The Chelmsford and Colchester Chronicle; or Universal Weekly Advertiser
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The Chelmsford and Colchester Chronicle; or Universal Weekly Advertiser
Date of Article: 17/11/1769
Printer / Publisher: T. Toft and R. Lobb
Address: Chelmsford
Volume Number: Issue Number: 277
No Pages: 4
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Chelmsford and Colchester Chronicle: O R, UNIVERSAL WEEKLY ADVERTISER, Price Two- pence Halfpenny.] FRIDAY NOVEMBER 17, 1769. N°. 277 SUNDAY's POST. A. Saturday, November 11. LONDON. JT"^ YESTERDAY morn- \ jjj_ ing about ten o'clock, came on in the court of common - pleas, before lord justice Wil- mot, the long- expected and remarkable- trial be- tween lord Halifax and John Wilkes, esq. in regard to the seizure of the person and papers of the latter by the former. Serjeant Glynn, council for the plain- tiff, opened the case, and in a very ele- gant and spirited manner explained the unconstitutional
nature of the injury : he said, " that of all illegal outrages this was one that required the most redness, as on its establishment the peace, the liberty, and freedom of Englishmen depended he observed, " that though' the case in point may be thought only to relate, to Mr Wilkes, yet, as a breach of liberty, it respect- ed the constitution to general, and should be considered as such by every one who was not dead to the welfare and happiness of his country. He was answered by serjeant. Whitaker in the course of the trial, who endeavour- ed to prove that what the defendant did was not of that unconstitutional nature, as he acted
merely officially ; this he au- thorized by several precedents. which were mostly obsolete and anti revolution- til) he then appealed to the defendant's behaviour to Mr. Wilkes, after his being brought before him .; . deducing from thence that he did not in the least at from any particular pique or resentment, but from the nature of his office, which by the force of presumption, authorised and demanded his acting in that manner Lords Weymouth and Rothford were subpoena'd. As soon as the court was opened they desired to be dispatched, as' it was post day. On which Serjeant Glynn asked them, If they had the general warrants in
their possession, grant- ed by lord Halifax, to seize Mr. Wilkes's papers ? And on their answering in the negative, Serjeant Glynn told them that was all he wanted to know of them, and they retired. Lord Temple, Humphrey Coates, esq ; Mr. Beardmore, Mr. Phil- lips, and several others were examined, in order to prove the manner in which Mr. Wilkes was taken up, and the unci- vil treatment he met with during his con- finement in the Tower. Col. Onslow, in his examination, Could not recollect the receiving a certain letter from Mr. Wilkes; but Mr Phillips, on his exa- mination, produced a copy of the said letter he had received
from Col. Onslow himself, which occasioned a laugh throughout the court. See C if. Though the general charges were ad- mitted, yet the trial lasted till about 8 o'clock ; when the jury, after being out near three quarters of an hour, brought . in a verdict in favour of Mr. Wilkes, with 4000l. damages. Council for the plaintiff; Serjeant Glynn, Serjeant Leigh, and Mr. Lee. For the defendant; Serjeant Whitaker, Serjeant Davy, Serjeant Nares, and Mr. Wallis. The following is a correct list of the names of the jury who served ON the a- bove trial; and who, after the most ex- cellent charge given by the just and im- partial lord chief justice, to
give literal but not excessive damages ; and who, after the treasury minute- book was produced, from whence the extract underneath is copied, found a verdict for the plaintiff, with 40001. damages. Indeed so little to the satisfaction of the multitude pre- sent, that the jury were obliged to make their retreat the back way to escape the resentment and indignation of the popu- lace, with scarce time to take their fees, and without being invited to the accus- tomed refreshment or dinner. George Colson Smith, esq. of Poplar, Edward Buckley Batson, esq. of Hat- ton- Garden. David Walker, esq of Kensington. Edward Buckley, esq. of
Essex- street. Nicholas Marrisall, esq. of East- street, Robert Carey, esq. of Hampstead. Robert Hicks, esq. of Great Russel street. Josiah Holford, esq. of Southampton- row. John Gould, esq. of Hart- street. Samuel Hartley, esq. of Lincoln's- inn- fields, Heneage Robinson, esq. of Church- street, Hackney. The following was added as tales accord- ing to the statue, & c. Robert Gibson, of Red- lion- street, Clerkenwell, coal- merchant. It was observed, that out of the 48 freeholders struck on this jury, 17 of them were voters for for William Beau- champ Proctor, and that though two baronets were summoned to serve on the said
jury, neither of them appeared to try this great public as well as private cause ; which, with other defaulters, occasioned the talesman de circumstandibus to be impanelled and sworn. COPY from the TREASURY MINUTE- bOOK produced on the said trial, Whitehall treasury chamber, 31st of May 1765. Present MR. GRENVILLE, LORD NORTH, MR. HUNTER, MR. HARRIS, Mr. chancellor of the exchequer signifies to my lords his majesty's pleasure, that all ex- pences incurred or to be incurred, in conse- quence of actions brought against the earl of Halifax, one of his majesty's principal secre- taries of state, the under
secretaries and mes- sengers, and the solicitor of this office, for proceedings had by them in executing the business of their respective offices against the publisbers of several scandalous and seditious libels, should be defrayed by the crown ; and that a sufficient sum of money should be from time to time, issued to the solicitor of the treasury for that purpose. _ Read a paper received from Mr. Webb, stating what the expences are likely to be, and that a farther sum of 3000I. may pro- bably be wanted for discharging the same. Issue to Mr. Webb, from time to time, as the said services may require, a sum not exceeding 3000I.
directing him to apply the same according to his majesty's commands, to discharge the several expences abovementi- oned. It is well worthy of notice, that for the further security of the said earl, he obtained previous to his going out of office in 1765, a privy seal; that is, a warrant sealed by the lord privy seal ( who at that time was the duke of Marl- borough); for an indemnification of what- ever damages Mr. Wilkes might recover of his lordship, in the action that was then commenced. Never were stronger proofs of me- mory given, than appeared in Philip Carteret Webb, esq. on his examina- tion yesterday 011 the trial of lord
Halifax he did not forget a single cir- cumstance in behalf of the noble lord, and he remembered to forget every thing which might make against him ; tho' deprived of his sight, he looked at every word before he spoke it, so that every body agreed, he never saw more clearly than since he has been in the dark. On the examination of Mr. Blackmore ( one of the king's messengers) on behalf cf Mr. Wilkes, in regard to the seizure of his papers, he honestly confessed, that upon Mr. Wilkes's resisting him the key of his bureau, he, agreeable to his or- ders, picked the lock and swept away every paper he found. A very elegant
entertainment was pro- vided at the Kings- arms, Palace- yard, by Mr. Nathan Carrington) tha iden- tical Carrington named in the general warrant) for the special jury in lord Halifax's trial, at which Mr. Francis, the deputy solicitor of the treasury, attended and paid the reckoning by the order of his masters. Previous to the above trial Mr. Wilkes's friends were so certain that the jury would give the full damages laid in his action, that Mr. Reynolds, his attor- ney, advised him not to accept less than 15oool. from any of those persons who were for purchasing the damages before the trial, upon which he declared he would not take a
shilling less than what he had brought his action for. Matthew Browne, who was servant to Mr. Wilkes at the time his house was plundered, and who was to have been exa- mined, on the trial, in behalf of his ma- ster, was, by some unaccountable means, kept out of the way. The following is a short account of the proceedings between Mr. Wilkes and the earl of Halifax, previous to the trial. Wilkes, esq. against the earl of Halifax and the three messengcrs, who executed the general warrant ; original was sued out, tested June I, and returnable June 19, 1763; and the earl being summoned cast an essoin, which was adjourned till
Nov. 18.— Then comes in privilege ; which being at an end and all the essoin- ings expired, a distringas was taken out, tested Nov. 9. 1764, returnable May 27, — The sheriff returns 40s. issues.— The earl does not appear.— The court directs 50I. issues.— An alias distringas is taken out, tested May 30, and returnable June 18.— The sheriff returns his issues.— The earl does not appear.— The court orders 500I. issues.— A pluries distringas is taken out, tested, June 22, and returnable July 8.— In November ( 1764) Mr. Wilkes was outlawed, and here the affair dropped : but the outlawry being reversed on the 8th of June,
1768, the court of common- pleas was moved on the 20th of that month, that Mr. Wilkes might have leave to revive his cause, which was accordingly granted soon after. 2. From St. James's Chron. We are as- sured that Mr. Wilkes will shortly com- mence two fresh actions against lord Hali- fax, one for an assault, the other for faLse imprisonment. 3. Yesterday a privy council was held at St. James's when, a proclamation was ordered to be issued for the parliament to be further prorogued to the ninth of Ja- nuary next, then to sit for the dispatch of business; and also for the convocation to sit on the 10th of January. 4. Yesterday
the right honourable the earl of Harcourt set out again on his em- bassy to the court of France. 5. It was reported yesterday, that let- ters are received from Paris, giving an account that the French ambassador at Constantinople, is taken into custody in that city, and closely confined. 6. From Lond. Even. Post. A little time since, some persons were put into rhe commission of the peace for Leicester- shire, without the approbation, or even knowledge, of his grace the duke of Rutland, lord lieutenant of the county ; who resented this ill- treatment, by an im- mediate request to resign. The ministry offered to make humiliation; but his
grace, with a becoming spirit, declared the affront being public, the reparation must be so likewise. In the mean time the commission goes on, and the duke persists in his resignation. It is believed, that his noble son, the marquis of Granby, wiil follow the lau- dable example of his grace, and disdain to support a despotic administration, who could thus insult his venerable father; and against whose malice, neither rank, age, or a long series of services; and a faithful attachment to the present family on the throne, can plead any exemp- tion It is said the earl of Denbigh is to suc- ceed the duke of Rutland, as lord lieute- nant of the
county of Leicester. 7. Notwithstanding every ministerial influence used to the contrary, the patrio- tic freeholders of tbe county of Stafford are determined to petition the throne for a re- dress of the national grievances; for which purpose a meeting will shortly be held at the town of Stafford; Richard Whitworth, esq. the patriotic member for . the said town, is resolved to support his constituents in their said resolution, to the utmost of his power. 8. From Lond. Even. Post. The lord mayor on Thursday landed at Blackfriars stairs about three in the afternoon, and proceeded from thence to Guildhall, where a magnificent entertainment
was provided. The procession yesterday at the lord mayor's shew was very grand; though the cavalcade was not so numerous as it has been. The acclamations of the peo- ple were given with great propriety: those to lord Temple were constant, but not very loud; those to the present lord mayor resembled the voice of many waters, or rather the roarings of thunder ; those to the late lord mayor were chear- ful, but interrupted, and jostled with a tremulous vibration ; and those to the two sheriffs unanimonsly loud, and exult- ingly joyful. The lord chancellor met with all the applause which is the reward of unshaken integrity ; but the
speaker was left to speak for himself. The state- coach and horses were superbly grand ; and the new colours of his lordship's company were richly elegant. It was ob- served that only five aldermen attended the procession, exclusive of the two sheriffs. The entertainment at dinner was embel- lished with all the variety that magni- ficence and taste could produce. The company was very brilliant, and their at- tention was very much engrossed by the presence of Miss Wilkes, who was bien paree, mais degagee. At night the houses in the principal streets of the city were illuminated. The recorder neither went with the lord mayor
and aldermen to Westminster, nor returned with them; but met them at the exchequer court, and quitted them there: he even sent back to the lord mayor the tickets for the entertainment which had been addressed io him accord- ing to custom. Of all the great officers and ministers of state, who are always this day invited, one only,— the lord chancellor,— accepted the invitation, and was there a welcome guest. Paoli, after requesting and accepting tickets, obeyed the ministerial mandate, and absented himself; but he had leave to send his ambassador count Gentili. Sir James Hodges, KNIGHT, ( we lords, said Nicky- Nacky
Antonio, love to bo called by our titles)" was at Bath on ac- count of an ill disposition. His friend Mr. Harley was happy in his good company at the same place, and for the same reason. The common serjeant, it is said, had prudently hid himself under his wife's petticoats. Where sir Robert Ladbroke, and tho other worthies of the court of aldermen were, nobody knows;— for nobody en- quired. Lord Weymouth is supposed to have been employed with his coadjutors, in finding or making a reason for building, in the most proper place, another barrack, like that in Spitalfields, in order to finish the plan of surrounding the town with
troops ; the intrenchments in Essex, not far from the metropolis, which are de- signed for the head quarters, being near- ly compleated. Lord Barrington might be taken up writing a letter of thanks to the soldiers Printed by T. TOFT and R. LOBB, Booksellers, Bookbinders, . in the most elegant Manner, and and Stationers, in Chelmsford , Hand- bills printed at Two Hour; by whom the Printing Business is executed ; Notice.
in Spitalfields, for their gallant behaviour In killing some poor men in an alehouse, and suffering all those to escape whom they were sent as constables to apprehend. The duke of Bedford was not weeping like Alexander, because he had not ano- ther world to win ; but snivelling like himself, because he had another borough to lose. The duke of Grafton was reading Mil- ton on divorce. The of was' otherwise engaged, and lord Bute taking leave of his friends. Now we have told our readers who con- tributed to the happiness of the day by their absence, we will inform them who graced the entertainment by their pre- sence.
Besides the present and late lord mayor, the aldermen Stephenson, Tre- cothick, Crosby, Peers, and Halifax, the sheriffs Townsend and Sawbridge, the lord chancellor, the master of the rolls, Mr. justice Willes, Mr. baron Perrott, Sec. lord Effingham, the hon. Mr. Howard, Sir George Rodney, Sir Robert Bernard, Mr. Aubrey, Mr. Calcraft, Mr. Cornwell, colonel Miles, Mr. Trevanion, & c. the lady mayoress Mrs. Townsend, lady Brid- get Lane, Mrs. Macauley, Miss Pratt, Miss Wilkes, & c. Sec. There were pre- sent lord Temple with a garter more than other men, and Mr. serjeant Glynn with- out any garters at all, colonel Barre with a
single eye, and lord Shelburne with a single heart. The entertainment at Guildhall was the most elegant of any that has been given there for some years: plenty of wines of all sorts were delivered out to the company. Thc ball was opened about nine o'clock, but the dancing was soon put a stop to by the ill behaviour of some young fellows, said to be spirited up by two comedians, who about eleven o'clock, being heated with liquor, began to break the bottles, and before they departed, which was about five, a great number of bottles were smashed to peices: two ladies were much hurt by the bottles falling on their heads. The
constables who endea- voured to stop these riotous proceedings were threatened to be run through. Lady Temple, who accompanied lord Temple on Thursday in the procession at the lord- moyor's shew, made the most brilliant appearance of any lady present. Her dress which was entirely new, is sup- posed to have cost not less than 500I. the jewels and diamonds worn by her on the occasion were valued at 150,000l. The scaffold erected on lord mayor's day at the door of Mr. Jennings, the Swan, at the foot of Blackfriars- bridge, unfortunately fell down, when several persons, who had placed themselves upon it, in order to
see the lord mayor, were unhappily killed. Thursday when the right hon. the lord mayor went to take water at the three cranes, a number of boats crouding with passengers in them to see him, three were overset, and many persons lost their lives, In particular Mr. Theophilus Huddlestone, cutler in Barbican, his wife and two sons; Mr. Thomas Brown, watchmaker in the Strand ; and Mr. Adams, boat- builder at Limehouse- hole. 9. It is computed there are now up- wards of 400 sail of ships in the river to be sold, which used to be employed in the North- American trade before the late tax- ations of the colonies 10. One of the
Russian men of war has received so much damage, and is so terribly shattered, in the bay of Biscay, from the late blowing weather, that she is returned to Portsmouth t0 be refitted. Vice admiral Elphinstone, with five Russian men of war, is at present in the Baltic, and only waits for a fair wind. The squadron under his command are not to go North about, as was conjectured, but will touch at Spithead, in their way to the bay of Gibralter. A 1. 11. letter from Leghorn, dated Oct. to, says Mr, Dick and Mr. Uduey, En- glish consuls, the one in this city, and the other at Venice, have received orders from their court, to cause all the
ships of their nation to observe a perfect Neutrality in the war between Russia and the Ottoman Porte." 12. According to letters from Poland, the Turkish forces, since their retreat from Choczim, have repassed the Danube, with many curses, both against the new grand visir and the ultan, for sending them out on so unsuccessful an expedition; and since that are divided into two bodies, be- tween which so great an enmity pre- vails, that they are making war upon each other. The number of the confederates also sabred by them, on the retreat from choczim, is said to amount to 600. 13. Advices from every part of the continent,
confirm the report of an insur- rection of the people having happened at 1 Constantinople, who flock in great crouds to tbe seraglio, demanding the names of those who first advised and promoted the war. The janissaries are at present neu- ter, but How long they will continue ao is uncertain ; and on which side soever they may declare, the consequences must be dreadful. 14. It is said that count K y won, at the last meeting but one at Newmarket, no less than eleven thousand pounds sterling. 15. Leeds, Nov. 7. ' Mr. Atkinson, ma- ster and inventor of , the curious frizing mills at Huddersfield, hath actually con- trived a machine
to go without horses, which is in great forwardness, and will carry goods to and from the mills before Christmas. 16. Extract of a letter from Bedford, Nov. 8. " On Monday came 0n at the vestry in St. Paul's parish, ( which makes up half the town of Bedford, and wherein most of the members of the corporation live) the election of three, trustees of fir William Harpur's charity, to be joined with, thc mayor, bailiffs, and common council according to act of parliament. There was a strong oppofition between the corporation and the town on this occasion, when the latter carried it by a great majority. For the corporal ion. For tbe town.
Tho. Richardson 23 Rd. Swepson 80 Richard Colley 23 John Wish 78 Rd. Wagstaff 23 Henry Hurst 77 MARRIED. Mr. Joseph Hazard, of Lincoln col- lege Oxford, to miss Shippey, of High- gate. DEATHS. At Wanstead in Essex, Peter Motteux, esq.— At Wickford in Essex, Mrs. Anne Bennet, a widow lady, aged no.— At ; Witney, in Oxfordshire, Mr. Thomas, who claims the primary and very singular in- vention of having taken down, rebuilt, and mended numberless steeples in divers parts of England, without scafFolding. Shoreditch, St. Luke's, and many other spires in this city, owe their present hand- some appearance to this
ingenious artist, who ascended and descended on the out- side, by the help of tackle fixed within. BANKRUPTS. George Burton, of Foster's- buildings, Whitecross- street, hosier Robert Reed, of Broad- street, St. James's, Westminster, taylor - Henry Rodous, of St. James's Clerkenwell, coach- master Nicholas Bruning, of Wimple- street, St. Mary- le- bone, baker John Colville, of Col- ville- street, St. Pancras, builder John Meeres, of Petersfield, in Hampshire, linen- draper John Dey, late of Lon- don, now of Camberwell, merchant- Hannah Beausoy, of Coventry, grocer, XXXXXXXX'XXXXXXX WEDNESDAY'S POST. B.
Tuesday, November 14. FOREIGN ADVICES. 1. Rome, Oct. 22. It is assured that the republic of Genoa is very much discon- certed on account of the pretensions which the court of Vienna has set up to the marquisate of Final, and other districts. in the possession of the Genoese. The re- public proposes to desire the courts of France and Spain to intercede with that of Vienna to desist from these pretensions, and if they cannot succeed, to assist the republic with their forces. 2. Leghorn, Oct. 19. They write from Genoa, that the king of Sardinia has re- called his consul, who was on his road to reside in that capital, and that his
majesty will do the same by his envoy, on account of the differences subsisting between him and the republic, and which seem not likely to be easily terminated. In the mean time the regency of Genoa are taking all possible precautions to put themselves on the defensive; and with that view have re- inforced the garrison of S. Remo. They write from France, that they are fitting out at Brest fourteen ships of the line, destined for the Mediterra- nean. 3. Warsaw, Oct. aj. A courier is ar- rived from general count Romanzow with dispatches for the Russian ambassador here, dated the 10th instant the contents of which are as follows :
' I have just received advice from general Elmpt, who was detached in purfuit of the Turks in Moldavia, that as soon as he advanced towards Jaffy, the enemy's troops retired with precipitation, the Turks towards ffaczai, and the Tartars towards Kem- zany ; that general Elmpt has not only taken possession of Jaffy, the capital of Moldavia, but has likewise reduced that whole province, the inhabitants of which have voluntarily taken the oath of fidelity to the empress. A magazine be- longing to the enemy is fallen into our hands. Gen. Elmpt, when he entered Jaffy, found about ICQ Turks and Confederates who dared to stand on
their defence; but they were all killed or taken prisoners. After regulating every thing that relates to the administration of justice in this new con- quest, and giving the necessary directions with respect to the magazines, the general left some regiments of Russian infantry, and some bodies of light horse, under the command of prince Prozorowski, to pro- tect it against the attempts of the enemy, and detached several parties of his light troops with orders to pursue the Turks even beyond the Danube. 4. Letters from Berlin mention, that ' the Polish marshal Linski, having been obliged to retire with his confederates in- to the Prussian
territories, was surrounded by a body of hussars, and made prisoner, with all his people. His military chest contained 14,000 ducats, which will be employed in repairing the losses which his Prussian majesty's subjects have su- stained by the confederates. 5. Nice, Oct. 18. A new ship of 340 tons burthen, richly laden with silk, be- longing to Capt. Bruin, an Englishman, was consumed by fire on the n th instant, and nothing saved. Her cargo was va- lued at 2,600,000 livres. 6. Hague, Nov. - The dutchess of Northumberland is just arrived here, and is lodged at the Marechal de Turenne. 7. Hamburgh, Nov. 3. On the 30th of last
month Mr. Schubach, a merchant, son of the burgo- master, and brother of the Syndic of that name, declared himself in- solvent. His failure is computed to be for 800,000 mares, ( about 60, oool. ster- iing) and as his trade was very extensive, it is apprehended that some other houses will feel the effects of it both in this city and in foreign countries. C. LONDON. 1. Yesterday morning an express ar- rived at the excise- office, with an account of the supervisor at Halifax, in Yorkshire, being shot dead at his own door. It is said he was remarkably active in appre- hending the clippers. 2. the earl of Chatham, the earl of Northington,
and the lord chancellor, are all three clearly of opinion, that the late decision of the H of C , in de- claring colonel Lutterell a member of their house, upon an indisputable mino- rity of votes of the electors of the county of Middlesex, is a measure totally inde- fensible, and that it ought and must be undone. 3. Betts on Saturday morning ran nine to four lord Camden would resign on or before the 23d of January next, and nine to three that sir John Eardly Wilmot will be appointed lord chancellor in his room. 4. We are assured, that another order has been sent from a certain board to thc exchequer, to forbid any further issue against a
noble defaulter, till further notice. 5. We are informed that the following extraordinary particulars, respecting the Thane's departure, are authentic. Last Friday se'nnight ( the 3d inst.) he set out from London for Brighthelmstone, ac- companied by a young gentleman who went by the name of Symons. They passed at Brighthelmstone for a young gentleman and his tutor, who were going abroad, and a vessel had been hired for twelve guineas to convey them to France. The next day ( Saturday) the wind was so high they durst not put to sea. During this day an express arrived from London, with a packet directed for Mr. Symons,
and accompanied with a card, on which was written this direction for the messen- ger, that if Mr. Symens was gone, the packet was to he brought immediately to—[ a certain house]— in Cleveland Court, St. James's. From this circumstance, and the unusual price given for the vessel, it was suspected that the pretended tutor was the Scottish Thane; and that the pretended Mr. Symons was no other than one of his trusty dependants. The affair beginning to be whispered about, they kept them selves close all day on Saturday; and 0.1 Sunday they went aboard their vessel and set sail for Dieppe, the first sea port on the French
coast. 6. An impeachment of a certain run- away peer, it is believed, will take place soon after the approaching meeting cf a certain assembly. Lond Even. Post: 7. The separation which has taken place between two noble personages, is now publicly declared. Every necessary step relative thereto, was mutually and amicably adjusted ; and the lady has a separate maintenance allowed her equal la the fortune she brought. Sixteen hundred pounds a year, we are informed, was the sum settled by earl P y, on his lady ; as a separate main- tenance, on their separation. The fortune her ladyship brought upon her marriage, was
reputed to be six thousand pounds. It is said an affair, which has been long in agitation, and now come to an eclair- cisement, has greatly affected a certain nobleman, and is one among the many other causes that has made his return to the South of France again necessary. 8. It is now confidently said that sir . John Wrottesley, bart, nephew to his grace the duke of Bedford, and brother- in- law to his grace the duke of Grafton, will be appointed vice chamberlain to his majesty, in the room of lord Villiers, uow earl of Jersey. 9. We hear that a treaty of marriage is on foot, and Will shortly be celebrated, between his grace the duke
of Dorset and miss Mary Wrottesley, one of the maids of honour to her majesty, and niece to his grace the duke of Bedford, and sister to the present duchess of Grafton, and first cousin to her said intended husband. 10. It is said to be the determination of a certain great personage, that, if the c r in c f, resigns, and the c— 1— r throws up the seals, he will anni- hilate the present set. • 11. An account is received from a neigh- bouring kingdom, that the ministerial party there had lost two popular questions ; the one by a majority against them of 13, and the other by 27. 12. To the king's most excellent majesty. The humble petition
of the mayor, free men, freeholders, and inhabitants of the city of Exeter. " May it please your majesty " IN this season of general anxiety for the constitution of government in this realm, with hearts of untainted loyalty, and with hopes of redress founded on justice, as well as on your majesty's graci- ous and freequent declaration of your canstant care for the happines of your people; we presume to look up to thc throne for relief. " It is with surprize, sorrow, and re- sentment, that we perceive one of the essential principles of our liberties the most sacred of tbe rights of your majesty's free- born subjects! threatened with de struction. " We have seen, with the deepest concern, a determination of the h—— of c —, which would render a man ineligible into the house, who, by the law of the land was eligible:— We have seen them refuse that man a seat in the house, although he was chosen by a great majority of votes, confessedly legal; and we have seen them admit another, as a representative of the county of Middle- sex, contrary to the sense of the free- holders, and contrary to a great majority of legal votes at the election. " Permit us, royal sir, to declare, that we know no h of c— but of the people's electing ; that we KNOW no repre- sentative but
such only who is chosen by the majority of legal votes. This right of election is inherent in your majesty's subjects; ' a right which they cannot for- feit : It is of the essence of government, and prior to every delegated authority whatsoever; to counteract it, therefore', is highly injurious to the subject, it is re- pugnant to the true honour of the crown, for it tends to confusion, it threatens the very being of the British constitution. " It is with grief and indignation that we derive this alarming injury from those who have no corporate existence, but by the majority of legal voters, and who were created on purpose to guard the sa- cred rights of
their constituents. " We feel an alleviation of our di- stress, when we recollect that the wisdom of our ancestors, fore- seeing the possibi- lity of such a defection in the h of c—— s, hath left a constitutional re- medy in the royal prerogative, by a diss n of that house : And we re- joice to think that this remedy now lies in the breast of a sovereign, who hath graciously assured us, that his first care is the Good of his people. " We will not therefore, imagine that our prayer, which is the prayer of millions, can be rejected, or disregarded; but, animated by that benign idea of our king, which, long since was impressed up- on our hearts, we
will wait in full confi- dence of receiving that consistutional re- lief, which alone is adequate to the un- natural treatment we have received from the Deputies of the people,
And may He, in whose hands are the hearts of kings, guard your majesty from the errors and falshoods of weak or unfaithful counsellors, and incline your royal mind to adopt such measures, as may secure the affections and heart- felt loyalty of thc general body of the nati- on." 12. From Lond. Even. Post. In conse- quence of a precept issued by the secretary of state yesterday morning to thc sheriffs of London and Middlesex, directing the exe- cution of the two weavers to be in Beth- nal- Green to- morrow, the sheriffs waited last night on the right hon. the lord may- or, with their doubts of the legality of this extraordinary and
unexpected direction. It appeared, that the precept was contrary to the record, which was, that the criminals should be executed at the usual, plaCE of execution. A remonstrance to his M. on this subject it is said, was agreed upon. And this day the sheriffs were to report .3 . the lord- mayor what they had done. This morning, at half an hour past seven o'clock, their majesties set out from Buckingham- house, and were sent at eight on Kew- bridge, going to Kew, on a visit to her royal highness the princess Dow- ager of Wales. It is shrewdly suspected, that thc design » f the ministry, in attempting to change the place of execution
for the above con- victs, was to entrap the sheriffs to call in the military power, to assist them in per- forming the said execution, Bethnal Green being in the neighbourhood of Spitalfield . 13. Notwithstanding the military are still under arms in Spitalfields, the cut- ters continue to make private collections from several of the master weavers, which are accompanied with incendiary letters, 14. The lot of Aldermen, who absent- ed themselves on Thursday last, have not improperly been called the Harleian Mis- cellany. 15. During the trial last Friday a warm altercation passed between col. O— w and a popular serjeant, upon the
subject of a letter from lord H—- to Mr. W—- upon some gentlemen indecently expres- sing their approbation of the serjeant's speech on the occasion, the chief justice declared his dislike of such proceeding; assuring them, that in case of the same being again practised, he would dismiss the court, as it was indecent, unworthy a court of justice, and if done by the friends of the plaintiff,, he assured them it must be of prejudice to his cause The following paragraph having ap- peared in the public papers on Friday evening and Saturday last, viz. " Colonel Onslow, in his examination, could not recollect the receiving a certain letter
from Mr. Wilkes ; but Mr. Phillips, on his examination produced a copy of the said letter he had . received from colonel Onslow himself, which occasioned a laugh throughout the whole court." We have authority to assure the public, that Mr. Philipps never revived a copy of the letter alluded to from Colonel Onslow, nor was any . given by that gentleman, or any other on the trial. The copy referred to was taken by Mr. Philips before he parted with the ori- ginal ; and which copy was read in evi- dence in behalf of Mr Wilkes We have also authority to assure the public that Mr. Serjeant Glynn, Mr. Ser- jeant Leigh, Mr. Lee, and Mr.
Daven- port, council for Mr. Wilkes, have treat- ed the above calumny with the contempt and detestation it deserves and are ready to declare the falshood of it, and to do jus- tice to colonel Onslow. See A 1. 17. It was urged by the counsel for lord Halifax, that giving, heavy damages would be no punishment to his lordship, as the money must be paid by the crown. Serjeant Glynn, in his reply, observed, that too much money had already come from that quarter, but he hoped a day of strict enquiry into that affair - would soon come, as he had been well assured that near an hundred thousand pounds had been expended in
endeavouring to sup- port the arbitrary and illegal acts of the ministry against the people. i2. When the people who were assembled in Westminster- hall on Friday were very clamorous, colonel O. applied himself to one of the patriotic sheriffs, and told him, " that now was his time to shew his spirit." to which the latter replied, " If the colo- nel knew any thing of the law, he must know that he could not do it at that time nOR place ; but that when any proper opportunity offered, he should want no instructions from him in what manner to exert his spirit. 19. It is undoubtedly true, that at the time the warrant for apprehending Mr. Wilkes,
and seiziug his papers, a noble earl, on signing it, demurred at his name not being inserted, and was for putting it in himfelf, but was over persuadcd to the contrary by an eminent solicitor. 20. We hear application will be made to parliament for regulating the manner of choosing special juries, the necessity of some regulation will, it is laid, be soon made to appear from a late transaclion. 21. It is said that instructions are pre- paring for council to move the court af king's- bench this term against John Wilkes, esq. for being the author of the prefatory remarks to lord Weymouth's letter. 22. Extract of a letter from Newcastle,
November 11. At a numerous and respectable meet- ing of the free burgesses and freeholders of this town and county, on Wednefday last, sir Francis Blake Delaval, K. B. ( in consequence of a previous invitation) was unanimously voted into the chair. The business of the meeting was opened by one of the body, which was taken up by the chairman ; who, in a very elegant and masterly speech, explained the propri- ety of the meeting. he entered with ac- into the foundation of their com- plaints, and with great strength of argu- ment, supported the measure of a petition to his majesty for a d n of p 1. A petition was, in
consequence, unani- mously voted, and two were produced and read ; but the preference was clearly given to the latter, which was ordered to be engrossed, and prepared with all expedition for signing." 23. The Westminster petition will cer- tainly be presented next week. L. E. P. 24. As a paragraph lately appeared in the Public Ledger, giving an account that the intendant at Calais had received a severe reprimand from the minister for a very recent transaction ; the following, sent us by an obliging correspondent, is the real account of that matter, When Mr. M. and his wife landed at Calais, the intendant, by the interposition of
some powerful friends to the young ladies family, took upon him to confine her In a convent there; upon which Mr. M. sent an immediate remonstrance to the Duc de Choiseul, informing him of the whole of the transaction, and praying redress. The following is a translation of the Duc's answer: " SIR, " A few posts ago honoured me with remonstrance; I have since enquired you into the facts, and finding them to be as you have stated them, I have given orders that Mrs. M. shall be immediately re- stored to you. " The laws of this country, no more than those of your own, know of no arbi- trary confinement; particularly, when the
crime urged is no more than the following a natural, innocent inclination respecting the private happiness of the party :— As the intendant, therefore, has by this step committed a trespass on those laws, which, by his office, he was more particularly bound to support, it remains with you to be his punisher •, and in the prosecution of this affair, you may depend on every sup- port from me that the justice of your cause will give you.— I have the honour to be, Sec. Versallies, Nov. 3. Ch L." 25. By letters from the Sound, we hear, that the fleet under the command of rear admiral Elphingston, is chiefly manned, both men and officers,
with english and scotch. The flag ship carries 150 guns, and out of 800 hands, has but 15o Russians pn board. This is the squadron on which the court of Petersbourg have the greatest dependance. 26, Last Monday a Russian man war ar- rived, at Spithead. She came through the Needles, is a 60 gun ship, and has been on her voyage as far as Cape Fini- sterre, when she, it seems, was obliged to bear away, on account of a leak, or some other damage she received. We hear she is to come into our harbour. The commander and many of the crew are ill. 27. Extract of a letter from Portsmouth, No- vember, 12. " On Saturday a
Russian fleet of four ships appeared in our Offing; one of them, a bomb- ketch, ran immediately in- to our harbour to repair some damage he had sustained at sea. Two of the large ships passed by this port; but the third, a ship of 74 guns, got on the flats on a place called the Dean, between Silsey and Chichester.. She fired several guns of di- stress. This morning she got into deeper water, but is still amongst the shoals. She often fires guns of distress; but as it is rising water, it is to be hoped she will set off without much damage. The name of this ship is the Europa. The pilot of the Three Saints ( one of the ships gone by)
offered a pilot here any money if he could go with them to Gibraltar. " We find the above ship has lost her rudder, she in six or seven fathom water among the flats; & at high water she did not endeavour to move from her si- tuation. Several craft are gone out to her, and at their return we shall know the true state of her condition." z8. Tuesday last the court of aldermen, agreed on the following vote of thanks to the latelord- mayor: " This court doth unanimously return thanks to the right hon. Samuel Turner, esq. for his diligent, upright administrati- on of justice and for his strict attention to, and support of the dignity and franchises
of this city, during the whole course of his mayoralty." ' 29. The following melancholy accident happened at a little village near Horsham in Sussex.—- A poor woman, who kept a sow and some pigs, left a child in a cradle 111 the kitchen, while she chopped some wood in the yard, in order to dress dinner against her husband came home upon her return, found the sow at the cra- dle eating the child. It had bit off one of its arms, and it is supposed the child can- not recover, notwithstanding a surgeon was immediately- sent for, and the proper remedies Applied- 30, The following remarkable circum- stance is an undoubted fact.
One captain Hollymore, an officer in half pay, who, for some time past, lodged at the Nine Elms, near Vauxhall, has of late, when in perfect health, been heard to say, that his mother had, frequently told him, he would die on the 10th, of No- vember, 1769. The captain himself was strongLy prepossessed with this notion. On Friday last, the 10th instant, without any visible signs of illness, more than an apparent depression of spirits and a fre- quent sighing, he made his will, exe- cuted it, and gave Orders respecting his funeral ; at the same time assuring his friends about him, that he should die that night. As there was no appear ance of illness, more than a depression of spirits, his friends confidered this affair as merely idle; however, in the morning, he was found dead in his bed, without the least signs of his not having died a natural death. Pub. Ledger. 31. Yesterday the lottery began drawing at Guildhall, when No 32411, as firft drawn, was entitled to a prize of 500I. No. 27851 and 7211, prizes of 2000L each. No. 4544^, 4337s. 433s7' 474.67, 9423, 289* 6, 26907., and 20046, prizes of IOCI. each. No. 35808,42019, 8394, 36956, and 42990, prizes of neCessaries for the troops then there, but destined for St. Augwftine, where there are not sufficient
barracks for quartering them. 50I. each. D E A T H. At North- end, Hampstead, Charles Dingley, esq. BANKRUPTS. Noah Mordicai and Mordicai Lazarus, of Denmark- street, East Smithfield, mer- chants and partners. - Thomas Mate, of Holborn. Thomas Grubb, of Isle- worth, Middlesex, callico- printer. Robert Elwin and William Elwin, of Norwich, corn- merchants and partners. D. AMERICA. 1. Boston, Nov England, 03. 5. On Tuesday last arrived here the brig Wolf, Capt. Briant, from London. In the brig came passengers, Samuel Venner, esq. late secretary to the board of commissio- ners, capt. Lyde, capt. Coppinger, Mr.
Patrick Smith, a merchant from London, and several others. On the arrival of the above vessel, the merchants of this town met at Fanueil Hall, and being informed that Mr. Pa- trick Smith, a passenger from London, had imported a quantity of goods in the brigantine Wolf, John Briant, master, and considering that in case strangers might import goods, while the merchants were obliged not to import any, it would have a direct tendency to frustrate the design of their agreement, and so be attended with fatal consequences, they appointed a com- mittee to apply to Mr. Smith, and desire his attendance, who accordingly attended and
signed an agreement to re- ship his goods for London. Capt. Nathaniel By- field Lyde, and Mr. Colburn Barrall also appeared at the meeting, and signed simi- lar agreements. 2. New York, Sept. 24 It is currently reported here, that all intercourse with Rhode Island is nearly shut up, as if the plague was there, as we will neither sell to them, or ship them any goods, nor receive any from thence, nor suffer them to sell any in this province. 3. A letter from Charles- Town, South- Carolina, dated September 6, mentions, that the assembly of that province had re- solved not to comply with general Gage's request, for making provision for
barrack- To be SOLD to the BEST BIDDER, At the SARAcEN'S HEAD Inn at Chelmsford, on Monday, the 27th of November instant, at Three o'Clock, in Two Lots, LOT , I. AFarm called ELBOWS, in Good Easter, and High Easter, in Essex, about eight Miles from Chelmsford, consisting of a Messuage and Cottage, with Barns, Stable, and other Outhouses, and several Closes of Land lying together, and containing in the whole seventy- seven Acres, the Messuage and forty- eight Acres and an half of the Lands being Copyhold, and the rest of the Lands Freehold, now in the Tenure of William Raven, as Tenant at Will, at 40I,
pet Ann. together with the Great Tythes of one of the said Closes of Land, for which 15s is paid yearly by way of Composition. LOT II. A Leasehold Estate in Writtle and Roxwell, near Chelmsford, consisting of the following Par- in WRITTLE, A farm House, with three Cotrages, two Barns', Stable, and other convenient Outhouses, and seve- ral Closes of Arable Land, Meadow and Pasturer near the Town of Writtle, containing alpngethe, about 105 Acres; now Let to Nathaniel Osborne at 731. per Ann, ' A Messuage, with Garden, & c. Let to John Osborne, at 81. 8s. per ANN. A Messuage, Windmill, and piece of Ground, Let to
Deborah Bridge, Widow, at ill, 10s. per Ann. A Piece of Meadow Ground, Let to Tobias Green, at 7I. per Ann. Three Parcels of Meadow Ground, containing eight Acres, Let to John Howard, at rol, pel Ann. Several other Parcels of Land and Pasture, con- taining about 70 Acres, Let to Daniel Blyth, Tenant at Will, at 47I. per Ann. A Wood, called Sprucey Wood, and other Wood Grounds, containing in the Whol( e about fifty Acres, now in Hand. In ROXWELL Several - Closes of Land, containing together thirty- three Acres, in the Tenure of George Gould, at 21I. per Ann. The Cottages, and the Messuage in Tenure of John
Osborne, are held by Lease from New- College, in Oxford, for a Term of 40 Years, com- mencing from Michaelmas 1765 ( O, S.) and th « Rest, of the Lands and Tenements are held by Lease from the said College, for a Term of twenty Years, commencing from Michaelmas, 1765.. O. S.) and the Leases have been usually renewed every seVen Years. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Thomas Bridge, Attorney at Dunmow Essex. JOHNSON'S GENTLEMAN and LADY'S Pocket Books for 1770. On Tuesday the 21st instant will be published, [ With the Almanacks.] I. The Complete Pocket Book : OR, GENTLEMAN and
TRADESMAN'S DAILY JOURNAL,^ For 1770, Illustrated with a Plan of th. e Merchants Walks upon the Royal Exchange, and printed upon a fine Post Paper, and a larger and much more useful Size than any other Book of the Kind yet publish- ed : Containing, A plain and concise Method of keeping accounts of all Monies received, paid, lent, or expended every Day in the Yeear com- prised in fifty- two Pages properly ruled : Alfo fifty- two Pages ruled, for entering Appointments, Memorandums, and Observations. Together with the following Particulars : 1. A correct List of - the Merchants, and principal Tradesmen in Lon- don
with their Places of Abode, and the Numbers of their Houses ; compiled by a personal Applica- tion from each House. 2. A correct List of the Bankers. 3. The Holidays kept at the Bank and public Ofnces. 4. A Table of Interest, at 5 per Cent, for 1 Day to 12 Months, and for 1 Pound t< i 1 thousand Pounds. 5. Tables ready cast up of the Amount of any Commodity from one Farthing to ten Shillings per Ounce, pound, Hundred, & c. and many other useful Tables, & c. & c. Prce 25. bound in red Leather, with Pockets for letters. *#* Be careful to order Johnson's Daily Journal. At the same Time will be publish'd, 11. The Ladies New
and Polite Pocket Memorandum Book. For the Year of our Lord, 1770, Embellished with an elegant engraving of two Ladies; one in the full Dress of the newest fa- shion; the other in the most genteel Undress r And a beautiful Copper- plate representing the Nine Orders of Ladies Hair- dresses, drawn by a celebrated Virtuoso. Containing, 1. A useful Memorandum Book, tic, & c. 2. Original Anec- dotes. 3. A general Idea of the Game of Qua- drille. 4. The Power of Love and Beauty: A Fragment. 5. An easy Explanation of some of the leading Principles of Astronomy. 6. The Origin of Cards, A Tale. 7. Directions for the proper
Management of Children. 8. Instructions for making Hams, fairing and curing Beef, Veal, Pork, and Mutton, and for collaring Fish and Flesh. 9. The History of Dress in the different Ages of the English Monarchy. io. Diractions for the Management of a Fruit Garden and Shrub- bery. 11. The most esteemed Songs' sung in the present Year at the public Gardens, Theatres, & c. 12. Twenty- four new Country Dances. Ho- lidays and remarkable Days in 1770. 14. Rates of Watermen and Hackney Coachmen. 15,. . a- ble of the Sun and Moon's Rising, in 1770. Printed for J. JOHNSON, in Paternoster Row, ( Price One Shilling.)' To be
continued annually. And, Sold by T. Toft and R. Lobb in Chelms- ford; Mr. Pilborough in Colchester; Mr. Green, and Mrs. Rogers, in Bury ; Mr. Ni- chols, at Witham ; Mr. Smitheman and Mrs. Thorn, at Braintree Mr. Watkinson, at Man- ning- tree.
CHELMSFORD MACHINE SETS out for London every Day at Eight o'Clock in the Morning, and from the. Spread Eagle or Cross Keys, Grace- church- street, London, at Ten. To begin on Monday the 2oth Instant. The Machine inns at the Cross Keys, in Grace church- street, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and at the Spread Eagle on Tuesdays, ThursdayS, and Saturdays. N. E. No Parcel of Value will be accounted for unless entered and paid for as such. j. WOODS, Performed by J. GOODIN HISTORY OF ESSEX. THE great Demand for this Work has rendered it necessary to reprint the first Volume and to oblige
those Subscribers who have not been served with the same, No. 17, which should have been published this Day, is postponed till next Friday, in order to get Time to finish the Reprinting of the first Volume: which will then be ready to be delivered with Number 17 ; when all Persons intending to become Pur- Chasers of this useful Undertaking may be supplied with the first Volume, or with any single Number from 1 to 17, by applying to any of the following Persons; viz. L. Hassall, Printer, in Chelmsford ; F. Newbery, Bookseller, the Corner of St. Paul's Church- yard ; F. Blyth, near the Royal Exchange, Cornhill; L. Tomlinson,
Whitechapel, London ; Shave, at Ipswich ; Kendal, Pilborough, and Key- mer, at Colchester; Toft and Lobb, in Chelms- ford ; Smitheman, at Braintree; Fitchatt, at Brentwood; Coulter, at Sudbury; Winstanly, at SafFron- Walden ; Nicholls and Rogers, at Wit- ham ; Watkinson, at Manningtree; Winterflood, at Halstead; Thurger, at Kelvedon; Say, at Prittlewell; Carter, at Maldon; White, News- Man, at Romford ; and by the Men who carry the Chelmsford and Ipswich News- Papers. Approved Likenesses of Mrs. MACAULeY, the patriotic Historian, and PASCAL PAOlI, the celebrated Corsican General. This Day is published, Price
only 1s. bound in Red, with Pockets for Notes, & c. Ornamented with a beautiful Engraving of a Lady in the Dress of the Year 1769, besides the elegant Portraits above mentioned, allowed to be the most correct and expressive Likenesses that have yet appeared. THE Ladies annual Journal, or, COMPLETE POCKET BOOK, for the Year 1770. An useful Register of Business and Amusement. CONTAINING, The Introduction, shewing the Utility of Books of this Kind.— A Dissertation on Dress. Laws of Whist and Quadrille.— Original Poetical Pieces.— Common Notes, and Moveable Feasts.— New Enigmas and Rebusses.—
The most Favourite Songs for last year.— Country Dances for the Year 1770. A Table of tbe Sun's Rising.— New and full Moons.— A perpetual Diary.— Rates of Hackney- Coachmen.— A large and accurate marketing Ta- ble.— Interest Tables A Table of Expences— With many other useful Particulars. London : Printed for Eliz. Stevens, No. 2, Stati- oners Court, Ludgate Street. and sold by T. Toft and R. Lobb, in Chelmsford ; Mr. Pilborough, in Colchester; Mr. Green, and Mrs. Rogers, in Bury; Mr. Nicholls. at Witham; Mrs. Thorn, at Braintree; Mr. Watkinson, in Manningtree. Be careful to Order The Ladies Annual Journal, or
Complete Pocket Book. To Mr. Norton, Surgeon, Golden Square London. SIR, Pontefract, Oct. 1, 1769. HAVING been afflicted with a violent scorbutic Disorder ever since I was eleven Years old, occasioned by a severe Surfeit I then got, every Spring and Fall, since that Time, I have either had ulcerous fore legs or a violent Fever, till I took your Drops, which have en- tirely cured me. It is a Twelvemonth since I left off taking them, and have had no return of my Disorder; on the contrary, I now enjoy a better State of Health than ever. You have my leave to publslh this, in Justice to your Medicine, and for the good of Mankind'. I
am your humble Servant, THOMAS SMITH. Besides the above, there is a Number of People in the Town and Neighbourhood of Pontefract. who to my Knowledge are cured by Mr. Norton's Drops ; and who, though they will not allow their Cures to be published, may be referred to by applying to me. JOHN LINDSEY, Bookseller, at Ponlefract, Yorkshire * » * Any Person still doubtful of the Efficacy of this Medicine, may ( by applying to Mr. Nor- ton, Surgeon, the West- side cf Golden- square,. near Piccadilly, London, the only Author and Proprietor, where these Drops are sold in Bottles, at 6s. each) be fully convinced of their
good Effects, by being referred to many People of Credit, who have been cured of the Leprosy, Scurvy.. Ulcers, the Evil, FistulaS, Piles, long- continued In- flammations of the Eyes, and every other Disorder arising from a foulness in the Blood. They may be taken in any Season, without the least Incon- venience or Hindrance of Business. They also perfect Digestion, and amazingly create an Ap- petite. None are Genuine, but what are signed by JOHN NOrTON, in his own Hand Writing. N. B. These Drops are in square Bottles, with the following Inscription on them, viz. John Nor- ton, only Proprietor and Author of Maredant's
Drops These Drops are Sold by Messrs. Toft and Com- pany in Chelmsford, Mr. Keymer in Colchester, Mrs. Thorn in Braintree; and Mr. Nicholls at Witham; by Mr. Day of Stansted; and Mr. Smitheman, at Braintree, IF the Heir, Of HeirS at Law, of Robert Fuller, sometime of Colchester, in the County of Essex, Baymaker, deceased -. On the Part of his Father, Robert Fuller, Clerk, deceased, who was formerly Rector of Chignal Saint James's, in the said County ; and who died there, in or about the Year 1662, will apply to the Reverend Mr. John Bull of Inworth, in the said County, or to Mr. William Townsend Attorney at Law at
Coggeshall, in the same County, such Heir, or Heirs, may hear of Something considerably to his, her, or their Advantage. To be LET, And entered upon at Michaelmas next, AFarm in Moreton, near Chip- ping Ongar, in Essex ; consisting of a Dwel- ling- House and convenient Out- office;-, with near 100 Acres of exceeding good Arable Land, in good Condition, in the Occupation of Mr. John King, well situated for several Markets. in Enquire of Mr. Griffith, Attorney at Law, Chelmsford. To be LET, And entered on immediately, A Large Farm, consisting of a good Dwelling- House, large Barns, and other convenient Out- Offices,
together with five hundred Acres of Meadow, Arable, Pasture and parish Lands (. 11 in excellent Condition) situated in the Parish of Southminster, about ten Miles from Malden in the County of Essex. For further Particulars apply to Mr. John Adams, Solicitor in Chancery Lane, London ; Mr. Kerby, at the Black- Boy, in Chelmsford; or Mr. Robert Straight, at Great Baddow, near Chelmsford, Essex. To be LET, And entered upon at Christmas next, ALarge and commodious Dwel- ling- House, pleasantly situated near the Conduit in Chelmsford ; lately repaired and fitted in a genteel Manner, at a very considerable Ex- pence, with a
good Kitchen, Cellars, Coach- House, Stables, and convenient Out- Offices; alfo Gardens laid out in an elegant Taste, planted with excellent Fruit- Trees ; and about 12 Acres cf very rich Pasture Land, adjoining the above Premises; late in the Occupation of Thomas Pocklington, esq. deceased. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Griffith, Attorney at Law, in Chelmsford. Friday s Post by Express. D. November 16. LONDON. 1. From Lond. Ev. Post. The reason why the warrant was sent on Tuesday evening last, to respite for one week the execution of Doyle and Valline, was owing, we hear to an absolute refusal of of the
sheriffs to execute the first warraut according to the language of the secretary, which was, " that they should be exe- cuted as near Bethnal- green church as convenient." The reason urged by them for this re- fusal is, that the words of their sentence were, " at the usual place of execution :" and though this alteration has frequently been complied with by former sheriffs, yet the present are so very tenacious of he letter of the law, and so very careful to guard against any alteration of records that may come under their jurisdiction. that they choose not to execute at all, rather than execute illegally. A hasty council was summoned on
this matter yesterday morning-. See C 12 2. A letter from Dublin to the printer. " When the estimates were laid before our parliament, agreeable to the intimati- on in the lord lieutenant's speech, the amount of the whole sum was only men- tioned. This giving some apprehensions to the country party, a motion was made by Sir William Mayne, to know the par- ticulars, as well as whether that was the whole of the sum that might be demanded by his excellency during the session. This motion being carried, the court party was hence drove to an eclaircissement, and was under the necessity of informing them, that part of the sum
was to be employed in the payment of such military forces as should be raised by an augmentation- bill. This Immediately gave rise to another motion, which the court did not think themselves strong enough for till after Christmas, " Whether the augmentation bill should pass? - Which was carried in the negative by thirteen majority. " Thus a mere accident taking place at a critical time, when many members had been in the country, has put an end to an affair ( at least for this sessions) which has exerted as much influence by both parties, as any one measure probably ever debated before in this kingdom." 3. We are to expect,
from the report of the friends of the m y a redress of all our grievances in about two months time. The way will be pointed out in a certain oration, and the plan adopted and . carried into execution soon after. 4. Advices are received, that the Rus- sians have reduced Bender, and are pre- paring to go into winter quarters. 5. It is confidently said, that the king of Prussia is preparing to make himself master of the electorate of Hanover. 6. Abstract of divers letters from the East Indies, March 12. 1769. " The strong fort of Kistnagery has been obliged t0 surrender for want of provisions, and since that we have taken several others, and
our army is now with- in 30 miles of Bangalore. Col. Wood has joined Col. Smith, and those two gentlemen have been some time together with battering cannon and all other necessaries, except provisions. Mur- rarow has also joined us with 4000 horse. Some time ago Heider Naig's people, by deceiving the out- centry, tell- ing him they belonged to MurrarOw, en- tered the camp in the night, but the cen- try happily finding out his mistake, dis- charged the alarm gun, at the very instant the enemy were beginning to cut the tent ropes, which soon roused our troops ; and Murrarow, with great presence of mind, giving immediate
orders for his men not to mount their horses, but to fight on foot, by these means they killed and wounded about 300 of Heider Naig's people, besides taking upwards of 100 horses. This alarm, however, proved fatal to Capt Gee, for as soon as he heard the gun, he mounted his horse, and rode directly to Murrarow's tent, where, being; in the dark, so that it could not be distin- guished who he was, a few of Murrarow's horse, that were mounted, soon cut him to' pieces, and thus we lost a gallant young officer. " Heider has had two engagements with Col. Wood, in which, I am sorry to say, he had rather the better of us, as he
carried off our baggage, with some guns, ammunition, provisions and a great loss both of officers and men. It is to be observed, however, that Heider's army has always been superior to the colonel's; besides which, he has ever had the address to amuse us with fighting, till his horse could carry off our baggage, and then he constantly retreated, leaving the colonel to follow him as well as he could. " Capt. Nixon, 0n his march to some place, of which I now forget the name, was attacked by a large corps of Heyder's army, consisting both of horse and foot. The captain with his little party defended himself gallantly, but after a long
engage- ment, was overpowered by numbers, and obliged, with his seapoys, to lay down their arms, and submit to be made priso- ners of war. Lieut. , who, it is re- ported, is now an officer in Heyder's army, is said to have behaved most scandalously in this engagement, by putting his hand kerchief 0n the point of his sword, and waving it as a signal for the enemy to come on. Col. Smith being now gone to the camp, Mr. Andrews is to go and treat with Hey- der for a peace. If they can agree, I am much afraid it will be a bad one. " Since the above, Heyder has sent a very handsome letter to col. Smith, about making peace with
the Englilh ; but says he will not treat with any body else except the colonel, styling all the rest the worst of men. " The following is now the last account I have to send you. On the 3d of Octo- ber, at two o'clock in the morning, an ineffectual attempt was made to take fort Mulwangle, by scalade, in which capt. Hector Mackay was killed, and capt. Brooke wounded. On the 4th col. Wood, with 460 Europeans, nud 2300 seapoys, attacked Heyder near the above mentioned fort, at the head of his whole army, con- sisting of 14000 horse, 12000 match- lock guns, and six battalions of seapoys. The battle was more obstinately
contested than any ever fought since general Lawrence appeared on the plains of Trichinopoly, the field being alternately lost and won many times. This engagement began at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, and lasted till five in the evening. Heyder then retreated, leaving the field covered with dead bodies, among which were 700 horse, three elephants, and nine camels. On our side are killed, capt. Villers Fiz- gerald, ensign Heald, ensign Macdonald, 17 Europeans, 32 seapoys. Wounded, lieut. Durand, lieutenants fire workers, Smith, Holloway, and Regalt, with 63 Europeans rank and file, and 220 seapoys. Our guns are almost all
disabled and two even carried off by the enemy '. besides which our ammuitiou is nearly entirely ex- pended, and our flints broken to pieces. On the 7th Col. Smith joined us with the whole army, and they now lie encamped near Mulwangle. Heyder Naig is en- camped between Gingee and Waldour, 7. Extract of a letter from Cumnock, Nov. 6. " The following most melancholy acci- dent happened near Dumfries- house on Monday last.— Just before dinner, word was brought to lord Dumfries that a gen- tleman had fallen from his horse, and was greatly hurt. ASsitance was immediately sent off, but before it arrived, the gentle man. was dead. The scene that presented itself was perhaps one of the most moving that imagination can figure— In old gen- tleman weeping over the dead body of his son, a young man in the prime of life,, who was just arrived from abroad, after fifteen years absence, on a visit to his aged Father. •' The unhappy sufferer was captain Douglas, an offcer in one of the Dutch brigade:, who, with his father, Mr. Dou- glas, of Garralland, was going to dine at Dumfries- house. His horse had started, and captain Douglas unfortunately fell on an old stump of a tree, which pierced his side, and occasioned his death. Upon his failing, his
servant immediately alighted, ran to him, and asked him if he was hurt ; he complained of his side, got up, and at- tempted to walk-— but had not gone four paces, when he dropt down, and instantly expired.' fi. Tuesday, at Guildhall, Nos. 5301, 32892, 49922, 56302, 55233, 17163, 6 ) 11, 48827, 56792, were drawn prizes of 100!., Nos. 21S53. 31702 io33£, 20567,53381, 14134, prizes of 50I. Wednesday, at Guildhall, Nos. . jo^ r, 45 166, ' 34140, were drawn prizes of loo1, each. Nos. 37336, 21342, 18416, 37786, 2- 33s7> 2447. prizes of 50I. Yesterday, No. 59490 was drawn S prize of 100l. PRICES of STOCKS. Bank Stock
158 India Stock, 220 South Sea Old S. Sea Ann. New S. Sea Ann. Reduced Bank three per Cent. 86 7- Sths Ditto Conf. 37 7- 8ths CHELMSFORD, Nov. 17. The following gentlemen are nominated to serve the office of sheriff for the undermentioned counties. Cambridge and Huntingdonshire. Charles Bowles, of Alconbury; Robert Bragge, of the same; Launcelot Browne of Fenstanton, esqrs. Essex. John Tyrrell, of Boreham ; Cha. Raymond, of Ilford ; Thomas Brand, of Ingatestone, esqrs. Hertfordshire. Thomas Blackmore, of Hunsdon; Henry Green, of Gaddes- denhoe ; Richard Bard Harcourt, of Albury. esqrs. Kent. John
Toke, of Godington ; W. Daniel Masters, of Mereworth ; Tho. Witherden, of Bethersden, esqrs. Norfolk. John Marcon, of Swaffham ; John Bulders, oF Basham ; John Mick- lethwaite, of Beeston St. Andrews, esqrs. Sunday last, an inquisition was taken at South Ockendon, on view of the body of Thomas Johnson, an infant, when it ap- peared that the deceased was, accidentally, smothered as he lay in bed. The same day, another inquisition was taken at Great Burstead, on view of the body of John Grover, an infant, when it appeared, that on Thursday se'ennight, about seven in the evening the child acci- dentally fell into a pot
of boiling hot liquor, and and was so terribly scalded. that he died about eleven that night. Wednesday Prettyman Quantrill was committed to our gaol by Samuel Bosan- quet, esq. charged 0n the oath of Daniel Dositer and others, with stealing a mare the property of the said Dositer. MARK LANE, Nov. 14. The wheat trade seems declining; tho' our market yesterday was but small, it was very heavy and 6d. cheaper than last week ; 33 to 33- 6 and 34 were esteemed best current prices- for mealingsfamples, it being only a few extraordinary fine white wheats that were sold at 6d. more.— There being several fresh arrivals of
foreign oats, that article is also lower this week ; must be exceeding good horse corn to fetch 15; the heavy fine samples for oatmeal are still worth 16- 6 or 17. Barley and beans rather dearer than otherwise. Other grain as under.