The Public Advertiser
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The Public Advertiser
Date of Article: 08/07/1769
Printer / Publisher: H.S. Woodfall
Address: (No 21) Paternoster-Row, near the Corner of Ivy-lane, London
Volume Number: Issue Number:
No Pages: 4
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N t f i S f c . i t c jc F R I D A Y , J u l y 8, 1769. [ Price Two- pence Halfpenny. I I A Y - M A R K E T. By His- MAJESTY'S Com; * n v . AT the Theatre Royal in thfc Haymarket, This Day will be prefen'ed The M I N O R. Mrs. Cole anil Smirk, Mr. FOOTE ; Sir William Wealthy, Mr. Caftle ; Mr. Richard Wea'thy, Mr. Aickin ; The Minor, Mr, DAVIS ; Dick, Mr, Jacobs ; Shift ( with Imitations) and Dr. Sijuintum, Mr. Banniller; Loader, by Mr. Kearny ; Transfer, Mr. Wefton ; Lucy, Mifs. OGILVIE. With Dancing by Mr. Tafioni and Mifs Street. To which will be added Thfe MAYOR of GARRATT. Major Sturgeon, Mr. FOOTE; Heeltap, Mr.
Suarks; Matthew Mugg, Mr. Bannifler ; Jerry Sneak, Mr. WESTON ; Lint, Mr Caftle; Bruin, Mr. Davis; Roger, Mr. Jacobs ; Snuffle, Mr. Pieice; Mob by Meff. Var. derto: rc, Summers, Sharp'efs, Wheeler and Farrcl. Mrs. Sneak, Mrs. GARDNER; Sir Jacob JoUep, Mr. '• OWD. O. V. Places to be taken of Mr. Jewell at the Theatre. No Admittance behind the Scenes. Boxes 5s. Pit 3s Firft Gall, as. Upper Gall. is. No Money to be returned after the Curtain is drawn up. The Doors will be opened at Six, to begin exadtly atSeven. Vivan Rex& Regina. The Servants to keep Places, are defiled to be at the Houfe by Five. On Monday next,
The COMMISSARY, and the new coisic Opera in two A£ ls called the CAPTIVE. S A D L E l l ' s W E L L S . TH IS, and every EVENING, at Six o'clock, The ENTERTAINMENTS of this Place will begin'. When fsvcral new Pciformances will be introduced. To which will be added An Entertainment of Mufic, and Dancing, called The HARLOT'S PROGRESS. The Whole to conclude with A R I D O T T O aj F R E S C O . Places for the Boxes to be taken at the Bar. RANELAGH HOUSE will be opened This Evening. To the afual Entertainment will he added, The new Serenata, called EPHESI AN MATRON. Admittance Two Shillings
and Six- pencj eachPerfon. Coffee and Tea included, for the Remainder of t it Seafon, the Houfe will , be opened, ( only) on WedncfJays, and Fridays. This Day is publfhed, Price 2S. 6d. fewed, or 3s. bound, T H E Life of Mr. RICH. SAVAGE, Son of the Earl of RIVERS. To which are added, The Lives of Sir Francis Drake and Admiral Blake, all written By the Author of th » RAM3LER. Printed for F. Newbery, at the Corner of St. Paul's Church- yard. Of whom may be had, in one Volume in Quarto, Price Ten Shillings and Six- pence in Boards, Experiments and Obfervations on Ele& ricity, made at Philadelphia in America. By
Benjamin Franklin, LL. D. and F. R. S. To which are added, Letters and Papers on Philofophical Subje& s. The Whole correfted, methadized, improved, and now firft coliefted into one Volume, and illurtrated with Copperplates. s '[ bis Day is publijhea, Ip Four Volumes Quarto, Price al. is. in Boards, ABiographical Hillory of England, from Egbert the Great to the Revolution : Confiding cf Chat afters difpofed in different Clalfes, and adapted to a Methodical Catalogue of engraved Britifh Heads ; inte ded as an Elfay towards reducing our Biography to Syftem, and a Help to the Knowledge of Portraits, Interfperfed with Variety of
Anecdotes, and Memoirs of a great Number of Perfi ns, not to be found in any other Biographical Work. With a Preface, ( hewing the Utility of a Colledtion of engraved Portraits to fupply the Deleft, and anfwer the various Purpofes, of Medals. By the Rev. Mr. G R A N G E R, Vicar of Shiplake, in Oxfordihire. Printed forTDavies, in Ruffel- ftreet, Cogent Garden. ( Cjr" A few Copies, Price 3I. 3s.. are printed on one • Side only, to accommodate fuch Gentlemen as chufe to cut the Volumes to pieces, and affix the feparate Charaflers to the Backs of the Prir. ts, or b; nd them up with them. 1' bis Day is publijhed, In one Volume Oftavo,.
Price 4s. in Boards, THE B R U C I A D , an EPIC POEM ; in fix Books. Printed for J. Dodfiey, in Pall mall; and J. Murray, Succeftbr to Mr. Sandby, No. 32, Fleet- ftreati T. and J,. Merril, at Cambridge ; and A. Kincaid and Co. at Edinburgh. Where may be had, juft puhlifhed, A Difeourfe on P^ lic Oecom- my ard Commerce, from tlie Italian' of the celebrated Marquis Ciefar Peccuria, Author of thi Effay on Crimes and Punifliments ; with a Preface and Notes, by the Tranfl . tor, Price is. 6d. in biue Paper. B E A U M F. D E V I E, By the KING'S Paten', TH E moll general and efficacious Medicine extant, particularly in the following
Cafes; is Bilious Complaints na Remedy fo certain, for it immediately . correfts and carries off the offending Matcer : It is indeed peculiaYly adapted to every Diforder of the Stomach and Bowsls. It's attenuating ani fearching Powers account alfo for it's great Succrfi in Rheumatic, Gouty, and Scorbutic Habits: Women in particular, are indebted to this M - dicine, for the abfolute Relief it affords in that delicate Period wherein lheir Lives are moft endangere'd, and in other Cafes • where Nature deviates with the £ ex. " We aifo cpnfidently add, that the balfamic, invigofatrng Powers. of ihis Baifam, have given it the higheft Credit in
impaired Conftitutions, in. the Decline of Age and in Agues, even when the Batk has. faih d. This admirable Family Medicine is fold by Appointment of the Proprietors, by W. Nicoll in St. Paul's Church- 7 ard ; T. Becketin the Strand; R. Davis in Piccaiilly j T. Durham at Charing Crol's ; Richardfon and Co. at the Baoyal Exchange ; and W,- Flexney in Holborn ; nt 38. the Bottle, with good Allowance- fox charitable Ufes to fell again. Of whom m* y be had, Price only fid. A N'. native of many extraordinary and well attcfted Cure, wrought by ' he Bcaume De Y. e. From the P O L I t E, T HE extenfive SSle of The PUBLIC ADVERTISER,
( joined to the Variety of Channels tnro* which it ptiffes) has always been the Means of detelling of many ROBEERI. ES,. and of apprehending fo many OFFENDERS, that it m a y be proper t o give THIS P U B L I C N O T I C E , T h a t , tor t h e F u t u r e , all I n f o r - mations of this Kind, fent to BOW- STREET,' will be conjiantly inferied in T H I S P A P E R : And if S U C H I N F O R M A T I O N S are properly attended to, by PAWNBROKERS, JEWELLERS., SILVERSMITHS, S T A B L E - K E E P E R S , BUYERS OF SECOND- HAND C L O A T H S , & c. f e t o Robberies iciliefcape Deteflioti; efpecially if ALL PERSON S
ROBBED make Ufe of T H I S PAFER to cJ- vertife their Lojfes in. J. F I E L D I N G . S IJ R I N G - G A R D E N S , V A U X H A L L , TH E E N T E R T A I N M E N T S of this Place arc continued ever; Evening ( Sundays excepted.) The Doors will be opened immediately after Five, Admittance. 1 s. each Perfon. MpHE GRAND JURY for the County of JL BUCKINGHAM, ' think. it indifpenfibly neceffary, That a General Meeting of the Freeholders of the faid County be holden, in order to give them an Opportunity of afferting and vindicating, in the moft Conftitutional Method, the violated Right of Free- Eleftion. That the'faid
Meeting be holden at the Town of Aylesbury, on Tuefday the Twelfth of September Buckingham, July 4, 1769. " tip N G A R Y • B A L S A M ! TH I S moll admirable Remedy was brought to England Vy'a Gentleman, who, whm making the Tour of Europe, arrived at Cremni z in Hungary, in order to view the Gold Mines there, where he accidentally heard of fome very amazing Curt s having been performed by this inimitable lialfam on . Perfons aflifted with theGravel and Stone in the Bladder, Stanguary and Uicers in the Kidneys, which being confirmed to him, by a Gentleman of conftderableRank and Fortune, he procured the
Receipt at a great Expence, and having made repeated Trials of it fince his Return to England, is fully convinced of it's moft extiaordinary Efficacy in thofe eiCruchtingMaladies, and therefore makes it public for the Benefit of his Fellow Creatures. Sold Wholefaie and Retail by F^ Newb'ry, Bookfeller, at the Corner of St, Paul's Church- yard, and may alfo be had of Mr. Lewis, Bookfeller, in Ruffelflreet, CoventGarden ; and Mrs. Weller, Bo- kfcler, at the Royal Exchange. CJ" The Poor afflifled with the Stone and Gravel, if recommended by the Minifter or Churchwarden's" of their Parifli, will receive this Medicine gratis, 6y apr lying to
F. Newbaryas above. A LET T E R to Dr. NORRIS. SIR, A S I a m i n f o r m e d y o u h a v e o b t a i n e d his Majefty's Letters Pace . t for \ ending your excellent Drops, and as I myfelf am a remarkable inftance of their Efficacy, being recovered by them from the loweft Ebb of Life ts> the co nfot'table Feelings 6f reftored Health ; tha: I may contribute my Mhe towards extending the Ufe of fo valuable a Medicine, whicli is likely to piove rf fo much Benefit to the Public ; 1 fend you my Cafe, with Leave to make Ufe of at as you think proper. C A S E . My Difoider was a lingedng Fever, nccafioned by a C Id I caught in the Spriftg 17
.8, which brought on a Lofs of Appetite as well as Wcaknefs o:" Stomach, that made me vomit up almoft every Nourifhmtnt, and at Length ( notwithftanding the Endeavours of fame of the moft able of the Faculty to prevent it) every Medic ne that was adminiftered tu mc which reduced me to the Weaknefs of an Infant, infomuch that my Life ivas defpaired of. In this deplorable Situation your Drops, with the Confent of my Phyficians were happily applied. which ftaid on my Stomach . and. though I felt no fcnfib'. e. Eft'act from their Operation, yet 1 l'oon found myfelf better, and am now thank God, without the Affiftanceof any other
Medicine, reftored to « « perfedl Health as I enjoyed before my Ilfnefj. I can alfo . tteft to the Benefit that fome of my ^ cqarfnfiuicfc and paor lahauring Pecple, have received ' from them in various Cafes, where thev have by ray Recommendation been applied. I am, Sir, wilhirtg you the Suecsfa your Medicinedefeives, Your moft obedient Servant, Lambeth Pala e. G. TEGETMEYER. Thefe Drops are fold with proper DirecVions, and a more p^ iticul- ar Aecou-. t of their Vjrtues, in Bottles at 5a. IOS. 6d. and il. is. by Mr. Kearfly in Ludjate Street ; by whom all Venders of this Medicines are fupplied : alfo by Mr. Woodfall at Charing
Crofs: Mr. Charts" Parker in New Bond ftreet: Mr. Fell in F'atef-' noftei Row : Mr, Henry Parker in Cornhill :. Mr. Gwilt near St. Margatet's Hill in the Borough : and in all the principal- Cities and Towns in Great Britain, Ireland, and the Plantations. ( tir" Proper Allowance to Venders and to thofe who take a Quantity for charitable Putpof- s ; alfo to Merchants and Captains ofShips, who may be affured neither Time nor Climate make any Alteration 111 this Me. dicine. %* For Ship and Country News— ir. d tke Peittion of the Lively ot London to his Majelly — fee the laff Page. To the Printer of. the Public. Advertifer. Another yet ?— A
feveittk f V11 fee no' more: — And yet an eighth appears - uujio bears a glcifs, Which fhl- jos me many more.—— MACBETH. S ' l R, S f r / ^ A L L I N G at your office Ji&' Jr* the " other Day, to leave an Advertifement ( your Clerk being out of the Way) I was received by civil young Fellow, who acquainted me ( in the Courl'e of our Cnat while a Shovyer was falling) that he had been for fometime paft employed in Prcfs- work ; but that he was entrufted to conduct your Paper during yotir- late iliort Rccefs into the Country. I paid him a proper Compliment on it's tvelleitablifhed Regulation, and aftcd if he tfould entertain me with any
News refpefting the Jubilee at Stratford. He then read to ine the enclofed Manufcript, whLh he defigned to have kid afide for your Approbation; but on my requeuing a Copy of it, that I might have the Merit of labouring his Promotion with yqu, he refigned it into my Hands. In confluence, Sir, of his apparent Ingenuity, and a' Promife of future Skill in his PrOfelJidnyf intriat you not only to giye it a Place in the Public A d v « r - tiler, but to advance him ta. the Rank of » Corn pafitor the tint Opportunity. He fopplied you Piace ( o well during ycur Abfence, and has ( upported ( as you will fee) the Character he aduined foj adroitly, that I
Can hardly queilion the Siicccfs of my Solicitations in his Favor. I am, S I R , Your moft obedient humble Servant, T Y P O G R A P H I L u s . C O P Y OF TIIE P A P E R. " CEVERAL Perfor. s from Stratford upon Avon defire the Printer to infert their Letters in this Paper; but as they appear to have commenced authors under the Influence of. no common Degree of Anger, he has chofen only to feleft fuch Palfages from them as are meant to convey anfwers to his former Correfpon - dents. They feem . in general to have been lighted up by that Flame of Controverfy which Mr. Theobald firft kindled among the Commentators 011
Shakelpe. ire, and which fucceeding Critics have fed with frelh Supplies of Fuel. Mr. Woodfall therefore thinks it only neceffary to give the Subftjflce of what they have communicated, without the Exprefuons of Refehtment which accompany it ; a? it is more than probable that theirlndignation coaled before their Remonitrances reached his Hand. " The fii ft and moft confiderate anvong thefc . Gentlemen gives no bad Keafon for the Honor; lately conferred on Mr. Gartick. . is furely ( Cays he) but jultice to give his rreedom to one- who has been ( 0 long the Slave of the Public. " The fecond Perfon ( whofe Civility is far more engaging
than even the Harmony of h; s Name) figns himfelf Humphrey Groggins., and ohferves, that as the ingenious Defender of Shakelpeare's Reputation againft Voltaire, is a Burgefs of one Corporation already, it would be but polite in them to admit him ad eundem at Stratford. I have been obliged to employ a Univerfuy Term on this Occation, as my. Carreipondent has exprenedihimlelf in Terms, unw. orthy the Ben- evolence of his Intention. " The third defies the Printer to acquaint the World that tfiis is Hy no Means the. firil Vifit paid by s h i i f i n e Arts to Stratford. He exeraplitjes ( I itn ( orry to ( jy, with too great a Degree of Vanity)
this ' Affection froril himfelf ; far he add;, I had the Monument of Shakefpe. ire painted over twice curing my Mayoralty, ana have always tyksn Car. e. to lemind my Succeii'ors of the ( aqve . Duty; in corilequence of which the old Poet appears . to thfs Hqur as? faddy as, a Jjdifk maid. ' The fourth admits the Circumftance of placing th.; Mulberry- tree next the Figure of the Poet, but ( apologizes for it in fuch a Man. ner as ftiews he is not without a Senfe of Shame on that Account. I wifit however he had Ipared his Reflections on a former Magiftrate, as well as his Propofal to have the Pontiff burned as an Emblem of a certain .
Commentator, in Profedion, as well as in a perfed^ Cchifiderice in his own Infallibility. ' The fifth is an outrageous Writeir, who feems to have infuriated himlelf with one of his Own Sliders before he cook the Pen in Hand. After much Abufe on me, and my Correfpondents* he declares he never ufej any of the Machines alluded to, unlefs compofed cf Ivory. Then rifing in his Stile ( from which I fuppofe him to be at prefent in fome high Office, Churchwarden at Iealt) he declares there is not one among the Corporation but would rather endure the moft dangerous Indigeilion ( fuch may be expedted from the enfuing Feftival) than fuffer
the fuppofed lnftrument to approach him; not . fo much for the fake of degrading the Tree, as for fear it fliould have learned tlie Trick of tlicking where it is inlerted, as he has read a poetical Ladle once did on a like Apf cation. " The fixth fpeaks very injurioufly of the Editors of Shakefpeate, and declares their Notes to be lefs intelligible than the Author's Text. The Profeffion of this Perfon is eafily gueffed at from his Mtnner, and the Ufe he makes of the old Proverb, Great Cry and little Wool. " The fpventh vindicates, in general Terms, the Corporation, and tells me they have determined in Council that no Venilon ( hall be fet upon
their Table while the Company expeded is inTown, as it would naturally remind them of Shakefpeare's Frailty. He feems, however, to be an ironical Correfpondent, and appears from the Coat of Arms with which his Letter isfealed, to be a Defcendant from the Lucy Family, the old Antagonifts of our favourite Poet. " Of the eighth Epiflle I have only preferved the Mo: to, which the Writer confeffes to have been furnifhed as well as. tranflated by a neighbouring Clergyman : " C U R I A vult * MARCAS, BURSAS exhau. rit " in ARCAS. " Carmina Prcverbialia. Edinb. 1701. " The Stratford Aldermen, as lly as Foxes, " To fill their Chelts,
diiiribute little Boxes. " The Simplicity in the laft Line of the Tranflation is truly beautiful; but the reft of the Letter being" written in fuch a Strain sc fhews it to be the Produft of one, whofe Dif-, content arifes from his not having'been confuited as to the enfuing Preparations, I fliall venture to felf. ' Fart of it. ' Tis a Pity that Diffeotiou ' ...'. ! » -? « ' i'ftfetfefed w- ith fo amfaMe, fo » * » « ''" » • s" r' f o erudite a Community.. " It were unrttceffary to ehumtji tb the Names or Signatures of lome others, ^'. 10 have addreffed the Printer on this Occartoh, either in illiberal of crj> Gl! lulatory Languige, with ( lender Juftifications of tlieBlfefvsj^ or no
Juftifications at all. I ( hall therefore cohcitjde b affurihg them, that their Malice reaches neither thofe who write in this Paper, nor Mr. Woodfall, who is chofen Arbiter in all Difpctes, whether literal or political, jand is allowed t3 be fufliciently qualified to judge on every Subject. Surely the Corporation had better truft their Defence to thofe Hands into which they have furrendered the whole Condu£ t of their intended jubilee, than render themfelves ridiculous by producing Arguments from which no Concluflon can be drawn, and general Reflections which deferve no Anfwer. L. T . Mr. Woodfall did not return, to Town till ate htft Night, but
takes the fiift Opportunity of anfwering his Correfpandent Typograpbilus, that in confequence of his Recommendation tlie young Man alluded to has Orders to fet the Prefs for his own Letter, ar. d ftitfll be retaiecd hereafter in conlta. nt Pay as aCompofitor. Tuefday Right, July 4. * Marca is the Montifli Latin Word for an an old Coin, called a Mark, and worth 13 Shillings and Fourpence. the ivorlby Liverymen of the City of London. Gentlemen, I Want Words fe- fficiently to congratulate yrii on your noble and vigorous Exertion in the Caufe of Liberty, and the Freedom of Election, fo glorioufly maintained by your unanimous Voices in
the Choice of Mr.. Townfetid and Mr. Sawbridge to the important Office of Sheriffs for tbe. eft. fui. ng Year ; a Choice of fuch Confeqaence at this memorable Jundture, as will animate your Children unborn to revere the Memory of their Anceftors. Your good Order on this Occafion was more than inimitable; and the unanimous Difgrace with which you treated the fc. v/ eral unprovoked Enemies of Sir Mattbeiv. iilakjfton, is a convincing Proof you do not forget tha£ v^ srthy Magiflrate's unwearied Diligence apd Application to the public Service, without a Willi of pecuniary Reward, ard without that deceitful, feathertongued Art of
ftealing into your good Opinion, and thereby impofing on the eafy Part of Mankind with i'retenfans of ferving them, and at the fame Time wickedly accumulating Treafures at the Expence of your Liberty and Properties. I know Sir Matthew Bhkifton well, and in his Defence I demand of them his unprovoked Enemies fcverally to declare, whethei by fawning or fervilely cringing at the Levee of the Great; whether b/ meanly infmuating himfei'fTnto" the good Opinion of low, wealthy Wretches, or by feruing Contra& s Naval ur Military, he ever advanced his Fortune one Shilling ? N O : He knew the Value of Freedom of Speech, and that if
ever his Fortune got into the Hands of fervile Wretches, his Tongue muft belye his Heart, his Countenance mult wear the Mask of Diffimulatlon, and his Hands wear a Pair cf Irons. He therefore re'olved to fteer through the Wotld, envied and feared by his Enemies, and beloved by thofe his true Friends. This laft Attack of pretended Infanity (( poke in an Affembly of the firft Corporation in the Kingdom) of a worthy Magiftrate of the Age of 67, worn down by upwards of 40 Yeais clofe Application to public Bufinefs, and attended by more than two Years Slckrefs and Pain, is fuch an Attack on the Peace of' Mind of that Gentleman and
his Family, as fcatcely can be paralleled in a civil. zed Nation, and fuch a confumed Impofiticn attempted on the Ward of Bifhopfgate and the City of London, by endeavouring to deprive them of a Reprefentative, as ought never to be forgot. It is almoit needlefj to remind you, that their only Motives were Fear and Jealoufy ; and, to degrade Sir Matthew, they induftnoufly propagtted that Sir Matthew's Refignnion was a Jobb contrived by him and his Family to bring in Mr. Townfend in his Stead ; but this Dagger of Jealoufy, ( ever the Companion of Fooij and Cowards,) has been the Means of thoroughly expofing the Wickedneft of it's
Author ; for it is certain that Sir Matthew or any of his Friends do not know Mr. Townfer. d. much lefs entered into any Contrail with him : Yet I hope this Event will [ rove fuch a Joib as thofe Tools cf Corruption will ever remember. It is almoft impertinent in me to fuppofe you, my Fellow Citizens, not to fee where this Dagger of Infinity was aim'd at. It is clear that Sir Matthew's Peace of Mind was only a Minillerial Bett againft your Lawe, Liberty, and Properties, which were to be electrified from you under a Prctence of lis Infanity : But a? thefe ignorant Wt- c^ chSs have been fo totally defeated, let us confider the good Confluences
o'ecafioned by their evil Irtent ons: One g6od Effeft has fuceee'c 1 to Sir Matthew, and may be ufed as an Obfervation on the Wickednefs of Mankind by you, my Fellow Citizens. Sir . Matthew has feen to what a Pitch of Malice his two old Friends were capable of ailing, in thcCharatler of S. R— L— e and Mr. A p; he has fecn the Deceitfulnefs of falfe and ungrateful Friends in S. T—• R n and S. R G—— n ; he has feen the Violence of Party rage in Mr. H y ; he has feen the defining inward Complexion of that fmiling, feathfcr- tongucd Thing, Mr N— h • he has feen the f ur following Men ftoop to h? the Scavengers of Corruption, \
iz S. J— E— e, Mr. P— e, Mr. K— t, and Mr. K—- n ; and You have ften the moll daring Affront offered not only to an old vvor: bj » 4t< igiftrate, but to the City of London and th&' K'nt> dom in general. Thofs who have dared filfcly to alfert Sir
iMatthew'u Intimity, have at the Time ' lime ate . vie. i a Cnargc- ot Perjury, on his Nephew, mid undoubtedly have proved their Hearts and Minds capable of every Art which an honelt M" i'n would fhudder a t ; they at certain Times . will gladly b nv, lawn, and cringe, talk of pro- I teilingyour Laws, Litiertv, and Properties, and ! thtnit; by ' tickling your Ear with a Feather,' to | deprive you* of all Cdmaion- Senfe and Remembrance. Bu> if you, my Fellow Citizens, forget a glaring Injury l. ke this, or evertruftthaie unparalleled Wre'ches vv><~ Power or Author t , ycu j""- i" oil tise Spirit of your Anceltors, — ho ever held a Scourge of Iron
over the Heads ot Men who ( ported with their Liberties, and exempted to defy the Authority of their Conliituents. To you, Gentlemen, 1 refign them, together with their H mours ; and as you mealure their Merit, fo will the World judge whether the Ciry cf London is or is not inhabited by F. nglifhmen. G > d forgive me. I had like to have forgot t ' at filent Lump in the Figure of S. H y ]! s. Piay don't forget him; he will make a pretty Pgure at Stratford Jubilee. That Spaik of Policy in S. R d G n and Mr. H x, cieferves fome little Notice, and tiifcoveis no fmall Bag nf Deceit. Vour's, A Liveryman always read'y to attack June 29. tbe Wicked.
To the Printer " J tbe Public Advertifer. S 1 R, IRead the Lighterman's Letter with great Attention in one of the Morning Papers, : nd pity the Situation cf every unfortunate Man vvl o lives under the malignant Star of the City, and is obliged from their unhappy Blunders to condud Craft through London Bridge. If they tn general were more unanimous, and underftood the Suljed better, they might effied a pj " at deal. They fhould in a Body petition the Corporation for the icbuilding London Btidge, that an Ail might be obtained next Seffions of Parliament fur this Purpofe, bringing with them an Efimate of the Lofs of Goods, Craft, Lives pr.
d Time, which I a n told would amount upon a moderate Calculation to a Million of Money every Century. In the mean time, if th- y want to pralecute for Nufances in refped to the Chalk Hills, the Lightermen mutt bring their Action a.' ainlt the Contractors or the River • n it preferv b ing confci . C imrriittee in making a J bb of throwing down Chalk loofe bnweep th; S: et lings would oblige them to find li'- r. e of. cr Expedients to fupport theft i - Fumes of Timber. It is certain thst " f it, « ) Pirn cannot fubfiit without thefe wide^ fprea !;*£, S erlings, the Bridge ihruld be iwm'd ateiy rebuilt j for nobody is fo ftark mad, furely, as tn maintain that
this public Scer. e cf Jnfainy fhould be fupported for the Sake uf a few ralcally Water- works ; fur the Public have b^ en lony acquainted that the New River Company is ready to buy up the Shares. 01 that foul Supply at a Month's Notice. 1 am, Sir, Lambeth, Your humble Servant, I l.' aitlll l tlL L 4 4VIUI a \ Jl ving deep Water; and then they . us of the Abufe ot the Old $ ri-! ge June 17. An ANTI- GOTH. 7 » the Pr: » hr of the Public Advertifer. 8 T R, I Have Reafon to complain of yeor Correfnonden s upon the dry Siib. ied of the old Mulberry of Stratf- rd- upon- AVon. The Tree itltlf fas actually appeared againft me in your Paper, arc!
much lels intelligent than the Oak ofDodor*, has taken me, it's greatell Friend, to be no lefj it's Enemy than the cr'uel Carpenter of Stratford, who formed one of it's Limbs imu a Wi^ 13 > x and an Ink Standifli for the two - reatelt Poe. s of our Age. Whillt fome acctife me of Partiality in Favour of tiie tuneful WV. olr mber, others, with morelnjullice, make m . Native of France, a Country ] detell froni pie n ' lei's than Mr. George Keate hates u . for his S; riflures upon the corred 0 0 ( . 1 Shakrfpeare. God knows, Mr. " A .0, ull, 1 am fo plain, honeit and downright n' Figlifhnun, that 1 ellecm the Bard no lefs t 1 his b. i . g ' mployed about
the great Stable v omin dity of mv Country, than I admire him for Ins excellent Tragedy called Titus Andreni ius. It was at fitll a Matter of fome Surprize to mc how the ancient Trunk came in Perfcn to at: aik me in London. I knew it had been cruelly dtprived of fome of it's Limbs for the Purp fes of making honorary Prefents to the excellent Rofcius and the Verfe- weaving Proprietor < f a Part of Spital fields. 1 was alfo well allured that the worthy Corporation, nutwiihftanding their Turn lor Poetry, could neither fpare the two difeafed Horfes mentioned by the Mulberjy itfelf, nor pa/ the Turnpikes in the Courfe of the Tree's J jurney to the
Capital. But what a refpedable Body of Men could not do was actually performed by the Song of one infpircd Bard. Mr. Keate, with his Friend in the Uutkins, being at Stratford at theRchearf » l of the inimitable Ode, which, accompanied with the ctaflicai Salt- box, is to be plrformed on t , e 6. h and 7th of September, oblcrved at the End of the fir It Stanza, that the withered Mulberry began to nnve. Before the Conclufion of tnc Ode, the venerable Tree was dancing up n or. e End thro' the dedicated Hall. Mr. K- « te Liid not hefitate what to do. He was itiiormej that the Mulberry was attacked, and he rekl.- cl to carry it in Perfon to the
Field of Action. He let forward repeating his Od*, il, e Tree limped alter him ; and both the Poet and toe Wood arrived in Spital- fields upon Saud « y rhe 24th of June precifely at Nine '< i'- ck in the Evening. Vocalem teniere infe- " Ijc Orphea Sj, lva:. • 1 » ni one 1 f thofc Writers, Mr. Woodf. ill, Jo n., t love wooden Antagoriits, I wilh • id prevail v-. ith the Bard to fing hisTree n ' ' jtratford, or to whilper gently in " Ear, that I sin fo far it's Friend • emely lorry for,' he Devallation it .. 1 the Carpcntei's Axe. To rei'd exools tne ancient Trunk to es. The virtuous Females who • jre's Plays, from Lady Mac- Fearflieet, may take it into , . ,- rt the
facred Wosd into Clogj, or to fomt left dignified Purpofe about their chatle Perfons. The Atlors too will not fail to have fome wooden Token each from the Body of the ulreidy too much lacerated Tree. But what i « Hill more mortifying to the Lovers of the Relitkj of true Genius is, that Mr. Moore may feize upon the iclf novingWood, and convert it into that unhorled Duug- Cart he intends to exhibit foeu upon tbe new Road leading to lilington. To avoid all or f tne of t h A Misfoyunes, I would advife the Bard to charm his Friend the Mulberry as foon as poflible out of this wicked and interefted Town. It is dangerous fcr Trees to dance along
the Streets in London, for a Scotch Pavior may take it by the Heels, and fix it fo hard for a Poll in a Corner between two Aberdeen Granites, that not all the Harmony of the Ode and Salt- box can remove it. We know the Power that the Mufic of the Poetry of Mr. Keate and Roflius have upon the inanimate Part of the Creation. The firit has repaired all his old Hcttfes in Spital- ficlds with Wood tranfported by Means of his Lyre to Keate- llreet, and every Turn- llile grates harfh Thunder on it's Pivot when the Author of Cymon palles by. But as Mr. Moore has got a Patent for his felf- moving Machines of Wood, I would advife the Bards to
be cautious in interfering with his Invention by making Trees dance out of their Places by the Powers of Song ; for whatever Effeft the Harmony of their Verfification may have on Wood, it is to be feared it will have none at all upon a Jury in Wcltminiler- Hall. DESQUEEZ- OH! Tithe Printer oj / A< fublic Advenner. S I R, N the Accounts you have given us in the Public Advertifer of the late Solemnities at Cambridge, which have been copied into other Papers, there are one or two Millakes, which you will reflify for the better Information of the Readers of youi's and other Papers: A'on Gremial does not flgnily Son Re/ dent, but tln le
who formerly belonged to the Univerlity, but have not their Names on the College Boards at this Time. The Public are njuch obliged to you for the Copy of the Inftaliation Ode, but 1 wiflj the celebrated Author had given them the corre& Copy kiuifelf, with a lew fuch Notes as illuitrttc his other Odes. In the firll Chorus, inttead of —— brigbt- eyd Science walks around, it & ould be iVb'tli bright- eyd Science watches rsund. In the firll Recitative, inttead of Muk Newton J Self bends from bis State fublime, it ( hould be his Seat fublime ; and a Comma fhould be after hoi obvious and abtrujmje. The Lines in ger eral are not properly fpaced
in your pri » ed Copy i There were about fix hundred only printed at Cambi idge and given away ; thefe are the only correct Copies, and I hope the ingeni-. us Author will faon give the Public a fccond Edition ot this fine Peiformance, which is Way inferior to his other Compofitions. In ftead of 30, there we/ e 80 at each of the tour Tables in the Hall ; and neither the Duchefs ot Grafton, the Lord Chancellor, Lord Rochfort, nor the Rutlian Ambailador, were at Cambridge. In the Account of the Degrees conferred on the. Nobility at this Place, inftead ot Mr Thyme, Member for Weoily, it ihould be IVeobly ; and inttead of Lord Henley, Son
of the Earl of Northampton, it Ihould be Son of the Earl 0i Ntrtbingtcto, 1 am, S I R, Cambridge, Your conftant Reader, July 4. ACAPEMllUS. ftr ibe Public Advertiter. E P I T A P H for Mr. POWELL'/ TOMB. READER, if thou can'it toatt a generous Mind, Weep at his Death, who felt for ALL MANKIND ! * W. W. * Aluding to bis exquifiie Senfibilicy, and to his t'rolclluoi. JUNIUS in our next. L~ O N~ D O 3SL Yefierday their Majefly's came from Kichmond to St. James's, where there was a very grand Drawing Room*. Tbei » Majefties afterwards dined at tht Qr. een'j Houfe, and return- ] cd to Richmond in the Evening. Yelterday her
Grace the Duchefs of Grafton was prefented to their Majdties by the Ducheli ol Bedford, and was ver/ gracf3ufly received. Yelterday the Hon. Harbord Harbord, Efqj Member of Parliament for theCitf of Norwich, and his Lady, fet out from their Houie in Pall- Mall, for the German Spa. Yetterday their Graces the Duke and Duchefs of Richmond fet out from their Houfe in ? rivy Garden for their Seat at Goodwood in Suflitx. It is faid that killing of Handi, at the St. James's End ot the Town, i j now entirely out of Falhion, efpecially during this kot Seafan. it is faid that the cool Reception in the Weft on- Wednefday has given great Difgutl to
many very relpeftable Perfons in the Ealt, and even tofomc Gentlemen, whofe Inclinations before fat more than due Welt. The Populace huzzaed the Lord Mayor and Mr. Alderman Becklord greatly on their getting out of their Coaches at St. James's, to prtfent the Addrels, and on their Return, particularly the latter. This Day the Right Hon. the Earl of Chatham will certainly be in Town. He will come to his Brother- in- Law, the Earl of Temple's, in Pall- mall, and frexu thence will ga to St. i James's. After the Levee at St. James's on Wednef. day a Privy Council was held, which chiefly confuted of the following Noblemen and
Gentlemen : The Duke of Bedford, Lord Manflicld, Lord Sandwich, Lord Talbot, Lord North, and Ricliari! Rigby, Efqr. The Duke of Richmond was there, but withdrew before the Council was opened. The Bifhop of Salisbury, in his Speech to the Houfe of Lords at the Impeachment of Doftor Henry Sacp. everell^ quoted the fallowing Sen. tence from Kfng James's Speech ft his Farliamcnt ia the Year 16- 9 : ' A King leaves to be a King, and degene- ' rates into a Tyrant, as foon as he leaves off ' to govern by Law : In which Cafe the King's ' Confcience may fpeak to him, as the poor ' Woman to Philip of Macedon, Either go- ' vern by
Law, or ceafe to be a King." It is faid that Mr. Wilkes intends to prefent a Petition againft Col. Luttrell's taking his Seat in the Houfe of Commons, at the Opening of the next Seffion of Parliament. The Inhabitants of Weltminfter, we hear, intend to nominate Mr. Wilkes as a Candidate for that City, in the room of the Hon. Mr. Sandys, now Lord Sandys, and a Meeting will be held one Day next Week for that Purpoie. We hear that Sir Fra » cis Blake Delaval is a Candidate for reprefenting the City of Weltminlter ir. Parliament, in the room of the Hon. Edwin Sandys, now Lord Sandy's, by the Deceafe of his Father. Great Intcrelt is
making by the Court Party to prevent, if poffible, any Member of the Bill of Rights from being returned for Weftminller. A Correfpondent fays, that a new Farce will fpeedily be performed at the political Theatre, intitled Tbe Young Man taught IVif om. It is again rumoured, that a certain worthy Alderman, whole continued lllnefs has, in dime Mcafure, rendered his Abilities for that Office ufelefs, intends foon to refign; but whether it ill be in Favour of Sir Jofeph Mawbey, or of Samuel Vaughan, Efq; is a Matter not yet publicly known. We are afl'ured that fince the late unhappy Diflentions between England and Ber Colonics have taken
Place, the Entries in a certain Government Off. ce have fallen fhort no lefs a Sum than One Hundred Thoufand Pounds a Year. Surely the Deficiency of fo large a Sum in the Balance of our Trade, muft afl'eft our domeltic Commerce in a very fenfible Degree. The Scots, in the City and ellewhcre, now b# alt highly of the molt gracious Recepiion which their Addrefs ( which was falfely called " The Merchants Addrefi) met with at St. James's; and in a taunting Manner, contrail it v » : th the Behaviour that was on Wednefday lnewn to the Lord Mayor, & c. on prefeming the Petition from the Livery of London. A Corrcfpoiident fays, that if
our Minifter at this Time is fo judicious as to fend a Reinforcement to the Garrifon of Minorca, for Fear of a Vifit from the French; he wonders that he Ihould have been fo ignorant as to fuffer them to make an Attempt on Corlica. Extraft of a Letter from Dublin, June 8. ' James Bulweil, Efq; having now vifited Ire- ' land, he dined with his Grace the Duke of ' Lcintter at his Country Seat at Cartown. He ' alfo went by fpecial Invitation to vifit the • Lord Lieutenant at ' his Country Seat at Leix- ' lip, to which he was conducted in one of his ' Excellency's Coaches by Lieutenant Colonel ' Waltli. He dined there, and ftayed all Night, ' and next
Morning came in the Coach with ' his Excellency to the Pi ceoix Park, and was ' prefent at a Review of Sir J » feph Vorke's Dra- ' goons. He alfo dined with tne Right Hon. ' the Lord Mayor at the Mayoralty. He is no . J ' fet out on his Return to Scotland. ' Mr. Bolweil's Vifu to Ireland has been of ' confiJcrable Service to the biave Corficans. ' The following Addre's has appeared inFaulk- ' ner's Journal and other public Papers : " As the brave Corficans are nobly refitting " the Tyranny of France without the Alliila. iec " of any other State, ali true Friends of Liberty " inult bedilpofed to aff> rd them Relief: Re- " mittancSs have been
made to them from Eng- " land ajid Scotland, which their illutirious " General has employed to the belt Advan- " tagc while he and all his Countrymen ere " penetrated with the toarmelt Sentiments of " Gratitude. '' Having had the Pleafure to find that a gc- " jjercus Zeal for the Cortkans prevails in lre- " Tand, 1 have been encouraged to hope that a " Contribution may be raiftd here in the Sup- " port of the Caule of Liberty, in which this " Country has on many Occafiana lo glorioutly " diltinguiflied herfelf. 41 I think it unneceffary to ufe many Words " on this Occafion ; the Caufe of Corfica is " known to every body. Whii feems a fmall "
Sum to the Opulent of thefe Kingdoms will " be cf molt eficntial Service to the brave " Illanders. A Number of little Contributions toon amount to fomcthing confiderable; and " I flatter myfelf, that although few can make " large Donations, all true Friends of Liberty " in Ireland will give what they can eafily fpare " to the Co; f: cans in this critical Campaign, and " be the Means of faving a little, gallant Na- " nor, which does Honour to the Age in which H we live. " JAMES BOS WELL. " Contributions for the brave Corficans are " received by Meff. La Touclie, Bankers in " Dublin, to whom Gentlemen, who mak- " Colleilions in their feveral
Counties and Boe " roughs, will pleafe to remit what is railed. " Mtf!', La Touche will in due Time be teady " to fatisfy Contributors that their Bounty is " properly conveyed to Coifica." • Several Contribution! have already come in. ' Mr. Stewart, of Newtown in the County of ' Down, has generoufly given One Hundred ' Pounds; and we imagine that we fhi'I not be • behind our Neighbours in fhewing our true ' Zeal f j r Liberty.' Hia Majelty had a greater Levee on Wednefday than has been known for fome Time : His Grace the Duke of Grafton and all the great Officera of State were prefent. It was remarked by a Gentleman prefent, that
the Reflexion of the Sun upon tne Scarlei'- Gown* of the Lord Mayor and Alderm: n oe'eafioned a general Blufh upon tbe Countenances of thofe molt in Power, and neareftihe ' s Perfon, On Wednefday a fine r. ew Ship, for the Service of the Hon, Ealt- India Company, was launched at Blaclwall, and named The Hawke, the Command of which, we hear, is given to Capt. Cotton : Several other India Ships are alraolt ready for launching. A Gentleman jult arrived from America fays' that in Proportion to the Violence of the Proceedings of the Miriiilrj here ag » intl theni, fo i' 3 the Strength ot the Union th*., e among thei. - felves
increafed, andthat the prirc'pal I oalisin all polite Company throughout Nonh America and the Welt Indies, ate, The King. The Queen, and Royal Family. Alderman Beckford. Alderman Trtcothick. The brave Paoli. Mrs. Macaulay. Lord Chatham. Lord Camden. Lord Shelburne. Duke of Richmond. Mr. Burke. Mar. of Rockingham. Colonel Barrc. Mr. Wilkes. Serjeant G l j n n . ' Mr. Dickcnloa. Mr. Otis, Mr. Adams, Mr. Culhing. Mr. Delanty. MayLicentL .. fnefsn » - \ er be miftaktu tur Liberty, noi Servility • for Lo) ahy. Succefs to the Commerce of ttle w hole Britifh Nation; Among other Feflivities at the late Inftailaticit at Cambridge, the
yourg Gentlemen of the Univerlity were permitted to have a Ball, and to invite fevcral of the genteel Strangers that were in Town. The Tickets were a Guioc* each ; and af erall the Expences were paid, they very generoully gave the Overplus, which was about t o Guineas, for the Benefit of the Count? Holpital at that Place. The Duke of Bedford gave T t n Guineas for the fame laudable Purpole, and became an annual Subfcriber of that Sum Yefterday was held a General Coort of Proprietors at the Eatl- India- Houfe, which did » ot break up till Six. The annual Account of the State of the Company was read, when the Profits of
thelalt Year very much exceeded the former, and every Branch of their Commerce and- Imome appeared in a very flourishing State.— A Queftion was then propofed, that the Appointment of a Superintenelancy to examine the State of the Company's Atfiirs, be vefted in one Perfon ; when after much debating tliersofl the faid Qoellion was withdrawn.— It was then moved, mat this Court doth agree to a Commifiion for that Purpofe, agreeable to the Information laid before, a former Court by the Court ol Directors, and that the faid Qiicftioa be put to the Ballot, and the Names of nine Proprietors being given to conftitutc a regular
Demand of a Bailot, the Court adjourned to Wednefday next for that Purpofe ; the Ballot to begin at Eleven and end at Six. The following Fact is fuch a wonderful Inftar. ee of the prolific Kind as would fonnd incredible, had it come from any inconfidcrable DifUnce. Mr. Green, a B iker ar. d Publican at Lambeth, has a Sow which lalt Week farrowed no lefs than one- ansl- twenty living Pigs, and two dead ones. On Wednefday at Rum ford Market Calves fold IJ per Cent cheaper than for thefe three Months paft : Wheat was the Quarter, iu. d Barley, Rye, and Oats, greatly reduced » Price. Yefterday Morning early fome young
Butchers and feveral other Fellows, who call themfelves Bull- Hankers, fraudulently took a Bealt from a Mafter Butcher's in Oxford Road, and drove it into Tottenham Court Field to be baited ; but the Owner having Intelligence of the Matter, pr cured two Con'llables and Affilbnts, and followed thefe Gentry, three of whom werefecured, and fent to Bridewell as Vagrants. S A L I S B U R Y R A C E S. On Wedncfcay Mr. WilJman's chefntrt Hcrfe F. clipfe, walked over the Courfe alone, for the King's Plate uf 100 Guineas. O t Thurfday three lta'ted for the City Free •' late ol ao. ive; Bowl ar. d i o Guineas in Specie, yvhich was vvj n by
Mr. Wi Oo Friday Plate ol 5 ' brown L' ' Specie, Idman's Eclipfe. ' larted for the Give and Take 1 wai won by Mr. Heyhr's oaiRne. s married, at A11 hallows " f Bow'lstid, ofFenftat, of Lime- itreefe Paul's, CrN Tat. tribal]. Booth, E( qt iliarpe, of atjiiiiaij, - churcn- itK- e., to -•<- Rope- Maker. Wednefday was married at vent- garden, by the Rev. j Redtor of the Parifh, Charles ^ •.. of Lincoln's Inn, to- Mils Gilptfl Horton, near Bradford, Yor . fhi< On Monday died, at his Ho Le near W, ndfwortli, in the 75th Year of ms Age, D> i 1 Set'ley, Efq; formerly a Calli- o Pr'. r,:; r, worth 70, cool. He had ferved the Office of High Sheriff for Surrey.
YeHetday th: Remains of Sir J ; fejh Mir. key, Knt. wcrc brought from ChelUa to Foun< k- rf- Hall in Lothbury, where ihey wil ' lie in State till this Evening, and then be carried, in grand Funeral Pomp ( by D y light) to- St. 1) " ms Back Church in Fenchurch- ltreet, » nd dejjefited in the Family Vault. Yefterday as two Weighers at Smart's Quay were weighing a Hogfliead ot Sugar, the l> i ai » gave Way and the Hogfliead fell upon on: of them and fradured his Skull. Wednefday an B y ab^ ut thirteen Ye rs of Age riding an unruly IIjrfe in St. Martin1* Lane, he w as thrown, and pitching upon hia Head, ' twas imagined his Skull was tr.
idured. The fame Day as a Man was loading a Hay- Cart for Mr. Alfop, of Mary bone, he fell down, and the Cart going over him, was bruifed in a terrible Manner.— They were both carried to the Middlefex Hofpitai. Yelterday a Carman was convided before the fitting Alderman at Guildhall, for wilfully driving his Cart agair. ft the Carriage of Mr. Sharp, Surgeon, in Ludgate- ilrcct, and whipping his Horfes againtt the Carriage till it got to Salisbury- ltreet in Fleet. itrcet, which put Mr. Sharp in gteat Danger cf his Life ; but on the Fellow pleading that he had a laigeFamily, xrd a s k i n g Pardon, and alfo agieeing to atk Pardon in one of
the public Papers, was difmiffed. Tuffdayl Evening Mr. Turner, Ssii- Maker, at Limchoufe, and nis Wife, were robbed in a fingle Hoife Chaifc, rear Lee Bridge, by two Highway » ,: n well mounted. Oneof them was taken a few Minutes after. The genuine Petition of the Livery of London to his M jelly, wlrch wzs prefented on Wednefday lati by the Right Hon. the Lord- Mayor, cleganti) printed on fine Paper Stamped according to Ad of Pailiament, is this Day pubUfhed Price 6d. by I \ Evans in Patctnofter- rovv.
WlliechapelHny- Market, July 4. May from 1 1 6 to 2 2 o t 7t r St 1 aw from to 1 1 7 6 > Luad t High Water this L> ny ar Lonfou .. ua. e ai 13 ** t . alter Fcur in the Miming ; and at 28 Vim. afte Four in die Alternoon. ' the Tide will ferie D O W N the River till a Quarter after Twelve at Noon ; u r till Half after Four 111 lh$ Afternoon; and D O W N the lelt of the Day. r a i. 4 y * Ce » u. I or. lu.. Ann. 99 J a j. Million b . n k— Royal All'iimnee—— London ditto • • 5 pert't Hun^ ar. Loanrlnd. Bdndi 30s. a 31s. Prem. N » w Navy BilU — . p « r Cent. Uifc. 3 per Cent, facte uer- Lou Antr dries faut. Tickets 141.15s. a 14s. 6d. V I C T U A L L I N ^
G T O F P T C E T - July 3, 1769. THE Cummiffioners for VUlua. hng his Majefiy's NAYY, Jo herein gne Notice that'on FRIDAY next the jth ' infant, they thill be readv to receive Tenders in Writing, Jea'ed up, and treat for one hundred Quarters of Peafe. And all Pert'ons who may think proper to make Tenders upon the J'aid Occafion, are defired to take Notice, that no Regard will be had to ant Tender that Jhall not he delivered to the Hoard before One i'Clock on the laid yth Infant. iia too iniiia ditto, 11. ut. South Sea Suck. ( hut. 31 er •' em Old Soith Sta An:, Ditto, itiut. j per (. pit ank Ann .. due'- 1 88 ; a [. D it ) Confot ( hut. | . « r
Ci. do. 1726, ( hut. j er Ct. 1 - 51, ( hut. Ditto India Ann. 3'. ,- 0 u . i, 56, ( hut. 31 p « r Ct ti ei, Ihut. N A V V - E, the 5th'Day of July, 1760. TH E E L E C T O R" S of the City and Liberty « i V, ESTM| NSTER » a l a reqnefted not to eng. ige their VofeS or Interefts for a Member to fucceed the*'- Ute Representative Lord SANDYS, as they may depend on a Gentleman being propefed, whofe Abilities and Integrity have beett tried and approved. O F F I C J u b ' 4 , ' 769. THE principal Officers and Commit/ loners of his Maiefy'i Na? Ydo hereby give Notice, that on TUESDAY the nth Infant, at Twelve o'clock at Neon, th- y a ill txf oje to
Sale al thit Office, feveral Parcels of old Stores laid a- part in Lots, Jueh as Paper Stuff in old Rope, old Bolt Rope and Crane P. ope, old Nets, Iron Knees and Standards, Ship Engints, Beds compleat, Brafs Box Comf njfes, and Fathom Wood, lying in his Majefiy's Yara at Dep ford, where any Perjon willing to be Purchasers, mat bane ihe Liberty of vie using them at any Time in ibt common working hours if the Yard 111 the Day of Sale. A id us a Dtp- fit of 25/. per Cent, is to be made It the Perfcns v. ho jba l purchafe the faid Lots, all tkofe who attend the Snie are 10 lake Notice theretj, and come prepared lor that Purpofe, and
ur. left lie Stores fo pnr chafedfhall be paid for, and taken away at tie End of firty Days after the Day •) Sale, the DepotitJBaO be forfeited, and become the Property of the Crown. Printed Inventories may be had as ufual. Eaft India Houfe, July 6, 1769. THE Court of Dirt Stats of the United Company of Mer shunts if England trading to the Eafi tmJjei, da hereby give Notice t That a Gsntral Cou. r: of tie fan! Company, will be btU at their Haufe in Lmdenballflreet, on WtdxeJttj next the 11 th Inflant , from Eleven in the Mining till Six in the Evening, for tbt Determination ly lia'- bt, of the fallowing Qutfiwn, viz. '* That this Court doth agree
with the Court of •* Oirt& oi't, that it is uectffary at this Time to find out a CommtJJhn with extraordinary Powers ** to regulate tbeir Affairs in India.* T H fi Committee Jtr Letting the Lands and Tenements of the City * London, do hereby g; ut Notice, that they will Jit in the Council Chamber at Guildhall, en Wednefday the tith Day of Jyfy I nil. at Four o'clock in the After- » « » , tt fell by public AuUion, the Materials of f t teratoid Buildings in Three Legg'd Court, in Whitecr fs- Street, near CrippUgate, divided into thret Lus. A Phn whereof, as alfo Particulars and Reflrulioni to be obfrved in taking the faid Bieildngs do wn, and clearing the
Ground, may be fetn, and fur tbt r 1,1 lor maii-. n bad at the Cunptroller's Ojf. ce at Guildhall a1 or efaid. D. SEAMAN, Comp'r ller. Guildhall, July 4. THE Commiifioners of the Sewers, Lamps and Pavements, for the Cry of London and Liberties thereof, give Notice, that they intend to contrail for pavin; one thoufand Yards with old Pebbles fquarod, the Ccntrafior to fquare the Stones m Moorfield s, ai* l lay them down in fuch Places agreeable to fuch Form and Level as ( hall he directed, to provide all l. tbourand Gavel, and defray all incidental Charges attending the ( aid Works, and for keeping the fame in Repair for feven Yeers.
And alfo for paving over the Pipe Trenches. Tho Comiaittee will meet at Guildhall onTuefday the Eighteenth Inftant, at Four in the Afternoon, « o receive Propofals for doing the faid Works. J. SMITH, Principal Clerk. Magdalen Holpital, July 5. THE Governors of this C H A R I T Y h » vi<(; refolved to ereft on Part of their Land in Sr. Geoge's Fields, a plain and convenient Building for the Reception of prepor Objects: The Building Committee intend t « > meet at Batlon's Coffee- houfe in Cornhill, on Wedncfday the Twelfth of July next, at Twelve o'clock at Noon precifely, to receive Propofals fealcd up, from fuch Pcrfons as are
defirous to contract for the whole Building. The Plans and particular Defcriptions of the propound Buildings are at the Magdakn Hofpital in Prefcot Street, Goodman's Fields, where by applying to the Steward, they may be lnfpefled ia a Room fet a- part for that Purpofe, at any Time betwten the Hours of Eight in the Morning and Kight in the Evening, from this Day, until Tuefday next. A. WINTERBGTTOM, Sec. St. Mary- le- 8rne, July 1, I 69, ANY Perfbn willing to contraS foT cleanfing the Streets, in ih. s Pa'ifll to Midfumnrer 1770, may attend theVcftry Meeting to beheld at the Court- Houfe in Marybor. e- Lane, in tin faid P » ri( h
on S » turday next the 8th Inftant, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, and then and there deliver in their Propofol i in Writing, fealed up; and in the mean time may be informed of Paiticulais by applying to Mr. l>(- kmm. Vsftry- Clerk, in Welbeck- dreet. This Day is puhlifbed, Price is. 6< JT Dedicated to the Manes of Mr. Yorick, THE Firil Days Adventures of a four Days TOUR ; or curfed Remarks and pitiful Observations made on a Journey through Part of tiiC Land o'f DUMPLINGS. Ry P E R E G R I N] E P O S T. Printed for S. Bladon, Number 28, R. Baldwin, Number 47, in Pater- nofter Row, London ; 0 d W. Wardlaw, in the
Market Pla^ p, Norwich. TH E Society of the F R I ft N D S of FREEDOM will have an extraordinary Meeting at the- Standard in Lcicufter^ FieMs, on Mofiday next the Tenth Inftant, at . Eight Jo'Cloek in the Evening,, wtoon fuc'i of them as ale Eletors of the City and Liberty of Waftminfter will confider of proper Meafures to fupporc their Independence. LOST from a Houfe in Wych- ftreet, this Morning, between Seven and Eight, a fmall Liver coloured and white Puppy, about three Months old. Whoever will bring it t » the Bar of the Five Bells Tavern in the Strand, ( hall receive Five Shillings Reward ; and whoever detains the faid
Puppy will be profecutcd. Public Ofhce, Bow- ftreet, July 6. STOJLEN laft " Night, out of a Houfe in Sackvile Street, Piccadilly, one black Sattin Cloak, two worked Aprons of flowered Lawn, and one Pair of India KulBes, one trebleDrefden Ruffle, one Cap, and one Linen Handkerchief. If offered to be pawned or fold, ftop them and the Party, and give Notice to Sir John Fielding, and you ( hall receive two Guineas Reward from the Owner. ST O P P E D , fuppofed to be S T O L E N , a Quantity of Handkerchiefs, viz. one white Lawn Handkerchief with a red flowered Border a little broke, one white Lawn ditto with a red flowered
Border and marked I. C. in the Corner ; one red and white ditto marked I. S. in the Corner; one red and wlvte fpotted Lawn marked I. H. Number 1 ; two red and white ditto with flowered Borders jfour red and white Lawn ditto, one m « rk « d S. in theCorner, another fomelloles burnt; two blue and white Lawn ditto, one marked F. P. in the Corner ; three red and white Silk ditto, one marked D. W. Numbe- r 2 ; one black and white Silk Mourning ditto ; and one eld Barcelona ditto. Any Perfon having loft any of the abeve Handkerchiefs, lis defired to attend at the Rotar; cn Office, at t he Angel and Crown Tavern in Whitcchapel, This
Day, at Twelve o'Clock, when the l'erfon in whofe Cutlody they were found Will be further examined. ST O P P E D , fuppofed to have Strayed, a Sorrel Gelding, Silver Mane and Tail, about fourteen Hands and a Half high, two white Feet behind. Any Perfon proving him their Property, by applying to Mr. Robert Merritt, at Hammerfmith, may have him again, on paying rt> r this Advertisement and his Keep. WHEREAS on Friday the 15th ult. we faw an Horfe in Smithfield in the Polfeffion of Henry Ramfden and Thomas Fawcett, which we fuppofe. 1 to be the Property of ,. of Coventry, he having loft one on the Tenth ult. in
Confequence of which we detained the faid Horfe and carried Thomas Fawcett before the Lord Mayor ; but 011 a more clofe Examination we found the faid Horfe v.' as. their own Property, therefore we think it a Duty incumbent on us, to make this public Declarat o 1, to remove any Refleftions that may have happened in Cotfequencc to fuch Mealure » that were then taken. • VSitnefs our Hands, JOHN JUNE, H. SHERRARD, J. DEEH. ^ _ . . . . , .. 1.1, i/ iiimj iiiiav uy EDvVARD BEV. vN, oppolits Air IVeet, in a'illy, London, rtniftied in the nfateft Matinei, and are not liable to be out of Repair ; painted 01 fta ned to any ' olo r, and
warranted to ( land, as they bet not rta^ e of Dei! or B . turns, hut of a ( upe rior S- ft of Wood, w. ll call \ aru. u. Shades, and — ider Rooms cool an i pltafant in the hot'eft Wea- ; r, and prevent the Sun fiom fujuiing ieh Furni- : ure .-. nd fine Pain ings; and made fo as to be , ut up > r taken d. iwn hy any Servant. . They are made Whoiefale aod Ret it, and af the lowe t Prices ; and Any Orders performed in a few Day~, luving Materials already for the Purpofe. th T o be S O L D bv A U C T I O N*, By Mr. L A N C F O R D and SON, At their Houfe in the Great Plazia, Cover. t Garden, OnTuefday the iSth of July, Tobegin at Twelve. By
ORDER of the TRUSTEES, In TWO DISTINCT LOTS, THE L A R G E and V A L U A B L E FREEHOLD MANOR of BABRAM, intheCounty of CAMBRIDGE, with the Reftory, arid the feveral Meffuages, Farms, Lands, ar. d Hereditaments in BABRAM, of tne yearly Value of 1300b or thereabouts. ALSO, The MANOR of FOXTON, in the fame County, with the capital Meliuage, Farm and Quit- Rents thereunto belonging, of the yearly Value ^ of 130I. or thereabouts. Printed Particulars of which, with Conditions ot Sale, may be had at Mr. Langford's aforefaid. T o be" S O L D by A U C T l O N , " By Mr. B A R F O R D , On the
Premifes, This Day, ALL the neat genuinfiHuufhold Furniture of Mr. ROGERS, retired into the Country, at his Dwelling Houfe in Blenheim- ftrect, near the Upper End of New Bond- ftieet; conliflingof a great Variety of Bedfteads and Furniture, Bedding, Damask Window Curtains, Mahogany Drawers, Bureaus, Book Cafes, Pier Glalfes, Chairs, Tables, Carpets, Pictures, Pi bits, Plate, an Onyx Watch by Adis, China, Wines, a Angle Horfe Chaife, and fome ufeful Kitchen Furniture, Sec. To be viewed till the Sale, which will begin each Day at Twelve. Catalogues may be then had at Mr. Barford's, oppofre the Black Bear in Piccadilly,
and at the Place ef Sale. The Houfe to be letter fold. T o be S O T D b y T U C I' I ej By Mr. B U R N S A I. L, At his Auftion Room, Charles- llteet, Berkley- fqure, Thij Day| the 7th Inft. to begin at Twelve, TH E geaiuinc Houlhold Furniture, the Property of the Dowager Lady CORNWALL1S, removed Irom her Ladyfliips late DwellingHoufe inllill- ftreet, Berley- fquare, no Sale being admitted on the Premifes ; confiding of Bedfteads apd Furniture, Feather Beds, Blankets, Quilts, and Counterpanes, Crimfon Silk Furniture inWindowCurtains andChairs, fome China and good Kitchen Furniture. To be viewed to the Time of Sale. To the
Humane and Genereus. CO N V I N C E D of the Public Benevolence, though Num'Wi are every Dry imploring its charitable Succour, it wnuld be blaraAible not to mention the Cafe of an aifiidled Widow, whom the Death of an affectionate Huftnnd, the fole Source of her Support, has la'ely left with four unprotefled Innocents in a State of unutterable Diftrei's. The Illifband was a Man of Letters, and conftantly exercifed hi- Pen to advance the important Literefts of Religion and el era ity. M. iny o'l his t'rcd- nt nns have I een ho n > misd with the eeneiai Approbation of his Country, acid have been pr- n unce^, even by Tome in the- ft ft
Rank of Genius, I'. ghly btnencia! to Society. Unhappy Man I little did he i nagine, wiien labouring to promote the Profpeiity of others, that his own Family would ever know the piercing iVanr of Breid. Little' did he imagine, when he tru ; llt the melting Eye of Ifumanity U> fl.> w at a Trie ol ideal Sor ow, that his own Wife and Children w? re to realize iti; Sro- y of Diltrcfs. Bui who hall dare t » m 1 iner at ths D, fpenl'ations of Prov. d. nie, or arrogantly fay- to Omni potence, this Calamity is too much. The very Stroke which now plunges the Subjeft of this Addiefs into the deepe- ft Abyfs of Angui I , may be pe: haps, in Part, what the
Poet finely terms, a Bleflint in Di guife ; it may be the Meai. f o( furnilhO; not only a d cent, but a permanent Eftablilhmcntfor her pojr Orphans; it may wife up fnne ex- ihed Mind; to confider them with Pity, and open a Provifion for them which was beyond the contracted Circuniftanees ol the r unfortunate Fatli r. In tliis Hope, Donations are humbly requefted to be left with the following Bookfellers, who will give the Benevolent a more particular Accouat of thisdiftfelTed Family ! Mr, Dodlley, in Pall mall ; Mr. Almon, in I'icca ' iHy ; Mr. Lowndes, in He « t-( lreet ; Mr. Baldwin, in Paterno'ler. Row ; o Mr. Taubert, within the Rainbow e
offee- Houfe, Cornhill. The fmalleft Contribution will be received with Gratitude, and the God of all Mercies, who fee « into the I'ottom of the Mourner's Mifery, will be inceflantly fuppli- Cited for BleflintS on her Benefaitors. W I G S to imitate N A T U R E . WHEREAS fome Gentlemen are yet induced to let their Hair grow while many otke|£ are ftill conftrained to wear it, feeing they cannot jfet Wigs made to appear as Natural : In crdertherefore to'remove this Objefiion, the following Method is taken, to acquaint the Public, thit COURTIER, Peruquier, and Gentlemen's meafured Block- mnker, No, 4, Stationers C urt, Ludgate- ftreet,
two Doors from the Sun Tavern, makes different Kinds of natural Wigs, made of real natural- curled Haii, vi*. Ba; s, Qqeues, Curls, and Scratches, with Roman, Nazareen, French Tops, inc. and wave Crowns up" n an f « tire new Conftruetion, f » as to ( land all Weather, and to imitate NatU'e to fuch Perfeftion as not to be difcernable from a Perfoo's owa H . ir. They let light and eafy to the Head, and never fly off the Ears, and equal the beft Heads of H . ir for Beauty and Elegance of Talle, asd prove fitter for travelling than any Kind of Wig ever before invented, as they need no more drilling than a Comb run thro' them. ( fjp
Counfellers and Phyficians Ties, and Clergymens Bobs, made in the Pari fi an Tafte, " avec un Air " bienjkgage." Alfo all otksr Kinds of Wigs, " « u " dwnWijout," T o be S O L D by A U C T I O N , By Mr. B L Y T H, At his Great Room in Dean- ftreet, Soho, On Monday and Tuefday, the 10th and nth Inftant, by Order of the Executors, TH E genuine Houlhold Furniture and other Efleflsofa CENTLEMAN and LADY both DeceiTed; a. nongft which area fine toned Harpfichord by Riickers of Antwerp ; a Forte Piao, a large TurkcyCarpet, a Chime Qumter Clack, a Table ditto, a parcel of old Picture;, China, India Screens, & c. To be
viewed on Friday and Saturday, when Catalogues may be had at the Place of Sale, which will begin at half after Eleven each Day. . . . < V " V iJ f . AVery good large Town Coach, with Convenicnci. s lur iriveliing. hhtjullteat ' the fSafoJVs Arms in MacWocft's Street, nearSti George's Church, Hatiover- fquaie. T o be ii O L O, or L E i ' T, And Entered upo" immerfiatefv. AFreeh Id E. lste, fituated in the P rifh of Great Badr'ow, near Cliel r stord, m theCeenry o: iilfex ; confift. ng of a very ;; ocd I/ Welling- Houfc, Oflivts, with S'ables for eight Ho f s, Harn nn- f fundry Out Houf t , a very good K lehsn and Pieafu e- G irden cor- taining
about three Ac » ts, with or wjtln. ur nine een Aces o' verjr rich I' tlere, ar, d fix Acre:* ot Arable Land, all exceedingly well wateied with a Stream t- unn'r g th rnrgh the whole. For Part ice la t enquire of Mr. Allan, Carpenter, in Portland.( lreet, St. Maty le- bone ( or of Mr. Stock, of Rnddow Hall, who cviil ( hew the fame. " To be L E T T, On Ham Common, orte Mile and a half from Rich, moml, I'urniflied ot unfurmft; ed, AVery giod Houfe, coTililtuig of a Hall, and two Parlours, Houlekeep r's Room, Kitchen, and Mher Offices on the C. roun '- Floor ; font Bedctumherrs, and two Ch. fet on the nrft Floir j and four Garrets and two C ot-. s ;
two Sumner H flies, with dnee good Rooms, Stabling for fi* Horfes, and t'- veCo'di- Hodfes, a Wa( h- houfe and l. rjundry, and SiJPTivms Room over ditto, wiih a fmall Kitchen Gar. den jJarted With geod Fruit- Trees, and a Field ad- Ei quire ot Melf. Gordon and Taitt, in Little Argyle- m eet. Thi Day is pttblifhed, Xn Orr? Vol. Oftavo, I rice 7s b n H, containing, MECHANICS, or the Deiinnc ,,( Motion, in fix Se'^ icns. 2. lie P - j Cbon of the Sphere, Orihogriphic, Ste- reographic, and Gno 110- nical, in three Se< tn ns 3. The Laws of Centripetal and Centrif. igal Force, in three SeCl'ons. By W. E M E R S O N. Printed for J. Nourfe, in the
Stranrt, Bookfeller to His Majefty. Next Week will be puhliilied hy the fame Author, in one Volume Svo, Trice 7s. bound, A Syftem of Aftrono ny, conta nin> » the Invef'igation and Le. n nftraiion of the Elements of lliat Science. T o be S O L D by A U C T 1 O N, By Mr. W H IT C O M B, In Separate Lots, On Tlmrfday the Inftant, at Four in the Afterternoon, at the Crown and Scepter in Brompton- RoW Knightsbridge, A Valuable I. eafehold Eftate, confifting of three fubfbintial well- built Brick MefTu- jes, one twenty- two Feet in Front, and . whole Ground 44 Feet deep, and two nineteen Feet each in Front, and 14.4. Feet deep, having
two genteel Ropms on a l-' locr, finilhed in the prefcnt Tafte, with Marble Chimney- Pieces, tec. moft delightfully fituated, being the 7 th, Jth, ai d 9th Houfe, on the Weft Side of Brorhpton- Row, Soiith from the Sign of the Fulham Bridge, alfj the Sth Houfe South from the Place of Sale, being fubftantially built, eighteen Feet fix inches in Front, and one hundred and eighty- two Feet dce; s, having two genteel Rooms on a Floor, nearly finilhed, 54 Years of the Leafes unexpired, at moderate Ground Rent. To be viewed This Day the 6th inftant, and till the Sale. Particulars and Conditions of Sale to be had on the PremiSes, at the Place
of Sale, and of Mr. Whitcomb i n Princes- ltreet, near St. Ann's Church, Soho. T o be S O L D T y ~ A U . C T I O N , Sometime this Month, Of which Notice will be begin in this Paper, TH R E E Leafehold Houfcs, 60 Years to come of theLeafe, new and fubftantially built, neatly fitted up, all the Rooms and StairCafes paper'd, Marble Chimney Pieces to the Firft and Second Floor, very airy, with little Gardens, fituate in the Horfe- Ferry Road, Weftminfter, the End near Stretton- Ground. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Meadows, Carpenter, near the Premifes. They are now lett to Tenants at Will. T q - b e s o l, ANeat new Poft
Coach lined with aCrimfon Cfcth, painted a Garnet Colour, the Framework and Springs gilt, with Chapters of Flowers in the Door Pannels, and Urns in the Sides, with Front Glaffes, and anOval behind, with new invented Patent Shutters to the Front, and Doors which exclude the Sun and Rain, and admit a free current of Air. Enquire of Mr. Smit'i, at the Swan with twoNecks in Tothili- ftreet, Weftminfter. ( 1 j ? A good fecond- liand Road Coach, with Iron Axle- trees and Steel Sprirgi, almoft as good as new, to he fold cheap. T o be L E T T, Near Watford in Hertfordlhire, A F a rm of about 366 Acres of Arable and Paflure Lands,
free of great Tythes, tke Fallow to be entered on immediately ; as likewife two fmall Farms joining to each other, and containing together about one hundred and thirty Acres, with very good Orchards ; one of the Farm- Houfes newly fitted up, and made very convenient for a fmall Gentleman's Femily, which will be- lett with any Quantity of Land within the 130 Acres, or without any Land, and entered on immediately. Enquire at 1I11 White Kirt at Wat for', This Morning will be puWJb'd, Jn the 11511 Number, of TH E N O R T H BRITON, with the Petition cf the CITY of LONDON am x d. The , further Proceedings and Determin itions
ot t e Ho'eSe of Commons, on having the Petition of John Wiikei, Efq; To which is a ' ded, Ths Opinion of Mr. Seijeant Glynn and Mr. Devenport, on t' e Writs of Error brought before the Houfe of Lords. This Number compleats the Parliament Bufinef; relating t j Mr. Wilkes, during the lift SeiVion of Pailiamaot, faithfully tatten from the Minutes. Printed for W. Bingley in the King's Berch Prifon, and fold at the- Britannia, oppofite Dui ha n- y rd ift the Strard ; at his new Shop near the Star Inn, Blackman Street, Southwark ; J. Meres in the Oi l Bailee j and by a!! the Bcokfeliers in Town and Country; alfo by the News Carriers ; of whom
may be thad, Price ns. in Boards, the Second Part of the Firft Valurn of tlie Original North Briton, viz. No. 47, to No. iooe with a general Title and copious Index of every " Nam and Article contained therein, or any linyle l# umb « e to CcmpleteSit. s. This Day is puirlif/ el, " In Three Vulumes, Priee f f t n - hilenes, The Twelfth Edition, err e ed . nd " nlaired, of THE E N G L I S H C O M P E N D I U M , . or Rudiments ot rl.- n- u< ; ci>' ita « n. ik, ihe G enea gie> ot all the Nobi ity of ttngbi.^, e.-..- P. ilts, and Seats ; alfo * lie, r Coronarion Rot- e , » ih their Arms, Crelis, Suppmters, and Mcttos, exiifl y eng a red on Copper Putes, To
which are it^ did, An Account ol the Officers of ' tate, th^ Inftituticm a- d Inveftiture o the feveral Orders of Kn hthoo1!, and Lifts of the faid Order, to the 1 relent Time 1. The SCO PS COMPENDIU i coptunirt: the Succeflion of Swts Kings, the- NoSiliiv cf S otlind, their Title1, Ma'ra^ es, Defeents, ?. nd Iffie ^ 1 kewife th ir Coats of Aims, with thoie of th': O- der oi. jhe ' 1 hiftle, terf. itly engrave i on ga 0, pper P,'. tsi. The 7 h Edition, Price 7s. 6d 3. Ti e IKISH CO'M F. NDIUM ; cor. ta nin: r the Defein', Marriage, Iffie, T ^ ies, P fts, and Sea's'- of . a'l tne Nobility ot Ireland ; with their Arms, < r. fbi, SuppoH- rs, Mo'tis, and Parliament R
be;. . exafHy engiaved on C I, pir. t'la'es. The 51b Editi'- n; pries 7s. 6d. Printed for V/. S'r-. har>, J. Riv'nt- ton, R. Baldwin, Ha ves, i.' l rke, and Ci llins, It. Hoisfieid, S < rowd-. r, B Law. T. Field, J. Mi'llan, J. Pote, J. 4>. lUie, sill G. Kei h 1 bis Day a> e publifhed. The Tw loll iw ne'hevi iio'k?, The firft, Pri e bjun I 3s. 6). e tgantly pcrted in a Pocket Voluni , on fo 1 r. e a Type as to compter,- all the ufefal Words thnt „ re to be lound in a f olio Difli > nary, ANew Diflionary in French and Eng'iSi ; containing the various Aiceptatio s cf a!! the Woids now in Ufe in the he-. ch l a- uage, which are pr'- perlv expla lie! a cudinn to the true
U10.11 of both angu< g: s. By Htnry Fox. II, M. dun Letters in French and Fnglifti, d vided into twj Parn : The firft I'ait conta. ns 1 ifty l>- 1 t'e i, with the r Anfw.- rs, on a V^ r ety of fami. iar ^ ul. j. ct y equally ente'taining ar. d inftruflive: Part 2. includes fome Obfei vations on Commercial Style, with Models of Letters, Bill , i c . re'ative M Commercial Bufin.- Si. To which are annexed, accu ate Dirr{ tio » s with Regard to the proper Foim of Wr ting ro Superior:., Equals, and Inferiors. The who e defigfied tor ihe 11- ftruilion and Imp'Ovement of fuch young GentLmen and Ladies a*, aie defi o s of acquiring th-. true Style and exart M. ir
ncr of trench iftehry CoireTpondence. Price bour. d 4s. Printed for J. Mourle and S. Hoiper, in the Strand. This Day is pubiijhed. Price 5s. fewed, 6s. hound, Th; Second Edition, corrected and enlirgcd, With Copper Plates, and Descriptions of Such new invented Implements of Hufb., ndry, as defe. ve to be generally known ; ASIX WEEKS T'OUR thro' the Southern Counties of ENGLAND and WALES. By the Author of the Fa mer's Letters, ( t^- In this Second Edition, the Audio- hus infeited fome Srr( h Intelligence he received, of the new Improvements in Hufhandry, in the Neighbourhood of the Rout, and made confidtrable Additi
ns, wh eh h^ hopes will render it more acceptable to the Put) io, aid be found to co-'- perate entirely with his ori- iina! Defign of enla'ging the Knowledge 01 Britilh Agriculture, Printed tor W. Strahan j W. Nicoll. No. rj, St. Paul's Churcll- yard ; B. Collins, at Sah& ui- y j\ and J, Balfour, at Edinbuah. - ; V.'. ^\' here may be hid, Price 6s. boupd, . the. id Edition of, The Fargjer's Letters, L- - - - - cvti; I mm
S H I P N E W S. C , Deal, July- 5-. AME down and failea the General GS^ e, Kemble, for New Yi rk ; and Martha, Scmple, fer hewry. Arrived and fail. d for the River. the Blue and Orange, O iver, from Antigua. Wind N. E. Grave/ in, I, July 5. I'afftd by the Worrel, • , from Stockholm ; Mackrel, Ollloy, from DintriCk j and Hannibal, Puddicoinb, from Oporto. The Hope, Wilh, fiom South Caiol na, is arrived at CoWPeOs. RT » /• LONDON, July 6, 1769. Ccajting. Shift and Vtjfeh Entered Inwards. F' om Berwick. Samuel and Chriftizn, Robi Inglis. Pool. Badger, Toil. Cook ; Rofe, Wm. Thoftlas. Lyme. Donnegal, Wm. Oliver. Colclefler.
Thomas and Mary, 1 liom . j Wall ; Wm. and Sufjji, Coin. Dyer; Ann and Aniey, John Hakn. Mildon. Dove, Peter No man. Leigh. Unity, Wm. Barnes"; Endeavour, John Sew el. Porifmouth. Portfea, John Gray. Hull. Cvanwel, Wm. fohnfon. Carnarvon. Jenny, Hugh Williams. Sandwich. Iile of Thanct, Guorfce Covel ; Hopeael, Richaid Grant; Sally, Wm. Anfel. Wells. Ann, Ifaac Bird. Cleared Outwards. For, Rocheller. Wm. and . Mary, Wm. Bland. Feveriliam. FevSriham. Thoma- Rajner, Stocknn. Mau fley, Roliei t Mete iff. t Borowllonefs. K'ng George, Wm. Marlhal. Pool. Johnand Mary, Robert D4W. L y e . Jane and ELiabeth, fames
Vic:. t, V01tf- nouth. Two Biotheis, , George Stilts. C O U N T R Y N E W S . York, July 4'. Laft Sunday the Porpoife, George Brodeiict, Mailer, J , hn Yeoman, E'q; Owner', arrived at Whitby « ich 184 Pip? s of Blubber, the Produce of ten Whales caught in the Greenland Seas. A f tw Days fiJice the Countefs of Waldegrave pafs'd tliro' this Place in her Way to Scotland, on a V. fit, it is faid, to the Duchefs of Hamibon, at Hamilton Place, near Giafgow. Mr. Daw f> n, Apothecary in Leeds, is chofen « n Alderman of that Borough, on the Refignation of Mr. Alderman Firth. On Sunday Se'nuijiht died at Darlington,, a- ed 83, Mr. Wood,
Uncle to the Rev. Mr. W i o i . He made the Tour of Europe twelve Times; and what is remarkable, the ialt Tour he made was in hh 7zd Year. Dying a Bachelor, he has left his Sftate to his Nephews. A few Days fince died Mr. William Thornton, ; n emin, nt Attorney at Law at Shipley, near Bradford. Yeftarday i'e'nnight was married at Ecdale, Mr. William Greadhead, an eminent Harie- Deaier, apcdCo, to Mifs Molly Blackburn, of the p m e Place, an agreeable young Lady, aged 18, With a handfonie Fortune. Lall Tuefdsy ihtas married at Hornfea Church, hlr. Richarl Kentifli, an eminent Surgeon, Apoil. e. ary, and Man- Midwife at
Biidlington, to Mili Mary Legard, a mill deferving young Lady, with a handfome Fortune. Laft Tuefday as a Man was pulling down an j- Id Barn at Golda'; rough, it fell in upon Kim, aid killed him on the Spot. " TfclVirtay the Earl of Carlifla'pifs'd through jiii^ CuxiGJ\ is; Wy to Cjalile: Howard. * " The following is the Pwwion of this* Live ryof London. , Tfie humble Petition of the Livery of the City of London, in Common- Hall affembled. Mcfl gracious So- trerei\ n, \ X / E your iVhjc! l)' s dutiful and loyal Sabjefls, v " trie Livery of the City of London, with all the Humility which is due from free Subjefls to their lawful Sovereign, but with all the
Anxiety which the Senfe of the prefrnt Opprcflions, and the iuft Dread of future Mifchiefs, produce in our Minds, beg Leave to lay before your Majefty fome of thofe intolerable Grievances which your People have fuft'ered from the evil Conduit of thofe who have been intrullcd with the Adminiftration of your Majefty's Government, and from the fecret unremitting influence of the worft of Counfellors. We fhould be wanting in our Duly to your Majslly, at well as to ourfelves and our Pollers- y, ihould we forbear to reprefent to the Tprsr. c the defperate Attempt which have been, and are too fuccefsfully made, to deliroy that Constitution, to
the Spirit of whith we owe . the Relation which fublills bttween ycur Maielly and the Subjedfs of thefe Realms, and to lulvert thofe ficred Laws which cur Anceltors have fealed with their B1 > od. Your Minilleis, from corrupt Principles, and in Violation of every Duty, have, by various enumcra'ed R& » ans, invaded our invaluable and unalienable Right of Trial by Jury. They have, with Impunity, ilfued General Warrants, and violently feized Perfons and private Tape s. They have rendered the Laws non effeftive to our Security, by evading the Habeas Cor pus. They have caufed Punifhments, and even perpetual I. nprifonment, to be
inflifted, withuut Trial, Conviclion, or Scnterce. They have brought into Difrepnte, the Civil Magiftracy, by the Appointment of Perfons who are, in many Relpefls, unqualified for that impi rtant TruJJ, and have thereby purpofely furnillted a Pretcnce for calling in the Aid of a Military Power. They avow, and endeavour to eftablilh, a Maxim, abfolutely inconfillent with our Conftitution ;— that " an Occafion for ejfeflually employing a Military Force, always prefents itfelf, when the Civil Power ii tr. ijled with. or in fulled " and, by a fat< l » nd falle Application of this Maxim, they have wantonly and wickedly lacrificed the Lives of many of your
Ma jetty's innocent Subje& s, and have proftitutcd your Majelly's facrcd Name and Authority, to juftify, upplnud, and recommend their own illegal and bloody Aftions, They havefcrcened more than one Murderer from Punifhment, and in it's Place have unnaturally fubltituted Reward. | They l. jH'e cft- abliflied niimberlefc urxcRfUrutional R^ gulat"!' rlsaiid Taxations in our Colonies. Thoy have caufed a Revenue to be raifed in fome of them by Pierogative. They have appointed Civil Law Judges to try Revenue Caufes; and to be paid from out of the Cortdcmnaiiort- Money. After having inful ed and defeated the Law on different Occifi
in?, and tjy different Contrivances, both at Home and Abroad, they have at length completed their Dcfign, by violen ly wreliiiig from the People the lall ( acred Right we had left, the Right of Eledtion ; by the unprecedented feating of a Candidate rtntorioufly let up and chofen only by thrtnfelves. They have thereby taken from your Su'rjeils ail Hopes of Pailianientary Rcdrefs, and have left us no Refource, under God, but in your M^ iefry. All this they have been alle toeffed by Col-- sreption. By a fcandalbus Mifapplicaiion and Embezzlement of the public Treafure, and a fha'. nelul Proftitttiion of public Honours and - Employments;,
procuring Dcficier. c'es t. f the Civil Lift to be made good withoutExsmina- . tion; and, inlfead of punifliing, conferring Honours on a P- aymsller, the public Defaulter of unaccounted Mill'mns. From an unfeigned Senfe of the Duty we owe to your Majelly, and to our Country, we have ventured thus humbly to lay before the Throne thefe great ? nd important Truths, which it has been the Bufinefs of your Minillers to cinceal. We nvift earneflly befetch your Majefly to grant us Redrefs. It is for the Purpofe of Redrefs alone, and for fuch Occafions as the prefent, that thole great and extenfive Powers are iriti tilled to the Crown by the Wi(~-
dom of that Conftitution which we trull in God it will for ever continue to fupport. Ti- is Morning at fen will he published,- ( Price Six- pence. ) ALetter to the Court of Diredlors for Affsi s of tlie United Company of M e d i a n ts i f Knglani trading to the E,. ft- Indies, conc- ining the propoftd Superv forftiit>. Pr. nted for Richardfon and Urqu'iart. under the Royal- E • charge. By t i e K I N G ' S Author ty. Ibis Day is pullijhed, Price only ( id. ( Dlufltated with a Head of th= celebrated 1 ' a t r b t , Sir William Wyndliam, Bart. AQuaito View ot Gur'- nerlbury- Houfe, the S- at of her R o . a l Hi'ghnefi the Princtfs Amelia A He d, from ail origina
Painting, 0! Pafcal Paoli, General of tile Coificans: All three very elegantly engraved. And, a new Song, fet to Mulic ) TH E UNIVERSAL MAGAZINE of K N O W L E D G E a n d P L E A S U R E , t o r J U N E, 17( 19. Number CCCVIII. Vol. X U V . Containing, ( in Eight Pages extraordinary, and ( everal Copper- Plates,) Life of Sir W i l l am Wyrjdbani, Bart. Elfay on Death. Proceedings in the la; l Setlion cf Parliament, cor. iinuid. Origin and Lffsflv of Chivalry. State of Governmmt in Tuikilh Empire, with a Sketch of the Character of t h ; T u r k s . Ac- ount of a newly- invented Swiitiniing Jacket, at Pa: is. Hiftory of England,
continued; Accou: Ti of Gunnerlhury- Houfe. Cenei- al Defcription 01 r . ra^ uay. An enteitaining- Novel ( be tile Ladic . .-- inaikable Event in the Annals of Coifiw. Vi-• : the . Hiltory and Politics cf the- Vear- 176S. « • dJUtnacettje, Me.- i r e i t o mori. Ode lu. : - . ' t ' l Day. Prologue t o t h e r . s w , in lii& Chariot. Epilogue to the fur. e. M . t. i : • t lluman Life, n o t ' t u be- deplaiei. . Kecip-' V'):- ili. a- ppoinied Love. Seng. The Lark. tr'pitapb t> i. ivalid. On a Pipe of Tobacco. 1' etition of-; \ u l ^ t i "'. vi itiii'th. . Anecd. ne of Vo. taiie. Impenetrable Cypher. iVIiddlefex Peti'ion. Circuits, Biackiriars- Bri'igK ' ASt. hews Foreign and pomcdic.
Births, Miriia^ ci. Xte. ith , i'refermeats, Promotions, Bankrupt.', new Boiks, Prices cf Stocks and Corn, Bills of Mortality, & c. & C. Printed for J . Hinton, at the K i n g ' s - a r m s , in Paternofter Row, near Warwick- lane; and fold by all the Bookfellers ill Great- Britain and Ireland. Where alfo may be had the Kcrty- ti ree Volunies neatly bound and lettered, Price ijl. 13s. 6d. Half- bound SU n s , or any fingle Number from the Beginning at 6d. each. About the Middle of this Month will be p iblifhcd, The SUPPLEMENT to the Forty- fourth Volume of ihe UNIVERSAL MAGAZINE, with feve ral Copper- Plates, and a complete Alphabetical
Index, & c. & c. This Day is publijbid, Price Six- peilce, to be continued Monthly, Illustrated with three elegant Engravings, the Subjects of which are a- follow : A fine Portrait of the beautiful Mrs, S- id— s, z. A g jod Figure of the well- known Volpone. 3. An excellent whole Length of the illuftrious Pjfc. il Paoji, ( taken by PermiiTion from a Painting in the Poflelnon of a celebrated patriotic Lady, painted at Corte,.) ill the military Drcfs of the Coriic. ir. s. 4. An hieroglyphic Infcription on a Tomb- Stone in a Church in Yorkfhire, neatly cut in Wood, N U M B E R VI, of THE TOWN and COUNTRY MAGAZINE ; or Univerfal Repolitory of
Knowledge, Inltruilion, and Entertainment,' for June 1769. Printed lor A. Hamilton, Jun. near St. John's Gate; and Ibid by Robinfon and Roberts, No. 15, Pater- Nofter Row; and W. Cooks, near the Royal Exchange.. Tlus Number contains, among many other original and interefting Ariiclcs, Hiitory of the Tetes- aTetes ; or; Memoirs of the beautiful Mrs. S— d— s and Volpone. Character of Elizabsth, Queen of England. State of Europe for June 1769, containing an Account of t'ie Government and Strength of the TurkifhEmpire. The Petition of the Freeholders of Middlefex to the King.. The Adventures of a Farthing. Anfwers to
Mathematical Qi^ ellions, and new ones propofed. A DifFertation upon Tafte, by M. Roulfeau. The Ilillory of Harriot- Whit'on. Memoirs of Pal'cal Paoli. Curious AnecdoteS of Dr. Dimfdale's inoculating the Czarina. Letter from Maria Hedges. Memoirs of a Wofiiun of Spirit. The Hiftory of Lady Arabella D A Letter to" the King of Prufiia. Defcrii » - tion of the Duke of Bolton's Mafquerade. Memoirs of' Mifs Ann Elliot. Amufing and in( Vu£ Kve Queltions. An Aftronomer difappointed viewing the Tranfit of Venus. Tho Theatre, No, VI. containing the Plot of Dr. Lnft in his Chariot, and Plan of the Captive. Account of new Books and
Pamphlets. Poetry. Foreign and Domeftic Occurrences, including a Detail of the vigorous Steps taken on Saturday Juue 24 by t, he Livery of London for petitioning his Majefty, & c. See. With a grea' Variety of other i| iterefting Articles. This D y is fubhjhcd I Neally pri- ted ill One Volume Duodecimo,. ( Price Three Shillings bound) Recon^ r. ende • by feveral eminent O. lrwisers now | in PraaJc'e . new tha City of London ; THE PRACTICAL GARDENER", and" ? GENTLEMAN'S DIRECTORY, tor every Month in the Year : Adapted to the New Stile : All entire new Work: Containing the lateft and moil approved Methods of cultivating
« nd improving the K i t* ehen, Flower, Fruit, and Phytic Garden ; and foi' managing the Vineyard arid Pine- apple^ the Nurfery, Shrubbery, Greenhoufs, and Hothoufe ; with proper Dircfiions for raffing Mufhrooms. To whicliis prefixed an Effay upon Vegetation,: Soil, Manure, and the Nature and Form of Stoves, Hot- beds, i- c. With a Copper- Plate; exhibiting at c as View tlie feveral • Atpeits for planting a Fruit- Garden. By I A M E S C, A R T O N. Printed for E. and C. Dilly, in the Poultry ; antl faot ldC hbayr iJn. gR Corboffosn. in New Bo: id- ftraer , and J . Wa l t e r • This Day is fubTJhtti, Price 3s. bound, or zs. 6d in Boards, YM NS adapted toDIVlNE WORSHIP. In T w o Books. Book 1. Derived from fc& a Paflages o f t h e Holy Scriptures. Book I I . Written cn f. icred Subjedls, and particular Occafiors, partly go. l- ' letted from various Authors, but principally coir. poled' By T I I O M A S G I 1! B O N S, D. D. Printed for J . Buclclar. d,. J . Jphnfon, and J. Payne in l'ater- nofler Row. Pilblilhed by the fame Author, 1. ' Hiff Religious Obfervance of the Sabbath, the fecond Editioh, Price One Shilling. The Hidden Life of a Chriltian, Exemplified in the Diary Medieat: » ns and Letters of ayounjMiniCpublilhed from authentic Manofcripts, tlie fecond Edition, Price i s.
3. Juvenilia; or Poems on varicu? Suhjeftsof Devotion and Virtue, Price 5s. 4.. Rhetoric ; or, A View of it's principal Tropes antl Figures in their Origin and Powers, with' a Variety of Rules- toe'eape Errors and Blsmifhes, and attain Propriety and Elegance inCompofition, Price bound 6s A Medical Annotation, which roncerns very many < f our Fellow Creatures, it is in the Works of Dr P E T E R SHAW. Phyficians to his la- e MajePy, and of mo!> valuable Me 1 oiy, viz. That frequent fl> ing Pains, Head achs, and other Symptnms, occafoned either by the Mer- ury, or rh: Relicks of the Diflcm • per often continues after a1 I'lippofcd
Cure of the Infeftion : This Gentleman's Opinion h proved and it's Re'afonablenefs clearly demonllrarcd, in ANew Efl'ay on the VENEREAJLDifeafe, and Meth- dt of Cure, dedicated to Mr. Pott, Se nior orinrioal Surgeon of St. Bartholomew's Hofpitjl. By Dr. BECKET, Man- Midwife. The Fourth Edition with largeAdditions, is thi Day publifbed. Price xs, 6d. Sold by Mr. Williams, Num cr 38, in Fleet- flrcei :. Mr. Dixwell, Printer, in St, Martin's Lare : a- d at the Author's Houfein George'i-( lrect, Yo: k Buildings, who may be confulted in all Cafes, Midwifery. & c. S S P N C E ^ ? " P E P P E R MINT." ST' J his Majefty's Royal Letters
Patent. Has now fo well eflablifbed it's Reputat on as to need no E" C .- mioms to reiommend it, giving fpeedv Relief ir. Colicky and Gouty Pains in the Stcmach ? nd Bowels, in the Sea Siiknefs, in Retchings, and all DilbrJers arTmg from Wind : Multitudes of Infants as well as others are daily relieved f om It's gratiful Cordial and S t r a i t ic Effects, w i t c h are not equalled by any other Medicine. Prepared and fold by y. Juniper, Chemid and A po thecarv, in MacchsfieM- llrcet, near Gcrrard- firtct, Sohn, in Bortles 3s, and is. each ; and is ry h : m appointed to b= folu at- Mr. Oldham's, Chianaft, ia tire Hiymarket; Churchill's,
Chemiit, in the Strand ; Marflu and. VernO'' s, Stationers, f- tiTiWr^ T, N. w^ gate Street; » t Wilkie's, St. Paul's Church- yard ; at Slater's Circulatinj: I- ibiarv, King- ftre t, Cheapfi. le ; at the Rainbow Coffee- ltoufe in C o r r h : l l ; 3t the Nab ' b Number1 7r, Blackman flrcet, Southwark j and at Ptiddlc's, Chinaman., Whit- chap 1 Bais, ~~ For the L A DTMS" MRS. GIBSON'S curious Compout- d, which will in half a Minute take out Flair bv t h e Roots, which grows on Ladies Cheeks, 01 rhe Ch'n, and round the Motrh, which muft be owned ii x great Blemifh to t h : Fair Sex ; and that all Women havs Hair grow on their Cheeks, Chin,
and round the IVIutirh, if they wifl bi pleafej to conful't their L; o'. tingl Glafs, they wiil find it a T r u t h ; and by ufing rhisCom - pound the Hair will not grow a-. ain ; ir is f, » very innocent, t h a t i t is ufed to Infants under fix Months/ bid. She fell- this ufeful Compound at 5s. an Ounce, with ptinted Directions for ufing it, at Number 7 in L- iwer Crofs- rtrce", near Hatton Garden, Hoibcr- t, ( her Nam; in Gold Letters on the Door) it c m be. had of no 9th; r Perlon in England, as the Secrct is knewu by h r only, nor can any lefs be had than oneOufKa. A fingle Ounce be lent to auj Part of F- ng and, by fending a Letter ( Poft paid) to Mrs.
Gibfon. U'ely lubtijbed, . ( Price One I hilling) TH E rncft jueafiji'g and entertaining Hillories, VabieS, Allegories, and Charafters,: felecled from the Spefiator and Guardian,, peculiarly adapted to form young Minds, toa Love of Virtue and Abhorrence of Vice. Printed Cat V/. Oonavile, Bpokfe!( er and Stationer, ucder the Roya!' Exchange, Cornhiii. A The following Dilcomie is earnelHy recommcndea to Ferufil of the Public, being calculated for the Relief and 1 ellruCtion of t e Afilifled with the uniicrmentior. ed Difordet,- or what is more dreadful have beea ftaf erj; d with a Cute-; for Res- der obfervc, t h a t Paini in the Head or Limbs,
Erections, Complaints in rha Urir^ ry Pallage, ar. il ether Symptoms, are of'. irt caufed by the Mercury, or the Uif'ec- per rxtm^ inins in the fclood even after an itnag^ ned Core, tho* tooi ftequenrlv miftook 101 the Rhecoraf. fir.,- Scurvy, other Uifonlers. 1 hi: Day is pubH/ hed, Pi ice 1 r. The Second Edition. DedifiCrd to CHARLES LUCAS, Efq; M . D . ' a ' r . i Member c. f Parliament fertile City of Dublin. Differtation on the VENEREAL. DISEASE, ar- d Method of Cure By J . H. SKY fM, M. D. and Man Midwife, In this Work a plain and fatisfa& ory Account is en of that Disorder, and itsconfequeftt Corapfainw, by improjsr Treatment.
The Public are alfo informed'of a new dil'cavetad Medicine the Specific Drops, their f. u>"- rior ExCtlicrice to all ether R e m e i e s , Experience hir>: ( ufHciently demonflrated, a few Drops in any limpla • L quid are a Dofe, and in a recent Cafe will eiftcft a Cure in a few Days, without any ( nconvenients to tha Patients. It is tobehad in Pottles of 5?. and i s 6d; each, o< Mr. Nanefcure, Engraver, at the Front of the Rijyal- Exchavge ; Mr. Fell,' Bcokfeller, No. 14, Pater m f t ej Row; of Mr. Pridden, Bookfcller,. Number leo, it » Fleet- ftreet; and at theDoftor'sHoute injuhnfor.' s- eourt. Charing Crots, with full printedDir'eftions thatPaiienS*
on a Jcurnev, o: at Sca^ may cure themlVlves with Eafe and Secrely ; but if required, the Do& or will gi » e proper Advice in all Cafet. Each Bo~ ttle is figned by the Do& or, and fealed with hia I By his MAJESTY'S Letters Patent, S recommended L E A K E ' s juftly famous Pill, well known for curing a cettain Difcafe, 2s. 6J. the Box. One fmail Pill is 1 Dole, and the taking of one Box in a recent Ca'e will foon convince the Patient of the Certainty of his fpeedy Recovery, Nothing can be contrited more fafe, or more convenient, thair this Remedy, for fuch as are obliged to go Journies, or to Sea, as it needs no Confinement nor
Reilraint of D i e t ; and Experience has prove!, that thefe Pills will effeel a Cure when all other Methods avail nothing. A Trial of this uoble Medicine will foon found it's due Merit. Sold at the Aulhor's Houfr, tt^ c Golden Head, St. Bride's Lane, Fleet ftreet. Obfcrve at Night there is a lighted Lanthorn in the Paftaee. Where may be hid the Pills which fudder. ly cure the Scurvy and R h e u m n i f m . old Sores, & c. Alfo fol. l at Mr. Vache's, Perfumer, the Riling S- in, in St Alban's Street, two Doors from Pall null ; Mr, Steel's, B. onkf j l l s r , oppofue to RsgFair, Little Towei^ hill ; at Colliers and Daves's Mufic Shop, No. 7, Fi( h- ftreet Hill,
, facing the Monument ; an4 at Mr. Taylor's, Bf. okfelfer, the Golden Ball, King- flreet, Deptford. P E C I F I C D R~ 0" pTfo7yPairts and Obftruftloni in the Urethra, arifing from Strictures, Caruncles, and the like. It frequently - hafppehs" from ill- cured certainComplaints that I'e ffens are l'uh}; fl 1 t i painful Excreflences in the Uriniry PjlTijes, I'otnetiines obftru^ ting the Courfe of the Urine, and eften a'tended with ^ n ill coloured Gleet ; and as he U. f: of Bougies it painful, tedio'js and oncertain, tkis Meoicirva cannot be unexceptionable to the Pliblic, - It is f u l l at 5 . 3d. the Bottle, with proper D i r e - lions for the L'fe of it. by M.
Howland, hem. ft, at his Difpenfary, near North Audley- llreet, Oxford Road," where thofe who chtafc to apply to him may be further fatisfi'ed of it's Efficacy ; likewifj at W, F1 xnev's, BookfeUer, oppofite to Gray's Inn Gate, Holb- rn ; and 11 MelT Richarlfon and Urqulurt, Bookfellets, at the Roval Exchan e, London, No Litters anfwered but fuch as are Pjoft- paid. UK tne Recovery ot decayed and broken CONSTITUTIONS. The Reftorative NERVOUS ELHC1R, is earneftly recommended by the Author of Obfervations on Specific Medicine*. & c. This is the moft ftimulating Reftorative that Medicine can produce, and in the l. ft Decays
of Life will ftill fupply the vital Lamp with fome Recruits. It is an admirable Remedy for thofe who have made top ftee cither with Women or Wine ; ( or thofe who have been in a Manner wore out by long Courles of racrcurialMedicines, 01 by Salivations, as it will revive any Conftiturion that is nut quit - mouldered into Rottenaefa. fr> Cafes of Impstency alio whether from t h t preceediftg or any other fecret Caufes, it is a moft ftimulating Cordial and o n net fail to cherifh, invigorate, and Cr then. But they bed deferve fuch a Reftorative, wjiw, by acute Difeafes," fuch as malignant Fevers,, the Small" Pox, & c. have been fo Shattered in
their Conftihiiiona, an hardlv to be with i n ' a Poffibility of Recovery, fo » in fuch it will to Admira'ion repair the impeverifhed Juices and fiU. again \ h e Veins, with a warm, generous, nutrit. ve loQ. i: Such Perfons therefore, a id tbofe v<.. feel t h t firft Attacks of a declining Age, when tbeVigtu of Youth begins to wear off, would do well to make..* Trial of it, and tj< e: r. own. Experience will convince them that whatever > s, 01 can be faid of it, will fall f a r f b o r t cf what it really'delerveth. It fs'fold in Bottlis a t ' ios. 6d. each, fijnei with the Dollar's Name, and lealed witit { lis Arms, h —. Meff. Fleicher'and Co. BookGJlers, in $ t . - E a u
Pi Church- yard, and nt ere elk in Lon4oa. Sold aifo Mr", Pope " in Si^ James's Streit, in Bath j ' Mr. Cadel) in Wine- ft eet, Enftol ; MefT. Brice' and Thor » in Exeter ; and Mr. Goa. ihy in Sherborne. At each Place alfc may he. had, theObfervaitons, & c, abovementioned. Prict as. 6d. and a Ifcort Treatife on Onanifm, Price is. in which a more particular Account ot this Medirine .- s^ iveri. ATCiUtiiir. to the P U B I 1 C. R. W A LKER's Patent jE-, Ul T ' s D R OP . which are the rtSoft certain, cheap, ple. afant, fafe and immediate Cure ever d'ifcovered for Gleers ar. d Sera nal Weaknelfes, both Sixes are fubjeft to", though ev r
foobftinate and long { landing, and by w h , t Mem., occ- fi^ ntd ; and for a ceitain Difor er, from it's flighted to it's moft malien- nt - yftem ; f k e w t i e tor- the Gravel, Stone in the Bladder, and a I fcorbutic Cal s. To he had at OUT Warehmifc," Number 45, the King's Arms, oppofite t h e Sefiisns houfe, Old Bai ey, in Bottles at 5s. and 2S. 6d. each ; and at Mr. Ma. kinder's, at the King's Arms, Caftie ftieet, Oxford Road ; Mr. Read'j Pork. fliop King- ftieet, St. James's; Mr, Edmortd's, Frying- pan Alley, oppofite bl. Thomas's, Southwark ; Mr. Hardwell, Grocer, near Salt Pctre Bank, Eaft- Smithfield ; and at Mr. Perry's ( removed from the
Star under the Royal Exchange) to the Star in Limbarilftreer, Number 59, oppolite Cl rn'nts Lane. At tho above Pliccs may be h. d, Dr. Walker's Specific Purgi n g Powders, at as. 6d. a Pot ( f^* T h e Patentee, have come to aRefolution to write en each Bottle, their Name, J. Wtllels andCo. that the Public may no longer be impofed on ( as theii Seal has been counter'eited, as IjUewife their Med cine) For your Health Sake ask for Dr. Walter's Patent Jefuit's Drops. Advice given gratis in all Cafes, by J. WESSELS and Co/ I n t Reiterative REMEDY, or JL CORDIAL DROPS, prepared unde, tha i> i rtftion of Dr. BUCKET. In the Courfe
of • thr*> Y » tr « fiuit the Publication of this new M « liein » , a, wall as feme Years before in private Praftica, nethSrjj of it's Kind- was ever known to be adminiftersil witb the like Sucecfs, In it's Operation it foon recover! th, Patient from all Weaknelfes, whether natural or « eouired, or the Cnnfequer. ct of long and ( evere IllneCer, It hot only fottifie, the weak Parts, but re- eftaMi& ea Health, Streigth, and Vigour to > decayed Constitution. Thofe firft Symptoms that attack Fcrfom ai)-. araneiinn in Yrats are removed, and the natural Power, of the whole Vital Svftem are preferved, eemforted, and prolonged. So friendly to Nature is the
great Cordial, that it adt » . as real Nourilbment as well as a ftrted ccii jAftsftir. t. It is by thefe unequalled Virtues thai the Caufes of Impotency in the one Sex, and Steiilirf. or BarTennefs in the other, are almoft certainly 1 - moved by this Medicine, A. Number of I^ ftar. cei hari proved the Truth of this; therefore let no arie ridiiuU what they know not. Five Drcps of this Medicine ar « a 6 « ( e, in a Glafs of Wine. Mr. Williams, Boofefcller, Mo. 5?, in fleet- ftreat, Mr Ditrwell, Printer in St. Martin's- lane, haw the irt « - ditin « for Sale in Buttles at One Guinea aach, * its Dire& ons; a » alfo at the Doftoi-' s Hcvfe in Geof( eirtet, York
Buildings, Strand. Each Eottle ii fi(. r « » in bit own Hand- writing, having firft been. ir. fpift « i I h-' tn. Thofe who thiite to cornmunicKte their Cvl « > I b) Letter, rn « \ rtiy.- tul on it's beinj anfwered. 1 Yo! » . Eui\. tins « . DM. I/. j B2CEL27T L O N D O N - Printed by H. S. WOOIF ALL," ( No. J l ) Paternofter- Row, near the Corner of Ivy- lane ; where L E T T E R S io the At- th6r, ( Poft- paid) ADVERTISEMENTS of amoderau Length, taken in at Tint Shilling, each.— ADVERTISEMENTS ate aifo taker, in at LM'i C t f t t - f l f i j i t1> c-. k. Mr. Wotid/ all' 1, Coi/ ttr of Crag'i Court, Charing- Crof » sre receivtd, ai'ti tmbafJ- S'it't*), ar. d ft