The Glocester Journal
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Volume Number: XLVI
Issue Number: 2367
No Pages: 4
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The Glocester Journal
Date of Article: 05/10/1767
Printer / Publisher: R. Raikes
Address: Glocester
Volume Number: XLVI
Issue Number: 2367
No Pages: 4
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VOL. XI. VI. MONDAY, October 5, 17 67. 2367 At length Envy and. Malice were banish'd, odd rot ' em, And our Throne was again fix'd on permanent bottom. What a pox then d'ye mean now by raising this clatter, And seeking our rule with foul mouth to bespatter? Ourselves will be Sovran alone in this city, Nor attend to the cry of a factious Committee. We'll allow no fresh tax ; what with concerts and news, Balls, benefits, gardens, pump, parson and pews, Subscriptions are grievous; no new imposition Shall be laid on my subjects while I'm in commission. We have friends to support us opposing your bad aims, Who all snap
their fingers at Sp le, Pr---- e, and Ad— ms : We're a circle complete, you a pitiful segment; For C— md— n, here's N- rth- ngt- n ; Sp- nc- r for Egm- t; All the prime of three kingdoms range under my banner, From Simon Lord to Simon the Tanner. Then before from our rights half an atom we'll yield, Or quit to you rebels the well- foughten field, Yon fine Gothic church, which with wonder we survey, Shall first by mad schemers be turn'd topsy- turvy ; In it's room shall an Octagon Chauntry appear, To expose some poor empty, prim, pert pulpiteer. Then quit your vain projects, your Committee- dreaming, Nor fluff your wise noddles
with politic scheming ; Dismiss here at once the pragmatical pother, We'll submit to the laws of King Nash, and no other: And I charge all my slaves, by the pains of high treason, Not to open their books ' till I open the season. L O N D ON, September 29. From the LONDON GAZETTE. Whitehall, September 29. On Sunday last Captain Wrottesley arrived here from Monaco, with the melancholy account, That his Royal Highness Edward Augustus, Duke of York and Albany, died at that place on the 17th instant, " about eleven o'clock in the morning, of a malignant fever, after a severe illness of fourteen days, to the great grief of
their Ma- jesties and all the Royal Family. The body was opened and embalmed ; and was ordered by Commodore Spry to be put 0n board his Majesty's ship Montreal, Capt. Crosby, to be brought to England. Lord Chamberlains Office, Sept. 28. Orders for the Court's going into mourning on Sunday next the 4th day of October, for his late Royal Highness Edward Augustus, Duke of York, next brother to his Majesty, viz. The ladies to wear black silk, plain muslin or long lawn, crape or love hoods, black glazed gloves, black paper fans, and black silk shoes. Undress, black or dark grey unwatered tabbies. The men to wear black
cloth without buttons on the sleeves or pockets, plain muslin or long lawn cravats and weepers, crape hatbands, and black swords and buckles. Undress, dark grey frocks. The Earl Marshal's Order for a General Mourning for his late Royal Highness Ed- ward Augustus, Duke of York and Albany. IN pursuance of his Majesty's commands, thefe are to give public notice, that it is ex- pected, that, upon the present occasion of the death of his late Royal Highness Edward Au- gustus, Duke of York and Albany, all persons do put themselves into decent mourning ; the said mourning to begin on Sunday next the 4th day of October.
Sept. 29. SCARBOROUGH, M. [ Thus far London Gazette.] Yesterday an order was sent to the managers of both theatres to suspend acting ' till farther orders. This day came on at Guildhall the election of a Lord Mayor for the year ensuing ; when the Hon. Thomas Harley, Esq; and Sir Henry Banks, Knt. were returned to the Court of Aldermen, who chusing the former, he was declared duly elected ; whereupon Mr. Harley addressed the Livery in an elegant speech ; in which he thanked them for the honour they had conferred upon him by electing him into the high and important office of Chief Magistrate of this great city, and
assured them that it should be his constant care strictly to discharge the duties of it, by a close attendance thereon, and an impartial administration of justice, and that he would exert the utmost of his abilities for the preservation of the peace and happiness of his fellow citizens; He then observed, that as he had the honour of being one of their Representatives in Parliament in this sessions, and had acted on upright and unbiassed princi- ples, and done every thing in his power for promoting the welfare and prosperity of the city, he flattered himself that his conduct had met with the approbation of his fellow citizens; and therefore
begged leave to inform them, that at the next general election he should again offer himself to serve them in Parliament, and if he should have the happiness of being fa- voured with their choice of him, he would discharge the trust reposed in him with honour and integrity. At the conclufion of his speech the Livery expressed great approbation. After the business of the day was over, the Lord Mayor elect, Aldermen, Sec. were elegantly entertained at the Mansion- House by the pre- sent Lord Mayor. Last Sunday the Hon. Mr. Dillon, eldest son to Lord Dillon, renounced the errors of the Romish church in the parish church of St.
Martin's in the Field. On Saturday the Purser of the Mercury sloop, in the service of the East- India Company, came to the India- house, with an account of the above vessel being safe arrived at Falmouth, from Bengal. She came from thence with an express last April, and brings an account that the Nottingham, Capt. How, from Bengal; and the Anson, Capt. Lenox, from Bombay, were both arrived at St. Helena, and were to sail from thence for England in two or three days after her ; so that they are hourly ex- pected. A few days since as Mr. Parry, surgeon and apothecary, was returning from visiting a pa- tient, he was found
with his neck dislocated. as supposed by a fall from his horse. He was on the point of being married to a lady of for- tune in that neighbourhood. On Saturday last Mr. Eaton, architect in this city, by means of pullies, raised the gable end of Ely cathedral to an upright, tho' it projected upwards of two feet out of the perpendicular. Wedneday last the hop- market at Canterbury was opened for this season. The prices from 7I. 1 os. on to 9I. Few sold. At last Chester assizes a cause came on be- tween a young lady of Stockport in that county, and a gentleman near Preston, for refusing to marry the young lady agreeable to promise;
when in the course of the trial it was proved, both by his own hand- writing, and some cre- dible witnesses, that he was guilty of a breach of promise with her, the court adjudged him to pay 500I. damages, and all costs of suit. Monday, at an adjournment of sessions, at Bristol, Sarah Lankford was tried for assaulting and imprisoning Jane Bryant in a box, wherein she was found naked in June last, reduced to a deplorable condition; and she was found guilty, and ordered to suffer twelve months imprison- ment, and to pay a fine of 13s. 4d. Mr. Page's resignation of the borough of Chichester, which he has represented in several
Parliaments, winds up with the following hand- some conclusion : " How I have behaved on my part, and how well I have deserved these distinguished favours at the hands of my fellow citizens, I humbly submit, gentlemen, to your own impartial de- termination ; after having assured you, that I never sought a title, above that of your servant; nor preferred my own interest to yours, and that of the commonweal. I found you free, and masters of your own choice ; and so, for any act of mine, you remain. " If neither you nor the public have reaped any benefit from my long service, and faithful endeavour to promote the true interest of
both, I have lived much of my time to little pur- pose; since my own family has not been gainers by them. " However I think not with regret on that circumstance, nor on some others which I pass over : but feel myself amply rewarded in the strong, repeated, and unquestionable marks of your good will, which I have experienced. " In this sentiment, gentlemen, I take my leave of you, as a public man ; but shall have the honour to remain, during the closing days of my life, in my private capacity, with all possible gratitude and respect, Gentlemen, and fellow citizens, Your most faithful, obliged, and Ever obedient humble servant,
Sept. 26. _______ J. PAGE." Some time ago we laid before our readers the celebrated letter from Lady Jane Douglas to the late Mr. Pelham, which has appeared with such great and just applause ; we now give them Mr. Pelham's answer to her Ladyship, which does honour to the humanity and gene- rosity of that statesman. Letter from Mr. Pelham to Lady Jane Douglas. " MADAM, Aug 1750. " I have the pleasure now to acquaint you, that his Majesty has been graciously pleased to approve of the humble request which I laid be- fore him ; and to order me to pay you 300I. a year, as long as your Ladyship's situation shall
make such an assistance from his Majesty's bounty necessary for your support. This method will, I flatter myself, be most agreeable to you, as the whole sum will come to you without fees or deductions: and no further trouble now re- mains to your Ladyship than to authorise your agent to receive it from my hands ; the first half- year of which I shall be ready to pay to your order at any time after next Michaelmas. Whatever share I may have had in procuring to your Ladyship this mark of the King's goodness, cannot but be very pleasing to me, as it fur- nishes me with an opportunity of testifying the great respect with which I have
the honour to be, & c." ROWLEY'S BRITISH HERB SNUFF and TOBACCO from St. PAUL'S COFFEE- HOUSE, LONDON, ( the only genuine Sort) are still sold by Mr. THOMAS STOCK, Grocer, in GLOCESTER; Mr. WILLIAM HINTON, in CIRENCESTER; and Mrs. MARY COLE, in COWBRIDGE, Glamorganshire. THE Tobacco is not only superior in the Elegance of its Flavour; but is also far more efficacious in all Disorders of the Head and Eyes, in strengthening the1 Nerves and Stomach, and in healing and comforting the Breast and Lungs, than any Thing of the Kind ever yet dispensed. For besides the common
Ingredients of Betony, Coltsfoot, Eye- bright, Lavender, Thyme, and Rose - mary, there are several other Medicinal Herbs, Woods, Barks, Gums, & c. all approved Medicines ; and are recommended both for their Effluvia and for internal Uses, by the most celebrated Authors and Physicians both ancient and modern. The Smoak of the Tobacco, and the essential Parts of the Snuff, yield a most fragrant and delicious Smell, being impregnated with the volatile and active Particles of the finest aromatic Ingredients ; whose subtle pervading Quality passes all Obstructions, mixes itself with the Juices, and co- operates with the animal
Spirits. This, as it braces the Nerves, cheers the Heart, and gives an Air of Briskness to the whole Oeconomy, is the surest Antidote against Palsies, Apoplexies, Epilepsies, and many other Disorders arising from the Relaxation of the Nerves and the Viscidity of the Fluids, and even against the Decay of Sight. There are many Imitations of this Tobacco and Snuff, but the only genuine Sort is to be had as above : But be careful to observe that the Name of JAMES ROWLEY be signed on one Side of the Copper- Plate Print on every Packet, the Price of which is js. is. 6d. and is. 3d. as usual. THE Gentlemen, Freeholders, and
Farmers of the County of Carmarthen, and of the County of the Borough of Carmarthen, are desired to meet at the Red- Lion in Carmarthen, at Eleven in the Fore- noon on the 7th Day of October ( being the Week of the next General Quarter- Sessions of the Peace) to consider of the Expediency of enforcing the Use of the WINCHESTER MEASURE ( as by Law esta- blished) in the said County and County Borough of Carmarthen. To the Worthy Burgesses of New Radnor, Rhyader, Knighton, Knucklas, and Ke- vencleece. GENTLEMEN, FLattering myself that my Conduct in Parliament has met with your Approbation, permit
me, in this public Manner, to solicit your Votes at the next General Election ; and to assure you, That if I have the Honour to be again chosen your Representative, I shall always retain the highest Sense of the Obliga- tion conferred on, GENTLEMEN, Your much obliged and most obedient humble Servant, EDWARD LEWIS. DOWNTON, Sept. 2. To the Free and Worthy Burgesses of New Radnor, Rhyader, Knighton, Knucklas, and Kevencleece. GENTLEMEN, HAvING ever esteemed the Peace and Quiet of the Country of the utmost Consequence, I should not thus early have presumed to solicit your Favours in this public
Manner, had not an Advertisement for that Purpose already appeared: Permit me therefore ( encouraged by a very great Majority of Gentlemen in the County) to offer myself a Candidate at the en- suing Election ; and if on that Day I should be so for- tunate as to find myself possessed of the important Trust which my Family has been favoured with near fifty Years, I shall ever think it a Duty incumbent on mer by a steady and invariable Attention to the Interest of my Country and yourselves, to prove myself not alto- gether undeserving of your Confidence. I am, GENTLEMEN, With the utmost Respect Your most obedient
Servant, HARPTON, Sept. 15. JOHN LEWIS. The- ADDRESS made, by Mr. DERRICK, to the Committee of Inhabitants, & c. assembled in Mr. Wiltshire's Rooms in Bath, on Saturday Noon, Sept. 19, 1767. GENTLEMEN, ON what I have to say, I shall be very brief. I was chosen Master of the Ceremonies ( in which place and character I have now the honour to address you) in the midst of a most brilliant season some years ago, with the unanimous approbation of the company then here, under the protection of some of the most illustrious and able characters in these three kingdoms. By the means of low cun- ning, and ever waking fashood, I was, for a short time, ejected. The impartial public saw the injustice with which I was treated, and re- stored me with unanimity and eclat, which I shall always gratefully remember, and have zealously studied to deserve. My public conduct seemed to give general satisfaction : the amusements of this city were allowed to be as well conducted as they ever were: there were no clamours, no disputes of any kind, until a committee started up, and took upon themselves, last year, to reform every thing : they began with overturning the music. The cabals and dissentions THEY occasioned, you all remember; I was
every day insulted and menaced with a deprivation of my place and property, while busy scandal, incapable of hurting my public, flew to my private cha- racter, which indeed was most miserably and wickedly mangled. This was undermining the very foundation of my being. The generous public saw my distress, and relieved me again, by a third time investing me with an absolute power over every amuse- ment in this city; and by their charge ( the charge of 300 people, with some very illustri- ous persons among them) I shall abide. I de- clare against all innovations, I will not agree to any new burthens that some people may
think of laying on the public. My subsidy and support in office depends at present on voluntary donations, that will and must increase or decrease, according as I be- have to the public. I will never willingly, nor did I ever willingly, behave myself amiss ; when I do, let me be called to an account for it in a full season; at present there is no season. I will consent to no new rules. I shall deport myself with due respect to every body. I stand here a public officer, under the nomination of more than 3000 people, with the approbation of some of the greatest personages in the three kingdoms. I will abide by no authority, no direction, but
those of the subscribers assembled in full season. I hope no person will deem me obstinate if I assure you, I will not give up an atom of my authority ; were I to do it, I should offend many of the noblest and ablest persons in Eu- rope ; to whose consent and approbation I owe my office. My duty, my inclination, prompt me to please; I wish I could please you all. You, gentlemen, that are masters of these rooms, I order you, as minister of the public, influenced by no private committee, to permit no books or subscriptions to be opened in these rooms, but what I lay down myself, I shall, on Tuesday next, as usual, open the books for
the winter season, as Mr. Nash used to do, at two guineas each subscriber. His Majesty King DERRICK'S Most Gracious SPEECH versified. [ Supposed to be written by the Author of the New Bath Guide WHEREAS it appears our most Gracious Oration, Which we deign'd to address to the rag- tag Committee, Has lost its due force from misrepresentation; By advice of our Council, learn'd, able, and witty, We publish it thus; and shall deem it high crime To suppose that for Reason we substitute Rhyme. IN addressing you, invalids, deaf, blind, and gouty, I'll be brief; you deserve not much breath spent about ye Of this Kingdom
of Pleasure, ' tis very well known, We were call'd by the Public Voice up to the Throne; Well pleas'd we presided, while Benefit Dances Were granted by you to support our finances. Unexcis'd were your pleasures you reap'd the full crops— And we drew our support from this one tax on Hops. Fraught with all the mild arts, by which king- doms are sway'd, ( You might swear we had serv'd seven years to the trade) We rul'd with success; peace and pleasure abounded, And our walls with King Derrick for ever resounded. How precarious are crowns, and how mutable mobs! One accident oft Kings of royalty robs ! Inflam'd by the
pestilent breath of low cunning, Our subjects rebell'd, and with open mouth running, Came and seiz'd on our person with violence rude, Snapp'd our sceptre in two, and confusion ensu'd. But short were its triumphs-— again shifts the scene— Strange vicissitude ! Beggar and Monarch I've been; THURSDAY'S POST. Arrived a Mail from Holland. Dantzic. Sept. 7. HE late corn harvest, throughout all parts of Poland has been not only very plentiful, but the grain is also of an extraordinary good- ness The quantity we have here is very considerable, and the price falls every day. Nevertheless few commissions for purchasing arrive
from foreign countries, which astonish us the more, as We know that in several of them, England, Holland, & c. for instance, the price of grain is still very high.
CLIFFORD, Sept. 7. WE whose Names are hereunto subscribed do hereby jointly and severally give Notice to all Manner of Persons ( as well qualified as not) That shall or do, at any Time hereafter, hunt or course upon any or either of our Estates within the several Parishes of Clifford, Cusop, Hay, Llannigon, and Clirow, and Coun- ties of Hereford, Radnor, and Brecknock, without our respective Leave, shall be profecuted as the Law di- rests. Witness our Hands, JAMEs WATKINS, WALTER WATKINS, RICH. MORRIS, WILLIAM JONES, T. POWELL, D. PRICE, THO. WATKINS. BRISTOL, Oct. 1. WILLIS and BLISS, Hosiers,
in Wine- street, take this Method of acquainting the Public in general, and their Friends in particular, That they have taken to the Business of Mrs. MARGARET WILLIS, and intend carrying it on in the same Manner as usual, hoping for a Continuance of their Friends' Fa- vours. N. B. All Persons indebted to the said Margaret Willis are desired to pay their respective Debts to the said Willis and Bliss, who are properly authorized to receive the same. The M E S S I A H, A Sacred ORATORIO, WILL be performed at the OCTAGON CHAPEL in Milsom- street, BATH, on Wednes- day 28th and Thursday 29th of this Month. The
principal Vocal Parts by Miss Harris, Mr. Norris, Mr. Price, Mr. Corse, and Mr. Matthews; and the Chorusses by the Gentlemen of the Choirs of Oxford, Salisbury, Glocester, & c. Between the second and third Act will be, each Day, an ORGAN CONCERTO by Mr. WM. HERSCHEL, Organist of the Chapel, First Violin, and Manager of the Performance. As no Charity at this Time seems more seasonablc than the Relief of the Industrious Poor, many of whom in that City are, from the present Dearness of Provisions, unable with all their Labour and Diligence to supply their large Families even with the common Supports of Life; the
Money that remains ( after all Expenccs are defrayed) will be applied to the Relief of these real Dis- tresses: And it will be taken as a Favour, if Persons of Credit would point out those proper Objects, by sending a Line to Mr. Bullman's, in Beaufort- Square, within a Week after the Performance, setting forth the Particu- ars of each Family they are so good to recommend. The Doors will be open at Ten, and the Oratorios begin at Eleven. *„• Tickets, at 7s. 61. each, to be had of Mr. Bull- man, and at the Rooms, Coffee- houses, and Book- sellers The total Value of the Lottery being converted into Ptizes, the Blanks bring nothing
this Year; but there is this great Increafe in the Prizes abeve what were laft Year, viz. 9344 more of 20I. 409 more of jol. ico more of leal. 22 more of jcol. 8 more of ioool. 6 more of 20C0I. more of 5000I. 1 more of looool. and 1 more of leoool. and only the fame Number of Tickets as were in the laft Lottery. Not One Blank and Three Quarters to a Prize. Tickets and Shares regiftered at 6d. each, and the ear- lieft Account fent of their Succefs. All Letters ( Poft- paid) duly anfwered. The Lottery begins drawing the iSth of November. Schemes may be had gratis. STATE LOTTERY, 1767. AT the very Fortunate Office of WILLIAM and
ROBERT CLEMENT, Linen- Draper-, in Wade's Paflage, BATH, are now Selling ( according to A£ t of PAR LIAMENT) TICKETS and SHARES of TICKETS in great Variety, and at the loweft Prices.— The Brokers of Security in London, who fay they take no FIVE PER CENT, from the Shares, have deviated from their ufual Rule, and fell both Blanks and Prizes at an advanced Price above us, which is much more than equal to the Five per Cent, which we take from the Prizes only. In this very extraordinary Lottery, c* nfifting of Sixty Thoufand Tickets only ! notwithftanding there are Eighty Capital Prizes ! ( one of which is Twenty
Thoufand ! Three of Ten Thoufand ! Fouc of Five Thoufand ! Ten of Two Thoufand I Nineteen of One Thoufand ! and Forty- three of Five Hundred Pounds each ! befides Two Hundred Prizes of One Hundred ! Six Hundred and Ten of Fifty ! and Twenty Thoufand Nine Hundred and Fifty of Twenty Pounds each !) there is but little more than One Blank and a Half to each Prize, and no Prize of lefs Value than Twenty Pounds ! which Prizes we buy, ( or Blanks and Prizes of former Lotteries) and we pay the Money for the Shares that are Prizes in the piefent Lot. tery as foon as drawn. For the Encouragement of Adventurers in
Shares, ( in order that no one need rifk much on one Number, and yet that all may be in Fortune's Way) we have divided a Variety of Tickets into Sixty- fourths, Thirty- feconds, Sixteenths, Eighths, Quarters, and Halves; the Price of each this Day is as follows : TO be LET, and entered upon at Lady- Day next, All that Capital Messuage and Tene. ment of Lands called CANTLESTONE, alias TRE- GANTHLOE, in the Parish of Merthirmawr, in Glamor- ganshire, containing about 2oo Acrers of good Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land. And also, A large and well stocked RABBIT WARREN, lately separated from the said Farm by a
Stone Wall, Containing' about 400 Acres of dry Sandy Land. Also, A Right of Common upon Newton Down, and an alternate Right of Fishing in the River Ogmore. N. B. Cantlestone adjoins the River Ogmore, near the Sea, and is within two Miles and a Half of the Market- Town of Bridgend. Great Encouragement will be given to a good Te- nant Enquire of Mr. Franklen, of Cowbridge, in Glamorganshire. ' The Cause and Manner of the extraordinary Dismission of Lord EDGCUMBE from the Post of Treasurer of his Majesty's Houshold. [ From the Political Register, No. V.] TO form a clear idea of the true causes or motives for this
extraordinary dismission, it is necessary to take a short retrospect of the principle upon which Lord C m formed his administration. He determined to make himself the first and only man of importance in it, and therefore he collected a number of the most weak and needy men he could find to fill the offices of government, whose venality, or whose ignorance would make them perfectly obedient to his will. Men of ability, honour, and property, he took particular care to avoid ; he therefore quarrelled with his nearest rela- tions, his best friends, and all those who had talents to support his administration. With a vanity and presumption
that was equally inso- lent and ridiculous, he deemed himself, alone, all- sufficient. With respect to this particular dismission, he had a mind to make a vain and wanton display of his power, and to exhibit a fresh mark of his proud, habitual insolence, in order to terrify the whole Court into an ab- solute and slavish submission to his will. So much for the motive.— The particulars of the dismission itself, which follow in the manner that they have been related within the circle of a few friends, are curious, new, and in- teresting. About the 20th of November, 1766, the Minister sent a note to Lord Edgcumbe, ac- quainting his Lordship, '
That a Great Per- sonage had determined upon making fome alterations in his servants; and that he [ the Minister] should be glad to see Lord Ldg- cumbe in Bond- Street, or would wait upon his Lordship in Upper Grosvenor- Street. Lord Edgcumbe directly waited upon the Mi- nister in Bond- Street. The Minister began with highly commending his Lordship's abilities, his virtues, his integrity, and recited the con- tents of his letter. Then, after many pauses and inarticulate sounds, he said, ' He was very sorry for it, was extremely concerned it should happen so— but — a— it was necessary— a—.' Here Lord Edgcumbe stopt him
short, and bluntly demanded ' If his post was destined for another?' The Minister, alter a little pause, and uttering a few more broken sentences, ac- knowledged that it was, and that it had been so for some time. Lord Edgcumbe then pro- ceeced to remind him of the measures of the late opposition ; ' that he had, for four years, steadily and uniformly supported those mea- sures; measures which he [ the Minister] had approved and adopted ; and which were now happily effected : that he had never deserted any of the great questions upon the subjects of the liberties and interests of his country; and expressed his astonishment
that this treat- ment should be the reward of a conduct that had manifeftly the approbation of and was agreeable to the spirit and principles of the Minister, while in opposition.' The force of these truths, and this conclu- sion, obviously made an impression upon the Minister; and he said, ' That however un- willing a Great Personage was to encrease the number of his Lords of the Bedchamber, yet he [ the Minister] would nevertheless venture to place his Lordship upon that list." Lord Edgcumbe immediately made answer, That however willing he really was to hold some place, in order that he might continue in office with his
friends, and support the measures of government, yet, after this , usage, he would not take any place, nor resign that which he held to any but the Great Personage himself.' And added, ' that it was extremely impolitic thus to turn out persons of rank ; persons of great parliu- mentary interest.' The Minister burst out, ' Oh!' said he, ' if that be the case, let me feel myself! I despise your parliamentary in- terest ! I do not want your assistance !' And added, ' That he trusted to the uprightness of his measures, for the support and confidence of the King, and the favour and attachment of the people; and acting upon these prin- ciples,'
said he, ' I dare look in the face the proudest connections of this country ! ' They parted. Two days after, Lord Edgcumbe received a note signifying a Great Person's desire of his staff. On Monday the 24th of November 1766, he waited on the Great Person, who said, That he was very sorry to part with his Lord- ship, of whose services he had a very high opinion, as well as of his Lordship's abili- ties, and attachment to his person, and espe- cially because his Lordship had no mixture of factious principles in his disposition. But, says he, ' My Ministers tell me it must be so;' and added, ' That the idea of the Bedchamber was purely
his own.' ' Lord Edgcumbe returned the Great Person his sin- cere and most humble thanks for the good opinion he was pleased to entertain of him ; and expressed the great obligation he was. under for it, and the more so, added he, for not pressing the Bedchamber upon me ; all which more than pay me for the ill usage of your Ministers.' The staff was given up, and Mr. Shelley appointed Treasurer of the Household. Next day the Earl of Bessborough, who was one of the Joint Postmafters, offered to make room for Lord Edgecumbe, by resigning that post in favour of his Lordship, and taking the Bedchamber, which had been
offered to that Lord. But this obliging offer was re- jected. Upon which the Duke of Portland, the Earls of Bessborough and Scarborough, and Lord Monson, resigned the next day, which was Wednesday November the 26th, 1766. And these resignations were immediately fol- lowed by those of Sir Charles Saunders, Sir William Meredith, Admiral Keppel, & c. * Words which he afterwards repeated in another place. LONDON, October 2. Some letters from Rome mention, that the Pope has lately had the misfortune to lose the finest set of medals in Europe : they had been collecting many ages, and were deposited in his chamber
for their security ; but it seems some person of taste found means to remove them. It is added, that his Holiness has offered his plenary absolution and a reward to the Vir- tuoso who stole them, in case he will bring them back. On the day the dividend on Bank stock was agreed by the Proprietors to be raised, a gen- tleman immediately set out for Holland, and, before the news reached that kingdom, pur- chased 100. OOOI. of that stock, by which he, the next day, obtained near 12,0001. profit. Extract of a Letter from Exeter, Sept. 27. " The great west window of the cathedral church of this city is now completed in painted glass,
by that ingenious artist Mr. Wm. Peckitt, of York ; and is a pleasing specimen of the perfection to which Mr. Peckitt has brought the art of staining glass." The Birmingham Gazette of Sept. 28, says, " We can assure the public, with great plea- sure, that Lord Clive is perfectly recovered of his late indispostitiOn: his Lordship, who has been at Dr. Ash's since Wednesday last, will, we hear, set out this day on his return to his seat at Walcot, in Shropshire. And his L0rd- ship's father and brother, who set out for Lon- don last Monday, returned here last night." At the anniversary meeting of the College of Physicians, held on
Wednesday, Sir William Browne resigned the chair, : and proposed Dr. Thomas Lawrence to be President for the year ensuing, who was accordingly elected; as were also Dr. Askew, Dr. Munckley, Dr. Thomas. GLOCESTER, Sept. 18. ROBERT SMITH, Woollen Draper, Mercer, Linen Draper, Haberdasher, and Under, taker of Funerals, takes this Method of acquainting his Friends and the Public, That he is removed from his late Dwelling- House in the Eastgate- street, unto the House of the late Mrs. PUNTER, at the Corner of St. John's Lane, facing the Butter Market in the Westgate- street: Where he has laid in a large and
new Assortment of GOODS, which he sells, Wholesale and Retail, on the lowest Terms. A Continuation of his Friends' Favours will be esteemed as an additional Obligation by, Their most humble Servant, R. SMITH. GLOCESTER COACH BEGAN the Two Days Stage on Monday the 21st past. during the Winter, setting out from the Coach- Office in Glocester, and the Bolt and Tun Inn in Fleet- street, London, every Monday, Wed- nesday, and Friday, at five o'Clock in the Morning, return- ing to each Place every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Price as usual. HEREFORD COACH, in Three Days, SETS out from the Bolt and
Tun Inn in Fleet- street, London, every Monday Morning, and returns from the Swan and Falcon in Hereford every Thurfday Morning it nine o'Clock. Price as usual. Performed by WM. and JOHN TURNER. N. B. They will not be answerable for Money, Plate, Watches, & c. unless entered as such, and paid for ac- cordingly. „* As divers Persons have been disappointed of Places by the Brecknock and Hereford Coaches coming full to Glocester, to prevent such Disappoinjments for the future the Proprietors have supplied themselves with Machines, Co that every one, signifying his Intention personally, or by Letter, at the Coach-
Office in Glocester, may be cer- tain of a Conveyance. BRECKNOCK COACH ( In FOUR DAYS) SETS out from the Bolt and Tun Inn in Fleet- street, London, every Wednesday Morning early, and will arrive at Brecon at 12 o'clock on Satur- day ; returns from thence on Monday Morning at eight o'Clock, and arrives in London on Thursday. Price as usual. Each Passenger will be allowed 141b. Weight, and to pay for all above. Performed by JOHN TURNER, THO. LONGFELLOW, GILES GREENAWAY. Great Care will be taken of Parcels; but they will not be answerable for any Plate, Watches, Money, & c. un- less entered as
such and paid for accordingly. Tewkesbury and Cheltenham Stage- Coach ( In TWO DAYS) BEGAN on Wednesday the 23d past. Sets out from the Maidenhead Inn in Tewkeshury at Four o'Clock, and from the Bolt- and- Tun in Fleet- Street, London, at Five o'Clock, every Wednesday Morn, ing ; meets at the New- Inn Oxford, and returns to the above Places every Thursday Evening. Price as usual. Each Passenger allowed I4'. b. Weight Luggage : Outside Passengers and Children Half Price, and no Luggage al- lowed. Performed by WM. and JOHN TURNER. *,* This Coach, on its Return from London, dines at the Swan in
Cheltenham. N. B. No Money, Plate, Watches, or Things of Va- lue to be answerable for, unless entered as such, and paid for accordingly. Glocester and Bristol Stage- Coach BEGINS on Tuesday the 6th of October going once a Week, during the Winter. Sets out from the Coach- Office in Glocester every Tuesday Morn- ing, at four o'Clock, and dines at the Lamb- Inn in Broad- Mead, Bristol; and returns from thence on Wed- nesday Morning, at nine o'Clock, to Glocester the same Evening. Each Inside Passenger 43. allowed 141b. Lug- gage. Outsides and Children in Lap 26. 6d. and no Lug- gage allowed. Bristol and
Birmingham Stage- Coach Begins going once a Week, during the Winter, Tuesday the 6th of October. Sets out from the Lamb- Inn in Broad- Mead, Bristol, and the Dolphin- Inn in Birming- ham, every Tuesday Morning, lies at Tewkesbury, and returns to the above Places on Wednesday. Price as usual. Performed by THO. GARMSTONE, Worcester. JOHN TURNER, Glocester. THOMAS WILTs, Bristol. TO be LET, and entered upon immedi ately, A FARM at Little Risington, Glocester- shire, consisting of near 200 Acres of Land. For Particulars enquire of Mr. Jarvis, Attorney, at Broadwell near Stow on the Wold. Breconshire
SOCIETY. CHARLES POWELL, Esq; President. THE GENERAL MEETING of this So- ciety will be held at the Golden- Lion in Brecon, on Wednesday the 14th Inst. THOMAS LONGFELLOW, Sec. ON Monday the 12th Instant will be the First SUBSCRIPTION ASSEMBLY at the CROWN- INN in Wotton- Underedge. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders, of the County of RADNOR. GENTLEMEN, THE great Encouragement I have met - with on my Canvas, through the County of Radnor, having exceeded my warmest Expectations, I take this Op- portunity of returning you my most cordial thanks, and further solicting the
Continuance of your Support on the Day of Election ; assuring you of my Attach- ment to the true Intetest of this County in particular, and to the Rights and Liberties of the Kingdom in ge- neral. I am, with the greateft Esteem, GENTLEMEN, Your most obliged And faithful humble Servant, PRESTEIGN, Sept. 30. HO. GWYNNE. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders of the County of GLAMORGAN. GENTLEMEN, THAT generous and uninfluenced Support, which at the late general Meeting manifested itself so greatly in my Favour, by a Superiority confessed in the Actions of my Opponents, though palliated in their
Expressions, demands from me my warmest acknow- ledgments : The like respectable Appearance on a late public Occasion , and the vigorous Diffusion of so spi- rited a Conduct through the whole County ( so amply experienced by my Son on his late Canvass, which you were so indulgent to me as to permit) give me the fairest Assurances that the same laudable Spirit of Freedom, which hath so often marked out and distin- guished the County of Glamorgan in its Choice of Re- presentatives, will on this Occasion also secure to me the Continuance of so honourable an Influence ; and though my late Illness hath given me the
sensible Mor- tification of being prevented from paying you my per- sonal Respects, yet the very Occasion hath, from the Activity of my Friends, happily brought forth a more powerful Assistance than my own Assiduity could have flattered me with, and hath added that essential Mark of their Favour, which neither Time nor Ill- ness can eradicate out of the Heart of one who hopes his past and future Conduct will speak his fixed Atten- tion to the welfare and Interest of his Constituents, and of his being at all Times, GENTLEMEN, Your faithful and much honoured Friend, Countryman, and Servant, EDMOND THOMAS. WENVOE
CASTLE, September 16. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders, of the County of Glamorgan. GENTLEMEN, IShould but ill deserve the many repeated and essen- tial Favours I have received from my Friends, if I omitted any Opportunity of returning my warmest Acknowledgments. The very great Success I met with on my Canvass has been amply confirmed to me on all Occasions, and every fresh Encouragement de- mands my sincerest Thanks. The Spirit of Freedom and Independency has been, and ever shall be, the Characteristic of my Conduct, which, I flatter myself, will entitle me to the continuance of your Interest
and Support at the next Election. I am, GENTLEMEN, With the most unfeigned Respect, Your most obliged, and Faithful Servant, GEORGE VENABLES VERNON. BRITONFERRY, Sept. 24. The PRIORY near Hereford, Sept. 5. MESS. SUTTON and VAUX, having entered into Partnership with Mr. NEWMAN, Surgeon, in Ross, hereby inform the Public, That all who are desirous of being inoculated with the Small- Pox, and conducted through it, according to the Suttonian Method, will be duly attended by applying either to Mr. VAUX as above, or to Mr. NEWMAN, at his House in Ross. A CURACY. WANTED immediately, A
CURATE in Priest's Orders, who can be very well recom- mended, to serve Two Churches a measured Mile apart, in the upper Part of Glocestershire. The Salary 50I. per Ann. besides Surplice Fees, and ( if a single Man) an Apartment unfurnished in the Parsonage House. Enquire of the Printer hereof. - Letters must be Post paid. RUN away from his Apprenticeship RI- CHARD KNIGHT, late an Apprentice to Mr. John Uncles, of Stroud, Brazier, deceased, and since bound by Indenture to Isaac Watts, of Wotton- Under- edge, Brazier: If he returns immediately, he shall be kindly received; but whoever detains or harbours him,
after the Publication hereof, will be prosecuted for so doing by me, ISAAC WATTS. Wotton- Undercdge, Oct. 1. THE RED- LION INN in the Town of Hay, Breconshire, To be LET, and entered upon immediately, with the Out- Buildings, Meadow, Arable, and Pasture Lands thereunto belonging, now in the P0S- Session of Stephens Prichard, of whom further Particu- lars may be had. N. B. The Furniture and Stock of Liquor, & c. of the said Inn may be bought at a fair Appraisement. TICKETS and SHARES are now selling in great Variety of Numbers by T. DAWSON, at his STATE- LOTTERY OFFICE in Cirencester, at the lowest
Prices. The present Price as under: SATURDAY'S POST. Arrived a Mail from Holland. Madrid, Sept. 2S. ON the 28th ult. arrived at Cadiz the Dragon from Vera Cruz and the Havannah, with the Marquis de Cruillas on board, late Viceroy of Mexico. She has brought home 4,616,000 piastres, besides a great quantity of cochineal, indigo, and other merchandizes. When she sailed from the Havannah, she had five vessels under convoy, but only one of them, the Aurora, is yet arrived.
and Dr. Brooke, Censors; Dr. Hinckley, Trea- surer ; and Dr. Askew, Register. The differences between the pupils of Galen and Hippocrates are not yet subsided. The Fellows had a meeting at the College in War- wick- Lane on Wednesday, the gates of which have been lengthened by a stout chain a- cross, and an iron prop to support them : a number of constables were also drawn up in the yard. Between four and five in the afternoon the Li- centiates came in procession in hackney- coaches, and demanded admittance, which was not com- plied with. Upon various consultations among themselves, it was then thought proper
to make an orderly retreat. Some people imagine that a masked battery, under the form of an engine for extinguishing fires, proved a great damper on this occasion. —' Tis said for truth, that a smith was offered ten guineas, and an indem- nification of 3000I. to force the gates, which he refused. Thursday an apprentice to an Apothecary in the Borough crossing Clapham Common, was attacked By a highwayman, who demand- ed his money. Sir, ( replied the lad) I have not money, but if you'll please to accept of a Draught or two, ( producing a basket of medicines at the same time) ' you are wel- come.' The highwayman then
rode off laughing at his witty reply. Among the many schemes proposed for ef- fecting an union of the east and west seas by a navigable canal, there has been another for the same purpose formed, the ground surveyed, estimates of the expence and of the advantages, & c. made, and a plan nearly perfected, which is by a canal from York to Preston. We hear that a certain noble Lord, of Nor- folk, intends very soon to exhibit on New- maket Heath, in a chaise of most delicate structure, drawn by a brace of deer that are now in training. The vehicle holds himself only, and weighs one hundred weight: the deer are already very
tractable, and easy in their harness. ' Tis expected his Lordship's example will strongly recommend this swift and Laplandic method of conveyance, and that this refinement of the antient Olympic games will rouse a spirited emulation among the brisk members of the turf. Hence the breed of deer will become more choice and valuable, and the progeny of Childers and the Godolphin ob- jects of less interesting attention. Two notorious informers have lately been travelling round the counties of Cambridge and Lincoln, informing against several inn- keepers for not having the word Wine put over their doors : the penalty of which,
according to act of Parliament, is 30s. Among other places they went to Wisbich, where they in- formed against several persons; but were met on the bridge by the populace, who obliged them to refund the money they acquired by this reputable traffick, and afterwards ducked them in the river. On Monday last two persons were convicted before Major John Spinnage, at his office in Argyle Buildings, in the penalty of 5I. for wearing Chintz gowns, otherwise legally term- ed a printed, painted, stained or dyed Callico, and paid the penalty; and on Tuesday a man was convicted before the said Magiftrate, for wearing a waistcoat with
buttons covered with the same stuff as the waistcoat was made of, contrary to the statute of the 7th of Geo. I. and was fined 20s. for six buttons, which he paid accordingly. Last week a person was convicted at the sitting of justices at Exeter, for having in his possession a quantity of partridges and hares, and was fined 2581. On Wednesday last, at Stockton- upon- Tees, in Yorkshire, the best wheat sold for 4s. 3d. bushel. THE private Militia- Men for the County - f Here- ford are hereby ordered to attend, at the Town- hall in the City of Hereford, on Thursday the Twen- ty- second of October Inst. to receive their Arms and
Cloaths, and to be exercised for Twenty- eight Days, according to Act of Parliament. By Order of the Lord Lieutenant, EDW. COLEMAN, Clerk of the General Meetings. THE Baron De WENZEL, Oculist to their Imperial Majesties, who, by his ingenious and new Method of extracting the CATARACT and curing the other Disordcrs of the EYE, is so well known in this Country, thinks proper for the Satisfaction of Persons living far in the Country to insert in this Paper, That he intends to be in London on the 15th Inst. at his Apart- ments at Mr. Williams's, Surgeon, facing the Opera- House in the Haymarket. WANTED, A GARDENER,
of middle Age, who understands a Kitchen Garden, and cutting Trees.- Enquire of Mr. Williams, Bookseller, in Monmouth. STOLEN, or Strayed, out of Chipenham Mead at Monmouth, 0n Wednesday the 23d of Sep- tember part, A Dark- brown MARE, 13 Hands high, about two Years and a Half old, and just newly broken, with a Star in the Forehead, a Whisk Mane and Tail, and her hind Feet white : Whoever can give any Intelli- gence of the said Mare to Thomas Ashford, of the Town of Monmouth, shall have Half a Guinea for their Trouble. ALL Persons who have any Demands on the Estate and Effects of Daniel Walley, late
of Stoke Orchard, in the Parish of Bishop's Cleeve, in the County of Glocester, Butcher, deceased, are desired to give an Account thereof to Mr. Waterworth Collet, or Mr. Richard Bayzand, both of Tewkesbury, on or be- fore the 1st Day of November next: And all Persons in- debted to the said Estate are desired to pay the same forth- with unto the said Waterworth Collet, or Richard Bay- zand, or they will be sued without further Notice. WANTED, at Old Michaelmas next or soon after, a BAILIFF, who understands the Management of Husbandry Business, Buying and Selling of Cattle, & c. He must be well recommended for his
Sobriety, Honesty, and Skill. For further Particulars apply to the Rev. Mr. Davies. at Eastington near Stroud, Glocestershire. AGeneral Meeting of the Trustees ap- pointed to put in Execution an Act of Parliament made in the Twenty- fourth Year of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the Second, for repairing the Road from the Top of Crickley- Hill, in the County of Glocester, to Campsfield, in the County of Oxford ; and also the Road from Witney through Ensham, Cum- nor, and Botley, to the City of Oxford ; will be held on Tuesday the 13th of October Inst. at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, it the House of Thomas Clare,
called the George- Inn in Burford, in the County of Oxford, to take into Consideration, and to answer, the several Reso- lutions of the Botley Causeway Trustees, touching an Application intended to be made by them to Parliament, for an Act to unite the said Road leading from Witney through Ensham, Cumner, and Botley, to the City of Oxford, with the Botley Causeway Trust, and the Bot- ley Causeway Trustees taking upon themselves the Re- pairs of the said Road, and the Payment of the Debt now due thereon ; and also to take into Consideration the erecting of one or more Crane or Cranes, Machine or Machines, Engine or
Engines, for the Weighing of Carts, Waggons, or other Carriages, on some Part or parts of the said Road leading from the Top of Crickley- Hill to Campsfield aforesaid; and to do and tranfact such other Business as relates to and concerns all the said Roads in general. JAMES GRAY, WM. STEPHENS, Clerk to the Trustees of those Clerk to the Trustees of the Parts of the said Roads Glocestershire District. which lie in tbe Counties of Oxford andBerks. fully, the Duke was better in the morning, and therefore set forward for Monaco, the Prince of which ( who was personally acquaint- ed with his Royal Highness in his former tour
to Italy) was waiting there, in expectation of the honour of a visit from him, and the Duke was rather inclined to hasten his journey thither, as in that Prince's palace he might naturally look for an assistance and accommo- dation superior to what he could reasonably hope to meet with in common places. The weather happened to be uncommonly hot, which not a little incommoded his Royal Highness : he nevertheless arrived at Monaco in good spirits, but yet feverish, and with an head- ach, the latter of which he imputed prin- cipally to the intense heat of the sun that whole day. The next day the Duke was worse, and took to his
bed entirely. In hopes of a reco- very, and unwilling unnecessarily to alarm his King, his Royal parent, and relations, the Duke enjoined his attendants, 0n no account, to write concerning his illness to England. All possible advice and assistance was given, but to no purpose; the fever was unconquerable! His Royal Highness now saw the danger of his situation ; and he saw it with a fortitude and resignation rarely to be met with, where bloom of youth and dignity of station are united ! Convinced, that without some unexpected turn in his distemper he must die, his Royal High- ness, with the utmost calmness and composure of
mind, adjusted every slep consequent of the fatal event himself. His Royal Highness or- dered that Capt. Wrottesly should bring the news to England, and in what method it should be disclosed. The Captain was first to wait on Mr. Le Grand, of Spring- Gardens, and with him to go to Leicester- House, and then to Glocester- House, and having commu- nicated the event to the Dukes his brothers, to proceed to their Majesties, submitting it to the king and Queen in what manner, and by whom, it should be imparted to his Royal parent.— After his Royal Highness had settled this ar- rangement, he seemed remarkably easy. He
declared himself perfectly resigned to the Di- vine will; and he spoke of his dissolution with all the piety and resolution of a Christian and a man ; acting up to those exalted characters to his latest breath. His Royal Highness was sensible to his last moment; and the very morn- ing of his death dictated a letter to their Ma- jesties, his illustrious Parent, and the Royal Family; desiring the writer to expedite it, as he had but a few minutes to spare, and those he wished to employ in still more momentous concerns. We hear that her Royal Highness the Prin- cess Amelia is so much indisposed on account of the death of her nephew the
Duke of York, that she is attended by two physicians. We are told the following is an authentic pa- ragraph extracted from a letter written by Col. St. John ( dated at Monaco the 27th ult.) to his Royal Highness the Duke of Glocester.— " The inclosed letter is of your Royal brother's inditing; and which he affectingly desired me to go on with as fast as I was able, lest his sen- ses should fail him before I got to the end." Extract of a letter from Southampton, Sept. 30. ' Last night the melancholy news of his Royal Highness the Duke of York's death was received with the utmost concern : the ball which was very brilliant, broke up
immediate- ly ; the company retiring from the rooms; and by the general voice, all public amusements have been suspended in respect to the memory of a person who has honoured this place with so many marks of his patronage and favour." The Duke of Cumberland is to have the blue ribband vacant by the death of his brother. Considerable wagers are now depending in the city, that there will be more Scotch Mem- bers to represent the counties, cities, or boroughs in England, in the next Parliament, than has been known since the Union. Besides the strong contest for members for the county of Cumberland, the present
contest for the city of Carlisle is the greatest almost ever known ; every public- house in the city having been for some time past open, either in behalf of the famous Governor Johnstone and the brave Capt. Elliot, supported by the Bute and Lowther interests; and Lord Edward Bentnick and Sir George Musgrave, supported by the Portland and Devonshire interests. In the New- York Gazette of August 10, we find the following article. " Last Wednesday Capt. Lash, in a sloop arrived here in 14 days from St. Thomas, by whom we have positive advice, that the islands St. Thomas and St. John, had been declared free ports by his
danish Ma jesty, open to all vessels and commodities, of what nation or kind soever, without any restric tions or reservations, save the common fees and duties heretofore usual in those ports." This day an order was received by the Ma- nagers of the two Theatres for their opening again on Monday next. Wednesday morning the Hon. Lady Blount, Lady of Sir Walter Blount, Bart, was safely delivered of a son and heir. Married.]— Robert Gunter, Esq; of Wel- beck- Street, Cavendish- Square, to Miss Susan- nah Meares, of Old Bond- Street At Can terbury, the Rev. Mr. Thomsoll, Vicar of Selling, to Mrs. Wilson of that place. At
Bath, Mr. Rutty, Clothier, of Melksham, Wilts, to Miss Hales, eldest daughter of Alder- man Hales of that city. Died.]— At Bath, Mr. Barnes, Attorney at Law.— Mr. Thomas Sloper, Attorney, at Somerford, near Malmesbury, Wilts. At Chelmsford, Mr. John Edwards, Attorney, of Tooke's- Court, Castle- Yard, Holbourn. In Bell- Alley, Mr. Fynboe John Trenely, one of the Proctors in Doctors Commons. At Fulham, Sir Nathan Wright, Knt. late one of the Justices of his Majesty's Court of King's Bench. Mr. John Guy, Surgeon, in York- Buildings. The Rev. Mr. Hyde, Rector of Guisbrough in Cleveland, near Wakefield, in Yorkshire. At
North Aston, in Oxford- shire, the Lady of Charles Bowles, Esq; of that place. At Warminster, Wilts, Mr. Thomas Warren, Shopkeeper, aged 80, who had for many years been afflicted with the stone, and desired that after his death he might be opened for the benefit of mankind ; which operation was performed by Mr. Butt, of that town; and he found in him 125 stones of different sizes, the largest weighing near two ounces. Preferred.'] Roderick Gwynne, Esq; to be Lieutenant- Governor of the Island of To- bago, in the West Indies. Capt. Wm. Hill, to be Lieutenant- Governor of Berwick- upon- Tweed, in the room of Rod. Gwynne,
Esq;-— The Rev. Dr. Markham, Dean of Rochester, and one of the Golden Prebends of Durham, to be Dean of Christ Church, in Oxford. The Rev. Tho. Cobhold, to the Rectory of Wilby, in Suffolk. The Rev. Mr. John Wright the younger, to the Rectory of Tatter- sett, with Tatterford, in Norfolk.— The Rev. Mr. Law, son of Governor Law, to the Arch- deaconry of Rochester. The Rev. John Hippisley, M. A. to the Rectory of Stanton Fitzwarren, Wilts, together with the Rectory of Stow- on- the- Wold, in Glocestershire. The Rev. George Moreton, B. A. to the Rec- tory of Biddersley, in Shropshire. Bank Stock, 159 i-/ jth. India ditto,
265. South Sea ditto, 104 3- 4- hs. Ditto Old Ann. shut. Ditto New Ann. 87. Three per Cent. Bank Ann. red. shut. Ditto conf. 88 3- Sths. Ditto 1726, . D. tto 1751, Ditto India Ann. shut. Three i- half Bank Ann. 1756,—. Ditto 1758, 93 3- 3ths. Four per Cent. cons. 1762, shut. Ditto Navy, 1763, shut. four per Cent. 1763, shut. India Bonds, 5-'. prem. Navy and Vict. BILLs, . Exchequer Bills, — . Long Ann. . Tickets, 12I. 16. 6d. Scrip. —. BANKRUPTS.— Tho. Barker, of Cambridge, Wool- comber. — Samuel Lindsey, of Leadenhall- Street, London, Carpenter. Richard Alexander, of White- Friars, London, Coachmaker. Wm. Brown, of
Ludgate- Street, London, Grocer. — Gumpert Michael Emdin, of Stoke Damerell, Devonshire, Silversmith.- Elijah Barrar, of Amblecot, Staffordshire, Glass- maker. ——— Charles Chambers, 0f Bristol, Pattin- maker. Dividends to be made to Creditors. Oft. 30. Jonah Thomas, of Bristol, Malster; Abra- ham Prebbel, 0f Canterbury, Innholder. 27. Stephen Huntley the younger, of Abchurch- Lane, London, Hatter; John Barnes, of Warminster, Wilts, Cabinet- maker. 28. Thomas Bache the younger, of Bridgnorth, Shrop- shire, Tanner.— Nov. 3. Wm. Gill, ot South Mimms, Middlesex, Innholder. 30. Edward Thornton, of Bath, and
James Thornton, of Plymouth, Linen- Drapers and Partners. Certificates to be granted. Oct. 24. Wm. Rogers, of Bristol, Cabinet- maker; James Sorrell, of Birmingham, Lapidary. To ALL WEAVERS. WHEREAS, on Thursday Night the 1st Instant, Twenty- seven Skains of FLAXEN YARN were stolen from a Hurdle in the Garden of An- thony Peachy, of Cubberley, in the County of Gloces- ter: Whoever will discover the Thief, and give Notice to Anthony Peachy aforesaid, shall receive Half a Guinea Reward.— As it may probably be carried to some Weaver, the Weavers are desired to take Notice, that three Skains which were
finer than the rest, were not so white as the others. TO be LET, and entered upon immediately, A commodious GRANARY that will contain 8000 Winchesters of Oats, with Sufficient Room to dress and clean them, together with a genteel Counting- House, situated in Bridge- street, within the County of the Borough of Carmarthen, late in the Possession of Mr. Jones, Mer- chant. For further Particulars enquire of Messrs. Tho- mas and Thomas Cocksedge, Cornfactors, in London ; or of Mr. John Evans, Merchant, Carmarthen. N. B. There is a Stoot that conveys the Corn from the Granary to the Vessel that the Expence of
Porterage is not above 4d. per Hundred Winchesters ; the Quay being a private Property Vessels lading from that Granary pay no Keelage or Anchorage. TO be SOLD, About 1000 Gallons of PRIME CYDER, some two Years old and up- wards, and fit for Bottling ; and the rest one Year old past; consisting of Styre, Woodcock, & c. & c. , Any Person wanting to buy such or any lesser Quan- tity may be supplied therewith, upon reasonable Terms, by applying to Mr. William Swayne, sen. of Newnham, Glocestershire, the present Owner thereof. No Letters will be answered unless Post- paid. TO be SOLD by Auction, at the Swan-
Inn in Cheltenham, on Friday the 9th Instant, be- tween the Hours of Four and Six in the Afternoon, A modern- built Brick DWELLING- HOUSE in Chel- tenham aforesaid, in the Possession of Mr. Daniel White, Saddler, with a very good Malt- House, Stables, and other convenient Out- buildings belonging thereto. The Premises may be viewed in the mean Time, by applying to the Tenant, or to Messrs. Delabere and Hughes, in Cheltenham. M O N D A Y's POST. Arrived a Mail from France. Hague, September 29. CCOUNTS have been received, that the Prince of Orange arrived at Hanover the 24th at night, in perfect health ;
and that his Serene Highness went to Brunswick the next day, was expected to arrive at Magdeburgh on the 29th, and to continue his route for Pots- dam the following day. Stockholm, Sept. 15. Last Friday a law was published here, declaring, that in consequence of the measures taken by the states and their secret committee in the last Diet, the course of exchange should be fixed, for the year 1768, at 42 marks copper for a rix dollar, hamburgh banco, and proportionably for all other money ; forbidding any person to bargain for bills at a higher price after the 1st of January next, under the penalties prescribed by the law which
fixed the exchange in 1766. Thus far Lond. Gaz. LONDON, Ocober 5. In this night's Gazette is a proclamation for proroguing the Parliament from the 7th day of October ' till Tuesday the 24th of November next, then to be held for the dispatch of divers weighty and important affairs. A gentleman of consequence has, very obligingly, favoured us with the following par- ticulars relative to the death of his Royal High- ness the Duke of York. His Royal Highness had danced rather over- much at the Chatteau of a person of fashion, and this had not only fatigued him, but occasioned a very strong perspiration. As soon as the ball was
finished, the Prince gave orders for his carriages to be got ready immediately, to set off for Toulon, from whence he was distant some three or four leagues. The gentlemen of the train ( Colo- nels Morrison and St. John, and Capt. Wrot- tesley) earnestly represented to his Royal High- ness the necessity of slaying where he was ' till he was cool and had shifted himself; the Prince declared there was no actual occasion for such caution, that he would wrap himself up in his cloak, and that would be Sufficient: he did so, and stepped into his carriage. This was on the 29th of August. The next day his Royal Highness complained of a
slight chil- ness or shivering, but went at night to the co- medy, and before it was over his Royal High- ness found himself infinitely worse, and was obliged to withdraw. He was feverish, thirsty, and complained of immoderate heat all over his body. By proper care, and drinking plenti- GLOCESTER, October 5. Extract of a Letter from Carmarthen, Oil. I. " On Tuesday last Mr. Higgins received a letter from a Member of a certain august assem- bly, acquainting him, that by the interest of a great Duke, a reprieve was obtained for him. The same gentleman also wrote to the High- Sheriff of this county, desiring that Mr. Higgins might
have every possible indulgence, that a man in his situation could be allowed." The harvest is now completely ended in this country, and a more plentiful one has not been known in any former year. But grain keeps up to an exorbitant price.— The farmers indeed have not yet had time to thresh out for the markets, and they tell us we must expect but- little fall ' till after feed- time. We are assured that they demand 26s. and 30s. per quarter for old oats near Sodbury. Last week, W. Moore, Esq; a Justice of Peace, at Bourton- on- the- Water in this county, took an information against some persons for using a measure larger than
that by law established, and the penalties thereby incurred were duly paid. Informations are also given against several others in the borough of Tewkesbury, for the like offence, where we are assured the Magis- trates intend to enforce the use of the Win- chester bushel with proper spirit. On Friday last was married at Hereford Francis Garbut, Esq; of Birmingham, to Miss Walsam, an accomplished young lady, with a fortune of 19,0001. A few days ago died, after a short illness, at the seat of Cocks, Esq; at Stone- Easton, Dr. Brent, an eminent Physician of Bath. Last week died at Bristol, Mr. John Williams, son of Mr. Williams,
of the Day- House, near Chepstow. On Wednesday last the lady of John Wogan, Esq; of Wifton, in Pembrokeshire, was de- livered of a daughter in this city. *„* The new Warrants for appointing Surveyors of the High- ways may be had at the Printing- Office; of C. Pugh, in Hereford-, w. Williams, in Monmouth-, L. P. Edwards, in Usk; and of M. Beavan, in Swansea.
NOTICE is hereby given, THAT a Meeting of the Truitees or Com missioners, appointed by Virtue of an Act of Par- liament, intituled, ' An Act for repairing the Roads leading from the Town of Cirencester, in the County of Glocester, to a Place called the Monument upon Lansdown, in the same County,' for putting the said Act in Execution, will be held at the House of james Penson, known by the Sign of the King's- Arms at Did- marton, in the said County, on Thursday the 8th Day of October Inst. JAMES DALBY, Clerk WANTED immediately, A SMITH, a single Man, who can work for an Ironmonger's Shop in the Country
Business; can make Strakcs for Poft- Chaises, mend the Springs, and repair the Irons: Such a Person may have constant Employ in a very good Shop, and shall have more Hire than the best Price of the Country, by enquiring at the Printing- Office in Glo- cester, of Mary Kemble, Widow, in Cross- street, Aber- gavenny, or of George Wall, one of the Distributors of this Journal. TO be LET, and entered upon immedi- ately, A CAPITAL MESSUAGE, at Bridge- End in the Parish of Stonehouse, in the County of Glo- cester, late in the Occupation of Nath. Poole, Esq; de- ceased ; consisting of two Parlours, seven bedchambers on a
Floor, very roomy and convenient Cellaring, and other Offices, pleasant Walks and Gardens, bounded by a River, with two Closes of Meadow Ground adjoining, containing six Acres, may be made very convenient for carrying on the cloathing Business. Enquire of William Holbrow, Attorney at Law, in Dursley. TO be LET ready furnished, and entered upon immediately, ALL that MESSUAGE or DWELLING- HOUSE, called The Great- House at Cowbridge, with the Stable, Brew- house, Coach- house, walled Gardens, Orchard, and other Conveniences thereunto belonging. N. B. Cowbridge is a dry, healthy, well- built Market
Town in the moft. pleasant Part of the Vale of Glamor- gan, through which there is a good Turnpike Road and Post- Chaises at every Stage, either through Bristol and Bath, or over Glocester Bridge to London, Distance only 165 Post Miles. Enquire of Mr. Franklen at Cowbridge. TO be LET ready furnished, and entered upon at Michaelmas next, A handsome modern- built HOUSE fit for a Gentleman's Family, situate in the Town of Pembroke, consisting of a Hall and two handsome Parlours, a Study and Closets on the first Floor, the Offices of all Kinds extremely good and commodious ; a Stable, Coach- House, and Garden
walled in and planted : with Fruit- Trees of all the choicest Kinds, and a pleasant Summer- House at the End of it. Enquire of Thomas Lloyd, of Cwmgloyne near Cardigan, in the County of Pembroke, Esq; or of Nicholas Howell, of Pembroke, who will shew the Premises. Also, about twelve Acres of Meadow Ground if wanted. N. B. The Town of Pembroke is situated upon one Branch of the Harbour of Milford, where there is a cheap and plentiful Market, the Country about it, pleasant, and abounding with Game, and having many Gentlemen's Seats in the Neighbourhood thereof. TO be SOLD by Auction, on the 16th of October
Inst. at the Unicorn in Leominster, be- tween the Hours of Two and Four, or in the mean Time by private Contract, A new- built BRICK HOUSE con- sisting of four rooms on a Floor, in good Repair, and situate near the Bridge in Broad- street, Leominster, of the yearly Value of 5I. Apply to Mr. King, in Leo- minster, or Mr. Harris, in Kington, Herefordshire. To be SOLD in Fee to the best Bidder, at Twynning Fleet, in the County of Glocester, on Friday the 9th of October Inst. between the Hours of Three and Five in the. Afternoon, The GREAT and SMALL TITHES of the Hamlet of the Mithook, in Twyning, except of the Lands late
Weston's and the Leech Meadow. Enquire of Mr. Daniel Merrell, at Twyning ; or of Mr. Humphreys, at Tewkesbury. TO be SOLD, A good and convenient DWELLING- HOUSE, with a Set of Corn Ware- houses adjoining, a good Cyder Vault, and dry Quay, and other Conveniences, situate in Pipe- Lane, in the City of Hereford, and known by the Sign of the BROCK- WARE BOAT, now in the Occupation of Thomas Crumpton. For Particulars apply to Mrs. Franks, in. Monmouth. TO be SOLD by Auction, at the Dwell- ing- House of Thomas Baker, Innholder, known by the Sign of the Crown in Minchinhampton, Glocester- shire, on
Tuesday the 13th of October Inst. between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, TWO MESSUAGES, or TENEMENTS, in Wood- chester, in the laid County, late the Estate of Thomas Freame, deceased. For further Particulars apply to Mr. Cluttcrbuck, at Hyde near Minchinhampton aforesaid. TO be SOLD by Auction, on Friday the 9th of October Inst. at the Swan in the Hay, be- tween the Hours of two and four in the Afternoon, The following FREEHOLD ESTATES in Lots : LOT 1. A Farm, called Penisha Plewith, consisting of a good Dwelling- House, Out- buildings, upwards of 250 Acres. of Arable, Meadow, and
Pasture Land, and about 80 Acres of Wood Ground, lying in Llandilo Parish, Radnorshire. Two Water Corn Mills and a Plot of Land adjoining the above. Also a Farm, called Pwl- Pyran, lying near the above, consisting of a Messuage and about 45 Acres of Land. LOT 2. A Farm, called Pen- yr- Rhew, in the Parish of Disserth, in Radnorshire, consisting of a Messuage, and about 150 Acres of Land. All are out of Lease ( except Pwl- Pyran, the Lease whereof will expire at Candlemas, 1770) and may be greatly improved by Water and otherways. Apply to Mr. Thomas Beavan, at Aberedow, in the County of Radnor; or Mr. Allen, in
the Hay. TO be SOLD to the best Bidder, at the Angel Inn in Haverfordwest, on Saturday the 17th of October Inst. between the Hours of 12 and one, The PARSONAGES, TITHES, & c. of the several Parishes of Lanhowell and Landeloy, in the County of Pembroke, held under Lease from the Chanter and Chap- ter of St. David's, of the clear yearly Rent of 37I. 17s. for the Term of 21 Years, three Years whereof expired the 25th Day of July last, renewable at the Expiration of the first seven Years. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. George Barzey, of Lecha, in the said Parish of Lanhowell, Tenant to the said Premises; Mr.
Henry John, of Carwen, in the said Parish of Llandeloy ; or Mr. Adams, at Pembroke. To all pious and well- disposed Christians. This Day is published, ( Written by the Author of the New Whole Duty of Man, and New Week's Preparation) The Third Edition, Price bound is. jd. dedicated to the Right Hon. Lady Hardwicke, of THE New Whole Duty of PRAYER. Containing Mediations, Directions, and private Devotions For every Day in the Week. With Medita- tions, Prayers, and Thanksgivings, adapted to public Feasts, Fasts, Festivals. & c. and other ordinary and ex- traordinary Occasions. Suited to most Persons, Times, and
Circumstances. Now greatly improved and enlarged with Prayers, Meditations, and Instructions, for a wor- thy Receiving of the Lord's- Supper. Necessary for all Families. London, printed for S. Crowder, Z. Stuart, and . J, Johnson, in Pater- noster Row; and sold by C. Pugh in Hereford, and R. Bond, in Glocester. S This Day is published, ( Adorned - with a beautiful Copper- Plate Frontispiece) The SECOND EDITION, corrected, enlarged, and very much improved, of EVERY MAN his own GARDENER, be- ing a new, and much more complete Gardener's Kalendar than any one hitherto published. Containing, Not only an
Account of what Work is necessary to be done in the Hot- house, Green- house, Shrubbery, Kit- chen, Flower, and Fruit Gardens, for every Month in the Year, but also ample Directions for performing the said Work, according to the newest and most approved Methods now in Practice among the best Gardeners. By Mr. MAWE, Gardener to his Grace the Duke of Leeds ; and other Gardeners. London, printed for W. Griffin, in Catherine- street, in the Strand ; and sold by C. Pugh, in Hereford ; and R. Bond, in Glocester. Where may be had, Price 5s. bound, A new Edition of a New Treatise on the LAWS con- cerning TITHES :
Containing all the Statutes, adjudged Cases, Resolutions, and Judgements relative thereto, with the Addition of several Cases never before printed. To all who are desirous of having good Malt Liquors. This Day is published, In a handsome Pocket Vol. Price 2s. 6d'. neatly bound, THE Complete ENGLISH BREWER, or The whole Art and Mystery of BREWING, in all its various Branches. Containing plain and easy Di- rections for Brewing ALL Sorts of Malt Liquors in the greatest Perfection, from the smallest to. the largest Quan- tities. Also Instructions for the Choice of Barley and Hops, and all other Ingredients and Utensils
used in Brewing. Together with the very best Methods of Calking, Cellar- ing, Fining, Bottling, Curing, and Recovering faulty or- damaged Liquors. The Whole made easy to every Capacity, and calcu- lated not only for the Use of Publicans in general, but private Families in particular. By GEORGE WATKINS, Who has practised Brewing in all its Branches upwards of thirty Years. London, printed for J. Cooke, in Pater- noster Row ; and sold by C. Pugh, in Hereford; and R. Bond, in Glocester. SPIRITUAL MAGAZINE. THE Subscribers are hereby informed, that the re- maining Part of that Work, consisting of the 3d and 4th
Volume of Gurnall's Christian in Complete Ar- mour, the latter Part of the Concordance, and proper Titles and Tables of Contents for the Whole, being all that is wanted to complete the Spiritual Magazine from No. 64, which was the last published, are now. ready to be delivered to the Subscribers, at 7s. 6d. sewed in blue Paper, with proper Directions for binding each Part dis- tinctly. Any of the Numbers may now be had to complete the Subscribers Books, at 6d. each. London, printed for J. Johnson, in Pater- noster- Row; and sold by C. Pugh, in Hereford; G. Harris, and R. Bond, in Glocester. Where may be had, A few
complete Sets, uniformly bound in 11 Volumes, Price 2I. 10s. containing as follow, I. The Spiritual Magazine, or Christian's Grand Trea- sure, in a familiar Dialogue between Truth and Friendly, on the most important Doctrines of the Gospel, on the Life of Faith, and 0n experimental Religion. In 3 Vol. II. The Christian in complete Armour, or a Treatise on the Saint's War against the Devil. By the late emi- nent Mr. William Gurnall. In four Volumes. III. A new Concordance and Christian Dictionary to the Holy Scriptures, more concise and comprehensive than any hitherto published. In which any Place of Scripture may be easily
found, and also the Signification and Sense given of all Names, Words, and Places through- • out the whole Word of God. To which are added, the Titles and Appellations given to Christ and the Church. By the Rev. Mr. J. Butterworth, of Coventry. In one Volume. IV. Divine, moral, and historical Miscellanies, in Prose and Verse, containing many valuable Originals, communicated by Correspondents, adapted to please, en- lighten, and profit the Reader. In three Volumes. This Day is published, Price 6 d. NUMBER XI. of THE LAW of a JUSTICE of PEACE, and PARISH OFFICER : Containing all the Acts of Parliament at large
concerning them, and the Cases determined on those Acts in the Court of King's Bench. To which is added, a Collection of Precedents revifed and settled by Persons of Eminence in the Law ; and comprising a greater Variety in the Law than any other Work of this Kind extant. By JOHN, Lord Viscount DUDLEY and WARD, And T. CUNNINGHAM, Esq; In comparing this with all other Works of the same Nature, it will be found to have the following Advan- tages. I. It will contain all the Statutes at Large that concern the respective Offices of Justice of Peace, and Parish Of- ficers ; such short Abstracts thereof as are inserted in
other Books of this Kind having been productive of many dan- gerous Mistakes. II. All new Acts of Parliament that shall be made, and all new Cases that shall be adjudged, relating to the Subject of this Work, will be printed by way of Supple- ment, to complete each former Edition, whenever a sub- sequent one is published ; as the laying the Public under the Necessity of purchasing EVERY new Edition, for the Sake of such Additions, has given Occasion to just: and frequent Complaints. III. There will be added a Collection of Precedents, setted with the greatest Accuracy and Precision, by Per- sons of Eminence in the Law,
comprising every Case that falls under the Jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace. London, printed by his Majesty's Law- Printers; and sold by W. Griffin, in Catherine- street, in the Strand; C. Pugh, in Hereford; and R. Bond, in Glocester. GLOCESTER, printed by R. RAIKES. ADVERTISEMENTS are taken in at the PRINTING- OFFICE, in Gloucester by HAWES, CLARKE, and COLLINS, in Pater- noster Rcw, London C. PUGH, Bookseller, n Hereford; J. MARSHALL, in Kington; A. BROWN, Bookseller, in Christmas- street, Bristol; D. MORGAN, in King- street. Carmarthen ; W. WRIGHT, Bookseller, in Haver fordwest: M. BEVAN,
in Swansea-, P. DAVIS, Bookseller, in Leominster A. WOOD, in Brecon ; JOHN PRICE, in the Hay ; BY J. MORGAN, Jun. in Cowbridge, and J. BENCE. in Wotton- Underedge. N, No LETTERS will be received unlefs Poft Paid. Common Fine Rents in Herefordshire. NOTICE is hereby given, That an Audit will be held, at the Swan and Falcon in the City of Hereford, on Wednesday the 14th of October Inst. for the Receipt of all such Fee Farm or other Rents, called Common Fine, due on the 10th of October, and payable to John Cocks, Esq; At which Time and Place all Constables and other Persons, from whom any such Rents
are due and owing, are hereby required to pay the same respectively, with the Arrears thereof, otherwise all such Rents as shall then be unpaid, with the Arrears, will be soon afterwards levied by Distress. JOHN GEORGE, Receiver. BUILTH, June 5. INOCULATION. DJONES, Surgeon, takes this Method • to acquaint the Public, That he has practised the SUTTONIAN METHOD of INOCULATION in Kent, and the adjacent Counties, with the greatest Sue- cess, not being under the least Apprehension of one Per son's miscarrying ; and is now come down, with the As- sistance of Providence, to introduce that Godlike Art into
WALES. The infected Perfons are not required to be confined, but may go about their usual Employments, and. may have the Pock as favourable as they choose, even to a set Number. Subjects of all Ages from six Weeks old to ninety Years, likewise People of all Habits of Body, none whatsoever refused. Attendance to those afflicted with it in the natural Way, and Objects of Charity inoculated gratis. Gentlemen, Ladies, and Others, who are inclined to be inoculated, may, by sending him a Line, depend upon immediate Attendance at any Distance. STOLEN, from Mr. Jones, of Baysham near Ross, Herefordshire, between
Eight and Nine o'Clock on Friday Night the 18th past, A BLACK CELDING, six or seven Years old, about 14 Hands high, with a Star in his Forehead, and galled on the Top of the Neck by a Collar, the Hair sheared off and just got well, having some grey Hairs on the near Side of the Sore, and a Scab on the off Side, by a shortish Man with a white Frock, who was seen with the Horse under him by the Keeper of Wilton Turnpike, to whom he talked as if he knew the Families about Ross: Whoever will give Notice of the Horfe to Mr. Jones, or to Mr. Ball, Butcher, in Rofs, so that he may be had again, shall re- ceive Three Guineas
Reward ; and Five more 0n securing the Thief, so that he may be brought to Justice, and if an Accomplice he shall have the above Reward and a free Pardon. N. B. The Horse is supposed to be taken to Worcester Fair, which was on the Morrow. BRISTOL, April 18. THE best FOREIGN WHEAT imported, also ENGLISH WHEAT, is fold by JOHN HERBERT, Cornfactor, from 5s. 9d. to 6s. per Bushel; and to the Poor, any Quantity. J. FIELDING, R. DINGLEY. * Glocefterlhire, Glocefter Mr. Price, Cirencefter Mr. Hill, Lechlade Mrs. Underwood, Tewke( bury Mr. Merrit Hartlebury; Oxfordlhire, Oxford Mr. Jackfon, Bicefter Mr.
Steven, Banbury Mr. Caleott, Hooknorton Mr. Beale, Thame Mr. Hearn, Witney Mr. Symonds ; Ss- merfetfhire, Bath Mr. Leake, Briftol Mr. Cadel, Batherf- den Mr. Haffenden, Chard Mrs. Smith, Frome Mr. Han- cock, Yeovil Mr. Hallaway; Herefordlhire, Hereford Mr. Pugh, Leominfter Mr. Davis; Worcefterftire, Wor- cefter Mr. Lewis, Dudley Mr. Geaft, Evelham Mr. An- drews ; Monmouth( hire, Abergavenny Mr. Rogers ; Gla- morganihire, Swanfea Mr. Beavan. At London, only at Mr. Henry Parken's, Print and Book Seller, i « Cornhill, and Mr. Charles Marlh's, Bookl'eller, at Charing- Crofs.