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St James's Chronicle


Printer / Publisher: Henry Baldwin 
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 1119
No Pages: 4
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St James's Chronicle
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St James's Chronicle

Date of Article: 03/05/1768
Printer / Publisher: Henry Baldwin 
Address: Britannia Printing Office, White-Friars, Fleet-street, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 1119
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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Hie St. James's O R, B R I T 1 S H CHR. ON I CLE $ T H E M EVEN IN G - POST. Pric T W O - P E N C E H A L F - P E N N Y . ] From S A T U R D A Y , AP R I L 3 0 , to T U E S D A Y , M A Y 3 , 1 7 6 8. No. 1 I J 9. M O N D A Y , May 2. Fronthe L O N D O N G A Z E T T E . Vienna, April 13. ) H E Queen of Naples fet out laft Thurfday Afternoon, aboutFour o'Clock. T h e Emperor was pleafed, on the Marriage, to make a Promotion of about thirty Chamberlains. T h e Public will be enterttined To- morrow with a Sight quite new in thi Part o f t h e W o r l d , which is theLnunchi f ) » V a Twentv- Gun Frigate, that has been feme Time building at Clofter Newbourg, Hal f t German Mile up the Dan- be. Wwebal!, April 30. It being his Majefty's ioyal Intention, that the Parliament, which is fumtnoned to meet on Tuefday the 10th 3ay of May next, ( hould then meet and f i t ; tie King has been pleafed to dircct a Commiffion to pais the Great Seal, appointing and authcrifmg his Royal Highnols the Duke of CuniDerland, Thomas Lord Archbilhop ef Cantejbury, and other Lords, to open and hold the faid Parliament on the 10th Day of May next, being the Day of the Return of the Writs of Summons. F O R E I G N A F F A I R S. Antona, April 6. We have received Advice, that the St. Charles, a Venetian Man of War of 80 Guns and 700 Men, has been loft in a violent Storm off Senigaglia, and that all the Crew periilted. She was homewardbound from the Levant, and her Cargo is valued at a Million of Ducats. Warfavj, April 6. The Confederates of Podolia have not yet laid Siege to Kaminieck as was reported, and the Commandant of that Fortrefs, fo far from furrendering, has armed the Burghers, and taken every prudent Means t o prevent being furprifed. It is faid that the Confederates have fent to Conftantinople, to folicit the Affillance of the Grand Signior. Be t t a l as it will, the Marlhal of the Confederacy has invited the other Palatinates to join liim ; and the Sieur Potovvlki, the General of the Confederate Army, has published a Declaration, which enjoins the whole Army of t h e Republick to acknowledge him for their Commander General. Thefe Proceedings greatly, embarrafs the Miniflry, who are ap- Jirehenfive of the Confequcnces ; as neither the national Troops, nor tlie Inhabitants of the Country, feem difpofed to fight againft their Countrymen who have raifed the Standard of Religion and Liberty. A few Days ago it was refolved in the Senate, to fend General Mokranowfki, and the Sieur Gudmofki, to tfeat with the Confederates, and hear the Subjeft of their Grievances ; and likewife to fend to the Court of Ruifia to folicit its Affiflance. A Detachment of Troops with Artillery, & c. were fent a few Days ago to Bar. • Warfatv, April ' 9. The King has fent circular Letters to the Officers of Juflice, ar. d of the Pt. uu..: ' the different Provinces, direfting them not to 1 jgard the Manifefto publilhed by the Confederates of Podolia, nor fuffer themfelves to be intimidated by it in the Exercife of their Funftions. It is reported, that a Detachment of the Troops of the Crown has furprized and defeated fome hundreds of the Confederates, and that the Ruffian General is marching to difperfe the reft. mf Paris, April 18. On Eafler- Day the Count de S , of a noble Family in the County of Avignon, as he was going to his Houfe at Areueil near Paris, met with a poor Beggar- Wonian by the Way, whom he took home with him, under a Pretence of taking her into his Service ; he locked her up in a Clofet, . bound her Hands and Legs, and gagged her t o prevent her crying o u t ; then he took a Penknife and made feveral lncifions in different Parts of her Body, and poured into them a Kind of Cement, refembling Spanifh W a x ; as foon as he had fo done, he tcok his Walk, leaving the unhappy Vidtim locked up ; fhe however found Means to dilengage herfelf, and jumped out of tbe Window, withopt receiving any more H u r t . The Inhabitants of the Village no fooner faw her, but they would have murdered ihe Count if he had not made his E - fcapc. It is fuppofed that the Count i. s disordered in his Mind, and his Family have received Orders to put him under Confinement. In the mean Time, they have fatisfied the poor Woman with a Sum of Money. Some People fay, that he is mad after Chemillry, p » d that the Aft of Cruelty ibove- mentioned was intended for an Experiment of a Balfam which he pre- jj tends will inftantly cure all Sorts of Wounds. C O U N T R Y N E W S . Cambridge, April 29. T h e Rev. Mr. Sawell, late of T r i n i t y College i n this Univerfity, is prefented to the Redtory of Wandon in Bucks. Gofport, April 27, Tuefday laft Arthur Thorner, Mariner,- belonging to his Majefty's Guardfhip Dorfetfhire, was committed to the County Gaol at Winchefter, by Edward Bedford, Efq; of this Town, for a Rape committed on Mary Godden, a Girl not fourteen Years of Age, near Anfil in this Parifh. On the Examination it appeared, th j t the Girl went to fetch fome Cows, at Milking Time in the Afternoon, was met by T h c r n e r in a Lane, near the Field the Cows was in, who threw her down and ravifhed her. The poor G i r l ' s Cries were heard by a Farmer's Man in an adjacent Field, who came immediately to her Afliflance, and brought a Dog he had with him, and found the Man going to repeat the Aftion ; but on feeing the Purfuer, T h o r - ner got up, and endeavoured to run away ; but was clofely purfued over the Fields for about a Mile, when the Dog feized him, and held him faft till his Mailer came up. The Prifoner made feveral Attempts to flab the Dog with a large Clafp Knife he took out of his Pocket, but to no Effedl, and iikewife threatened Death to the Purfuer ; but finding himfelf overpowered, he furrendercd. S H I P N E W S . Deal, April 29. Wind S. W. Put back the New Elizabeth, Manley, for Barbadoes; and remains with the Hero, Firm, from Galipoly. Deal, April 30. Wind E. N. E. Sailed the New Elizabeth, Manley, for Barbadoes. Remains the Hero, Firm, from Galipoly. Arrived, At Cowes, Prince George, Alkew, from South Carolina. At Hambourg, Canada, M'Cleod, from South Carolina j St. Bridget, Hefornan, from Limerick; Mermaid, James, from Cork ; and Neptune, Broomhead, from the Mediterreanean. L O N D O N . On Saturday Baron Lintz arrived in Town from Hanover, he being appointed to take the Management of the Affairs o f that Elec - torate in the Abfence of Baron Behr, who has obtained Leave to return home on his own Affairs. We are informed, that his Royal Highnefs the Duke of Cumberland has laid afide his Intention of going to Sea this Summer, notwithftanding the Preparations that have been made for that Purpofe. The Mary, Harrifon, from Dunbar to Memel, is loft on the Svvinbottom. _ The , Brown, from Sunderland to Amflerdam, is entirely loft. Thurfday laft Edward Bridgen and Edward Haiflwell, Efqrs. were eledted Fellows of the . Society of Antiquarians. N E W M A R K E T RACES, continued. Thurfday, April 28. A Sweepftakes of 100 Guineas each, Half- Forfeit, B. C. was won by Mr. Burlton's cheft. Filly, by Lucifer 1 Ld. Orford's bay F . Gofi'amour, by Feather 2 Ld. Bolingbroke's bay F. Kitty, by Slouch 3 Ld. Grofvenor's bay Filly, by Bandy 4 Mr. Shaftoe'sFilly Frifky, by his Hunter, p d . F t. Col. Parker's Filly, Wagtail, by Snap, pd. Ft. Sir Charles Bunbury's bay Filly Nelly, by Regulus pd. Ft. T h e Jo'cky Club Plate, for any Horfc, & c. the Property of the Members of the Jockey Club. 9 ft. one Heat, B. C. Ld. Rockingham's bay H . Bay Malton, aged, by Sampfon 1 Sir James Lowther's br. H. Afkham, aged, by Regulus 2 Mr. Vernon's bay Horfe Tortoife, ( rifing 6 Years old) by Snap dr. T h e Fire in White Chapel Road on Sat irday Morning, mentioned in our Iafl, broke out about a Quarter paft Twelve o'Clock in a Milihonfe belonging to Mrs. Blundy, Baker, occafioned by wet Sawduft having been laid on the Oven to dry in the Millhoufe, which taking Fire, communicated to fome Faggots at the Back of the Oven, and the whole Millhotffe was prefently o a Fire. The Wind being at N. E. drove the Flames to the Stables belonging to Mr. Allen and Mr. Bentlv ; and at the fame . Time fired the Workihops'of Mr. Conditt, Coachmaker, to the North ; the Dwelling Houfes of Mrs. Blundy, and Mr. Lum, Watchmaker, on the South; and a Row of three Houfes in Size- Yard, on the the Weft ; fo that the whole Place was immediately iii Flames. Mr. Allen and Mr. Bendy had juft Time to get out their Horfes before their Staples were burnt down. Mr. Conditt could get out but two Carriages, fo that all his WorklhopS, with the Coaches. Timber, and other Utt'flfils, were confumed. In the front Street the Houfes of Mi". Cooley, Watchmaker, Mr. Lum, Watchmaker, and Mrs. Blundy, were burnt to the Ground, and Mr. Allen's Dwelling Houfe greatly damaged. T he Inhabitants faved but little of their Effects. Mr. Dredge, Smith, a Houfe adjoining to Mr. Conditc's Workfliops, and two others, were entirely confumed. Committed from the Public- Office in Bow- Street, during the Courfe of laft Week, Charles Peter Graham, John Jenifon, and John Smith, for picking Pockets; and james Manning, for Healing a Quantity of Aloes, the Property of Meflrs. Brandon and Cortiffos. Committed by Major Spinnage, from the Public Office in Argyle- Buildings, in the Courfe of laft Week, the following Perfons : Mary Watts, for ftealing one red Cloth Cloak and one black Silk Bonnet, the Property of John Cadd ; Elizabeth Hill and Ann Frafer, for ftealing two Pair of Iron Hinges, the Property of Thomas Hope; Thomas Jones, a Servant Boy, for privately ftealing Two Half Guineas, One Shilling, and one white Muflin Handkerchief, the Property of Eleanor Bevans, out of her Pocket, when in her Bed and lleeping ; Samuel Ward, a Journeyman Baker, for ftealing Out of the Bakehoufe of Jofeph Eycot, Baker, to whom he was a Journeyman, two Quartern Loaves of Wheaten Bread, the Property of the faid Jofeph Eycot. Married.] Yefterday, Mr. Bacon, Pewterer, in the Strand, to Mifs T u b b , in Glouceilcr- S t r e e t . - - Y e f t e r d a y , Jofeph Darling, Efq; of New Burlington- Street, to Mifs Maria Ballentine of New Bond- Street. Died.] Saturday, at his Houfe in Princes- Street, Cavendilh- Square, Robert Boulton, E f q . — T h e fame Day, Mr. Blackwell, Tea- Dealer, the Corner of Caftle- Court. in the Strand.— Yeft'erday, Mr. John Mayhew of Green- Street, Grofvenor- Square, Builder.— On Friday, Mr. Walter Plummer, a Mathematical l'nftrument - maker in Wapping.— Saturday, at his Houfe in Newington Butts, Mr. Palmer, a T a l l ow Chandler.— Friday laft, the Rev. J a b e z E a r l e , D. D . a Diffenting Minifter of this City.— At Dominica, Major Arthur St. George, of the 6zd Regiment, who had taken his Pafi'age in the Nap tune, Capt. Edmund Stephenfon, for London. P R I C E S of G R A I N . At the Corn- Exchange, Mark- Lane, London. Br. Malt 26s od to 29s od Pillc ?. 4ak 27s od to 32s od Peafc 26s od to 29s od Hog Peafe 23s cd to 24s od Beans 18s od to 22s od Tares 22s pd to 24s cd Rape Seed 22I" per Laft Wheat 45s pd to 55S. cd Barley 2osod'. o 25s 6d Rye 24sodto2 5sod Oats jiso'd to'! 7S od FineFlour 46; od to ocs pd Second 44s od to PPS od Third 42s od to oos od At A B I N G D O N , April 25, Wheat 15I IPS pd to ool ocs pd per Load. Barley 2 2Spd to z 3scd per Oats - 16s od to 19 sod Peafe - 29s od to 33s pd Beans - 24s pd to 25s pd At B A S I N G S T O K E , April 27. Wheat I5lppsood toi61obs pd per Load. New ditto opl 00s od to ppl ocs- od Oats 19s 6d to 2 1 s pd per Q^ Barley - 24s od to 27s cd Peafe - 29s pd to 3PS cd Beans - 25s od to 27s pd At H E N L E Y , April 28. Wheat 13I 13s pd to 16I ips pd per Load. Oats 16s pd to iSsodper tluartcr. Barley - 25s pd to 28s pd Peafe - 29s od to 323 od Poults - oos pd to o. i3 od Beans - 46s od to 30s od At R E A D I N G , April 30. Wheat - 15I OPS pd to 16I 15s pd per Load, Barley 2$ sodto28spd pei<^ Beans - 27s pd to 28s od Oats - 17s od to 2 is od Peafa - 33s pd to 34s od At W I N D S O R, April 30. Wheat - 14! pos od to 16I 1 os pd per Load. Oats 19s cd to 20s od perQ^_ Y O R K AND Barley - oos cd to pps od Beans - OPS pd to oos od Peafe - 31s pd to 32s ad L E E I ) S. Barley Wheat Barley TO be Sold by Autflion, at the W h i t e Hart Tavern 111 Bilhppfgate- flreet Without, on Tuefday, the 17th of May, 5768, between the Hours of Eleve'n and One, All thofe Fourteen FREEHOLD BRICK HOUSES, adjoining together in and near Crown Court, at the upper End of Crown Alley, Moorfields, with the Ground and Appurtenances, being in good Repair, and' welltenanted, at the yearly Rent together of 98b For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Holding, Atftrney at Law at Bromley in Kent; or of Mr. Sumner, Carpenter, iu Three Still Court, Bifht- pl'gate- ft- reet Without, who will fr. ew the Premifes. TO be Sold to the beft Bidder, at the George in Rochefter, in Kent, oti Weduefdav the n t h Day of May, 1768, at'three o'Ciotk in the A i - ternp ; n, A FREEHOLD F A R M : Confiding of a Houfe, Barn, Stable, and about IPO Acres or Land, Arabic, Pafture, and Furzy Ground, lying near Noriti- iureet, in the Parilh of Hoo, in the Hundred 01 Hoo in Kent, now in the Occupation of John Barney, at the yearly l< er, t of 40I. For further Particular? and Conditions of Sale enquiry of Mr. Twopeny, Attorney, at Rocheftcr, TO be Lett, a genteel Bricked Houfc, neatly furnifiiei and pleafantly fituated, near Hawkhurft in Kent, on an extreme good Turnpike Road, within two Hours Ride of TunbridgC Wells, three of Haftings or Rye, and forty- fix Milts from Lon-, don, with a Brewhoafe, Goach- htufe and Stables, a very good Garden wailed in, and planted with Variety of Fruit. Likewife, if required, the ' jj'ff of a neat Poft Coach, with any Quantity of L ami,' from fi ve Acres to thirty. Enquire of Mr. Lewis, Bookfeller, in Greit K b ( Tel- Street, Covcnt- Garden j or at the Rainbow; Coil'es- Houfe, in Cornbifl. Wheat 405 pod to 48s pod | Barley 26s ood to 27s ood Rye 27s POS, to 30s ppd | Oats 17s pod to 2 1 s ood At S A L I S B U R Y . Wheat 56s ood to 60s 00a I Oats 18s ppd to 22s ood Barley 22s. cod to 26s" ecd I Beans 34s pod to 38s ood C A M B R I D G E . Wheat 50s ppd to 52s pod I Barley 25s opd to 27s pod Rye 26s pGd to 28s ood Oats 16s ood to i3s ood N E W C A S T L E . Wheat 443 ocd to 46s ood j Barley 23s cod to 2 5s ocd Rye 25s cpd to 2.7s ood | Oats 16s ppd to 18s pod At C I R E N C E S T E R . The Buihel 9 Gallons, 20 Buihels to the Score. Wheat 6s ood to 08s 06J I Beans 3,1 pSd to 04s pSd Barley 3s p6d to 03s lod | Oats 2s P4d to 02s ogd At T E W K E S B U R Y . The Bulhel S Gallons i- half, 21 Builiels to tho Score. Wheat 7s o6d to 09s o6d I Beans PS ocd to oos cod 3s P4d to 03s o8d I Oats os pod to cos ccd At H E R E F O R D. The Buihel 9 Gallons i- half. 7s o6d to 08s p6d I Oats 2s p6d to 03s P2d 33 cgd to 04s lod j Peas 5s ped to ot^ s cod At M O N M O U T H. The Buihel IO Gallons, 20 I5u( he! s to the Score. Wheat 7s © 9d to 08s P41I I Bjans os opd to ops o: d Barky 4s o8d to 05s opd | Oats o s spd tQ 2s C91I NavyvOffice, April 19. THE principal Officers and Gommiffioners of bis M a f t f f s Na- vy give Notice, that, on fuef day the 1 ith of 03ober next, they nuiil be ready to treat with fucb Perfons as Jball be • willing to fell and import American White Pine Mafs, tt> be delivered at his Majejlfs Yards in England. ' ' DAN. STOIK T O be Lett, at Eaft Bourne, in the County of Sulfex, A convenient DWELLING HOUSE, retidy- furcifted, fit for a final! Family : It is fituated clc'fc by the Sea Side, and conarriands an extenfive and agteeabl- Profpe< 3. There are feyeral Bathing Machines pi- eperiy attended on the Spot. Good Stabling, I'oft Chaii'cs, &' c. Whoever this may i'uir, either'fingle Gentleman or a fmall Family, will be informed of Particulars, by dircfcing a Line to Mr. John Head, of Eail l'ou'me aforefaid, ' or applying to Mr. Mortimer, at Mr, Moran, unuer tiie Piazza, Coven.- Gardea, S E A W A T E R . WE Y M O U T H , nearDorchefter, remarkable for its clear Air and heal i; v Situation, having the fineft Bay, a Crcfcent formed by Nature beyond the' Power of Art to exceed, with a ia.: dy Bottom, and gradual Defcent for Bathing, and fo defended from the Winds, by the Jlland of Portland to the South, an4 the Highlands to the North, that Gentlemen ar. d I. adies are never difappointed of Bathing, and that with the ut-; maft Safety; the Water always clear as Cryftal, reflefli: ig: a beautiful Sea Green ; there being ccunmodious Machines provided for that Purpofe, and Sedan Chairs; many very, good Lodging and Boarding- Houfes j feveral good Inns, % commodious and genteel CofFee- houfe and Tavern, with a large elegant AlTembly Room, new built, adjoining. The Nobility and Gentryjnay depend on genteel Ufage, and the beft of every Kind, The Exeter Flying Machines eome from London to Dsrchefter in Day and a Half, which is within eight meafured Miles of Weymouth; a fine Turrpike- Road. DE S E R T E D the 9 th of March, 1768, f r om the Third, or Prince of . Wales's Regiment of Dragoon Guards, commanded by the Right Hon. Lord Robert Manners, then quartered at Coventry, Serjeant W I L L I AM S A W R Y , aged 36, five Feet 1 r Inches high, very lufty, and ruddy Complexion, brow « Hair, hazle £ yef, born at Kendal in Weftmoreland, and by Trade a Eellmonger, went o f f in his full Regimentals, and a blue Surtout Coat over them; it; is pretty certain he intends embarking for Philadelphia or Bofton, He has' been feen fince in London, and a Letter has been received' at the Regiment from him, wheroon was the Gravefeni Poft Mark, therefore it is imagined lie may be waiting there for a Ship bound to one or other of the above- m A - tioied Places, The Houfes he frequented near London, were the Red Lion at Paddingtor, and the Crown Inn at Hampton, and from fome Circumlhjices it is fttppeled he may have changed his Name to Banks. Whoever apprehends and fecures the above Deferter in any of his Majefty's Gaols in Great Britain, and gives Notice thereof to the Commanding Officer at Newbury,' Berks, or to James Fitter, Efq. in Great Pulteney Street, St. James's, Wefiminfter, lhall receive Five Guineas Reward, over and ibove the Allowance by A f t pf Parliament for apprehending Deferters. This Day nvas publifhed, Price is. 6d. The Fifth Edition, carefully corrected by the Author, T ? A L S E D E L I C A C Y : A New Comedy, 1 ? By H U G H K E L L Y. Aftcd with uncommon Applaufe at the Theatre Royal in Dreir) Lane. ( t j 5 To prove the very favourable Reception this Play has met with from the Public, Ten Thoufand have been adlually printed fince its firfl: Appearance in February laft, which is near double the Number printed of any modem V \ Cpmedy or Tragedy for Twenty Years paft. / f \ z Printed for R. Baldwin, No. 47, Pater- noficr- Ro£ p W. Jolinfton, and G. Kearfiy, in Ludg. ite ftreet; and by all other B- iokfellers. i * „ * The Earl of Warwick, a New Tragedy, by/ l Franklin, 3d Edit. Price i s . 6d. p • ^ . Lote in a Village, a Comic Opera, new Edit.- with 3 beautiful Frontifplece, • reprefenting the eighth Scfco^' j^ the third A f t , engraved by Taylor, Price is. 6d. The Maid of the Mill, a Comic Opera, by the Auf& jji?. t '. cf Love in a Village, new Edition, with a Frontifpiece " reprefenting the fixth Scene in the fecond A f t , by T a y U ^ fJ-^ J. Price i s . 6d. may be had as above. X To the Printer of the S T . J . C H R O N I C L E. S I R, " \ J 7 H £ N a Man is down, down W with him to the Bottom," fay the wretched Politics of this World, and patticu- Irrly the. Politics of the Court- ends of the World. Such feems to be the humane Maxim of your Correfpor. dend M. in your C h r o i > le of April 23. To deprefs Mr. Wijfces as low is he can, he tells us, that " after an impartial Confideraticn of the beft Informations he hath been able to coiled!, Mr. Wilkes's Caufe always appeared a private perfona! Affair, and upon this Snppofition, he prefumes, were founded all the Proceedings againft him." Wonderful Politician! Were not the Affairs of Pry/ ine, Burton, Bajlwick, Lord Ruffel, Alger noon Sidney, Aldeiman Cortiijh, & c. private and pirfcnal Affairs in every Senfe wherein Mr. U ilkes's Affair can he fo called? Were not the Proceedings againft them equally founded upon this Suppofition? And yet, did not two patriotic Parliaments think the Public fo much concerned in thefe Proceedings, as to reverfe thc Judgments againlt them, and to give fome of them, or fome of their Families, SatisfaQion for their Sufferings, and to inquire after the Authors of thefe Profecutions, with s View of cenfuring them as Delinquents? But he would make a Difference in the Cafe of Mr. Wilkes, by obferving, that notwithftanding the Public was interelted in the De- . terminations in Mr. Wilkes's Cafe, yet this was purely accidental, and cannot connedt the Cattle of Mr. Wilkes with the Caufe of the Public: " Or if there is any Connexion, it is merely fortuitous." What can pofiibly be the Meaning of this ? If the Public were interefted in the Determination of the Queftions he mentions, nothing more certain than that the Caufe of Mr. Wilkes was connected with the Caufe of the Public. Impudence itfelf cannot deny i t ; and what is i t to thc Purpofe to fay, that the Connexion is fortuitous? For was it more fortuitous in the Cafe of Mr. Wilkes, than in the Cafes of the Sufferers above- mentioned? And to what does this quibbling Amount, but to this important Propofition? " If fuch and fuch T h i n g s had not happened, Mr. Wilkes's Caufc would not have been connedted with the Caufe of the Public ?" But he tells us, that « Though Mr. Wilkes fefolutely oppofed certain arbitrary Proceedings, he did no more than the arranteft Slave in the Kingdom would have done in the like Circumftances. " It was, fays he, his real Intereft to do i t ." I defire to know how Mr, M. comes to know fcither of thefe Things? Would he himfelf have ailed the Part Mr. Wilkes did? Suppofe him to anfwer, Yes, he cannot be a Judge what an arranter Slave than himfelf would have done. But if upon mature Examination of himfelf, he is confcious that lie would have a'fted a different f a r t in Mr. Wiikes's Circumftances, ( as I dare fay all who read his Effay will agree) he ennnot be admitted to judge of Mr. Wilkes's Motives. And I here call upon him to prove t h a t i t was Mr. Wilkes's I n t e n d ! to adt as he did, on the Peril of being Iwld a temerarious Afferter of what he was utterly ignorant. The Event at leaft has . fliown that Appearances are againft this plain, boncjl Englifhinan. Does he fuppofe Mr. Wilkes could not have compromifed his Matters at a lefs Expence than Banifhment from his native Country, ruining his Fortunes, and tndergoiffg other Effedts of Minifterial Malignity? If fo he thinks, I will venture to fay • here is not a Man of Common Senfc in the Kingdom of his Opinion. Beginning to find, and indeed in P a r t c o n - feffing the Futility of his own Argument, he fells upon Mr. Wilkes's private Character, and endeavours lo make himfelf Amends by turni n g Apparitor. But before we admit his Competency in this Department, we defire a f u l l and true Account of his own private Cha- » a£ ter : And we defire it upon his Own Print t p l e s . *' A bad Man can never make a gocd C i t i z e n , " is his own wjfe Axiom. That he pretends to be a good Citizen, appears from i i s calling himfelf a plain, boitefl Englijhman, * s likewife from his Attempt, in this patriotic Letter, to fet the Public right in their Notions * f Mr. Wilkes. Let him then immediately produce his Evidence that h e is not a bad Man, e r elfe immediately quit the Field, and ho- • c f t ly confefs that, with refpedt to private Chartdler, Mr. Wilkes is upon as good a f o o t i n g as himfelf. " His Country, fays he, does hot require k im to fuft'er Martyrdom in its Caufe, There is no Neceffity for i t . " The Quefticn here is what we are to underftand by Mr. Wilkes's Country? If we are to take his Country, to Clean thofe whofe Liberties were like to fufrer by the Attempts On Mr. Wilkes, they certainly do not defire that he foould fuffer Martyrdom in their Caufe, as appears by certain Efforts they have made that he fhonld not fuffer Martyrdom at all. But if by M r . Wilkes's Country, Mr. M. means hirnfelf and Company, if they do not defire ihat he fhould 1 i n f e r Martyrdom to oblige them, how ccases i t that Mr. M. immediately propofes that M r . Wilkes Ihould go once more i n t o Exile ?— A jilain, honeft Englifh Soul, with a plain, honefl Irijh Undtrffaudin. g, and plain, hoceft Scotch Principles ! " England, quoth he, tharJi Heaven, 15 t c i . d e i i i t i i t e o f ^ a t r j a t s . . " It is a good i f e t r - I n g j '< Mvd tSouftfc a few ventI SyoopWiste may have crept into the Adminiftr- ition, their Power and Influence are fo watched, and circumfcribed, that they are almeft totally incapacitated from doing their Country any material I n j u r y . " Witnrfs the moderate PenfioivS they enjoy by Way of Douceurs for turning o u t ; which, to be fure, is no material Injury to their Country. But where are thefe P a t r i o t ' c Watchmen and Circutnfcribers to be found ? Name them, good Matter M. that we may eredl their Statues, and do them other Honours due to their Vigilance and Adtivity. If you have them yet to feelc; be advifed,- fit down quiw'tly, and take it for granted that fuch there are; left in making the Search, you fhould have the Mortification to find every fingle Man of them among the real Friends and cordial Well- wifhers of Wilkes and Liberty, I am, your's, & c. MUS7EUS. P. S. I beg my Compliments to the Gentleman or the Lady, who remarked in your Chronicle of April 16, that I had forgot the Riot when ' the Excife Bill was thrown out: And I defire he or fhe may underftand that I neither forgot that Riot, nor another Riot North of Tweed, wherein poor Captain / V - teous was concerned, nor the extraordinary Diligence ufed by the well- affedted Magiftrates of that T i m e and Country, both to prevent the Riots, and to bring the Rioters to Juftice.- I beg pardon, thc laft named Riot was for the Honour of S— t— d. The Brentford Rioters went upon a different Principle. T W1 T M f t Bond wtft'& wpfe- contrafl; Creditors of the late Lord Vifcount Montague, of Cowdry, in the County of SufTex, if aijy remain unfatisfied, are defired to fend a Particular of their Demands to Mr. Ifaac Bargraye, in Gate- Street, Lincoln's Irin Fields, Middlefex. f j ' This, is the third and laft Time of advertifing. T E L L I S O N ' S Mineral Water Warehoufe, near Red- Lion- ftreet, Whitechapcl, are fold all Sorts of Mineral Waters, new in Ufe, in their grealeft Perfection, and at tlie following Prices, viz. 1. s. d. Bath and Scarborough Waters, at per Dozen o 90 - Briftol Hot- Well Water - - - 0 70 Seltzer Water in large Stone Bottles - - I 1 o JelTop's Well or Stoke Water - r 0 70 Pyrmont Water in three Pint Bottles - 1 10 German Spa Watet in large Flafks - 0140 The lame in fmall Flaiks - - - o 10 o . Bourn Water in large Bottles - - o 18 o The fame in fmall ditto - - - o 10 0 Harragate Spa Water - - - 012 0 Tilbury Alterative Water from. the old Welt o 10 o Shadwell Spa Water - - - 0 90 Nevil Holt Water - - -. - o 12 o Wiltlhire Holt Water - - - - o l io Cheltenham Water - - - r o l o o Malvern - r, - p i i O Acton and Dog and Duck Water - 0 60 Sea and Tar Water - - - - 0 60 jf^ p Several of the above Waters come frefh every Wcelt, and proper Allowance will be made to thofe who buy Quantities. This Day was publijhed, Price is. A L E T T E R to a B I S H O Printed for R. Baldwin, in Pater- noftei- Row; and T. Davies, in RulFell- Street, Cpvent- Gardcn. This Day were publijhed, Elegantly printed in One fniall Volume, Price as. 6d. fewed, O E M S by Mr. G R x A Y, Printed for J. Dodiley, in Pall- mall. \ P. O be Sold immediately, a Leafehold Eftate, determinable on Lives, lett to two Tenants, at the yearly Rent of 1371. 10s. fituated in the Parilh of Long Compton, near Shipftone upon Stour, Wcrcefterlhirc. There are two large Farm Houfes belonging to the Eftate, with remarkable good Barns, See, all which have been lately . put in exceeding good Repair, and are occupied by John and Richard Hyott. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Thomas Snow, Attorney at Law, at Tidmington, near Shipftone ; or of Mr. John Browne, on Snow- Hill, Birmingham, ^ j 3 A Purchafer of the above will have the Liberty of putting in his own Lite, inllesd of one of thofe, on which the Eftate is at prefent determinable. TO be Sold by Audlion, together or feparately, on Tuefday, the 17th Day cf May inft. between the Hours of Four and Six of the Clock in the Afternoon, at the Crown and Rolls Tavern, in Chancery- Lane, London, The Great Tythes of Swallowsfield, Wilts and Berks. Particulars, with the Conditions of Sale, may be had of Mr. Chriftopher Kull, at his Chambers, No. 1, Hare- Court, in the Temple, London; or of Mr. James Newland, Attorney at Law, at Havant in Hampfhire. TO be Sold, purfuant to an Order of the High Court of Chancery, " before William Graves, Elq. one of the Mafters of the faid Court, at hit Chambers, in Symond's Inn, Chancery- Lane, London, A Copyhold Eftate, fituate at Weybridge, in theCounty of Surry, of the yearly Value of 27I. Particulars whereof may be had at the faid Matter's Chambers. T O be Sold, a large Houfe, pleafantly fituated on Ealing Common, Middlelex ; confifting of fix Rooms on a Floor, with Laundry, Brewhoufe, Coach- honles, Stabling for fix Horfes, and other Offices; a large Garden walled round, and planted with very good Fruit- Trees, and a Paddock of about eighteen Acres of Meadow Land, inclofed with Park Pales, and feveral Fifh Ponds. The above Premifes are Copyhold of Inheritance at Fine certain. For further Particulars enquire enquire of MefT. Briftow and Winterbettcm, at Merchant Taylors Hall, London. O be Lett, and entered on immediately, furnillled or unfurnilfied, A neat commodious Houfe, fuita~ ble tor a fmall Family, beautifully fituatcd at Chipping Norton, in the County of Oxford, in a fine Sporting Country, near two Packs of Fox Hound s, and three of Harriers. The Houfe is newly fitted up, and confifts of twa Parlours, a Kitchen, api fuitable Conveniences on the Firft Floor, with a good Brewhoufe and Cellaring underneath, four Bedchambers on the Second, and three Garrets over. It Hands retired in a fmall Clcfe of an Acre and Half, with a Garden adjoining ; Stabling for three or fixHorfes, if required; a good Granary and large Barn. For farther Particulars enquire of Mr. Bully, in Chipping Norton. H E R E AS three feveral Letters from Tallagh and its Neighbourhood, in the County of Watcrfsrd in Ireland, directed to Rowland Jack fon, Efq. at Mr. Robert Perreau's, in St. Alban's- Street, St. James's Square, London, have not been delivered to tbe faid Rowland jackfon in London ; and whereas by Ibme Letters lately received from Ireland, it is ftrongly fulpeftcd, that the faid three Letten have been intercepted in or near Tallatth, in the County of Waterford aforefaid, without the Knowledge of the Poftmafttr of Tallagh, a Rewr^ il of Fifty Pounds Sterling is hereby jrromifed to any Perfon or Perfons, upon his or their Conviftion of the Authors or Accomplices of fuch illegal - and fcloniaus Practices; the faid Sum of Fifty Pounds Sterling, to be immediately paid in London Or Dublin, by ROWLAND JACKSOM. London, April 30, 1768. P SI N C E Liberty is at prefent the reigning Topick of Converfation, and fince « Mind encumbered and prepoReffed with wrong Pnnciples und- miftaken Nations, is the moft infuppcrtable of all Slavery, its an Antedote againft this Inconvenience, Mr. Fovarqwe Tecofnmeneb his New Catalogue of Vulgar Errors; the only true Copy of which, properly revifed and cotreiled, is frgned with his own Hand- Writing, and will for the future We fold only by MefT. Fletcher and Hodfon i » Cambridge, Meff. Crowdcr is Patei - coftcr- Row, Keaiily on Lwdgate- HUi, Hingeftone near Temple- Bar, Dodflcy in Pail- mall, BookieUere is I^ ialno. Price Half Ctowo. This Day was publijhed, Price 6d. ( Jjobelliflied with thc Aunadille, and a View of the Executions at the' Ihquitition) THE ROYAL M A G A Z I N E, For A P R I L , 1768. Containing aimefi double the Quantity of any other Magazine. Printed for J. Coote, at No. 16, in Pater- nofter- Row ; and iihi by ajl Boelj. liyisrs,, in Great Britain ap4 Ur^ ui-. This Day were publijhed, In Oiftavo, Price Four Shillings, fewed, MEDICAL TRANSACTIONS, publifhed by the College of Phyficians in London. Printed for S. Baker, and G. Leigh, in York- Street, CoveHo'th- iGs arDdeanv; wanads J. p Duboleiijllleedy,, in PPraiclle- maisl. l . bd. AN ESSAY on Defign in G A R D E N I N G. Printed for B. White, at Horace's Head, Flect- S. treet. In a Jew Days will be publijhed, With elegant Head- Pieces engraved by Taylor, Price Six Shillings, fewed, T WO additional Volumes t o M r . D o d f l e y ' s Colie& ion of Poems. By feveral Hands. This Collection is uniformly and neatly printed, fo as to bind with Mr. Dodfley's, and contains, befides the beft Pieces publiflied fince the Conclufion of that Work, Variety of Poems omitted in that Colleifion. Printed for G. Pearch, No. li, Cbeapfide. This Day were pubhjhed, In Three Volumes, Odtavo, Price 9s. fewed, M ISCELLANEOUS POEMS WRITTEN by a Lady.' To which are added, Memoirs of a Lady now in the Bloom of Life, aad a Relation of a Journey to Paris. Printed for J. Wilkie, at No, 71, St. Paul's Churchyard; J, Dodiley, Pall- mall; and J. Ridley, St. James's- StTreheist. Day waspublijbed, Price 3s. 6d. fewed, ADefence of my Uncle. Tranflated from the French of M, DE VOLTAIRE. Printed for S. Bladon, at No. 28, - in Pater- nofter- Rovv, Where may be had in Englifh, from the French of Voltaire, 1. The Ignorant Philofopher. 2, LTngenu, or Sincere Huron. Speedily will be pubiilhed, in Englifli, The Princefs of Babylon. By the K. 1 N G V A U T H O K. 1 T Y. This Day was publijhed, Price 6d. ( Illuftrated with an elegantly- engraved Whole- flieet Plate, No. XVII. of thc Roads of England, containing a Survey of the Road from London to Lynn Regis in Norfolk ; a Survey of theRoad from London to Montgomery, in North- Wales ; and of the Road from tondon to St. Neot's in Huntingdon ( hire ; together with the Arms of thc Moft Noble Egerton, Duke of Bridgewater, elegantly engraved) T HE UNIVERSAL MAGAZINE . of KNOWLEDGE and PLEASURE : For A P R I L , 1768, Number CCXCII. Volume XLII. Containing eight Pages extraordinary, and feveral Cop. per Plates, Printed for J , Hinton, at the King's Arms in Paternofter- Row, near Warwick- Lane, and fold by all tbe Boolcfellers in Great Britain and Ireland. Where alio may be had, the 41 Volumes neatly bound and lettered, Price 9I. 5s. half- baund 81. 4s. fid. or any fingle Number from the Beginning at 6d. each. This Day was publijhed, In " eight Half Sheets of Letter- Prefs, and two Coppe*- Plates,' Price only Six- pence, T HE LONDON M A G A Z I N E, For A P R I L , 1768. Embelliflicd with a Portrait of the now Patriot JOHN WILKES, Efq. Member of Parliament for Middiefex, from an original Painting, taken from the Life, and approved by that Friend to Liberty, and a Lover of lais Country j alfo a beautiful View of Dr. Batty's Houfe and Gardens'at Twickenham. Containing, among a Variety of curious Particulars, not to be met with in any other periodical Publication, Anecdotes of John Wilkes, Efq. fwm his being taken iiito Cuftody by a General Warrant, April a j , 1763, ai being the Author of the North Briton, No. 45, to his Commitment ta thc King's Bench Prifon, April 27, 176?. Impartial Hiftory of Lord Baltimore's Trial for a Rape on Sarah Woodcock, and againft Mrs. Griffinburgh and Mrs, Hervey, Acccffaries to the Puijt imputed to his Lord flap, with impartial Remarks thereon, & c, never before publifhed. Cure for the Cholic in Horfes, The Hiftory of the Jaft Sefii on of Parliament, & c. State of the Controverfy with the Author of the Appeal. Remarks on the Pump Water / jf London, and on the Methods of procuring the pureft Water. Obfervations on diftilled Water. Court of Mecklcnbourg Strelitz defcribed. Remarks on the Trade of the Colony of Maffachufet's Bay. Blenheim Houfe defcribed, with its Paintings. Defcription of Wilton Houie, its Statues, & c. A few approved Prefcriptions. On the controverted Text in Ephefianj. A Rebuke of the Men, by a Lady. Cafe of the Divine Legation. A Queftion folved. Cafe of tbe Duke of Portland, i- c. Life of Pope Sixtus V. Wilkes's Letter to the King. Letter from Oxford. Maxims, by a Gentleman. An impartial Review of new Publications. Animadverfions on Mr. Baretti's Account of the Manners and Cuftoms of Italy, & c. Prieftly's Principles of Government, Rife of the Italian Opera, Printed for R. Baldwin, No. 47, Pater- nofter- Row ; and fold by all Boojffellijrs apd News- Carriers, Trto J » * t - Mias p* biifttd, PrtMl^ The Third Edition cf ' AyfEDICAL ADVICE to the Corumpti** JLVA and Afthmatic People of England ; herein the prefent Method of treating Diforders of th Lungs lis fliewn to be futile, and fundamentally wrong, nd a new and eafy Method ofCure propofed. By P H I L L I P S T E R N , MD. Printed for J. Almon, in Piccatfilly; and ttl alfo by Meff. C « oke near the Royal- Exchange, Bladoin Paternolter- Row, Curtis in Fleet- Street, Woodfalat Charing- Crofe, White in Lincoln's- Inn- Fields, Call at Bri~ ftol, Taylor at Bath, and Hoey at Dublin, Esfellers.' Where likewife may be had, Dr. Stero'Balfamic tlier, the only poffible Cure for Confuntions Afthmas, at 6s. the Bottle. The Dofe may bticreafed with great Safety and Advantage, from twetv to fixty Drops. Alfo Dr. Stern's Appendix to his Mical Advice. ( tT?* This Appendix is given gratis with eacEdttle ot tiae / Ether. This Day was publijhed, In Two Volumes, Oftavo, Price 10s. boid, The Third Edition, with large Additiof and Amendments, of TH E Modern Practice of Phyftc or, A . Method of judicioufiy treating the feval Diforders incident to the Human Body ; together vth a Recital of their Caufes, Symptoms, Diagnoftics, » rognoftics, and the Regimen neceffary to be obfervetfei regard of them. With a Variety of efficacious and egant extemporaneous Prefcriptions, adapted to. each uticular Cafe and Circumftance. By J O H N B A L L , M. D. Printed for A. Millar; and fold by T. Cadef in the Strand. Of whom may be had, Dr. Ball's Pfiarmacojsia Domeftica Nova. Edit.' o Quarto, auftior et cmndatior, 2S. fewed. This Day was publijhed, Price 61 PR I E S T C R A F T Defended: A Semon, occahoned- by the Expulfion of fix young Centlemen from the Univerfity of Oxford, fcr pr. iving reading, and expounding the Scriptures, & c. Humby dedicated to the V— c— r and ihe H-- ds of H— s, ly their humble Servant The SHAVER. Printed for G. Keith, in Gracechui- ch- Street; and J. Jolinfon, in Pater- nofler- Row. This Day were publijhed, Price 6d. AN I M A D V E R S I O N S upon the Conduit of the Rev, Dr. Rutherforth, in the Controverfy which has followed the Publication of the Confefional 5 with a Word to the Author of an Eflay on Eftablifiments in Religion, & c. By A N O N Y M O U S . Printed for S. Bladon, in Pater- nofter- Row ; and F. Iflyth, No. 87, in Cornhill. Thurfday next will be publijhed, In One large Volume, Odlavo, containing upwards of Forty Sheets, ( Price 6s. in Beards, or 7s. bound,) The Third Edition, revifed and correfted ; with fome further additional Notes and Prcfcriptions, and with the former Appendix, ADVICE to the People in general, with Regard to their Health; but particularly calculated for thofe who are the moft unlikely to be provided in Time with the beft Affiftance, in acute Difeafes, or upon any fudden inward ol- outward Accident. With a Table of the moil cheap, yet effectual Remedies, and the plainefl Directions for preparing them readily. Tranflated from the French Edition of Dr. TifTot's Avis au Peuple, & c. Printed at Lyons, with all the Notes in the two former Englilh Editions, and a few additional ones. By J. KIRKPATRICK, M. D. Printed forT. Becket and P. A. de Hondt, at Ti%' » Head, near Surry- Strect, in the Strand. This Day was publijhed, Price 3 s. fewed, AN Effay on the Management of Bees, wherein is fliewn the Method of rearing thofe ufeful I nfefls, and that the Praftice of faving their Lives, when their Honey and Wax are taken from them, was known to the Ancients, and is in itfelf fimple and eafily exe » cuted. By J O H N M I L L S, Efq; F. R. S. Member of the Royal Societies of Agriculture of Paris and of Rouen, and of thc Oeconotnical Society of Berne. Printed for J. Johnfon, in Pater- nofter- Row j and T, Cadell, Succeffor to Mr. Millar, in the Strand. Where may be had, by the fame Author, A new and complete Syftem of Practical Hulbandry : Containing alt that Experience has proved to be moft ufeful in Farming, cither in the old or new Method, with a comparative View of both, and whatever is beneficial to the Huf. bandman, or conducive to the Ornament and Improver ment of the Country Gentleman's Eftate, 5 Vols. Oflava, Price il. 10s. bound. PE C T O R A L L O Z E N G E S of T O L U, prepared and fold by T. Greenough, Apothecary, at the King's Arms and Peftle and Mortar, No. 7, in Ludgate- ftrcet, near St. Paul's; which contain all the f ot tening and healing Virtues of the celebrated Balfam of Tolu ; and are the pleafanteft and moft erteftual Remedy of the Kind in all Coughs, Hoarfenefles, fore Throats, and Defluxions on tbe Lungs; healing the Rawnefs and Sorenefs of the Bread, and promoting Expeftoration of the tough Phlegm, that fo frequently occafions Wheezing and Shortncfs of Breath, They likewife give great Relief in Confumptions, are not cloying to thc Stomach, but rather create an Appetite. Thefe Lozengai ar » alfo faid by J. Newbery, at No. 65, in St. Paul's Chutch- yard; W. Bayley, Perfumer, in Cockfyur- flreet, the Bottom of the Haymarket; ARothwell, at the Civet Cat ami Rofe, In New Bond- Street ; and J. Jolly, at the Italian Warehoufe, in the Church- yard at Bath. Price is. the Box. M I L K OF R O S E S. BE I N G a new- difcovered Preparation, which gives Way to no other whatever in private or public Ufe, as has been already experienced by fomc of the higheft Rank in this Kingdom : There is no Rongbnefs or Rednefs on the Skin, whether occafioned by - Wind, Sun, or Eruptions from Heats, - Surfeits, Sec. that it does not remove and foften ; fmooths and whitens the Skin, to a mote delicate and far greater Degree than, can be conceived from fo innoccnt a Preparation, being entirely Vegetables, and equally innocent to Rofe Water. Thc above is not only the molt friendly Prefetver and Clearer of the Skin to the Fair Sex, but is alio of infinite Ufe to Gentlemen after Shaving, efpecially thofe whofe Faces are apt to be rough and fore after that Operation. Prepared and fold only I y by Richard Warren, Perfume?, in Marybone- Street, near Golden- Square, London ; ar{ S by hisAppointment fold alfu by Mr. Cook, Bockfcller, iii Pater- nofter- Row, at 3s. 6d. a Bottle. true Odour 01 Rofcs, neat as imported fron) the Indies, with wary Mfccr saleable at " d .- i rioi. t: Attishu in the Perfumery 3ra- di, (.} Watre , -„ s at>, ye. * T U E S D A Y , May 3. . 3TeJI- erd<$ arrived the Mail from Holland; Confta/ ttinople, March 16. > Tf^ E have not had, within the Mem o r y o f M a n , fo fevcre a Winter as the prefent. It continues itill 5 to hail andTnow very much, which is very extraordinary in this advanced Seafon. J Baz. il, in Switzerland, April II. As the ) ifputes between the King of Pruflia and the nhabitants of the Principality of Neufchatel, pf which he is Sovereign, could not be fettled in an amicable Manner, the Council of 200 of the Canton of Berne, who, by Virtue of Treaties fubfifting, have a Right to aft as judges on fuch Occafions, pronounced their Sentences on the 5 th of December and the 23d of January l a f t ; to which the Citizens of Neufchatel have ne » erthelefs refufed to fubmit. In con'equence of this Refufal, and at the Requeit of his Pr cfli. h Majefty, the faid Council is ob'iged by T r e a t y to force them to Obedience, and have accordingly ordered the Militia of the Country to be ready the 24th of April to aft againft the Town and Principality of Neufchatel, if the Inhabitants do not by that Time comply ; but it is hoped that they will not fuffer T h i n g s to come to that Extremity. Bazil, April 14. We have received Advice, that the Burghers of the Town of Neufchatel have determined to abide by the Judgment paffed by the Council of 200 of the Canton of Berne, in favour of the King of Prufiia. C O U N T R Y N E W S. he- verpoole,\ April 29. The Ship Polly, Hudfon, in Ballaft from Lifoon for this Poft, was loft the 20th Inliant upon the Stack Rock 011 the South Side of Holyhead, one of the Crew was drowned. S H I P N E W S . De at, May 1. Wind S. E. Sailed the Hero, Raymer, for Rotterdam. Arrived three of the Tranfports from Dover for Quebec. Arrived, At Amfterdam, Jenney, Harrifon, from South Carolina and Cowes. At Cadiz, Zeno, Rufo, from the Havar. nah. At Portfitemth, Conftanl Friend, Alcock, from South Carolina. At Cowes, Samfon, Cleator, from South Carolina. L O N D O N . Letters from Bologna, dated April 11, fay, " They write from Rome, that Mr. Afpurn, Minifter from Spain, had had an Audience of the Pope, in which he prefented to his Holitiefs two Manifeftoes, one from the Court of Madrid, and the other ftom that of Parma, containing the Revocation of the Brief iffued by the Pope againft the Edi£ ts of the Infant Duke j' but that his Holinefs told his Excellency, that he thought himfelf bound in Conscience not to revoke the faid Brief. We exp e f t the Confirmation of this News." Letters from Denmark by Yefterday's Mails inform, that the King of Denmark propofes very foon t o fet out on his T o u r to vifit Europe ; and that he intends te flay in Holland four Weeks, in England eight, in Paris fix Weeks, and then fet out for I t a l y , where he will remain as long as Circumftances may retard or accelerate his Stay. Some think the Queen will accompany him to England, but it is not pofitivcly laid. General Urmfton is appointed Lieutenant- Colonel of the Firft Regiment of Foot Guards, in the room of General H u d f t n , who has refigned, and not Gen. Howard, as mentioned by M i f o k e . On Friday laft the King's, or Eighth Regiment of Foot, embarked on board the T r a n f - ports i n Dover Harbour for Quebeck; Yefterday Earl Temple arrived in Town f r om Stowe. A magnificent Ball is preparing to be given « t> t h e Nobility and Gentry, & c. by his Serene Highnefs the Prince of Monaco. T h e Bellifle Man of War, arrived at Plymouth, from Gibraltar, laft from Cork, made the following Voyages in feven Weeks, viz. from Plymouth to Cork, where fhe took in Troops, and landed them at G i b r a l t a r ; took in Troops at Gibraltar, and landed them at Cotft. A Letter from Portfmouth of the ift Inftant fnforms, that a large Ship bound to Dunkirk run afhote off t h e I fie of Wight, from whence fhe was got off, failed to Spithead, and call Anchor, but the Cable parting, the Ship went a d r i f t ; fhe was then run alhore upon the Fountain Lake, was got off, and is now « t Anchor in the Harbour, compelled to perform Quarantine, it having appeared that fhe Iras been trading in T u r k e y , and is juft come from the Levant. An Officer in the Dock- Yard, two Mafter R- opemakers, andfeveral other Perfons, who went on board to offer their Aftiftan. ce and Services, are obliged to continue in the Ship bo the Expiration of the Quarantine. I t however ; ppeafs that the Ship's Crew are all healthy. ExtraB of a Letter f " I delay for a few I this, that I might mat. fending you force A rc was given in this C Moyra. She invit- ! „ ,'; nd defired that th . radc Dreffes mat!'. » rcourage that & * MH lhe would n . wKich Prohibition occafioneti their havihg a greater Variety of Dreffes, than what I hear ufed to be wtirn at the Mafquerades in London; There is hardly the Drefs of any Nation, or of any particular Character, which was not exhibited there by fome Perfon of' other. T h e Ladies were exceedingly fine with Jewels. Lady Dungannon, who reprefented Night, was covered all over with Diamond Stars, and vVore a Diamond Crefcens on her H e a d ; they fay the Value qf what fhe had on her was 30000]. T h e Lord Lieutenant, and the Lord Mayor, were the only Perfons that were there, who wore their ufual Drefs." C U M B E R L A N D ELECTION, 1768. Votes during the Poll. Curwen ' 2518 Rejefted 328 Mav i f . Samuel Cental!, of Weft Smtthfieid, London, Holier. May 31. Heriry Laurence, late of Biroiingham, War- ( j^ wick/ hire, Factor. the P R I N T E R . Rej. afterClofe 7 of the Poll S 219O 5 1 Fletcher 2 3 5 5 if. 2027 5 2 Lowther 2061 68 » 993 16 2 I 3 9 1975 1977 Scnhoufe 1972 68 1904 > 3 1891 Sir V • 1 Ireland, April 2C). 3s troubling you with it i, ore agreeable, by nt of a Ball, which . il Monday, by Lady >: t f s hundred to it, tne in Mafqtiein order to this- Kingdom. .0 wear Mafks, N B. Mr. Fletcher's Majority above James Lowther's on the Poll 294. Lord Talbot has appointed Mr. Baffet to be Yeoman of the Wood- Yard at St. James's, in the room of Mr. TEomas Porter, deceafed. Tuefday laft the Rev. Mr. William Tong was inllituted to the Reftory of Wellerfield, in Suffolk, on the Prefentation of the Bifhop ot Ely. And on Thtirfday tho Rev. Mr. William Everard was inftituted to the Vicarage of Darfingham in Norfolk. Saturday Night a Serjeant of the Guards was committed to Prifon in Southwark, for ftabbing a Watchman with his Sword, which Wound is like to prove mortal. On Thurfday Evening, aboutEighto'Clock, two young Gentlemen of Coleman- Street walking from thence to Jflington, in the Fields not far from the Brick Kilns, on the right Hand, were attacked by a fingle Footpad, in a brown Rug Coat and a flapped Hat, who prefented a Piftol to their Ereaits, robbed them of three Gaineas, and made off immediately towards Ifiington. Yefterday the eight Men who were in Cuftody for making a Riot and Difturbanqe on Friday Night in Southwark were taken from the New Gaol, and examined before the Rotation ' Magiftrates, when they were all difcharged, except a Brewer's Servant, who is bound over to take his Trial at the next Guilford Seffons. Yeflerday Morning an Ox gored and tolled a Woman, big with Child, in Barbican, of which fhe died a few Hours after in St. Bartholomew's Hofpital. The fame Ox likewife at the E n d of the Old Bailey toiled a little Boy twice, and it was thought he was mortally wounded. Married.] Friday laft, William Parry, E f q; Deputy- Comptroller of his Majefty's Mint Office in the Power, to Mifs Ann Harnage, of Tower- Hill.— Thurfday laft, Mr. Beedle, Oil Cooper, in Thames- Street, to Mifs Stevenfon, of Southwark. Died,] On the 21ft of April, at his Seat at Luciennes, near Verfailles, Louis Alexander, Prince de Lamballe, Son of the D u k e dePenthievre. He was born the 6th of Sept. 1747, and was married in Jan. 1767, to Mifs Maria Therefa Louifa de Carignan, but has left no Ifl'tie.— Friday, at hisHoufe in Swithin's- Lane, Lombard- Street, Mr. Lobdan, late a Coal Merchant.— Saturday, at his Houfe in St. Martin's- Lane, John Goodere, Efq; Brother to Sir Edward Goodere, Bart.— Friday, at his Houfe in Crutched- Friars, Mr. Bareiit Gotnperk, in the 69th Year of his Age.— Yefterday, m Chancery- Lane, Simpfon, Efq; Barrifter at Law.— At the Hotwells at Briftol, John Afhburton, Efq; Son to the Lord Bifhop of Chichefter. B A N K R U P T S . Elizabeth Flew, of Bridge- End, Glamorganfliire, Grocer and Linen- draper. To appear May 10, at Ten in the Forenoon, and June 11, at Three in the Afternoon, at the Nag's Head Tavern, Briftol. Mary Douglas, late of Fludyer- Street, in the Parifti of St. Margaret, Wetlminfter, Midilefex, Spiofter. To appear Mays, ,0> a n J June H> at Four in the Afternoon, at Guildhall. Thomas Wright, of Old Sleaford, Lincolnfliire, Fellmonger. To appear May 9, J 0 , and June 11,. at Eleven in the Forenooort, at the Angel in New Sleaford. Benjamin Rooketby, now or late of the Parifti of St. Clement Danes, Middlefex, Jeweller. To appear May 5, at Four in the " Afternoon, May 12, at Tep in- the Forenoon, and June 11, at Four in « he Afternoon, at Guildhall. Edward Jennings, late of Epping, Efiex, Linen- draper, To appear May 3, 10, and June i i , at Four in the Afternoon, kt Guildhall. John March, late of Spital- Square, Middlefex, but now of the Old Bailey, London, Taylor. To appear May 5, at- Four in the Afternoon, May 17, at Ten in the Forenoon, and June 11, at Four in the Afternoon, at Guildhall. Reginald Harriman, of Nicholas Lane, London, Grocer. To appear May 9, 18, and June I I , at Ten in the Forenoon, at Guildhall. Dividends to be made. May 31. Simon Morcau, now or late of Bafinghall- Street, London, Merchant, at Four in the Afternoon, at Guildhall. May 31. Nicholas Jackfon, of Thames- Street, London, Wine- merchant, at Four in the Afteruoon, at Guildhall. May 21. Archibald Campbell Frafer and George Wharton, of London, Merchants and Partners, at Twelve at Noon, at Guildhall. May 21. James Rivington and Jamss Fletcher, both of Pater- nofter- Rovv, London, Bookfellers and Partners, at Ten in the Forenoon, at Guildhall. Certificates to be granted. May 21. Thomas Pixley the Younger, late of Old- Fifii Street, London, Scale- Beam- maker. May i t . , William Dclpratt, late of the City of Briftol, Merchant, T o S I R, TH E Extraft of a Lfctter from Abingdon, lately inferted in the Papers, from the Senle and' Englifh of it, feems to have been the Produftion of one of the new- made Voters of that Borough. Whether I am miftaken or not in this Gonjefture, the W r i t e r is moll certainly an incorrigible Noodle. And yet, perhaps, the Party were not able to procure a better ; for, iu a Caufe fo notorioufly bad, they may have found it almoit as difficult to engage a Man of common Underjlandir. g to. undertake its Defence, as to get one of common Honefty to declare his Approbation of it. Some Glimmerings of Meaning however appear in this Extraft 3 and as thefe Glimmerings may chance to deceive and miflead fome Perfons, not perfeftly acquainted with the Affair, I will give you, Mr. Printer, the true State of the Cafe. There was a Conteft for Churchwardens on Tuefday in Eafter- Week, between the Friends of Mr. Bayly and the Friends of Mr. Morton. There vvas a Poll taken at the Veftry in the Church of St. Helen. At the Clofe of this Poll the Candidates fupported by Mr. Bayly's Friends h a d a Majority of 25 of the old indisputable Voters, and were, upon this Majority, declared to be duly elefted by Mr. Bedwell, one of the Churchwardens : And I am very fure, it is their Intention to execute the Office they have been fairly and legally appointed to ferve. Mr. Morton's Party polled the Perfons they had a little before put upon the Poor Rates, made ( one of them after the Diffolution of Parliament) for the necejfary Purpofe of carrying the late Election of a Member. By this illegal and/ hameful Meafure they made out a Majority of Thirteen for their Candidates. Upon which the other Churchwarden, the famous WILL. E— GE, had the Impudence to declare them to be duly elefted. In vain was it objected that the Perfons thus polled, being upon no Church Rate, could not have even the Shadow of a R i g h t to vote for Churchwardens. T h e Party, with their ufual Arbitrarinefs and Effrontery,, infilled upon it, that thefe Perfons were upon a Church Rate made the Week be- f fore. This Rate was repeatedly called for, and the Sight of it repeatedly and abfolutely refufed. That they really had any fuch Rate to produce is very queftionable. But if they had any Paper or Writing, which they were pleafed to call by that Name, it was made by one of the Churchwardens only, and, his J u n - to, in private ; and contrary, not only to the Senfe of the other Churchwarden, but alfo to an Order of a great Majority of the Parifh made at the Veftry the Week before; and copfequently could be no Rate, in any legal or equitable Conftruftion. Yet, by thefe pretended Voters, upon this pretended Rate, the Party obtained the Viftory which tl* ey fo arrogantly and ftupidly boaft o f ; there being in Faft a real Majority cf 25 rightful Votes againft them. This is the plain T r u t h of the Cafe : Let the Letter- Writer, or any of his Friends deny it if they can. Some other Infinuations there are, in this Scrap of a Letter, too abfurd to have the leaft Influence on any who are not the moft weak and fenfelefs of all Bigots, viz. " The Intereft of the Iii, Tenters has met with another D e f e a t ." —" Fortunately for the Caufe of Religion, the Oppofers of the Church have loft their E l e f t i o n . " Now I Ihould think that Religion, the Church, and the Diffenters, are lugged in upon this Occafion rather unfortunately. I fhould not, however, have repeated, nor taken the leaft Notice of f u c h N o n - fenfe, had it been the Language of this Fool only : But it always has been, and is now, the common Cant of thofe of Mr. Morton's Party who have afted with any remarkable Zeal in his Service. Every Churchman, furely, vvhq has that Value which he ought to have for his Church, muft think himfelf affronted by any Infinuations that its Intereft could pofiibly be ferved by fuch Meafures as have been taken to fectire Mr. Morton's Eleftion, or the Eleftion of his Friends who were fet up for Churchwardens. And as for the Diffenters, they will be ready to think tfaey have an involuntary Compliment paid them, whenever they are reprefented as fome of the moil ttrenuous Oppofers of fuch Meafures. Merely, as Dift'enters, indeed, they imagine themfelves perfeftly uninterefled in any, of the late Difputes here. In their Opinion, M r . Bayly is full as good a Churchman as Mr, M o r t o n ; and the Churchwardens they voted for altogether as good Churchmen as their Opponents prefume they have chofen. Hearty as moft of the Diffenters were for Mr. Bayly, he aftually had a Majority without their Votes. For, upon the old and indifputable Rates, he had a Majority of 38 ; and the whole Number of Diffenters who voted was no more than 3 ; , of which three voted for Mr. Morton. In the Choice of Churchwardens, the Motives the Diffenters were influenced by were fuch, and only fuch, as every honeft, at Icaft every unprejudiced Churchman could not but feel the Force of, viz. their Abhorrence of. the late infamous Rates, and their earneft Defire to prevent the making any fuch Rates upon any future Occafion. , 1 am, Sir, your's, & c, Abingdon, April 21, 1768. S f l N S of ® c ii H C t : TH E A N N I V E R S A R Y MEETiNCf of the Sons of the Clergy will be at St. Paul''! Cathedral, on Thurl'day next, the 5th; Slid the Feaft $ Merchant Titylors Hall. , S T E W A R D S ; The Right Honourable Earl of Radnor, The Right Reverend the Lord Bifiiop of Oxford; Sir James Lowtherj Bart. Sir Robert Kite, Knight and Aldermari7., The Rev. Dr. Durell, Vice Chan: Uni. Oxon: The Rev. Dr. Ratcliffe, Maft. Pemb. Coll. Oxo « { George Harris, LL. D. Richard Warren, M. D: The Reverend William Territ; M. Ai Robert Palk, F. fq. Benjamin Harrifon, Efq; John Rivington, Efq. , , The Mufic will confift of the Overture in Eftfier, Mri Handel's new Te Deum, an Anthem compofed by Dr: Boyce for this Charity only; and after the Sermoii preached by the Rev. Mr. . Finch, Mr. Handel's grand Coronation Anthem, • , Tiikets for the Fes'ft are to be* had at the Qpeen'^ Arms Tavern in St. Paul's Church- Yard, at BatfonV Coffee- Houfe in Cornhill, and at the Someri'et Coffea- Houfe in the Strand. The Church Doors will be opened at Ten o'C< ock| and Divine Service begin at Eleven. The Choirs and Ailes are matted. J. S U T T E R , Engraver and Printer to their Royal Hishneflfes Georgi Prince of Wales, and Prince Frederick. THE new- invented portable Preffes, uport a new ConftrvuSion, with which Noblemen, Gentlemen, and others, may print two Pages inFdio, morn or lefs as required, with the grcateft Expedition ana Bxaftnefs: They may be fupplied with Types, and the - • ' of the Printing Apparatus, at a fmall Expcnce, 1 fliorteft Notice, by J. Sutter, Engraver and Pri. it> St. Martin's Church Yaid, London, the original ' tor of the Stamps and Liquid for marking Line.- that" ftands walhing and boiling, which is nacre r and beautiful than any Needle Wotk pelftbfy The Inftrument is fo conttru£ ted, that any (', mark Linen, Books, & c. in an Inftartt, ar have Alphabets, with Sets of Figures, fo as I mark auy Name or Number they p.' eae' Crtfts, Coats of Arms, for the above I',: in the beft Manner in Wood or Meta . Stamps and Liquid fold at the Inventor's where elfe in London. Letters, Poft- paid, will be duly at This Day Treatife of Pea ' was puhlijhca ATreatife upon the Culture tranflated from the French. The univerfal Approbation this Treatik hits met witll in the Original made a Tranflation of it much to be withed for J and,- LIS none has hitherto appeared, this is offered te tiie Public for the lnftruction of all pra& ical Gardenersi Sold by J. Dddfley, in Pall- mall; S. Baker and Gi Leigh, York- Street, Covent- Garden ; T. Becket and P. A. De Hcr. dt, in the Strand; and J. Gordon, Seccfman, in Fencburch- Strcet. ' • . , * a This Day were publiftjed, P R O P O S A L S for printing by S U B S C R I P T I O N, AN Epic Poem on the Battle of Minder^ Dedicated, by PermiiFion, to his Royal Hhliaefif the Duke of Gloucefter. To be printed in Royal Quart i , and ornamented with feveral, Copper- plates. . lie Poem will be publilhed en the Firft of Auguft, 1 Price Half a Guinea, to be paid at the Time of Subfcribing. By SIDNEY SWINNEY, D. EJ. Fellow of the'Royal and Antiquarian Societies. Subfcr'plions are taken in, and Receipts given, hy tliti following Bookfellars, viz. W. Johnfton, in Lodgate- Street; T. Becket and Co. in tbe Strand ; J. Dodflty, ' in Pall- mall j Meif. Dillvs, in the Poultry; Me if. Toad ani! Sotheran, and Etherington, at York ; Fletcher, sft Oxford ; Merrill and Woodyer, at Cambridge ; Pote, at' Eton; and G. Faulkner, at Dublin. This Day was publijhcd, Price is. ( Embellifhed with a fine Print of JOH. T WiLICESy Efq. eleSed Knight of the- Shire tor Midolefex, by the free Voice of the People ; and containing a corte4t Liftof the prefent Houfe of Commons of Great Britain* fo dil'pofed as to ftew not only the new Members in particular, but alfo in whofe Room each of them lias been ele£ ted, thereby giving a complete View both of the late and prefent Houfe of Commons, with an alphabetical Lift of the new Scots Peers, & c. TH E P O L I T I C A L R E G I S T E R* Number XIV. for MAY, 1768. Containing likewife feveral curious Anecdotes, and < t great Variety of other original and intercfting Papers,, the Lift of which is too long for an Advertifement. Printed for J. Almon, oppofite Burlington- Houfe in Piccadilly. Of whom may be had the former thirteen Numbe » t^ Price 12s. 6d. or any fi'ngle'Number. This Day was publijhed, Price is. THE S U R V E Y O R S BILL, drawn out ac~ cording to the Laws now in Force, and ftiouing^ atone View, the Quantity of Statute Duty, with v. hich any Perfon is chargeable, and the Compofition : fc'i uey that may be paid inftead of Wsrk ; with the Method of keeping the Surveyors Accou- it of Duty done, and Compofition paid, and of fettling it before the Juiiicea at thd End of the Year. To which is added, A Ruled Sheet, fitted fof era- y Parifli, being ready for the prefeot Ufe of all Surveyors, and proper for all Perfons concerned in Statute Duty, throughout England and Wales. Printed for Fletcher and Hodfon, in Cambridge; and fold by S. Crowder, in Pater- nofter- Row, London- This Day was puhlijhed. Price is. fewed, or is. 6d. bound, ornamented with Engravings of the Art of Blazon, and of the Arms, Supporters, Crefts and Mottos of the 479 Peers,- which conftitute the Peerage of the three Kingdoms, NE W P A R L I A M E N T A R Y LISTS3 containing the Pfeers of England, and thofe elected on the 26th of April, 1768, to reprefent the Kitittdona uf Scotland ; likewife the Members, with their Refidencea and Pofts of Honour, lately chofea, in order to form the Thirteenth Parliament of Great Britain. The Public are defired to take Notice* that thefe Arms, which coft- 89I. Engraving, include thole of tbe Royal Family, and of the Archbiihops arui Biftiops of England and Ireland, not in any other Book ef this Sort. Printed for H. Woedfall, J, Fuller, G. Woodfall, E. Johnfon, R. Baldwin, W. Joiafton, B. Law, T. Longman, T. Lowndes, J. Willie, J. jobnfon, W. Batboe, Z. Stuart, W. NicolJ, and R. Dai is. Where may be had, The Court Kalcndar, for 1768, with the abrve Arms, and Account of the new Parliaoiest, new E* ft- India and Bank £ Jir,£ t, rs, & « . S H A K E S P E A R E. C A R D. A N Englifhman prefents his Compliments to Criticus, and fuhmits to his Confideration the following Thought on the Word for- Jcn: The Saxons ufed the Vowels- in a promiicuous Manner, one for the other, or two or three where one is now ufed. He thinks th Word fcr- fen, is derived from the Saxon Verb fore- feon, to contemn, defpife, or, if you pleafe, to fore- fee, look full at, with Difda- in. If this Etymon is right, for- fen Nuns were defpifed Nuns; Shakefpear's Context may fhew whether they were defpifed for their Vices, or by thofe who'had no Virtue. The Word for- fcyn in old Adts of Parliament does not feem to be of Saxbn Original; or if it j-. it rather means fore- feeing, providing, than always, which was ufually cxpreffed by two Letters, thus a a, thence aye for always. T o the Printer of the ST. J. CHRONICLE. S I R, PLEASE to acquaint your Correfpondent, X. Y. that the beft Method of dellroying the. black Infedts he complains of, is toflarve them ; . which may be effedtually done, by felling his Wheat, and keeping his Granaries empty till Times of greater Plenty fhall juftify the Practice of laying up that neceffary Article. I am, Sir, your's, See. Pro Bono Publico, Tranflation of a Letter from Mr. D—— t to John Wilkes, Efq-, Knight of the Shire far the County of Middlefex. S I B , Paris, April 2, 1768. I Received, with the greateft Pleafure, the News of your Eledtion. I happened to be with the Prriident — — — , when your Letter was delivered to me; It was immediately read; and the whole Company, which was very numerous, was overjoyed at your Succefs. Your focial Virtues will, at all Times, and in all Places, render y. our Memory dear and precicious to your Friends ; and the Juftice which has been done you in fo public and diftinguiihed a Manner, indemnifies you fufnciently for the Hardfhips of your Exile, How pleafing it is to reign in the Hearts of Men ! You reign in thofe of your Fellow- Citizens : You deferve to reign in them : . You have fupported their Rights; and getiuine Sor. s of Freedom, as thVy are, they have crowned with Applaufe the Champion of their Liberties. The uncommon Unanimity with which the Eledtors voted in your Favour is anincoutcft. ible Proof of their Impartiality. The Bjribery, Corruption, and underhand Arts, which are fo frequent in almoft all Eledtions, hud no Place in yours : The Love of Liberty fired every Brcaft, and procured > ou the Suffrage of the independent Eleftors. And 1 doubt not but you might have been chofen for London itfclf, where the different Interefls arifing f r om Trade fet fo many fecret Springs in Motion, had the Eledtors been as free in Guild- Juli as they are interefted in their Commerce : But Intereft, you know, governs the World. Your quiet and peaceablc Demeanor docs you infinite Honour ; and your generous and patriotic Principles will render your Name immortal. You quitted Paris, that agreeable Retreat, wherfeyour amiable andgentleman- Iike Behaviour hath gained you fo many Friends; , and notwithstanding all the Amufements which we endeavoured to procure for you, in order to render your Stay the more agreeable, you overlooked all Dangers, and flew to fupport the Rights of your- Country. Coriolanus meditated the Ruin of his; and under Pretext offecuring her Liberties, propofed ( he fhould receive the galling Yok- e of Slavery, after having demoliflicd her Walls. A& uated by a Motive infinitely more noble, you go to yours in the Chara'ter of a Peace- maker; and, as a Reward of all that you have fuffered for her Sake, you alk nothing but the Power of being further ferviceable to her. In the fame Inftant London opens to you her Gates, and the Citizens their Hearts ; but the greater Part of the Eledtors, reftrainedor intimidated by the powerful Influence of the other Candidates, durfl not venture to give yo-< their Votes. The independent and famous County of Mtddlefex, however, has indemnified you for the fscret Machinations of the one, and the bale Pufillanimity of the other. Europe will be furprifed at your Patriotifm and your Succefs ; or rather Eufope will admire the one, and rejoice at the othej. I am the firft to felicitate you on the Occafion, and to join my Congratulations to thofe of all the Friends of the Human Race, which was certainly never intended to wear Fetters. The auguft Senate of Great Britain will ftill count a Wilkes ambng its moft illuftrious Members ; and the Liberty of your Country will Hill find in you a gerierousDefenderofi'ts Right! and Privileges. 1 have the Honour to be, with the great til Sincerity, { Pol. Reg.] D- T. T o the Printer of the S. J. CHRONICLE. S I R , A MONG the various Difcoveries made of late, not the leaft wonderful, is that of G. T . in your laft Chronicle. He is very angry with Mr. If ri Ikes, for having afferted be- . fore t h e ' C o a r l of King' s Bench, that no one In fiance of Falfehood . has yet been pointed out in that pretended Libel, fpeaking of the North Briton, No. 45. and fays, he willtake the Liberty of pji-. ting out one [ Falfehood] which he thinks ALL Mankind mufl acknowledge. The Paffage he quotes is, No Advantage of any Kind accrued to the King ofPruffiafrom our Negotiation. with France. Now, Sir, I agree entirely with Mr. IVilkes, and I will State my Reafons to you, why I cannot think ANY Part of Mankind will acknowledge the Falfehood of that Affertion in No. 45, becaufe it happens to be exaftly true. Before I confider G. T.' s, Reafons, I will premife that this Difcovery is quite new. It efcaped the Sagacity of our prcfent great Financier, Lord , who could not find one Word falfe in that whole Paper, although, he was challenged to it in exprefs Words, by Mr. Wilkes in the Houfe of Commons, when his Lordlliip alnioft choaked. himfelf, as well as llunned his Audience on the firft Day of the Seflion, in 1763. I was prefent, I faw him foam at the Mouth, and heard him guggle in the Throat, that I thought he would have been ftrangled, but after all his Efforts, not a Word could he get out about the Proof of any Falfehood in any Part of that Paper, although his Lordfhip moved that it was a f a l f e , J'canda'ous, feditious Libel, & c. If there was any Falfehood in it, do not you fuppofe, Sir, the Word Falfe, formerly thought fo neceffary to make any Thing a Libel, would have found its Place in an Information again!! Mr. IVilkes, to be tried before Lord - — ? Do you not believe, Sir, that if the Shadow of a Proof only could have been had but the Night before the Trial camc vn, his Lordfhip would as readily have confentc- d to add the Word Falfe to the Record, as he compelled the Alteration of the Word Purport for that of Tenor ? I fancy no more Difficulty would have been experienced in the one Cafe, than was' in the other. Now, Sir, I follow G. T . He adds, " All the World knows, that our King by that Negotiation took the whole French Army off the King of Pruftia's Hands.. Is it no Advantage to be rid of 50 or 00000 Enemies ?. T h e Man muft be void either of Senfe or Shame, who will deny it to be one." Taking an Army off a Man's Hands, is a llrange Expreffion, but i f this Writer muft have his own Phrafe, the French Army was taken off the King of Prujfia's Hands, fo as no longer to be dreaded, a good while before this, Repeated Victories of their Enemies had ruined their beft Troops, and they were evacuating Germany as fall as they could. I defire G. T . to recolledV how very few Acres and Villages in the whole Empire, wefe at that Period in the Poffeflion of the French Army, which then certainly amounted to little more than 30000 Men. They were lio longer in a Capacity of adtlrig on the Offenfive, and began adtually to retreat with the utmoft Expedition, before the laft Negotiation with France. The King of Pruffia was every where vidtoriousx His Valour and Condudt, with a Variety of lucky Events, had entirely re- eftablifhed his Affairs, and put him in fo fortunate a Condition, that he di&' ated himfelf the Terms of the Peace he. made. It is fo far from being true that any Advantage accrued to the King cf Pruffia from our Ncgociation with France, that it was a t'eal I) iJ'advantage to him, for the French knew the Negotiation of the Peace was in the Hands of Lord Bute, and that fo far from fupporting our great Proteftant Ally, his Lfcrdfhip was determined to abandon him. The King of Pruffia complained, that he was achially betrayed by the Scottifh Minifter, and he fpoke publ'ckly of the Offers made by his Lordlhip before this to the late Czar, for difmembring his Dominions. I heard Lord B — declare in a great Affembly, that the Dominions cf the ' King of Prufjia • we're to be fcramlled for ; the moft indeccnt, vulgar, and infamous Expreffion for an Ally Of the Crown of England, which any Minifter ever uttered. It may be added, Sir, to all thefe Facts, that the Paffage G , T . ventures to call a Falfehood, is not even objedled to in the Information filed in the King's Bench. Would no Notice have been taken of it, were it fuch a Falfehood as all Mankind mufl acknowledge ? I fufpedt G . T . to be one of the many Scribblers in the Papers, who'are paid by Lord Bute, fer he quotes Falfe to avoid a Compliment to the King cf PfCffita." In No. 45 it is, no Advantage of aiiy'Kind has accrued to that MAGN A N I M O U S P R I N C E , & C.' Now, Sir, I . will afk you, if G. T . has either Senfe or Shame? If he will try his Hand at any other Paffage in No. 4 ; , I promife him the fame Succefs, as I believe you find hs has had on the prefent Occafion. I am, Sir, your's, & c. Monday, May 2. A. B. . __ ^ Hup, r * t w t T ' P o S T S C k l F T . L O N D O N . ExtraB of a Letter from Cumberland tB a Friend hi Town, April 25. " In my Neighbourhood are about twenty Vours, four of whom voted for Sir J L . One of them lets his Eftate fo. r 18s. a Year, pays Intereft of 20!. as it is mortgaaed, which is 15s, and a Widow Right of • 5s which make the Eftate - zs. wcrfe than nothings Another of the Voters- lett- s- his Eftaje for 20s. a Year; another mortgaged to the full Value ; another no more Ettate than the French King ; and three of them took the Freeholders Oath. Daker, Efq. a Gentleman of 5 or 600I. a Year Eftate, had his Vote refufed for Curwen and Fletcher ; but a Tinker, with three Wives, and no other Property, paffed for L . The Duke of Portland's Brother's Vote would not pafs ; nor, as 1 was informed, Mr. Curwe'n's, one of the Candidates, and fundry others too tedious to mention. It has caufed fuch Diffentions in the County, that I queftion whether they will be laid at the End of feven Years, Very great Refledtions are thrown upon our fufi- Affes in the County. Thtirfday, Friday and Saturday Mornings, were fpent in querying the Votes, and 1 am credibly Informed, that the S miffed in his Aim at the firft Sketch by four Votes in Mr. Fletcher's Favour; but, in returning back, die lit upon fix, which had palled his tint , Infpedtion : . On thefe he clapped his Broad R, 1 as fufiicient to anf. ver his Purpofes; and, when it was reprefeiued to him, that there I were many more of the lame Nature on Sir J s's Part, aii theAnfwer he gave was much the fame as Pilate returned to the Jews, " What I have done, I have done," which gave Sir J a Majority over Mr. Fletcher of . two . Votes only ; and then he returned Sir J L and Mr. Curwen as duely eledled. Sir J was chaired amidft Thoufands. of Colliers and Sailors he had affembled together from Whitehaven s. nd Seaton, in order togiv'e him their Acclamations; but Mr. Curvven, like a Gentleman, refufed being chaired with him, as he faid juftly, that Mr. Fletcher had as much Right to it as himfelf. The Gentlemen of the County, who are of any Confequence, are in general Curwen's and Fletcher's Friends, and are determined to bring the Affair before a great Afiembly." It is confidently faid, that a certain Noble Lord has received a great Number of Letters, addrefl'ed to him in a moft daring and alarming Nature. If Mr. Wilkes ( hould continue in Confinement till the Meeting of Parliament, and confequently not be able to attend theBufinefs cf it, it is faid that the Freeholders of Middlefex intend to petition the Houfe of Commons that their Member may be fet at Liberty, to take Care of their Concerns, and do his Duty in the Houfe. We are informed that the Perfons appointed to condudt Mr. Wilkes to Prifon exprefs great Satisfadtion at his candid and polite Behaviour towards them, and' their Gratitude for the great Pains he took in preferv'ing them from the Fury of the Populace. Advices from Poland fey, that the Confederates have obliged the. Jews in that Kingdom to pay the Capitation . Tax impofed on them into the Confederates Cheft, which has furliilhed the latter with Money, to carry on ( their prefent Defighs againft the King and Diet of Poland., A Pillar has been lately fet up at Paris, in the Court before, the great Church of Notre Dame in that City, from whence, as from a common Centre, the Diftances on all the great Roads in Fiance, are to be computed. This Pillar, which is of a triangular Form, is ornamented with the Arms of the Chapter; and the Diftances on the feveral Roads are marked by round Stones, about three and four Feethigh, at the End of every thoufand Toifes, which are again divided into four equal Parts by three other Stones of about one Foot high, the midmoft whereof is round, and the two others triangular. On Tuefday, the 12 th of April, aDifpenfadon pafled the Seal, enabling the Rev. John Saunders, M. A. and Chaplain to his Grace the Archbilhop of Canterbury, to hold the Vicarage of Tarningham, in the County of Kent, and Diocefe of Rochefter, to which he was lately collated by his Grace ; together with the Vicarage of Newington in the fame County. A Misfortune of a very affedHng Nature lately happened in a Family of Diltindtion : The Lady having employed an eminent Lim - ner to draw the Pidtures of her Children, the youngeft, an Infant at the Breaft, was entrufted feveral Times at his Hotife, folely under the Care of her Nurfe, who was very handfome, and the Wife of an honeft Man, a Servant in another Family. Some Time after, the young Woman proving with Child, and not having cohabited with her Hulband fince fhe had lain in and been in Service, was totally abandoned by him. She has been ftnee delivered; and overwhelmed with Shame and Sorrow, is fince dead of a broken Heart, folemnly declaring on her Death bed, that the Limner had, during thefe Opportunities, feduced her to this wicked Adt. The unhappy Creature being dead, it is now a Queftion, whether the poqr Man can, for want of Proof, bring the cruel Seducer and Author of this fatal Cataftrophs to juftice, or obtain the lealt Compenfation for the Injury done him. Monday came on to be heard before his Honour the Mafter of the Rolls, a Caufe wherein the Proprietors of the Opera of Love i « a Village were Complainants, and Charles Simpfon, who had printed and publiihed a pirated Edition of that Opera, Defendant; when a Decree- was made in Favour of the Complainants, by granting a perpetual Injunction, and obliging the Defendant to account with the Proprietors for the Pro fits of the whole Number printed, publifhed, and fold by the Defendant, amounting to , feveral Thoufands, although the Opera was not entered at Stationers Hall till after the printing the pirated Edition. This Morning was married at Lambeth Chapel,, by his Grace the Archbifliop of Canterbury, the Rev. Dr. Parker, Reftor of St. James's, Weftminfter, to Mifs Witwell, Sifter to Sir John Griffin Griffin, Bart. Glouceffer, May 2. On Thurfday Night the 21ft paft, in a violent Storm, a Trow laden with Corn, belon', ing- to Owner Hushes, had her Mafl and Rigging carricd overboard, in Kingroad, and v , drove to fuc. h Diitrefs that the Boatmc 1, and ail the Paffengers ( about twenty WOK en and fome Children) took to the Boat, and got on the Mud cn the Swafh, where all, except five Women and twoChildien got fefe to Shore. But the five Women were fo faft ftuck i i the Mud, that the^ were not able to extricate thcgifelves ; ?. nd v^ re reduced to the utmoil:- Extremities, being obliged to ftript themfelves naked in order the better to make their Way through ; four of them were happily taken up by a Boat font to their Relief, from the Bofton Packet, Capt. Kemfedy, for Bofton, who accidently difcovercd them in Diflrefs: The other Woman was left there till the next Day, not being then feen by Capt. Kemfedy's Men) and was' taken tip almoft dead: The Trow was brought up the next Day by feme Pilots, without any Damage done to the Cargo. Wednefday lail, Heller Poison, of Rodboro', was found guilty by the Coroner's Inqueft of the Murder of her Baftard Child : It appeared by. the Evidence taken by Mi\ Nayler the Coroner, that as foon as the Child was born fhe . diflocated its Neck, then wrapt it up in a dirty Shift and put it under the Rug of the Bed, • and went to a Neighbour's Houfe and complained that her Landlady had ufed her ill in fufpedting her to be with Child; but the Fadt was foon discovered, and the Woman is now in Cuftody till fhe is fit to be committed to' Gaol. Reading, April 30. We hear from a Village in this Neighbourhood, where the45th Mile- Stone ftands, 45 Miles Weft of London, that on Monday the 9th of May, 45 Perfbns have agreed to dine on 45 Pounds of ' B c e f t to be ready precifely at 45 Minutes after One o'Clock ; to drink 45 Toafts, to fing 45 loyal and patriotic Songs, to fmoke 45" pipes of Tobacco, with 45 lighted Candles on the Table, and to part in the Evening 45 Minutes paft Ten. The above 45 Perfbns are all EngHlhmen. Drurf- Lane. Yefterday, The Orphan; with a Peep Behind the Curtain. This. Evening, the Englifh Merchant; with Thomas and Sally. Covent- Garden. Yefterday, George Barnvrefty with Harlequin Dodtor Fauftus. This Evening, the Jealous W i f e ; with the Royal Chace. Bank Stock, 167 a 166 I- half. India Stock, 2C9 x- 4th. India Ann. —. South- Sea Stock, —. Old South- Sea Ann. 91 3- Sths. New South- Sea. Ann. 92 1- 4th a 3- Sth!. Three per Cent. Aiviuities, 1751, ---. Reduced Bank Three per Cent. 92 l- 4th a 3- 8ths. Three i- half Bank Annuities, 1756,—. Three i- half per Cent. Annuities, 1758, —-. Four per Cent. Annuities Confol. 103 3- 4lhsa 7- Sths. Redeemable Four perCent, 99 i- halt. Three per Cent, Confoi. Banls Ann. 93 5- 8ths. Ditto, 1726, India Bonds, 14 a 15 I'rein. Exchequer'Bills, Lottery Tickets, 1 ^ l'. 15s.. Navy and Victualling Bills, 1 7- 8ths per Cent. Difc. Long Ann. 28. Scrip. 95. Ou Thurfday next will be puhlijhed. In One large Volume, Quarto, Price il. is. bound, ( Including Obfervation's on ine Dropfy. in the Brain, never before publiflied, with a copious Index) Dedicated to Sir JOHN PRINGL- E, Baronet, THE Complete Works of R O B E R T WHY I T , M. D. late Fhyfician to his Ma'- eAy; • Prefident of the Royal College of Phyficians, Profeflfcr of Medicine in the UmVerlity of Edinburgh, and Fellow of the Royal Society, Pubfilhed by his Son. Printed for T. Becket and P. A. De Hor. dt, in the Strand J and J. Balfour, in Edinburgh; and fold alfo bv Mcflrs. Dodilv, Nourfe, Wilfrn, Davis, Cater, Cadell, and Hawes and Co. Of whom may be had, a new Edition ( being the Third) of Dr. Wkytt on Nervous Diforders, Price 6s. Dr. Tiil'ot on Health, tranflated by Dr. Kirkpatrick, new Edition, with Additions, Price 7s. bound. This Day was puhlifhed, Neatly printed in one large Volume, Folio, Price Three Guinea? bound, The Eighth Edition ( revifed and altered according to the lat eft Syftem of Bstany, and cmbelliihed with feveral Copper- plates) of TH E GARDENERS D I C T I O N A R Y: Containing the belt and ncweft Methods of Cultivating and Improving the Kitchen, Fruit, Flower Garden, and Nurfery ; as alfo for performing the practical Parts of Agriculture; including the Management of Vineyards, with the Methods of making and preferving Wine, according to the prefent I'radtice of the molt ikilful Vignerons in the feveral Wine Countries in Europe. Together with Directions for propagating and improving, from real Practice and Experience, all Sorts of Timber Trees. By PHILIP MiLLER, F. R. S. Gardener to the Worihi^ ful Company of Apothecaries at their Botanic Garden in Chelfca, And Member ot the Borajiic Academy at Florence. Printed for J. and F. Rivington, at No. C2, in Sr. Paul's Church Yard; A. Millar, J. Whifton, W. Strahan, J. Hinton, R. Baldwin, B. White, I.. H « w* s and W. Clark and R. Collins, W. Johnfton, T. Gallon, S. Crowder, T. Longman, f.. Law, C. Rivington, J. Dodiloy, Z. Stuart, W. Griffin, T. Cadell, T. Lowndes, S. Bhdon, G. Robinfon and J. Roberts, T, Payne, j . Robfon, W. Flexney, and M. Hingefton. frinietj hy H f t N R Y B A L D W I N , at'the Britawia Printing- Office, White- Friars, Fleet- Street, where A D V E R T I S E M E N T S are taken in, and Letters to the Author received.
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