Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Volume Number: Issue Number: 3166
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Berrow's Worcester Journal
Date of Article: 05/04/1770
Printer / Publisher: H. Berrow
Address: Near the Cross, Worcester
Volume Number: Issue Number: 3166
No Pages: 4
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SATURDAY'S POST. Arrived the Mails from Holland and Flanders. Warsaw, March 7. COLONEL Count Watcht- meister, on the 3d Instant, de- feated a Body of Confederates under the Sieur Saba, near Plonsk, the greatest Part of which were cut to Pieces by the Russians, and the Sieur Saba has retired with about 200 Horse. A Courier is just arrived with the News of a considerable Advantage which General Stoffeln has again obtained over the Turks. The new Grand Vizir, being ordered to do all in his Power to make the Russians retire from Wala- chia and Moldavia, and understanding General Stoffeln had taken the Route of
Brailow, dis- patched 20,000 Men, who passed the Danube at Silistria, in order to attack Bucharest, the Capital of Walachia; but General Stoffeln, informed of these Motions, removed from Brai- low marched towards Dziurgowa, to wait for the Enemy, who arrived soon after, and at- tacked the Russians with great Spirit, but without Success; for Major Potemkin falling upon the Enemy in Flank, they were totally defeated. Their Loss in Killed and Wounded amounts to 3000 Men ; 1500 were made Pri- soners, and the greatest Part of their Cannon, Baggage, & c. has fallen into the Hands of their Conquerors. LONDON, Thursday,
March 29. Yesterday, pursuant to an Advertisement for that Purpose, the Electors of Westminster as- sembled in Westminster- Hall, to consider of an Address, Remonstrance, and Petition to his Ma- jesty, for the Redress of Grievances. At Twelve o'Clock Sir Robert Bernard, Bart, attended by several other Gentlemen, entered the Hall, and was immediately called to the Chair; which was placed upon the Top of the Steps leading into the Court of Common Pleas. Mr. Martyn, holding an engrossed Copy of the Remonstrance in his Hand, said, " This is an Address, Re- monstrance, and Petition to his Majesty, for the Redress of
Grievances, which has been agreed to by a Committee of the Electors of this City and Liberty ; which, if you please, I will deliver to your Chairman, to be read for your Consideration." Sir Robert Bernard then put the Question-— If it was their Desire to hear it read ? which was unanimously assented to. Mr. Martyn was desired to read it, which he did in a very distinct and audible Manner. And so warmly did the Electors approve of it, that the Reading was interrupted with Shouts of Applause ; and when the Reading was finished, they again testified their Approbation of it by new Bursts of Applause, which ended in an universal
clapping of Hands. The Question Was then put by the Chairman, Whether they agreed to this Remonstrance? when they all signified the Affirmative, by holding up their Hands. The contrary was then put; when not one Hand was held up; so it was agreed to unanimously. The following Question, being moved and seconded, was next put by the Chairman, Is it your Pleasure, that this Address, Remon- strance, and Petition, be signed in the Name, and on the Behalf of you all, by your Chair- man and Committee, and immediately deli- vered to his Majesty ? which was likewise una- nimously agreed to. James Connell, Esq; in a
short Speech, observed, That as the Remon- strance would be immediately delivered to his Majesty, and as many of the Electors would probably attend the Gentlemen who were pre- pared to go up with it, he hoped they would preserve Peace and good Order, and begged the Electors would not offer to go further than the Palace Gate. Mr. Churchill then moved, That the Thanks of the Electors might be given to Sir Robert Bernard, Bart. which was also agreed to unanimously. The Proceedings in the Hall being thus finished, with the strictest Order and Decorum, the Chairman and Committee went to the King's Arms Tavern in
Bridge- Street, where the Remonstrance was signed ; and Sir Robert Bernard, Bart. James Connell, Esq; and Mr. Martyn, were desired to attend his Majesty with it. The Gentlemen accordingly took their Carriages, and drove directly to St. James's. As they went off pretty quick, the Electors on Foot could not keep up with them ; and the Speaker of the House of Commons happening to come by at the same Time, a great Body of them hissed him exceedingly, and then made a Noise after him, like the Roaring of a Bull, ( alluding to his Nick- name.) A few got up, and kept with the Gentlemens' Carriages all the Way to St. James's.
A great Number went through the Park, and presently the Whole dispersed different Ways, without the least Tu- mult or Disorder. Various Opinions have been asserted as to the Number of Persons in the Hall ( which is much larger than Guildhall in this City) but, from the best and most attentive Observa- tion, it may be fairly affirmed there were at least Five Thousand. A ministerial Sycophant, who has been long hunting for a Place, was heard to say to another Courtier, that there were not one hundred and fifty Persons in the Hall, and not one Gentleman. This Falsehood was framed to be told at the Queen's Palace. When the
Gentlemen appointed to carry up the Remonstrance, came the Palace- Gate, an extra Guard of Soldiers was immediately turned out; and, though there was not the least Dis- turbance, nor the Appearance of any Thing disorderly, yet the Soldiers behaved in a most insolent Manner, and struck many Persons, without the least Provocation, with their Bayo- nets. The Gentlemen having alighted from their Carriages, amidst the Acclamations of the People ( who offered no other Insult to the Sol- diers, and never attempted to go within twenty Yards of the Palace- Gate) walked through the Lane of Soldiers, and went up Stairs to the
Levee- Room Door, where they were met by one of the Grooms of the Bed- chamber, who asked Sir Robert Bernard, if he had any Thing to present to his Majesty ? To which Sir Robert replied, " Yes; the Address, Remonstrance, and Petition of the City of Westminster."— Upon which the Groom of the Bed- chamber said, he would go and acquaint the Lord in Waiting. He accordingly went, but not returning soon, Sir Robert Bernard proposed to go into the Levee- Room, which he did accordingly. On opening the Door, the same Groom of the Bed- chamber said he could not find the Lord in Waiting, but should soon : However,
the Gen- tlemen went on, and, after some Time, the Lord in Waiting came to them, and said, if they had any Thing to deliver to his Majesty he would receive it in the next Room ; whither they accordingly went, and, after some Time, his Majesty coming into the Room, Sir Robert presented the Remonstrance open. His Ma- jesty did not look at it, but turned his Back upon the Gentlemen, and delivered it to the Lord in Waiting, who delivered it to another, who handed it to a Groom of the Bed- cham- ber, and he carried it off. The following is an authentic Copy of it. The Humble Address, Remonstrance, and Petition, of the Electors of
the City and Liberty of Westminster, assembled in West- minster- Hall, the 28th Day of March, 1770. " WE, your Majesty's most Dutiful and Loyal Subjects, the Electors of the City and Liberty of Westminster, having already presented our Hum- ble, but Ineffectual Application to the Throne, find ourselves, by the Misconduct of your Ma- jesty's Ministers, in Confederacy with many of our Representatives, reduced to the Necessity of again breaking in by our Complaints upon your Ma- jesty's Repose, or of acquiescing under Grievances so NEW, and so EXORBITANT, that none but those who patiently submit to them, can deserve
to suffer them. " By the same SECRET and UNhAPPY Influence to which all our Grievances have been originally owing, the Redress of those Grievances has been now prevented; and the Grievances themselves have been repeatedly Confirmed; with this addi- tional Circumstance of Aggravation, that while the Invaders of our Rights remain the Directors of your Majesty's Councils, the Defenders of those Rights have been dismissed from your Majesty's Service— your Majesty having been advised by your Minis- ters to remove from his Employment, for his Vote in Parliament, the highest Officer of the Law; because his
Principles suited ill with theirs, and his pure Distribution of Justice with their Corrupt Administration of it in the House of Commons. " We beg Leave, therefore, again to Represent to your Majesty, that the House of Commons have struck at the most valuable Liberties and Franchises of all the Electors of Great Britain; and by assuming to themselves a Right of Chusing instead of Receiving a Member when chosen, by transferring to the Representative what be- longed to the Constituent, they have taken off from the Dignity, and, we fear, Impaired the Authority of Parliament itself. " We presume again therefore Humbly to Im- plore
from your Majesty, the only Remedies which are in any Way proportioned to the Nature of the Evil: That you would be graciously pleased to Dismiss for ever from your Councils, those Ministers who are ill suited by their Dispositions to preserve the Principles of a Free, or by their Capacities to Direct, the Councils, of a Great and Mighty Kingdom— And that by speedily dissolving the present Parliament, your Majesty will shew by your own Example, and by their Dissolution, that the Rights of your People are to be Inviolable, and that you will never necessitate so many injured, and by such Treatment, exasperated Subjects, to
continue to commit the Care of their Interests, to those from whom they must withdraw their Confidence; to repose their invaluable Privileges in the Hands of those who have sacrificed them ; and their Trust, in those who have betrayed it. " Your Subjects look up with Satisfaction to the Powers which the Constitution has vested in your Majesty— For it is upon them that they have placed their last Dependance.— And they trust that the Right of Dissolving Parliaments, which has, under former Princes, so often answered the Purposes of Power, may under your Majesty prove an happy Instrument of Liberty. " We find ourselves
compelled to urge with the greater Importunity, this our humble but earnest Application to the Throne, as every Day seems to produce the Confirmation of some old, or to threaten the Introduction of some New Injury.--- We have the strongest Reasons to apprehend, that the Usurpation begun by the House Commons upon the Right of Electing, may be extended to the Right of Petitioning ; and that under the Pre- tence of restraining the Abuse of this Right, it is meant to bring into Disrepute, and to intimidate us from the Exercise of the Right itself. " But whatever may be the Purposes of others, your Majesty hath in your Answer to
the City of London, most graciously declared, " That you are " always ready to receive the Requests, and to " listen to the Complaints of your Subjects. " Your Majesty condescends likewise to esteem it " A Duty to secure to them the free Enjoyment " of those Rights which your Family were called " to defend." We rely therefore upon the Royal Word, thus given, that our Grievances will meet with full Redress, and our Complaints with the most favourable Interpretation. That your Ma- jesty will never consider the Arraignment of your Ministers as a Disrespect to your Person— A Charge confined, by the very Terms of it, to this
House of Commons, as injurious to Parliament at large ( the Constitution of which we admire, and the Abuse of which is the very Thing we lament) or a Request for the Dissolution of Parliament, which your Subjects have a Right to make, and your Majesty to Grant, as irreconcileable to the Principles of the Constitution." The Gentlemen having delivered the Re- monstrance, returned to the King's Arms Ta- vern, in Bridge- Sreet, and dined with the rest of the Committee; where many loyal and con- stitutional Healths were drank. One and twenty Cannon were fired on the Surry Side of the Thames, when Sir Robert Bernard took
the Chair in Westminster- Hall; and again about the Time that the Remonstrance was delivered to his Majesty at St. James's. When the Electors came opposite Earl Tem- ple's, in Pall- Mall, they saluted his Lordship with loud Huzzas. From many Circumstances it may be justly said that the Body of the People are not such Fools as the Court take them to be. On many Occasions we may observe, how truly they dis- tinguish their Friends and their Foes. This Day his Majesty went to the House of Peers, attended by the Master of the Horse, and one of the Lords in Waiting, and gave the Royal Assent to the following Bills, viz. The
Bill for raising 1,8oo, oool, by Loans on Exchequer Bills, for the Service of the present Year. The Bill for allowing the Exportation of Malt for a limited Time. The Bill for applying the Sum granted for the Pay and Cloathing of his Majesty's Militia Forces for this Year. And also to several Road, Inclosure, Natu- ralization, and other Bills. A certain L d, who has a very capital Seat in the County of Stafford, has, it is said, established a large Seminary at such Seat for the Education of Children in the Romish Reli- gion, and there are already near a hundred Boys admitted. A young N- bl— n, recently married, has, within the Space of
eighteen Months, reduced an Estate of 21, oool. per Annum, to 5000l. by gaming with the first rate Sharpers. By the last Letters from Spain his Catholic Majesty has ordered a very great Reformation to be made in the Expences of his Houshold. The same Letters advise, that a large Man of War took Fire, by Accident, in the Port of Carthagena, and was consumed ; all the other Vessels, and even the Town itself, were in Danger of being set on Fire. They are daily sending great Quantities of Troops and Am- munition from different Ports in Spain to the Colonies of that Monarchy in America. They write from Cadiz, that many
Russian Men of War have lately passed the Straits of Gibraltar, to join the other Vessels at Port Mahon : They add, that a Rupture between England and Spain is much apprehended. We hear from Paris, that the Comedians at Bourdeaux have been committed to Prison by the Parliament there, for advertising the Repre- sentation of a Piece, called The Honest Criminal. Tuesday Morning four Cucumbers were sold in Covent- Garden Market for Four Guineas. Presented.] The Reverend Pierpoint Crump, M. A. late of Jesus College, Cambridge, Chap- lain to the Right Hon. Lord Romney, to the Rectory of Hoim Pierrepont, with
Adbol- ton united, in the County of Nottingham, and Diocese of York, together with the Rectory of Cotgrave, in the same County and Diocese.— The Reverend Robert Fermor, B. A. to the Vicarage of Shawley, in the County and Diocese of Lincoln. - The Rev. Henry Beau- clerk, M. A. late of Christ Church College, Oxford, Chaplain to the Right Hon. Lord Jersey, to hold the Rectory of Penshurst in Kent, ( to which he was lately presented) toge- ther with the consolidated Rectories of St. Mary Somerset, and St. Mary Mounthaw, in Thames- street, London.— The Rev. Charles John Gough, late of St. John's College, Cam- bridge,
to the Vicarage of West Thurrock, in Essex. — The Rev. Mr. Bingham, to the Rec- tory of Epperton, in Nottinghamshire, in the room of the Rev. Mr. Hopkins, who is pre- sented to the Rectory of Upminster, in Essex. Married.] Capt. Byron, of the 3d Regiment of Foot Guards, to Miss Wetham, Daughter of General Wetham, deceased. — lsaac Jackman, of Holborn Court, Gray's Inn, Esq; to Mrs. Merrick, of China Walk, Chelsea.— At Whit- tingham, near Newcastle, an old Shepherd, aged 94, to a Girl of only 19. Died.] In Hanover- square, John Macartney, Esq; Uncle to Sir George Macartney. — At Bristol, Geo. Henry Davis, late
of Bennet- street, near St. James's. At Greenwich, Lewis West, Esq. In Titchfield- street, Oxford Road, George Udney, Esq. At Peckham, James Anderson, Esq. — At Harwich, advanced in Years, Mrs. Gordon, a Maiden Lady, sup- posed to have died worth upwards of 50,000l. Part of which she has left for charitable Uses, and amongst the rest 10ool. for erecting an Hospital for the Relief of indigent old Maids. Worcester, 25th March, 1770. JOHN SHELTON, Notary Public, In SIDBURY, BEGS Leave to inform the Pub- lic, That he teaches, in the most expeditious Man- ner Writing in all its Characters, Arithmetic in whole
Numbers and Fractions, vulgar and decimal, and all other Arithmetic calculated to be of Use in any Business Youth may be designed for. — Those who shall be pleased to favour him with the Education of their Chil- dren, may depend on his utmost Diligence and Attention therein, and the Favour ever acknowledged with the highest Gratitude and Esteem, by Their most humble Servant, J. SHELTON. TO BE SOLD, On Tuesday next, the 1oth Day of April, by Order of the Administratrix of Mr. Edward Sheak- shiff, late of Doddenham, in the County of Worcester, Farmer, deceased, ALL his live and dead Stock ; consisting of Cows,
Horses, Sheep, Pigs, & c. likewise all his Farming Utensils, & c And, at the same Time, will be sold, the Stock of Mr. John Sheak- shiff, late of Eastenhope, in the said Parish of Dodden- ham, deceased. All Persons that have any Demands on the Effects of the said Mr. Edward Sheakshiff, are desired t0 send an Account thereof to his Widow and Administratrix, at his late Farm at Doddenham; and all Persons who are indebted to the said Edward Sheakshiff, are desired to pay the same to his Widow, or they will be sued without further Notice. WHEREAS certain anonymous Letters, of a very extraordinary Nature, have been lately
sent by the Post to GEORGE nORRIS, of Droitwich, in the County of Worcester, Gentleman, in one of which was inclosed Two Bullets; and whereas in Consequence of the said George Norris's not taking any Notice of one of the said Letters, a most daring, false, and scandalous Libel, in Print, was, on the 7th of this Instant, left at the Dwelling House of the said George Norris, in Droitwich aforesaid, thereby falsely charging the said George Norris with many great Crimes, and con- taining most infamous Aspersions on the Character and Reputation of the said George Norris, and his Brother Richard Norris, and tending to injure
the said. George Norris in his Business; and the said George Norris and Richard Norris have been informed, that several printed Copies of the said Libel have been distributed about, This is therefore to give Notice, That if any Person or Persons will discover who is or are the Author or Authors of such anonymous Letters, and scandalous Libel, and also the Printer, Publisher, and Distributor of such Libel, so as he or they may be brought to Justice and convicted thereof, shall be paid the Sum of FIFTY POUNDS on the Conviction of the Author or Authors of such Libel; and TWeNTY POUNDS on the Conviction of the Printer,
Publisher, or Distributor thereof, by me GEORGE NORRIS. Droitwich, March 10, 1770. BRISTOL, 17th March, 1770. WHereas many principal Tan- ners, taking into Consideration the present Scarcity and excessive high Price of Oaken Bark, occa- sioned partly from great Quantities having of late been regrated, ingrossed, bought up, or contracted for, for Sale again, and partly by the unseasonable felling of Oaken Trees to be barked, contrary to an Act of Par- liament made and passed in the first Year of the Reign of his Majesty King James the First, which enacts, " That no Person or Persons shall regrate, ingross, or get into
their Hands, by buying, contracting, or Promise- taking, any Oaken Bark before it be stripped, or after, to the Intent to sell the same again, upon Pain of For- feiture of all such Bark so by him or them regrated, in- grossed, or bought, contrary to the true Meaning of such Act, or the full Nature thereof: And that no Person or Persons shall fell, or cause to be felled, any Oaken Trees meet to be barked, where Bark is worth Two Shillings a Cart- Load, over and above the Charges of barking and felling ( Timber to be employed to or for the necessary and needful Building and Reparations of Houses, Ships, or Mills, only excepted) but
between the first Day 0f April and the last Day of June, upon Pain of Forfeiture of every such Oaken Tree so felled, or double the Value thereof." Therefore this public Notice is hereby given, That if any Person or Persons shall offend contrary to the said Act of Parliament, they will be prosecuted according to Law ; and if any Person or Persons will give Infor- mation of such Offender or Offenders, so that he or they shall be convicted of such Offence, the Person or Persons giving such Information, shall, upon such Conviction be paid Ten Guineas by Mr. Evans, Attorney, is Bristol. Berrow's Worcester Journal. THURSDAY, April 5,
1770. No. 3166. This Journal is published early in the Morning, and circulated in a very expeditious Manner ; and will always contain, besides the most material News published in the London Papers on Tuesday Night, many interesting Articles of Intelligence, not to be found in other Country Papers till the Saturday or Monday following.
MONDAY's POST. COUNTRY NEWS. Hereford, April 2, ON Wednesday last came on here, before Sir Joseph Yates, the Trial of the nine following Persons, viz. William Spiggott, William Morris, David Morgan, William Walter Evan, Charles David Morgan, David Llewel- lin, John Spiggott, Evan Thomas, and Wil- liam Clarles David Morgan, for the Murder of Mr. Powell, of Glanareth, in the County of Camarthen, in January last: Two others who were likewise in Custody for the fame Crime, viz. Walter Evan, and John Isaac, were admitted as King's Evidence. The Trial began at Seven in the Morning, the Prosecutor being Mr. Iltid
Thomas, Attorney at Law, at Swansea; Mess. Ashhurst, Bearcroft, Dandridge, and Walker, were Council for the Crown, and Mr. Serjeant Jephson, for the Prisoners; few of whom understanding English, Mr. Price, a Gentleman of Breconshire, interpreted between them and the Court, to the great Satisfaction of all present. Sir Joseph Yates acted with that Patience, Penetration, Candour, and Hu- manity, which at all Times so peculiarly dis- tinguish his Character; but were never more conspicuous than on this solemn Occasion. After summing up the general Evidence, he proceeded to separate what more immediately had
concerned each particular Culprit, and for that Reason would not involve the Fate of all in one common Verdict, but took a separate one on each Individual. The Jury, which was composed of Men of Substance, Probity, and Understanding, found the fix first Guilty, with- out Hesitation. This necessary Sacrifice made to Justice, some favourable Circumstances re- commended the two next to their Mercy, and gave them an Opportunity of exercising their Humanity. The last was a young Lad, Son of Charles.. David Morgan, against whom nothing appearing, he was acquitted; Some Points of Law were urged by Mr. Serjeant
Jephson in Favour of the Culprits, and an Ar- rest! of Judgement moved for; whereupon, Sir Joseph Yates sent for Baron Perrot, who was then fitting in the Nisi Prius Court, when that Point was argued before the two Judges, but over- ruled by the Court. The Sentence of Condemnation was pronounced with the most affecting Solemnity and pathetic Energy. The Trial lasted ' till Eight at Night. Upon the Trial, Walter Evan the Accom- plice, who was admitted King's Evidence, re- lated the Manner in which he was engaged by William Williams to take Part in his villainous Design, under Pretence of apprehending Mr. Powell on a
Writ. There were nine other Witnesses for the Prosecution, whose Examina- tions continued till Three o'Clock in the After- noon. The Waistcoat which Mr. Powell wore was produced in Court, the Front of which was full of Holes, and in the Back was a very large one just between the Shoulders, which is supposed to have been the Stab that finished him. The Fall of Snow upon the Evening of the Murder was remarkable, by Means of which the Villains were traced to the House of Charles David Morgan. Among the Witnesses was one of the Persons who was fitting in the Room with Mr. Powell, and who received a slight Wound
upon the Cheek in endeavouring to get out at the Door. Wm. Spiggott and Wm. Morris spoke for a considerable Time in their Defence. —— The Prisoners appeared much affected with their Sentence, and there was a very mov- ing Scene in Court between Charles David Morgan and his Son and Daughter. On Friday the Convicts were conveyed to Execution by the Sheriffs about 12 o'Clock, and turned off about Half an Hour past One. Morris was in a Fit, and quite insensible, be- fore he came to the Gallows, where he was obliged to be held up whilst the Halter was placed round his Neck. Spiggott begged ear- nestly to be
buried in a Church- yard. The others appeared penitent and resigned; and David Morgan addressed the Spectators in Welch, desiring them to take Warning by his Fate, and not to suffer wicked Men to lead them into Villainy. Four of their Bodies were delivered to the Surgeons to be dissected, and two are to be hung in Chains in some Part of the County of Hereford. The Courts were removed from the Town- Hall, as that antient Building was not sup posed fit for so great a Croud. The Crown Bar was held in the Great Music- Room, and the Nisi Prius in the College- Hall. Also at our Assizes, John Webb, for stealing a Mare;
Charles Burgess, for stealing above 40s. in a Dwelling- House; and William Cob- bin, for Sheep- stealing, were capitally con- victed, and received Sentence of Death, but are reprieved. John Morgan, Sarah Tomkins, Martha Morgan, and Edward Hall, were or- dered to be transported for seven Years; and seven were acquitted. A few Days ago a Murder was committed rear the Town of Neath, in Glamorganshire. Two Men having quarrelled in a Public House over their Liquor, one went out and fell asleep in an adjacent Field, where the other finding him, cut his Throat; after which, meeting with a Surgeon in his Return, he told
him that in such a Field there was a Person who had Need of his Assistance. - When he came back to the Public House, he told them coolly he had done his Business; and since his Commitment to Cardiff Gaol he declares, that he can give no Reason for this shocking Action. Yesterday at Noon, pursuant to an Advertise- ment, signed by the Sheriffs, a numerous Body of the Freeholders of Middlesex met at the Assembly Room at Mile- End. At Twelve o'Clock Mr. Sheriff Sawbridge came and ad- dressed the Freeholders in a short Speech, wherein he informed them of the Intent of their Meeting, which was to consider of an
humble Address, Remonstrance, and Petition to his Majesty, and further acquainted them, that on Account of the recent Death of his worthy Colleague's Father, Mr. Sheriff Town- fend would not be there, and added, he should take the Chair in his Absence. He then in- formed them Mr. Adair had prepared a Re- monstrance, and would soon arrive with it. A Gentleman then proposed, that a Committee of Enquiry should be appointed to endeavour to find out the real Friends to the Constitution, and to fend them a Letter of Thanks for their patriotic Conduct, but this was not judged ne- cessary at present. The Rev. Mr. Horne
addressed himself to the Freeholders as follows: - He told them, they would no Doubt be surprised to hear him declare, that he came from Home fully resolved not to agree to a Remonstrance ; that the late Answer given to the City Remonstrance, had caused in him a thorough Conviction of the Inefficacy of such Proceeding: He entered into the Grounds on which the Murmurs of the People are founded, and into the Merits of late Answer; which having gone through with great Spirit, and much Applause, he beg- ged Leave to consider the Heads of their for- mer Petition, which he would endeavour to do as briefly as possible, but
that if he took up too much of their Tim, they would express themselves accordingly. Every one consented to hear him, and some said, " Aye, if it was for five and forty Hours." Mr. Horne then stated the principal Points on which they pre- sumed to petition the Throne, and laid before them the Answers which they had received, as he looked upon the Actions of the Ministers, since they presented their Complaints, as a Re- ply to them, though no verbal Answer had been condescended to be given. Having gone through the Illegalities practised to Mr. Wilkes, and the Means used to suppress his Petition to the House of Commons;
the Abuse of the dis- cretionary Power in J- dg- s ( in which he in- stanced bailing of Murderers, and the Refusal of Bail for trifling Misdemeanors); the Viola- tion of the Right of Election; the Acquittal of Murderers, when positive Evidence was given of the Facts and the Identity of the Per- sons sworn to ( wherein he mentioned some Particulars on the Trial at Guildford, which was refused being taken in Short- Hand, and consequently not published to the World, ex- cept a partial one, drawn up by a Tool of the Ministry, whose Name he mentioned, and who, he said, was a constant Guest of another Gen- tleman, whose Name he
should not mention, as he had an Account to settle with him next Week); the shameful Prostitution of the pub- lic Money ; and the Complaints of his Ma- jesty's American Subjects. Mr. Horne further observed, that when Mr. Allen ( the Father of the unfortunate young Man who was murdered in St. George's Fields, by the Soldiery) petitioned the King that the Royal Proclamation might be issued, for a Reward to be advertised for apprehending the Murderer of his Son, that some evil Counsel- lor about the Royal Person had prevented the King from issuing such Proclamation, and that Mr. Allen had no Answer to his dutiful and
distressful Petition, though, by the Law of the Land, as well as by the Laws of Nature, he was fully entitled, both to an Answer, and even some Kind of Consolation ; but that, ne- vertheless, a deaf Ear had been turned to his humble Prayer. He afterwards remarked, that when James the First came to the Crown of England, he enquired of his Ministers, whe- ther the Power of appointing Judges and Bi- shops were in the Crown ; and being answered in the Affirmative, the King replied, " Then I desire no more Power," and accordingly be- gan the Court Device of bribing both the Bi shops and Judges, and consequently had the
Lives and Consciences of all his Subjects in scrinio pectoris. But by much and long Abuse of this prerogatival Power, the Commons, in their representative Capacity, were, se defen- dendo, obliged to curb the enormous Power of the Crown, made under the Colour of Law and Gospel. He then seemed to hint, that as that Kind of Power had by the Revolution been effectually curbed, a future King might cor- rupt his whole Parliament, and that then, with specious Name of Law, and Acts of Parlia- ment, such future King might make himself Master of the Lives, the Rights, Liberties, and Property of his People. Having gone thus far (
which took up an Hour and a Half) Mr. Horne repeated his having dissented from the Remonstrance, but that in Conformity to the Opinions of others, whom he esteemed ten Times his Superiors in Knowledge, he agreed to remonstrate, and he doubted not ( from a Knowledge of the Head and Heart of the Gentleman who had pre- pared it) that he and all present would agree thereto. He desired it might then be read, and as he supposed it would be read twice, he would consider the other Parts of their Petition, as he was much fatigued. Then Mr. Sheriff Sawbridge read it aloud, and after that, put the Question, If it was the
Pleasure of the Freeholders that it should be presented to his Majesty as their Remonstrance? and on a Show of Hands there appeared one Freeholder only against it. After some little Disquietude, Room was made for him to ap- proach the Chair, and to declare his Reason for dissenting, which he did not chuse to do, any further than acknowledging himself against it. This occasioned some Hissing, which be- ginning to encrease, the Chairman, with great good Sense and Humanity, observed, how hard it was in so large a Company for all to agree in any one Point; that, for his Part, " he thought it an Act of great Unanimity that
there was but one Dissentient, and that so far from blaming or censuring that Person, he ap- plauded him, as it was acting honestly, and according to Opinion ; he therefore earnestly intreated them not to shew themselves inferior in Decency and Temper to the Livery of Lon- don on a late similar Occasion." This Speech, which was universally well received, had so good an Effect on the Audience, that it in- stantly restored Order and Propriety. Mr. Horne then stepped forward and said, the Remonstrance conveyed his Intentions so fully, that he deemed it unnecessary to offer the Proposals he intended. He then took Oc- casion
to mention the great Stretch of Privilege of the Chief Justice, in admitting to Bail four of the ministerial Murderers, and furnished an Instance how impossible it was to be obtained in the Cafe of the Spitalfields Rioters. In the Course of his Speech he expatiated on the Pros- titution of Honours and Emoluments. He re- marked that Sir Fletcher Norton had been created Chief Justice in Eyre, with a Salary of 3000L. per Ann. which Sinecure used formerly to be enjoyed by the first of our Nobility, with a Salary of 1500l. a Year, as a Reward for faithful Services; that the fame Gentleman had since been appointed Speaker of the House
of Commons, which Office produced at least double that Income; and that his Sons likewise enjoyed very lucrative Employments under the Crown ; but at the fame Time, that he might do Justice to Sir Fletcher's Modesty, he assured the Company, that he knew that Gentleman had lately declared he had not asked for any further Gratification for a Month past. Mr. Vaughan proposed that an Amendment of one Word might be made, which he said was too severe; and he observed, that it was well known the City Remonstrance had lost them many Friends, who were lukewarm in the Cause ; to which a Genteman replied, the Loss
of lukewarm Friends was an Acquisition and not a Loss, and therefore moved that it should remain without an Alteration, which was assented to. These Matters being settled, Dr. Wilson re- quested a Day might be appointed for presen- ting the Address, Remonstrance and Petition, as he would certainly attend it, though old and infirm. Mr. Sheriff Sawbridge then declared that as Mr. Sheriff Townsend's Father was re- cently dead, it might not perhaps be decent in him to carry up the Petition, & c. so soon as he could wish; for if it depended singly upon him, ( Mr. Sawbridge) it should be presented on Monday, being the earliest
Time it could be presented on a Levee Day. A Motion was then made, whether the Re monstrance should be signed by the Sheriffs, in the Name of all the Freeholders and by them presented to his Majesty. This was agreed to. The Person who dissented proves to be Mr. Munday, Pewterer, in East Smithfield. A great Personage has countermanded his Orders about a speedy Removal to Richmond, it having since been deemed improper at this critical Time. A Great Man, belonging to a certain Soci- ety, told some of his Brethren, a few Days ago, that they dare not burn a certain Paper. One of our Correspondents likewise in forms us, that John Ketch, Esq; ( the noted Operator for the NECK) has repeatedly declared, that sooner than he would be obliged to burn a certain Remonst— e, he would resign his exalted Station. It is said that the Coach Tax, which is every Quarter increasing, produces near 8o, oool. per Annum at present. It is said that in order to prevent any Ob- structions remaining against Mr. Wilkes's En- largement on Wednesday se'nnight, the 18th Instant, the Bill of Rights Gentlemen will discharge the remaining Part of his Debts, and Mr. Wilkes is to enter into Obligations to repay them after such a limited Time. Wednesday, and not
before, the several Va- cancies in the Law Department were filled up as follows :— Edward Thurloe, Esq; his Ma- jesty's Solicitor General, resigned by John Dunning, Esq;— John Moreton, Esq; her Ma- jesty's Attorney General, resigned by Richard Hussey, Esq; - Tully Ambler, Esq; her Ma- jesty's Solicitor General, vacant by the Pro- motion of Dr. Blackstone to be a Judge; — Francis Cust, Esq; Counsellor to the Board of Admiralty, resigned by Richard Hussey, Esq; — Richard Jackson, Esq; Counsellor to the Board of Trade, vacant by the Death of Sir Mathew Lamb. Married.] Mr. Hardick of Ross, in Here- fordshire, to Miss
Ashbery of Tanworth, in Warwickshire, - Sir Gilbert Heathcote, Bart. to Miss Hudson, of Red- Lion Square.— At Bath Andrews, Esq; of Bath- Easton, to Miss Hillman, of Walcot. - James Skinner, Esq; of Panton- Street, to MissEliz. Medlicott, of Great Russell- Street.- Mr. Thomas Beres- ford, Woollen- Draper of Drury- Lane, to Miss Nancy Geayes, of Paddington. Died.] In Salisbury- Street, Mr. Hawkins, Brussels- Lace Merchant.— At his Apartments in George- Street, William Whitehead, Esq. — Mr. Stapleton, Haberdasher, near St. Cle- ment's Church in the Strand.— Mr. Nisbit, Bra- zier, in Haymarket. - At Chipping Sod- bury,
Gloucestershire Mr. George Hardwick, eldest Son of George Hardwick, Esq; of the same Place.— At Bath, Edward Jesup, Esq.— At Manchester, John Clows, Esq. On Saturday or Monday next will be Published, ( By Special Permission of the Judge ) THE TRIALS AT LARGE, of all the CRIMINALS who were convicted at the last Assizes at Hereford, of the Murder of WILLIAM POWELL, of Glanareth, in Carmarthenshire, Gentleman. To which will be added, a just Relation of the many remarkable Circumstances attending this most shocking Murder, which the Publick have not yet been acquainted with ; as also the Particulars of
the Confession and Exe- cution of these inhuman Criminals. Printed and published by R. Raikes in Gloucester, and may be had of the Printer and Distributors of this Journal. In a few Days will be Published, ( Taken down in Court by Leave of Sir Joseph Yates, Knt.) AN authentick TRIAL of all the PRISONERS who were convicted on Wednesday the 28th of March, 1770, at HEREFORD, before the Hon. Mr. Baron Perrot, and Mr. Justice Yates, for the inhuman Murder of WILLIAM POWELL, of Glanareth, in the County of Carmarthen, Gentleman ; with their Dying Words and Confessions. With this Trial will be published a
circumstantial Account of the Prisoners, together with their Exami- nations ar. d Confessions, taken upon Oath, but which were not produced in Court, tending to throw a greater Light into the Circumstances of this Murder. HEREFORD, printed by Charles Pugh ; and sold by Mr. Gamidge, in Worcester. THE Creditors of William Curtis, late of Leigh Sinton, in the County of Wor- cester, Gent, whose Debts are not provided for by Mort- gage. are desired to meet at the Angel, in Sidbury, Worcester, on the 12th Day of April Instant, at Three of the Clock in the Afternoon, in order to inspect the Trustee's Accounts, and to come to a
final Resolution of submitting to, or disputing the Olaim of one particular Creditor, who sets up an exclusive Right to the Whole of the Monies now remaining in the Hands of the Trustee. Worcester, March 4, 1770. AT a very pleasant Farm- House, ( within two hundred Yards of the Parish Church) in a very healthful Air, about four Miles from the City of Worcester, there are Genteel Apartments to be Lett, Such as a Parlour, Hall, and convenient Lodging- Rooms, with Boarding for two or three Persons. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Yeomans, Cur- rier, in Fish- Street, Worcester; at whose House there are Apartments
likewise to be had, ready furnished, con- sisting of a good Parlour, Kitchen, Cellar, and two or three Lodging Rooms ; the Whole commodiously de- tached from the rest of the House. TO BE LETT, And may be Entered upon Immediately, AFARM, consisting of about ninety Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Ground, and situate at Peopleton, in the County of Worcester. Further Particulars may be had by applying to Mr. Young, Attorney, in Pershore. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Friday the 27th of April Inst. at the Rose and Crown, in Eckington, in the County of Worcester, between the Hours of Two and Four
o'Clock in the Afternoon, LOT. 1. AN exceeding good and firm- built BARGE, Burden 30 Ton, which has been employed on the River Avon, as a Mar- ket Barge between Tewkesbury, Eckington, and Com- berton, together with a good Tar- pawling, Sails, Masts, Ropes, and Rigging. LOT II. One other BARGE ( found good Timber) Burden 30 Ton, together with a Tar- pawling, Masts, and Rigging. LOT III. A good substantial flat- bottom BOAT, Burden four Ton. N. B. The said Barges and Boat are now at Anchor at Nafford Bay, in the Parish of Eckington aforesaid, and may be there viewed at any Time before the Day of Sale. For
further Particulars enquire of Mr. Harry Long, Attorney at Law, in Pershore. To be SOLD, in Fee Simple, A Very compact and improveable new inclosed FARM, the House and necessary Out- buildings all newly built with Brick, with about 85 Statute Acres of Arable Land, all adjoining together, in the Parish of Snitterfield, in the County of Warwick, close to the Turnpike Road leading between the Towns of Stratford- upon- Avon and Warwick, at the Distance only of three measured Miles from the former, five from the latter, and fix from Henley- in- Arden, and now in the Occupation of William Brandis, as Tenant, under the yearly
Rent of 59I. The Tenant will shew the Premisses. N. B. The Estate now is under Mortgage, and the Mortgage Money may lie, if agreeable to the Purchaser. Also to be SOLD, A Moiety of a pretty little Freehold Estate at Little Inkborough, in the County of Worcester, now and for 40 Years past lett at the yearly Rent of 10I. 5s. though worth 16I. a Year. Also, A Freehold House, Garden, and Pleck of Land adjoining, in the Parish of Tanworth, in the said County of Warwick, of the yearly Value of 2I. IOS. Also, by Auction, at the Dwelling- House of Robert Parsons, of Great Aln, nearAlcester, in the said County of Warwick, on Wednes day next, the I I th Day of April, between the Hours of Two and Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, A Messuage or Tenement, divided into two Dwel- lings, with the Garden Ground, and a Close of Land thereto adjoining, in Great Aln aforesaid, and now in the several Occupations of John Felton and John Wall, under the yearly Rent of 3I. 4s. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Walter Jones, Attorney at Law, in Alcester aforesaid. LONDON, Saturday, March 31.
ALL Persons who have any Demands On George . Till, and his Brother John Till, both of the City of Worcester, Butchers, are desired to bring in their Accounts on Thursday the 19th of this Indent April, to Mr. James Crump, at the Swan, in New Street, in the said City, by Eleven o'Clock in the forenoon, in order that the same may be inspected, and thereby ascertain what Dividend can be made to the Cre- dit0rs from the Effects of the said George and John Till. To be LETT, READY FURNISHED, LODGINGS, situated in the pleasantest Part of the Foregate Street, Worcester ; consisting of a neat Dining Room, Bedchamber, and
large closet, on the first Floor, lately fitted up ; with a Room for a Servant, together with a good Lock Cellar, and the Use of a Kitchen. Enquire of the Printer of this Paper. TO BE LETT. And may be entered upon immediately, A Good Dwelling - House and Shop, with a very convenient Bakehouse and Malthouse ; situate at the West End of Severn Bridge, in the City of Worcester, and lately in the Occupation of Mr. Pool. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Francis Evans, at the City Arms, adjoining the above Premisses. TO BE LETT, And may be entered upon in May next, ( the pre- sent Tenant going to decline Business) THE
UNICORN INN, situated in Broad- Street, Worcester, ( being a good- accustomed House, and the Business well known to have been greatly encreasing for these last three Years) with the whole Furniture, Stock of Liquors, & c. which are fully sufficient and suitable for the Accommodation of all Classes of Customers.— Besides a great deal of good Stall- Stabling, and all other Conveniencies, there are two neat Post- Chaises, and good Horses, already pro- vided.— For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Davis, next Door to the Premisses. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, Some Time in June next ( if not sooner disposed of by
private Contract, of which Notice will be given in this Journal) ABarn, Stables, a Dove- House, a commodious Farm Yard, with several Cow- Stalls adjoining thereto, together with several Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, and also several Cow and Sheep Pastures ; situate. lying, and being at Honeybourn, near Campden, in the County of Glou- cester, and now lett to Mr. William Coomb, at the yearly Rent of 301. being a very old Rent. Also, an exceeding commodious and compleat Messuage or Tenement, being a good- accustomed Apothecary's Shop, situate and being in the Bridge- Street, in Evesham, in the
County of Worcester, now in the Possession of Mr. Savage, as Tenant thereof, at the yearly Rent of 151. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Johnson, in winchcomb, in the said County of Gloucester; or to Mr. Harry Long, Attorney at Law, in Pershore. A COCK MATCH WILL be fought at the House of Joseph Stephens, at the Masons Arms, in the City of Worcester, between the Gentlemen of Wor- cestershire and the Gentlemen of Herefordshire : To shew thirty- one Cocks on each Side, all in the Main, for Four Guineas a Battle, and Forty the Main: To weigh on Saturday the 14th of April, and to fight on Easter Mon- day and
Tuesday, being the 16th and 17th of April. GEATLY and Elsmoore , Feeders. WHEREAS several Men have deserted from a Party of the 62d Regiment of Foot, recruiting at Kidderminster and Wolverhampton; Notice is hereby given, to all or any of the above De- serters, that if they surrender themselves to Lieutenan William Giles, or any of the Party at Kidderminster, or at the Old Bell Inn, in Wolverhampton, shall have a free Pardon. N. B. Any young Man, from five Feet six Inches high to five Feet seven and upwards, willing and able to serve his Majesty in the 62d Regiment of Foot, now lying Kinsale in Ireland, by applying to
either of the above Places, shall meet with the greatest Encouragement, as many as belong to the Gun Business will be well received THURSDAY'S POST. ( By EXPRESS front LONDON.) LONDON; Tuesday, April 3. THE Privy Council summoned to meet Yesterday at St. James's, is postponed till To- morrow. It is said that a Remonstrance of a very spirited Nature is preparing, and will soon be presented by the Nobility and Gentlemen in the Opposition. It is also said, that the said Minority in both Houses will sign the above Address individually. The Middlesex Remonstrance is intended to be presented on Friday next. We are
credibly informed that a Master- Stroke is preparing to be struck by the Chiefs of the Minority, against the Power and Influ- ence of their Opponents, by refusing all Kinds of Paper Currency, and even Bank Notes; which Measure, if once adopted in the City, will produce Consequences easily foreseen. It is said Overtures have been made to the Minority, which, it is said, is likely to bring about a Reconciliation. It is also reported, that a noble Lord has presented a Plan to a Great Personage, for the accommodating the present unhappy Divisions. It is whispered, that two Foreign Ministers are now secretly interesting themselves in
fo- menting the present unhappy Divisions which prevail in the first City of the British Empire. The Marquis of Rockingham, ' tis said, will have a Conference with his Majesty, in a few Days. Yesterday Morning the Right Hon. Lord North, first Lord of the Treasury, had a nu- merous Levee of the Nobility and Gentry, at his House in Downing- Street, Westminster, after which a Cabinet Council was held. On Friday Night last the Westminster Club sat till Twelve o'Clock, debating on the second Reading of the Gentle Shepherd's Bill, about the Determination of controverted Elections — The ministerial Members were divided in their
Opinion ; Jack Rugby and Mungo approved of the Bill, but seemed to wish that it was post- poned till next Winter; but as several other Members of the Club wanted to have it passed this Season, Betts were laid, and turned out 185 to 123, that it would pass this Season— This Bill will greatly shorten the Proceedings on controverted Elections, and entirely prevent that Business from ever inturrupting any other Affairs that may come before the Club at large. — The Nature of it is shortly this: Twenty- five Members of the Club are to be chosen by Ballot, after which both Parties have a Right to object to six, the Number then
remaining will be thirteen, who are authorized to try the Merits of the Case, and finally determine all Disputes whatever concerning the Elections of that Club. It is rumoured that an immense Sum of Mo- ney has very lately been transmitted from a cer- tain Foreign Court to their Ambassador here, to be applied to purposes, which we leave to the Reader's Sagacity to make a Judgment of. Saturday the Hon. Capt. Leveson Gower, Brother to Earl Gower, set out from Pall- mall for Portsmouth, in order to take on him the Command of one of the Men of War belong- ing to the Fleet which is shortly to sail from thence to the
Mediterranean, to watch the Mo- tions of the French and Spanish Fleets, and to see whether they will offer to obstruct the Pas sage of the Russian Fleet. In case of an At- tempt of this Kind, it is thought the latter will be joined by the English Fleet, though the Consequence should be the involving Great Britain in a War. By Orders of the Court of Petersburgh, her Imperial Majesty's Agents in London have re- ceived Orders to contract for forty Sail of Eng- lish Ships, from three hundred Tons and up- wards, to serve as Transports to the grand Russian Fleets: In consequence of which, four- teen Sail were taken up in the River last
Week, and others are engaging as fast as possible. The Terms are the same as were paid by the Government here for Transports last War. Private Letters from Vienna mention, that the French Ambassador at Constantinople, la- bours incessantly to persuade the Grand Sig- nior and the Divan, that it is entirely owing to the Assistance of Great Britain, that the Russian Fleet has been able to penetrate so early into the Mediterranean; and that the Success of their future Operations will entirely depend upon what further Succour they may receive from this Nation. Letters received lately from Jamaica inform us that all Things
remain quiet there ; that no Spanish Men of War have appeared off that Island; and there have been no authentic Ac- counts of any Ships failing from any of the Spanish Ports for that Purpose. The Report which alarmed them so much came from the Master of a Dutch Vessel which went into Port- Royal in Ballast. He said, that two Days before he fell in with a large Fleet of Spanish Men of War, steering for that Island. The Story gained Credit, because they had received Intelligence before that the Spaniards had such an Intention; it soon spread over the whole Island, and the Inhabitants were thrown into the greatest
Consternation ; but their Fears soon subsided, for two Days after, no Enemy ap- pearing, they charged the Master with propa- gating Falsehood. The Dutchman hearing they would interrogate his Men, weighed Anchor that Night, and had not been heard of since. The above Letters were dated Feb. 3 ; the Ship which brought them came in six Weeks from Port- Royal Harbour, and is the last Ship which arrived from thence: The Arrival of a Packet, however, from Jamaica is daily ex- Affair will be We are informed that the Enlargement of Mr. Wilkes will be demanded immediately after Sun- set on Tuesday the 17th Inst. accord- ing
to an ancient Custom in the King's- Bench Prison. A certain great Personage was very rudely treated by the Populace on Friday Night, in going from the Theatre. On Saturday last the following Lines, wrote in large Characters, were seen sticking up against the Walls of St. James's Palace, viz. A PROPHECY. " A cold Winter ; " A mild Spring ; " A bloody Summer; " A dead ." The above being taken Notice of, it is said One Thousand Pounds Reward will be offered to find out the Author. A certain Great Personage has expressed a strong Desire to peruse the Letters which passed between a certain Lady of Quality and her R— l
Lover. We hear a Commission from the Ecclesiastical Court has been sent down to St. Alban's, to take Depositions of the People in an Inn, re- specting an extraordinary Cause of Divorce now depending. One Night last Week the younger Son of a renowned defaulting Pay- master lost the Sum of 21, oool. in Play, at a noted Gaming House at the West End of the Town. This is the Gentleman that a few Nights before won 90001. from a prodigal N n recently married. An Instrument has been invented by a blind Man for enabling others who are blind to learn Arithmetic with great Facility, and is now laid before the Society for the
Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, on the Recommendation of Jonas Hanway, Esq; Sir Charles Whitworth, & c. We hear the following Architects are to be employed in the Re- construction of London Bridge, viz. Mr. Gwyn, Mr. Milne, and Mr. Dance, as Surveyors: — The City having first determined upon a Plan to be given in as their joint Production, it will be required that the great Arch be not less than one hundred Feet wide ; the rest in Proportion; the Piers form- ing a long Square at the Foundation, not less than forty Feet Basis, and in no Part less than twenty- five Feet. The Arches, whether Semi circles, or Segments of Circles, as well as the Piers, to have the largest Masonry that can be introduced into the Work; the Foundation of each Pier not less than twelve Feet below the natural Bed of the River. pected, when this important more Fully cleared up. We hear an Investigation will speedily be made, by Order of the Lord Mayor, into the Powers and Privileges of the Courts of Assistants of the City Companies, the better to ascertain on what Authority they presume to take upon them to obstruct any future Meetings of the London Livery, with their special Order and Mandamus. The Right Honourable the Lord Mayor is
determined to continue his Zeal for the Cause of Freedom, with unabating Vigour, for which Purpose, it is said, he is shortly to call a Com- mon Hall, and intends, besides, to invite all the Patriots, and their Ladies, to a superb En- tertainment at the Mansion- House some Time in May next, for which, we are assured, great Preparations are already began. — Blessed Age ! when Roast Beef and Patriotism go Hand in Hand! It is now strongly reported, that a late Fit of the Gout was, as usual, entirely political; and that to compound for the Patriot's Absence, who had particularly engaged himself to stay away, his Lady and Sons were
permitted to go in his Stead. We learn, from very good Authority, that Sir Francis Blake Delaval is in daily Expecta- tion of receiving an Address from Newcastle, on the Subject of Remonstrating. The Detainers lodged against Mr. Wilkes, in the King's Bench, amount at present to no more than between Fifteen and Sixteen Hun- dred Pounds ; which Debts would, in all Pro- bability, have been compromised long ago, had they not been bought up by ministerial. In- fluence, to answer a Purpose too obvious. To the PRINTER. SIR, IN my last Letter I offered you my Opinion of the Truth and Propriety of his Majesty's Answer to the
City of London, considering it merely as the Speech of a Minister, drawn up in his own Defence, and delivered, as usual, by the Chief Magistrate. I would separate, as much as possible, the King's personal Character and Behaviour from the Acts of the present Government. I wish it to be understood that his Majesty had in Effect no mare Concern in the Substance of what he said, than Sir James Hodges had in the Remonstrance, and that as Sir James, in Virtue of his Office, was obliged to speak the Sentiments of the People, his Ma- jesty might think himself bound, by the same official Obligation, to give a graceful Utterance to
the Sentiments of his Minister. The cold Formality of a well repeated Lesson is widely distant from the animated Expression of the Heart. If I thought it possible for this Paper to reach the Closet, I would venture to appeal at once to his Majesty's Judgment. I would ask him, but in the most respectful Terms, " As you " are a young Man, Sir, who ought to have a " Life of Happiness in Prospect; --- as you are " a Husband ;—- as you are a Father [ your filial " Duties I own have been religiously per- " formed] is it Bona Fide for your Interest or " your Honour, to sacrifice your domestic " Tranquillity, and to live in a perpetual Dis- "
agreement with your People, merely to pre- " serve such a Chain of Beings, as North, " Barrington, Weymouth, Gower, Ellis, On- " slow, Rigby, Jerry Dyson, and Sandwich ; " Their very Names are a Satyr upon all Go- " vernment, and I defy the gravest of your " Chaplains to read the Catalogue without " laughing." For my own Part, Sir, I have always con- sidered Addresses ' from Parliaments as a fashi- onable, unmeaning Formality. Usurpers, Ideots and Tyrants have been successively compli- mented, with almost the same Professions of Duty and Affection. But let us suppose them to mean exactly what they profess. The
Con- sequences deserve to be considered. Either the Sovereign is a Man of high Spirit and dan- gerous Ambition, ready to take Advantage of the Treachery of his Parliament, ready to ac- cept of the Surrender they make him of the public Liberty;— or he is a mild, undesigning Prince, who, provided they indulge him with a little State and Pageantry, would of himself intend no Mischief. On the first Supposition, it must soon be decided by the Sword, whether the Constitution should be lost or preserved. On the second, a Prince no Way qualified for the Execution of a great and hazardous Enter- prize, and without any determined
Object in View, may nevertheless be driven into such desperate Measures, as may lead directly to his Ruin, or disgrace himself by a shameful Fluc- tuation between the Extremes of Violence at one Moment, and Timidity at another. The Minister perhaps may have Reason to be satis- fied with the Success of the present Hour, and with the Profits of his Employment. He is the Tenant of the Day, and has no Interest in the Inheritance. The Sovereign himself is bound by other Obligations, and ought to look forward to a superior, a permanent Interest. His paternal Tenderness should remind him how many Hostages he has given to
Society. The Ties of Nature come powerfully in Aid of Oaths and Protestations. The Father, who considers his own precarious State of Health, and the possible Hazard of a long Minority, will with to see the Family Estate free and un- encumbered. What is the Dignity of the Crown, though it were really maintained ; — what is the Honour of Parliament, supposing it could exist without any Foundation of Inte- grity and Justice; — or what is the vain Reputa- tion of Firmness, even if the Scheme of Go- vernment were uniform and consistent, com- pared with the heart- felt Affections of the Peo- ple, with the Happiness and Security of
the Royal Family, or even with the grateful Ac- clamations of the Populace ? Whatever Stile of Contempt may be adopted by Ministers or Parliaments, no Man sincerely despises the Voice of the English Nation. The House of Commons are only Interpreters, whose Duty it is to convey the Sense of the People faithfully to the Crown. If the Interpretation be false or imperfect, the Constituent Powers are called upon to deliver their own Senti- ments. Their Speech is rude, but intelligible; --- thesr Gestures fierce, but full of Explanation. Perplexed by Sophistries, their honest Eloquence rises into Action. The first Appeal was to the
Integrity of their Representatives; — the second to the King's Justice;— the last Argument of the People, whenever they have Recourse to it, will carry more perhaps than Persuasion to Parliament, or Supplication to the Throne. JUNIUS. Bank Stock, 152 l- half a 3- 4ths. India ditto, 227 a 1- half. South Sea ditto, . Ditto Old Annuities, 84 a 1- 4th. Ditto New, ----. 3 per cent. Bank reduced, . Ditto 3 per cent. consol. 85 1- 4th a 3- 4ths. 3 per cent, ditto 1726, . Ditto 1751, . Ditto India Annuities, . 31/ 2 Bank An- nuities 1756, . 3 1/ 2 per cent, ditto, 1758, 88 1- 4th. 4 per cent. cons. 1762, 96 a 95 3- 8ths a 96. India Bonds, . Navy and
Victualling Bills, . 3 per cent. Exchequer Bills, . Bank long Annuities, 25 3- 8ths. Price of CORN per Quarter, at London. Pease 22s. to 23s. Hog Pease 18s. to 20s. Beans 16s. to 21s. Tares 30s. to 44s. Finest Flour 28s. Sack. per Wheat 28s. to 34s. Barley 16s. to 21s. Oats 12s. to 16s. Brown Malt 21 s. to 24s Pale Malt 21s. to 26s. Rye 24s. to 25s. BANKRUPTS required to surrender, John Buckett, of London, Druggist, April 17, 21, May 12, at Guildhall. William Rose, of Mount- row, Lambeth, Carpenter, April3, 10, May 12, at Guildhall. Thomas Rennard, of Little Postern- street, London- wall, Merchant, April 3, 17, May 12, at
Guildhall. Thomas Haystead, of Romford in Essex, Innholder, April 7, 14, May 12, at Guildhall. William M'Moran, of St. An- drew, Holborn, Linnen- draper, April 7, 21, May12, at Guildhall. Ann Langley, of Scarborough, Yorkshire, Linnen- draper, April 16, 17, May 12, at the George in Coney street, York. William Macniel, of London, Mer- chant and Insurance Broker ; April 7, 14, May 12, at Guildhall. Daniel Lobo, of London, Merchant, April 10, 19, May 15, at Guildhall. Robert Brumfield, of Lyon's Inn, Middlesex, Scrivener, April 7, 14, May 15, at Guildhall. DIVIDENDS to be made to CreDITOrS. April 21. William Hart, of Whitby,
Yorkshire, Shop- keeper, at Guildhall 25. Robert Cowan Kellet, of Crutched Friars, London. Merchant, at Guildhall. 28. Samnel Snook, of Darchester, Upholder, at Guildholl.------ Samuel Joynes, of Russell street, Middlesex, Hoster, at Guildhall May 1. Robert Burge, of Shepton Mallet, Somersetshire, Mercer, at the Bush Tavern in Corn- street, Brist ol 2 . Thomas Nash, of Bedford- street, Covent Garden, Mercer. at Guildhall. 8. Samuel Hickling, of Derby . Grocer, at Guildhall. Thomas Hays the Younger, of Tolleshunt Darcy, Essex, Shopkeeper, at Guildhall — 9. John Uffindell, of Epping, Essex, Innholder, at Guild hall. 15.
Thomas Simpson. of London, Cornfactor, a- Guildhall. WORCESTER, Thursday, April 5. To- morrow will be held the Fair in the Township of St. John's, adjoining to this City, for Pigs, Sheep, Horses, and all Sorts of Horned Cattle ; as likewise Tanned Leather.---- And on Saturday will be held the first Spring Fair in this City. The Assize of Bread, set by the Right Worshipful the Mayor and Justices, on Monday last, and to commence this Day. Wh. H. Ib. oz. dr. s. d. s. d. Peck Loaf to weigh 176o | 2 7 | 111 Half Peck 8 11 o | 1 3 1/ 2| 0 11 1/ 2 The Quartern — 4 5 8 | o 7 3/ 4| o 5 3/ 4 Wheaten Houshold lb. oz. dr. lb. oz. dr. The
Twopenny Loaf, 120| 182 Penny, or two Half- 0 9 0 | 0 12 1 penny Loaves, The Halfpenny Bach Cake not to weigh less than 4 Ounces 8 Drams, the Penny ditto not less than 9 Ounces; and no other Sort of Bach Cakes to be made. The Sale of the Estates late of Rich. Savadge, of Penn, a Bankrupt ( advertised in the last Page of this Paper to be on Wednesday next, the 11th Instant) is postponed to Wednesday the 30th of May, at the Place and between the Hours already mentioned.
An authentic Account of some late political Debates in a certain Assembly. THE Day after the City Remonstrances was presented, a certain political Club entering on the Matter, some Persons desired that the Discussion of it might be delayed till the Lord Mayor should be present, which he certainly would be at Four o'Clock: They observed how unfair and ungentleman- like it would be to push on a Debate of that Kind, without Notice having been given to the Party principally concerned, and in his Absence ; but the Ministry were. eager. A Breach of good Manners was no Argument with those who violate Law. At Four o'clock the
Lord Mayor, Mr. Al- derman Trecothick, the Sheriffs Town fend and Sawbridge, came in : The Lord Mayor took the first Opportunity to inform the Company, that it was the Right and Duty of a Lord Mayor, if any improper Proceedings were going forward, or any improper Motion made in the Court of Aldermen, Common Council, or Common Hall, to put a Stop to such Pro- ccedings, and to refuse to put such Question ; and that a Lord Mayor is highly blameable if he does not. Having premised this, which he told them he thought necessary for their Infor- mation, he added, that he had called a Com- mon Hall expressly for the
Purpose of remon- strating to the King; that at the Common Hall he presided, approved the Remoastrarnce, and, by putting the Question, made it his own Act and Deed; that if there was any Thing criminal in it, he desired he might be considered as the chief Criminal; that he was ready to maintain the Truth of that Remon- strance, and to Hand or fall by its Contents. He then repeated all the offensive Parts of it, expatiated very largely, and without any Equi- vocation, on the Corruption and Nullity of this voluntary, self- eIected Society. Mr. Alderman Trecothick then spoke to the fame Effect ; declared it his Act and Deed ; that he
would abide by it with his Life; that the Remonstrance breathed his Sentiments, which had ever been full of the most dutiful Respect for his Majesty, and the strongest At - tachment to the Principles of the Constitution. He was followed by Mr. Sheriff Townsend, who denied the Competency of that Society to judge in the present Cafe ; he disclaimed both the Power which they had exercised of electing their own Members, and the Power they now claimed of judging Petitions of the People to the Throne. He told them, that what he now said was not new to them ; he had declared it in his Place before, when he protested against the
Payment of any Taxes, which were levied or continued by any Society, which was not a full and true Representation of the People, which he infilled they were not. Mr. Sawbridge spoke to the fame Effect ; he told them that the Remonstrance was carried in the Common Hall, with only one dissen- tient Person, and he assured them that He was not that Person. Mr. Harley endeavoured to instruct the So- ciety in the Nature of the Constitution of the City ; but he had not his Lesson perfect, and therefore made a Romance of his own. He assured them the Common Hall had no Right or Powers whatever, but of Election ; that they
never pretended to, nor exercised any other ; that the last Common Hall consisted only of fifteen hundred of the lowest of the Livery ; that the Lord Mayor was a very arbitrary Ma- gistrate, and did not, as himself had done, properly discharge the Duties of his Office. He gave a long History of his own memorable Mayoralty; of his own great Prudence, Acti- vity, and Prowess. He declared that Mr. Tur- ner had proteded to him, that he would not suffer the first Petition to take Place, and after- wards excused himself to Mr. Harley, alledg- ing, that he consented to it only through Fear of his Life. He said, he had been represented as a
Courtier, only because his Majesty had been pleased to confer on him that Mark of his Approbation, by admitting him of the Privy Council. He represented the whole Livery, according to Custom, as the Scum of the Earth, who had better attend to their Shops, and handle their own Irons, than meddle with Matters so much above their Comprehension. The Lord Mayor replied ; and, by giving a true Account of the Constitution of the City, contradicted flatly every Word Mr. Harley had spoken. He denied that Mr. Harley either knew, or had performed the Duty of Lord Mayor ; that he had even mistaken the Powers of a Petty
Constable, which Office he had ex- cised rather than that of Chief Magistrate. He entered pretty fully into Mr. Harley's whole Conduct, to the infinite Mortification of Mr. Harley, and Merriment of the whole Society. He observed on Mr. Harley's Words, where he said that he had been called a Cour- tier, ONLY because he was a Privy Counsellor. He said, that Gentleman had other Marks of Royal Approbation, besides the Feather in his Cap ; he had the solid Advantages of very lu- crative Contracts, with a late Addition of Remittances. Lord North then opened, and the whole Pack joined in full Cry. This drew from the gallant Capt.
Phipps and Mr. Wedderburn a lull and clear History of Petitioning, in which the Ancestors of the North made a black and very conspicuous Figure. To the PRINTER. SIR, AS, in all Probability, we shall soon be called upon to furbish up our old Mus- kets, in order to proceed regularly from Re- monstrating to Fighting; and as Fighting, though it be a mighty good Sort of a Thing, is a Thing that may be done at any Time, when we can do nothing else, will it be amiss, before we begin, to sit down, and consider a little, what it is we are going to fight about ? Give a plain Farmer Leave, therefore, to ( late the Matter, as it appears to him.
If you shall fee Reason to agree with me, well and good ; if not, there is no Harm done. It often happens in the World, that one Man has what another Man wants ; in which Cafe, that other Man tries to get it, and if he cannot compass his Point alone, he calls his Neighbours in to help : But as it is not to be supposed those Neighbours will care to have their Heads broken for nothing, he is obliged to tell them how much they are concerned in the Affair ; that the Cause is really theirs ; that their Liberties, Rights, and Privileges, nay their very Beef and Pudding, are in Danger ; that if they have any Spirit left, now is the Time ; that as to
himself, he has no particular Interest in the Business ; he engages on their Account, and to serve them, because it vexes his Soul to fee a free People oppressed, and the like of that. For Instance, now— Let us suppose Dick to be King, and that Harry wants to be so, be- caus it is a fine Thing to be a King, and to wear a Crown, and to sit upon a Throne, and to have Lords and Dukes bow to him, and the like of that. Harry does not fay a Word of all this to his Neighbours ; but he begins by informing them, that Dick is a Rogue, and uses them ill, and that they will all be ruined ; that it is a Pity but what he should be turned out, and a
better Man put in his Room : And then, if they should be at a Loss where to find one, to oblige them, honest Harry will conde- scend to take the Trouble of governing them himself, merely for the Good of his Country. When all this is done, what comes of it ? Why, that the People, after cutting Throats for seven Years together, are just where they were, except that their King's Name is Harry, instead of Dick : And it is Odds if Harry do not prove the greater Rogue of the two. There are at present, as I understand, among our Betters in this Kingdom, two Sets of Gen- tlemen ; Gentlemen who have had Places and Pensions, and
Gentlemen who now have them. As I am not at all acquainted with any of them, I shall not attempt to draw their re- spective Characters, but hope they will not be offended if I tell them a short Story. A Friend of mine, some Years ago, stand- ing at the Door of an Inn, in one of our largest Inland Towns, saw some young Men walking about the Street, in Gowns. Pray, said he, Landlord, who are those ? They are some Gen- tlemen, answered the Hod, belonging to Dr. ' s A y. What, said my Friend, do they use your House? Yes, Sir, replied the Landlord, the Gentlemen often come here. And pray, said my Friend, what Sort of Peo ple are they? Very worthy Gentlemen, ( re- joined Bonniface, rubbing his Hands) as any in the World. Very worthy Gentlemen in- deed. I can't fay, I have quite so many Silver Spoons as I had ; — but they are very worthy Gentlemen ! Now this, Sir, I take to be, in some Sort, the Cafe with our Majority and Minority Folks, as the News- papers call thenar. They are all very worthy Gentlemen. But when the Master of the House comes to count his Plate, I am much mistaken, if he find that he hath quite so many Silver Spoons as he had. I pretend not to say, which Set of Gentlemen hath got mod of them ; but this I will venture to say,
that if it pleased God there were Spoons enow for them all, we should live a much quieter Life than we are likely to do. When the Gentlemen, who think they have not their Share, come down into the Country, they talk of nothing to us Farmers, but the Liberties of the People, Freedom of Election, and the like of that. But when they get back to London, and dine together there, and the Cloth is taken away, and the Servants are gone, so that nobody is by but themselves, who knows, Sir, what they talk about then ? I am apt to think ( God forgive me if I wrong the Gentlemen !) that the Conversation runs a good deal upon Spoons;
and that while we Countrymen are stirred up to Sedition and Re- bellion by the Cry of Liberty and Property, the Gentry in Town know well enough, that nothing more is designed, or desired, than a Removal of Dick, to make Way for Harry, who will then proceed to raise Taxes, bribe Electors, and decide contested Deletions much after the fame Manner that poor Dick did be- fore him. Thus all our Grievances will vanish in a Moment, and the present H— e of C——, which has been for some Time so unmercifully belaboured, instead of being dissolved, will turn out to be an Assembly of — very worthy Gentlemen. Ail this, Sir, is
mighty well, and we have no Sort of Objection to it. If our Betters have a Mind to dance, we will pay the Piper with all our Hearts. The only Question I would ask is, Whether it be worth while, on this Account, to throw the Nation into a Flame, and to quench that Flame with the Blood of its Inhabitants ? Or why a Game, so merry and facetious, cannot be played without Gunpowder ? I am, Sir, your's, & C. AGRICOLA. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, On Monday next, the Ninth Day of April, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Evening, ( unless before disposed of by private Contract, in which Cafe timely Notice will be
given in this Journal) at the Dwelling - House of Mary Moore, Widow, known by the Sign of the White Lion, in Upton upon Severn, in the County of Worcester, AFreehold messuage or Tene- ment, and Farm, called the House, situate in the Parish of Northampton, in the County of Gloucester, with convenient Out- buildings, and about sixty Acres of Arable, Meadow, or Pasture Ground, thereunto belonging, now in the Holding of Mr. Benjamin Mathews, as Tenant thereof, at the annual Rent of 50l. The Farm- House and Buildings are in good Repair, and very pleasantly situated on an Eminence ; most of the Lands are inclosed,
and lit within a Ring- Hedge, and have the Benefit of an extensive Common. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Long, Attorney at Law , at Upton upon Severn aforesaid. To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, At Mr. Moore's, at the Sign of the Golden- Cross, in Bromsgrove, in the County of Worcester, on Monday the 30th Day of April, between the Hours of Three and Six of the Clock in the Af- ternoon, ( unless sooner disposed of by private Contract) TWO Estates, situate in Stoke, near Bromsgrove aforesaid ; one is now in the Occupation of Joseph Deakin, or his Under Tenants, and consists of a Capital Messuage, and
Conveniences fit for a Gentleman's Family, besides the Farm- House, with a good Farm around it, and borders on Stoke Heath. The other Farm is in the Occupation of John Britain, thro' which runs a fine Stream, whereupon are a good Stack of Mills. These Estates are pleasantly situated, and the Soil is very good. They are Copyhold of Inheritance, and are esteemed the best Copyhold Tenure in the Kingdom. They were the Property of the late Mr. Thomas Cookes, deceased. Such Persons who are inclined to treat, may know the Price, and further Particulars, by applying to Mr. Hunt, at Stratford upon Avon. To be SOLD to the
BEST BIDDER, Before the major Part of the Commissioners nomi- nated and appointed in and by a Commission of Bankrupt awarded and issued against Richard Savadge, late of Penn, in the County of Staf- ford, Malister and Dealer, between the Hours of Twelve and Four, on Wednesday next, the 11th Day of April, at the Dwelling- House of fames Walker, Innholder, in Wolverhampton, in the said County of Stafford, subject to such Conditions as shall be then and there produced, A Very desirable Freehold Estate ( late Part of the Estate of the said Bankrupt.) known by the Name of the LLOYD, in the Parish of Penn aforesaid,
late in the Possession of the said Bank rupt ; consisting of a genteel new Brick House, fit for a Gentleman's Family, well vaulted, and containing on the first Floor, a Hall laid with the best Oak Boards, a hand- some Stair- Cafe, a best Parlour hung with Paper, with a Marble Chimney- Piece, Beausets elegantly finished, a back Parlour, a spacious best Kitchen, a back Kitchen, two Pantries, and a back Stair- Cafe ; on the second Floor, five good Lodging- Rooms, and over them fix good Garrets ; with a Brew- House, Malt- House, and Pump adjoining ; a Dove- House, Barns, Stables, and other Out- Houses ; a walled Garden well
planted with Fruit Trees, a Kitchen Garden, about ninety Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Ground, well conditioned , and Part now in Tillage. Marie within the Premisses and near the Lime- Kilns. The Estate is pleasantly situated in a fine sporting Coun- try, three Miles from Wolverhampton, seven from Stour- bridge, 2nd four from Dudley, all large Market and Manufactoring Towns. N. B. The Cattle and Fodder upon the Premisses will be fold at the fame Time to the Purchaser of the Estate, if required. At the fame Place, immediately after the above Sale is over, the under Premisses, being late the other Part of the said
Bankrupt's Estate, will be also SOLD in the fol- lowing Lots, and in Manner and subject to such Con- ditions as aforesaid , I FT LOT, -- A Close of Land ( more than three Acres) called ARRAS LEASOW, situate betwen the Work- House and the Wiergs , in the Parish of Tettenhall, in the said County of Stafford, and now in the Holding of Josiah Newey. 2d Lo T, — Two Closes of Land ( near five Acres) in the Holding of the said Josiah Newey, and situate near Tettenhall upper Green. 3D LOT , — A Messuage, Out- Buildings, Fold- Yard , and Garden, with two Closes adjoining ( about eight Acres) now also in the Holding of the
said Josiah Newey, and situate at Tettenhall upper Green aforesaid. 4th LOT, — A Close of Land , called OLDFIELD , ( about four Acres) near to Cronkall, in the said Parish of Tettenhall, in the Holding of Mr. Josiah Blakeman. 5th LOT, -- One other Close of Land ( about eight Acres) called the INNIGES , in Tettenhall aforesaid, and now also in the Holding of the said Mr. Blakeman. 6th LOT, — Three little Meadows, and one Close of Land called CHURCH - FIELD ( in the Whole about eight Acres) near the Wiergs aforesaid, in the Holding of Mr. John Fleming. 7th LOT, -- One other Close of Land, near the Wiergs aforesaid,
called the ROUNDABOUT ( about four Acres) and now also in the Holding of the said Mr. Fleming. 8th LOT, -- A Close of Land, near Cronkall aforesaid, in the said Parish of Tettenhall ( about four Acres) and now in the Holding of Mr. William Matthews. 9th LOT, -- Three Closes of Land, at Newbridge, in the Parish of Wolverhampton aforesaid , but near to Tet- tenhall aforesaid , called NEWBRIDGE LANDS, being Copyhold of Inheritance, containing in the Whole about twelve Acres, and now in the Holding of Mr. William Savadge. In the mean Time further Particulars may be had by enquiring of Messrs. Joseph Lane and John
Manfell, Assignees of the Bankrupt's Estate and Effects ; or of Mr. Stevens, Attorney , all of Wolverhampton aforesaid, The following approved Medicines are sold at Berrow's Printing- Office in Worcester. ESSENCE of WATER- DOCK, For the SCURVY. IF there be any yet afflicted with this Disor- der, who have not tried the Water- Dock, whether from Inattention, or from the supposed Diseredit of advertised Medicines, ( tho' when the Author is known, and capable, that ought to cease, it tray be proper to remind them that this is the Season for a perfect Cure. The Cer- tainty of its Effects, even in the most confirmed Cafes, are
sufficiently known, from those of Mr. Wilson, Mrs Garne, Sir Roger Twynsden, and many more, and its Innocence is such, that Infants take it in a proper Dose. There are many other Persons of Distinction, in whose Faces the good Effect of this medicine may be seen ; tho' it were ill to revive the Memory of a past Disorder, by mentioning their Names: This may be said with Truth and Safety. None need fear a Cure from it because they have taken other Things in vain. Sold by H. BERROW , Printer, in Worcester, whom I have appointed my Agent for the Sale of my Medicines in Worcester, and Places ad- jacent ; and all Persons
desirous of vending them may be supplied by him on advantageus Terms. Arlington Street, London, Oct. 17, 1766. 1. ELIXIR of BARDANA. for the Gout and Rheumatism. This re- establishes the Health after the Fits of the Gout, shortens such as follow, and eases the Pain For the Rheumatism it is a certain Cure ; and the Di- sease never returns. 2. ESSENCE of WATER- DOCK, for the certain Cute of the Scurvy and all Breakings out- It never once failed in many thousand Instances. 3 TINCTURE of SPLEEN- WORD, the new invented Medicine for Hypochondriacal Disorders. 4 TINCTURE of VALERIAN, for Disorders of the
Nerves, Faintness, Head- ache , and all Kinds of Fits. 5. TINCTURE of SAGE, to lengthen Life and keep off the Decays of Age ; as Tremblings, Deafness, and all other the Weaknesses of an advanced Life. 6. TINCTURE of CENTAURY, a Sto- machic Bitter, that gives a healthy Appetite and sound Digestion : A certain Cure lor all Weaknesses and Disorders of the Stomach. By His Majesty's Letters Patent, ( Granted to WALTER LEAKE, of the City of London, P. P.) is recommended the Justly Famous PI L L, called in the Patent, PILULA SALUTARIA; And there pronounced to be a Cure for the VENEREAL DISEASE, SCURVY,
and RHEUMATISM. IN Fifteen or Eighteen Days it generally cures those cruel Disorders, and where it fails of perfectly restoring Health in that Time, the Patient has the happy Assurance that he or she is at the Eve of being so restored, let the Degree of Malignancy be over so great. It is an Excellency peculiar to these Pills, to make directly to the complaining Parts, and enter into Contest with the offending Matter, which they soon dislodge and expell. They are declared, by Experience, to be a Preserver of Health, as well as a Restorer, by taking only eight single Pills ( as instructed by the Direction Bills) once or twice a Year. In
short, the Pater. tee has this extraordinary Obligation to them, that what- ever he promised himself from them they we sure to fulfil and exceed, AS tho' impatient of immortal and universal Fame. These Pills arc moll worthy a Place in the Cabinet of Mailers and Captains of Ships. and the more so, ( or that they require no Confinement nor Restraint of Diet, will keep good in all Climates any Length of Time, and effect a Cure even when Saliva- tion fails. MAREDANT's DROPS. To Mr. Norton, Surgeon, Golden- Square. SIR, I Have the Pleasure to acquaint you, that, by the Use of your ( Maredant's) Drops, I am perfectly cured of an
inveterate Scurvy, which affected me in several Parts of my Body, but more particularly on one of my Legs, which appeared like a Honey- comb : This Disorder was attended with a Sickness at my Stomach, a very bad Cough, and Shortness of Breath. I am now as well as ever I was in my Life ; there- fore, in Justice to you, and for the Good of Mankind, I give you Leave to publish my Cure. I am your obedient humble Servant, STEPHEN HAWDING. Ham- Lane, Stratford, Essex, February 6. I770. Any Person still doubtful of the Efficacy of this Medicine, may ( by applying to Mr. Norton, Surgeon, the Well- Side of Golden- Square,
near Piccadilly, London ; the only Author and Pro- prietor, where these Drops are fold in Bottles of Six Shillings each) be fully convinced of their good Effect, by being referred to many People of Credit, who have been cured of the Leprosy, Scurvy, Ulcers, the Evil, Fistulas, Piles, long- continued Inflammations of the Eyes, and every other Disorder arising from a Foulness in the Blood. They may be taken in any Season with out the least Inconvenience or Hindrance of Bu- siness. They also perfect Digestion, and amaz- ingly create an Appetite. WORCESTER: Printed by H. BERROW, near the Cross ; Who fells all Kinds of Blank
Warrants, Certificates, Summons's, Orders of Removal, and every Form used by Justices of Peace, Parish Officers, & c. and by whom the PRINTING Business is executed in a neat and expeditious Manner on very reasonable Terms.