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Berrow's Worcester Journal


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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 4002
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Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal

Date of Article: 13/12/1770
Printer / Publisher: H. Berrow 
Address: Near the Cross, Worcester
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 4002
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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Berrow's Worcester Journal. THURSDAY, December 13, 1770. No, 4002 . Notwithstanding this Journal is, in most Places, distributed at least a whole Day before any other Country News Paper of the same Date, and also many Hours before the Arrival of the London Mail, it not only contains the most material News published in London on Tuesday Night, but many interesting Articles of Intelligence, not inserted in other Country Papers before the Saturday following. SATURDAY'S POST. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Petershourgh, November 6. Courier, dispatched by the Marquis Maruzzi from Ve- nice, has just brought here Advice of a great Revolution which has happened in Egypt, Ally Bey is declared Sultan, having made himself Master of that Kingdom, Arabia, Mecca, and Medina, also of the Port of Gedda on the Red Sea, so that he is now more considered by the Mussul- mans of Asia and Africa, than the Grand Sig- nior himself. He has written a Letter to the Senate of Venice, by which he offers his Friendship to the Republic, and full Security and Protection to her Merchants. This fatal Blow to the Porte will complete the Conster- nation which reigns at Constantinople, and from which the last Extremities are apprehended. LONDON, Thursday, Dec. 6. It is certain that his Prussian Majesty has acted as Mediator between the Courts of Great Britain and Madrid; and it is said that Matters will shortly be accommodated to the Satisfaction of all Parties. St. James's Chron. We are credibly informed that after Matters are thoroughly settled between England and Spain, the Court of Lisbon will be called to a strict Account, in which neither France or Spain are to meddle. Ibid. The Premier has declared within these few Days, that " he has the real Interest of his Country so much at Heart, as rather than in- volve it in a War, at any Rate at present, he is ready to risque his Head that the Negocia- tion now on Foot will turn out to the Satisfac- tion of the People in general." At the last Council, Sir E. H e, we are told, insisted upon the Dispatch of a strong Squadron to the West- Indies immediately; urging that this was the first Time since the Reign of Queen Elizabeth that our Islands were left entirely defenceless; but the Ministry re- plied, that a Measure of such great Importance required some further Time for their Con- sideration. We are assured that a great Personage has declared to his M—- ry, that he will in future keep a greater Naval Force both in the East and West Indies, and the Mediterranean ; and that all the Forts and Islands in those Parts shall be constantly kept in thorough Repair. We hear that the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty will soon be required to attend the House of Peers on very important Business. It is said that some new Regulations, no less salutary for the Colonies than satisfactory to the Mother Country, are now agitating ; the Hint of which was suggested by a Nobleman, who has on several Occasions distinguished himself in a Great Assembly. The following is authentic. Lord Chat- ham, in Yesterday's Debate, took Notice of the late Instructions that had been given to Ju- ries in Westminster Hall, with regard to Libels. Lord Mansfield, in Answer, said, that the Doc- trine he had laid down had been consistent with the uniform Practice for this Century ; that seven Judges had approved it; four were now living, and that three were dead ; that the Doctrine was established upon the clearest Ground of Law. Lord Chatham, in Answer, said, that if he conceived him right, the Doc- trine was, " that Libel, or not Libel, was a latter of Law, and was to be derided by the Bench ; and the Question to be left to the Jury to determine, was only the Fact of printing land publishing." To which Lord Mansfield assented. His Lordship then, with Lord Cam- den, expressed his Astonishment, both declaring that they had never understood that to be the Law of England, and concurred in wishing, " that a Day might be appointed for an EN- QUIRY into the Conduct of those Judges who had advanced such a Doctrine." A Gentleman of the deepest Erudition in the antient Laws of England, has publicly declared that L — d C was egregiously mistaken, and totally ignorant of our constitutional Laws, when he asserted the other Day that Press- War- rants were legal. This same Gentleman observes, that L — d C was equally uninformed of the con- sititutional Law of England, when he declared, that if any Member of his Club would move to bring the three doubting Aldermen before their Bar, he himself would second the Motion. The H-- of L s, he says, is the Subject's Court of Appeal, consequently no Process restrictive of the Subject's personal Liberty can legally originate in that H . It is said their Majesties have declared their Intention to receive the Custom of dining in public; and that Tickets for the Admission of such a Number of Spectators as can be con- leniently accommodated, will be delivered out periodically, with no other Distinction than Priority of Application. It is now the Opinion of some eminent Gen- tlemen, in the Law, that Lord Commissioner Bathurst will soon be appointed to the Seals. It is said that a very rich vacant See will be conferred on a patriotick Prelate, who voted last Winter with the Minority. A Resolution has passed, that the Duties already laid on. Malt, Mum, Cyder, and Perry, shall be continued for the Year 1771. An Order has been made to lay before a cer- tain great Assembly, the Quantity of Whalebone and Oil imported into and exported from Great Britain, from the 1st of January 1768, as far as the same can be made up, distinguishing the several Quantities imported and exported to each Place. We hear that in order the more effectually to secure this Kingdom from the Calamity of the Plague, Surgeons of Eminence will be appointed in each Parish, with a proper Salary, to act as Searchers, instead of the present ignorant venal Persons who are now employed on those Oc- casions. Captain Ayscough, Lieutenants Hay, Wat- son, & c. and all the others on the Press Service, waited Yesterday on the Lord- Mayor from the Lords of the Admiralty, to desire his Lordship to back the Press- Warrants, but his Lordship had too tender a Regard to the Rights of his Fellow- Citizens to comply with their Request, and the Press- Warrants are not backed. It is also certain, that his Lordship, in Com- pany with another Gentleman, did wait upon a noble Peer to ask his Opinion concerning Press- Warrants; and that the said Nobleman did pronounce them to be illegal, notwithstanding his Declarations to the contrary in the H — e. The Lord Mayor's refusing to sign the Press- Warrants, though seemingly authorized, and even recommended thereto, by the three Coun- cil who have given the Opinion on that Subject, has drawn upon him the Applause of every sensible and good Person, there being no Sort of Doubt, notwithstanding the Opinion of the above three Gentlemen, that such Warrants are illegally and expressly contrary to Magna Charta. We hear that Sir W. M h's Plan for deli- vering up all Criminals, convicted of flight Of- fences, to the East- India- Company for their Service, will speedily take Place. Last Week the Son of a public Defaulter betted One Hundred Guineas we should have no War in a Month, and Five Hundred more for three Months. A Correspondent, in treating on War and Peace, fays, " as to increasing Wealth by War, that has never yet happened to us, and, I be- lieve, but rarely to other Nations. Our Kings moil engaged in War were always poor, and sometimes excessively so; Edward III. pawned his Jewels to pay foreign Forces. The Black Prince was constrained to pledge his Plate. Henry V. with all his Conquests, pledged his Table and Stools of Silver which he had from Spain. Queen Elizabeth fold her very Jewels; nay, Edward III. pawned his Imperial Crown three Times, and Henry V. once did the same Thing. We feel still, continues he, the Weight which a most glorious War brought upon us; a War in which we were always victorious; and though it be true, that it might have been concluded by a better Peace, yet I never heard any body alledge that by any Peace which could have been made, Great Britain would have been indemnified for her vast Expences of Blood and Treasure." This Morning came on at Doctors Com- mons, before the Worshipful Dr. John Bettes- worth, Chancellor of the Diocese of London, the Admissibility of Lady G's recriminate Al- legations, charging his L p with Acts of Adultery with several different Women, some Time before her Ladyship was charged with the like Crime ; when, after a Hearing of four Hours, the Judge was pleased to reject the 15th and 16th Articles, and admit the reft as laid. A Letter from Plymouth, dated the 2d Inst. fays, " The Press here has been very hot, and the Gangs have picked up a great Number of useful Hands ; they have taken all the Men from on board all the homeward- bound Ships which have touched here, except the Captains and Mates; and many Sailors have been brought from the adjacent Country Villages, who had secreted themselves there; so that the Ships here have got near their Complement of Hands on board, and will be ready to sail in a few Days. Many fresh Hands are employed in the Dock- Yard to fit out several Ships which are soon to be put into Commission. The Wasp Sloop of War is arrived from Ireland with im- pressed Men." The Favourite Betsey, Captain Lee, from Barbadoes for London, laden with Sugar, and the last Ship that is to come from thence this Season, is safe arrived off Dover. On Tuesday a Motion was made in the Court of Chancery to restrain a certain Gentleman from felling or carrying away any of the Lead from the Beldy- Hill Lead Mines in Yorkshire, which was ordered accordingly. A Farmer neap Swineshead, in Lincolnshire, having a small Field of high Ground which the late Flood did not reach, but appeared as a little Island in the Midst of a large Lake, a Quantity of Sheep took Refuge thereon, which the Farmer fearing would be starved to Death, employed Men with Boats to fetch them away, and among them picked up above twenty Brace of Hares, which had herded with them. Monday Evening as Mrs. Gardner, of Bell- Alley, Coleman- Street, was endeavouring to get up to the Two Shilling Gallery", at Covent Garden Playhouse, the Crowd was so great that she was thrown down and broke her Thigh. Tuesday the following Convicts were exe- cuted at Tyburn, viz. John Barton, for steal- ing a Gelding ; Bartholomew Langley, for Bes- tiality at Knightibridge; Thomas Knight, Tho- mas Payne, and William Bird, for a Burglary in the House of Mrs. Jeredore in Great Marl- borough- Street; and William Brent, otherwise Brett, for Healing Bank Notes, & c. of upwards of 1900l. Value, the Property of Lady Mayo. Langley, on taking the Sacrament on the Morning before Execution, declared he was in- nocent of the Fact for which he was going to suffer, and persisted in the same just before he was turned off. During the above Execution a large Scaf- fold, whereon were upwards of two hundred Persons, fell down, by which Accident two Men were carried away speechless, and near twenty Persons had their Legs and Arms broke. A large Press Gang attended at the Gallows, and impressed about forty Men. Yesterday the Sessions began at the Old Baily, when 13 Prisoners were tried, three of whom were capitally convicted, viz. Thomas Meekin, for robbing on the Highway and ravishing Su- sannah Mazemore, in a Field near Hoxton; Mark Marks, for robbing Joshua Crowden of his Watch on the Highway in Houndsditch ; and Thomas Hand ( tried upon the Coventry Act) for firing a Pistol loaded with a Brace of Balls, at Joseph Holloway, in his own House, in Story- Street, Tottenham- Court- Road. John Underwood, was ordered for Transportation for 14 Years, for receiving the Plate taken from Mrs. Jeredore, for stealing of which Knight, Bird, and Payne were executed as above; two were call for Transportation, one to be whip- ped, and five acquitted. Died. Tuesday, in the Afternoon, at his House in Pall- Mall, aged Sixty, the Right Hon. John Percival, Lord Lovel and Holland of Enmore in Somersetshire, Vice Admiral of the said County, and Earl of Egmont in Ire- land, one of his Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, and F. R. S. His Lordship is succeeded in Title and Estate by his eldest Son, the Right Hon. John- James, Lord Viscount Percival, born Jan. 29, 1137- 8 ( who is Colo- nel of a Company in the Foot Guards) late Member for Bridgewater. The following is another remarkable Instance of the good Effects of ROWLEY's HERB SNUFF and TOBACCO: Mr. JOHN STRAHAn, Watch- Maker, in Rat- cliff Row, City Road, London, was subject to a Decay of Sight for several Years, until at Length the Use of Glasses, and the Assistance of many skilful Persons proved ineffectual; an Inflamma- tion came on in both Eyes; he was for a long Time incapable of following his Business, and had nothing before him but the melancholy Prospect of becoming blind, when ROWLEY's HERB SNUFF relieved him. He continued the Use of it for about a Year, and can now fee to perform with Ease the nicest Part of the Watch- making Busi- ness without Spectacles. I do aver the above Relation to be true, and " that it is a Fact well known to all my Ac- " quaintance. JOHN STRAHAN." This HERB SNUFF and TOBACCO are sold by Mr. GAMIDge, Bookseller, at Worcester. WANTED, one or two Patten- Wood Makers, who will meet with good Employment, at Eight Shillings and Six- pence per Gross for Alder, and Ten Shillings and Six- pence for Elm, and good Wood, good Tools, and a good Shop to work in. Apply to Mr. Samuel Kent, of Alstone, near Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. No Encouragement shall be wanted to good Workmen. WHEREAS a Bankrupt is awarded Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued forth against ROBERT MARTIN, now or late of Ciren- cester, in the County of Gloucester, Innholder, Dealer and Chapman, and he being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said Commission named, or the major Part of them, on the 20th and 21st Days of December Instant, and on the 8th Day of January following, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon of each of the said Days, at the House of William Martin, known by the Sign of the Swan Inn in Tewkesbury, in the said County of Gloucester, and make a full Discovery and Dis- closure of his Estate and Effects; when and where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the second Sitting to choose As- signees, and at the last Sitting the said Bankrupt is required to finish his Examination, and the Cre- ditors are to assent to, or dissent from, the Allow- ance of his Certificate. All Persons indebted to the said Bankrupt, or that have any of his Effects, are not to pay or de- liver the same but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but give Notice thereof to Mr. Hum- phreys, Attorney at Law, in Tewkesbury. To be SOLD, at OLD- SWINFORD, ONE Thousand Elm Trees, 14Feet; One Thousand Ash ditto, 16 Feet; Four Hundred Scotch Firs ditto, 6 Feet; Seventy Beech ditto, 16 Feet; some Fruit and Walnut Trees; and a Quantity of Seedling Hawthorn Quick. Also to be SOLD, at the NOLE SANDS, near Bridgnorth, in Shropshire, About Six Thousand Scotch Firs, from four to fix Feet; very convenient to the River Severn. For further Particulars enquire of Richard Aynsworth, at Old- Swinford, near Stourbridge, Worcestershire. TO BE SOLD, A Small but eligible Freehold Estate, in the Parish of Norton, near Kempsey, in in the County of Worcester, subject to a Lease for the Remainder of a Term of Years, of which five are yet unexpired ( but determinable at the Death of an aged Person) at the Rent of fourteen Pounds. ---- It consists a Dwelling- House and Out- Build- ings, twelve computed Acres of inclosed Pasture adjoining thereto, and about seven Acres of Arable Land, in the Common Fields of Norton. The above Farm lies within four Miles of the City of Worcester, near to the great Turnpike Road leading from Worcester to London. Further Particulars may be had of Mr. Sockett, Attorney, in Worcester. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Saturday the 22d Day of December Inst. between the Hours of Two and Four in the Afternoon, at the Hop- Pole, in the City of Worcester, AFarm, being Copyhold of Inheri- tance, held under the Bishop of Hereford, ( a Tenure but very little inferior to a Freehold) lying and being in the Township of Window, in the Parish of Bromyard, in the County of Hereford, in the Occupation of John Rogers, a yearly Tenant thereof; consisting of a Dwelling- House, Barn, Stable, Hop- Kilns, Perry- Mill, and other necessary Out - Buildings; and also of one hundred and seventy- eight computed Acres, or thereabouts, of Orchard, Hop Ground, Meadow, Pasture, and Arable Land. The above Premisses are well fruited, watered, and fenced with Quick Hedging, and hath some Timber, and a large Quantity of young Ash growing thereon. Mr. Thomas Barnes, of Window aforesaid, will ( hew the Premisses; and further Particulars may be had of Mr. Sockett, Attorney, in Worcester. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Monday the 7th of January next, at the House of Mr. Penny, being the Post- Office, in Bengworth, Worcestershire, between the Hours of Two and Five in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall be then and there produced ( if not in the mean Time disposed of by private Contrail, of which timely Notice will be given in this Paper) AFreehold Messuage, or Mansion- House, and an inclosed Farm, with conve- nient Out- buildings thereunto belonging, together with about 140 Acres of good Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Lands; the Whole lying within a Ring - Fence, and known by the Name of Wormington Grange, in the Parish of Didbrook in the County of Gloucester; and now held by Wil- liam Aly, under Contract, which will be void at Lady Day 1771, at the yearly Rent of 115l. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Lang- ford, of Kempsey, near Worcester. Mr. Aly, the Tenant, will shew the Premisses. A L L Persons having any Demands on the Estate and Effects of Mr. JOHN BARNES, late of Tewkesbury, in the County of Gloucester, Glasier, deceased, are desired to send in their Accounts thereof to Joshua Smith, of Bengworth, his Executor; and all who stand indebted to his said Estate and Effects, are desired immediately to pay the same to his said Executor, Joshua Smith, or they will be sued for the same. Demands of EDWARD BROADFIELD, late of the Bine, in the Parish of Billingsby, in the County of Salop, deceased, are desired forthwith to fend in their Accounts thereof to his Widow, Mrs. Elizabeth Broadfield ; or Mr. Bird, Attorney, in Worcester: And all who Hand indebted to his said Estate and Effects, are desired immediately to pay the same to his said Widow, or Mr. Bird, or they will be sued for the same. ALL Persons having any on the Estate and Effects To assist SIGHT and HEARING, TWO Medicines are offered to the Public; they are not recommended by an extravagant Price, nor by a vain Parade of pretended Qualities. The EYE- BRIGHT TINCTURE Gives great Relief in Dimness of Sight, Eye- Mists Heats of the Eye- lids, and Tendency of Humours to the Eyes. Price is. 6d. the Bottle. The EAR- BALSAM Is powerfully efficacious in all Obstructions to Hearing, not occasioned by a Relaxation, or other Injury happening to the Tympanum or Drum of the Ear. Price 2s. 6d. the Bottle. Sold by R. Baldwin, in Pater- noster- Row, and by his Appointment may be had of the following Persons, viz. H. Berrow, in Worcester; Mr. Price, Shrewsbury; Mr. Jackson, Oxford; Mrs. Jopson, Coventry; Mr. Keating, Stratford; Mr. Pugh, Hereford; Mr. Raikes, Gloucester; and Mr. Taylor, Stafford. Arrived the Dutch and French Mails. Cadiz, November 6. A Few Days ago a third Convoy sailed from hence, consisting of six Ships, most of which were laden with warlike Stores, and had Troops oil board for different Parts of the Spa- nish West Indies. In consequence of the Dis- positions that are making for the Defence of this Place, a Number of Horse and Foot are sent down to the neighbouring Coast. LONDON, Saturday, Dec. 8. Whitehall, Dec. 8. The Hallifax Schooner, Captain Glassford, is arrived from Boston, and brings Advice, that the Trial of Captain Preston, on the Indictment preferred against him in consequence of what happened on Oc- casion of the Riot in the Town on the 5th of March last, came on in the Superior Court of Judicature and Court of Assize and General Goal Delivery, on Wednesday the 24th of October, and continued till Tuesday the 30th, when he was fully acquitted. [ Gazette. On Wednesday last Lord Chatham made a Motion respecting the Right of Election, which occasioned many learned and spirited Argu- ments on both Sides; which being finished, the House called for the Question to adjourn, when there appeared 52 for the Adjournment, and 20 against it. On Thursday last Mr. Serjeant Glynn made the following Motion ( agreeably to his Promise) in the Lower Assembly : " That a Committee of this House be ap- " pointed, to enquire into the present Practice " of the Law in Westminster- Hall, particularly " in regard to the Doctrine of Libels, and the " Liberty of the Press." This Motion the learned Serjeant supported, in a very elegant Speech of above one Hour long; wherein he stated the present, with the former Practice of the Courts, in Respect to Libels; complained of the present Mode in spirited, yet respectful Terms ; and warmly insisted, that it was the Intention, in all Matters of Criminality, that affixed the Guilt of the Publisher. He particularly mentioned the Case of Mr. Almon, and strongly complained of the cruel Treatment that Bookseller had met with, whom he repeatedly said was Innocent of the Crime laid to his Charge. " As for my Part, concludes the Serjeant, I am for accusing no particular Person, nor would I wish to be understood upon this Ground; much less am I a Lover of Innovation ; but I would wish, and the Criticalness of the Times forces this Wish from me, that there was a Line of Precision drawn where a Juryman may at one View comprehend his Power. If this was once established, the whole World would then know what was libellous, and what not. Mr. Alderman Oliver seconded the Motion, and said he was for bringing home the Char- ges to particular Persons; and pledged himself to the House, if this Enquiry was agreed upon, to arraign the Conduct of Lord Chief Justice Mansfield. Sir Joseph Mawbey, Bart, followed Mr. Oliver, he talked of secondary Arraignments; and complained greatly of Baron Sm - e's Con- duct in trying the Serjeant at the last Assizes at Guilford. Charles Jenkinson, Esq; in Opposition to the Motion, rose after Sir Joseph ; he said, " He was astonished to find the Gentlemen who supported this Motion, go on such vague and uncertain Grounds. The learned Serjeant ( says he) who made this Motion, confesses he wants to arraign no particular Person; where then is the Use of this Enquiry? It is Enquiry into— what? Into a Matter where no Charge is made out. For Shame! then, Gentlemen, be more ingenuous. If you have any Charges to make against all, or any venerable Judge of the Law, bring it home at once, and let the Persons so accused, have the Freedom of de- fending themselves. As for my Part, I have no Doubt but the learned Judge, traduced by the Gentleman who spoke second in the Debate, will acquit himself with that Candour and Re putation, that is so inseparable to his Cha- racter." Mr. Connell spoke very ably upon Mr. Al- mon's Case, and upon the Doctrines lately held about Juries; and was strongly for the En- quiry. He said, those who are Friends to the noble Judge ought to be for it, that he may come pure out of it. They are not his Friends who oppose it. Mr. Grey Cooper said, he thought there was no Ground for a Charge against the noble Judge, and therefore was against the proposed Enquiry. The Right Hon. George Onflow coincided in Opinion with his Treasury Frinds, and en- tered into the Merits of the Trial at Surry, al- luded to by Sir Joseph Mawbey. Here he praised the Conduct of the Judge; said he sup- ported that Character he always maintained, that of an honest and able Man ; that the Case was a very plain Case, that the Violence of Party would have altered the criminal Laws of the Land, but for the spirited, humane Inter- position of the Bench; and that, as Member for the County, and as a Member of Society, he owed him his particular Thanks for rescuing an innocent Man from the inevitable Destruc- tion that would have otherwise overtaken him. The Hon. Constantine Phipps replied in a very masterly and temperate Manner. He Press was, from the Doctrines laid down about Juries. He likewise shewed the dangerous Si- tuation in which every Bookseller stood, from the cruel and unfortunate Cafe of Mr. Almon, who was a Seller only. And if there was an End of Booksellers, there was an End of all Learning, and the Liberty of the Press. Mr. Alderman Townsend, in Behalf of the Motion, spoke next, and entered warmly into the recent Abuses of the Law in Westminster Hall, in dictating to juries, and explaining away their just Rights and Privileges. He said, from the Treatment of this Motion, by the Members in Opposition, they seemed to look upon it as frivolous ; but that for his Part there was nothing he so much dreaded as a Corruption in the legal Magistrates, as the Constitution could not long survive that Era. He then came more home to the Subject; said he was afraid there was too great a Vicinity between the Palace of St. James's and the Hall of Westminster; that he had good Grounds for his Fears, for that he was well informed that a certain great Judge, not long dead, had been tampered with; that very much to that great Man's Honour and Memory, he treated such Offers with Contempt ; and, not many Hours before his Death, sent back a Letter unopened, because he suspected the Contents not to be honourable. From such Facts ( continues he) what have we not to dread ? Is it not Time, full Time, to come at least to an Enquiry, and establish that Part of the Law, which from its present Uncertainty gives that Latitude to its Magistrates, upon more fixed, precise, and un- alterable Grounds. Sir G. Saville spoke in a very able and spi- rited Manner, ana was for the Enquiry. Sir G. Elliot was against the Enquiry. Mr. Burke said, the Prosecution of Mr. Al- mon was a malicious Prosecution. He stated the Manner in which he had been selected, brought first to Trial, & c. & c. As a Friend to the noble Judge he was for the Enquiry, and he hoped all his Friends would be for it. Mr. Wedderburn spoke exceedingly well on the same Side. He said Juries were the proper Judges of the whole Matter in Issue ; that they stood between the Accusation and the Accused ; and it is by them, and them only, that the Accused can be handed up to Punishment. The Debates lasted till Half an Hour past Twelve o'Clock, when every Thing that could be said being already exhausted, the united Cry of The Question ! the Question ! induced the Speaker to follow their Advice. The House be- ing accordingly cleared, they divided ; against the Motion 184, for it 76. It is said that an Impeachment of Lord Mans- field will take Place soon after the Holidays. It is currently reported that Sir Edw. Hawke will soon resign as First Lord of the Admiralty Board, and that his Resignation will be ac- companied by a Protest of a very alarming Nature. A Resolution has passed, that 378,7521. shall be granted for the ordinary Supply of the Navy for 1771. A Resolution has also passed, to grant 423,7471. for defraying the Charge of Buildings and Rebulidings, and Repairs of Ships for 1771. Yesterday the Augmentation of the Seamen was taken into Consideration, when 7000 Men extra was voted besides the annual Number of 17,000. Yesterday Lord Barrington made a Motion for augmenting the Army to 23,000 Men and upwards. A Lift of all the commissioned Officers, now serving in the Militia of this Kingdom, Hating the Counties in which they serve, and their re- spective Ranks, is soon to be laid before a great Assembly. An Account of the Number of Cattle im- ported into Great Britain from Ireland since the 10th of October 1766, distinguished the several Sorts imported in each Year, is also to be laid before the same. An Account of the Quantity of Tallow im- ported and exported from the 1st of January 1769, distinguishing the Foreign from the Irish, is likewise to be brought in. A Bill for imposing a heavy Duty on French Plate, manufactured in this Kingdom, is pre- paring to be brought into Parliament. An additional Tax will certainly be laid this Winter on all Kinds of manufactured Goods imported from Abroad. It is said, that a Motion is intended to be made for bringing a great Magistrate to the Bar of a certain House, for refusing to back the Press- Warrants. The Seamen now impressed in the City, are immediately put on board a Tender, without being carried before a Magistrate, left they should be discharged. It is confidently said, that the Parliament of Ireland will be convened for the Dispatch of Business early in the Month of January. Last Night, about Eleven o'Clock, a Mes- senger with Dispatches, set out from the Secre- tary of State's Office in Cleveland- Row, by the Way of Germany, to the Hon. Mr. Mur- ray, his Majesty's Ambassador at Constantinople. The last Dispatches from the French Court breath nothing but Professions of an ardent Desire for Peace. The Merchants of Seville were early so sus- picious of a Rupture with Great Britain, that they gathered all their Fruit so green, that it is feared the Orange Fanciers will be disap- pointed this Year in the Flavour of their favou- rite Potation. House, that an additional Shilling upon the Land would affect only the landed Gentlemen, and that if the Storm should happily blow over, he assured the House it should again be repealed. Col. Barre declared, the People had no Right to receive an additional Burthen upon an Un- certainty. If it was to be a War, it was Time enough then, and that there was no Person in that House but would chearfully lend all their Assistance to prosecute the War with Vigour. It is said that the Ministry having relaxed a little in their Demands of Restitution from the Court of Spain for the late Infraction of the last Treaty, the Spanish Court have, on their Part, given up some Points, which before they pe- remptorily refused to acquiesce in. We are informed that the final Resolves of the Ministry respecting the late Violation of Treaty on the Part of the Court of Spain are now 011 their Way to Madrid, so that it will be some Time before the Event of Peace or War can be known with Certainty. The Land- Tax Bill will not be passed till the Return of a Messenger from Madrid, who expected in a few Days. A great Man in the Administration observed in a large Company, this Week, that, as it would be very difficult to find any Thing on which a new Tax could be laid, and the Peo- ple are fond of Lotteries, he thought a great deal of Money might be raised, without over- burthening the Subjects, if a Plan of Tontines was adopted similar to those at Paris; and that he would be the first to move in Parliament for it. By the Returns of the Stamp- Office it ap- pears that, during the present Year, there have been stamped and sold Nine Million Six Hun- dred and Twenty Thousand Five Hundred and Twenty News- Papers, all printed within the Bills of Mortality ; so that this single Ar- ticle for Stamps, at One Penny for each News- paper, amounts to upwards of Forty Thousand Pounds per Ann. besides the Duties on the Ad- vertsements in each, which, upon a moderate Computation, amounts to above Twenty Thou- sand Pounds annually. And this Revenue to the Government is most probably double, if we take in this Calculation all the other News- papers which are published in the other Parts of the Kingdom: So that the whole annual Income arising from the Duty upon News- Papers, may be computed at One Hundred and Twenty Thousand Pounds. The following Story has lately afforded much Diversion at the West- End of the Town.--------- A Nobleman, not a hundred Miles from White- hall, some Years past debauched an Officer's Widow, and kept her privately till he had three Children by her; her Health then de- clining, and he being in a new Amour, sent her and her Children to the South of France, where he remitted her a trifling Annuity; but marry- ing some Time after, he totally neglected her. The unhappy Creature, by some Means or other, returned to England a few Months since, and wrote to him several Times, without receiving any Answer: At length she sent an humble Pe- tition, setting forth her Distress and that of his Children ; but he denied ever having known any such Person. Thus driven to the last Re- source, she waited on a Gentleman ( Col. W.) who used frequently to come with his Lordship to visit her: To him she told her Story. This Gentleman, who is an Honour to Human Na- ture, bid her leave the Affair to him: He soon after invited several Gentlemen of Distinction and his Lordship to Dinner: When the Com pany were seated, he begged Leave to introduce some Relations of his to them, and first brought in the Children, and then the Mother; when his Lordship, to his Mortification, was obliged to own his Knowledge of both ; and, to prevent the Reproaches of the Company, promised to make a handsome Settlement on her; a Lawyer was accordingly sent for, and they saw it executed on the Spot. Thursday 18 Prisoners were tried at the Old Bailey, two of whom were capitally convicted, viz. John Clack and John Joseph Defoe, alias Brown, alias Smith, for robbing Alexander Fordyce, Esq; on the Highway in the Road to Roehampton ; Three were call for Transpor- tation, seven for Petty Larceny, and six acquitted. Yesterday 24 Prisoners were tried at the Old Bailey, two of whom were call for Transporta- tion, six were convicted of Petty Larceny, and 16 acquitted. For the BENEFIT of WIDOWS. THE general Terms of Admission into this Society are, That the Subscribers be from Twenty- one to Forty Years of Age, nei- ther of the Army or Navy, certifying they are in a good State of Health, and subscribing at their Admission Five Guineas, and Ten Shillings and Six- pence for a Policy, and paying annually Two Pounds Two Shillings, by Half- yearly Payments, for which their Widows will be intitled as follow, If their Husbands have been Members Years. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 £. 12 14 16 18 20 22 a Year. TO BE SOLD, SEVERAL Hundreds of young Elm Trees, fit for transplanting. Apply to Mr. Holbeche, Attorney, in Droitwich. To be A LETT and entered on at Christmas next, or sooner if required, Good old - accustomed PUBLICK. HOUSE, known by the Sign of the Crown and Glove, in the Town Ditch, near the Hop- Market, Worcester, with the Brewing Utensils and Stock, and Part of the Houshold Furniture. For further Particulars enquire of Richard Adamson, Glover, in Worcester. December 12th, 1770. TAKEN up, about six Weeks ago, near the Brick House at Powick, about three Miles from the City of Worcester, a BAY Gelding Colt, about two Years old. The Owner thereof, by applying to Mr. John Harper, at the Brick House aforesaid, and describing the Marks of the laid Colt, may have him again, by paying the Expence of Advertising, and all other Charges. 24 26 28 30 § + § No Person can be admitted a Member who is a Victualler, or has not had the Small- Pox : Persons above the Age of Forty may be admitted, paying an extra Premium over and above that of Five Pounds Five Shillings; i. e. Two Pounds Two Shillings for every Year advanced from Forty to Forty- five; and Persons admitted from Forty- five to Fifty, to pay, besides the Five Pounds Five Shillings, and Two Pounds Two Shillings, a fur- ther Sum of One Pound One Shilling for every Year so advanced from Forty- five to Fifty; but no Petson can be admitted above the Age of Fifty. N. B. Abstracts of the Deed of Settlement, with a State of the Society, may be seen at the Crown and Scepter, at the Hop- Market; or of John Shelton ( Secretary to the Society) in Sidbury. A Meeting of the Trustees and Directors will be held at the Crown and Sceptre, at the Hop- Market, on Thursday the 3d of January next, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, to receive the Half- yearly Payments due the 1st of the said Month.---- And on Thursday the Ioh, a General Meeting will be held, at the same Place and Hour, for auditing the Accompts for the Year 1770. Worcester, Dec. 3d, 1770. THE New Bristol FIRE- OFFICE having appointed me their Agent here, all Persons who shall insure their Property with the said Society, may depend on the most generous Treatment; and those who remove from any other Office, shall have their Policies gratis. BENJAMIN PEARKES, Jun. N. B. This Office engages to pay their Losses without the usual Deductions of Three Pounds per Cent. Dec. 12th, 1770. ALL Persons who stand indebted to the Estate of SAMUEL BRADLEY, of the City of Worcester, Chinaman, Toyman, Dealer, and Chapman, a Bankrupt, are required to pay the several Sums in which they so stand indebted, to Richard Sockett, of the City of Worcester, Attorney at Law, who is duly authorized, as well by Charles Trubshaw Withers, Esq; the Trustee, as by Robert Blayney, the sole Assignee of the Estate and Effects of the said Samuel Bradley, to receive the same, or they will be proceeded against at Law for the Recovery thereof. To be peremptorily SOLD to the Best Bidder, At the Hop Pole, in the City of Worcester, on Monday the 31st Day of this Instant December, between the Hours of Two and Four in the Afternoon, AModern Brick Messuage, genteely fitted up, with proper Offices, two Gardens, an excellent Cold Bath, supplied with a perpetual Spring, and other Conveniencies to the said Mes- suage belonging; held under the Dean and Chap- ter of Worcester, for four Lives, all existing. The above Messuage is known by the Name of the Bath House, is situated upon an Eminence, at Henwick, within Half a Mile of the City of Wor- cester, and commands a most delightful View of the River Severn and the adjacent Country, and would be very eligible for a small genteel Family. Further Particulars may be had by applying to Mr. Sockett, Attorney, in Worcester. TO BE SOLD, THE following Freehold Messuages and Lands, viz. Mrs. Sanders's late Dwelling- House in Edgar- Street, in the Parish of Saint Peter, and City of Worcester. Also a Farm House, in a dry Soil and healthy Air, which, at a small Expence, may be fitted up for the Residence of a Gentleman, or wealthy Tradesman; with a Brick Barn, Garden, and Close of rich Meadow Ground adjoining, the Whole about five computed Acres, situate at Wichbold, in the Parish of Dodderhill, and County of Worcester, within two measured Miles of Droitwich, in the Road from thence to Bromsgrove and Birmingham. Also a good Dwelling- House and Barn, with about twenty- seven computed Acres of very good Land, lying all together, at a Place called Kings- land Hill, in the Parish of Dodderhill aforesaid, of about the yearly Value of Twenty- five pounds.--- The Widow Sanders, of Wichbold, who is Tenant thereof, will shew the Premisses. Note, There is a great deal of young growing Timber on the Lands at Wichbold and Kingsland Hill. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Thorneloe,| in Worcester. To be LETT, and entered upon at Candlemas next, A Very improveable Estate, near the Turnpike Road, in the Parish of Grimley, within three Miles of the City of Worcester, con- sisting of a capital Messuage, Out- Buildings, and upwards of 120 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, the Whole well fruited; and upwards of twenty Acres of new Clover, now growing on the Premisses; together with Hop- Poles sufficient to plant three or four Acres of Ground. The Premisses are free of all Vicarial Tythes, and great Encouragement will be given to a Tenant for Improvement. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Bund Attorney, in Worcester. of Mr. SAMUEL BRADLEY, of the City of WORCESTER, Goldsmith, consisting of Jewels, Plate, China, as well Foreign as Wor- cester, and other valuable Effects, is now felling at his late Shop opposite to the Town Hall, in the City of Worcester; where Traders and Others may be supplied with a great Variety of elegant Goods, for Ready Money only. Worcester, Dec. 12, 1770. To begin SELLING by AUCTION, At the Talbot, in Sidbury, on Tuesday next, the 18 th Instant, at Seven 0' Clock in the Evening, AGood Collection of English BOOKS, in many Branches of Literature, Arts, and Sciences, written by the most eminent and best approved Authors, and in general are neat and in good Condition, being selected from the Libraries of the late Reverend Mr. Thomas Skyrm, of Bromyard, deceased; a Gentleman removed to a distant Part of the Kingdom; and other Parcels lately purchased. To which are added a considerable Number of the best modern NEW BOOKS, in various Facilities. ----- The Whole making a valuable Collection. The Sale to continue about a Fortnight. Catalogues to be had ( Gratis) on Saturday, of Mr. Andrews, Bookseller, near the College, by whom are sold Almanacks, with Gentlemen's and Ladies pocket. Books, for the Year 1771; also Monthly and Critical Reviews, Magazines, and all other Periodical Publications; with all Sorts of Classical and School Books; Books in Divinity, Law, Physic, or History, and in every Art or Science, in all Languages; together with all Sorts of Paper, and other Stationary Goods, at the lowest Prices. All Orders sent Mr. Andrews, to his Shop at Evesham, will be taken Care of, and punctually observed. Dr. Daffey and Bostock's Elixirs, Scots Pills, with other Physical Articles, as usual. MUSICK. Mr. and Miss MARSHAL, being so happy as to meet with universal Applause in their first Concert, flat ter themseves a second ( in their Way from Birming ham to Gloucester) will meet with the like favour- able Reception. Worcester, Dec. 13, 1770. LONG ROOM, at the CROWN in Broad- Street. TO- morrow Evening, the 14th Inst. will be a CONCERT of Vocal and Instru- mental MUSIC, for the Benefit of Mr. and Miss MARSHAL. ACT I. A Concerto on the Harpsichord ; a Song, by Miss Marshal; a Lesson on the Harpsi- chord, by Miss Marshal ; a Solo on the Bassoon, by Mr. Marshal; Hapsichord Sorata, accompanied. ACT II. A Concerto on the Harpsichord; a Song by Miss Marshal; a favourite Lesson of Abel's on the Harpsichord, by Miss Marshal, ac companied by the Viol deGambo ; Highland Lad- die, with Variations for the Balloon and Harpsi chord, by Mr. and Miss Marshal: To conclude with the favourite tenth Concerto of Avison, as set for the Harpsichord. Tickets, at 2s. 6d. each, to be had of Mr. and Miss Marshal, at the Crown ; and at Mr. Lewis's, Bookseller. To begin at SEVEN o'Clock. After the CONCERT, a BALL, gratis. N. B. Miss Marshal having been favoured with the following Recommendation from Dr. Alcock, begs Leave to present it to the Pubic ; viz. " Having heard the Bearer, Miss Marshal, of Nottingham, play Lessons, Thorough Bass, and ac- company ( her own Singing) on the Harpsichord, to my very great Surprise and Pleasure, I think it but a Piece of Justice to her extraordinary Merit, to give her these few Lines, to shew the great Opinion I have of her uncommon Musical Abilities; and that, of her Age ( being only eleven Years old) I think her the best Performer, on that Instrument, in England. Lichfield Close, JOHN ALCOCK, Nov. 28th, 1770. Doctor in Music. THURSDAY'S POST. ( By EXPRESS from LONDON.) Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman at Calcutta to his Friend at Glasgow, May 16, 1770. IT is certain that Cossim Aly Kawn is in Motion for Bengal, and that as soon as he crosses the Jumna there will be two Brigades sent to meet him. The French are said to have joined with SowjaDowla, which I believe really to be the Case, by the Pains taken in enticeing away our European Soldiers. The Country is in a deplorable Situation ; you will no doubt be surprised and astonished, when I inform you that Provisions are so scarce here, that Parents come in to us offering their Chil- dren for a Handful of Rice, and, if they can- not get that, they are glad to get rid of them on any Account." LONDON, Tuesday, Dec. 11. We are credibly informed that Lord Bute has left the Court of Madrid, and it now at Paris, where he has frequent Conferences with Lord Harcourt, the English Ambassador there. The last Messenger which was dispatched to the Court of Madrid is expected from thence the latter End of this Week. We are assured, that his Excellency the French Ambassador is indefatigable in his En- deavours to bring about a Reconciliation be- tween the Courts of Great Britain and Spain, Scarce a Day passing without a Conference be- tween him and some of our Ministers on that subject. The French and Spanish Ambassadors are what is vulgarly called Hand and Glove, that Is, they embrace every Opportunity of visiting each other ; and seem perfectly to understand, and act according to the Inclinations of their respective Courts. last in the House of C-- s, Lord Mansfield, on Friday, gave Notice to the House of L— ds, that he should lay some important Matter before their Lordships on Monday next [ Yesterday]. The House was accordingly summoned, and great were the Expectations of every body. Nothing less than the supposed ENQUIRY, which the Ministry had, so unfriendly to his Lordship, stifled in the House of Commons, was now conceived to be the Object of his Lordship's Wishes, in the House of Lords. But alas! when Monday came, and the supreme Court of Judicature of this Country was big and filled with great Expectation,— what did he do?— He made a poor, paltry, needless De- claration,— that he had left a Paper with the Clerk of the House ;— that the Paper contained the Judgment of the Court of King's Bench, in the Case of the King against Woodfall; and that their Lordships might read it, and take Copies of it if they pleased. Lord Camden asked, if Lord Mansfield meant to have this Paper entered in the Journals. To which Lord Mansfield answered, No ! no .' only to leave it with the Clerk. After a few Minutes Silence, the Duke of Manchester flood up. His Grace descanted upon the Complaints of the People ; the Con- tempt with which those Complaints had been treated. And then proceeded to describe the alarming State of Affairs Abroad, and our own weak State at Home. So thoroughly was the; Service disliked, he said, that ask the Officers of the Army, and they will acknowledge they cannot get Recruits. Then as to the Navy, notwithstanding all that has been said, such is the Condition of the Navy Here Lord Gower interrupted his Grace, and said the State of the Kingdom ought not to be made known ; and the Duke of Grafton roared out, Clear the House ! clear the House ! But the Duke of Manchester stood up again, and said the noble Lord should not have interrupted him, unless he had been disorderly ; that the King's Ministers were afraid their Conduct should be made known to the People, and Here Lord Gower interrupted his Grace a second Time; and moved, that the standing Order relative to Strangers might be read. Then Lord Chatham stood up ; but the Duke of Grafton still kept crying out, Clear the House ! Clear the House ! and the Lords Den- bigh ' and Marchmont quitting their Places to assist the Officers in driving out not only all Strangers, but even every Member of the House of Commons; increased the Clamour, and threw the whole Assembly into an Uproar and Confusion. Lord Chatham was up three Mi- nutes, attempting to speak ; but such was the Confusion, he could not be heard. At length he sent the Duke of Richmond to the Speaker, to let him know, " He wanted to speak to the " Construction of the standing Order;" but the Lords would not hear him : Upon which he said, What! Not hear me ? and immediately left the House. The Dukes of Northumberland, Richmond, Portland, Devonshire, Manchester, & c. with Lord Rockingham, and all the Minority Lords present, directly followed his Lordship. The House then broke up. Several of the Lords went afterwards into the House of Commons, but as the Members of that House had been turned out of their Lord- ship's House, it was there moved, that they should be ordered to depart; and they departed accordingly. We are assured, notwithstanding all Reports to the contrary, that the passing of the De- faulter's Accounts is to be postponed till the Thane's Son is an Auditor of the Imprest, as the Perquisites on so vail a Sum are an Object of the Favourite's Attention. The Land Tax is settled at 4s. in the Pound, for one Year only. Lond. E- v. Post. Yesterday the Bill for the Encouragement of Seamen, and the Bill to amend the Act of the 9th of his present Majesty, for the general Quiet of the Subject against all Presences of Concealment, were read in the Upper Room a first Time. It is said the D — of G—— r kindly offered himself to a Great Personage to visit some of the principal Members in the present contending Parties, and to endeavour if possible to bring about a Reconciliation; but his good Inten- tions were soon foiled. It is said that his Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester has declined the supreme Com mand of the Army out of Modesty, as think- ing himself too young and unexperienced for so important a Pott. The whole Army on the British Establish- ment, we arc assured, is to be augmented, ex- cept the Foot Guards and Gen. Conway's Regi- ment of Blues. It is said that ten thousand Seamen will be moved for in a few Days. It is imagined the Marines at Plymouth will be ordered to do Duty on board his Majesty's Ships of War. On Saturday several Military Officers on the Half- Pay List, had Notice sent them to be in Readiness to enter on actual Service. We are informed from Birmingham, that the Manufacturers there work Night and Day to compleat the large Orders they have received from America. According to recent Letters from Paris, it is rumoured, that, in consequence of a Treaty now on the Tapis between the Courts of Ver- sailles and Turin, the Island of Corsica will be ceded to his Sardinian Majesty. We are assured a Parliamentary Enquiry will speedily be made into the State of the Military Establishment of the East India Company. The Proceedings of the above Company, with Respect to the enlisting Men for their Service, very good Politicians have observed, should receive many Restrictions. They should be confined to the enlisting Catholics in Ireland ; Natives of the Scottish Highlands; Protestants from Germany and Swisserland. It is of infinite public Concern, the exhausting the recruiting Service in the Metropolis, merely for the East- India Company ; who seem now no longer to deserve their original Appellation of the United Company of Merchants trading to India, but conquering1 in India. Conquest is become their Trade; Nabobs, Kingdoms, and Provinces, are now their Merchandise, their staple Com- modities ; their Exports are Regiments of Re- cruits, Magazines of Ammunition, and Trains of Artillery; and their Imports, the Revenues of the Sovereigns of Asia. It is now in Agitation to send a Fleet to the East Indies, which, it is thought, will sail in January next. A Draught of 200 Shipwrights is made from Deptford Yard, in order the better to accele- rate the Men of War fitting out at Portsmouth. Letter from Bologn in France, Dec. 4. " It is currently reported that the French Ambassador has sent Orders to his Correspon- dent at Calais, not to send away any more of his Baggage till further Orders. The Remain- der of his Wine was stopped there. It is there- fore expected that he will be as good as his Word when he left Calais, that he would not stay long in England. " The Motions of the Troops in general, on the Sea Coasts, are not looked upon as pa- cific Tokens. The Garrisons of the Island of Corsica are relieving by twenty- two Batralions of French Troops; those who come from that Island have not Half their Complement of Men. The Sickness has destroyed more than their Enemies. Several Regiments are going to Bre- taigne, on the Coast." It is not a little remarkable, that the new Half- pence, which wire issued at the Tower but last Week, are already counterfeited : The bad are neither so broad nor so thick as the real ones, and are likewise greatly deficient in Weight; upon the Head of Britannia, in the Counterfeit, there is a Coronet, but none upon the Original; and the Sprig in her Hand is not near so fine. They may be perceived at first Sight, by the Sandiness of the Head, and by the Smallness of the Neck. The Miseries and Hardships which arise from the Custom of lmpressing are innumerable, and shew themselves every Hour in the Day. On Wednesday last as a poor Man, a Carpenter, was coming to Town from Uxbridge, with his Wife and three Children, to enquire for Work, he was seized in Oxford Road by a Press- Gang, and carried off without being permitted even to speak to his Wife. He begged of them only to grant him Leave to give her a few Shillings, which he had in his Pocket, for the Support of herself and Children, to return to their Parish ; but this the merciless Crew refused, and carried him off. The poor Woman, without a Friend or a Penny, applied to the Overseers of several Parishes for a Shilling or two, to bear her Ex- pences Home; but all the virtuous Gentry threatened to confine her and her Brats for Vagrants. She lay in the Street all Night, and was the next Day humanely relieved by a Gen- tleman, who sent her and the Children Home in a Waggon to Uxbridge. A Correspondent from Oldham, in Lan- cashire, has sent us the following Story as a real Fact: — " About three or four Days ago, a Man and a Woman came to this Place to be married, being the preceding Day asked out; as they were waiting at the Inn for the Curate, strong Symptoms of Labour appeared on the intended Bride, which caused some Demur in her Paramour, who swore if the Marriage was not celebrated that Day, it never should; upon which a stout young Fellow, who had attended them as a Companion, took the Girl up in his Arms, and carried her to the Church, and after the Ceremony was over, reconducted her to the Inn, where, in a few Minutes, she was happily delivered of a fine Boy." Letter from a Gentleman in Lincolnshire, Dec. 1. " The late Floods have ruined this County ; no Wheat can be sown, as the Rains are con- tinually falling.— Some Nottinghamshire Gen- tlemen, about three Years ago, obtained an Act of Parliament to embank the River Trent on the West, by which Improvement, as it was then called, the County has been laid under Water; and the Lordships of Torksey and Tenton overflowed up to Lincoln, also the Lordships and Towns on the East Side of the Trent, for thirty Miles ; Martin, Lea, Gains- borough, Morton, Walkerith, Stockwith, Wiles- worth, East Ferry, Butterwick, Gunness, Flix- borough Stather, and quite away to the Ald borough Hills, at the Fall of the Trent into the Humber.— The poor Inhabitants are fled, some drowned; their Cattle lost, and their Hay and Corn Ricks standing half in Water, On the West Side of the Trent the Bank of Bawtry River broke, and overflowed all the low Grounds in the Isle of Axholm, and all the Level of Hatfield Chace for many thousand Acres, from Crowle to Hatfield, on the Road to Doncaster; and they now go in Boats over that great Level from Crowle to Thorn Market, to the Distress of many, nay hundreds of Fa- milies, as there are no Hopes of the Breaches being repaired upon those Rivers, nor of the Waters getting off, for many Months " On Saturday the Sessions ended' at the Old Bailey, when four Prisoners were tried ( one of whom was George Newton, for the Murder of George Atkinson); and they were all acquitted. At this Sessions sixty Prisoners have been tried, five of whom received Sentence of Death, one to be transported for fourteen Years, four- teen for seven Years, sixteen to be whipped, and two fined and imprisoned. PRIZES drawn in the STATE LOTTERY, since our last. Wednesday, No. 11,147, 50001. No. 8829, 33,212, 22,922, 43; 885, 215, 10,772, 37,057, 1oo1. each. No. 14,303, 14,827,29,157, 35,950, 10,841, 23,708, 5764,25,021, 5o1. each. Thursday, No. 17,205, 1o, ooo1. No. 49,707, 32,266, 33,475, 957, 1oo1. each. No. 9616, 10,207, 48,025, 13,268, 40,468, 21,817, 15,192, 23,655, 501. each. Friday, No. 6138, 20001. No. 16,459, 46,213. 2644, 35,624, 24,932, 1129, 14,426, 30,950, 501. each. Saturday, No. 33,268, 48,665, 5001. each. No. 5563, 5816, 1001. each. No. 2336, 16,809,819, 5908, 43,355, 25,384, 501. each Yesterday, No. 15,738, 25,291, 10001. each. No. 43,686, 5001. No. 36,365, 31,765, 7790, 36,121, 4995, 29,619, 1513, 1001. each. No. 40,947, 18,795, 501. each. This Day No. 32,297, 50001. No. 28,739, 2ooo1. No. 15,763, 10001. No. 25,989, 5001. No. 365, 10,053, 1001. each. No. 37,280, 15,060, 419, 26,349, 11,014, 45,806 16,763, 501. each. Price of CORN per Quarter, at London. Wheat 34s. to 38s. Pease 29s. to 31s. Barley 22s. to 25s, Oats 15s. to 20s. Brown Malt 24s. to 28s Pale Malt 25s. to 30s. Rye 27s. to 29s. Hog Pease 27s. to 28s. Beans 26s. to 28s. Tares 33s. to 36s. Finest Flour 36s. per Sack. Bank Stock, 132 3- 4ths. Four per cent, cons. 86 7- 8ths a 87. Three 1- half per cent. 1756, 101 1- 4th a 3- 8ths. Three 1- half per cent. 1758, 81 3- 8ths a 1- half. Three per cent, consol. shut 77 1- half a 5;- 8ths open. Three per cent, reduced 77 3- 8ths a 1- half. Three per cent. 1726, —. Long Annuities, 24 a 1- 8th. South Sea Stock, —. Three per cent. Old Annuities, 75 7- 8ths a 76. Ditto New Annuities, 76 1- 4th a 3- 8ths. Ditto 1751, —. India Stock, shut. Three per cent. Annuities, 74 a 1- 4th. India Bonds, 25s. a 26s. Prem. Navy Bills, 2 1 - half per Cent. Disc. Lottery Tickets, 20I. 10s. in the Morning. BANKRUPTS required to surrender.— John Brace, of the City of worcester, Baker, Dec. 21, 22, Jan. 15, at the Crown Inn, in Worcester. Wm. Scott, of Whitechapel, Grocer, Dec. 15, 20, Jan. 19, at Guildhall.--- Geo. Barrett, of St. Mary le Bon, Dealer, Dec. 11, 22, Jan. 19, at Guildhall. Robert Warr, of Hackney, Hosier, Dec. 22, Jan. 1, 19, at Guildhall.----- Alexander Cumming, of Covent Garden, Cabinet- maker, Dec. 11, 22, Jan. 19, at Guildhall.--- Eliazer Ben- jamin, of Goodman's Fields, Merchant, Dec. 12, 19, Jan. 19, at Guildhall.-- James Rothwell, of Great Bolton, Lancashire, Bleacher, Dec. 17, 18, Jan. 22, at Crompton's Coffee- house, Manchester. -- Tho. Ryan, of Liverpool, Merchant, Dec. 22, 24, Jan. 22, at Pontack's Coffee- house, Liverpool. --- Tho. Todd, of Fleet- street, London, Druggist and Tea Dealer, Dec. 17,22, Jan. 22, at Guildhall. DIVIDENDS to be made to Creditors.-- Jan. 10. Richard Cordeux, of Fleet- street, Haberdasher of Hats, at Guildhall.— Jan. 24. Francis Duplan, of New- street, London, Merchant, at Guildhall. WORCESTER, Thursday, December 13. At our Market, last Saturday, about 200 Pockets of Hops were sold; the general Prices were from 5I. 5s. to 61. per Hundred. On Saturday Evening last a Vessel coming up our River, laden with Flour and Stone, was, by a sudden Gull of Wind, unfortunately sunk, just below Digley, whereby the Owner's Wife and Child were unhappily drowned, but the Owner himself, with some Difficulty, got safe on Shore. On Tuesday was married at Bullstrode, the Seat of her Grace the Dutchess Dowager of Portland, John Port, of Ham in the County of Stafford, Esq; to Miss Dewes, only Daughter of John Dewes, of Wellsbourne in the County of Warwick, Esq: Her Grace the Dutchess Dowager of Portland and several other Persons of Distinction were present at the Ceremony. The Assize of Bread it as follows, viz. Wheaten dr. lb. 0 1 3 6 11 6 2 4 7 H lb. 0 1 4 8 13 oushold oz. dr. 11 9 7 3 5 8 1 1 1 o 9 weigh. Penny Loaf to weigh Two- penny Loaf Six- penny Loaf Twelve- penny Loaf Eighteen penny Loaf The Halfpenny Bach Cake not to less than 4 Ounces 5 Drams, the Penny ditto not less than 8 Ounces 11 Drams; and no other Sort of Bach Cakes to be made. All Sorts of Almanacks, Gentlemen and Ladies Memorandum Books, and Court Kalenders, may be bad of the Printer of this Journal, and of the Worcester Newsmen. The long Epistle from a Person who calls her- self An exceedingly aggrieved, distressed, injured Widow, came to Hand; but being full of very severe personal Reflexions, it cannot be allowed a Place.---- The Money sent with it will be returned to the Au- thoress, on her calling, or sending any Person who will signify the particular Sum sent, and the Initials with which the said Epistle is signed. For the Worcester Journal. To my false Friend, Miss PRIMOILY. ONCE you, with vile malignant Art, In secret, wrung my tortur'd Heart: But your Designs kind Heaven's now defeated, And my Revenge is totally compleated. Dec. 12. CHLOE. Died.] On the 2d Instant, at Adis, in the County of Sussex, Richard Bourchier, Esq; formerly Governor of the East India Com- pany's Settlements of Bombay. An ALPHABET for LITTLE MASTERS and MISSES. A STANDS for an Axe, to chop off bad Men, B Stands for Bute, a great Traitor I ken ; C Stands for Carlton- house, where his Slaves meet, D Stands for Dowager, both chaste and sweet; E Stands for Ears and Eyes, which the K--- wants, F Stand for Freeholder, full of Complaints; G H J K I. LOST, on Friday the 17th of October last, on the Road between Beng- worth and Kidderininster, out of the London Waggon belonging to Robert Shirley, of Kid- deiminster, A LEATHER CLOAK BAG, directed to Mr. John Tuckey, at the Talbot, in Hartlebury.--- Any Person that has taken it up, and will deliver the same either to Mr. Tuckey at Hartlebury, or to Robert Shirley at Kiddermin- ster, shall receive Two Guineas. No greater Reward will be offered. Stands for George, who turns Buttons so well; Stands for Holland, an Halter, and Hell ; Stands for Jefferies, who our Freedom grudge; Stands for King, who should hang up such Judges; Stands for Law, which no Mortal doth know, M Stands for Mansfield, who causes it so; N Stands for North, so ostensibly blind, O Stands for Oath, which some Monarchs don't mind; P Stands for Parliaments, who hold all the Places, Q Stands for Queen, who hath got all the Graces; R Stands for Rebel, Representatives, S Stands for Stewart, who their Lesson gives; T Stands for Tyburn, where some Men should swing, V Stands for Villains, who mislead the King; W Stands for Whores, who Murderers save, Y Stands for Yorke, whom Graf--- n sent to the Grave. To the PRINTER. SIR, AS there is no Character in Nature more re- spectable than that of a Clergyman who per- severes in doing pious and benevolent Act of Cha- rity; and who, by his Example and Precepts, en- deavours to improve the Morals, of Mankind in general: There is, on the contrary, nothing so despicable and indecent as a Man in Holy Orders, who is openly guilty of Vice and Immorality. I have a Regard and Esteem for the Clergy in ge- neral, and it hurts me when I see one of their Or- der despised for his Profligacy.. We have at pre- sent a most flagrant Instance of this irreverent Be- haviour in the Chaplain of a Man of War, lately sent down to his Ship from London, who is be- come the Jest and Ridicule of every one. I do not mean to aggravate his Vices, but I will beg Leave to trouble you with only a single Instance of his Gallantly. A few Days ago he debauched the Daughter of a very decent respectable poor Man in this Neighbourhood; but, not content with that, he carried her on board the Ship he belongs to, and keeps her publicly: He calls her, in the familiar Phrase of a common Tar, his Wife, and is so exceedingly uxorious, that he often ventures off to his dearest Consort in a stormy Night, at the Risque of his Life and the Lives of the Boat's Crew. Imagine, Mr. Printer, the Distress the poor Girl's Parents must be in for the Loss of their darling Child. I am sorry to tell you, that the Man who has committed this base Act, was a zealous S- pp---- r of the B- ll of R---- ts. If you have any Regard for Morality, you will give this Letter an early Place, in your Paper; perhaps the young Man may read it ( for it is notoriously known he can read) and Shame may induce him to alter his Conduct : But if, on the Publication of this, he shews no Signs of Contrition and Repentance, I shall enclose one hundred or more Certificates, properly attested, to the Bishop of London, who, I make no Doubt, will then pre- vent him from continuing to corrupt the Morals of his Majesty's Seamen in the Capacity of a Parson. Plymouth, Nov. 26 PHILO CLERICUS. To be. SOLD by AUCTION, At the Swan and Falcon Inn, in the City of Hereford, on Monday the 24th Day of December Inst. be- tween the Hours of Ten and Twelve o'Clock in the Forenoon ( or in the mean Time by private Con- tract) in the following separate Lots, subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall be there and then produced, LOT 1. A Mefiuage, Farm, and Lands, known by the Name of Upper and Lower Hope, under Lease to Mr. William Pitt for twenty- one Years ( nineteen whereof are unex- pired at Christmas, 1770) at the yearly Rent of IIol. subject to an Out- going or clear yearly Rent Charge of 201. payable to the Curate of Wisteson Chapel, in the County of Hereford. To this Lot will be annexed a Coppice Wood, containing upwards of seven Wood Acres, and there are more than one thousand Timber Trees, of all Sorts, on the Premisses. N. B. This Farm lies all within one Ring Hedge, and about Two- thirds thereof is Tythe- free. LOT z. Eysome's and Smith's Farms, under Lease to Mr. John Lawrance for twelve Years from Christmas, 1770,, at the yearly Rent of 801. The Landlord to allow 40s. a Year for Lime. LOT 3. Button Farm, lett to Mrs. Sarah Hodges at Rack Rent, at 20I. a Year. LOT 4. Hinton Farm, under Lease to Mrs. Mar garet Sirrell ( aged 79) for her Life only, at the yearly reserved Rent of 20I. and two Geese and two Capons. LOT 5. Several Parcels of Lands, known by the Name of West Fields, containing about sixty Statute Acres, under Lease to Mr. Edmund Ma- son ( aged 69) for his Life only, at the yearly re- served Rent of il. LOT 6. Middleton, alias Middletown Farm, lett to Mr. John Sanford, at Rack Rent, at 30I. a Year. . . LOT 7. Badham's Farm, lett to the said Mr. Sanford, at Rack Rent, at 171. a Year. LOT 8. The Farm, under Lease to the said Mr. Sanford ( aged about 60) for his Life only, at the yearly reserved Rent of 31. 3s. 9d. and two Geese and two Capons, or Five Shillings in Lieu. ; LOT 9. The Lower House, under Lease to Mr. Thomas Sanford ( aged about 70) for his Life only, at the yearly received Rent of Two Guineas, and two Geese and two Capons, or Five Shillings in Lieu. LOT 10. Two Tenements, in the Occupation of Thomas Badham and WiliiamMitton, at Rack Rent, at 31. 6s. a Year both. LOT 11. Two several Chief Rents, one of 7s. 6d. the other of 10s. per Annum. LOT 12. The Royalty and Manor of Felton, with the Right of Presentation to the Rectorial Church, now filled by the Rev. Mr. Parry. All which aforesaid Premisses are situate in the Parish of Felton, and County of Hereford, and are distant about six Miles from Hereford, six from Bromyard, and nine from Leominster, three good Market Towns. The several Occupiers will shew the Premisses; and for further Particulars apply to Mr. Rassell, Attorney, in Hereford; or to Mr. John Harris, at Wickton, near Leominster, Herefordshire. This Day is Published, In one very large Octavo Volume ( containing near one hundred Pages more than any book on this Sub- ject, of the same Price) neatly printed on a good Paper, Price Five Shillings and Three pence in Boards, and Six Shillings bound, ANEW Geographical, Historical, and Commercial GRAMMAR, and Pre sent State of the several Kingdoms of the World : Containing, 1. The Figures, Motions, and Dis- tances of the Planets, according to the Newtonian System and the latest Observations. 2. A general View of the Earth, considered as a Planet, with several useful Geographical. Definitions and Pro- blems. 3. The grand Divisions of the Globe into Land and Water, Continents and Islands. 4. The Situation and Extent of Empires, Kingdoms, States, Provinces, and Colonies. 5. Their Cli- mate, Air, Soil, vegetable Productions, Metals, Minerals, natural Curiosities, Seas, Rivers, Bays, Capes, Promontories, and Lakes. 6. The Birds and Beasts peculiar to each Country. 7. Observa- tions on the Changes that have been any where observed upon the Face of Nature since the most early Periods of History. 8. The History and Origin of Nations; their Forms of Government, Religion, Laws, Revenues, Taxes, naval and mi- litary Strength. 9. The Genius, Manners, Cus- toms, and Habits of die People. 10. Their Lan- guage, Learning, Arts, Sciences, Manufactures, and Commerce. 11. The chief Cities, Structures, Ruins, and artificial Curiosities. 11. The Longi- tude, Latitude, Bearings, and Distances of prin- cipal Places from London. With a Table of the Coins of all Nations, and their Value in English Money. By WILLIAM GUTHRIE, Esq, Illustrated with a new and correct Set of Maps, engraved by Mr. Kitchin. London, printed for J. Knox, No. 148, near Somerset House, in the Strand; and sold by the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. At the Request of many Gentlemen and Ladies of a more advanced Age, a new Edition of J this useful Book, upon a larger Type, will speedily he published, in two Octavo Volumes, Price twelve Shillings bound. And in the Course of the Spring will be pub- lished, SERMONS to young Men, by WILLIAM DODD, L. L. D. Chaplain in Ordinary to his Ma- jesty; neatly printed on a fine Writing Paper, in three Pocket Volumes, Price Half a Guinea bound Lord WARD'S JUSTICE. This Day are Published, By W. Griffin, in . Catharine- Street, in the Strand ; and sold by H. Berrow, in Worcester, Price 9s. in Board, THE Precedents and Supplement to the LAW of a JUSTICE of PEACE and PARISH OFFICER: Which contains all the Acts of Parliament at Large concerning them, and the Cases determined 011 those Acts, in the Court of King's Bench. By JOHN Lord Viscount DUDLEY and WARD, and T. CUNNINGHAM, Esq. NOTE, Under the following Titles, namely, Alehouses, Apprentices, Articles of the Peace, Award, Bail, Baker, Bankrupt, Bastard, Brewers, Burglary, Butter and Cheese, Certiorari, Church and Church- yard, Conspiracy, Constable, Con- viction, Coroner, Distress, Game, Gaming, Hawk- ers and Pedlars, and Highways, are many Cases determined in the Court of King's Bench since Lord Mansfield came to preside in that Court; and under the Title Poor, is inserted a Series of the Decisions of the Court of King's Bench upon Settlement Cases, from the Death of Lord Ray- mond in 1732, to Trinity Term 1768 inclusive; being the only AUTHENTIC Collection of Deter- minations on the Poor Laws that ever was published a Work of this Nature ; every Order of Sessions in this Collection having been copied from the original Records By the MASTER of the CROWN OFFICE. Under the Title APPEAL, in the Precedents, are the Proceedings in several Appeals of Murder, in the Reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James I, now first translated from the Latin Entries of Sir EDWARD COKe. The Supplement contains many late Acts to the End of last Session; and under the Title BRICKS AND TILES, are inserted at Large the Acts of 12 Geo. 1, c. 35; 2 Geo. 2, c. 15, and 3 Geo. 2, c. 22, concerning the making of Bricks and Tiles, as well throughout the Kingdom in general, as more particularly within fifteen Miles of the City of London : All which Acts expired in the Year 1733, but were revived, continued, and amended, by an Act of the last Session. Such Gentlemen as subscribed to the above Work, in Numbers, are desired to complete their Sets, on or before the first of December next, after which no odd Numbers will be sold. The Work may be had as above, in three Vols. 4to. Price 21. 19s. in Boards, without the Precedents and Supplement. By the KING'S Royal Licence and Authority. This Day was published, Price only 6d. Adorned with an elegant Frontispiece, finely engraved by Hall, from a Drawing of the ingenious Mr. Wale, beautifully printed in Quarto, on a new Let- ter and fine Paper, the Whole to be compleated in forty Numbers only ( or the Overplus given gratis) every Number to be enriched with a most curious copper- plate, finely engraved, Number I. ( to be continued Weekly) Of ANew and Complete HISTORY of the HOLY BIBLE, from the Creation of the World to the Incarnation of our Blessed Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST : Containing a clear and concise Account of every memorable Event, during a Period of above four thousand Years ; viz. The Creation of the World; the Formation and Fall of Man ; the universal Deluge; the Build- ing of Babel; the Call of Abraham ; the Travels of the Israelites; the Nature of the Mosaic Insti- tution, and Predictions of the Prophets concern- ing the Coming and Offices of the Messiah. Together with an authentic Narrative of the Lives and Transitions of the m0st eminent Pa- triarchs, Prophets, and other Servants of GOD, who were distinguished by Divine Grace, and made instrumental in the Display of Divine Wis- dom; particularly, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses Joshua, Samuel, David, Solomon, Job , Isaih, Jeremiah, Daniel, Jonah, & c. Illustrated with such notes as are essentially ne- cessary to explain obscure Texts, rectify former Mistranslations, and by reducing to the Stan- dard of Truth, reconcile Passages which appear contrary to each other. By the Rev. JOHN FLEETWOOD, D. D. AUTHOR OF The Life of our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. London, printed for J. Cooke, No. 17, in Pater- noster Row ; sold by all other Booksellers in Eng- land ; and may had of the Printer of this Paper. A List of some of the Copper- plates, which, among others, will be given in the Course of this Work. Frontispiece. Abraham's Faith. Saul and the Witch of Endor. David and Goliah. Lot's Hospitality. Solomon and Sheba. Samson's Birth foretold. Sarai giveth Hagar to Abram. Moses striking the Rock. David and the Ark. Esther and Abasuerus. Jael killeth Sisera. Samson carrying the Gates of Gaza. David playing before Saul. Acts of the Spies. Jacob meets Rachael. Elijah fed by the Ravens. Taber- nacle of Moses. Isaac blessing Jacob. Israelites de- parting out of Egypt. Balaam's Prophecy. Moses in the Bull- Rushes. Daniel in the Lions Den. The disobedient Prophet slain. Samson and Delilah. The Death of Moses. Balaam and the Angel. Jacob la- menting Joseph. Noah entering the Ark. Noah's Sacrifice. Adam and Eve in Paradise. The Deluge. Map of Canaan. Map of the Garden of Eden. Hagar and Ishmael cast out. Solomon's Idolatry. Moses slaying the Egyptian. Job tempted, & c. AN ENTIRE NEW WORK. By the Royal Licence and Authority of his Majesty King GEORGE the Third, granted at St. James's, This Day is Published, Price 6d. Elegantly printed on excellent new Letter, and on superfine Paper, adorned with amostbeautiful Fron- tispiece drawn by WALE, and engraved by WALKER ; and another curious Copper Plate, pro perly adapted to the Work: The Whole of which will be compleated in One Hundred Numbers only, and enriched with upwards of an Hundred Copper Plates, finely engraved by the best Masters, Number I. to be continued Weekly, of New ROYAL, and UNIVERSAL DICTIONARY of ARTS and SCIENCES ; or, Complete System of Human Knowledge: Contain- ing not only all the various Improvements that have been made by the Learned and Ingenious in every Part of Europe to the present Times; but also a very great Variety of useful Discoveries, which have been communicated to the Authors of this Work, by Gentlemen of distinguished Abilities, whereby every Difficulty attending the Study of the ARTS and SCIENCES is distinctly cleared, and the whole explained in the most easy and intelligent Manner. Among the various Branches treated of in this Work, are the following, viz. Agriculture, Al- gebra, Anatomy, Architecture, Arithmetic, Astro- nomy, Book- Keeping, Botany, Catoptrics, Che- mistry, Chronology, Commerce, Conics, Cosmo- graphy, Dialling, Dioptrics, Ethics, Farriery, Fluxions, Fortifications, Gardening, Gauging, Geography, Geometry, Grammar, Gunnery, Han- dicrafts, Heraldry, Horsemanship, Husbandry, Hydraulics, Hydrography, Hydrostatics, Law, Levelling, Logic, Maritime and Military Affairs, Mathematics, Mechanics, Merchandize, Meta- Physics, Meteorology, Music, Navigation, Optics, Painting, Perspective, Pharmacy, Philosophy, Phytic, Pneumatics, Rhetoric, Sculpture, Series and Statics, Statuary, Surgery, Surveying, Theo- logy, Trigonometry, & c. The Whole freed from the Errors, Obscurities, and Superfluities of former Writers on the several Subjects, and embellished with upwards of One Hundred Copper- plates, drawn from real Objects, by the most eminent Artists, and engraved by the best Hands; containing full and exact Represen- tations of the various Instruments, Machines, Tools, Plans, Figures, & c. necessary to illustrate this valuable Work. The Anatomical, Chemical, and Medicinal Parts by M. HINDE, M. D. The Mathematical Parts by W. SQUIRE, Author of The Modern Book- Keeper. Gardening and Botany by J. MARSHALL Gardener, at Knight's Bridge. Criticism, Grammar, Poetry, Theology, & c. by The Rev. THOMAS COOKE, A. B. And the other Parts by GENTLEMEN of Eminence in the several Departments they have undertaken to elucidate. London, printed for J. Cooke, at Shakespear's Head, in Pater- noster Row; and sold by the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. In the first Number will be given a promissary Note to deliver the Overplus gratis, if it shall exceed One Hundred Numbers. And in the last Number a List of such Subscribers as chuse to have their Names inserted, shall be printed and delivered gratis. A The following approved measures are sold at Berrows Printing- Office in worcester. ESSENCE of WATER- DOCK, For the SCURVY. IF there be any yet afflicted with this Disor- der, who have not tried the Water- Deck, whether from Inattention, or from the supposed Discredit of ad- vertised Medicines ( though when the Auther is known; and capable, that ought to cease) it may be proper to remind them that this is the season for a perfect Cure. The Certainty of Effects, even in the most confirmed Ca- ses, are sufficiently known, from those of Mr. Wilson; Mrs. Garne, Sir Roger Twynsden, and many more, and its Innocence is such, that Infants take it in a proper dose. There are many other Persons of Distinction, in whole Faces the good Effect of this Medicine may be seen ; though it were ill to revive the Memory of a past Disorder, by mentioning their Names: This may be said with Truth and Safety, None need fear a Cure from it because they have taken other Things in vain. Sold by H. BERROW, Printer, in Worcester, whom I have appointed my Agents for the sale of my medicines in Worcester, and Places adjacent; and all Persons desirous of vending them may be supplied by him on advantageous Terms. Arlington street, London, oct. 17, 1766. J. H I L L. I. ELIXIR of BARDANA, for the Gout and Rheumatism. This re- establishes the Health after the Fits of the Gout, shortens such as follow, and eases the Pain. For the Rheumatism it is a certain Cure; and the Disease never returns. 2. PECTORAL BALSAM of HONEY, for Colds, Coughs, and Asthmas. A common Cold is often cured, and all the bad Consequences prevented by a single Dose. These Complaints are so common, that no Family should be without the Medicines. 3. TINCTURE of SPLEEN- WORT, the new- invented Medicine for Hypochondriacal Disorders. 4. TINCTURE of VALERIAN, for Disorders of the Nerves, Faintness, Head- achs, and all Kinds of Fits. 5. TINCTURE of SAGE, to lengthen Life and keep off the Decays of Age; as Tremblings, Deaf- ness, and all other the Weaknesses of an advanced Life. 6 TINCTURE of CENTAURY, a Sto- machic Bitter, that gives a healthy Appetite and sound Digestion: A certain Cure for all Weaknesses and Disorders of the Stomach. All these are pleasant, innocent, and efficacious Medicines; discoverer by the Author, in the Course of hit Study of plants; and are so safe that Infants may take any of them in a proper Dose. They are sold nt 3s. a Bottle each, Valerian 2s. 6d. with printed Directions. Dr. Stern's Balsamic AEther, An easy, expeditious, and effectual Cure for Consumptions, Asthmas, Coughs, colds, Hoarseness, Sore- Throats. and every other Disease of the Bread, Throat, or Mouth. Being, by the Steam of hot Water, applied immediately to the Part affected, the Patient is certain to find Relief in a few Moments; and, by continuing the Use of this invaluable Medicine for a shorter or longer Time, accord- ing to the Inveteracy of his Complaint, he may depend upon a radical Cure, as may be well attested by Numbers of People, both in the City of London, and other Parts of the Kingdom. But the Public are particularly requested to observe, that in the Small- Pox, Measles, Inflamations of the Breast called Peripneumonia or Pleurisies, the frequent Appli- cation of this Medicine will afford the Patient more Re- lief than all other Remedies whatsoever. In these dan- gerous Cases, after plentiful Bleeding, it must be applied every Hour, till the Disorder begins to remit; and the Water must not be drank, but, when it grows cool, must be thrown cut. Sold at 6s. per Bottle, by H. Berrow. Printer, near the Cross, Worcester; and by most of the principal Book- sellers, & c. in Great Britain and Ireland; of whom may likewise be had Dr. STErN'S Medical Advice to th Cons- sumptive and AsthmaticPeople of England, Price is. BEAUME de VIE, By the KING's Patent. THE most general and efficacious Medicine extant, particularly in the following Cases; in Bilious Com- plaints no Remedy so certain, for it immediately corrects and carries off the offending Matter : It is indeed pecu- liarly adapted to the Stomach and Bowels. Its attenua- ting and searching Powers account also for its Success in Rheumatic, Gouty, and Scorbutic Habits: Women, in particular, are indebted to this Medicine, for the abso- lute Relief in that delicate Period wherien their Lives are most endangered, and in other Cases where Nature devi- ates with the Sex. We also confidently add, that the balsamic, invigorating Powers of this Balsam, have given it the highest Credit in impaired Constitutions, in the Decline of Age, and in Agues, even where the Bark has failed. This admirable Family Medicine is sold ( by Appoint- ment of the Proprietors) by William Nieoll, in St. Paul's Church - Yard, London, at 3s. the Bottle, with good Allowance for charitable Uses, or to sell again. It is also appointed to be sold by Messrs. Dean at New- port, Shropshire ; Eddowes, Salop; Hesketh, Stour- bridge; Jopson, Coventry ; Keating, Stratford ; Lacey, Northampton ; Pearce, Ludlow ; Pugh, Hereford ; Streating, Warwick; Taylor, Stafford ; Jackson, Ox- ford; Aris, Birmingham; Raikes, Gloucester ; Berrow, Worcester; and by a Dealer in the principal Towns in Great Britain and Ireland. A CAUTION to the PUBLIC. By the KING's PATENTS. Dr. Walkers Patent Jesuits Drops, For which his Majesty was pleased to honour him with his Royal Letters Patent for England, Scotland, Ire- land, and the Plantations. The great Success and Demand that is daily made for our never- failing genuine JESUITS DROPS, which are the most certain, cheap, pleasant, safe, effectual, and immediate Cure ever discovered, for Gleets and Seminal Weaknesses, both Sexes are subject to, though ever so- obstinate, or ever so long standing, and by whatever Means occasioned ; and also for the Venereal Diseases, from its slightest to its most malignant Symptoms. Like- wise for the Gravel, Stone in the Bladder, and all Scor- butic Cases ever so long standing ; several Patients being deemed incurable have found Relief after trying all other Medicines. Likewise all Nervous Disorders, the Gout, Rheumatism, and all Disorders in the Stomach. To be had at our Warehouse, the King's Arms ( No. 45) op- posite the Sessions- House Gate, Old Baily, London ; and likewise at H. Berrow's Printing Office, near the Cross in Worcester, and of the Distributors of this paper, Bottles of Two Shillings and Six- pence each. Where likewise is to be had, WALker's Specific Purging Remedy, at 2s. 6d, per Pot. Who sells WORCESTER: Printed by H. B E R R O W, near the Cross; all Kinds of Blank Warrants, Land- Tax Receipts, Parish Certificates, Summonses, Orders of Removal, and every Form used by Justices of Peace, Parish Officers, & c. and by whom the PRINTING Business is executed in neat and expeditious Manner on very reasonable Terms.
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