4, in Bernard's Inn, Holborn, London; or of Mr. John Cooke, Apothecary, in Broad Street, Worcester. A To be SOLD to the highest Bidder, At the Dwelling - House of Mr. Thomas Hodges, known by the Sign of the Crown, in Evesham, in the County of Worcester, on Monday next the 14th of January Inst. between the Hours of Two and Five of the Clock in the Afternoon, N inclosed Piece or Parcel of Meadow Ground
called Beard's Piece, situate in the Parish of Saintbury, in the County of Gloucester, and now in the Possession of Wil- liam James, as Tenant thereof. The said Meadow Ground is Freehold, and subject to the Payment of a yearly Sum of Twenty Shillings, for the Life of a Person who is upwards of seventy Years of Age. Particulars may be had by applying to Mr. Young, Attorney at Law, in Pershore, in the said County of Worcester. TO BE SOLD, AN inclosed Freehold Estate, lying together, in the Parish of Berrow, in the County of Worcester, known by the Name of Perrins's Court, and now in the Possession of Henry Green, and
others, as Tenants at Will, at the yearly Rent of 74I. including four Coppices and two Ridings of Arles. Further Particulars may be had by applying to Mr. Young, Attorney at Law, in Pershore ; or to Mr. Blomer, of the same Place. To be peremptorily SOLD, Together or in Lots, At the Angel Inn, in Pershore, in the County of Worcester, on Tuesday next the 15th of January Inst. between the Hours of Two and Five in the Afternoon, AFreehold Estate, consisting of a Messuage and convenient Out- buildings, and about eighty Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, situate at Eckington, in the said County of Worcester, together
with several Cow Pastures, and other common Failures, to the same belonging. Particulars may be had by applying to Mr. Young, Attorney at Law, in Pershore aforesaid, To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the Angel Inn, in Broad- Street, Ludlow, 01 Monday the 21st of January Inst. the Sale to begin at One in the Afternoon, ALL that Capital Messuage, Farm, and Premises, situate in Kingston, in the Parish of Stoke St. Milborough, in the County of Salop, late in the Possession of Mr. William Collins, deceased, and now in the Possession of Richard Parry, of the yearly Value of 80l. And also that other Messuage and Farm, situate in
the Parish aforesaid, called the Bank- House, late in the Holding of John Partson, at the yearly Rent of 60l. N. B. Both Farms are improvable, are well Wooded and Watered, have convenient and exten- sive Right of Common to Brown Clee- Hill, have Oak Timber and other Trees, Saplings, and Underwood thereon, to the Value of 400l. and upwards. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Jeffreys, in Shrewsbury; or Mr. Parry, at Kingston, who will shew the Premisses. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Thursday the 31st Day of January Inst. between the Hours of Two and Four in the Afternoon, at the Sign of the White Lyon, in
Upton upon Severn, in the County of Worcester, in the following Lots, according to Conditions of Sale to be then produced, unless the Premisses, or any Part thereof, be sold by private Contract in the mean Time, of which proper Notice will be given, L0T 1 ONE computed Acre of Pasture and Orchard Ground, in the Parish of Ripple, in the County of Worcester ; and three computed Acres of Arable Land, lying dispersed in a Common Field, called Ripple Field, in the said Parish. LOT 2. Three computed Acres of Arable Land, in the said Parish of Ripple and Earl's Croomb, in the said County, and near to a Place called Hollow
Green. LOT 3. Three computed Acres of Meadow Ground, in a Meadow, called Royal Meadow, in the said Parish of Upton upon Severn; which said Lots are in the Occupation of Job Smith. LOT 4. A Cherry Orchard, by Estimation two Acres, in Bury Field, in the said Parish of Upton upon Severn, in the Occupation of William Creese, for the Remainder of a Lease of seven Years, of which one Year will be unexpired at Lady- Day next. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. William Davis, in Bromyard ; or of Mr. Edward Cole- man, in Leominster. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Monday the 28th Day of January Inst. between
the Hours of Two ar, d Four in the Afternoon, at the Dwelling House of William Blew, Innholder, I called or known by the Name or Sign of the Falcon Inn, in Bromyard, in the County of Hereford, in the following Lots, and according to Conditions of Sale to be then produced, unless the Premises, or any Part thereof, be sold by private Contract in the mean Time, of which proper Notice will be given, LOT 1. TWO Tenements, situate in a Street leading from Sheep street to the Church Yard in Bromyard aforesaid, and with the Garden thereto belonging, late in the Occupation of — Bray, and Phillips. LOT 2. A Messuage or Tenement
in the High- Street, in Bromyard aforesaid, with the Barn and Garden thereto belonging, late in the Occupation of William Davis, Clerk. LOT 3. A Messuage or Tenement, called the Bridge End House, in the Parish of Much Cowarn, in the said County, with the Stable, Barn, Mill- House, Cyder- Mill, Garden, and Orchard thereto belonging, now or late in the Occupation of Mary Howies, Widow. LOT 4. A Cottage or Tenement in the Parish of Much Cowarn aforesaid, at a Place there, called Richley's Cross, with the Garden, Orchard and about Half an Acre of Arable Land thereto belonging, late in the Occupation of John James.
LOT 5. The several Parcels of Land and Ground in the said Parish of Much Cowarn, following, viz. An Orchard, called Brook field Orchard, by Estimation four Acres; three computed Acres of Arable Land in Brook field; three computed Acres of Arable Land in Perry field; one computed Acre of Arable Land in Richley's Field; and one com- puted Acre of Pasture or Wood- land Ground, near Hope Field, in the Occupation of Edmund Wood, for the Remainder of a Lease of twenty- one Years, six Years whereof are unexpired at Candlemas next. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. William Davis, in Bromyard ; or of Mr. Edward
Cole- man, in Leominster. Berrow ' s Worcester Journal.
MONDAY's POST. Extract of a Letter from Paris, Dec. 19. CHOISEUIL is disgraced, and Barre is victorious. His Maladministration has drained the Royal Trea- sury. The Army are 9 Months in Arrears. Many Regiments have not been clothed these three Years. And the Na- tional Troops, by the last Returns just made, have more than Thirty- fix Thousand Non- effectives. The German Battalions, the Swiss Guards, the Irish Brigades, the Italian Corps, are impatient to quit the French Service, hav- ing neither Pay nor Clothing. These Troops are the Flower of the French Army. For these last twelve Months the only Recruits sent to
the different Regiments are Savoyards, the Canaille of the Streets of Paris; and their Fleet at Brest is crammed, not manned, with the Miserables of the distant provincial Vil- lages, that are drove in Flocks to the different Sea- port Towns. The Fortifications of France are neglected, ruinous, and not defensible. Their Trains of Brass Cannon, it is certain, are numerous, but without Carriages, Platforms, and Ammunition, are useless, and an easy Conquest for a foreign Enemy. Exclusive of Foreigners, in the French Service, there are not Sixty Thousand Men fit for Service ; and those so widely dispersed, that in six Weeks scarce
Twenty Thousand could be collected. The best Battalion of Infantry, the Grenadiers, are now employed in Hiding the Sparks of Liberty that begin to blaze out in Normandy and Britanny." Extract of another Letter from Paris, Dec. 31. " The Spirit of Discontent, not to say Re- volt, which the People in general manifested, on the News that the Duke d'Aiguillon had succeeded M. de Choiseul, hath determined the former to excuse himself to the King with Respect to the Nomination he intended to make in his Favour; all his Friends have partly pleaded the same Excuse, namely, the Fear of an impending Storm. In short, the Chancellor
Maupoux, Son of the Keeper of the Seals, both averred Enemies of the Parliament of Paris, of which they have been successively the Chiefs, does the Duty at present. All Dispatches are sent to the respective Departments, the head Clerks of each of which go to open and read them to the King in Person, assisted by M. Maupoux ; so that the King is still his own Prime Minister. It would be happy for the People if he would continue so ; he would then be enabled to know the State of his Kingdom, the Wants of his People, the Injustice of his Ministers; and would thereby confirm the At- tachment which his Subjects have avowed to
him, fully convinced of his Tenderness to them. There is not yet any Person named to fill the Vacancies of the Exiles." LONDON, Saturday, Jan. 5. The Parliament will meet again for the Dispatch of Business on Wednesday next. The H of C will not be desired to enter into the Accounts of Lord Holland, as Pay- master of the Forces; but, it is said, the Auditor and his Clerks will be requested to at- tend, in order to Answer such Questions, as may be asked of them relating to those Ac- counts. The Affairs of America are to have the first Place among those which will be laid before Parliament; and the Irish Business, we hear, is to
be postponed for some Time. A late Letter from Boston says, " The Inha- bitants here assure themselves Great Britain must soon be obliged to comply with their De- mands, as, in case of a War, she will have Employment sufficient for her Soldiers without sending them to massacre their fellow Subjects." It is reported that Lord W h has been again requested to take some Part in the Administration, but he still excuses himself. The great Number of Promotions both by Sea and Land, which our present warlike Pre- parations rendered necessary, put it in the Power of the Ministry to gain a great Number of Friends by the
Distribution of Commissions, Contracts, & c. This accounts very well for the Increase of the Ministers Majority in both Houses. It is assured, Lord Chatham has within these few Days received the most pressing Invitation from a certain Quarter, some Affairs now on the Carpet absolutely requiring his Assistance. A Report having been industriously circu- lated, and artfully continued, that the Friends of the late Right Hon. George Grenville were coming into Place; it becomes necessary to assure the Public, that the Report has no Foun- dation in Truth ; and, in particular, the noble Lord ( Lord Lytelton) has made a Declaration to his
Friends, which is much to his Honour, that he will neither join this Ministry, nor any other, who will not restore to the People their violated Rights. The precipitate Journey of a well- known Personage, dignified in Public with the polite Appellation of a Cub, to Paris, it, we are told, to settle some little Demands and Dou- ceurs On him, which were left unsatisfied when he made that famous Tour from Paris to Ve- nice with an Opera Girl. This celebrated Mi- gration obliged him to draw on his indulgent Father ( the present grand Defaulter) for up- wards of Thirty- two Thousand Pounds Ster- ling, in one Bill, which was honourably and
instantly paid at Sight, without the least Mur- mur or Discontent, by the over- fond Parent. We hear, from very good Authority that the Court of Spain has agreed to the particular Specification insisted on by England, of making a public Example of the Governor of Buenos Ayres. It is said that the above- mentioned Gover- nor urges, in Defence of his Conduct in ma- king himself Mailer of Falkland's Island, that Report was at that Time current in those Parts, that the English were meditating a Design to retake Possession of the Havannah, and that he was determined to be before- hand with them. Advice is said to be received, that
the King of Portugal has at last consented to redress the Grievances of the British Merchants. The following is a Specimen of the Farce played by the Patriots at Boston : — A large Chest was sent from Bristol full of Millinery Goods; the Patriots, both Male and Female, solemnly protested against admitting such unnecessary Gewgaws among them: However, the Chest, among other Articles, was stored till it could be sent back again.— In due Time it was sent back, and great Parade was observed in carrying it thro' the Streets, and putting it on board the Vessel for Old England. — To Old England it came, when behold, what
went over in the Form of Caps, Handkerchiefs, Russles, & c. returned in the Substance of Hams and Gammons of Bacon. Double the Sum is allowed to every Recruit- ing Officer on the present Occasion, to what has heretofore been given, so that the Service goes on with greater Alacrity than ever was known in the different Parts of the Kingdom. The Commissioners for victualling his Majesty's Navy have contracted for 1000 Quarters of Flour, 500 Tons of Biscuit, and 250 Tons of Pease, for the Use of the Men of War at Portsmouth and Plymouth. It is said that the Government has already contracted for 25,000 Barrels of Irish
Beef and Pork. All the Ships sitting out at the different Yards are to be completed by the 18th of the next Month, and then to depart immediately for their respective Destinations. There are now eight Gangs of Shipwrights, & c. employed on board the Royal William Man of War, to get her ready for Commission. Yesterday a Detachment from the Royal Re- giment of Artillery marched for Portsmouth, to embark there for Gibraltar arid Minorca, to complete the different Companies at those Places. Yesterday Orders were sent to Portsmouth, for several Mooring Chains to be shipped for Gib- raltar and Port Mahon, for the Use of his
Majesty's Ships of War. The Worcester Man of War it ordered into Commission, and the Command of her given to Capt. Hughes. The Formidable, Prince George, and Royal Charlotte, are to proceed as soon as possible to the West Indies, under the Command of the Hon. Augustus Keppel, and John Amherst, Esq; Vice Admirals of the Blue. We hear that the Achilles, which was bound to England from America, with Dispatches from Virginia, foundered at Sea, and all the Crew perished. The last Letters from the Earl of Bute were dated at Florence the 1st of Dec. last, at which Time his Lordship had again relapsed into the
Disorder ( an Indigestion) which occasioned his going Abroad. By a Gentleman just arrived from making the Tour of France, we are informed, that new Woollen Manufactories are now established, and in a flourishing Condition, at Cambray, St. Quintin, and Valenciennes; that they are carried on chiefly by English Artificers, who are engaged on every advantageous Terms Letters from Cadiz mention, that one Mr. Fitzgerald, who has lived for some Time Malaga, has been lately seized, and thrown in Prison, by Order of the Governor, for taking Plans of the Fortifications of some of the Spanish Ports. Yesterday Policies of
Insurance were opened at Lloyd's Coffee House, at Ten, Twenty, Thirty, and some at Forty per Cent, on one of our homeward- bound East India men, which has on board a rough Diamond single Stone valued at One Hundred Thousand Pounds Ster- ling. It is sent in its primitive State in order to be manufactured here by our ingenious Countrymen, for the Use of an Indian Nabob So high Opinion do the Asiatics, at this Time, entertain of the Natives of this Kingdom. The two different Accounts of Dr. Markham and Dr. Dampier, succeeding to the vacated See of Chester, should seem both of them to be premature; for, though the
former is to be brought in by the Strength of Lord Mansfield, and the latter by that of Lord North, it is said, that an intervening Interest for a third Divine is making a formidable Opposition to them both.— St. James's Chron. The Toast at the West End of the Town is, " May the Spirit of the Parliament of Paris diffuse itself in the S e of Great Britain. " A Correspondent informs us, that there never was known a greater Opposition among the Nobility in Scotland than on the approaching Election for the Sixteen Peers. The Foreign Ministers have formed themselves into a Club; and meet, we find, every Wednesday at the Thatched
House Tavern. A Correspondent, who has travelled through most of the great Towns of Europe, and visited the Colleges of the Jesuits in all those Parts, says that there are now near a thousand of them in this Capital and its Environs, many of whole Faces he well remembers to have seen Abroad. Thursday, about Twelve o'Clock at Noon, a Man went into Mr. Folgham's, a Cutler, in Fetter- Lane, and said he wanted a considerable Quantity of Hardware for Exportation ; after looking over a great many Cases of Knives, & c. he pitched upon a Number of them, which he desired to be packed up ; and on be- ing acquainted they
came to 50I. presented a Bill on Hankey and Co. for 64I. which he indorsed with the Name of J. Johnson. Mr. Folgham having been imposed on by a Sharper with a forged Draught some Time ago, suspected the Fraud, and inviting the Man into his Parlour, amused him while he dispatched a Servant to Mr. Hankey's Bank, where the Note was found to be forged ; On this two of the Banker's Clerks repaired to Mr. Folgham's, where they seized the Man, and carried him before the Lord Mayor. On his Examination, he said he received the Note in Payment from a Jew, but owned his Name was not Johnson, but Coan, and said he
was Mate of an East India man ; on which he was committed to Newgate. A few Days past a Man, being closely pursued by a Press Gang, ran for Refuge into a Clock- maker's in Whitechapel, and took Shel- ter in an empty Clock- case. The Officer and Men entered the House, and after searching for some Time gave him up as lost ; but one of the Tars looking by Accident towards the Case, discovered Part of the Man's Face through the Glass, and asked the Clock- maker what that was ? ( pointing to the Case.) The Regulator of Time replied, " A Clock." A Clock ! ( answered the Sailor) it has a damned ugly Dial- Plate, let us
look at the Guts of it. - And the Tar accordingly opening it, conveyed the poor Fellow on board a Tender. This Morning, about Four o'clock, a Fire broke out at a Linen Draper's, in White cross Street, the Corner of Chiswell Street, which entirely consumed the same, together with the Stock in Trade, & c. and greatly damaged the House adjoining before it was extinguished. Wednesday Morning a Servant Maid, in Barton - Street, Westminster, went from her Master's House, and drowned herself: Upon searching the Room where she lay, a Slip of Paper was found on a Bureau, containing these Words, " Whoever wants me, will find
me in the Thames." Love is thought to have oc- casioned her Misfortune. Married.] At Tewkesbury, in Gloucestershire, Mr. Nash, a Wholesale Hosier, to Miss Barnard.— At the same Time and Place, Mr. Roberts, Tallow- Chandler, to Miss Nash, Sister of the above Gentleman.— At Cressingham in Norfolk, Benjamin Kennicott, D. D. Canon of Christ Church, in Oxford, to Miss Ann Chamberlayne. Died.] At Kensington, the Right Hon. Lady Shelburne, Lady of the present Lord. — Mr. Samuel Wallday, Hatter, of Atherstone, Warwickshire. 0500^ 3050o5oe5oo$ 335oa{ o c^ c^ oJot^ cgocSooJ^ cSccJa ALL Persons who stand
indebted to the Estate of SAMUEL BRADLEY, of the City of Worcester, Chinaman, Toyman, Dealer, a Chapman, a Bankrupt, are required to pay the several Sums in which they so Hand indebted, to Richard Sockett, of the City of Worcester, Attorney at Law, who is duly authorised, as well by Charles Trubshaw Withers, Esq; the Trustee, as by Mr. Robert Blayney, the sole Assignee of the Estate and Effects of the said Samuel Bradley, to receive the same, or they will be proceeded against at Law for the Recovery thereof. N. B. The STOCK in TRADE, late of the said Samuel Bradley, consisting of Jewels, Plate, China, as well
Foreign as Worcester, and other valuable Effects, is now selling at his late Shop opposite to the Town- Hall, in the City of Wor- cester ; where Traders and Others may be supplied with a great Variety of elegant Goods, for Ready Money only. T HOSE Persons who have not already delivered an Account of their respective Demands due from the Estate of STEPHEN VERRINDER, of Tewkesbury, in the County of Gloucester, Ironmonger, an Insolvent, are requested to send the same to Mr. John White, Attorney at Law, in Upton upon Severn, Worcester- shire, on or before the 30th Day of this Instant January, otherwise they will
be excluded all Benefit arising from the said Insolvent's Effects, as a Dividend is intended to be made soon after the said 30 th Day of January. To be LETT, and entered upon immediately, Good old - accustomed PUBLIC ROTTEN SHEEP cured, By Hervey's inestimable Powders, THE Virtues of which have been of infinite Service in every Grazing County in the Kingdom, from the Proprietor's own Ap- plication of it ( for eight Years) on the fair Terms of No Cure no Pay. [ The Inconvenience he has laboured under in collecting for single Papers, with the Expense attending that Method, makes it impracticable.] The great Success
attending it in this confined State has induced him to make it public, and distribute it round the Country ; and as the late wet Season is likely to greatly injure those useful Animals, by the Application of the above Pow- ders, the Graziers may be convinced of their Effi- cacy ; proper Certifications of which will be given by reputable Persons from most Parts of the King- dom, in the St. James's Chronicle, Lloyd's Evening Post, and several other Papers. Sold St. Paul's Church- Yard, London, and no where else.—- Retail by Messrs. Green, of Hereford; Clare, Bewdley; Geast, Dudley and Stourbridge ; Hartlebury, Tewkesbury; Taylor,
Kidderminster ; Barrow, Leominster; Taylor, Stafford ; Corbett, Sheffnall; Morgan, Mr. Allen, Pembroke; and Mrs. Lucas, Car- marthen in Wales ; by one principal Tradesman in every Capital Town in the Kingdom, and by the Printer of this Paper, and the Men who dis- tribute it. Price 7 s. 6d. each Packet. SOLD only by R. LEWIS, Bookseller, in High- Street, Worcester, N. OBLE'S much- esteemed and most excellent P O W D E R for taking Iron- moulds, Ink- spots, and Red Wine, & c. out of the finest Linen, Lawns, Muslins, or Laces, almost instantly, without the least Detriment to either; Price 10s. per Dozen, or 1s. per Paper.
Also his famous TOOTH POWDER, which, in a few Times using, makes the blackest and foulest Teeth remarkably white and clean, and infallibly cures the Scurvy in the Gums, without injuring them; Price 1s. per Paper. Likewise PENCILS, of such a Composition, as to be esteemed much superior to the bestt Black- Lead Pencils. Price 6d. each. Also TYPES, Red and Black Colour, with a very neat Apparatus, for marking Linen, & c. & c. as cheap as in London. And all Sorts of Almanacks, Gentlemen and Ladies Pocket- Books, & c. for the Year 1771. Of whom may be had, Price only 1s. 6d. bound, The NEW PRACTICE of
PIETY, printed on A new Letter and fine Paper, being the cheapest Book of the Kind ever published. To be LETT, and entered upon at Candlemas next, Situated at POWICK, near Worcester, AGood Dwelling House, consisting of three Rooms and a large Buttery on the Ground Floor, and four very good Lodging Rooms over them, together with an Out House ( and Stable if required) a very good Garden, and other Conveniences. For further Particulars enquire of John Harper, at the Brick House, in Powick aforesaid. TO BE SOLD," THE following Freehold Messuages and Lands, viz. Mrs. Sanders's late Dwelling House in Edgar-
Street, in the Parish of Saint Peter, and City of Worcester. Also a Farm House, in a dry Soil and healthy Air, which, at a small Expense, may be fitted up for the Residence of a Gentleman, or wealthy Tradesman; with a Brick Barn, Garden, and Close of rich Meadow Ground adjoining, the Whole about five computed Acres, situate at Wichbold, in the Parish of Dodderhill, and County of Worcester, within two measured Miles of Droitwich, in the Road from thence to Bromsgrove and Birmingham. Also a good Dwelling House and Barn, with about twenty- seven computed Acres of very good Land, lying all together, at a Place called
Kings land Hill, in the Parish of Dodderhill aforesaid, of about the yearly Value of Twenty- five Pounds The Widow Sanders, of Wichbold, who it Tenant thereof, will shew the Premisses. Note, There is a great deal of young growing Timber on the Lands at Wichbold and Kingsland Hill. A rpi HOUSE, known by the Sign of the Crown and Glove in the Town Ditch, near the Hop- Market, Worcester. The Brewing Utensils and Stock, and Part of the Household Furniture to be sold. For further Particulars enquire of Richard Adamson, Glover, in Worcester. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, At the House of Thomas Lee, known by the
Sign of' the Talbot Inn, in Droitwich, in the County of Worcester, Tomorrow, the 11th Day of January, between the Hours of One and Three in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions as will be then and there produced, A Quantity of very fine Elm Timber, growing on an Estate at Hinlip, near Droit- wich aforesaid, which is all numbered and marked. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. William Chance, at Hinlip aforesaid, who will shew the same. N. B. There will be a large Quantity of Oak Timber to be sold at Welch Newton, near Mon- mouth, of which Notice will be given in this and other Papers. For further Particulars enquire
of Mr. Thorneloe, in Worcester. To be peremptorily SOLD to the Best Bidder, On Monday the 18tb Day of February next, between the Hours of Two end Four in the Afternoon, at the Hop- Pole, in the City of Worcester, TWO Freehold Farms, Situate at Kington, in the County of Worcester; the one consisting of a large and convenient Farm House and Garden, two Barns, one Stable, a Cow House, a Perry Mill, and a Cart House, all in good Repair ; about fifty- nine Acres of Arable land and in the Common Fields of Kington, three Acres of Meadow in a Common Meadow there, and fourteen Acres of Pasture inclosed, now the
Occupation of Thomas Payton. The other consists of a comfortable Dwelling House and Garden, two Barns, one Stable, and a Cow House, all in good Repair, three Orchards, containing about three Acres, fifty- two Acres of Arable Land, or thereabouts, in the Common Fields of Kington, and six Acres of inclosed Pasture, now in the Occupation of Robert Payton. The above Farms have a Right of Common, without Stint, upon an excellent Common called the Husk, and in the Common Fields of Kington, and are held together by the above- named Tho- mas Payton, under a Lease for the Remainder of a Term of twenty Years, of
which about fifteen are yet unexpired, at the yearly Rent of Forty- eight Pounds. The Tenants will shew the Premisses ; and fur- ther Particulars may be had by applying to Mr. Sockett, Attorney, in Worcester.
WHEREAS the Copartnership between JAMES LOWE and SAMUEL GANNETT, late of Bridgewater- Square, Lon- don, Attorneys, for sundry Reasons, stands now dissolved; This is therefore to give Notice, That whoever shall hereafter advance the said Samuel Gannett any Sum or Sums of Money whatsoever, the said Partnership Account, that they will Advance the same at their Peril. J. LOWE. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Thursday the 14. th Day of February next, between the Hour' s of Eleven and One, at the White Lion and Sun, in Upton upon Severn, in the County of Worcester ( unless disposed of in the
mean Time by private Contract, of which public Notice will be given) SIX Acres and a Half of very rich Meadow Ground ( being Freehold) in a Com- mon Meadow, called Didmore ; and one Acre and a Half of rich Meadow Ground, in another Com- mon Meadow, called Lord's Meadow, situate in the Parish of Tirley, in the County of Gloucester ; with an extensive Right of Common from Lammas to Candlemas, in a large Tract of rich Meadow Ground there ; subject to a Chief Rent of Four Shillings and Four- pence. Also, Fifteen Acres, or thereabouts, of Arable Land, called Furlow's Hill ( being Leasehold, and held for the
Remainder of a Term of one thou- sand Years, of which about nine hundred are yet unexpired, at a Pepper Corn Rent) situate at Chatesley, otherwise Clateley, in the County of Worcester ; with an extensive Right of Common upon Corse Lawn. The Meadow Ground is situate near to the River Severn, and there is growing on the Arable Land a Quantity of Elm Timber, and some Fruit Trees. Upon Application to the Rev. Mr. Parker, at Hasfield, the Premisses will be shewn ; and fur- ther Particulars may be had of Mr. Sockett, At- torney, in Worcester. THURSDAY'S POST. ( By EXPRESS from LONDON.) Arrived the Mails from
France and Flanders. Copenhagen, December 8. TH E Department of Foreign Foreign Affairs has sent us a Declaration from the King to all the Consuls, and to the Magistrates of this City, by which his Majesty permits all Cap- tains of Ships, who navigate in the Algerian Seas, to attack any of the Corsairs of that Re- gency wherever they shall meet them, and to treat them according to the Laws and Customs of War as declared Enemies. SCOTLAND. Edinburgh, Dec. 29. Yesterday a Labourer's Door in the Cross Causeway ( a Place within half a Mile of Edinburgh) was observed to be longer shut up than usual, some of the
Neigh- bours having knocked, and Nobody answering, they then broke open the Door, where, to their Astonishment, they found the Labourer and a Child dead in Bed, another Child just expiring, his Wife was likewise very bad. When she found herself taken ill, she had attempted to get Out of Bed, but it is supposed her Strength began to fail her. On the Neighbours Enter- ance in the Morning, they found her lying on the Floor. Physicians were immediately sent for, and it is thought the Woman and one of the Children may recover. The Report goes that it was occasioned by a Drink of bad Ale ; others are apprehensive of a
contagious Distem- per, but we cannot, as yet, positively deter- mine the Cause. LONDON, Tuesday, Jan. 8. The Continuance of Peace is now absolutely fixed on between Spain and Us ; in the Négo- ciation for which it is said, that our Ministry have at last come off with some Degree of Ho- nour. Would they had at first acted in the Manner which our Situation and Reason dic- tated, we should not then have become, as we are, the Laughing Stock of Europe. We hear that the Spaniards have agreed to give up Falkland's Isle, without any Stipula- tion for a future Accession of the Right to them ; together with some other secret
Requi- sitions made on the Part of some old Claims. We are warranted in the Assertion, by the best Authority, that no Requisition was made, in the late Négociation with Spain, to have the Governor of Buenos Ayres criminally punished for his Conduct as to Falkland Island : Our Ministry from the first looked for that Trans- action to the Court of Spain, and treated their Assertion respecting the Governor of Buenos Ayres with the most sovereign Contempt. General Ev. Post. It is said that Mr. G. Pitt, who has long en- joyed the Appointment of Ambassador Extra- ordinary to the Court of Madrid, has received Orders to prepare for
his Journey to that Place. We hear from Cadiz, that the Preparations for the Encampment of a large Body of Troops in the Environs of that Place, have, in Conse- quence of an Express from Madrid, been sud- denly stopped ; but that the last Division of the Regiment of Ireland, and three Companies of Walloon Guards, had failed, within these three Weeks, for America; and that four other Regiments were preparing to embark for that Quarter of the Globe, when the Advices came away." They write from Paris, of the 21st of Dec. that the Parliament had received Letters of Jussion, on the 19th, by which his Majesty commands it to
resume its Functions ; but that the Parliament refuses to obey them. A Great Personage, it is said, entertains the highest Opinion Of the Abilities of Lord Chat- ham and Lord Camden; and has often declared, in Answer to the public Voice, that he really wishes to have them in Power; but it is well known his Authority for the realizing his Wishes is restrained by an over- ruling Hand, If there be a material Change of the Ministry, that is a Change of Interests, Lord Chatham will most undoubtedly be appointed Premier, and be at Liberty to name his Contemporaries in Office. Lord Chief Justice Wilmot has asked Leave to resign. The
Hon. Lord Commissioner Bathurst will be appointed, in a very short Time, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal. Mr. Moreton, Chief Justice of Chester, will be appointed a Puisne Judge in the room of Judge Bathurst. And Mr. De Grey will be appointed Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. Mr. Attor— y Gen— l will go into the Com- mon Pleas, we hear, with a Promise of a Pen- sion on a future Resignation. The Attor— y Gen — l, it is now said, well aware of the present Instability of the present M y, would not accept the Seals from them. But, in taking the principal Seat in the Common Pleas, he certainly has a View to the being
Chancellor, in a Time, when he may have a Probability of continuing it longer than the Person who may take the Seals at this Time is supposed possibly can do. It is a Joke ( with those who know any thing of the History of the Bar) the being told that Mr. W- dd ne will be appointed Chancellor before the Conclusion of the present Parlia- ment. The M y are not at all favour- ably inclined to that Gentleman, from his con- tinued Opposition to them, neither would they appoint him to a Place of such great Impor- tance without making handsome Provisions for many of his Seniors at the Bar. A Bill, it is said, will be passed during the
Course of the present Session, to hinder the Mi- gration of British Artificers to foreign King- doms, or even to the Colonies. Ireland is likely to be drained of a consider- able Number of her Troops for foreign Service. Three Ships of the Line have already been at Cork, and have taken to the Mediterranean some pretty large Draughts; and now two more Ships are ordered to the same Port for more Soldiers; but their Destination afterwards remains a Secret. Some People assert, that the above is done in Consequence of the Advice of a principal Officer on that Island; in order upon the pre- sent Rumour of War, and the Turbulence
of the common People, to terrify the People of Property which compose the Parliament, by leaving them without a proper Defence, into the Measures of Government, against which they have lately made a noble Stand. The Lords of the Admiralty have granted Protections for the Men belonging to the Ships in the East India Company's Service bound to China only, to prevent losing their Voyage. A Gentleman greatly interested in Trade, and to whom early and certain Intelligence respecting the momentous Event of War, would be of the highest Consequences, wrote to Am- sterdam concerning the Ships in the Texel, said to be
laden with Ammunition for the Ser- vice of the Spaniards ; and received in Answer a full Refutation of the Report. The Dutch, we learn, are much inclined to the general Peace of Europe; and those saga- cious People give as a Reason, that, as they have not sufficient Power to make new Con- quests, and enlarge the Course of their Trade, they are very assiduous to improve an Equality and good Understanding between the European Powers, that they may not endanger the Loss of their foreign Possessions, in the Broils and Contentions of other Parties. Proper Vessels are stationed before the Har- bours of Brest, Toulon,
Cadiz, Carthagena, and Ferrol, with strict Orders to watch the Mo- tions of any Ships that may sail from either of those Ports, to find out their Destination, and give the earliest Intelligence of them to Go- vernment. We are assured from Cork, that two Vessels belonging to Mr. Carleton, an eminent Mer- chant, are just arrived from the Leeward Islands and bring an Account that all was quiet in the Island of Jamaica when they left that Quarter of the World, about ten Weeks ago. They fell in with two Dutch Ships bound for His- paniola, from the Masters of whom they learned that a Squadron of seven Spanish Men of War, and
twelve Transports, had kept Company with them for about ten Days before, and had on board a great Number of Troops, and a large Quantity of Military Stores, for Carthagena, Porto Bello, and Panama. As a Proof of the Confidence Numbers of People have in the Assertion a certain Noble Lord lately made, viz. That a Blow has been already struck by our Enemies, we are assured great Bets have been laid at several Coffee Houses in the City, that either Gibraltar or Jamaica have been attacked; and that a distin- guished Gentleman laid an eminent Merchant at the London Coffee House on Saturday Night the Sum of One
Hundred Guineas to Fifty, that the French had committed Hostilities in the Carnatic, before last Michaelmas Day. By the last Ships from India, we learn that his Majesty's Ship the Endeavour, on board of which is Mr. Banks and Mr. Solander, who were sent to observe the Transit of Venus, is safely arrived at the Island of Batavia. A Correspondent at Paris, has favoured us with an authentic Copy of the Letre de Cachet, sent by Order of the French King, to his late Prime Minister, the Due de Choiseul, of which the following is a Translation : " My Lord Duke, " I am extremely dissatisfied with your Ser- vices; and I command you to
resign the " Three Departments which you hold, viz. the " Office of Secretary of State for Foreign Af- " fairs, Secretary at War, and Postmaster Ge- " neral: I further command you to retire in- stantly to Chanteloux: My first Intention " was to have banished you to Bourges; but, " in Consideration to the Dutchess of Choiseul, " I permit you to remain at your Seat of Chan- " teloux untill you shall know my Pleasure. Signed, LEWIS." Immediately after the Delivery of the above Letter de Cachet, all the Letters and Papers belonging to Mons. de Choiseul were seized by the Due de Vrilliere, and carried to the King. The French King's
dismissing Mons. de Choiseul has given great Uneasiness to the Par- tizans of Spain, as that Minister was the Au- thor of the Family Compact. It is currently reported, that a celebrated Lady, who keeps a great House of polite En- tertainment, near Soho, has been employed by the French Ministry, in order to furnish them with political Intelligence, for some Time past. Extract of a Letter from Edinburgh, Jan. 2. " This Day came on the Election of a Peer to serve in Parliament, in the room of the late Duke of Argyle. The Earl of Breadalbane, and the Earl of Stair, were the Candidates.— Lord Stair was elected. There were 28 Peers
present, 17 of whom voted for Lord Breadal- bane, and 11 for Lord Stair. The Proxies were mostly in Favour of Lord Stair." Translation of a Letter from Vienna, dated the 15th of November, 1770. " Last Night, at Twelve, the Courier set out for Berlin, with the secret Treaty signed Yesterday, being a Guaranty Treaty of Con- cessions between his Imperial Majesty and the King of Prussia. The Information you shall receive, as just given me by the Secretary In- time. The Emperor gives up the Towns of Ostend and Bruges to the King, where a Royal Prussian East India Company is to be established, and garrisoned by fourteen
thousand Prussians. The King engages to march with seventy thou- sand Infantry, and twenty thousand Cavalry, into Alsace, to re- unite for ever that ancient Province to the Dominions of the House of Austria, and to restore Strasbourg to its Free- dom and original Privileges. The Fortress of Hünningen is to be conceded to the Canton of Berne, who accedes to the Treaty. Hambourg is be guarantied to Denmark, who gives up a Danish Settlement in the East Indies to Prussia. Russia gives a Greek Island to Austria, and another to Prussia, the Names of them I do not positively recollect, and am unwilling to men- tion, fearing I
should write what is not really fact. Ten thousand Austrian's are to embark at Trieste, to take immediate Possession of a Greek Island. And Dutch Transports are en- gaged to convey from the Elbe six thousand Prussians, who are to be convoyed by six Rus- sian Ships of War to the Levant, for the same Purpose. Russia requires twenty- five thousand Austrian Troops, who are to encamp early upon the Frontiers of Hungary. Ten thou- sand Prussians are likewise to march to the Con- fines of Poland. A Prussian Comptoir, for establishing Communication with the Levant, is to be fixed at Otranto. Thus has the poli- tical Monarch
of Prussia, without the Loss of a single Battalion, or the Expenditure of a Ducat, established two great trading Compa- nies, and formed a Plan for becoming a great Maritime Power." There is no News from Bengal of the Au- rora, Capt. Lee, which Ship is supposed to be lost on the Braces, at the Mouth of the River Ganges. By Capt. Liscombe, who is arrived at Poole, from St. Sebastian's, we learn, that the Spani- ards are greatly concerned at the approaching Rupture between England and them; but the Captain was suspicious they had no good De- sign, as they trifled with him for several Days, and delayed, sending the
Goods on board ; he therefore thought it most advisable to weigh Anchor, and failed away before he had com- pleted his Lading. The Embargo is taken off from Silks, Lin- en, Cotton, and Rags, imported into this Kingdom from foreign Parts, which was laid on to prevent the Infection of the Plague. A Letter from Rochfort, dated January 3rd, says, " We are very uneasy here, on account of a Danish or Dutch Vessel which has been wrecked on the Sands of Olonne. Some Peo- ple went to her in a Barque, and found twenty dead Men in the Cabin, and had the Impru- dence to load the Barque with some of the Ef- fects that
remained on board the Wreck. These People afterwards came hither, and on their Report our Commandant has thought proper to confine them, and to take all the Precautions Prudence dictates in such a Case, for Fear the Vessel, Effects, and Crew, were infected with the Plague." The Difficulties and Confusion which the French Party and Measures have brought on the Affairs of Sweden, begin now to have the most perplexing Consequences on the Admi- nistration. They find they cannot go on, and wish now what they so lately dreaded, to call a new Dyet. The patriot Part, however, are now cool in this, and desire rather to
bear somewhat for the present, than not see that de- structive Plan, introduced by French Intrigue and Influence, thoroughly exposed, and ren- dered odious. The Politics of France appear in this, as in other late Instances, to be founded in low Cunning; which doth build on the Pro- bability of Events, but attempts every Thing by the lowest Means, with the Presumption of a weak Self- sufficiency. Yesterday the following unlucky Circum- stance befell three common Reformers ( who for some Time past have lurked about in order to give Information against Farmers and Owners of Waggons, & c. not having Wheels of a cer- tain
Breadth): They, having seized a Horse, came before the Bench of Justices in White- chapel, and a Press Gang having Intelligence that a Sailor was before the Justices, came in, and, seeing the Informers, one of the Gang enquired who they were ; who, being told, replied, -— " Ah ! damn ' em, we'll reform ' em presently : " Upon which he made Signal ( as he termed it) and immediately the Gang took hold of the Gentlemen, and carried them on board a Tender, to the no small Satisfaction of the Spectators. Sunday Night, at Eleven o'Clock, died, at the Parsonage House in Hemlet- Row, the Rev. Mr. Warneford, Morning
Preacher of Saint Luke's, Old- street, and Lecturer of Bread street : He preached, and administered the Sa- crament at the former Church in the Morning and read Prayers at the latter in the Afternoon, and fell down in a Fit in the Pulpit ; he was carried Home quite speechless, and shortly af- ter expired. This Morning died, at the Temple- House, universally lamented, in the 56th Year of his Age, the Rev. and very learned Doctor Gre- gory Sharpe, Master of the Temple, Fellow of the Royal and Antiquarian Societies, and Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majesty. Price of CORN per Quarter, at London. Wheat 38s. to 43s. Pease 28s. to
30s. 6d. Barley 20s. to 24s. Hog Pease 26s. to 27s. Oats 15 s. to 18s. Brown Malt 26s. to 29s Pale Malt 27s. to 32s. Rye 27s. to 28s. Beans 24s. to 26s. Tares 32s. to 36s. Finest Flour 35s; per Sack. Bank Stock, 133 3- 4ths, a 133. Four per cent, consol. 87 I- 4th, a 3- 8ths. Three 1- half per cent. 1756, shut. Three 1- half per cent. 1758, shut. Three per cent, consol. shut, 77, a 76 7- 8ths, Ex Div. Three per cent, reduced, 77 1 - 4th a 3- 8ths. Three percent. 1726, shut. Long Annuities, shut. South Sea Stock, shut. Three per cent. Old Annuities, 76 1- 4th a 3- 8ths. Ditto New Annuities, shut. Ditto 1751, shut. India Stock, shut.
Three per cent. Annuities, 74 3- 8ths a 1- half. India Bonds, 25s. a 26s. Prem. Navy Bills, 2 3- 8ths Disc. BANKRUPTS required to surrender. Joseph Hodges, of Maiden- Lane, Goldsmith, Jeweller, and Toyman, Jan. 11, 19, Feb. Northall Preandte, of Queenhithe, Cheesemonger, Jan. 10, 24, Feb. 16.--- John King, of Leadenhall Market, Poulterer, Jan. 12, 19, Feb. 16.— Geo. Dwyer, of Cushion- Court, Broad- Street, Mer- chant, Jan. 8, 23, Feb. 16. Sarah Whall, of Burnham, in Essex, Shopkeeper, Jan. 10, 19, Feb. 16.--- Robert Stringer, of Newgate- Street, Blue- maker, Jan. 10, 19, Feb. 16;— all the above to appear at
Guildhall. James Mangnall the Elder, of the Parish of Prestwich, Lancashire, and James Mangnall the Younger, of Manchester, Fustian Manufacturers and Partners, Jan. 23, 24, Feb. 16, at the Bull's Head, in Manchester.— Sa- muel King, of the Parish of St. Philip and Jacob, in the County of Gloucester, Maltster, Pawnbro- ker, Dealer, and Chapman, Jan. 24, 25, Feb. 19, at the Nag's Head Tavern, in Bristol.— Robert Tolten, of Braybrook, Northamptonshire, Dealer in Cattle and Chapman, Jan. 16, 23, Feb. 19, at Guildhall.-- Joseph Jewin, of London, Dry falter, Jan. 12, 22, Feb. 19, at Guildhall.------- George Oxford, of Much
Hadam, Haberdasher and Linen - Draper, Jan. 12, 19, Feb. 19, at Guildhall.— Jacob Farro De Mesquita, of London, Merchant, Jan. 16, 22, Feb. 10, at Guildhall. DIVIDENDS to be made to Creditors. Jan. 28. James Mieres, of Loughborough, in Leicestershire, Scrivener, at the White Bear, in Coventry. Jan. 30. John Churchill, of Poole, Merchant, at the London Tavern, in Poole. WORCESTER, Thursday, January 10. A few Days since the two following Persons were committed to our County Gaol, viz. William Mathews, for stealing a Heifer in Calf, the Property of Mr. Goforth, of the Parish of Holt; and Thomas Rogers, for steal ing, at different Times, several Quantities of Wheat, out of the Barn of Mr. John Benton, of Fladbury. Last Week the Body of one of the Millers who were unfortunately drowned near Powick Bridge, in the late Flood, was taken up a little below the Spot where the Accident happened. He was found with one Hand clung fast to the Stump of a Tree in the Water. The Assize of Bread is as follows, viz. Wheaten Houshold. 4 8 9 12 OZ. dr. 8 11 1 6 2 4 7 lb. oz. dr. 0 11 9 3 8 1 7 4 5 8 11 O Penny Loaf to weigh Two- penny Loaf Six- penny Loaf Twelve- penny Loaf Eighteen- penny Loaf The Halfpenny Bach Cake not to weigh less than 4
Ounces 5 Drams, the Penny ditto not less than 8 Ounces 11 Drams; and no other Sort of Bach Cakes to be made. All Sorts of Almanacks, Gentlemen and Ladies Memorandum Books, and Court Kalenders, may be had of the Printer of this Journal, and of the Worcester Newsmen. Simon Gadabout's Epistle came to Hand too late to be inserted this Week.
To Lord NORTH, My Lord, AS your Lordship is known to be a perfect Master of Numbers, and consequently must be a good Judge of the Odds of a Wager, I'll best your Lordship Three to One, Jamaica's Island is now gone; The same I'll say you, if you dare, That Port Mahon and Gibraltar, Will both be lost within a Year. A Grastonian Gambler. To the PRINTER. SIR, YOU may assure your Friends, and the Public, that an infamous Accommodation with Spain is now on the Carpet. Lord Wey- mouth foresaw this Accommodation was in- tended ; he thought it dishonourable ; he was afraid of the Consequences, and therefore re signed. Our Ministers, feeling themselves unequal to the Difficulties of War, have taken Advantage of the present Confusion in the French Coun- cils, to patch up this Truce. And to cover their Infamy from the Public, their Friends are at this Moment employed in asserting, " That " since the Exile of M. de Choiseul, it has " been discovered from his Papers, that he was " playing a double Game; that while he was " negotiating Peace, he secretly meant War." Nothing can be more false. Choiseul was in good Earnest FOR PEACE. Those who are best informed will not deny this Fact. Peace, how- ever, may perhaps be obtained for a
little Time : But if d'Aiguillon and Broglio are at the Head of the French Cabinet, it will not be of long Duration. And we shall, before six Months are at an End, find, to our Cost, the Baseness of a Treaty, which serves only to give Time to the Enemy. How our Ministers will answer this to the Nation, is not difficult to forefee. With a Majority ready to acquit them at all Adventures, they think themselves in no Dan- ger. And after having put the Nation to two Millions Expence, distressed the Trade, perhaps to the Loss of two Millions more, increased the Land- Tax, spread the Alarm of War, injured the public Credit, the English Navy will
be again laid aside, and the Scotch Army again encouraged and protected, in quelling the Murmurs of the People. To the MINORITY MEMBERS of both Houses of Parliament. My Lords and Gentlemen, AS this Address flows from sincerer Principle than that annual one mechanically used on your perennial Convocation, I could with it may meet with greater Attention and Observance; and, indeed, were they both to be judged by the Stan- dard of Equity, I should not despair of succeding, as the one is generally the Requisition of a Minister, either to cover his Knavery or Blunders. This is the genuine Offspring of a Mind, unwarped
by Corruption or Party, and which has no other View than promoting the Welfare of a County, whereof he has the peculiar Happiness of being a Member. The last Session of Parliament, the Middlesex Election early became an Object of Enquiry; and I have the Honour of thinking with you, it was an Enquiry of the last Importance to Government, as by the Decision of it, one of the most funda- mental Principles of our Constitution was, or was not to be established. But, alas! though to your immortal Honour, you took every Step that was in your Power to fettle this Object on its natural Basis, the Voices of the People, yet " Offences
gilded Hand, shoved by Justice," and the whole Sessions was wasted, without constructing one salutary Law ( save the Privilege Act); and that, if we may judge from the previous Conduct of the Intro- ducer, was rather thrown out as a Tale to the Pub- lic, than any constitutional Intent to serve them. The present Session has been hitherto taken up with another Grievance, of equal Magnitude with the former an Innovation in our criminal Laws ; and which, upon repeated Trials, you have found to meet with no better Success. Is it not reason- able then to suppose, that every Effort you can make for detecting the Vices and Blunders
of the present Administration, will end in nothing? I grant you it will ever shew an indisputable Mark of your Zeal; but sorry am I to add, it will equally betray your Weakness. In God's Name, then, seeing Things are in this vicious Train, and seeing that, at present, there is no Possibility of preventing them, suspend for a while these laudable, yet vain Pursuits, and ad- vert to those Matters that there is at least a Proba- bility of succeeding in. I need not paint to your superior Discernment; what these are; they will readily strike you, whilst the ruined Affairs of Ireland and America exist; whilst insolvent Debtors, in a Land of Liberty,
languish under such oppres- sive Bondage ; whilst that infamous Act, the Dog Act, stands unrepealed; and whilst the Freedom of the lower Part of his Majesty's Subjects are hourly invaded by the wanton Cruelties of Press Gangs. In attempting to remedy these Evils, as they do not immediately break in on the former Ac- tions of the Minister, or weaken the Ligatures of Party, you stand some Chance of being aided by the Majority ; as such, your Constituents will feel the good Effects of your Endeavours, and not be as they have been hitherto, employed only in elegising the Champions of Liberty. I m far from thinking, however,
you should acquiesce, as Guardians of your Country, under the many anti- constitutional Innovations of the present Ministry. God forbid! Let them be remembered by you, whilst " Memory holds a Seat;" and be revenged by you when the Golden Opportunity arrives. But, in the mean Time, let not your whole Time be fruitlessly employed; " drive the Nail that will go." Posterity will thank you for it, and you will enjoy that superior Pleasure of having discharged the Trust committed to your Care ( as far as lies in your Power) like honest Delegates of the People. A Word to the Wise. This Day was published, Price 2s. bound, AGOLDEN
TREASURY for the CHILDREN of GOD, whose TREASURE is in HEAVEN; consisting of select Texts of the Bible, with practical Obser- vations in Prose and Verse, for every Day in the Year. Written by C. H. v. BOGATZKY. With a Preface of the Author on the right Use of this Book. And now for its great Usefulness translated from the 19th Edition of the German. Where your Treasure is, there will your Heart be also. Matt. vi. 21. London, printed for T. Becket and Co. in the Strand; and Robinson and Roberts, in Pater- noster- Row; and sold by E. Andrews, in Worces- ter, and the Printer and Distributors of this Paper. This Day is
published, Price 6d. To be continued Monthly, ornamented and illustrated with three elegant Engravings, the Subjects of which are as follow; 1. A Portrait of Lord De- l--- ne; 2. a good Likeness of Miss H- ll— d; 3. a fine historical Piece, highly finished, NUMBER XXV. of THE Town and Country Magazine ; Or, UNIVERSAL REPOSITORY of Know- ledge, Instruction, and Entertainment. For DECEMBER, 1770, Containing, among a Variety of original and interesting Articles, History of the Tete- a- Tete; or, Memoirs of Lord Del--- ne and Miss H- ll— d with the usual Number of important Pieces. The general Originality that prevails
throughout this Miscellany, is evinced from the constant Attention paid to it, by the different News- Papers in Town and Country, as well as the Magazines and other periodical Works. The universal Approbation bestowed on the Tetes- a- Tetes, has induced the Proprietors to be peculiarly vigilant in obtaining all the Intelligence possible in this Department. Hence they have been enabled to give the most authentic Accounts of the present Annals of Gallantry, and are now furnished with such Materials, for the ensuing Year, as they have Reason to believe will afford still greater Entertainment. In the mean Time they take the Liberty
of enu- merating the Subjects that have already entitled their Miscellany to such distinguished Approba- tion : 1. Dorimont and Maria. 1. Americanus and Eliza. 3. Palinurus and Arabella. 4. Mes- salina and Gordianus. 5. Marianne and Dun- kero. 6. Mrs. S - d— s and Volpone. 7. Mrs. W te and Honorius. 8. Countess of L—— a and Scotius. 9. Nauticus and the Countess of D— n— ss". 10. The amorous Agent and Miss B— e. 11. Jemmy Twitcher and Miss R......... y. 12. Baron Otranto and Mrs. Heidelberg. 13. Dr. Squintum and Parawanka. 14. Germanicus and Signior G i. 1 5. Mrs. T s and the Father of the City. 16. Mrs. M—-
sh and Lord Pyebald. 17. The Old Soldier and Hebe W- ts- n. i8. Sir Bullface Double- fee and Miss G— h- m. 19. Lord R— t S— r and Miss K y. 20. Tom Tilbury and Mrs. T— rr— t. 21. The Cheshire Cornuto and Miss W- tts. 22. The Earl of R d and Miss G-- 11. 23. Count H g and Mrs. M- y- r. 24. Colonel Las— lles and Miss C- tl- y. The Characters drawn in the Town and Country Magazine are all original and real, and may be con- sidered as ajustMirrour of the Times. Its Oddities are Oddities in Nature, and its Adventurers art not the Chimeras of Imagination. The moral Tales have received many Compliments,, particularly
from the Fair Sex, for whose Amusement and Instruction they are peculiarly calculated; and the Plates, constantly executed in a masterly Manner, are so superior to any similar Production, that they require no other Recom- mendation than to be viewed by the Discerning and Judicious. On Monday the 14th Instant will be published, The SUPPLEMENT to the Second Volume of this Work; in which will be given a Tete- a- Tete be- tween a celebrated Divine and a remarkable pious Lady, many important and entertaining Articles; with a copious Index. London, printed for A. Hamilton, jun. near St. John's Gate ( where Letters to the
Authors are. received) ; and sold by Robinson and Roberts, No. 25, Pater- noster- Row; and by the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. Where may be had, Pr. 15s. half bound and letter'd, The first and second Volumes of The Town and Country Magazine, or any particular Number. By the KING's Royal Licence and Authority, On Saturday next will be published, Neatly printed in Folio, on a fine Paper and new Letter, Price only Six- pence, Embellished with an elegant Frontispiece, and another beautiful Copper- Plate, finely engraved, the Whole to be compleated in Eighty Numbers only ( or the Overplus given gratis) enriched
with upwards of One hundred and thirty curious Copper Plates and Maps, engraved by the best Artists, NUMBER I. ( to be continued Weekly) of ENGLAND Displayed: Being a New, Complete , and Accurate Survey and Description of the Kingdom of ENGLAND, and Principality of WALES. Containing, I. A full and ample Account of whatever is remarkable in every County, City , Town, Village, Hamlet, and Parish in England, and Wales. II. Descriptions of the various Ma- nufactures and other useful Arts established in dif- ferent Parts of this Kingdom. III. Accounts of the Nature and Produce of the various Kinds of Land, with a
complete History of the modern Improvements in Agriculture, Gardening, & c. IV. An historical Account of all the Forts, Cas- tles, Roman Military Ways, Docks, Harbours, Creeks, Bays, & c. with the Particulars of their antient and present State. V. A full Description of all the natural and artificial Curiosities of this Kingdom; such as Rocks, Mines, Caverns, Lakes, Grottos, Fossils, Minerals, Abbeys, Cathedrals, Churches, Palaces, and the Seats of the Nobility and Gentry. VI. A faithful Narrative of all Im- provements made in the Roads, Rivers and Canals of this Kingdom, for the Convenience of Tra- velling, and the Benefit of Inland
Navigation. The Whole forming such an accurate and com- prehensive Account of this Country, as has never yet been published, and will be equally entertain- ing and instructive. By a SOCIETY of GENTLEMEN; Each of whom has undertaken that Part for which his Study and Inclination has more immediately qualified him. The Particulars respecting ENGLAND, Revised, corrected, and improved, by P. Russell, Esq; And those relating to WALES , by Mr. Owen Price. London, printed by Adlard and Brown, Fleet- Street, for the Authors ; and Sold by S. Bladon, No. 28, T. Evans, No. 54, and J. Cooke, in Pa- ter- noster Row; W.
Domville, and F. Blythe, at the Royal Exchange; and by all Booksellers, Sta- tioners, and News- Carriers in Great Britain and Ireland. A List of such Subscribers as chuse to have their Names appear to this Work, shall be printed and delivered gratis, in the last Number. The most comprehensive, cheap, and useful BOOK of the Kind extant. This Day is published, Price only 2s. bound, A new Edition, being the fifth, of YOUTH'S Faithful MONITOR ; Or, The YOUNG MAN'S Best Companion. Containing, A compendious English Grammar, proper for all Youth to be acquainted with ; Read- ing and Writing made easy, with Copies of
the same; Letters on various Subjects, Receipts and Promissory Notes, Forms of Bills of Debt, Bills of Sale, Bonds, Indentures, Wills, & c. Also, Arithmetic laid down in an easier Manner than any yet extant; whereby a Person of a mean Ca- pacity may attain the same without the Help of a Master; Merchants Accompts, or, the best Me- thod of Book- keeping, after an easy and short Method, and the Forms of Bills of Exchange Likewise Mensuration, Gauging, and Surveying made easy, with some very useful Tables of In- terest, calculated on a new Plan: Astronomy and Geography, containing a Description of the Use of the
Globes, celestial and terrestrial; with a De- scription of the Product, Counties, MarketTowns, with their Distance of Miles from London, and Market Days, in England and Wales, and a cor- rect List of all the Fairs: And likewise the Art of Dialling, how to erect and fix them, with Instruc- tions for making Colours, together with a Collec- tion of curious Receips. To which is added, A curious Abstract of the HISTORY of ENG- LAND, with all the remarkable Events down to the present Year; with a great Variety of Copper Plates and Cuts. By WILLIAM WOOLGAR, Accomptant. Improved, enlarged, and corrected By JOHN WRIGHT,
Gent. Author of the American Negotiator. London, printed for Hawes, Clarke and Col- lins, S. Crowder, Robinson and Roberts, Smith, T. Caslon, B. Law, and F. Newbery; and sold by E. Andrews, in Worcester ; and the Printer and Distributors of this Journal, The following approved Medicines art sold at Berrow's Printing- Office in Worcester. By His Majesty's Letters Patent, ( Granted to WALTER LEAKE, of the City of London, P. P.) is recommended the- Justly Famous PILL, called in the Patent, PILULA SALUTARIA; And there pronounced to be a Cure for the VENEREAL DISEASE, SCURVY, and RHEUMATISM. IN fifteen or
eighteen Days it generally cures those cruel Disorders, and where it fails of perfectly restoring Health in that Time, the Patient has the happy Assurance that he or she is at the Eve of being restored , let the Degree of Malignancy be ever so great. It is an Excel- lency peculiar to these Pills, to make directly to the com- plaining Parts, and enter into Contest with the offending Matter, which they soon dislodge and expell. They are declared by Experience to be a Preserver of Health, as well as a Restorer, by taking only eight single Pills ( as instructed by the Direction Bills) once or twice a Year. In short, the Patentee has this
extraordinary Obligation to them, that whatever he promised himself from them they were sure to fulfill and exceed, as though impatient of immortal and universal same. These Pills are most worth a Place in the Cabinet of Masters and Captains of Ships, and the more so, for that they require no Confine- ment, nor Restraint of Diet, will keep good in all Cli- mates any Length of Time, and effect a Cure even when Salivation fails. Sold by the Patentee ( in Boxes of is. 6d. each) at his House No. 16, Bride Lane, Fleet Street; who effectu- ally cures Gleets and Seminal Weaknesses : Also sold by Appointment by Mr. Hart, Druggist, in
Wolverhampton. Aris and Co. Birmingham ; Smart, Ludlow ; Hartlebury, Tewkesbury ; Raikes, Gloucester ; Jackson, oxford ; and at Berrow's Printing Office in Worcester. M AREDANT's Norton, Surgeon, DROPS. Golden- Square. To Mr. SIR, Having some Time since been greatly assisted with the Scurvy, which appeared in great Blotches and other Eruptions all over my Body, and having had the Advice of several eminent Physicians without Relief, I was at last advised by a Friend to try your ( Maredant's) Drops, which I accordingly did, and am now perfectly restored to my former Health by no other Means. If you think proper
to publish this, 1 have no Objection. Chancery- Lane, I am your very humble Servant, Dec. 5, 1770. THOMAS WILLIAM PINCK. Any Person still doubtful of the Efficacy of this Medi- cine, may ( by applying to Mr. NORTON, Surgeon, the West Side of Golden- square, near Piccadilly, London, the only Author and Proprietor, where these Drops are sold in Bottles of Six Shillings each) be fully convinced of their good Effect, by being referred to many People of Credit, who have been cured of the Leprosy, Scurvy, Ulcers, the Evil, Fistulas, Piles, long- continued In- flammations of the Eyes, and every other Disorder arising from a
Foulness in the Blood. They may be taken in any Season, without the least Inconvenience or Hindrance of Business; They also perfect Digestion, and amazingly create an Appetite. N. B. None are genuine but what are signed by JOHN NORTON, in his own Hand- writing ; who hath appointed them to be sold by H. BERROW, at his Printing Office, near the Cross, Worcester, and may be had of the Distri- butors of this Paper; also sold by Mr. Taylor, at Stafford ; Mr. Hodson, at Burton ; Mr. Hubbard, and Mr. Morgan, at Lichfield ; Messrs. Smith and Bridgwater, at Wolver- hampton ; and Mr. Smith, at Newcastle under Line. These
Drops are in square Bottles, with the fol- lowing Inscription on them, viz. John Norton, only Pro- prietor and Author of Maredant's Drops. Also to be had of the Worcester Newsmen, SWAIN's much esteemed PASTE, For destroying Rats and Mice, is. a Box. This Day was published, Price only 3s. 6d. bound, Recommended by Mr. BENJAMIN MARTIN, Author of the Philosophical Grammar, & c. a new Edition, being the Third ( enlarged and corrected to the present Time) of THE UNIVERSAL GAZETTEER: Or, A Description of the several Empires, Kingdoms, States, Provinces, Countries, cities, Towns, Seas, Lakes, Rivers,
Mountains, Volca- noes, & c. in the known World. Together with an Account of the Extent, Produce, Revenue, Forces, Trade, Manufactures, Religions, & c. of the several Countries; and of the Battles Sieges, and other Transactions, that have rendered them remarkable. To which is prefixed a copious Introduction to GEOGRAPHY. The Whole cal- culated to explain the Occurrences in Modern History. Illustrated with seven accurate MAPS, viz. the World, Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, and Germany. London, printed for W. Strahan, J. and F. Rivington, Hawes, Clarke, and Collins, W. Johnston, T. Caslon, S.
Crowder, T. Lowndes, Robinson and Roberts, and R. Baldwin; and A. Donaldson, at Edinburgh; and sold by E. Andrews, in Worcester, and the Printer and Distributors of this Paper. Of whom may be had, the 7th Edition of The PHILOSOPHICAL GRAMMAR; Being a View of the present State of Experimented Phy- siology, or Natural Philosophy. In four Parts. By BENJAMIN MARTIN. This Day was published, Price Three Shillings bound, THE TUTOR'S GUIDE; being a complete System of ARITHMETIC, with various Branches in the MATHEMATICS. In SIX PARTS, viz. I. Arithmetic in whole Numbers, wherein are given the
most useful Rules, and to each a great Variety of Questions that are both useful and entertaining. II. Vulgar Fractions in all their Parts, which are treated with great Plainness and Perspicuity ; to which are added a Collection of Questions for the greater Trial of this most excellent Part of Arithmetic. III. Decimal Fractions, with the Extraction of Roots of different Powers, after a plain and fa- miliar Manner; to which are added, Rules, Theorems, and Tables, for the easy Calculation of Interest and Annuities, & c. IV. Mensuration of both Superficies and So- lids, wherein are all the most useful Problems, with their Cuts, and are applied
to measuring Ar- tificers Work, Land, Timber, Casks, & c. with a Collection of Questions for Exercise; to which is added, the specific Gravity of Metals, & c. with a Table and Rules, and proper Examples to each. V. Chronology, or the Method of finding the several Cycles, Epacts, Moveable Feasts, Time of High Water, & c. with a Collection of Questions relating to. History; likewise all the most useful Examples on both the Globes, relative to the Sun, Moon, Planets, Stars, and Comets. VI. Algebra, or Arithmetic in Species, wherein the Method of raising and resolving Equations is rendered as easy as is needful for a Book of this
Kind, and illustrated with a Variety of Examples and Numerical Questions. The Whole being designed for the Use of Schools, as a Question Book, or Remembrancer and Instructor, to such who have some Knowledge of Figures, and is adapted for the Use of the Gentleman and Scholar, as well as for the Man of Business. And is recommended by Samuel Clark, Teacher of the Mathematics, and other eminent Mathematicians and School- Masters. By CHARLES VYSE, Teacher of the Mathematics, and Master of the Aca- demy in Portland- Street, Cavendish- Square. London, printed for and sold by the Author; and Robinson
and Roberts, No. 25, in Pater- noster- Row; and may be had of the Printer of this Journal. This Day was published, Price only 3s. bound, ( illustrated with four elegant Engravings by Taylor, viz. 1. The Vision of Hercules. 2. TheBasket- Maker. 3. Santon Barsisa : And, 4. The Hermit. De- scriptive of themostinteresting Subjects of the Book.) A New Edition, on Fine Paper, of THE PLEASING INSTRUCTOR : or, ENTERTAINING MORALIST. Consisting of select Essays, Relations, Visions, and Alle- gories, collected from the most eminent English Authors. To which are prefixed, New Thoughts on Education, and the Manner of
conveying In- struction properly. Designed for the Use of Schools, as well as the Closet; with a View to form the rising Minds of the Youth of both Sexes to Virtue, and destroy in the Bud those Vices and Frailties which Mankind, and Youth in particular, are addicted to. London, printed for Robinson and Roberts, No. 25, in Pater noster Row; and T. Slack, in Newcastle; and sold by E. Andrews, in Worcester; and the Printerand Distributors of this Journal. Of whom may be had, Price 1 s. neatly bound in Red, to be continued annually, ( Ornamented with the following beautiful En- gravings : A Lady and two Children in the most
fashionable Dress of 1770 ; and twelve Heads of celebrated Beauties, dressed in the highest Taste, and suitable to every Month in the Year) The LADIES' OWN MEMORANDUM - BOOK ; or, Daily Pocket Journal, for the Year 1771. Designed as a Methodical Register of all their Transactions of Business, as well as Amusement. Containing a greater Variety of entertaining and useful Articles than any Book of the Kind. By a LADY. WORCESTER: Printed by H. B E R R O W, near the Cross ; Who sells all Kinds of Blank Warrants, Land- Tax Receipts, Parish Certificate, Summonses, Orders of Removal, and every Form used by
Justices of Peace, Parish Officers, & c. and by whom the PRINTING Business is executed in a neat and expeditions Manner on very reasonable Terms.