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Berrow's Worcester Journal


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Berrow's Worcester Journal

Date of Article: 30/08/1770
Printer / Publisher: H. Berrow 
Address: Near the Cross, Worcester
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 3187
No Pages: 4
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Berrow's Worcester Journal. THURSDAY, August 30, 177o. No. 3187. Notwithstanding this Journal is, in most Places, distributed at least a whole Day before any other Country News Paper of the same Date, and also many Hours before the ArrivaI of the London Mail, it not only contains the most material News published in London on Tuesday Night, but many interesting Articles of Intelligence, not inserted in other Country Papers before the Saturday following. SATURDAY'S POST. FOREIGN NEWS. Hague, August 12. IF the Letters from Trieste are to be depended upon, the Russian Fleet has certainly gained a completeVictory over that of the Turks, eight of which were sunk, and eight others fell into the Hands of the Conquerors, who are using their utmost Endeavours to improve the Advantage they have gained. According to Letters from Lisbon, the Cou- riers pass much more frequent than usual be- tween that City and Madrid, the Cause of which is supposed to be the War which the King of Spain is threatened with by the Emperor of Morocco; which it is thought not only Portu- gal, but France, will likewise engage in, if that Barbarian Prince should carry his Menaces into Execution. We are the more confirmed in this Opinion, because his Most Faithful Majesty has sent Orders to Count de la Lippe Buckebourg, Generalissimo of his Forces, to return imme- diately to Lisbon, where his Presence is judged necessary, in order, as is supposed, to concert proper Measures in Consequence of the present Conjuncture of Affairs. COUNTRY NEWS. Portsmouth, August 21. Yesterday Orders came to the Officers here, for their immediate opening Places of Rendezvous, for entering Sailors on board the following Men of War here and at Plymouth, viz. the Achilles, 60 Guns; Centaur, 74 ; St. Antonio, 64; Bellona, 74; Arrogant, 74; Ajax, 74; Dorsetshire, 70; Rippon, 64; Hero, 74; Cornwall, 74; Tamer- lane, 74; Burford, 70; Belleisle, 70; Firm, 64; and Edgar, 64 : And that they may be manned as soon as possible, great Encouragement is offered to able Seamen that will enter. It is said that as soon as these Ships have got their Complement of Men, they will be stationed in the Mediterranean, as a Fleet of Observation. Bright helmstone, Aug. 20. Yesterday in the Afternoon was found the Body of the Rev. Mr. Gwynn, Principal of Brazen Nose College, Oxford. This Gentleman arrived at Bright- helmstone on Friday Morning, and ordered Dinner to be ready by Two o'Clock. In the Interim he went to take a Walk, but not return- ing, Enquiries and diligent Search were made for him by his Servant and others, to no Pur- pose ; the next Day ( Saturday) the Search was renewed, to as little Effect; when it was gene- rally supposed that he was drowned, and the Body carried off by the Tide; on Sunday, however, the Body was discovered by the Edge of the Path- Way, West of the Town, a little above the Church, lying with his Face down- wards, among standing Barley: There were se- veral Guineas, a Pocket- Book, and some other Things found about him; the Body was brought to the New Ship, and examined by our prin- cipal Physician ( Dr. Awsiter) who gave it as his Opinion, that he fell in a Fit, and was suf- focated for Want of timely Assistance. Mr. Gwynn was a respectable Character, eminent for his Learning, and had been newly elected Principal of Brazen- Nose College. Bath, Aug. o. On Thursday an Accident happened in the Crescent: Mr Clements, a Master Builder, contrary to Advice frequently given him, loaded a naked Floor with at least four Ton of Stone, and going up with a Stone of one Hundred and a Half Weight on his Shoulder, and throwing it down, the sudden Concussion broke one of the Joists, and it being in the Attic Story, the whole Weight of Stone, with him, fell through the several Stories, and crushed him to Death. York, Aug. 21. On Wednesday Night last George Cuthbertson, who about six Weeks ago sold a Horse at Seacroft that had been stolen, and which has since been challenged by the Owner, brought a Mare to Wetherby ; but be- ing suspected on Account of the Horse sold as above, search was made for him, and he was found hid in a narrow Chimney; on being dis- covered he quickly descended with a Bludgeon, and cleared the Room of seven Men; but the eighth, William Kighley, sen. resolutely closed with him, tripp'd up his Heels, and kept him down till Assistance came, when he was secured and lodged in the Castle. LONDON, Thursday, August 23. Last Tuesday Bills were stuck up about the Royal Exchange, and other Parts of this City, offering Encouragement to Sailors who will enter on board several Men of War ( Names therein mentioned, fifteen in Number) now lying at Portsmouth and Plymouth. It is certain, that positive Intelligence has been received of great naval Preparations going forward at the French and Spanish Islands in the West Indies. Tuesday some important Dispatches arrived at the Admiralty Office from John Bradstreet, Esq; Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland. Friday last Edmund Burke, Esq; Member for Wendover, arrived at his House in Fludger- Street, Westminster, from Ireland, where he has been for these two Months past. By the Arrival of a certain Gentleman from Ireland, and the Appearance of Junius's Let- ter Yesterday, relative to Col. Luttrell, ( see the last Page of this Paper) many think the grand Mystery is at length unravelled who is the real Junius. A more equitable Distribution of Prize Mo- ney than has hitherto been made on board the Royal Navy, will certainly take Place, in case of a future War, a Scheme of which has al- ready been presented to the Cammissioners of the Admiralty, and highly approved of. We hear that the Supervisors sent by the East India Company to overlook their Servants and Officers, were, on their Arrival at the Settle- ments, refused Leave to land, and even threa- tened, if they left the Ships, to be clapped immediately in Irons. It is said that Orders are sent to Ireland for three Regiments to be in Readiness to embark for North America, on the first Notice. It is asserted that Sir William Draper, Knight of the Bath, will shortly be appointed Com- mander in Chief of the British Forces in North America, in the room of General Gage. It is amazing how little Regard is paid by Administration to the Wounds that have been made by Government in America, and how little they seem disposed to apply even Pal- liatives, if not a Cure; when it is very well known they are now about sending a Governor to one of the Colonies, whose Disposition, in- stead of being of the conciliating Kind, and with whom it is but a Word and a Blow, can- not fail of widening the Breach between our Fellow Subjects there, instead of adjusting their unhappy Differences. All our Letters from Berlin are full of the Rejoicings at that Place, on Account of the Birth of the Prince Royal. The King never was in higher Spirits than on this Occasion he seems to be ; and his Majesty, after having set- tled every Thing with Regard to the Christen- ing of that Prince, set out for the Imperial Camp in Moravia, where, as we are positively informed, he is to meet the Emperor of Ger- many, the King of Denmark, the Duke of Gloucester, the Hereditary Prince of Bruns- wick, the Duke of Saxe Gotha, our late Com- mander in Chief of the Allied Army, Prince Ferdinand, and other illustrious Personages.— The Purport of this Rendezvous Time will unravel. They write from Gibraltar, that the Em- peror of Morocco's Squadron, reinforced by that of the Algerines and Tunisians, have had an obstinate Engagement with the Spanish Fleet off Ceuta, in which the latter met with a con- siderable Repulse. The same Letters add, that the Court of Madrid, upon News thereof, had dispatched a Courier to settle the Differences with the Emperor. Letters from Jamaica, dated June the 6th, say that the Spaniards have burnt many thou- sand Feet of Mahogany, all along the Coast of Cuba, and they keep such a Look- out as will make that Trade very dangerous in future. They write from Constantinople, that the Grand Signior has sent positive Orders to the Turkish Admiral to fight his Ships to the Bot- tom, rather than strike to the Russians in any future Naval Engagement. A private Letter received Yesterday from Paris mentions, with great Confidence, that France, feeing how the Tide of Affairs in Eu- ropean Turkey is likely to run, has absolutely made Overtures of Friendship to the Empress of Russia. We are told that the Corsicans are reduced 30,000 in Number since the French invaded that Island.— Out of this Number, how many Murders have the French Court to answer for ? A Letter from Lisbon, July 20. " The many Executions which have been of late are shocking to human Nature. Gentlemen dragged from their Houses to a Dungeon, and without any Form of Trial, in the Dead of the Night, have their Heads severed from their Bodies, from false Informations. The Crime they were charged with, is said to be a Plan laid for assassinating his Majesty; but the Charge is supposed to be groundless, because they have never attempted to prove it. I hope I shall be able soon to settle my Affairs, that I may return to my native Country, a Land of Liberty, for I am heartily weary of living in an arbitrary Country, where such Scenes of Cruelty are daily presented." On Thursday last set out for Dover, on his Journey to Rome, the Right Honourable Lord W m G n, once esteemed by the British Court one of the most accomplished young Noblemen of the Age. He is gone with a full Determination never to return. He has cut his Hair close to his Head, carries a Knap- sack at his Back, and intends walking to Rome on Foot, with no other Companion than a very large Dog. He was ever remarked for his Ge- nerosity, and has divided his Horses, Dogs, & c. among his Acquaintances; several to his particular Friend the young Earl of T lle. He has never appeared in public since the much talked of Connection between him and a cer- tain Lady, by whose Friends he was never pardoned, and from their Behaviour he has adopted the above extraordinary Resolution. The following odd Circumstance, which happened last Week at Harrowgate, in York- shire, may be depended on for Fact: After a Dance one Evening, a young Gentleman ob- served he had tripp'd a Hole in his Shoe ; and in Joke lamented the Expence of repairing it, begged the Company's charitable Assistance, and immediately presented his Hat, when some gave him a Halfpenny, others a Penny, till coming to a Lady, on the wrong Side of Forty, the put in a Five Guinea Piece. He did not take the least Notice then, but the next Morn- ing waited upon her, and begged to know the Reason of so extraordinary a Present, as he had not the Appearance to excite her Charity ; she told him the Piece of Money was very much at his Service, and she was so much prepossessed in his Favour, that if the Addition of 3000l. and her Person was worthy of his Acceptance, he might command them at the Altar whenever he pleased; after returning Thanks for her good Opinion, he begged a short Time for Con- sideration ; the Result of which in two or three Days was a Wedding, under Pretence of an Airing. The Gentleman is a Tallow Chandler of York, not over high in Fortune, the Lady not particularly striking in Person. We hear from the North of Ireland, that one Patrick Blewet lately died there, in the 120th Year of his Age. He never was known to be a Week sick all the Time, and retained his Memory and Understanding to the last. He was Gardener to a Family for eight Genera- tions past. Promoted.] The Reverend Mr. Newling, of Shrewsbury, to the Rectory of St Philip's, in Birmingham. The Rev. Geo. Stinton, D. D. late of Exeter College, Oxford, to the Rectory of Halsteed, in Kent ( to which he was lately presented by the Archbishop of Canterbury) being a Peculiar in the Metropolitical Church of the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury ; to- gether with the Vicarage of Allhallows Bark ing, in Tower- Street, London, worth near 500l. per Annum.— The Rev. Robert Burnaby, B. L. to the Vicarage of St. Margaret, in the Town of Leicester, and Diocese of Lincoln, with the Rectory ofWanlip, in the said County and Diocese.— The Rev. James Bowles, B. L. to the third Portion of Burford, in the County of Salop, on the Presentation of Humphry Bowles, Esq; worth 150l. per Ann. Married.] At Fairford, Glocestershire, Mr. Jonathan Wane, Mercer, to Miss Hurst, of the same Place.— Mr. John Richardson, Linen- draper, in Bread- Street, to Miss AnnaThomp- son of Spitalfields.— At Barbadoes, his Excel- lency Governor Spry, to Mrs. Farchild, Wi- dow of the late Hon. Hamlet Farchild, Esq. — At Bengall, Capt. Peach, to Miss Sophia Witts, Daughter of the late Broome Witts, Esq; Receiver- General of the Land- Tax for the County of Oxford.— Mr. Partridge, an eminent Apothecary in St. James's Street, to Miss Ashby, only Daughter and Heiress of the late Robert Ashby, of Breakspare, Esq.--- Mr. Samuel Tolly, Builder, at Hertford, to Miss Ann Bidwell, of Russell- Street, Bloomsbury. Died.] At Oxford, Mr Stephen Law, Mer- cer.— At Barnhill, in Anglesea, North- Wales, the Right Hon. Lady Bulkeley, Mother to the present Lord Bulkeley, and I. ady to Col. Sir Hugh Williams, Bart. Member of Parliament for Beaumaris. In Craigg's Court, Charing- Cross, Mr. John Rogers, Head Clerk to the Sun Fire- Office in that Place. — In Cannon- Street, Thomas Williamson, Esq; a Gentleman of Somersetshire.— In Oxford Road, Mr. Charles Wilson, Surgeon. PURSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, the Creditors of MARY JONES, late of Ludlow in the County of Salop, Spinster, deceased, are to come before Peter Holdford, Esq; one of the Masters of the said Court, at his Chambers in Symond's Inn, Chancery Lane, London, and prove their Debts, or in Default thereof they will be excluded the Benefit of the said Decree. N. B. An Account of any Debts of the said Mary Jones, sent to Mr. Browne, Attorney at Law in Leominster, will be regularly carried in before the said Master. WHEREAS MARY, the Wife of ANTHONY HAWKES, of Coplin's Court, in the Parish of Defford, Worcestershire, has eloped from her Husband; this is to forbid all Persons trusting her, as her said Husband will not pay any Debts she shall contract; and any Person harbouring or entertaining her, will be prosecuted as the Law directs. Witness my Hand this 25th Day of August, 1770. The A Mark of ANTHONY HAWKES. AUGUST 24th, 1770. FORGE or Furnace Bellows Boards, may be had, cut to any Size, out of three large Elms, which, to all Appearance, are per- fectly found; or the Timber to be sold as it is. It is already felled, and lies very near a Saw- pit, at an Estate called Horseham, in the Parish of Mart- ley, and County of Worcester. To see the Timber, enquire of Mr. Richard Smith, of Horseham aforesaid; for further Parti- culars apply to Mr. Ward, of Mount Pleasant, near Worcester. N. B. This will be advertised no more, and if not sold in one Month, will be converted to other Purposes. THE Commissioners named and authorized in and by a Commission of Bank- rupt awarded and issued, and now in Prosecution against JOHN SPARRYE, late of the City of Wor- cester, Sadler, intend to meet on the 15th Day of September next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Fore- noon, at the Bell Inn, in the City of Worcester, in order to make a Dividend of the Estate and Ef- fects of the said Bankrupt, when and where the Creditors, who have not already proved their Debts under the said Commission, are hereby re- quired to come prepared to prove the same, or they will be excluded the Benefit of the said Dividend. TH E Commissioners named and appointed in and for dividing, allotting, and inclosing the Open and Common Fields, and the Midsummer and Lammas, and other Commonable Meadows, Pas- tures, and Grounds, and the Common or Waste Ground, called Alcester Heath, within the Manor of Alcester, in the County of Warwick, Do hereby give Notice, That they have ordered the several public and private Roads through the said Open and Common Fields and Premisses, to be staked out ; and that they do intend to hold their next Meeting, for the Execution of the said Act, on Monday the Third Day of September next en- suing, at the House of John Whissell, known by the Sign of the Angel, situate in Alcester afore- said ; and all Persons who are dissatisfied with such Roads, may then and there appeal to the said Com- missioners, and make their objections against the same, as the said Roads will be then settled And all Proprietors of the said Lands and Premisses, or of any Right or Interest therein, who have not yet given in their respective Claims of Property there- in, and Petitions for the Situations of their re- spective Allotments, are desired to give and deliver the same to the Commissioners, in Writing, at the said Time and Place, as no Claims of Property will be received after that Day. And the said Commissioners do also give Notice, That the Qua- lities of the Land, and the Claims of the several Proprietors, will be then opened and read, and all the Proprietors of the said Lands and Premisses are desired to attend in Person, to hear the same read at the said Time and Place ; and all Persons claim- ing any Right or Interest in the said Lands and Premisses, by Virtue of any Lease or Leases, for a Life or Lives, or Years, are desired then to pro- duce suchLeasesbefore the said Commissioners, for their Inspection. Dated the 28th Day of July, 1770. THOMAS BROWNE. JOHN NEWCOMBE. JOHN WILKS. To be LETT, and entered upon Immediately, AGood, convenient, new built Dwel- ling House, fit for a small Family, situate on Laughern Hill, in the Parish of Wichenford, in the County of Worcester, commanding an extensive Prospect of the adjacent Country, and lying close to the Turnpike Road leading to Martley, being five measured Miles from Worcester, and hath the Convenience of several Carriers passing by almost every Day. There is likewise an Acre of Garden Ground, well planted with divers Sorts of young Fruit Trees, and a Grove of Wood for Pleasure Ground, adjoining thereto, together with good Stabling for four Horses. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Thomas Giles, Clothier, in St. John's, Worcester. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Monday the 24th Day of September next, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, at the Hop Pole Inn, in the City of Worcester, TWO Freehold Farms, situate at Kington, in the County of Worcester; the one consisting of a large and convenient Farm House and Garden, two Barns, one Stable, a Cow House, a Perry Mill, and a Cart House, all in good Repair; about fifty- nine Acres of Arable Land, in the Common Fields of Kington, three Acres of Meadow, in a Common Meadow there, and fourteen Acres of Pasture, inclosed, now in the Occupation of Thomas Payton. The other consists of a comfortable Dwelling- House and Garden, two Barns, one Stable, and a Cow House, all in good Repair, three Orchards, containing about three Acres, fifty- two Acres of Arable Land, or thereabouts, in the Comm on Fields of Kington, and six Acres of inclosed Pas- ture, now in the Occupation of Robert Payton. The above Farms have a Right of Common, without Stint, upon an excellent Common, called the Husk, and in the Common Fields of Kington, and are held together by the above- named Thomas Payton, under a Lease for the Remainder of a Term of twenty Years ( of which fifteen are yet to come) at the yearly Rent of 48l. The Tenant, Thomas Payton, will shew the Premisses, and further Particulars may be had of Mr. Sockett, Attorney, in Worcester. COUNTRY NEWS. Sherborne, Aug. 20. At the Assizes for the County of Devon, Mary Quarram, aged up- wards of 64, for the Murder of her Grandson, an Infant about a Year and a Quarter old, by drowning him, received Sentence of Death, but was respited. Five others, for Burglaries and Highway Robberies, received Sentence of Death, but were reprieved. Birmingham, Aug. 27. At Stafford Assizes, which began the 18th Instant, Thomas Nu- thall, for killing a Sheep with Intent to steal the Carcase, and William Jervis, for Horse- stealing, received Sentence of Death, but were afterwards reprieved. Mary Smith for stealing Apparel; and George Sherrard, for a High- way Robbery, to be transported for 7 Years. James Wolley, for stealing a brass Kettle, burnt in the Hand. John Fellows, for stealing a Cock, & c. to be whipt. And, Thomas Har- greaves, for assaulting and carnally knowing his own Daughter, to be fined and imprisoned six Months. At the above Assize came on to be heard be- fore the Hon. Mr. Justice Blackstone, a Cause wherein Mr. Benjamin Molineux, of Wolver- hampton, Merchant, was Plaintiff, and Mr. James Fieldhouse, of the fame Place, Jeweller, Defendant. The Action was brought for De- famation, which being clearly proved to the Satisfaction of the whole Court, ( the Defen- dant not producing one Angle Witness to con- trovert the Charge) a Verdict was given for the Plaintiff with Iool. Damages, and full Costs. During the Trial, a Proposal was made by the Defendant's Council, to accommodate the Af- fair, which Mr. Molineux was very willing to agree to, on Condition that the Defendant should pay all Costs, and ask Pardon in the Court; which the Defendant refusing to do, the Trial proceeded, and the Verdict was given as above. At Shrewsbury Assizes thirty- one Prisoners were tried, six of whom were capitally con- victed, viz. John Jones, Edward Evans, Tho- mas Williams, and Peter Smith, for Horse stealing ; William Warph, for a Highway Robbery; and Margaret Thomas for Burglary. LONDON, Saturday, Aug 25. Yesterday Gen. Conway' waited on his Ma- jesty at St. James's, and made a Report of the State of the Stores, & c. in the Garrison of Portsmouth, which he has lately inspected. After the breaking up of the Board of the Admiralty Yesterday, Sir Edward Hawke went to Court and had a Conference with his Majesty when the Levee was over. We hear it is now absolutely fixed that the Earl of Rochford is to succeed Lord Townsend as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland ; and also ( in order to appease the People, who are generally displeased at the late unpopular Step of pro- roguing the Parliament) that the Parliament shall fit the ensuing Winter, and the Session be opened with a gracious and most concilia- ting Speech from the new Vice- Roy. It is said that the Reversion of the important Post of Lord Justice General of Scotland, a Place now possessed by the Duke of Queens- bury, and worth Three Thousand Pounds per Annum, will shortly be conferred on the Earl of March. It is certain that a late Governor, and Fo- menter of Differences in America, will be ho- noured with a Ribband. The Conduct of the Ministry, in respect to America, we hear, is finally adjusted, and will be the first Object of the ensuing Session ; but whether lenitive or coercive has not transpired. By Advices from America, which arrived this Day, we are informed, that the Merchants and Traders of Philadelphia have published their Resolutions of abidingly their Non- im- portation Agreement. The Inhabitants assem- bled at their State- House, and having nomi- nated Joseph Fox, Esq; Chairman, resolved,— That the Non- importation Agreement is a safe, peaceable, and constitutional Way of asserting. their Rights-— That the good Effects of this Measure depend upon Perseverance, and that the Strength of the Colonies consists in their Union.— That there is no Foundation for de- viating from the Agreement entered into, as the Claim of Right to tax them, without their Con- sent, is still kept up, and the Duty on Tea re- tained as a Test of that Right— That the Al- teration adopted by a Majority of the Inhabi- tants of New York, is a sordid and wanton De- fection from the common Cause, by which they have weakened the Colonies, wounded the pub- lic Character of America, strengthened the Hands of their Enemies, and prosecute their Designs against their common Liberty.— That all the bad Consequences that may ensue to the Liberties of America, by their Defection, are chargeable upon a prevailing Faction at New York --- That as a Testimony of their Disap- probation of the late Measures adopted by that prevailing Faction, they will break off all com- mercial Intercourse with New York, so far as not to purchase of any of the Inhabitants of New York any Goods except Alkaline Salt, Skins, Fur, Flax, and Hemp, until they re- turn to their Agreement, or until the Act of the 7th of George III. is totally repealed. And they pledge themselves each to the other, that if they know of any Person attempt- ing to bring into that City or Province, any Goods from New York, except those above enumerated, that they will immediately pub- lish his Name in the News- Papers. Every In- habitant, who has Effects at New York, has Liberty to remove them from thence, provided it be done within six Weeks. The New York Merchants are shipping off large Quantities of all Sorts British Manu- factures, in consequence of Orders received by the last Packet; so that the Reports published in many of the News Papers, that such Orders were countermanded are certainty without Foundation. Our Letters from Bristol assure us that the Dissolution of the Non- importation Agreement at New- York, is confirmed to the Merchants of that City, who have received large Orders from thence, which give new Life to Business. The Virginians have entered into an Asso- ciation to prevent the Importation of Goods from Great Britain, which was signed at Williams burgh on the 22nd of June last by 168 Persons. A Gentleman lately arrived from America, and who is on his Return back again, is pre- paring to take with him a large Quantity of Fire- arms, Bayonets, Swords, & c. which are the only Things of English Manufacture he has Orders for. By private Letters from Bengal, we are po- sitively informed, that the Natives are all in Arms against the English, and that a very con- siderable Army is upon March towards the prin- cipal Settlement. The French apparently are not concerned, but it is believed by all the Company's Servants that the War will be ge- neral. — The East India Company seem solicitous to keep this News secret. By the latest Accounts from the East Indies we are informed, that Sommero, the late Emi- grant from Obscurity, was a great Favourite with the famous Angrie, whose Settlement was destroyed by Admiral Watson, in the Year 1757; that he afterwards served as a Serjeant of the Seapoys in the Army commanded by the famous, but unfortunate Gen. Lally, under whom he not only learned all the Discipline be- longing to an Army, but further imbibed an Aversion to the English on account of some na- tional Distinctions made among themselves. These Accounts add, that the famous Hyder Alley, who so lately concluded a Peace under the Walls of Madrass, is not only privy to, but likewise an Ally with Sommero, and a Director of him in all his Schemes. They write from the Hague, that the De- mand made on the Dutch by a certain great Trading Company here, has occasioned great Altercations and Divisions there. The Devonshire East Indiaman, Capt. Hore, is arrived off the lsle of Wight, from China. The Exportation of Horses has been long complained of. Surely, if we suffer these noble Animals to be sold to foreign Powers, it should be only to those in Alliance with us. One great Reason of the Scarcity of Silver is said to be the great Quantities continually exported for the Payment of the Troops in the East- India Company's Service. A Correspondent has sent us the following Anecdote of George I. " On the Arrival of this good King at the Palace of St. James's, some honest Hanoverain Servants of his were perpetually informing his Majesty what shame- ful Waste was daily committing in his Kitchen, Cellars, and every Office of his Palace. The King made this sensible Answer, though so early an Inhabitant of this Country : " That he believed it was the Custom of the Kingdom in general to cheat in order to live well, and so to live well with these People, you should cheat as well as they." We hear that in a late Conference between a Great Personage and the Premier, it was moved by the latter for a Place to be conferred on a certain Northern B— n- t, who has greatly re- duced his Finances. The Earl C- h d, when Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, used to say, He knew what was va- cant in the Kingdom by the Colour of his Le- vee. " If a Regiment, we are all Scarlet; if a Bishopric, my Room is like a Rookery." Our Laws are very positive against any Lord of Parliament interfering in Elections; and yet ' tis very remarkable, that there scarce ever is an Election without the Interference of some Peer — perhaps Laws were not " made for every De- gree." We hear that several Gentlemen, Supporters of the Bill of Rights, are dispersed in different Parts of the Kingdom, in order to select Mat- ter to be laid before the Public the approaching Winter, and that large Subscriptions are daily received by that Society for general Use. The Post of Adjutant General in a neigh- bouring Kingdom, which has lately been given to Colonel Luttrell, we are well informed is worth at least 2500l. per Ann. The late Lord Ch t farmed it at 2000l. It is said that the grand Defaulter is now in Possession of an actual Revenue of near 80,000l. per Annum, all which, except about 2000l. per Annum, issues from the different established Funds. We are assured that a great Personage, in a late Conference with a very near Relation of his, on the Subject of a much talked of episto- lary Correspondence, insisted so strongly on the Necessity of the latter's reviewing his English Studies more attentively, that, in consequence, his present Route to Germany has been fixed on, which is to be renewed every Spring for some Time, to enable him to apply himself more closely to his Reading, as well as to de- tach him from the Amusements of this Me- tropolis. The Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, some little Time before their Summer Recess, voted a Silver Medal to Mr. Jessart, a Farmer in the lsle of Thanet, for an Account of his Culture of the new Kind of Turnip called Turnip- rooted Cabbage. This Plant kept growing to the End of the Spring. His Produce from it of Food for Cattle, including both Herb and Root, was in the Proportion of forty- five Ton per Acre. Early Yesterday Morning the Postboy car- rying the Chester Mail from the General Post Office was stopped at the Bottom of Highgate- Hill by a single Highwayman, who took out of the Cart a small Mail ticketed Chester con- taining the following Bags of Letters, viz. Barnet, St. Alban's, Dunstable, Fenny Strat- ford, Stony Stratford, Daventry, Rugby, Lut- terworth, Luton, Towcester, Ampthill and Bedford. We hear that the Post- Masters General have held a Conference with some of the Ministry on the frequent robbing of the Mails. To prevent the frequent Robberies of the Mail, it has been proposed to the Post- Master- General, by an ingenious Gentleman, that the Mail- Carts should be constructed with Sides in the Manner of a Chest, the Roof somewhat ridged, in order to cast off the Water. And in order to render these Mail- Carts as secure as possible, they should have good strong Locks, and each Post Master on the Road should have a Key to open the Cart, in order to take out their particular Bag. And if the Chests are lined, without or within, with Tin, or a few Iron Straps are used, it must render it extremely difficult for any one to rob a Mail. On Wednesday Night General Paoli, on his Return from Richmond, was attacked by a single Highwayman, who robbed him of his Purse. Presented ] The Rev. Hungerford Hoskins Brother to Sir Chandos Hoskins, Bart. to the Vicarage of Much Due Church, in the Diocese of Hereford. Married.] Mr. James Pick, of Saneger, in Gloucestershire, to Miss Manning, of Berkley — At Hereford, Mr. Thomas Knill, Glazier to Mrs. Ann Price. Died.] Mr. John Mathews, Malster, in He- reford.— Suddenly, Thomas Brand, Esq; Mem- ber for Oakhampton. — Richard Hussey, Esq; Solicitor General to the Queen, Council to the Admiralty and Navy, Auditor of the Dutchy of Lancaster, and Member for Eastloe, in Cornwall. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Monday the first Day of October next, at the Fal- con Inn, in Bromyard, in the County of Hereford, between the Hours of Three and Six in the After- noon ( subject to the Conditions of Sale then to be produced) unless disposed of in the mean Time by private Contract, and if sold, timely Notice will be given thereof, ADwelling- House, Stable, Malt- House, and Cyder Mill, with the Appur- tenances, situate in the High Street, in the Town of Bromyard aforesaid, and late in the Occupation of William Watkins, Victualler, and known by the Name of the Lamb Inn, but now untenanted. Also two Closes or Pieces of exceeding good Pasture Ground and Orcharding, situate at the Top of the Sheep Street, in Bromyard aforesaid, and now in the Occupation of Mr. Phillip Bray. For Particulars, in the mean Time, apply to the said Mr. Bray, or to Mr. Barnes, Attorney at Law, at Bromyard aforesaid; or to Mr. Wheeler, Attorney at Law, at Winterfold, near Kidderminster. WORCESTER, Aug. 30 1770. To be LETT, for the MUSIC MEETING, AWhole HOUSE, ready furnished, situate in High- Street. For Particulars enquire of the Printer of this Paper. And A TO BE LETT, Entered upon at Lady- Day next, A Large, commodious, modern- built HOUSE, elegantly furnished, fit for a Gentleman with a large Family; consisting of six Rooms on a Floor, with Closets, & c. called DAVENPORT HOUSE, Situate on a pleasant, healthy, dry Spot, near Bridgnorth, in the County of Salop ; With Stabling for twenty- one Horses ; Coach House, Dove House, and all other Out- buildings ; a Walled Garden, well planted with Fruit Trees ; and upwards of sixty Acres of Land, near Half of which is watered at Will ; with beautiful, exten- sive Pleasure Grounds, and several ornamental Buildings, such as Temples, Grotto, Root- Houses, & c. N. B. Any Gentleman may be accommodated with more or less Land ; and, for further Parti- culars, enquire of Mr. Valentine Vickers, of Cran- mere, near the said Spot; or of Mr. John Con- greve, in Bridgnorth, Shropshire. State Lottery, 1770. H. BERROW, Printer of the Worcester Journal, Being appointed Agent to Messrs. BARNES and GOLIGHTLY, Stock- Brokers, in London, SELLS their SHARES of Tickets in the present Lottery, and has already by him a great Variety of Numbers, in Halves, Fourths, Eighths, Sixteenths, Thirty - seconds, and Sixty- fourths. Those who chose to purchase whole Tickets, by applying to him, may have them procured, on the shortest Notice, and on the most reasonable Terms. The strictest Secrecy will be observed, and all Letters ( if Post paid) duly answered ; but no Orders can be regarded, unless the full Money be paid at the same Time. The present Price of Shares of Tickets, ( including registering, examining, Letters of Advice as soon as the Numbers are drawn, & c.) is as follows, viz. Half - - - 7 10 0 Fourth - - 3 16 6 Eighth - - 1196 N. B. As the present Lottery is much more advantageous to the Adventurers, than any one for many Years before, there being not Two Blanks to a Prize, and Ten Thousand Tickets less than usual it is pretty certain there will be a considerable Advance in the Price of Tickets and Shares before the Drawing begins. SCHEMES of the Lottery may be had ( gratis) of the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. £. s. d. Sixteenth - 1 1 0 Thirty- second 0 11 6 Sixty- fourth - 0 6 6 WHEREAS the GAME, on the Manors of Glassshampton, Astley, and Wordley, in the County of Worcester, has, of late, been much destroyed by Poachers, and other unqualified Persons ; This is therefore to give Notice, That whoever shall destroy the Game, or trespass on the said Manors, shall be punished according to Law : Whoever shall give Information to Mr. John Broome, at Stanford, of any Person or Per- sons so offending, so that they may be brought to Justice, shall receive the Reward of Four Guineas. STOLEN or Strayed, out of a Ground at Cowsen, in the Parish of Upton Snodsbury, Worcestershire, on Monday the 13 th of August Instant, A Black GELDING, of the Saddle Kind, About fourteen Hands high, six Years old, has a Star in his Forehead, two white Feet behind, and a cut Tail. Lost at the same Time, A Bay MARE COLT, of the Saddle Kind, three Years old, about thirteen Hands and a Half high, had a long Tail when strayed, a Star in her Forehead, and a little White on the Off Leg behind. Whoever gives Notice of the said Colt or Gelding ( so that they may be had again) to Mr. Thomas Clark, of Cowsen aforesaid, shall receive Half a Guinea Reward for each of them, and reasonable Charges. STOLEN or Strayed, on Sunday Night last, the 26th of August Instant, out of Mr. Bell's Grounds at Wick, near Pershore, A Black CARTING HORSE, Five Years old, fifteen Hands and an Inch high, with a long Tail, two white Heels behind, and a small Blaze down his Face. Likewise Strayed at the same Time, A strong Brown NAG HORSE, four Years old, about fourteen Hands and a Half high, with a small Star in his Forehead. Whoever gives Intelligence of the said Horse ( so that they may be had again) shall be hand- somely rewarded, and all reasonable Charge paid, by WILLIAM BELL, of WICK, near PERSHORE. STOLEN from Pasture, near the Town of Swansea, in the County of Glamon- gan, on Tuesday Morning the 7th of August Inst. A handsome, strong, Brown- bay GELDING, About fifteen Hands and a Half high five Years old, all his Feet white, a white Streak down his Face, one of the Fore Teeth in his Under shorter than the rest, and his Tusks not yet above the Gums, his Coat much mottled, and his Brea- galled with the Harness. Whoever will give Intelligence of the fa Horse, so that he may be recovered again, or bring him to the Town of Swansea, shall have Reward of Five Guineas, with all reasonable Charges, to be paid by Calvert Richard Jon Esq; of Swansea, or Mr, Arthur Davies, of Lan- dovery. MONDAY'S POST. Arrived the Holland and Flanders Mails. Petersbourg, July 27. THE Advantage obtained by Count Romanzow over the Turks, on the 18th of this Month, has been suc- ceeded by another, of which the following is a Relation: While our second Army was in March to- ward Bender, Major General Proforowski re- received Orders from Count Panin to advance towards the Environs of Oczakow, with the Saporowski and Don Cosaques, and some Squa- drons of regular Troops, as well in order to conceal the March of the Army, as to recon- noitre the State of that Place. As soon as Prince Proforowski had passed the Niester on the 9th and 10th of this Month, he sent Advice to the Commander in Chief, that having ap- proached, on the 25th, the Fortress of Oczakow, he detached before him a Party of Saporowski Cosaques, with another of the Dons, who sud- denly attacked, both on Right and Left, some of the Enemy's Troops; that though a Party of Horse sallied out of the Fortress to assist these Troops, the Saporowski Cosaques repulsed the Enemy with considerable Loss; that during these Transactions, the Infantry of the Garrison having appeared with Cannon, fled and re- entered the Town on the Side of Borissologlchitz Dragoons. Our Loss on this Occasion consist in one Attaman, and three Cosaques killed, one missing, and three wounded. That of the Enemy amounts to 80 killed and 25 Prisoners among whom is an Aga. The Cosaques car- ried off 5000 Sheep, with several Horses, and Prince Proforowski having afterwards encamped on the Mouth of the Liman, where some of the Enemy's Vessels, mounted with Cannon, came and attacked him, he received them so well that they were obliged to retire under the Cannon of the Place ; that having afterwards learnt that the Garrison of the Fortress was 3000 strong, Two Tails he had posted himself so as to be able to inform himself of the smallest Movements the Enemy should make on that Side. The FRIENDLY ASSOCIATION, of the Gentlemen of the County of Worcester, HELD, last Year, at the Golden Lion in Kidderminster, are desired to meet on Monday next, the 3rd of September, at the George, in Droitwich; to dine as usual. — Dinner will be ready at Two o'Clock. — Ordinary and Extra- ordinary, One Shilling and Six- pence. The FRIENDLY ASSOCIATION HELD, last Year, at the Bell in Broadway, will be held this Year at the White Hart in Evesham, on Monday the 17th of September. Ordinary and Extraordinary One Shilling and Sixpence. Dinner will be on the Table at Two o'Clock. WANTED immediately, as an Apprentice to a Carpenter and Joiner, in good Business, in a Market Town in Worcester- shire, A sober honest LAD, with whom a reason- able Premium will be expected. Enquire of the Printer of this Paper. WANTED immediately, at Chel- tenham, in the County of Gloucester, A Man who understands the Business of making WHITE HOOPS; any Person capable of that Business, may have six Months Employ, by apply- ing to Mr. Thomas Hooper, Cooper, in Chel- tenham. N. B. He need not bring other Tools than an Engine. Bewdley Hop- Market for the Year 1770. NOTICE is hereby given, THAT in the Angel Yard, Bewd- ley, there are large and convenient Ware- houses, with a spacious Yard, where all Planters, Farmers, and Hop- Dealers, may be accommodated with Room for selling and housing their Hops. Nothing will be desired for any Quantity brought in and housed before the Market Day, and only One Penny a Bag afterwards, as is customary at Worcester. N. B. There will be a Clerk and proper Persons to attend the Scales, where all Dealers shall have justice done, and their Favours will much oblige Their humble Servant, JOHN FORD. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the Sign of the Talbot, in Sidbury, Worcester, the Sale to begin on Monday next, the 3d of September, in the Morning, and continue for six Days, and no longer, A Large and valuable Collection of FOREIGN CHINA, the finest of the Kind ever exposed to Sale in these Parts; consisting of several complete Sets of Table China, of blue and white Nankeen, and coloured ditto, 140 Pieces to a Set; with complete Tea Sets, imaged and gold, 43 Pieces to a Set; and blue and white Nan- keen ditto, with Gold Edges, and Breakfast Sets of ditto, & c. A large Quantity of Bowls and Basons, Cups and Saucers, Dishes and Plates, Tureens and Stands, Bottles and Basons; Sets of Mugs, co- loured, and blue and white; some ornamental Jars and Bekers ; Ladies japanned Dressing Boxes, and Mother of Pearl Fish and Counters, Beads and Spoons, & c. & c. and some Bottles of the best In- dian Soy. -— The Sale will begin at Ten o'Clock each Morning, and Three in the Afternoon. THURSDAY'S POST. ( By EXPRESS from LONDON.) Arrived the Holland and Flanders Mails. Ancona, July 29. WE have a Strong Report here of an Affair that happened off the Isle of Zante, between three Rus- sian Men of War, and the same Number of Venetians, commanded by Admiral Angelo Emo. The latter is said to have demanded the Respect due in those Seas, which the largest Russian Ship answered by a Discharge of all her Artillery, and in Return received a Broadside from the Venetians, which sunk her to the Bottom. Letters from Constantinople mention a grand naval Engagement between the Turkish and Russian Fleets, off the Island of Scio. This News was sent to Constantinople by Molda- vangi Ali Pacha, who commands a Corps of Troops to cover the Dardanelles. Both Squad- rons fought very obstinately ; and there was great Loss on each Side. The two Admirals, it seems, were closely engaged a long Time, ' and at length both Ships blew up. After this memorable Action, the Turkish Fleet is said to have retired to Tenedos; and as the Letters from Constantinople make no Mention of the Firing of Cannon, or any other Rejoicings, it is supposed the Russians were Conquerors. Vienna, Aug. 4. We have Advice from very good Authority, that the Plague has broke out in Podolia and Vohinia, and it is assured that our Court has sent Orders to reinforce the Line of Troops upon the Frontiers, and to double the Quarentine. There is no Doubt of every Precaution being taken to prevent the spreading of that Distemper, but it is apprehended that it will hardly be possible to keep it out of Po- land, on account of the Troubles in that King- dom, which will render all the Precautions made Use of upon such Occasions abortive. The Russian Armies will likewise find it very difficult to escape this Distemper, on account of the indispensable Communication which the carrying off Provisions occasions. In consequence of Advices from Transylva- nia, which leave not the least Doubt of the Hague's raging in Moldavia, the Line on the Frontiers is reinforced, and some Houses that were infected have been burnt. Constantinople, July 17. The last Fire which happened in this Capital has been attended with very fatal Consequences; for as several Persons were ill of the Plague in the Quarter where the Fire broke out, in endeavouring to avoid the Flames, they spread the Contagion every where; so that the Distemper is now broke out not only in the Capital, but likewise in all the Villages along the Canal. The In- fection has also reached the Ships in the Port, on board of some of which several Persons are already dead of the Plague. SCOTLAND. Edinburgh, Aug. 24. The Commissioners of the Customs in London have given Notice to the Commissioners here, that Advice had been received from Holland, of two Swedish Ships lately come from the Levant, and suspected to have the Plague on board ; they are bound to Sweden: The Commissioners of the Customs here sent on Tuesday last Dispatches to the dif- ferent Ports under their Jurisdiction, prohibit- ing the landing of any of the Crews of these Vessels, if they should attempt it, and to take every Precaution to prevent any Intercourse with these Ships. A Report of this Kind pre- vailed some Months ago ; we hope the present Alarm is only a Revival of that Report: At the same Time it is exceedingly proper to guard against so dreadful a Calamity ; it will also be necessary to keep a good Look- out on the Return of the Russian Fleet, that they bring no contagious Distemper with them. COUNTRY NEWS. Newcastle, Aug. 25. Hazlitt, who is under Sentence of Death at Durham for robbing the Mail, is respited for a Month, until the Judges go off the Circuit. — After he was condemned, he sent a 20l. Bank Note, and a Bill at Sight of 12 or 14l. to the Judge, which he had se- creted in his Coat Sleeve, and were all that were wanting of what had been in the Mail, so that it now appears that it is scarce a Proba- bility of his having had an Accomplice: He also told them, that the Bags and Letters were in a Corn- Field, all which have been found there. LONDON, Tuesday, Aug. 28. The general martial Preparations now ma- king by almost every Court in Europe, both with Respect to the Augmentation of their mi- litary and marine Forces, strikes every Man of Thought with Apprehensions of future Events of the greatest Consequence. We find that the King of Prussia has the ear- liest Information of the Motions and Designs of every foreign Court; and yet his own Plans are never known till they are on the Brink of Execution. We hear from the Hague, that his Prussian Majesty has dispatched a Courier with Orders for his Envoy to leave the Ottoman Porte with- out taking Leave, and that Orders were im- mediately issued for raising a Number of Men, and the recruiting Parties were very busy all over Prussia and Brandenbourg, and met with great Success. From the vast Preparations his Prussian Majesty is making, it is imagined that he intends soon to strike some important Blow. On Saturday an Express arrived at St. James's, with an Account of her Royal Highness the Princess of Brunswick being safely delivered of a Prince the 18th Instant. They write from Hanover, that on the 16th Instant the King and Queen of Denmark ar- rived at Lunenburg, where they found their Royal Highnesses the Princess Dowager of Wales, and the Duke of Gloucester ; that the Interview between these Great Personages was extremely affectionate, and that their Danish Majesties were to return to Altona on the 18th Instant. By a private Letter from Madrass, it is said, that notwithstanding the late Peace with Hyder Ali, they hardly knew how to trust him ; for which Reason the Garrison of that Fort had been considerably reinforced, and the Officers and Soldiers had Orders to be constantly upon their Guard, to prevent Surprize. It is added that he has more than 400 French Officers in his Army, who are incessantly instructing the Marattas in the European Discipline, in which they have already so far succeeded, as to enable them to form a regular Attack. Extract of a Letter from Mabon, July 21. " The Danish Squadron is arrived here in a shattered Condition from bombarding Al- giers, where they met with a warm Reception, they are to stay here till they have repaired their Damages, and are joined by three more Line- of- Battle Ships, which are soon expected, and then they are to return to the Bombard- ment of Algiers. We find that they are not well acquainted with the Use of Artillery, and did not know how to point their Guns to do any Execution; but the Algerines, with the Assistance of the French they have amongst them, played their Artillery to Admiration. However, the Danes have been of some Ser- vice, as the Algerine Xebecks have not dared to make their Appearance in these Seas lately." There are Letters in Town from America which say, the Americans have refused to re- ceive any more Transports from England. From Coventry we hear, that several Plush Weavers have lately been engaged there to em- bark for New England. We hear, the acting Magistrates of Middle- sex, to the Amount of more than Fourscore, are summoned to meet on the 7th of Septem- ber, to take under Consideration the Delin- quency of a County Officer. Some People, who look forward for Events, pretend to say, that the present Scarcity of Provision, which is so lamentably felt in many of the Provinces of a neighbouring Kingdom, is the only Forerunner of a like State of Mi- sery here ; and give as the Reason for this Pre- diction, that our Corn Dealers will be induced, in consequence of the great Demand for it, and the high Price Corn will bear in foreign Mar- kets, to buy as much as they can here, in order to export it ; and therefore, in all Probability, we shall be so drained, that if the next Harvest happens to be a bad one, we shall be as much in Want of Provisions as the unhappy People in France are now. But it is to hoped that our Rulers will be rather more attentive to the Wel- fare of the Community, than to let a Game of this Kind be played, and not put a Stop to it. It is reported a Dukedom has been offered to a certain Lord, on Condition he withdraws his second Action against a certain Great Personage for Crim. Con. with his Lady. A Merchant in the City has lately cleared 5000l. by Speculation in Hops. About a Year since he was remarkably successful in East India Stock. They write from Yorkshire, that Disputes run very high in that County, on Account of the High Sheriff's refusing to call a Meeting of the Freeholders. Letters from York mention, that a celebrated Gentleman, well known on the Turf, at pre- sent under an Eclipse, having hired two Rooms at an Inn in that City for a Week during the Races, but not coming Home for three or four Nights, and not being expected the Night he did come Home, a young Lady of a very re- spectableRoman Catholic Family in the above County, and her Maid, were permitted to oc- cupy the Rooms in his Absence. When the Gentleman came Home, being informed of what had been done, and the Reasons for thé Liberty which the Innkeeper had taken, instead of be- having with the Politeness of a Gentleman, he very cavalierly broke open the Door, and be- gan to be rude with the Lady, who jumped out of Bed and took Refuge in her Maid Servant's Chamber ; the Gentleman followed her, and attempted to violate her Honour, when her Cries brought some Persons to her Assistance, who calling him to Account for his Russian- like Behaviour, forced him to retire. The Story getting Air, he left York with the greatest Pre- cipitation, being apprehensive of falling a Sa- crifice to the Resentment of the enraged People. An Action, it is said, will shortly be com- menced against him for this Attempt. We are further informed, that it was with much Difficulty the People could be prevailed on to let a certain famous Horse run, after they became acquainted with the Affair in which its Owner acted so principal a Part. Sunday Captain O'Kelly, Master of the fa- mous Running- Horse Eclipse, arrived in Town from York. It is said that a certain Female Friend of the above Gentleman's is so exasperated at his Conduct in a late Transaction, that she has de- clared she will join her Endeavours to bring him to Justice. We are informed that the young Lady on whom an unmanly Attempt has lately been made at York, is the Daughter of a Baronet of that County, whose Possessions and interests are very extensive. Sunday Afternoon the Mail, of which the Post- Boy was robbed on Friday Morning, was found in a Wood between Highgate and Mus- well Hill, with the St. Alban's, Dunstable, Fenny Stratford, and Luton Bags of Letters unopened ; also the Barnet Bag with a Number of Letters unopened. And in the Evening a Person was taken into Custody at Dunstable, on Suspicion of robbing the said Mail. On Saturday Night a Bag of Letters, taken out of the aforesaid Mail, was found in Hang- ing- Sword Alley, Fleet- Street, and carried to the Post Office. On Saturday Night was committed to Tot- hill Fields Bridewell, by Justice Keeling, after a long Examination, at the Sun Tavern, the Corner of Bridge- Street, Westminster, for an Attempt to commit an unnatural Crime in St. James's Park, a Man who has for many Years kept a Bookseller's and Toy Shop in Westmin- ster Hall. The Populace, especially the Wo- men, were so enraged against him, that Guards were sent for to attend the Coach, and protect him from their Fury. This Fellow was com- mitted to the same Bridewell about a Year ago, for an Attempt of the like Kind upon his own Servant Boy, but was bailed out, and made it up with the Boy's Friends before the Quarter Sessions. He was also some Time since tried in Westminster Hall for a similar Crime with a Counsellor's Servant. We hear Detainer will be lodged against him by the Parents of several Children in that Neighbourhood, for most shock- ing Indecencies offered them, when playing in the Hall ; and it is hoped he will at length fall a deserved Victim to Justice, which by his Mo- ney he has hitherto evaded. However, we are assured he was bailed last Night. Last Week a young Lady at Richmond, who was on the Point of Marriage, being seized with a malignant Fever, attended with many dangerous Symptoms, and given over by her Physicians, was extremely desirous of seeing the Gentleman to whom she was engaged, before she died ; an Express was immediately sent for him, and he came; but the Catastrophe proved very unhappy, for he caught the Disorder and died Yesterday ; and she, contrary to the Ex- pectation o f every one, is in a fair Way of Re- covery. Tuesday Night a great Riot happened at a Methodist's Chapel in Cumberland- Street, in the Curtain near Moorfields; many of the Pu- ritans objected to the Organ being played, others as strenuously insisted on it, when Part of the Congregation adjourned to the Vestry, where Blows were given on each Side; the Preacher was worsted, a Padlock was put on the Chapel Door next Day, which a few Hours after was broke to Pieces, and the Affair is left to the Decision of the Law. Sunday a poor Widow stabbed herself, at her Lodgings in Cock- Alley, Carnaby- Market, with a Knife, and expired in two Hours after, leaving two small Children, whom she was un- able to support. Saturday Morning a young Man, Servant to a Gentleman in the City, went off with 2000l. in Cash, the Property of his Master. Last Sunday some Sharpers broke open a Bureau, at Mrs. Stone's, the Star and Garter Tavern at Putney, from whence they took up- wards of 100l. in Cash, 60l. in Notes, and all her Gold Rings, and got clear off. Saturday Evening a most shocking Murder was committed, by the Son of an Innkeeper, on the Body of an Officer in the Land Service, at a Tavern in the Borough. The Reason of this rash and most heinous Crime is not known, as he killed the Gentleman in cool Blood. The Persons who were Witnesses of this shocking Affair were so much astonished, that they per- mitted the Murderer to escape. Letter from Lichford, in Cheshire, Aug. 22. " A Punch- Bowl, of curious Workmanship, is almost finished, and designed to be used here on the Birth- Day of the Duke of Bridgewater. It has the Appearance of curious Marble, and is in some Places transparent; it will contain thirty- three Quarts, and on the Outside are cut the Arms and Crest of his Grace, with a Cornucopia holding Vine Twigs loaded with Grapes, and other elegant Ornaments. This extraordinary Bowl is wrought out of a Pebble, found in Lum- Brook, where his Grace's Navi- gation cuts a respectable figure ; and Barges, of fifty Tons Burden each, drawn by one Horse at the Rate of about seven Miles an Hour, are loading with Corn for Manchester Market." Married.] John Fleming, Esq; of Win- chester, to Miss Knightly, of Horsley, in Northamptonshire. Died.] Suddenly at Gloucester, Mr. Curtis, Grocer. — At Hampstead, Mr. Williams, a Change Broker.— At Hackney, John Chandler, Esq.— Mr. Charles Sturges, the famous Rope Dancer at Sadler's Wells. Price of COR N per Quarter, at London. Wheat 38s. to 45s. . Pease 23s. to 25s. Barley 19s. to 23s. od. , Hog Pease 22s. to24s. Oats i6s. to 21s. Beans 20s. to 25s. od. Brown Malt 23s. to 26s Tares 34s. to 40 s. Pale Malt 24s. to 28s. Finest Flour 36s. per Rye 26s. to 27s. od. Sack. Bank Stock, 152 3- 8ths. Four per cent, consol. 95 7- 8ths a 96. Three 1 - half per cent. 1756, 100 3- 8ths a 1- half. Three 1- half per cent. 175.8, 88 5- 8ths a 3- 4ths. Three per cent. consol. 84 7- 8ths a 85. Three per cent. redu- ced, 85 l- 4th a 3- 8ths. Three per cent. 1726,— Long Annuities, 25 5- 8ths a 3- 4ths. South Sea Stock, —. Three per cent. Old Annuities, 84a 1- 8th. Ditto New Annuities, — Ditto 1751, —. India Stock, 225. Three per cent. Annuities, 82 7- 8ths. India Bonds, 43s. a 44s. Prem. Navy Bills, 1 1- half a 5- 8ths per cent. Disc. Lottery Tickets, 14l. 9s. BANKrupts required to surrender. —- Samuel Mather, of Manchester, Fustian Dyer, Sept. 13, 14, Oct. 2, at Crompton's Coffee- House, in Man- chester. — Anthony Hillier, of Cirencester, Mer- cer, Aug. 30, 31, Oct. 6, at the Swan Inn in Ci- rencester. — Wm. Stevens, of Catharine- street in the Strand, Vintner, Sept. 11,21, Oct. 6, at Guild- hall. - John Page, of Chandos- street, Mercer, Sept. 10, 11, Oct. 6, at Guildhall. DIVIDENDS to be made to Creditors.- Sept. 15. Abraham Deformeaux, of Primrose- street, Bishops- gate, at Guildhall.— Sept. 21. Richard Stevens, of James- street, St. Martin's in the Fields, Coal Merchant, at Guildhall. WORCESTER, Thursday, Aug. 30. On Monday last Edward Wellings, Esq; was elected Mayor of this City, for the Year en- suing; John Paine, Gent. Sheriff; Mr. Philip Rufford, and Mr. Joseph Harris, Chamberlains. Last Sunday, Thomas Wakeman, Esq; one of the Aldermen of this Corporation, ( while at St. Swithen's Church, in the Afternoon) was suddenly struck with the Palsy, which took away the Use of one Side of him, so that he was obliged to be supported out of Church; but we have the Pleasure of hearing that he is now in a fair Way of Recovery. On Tuesday last the Worshipful Dr. Harris, Chancellor of the Diocese of Hereford, was pleased to appoint Edmund Harries, A. M. Vicar of Cleobury Mortimer, and Charles Ed- mund Wylde, L. B. Rector of Chetton Dukes hill and Glazeley, Surrogates for granting Ma- trimonial Licences in his Diocese. The Assize of Bread is as follows , viz. Wheaten Household Penny Loaf to weigh lb oz dr. lb. oz. dr. 0 8 II oII9 Two penny Loaf 1 1 6 1 7 3 Six- penny Loaf 3 4 2 458 Twelve penny Loaf 684 8 11 1 Eighteen- penny Loaf 9 12 7 13 0 9 The Halfpenny Bach Cake not to weigh less than 4 Ounces 5 Drams, the Penny ditto not less than 8 Ounces 11 Drams. To Lord NORTH. My Lord, MR. Luttrell's Services were the chief Sup- port and Ornament of the Duke of Graston's Administration. The Honour of re- warding them was reserved for your Lordship. The Duke, it seems, had contracted an Obli- gation he was ashamed to acknowledge, and unable to acquit. You, my Lord, had no Scruples. You accepted of the Succession with all its Incumbrances, and have paid Mr. Lut- trell his Legacy, at the Hazard of ruining the Estate. When this accomplished Youth declared him- self the Champion of Government, the World was busy in enquiring what Honours or Emolu- ments could be a sufficient Recompense, to a young Man of his Rank and Fortune, for sub- mitting to mark his Entrance into Life with the universal Contempt and Detestation of his Country. His noble Father had not been so precipitate. To vacate his Seat in Parliament; — to intrude upon a County in which he had no Interest or Connexion ; to possess himself of another Man's Right, and to maintain it in Defiance of public Shame as well as Justice, bespoke a Degree of Zeal or of Depravity, which all the Favour of a pious Prince could hardly requite. I protest, my Lord, there is in this young Man's Conduct a Strain of Prosti- tution, which, for its Singularity, I cannot but admire. He has discovered a new Line in the human Character; - he has degraded even the Name of Luttrell, and gratified his Father's most sanguine Expectations. The Duke of Grafton, with every possible Disposition to patronise this Kind of Merit, was contented with pronouncing Colonel Luttrell's Panegyric. The gallant Spirit, the disinterested Zeal of the young Adventurer, were echoed through the House of Lords. His Grace re- peatedly pledged himself to the House, as an Evidence of the Purity of his Friend Mr. Lut- trell's Intentions;- that he had engaged with- out any Prospect of personal Benefit, and that the Idea of Compensation would mortally offend him. The noble Duke could hardly be in Earnest, but he had lately quitted his Employ- ment, and began to think it necessary to take Care of his Reputation. At that very Moment, the Irish Negotiation was probably begun.— Come forward, thou worthy Representative of Lord Bute, and tell this insulted Country, who advised the King to appoint Mr. Luttrell AD- JUTANT - General. to the Army in Ireland. By what Management was Colonel Cunning- hame prevailed on to resign his Employment, and the obsequious Gisborne to accept of a Pension for the Government of Kinsale*? Was it an original Stipulation with the P — s of W—, or does he owe his Preferment to your Lordship's Partiality, or to the Duke of Bed- ford's Friendship ? My Lord, though it may not be possible to trace this Measure to its Source, we can follow the Stream, and warn the Coun- try of its approaching Destruction. The Eng- lish Nation must be roused and put upon its Guard. Mr. Luttrell has already shewn us how far he may be trusted, whenever an open Attack is to be made upon the Liberties of this Coun- try. I do not doubt that there is a deliberate Plan formed, — your Lordship best knows by whom; — the Corruption of the Legislative Body on this Side - a Military Force on the other— and then farewell to England! It is im- possible that any Minister should dare to advise the King to place such a Man as Luttrell in the confidential Post of Adjutant- General, if there were not some secret Purpose in View, which only such a Man as Luttrell is fit to promote. The Insult offered to the Army in general, is as gross as the Outrage intended to the Peo- ple of England. What! Lieutenant Colonel Luttrell to be Adjutant General of an Army of sixteen thousand Men ! One would think his Majesty's Campaigns at Blackheath and Wim- bleton might have taught him better. — I can- not help wishing General Hervey Joy of a Col- league, who does so much Honour to the Em- ployment. But, my Lord, this Measure is too daring to pass unnoticed, too dangerous to be received with Indifference or Submission.— You shall not have Time to new model the Irish Army. They will not submit to be gar- bled by Colonel Luttrell. As a Mischief to the English Constitution ( for he is not worth the Name of Enemy) they already detest him. As a Boy, impudently thrust over their Heads, they will receive him with Indignation and Contempt. - As for you, my Lord, who per- haps are no more than the blind, unhappy In- strument of Lord Bute and her Royal Highness the P---- s of W----, be assured that you shall be called upon to answer for the Advice which has been given, and either discover your Ac- complices, or fall a Sacrifice to their Security. JUNIUS. * This infamous Transaction ought to be explained to the Public. Colonel Gisborne was Quarter- Master General in Ireland. Lord Townshend persuades him to resign to a Scotch Officer, one FRASER, and gives him the Government of Kinsale. Colonel Cuninghame was Adjutant- General in Ireland. Lord Townshend offers him a Pension to induce him to resign to Luttrell. Cuninghame treats the Offer with Contempt. What's to be done ? Poor Gisborne must move once more He accepts of a Pension of 500l. Year, until a Govern- ment of greater Value shall become vacant. Colonel Cunningham is made Governor of Kinsale, and Lut- trell, at last, for whom the whole Machinery is put in Motion, becomes Adjutant General, and in Effect takes the Command of the Army in Ireland. A letter from his late Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland, in the Shades, to his present R l H ss the D. of C d. Dear Nephew, MY Manes, which I thought would have lain ever undisturbed from temporal Concerns, have been broke in upon by the late disagreeable Account of your Conduct; a Con- duct which has not only discredited you as a P e, but degraded you as a Man. I do not mean by this Letter to school you, who are so totally unschooled, or to hold up the Rod, when it has long so little prevailed. I only mean to give you the best Advice I can in your present Situation ; and what, if carefully attended to, will be the only possible Means of your acquiring some Degree of Character and Rank, and blotting from the Memory of Eng- lishmen, those disgraceful Epithets by which you are at present known. You are now in your twenty- third Year, and though you have got no further than your Horn Book, as it is pretty plain you can't spell, put yourself under the Tuition of some Person of tolerable Erudition, and tolerable Sense, for seven Years; one that will be able to make you read and write grammatically, and point out to you other Amusements than the plundering another of his Property and Peace ; for though it is fit a Prince should be acquainted with the whole Circle of Science, it would be as pre- posterous in you to attempt reaching that Knowledge, as it would be in a Painter to copy the Warmth and Splendor of the Sun. By the Expiration of this Time you will be but thirty, and with these tolerable Qualifications you will be able to go through Life, though not with Eclat, yet uncensurably. The Title of CUMBERLAND has, I may now say, without Vanity, acquired some Re- putation, in the Annals of England. You have already stained it; do not, therefore, further so, by entering into any public Command, which may depend on your Abilities; for as Heaven has never thought fit to bless you with any, guard against involving your Country in the fame Misfortune, left that Country may have a Demand on you in Return, of a more serious Nature. As you cannot but think me totally disinte- rested in this Letter, I hope you will pay some Regard to its Contents; under this Hope I am induced to write to you, and on this Reliance I subscribe myself, Your's affectionately, C D. The MUSIC MEETING Of the THREE CHOIRS, Worcester, Hereford, and Gloucester, WILL be held at WORCESTER, on Wednesday the 12th of September, and the two following Days. O11 Wednesday Morning, at the Cathedral, will be performed Purcell's TE DEUM and JUBILATE, with Dr. Boyce's Additions; an Anthem by Dr. Boyce ; and Handel's Coronation Anthem.— In the Evening, at the College Hall, will be performed the Oratorio of SAMSON. After the first Act, a Solo on the Violin by Mr. Giardini; and, after the second Act, a Concerto on the Oboe by Mr. Fischer.— A BALL. On Thursday Morning, at the Cathedral, Han- dels Dettingen TE DEUM and JUBILATE, and Coronation Anthem, and an Anthem by Dr. Boyce In the Evening, at the College Hall, the Oratorio of ISRAEL in EGYPT, a Solo by Mr. Giardini, and a Concerto by Mr. Fischer.— A Ball. On the Friday Morning, at the Cathedral. MESSIAH.-— In the Evening, at the Hall, a CONCERT; consisting of Select Full Pieces; some favourite Songs by Mr. Tenducci and Miss Linley ; a Violin Solo by Mr. Giardini; an Oboe Concerto by Mr. Fischer; and a Harpsichord Concerto by Mr. Charles Burney, & c.-- To conclude with a Ball. Principal Vocal Performers ; Treble, Miss Lin- ley ; Contralto, Mr. Tenducci; Tenor, Mr. Norris; Bass, Mr. Mathews.— Principal Instrumental Per- formers ; Mr. Giardini, Mr. Fischer, and Messrs. Malchair, Park, Adcack, Jenkins, Lates, Charles and Richard Burney, Boumgarten, and Storace. The Music to be conducted by E. ISAAC, Organist. Sir Herbert Perrot Pakington, Bart. The Reverend Dr. Digby, Dean of Stewards. Worcester, To be LETT, and entered upon immediately, AN exceeding good Dwelling- House, pleasantly situated at Hawford, upon the Banks of the New Canal, within three Miles of Worcester, with a handsome Garden, well stocked with Fruit Trees, & c. a Coach- House, Stable, Orchard, and every Convenience to ac- commodate a genteel Family. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Thomas Farley, in Worcester.— Of whom may be had any Quantity of OATS and BEANS, on the most rea- sonable Terms. WHEREAS, on Monday the 20th of this Instant August ( at the Red Lion, in Wire- Piddle, near Pershore, in the County of Worcester) I, ROBERT BUbB, Plaisterer, did, very unjustly, and without any Kind of Reason or Foundation whatsoever, falsely and maliciously say, speak, and publish divers false, scandalous, and defamatory Words of and concerning JOSEPH BOSSWARD, of Wick, near Pershore aforesaid, Blick- maker, who has since, very justly, com- menced a Prosecution against me for the same, but hath, out of his great Lenity, agreed to stop pro- ceeding, and forgive me, on my asking his Pardon, and acknowledging what I did say of him was un- just and false ; NOW, I, the said Robert Bubb, do hereby accordingly ask the said Joseph Boss- ward's Pardon for what I have so said and spoke of him; and acknowledge that the same was and is utterly false and untrue, and that I had no Kind of Reason or Foundation whatsoever for saying or speaking what I did. ROBERT BUBB. TO BE SOLD, ALeasehold Farm, held under the Earl of Coventry for three Lives, all exist- ing and unexceptionable, situate in the Parish of Powick, an exceeding pleasant and fertile Village, within two Miles of the City of Worcester : The Farm consists of a Dwelling- House and necessary Out- Buildings, two Gardens, and fifty- four Acres, or thereabouts, of very good Orcharding, Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Ground, and is now lett to John Aston, a yearly Tenant, at the Rent of 50l. For Particulars apply to Mr. Sockett, Attorney, in Worcester. A new and entertaining Work, The Whole to be compleated in forty Numbers, making four large and handsome Pocket Volumes. Saturday next will be Published, Price only 4d. ( Containing 36 Pages of close Print, and embel- lished with a fine Copper- Plate of Sir John Falstaff, and his Companions at Gad's- Hill) NUMBER I. of THE History of the Lives, Adventures, and Exploits of the most celebrated HIGHWAYMEN, PIRATES, and other ATROCIOUS VILLAINS, who have committed Depredations on the Public, from the Time of Sir John Falstaff, in the Year 1399 to the End of the Year 1770; exhibiting such a Variety of extraordinary Transactions, as have never yet been published in a Work of this Kind ; containing many hundred Scenes of the most interesting and entertaining Nature. CONDITIONS. I. That this Work shall be beautifully printed, on a fine Paper, and new Letter. — II. That the Whole be comprised in forty Numbers, making four handsome Volumes, and each Volume adorned with a beautiful Frontispiece in finely engraved. — III. That the first Number be published on Saturday, August 25, 1770, and the remaining Numbers every Saturday regularly, till the Whole is compleated--- IV. That with the first Number the Publisher will give his Note of Hand to deliver the Overplus gratis, if it shall exceed the forty Numbers proposed. London, printed for F. Richards, at No. 6, in Water- Lane, Fleet- Street; and fold by the Printer and Distributors of this Journal, and all Book- sellers, Stationers, and News- Carriers, in Town and Country. On Saturday tie 1st of September will be Published, Price 6d. ( to be continued Monthly) Embellished with a curious Frontispiece, an elegant Figure of a Lady in the present Fashion, both with Regard to the Covering of the Head and the Cloath- ing of the Body, a rich and new- fashioned Pattern for Needlework ( which of itself is worth more than the Price of the whole Magazine) and a new Song set to Music, and adapted to the Harpsichord, & c. as well as the Voice, NUMBER I. of The LADY's MAGAZINE; Or, Entertaining Companion for the Fair Sex. Appropriated solely for their Use and Amusement. London, printed for J. Wheble, at No. 20, in Pater- noster- Row, by whom Letters to the Editors are requested and received; and sold by Mess. Fletcher and Hodson at Cambridge, Mr. Ethering- ton at York, Mr. Wilson at Dublin, by the Printer and Distributors of this Journal, and all Book- sellers in Great Britain and Ireland, of whom Proposals at large may be had. ADDRESS to the FAIR SEX. AS your Sex is in this Age more employed in Reading than it was in the last, it is some- thing surprising that no periodical Production should at Present exist calculated for your particular Amusement, and designed to improve as well as to delight. With this View the following Work is presented to the radiant Eyes of Beauty. The Subjects it treats of are such as are appropriated to the Fair. Subjects that may tend to render your Minds not less amiable than your Persons. But as external Appearance is the first Inlet to the Trea- sures of the Heart; and the Advantages of Dress, though they cannot communicate Beauty, may at least make it more conspicuous, it is intended in this Collection to present the sex with most elegant Patterns for the Tambour, Embroidery, or every Kind of Needlework; and, as the Fluctuation of Fashions retards their Progress into the Country, we shall by Engravings inform our distant Readers with every Innovation that is made in the Female Dress, whether it respects the Covering of the Head, or the Clothing of the Body. Dress is like the Sun- shine introduced in the Designs of Titian, it animates the Figures, and gives them all their Embellishment. It should not then be thought strange, that we design a particular Department of our Work to this elegant Subject. In this we consult not only the Embellishment but likewise the Profit of our Patronesses. They will find in this Maga- zine, Price only Six- pence ( among Variety of other Copper- plates) a Pattern which would cost them double the Money at the Haberdasher's; and by the progressive Improvement made in the Art of Pattern- drawing be furnished with Drawings that will shew both the Elegance of the Taste, and their own Perfection in managing the Needle. The Be- nefits of our Performance will not be circumscribed within this narrow Sphere. Every Branch of Literature will be ransacked to please and instruct the Mind, besides the Engravings designed to adorn the Person. Interesting Stories, Novels, Tales, Romances, intended to confirm Chastity, and recommend Virtue, will be inserted every Month. The whole Treasure of the Muses will be displayed to the Inspection of Reason; and the Housewife, as well as the Peeress, shall meet with something suitable to their different Walk in Life. * Any Favours from Correspondents will be thankfully received. sold, by Appointment, at H. Berrow's, near the Cross, Worcester. By the Authority of his Majesty's Royal Letters Patent. DR. Norris's Antimonial Drops, for Fevers ( equally efficacious in Nervous, Miliary, Putrid or Malignant, and acute Inflammatory Fevers) Small- Pox, Measles, Agues, fresh Colds, old inveterate Coughs, the Rheumatism, Disorders of the Stomach and Bowels, occasioned by Crudities and Indigestion, Lowness of Spirits, Head- achs, the Complaints of Old Age and impaired Constitutions, and other obstinate Disorders; for an Ac- count of which the Public are referred to an Essay ( delivered Grata by the Venders) on the singular Virtues of the Medicine; together with a Catalogue of Cures, incontestibly proving its sovereign Efficacy in the Disorders for which it is recommended. The generous Effects of this great Remedy, only sensible in Operation by a Degree of Perspiration equal to the Ne- cessity of the Disease, are incredible without Experience, By an exalted Power it fortifies the Lift of the Patient, thereby enabling Nature, in her own Way, to throw off Disorders, in such wise, that People ate often astonished at the Possibility of what they most happily experience. Sold, by the Doctor's Appointment, in Bottles at 5s. 3d. IOS 6d. and Il. IS. by Mr. Grimes, in Bromyard; Mrs. Watson, inBromsgrove; Mr. Clare, in Bewdley ; Mr. Haslewood, in Bridgnorth ; Mr. Andrews, in Evesham ; Mr. Taylor, in Kidderminster ; Mrs Hankins, in Ledbury ; Mr. Harward, in Tewkesbury ; and H. Barrow, in Worcester. BEAUME de VIE, By the KING's Patent. THE most general and efficacious Medicine extant, particularly in the following Cases; in Bilious Com- plaints no Remedy so certain, for it immediately} corrects and carries off the offending Matter : It is indeed pecu- liarly adapted to the Stomach and Bowels. Its attenua- ting and searching Powers account also for its Success in Rheumatic, Gouty, and Scorbutic Habite; Women, in particular, are indebted to this Medicine, for the abso- lute Relief in that delicate Period wherein their Lives are most endangered, and in other Cases where Nature deviates with the Sex. We also confidently add, that the balsamic, invigorating Powers of this Balsam, have given it the highest Credit in impaired Constitutions, in the Decline of Age, and in Agues,, even where the Bark has failed. This admirable Family Medicine is sold ( by Appoint- ment of the Proprietors) by William Nicoll, in St Paul's Church - Yard, London, at 3s. the Bottle, with good Allowance for charitable Uses, or to fell again. It is also appointed to be sold by Messrs. Dean at New- port, Shropshire ; Eddowes, Salop; Hesketh, Stour- bridge; Jopson, Coventry; Keating, Stratford; Lacey, Northampton ; Pearce, Ludlow ; Pugh, Hereford ; Streating, Warwick; Taylor, Stafford; Jackson, Ox- ford; Aris, Birmingham; Raikes, Gloucester; Berrow, Worcester; and by a Dealer in the principal Towns in Great at Britain and Ireland. MAREDANT's DROPS. To Mr. Norton, Surgeon, Golden- Square. SIR, I should be wanting in Justice to you, was I to omit informing you, that 1 am effectually cured of a most in- veterate Scurvy, by Virtue of your excellent [ Maredant's] Drops, after trying various Kinds of Medicines, and bath- ing in the Sea, prescribed by my Physicians, to no Pur- pose. I am not only recovered from a Scorbutic Disor- der, which was in Blotches on every Part of my Body, but from a Dimness and Weakness which long continued in my Eyes. For the Benefit of Mankind, I give you Leave to make what Use you please of this Letter. I am, Sir, your most humble Servant, Portsmouth, March 6, 1770. WILLIAM HERON. Any Person still doubtful of the Efficacy of this Medi- cine, may ( by applying to Mr. NORTON, Surgeon, the West side of Golden square, near Piccadilly, London, the only Author and Proprietor, where these Drops are sold in Bottles of Six Shillings each) be fully convinced of their good Effect, by being referred to many People of Credit, who have been cured of the Leprosy, Scurvy, Ulcers, the Evil, Fistulas, Piles, long- continued In- flammations of the Eyes, and every other Disorder arising from a Foulness in the Blood. They may betaken in any Season, without the least Inconvenience or Hindrance of Business; They also perfect Digestion, and amazingly create an Appetite. N. B. None are genuine but what are signed by JOHn NORTON, in his own Hand- writing ; who hath appointed them to be Sold by H. BERrOW, at his Printing Office, the Cross, Worcester, and may be had of the Distri- butors of this Paper. Sold like- wise at Berrow's Printing- Office, and by the Worcester Newsmen, Cordial Cephalic SNUFF, For Disorders in the Head, and Dimness of Sight. Price 6d. a Bottle, Harrock's famous Blacking Balls, Price 1s. the small, and 2s. large. These Balls throw a fine Gloss upon Boots and Shoes, and greatly preserve the Leather. Dr. Lord's CORN SALVE, Which not only eases Corns, but will entirely root them out. 1s. 6d. each Box. Warrens MILK of ROSES, Which entirely clears the Skin of Pimples, Roughness, & c. 3s. 6d. the Bottle. The excellent CAKE INK, ( Price only Sixpence ) Which will make a Quart of exceeding good common Ink. ENGLISH COFFEE, Price 2s. 6d. the Canister, which is much cheaper than common Coffee, or Tea, and more wholesome. Story's famous Worm Cakes for Young and Old, 1s. Godfrey's General Cordial, 6d. a Bottle, Bostock's famous Cordial Elixir, Is. 3d, Dr. Hooper's Female Pills, Is. a Box. Dr. Radcliffe's Purging Elixir, Is. The only True Daffy's ' Elixir, Is. and Is. 3d. a Bottle. Dalby's Carminative Mixture, for the Gripes, & c. Is. Bateman's Drops, for the Rheumatism, Is. a Bottle. British Oil, for Scalds, Bruises, Wounds, & c. Is. Pike's excellent Antidote for the Itch, Is. 6d. a Box, Dr. Anderson's True Scots Pills, Is. a Box. Dr. Grant's Chemical Drops, Is. Dr. Rambin's Quintessence for the Stone and Geavel. Dr. James's Fever Powders, 2s. 6d. And all Dr. Hill's excellent Medicines. Swain's Paste for destroying Rats and Mice, Is. a Box. Issue Plaisters, ( that stick without Filleting) 2s. WORCESTER: Printed by H. BERROW, near the Cross; Who sells all Kinds of Blank Warrants, Certificates, Summonses, Orders of Removal, and every Form used by Justices of Peace, Parish Officers, & c. and by whom the PRINTING Business is executed in a neat and expeditious Manner on very reasonable Terms.
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