The Edinbugh Evening Courant
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The Edinbugh Evening Courant
Date of Article: 03/10/1767
Printer / Publisher: R. Fleming and Company
Address: Opposite to the Foot of the Old Fish Market Close
Volume Number: Issue Number:
No Pages: 4
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The Edinburgh Evening Courant. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3. 1767 HUMOUROUS EFFECTS occasioned by Cross- reading the NEWS - PAPERS. Yesterday the new board of treasury met, | and every one present expressed the highest satisfac- tion. On Sunday next the court will go into mourning ; | more particulars are expected relating to this black affair ; And in a few days will remove from Richmond | to the condemned hole where they are to lye. The sun has. been observed not to shine for some days, | occasioned by the undue influence of a certain nobleman. Never was known such mild weather at this season, | owing to
the spirited conduct of the E. of Ch-- m. On Monday the powder mills at Hounslow blew up; | this report merits confirmation. Yesterday there was a grand board of ordnance; | the shock of which was felt many miles off. One of his Majesty's principal Secretaries of State | fell off the shafts, being asleep, and the wheels went over him. Tis said the ministry is to be modelled; | the repairs of which will cost the public a large sum annu- ally. This has occasioned a cabinet council to be held | at Hetty's fruit shop in St. James's street Friends of the favourite will be totally excluded ; | the harvest in the north being almost over. The M s of
R will again be at the head of administration. | N. B. He can produce a good character from his last place. It is now said the expected changes will not take place, | owing to the wicked arts of engrossers and monopolizers. On Tuesday both houses of convocation met; | books shut, nothing done; By which means several felons made their escape, | Same day a terrible fire broke out. India stock rose to 271 | and it was some time before it could be got under; Being St Patrick's day, the tutelar saint of Ireland, | the standing committee will sit at twelve: it was observed with the usual demonstrations of joy, | whereby much damage
was done in the cellars about Westminster. Yefterday a quantity of new guineas were issued at the Tower ; I let no one doubt the efficacy of the medicine. At the above office, may be had fhares of tickets and chances, | if there be any yet afflicted with this disease. We are affured that Lord T e will accept of a place ; | it operates as an alternative, and produ- ces a wonderful change. i It is said an act will pass next sessions, | and will keep good for years, even in the West Indies. Aged 76, Was married to a young girl of eighteen; | the reason of his committing this rash action is not known. With every qualification to render the
married state happy, | of no use to any person but the owner. Last night a gentleman cut his throat from ear to ear ; | Rasors may be had of a new construction. On Friday the price of corn at Bear Key fell | from a scaffold in Cheapside, and was terribly bruis- ed Yesterday a large flock of geese and turkies | was committed to the Poultry Compter for further exa- mination. " We hear that Mr Wilkes is writing a history of England ; | he was convicted of the like offence at the assizes in 1763. His house was burglariously broke open and robbed | by virtue of warrant under the hand and seal ; A truly patriotic scheme was moved in an
august assembly ; | and extinguished without doing much damage. Yesterday a man was indicted for committing a rape, I and upon trial the scheme was found to be im- practicable. It is faid that A— n B— d will not go to the south of France, | another wild beast having appeared in the Gevaudan. Yesterday ended the sessions at the Old Bailey, | of the utmost use in peopling our new colonies. At this sessions three were ordered to be branded. | *,* None are genuine but such as have this mark. On Monday died universally lamented, | and there were great rejoicings on this happy occasion. To the curious in Bacon. | He was
reckoned the fattest man in England next to Mr Bright. " We hear that a treaty of marriage is concluded | for 20 I a side, between the noted dyer and the fa- mous Naylor. The ceremony was performed at St James's church, | and they instantly made off across the heath. An agreeable young lady with a fortune of 10.000I. | This is inserted as a caution to those who are fond of bargains. The mansion house being newly repaired and beautified, | Patrick Gahagan was confined in one of the cells. Yesterday on the parade a soldier received 5oo lashes | apply as above, and you shall have the same reward. To be disposed of by
private contract, | in the room of their late member, created a peer ; his lordship arrived from abroad in perfect health, | to the great grief of that noble family. India stock fell yesterday 2, | the proprietors being content with a moderate profit. Lost or mislaid by carelessness, | an opportunity of getting 20 per cent. Yesterday an old house fell down in St Giles's ; | a total wreck, but the crew are saved. On Sunday next a Charity sermon will be preached, | and great quantities of beer given to the popu- lace. Eloped from her husband, Mary, the wife of Simon, I a light dun, with a black mane and tail. An academy is opened for the
instruction of youth, | in order that none may pretend ignorance. The Pope's letter to the most christian king concludes thus : | " I am your humble servant, Coriolanus Copplestone," he has just opened a house for inoculation ; | tt Be careful to have the right sort. On Monday lady M kissed his Majesty's hand | and was committed to St Giles's Round- house. To be let a house pleasantly situated, | removed from over the way. The late copartnership is dissolved | Between the hours of twelve and three. Whereas it often happens that people are in want of money, | 500I. are ready to be given to any lady or gentleman. \ Wanted, a
genteel place under the government; it is of singular use to those who are to speak in public. Miss Trusler Continues to make the rich feed cakes, | for preventing the decays of age, and lengthening human life. Genteel places in any of the public offices, | So much admired by the nobility and gentry. An ELEGY written on HARVEST. FAREWEL the pleasant violet scented shade ; The primros'd hill, and daisy mantled mead; The furrow'd land, with springing corn array'd; The sunny wall with bloomy branches spread : Farewel the bow'r with blushing roses gay ; Farewel the fragrant trefoil purpled field ; Farewel the walk thro' rows
of new mown- hay, When evening breezes mingled odours yield. Farewel to these— now round the lonely farms Where jocund Plenty deigns to fix her seat; Th' autumnal landscape, op'ning all its charms, Declares kind Nature's annual work complete In different parts what diff'rent views delight, Where on neat ridges waves the golden grain; Or where the bearded barley, dazzling white, Spreads o'er the steepy slope or wide champain.' The smile of morning gleams along the hills; And wakeful labour calls her sons abroad : They leave with cheerful look their lowly vills; And bid the fields resign their riptn'd load. To various talks
address the rustic band, And here the scythe, and there the sickle wield j Or rear the new- bound sheaves along the land, Or range in heaps the produce of the field. Some build the shocks, some load the spacious wains, Some lead to shelt'ring barns the fragrant corn, Some from tall ricks, that tow'ring o'er the plains, For many miles the rural yards adorn ———• Th' inclosure gates thrown open, all around, The stubble's peopled by the gleaning throng. The rattling car with verdant branches crown'd, And joyful swains, that raise the clam'rous song, Soon mark glad harvest o'er Ye rural lords, Whose wide domains o'er Albion's
isle extend ; Think whole kind hand your annual wealth af- fords. And bid to Heav'n your grateful praise ascend. For thro' no gift spontaneous of the ground Rose these fair crops that made your valleys smile, Tho' the blithe youth of every hamlet round, Pursu'd for these thro' many a day their toil; Yet what avail your labours or your cares ? Can all your labours all your cares supply, Bright suns, or soft'ning show'rs, or tepid airs. Or one indulgent influence of the sky ? For Providence decrees that we obtain, With toil, each blessing destin'd to our use; But means to teach us that our toil is vain, If he the bounty of his hand refuse Yet
Albion, blame not what thy crime demands. While this sad truth the blushing Muse betrays, More frequent echoes o'er thy harvest lands, The voice of riot than the voice of praise. Prolific tho' thy fields, and mild thy clime, Know realms once fam'd for fields and climes as fair, Have fell the prey of Famine, War, and Time, And now no semblance of their glory bear. Ask Palestine, proud Asia's early boast, [ oil? Where now the groves that pour'd her wine and Where the fair towns that crown'd her wealthy coast, [ foil ? Where the glad swains that till'd her fertile Ask, and behold, and mourn her hapless fall ! Where rose fair towns,
where wav'd the golden grain ? Thron'd on the naked rock, and mould'ring wall. Pale Want and Ruin held their dreary reign. Where Jordan's valleys smil'd in living green, Where Sharon's flow'rs disclos'd their varied hues ; The wand'ring pilgrim views the alter'd scene, And drops the tear of pity as he views. Ask Grecia mourning o'er her ruin'd tow'rs ; Where now the prospects charm'd her Bards of old, Her corn- clad mountains and Elysian how'rs, And silver streams thro' fragrant meadows roll'd ? «
Where Freedom's praise along the vale was heard, ! And town to town return'd the favour'd sound Where patriot War her awful standard rear'd, And brav'd the millions Persia pour'd around There Freedom's praise no more the valley cheers, In here patriot War no more her banner waves, , Nor bard, nor sage, nor martial chiefs appears; But stern Barbarians rule a land of slaves. \ Of mighty realms are such the poor, remains! Of mighty realms that fell when mad with : pow'r, i They lur'd each voice to revel on their plains; I Each mother doom'd their offspring to devour O Albion wouldst thou shun their mournful fates, To shun their
follies, and. their crimes be thine ; i And woo to linger in thy fair retreat, The radiant virtue's progeny divine ! Bright Truth, the noblest of the sacred land, Sweet Peace whose brow no ruffling frown de- Fair Charity with ever open hand, [ forms; And Courage finding, midst a thousand storms. A mail from Holland. From the LONDON GAZETTE, Sept. 29. Whitehall, September 29. ON Sunday last Captain Wrottesley arrived here from Monaco, with the melancholy ac- count, that his Royal Highness Edward Augustus, Duke of York and Albany, died at that place on the 17th inst about eleven o'clock in the morning, of a malignant
fever, after a severe illness of four- teen days, to the great grief of their Majesties and all the Royal Family. The body was opened and embalmed; and was ordered by Commodore Spry to be put on board his Majesty's ship Montreal, Captain Cosby, to be brought to England. Lord Chamberlain s Office, Sept. 29 1767. Orders for the Court's going into mourning on Sunday next the 4th day of October, for his late Royal Highness Edward Augustus, Duke of York, next brother to his Majesty, viz. The Ladies to wear black silk, plain muslin or long lawn, crape or love hoods, black glazed gloves, black paper fans, and black silk shoes.
Undress, black or dark grey unwatered tabbies. The men to wear black cloth without buttons on the sleeves or pockets, plain muslin or long lawn cravats and weepers, crape hatbands, and black swords and buckles. Undress, dark grey frocks. Tbe Earl Marshall's Order for a general mourning for his late Royal Highness Edward Augustus, Duke of York and Albany, In pursuance of his Majesty's commands, these are to give public notice, that it is expected, that upon the present occasion of the death of his late Royal Highness Edward Augustus, Duke of York and Albany, all persons do put themselves into decent mourning; the
said mourning to begin on Sunday next the 4th day of October. SCARBROUGH, M. September 29, 1767. War 0ffice, September 29 1767. His Majesty does not require, that the officers of the army should wear any other mourning, on the present melancholy occasion, than a black crape round their left arms, with their uniforms. By His Majesty's command, BARRINGTON. Admiralty- office, September 29 1767. His Majesty does not require that the officers of his fleet or marines should wear any other mourn- ing, on the present melancholy occasion, than a black crape round their left arms with their uni- forms. Ph. Stephens.
War- Office, Sept. 26. 2d Troop of Horse Guards, Brigadier and Lieu- tenant John Sivright is appointed to be Exempt and Captain, vice Charles Clarke, by purchase. Ditto, Sub- brigadier and Cornet Charles Mor- ton Pleydell to be Brigadier and Lieutenant, vice John Sivright, by purchase. Ditto, Stephen Colman Hickman, Gent, to be Sub- brigadier and Cornet, vice Charles Morton Pleydell, by purchase. Ditto, Sub- brigadier and Cornet John Farnaby to be Brigadier and Lieutenant, vice Francis La- primaudaye, by purchase Ditto, Benjamin Samuel Charlewood, Gent to be Sub- brigadier and Cornet, vice John Farnaby, by
purchase. 2d Regiment of Dragoon Guards, Cornet Wil- liam Hayward Winstone to be Lieutenant, vice John Hodges, by purchase Ditto, Ensign Charles Stisted, of the 12th re- giment of foot) to be Cornet, vice William Hay- , ward Winstone, by purchase. 8th Regiment of foot, Henry Yonge, Gentleman, to be Ensign, vice John Lee, preferred ; by pur- chafe. 25th Regiment of foot) Ensign Francis Skelly of the 66th regiment of foot, to be Ensign, vice James Wilkie, preferred ; by purchase. 66th Regiment of toot, Alexander David Brad- shaw, Gentleman, 10 be Ensign, vice Francis Skelly; by purchase. Ditto, Henry Mercier,
Gentleman, to be En- fign, vice Patrick Gauld, deceased. 70th Regiment of Foot, Captain George Gar- ret, from the Half- Pay, to be Captain, vice Cap- tain Oliver M'Casland, who exchanges His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester's Regiment. Lieutenant George Bastide to be Ad- jutant, vice Francis Chapeau, by Purchase. Captain William Hill to be Lieutenant Gover- nor of the Town and Garrison of Berwick upon Tweed, in the room of Capt. Roderick Gwynne, who resigns. From the LONDON PApERS', Sept. 29. - Civita Vecchir, Aug 31. A letter just received from Corsica advises. that a French Commissary ar- rived at
Ajaccio, had given orders to the Malcon- tents to retire immediately from that place; with which they complained without resistance. LONDON. On Sunday evening his Majesty came privately from Richmond to the Queen's house, where a Ca- binet- Council was held, and an order immediately sent away express for the removal of the corpse ot his Royal Highness the Duke of York to England, with all convenient speed. Yesterday expresses were dispatched to Den- mark, Brunswick, and other Courts, to notify the death of his Royal Highness the Duke of York. The drawing room and levees at St James's, we are informed, will be
discontinued for some weeks, on account of the death of his late Royal Highness This morning several of the Nobility and Gen- try went out of town, with compliments of con- dolance to their Majesties on the much lamented death of his Royal Highness the Duke of York. Orders are given for the Chapel Royal at St James's to be got in readiness for their Majesties to hear divine service on Sunday next. This day it began to be new matted ; the other workmen ha- ving done, several quarts of vinegar were last night sprinkled over the floor of it, to prevent the offen- five smell of the paint. Yesterday an order was sent to the
managers of both theatres, to suspend acting till further orders. Yesterday a messenger was sent to the Earl of Hertford, and also to several of the Lords, & c. of the Privy Council, to repair immediately to town on affairs of importance This day the Princess Royal entered into the second year of her age; but on account of the late Duke of York's death, their Majesties we hear did not publicly receive any compliments on the oc- casion. It was this morning reported, that the East In- dia Company's troops had lately defeated a body of the Morattoes, and totally dispersed them. They write from Mobille in West Florida, that the
Governor of New Orleans had at length con- cluded a treaty of peace and friendship with the neighbouring Indians, having for that purpose distributed many rich presents among the Chiefs. On Saturday the Purser of the Mercury sloop in the service of the East India Company, came to the lndia- house, with an account of the above vessel be- ing arrved at Falmouth, from Bengal. She came from thence with an express last April, and brings an account that the Nottingham, Capt. How, from Bengal, and the Anson, Capt. Lennox, from Bom- bay, were both arrived at St. Helena, and were to sail from thence for England in two or
three days after her ; so that they are hourly expected. The Grenville packet- boat, Capt. Liddel, is sail- ed from Falmouth for the West Indies. EDINBURGH. We hear that the remains of his late Royal Highness the Duke of York will be interred with the same solemnities as were observed at the burial of his brother Prince Fredrick William, who died December 15. Monaco, the place where His Royal Highness j died, is the capital of a principality of the same name, in the territories of Genoa in Upper Italy ; it is a small but fortified city, and has a good harbour, it belongs to its own Prince, who is a descendant from Marshal Matignon
by the Heiress of Grimaldi, and a subject of France. It is thought that his Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester will be appointed keeper of Windsor Lodge and Park, in the room of his late Royal Highness the Duke of York. On Sunday morning last, the Lady of the Right Honourable Lord Mount- Stewart, eldest son of the Earl of Bute, was safely delivered of a son and heir at London, to the great joy ot that no- ble family. . On Thursday the 25th ult. the Circuit Court of Justiciary was opened at Inverness by the Lords Auchinleck and Coalston, when John M'Diarmid tenant in BOulough, in the braes of Lochabe , and shire ot
Inverness, for theft of black cattle, was de- clared fugitive for not appearing ; and on Monday thereafter came on the trial of Archibald M'Do- nald in Pilmaglaster of Glengary, also for the theft of cattle The jury returned their verdict in the evening, all in one voice, finding the indict- ment not proven, where upon he was assoilzied and dismissed from the bar. There being no o- ther business at that place, the Court rose on Wednesday, which finishes the northern Circuit. On Monday last, the wife of a journey- man shoe- maker in Glasgow, offering lump sugar to sale at sixpence per pound, was taken into custody, and being
challenged how she came by the sugars, she | acknowledged she got the same from Nanny Brody, servant in one of the sugar houses there, to dif- pose of, who was immediately carried before one of the Magistrates, when she confessed, that in the absence of her master, she broke into the sugar chamber, and stole therefrom a considerable quan- tity of lump and raw sugars, which she gave to the said shoe- maker's wife to sell. They were both immediately committed to prison. On Wednesday last, the Right Hon. Lord A- dam Gordon, and his Lady her Grace the Du- chess of Athol, arrived at his Lordship's house at
Prestonhall, from Hertfordshire. On Thursday last, came on at the palace of Holyroodhouse, the election of two Peers for Par- liament, in the room of the Earls of Moray and Hyndford, deceased : when his Grace the Duke of Gordon and the Right Honourable the Earl of Strathmore were unanimously elected. On this occasion many of the nobility were present, and made a grand appearance ; among whom were the Dukes of Athol, Gordon, and Buccleugh. There were also a good many proxies. After the business of the election, there was an entertainment suitable to so noble a company, and in the even- ing a brilliant assembly.
By a letter from a Gentleman in Pembrokeshire we are informed, that the harvest in that country is almost housed, and that a finer crop was never known, particularly the barley towards St Da- vids. At Landess Fair, in Cardiganshire, last week, Cattle sunk in price at least one third of what they sold for some months ago. Bullocks, which would have brought 12I. in the spring, were sold for 81. By letters from Ireland we hear, that the em- bargo on grain and meal was to be taken off on the 19th ult. and that several vessels laden with oat- meal were ready to sail from thence, and are expected at Greenock in a few days. The prices
of grain begin to fall gradually in this country ; and from Kelso we are informed, that laft week, oats and barley fell some shillings per boll. On Wednesday laft, the best new oat meal was sold at Musslelburgh at 1 s per peck, which is a penny cheaper that it was the preceeding market day. Arrived at Clyde,, the Buchanan, Cochrane, from Philadelphia with flour; the Nancy, M'Clish, from Granades with rum ; the Nugent, Hamil- ton, from Belfast with meal ; the Nelly, Cuthbert, from Virginia with tobacco, and the Menle, Sin- clair, from Bristol with goods. Arrived at Leith, the Betty of kinghorn, Kirk- caldy, from Aberdeen with tyles.
Sailed the Samuel and Lady, Bonting, for Sun- derland with ballast ; the George and Phillis of Fenham, Hogg, for Berwick with ditto; the Men- zies Adventure of Kirkcaldy, Wigham, for Alloa with ditto ; and the Elizabeth of Leith, Ross, for Newcastle with ditto. HIGH WATER, at LEITH. Moon's age. Forenoon. Afternoon. Mond. 13 16 min. paft 12. 40 min. past 1 TO be sold off, upon Wednesday next, < 7th current, at Prestonpans, by volunt, roup, the whole Houshold Furniture, Utensils, a Effedls belonging to the late Rev. Mr James Rc minister of the Gofpel at that place. Also a go milk Cow, and a Parcel of Hay. N. B. The
Furniture is all new, of the I kinds and fashion, and warranted free of vermi- Mr Palmer Wright
And sold by the Booksellers in Town and Country, [ Price O N E S H I L L I N G,] THE SPEECHES, ARGUMENTS, DETERMINATIONS 0 F The Right Honourable The LORDS of COUNCIL and SESSION in SCOTLAND,., UPON THAT IMPORTANT CAUSE, WHEREIN His Gracc the Duke of HAMILTON and others were Plaintiff's, AND ARCHIBALD DOUGLAS of Douglas, Esq; Defendant. WITH aN INTRODUCTORY PREFACE, GIVING An impartial and distinCt Account of this Suit, BOOKS sold by F. RoBeRtsoN bookseller in the Parliament close, The Speeches, Arguments, & c. of the Lords of Council and Session, relating
to the Douglas and Hamilton Cause, which is allowed to be the most correCt copy yet published, 1s. 6d. The whole Works of William Meston, sometime Professor of Philosophy in the Marishal College of Aberdeen, now first collected into one vo- lume, l s. 6 d. Rollin's ancient History, 10 vols 1 1 2 s. 6d.; Death of Abel, with a Frontispiece, 2 s. Churchill's Poems, 2 vols, 7 s. 6d. Lady Mary Montague's' Letters, 1 s. 9 d. A Collection of old Scots Poems, 1 s. Ajax's Speech, from Ovid's Metamorphoses, in broad Buchan's, 8cc. 6d Spectator on the writing paper, 1 1. 1 s. Shakespeare's Plays, various editions. Also all new
publications, whether English cr Scots. GLASGOW, Sept. 14th, 1767 Just published, Price 1s. Number I. o F T H E CHRISTIAN in Compleat Armour: O R, A TREATISE of the Saints War against the DEVIL. WHEREIN A Discovery is made of that grand Enemy of GOD and his People, in his Policies, Power, Seat of his Empire, Wickedness, and chief design he hath against the Saints. Being a MAGAZINE opened, from whence the Chriftian is furnished with Spiritual Arms for the Battle, helped on with his Armour, and taught the use of his Weapons, together with the happy Issue of the whole War. By WILLIAM GURNAL M. A. of
Emanuel College, sometime Pastor of the Church of Christ, at Lavenham in Suffolk, CONDITIONS I. That this WORK will be neatly printed in One Volume Folio, on a good paper, and new large type, made by Dr Wilson for that pur- pose, the same size with the best London Editi- on. The whole to consist of about one hun- dred and eighty sheet. II. That this Work may be easy to the purchaser, it was determined, that every Subscriber shall have twenty five sheets, once every six weeks, stitched in blue paper, till the whole is finished, for one shilling only; and what exceeds seven numbers, shall be given gratis. III. Every
subscriber for 12 copies, shall have one gratis. IV. A List of the encouragers of this undertaking will be printed, unless forbid. V. if Number 1. which is now published, gives not entire satisfaction to the encouragers of this Work, agreeable to the proposals, it will be re- ceived back, within the space of one month af- ter the date hereof, if kept clean. N. B. As few or none will then be printed off, but what are subscribed for, the publisher there- fore earnestly entreats all those who desire to encourage this Work, that they would send in their names before the middle of October, so that he may then be determined on the number
afterwards to be printed off. Subscriptions are taken in by John Bryce, Prin- ter and publisher, at his fhop in the Salt market, or his Printing office in the Bridge gate, where number first will be given out to all' bookseller's and others, who. either are, or may yet become en- couragers of this Work.- To the PUBLIC. IT has some times been objected, as a discourage- ment to subscribing. that some books printed by subscription, have afterwards been sold cheaper to thofe who did not encourage the undertaking, than to the real subscribers ; but, as this excellent book is now offered to the Public on so easy terms, there can be no
just ground for such an objection in the present case, as this edition is offered at lefs than the half the price of any formerly publishedj and to render entire satisfaCtion. it is proposed to be printed on a large beautiful type equal to the best London Edition. It is hoped, that Subscri- bers for books of this kind have some thing higher in view, than merely procuring a cheap book to themselves, even the republishing of such valuable productions as may be ( by the blessing of God) of great benefit, both to the present and succeeding generations, which would otherwise remain un- known if not properly encouraged : Besides, if ' here
were not a competent number subscribed for, fo as to produce a quick sale at once, the book could not be had at so easy a rate. Amongst the many and justly esteemed treatises of practical divinity, which the by past century has produced, and especially of thofe which are now out of print, there are very few or none which have ajuller claim to the regard of the Pu- blic in general, and to all serious and well dispos- ed Christians in particular, than THE CHRISTIAN' IN COMPLETE ARMOUR., written by that faith ful Servant of our Lord, and excellent Divine, the Reverend and Learned Mr William Gurnal, M. A. — In this truly
devout performance, the real Christian is furnished with the necessary weapons for that spiritual warfare, in which he must needs engage, with his three grand Adversaries, the DEVIL, the WORLD, and the FLESH. And he is not only furnished with the necessary Armour, but at the same time, be is taught the only true method of using it with such advantage and success against these his three most formidable adversaries, that at last, by the mighty Grace of his God, vouch safeing him resolution and perseverance in the combat, he comes off Conqueror,- and more than Conqueror. It would be altogether superfluous to give any
farther encomium of this excellent work, to such as have read it ; and these who have not, will be far better satisfied on perusal, than by any thing, that can be here said in its commendation by publishers.. However, it must be universally allowed, that one thing is most certainly true, which is, that republications of practical perfor- mances of this nature, are surely most useful, and at the same time most necessary to every one who professes to have inlisted himself a soldier under the Banner of the blessed JESUS, the Captain of our Salvation. Upon the whole, as it is only the true Christian, who wreftles not against flesh and
blood, but against principalities, against: powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, a- gainst spiritual wickedness in high places, so it is only the faithful soldier of Jesus who can say, when the time of his departure is at hand,.—— I have fought a Good Fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the Faith. Wherefore take unto you the whole ARMOUR OF GOD. To be sold by public roup, upon Wednesday the 4th day of November next, betwixt the hours of three and four afternoon, within the Ship Coffee houfe in Leith, THAT TENEMENT of HOUSES, and o- thers, belonging to Alexander Mein, lying in the Yard heads of Leith. The articles of roup, and progress of writs, to be feen in the bands of Andrew Halyburton writer to the signet ; with whom any person may treat for before the day of roup. m. rivate bargain TO be set in Tack for nineteen years, from I Martinmas 176S, the Lands of COCK- BURN, belonging to Watson's- hospital, lying in the parish of Currie, about six miles west from E dinburgh, consisting of the following Farms, they are marked out on the grounds, and in Plan, viz.. the Mansion- house, Garden, and Inclo- sures, possessed by Mr Gray, containing about t cc acres. The East Farm, possessed by John Na- pier,
containing a£ out 111 acres. The Mid farm, possessed by John Somerville, containing ,1- . bout 297 acres. The West- farm, possessed by George Sommerville, containing about 286 acres. Any person inclining to take the'above Farms, may give in their proposals betwixt and the first of November next, ( as to the rent to be paid, and what part of the grounds they are willing to in- close,) to John Tod merchant in Edinburgh, trea- surer to the hospital, with whom they may fee a Plan of the lands, and who will commune with them as to particulars. JOHN DRUMMOND, Teacher of ENGLISH in Edinburgh, begs leave to inform the
Public, that for the future the hours of public teaching are to be from nine to eleven forenoon, and from twelve to two in the after- noon. Three young men are wanted, one for a place in England, and two for different plates in Scotland, to teach upon the plan laid down by him, in his grammatical Introduction to the mo- dern Pronunciation of the English Tongue, lately published, which, with his Collection of choice Sentences from the British Poets, for reading and repetition, continues to be sold by most Booksellers in Scotland. —- Youth are also boarded at his house in Stevenlaw's- close, at 6 1. per quarter, day- boarders p. a1,
education included, and 30 s. if they attefd_ other schools. next, between the ho noon, THe Lands and Estate of SABAY, which belonged to the decease David and Patrick Trails of Sabay, lying in the parishes of St. Andrews and Deerness, and county of Orkney. The yearly free rent of which, after all deducti- on', is 733 1- 9 s. 10 d. Scots. Also a feu duty of 96 meills of malt, and four barrels of butter, payable out of the lands of Huip, Rothiesholm, and North Strenzie, lying in the parish of Stron- say, and county aforesaid ; and, lastly, a House in the town of Kirkwall. The particular rental of these subjects, and conditions of sale,
are to be seen in the hands of Mr George Kilpatrick depute clerk of session, or in the hands of Thomas Riddoch wri- ter in Edinburgh. To be SET or SOLD, jointly or separately, THE following SUBJECTS lying at New- bigging, within the territory of Mussel- burgh four computed miles eaft from Edinburgh, viz. A large Brewary, consisting of a good Dwelling - house, Brew- house, Malt- barn, Malt- lofts, Steep, Kiln, and Coble, with Stables for thirty horses, and Hay lofts, and sundry other conveniencies, all in good repair ; as also a very large Garden; all entering in a close by themselves, on the west- side of the high- street. The
Garden possest by James Allan, all the rest waste since Whitsunday last. 2d, Oiher three Tenements contiguous to the former, with another Garden at the back there- of, polled by Guillan Wright, and others. 3d, Another Tenement of two stories, with an Oven therein, and large Barn, Barn- yard, Kail- yards, and piece of Grass- ground, all on the east- side of the said high- street, possest by Thomas Cor- sar and others, and opposite to the other subjects above mentioned. The foresaid Brewary and Pertinents, are well situated, and well accommodated for an Inn, and for carrying on brewing, malting, and farming ; and the whole
of said subjects may be converted, at a small expence into a factory for any manufac- tory business, as numbers of families might be easily accommodated. The possessors will show the houses, and Hary Guthrie writer in Edinburgh will commune and bargain as to letting or selling. To be sold by public roup, on Friday the 16th instant, in the house of Robert Stewart vintner in Perth, at four o'clock afternoon, The BRIGANTINE the ST. JOHN- STON of Perth, lying at Perth, burthen 110 tuns, or thereabout, Old England built, Oak out- iide and inside, with Boats. & c. in order. —- The ship is just years old. i and 1 Bourdeaux, the to
Leith, The Ship the BETTY of LEITH, William Smith master, burthen 150 tuns, now in Leith- harbour, taking in goods for Newcastle ; and to tncourage the dealers of Flax, and bulky goods, any who in- cline to ship the quantity of 20 tuns, shall be charged only half freight ; and those who intend to ship goods at Bourdeaux for Leith, and chuses their letters to go with the ship, may lend them to James Chalmers merchant in Leith, who will foreward them carefully . The ship will sail eight in days at farthest
TO be let in tack For a term of years, at the Inn in Inverary, on Monday the 2d Novem- ber next, at ten o'clock forenoon, the following farms upon the estate ot SUNART, lying in the . parifh ot —, and shire of Argyle, viz. Auchnalea and Carnach. Strontian. Public house, with the inclosure called the Know of Strontian. Ardnastaing Dr mnatorin and Tarbaan. Three fourth parts of Ariundel Ronachanmoir. Ronachanstron. Camusine Rezbole Scammodale. Glashoran. Also the following farms, parts of the estate of Kinlochallan in MORVEN, in the parish of ' and shire of Argyle, viz. Auchnacha, Auchranich, Ulladale, Stron,
Larachtoyvichru- line, and the salmon fishing of Kinlochillin water. The farms of SULART contain about fifty thousand acres, and are allowed to produce the largest and best black cattle, and horses bred in the Highlands There is plenty of sea- shell sand on the coast, which is of late begun to be used with great success in improving land ; there is also plenty of lime- stone - • Also to be let for a term of years, the KELP- SHORES of the lands of ARDN MUECHAN and SUNART, which are of great extent. Also, the COAL- MINES of Benninich in the Island of Mull, where there is a seam now laid o- pen, fit for being wrought level
free; and there is also a prospect of other seams of coal in the ground. The seam said open, is situated within three En- glish miles of the sea on Loch Levan when there is safe anchorage, and convenient places for loading vessels, and for erecting salt- pans Any person wanting to hire any of the premis- ses, may give in their proposals in writing to Mr M'Intyre at Strontian, factor on the lands, between and the 28th instant ; and to whom they may apply with regard to knowing the marches ; alfo the holding or number of cows and mares ( with their followers) and sheep commonly grazed on each farm, or for other particulars N B.
The proprietor will be ready against the month of March next, to treat with any compa- ny or persons, wanting to purchase the WOODS upon the estate of ARDNAMURCHAN and SU- NART, which are computed to be upwards of 30 miles long, and to cover about 10,000 acres ; they are judged to be near sufficient, when cut in annual bags. to furnish charcoal enough for keep, ing a furnace, or forge, for making iron, con- stantly going, exclusive of a large number of tim- ber- trees. The woods are all contiguous to wa- ter- carriage and near to the centre is a proper place for erecting a furnace and forge, with all con- veniencies
for mills, and otherwise. There is plenty of iron- stone in the lands, and adjacent coasts, which can he brought to the fur- nace by water, at a small expence. At the same time he will be ready to treat about the WOODS of KINLOCHALLAN. To be sold by public voluntary roup, upon Wed- nesday the 21st of October current, in the house of John Bain vintner in Borrowstounness, at twelve o'clock mid day, The Brig DOLPHIN, burthen about 150 tuns, well found, and well known to be a prime sailer, shifts light, lyes well on the ground, and draws little water when load. Any person inclining to make a r GREENLAW FAIR. October fair
of Greenlaw, the headburgh of the county of Berwick is to be held this year upon| the last Thursday of October instant, being the 29th day of the month, agreeable to the Royal grant; and to encourage dealers, cattle, horses, sheep, and all other commodities, will be admitted free of custom The situation of Green law, on the great turnpike road from Edinburgh to London, by Coldstream bridge, and the present time of the year, concur to render this fair of ge- neral utility. That upon Friday the 23d day of October inst. betwixt the hours of four and five afternoon, there will be exposed to public voluntary roup and sale, within the
house of Mrs Trail vintner in Dundee-, Lands of Easter Adamstoun, in the parish of Auchterhouse, and Shire of Forfar, consisting of about 239 Scotch acres, mostly arable and near all inclosed. These lands lye within four miles of Dundee, are very improveable, and part of them is planted with firs, which will soon be of great value. The articles of roup, and progress of writs, may be seen in the hands of William Chalmers writer in Dundee, or in the hands of Alexander Duncan writer to the signet Edinburgh TO BE FEUE D, THe Lands of Wallace- Craigie, lying at the east- end of the town of Dun- dee, in the lots pointed out in a
plan thereof, ex- ecuted by John Holden land- measurer, and consist- ing of the following parcels, viz. acr. rds. fls. No 1. Being the north- west park, lying on the northside of the road leading from Hilltown of Dundee, to Dighty water, and measuring 2. Being the north- east park on the north side of the said road, measuring. And the following lots of the field, lying on the south- side of the said road, thro' which a new road is to be made, from the said road leading to Dighty- water on the north, to the road that leads from Dundee to Aberbrothwick on the south, which road so to be made is to be common only to the feuers of the lots
in said field, and to the feuers of the two first lots. 3. Being the north west part of said field, including the brae to the west of said lot, extending to 4. Being the north- east part thereof, extending to - 5. Being the middle lot interjected 10 betwixt the 3d lot and the 7th, in- cluding the brae on the west, ex- tending to 6. Being the lot interjected betwixt the 4th and 8 lots, extend to 7. Being the lot lying on the north- fide of the high- road to Aber- brothwick, and betwixt it and the 5th lot, and including therein the houfe, office houses, and garden, and brae or den to the west, ex- tending to 8. Being the lot lying on north- side of the last
mentioned road, and betwixt it and the 6th lot, ex- tending to payment of the cess and minister's stipend, and is to relieve the feuers thereof; the leuers being liable for all other burdens and taxes, and the feuers entering to the said subjects, shall be at the separation of the crop 1768. from the ground, ex- cept as to the houses comprehended under the 7th lot, the entry to which will be at Whitsunday next. 41- 0, In order to separate the property of the different feuers of the last six lots, ( the two lots first mentioned being already separated,) the feuers of the said six lots lying on the south- side of the road to Dighty- water, shall be
at the joint expence of building stone- walls, for dividing the feus from each other, and of making the forefaid road thro' the ground, from north to fouth, as marked in the faid plan. In cafe the grounds comprehended under the 3. 4. J. 6. 7. and 8. lots fhall be feued by one perfon, there will be no road thro' the fame; but ip this cafe, the feuer of thefe lots will be further JBpjeft to " an ' additional-. uyr. in refpeft of 3 roods and two falls of ground, which by the faid plan is appropriated for the said road, at the rate of the said sum of thirty shillings per acre. The proprietor on payment ot the sums that shall be offered and accepted of for
the said lots, shall grant leu rights accordingly, reserving to the proprietor the barren timber upon the 7th lot, and on the braes of the : d and 5th lots, and liberty to cut down and dispose thereof, betwixt and Candlemas 1769 Such as incline to take the whole, or part of thefe feus, are desired betwixt and the first day of November next, to transmit under seal directed to James Beveridge writer in Edinburgh, their signed proposals, specifying the sum they offer for the whole or each lot, according to the numbers on the plan, over and above the foresaid yearly fen- duty, and under the conditions above expressed. The plan will be
feen in the hands of John Pit- cairn merchant in Dundee, or Alexander Beveridge writer there. The proposals will not be opened till the said first day of November, and the pro- prietor's acceptance or refusal thereof will be noti- fied, betwixt and the first day of January next. O be sold by public voluntary roup, 12 36 3 32 20 42 20 now lying on the birth in Leith harbour, taking ingoods, and will sail the 13th Oc- tober instant, wind and wea- ther serving. The Ship has neat accom- modation for passengers. The Master to be spoke with at Forrest's Cof- fee- house in Edinburgh, or at his house in Leith. I On the following conditions,
imo, That the lands feued, shall be subject to a feu- duty of thirty shillings sterling per acre, ac- cording as the measure of each lot is ascertained by the foresaid plan, to the proprietor yearly, com- mencing from Martinmass 1768, and payable at two terms in the year, with interest thereafter, and with the usual casualties upon the entry of an heir or singular successor. 2do, That the consideration to be given to the proprietor for granting such feu, shall be a sum of money payable at Whitsunday next, over and af bove the said yearly feu duty. 3tio. The proprietor is to remain subject to the within the Exchange crffee houfe in
Edinburgh, up- pon Thursday the 17th <> f December next, between the hours of four and fix afternoon, The LANDS and ESTATE of MANDERSTOWN, comprehending the Easter and Wester Mains, Buxley, Jeffery's farm, the lands commonly called the Sheep- park and Brown'i park, with the other lands interjacent, in the pro- prietor's natural possesson : As also, the far ns of Briery- hill, and mill and mill- lands of Mander- stown, with the teinds and pertinents, the whyle consisting of about 764 acres, mostly inclosed, properly divided, and well watered, lying within the parifh of Dunfe, and shire of Berwick, and holding blench of
the crown; the valuation where- of in the cess books is about 800 1. Scots. The lands pay a proportional part of the stipend and school salary payable for the proprietor's whole lands within that parish. There is on the said lands a good masion- house, well finished, contain- ing twelve rooms, and a kitchen, with suitable of-' fice- houses, pigeon- house, and a garden, all in good order. The garden is well stocked with wall and standard trees, of the best kinds ; and there is a great deal of thriving planting about the house, and in other parts of the ground, besides many thousands of trees of all kinds in hedge rows. The whole
pleasantly situated within a mile of Dunse, twelve measured miles of Berwick, and nine miles of Eymouth, and commanding an extensive view of a very fine country. All the farm houses, and office- houses, are in good condition, being lately built ; and, at the removal of the tenants, the whole straw on their possessions belongs to the landlord. In these lands there is an inexhaustible free stone quarry, which, upon a proper lease, will yield a considerable rent. There is plenty of fine marle through the whole grounds, which is used at present with great success If the purchaser in- clines, he may retain a considerable part of the price
in his own hands for some years upon pro- per security. For further particulars, inquire of the proprietor at Manderstown, who will show the premises, and of John Grant writer in Edinburgh, in whose hands may be seen the articles and con- ditions of roup, progress of writs, and rental of the lands, with a plan of the grounds, EDINBURGH : Printed for R. FLEMING and Company, and sold at the Shop of R. FLEMING over againft the New- Exchange } and at tbe Printing- office, opposite to the Foot of the Old FishMarket- Cloie, the first Door, where Advertisements and Commissions are taken in. Reddal George Ritchie master