Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal
Date of Article: 08/11/1770
Printer / Publisher: H. Berrow
Address: Near the Cross, Worcester
Volume Number: Issue Number: 3197
No Pages: 4
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Berrow's Worcester Journal. THURSDAY, November 8, 1770. No. 3197. Notwithstanding this Journal is, in most Places, distributed at least a ' whole Day before any other Country News Paper of the same Date, and also many Hours before the Arrival of the London Mail, it not only contains the most material News published in London on Tuesday Night, but many interesting Articles of Intelligence, not inserted in other Country Papers before the Saturday following. SATURDAY'S POST. AMERICA. Boston, ( New- England) September 6. LAST Friday Capt. Preston, with the Soldiers and others, indicted for the Murders com mitted in King Street, on the 5th March last, were ar- raigned at the Bar of the Su- perior Court, & c. now sitting here, and severally pleaded Not Guilty ; but their Trial is put off to the 23d of October. IRE L A N D. Belfast, Oct. 23. On Saturday last a Wo- man was found dead on the Point Fields, near this Town. On Enquiry it appeared that she had been forced into the Fields, and there ra- vished by Charles Waugh, Joseph Cherry, and William Bourk ; the two former were appre- hended, and committed to Carricfergus Gaol, in order to take their Trials for the said Facts. LONDON, Thursday, November 1. Yesterday Morning, about
Ten, a prodigious Number of People, from all Quarters, crowded into Westminster Hall, which continued to fill till Noon, when Mr. Wilkes came into the Hall, attended by Mr. Sawbridge. Immediately on entering the Hall, Mr. Wilkes's Arrival was no- tified by three loud Huzzas; and being pro- claimed Chairman, he ascended the Stairs, and after informing the Company of the Intent of their Meeting, he read a Paper to them contain- ing the following Instructions to their Members: To the Right Honourable Earl PERCY, and Sir ROBERT BERNARD, Baronet. " WE, the Electors of the City and Liberty of Westminster, reflecting with the
deepest Concern that all Addresses, Petitions, and Remonstrances from the People to the Throne, have of late been not only received with strong Marks of Disappro- bation, but proved entirely ineffectual, and that the Nation can have no Prospect of having their intolerable Grievances redressed by the Interposi- tion of their Sovereign, think it our Duty to direct and instruct you, our Representatives in Parliament, to endeavour, after the Manner of our great Ancestors, a constitutional Remedy for the many Evils we suffer, by impeaching in Parliament the Right Honourable Frederick North, commonly called Lord North, Chancellor
of his Majesty's Exchequer, and First Commis- sioner of the Treasury, for that he the said Lord North did publicly in express Terms deny the Right of the Subject to petition the King for the Dissolution of Parliament, and afterwards used various Threats to prevent the legal Exercise of hat Right; and also that he the said Lord North advised the fatal Measure of imposing on the County of Middlesex, a Representative who was not chosen by the greater Part of the Freeholders of the said County, and employed unconstitu- tional Methods to carry it into Execution, by which the invaluable Right of Election, and the antient and
fundamental Privileges of the People have been violated. We likewise direct and in- struct you to promote a parliamentary Enquiry in to the Foundation of the Reports which have read the most general Alarm, and been univer- sally credited, that he the said Lord North has exerted an undue and corrupt Influence over the legislative Body; that such Influence still con- sequence in the greatest Force ; that the Contempt in which this Nation is now held abroad, in Con- sequence of his Administration, has been the true Cause of the Insults we have received in Europe, and the Loss of our Territories in America ; and lastly, that he the
said Lord North has been the Adviser of many pernicious Counsels, manifestly tending to sow Dissentions between the King and his People, at home and in the Colonies, to sap the public Credit of the Nation Abroad, and to destroy the first Principles of this free Govern- ment, and bring on a total Dissolution of this ex- ellent Constitution." Mr. Wilkes having read the Instructions, one Mr. More, late Under Clerk to the House of Commons, called out from the Middle of the Hall that he heard not one Word distinctly, except the Name of Lord North, and the Word Impeachment; and therefore desired the Instructions might be read
aloud. Upon which Mr. More was brought up near the Chair, and appearing to have a loud Voice, was desired to read the Instructions himself, which he did, but attempting to give them an unfavourable Tone of Voice, he was universally condemned, hissed, and hooted. Mr. Sawbridge then stood forward, and harrangued the People with great Energy in a speech to the following Purport: " Gentlemen, " I must acquaint you that I think the pre- sent Instructions, impeaching Lord North, to be idle, nugatory, and ridiculous ; and I'll give you Reasons for thinking so. Lord North, hen he was not Minister, publicly declared, that if any
Body that opposed Mr. Wilkes for the County of Middlesex, had but four Voices, should be the fitting Member. We are all Witnesses, Gentlemen, that he has kept his Word. Now let me ask you, at a Time when be is Minister, do any of you think his sequence is less? What then will your In- structions avail? They will be equally as absurd as desiring Lord North to impeach Lord North, as his Power cannot now be doubted, after the many Victories he has carried when it was not so great. Upon my Word, Gentlemen, I don't know a greater Piece of Service you can do the Minister, than impeaching him at present, as he will be sure
of getting himself totally acquitted, and then it will be ever after out of our Power to impeach him for the same Offence a second Time. If you think his Power less in the Upper House, let us for a- while examine his Strength here: There are 26 Bishops, 16 Scotch Lords, Lords of the Bedchamber and Houshold out of Number, Secretaries of State, and the long Train of pensioned Lords, who are always at the Beck of a Minister: So that you see, by this imperfect Review, how in- effectual the Measure at present will be; it is therefore my Opinion, that we should drop it for the present. If you are convinced by the Reasons I have given
you, and are of my Opi- nion against the Instructions, I then propose a Remonstrance. It is true your former Petitions to his Majesty have not succeeded ; but I intreat you not to be discouraged; for the People have never persevered in vain. It appears from our Histories that wise and good Princes have yielded easily and instantly to the Petitions of their People; weak and wicked Princes with more Difficulty and Delay, yet still at length even these last have been forced to yield. I cannot entertain so mean an Opinion of the present Prince upon the Throne as to believe he will always continue deaf to the Intreatries of as loyal and
affectionate Subjects as ever any Prince before him had so thoroughly tried. I therefore reject this Proposal, as ineffectual, and would propose another Remonstrance in its Stead." A Remonstrance which was ready drawn up, was then read, and assented to; after which the Thanks of the Meeting were given separately to the Chairman, John Wilkes, Esq; and to Mr. Sawbridge. Thus ended the Convention of the Electors of the opulent and great City of Westminster. Not fewer than 1200 Persons were in the Hall. [ For a Copy of the Remon- strance, see the last Page of this Paper.] We are well informed that the Premier has
declared within these few Days, that, " if he " continues to have the Sanction of a Great " Personage, he will go thorough Stitch with " Affairs, and bring them right at last, or lose " his Head." A Gentleman of this City was a few Days ago called on to give his Reasons for refusing to pay the Land- Tax, for his Estate in a cer- tain County, or suffer his Tenants to pay it ; he answered, That ha will never pay a Far- thing till he is legally represented in Parlia- ment, and that if his Tenants pay the Tax he will not allow it them again. A Correspondent says, that the Journey of a great Lady and her Son to the Continent, has cost upwards of
50,000l. exclusive of Presents made to humble Cousins and needy Relations, & c. which are supposed to amount to as much more. The People of Ireland are under the most alarming Apprehensions that their Parliament will never be suffered to fit again; and that the British Parliament will assume the Power of taxing Ireland as it has done the Colonies. A Ship arrived this Day from Philadelphia, brings Advice, that the principal Merchants of that City had agreed to import Goods from England on the same Terms with New- York, but not to commence till the 16th of January. The Royal Navy of Great- Britain consists of near 250
Men of War, from 20 to 100 Guus; of which 150 are Line- of- Battle Ships, car- rying not less than 50 Guns each. To man this truly respectable and glorious Navy, would require not fewer ( our Correspondent supposes) than 100,000 Men, exclusive of what would be further wanted to man the Sloops of War, Bombs, armed Cutters and Schooners, Yatchs, & c. Let the Enemies of Great- Britain read this Account, and tremble at the Consequences of insulting a Power that is able to send forth such an almost irresistable Force against them. It is believed the Ministry have a double View in being so assiduous in equipping the Navy ;
first to humble the Pride and Impudence of the Spaniards, and also to be prepared to bring the American Colonies to a due Sense of their Duty. It is now said the Duke of Cumberland will have the Command of the Fleet intended for the Mediterranean. The Evils attending the Exportation of Grain, & c. will be laid before an august Assembly, at the approaching Meeting. Among other Regulations which the present Emperor of Germany has introduced for the Good of his People, one is, that he has set apart one Day in every Week for the receiving Petitions, and hearing Grievances; at which Time he has strictly commanded that
no Sub- ject, however mean, shall be refused Admit- tance to his Presence.--- An Example this well worthy the Imitation of every Sovereign Prince in Europe. It is said the Duke of Grafton has a certain Utensil in his Bed- Chamber, which he con- stantly uses, at the Bottom of which is the Fi- gure of Mr. Wilkes. On the other Hand Mr. Wilkes, from whom some say he borrowed the Thought, it is certain, has a whole Set for the Use of his Family, with the Figure of a Great Lady in Pall- Mall. The following Incident is delivered as a Fact by a Writer in this Day's Gazetteer.---- Passing by the House of Mr. Lewis, Plate- Glass Grinder,
the upper End of Great Queen- Street, Lin- coln's Inn Fields, on Saturday Night last, about Eight o' Clock, I was alarmed by a Noise that proceeded from the Workshop below his House, and, on looking down, I perceived about a Dozen ill- looking Fellows, who call them- selves a Press Gang, insisting on Mr. Lewis's going along with them, which he refused, imagining that, as a Housekeeper, a Man in very extensive Business, and of good Credit and Fortune, they had no Right to force him ; but these Gentlemen loon convinced him of his Error; for, after twisting their Hands in his Neckcloth, so as to make him look black in the
Face, and almost choak him, they dragged him, with the utmost Brutality and Violence, up the Stairs into the Street, where he at- tempted again to speak, but, from the Tight- ness of his Neckcloth, found that impossible ; on which he took fast hold of the Iron Rails be- fore his Door, where these merciless Russians beat him with their Bludgeons on his Hands, to make him loose his Hold ; which having ef- fected, they forced him away down the Street, God knows where, without suffering him to speak a single Word to his terrified Family. To aggravate the Atrociousness of the Act; I neither saw Lieutenant, Constable, nor any
other Officer with them. In short, the Bruta- lity and Violence with which this Scene was conducted, cannot be equalled by the Execu- tion of the most arbitrary Act in a despotic Government. Last Friday Morning, between Five and Six o'Clock, a Robbery was committed in the House of Mr. Burges, in Broad- Street, near the Royal Exchange, by a Gang of Villains, who wrenched off the Hinges of the Kitchen Window, and by that Means loosened the Bar which went across, and got Admittance; they broke open all the Servants Tea Chests, which they emptied into a Bag, and took away seve- ral Capuchins, Hats, Shoes, & c.
belonging to the Servants, and all the Linnen which they found in the Kitchen, together with a Sha- r green Cafe of Silver- handled Knives and Forks, several Table and Desert Spoons, and other Articles; after which they went into Mr. Bur- ges's Bedchamber with a lighted Candle, who, awaking at the Noise, jumped out of Bed, and pursued them ; but they ran down London- Wall, and escaped. Tuesday Night, about Eight o'Clock, as a Rider to a wholesale Dealer of this City was coming to Town, out of the North, he was stopped at the Bottom of Highgate Hill, by two Highwaymen, who presented their Pistols to his Head, and
then robbed him of what Cash he had, to the Amount of between forty and fifty Pounds, but happily missed his Poc- ket Book, in which were Notes to a very con- siderable Amount. For Fear he should follow them, they took him off his Horse, which they turned loose, then tied his Hands and Legs with strong Cords, and in that Condition left him, and rode off towards Highgate. A poor Man meeting the Horse, stopped him, think- ing that the Owner had fallen off, but found the Rider lying on his Back, whom he released, and they went in Pursuit of the Fellows, but could not come up with them. Extract of a Letter from Hampton, in
Glou- cestershire, Oct. 28. " Yesterday a very smart Pursuit was made through this Town, after one Remington, a Person who had a Copper- plate engraved at Bir- mingham, of two different Kinds of Tickets in the Irish Schemes ; the one for an Alms- house in Dublin, and the other for an Hospital and In- firmary at Belfast. The Impressions taken off this Plate he vends and sells as genuine, and thereby defrauds the Purchasers, to the general Discredit of the Irish Schemes, which are to- tally the Support of all the public Charities in that poor, though heavily pensioned Kingdom. The Gentlemen who endeavoured to detect the
Villain, I understand, came here from Ireland solely on that Account, that his Attempt to cheat the Public might be rendered ineffectual." for about a Year, and can now see to perform with Ease the nicest Part of the Watch- making Busi- ness without Spectacles. " I do aver the above Relation to be true, and " that it is a Fact well known to all my Ac- " quaintance. JOHN STRAHAN." This HERB SNUFF and TOBACCO are sold by Mr. Gamidge, Bookseller, at Worcester. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, ADwelling - House, with a Barn, Blacksmith's Shop, and a Garden, and also six Acres of good Land; situate in the Parish.
of Ombersley, in the Hamlet of Uphampton, and in the Hands of Mr. Patrick. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Thomas Rouse, of Kidderminster. who will sell the same ; or of Mr. Samuel Townsend, of Ombersley, who will shew the Premisses. STATE LOTTERY, 1770. TICKETS, and Shares of Tickets, are now selling in Halves. Quarters, Eighths, Sixteenths, Thirty- seconds, and Sixty- fourths, at the lowest Prices, by BARNES and GOLIGHTLY, Stock- Brokers, at their Old State Lottery- Office, No. 9, In Pope's Head Alley, near the Royal Ex- change, Cornhill, by whom the following Prizes have been fold and registered:— In
the Lottery 1767, No. 3379, the capital Prize of 20,000l.-- In the Lottery 1768, No. 19,384., 10,000l. No. 33,442, 5000l. No. 59,473, 50001. No. 1520, 2000I. No. 50,143, 1000l. No. 41,490, 1000l. No. 50,166, 5001. sold in sixteen Shares ;-- and in the last Lot- tery, No. 46,598, 50001. No. 4441, 10001. No. 11,204, 1000l. ( No. 56,415, 1000l. No. 40,741, 5001. No. 58,519, 5001. sold in Shares)-- besides many other large Prizes, sold, shared, and registered. SCHEME of the LOTTERY. The following is another remarkable Instance of the good Effects of ROWLEY'S HERB SNUFF and TOBACCO: Mr. JOHN STRAHAN, Watch maker, in Rat- cliff Row, City Road, London, was subject to a Decay of Sight for several Years, until at length the Use of Glasses, and the Assistance of many skilful Persons proved ineffectual; an Inflamma- tion came on in both Eyes; he was for a long Time incapable of following his Business, and had nothing before him but the melancholy Prospect of becoming blind, when ROWLEY'S HERB SNUFF relieved him. He continued the Use of it No. of Prizes. 2 3 5 10 15 30 100 250 16,275 Value of each. £. of 20,000 -- 10,000 -- 5,000 -- 2,000 -- 1,000 -- 500 -- 100 -- 50 -- 20 are 1770. Total Value. £. 40,000 30,000 25,000 20,000
15,000 15,000 10,000 12,500 325,500 16,690 Prizes. 33,310 Blanks. 50,000 Tickets First drawn Ticket for the first six 6,000 Days, 1000l. - Last drawn --- 7,000 £. 500,000 Not Two Blanks to a Prize. The Money for all Prizes will be paid at this Office without any Deduction whatever, agreeable to the Act of Parliament. Tickets are divided into Shares, at this Office, in the most advantageous Manner to the Purcha- sers, by which may be gained the following large Prizes, viz. by a Half, 10,0001. a Quarter, 50001. Eighth, 25001. Sixteenth, 12501. Thirty- second, 6251. Sixty- fourth, 3121. 10s. N. B. Correspondents in the Country
may have Tickets and Shares sent to any Parts, by remitting good Bills at Sight, or short Date, on London, and if they remit more than the Amount, may de- pend it shall be punctually paid to their Order.--- Tickets carefully registered, and the most speedy Account sent of their Success.— Schemes gratis. --- Letters, Post paid, duly answered. The Lottery will begin drawing the 19th of November. All Kinds of Government Securities bought and sold by Commission. N. B. Those Persons who intend purchasing, of the Printer of this Journal, any whole Tickets or Shares from the above Office, are desired to apply for them by
Saturday next, the Tenth Instant, after which Time they cannot be supplied by him. The present Price of Shares of Tickets is as follows: £. s. d. £. s. d. Half - - - 7 12 0 Sixteenth - - 1 1 6 Fourth - - 3 17 0 Thirty- second 0 11 6 Eighth - - 2 0 0 Sixty- fourth - 0 6 6 This Day is Published, Price is. Neatly bound in Red, to be continued annually, Adorned with the Figure of a Lady in the politest Dress of the Year 1770, a fine Likeness of our most gra- cious Queen, and the seven Royal Children , THE LADIES ANNUAL JOURNAL ; or, Complete POCKET BOOK, for the Year 1771 : An useful Register of Business and Amusement:
Containing, 1. The Introduction. 2. An Essay on the Advantages and Imperfections of the modern Mode of Dress. 3. New and Full Moons. 4. Table of the Sun's Rising. 5. The Book exemplified. 6. Holidays, and other re- markable Days. 7. Birth- Days of the Royal Fa- mily. 8. Laws of Whist and Quadrille. 9. An elegant Bill of Fare for every Month in the Year, by a celebrated Cook. 10. Common Notes and moveable Feasts. 11. The most favourite Songs for the last Year. 12. Country Dances for the Year 1771. 13. Rates of Hackney Coachmen, & c. 14. Qualifications in a Wife. 15. Fifty- two double Pages, ruled on an improved
Plan, for the easier keeping of Accounts, Memorandums, & c. 16. A curious Table for calculating Ser- vants Wages. 17. Large Marketing Tables. 18. Enigmatical Dishes, Garlands, & c. with Conud- drums, Rebusses, Paradoxes, and many other useful and amusing Particulars. Printed for Elizabeth Stevens, No. 2, Sta- tioners Court, Ludgate Street; and sold by the Printer and Distributors of this Paper.
MONDAY'S POST. Which contains many INTERESTING Particulars that have not yet appeared in any other Country Paper. Arrived the French, Holland, and Flanders Mails. Petersburgh, October 5. LIEUTENANT - COLONEL Vol- koff is arrived here Express from General Tottleben, with Advice of the taking; of the important Town of Cotatis by Assault. The Turkish Garrison were put to the Sword, so that our Troops were able to make only 170 Prisoners besides setting at Liberty the Janerettes and other Christians in the City. They took more- over four Pair of Colours, seventeen Cannon, and a large Quantity of warlike Stores.
Gen. Tottleben had blocked up the Town for some Time, but the Turks defending themselves obstinately, he battered the Castle in Breach, and carried the Place Sword in Hand. Petersburgh, Oct. 10. Yesterday arrived here an Express, dispatched by Count Panin, with Advice that Count Prosorowsky had found Means- to draw three thousand of the Garrison of Oczakow into an Ambuscade, who were all cut to Pieces, or made Prisoners, except four hundred Men, who escaped by Flight, aban- doning to the Russians three Pieces of Cannon and several Pairs of Colours. From the Loner Rhine, Oct. 19. Private, but authentic
Letters from Lisbon, mention that the Portuguese Minister had publicly declared, that he will not give any Satisfaction to the English, with respect to the violent Proceed- ings against Mr. Connel, a Merchant of that Nation. In fact, it is very evident that the Court of Lisbon means to support the Family Compact, and is daily making Advances to a political League with the Courts of Madrid and Versailles. They even go so far in public Companies of Merchants at Lisbon, as to de- clare, that they value not the Continuance of their commercial Connections with England ; but propose to indemnify themselves, in case of any Coolness or
Rupture with the English, by a new Treaty of Commerce with France. COUNTRY NEWS. Gloucester, Nov. 5. On Friday last was held, at the Booth- Hall in this City, a Meeting of the Justices and Deputy Lieutenants of this County, in consequence of an Advertisement from the Lord Lieutenant, when his Lordship communicated to them two Orders of Council he had received relative to the Impressing all straggling Seamen, as well as other proper Men for the Service of his Majesty's Navy. Several Difficulties appeared in putting the Order of Council into Execution, which were therefore desired to be communicated ; and tho' the
Justices were ready to lend their Assistance in taking up all straggling Seamen, they were un- willing to ail in any Respect that might tend to abridge the Liberty of the Subject. On Saturday last Thomas Herbert, Esq; was elected Member for Ludlow, in the Room of his late Father, without Opposition. LONDON, Saturday, Nov. 3. A Report now prevails at the Court End of the Town, that the Marquis of Rockingham will soon occupy a considerable Department in Administration. We hear that a Great Lady, since her Ar- rival from Abroad, has made Presents to several of the Nobility. Three C Is have been held at Kew since the
Arrival of a great Lady. The last is said to have turned on the Westminster Instructions and Remonstrance. It is said that a Common- Hall will be held in Guildhall before the Meeting of Parliament, for the Purpose of taking into Consideration some further Measures thought necessary to be pursued, towards procuring a Redress of Griev- ances. It is confidently reported, that the Free holders of Middlesex arc to try the Force of Remonstrating once more ! It is said that Mr. Wilkes's Conduct in the City, in his magisterial Capacity, in regard to the Light in which he holds Press- Warrants and his Procedure thereupon, has given great
Disgust at C—- t. We are likewise informed that there has been a Consultation on the above Subject, and it has been deemed a Contempt of the K — g and P y C l. Mr. Wilkes observed, upon his Return on Wednesday last to the King's- Arms, in New Palace Yard, from Westminster- Hall, " that " he always should most chearfully submit his " Opinion to the Majority of his Friends, but " he feared the present Remonstrance would " have no more Effect than the former, and be " only another Paper Kite for his Royal High- " ness the Prince of Wales." Lord Bute, it is confidently said, is now at the Court of Madrid in Disguise. Her
Royal Highness the Princess Dowager of Wales has brought over a Clock and Case of most curious and uncommon Workmanship; the Dial Plate is set with Diamonds, and the Pillars are solid Gold. She has presented it to his Majesty. We hear a Noble Duke has generously de- clared, that he will discharge all the just Debts of the Marquis his Son. It is said that Mr. Calcraft has got under- written exactly 47,000l. on the late Marquis of Granby's Life, and that the Sum advanced by him to his Lordship, was about 83,000l. so that Mr. C—' s Loss by the Marquis's Death, will be 36,000l. It is assured the Spaniards have now at the
Havannah and Hispaniola eighteen Ships of the Line, ready manned and equipped for Sea, besides a Number of Land Forces. The Advices received this Week in the Pac- ket from Lisbon confirm all the former Ac- counts respecting the British Merchants ; and add, that their Grievances are rather increased than diminished. A private Letter from the same Place says, that six of the capital Merchants there were collecting their Effects, and preparing to re- turn forthwith to England. By authentic Letters from Brest, received Yesterday, we can assure the Public, that every Subject of Great Britain was ordered out of that Sea Port.
Orders are given for all the Crews of the Men of War that arrive from foreign Stations, to be turned over on board the Guard- ships, in order to complete the different Squadrons going Abroad. Notwithstanding the great Number of Press- Warrants that have been issued, and the Vi- gour with which they have been carried into Execution, we arc credibly informed that the Number of Seamen obtained by them, and even by his Majesty's Bounties, as Volunteers, do not in the whole amount to five Thousand. Letter from Dublin, October 28. The People of this Kingdom, tired out at length by the repeated Insults offered to their
Liberties, in the Suspension of some of their most useful Laws, and the Dread of losing their Representation, have come to a Resolution of laying their Complaints before the Throne; from his Majesty's known Goodness of Heart, he will redress those Grievances that would dis- grace the most arbitrary Government. Dr. Lucas, our Irish Wilkes, has as usual stepped forward in this Act of Patriotism, and has written a Letter to the Lord Mayor for the Use of the Hall, for the Purpose of convening the Freemen. The Aldermen, who are always in Opposition to the Doctor, decry this Mea- sure as much as they can, but it is generally
thought their Opposition will have little Weight, as the Friends of Liberty are very nu merous and respectable, and seem to be tho- roughly in earnest." We hear that the Viceroy of a neighbouring Kingdom, on finding the Increase of popular Clamour, has, to appease the Malecontents, and to avert their Anger, with respect to him- self, drawn a Portrait lately of a Lord Lieu- tenant in his own Person, with both his Hands tied behind him. The Pay of the three Regiments of Foot Guards, no Part of which have been employed in actual Service these ten Years ( except in St. George's Fields) is an Expence to the Nation of 10 5788I.
15s. per Annum. It is said there is now upwards of Half a Million of Silver in the Bank of England. ----- Query, Whose Fault is it then that the Public are so exceedingly distressed for Want of Silver Coin ? A Correspondent just arrived from America, informs us, that notwithstanding the Bostonians have made so great a Clamour, and have com- plained so much, among other Grievances, of the Want of Specie, that more than three or four Ships have, not long since, been fitted out from thence to trade with France and Spain for every Commodity they wanted, for which the Bostonians have made Returns in Moidores, Guineas, and
Half Guineas. Oliver Cromwell's Navigation Act was very wisely contrived to perpetuate an Union be- tween England and the Colonies ; by this the Colonists were obliged to purchase all Things they stood in Need of from the Mother Coun- try, and were prohibited by Penalties from trading with the Dutch, French, Spaniards, & c. Many wise Men thought this Prohibition a sufficient Tax. Mr. Grenville, who contrived deprive the Americans of Spanish Dollars, thought very differently ; our present wife Ad- ministration pursue the essential Part of that Minster's Scheme, a Mode of Taxation grie- vous and disagreeable to the People,
and of no Consequence to the Revenue. It is reported that the Widow Bigby has withdrawn her Appeal in the Case of the two Kennedys, and that she retired last Week to settle in the Country, having lately received from a Banker in Westminister 350l. Yesterday an impressed Man was carried be- fore Mr. Alderman Oliver, at Guildhall, who discharged him. The Gentleman in Great Queen- Street, that was on Saturday last taken from his own Shop by a Press- Gang ( who, it seems, came after one of the Journeymen, but who having es- caped over a Wall in the Yard, they took the Master) has received a Letter from the Lords of
the Admiralty, offering him Protections for that Journeyman and his whole Family during the War, if he would not prosecute one of the Gang now in Custody for the above illegal Act. The Gentleman has answered, that he should not accept the offered Protection, but would himself take Care of his Family; and that their Lordships might depend on his Perseverence in seeking Redress from the Laws of his Country, in order to prevent in future such daring In- fringements on the Liberty of the Subject. During the late War, a Lieutenant of a Press- Gang imprudently laid hold of an Officer belonging to the Lord Mayor of this City ; upon
which an Action was commenced against him, and he was sentenced to stand in the Pil- lory, to pay a Fine of 500I. and to be impri- soned for the Space of seven Years. Extract of a Letter from Warsaw, Oct. 3. " The Plague having penetrated to a Town named Zeleszeriki, on the Frontiers of Mol- davia, belonging to the hereditary Dominions of his Majesty, some superstitious Wretches persuaded several of the lower Class, that the best Means to preserve themselves from the Con- tagion, would be to draw out the Teeth from the dead Carcases, and to suck their Blood. This loathsome Method has been put in Prac- tice, and
caused many to perish, notwith- standing every Method taken by the Magistrates to put a stop to it. This Account, incredible as it may appear, is attested by the most au- thentick Advices." On Thursday a Woman in the Old Bailey received the following Letter from her Hus- band, who was gone to his Garden near Isling- ton : —" Dear Wife, Before this reaches you I shall be no more: The Weight of my Misfor- tunes, which I have brought upon myself by my criminal Intercourse with Mrs. D , I am not able to bear any longer, and am there- fore determined to quit a Life that for some Years has been but of little Use to you or my
Children. Farewell, for ever, from him who was once an indulgent Husband."— The poor Woman got a Friend, and went immediately to the Place, where, to their great Concern, they found him hanging in the Summer House in his Garden, quite dead. A Presentation has passed the Seal to enable the Rev. John Wynte, M. A. to hold the Rec- tory of Exhall, in the County of Warwick, void by Cession. Married.] At Stapleton, Gloucestershire, William Hayward Winstone, Esq; second Son of Thomas Hayward, Esq; of Quedgeley, to Miss Wayne, Daughter of Wayne, Esq; of Bristol. —- Mr. William Walker, an eminent Merchant of
Birmingham, to Miss Wadams, of Walsall Died.] At Hampton, Gloucestershire, Samuel Shepard, Esq; one of his Majesty justices of the Peace for that County. John Osborne, Esq of Monk's- Hill, near Wotton- Underedge. Worcester, October 15, 1770. THE Mayor and Justices intending to appoint SCAVENGERS for this City, at the next adjourned Quarter Sessions, which will be held at the Guild- Hail on Monday the Nineteenth Day of November, at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, NOTICE is hereby given, That all Persons who are willing to execute such Office, either for the whole City, or for any of the Parishes within the said
City, are desired to attend at the said adjourned Sessions with their Proposals. By the COURT. BUND. WANTED to be purchased,— A small Freehold Estate, of the yearly Value of Fifteen or Sixteen Pounds, to be situated in or near Worcestershire : Any Person having such an Estate to dispose of, may hear of a Purchaser, by applying to Mr. STAPLES, Attorney at Law, in Worcester.— Several Sums of Money ready to be placed out to Interest 0n real Securities. Apply as above. ALL Persons who have any De- mands on THOMAS COLLINS, Cooper, of the City of Worcester, are desired forthwith to deliver in their Accounts to
Mr. Meredith, Up- holder, of the said City. And all Persons who Hand indebted to the said THOMAS COLLINS, are hereby required to pay in their respective Debts immediately to the said Mr. Meredith, who is duly authorised to receive the same. Worcester, Oct. 11, 1770. JOHN MOGRIDGE, MERCER and UNDERTAKER, HAVING entered upon that old- accustomed Shop in the High- Street, many Years known by the Sign of the White Lilly, next Door to Mr. Jefferies, Watch- maker, in- forms his Friends and the Public, that he has laid in a new and elegant Assortment of Mercery, Linnen- Drapery, and Haberdashery Goods,
which he is determined to sell on the most reasonable Terms, to all who favour him with their Custom; which will be ever gratefully acknowledged. Shrouds ready made, and Funerals furnished. THE Trustees for repairing the A Road from Spernal Ash, in the County of Warwick, through Studley, to a Street called Digbeth, in the Town of Birmingham, are desired to attend at the next Meeting, appointed to be held at the Swan Inn, in Birmingham aforesaid, on Tuesday the Thirteenth Day of November Instant, at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, it being thought necessary immediately to petition Parliament to enlarge the Powers of the
present Act. BIRMINGHAM and BRISTOL STAGE COACH began, on Tuesday the 30th of October last, going twice a Week, during the Winter: Sets out from the White Hart Inn, in Broad- Street, Bristol, and the Dolphin Inn, in Birmingham, every Tuesday Morning ; lies at Tewkesbury, and returns to the same Places on Wednesday : Sets out again every Thursday Morn- ing from the Dolphin Inn in Birmingham, lies at Tewkesbury, ana gets to Bristol on Friday. The Coach from Worcester to Bristol, during the Winter, sets out every Thursday, at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon; lies at Tewkesbury, and gets to Bristol the next Day:
Returns from the White Hart Inn, in Broad- Street, Bristol every Thurs- day Morning; lies at Tewkesbury, and reaches Worcester on Friday Morning.— Price as usual. THOMASGARMSTON, Worcester. Performed by Henry WILTON, Gloucester. RICHARD BOWSHER, Bristol. N. B. Great Care will be taken of Parcels; but they will not be answerable for any Plate, Watches, Money, & c. unless entered as such, and paid for accordingly. A neat Post Coach and Post Chaises to any Part of England; likewise Hearses and Mourning Coaches to be had of the said Thomas Garmston. TO BE SOLD, A Very compleat Set of Mills, on a
good Stream, within a Mile of Worcester, consisting of two Pair of Stones, and two Water- Wheels for grinding Corn, with a Boltilig- Mill, and a Set of Snuff- Mills, worked by the same Wheels. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Thor- neloe, in Worcester. To be LETT , and entered upon immediately, or at Christmas next, AGood substantial Dwelling- House, situate in the Village of Kempsey, being three measured Miles and a Half from Worcester ; with good Stall- Stabling for three Horses, Barn, and other Out- Houses; together with two large Gardens adjoining thereto, planted with divers Sorts of Fruit Trees, a small Flower
Garden be- fore the House, and a Pasture of old Land, planted with Fruit Trees. For further Particulars apply to the Rev. Mr. Bird, at Welland, near Upton; Mr. Gorle, of Napleton ; or of Mr. Thomas Tandy, of Kemp- sey, who will shew the Premisses. To be LETT, and entered upon at Lady- Day next, AVery good Farm, of about the yearly Value of Sol. situate within eight Miles of the City of Worcester Great Encou- ragement will be given to a good Tenant. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, A good Dwelling- House, in thorough Repair, with a Garden thereto belonging, situate in the Parish of Martin Hussingtree, in the County
of Worcester, near to the Turnpike Road leading from the City of Worcester to Droitwich, of the yearly Value of 3 l. For other Particulars apply to Mr. Collet, At- torney at Law, in Worcester. To be LETT ro SOL D, And my be entered upon immediately ( Mr. Williams the present Tenant going to decline Business) THE UNICORN INN, situate in Broad- Street, Worcester, ( being a good- accustomed House, and the Business well known to have been greatly increasing for these last three Years) with the whole Furniture, Stock of Li- quors, & c. which are fully sufficient and suitable for the Accommodation of all Classes of Custo- mers
Besides a great deal of good Stall Sta- bling, and all other Conveniencies, there are two neat Post- Chaises, and good Horses, already pro- vided.--- For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Davis, next Door to the Premisses. N. B. All Persons who stand indebted to the above Mr. Williams, are desired forthwith to pay in their respective Debts to the said Mr. Davis ( who is duly authorized to receive the same) or they will be sued without further Notice. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Friday the 16 th Day of this Instant November, at the Crown Inn, in Ombersley, between the Hours of Two and Four in the Afternoon, subject to such
Conditions for Sale as shall then be produced, A Compleat Copyhold Estate of In- heritance, consisting of about eighteen Acres and an Half of Pasture, Arable, and Meadow Land, situate at Powers, in the Parish of Om- bersley aforesaid, now rented by Mr. Thomas Winall. N. B. Mr. Winall will shew the Premisses, and for further Particulars apply to Mr. William Woodhouse, of Salwarp, near Droitwich. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Monday the 10th of December next, at the House of Mr. Penny, being the Post- Office, in Bengworth, Worcestershire, between the Hours of Two and Five in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions
of Sale as shall be then and there produced ( if not in the mean Time disposed of by private Contract, of which timely Notice will be given in this Paper) AFreehold Messuage, or Mansion- House, and an inclosed Farm, with conve- nient Out- buildings thereunto belonging, together with about 140 Acres of good Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Lands; the Whole lying within a Ring - Fence, and known by the Name of Wormington Grange, in the Parish of Didbrook in the County of Gloucester; and now held by Wil- liam Aly, under Contract, which will be void at Lady Day 1771, at the yearly Rent of 115l. For further Particulars enquire
of Mr. Lang- ford, of Kempsey, near Worcester. Mr. Aly, the Tenant, will shew the Premisses. Evesham, Oct. 21, 1770. INOCULATION. AS the present Season is deemed more suitable for the INOCULATION of the SMALL- POX than the extreme Heat of Summer, I take this Liberty of informing the Public, that I shall continue the Practice thereof, as usual; and as my Method of treating that Distemper lias been so evidently blessed with Success, that not one unfavourable Symptom hath appeared in any of my Patients, I hope for future Encouragement. Gratitude obliges me to acknowledge the Obli- gations conferred by some
Persons of distinguished Abilities, and I shall always endeavour in this, and every other Branch of my Profession, to merit the Approbation of those who may think me worthy of their Favours; for I have not a Wish to raise a Reputation on any other Basis than real Merit. B. FEILD. Bromsgrove, Oct. 30, 1770. DIVERS Whiteners of Linnen Cloth, residing in this Place and Neighbour- hood, haying, at several different Times, lost and had feloniously stolen and taken away, from out of their Bleaching Yards or Grounds, various Quan- tities of Linnen Cloth, there laying to bleach ;— In order, as far as may be, to prevent such in- jurious
and evil Practices for the future, We, whose Names are hereunto subscribed, have mu- tually agreed, by Bond, to assist at all Times, at our joint Expence, each other, in apprehending, and prosecuting to the utmost Rigour of the Law, any Person or Persons who shall hereafter be con- cerned in robbing any Bleaching Yard or Ground belonging to either of us respectively. As witness our Hands, BENJAMIN HUMPHRYS, WILLIAM KINGS, WILLIAM BROWN, THOMAS ELLINS.
ALL Persons who have any De- mands on the Estate and Effects of JOHN TILL, of the City of Worcester, Butcher, are desired to appear at the White Swan, in New- Street, in the said City, on Thursday the 22d of this Instant November, in order to receive a final Dividend out of the Produce of the Effects of the said JOHN TILL. And all Persons who stand indebted to the said JOHN TILL, are required to pay in their respective Debts before the said 22d Instant, either to Mr. Charles Geary, or Mr. Edward Prodger, Butchers, in the said City, who are authorised to receive the same. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, At the Hop
Pole, in the City of Worcester, on Monday the 3d Day of December next, between the Hours of Two and Four in the Afternoon, AModern Brick Messuage, genteely fitted up, with proper Offices, two Gardens, an excellent cold Bath supplied by a perpetual Spring, and other Conveniences to the said Mes- suage belonging, held under the Dean and Chapter of Worcester for four Lives, all existing. The above Messuage is known by the Name of the Bath- House, is situated upon an Eminence, at Henwick, within Half a Mile of the City of Worcester, and commands a most delightful View of the River Severn, and the adjacent
Country, and would be very eligible for a small genteel Family. Further Particulars may be had by applying to Mr. Sockett, Attorney, in Worcester. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, ( At a Time and Place to be mentioned in a future Advertisement) THE following Freehold Estates, late the Property of Mary the Wife of George Burrish, Esq; deceased, in the following LOTS; LOT 1st, The Manor, or reputed Manor, of Oakley, in the Parish of Salwarp, near to the Borough of Droitwich, in the County of Wor- cester, with the Manor House called Oakley- House, and divers Farms, Lands, and Hereditaments, thereto belonging, situate
in Salward, and within the Borough of Droitwich aforesaid, now occupied by Mr. William Bibb, Mr. Henry Webb, Mr. Edward Grainger, and others, at the yearly Rent of 205l. 5s. with three Houses in Droitwich, of the yearly Rents of 20l. 4s. Also the Right of Presentation of a Lecturer to the Lectureship of St. Andrew, in Droitwich. And also the Manor of Badgworth, near to the Town of Cheltenham, in the County of Glou- cester, with divers Farms, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, in or near Badgworth afore- said, in the several Occupations of John Chandler, William Oakey, Thomas Lane, and Others, at the yearly Rent of
1681. 10s. 3d. Note, The above Estates are subject to divers Annuities and Charities, amounting in the whole to 190l. per Annum, inclusive of 40l. per Annum to the Lecturer of St. Andrew, but such Annuities are liable to, and pay Land Tax. LOT 2d, A Farm near Oakley aforesaid, called Newland Farm, now in the Occupation of William Baylis, at the yearly Rent of 85l. 10s. LOT 3d, A Farm at Doverdale, near Droitwich aforesaid, in the Occupation of Samuel Lilly, at the yearly Rent of 70l. and a Mill, with some other Land there, in the Occupation of John Vincent, at the yearly Rent of 14l. The several Tenants above- mentioned
will shew the Premisses; and further Particulars may be had of Mr. Hill, at Oldnall, near Stourbridge; or of Mr. Holbeche, Attorney, in Droitwich, Wor- cestershire. This Day is published, Price 1s. 6d. THE BOOK of ODDITIES; Or, Queer Fellow's Companion: Containing an uncommon Collection of curious Stories, which may be valued for their being QUEER, ODD, STRANGE, AMAZING, WHIM- sICAL, COMIC, ABSURD, OUT O'TH' WAY, and UNACCOUNTABLE. The Whole calculated to promote the Mirth, and excite the Wonder and Astonishment of all the Sons and Daughters of Adam. By JACK LOVE FUN. London, printed
for J. Ekins, in Pater- noster- Row; and sold by the Printer and Distributors of this Journal, and most Booksellers in England. This Day is Published, Price 1 s. Neatly bound in Red, to be continued annually, ( Ornamented with the following beautiful Engravings: A Lady and two Children in the most fashionable Dress of 1770; and twelve Heads of celebrated Beauties, dressed in the highest Taste, and suitable to every Month in the Year) THE LADIES' own Memorandum Book ; or, DAILY POCKET JOURNAL, for the Year 1771; designed as a methodical Register of all their Transactions of Business, as well as Amusement:
Containing, 1. New Plan of Edu- cation— on Nursing, & c. by a Mother. 2. Origi- nal poetical Pieces. 3. Birth- Days and Years of the Royal Family. 4. Names of the Sovereigns in Europe. 5. An exact Table of the Window Tax. 6. Seventeen new Enigmas. 7. Several new Re- busses and Paradoxes. 8. Answers to the last Enigmas, Rebusses, & c. 9. Common Notes and noveable Feasts. 10. Remarkable Occurrences in 770. 11. New Songs designed for the Gardens in 1771. 12. Favourite new Songs sung at Vaux- hall last Year. 13. Saints Days, Holidays, & c. Table of the Sun's rising and setting. 15. New and Full Moons, and
Eclipses. 16. A perpetual iary. 17. Country Dances for the Year 1771. 8. Table of the Roads between London and dinburgh. 19. A large and new Marketing table. 20. Interest Table. By a LADY. London, printed for Robinson and Roberts, No. 25, Pater- noster- Row; sold by E. Andrews Worcester; and may be had of the Printer and distributors of this Journal. The very favourable Encouragement this Book met with has enabled the Proprietors not only to estow a more considerable Sum than usual on the En- ravings, but also to enlarge the Size of the ruled ages, so as to make the Journal Part more useful and convenient.
THURSDAY'S POST. ( By EXPRESS from LONDON.) Yesterday arrived a Mail from HOLLAND. Lisbon, October 2. A Yacht is just arrived here from Rio Janiero, in 75 Days, with impor- tant Dispatches from our Viceroy to the Court. It brings Advice of such Hostilities having been com- menced by the Spaniards against the English in the River Plate, as they think must end in a Rupture between the two Nations. In con- sequence of these Proceedings, our Governor has demanded Instructions for his future Beha- viour, in case of a War. A Report is general here, that several English Ships have appeared off an Island near
Buenos Ayres. SCOTLAND. Edinburgh, 0ct. 31. Monday se'nnight came down his Majesty's most gracious Pardon to James Duncan, condemned at Aberdeen last Circuit. He is, in forty Days, to banish him- self out of Great Britain and Ireland, under the usual Certification. A few Days ago there was taken up in the Garden of the Right Honourable the Lord Chief Baron, at Dean, a Root of the Plant of the true Rhubarb, ( the Seeds of which Doctor Mounsey brought to this Country from China) which weighed no less than 35 Pounds. The Acquisition of this valuable Plant will cer- tainly prove of very great Advantage to Bri- tain, on
Account of the vast Quantity of its Roots used in Medicine in this Country. COUNTRY NEWS. Reading, Nov. 3. At Winchester Fair, on Wednesday, one Fenton, a Taylor, was taken into Custody for stealing three Pair of new Shoes from a Stall, and sent to the House of Correction. Since his Commitment the House of his Mother, with whom he lodged ( an in- firm Woman, upwards of ninety Years old, who always appeared to be in very necessitous Circumstances) was searched, and the follow- ing Cash, & c. found therein, viz. tied up in Bag 100l. in Cash; wrapped in a Handker- chief 36l. in a Pincushion 18 Guineas; Lin- nen to
the Value of 80l. twelve Pair of new Stays; thirty- six red and black Cardinals; seven Pair of new Blankets; nineteen new Shifts; a large Quantity of new quilted Petti- coats ; several new Beds; a great deal of new and old Plate, with the Names thereon erased ; Abundance of new and old Pewter, Tea Ket- tles, Brass and Iron Candlesticks, Knives, Scis- sars, Snuff- Boxes, & c. It seems this Woman hath received constant Relief from the Parish of Sunning, in this County, where she is a Pa- rishoner, for many Years past. LONDON, Tuesday, Nov. 6. It is now positively said at the West End of the Town, that a respectable Part of
the pre- sent Armament will, in a few Days, be dis- patched for the Tagus, to procure a full Satis- faction for the many Injuries done to our Com- merce, by the most ungrateful Court of Por- tugal, whose Country we have saved in Times of War and Famine. There is no Question so often asked, as, " Shall we have Peace or War?" The best Answer, though obvious, does not always oc- cur. Whatever is most foolish, most absurd, and most wicked, that will the Ministers most certainly do. News- paper Authority is some- times erroneous; but, for once, and though upon an important Question, let News- paper Authority have a little
Weight. It then is very certain, and the Public ought to know it, that the Princess of Wales, Lord Mansfield, and Lord North, are for Peace. The K. was some Time ago inclined to resent the lnsult of taking Falkland's Island, but since the Return of his Mother, he is not so determined. How- ever, Lord Rochford, who knows the secret Disposition of the Court of Spain, having for- merly been our Ambassador there some Time, is for War. Whether Hecate, and her Scotch Laird, are to preserve their Influence over the most important Concerns of this Country, is now the Question. One of the first Questions that Hecate asked, after her
Return home, was, " Whether the Majority had been properly secured ?" To which her Minister made Answer, " Madam, it has; no Pains or Expence has been spared." " That's well," she said. Words to the following Effect, unless they should be altered, we are told, will appear in a certain Oration : " Fresh Assurances of a Desire to preserve the general Tranquility."— " Determined to maintain the Honour of my Crown." It is said a certain Speech to be delivered next Week, is to begin with " The Plague From what is now generally said, it is to be concluded that there will be a very hard Strug- gle on the first Day of the Meeting of a
certain Assembly, on the Address. The declared Op- ponents of the Ministry being somewhat in- creased in Number, and certain Circumstances having occurred since the last Sessions, as, when explained, is expected to bring over many others. Next to the Address, the present State of our foreign Concerns, is, we are assured, to be the first Subject that will be brought under Consideration in a certain Place, by the Op- position. It is said Lord Chatham has a Plan for ac- commodating all domestic Differences, which his Lordship will read in the House of Lords soon after the Opening of the ensuing Session of Parliament. We
hear that there is an Affair likely to be made public very soon, respecting some De- ficiencies or Embezzlement of Money by the Officers of a Commission Board, under an Act of Parliament, which is expected to make a great Noise. Stocks are again tumbling down, which lead many People to conjecture, that notwithstanding every Report to the contrary, we are on the immediate Eve of a War. Large Bets are depending, that there is not an English Ship freighted from any Part of Portugal after Lady Day next. It is certain, that both the Spaniards and Portuguese are exporting Stores of all Kinds to their Settlements in Africa and
America in vast Quantities. They write from Guernsey, that the greatest Naval Preparations are now making in every Sea- port in France, which is confirmed by the Arrival of every Vessel from France. Letters from Brest mention, that the French are very industrious there in compleating such Ships as yet remain unfinished in the Docks, and in preparing those for Service which are in the Harbour. An additional Number of Arti- ficers are employed in the Yards, and strict Orders have been issued to permit none to enter into the Marine Yards but their Artificers and Surveyors, who have a written Permit from the Commandant, which
is to be shewn to the Officer on Duty before ever they can gain Admittance. Letter from Cadiz, oct. 12. " Notwithstanding the Endeavours made Use of by the French Court to accommodate Mat- ters between England and Spain, it seems at present out of their Power to do it, as the lat- ter has absolutely declared that they will not comply with the Demands of the British Court, especially to that Part of delivering up Falk- land's Island, and paying for fitting out and manning so vast a Fleet; a List of which has been sent hither with their Names and Num- ber of Guns, & c. for we are as well acquainted with what you are doing in your
Dock- Yards, & c. as you who live upon the Spot. Advice has been received here that a Spanish Man of War of 70 Guns has fallen in with and sunk one of his Britannic Majesty's Frigates, sup- posed to be the Alarm : If this Intelligence should prove true, there can be no longer a Doubt but such a Step taken by the Spaniards will immediately bring on a War. This Ac- count is confirmed by an Officer who is arrived here from Madrid, who says he saw the Lieu- tenant of the Man of War arrive there with the Account. He pretended to say, that it was done by Mistake, as the English Vessel had hoisted Algerine Colours." It is reported
that Advices of a very interest- ing Nature, relative to the Colonies, have lately been transmitted from North America. Wednesday the 3d of October was appointed to be observed at Boston as a Day of Prayer, to seek the Favour and Direction of the Almighty. Great Apprehensions have been entertained, within these few Days, for the Safety of the Supervisors bound to India. It is said that a Body of Gentlemen, not fewer than 60 in Number, at a Meeting held in the City on Friday Evening, came to the unanimous Resolution of not paying any Land- Tax this Year. We hear that the celebrated Irish Patriot, Dr. Lucas, is shortly
expected in London, from Dublin, in order to lay a Complaint of an ex- traordinary Nature before a Great Personage. From the Preparations making against the Lord Mayor's Day ( Friday next) it is thought there will be as grand a Shew as ever appeared on the like Occasion. It is said that the Lord Mayor Elect is de- termined to adopt the same Measures in the Execution of his Office, as the late Mr. Beck- ford did. The Case lately prepared by the City Solici- tor, respecting the Conduct of the Companies of Goldsmiths, Weavers, and Grocers, in re- fusing to obey the Lord Mayor's Precept for a Common Hall, was on Friday read
before the Committee appointed to consider of the same, and being approved, a Copy thereof ( the same consisting of upwards of 100 Sheets of Paper) was directed to be given to each of the four following Council for their Opinion and Ad- vice thereon ; to wit, Mr. Wedderburne, Mr. Serjeant Glynn, Mr. Dunning, and Mr. Com- mon Serjeant. A certain patriotic Alderman has given po- sitive Orders to the several Constables of his Ward on no Account to assist the enforcing Press Warrants. It is said an Order will be passed in Council for the Encouragement of Sailors serving on board Privateers, that for the future they shall not
lose their Wages, in case the Ship should be cast away. George Grenville, Esq; is attended by Dr. Duncan and Dr. Fothergill, but there are no Hopes of his Recovery. His Grace the Duke of Argyle lies speechless at his House in Soho- Square. The Right Hon. the Earl of Egmont is dan- gerously ill at his House in Pall- Mall. This Morning the two Kennedys were brought into the Court of King's Bench in Westminster Hall, when Mr. Serjeant Glynn moved, That the Merits of the Appeal brought by Ann Bigby might be entered into. Mr. Wallace, as Counsel for the Kennedys, then moved, That the Appellant should appear to make
good her Charge against the Defendants. Proclamation was accordingly made in Court for that Purpose, when the Appellant not ap- pearing, she was nonsuited. Copy of a Letter from a Gentleman at Boston to his Friend in London. " Dear Sir, Boston, Sept. 30. " I wrote to you Yesterday per Capt. Jacob- son. This acquaints you that I have this Moment received from Newbury ( by Express) an Account of the Death of the dear, dear, never to be forgotten Friend, that eminent and faithful Servant of Jesus Christ, dear Mr. Whitefield, who died this Morning at Six o'Clock, at Newbury ; the Particulars of which I cannot inform you at
present, only that it was very sudden." The Right Hon, the Earl of Hillsborough, Secretary of State for the Colonies, is now building three Churches on his Estate, in the County of Down, in the North of Ireland, at his Lordship's own Expence ; one at Hillsbo- rough, another at Clanduff, near Newry ; and another at a Place called Aunthalt. The two latter are almost finished, and that at Hillsbo- rough will be finished in less than a Year. Some further Particulars relative to the taking of Bender, which arrived by Letters Yesterday, are as follow : The Town, upon a Signal given, was attacked in three different Places; the Gar- rison
defended themselves valiantly, and dis- puted every Inch of Ground with great Perse- verance; when they were beaten from their Trenches, they fought from Street to Street in the Town, and withstood the Russians for five Hours after they took the Citadel. The Garrison consisted at the Beginning of the Siege of near thirty thousand Men, but at the Time of the Assault were reduced to near half that Number; four hundred Cannon were found in the Town, besides an immense Booty. Baron Stein, who resided in London about five Years since, and Col. Maller, were both killed in the Attack. We hear a Machine for bolting Meal has
been laid before the Society of Arts, & c. it separates the Corn at one Operation into fine Flour, second Flour, Pollard, and Bran, and dispatches the Work with great Expedition. Yesterday a Black, who had been at Sea, went to be married to a white Woman, at St. Olave's Church, Tooley- Street ; but while the Ceremony was performing, an Officer with a Press Gang came in to take the Man away ; the Clergyman insisted that he should not take him till the Ceremony was gone through ; up- on which the Minister was insulted, and the Officer of the Gang was taken into Custody, carried before the Sitting Justices at St. Mar- garet's
Hill, and obliged to give Bail for his Appearance. Price of CORN per Quarter, at London. Pease 30s. to 32s. Hog Pease 27s. to 28s. Finest Flour 36s. per Sack. Wheat 36s. to 4s2. Barley 20s. to 24s. od. Pale Malt 27s. to 33s. Rye 26s. to 28s. Bank Stock, 137. Four per cent cons. 88 5- 8ths a 3- 4ths. Three 1- half per cent. 1756, 100 7- 8ths a 101. Three 1- half per cent. 1758, 83. Three per cent, consol. 79 3- 8ths a 1- half. Three per cent, reduced 78 1- 4th a 3- 8ths. Three per cent. 1726, —. Long Annuities, 24l 1- half. South Sea Stock, —. Three per cent. Old Annuities, —. Ditto New Annuities, 77 3- 4ths a 7- 8ths. Ditto 1751,
—. India Stock, 193 1- half a 3- 4ths. Three per cent. Annuities, 76 3- 4ths a 77. India Bonds, 20s. a 21s. Prem. Navy Bills, 2 1- 4th per cent. Disc. Lottery Tickets, 14l. 15s. a 16s. BANKRUPTS required to surrender. Alex- ander Mainstone, of Thames- street, Oilman, Nov. 14, 20, Dec. 15. Thomas Maling, of Crutched- friers, Merchant, Nov. 12, 17, Dec. 15. Tho- mas Fothergill, of Sherborn- lane, Merchant, Nov. 14, 19, Dec. 15.— John Herring, of St. Clement Danes, Mercer, Nov. 10, 17, Dec. 15.— Jonathan Brough, of the aforesaid Parish, Bookseller and Stationer, Nov. 6, 10, Dec. 15.— Richard Hard- ing and James Gosling,
of Richmond, in Surry, Ironmongers, Nov. 14, 30, Dec. 15. Robert Howard, of Westminster, Merchant, Nov. 10, 19, Dec. 18 ; all at Guildhall. DIVIDENDS to be made to Creditors.— Nov. 6. Wm. Annand and John Colhoun, of Bow- lane, Merchants Nov. 24. Michael Young, of St. Paul, Covent Garden, Mercer.— Dec. 12. James Rivington, of Pater- noster- row, Bookseller Nov. 30. Wm. Ward, of Bridge- street, West- minster, Sadler.—— Nov. 30. John Holland, of Gloucester, Mercer; — all at Guildhall. WORCESTER, Thursday, November 8. The Price of Shares of Lottery Tickets, this Day, is as follows, viz. An Half 7l. 13s. 6d.—
Fourth 3l. 18s.— Eighth 2l. os. 6d.— Sixteenth 1l. 2s.— Thirty- second 12s.— Sixty- fourth 6s. 6d. At our Market, last Saturday, about 430 Pockets of Hops were sold; the Prices from 4l. 17s to 6l. per Hundred. On Thursday last the Rev. Mr. Samuel Cooper, of Christ Church, Oxford, was in- stituted, by the Lord Bishop of this Diocese, to the Vicarage of Loxley, in the County of Warwick. The Assize of Bread is as follows, Wheaten lb. 0 1 3 6 viz. Houshold Penny Loaf to weigh Two- penny Loaf Six- penny Loaf Twelve- penny Loaf Eighteen- penny Loaf The Halfpenny Bach Cake not to weigh less than 4 Ounces 8 Drams, the
Penny ditto not less than 9 Ounces; and no other Sort of Bach Cakes to be made. 9 1 5 11 10 1 dr. 0 15 13 10 7 lb. 0 1 4 9 13 dr. 1 3 9 1 l0 oz 8 8 1 9
The following is a correct Copy of the Remonstrance; agreed to by the Electors of Westminister, at their Meeting on Wednesday last To the KING'S Most Excellent Majesty. The humble Address, Remonstrance, and Petition, of the ELECTORS of the City and Liberty of WESTMINSTER. " May it please your Majesty, AS long as we have any Confidence left in the Integrity of your Majesty's Intentions, and in the Sincerity of your Declarations, we cannot cease most humbly, though earnestly, to implore your Royal interposition in Behalf of a loyal and much injured People. We have already petitioned your Majesty for a Dissolution of
the present Parliament. That Power is wisely and incontestibly placed by the Constitution in your Majesty, for the Benefit of your People. There are but two Situations in which it can be exercised— either when the People are dissatisfied, or when they are satisfied with the Conduct of their Representatives. If your Ma- jesty means wholly to decline this Power, as irre- concileable with the Principles of the Constitution, the People will lose a constitutioual Remedy. If your Majesty means to retain it, and to exercise it only in the latter Case, as it has been very recently, and without any Scruple, exercised over the American
Assemblies, it can never be a Benefit, but, on the contrary, must be a grievous Injury to your Subjects. Your faithful City and Liberty of Westminster, do therefore most earnestly implore your Majesty to exert it now, when the whole Kingdom is most justly and generally offended with the Conduct of this Parliament. " With the most dutiful Respect to your Ma- jesty, and with the most inviolable Attachment to your Royal Person and Family, we beg Leave to represent to your Majesty, that the Redress of every Grievance, the Security of all our violated Rights, the Relief of all our Suffering, the Prayer of every Petition, the Restoration
of Unanimity, Harmony, and Peace ( so often recommended by your Majesty from the Throne) are all intirely in your Majesty's Power to bestow; for the Injuries we have sustained, and the Evils of which we com- plain, have been voted and produced by your Ma - jesty's own Ministers, Officers, and Servants, and by those Members of Parliament, especially who are under the immediate Influence of the Crown. " Your Majesty has long been so happily situated, as to have a Choice of Means to give Redress and Contentment to your People; either by removing such of your Servants who have done the Wrong ( instead of
dismissing those who refused their Concurrence) or by dissolving the present Parliament: That so, since no adequate Provision has hitherto been made to prevent the Crown and its Ministers from chusing all their Servants and Dependants from amongst the Representatives of the People, the People by a fresh Election may have an Opportunity of chusing for their Repre- sentatives those who shall not be the Servants and Dependants of the Crown and its Ministers. " By the Choice of independent, unbiassed, and real Representatives of the People, and by the Measures which such Men will naturally take for our Security, we
trust, under the good Providence of God, that we shall not continue to fee in this Kingdom Electors denied the Right of Election, Juries denied the Right of Judgement, and Pe- titioners denied the Right of Complaint." To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, to- morrow, the 9th Day of November Inst, at the Crown Inn, in Ombersley, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions for Sale as shall be then produced, AVery compleat Copyhold Estate of Inheritance, consisting of about twenty- four Acres of exceeding good Arable and Pasture Land, situate in the Tything of Northampton, in the Parish of
Ombersley aforesaid, and now in the Occupation of Mr. William Best. N. B. Mr . William Best will shew the Premisses, and for further Particulars apply to Mr. Wheeler, Attorney, at Winterfold, near Kidderminster. To be SO L D to the Best Bidders, On Tuesday the 4th Day of December next, at the Dwelling House of William Powell, known by the Sign of the Blue Boar, in Tenbury, in the County of Worcester, either together or in Lots, as shall be then fixed upon ( subject to the Conditions for Sale then to be produced); the Sale to begin at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, THE said Dwelling House, called the BLUE BOAR ( being a
good- accus- tomed Inn), with the Barn, Garden, Stable, and Out- Buildings thereto belonging ; and also about seven Acres of exceeding good Arable and Pasture Ground, lying in several Parcels near to the Town of Tenbury aforesaid, and now in the Occupation of the said William Powell. N. B. The Tenant will shew the Premisses ; and for further Particulars apply to Mr. Wheeler, Attorney at Law, at Winterfold, near Kidder- minster. To be LETT, and entered upon at Lady- Day next, ALarge commodious House, and well- accustomed Shop, with the Fixtures of the Shop ( and the Stock in Trade to be sold at Prime Cost;
consisting of all Sorts of Woollen and Linnen- Drapery, Mercery, Haberdashery, and Hosiery Goods), situate near the Town- Hall in Bromsgrove, now in the Occupation of William Rea, who has lately taken the Shop of Mr. Barnes, Mercer, in Broad- Street, Worcester. He begs his Friends to accept his grateful Ac- knowledgment of their past Favours, and begs Leave to solicit the Continuance of them, during his Stay at Bromsgrove; and shall always be glad to serve them, on the lowest Terms, after his Re- moval to Worcester. There are large and convenient Out- Buildings belonging to the above- mentioned House, with a good
Garden, at the yearly Rent of 17I. For Particulars enquire of William Rea, in Bromsgrove aforesaid; or of Mr. Richard Nash, Glover, in Worcester. N. B. Wanted at Lady- Day, An Apprentice out of a good Family, to the Mercery and Linnen- Drapery Business. Worcester, 27th Oct. 1770. WHEREAS at a Court of Guar- dians of the Poor of this City, held on Thursday the 15th Instant, Complaint was made to - the Court, that some Persons have of late omitted bringing Hops which have been bought, sold, or delivered within the laid City, to the public Scales to be weighed by the Hop- Weighers appointed for such Purpose, which
Practices being considered as not only illegal, but prejudicial to the Charity; The Court did order, That the following Clauses in an Act of Parliament passed in the fourth Year of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the Second, should be published. in the Worcester Jour- nal, and by Hand Bills; and that the same should be put in Execution against all Persons acting con- trary thereto for the future; viz. ' And for the better regulating of the said ' Hop- Market, be it also enacted by the Authority ' aforesaid, That all Hops hereafter to be bought, ' sold, or delivered within the said City of Wor- ' cester, or the Liberties, Suburbs, or
Jurisdiction ' thereof, or Places adjacent, by the Wholesale, ' shall from Time to Time be first brought into the ' said Hop- Market, and there, and at no other ' Place, shall be publicly and in open Market ' bought, sold, and disposed of, and afterwards ' weighed at the public Scales there to be kept by ' the public Hop- Weigher, and thereupon the ' usual and customary Tolls, Fees, and Perquisites, ' shall be paid to, and received by the said Guar- ' dians of the Poor of the said City, and their ' Successors, from Time to Time, for the Uses and ' Purposes aforesaid. ' And for the better preventing the buying, sel- ' ling, and weighing of
Hops by Wholesale in private Houses or Places, be it further enacted ' by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person ' or Persons shall at any Time or Times from and ' after the said Twenty- fourth Day of June, buy, ' sell, or weigh any Bag, Pocket, or Parcel of ' Hops, in any other Place than in the said Hop- ' Market, or before such Hops shall have been ' brought to, and weighed at the said Hop- Mar- ' ket by the public Hop- Weigher, or at the pub- ' lic Scales there to be kept, such Person or Per- ' sons shall, for every such Bargain or Offence, ' forfeit and pay the Sum of Ten Shillings, for the ' Use and Benefit of the Poor of the
said several ' Parishes of the said City, to be levied by Distress ' and Sale of such Offenders Goods, by Warrant ' under the Hand and Seal of the Mayor, or any ' one or more of the Justices of the Peace for the ' said City of Worcester, or of any one or more of ' the Justices of the Peace of the County of Wor- ' cester, in their respective Counties and Jurisdic- ' tions, restoring the Overplus ( if any) after all ' Charges of such Distress and Sale paid to the ' Party so offending; and if no Distress 1 an be ' had or found, that then such Justice or justices ' shall, by his or their Warrant, commit such ' Offender to Prison, there to remain for
the ' Space of one Month, or until Payment shall be ' made of such Penalty, and the Charges attend- ' ing such Commitment.' JOHN EADES, CLERK. Lord WARD'S JUSTICE. This Day are Published, By W. Griffin, in Catharine- Street, in the Strand; and sold by H. Berrow, in Worcester, Price 9s. in Boards, THE Precedents and Supplement to the LAW of a JUSTICE of PEACE and PARISH OFFICER: Which contains all the Acts of Parliament at Large concerning them, and the Cases deter pined on those Acts, in the Court of King's Bench. By JOHN Lord Viscount DUDLEY and WARD, and T. CUNNINGHAM, Esq. NOTE,
Under the following Titles, namely, Alehouses, Apprentices, Articles of the Peace, Award; Bail, Baker, Bankrupt, Bastard, Brewers, Burglary, Butter and Cheese, Certiorari, Church and Church- yard, Conspiracy, Constable, Con- viction, Coroner, Distress, Game, Gaming, Hawk- ers and Pedlars, and Highways, are many Cases determined in the Court of King's Bench since Lord Mansfield came to preside in that Court; and under the Title Poor, is inserted a Series of the Decisions of the Court of King's Bench upon Settlement Cases, from the Death of Lord Ray- mond in 1732, to Trinity Term 1768 inclusive; being the only
AUTHENTIC Collection of Deter- minations on the Poor Laws that ever was published in a Work of this Nature; every Order of Sessions in this Collection having been copied from the original Records By the MASTER of the CROWN OFFICE. Under the Title APPEAL, in the Precedents, are the Proceedings in several Appeals of Murder, in the Reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James I, now first translated from the Latin Entries of Sir EDWARD COKE. The Supplement contains many late Acts to the End of last Session ; and under the Title BRICKS AND TILES, are inserted at Large the Acts of 12 Geo. 1, c. 35 ; 2 Geo. 2, c.
15, and 3 Geo. 2, c. 22, concerning the making of Bricks and Tiles, as well throughout the Kingdom in general, as more particularly within fifteen Miles of the City of London : All which Acts expired in the Year 1733, but were revived, continued, and amended, by an Act of the last Session. Such Gentlemen as subscribed to the above Work, in Numbers, are desired to complete their Sets, on or before the first of December next, after which no odd Numbers will be sold. The Work may be had as above, in three Vols. 4to. Price 2I. 19s. in Boards, without the Precedents and Supplement. This Day is Published, Price Six- pence, To
be continued Monthly, Ornamented and illustrated with three elegant En- gravings, the Subjects of which are as follow: 1. A fine Portrait of Mrs. M- y- r. 2. A happy Likeness of the celebrated Count H-— st--- g, the B— v— n M— st— r. 3. A beautiful whole Length of the heroic Catharine II. Empress of all the Russias, taken, by Permission, from an original Painting in the Possession if the Russian Ambassador. NUMBER XXIII. of THE Town and Country Magazine; Or, UNIVERSAL REPOSITORY of Know- ledge, Instruction, and Entertainment: For OCTOBER, 1770. Containing, among a Variety of original and interesting Articles,
History of the Tete- a- Tete; or, Memoirs of Count H-- sl-- g and Mrs. M- y- r; Character of the Marquis of Granby; Sketch of the Character and heroic Qualities of the Empress of Russia; Poetry ; the Occurrences foreign and domestic of the Month; and the usual Variety of original Articles. — In the second Volume of this Magazine the Public have been already presented with Histories of the following curious and interest- ing Tetes- a- Tetes, viz. Germanicus and Signiora- G i; Mrs. T s and the Father of the City; Mrs. M—- sh and Lord Pyebald; The Old Soldier and Hebe W- ts- n; Sir Bull- Face Double Fee and Mrs. G- h- m; L- d
R t S r and Miss K — y; Tom Tilbury and Mrs. T- rr— t; The Cheshire Cornuto and Miss W tts; E— l of R d and Miss G— n, & c. & c.. With near three hundred other original and important Articles. London, printed for A. Hamilton, jun. near St. John's Gate; where Letters to the Authors are received. And sold by Robinson and Roberts, No. 25, in Pater- noster- Row; and E. Andrews, in Worcester. The following approved Medicines are sold at Berrow's Printing- Office in Worcester. By the Authority of his Majesty's Royal Letters Patent. DR. Noms's Antimonial Drops, for Fevers ( equally efficacious in Nervous, Miliary Putrid or
Malignant, and acute Inflammatory Fevers) Small- Pox, Measles, Agues. fresh Cold old inveterate Coughs, the Rheumatism, disorders of the Stomach and Bowels, occasioned by Crudities and Indigestion, Lowness of Spirits), Head- achs, the Complaints of Old Age and impaired Constitutions, and other obstinate Disorders; for an Ac- count of which the Public are referred to an Essay ( delivered Gratis by the Venders) on the lingular Virtues of the Medicine; together with a Catalegue of Cures, incontestibly proving its sovereign Efficacy in the Disorders for which it is recommended. The generous Effects of this great Remedy,
only sensible in Operation by a Degree of Perspiration equal to the Ne- cessity of the Disease, are incredible without Experience. By an exalted Power it fortifies the Life of the Patient, thereby enabling Nature, in her own Way, to throw off Disorders, in such wise, that People are often astonished at the Possibility of what they most happily experience. Sold, by the Doctor's Appointment, in Bottles at 5s. 3d. 10s. 6d. and 1l. is. by Mr. Crimes, in Bromyard-, Mrs. Watson, in Bromsgrove ; Mr. Clare, in Bewdley ; Mr. Haslewood, in Bridgnorth ; Me. Andrews, in Evesham; Mr. Taylor, in Kidderminster; Mrs. Hankins, in Ledbury;. Mr.
Harward, in Tewkesbury ; and H. Berrow, in Worcester. For the Scurvy, Itch. Pimples in the Face of ever so long standing, malignant Humours, obstinate Sorts and Ulcers, Fistulas, Piles, Inflamations in the Eyes, and every other Disorder arising from a Foulness of the Blood. Dr. Ryseeg's Balsamic Tincture; This Day is Published, Price Six- pence, To be continued Monthly, Embellished with three elegant Copper- plates, viz. A rich and new- fashioned Pattern for Needle- Work, of an Handkerchief or Apron ( which of itself is worth more than the Price of the whole Magazine) a curious Engraving, entitled the Gamester, from an
original Design ; and a new Song; set to Music, by Mr. HuDSON, on Purpose for this Work, and adapted to the Harpsichord, & c. as well as the Voice, NUMBER III. of THE LADY's MAGAZINE; Or, ENTERTAINING COMPANION for the Fair Sex, appropriated solely to their Use and Amusement. London, printed for J. Wheble, at No. 2o, in Pater noster Row, by whom Letters to the Editors are requested and received; and sold by Mess, Fletcher and Hodson, at Cambridge; Mr. Ether- ington, at York; Mr. Wilson, at Dublin; by the Printer and Distributors of this Journal; and by all Booksellers in Great Britain and Ireland. Where may
be had Numbers I. and II. ADDRESS to the FAIR SEX. The vast Sale of this Performance sufficiently shews the Encouragement it meets with from that Sex to whose Use it is particularly adapted; it is upon them our Fate depends, and while we continue to give in our Magazine ( exclusive of the usual Quantity of Copper- plates and Letter Press) a Pattern that is worth double the Sum alone, the Ladies will undoubtedly continue to encourage us. Ambitious of pleasing them alone, no Labour, no Expence will be spared to render our Magazine equally instructive and amusing; we should be inexcusable if we neglected any
Opportunity of shewing our Gratitude to our Fair Supporters. Any Favours from Correspondents will be thankfully received. Also to be had of the Worcester Newsmen, Dr. Lord's CORN SALVE, Which not only eases Corns, but will entirely root them out. is. 6d. each Box. The excellent CAKE INK, ( Price only Sixpence ) Which will make a Quart of exceeding good common Ink. WORCESTER: Printed by H. BERROW, near the Cross ; Who sells all Kinds of Blank Warrants, Land- Tax Receipts. Parish Certificates, Summonses, Orders of Removal, and every Form used by Justices of Peace, Parish Officers, & c. and by whom the
PRINTING Business is executed in a neat and expeditious Manner on very reasonable Terms. October 29, 1770. THE Commissioners in a Commis- sion of Bankrupt awarded and issued forth against JAMES STANTON , late of the City of Wor- cester, Linnen- Draper and Haberdasher, intend to meet on the 4th Day of December next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, at the Bell Inn in Broad- Street, in the City Worcester aforesaid in order to make a Dividend of the said Bank- rupt's Estate and Effects; when and where the Creditors, who have not already proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the same, or they will
be excluded the Benefit of the said Dividend. And all Persons who have any Claims on the said Bankrupt's Estate are to come and prove the same, or they will be disallowed. WHEREAS Stephen Verrinder, of Tewkesbury, in the County of Gloucester, Ironmonger; hath lately conveyed all his Goods and Effects to Mr. John White, Attorney at Law, of Upton upon Severn, in the County of Worcester, in Trust, to dispose of the same for the Benefit of the Creditors of the said Stephen Verrinder, In equal Proportions to their respective Demands; the Creditors of the said Stephen Verrinder are desired immediately to send an Account
of their respective Demands to the said Mr. White: And all Persons indebted to the said Stephen Verrinder are desired immediately to pay their respective Debts due from them, to the said Mr. White, who is legally authorized to receive the same; otherwise they will be sued without further Notice. This Day is Published, Price 2s. 6d. sewed, Dedicated, by Permission, to the Right Honourable- WILLS Earl of HILLSBOROUGH, THE NATURAL and CHEMICAL ELEMENTS of AGRICULTURE. Translated from the Latin of Count GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS GYLLENBORG. By JOHN MILLS, Esq; F. R. S. Member of the Royal Societies
of Agriculture at Paris and Rouen, of the Oeconomical Society of Berne, and the Palatine Academy of Sciences and Belles- Letters. Non est satis aestimare, parens melior homini, an tristior noverca fuerit natura. Plin. L. vii. Praef. London, printed for J. Bell, near Exeter Change, in the Strand; and C. Etherington, at York ; and may be had of the Printer and Dis- tributors of this Paper. Whoever casts an Eye on the Contents of this Work, will see that our noble Author has considered his Subject in every different Light in which a thorough Knowledge of Chemistry could enable him to view it: And though Reasoning without
Experiments is seldom of much Use in practical Arts; yet Reasoning founded on real Science, and derived from former Experiments, may often enable an ingenious Husbandman to draw useful Conclusions even from unsuccessful Experiments. In this Respect we doubt not but that the above Work may be of great Utility. Foreign Nations have exr pressed their Approbation of it, by translating it into their Languages; and we hope it will not be less, relished here, where every Improvement in Agriculture meets with the kindest Reception. If regularly taken, and properly continued, infallibly cures the above Disorders, when all other
Medicines so much recommended in the News Papers have failed : In confirmation of the very great Efficacy of this Medicine we have, from a Number of Cures, selected the following remarkable one, and any Person desirous of further Information may, by applying to F. Newberry, at the Corner of St. Paul's Church- Yard, London, be referred to many People who have happily experienced its good Effects. To Dr. RYSSEEG. SIR, Being unable to make you a pecuniary Return adequate to the very great Benefit I have received by your BALSAMIC TINCTURE, I think myself bound in Gratiture to you, and Justice your Medicine, to
make my surprizing Cure known to the Public, I was afflicted with a scorbutic Humour for the Space of twelve Years to a most violent Degree, my Face, Hands, and every Part of my Body being covered with large Blotches and Boils ; I took several advertised Medicines without receiving any Benefit, and was twice in the Hos. pital, where I underwent a Salivation, by which I found temporary Relief, but the Disorder soon broke out again, my Hands swelled to an amazing Degree, and the Sores on my Body and Legs Here worse than ever; I was in their deplorable Situation when a Friend advised me to try your Balsamic Tincture,
by taking of which, every Symptom of the Disorder has lest me, and I am now, thank God, as well as ever I was in my Life, I am, With Gratitude and Respect, Your humble Servant, MARY GRAHAM, No. 59, Cannon- Street. Sold Wholesale and Retail by the above F. Newbery; and by Appointment sold by H. Berrow, Printer of this Journal; Mr. Raikes, in Gloucester ; Mr. Pugh, in Here- ford ; Mr. Jackson, in Oxford ; Mr. Aris, in Birmingham Mr. Harward, in, Tewkesbury ; Mr. Clay, in Warwick ; Mr. Grimes, in Bromyard; Mrs. Watson, in Bromsgrove; Mr. Clare, in Bewdley ; Mr. Hastewood, in Bridgnorth ; Mr Andrews, in Evesham ;
Mr. Taylor, in Kidderminster ; ad Mrs. Hankins, in Ledbury. N. B. To prevent Counterfeits, the Public are desired to observe, that every Direction given with this Medicine, is signed by Dr. Rysseeg and F. Newbery, in their own Hand Writing. To Dr. FLUGGER, in Prescot - Street, Goodman's Fields, Author of the Lignorum Antiscorbutic Drops. SIR, It is with great Pleasure and Satisfaction I can inform you, that my Wife has received a perfect Cure by the LIGNORUM ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS, of a Cancer in her Breast, which to all Appearance seemed incurable, having in it several Ulcers or Holes, which became every Hay
more corrupted, and was continually attended with such severe Burnings, that her Life was really miserable. 1 therefore send you this, with my Consent to make it public in any Manner you please; as I think so valuable a Medicine, and extraordinary Cure, should be universally known. Witness my Hand, THOMAS CROUCH, Carpenter, in New Martin's - Street, near Nightingale Lane, East Smithfield. June 17, 1770. These Drops will perfectly cure the most inveterate Scurvy, Leprosy, pimpled Face, of ever so long standing ; likewise the Evil, Fistulas, Piles, old obstinate Sores or Ulcers, and is a sovereign Remedy in all Disorders
arising from the Foulness of Blood incident to the Fair Sex ; and nay be taken by Persons of the mod delicate Constitu- tions in any Season or Climate, without the least Incon- venience or Hindrance of Business ; and hath this particular Quality different from most other Medicines, that they strengthen the Patient surprizingly. Any Person doubtful may be reserved to many Persons Credit, who have been cured by these Drops of the above- mentioned Disorders, and be fully convinced that this is no Imposition, by applying to Dr. Flugger, at No. 15, Prescot- street, Goodman's- fields, London, the only Author and Pro- prietor of
these Drops, where they are fold at 5s. the Bottle, with Directions. Also by Mr. Arts, in Birmingham ; Mrs. Thurston, in Wolverhampton; Mr, Whately, in Lichfield, Mr. Davis, in Leominster Mr. Pugb, in Hereford; H. Berrow, in Worcester ; Mr. Taylor, in Stafford; Messrs. Jopsons, in Coventry, Mr. Lingard, in Atherstone, and Nuneaton ; and Mrs. Stock, in Gloucester ; Mr. Martin, at Ashby de la Zouch ; Mr. Higman, at St. Austell; Mr. Bloxham, in Banbury ; Mr. Chandler, in Froome ; Mr. Sboubridge, in Horsham ; Mr. Hull, at St. Alban's; and Mr. R. Eades, in High Wycombe. Those not in Bottles, marked with the Name of the Drop, also
sealed with the Author's Name, are Coun- terfeits.