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The Northampton Mercury
Date of Article: 19/10/1767
Printer / Publisher: Cluer Dicey and Son
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: XLVIII
Issue Number: XXXI
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VOL. XLVIII, ( 12i) N uMB. XXXI. MONDAY, October 19, 1767. ( To be continued Weekly. Price Two- pcnce Halfpenny. This PAPER, for more than forty- seven Years, hath, and continues to be, circulated in all the Market- Towns and populous Villages in the following Counties, viz. Northampton, Leicester, Nottingham, Rutland, Lincoln, Huntingdon, Cambridge and Isle of Ely, Bedford, Essex, Hertford, Buckingham, Berks, Oxford, Warwick to Birmingham, And Stafford, & c. a'nd by the Post to greater Distances. the London Paper's from which the following ARTICLES are colleded. D. Daily Advertiser. G. General Evening- Post.
Gaz. Gazetteer. Gt. London Gazette. J. St. James's Chronicle. L. London Evening- Post. Lon. London Chronicle. P. Publick Advertiser. P. L. Publick Ledger. Tuesday s and Wednesday s P O S T S. AFFAIRS. FOREIGN The following ADVICES came by two Mails from Holland. TURKEY Constantinople September 1. WE are still of Opinion that the Porte will at last find some Pretence to declare itself against the Russians, at least it should seem that it intends as much by the Quantity of Stores which are sent down to the Black Sea. The 14th of last Month an English Ship arrived in this Port, commanded by a Foreign Captain,
who, though he had hoisted British Colours, yet did not dare to declare himself an English- man to the British Ambassador, in order to claim his Protection. The Turks being informed that, neither this Minister, nor any other, were willing to acknowledge him for English, and know- ing him to be a Greek, conducted his Vessel to the Arsenal with the whole Crew, as being a lawful Prize.: They write from Smyrna, that the Differences between the Francs and the Greeks subsist still ; and that the French Ambassador had given his Nation to understand, that all Natives of France, who should for the future marry Greek Women either in
this Country or at Smyrna, shall forfeit his Protection.— The Plague is much abated, and we hope it will soon subside. L. RUSSIA. Moscow, Aug. 28. Last Wednesday the Empress, our gracious Sovereign, gave a public Audience to the Deputies of the Pro- vinces, charged to form the - new Code of - Law; General Bibikow, Marshal of that Assembly, made a pathetick Speech td her Imperial Majesty, who sat on her Throne, in which he ap- propriated to her, on the Part of the whole Assembly, the Titles and Sirnames of Na Welikaja, Premondraja and Matere Alet- schestwa, that is, of Great, Wise, and Mother of the Country.
Prince Galitzin, Vice- Chancellor, having returned an Anlwej to the Speech , ill the Name of the Empress, this august Princess spoke, and observed, that with regard to the Titles which they had bellowed on her, she left it to Posterity to judge whether by her Actions she deserved the Sirname of Great ; that as to that of Wise, she could not accept of it, Wisdom being the Attribute of God alone; and that with regard to the Title of Mother of the Country, she thought it belonged to her Dignity and Duty to love the Subjects that Providence had entrusted her with, and to make herself. beloved by them. The Deputies were afterwards
admitted to the Honour of kissing the Empress's Hands. L. POLAND. Warsaw, Sept. 50. We just now receive Advice, that a large Body of Russian Troops has entered the Lands of. the Waywode of Kiow ; and another- Body upon those of the Bishop of Kami- nieck; where they live at Discretion : But we know not yet what has given Occasion to this Proceeding — Another Piece ot News is just spread, which is very extraordinary, and consequently stands in the more Need- of Confirmation, viz, that the greatest Part of the Vassals or Peasants of the Grand Dutchy of Lithua- nia have confederated against their Lords. J. Kaminieck,
Sept. 20. Some of the. Russian Troops are actually 011 the Estates of M. Czacky, Great Cup- bearer of the Crown, which will not permit him to stir from thence, and therefore he cannot assist at the approaching Dyet Extraordinary. Several other Lords, who are Authors ot double Instructions, and in particular the Palatine of Kiow, have also received unwelcome Visits. ' Tis said that a Body of 8ooo of, the same Troops are to encamp on the Plain of Wola during the Sitting of the Dyet, and that the Regiment of Sievers is expected in a few Days. L. I T A L Y. Rome, Sept. ig. The Town of Spoletto, which hardly began to recover the
Damages it sustained by an Earthquake, has suffered seven fresh Shocks the 2d of this Month, which have thrown down not only some of the old Buildings, but even most of the Houses that had been rebuilt, L. Naples, Sept. 16; A few Days ago one of ' our Barks carrying several rich Merchants to Civita- Vecchia, was taken by an Alge- rine Corsair. There hath been dug up lately at Prevosa, a City built on the Ruins of the ancient Nicopolis in Epirus, a Quantity of Gold Medals, Jewels, and other Valuable Things. GERMANY. Hamburgh, OB. 2. A Letter from Warsaw, which comes from very good Hands, advises, that several of
the Grandees give sufficiently to understand, that they are not pleased at the Court of Russia's interfering so much in the Affairs of Poland ; that they own, however, that the same Court has a Right of employing its good Offices in favour, of the Dissidents, but has no Right to proceed further. L. Berlin, Oct. 3. Last Thursday his Serene Highness the Prince of Orange, attended by eight of the principal Officers of his Houshold, and about 50 Domestics of all Denominations, arrived at Potzdam, where he dined with the King of Prussia ; and the next Day he came with that Monarch to Berlin, where he was introduced to the Princess
Wilhelmina, in the Presence of the Royal Family only. In the Evening there was a Ball in the Queen of Prussia's Appartments, to which the Nobility and Fo- reign Ministers were invited ; and it is said the Marriage will be celebrated To- morrow Evening. Gt. PORTUGAL. Lisbon, Sept. 26. On Sunday last an Auto da Fe was celebrated here, in which eleven Men and three Women received Sentence. Not one was condemned to die ; and most of them were convicted of Offences, for which much heavier Punishments would have been insisted on them, had they been proceeded against in the King's Temporal Courts. Since his most
Faithful Majesty's Accession, the Burning of Hereticks has been disused. Gt, FRANCE. Paris, Sept. 28. A Letter is just published from Don Emanuel d'Amas, Viceroy of Peru, to the King of Spain, bearing Date the 6th of Sept. 1766 ; by which he informs his Catholic Majesty, " That the Jesuit Priests have a Warehouse in the City of Lima, where most of the Agents of South- America reside, and whither all Sorts of Merchandize are sent for Sale in that Country ; and that they have like Warehouses in the other Cities, in order to carry on an universal, and, indeed, an exclusive Commerce ; for, paying no Contribution, and being at
very little Expence, they find a quick Sale for their Goods, and take Ready Money ; leaving only for the Lay- Merchants the Debts and Failures of , those who purchase on Credit." In short, the Griefs contained in the Viceroy's Letter, joined to the Difficulties the King of Portugal met with when he attempted to reform the Jesuits, might have been alone fufficient to oblige his Catholic Majesty to get rid ot so irreligious and prejudicial a Body. L. Paris, Oct, 2. The Court will go into Mourning for eleven Days on account of the Death of the Duke of York, but not before his Majesty returns from Fontainebleau. Lon. LONDON, October 13.
The Parliament of Ireland is further prorogued to Tuesday the 20th Instant, then to meet at Dublin and sit for the Dispatch of Business. His Excellency the Lord Viscount Townshend, Lord Lieutenant of that Kingdom, passed thro' Coventry on Saturday last ( the 10th Inst.) in his Way thither. Extract of a letter from Portsmouth, Oct. 10. , " On Thursday last, after Post, an Express arrived here to Admiral Sir John Moore, to send out to Sea his Majesty's Frigates Boreas, Tweed, and Senegal Sloop, to meet the Montreal, if possible, with an Order to her not to touch at any Port with his Royal Highness the Duke of York's Body, until
they arrive at the Note, in consequence of which the two latter Ships set Sail on Thursday Evening, viz. the Tweed and Senegal, which are ot outward- bound ; the Boreas on Saturday ; we have not heard of her since : No doubt some of them must have met the Montreal, as it was expected she was come into the Channel. E. Yesterday several of his Majesty's Houshold went on board one of his Majesty's Yachts at Deptford, which is ordered to sail to the Nore to wait the Arrival of the Montreal Man of War, with the. Remains of his late Royal Highness the Duke of York, to conduct the same to Town. L. We hear a Present will be
sent to the Prince of Monaco, of six beautiful Horses ( among which, it is said, is Superb, a favourite Horse of a very Great Personage, and supposed to be the finest England ever produced) with other valuable Presents, as Testi- monies of Gratitude to that beneficent Prince, for his great Care and Concern for his late Royal Highness the Duke of York, whilst alive, and his Token of Affection at the much- lamented Death of that illustrious Prince. Lon Letters from the Hague, dated 0ct. 7, say, " The Day before Yesterday great Rejoicings were made here, on account of the Marriage of the Prince Sta of Prussia." The above Letters
add, that the President of the Week had waited on Mr. Yorke with Compliments of Condolence, in the Name of the States, on the Death of the Duke ot York. Lon. We aie informed, by good Authority, that there is the greatest Prospect of some Redress yet to be made for the Loss of the Antigallican Privateer, but not for her Prize the Penthievre. The Ship cost the Owners about io, oocl. first fitting out; which Sum is now expected to be reimbursed them, through the Recom- mendation ot a Noble and Patriotic Lord, who ever gave a Sanction to their unhappy Cause. L. The last Letters from Senegal mention, that the French had
dropped all their late Schemes of Encroachments on the African Coast, and that Trade was carried on in an amicable Manner, the French confining themselves to their own Settlements. L. On Tuesday last died, at Elsfield, near Oxford, aged 70, of : lingering Indisposition, the Rev. Francis Wise Rector Rother field- Greys, in Oxfordshire, Keeper ot the Archives, and Radclivian Librarian, in the University ot Oxford. The Living, worth near 400I. per Annum, is in the Gift ot Trinity- College, Oxford ; the Cultody of the Archives in the Choice of the University ; and the Office of Librarian in the Nomination the great Officers of State. His
valuable Publications entitle him to the Character of a Learned Antiquarian, and a polite. Scholar. J. Last Sunday died, at his House near Mile- End- Grove, after a short Illness, upwards of 80 Years of Age, Francis Cokayne, Esq; Alderman ot Cornhill Ward, President of St. Bartholo- mew's Hospital, Vice- President of the London- Workhouse, and Governor of the Society of Tackle House Ticket- Porters. They write from Paris, that in the Night of the 7th past a Person was found in the Forest of St. Germain without Shoes or Stockings on his Legs, and in so profound a Lethargy, that the Marechaussee, who discovered him, could
not draw from him any Answer. This induced them to carry him to the Chatelet, and from thence to the Infirmary, where, by the Help of Surgeons and Physicians, and some little Matter given to strengthen him, aided by Blisters placed on his Legs, & c. he once recovered so far as to tell his Name ; but soon relapsed into the same torpid State again, and nothing they can do to him. has been able since to route him. He is supposed to have been robbed, and that the Terror of what he went through is the Occasion of his present Condition. J. They write from Paris, that a Distemper is broke out among the Cattle in the
Neighbourhood of Rochefort, which daily carries off a Number ot Oxen, Cows, Calves, and Sheep. We hear that a Gentleman, eminent tor his Literary Abilities and great Knowledge in the Law, is writing a History of suppo- sititious ad disputed Births, for many Ages part; wherein an ample and accurate Account will he given of a great Number of Persons ( some of whom were of the highest Rank) whose Births were called into Question, by Pretences of their being suppositi- tious, which, in many Instances, were infinitely stronger and more plausible than those produced against the Defendant in the samous Caufe of Hamilton
and Douglas; notwithstanding which, they were not construed to the Prejudice of the Parties against whom they were brought, tho' some of these Instances included almost every Proof of a supposititious Birth, except the absolute Impossibility of such Births being real ones. L. On Friday last upwards of 30 young Recruits arrived in Town from Scotland, having been inlisted for the Service of the Hon, East- India Company ; they were in Danger of starving in their own Country on account of the high Price of all Kinds of Provisions. L. We hear from Philadelphia, that a Student in Physic, lately making some Experiments in
Electricity, and attempting, to ascertain the necessary Force to kill a young Turkey, by some Neglect in the Apparatus, received himself so violent a Shock as deprived him of Sensation for several Minutes, and had greatly affected his Lungs. L. We hear from Cantyre, in Scotland, that a smart Shock of an Earthquake was lately felt there, which even asserted Vessels riding at an Anchor in nine Fathom Water, by a very uncommon Motion. L. . This Morning early a Child about five Years of Age, who had strayed from his Parents ever since Tuesday Morning, was taken Care of by a Watchman in High- Holbourn, and convened
home, to the great Joy of his Parents, who are very responsible People in Kirby- Street, Hatton- Garden. L. tt is impossible to conceive what a great Disadvantage it is to the Fruiterers, that the Women who sell Walnuts about the Streets are suffered to dispose of such Trash ; a large Parcel- ct old Spanish Walnuts were picked upon Thursday Morning near Black Fryars Bridge, which had come down by the Current, and are now selling in the Streets, rubbed over by Brimstone, to the great Disappomtment of the Purchasers. L. They write from Charles- Town, South- Carolina, that two of the Murderers belonging to the Gang who
had committed such horrid Cruelties on the Back Settlers had fallen into the Hands of the Cherokees, who burnt them to death, by sticking their Bodies full of light Wood Splinters, to which they set Fire, after chaining the Prisoners to a Tree. Lon. We are credibly informed that the famous Female Astrologer, living in Hog- Lane, Soho, who was lately visited by a Great Personage ( as mentioned in our Last., P. 117,. Col. 1) is nearly related to several Families ot the highest Dictinction, both in North and South- Britain, whose Ill- nature, in refusing to do any Thing for her when she fell into Distress, compelled her to have Recourse
to her present Employment, in which, it seems, she is so great an Adept, that she is likely to make a greater Fortune by it than that which she is said to have lost by the Injustice of her Relations. L. We have an Account from Christiansand, in Norway, of a' smart. Shock of an Earthquake having lately been felt there, attended wiih a hollow rumbling Noise, which seemed to come from the West- North- West. L. Sunday Morning, about Three o'Clock, a Fire broke out in the Back Warehouse of Mr Pitt, Grocer, opposite Smart's Buildings in High- Holborn, which confumed Mr. Pitt's Dwel- ling- House, and four other Houses in the
Front of the Street, besides several Back Dwellings. What adds to this Calamity, an Apprentice- Lad and a Maid- Servant perished in the Flames. Yesterday died in Hyde- Street, Bloomsbury, Thomas Harley, Business. His Death is supposed to have been occasioned by the Fright he received on account of the above Fire. L. Suuday Morning one Ann Dodding was found burnt to death in her Bed, in Parson's Court, near Bridewell- Precinct. It is supposed she set Fire to the Curtains of her Bed, Part of them being burnt; but the Fire extended no further. L. It is not improper to inform the Public of an Instance on hoard- ing of Grain
about seven Years since. — A certain Corn- Merchant had several hundred Quarters of Wheat laid up in the Granaries in the Bridge- Yard, and absolutely refused . till at length it was quite spoiled, and he was forced to sell it at 5s, a Quarter to feed the Hogs; and it is to be hoped those who keep it up at this Time to the Distress of the Poor will share the same Fate. Lon. A Correspondent informs us, he has just received a Letter from Hopton, near Huddersfield, in Yorkshire, which says, that on Friday last there was such a Flood in the River Calder, as has not been known there in the Memory, of Man : It took down Lodgerd
Bridge, and another at the same Place, which was built over the Canal at the Navigation ; also the Bridge at Batty Kiln, a drying Kiln belonging to John Hodgson, and several Melders of Oats, and a Bride at Colnbridge, and all the Char- coal belonging to Mr. Brook's Forge, also a considerable Quan- tity of Corn, and did other Damage to a great Amount, it thundered and lightened most dreadfully at the same Time. They write from Burdens, that the Potters there have Silver enough now to pay their Workmen : Thanks to the People of Birmingham, who are at present above working upon Half- pence; to a neighbouring Town,
concerning which we are told the following humourous Story : A Boy paying for a Pint of Ale, " One, two, three, four, and all Birmingham," said the Landlord as he told out the Money. " You are mistaken, Matter ( cryed the Boy) my Father made them but this Morn- ing, and he lives at Walsal." J. A few Days fince a Petition was delivered to a certain Royal Board, in favour of the unhappy Mr. Guest, now under Con- demnation, signed by the Jury before whom he was tried; setting forth the Slightness of the Circumstances on which he was con- victed, and imploring the Royal Clemency. The Petition was rejected by the Influence ct
a Noble Lord, who is an Honour to the Law. L. AMERICA. New- York, Aug. 31. By a Gentleman from Canada we are informed, there has lately been a terrible Storm, there; great Numbers ot Barns and other Buildings had been blown down, and in the Town of Montreal, of 33 Steeples, 31 had been blown down. We have not heard any further Particulars. By Capt. Lawton, who arrived here Yesterday from Rhode- Island, we have Advice, that . a few Days ago a Brig, bound to that Island from Jamaica, belonging to Mr. Maloone, was fet on Fire by the Carelessness of a Boy in drawing Rum, off Point Judah, by which Accident the
Vessel was burnt down, and of the Crew and Passengers, 25 in Number, five Women lost their Lives in the Flames. On the 14th Inst. at Boston, a Number of Gentlemen met under the Liberty Tree, to celebrate that Day. After the general loyal Toasts, the four following, being somewhat re- markable, we think will not be displeasing to the Generality of our Readers: 1. May every House of Representatives in America strenuously defend what they have, wisely resolved. 2. Union, Stability, and Fidelity, among the Sons of Liberty in America. 3. May the Man who will not defend the Cause of his Country, in Case of Danger, be held in
universal Contempt by every Son of Virtue, and Liberty. 4. May the Day which sees America submit to Slavery be the last of her Existence. L. COUNTRY NEWS. Lincoln, Oct. 5. This Day a Party of Burgoyne's Regiment of Light
Light- Dragoons arrived at their Quarters in the City from the Sunk Isle, where their Horses had been at Grass. The remaining Party in crossing the Humber were driven back by contrary Winds. Many ot the Men were hurt, but we don't hear of any Lives being lost. A Corporal in the above Regiment on his March because acquainted with a beautiful young Woman, and, after two Hours Courtship, the Fair One contenting, they were married the next Morning; which proved a lucky Circumstance to the Corporal, for he found his Wife possessed Of 300I. Fortune. Leeds, Oct. 6. Wheat sold last Tuesday in our Market from 4s. 6d. to
6s. and Beans at is. 9d. per Bushel ; Barley from 22s to 24s. and Oats from 10s. 6d. to 12s. 6d. a Quarter. At Barnsley, on Wcdnesday Wheat sold from 3s. iod. to 4s. 6d. a Bushel. And we have Accounts of the Markets falling at several Other Places in this County. Lon. Worcester, VS. 8. Various and contradictory have been the Reports, here within these few Days, relating to the noted Mr. Higgens : But Persons of Consequence and Veracity, who arrived here Yesterday, and left Carmarthen last Saturday Morning, assert, that, the Night before, instead of a Reprieve, a Warrant was received for his Execution ; that he continued
under close Confinement, heavily loaded with Irons, and chained down to the Floor. J. Thursday's and Fridays POSTS L0NDON, October 15. Authentic Account of the last Honours paid to the late Duke of York at Monaco. AS foon as his late Royal Highness the Duke of York was dead, the Prince ot Monaco ordered a Cannon to be fired every Half Hour, till the Body should be deposited on board the Ship, and the Chambre Ardent to be prepared for the Lying in State, according to the Custom of that Country, with his Body Guard to attend, and a Guard from the Regiment. Accordingly, the Preparations were made in the largest
Apart- ment of the Palace, hung with Black : A high Canopy in the Middle of Black and Silver, with a Representation of a Coffin of the same, upon the Top ot six Stages or Steps of Black, on each of which were a Row ot Tapers, in large Gold and Silver Can- dlestics ; on the Coffin a Silver Pillow, with a Coronet upon it the Sword next on the Coffin, and then the Garter, George, and Star; on the Ground, a Row of Torches round the Whole: Under the Canopy, behind the Stage, was placed the Coffin, which was made us near as possible in the English Manner, covered with a Pall; on each Side were two Mutes; and behind, Col.
St. John, Col. Morrison, Commodore Spry, and Mr. Schutz, attended. The whole Lighting consisted of near 200 Tapers. The Procession from thence to the Water- Side was fixed for Sunday, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, according to the Order hereunto subjoined, and the Chambre Ardent was opened at Nine o'Clock that Morning. At the setting out ot the Pro- cession, a Signal was made tor the Ships to fire Minute Guns, till the Body should be onboard. As it came out of the Palace, the Regiment was drawn up, their Drums in Black, and Officers with Crape; at the Water- Side was the Long- boat, with a Canopy for the Body,
covered with Black, and the Royal Standard hoisted Half high ; this was towed by the Captain's Barge with Mutes in it; behind was the Commodore's Barge, with his Royal Highness's Servants, and two more Barges for the remaining Officers. The Prince of Monaco continued at the Water- Side till the Whole was on board, when the Royal Standard was hoisted Half high on board the Ship, and the Minute Guns ceased ; the Garrison then fired two Rounds of Cannon, and the Regiment two Rounds of Running Fire. The Whole of this Ceremony was conducted with the greatest Regularity and Solemnity. Order of the Procession
referred to above : The Guard Sailors with Flambeaux All the Duke's Servants Two Surgeons a- breast Four Mutes Gentlemen who carry the Ensigns of the Garter, two by two. Lieutenants. Yesterday William Guest for High Treason, in filing a Guinea and Half a Guinea; Thomas Davis for a Burglary ; John Spires and William Bryant, for Highway Robberies, were executed at Tyburn. Mr. Guest was drawn on a Sledge to the Gallows ; and after the three others were tied up, he got into the Cart in which they were brought thither, and joined in Prayer with the Ordi- nary and another Clergyman with great Devotion. After Execution
his Body was put into a Hearse and carried away tor Interment. J. COUNTRY NEWS. Birmingham, Oct. 12. Wednesday se'nnight, about Three o'Clock in the Morning, a Fire happened at an old thatched Houfe in the Backhouse- Lane in Newport, Shropshire, in which an Old Woman and her two Daughters lived ( one of whom had a young Child) occasioned by the Mother of the Child getting up to light a Candle, which catched some Wheat Leasings in the Chamber where they lay, and immediately communicated ; o the Thatch, and burnt so furiously, that her Sister and her Child perished in the Flames, and the Old Woman was
so much burnt, that it is thought she cannot recover. The Mother ot the Child has been out of her Senses ever since the above Accident. We here from Retford Fair, in Nottinghamshire, that on the 2d Instant there were the fewest Hops there ever known, the Prices of New 9I. to 10I. 17s. 6d. Year Old 7I. 10s. to 81. 10s. The Complaints trom all the Hop Countries agree, that, the Crops upon gathering fall a Third short of what were expeCted when growing, and the Duty will not ammount to more than 2o, oool. last Year the Duty was 116,317l. and it was computed that there was about 4000I. of the former Crops upon Hand when
they were gathered, which added make 120,317l. J. Capt. Dickings Pall- bearer Canopy- Bearer Canopy- Bearer Canopy- Bearer Canopy- Bearer Canopy- Bearer Canopy- Bearer HE Gentlemen, Clergy, end Freeholders of the County of _ NORTHAMPTON are defired by the Lord- Lieutenant to meet at the Sessions- House, in Northampton, on Thursday the 3d Day of December next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, to consider of proper Persons to represent the County in the ensuing Parliament. It is hoped that no Person will engage his Vote or Interest till the Sense of the County can be taken. There will be an Ordinary at
the George and Red- Lyon. JAMES LANGHAM, sheriff. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders of the County of HUNTINGDON. GENTLEMEN, AVING met with the greatefi Encouragement in my Canvafs, even beyond my mofi fangutne ExpeBations, I take this earfiefi Opportunity of expreffmg my Gratitude in the warmest Acknowledg- ments, and of intreating the Continuance oj your Favours. I ant firmly resolved to support my Friends, and oppose all those arbitrary Measures which have been used to defeat my Election, and rob the County 0f its Liberty, under pretence of preserving its Peace. IP lam so happy as to
succeed, I shall make it my constant Endeavour fleadily to purfue the Intereft op my Country in general, and of this County and every Town in it in particular? to the utmofi of my Abilities; and am, GENTLEMEN, Your most obliged, faithful Servant, ROBERT BERNARD. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders, of the County of HUNTINGDON. GENTLEMEN, AReport having been indujlrhitfiy propagated, that I had Thoughts of declining any furiker Service in the County of Huntingdon; Ifindmy/ elf under the Neujfity of affuring you, that it is intirely jalfe and without Foundation. __ I have the mofi grateful Senfe oj the Affurances I
have received, and thefirongefi Hopes of tie Continuance of your Favours, which it fhall ever be my Study to deferve. lam, GENTLEMEN, tour mojl obliged and mofi faithful, humble Servant, London, Sept. 10. CARYSFORT. NOTICE is hereby given, THAT the next Meeting of the Trustees, appointed in and by several Acts of Parliament, for Repairing the Turnpike- Roads between the Town of Northampton and Newport- Pagnell, in the County oj Bucks, will be held at Horton- lnn, on Thurfday the 22d Day of October Inst. by Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon; at which Time and Place as many Gentlemen as conveniently can
are desired to attend. CHARLES MORGAN, Clerk to the said Trustees. To the Worthy Freemen and Inhabitants of the Town of NORTHAMPTON. GENTLEMEN, HAVING met with the greatest Success upon my Canvass, I return you my most sincere Thanks for the same; and, being fully assured of the utmost Support and Assistance from many of the most respectable and considerable Persons in the Neighbourhood, I now beg the Continuance of your present favourable Dispositions towards me, which, I doubt not, will be vigorovfly and fuccej'sjully exerted in my Behalf on the Day of Eleaion. lam, GENTLEMEN, Tour moll
obedient and obliged, humble Servant, JAMES LANGHAM. Northampton, OCt. 2, 1767. N. B. Whereas it hath been industriously insinuated, for Reasons too obvious to mention, that Sir JAMES LANGHAM will shortly decline— he takes the earliest Opportunity of contradiaing so idle a Report, and assures his FRIENDS and CONSTITUENTS, that there is not the least Foundation for even a Suspicion of that Kind. LOST, on Tuesday last, the 13th of this Instant October, in the Town of Northampton, or on the Road near to the West- Bridge, a small black Velvet Purse or Bag, tied or folded up with a black Ribbon, and therein a
MOURNING RING with a small Brilliant, having the following Inscription thereupon, The Hon. A. Wentworth, ob. 2 Oct. 1749, AEt. 77. Whosoever has found, and will bring the same to the Printers of this Paper, shall receive a Guinea Reward. To the Worthy Electors ot the Town and Corporation of NORTHAMPTON. GENTLEMEN, WE beg Leave to take the first Opportunity of returning you our sincere Thanks for the great Encouragement which you have beenpleafed to give us upon our late Canvass, to hope for your Favour at the approaching General Election for Members of Par- liament ; and we have no Doubt of your
steady Adherence to your obliging Promises, and of our finding the good Effect of them on the Day of Election. We are, GENTLEMEN, with the utmost Respect, Your most obliged and most devoted, humble Servants, GEORGE OSBORN, GEORGE BRIDGES RODNEY. P. S. We cannot omit, at the same Time, to express our Obliga- tions to the great Number of the most respectable Persons in the adjacent Parts of the County of Northampton, who have honoured us with their Countenance on this Occasion. GEORGE OSBORN, GEORGE BRIDGES RODNEY. Northampton, OCt. 3, 1767. It is DESIRED, THAT if any Person
or Persons fhall have borrowed any BOOK or BOOKS of the late Rev. Mr. EDWARD LYE, of Yardley- Hasting, he, she, or they will forthwith return the same unto the Rev, Mr. Manning of Irchester, one of his Executors, or unto the Rev. Mr. Bate ot Little- Houghton, or unto the Rev. Mr. Maule of Castle- Ashby, Northamptonshire. Buckingham, Oct. 16, 1767. JOHN SAYER, Grocer, in Buckingham, AVING bought in a fresh Assortment of Ironmongers Goods; all Persons, who please to favour him with their Commands, either in the Grocery or Ironmongery Way, may depend upon their Favours being gratefully acknowledged By
their most obedient, humble Servant, JOHN SAYER. N. B. A small Assortment of Irish Cloth to be sold at prime Cost. H Mr Schutz, Pall- Bearer Colonel St. John Colonel Morrison Commodore Spry Pall- Bearer The Prince of Monaco Gentlemen his Attendants The rest ot the English Gentlemen two by two. Yesterday the Admiralty- Barge went down the River to Greenwich, to wait there for the Arrival of the Mary Yacht, in order to land the Remains of his Royal Highness the Duke of York at that Place. G. His Excellency the Lord- Lieutenant of Ireland, before his Departure from hence, sent over Orders thither for all the Cloaths of
his Domestics, & c. to be made of the Manufactures of that Kingdom. G. " The Lord Bishop of Durham has appointed the Right Rev. Dr. Hildesley, Bishop ot Sodor and Man, to the Mastership of Sherburn Hospital, in the County of Durham, worth upwards of tool. per. Annum, in the Room of the late Dr. Gregory. D. Last Tuesday se'nnight died, at Fenny Bridge, in the . County of Lancaster, George Wilford, aged 100, wanting four Days. About three Years ago died James Roberts, aged 113, near the same Place; where is now living William Rogers, aged 105, and in perfect Health. Lon. Yesterday a Number of Licences were
granted to Master Free- men, Inhabitants of this City and Liberties, to empower them to employ Foreign Journeymen in their several Manual Occupations, the better to enable them to cary on their Business. L. On Thursday laft Mr. Stiff, who keeps the Ship in Talbot- Court, Fenchurch- Street, set out from his own House, at Twelve 1 o'Clock at Night, to walk to the 26 Mile- Stone at Maidenhead, j Great Betts were, depending on this Performance ( as we men- tioned in our MERCURY of the 28th of last Month, P. 109, Col. 2.) The Wager was, that he did not walk there and back again in 24 Hours. Ease, notwithstanding the
Badness of the Weather, he was obliged to stop at several Houses on the Road, and returned to his own House two Hours before the limited Time.-— This is deemed a very extraordinary Affair, especially when the great Age of the Publican is con- sidered. L. Bedford, Sept. 22, 1767. To the Worshipful the Mayor, Aldermen, freemen, and Inhabitants of the Town of BEDFORD. AVING this Day, on our Canvass, had the Honour of being universally approved of as proper Persons to represent this antient Borough and Town in Parliament, at the next General Election— We beg Leave to embrace the earliest Opportunity of
returning you our most hearty Thanks, and intreat the Favor of your Votes and Intcrest, in our Support on the Day oj Election, which will lay a lasting Obligation on, GENTLEMEN, your most obliged and most devoted, humble Servants, RICHARD VERNON, THOMAS HATTON. To the Worthy Electors of the Town of BEDFORD. GENTLEMEN, AFTER Frequent Invitations by the general Voice of you, my Friends and Countrymen, to be a Candidate to repreSent you in the next Parliament, I am So happy as to find, upon my late PeRSonal Application, that your kind Invitations were Sincere, as I met with a free, hearty, and]
generous Reception from the Rich and the Poor equally, with ReSolution to Support me at the Time of EleCTion with your Votes and IntereST. I therefore return you all my moST grateful Thanks, and will chearfully trust that what you have so freely pro- mised me you will as faithfully perform. I am, GENTLEMEN, INOCULATION. * MR. STUBBE, Surgeon, of Leighton- Buzzard, and Mr. WARREN, Surgeon, of Dunstable, Bedfordshire, Partners in INOCULATION, take this Method to inform their Friends and the Public, that they continue to Inoculate at a very conve- nient Houle in a pleasant and healthful Situation on Thorn-
Green, between Dunstable and Leighton, and near the Turnpike- Road, which they us'd last Season for that Purpose with such Success, that out of the great Numbers they Inoculated not one was confin'd a single Day, and the Patients have enjoy'd a " good State of Health ever since. The Terms art Five Guineas, and Three Guineas for People in indifferent Circum- stances, for which every Necessary will be found, with proper Attendance, ( Tea, Sugar, and Linen excepted), and the greatest Regard paid to their safe and perfect Recovery. T » be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. YOUNG, At the Peacock Inn in Northampton, on
Tuesday the 20th of this ' Instant October, between the Hours oj Three and Six in the Afternoon, Large, Pleasant House, situate on the Market- Hill in tfie faid Town, in Tenure at Miss ROBINSON : Containing three Parlours, two Kitchens, with good Cellars ; five Chambers and Dining- Room upon the first Floor, and four upon the second, with good Garrets; also good Yard, Stable, and large Garden adjoining the fame: The Whole in good Repair, and may be view'd any Time before the Sale. N. B. The judges Lodgings at the Assizes were at the said House. And on Wednesday and Thursday, the two following Days, will be sold
all the Houshould- Furniture; confiding oi Cotton, Linen, and Moreen Beds with Mahogany Posts, Cabinet- Work in Wal- nut tree and Mahogany, viz. Draws, Tables, Chairs, large Pier, Sconce and Swing Glasses, Kitchen- Furniture and Brewing- Utensils. CATALOGUES to be had at the Place and Time of Sale. The Whole may be view'd on Saturday the 17th Init, and till Ten o'Clock each Day of Sale. Likewise a large Seat in the Gallery in St. Giles's Church. Cardington, Your affectionate Countryman, Sept. 28, 1767. Neighbour, and most faithful Friend, SAMUEL WHITBREAD. To the Worthy Freemen and Burgesses of
BEDFORD, not resident in the Town. GENTLEMEN, AVING had the Honor to be approved of by a great Majority of the worthy Electors of the Town of Bedford, to be a Candi- date at the next Election, to represent that antient Borough in Parlia- ment ; I humbly intreat the Favor of your Votes and Interest in my He performed it with Eafe, notwithftanding, through Support,. I will do myself the Honor to apply to you farther as soon as ' ' ...... ~ ' \ Time will permit me. l am, GENTLEMEN, Cardington, Your most obedient, Sept. 28, 1767. humble Servant, SAMUEL WHITBREAD. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Tuesday the 3d Day of
November next, precisely at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, at COOKE's Coffee- House, in the Cherry- Orchard, Birmingham, THE Entire STOCK in TRADE of WILLIAM HARROLD, a Bankrupt; consisting of a. large Assortment of Linen and Woollen Drapery, Mercery, and Haberdashery Goods, all fresh and in good Condition : The a foresaid Goods to be viewed to the Time of Sale, at 1 he said Bankrupt's late Dwelling- House, situate in M00r - Street, Birmingham. Printed Catalogues to be had at Mr. Harrold's; Mr. Cooke's, in the Cherry - Orchard ; and at Messrs. Pearson and Aris's, Printers, in Birmingham. N. B. All Persons,
who stand indebted to the Estate of Mr. Harrold, are desired forthwith to pay the same to Mr. George Davis, in Moor Street, Birmingham, or they will be sued with- out further Notice.
To be SOLD, SOME very good Norway Oak- Wainscot, some Oak- Wainscot of an ordinary Kind, and some Deal- Wainlcot, which will be sold cheap ; some old Doors and Window- Shutters, and also Window- Frames with Iron Casements, and good Glass belonging to them, in very good Repair. Enquire of Mr. Swan, Joyner, in Northampton. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the Angel Inn in Northampton, on Friday the 30th Day of October Inst. 1767, between the Hours of Twelve and Two in the Afternoon, AN ESTATE at Pattishall, in the County of Northampton ; consisting of the Rectory and Great Tithes ot Pattishall, three
Farms, two Cottages, and a Modus payable from Lands of Foxley, lying in Pattishall Parish. Messuage, Barns, & c. and Land, and Part of the Great Tithes, lett to Mr. John Shepherd, Acres Open- Field Rent Of which inclosed. by Yard- Land. 1. s. d. is Tythes. 14 00 zoo 89 00 153 00 Messuage, Barns, & c. Land, and Part of the Great Tithes lett to Mr. Francis Horn, 10 o o o 2 1- 8 th 5o o o 30 o 0 Messuage, Land, and Part of the Great Tithes, lett to Mr. Joseph Higham, Cottage lett to J. Ward, Cottage lett to Hurdis Foxley Modus, From Land, late Mr. Baron's, ( 123 ) To he SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN LAMBERT, On Friday
the 30th of this Instant October, and following Days, at Mr. JOHNPHIPPS'S at Litchborough, in the County of Northampton, ALL Manner of HOUSHOLD- GOODS; consisting of Feather- Beds, Quilts, fine Blankets, Four- post and Tent Bedsteads, with Plad and Harateen Furniture ; Bureaus and Chest of Draws ; Pier, Chimney, and Swing- Glades ; China ; Mahogany, Walnut, and Wainscot Tables ; a handsome 30 Hour Clock ; a Brass Jack, Kitchen and Brewing- Utensils; and all Manner of Chandlery Utensils and Grocery Goods, and very handsome Furniture of the Shop; two Hay Cocks, and a Lattermarth of three Acres, and a
Quantity of Fire- Wood. N. B. All Perfons that are any ways indebted to the said John Phipps, are desired to pay the same to him on or before the 2d of November next, or they will be sued for the same without further Notice Oundle, Northamptonshire, Oct. 5, 1767. WHEREAS I Robert Goodliff, and Elizabeth my Wife did, on ths 25th Day of June, 1766, assault, John Wells, Sheriff's- Officer, in the Execution of his Office: For the said Offence we beg Pardon in this publick Manner, hoping it will be a Warning to others. Signed by me, for Wife and Self, ROBERT GOODLIFF. Outgoings are annually, a Fee- Farm, Chief and Quit-
Rent 61. 16s. 3d. N. B. The Buildings are all strong and in good Repair, and the Premises greatly under- lett All Inclosure is intended ! Particulars to be had of Mr. Toll, at Preston- Deanry, near Northampton ; Mr. John Shepherd, at Pattishall ; or of Mr. Philip Burton, Attorney, in LincolnVInn, London ; and at the said Angel Inn. To be SOLD, AFREEHOLD ESTATE; consisting of one Close of seven Acres of Inclosed Land, in the Parish of Scaldwell, in the County of Northampton. For farther Particulars, enquire of Mr. Toll, Attorney, at Scaldwell aforesaid. To be LETT for the Term of seven years, And Enter'd upon next Lady- Day,
THE TITHES of the Rectory of Wotton, together with the Glebe and Parsonage- House. The above Rectory is situated two Miles from Northampton, and sixty- eight from London. Proposals for the same may be sent to Mr. Yeatman, at Bampton, near Witney, Oxfordshire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, BY THOMAS BROUGHTON, On Tuesday the 20th 0f this Instant October, and the following Days, THE Entire HOUSHOLD- FURNITURE of thc Rev. Mr. LYE, deceas'd, at his late Dwelling- House in Yardley- Hastings, in the County ot Northampton ; consisting ot Bedsteads and Curtains, Feather - Beds, Counterpanes, Quilts,
Blankets, Tapestry and other Hangings, Cabinets, Drawers, Tables, Chairs, Glasses, and China, useful and ornamental ; Bed and Table Linen ; Kitchen- Furniture, particularly a large Quantity ot excellent Pewter and Brass, Dairy and Brewing- Utensils, viz. a Hogshead- Copper, Mashing and Working Vats, Cooler, and Iron- bound Casks, & c. To begin precisely at Ten o'Clock. To be LETT, for any Term of Years, THE MANSION- HOUSE at Woodend, in the Parish of Harlington, in the County of Bedford, furnish'd or un- furnish'd; pleasantly situated in a good Neighbourhood, within five Miles of Wooburn and Ampthill, seven
from Dunstable and Luton, and 40 from London : Consisting of a Hall, two Parlours, five Bed- Chambers, with Dressing- Rooms and Closets, and good Lodging- Rooms over ; a good Kitchen, Butler's- Pantry, Brew- house, Landry, Cellars, and all other proper Conveniences for a Family ; a Kitchen and Pleasure- Garden well planted with Variety of Wall and other Fruit Trees; two Coach- Houses and good Stabling ; together with the Manor ot Wadlows, and two or more inclosed Pasture- Grounds, lying contiguous to the said House. For Particulars, enquire of Mr. Henry Letch, who at present lives in the House. To be LETT, And
Enter'd upon immediately, genteely furnish'd, for any Term not exceeding 14 Years, THE MANSION- HOUSE, in excellent Repair, at Over- Norton, within a Mile of Chipping- Norton, in the County of Oxford, pleasantly situated in a good Neighbourhood and fine Sporting Country, where several Packs of Hounds are kept in the Neighbourhood, one within a Mile of the Premises, and lying between the London Roads from Worcester, Birmingham, & c. Consisting of a Hall, three handsome Parlours, six Bed- Ciiam- bers, with Dressing- Rooms and Closets, with good Lodging- Rooms over; a good Kitchen, Store- Room, Butler's
Pantry, Wine- Vaults, and other large Vaulted Cellars, Brew- house, Laundry, and all other proper Conveniences well adapted, Kitchen and Pleasure Garden well planted with Variety of Wall and other Fruit Trees, Fish- Ponds well stored with Fish, Hot- House, Ice- House, Dove- House well stock'd, Coach- House, Dog- Kennel, and good Stabling with Rooms over; together with the Manor of Over- Norton and Bartletts, adjoining to each other; and two inclosed Pasture- Grounds lying contiguous to the said House. For Particulars, enquire of Mr. Bulley, Apothecary, in Chipping- Norton, in the County ot Oxford; or of Mr. Lock,
Attorney at Law, of the same Place. To be SOLD, together or in Lots, THE MANOR of EDMONDTHORPE, in the County of Leicester, together with the Capital or Mansion- House, with Barns, Stables, Coach- houses, Fish- Ponds, Gardens, and other Conveniences, and a Park of rich Pasture- Land, contain- in about 60 Acres, and several Freehold Messuages, Cottages, or Tenements, with about 1500 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, within the Manor and Parish of Edmondthorpe, of the yearly Value in the Whole of 1000I. or thereabouts, capable ot great Improvement, and situate in a pleasant and agreeable Part
of the Country, about 100 Miles from London, 12 from Stamtord, five from Oakham, and five from Melton- Mowbray ( all good Market- Towns) and was late the Eftate of Edward Smith, Esq; deceased. Further Particulars of which may_ be known by applying to Mr. Parke, at Melton- Mowbray, in Leicestershire ; or Mr. Gregg at Skinner's- Hall, Dowgate- Hill, London. N. B. There is a Pack of Fox- Hounds kept within three Miles of Edmondthorpe. < WHEREAS the Hen- Roost at the Water- Mill at Maid- well, in the County of Northampton, was broke. open on Friday Night the 9th or Saturday Morning the 10th of this Instant Oftober,
and ten Poland Fowls were ftolen there from ; This is to give Notice, that if any One will make a Discovery of the Offender or Offenders, so that he, she, or they shall be brought to Justice, he or she, on his, her or their Conviction, shall receive a Reward of FOUR GUINEAS, by applying to James Linion, of Maidwell aforesaid. September 18, 1767. STOLEN or Stray'd, out of Tails- Meadow, in Ringstead Lordship, in Northamptonshire, from John Pettit, A full- aged Black GELDING, about fourteen Hands three Inches high, with a Star in his Forehead, no White else ; a switch Tail, and has a little Hair pluck'd out of it on one Side.
Whoever shall give Notice of the said Gelding, that he may be had again, shall receive Half- a- Guinea Reward, and reasonable Charges, of me, JOHN PETTIT. STOLEN or Stray'd, the 10th of Oct. 1767, from Nether- Dean Field, two Black GELDINGS, about fifteen Hands; one a bald- fac'd, with two white Heels behind ; the other only a made Star; both with long Tails, if not alter'd. If any Person will give Notice or bring them to Mr. John Askew, of Nether- Dean, shall receive a Guinea Reward, and reasonable Charges. to be SOLD, AFREEHOLD ESTATE, at Barton- Seagrave, near Kettering, in the County of Northampton, at
the Yearly Rent of Sixty Pounds; in the Occupation of Joseph Wright and Samuel Richardson. Also a FREEHOLD ESTATE at Welton, near Daventry, in the faid County, of the Yearly Rent of Seventy Pounds; in the Occupation of Thomas Boyes. Alio a FREEHOLD ESTATE at Flitton and Maiden, near Ampthill, in Bedfordshire, ot about the Yearly Rent of Twenty- six Pounds; in the Occupation of John Beaumont and Others. For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. Holled, at Lutter- worth ; of whom may be had immediately, 0n Land- Security, any Sum of Money not under 20001. nor above 30,0001. at Four Pounds per Cent. To be
LETT, or SOLD, And Enter'd upon at Old Michaelmas, 1767, AGood Accustomed WIND- MILL, with two Pair of French Stones that will grind 150 Loads in a Week, with a Round House at the Bottom of the Mill that will hold above 100 Loads of Wheat, and a Sack Machine for drawing the Wheat up to the Hopper.. Also two Flour- Mills that will dress 100 Sacks in a Week, and goes by Horse, with convenient Chambers for storing of Flour; all lying and being in the Parish of Eaton- Socon, in the County Of Bedford. The said Mills are well situated for Trade, within ten Poles of the great North Road ; within three Furlongs of St.
Neot's, where is a very large Corn Market, and within two Furlongs of the River Ouse, which is, Navigable to Lynn.— The said Mills are in thorough Repair. For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. Wright Crow, at Eaton- Socon, Bedfordshire. To be SOLD, In LOTS, At the Sign of the Three- Crowns in Leicester, on Monday the 16th of October, 1767, about Two 0' Clock in the Afternoon, To the best B I D D E R, The following Estates, viz. LOT 1. A FREEHOLD ESTATE at Norton by Galby, in the County of Leicester; consisting of a large well- built Brick House, with convenient Out- Buildings, good Gardens, and Orchards well
planted with Trees, and 160 Acres or upwards ot rich Pasture and Meadow- Land, now in twelve Parts or Closes, and in the Tenure of Mr. Bates, and worth pe Annum about 170l. subject to Land- Tax only, A Cottage and small Croft there, in the Tenure of John Allen, and worth per Annum about 40s. And a Leasehold Estate at Norton aforesaid ; consisting of a House and Homestead, and about 83 Acres of inclosed Land, now in the several Tenures of Edward Healey, John Allen, John Voss, Mrs. Boss, Mr. Ross, and Andrew Tilby ; and held for three Lives ( the oldest of which is not more than about 32 Years) ot Wigstone
Hofpital in Leicester, under the yearly Rent of 10l. 2s. and the Carriage of a Load of Coals. Lot 2. A Freehold Estate, consisting of a good Farm- House, with a Homestead and convenient Out- Buildings, in Little- Stretton, in the said County of Leicester ; a Close in Great- Stretton, about 18 Acres Two Yard Lands, in the Open Fields of Little- Streeton, containing about 39 Acres; and the Great- Tithes of the Open Fields of Little- Stretton, all now in the Tenure of Mr. Ross; and also a Cottage in Little- Stretton, in the Tenure of Charles Holbeech ; all which Premisses in the Stretton's are of the yearly Value of 90I. or thereabouts. Mr.
Bates will shew the Norton Estate, Mr. Ross the Stretton ; and as to the Conditions of Sale, apply to Thomas Pares, Attorney, in Leicester. To the PUBLIC. MR. HEYGATE, Apothecary, of West- Haddon, North- amptonshire, has again open'd his House for INOCULA- TION, at his ufual loiv Price of Two Guineas and a- Half; where every Thing necessary is provided, with careful Attendance and neat Entertainment. Boarding on reasonable Terms during the Time of Preparation. The Bedford and Luton Old FLY, WHICH has of late set up at the Swan- with- two- Necks in Lad- Lane, is removed to the Swan- with- two- Necks in St.
John's Street, near Hicks's Hall, where only Places and Par- cels are taken for the said Coach; which sets out from the White- Hart, Bedford, Monday and Thursday Mornings at Six o'Clock, to the said Swan- with- two- Necks in St. John's Street ; and re- turns from thence to Bedford every Tuesday and Friday Morn- ings at Six o'Clock. Prices as usual. R FRANCIS TUFFNAIL, at the Bell Inn, Luton. Performed by} GEORGE RUGELEY, at the Swan- with- two- ( Necks, St. John's Street, London. STOLEN or Stray'd, out of the Orchard ot Edward Thornton, of Farthingstone, in the County of Northampton, on Wed- nesday Night, the
14th of October, A Bay Hackney MARE, with a Bridle and Saddle takeh out of the Stable, supposed to ride away with. The Mare is about 14 Hands and one Inch high, with a black Mane and Tail ; the Tail is cut ; a small Star in her Forehead, and a very remarkale Scar or Seam on her near Leg behind. Whoever gives Notice to the said Edward Thornton, so as the said Mare may be had again, shall receive a Guinea Reward, and reasonable Charges. Saturday s and Sundays POSTS T U R K Y. Constantinople, September 7. THE excessive Heat has occasioned some Distempers at Kara- gatsch, where the Grand Signor has a
Country- Seat. Sultan Selim, being seized with a Fever there, returned to this City the 21st of last Month, with all the Imperial Family The Janissaries, who attend the Post from Vienna, returned here the 25th, and give an Account, that they were attacked near a Wood on this Side Belgrade by eleven Rogues, who bound them to Trees, rumaged their Portmanteaus, and seized 20,000 Piastres, which the Merchants of Belgrade had sent to their Correspon- dents at Constantinople. The Rogues likewise opened several Letters, but, finding nothing valuable in them, they left them, and made their Escape into the Wood. It was with
great Diffi- culty the Janissaries and the Postillion extricated themselves. D. LONDON, October 17. Yesterday Morning M. Mello de Castro, Envoy- Extraordinary from the Court of Portugal, had a long Conference with one of the Secretaries of State on the Subject of some Dispatches received from Lisbon : And we are informed that no Advice has been received at any of the Public Offices of his Most Faithful Majesty having acceded to the Family- Compact. P, The Earl of Chatham is now greatly recovered from his late Indisposition, and enjoys a better State of Health than he has for a long Time past. P. L. We have the
Pleasure to inform the Public, that several of the Merchants and Gentlemen of this Metropolis, from a due Sense of the many and important Services of that good and able States- man, the Earl of Halifax, chose Yesterday, as it was the anni- versary of his Lordship's Birth, to celebrate the same, not only upon that Account, but in commemoration of the Reduction of Senegal; when they dined together at the Senegal Coffee- House, his Lordship having been the first Personage then in Power when the Plan for the Reduction of Senegal was laid, who instantly saw the vast Benefit, as well as Honour, such a Conquest would be;
and who, from that Moment, afforded the Projector his constant and zealous Patronage. To this public- spirited Conduct of his Lordship, therefore, this Country is indebted for the valuable Acquisition of Senegal, its Dependency and Trade, which would otherwise have to this Day remained in the Hands of our natural Enemies, the French. After Dinner the Company drank the King, Queen, Royal Family, Earl of Halifax, Duke of Grafton. Lord Shelburne, Lord North, Gen. Conway, and several other loyal Toasts. Gaz. Thursday arrived at his Lodgings in Jermyn- Street, from Paris, the Hon. Charles Howard, next Heir to the Duke of
Norfolk. Gaz. On Thursday last the Rev. Dr. Thomas Fothergill was unani- mously elected Provost of Queen's- College, Oxford. P. ' Tis said the bare Transcription of Papers in the celebrated Douglas Cause has already amounted to more than 7000I. The Earldom of Leicester it is said will be revived, and the Title conferred on the Hon. James Stewart Mackenzie. Gaz. Some Advices received at Leghorn from Constantinople mention, that the Malcontents of Georgia had lately broke out a fresh Rebellion against the Grand Signior. Gaz. They write from Warsaw, that a Corps of 2000 Russian Troops have lately entered the
Palatinate of Kiovia. D. Within these few Days several Journeymen Weavers in Spital- fields have assembled in a riotous Manner before their Masters Houses, and done some Damage thereto, on account of the Prices of their Work being reduced ; and on Thursday they cut out the Work, and broke several Looms to Pieces belonging to those who worked at the reduced Pieces. The Masters urge that they cannot afford to give more ; and the Men pledge that the Price offered by the former is not sufficient to support their Fami- lies, on account of the present Dearness of Provisions, A Party of the Guards was sent for from the
Tower on Thursday to quell the Rioters. It is said the Damage they have done, by destroying Goods, breaking Windows, & c. amounts to upwards of 1000l. D. Northampton, Oct. 19. A few Days ago the Right Hon. the Earl of Northampton was pleased to present the Rev. Mr. Gardiner to the Rectory of Yardley- Hastings, in this County, lately vacant by the Death of the Rev. Mr. Lye. On Saturday last the Prices of Grain in our Market were as follows, viz. Old Wheat from 6s. 10d. to 8s. New ditto 6s. 6d. to 7s. 8d. Barley 3s. id. to 3s. 6d. Rye 3s. 9d. to 4s. 2d. Old Beans y » . 3d. to 3s. yd. New ditto 1s. 10d. to 2s. 6d. Old Oats 2s to
2s. 4d. New ditto is. 6d. to 2s. per Bushel. We are assured, that at Doncaster, in Yorkshire, Wheat sells from 4s. to 4s. 8d. per Bushel; and Barley from 16s. to 17s„ per Quar. At Newark Races, on Tuesday the 6th Instant, the Purse of 50I. was won by the Duke of Kingston's Bay Horse, Javelin, beating two others. - — On Wednesday the 7th, the Purse of 50l was won by Ed. Strode, Esqr's Bay Horse, Bully, beating four others. And on Thursday the 8th, the other Purse of 50l. was won by the Duke of Kingston's Chesnut Colt, Credit, beat- ing six others.
A. Writer in the London Evening- Post, who signs himself CommOn- Sense, says, " The Extract of a Letter, said to be from Mr. Wilkes, and published as such in all the Papers, concerning his Handing a Candidate to represent the City ot London tn Parliament at the next General Election,' can never be of that Gentleman's Writing, but was certainly sent by some Enemy, of his to sneer at his Understanding, as well as to cast a Reflection on the Sense of the Citizens of London. For is it possible that he could ever think that the Citizens of London would fly in the Face of, the Government, and vilify themselves so far as to make
Choice of a Man to represent them who was outlawed by his Country ? No, that Gentleman hath too much Sense to enter- tain the least Thought of such a Nature; and therefore that ExtraCt was, undoubtedly, written by some Person who is no Friend to him or the Citizens of London." From the GENERAL EVENING- POST. To JOHN WILKES, " DIVERS Persons outlawed, as well after Judgment as before, were chosen Knights and Burgesses of the Parlia- ment held in the 35th Year ot the Reign of Queen Elizabeth ; and it being made a Question, whether such Persons ought to be Knights and Burgesses of Parliament, or not
? all the Judges held that they could not ; and therefore the Queen commanded that no such should be in the Parliament- House. Lord Chief- Justice Anderson's Reports, Fol. 293. No. ccci. A MEMBER 0f PARLIAMENT. [ This must be a very ignorant Member of Parliament, if he never heard of the Case of Sir Francis Goodwin, 1 Jas. I. which was printed, by Order of the House of Commons,, 1704, on Occasion of the famous Debate at that Time upon the Ayles- bury Election ; and of which, for the Entertainment of our Readers, we shall give some Account from a late Historian. " Outlaws, ( says Mr. Hume) whether on account
of Debts or Crimes, had been declared by the Judges ( 1) incapable of a Seat in the House, where they must themselves be Lawgivers: but this Opinion of the Judges had. been frequently over- ruled, I find, however, in the Case of Vanghan ( 2), who was questioned for an Outlawry, that, having proved all his Debts to have been contracted for Suretyship, and to have been most of " them honestly compounded, he was allowed, on account of these favourable Circumstances, still to keep his Seat : Which plainly supposes, that otherwise it would have been vacated on account of the Outlawry ( 3). " When James summoned this [
his first] Parliament, he issued a Proclamation; in which, among many general Advices, which, like a kind Tutor, he bestowed on his People, he strictly charges them not to chuse any Outlaw for their Representative. " Sir Francis Goodwin was chosen Member for the County of Bucks; and his Return, as usual, was made into Chancery. The Chancellor, pronouncing him an Outlaw, vacated his Seat, and issued Writs for a new Election. Sir John Fortescue was chosen in his Place by the County : But the first Act of the House was to reverse the Chancellor's Sentence, and restore Sir Francis to his Seat. At the King's Instigation the
Lords desired a Con- ference, but were absoluteiy refused by the Commons, as the Question regarded entirely their own Privileges. They agreed, however, to make a Remonstrance to the King by the Mouth of their Speaker ; wherein they maintained, that though the Re- turns were by Form made into Chancery, yet the sole Right of judging with regard to Elections belonged to the House itself, not to the Chancellor. James was not satisfied, and ordered a Con- ference between the House and the Judges, whose Opinion in this Case was opposite to that of the Chancellor. " The Commons were in some Perplexity. Their Eyes
were now opened, and they saw the Confluences of that Power which had been assumed by the Chancellor ; and to which their Predecessors had, in some Instances, blindly submitted. . " Notwithstanding this watchful Spirit of Liberty, which now appeared in the Commons, their Deference for Majesty was so great, that they appointed a Committee to confer with the judges before the King and Council. There the Question of Law began to appear, in James's Eyes, a little more doubtful than he hitherto imagined ; and, in order to bring himself off with some Honour, be proposed, that both Goodwin and Fortescue should be set
aside, and a Writ be issued, by Warrant of the House, for a new Election. Goodwin gave his Consent; and the Commons embraced this Expedient; but in such a Manner, that, while they shewed their Regard for the King, they secured for the future the free Possession of their Seats, and the Right, which they claimed, of judging solely in their own Elections and Returns." It should seem, therefore, that though an Outlaw may be elected into Parliament, he may likewise be expelled.] ( 1) 39 H. VI. ( 2) Journ. Feb. 8. 1580. ( 3) In a subsequent Parliament, that oj the of Eliz. the Commons, after great Debates, ' voted, that a Person
outlawed might be elected. D'Ewes, / 1.51s. it must be acknowledged, however, that Elizabeth, in her Speech to her last Parliament, com- plained of their admitting Outlaws, and represents that Conduct of the house as a great Abuse. \' FABLE of the SNAIL, the BUTTERFLY, and VIRTUOSO. THE lofty Pines with Tempest bow, When humble Shrubs scarce bend below ; Rebellion shakes the Palace Roof, Whilst Straw- built Cottages are Proof; Thus glittering Objects stand to view Court Wonder, Praise, and Danger too. Encumber'd with his House, a Snail Crawl'd o'er the Ground be could not sail Remaining, with an envious
Eye, A little powder'd Butterfly, Which fann'd with painted Wings the Air, Lighting on Flowers, now here, now there. But whilst from Flower to Flower he flew, SiPPing from each the fragrant Dew, His Charms a Virtuoso spies ; To catch him, now with Art he tries. From Leaf to Leaf the Insect past; But, still pursu'd, was caught at last. On Paper, now transfix'd with Pins, The Virtuoso views his Wings; And, as he wav'd him to the Sun, The Snail survey'd him, and begun : Behold the Insect, fine and gay, That sipp'd the fragrant Sweets of May, And, deck'd with spots and Colours fine, Sow'd Envy in this Heart' of mine. How just and
hidden the Reproof! Beauty's a fading Flower in Truth; I, unadmir'd by curious Eye, Can creep unhurt whilst Beauties die I live unknown ; their shorter Date Is made conspicuous by their Fate. ( IH ) bANKRUPTS. Henry Laurense, of Birmingham, Warwickshire, Factor. To surrender Oct. 26, 27, and Nov. 21, at the Coffee- pot Inn in Birmingham. Abraham Adams, of Saxmundham, Suffolk, Innholder. To surrender Oct. 28, 29, and Nov. 24, at the Three- Tens in Yoxford, in the said County. BANKRUPTCIES postponed. Jacob Clarkson and Thomas Palmer, ot Bread- Street, Lon- don, Haberdashers and Partners. To surrender Nov.
14, at Guildhall. Lewis Wacker, of Wapping, Middlesex, Sugar- Refiner. To surrender Dec. 5, at Guildhall, London.. BANKRUPTCY superseded. John Beaumont, of Leadenhall- Street, London, Vintner. DIVIDENDS to be made to CREDITORS. Nov. 2. John Fincher, of Whitchurch, Bucks, Baker, at the Cock and Fox in Whitchurch. Nov. 4. Wingfield Leete, of London, Mercer, at Guildhall. James Wickens, of Laleham, Middlesex, Baker, at Guildhall, London. John Simpson, of Catherine- Court near Tower- Hill, London, Merchant, at Guildhall. Nov. 10. John Crompton, of Halesworth, Suffolk, Shopkeeper, at Guildhall, London.
Henry Eades, of St. Giles's in the Fields, Middlesex, Salesman, at Guildhall, London. Nov. 17. John Wright, of Manchester, Lancashire, Hat- maker, at Guildhall, London. CERTIFICATES to be granted. Oct 31. Edward Pierce, of Westbury, Wilts, Money- Scrivener. Nov. 3. Robert Wright, of Dagenham, Essex, Victualler. William Ingham, of Aldermanbury, London, Merchant. PRICES of GOODS at the Corn- Exchange in Mark- Lane, London. Wheat 44s. to 55s. Barley 23s. to 27s. Rye 20s. to 22s. Oats 14s. to 20s. per Quar. Finest Flour 45s. Second Sort 4.3s. Third Sort 41 s. per Sack. Brown Malt 31s. to 33s. per Quar. Pale Malt
32s. to 36s. Pease 28s. to 30s. Hog Peafe 23s. to 27s. Beans 20s. to 25s. Tares 20s. to 24s. PRICES of STOCKS. Bank Stock 158 3- qrs. India ditto 268 3- qrs. South- Sea ditto--- Ditto Old Annuities, ( hut. Ditto New— Three per Cenf. Bank Annuities Reduced, ( hut. Ditto Conf. 88 i- half, a 5 Sths. Ditto 1726— Ditto 1751 — India Annuities 85 1 qr. exdiv. Thr'. e i- half Bank Ann. 1756 —- 0^ 01758,93 3- 8' ths. a i- half. Four per Cent. 1762, ( hut. Navy 1763— Four per Cent. 1763 — India Bonds 43. a 3 s. Prem. Navj and Victualling Hills — Exchequer Bills— Long Annuities— Lottery Tickets 121. 18s. a 17s. a 17s. fid. Dr.
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