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Volume Number: XLVIII    Issue Number: XXXIV
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The Northampton Mercury

Date of Article: 09/11/1767
Printer / Publisher: Cluer Dicey and Son 
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: XLVIII    Issue Number: XXXIV
No Pages: 4
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- VOL. XLVIII. NUMB. XXXIV. The MONDAY, November 9, 1767. ( To be continued Weekly. Price Two- pence Halfpenny,. This PAPER, for more than forty- seven Years, hath, and continues to be, circulated in all the Market- Towns and populous Villages in the following Counties, viz. Northampton. Leicester, Nottingham, Rutland, Lincoln, Huntingdon, Cambridge and Isle of Ely, Bedford, Essex, Hertford, Buckingham, Berks, Oxford, irwick to Birmingham, and Stafford, & c. and by the Post to greater Distances. ABBREVIATIONS, shewing the London Papers from which the following ARTICLES arc collected. L. London Evening- Post. Lon. London Chronicle. P. Publick Advertiser. P. L. Publick Ledger. D. Daily Advertiser. G. General Evening- Pos. Gaz. Gazetteer. Gt. London Gazette, J. St. James's Chronicle. Tuesday s and Wednesday's POSTS. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. The following AdvicEs came by a Mail from Flanders. pOLAND. Warsaw, October 10. , ON the 2d Inst. the Pope's Nuncio and all the Bishops had a private Audience of the King, during which the Doors were kept shut. Nothing trans- pires concerning the Subject of it, but there is Room to believe, that those Prelates have beseech- ed his Majesty to grant nothing to the Dissidents that may turn to the Prejudice of the Roman- Catholic Religion. — Since the Interruption of the Dyet, Conferences are held daily, especially at the Prince- Primate's Palace, at which the Prince de Radzivil assisted Yesterday, attended by a numerous Guard of Soldiers. We learn that the said Prince having ordered the Guard of his Palace to refuse Entrance therein to the Pope's Nuncio, who was charged to deliver to the Prince a Brief from his Holiness, the Nuncio found Means to get Admittance in Dis- guise, and the Commanding Officer is put under Arrest, as being answerable for the Fact. L. Warsaw, Oct. 14. The Dyet having sat again the Day before Yesterday, the Bishops of Cracow and Kiow, as well as some other Prelates, persisted in their Sentiments ; and as they made use at the same Time of immoderate Expressions, they were seized and carried off Yesterday, together with the Castellan of Cracow and his Son, and some others, by Russian Detachments, several Parties of whom have entered their Lands and those of the Palatine of Russia. The Dyet has been limited to the 16th of this Month. The Staroste of Kosakowski, who had dropt some unguarded Expressions against the Crown of Russia, was carried off the 7th of this Month by a Detachment of about 60 Russian Troops, but it was not known whither they had conveyed him. It was done by Relays of Horses in the Evening, after he . had remained the whole Day under Arrest in his own Coach, at the Doors of which were placed double Guards to prevent any Person's approaching to speak to him. He was first carried to the Russian Camp, a little Way out of this City, where they offered to set him at Liberty, if he would make an Apology for the Words he had used, and sign a Paper that was presented him; but refusing to do so, he was then carried off. G. GERMANY. Potsdam, OB. 6. The Affairs of Corsica are now become the general Concern of Europe. Amidst our Festivity on the late happy Nuptials, another Corsican Courier has arrived here, said to be the Cousin of Signor Romanzo, who some Time ago made such a Noise all over the Continent, as well as at London, Whether this Gentleman has had a Hint given him by the British Ministers, Yorke and Mitchell, or whether he has re- ceived Instructions from the States- General, we dare not take upon us to say. This much is certain, that no Embassy could be better timed, and as our Sovereign is a Poet as well as a King, very generous Resolutions may be expected to result from the beneficent Interpositions of a young Prince of the illustrious Race of Nassau. Lon. LONDON, November 3. From the LONDON GAZETTE. Ihe Queen's- Palace, St. James's- Park, Nov. t, 1767. This Day about Noon the Queen was happily delivered of a Prince. Her Royal Highness the Princess- Dowager of Wales, his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, several Lords of his Majesty's most Hon. Privy- Council, and the Ladies of her Majesty's Bed- Chamber, were present. This great Event was soon after made known by the Firing of the Tower Guns. Her Majesty is, God be praised, as well as can be expected ; and the young Prince is in perfect Health. Whitehall, Nov. 3. Yesterday Morning, about Ten o'Clock, his Majesty's Yacht Mary came to an Anchor off Greenwich, with the Corpse of his late Royal Highness the Duke of York. About Three o'Clock in the Afternoon the Body was put 011 board the Admiralty Shallops and landed at Greenwich ; from whence it was conveyed in a Hearse to the Princes- Chamber between Five and Six, preceded by the Coaches of their Royal Highnesses the Dukes of Cumberland and Gloucester, and his late Royal Highness's State- Coach, and followed by a Party of the Horfe- Guards, and a great Number of Coaches, Sec. of the Nobility, and other Persons of Distinction. < rhe Body lay in State in the Prince's- Chamber this Day ) and will be privately interred about Ten o'Clock at Night, in the Royal Vault in King Henry the Seventh's Chapel. Minute Guns were fired from all the Yachts, from the Time of the Body's being put on board the Shallop, till its Arrival in the Prince's- Chamber. [ Thus far the London Gazette.} Anecdote of his late Royal Highness the Duke of York. He was fond of Company and Pleasure; therefore he visited most public Places of polite Resort. He was extremely affable, good- humoured, humane, and generous. He possessed a large Share of good Sense ; had a very competent Knowledge of Maritime Affairs, which he had made particularly his Study j he had alio a fine Taste for the polite Arts, which he improved from a Urge and well- chosen Library ; and well understood the Politics of Great Britain, her Interests, and the Interests of other Nations. And he had generally Men of good Sense about him, whose Pride and whose Study were his Glory and Service. His Establishment was 20,000l. per Annum. From the King, his Brother — 9000I. From the Public 8o0ol. A Pension on Ireland — 3000!. As soon as Advice was received of the Arrival of the Corpse of his Royal Highness the Duke ot York at the Nore, on Friday last, his Coffin, covered with fine Crimson Velvet, with Silver Nails and Handles, and a Silver Plate containing his Titles, was dispatched to the said Place, when the Corpse, inclosed in a Leaden Coffin, was taken out of a very neat Wooden one, co- vered likewise with Crimson Velvet; with Silver Lace round the Borders, and put into the new one made by his Majestys Uphol- sterer. A beautiful Urn, covered in the same Manner as the Coffin, and lined with White Sattin, was sent down, in which the Bowels of his Royal Highness were deposited. Lon. Yesterday the Royal Vault in Westminster- Abbey was opened, and last Night the Bowels of his Highness were carried into the Vault. Lon. It is remarkable, that the Bells in several Parishes of this Metropolis both rang and tolled Yesterday in the Space of one Hour. L. We hear Caudle and Cake are ordered to be given to the No. bility and Gentry as usual at St. James's. L. The Establishment of his Excellency the Lord Viscount Towns- hend, Lord- Lieutenent of Ireland, Chief Secretary, the Right Hon. Lord Frederick Campbell. Ulster Secretary, Richard Jackson, Esq; Private Secretary, Mr. Lees. Usher of the Black- Rod, Bowen Southwell, Esq; Deputy ditto, Mr. Smith. State Steward, and Honorary Aid de Camp, Capt. Brown. Comptroller of the Houshold, Major Stanton. Master of the Horse, Capt. Jephson. Gentleman Usher to his Excellency, Major Mercer. Gentleman Usher to the Lady Townshend, Mr. Hasler. ' Gentlemen of the Bedchamber, Mr. Swan and Capt. Gay. Chaplains inordinary, Dr. Young and the H0n. Mr. Cornwallis. Chaplains Extraordinary, Dean Baily, Dean Digby, Dean Cope, Hon. Mr. Stopford, Dr. Leland, Sir Robert Pynsent, Mr. Beaufort, Mr. Walsh, Dr. Henzell, Dr. Mann, Mr. Dennis, Mr. Jephson, Mr. Meredyth, Mr, Manningham, Mr. Hodg- kinson. Aids de Camp in Ordinary, Major Fraser, Captain Pringle, Capt. Fleming, Col. Sandford, Capt. Erskine, Capt. Tot- tenham. Aids de Camp Extraordinary, Col. Stopford; Col. Walsh, Col. Burton, Major Rooke, Major Crosby, Capt. Browne, Cape. Manby, Capt. Jennings, Capt. Williamson; Capt. Dilkes, Lieut. Churchill, Ensign A'Court. Gentlemen at large, Mr. Davies, Mr, Wright, Capt. Brereton, Mr. Bourke, Lieutenant Mercer, Mr, Schomberg, Mr. Campbell. Pages, Mr. Money, Mr. Burlton, Mr. Dubois, Mr. James. We hear from good Authority, that his Excellency Count Chatelet, Ambassador from his Most Christian Maiesty to the Court of Great- Britain, is one of the greatest Politicians in France, being thoroughly acquainted with the Nature and Con- stitution of every Kingdom and State in Europe, besides which, he is a great Scholar, and possessed of uncommon Abilities, na- tural and acquired ; fo that his Master could not fix upon a more proper Person to represent him at a Court which rivals his own and all the other Courts of Christendom in Grandeur and Fame. Without doubt this was the Reason of his being appointed to fo important a Post in Preference to all others. L. A Fifth Candidate is at the Starting- Post for Evesham, in Worcestershire; and ' tis reported a Sixth and Seventh are in full Trot. Of the Fifth, it is said, that he is possessed of every vir- tuous Quality that can actuate the generous Breast, and render it an Ornament ot Society. L. A few Nights ago a Methodist was heard to say, at a Public- House in Fleet- Street, that if all the Electors of Great- Britain were of his Sect there would be no Bribery or Corruption at Elections, as they have too great a Sense of Religion and the Obligation of their Oath as Electors to suffer themselves to be tainted with these Vices 5 on which Account he oblerved how peculiarly happy those Towns and Boroughs were that abounded most with their Brethren. L. A few Days ago a Candidate for a certain Borough in the Country, having heard of some extraordinary Predictions, pro- nounced by the celebrated Female Astrologer of Hog- Lane, Soho, which, it seems, were literally fulfilled, he set out immediately on his Journey to London, being 120 Miles, in order to consult her about his Election ; and having waited upon her, she admi- nistred the following Comfort to him, " Sir, you'll certainly carry your Election, but it will cost you more than ever you will gain by it, on which Account I would advise you to desist, were it not that I see Fate has decreed it otherwise, and you cannot avoid acting that Part Providence has allotted you for its own wise Purposes. L. It is currently reported, that the Court of Portugal hath lately made some extraordinary Concessions to Mr. Lyttleton in favour of the British Commerce, the Particulars of which are faid to have been transmitted home. L. They write from Genoa, that General Paoli had given Orders for every Sea- Port in Corsica under his Jurisdiction, and capable of that Kind of Defence, to be fortified with Booms and Chains, Numbers of which had been imported from Holland. L. Some Letters from Vienna say, that the celebrated Prince Heraclius of Georgia had lately arrived there incog, but was visited by the First Nobility and Foreign Ministers. Lon. Private Letters from Vienna likewise mention, that some very disagreeable Advices had just been received from the Imperial Ambassador at the Ottoman Court, the Contents of which were kept a profound Secret. Lon. They write from Constantinople, that the proper Officers are daily employed in transporting Artillery, Troops and Stores to the Emperor's several Garrilons on the Coasts of the Black Sea. Lon. It is remarkable, that the Advices from Warsaw say, that Prince Radzivil has been chosen Marshal of the present Dyet at the Desire of the King ; and that his Majesty, as a further Token of his Respect for him, has presented him with his Picture, richly let in Brilliants. J. They write from Clagenfurth, that the late Archdutchess Josepha, on the Eve of the Feast of St. Francis, being willing to perform her Devotions, went down with the Archdukes and Archdutchesses into the Vault of the House ot Austria ; that she stayed about two Hours near the Tomb of the late Emperor her Father, and that she was so much Moved at the Sight of the late Emprefs Josepha's Tomb, that from that Moment she was taken ill ; that the next Day her Royal Highness thought to accompany the Court as far as Neustadt, but found herself too weak ; that the Cause of her Distemper was attributed to the Emotion she had felt. And that there are now upwards of 3000 Persons of different Ages afficted with the same Disease at Vienna. It is worthy to be remarked, that the Small- Pox has proved very fatal to the House of Austria, the Emperor having lost two Consorts by that terrible Disease, which has now snatched away his Sister, on the Eve of her being Queen of Naples— The Pope must now keep his precious Relicks for some future Occasion. L. Letters from Florence advise, that the Diseases which have prevailed for some Time part throughout all Tuscany being now greatly diminished, the Government have ordered the ex- traordinary Hospital, established in the Monastery of the Cross, to be shut up, after the few sick Persons remaining therein are cured. Lon. The following is an Extract of a Letter from the French Con- sul at Zante, dated Aug. 4. " Ever lince the 14th of July last, to this present Day, we have felt, from Time to Time, very smart Shocks of an Earthquake in this. Island, and those of the Neighbourhood, The Isle of Cefalonia has hitherto suffered most : The greatest Part of its Towns and Villages are already almoft entirely destroyed, and a vast Number of the Inhabitants have perished. This Morning, at Break of Day, we had a new Shock here, more violent still than any of the former. It has spread Consternation throughout the whole City ; all the Houfes in it are damaged, and several of them thrown down ; the Churches especially have suffered very much. As fince the Be- ginning of these Shocks we had taken the Precaution to erect Tents along the Shore, and to pass the Nights in Boats, or on board the Vessels at Anchor in the Road, this last Shock has destroyed and hurt few People. We learnt some Hours after, by Peasants who took Refuge here, that all the Villages, situated in the Western Part of the Isle, had suffered extremely, and that the greatest Part of the Houses, which compose the Village of Yeracavia, were entirely destroyed. There is Reason to fear that this Day's Shock has completely finished the Destruction of the Isle of Cefalonia. Public Prayers are put up. here, and solemn Processions making, to obtain from- Heaven a Period to this ter- rible Scourge." Letters from Constantinople, Spoletto, Upper- Austria, Fiume, and several other Parts, bring also Accounts of Earthquakes happening there, though Happily attended with little or 110 Da- mage,. From the last of thefe Places, in particular, they write, that not a Day has passed ever since the 8th of September with- out some Shock or Rumblings being heard. At the first Place also, besides Earthquakes, we are told that they are at present visited with the Plague, which, when these Advices came away, made prodigious Havock there. J. They write from Spain, that in taking the Inventory of the Effects belonging to the College of Jesuits at Barcelona, pur- suant to the King's Orders, they had found in a Cellar there upwards ot 100,000 Scudi [ about 4s. Jd. or 4s. 6d. J several Tons of Gold and Silver, a large Quantity of Gold Dust, Emeralds and Diamonds. This Letter adds, that to every one of these Precious Stones were affixed Tickets, with the Names ef the Persons who had delivered them to those Fathers; that in a second Cellar were found 20 Crowns of Gold ornamented with Brilliants, 20 others enriched with Rubies, 400 Bales of Cocoa, and a great Quantity of Merchandise from the East Indies, the Whole valued at Twelve Millions. They likewise write from Spain , that the Treasure belonging to the Jesuits at Manilla, lately confiscated by Orders of the Court, was said to amount to near 20 Millions Pieces of Eight, exclusive of Jewels, Diamonds, and Church- Plate. L. Another Letter from Spain, says, that several Jesuits have been lately discovered, in Disguise, in different Parts of that Kingdom; among them one at St. Ildephonso, in the Habit of a Cordelier or Monk- of S. Francis, with a Dagger and Pistols concealed beneath his Cloaths. J. According to Letters from Black- River, Muskito Shore, several Jesuits of Truxillo, and the neighbouring Spanish Provinces, had lately arrived there with considerable Treasure, as to an Asylum, where their Persons and Properties might be secure from the Persecutions of the Spanish Court. J. On Friday last a Bushel of Golden Pippins was sold in Fleet- Market, to a Person to sell again, for 3I. the same Quantity of' this Fruit was last Season purchased for 4 or 5s. L. We are told that last Week upwards of 100 Journeymen Weavers have engaged to go to New- York and Boston, where they are promised constant Employment. Lon. Within these few Days a Number of Silk and Gauze Weavers; See. who had gone to Scotland in search of Employment, re. turned to their old Quarters in Spitalfields, their Northern Expedition not having turned out at all to their Expectation. On Saturday between 2 and 300 Spitalfields Journeymen Weavers were discharged for want of Employment. L. This Morning five West- Country Barges laden with Corn, Flour, & c. came down the River to Queenhithe, and other public Repositories for Grain. The same Morning 14 deep- laden Colliers arrived at their Moorings in the Pool from New- castle. L. Yesterday there was a great Market for Cattle at Smithfield, nevertheless the prime Bullocks sold, on an Average, at 2s. 8d. Sheep at 2s. 6d. Calves at 3s. Grafs Lambs at 3s. and House Lambs at 3s. 6d. per Stone the whole Carcase. Ldn. The Price ot Coals fell is. per Chaldron Yesterday in the Pool. Lon. Last Night died in a Cellar in the Borough of Southwark, one Mary Griffiths, 40 Years a Cryer of old Rags about the Streets, by which she acquired Money sufficient to purchase five Freehold Houses in Whitechapel, lett at the yearly Rent ot 73b L. Yesterday in the Afternoon died in Newgate the eldest Son of James and Elizabeth Brownrigg, of merciful Memory. L. It having been represented to the King, that a threatening and incendiary Writing was publickly affixed in the Town of St. Heliers, in the Island of Jersey, containing the following Words; rt'This is to give Notice to all Owners and Commanders of " Vessels trading from Jersey that whoever shall Directly or In- " directly Presume to take any Cattle or other Provision on board- " far Exportation, that their Vessels will be Burnt, sunk, Blown " up, or otherwise destroyd, without destinction and themselves " deemd as Canibals, and treated as such " Alio to give Notice to that black Dog Gilbert that he has more " enemies then the number of Cows he has sent away, and he " is advisd not to make so many Country tripp's for some of his " Friends will Present him with an Ounce of Lead, which will " soon Convert- him into Worms Meat" " Prenez Garde a Vous Diabie — His Majesty has offered his Pardon, and a Reward of lool. for the Discovery of the Offenders.. Gt. Thursday's and Friday's POSTS FOREIGN AFFAIRS. The following ADVICES came by a Mail from Holland. TURKY. • Constantinople,. September 15. French Merchant at Ifpahan ( the Capital of the Empire of Persia ) writes to us in the following Terms s " If Lux- ury be advantageous to Commerce, it is much to be feared that of Persia may receive a Check by the sumptuary Laws they are going to estabish there ; but it is said they have for their Object only the retrenching the Luxury which reigns aihong Merchants, and obliging them net to go beyond the Hounds of their Condition. An Affair which has happened to one Benja min Jacob, a Merchant of Juissa, furnished the first Idea to the Establishment of these Laws. Benjamin meddled much with other Men's Affairs, and seemed to take no Concern about his own; he kept a sumptuous Table, saw much Company, frequented assiduously the public Exhibitions in that Country, and lived more like a Prince than one concerned in Trade Every Body thought he was ruining himself, but he ruined only Others. In short, he had prepared himself, with great Dexterity, a most ample Fortune, by Means of a Bankruptcy fraudulently contrived, and from which he reckoned to get clear by throwing it on the Badness of the Times, the Treachery of his Creditors, the. Violence of the Tempests which had destroyed a great Num- ber of the Shipping for him, and the Robberies ot the Arabs, who had pillaged his Caravans. The Day which Benjamin had fixed for the Unravelling cf this Plot being come, he shut up his Warehouses, where there was no longer any Thing but the Re- fuse of his Merchandize, and went to the Superintendant of the Police, ' in order to declare himself insolvent. By Means cf a considerable Present to the Under Officers of that Minister, and a Douceur to those of the First Steward of the Houshold to the King, he was declared a Bankrupt, and had the Liberty of re- tiring into the Suburb of Hasenbath, inhabited by the Georgians When he was settled there, he began by lending out Money on great Interest, and getting the Remains of his Fortune sold undemand. The Chief of the Council of Finances having been informed of it, caused Benjamin to be arrested. They conducted him to the Divan, where he was immediately condemned to re- ceive 5oo Baltinances on the Soles of his Feet, which were given him, after cutting him under the Nails with a Razor. They stripped him at the same Time of all that he possessed, Part of which was adjudg'd to his Creditors, and part to the Profit, of the Exchequer and the Poor. He was then conducted by the. common Hangman thro' all the Streets of ' the City, mounted on an Ass, the Tail of which served him for a Bridle. His Head was shaved, and his Face disfigured with all Sorts of Colours, to render the Cavalcade more humiliating and laughable. In his Coffers were found 40,000 Tomans ( each i f the Value of 45 Livres, French Money) and about a like Sum in Jewels and rich Merchandize. His Bankruptcy has ruined a Number of Persons, ( > 34 ) Tuesday Night, About Ten o'Clock, the Remains of his late ' Royal Highness the Duke of York we're deposited in King Henry the VIIth's Chapel. At Nine o'Clock the Minute Guns began to be fired at the Tower, and continued till the Ceremony was over. St. Paul's Bell began at the same Time to be tolled every Minute; and the Bells in most Of the Churches of London and Westmin- ster were also tolled upon the Occasion. At the said Funeral of his late Royal Highness the Duke of York, on Tuesday Night last, Lord Boston, Lord Bruce, Lord Bottetourt, and Lord Le Despencer, were Pall Bearers. His Grace the Duke ot Grafton, Supported by their Graces the Dukes of Northumberland and Montague, was Chief Mourner. Ana the following Admirals were Supporters of the Canopy ; Sir George Bridges Rodney, Sir Charles Saunders, Sir Charles Hardy, his Grace the Duke of Bolton, Sir Edward Hawke, Sir Samuel Cornish, Sir George Pococke, and Thomas Frankland, Esq; G. The following Events have happened in Westminster- Abbey since the present Right Rev. Father in God Doctor Zachary Pearce has been Bishop of Rochester, who was promoted to that See in 1756 : 1. The Funeral of her Royal Highness Princess Caroline, third Daughter of his late Majesty King George II. 2. The Funeral of her Royal Highness Princess Elizabeth, second Sister of his present Majesty; 3. The Funeral of his late Majesty King George II. 4. The Coronation of their present Majesties. 5. The Funeral of his Royal Highness the Duke of Cum- berland. 6. The Funeral of his Royal Highness Frince Frederick, youngest Brother to the King. 7. And lastly, the Funeral of his Royal Highness the Duke of York. So many Circumstances have not happened during the Time of any Bishop of Rochester since the Founding of that See, in the Time of the ancient English Saxons, upwards of 1000 Years since. J. We hear the Earl of Chatham has re- purchased the Estate and House at Hayes, in Kent, which he sold Mr. Walpole about two Years ago, and the House is now fitting up, and other Prepara. tions making for the Reception of his Lordship and Family, to the great Joy of that Village and the whole Neighbourhood, particularly the Poor, to whom his Lordship and Lady Chatham were always great Benefactors. L. - Tuesday Earl Temple gave a grand Entertainment to the Gentlemen of the County of Bucks, at his Seat at Stowe. L. It is said, that several small Ships of War are ordered into Commission for Channel Service.' J. They write from Hamburgh, that a Report was current among the Politicians, of his Prussian Majesty having formed the ex- traordinary Design to transport a Body of Troops to Corsica. Letters from Paris say, that the Count de Chatelet is to be ac- companied in his Embassy to London by M. Batailbe de Frances ( Gentleman in Ordinary to the King) with whom that Nobleman is united in the closest Friendship, and who has acquired in his Travels all the Knowledge which may be useful in a Charge of such Importance. ' Tis added, that the King will grant this under her Main- Stay Sail, overset by a Lift of the Sea, in Lat. 25, by which the Captain, Mate, and three of the People were drowned. the remaining six, after continuing 26 Days at the Bottom of the Vessel, and undergoing amazing Hardships, hav- ing no other Provision than what providentially floated to them, they were taken up by a Vessel bound to New- England, from which they were taken on board Capt. Powell, on this Coast. COUNTRY NEWS. Newcastle Oct. 31. On the 18th Inst. the Maria, Vander Sanden, after beating about three Weeks in hard Squalls of Wind, put into the Texel, and was there unfortunately burnt. The Cargo is lost, but the Crew saved. On the 21st Instant the following Accident happened at Robin- Hood's Bay, near Whitby ; several Men and Women of that Place went on board a Vessel lying off at Anchor there to see their Friends, and as they returned in the Boat, it overset, when three of them were drowned, and several others so much hurt as to render their Recovery doubtful. On the 16th Instant the common Carrier of Goods betwixt this Town and Pontefract, in Yorkshire, was convicted in the Penalty of Five Pounds, for taking more than the lawful Rate for the Carriage of a Box directed to Wm. Wilson, Esq; and the above Penalty was on Monday last paid into the Hands ot Mr. Burdus, for the Benefit of the Infirmary. Lon. York, Nov. 3. Since our Last were imported at Liverpool, from Ireland, 436 Firkins, 71 Casks, and 4 Mugs of Butter; 39 Hogsheads of Tallow, 86 Tierces of Beef, 160 Qrs. of Barley, 120 ditto of Beans, and 2 ditto of Pease. Last Week the Rev. Mr. Williamson of Hemsworth, near Wakefield, was presented by Charles Turner, of Kirkleatham, Esq; to the Rectory of Kildal, in Cleveland ; and was also ad- mitted by the Archbishop of York to the Perpetual Curacy of Guilsborough, in the Patronage ot his Grace, both vacant by the Death of the late Mr. Hyde of Bath. L. THE Gentlemen, Clergy, end Freeholders of the County of NORTHAMPTON are desired by the Lord- lieutenant to meet at the Sessions- House in Northampton, on Thursday the 3d Day of December next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, to consider of proper Persons to represent the County in the ensuing Parliament. It is hoped that no Person will engage his Vote or Interest till the Sense of the County can be taken. There will be an Ordinary at the George and Red- Lyon. JAMES LANGHAM, Sheriff: Commerce is divided among the Indians, Tartars, Turks, Jews, Armenians, and Europeans French, Spanish, English, and Dutch. Benjamin, to exempt himself from the Cavalcade and Bastinading, offered to turn Mahometan of the Sect of Hali ; but he was told, That Robbers had no Need of Religion ; that he was born a Ghiaoun [ that is a Dog] and that he should die as such." J. POLAND. Warsaw, Oct. 14. The Aspect of public Affairs in this King- dom becomes every Day more alarming. The Interval between the 6th and 12th Inst. : being the Day to which the Dyet was ' prorogued, was employed in using e » ery Expedient to bring those into a favourable Disposition who had opposed the Plan proposed by Prince Charles de Railzivil; but all the Measures taken for this Purpose proved ineffectual. The Dyet sat on the Day fixed, but proved extremely tumultuous. The Bishop of Cracovia, the Bishop of Kiovia, some other Prelates, and fome of the Mag- nates, declared they would never consent to the Establishment of a Commission furnished with full Power to enter into a Confer- ence with the Russian Ambassador, and at the same Time spoke with more Vehemence than ever against the Pretensions of the Dissidents. Some of the Deputies replied to this with great Warmth and the Animosity among them rose to such a Degree, that the Marshal of the Dyet prorogued the Meeting to the 16th lnstant. The Day after the tumultuous Assembly above- mentioned, the Bishop of Cracovia, the Bishop of Kiovia, Count Rzewuski, the Waywode ot Cracovia, and his Son, and some other Deputies, v » eie carried off by some Detachments of the Russian Troops, ( as is already mentioned) and have not since been heard of. We have likewise received Advice that other Detachments of the same Troops have marched into the Estates. of those Noblemen, and live there at Discretion. This Step has intimidated some of as is always the Case with those that happen at Ispahan, where j Gentleman an Appointment of 12,000 Livers, with the character 0f Minister- Plenipotentiary, that he may perform the Functions thereof in case of the Absence of the Count de Chatelet. G. His Most Christian Majesty has granted a Pension of 12,000 Franks to the Widow and Children of the late Count de Guerchy; and his Majesty has likewise declared his Intention of discharging the Debts which that Minister contracted in his Service. G. Private Letters from Vienna advise, that the Empress- Queen's Grief for the Death ot the Archduchess Josepha, her Daughter, has brought on a dangerous Illness, which was reported at the Departure ot the Post to be a Spotted Fever, and which had thrown the Court and whole City of Vienna into inexpressible Consternation. G, A Letter from Lisbon, dated Oct. 3, says, that at a Quarter after Eight that Morning, was felt there a Shock of an Earth- quake, which lasted near a Minute ; but makes no Mention of any Damage occasioned by it. J. By Letters from Constantinople there is Advice, that the Doctrine of Predestination, to which that dreadful Scourge the Pestilence is more attributed than to any Insalubrity of the Air, begins daily to lose Ground in Turky. " L. We hear that the Rev. Mr. Stockwell, Vicar of Henley, in Oxfordshire, will succeed to the Prebendary of Worcester, vacant by the Promotion of the Rev. Dr. Newcome to the Deanry of Rochester. G. Broome Witts, Esq; of Chipping- Norton, Oxfordshire, is appointed Receiver- General of the Land and Window- Tax, in the County of Oxford, in the room of Samuel Willmott, Esq; who has resigned. D. Wednesday the Steward of a Person of Distinction was dis- charged from his Service, for adding a few Items in a Tradesman's Bill, in order to pocket the Difference. Gaz. f A few Days since an eminent Butcher, not a Mile from the Fleet- Market, whose Wife was lying- in, was detected in Bed with To the Worthy E! e£ tors of the Town and Corporation of NORTHAMPTON, GENTLEMEN, SIR JAMES LANGHAM having declined any farther Offer of Service against the General Eleclion, vue beg Leave to return ; iu our grateful thanks J or the Steadiness and Support we haw been honour'd with from you; and we moh 110 Doubt, but, - on the Day of Election, that we shall have the Happiness of experiencing tbe fame Continuance of your Favors which have supported us through tbe late Opposition. We are, GENTlEMEN, with the greatest Respect, Your most obliged and most devoted, humble Servants, GEORGE OSBORN, GEORGE BRIDGES RODNEY. We hope those worthy! Eleilors who have already honour'd us with their kind Promises will excuse our troubling them with a farther Canvafs at this Time, fince our prefent Application is only to thofe Gentlemen who had, unfortunately for us, been pre- engaged to the late Candidate ; and that the feveral Gentlemen of tke Neighbourhood, who have fo firenuoufly exerted their hiterefand Endeavours for our Succefs, will permit us to return our moft grateful Thanks for the many Favors we have received, and hops they will honour us with the Continuance of them. GEORGE OSBORN, GEORGE BRIDGES RODNEY. Northampton, 06t. 27, 1767. the Deputies belonging to that Party, but others do not regard' Ladies of Pleasure ; being of a penurious Disposition, he paid it. The Bishops " and Noblemen above- mentioned are much . them, for Work and Business done, instead of Money, with three blamed by some People for the unguarded Expressions which they made use of when they spoke of the Powers in favour of the Dissidents. On the other Hand it is alledged that every Deputy at the Dyet ought to speak his Sentiments freely, and that it' he exceeds the Bounds of Decency, towards any of the Foreign Powers, it is the Business of the Tribunals of the Kingdom to proceed against him in a judicial Manner. In this critical Situation the King will have need of all his Wisdom, and the whole Force ot his Capacity, to devise Means to stop the turbulent Disposition ot the Members of the Dyet. It is to be feared the next Meeting will be as turbulent as the former ; and it is highly probable that many of the Members will insist upon the Noblemen, who have been carried off, being set at Liberty before any further Debates. G. , P O R T U G A L Lisbon, Sept, 20. The King has issued an Edict, by which his Majesty forbids his Subjects ot all Ranks and Conditions to ac- cept of any Letters cf Fraternity from the Jesuits, and orders at the same Time all those who have engaged themselves in any Association with that Society to renounce the same, it being his Majesty's Pleasure that no Regard be paid to the Bull of the Court of Rome, dated Sept. 10, 1766, beginning with the Words Animaritm Salute, & c. Lastly, the King enjoins all thole who continue to have any Connection with the said Fathers to quit his Dominions immediately. L. October 31, 1767. WHEREAS Sir JAMES LANGHAM, on Sunday last, acquainted his Committee, that, on Account of bad Health, and other Pretences, he must lay aside all Thoughts of representing the Town of NORTHAMPTON is the next General Parliament : The FRIENDS and ADVOCATES of LIBERTY, who so warmly espoused Sir JAMES LANGHAM, and had actually secured him a clear Majority, are desired to keep their Votes and Interest disengaged, at present, as a Gentleman of HONOUR, as well as Fortune, will shortly offer himself to their Service, and hope for their Continuance and Support. Ribs of Beef, one Leg of Mutton, and two Necks to make Broth with. L. Early this Morning fome young Fellows, through Fun, hung up a stuffed Figure, dressed in Mourning, with a Dark- Lanthorn Northampton, Nov. 7, 1767. in one Hand and a Match in the other, of Guy Faux, in Com- WHEREAS it has been ancmmously advertised and memoration of the 5th of November, among the Lamps on assiduously propagated, that when Sir James Langham Snow- Hill, where the Conduit formerly stood ; which excited a declined the Contest for this Borough, his COMMITTEE had actually secured him a clear Majority: In order therefore to set this Matter in its true Light, the Publick is hereby assured, that, upon the strictest Scrutiny possible, Sir George Osborn and Sir George Rodney had each of them at that Time so very considerable a Majority ( which is now greatly encreased) as to put their Success beyond a Doubt, which probably was one principal Reason ( amongst others) for Sir James's dropping the Opposition. Signed, by Order of the Committee in the Interest of Sir Geo. Osborne, and Sir Geo. Rodney, JOHN JEYES, Clerks to the said CHA. MORGAN, Committee. LONDON, November 5. Yesterday being tlie Anniversary of the Birth- Day of the late King William the Third, of glorious Memory, who was born November the 4th, 1650, also his Wedding Day, he being married November 4, 1677, the same was observed by the Lovers of Liberty. An :! this Day being the Anniversary of the Powder- Plot, the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, Sheriffs, & c. attended Divine Service at St. Paul's Cathedral ; where the Rev. Mr. Keighly, his Lordship's Chaplain, preachcd a Sermon suitable to the Occasion. G, Number of Spectators, and caused some little Business for the Pickpockets. L. Yesterday was held, at the Old- Bailey, a Session of the High Court of Admiralty, at which there were only two Prisoners tried; against one of whom was preferred an Indictment for beating, ill- treating, and starving an Apprentice on the High Seas on a Voyage to Guinea and other Parts; but the Evidence being in- sufficient, the Grand- Jury returned the same not found; where- on he was immediately discharged. The other Prisoner was likewise a Master of a Vessel, and charged by his Commitment with feloniously and wilful casting away, and destroying, on the High Seas, the said Vessel, with Intent to prejudice divers Per- sons who had undertook a Policy of Insurance thereon; but there being no Bill preferred to the Grand- Jury, he was dis- charged ot that Offence. A Detainer was produced against the last- mentioned Prisoner, charging- him with an IndiCtment'found against him at the last Sessions at the Old- Bailey, tor unlawfully conspiring, together with another Person, to cheat and defraud several Gentlemen of divers large Sums of Money, to the A- mount of one thousand six hundred Pounds; and which being a bailable Offence, he was committed till he should find Bail to an- swer at the next Sessions to be held for the City of London. G Thursday a Wherry, with three Passengers, going through London- Bridge, struck against the Sterlings, and overset; but several Boats putting off to their Assistance, happily no Lives were lost. Gaz. AMERICA. Philadelphia, Sept. ax. Saturday last Capt. Powell, in the Ship Loveley Lass, arrived here trom Jamaica. He brought in with him six People, belonging to the Brig Sally, Capt. Tabary, of this Port, bound to Hispaniola, which, as she was laying to^ H To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders of the County of HUNTINGDON. GENTLEMEN, HAVING met with the greatest Encouragement in my Canvass, _ even beyond my most sanguine Expectations, I take this earliest Opportunity of expressing my Gratitude in the warmest Acknowledg- ments, and of intreating the Continuance of your Favours. I am firmly resolved to support my Friends, and oppose all those arbitrary Measures which have been used to defeat my Election, and rob tbe County of its Liberty, under pretence of preferring its Peace. If I am so happy as to succeed, I shall make it my constant Endeavour steadily to pursue the Interest of my Country in general, and of this County and every Town in it in particular, to the utmost of my Abilities; and am. GENTLEMEN, Your most obliged, faithful Servant ROBERT BERNARD.. Bedford, Oct 31, 1767' To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders of the County of BEDFORD. GENTLEMEN, HAVING had the Honor, this Day, at a numerous Meeting of the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders, to be unanimously put in Nomination as proper Persons to represent this County in the ensuing Parliament; We beg Leave to embrace the earliest Opportunity of returning you our most hearty Thanks for the Honor you have done us, and intreat the Favor of your Votes and Interest in our Support on the Day of Election. We are, GENTLEMEN, ' Your most obliged and Most faithful, humble Servants, UPPER OSSORY, ROBERT HENLEY ONGLEY, To the Worthy Electors of the Town of BEDFORD. GENTLEMEN, AFTER frequent Invitations by the general Voice of you, my Friends and Countrymen, to be a Candidate to repreSent you in the next Parliament, I aM SO happy as to find, upon mY late PerSOnaL Application, that your kind Invitations were sincere, as I met with a free, hearty, and generous Reception from the Rich and the Poor equally, with Resolution to support me at the Time of Election with your Votes and Interest. I therefore return you all my most grateful Thanks, and will chearfully trust that what you have fo freely pro- mifed me you will as faithfully perform. I AM GENTLEMEN, Cardington, Your affectionate Countryman, Sept. 28, 1767. ' Neighbour, and most faithful Friend, SAMUEL WHITBREAD. To the Worthy Freemen and Burgesses of BEDFORD, resident in the Town. not H GENTLEMEN, AVING had the Honor to he approved of by a great Majority of the worthy Electors of the Town of Bedford, to be a Candi- date at the next Election, to reprefent that antient Borough in Parlia- ment ; 1 humbly intreat the Favor of your Votes and Interest in my Support. I will do myself the Honor to apply to you farther as soon as Time will permil me. I AM, GENTLEMEN, Cardington, Your most obedient, Sept. 28, 1767. humble Servant, SAMUEL WHITBREAD. ( ' 35 ) • To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JAMES BRADFORD, On Tuefday the 16lb Day of November, 17S7, ALL the HOUSHOLD- FURNITURE, BREWING and DAIRY- UTENSILS of Mr. THOMAS HiCKINBoTTOM, of Leekhamstead,. near Buckingham, in the County of Bucks : Also four Waggons, three Carts, with Ploughs', Harrows, and Horses, See, The Sale to begin precisely at Ten o'Clock. N. B. Mr. Hickinbottom being gone to another ready- fur- nish'd bargain, the Whole will be sold without Reserve. a very sober Disposition, and of good _ charaCter, who can be well recommended from his last Place, in which he was about three Years with a Perdon in great Business at Coventry, would be glad to have a good Place in the. Grocery- Business, and, should it be required, in the Chandlery . along with it, as he is acquainted with both, tho' the former is most agreeable, and if a Place in London would be equally as agreeable as in the Country For Particulars, enquire of the Printers of this Paper.] To be SOLD by A u c T 1 o N, By JAMES BRADFORD, On Wednesday the 1 uh Day of November, 1767, at the Sign 0} the Crown in Akeley, in the County oj Bucks, ACOPYHOLD MESSUAGE, or TENEMENT, in good Repair; with a convenient Malting, Barn,. Stables, and Orchard; together with a Close of Pasture Ground thereto adjoining, containing about two Acres. The Premisses are the Property of Mr. John Nichols, in the Occupation of Mr. John Scot, and may be Entered on at Lady- Day next. To be SOLD by AuCTIOn, By JAMES BRADFORD, On Thursday the 12th of this Instant November, 1767, between the Hours of Three and Six, at the Three- Cups Inn in Bucking- ham, in the County of Bucks, ANeat MESSUAGE, or TENEMENT, with Barn and Garden thereto adjoining, pleasantly situated in the Prebend in the Town ot Buckingham aforesaid ; the Property of Mr. William Tompson, and in the Occupation of Wm. Smith. Bedford, Sept. 22, 1767. To the Worshipful the Mayor, Aldermen, Freemen, and Inhabitants of the Town of BEDFORD. HAVING this Day, on our Canvass, had the Honour of being univerfally approved of as proper Persons to represent this antient Borough and Town in Parliament, at the next General Election— Webeg Leave to embrace the earliest Opportunity of returning you our most hearty Thanks, and intreat the Favor of your Votes and Interest in our Support on the Day of Election, which will lay a lasting Obligation on, GENTLEMEN, Your most obliged and most devoted, humble Servants, RICHARD VERNON, THOMAS HATTON. To be SOLD to the best Bidder, On Monday the ^ cth of this Inst. November, at the House of Mr. Richard PYOTT, in Little- Brickhill, in the County of Buckingham, ALarge, convenient Dwelling- House, Malt- House, Barns, Stables, Cow- House, Yard, Orchard, Garden, & c. to- gether with about an Acre and a- Half of Land adjoining and belonging to the fame, situate in Little- Brickhill aforesaid ; and now in the Occupation of Mr. Samuel King and Mr. Pyot, Tenants at Will. For farther Particulars, enquire of Messrs, Dutton and Hodson, Mercers, at No. 169, 111 Fleet- Street, London. N. B. The Tenants will shew the Premisses. ALL Persons, whom it shall or may concern, are hereby forewarn'd from trusting Elizabeth Tebbit, the Wife of me Robert Tebbit, of Long- Buckby, in the County of North- ampton, Wool- comber; for I hereby give publick Notice, that I will not pay any Debts which she shall contract. Given under my Hand this 6th Day of November, 1767, ROBERT TEBBIT. ANY Gentlemen, wanting a Quantity of Ash, Thorn, or Crab Sets, fit for present Use, may be supply'd on reason- able Terms, also any Quantity of Posts and Rails may be had, by applying to William Hoar, at Towcester, Northamptonshire. Any Gentleman, disposed to treat for a Quantity, by a Letter directed as aforesaid, will be waited on. N. B. A good Barn- Floor Perlim Stuff well season'd. INOCULATION, MR. STUBBE, Surgeon, of Leighton- Buzzard, and Mr. WARREN, Surgeon, of Dunstable, Bedfordshire, Partners in INOCULATION, take this Method to inform their Friends and the Public, that they continue to Inoculate at a very con've- nient House in a pleasant and healthful Situation 011 Thorn- Green, between Dunstable and Leighton, and near the Turnpike- Road, which they us'd last Season for that Purpose with such Success, that out ot the great Numbers they Inoculated not one was confin'd a single Day, and the Patients have enjoy'd a good State of Health ever since. The Terms are Five Guineas, and Three Guineas for People in indifferent Circum- stances, for which every Necessary will be found, with proper Attendance, ( Tea, Sugar, and Linen excepted) and the greatest Regard paid to their safe and perfect Recovery. Bedford, Nov. 2, 1767. AL L Persons indebted to the late Mrs. Ann Okely, of the Town of Bedford, deceased, Milliner, are once again hereby requested to pay in their respective Debts to her Executors Mess. Francis and William Okely, between this and Christmas next, without further Notice. 1 As the said William Okely still carries on the same Business, in all the different Branches of it, he takes this Opportunity of soliciting the Continuance ot the Favours of his late Mother's Friends, hoping to be equally deserving of them. To be SOLD And Entered upon at Christmas or Lady- Day next, as may he mofi agreeable to a Purchaser,, ALL that MESSUAGE, TENEMENT, orFARM- HOUSE, with the Yard, Out- Buildings, and Appurtenances there- unto belonging, in the Brook- End in Daventry, in the County of Northampton, late in the Occupation of John Stanton, Farmer, and now of- Edward Upstone ; together with five little Tenements thereunto or near adjoining, and also Common of Vatture tor three Horfes, three Cows, and sixty Sheep, ir. the Open and Common Fields of Daventry aforesaid, and upon a Place there called Burrough- Hill, a large and extensive Common. N. B. The Premises are capable ot great Improvement, and rtiere is Room enough to carry on almost any Trade or Business. Mr. Richard Penn, of Daventry, will shew the Premises; and as to further Particulars, enquire of Mr. Harrison, Attorney at Law, in Daventry. To be SOLD to the best Bidder, At the Hind Inn in Wellingborough, in the County of Northampton an Wednesday the 18th of November lnstant, in ihe Afternoon, * FREEHOLD MESSUAGE, or TENEMENT, and HOME STEAD; consisting ot a convenient Dwelling- House, with a good Kitchen and Parlour, and several convenient Lodging Rooms over the same ; with a Brewhouse in the Yard, Dairy two Bams, Stables, and other Out- Buildings thereto belonging late in the Occupation of the Owner, Mr. Thomas Wood. For Particulars, apply to the laid Mr. Wood at his House in or Mr. Markham in Northampton, or at his said Hind Inn in Wellingborough on a WANTED immediately, ASteady SERVANT, who thoroughly understands the Management of a Stable, knows something of Husbandrv and Gardening, and can drive a Pair of Horses with a Box occasionally. A CharaCter from his last Place will be expeCted, and Sobriety particularly indited on. Enquire of the Printers of this Paper. Saturdays and Sunday s POSTS, FOREIGN AFFAIRS. The following ADVICFS came by a Mail from Flanders. I T A L Y. Leghorn, October 6. THEY write from Algayola, that when the Corsicans re- entered that Place, after, the Retreat of the French, they found in a small Fort, washed by the Sea, nine Pieces of Cannon, 60 Barrels of Powder, .. and other Ammunition. The Town of Algayola, which is surrounded by high Walls, was entirely dis- mantled by the Corsicans in 1732, when they began the War with the Genoese ; but it has since been repaired. There is now a Body of Troops in it, and the Inhabitants are admitted to Offices and Employments in the Republick. D. LONDON, November 7. Yesterday Lord Botetourt had the Honour of kissing his Ma- jesty's Hand at St. James's, on his being appointed a Lord or the Bed- Chamber to his Majesty. Gaz. We hear that the Right Hon. the Earl of Chatham is relapsed, and lies very ill at Bath. Gaz. We hear the new- born Prince is to be christened Edward- Augustus, after the late Duke of York. Gaz. At a Common Council held Yesterday at Guildhall, a Motion was made, that an humble Address be presented to his Majesty to congratulate him on the safe Delivery of the Queen, and the Birth of another Prince, and to console his Majesty on the Death of his Majesty's Brother, his Royal Highness the Duke of York : The same was resolved unanimously. And a Motion was made by Deputy John Paterson, Esq; as follows -. ' That an humble Petition from this Court to the Hon. House ' of Commons be prepared to be presented at the Opening ot the ' next Session of Parliament, setting forth, that the present high ' Prices of Grain, and all other Sorts of Provision, forcibly call ' Upon us to solicit the earned Attention of that Hon. House to ' the Distresses of our industrious Poor, whose Situation, whilst ' it excites Compassion for the immediate Sufferers, must raise our ' Apprehensions for the Consequences to the Manufactures, ' Trade and Population, and ultimately to the Landed Interest ' of this Kingdom. That altho' a moderate Bounty upon Ex- ' portation, in Times of great Plenty and Cheapness, maybe, a ' necessary Encouragement to the Culture and Increase of Com ' and Grain, and create a beneficial Article of Commerce, yet ' we humbly submit it to the Wisdom of that Hon. House,. . ' whether the present Bounty is not too high, and extended ' beyond the medium Prices, which the Manufacturer and La- ' bourer ought to pay, and at which the frugal Farmer can ' afford to sell; and whether it may not tend to promote an Ex. « portation beyond what our own Necessities can spare; and lastly, ' whether too much Encouragement to the Production of one • Species of Provision's. may not proportionality lessen the Culti- ' vation of others, so as to make them scarce, and enhance their ' Prices. That we most gratefully acknowledge the Wisdom ' Goodness of Parliament, in the Acts passed last Session for pro- ' hibiting the Exportation, and allowing the free Importation of ' Corn, and for restraining the Distillers ; but are apprehensive, ' that should these salutary Laws be suffered to expire during the ' present Exigency, the good Intentions thereof may be defeated; ' for as the Bounty granted by the ACt of the First of King W. ' and Queen M. upon Exportation, is not by express Words « restricted to Corn and Grain of the Growth of Great- Britain, '- there is great Reason to suspect that great Part of the Corn WANTED immediately, TWO JOURNEYMEN PLUMBERS and GLAZIERS. __ Good Workmen, well recommende- d, may have constant Employ and good Wages, by applying to Edward Kerby, Plumber and Glazier, at Northampton. W. SIMES, J. SIMES, M. TENMANT, W. RICHARDSON. Wellingborough; Chamber at the Wednesday. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. WAY, On Wednesday and Thursday the 18th and 19th Days of Nov. 1767. ALL the Houshold- Furniture and Linen, Stuck of Corn, Hay, Cattle and Farming- Utensils of Mr. RICHARD WELFoRD, at Brillbury- Hall, near Brill, in the County of Bucks ; consisting of several Ricks of Beans, Wheat, and Barley ; about 200 Ions of good Hay, 26 Cows and a Bull, 7 Horles, 2 Waggons, 2 Carts, Ploughs, Harness ; 11 Milk- Leads, a large new Tumbrel, & c. & c. The Whole may be viewed the Day before the Sale, which will begin precisely at Ten o'Clock. CATALOGUES will be delivered in due Time. November 7, 1767. BEGINS on Monday next for the Winter Season, the Manchester, Derby, Leeds, and Nottingham MACHlNES, three Days from Manchester and Leeds to London : The faid Machines lie at Derby, Nottingham, and Northampton, both in going up, and coming down ; lets off from each Place for London at Five o'Clock in the Morning, and returns at the same Time for the North every Day in the Week from Northampton ; each Passenger to pay 14s. trom Northampton to London, and so in proportion to any Part ot the Road : Each Passenger allowed 14. lb. Luggage. Performed by, J. HANFORTH, T. STOKES, T. HILLYARD, J. BENTON, J. FOSTER, N. B. The Leeds Coach lies at Northampton on Sundays to rest, both up and down, where Passengers may take Places upon a Certainty for London or Northwards. WHEREAS, on Saturday the 17th of last Month, I very unjustly assaulted and insulted my Sister- in- Law, Mrs. Mary Billson, Wife of Mr. Robert Billson, ot Northampton, Carrier in the public Market in the Town of Northampton, without any Cause whatsoever, and she has since set on foot a Prosecution against me for the same, but, upon my promising to ask her Pardon, and never to offend her any more, has agreed to drop the said Prosecution : Now I do hereby acknowledge my Fault and do hereby ask her Pardon for the same, and promise never to offend her any more. Witness my Hand this 2d Day of November 1767, The Mark X of ANN BILLSON, Witness, Servant to Mr. John Pain. John Turvey, Edward Dunkley. STOLEN or Stray'd, out of a Close at Abthorpe, in North- amptonshire, on Sunday Night the 1st ot November Instant, A Black Cart MARE, seven Years old, about fourteen Hands and a- Half high, with a Blaze down her Face, tour white Feet, I the two Feet on the near Side white something higher than the 1 other two, and the fore Leg on the neaf Side has about a Hand's Breadth of White on the lnside of the Shin higher than the rest Part of the Leg ; has a few grey Hairs on the Back, occasioned by the Saddle. Whoever gives Notice of the said Mare to John Henson ot Anthorpe aforesaid, so as she may be had again, shall receive One Guinea Reward, reasonable Charges, and no Questions asked. lately imported has been with- held from the Market, in Hopes ' of a speedy Opportunity to re- export it, with the Advantage ' of a Bounty. And therefore praying that Hon. Houfe to take ' these important Matters into their most serious Consideration, ' and to provide such effectual Remedies for the Distresses ot the ' Poor as the Wisdom of that Hon. House shall judge Consistent with ' the real and permanent Intereits hoth ot the Farmer and Con- ' sumer.' Which was referred to a Committee of twelve Aldermen and twenty- four Commoners to conlider, and leport to the next Court, and a Committee was appointed accordingly for that Purpose. P. , Lord Townshend, we are told, is already extremely popular in his Government and the Septennial Bill, it is thought, will certainly pass both Houses of the Irish Parliament. Gaz.. Wagers are held that the Flames of War will be kindled in Po- land before the Commencement of the New Year. Gaz. Yesterday several Bakers were summoned before the Lord- Mayor at the Mansion- House for short Weight of Bread; when three of them were fined, one in the Sum of 2I. 4s. a Second the Sum of 1l. and the other 5I. 0s 6d. In all 8l. 4s. 6d. which they direCtly paid. P. L. Yesterday Morning early a Fire broke out at a Biscuit- Baker's in Rotherhithe, which burnt a back Shop, and several Barrels of Flour, but was soon extinguished. P L. Extract 0f a Letter from on board his Majesty's Ship Dolphin, in Port- Famine, in the Streights of Magellan, dated Jan. 27, 1767. " Our's is- a particular Voyage; not a Station ; for we are always at Sea, except we put in to get Wood and Water. The first Place we touched at was Madeira, to take in Wine ; from thence we sailed to St. Jago, near the Coast of Guinea ; from thence to Cape Blanco, on the Coast of Brazil; from thence to Cape Virgin Mary, and here we saw Giants ; they are not so tall as Commodore Byron reported, but they are, for the general Part, between seven and eight Feet high, and the squarest and thickest Men I ever saw. We took five of them on board, three Men and two Women ; they are all naked, only a Skin round their Bodies. Among these Savages every Man hath his Horse, and we saw some Thousands of them. As for Provisions, they eat all raw. YOu shall have a better Account ot them when I come home. Though it is the Middle of Summer the Hills are all covered with Snow. Time will not permit any more of them at present. " We are bound now to Juan- Fernandez, and from thence to Batavia, in the East- Indies. I hope to be at home in twelve Months; and I am certain I shall make the best Voyage I ever made in my Life. We expert to sail round the Globe in 18 Months." P. L. Northampton, Nov. 9. On Saturday last the Prices of all Sorts ot Gram in our Market were sinking except Beans, which were upon the Rise. Last Tuesday was married at Adderbury, in the County of Oxford, Hawtry Huckell, Esq; of Bodicot, to Miss Kitty Grant, of Adderbury,' a beautiful young Lady, with a very large Fortune. REClPE for Sickness occasioned by eating Mushrooms. Take a strong Vomit or Antimonial Wine, or Ipecachuannah; and after heal the Stomach with Milk or Oil.. BANKRUPTS. Philip Frankell, of Great Marlborough Street, Middlesex, Dealer. To Surrender Nov. 10, 14, and Dec. 12, at Guildhall, London. John Portman, of Bewdley, Worcestershire, Innholder. To surrender Nov. 23, 24, and Dec. 12, at the Angel in Bewdley. William Baggridge, of Stains, Middleesx, Victualler. To surrender Nov. 14, 16, and Dec. 15, at Guildhall, London. John Burghall, of Holborn- Bridge, London, Cheesemonger. To surrender Nov. 10, 25, and Dec. 15, at Guildhall. Joseph Cohen, of Leadenhall- Street, London, Merchant. To surrender Nov. 5, 20, and Dev. 15, at Guildhall. BANKRUPTCY postponed. James Campling, of Marybone, Middlesex, Carpenter. To surrender Nov. 13, at Guildhall, London. DIVIDENDS to be made to CREDITORS. Nov. 24. Sarah Bybee, of Purple- Lane, Holborn, Middlesex, Brewer, at Guildhall, London. Nov. 28. David Richardson, of St. Sepulchre's, Middlesex, Hosier, at Guildhall, London. Dec. 3. James Stephenson, of Liverpool, Lancashire, Dealer, at Pontack's Coffee- house in Liverpool. CERTIFICATES to be granted. Nov. 21. William Slater, of London, Hosier. William Harrold the Younger, of Birmingham, Warwickshire, Draper. Aaron Goolden the Younger, of Bridgnorth, Salop, Grocer. Thomas Butts, of Ratcliff- Row, Middlesex, Watch- Spring- Maker. PRICES of GOODS at the Corn Exchange in Mark- Lane, London. Wheat 40s. to 54s. Bye 20s. to 22s.. Oats 13s. to 20s. Barley 24s. to 29s. Brown Malt 32s. to 37s. Pale Mait 32s. ro 35s. Pease 30s. to 32s. Hog Pease 26s. to 28s. Beans 20s. to 26s. Tares 20s. to 24S. per Quarter. Fineft Flour 46s. Second Sort 4.4s. Third Sett 42s. per Sack. Rape- Seed 20I. per Last. PRICES of STOCKS. Bank Stock 1- half. India ditto 268 i- half. South- Sea ditto— Ditto Old Annuities 86 a 5- Stbs. Ditto New 87 5- Sths, Three per Cent. Bank Annuities Reduced 87 3 qrs, a 7- 8ths. Ditto Conf. 88 a 7- 8ths. Ditto 1726 — Ditto 1751—- India Annuities— Three i- half Bank Ann. 1756—- Dittoi7j8 — Four per Cent. 1^ 62, joo 3- qrs. a 7- 81I1S. Navy 1763, 100 a- 8th. Four perCent. 1763 —- India aonds4s. a js. Prem. Navy and Victualling Bills— Exchequer Bills— j- ong An- nuities — Lottery Tickets 111.17s. Glass's MAGNESIA, APPROVED and recommended by the most eminent of the Faculty, and given with good Effect to His ROVAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES, and THE YOUNGER PRINCES, is sold, as usual, at his House in Oxford, in Guinea, Half- Guinea, and Six- Shilling Boxes, with Directions for taking it inclosed. Sold also by R. Davis, Bookseller, in Piccadilly ; J. Fletcher, in St. Paul's Church- Yard ; J. Lacy, Bookseller, in Northampton; and at several other Capital Places' in this Kingdom. Whera may be had, an Essay on the Nature and Virtues of this Medicine, by S. Glass, Surgeon, Price 1s. This Preparation, which for Purity and Goodness far exceeds every other, is well known to be the most powerful Corrector of Acid in the Stomach and Bowels; and is therefore particularly efficacious in Childrens Disorders, and may be lately given to them in their earliest Infancy. It is equally Serviceable to Persons of more advanced Years, of delicate Constitutions, and to those whose Powers of Digestion are naturally weak, or impaired, as it corrects that Acidity arising from Indigestion, which is the Foundation of most chronical Complaints. The Heart- burn it instantly cures, and answers better than any other Medicine in occasional or habitual Costiveness. As a Purgative, it is mild and gentle in its Operation, occasions neither Sickness nor Griping, requires no Confinement or Regimen of Diet, and is entirely without Smell or Taste. AS several daring, impudent, and scurrilous Advertisements _ have appeared in fome News- Papers, in the Name of John Ravenscroft, our late Servant, it is necessary to inform the Public, That he is absolutely incapable of having the least Knowledge in the Preparation of our PATENT JESUITS DROPS: He, the said John Ravenscroft, was hired only as a Servant ( merely through Compassion) by Mr. Wessels, our Acting Partner, to cork and seal our Bottles, and carry out small Parcels ; as appears by Affidavit, sworn before the Lord- Mayor, Nov. 22, 1766; and so far from his Knowledge in preparing 0ur PATENT JESUITS DROPS, even we, who are the Daugh- ters of the late Dr. Robert Walker, and Partners with Mr. Wessels, never were present at the Making the said PATENT JESUITS DROPS, nor intruded with the Preparation thereof, that being the Business of Mr. Wessels, who was solely intrusted by the late Dr. Walker ; and the Receipt of the Medicine has been, for several Years past, lodged, by Mr. Wessels, in the Hands of the surviving Executor. As witness our Hands, JUDITH BURLING, ELIZABETH CROFT, ANN RAVENSCROFT. Our PATENT JESUITS DROPS are a certain, pleasant, safe, cheap, effectual, and immediate Cure for the Venereal Disease, or obstinate or inveterate Gleets or Weaknesses, both Sexes are subject to, of the Reins or Kidneys, of ever so long standing, either by Venereal Complaints or Self- Pollution. It is likewise a Purifier ot the Blood in all Scorbutic Humours; also for the Gravel in the Kidneys or Bladder, and all Disorders in the Urinary Passages; Difficulty in making or retaining Water, whether from Gravel, Stone, Strangury, or Venereal Causes: It is likewise a Specific for all Disorders in the Stomach, Gout, and Rheumatic Pains. To be had in Bottles, at 5s. and 2s. 6d. each, at the Patentee's, No. 45, at the King's- Arms, Old- Baily ; and at Mrs. Pasham's. Bookseller, the upper End of the Drapery, Northampton. Where likewise is to be had Dr. Walker's Specific Purging Remedy, at 2 s. 6 d. a Pot. 1 J. WESSELS. ( ) For the certain CURE of the SCURVY. ESSENCE of WATER- DOCK, prepared by the Directions of Dr. HILL. There is no Question but this Plant will cure the most inveterate SCURVY. The Antients all affirm it; and the Cures daily performed by the Effence prove their Truth. It not only clears the skin of Eruptions, but mends the whole Constitution. Scorbutic Persons are subject to have bad Stomachs, and to be miserably low- spirited, and many have these Complaints, not knowing the Scurvy is the Cause : This Medicine takes off the Faintness, creates an Appetite and good Digestion immediately, and gradually clears the Skin, and prevents future Eruptions. The Afflicted may depend on these Effects. Sold by R. Baldwin in Pater- noster Row, and J. Jackson, Bookseller, the lower End of St. James's Street, London; at 3s. a Bottle, with Directions. Sold also by Mr. John Lacy, Bookseller, in Northampton, and most of the noted Booksellers in Great- Britain, authorized by Mr. Baldwin to sell it. ' Of whom may be had Dr. HILL'S other Medicines. The following BOOKS and MEDICINES may he had of the Printers hereof, and of the Men who carry this News : Also of the following Booksellers, viz. J. Jentkinson in Huntingdon, and R. Hull in St. Alban's, and the Newsmen who distribute this Paper in those Parts; J. Clay, in Daventry, and at his Shops in Rugby and Lutterworth ; R, Wilcox, in Towcester; B. Seeley, in Buckingham; W. Harrod, in Market- Har- borough; and Ratten, Parker and T. Luckman, in Coventry. This Day is publish, d, Price 1s. FAITH, HOPE, and CHARITY, described and recom- mended : In Two SERMONS. By C. ATKINSON, Minister of Deane, in Bedfordshire. Printed for J. Payne, in Pater- noster Row. On Tuesday, ihe 17th Instant, will be publish'd, With the ALMANACKS, Printed on a superfine Writing- Paper, and ruled in a remarkably neat and much more useful Manner than any other POCKET. BOOK, Price 1s. 8d. bound in red Leather with Pockets for securing Papers and Letters, or 1s. 6d. bound in Parchment in the same Manner, TRADESMAN'S YEARLY ACCOUNT- BOOK, and DAILY POCKET- COMPANION, for 1768. Contain- ing a Form for keeping Accounts in each Week throughout the Year, exactly ruled, in a Manner much more intelligible, distinct, and useful, than any hitherto invented ; together with Spaces allotted for Daily Memorandums, Occurrences, and Engagements. Among the many useful Articles with which this POCKET- BOoK is filled, and which render it a Book of the utmost Utility to all Persons who are desirous of conducting their Affairs with Regularity, will be given a very correct List of the Merchants and Traders of the Cities of London and Westminster, and their Environs; compiled in a very careful Manner by a personal Application to each House, comprehending above five hundred Names omitted in every other Book; and corrected to the present Time. No Tradesman in Great- Britain need be told how useful such a Book will be found in all Transactions with the Metropolis. London:' Printed for J. Payne, Numb. 54, in Pater- noster Row. To distinguish this Pocket- Book from every other, it is requested that the Public would be very careful to order PAYNE'S POCKET- BOOK for 1768, which has the only correct List of London Traders; other wise they may have an inferior Sort put into their Hands. On Thursday, the 19th Instant, will be publish'd, Neatly printed in One Volume, Octavo, Price bound 6 s. LAWS concerning the ELECTIONS of MEMBERS of PARLIAMENT, with the DETERMINATIONS of the Hon. HOUSE of COMMONS thereon ; and all their Incidents, as the Issuing of the Writ, the Taking of the Poll, the Scrutiny, the Return, the Qualifications of the Electors and Elected, Oaths to be taken, Right of, Election in the several Cities and Boroughs, Evidence proper on Hearing, Disqualification by Offices, Bribery, Treating, Riots. The Whole digested under proper Titles; also a Table of, the principal Matters. Continued down to the End of the Session of Parliament 1767. London: Printed for W. Owen, in Fleet- Street; and sold by all the Booksellers in Town and Country. On tbe 2d Instant was publish'd, Price 6d. ( Embellished by a View of the West Front of the elegant Villa, and the Gardens and Cascade, of the Earl of Burlington at Chiswick; and a Continuation of the correct Plan of the Road from London to Berwick, both neatly engraved also a favourite Song set to Music) THE LONDON MAGAZINE, for OCTOBER, 1767. Which contains every Thing useful, entertaining, and temporary ; and amongst a great Variety of Originals and other Pieces, the following, viz. The excellent and constitutional History of tbe last Session of Parliament, with the Supplies granted for the Service of the present Year, and the Reasons on which the Resolutions of the Committee were founded. Cogent Observations on the Dispute between the Fellows and Licentiates of the College of Physicians, Ld. Lyttleton of the ancient and present Value of Money. Re- flexions on the Growth of Popery. Entertaining Account of several Greek Islands, and of Constantinople. Narrative of the Dismission of Lord E . Letter of Mr. Pelham to Lady Jane Douglas, and that injured Lady's Letter to the Earl ot Morton. Salutary Advice to Electors. Ladies Heads justly satirized. A Word in Season as to the Dearness of Provisions. Speech at the Opening of the Irish Parliament. A Peep behind the Curtain. Description of Burlington- House at Chiswick. Present Appear- ance of Normandy. Remarkable Account of the Death of a Doge of Venice. Trial of Guest for filing Guineas. A curious Parliamentary Anecdote. Abstract of the Button Act. No Heat from the Moon. Defence of the Conversation on the Confessional. Useful Answer to certain Medical Queries . Mr. Page's honest Letter to his Constituents. Extraordinary Letter of Rousseau. Death of, and the last Honours paid to, the Duke of York at Monaco. Poetical Essays. The Monthly Chronologer. Foreign Affairs. And other useful Articles. Printed for R. Baldwin, ( No. 47) Pater- noster Row. A NEW WORK, Freed from the Errors, Obscurities and Superfluities of former Writers on the Subject. On Saturday, Nov. 14, 1767, will be published, ( Price Six- pence) Beautifully printed in Folio, on a new Letter and fine Paper, adorned with an elegant Frontispiece finely engraved by HALL ; the Whole to be completed in SIXTY Numbers ( or the Overplus given gratis) enriched with a great Variety of large Copper- Plates, which will be given in the Course of the Work; N U M B E R I. ( to be continued Weekly) of THE COMPLETE FARMER: Or, A GENERAL DICTIONARY of HUSBANDRY in all its Branches. Containing the various Methods ot Cultivating and Improv- ing every Species of Land, according to the Precepts of both the OLD and NEW HUSBANDRY. In which every Thing valuable from the best Writers on this Subject will be extracted, particularly from Linnseus, Chateauvieux, the Marquis of, Turbilly, Platt, Evelin, Worlidge, Mortimer, Tull, Ellis, Miller, Hale, Lille, Rocque, Mills, & c. Together with a great Variety of New Discoveries and Improvements. Also the whole Business of Breeding, Managing, and Fattening Cattle of all Kinds; and the most approved Methods of curing the various Diseases to which they are subject. Together with the Method of raising BEES, and of acquiring large Quantities of Wax and Honey, without destroying those laborious Insects. Likewise the most useful Parts of GARDENING; or those necessary for the Farmer and Country Gentleman. Illustrated with great Variety of Folio Copper- Plates, finely engraved ; exhibiting all the Instruments used in these necessary Arts; particularly those lately invented, and presented to the Society for the Encourage- ment of Arts, & c. in London, many of which have never yet appeared in any Work of this Nature. By a SOCIETY of G E N T L E M E N, Who are Members of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce,. Printed for the Authors; and sold by S. Crowder ( and J. Cooke at No. 10.) in Paternoster Row ; and to be had of all the Booksellers and News- Carriers in Town and Country. ( As the first Number ot this Work is intended as a Specimen, the Purchase- Money will be returned to such Persons whe do not chuse to procceed. In the faid Number will be given a Promisory Note of Hand from the Publilher, to deliver the Overplus gratis, if it should exceed the Sixty Numbers proposed.—— And in the laft Number a List of such ' Subsribers as chuse to have their Names appear to this Work shall be printed and delivered gratis. To the PUBLIC. In consequence of the many Premiums offered by the Society of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, many very ingenious Inventions and Improvements in Husbandry have been communi- cated to that Society, and obtained the promised Reward. Thefe the Authors of this Dictionary are determined to enrich their Work with, which they are the better enabled to do, » s they are all Members of that laudable Society. They likewife hope it will be remembered, that this is the first Attent to give a COMPLETE SYSTEM of every Branch of Husbandry, in the Form of a Dictionary , and to blend in one Work the various Discoveries made in different Nations. They also hope that the Pains they have taken to infert every Thing belonging to the same Subject in one Article, and to range the Whole in Alpha- betical Order, will be approved ot by their Subscribers, as it evidently tends to facilitate the Study of Husbandry, by enabling the Reader to find, with the greatest Ease and Expedition, what- ever Subject he may be desirous of consulting ; which cannot farf of being very serviceable to the Public, it being the general Complaint that in all the Books of Husbandry, though they, contain very valuable Materials scattered throughout, it requires much Time and Trouble to discover them. Dr. JOHN HOOPER's FEMALE PILLS,' Publish'd by virtue of the Kings Royal Letters Patent. These PILLS, by long Experience in private Practice,. have been found the most useful Remedy against those general Com- plaints the Female Sex are subject to ; they cleanse, purify, ana cause a free Circulation of the Blood, when m a manner ftagnated; open those Obstructions which Virgins are sfo liable to, and bring Nature into its proper Channel, whereby Health is restored, and the Patient, that look'd like Death, restor'd to a lively Complexion. They are the best Medicine ever discover'd for young Women when afflicted with what is vulgarly called the Green- Sickness, which two or three Boxes will certainly cure; and are also excellent for the Palpitation of the Heart, Giddiness, Loathing of Food, bad Digestion, Pains of the Stomach, Beating of the Arteries of the Neck, short Breath upon every little Motion, Sinking of the Spirits, a dejected Countenance, and Dislike to Exercise and Conversation ; and likewile for the Scurvy. For all which Distempers they are a never- failing Cure, and are to be given from seven Years old to seventy. They are likewise equally proper for married Women, unless when with Child, and ought always to be taken a Month after Delivery; for they cleanse the Body, and purge off those gross Humours, which, when retain'd, generate numerous Diseases, and render Women unhealthy ail their Lives; and therefore should be taken by all Women at the Age of Forty- five or Fifty, to prevent those Disorders that usually attend them at that Time. These PILLS have likewise been found a sovereign Remedy, either for Men or Women, in all Hypochondriac, Hysteric, or Vapourish Disorders; for they exceedingly strengthen the Nerves, throw off all gross Humours tending to. Melan- choly, invigorate the sinking Spirits, and cause an universal Chearfulness in tfe Body. They are cordial to the Stomach, and agreeable to the Smell and Taste. Each Box contains 40 Piils, which are about 10 Doses, and are sealed up in their Directions, with a Seal having these Words, JNQ HOOPER'S FEMALE PILLS, and round it, BY THE KING'S PATENT, the same as in the Margin. Pr. 1 s. the Box. AS ALSO, The well- known, long- experienc'd, and highly- approv'd Dr. Anderson's, or the famous SCOTCH PILLS. Faithfully prepared, and are of excellent Use in all Cases where Purging is necessary; and may be taken either with or without Epsom, Tunbridge, or other Mineral Waters. Price 1s. the Box, round or oval. Sealed with the Doctor's Head between C. D. Dr. Bateman's Pectoral Drops, for the Rheumatism, & c. at 1s. Dr. Fraunces's Female Strengthening Elixir, is. 6d. Baron Schwanberg's Liquid- Shell, for the Stone and Gravel,& c. IS. 6d. ( Published under Sanction of the King's Royal Patent.) Observe that the Names DICKY and OKELL be in all the. Direction Bills with every Box or Bottle. NORTHAMPTON Printed by CLUER. DICEY and SON; and may be had of J. JENKIN SON, Bookseller and Stationer, in Huntingdon, and R. HULL, Bookseller, in St. Alban's, by whom ADVERTISEMENTS for this Paper are taken in: Also all Sorts of Blank Warrants and Summons, Orders of Removal, Poor's Warrants, Window, Highway, and Land- Tax Warrants, & c. are sold by them.
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