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The Northampton Mercury

Date of Article: 24/04/1769
Printer / Publisher: Cluer Dicey and Son 
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: L    Issue Number: VI
No Pages: 4
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VOL. L. ( 21 } V N U M E. VI. MONDAY, April 24, 1769. ( To be continued Weekly. Price Two- pence Halfpenny, This PAPER, for above forty- nine Years past, hath, and continues to be, circulated in ail the Market- Towns and populous Villages in the following Counties, viz. • Northampton, Leicester, Nottingham, Rutland, Lincoln, Huntingdon, Cambridge and Isle of Ely, Bedford, Essex, Hertford, Buckingham, Berks, Oxford, Warwick to Birmingham, and Stafford, Sec. and by the Post to greater Distances. C. Gen. Evening- Post Gazetteer Gt. London Gazette ABBREVIATIONS shewing the London Papers from which the following ARTICLES are collected. ~ ' J. St. James's Chronicle L. Lon. Evening- Post Lon. London Chronicle Tuesdays and Wednesday's POSTS. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. " The following ADVICES came by two Mails from Holland, and two from Flanders. T U R K Y. Constantinople, March 3. the 20th ult. . between Eight and Nine in theMorn- ing, we felt a violent Shock of an Earthquake, but Damage was done by it in Tha Sultana % Shah, Daughter of the Grand Signior, is just dead 0f the Small- Pox, at the Age of five Years. The young Sultan, his Highness's Son, has also been much indisposed, and it was feared he was going to have the same Distemper, but he is now perfectly recovered. Inoculation is looked upon as a great Sin by the Turkish Clergy. An Express arrived at Court this Morning, with Advice, ' that the Tartars, under the Command of their Kan, had made an Invasion into the New- Servia, a Country that has been possessed by Russia about 15 or 20 Years; that they had sacked and burnt 170 Villages, carried into Captivity 20,000 Inhabi- tants, and made a Booty of 4000 Horses, 8000 Oxen and Calves, and 80,000 Sheep.: But we cannot help thinking that these Advantages are exaggerated. Letters from Alexandria say that in the Hurricane there, on the 46th of December last, eight French Vessels, two Vene- tians, two Rugusans, one Neapolitan, and four Turkish, all laden and ready to put to Sea, perished. We learn also, by the same Letters, that the celebrated Aly Bey, who conducts himself as Master of all Egypt, has deposed the Basha set up by the Porte. G. RUSSIA. Petersburgh, March 17. Mr. Kalnichewskoy, General of the Saporoges of Nisowe, having put himself in March on the 14th of February, at the Head of- a Party of his Cossacks, towards the Crimea, with a View of cutting off the Tartars, who had made an Inroad towards Backmut, though, on account of the great Extent of the Country, and the Resolution the Tartars had taken of retreating along the Lake of Asoph, he was not able entirely to accomplish his Designs because of the Snow, he nevertheless gave them very sensible Marks of his Resent- ment; for, directing his Course by Jantschak - rak, Karaitschakrack, Majatschka, Rogatschik, and the Rivulet Beloserka, there; in Imitation of the Tartars, he plundered, destroyed and. burnt all their Habitations, carrying off with him a great Quantity of Cattle ; after which he returned with his Troops to Setsch on the 23d of February. J. SWEDEN. Stockholm, March 21. The Regency of Pome- rania has presented a Petition to the King, requesting that the Duty on Corn imported from Mecklenberg be taken off. The Senate has not only granted that Demand, but has alfo ordered that all Ships belonging to this Country, that shall import Corn from Mecklenberg, shall pay no Duties whatfoever ' till July next. This Favor is a Consequence of the Troubles of Poland, which give room to fear, that the City of Dantzick will not long be in a Condition to supply Foreigners with that Commodity. G. POLAND. Confines of Poland, March 27. Major Drew- itz has not been able to bring the Sieur Male- zewski to a pitched Battle ; but he defeated 300 of his Men near Pakoss, on the 8th of the present Month, and two Days after put to the Route 200 more in the Environs of Kiodaiva. The Confederates fly on all Sides, and commit in their Passasge great Excesses. J. Warsaw, March 25. We have just received a Confirmation of the agreeable News that the Polish Coffacks, who inhabit the Waywodes of Braclau and Kiow, have resolved to join the Russian Armies, [ Sre the Article from Warsaw in our Last, P. 17, Col. 2. J Lou. I T A L Y. Leghorn, March• 21. Letters from Corsica, of good Authority, bring, that the High Council of that Nation was actually assembled at Murato, in order, to agree upon. Conditions to be pro- posed to France, according to which the- Corsicans are to acknowledge his Most Christian Majesty for their Sovereign, in like Manner as the Low- Countries were subject to Charlemagne, with the Preservation of their Rights and Privi- leges ; otherwise, that the said Nation would persist to defend themselves to the last Ex- tremity. Amst. Gaz. SPAIN. Barcelona, Feb. 27, We are much alarmed with the continual Intelligence we receive from the Coast of Barbary, of the very considerable Fleet now fitting out by those States, the large Body of Troops that are collected in every Town upon the African Coast, and the very great Number of Arms, Ammunition, and Artillery, they have for fome Months received from some European Power. It is very certain the Moors are meditating an Expedition of great Importance ; and which must occasion a con- siderable Change in the present State of Africa in the Mediterranean. By our Intelligence their Fleet, when united, will receive 12,000 Land- Forces on board ; that many Foreign Officers ferve as Engineers in the Moorish Dress, tho' of what Country they are we have not yet been in- formed ; their Fleet consists of 32 Ships of War, equal to the English Frigates of 36 Guns, with Gallies, and a large Number of Transports. We expect here next Month 14 Battalions of French Infantry, in their March to the Provinces of Murcia and Granada, where an Army of Papers, of Grievances or Oppressions, as to give any Countenance to such illegal and unjustifiable Proceedings. Gt. It was apprehended that at the Meeting of the Dissenting Clergy last Week, a Motion would have been made by some of the Northern Gentle- men for an Address, which however Was prudently declined, to the great Satisfaction of the Majority present. We also hear that an Application was talked of for an Address from the Bishops and Clergy of their several Dioceses; but that also was happily declined: L. It is said the Sum of 15, oool. per Annum will be allotted to raise- the Salaries of the Clerks of the Secretary of States- Office. It is also said the Sum of 5oool. will be wanted to enable the Turky Company to carry On their Observation, consisting of 24 Battalions, and eight Regiments of Cavalry, will be formed in May. This Aid from France is necessary ; Our Government judging it prudent for a considerable Body of the Spanish Army to encamp near the Frontiers of Portugal,' and six Battalions in the Lines near Gibraltar. It is said, the Moors are subsidized to assist Corsica, yet we are determined to guard the Mediterranean Coast of Spain. English Manufactures of all Kinds are imported in great Quantities into every Port upon the African Coast.— The Attack of the Portuguese Garrison of Mazagan, by the Moors, is merely a Feint, to conceal the real Cause of their march- ing down such a numerous Body of Troops to the Coast for Embarkation, f . FRANCE. St. Malo's, March 21. The King's Frigate, the Boudeuse, commanded by the Sieur de Bougainville, which entered this Port the 14th Ind. was about two Years and an Half in her Voyage round the World. That Officer reports, that during his Voyage, notwithstanding his Crew were exposed to the Mortality ordinarily occasioned by excessive Fatigues and the Cor- ruption of almost all the Provisions, he had the good Fortune to lose but seven Men : This sur- prizing Preservation of his Crew the Sieur de Bougainville attributes' to the great Quantity of Sea- Water distilled, which he was constantly in a State of procuring, by means of the Sieur Poissonnier's Machine. He adds, that the ad- ministring to every Person whom he suspected to have the Scurvy the Powder of Lemonade of the Sieur Faciot, seemed to him to have con- tributed at the same to stop the Progress of that Malady. And he further observed, that, by means of Ventilators, the Air in Ships had been continually freshened. Lon. Paris, April 3. We give no Credit here, either to the Report of the English Ministry having offered the Restoration of Canada to France for 20,000,000 of Livres ; nor to that of our Court having concluded a Treaty offensive and defensive with those of Vienna, Madrid, and Berlin. Lon. Paris, April 7. Letters from Lisbon inform us, that a Discovery has been made at Bargue, and in several other Parts of that Kingdom, of a Design formed by some Priests, under the Cover of Confession, of inspiring into the People a Spirit of Sedition, on pretence that Religion was attacked ; in consequence of this 200 Horse have been stationed at- Bargue, where they live at Discretion upon the Convents, and other Steps are taking for making further Discoveries con- cerning these Designs. J. Paris, ' April 10. We have an Account from Rouen, that a Woman at a Village in Lower- Normandy, whofe Husband was lately lent to the Gallies for Smuggling, receiving a Letter a few Days ago., immediately carried it to a Neigh- bour to, have it read to her : This Letter was from her Husband, to inform her that she would find a Bag with 900 Livres at the Foot of a Tree, which he described, in a Wood near the Village. The Neighbour offered to accompany the Woman at the Dusk of the Evening to look for the Money,, and as the poor Woman was stoop- ing to take it up, her Neighbour strangled her with his Handkerchief, and then carried off the Bag, Another Neighbour, tho' far from sus- pecting the other of so foul a Crime, was surprized to see them going into the Wood at such a late Hour, and as soon as he heard of the Murder, gave Information of this Circumstance. LONDON, April 18. Last Saturday's Gazette contains Addresses to his Majesty from the County of Surry, the Town of Kingston- upon- Hull, the Burgh of Great- Yarmouth, the City of Edinburgh, the County of Perth, the County of Aberdeen, the Cities of Aberdeen and Stirling, the Boroughs of Linlithgow, Dunfermline, Inverkeithing, Culross, and Queensferry; all which his Majesty was pleased to receive very graciously. The Address from Kingston- upon- Hull, after expressing an utter Detestation and Abhorrence of the late Riots and Disorders, proceeds thus : " When we reflect on the arbitrary, illegal, and oppressive Proceedings of Government in the Reigns immediately preceding the late glorious Revolution, and at the same Time consider the peaceable Enjoyment of our Rights and Liberties, which we have been blessed with ever since your Majesty's happy Accession to the Throne of these Kingdoms, we cannot but be amazed and con- cerned that any of your Majesty's Subjects should be fo far deluded by the artful and unjust Surmises, almost daily propagated in the public Trade. The Exigencies ' of the present Year amount to ' - .66 34000 Supplies 6688000 A Million and a Half will remain to pay Debts at the Year's End. : Means of raising the Supplies. By way of Land- Tax, Malt, American Revenue, Sinking Fund, Ceded Islands, - - French Prizes, Gum Seneca, - - Ld. Chatham's Ball, as Paymaster,. Inprest Money repaid by Mr. Legge's Executors, - ' ' : '- Apples imported, Rice exported, Allowed for German Demands, From 12ds. in the Chelsea Pensions Overplus' of the Widows Pensions, Six- pence Stoppage in the Civil List, Six- pence Winter Stoppages from the Cavalry in Germany, the Money now in. Pay - Office and Regiments Agents, Stock Purse Of two Regiments, Remaining in the War- Office, Unappropriated Money, in the Ex- chequer, To be raised by Lottery, to consist of 60000 Tickets, and to be sold ' at 13I. per Ticket by the Treasury, The Prizes amounting to 600000I. to be paid in full at the Bank. On Friday last the Election and Return of Mr. Wilkes, as Member for Middlesex, was declared void. . . • The House of Commons, which was very full on Friday, continued sitting very late, and met met again on Saturday. And On Sunday Morning about Three o'Clock it was determined, that Col. Lutterall should be the Sitting Member for the County of Middlesex. The Betts on the Occasion were 199- 10 145. Yesterday Col. Luttrell took the Oaths and his Seat in the House of Commons, as Member for the County of Middlesex. L. It is said that 14 Days are allowed' for petition- ing against any Person, after he has taken his Seat. L. On Friday his Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester, and several of the Nobility, were present to hear the Debates ; as were also several Peers on Saturday and Sunday Morning.' G. No sooner had Col. Luttrell come out of the House of Commons on Friday, where he had been attending the Issue of a certain Event, than the People in the Lobby, who were very nu- merous, hiffed him as he' passed ; however he walked on boldly, seemingly regardless of this Proof of their Dislike ; but when he arrived at the Part of the Stairs where the Footmen and Chairmen usually attend, they hiffed, groaned, and pressed upon him in fuch a Way, that he thought it most prudent to go across the Court of Requests, and take Refuge in Skegg's Tavern, to which Place the Mob followed him, and con- tinued their Clamor for some Time after he was gone in. L. On Saturday Morning, after a long and full Consultation, upon the last Night's Division of an August Assembly, which- seems to predeter- mine the Fate of the Majority of the Middlesex Freeholders, it was resolved to open a Book, in which every Freeholder is to subscribe his Name,, who intends to remonstrate against paying Land or other Tax, on a Supposition of not being legally represented in the Common Council of the Nation. L. On Saturday last a Carman was taken into Custody, for obstructing the Carriages of several Gentlemen going to the House of Commons on that Day, and behaving in a very insolent Man- ner. G. When Col. Luttrell first declared himself to several of his Constituents, he assured them, on his Honor, That it was not in consequence of the least Application from any Quarter whatever; that he had nothing to propose by it, but by boldly stepping forth in the Gap, to be the Means, of putting an End to the Contentions 1 that had so long prevailed in the County ; that his Intentions were, at first, even without the Privity of his own Father, and added, that he should all along be extremely ready to resign them in favor of any other Gentleman, who would have Spirit enough, to propose himself." We are assured that Col. Luttrell's Hat, which was blown off by the Wind on Thursday last in Hyde- Park, and was picked up by a Gentleman's Servant, who was immediately surrounded by several hundreds of the Mob, that thronged about the Trophy to make their Game of it, was taken away from the Fellow, who had Possession of it, by Col. West, who carried it away with him to his own House, and threatened to break every Rib of the first Man that dared to interupt him. L. It is said that Lord Irnham ( an Irish Lord, and the Father of Lieut. Col. Luttrell, the new- made Member for Middlesex) will be created an English Peer; and that his Son will be appointed Colonel of the first vacant Regiment ; a Pro- motion that will not vacate his Seat in Parliament. As there is an Act of Parliament passed in the Reign of King Charles the Second, absolutely prohibiting any Process to be served, or any Judgment to be given in any Court on the Lord's- Day, except in Cities of extremest Necessity, query, Whether a late remarkable Decision comes within the Description of this Act ? And is it not an uncontroverted dictum, to be found in all our Law Books, that dies dominica non est dies juridica ? That is to lay, the Sabbath Day is no juridical Day. There were upwards of 500 Wilkeian free- holders attending in and near the Lobby 0n Saturday Night, most of them came from Poplar, the Tower- Hamlets, and the other Eastern Divisions of Middlesex : Their Patience begining to be exhausted about Ten o'Clock, some People cried out, a free Election ! and insisted they had a Right to be within- side the House during the Trial of their own Rights and Liberties, as they called it. The Uproar still encreasing, about Constables, with their long Staves interposed their Authority, when a certain Gentleman, who seemed to have a good deal of Attention paid to him by the Wilkites, advised them by all Means not to oppose, or shew the least disrespect to the Civil Power. This well- timed Advice had its. intended Effect, and in a few Minutes all was calm again, and quiet. L. A Privy- Councii was sitting all the while at St. James's, and Spies, were put upon the Court. Messengers by the Wilkites, who closely dodged them to and from the Court every 15 Minutes. Yesterday at Noon there Was a very numerous Meeting of the Freeholders of the County of Middlesex, at the Mild- End Assembly- Room, when several patriotic Speeches were made by Mr. Townshend, Mr. Sawbridge, Mr. Home, and others. It was then moved and resolved upon, that 200 of the most respectable Freeholders of the County, whofe Names were read, be a Committee to fix and adjust several Preliminaries towards the necessary Steps to be taken to support the free' Choice- of the County, and that eleven of these be a select Committee for other and further Purposes; that. Mr. Eyre be Chairman of the Committee, and Mr. Bellas be Deputy Chairman ; that the next Meeting be speedy, and' that the Time and Place be advertised. That the Thanks of the County be severally given to Mr. Townshend, Mr. Home, as also the Sheriffs of Middlesex, for their upright Conduct and Proceedings agreeable to the Laws and Con- stitution of their Country It was then recom- mended to all the Freeholders to be present at the next general Meeting,' in order to sign a Petition to be drawn up by their Committee. The Room was as- full as it could be crouded, and is computed to hold about 2500. All the Avenues to the House were thronged, and above 5000 People were assembled, in, the Road before it. At Twelve, John Sawbridge, Esq; Member for Hithe, in Kent, was called to the Chair, and declared the Intention of the Meeting. James Townsend, Esq; Member for Westlooe, in Cornwall, in a very elegant and animated Speech, deplored the Necessity of seeking out some new Remedy, for a new Grievance : A Grievance which, ' till this Period, no King, no Minister, no Enemy, no Power on Earth had ever laid upon this Kingdom since it received the Name of England. With the greatest Force and Conviction from Law, History, . and the natural Rights of Man- kind, he asserted the Privilege, of Representatioa to the People. He declared himself ready to run every Risk, and to undergo every Suffering to preserve this invaluable Blessing to his Countrymen, and that he would never tamely submit to offer Up his Liberty at the Shrine of any Minister or Earthly Potentate or Power. He concluded with a Wish, that some Freeholders would propose a Plan that might serve to con- firm to us the Rights ( if there are any) that still remain unviolated, and' to recover those which have been violently' and unjustly wrested from us, especially that important leading Right on which, all others depend,—- the Right of Election. Another Correspondent has sent us the follow- ing Account of this Meeting. -—— Yesterday, at Eleven 0'' Clock in the Forenoon, . there was the most numerous and respectable Meeting of Freeholders of the County of Middlesex assem- bled together at Mile- End than has been known since its first Establishment. The Purport of this was to know what was to be done in the present critical Situation of Affairs. The Speakers on this Occasion were Parson Home, Messrs. Sawbridge, Townsend, Adair, and Bellas. Parson Home spoke to this EffeCt: " He pro- posed that a Committee, consisting of 1oo Freeholders, should be immediately chosen out of the whole Body, to draw up a Remonstrance t o p —— on the present Posture of Affairs, to be called by the Name of The Committee of Grievances and Apprehensions : He said, that though this may be thought, by some, a bold Proposal, it was no more than what the Exigen- cies of the Times demanded, and therefore hoped it would meet with general Approbation." —- To which Mr. Adair replied, that he was as sensible as any Person could be what Necessity there was for acting with Vigour on the present Occasion, yet he thought the Title pro- posfed might be omitted, as the Words Freeholders of Middlesex would not prevent them from acting with as much Spirit as if they had any other Name ; that it was to be supposed that the Persons who should be thought worthy of com- posing this Committee would be Men of such Resolution and Discernment as not to be directed to their Duty by mere Appellation, but from the Nature and Situation of Circumstances. Parson Home then immediately rejoined : " He said he should be very sorry to propose a Matter of this Na ture to so respectable a Body without first not only weighing it well in his own Mind, but taking the Advice of some of the First Persons of Conse- quence in regard to Understanding ; that they were unanimous with him in thinking that the Appellation he proposed to them was the most pro- per that could be made use of. He said, that as it was the general Sense of the Freeholders, that they were absolutely aggrieved, and under Apprehensions of being more so, he could not fee the Impropriety of using Terms that were fo exactly fitted to the Sentiments of their Hearts. He observed, that though it maybe the Language of Fear to think one Thing and act otherwise, it could never be supposed to belong to English- men groaning under Oppressions. As for his Part, he said he was so sensible of the Duty he owed his, Country, by acting ingenuously on the Occafion, that, though his Life and Fortune lay at Stake, he would readily offer Them as Victims in Support of it. He concluded the Whole of this spirited Oration ( whofe Pauses were, filled with repeated Shouts of Applause) by observing " the Title would be a Kind of Rule for the Committee to act by; for that by considering themselves as Persons aggrieved, and under Apprehensions of being more fo, they would be cautious how they branched out into other Mat- ters of less Consequence, and confine themselves to this very material Point." Mr. Sawbridge then made a short Speech to corroborate the above ; as did Messrs. Townsend and Balles : When Mr. Home's Proposal being put, it was assented to by a great Majority. L. A Gentleman well versed in the Changes of the Weather says, that in all Probability the ensuing will be a very hot Summer, and that great Numbers will be carried off. L. The Gentleman who moved for a Committee of Grievances and Apprehensions Yesterday at Mile- End Assembly- Room, was told by a Friend in their way home, that he feared, if he and some others were not very cautious, they would subject themselves to personal Apprehensions in good earned. Lon. This Day expired the first Part of the Impri- sonment of Mr. Wilkes, being ten Months, for Re- publishing the Nortb- Briton, No. 45. Lon. Press- Warrants are expected speedily to be issued out, on account of the Number of Seamen employed by the East- India Company. Lon. AMERICA. A Letter from Boston, New- England, March 2. In the Journal of Occurrences, published here, ' is the following Article, dated Boston, Feb. 5. " There has been much Talk of an anonimous Letter sent from thence to Lord Hillsborough, and by him remitted to Governor Bernard: For some Time the Report was not credited, but now the Fact is ascertained. Governor Bernard has shewn the Letter to fome Gentlemen, who waited 0n him last Week, requesting a slight of it, but he did not allow a Copy of it to be taken. It speaks highly of Governor Bernard, & c. but contains the molt malignant Insinuations against some Respectable Gentlemen in this Town, who are mentioned by Name. It speak's of deep and dark Designs carrying on, notwithstanding the Peaceable Landing of the Troops; of an Alliance to be formed between Holland and some of the Colonists, in order to throw off the Dependence of the Latter upon Great- Britain at the first breaking out of a new War, and of 30,000 Men between Boston and New- York ready to take Up Arms ; it advises that some Leading Men should be inveigled over to Britain, and not fent there by Force, left this should make too much Noise, and occasion Resistance. The Go- vernor, it is said, declared that he made no Account of the Letter, and should make no Ac- count of it in his Dispatches. Be this as it may, is it not astonishing that a Letter so palpably base and malicious, fo extravagantly false, and without a Name, should be lb much noticed as to be returned to G. Bernard ?" Lon. New- York, March 7. A Letter, received here from Philadelphia, dated Feb. 30, says, " The Merchants are about signing Articles not to import any more English Goods after the Date hereof, and there is no doubt of their abiding by them." Lon. COUNTRY NEWS. Bath, April 13. Never was such a Scene of Anarchy and Confusion remembered in this City as happened on Tuesday Night last, at one of the public Rooms, when the Friends of Mr. Bre- reton and Mr. Plomer met mutually to support their Choice of each of the above Gentlemen as Matter of the Ceremonies ( in the room of the late Masfter, deceased.) A written Paper was produced by a Gentleman in the Intereft of Mr. Plomer, which he requested to be permitted to read ; but a general Hiss of Disapprobation from the other Party ensuing, an universal Confusion of course followed : Scandalous Epithets and Blows were ths Confequence, and the Mayor was sent for to appease the Tumult, who attend- ed with proper Officers, and the Riot- Act was read three Times by the Town- Clerk'. Where this Affair will end is much to be dreaded. No less than eight Writs were issued Yesterday Morning ; and a Subscription, it is said, is open to support the Suits, so that it will at least be a pleasing Circumstance to the Gentlemen of the Gown. A select Part of the Company after- wards removed to the other Room, where Mr. Brereton officiated as Master of the Ceremony. The Magistrates have suppressed both the public and private Balls for a Time. J. Thursday's and Friday's POSTS. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. SWEDEN. Stockholm, March 21. N the 23d of last Month the 5*. King delivered a Declaration to Senate which, after setting forth the Inconveniences that would result from the As- sembly of the States meeting at Norkioping, his Majesty gives his 1 Opinion of the Resolution taken by the Senate to divide itself; that is to say, Part of it to meet at Norkioping, and the rest at Stockholm. The King declares that he not only looks upon this Separation as inconvenient, but even as impossible, and contrary to the fundamental Laws of the Kingdom ; that the Senate ought to have the King at the Head of it; that his Majesty cannot be at two Places at the same Time, and therefore that Part of the Senate where his Majesty doth not preside cannot be duly authorized to transact any Business of the State. His Majesty farther declares, that, if the Senators persist in this Step, he cannot but con- sider it as an Alteration of the C0nstitutions of the State, and an Infringement of the Royal Prerogative, and in short as an usurped Autho- rity, which never was nor ever can be acknow- ledged while the Regal Power and That of the States remain entire. At the End of this Decla- ration the King says, he is resolved to publish it in Print, that all his faithful Subjects may be made acquainted with it. J. ITALY. Leghorn, March 26. We have certain Ad- vice, that the Corsicans are resolved to open the ensuing Campaign with a very respectable Force, which they assert will amount to 30,000 Men. himself to make equal to 200l. per Annum, if the Receipts of the Night should fall short of that Sum. The Ball- Subscription is settled for the future at Three Guineas, instead of Two : The Guinea extraordinary to be applied to the Use of the Master of the Ceremonies. J. We hear a great Number of Gentlemen have discharged their Servants, on account of their being the chief Promoters of the riotous Be- havior in Hyde- Park and Places adjacent, on Thurfday last, and it is hoped that several others will follow their Example ; as it is observable, that when any Mischief is on Foot, thofe motley Kind of Gentry, or, as Priuli calls them, " The lazy Vermin of the Hall," are, generally the foremost in it. L. The following is a Copy of a Letter said to be written by a late successful Candidate to his Father, the Evening before the Election. ' Dear Sir, " Tho' I have, more than once, written to you on the Eve of a Battle, when the next Day my Life or Death was to be determined ; I can- not say that I ever felt such Apprehensions as I do at present. " Fighting against the Enemies of my Country, when I stood an equal Chance with the rest of the Troops, was the Business of my Profession : and what I could readily reconcile myself to, knowing it to be my Duty ; but to be singled out the Victim of an enraged Populace, who possess such frantic Notions of Liberty as to think my Massacre justifiable, harrows me with Horror. " You will naturally ask me, why did I under- take all this ? Why should I be the Don Quixote of the whole Nation to bring myself into such a Dilemma ?— I answer, that which first directed my Choice to the Profession of Arms— Ambition; for know, my dear Father, if I survive To- mor- row's Sun, I shall not only represent one of the first Counties in England, but be considered as the Guardian of my Country;— one, who, when A n was at its last Struggle, stepped LONDON, April 20. The Address of the County of Surry, which was laft Week presented to his Majesty ( as men- tioned in the preceding Page', Col. 2) was sign'd by above 300 Freeholders ; among whole Names are J. Thornton, Esq; Sheriff; Lord Onslow, Lord- Lieutenant; Dukes of Newcastle, Kingston, Bedford, Queenferry and Dover, Montague ;. Earls Spencer, Portmore, Ligonier, Digby; • Sir Thomas Sewell, Sir Fletcher Norton, & c. The Bill for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors has passed an August Assembly. L. It is now said, that the Parliament will continue to sit ' till the Middle of May ; fresh Matters having occurred that will require the Attention of that August Assembly. L. The Militia of this Kingdom was made per- petual on the 12th Current. It is remarkable the M y were all for it. J. It is faid that a Letter of a very inflammatory Nature has been received by the President of a great Society. L. All the Guards on Duty, as well as those within the several Barracks, have been loaded for several Days past. L. The Appointment of a Bishop for America is, we hear, settled; the Perfon, as yet, un- known ; the Residence Albany. L. An eminent Personage in the Law, lately retired from public Business, is now learning Hebrew. L. Yesterday Morning the 37th Regiment of Foot, commanded by Major- General Gray, was reviewed by his Majesty 0n Hounslow- Heath ; the Duke of Gloucester, Lord Granby, and several General Officers, were prefent. They went through their several Manoeuvres with great Steadiness, to the entire Satisfaction ot his Majesty. This Regiment, just come from Minorca, remarkably distinguished itfelf at the glorious Battle of Minden, as well as upon several other Occasions. J. An incendiary Letter, it is said, was Yester- day lent to a Right Hon. Person in a high Station, enumerating many Encroachments pretended to have been made on the Liberties of the SubjeCt for these three or four Years past, and advising more Circumspection for the future, or in all Probability forth, like a fecond Alexander, and at one Blow delivered it from its Fears :— And when future Annalists shall speak of these Times, what an honest Transport must my Desendants feel, when they find, that one of their Ancestors alone, and in one Day, recovered this Nation from the Brink of Anarchy and Confusion, to Peace, Order, and Establishment. Think then, my dear Sir, of these Inducements ; and then think how inseparable the Love of Glory is from one of my Age and Profession ; and you will, I have no doubt, not only pardon the Steps I have hitherto taken, but applaud them. In Expecta- tion of such, I am, with great Respect and Duty, Your affectionate Son, * flattered himself that he shall find Dupes enough in England to embark in so idle a Project And for this Purpose he has sent an English Courier ( a M of P ).. to, the Cabinet f Versailles, to buy or to sell new East- India Stock as fast as he can.- - Sed caveat emptor L. Last Sunday a Sermon was preached in a Village near Town, by a certain Rev. Divine, who took his Text from the Jewish Prophet Micah, Chap. iii. Verse 9, to the End.- — " Hear this, I pray you, ye Heads of the House of Jacob, and Princes of the House of Israel, that abhor Judgement, and pervert all Equity." L. We hear from Newmarket, that on Tuesday Old Gimcrack, now belonging to Lord Gros- venor, beat the Marquis of Rockingham's Horse Jago with Ease. Very great Bets were de- pending on this Match. J. The largest Copper Utenfil, ever seen in this Kingdom, or perhaps in Europe, is now fabri- cating at a Copper- Smith's in Tooley- Street.' It is fifty- six Feet long, six Feet four inches wjde, and six Feet ten Inches deep, and will contain near 400 Barrels. It is made in consequence of a new Invention of Hardening and Toughening Wood in certain cheap and wholesome Liquors, which make it extremely durable. By this Art, it seems, Wood can be tempered, in fome Re- pects, like Metals, as it can be rendered soft and hard alternately : Common Coopers Hoops have been thus made to bend and twist, resembling Cordage. The Timber of a Second Rate Ship at Woolwich has actually been surprizingly hardened, and the Plank rendered flexable 1, well as durable ; Elm Water Pipes have been converted into a Kind of petrified State, the Durability of which it is supposed may extend to 100 Years : Wheels of Coaches, Carts, Shafts, See. have been altered to a hard, tough, and elastic Nature, which several Brewers of this City have experienced: Whole Brewers. Butts and Pipe Staves receives such a Firmness, as to last several Years longer than usual, besides being made perfectly sweet; and Oak Timber, the Growth of our Colonies, which is naturally too soft and porous, acquires by this Process such a compact, tough State, as nearly to rival English Oak in Ship Building, which at present is become a National Concern on account of its Scarcity. We hope soon to lay before the Public a more succinct Account of this interesting Dis- covery, with new and well attested Facts of its Utility. J. another g R would happen. J. A Patriotic Gentleman, it is said, declared very lately, that the Sum of 100,000l. distributed among a certain Set of Gentlemen, had made them all Butterflies. J. To thole who think the Proceedings of the Supporters of the Bill of Rights are treasonable, a Gentleman recommends the Perusal of the following Case, upon Record :—" The Earl of Bristol, having exhibited a Charge of Treason against the Earl of Clarendon, alledged, that he had endeavoured to alienate the Affections of his Majesty's Subjects by venting opprobrious Scan- dals against his Person, and that he had traduced both Houses of Parliament. The Judges were ordered to give their Opinion, whether this be any Treason or not ? They unanimously agreed, that if the Matters alledged in tha Charge were admitted to be true, altho' alledged to be traiter- ously done, yet there is no Treason in it." A Correspondent informs us, that the Dis- putes at Bath, concerning the Succession to the Office of Master of the Ceremonies, are at length happily concluded. Captain Wade is unanimously elected. Five Hundred Pounds of the Surplus of the Ball- Subscription for the present Season is allowed to Major Brereton ; and Mrs. Brereton is appointed a Benefit- Ball every Season, which Captain Wade obliges It is now said that the Record of a certain Transaction is absolutely refused to be entered by the proper Officer. J. It is said that Sir George M'Cartney will be elected Member for Bossiney, in the room of Colonel Luttrell, who has taken his Seat for Middlesex. _ J. The Opinions of five of the Council, to whom the Case of Mr. Wilkes being elected Alderman of Farringdon Ward- Without was referred, are delivered to the City Sollicitor, and a Court of Aldermen will be held on Tues- day next, when they will be laid before the Court. The Court are in Possession of the Opinions of the Recorder and Common Ser- jeant, but Sir Fletcher Norton has not yet de- livered his Opinion. J. We hear that the Bill for making a Navigable Canal from Coventry to Oxford lies ready for the Royal Assent. J. We are told by Letters from Leghorn, that the Corsicans, if the Treaty now on Foot should prove abortive, will open the approaching Cam- paign with 30,000 Men ; of whom 7000 are to be paid at the Rate of 20 Sols per Diem, 18000 supported by the different Pieves, and ' 5000 in Quality of Volunteers. G. French Troops now in Corsica. — Cavalry, Legion Royal, Legion de Soubise. Infantry, Regiment of Soissonnois 2 Battalions, La Marine 4, Bretagne 2, Royal Roussillon 2, Rovergne 1, Anhalt or German Regiment 2, Royal Italian 1, Languedoc 1, Medoc 1, La Marck, a German Regiment, 2, Tournesis 1, Eptingen, a Swiss Regiment, 1. In all 22 Battalions. Fourteen additional Battalions are ordered to embark immediately for Corsica. J. A Gentleman just arrived from Turin reports, that his Sardinian Majesty is particularly atten- tive to the Affairs which now agitate the People ! of England, and not only confers in a very affable Manner with every Englishman of any Distinction that visits his Dominions, but has most of . the British News- Papers and Magazines regularly transmitted to him. G. By our last Letters from Stockholm we learn, that Lord Baltimore was letting out from that City for Copenhagen, where his Lordship intended to stay a few Weeks, and then embark on board Ship of War for the Court of Petersburgh, where this Noble Traveller proposes to reside a short Time, and afterwards attend the Russian Army. L. We have received private but very authentic Accounts, that the French East- India Commerce! will for the future be laid entirely open to all the Merchants of that Kingdom. The French King, indeed, gives the present Half- India Company the Option, whether they will continue that Commerce or not. But then they mult make good to the present Proprietors one Half of their present Capital, which it seems has been embezzled. Therefore this Offer made to them is only to save Appearances, for it is hardly cre- dible they will continue a Trade so ruinous in itself, and so liable to indiscoverable Frauds and Embezzlements. If the Trade be laid open, the Merchants are to make good the Deficiencies : That is to say, the Merchants are to be the new Dupes to the Duke of Choiseul's new Plan. Yet, puerile and chimerical as this Plan seems, it has employed the full Powers of a certain Plenipotentiary Ambassador, who has already COUNTRY NEWS. Leeds, April 18. On Friday last a dreadful Fire happened at Hemsworth, a Village about five Miles from Pontefract, occasioned by a Ser- vant- Maid belonging to Mr. Hirst, in that Town, who, being ordered to fry fome Bacon- Collops for Dinner, accidentally threw some of the Fat out of the Pan into the Fire, the Flames of which immediately caught the Soot in the Chimney, and, by the Violence of the Wind, communi- cated the Flames to a thatch'd House at 40 or 50 Yards distance, and burnt so furiously that in a few Hours it entirely confumed five Dwelling- Houses ; two Barns, one of which belonging to to Mr. Green, containing a large Quantity c- f Wheat; a Malt- kiln with 100 Quarters of Malt, a Carpenter's Shop, with a Quantity of Timber, and several other Out- buildings. The Damage it is said, amounts to near 1000I. BEDFORDSHIRE MILITIA. Bedford, April 18, 1769. NOTICE is hereby given by the Deputy- Lieutenants of the County of Bedford, at their General Meeting this Day held at the Swan Inn in the Town of Bedford, That the MILITIA Forces raised in and for the said County are ta assemble in the said Town of Bedford on Monday the 15th Day of May nextf 1769, in order to be Trained and Exercised, according to the Directions of the Laws now in force relating to the Raising and Training the MILITIA within that Part of Great- Britain called England, from Monday the said 15th Day of May next until Monday the 12th Day of June Following. JOHN CATER, THOMAS VAUX, Deputy AMB. REDDALL. LIEUTENANTS- THOMAS MATTHEWS, Mercer and Draper, in Lutterworth, begs Leave to acquaint the Public, that he has taken the House now in the Occupation of Mr. THOMAS KILL- WORTH, in High- Street, and intends to remove after the 8th Day of May next. He has laid in an entire fresh Assortment of Goods; and hopes for the Continuance of his Friends Favours, which will be gratefully acknowledg'd by Their most obedient, humble Servant, T. MATTHEWS. N. B. A large Quantity of plain Muslins to be sold at 3s. per Yard, and every other Article on the most reasonable Terms. STONE- MASONRY. MARTHA BAYLISS, Widow of NATH. BAYLISS, Stone- Mason, late of Woburn, in the County of Bedford, deceas'd, humbly informs all Noblemen, Gentlemen, and Others, that she, with able Assistants, carries on the Business of STONE- MASONRY in all its different Branches, in the neatest and best Man- ner. All Noblemen, Gentlemen, and Others, who please to favour her with their Commands, may depend on being served in the best and most reasonable Manner, and their Favours will be gratefully acknowledged by Their most obliged and most humble Servant, MARTHA BAYLISS. N. B. Totternhoo Stone may be had at any Quarry in Blocks, & c. at reasonable Prices. Attendance at my Shop at Ampthill. 0n Market- Day; and Orders taken in at the White Hart will be punctually obey'd. ( 23 ) Mr. FERRY'S BALL WILL be, on Thursday the 27th of this Instant April, at the George Inn in Northampton; and he humbly hopes no Person will take it amiss they can't be admitted without a Ticket, as by that Means he may have a just Order, and a genteel Assembly. TICKETS to be had at the George, Red- Lion, Peacock, and Angel Inns, at Half- a- Crown each. N. B. The Door of the Ball- Room will not be open'd till Six o'Clock precisely. As an Inconvenience has been suffered by Servants crowding in, and heating the Room, under pretence of waiting for their Ladies it is therefore humbly desired no Person will take it amiss that their Servant cannot be admitted. NORTHAMPTON. NOW selling, and will continue till all is sold, at EDWARD WOOLLEY'S, the Bottom of the Market- Hill, at 20 per Cent, lower than the usual Prices, all his Stock of Braziery, the Whole being exceeding good and fashionable, consisting of Pewter, Copper and Brass, with every Article belonging to the Trade. N. B. A full Price will be allow'd for all Sorts of Old Metals. TO be Lett, and Enter'd upon immediately, The Great and Small TITHES of the Parilhes of Milton and Collingtree, near North- ampton ; together with the Glebe- Lands in each Parish. For Particulars, enquire of Mr. Jeyes, Attorney at Law, in Northampton. TO be Sold, at Old Michaelmas next, an exceeding good PUBLIC- HOUSE, commonly known by the Sign of the ANGEL ; confiding of necessary Apartments, with good Cellars, Yard, and Stabling for thirty Horfes; fituate at Kettering, in the County of Northamp- ton, fronting the Market- Place, now in the Tenure of William Shortland. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Mills, at the Peacock Inn, in Northampton; or of John Meadows, Farmer, in Kettering. T( JOHN COLEMAN, Taylor, in Cotton- End, near Northampton, proposes to serve Gentle- men and all Others with the neatest and newest- fashion'd Cloaths, at the following r Rates : Coat, Waistcoat, and Breeches, Su- ? perfine Broad, 5 Ditto, Superfine Narrow, 7s. per Yard. Ditto, Common Narrow, 4s. per Yard; Sute of Thickset Fustian Ditto - Plain Fustian Stable Frocks Ribb'd Fustian Ditto, lin'd through Bath Bever Surtout- Coats Pair of Velveret Breeches Ditto - Pair of Worsted Stocking Ditto, four- thread, fine Silk Garters Manchester Velvet Ditto Lasting Ditto Strip'd Silk and Cotton Waistcoats Ditto - - - Ladies Riding- Jackets, Jain Fustian, Ditto . . . Those who please to favor him with their Commands may depend on being served with the best Materials By their humble Servant, JOHN COLEMAN. WILLIAM WATSON, of Towcester, in Northamptonshire, begs Leave to ac- quaint all his Friends, Shopkeepers, and Others, that he tells all Sorts of Tea, Tobacco, Hops, Soap, Cheshire Cheese, and all Sorts of Grocery, & c. & c. as cheap as in London, with Allowance cf Two Shillings the Hundred tor Carriage. All Sorts of Goods carried to and from Lon- don at very low Prices. ASober Lad, of honest Parents,, is wanted as an Apprentice to a TALLow- CHANDLER, SOAP- BOILER, GROCER, and IRONMONGER. Any such Person may hear of a Place by apply- ing to Michael Queneborough, of Dunstable. All Letters, Post- paid, will be duly answered. A Premium will be expected. /. s. d. 4- 6 0 3 10 0 2 18 0 3 6 0 2 15 0 0 16 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 18 0 0 ' 5 6 0 ' S 0 t 7 0 0 11 6 0 > 4- 0 0 12 0 2 6 0 2 2 0 O be Sold, An Old- inclosed FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate at Haslebeech, in the County of Northampton, consisting of nine Clofes of Arable, Meadow and Pasture- Ground, containing together 103 Acres ; with a House, Barn, Stable, and other Conveniences, now in the several Occupations of Mr. John Harris and George Waring. For farther Particulars, enquire of Mrs. Oldner, at Hanging- Houghton ; Mr. Sturges, of Sibertoft; Mr. Chapman, of Spratton ; or of Mr. Smyth, Attorney at Law, in North- ampton. TO be Sold by Auction, by WILLIAM TURNbULL, on Wednesday the 10th Day of May next, and the following Days, ' till all is Sold, all the Valuable STOCK in TRADE of Mr. R. Lidington, at his House in Sillson, near Towcester, Northamptonshire ; Consisting of great Variety of Linen, Woollen, Mercery, Haberdashery, and Hosiery Goods, all bought in from the best Market within these two Years past. CATALOUgES of which will be delivered in due Time at the Cross- Key Inn in Buckingham; the White- Horse Inn in Towcester ; the Queen's- Head Inn in Brackley ; and at Mr. Turnbull's, Auctioneer, in Tingewick ; and at the Place of Sale. N. B. Also a curious Refracting Six- Glass Telescope, made by the noted Benjamin Martin, mounted in Brass and Fishskin, as good as new. A curious Garden- Engine, with " Copper Barrels and Guide- Pipe, plays with a continued Stream. A large Mash or Working- Vatt, and a Brew- house Pump in good Condition, and several other Articles not in the Catalogue, will be sold in the Course of the Sale. Mr. Turnbull has not divided the Catalogue, as he intends selling as far each Day as will be agreeable to the Com pany. The Sale to begin each Day at Ten o'Clock. TO be Sold to the best Bidder, on Tuefday the 2d Day of May next, between the Hours of Two and Six in the Afternoon, at the Three- Conies in Thorp - Mandeville, in the County of Northampton ( unless previously sold by private Contract, of which public Notice will be given) according to Conditions of Sale to be then and there produced, The several following Lots, either together or separate. Lot 1. A Close in Morton- Pinkney, in the said County ; containing by Statue- Measure six Acres and a Half, adjoining the Road from Northampton to Banbury. THE BOWLING- GREEN at Highgate- House, in the Parish of Spratton, near Northampton, will be opened on Thursday the 4th of May next. TO be Sold, at Blakesley, Northamptonshire, A very good HOUSE, with four lower Rooms, four Chambers, and two Garrets, with a large Barn, Stable, Pig- Sties, and other Buildings, being in good Repair, Freehold, and Tithe- free, with a large Yard and Garden, con- taining near one Acre of Ground, being well planted with fine young Trees, with an exceed- ing good Pump,, which never wants Water : The same being exceedingly well situated in the said Town for any Business. For further Particulars, apply to John Shep- heard, of Blakesley aforesaid. N. B. If a Baker should become Purchaser, the Seller will, engage to take near one hundred Dozen of Bread per Week. TO be Sold, at Thornborough, in the County of Bucks, All the TOOLS and STOCK in TRADE . belonging to a Wheelwright's Shop, late in the Occupation of Peter Chapill. The House and Shop to be lett or sold, and enter'd upon im- mediately. For further Particulars, enquire of James Shaw, of Thornborough, who will shew the same. Thornborough is two Miles from Buckingham, and four from Stony- Stratford. TO be Lett, ready- furnished, and Enter'd upon at Lady- Day next, or at any Time sooner, if required, and with or without forty Acres and upwards of fine Pasture- Land and Meadow- Ground near adjoining and belonging, The large Capital MANSION- HOUSE at Tyrringham, in the County of Bucks, called TYRRINGHAM- HOUSE, and formerly in the Occupation of Tyrringham Backwell, Esq; con- sisting of a spacious Hall, two large Parlours and Drawing- Rooms, a large Kitchen, Servants- Hall, Butler's- Pantry, and all other convenient Offices ; with very good Vaults for Wine and Beer, handsome Bed- Chambers and Dressing- Rooms on the first Floor, and feveral other good Bed- Chambers on the second Floor, and other good Lodging- Rooms for Servants, and fit and convenient for the Reception of a large Family. Also very good Gardens, well planted with < choice Wall and other Fruit- Trees, and a fine large River, called the River Ouze, running at - the Bottom of the Gardens, with a good Fishery belonging to the same. There are also sufficient Stables, Coach- horses, Brew- houses, and other convenient Out- Offices. N. B. Tyrringham is situated in a fine Sport- ing Country, and within Sight of the Turnpike- Road from Northampton through Newport- Pagnell to London, and about three Miles from Newport- Pagnell, a very good Market- Town. For further Particulars, please to enquire of Mr. John Chubb, at Sherrington, near Newport- Pagnell, Buck's. Saturday's and Sunday's POSTS. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. The following ADVICES came by a Mail from France. POLAND. Warsaw, March 25. WE have received a Confirmation of the Depredations committed by the Tartars in New- Servia; the Number Captives they have carried away amount to more than 15,000 of both Sexes. A short Time ago 3000 Confederates, under the Sieur de Meislaw, hearing that the Bishop of Cracow was going to. leave Smolensko; and retire into the Heart of Muscovy, they formed a Plan to carry him off, but did not arrive at Smolensko ' till two Days after that Pre- late had departed for Petersburgh. In conse- quence of this Disappointrrtent, they fell upon the unfortunate Inhabitants, a great Number of whom, after plundering, they most barbarously massacred. Gaz. LONDON, April 22. Yesterday his Majesty went to the House of Peers, attended by the Earl of Delaware and Lord Robert Bertie, and gave the Royal Allent to the following Bills: The Bill for carrying into Execution Proposals made by the East- lndia Company for the Payment of 400,000. annually to the Public for a limited Time. A Bill for making perpetual an Act of the first of his pre- sent Majesty, to continue the Duties for the Encouragement of Coinage, of Money. The Bill for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors. The Bill for allowing Liberty to carry Rice from South- Carolina and Georgia to America. The Bill to reduce into one Act the Laws relating to railing and training the Militia. The Bill for making a Navigable Cut or Canal from Oxford to Coventry; And to such Road and Common Bills as were ready. Gaz. Thurlday Night, about Seven o'Clock, John ALL Perfons indebted to the Eftate of GEORGE SpOKES, late of Holcutt, in the County of Northampton, Miller, deceased, are defired to pay the same forthwith to his Widow and Administratrix Jane Spokes, otherwise they will be sued. And all Persons, who have any Demands on the said George Spokes, are desired to deliver in the same to his Administratrix, in order to receive a Satisfaction for their respective Debts. THIS ia to give Notice, to ail Gentlemen Dealers and Others, That the antient and good- accustomed FAIR for Cows, Sheep, Hogs, & c. held at Princes- Risborough, in the County of Bucks, on the 6th Day of May yearly, will, this Year, and every Year hereafter, be pro- claimed a Horse- Fair also where good Con- veniences for the same will be yearly ' provided,' JOHN EDMONdS, Chief- Constable. Lot 2. A Close in Sulgrave, in the said County, adjoining the said Road; containing eleven Acres and a Half and upwards. Lot 3. Another Close in Sulgrave aforesaid, adjoining the last- mentioned Close, and containing about the same Measure. Lot 4. Another Close in Sulgrave aforesaid, containing about the same Measure, and adjoin- ing the last- mentioned Close. Any Person disposed to purchase the Premises, or any Part thereof, by private Contract, may apply to Mr. John Watts, or Mr. Edward Haycock, of Sulgrave; Mr. John Fairbrother, or Mr. George Thomas, of Helmdon ; or Mr. William Gibbins, of Adston. Note, All the Closes are, or easily may be, well watered, and are Tithe- free. TO be Sold by Auction, by JOHN DAY, cn Wednesday the 26th and Thursday the : 17th of this Instant April, 1769, All the Genuine Houshold Furniture, Linen and China, Brewing- Utensils, & c. of Mr. THOMAS ANGELS, late at the Swan in Old- Stratford, in the County of Northampton, de- ceased : Consisting of Bedsteads, exceeding good Beds and Beding, Draws, Tables, Glasses, Chairs, & c. a handsome good Eight- day Clock and Case, a Thirty- hour Ditto, a great Quantity of Kitchen- Furniture, an eighty Gallon Brew- ing- Copper, a letter Ditto, Vats, & c. a Pocket of Hops, two Carts, & c. a Quantity of Timber, Faggots and Fire- Wood, Part of a Cock of good Hay, and other Effects. The Sale to begin each Day at Ten o'Clock. TO be Lett immediately, The Great TYTHES of the Open Fields and Inclosed Grounds belonging to Eastcutt and Dalfcutt, in the Parish of Patishall, near Towcester, in the County of Northampton, lately occupied by Mr. John Sheppard. If the Tenants of the Lands in the aforesaid Fields are desirous of renting their own Tythes, they shall have the Refusal of the same provi ded they apply in due Time. And in such such Case, they are requested to take Notice, ( in order to prevent their being deter'd from taking them, by a Report which seems to have been propagated to answer this Purpose) that Mr. Hodges, of Towcester, will give any reafon- able Security to indemnify them from any Mo- lestation that may be given either by the late Tenant, or any other Perfon or Persons. Farther Particulars may be had of Mr. Hodges. TO be Sold by Auction by THOMAS BROUGHTON, on Thursday and Friday the 27th and 28th of this Inst. April, at the late Dwelling- House of Mr. William Lantsbery, in Great- Addington, in the County of Northamp- ton, deceased. The entire FURNITURE of the said Houfe 5 consisting of various Bedsteads, Curtains, Feather- Beds, Quilts, Blankets, neat Cabinet Work in Drawers, Tables, Chairs, Glasses . Kitchen and Brewing Utensils. Likewise Im- plements of Husbandry, as Waggons, Carts, Ploughs, Hovels ; also a Stack Of Hay, and a large Quantity of Dung To begin at Ten o'Clock. TO be Sold by Auction, by THOMAS BROUGHTON, on Tuesday and Wed- nesday the 23d and 24th of May, The large Stock in Farming, both alive and dead, of Mrs. MARY PURNEY, of Lavendon, near Olney, Bucks; consisting of Horses, Cows, Sheep, See. Ploughs, Carts, Harrows, a new Waggon, and various Implements of Husbandry. At the same Time will be sold, her genuine Houshold- Furniture, viz. Beds, Beding, Tables, Chairs, Glasses, Variety of Kitchen- Furniture, an exceeding good Copper, with all convenient Brewing- Utensils. Likewise three small Stone- built Houses, with Orchards well planted, Gardens, convenient Barns and other Offices adjoining ; held under Lease, of which 1800 Years are unexpired; well Tenanted, and in thorough Repair ; the Yearly Rent 5I. 5s. but capable of considerable Im- provement. j. Several Clofes, together about 146 Acres; in the several Holdings of Joseph Boss, William Read, and Benjamin Almey. 6. Several Closes, together about 30 Acres, and a Barn; in- the feveral Holdings of Zach. Ducket and Thomas Hodgekinson. 7. A Messuage, Homestead, and two Closes, about 19 Acres; in the Holding of Tobias Edwards, 8. Several Closes, together about 66 Acres, and a Lane; in the several Holdings of William Smith, Edward Twigg, and Joseph Boss. 9. Cottiers Close; about 4 Acres, in two Parts ; in the Holding of Thomas Palmer. 10. A Close call'd Hall- Hay, about 13 Acres; in the Holding of Thomas Daws. 11. A Messuage, Homestead, and Close, about 8 Acres; in the Holding of Benj. Almey. 12. A Message and Croft, about two Acres; in the Holding of" Thomas Brookes. | Mr. Liptrott may be applied to for a View of j each Lot; and for further Particulars enquire of Nathan Wright, Esq; of Brookesby; Mr. Liptrott, or Mr. Pares, of Leicester. If the Whole or any Part of the above - men- tioned Estate should be disposed of by Private Contrail, Notice will be given of it in this Paper before the Day of Sale, THIS is to caution all Persons not to trust Elizabeth, the Wife of James Ingram, of Newport- Pagnell, in the County of Bucks, as I will not pay any Debts she shall contract from the Publication hereof JAMES INGRAM. Wilkes, Esq; was brought by a. Habeas Corpus from the King's- Bench Prison to Lord Mansfield's Chambers in Serjeant's- Inn, in Chancery - Lane, in order to discharge his Bail, for re- printing the North- Briton, No. 45, on his first Sentence, the Penalty inflicted by Law having been already paid. , A very great Number of People waited in Chancery- Lane for his coming out of Serjeant's- Inn, and the Coach he went into being ordered to drive thro' the Strand, the Populace followed him with loud Huzzas, and, at St. Clement s Church they took the Horses from the Coach in order to draw it themselves; upon which Mr, Wilkes stept out, and went into the Crown- and- Anchor Tavern. Gaz. The Petition or ( as. others call it) Remon- strance that is prepared to be laid before the Middlesex Freeholders contains the warmest Expressions of Affection and Duty to his Majesty ; and sets forth certain Grievances with a manly Freedom, equally divested of Insolence and Meanness. Gaz. . Monday next, it is said, is the Day fixed on to present a certain Petition. Gaz. All considerate Men are fearful of the Con- sequences which the present public Disputes may produce ;, and heartily wish that both Sides had not carried Matters so far as to render it very difficult for either to retract. Gaz. Yesterday it was currently reported in Town, that a Manifesto was arrived from the King of Prussia, insisting upon a very large Sum of Mo- ney being immediately paid him by this Govern- ment, for Arrears due upon the Conclusion of the last War ; and in cafe of Refusal to march 40,000 Men directly to taks Possession of Hanover. Gaz. We hear it is in Agitation to purchase a great Discovery, respecting the Tanning of Leather, which has been brought here from Ireland. The Public are to pay a very considerable Sum of Money to have it laid open ; and it is proposed to lay an additional Tax of a Halfpenny per Pound on Leather tanned by that Method ; not- withstanding which, the Operation is so much cheaper than any now practised, and can be per- formed in so much less Time, that the Leather will be afforded at a much lower Price, to the Consumer. If the Government had not listened to the Proposals made to them on this Subject, the Tanners themselvs would willingly have given Ten Thousand Pounds to have had the Inven- tion appropriated to their Use. A Bill for this Purpofe wil be speedily brought into Parliament; and it is not doubted, but it will meet with the Consent and Approbation of all Parties. Gaz.- Northampton, April 24. On Saturday laft the Prices of Grain in our Market were as follow, viz. Wheat from js. t0 53.6d. Barley is. lod. t02S. id. Maslin 3s. 8d. to 4s. Rye 3s. to 3s. 3d. Beans 2s. 6d. to 2s. Sd. Oats is. 4d. to is. Sd. per Bushel. The same Day eight Persons were discharged, cured, from our County- Hospital. On Wednesday last the Lady of Rich. Orlebar, Esq; of Hinwick, in the County of Bedford, was safely deliver'd of a Daughter. We hear from Leicester, that a few Days ago the Wife of John Palmer; Woolcomber, of that Town, was brought to- bed of two Boys and a Girl, who have been baptized, and with the Mother are all likely to live. On Thursday Evening last died, at Claybrook, in Leicestershire, deservedly lamented by all who knew him, the Rev. Dr. Hutchinson, many Years Vicar of that Parish. A few Days ago one Samuel Tomkins, aged 83, was married, at Husband's- Bosworth, in Leicestershire, to Ann Walker, 67 Years of Age. Gen. Howard's, or the 7th, Regiment of Dragoons, from Scotland, are come to quarter at Coventry, Warwick, & c. Laft Friday as Francis Herrick, a Labouring- Man, was foddering Cows, one of them ran- over him, and broke his Leg in: a terrible Man- ner : He was immediately brought to the County- Hospital. TO be Sold to the best Bidder, at the Three- Crowns in Leicester, on Tuesday the 9th of May, between the Hours of Ten and Six, and in Lots as after- mentioned, upon such Conditions as shall be produced at the Time of Sale, The Manor of Broughton- Astley, in the County of Leicester, and several Messuages and Closes in the Parish of Broughton. Lot 1. The Manor of Broughton; the Ma- nor - House and several Closes, together about 200 Acres, in the Holding of William Smith and Tobias Edwards. 2. A Messuage, and several Closes, together about 207 Acres ; in the several Holdings of Edward Smith and William Hammond. 3. Several Closes and a Meadow, together about 50 Acres; in the Holding of the Rev. Mr. Liptrott. 4. A Messuage, and several Closes, together about 199 Acres; in the several Holdings of Pinder and Zachariah Duckett. NORTHAMPTON, Printed by CLUER' DICEY and SON: And maybe had of J. JENKINSON, Bookseller and Stationer, in Huntingdon, and R. HULL, Bookseller, in St. Alban's, by whom ADVERTISEMENTS for this Paper are taken in : Also all Sorts of Blank Warrants and Summons's, Orders of Removal, Poor's Warrants, Window, Highway, and Land- Tax Warrants, the, are sold by them. On the Sunday after the News of the Noble Petitions of the great Douglas Cause arrived at Edinburgh, a Rev. Doctor preached in the High Church of that City, before the Lords of Coun- cil and Session, from these Words: ' What fruit * had ye then in those things, whereof ye are ' now ashamed V Rem. vi. 21. . ton. The Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, in the Strand, have adjudged a Gold Medal the Premium for the beft Account of rearing and fattening of Hogs, to Arthur Young, Esq; of North- Mims, Hertfordshire, Author of The Farmers Letters to the People of England, A Six Weeks Tour tp the Southern Counties of England, and other inge- nious Pieces. Lon. BANKRUPTS. William Waters, of Rupert- Street, Middle- sex, Dealer in Wines. To surrender April 29, and May 4, 27, at Guildhall, London. Champion Constable, of Chertsey, Surry, Shopkeeper. To surrender April 25, and May 1, 27, at Guildhall, London. Richard Jackson and Thomas Andrews, of Deptford, Kent, Potters and Partners. To surrender April 20, and May 2, 27, at Guild- hall, London. Alexander Mitchell, of Basing- Lane, Lon- don, Merchant. To surrender April 24, and May 2, 27, at Guildhall. John Firth and John Tennant, of Leeds, York- shire, Merchants and Copartners. To surren- der April 21, 25, and May 27, at the King's- Arms in Leeds. James Wilson, of Great Titchfield- Street, St. Mary- le- bon, Middlefex, Slater., To sur- render April 22, 24, and May 30, at Guildhall, London. Thomas Williams the Younger, of Exeter, Merchant. To surrender May. 11, 12, 30, at the Globe Tavern in Exeter. BANKRUPTCY enlarged. George Taylor, of Bell- Wharf Shadwell, Middlesex, Dealer. To surrender May 6, at Guildhall, London. DIVIDENDS to be made to CREDITORS. May 8. Matthew Beale, of Walfall, Stafford- shire, Mercer, at the Bull's- Head in Walfall, Mav 10. James Roberts, of Congleton, Che- shire, Cheese- FaCtor, at the Black- Lion in Congleton. May 13. John Corsar, of St. James's Westmin- ster, Bricklayer, at Guildhall, London. CERTIFICATES to be granted. Mav 6. Richard Leeming, of St. Edmund the King, London, Victualler. John Field, of Birmingham, Warwickshire, Jeweller. John England, of Cornhill, London, Hosiey. May 9. Thomas Austin, of Long- Acre, Middle- sex, Oilman. PRICES of GOODS at the Corn- Exchange in Mark- Lane, London. Wheat 30s. to 38s. Barley 14s. to 17s. 6d. Rye 10s. to 21s. Oats ns. to IJS. BrownMalt ios. to 24s. Pale Malt 21s. to 26s. Pease 19s. to 21s. Hog- Pease i& s. to 20s. Beans 16s. to 21s. per Quarter. Finest Flour 33s.' Second Sort 30s. Third Sort 27s. per Sack. PRICES of STOCKS. Bank Stock 165 7- 8ths. India ditto 274. South- Sea ditto —- Ditto Old Annuities, ( hut. Ditto New Annuities;.—. Three per Cent. Bank Annuities Reduced 87 7- 8ths. a 3- qrs. Three perCent. Coni". 88 i- 8th. Ditto 1726— Three perCent. Conf. 1751. Ditto India Ann. 8' j. Three i- half Bank Ann. 1756 Ditto 1758,93 1 - 8th. Four per Cent. Coni'. 176 2, 100. India Bonds 36 s. Prem. Navy and Victualling Bills Exchequer Bills Long Ann.— To Mr. NORTON, Surgeon, in Golden- Square; SIR, London, Feb. 17, 1769. IHave the Pleasure to acquaint you that I have taken of your valuable DROPS, which have entirely cured me of a dangerous and obstinate Fistula I have been afflicted with since Sept. 1767. I have not the least Objection to your making this public, as it may be the Means of doing Service to the Community in general. I am, Sir, your humble Servant, JOHN GOOD, late Surgeon to. his Majestys Sloop Ferrit. ( t^ Any Person itill doubtful of the Efficacy of this. Medicine may ( by applying to Mr. NORTON, Surgeon, the West- Side of Golden- Square, near Piccadilly, London, the only Author and Proprietor, where these DROPS are fold in Bottles of 6 s.- each) be fully- convinced of their good EffeCt, by being referred to many People of Credit,- who have been cured of the Leprosy, Scurvy, Ulcers, the Evil, Fistulas, Piles, long- continued Inflammations of the Eyes, and every other Disorder arising from the Foul- nefs in the Blood. They may be taken in. any Season, without the, least Inconvenience or Hindrance of Business. They also perfect Digestion, and amazingly create an Appetite.— None are genuine but what are signed by John Norton, in his own Hand- Writing. N. B. These DROPS are in square Bottles, with the following Inscription, viz. John Norton, only Proprietor & Author of MAREDANt's DROPS— " They are also sold by Mr. LACY, Bookseller , in Northampton, and at. his Shop at Wellingborough on a Wednesday ; and by Mr. WILCOX at Towcester, and at his. Shop in Stony- Stratford. RUPTURE JAMES SUTTON, at the Stag's- Head, in Abington- Street, Northampton, being sen- sible of the dreadful and very excruciating Tor- ments which those Persons labour under who are troubled with this Disorder, makes, in the com- pleatest Manner, the most valuable and greatly- approved- of BANDAGES, so highly recommended and received, for these ten Years past, by some of the most eminent Surgeons in this Kingdom, and which have been particularly successful in the Performance of Cures at the County- Hospital in Northampton. They are indeed the ONLY sure and effectual Remedy for every Kind of this Disorder, as well as the most easy, being made without Steel, or any hard Substance. To such as use laborious Exercise, or often ride, they have been found of infinite Service, being no ways inconvenient in either Respect. The many Letters of Thanks which have been re- ceived, and also the many Certificates of Cures which have been published in this and other Pa- pers, at the Persons own Requests, ( original Copies of which may be seen at the Inventor's Houfe in Abington- Street aforesaid) are con- vincing Proofs of the extraordinary Benefit which has been derived from the Use of them. Those who have the melancholy Misfortune to labour under such Circumstances of painful Distress may be accommodated with these BAN- DAGES, securely packed up, to any Place within the Circuit of this Paper, on receiving a Message by the Newsman, or Letter Post- paid directed as above ; or to any' other Part of England, pro- vided the exaCt Measure round the Waist, the Size of the Rupture, whether it be in the Navel, Groin, or Scrotum, and if on both Sides or on one Side only, and whether Man, Woman, or Child, be particularly specified in the Letter sent. Gentlemen, & c. may be personally waited upon any Day in the Week, if required. N. B. His Wife attends the Female Sex. The latter End of this Month will he publish'd, A new and beautiful Edition ( being the Third) printed from the last Quarto Edition, and now compriied in Four Volumes' Octavo, with a . fine engraved Head of the Author, Price One Guinea in Boards, THE HISTORY of ENGLAND, from the J. Accession of JAMES I. to the Elevation of the House of HANOVER. By CATHARINE MACAULAY. Printed for Edward and Charles Dilly, in the Poultry. Of whom may be had, An elegant Edition of the above Work in Four Volumes in Quarto, Price Three Pounds in Boards; or any ot the Volumes feparate, to complete Sets, at Fifteen Shillings each. The following BOOKS and MEDICINES may be' had of the PRINTERS hereof, and of the Men who carry this News: Also of the following Booksellers, viz. J. Jenkinson in Huntingdon, and R. Hull in St. Alban's, and the Newsmen ' who distribute this PAPER in thofe Parts ; J. Clay, in Daventry, and at his Shops in Rugby and Lutterworth ; R. Wilcox, in Towcester, and at his Shop in Stony- Stratford ; B. Seeley, in Buckingham ; W. Harrod, in Market- Harborough ; and' Ratten, Parker, and ' T. Luckman, in Coventry. This Day is published, Price 6 d. The SECOND EDITION, greatly improved, Ornamented with a very handsome Engraving, representing a Scene in an Asiatic Seraglio, NUMBER XIV. to be continued regularly every Week, ANew SYSTEM of GEOGRAPHY : Or, A General DESCRIPTION of the WORLD. Containing, A particular and circumftantial Account of all the Countries, Kingdoms, and States of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America; their Situation, Climate, Mountains, Seas, Rivers, Lakes, & c. The Religion, Manners, Customs, Manufactures, Trade, and Buildings of the Inhabitants; with the Birds, Bealts, Reptiles, InseCts, the various Vegetables and Minerals, found in different Regions. By the late DANIEL FENNING, ( Author of the Royal English Dictionary ; the Use of the Globes ; the Young Algebraist's Companion, & c.) J. COLLYER, ( Author of the Letters from Felicia to Charlotte; and Translator of . the Messiah from the German of Mr. Klopstock.) AND OTHERS. London, Printed for S. Crowder and J.. Johnson and J. Payne, in Pater- noster Row. The Whole of this Work is printed off, and is comprifed in One Hundred and Fourteen Six- penny Numbers, each containing three Sheets, neatly printed, making two handsome Volumes' in Folio. It is decorated with elegant Copper- Plates, representing Ruins, Perspective Views, curious Structures, & c, The Manners, Customs, Religious Ceremonies, & c. of the different In habitants of the World, engraved by those emi nent Artists Rooker and Hall, from original De - figns of Mr. Fusselli, Mr. Gwyn, and Mr. Wale. The Maps are executed by the most eminent Geographers. Number I. may be read gratis, and returned, if not approved. A Lift of the Plates given in the thirteen Num- bers now published. Numb. I. An emblematical Frontispiece, de- signed by Gywn, and engraved by Hall; Ruins of Athens, viz. the Tower of the Winds, and the Temple of Corinth. Numb. II. The At- tachment of an Hottentot to the Religion and Manners of his Country, fhewn by the ConduCt of one of them bred from his Infancy among Europeans. Numb. III. A Map of Afia, on a whole Sheet. Numb. V. ACt of trampling over the Images of our Saviour and the Virgin Mary, at the Beginning of the Year, at Nagasaki. Numb. VI. A new and correCt Map of France. Numb. VII. Ruins of Athens, viz. Bridge over the River Ilissus Stadium ; Temple of Pala in Istia. Numb. IX. Festival or Sacrifice in honour of Confucius." Numb. X. An accurate Map of Turky in Europe. Numb. XI. Accurate Map of China, on a whole Sheet. Numb. XII. The Drefs and Manner of Living of the Spaniards in South- America. Numb. XIII. Ruins of Athens, viz. Hadrian's; AqueduCt; Temple of Minerva. , Almost all the succeeding Numbers will contain either a Map or Copper- Plate, This Day is publish'd, Beautifully printed" in One Volume Octavo, Price 3- r. 6d. sewed, or 41. 6 d. bound, Short and Safe EXPEDIENT for ter'mi nating the present Debates about SUB SCriPTIONS,- occasioned by The CONFESSIONAL, with 3 Letter upon a Collateral SubjeCt, a Word to the Disputants on both Sicks of the Question, and a large Appendix of Authorities, Ancient and Modern, calculated to promote Peace and Charity, in the room of Speculation and Controverfy. By a Friend to Religious and Civil Liberty. Publilhed by BENJAMIN DAWSON, L. L. D. ReCtor of Burgh, in Suffolk. Printed for Edward and Charles Dilly, in the Poultry. Of whom may be had, Dr. Dawfon's Lady Moyer's LeCture for the Years 1764, 1765, Price 4s. sewed; and several TraCts on Church Power. Also speedily will be published, I. Part 3d. of an Answer to Letters concerning Confessions of Faith, & c. II.. The Parable of the Sower, illustrated and applied, by the Rev. George Muir, A. M. neatly printed in One Volume, Twelves. 3 s. bound. Price This Day is publish'd, Price 1 s. The Eleventh Edition, corrected and much enlarged, To which is prefixed, a humourous Frontispiece, not in any of the former Editions, PRIESTCRAFT Defended. A SERMON, occasioned by the Expulsion of Six Young Gentlemen from the University of Oxford, for Praying, Reading, and Expounding the Scrip- tures. Dedicated to Mr. V— C - r and the H— ds of H s, by their humble Servant, THE SHAVER. To which is added, A further Defence of Priestcraft: Being a Practical Improve- ment of the Shaver's Sermon. London : Printed for G. Keith, in Grace- church- Street; J. Johnson and J. Payne, in Pater- nolter Row; and J. Gurney, at No. 54. in Holborn : And fold by R. Smith, Bookseller, in Northampton. Where may be had, Price 6 d. An ALARM to Dissenters and Methodists. " It is whispered about that something is in " agitation for restraining the Dissenters " and Methodists ; and that no more Con- " venticles or Meetings will be allowed; " but all to be Consecrated Chapels, and " the Liturgy to be obliged to be read in " all of them, and that their Pastors are to " be paid by a Tax as similar to a Church- " Rate as possible." Vide London Evening- Post, March 11, 1769. This Day is publish" d, Free 6d. NUMBER II. ( to be continued Weekly) . : ADESCRIPTION of ENGLAND and WALES. Containing a particular Ac- count of each County. This Number is embellished with three Cop- ier- Plate Cuts, representing, 1. The Ruins of heading Abbey. 2. White- Horse Hill in the County of Berks. 3. The North- East View of Donnington- Castle. Printed for Newbery and Carnan, at No. 65. tlie North Side of St. Paul's Church- yard. The two first Numbers may be purchased as a Specimen, and perused ; and, if not ap- proved, the Money shall be returned. On the 1st of May will be publish'd, Neatly printed in Octavo, Price 5s. in Boards,- or 6 s. bound, A New Edition, being the Fifth, corrected and improved, of ADISSERTATION on the Use of SEA- WATER in the Diseases of the GLANDS;. particularly the Scurvy, Jaundice, King's- Evil, Leprosy, and the Glandular Consumption. Translated from the Latin of RICHARD RUSSEL, M. D. To. which is added, A Translation of Dr. SPEED'S Commentary on Sea- Water. Also, An Account of the Nature, Properties, and Uses of all the remarkable Mineral Waters in Great- Britain ; and of the Foreign Mineral Waters of Pyrmont, Spa, and Seltzer. London, Printed for W. Owen, between the Temple- Gates, Fleet- Street. Of whom may be had, The few remaining Copies of LEADBETTER'S Astronomy, 2 Vols. 8vo. Price bound 10s. This Day is publish'd, Price is. 6 d. Adorned with a beautiful Frontispiece, finely engraved from an original Drawing, being the compleatest and cheapest Book of the Kind ever yet published; THE Compleat ENGLISH GARDENER ; or, GARDENING made perfectly Easy. Containing full and plain Directions for the Management of the Flower, Fruit, and Kitchen Gardens, for evesy Month in ths Year. The Whole laid down in so plain and easy a Manner, that all who are desirous of managing a Garden. tinay do it effectually, without any other Instruc tions whatever. To which is added, The Complete BEE- MASTER; or, Best Method of managing Bees, both for Profit and Pleasure. Together with, The whole Art of breeding and rearing Fowls, Ducks, Geese, Turkies, Pigeons, and Rabbits. Likewise, plain InstruCtions for destroying Vermin, parti- cularly such as insect Houses, Gardens, Dairies, Barns, Bees, Poultry, and several other Articles equally useful, too many to be inserted in an Advertisement. By SAMUEL COOKE, Gardener, at Overton, in Wiltshire; Who has praCtised Gardening, through all its This Day are publish'd, In Three large Volumes, 4to. Price 2/. 121. 6d. in Boards, THE Seats and Causes of Diseases investi- . gated by ANATOMY ; in five Books, con- taining a great Variety of Dissections, with Re- marks. To which are added, very accurate and copious Indexes of the principal Things and Names therein contained. Translated from ' the original Latin of the celebrated John Baptist Morgagni, Chief Pro- fessor of Anatomy, and President of the Uni- versity of Padua, By BENJAMIN ALEXANDER, M. D. Printed for A. Millar, and T. Cadell his Successor, in the Strand; and Johnson and Payne in Pater- noster Row: And sold by R. Smith, in Northampton,. Where may be had, just publish'd, I. Dr. Millar's Treatise on the Afthma and Hooping- Cough. Price 3s. fewed. II. Dr. Armstrong on the Diseases of Chil- dren. 2s, 6d. III. Dr. Percival's Medical and Experimental Essays. 3 s. 6d. IV. - Experiments on Water. 2s. V. On Inoculation of Infants. 6d. VI. Mr. Mackbride's Experimental Essays. 5 s. VII. Dr. Smith's Formulae Medicamentorum. Ss. VIII. Dr. Fordyce's Practice of Physic, Part II. containing the History and Methods of treating Fevers and internal Inflammations. Price 3 s, And speedily will be published, Dr. Fordyce's Practice of Physic, Parti, containing the Natu- ral History of the Human Body. . Branched, in many Counties, upwards of forty Years. The honest Gard'ner sweats his Brow To please the dainty He, And lays the tender Plant but now, Which grows a beauteous Tree. All other Business here is shewn, As clear these Pages tell, The Manner how is fully known, To form your Garden well. London, Printed for J. Cooke, No. 17. at Shakespear's- Head, in Pater- noster Row; and sold by most Booksellers in England. Be careful to ask for Cooke's Compleat English Gardener, Price One Shilling and Six- pence. A famous and infallible CURE for the ITCH .- Which has been used upwards of forty Years- with great Success, as many now living can testify, to their Comfort, who have been cured thereby, after having been given over by others, and who have suffer'd themselves to be abus'd by using poisonous Medicines prepar'd by ignorant People, to the great Prejudice of their Healths; which is indeed one Reason why the. Author has been prevail'd upon to make public this famous Cure, which is as safe as the Bread they eat, and may be applied to the nicest Body, whether young or old, it not causing the least Uneasiness or Smart, but speedily heals those scorbutic Sores that break out in the Body, making the Skin become clear and smooth. Those that have but newly receiv'd the Infection will be cur'd by three or four times ufing this Ointment ; but even those who have had it ' till the whole Mass of Blood is infected need not doubt ( by the Blessing of God, and a due Observation of the Directions given with this Ointment) of a speedy Relief, and an easy Cure. Price 1 s. the Pot. AS ALSO, Dr. Bateman's Pectoral Drops, for the Rheu- matism, & c. at 1s. Dr. Fraunces's Female Strengthening Elixir, at is. 6d. Baron Schwanberg's Liquid Shell, for the Stone and Gravel, & c, is. 6d. Dr. John Hooper's Female Pills, is. the Box, containing 40 Pills,, which is about 10 Dofes.- ( Published under Sanction of the King's Royal Patent.) The true and right Daffy's Elixir, at is. 3d. the Half- Pint. Chase's Balsamic Pills, at 2s. the Box. Dr. Bostock's and Squire's Elixirs, is. 3d. Dr. Stoughton's Great stomachic Elixir, is. Observe that the Names DICEY and OKELL be in all the Directions Bills with every Box or Bottle.
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