Berrow's Worcester Journal
Printer / Publisher: H. Berrow
Volume Number: Issue Number: 3196
No Pages: 4
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Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal
Date of Article: 01/11/1770
Printer / Publisher: H. Berrow
Address: Near the Cross, Worcester
Volume Number: Issue Number: 3196
No Pages: 4
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THURSDAY, November I, 177o. No. 3196. Notwithstanding this Journal is, in most Places, distributed at least a whole Day before any other Country News Paper of the same Date, and also many Hours before the Arrival of the London Mail, it not only contains themostmaterial News published in London on Tuesday Night, but many interesting Articles of Intelligence, not inserted in other Country Papers before the Saturday following. SATURDAY'S POST. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Extract of a private Letter from Contantinople. THE North Eastern Part of Eu- r0pe at Present both de- lighted and terrified by a Spe- cies of
Magnificence, with which the World has been for some Time unacquainted.— The Grand Signior has, at last, taken the Field in Person. He is the only Turkish Emperor who has headed his own Ar- mies since the Time of Solyman the Magnifi- cent. When Notice was given in the Seraglio that an imperial Camp was to be formed, it may easily be conceived what was the Surprize, and what was the Tumult. As all the Prepa- ration was new, every Officer of the House- hold had something to do which he had never done before, and which therefore he knew not how to do. It was observed that the Grand Signior, who, through all the
Accidents of this War, had preserved a natural or affected Tranquility, came out of his Haram solicitous and dejected, having been, as it is supposed, ruffled by the Disorder of the Women and their Attendants, of whom some were weeping arid fainting, because they were selected for the March, and others furious and clamorous, be- cause, being lest behind, they thought them- selves neglected. But in the Courts of Eastern Princes, Fear and Resentment are idle Pas- sions. The Order of the Master must be obeyed. The Grand Signior sets out with a Pomp be- Coming What he stiles himself, The Master of the World. The
Imperial Tent contains a Square of an hundred Feet every Way, and is covered on the Outside with the choicest Ta- pestry. All the Furniture is of Silver, and over every Apartment into which it is divided, is a Banner interwoven with Golden Threads, and edged with Diamonds. The Crescent, which is raised high over the Entrance, is of massy Gold. Around this Pavillion are the Tents of his Women and their Attendants, into which it is Death to enter, and which are therefore dis- tinguished from all others by a Covering of yellow Silk, and by white Plumes of Ostrich Feathers waving on their Tops. Their March little less magnificent
than their Encamp- ment. The Waggons which convey the Wo- men, and which are probably the same as the Marmamaxae of the antient Persians, are co- vered in like Manner with yellow Silk, and the Harness 0f the Horses adorned with Pearls. When the Women dismount from these Car- riages, Notice is given by a particular Sound of the Instruments of War, and the whole Army turn their Backs that they may not look upon them. It is easy to perceive, that however this Magnificence may gratify the Sultan's Vanity, it can contribute little to. his Success. The Russians will fight with more Eagerness to gain these Riches for
themselves, than the Turks to preserve them for their Master. That no Encouragement may however be wanting, on the fifth Day of their March was published the following Proclamation : " BE it known to the invincible Defenders of our illustrious Empire, the Officers and Sol- diers of the Army now marching to chastise Insolence and support Justice, that since the Sultan has put himself at the Head of his faith- ful Troops, it is his Pleasure that his Presence be perceived not more by the Strictness of his Discipline, than by the Splendor of his Li- berality. He therefore makes it known to the utmost Limits of his Camp, that when his
Can- non shall have swept away Resistance, and his Scimetar shall have fallen on the Neck of Ob- stinacy ; when he shall hear no Voice but that of Supplication, and shall see nothing but the Dust of Armies flying before him, he will reward his steady Followers by distributing amongst them the Spoils of the Conquered. He will give them Kingdoms to be parcelled out, and Cities to be set to Sale. Let them look round the Territories of their Enemies, and consider them as their own Possessions. Let them num- ber the Armies that oppose them, and consider them as the Slaves by whose future Labour those Possessions shall be
cultivated." It was observed, that when his Proclama- tion was published, it produced no great Exultation. The whole Army was silent, except a few Troops, which were prepared before- hand to receive it with Acclamations. LONDON, Thursday, October 25. Mr. Potter, the Messenger, set off again on Sunday last, with Dispatches for Madrid A Cabinet Council was held a few Days ago in the Presence of the French King, when the Spanish Ambassador at that Court was so much disgusted at the Result of their Deliberations, that he went away from the Chamber before it was quite up, on finding that the Court of France was not
inclined to join in War. Advice is received, that all the Branches of the House of Bourbon have united, as Media- tors between the Turks and Russians. Tuesday the Lords of the Admiralty put the following Ships into Commission: viz. the Ocean, Cranston; Terrible, Arbuthnot; Ra- milies, Bentinck; Trident, Hartwell; Cen- taur, Hammond; Buckingham, Kempenfelt; Fame, Isaac Oury; Boyne, Burnet; Prudent, Schomberg. The Ships commanded by the Captains Ogle, Rusworth, Drummond, and Lucas, where also put into Commission. The Lords of the Admiralty have sent an Order for five of his Majesty's Frigates at Cha- tham to be
sent to Deptford, to be immediately fitted out for Sea. On Tuesday Evening General Conway ar- rived in Town from Portsmouth ; and Yester- day he kissed his Majesty's Hand on being appointed Colonel of the Royal Regiment of Horse Guards Blue, in the Room of the late Marquis of Granby. It is said, that General Harvey will succeed General Conway as Colonel of the fourth Re- giment of Dragoons. The Hon. Capt. Barrington, of his Ma- jesty's Ship Albion, 74 Guns, at Chatham, is appointed Colonel of Marines, in the room of the Right Hon. Lord Viscount Howe, pro- moted to the Rank of a Rear Admiral. We are told that it is
the Opinion of the Premier, that the great Expence attending the present Armament, cannot, in its Consequences, be attended with any Loss to the Nation, as while it remains in our own Ports, the Money that is spent will circulate among ourselves, and not enrich any foreign Power. The British Squadron in the Mediteranean is equal now to that, of any other Power whatever. The Lords of the Admiralty having written to several Noblemen and Gentlemen for their Assistance in providing Hands for manning his Majesty's Fleet; and among others to his Grace the Duke of Northumberland, Lord Lieute- nant and Custos Rotulorum for
the County of Middlesex, that Nobleman has written to Sir John Fielding upon the Subject, the Contents of which Sir John communicated to other Jus- tices of the Peace, who met Yesterday at Guild- hall, Westminster; after which the Bench took the Matter into Consideration, and resolved to put in Force every legal Method to forward the above necessary Business. Tuesday Orders were given for impressing 500 Watermen on the River Thames, for man- ning the Navy. Tuesday the Press for Landmen was warmer than ever. In the Strand, between Six and Seven o'Clock, there were upwards of fifty able- bodied Men taken and
conveyed on board a Lighter at Somerset House. We hear that it was from the first proposed to raise no more than fifteen thousand additional Seamen ; when that Number is compleated, we hear, the Bounty and Press will be counter- manded. We are assured, that Lord Holland is not able to attend his Duty in Parliament from his extreme bad State of Health. His Lordship is lifted in and out of Bed by two of his strongest Servants. His Body is in such a State, that if he was to fall from his Chair, by an Accident, he would never be able to get up again, for which Reason he is never left alone a Minute. Yesterday a Court of
Aldermen was held at Guildhall, when Application was made to raise the Assize of Bread, on account of the advanced Price of Corn in Mark- Lane, when an Order was made, that Bread should be continued at the Price as before; the Court being of Opinion that some unfair Practices were used to prevent Plenty of Corn being brought to Market, in order to inhance its Value. Yesterday the Sessions began at the Old Baily, when 17 Prisoners were tried, one of whom was capitally convicted, viz. Charles Burton for a Burglary in the Dwelling- House of Thomas Alston, in Albemarle - Street, Clerk- enwell; eight were cast for
Transportation, and eight acquitted. The Annual Expences of War and Peace in the Reigns of the under- mentioned Princes. 5 Years War of King William, - 5,105,505 11 Years War of Queen Anne, — 6,073,743 14 Years War of King George, 2d, 9,267,090 2 Years War of King George, 3d, 15,910,596 8 Years Peace of King William, 3,467,428 2 Years Peace of Queen Anne, - 3,172,151 13 Years Peace of King George 1st, 2,726,780 19 Years Peace of King George 2d, 3,839,655 6 Years Peace of K. G. 3d, to 1768, 8,710,743 Presented.] The Rev, Mr. Bradley, late of New College, Oxon, to the Rectories of Knot- ting and
Soaldrop, in the Diocese of Lincoln. Died.] At Winchester, the Rev. Mr. Letch- more, one of the Prebendaries of that Cathe- dral upwards of twenty Years, and Rector of Warnford in Sussex. The following is another remarkable Instance of the good Effects of ROWLEY'S HERB SNUFF and TOBACCO: Mr. JOHN STRAHAN, Watch- maker, in Rat- cliff Row, City Road, London, was subject to a Decay of' Sight for several Years, until at length the Use of Glasses, and the Assistance of many skilful. persons proved ineffectual; an Inflamma tion came on in both Eyes; he was for a long Time incapable of following his Business, and
had nothing before him but the melancholy Prospect of becoming blind, when ROWLEY'S HERB SNUFF relieved him. He continued the Use of it for about a Year, and can now see to perform with Ease the nicest Part of the Watch- making Busi- ness without Spectacles. " I do aver the above Relation to be true, and " that it is a Fact well known to all my Ac- quaintance. JOHN STRAHAN." This HERB SNUFF and TOBACCO are sold by Mr. Gamidge, Bookseller, at Worcester. To be LETT, and entered upon at Lady- Day next, A Very good Farm, of about the yearly Value of Sol. situate within eight Miles of the City of Worcester.
For other Particulars apply to Mr. Collet, At- torney at Law, in Worcester. Great Encourage- ment will be given to a good Tenant. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, ADwelling - House, with a Barn, Blacksmith's Shop, and a Garden, and also six Acres of good Land; situate in the Parish of Ombersley, in the Hamlet of Uphampton, and in the Hands of Mr. Patrick. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Thomas Rouse, of Kidderminster, who will sell the same ; or of Mr. Samuel Townsend, of Ombersley, who will shew the Premisses. To be LETT or SOLD, And may be entered upon immediately ( Mr. Williams the present Tenant
going to decline Business) THE UNICORN INN, situate in Broad- Street, Worcester, ( being a good- accustomed House, and the Business well known to have been greatly in easing for these last; three Years) with the whole Furniture, Stock of Li- quors, & c. which are fully sufficient and suitable for the Accommodation of all Classes of Custo- mers. Besides a great deal of good Stall Sta- bling, and all other Conveniencies, there are two neat Post- Chaises, and good Horses, already pro- vided.— For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Davis, next Door to the Premisses. N. B. All Persons who stand indebted to the above Mr.
Williams, are desired forthwith to pay in their respective Debts to the said Mr. Davis ( who is duly authorized to receive the same) or they will be sued without further Notice. To be SOLD to the highest Bidder, At the Dwelling- House of Mr. John Moore, known by the Sign of the Golden Cross, in Bromsgrove, in the- County of Worcester, To- morrow, the 2d Day of November Inst. between the Hours of Three and Five of the Clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall then be produced, AN inclosed Copyhold Estate of Inheritance, lying together, near the Church, in the Parish of Tardebigg, near Bromsgrove
afore- said, and consisting of two Messuages, a Barn, and Stable, and upwards of fifty Acres of Arable and Pasture Land, Part whereof is well planted with young Fruit Trees. Particulars may be had by applying to Mr. Anthony Crane, in Bromsgrove aforesaid; or Mr. Young, Attorney at Law, in Pershore. This Day is Published, Price Is. Neatly bound in Red, to be continued annually, ( Ornamented with the following beautiful Engravings: A Lady and two Children in the most fashionable Dress of 1770; and twelve Heads of celebrated Beauties, dressed in the highest Taste, and suitable to every Month in the Year,) THE LADIES'
own Memorandum Book; or, DAILY POCKET JOURNAL, for the Year 1771; designed as a methodical Register of all their Transitions of Business, as well as Amusement: Containing, I. New Plan of Edu- cation-- on Nursing, & c. by a Mother. 2. Origi- To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Friday the 9th Day of November Inst. at the Crown Inn, in Ombersley, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions for Sale as shall be then produced, A Very compleat Copyhold Estate of Inheritance, consisting of about twenty- four Acres of exceeding good Arable and Pasture Land, situate in the
Tything of Northampton, in the Parish of Ombersley aforesaid, and now in the Occupation of Mr. William Best. N. B. Mr. William Best will shew the Premisses, and for further Particulars apply to Mr. Wheeler, Attorney, at Winterfold, near Kidderminster. nal poetical Pieces. 3. Birth- Days and Years of the Royal Family. 4. Names of the Sovereigns in Europe. 5. An exact Table of the Window Tax, 6. Seventeen new Enigmas. 7. Several new Re- busses and Paradoxes. 8. Answers to the last Enigmas, Rebusses, & c. 9. Common Notes and moveable Feasts 10. Remarkable Occurrences in 1770. 11. New Songs designed for the
Gardens in 1771. i2. Favourite new Songs sung at Vaux- hall last Year. 13. Saints Days, Holidays, & c. 14. Table of the Sun's rising and fitting. 15. New and Full Moons, and Eclipses 16. A perpetual Diary. 17. Country Dances for the Year 1771. 18. Table of the Roads between London and Edinburgh. 19. A large and new Marketing Table. 20. Interest Table. By a LADY. London, printed for Robinson and Roberts, No. 25, Pater- noster- Row; fold by E. Andrews in Worcester; and may be had of the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. The very favourable Encouragement this Book has met with has enabled the Proprietors not
only to bestow a more considerable Sum than usual on the En- gravings, but also to enlarge the Size of the ruled Pages, so as to make the Journal Part more useful and. convenient. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Monday the 12th Day of November Inst. at the Bell Inn, Worcester, at Ten 0' Clock in the Forenoon, THE Manor, or Lordship, of Stilden and Clowes, also the Farm of Stilden, and the Woodlands and valuable Coal Works thereto belonging; the Lands containing about 320 Acres, of the Value of about 1301. a Year ( exclusive of the Coal Works) and the Farm at Clowes, containing about 64 Acres, of the Value of about
30l. a Year; in the Parish of Rock, in the County of Worcester. Also a Lease of the Tythes of Pensax, in the same County, under the Dean and Chapter, re- newable; and a small Tenement called Stile- House. For further Particulars enquire of Francis Walker, Esq; of Ferney- Hall, Shropshire; John Woodhouse, Esq; of Yatton- Court, Herefordshire; and the Rev. Mr. Severn, of Abberley, Wor- cestershire. This Day is Published, Price Six- pence, To be continued Monthly, Embellished with three elegant Copper- plates, viz. A rich and new- fashioned Pattern for Needle- Work, of an Handkerchief or Apron ( which of itself is worth
more than the Price of the whole Magazine) a curious Engraving, entitled the Gamester, from an original Design ; and a new Song set to Music, by Mr. HUDSON, on Purpose for this Work, and adapted to the Harpsichord, & c. as well as the Voice, NUMBER III. of THE LADY'S MAGAZINE; Or, ENTERTAINING COMPANION for the Fair Sex, appropriated solely to their Use and Amusement. London, printed for J. Wheble, at No. 20, in Pater noster Row, by whom Letters to the Editors are requested and received; and sold by Mess. Fletcher and Hodson, at Cambridge; Mr. Ether- ington, at York; Mr. Wilson, at Dublin; by the
Printer and Distributors of this Journal; and by all Booksellers in Great Britain and Ireland. Where may be had Numbers I. and II. ADDRESS to the FAIR SEX. The vast Sale of this Performance sufficiently shews the Encouragement it meets with from that Sex to whose Use it is particularly adapted; it is upon them our Fate depends, and while we continue to give in our Magazine ( exclusive of the usual Quantity of Copper- plates and Letter Press) a Pattern that is worth double the Sum alone, the Ladies will undoubtedly continue to encourage us. Ambitious of pleasing them alone, no Labour, no Expence will be spared to render
our Magazine equally instructive and amusing; we should be inexcusable if we neglected any Opportunity of shewing our Gratitude to our Fair Supporters. Any Favours from Correspondents will be thankfully received. This Day is Published, Price Six- pence, To be continued Monthly, Ornamented and illustrated with three elegant En- gravings, the Subjects of which are as follow : A fine Portrait of Mrs. M- y- r. 2. A happy Likeness of the celebrated Count H--- sl— g, the B- V— n M- st- r. 3. A beautiful whole Length of the heroic Catharine II. Empress of all the Russians, taken, by Permission, from an original Painting in the
Possession of the Russian Ambassador. NUMBER XXIII. of THE Town and Country Magazine; Or, UNIVERSAL REPOSITORY of Know- ledge, Instruction, and Entertainment: For OCTOBER, 1770. Containing, among a Variety of original and interesting Articles, History of the Tete- a- Tete; or, Memoirs of Count H-- sl- g and Mrs. M- y- r ; Character of the Marquis of Granby; Sketch of the Character and heroic Qualities of the Empress of Russia; Poetry ; the Occurrences foreign and domestic of the Month; and the usual Variety of original Articles. - -- In the second Volume of this Magazine the Public have been already
presented with Histories of the following curious and interest- ing Tetes- a- Tetes, viz. Germanicus and Signiora G i; Mrs. T s and the Father of the City; Mrs. M—- sh and Lord Pyebald ; The Old Soldier and Hebe W- ts- n; Sir Bull- Face Double Fee and Mrs. G- h- m; L- d R 1 S r and Miss K— y; Tom Tilbury and Mrs. T- rr- t; The Cheshire Cornuto and Miss W tts; E- l of R d and Miss G—- n, & c. & c. With near Three Hundred other original and important Articles. London, printed for A. Hamilton, jun. near St. John's Gate ; where Letters to the Authors are received. And sold by Robinson and Roberts, No. 25, in Pater- noster-
Row; and E. Andrews, in Worcester. Berrow' s W orceste r Journal. The National Debt at 7 129,724,936 Christmas 1768, - Ditto 1757, 74,780,886 Increased in 11 Years, - 54,944,050 Granted by Parliament in the 11 Years, - 130,737,850 Total 185,681,900
Which contains many INTERESTING Particulars that have not yet appeared in any ether Country Paper. Arrived the Mails from France and Holland. Constantinople, Sept. 3. The Ambassador from France has in vain used his utmost Efforts to engage the Porte to continue the War at least four Months longer, relying on the great Strength of the Fortifications that the Chevalier Tot, and the other French Engineers, have made along the Coasts of the Straights of the Dardanelles. In fail, they are such as mull render that impor- tant Pass impregnable. Nine small Fortresses are built on the Side of Asia, and seven on the Side of
Europe, on which are placed above one thousand Brass Cannon. The Batteries of the first Castles of the Dar- danelles consist of three Ranks: The Cannon of the first are fixed in the Earth, without Car- riages, to fire on a Level with the Water's Edge; the second so as to annoy the Crews on Deck; and the third, to take Aim at the Rig- ging of Ships: The Garrisons consist of thirty thousand picked Men, and several Frigates are disposed in a triangular Form, with a Number of Fire- ships, so as to shut up the Mouth of the Streights. A private Letter from the fame Place men- tions, that, after the compleat Victory gained by the
Russians the first of August, over the Turks, who loll on that Occasion above sixty thousand Men, in killed, Prisoners, drowned, and strayed, the Janissaries remaining, who were in Number about thirty- five thousand, immediately seized the Standard of Mahomet, crying out with a loud Voice, " That they could no longer behold with an Eye of Indif- ference their Comrades thus totally destroyed by an unjust War; that they entirely renounced their Arms, and would never take them up again, to make Use of them against a Nation which they already looked upon as their greatest Friends; and that they were all resolved to go that
Moment to Constantinople, and dethrone the Grand Signior, and set up his Brother Ba- jazet in his Place. " The Grand Vizier being extremely embarrassed after a Declaration so unforeseen, had Recourse to the Rouzna- medgi Effendi, who having the Direction of the Military Chest, had great Credit with the Janissaries; the Rouznamedgi thereupon re- presented to the Chief of the Janizaries the Consequences that would result from their abandoning the Army to the Pursuits of the Ruffians, who would avail themselves of that favourable Circumstance to massacre them all, and direct their March to the Capital of the Ottoman
Empire. This Speech calmed their Fury a little; but they unanimously demanded that the Rouznamedgi Effendi should be dis- patched to Constantinople, to represent to the Divan the Motives of their Discontent, and bring back to them a decisive Answer, con- formable to their Will, in twenty- one Days Time, in Default of which they would not fail to put their first Project in Execution. Their Demands contained the five following Articles, viz. 1. That the respectable Body of Janissaries, who in all Times have ever been more attached to the Ottoman Empire than any other Corps, would continue to testify the fame Zeal, and the same
Attachment for the Person of the Grand Signior, provided he would in good Earnest undertake to put an End to this War, which they could not but consider as contrary to the Will of God, inasmuch as it was unjust. 2. That Moussoun Oghlou, who was Vizier when this War was declared, and who was exiled with Osman Reis Effendi, for having both of them very wisely opposed it, be recalled and reinstated in the first Employ- ments. 3. That M. Abrescos, the Russian Re- sident, be taken cut of Prison, and set at Li- berty, in order that he may return to his Pa- lace at Constantinople, with all the Honours due to his Character. 4.
That, for the future, the Russians be looked upon as the best Friends of the Porte. 5. That Peace be immediately concluded, and without the smallest Pretence to draw the Negociation to any Length. On the Arrival of Rouznamedgi, the Grand Signior assembled a Divan, at which about fifteen hundred of the principal Members of the State afflicted. The Assembly were unani- mous for Peace, and the Grand Signior, seeing the Necessity of conforming to their Intentions, promised to condescend thereto, but desired an Indemnification from the Divan, that he should not hereafter be reproached for making a dis- honourable Peace,
which was immediately granted him under the Great Seal of the Divan. Warsaw, Sept. 28. The Plague begins to make great Ravages in the different Parts of this Kingdom, five hundred People were car- ried off in three Weeks at Zulkiew, in the En- virons of Lembourg. Venice, Oct. 6. We have received no further Accounts here of the Operations of the Ruf- fian Fleet; but several of our principal Mer- chants have received very interesting Letters from Egypt, according to which it is very cer- tain, that vast Country is entirely dismembered from the Ottoman Empire. And Aly Bey has taken upon himself the Title of Sultan of Egypt.
COUNTRY NEWS. Dover, Oct. 26. The following melancholy Affair happened Yesterday at the City of Lon- don Inn. A Gentleman came from London to that House on Wednesday Evening, and soon after agreed to go in the Packet to Calais, but going to Sea that Night, and also the Tide following, which happened Yesterday about Noon. The Gentleman being informed about Two o'Clock that the Packet would not fail, seemed greatly disappointed, retired to his Room, and shot himself through the Head. He is not yet dead, but lies insensible, without the least Hopes. On examining his Papers, his Name appears to be Gordon,
and that he has travelled very expeditiously from Edinburgh, which Place he had left only three or four Days. Amongst his Papers were discovered Bills and Drafts to the Amount of four thousand Pounds, and fifty Pounds in Cash were found upon him. A small Box, about seventeen Inches square, immensely heavy, and supposed to be Money, was likewise found in his Trunk. The Things are all sealed up, and proper Care is taken of them by the Matter of the Inn, till a particular Account of him can be obtained. Bristol , Oct. 25. Thursday last a Troop of the Second or Queen's Regiment of Dragoon Guards, arrived in this City
from Worcester, in order to guard the Sea Coasts, that no Person or Goods may come on Shore from any Vessels performing Quarantine in the River, LONDON, Saturday, October 27. This Morning, at Nine o'Clock, their Royal Highnesses the Princess Dowager of Wales and the Duke of Gloucester, arrived at Carlton- House. We hear the Earl of Bute is expected soon in England, as his Baggage is arrived. On Wednesday Night a Messenger arrived at Lord Weymouth's Office in Cleveland Row, who was immediately dispatched to his Majesty at Richmond, with Advices of great Impor- tance from the French Court, and
Yesterday in the Afternoon Mr. Coates, his Majesty's Messenger, setout express for France with An- swers to the said Accounts. A Council was held Yesterday Morning at Lord North's in Downing- Street, on the Sub- ject of Dispatches from France. Mr. Potter, the Messenger, who set off again for Madrid, with Dispatches for that Court, on Sunday last, has undertaken to be in Town by the 8th of November, by which Means there will be Time to consider the Answer to his Business before the Parliament fits, so as to have proper Notice taken of it in the King's Speech. The Letters received this Week from Ja- maica assert, that the
Spaniards have landed two Regiments of Troops at Hispaniola. It is assured, that a Treaty is actually signed between the Prussian Monarch and the Empe- ror of Germany, in which no other Potentate is concerned. The reported Fact of one thousand Barrels of Gunpowder being sent last Week as Ballast from Dunkirk for the Service of Spain, has been, we are assured, not only authenticated to our Government, but they have also got positive Proofs that Quantities have been for some Time clandestinely conveyed from thence, and from Dieppe and Boulogne, under that and other Denominations, for the same Service. It was
last Night reported, that recent and authentic Accounts are received in Town, of further Violations on the Privileges of the British Merchants at Lisbon. The Court of Portugal is taking every pos- sible foolish Measure to disgust that of Great Britain. By a late Ordinance, the English Merchants are prohibited from purchasing the Wines of the Growers at the Vintage, but must buy them of some Portuguese Wine Merchants. By this Device our Merchants will be obliged to buy their Wines at second Hand. The Con frequence is, that these Wines, which eight or ten Years ago could be sold here, at 28l. per Pipe, will not be sold this
Year under 46I. This Week a Report of the State and Con- dition of all the Sea- Ports of France, bordering on the British Channel, has been made to the Admiralty, and from that to a Superior Board, by Persons of Experience who had been em- ployed for that Purpose. Not five thousand Pounds worth of the Stores which were destroyed at the Fire at Portsmouth has been yet replaced. — Such is the amazing Progress that was echoed forth in the News- papers ! We hear Lazarettos are intended to be built at the following Places, the Island of Alderney, in the British Channel, the Isle of Lundy, also in the British Channel, and the
Isle of Man, in the Irish Channel. Wednesday Sir Francis Holborne, Baronet, kissed his Majesty's Hand on being appointed Rear Admiral of Great Britain, in the room of Sir Charles Knowles, Bart, who resigned on accepting the important Post of First Admiral of Russia from her Czarinas Majesty. The Report of a late deceased Commander's dying Suddenly gains Ground. When the Post of Master of Ordnance is dis- posed of, it is said, it will be given to the Duke of Gloucester. A very spirited Address to the Electors of the City and Liberties of Westminster is now cir- culating, preparatory to their Meeting on Wed- nesday next. It
is whispered that a great Man in the Mi- nority has lately come at the Knowledge of certain important Secrets, which he intends shall be the Subject of parliamentary Investiga- tion the ensuing Sessions. It is said that a Proposal, which was some Years since made, but neglected, has, with Alterations, been laid before Lord North and approved, viz. that such Stockholders as chuse it, shall have the Liberty of converting their Periods; the Interest to be proportionably in- creased, and this Increase to be made good out of the Sinking Fund, or in such other Manner as Parliament may provide for. It is supposed, by able Calculators,
that this Scheme would reduce the National Debt amazingly in fifteen Years, and nearly annihilate it in twenty- five. A Correspondent at Bristol informs us, that Press- Warrants are not suffered to be executed in that City; but that the Corporation allow Twenty Shillings to each Man in Addition to the Bounty allowed by his Majesty. By this Means the Men enter as fast as they are wanted, and the Inhabitants are relieved from the disa- greeable Circumstances attending the Execution of Press- Warrants. Some Years past it was esteemed a Prodigy to fee a Crow in Italy, but it happened one fine Evening as some Gentlemen and
Ladies were taking the Air in a large Garden, a Crow flut- tered over their Heads, and dropped at the Feet of some Ladies who were sitting in an Alcove. The Company soon assembled to view this strange Creature; some touched it: However, out of the Number, which was six or seven and Twenty, eighteen died of a contagious Disor- der, supposed to be the Plague. This Account then corroborates the Assertion of one of your Correspondents, that Birds carry the Con- tagion. [ Gazetteer. ] Letters from Udina, in the Venetian Terri- tory, give an Account of a violent Hurricane which happened on the 19th ult. and laid waste an
Extent of Land in that Province fifty Miles in Length, and two in Breadth. The greatest Part of the Wall which inclosed the Park of the Count Morino, at Persereano, was thrown down, whole Farms and many Edifices swept away, and the largest Trees torn up by the Roots. A Gentleman of Richmond, who for some Time past had paid his Addresses to a young Lady of Fortune in the Neighbourhood, fixed on Tuesday last for the celebrating of their Nuptials; but as they were going to Church his Conscience touched him, and he owned he had a Wife living in Gloucestershire. Yesterday 18 Prisoners were tried at the Old Baily, 14 of
whom were call for Transportation, and four acquitted. Yesterday at the Sessions at the Old Baily, 14 Prisoners were tried, two of whom were capi- tally convicted, viz. John Barton, for stealing a Gelding, the Property of Henry Jones, a Farmer, at Abingdon, near Northampton; and Bartholomew Langley, a Baker, for Bestiality with a she Ass, at Knigtsbridge. James Tom- pion, a Coachman, for killing Matthew Wright, by driving his Coach over him, in Bishopsgate- Street, was found guilty of Manslaughter; se- ven were cast for Transportation, and four acquitted. WANTED, — A Man and his Wife, who are well qualified to
undertake the Care and Management of a Workhouse belonging to the Parish of Holy Cross, in Per- shore. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Francis Evans, of Ailsborough Farm, near Per- shore; or of Mr. John Tawney, of Wadborough. To be peremptorily SOLD, Entire or in Lots, and on such Conditions as shall be agreed on at the Time of Sale, On Tuesday the 4th Day of December next, between the Hours of Two and Four in the Afternoon, at the Angel Inn, in Alcester, or in the mean Time by private Contract, AFreehold Messuage, Barn, and other Out- Houses, with about thirty- three Statute Acres of Arable, Meadow,
and Failure Land, Part inclosed, and other Part in the open Fields; situate at Great Alnn, by the Side of the River Avon, about two Miles above Alcester, in the Holding of Thomas Milborn, at the yearly Rent of 22I. Also to be SOLD, under like Conditions, At the Golden Cross Inn, in Bromsgrove, on Tuesday the 11 th Day of December next, between the Hours of Two and Four in the Afternoon, A Copyhold Messuage, Barn, and other Out- Houses, and about thirty- four Acres of Land inclosed, and lying altogether, at a Place called Bedlem, in the Parish of King's Norton, and County of Worcester, in the Holding of William Tayler, at
the yearly Rent of 161. Also to be SOLD immediately, And entered upon, if required, at Lady- Day next, A capital Messuage and Farm, consisting of all necessary Out- Houses, and about one hundred Acres of Land, about one - half Meadow and Failure, the other Part Arable; in the Possession of Mr. William Bourne, situate at Shepley, about a Mile from Bromsgrove, bordering upon the Lickhill Common, upon which, and the Linthurst Common, there is a very extensive Right of Pasture. Further Particulars may be known of Mr. Brettell, at Stourbridge; or at Finstal- House near Bromsgrove. Mr. Brettell is also authorised to
contract for the Sale of any of the above Estates. Worcester, 31st Oct. 1770. WHEREAS, at Hereford Fair, on Saturday sennight last, the 20th Inst. a Pocket of Hops was sent away, by Mistake, with other Hops belonging to Mr. Philip George, of Worcester: Whoever can prove it to be their own ( by applying to the above Mr. George) may have it again, paying Coils and Charges. JOHN MOGRIDGE, MERCER and UNDERTAKER, HAVING entered upon that old- accustomed Shop in the High- Street, many Years known by the Sign of the White Lilly, next Door to Mr. Jefferies, Watch- maker, in- forms his Friends and the Public,
that he has laid in a new and elegant assortment of Mercery, Linnen- Drapery, and Haberdashery Goods, which he is determined to fell on the most reasonable Terms, to all who favour him with their Custom; which will be ever gratefully acknowledged. Shrouds ready made, and Funerals furnished. WHEREAS Stephen Verrinder, of Tewkesbury , in the County of Gloucester, Ironmonger; hath lately conveyed all his Goods and Effects to Mr. John White, Attorney at Law, of Upton upon Severn, in the County of Worcester, in Trull, to dispose of the fame for the Benefit of the Creditors of the said Stephen Verrinder, in equal
Proportions to their respective Demands; the Creditors of the said Stephen Verrinder are desired immediately to send an Account of their respective Demands to the said Mr. White: And all Persons indebted to the said Stephen Verrinder are desired immediately to pay their respective Debts due from them, to the laid Mr. White, who is legally authorized to receive the same; otherwise they will be sued without further Notice. Bromsgrove, Oct. 30th 1770. DIVERS Whiteners of Linnen Cloth, residing in this Place and Neighbour- hood, having, at several different Times, lost and had feloniously stolen and taken away, from out of
their Bleaching Yards or Grounds, various Quan- tities of Linnen Cloth, there laying to bleach; — In order, as far as may be, to prevent such in- jurious and evil Practices for the future, We, whose Names are hereunto subscribed, have mu- tually agreed, by Bond, to assist at all Times, at our joint Expence, each other, in apprehending, and prosecuting to the utmost Rigour of the Law, any Person or Persons who shall hereafter be con- cerned in robbing any Bleaching Yard or Ground belonging to either of us respectively. As witness our Hands, BENJAMIN HUMPHRYS, WILLIAM KINGS, WILLIAM BROWN, THOMAS ELLINS.
STATE LOTTERY, 1770. WORCESTER, November 1st. S UCH Persons as intend purchasing of me, either whole Tickets, or Shares of Tickets from BARNES and GOLIGHTLY'S Office, in London, are desired to apply for them on or before Saturday the 10th Instant, after which Time they cannot be supplied by Their humble Servant, H. BERROW, Printer of this Journal. The present Price of Shares of Tickets ( including Postage, Registering, Examining, Letters of Ad- vice as soon as the Numbers are drawn, & c. ) is as follows, viz. £. s. d. £. s. d. Half - - - 7 12 o Sixteenth - 1 1 6 Fourth - - 3 17 o Thirty- second o 11 6 Eighth - -
2 o o Sixty- fourth - o 6 6 A great Variety of Shares of Tickets I have now in Hand; but whole Tickets are sent for as they are bespoke. No Orders can be regarded unless the full Money be deposited at the fame Time. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Friday the 16 th Day of this Instant November, at the Crown Inn, in Ombersley, between the Hours of Two and Four in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions for Sale as shall then be produced, A Compleat Copyhold Estate of In- heritance, consisting of about eighteen Acres and an Half of Pasture, Arable, and Meadow Land, situate at Powers, in the Parish of Om- bersley
aforesaid, now rented by Mr. Thomas Winall. N. B. Mr. Winall will shew the Premisses, and for further Particulars apply to Mr. William Woodhouse, of Salwarp, near Droitwich. To be SOLD to the Best Bidders, On Tuesday the 4th Day of December next, at the Dwelling House of William Powell, known by the Sign of the Blue Boar, in Tenbury, in the County of Worcester, either together or in Lots, as shall be then fixed upon ( subject to the Conditions for Sale then to be produced); the Sale to begin at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, THE said Dwelling House, called the BLUE BOAR ( being a good- accus- tomed Inn), with the Barn,
Garden, Stable, and Out- Buildings thereto belonging; and also about seven Acres of exceeding good Arable and Pasture Ground, lying in several Parcels near to the Town of Tenbury aforesaid, and now in the Occupation of the said William Powell. N. B. The Tenant will shew the Premisses; and for further Particulars apply to Mr. Wheeler, Attorney at Law, at Winterfold, near Kidder- minster. Bewdley, Oct. 28, 1770. THIS is to give Notice, That the Hop- Market here will be continued every Thursday throughout the Year, and that there is very good and convenient Warehouses for housing them if not sold. — The Situation of this
Place is very convenient for all the North and North East Part of the Kingdom; and the Dealers are deter- mined to support the Market. To be LETT, and entered upon at Lady- Day next, ALarge commodious House, and well- accustomed Shop, with the Fixtures of the Shop ( and the Stock in Trade to be fold at Prime Cost; consisting of all Sorts of Woollen and Linnen- Drapery, Mercery, Haberdashery, and Hosiery Goods), situate near the Town- Hall in Bromsgrove, now in the Occupation of William Rea, who has lately taken the Shop of Mr. Barnes, Mercer, in Broad- Street, Worcester. He begs his Friends to accept his grateful
Ac- knowledgment of their past Favours, and begs Leave to solicit the Continuance of them, during his Stay at Bromsgrove; and shall always be glad to serve them, on the lowest Terms, after his Re- moval to Worcester. There are large and convenient Out- Buildings belonging to the above- mentioned House, with a good Garden, at the yearly Rent of 17I. For Particulars enquire of William Rea, in Bromsgrove aforesaid; or of Mr. Richard Nash, Glover, in Worcester. N. B. Wanted at Lady- Day, An Apprentice out of a good Family, to the Mercery and Linnen- Drapery Business.
A professed WOMAN COOK, who, if she can be well recommended for her Sobriety, & c. from her last Place, may be immediately en- gaged on very advantageous Terms. Wanted likewise,— A Kitchen- Maid, and a Boy, as an Under Waiter. Enquire of the Printer of this Paper. Worcester, November 1, 1770. NOTICE is hereby given, That the BEAST MARKET, which, of late, has been held in Lowesmore, will, on Saturday next, the Third Instant, be removed to its former Situation, at the Bottom of Broad- Street, in the Parish of All Saints. By Order of the MAYOR, Clerk of the Markets. Worcester, October 15, 1770. THE Mayor
and Justices intending to appoint SCAVENGERS for this City, at the next adjourned Quarter Sessions, which will be held at the Guild- Hall 0n Monday the Nineteenth Day of November, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, NOTICE is hereby given, That all Persons who are willing to execute such Office, either for the whole City, or for any of the Parishes within the said City, are desired to attend at the said adjourned Sessions with their Proposals. By the COURT. BUND. Worcester, 27th 0ct. 1770. WHEREAS at a Court of Guar- dians of the Poor of this City, held on Tuesday the 25th Instant, Complaint was made to the Court,
that some Persons have of late omitted bringing Hops which have been bought, sold, or delivered within the said City, to the public Scales to be weighed by the Hop- Weighers appointed for such Purpose, which Practices being considered as not only illegal, but prejudicial to the Charity; The Court did order, That the following Clauses in an Act of Parliament passed in the fourth Year of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the Second, should be published in the Worcester Jour- nal, and by Hand Bills; and that the same should be put in Execution against all Persons acting con- trary thereto for the future; viz. ' And for the
better regulating of the said ' Hop- Market, be it also enacted by the Authority ' aforesaid, That all Hops hereafter to be bought, ' fold, or delivered within the said City of Wor- ' cester, or the Liberties, Suburbs, or Jurisdiction ' thereof, or Places adjacent, by the Wholesale, ' shall from Time to Time be first brought into the ' said Hop- Market, and there, and at no other ' Place, shall be publicly and in open Market ' bought, sold, and disposed of, and afterwards ' weighed at the public Scales there to be kept by ' the public Hop- Weigher, and thereupon the ' usual and customary Tolls, Fees, and Perquisites, ' shall be paid to, and
received by the said Guar- ' dians of the Poor of the said City, and their ' Successors, from Time to Time, for the Uses and ' Purposes aforesaid. ' And for the better preventing the buying, sel ' ling, and weighing of Hops by Wholesale in ' private Houses or Places, be it further enacted ' by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person ' or Persons shall at any Time or Times from and ' after the said Twenty- fourth Day of June, buy, ' fell, or weigh any Bag, Pocket, or Parcel of ' Hops, in any other Place than in the said Hop- ' Market, or before such Hops shall have been ' brought to, and weighed at the said Hop- Mar- ' ket by the
public Hop- Weigher, or at the pub- ' lic Scales there to be kept, such Person or Per- ' sons shall, for every such Bargain or Offence, ' forfeit and pay the Sum of Ten Shillings, for the Use and Benefit of the Poor of the said several Parishes of the said City, to be levied by Distress and Sale of such Offenders Goods, by Warrant under the Hand and Seal of the Mayor, or any one or more of the Justices of the Peace for the said City of Worcester, or of any one or more of the Justices of the Peace of the County of Wor- cester, in their respective Counties and Jurisdic- tions, restoring the Overplus ( if any) after all Charges of such
Distress and Sale paid to the Party so offending; and if no Distress can be had or found, that then such Justice or Justices shall, by his or their Warrant, commit such Offender to Prison, there to remain for the Space of one Month, or until Payment shall be made of such Penalty, and the Charges attend- ing such Commitment.' JOHN EADES, CLERK. October 29, 1770. THE Commissioners in a Commis- sion of Bankrupt awarded and issued forth against JAMES STANTON, late of the City of Wor- cester, Linnen- Draper and Haberdasher, intend to meet on the 4th Day of December next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, at
the Bell Inn in Broad- Street, in the City of Worcester aforesaid, in order to make a Dividend of the said Bank- rupt's Estate and Effects; when and where the Creditors, who have not already proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the same, or they will be excluded the Benefit of the said Dividend.----- And all Persons who have any Claims on the said Bankrupt's Estate, are to come and prove the same, or they will be disallowed. A Evesham, Oct. 21, INOCULAT IO S the present Season is deemed 1770. N. more suitable for the INOCULATION of the SMALL- POX than the extreme Heat of Summer, I take this Liberty
of informing the Public, that I shall continue the Practice thereof, as usual; and as my Method of treating that Distemper has been so evidently blessed with Success, that not one unfavourable Symptom hath appeared in any of my Patients, I hope for future Encouragement. Gratitude obliges me to acknowledge the Obli- gations conferred by some Persons of distinguished Abilities, and I shall always endeavour in this, and every other Branch of my Profession, to merit the Approbation of those who may think me worthy of their Favours ; for I have not a Wish to raise a Reputation on any other Basis than real Merit. B. FEILD.
THURSDAY'S POST.. ( By EXPRESS from LONDON.) IRELAND. Dublin, October 20. LAST Thursday John Daw was tried and convicted for the barba- rous Murder committed by him at Turvey ( as formerly mentioned) at which Place he was executed Yesterday, pursuant to his Sentence. SCOTLAND. Edinburgh, Oct. 24. A few Days ago a Ves- sel came up the Firth from Memel, the Cap- tain of which, not knowing the present Order for Quarentine, took his Boat in order to come on Shore, and brought along with him a Lady who had been a Passenger in his Ship. This Lady, it seems, got on Shore, and came to her Sister, who
lives in the Head of the Cannon- Gate of this City, which was not known till Yesterday, when a Guard was immediately placed upon the House, and this Morning she was conveyed down to the Ship again, till the appointed Time of Quarantine shall be ex- pired. The Captain did not get on Shore, but upon reporting where he came from, he was obliged to turn back, and his Ship ordered to Innerkeithing Bay. COUNTRY NEWS. Dover, Oct. 29. The Person who shot him- self at the City of London Inn ( see the preceding Page) died on Friday Evening. The Jury sat on the Body, and brought in their Verdict Lu- nacy. It appears he
was Clerk to a Merchant at Edinburgh, from whence he had stolen the the Bills and Drafts. His real Name was Phi- lip Thompson, and he once bore an exceeding good Character, and in particular greatly re- spected by his Master. The Merchant's Bro- ther, in Pursuit of him, arrived here in a Post- Chaise Yesterday Afternoon, and seemed greatly concerned for what had happened. LONDON, Tuesday, Oct. 30. The Dutch were the principal Buyers in the Alley Yesterday, and did a great deal. Hence ' tis conjectured, from the Sagacity of those People, and the early Intelligence they usually have, that we are further from a War
than People in general think of. It is said that our formidable Preparations, and Peremptoriness in not submitting the De- termination of our Dispute to a third Power, has produced the desired Effect ; and that the proud Castilians are content at this Time to bend the Neck to the Throne of Great Britain. We hear that notwithstanding we have so far succeeded as to oblige the Spaniards to make proper Submission for their late Behaviour with regard to Falkland's Islands, yet they have in some Measure gained their Ends also ; for it is said that our Ministry, through a mistaken No- tion of the Non- importance of these Isles, have
agreed to desert them. The Highlands in Falkland's Island, from their Vicinity to the rich Mountains of Chili, thought to contain some of that precious Metal with which all the World is enamoured, which is supposed to be the Reason why the Spaniards are so unwilling to suffer any other Power to settle there. We are assured, that neither the Manilla Ransom, nor the Antigallican Prize, are Sub- jects that have been touched on in the late Ne- gociation with Spain, notwithstanding national and particular Justice claims it, and it seemed to be the general Wish of the People. By a Letter from Calais, we hear, that the French
Ambassador at Madrid has been pre- sented with a Memorial relating to the present Dispute between the English and the Spaniards, complaining to the following Purport: That their attempting to make up the Breach was a gross Insult on Spain, as they were the principal Advisers of their making a Claim of Falkland's Island, and at the same Time promised, if any Rupture ensued from it, that they would join them to subdue the English ; that after spending an immense Sum in equipping a large Fleet, and reinforcing their Army, they had altered their Minds, and advised them to compromise Matters with the English, by restoring
Falk- land's Island, and paying all Expences they have been at in fitting out so large a Fleet, & c. However, they were determined not to follow their Advice, and desired an immediate Answer whether they would abide by their former Pro- mise. The Letter further says, the Ambassador has not as yet given any Answer, but has dis- patched a Courier to his Court for Instructions. Whatever Intentions relative to a Rupture the Court of Spain may have, they cannot at present be determined ; however, it is certain that the Galleons, which lately sailed from Old Spain for the South Seas, are equipped with Men and Guns as in Time of
War. Letters from Cadiz say, the Spaniards have now on the Stocks at that Port four large Ships of the Line, which are finishing under the Di- rection of an English Builder, upon a new Con- struction. All the Troops in Scotland have received Orders to begin their March towards Plymouth. Letters received by the last Holland Mail, confirm the Account of Bender's being taken ; and add, that it was taken by Storm, and the Slaughter was amazingly great on both Sides. Now the Russians are in Possession of Bender, there is but one more Fortress to retard their March to Constantinople. spect to the Distribution of Prize Money, will
soon be laid before the P--- y C----- l. Yesterday several Members of the Minority waited on Lord Chatham. It is expected there will be warm Work in two august Assemblies the approaching Ses- sions, on the India and other Affairs. To- morrow Morning Mr. Alderman Wilkes, and the rest of the Westminster Gentlemen, are to meet at Appleby's, in Parliament- Street, and about Twelve o'Clock will proceed to Westminster Hall, to instruct their Members. A Detachment from the three Regiments of Foot Guards is ordered to be in Readiness To- morrow at the shortest Notice. Private Letters from Dublin, hint the great Dread of an
Insurrection among the People, who now seem to be inflamed beyond all De- grees of Forbearance, on account of the Sus- pension of some of their temporary Laws, and the further Prorogation of their Parliament. We are authorised to assure the Public, that the true Cause of the Marquis of Granby's Death was the Gout, which having been flying about him some Days, at length fixed in his Stomach, and thereby put a Period to his Life in a few Minutes. When the News of the Death of the late Marquis of Granby reached his very intimate Friend, John Calcraft, Esq; he was hunting, near his Seat at Ingress, in Kent, who was so
extremely affected therewith, that he would have fallen from his Horse, had he not been supported by two Gentlemen that were with him ; finding him unable to ride, they sent for his Post- chaise, in which he was carried home, where he has continued indisposed ever since. Upon the Father of a noble Warrior de- ceased finding that no Provision was made for an amiable young Lady, his natural Daugh- ter, he has declared he will give her 1o, ooo1. A noble Nabob, who, it has lately been as- serted, is in perfect Health, has, we are assured, every Night an Apothecary to sit by him in his Chamber. We hear that, as a certain Law
Officer in the City has not made his Appearance at the Old Bailey this Sessions, though his Presence is so necessary, a Court of Common Council will be held in a few Days for an Enquiry into his present Conduct, and whether he is not obliged either to attend on the Duties of his Office, resign, or by the Leave of the Court appoint a Deputy, and to pay him out of the Salary the Corporation have settled on him. It has been said, that the late Premier en- gaged to defray the Expences of A. P. Esq; if he could get returned for the Borough of T. which amounted to 30001. After his Election, he waited on the Premier, expecting to
have his Money repaid him, who made him an Offer only of 15oo1. which so enraged the new Mem- ber that he immediately joined the Minority — What Confidence can any Party put in a Man who will so readily change for filthy Lucre? Or how can he reconcile it to his Conscience, to hold a Fellowship of a College with an Estate which disqualifies him from holding it? We hear that Information having been given to the Lord- Mayor, that several Persons within the City had made Application to the Lords of the Admiralty for Protections for Person employed by them; his Lordship immediately wrote to the Lords of the Admiralty,
expostu- lating with them on the Impropriety of their granting such Protections, it being well known that no Persons whatsoever can be imprest within the City without the Presence of a Constable, and that they must be carried immediately be- fore a Magistrate, where they are discharged, unless they have been Seamen, or are loose dis- orderly Persons. On Tuesday Night, at Eleven o'Clock, the several Constables of Westminster, & c. assem- bled in the new Guildhall, and received their Press- Warrants; after which they went to divers Publick- Houses, Night- Houses, & c. and picked up a great Number of idle Persons for the
Use of his Majesty's Fleet. Yesterday twenty- eight impressed Seamen, tied together two and two, and strongly guarded by a Party of Soldiers, were brought to Town from St. Alban's and Hertford, and put on board a Tender for his Majesty's Service. In Consequence of an Information given by some Person, with a humourous Intent, a Press Gang went to the Lodging of a poor Fellow, who has lost both his Arms in Defence of his Country, and is known by most People by the Description of the Harmless Pen- cutter; they not only used the poor Man ill, but beat and abused his Landlord so grossly for taking his Part, that he was
sent to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, where he now lies dangerously ill. There are Letters by the Polly, Capt. Kelly, which arrived on Sunday in the River, from Maryland, which bring Advice, that a Kind of Pestilential Disorder rages there amongst the Slaves, and carries off great Numbers; which is not only a great Loss to the Planters, but makes them greatly distressed for Want of Hands to work in the Plantations. The same Letters say, that their Crops have turned out very indifferent, and that the Price of their To- bacco must be greatly enhanced; they also say that Murders and Robberies are become very frequent there, and
are committed, as it is sup- posed, by the Felons who are transported there Authentic Letters from Hamburgh, dated Oct. 16, assure, that by Accounts from Peters- burgh of the 29th of September, they learnt that Count Romanzow had received certain Information that the Grand Signor, Sultan Mustapha, had been obliged to vacate the Ot- has succeeded to his Place, and nominated a new Grand Vizir, and given Orders for the Grand Turkish Army to be recalled in order to cover Constantinople. The Flanders Mail which arrived Yesterday, contained very little new Intelligence. The Plague, by Accounts from Warsaw, is said to
increase rather than diminish in Poland; and the Inhabitants of Warsaw are continually alarmed by the Attempts of the Confederates to set Fire to that Metropolis. By an authentic Letter from Parkgate, we hear that the Person taken up at Chester ( as mentioned in some of the Papers) was imme- diately set at Liberty, it appearing he was not Mr. Coyde, the Tea- Broker, whom the Post- Boy took him for, but a Musician, who was going over to Dublin to perform at one of the Theatres there. By a Letter received Yesterday from Morton Hampstead, in Devonshire, we are informed, that a terrible Fire broke out in the Stables be longing to the George Inn at that Place, on Wednesday Evening last, about Six o'Clock, which entirely destroyed the same, and the fol- lowing Houses, viz. Mr. Dinglas's, a Baker; Mr. Jacob Herd's, Woolcomber; Mr. William Hart's, Woolcomber; Mr Herd's, Carpenter; with all their Stock in Trade and Houshold Furniture; likewise ten Dwelling- Houses of poor labouring People. The Flames raged with great Fury till Twelve o'Clock at Night, and the Damage is computed at upwards of Five Thousand Pounds. On Saturday 11 Prisoners were tried at the Old Baily; four of whom were capitally con- victed; viz. Joseph Knight, Thomas
Bird, and William Payne, for a Burglary in the Dwelling- House of Mrs. Girardot, in Great Marlbo- rough- Street, and stealing a large Quantity of Plate; and William Williams, for robbing John Waters, on the Highway, in a Field near Battle Bridge. The Trial of Joseph Hodges, for having Coining Engines in his Possession, lasted near three Hours; when the Jury, after having ; withdrawn for upwards of an Hour, acquitted him. And Yesterday the said Sessions ended, when 12 Prisoners were tried, one of whom was ca- pitally convicted, viz. Wm. Brent, alias Brett, for robbing Lady Mayo of Bank Notes, & c. to the Amount of upwards
of 19001. Three were cast for Transportation, and seven acquitted. Died. ] In Gloucester, Lady Strachan, Wife of Sir William Strachan.— At his Brother's at Ebley, Gloucestershire, Doctor Richard Tur- ner, Physician in the Army.— Mr. John Pye, who formerly kept the Hen and Chickens Inn in Birmingham.— At his House in Great Pult- ney- Street, Golden- Square, the Right Hon. David, Lord Oliphant. Price of COR N per Quarter, at London. Pease 29s. to 31s. Hog Pease 26s. to 28s. Beans 25s. to- 26s. od. Tares 30s. to 33s. Finest Flour 36s. per Sack. Wheat 36s. to 41s. Barley 22s. to 23s. 6d. Oats 15s. to 18s. Brown Malt
26s. to 28s Pale Malt 26s. to 30s. Rye 26s. to 29s. Bank Stock, 136 1- 4th a 137 3- 4ths. Four per cent cons.—. Three 1- half per cent. 1756, —. Three 1- half per cent. 1758, 82 1- 4th. Three per cent, consol. 78 1- half a 79 3- 4ths a 5- 8ths. Three per cent, reduced, 77 1- half a 78 1- half. Three per cent. 1726,—. Long Annuities, —. South Sea Stock, —. Three per cent. Old Annuities, shut. Ditto New Annuities, —. Ditto 1751,—. India Stock 198. Three per cent. Annuities, —. India Bonds, 20s. a 21s. Prem. Navy Bills, —. Lottery Tickets, 14l. 7s. 6d. BANKRUPTS required to surrender.---- Moses Dias Fernandes, of Fenchurch -
Street, London, Merchant, Nov. 14, 21, Dec. 8. -- Wm. Kell, of Westminster, Taylor, Nov. 5, 14, Dec. 11.— John Brooksbank, of Alders'gate Street, Distiller, Nov. 3, 14, Dec. 11 ;-- all at Guildhall. DIVIDENDS to be made to Creditors.---- Nov. 17. Samuel Allen, of Banbury, in Oxfordshire, Mercer.--- Nov. 20. Robert Diplock, of Green- wich, in Kent, Brewer.--- Joseph Longchamp, of St. George, Hanover- Square, Victualler.-- Zachary House, of Nash- Mill, in Hertfordshire.— Nov. 24. Margaret Grant, of Leadenhall - Street, Brush- maker; — all at Guildhall. WORCESTER, Thursday, November 1. At our Market, last Saturday,
upwards of 800 Pockets of Hops were sold; the Prices nearly the same as on the Saturday before. On Thursday last was married, at Beng- worth, in the Borough of Evesham, Mr. Tho- mas Davis, to Miss Johnson, Niece to Anthony Roper, Esq; Mayor of the said Borough. Last Sunday Night died, at the Unicorn Inn, in this City, ( on his Way to Bath, for the Re- covery of his Health) Joseph Leaghtley, Esq; of Glassniven, near Dublin; a Gentleman of a very respectable Family, and considerable Property in the Kingdom of Ireland. The Assize of Bread, set by the Right Worshipful the Mayor and Justices, on Monday last. W lb. heat
oz. en dr. Ho lb. usho oz. ld dr. Penny Loaf to weigh 0 9 0 0 12 1 Two- penny Loaf 1 1 15 1 8 3 Six- penny Loaf 3 5 13 4 8 9 Twelve- penny Loaf 6 11 IO 9 1 1 Eighteen- penny Loaf 10 1 7 13 9 1O The Halfpenny Bach Lake not to weigh less than 4 Ounces 8 Drams, the Penny ditto not less than 9 Ounces ; and no other Sort of Bach Cakes to be made.
SIR, Worcester, 0ctober 24, 1770. PASSING by a certain Church- Yard in this City, a few Days ago, I beheld a Sight which struck me with Horror: A Labourer was employed in digging a Trench, as I supposed for the Foun- dation of a Wall; across the Middle lay a human Corpse, still entire, the Flesh remaining on the Bones, and the Skin perfectly white. The Man was busied in removing this Obstacle, not indeed by conveying the whole Body into some other Si- tuation, as Humanity and Decency required, but by cutting as much of it away as impeded his Progress; he had already separated the Thighs from the Legs at the
Knees, and was now endea- vouring to divide the Loins with his Spade, but finding it too sound to be so easily cut through, he took, up his Pick- axe, and fell to Work upon it. I turned, with inexpressible Horror, from so dismal a Sight; but, returning a few Minutes after, I saw he had thrown up the Thighs and Buttocks together on the Ground. Such glaring Violations of that Piety and Ten- derness, which we owe to the Memory of the Dead, surely ought not to go unpunished: All Nations have concurred in a humane Regard to the Remains of their departed Progenitors, and some have even carried it to a Degree of Extrava- gance.
The People of Canada frequently take up the Bodies of their Relations, which have long since been buried, and, folding and adorning them with fresh Furs, commit them again unwillingly to the Earth, as if the Piety they owed to their Pa- rents and Friends was not sufficiently exhibited in a single Funeral. Should one of these People, whom we politely term Savages, be a Spectator of the Scenes too often transacted in our Church- Yards, what Judgment would he form of us ? Would he not think us the most cruel Barbarians; who, not contented to persecute each other while living, extended our Animosity to the lifeless Re- mains
of our Fellow Creatures ? The religious Regard of the Egyptians to the Dead is well known to every one: They em- balmed them with the utmost Care, preserved them a long Time in their Houses, and recalled at their Sight the Remembrance of the Happiness which they had once tasted in their Society. It is a pleasing Reflection that, amongst this social Peo- ple, Friendship, filial Affection, and conjugal Love, extended even beyond the Grave! The Athe- nians too, condemned six of their victorious Ge- nerals, for neglecting to bury the Slain after the Battle of Arginusae, though they pleaded in Ex- cuse, that they were prevented
by a sudden and violent Tempest. What then would have been the Fate of an Egyptian, or a Greek, who should have committed so impious an Insult on the Manes of the Dead, as that which I have related ? We esteem ourselves superior to those Nations in true Piety; we boast of the Purity of Manners, and the Delicacy of Sentiment which our Religion in- spires: Surely, then, we should not see with In- difference such flagrant and frequent Violations of that Piety and Decency, on which we pretend to set so high a Value ! The longer an Abuse is overlooked, the greater it necessarily grows. The Dead, it is true, are insensible of
the Insult; but the Living are in- jured. Shall we suffer the Bodies of our Friends, our Fathers, or our Wives, to be torn from the Quiet of the Grave, mangled by the rude Hands of unfeeling Clowns, and exposed a sad Spectacle to every Passenger, in all the Deformity of Putre- faction and Decay ? It is certainly the indispen- sible Duty of those who shall see the Remains of their Friends and Relations treated with such In- dignity, to use their utmost Endeavours to punish the Delinquents. The Church never fails to exact its Fees for the Privilege of a narrow Corner to rot in, which, since it is purchased, ought doubtless to be sacred
and inviolable : But this was, perhaps, the Body of some nameless and unhappy Wretch, who was denied an Asylum even in the Grave. J. G. To the Printer of the WORCESTeR JOURNAL. Mr. Berrow, Worcester, Oct. 28, 1770. AMisfortune which happened to me the other Day, ( just before I left London) sufficiently convinced me of the lnconveniencies arising from the indiscriminate Power lodged in Press Gangs, who pay no more Regard to those who plead Protection from the Badge of Literature, than a Bailiff's Follower. I would not have you think, Mr. Printer, that I was pressed myself: — but my Devil ( that is the
Messenger of the Printing- House) was carried off, as he was going with the Copy of an Essay I had intended for one of the Daily Papers. Learning appears to me of so much Importance that ( in my Opinion) the Persons of the lowest Retainers to it should be secured from Molesta- tion ; and it gives me great Concern, though a very loyal Subject, that even a Ballad Singer, or the Hawker of bloody News, should be inter- rupted in their literary Vocations. I have, in vain, endeavoured to recover my Manuscript again ; for, though I cannot but think any one of my Productions of almost as much Conse- quence to the Nation as the
fitting out a Fleet, the ignorant Sailors were so regardless of its inestimable Contents, that after much Enquiry I detected them ( with my Devil in, Conjunction) lighting their Pipes with it at an Alehouse by Puddle Dock. This irretrievable Loss to the Public, as well as myself, led me to consider, whether some Me- thod might not be thought of, to raise sufficient Forces for the Fleet and Army, without dis- turbing poor Labourers, and honest Mechanics, in their peaceful Occupations. I have at length, after great Pains and Expence of Thought, hit upon a Scheme which will effectually answer that End; and, without further Preface, shall
lay it before the Public. I would propose, that every useless Member of the Community should be made of Service Ropes, or carry a Musquet; and every detri- mental one should be prevented from injuring his Fellow Subjects, and sent to annoy the com- mon Enemy. There is no Occasion to rob the Fields of their Husbandmen, or to fetch our Soldiers, as the Romans took their Dictator, from the Plough. It is well known that every Country can supply us with numerous Recruits, if we were to raise them out of that idle Body called Country ' Squires, many of whom are born only for the Destruction of Game, and the Dif- turbance of
their Neighbours. Their whole Life is hurried away in scampering after Foxes, leaping Five- bar Gates, trampling upon Farmers' Corn, and swilling October. As they are, by their Profession, excellent Marksmen, and have been used to carry a Gun, they might employ their Powder to more Purpose in fetching down a Spaniard, or a Frenchman, than a Pheasant; and most of them might be incor- porated among the Cavalry, or formed into light- bodied Troops, and mounted on their own Hunters. And if they would follow an Enemy with the same Alacrity and Defiance of Danger as they follow a Fox, they might do prodigious
Execution in a Pursuit. The greatest Danger would be, that if a Fox should. per- chance cross them in their March, they would be tempted to run from their Colours for the Sake of the Chace; and we should have them all Desert, or ( in the Language of Fox Hunters) gone away, If the Country is infested with these useless Animals, called'Squires, the great Metropolis is no less over - run with a Set of idle and mischievous Creatures, which we may call Town ' Squires; and, though no great Ex- ploits can be expected from this Tribe, yet ( as they are of no other Use whatever) they may at least serve in the Army, like Falstaff's Men,
as " Food for Powder". But a very formid- able Troop might be composed of Part of them, distinguished by the Name of Bloods. The Fury of their Assaults on Drawers and Watch- men, and the Spirit displayed in storming a Bagnio, would be of infinite Service in the Field of Battle. But I would recommend it to theGeneral, to have them strictly disciplined, lest they should shoot some of their own Comrades, or perhaps run away, merely for the Sake of the Joke. Under proper Regulations such vio- lent Gentlemen would certainly be of Use: And what may we not expect from such intre- pid Heroes, who, for Want of Opportunity to
exert their Prowess in warlike Skirmishes Abroad, have been obliged to vent their Cou- rage by breaking the Peace at Home ? Every one will agree with me, that those Men of Honour, termed Duellists, who make Fighting their Business, and cannot let their Swords rest quietly in their Scabbards, should be obliged to draw them in the Service of his Majesty. I have known one of these Duellists, to keep his Hand in, employ himself every Morning in thrusting at a Bit of Paper stuck against the Wainscot; and I have heard ano- ther boast, that he could snuff a Candle with his Pistol. These Gentlemen are therefore very fit to be
employed in close Engagements. But it will be necessary to keep them in con- tinual Action ; for otherwise they would breed a Kind of Civil War among themselves, and, rather than not fight at all, turn their Wea- pons upon one another. The last Proposal which I have to make on this Subject, is to take the whole Body of Free- thinkers into Service. As they have no squeamish Notions about what will become of them hereafter, they can have no Fears about Death. I would therefore have the Free- thinkers put upon the most dangerous Exploits, and exposed to the greatest Heat of the Battle; for, since they confess that they are
born into the World for no End whatever, and that they shall be nothing after Death, it is but Justice that they should be annihilated for the Good of their Country. I am, Sir, your's, & c. This Day is Published, Price 5s. 3d. in Boards, The first Volume of an entire new and useful Work, dedicated to his Grace the Duke of Northumberland, calculated for the Advantage and Instruction of the BOTANIST, the COUNTRY GENTLEMAN, the NURSERYMAN, and GARDENER, illustrated with Copper- plates, and a copious Botanical Glossary ; the Whole to be compleated in Four Volumes; THE Universal BOTANIST and NURSERY MAN:
Containing De- scriptions of the Species and Varieties of all the Trees, Shrubs, Herbs, Flowers, and Fruits, Natives and Exotics, at present cultivated in the European Nurseries, Green- Houses, and Stoves, or described by modern Botanists : Arranged according to the Linnaean System, with their Names in English. To which are added, Catalogues of the FLOWERS raised by the most eminent Florists in Europe; with their Names, Colours, and Prices, translated into English : As well as a List of the most esteemed FRUITS ; particularly those raised in the Nursery of the Carthusians in Paris. By RICHARD WESTON, Esq. Hic Ver
perpetuum, atque alienis Mensibus AEstas. Virg. London, printed for J. Bell, near Exeter Ex- change, in the Strand; G. Riley, in Queen- Street. Berkley- Square; J. Wheble, in Pater noster Row : and C. Etherington, at York and may be had of the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. The Second, Third, and Fourth Volumes are in the Press, and will be published by Christ mas next. to the Estate of SAMUEL BRADLEY, of the City of Worcester, Goldsmith and China- man, which hath been assigned to Charles Trubshaw Withers, of Worcester, Esq; in Trust for the Payment of his Debts, are required to pay the respective Sums,
in which they so stand indebted, forthwith to Mr. Sockett, Attorney, in Wor- cester, who is duly authorized to receive the same. October 24, 1770. WHREAS the GAME on the Manors of Upper and Lower Bently, near Bromsgrove, in the County of Worcester, hath of late been much destroyed by Poachers, and other unqualified Persons, This is therefore to give Notice, That whoever shall destroy the Game, or trespass on the said Manors for the future, shall be punished according to Law ; and whoever shall give Infor- mation to Mr. Collet, Attorney, in Worcester, of any Person or Persons offending therein, so that they may be
brought to Justice, shall be handsomely rewarded, for their Trouble. 177O. STATE LOTTERY, No FIVE PER CENT. Deducted. THE TICKETS, and SHARES of TICKETS, are sold and divided into Halves, Quarters, Eighths, and Sixteenths, by HAZARD and Co. STOCK- BROKERS, At their State Lottery Office, under the Royal Exchange, London ; Where the Numerical and Register Books of the Drawing of the Lottery are kept. The Tickets and Shares registered at Six- pence per Number, and the earliest Account of their Success sent to any Part of Great Britain, & c. SCHEME of the LOTTERY, 1770. No. of Prizes. 3 S 10 15
30 100 250 16,275 of Value of each. £. 20,000 10,000 5,000 2,000 16,690 Prizes. 33,310 Blanks. 50,000 Tickets 500 — 100 — 50 20 Fir st dra wn Ticket for thefirstsix Days, 1oool. - Lastdrawn Total Value. £ 40,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 I5,000 10,000 12,500 325,500 6,000 1,000, £. 500,000 Not Two Blanks to a Prize. Most of the capital Prizes in past Lotteries have been sold at this Office, particularly in the Lottery 1768, No. 41,704, a Prize of 20,000l. was sold and registered, and was the Property of six Persons, two in London, two in Hampshire, and two in Ireland ; and in the Lottery 1769, the Tickets No. 30,672,
and 55,719, Prizes of 1o, oool. each, the former of which was shored and registered in the following Manner, viz. £. One Half to a Tradesman in Suffolk, 5000 One Fourth to a Gentleman, 2500 One Eighth a Journeyman Furrier, 1250 One Sixteenth to a Gentleman in Kent, 625 One Sixteenth to a Tradesman in London, 625 Money for the Prizes to be paid at this Office. The present Price of Shares, Half - - 7 10 0 Eighth - 1 18 0 Fourth - - 3 16 0 Sixteenth 0 19 0 In this Lottery the full Money will be paid for the Prizes, viz. for 20,000l. will be paid 20,000l Sterling, agreeable to Act of Parliament. All Shares sold at this Office will be
stamped with the Crown, and round it Hazard's Lottery Office. There has not been a Lottery for many Years containing so small a Number of Tickets as the pre- sent, there being Ten Thousand less than usual, on which Account it is expected the Tickets will be advanced greatly in Price before Drawing. Letters, Post- paid, duly answered. Schemes gratis. The Lottery begins drawing the 19th of November. Bank, India, and South Sea Stocks, with their several Annuities; India Bonds, Navy and Victu- alling Bills, and all Kinds of Government Securi- ties bought and sold by Commission. N. B. No Bills can be taken unless at Sight,
or a short Date. Dedicated to the Lords of the The Whole to be completed in Sixty Numbers, making one large elegant Volume in Folio. Next Saturday will be published, Price Six- pence, Elegantly, printed on a new Letter andfite Paper, adorned with a beautiful Frontispiece, designed by Wale, and engraved by Grignion and a correct Map of South America, Number I. ( to be continued Weekly) of ANew and Universal COLLECTION of authentic and entertaining VOYAGES and TRAVELS, from the earliest Accounts to the present Time, judiciously selected from the best Writers in the English, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch,
German, and other Languages ; compre- hending whatever is curious in the Government, Commerce, Natural History, Customs, Habits, Marriages, Funerals, and other Ceremonies of most Nations in the known World: Including an Account of the most remarkable Discoveries, Con- quests, Settlements, Battles, Sea Fights, Hurri- canes, Shipwrecks, Sieges, Tortures, wonderful Escapes, Massacres, and strange Deliverances both both by Sea and Land. Also a Description of the Buildings, Mountains, Rivers, Harbours, Lakes, Islands, Peninsulas, Creeks, & c. of various Coun- tries. Being an Account of whatever is most wor- thy
of Notice in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Ame- rica. Illustrated with a great Number of Maps and Copper- Plates by Grignion and other celebra- ted Masters, exhibiting the must remarkable Oc currences of the History. By EDWARD CAVENDISH DRAKE, Esq. London, printed for J. Cooke, at Shakespear's Head, in Pater- noster- Row; sold by all Booksel- lers and New- Carriers in Town and Country; and may be had of the Printer and Distributors of this Paper; of whom also may be had Proposals at large, with a List of all the Copper Plates. A LIST of some of the elegant Copper- Plates which will be given in this Work, the Whole
being too numerous to insert in the Compass of this Adver- tisement. FRONTISPIECE. Landing of Capt. Rogers's Men at California, and their Reception these. The Indians astonished at the Eclipse of the Moon fore- told by Columbus. The first Meeting between Motezuma and Cortes in the City of Mexico. The Emperor Motezuma's dead Body sent out by Cortes to the Mexicans. Captain Roger's Men stripping some Ladies of their Jewels at Guaiquail. The Ceremony of ducking Seamen under the Tropic. Habits of the Inhabitants of Bulaganski. Summer Habits of the Egyptians. The Manner of the Negroes Espousals. A Gentoo
Woman burning herself on the Funeral Pile of her deceased Husband. The Ceremony of a Japanese Marriage, Habit of the great Mogul going to ride. Habit of a Princess of the Mogul's Empire. Columbus pre- senting an Account of his Voyage to the King and Queen of Spain. A whole Sheet Map of the World. A View of Saba, a City of Persia. Persians smoaking through Water. Processions of penitent Prostitutes at Naples. A View of the City of Paris A View of St. Peter's at Rome. The Ceremony of a Negro Funeral. Women expecting Death from Dutch Sailors who had murdered their Has bands. Admiral Anson's Men in the
Dress of the Inhabitants of Payta, The Cloathing and Arms of the Hottentots. Hottentots tearing to Pieces a dead Ox, and eating it. Massacre of 335 Moors A West View of the Ruins of the great Temple in Palmyra. A curious Chinese Vessel called a Snake Boat. Manner of executing Criminals in Guiney. The Emperor of China. Begging Devotees of China, and Juglers, mounted on tame Tygers. Maps of Asia, Africa, America, & c. In the first Number will be given a promissory Note of Hand from the Publisher, to deliver the Overplus gratis, if it should exceed the sixty Numbers proposed. And in the last Number a List of such
Subscribers as chuse to have their Names appear to this Work, shall be printed and delivered gratis. To the Adventurers in the present State Lottery. WHEREAS J. RICHARDSON and G. GOODLUCK, by a long Series of Observations, intense Application, and con- siderable Expence, assisted by a Gentleman who is generally allowed to be one of the most able Cal- culators of Chances in this Kingdom, have dis- covered a certain Method to know those Numbers in the Lottery, which stand the best Chance for being Prizes in general, and capital ones in par- ticular, so that upon a Calculation they can affirm, that a lest Quantity
of such Numbers will have more Prizes than a much greater Quantity of others; and as they have proved this by Experi- ments, which have been repeatedly found to answer very nearly the said Calculation; they may with great Propriety assert, that the Numbers thus pointed out will be of more Value by at least Two Guineas each, than others promiscuously chosen; yet, to prove that no Imposition is intended by this Publication, they continue to sell the Tickets and Shares at the usual Prices. T'hey have procured many of the said Numbers, winch are now selling in Tickets and Shares, from a Half to a Sixty fourth Part. Mess.
Richardson and Goodluck are well aware of the Opposition which this Advertisement will meet with from interested Persons, yet they are under no Sort of Doubt but that the Drawing of this and future Lotteries will prove the Truth of their Calculation. The Tickets and Shares, from a Half to a Sixty- fourth Part, are sold by J. Richardson and G. Goodluck ( remarkable for selling and sharing several of the most capital Prizes) at their State- Lottery- Offices, opposite the Admiralty, White- hall; and the Corner of Cornhill and Threadneedle Street, opposite the Mansion- House; where the full Money will be paid for the Prizes. The Lottery
begins drawing the 19th of November. For the Scurvy, Itch, pimples in the Face of ever so long standing, malignant Humours, obstinate Seres and Ulcers, Fistulas, Piles, Irflamations in the Eyes, and every other Disorder arising from a Foulness of the Blood. DR. Ryseeg's Balsamic Tincture, if regularly taken, and properly continued, infallibly cures the above Disorders, when all other Medicines so much recommended in the News Papers have failed : In Confirmation of the very great Efficacy of this Medicine we have, from a Number of Cures, selected the following remarkable one, and any Person desirous of further
Information may, by applying to Newberry, at the Corner of St. Paul's Church- Yard, London, be referred to many People who have happily experienced its good Effects. To Dr. RYSSEEG. The five Object, George Knipp, bis Wife, and three Children, whom we recommended to you some Time since for year charitable Assistance in that dreadful Disorder the Scurvy, - with which they were then sorely afflicted, being now perfectly cured by your BAlsAMIC TINCTUre, we in Acknowledgement of your Generosity, think it incumbent on us to make their extraordinary Cure known to the Public and in particular to return you our sincere
Thanks for the Favour bestowed on them, in Consequence of our Recom- mendation. RICHARD Bell, Church- Wardens of the Parish of JAMes ROberts, St. Saviour, Southwark. Peter SPENCE, JOHN HIDE, JOHN TAPPEN, JOHN FAISER, OverSeers. March 31, 1770 Sold Wholesale and Retail by the above F. Newbery and by Appointment sold by H. Berrow, Printer of this Journal; Mr. Raikes, in Gloucester ; Mr, Pugh, in Here ford; Mr. Jackson, in Oxford ; Mr. Aris in Birmingham; Mr. Harward, in Tewkesbury ; Mr. Clay, in Warwick Mr. Grimes, in Bromyard; Mrs. Watson, in Bromsgrove Mr. Clare, in Bewdley Mr. Haslewood,
in Bridgnorth Mr. Andrews, in Evesham; Mr. Taylor, in Kidderminster and Mrs. Hankins, in Ledbury. N. B. To prevent Counterfeits, the Public are desired to observe, that every Direction given with this Medicine, signed by Dr. Rysseeg and F. Newbery, in their own Hand Writing. Sold likewise at Berrow's Printing- Office, and by the Worcester Newsmen, Cordial Cephalic SNUFF, For Disorders in the Head, and Dimness 0f Sight. Price 6d. a Bottle, WORCESTER: Printed by H. BERROW, near the Cross; Who sells all Kinds of Blank Warrants, Land- Tax Receipts, Parish Certificates, Summonses Orders of Removal, and every
Form used by Justices of Peace Parish Officers, & c. and by whom the PRINTING Business is executed in a neat and expeditious Manner on very reasonable Terms.