The Northampton Mercury
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Volume Number: XLVIII
Issue Number: XXIX
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The Northampton Mercury
Date of Article: 05/10/1767
Printer / Publisher: Cluer Dicey and Son
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: XLVIII
Issue Number: XXIX
No Pages: 4
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I VOL. XLVIII. t n m b. XXIX. MONDAY, October 5, 1767. ( To be continued Weekly. Price Two- pence Halfpenny. this PAPER, for more than forty- seven Years, hath, and continues to be, circulated in all the Market- Towns and populous Villages in the following Counties, viz. Northampton-) Leicester, Nottingham, Rutland, Lincoln, Huntingdon, Cambridge and Isle of Ely, Bedford, Ejjex, Hertford, Buckingham, Berks, Oxford, Warwick to Birmingham, and Stafford, Sec. and by the Post to greater Distances. ABBREVIATIONS, shewing the London Papers from which the following ARTICLES are collected. L. London Evening Post,
ton. London Chronicle. P. Publick Advertiser. P. L. Publick Ledger. D. Daily Advertiser. G. General Evening- Post. Gaz. Gazetteer. Ct. London Gazette. J. St. James's. Chronicle. Tuesdays and Wednesdays POSTS. foreign AFFAIRS. The following ADVICES came iy a Mail from Holland. POLAND. Warsaw, September 9. THE Day before Yesterday being the Anniversary of the King's Accession to the Throne, there was a numerous and brillant Court to compliment his Majesty on the Occasion, and among the reil, Prince Radzivil, Marshal of the General Confede- racy of Poland. The Bishop of Premislau, Vice- Chancellor of the
Crown, gave a sumptuous Entertainment at his Palace to all the Grandees of the Kingdom and in the Even- ing there Was a grand Supper and Fire- Works in the Garden of the Count Oginski, Waywode of Wilna. Yesterday the King let out for Willanow, and the same Day another Detachment of the Regiment of Glotz, Infantry, arrived in this City. -' Tis reported, that in some of Dyetines they have chosen Nuncios at the next Dyet Gentlemen who have not acceded to the General Confederacy. It this proves true, we may expert much Disturb- ance on the Opening of that National Assembly, because that the Universalias and -
published by Prince Radzivil 0n the jih of Aug. last set forth in express Terms, that those who have not given in their Act of Accession to the said League can- not be elected Nuncios on any Pretext whatsoever, and that, in case such an Election fhould- be made, it shall be declared null and void. — The Instructions of the Nuncios at the Dyet Extraor- dinary regard chiefly these three Articles: 1. The Declaration of the Empress of Russia. , 2. The Letter addressed by M. Ranin to the Prince de Repnin. 3. The Thanks to be return'd to the Court of Russia. . The Number of People that refort to the Protestant Church to hear the
Sermons ot M., Scheidmantel increases daily : ' Tis even assured that they amount already to 2000. L. Dantzick, Sept. 7. The Harvest throughout all Poland has been not only very plentiful, but also the Wheat, Rye, Barley, and Oats are extremely good in their Kind, We have lo great a Quantity of Grain here that the Price of it falls daily ; yet there is but little Call for it from Foreign Countries, which is the more furprizing, as it is well known that in many Places, fuch as England, Holland, and others, the Price of Grain is still very high. L. GERMANY. Berlin, Sept. 12. The King, Queen, and all the Royal Family, express so much
Satisfaction at the happy Alliance that causes our joy, that these August Personages vouchsafe to take Notice of and approve, in a most gracious Manner, of the smallest Tokens of our Zeal given on that Occasion, which the following Anec- dote is a very remarkable Instance of : The Sieur Bourdeaux, a Native of Holland, and Bookseller to the King, has invented, on occasion of the approaching Marriage, a very fine Medal, hung 0n an Orange- colour Ribbon traversed with three Stripes of Green, with these Words, Long live the Princess Wilhelmina of Prussia : Long live Prince William of Orange. The Medal, which is painted
and enamelled, represents two Hearts 0n the Altar of Hymen, who fallens them together with a Garland ot Flowers, whilst the God of Love kindles them with his Torch and crowns them with Laurels Beneath the Altar are seen the Arms of Prussia and those of the United Provinces. Besides this, he has dedicated to his Serene Highness the Prince Stadtholder a Col- lection of Maxims, printed in a very small Size, to hang by way of Trinket to a Watch ; and last Wednesday he had the Honour to present thefe Toys to the King, Queen, and Princess- Dowager of Prussia, and the Princess Wilhelmina, her Daughter, who received
them with Applause, and immediately put them to an Use far beyond any Thing that the Inventor could have presumed to expect for the same Day there was a Court at the Queen's Apartment, and her Majesty, as soon as the Company were as- sembled, fastened with her own Hands the Medal and Ribbon to the Button- Hole of M. de Verelst's Coat, and distributed Medals and Ribbons to all the other Lords and Ladies present. The King did the same at Potzdam to the Prince, the Princess- Royal, the Generals, and to all belonging to the Court, which has brought these Knick- Knacks into such Vogue here, that every one
aspires to be decked with them, and the Bookseller can hardly satisfy the Eagerness of th « Public. L. HOLLAND. Hague, Sept. 22. The Prince of Orange took Leave of the States- General on Friday last : He left this Place early on Satur- day with a numerous Retinue, and arrived at Loo the same Day, where he continued Sunday and Yesterday ; and this Morning fet out for Brunswick, where he will stay two or three Days, and then proceed to Potzdam by the Way of Magdeburg ; and, it is said, the Marriage will be celebrated at Berlin on the 4th of Oct. . The Accounts of the Harvest from all the Northern Parts of Europe are
extremely favourable ; so that, without some very extraordinary Causes, the Price of Grain must fall considerably before the Winter. Gt. LONDON, September 29. . From the LONDON GAZETTE. Whitehall, Sept. 29. On Sunday last Capt. Wrottesley arrived here from * Monaco with the melancholy Account, that his Royal Highness Edward- Augustus, Duke of York and Albany, Vice- Admiral of the Blue Squadron, Earl of Ulster in Ireland, [* Monaco is the Capital of a Principality of the same Name in the Territories of Genoa, in Upper Italy ;' it is a small but fortified City and has a good Harbour. It belongs to its own Prince, who is a
Descendant from Marshal Metignon, by the Heiress of Grimaldi, and a Subject of France.] Ranger and Keeper of Windsor- Forest and Cranburn- Chace, High- Steward of Plymouth, a Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, one of his Majesly's Most Honoura- ble Privy- Council, Fellow of the Royal Society, and President of the London Hospital, died at that Place on the 17th Instant, about Eleven o'Clock in the Morning ( as he was travelling from Genoa to Venice) of a malignant Fever, after a severe Illness of 14 Days, to the great Grief of their Majesties and all the Royal Family. His Royal Highness was in the
29th Year of his Age, being born 0n the 25th of March, 1759 ; was installed a Knight of the Garter, June 14, 1752 ; and was created Duke of York, See. the 4th of April, 1760. The Body was opened and embalmed; and was ordered by Commodore Spry to be put 0n board his Majesty's Ship, Montreal, Capt. Colby, to be brought to England. Lord- Chamberlain s Office, Sept, 28, 1767. ORDERS for the Court's going into Mourning 0n Sunday next, the 4th Day of October, for his late Royal Highness Edward - Augustus, Duke of York, next Brother to his Majesty, viz. The Ladies to wear black Silk, plain Muslin, or Long Lawn, Crape
or Love Hoods, black glazed Gloves, black Paper Fans, and black Silk Shoes. Undress, black or dark- grey unwatered Tabbies. The Men to wear black Cloth without Buttons on the Sleeves or Pockets, plain Muslin or Long Lawn Cravats and Weepers, Crape Hatbands, and black Swords and Buckles. Undress, dark- grey Frocks. The, Earl Marshal's Order for a General Mourning for his late Royal Highness Edward Augustus, Duke of York and Albany. IN pursuance of his Majesty's Commands, these, are to give public Notice, that it is expected, that, upon the present Oc- casion of the Death of his late Royal Highness Edward-
Augustus, Duke of York and Albany, all Persons do put themselves into decent Mourning ; the said Mourning to begin on Sunday nsxt, the 4th Day of October. Sept. 29,1767. SCARBOROUGH, M. , War- Office, t Sept. 29, 1767. His Majesty does not require, that the Officers of the Army should wear any other Mourning, on the present melancholy Occasion, than a black Crape round their Left Arms, with their Uniforms. By His Majesty's Command, BARRINGTON. Admiralty- Office, Sept. 29,1767. His Majesty does not require that the Officers of his Fleet or Marines should wear any other Mourning, on the present melancholy
Occasion, than a black Crape round their Left Arms, with their Uniform*. Ph. Stephens. War- Office, Sept. 16. 2d Troop of Horse- Guards, Brig. and Lieut. John Sivright is appointed to be Exempt and Captain, vice Charles Clarke, by Purchase. Ditto, Sub- Brigader and Cornet Charles Morton Pleydell, to be Brigadier and Lieutenant, vice John Sivright, by Purchase. Ditto, Stephen Collman Hickman, Gent, to be Sub- Brigadier and Cornet, vice Charles Morton Pleydell, by Purchase. Ditto, Sub.- Brigadier and Cornet John Farnaby, to be Brigadier and Lieutenant, vice Francis Laprimaduaye. by Purchase. Ditto, Benjamin Samuel
Charlewood, Gent, to be Sub- Bri- gadier and Cornet, vice John Farnaby, by Purchase. 2d Regiment of Dragoon- Guards, Cornet William Hayward Winstone, to be Lieutenant, vice John Hodges, by Purchase. Ditto, Ensign Charles Stisted ( of the 12th Regiment of Foot') to be Cornet, vice William Hayward Winstone, by Purchase. 8th Regiment of Foot, Henry Yonge, Gent, to be Ensign, vice John Lee, preferred, by Purchase. ,25th Regiment of Foot, Ensign Francis Skelly ( of the 66th Regiment of Foot) to be Enlign, vice James Wilkie, preferred, by Purchafe. 66th Regiment of Foot, Alexander David Bradshaw, Gent, to be
Enlign, vice Francis Skelly, by Purchase. Ditto, Henry Mercier, Gent, to be Ensign, vice Patrick Gauld, deceased. 70th Regiment of Foot, Capt. George Garrett, from the Half- pay, to be Captain, vice Capt. Oliver M'Casland, who ex- changes. His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester's Regiment, Lieut. George Bastide, to be Adjutant, vice Francis Chapeau, by Purchase Capt. William Hill to be Lieutenant- Governor of the Town and Garrison of Berwick- upon- Tweed, in the Room of Capt. Roderick Gwynne,. who resigns. , [ Thus far the London Gazette.] Yesterday an Order was. lent to the Managers of both the Theatres to
suspend acting till further Orders. The same Day Expresses were sent off to the several Foreign Courts in Alliance with Great- Britain, to notify the Death of his Royal Highness the Duke of York. L. We are informed his Royal Highness's Illness was occasioned by his setting out on a Journey immediately after his being ex- tremely heated with Dancing. L. It is remarkable that three Persons of the Blood- Royal of England have died in less than one Year and e even Months, viz. His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland, Oct. 31, 1765 ; Prince Frederic, youngest Brother of his present Majesty, Dec. 29, 1765 ; and lastly, the
Duke of York, Sept. 17, 1767'. This is the Birth Day of the Princess- Royal, who enters into the 2d Year of her Age, but their Majesties did not receive any Compliments on that Occasion, on account of the melancholy News arrived from abroad. L. This Day the Hon. Thomas Harley, one of the Representatives of this City, was chosen Lord- Mayor for the Year ensuing. On Sunday Morning last the Lady of the Right Hon. Lord Mount- Stewart, Eldest Son of the Earl of Bute, was lately delivered of a Son and Heir, to the great Joy of that Noble Family, L. The Rev. Dr. Markham, now Dean of Rochester, and one of the Golden
Prebends of Durham, is appointed to succeed the late Dr. Gregory as Dean of Christ- Church, Oxford, which will occasion the Deanry of Rochester to be vacant 011 this Trans- lation.' L. Last Sunday the Hon. Mr. Dillon, Eldest Son of Lord Dillon, renounced the Errors of the Romish Church in the Parish- Church of St. Martin's in the Fields. L. Sunday a Number of Papists assembled in the upper Part of a House near Hog- Lane, St. Giles's, to hear Mass, but the Priest who had promised to attend was taken into Custody; on which the People went off very quietly to their several Habitations. We hear the Universities of Cambridge
and Oxford, with the several Cities in England, intend to petition the Parliament for Refources to pave, light and watch upon the Principle of this Cities of London and Westminster. Application will likewise be made that all Towns and Villages may . be regulated in the same Manner. Villages that are unpaved are to have their Thorough- fares upon the Plan of the Turnpike- Roads, all to form a Segment of a Circle, and the Footways to be terminated with Oak Planks. By these essential Improvements England will be- come the Admiration of all Europe. L. They write from Warsaw, that the Confederacy of Lithuania have issued a
Decree, declaring M. Przezdziecki, Under- Chan- cellor of the Grand Dutchy, deprived of all. his Honours and Possessions, and incapable of holding any Employment. There is also another Decree issued against the Bishop of Wilna, who on the first Motion of the Russian Troops towards Lithuania, in the Month of March last, retired, and has since been in a Foreign Country. L. We learn from Madrid, that on the 1oth of Aug. died, at Malaga; one Beatrice Sanchez Jurade, aged 118 Years 4, Months and 10 Days. She had had eight Children, of which only the youngeltis now living, who is upwards of 90. Lon. For many Years past
upwards of 800,000 Eggs used to be annually imported hither from Scotland ; but, on account of the general Rise of all Kinds of Provisions in that Country, not a tenth Part of that Number is now brought from thence to London. Lon. Last Week an Information was given against several Millers iii the County of Surry, for mixing Flour of an inferior Quality with the finest Flour, and thereby imposing on their Dealers, con- trary to Law. L. On Friday last a Baker was convicted before the Right Hon. the Lord- Mayor of selling Bread short Of Weight, and paid the full Penalty of 5s. per Ounce, amounting to 81. ios. Another Baker was also
convicted before his Lordship of selling Bread short of Weight; but it being his first Offence, he was only fined Half- a- Crown per Ounce, amounting to 5I. 17s, 6d. His Lord- ship assured them, that if they were again detected in such Practices their Names should be published at full Length. L. . Yesterday a reputed Publican was carried before a Magistrate at the West- End of the Town, for wearing a Pair of Nankeen Breeches, with Buttons covered with the same Stuff, who, on the Publican's admitting the Buttons to be cut off in his Presence, mitigated the Penalty to One Guinea. L. -, Last Week one of the Agents for a certain
Trading Justice cleared 39 Guineas, as his Dividend for information against Persons wearing Buttons, made of the same Stuff, on Linen Waistcoats. L. On Saturday Morning, at Half an Hour, past Seven, a Fire broke out in the Back Warehouse in Eagle- Street, Red- Lion Square, of Messrs. Moor and Smith, Oil and Colourmen, in Holbourn, which consumed the said Warehouse and damaged several Houses on the opposite Side of the Street, particularly the Yorkshire Grey Alehouse, and Mr. Gibson's, a Cheesemon ger's : At Nine o'Clock a Party of the Guards arrived from the Savoy, and soon after the City- Marshal the Fire
was got greatly under at Twelve. L. And on Sunday Morning, about Four o'Clock, a Fire broke out at a Pawnbroker's and Chandler's Shop in Turnmill- Street, Clerkenwell, which entirely confumed the same, arid did other considerable Damage before it was extinguish'd, having greatly endangered the whole Neighbourhood, the Houses being old and built with Wood. L. LITCHFIELD RACES. Ou Tuesday last the King's- Plate, at three Heats, was won by Mr. Vever's Chesnut Horse, Morwick- Ball, beating Mr. Stephens's Nabob, and Lord Grosvenor's Count. On Wednesday the Noblemen's and Gentlemen's Subscription- Purse of
50l. for Four- year- olds, three Heats, was won by Mr. Freeth's Mare, Nettle, beating six others, , And on Thursday the City- Plate of 50!. three Heats, was won by Mr. Fenton's Bay Horse, Wolf, beating Mr. Watts's Daedalus, and Lord Grosvenor's Count. The great Number of Nobility and Perfons of Distinction who attended this Meeting made the Balls extremely brillant; and the Diversion on the Race- Ground each Day gave great Satisfaction to the numerous Appearance of Company. J. ABINGDON RACES continued. Wednesday the 23d, the- Members Plate of 50I. was run for5 Give- and- Take, the best of three Four- mile
Heats, and won by Mr. Payne's Bay Horse, Sloven 411 Count Lauragais Brown Horse, Pine- Apple 1 S 3 Mr. Robert Bloss's Bay Mare, Essex- Nancy a s 4. Sir Fred. Evelyn's Grey G. Ploughboy 3 3 s Mr. Kinnier's Bay Horse, Grig j 4 5 The first Heat was won easy by Pine- Apple. The second, which was run off at Score, was strongty contested between Essex- Nancy and Sloven, but at length the Mare was obliged to submit to the superior Strength of the Horse, and the three others barely saved their Distance. The last Heat was an exceeding £ ood one, and very hard run, the five Horses being all the Way within the Scope of a
Casting- Net, and the Winner very doubtful, till they came within the two last Posts, when the Contest lay between Sloven and Ploughboy, but Sloven proved victorious. Thursday the 24th, the Gentlemen's Purse of < ol. by Five, and Six- year- olds, and Aged Horses, the best ot three Four- mile Heats, was won by John Bailey, Esqr's Bay H, Fireaway j t J. Posson, Esqr's G. M. Lass- of- the- Mill s tifa Lord Chedworth's Bay Mare dir. Sir Fred. Evelyn's Brown H. Chance 4. ^ Mr. Rennall's Br, Mare> Black- Legs 3 fo Mr. Ellis's Bay Horse, Paddy 6 i Mr. Brown's Brown Mare, Royal- Gin dif. Capt. Stroud's Grey Horse, Tallyho rfji;
Wm. Casemore's Bay Mare, Brittoness f) jf, Duke of Marlborough's Bay Mare a ^ The following Letter ivas written by his Highness Prince Soltyki,, Duke of Severta and Bifhop of. Cracow, to the Dyetines assembled at Warsaw the 15th of August last. Gentlemen, SEEING that in this Series of critical Incidents you are going to assemble, by virtue of ths King's Universalias, to form. the Council, which precedes, the Dyet Extraordinary, in order to chufe Nuncios that may prove worthy Interpreters of your Sen- timents ( ever known to be great, zealous, and patriotic) and upright Legislators, I fee! myself obliged to prefent myself
among you by this Letter, to fulfil tne Duty of the Offices of Bishop and Senator, which Providence has been pleased to invest me with. THL >
the first and most important Object of our Cares and Consul- tations ought to be the Means to repel the Enterprizes ot the Dissidents, Enterrprizes so often renewed. It is not necessary that I should explain to you at length my Opinion on this Head. I have declared it at large in the last Dyet, in Pretence ot the States assembled, as became a Bishop, a Sena- tor, and a Citizen ; and I assure you, Gentlemen, that thefe Sentiments remain with me, and that I keep them inviolate tor ever. God puts our Zeal to the Trial, by furnishing it with the Means to signalize itself We have known how to deserve, tor many Ages part, the Re putation of Defenders of the Orthodox Religion. We have made it appear in the last Dyet, that we are that same Nation that looked upon as its primary advantage the Integrity of its Re- ligion. ' It is the same Zeal that is expected of us from God, his Church, and the whole Earth. Our Posterity demands that our piety and Steadiness in Religion should thwart the Pretensions ot the Dissidents, if they extend them beyond the Limits which the Laws have prescribed to them. Vouchsafe then, Gentlemen, to arm your worthy Nuncios with Courage, by providing them with Orthodox and Patriotic Instructions, that they grant not the
Dissidents new Advantages beyond those which the Laws fecure to them ; let that Justice, which the Constitutions of the Country, and the Treaties with Foreign Powers, expresly grant to them be stipulated for them. With regard to the Interests of the Country, nobody can add any Thing to the Expressions of her Majesty, the Empress of all the Russias, contained in her Declarations. " They are worthy of the Admiration and Respect of future Ages. They prove that this Great Princess was formed to give a fair Example to Mankind, to render the. Nations happy, and fill the World with her Benefits. The Kindness which this worthy
and august Neighbour has for us merits to be perpetuated for ever. Her Greatnefs ot Soul, which is the Source of her mag- nanimous Intentions to support our principal Laws, to perpetuate our Liberty, to remove the Innovations that threatened to impair our Happiness, and, in a Word, to fecure the public Welfare ot our Country, and the Form ot our Government, does by no Means seek to constrain us with regard to the Dissidents ; on the contrary, she condescends to declare that she will maintain the Advantage due to the Catholic Religion, as being predominant. Her Imperial Majesty, endowed with the moft perfeit Penetration,
knows and sees that a Diversity ot Religions in a Country pro- duces a Diversity of Sentiments hurtful to the Government ; and for that Reason she requires only that we treat with the Dissidents as Brethren j that we fecure to thein the Advantages stipulated by the Laws and by Treaties ; it is then visible that this Great Princefs wills and pretends that the Justice due to the Dissidents, by virtue of the Laws and of Treaties be one of the Objects of the approaching Dyet. We are convinced how much our high Neighbours iuterefted themlelves in our public Welfare and internal Tranquility, by the Declarations, in which they
demonstrate to us, that a Dyet ot general Pacification is indispensably necessary for us. Therefore all the Citizens ot the Kingdom expected his Majesty's Univer- salias conformable to the Declarations of the said Powers, tbat would let forth the Matters analogous to the general Pacification. But since these Universalias make Mention only of the Confede- racies of Thorn and Zluck, and that the Patriotic Matters are entirely omitted therein, you would, Gentlemen, do very well ( considering the Respect due to the neighbouring Powers) to frame, by your worthy Nuncios, the Instructions concerning that Point; that is, that they do not
permit any Thing to be treated of in the Dyet, but insist on another being convoked, whose Universalias be analogous to the Declarations of the Powers con- cerned, and to the Wishes of the Nation. It would even be contrary to the Dignity of the Nation, and contrary to that of the States of the Kingdom, to hold a Dyet with the sole View of pacifying the Pretensions of the Dissidents, without having a suitable Regard to the other Points contained in the Declarations ot the said high Neighbours. _ . Vouchsafe, I beseech you, Gentlemen, to recommend in your Instructions to your Nuncios to insist: that the Copper Mint be shut up,
because that Coin is very prejudicial to the Country on account of its little intrinsic Value, and the Difficulty of export- ing it. May the mosl Holy Spirit vouchsafe to pour down on you, Gentlemen, the Celestial Gifts', that your Deliberations held with the Intent to secure the Holy Religion, the Liberty and funda- mental Laws ot the Country, for the public Welfare, may have the most happy and permanent Issue. I shall never cease, con- formable to my Vocation, to lift up both Heart and Hands to Heaven, to beg it of the Almighty. I have the Honour to be, & c. Lon. Thursdays and Friday's POSTS LONDON, 0ctober i. fROM the West-
End ot the Town we hear, that it is the Opinion of some deep Politicians there, that One- Third oi the present Parliament will not be sitting Members in the tnfuing one, in which Opinion they are so positive that they even offer to lay Wagers on it ; however, they do not pretend to say whether the Members to be left out are the Courtiers or the Patriots, but, from the Largeness of the Number, we hope the former. L. The Aft of .7 and S W. III. Chap xxv. enacts and declares, '* That all Conveyances of any Messuages, Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, in any County, City, Borough, Town Cor- porate, Port, or Place, in ordsr to
multiply Voices, or to split or divide the Interest in any Houses or Lands among several Persons, to enable them to vote at Elections of Members to serve in Par- liament, are hereby declared to be void ; and that no more than one single Vote ( hall be admitted for one and the same House or Tenement." Lon. By a Gentleman just arrived in Town from the West of Eng- land we are informed, that several monopolizing Farmers had lately gone round the Counties amongst the small Farmers and had bought up all their Stock of Corn. L. A Letter from Brussels mentions the Death of Count O'Donnell, at that Place, a Native of Ireland,
aged 102, and formerly an Officer in the Hungarian Service. L. We hear, that several Persons who have lately paid Penalties for wearing Buttons 0n their Linen Waistcoats, covered with the same Stuff of which they were made, have consulted Council thereon, and been advised that the Manner in which these Pe- nalties were levy'd was illegal ; in consequence ot which they intend to bring Actions of Assault, & c. against those who levy'd, or were concerned in levying such Penalties, fo that they will be obliged to refund them back, with Damages and Costs. In which Case, we presume, they'll wish they had suffered the Button-
Act to remain in the same dormant State in which it continued for many Years. L. Letters from Charles- Town, South- Carolina, say, " The fol- lowing are some further Particulars of those Villains which infest the Back Settlements, viz. On the 26th of July, James Tyrrell, John Anderion, Still Stoaks, James Stoaks, and one Cornelius, came to the House of James Miller at Turkey- Creek, on- the ' ( 114- ) Road toward Long- Canes, robbed him of all his Wearing- Apparel, 45I. in Cash, and a Parcel of Deer Skins. The next Day they went to the Dwelling of Michael Watson, and, after ransacking it of every Thing worth carrying off, set
Fire to it, as also his Wheat and Corn. From thence they proceeded to Wat- son's Father, in order to do his Jobb, as they said ; but the old Mail luckily got out of their Way. They then went down the Road about ten Miles, where they met Conrad Alder, driving a Waggon, with his Family in it, going to his Settlements at Long- Canes, and robbed him of his Watch, and 140l. in Money. William Watson, with his Father, Brother, and two other Men, pursued the Villains about 50 Miles, till they came within Half- a- Mile of Robert Ford's House, who is supposed to be one of the Party: Here they met Tyrrell and Anderson, and obliged
them to surrender, and carried them up to Ford's House ; when some of the Gang hollowed out, Peace or War ; Watson answered Peace ; the housed Villains immediately fired on them, killed poor old Watson, one of his Sons, and another of their Party, and knocked down Michael Watson, who soon recovered him- self, and after discharging his Piece, drew his Knife, and ripped two of them open : This gave the Prisoners an Opportunity of making their Escape. Captain Gilbert Hays, on hearing of those Robbers, ordered out a Party of the Militia, under the Command of Lieut. Sinkfield, who went immediately in quest of them,
and a little this on Side of Ford's House met Tyrrell, who was looking for Anderson : Lieut. Sinkfield called out to him to surrender, which he refused, desiring him to fire away and be d d; they then fired at him, and brought down one of the most bar- barous Wretches among the whole Crew." J. They write from Newfoundland, that his Majesty's Armed Schooner, St. John, had taken seven New- England Small Craft, smuggling with the French at Miquelon, and carried them into Placentia, where they were all condemned. Lon. Last Week Farmer Nicholls, of the Parish of St. Creed, in Cornwall, finding that his Daughter was not
down Stairs at her usual Time, at Seven o'Clock in the Morning, went to call her ; upon entering the Room he observed, to his great Surprize and Concern, that a Child was born there ; and, on inspecting the Bed wherein his Daughter lay, found a Female Child, dead, concealed under the Rug. It appeared on the Coroner's Inquest that the Child had all the Marks which Nature gives of its being come to its full Time : There was a very visible Contusion on the prominent Part ot the Forehead, and a Continuation of ex- travasated Blood from one Ear to the Shoulder, and round the Neck. Undoubtedly, the Resolution ot the Wretch
was despe- rately bent to commit the cruel Act, and must have undergone the Anguish with great Silence, as two Persons lay in the next Room, and heard nothing of the Matter. The Jury charged the Mother with Wilful Murder; and when the offender is in a fit Condition to be conveyed to Launceston Gaol, she will make the third Person committed there since the last Assizes. J. Bedford, Sept. 22, 1767. To the Worshipful the Mayor, Aldermen, Freemen, and Inhabitants 6f the Town of BEDFORD. HAVING this Day, on our Canvass, had the Honour of being universally approved oj as proper Persons to represent this antient
Borough and Town in Parliament, at the next General Election— We beg Leave to embrace the earliest Opportunity of returning you our most hearty Thanks, and intreat the Favor of your Votes and Interest, in our Support on the Day of Election, which will lay a lasting Obligation on, GENTLEMEN, Your most obliged and mop devoted, humble Servants, RICHARD VERNON, THOMAS HATTON, To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders of the County of HUNTINGDON. • GENTLEMEN, AVING met with the greatest Encouragement in my Canvass, even beyond my most sangune Expectations, I take this earliest unity of
expressing my Gratitude in the warmest Acknowledg- ments, and of in treating the Continuance of your Favours. I ant firmly resolved to support my Friends, and ofpofe all those arbitrary Measures which have been used to defeat my Election, and rob the County oj its Liberty, under pretence of preserving its Peace. If 1 am so happy as to succeed, 1 shall make it my constant Endeavour steadily to pursue the Interest of my Country in general, and of this County and every Town in it in particular, to the utmost of my Abilities and am, GENTLEMEN, Your most obliged, faithjul Servant, ROBERT BERNARD; H Oppc To the
Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders, of the County of HUNTINGDON. GENTLEMEN, AReport having been industriously propagated, that I had Thoughts of declining any further Service in the County of Huntingdon; I find myself under the Necessity of assuring you, that it is intirety false and without Foundation. I have the most grateful Sense of the Assurances I have received, and the strongest Hopes of tke Continuance of your Favours, which it shall ever be my Study to deserve. I AM, GENTLEMEN, your most obliged and most faithful, humble Servint, London, Sept. 10. CARYSFORT THE Gentlemen, Clergy, and
Freeholders of the County of NORTHAMPTON are desired by the Lord- Lieutenant to meet' at the Sessions- House in Northampton, on Thursday the 3d Day of December next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, to consider of proper Persons to represent the County in the ensuing Parliament, It is hoped that no Person will engage his Vote or interest till the Sense of the County can be taken. There will be an Ordinary at the George and Red- Lyon. JAMES LANGHAM, Sheriff. Northampton, Oct. 5, 1767. NOTICE is hereby given, THAT the Trustees appointed by M of Parliament for Amending the Highways leading from the
Dun- Cow in the Town oj Dunchurch, in tbe County of Warwick, to St James'- End, in the Parish of Duston, in the County of Northampton, have appointed to meet at the Houfe of Mrs. Stamp, the Sign oj the Fox, in Harleston, on Thursday the 8th Instant, at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon. H. WYCKLFY, Clerk H To the Worthy Freemen and Inhabitants of the Town of NORTHAMPTON. GENTLEMEN, HAVING met with the greatest Success upon my Canvass, I return you my most sincere Thanks J or the fame ; and, being fully assured of the utmost Support and Assistance from many of the most respectable and considerable
Persons in the. Neighbourhood, I now beg the Continuance of your present favourable Dispositions towards me, which, I doubt not, Will be vigorously and successfully exerted in my Behalf on the Day of Election. l am, GENTLEMEN, Your most obedient and obliged, humble Servant, JAMES LANGHAM. Northampton, Oct. 2, 1767. To the Worthy Electors ot the Town and Corporation of NORTHAMPTON. GENTLEMEN, WE beg Leave to take the first Opportunity of returning you our sincere Thanks for tke great Encouragement which you have been pleased to give us upon our late Canvass, to hope for your Favour at the
approaching General Election for Members of Par- liament ; and we have no Doubt of your steady Adherence to your obliging Promises, and of our finding the good Effect of them on the Day of Election. WE are, GENTLEMEN, with the utmost Respect, Your moSt obliged and moSt devoted, humble Servants, GEORGE OSBORN, GEORGE BRIDGES RODNEY. P. S. We cannot omit, at the same Time, to express our Obliga- tious to the great Number of the most respectable Persons in the adjacent Parts of the County of Northampton, who have honoured us with their Countenance on this Occasion. GEORGE OSBORN,
GEORGE BRIDGES RODNEY. Northampton, OCt. 3, 1767. To all such as are disposed to be INOCULATED for the SMALL- POX. WHEREAS ROBERT GOODMAN, of Nortoft- Grounds, in the Parish of Guisborough, in the County of North- ampton hath made it his Study and Practice, for more than tea Years last past, to find out the most safe and best Method of Inoculating and Nursing for the Small- Pox, and with the best of Success, begs Leave to acquaint all his Friends and Acquaintance, and the Public in general, that he continues to carry on the same Business at to easy a Price as Two Guineas. All such Persons as
please to put themselves under his Care may depend upon being carefully and tenderly used. All Letters directed to the said Robert Goodman, to be left at the Sign of the Rose- and- Crown in Gold- Street, Northampton, may depend upon their being answered immediately, without Loss of Time, from Their most obliged, humble Servant, ROBERT GOODMAN. To the Worthy Electors of the Town of BEDFORD. GENTLEMEN, AFTER frequent Invitations by the general Voice of you, my Friends and Countryman, to be a Candidate to represent you in the next Parliament, I am so happy as to find, upon my late Personal
Application, that your kind Invitations were sincere, as I met with a free, hearty, and generous Reception from the Rich and the Poor equally, with Resolution to support me at the Time of Election with your Votes and Interest. I therefore return you all my most grateful Thanks, and will chearfully trust that what you have so freely pro- mised me you will as faithfully perform. I am, GENTLEMEN, Cardington, Tour affectionate Countryman, Sept. 28, 1767. Neighbour, and most faithful Friend, SAMUEL WHITBREAD. INOCULATION. ' MR. STUBBE, Surgeon, of Leighton- Buzzard, and Mr. WARREN, Surgeon, of Dunstable,
Bedfordshire, Partnera in INOCULATION, take this Method to inform their Friends and the Public, that they continue to Inoculate at a very conve- nient House in a pleasant and healthful Situation on Thorn- Green, between Dunstable and Leighton, and near the Turnpike- Road, which they us'd last Season for that Purpose with such Success, that out of the great Numbers they Inoculated not one was confin'd a single Day, and the Patients have enjoy'd a good State of Health ever since The Terms are Five Guineas, and Three Guineas for People in indifferent Circum- stances, for which every Necessary will be found, with proper
Attendance, ( Tea, Sugar, and Linen excepted) and the greatest Regard paid to their late and perfect Recovery. H' To the Worthy Freemen and Burgesses of BEDFORD, not resident in the Town, GENTLEMEN, HAVING had the Honor to be approved of by a great Majority of the worthy Electors oj the Town of Bedford, to be a Candi- date at the next Election, to represent that antient Borough in Parlia- ment ; I humbly intreat the Favor of your Votes and Interest in my Support. I will do myself the Honor to apply to you farther as soon as Time will permit me. l am, GENTLEMEN, Cardington, Your most obedient, Sept. 28, 1767
humble Servant, SAMUEL WHITBREAD. To he LETT for the Term of seven Years, And Entered upon next Lady- Day, THE TITHES of the Rectory of Wotton, together with " the Glebe and Parsonage- House. The above Rectory is situated two Miles from Northampton, and sixty- eight from London. Proposals for the same may be sent to Mr. Yeatman, at Bampton, near Witney, Oxfordshire. To be SOLD, In LOTS, At the Sign of the Three- Crowns in Leicester, on Friday the 16th of October, 1767, about Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, To the best BIDDER, The following Estates, viz. LOT I. A FrEEHOLD ESTATE at Norton by
Galby, ia the County of Leicester ; consisting of a large well- built Brick House, with convenient Out- Buildings, good Gardens, and Orchards well planted with Trees, and 160 Acres or upwards of rich Pasture and Meadow- Land, now in twelve Parts or Closes, and in the Tenure of Mr. Bates, and worth per Annum about 170I. subject to Land- Tax only. A Cottage and small Croft there, in the Tenure of John Allen, and worth per Annum ahout 40s And a Leafehold F. ifate at Norton aforesaid ; consisting of a House and Homestead, and about 83 Acres of inclosed Land, now in the several Tenures of Edward Healey, John Allen,
John Voss, Mrs. Boss, Mr. Ross, and Andrew Tilby : and held for three Lives ( the oldest of which is not more than about 32 Years) of Wigstone Hospital in Leicecter, under the yearly Rent of iol. 2s. and the Carriage of a Load of Coals. LOT 2. A Freehold Estate, consisting of a good Farm- House, with a Homestead and convenient Out- Buildings, in Little- Stretton, in the said County of Leicester ; a Close in Great. Stretton, about 18 Acres Two Yard Lands, in the Open Fields of Little- Stretton, containing about 39 Acres; and tbe Great- Tithes of the Open Fields of Little- Stretton, all now in the Tenure of Mr. Ross; and also a
Cottage in Little- Stretton, in the Tenure of Charles Holbeech ; all which Premisses in the Stretton's are of the yearly Value of 90I. or thereabouts. Mr. Bates will shew the Norton Estate, Mr. Ross the Stretton ; and as to the Conditions ot Sale, apply to Thomas Pares, Attorney, in Leicester.
To be SOLD, SOME very good Noway OAK- WAINSCOT, eighteen Window- Frames, with Iron Casements and good Glass be- longing to them, in very good Repair. Also two Pieces of old Tapestry Hangings. Enquire of Mr. Swan, Joyner, or of Mr. Ecton, Mason, in Northampton. To be SOLD by AucTioN, By THOMAS BROUGHTON, On Tuesday the 20th 0f this, Instant October, and the following Days, THE Entire HOUSHOLD FURNITURE of the Rev. Mr. LYE, deceas'd, at his late Dwelling- Houle in Yardley- Hastings, in the County of Northampton ; consisting of Bedsteads and Curtains, Feather - Beds, Counterpanes,
Quilts, Blankets, Tapeliry and other Hangings, Cabinets, Drawers, Tables, Chairs, Glasses, and China, useful and ornamental ; Bed and Table Linen ; Kitchen- Furniture, particularly a large Quantity ot excellent Pewter and Brass, Dairy and Brewiug- Utensils, viz. a Hogshead- Copper, Mashing and Working Vats, Cooler, and Iron- bound Casks, &' c. To begin precisely at Ten o'Clock. To be S OLD by AUCTION, At the Angel Inn in Northampton, on Friday the 30th Day of October Inst. 1767, between the Hours of Twelve and Two in the Afternoon, AN ESTATE at Pattishall, in the County of Northampton ; confining of the Rectory
and Great Tithes ot Pattishall, three Farms, two Cottages, and a Modus payable from Lands of Foxley, lying in Pattishall Parish. Messuage, Barns, & c. and Land, and Part of the Great Tithes, lett to Mr. John Shepherd, Acres Open- Field Rent Of which inclofed. by Yard- Land. 1. s. d. is Tythes. 14. 00 zoo 89 00 63 00 Messuage, Barns, & c. Land, and Part of the Great Tithes lett to Mr. Francis Horn, o 2 i- 8th 50 o o 30 o 0 and Part of the Great Tithes, lett to Mr. ( 115 ) To be SOLD, , CLOSE and MEADOW in Clay- Coto of Northampton ; containing about eleven Acres and in the Tenure of Mr. Thomas Johnson, who will shew
the Premisses_ Enquire of Mr. Wartnaby, Attorney at Law, in Harborough To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JAMES BRADFORD, four Leagues distant, only wrapping himself up in his cloak ; the County, the next Day his Royal Highnefs complained of a flight Chilnef? ' ' ! and Shivering; the Indisposition, however, appeared so very trifling, that he went at Night to the Comedy ; but before it was over his Royal Highness found himself much worse, and was obliged to withdraw. By proper Care he was much better in the Morning, and therefore set forward for Monaco, the Prince of which ( who was acquainted with his Royal Highness,
in his Joseph Higham, o o o 01 Cottage lctt to J. Ward, o o o o o Cottage lett to Hurdis o o o o o o Foxley Modus, 060 000 From Land, late Mr. Baron's, 000 000 32 o o ' 5 ° 29 12 4 177 1 4 Outgoings are annually, a Fee- Farm, Chief and Quit- Rent 61. » 6s. 3d. N. B. The Buildings are all strong and in good Repair, and tliePremises greatly under- lett—- An Inclosure is intended ! Particulars to be had of Mr. Toll, at Preston- Deanry, near Northampton ; Mr. John Shepherd, at Pattishall ; or of Mr. Philip Burton, Attorney, in Lincoln's- Inn, London ; and at the faid Angel Inn. O£ tober 5, 1767. To be LETT, and Entered upon at Lady-
Day next, THE TITHES of the Rectory of Bradden, near Towcester, in the County of Northampton; together with the Parsonage- House, and the Year following the Glebe of the fame Parish, if required. For Particulars, enquire of the Rev. Mr. Keeling, at his Houfe at Tiffield, near Towcester; or at the Rev. Mr. Bridges at Orlingbury, near Wellingborough ; of the Rev.. Dr. Edward Berdmore, at Aston- le- Walls, near Banbury and Daventry ; or of Mr. Aldwinckle, Attorney, at Kettering ; who are impowered to, lett the Premises at any Time after the 15th Day of this Month. In case the said Bargain should not be lett before the 1st Day of
December next, any married Man, who can produce alatis- factory Account of his Faithfulness, Diligence, and Capacity for the Business, and give Security, if required, for his Behaviour, may offer himself for managing the Premises, and shall have an handsome Salary, with all Necessaries tor the Purpose provided to his Hands. To be SOLD, At Cranfield, in the County oj Bedford, FURNITURE suitable for an Apothecary's Shop, with all the Implements thereto ; likewise a Quantity of fresh Drugs, late the Property pf Mr. Thomas Offrell, Apothecary, deceas'd, being all very neat and good. For further Particulars, enquire of Mr.
Pulley, Apothecary, in Bedford ; or of Mrs. Offrell in Cranfield. . N. B. Cranfieid is very well situated for an Apothecary, there tiot being one within five or six Miles of that Place, On Wednesday and Thursday, the 21st and 22d Days of Oct. 1767, at the Mansion- House at Lillingston- Dayrell, in the County of Bucks, ALL the Remaining Reserv'd HOUSHOLD- FURNITURE of the Rev. Doctor DAYRELL, deceased, which was not disposed of at the late Sale, and which chiefly consists of the best Goods; together with all the valuable Paintings; also many other Effects which were not in the late Catalogue, To which will be added, all
the Household furniture, Linen, China, and some Plate of Mrs. Smith, late of Buckingham : Also all the Wearing- Apparel of a Person deceased, with several choice Books, and Instruments of Surgery and Music,: Like- wise great Variety of Linen- Drapery and Mercery Goods, the Property of a Person leaving that Branch of Business. CATALOGUES of the Particulars will be delivered in due time at the White- Horse and Saracen's- Head Inns in Towcester ;; Bull and Cock in Stony- Stratford ; Crown and Queen's- Head in Brackley ; at Joseph Dudle's, Mercer, in Winslow ; at James Bradford's, in Buckingham ; and at the Place of
Sale. . N. B. A neat Four- wheel Chariot, a Sedan- Chair, a fine ton'd Spinnet, and a Sorrel Gelding. To be LETT, And Entered upon on or before Michaelmas next, for any Term of Years, THE MANSION- HOUSE at Woodend, in the Parish of Harlington, in the County of Bedford, furnish'd or un- furnish'd; pleasantly situated in a good Neighbourhood, within five Miles of Wooburn and Ampthill, seven from Dunstable and Luton, and 40 from London : Consisting of a Hall, two Parlours, five Bed- Chambers, with Dressing- Rooms and Closets, and good Lodging- Rooms over; a- good Kitchen, Butler's- Pantry, Brew- house, Landry,
Cellars, and all other proper Conveniences for a Family; a Kitchen and Pleasure- Garden well planted with Variety of Wall and other Fruit Trees; two Coach- Houses and good Stabling ; together with the Manor of Wadlows, and two or more inclosed Pasture- Grounds, lying contiguous to the said House. For Particulars, enquire of Mr. Henry Letch, who at present lives in the House. To be LETT; And Enter'd upon immediately, genteely furnish'd, for any Term not exceeding 14 Years, THE MANSION- HOUSE, in excellent Repair, at Over- Norton, within a Mile of Chipping- Norton, in the County ot Oxford, pleasantly situated in a
good Neighbourhood and fine Sporting Country, where several Packs of Hounds are kept in the Neighbourhood, one within a Mile of the Premises, and lying between the London Roads from Worcester, Birmingham, & c. Consisting of a Hall, three handsome Parlours, six Bed- Cham- bers, with Dressing- Rooms and Closets, with good Lodging-' Rooms over; a good Kitchen, Store- Room, Butler's Pantry, Wine- Vaults, and other large Vaulted Cellars, Brew- house, Laundry, and all other proper Conveniences well adapted, Kitchen and Pleasure Garden well planted with Variety of Wall and other Fruit Trees, Fish- Ponds well
stored with Fish, Hot- House, Ice- House, Dove- House well stock'd, Coach- House, Dog- Kennel, and good Stabling with Rooms over; together with the Manor or Over- Norton and Bartletts, adjoining to each other; and two inclosed Pasture- Grounds lying contiguous to the said House. , For Particulars, enquire of Mr. Bulley, Apothecary, in Chipping- Norton, in the County ot Oxford; or of Mr. Lock, Attorney at Law, of the same Place. Lutterworth Assembly WILL be held at Lord- Denbigh's- Arms on Monday the 12th of this Instant October; being the last Time this Season. ALL Persons, indebted to William Green, Dyer, in
Bedford, are desired to pay their respective Debts to Richard Leach, Ironmonger, in Bedford, immediately. And all Persons, having any Demand on the said William Green, are desired to send their Accounts to the said R. Leach. W To be SOLD, AN INCLOSED FARM, at Barnacle, in the Parish of Bui kington, in the County ot Warwick ; consisting of a good Farm- House and convenient Out- Buildings, and about 134 Acres of useful Land, which Farm ( exclusive of a Spinney of Trees, of about three Acres and a Half) is lett to a Tenant at Will for 120l. a Year, whose Family has rented the Farm for a great Number of Years, and is
a Lady- Day's Take. Barnacle is about fix Miles from Coventry, four from Nun- eaton, and five trom Hinkley. The Estate is Freehold, very easy taxed, and capable of great Improvement. Also an Inclosed Farm at Long- Lawford, near Rugby, in the County of Warwick; lett to a Tenant at Will at the clear yearly Rent of 30 Guineas. For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. Caldecott, Attorney at Law, at Rugby, who is authorised to treat for the Sale of the said Farms. HERE AS I, Thomas Porter, of Swinford, in the County of Leicester, Maltster, did, about this Time Twelvemonth, receive from Mr. Thomas Ireson, of Lilbourn, in the County
of Northampton, a Bank- Note for Twenty Pounds ; and whereas I did by Mistake, soon after, pay away the said Bank- Note for Ten Pounds ; and I and my Wife have since scandalously abused the Character of the said Mr, Ireson, by publicly declaring that he had imposed upon and defrauded me, by delivering to me a Bank- Note of Ten Pounds instead of Twenty Pounds : Now I do hereby acknowledge that the Trans- action concerning the said Mr. Ireson's Payment to me of the said Bank- Note was in part very just and fair, and that I and my Wife, without any just Cause, have publickly reflected upon Mr. Ireson and his
Character, and I do hereby ask his Pardon and Forgiveness for the same. Dated this 30th Day of Septem- ber, 1767; and I do consent that this Declaration shall be pub- lished in the Northampton and Coventry Weekly Mercuries, as Witness my Hand, THOMAS PORTER. Witness, John Lagoe, of Rugby, Mercer. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Tuesday the 3d Day of November ntxt, precisely at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, at COOKE ' s Coffee- House, in the Cherry- Orchard, Birmingham, THE Entire STOCK in TRADE of WILLIAM HARROLD, a Bankrupt; consising of a large Assortment of Linen and Woollen Drapery,
Mercery, and Haberdashery Goods, all frelii and in good Condition : The aforesaid Goods to be viewed to the Time of Sale, at the said Bankrupt's late Dwelling- House, Situate in Moor - Street, Birmingham. Printed Catalogues to be had at Mr. Harrold's; Mr. Cooke's, in the Cherry- Orchard 5 and at Messrs. Pearson and Aris's, Printers, in Birmingham. N. B. All Persons, who stand indebted to the Estate of Mr. Harrold, are desired forthwith to pay the same to Mr. George Davis, in Moor- Street, Birmingham, or they will be sued with- out further Notice. ELOPED on Thursday the 24th of September last, from his Master, Mr. Edward
Butlin, ot Spratton, in the County of Northampton, Woolcomber and Weaver, William Cave, about twenty Years of Age, of a sallow Complexion, with light Flaxen Hair ; had on when he went away a light- mix'd Coat, a Thickset Waistcoat, and Leather Breeches. Whoever harbours or employs the said Wm. Cave, after this public Notice, will be prosecuted according to Law. STOLEN or Stray'd, on the 29th of September last, out of a Field in Arthingworth Lordship, in the County of North- ampton, a Black MARE, fourteen Hands and a- Half high, of the Riding Kind, with a small Star in her Forehead, a Cut Tail,' upwards of six Years
old, rather longish in the Back, and light Carcase. Whoever brings Tidings of her to Joseph Manton, of Arthingworth- aforesaid, shall receive Half- a- Guinea Reward and reasonable Charges. Had on when lost a Logger. s. Saturday's and Sundays POST LONDON, October 3. WE hear that his late Royal Highness the Duke of York had fatigued himself with Dancing at a Ball on the 29th of August, yet immediately after set out for Toulon, three or Northampton, Oct. 3, 1767. On Thursday last, being the Anniversary- Meeting for the County- Hospital at Northampton, the Right Hon. ths Earl of Northampton, President, the Right Hon.
the Earl of Halifax, with the Governors and Subscribers to the Charity, went in Procession ( attended by the Mayor, and Aldermen in their Formalities) to the Parish- Church of All Saints, where an ex- cellent Sermon was preach'd on the Occasion by the Rev. Mr. Haggit, Rector of Rushton, and a Collection made at the Church- Doors, as usual, amounting to 63I. 6s. 6d. After which they proceeded to the Hospital, where, the Earl of Northampton being in the Chair, the Annual Report of its pre- lent State, and of the Patients admitted and discharged, and of the Monies received and paid, within the last Year, were read before them,
when they expressed great Satisfaction in the Management of this noble Charity, by which 6083 Persons ( within this County only) have been cured since its Foundation in the Year 1744. Northampton, Oct; 5, On Tuesday last ( being Michaelmas- Day) the Worshipful Thomas Breton, Esq; was sworn into the Office of Mayor ot this Corporation tor the Year ensuing, and William Gibson and John. Newcome, Gents, were sworn Bailiffs. An elegant Enter- tainment was provided at the Red- Lion Inn, at which were prefent the Right Hon. the Earls of Northampton, HalifaX, and Sussex, and a great Number of Gentlemen of Distinction
; when Sir George Rodney, Sir George Osborn, arid Sir James Langham, Barts. declared themselves Candidates for Members of Parliament for this Borough at the ensuing General Election ; and on Wed- nesday, Thursday, arid Friday they made their Canvass through' the Town. We have the Pleasure to inform the Publick, that a Benefaction of Twenty Guineas from Sir James Langham, Bart, of Cottesbrook, was on Thursday last paid into the Hands of Mr.; Lacy, Treasurer to our County- Hospital, towards the Support of that excellent Charity. On Saturday last the Prices of Grain in our. Market were as follows, viz. Wheat from
7s. to 7s. 9d. Barley 3s. 6d. to 3s.. 9d. Rye 4s. to 4s. 4d. Beans 3s. 6d. to 3s. 3d. Oats 1s. 10d to 2S. per Bushel. Monday the 28th of September being the Day appointed for the publick Meeting of the Trustees for the Rev. Mr. Hanbury's Charities at Church- Langton, the Morning was saluted with an Eight- Bell Peal by the Youths of the Town, and the Flag was hoisted on the Top ot the Tower. At about Half an Hour past, Eleven the Trustees went in Procession to the Church, preceded by two Virgers, and heard an excellent . Sermon preached by the Rev. George Atten,-. from these Words, MARK XIV. 9. Verily I say unto you,
wherever this Gospel shall be preached throughout the whole World, this also that she hath done shall be spoken of for a. Memorial of her.—— The Trustees dined With the Founder, and after Dinner several By- Laws were made for the proper conduct- ing of this Society, On Sunday last being the Birth- Day of the Hon. Mr, Greville, Son and Heir Apparent of the Earl of Warwick, the same was celebrated with great Magnificence on Monday at Warwick Castle, where a very grand Entertainment was provided for- upwards of 500 Persons, consisting of the Nobility, Gentry, and Freeholders in that County. Besides which, 20
Rumps, 20 Sur- loins, and 20 Buttocks of Beef were dressed and given to the Populace, with Plenty of Strong Beer : And at Night some grand Fireworks were played off on Guy's Tower. D. We hear from Caithness, in Scotland, that a Meteor was seen there, at Eleven o'clock, on the Night Of the 18th ult. in the South- East Quarter, which illuminated the Heavens tor the Space of eight Minutes, and appeared about 34 Degrees above the Horizon. P. L. A few Days ago the Rev. Dr. Joddrel presented the Rev. Mr, Law to the Archdeaconry of Rochester, in the room of the late Rev. Dr. Denne. D. They write from Senegal, that two
Sons of the King of Brack had been sent down to the Factory, in order to embark for Eng- land for their Education. Gaz. We hear that an ingenious Clock- maker, in Bishopsgate- Street, has lately finished a most curious, elegant, small Table- Clock said to be designed for his Majesty. This Clock has four Fronts, in which are most ingeniously described the Rising and Setting of the Sun, Moon, and Stars, and sundry other great Curiosities: It is said to be as noble a Piece of Mechanism as has been per- formed for a considerable Time past. Gaz. The Reason that Bread rose this Week is asserted by several Bakers to be owing to
the Millers and Mealmen keeping back the Flour, and suffering only French Flour to come to Market, there being not ten Sacks of English Flour in all the Markets of this City last Monday, notwithstanding the great Plenty Provi- dence has this Year blessed us with, and the Quantities that are daily arriving from abroad. F. L. Before his Royal Highness died, we are told, that he ordered all the Gentlemen of his Retinue to his Bedside, where he took a very affectionate Leave of them and desired, that as he could not possibly live many Hours longer, his Blisters might be taken off, to give him a little Ease in his last Moments, which it
is said was done accordingly. P. L. We are told the following is an authentic Paragraph, extracted from a Letter written by Col. St. John, dated at Monaco the 17th ult. to his Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester: " The above is of your Royal Brother's Inditing ; and which he affectingly desired me to go on with as fast as ever I was able; lest his Senses should fail him before I got to the End." Gaz. We hear that her Royal Highness the Princess Amelia is so much indisposed, on account of the Death of the Duke of York; that she is attended by two Physicians. P. The Duke of Cumberland will, we hear, have the blue Rib- band
possessed by his much lamented Brother, and ' tis said will enter into the Navy also, to compensate as much as possible for the Loss, which in the Death of that amiable young Hero is felt by the whole Kingdom. P. L. We are informed that the Lord Chancellor will set out on Monday next, for Town, from Bath, to swear in Lord North as Chancellor of the Exchequer, p. This Day a Proclamation will be issued out for the Meeting of the Parliament on Tuesday the 24th ot November next, for the- Dispatch of Business. P. former Tour to Italy) was waiting there, in Expectation of the Honour of a Visit from him, and the Duke was rather
inclined to accelerate his Journey thither, as in that Prince's Palace he might look for Assistance and Accommodation superior to what he could look for where he was. The Weather happened to be un- commonly hot, and not a little incommoded his Royal Highness ; He nevertheless arrived at Monaco in good Spirits, but yet feverish, and with an Head- Ach. The next Day the Duke was worse, and took to his Bed entirely. All possible Advise and Assistance was given, but to no Purpose ; the Fever was un- conquerable. D.
Part of Tuesdayi, and Wednesday's POSTS. COUNTRY NEWS. Cambridge, Sept. 25. ,. The Rev. Mr. Wadsworth, Senior Fellow of Caius- College, is presented, by the Right Hon. the Earl of Huntingdon, to the Rectories of Howe and Poringland, in the County of Norfolk, and Diocese of Norwich, void by Death. At Stirbitch- Fair Cheshire Cheese sells from 35s, o 40s. per Cwt. Gloucester from 33s. to 37s. Warwick from 30s. to izs. Derby from 30s. to 31s. Leicestershire from 29s. to 32s. . ' J. Reading, Sept. 26. The late Sir John Stonhouse, Bart, dying a Batchelor, his Title and Family- Estate devolve upon his next Brother, now
Sir William Stonhouse, Bart. Lon. At our Cheese- Fair, on Monday last, New Cheese sold from 28s. to 33s. and Old Cheese from 38s. to 415. The Fair was not To plentiful as expected, owing to the late Act relating to the Highways; as most of the Waggons came Only with three Horses, which would otherwise have been drawn by four. L. Bristol, Sept. 26. We hear that one Jane Whatley, of Boar- ham, near Warminster, Wilts, has a Nonpareil Apple- Tree in her Orchard, on which there are between seven and eight Sacks of fine Fruit. She has been offered more Money for them than will pay a Year's Rent of her House and
Orchard, which she has refused L. Canterbury, Sept. 26. On Wednesday last our Hop- Market was opened for this Season, when a great Number of Gentlemen, planters and Buyers attended at the Golden Fleece, St. George's, The Prices from 71. 10s. to 91. Few Ibid. L< IRELAND. Dublin, Sept. 22. It is computed that, by the Folly of the Farmers and Meal- Men of this Kingdom not selling their Grain and Provisions in proper Time, they will be Losers of 100.000l. as these Necessaries have fallen, and will fall more than 50 per Cent. These People put their Country under the Necessity of sending abroad for Grain, even to
Quebec, from whence there were 1760 Barrels lately imported, and sold in Our Market- house. BANKRUpTS. John Tanner, of Pancras- Lane, London, Warehouseman. To surrender On. 9, 10, and Nov. 7, at Guildhall. Francis Spirrill Wheatley, of New Bond- Street, Middlesex; Coach- maker. To surrender Oct. 3, 10, and Nov. 7, at Guild- hall, London. William John, of Penzance; Cornwall, Merchant. To fur- render Oil. 21, 23, and Nov. 7, at the Angel in Helstone. George Winter, ot Bristol, Linen- Draper. To surrender Oct. 19, 20, and Nov. 7, at the Nag's- Head Tavern in Bristol. Thomas Barker, of Cambridge, Woolcomber. To
surrender Oct. 1, 20, and Nov. 40, at the White- Swan in Norwich. Samuel Lindsay, of Leadenhall- Street, London, Carpenter. To surrender Oct. 3, 20, and Nov. 10, at Guildhall Richard Alexander , of White- Fryers, London, Coachmafter. To surrender Ott. 8, 16, and Nov. JO, at Guildhall. DIVIDENDS to be made to CREDITORS. Oct. 22. Stephen Butler, Of Frome- Selwood, Somersetshire, Clothier, at the Angel in Warminster, Wilts. 30. Thomas Hayes, of Liverpool, Lancashire, Woollen- Draper, at the Black- Horse and Rainbow in Liverpool. Jonah Thomas, of Bristol, Maltster, at the Bush- Tavern in Corn- Street, Bristol. Nov. 7.
John Kendall and John Dell, of Oxford- Road, Middle- fex, Colour- Men and Partners, at Guildhall, London. Nov. 11. Isaac Henriques Samuda, of Lemon- Street Goodman's- Fields, London, Merchant, at Guildhall. Nov. 12. John William Pollman, of London; Merchant, at Guildhall. PRICES of GOODS at the Corn- Exchange in Mark- Lane, London. Wheat 40s. tc 52s. Baiiey 22s. to 26s. Rye 20s. to 21s. Oats 135. to 19s. per Quar. Finest Flour 43s. Second Sort 41s. Third Sort 39s. per Sack, Brown Malt 31s. to 33s per Quar. Pale Malt 31s. to 36s. Pease 25s. to 27s. Hog Pease 24s. to x6s. Beans 2ts. to 24s. fid. Taics 22s. to 14s.
PRICES of STOCKS.' Bank Stock-— India ditto 264 i- half, a 266. South- Sea ditto— Ditto Old Annuities 87 5- iStbs. a 3- qrs. Ditto New —- Three per Cent. Bank Annuities Reduced, shut. Ditto Cons. 88 3 8ths. Ditto 1726--- Ditto 1751— India Annuities Three i- half Bank Ann. 1755--- Ditto 1758, 93 i- 8th. a 1- qr. Four per Cent. 1762, shut. Navy 1763 — Four per Cent. 1763-— India bonds 58. a 6s. Prem. Navy and Victualling Bills — Exchequer Bills — Long Annuities 26 7- 8ths. a 27. Lottery Tickets 13s. 6d. a 14s. Dr. ROBERT WALKER'* Patent Genuine and True Original Jefuits Drops, Or, ELIXIR of HEALTH and LONG LIFE. THAT incomparable Medicine, the Genuine JESUITS DROPS, for the Cure of the VENEREAL DISEASE, and obstinate Gleets and Weaknesses, occasioned by Venereal Com- plaints, Self- Pollution, Weaknesses from either Ruptures, many other Causes, in both Sexes, in all their different Stages, even when Salivation had failed, may be had at the Patentee's Ware- house, the Bible, Crown and King's- Arms, the Upper End of Fleet- Lane, opposite the Sessions- House, Old- Bailey, in Bottles of 5s. or 2s. 6d . also at Mrs. Pasham's, Bookseller, at the upper End of the Drapery, Northampton; and at Mr. Burling's, Taylor, at
Banbury. Which said Patent JESUITS DROPS are the most pleasant, safe, cheap, effectual, and immediate Cure ever discovered for those Disorders; have no Mercurials in their Competition, neither purge nor vomit, but carry the Disorders all clean off by Urine, without Hindrance of Business, Confinement, or the Knowledge of a second Person, and the Dose only 15 Drops in a little Wine, Water, or on Sugar. They are extremely convenient for Travellers, and Persons to take to Sea with them. The Success of the PATENT JESUITS DROPS having induced several certain Quacks to imitate and sell a spurious Medicine under
the same Name and Title, to the great Detri- ment. of the Patient, this Caution is thought. necessary to be given, that none are the Genuine and True Original Jesuits . Drops, but those that are sealed with the Patentee's Name, as in the Margin. Vincit Veritas. J. WESSELS and Co. STATE- LO T T E R Y, 1767, NO FIVE PER CENT. THE TICKETS, and SHARES of TICKETS, are sold in Halves, Quarters, Eighths, and Sixteenths, by HAZARD and Co. Stock- Brokers, at their Office under the Piazzas of the Royal- Exchange, and at their House in Lodgate- Street, London ; where the Numerical and Register Books of the Drawing
of the Lottery are kept. The TICKETS and SHARES registered at Six- pence per Number, and the earliest Account of their Success sent to any Part of Great- Britain, & c. The SCHEME. No. of Prizes. Value of each. Total Value. 1 ot 20000 is 20000 3 10000 30000 4- 5000 20000 10 zooo 20000 18 1000 18000 4?. 5OO 21000 200 ioo 20000 610 50 30500 20950 2o 4.19000 21838 Prizes 598500 First Drawn 500 Last Drawn 1000 38162 Blanks of 60000 Tickets, at 101, each, is 6ooooo The Prizes to be transferable Annuities, at the Bank England, bearing Three per Cent, per Annum. The molt Money paid for Prizes, at thefe
Offices, as foon as drawn. The present PRICE of SHARES I. s. d. 612 o 3 7 Haif Fourth Eighth Sixteenth /. s. d. I 14 o 0170 N. B. Not one Blank and three Quarters to a Prize. - The SHARES of TICKETS will now be sold on the most advantageous Terms, as they will be paid without the usual Deduction of Five per Cent. All the Shares sold at these Offices will be stampt with the crown, and round it HAZARD'S LOTTERY- OFFICE. Begins Drawing the 16th of November. All Kinds of Government Securities bought and sold by Commillion. Letters ( Post- paid) will be duly answered. No Bills can be taken, unless drawn at Sight, or
of a short Date. The Original BRITISH HERB TOBACCO, By the KING's Letters Patent. IT is compounded of the fined Leaves and Flowers of Wood- Betony, Wild Rosemary Buds, Wild Lemon Thyme, Colts- foot, Eyebright, & c. & c. The Fumes of one of these Simples taken into the Mouth through a Funnel has been ftrongly recom- mended by Hippocrates, Dioscorides, and Galen ; and, amongst the most eminent modern Physicians, Dr. Bennet, the learned Boerhaave, and his celebrated Commentator, Dr. Van Swieten, unanimously inforce this Practice in Diseasles of the Breast, and against all Defluxions of Rheum, and
superfluous Humidities and Serosities of the Blood. Dr. Mead, in his Manila et Pracepta Medica, in Spitting of Blood, and the very worlt Diseases of the Lungs, directs Fumigation through a Pipe as the only effectual Mode of Application to the Lungs. Dr. Spon, Physician to the French King, prepared, for his Majesty, labouring under a Defluxion in the Eyes, Herb Tobacco, with the very best Success; and Dr. Beaufort, of London, commonly prescribed it in in Nervous Cases. From these Considerations, and the Benefit the Rev, J. Jones, the Patentee, himself received thereby in a Stroke of the Palsy about eight Years since, he
was led to attempt an Improvement, and has, by degrees, brought the British Herb Tobacco to a Standard, so as to be well received by the Public, . and it is at this Time authenticated by Letters Patent. Sold at a Warehouse at Mr. Evans's, Gold- Beater, in Long- Acre, near Drury- Lane, London; also by John Lacy, Bookseller, at Northampton, and at his Shop at Wellingborough on Wednesdays; Mr. Gregory, Printer, at Leicester; Mr. Jones, Grocer, at Coventry Mr. Houlditch, Tobacconift, at Oxford ; Mr. Carter, Confectioner, at Warwick; and Mr. Symonds, Grocer; at Witney; at 5s. the Pound, 2s. 6d. the Half. Pound, and is. 3d.
the Quarter- Pound. One Person only will be be allowed, for the future, to sell it in any Town or City, by virtue of a Certificate under the Hand of Mr. T. Evans. If any Person counterfeits or imitates the British Herb Tobacco, they will be punished to the utmost Rigour of. the Law. Sold at the same Places, GENUINE BRITISH HERB SNUFF, compounded chiefly of the same Ingredients as the Tobacco, and a few others of peculiar Efficacy in relieving all Disorders of the Head and Eyes. It's of a fine aromatic Flavour, and need only to be tried to prove its superior Efficacy to all other spurious Herb Snuff, endeavoured to be imposed
on the Public for this genuine Sort. To prevent any Imposition, each Parcel of Tobacco, and each Canister of Snuff, will be sign'd T. Evans in - Writing. Snuff 2s. 6d. and 1 s. 3d, each Candler Printed Bills, giving an Account of the Virtues ot the Tobacco and Snuff, are given gratis at the Places of Sale. The following BOOKS may be had of the Printers hereof, and of the Men who carry this News : Also of the following Booksellers, viz. J. Jenkinson in Huntingdon, and R. Hull in St. Alban's, and the Newsmen who distribute this Paper in those Parts-, J. Clay, in Daventry, and at his Shops in Rugby and Lutterworth; R. Wilcox, in
Towcester; B. Seeley, in Buckingham; W. Harrod, in Market- Harborough; and Ratten, Parker, and T. Luckman, in Coventry. This Day is published, Price 6d. , ( The whole Work to be completed in Eighty Numbers, one of which will be published regularly every Saturday) NUMBER XI. Of THE LAW of a JUSTICE of PEACE, and PARISH- OFFICER ; containing all the Acts of Parliament at large concerning them, and the Cases determined on those Acts in the Court of King's- Bench. To which is added, a Collection of Precedents, revised and settled by Persons of Eminence in the Law; and comprising a greater Variety than any
other Work ot this Kind extant. By JOHN Lord Viscount DUDLEY and WARD, and T. CUNNINGHAM, Esq. In comparing this with other Works of the same Nature, it will be found to have the following Advantages. I. It will contain all the Statutes at large that concern the respective Offices of Justice of Peace, and Parish- Officers ; such short Abstracts thereof as are inserted in other Books of this Kind having been productive of many dangerous Mistakes. II. All new Acts of Parliament that shall be made, and all new Cases that shall be adjudged, relating to the Subject of this Work, will be printed by Way of Supplement, to
complete each former Edition, when ever a subsequent One is published ; as the laying the Public under the Necessity ot purchasing every new Edition, for the Sake of such Additions, has given Occasion to just and frequent Complaints. III. There will be added a Collection of Precedents, settled with the greatest Accuracy and Precision, by Persons ot Emi- nence in the Law, comprising every Case that falls under the JurisdiCtion of Justices of the Peace. *#* The Public may be assured that this Work will be regu- larly published every Saturday, and that it will not exceed. Eighty Numbers,—•— Numb. 1. may be read and
returned it not approved. London : Printed by H. Woodfall and W. Strahan, Law- Printers to the King's Most Excellent Majelty ; and Sold by W. Griffin, in Catharine- Street, in the Strand ; and to be had of all Booksellers and News- Carriers ; of whom any ot the preceding Numbers may be had. This Day is publish'd, Price only 1s. ( Adorned with a most curious and useful Frontispiece, repre- senting at one View, in near fifty Figures, all the various Names of every Part of a Horse's Body) Being the compleatest, cheapest and plainest Book of the Kind ever yet published, THE COMPLETE HORSE- DOCTOR; or, FARRIERY made
plain and easy. Explaining the best Methods of Curing the several Diseases to which Horses are subject. To- gether with a succinct Account of all the various Symptoms of their approaching Disorders. Also the best Manner ot taking proper Care of them during the Time of their Illness. The Whole laid down in the most plain and intelligent Manner, that those who have Horses may manage their own, and cure the Distempers to which they are subjeCt, without the Assistance of a Farrier. With an Introduction, containing the most certain Methods of chusing Horses of all Kinds. Also easy Directions for Riding, whereby a Person,
from small Experience, may become, not only a complete Horseman, but also a complete Farrier. Likewise the most proper Manner of managing a Horse on a Journey. Being the Result of 37 Years Practice and Experience. ,,, London: Printed for J. Cooke, in Pater- noster Row j and sold by most other Booksellers in England. This Day is publsh'd, ( Adorned with a beautiful Copper- Plate Frontispiece) The SECOND EDITION, corrected, enlarged, and very much improved, of EVERY MAN His own GARDENER. Being a New, and much more Complete, GARDENER'S KALENDAR than any one hitherto published. Containing, not
only an Account of what Work is necessary to be done in the Hot- house, Green- house, Shrubbery, Kitchen, Flower and Fruit Gardens, for every Month in the Year, but also ample Directions for performing the said Work, according to the newest and most approved Methods now in Practice among the best Gardeners. By Mr. MAWE, ( Gardener to bis Grace the Duke oj Leeds) and other Gardeners. Printed for W. Griffin, in Catharine- Street, in the Strand, Where may be had, Price 5s. bound, A New Edition of A New Treatife on the LAWS concerning TITHES : Con- taining all the Statutes, Adjudged Cases, Resolutions and
Judgments relative thereto, with the Addition of several Cases never before printed. VALERIAN. GENUINE TINCTURE of the True ROOT, bv the Direction of Dr. HILL, is sold by R. Baldwin in pater- noster Row; and J. Jackson, Bookseller, the Lower End of St. James's Street; in Pint Bottles at 10s. 6 d. the fmaller at 5s. and 2 s. 6d. each, signed by the Author. Sold also by Mr. John Lacy, Bookseller in Northampton, and by most of the noted Booksellers in Great- Britain, who are authorized to sell it by Mr. Baldwin. It is excellent beyond Parallel in all Nervous Disorders, Low- nsss of Spirits, Head- achs, Tremblings, vain Fears,
and ' Wanderings of the Mind, in Convulsions, Hysteric Fits, Hypochondriacal Complaints, and the Epilepsy. It prevents Sickness at the Stomach; and takes off entirely that Sense of Fullness and Swelling of the Flesh in damp Weather, which so greatly affect Persons of lax Fibres. It gives a serene Chearful- ness of Disposition in the Place of those causeless Horrors which so dreadfully oppress People who have weak Nerves. Providence seems to have given the Plant in a peculiar Manner to England, where those Disorders are most common. A Medi- cine not only for the Body, but the Mind. Ot whom may be had Dr. HILL'S
other Medicines. BOOKS lately publishd, all neatly bound and lettered, and sold by A. DONALDSON, at his Shop in the Strand, London, and by most Booksellers in the Country. THE Spectator, in 8 Vols. Price 16s., This is a better Edition than the London one. Mr. Sherstone's Works, 2 Vols. Price 5s. When this Edition was published, the London one sold for 12s. Shakespear's Works, 10 Vols, with Notes, Price 20s. Marthal Saxe's Art of War, Price 5s, Dr. Winslow's Anatomy, 2 Vols. Price 10s. Dr. Mead's Works, 3 Vols. Price 7s. 6d. Dr. Tislot's Advice to the People, 2 Vols. Price rs; . 1 Dr. Young's Night- Thoughts, Price 2s. 6d.
Adventures of Don Quixote, 4 Vols. Price 8s. Pope's Translation of Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, 2 Vols. Price 7s. 6d. Thomson's Seasons, Price 2s. 6d. As a List of all the cheaper Books would be too long, for a News- Paper, Catalogues with the Prices are given gratis at the said Shop; where also several of the above Books, elegantly printed on Writing- Paper, are sold at a low Price. N. B. All such, who find that their present Booksellers do not supply them readily with the books printed by A. DONALDSON, had better apply to himself. : Printed by CLUEr DICEY and SON ; and may be had of J. JENKINSON, Bookseller and
Stationer in Huntingdon and R. HuLL, Bookseller, in St. Alban's, by whom ADVERTISMENTS for this Paper are taken in : Also all Sorts of Blank Warrant's and Summons's, Orders or Removal, Poor-' s Warrants, Window, Highway, and Land- Tax Warrants, are sold by them.