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Berrow's Worcester Journal


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Berrow's Worcester Journal

Date of Article: 25/01/1770
Printer / Publisher: H. Berrow 
Address: Near the Cross, Worcester
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 3156
No Pages: 4
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Berrow's Worcester Journal. THURSDAY, January 25, 1770. No. 3156. This Journal is published very early in the Morning, ( by Meant of an EXPRESS) and circulated with so much Expedition, that is most Places, even at a considerable Distance, it precedes the Arrival of the LONDON Mail, by several Hours ; and contains many material Articles of Intelligence, not to be found in other Country Papers till the Saturday or Monday following. SATURDAY'S POST. Arrived two Mails from Flanders. Leghorn, December 24. We are raising 600 Marine as fast as possible, and all our Artillery is mounted. They write from Corsica, that it had been resolved to raise in that Island a Legion of 3000 Men, but as they had been able to raise no more than 300, they entirely gave up their Design. Ostend, Jan. 6. Two of our Fishing- Boats, which are returned to this Port, give an Ac- count that, on the Ist Instant, they met with a Russian Man of War with three Decks, 100 Guns, and 800 or 900 Men, who had run be- tween two Sand Banks, and was in a very dan- gerous Situation; that, under this Perplexity, not knowing what to do, or which Way to steer, the Commander, who called himself Admiral of a dispersed Fleet, desired the Fishermen to lend him some Assistance, which they accord- ingly did, by sending two of their People on board, and guided by the Fishing- Boats, hap- pily brought the Man of War out of Danger, and off Calais, when they quitted her, and soon after the Wind changing, she steered to- wards the Downs. The Fishermen say, that, besides a Reward of three hundred Rixdollars is ready Money, the Commander gave them a Certificate in the Creek Language, setting forth the great Service they rendered him when he was in the greatest Danger; though it is very difficult to decypher this Certificate, we can discover enough of it to know that it is from Admiral Robert Elphinston. IRELAND. Limerick, Jan. I. We hear from O'Calla- ghan's Mills, in the County of Clare, that about Two o'Clock on Sunday Morning last, 16 Men attacked the House of one Gooney, a Farmer in that Neighbourhood, and after for- cing his House, carried away his Daughter ( an only Child) in her Shift, and in this inhuman Manner were passing with her through the Vil- lage of O'Callaghan's Mills, where Mr. John Bourchier ( who happened to be at Hand, and got a short Notice of the Affair) attacked the Party in a narrow Defile, rescued the Girl, and took the Principal, one Gooney, Prisoner, whilst his Servant knocked another of the Party over the Bridge, who was carried down the River by the Flood and escaped. The Priso- ner was handed by Mr. Bourchier to some Fel- lows of the Village, to be secured, who suf- fered him to escape, while Mr. Bourchier was securing the poor terrified Girl, and preparing to pursue the rest of the Party who fled, and by the Darkness of the Morning escaped. COUNTRY NEWS. Newcastle, Jan. 13. It is reported that Ad- vice has been received from some American Governors, that if some Measures are not spee- dily taken to prevent the French and Dutch smuggling Goods to the Colonies, his Ma- jesty's Subjects therein will quickly find the Means to be supplied with all Kinds of Ma- factures, without any further Assistance from Great Britain. Salisbury, Jan. 15. On Thursday last a Fellow, who says his Name is Edward was apprehended at the Three Lions Inn, and sent to our Town Gaol for further Examination, on Suspicion of being a High- wayman and Horse- stealer. And on Saturday John Durbin, Esq; arrived here from Bristol, and swore to the Horse the above Hughs rode on, and that it was stolen out of his Stable the Ist Instant. Richard Walley, Esq; from Brad- ford, also came with him, and swore he was the very Man that assaulted and robbed him of a Guinea and a Half and some Silver, on Cla- verton- Downs; whereupon he was committed to Fisherton Gaol.— He is the Person that rob- bed the Passengers in the Stage- Coach from Bristol to Gloucester the 2d Instant. It is said he has been a Waiter at a Publick- House in Gloucester and Bath, and has but very lately taken to these wicked Practices. LONDON, Thursday, January 18. Yesterday the House of Commons met pur- suant to their last Adjournment, and received a Letter from Sir John Cust, their Speaker, young Hughs, signifying that on Account of his ill State of Health, he was unable to discharge that Office any longer. Yesterday, and not before, the Right Hon. the Marquis of Granby resigned all his Places, except his Regiment of Blues. The HOn. James Grenville, Joint Vice- Trea- surer of Ireland, it is said has resigned. Lord Willoughby de Brooke has also resigned his Office of Lord of the Bed- Chamber. We hear that the Earl of Oxford hat resigned his Place of Lord of the Bedchamber. And that the Earl of Jersey will succeed the Duke of Beaufort as Master of the Horse to the Queen, and not the Duke of Buccleugh. The Report in one of the Morning Papers of Sir Jeffery Amherst having kissed Hands, on being appointed Lieutenant General of the Odrnance, is premature. On the contrary, it was confidently whispered at the West End of the Town, that Sir Jeffery's Errand to St James's, was to resign his Military Employ- ments, on Account of the total Neglect he has met with from the present Administration, ever since he was recalled to the Service, by Pro- mises, which, as an honest Man, he then looked upon as the most sacred ! Yesterday Evening, about Five o'Clock, the Lord Chancellor received a Message from the Secretary of State's Office, desiring, in his Majesty's Name, that he would deliver up the Seals that Evening at Seven o'Clock ; and ac- cordingly, a Quarter before that Hour, his Lordship, officially habited, and attended with a proper Regalia, waited on his Majesty at the Queen's Palace, and delivered them into hit own Hands. It it remarked that no Lord Chancellor has retired with so small a Pittance as the worthy and patriotic Lord Camden: When he took the Seals, he stipulated only for 1500l. a Year; whereas the late Lord Hardwicke secured to himself a Pension of 4000l. a Year; and Lord Northington has now the same. The Patriotic and amiable Lord Camden, is preparing to retire to his Country Seat nearChi- selhurst. It cannot but be Alarming to every thinking Man, to fee the first Law Officer of this Country, and a Man of his Lordship's Character and Consequence, thus attempted to be sacrificed to the Purposes of a Minister. When Vice prevails, and impious Men bear Sway, The Post of Honour is a private Station. A few Days before the Meeting of the P , a Summons was sent down to the Earl of H n, at his Seat in Leicestershire, com- manding his Attendance in P , but his Lordship not arriving with the Messenger who carried the Summons, another Messenger was dispatched on the same Errand, when his Lord- ship not attending on the Affairs of P—, in Obedience to the Premier's repeated Com- mands, a third Messenger was dispatched the Day after the P met, to acquaint his Lordship, that they could do without him, and that he need not give himself any Trouble about coming to Town, at his Attendance now on the K— was entirely unrequired, the Premier hav- ing advised his R— l M r to give the Golden Key to some other more obedient and more obsequious Nobleman. The Opposition to the present M— st- y is now said to consist of the most wealthy, as well as the most sensible Men in the Kingdom. The Allegations of a certain Country Physi- cian were delibrated on Yesterday in a great Assembly. A certain patriotic Physician in the West, is, we hear, ordered to attend an august Assembly on the 29th Instant. In the late Cabinet Councils, we learn from unquestionable Authority, that the various Petitions have been the Subject of very fre- quent Deliberations. In the Heat of Debate, a Gentleman de- clared the other Day, being pretty hard pushed, that Woe would attend those who had signed Petitions : When Mr. H d rose up and said, " Then Woe indeed be to me, for I was the first who set a Name to the S y Petition." Two Expresses extraordinary were dispatched on Wednesday Morning to France, besides the usual Messenger, said to have carried a particu- lar Detail of all that passed in both Houses the preceding Day and Night, to Lord H d and Lord B e. We have Authority to assure the Public that there is not the lead Truth in the Report of an Express arriving on Sunday of the Death of the Earl of Bute, no Account having been re- ceived from him for several Weeks pad ; and the Countess of Bute was at Court last Sunday. This Day being kept as the Queen's Birth- Day, there was a very great Court of the No- bility and Gentry at St. James's, to congratulate her Majesty on the Occasion. It is said, Letters are received in Town from Scotland, informing, that the Earl of Errol is elected one of the Sixteen Peers of Scotland, in the room of the late Earl of Eglington. Addresses are preparing in all Parts of Ire- land, praying that another Session of Parlia- ment may be speedily held in that Kingdom, to finish the public Business. The Day after the Prorogation of the I— sh P t, many of the Court Party begged to have Sentries at their Doors, being apprehensive of a Riot. Patroles of Horse were ordered to disperse any Number of People in the Streets exceeding five; yet notwitstanding a furiousMob, it is said, assembled, and have paid dear for their Temerity, several Hundreds having been either killed or wounded. A Letter from Corke, in Ireland, says, that a great Number of Roman Catholics of that Place are felling off their Estates and Effects, in order to retire to America. A Letter from Bishops- Castle mentions, that Alexander Wedderburn, Esq; is elected Mem- ber for that Borough, in the Room of William Clive, Esq. Yesterday the Petition of the Freemen and principal Inhabitants of the Town of Liver- pool was presented to his Majesty at St. James's, by their worthy Members, Sir William Mere- dith, Bart, and Richard Pennant, Esq; and was graciously received. We are informed that the said Petition is signed by near 1100 Free- men, which is an undoubted Majority. In consequence of the present high Price of Provisions, we are assured, that the free Impor- tation of salted Provisions from Ireland will be further continued. The Convoy applied for by the East- India Company greatly engages the Attention of the Stock- Jobbers at this particular Time; while the Politicians are at a Loss to account for the Reasons of the Ministry's Refusal. The Talbot East Indiaman, Sir Charles Hud- son, from India, is arrived off the Isle of Wight. She was a missing Ship, and 40 per Cent, had been given on her. It is confidently predicted that Europe will, in a short Space of Time, be totally exhausted and impoverished, in consequence of her Asia- tic Trade, which almost entirely consumes the amazing Quantity of Silver which America fends us over. As a Proof how very detrimen- tal the East India Trade is to, this Quarter of the World, an ingenious French Gentleman has lately calculated the Quantity of Silver sent out of Europe annually to the East Indies and China, which he computes at between seven and eight Millions. A few Years since the English EastIndiaCompanyexported 5,318,580 Ounces of Silver, and 52,148 Ounces of Gold ; and the Danish East India Company, from the Year 1741 to 1755, sent out thirty- seven Tons of Gold in ready Money. It is said a Bill it preparing by the Ministry for the Relief of the Americans. They write from Boston in New England, that notwithstanding the late pompous Accounts of the rapid Increase of their Manufactures, the Truth is, that the few lately set on Foot are in a most languishing Condition, and scarce a Week passes but one or other of them expires in a Consumption. All our Accounts from Virginia agree, that the Damage done by the late Storm on that Coast is very considerable. Many Vessels laden with Tobacco were put ashore, others are en- tirely lost, and the Hurricane was so violent, that several Plantations are destroyed. This Disaster, we hear, has contributed to raise the Price of Tobacco from 1 2s. 6d. to 25s. in that Colony, which must affect the Price at home, as we have certain Intelligence of the Tobacco Crops having failed in Maryland, on Account of an early Frost. The great Scene of Action is now approach- ing in the East, that will, perhaps, decide the Fate of the Ottoman Empire. The Capital of that State will, before the End of the Spring, be attacked in the most dangerous Manner from two different Quarters, viz. a Naval Force of at least thirty Men of War, of which 21 are of the Line of Battle, will attempt it on the Side of the Levant; while a numerous Army, transported in a proper Number of armed Ves- sels, and escorted by eight fifty- gun Ships, now ready in the Black Sea, will affail it from that Quarter; at the same Time that it is de- stitute of every Thing necessary for resisting a Siege, The Consequence of this will, in all human Probability, be a Peace, the Concessions of which mud prove as humiliating to the Porte as advantageous to the Czarina, or the taking of that celebrated Capital, followed by the De- position of the Grand Signor, or, perhaps, the Conquest of the whole Turkish Dominions. Extract of a Letter from Hague, Jan. 6. " The Mortality among the Horned Cattle here is so very considerable, that it is computed at least One Hundred and Fifty Thousand have died in the Seven United Provinces within these last six Months. From an authentic Lift it appears that Fifty Thousand have died, du- ring the Summer, in the Province of Gelder- land ; and in the Province of Holland, up- wards of Thirty Thousand have been loft with- in the two last Months only. A very great Calamity for this Country, as Cattle is the prin- cipal Riches of the Country People here." Yesterday the Sessions began at the Old Baily, when 21 Prisoners were tried, three of whom were capitally convicted, viz. William Corby and Christopher Busby, for assaulting Mary Ware on the Highway, near her own House in Brompton Road, and robbing her of a Silk Cardinal, and William Paterson, for assaulting Mr. Chambers, Master of Shadwell Work- House, on the Highway, and robbing him of his Watch; seven were cad for Transportation, one to be privately whipped, and 10 acquitted. Lad Night, about Nine o'Clock, a Man was followed out of the Old- Bailey Yard down Fleet- Lane, by two shabby looking Fellows, who picked a Quarrel with him; under Pretence that he was an Evidence against the Cutters lately executed, and knocking him down, rifled his Pockets of his Watch and Money, with which they got clear off. Yesterday a Country Farmer was decoyed by one of those Persons called Duffers, into a Pub- lick- House in the Strand, under Pretence of felling him run Goods, cheap; where, being shewed into a back Room, they speedily agreed about a Piece of Handkerchief, which the Countryman had no soonerpaid for, than another Man entered the Room, and pretending to be a Customhouse Officer, seized the Goods, with which he marched clear off. Tuesday a mad Ox pursued a Boy into the House of Mr. Bird, a Carver, in Bridgwater- Gar- dens. The Boy run up one Pair of Stairs, and the Ox after him. The Family being at Break- fast in the Kitchen up Stairs, and hearing the Boy cry for Help, had just Time to open the Door and save him. The Ox was about Half an Hour before he was got down Stairs again, and did no other Mischief than terrifying the Family. The following is said to be a Fact. — At a little Village, near Barkway, in Hertfordshire, a Shepherd and his Daughter have cohabited together for some Years past; she has had three Children, and it is credibly averred she is now big with her fourth. The Father appears to be upwards of sixty, and the Daughter is a very likely young Woman about twenty- seven. — Though this is notorious, and it is said they have been presented in due Form, no Notice has been taken of the Matter, but they conti- nue this incestuous Course of Life, to the Dis- grace of Society. Promoted.] The Rev. John Hume, M. A. Nephew and Chaplain to Dr. Hume, Bishop of Salisbury, to the Vicarage of Bishops Laving- ton, together with the Vicarage of Pottem, both in Wilts, worth upwards of 250l. per Annum.— The Rev. Mr. Purnell, Fellow of Winchester College, and late of New College, Oxford, to the Vicarage of Spersholt, near Winchester.— The Rev. Thomas White, M. A. formerly of St. John's College, Cambridge, to the Rectory of Bassingley, in Bucks. Married.] The Rev. Mr. Browne, Vicar of Sparsholt, Berks, to Miss Vicaris, of Oxford, only Daughter of Mr. Vicaris, deceased, for- merly an Apothecary in Salisbury- court, Fleet- street.- Mr. Thomas Kettle, Attorney at Cam- bridge, to Miss Nancy Ferette, only Daughter of Mr. Ferette, Weaver in Spitalfields.— At St. Mary le Bon, Mr. Henry Heylyn, to Miss Ann Howitt.— Thomas Forrest, Esq; to Miss Eyles, of Wimbledon. Died.] At Adderbury, Oxfordshire, Shreeve Botry, Esq;— In King- street, Bloomsbury- square, ThomasThomas, Esq;-— The Rev. Mr. James Willis, Vicar of Sopley, and Rector of Min- steed, in the County of Southampton.— In the Fleet Prison, Charles Ince, Esq; who has for several Years been confined to that Place ; his Debts were long since forgiven by his Creditors, but he has been since detained for his Feet — At his Lodgings on Clerkenwell- green, John Spencer, Esq; a Gentleman distinguished among the Literari above forty Years ago. — At Bever- ley, in Yorkshire, Sir William Pennyman War- ton, Esq; - In Saville- row, William Backwell, Esq; Banker in Pall- mall. - At Newcastle, Mr. Aaron Akenside, Uncle to Dr. Akenside, Phy- sician to the Queen's Houshold. L L Persons who stand indebted to the Estate and Effects of GEORGe WHIT- TELL, late of the Parish of Hanley Castle, in the County of Worcester, Yeoman, deceased, are required forthwith to pay their respective Debts to either of his Executors, William Turner and John Turner, of Hanley Castle aforesaid, otherwise they will be sued for the same: And all Persons who have any Demands on the said Estate and Effects of the said George Whittell, are desired to fend the Particulars of the same to either of the said Executors, or to Mr. Young, Attorney, in Pershore, in the said County of Worcester, in order that such De- mands may be satisfied. A INOCULATION. A Report having been industriously propa- gated, That Messrs. SUTTON and NASH had lost Patients by Inoculation at King's Norton and other Places, they impute such Aspersion to be suggested from the Mouth of Malevolence, audaciously suported by Ignorance and Credulity, and basely insinuated to poison the publick Ear from listening to their Merit, as Messrs. Sutton and Nash declare, on their Honour, that they have never lost a single Patient by Inoculation, or even had one confined to the Bed an Hour; neither are their Patients afflicted with the disagreeable Consequences that too frequently attend the common Practice. Though some have fallen Sacrifice to Inoculation by other Practitioners, their general Success prompts them with Ropes of continuing to render ample Satisfaction to such as it may please to repose the Confidence in them of committing, themselve to theirCare. Different Apartments for the Reception of Patients, according to their various Circumstances in Life, are ready as required. Applications made to Messrs. Sutton and Nash, at gromsgrov, in Worcestershire, will be duly attended to. MONDAY'S POST. Arrived the Mail from FRANCE. Naples, December 23. SUNDAY last, about Four in the Afternoon, some of the Cornices of the Church of St. John Major fell during the Benediction of the holy Sacrament, by which three Persons were killed, and several others wounded. COUNTRY NEWS. Gloucester, Jan. 22. The Highwayman taken a few Days since at Salisbury, ( mentioned in the preceding Page) after having robbed Richard Walley, Esq; on Claverton Downs near Bath, stood a Pursuit of more than twenty Miles, and at last escaped by the Excellency of the Horse he stole from Mr. Durbin, with which he cleared a most astonishing Leap, that his Pur- suers were afraid to take: He then turned and laughed at them, telling them, He was sorry he could not have the Pleasure of their Company any farther, and wished them a good Night. He was very near being stopped in the Pursuit at the Turnpike at Heytesbury, for his Pursuers were then within Sight of him, but he called out to the Man at the Gate, A Rate! a Race! and threw down his Money, by which Means he was let through. LONDON, Saturday, January 20. At the Court at the Queen's House, Jan. 17. His Majesty in Council was this Day pleased to de- liver the Great Seal to the Right Hon. Charles Yorke, Esq; who was thereupon, by his Ma- jesty's Command, sworn of his Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, and likewise Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, and accord- ingly took his Place at the Board. St. James's, Jan. 18. The King has been pleased to grant unto the Right Hon. Charles Yorke, Esq; Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, and the Heirs Male of his Body law- fully begotten, the Dignity of a Baron of the Kingdom of Great Britain, by the Name, Stile, and Tittle of Lord Morden, Baron of Morden in the County of Cambridge.— Lond. Gaz. We are authorised to assure the Public, that when the Hon. Mr. Yorke accepted the Seals, it was without any Consideration whatever, except the Peerage, which has constantly at- tended the Office of Chancellor; and that the Terms mentioned in other Papers of Pension, Reversion, & c. are absolutely false. A Motion, it is said, is intended to be made in a certain Great Assembly, on Wednesday next, for an Address to his Majesty, to declare which of his Majesty's Ministers advised the Measure of taking the Seals from the patriotic Lord Camden. Yesterday Lord Camden appeared at Court as a private Nobleman; and stayed but a short Time. In the Irish Lift of Pensions on the Civil Establishment in that Kingdom, is the follow- ing Article: " Charles, Baron Camden, 1500l. Sept. 11, 1756, Life; to commence from the Determination of his Office of Chancellor, to cease when his Son John Jeffery Pratt becomes one of the four Tellers of the Exchequer." It is confidently said that the Liberty of the Press will be one of the next Subjects that is to come under the Consideration of a great Assembly. Yesterday the Earl of Chatham paid a Visit to the Marquis of Rockingham, at his House in Grosvenor- Square, where he remained in Conference with the Marquis upwards of two Hours. What may not the now distracted Nation expect from the cordial Union of two such Men, who have only the Good of their Country in View. And Yesterday his Grace the Duke of Northum- berland paid a Visit to the Earl of Chatham, at his House in Pall- Mall, where he remained up- wards of two Hours in Conference ; afterwards his Lordship set out for Hayes. Sir Edward Hawke has lately had several Conferences with his Majesty on the Subject of important Naval Regulations, the Expediency of which will very shortly be debated in an august Assembly. It is a Report, which gains Credit, that as soon as the necessary Business is gone through, a certain Assembly will be prorogued, and that the much- expected Business will not be entered upon. We are assured that the D. of G. has, within these few Days, expressed himself to a great Personage in these Words: " Without Firmness this Nation is undone." Lord M d said on a late Occasion, in a Discussion of the People's Rights, that, not- withstanding the Invectives that he knew had been thrown out against him, by the popular Resentment, " He had ( pointing to his Breast) a Friend there, that told him, he was at all Times ready to stand forth, in Defence of the meanest Subject that was aggrieved. When it was hinted to the Earl of C— v— try, upon the Dismission of the Earl of H— t— d— n, that he might have the Gold Key, in Cafe he thought proper to ask it, his Lordship replied, that he would neither ask or accept of any Key, that should lock up his Conscience. We are well informed, that the Office of Chief Justice in Eyre will be kept with that of Speaker of the House of Commons. Sir John Cust, Bart, the present Speaker, is in so dangerous a State of Health, that his Life it despaired of. The Duke of Bedford, we are informed, is relapsed. We have the Pleasure of assuring the Public, that Mr. Wilkes is greatly recovered of the Disorder in his Bowels, and is now in a fair Way of Recovery. A Practice has prevailed for some Time past, which cannot but be allowed pernicious to the Public, and highly derogatory from the Honour of a great Assembly; that of retaining in the Address the Words of the Speech, and of fol- lowing it servilely from Period to Period, as if it must necessarily follow that the P t should always adopt the Sentiments of the Court. The Charge against the late great and illus- trious Lord Chancellor, for issuing the Writ of Election, is as absurd as that formerly against Lord Chief Justice Willes ( by a famous naval Court Martial, for which their Ignorance was sufficiently exposed). This, however, shews to what paltry Means the ministerial wretched Tools are reduced, in order to blacken or tra- duce the greatest Chancellor and most honest Man of these or any other Times: But, hap- pily, those Blackmoors will sooner themselves be washed white, than their Malice tarnish the Virtues of so great, so good, and so excellent a Man, now not less lamented when out of Of- fice, than admired and revered while in it. We hear a noble Commander, to whom a Petition was last Year given in Behalf of the Half- pay Officers, but was not presented to his Majesty, intends, among other Regulations that are speedily to take Place in the Army, to enquire previously into the Means of Subsist- ence among several of that Corps, exclusive of their scanty Allowance. Yesterday the Morpeth Petition was presented to his Majesty at St. James's, by Thomas De- laval and Francis Eyre, Esqrs. and was graci- ously received. On Wednesday last Thomas Morgan, Esq; Member of Parliament for the County of Mon- mouth, kissed his Majesty's Hand, on being appointed Lord Lieutenant and Custos Rotu- lorum of the Counties of Monmouth and Brecon. The Prohibition of the Exportation of Wheat, & c. ceases in twenty Days after the Meeting of a great Assembly, whose Hurry and Multipli- city of Business, it is humbly hoped, will not occasion this very particular Circumstance to escape their Attention. It generally used to be considered the second Day. Several Men- Eaters are now speculating upon this, and, if not prevented in due Time, immense Quanti- ties of Corn will be monopolized. Accounts are said to be preparing of the Quantity of Candles made in England from Midsummer, 1756, to Midsummer, 1769, with the Amount of the Duties thereon. A Great Person, who possesses an uncommon Turn for Mechanicks, we hear, has a Machine in one of his Apartments for Turning, that, on Account of its Construction, after a Model of his own, cost Five Hundred Pounds. Wednesday Night, at Nine o'Clock, an Ex- press came to the India House, with an Account that the Bute, Capt. Maitland, for Madras and China, and British King, Capt. Hoare, for St. Helena, Bencoolen, andChina, going over that Part of the Flat near Margate, called the Spani- ard, both struck a- ground, but that the British King in about an Hour got off, and is since arrived safe in the Downs not in the least dama- ged ; but the Bute was fast on the Sands. The Ship's Company, with great Assistance from Shore, had fixed Booms to keep her upright, and were throwing her Guns, & c. oveverboard, in Hopes the next Tide to get her off, but as she struck just at high Water, it was very doubtful whether she could be saved, the fine Weather and moderate Wind being however in her Favour; but if there shoud be high Winds soon, she must inevitably be loft. The Talbot Indiaman, just arrived from Ben- gal, had very fine Weather the whole Passage, off the Cape, where she met with intense Cold. Mr. Scott, and another Gentleman, Passengers, were so hurt by the Cold that they were obliged to flay at St. Helena to recover themselves. — The Passengers came on Shore at Portsmouth, where the Custom- House Officers behaved very ill, taking every Thing of Silk from them ; the Ladies were stripped of their Petticoats, & c. and were obliged to buy other Cloaths at Ports- mouth to put on ; the Gentlemen were stripped even of their Pocket Handkerchiefs which they had worn for Years. Such Behaviour cer- tainly deserves Redress. On the 6th lnst. a Number of Persons boarded the Prince William Sloop, in the Service of the Customs, then lying in the Harbour of Dun- dee, knocked down and bound the Watch on Deck, consisting of two Soldiers and a Sailor, secured the Main- Hatches and the Companion- Door, and Forecastle Scuttle of the Sloop, thereby confining the Commander and Sailors below, and went on board the Surprise Sloop, lying along- side the above Sloop, opened the Hatches, and carried off sundry Chests of Tea which were under Seizure. Advice was Yesterday received ( dated Dec. 6) from the Rev. Mr. Whitefield, of his safe Arrival at Charles- Town, South Carolina, the 2d ult. in good Health, preaching every other Day to crouded Auditories: He intends stay- ing there a few Days longer, and then proceed to Georgia. The Coiners, who have been detected at Ha- lifax in Yorkshire, had carried on that perni- cious Practice many Years: The Detection was made at the Custom- House by one of the Clerks, who discoverod that there wanted the Full- point in the Guinea between Georgins and III. The Ottoman Porte has called upon France to fulfil her Engagements by Land and Sea in so peremptory a Manner, that the Court of Versailles has been obliged to promise the Grand Signor the Assistance of a Fleet of eight Men of War immediately, and to furnish him with 10,000 Men early in the Spring. A Number of Irish have lately arisen in In- dignation at the Parliament's being prorogued at a Time when so much and so great Business is on the Tapis, to the great Confusion and Dan- ger of the ministerial Members, one of whom is actually in Town. The personal Effects of the late Earl of Ux- bridge go to the Eggerton Family, and the Estate and Borough of Paget devolve to Capt. Bailey, Son of Sir Nicholas Bailey.— The late Earl had a most remarkable Passion for the Pur- chase of Horses, of every Size, Sort, and Co- lour. He was in Possession of upwards of seven hundred when he died; he was ever purchasing, but was never known to fell a Horse. Thursday ten Prisoners were tried at the Old Baily, four of whom were capitally convicted, viz. Benjamin Jones, for assaulting Robert Thyer in Brownlow- street, Long- Acre, and robbing him of a Silver Watch and some Mo- ney ; William Moody and John Jones, alias Posnet, for breaking and entering the Dwel- ling- house of Mr. Wood, in Petty France, Westminster, and stealing thereout a Pair of Silver Shoe and Knee- Buckles; and Thomas Dunk, for assaulting John Read, in the Green Park, in " November last, and robbing him of his Watch and Money. Two were call for Transportation, and four acquitted. And Yesterday twenty- four Prisoners were tried, three of whom were capitally convicted, viz. John Chapman, for assaulting John China on the Highway ( in Company with Patterson, convicted on Wednesday) and robbing him of a Guinea and a Half and some Silver; and John Lister and Isaac Pemberton, for breaking open the Dwelling- House of Sir Tho. Wilson, Bart, in Dean- street, Soho, and Healing a large Quan- tity of Plate, & c.— Nine were cast for Trans- portation, one whipped, and 11 acquitted. The Trials of the Persons for the Murder of the Watchman, and several other Indictments on the Middlesex Side, are put off till the next Session, on account of this being Essoign- Day of Hilary Term. A few Days since an elderly Gentleman, at Vauxhall, upwards of sixty Years of Age, pos- sessed of an immense Fortune, set out for Scot- land with a Lady of seventeen Years of Age, with a Fortune of 25ool. per Annum, and has fettled upon her a Jointure of 500I. a Year. Promoted.] Richard- William- Wilson Bris- tow, Esq; Brigadier and Lieutenant in the first Troop of Horse. William Breton, Esq; Sub Bri- gadier and Cornet, in the room of Mr. Bristow. Cornet Geo. Barlow, Esq; Adjutant and Lieu- tenant in the second Troop of Horse Guards. Cornet John Leech, Lieutenant in the 16th Regiment of Dragoons; and is succeeded by Cornet David Ballingal, from Half- pay. Married.] At Birmingham, Mr. William Turner, Merchant, to Miss Hannah Russell, Daughter of Mr. John Russell, an eminent Merchant of that Town.— Francis Russell, Esq; of Gray's- Inn, London, to Miss Ann Kirshaw, third Daughter of the Rev. Dr. Kirshaw, Vi- car of Leeds, Yorkshire.— Thomas Forrest, Esq; to Miss Elves, of Wimbledon. Died.] At Mile- End, Edward Parker, Esq. — At Hays in Middlesex, Mr. Thomas Cook, Rum Merchant, late of George- street, Oxford Road. — Mr. George Spurstow, Apothecary in Chester.— At his Apartments near Bloomsbury, Racket, Esq.— In Beaufort- Buildings, in the Strand, Mr. Mullings, Persumer. Worcester, Jan. 17, 1770. THE TRUSTEES appointed by Act of Parliament for building a NEW BRIDGE over the River SEVERN, in this City, give Notice to all such Persons as are willing to undertake the Building of the same upon the Foundation of the Old Bridge, agree- able to the Plan, Elevation, and Section of Mr. Gwynn, Architect, ( which, with further Par- ticulars, are to he seen at the House of Michael Brown, in Broad- Street, Clerk to the said Trustees,) that they may deliver in Estimates, sealed up, to the said Mr. Brown, of the Masons, Carpenters, and Ballast Work, in order to be laid before the Committee at their next Meeting, on Wednesday the 28th of February, at the Guildhall. Also all Persons that are willing to undertake the Building of a TEMPORARY BRIDGE, below the present Bridge, may give in Plans and Estimates of the fame, sealed up, to the said Mr. Brown, in order to be laid before the Committee at the said Meeting. N. B. It is expected that Security shall be given, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees, for the Performance of the whole Work. THE Widow of die late deceased Mr. THOMAS HOLLINS, Sadler and Collar- maker of Bewdley, in the County of Worcester, intends carrying on the said Trade. She earnestly solicits all her late Husband's Customers to continue their Favours, and it will be greatly acknowledged by Their most obedient humble Servant, ELIZ. HOLLINS. THE Creditors of THOMAS HOLLAND, of Tenbury, in the County of Wor. cester, against whom a Commission of Bank- rupt hath been awarded and issued, are desired to meet at the Swan Inn, at the Bridge End, near the Town of Tenbury aforesaid, on Fri- day the 9th Day of February next, by Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon, in order to con- sider of the most proper Method to be taken with the Bankrupt's Estate for the Credi- tors Benefit, that a Dividend may be made; and on other special Matters. THE Trustees of the Estate and Effects of JAMES JONES, of the City of Worcester, Grocer, intend, so soon as may be, to make a Dividend of the Effects of the said James Jones: Such of the Creditors as have not already given in an Account of their Debts, are desired to deliver the fame to Mr. Watkins, Attorney, in Worcester, or in Default thereof they will be excluded the Benefit of such Dividend, the Whole being intended to be divided amongst such Creditors only as have or shall comply with the Terms of the Deed of Trust, and ascertain their Debts to the Satis- faction of the Trustees. TO BE SOLD, A Freehold Messuage or Tene- ment, with a Barn, Garden, and two Pieces of Pasture Land thereto belonging and adjoining, situate near Headley's Cross, in the Parish of Feckenham, in the County of Worcester, by the Side of a publick Turnpike Road leading from Bromsgrove to Alcester. The Messuage or Tenement is in the Possession of Mary Shakespear, Widow. For Particulars apply to Mr. Bird, Attorney, ¡ n Worcester. To be SOLD, Together or Separate, AFarm- House, and a small Pub- lick- House, with about eighteen Statute Acres of Land lying nearly together, at Wichhold, about two Miles on the Road from Droitwich to Bromsgrove, in the Parish of Dodderhill, and County of Worcester ; also about nineteen Statute Acres of Land lying likewise together, in the same Parish, within less than a Mile of the former; and some Tithes, twenty Shillings per Annum or upwards, ¡ ssuing out of an Estate in the Neighbourhood.—- The Whole lett at 38l. Ios. per Annum, but improveable. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Thorneloe, in Worcester. TO BE LETT, And Entered upon at Lady- Day next, AGRASING FARM, situate near Droitwich. For further Par ticulars enquire of Mr. William Woodhouse, of Salwarp, near Droitwich aforesaid. TO BE LETT, And Entered upon at Lady- Day next, ( Pleasantly situated at Droitwich, near the New Navigation, and late in the Occupation of Wheeler, Esq; deceased) A Large, and very commodious Mansion- House, in thorough Repair ; consisting of a large Kitchen, a Hall, two Parlours, and other Conveniences on the Ground Floor; with two good Cellars ; and on the second Floor are a large Dining- Room, three large Chambers, all in the Front, with two Closets, and one Chamber backwards; and over the Whole are very good Garrets. Then are likewise a good Brewhouse ( in which is a constant Supply of good Water); a Stable and Barn adjoining; together with a large Fruit and Flower Garden, walled in, and a Kitchen Garden ; as also about two Acres of good Orcharding. Further Particulars may be had of Mr. Collet, Attor- ney, in Worcester; or of Mr. Harry Priddy, Carpenter, in Droitwich, who will shew the Premisses. TO BE LETT, And Entered upon at Lady- Day next, on a Leafs for Seven or Fourteen Years, A Farm, situate in the Parish of White Lady Aston, in the County of Worcester, now in the Tenure of Henry New, consisting of two Mes- suages, Barns, Fold- Yards, and Out- Buildings, and about 22I Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land. The Premisses are situate about four Miles from the City of Worcester, five Miles from Pershore, and eleven from Evesham. The Dwelling- Houses and Premisses will be put in tenantable Repair, and as Part of the Lands may be greatly improved at a small Expence, Encouragement wilt be given to the Tenant for that Purpose. Any Person inclined to treat for the same, are desire ; to deliver their Proposals in Writing to Mr. Bund, Attorney, on the 14th Day of February next, between the Hours of Four and Six in the Afternoon, at the Bell Inn, in Broad- Street, in the City of Worcester, when the Person offering the best Terms will have the Refusal of the Farm upon proper Covenants. The present Tenant will shew the Premisses at any Time before the Day of letting ; and for further Particulars enquire of Mr. Bund, Attorney, in Worcester. THURSDAY'S POST. ( By EXPRESS from LONDON.) Arrived a Mail from FLANDERS. Warsaw, December 20. THE Russians are resolved to lay Siege to Bender, as soon as the Sea- son will permit: This Enterprize is at present impracticable, on Ac- count of the Ground being so fro- zen as to prevent the Works being carried on. Letters from Vienna inform that in conse- quence of a Treaty between the Grand Signior and the Court of Ispahan, the Persians will be involved in the present War between the Turks and Russians. Ancona, Dec. 26. The Pope has given Or- ders to repair this Port, and has forbid the Sale of Powder and warlike Stores to Foreigners. Stockholm, Jan. 10. The finishing Blow was given to the French Interest at this Court on the 7th Instant, by the Ratification of a secret Treaty between Sweden, Denmark, Great Britain, and Prussia. LONDON, Tuesday, January 23, On Saturday Evening, about Five o'CIock, died, at his House in Bloomsbury- Square, after A very short Illness, the Right Hon. Charles Yorke, Lord High Chancellor of GreatBritain. The immediate Cause of his Death is variously related. A feverish Disorder had hung upon him for some Days, and a Cold, which he caught in going to Court to receive the Seals, is supposed to have brought on very dangerous Symptoms. It is said, by some, that in conse- quence of an Emetic, taken on Friday Morn- ing, he burst a Blood Vessel; by others, that a scorbutic Eruption, to which he had been subject, suddenly struck in, and proved fatal. In May, 1755, he married Miss Catherine Freeman, by which Lady ( who died July 10, 1759) he had Issue, 1. Philip, born May 29, 1757; 2. Margaret; 3. Catherine; both of whom died Infants. He afterwards ( Dec. 25, 1762) married Miss Agnes Johnson, of Berk- hampstead, by whom he had Issue Charles, Phi- lip, and Caroline. He died in the 48th Year of his Age. His Great Uncle, the Lord Somers, and his Father, the first Earl of Hard- wicke, had both filled the important Office of Lord High Chancellor with the highest Repu- tation, Abilities, and Lustre. This Gentle- man, for his various and extensive Talents in public Business, and his many amiable Virtues and Accomplishments in private Life, will be for ever revered and lamented by those who had the Happiness to know him, and whose Loss will be deeply felt by the Public in general. We are informed of the following Intelli- gence from a Correspondent, which may be relied upon as authentic:— Lord Morden, the late Lord Chancellor, ( since Lord Camden's Removal was determined on) received hourly Invitations from the Ministry to accept the Seals; which he not only declined, but assured several Members in the Opposition ( particu- larly Lord Rockingham) that he never would, nor could, on Terms which he could but look upon as derogatory to his particular Senti- ments, as well as the Interest of his Country. On Wednesday Morning last he received a par- ticular Message, immediately from his M— y, desiring his Attendance at the Queen's Palace, and there was so warmly solicited by him in Person, that unable to withstand such repeated Solicitations, he assented.— On his Way home he called at Lord Rockingham's, when meet- ing with several Members in the Opposition, he told them what had happened, at which they one and all upbraided him in such poig- nant Terms, of his Infidelity, that he was in- stantly taken ill; from whence he was imme- diately removed to his own House, where he continued so till Saturday Evening, when he died. The Duke of Grafton being informed of this Circumstance, about Eight o'CIock the same Evening, he, with Lord Weymouth, and several others at the Head of Aministration, immediately waited on his Majesty; when it was there resolved, that the Seals should not be personally disposed of ' till after the en- suing Term. And Yesterday a Commission passed the Great Seal for appointing Mr. Justice Bathurst, Mr. Justice Alton, and Mr. Baron Smythe, to execute the Office of Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, during his Majesty's Pleasure. It being generally presumed that Mr. Yorke died a Peer of Great Britain, from his having received his Majesty's Grant, it may be proper to acquaint our Readers, that the Patent had not passed the Great Seal. Mr. Woodhouse, who had received the Patent from the proper Officer, was preparing it for his Lordship to seal, and went into the Room just Time enough to catch him in his Arms before he expired. The late Mr. Yorke enjoyed a Patent Place for Life, with his Brother, the Hon. J. Yorke, of Clerk of the Crown in the High Court of Chancery. An Express was sent to Sir Joseph Yorke at the Hague, on Saturday Morning, informing him of his Brother's being appointed Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain; and in the Evening another, with the melancholy Account of his Death. It is very remarkable, that the Lords Chief Justices Lee and Ryder, and the late Lord Chan- cellor Yorke, died before their Patents for Peer- age patted the Great Seal. It is said that the Acceptation of the Seals by the late Lord Chancellor, was so very disagree- able to his Friends, that when he wrote them Advice of it, he received Letters soon after in Return, which when opened appeared a void Blank within. Yesterday the Right Hon. Lord Camden was at the House of Peers, perfectly recovered from his late Indisposition. — It seems to be the ge- neral and earnest Wish of the Public, that this worthy Nobleman may be prevailed on to re- fume the Seals. It is said that the M y are extremely puzzled to know how or where they shall dis- pose of the Seals, so as to give the least Dis- satisfaction to the Public. It is said that the Hon. Col. Fitzroy, Bro- ther to the Duke of Grafton, will be appointed Lieutenant General of the Ordnance, in the room of Gen, Conway, who is to succeed the Marquis of Granby, as Master General of the Ordnance. The Anxiety which a certain great Personage it said to labour under, on account of so many Resignations of the leading Men, is beyond Expression ; and it is thought proper Measures will be taken to engage them to re- assume their former Posts, as their Disgust is attributed to the Behaviour of those who have of late so strongly opposed them in some political Debates. This Day his Majesty went in the usual State to the House of Peers, where Sir Fletcher Norton, being presented to him as Speaker of the Commons, his Majesty was pleased to ap- prove of their Choice, and received him very graciously.— Gaz. We are well informed that the joint Emolu- ments, Speaker and Justice in Eyre, one of which is a Sinecure, amount to near Twelve Thousand Pounds per Annum. Yesterday Lord Mansfield fat as Speaker in the House of Peers, on Account of the Demise of the late Chancellor. We have Authority to allure the Public that Sir John Cull, Bart, the late Speaker of the House of Commons, was this Morning much better, and is in a fair Way of Recovery. It is whispered that a Motion will be made for an Address to remove the Minister. The Minority now, with those who are gone over within a few Days past, with a noble Mi- litary Commander, are said to amount to 246. A formidable Majority, if they would all be at the Trouble of attending. Within this Week no less than five Noble- men and Gentlemen, of Ability and Fortune, have become Members of she Minority Club, We are assured that a Letter of Thanks from a certain Quarter will speedily be presented to Sir G— S , the S G , and Mr. E B , for their noble and spirited Behaviour in a great Assembly. The M—— of G was at Court on Sun- day, and was honoured with the fame Distinc- tion by his M and the whole Court as if nothing unusual had happened. The Measures that are resolved upon with regard to North- America have now transpired. A Squadron of Men of War is ordered to be fitted out, on board of which four Regiments are to embark, with a proportionate Trian of Artillery; and if the Provinces do not submit to legal Measures, without Opposition, they will be taught that Obedienee which is due from Colonies to the Legislature of their Mo- ther Country. At a Board of Admiralty held a few Days since at the Admiralty- Office, Charing Cross, we are informed, that it was resolved to put several capital Ships of War into Commission, with all convenient Speed. Sunday very Interesting Advices were recei- ved at Lord Weymouth's Office, in Cleveland- Row, from the Court of Spain. On Saturday two thousand new Muskets, Tower Proof, were shipped on board a Vessel in the River for the Use of the Russian Admi- ral Elphinston, now at Portsmouth. By authentic Letters just received, we are in- formed, that the French are exporting vast Quantities of warlike Stores from Brest, Tou- lon, & c. but where these Armaments are des- tined has not yet transpired. The last Letters from Spain advise, that the Workmen in the different Dock- Yards work double Tides, which, together with the Fre- quency of Couriers arriving from, and setting out for Paris, gives Rife to Conjectures that Matters of Importance are in Agitation. They write from Leghorn, that almost every Italian State on the Mediterranean, now courts the Alliance of the Empress of Russia. We have Advice, that a Rupture mull inevit- ably break out between the Court of France and the Republic of Genoa, in consequence of some late Transactions respecting the Island of Corsica. Letters by the French Mail, arrived this Day, say, that a very large Body of Ruffians had passed the Danube, had taken a Place of great Consequence, and were advancing towards Constantinople. Letters from Rome, by Yesterday's Mail, ad- vise, that several Sovereigns and Princes of Ger- many have requested the Pope to diminish the Number of Festivals which are at present ob- served in the Romish Church. Sir Thomas PymHales, Bart, is chose Mem- ber of Parliament for Dover, by a Majority of 26 against Mr. Trevanion ; but, ' tis faid, Mr. Trevanion intends to petition the House con- cerning this Election. This Day the Supporters of the Bill of Rights dined at the London Tavern, when Robert Baldy, Esq; took the Chair according to Rota- tion ; after Dinner some new Members were admitted, and paid in their Subscriptions. It is said that a Motion will be made in an august Assembly, for Leave to bring in a Bill for more effectually preventing the infamous and pernicious Custom of Foreftalling the vari- ous Markets. Counterfeit Nine- shilling Pieces are now very current about Town. There is no percep- tible Difference between these and the real ones; except the Metal being more red, and the R in the Word Port reversed. We hear that the Mechanics, called Horners, who chiefly reside in and about Petticoat- Lane, intend to apply to the D of C , to obtain his Interest to make them a City Com- pany, and to request that he will honour them by becoming Master thereof. They write from Dublin, that in consequence of a political Dispute, aDuel was lately fought near Timolin, between Capt. L and a young Clergyman, in which the latter was so dangerously wounded that his Life is des- paired of. Saturday last the Sessions ended at the Old Bailey, when 12 Prisoners were tried, one of whom was capitally convicted, viz. Richard Lost, for stealing a black Gelding out of the Stable of Edward Collier, a Farmer, at South- Fleet, in Kent; ten were ordered for Transpor- tation, and one acquitted. To the PRINTER. SIR, Underneath you have the Copy of a King's Message, desiring the Parliament to proceed to settle all the Grievances complained of, in a summary Way. Your's, & c. CLER. OFF. ( COPY. ) HIS Majesty, perceiving the manifold Dis- tractions which are now in this Kingdom, which'cannot but bring great Inconvenience and Mischief to the whole Government; in which, as his Majesty is chiefly Interested, so he holds himself, by many Reasons, most obli- ged to do what in him lies for the preventing thereof, which cannot admit of the Delay of the ordinary Proceedings in Parliament; he doth think fit to make this ensuing Proposition to both Houses of Parliament: That they will with all Speed fall into a serious Consideration of all those Particulars which they shall hold necessary, as well for the upholding and main- taining of his Majesty's just and regal Autho- rity, as for the present and future Establishment of the Privileges of his Subjects; as it shall then appear, by what his Majesty shall do, how far he hath been from intending or design- ing any of those Things, which the too great Fears and Jealousies of some Persons seem to apprehend; and how ready he will be to ex- ceed the greatest Example of the most indul- gent Princes, in their Acts of Grace and Fa- vour to the People : So that if all the present Distractions which so apparently threaten the Ruin of this Kingdom, do not, by the Blessing of Almighty God, end in an happy and blessed Accommodation, his Majesty will be ready to call Heaven and Earth, God and Man, to wit- ness that it hath not failed on his Part. Intelligence Extraordinary. Tower of London, Jan. 20. Several Apart- ments are ordered to be fitted up here in so ele- gant a Manner, that it is expected we shall soon have some Tenants of high Rank. Report upon Change. It is said that a certain N n, who proposed commencing a Suit against a particular young Gentleman for Crim. Con. has been dissuaded from this Design by the Promise of a Du— 1 Coronet, two Nobs of which have already been planted on his Head. A certain Lady, who lately made a Faux Pas, has endeavoured, by repeated Solicita- tions, to reinstate herself in the Favour of her injured Lord; but he positively refuses ever having any Connexions with her. It is currently reported that there is a Plan on Foot for a Seminary, or Asylum, for the Re- treat of unfortunate, married Women of Fa- ction, who have imprudently committed; Adultery Bank Stock, 150. India ditto, 207. 1 - half. South Sea ditto, shut. Ditto Old Annuities, 83 1- 8th a 3- 8ths. Ditto New, shut. 3 per cent. Bank reduced, 83 7- 8ths a 3- 4ths. Ditto 3 per cent, consol. 83 3,4ths. 3 per cent, ditto 1726, shut. Ditto 175- 1, shut. Ditto India An- nuities 81 5- 8ths. 3 1/ 2 Bank Annuities 1756, . 3 percent, ditto 1758, 86 I- 8th 4 percent, cons. 1762, 94 1.4th a 3- 8ths. India Bonds 32s. a 33s. Bank long Annuities, shut. Exchequer Bills, —. BANKRUPTS required to surrender. Coesar Wincote, of Wandswortb, Surry, Whitener and Preffer ; Jan. 23. Feb. 2, March 3, at Guildhall.- John Roberts, of London, Merchant; Jan. 30, Feb. 10, March 6, at Guildhall. Charles Watkins, of Bristol, Fruiterer and Merchant ; Feb. 7, 9, March 6, at tie Three Tons, in Bristol. DIVIDENDS to be made to CREDITORS, at Guildhall, London. Jan. 3I. Francis Dillon and Fransis Cruise, of London, Merchant!. Feb. 13. Samuel Corral!, of West- Smith- field, Hosier. 15. Robert Matthews, of Sadlers Hall. Court, Cheapside, Merchant. 21. William Jefferson, of Newcastle upon Tyne, Dealer and Chapman, 21. David Speedy of Brecknall, Berkshire, Linnen- Draper. - 24. John England, of Cornbill, London, Hosier, —,— John Frime, of Bayswater, Middlesex. Brewer. Feb. 21. William Wenlock, of Great Bromley, Essex, Higler. Feb. 22. John Beardmore and Alexander Mainstone, of London, Oilmen. —— March 1. Joseph Ogborn, of Bridge- water; Somersetshire, Whip- maker, Grocer, and Chapman. Price of CORN per Quarter, at Bear- Key fired a Gun at It, but the Shot were too small to do any Execution. Since our last we have received Advice from Carmarthen, that by the Vigilance of the Gen- tlemen of the Blue Coat Hunt, headed by Sir William Manfell, Bart. Capt. Brigstock, & c. seven of the Villains concerned in the horrid Murder of Mr. Powell have been taken and committed to the County Gaol, viz. William David Morgan, Farmer, and his Son, a Lad about fifteen Years of Age; John Spickett, Perukemaker ; William Spickett, Mason ; Da- vid Llewellin, Farmer; Will Wat Evan, and John Isaack, Labourers; five of whom have acknowledged the Fact, and made the follow- ing Confession: — That early on Monday Morn- ing the 8th Instant, the above Murderers, to- gether with five others not yet taken, were brought by one William Williams, a Shop- keeper of Landovery ( who has been thirsting after the Blood of Mr. Powell for some Time) to the House of the abovementioned David Morgan, Farmer; where they continued till Six o'Clock in the Evening, when they sallied forth to put in Execution their horrid Design, having their Faces blackened, and being otherwise disguised in Waggoners Frocks. Upon their Arrival at Mr. Powell's, William Williams, with Wat Evan, William Spickett, David Llewellin, and two others, forced their Way into the House through the back Door, whilst the reft remained on the Outside ; and upon their entering in, Evan fired a Pistol, to intimidate the Servants, and, with John Spick- ett, and two others, kept Centry in the Passage, while Llewellin, Williams, and Wm. Spickett, rushed into the Parlour, where Mr. Powell was sitting with two of his Neighbours. Llewellin entered the Room first, but his Heart failing him, he was going to retreat, but being pushed on by Williams, instantly seized Mr. Powell by the Throat, while the two others stabbed him several Times in the Belly, in so barbarous a Manner, that his Bowels dropped out on the Floor; when having thus compleated their wicked Design, they all made their Escape out of the House. It seems Mr. Powell had been separated from his Wife for nine or ten Months past, and has long had a Suspicion there was a Design against his Life ; for about a Month ago, he said to a Gentleman, whom he met at Swansea, Do you take Care of yourself,— I know they will shortly do my Business. — I am not long for this Wot Id. — There are now two Fellows in this Town watching for me, I know them well. And when Mr. Powell saw the Assassins enter the Room, he cried Out, My God ! my God I 1 am gone, I am gone. Mrs. ******' s Brother and Nephew were concerned in this Murder, and the latter has been apprehended. We have just received Advice from Carmar- then, that two more of these Assassins have been apprehended, and were committed to Brecknock Gaol last Saturday Night ; and it is not doubted but the reft of them will be soon secured, as the most diligent Search is making after them. Wheat 28s. to 34s. Barley 14s. to 17s.' Oats 13s. to 16s. Brown'Malt 19s. to 23s Pale Malt 20s. to 25s. Rye 24s. to 30s. Pease 24s. to 26s. Hog Pease 20s. to 22s. Beans 21s. to 25s.- Tares 26s. to 30s. Finest Flour 30s. per Sack. WORCESTER, Thursday, January 25 In order that the intended New Bridge may be Toll - free, a Subscription is begun for de- fraying all Expences of building the same, widening the Avenues to it, & c. And we hear that upwards of One Thousand Pounds is already subscribed for that Purpose. We can, for a Certainty, assure the Public, that the Petition of the Freeholders of the County of Worcester, was presented to his Ma- jesty by the Right Hon. William Dowdeswell, Esq; Member for the County ; John Rushout, Esq; Member for Evesham; and Edward Foley, Esq; Member for Droitwich. On Friday last was discovered, in the Park of Thomas Foley, Esq; at Stoke Edith, in Herefordshire, an Eagle, of a large Size. It has been seen by many People several Times since; and on Tuesday the Keeper's Servant To the PRINTER. SIR, Magna est Veritas & prevalebit. Dr. ROCK. TEMPLE, Optician in Pall Mall, begs Leave to acquaint all the Patriots in 0reat Britain, ( whether they be pensioned Peers, or pilloried Booksellers, starving Orators, or dis- carded Statesmen) that besides the Political Spectacles, of which he advertised the Public some Time ago, he has laid in a curious Assort- ment of the following Goods: First, a MULTIPLYING - GLASS, for the Pocket of a Patriot ; which he may pull out occasionally, and let his good Friends the Mob take a Peep at Grievances at home, and Appre- hensions abroad; at Debts and Taxes; at the Virtues of the Opposition, and the Vices of the Ministry. Second, a THERMOMETER, of a new In- vention, which shews the Heart of Patriotism, and is constructed upon the following Scale : FREEZING POINT, when a Patriot is just stepping into a good Place : COOL, when he has a fair Prospect of one : TEMPERATE, when he does not care whe- ther he has one or not. N. B. The Glass has not stood at this Degree of Heat for many Years: WAR M, when he has just been kicked out : HOT, when he has been kept out some Time: VIOLENT, when he has shaken Hands with Discretion, and, like the vain, filly, deluded Yorkshire Baronet, wants to be sent totheTower: SUFFOCATING, when it is hang Choice whether he is starved with Hunger, or tucked up for Treason; which is the highest Degree of Patriotism imaginable, and exactly the Cafe with two Irish Orators, two King's Bench Priso- ners, two hungry Parsons, and several other dis tinguished Patriots in Town and Country. Third, Acurious MICROSCOPE, which mag- nifies upwards of two thousand Times. If any one was to take theUnderstanding of Sir Joseph M— by, Sir Francis D 1, or Sir Robert B d, and stick it upon a Pin, and look at it through this Glass, it would appear of a proper Size, though, in Reality, no big- ger than a Mote, and scarce visible to the na- ked Eye. Fourth, A POLITICAL BAROMETER, which prognosticates the Rising and Falling of Pa- triots Consciences. By some late Experiments it appears they are now down at Stormy, and there will, no Doubt, be much foul Weather. God save King MOB. COPY of a LETTER Sent to Miss POYNTON. MADAM, IBeg Leave to offer you the inclosed Lines, as a small Token of the Respect I bear to your poetical Merit; if you think them worthy of your Acceptance, and imagine that they will be of Service to you, if printed in the Worcester Journal, they are much at your Service. The only Return I shall desire from you, is, that you will make no Enquiries after the Author, who is quite unknown to you, though much a Well- wisher to your pre- sent Undertaking. I am, Madam, Your obedient humble Servant. Worcester, ____ Jan. 20, 1770. TO MISS POYNTON, Upon the indifferent Success which her Subscription has met with in this City. Her genuine Wreaths for thee kind Nature wove, And deck'd thy Brows with Laurels all her own ; Her native Strains thine artless Song improve. Her Voice inspires thee, and her Muse shall crown. Complain rot then, alas! of Sight bereft; Thy comprehensive Mind true Vision knows; T'illume thy Soul, thine Eye she vacant left; And there each brighter Form in Splendour glows. But shall thy Genius here neglected droop ? Shall fair Vigornia slender Tribute pay?. No; Taste, thy sinking Hopes to raise, shall stoop, And melting Pity own thy pow'rful Lay. For Woe's unfelt, the gen'rous Hearts shall heave, The brightest Eye shall drop a tender Tear ; Companion's lenient Hand thy Cares relieve, And sooth thy Grief, though not thy Loss repair. takes away all Grounds for Suspicion to the contrary, by marrying a youthful, beautiful, and opulent young Lady of the House and Name of Stuart. These Off- shoots, or Bye- slips of the Stuart- line, are, conjunctively, per- haps, Wo formidable a Power to be resisted with Safety to the State. But what shall we think of this Stuartizing Age, when Report tells us, that a D of B h, by Birth and long Descent a Stuart of the first Water, I dare not say illegitimate, I do not say legiti mate, is appointed to a distinguished Post in the Q—' s Houshold. The BRITISH SPY. To the PRINTER. THE following is said to be an exact List of the Gentlemens' Names whose Healths were lately drank, by the Electors of Westmin- ster, as Friends to Liberty, and to an Enquiry into the present State of National Grievances. Upon WILKES' S late Fit ofthe Choolic. NO more ye Sons of Freedom tune your Pipes For Liberty itself has got the G— pes. Upon JUNIUS. I'LL seek out this Junius, this Infant of Hell, Who to K— s and to Statesmen such Stories can tell. Cry's Will in a Rage-- SaysTom if you find him, Where's your Strength to detain, or Power to bind him ? Come take my Advice, ' tis wholesome l know; Never seek to catch him you would with to let go. EPIGRAM. Extempore. MOST think our present Heads are fully bent To change the Form of English Government. Let them ; and every Man will be their Debtor, Giving us ( not another, but) a better. That's the Dispute. But change November Climate, ' Twill please us all, from Cobler up to Primate. To the Good People of England. UPON the Expulsion of James the Second ( as Mr. Home phrases it) the good Peo- ple of England imagined they should not, in a Century or two, hear the Name of Stuart mentioned but with the highest Indignity and Resentment. The despotic Principles of that deluded Sovereign, and the severe Fate atten- dant upon those Principles, one would have thought might have sufficiently deterred any future Minister from again embarking the Royal Navy of Great- Britain on so perilous a Sea. But we have lived to see not only one Stuart, hut a Succession of Stuarts, take the lead in a British Administration, and we must not therefore any longer wonder if the same pernicious despotic Principles are revived in our Cabinet, and national Councils. The vo- luntary Expulsion, or Abdication, if I may so call it, of L B , only made room for a D— of G , who also is a Stuart by his first Ancestor; like the E— of B is also of royal, though illegitimate Birth. It is a shrewd Observation of Comazzi, an Italian Writer on Politics, and well worthy to be pursed op by every wife King, " never to put a Prince of the Blood, whether legitimate or not legiti- mate at the Head of his Government, or at the Head of his Armies." The Reason this Italian Politician gives, is cogent, is convictive. For, says he, if such a Premier, or such a General, does well, his Sovereign cannot reward him enough ; and if he does ill, his Prince cannot, in Prudence, punish him as he ought to be punished. Yet such is the Fashion of the present Times, nothing but a Stuart will now go down. Besides a L— B——, who is our Premier Abroad, we have a D— of G , a Stuart Premier at Home. Our President, indeed, of the P C is not of Stuart Origin, but he is descended from a Family who always professed Stuartic Prin- ciples. and whose Father, it is well known, had one Foot in the Stirrup, upon a certain Occasion. Yet, as if this Testimony of his Predilection for the Race of Stuarts was not sufficient, be has lately corroborated it, and Sir Ant. Abdy Benj. Allen Sir Edw. Astley John Aubrey Wm. Baker Isaac Barre Cha. Barrow Aubrey Beauclerk Lord Belasyse Capt. Bertie Hugh Bethel Sir Walter Blackett Henry Crab Boulton Sir Piercy Brett Mat. Brickdale John Buller, jun. Edm. Burke Wm. Borke George Byng J. Calcraft T. Calcraft N. Calvert J. Carnac Lord G. Cavendish Lord F. Cavendish Lord J. Cavendish H. Cavendish N. Cholmley Godfrey Clarke Sir Tho. Clavering Sir Rob. Clayton Geo. Clive Sir Wm. Codrington Sir Geo. Colebroke Cha. Wm. Cornwall R. H. Coxe Brass Crosby Tho. Coventry J. Damer, jun. Geo. Damer Sir Cha. Davers H. Dawkins Geo. Dempster Geo. Delaval Wm. Dowdeswell Lord Downe Lord Donegal J. Dunning T. Fitzmaurice Sir Rob. Fletcher H. Fletcher Tho. Foley, jun. Rich. Fuller Serj. Glynn W. Goddard Marquis of Granby J. Gregory Geo. Grenville H. Grenville Booth Grey Sir J. Griffin Tho. Grosvenor Tho. Hampden Lord A. Hamilton W. G. Hamilton Harbord Harbord Tho. Hay Geo. Hobart Geo. Honeywood B. Hotham Tho. Howard Wm. Hussey Geo. Hunt Gen. Irwin Adm. Keppel Gen. Keppel Sir Rob. Ladbroke J. Laroche Dan. Lascelles Edw. Lascelles Lord Ludlow J. Luther Geo. Manners Jos. Martin J. Manger Sir Jos. Mawbey Sir Wm Meredith Rich. Milles Sir J. Molesworth T. More Molyneux Geo. Musgrave J. Norris J. Parker R. Pennant Capt. Phipps Tho. Pitt Wm. Plumer Edw. Popham Alex. Popham Chase Pryce Tho. Pownall J. Ratcliffe J. Rushout Lord Geo. Sackville Sir J. St. Aubin A. St. Leger S. Salt Sir Geo. Savile Sir Ch. Saunders J. Sawbridge J. Scawen T. Scrope J. Scudamore H. Seymour T. G. Skipwith J. Smith Fred. Standert H. Strachey Lord Thomond T. Thoroton Hon. Tho. Townshend Tho. Townshend, jun. Ja. Townshend B. Trecothick Ch. Turner G. W. Van Neck Lord Verney John Walsh B. Walsingham R. Waller John Walter William Weddell J. West T. Whateley R. Whitworth Sir Cecil Wray J. Willoughby John Yorke 138 Sir Fr. Vincent Fred. Montague 140 The new- invented Cake Ink, Made by John Tiring, the sole Patentee, And found, by repeated Experience, to be the finest, blacked, and most durable INK ever offered to the Publick, for every Species of Writing, and greatly superior to any Ink Powder. THE Ink made from this Cake is it thin at Water, will never mould, and when used, appears of a fine Black, which will never fade at long as Paper or Parchment will endure, but apparently makes a daily Improvement in Point of Beauty and Co- lour. Its peculiar Advantage for Travelling are greater than any other Species of Ink, at it may be packed in Baggage amongst the finest Linnen, without the least Dan- ger of staining ; and, as it is not subject to decay, 01 lose its Quality in any Length of Time, or Climate, Gentle- men, Merchants, and Others, may be supplied in the re- motest Part of the World, with the finest, blackest, and most durable Ink that can be procured in any Part of Eu- rope. Price Six- pence per Cake. Sold by H. Berrow, Printer of this Journal ; and in most principal Cities and Towns of Great Britain. N. B. By the special Appointment of the Patentee, all Shopkeeper! and Traders are desired to apply to Mrs. Sarah Smith and Son, Stationers, at No. 13, in Sweeting's- Alley, Royal Exchange, or to Mr. William Holdsworth, at his Slate Paper Warehouse, No. 7, Red Lion Court, Fleet- Street, London ; as Orders are executed for the Pa- tentee only at the above Places, AN ENTIRE NEW WORK, For all Christian Families. On Saturday the 27th of Jan. will be publish'd, NUMBER I. { Containing Three Sheets of Letter- Press, embellished with an elegant Frontispiece, by GRIGNION, Price ONLY THREE- PENCE, to be continued, and finished is One Hundred and Fifty Numbers, consisting of Two Sheets each, and Copper- plates,) Of ANew and Complete Family Bible, WITH NOTES and ILLUSTRATIONS. By several learned and eminent DIVINES. To the PUBLICK. " Knowledge conveys many Blessings to Mankind ; but the highest Degress of Natural, Political, Commercial, Philological, and Moral Knowledge, will leave Men far short of Heaven and eternal Life. They enlighten the Understanding, and enlarge the Faculties of the Human Mind, but cannot renew the Heart, or bring us acquainted with the only Saviour of Sinners, and the Things which make for our overlasting Peace. Divine Revelation was necessary, and blessed be God who hath committed his sacred Oracles unto us, which are truly the Eye of the Soul, a Lamp to our Paths, and the Light of the Worlds To the Knowledge of the Scriptures it is, that innu- merable Habitations, once the Seals of Ignorance and Superstition, now owe their Light, Liberty, both Civil and Religious, their external Happiness, inward Serenity, and Joy Divine. Happy is the Man who meditates on the Word of God Day and Night, and is mighty in the Scriptures. The Bible is a Vineyard which finds Work for a Multitude of Hands, and many learned Men, con- vinced of its Necessity and Advantage, have laboured in it with great Honour to themselves, and much Benefit to their Fellow creatures. The Authors of this Edition are not reduced to the Necessity of depreciating former Publications of this Kind ; or of puffing their own; as the most perfect which has been produced; the CHEAPEST it most certainly will be. The poor and even middling Families of the Land, do yet want an Instructor: In this new Publication, they will obtain one, sincerely disposed to teach, and to promote the Increase of religious Know- ledge, ambitious to merit the Esteem of the Learned and Pious, and to further the Salvation of immortal Souls. - Notwithstanding the exceeding Cheapness of the pre - sent Work, the Publick may be assured, that it will be executed in a very Elegant Manner ; and that the Judicious and Learned may meet with ample Entertainment, the closest and most faithful Attention will be paid to the La- bours of both Ancients and Moderns, which any way con tribute to elucidate the Holy Scriptures; being sensible that the Knowledge of God's Holy Will, is of infinite Service to Mankind, in end through Life, and it essential to our Communion with the Saints, with Christ, and with God, in the World to come. Proposals at large, with a full Plan of the Work, may he had gratis of the Publishers; and the Publick may be assured all above One Hundred and Fifty Numbers will be given without any additional Expence to the Sub- scribers, as well as all the fine Engravings by Grignion, Miller, & c. Birmingham, printed by Pearson and Aris, for R Baldwin, No. 47, in Pater- noster- Row ; E. and C. Dilly, in the Poultry ; S. Crowder, No. 12,, and Robinson and Roberts, No. 25, in Pater- noster- Row, London ; sold also by; Mr. Keating, in Stratford; Eddowes and Pryse. Shrewsbury ; Taylor, Stafford ; Jopson, Coventry; Hunt and Lingard, Atherstone; Taylor, Kidderminster ; Clare, Bewdley; Berrow, Worcester ; Barrow, Leominster Hodgson and Pugh, Hereford; Whittingham, Whit church, & c. Dr. James's Powder, For FEVERS, the SMALL- Pox, MEASLES, PLEURISIES, QUINSIES, ACUTE RHEU- MATISMS, COLDS, and all Inflammetory and Epidemical Disorders, as well as for those which are called Nervous, Hypochondriac, and Hysteric. AS many Accounts have been received of the spurious and adulterated Prepa- rations of this Medicine, the Venders of which, in order to sheild their Designs, have fraudently usurped the Names of Dr. James and Mr. Newbery, have imitated the Papers of Direction, and forged the Seal; and as repeated Complaints have been made of the dangerous, and even fatal Tendency of these counterfeited Powders, by People who have either experienced or have been Witnesses to their pernicious Effects, it became a Matter of Importance to obviate such Impositions, as well to vindicate the Reputation of the Genuine Medicine, as to establish some Criterion, whereby the Public might be assured of its Authenticity : They are therefore desired to observe, that since the 25th of March, 1767, all the Papers of Dr. James's Powder, have been Sold with the Name R. JAMES, written at the Bottom of the printed Directions with the Doctor's own Hand, and that for the future, no one Paper of his Powder will be Sold without being so signed by him. This Precaution, it is hoped, will be sufficient to defeat the wicked Purposes of avaricious and designing Men; for it is presumed, that those, who have hitherto not scrupled to commit a Fraud, will be cautious of being guilty of Felony by forging Dr. James's Name. N. B. Whoever will give Information of any Person or Persons counterfeiting this Medicine, To that they may be convicted thereof, shall receive Twenty Guineas on the Conviction of every such Offender. These Powders are Sold Wholesale and Re- tail by Francis Newbery, Junior ( only Son of the late Mr. John Newbery, and his Successor, in the sole Right of vending and disposing of the same) at hit Father's late House, No. 65, the Bible and Sun, on the North Side of St. Paul's Church Yard, near the Chapter- House London ; who has appointed them to be sold at H. Berrow's Printing- office, in Worcester. At the same Place are Sold all the other Medi- cines ia which the late Mr. John Newbery was concerned, viz. Dr. Hooper's Female Pills. The Cephalic Snuff for Disorders of the Head. Mr. Greenough's Tincture for the Teeth. The following approved Medicines ARE SOLD At H. Berrow's Printing- Office, in Worcester, and by the Distributors of this Journal. Monsieur MAITER JEAN's Incomparable EYE WATER, WHICH is esteemed an excellent Medicine for the Cure of weak, watery, and fore Eyes; takes off all sharp Rheums, clean them of Specks, Films, and beginning Cataracts strengthens and preserves the Sight, even to a very old Age ; and Hundreds that could hardly fee with Spectacles, by only using a Bottle or two of this Water, can now fee to read and do without them. A CAUTION to the PUBLIC. By the KING's PATENTS Dr. Walker's Patent Jesuits Drops, For which his Majesty was pleased to honour him with his Royal Letters Patent for England, Scotland, Ireland, and the Plantations. The great Success and Demand that is daily made for our never- failing genuine Jesuits Drops, which are the most certain, cheap, plea- sant, safe, effectual, and immediate Cure, ever discovered, for Gleets and Seminal Weaknesses, both Sexes ate subject to, though ever so obsti- nate, or ever so long standing, and by whatever Means occasioned; and also for the Venereal Disease, from its slightest to its most malignant Symptoms. Likewise for the Gravel, Stone in the Bladder, and all Scorbutick Cafes ever so long standing ; several Patients being deemed in- curable have found Relief after trying all other Medicines. Likewise all Nervous Disorders ; the Gont, Rheumatism, and all Disorders in the Stomach. — To be had at Our Warehouse. the King's Arms ( No. 45) opposite the Session's House Gate, Old Baily, London ; and likewise at BERROW'S Printing- Office, near the Cross, in Worcester; and of the Distributors of this Paper, in Bottles of Two Shillings and Six- pencc each. Where likewise is to be had Dr. Walker's Specifick Purging Remedy, at 2s. 6d. per Pot. For yonr Healths Sake ask for Dr. WALKER'S PATENT JESUITS DROPS, that you may not be deceived with a Counterfeit, as you fee daily advertised.— Several Prosecutions are now carrying on against Impostors— Advice given gratis in all Cases, by J. WESSELS and Co. To Mr. Norton, Surgeon, Golden- Square. SIR, Pontefract, Oct. 1, 1769. HAVING been afflicted with a violent scorbutic Disorder ever since I was 11 Years old, occasioned by a severe Surfeit I then got, every Spring and Fall, since that Time, I have either had ulcerous fore Legs or a violent Fever, till I took your Drops, which have entirely cured me. It is a Twelvemonth since I left off taking them, and have had no Return of my Disorder; on the contrary, I now enjoy a better State of Health than ever. You have my Leave to pub- lish this, in Justice to your Medicine, and for the Good of Mankind. I am, your humble Servant. THOMAS SMITH. Besides the above, there is a Number of Peo- ple in the Town and Neighbourhood of Ponte- fract, who to my Knowledge are cured by Mr. Norton's Drops; and who, though they will not allow theirCures to be published, may be referred to by applying to me. JOHN LINDLEY, Bookseller, at Pontefract. Yorkshire. Any Person still doubtful of the Efficacy of this Medicine, may ( by applying to Mr. Norton, Surgeon, the West- Side of Golden. Square, near Piccadilly, London; the only Author and Pro- prietor, where these Drops are sold in Bottles of Six Shillings each) be fully convinced of their good Effect, by being referred to many People of Credit, who have been cured of the Leprosy, Scurvy. Ulcers, the Evil, Fistulas, Piles, long, continued Inflammations of the Eyes, and every other Disorder arising from a Foulness in the Blood They may be taken in any Season with out the least Inconvenience or Hindrance of Bu- siness. They also perfect Digestion, and amaz- ingly create an Appetite. These Drops are in square Bottles, with this Inicription on them, viz John Norton, only Proprietor and Author of Maredant's Drops. N. B. None are genuine but what are signed by JOHN NORTON, in hit own Hand, Writing ; Who hath appointed them to be sold by H. BERROW, at his Printing Office, near the Cross, in Worcester, and may be had of the Distributors of this Paper. Of whom may likewise be had. Dr. Bateman's Pectoral Drops, for the Rhen- matism, & c is. Dr. Bateman's Golden Spirits of Scurvy Grass, for the Scurvy, & c. is. Dr. Bateman's Plain Spirts of Scurvy Grass, Price is. Dr. Fraunces's Female Strength'ning Elixir, an excellent Medicine, is. 6d. Radciffe's famous Purging Elixir, is. Dr. Bollock's Elixir, is. 3d. Dalby'sCarminative Mixtore, forWind, Gripes, and all other Disorders in the Bowels, is. Dr John Lord's Corn- Salve, which gives pre- sent Ease and perfect Cure, is. 6d. a Box. The curious Issue Plaisters ( to stick without filleting) is. a Box. Betton's Genuine British Oil, lor Wounds and Scalds, is. Betton's Refined Oil, to take inwardly, is. 6d. WORCESTER : Printed by H BERROW, near the CROSS; who fells all Kinds of Blank Warrants, Certificates, Summons's, Orders of Removal, and every other Form used by Justices of Peace, Parish Officers, & c. And at BERROWS's Printing Office may likewise be had, all Books, Pamphlets, Magazines, and other Weekly or Monthly Publications which are advertised either in the London or Country News Papers The PRINTING BUSINESS executed in a neat Manner en very reasonable Terms.
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