St James's Chronicle
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Volume Number: Issue Number: 1177
No Pages: 4
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St James's Chronicle
Date of Article: 15/09/1768
Printer / Publisher: Henry Baldwin
Address: No 108, Fleet-street, London
Volume Number: Issue Number: 1177
No Pages: 4
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Price T W O - P E N C E H A L F - P E N N Y .] From T U E S D A Y , SEPTEMBER 13, to T H U R S D A Y , S E P T E M B E R ig* 1768. No. 1177. W E D P E S D A Y, SEPT, 1 4. C O U N T R Y N E W S. " NtwiajlIt, Sept. 10, , Aturday Se'nnight, at Night, a Number of Grovers, at Alflon, in a Frolic got a Potter's Afs, and having tied its Feet together, put it in to a Box which the Workmen ufe to take up Mortar in, hoilted him to the T op of the Steeple of the new Church building there, and left him. In the Morning the Als fet a Braying, which greatly alarmed all the Town and Neighbourhood, and terribly affrighted many of the
common People, who would not be diffuaded but that fome evil Spirit had taken Poffeflion of the Church. S H I P N E W S . Deal, Sept. n. Wind E. N. E, Remains the Tartar, Thoburn, from Jamaica. Came down and failed itie St. Antonio, , for Plymouth ; and Falmouth, Brown, for Africa. Arrived, At Dover, Chriftie, Frafer, frum Antiguaj Patnxent, Lewis, from Maryland ; Aug'u'flus Ctefar, Smith, from Jamaica; Maria, Howell; and Ann,, Carr, from St. Kit'i; Alexander, Reid, from " the Grenades; .- wrd Randolph, Walker, from Virginia. At the Ille of Wight, Hope; Wadlahd, from Georgia; and Douglafs, Aldington, from St. Kit's, At Briflol,
Frrendffiip, Langhorn, from Peterlbourg. I i the Downs, Ruby, Fearon ; and Samuel, Covel, from Virginia. / i t Gibraltar, Riaito, Griffiths; and Ciefar, M'Cowan, from London. L O N D O N . A Letter from the Frontiers of Turky, dated Aug. so, fays, " Every . Thing- bears t h e Appearance of War in this Empire ; nay, i t has already been announced, according to Cuftom, by Sound of Trumpet- in all the Provinces ; and' Orders are fent to the refpeftive Governors, that all the Troops may file off - towards Varna in the Bulgaria, which is the general Rendezvous. Numbers are already arrived there, and othets are in. full March. Rufiia
appears 10 be the Qbjett of thefe Preparations. But be it as it will, it fcems that t h e Confederates of Poland have all along depended upon fome Enterprise from the Porte. I n the mean T i m e , they themfelves have filled t h e Country with Mifery and Confufion ; and, 5f the T u r k s fliould now interfere, the Poles may probably, through the Ambition of fome • Grandees, fee . themfelves afllifted with three Scourges, one of which alone is fufHcient to deftroy a Nation, viz. War, Famine, and Peft i l e n c e ." According to Letters from Corfica, by the AVay of Paris, Paoli has written a Letter to t h e Count de Marbeuf, wherein he fays,
" That his Nation did not think that the ' K i n g could have any Subject of Complaint againft them ; that it was not cullomary to carry War into a Country without fitll publ i l h i ng a Manifedo; and that, morepver, if $ hey had given him Time to inform his Nation of his Majelly's Intentions with refpeft to t h e Communication they wanted co'eftabljlh, the" Affair of St. Fiorenzo and of the Redbubts Would not have happened." Letters from Naples, dated Aug. 10, fay, €< This Court, after the Example of fome others, having refolved to diminifh t h e N u m ' her of Monalleries, has ordered an exail Account thereof to be delivered in, as well
as of t h e i r Revenues, in order that it- may proceed t o this Supprefiion in a proper Manner," 1 T h e y write from Ploczko, of the 24th of Auguft, that tfce Fate of the Peafants of the Ukraine, concerned in the fir'ft Rebellion, is decided. They are chained, and condemned t o work on the Fortifications for Life. Three hundred of them have been fent to Warfaw, one hundred to Lemburgh, and the fame Number to Kaminieck, which Place is to be put i n a good Pofture of De,'? nee. A Letter from Rome, dated A'nguft 17, fays, fhe Weather was then fo exceflive hot there, t h a t the like had not been known for Twenty Vears 5 and that
moil of the Barometers had k u r f t by the Preffure of the Liquor. Letters from Naples advife, that the Council of Marine there, have refolved, agreeable jto his Majefty's Pleafure to f-. ipprefs all their Galleysj and to apply the Money, requifite for their Conftruftion and Support, in buildi n g Ships of greater Utility. ' ; A Courier has been difpatched from- the - * Court of Rome to their Imperial Majefties, 1 to know whether they countenance the Conduit and Pretenfions of the Duke of Modena upon the Ferrareze. Letters from Wetzlar mention the Death of the Princefs Eleonore- Bcrnardine, Lkndgravefs by Birth of Heffe- Reinfblds, a n d
C o u f l - tefs* Dowager of Bentheim, aged 73. Letters from Venice inform, that the Grand Signer has given Orders for the T u r k i f h Garrifons of Bender, Choqzim, Oxacow, and Belgrade, to be augmented with large Bodies of Troops. We hear from Berwick, that on Monday as a Boy of 15 Years of Age, was playing with a Girl about fix, he lifted her up by the Chin, which diflofated her Neck, and ( lie died immediately : Next Morning he was committed to Gaol. A Prefentation has paffed the Seal for the Rev. Robert Stebbing, D. D. to hold the Rectory of Beaconsfield, in the County of Bucks. On Monday Evening there was a
grand Concert of Mulick at the Queen's Palace, for the Entertainment of the King of Denmark. We hear that the Damage done by the late heavy Rain to the Inhabitants about Windfor Great Park is, upon a proper Survey, eftinwited at 9000I. and that it will coll 3000I, to repair the Damage done within the faid Park. Monday lad a Lady of Fortune at the Weft End of the Town, had her favourite Lap- dog, named Diamond, interred with grand funeral Pomp; his Coffin was covered with black Cloth, ornamented with white Nails, Handles, and a Plate upon the Coffin, on which was engraved his Age and Pedigree : Her Servants that
attended the Burial had white Gloves and Favours given them upon the unhappy Occafion. We are informed that a Gentleman in the City fold off lall Week all the Debts due fd him in one of the American Colonies at the Rate of 4s. in the Pound. On Sunday Morning a young Lady eloped from her Guardian, who immediately taking the North Road, feized his Ward in a Hearle on Finchley Common, and found her Lover a f t i n g the Part of the Driver. Saturday Morning lall about T e n o'Clock, a moll dreadful Fire broke out at a Brewhoufe adjoining to Mr. Taylor's a confiderable Farmer at Stanford in theParifli of SouthM,
Bcdfordfliire, which foon communicated to the' Farm- Yard ; and though there was great Affi fiance, three Engines, and feveral Water- Carts, yet the Fire burnt with fuch Rapidity that in a few Hours it confumed 12 Stacks of Barley, Peas and Oats, two large Wheat Ho-. vels, and a large Barn of Barley : T h e Damage is fuppofed to be about Seven or Eight Hundred Pounds. There were feveral Gentlemen in the Neighbourhood prefent, parti cu-, lady- Sir George Olborhe, - On^ ley, Efq; and Edwards,. Efq; who diftiuguilhedi themfelves on the Occafion, and ordered feveral Hoglheads of Beer to be given to the Populace, to
epeourage them to work the Engines, and ufe their Endeavours to ftop the Progrefs of the Flames. Yefterday the Sefiions ended at the Old Baily : T e n Prifoners were tried ; two were call for Tranfportation, one branded, viz. George Level!,, otherwise Gipfey George, for flaying Richard Berry, and feven acquitted.— Ninety- one Prifoners were tried this Seffions; one received Sentence of Death, one to he tranfported Fourteen Vears, t ' i r t y - f o u r for Seven Years, fix branded, and feven whipped. — Next Seflions to begin on Monday the 17th of Oftober at Guildhall, and on Wednefday the 19th at the Old Baily. We have received
Advice, by the Induflry, Capt. Edwards, lately arrived, of the Death of Rofe Price, Efq; fourth Son of Sir Charles Price, Bart, of Rofe- Hall," in the Ifland of Jamaica, and only Brother to Charles Price, Efq; one of the Council in that- Ifland : He died with a Diforder in his Bowels the 17th of laft May, leaving no Iffue by his Lady. Married.] A few Days ago, Charles Goring, Efq; lately returned from the Eaft- Indies, Nephew of Sir Charles Goring, Bart, of Whiffon in Suffix, to Mifs. Thorpe, of York. — T-' hurfday laft, Mr. James Browing, in Bali nghall- Street, to Mifs Sally Wightman, near Old- StreetChurch.— Saturday laft Mr. Blankenhigen,
a Ruffia Merchant, at St. Swithin's Chdrcli in Cannon- Street, to Mifs Bode, eldeft Daughter of John Bode, Efq; belonging to the Poll- Office. — Saturday laft, at Marybone Church; Mr. Ord, Attorney, in Covent- Gard t n , to Mifs Tayler, of Margaret- Street, Cavendiih- Square, Died.] Yefterday, at his Houfe at Afton, W. Stewart, Efq.— A few Days ago, at Nottingham, Mr. T i p t o n , Marihal to the Lord Chief Baron Parker.— Tuefday la ( I, at Watford, in Hertfordfliire, Mr. John Green of that Place, Currier.— Same Day, in the Old ' Change, Mr. Jones, a Mufician.— Laft Saturday, Mrs. Raper. Wife of. William Raper, Efq; of Wendover
Dean, Bucks T o the Printer of T h e St. J . C H R O N I C L E. S i R, IF an Officer, who has rendered fuch effenti& l Services to his Country as Sir Jeffery Amherft has done, is to be treated ill by a Mi mfter with Impunity, I muft confefs, I thiule, our boafted Liberty is at an E n d ; for who, in the Name of Common- Senfe, will venture his Life, and expofe himfelf to every Hardfhip that can be conceived, if, after all his T o i l s, he is to be ftripped of the Emoluments Bellowed'on him by a graciow Sovereign, as a Reward for his fahhful Servicej, merely to make Way for the Sycophant of a Miniller, whofe . Fortune has been Squandered
by Folly and Extravagance I It is pleafant enough to obfervetheShifts the Friends of otrr worthy Adminiftration are , put to, in order to fave the? r Characters upon this Oceafion ; on the one Hand they pofitively give out that Faction has got hold of Sir jeffery Amherft, and diat it is entirely owing to Party that he refigned his military Appointments ; while others of their Emiffaries are employed in Whifpering about in Coffee- Hbufes, that, in Fafl, no Affront was intended to Sir Jeffery ; that he'himfelf is f a t from countenancing the- general Cryagainft theMin i f t r y ; that although he was hurt at the precipitate Appointment of Lord
Bottetourt, which obliged him to demand a Reparation, he difclaims arty Kind ftf Attachment to Party. From the general C h W f t e r of this worthy Man, I can eafity believe that his private Wrongs will never urge him to dillurb the ' Meafures of the Ring's Servants. While t^ is fcondudlof his raifes the Admiration of Mankind, it ought to be the Bufinefti of By- ftanders to give the Alarm, i n order to deter bafe an d d e g e n e r a t e Minillers from purfuing Meafures which, in the End, muft deprive this Country of its moft valuable Defenders. Look back, my Countrymen, to the- Annals of the late War ; read over with Attention the
Achievements of the Man, who has now rqtired without a Shilling from that Nation to . which he has added an Extent o f Cduntry infinitely beyond what the moll fanguine Politician ever dreamed of 1 And how Indignantly muft the honeft Briton feel when he is told, that this Retirement has taken Place from a public Affront offered to the deferring Officer by a worthlefs, trifling Minifter, whofe only Merit has confifted in ihuffling from one Department to another, always taking Care to. have, when out of Place, a Penfion adequate to his former Appointments. On this Principle, the Miniilry reckoned that Sir Jeffery Amherft would have
conteotcdly accepted of a Penfion, which they call an Equivalent to the honorary Appointment he had enjoyed for his paft Services : But their Ideas were as different from his? in this Refpefl, as their Notions of Honour, H? neily, and Integrity, are from thofe of his virtuous Bread 1 He felt like h i m f e l f ; he afted like himfelf; and has ftiovvn to the World, that the Man who could fo fteadily purfue Plans in Conquering the Enemies of his Country, was not t o be overcome hy the Chicanery of a Minifter, who never poffeffed one Spark of Honefty, but, j u d g i n g from his own Feelings, concluded that his Bufinefs was done on propofing
the Penfion. T h e polite Letter of Lord H — h', a Copy of which has been expofed to V i ew at all the public Places in T o w n , fays a great D e a l: It propofes an Impoftibility ; but his Lordlhip trulls tb the deep Penetration of his worthy Friends to find out the Meaning : Perhaps, lilje Gay in the Farce, he wilhed to leave fomething to their Sagacity, " My Letter has a Meaning, and no Dcuht, " Ton all have Senfe enough io find it out." It certainly contained many pretty Periods ; It runs Iffongly in my Mind that his Namby . Pamby Friend of the Horfe Guards had the Correcting of i t ; and I am the more ( l e n g t h - ened in this Opinion,
from the many Repetitions of Gracioufy pleafed, faithful Services, & c. of which his Lordlhip is fo very fond ; for to fuch a Degree is this fycophantical Nonfenfe carried, that if an Officer ( we wiil fuppofe a Captain of a Company) after eight Years Service, receives from Twelve Pounds Ten Shillings t o - O n e Hundred Pounds in Lieu, of Two Hundred and Forty Pounds, which he was juftly entitled to, he is to bs re minded of Obligations to the bell of S for the vail Indulgence ; ar. d the R— 1 Name proftituted on every Occafion, by an infignificant A — 1 in Office, who bears the T i t l e of L ) but who in Faft deferves the Contempt
which all good Men, who ever heard of his Bshaviour, jullly hold him" in. I am, Sir, your's, Sic. CASSIUS. G E K £ R . & L - i d g f w ? F I C S , r is SeptwKber. tf, 176$, TTK Maieffs Pofmafn- Ge* h- a! pairing bet* X I fkafett to ejiablifh a fufficient Number cf Packet- Boats to Jail between Falmqbth and Nevi York, Charles Town, and tbe vtef- India Wands, , to fupport a regular Monthly Corr ' cfpendencc to and from thefe Kingdoms and ai Parts of lis Majefy't extenfive Dominions itt America, — PUBLIC NO TICE is hereby given, that the fi. veral Mails for America, upon this AVtc Arrange, ment, are to be made up at this Office on
ll'ednefday/ the $ tb of OSober next, and 10ill continue to bi dijpatched from hence in the fame Manner upon tbe faff tfednefday in every Month. The Mail for Neiv York will contai/ t the Letttrt for all the Provinces on tbe, Continent of Amerkat from Virginia Northwards. That for Cbarlei Toiun 1 vill include the Letter) for North and South Carolina, Georgia, and Eaft and Weft Florida, except for Penfacola, the Letters for- which Place ivilt be forvjardedfrcm Jamaica by every Opportunity. And the Mail for' the Weft Indies 1mil contain ( he Letters for Barbados, all the Leeward Iflands* and Jamaica, from • whence the Packet- Boats are,
inftead of proceeding to Penfacola, to return immediately to Falmouth. Upon the Arrival of thefe feveral Mails from hence at Falmouth, the Packet Boats are to proceed . < yjitb them to Sea immediately, Wind and Weather permitting; but if they Jhould be unavoidably detained one or more Days, fuch Letters as ' tome hither, er may be put into thit Office, - will be fent every Tuefday, Thurfday, and Saturday to Fattnauth, for the Chance of tie Packets under Sailing Orders, and if failed, they will be far- warded by tbe next Boat in Tom, Great Inconveniences having ariftit to tie Pub- ' lie by returning Letters for the P oft age j their
Lordjhips, for the Accommodation of Correfpondence , leave it now to tbe Option cf the Writer to pay or . not beforehand to fay Part of his Majefty's Dominions either in Europe or America, except te Gibraltar or Port Mahon. All PerfoMS however sire particularly to take N f - tice, that Letters and Packets from any Pari of • Great- Britain, Ireland, or America, fir all Placet beyond the Seas not in btsMajefty" s Dominions, are to pay at the Office - where they are put in, the full Port , to Ifindon, hefides the Foreign Kates they may hi chargeable with, to prevent the NeceJJity of'their being opened and returnedfor the Poft age. By
Command tf tSe Poft mafter- General, ANTU TODD, Secretary, A Table of the Hates of Poft age, and a Lid $ the Places to which there is an Every- Day Pofl, ' will he given to any Perfon who may apply jor them ta the Chamber- Kfeper here,• T O be Sold to the bell Bidder, between the 1. Hours of Ten and Two of the C- lock, „ n Monday th; * 6th Day of September hext, at the Falcon Inn ia Swanfea, Glarnorganfhire, the following Edates in five fcots, vir. Lot 1. A Freehold Tenement called Higher Allflade, containing Acres of Land, or thereabouts. - Lot 1. A Freehold Tenement called Lower Alidade, containing 28 Acres of Land, or
thereabouts, Lot z. A Freehold Tenement called Bakingftone, containing 4i Acres of Land, or thereabouts. Lot 4. A Freehold Tenement called Long Afli, containing 102 Acres of Lind, or thereabouts. N. B. There are valuable Lea J Mines unier Part of the Premifes, All the above Premifes are fituate in the Parifh of Bilhopfton, Glamorgan ( hire, and he contiguous CD each other. Lot 5. The George Inn and Fives Coot, together with three other convenient Dwsilings adjoining, alt Freehold, and fituate in the Town of Swanisa. The re'fpecVive Tenants will fhew the Premifes, and any further Particulars may be had of Mr. Maufel
Williams, Attorney at Law at Neath. TO be Sold by Auftion, in one Lot, T i m - ber included, at the Crown Inn a: Ringwood, Hants, by Order of tbe Aflignees of the < i$ at'e and Effeftsof Sir Thomas Ridge, Knt. a Bankrupt, deteafed, on Saturday, the Sth of Octubex nert, ac Four o'Clock. in The- Afternoon, • The Manors of BURI. EY- B ATTIN and BLfRLEVM1LLS, fituated near Lyndhurft, in . the^ New Eoreft, Hants, with the Mapfwn- Houfe. Drrneliies, Rights, Royalties, and Appurtenances belonging thereto. , The yearly P. eat of thefe Premilss, including the Demefnes and the Eftates granted out, amourjtto 387I. 4?, rod, per
Annum, befides Heriott and RelicfSi - ' . Tr*" Burley is delightfully fitted in th « pkafanteft Part of the New Foreft, the ManlLn Houfe is furrounited with exceeding fine fnclofires, Part of the Demcfnes of the Manors; the Houl'e ftands about one Mile from the London Turnpike Road, to which there is an exceeding gootPCoach Road, and is about S8 Milss from L'rtdbn. , Vat further Particulars apply to John Ridge, » f Stubbington, nearl'ortffnouth, Ejq. Mr. Thomas Hampton, of Petwortb, in the County of Sulla*, Merchant, the Aflignees of the faid Bankrupt; Mr John Willis, of Ringwo « d aforeiiid ; Mr. Wdliam Auguftus Bettefw irth, of
Portfmouth; or Mr. John SuCfcle, of Calllp. Ydrd, Holborn, London. This Day was publijked, Price ts. THE ALARUM ; confiding of a Seriej of Thoughts on Chriftianitv, as drducible fro « the Scriptures of the Qld and New Teftaroent. Humbly defigncd to refcue its prd'ent mangled St... e from Super*- ftitiod, Enthufiafrp, and Incredulity. Part Firft. Panted 10- O. Pearch, No. ia, Cheapfide; and fold by R, Ma: n, St. James's- Street. Erratum. Page jX, Line S, fer cannot, read, w l not. ames s E V E N t N G - P O S T . i . ? 4 JL. i. i
T o the P R I N T E R . A Blnfphemer of his God, and a Libeller of ' hi: King." See the Court Dictionary under the A r t i c l e C A N T W O R D S. S I R, IConfefs myfelf much inclined to the Opinion of that Set of Men amongft us, who magine that every Science and every A r t , and every Kind of Knowledge, may be collects! f r om the Bible alone. In this Perfuafion I have confined myfelf almofl wholely to that Beok of Books, and find in it a Fund and a ' Variety of Learning and Intelligence which no other can afford, particularly in Politics. - Our modern Statefmen feerri. to trie to be of the fame SeCt with myf< tlf, and to have taken
their In'ftr'uitiops from the fame- Place. The. twenty- fir, ft. Chapter - of the firft Book of Kings has often afforded- a very ujeful practical LelTon to Minifteri of other Countries, and has not, I believe,';' beeri entirely overlooked by our own.— We read $ e r ? that { *!( i V. 2. AhaliYpake unto Nab'oth', faying, G i v e me, Athy Vineyard, becaufe'. it. i? near 1 unto my Houfe ; and I will give thee fonit a * better Vineyard than i t ; or if it feera good to . • thee, I will give thee the Worth of it in Money." -•' ' ' s , It would have been t h e f i m e T h i n g if Ahab,, • ' or his Minifiers, had faid4S; uffe'r u'*- fti violate •• fuch pr fuch a Righto'f the ,
PeOp4e Jn'Silence, and we will give thee. a goocLPlapp- S'r a\ Penv fion, which wUj. be mpre/ or thy o ^ RUyate Advantage than that S. hare which- this- Viol a-- . ' tion takes from thee, of. the common- Rights and Liberties Of the- People. T h e Anfwer too i n both Cafes wtiuld be equally proper. V. 3. " The Lord forbid it me that I . Ihould give the Inheritance of my Father's tin to thee." ' . .. T h i s was a very modeft Refufal ; for it fltewed no DiffatisfaCtion to the King's Perfon, nor Disinclination to oblige him, but contained liis. Reafon for refufing it, namely, becaufe it' was forbidden by the Laws of the Land, which were given to the
Jews by God himfelf. And this Law in particular, to prevent the Alienation of Property, was moll politically contrived for the Happinefs of that • People, arid for a Barrier againft the ufurious Accumulation of the Jews— a Vice to whitti they were peculiarly addicted. No one who had flood by, and had heard this fubmiflive and religious Anfwer of Naboth, wherein he rather c h o t to flight his own Intereft than the Commands of God, and preferred the Difpleafure of his Prince to his own Emolument, if it was to be purchafed by an Innovation pernicious to his Fellow- Citizens; no one, I fay, coqld. reafoqably have imag i n e d ' t h a t fuch a
Man would. be accufed of clafpbeming bis God, and. of libelling lis King. ; Nor indeed did Ahab himfelf meditate any ' fuch Accufation. The T e x t Only fays, V. 4. " He came into his Houfe heavy and difpleafed, becaufe of the Word which Nab « th Ipake unto him." 1 T h i s Prince feems to have been an eafy 5 ood- natured Man, no great Politician ineed, bat not guilty himfelf t? f any Oppref- < ion of the Subject, nor of . any other Fault, except in this his improper and too eager Defire of Naboth's Vineyard, and in fuffering pthers to abufe his Authority for theD « ftruct i o n o f t h e Innoeent, whom God had appointed h im to defend.
Unfortunately there was not wanting a Jei a b e l at his Elbow to encourage him in this his chitdifh Inclination, and to point out to h im the Means of wreaking his Revenge on a Wretch who had dared to tell the T r u t h to his Sovereign, and to oppofe his Will— when his Will oppofed the L# w. He pleads the Laws. The Lord, and the Laws forbid Naboth to give Ahab his Vineyard !— Thofe very Laws fhall be made the Inilrument of wrefting the Vineyard they were defigned to preferve, and of punifhing him who prefumed to rely tipon them ; and that Holy Name to which he has appealed, fhall be made ufe of as the chief Ground of h i
s Accufatioa. • V. 7. " JezaBel faid unto him, Doft thou irow govern the Kingdom of I& ael ? Arife, and eat Bread, and let thine Heart be merry. I will give tnee the Vineyard o f N a b o t h t he Jezrealite. V. 8. " So fhe wrote Letters in AHAB's NAME, and fealed them with his Seal, and fent the Letters unto the ELDERS, and to the NOBLES that were in his City dwelling with Naboth. • V . 9. " And ( lie wrote in the Letters, fay- . " ing, Proclaim a Faft, and fet Naboth on high aniongfl the People; v . . 10.' " And fet two Men, Sons of Bel i a l , before him to bear Witnefs againft him, faying, Thou didft blafpheme God and the ' K i n g ; and
then carry Mfli out and Hone hifli that he may d i e ." However the Conftitution and F o rm of Governments may differ in different Countries, yet as thsy are all defigned for t h e P u r p o f e s of Human Society, they muft in many Things refbmble one another. In all Nations Crimes will be committed, and however the Mode and Regulations may Vary of tile Difpenfation . of Juftice, yet there mull; everywhere be Judges of fome Kind or other-: And it matters little whether he who prefides at T r i a l s be called CfMEF J U S T I C E or an ELDER, T i . o t t g l i a n ' I i u t c h i n f o n i a n , l a m not fuffi- « e n t i y k i l k d in He.& s'. y
AthJquities to be able hare t4 g i t ^ a fatisfa& ory Account of Jewilh J u r i f p r u d e n c e ; but from the Addrefs of Jezabel's Letters to the Elders and to the Nobles, I Ihould rather fuppole they were two diilinCt C o u r t s ; and that fhe artfully took Care to fecure them both, for Fear Naboth fliould by any Means efcape the Profecution ire one of them.— I am aware that fome Critics will differ from me in this Opinion, becaufe they will urge that it would be too glaring an Injuftice to make amenable and punilhabie for t h e fame Offence in different Coarts at the fame T i m e V Jolt as a b f u r d a nd unjuft as it would be here in
England to panilh a Man by private repeated Duel and Affaffination— by Seifure of Effefts, and clofe Imprifonment by the Secretaries of State— by Expulsion from the Houfe of Commons— by rigorous Proceedings in the' Houfe of Lords— and by an aggravated Sentence in the Co net of King's Bench— and all for one and the fame Offence. ' But this Objeftion does not weigh at alt with me, becaufe the Accufation itlelf being foanded in notorious Falfehood and Malice, it i'sButreafonaljle t o f u p p o f e that the Profecution would be conducted with open Rancour a n d l n j n f t i c e . Whatever was the Form of N a b o t h ' s T r i a l
, ' whether by the Elders arid Nobles in one Body, or byttaeh, orfeither of t h em apart, it was not difficult for Jezabel, w i'ititi£ in the Sovereign's Name, to find both E L D E R S and NOBLES enough proftitutdd to her Purpofe, and their own Intereft, ready to find him guilty of any ' Crime on ' efoj Evidence. "' Naboth - had refnfed to give? u p tamely the Inheritance of his Father's, and therefore he was convicted of being " A Blajphmer of his God, and Libeller of " bis King." I am, Sir, your's, & c. . An H U T C H I N S O N ! A N. O be Sold, two very convenient inclofed j l and improvable Freehold pirates, the one lying and being at Or
near Edgehill, in the County of Warwick, confining of a Bam, Stable, aud upwards of 199 Acre* of Arable Land, Meadow and Pafture Ground, failed Brixhill Fields, now lett to Mr, Watts, an exceeding good Tenant by Leafe, at 120S. a Year; aad the Other lying and being at Charringworth, near Camptftn, in the County of Gloucefter, coufifti. ng of a Far'm- Houfe, Barn, Stable, and feventy- four Acres of Arable Land, Meadow and ftlture Ground, now lett to Mr. Purfar, a very good Tenant by Leafe, at 7CI. and of a Cottage and Clofe, lett to Mr. Samuel Wells,, at t \ . 10s. i Year. ' For further Particulars enquire of Anihsny Pye, Efq, in
Featherftftne Buildings, Holborn, Loudon; or of Mr. W'ard, Attorney at Law, at Farringdan, Berks. The Tenants will Ihew the Eltates in their refpeftive Poffeliinn * Tf^ O bt Sold, a Freehold Eltate, lying in the X Priory of Haverholme, and in the Parifhes of Ewerfcy and Rulkington, with'n three Miles of Sleaford in Lineolnlhtrej confifting of the Manor of Haverholme, and divers Farms and Lands, containing upwards of 1350 Acres of Arabic, Failure, and Meadow Ground, now left to feveral Tenants, chiefly upon old Rents, it the yearly Sum. ef 5621.4s. id. Tythe free. And alfo feveral Re& orial Tytilts of other Lands in Ewerby,
amountingto IC51.16s. 6d, a Year. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Reade, in Coj>- tball- Court, London, TO l> e Sold for Fifty Guineas, a Pair of ftro « g, feafoned Black Geldings, fix Years old, near fixteen Hands bigli, docked, well matched and marked, and perfeflly found Wind and Limb. Enquire of Mr. Francis Brailsford, of Redbourn, near Brigg, Lincolnshire. TO be Lett', for the T e rm of feven Years from Michaelmas next, HUNSTANTON HALL, in the County of Norfolk, with the Yards, Gardens, Park well flocked with Deer, Dovehoufe, Plantations, and Clofes of Land adjoining, containing together by Survey i 22 Acres. . «
'.' Alfo a Firm in Hunftanton, confiding of/ 272 Acres of Land by Survey, all'inclofed, which has been occupied with the Mall. If the Tenant of the Hall does not take the Farm, the Barns, and fome of the Stables, Yards and Outhaufes, muft be referved, and lett to the Tenant of the Farm. The Liberty of Sporting on feveral extenfive Manors adjoining will be lett with the Hall. The Hall isreadyfurnilhed, and will be lett fo. . Hunftjnton is Ikudted hear the Sea, in. a plcafant Part of the County of Norfolk, a fine fporting Country around it, with great Plenty of all Kihds of Game, and of Sea and f refli- Water Filh. For further Particulars enquire
of Mr. Daniel Jooes, of Cranmer; or of Mr. Scarlet Browne, of Lynn, Norfolk; who have jointly a Power to treat with any Gentlcm^ n or Tenant willing to hire the Hall and Farm, or either of theai. S W A F F H A M in N O R F O L K. TO be Lett, at Michaelmas next; a genteel, modcm- l uilt Houfe, with proper Offices for a imali Fa aily, elegantly fitted up, and fituate in a pleafant Flowei - Garden, near the Middle of the Town, a two ftall Stable, late in the Occupation of M r. Glen, Surgeon, deceafed. For- further Particulars enquire of Mr, Chriftopher Rodwell, cf Swaffham aforcfaid ; or Mr. Marker, Surgekn, at Walfingham in Norfolk.
Letters, Pott- paid, will beduiy anfvvered. TO be Sold, together or in Parcels, the following Eftates, in the County of Sulfex, viz. In the Parifties of Ripe and Firle, a Farm, containing 211 Acres, in Tenure of John Erie. In the Parilh of Mayfield, a Farm, called Batt's Wood and Ferge- LandFarm, containing iSo Acres, in Tenure of David Collins ; alfo 453 Acresof good growing Wood lands, contiguous to the above, and well planted with Timber. Alfo an Iron Forge, called Bivelham Forge, late in the Tenure of the Afiignees of Richard Tapfell. Alfothe Manorof Bivelham, extending into the Parilhes of Maylield and Wadhurft, and confifting
of many Copyhold Tenements, fubjeft to Fines at the Lord's Will, Herriots, & c. and annual Quit Rents, in the Whole, of 13I. 10s. 6d. Halfpenny. ( d* The above Eftates are all Freehold, except about feven Acres in the Parilh of Ripe. The Farms are all lett to Tenants at Will upon very old Rents, and are capable of confiderable Improvement. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Baley, in Clare- Court, London ; or at Halland, in Sufiex. T" O be Sold by Au& ion, by Mr. Pervil, at the Bull and Gate, in Green- Street, K. enti( h Town, Middlefex, in one Lot, on Monday next, atOne o'Clock punftually, Two Copyhold Eftates of Inheritance;
confifting of three fubftantial Briclf Meffuages, two Storie6 high, with Parlours, Kitchcns, Wafii- houfe, Cellars, Vaults, Chaift:, houfes, Stables, shd other Out Offices. Careens walled in, shd a Cottage with a Garden, fituated in Green- Street afbrtfaid. The Whole is in thorough Repair, and now in the Occupations of Mefl". Bramley, Coney, Maple, and Lumley, bringing in 46I. per Annum, at tlie old' Rents twenty Years Handing, Quit Rent is. 6d. per Annum, Fine certain 3s. 4d. The Whole to be viewed, and Particulars had, from Friday to the Hour of Sale, Sunday excepted, by enquiring ef Mr. Bramjey aforefaid, who will ihew the
Premifes; and at Mr. Pervil's, the upper End of Bow' Street, Covent- Garden. The faid Premifes may be made Freehold for a fmall Spm. ' *" BUCKINGHAMSHIRE MILITIA, September 8, 1768. NO T I C E is hereby given, that a General Meeting cf the Lord Lieutenant and Deputy Lieutenants of the County of Bucks, will be held at the White- Har'.- inn in Ayldbury, on Monday, the 10th Day of GfVober next, at Eleven u'Cloek in the Forenoon, fer tile Purpsfe of carrying into- Execution the Pavters granted by the . Law? he in rorce relative to the Militia, By Otaer cf the Lord yeutenant, T >' . AS H W E T T, tier the GLiteral Meetings.
As* theie arr - - acareies in the Regiment, fuch Geiitlepifo - : K to ferve are defired to fend their Na. r-' 1 ;.. -, e Lord Lieutenant, fpecifyki its'.. » ->-. .. . ; ari willing tolWve, ST U T T E R I N G or Stammering effectually cured by Charles Angier, in Eall- Street, Red- Lion- Square, Holborn, as can be attefted by Perfons of the moft reputable Characters, who have been cured by him. Gentlemen, whofe Birth, Situation in Lite, Profeflion, Sic. obliges thsm to fpeak in Public, but are deficient ill Point of Delivery, occafioned by a low or weak, a rough- hoarfe, thick- mumbling or fqueaking Voice, j- ifping, fpeaking through the Nofe, or any
difagreeable Tone, & c. may be taught how to acquire an eafy, pleafing,' diftinft, and nervous Manner of fpeaking in Public, fo as to be perfectly underftood by very large Audiences, without fatiguing and draining themfclves, or hurting their Conftitutions. ( Ej* Thofe who chufe may board. L I C H F I E L D R A C E S , 1768. HIS Majefty's Plate of iao Guineas will be run for over Whittington Heath, on Tuefday the 2.0th of September inft. ( by Order of his Grace. the , Duke of Ancafter, Mafter of the Horfc) by Horfes, & c. Five- year- olds carrying 8 ft, 7 lb. the beft of three Three- Mile Heats. And on Wednefday the 2 ift, the Noblemen
and Gentlemen's Subfeription Plate of FIFTY POUNDS, by Fouryears- old Horfes, & c, that never won above the Value of Fifty Pounds at any one Time, Matches afld Sweepftakes excepted. . And on Thurfday the 22d, the City Subfcripton Plate of FIFTY POUNDS, Give and Take. Particulars may be feen in Heber's Lift, and former Papers. Balls, Ordinaries, public Breajcfalls, and Cockings as ufual; excepting that the Ladies Ordinary will be each Day at the Vicar's Hall in the Clol'e. The Concins will be under the Direftion of Mr. Saville. Horfes, & c. will be allowed to exercife on ths Courfe, which is ill remarkable fine Order. ,
CTheRightHon. theEarlofDoNEGAtl, Stewards. ^ A h d G e o r c e ADAMS, Efq; L I F E A N N U I T I E S . Ramfgate Harbour, Sept. 8, 1768. THE Truftees for enlarging and maintaining the faid Harbour do hereby give Notice, that, by Virtup Power invefted in tjiem by Parliament, t'hey intend to receive a farther Sum of Money, by Sale of Life Annuities, fecured upon, and payable out of, the Rates and Duties upon Shipping granted for that Purpofe. For further Particulars enquire of the Secretary, wh ® will receive the Propofals, at the Old South- Sea Houfe, in Broad- Street. JOHN SCOTT, Secretary. B A R N E S a n d G O L I G
H T L Y ' S o l d S t a t e - Lottery Office, No Five per Cent, or any other Deduction whatever, will be made from the Tickets and Shares, which are now felling in great Variety, and at the loweft Prices, examined gratis, and paid as foon as drawn by Barnes and Golightl'y, at their eld State- Lottery Office, in Pope's- Head- Alley, near the Royal- Exchange, Cornhill, by whom the following Prizes hive been fold: In the laft Lottery, No. 3379, the Twenty Thoufand Pound Prize fold and regiftered, being the largeit Prize ever fold at any Office. And in the Lottery 1766, No. 15739, a Prize of Five Thoufand Pounds, and No. 16611, a Prize
of Two Thoufand Pounds, befides many other large Prizes fold, lhared and regiftered, in the laft and former Lotteries. The S C H E M E of the L O T T E R Y . No. of Value of Total Prizes. each. Value. £ £ 2 - of - 20,000 IS . - - 40,000 4 - - - 10,000 - -' 4.0,000 5 - - - 5,000 . - - - 25,000 . 10 - r 2, eoo - - - 20, oo* a o - I, 000 - - - IO, 000 4.0 - - - 500 - - - 20,000 100 - 100 - - - 20,000 600 - - - - r -. 50 - - 30,000 19,175 - - - its - - - 383,500 598,500 500 - IOOO 20,056 Pnbesn 39,1944 Blanks. Firft- drawn Laft- drawn i t Lett, tram Mtcnaermas next, Term, or from Year to Year, FAIRWATER HOUSE, pleafantly fituated and modern- built
with Brick, one Mile from Taunton, in the County of Somerlct,, fit to accommodate a Gentleman's Family ; conulling of a handfome Hall, a Drawing- Room, two Parlours, feven Bed- Chambers, with Clofets, and Servants Rooms over; a good Kitchen, with all ufeful Offices, and vaulted Cellars; Stables for eight Horfes, and a Coach- boufe; a Fruit and Kitchen- Garden, and fix Acres of fine Orchard in. its Primed with feventeen Acres of rich Pafture- Land, all contiguous to the Houfe, or fo much thereof as a Tenant requires. Enquire of the Rev. Mr. Minifie, or Mr. Ff. ntt, at Goathurft, near Bridgewater; Mr. Anderdon, in MillT fome-
Street, Bath; or of Mr. Triftj Peruke- Maker, in Wych- Stieet. P I N E - A P P L E P L A N T S. VE R Y large two- year- old Plants, o f - t he beft . Sort,, in the fineft Health and moft vigorous Growth, to be fold by James Gordon, Seedfman, in Fenchurch- Street, on the very loweft Teims.. 60,000 Tickets. 600, oco Not two Blanks to a Prize. Tickets are divided into Shares, at this Office, in fo advantageous a Manner to the Purchafers, that for a Thirty- fecsnd Share, at Ten Shillings, may be gained Six Hendred and Twenty- five Pounds ; for a Sixteenth Share, at Nineteen Shillings, One Thoufand Twa Hundred and Fifty Pounds; for an
Eighth Share, at One Pound Eighteen Shillings, Two Thoofand Five Hundred Pounds; for a Fourth Share, at Three Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Six- pence, Five Thoufand Pounds; and for a Half Share* at Seven Pounds Six Shillings, Ten Thoufand Pounds, being double tile Sujps that could be gained in any Lottery, except the laft, for many Years, and double the Chanccs of getting them that there were even in the laft. Correfpondents in the Country may have Tickets and Shares fent them to any Part, by remitting good Bills at Sight, or a ftiort Date, on London ; and, if they remit more than the Amount, may depend it fhall be
punctually paid to their Order. . Tickets regillered, and the moft fpeedy Account fent of < jleir Succefs. The Lottery will begin drawing the 14th of November. All Kinds of Gsysrnment S* utities bought and fold by CemmiHion, Preparing for the Preft, And foon will be publilhed with Notes, & c. ATreatife of the Art of preferving the Health of fedentary and literary Perfons, from the French of; Dr. TISSOT, Member of the Royal Society at Loudon, of the Medical and Phyfical Academy of Bafil, and of the Oeconomical Society of Berne. Printed for J. Nourfe, oppofite Catharine- Streit, in the Strand, Bookfeller to his Majcfty. This Day < were
publijhed', Price 4s. USEFUL H I N T S to thofe who make the Tour of France, in a Sfcfies of Letters, wrjiten from that Kingdom. By PHILIP TH1CKNESSE, Efq; Thefe Letters, none of which were ever publiftied before, contain fome Account oF tKe interior Police in general, and of Paris in particular. Alfo a confidcrabli Number of entertaining Anecdotes, relative to the firlt Perfonages on that Part of the Continent. Extras from the Account of this Wcilc given iii' the Monthly Review for July laft. " We have received great Entertainment in the Perulal of thefe Letters. The Author is a Man of Obfervation, and a Gentleman, which is faying
enough, if our Judgment may be rtlied on, to recommend his Performance to the Notice of our Readers." Printed for G. Kearfly, at Number 1, in Ludgate- Street. Where may be had, Price 3s. a new Edition,, to which is now added a lar^ e and correct Map of all th< S Poft- Roads, with the Dillances of the To. vns, abfolutely nenelfary for all Travellers, The Gentleman's Guide iii fiis'Tpur through France, wrote by an Officer, who lately travelled oh'a Principle which he moft fincerely recommends to his Countrymen, v'i. Not toTpendmore Money in the Country of our natural Enemy, than is requifite to- - fupport, with Decency, tiie
Character of ari Englifliman. " "' To render the Book ftill more complete; this Edition contains a correft Lift of all the Stige Coaches, beft InnS and . Lodging Houfes, - public OrdinariSs, Places of Diverfton, & c, with their different Prices, Alfo an accurate Defcription of the public Buildings throughout that Country. This Day ivas publijhed, In Two yolumes, Twelves, Price 5s. fewed, LE Magazin des Pauvres, Artifans, Doi meftiques, ArGens de la Compare. Par Madame Le PRINCE DE BEAUMONT. Printed Tor J . Nourfe, oppofite Catharine- Street, in the Strand, Bookfeller to his Majefty. d 3 A Tranfiatioa of the above Book is in the
Prefs. Where may be had the fallowing Works, by the fame Author-. Lc Magazin des Enfans, 2. vol. 12' mo. Le Magazin des Adolefcentes, 4 vol. Izmo. Suite du Magazin des Adolefcentes, 3 vol. i2mo. Lettrcs d'Emerance a Lucie, 2 vol. lamo. La Veuve Parfaite, rzrno. La Nouvelle Clarice, 2 vol. izmo., [ The above Book* may be had in Englilh.] 7. L'Education Complette, 3 vol'. i2tno. - 8. Lettres dt Madame du Montier, 2 vol lamo. . — rf— —•— I - . This Day ' - was puUiJhed, In Odtavo, Price Six Shillings bound, THE F R U I T GARDENER? containing the Method of raifing Stocks for multiplying of Fruit Trees, by Budding,
Grafting, & c. as alfo Direftions for laying out and managing Fruit Gardens. To which is added, the Art of training Fruit- Trees te a Wall, in a new, eafv, cheap and expeditious Manner; with a Defcription of fome of the beft Kinds of Fruit, and the Charadters of the Trees, as to growing and bearing ; being the Refult of more than twenty Years Praftice, Obfervation and Experience. Printed for J. Nourfe, oppofite Catharine- Street, m the Strand, Bookfeller to his Majefty. This Day ivas publijhed, N U M B E R I. Price is. of DE RE R U S T I C A ; or, T h e REPOSITORY for fele « a Papers of Agriculture, Arts, and Manufactures.
Containing, among other Articles, 1. An Introduetory Letter, fonfifting of many valuable Obfervations on rural Matters. 2. A Reply to fome Objections made to the Drill Hufbandry. 3. An Account of the Ufes and Culture of Lucern by Drilling, Tranfplanting, Broad- Caft, and a Horfe- Hoe and Hoe- Plough, invented, for cleaning it, by Chriftopber Baldwin, Efq. to which Account the Society of Arts, ire. lately adjudged. their Gold Medal. 4. Curious Obfervations on Mulhrooms, and the Smut in Corn, 5. Directions for the Culture and Management of Hemp and Flax. 6. Curious Ohfervations on the Weather and the Ufe of the Barometer,
when applied to Improvements in Agriculture. To be continued occafionally. Printed for W, Brown, ( from Mr. Sandby's) the Corner of Chancery Lane, Fleet- Street. To Dr. L O W T H E R. S I R, IT is with the utmoft Satisfaction I now acquaint you, that, from a very law and dejeded State, attended with the moft dangerous nervous Symptoms, am now reflated to perfeft Health, through the fole UfS of your excellent Powders and Drops, after I had previ-, oufly tried a. great Variety of Medicines, Spa Waters, Baths, & c. without Eft'eCt. You may he affured, it will give me Pleafure in fatisfying any Fellow Sufferers with the Particulars
of my Cafe, and am your" humble- 1 Servant, Aug. 17,1768. WILLIAM CATER, Bookfclier, Oppofite Red- Lion- Street, Holbot- n, The above Medicines, by Royal Authority, are fold at the Doctor's Houfe, the Golden Lamp, Ha'tton- Garden, in Parcels of 6s. and 3s. each ; alfo „ t. Mr. Cook's, Bookfeller, in Piter- nofter- Row ; and - it Mr. Pullet's, in Princes- Sttcet, Leiceftex- Fields, whcie Attendance and Advice, as - Waal, aie given gratis. At which Places are fold his Antifcotbutjc Powders, a certain Reoieuy fir ail fcorbuik Complaints, B99 at large gratis.
T H U R S D A Y , S e p t . 15. C O U N T R Y N E W S. Salifbury, September 12. } N Friday the 2d Inftant, James pJt Jones, of Lower Lytchet, near uV O Poole, Dorfet, had been out to W l ^ V j ihoot fome Wild Fowl by the Sea" Jit-** Side, but his G u n mijjing Fire, he returned home to repair it, and very unfortunately, as he was mending the Lock, the Piece went off and ( hot his Daughte. fcjhro' the Body, of which fhe died t h e IVlonday following. ..•••' i; Tenby, Sept. 9. Yederday arrived here the Chilgrove, Torlington Cooke, M after, from Poole, who reports that on Sunday the 4th Inllant, being about three Leagues North f r om
Lundy lifend, t h e Crew efpied a Wreck difmafted, whereupon they hoilted out their Boat, and two of the Chilgrove's Crew went to furvey i t , and found it t o have been a Brigantine or Snow of about 140 T o n s , without any living Creature on board, her two Mails were gone, and the Bowfprit about four Feet from the Outfide of the Stem, her main Deck and ( larboard Quarter quite gone. Sberbirr. e,' Sept. 12. At Stabridge Fair on Monday laft, lean Cattle fell near 20 per Cent, in Price. I ? N- E W S. L S H Dent, Sept. 13. Wind. E. N. E. blows hard. Came down Ye'fterday and failed, the Hopewell, Haywood, for ^ Plymouth ; Prudent
Jane, Bogie, tor Carthagena; and Galicia Packet, Sole, for Seville. Remain the Tartar, Thoburu; and Augufius tat( ar, Duffield, from Jamaica; u d fix others. Arrived, At Dover, Liberty, Cillatn, from Antigua. At C- ipe Fear, Taitar, Jenkins, from St. Kit's. At Newfoundland, Hercules, M'Gownan, from Ireland, bffthe Ifle of Withr, Greeft Wane*, Ratdiff j ar, d Rol'c, Brett, / rom Jamaica. L O N D O N . A Letter from Sweden, dated July 26, mentions, that in the Garden belonging to the Uni'verfity of Upfal in Sweden, th. ere is how an unknown Tree front the Baft- Indie's jn. Bloffonv* which never before has happened in any Garden in
Europe..; ^ J ' ^ i c o m t u r fn Bloffom fhews it t o b t ' n e a r l / r e l a t e d to ( Theobromaj or Cacoa T r e e , but- differs from it bv.. its Leaves, that rather refembles thpfe of tlie Vine. Its Fruit, yet entirely unknown, may liS Tiihfe difclofe its Genits. A Lettfer from Ne » v Providence mentions, that Capt. John Rankin, in a Bermudian Rak e r ; had lately the good Fortune to filh up two Chefls bf Spanifh Dollats, near the Great Caicos Bank, fuppofed to be Part bf the Treafure bf a Regifter Ship wrecked there many Years ^ Letters from New- York, c f t h e 27 th Of July, mention publick Notice having been given f r om the Treafury
Office there, That as very little Regard has been paid to the Treafurer's Hequeft of the 29th of February laft, 4efiring all 1 Perfons indebted for. Dilties due to that Colony, ttrpay the fame ; he fhall therefore be under a Neceffity of commencing Suits againft thoft in Arrear, unlefs they prevent it by a fpeedy Payment of fbch Duties. v On Wednefday Morning the King of Denmark arrived at Oxford from Henley upon Thames, where he lay the preceding Night, and after v o t i n g the Univerfity there his Majefty went to Blenheim, and dined with his Grace the D u k e of Marlborough. The fame Evening he returned to Oxford, and lay at
the Angel Inn. T h i s Morning his Danifh Majeft^ fet out f r om Oxford to Stowe in Buckinghamshire, and dined with Eatl Temple. Great Preparations are making at Rkli- - mond for the Entertainment of the King ef Denmark. Among other Things, thewhole - of the Gardens are to be illuminated. A Room is already built in the R o t u n d F o r m , the Diameter of which is 180 F e e t : Some of our beft Scene and Portrait Painters 31c employed in adorning the Infide. Yefterday Prince Czartorifki, Nephew to - this Polifh Majefty, and his Princefe, fet out from the Earl of Pembroke's H o u f e i n P i i t y - Gardens, for Paris. Yefterday
Genera! Moyftn, Earl Percy, and ether Perfons of Dillinftion arrived in Toiyii from France. Yefterday the Lord Chancellor had the Honour of a Conference with his Majefly at St. James's. ExtraH of a Letter from Dublin. " The Number of contcfted Ele£ li6iis, it 19 thought, will be very numerous. Our once popular L— d L — t fpares no Pains to get - all the Partifans of the C— t defied ; but, notwithftanding his Endeavours for that Purpofe, it is imagined, that, at the Opening of the Seffions, the Majority will be in Favour of the Country. The real Patriot arid firm Aftertor of our Liberty, Dr. Lucas, ftill continues indefatigable in his Effotts to
promote te Intereft and Profperity of this Kingdom. re do not entertain the leafl Doubt of his Perfeverance ; though the highill Offers have been made him to abandon the Caufe he lias K) undauntedly efpoufed, which he has always rejeftpd with the Contempt they merited, y May Heaven ( in Compliance with the united Piaseis of a grateful People) lengthen the Life of a Man? who has devoted himfelf to their Service, and defended thfeif invaded Pri- « ilegef, hithcrtp factefsfully, againft the open ati'j £ i i u t i i Attacks of M— 1 Power." ExtraH of a Letter from Charles- Town, South- Carolina, July 25. . , " Grievous are the Complaints
and Apprehenfions of many Ricc- Planters, who have fufi'cred much by frequent and great Rains in the two laft Months, and by, t h e Bugs ; yetwe are affured that there is a Profpeft of. the Crop being equal at leaft to the laft Y e a r ' i. fo great a Quantity has been planted. " The Wheat- Planters, in the Back Country have fucceeded remarkably well this Year : They have fown a great d e a l , and are likely to reap it all, not having fuftained any. Lofs, as ufual, by the Ruft. And it is faid, that near doable the Quantity of Hemp will be made this Year in thofe Parts; than was the l a f t ." Of the ten Archbiftiops of Canterbury fince the
Reftoration, i t ' a p p e a r s , that Drs. Potter and Seeker died at the Ages of 7 5 , Dr. Sancroft at 77, Dr. Tennifon at 78, Drs. Sheldon and Wake at 79, and D r . Juxon at 815. of the other three, Dr. Hutton died at about 60, Dr. Tillotfon at 64, and Dr. Herring at 6 ;. T h e Patuxent, Lewis, from Maryland to London,, is afhore on the Flats. T h e Grievances complained of by the different Colonies in America, which have been tranfmitted to fhe Secretaries of State here, are, we hear, to be laid before the Parliament at their next Meeting. Yetlerday a Biker of this City was convicted before the Right Hon. the Lord- Mayor of felling zo
Loaves fhort of Weight 49 Ounces, and paid t h e full Penalty of .53, per Ounce, amounting to 12I. js. Yellcrday two Ladies were convifted before his Lordfhrp, one of wearing a Chintz Gown and the Other a Callico, not ftained Blue; each of them was fined 5I. There is now living, at his Seat in Effex Fleetwood Sheppard, Efq. ( a Friend of the late celebrated Mr. Prior) who is in perfeft Health; though at the Age of 120 Years. A French Dancer lately arrived in London has had the Addrefs to carry off a young Lady of - lp. oool. independent Fortune, from a Bo^ rdingjiehool . within three Miles of Weftj p i n l l e r . Bridge.. On Tuefday
Night a Country ' Squire from Ojtfordfhire, was picked up by a Woman of the Town, and enticed to her Lodgings in Chymifter's Alley in St. Marti n's- Lane; in the Morning he found to his Misfortune fhe had decamped with a Suit of Cloaths, Green and GoM, and Ten Guineas. On Monday Night the Long Room at Hampftead was broke open, and thirty Silver'Tea- Spoons, and fixteen Guineas in Money, were carried. Married.] Monday laft, at Martin in Derbylhire, Nicholas Heath, Efq. of. Argyll- Buildings, to Mifs Mary Mundy, Sifter to Francis Mundy, Efq. - On Sunday laft, Mr. John Phelps, Merchant, at Fulham, to Mrs. Jane
M'Kenzie, Relift of the late Captain M'Kenzie, of Wapping. Died.] Tuefday, at Mortlake, in Surry, James Harwood, Efq.— Same Day, at his Apartments in Sk> n- College, Mr. Thomas Reading, Library- Keeper there.— Same Day, Mr. James Parry, Builder, in St. Martin's le Grand.— Monday, arvd 60, Mr. John Hewlett, a wealthy B u t c f f r in Clare- Market.'— Monday Night, aged 73, at her Houfe near the French ' Change, Soho, Mrs. Sarah Burchett, who had acquired a Fortune of iooool. by dealing in fecond- hand Plate, Laces, Wearing- Apparel, & c. — Yefterday Morning, at South- Lambeth, William Cayley, Eiq. — A few Days
ago, at Shipton} naar Burford in Qxfordfhire, Mr. James Pujoles, Apothecary, of that Place. " • B A N K R U P T S . Samuel Norman, John Jones, and Samuel Haffelt, all of Weft Cowes, in the Parilh of Northwood, in the Ille bf Wight, Hants, Merchants and Copartners in Trade. To appear Oft. 3, 4, at Ten in the Foreppon, and Oft. 15, at EleVen 111. the Forerioon, at the Sun Inn in Newport in the Ifle of Wight. Jonathan Smith, of Mold, in the County of Flint, Shopkeeper. To appear Sept. 20, Oft. I, at Ten in the Foreneon, and Oft. 25, at Four in the Afterneon, at Guildhall. Dividends to be made. Oft. 8. John Warriner and Richard
Warriritr, of Fifh- Strect'Hill, London, GloVers and Copartners, at Ten in the forenoon, at Guildhall. Oft. 4. William Rifdon, cf Crediton, in Devonihire, Merchant aud Cornfaftor, at Three in the Afternoon, at the New Coffee- hoiife and Tavern iri Exeter. Nov. 5. Robert Brailsford, of Friday- Street, Loffdon, Haberdalher, at Ten in the Forenoon, at Guildhall. Nov. 7. John GoodchiM, of Charing Crofs, Middlesex, Lintn- irapcr, at Four in the Afternoon, at C^ uild- ABINGDON RACES, Berks, t 7 6l TO be run for', on Culham Heath, near Abingdon, on Tuefday the 27th of September, the Town Purfe of 50I. by any four- year § - old Horfes, &
c. Thofe that have never won that Value ( Matches excepted) to carry 8ft. thofe that have won one Plate of that Value,, to carry 8ft. 31b. and thofe that have won more than one Plate of that Value, to carry 8lt. sib. Fillies to beallowed 31b. and any Horfe or Gelding that ftarted for two or more 50I. Plates fince the lit of May laft, and has not won One of that Value, thall be allowed 31b, as a Maiden Filly; and any Filly that has ftarted for two or more Plates of that Value, and has not won, ihall be further allowed * Ib.-— To run the beft of three Heats, two Miles each Heat. On Wednefday will be run for, on the faid Courfe,( the Members
Cup, coft 50I. by any Horfe, Sec. ( Giye- and- Take) that has not won m$ re than two 50I, Plates fince the ift of May laft, to* the Time of running for this Cup; 14 Hands, aged, carrying 9ft.. higher or lower Weight in Proportion, allowing ylb. for every Year, under feven": Aad if any one be a Winner of two Plates,. Ihall allow any Hoife, & c. 2lb. that has not won one Plate of 50I. fince the jft of May laft.— To run the beft of three Heats, four Miles to each Heat. And on Thurfday will be jun for on the faii Courfej the Gentlemens Subfcription Purfe of 50I. free for any five Years old, fix Years old, or aged Hoif » j Mare, or Gelding, that sever
won more than two 50I. Plates ( Matches'or Sweepftakes. excepted.) Tive- year- olds carrying 8ft. 91b. Six- year- olds 9ft. 31b. and aged Horfes, & c. carrying 9ft. iolb. Any Horfe, & c. that has ftarted for two 50I. Plates fince the lft of May laft,." and not won one, fliall be allowed 2lb. and any Horfe, & c. not flatting this Year, and hever won 50I. ( hall be allowed, ilb.— To run ( he beft of three Heats, four Miles to each Heat. ; If any Difputes arife in running for any of the above Prizes, to be finally determined by the Stewards, or whom they ( hall appoint. The Horfes, tec. to run for the above- mentioned Prizes, to be ihewn and
entered an Tuefday the 20th of September, at the White Hart in Abingdon; The Owner of, each Horfe, & c. having firft fubl'cribed 3I. 8s. or double any intermediate Time, till Six in the Evening, before running; and ( hewing a proper Certificate of the Age and Qualification of each Horfe, & c. at the Time of Enterence. If but one Horfe, & c, enters for any of thefe Plates, to be allowed Ten Guineas; if two, Five Guineas each, and their" Subfcription returned ; as no lefe than thtee re^ puted runuing Horfes, & c. will be allowed to ftart for any of the aWe Plates; nor any Winner of one of them be allowed to ftart again. " Each Horfe, & c. to
( land with, and be plated by fuch Perfons only as are Subfcribers to , the Town Purfe. The winning Horfe, & c. each Day tg pay Half a Guinea to the Clerk of the Courfe, for Weights and Scales. All the Horfes, & c. entered, are to take, their Exercife on the faid Courfe, on Sunday Afternoon before running. No Perfon to fell Liquors, or ereft a Booth on the faid Heath, except thofe who ( hall fubfcribe. to the Town Purfe,'-— The Horfes, & c. to ftart at Twelve o'Clock. J E * 1 of A B I N G D O N, stewards. J E a r l HARCOURT. A Ball the firft and laft Nights at the Council Chamber.— Ordiiariej the firlt and laft, Days at the White Hart,
and the middle Day at the new Intl. A Main of Cocks will be fought between the Gentlemen of Berklhire and Wiltftiire, for Four Guineas a Battle, and Forty the Odd. Cope and Eaton, Feeders. To begin each Morning at Nine o'Clock. There will be a Concert the middle Night.. This Day tvat- putiliphed, Price is. N. l . t M B E R 1 f t hall.. Certificate to be granted. OS. 4. James Tcrrett, now or, late of the ParilTi of St; Martin in the Fields, Middlefcx';; Apoth" 6cary. T^ HE Ma This Day tuas publijhed, Price 3s. bound, or 2s. 6d.- fewed,' HAPPY L I F E 5 or, T h e Contented an. With RelieftionS upon divers n\ oral Subjefts. A new
Tranflation from the French of M. De Vemage, D. D. Canon of the Royal Church of St. Qtiintin . Printed for J. Hinton, at the King's Arms, in Paternoller- RoW j and R. Main, in St. James's- Street. — 1 - 1 In the Prefs, and fpeedily - will be publijhed, ACommented Lilt of the Free- Thinkers, from the Curate Rablais to the Curate John Meflier de Trcpigni. la a Series of Letters to the Prince d,. # # # By M. D E V O L T A I R E . Printed for T. Becket aiid P. A. De Hondt, in the Strand, Of wiom may beiiad the Original Frsnch, This Day < was publijhed, Price 3 s. 6 d. Jewed, AReview of the Do& rines of the Reformation j with an Account
of the feveral Deviations to the prefent general Departure from them. , In a fac/ ies Of Letters to a y6ung Gentleman defigned for theElinillry. . In which, among other Things, it is intended to ( hew, in whatSenfe the Doftrijial Articles of t6ii £ ftabliftied Cfeurch . were underftoo'd by the Reformers, and moft eminjfnt Divines before the Reftoration^ tofonfirm that Senfe by Scripture, and to provd thkrt^ ey are incapable of an Arian, Socinian, or Afminian Conftruftion. By T H O M A S B a W M A N , M. A. Vicar of Martham, NSrtolk. Norwich printed, and fold by E. and C. Dilly, in the Poultry; and Johnfon and Payne, No. 8, Pater- nofter-
Row, London; Merrill, Cambridge; Keyruer, Col- , cliefter; Shave, Ipfwich j Eaton, Yarmouth; and Brooke*, NoiVich, . This Day was publijhed, Price zs. fewtd, \ N Effay on the Difeafes incidental to Li- JTJL terary and fedentary Perforis, with proper Rules for preventing their fatal Conferences, and Inftruftions for. their Cure. By S. A. Tiflbt, M. D. Profeffor of PHyfic at Berne. Printed' fot E. and C, Dilly, In the Poultry j arid fold by Wilfon and Nlcall, neat Round- Court, in the. Strandv Of whom may be had, Alexander's Experimental Effays, Js. 6d. in Boards. Dr. Chalmer's EUay oh Fevers, is. fewed. Plank's . new and eafy Method of
giving Mercury to thofe afflifted with the Venereal Dileafe, - s. fewed. . '... . This Day was publijbed, In Two Volumes, Price es. fewed, TH E F A R M E R ' S S O N of K E N T . Printed for F. and J. Noble, in Holborn, and St. Martin's Court. - • • Where may be had, juft publilhed, 1. True Delidaey, 2 voli 5s. fewe'd. 2. The Orphan Daughters, 2 vol. 59, fewed. 3. The Point of Honour, 2 vol. 5s, fewed. 4. The Happy Extravagant, 2 vol. 5s. fewed. J. The Force of Nature, 1 vol. 5s. fewed. 6. Clementina, an - Italian Lady, 2s. fid. fewed. 7, Tht Perplexed Lovers, 3 vol. 71. fid. ft wed.. 8: The Hiftoty of Mifs Beville, 2 vol, 5s. fewed. 9*
Summer Houfe, 2 voh 5s, fkwed. . Neceffary, for every Mafter and Miftrefs, Butler and Houfekeeper, and all who have the Direftion of Families. This Day ttXts ptlblijh'ed, Price only is. 6d » The Sixth Edition' of TH E Art of making Wines from Fruits, Flowers and Herbs, all the native Growth of Great Britain; particularly of Grapes, Goofeberries, Currants; Ralberries, Mulberries, Elderberries, Blackberries, Strawberries, Dewberries, Apples, Pears, Cherries, Peaches, Apricots, Quince;, Plumbs, Damafcens, Figs, Rafts, Cowflips^ Cowllips, Scurvygrafs, Mint, Baum, Birch, Orange, Sage, Turnip, Cyprus Wine imitated, Gilliflower. Mead,
& c, & c. with a fuccinft Account of their medicinal Virtues, and the moft approved Receipts for making Raifin Wine,. TheWhole comprehending many Secrets relative to the Miftery of Vintners, never before made public j ( hewing not only how to prevent thofe Accidents to whi< h all Wines are liable, but abfolutely to retrieve thofe which are aftually tainted, and give them the moft agreeable Flavour. To which is now added, the complete Method of DifKlling, Pickling and Prefervipg. Reviled, correfted, and graatly enlarged, by WILLIAM CRAHAM, late of Ware in Hertford- ( hire. Primed for W. Nicoll, at the Papef- Mill, in St. Paul's
Church- Yard; and fold by the Bookfcllers and Newj- Carrisrt in Town and Country. THE AMERICAN GAZETTE : c> ntaining a Colleftion of all the authentic Addre s s, Memorials, Letters, & c. which relates to the prefent Difputes between Great, Britain and her Colonies; likewife many original Papers, never before publifhed. . Printed for G. Kearfly, at Numiber r, in Ludgate- Street. As the fec'ond Number is preparing for thf Prefs, the American Merchants and others, who are pddelfed of any valuable Materials^ are refuelled to fend them to thePublifher as foon as pofiible. • . . .. For the USE of S C H O 0 L S, This Day were
publijhed, Price 2 s. bound, I N S T R U C T I V E and entertaining Exercifesi JL with the Rules of the French Syntax. , . By J O H N P E R R I N. Printed for B. Law, at No. 13, in Avemary- Lane, Ludgate- Street; and J. Robi'on, in New Bond- Street. - » The Political Regifter, No. 17, gives, this Book the following Charafter : " In our Judgment, this Coilection of Exercifes , is the moft elaborate that hath appeared : The Author has ibfeended into all the Minutise of the French Language, without. being tedious ; his Examples are fraught with Rouble. Utility, inafmuchas they ferve not only to illuftrate his Rules, but likewife to convey
fome ufeful moral Inftruftions to the Mind. He . ( hews himfelf no lefs a Mafter of. the French, than hi does of the E'nglilji; and, as he has omitted nothing that was neceffary, it is evident he has been equally cautious in admitting any Thing tHat is fuperfluous or trilling. ; On the Whole, this feems to be the beft Work of^ ne Kind, whether we confiJer the Eafe of the Mafter, or the Improvement of the, Scholar.!' - Where may be had, by tho/ ame Author, 1, A Grammar of the French Tongue, grounded on the Decifions of the French- Academy, Price as. 6d. 2. Pfaflftie of the French Pronunciation, alphabetically exhibited, Price < u, 3.
Neatly engraved, on a Whole- ftieet, tbe fnr,'. h Verbs, regular and irregular, alphabetically conjugate!, Price is. 64. 4. Effai fur l'Origiue Si Pitntiquitc des Langues, Price zs. 6d. fewed, ' >. Oaths i f i Infant was publijhed, Price IS. THE APPENDIX to the Thirty- eightii Volume of the MONTHLY REVIEW, or LITERARY JOURNAL, for 1768. Containing the foreign Literature, viz. t. Hiftory of the RoJal_ Academy of Inferiptions and Belles Lettres, vol. 31 and 32. 2. L'Efprit de 1' EnCyclopedie : The moft curious Articles ieledteil from the Encj clopedia » 3. The Method of teaching Languages. 4. On the Population of America ; Article
concluded from our lafti 5. De Haen's Praftice of Phyfic, J> art XI. 6. Lieuteaud's Anatotnical and Medical Hiflory of Difeafes. 7. D'Alembert's Suppreflion of the Jefuits, Second Part. 8. The Spirit- of the League. 9. Bury's Hiftory of the Life of Lewis XIII. 10. La Croix's Treatife of Mortality. 1 i. Hiftory of the Royal Academy of Sciences, for the Year 1764. 12. Memoirs of the Roval Aca- . demy at Paris, vol. IV. 13. Elements of the Hiftor^ of France. 14. Hiftory of the Royal Academy of Sci- . ences and Belles Lettros at Berlin. 15. P. Andre'a Works. 16. AbledeL——.' s Hiftory of French Literature. 17. Le Blainvill's Hiftory of Mufic. 18.
Anti- Philofophical, Diftionary. 19. Beauzee's General Grammar, 20, Del'ormeaux's Hiftory of the Prince of Cond% vol. III. and IV. 2t . Le Beau's Hiftory of the Lowet Empire, vol. XI, and XII. 221 Le Diner du Compte de Boulainvilliers. 23, Diftionary ef Hiftorical Pori traits. Anecdotes, Sec. 24. Albinus's Academical Annotations, B. VIII. 25. Bergier's Origin of the Pagan Gods. 26. St. Foix's Hiftory of the Order of the Holy Ghoft. 27. BeauVais's Medallic Hiflory of the Greelt and Roman Emperors. 28. General Title, Index, and Table of Contents,' to the 38th Volume of theReview. Printed for R. Griffiths, and fold . by T. Becket and P. A.
De Hondt, in the Strand. The Public may expeft, in the Courfe of this Review, and" particularly in the Appendix, a tegular Abridgement of the moft important Articles in the feve* ral Memoirs and Traofaftions of the learned Academies abro'ad, with critical Remarks and Obfervations, This Day was publijhed, Price only 6d. ( Embeliiflied with three Copper- Plates, engraved from original Drawings, Number II. of TH E O X F O R D M A G A Z I N E; or, Univeriity Mufcum, for Auguft, 176S. By i SoCfcty" of Gentlemen, Members of the Uuiverfity of Oxford, Printed for the Authors, and fold by S. Bladon, at No. 28, and J. Coote, at No. 16,
in Pater- nofter- Row, London, ( by whom Letters from Correfpondents ar » thankfully received) and all Bookfellers and News- CarrierS in Gredt Britain arii Ireland. Where may be had, a new Edition of No, I. In this fecond- Number are givea three elegant Engravings from" original Defigns, which are as follow, viz. . The frrft is called, The Siege of Warwick Caftle, ot the Battle between the Fellows and Licentiates. The Name of the fecond Plate is, The Union, or the Paypiafter— a. The third Copper- Plate is a Portrait, at full Length, of Crjftian the Seventh, King' of Dentnark, engraved by that celebrated Artiit Mr. Grignion. Thus'
much for , the Engravings given in this Number; and, among a Variety of interefting original Articles, are the following1, . vAiz . f econd Letter on Engliih Grammar. 2. The Nymphof Diana} aTale. 3, An Account of the Arundelian Marbles at Oxford. 4. An Effay on the reciprocal Contempt of Nations. 5. The Generous Country Maid, a Novel. 6. An Effay on the Love of our Country. 7. An Account of the Tranfit of Venus, by Robert Langley, of Hitcbin. 8. Interefting Adventures of an Englilh Merchant, who was- banilhed for Life to ' Siberia. 9. Dr. Rook's Nature and Property of Salt. 10. A very remarkable Fallacy in Vifion explained. 11. A
general Defcription of Denmark, 12. Particular ^ Account of Copenhagen. 13. On the Knowledge and Reafon of Brutes, & c. Befides thefe original Articles, the Trial of Donald Maclane, and every remarkable Tranfaftion of the Month are given ; together with tha i foreign ar. d domeftic Intelligence, Poetry, & c. This fecond Number of the Oxford Magazine, we may venture to affirm, is better worth Eighteen- pence, than any Performance of a. fimilar Nature is worth Sixpence, of which any Perfon may fully convince himfelf by Infpeftion. For the Cure of Agues, Intermitting or Nervous Fevers. F E B R I F U G E ELIXIR, an improved
Preparation of the Peruvian Bark » which contains all the Virtues of that celebrated Mediaine, in the Form of an agreeable Tinfture, perfeftly grateful to the Stomach. It is the moft certain and fafe Remedy yet difcov& red for Agues, and all other intermittent Complaints, periodic Head- Aches, and profufe Night Sweats, and an admirable Stomachic. It is likewife excellent in incipient Confumptions, and almoft a Specific in the Whooping- Cough, and is that valuable Preparation of the Quinquina, fa much wifbed for by tbe late Dr. Sha\ v, an3 fo ftrengly recommended by Dr. Sterne in his Medical Advice. Sold in Bottler, at 3s. 6d. each,
by Mr. Nicoll, in St. Paul's Church- Yard ; Mr. William's, in Fleet- Street; Mr. Dixwdl, in St. Martin's- Lane; Mr. Lewis, ia Ruffe I Street, Covcnt- Garden; Mr. Collins, in Stfvuos aad Mr, Wood, in Liaeeln, \
P O E T S CO R N E R. For T h e St. James's Chronicle. On the Removal of the Guards from before the King's Bench Prifon. L E T Tyrants keep their Guards for Pomp and State, Their armed Legions fcreen them not from Hate: Wilkes needs no Guards, fo favoured from above, His fureft Safeguard is his Country's Levi, I- s. For the St. James's Chronicle. Parody on the celebrated Soliloquy in Hamlet. Jddref/ ed and recommended to the Meditation of • the Scribblers of the Time. T O write or not Co write ? yea thdt'i the Queftion! Whether ' tis better with, the Pen to fcribble,, • Th" Flights and Fancies of outrageous Nomenfe j • Or
to lay down thc Quiil, and ceafe to tire • Tht Patience of the World ?— To write; to fcrawl j And by that Scrawl to fay we utter all the Horrid Stuff— thc thoufand foolifh Whimfies Labouring in the Brain—' Tis a Deliverance Devoutly to be wifh'd. To write, to fcrawl; To fcrawl— perchance to blot!— ay; there's thc Rub! For on a drift Review, what Blots may come , (" . When we have fcribblcd all the Paper o'er, v Muft give us Panfei— There's thc Refpefl That flops the weak, prefumptuous Hand of Fools, For who could bear the Sneers and Scorns of Wit, The Clitic's Laugh, the learned Pedant's Railing} The Spurns and Infolence of
Common Senfe j The Jok « of Humour, and the Repartee} When he himfelf might bis Quietus make " With mere blank Paper ? but that thc Itch of Writing Puzzles thtWill! and makes us father lifejac all Ridicule, Than fliun the Mufcs, and fcrbear to rhimt; Ambition thus makes Afles of us all; And thus each empty Fellow, void of Genius, Is tempted to imagine he's a Poet j And Petrt- Maitres, of great Skill in dreffing, Ev'n froei the fav'rite Mirror turn away, To gain the Name of Author. For the St. James's Chronicle. QUERIES humbly fubmttted to the Publici. S UPPOSE two Perfons, B and M , ( both of bad Principles, and
bafePraftices) to have formed a malicious Scheme todifpatcfe or murder others : B — i s fuppofed to be remarkably forward and urgent to have the faid Schemes put in Execution ; M takes upon him to procure an Accomplice W — - , and prevails on him to inftruft another, fupnofe G , by whofe Means Murder is comm i t t e d . — W h e t h e r the four are all guilty alike, or which of them is the greateft Villain ? And on a Suppofition that all are equally guilty, and B. were to fly from Juftice into a foreign Country, on Account of the faid Murder and other atrocious Crimes: Q^ again, Whether in fuch a Cafe an Outlawry fhbuld not take
Place i N. B. T h e laft Query is grounded on all of them being convicted of Wilful Murder. Sept. 6, 1768. T o the Printer of the St. J. C H R O N I C L E. S I R , A S a conflant Purchafer of your Paper, I cannot but thank you for a very pretty Letter you gave us in the laft Page of your's of Thurfday laft ; which I think you call} A Letter from a French Marthicnefs to her Friend. As fuch Letters are the prettieil Kind of State- Romance Writing extant, in thefe modern Times, I hope you will often favour us with t h e m ; and that the Writers, or Enditers of them will, at leaft, endeavour to imitate the good Example, inculcated in the Moral of
that Account, viz. to" feel with Humanity the Diftreffes of the common People. L— gton, I am, Sir, your's, & c. Sept. 10. A Searcher after Truth. T o the Printer of the St. J. CHRONICLE. S I R , 1Obferved, in the Publick Advertifer of Thurfday laft, a fhort but fuper'cilious Letter, written feemingly with an Intention to authenticate the T r u t h of a late Royal Donation, but in Reality to acquaint the World that the Author has not only a Connexion * dth, but was the Almoner of that great and good Perfonage. Pleafe to allure that Gentleman, that this charitable A f t was fufliciently known and believed before his Proclamation of i t ; and that
nothing but the Attellation of i Perfon, whofe Signature foconftantly appears to Quack Advertisements, can poffibly make it doubtful. I am, Sir, your's, & c. Sept, IZ.. Effence of Wormwood. A N ingenious Paper on the Culture and . Management of Hemp and Flax, lately publilhed*, contains the following Obfervations on the Horfe Cheftnut, which may be acceptable and ufeful, we think, to our Readers, who are converfant in Agriculture. " The Horfe- Cheftnut has hitherto been cultivated only for its Shade, Beauty in Spring, and fpeedy Growth. In Turkey, the Nuts are" given- to Horfes afflifted with Shortnefs of Breath; and hence the
Tree has it, s Name. Late Experience has taught us, that the Nuts are very efficacious in whitening Hemp, Flax, *> r Cloth, and the Tree is on this A c c e n t/ more worthy of Cultivation. A Soil that is rather moift than dry, agrees beft with it, and it is - tftily propagated by the Wuts. Cattle and Sheejj are fond of the Leaves of the Horfe- Cheftnut, and they ai; e found to be good Nourithment for theiji. If boiling Water be poured upon the Nuts, to take off their Bitternefs, they become excellent Food for fattening Hogs and Fowls. They may alfo be made into Starch. " When the Nuts are ufed for whitening Hemp or Flax before they are
fcutched, or Thread before it is wove, they fhould be r a t t e d into Waiter, in which the Rafpingsare to remain for twelve: Hours, i l i r r i ng the Liquor frequently, it is* then to fettle for a Quarter of an Hour, when the white Liquor, felembling a Solution of Soap, and frothing like it, is poured off. If the Nuts a r e to be made Ufe of in a large Quantity, they muft be broken into a Pafte, or dried, 6r ground in a Mill. Either Way they readily diffolve ii » Water, and communicate to' it their faponaceous Quality. Twenty middling Chellnuts are fufficient f o r fix Quarts of Water, which, when ufed, muft be made fo warm that the Hand can
fcarcely bear it. What fettles at the Bottom is very good for Fowls, being mixed with Bran. " This Liquor is alfo of fingular Advantage in the firft Scouring • o f . S i l k , for it will not only brighten its Colour, but it will fit it the better to receive any other Colour. If the Cocoons were piit into this Liquor, when the Silk is reeled off, we fhould have much lefs of it yellow." • ' ^ * hi the Repojitory. for feleli Pieces in Agriculture, 13 c. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders, of the County of Middlefex. Gentlemen, THE Death of Mr. Cook* having'made a Vacancy for this County, at the Oeftre of many Friends I beg to offer my Servicer to
reprefhtt you in Parliament. ' The public Part I have taken in feme • very important S% uefiions, rejpefting the Liberties and Cinjlitution of my Country, has, 1 hope, met with your Approbation. 1 can only promife you a Continuance of thefame Zeal for the true bitcreffsaftkis Nation, and of its excellent Sovere: cn, together with the rmjl fieady Attention to tlie fit ' Jnefs of . this County, if 1 halg thc Honour to rep. refentyou in Parliament. 1 am, with Deference and Regard, Gentlemen, Your > mS faithful and obedient bumble Servant, Bloomfiury. Square, JOHN GLYNN. Saturday, Aug. 2 7. ^ ^ , P O S T S C R I P T . L O N D O N . The
following Copy cf a Letter, dated Corftca, Aug. 5, is banded about, as containing a truer Account of • what paffed there tnthe ljl of that Month, than any other Letter hitherto publijhed. " In the laft Week of July, about ten or eleven Days before the Expiration of the T r u c e , the French polled a Body of Hotfe in Baftia, on the weftern Side of the Ifle, where they had about 8000 Foot. At San Fiorenzo, on the oppofite Shore, tbey had 2500 Foot, French and Swifi, with other Corps at Calvi and Bonifacio, apd about 2000 French and Germans at Ajaccio. " As foon as their Horfe had enteredBaftia, the French made a Sally from Calvi, with
the View of drawing the C o r f i c a n s t o that Side, who were polled in the Paffes between Baftia and San Fiorenzo ; but after a flight Skirmifh they retired again to Calvi. " Three or four Days before the 31ft of July, the Corficans detained, in San Fiorenzo, fome Cattle that wete going to the French Camp, but on a Meffage from the Commanda n t , releafed them directly, reprefenting, however, ' that the French ought no: to have drawn any Cattle from thence, without the Knowledge of the Governor of the Diftrifts through which they were to pafs; and that the Coflicans were not ebliged to fuffer any T h i n g to pals to the French,
excepting what was juft neceffary, ' till the Expiration of the T r u t e , and not Maintenance for a large Ar- T o the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders, of the County, of Middiefex. Gentlemen, I Did not prefume to offer myfelf again as a Candidate for the County until I knew it would be agreeable to a great Number"' of its (.'. onjiituents ; happy am I to find that I have fo'great Encouragemeat. It is not a Seat in Parliament that I covet jo much as tbe Honour of reprefenting fo reppeSiablea Gountf, which I have had the peculiar Pleafure to do in three fuccejpye Parliaments, in which I was ever ajjiduous of foewing my Duty to the King,
and preferving the Rights anil Liberties ef my Fellow- Subjects ; this emboldens me again to follicit your Votes and. Inter efi on the Day of EleBion, affur'tng you that I never had the leaf Thought of petitioning | againji any former Election, which has been unkindly reported ; and if 1 have the Honour to be chofe your Reprefentative, Jhall endeavour lo merit tbe Favoui> by the Uprightnefs of my Anions, and by a confiant Attrition to the Trade and Welfare of tb ' u County. I am, Gentlemen, Your mojl obliged and faithfull Servant, W. BEAUCHAMP PROCTOR. Bruton Street, July 19, 1768. ( 3* I Jhall pay \ my perfonal Re/ pells the firfi
Opportunity, and in my Canvas if I JhouU omit waiting on any Freeholders, hope they will not attribute ti to Neglett, but to the Want of a eorrett Lift., my, as they feemed preparing, which might occafion a Want of Provifions to the Corftcans.' " About a' Mile and a Half from the French Camp, in a Diftrift poiTeffed by the Corficans, is a Plaee which furniflied good W a t e r ; the Corlicans there kept a Guard, and both Sides provided themfelves from thence with Water. The French, under Pretenfe of what had paffed in regard to the Cattle, furprifed, on the 28th, the Corfican G u a r d , drove them away, and placed there a G u a r d of
their own. In Spite of the Reprefentati'ons made by the Corfican Commander, the French fortifyed themfelves in that Place, and would not fuffer the Corficans to come there for Water. The latter, refentingthis A f t of Hoftility, furprifed, in their T u r n , oil the 30th at N i g h t, the French Troops, forced them to retire, and took about 200 Mufquets. • On the 3 til the French hung out their Flag in the Caftle of San Fiorenzo. A Body of about 1000 Foot, divided into feveral Detachments, marched out- of their Camp, and fell upon the Corficans, who guarded the " Fount a i n : T h e latter after a Fight of two Hours, retreated to the Upper
Grounds, from whence they made, a brifk Fire on the French. Thefe feparated t h i n into two or three Parties, in order to attack the Eminence ; but the Corficans, though greatly inferior in Number, as not making in all above 200 tegular Troops and 300 Peafants, defended themfelves with fo much Bravery, that the French were obliged t o abandon the upper Grounds, about twenty alone excepted who flayed there, but who being difcovered the next Morning, were alfo driven from thence. Few Corficans fell in this Aftion. Covered by the Rocks orBufhei they fired fitting on the Ground, and lay all along while their Mufquets were
charging by the Affiftance of the Women, who exhorted them not to fear Death. The French, on . the contrary, loft a great Number of People, moft of whom were left dead on the Spot, very few being ca ried to the Hofpiral, and only two of their Officers buried. The French Commandant forbid, the fame Evening, on Pain of D e a t h , all Mention o f what had pafR- d in that Day' s Ailion. The French, however, have iince confeffed the Loft of five Officers, and at leaft 300 Soldiers, killed, wounded and Prifoners, " The French in Baftia hearing the Reporfc of tfce Aftion near San Fiorenzo, and perceiving tha, t the Corps of Obfervation
formed by the Corficanis vvas removed, made a'Sally with their Cavalry, which they potted between Baftia and the Mountains that feparate the Environs of that City from San Fiorenzo. There they lay encamped the whole Night between the Corficans, who were appointed to obferve San Fiorenzo, and thofe who obferved Baitia ; and all Night long they were . feen tiring from the former of thefe Polls. " The Morning following, viz. on the ift of Augull, we could perceive plainly from the neighbouring Eminences, that the French and Corucans were fliil engaged, and that the former had not yet gained one Inch of Ground. The Swifs
marched out that. Dav from San Fiorenzo, with fome Pieces of Cannon; after a Refinance of more than two Hours, they made themfelves Mailers of the Heights, and • from thence marched down into the Valley, where are a few fmall Villages, and fcattered Houfes. We are ignorant what is the Loft of the French in this fecond Aftion. We only know in general, that among the Corficans there were z o o dead, 40 of whom were Women, and Children, and about 50 Women and . young Lads are made Prifoners. " Capt. Achilles Mtirato", who was reported to be dead, is a l i v e ; ami Capt. John Charles Saliceti lies ill of a Fever at
Baftia, and it is feared cannot recover." Lieutenant Filher Thomas is appointed by t h e Lords of the Admiralty, Lieutenant of his Majefty's Sloop the Savage, at Plymouth. His Majefty's Poft- Mallers- General hav. e appointed Capt. Richard Nottingham to the Command of the Sandwich Pacquet Boat ; Capt. Pond to the Command of the Le Defpencer Pacquet Boat; and Capt. James Adfton tq the Command of the Eagle Pacquet B o a t; which Veffels are to be employed in carrying Mails between Falmouth and Charles- Town, South- Carolina. T h e y write from Dover, that Baxon Bickendorf, Mailer of the Horfe to the Duke of Saxe-
Gotha, and who lately died at Calais, being in a higTi Fever at the laft- mentioned Plaee, threw himfelf fuddenly o u c o f a Win*, dow, ' which occftfioned his Death. T h e Morning Star Cutter, Lieut. Burilall, has t a k e n a § muggler near Hull, with 179 t f a l f - A n k e r s of Geneva, and lodged the fame in t h e Ctiftom- Hoofe of that Place. And the D u k e William Cutter, Lieut. John Field, bas taken another Smuggler, with a Quantity of Brandy and T e a on board, and carried it i n to Milfbrd for Condemnation. A new Ship of Guns is ordered to be built on the fame Slip at Deptford, from which the Egmont was lately launched ; and
another of 6 4 Guns on the- fame Slip from, which the Prudent, a Ship of that Rate, will be hunch- • ed a t WooUvich in a few Days. T h e Florid^ Storefhip is eommiffioned at Deptford, and the Command given to Lieut. T e e r : She is thought to be deitined for Port Egmont i u FalklairdVIflindi, with Stores and Provifions. Extras of a Letter from Oxford, Sept. 14. " This Day, about Twelva o'Clock, his Danifh Majefty arrived at the Angel Inn in this City, and was inftantly waited upon by the Rev. Doftor Durell, our Vice ChanctVrar, with the Compliments of the Univeriityf and to know his Majefty's Pleafure: Soon after which the Vice
Chancellor returned to St. Mary's Church, where the Heads o f Colleges, Doftors, ProfefTors, Proftors, and other Members of the Univerlity, in their proper Habits,, were afTembled; upon which it was madfr known, that the King had fignified his Intention of accepting a Degree from the Unlverfity. From St. Mary, the Vice Chancellor, Heads of Houfes, & c. went in Proceftion, attended by the Beadles and other Officers of the University, and condufted the King and his Retinue to Queen's College, All Souls, Radcliffe Library, Public Schools, Pifture Gallery, and Bodleian Library; afterwards to Wadham, St. John's, and Trinity College;
from thence, through the Printing Houfe, to the Divinity School, when his Majefly and hi* Nobles were habited, and proceeded to theTheatre, where, in full Convocation, the King; had the Honorary Degree of Doctor in Civil Law conferred upon him, to which he was p a - tented by Dr. Vanfittart, our Regius Profcffor of Law : His Danifli Majefty being then placed in the Chancellor's Seat, his Nobles wete prefented with the like Degree, by the lame Gentleman, who having been con- • dufted to their Seats, the Phyfician of his Majesty's Houfehold had the Honorary Degree of Doftor in Phyftc conferred upon him, to which he was
prefented by the Regius PrafeiTor in Phyfick. " His Majefly entered the T h e a t r e amidfl the Acclamations of a numerous and genteel Company, and appeared highly pleafed with the Reception, very politely bowing as he advanced. After leaving the Theatre, his Majefty was condufted to Chrift Church, and the relt of the Colleges on the South Side of the Town, and appeared to be greatly ( truck with t h e Elegance, as well as Magnificence of all the Buildings, Statues, P i f t u r e s , & c. See. exprefling the hfghefl Satisfaction. " His Majefty is now- going to Dinner, and the Poff leaving Oxford ; and therefore I can only add, that
the exceeding fine Weather, fince the King's Arrival, has contributed greatly t a the Pleafore of the Day. I am, Sir, your's, & c„" T h e Endeavour Bark Is faired from Plymouth on her intended Voyage to the South Sea, with Aftronomers, & c. on board, to obferre the Tranfit of Venus over the Sun, which will happen in June next. Several Gentlemen of Fortune are gone out in h e r; fhe will touch at the Ifland of Madeira in her PafTage thither, and make her Paffage round Cape Horn. The Theatre Royal, in Covent- Garden, will open on Monday next, tbe 19th of September, with The Maid of the Mill, and Entertainments. On Wednefday
laft was married William Hodfon, Efq; of Lingfield in Surry, to Mifs Anna Bethune, of Eaft Grinftead in* Suffex. Leeds, Sept. 13. We hear that the Rev. Mr. Marfden, Chaplain to his G r a c e the Archbiihop of this Diocefe, will fucceed the Rev. Mr. Colby, in the Vicarage of Birftall. Yeflerday Se'nnight, as Mr. Tobias Furnefs, j u n . of" Pool near Otley, was croffing the River Wharf, which had been fwelled by the heavy Rair. s that Day, he was carried down by the Current, and unfortunately drowned; Wheat fold in our Market laft T u e f d a y, from 4s. i d . to 5s. 6d. a Bufhel; Oats, from 12s. 6d. to 15s. and Beans, from 23s. to 26s, a
Quarter. T h e r e is now growing in the Garden of Peter Holme, Efq; at Green- Bank near Leverpoole, a Cucumber produced from a Seed brought from T u r k e y , which meafures 25 Inches and a H a l f ih Length, and z8 Inches in Circumference, and weighs upwards of 30 Pounds. On Friday the Inft. t h e laft: Arch of the Bridge over the River Tees at Stockton wa » finilhed. The Span of the middle Arch is « 72 Feet, that of the two adjoining Arches 6a Feet, and the other two 44 Feet each. ' A few Days ago died Mift Heelis, only Daughter of Mr. Thomas I i e e l i i , an Attorney at Skipton in Craven, York, Sept. 13. Laft T h u r f d
a y was married at Wigginton, the Rev." M r . Alfanfon, Reflor of Wath, to Mifs Headlam of this C i t y. Yefterday Se'nr, if> kt, as a l a b o u r i n g Mars belonging to William Aiflapy, of Studley Park, Efq; was gathering fome Sticks in the Park, the Wind broke ofFan Arm of a T r e e , which fell upon the back Part of his Head, and went quite through and out at his Eyes. — It is remarkable that no other Branches or Boughs were broke off but that which killed him. Price o f Stocks this Day at One o ' C l o c k. Bank Stock, ( but. India Stock, 274 3- 4' hs a 2751 India Annuities, ( but, South- Sea Stock, —'-. Old South- Sea Ann New
South- Sea Ann. 88 a i- 8th. Thiet per Cent. Annuities, 1751, —. Reduced Bank Three per Cent. ihut. Three i- half Bank Ann. 1756, --'-.• Three i- half per Cent. Annuities, 1758, —, Four per Cent. Ann. Confol. 107 i- half a 5- Sths. r Redeemable Four per Cent. ( hut. Three per Cent, Confoli- Bank Ana. 89 i- balf a j. Stbsa i- half. Ditto, r 1726, —. India Bonds, J. J a 36 Prem. Exchequer Bills,—. Lottery Tickets, 14I. 6s. Navy ar. d Vidlualling Bills, 2 a 2 i- 8th Dif. Long Aon. 26 7- 8ths a> 27. Scrip. ---. P i t t e d fcy $ E N R Y . B A L D W I N , at the Britannia Printing- Office,. No. 108,' Fleet- Str « st, where A D V ^ T ^ I S g & i S N T S
are- taken" in, and Letters tothe Author received. t