Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal
Date of Article: 15/11/1770
Printer / Publisher: H. Berrow
Address: Near the Cross, Worcester
Volume Number: Issue Number: 3198
No Pages: 4
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Berrow's Worcester Journal. THURSDAY, November 15, 1770. No. 3198. Notwithstanding this Journal is, in most Places, distributed at least a whole Day before any other Country News Paper of the same Date, and also many Hours before the Arrival of the London Mail, it not only contains the most material News published in London on Tuesday Night, but many interesting Articles of Intelligence, not inserted in other Country Papers before the Saturday following. SATURDAY'S POST. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Letter from Paris, October 29. A Treaty is said to be concluded between the Emperor, the Em- press Queen, and the
Kings of Prussia, France, and Spain, in order to prevent a War in their respective Territories. This may probably abate the war- like Ardor of the English. " It is likewise assured that the King of Por- tugal has acceded to the Family Compact, which, if true, the English can have no Hopes of his Alliance in a future War. " We have an Account here, that the Em- press of Russia, and the Court of Great Bri- tain, have agreed to unite their Forces, in order to seize upon the Island of Candia, in the Mediterranean, which the English are to keep. This Agreement is said to have given rise to the Treaty above- mentioned, between the
Emperor, the King of Prussia, & c. How- ever, it is not to be supposed that the Vene- tains, to whom Candia formerly belonged, will tamely submit to such an Invasion. A Truce is much talked of here between the Russians and the Turks, several of the European Powers being very desirous to bring about an Accommodation between those Courts." LONDON, Thursday, November 8. We are assured, from the most unquestion- able Authority , that a Great Personage is, and I has been, all along, for a War. It is confidently said that two certain Dukes have, on a Pique, entirely deserted the mini- sterial Junto, and will, in the Course
of next Session, appear on the Minority Side. Amongst the many Strokes of Financing, which we are told the Minister is to exhibit this ensuing Session, is that of forming a Scheme to keep 30,000 Seamen constantly in Pay, without any additional Burthen to the Subject. The Merchants in the Portugal Trade we hear have received a Promise from the Premier, that their Affairs will be laid before Parliament immediately after the Holidays. Yesterday a second Remonstrance from some of the Inhabitants of the City and Liberty of Westminster, for Redress of Grievances, ( see our last Week's Paper) was presented to his Majesty at
St. James's, by Sir Robert Bernard, one of the Members for that City, which was received, but no Answer returned. The Re- monstrance was, by Order of the General Meeting, signed John Wilkes, Chairman, and by no other Hand. The same Day Lord Mansfield was at Court, and had the Honour of a Conference with his Majesty. This Day a Court of Aldermen met at Guild- hall, and swore in Brass Crosby, Esq; the Lord Mayor Elect. After the Business of the Court was over, Mr. Trecothick, the late Lord Mayor, addressed himself to the Hall to explain the Motives of his Conduit during his Mayoralty He observed, that many ill natured Reflections bad been thrown out against him for backing Press Warrants in the City, in which he re- marked, that he was justified in this Act by all former Lord Mayors upon ever emergent Oc- casion ; that at a Time when the whole Nation was alarmed with the great Preparations making for War, he should have thought himself very inexcusable, as Chief Magistrate of the City of London, if he had thrown any Obstruction in the Way which might retard the speedy manning of the Fleet; that though he had his Doubts with respect to the Legality of Press Warrants, yet, as an Individual, though in so high a Station, he thought
it too weighty a Matter for him singly to determine upon, and the more particularly as the Parliament was so near upon meeting, under whose Consideration only such Business could with Propriety come. Mr. Trecothick said further, that he despised the low and illiberal Means that had been made Use of to prejudice him in the Minds of the Public, and as he had in every Respect executed the Business of Chief Magistrate, to the best of his Judgment and Abilities, as be- came a faithful Citizen and Guardian, his Con- science was perfectly easy, and he did not doubt but he should meet with the Approba- tion of all his impartial
Fellow Citizens. This Speech was received with loud Huz- zas by the meanest among his Hearers, even by such as declared themselves much incensed against the Mode of impressing. Last Week, at a Meeting of many Free- holders of the County of Middlesex, at the Denmark Tavern, it was unanimously agreed to refuse to pay the Land- Tax for the Year en- suing, and several Gentlemen of the City have come to the same Resolution. It is reported that an Association of Free- holders is formed near Newcastle, who are re- solved not to pay the Land- Tax. The Ministry, we find, expect to receive In- telligence very soon of the
re- taking of Falk- land's Islands, it being now avowed that several Ships were dispatched for that Purpose early after the Receipt of the Intelligence of the Spaniards taking those Isles. Some of these Ships are to remain at Port Egmont, and the rest, after they have compleated their Orders in those Parts, are to return to one of our Nor- thern Possessions in the Atlantic. Advice is just received of a Ship bound to England from the South Seas having been de- nied the usual Supplies of Refreshment at Rio Janeiro, a Portuguse Settlement in that Quarter. They write from Gibraltar, that all the Bri- tish Ships in the Mediterranean are
now col- lected into one Fleet, which lies near the Straits, commanded by Admiral Proby. Two Ships of War, which were fitted out for the Mediterranean, have received fresh Or- ders to sail immediately for the South Sea. While our Silver Money appears, long since, to have been taking its Flight, the Gold Specie seems now to be travelling the same Way. Quarter Guineas, coined for the Conveniency of Change, are known to be very infrequent; and it is remarkable, that even Half Guineas are become so scarce, that in a Payment of a thousand Pounds, in Gold, the other Day at the Bank, not one Piece of that Sort was to be
found, and three other large Bags were opened, before the Clerk could furnish him with a Half Guinea to make up a Draught. It is hoped the Government will consider this and remedy it. Yesterday there was a Meeting of the Free- holders of Berkshire, at Reading, in order to carry into Execution the cutting a new Canal from Sunning- Lock to Monkey- Island, which is to join that proposed to be made from thence to Isleworth in Middlesex, by the City of Lon- don. When these Canals are finished, the Water- Carriage from London to Reading may be performed in about eight or nine Hours: It is proposed that the Price shall not
exceed One Shilling for each Passenger. Yesterday a Motion was made in a certain Court, for a Writ of Habeas Corpus to remove the Body of a young Lady out of the Custody of a certain Member of P t, who, it is asserted, seduced her from her Parents, d — d her, and now denies her to her Parents. The young Lady will inherit, it is said, 1o, oool. as soon as she attains the Age of Twenty- one. She will be brought into the Court of King's Bench on the Return of the Writ. — The above Gentleman is said to be the eldest Son of a Baronet, and to have a Wise and Family. The Affair happened the latter End of the Summer at
Brighthelmstone. The two Kennedys are to be brought up again some Day this Term, in order to be discharged from the Appeal; the Sentence re- mains as it did, the one to be transported for Life, and the other to wait his Majesty's Pleasure. The two Sifters of the Kennedys were in the Court of King's- Bench on Tuesday, when their Brothers were brought to the Bar. It is said Mrs. Bigby would have prosecuted the two Kennedys upon the Appeal, provided a certain Set of Gentlemen would have given her 330l. She absolutely refused two Months ago to take 350l. from the Friends of the Ken- nedys ; declaring, she would never
sell her Husband's Blood; but finding she was not sup- ported as she expected, she at last acquiesced in receiving the above- mentioned Sum. We are assured that the Widow Bigby, is gone to Holland. A Correspondent has furnished us with the Physical Reason for the Difference in the Quan- tity of Rain Water received in two Vessels of equal Size, the one placed on the Top of West- minster Abbey, the other on a House somewhat lower, which in the former was found to be less in the Proportion of 121 to 226, from whence celebrated Comet - Hunter has given some ingenious Conclusions in the public Papers, claiming the
Priority of the Discovery: The Cause of this Difference, says our Correspondent, was no more than this; an unlucky Westminster Boy, who was used to go frequently to the Top of the Abbey, happened to discover this Re- servoir, and without Regard to the Philoso- phical Purpose for which it was placed there, made Use of it to supply his Water- Gun, as he wantonly discharged it on the Heads of the Passers by. A very respectable Clergyman at the West End of the Town, offered, in a large Company, to Wager with any one then present, that there was not a Bishop in England could repeat the Church Catechism, excepting the
Bishop of Osnaburg. A true Anecdote of the late Mr. Whitefield. In the early Part of his Life, this Gentle- man preaching in the open Fields, when a Drummer happened to be present, who was de- termined to interrupt his pious Business, and rudely beat his Drum in a violent Manner, in order to drown the Preacher's Voice. Mr. Whitefield spoke very loud, but was not so powerful as the Instrument: He therefore called out to the Drummer in these Words: " Friend, you and I serve the two greatest Mailers exist- ing, but in different Callings ; you beat up for Volunteers for King George, I for the Lord Jesus Christ. In God's Name then
don't let us interrupt each other; the World is wide enough for us both, and we may get Recruits in Abun- dance." This Speech had such an Effect, that the Drummer went away in great Good- humour, and left the Preacher in full Possession of the Field. Married.] At Esher, in Surry, Lord Mil- sington, only Son to the Earl of Portmore, to the youngest Daughter of the late Earl of Rothes. Died.] In the King's Bench Prison, the Rev. Mr. Bate. The Coroner's Jury brought in their Verdict broken- hearted.— In Fenchurch- Street, Mr. Samuel Tipp, many Years a Baker there. — At Pool, in Dorsetshire, Sir Peter Thompson, Knt. late of
London, Merchant, Fellow of the Royal and Antiquarian Societies. — Henry Goddard, Esq; who served all the War under the late Duke of Cumberland.— Mr. Jorden Heyland Bigger, a Linnen- Draper, in Leadenhall- Street. — Mr. Holford, Clerk in the Secretary's Office in the General Poll Office. - In BIackfriars Workhouse, Mary Wood, aged 105.— Mr. Crook, a Distiller, in the Borough. Worcester, 0ctober 15, 1770. THE Mayor and Justices intending to appoint SCAVENGERS for this City, at the next adjourned Quarter Sessions, which will be held at the Guild- Hall on Monday the Nineteenth Day of November, at Eleven o'Clock
in the Forenoon, NOTICE is hereby given, That all Persons who are willing to execute such Office, either for the whole City, or for any of the Parishes within the said City, are desired to attend at the said adjourned Sessions with their Proposals. By the COURT. BUND. JOHN MERCER Worcester, Oct. 11, 1770. M OGRIDGE, and UNDERTAKER, HAVING entered upon that old- accustomed Shop in the High- Street, many Years known by the Sign of the White Lilly, next Door to Mr. Jefferies, Watch- maker, in- forms his Friends and the Public, that he has laid in a new and elegant Assortment of Mercery, Linnen- Drapery, and
Haberdashery Goods, which he is determined to sell on the most reasonable Terms, to all who favour him with their Custom ; which will be ever gratefully acknowledged. Shrouds ready made, and Funerals furnished. ALL Persons who have any De- mands on THOMAS COLLINS, Cooper, of the City of Worcester, are desired forthwith to deliver in their Accounts to Mr. Meredith, Up- holder, of the said City. And all Persons who stand indebted to the said THOMAS COLLINS, are hereby required to pay in their respective Debts immediately to the said Mr. Meredith, who is duly authorised to receive the same. ALL Persons who
have any De- mands on the Estate and Effects of JOHN TILL, of the City of Worcester, Butcher, are desired to appear at the White Swan, in New- Street, in the said City, on Thursday next, the 22d of this Instant November, in order to receive a final Dividend out of the Produce of the Effects of the said JOHN TILL. And all Persons who stand indebted to the said JOHN TILL, are required to pay in their respective Debts before the said 22d Instant, either to Mr. Charles Geary, or Mr. Edward Prodger, Butchers, in the said City, who are authorised to receive the same. October 29, 1770. THE Commissioners in a Commis- sion of
Bankrupt awarded and issued forth against JAMES STANTON, late of the City of Wor- cester, Linnen- Draper and Haberdasher, intend to meet on the 4th Day of December next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, at the Bell Inn in Broad- Street, in the City of Worcester afore said, in order to make a Dividend of the said Bank- rupt's Estate and Effects; when and where the Creditors, who have not already proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the same, or they will be excluded the Benefit of the said Dividend. And all Persons who have any Claims on the said Bankrupt's Estate, are to come and prove the same, or
they will be disallowed. Evesham, Oct. 21, 1770. INOCULATION. AS the present Season is deemed more suitable for the INOCULATION of the SMALL- POX than the extreme Heat of Summer, I take this Liberty of informing the Public, that I shall continue the Practice thereof, as usual; and as my Method of treating that Distemper has been so evidently blessed with Success, that not one unfavourable Symptom hath appeared in any of my Patients, I hope for future Encouragement. Gratitude obliges me to acknowledge the Obli- gations conferred by some Persons of distinguished Abilities, and I shall always endeavour in this,
and every other Branch of my Profession, to merit the Approbation of those who may think me worthy of their Favours; for I have not a Wish to raise a Reputation on any other Basis than real Merit. B. FEILD. Worcester, 27th Oct. 1770. WHEREAS at a Court of Guar- dians of the Poor of this City, held on Thursday the 25th Instant, Complaint was made to the Court, that some Persons have of late omitted bringing Hops which have been bought, sold, or delivered within the said City, to the public Scales to be weighed by the Hop- Weighers appointed for such Purpose, which Practices being considered as not only illegal, but
prejudicial to the Charity ; The Court did order, That the following Clauses in an Act of Parliament passed in the fourth Year of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the Second, should be published in the Worcester Jour- nal, and by Hand Bills; and that the same should be put in Execution against all Persons acting con- trary thereto for the future ; viz. ' And for the better regulating of the said Hop- Market, be it also enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all Hops hereafter to be bought, sold, or delivered within the said City of Wor- cester, or the Liberties, Suburbs, or Jurisdiction thereof, or Places adjacent, by the
Wholesale, shall from Time to Time be first brought into the said Hop- Market, and there, and at no other Place, shall be publicly and in open Market bought, sold, and disposed of, and afterwards weighed at the public Scales there to be kept by the public Hop- Weigher, and thereupon the usual and customary Tolls, Fees, and Perquisites, shall be paid to, and received by the said Guar- dians of the Poor of the said City, and their Successors, from Time to Time, for the Uses and Purposes aforesaid. ' And for the better preventing the buying, sel- ling, and weighing of Hops by Wholesale in ' private Houses or Places, be it further
enacted ' by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person ' or Persons shall at any Time or Times from and ' after the said Twenty- fourth Day of June, buy, ' sell, or weigh any Bag, Pocket, or Parcel of ' Hops, in any other Place than in the said Hop- ' Market, or before such Hops shall have been ' brought to, and weighed at the said Hop- Mar- ' ket by the public Hop- Weigher, or at the pub- ' lic Scales there to be kept, such Person or Per- ' sons shall, for every such Bargain or Offence, ' forfeit and pay the Sum of Ten Shillings, for the ' Use and Benefit of the Poor of the said several ' Parishes of the said City, to be levied by
Distress ' and Sale of such Offenders Goods, by Warrant ' under the Hand and Seal of the Mayor, 0r any ' one or more of the Justices of the Peace for the ' said City of Worcester, or of any one or more of ' the Justices of the Peace of the County of Wor- ' cester, in their respective Counties and Jurisdic- ' tions, restoring the Overplus ( if any) after all ' Charges of such Distress and Sale paid to the ' Party so offending; and if no Distress can be ' had or found, that then such Justice or Justices ' shall, by his or their Warrant, commit such ' Offender to Prison, there to remain for the ' Space of one Month, or until Payment shall be '
made of such Penalty, and the Charges attend- ' ing such Commitment.' JOHN EADES, CLERK. TO BE SOLD, A Very compleat Set of Mills, on a good Stream, within a Mile of Worcester, consisting of two Pair of Stones, and two Water- Wheels for grinding Corn, with a Bolting- Mill, and a Set of Snuff- Mills, worked by the same Wheels. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Thor- neloe, in Worcester. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Saturday the 1st Day of December next, between the Hours of Two and Six in the Afternoon, at the Dwelling - House of Richard Devey, Innholder, known by the Sign of the Squirrel, in
Bridgnorth, in the County of Salop ; subject to such Conditions at shall be then produced, AN improveable Freehold Estate, situate at Lower Choreley, in the Parish of Stottesdon, in the said County of Salop, now in the Occupation of Edward Fowlkes, at an old yearly Rent of 30l. Also one other Freehold Messuage or Tenement, situate near to the above, now let to John Malpas, at the yearly Rent of 4l. And also one other small Messuage or Tene- ment, in the Possession of Widow Hill, at the yearly Rent of 2l. N. B. There is a valuable Mine of Coal now open on the said Premisses, and which may be got to great Advantage. The
Messuages, and other the Out- Buildings belonging to the said Premisses, are all in good Repair; and are distant from Bridgnorth about five Miles. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Langley, jun. Attorney, in Bridgnorth aforesaid. The Tenants will shew the Premisses. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, At the Hop Pole, in the City of Worcester, on Monday the 3d Day of December next, between the Hours of Two and Four in the Afternoon, AModern Brick Messuage, genteely fitted up, with proper Offices, two Gardens, an excellent cold Bath supplied by a perpetual Spring, and other Conveniences to the said Mes- suage
belonging, held under the Dean and Chapter of Worcester for four Lives, all existing. The above Messuage is known by the Name of the Bath- House, is situated upon an Eminence, at Henwick, within Half a Mile of the City of Worcester, and commands a most delightful View of the River Severn, and the adjacent Country, and would be very eligible for a small genteel Family. Further Particulars may be had by applying to Mr. Soçkett, Attorney, in Worcester.
MONDAY's POST. Which contains many INTERESTING Particulars that have not yet appeared in any other Country Paper. Arrived the French, Holland, and Flanders Mails. Genoa, October 13. THE last Letters from Madrid say, that several Members of the Spa- nish Ministry are strongly inclined for declaring War against England, but that the contrary Party, which is at present the most numerous, and his Ca- tholick Majesty, were entirely for pacifick Measures. COUNTRY NEWS. Birmingham, Nov. 12. A few Days since one Leech was committed to our Prison, charged with having stolen Grain Gold from Messrs. Bolton and
Fothergill, and upon examining him upwards of two Ounces was found secreted in the Lining of his Coat; he confessed to having stolen several Ounces more at different Times to a considerable Amount. His Confederate, a Woman, has been since taken in London, and brought down here on Saturday last, in order to be committed to Warwick Goal to take their Trials at the next Assizes. Yesterday Se'ennight, died at Wellington in Shropshire, William Cukson, aged 104. His Wife, who is now living, is 101, and is in perfect Health. They have been married up- wards of 60 Years. Gloucester, Nov. 12. On Monday last one James
Brown, a Journeyman Barber, overtook upon the Road, between this City and Mitchel- Dean, the Servants of George Rice, Esq; of Car- marthenshire, who were attending the Family to London, and insinuated himself so far into their Acquaintance that it was agreed they should spend the Evening together at the Inn. They accordingly sat in the Room where the Portmanteaus, & c. belonging to the Family, were put; and the Servants being called out of the Room, Brown took an Opportunity of cut- ting open one of the Portmanteaus, and stole out of it a Gold laced Hat, a Gold laced Waist- coat, six of one of the Servant's Shirts,
and several other Things. In the Morning the Robbery was discovered, and the Thief detected and committed to our City Gaol. A few Days ago died at Wotton- Underedge, in this County, Daniel Adey, Esq; an emi- nent Clothier. LONDON, Saturday, Nov. 10. Yesterday some Protests of a singular Nature were lodged in the Secretary of State's Office, from two of the principal Colonies in North America. This Morning his Excellency the Russian Ambassador had a Conference with Lord Roch- ford, and soon after dispatched a principal Do- mestic to Petersburgh. It is rumoured, that a Question of a very important Nature has lately
been demanded of the Court of Berlin. The Spaniards are actually negociating with several Courts, in order to take fresh Troops into their Pay ; they are fortifying all their strong Holds, and exerting all their Endeavours to render themselves formidable. Six Men of War, of twenty Guns each, have received Orders to cruize in the Channel this Winter, to prevent the Spanish or French Pri- vateers from infesting our Coast. Tuesday the Board of Ordnance ordered fifty Tons of Gunpowder to be got ready for the Use of the Fleet at Portsmouth, Plymouth, & c. and a great Quantity of Balls and other Ammunition were also ordered for
that Purpose. It is reported that four Fleets are to be sent out to the Mediterranean, West Indies, South Seas, and the Coast of Asia, with particular Instructions to their several Commanders in case of Insults. They write from Altona, of the 11th of last Month, that Baron de Hake, Minister of State, returned from London to Hanover, and that on his Arrival there he delivered to the Field Mar- shal Baron de Sporcke, an Order from the King to augment all the Regiments, Horse and Foot, of that Electorate, eight Men in each Company. It is reported that a Treaty of Alliance is actually on the Carpet between England, Russia, Denmark,
and the States General. His Majesty's Vice- Consul at Lisbon will speedily be recalled. The Report of the Alarm Man of War be- ing funk by the Spaniards is without Foun- dation. It is said there are Letters in Town from Spain, which affirm, that the English Vessel, on board of which Dr. Solander, of the British Museum, and other ingenious Gentlemen, em- barked for the Philippine Islands, in order to observe the late Transit of Venus, had been sunk by the Spaniards ( from a Jealousy of the Business of the Doctor and his learned Com- panions) in those Seas, and that every Soul perished. We are assured, that at least three
hundred Sail of French Merchantmen, laden with Corn, Oil, Wine, Silks, & c. & c. and destined for Constantinople and other Turkish Ports, have been locked up for some Time in the several Harbours of Toulon, Marseilles, Antibes, & c. on Account of the Strictness of the Russians, in suffering no Ships of any Power whatever ( but more particularly those freighted with Provisions) to pass to the Assistance of the Enemy. The Loss of the French Merchants is immense, and many Bankruptcies are daily expected. We near that the Premier is to greatly irri- tated at the late Proceedings of the Electors in Westminster- Hall, that he is
determined, if possible, to bring the principal Actors in it be- fore a Great Assembly. We hear that Mr. Wilkes has publickly avowed being the Author of the intended Instructions for the Electors of Westminster, wherein was signified the Impeachment of Lord N h. It is rumoured, that several Commoners will shortly be called up to the House of Peers. Lord Holland's Accounts will be laid before an august Assembly after Christmas Holidays. We can inform the Public, that there is an Association of more than twenty Gentlemen, respectable for their Property and Interest, formed at a Tavern near the Exchange, who have entered into
a solemn Resolution not to pay One Penny of Land- Tax till the present illegal Grievances are removed. Just after the last scandalous Peace, the Manilla Ransom was strongly agitated in the House of Commons, by the Opposition, and Lord Bute's Ministry gave up the Right Eng- land pretended to ; the Spanish Ambassador was then in the Gallery of the House of Com- mons.— Sir William Draper owns this Fact in his Letters to Junius. Among other unpopular Acts, it is now ru- moured that a Land Tax will be introduced into a neighbouring Kingdom. It is said a Party is now forming in Ireland, who are determined not to pay a
Shilling of the public Taxes, until a constitutional Remedy to the national Grievances shall be legally obtained. It is said that the Militia of Ireland will be shortly incorporated and formed into Regi- ments, for the better Defence of the interior Part of that Kingdom. A Letter from Boston in New England, dated Oct. I, says, " It is reported this Day that the Governor laid before the Council on Saturday, eight Articles of Impeachment against the Charter; three of which were, the Convention of 1758, called by our Select- Men to oppose the Troops by Force of Arms; the Non- im- portation Agreement; the Opposition to Acts of Trade, and
Attacks on the Officers of the Revenue, & c. If Government really intends to regulate the Republican Constitution of this Province, now is the Time : The Faction trem- ble, and every peaceable Man sincerely wishes our Charter may be new modelled." This Morning Mr. Serjeant Glynn moved in the Court of Common Pleas for a Rule to shew Cause why the Verdict against Mr. Horne should not be set aside; when after a Hearing, the Court granted the Rule.— It remains now for the Court to consider, whether the Words in the two Accounts in the Prosecution are actionable, as on that depends the Force of the Verdict. Yesterday
at Noon the Right Hon. Brass Crosby, Lord Mayor of this City, with Barlow Trecothick, Esq; late Lord Mayor, attended by six of the Aldermen, and the two Sheriffs, set out from Guildhall in a very grand Pro- cession, to the Three Cranes, where they went in the City Barge to Westminster, in order to swear the new Lord Mayor into his Office, at the Court of Exchequer; after which the Com- pany returned in the same Manner, landed at Black Friars Stairs, and proceeded from thence to Guildhall, where a magnificent Entertain- ment was provided; at which were present many of the Nobility, Gentry, Serjeants at Law, & c. — The
following are the Aldermen who dined with the Lord- Mayor: Stephenson, Trecothick, Nash, Halifax, Shakespear, Esdaile, Kirkman, Wilkes, Townsend, Sawbridge, Bird, Oliver. Mr. Recorder did not think proper to attend either on Thursday or Yesterday, though sum- moned for that Purpose ; and Thomas Nugent, Esq; Common Serjeant, was both Days obliged to do the Business in his Absence. Yesterday the Mob in Cheapside several Times attempted to stop Mr. Wilkes's Coach, and to draw it themselves, and it was with great Difficulty he prevailed on them to desist from it. A Correspondent has sent the following Anecdote
from Bath :—" Lord Clare, in a large Company, declared himself in the strongest Terms against the modern Patriots, said they were Men of no Principle or Conscience, that they only thought of themselves, that they had stunned the Nation for six Years with General Warrants, but now not a Man of them took the least Notice about Press Warrants, which were certainly as illegal, and much more cruel; that his Constituents at Bristol never suffered any to come there, but the London Patriots were dumb on the Occasion, because they were not likely to suffer themselves by Press Warrants, but might, and ought, by General
Warrants.— A few Hours after this eloquent Harangue, the Post came in, and brought an Account, that Alderman Wilkes having first discharged an impressed Man, had declared impressing illegal. Lord Clare has since scarcely appeared in pub- lic, and we hear he is busy in writing a Letter of Thanks to Mr. Alderman Wilkes for his Conduct on that important Occasion." We are informed, that since the Rash broke out on Mr. George Grenville, he is greatly mended, and his Physicians now pronounce him to be in a fair Way of Recovery. Advices are just received of the Death of James Earl of Finlater and Seafield, which hap pened a few Days ago at Cullen in Scotland. He was the 6th Earl of Finlater, and is suc- ceeded by his Son James Lord Desleford, by Lady Mary Murray, Daughter of John Duke of Athole. Soho Square, in the 77th Year of his Age, his Grace John Duke of Argyle, Marquis of Kyn- tire and Lorne, Earl of Argyle, Campbell, and Cowell, Viscount of Loehow and Glenhilay, Baron of Inverary, Mull, Morvern and Terry, Hereditary Great Master of the Houshold in Scotland, one of the Sixteen Peers for Scot- land, General of his Majesty's Forces, Colonel of the Royal Regiment of Grey Dragoons, Governor of Limerick, Knight of the Thistle,
and one of his Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council. He is succeeded in Honours and Estate by his eldest Son, the Marquis of Lorne, Baron of Sundridge in England. The late Duke of Argyle had so many noble Dependants in Scotland, that, including Ser- vants, upwards of seven hundred Persons will go into Mourning on Account of his Death. The Earl of Panmure is appointed Colonel of the Second Regiment of Dragoons, in the Room of the Duke of Argyle. Colonel Mackay is appointed Colonel of the Twenty- first Regiment of Foot, in the Room of the Earl of Panmure. And Major General Urmston is appointed Colonel of
the Sixty- fifth Regiment of Foot, in the Room of Colonel Mackay. John Parr, Esq; is appointed Lieutenant- Colonel of the 20th Regiment of Foot, in the Room of John Maxwell, Esq. And David Parry, Esq; is appointed Major of the above Regiment, in the Room of John Parr, Esq. A general Register for Seamen is in Agita- tion, which will serve as a grand Nursery to supply Sailors on all Emergencies. A new Regiment of Foot will be raised, called the Prince of Wales's Fusileers, the Command of which will be given to an old experienced Officer, under whom his Royal Highness is to be instructed in the Military Science. So bad are
the Accommodations for Tra- vellers in many Parts of the Continent, that the Duke of Gloucester, in his late Tour, was frequently observed to put up at Boors Houses, where in the same Room lodged both Man and Beast. Yesterday a Boat was overset, near Black- friar's Bridge, while the City Companies were getting out of their Barges, by which Accident five Persons were drowned. The Crowd was Yesterday so great on Lud- gate- Hill, during the Procession passing, that a Chair in which was a young Lady, was en- tirely broke to Pieces, and the Lady so ter- ribly hurt that she was carried home in great Agonies. On Saturday
last a Duel was fought in the Quarry at Shrewsbury, between Lieut. P----- and a Surgeon ; at the second Fire the Lieu- tenant received a Ball in his left Breast and in- stantly died. This unfortunate Affair is sup- posed to have happened on some Pretensions the Parties had to a Widow Lady of Fortune, who the Surgeon claimed by her own Promise, but the Officer had Pretensions to her from the Re- commendations of her Father. Saturday last, three Poachers being out a snaring in a Wood belonging to Earl Walde- grave, near his Lordship's Seat at Navestoke, in Essex, they were caught in a Shower, on which they took Shelter
in a Hovel, or Shed, belonging to some Charcoal- Burners; but ac- cidentally pushing against a Post that was the chief Support of the Hovel, it gave Way, and they were buried in the Ruins. Two of them were killed, and it was six Hours before the third could make his Way thro' the Ruins, who was then so terribly bruised that his Life is despaired of. Died.] Mr. Yardley, of Red- Lion- square : His Death was occasioned by eating heartily of Muscles, the Night before.— At Hounslow, Mr. White, formerly a Druggist and Chemist. To be SOLD to the Best Bidders, On Tuesday the 4th Day of December next, at the Dwelling House of
William Powell, known by the Sign of the Blue Boar, in Tenbury, in the County of Worcester, either together or in Lots, as shall be then fixed upon ( subject to the Conditions for Sale then to be produced); the Sale to begin at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, THE said Dwelling House, called the BLUE BOAR ( being a good- accus- tomed Inn), with the Barn, Garden, Stable, and Out- Buildings thereto belonging ; and also about seven Acres of exceeding good Arable and Pasture Ground, lying in several Parcels near to the Town of Tenbury aforesaid, and now in the Occupation of the said William Powell. N. B. The Tenant will shew
the Premisses; and for further Particulars apply to Mr. Wheeler, Attorney at Law, at Winterfold, near Kidder- minster. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Monday the 10th of December next, at the House of Mr. Penny, being the Post- Office, in Bengworth, Worcestershire, between the Hours of Two and Five in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall be then and there produced ( if not in the mean Time disposed of by private Contract, of which timely Notice will be given in this Paper) AFreehold Messuage, or Mansion- House, and an inclosed Farm, with conve- nient Out- buildings thereunto belonging, together with
about 140 Acres of good Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Lands; the Whole lying within a Ring - Fence, and known by the Name of Wormington Grange, in the Parish of Didbrook in the County of Gloucester; and now held by Wil- liam Aly, under Contract, which will be void at Lady Day 1771, at the yearly Rent of 115l. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Lang- ford, of Kempsey, near Worcester. Mr. Aly, the Tenant, will shew the Premisses. NOTICE is hereby given, That a, Meeting of the Trustees of the Worcester Turnpikes will be held at Hooper's Coffee House in High- Street, on Wednesday the 5th Day of December next, at
Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, for electing a SURVEYOR for the Martley Road. By Order of the Trustees. W. GILES, CLERK. THE several Creditors of MARY COSTIN, late of the City of Worcester, Spinster, deceased, are desired to deliver an Ac- count of their respective Demands to Mr. Hol- beche, Attorney, at Droitwich, or on a Saturday at the Star and Garter Inn, in Worcester, in order to their being satisfied. Worce st er, Nov. 15, 1770. WHEREAS about a Month ago, a Sorrel GELDING was left at the Uni- corn Inn, in this City, by a Person unknown, who signified that he should call for him in a few Days, but has neglected
doing it: Notice is hereby given, That if the right Owner of the said Geld- ing does not fetch him away on or before Saturday the 8th Day of December next, he will be sold, in order to defray the Charges of Keeping, Adver- tising, & c. LOST, on the 27th of October from a Pack of Hounds belonging to George Forester, Esq; A DOG HOUND, of a Grey Py'd Colour, marked with the Letter F on the Left Side, his Fangs broke to the same Length of the other Teeth; and answers to the Name of RAG- MAN. Supposed to be lost near Church Lench.—- Whoever brings the said Dog to Mr. Fewtrell, at the Hop Pole, in Worcester, or to Mr.
Shelton, at the Angel, in Pershore, will receive One Guinea Reward. To be LETT, and entered upon at Lady- Day next, A Very good Farm, of about the yearly Value of 80l. situate within eight Miles of the City of Worcester. Great Encou- ragement will be given to a good Tenant. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, A good Dwelling- House, in thorough Repair, with a Garden thereto belonging, situate in the Parish of Martin Hussingtree, in the County of Worcester, near to the Turnpike Road leading from the City of Worcester to Droitwich, of the yearly Value of 3l. For ocher Particulars apply to Mr. Collet, At- torney at Law, in
Worcester. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, At the Golden Lion, in Kidderminster, on Thursday the 6th Day of December next, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon ; subject to such Conditions as shall be then produced, AGood substantial Dwelling- House, with a well- accustomed Blacksmith's Shop, a good Stable, Brew- house, Pig- stye, Back- side, and Garden thereto belonging, pleasantly situated in the Worcester Street, within the Borough of Kidderminster aforesaid, and late in the Occupa- tion of the Widow Simpson, deceased. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Wheeler, Attorney, at Winterfold, near
Kidderminster. To the LADIES of the County and City of WORCESTER, and to all the Fair Readers of this Paper. LADIES, Next Week will be Published, Price 1s. Very neatly bound in Red, with Pockets for Letters, & c. printed on the finest Writing Paper that could be purchased, and adorned with four beautiful Cop- per- plates, executed by the ingenious Mr. Walker : The first, a Family Piece, representing his Majesty, the Queen, and their Royal Offspring ; the second, of Lady Ligonier on Horseback, in themostfashion- able Riding Dress-, the third of Lady Ancram, in the genteelest Undress; and the fourth, of Lady Almeira
Carpenter, in the most beautiful Court Dress; all for the present Year, THE LADIES Most Elegant and Convenient POCKET BOOK, For the YEAR 1771. Containing, among the greatest Variety of use- ful, ornamental, and instructive Articles, the fol- lowing: The necessary Pages for Engagements, Memorandums, and Expences, ruled in a more plain and familiar Manner than any yet adapted for the Use of the Ladies. An Address to the Ladies, on Female Excellence. A List of the Births, Marriages, and Issues of all the Sovereign Princes of Europe, including our own illustrious Royal Family. The favourite new Songs sung at the
public Gardens, & c. Several select Pieces of sentimental Poetry. Twenty- four Country Dances for 1771. The Laws of Whist and Quadrille. The necessary Rates of Coachmen, Chairmen, & c. with all the useful Interest, Marketing, and Expence Tables, & c. & c. Compiled at the Request of several Ladies, under the immediate Inspection of The Right Hon. Lady DOROTHEA DU BOIS, By whom a poetical Introduction to the Ladies is written, the Conclusion of which is as follows : Now, LADIES, as a Female Friend, May I presume to recommend This little Book to your Protection ; Trust me, ' tis worthy your Inspection: And if
Oeconomists you'd be, You know of what Utility It is, each Day, to write herein, The Money that you lose, or win. Besides, reviewing your Expence, A Blessing may result from thence; For, on the Sums thus thrown away, If Prudence looks— Compassion may Remonstrate to each tender Breast, How many would these Sums have blest; Had they been properly apply'd, Where Fortune has her Smiles deny'd? London, printed for John Wheble, in Pater- noster- Row; and sold by the Printer and Distri- butors of this Paper. Of whom may be had, just published, Price 6s. sewed, dedicated to the Countess of Hertford, THEODORA; a
Novel: Written by Lady DOROTHEA DU BOIS.
ALL Persons who yet stand indebted to the Estate of Mr. SAMUEL BRADLEY, of Worcester, Goldsmith and Chinaman, are ear- nestly requested to pay the same forthwith to Mr. Sockett, Attorney, in Worcester, who is legally authorized to receive the same. Worcester, Nov. 15, 1770. WANTED, at an Inn, in this City, a WOMAN COOK; also an OSTLER, who understands Brewing, and the Management of the Cellar.— None need apply but such as can have a good Character from their last Place. Enquire, of the Printer of this Paper. WANTED, at a principal Inn,— A professed WOMAN COOK, who, if she can be well
recommended for her Sobriety, & c.. from her last Place, may be immediately en- gaged on very advantageous Terms. Wanted likewise,— A Kitchen Maid, and a Boy, as an Under Waiter. Enquire of the Printer of this Paper. WANTED, — A Man and his Wife, who are well qualified to undertake the Care and Management of a Workhouse be- longing to the Parish of Holy Cross, in Pershore. — For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Francis Evans, of Ailsborough Farm, near Pershore; or of Mr. John Tawney, of Wadborough. WHEREAS some malicious Per- son or Persons did, in the Night of Tues- day the 6th Instant, cut and
break down several young FIRS and BEECH TREES, growing upon Stoke Prior Common, in the County of Wor- cester; This is to give Notice, That whoever will discover the Offender or Offenders, shall, upon his or their Conviction, receive a Reward of TEN GUINEAS, from William Bradley, Bailiff of the Manor of Stoke Prior aforesaid. And if there were more than one concerned, and any of them will impeach his Accomplice or Accomplices, so that he or they may be convicted thereof, that Person shall be entitled to the same Reward, and a Pardon. By Order of the Reverend the Dean and Chap- ter of Worcester, Lords of the
Manor of Stoke Prior. WILLIAM BRADLEY. N. B. Any Person that shall cut down or destroy any Trees that may hereafter be planted on the above- mentioned Common, by the Direction of the Dean and Chapter, will be prosecuted for the same to the utmost Rigour of the Law. WHEREAS on Sunday the 4th of this Instant November, between the Hours of Two and Four o'Clock in the Evening, the Dwelling- House of Mr. John Broadhurst, of the Pound Green, about three Miles from Bewdley, was broke open, and the following Cash and Goods taken from thence, viz. Thirteen Guineas, eight Crown Pieces, and sixteen Half -
Crown Pieces, a Gold Ring, a Silver Thimble, marked S S, and a Silver Stock- Buckle. The Person sus- pected to have committed the said Robbery is a Youth about 16 Years of Age, who strolls about the Country, and plays with a Flute or Fire, and goes by the Name of Thatcher, but his Name is Jones, and comes from Broseley; he had on a Claret- coloured Great Coat, red Waistcoat, and a shagged Hat with a Silver Band. Whoever will discover and apprehend the Person or Persons that committed the said Robbery or Burglary, so that he or they shall be convicted for the same, shall receive ONE GUINEA Reward, to be paid
them by Mr. John Broadhurst, by Application to Mr. Clare, in Bewdley. THURSDAY's POST. ( By EXPRESS from LONDON.) From the LONDON GAZETTE. WESTMINSTER, November 13. THIS Day his Majesty came to the House of Peers, and being in his Royal Robes, with the usual So- lemnity, seated on the Throne, was pleased to open the Session of Parliament with the following most gracious Speech: My Lords, and Gentlemen, WHEN I last met you in Parliament, I re- newed to you the Assurances which I had before given you, That it was My fixed Purpose to pre- serve the general Tranquility, maintaining, at the same
Time, the Honour of My Crown, toge- ther with the just Rights and Interests of My Peo- ple; and it was with much Satisfaction that I in- dulged the Hope of being still able to continue to My Subjects the Enjoyment of Peace with Honour land Security. Since that Time, those very Con- siderations which I then promised you that I would never sacrifice, even to the Desire of Peace, have laid Me under an indispensable Necessity of pre- paring for a different Situation. By the Act of the Governor of Buenos Ayres, in seizing by Force One of My Possessions, the Ho- nour of My Crown, and the Security of My Peo- ple's Rights, were
become deeply affected. Under I these Circumstances. I did not fail to make an im- mediate Demand, from the Court of Spain, of such Satisfaction as I had a Right to expect for the Injury I had received. I directed also the neces- sary Preparations to be made, without Loss of Time, for enabling Me to do Myself Justice, in case My Requisition to the Court of Spain should fail of procuring it for Me : And these Prepara- tions, you may be assured, shall not think it ex- pedient to discontinue, until I shall have received a proper Reparation for the Injury, as well as satisfactory Proof that other Powers are equally sincere with Myself in
the Resolution to preserve the general Tranquility of Europe. In the mean Time, I have called you together thus early, in order that I may be able to receive from you such Advice and Assistance, as, in the farther Progress of this very important Business, may happen to become requisite. With respect to the State of My Colonies in North America, although I have the Satisfaction to acquaint you, that the People in most of them have begun to depart from those combinations which were calculated to distress the Commerce of this Kingdom; yet, in some Parts of the Colony of the Massachuset's Bay, very unwarrantable Practices
are still carried on, and My good Subjects oppressed by the same lawless Violence which has too long prevailed in that Province. I hope and trull, that the Precautions which have already been used for securing this Country against the Visitation of that fatal Calamity which has of late appeared in some of the distant Parts of Europe, will, with the Blessing of God, prove successful. But if, from any Alteration of Cir- cumstances, it should at any Time be found that farther Provisions will be wanted, I cannot doubt of your ready Concurrence for so salutary a Purpose. Gentlemen of the House of Commons, I will order the proper
Estimates, for the Service of the ensuing Year, to be laid before you. They must unavoidably, in Our present Situation, exceed the usual Amount. Every unnecessary Expence, My Concern for the Ease of My good Subjects will ever make Me careful to avoid. But I should neither consult their Interest nor their Inclination, if I were to decline any Expence, which the pub- lic Security, or the Maintenance of the National Honour, does at any Time require. My Lords, and Gentlemen, I am sensible how little I need say to you, at this Time, to prevail upon you to unite in what- ever may best promote the true Internet of your Country. In all
your Deliberations upon Points of a domestic Nature, let the Extension of Our Commerce, the Improvement of the Revenue, and the Maintenance of Order and good Government, be always in your View. With respect to Foreign Measures, there will, I am persuaded, be no other Contest among you, than who shall appear most forward in the Support of the common Cause, in upholding the Reputation, and promoting the Prosperity of the Kingdom. For the Attainment of these Ends, you shall ever find Me ready to exert Myself to the utmost. I have no Interest I can have none, distinct from that of My People The following
Gentlemen were Yesterday nominated as proper Persons to serve the Office of Sheriff for the ensuing Year : Gloucestershire, Thomas Master, of Cirencester; Edmund Waller, of Farmington; and John Pirke, of Little Dean, Esqrs. Herefordshire, John Delahay, of Peter Church; Francis Garbett, of Knill, Esqrs. and Sir Chandois Hoskins, of Warewood, Bart. Oxfordshire, William Draper, Nether Worton; Tho. Willatts, of Caversham; and Wm. Lenthall, of Upton and Signet, Esqrs. Shropshire, Joseph Griffiths, of Dinthill; John Kinchant, of Park ; and John Dod, of Whitchurch, Esqrs. Staffordshire, Thomas Hoo, of Barr, Esq; Sir Thomas
Broughton, of Broughton, Bart, and John Williamson, of Stafford, Esq. Warwickshire, Sir. Wm. Wheler, of Lemington Hastings, Bart. John Venour, of Wells- bourne, Esq; and Sir Thomas Gough, of Birmingham, Bart. Worcestershire, George Burrish, of Droitwich; William Hankins, of Red Marley; and Edmund Pytts, of Kyre, Esqrs. Thus far Gazette. LONDON, Tuesday, Nov. 13. This Morning at Seven o'Clock died, at his House in Bolton- street, the Right Hon. George Grenville, Brother to Earl Temple, Member of Parliament for the Borough of Buckingham, an elder Brother of the Trinity House, a Go- vernor of the Charter- House,
Recorder of Har- wich, and one of his Majesty's Most Honour- able Privy Council. It is certain that the Changes in the Law De- partments are not yet made, since the Judges Smith, Alton, and Bathurst, presided this Day in the Court of Chancery, as Lords Commis- sioners, and Mr. De Grey was there also in his Character of Attorney General. However, it is generally believed that Mr. De Grey will speedily be made Lord Keeper of the Great Seals, not Lord Chancellor; and that other Promotions are in Agitation. It is now talked of, that Lord North will re- sign in a few Days ; and that the Earl of Roch- ford will succeed him as first
Lord of the Trea- sury ; but it is not yet determined who is to succeed as Chancellor of the Exchequer. The intended Appointments in the Law De- partments are looked upon as the preparatory Steps to the Retirement of a certain great Law- yer ; which has been some Time talked of, but seems now much nearer than ever. We are told from good Authority, that Lord Mansfield declined the Office of Speaker to the House of Peers, and that his Lordship's Inten- tion was communicated to Government only on Thursday last. Mr. Wedderburn, we understand, to whom the Office of Solicitor General was offered, refused to accept of it
under Mr. Thurloe. We hear that Lord Chatham has prepared an extraordinary Speech, containing a full State of our present Grievances, which, it Is said, will raise the Admiration of all Europe. We are assured, as a Fail that may be de- pended on, that the Subsidy of 676,000l. due to the King of Prussia, at the Close of the late War, has never yet been paid; notwithstand- ing what was said at that Time, in public, on a certain Occasion, about the Honour of the Crown. Next Thursday a Court of Common Coun- cil is to be held at Guildhall, when the Re- port made to the late Lord Mayor at the Court of " Conservancy held at Cecil street Coffee- house in the Strand, relating to the Embank- ment in Durham- yard, the Encroachment at the Bottom of Salisbury- street, and Beaufort Buildings, are to be laid before the Court. ---- At the same Time we hear that a Petition will be delivered to the Lord Mayor, from a Body of the Livery to assemble, to consider of aRe- monstrance to his Majesty, relating to the many Grievances the People labour under; or of In- structions to the Representatives, which to them seems most agreeable; and that his Lordship will take the Opinion of the Court thereupon. Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, No v. 11. " There has been at
St. Helen's some Time an outward- bound Dutch East- Indiaman ; she has become so unhealthy lately, that they have buried upwards of 35 Men, including Officers. The Distemper that rages on board her is a malignant black Fever of the worst Kind ; two Custom- house Officers that were put on board her from this Place caught the Contagion, and are both dead. This is become so serious an Affair, that his Majesty's Sloop Otter was ordered to lie along- side of her, to prevent any Person from coming out of her; in consequence of which Order, no Person can attempt com- ing from her without running the Hazard of being sunk.'
Another Letter from Portsmouth, dated Nov. 12. " In Answer to your Enquiry about the Dutch Ship, which is ( you say) reported to have the Plague on board, I must acquaint you that it is not true; the Ship is at Spithead, not in the Harbour, and very sickly, but it is a malignant Fever which rages on board. We were a good deal alarmed at first, as the few People that were in Health used daily to come on Shore to buy Necessaries; but, by the Care of the Admiral, who has ordered a Sloop of War near the Dutch Ship, to prevent any Boat whatever coming from her, we are now pretty easy; the Captain has Orders to fire at and sink
any Boat that shall dare to come from her, as has likewise the Custom- house Cutter, who lays near the Dutchman also. There are Or- ders, I hear, to bury the Custom- house Of- ficers' Beds and Furniture thereof, with the Apparel they had on when on board, so that you fee that though it is not the Plague, it is a very dangerous Distemper." Letters from Jamaica mention, that the Sal- ly, an English Brig, George Walker Master, had lately arrived therefrom St. Eustatia; that in the Course of her Passage, having met with a Hurricane, she was driven on the Coast of South America, and on her attempting to enter the Harbour of
Carthagena, the Guns from the Fort fired on the Brig, on which the Master immediately brought- to, and was boarded by two Boats full of Soldiers, who knocked down his Mate at the Helm, and struck him ( Mr. Walker) several Times with the But Ends of their Firelocks; on which a Surgeon, who was a Passenger, addressed them in Spanish, and required to know their Reasons for such inhos- pitable Treatment; he received for Answer, that as War was daily expected between Spain and England, whose Natives were no better than Pirates, the Governors had ordered no English Ship should enter that Port, and ac cordingly
obliged Mr. Walker to tack about and stand out to Sea; and though the Brig was In the utmost Distress, and in great want of Water, absolutely refused to give her the least Assistance. The following extraordinary Paragraph ap- peared Yesterday in a Morning Paper. — A Pri- soner in the King's Bench came into the Court of King's Bench on Friday, and begged his Lordship to read the Copy of his Commitment, explain it to him, and point out what Authority the Court had to deprive him of his Liberty: His Copy of Causes being read, it appeared to be an Attachment against the Body, for the Non - performance of an Arbitration -
Bond, which the Court calls a supposed Contempt of Court. The Prisoner observed, if lie had been guilty of any Contempt, he looked on himself bound by the Laws of this free Country, to pay implicit Obedience; but if a Thing imaginary, he hoped it was not sufficient to deprive a Briton of his Liberty. — Mr. Lucas, ex Officio, spoke in Opposition to the Prisoner, on which the Court said, You have been ordered to pay a Sum of Money, and you must do it. The Prisoner observed, that was impossible, he was not able; begged his Lordship to consider the Case, and point out a Remedy. " Your Lordship has given the Plaintiff two
Remedies, as I stand discharged from his Suit, for Want of an Execution; and you now detain me on an Attachment, which is tantamount to an Exe- cution; and besides, my Lord, that is a Breach of a civil Contract, not mentioned in the Com- mitment, and your Lordship has no Business with it — for by the 11th Article of Magna Charta, you are expressly forbid the holding of Common Pleas, and without a manifest Breach of the 29th Article you cannot remand me." His Lordship said, " Take him away." The Prisoner replied, " It is contrary to Law, and I will not go." His Lordship again said, " Officer, why don't you do your Duty?"
The Prisoner again said, " My Lord, it is my Duty to resist." Upon which Mr. Holloway seized the Prisoner, and dragged him out of Court. Norwich, Nov. 10. Sunday last, in the Afternoon, Thomas Tanner, known by the Name of Capt. Tanner, and Master of a Cut- ter then upon the Coast, was apprehended at Happisburgh, by a Serjeant of the 33d Regi- ment, and a Constable; as they were conveying him to the Swan Alehouse in that Town, they were overtaken by three Smugglers, to whom the Captain said, " Now is your Time if you have a Mind to be of Service to me!" On this, one of the Smugglers jollied against the Con stable, and the Captain immediately pushed the Serjeant into a Ditch ; but the Constable keep- ing his Hold, the Serjeant soon got up, and charged them to keep at a Distance; the Smugglers having no Fire- Arms, they made off. They then conducted him to the above Alehouse; at Midnight the House was sur- rounded by 12 Persons, armed with Pistols, Blunderbusses, Axes, & c.— The Serjeant paying no Regard to their Threats, they began to fire in at the Kitchen Windows, till there was not a Pane of Glass lest, but happily no one was killed, though four of the Balls were lodged in the Chimney - piece, and another grazed the
Captain's Shoulder; they then began to chop down the Window Frame and the Door; one of them attempting to enter in at the Window, the Serjeant was then obliged to have Recourse to his Bayonet, and stabbed him in the Side; the Constable at the same Time keeping Guard over the Captain with a drawn Sword : They then retired with the wounded Man. During the Contest the Serjeant made no Use of Fire- Arms.— The next Day the Captain was carried under a strong Guard before Sir Harbord Har- bord, Bart, who committed him to the Castle. Price of CORN per Quarter, Wheat 36s. to 4S2. Barley 20s. to 24s. od. Oats
15s. to 18s. Brown Malt 26s. to 30s Pale Malt 27s. to 33s. Rye 26s. to 28s. Bank Stock, 136 at London. Pease 30s. to 32s. Hog Pease 27s. to 28s. Beans 21s. to 26s. od. Tares 30s. to 36s. Finest Flour 36s. per Sack. 1- half a 3- 4ths. Four per cent cons. 88 7- 8ths a 3- 4ths. Three 1- half percent. 1756, 101. Three 1- half per cent. 1758, 82 3- 4ths. Three per cent, consol. 79 1- half a 1- 4th. Three per cent, reduced 78 5- 8ths a 3- 4ths. Three per cent. 1726, —. Long Annuities, 24 1- half. South Sea Stock, —. Three per cent. Old Annuities, —. Ditto New Annuities, —. Ditto 1751, —. India Stock, 195 a 194 1- half. Three per cent.
Annuities, 75 3- 4ths. India Bonds, 20s. a 21s. Prem. Navy Bills, 2 1- half per cent. Disc. Lottery Tickets, 14l. 18s. a 19s. 6d. BANKRUPTS required to surrender John Lamb, of King's Norton, in the County of Wor- cester, Maltster, Dec. 5, 6, 22, at the Talbot, in Sidbury, Worcester. John Closbie, Wm. Cros- bie, and George Bowden, all of Liverpool, Mer- chants and Partners, Dec. 3, 4, 22, at the White Lion, in Liverpool.-- Enoch Booth the Younger, of Tunstall, Staffordshire, Potter, Nov. 22, 28. Dec, 22, at the Old Roebuck in Newcastle.— The Prisoner said, " If you rob me of my Li- berty, you have no Occasion to keep my Hat,"
Upon which he was suffered to return, got his Hat, and made Lord Mansfield a very com- plaisant Bow, smiled in his Face, and told him he was acting contrary to Law. The Officers then came round and carried him off. The Spirit of the Prisoner was great, who seemed to be very young, and had suffered eighteen Months for his Impossibility. Lord Mansfield seemed very angry on the Occasion A few Days since was married the Right Hon. Archibald Montgomery, Earl of Egling- ton, to a Daughter of Lord Glencairn WORCESTER, Thursday, November 15. On Sunday last the Officers of the Militia for this County and City dined, by
Invitation, with the Right Hon. the Earl of Coventry ( Lord Lieutenant of the County) at his Lord- ship's Seat at Croom, and were entertained in the most polite and elegant Manner. On Friday died aged 86, the Rev. Mr. Barnes, Rector of Martley, and fifty Years Vi- car of Ombersley, in this County ; who lived and died an Ornament of his Profession. On the 20th of last Month a dreadful Fire broke out at the Dwelling- House of Samuel Clissett, of Longdon, Chair- maker and Vic- tualler, which consumed the greatest Part of the Furniture, with all his Timber and Work- ing Tools, to the entire Ruin of the poor Man, with a Wife and four
Children. Some very worthy, humane Gentlemen have already con- tributed to the Relief of this distressed Family, whose Example, we hope, will be readily fol- lowed by many other well- disposed Persons. On Thursday Night last, as Farmer Bailis, of Newton, was returning from Leominster Fair, his Horse fell with him into the River at the Three Tuns, near Leominster. He was taken up alive, but died in three Hours after. Last Week a Vessel, the Property of Mess. Wood and Javens, of Kidderminster, belonging to the Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal, sunk in the Bason with 41 Hogsheads and Tierces of Sugar on board,
the Property of some Persons in Wolverhampton: The Loss sustained is about 1000l. One Day last Week a Duel was fought be- tween two Officers, in a Field near Stourbridge: They discharged their Pistols at about eight Yards Distance from each other, but without any Damage. The Commanding Officer or- dered them under an Arrest. The Ball nearly grazed one of the Seconds. The Assize of Bread, set by the Right Worshipful the Mayor and Justices, on Monday last. Wheaten Penny Loaf to weigh Two- penny Loaf Six- penny Loaf Twelve- penny Loaf Eighteen- penny Loaf The lb. 0 1 3 6 dr. Houshold 8 II 1 6 4 2 8 9 1 1 4 7
lb. oz. 0 II 1 7 4 5 8 11 13 0 dr. 9 3 8 0 9 Halfpenny Bach Cake not to weigh less than 4 Ounces ; Drams, the Penny ditto not less than 8 Ounces 11 Drams; and no other Sort of Bach Cakes to be made. J. S.' s Epistle came to Hand, but the many offensive ( though perhaps very just) Remarks it contains, disqualifies it for Insertion.
Master Printer, IAm a plain labouring Man, and know but lit- tle, yet I find there is a woundy Disturbance amongst my Countrymen. They say that most of the Great Folk at Court ( I think ye call it) are Rogues. Now, I don't know how it is, but some how or other we are plaguily set to get a Living. When I was a Boy, which is now ( let me see) about sixty Years ago, I could make Six- pence go as far as I can Eighteen- pence now. I have asked our Neighbours the Meaning on't, and some of them say, that ' tis owing to the Extravagance and bad Management of the great Lords, and Dukes, and Earls, and the Lord knows who, that
have the fingering of our Money. They say that these Folk lay Taxes upon us, and then put the Money into their own Pockets, and ride about in their fine Coaches, spending our Money, while we poor labouring Men can hardly get Bread for our Chil- dren. I was t'other Night at Jeffery Scrape's, the Penny Barber's, who is a very knowing Man, and can read the News. I was asking Jeffery, why the King ( God bless his Honour) don't put Things to Rights? for, said I, he have vast Power, and can do every Thing. But Jeffery told me, that he was told by the ' Squire's Coachman, who was told it in London, that the King knew nought of
all these plaguy Doings, but thought the Folks in the Country were well enough off. Adzookers, Mas- ter Scrape, said I, you put me to a Staund. What don't the King, who is Master of us all, know what his Servants are doing to us ? No, quoth Jeffery, they won't let him. They tell him they do right, when they do wrong, and that his Sub- jects are easy and happy; and when they make any Complaints, those Servants that are about the King, tell him ' tis all a Lie, and only the ill Humours of a few who want to get into their Places. Now, if this be true ( and I am afeared it is, for Jeffery knows more than any body else here, except the '
Squire and the Parson) what a fine Pickle we shall soon be in. Now, I thought the King had known what his Servants did, and had them under his Thumb as much as Master Haycroft has us. Why, he looks after us every Day, and tells what we should do, and see that we do it to Rights. And I think if he didn't, his Concerns woud soon be confoundedly out o' Order. But Master Scrape tell'd me, that the King don't trouble himself about it at all, but keep within Doors, and make But- tons, and don't go about to see how Things go on, so that they are all gone to Sixes and Sevens, and the Servants quarrel wo' one another, and agree
in nothing but cheating us poor Folks. This certainly will end in something they don't expect, if somebody don't lend a Hand to set Things to Rights agen. Now, if I were a great Man ( as God bless me I never shall be) I wou'd tell the King, that he ought to leave off Button- making, and mind his Servants more, and look through his Affairs, and try to mend ' em, by turning away his bad Servants, and take in such as are honester, and know how to manage the Em- ploy he sets ' em about. If he did this, the Country Folks wou'd love him better than they do, and go through Fire and Water barefoot to serve him. But if he don't take
Care; and endeavour to put Things to Rights, the Folk will be forced to take Care of their selves, and pull his Servants away by Force, if they don't look out for a new Master to employ ' em. So, Master Printer, I wou'd have you put this into your Paper, that the Great Folks may see that we Poor Folks know when we are' put upon, and when we are well used; for if they plague us much more, we shall do Things. I dare'nt tell you what they are, and so good bye t'ye. JARVIS PLOUGHSHARE. wicklewood Hamlet, Nov. 10. AS the Character of the truly pious Mr. George Whitefield, must be deeply imprest upon the Hearts of every
Friend to true, genuine, and vital Christianity, who hath profited by his unwearied Labours, little need be said to convince them that their Loss is irreparable.— In his public Ministra- tions throughout different Parts of Europe, and on sundry Visits to British America, he hath, for above thirty Years, astonished the World as a Prodigy of Eloquence; by which he was enabled to melt the Hearts of the most obdurate and stub- born Sinners. In Spite of a Constitution of Body originally delicate and tender, he continued to the last Day of his Life to preach with a Frequency and Fervor, that seemed to exceed the natural Strength of the
most robust. Being called to the public Exercise of his Function at an Age when most young Men are only beginning to qualify themselves for it, he had not Time to make any considerable Progress in the learned Languages; but this Defect was amply supplied by a lively, fertile, and penetrating Genius, by the most un- wearied Zeal, and by a forcible and most persuasive Delivery, which never failed of the desired Effect upon his ever- crowded and admiring Audiences. And though in the Pulpit he often found it neces- sary by the Terrors of the Lord to persuade Men, he had nothing gloomy in his Nature, being singularly
charitable and tender- hearted; and in his private Conversation chearful, communicative, and enter- taining. To the very meanest he was always easy of Access, and ever as ready to listen to and relieve their bodily, as their spiritual Necessities, shewing himself in every Respect a faithful Steward of the extensive Charities he drew from his numerous and compassionate Hearers. It ought also to be ob- served, that he constantly and most pathetically enforced upon his Audience every moral Duty; particularly, Industry in their different Callings, and Obedience to their Superiors; and in a most especial Manner Loyalty to our
amiable Sovereign, never once endeavouring in these distracted Times to make a factious Use of the great Influence he held among his numerous Adherents. He was the first of those ( since known by the Name of Me- thodists) who endeavoured by the most extra- ordinary Efforts of preaching in different Places, and even in the open Fields, to rouse the lower Class of the People from the last Degree of Inat- tention and Ignorance, to a Sense of Religion, among whom he hath lest an Impression, which cannot soon be effaced.— For this and for his other Labours, the Name of George Whitefield will A not only by his personal
Acquaintance, by those who were awakened by his Ministry, but by all true Christians, of every Denomination, whilst vital and practical Religion hath a Place in the British Dominions. To be LETT, and entered upon immediately, or at Christmas next, Good substantial Dwelling- House, situate in the Village of Kempsey, being three measured Miles and a Half from Worcester; with good Stall- Stabling for three Horses, Barn, and other Out- Houses; together with two large Gardens adjoining thereto, planted with divers Sorts of Fruit Trees, a small Flower Garden be- fore the House, and a Pasture of old Land, planted with Fruit
Trees. For further Particulars apply to the Rev. Mr. Bird, at Welland, near Upton; Mr. Gorle, of Napleton; or of Mr. Thomas Tandy, of Kemp- sey, who will shew the Premisses. To be peremptorily SOLD, Entire or in Lots, and on such Conditions as shall be agreed on at the Time of Sale, On Tuesday the 4th day of December next, between the Hours of Two and Four in the Afternoon, at the Angel Inn, in Alcester, or in the mean Time by private Contract, AFreehold Messuage, Barn, and other Out- Houses, with about thirty- three Statute Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, Part inclosed, and other Part in the open Fields;
situate at Great Alnn, by the Side of the River Avon, about two Miles above Alcester, in the Holding of Thomas Milborn, at the yearly Rent of 22l. Also to be SOLD, under like Conditions, At the Golden Cross Inn, in Bromsgrove, on Tuesday the 11th Day of December next, between the Hours of Two and Four in the Afternoon, A Copyhold Messuage, Barn, and other Out- Houses, and about thirty- Four Acres of Land inclosed, and lying altogether, at a Place called Bedlem, in the Parish of King's Norton, and County of Worcester, in the Holding of William Tayler, at the yearly Rent of 16l. Also to be SOLD immediately, And entered
upon, if required, at Lady- Day next, A capital Messuage and Farm, consisting of all necessary Out- Houses, and about one hundred Acres of Land, about one- half Meadow and Pasture, the other Part Arable ; in the Possession of Mr. William Bourne, situate at Shepley, about a Mile from Bromsgrove, bordering upon the Lickhill Common, upon which, and the Linthurst Common, there is an extensive Right of Pasture. Further Particulars may be known of Mr. Brettell, at Stourbridge; or at Finstal- House near Bromsgrove. Mr. Brettell is also authorised to contract for the Sale of any of the above Estates. AN ENTIRE NEW WORK.
By the Royal Licence and Authority of his Majesty King GEORGE the Third, granted at St. James's, Next Saturday will be Published, Price 6d. Elegantly printed on excellent new Letter, and on superfine Paper, adorned with a most beautiful Fron- tispiece drawn by WALE, and engraved by WALKER ; and another curious Copper Plate, pro- perly adapted to the Work: The Whole of which will be compleated in one Hundred Numbers only, and enriched with upwards of an Hundred Copper Plates, finely engraved by the best Masters, Number I. to be continued Weekly, of ANew ROYAL and UNIVERSAL DICTIONARY of ARTS
and SCIENCES ; or, Complete System of Human Knowledge: Contain- ing not only all the various Improvements that have been made by the Learned and Ingenious in every Part of Europe to the present Times ; but also a very great Variety of useful Discoveries, which have been communicated to the Authors of this Work, by Gentlemen of distinguished Abilities; whereby every Difficulty attending the Study of the ARTS and SCIENCES is distinctly cleared, and the whole explained in the most easy and intelligent Manner. Among the various Branches treated of in this Work, are the following, viz. Agriculture, Al- gebra, Anatomy,
Architecture, Arithmetic, Astro- nomy, Book- Keeping, Botany, Catoptrics, Che- mistry, Chronology, Commerce, Conies, Cosmo- graphy, Dialling, Dioptrics, Ethics, Farriery, Fluxions, Fortifications, Gardening, Gauging, Geography, Geometry, Grammar, Gunnery, Han- dicrafts, Heraldry, Horsemanship, Husbandry, Hydraulics, Hydrography, Hydrostatics, Law, Levelling, Logic, Maritime and Military Affairs, Mathematics, Mechanics, Merchandize, Meta- physics, Meteorology, Music, Navigation, Optics, Painting, Perspective, Pharmacy, Philosophy, Physic, Pneumatics, Rhetoric, Sculpture, Series and Statics, Statuary, Surgery,
Surveying, Theo- logy, Trigonometry, & c. The Whole freed from the Errors, Obscurities, and Superfluities of former Writers on the several Subjects, and embellished with upwards of One Hundred Copper- plates, drawn from real Objects, by the most eminent Artists, and engraved by the best Hands ; containing full and exact Represen- tations of the various Instruments, Machines, Tools, Plans, Figures, & c. necessary to illustrate this valuable Work. The Anatomical, Chemical, and Medicinal Parts by M. HINDE, M. D. The Mathematical Parts by W. SQUIRE, Author of The Modern Book- Keeper. Gardening and Botany by J.
MARSHALL, Gardener, at Knight's Bridge. Criticism, Grammar, Poetry, Theology, & c. by The Rev. THOMAS COOKE, A. B. And the other Parts by GENTLEMEN of Eminence in the several Departments they have undertaken to elucidate. London, printed for J. Cooke, at Shakespear's Head, in Pater- noster Row; and sold by the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. In the first Number will be given a promissary Note to deliver the Overplus gratis, if it shall exceed One Hundred Numbers: And in the last Number a List of such Subscribers as chuse to have their Names inserted, shall be printed and delivered gratis. WHEREAS
J. RICHARDSON and G. GOODLUCK, by a long Series of Observations, intense Application, and con- siderable Expence, assisted by a Gentleman who is generally allowed to be one of the most able Cal- culators of Chances in this Kingdom, have dis- covered a certain Method to know those Numbers in the Lottery, which stand the best Chance for being Prizes in general, and capital ones in par- ticular, so that upon a Calculation they can affirm, that a less Quantity of such Numbers will have more Prizes than a much greater Quantity of others ; and as they have proved this by Experi- ments, which have been repeatedly
found to answer very nearly the said Calculation; they may with great Propriety assert, that the Numbers thus pointed out will be of more Value by at least Two Guineas each, than others promiscuously chosen; yet, to prove that no Imposition is intended by this Publication, they continue to sell the Tickets and Shares at the usual Prices. They have procured many of the said Numbers, which are now selling in Tickets and Shares, from a Half to a Sixty- fourth Part.— Mess . Richardson and Goodluck are well aware of the Opposition which this Advertisement will meet with from interested Persons, yet they are un- der no Sort of
Doubt but that the Drawing of this and future Lotteries will prove the Truth of their Calculation. The Tickets and Shares, from a Half to a Sixty- fourth Part, are sold by J. Richardson and G. Goodluck ( remarkable for selling and sharing several of the most capital Prizes) at their State- Lottery- Offices, opposite the Admiralty, White- hall ; and the Corner of Cornhill and Threadneedle Street, opposite the Mansion- House; where the full Money will be paid for the Prizes. This Day is Published, Price is. Neatly bound in Red, to be continued annually, Adorned with the Figure of a Lady in the politest Dress of the Year 1770, a fine
Likeness of ourmostgra- cious Queen, and the seven Royal Children, THE LADIES ANNUAL JOURNAL ; or, Complete POCKET BOOK, for the Year 1771 : An useful Register of Business and Amusement: Containing, 1. The Introduction. 2. An Essay on the Advantages and Imperfections of the modern Mode of Dress. 3. New and Full Moons. 4. Table of the Sun's Rising. 5. The Book exemplified. 6. Holidays, and other re- markable Days. 7. Birth- Days of the Royal Fa- mily. 8. Laws of Whist and Quadrille. 9. An elegant Bill of Fare for every Month in the Year, by a celebrated Cook. 10. Common Notes and moveable Feasts.
11. The most favourite Songs for the last Year. 12. Country Dances for the Year 1771. 13. Rates of Hackney Coachmen, & c. 14. Qualifications in a Wife. 15. Fifty- two double Pages, ruled on an improved Plan, for the easier keeping of Accounts, Memorandums, & c. 16. A curious Table for calculating Ser- vants Wages. 17. Large Marketing Tables. 18. Enigmatical Dishes, Garlands, & c. with Conud- drums, Rebusses, Paradoxes, and many other useful and amusing Particulars. Printed for Elizabeth Stevens, No. 2, Sta- tioners Court, Ludgate Street; and sold by the Printer and Distributors of this Paper. This Day is Published,
Price One Shilling bound, Embellished with four Copper- plate Cuts, neatly en- graved, viz. i. M. le Dauphin et M. la Dau- phine, en Habits de stores. 2. Six Dames de la Cour de France parees selon la Mode. 3. An Eng- lishLady of Quality, in the full Court Dress. 4. A Lady in the Whole- length Morning Dress, and ano- ther in the Afternoon Dress. THE Ladies Complete POCKET BOOK, for the Year 1771: Containing, i. A Memorandum Cash Book, ruled for every Day in the Year. 2. A Description of Mrs. Cor- nelly's Assembly Roams at Carlisle House in Soho Square, with the Terms of Subscription, and Me- thod of Admission. 3.
The Terms of Admission at Almack's Assembly in Pall Mall. 4. Descrip- tion of Ranelagh and Vauxhall Gardens. 5. Terms of Subscription, and the Method of Admission, to the City Assembly at Haberdashers Hall. 6. Rules and Orders for the Company at Bath, as settled by the Master of the Ceremonies and the Corpo- ration. 7. Terms of Subscription and Admission to Bristol Hot Wells. 8. Description of Margate, and Customs of the Company. 9. An Account of Brighthelmstone. 10. Subscription and Rules of the Assemblies at Scarborough. 11. Amuse- ments at Tunbridge. 12. Brief Description of Southampton, and Rules of the
Assembly. 13. Fa- vourite new Songs. 14. A Method to change red Hair to brown or black. 15. Instructions for dancing the Cotillons and Allemands, by Mr. Gherardi, illustrated with Cuts of the Figures of the Dances. 16. Rules and Orders of the Ladies Coterie in Albemarle Street, with a List of the Members. 17. An Account of the Winter Rane- lagh now building in Oxford Road, with the pro- posed Method of Entertainment. 18. Tables of the Sun's rising and setting, Moon's Age, & c. 19. A Table to cast up Wages by the Day or Year, and Marketing Tables. London, printed for T. Carnan and F. Newbery, jun. at No. 65, in St. Paul's
Church Yard; and sold by the Printer and Distributors of this Paper. * The Ladies Complete Pocket Book has now been annually published more than twenty Years. The great Encouragement it has met with, has created a Number of Imitators, who have generally taken the Contents of this Book of a former Year, into theirs of a later, and by that Means obtruded it on the Public, insteadof this original Work. The Ladies are desired to observe, to pre vent having spurious Imitations im- posed on them, that this Book contains four Copper- plate Cuts, viz. the Dauphin and Dauphiness, six Ladies in French Dresses, from the Drawings
of M. Le Moreau at Paris, taken on purpose for this Work, and three Whole- lengthEnglishDresses; also an Ac- count of Mrs. Cornell's, Almack's, City Assembly, Bath, Bristol Hot Wells, Margate, Brighthelmstone, Scar- borough, Tunbridge, Southampton, the Winter Rane- lagh, and Gherardi's Instructions for the Cotillons, all of which are in no other Work of the Kind, and is printed only for T. Carnan and F. Newbery, jun. at No. 65, near the Chapter House in St. Pauls Church- ward, London, where it has been regularly published upwards of twenty Years. TWO Medicines are offered to the Public; they are not recommended by an
extravagant Price, nor by a vain Parade of pretended Qualities. The EYE- BRIGHT TINCTURE Gives great Relief in Dimness of Sight, Eye- Mists, Heats of the Eye- lids, and Tendency of Humours to the Eyes. Price 2s. 6d. the Bottle. The EAR - BALSAM Is powerfully efficacious in all Obstructions to Hearing, not occasioned by a Relaxation, or other Injury happening to the Tympanum or Drum of the Ear. Price 2s. 6d. the Bottle. Sold by R. Baldwin, in Pater- noster- Row, and by his Appointment may be had of the following Persons, viz. H. Berrow, in Worcester; Mr. Price, Shrewsbury; Mr. Jackson, Oxford ; Mrs. Jopson,
Coventry; Mr. Keating, Stratford; Mr. Pugh, Hereford; Mr. Raikes, Gloucester; and Mr. Taylor, Stafford. The following approved Medicines are sold at Berrow's Printing- Office in Worcester. By His Majesty's Letters Patent, ( Granted to WALTER LEAKE, of the City of London, P. P.) is recommended the Justly Famous PILL, called in the Patent, PILULA SALUTARIA; And there pronounced to be a Cure, for the VENEREAL DISEASE, SCURVY, and RHEUMATISM. IN fifteen or eighteen Days it generally cures those cruel Disorders, and where it fails of perfectly restoring Health in that Time, the Patient has the happy Assurance
that he or she is at the Eve of being restored, let the Degree of Malignancy be ever so great. It is an Excel- lency peculiar to these Pills, to make directly to the com- plaining Parts, and enter into Contest with the offending Matter, which they soon dislodge and expell. They are declared by Experience to be a Preserver of Health, as well as a Restorer, by taking only eight single Pills ( as instructed by the Direction Bills) once or twice a Year. In short, the Patentee has this extraordinary Obligation to them, that whatever he promised himself from them they were sure to fulfil and exceed, as though impatient of immortal and universal
Fame. These Pills are most worth a Place in the Cabinet of Masters and Captains of Ships, and the more so, for that they require no Confine- ment, nor Restraint of Diet, will keep good in all Cli- mates any Length of Time, and effect a Cute even when Salivation fails. Sold by the Patentee ( in Boxes of 2s. 6d. each) at his House No. 16, Bride Lane, Fleet Street; who effectu- ally cures Gleets and Seminal Weaknesses: Also sold by Appointment by Mr. Hart, Druggist, in Wolverhampton. MAREDANT's DROPS. To Mr. Norton, Surgeon, Golden- Square. SIR, Prescot- Street, August 24, 1770. I should think myself wanting in
Gratitude to you, and Humanity to my Fellow- Creatures, if I longer omitted acquainting the Public of the most extraordinary Cure I have obtained by the Use of your [ Maredant's ] Drops. It is twenty- two Years since I was first taken ill with the Scurvy, which appeared in great Blotches and other Eruptions all over my Body : I have had the Advice Of many Physicians of Eminence, from some of whom I received temporary Relies, which ( and bathing in the Sea) only enabled me to support a most miserable Life. I was in the most afflicting Situation, without Hopes of Recovery, when, luckily reading the News- Papers, I saw the
Cure of Mr. Hall, Attorney, in Johnson's Court, Fleet- Street, whom I had known for many Years , that induced me to begin your Drops ; in taking a few Bottle I found great Benefit, particularly in my Constitution and Appetite; and, by continuing them, am effectually cured ; which I have no Reason to doubt, as it is above two Years since I took any, and remain in perfect Health, though I can justly and truly say, I was in as deplorable a Condition as ever Man was. I am, with great Esteem, Your most obedient humble Servant, HENRY TRENCHARD GOODENOUGH, Steward to the Magdalen- Hospital. P. S. When I took the Drops I
was a Clerk in the Preroga tive- Office, Doctors- Commons. Any Person still doubtful of the Efficacy of this Medi- cine, may ( by applying to Mr. Norton, Surgeon, the West Side of Golden. square, near Piccadilly, London, the only Author and Proprietor, where these Drops are sold in Bottles of Six Shillings each) be fully convinced of their good Effect, by being referred to many People of Credit, who have been cured of the Leprosy, Scurvy, Ulcers, the Evil, Fistulas, Piles, long continued In- flammations of the Eyes, and every other Disorder arising from a Foulness in the Blood. They may be taken in any Season, without the least
Inconvenience or Hindrance of Business. They also perfect Digestion, and amazingly create an Appetite. For the STONE and GRAVEL. SWINFEN's ELECTUARY, Price Two Shillings and Sixpenee the Pot, A Medicine proved, from a long Series in private Practice, to be of the greatest Efficacy in giving imme- diately Ease in the most excruciating Fits of the Stone and Gravel, and curing those painful and melancholy Disorders. It is pleasant to taket having no nauseous or. disagreeable Taste ; fits easy on the Stomach, and is so safe and inoffensive in its Operation, that it is taken without any particular Regimen or Confinement.
Amongst the great Number of extraordinary CURES done by this ELECTUARY, the following Cases are sub- mitted to the Public: JOHN BOWN, of Kirkby- Malory, in the County of Leicester, was violently afflicted with the Gravel and Stone ten Weeks, and had the Advice of an eminent Apothecary, without receiving any Ease. On the 3d of December last he began taking Swinfen's ELeCTUARY. and after taking three Doses, he found himself much easier; and, by the Time he had taken one Pot, more than a large Coffee- cup full of Gravel and small Stones came from him. He was perfectly cured, continued free from Pain, and
has had no Return of the Disorder since. JOHN COOPER, jun. of Hinckley, Peruke- maker, was afflicted with the Gravel and Stone from two Years of Age, and suffered the most excruciating Pains and An- guish with it for sixteen Years, during which Time he had the repeated Advice of the most eminent of the Fa- culty, who gave him not the least Relief. On the 11th of October last he began with Swinfen's EleCTUAry, and, by taking one Pot, his Pains entirely ceased, and has remained perfectly free from the Complaint ever since, Witness my Hand, JOHN COOPER; In the Presence of CORIOLANUS COPPLeSTONe,
Minister. JOSEPH ILIFF, JOHN BOLeSWOrth, > Church- wardens. WORCESTER: Printed by H. BERROW, near the Cross ; Who sells Kinds of Blank Warrants, Land- Tax Receipts, Parish Certificates, Summonses, Orders of Removal, and every Form used by Justices of Peace, Parish Officers,& c. and by whom the PRINTING Business is executed in a neat and expeditious Manner on very reasonable Terms.